blueskittlesart · 10 months
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teen wolf liveblog collection. the group chat is so tired of me
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blackhholes · 8 months
-my favourite episode from every season of teen wolf
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the5n00k · 1 year
I missed them so much it's insane I'm about to cry all over again
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twdnonsense · 1 year
Crazy how TWD can spend the majority of most episodes just having the characters talking and monologuing, but couldn’t swap just one of those scenes out so that they could actually discuss Carl’s SA.
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
my personal opinion, based on shannon’s age and eddie’s comments about enlisting, is that buck and eddie are super close in age but eddie is a little older, based on chimney’s comment. i think there’s no more than 1 year between them though, partly bc it makes the bartender in south america vs fighting in afghanistan thing more sad. i think some people see ryan being 4 years older than oliver (which he doesn’t look, that man has a baby face lol) and automatically make the characters reflect that
Yeah, I'm with you, I go back and forth with where I want Eddie's birthday to be, because with Shannon being from October 1992 and Buck is speculated to be from 1992 too, and I know a lot of people like to say Eddie is a Scorpio and Buck is a Cancer, and I like that interpretation, so I put Eddie being from November 1991 and Buck from July 1992, so sevenish months, but because I kept trying to work out a way for all of them to be in the same grade in a universe they go to the same school. I had a bit of let's make Eddie a Gemini and put them a month or so apart moment after death and taxes just because it would make for some funny interactions like: Eddie trying to get Buck to do something: I'm older than you. Buck exasperated: BY 27 DAYS. The thought made me giggle.
But my reasoning even before the tombstone was based on Chim saying they would both be 12 a decade before under pressure, and obviously that's an exaggeration but it is one that puts them in the same age group in my opinion, and also the you're not his elder comment that makes it clear that Eddie is somewhat older than Buck. But the thing that made me put Eddie as at most 28 when he's introduced is the way that enlisting because my girlfriend got pregnant is not a reaction of someone who's been out living in the real world for 4 to 5 years. That's very much a "I've been out of school for 6 months, I'm not going to college, my girlfriend got pregnant and the world got real over a positive sign on a plastic stick" reaction in my opinion, you know what I mean? So if I'm assuming Chris was an accident that happened with Eddie and Shannon fresh out of highschool, Buck and Eddie can't be that far from each other.
And I think you're right, I think most people latched onto the way Ryan is older and just decided that was true to Eddie too. Which is insane because the moment I realized that step up 4 was over 6 years before season 2, my first reaction was what the fuck, does he not age? Lol
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tapwater118 · 17 days
Tap Water Productions Presents:
What’s the Deal With Evil Leafy?
Seriously, what’s her deal? What’s with all the chasing and the people-eating and the potentially-possessions? Where’d she even come from? Am I actually gonna answer any of these questions? Well, keep on reading, dear readers!
Hello, internet! Welcome to BFDI Theory!
A Crash Course in Evil Leafy
Before we can find out what Evil Leafy is, it would help to know where and when Evil Leafy is. Here’s a tabulation of all of Evil Leafy’s canonical appearances:
Evil Leafy’s first appearance is in BFDI 17, where she is one of the 30 recommended characters that could potentially join the show (recommended by MrOrange890). She fails to get enough votes to join, and is summarily sent to the LOL.
Her next “appearance” is in BFDI 25, where Leafy can be seen “turning into” Evil Leafy after Golf Ball accuses her of stealing Dream Island. Strange, but Bubble did briefly turn into Evil Bubble in BFDI 20, so maybe it’s just a visual flair?
Evil Leafy does not receive enough votes to join season two, so in BFDIA 1 she is sent to the LOL with the rest of the rejects. Evidently she escapes at some point, as she appears in BFDIA 2 to chase Book, Ice Cube, and Spongy through the Evil Forest. Book and Icy escape, but Spongy trips, allowing Evil Leafy to “sink into” him.
