whyoneartheven · 9 months
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Ok I think are all the drawing sketches doodles I have of my CC au (the Chains Cafe)
1. Legend attending Fable. (He’s a waiter, Hyrule wild sky are too), Wind and Four are trying to steal some desserts (they don’t work at the cafe but they come there after school to do homework/prank their friends/consume a lot of bad carbohydrates) uhh yea
2. Doodles of legend. The left one is Legend before wind and four pranked him with the help of Ravio. Normal blonde hair. Yea. The right one is after they pranked him. Pink hair. Also he went to the hair salon. (Fable works there)
3. First (fan??) art of the CC au. Uh. Yeah
4. Fable eating legends apple pie for the first time. I was listening to “Pomatter pie” from waitress while drawing that. It’s only one minute long but like. It’s so beautiful
5. Top ten pictures taken before disaster. (Doodle of wind and four taking a selfie while legend is running towards them to kill them. One day after they turned his hair pink)
6. …sketch. I’ve already colored it but it looks like shit so. I never posted it. Wind and four came to the cafe after a long day of school and met legend who just came back from the market where he bought the stuff to make an advent crown because wind and four really wanted to help make one.
7. Fable
I think you should find my other thoughts and hcs on my blog. Just looks up the tag #the Chains Cafe and it should be there
I hope these doodles kind of make sense and help understand what the AU is about
Uh yes
ahhhh i love it
oh my goodness poor legend
wind and four absolutely would tho, wouldn't they XD
Ahhhhh the Fable/Legend romance is realllll
and the art of fable with the pie??? I REMEMBER IT OH MY GOODNESS IT LOOKS SO AMAZING
all in all just YES this au is everything to me and i have got to look through those tags sometime!!! because i mean, a cafe AU? A CAFE AU?!? PERFECTION
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yumedoca · 2 years
Presenting… The first and final volume covers for every major Takahashi series (which has concluded)!
Urusei Yatsura (1978-1987)
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Maison Ikkoku (1980-1987)
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Mermaid Saga (1984-1994)
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Ranma 1/2 (1987-1996)
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One-Pound Gospel (1987-2007)
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Inuyasha (1996-2008)
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Rin-ne (2009-2017)
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eaux-fortes · 3 months
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Born under the gaze (potentiality) of yajamana udyamana shakti. It is because I’ve always experienced and cherished these polar opposites that I don’t really care about identifying more with one or the other. There is a place and a purpose for each and one of these expressions in **my** life, no matter how confusing, challenging or counterproductive these ones seem to other people's 70s interpretations of scriptures, their certainties, wounds, propagandas, marketing skills, cultures, cosmologies, philosophies, morals or political ideals. I have no interest in interfering with anybody's way: I don't want it, as I am no guru. Your way (burden) is your own. I have no interest in accommodating sensitivities either, as you are not (my) Guru. I accept the fortune (karma) I have been assigned just like I accept the responsibility that comes with it ; with actually birthing something out of all of this which in fine may not make sense to any of you. My will won't prevail over divine law, & I have come to learn this precious lesson the hard way. Still it remains a necessary component of every co-creation enterprise & exist within this set of rules for a reason, so I'll act in the world according to my own compass. I’ll forever be the lotus and the sword, the female sheep and the male lion, the incarnated expansion & restriction, all of that simultaneously... but I will (hopefully) also become more/less than that as time goes by, as pre-determined identity is not an end to itself.
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rwuffles · 4 months
hmmmm old timey speakkk. genderrrr..hmmmmmm what do
climbs up on a stepladder so I can lick you on the head
gegts licked ?!
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 3 months
Yandere! Rival! Male! Teacher x gn! Teacher! Reader
This one is long overdue I'm afraid. Have my boy, Elias >c< not much yandere traits here, but I hope y'all enjoy still!
Trigger warning: toxic academic set-up
Yandere! Teacher name: Elias
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Elias was about to loose his mind.
For years, he's the teacher that produced geniuses! It's his class that had majority of their students on honor rolls. It was his magnum opus, his way of teaching that pushes his kids to full potential.
Parents scramble to have their children under his advisory. He made sure that all of his students become the talk of the school.
Pressure? What's that? The students should be privileged to be under him and his care!
After all, Elias started small.
He's the black sheep of the family. The entirety of his family members were geniuses in their own right.
Of course, it meant Elias is also a genius.
But he kept getting outshined by his own step-brother, Tae-Joon.
Tae-Joon is not as much of a genius as Elias when it comes to academics, but he's charismatic to a tee and is an amazing singer.
Amazing in fact that he's a popular idol.
And poor Elias always getting snubbed due to his brother's naturally nicer personality.
And Elias? Straight up nasty sometimes. His tongue is sharp and is always more pessimistic than optimistic. He's higher than thou personality definitely earned him a lot of enemies. Even his own family.
He knew that he can't count on his own family to give him the validation he wanted. So, with a resentful heart, he made sure to snub his own family and focus on himself.
This made him want to help other people. And he did it by offering tutoring lessons to his struggling, dumb, and idiotic classmates who can't understand such a simple topic.
Well, not everyone can be a genius like him.
But this proved to be a good path, as Elias found out that he had a knack in teaching. His way of teaching was so easy to understand that a toddler will be able to know how to do physics.
It's odd, but it's true.
His classmates suddenly became experts on the subject and this snowballed into others wanting to learn from Elias too.
This inflated his ego a lot. He loved the fact that people wanted to learn from him. The validation he seek was given by his tutees who praised and thanked him for making them not just understand, but even excel in their chosen topics to be taught with.
And Elias knew he wants to go down the Education path.
At first, he's a bit whiplashed by how different actual teaching is to the "ideal" way of teaching is. It was almost too good to be true that even the professors said that the ideal way is just a bunch of baloney that they can just flat out ignore the way once they're actually on field.
Not for Elias though.
He wanted to bring to life the "ideal" way of teaching.
So once he graduated, he continued to exert so much effort in his instructional materials, his facade of approachability, but still so strict that it feels like you want to choke from it. Sure, he has the art of being a perfect teacher to a tee, but people know that Elias is a demon in disguise. He hates it when things don't go his way, or the rules aren't followed. One trash means a personal lection that ends up with the students in tears.
The parents? Only said that their student must have deserved it to have stoked the ire of the respectable teacher. Like a brainwashed hive, the parents and other staff say that "Teacher Elias won't do anything without reason". This meant that the students are walking on eggshells everyday. And they know they'll get Elias' anger if they don't improve at all.
