#Technically I’ve had them for a while but today was their first full-day test run and they passed the comfort & self-safety qualifications
inga-don-studio · 2 years
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NEW PUNKY SPIKEY BOIS (in a terrible attempt at an aesthetic photo hdhdhdh) :D
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February 6th 2023: Birthday Bashes, Possible Promotions, and Creating Controlled Chaos
Dear endless void that is the internet, so much for posting once a week huh.
It’s been 12 days since I posted and much has happened in those days. This past weekend I went to the keys to celebrate my best friend's birthday, we have this little “not so private” beach we go to when we visit the upper keys and we spent the day inebriated, swimming, and eating. Of course, cause underage drinking is frowned upon by the law, we hid our drinks in our reusable Starbucks cups and called it a day. Personally, I used strawberry acai with lemonade mixed with Alani Nu Breezberry and watermelon-flavored malibu.
Now, before I disclose the following information, I feel the need to mention that the drinking took place from around 10:30 in the morning till about 2 in the afternoon. Also, I had eaten before drinking and stopped before I had lunch. So throughout three and a half hours, I consumed about thirteen ounces of malibu on my own along with some sips of soju.|
We had lunch at this small burger place called M.E.A.T eatery and taproom. What made us decide to spend our money here wasn't a photo of the food or even the fact it was featured on "diners, drive-in, and dives", but a shirt we saw on Instagram that said, "You can't beat our meat."
Now I am an adult turning 20 in late March. I make monthly car payments and insurance payments ahead of time. In addition to this, I am a full-time student and work almost full time and am in line to get a promotion. I'd say I am responsible. However, there is a little part of me that I can only describe as a 14-year-old boy who has to laugh at things like that. "You can't beat our meat." God damn was the right. Those burgers were so good. On top of that their smoked potato salad has me drooling just thinking about them.
Overall we had a blast, we donned cowboy hats and played country music and what my cousin likes to call "old white people music". This consists of music such as that of Jimmy Buffets' "Margaritaville". We got back to my cousin's house, and dinned on pizza, soda, and slutty brownies while watching "Crazy Rich Asians". To say I love that movie is an understatement. It was a fucking masterpiece. Just absolute gold. From the script to casting to costume and set design. A solid ten out of ten.
Now today has been crazy. I woke up late and missed my first class, what a fucking joy, my only other class for today is my journalism class. This, my dear void, is where I sit and type up what you're reading. This is funny because we are on the topic of different media formats and my professor mentioned blogs and social media. She asked who has a blog and I raised my hand. Technically I have two, this one and another one on this same hell site but It's a fanfiction blog. She asked how many followers and what type of blog.
Did I answer honestly?
Of fucking course I didn't, at least not completely.
I said it's a blog where I test different concepts I want to write on and different writing styles and that I had somewhere between 900 and 1000 followers. Which is all true. What I left out was that it is a fanfiction blog mainly catering to the shows supernatural, sherlock, and marvel. I am a junior in college majoring in psych and pre-med. I do not need my cohort to learn that I am a fanfiction writer. It's not something I am ashamed of, but I know the jokes (usually are made lovingly) would never end, and that not what I need.
Some might think "pre-med and psych? Why are you taking a journalism class?" A shocker for many people (including my father), people actually have hobbies. Mine is writing. So I like to learn of all forms and styles. Creative writing, journalism, creative writing, academic research. I want to know all of it and everything that there is to know. I've published a book, won writing contests, and still run a blog, and post my ramblings onto this public forum as if it's a private diary as a way to vent. To say I like writing is an understatement. Speaking of liking things and hobbies. I like...No. I love variety. I had to rinse and repeat and I love the spontaneity of life. I also need to keep to a routine so I don't spiral out of controll and lose track of life. Recently, I've felt almost that my life has become stagnant again. I cannot put words to the way I hate stagnation.
Yes, I know people need to rest after making progress to recharge and restock energy and resources before continuing on tackling long-term goals. But I hate to stay still for too long. Usually, I need to do something small to change up my day and its scratches the ich until I find my next footing. This time it wasn't as simple as changing the scenery while doing my homework. I almost impulsively went for a walk in the forest area near my house.
Is this the type of activity that causes a person to die in a horror movie?
Was I aware of this?
Did I do it?
I got a call from my boss.    
For the past year or so I have been trying to become a shift manager at my job. Not only for the five-dollar pay raise but also due to the fact it would look great on my resume and offer me experience that would do me good in the long-term future.
 It got to the point where I've been frustrated with my job. I've been trying to move up the ladder and haven't gotten anywhere but getting fewer hours. Granted it has been the slow season for our industry and job but still. It's aggravating.
Then an angel shines down upon me and stops me from being a stereotypical dumbass horror movie character and my phone rings. My manager tells me about the opening, how to apply, and what the application and interview process looks like. Any idea of venturing into a body of woods by myself evaporated faster than it spawned and I applied to the position as fast as possible.
Now the chaos I've been looking for. The new energy flow in my life. Trying to land that position. Aside from trying to get straight A's this semester and taking a break during the summer, now I have this. Especially since I'm taking almost four months off from school and have open availability with my job. At 20 an hour, for a 60-hour paycheck, I'll make more than my monthly expenses. I'll make more in that paycheck than I do currently in a month.