In BFDIA 3, Spongy is shown no worse for wear as he spits out Evil Leafy. She is quickly frozen by Gelatin, who takes the time to write on her back. She unthaws later as she is seen “sinking into” a frozen Flower in BFDIA 4. Notably, strange dark vines seem to grow out of Flower when this occurs.
Like Spongy, in BFDIA 5a Flower spits out Evil Leafy, again none the worse for wear. Evil Leafy then spends some time chasing Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Rocky through the Evil Forest, before consuming them as well as the entirety of FreeSmart.
Evil Leafy serves as the setting for BFDIA 5b, as it is revealed she contains an entire world within her being. Also notable is that the BFDI crew are not her first victims: various other objects can be seen living in this world, all of whom met the same fate as FreeSmart. Lego Brick confirms that there are in fact thousands of recommended characters trapped within Evil Leafy; she’s been quite busy off-screen.
(Most of) FreeSmart escape Evil Leafy in BFDIA 5c, who proceeds to give chase once more. Book and Ruby successfully kill Evil Leafy with a large weight, alongside Puffball and Fries. As TB, GB, and Rocky (as well as Firey and Gelatin) need to be recovered in BFDIA 5d, it can be assumed that they either died within Evil Leafy during 5b, or died when Evil Leafy was crushed. If the latter, it can be assumed that all of the other objects in Evil Leafy die as well.
Evil Leafy takes a leave of absence until BFDIA 6, where Team No-Name accidentally revive her by looking into a leaf-shaped mirror in the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel. She gives chase to them, during which she phases through a window, causing Tennis Ball to remark that “she’s growing stronger.” Interesting.
As she’s about to catch Team No-Name, she hears Coiny repeatedly saying her name elsewhere in Yoyle City. This gets her to prioritize WOAH Bunch and FreeSmart over the helpless Team-No-Name. As she apparently cannot go underwater, she ends up causing the two teams to see-saw on the dehumidifier for some time.
After fruitlessly chasing WOAH Bunch across the dehumidifier, in BFDIA 7 Firey Speaker Box evidently has enough of her shenanigans and freezes her, causing her to fall into the flooded building. For one reason or another, she is absent when WOAH Bunch drain the building, and she is not seen again for an even longer period of time.
After a four episode absence, she returns in BFDIA 12, and after killing Bomby (note that her sinking into him actually does kill him, unlike the other times she has done this) and being harassed by a bunch of concert-goers, she becomes all buddy-buddy(?) with Pan Flute, and ends up doing her strange vine thing without even sinking into him like with Flower.
In BFDIA 13, Pan Flute decides he is done with Evil Leafy’s shenanigans and duct tapes her to the wall, which apparently is enough to contain her. That is, at least, until Leafy utters the word “Who?” in context of wondering who recovered her. This sound somehow burns away the tape, allowing Evil Leafy to go free.
Throughout BFDIA 14 Evil Leafy chases the contestants across the islands, notably causing her strange vines to grow through the islands. This comes to a head when she chases FreeSmart through the pirate ship, and after Book narrowly escapes being captured, she confronts them one last time while standing on the surface of the water, and Needle crushes her with the ship.
As the rest of BFDIA hasn’t released yet, we don’t know what happens to Evil Leafy during that time. She evidently sticks around, as she can be seen stalking TB and GB in the Science Museum in IDFB 1, though oddly does not give chase unlike her previous appearances.
After IDFB, Evil Leafy is seemingly gone. She never shows up, and none of the characters even mention her. In BFB 6, Diamondcup67 submits her as a recommended character, but even then she doesn’t actually appear; she’s been replaced by a cardboard cutout of herself.
Her sudden disappearance thus begs the question:
What Happened to Evil Leafy?