And, with Elias' incredible way of teaching, and the "ideal" way combined, the students under him become geniuses.
Like his family genepool, the children Elias' produces are geniuses in their own rights.
Elias felt whole now. He has a family to boast about, to care and love, and to nurture unlike his idiotic family who favors his brother over him.
But what he didn't expect is that by the first recognition ceremony, his class will be shoved aside just like that by another class.
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Elias walked down the isle up to the stage, smiling proudly as his stoic yet prideful students stood up to receive their recognition. 25 of them are in the honor roll, and 5 of them are high honors. That much elicited a thunderous applause from other classes.
With his head up high, he put medals on each of his student and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. Everyone was mystified as this class took their awards with such entitlement and arrogance that some found it off-putting.
Did they care though? No. Did Elias care? Also no.
They're the pride of the academy! Who would dare to mock and snide them?
After giving the students their medals, they sat down and waited for the other classes to get their awards.
Elias' students, adapting his high and mighty attitude, looked down on the other students who walked to the stage to receive their "measly" awards of perfect attendances and other irrelevant, non-academic awards.
"Thank you, class Uranus. Now, class Neptune, the art program class!"
Art program class? When was that added?
Elias sneered. In his head, he hated anything that concerns art because of his brother. It just reminded Elias of being untalented other than being a genius and snubbed because of it.
He crosses his arms, looking at the adviser and scoffing.
Y/n L/n. From what he remembers, you are the same age as him, and was from a different school before you transferred here in the current school year.
What could a new teacher do in such a short time? Nothi--
"Class Neptune, boasting 5 high honors, 2 highest honors, and 23 honor students, and excellence awardees for their respective art specialty."
Everything went quiet when Elias stood up, disbelief marring his face as he heard the emcee say the tally of the class.
It was so quiet save for the background music that sounds embarrassingly loud for such a pin drop environment.
Elias, feeling his ego and pride getting kicked and bruised, slumped down on his chair as he stared at you who was looking at him with disbelief.
You're an enigma.
How did you do it?
He bits his nail, his eyes low and shadowed as he watched your sweet and proud smile directed at your happy students.
You don't look arrogant, nor prideful. Just happy and elated for your also equally elated students. No pretenses, no eyes that judges others, just pure joy.
It pisses him off so much.
That's where he knew he must take over you. Nobody dethrones him as the best teacher in the academy! Especially not some art teacher. Anything but an art teacher.
Once school resumed again for the second semester, he spotted you walking along the hallways with your students tailing behind you, talking and chatting happily.
"tch." Elias says underneath his breath as he watches how comfortable the students are with you. He envies it.
"Oh? Good morning Mr. Elias." You found him by his doorway and smiled politely. "Do you need something?"
He freezes, not realizing he's looking at you too intently. He clears his throat, looking away in embarrassment.
"I need nothing, art teacher. I will get going." He said coldly, slamming his class door close.
You didn't like that.
"well, that was rude." You whispered, clasping your hand together.
In all honesty, you didn't really like how Elias leads and teaches his class. You saw how tense they are, always studying and studying with nothing to do afterwards but only studying again. There must be a balance at all times.
"Let's go kids." You said sternly, looking at the closed door intently, sensing a competition forming.
After that, it was tense always.
Doesn't help that your class is across him.
Your students weren't hostile with them initially, but after the blatant aggression from them due to being upstaged in the recognition ceremony, they're starting to pick fights too.
So, whenever you saw Elias, you became hostile also. Not outwardly like him who's openly glaring, but you have your reservations as you smiled curtly everytime you pass by him, and words stringing along some sarcasm in them.
School events like quiz bowls, spelling bees, even exams became a fierce competition that made your students head butt with each other.
And you always made sure to support your students in a way that's opposite from Elias.
Elias pressured them, always making sure they're working hard by being extra strict than usual that one thin slice to the air can cut the atmosphere.
Meanwhile you encouraged your students, making sure they're well rested and happy while doing it. You made sure not to force them to do these honestly toxic rivalries.
So, guess which one excelled more?
"WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH ALL OF YOU?!" Elias yelled at his students, completely dissapointed at their performance at the annual intramurals' quiz bowl. Other than in the World Literature and Science section, they were second to your class. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY HOURS I SPENT TEACHING ALL OF YOU?!"
He's so close to snapping. Maybe he already did. But now he's going insane.
Everything he believed about himself is shattering slowly because of you and your class.
What's even eerie is that the students are just looking down, unfocused or dissociating.
Annoyed and feeling like he failed them, he marched out of the classroom and slammed the door close.
He sped walk outside, sitting on the grass as he tried to suppress the imminent tears settling on his eyes.
"fuck... I'm such a failure." He gritted out, gripping his once perfectly ironed shirt. "This is all I'm good at and I'm still lacking at it?! What am I doing wrong?"
He started to question everything. His worth, his value, his time and knowledge spent on nurturing geniuses like him.
Is he even a genius? Or just a hard worker?
"Sir Elias?"
He jumped, looking at you. Your eyes were wide with concern as your voice mellowed out from the usual curt yet cold voice you always sported when talking to him.
You sat down beside him as he looked away in shame.
"what happened? I heard yelling and..." You whispered, a gentle clasp on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Elias' throat burned, and his jaw trembled as he tried to stop himself from crying.
Did he really just have to get comforted by his rival? Really?
But god, did it feel nice to have someone care for him.
"I'm... I'm not." He whispered, looking away. "I know I'm a terrible person for pressuring these bright young minds but... How do you do it, y/n? How do you nurture students to their full potential? Are you some kind of monster or what?"
For the first time, you laughed out loud in front of him.
And for the first time also, it made his heart skip a beat. What's happening to him?
"No, I just... Teach normally." You said. "Well, other than that, I don't really pressure them to do anything. But I encourage them greatly with intrinsic motivations. And I make teaching enjoyable."
Enjoyable? When was the last time Elias enjoyed something? No. When did his students last enjoyed studying?
"Really..." He whispered, looking down. "Enjoyment, huh? And motivation?"
You smiled and stood up, handing your hand to him.
"Truce? I could teach you how to be less strict and let your students be more inclined to study without potential punishment." You suggested.
His eyes followed your hand, and his heart raced.
Without hesitation, he clasped it.
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"Hey, did you do our project?"
"Yeah, duh. Here's mine."
"That looks so good!"
"I had help from the Neptune Class for the planets. It's actually really fun to paint, believe it or not."