I have earned this promotion, I've busted my ass and done anything and everything I can short of trying to seduce the higher-ups, and I set standards in life that prevent me from doing so.
Now I depart from this post and I am off to use the restroom and head home as my professor is ending class. Have a great day and stay safe. Till next time.
  -your blogger
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Bed Rest (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: When Roger's final calls for him to give a medical exam to a patient of his choice, his sleepy, sweet little roommate (Y/N) is more than willing to help.
Warnings: Curse Words, Mentions of a Mean Ex-Boyfriend, Slight Nakedness?, Pining, Fluff, Mentions of Body Insecurity
A/N: I wrote this a long while ago for a friend but never got around to giving it to her!! Well she's not feeling well today so I figured it was a good time :^) I love you, darling. (I'll get a read more cut on this asap!!)
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Roger was stumped from the moment his professor had passed out the packet. It sounded simple enough, sure. A full practice exam on a patient of his choice. It'd be an easy test grade for him. That is, if he could find a patient.
He'd wracked his brain. It's not like he could ask any of the boys to be his subject. I mean, he technically could, but he sure as hell wouldn't be able to look any of them in the eye again after performing a thorough medical exam. God knows he couldn't ask any of his family members. Somehow, that seemed even worse. He even had a handful of ex girlfriends he'd considered choosing from, but decided that in all honesty, he'd rather take a failing grade. 
He'd thought on it for a week now, habitually ignoring the assignment whenever it drifted to the front of his mind. But now, it was Sunday night, and his report was due the next morning.   He chewed his thumb as he scanned his biology textbook, rubbing his shoulder nervously with his free hand.
"What's wrong?"
Roger's neck ached when he turned around to look at you, and he suddenly realized how long he'd been stuck hunched over his coursework. He smiled softly to himself as you carefully sat down a mug of tea in front of him.
"What do you mean?" He hummed, shoulders clicking as he stretched his arms up above his head. He reached for his drink with a little groan.
Taking one last sip, you rested your mug beside his and brushed his mussed hair back a bit, revealing the collar of his tshirt. He was confused for a moment until you gently pulled  the neck of his shirt to reveal his collarbone, red from the constant friction of his rough fingertips. Your brow furrowed, "You're rubbing yourself red, bub."
Roger's chest felt light at the thought of you looking after him. He smiled softly, giving your hand a little appreciative squeeze. " 'm alright, lovie. I promise. 've just got a project due tomorrow and I haven't even started." He sighed, tossing the packet onto his textbook.
You frowned, sitting beside him at the table and fetching the papers, skimming through them. "What all needs done?"
Roger smiled again, to himself. You'd been overworked yourself, recently. Three papers due that week as well as a test. This had been your first free day in a long while, yet here you were, ready to help.
"It's not a hard assignment. I basically just need to give a physical. The thing is, all the volunteer spots were full in the clinic. Don't really have a subject." He sighed, raking a hand through his already disheveled hair.
Your eyes scanned the paper again as he sighed.
"If it were just a check up I'd just ask one of the boys or something, you know? But it's...it's just a lot. I don't know. Pretty...intimate?"
Your eyes went wide at the word. You swallowed thickly, "Intimate?"
"Well, 's nothing weird, I suppose. 's all normal practice. Just stuff that makes you a bit squirmy, I think."
Your eyes caught on the list. Throat. Ears. Mouth. Eyes. Nose. Everything seemed pretty run of the mill until you reached the last note of the bunch. Pelvic. Your pulse sped a bit at the thought. His warm, rough hands carefully feeling over your tummy and hips.
Your stomach churned. You'd been Roger's roommate for nearly four years now, and his best friend for far longer. He'd had girls over plenty of times. It had never really bothered you to accidentally walk in on a drunken makeout or see a girl on her way out the morning after. That is, until one afternoon you'd come home from class to find him sitting on the couch, a girl fast asleep across his lap with her forehead snuggled in against his neck. He toyed with her hair passively and traced shapes over her skin as he gave you an apologetic smile. "Sorry..." he'd whispered. "She's hungover. Too poorly to go on just yet. I promise I won't let her stay long."
Something in you felt crushed at the sight. Why couldn't you have that? Why couldn't you doze off in his lap and let him hold you tight and play with your hair? Why couldn't he draw soft little shapes over your skin?
 It'd been so long since you'd felt gentle, loving touches. It'd been so long since you'd been taken care of. You were starved for it. And now, the opprotunity had been dropped in front of you. Roger was looking for someone to take care of.
Roger's blue eyes met yours, his brow raising.
"I can do it...with you..."
His stomach flipped. "Hm?"
You swallowed thickly, cheeks quickly going red. "Y-Your project, I mean." You couldn't read his expression, and you were starting to crumble in on yourself a bit until his voice broke your train of thought.
"You would do that?" He could see your blush now, warming your cheeks and the tops of your ears. "You wouldn't mind it?"
You gave a little shrug, your muscles starting to relax just now that you knew he wasn't laughing at you. "Want to help you...I wouldn't mind it I don't think. Haven't had a check up in a long time."