Unfortunately, it’s all but impossible to tell. Whatever happened happened during IDFB, which is a huge knowledge gap in terms of the timeline. However, I have ideas of things that could be related :
The Desertion of Yoyle City
Strangely, despite calling Yoyle City their new home during BFDIA, the contestants seem to have long abandoned it by BFB 1. Seeing how closely Evil Leafy is tied to BFDIA and Yoyle City (through the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel), there’s reason to believe she might have something to do with this.
Something to note is that the BFB grasslands are not the same as the BFDI ones, as evidenced by Golf Ball’s Underground Factory; it still has the old grass around the entrance, as she had to move it to this new location. The new grasslands are also seemingly closer to Yoyleland than the old ones, as Yoyle Mountain can pretty much always be seen in the distance, whereas it is never visible in the old grasslands. This could imply that the desertion was hasty, or that there was no way to easily cross the Goiky Canal (or even the Evil Forest).
(Some confusion may arise about these actually being two separate locations, seeing as they’re both referred as Goiky several times, but Goiky could just be the name of the greater location that encompasses both grasslands, and potentially Yoyleland too.)
Also interesting is that Barf Bag is seemingly unfamiliar with Yoyleland; when she is teleported there in TPOT 4, she expresses how Yoyleland is her “lifelong travel destination,” as well as getting excited over getting to see a yoyleberry for the first time. This is very odd, seeing as if IDFB were to continue as purported, Barf Bag would be freed from the LOL at some point and would have had at least some time to explore Yoyleland. Did Yoyle City get abandoned in the middle of IDFB, such that Barf Bag was released from the LOL in the new grasslands?
Everyone’s Okay With Leafy Now
In IDFB 1, Leafy is still an outcast from the rest of the group, still being metal, hiding in the bushes, and throwing knives at people. When we next see her in BFB 1, she’s been accepted back into the fold of the cast, conversing with both newbies and veterans in her usual Leafy way with no objections from anyone (except Firey, but everyone already knows what his issue is). Why the sudden(?) change in group opinion?
Maybe this could be written off as the newbies both outnumbering the veterans and not knowing about the theft of Dream Island (seeing as how Eggy and Lollipop were seemingly completely unaware of the incident, and even Gelatin, a BFDIA veteran, only had cursory knowledge of it). But she still interacts in a cordial manner with a decent amount of season 1 veterans, and any that still have a problem with her have their issue unrelated to Dream Island (again, except for Firey).
Maybe Leafy does something to gain back the group favor? Maybe something related to Evil Leafy? There is an obvious connection between the two, as suggested by BFDIA 13. Is there some encounter between the two that causes Evil Leafy to stop showing up? Is this the reason they move out of Yoyleland? I have an idea that I’ll get to soon, but it’s mostly speculation right now. There are many questions that unfortunately do not have answers right now.
So, that begs the question:
What even is an Evil Leafy?
There are two main aspects of Evil Leafy I want to bring up.
The first is her strange aversion to water. In BFDIA 6, she refuses to chase her prey into the water, even though they are sitting ducks at that point and she clearly prioritizes WOAH Bunch over the much drier Team No-Name. Additionally, in BFDIA 14 we see Evil Leafy standing on top of the water on Teardrop’s island. She absolutely does not want to go into that water.
And honestly, it makes sense why; after she falls into the water in the beginning of BFDIA 7, she isn’t seen until BFDIA 12. A four episode gap! That’s even longer than when she got crushed in BFDIA 5c! For some reason, water is especially dangerous to her, and while she isn’t afraid to go near it, she absolutely will not go in it of her own accord.
(Also worth noting that, as Needle likely submerged Evil Leafy when crushing her with the ship, we might not actually see her for a few episodes. If my theory holds water (heh), she most likely will not be in BFDIA 15. Ah, bugger. I forgot about the stinger where we see her safe and dry inside the ship. My bad. Ignore this paragraph.)