"I had help too in exchange of teaching them with physics."
Elias smiled, looking at his students actually Converse with one another and not just burying their heads on their books. The once quiet classroom is bustling with life thanks to you.
After that fateful day, you taught him on what's the most important. And it's the students, not the academic gratitude.
Elias apologized deeply to his students, and they had a heart to heart conversation that you supervised to make sure both sides say their thoughts equally.
Now, the Uranus class is livelier than ever.
And you?
You're still the same brilliant teacher he came to admire and love.
Love is a loaded word, but he truly felt grateful to you. You made him see the truth, the light, and the way to become a teacher he tried to achieve by pretending.
He found himself wanting to be around you more and more.
At first, it truly was just gratitude. But now, he can't bear to be away from you.
You're his salvation that he deeply desired in his heart.
He wishes to worship the ground you walk on, the breath you take in, and consume your entire being to be with him.
His heart lurched when a student called for his name, breaking him from his train of thought.
"Teacher Y/N is here for you!" The student said, pointing at the door.
He quickly closed his phone, which the wallpaper is a stolen photo of you just outside of your home, and pocketed it.
You're the only one who understands him. The only one who asked him if he's okay, and sees him for him and not his genius.
And he'll be damned to let you go.
You're his family now, alongside your students.
He can feel the heavy weight of the engagement ring in his backpocket.
In his head, there's no way you're going to reject.
And if you do...
He shook his head. It's impossible! Truly impossible. He won't allow it at all.
In his head, you two are perfect for each other. He'll worship your entire being, and spoil you rotten. It's going to be a good life with him.
But the both of you aren't even together at all.
What will happen?
Who knows.
All you must know is that things aren't gonna go smoothly no matter the choices.
He's too far in his head to think properly.
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labcoated-lunacy · 1 year
"this edible ain't shit LMAO"
*ten minutes later, trembling feverishly" "devil! do you dare approach me?? and do not you fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head??? begone, vile insect!! or rather, stay, that I may trample you to dust! and oh! that i could, with the extinction of your miserable existence, restore those victims whom you have so diabolically murdered!!"
the yellow-eyed daemon i have cobbled together from flesh and alchemical genius: "I expected this reception. all men hate the wretched; how, then, must i be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us-"
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sariahsue · 9 months
Wherefore Art Thou My(stery) Lady
When a failed attempt to let Chat Noir down easy ends with Ladybug learning his name, she does what any lovesick teenager would do: teases him mercilessly. (Season 2/3 era.)
Chapter One
It figures, Adrien thought, as Ladybug carried him to safety. It figured it would be a dog-themed akuma. And that it would find the only cat-themed superhero in the city, even though he wasn’t currently transformed. It figured he would have to be rescued, cradled bridal style, and that Ladybug would hug him so tightly that--
Nope. Akuma. Focus on the akuma that was currently tearing through the streets, barking at people until they literally froze in terror, digging holes a hundred feet deep, and probably chasing his own tail. Focus on the lurch in his stomach as they jumped from building to building, the honking of the cars stuck in traffic, the flash of the sun reflecting off skyscraper windows. Focus on anything except for how warm she was, how firmly she held him, how her lips--
Nope, nope, nope. The wind in his hair. Birds chirping in the distance. Anything.
Ladybug bounded gracefully over the Agreste mansion's protective outer wall and landed on the grass, held him for a few seconds longer than was necessary (he noticed with elation), and then carefully set him down. 
“Well,” she said, her smile wide and bright. “Stay safe! I wouldn't want anything to happen to you!” 
Adrien watched her until she was nothing more than a red speck, then raced out through the gate, so he could find somewhere to transform. Ladybug needed her partner.
The akuma was easy to defeat, after Ladybug called her Lucky Charm. It was a box of caramel chocolates. No, they didn't feed any to the dog. Caramels made a wonderful, sticky trap when they were all melted together. Who knew? His genius partner, naturally.
Chat Noir picked up the (sadly not heart-shaped, just plain old rectangular) empty box and brought it over to her. “Look at what I fetched for you.”
“Thanks, Dog Noir,” she said, reaching out a hand for it. 
He stuck out his tongue, preparing to toss the red and black box back to her, before realizing he could get one more pun out of it. He held it with both hands and gently placed it into her outstretched palm. He didn't let go until he'd caught her eye and said, in very serious tones, “For you, My Lady. And may I say, you look very fetching.” The box slid out of his hands, and Ladybug's expression morphed into a frown.
Within moments, the victim was back to normal, the holes had been removed from the street, and Ladybug was staring him down. 
“I've told you,” she said.
“You've told me lots of things, Bug. You're going to have to be more specific.” Though he was fairly certain he knew what she wanted to say. Another rejection. 
“You aren't going to win me over.” 
Being prepared didn’t soothe the disappointment. “Would you mind if I kept trying anyway?”
Ladybug's face softened, and her hand went to her earrings as they beeped a warning. Two more minutes. “Thank you for the compliment, but it's not going to work.” She didn't sound exasperated, just sad. “I have to go.”
“See you at patrol later?” he asked as she threw her yoyo. 
“Of course,” she said. “Keep in mind what I said, though.”
How could he not? Chat Noir sighed loudly once she was out of sight. 
He still had three and a half minutes before he transformed back. Enough time to get poor dog-man home before anyone noticed Adrien was missing. 
Patrol that night started out more formally than it usually did, and he knew it was due to his earlier declarations. Ladybug kept her distance from him physically and emotionally, only speaking when it was necessary and staying two or three rooftops ahead of him. He wasn’t getting the feeling that she was mad. Her tone was kind. And she always checked to make sure he was keeping up, even stopping to wait when she needed to. 
Maybe she just didn’t want to give him any false hope.
Over the course of the hour, he steadily creeped closer to her. By the time they had reached the Louvre, they were side by side like they normally were. So naturally, Chat Noir let his curiosity get the better of him and asked a question that had plagued him for months. “So what's my rival like?” he asked. “Is he as funny and as handsome as me?”
“How should I know?” she said. “I can hardly see your face.”
Surprised by her sudden teasing, he quickly offered, “I could change that.” Which of course, he realized as soon as the words were out of his mouth, was about the most unhelpful thing he could have said.
Ladybug scoffed and took off, leaving Chat Noir to figure out how to fix his latest mess-up. She didn't seem too averse to answering questions, so maybe all he had to do was try again? 