Secondly is how Evil Leafy gains her power. Tennis Ball remarks that Evil Leafy is “getting stronger,” and we don’t just have to take his word for it. Her “sinking into” move goes from being nearly harmless in BFDIA 2 and 4 to directly killing Bomby in BFDIA 12. Also, her strange vines go from needing to sink into someone to grow (BFDIA 4), to just needing to be near someone (BFDIA 12), to being able to grow anywhere regardless of if anyone is present (BFDIA 14).
I think they made it fairly clear where this power is coming from: in BFDIA 13, Leafy is the one who indirectly gives Evil Leafy the strength to burn away the tape and free herself via her confusion at being recovered. This goes back even further; despite likely being free from the LOL for some time during BFDI season 1, Evil Leafy is nowhere to be seen. You know when she does start showing up? When Leafy is exiled to Yoyleland.
Evil Leafy is an Anti-Leafy, the polar opposite of Leafy. Leafy is green, Evil Leafy is red. Leafy has been shown to love water, while Evil Leafy hates it despite (presumably) also being a plant. Leafy loves being nice to people, while Evil Leafy is seemingly built on detest for all she encounters.
Well, you say, Leafy is prone to lashing out at others. Does this mean Evil Leafy can remain docile around others? Yes! In BFDIA 12, Pan Flute treats her with kindness (at least initially), and in turn Evil Leafy does not harm him despite having every faculty to do so. Leafy and Evil Leafy are polar opposites. Two halves of the same coiny.
So, back to my idea I mentioned earlier; we can see that Leafy’s negative feelings apparently give power to Evil Leafy. Heck, even that moment I called strange in BFDI 25 could play into this: the negative emotions Leafy feels in that moment transmitting power to Evil Leafy. So what ultimately causes Evil Leafy to vanish?
If Leafy’s negative emotions give her power, it would only make sense that Leafy’s positive emotions drain that power. When Leafy got accepted back into the cast, I can only imagine she felt elated at that. She’s back with her friends! She can laugh and play and be nice to them just as she could before. Sure, some might still not like her, and she may still get sad and angry at times, but if you ask me I don’t think it can get much worse than “exiled to a distant land for years.”
Maybe she even precipitates the move out from Yoyle City. Yoyleland is a haven of bad memories for her, it would make sense she wouldn’t want to live there. And seeing as she makes some friends with some newbies (or at least gets on their good sides), they may want to follow her, eventually leading to everyone leaving on a “when in Rome” principle.
When Leafy is happy, what does that mean for Evil Leafy? Literally it means that her power is drained and that she cannot continue her reign of terror, but metaphorically it means that Evil Leafy is not necessary anymore. Evil Leafy showed up when Leafy was at her lowest (barring BFDI 16/17, but I’m willing to write that off as a form of Early Installment Weirdness), and she leaves as soon as that low point is over.
So that’s what Evil Leafy is. Even if not physically, at least she represents Leafy’s broken psyche. Leafy is unavailable, Leafy cannot handle the current situation, she remains exiled in Yoyleland. So Evil Leafy, the Anti-Leafy, the antithesis to all things Leafy, steps into the picture. And when Leafy becomes available again, Evil Leafy is gone. Leafy’s sorrow literally imprints itself onto the world, as if reality is saying “Oh, you don’t want Leafy? Then you can have Anti-Leafy instead. See how much better that fares for you.”
and that’s all I really have to say. sorry if this is a bit all over the place, i wrote it over the course of a week and had several new ideas in the meantime, so some rewriting had to be done. And with my luck bfdia 15 is going to instantly disprove all of this, so yeah for that
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risequotes · 3 months
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 421
Leo: Sorry Don-Ton, I gotta win! Tried losing once, wasn't for me.
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(Season 2, Episode 5A - Air Turtle)
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turtlevariabilis · 7 months
rottmnt season 2 episode 5a Air Turtle (special with April)
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haletostilinski · 6 months
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brass-tacked · 27 days
I have so many thoughts on the potential AU episode(s) for season 8.
1- it will be a wizard of oz au
2- it will be exploring a “what if” scenario where Gerard never left the 1-1-8 and we never get Bobby
3- I think Eddie will be the Dorothy character and his journey will also be his gay awakening and realization that he’s in love with Buck arc
4- I think Buck will be the cowardly lion character (and the curls they’ve let him have this season kinda represent the lion mane)
5- Buck’s cowardice in Oz stems from not having Bobby’s support and that version of him trying to conform and fit into Gerard’s expectations in order to find a place where he “fits”
5a- I don’t see this going well. I think Buck would try to fit, but won’t be able to conform bc the cruelty that Gerard permits in his station is just not something Buck can ever accept/be a part of
5b- this would all be from Eddie’s subconscious view of Buck, so I also can’t see Eddie visualizing Buck as someone who gets along with Gerard
5c- the cowardly lion aspect could also represent Buck refusing to acknowledge/ do anything about his own feelings for Eddie. That he’s too afraid to make a move and instead redirects those emotions onto a facsimile of what/who he really wants. Which leads to Eddie understanding that he’s going to need to come to terms with himself and make the first move if he ever wants to have the happiness that being with Buck would bring him
I’m not sure yet who between Chim and Hen would be the scarecrow and tin man. But Bobby would be Glenda the good witch.
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beansprean · 2 years
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Queening the Pawn - part 1-2
Started this before s4 ended; couldn’t get over this crazy twist idea. The timeline is somewhere vaguely after season 4 but handwavey about the end, only really canon up to The Wedding. And yes I am aware that all of my longer form comics fall under the genre “two homosexuals having an argument” lmao
Part 1-2 Part 3 Part 4-5 Part 6 Part 7
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Comic panel, Nandor and Guillermo standing together on a mottled red background with vague yellow candlelights. Guillermo is drawn up angrily, leaning into Nandor's space, saying, "So, why won't you make me a vampire?" Nandor is leaning back to roll his eyes, irritated, one hand on his hip as he groans, "Oh, not this again." 1b. The background darkens slightly. Nandor turns away from Guillermo to face the viewer, shoulders hunched defensively, hissing, and rubbing his temples as if struck by a sudden headache. Guillermo leans around him to continue arguing, "Yes, this again! You promise, and I wait, and you re-promise, and I wait more, and still nothing! You've never even given me one good reason!" Nandor groans in irritation. Guillermo continues to badger him, "Have I not done enough? Don't I deserve it?? Why won't you-"
2a. Close up of Nandor as he whips his head around to face Guillermo, snarling with fangs out and eyes gone yellow, shouting, "Because I have already tried!" The background is darker still. 2b. Comic panel intersecting the corner of the previous, reaction shot of Guillermo staring in numb shock, brows furrowed in confusion. "...What?" he says shakily.
3a. Zoom out to see them both, chest up. The background is now the deep red of dried blood. Guillermo, still staring with building panic, continues, "What. What did you say? What does that mean? ...Nandor." Nandor half turns away with an irritated scowl, waving a hand dismissively in Guillermo's face. He replies airily, "I said nothing. Forget this, Guillermo." 3b. Merged action panels as Guillermo moves quickly. In the first, his left hand darts out suddenly with a grabbing motion. In the second, his right hand snatches a stake from behind his back. The background is so dark it is nearly black.
4a. The background blooms into bright red with spatters of darker red and white as Nandor's back is slammed suddenly into a wall by Guillermo's hand fisted in his cravat, face screwing up in pain. 4b. Guillermo leans up chest-to-chest with Nandor, his left fist now pulling at his cravat and the right holding a the tip of a stake to his throat. Guillermo's expression is less rage then desperation as he commands, "Tell. Me." Nandor looks back at him with hesitation and no little amount of fear, right arm hovering up uncertainly at Guillermo's side.