He stayed level with her, but gave her some space, choosing to run across the rooftops on the other side of the street. Headlights created a glow beneath them, a river of light that cast her in a warm haze. 
After a few minutes of silence, he tried again. “I'm very handsome,” he said, trying to play it off. “Would you believe me if I said I was a superhero by day and a supermodel by night?”
“Pfft. No.” She stopped on a wide balcony and smiled at him. 
He leaned over the edge of the roof to look down at her. “Maybe I just play one on TV then.” 
“Unlikely.” She threw her yoyo and zipped away.
“No, really, what's he look like?” he called after her. “You can tell me that much.” They usually ended their patrol near Collège Françoise Dupont, which was convenient for him. And ever since Alya had discovered the little tidbit about Ladybug's history textbook, he’d started to suspect that the ending location was more than just a convenience for her, too. She probably lived nearby. They landed on the school's roof at the same time, and he thought she would just take off after that question, but for the second time, she surprised him. She sat down and leaned back on the flat top of the building. To the civilians below, only her feet would be visible, dangling over the edge. Chat Noir stayed as close to her as he dared, sitting by her knees, close enough to touch her if he reached, and stared down at the school’s stairs beneath them.
Ladybug chewed her lip like she was thinking. Did that mean she was figuring out her answer? Or was she figuring out how to say no nicely? 
“He looks... a little bit like you,” she said, letting her feet kick against the side of the building. 
“What if he is me?” Chat Noir asked. He hesitated before scooting closer, not wanting to push her. If she ran off again, she'd probably just go home.
“But the chances of you being the same person are really slim.”
“So what does he look like then? White kid? Blonde?”
“Green eyes, too,” she said.
“So he’s probably me.”
“Will you stop?” She held both arms straight up above her and then let them fall wide to either side of her. “There’s thousands of people in Paris that fit that description. He’s not you.”
“You said it yourself. The chances are slim. But that implies there’s still a chance.”
Chat Noir was trying really hard to convince himself that he was just teasing her. There was no way he was lucky enough to really be the guy she liked, but his mind drifted back to earlier that afternoon. The way she had held him when he wasn’t transformed, smiled at him, made sure that he stayed safe. What if the boy she liked was Adrien Agreste? 
What would it be like to walk hand-in-hand with her at school? Or have plans together on the weekend?
It would hurt more to hope if he turned out to be wrong, but he couldn't help himself. She made him hope like nothing and no one else in his life could.
“Would it be bad if we were the same person?” he asked after it was clear she wasn’t going to answer his last comment.
“Not bad,” she said. “Just weird. You’re really different.” 
“I thought you said we were both devilishly handsome, amazing, with perfect comedic timing–” 
Ladybug laughed and shoved him. “Perfect comedic timing? You?”
“As evidenced by your laughter right now.” He gestured to her. She looked over at him from where she was lying down. 
Her smile was glowing, brighter than the cars passing them on the street. Brighter than the moon. “You’re both wonderful people, I’ll give you that. Sometimes dorky, but I’m happy to know both of you.” 
Chat Noir felt his face going hot at the unexpected praise.
“And sure, you look kind of similar. There. Are you satisfied?” 
“We go to the same school,” he blurted out. “What are my chances now?”
“Chat!” She bolted upright to face him, eyes wide. “You can't just give away information like that!”
“I didn't-”
“We go to the same school?” she shrieked.
“I don't know!”
“So what made you say that?”
“Well, I thought maybe–” There was no way out of the mess he’d just created. Ladybug was on her knees, both hands on the roof of his - probably their - school. “I... the textbook?” he finished timidly. Even if that had been a false lead, he’d effectively just told her which school he attended, and he wasn’t sure how she would take it.
“Alya!” Ladybug growled, rubbing the heel of her hand into her forehead. When she faced him again, there was a big red spot. 
“So... you really do go to my school?” he asked, patting a patch of roof next to him. 
“You... you've known this... Alya released that video ages ago. You knew we went to school together, and you haven't come looking for me?”
The fragility in her tone caught him off guard. “Of course not,'' he reassured. “What kind of privacy invader do you take me for? I ought to be offended!” (The irony of the statement wasn’t lost on him.)
Ladybug didn't laugh, just quietly said, “Thank you. We go to the same school. Huh.”
The crisis he’d unintentionally created seemed to have passed. Hope bubbled up again. Most kids their age had crushes on people from school. “My chances?” 
“Are slightly increased, but I'm fairly certain you're two different people. In fact, I'm not even sure we've met at school. I would have remembered meeting someone as loud and obnoxious as you.”
“Unlikely,” he muttered, but it was quiet enough that she hadn't heard him. “So this guy, that may or not be me...”
“He's not you.”
“What do you like about him?” He acted so differently at school. He didn’t think she would recognize him. Would he recognize her description of him? Maybe she would let it slip that the boy she was crushing on was a celebrity or famous or something. 
It was hard to ignore the niggling doubt that said raising his hopes would only hurt more later.
“You really want to do this to yourself?” she asked, echoing his thoughts.
At the very least, he’d learn more about his Lady. What had won her over so soundly? (Maybe he would have a better shot with her if he knew that.)  “Sure.” 
“He's kind,” she said immediately. “He's the type of person who would help someone out even if they hated him. When we first met he went out of his way to apologize to me for something that was my fault. And he has the most amazing amount of patience I've ever seen.” She smiled while Chat Noir frowned. That didn’t sound like him. 
“I mean,” she continued, “he has enough patience to deal with C-- this student that no one likes. And he's just so gentle and sweet and... yeah.” She sighed. “That's why I like him.”
She stared out over the lights of the city, but he was certain that she wasn't seeing a single building. Her face was peaceful and shining. It was a good look for her.
“Even if it turns out he's not me, he sounds like a nice guy.” He wasn't as great as Ladybug described, not nearly as kind or the well of unending patience, though that's what he tried to be like. 
Then again, how many blond, green-eyed, white boys were there in the school? His chances had to be pretty good, didn't they? 
“What makes you think he's not me? The personality difference?”
“I've seen you two in the same place at the same time.”
Chat Noir's heart sank. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. He knew he shouldn't have. And yet he had anyway. His ears drooped, and he grabbed his tail and started weaving it through his fingers, just to have something to do. 
“Oh, Kitty.” Ladybug looked over at him. “I'm so sorry.”
“Maybe... maybe you just thought that you--”
“Please don't,” she said. “Please stop doing this.”
“But maybe you just thought--”
“Chat Noir!” 