5a. Close up panel of Nandor's throat as he swallows nervously, the tip of the stake digging into his skin. He opens his mouth and begins, "If..." 5b. Reverse shot, close up on Guillermo as Nandor continues, "If you knew, you would have left." Guillermo flinches, still holding on to anger as tears well up in his eyes. The background, now black, is spattered with dark old blood. /end ID
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
Rachel kisses Blaine while klaine is obviously together or she tries it steal home because she thinks she’s better than Kurt?
Thank you
Love y’all
Hello, love to you. Are any of these what you are looking for? ~Jen
Not Just the Alcohol by bowtiesandboatshoes
When Blaine and Rachel meet at theater camp they easily slip into the roles of boyfriend and girlfriend. Blaine befriends Kurt when he transfers to Dalton, but when a game of Spin the Bottle leads to a kiss between the two boys, Blaine begins to question things. Klaine endgame. A Season 2/BIOTA AU.
Note: Part 1 of Not Just the Alcohol series
I Kissed a Girl by gingerfic
An alternate version of Blaine Anderson’s senior year, incorporating many events from seasons 4 and 5a but making them…Blanier.
Note: Part 1 of Bi Blaine AU series
A Moment of Serendipity by ittlebitz
A brief glimpse at a party, and Blaine Anderson can’t get a pair of blue eyes off his mind. AU that will refer to people and events from season 2 in different context.
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the5n00k · 1 year
Scratch in Scratch the Surface vs I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie
[[[spoilers for season 2]]]
Long post sorry
I've been comparing these two episodes a lot, especially after the song Ghosts Aren't the Enemy from Book Marks the Sprite reminding me SO much of Lose-Lose from season 1. The conflicts are pretty similar, Molly has to keep someone from finding out about Scratch because of real and disastrous consequences, although instead of the flow of failed phantoms, this season it's the ghost chaser Chens. They aren't directly comparable since the contexts are different (Libby is a close friend and Ollie is a romantic interest) ((I'M SPEAKING CANONICALLY DON'T KILL ME SHIPPERS)) and the plot of Some-Ollie isn't really "hide Scratch" it's more focused on Molly and Ollie's relationship and how Scratch is reacting to it. Speaking of which:
Scratch's reaction to Molly's concerns about Libby is very dismissive. He doesn't really care about her and he's not super invested in Molly's personal problems either. The only times he's helped her out (at this point in the series) is when it personally affects him or he feels familiar pity for her. (First Day Frights and The Best Concert Ever are good examples of this) He's not completely won over by her antics yet. And while he is concerned for her wellbeing at this point, it's more like the sort of concern and worry you feel when you see somebody who's clearly not gonna be able to make the entire 5k run. Like you're worried but it's better if you just don't get involved. Baseline empathy, really
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He does start cracking when Molly asks if she can tell Libby because she's misinterpreting the situation. Even during this, Molly doesn't break Scratch's trust and doesn't outright tell her without asking first. Knowing what we know about Scratch now, I think he's always had a soft spot for friendships and hates seeing them end, even subconsciously. He smiles as Molly runs away to catch up with Libby but he's still not happy about it. Yeah he warms up to Libby but telling anyone about him is a potential danger, especially if they feel the need to tell anyone else.
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And in Friend-Off, he didn't really have a justifiable reason to be a jerk to Libby other than Molly's scavenger hunt they were both forced to do. Everything he said (both of them said really) was out of a place of pure jealousy. He even admits that at the end of the episode.
What's important to point out is this entire episode he's only thinking about himself (not an uncommon trend for this character) and is only willing to sacrifice when pushed to do so. Not saying he's necessarily written badly in this episode, far from it, but it is quite a contrast between that and his actions in the season 2 episode 5a segment I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie.
I'd like to preface this with one of the scrapped titles for this ep was "Molly's Choice" and I think that will haunt me till I die that's such an evil title
I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie is a VERY compelling episode. While the set up for it and Scratch the Surface is similar, this one feels like it has more stakes involved. Molly has a crush on Oliver Chen, a ghost hunter, and you can see how that could immediately cause issues. Scratch is even more dismissive towards Molly at points because of this, even colder and snappier than some of season 1a in my opinion. (For good reason obviously) and while Scratch's concerns here are mostly fear for his own safety, it's also jealousy. If he was so worried about Ollie catching him, he wouldn't be around him at all, let alone trying to sabotage the dance.
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Molly doesn't take the threat the Chens pose very seriously and dismisses most of Scratch's concerns. (Not that she's a bad friend for this, she just thinks they're silly YouTubers and wants to enjoy a middle school dance) Scratch eventually blows up on her and they get into a rather brutal argument for an episode 5 of a DTVA show. It's presented in the usual silly way but they both say some rather insensitive things to each other in the heat of the moment.
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We've NEVER seen them disagree this hard on anything. They've had differing opinions before but neither of them is budging on this one. They split off and you can see what Molly said to him hurt. She seemingly chose what was more important to her. He seemed to look back as if he was debating on going back in to apologize to her for what he said and did too because she just wants to have a good time and he was trying to ruin that. But he decides he's the last thing she needs right now and starts to go home, only to get caught in a spectral snare.
Here's the REALLY important part I need y'all to listen closely:
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He had every right to an "I told you so". He had every right to tell her never to see Ollie again and to even consider moving just to save his metaphorical skin. But he doesn't. She apologizes first and he interjects with his own apology for trying to ruin her night. Her happiness is what's most important to him now. That priority shift happened since Out of House and Home, maybe arguably even sooner. He doesn't tell her never to see him again, in fact he IMPLIES that she should be able to do what she wants and he wouldn't interfere anymore. It was Molly's choice to cut it off with Ollie after seeing Scratch in that much danger.
He's still a self centered jerk with possessive tendencies and separation anxiety but it's important to point out that he recognizes Molly as her own person and he shouldn't interfere with her happiness. I think season 1a Scratch wouldn't have even LET her go to the dance with a ghost hunter as her co-chair to begin with. I know I don't need to defend Scratch's actions since most people are on his side in this episode (a weird change of pace) but I needed to get my thoughts out about him and his development so far. My boy has come so far, they feel like good, real friends. Also I'm just gonna reiterate Molly wasn't completely at fault here because she just wanted to enjoy the dance and both her and Scratch had equal fault in this scenario, that's called ✨good writing✨, you don't have to pick a side. THE WORLD ISN'T BLACK AND WHITE, OLLIE
I hope they address Scratch's jealous nature in a future episode, especially since they're hinting towards an Ollie redemption. After the ghost hunting fear is gone, that jealousy is gonna still be there, I'm kind of hoping after that talk outside of the school where Scratch resigned himself to whatever Molly wanted to do, he wouldn't be too jealous of him and we won't have a Friend-Off 2 or something. (Although if he decides to be a little petty and messes with Ollie a little, I welcome that. That sounds really funny honestly)
I feel like halfway through this I just started rambling, I hope my point made it across clearly LOL tldr; scratch is a well written character and he means so much to me and if I see any Molly/Ollie/Mollie slander on my account I will be throwing hands <3
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adrianfridge · 11 months
The intrinsic problem with season 5A is that it introduces the literary device of Dramatic Irony and breaks the show’s own formula. All other seasons have an overarching question for the season. But in 5A they answer “Who is Theo?” in episode 2
The result is a season where Theo never actually does anything untrustworthy around the good guys. In fact, he helps save the lives of multiple pack members. He’s functionally a good guy too EXCEPT it was prematurely revealed to the audience that he’s unequivocally a bad guy playing pretend
Imagine how much stronger the season would have been if Stiles's paranoia about Theo wasn't immediately answered. Imagine going down the emotional rabbit hole with him. The doubt. The second-guessing
But now YOU know Theo is fishy, and you want Stiles proven right at any cost