He turned to face her, slowly, deliberately. “I'm not giving up. If he's not me, I'm going to keep trying to win you away from him until you ask me to stop.”
Ladybug shut her eyes in defeat. “I should.” 
But she didn’t, the hopeful piece of his heart whispered. He really wished it would shut up right now.
“Would it be easier for you if I did?”
“I–” What did he want? He felt at war with himself. Determination to keep going. But giving up might eventually make the pain of rejection stop. 
She was looking at him with so much compassion and caring. The constant declarations annoyed her sometimes. He knew that. But she didn’t hold it against him and still asked if he was okay. Despite everything, he loved her. That was that. “I’d rather be able to express myself. But only if it doesn’t bother you.” 
She shook her head, eyes down. “It’s fine.”
“Who is he?” he asked.
“I already told you, I can't tell you,” Ladybug said. “We can't know anything about each other. It's--”
“Then we can’t know for certain that he’s not me.” It was false hope at this point, but it was the only hope he had, so he clung to it. She'd seen them together. Maybe he had saved this guy’s life.
She stood. “I'm sorry, Chaton.” She zipped away without another word, up and over Marinette’s bakery and out of sight.
Chat Noir didn't feel much like being a superhero right now, but he didn't feel like going home so early either. He slowly climbed down the walls, detransformed, and trudged his way back to the mansion on foot, his hands in his pockets.
The next time he saw her was two nights later, their next patrol. She had arrived first, which was unusual, and was pacing at the top of Le Grand Paris, waiting for him. The sting of her rejection had been his companion for the past 48 hours, and it flared up a little when she turned her bright, blue eyes on him.
“Evening, My Lady,” he said, bowing elegantly. “I hope you've--”
“I have an idea.”
Chat Noir was still bent at the waist, and the grandeur of his gesture was broken by his sudden jerk upright. That sounded urgent. “What kind of idea?”
“Uh...” Ladybug didn't usually hesitate like that, and he realized that it probably hadn't been urgency in her voice, just anxiety. Ladybug kept going. “How I can prove you two aren't the same person without revealing anybody's name.”
“Oh.” Stellar way to start a patrol. 
“Here's my plan. So after I went home the other day, I felt bad that you felt bad and then I had to figure something out, so that you could be happy again, and I promise I won't go looking for you.” Her words tumbled and tripped over themselves. “And I thought that it would probably be best if you could just stop thinking the way you were thinking, but no one’s identity will be compromised, and this is kind of dangerous if I’m wrong, but I’m not wrong, so if you don't want to do this it's fine, and of course you couldn't be the same two people, and--”
“Ladybug.” He hadn’t heard her babble like that for at least three months. Whatever her plan was, she was obviously presenting it to him against her better judgment. Her arms curled around herself, like she was terrified. Her hands were tight balls.
“I went through all of last year's yearbook. Are you in there?”
He nodded slowly, uncomprehending. “Yes?”
“I checked everyone, well, all the boys who look like the two of you. There's a bunch of people who match your general description, and none of them have the same initials. And no one has the same first initial as him, so I thought-- you could tell me what your first name starts with, and...”
And she could crush his heart once and for all when it didn’t match. 
Or, his traitorous heart whispered. Or maybe…
“Don't worry about me,” he said, resigned. It was a silly hope. He would just go back to his original plan of winning her over.
Ladybug hugged herself tighter, fists clenched, staring at his shoulder. “Are you sure? Because we don't have to do this.”
He squared his shoulders to brace himself. “A.”
He nodded. 
“Your last name?”
“What do you need it for? You said no one else has the same first letter.” She didn't answer, and he couldn't tell if this was a good sign or a bad sign.
“Another A,” he said.
Aside from her fists loosening slightly, she gave no visible reaction, though he thought he heard her breathing pick up a little.
“Ladybug has to go home now,” she whispered.
He blinked. “What about patrol?”
Without so much as a backward glance, she slipped over the side of the hotel. He watched as she skittered away over the rooftops and toward the direction of the school. What was that reaction? It looked bad. Those were bad feelings she was having. Did she leave so she wouldn’t have to hurt him again? Or some other reason?
Chat Noir finished the patrol route on his own, not sure if he should feel hopeful or despairing.
Ch 2
Author's note: Hello! Welcome to my Big Bang contribution! This story has seven chapters and will update every Saturday! Thank you to @toadashi who did some great artwork for it! To @cardiac-agreste for beta reading. To @jennagrinsoverml, for being so interested in this half-formed story that I eventually finished it. And to @mlbigbang for hosting this event!
Here is the artwork for this fic! :https://www.instagram.com/p/C1l539rowbO/?igsh=cmloaWRyaWVkdThv
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raphael-angele · 6 months
Zoë Lives...
Helping Nico, Reyna, and Hedge get the statue of Athena:
Nico: *just shadow travelled to Camp Half Blood Hill*
Hedge: You couldn't have taken us to the TOP of the hill?
Nico, exhausted: I just shadow travelled us from Greece...BACK OFF
Reyna: I'm sure we can take it from here. I'm sure it's not as heavy as it looks
Bianca: It looks like it'll kill us all if we drop it.
Pushing the statue up:
Thalia: See? We just have to get this on the top of the mountain
Bianca: How do we get it to stand up the top?
Thalia: What?
Zoë: Thou has not thought about that, has thou?
Thalia: Oh, well, we'll just have to push carefully and make sure it doesn't break.
Bianca: Well, isn't that genius -_-
Zoë: I'm sure it is worth the try.
Thalia: So if we just-
Statue: Falls on the ground
Zoë: Oh, gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.
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a-mel-tomelts · 2 months
Boo!!! Have a curse on ye!!!
To breakth the spell, name thou mutuals and what you like about them!!!
(not all of them. Minimum 5)
If I had to do it, you do too. <3
Coral, darling you forget the fact that I am not as popular as you are~
1. My non-Tumblr buddies || 2. Discord buddies. || 3. Tumblr only
@mary-sunday - we don't talk as much as we used to but i cherish you as my first persona/aa friend!!! You were encouraging me to write fanfiction and you're the reason I still love doing it!!! I am happy we got a chance to meet each other and i am forever thankful to Sachi-chan<3
@rustykeymaster - come back to tumblr so i can extort ask persona fanarts from you!!!! A wonderful artist with a very unique artstyle that i've never seen before. My very own tumblr sexy man that i dearly love. Pls do survive and do the things you love!