With that sort of mentality, many fans conclude that by introducing an outsider character (eg Derek or Jackson) they would ALSO see through Theo and help support Stiles's case. But, no, that is your audience brain using audience information and tricking you into a false sense of security
You’d need to metagame the narrative to get anyone else on board with Stiles’s paranoia because the more in-universe probable outcomes are:
Outsider agrees with Scott that Theo hasn't done anything wrong yet and has to adjust their wariness to Theo's known actions, which involves giving Theo the benefit of the doubt since Stiles has been wrong in the past about Derek, Kira, and Liam
Outsider agrees to entertain Stiles's paranoia and gets dragged out for three hours to watch Theo play video games and then has to reconcile why Theo feels grief at the site of his sister's death and maybe Stiles is trying just a little too hard to prove Theo is an imposter
Outsider reminds Stiles that Stiles used to hate and distrust them too so why is Theo so different
Outsider becomes petty/spiteful towards Stiles for being obsessed with Theo
Like, there's just something really sad about assuming an outside character like Derek or Jackson will just trust Stiles's judgement based on no evidence when Stiles's gut feeling is always to distrust people no matter what
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Okay, so, I was talking to @the-tomorrow-road about this and then I got curious, so now you get stats. So, made a buddie supercut to make it easier for me to make videos, for reference my criteria was if a scene is about them I keep the whole scene, if the scene is not about them, they are just standing next to each other and not really interacting, I cut around them to just keep the moments they are in frame together, firefam scenes ended up staying in full because they usually react to each other even if they are not standing together. Season 2 has 1h23m26s, season 3 has 1h24m38s, season 4 has 01h08m31s (this one includes the crossover), season 5 has 53m19s, season 6 has 57m09s, and season 7 has 56m14s. 2a has 58m44s while 2b has 24m41s, which is kinda crazy, but under pressure kinda messes with the balance, and all of their scenes during the earthquake pretty much involve each other, but 2a has 9 episodes with buddie scenes, so averaging at around 6 and half minutes per episode, 2b has 7 averaging out at around a little over 3 minutes per episode, 3a has 47m18s and 3b has 37m19s, 3a has 9 episodes, so around 5 minutes per episode, 3b has 7, also around 5 minutes per episode, 4a has 41m49s while 4b has 26m 42m which is kinda crazy considering the shooting, but 4a (and crossover) has 9 episodes and 4b has 6 and both average out at a little over 4 minutes per episode, 5a has 33m46s while 5b has 19m33 seconds, 5a has 9 episodes so an average of a little over 3 and a half minutes, while 5b has 6 episodes so it averages out at around 4 minutes, 6a has 21m29s and 6b has 35m40s, 6a has 8 episodes with a 2 and half minutes average where 6b has 9 with an almost 4 minutes average, 7a has 31m22s and 7b has 24m52s, 7a has 5 episodes and 7b has 4 episodes and both average out at a little over 6 minutes. All seasons give me 6h43m19s and an average of around 4 and a half minutes of screentime per episode. Another stat is that s4 is the only season where every episode has at least one scene where they are standing in frame together. But the crazy thing here is that their average per episode went up a whole minute during season 7. In a reduced season. Where both of them were in relationships with other people through most of it. Math doesn't lie, dude, season 7 is buddie's lol (Also, considering the drop during 2b and the way that's the season Shannon is around, and the way the average doesn't drop when they are in relationships after that, sure there are other stuff happening for both of them but they cut their time in half then suddenly during s3 it was back to 5 minutes, mathematically I can make an argument that Buck has been filling Shannon's space in Eddie's life the whole time, which, we know, but math)
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plorpl · 10 months
season by season guide to Wilson's hair:
season 1: floppy 🥹
season 2: poofy (affectionate)
season 3: the beginning of the accurséd bangs
season 4: poofy (derogatory)
season 5a: sticks out on the sides AND bangs??? <<EVIL>>
season 5b: just bangs but still nawt good
season 6: prime time, beauty, grace, miss united states
season 7: mullet????
season 8: floppy 🥹
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