@misha-dai - YOU. YOUUUUU.
my brother, my bro, my buddy. I am so happy we started to talk more and i appreciate you lots. You just accept me rambling or venting anytime and you are always there for me (be it me bullying you or you bullying me pffft)
the absolute legend that revived tumblr just to agree with my post.
@loustdoesstuff - oh my god. I think there are more things i don't like about you actually /j pffft kidding ;>
my fiance, my son, my weird found family. We were a lot of things to each other and we are still talking!!! My monkey king and dearly beloved. Please find some lego studio and make them hire you for your own sanity or else I'll do it /hj... unless
@himi-wiz - himimimimi. We had a fun yet chill ride!!! I still think calling you a train is genius. Your first dm to me about my persona takes made me feel so flattered I was happy! I am happy we still talk even if not a lot and i appreciate you sharing all the photos and pretty art with me. A wonderful person who i respect tremendously. and i thank you for the next victim mutual in my list :)
@melodiclune - hihi!!! How did you like my ask~? My wonderful, sweet, darling Coral. So much I like about you. You are smart and witty and funny and I love you talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It's nice to hear things from your perspective. A pleasant experience, I'd say. Also, you forgot that I am Hiori to your Rin :^)
@zendersenders - omggggg. ZenderSis. My comrade in RinSagi. My personal first in line reader of spiciness. I love you so much. I find you very fun and charming!!!! I just love your vibe!!! Karasu to my Hiori indeed. Can't wait to read more of your works
@blue-thief - we haven't talked much but i love reblogging from you!!! I also like your BLLK takes. Also i think your title is super cool. Twice the man is awesome. A lot of respect!
@chibihobbitlore - MARIIIII. Your art is delicious, your personality is to be salivate over and I think you have so much gender in you. You can't even imagine. Sometimes I just want to squeeze you and bit you and play with you like a dog. You know, normal things!!! Doomed yuri for the win.
@akechi - we haven't talked at all but i like your aesthetic reblogs!!!
@leonawriter - i appreciate you as a writer and a blog! I like your persona and DCMK posts(even if our DCMK ships are different. My other friend also likes Kaito and Hakuba btw!) and i enjoyed your famfiction! I find you very interesting!
@zullyziggs - it's been a while! A very awesome writer. I appreciate all the little talks we had at discord and i am still a fan of some of your fics! It's nice to see you in my notification feed<3
@chilchucks-timbs - from the loki's sword into s dilf. The proper character development. I think you singlehandedly made me read the DunMeshi manga in full. It was worth it. I enjoy all the fanart. Thank you. It's nice to reblog or be reblogged by you! (Also i tried a demo of TWEWY2. The game is so niiiiiiice. Can't wait to try it in full!)
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whatthehellami · 11 months
A lot of poets and writers have written words which stab so deep into the heart that you will be left pleased to bleed indefinitely. But as a Bengali, a soft and homely corner in my heart will always be reserved for Rabindranath Thakur. A man so eloquent and gentle with words that I don't think that I've been completely able to grasp the gravity of his genius.
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If you love someone else,
And if you never come back (to me)
I wish that you get what you desire
And all the sadness and misery be in my fortune
(Amaro porano jaha chaye, i,e. What my heart desires by Rabindranath Tagore)
>I did try to translate but English doesn't do much justice to his words, or maybe I am incapable of doing justice to his art. Nevertheless, my admiration for him is immense and to write about him is an honor.
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Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life. (Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore)
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Feelings of all types have been explored by Gurudev. He has carefully held the fragility of the emotions and has trapped them in the pages of his book, so much so, that while reading you can feel them give you a warm embrace. For it requires complete mastery and a compassionate heart for the words to resonate decades later.
I would like to end this with the hope that you too are able to relish the delicacy that is Tagore's writing which indeed, is a privilege.
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cvlutos · 2 years
“To You”
| Repost: 03.06.2022 | 0.5K | PG |
Riddle Rosehearts X GN!Reader
| Characters 18+ | Fluff | Poems | Confessions | Etc | Proceed with Caution, Dearest.
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My Dearest Rose,
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:”
The beginning of a poem that we learned in my English studies class, by the poet Shakespeare. I am familiar with his genius, yet I do fully not understand the purpose of poems or any literature that forms from creativity. My mother believes that they’re useless, irrelevant, for those who have not the knowledge to form more important works. Who lacks the ability to write articles, journals, facts over feelings? And I, for the longest, agreed with her. What do fictional stories, poems, haikus, and what purpose do they serve? They’re not like math, nor science. They’re fake, turn those away from a better and more important career and future.
“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:”
Yet, when you feel something so strong. Something that takes the air from your lungs, that leaves your mind jumbled and confused. That has you second guessing every thought and feeling. That feels you with something that rivals the sun. Something that articles, journals, and facts over feelings can’t explain. Until you read a poem--
“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his golden complexion dimm’d;”
That explains everything. That understands the shaking of my limbs when I am around you. That explains the cause of my beating heart, that seems to squeeze and constrict upon seeing you. Every nerve feels a lit, as if I was within the burning fireplace, and not gazing upon it with a cup of tea. As if every book, every word, spells out every letter of your name, everything that I could possibly love.
“And every fair and fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;”
They are life. They explain the human mind, the feelings, emotions, wants and desires, the haves and have-nots. They make this burning love understandable. As if I am losing my mind, going mad from wanting you and not having you. (As ill-intentioned as that sounds, I mean that in not a harmful nor forceful way.)
“But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;”
As if stand lost within an ever-changing rose maze, as if my world seems to be within constant rotation, you make the world still, your hands even if nonexistent pull me—guide me towards the exit. You plant my feet to the solid ground, yet my mind seems alive with daydreams.
“Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:”
With hope. Words that explain my longing, my frustrations, my desire to be perfect within your eyes, my everything—it forms poems. Elegantly written stories that no matter how long I deny it, it shall not leave me. It cannot leave me. For as long as you exist, you bring life to me.
“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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play-now-my-lord · 1 year
a recent poem i wrote referenced the Cold Genius's song "What power art thou who from below" from the Purcell opera King Arthur and it's probably my single favorite piece of baroque music. here's my favorite performance of it, hands-down
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necro-man-sir · 7 months
A window closed, a door opened
You're killing yourself.
That's preposterous. She was too clever for that, no less than a genius. One of the more learned scholars one could find. If she didn't already know, she could find the answer. She was reliable. She was competent. She was able.
She was...
Matoya was right. Aethersight was killing her. It had been weeks of near constant use - months, really - since a scare in her dreams.
Over the years, they had become a haze of aether as well. Her memories of her friends, of their faces - their physical faces - were fading. She couldn't rightly describe them anymore. In her waking hours she couldn't place their features. Did Thancred have a hooked nose? Which side did the twins hair part, again? How much taller than her was...
Her brows steeple in the dark of her inn room where she stood. She didn't know where she was. Citystate, yes, but the room was unfamiliar. She was exhausted, her body was withering around her and her aether was spent.
She couldn't see, now. It was just... Darkness, no flickering of the aether that made up what was around her.
She was too proud to exit the room and ask her friends for help in finding what she had dropped. It had clattered off ahead of her, but...
Her ears pin back, the end of her tail flicking in sharp, snapping movements, hands balled into tight fists. She bit down at the corners of her lips, jaw tense. And she weeps.
She lowers herself to the floor, gloved hands lifting to her face to hide the shame of her tears. Any sobs were left quiet, choked back and pitiful, her breath strained as she fights to get it together.
They had crossed the universe, she was capable of that, but unable to find a simple ink pen she dropped when she near tripped over a chair that was left in the middle of the room. It wasn't an important pen, why did it pain her so much to have lost it?
Her friends would be more than willing - happy, even - to help her. They wouldn't even blink at it, no side glances, no questioning, nothing. All she would receive was kindness and still she wept over the need to ask.
She had a cane at the door. What good was it, though, when she was too stubborn to practice?
Her breathing staggers inward, rubbing her hands into her cheeks, smearing make up that had run down from her eyes. Slumping there, she wills the tears to stop, failing at that, too.
"That was -- ing! You think -- did?" an enthusiastic voice sounded beyond her door, her ears snapping back to listen as she froze in place. She didn't breathe, fearing a sob would escape, her eyes wide. The conversation and footsteps continue, and then backtrack again, growing closer, quicker.
A knock at the door sounded out, rapping rapidly and startling her heart.
She takes in a short breath through her nose, pushes herself up from the floor, and quickly clears her face with her hands. She reaches into her bag to retrieve a small mirror, and on the first glance into it, her expression twists once more.
"Just a moment," she calls in the selfsame steady tone she wore, her hand extended out in front of her, unsteady, unsure steps, a scraping of wood as that "Damned-able chair!" dared to be in her way, again.
She hears a murmur beyond the door, and she stills, listening, setting the little mirror down on the chairs seat. At least the door was easy enough to find, the faintest light through the crack between the frame and wood. She makes her way over with a degree of care, her knuckles bumping into the frame, sliding down. Which side was the knob on, again?
It twists, and she pulls open the door, standing with her head high, her gaze forward, falling somewhere between the two who were there to greet her.
"Y'shtola, 'tis good to see--" the faintest hint of concern tinged her name, but, Urianger continues without missing a beat. "Pray, doest thou have a moment? I will not impose my company upon thee, but I had hoped that I might spend some time with thee, if thou art amicable."
She feels the slightest tinge of her hackles rising, and she makes a direct point to relax her ears and lower her shoulder. "I did not have plans for the evening. I had been going to bed," she had been, but she wasn't telling him no.
He doesn't let himself in, from there, standing patiently, and the time ticks by. "..."
She could hear him smile, his breath caught a certain way when his lips pulled. Her eyes narrow in the slightest.
There is a shifting of fabric, but there was no indication on what that movement was. More, still. Was he removing his jacket?
He really meant to stay, didn't he?
"Wouldst thou let me in, Y'shtola? There is a table to thy right that I cannot circumvent." His voice was so steady, so sure. She expecting him to be mocking, a chuckle at her being in the way. "... Apologies, come in," she says, turning her head to look at that table - or the best approximation she could manage, and she steps aside, holding the door open. He bids someone farewell, and she blinks. Who...?
Familiar, sure footsteps make their way off, their friend, leaving the both of them with what she was sure was nothing but their good graces and a light wave.
Surely they had some things to wrap up for the evening, it had been a long day.
Urianger makes his way in, speaking to her about somesuch as he hangs up his coat and sets something down on that little entrance table.
"I shall move this chair to the bed and seat myself. Dost thou require mine aid? Might I keep this light on, or wouldst thou prefer it dimmed?"
She stood there, stunned, her hand remaining on the doorknob, half closed but frozen. She hadn't even thought about the lights. "Go ahead." The chair lifts with a soft clunk, and then again after a few steps as it was set down in front of the nightstand. She hadn't realised her bed was all the way over there.
She couldn't ask -
"I brought with me a book, and I would read a passage to thee, if thou wouldst allow it. It moved me greatly in summers past, and I thought that thou might find the humor therein."
There was a smile, the slightest upturn of her lips. "Urianger. There is no need for that," she half refuses, stepping forward with a tad too much confidence, and she was fine for the first few steps, but, something rounded and long pressed into the ball of her foot, and she slides with the object scraping under her weight.
A yelp was let out, a clatter of the chair, and she hits the ground before he could catch her. She wasn't hurt, not physically, but she was horribly embarrassed.
... At least she knew where that damned pen had gone.
She pushes herself up without help, no awareness he had reached his hand out to her. He stands there with his hand aloft, his fingers curling, arm slowly falling as she straightens her clothing.
Y'shtola makes no comment on that fall, and she steps forward again, her shoulder knocking into Urianger's, and she simply sits down onto the bed as soon as her knee hits the edge of the mattress.
It's quiet for a moment as he picks up the chair and sits down again. She doesn't realise he's staring at her, not until that silence between them stretches on too long to be comfortable.
"...What is it?"
"A thought occurs to me… Pray don't take offense, as that is the last thing which I would wish to inflict upon thee, but hast thou considered a walking cane? Thy stubbornness is admirable, but perhaps thou couldst entertain it with more ease with its aid."
Her brows furrow.
"It would bring me naught but the greatest satisfaction to aid thee in thy practice."
She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest, making a point to give him a look, but she was a little off. "That isn't necessary, Urianger," she first refuses, but, her curiosity does spike. She decides to ask, albeit somewhat skeptical. "This book of yours isn't to convince me, is it? I doubt you know how to use this walking cane first hand."
He didn't exactly need one, nor did she.
Urianger only smiles, that same, calm tone laced with a fair amount of quiet passion he usually spoke. "On the contrary, my friend. I had ample time with which to practice when I lived amongst the fae in Il Mheg. My hosts did, on occasion, 'trick' me by stealing away my sense of sight. They did so at my behest-- that is to say, I tricked them into stealing it, for I wished to glean more of how thou seest, or perhaps feelst, the world, that I might learn to aid you in navigating it with greater confidence."
He was being genuine.
Her shoulders do relax again, she couldn't believe, too, how patient he was.
She couldn't remember a time he lost that patience, and by all accounts, he would... be an excellent teacher, wouldn't he?
A quiet moment passes as she actually does consider that, paying no mind to the turning of pages while he searches the passage he wanted to share with her. Her hands fall to her lap, her gaze falling now somewhere onto the floor ahead of her.
"May I ask you a question?" She didn't need to specify that she wanted a genuine, true answer out of him. That was a given. At least in these cases.
"Thou mayst."
"Is it unnerving when I look at people?" Oh, that felt odd. She immediately wanted to retract the question, it felt a little too vulnerable. A little too late. Was it silly, now, to ask something so unimportant?
He doesn't let that beat skip at all, his answer spoken with confidence, and... She could tell he was teasing her.
"No, thy gaze is intimidating, as fierce in both its passion and its intelligence as it ever was. Even without sight its keenness can be felt as a knife, and any creature of mortal ken or beyond would be wise to cower under the weight of thine intense and palpable displeasure."
Had she been the type to roll her eyes, she probably would have, but she does look more pointedly at him, as if in demonstration of his assessment.
He smiles, a laugh tailing the expression.
"Very comforting," she scolds, but, it was. She was glad he could take humour in her and not make this feel so... Sad. He wasn't holding her like she was shattered glass in bare palms.
He doesn't comment on that further, the seed planted, and he simply starts to read from the book he had brought to her.
It was a story of a couple of friends with grand plans to see every corner of the star, he explained. This passage, he continues, was the moment they - both terrified - stood atop a large waterfall, looking downward over the edge into the deep water below.
Too scared to decide who would jump first, they take each others hands, and they count down from three, no, ten, no, three!
And they jump together, screaming the whole way down, plunging into the water, and as they resurface, they laugh and hug, proud of themselves for their show of bravery together.
She asks him to continue reading to her.
The next morning comes, Urianger waking in the chair, his legs stiff, back aching.
They get breakfast.
And then they go outside of the city where no one would see them, and he holds her elbow to let her lead him down the path, both of their free hands holding long hollow canes. He stops each time the ends hit a stone or some such, stating what it was, and he leads her around it.
They make it all the way to a little settlement, where they're met with congratulations of many familiar voices of the Scions.
She weeps; this time, with pride and ire both.
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Hey, Don... If your shoes are your horses, does that mean if you ride on an actual horse, would you be riding on a horse on top of a horse? :3
If anyone else find this first and call it stupid, fight me. I don't exactly care UwU - 🎩
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oddlyunaware · 6 months
Detailing the Cast in “Where Art Thou?"
Hey! Sorry for the wait, part two of my introduction to Where Art Thou is finally here!
Let's get to our main characters. Please note I have only completed designs for four of them, and will upload everyone else's designs at a later time!
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Xiaotian, or just "MK", is the adopted son of demon-dirtblood couple Pigsy and Tang. He appears to be an everyday dirtblood, until one way a tail suddenly sprouts gruesomely from his back and he gains fangs.
MK is actually the last product of Project NUWA, a super-soldier program detailed in my earlier post. The system had switched on one last time, thawing out a frozen embryo and injecting with sleeper agent cells, not revealing his simian traits until much later in life. He was subsequently spat out by the biometric machine, where Tang and Pigsy found him by chance while scouting out the old facility, the only identification on him being a small tag with the words "CD: Xiaotian - SUBJECT 94-268-426 (MK)" engraved on it.
Red Son
Red Son is the disgraced son of the warlord Demon Bull King, a giant-sized man with bull horns who could very well be compared to Immortan Joe from Mad Max, if Immortan Joe actually drank his respect woman juice.
Red inherits quite a lot from his father, such as his raging tenacity and a small bull tail. He has quite a genius level intellect, yet perhaps the most peculiar thing about him is his nitroglycerin blood. When he is cut, his blood can be ignited into flame, and as such Red Son is nigh-impervious to fire.
Xiaojiao-Mei, or just Mei for short, is a dragon hailing from the coast, in search of a mysterious person to "deliver a message" to. Dragons are specially mutated folks who did not gain their traits from existing animal DNA mixing during the fallout, but rather mutated on their own from the radiation.
As such, Mei is a proud and foolhardy young woman, who never leaves without her ancient sword passed down onto her. However, she does not trust easily, and takes a long time to properly warm up to others outside her familial circle.
SUBJECT 63942, Nezha
Project LOTUS was one of the last super soldier programs approved for the war. The attempt was to integrate animal and plant cells together in a human host, giving them powerful traits to assist in the war. Unfortunately, most attempts led to the subjects dying off at an early age... except for one.
Subject 63942 "Nezha" was the only successful asset in the entire project. Growing at unprecedented rates and displaying intelligence beyond his capability, he was subject to experiments that tested his humanity greatly. The only kind soul within the entire program seemed to be Dr. Yin, who taught Nezha the good in humanity. The good worth protecting.
But then the bombs fell, just about 200 years ago. And Nezha hadn't seen her since.
Aaaaaand that's all the lore I got for now folks! I don't wanna reveal too much of what happens next, because I've decided to turn this AU into a full fledged fic! I'll link it below once the first chapter is written.
Thanks for reading!
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notenderhands · 2 months
To help out thou bestie of thy Eris's cursed inquiry, I must ask a more neutral question? What do you appreciate about the each of us? How do you like us?
Anny: I love your goelleu and Goewin headcanons (you are the Goewin specialist!), discussing TWP and the rest of the lion hunters series with you (when I eventually catch up, your patience knows no bounds I swear), your moodboards are gorgeous, and your aus are so interesting!
Yono: Your art is gorgeous! I am very jealous. I love your fics and your moodboards, talking about medlleu, headcanons, your ocs, and your aus (even though I am not much help, I love hearing about them)! They are so interesting and creative! I love talking about Lleu and medlleu with you!
Jewel: I love discussing and analyzing TWP with you! The heavens aligned so we could talk about this. I am so glad we read the book the same way with the hand/poison/SA theory. It makes me so happy! You are a literal genius, I swear. Your headcanons and aus are brilliant. I love your medlleu posts and your replacement goldfish telemakos au.
You guys makes this so much fun and interesting! I am so excited for the book club! <3
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