"I wanted to ask you", He admitted. "You were the first person I thought of, actually I just...I don't know. Felt a bit tone deaf."
You crooked your brow, though you were relieved that you were someone he'd actually considered. "Tone deaf?"
"Well yeah, I..." He shrugged, and you could've sworn you saw his cheeks go pink too. "I just...We'd talked in the past about how Daniel was an ass to you about your body... Didn't want to ask you to take off your shirt or be vulnerable for me after you've dealt with all that, hm?"
Your heart ached. You'd forgotten you'd told him about Daniel. You found yourself surprised he'd remembered something so trivial as an offhanded complaint you'd made about your ex boyfriend.
In Roger's mind, it'd been hard to forget. He'd hated Daniel from the moment you'd started dating him, and while surely some of that hate could be attributed to jealousy, most if it came from the soft sobs Roger would hear coming from your room after your night's out with him. Daniel always had some little sharp edged comment to make about what you were eating or how you looked. Roger had nearly flinched the first time he'd heard Daniel scold you, knowing exactly how deep his comments would really cut.
"I'd do it for you." Roger was pulled from his memory by your tiny, shy voice. "Don't think I'd be so scared with you."
"You're sure?"
You thought for a moment. Was this a good idea? Definitely not. But somehow, you were desperate enough risk embarrassing yourself.
"Yeah. Wanna help."
He gave a grateful smile, flipping through the pages of the packet. "I promise I'll try and make sure it's over quickly, alright? Just a check up." He said this, mostly for his own sanity. Just a quick check up, right? It's routine. No reason for his heart to race or his ears to heat up. "Do you wanna go sit on my bed? And I'll meet you in there? Just have to grab my kit."
You nodded quickly, trying to cool your cheeks down a bit as you wandered off to his room.
This wasn't so bad. His room. You'd been in Roger's room with him loads of times. It was small and cozy and warm and it smelled like him. You could look at all the photos and posters and magazine clippings he'd stuck to the walls every which way. You sat on his worn comforter nervously, before giving in and laying down on his bed, your head snuggled into his pillow. Gosh he smelled good.
 He always came home so beaten after shows, only sparing enough energy to lazily wash off before he fell into his unmade bed. So many times you'd thought about how nice it'd be to kiss him to sleep, then. To press your lips to the water droplets that scattered over his belly and hips. To comb through his wet locks with your fingers and smell traces of his body wash on his still-flushed skin.
This was close enough, for now, though. Drifting off in his bed, imagining him cradling your face...cooing your name softly...
But you weren't imagining it. Your eyes fluttered open for a minute to find your roommate there before you, grazing your cheek with his thumb and trying to wake you softly. His voice was sweet, and he had a sympathetic smile. "Sleepy thing...you want me to let you rest, sweetheart?"
"No..." you hummed softly. "Don' go." You held his hand to your face as if you were worried he'd run off. "Just got comfortable is all."
Roger smiled to himself. What a sight to find you curled up on his bed, your head resting against his pillows. He could get used to that.
" 's alright, lamb. You can stay cozy. We'll be quick, I promise."
 He squeezed your hand where you still held his before thumbing through the packet he'd been given. He squinted at it for a moment before frowning and sighing, pulling his glasses out of his pocket and sliding them onto his nose. He didn't notice your pleased smile at this development as he skimmed the page.
"Alright..." you watched his pen as he quickly jotted down the information he already knew; Your full name, age, and birthday. He passed you the pen, "Do you want to write down your weight? I promise I won't look if you don't want me to. Or we could just skip it if you'd rather?"
Your chest ached at his desperation for you to feel comfortable. You gave him a grateful smile and took the pen, scribbling down an estimate. He returned the smile with one that read as both thankful and reassuring, and continued down the list of questions.
"Ok. Interview's over. I promise." He clicked his pen, rolling his eyes in a way that made you hum a giggle. "Just going to run through this checklist now. Is that ok? Look you over?"
You nodded sweetly, his thumb grazing over the back of your hand soothingly.
"How have you been feeling lately, sweetheart?" He said it so earnestly you couldn't tell if he was asking for the exam or if he was truly just checking in on you.
" 'm alright." You yawned. "Been a bit tired from school and all but that's normal, I think." He nodded, scribbling something down.
"Nothing's been hurting you?"
You could have let him dote over you forever. "I mean, I've been a bit anxious. Maybe a headache or a tummy ache here or there but nothing terrible."
" 'm sorry, love." He hummed under his breath as he noted that, and you barely heard him. "Any muscle soreness?"
"Only if I sleep wrong."
 You giggled weakly and his heart fluttered at the sound, "Christ, don't I know it." He shook his head. "I wake up feeling bloody geriatric after shows."
 You frowned slightly at the idea of him in pain, but he didn't seem too phased as he dug through his bag, pulling out a little reflex hammer and helping you sit up a bit.
 "Ok, darling. This won't hurt. Just gonna let you kick me around for a bit eh?" He chuckled and you smiled, watching carefully as he gently tapped a spot on your right kneecap, making your reflex fire. "Good." He cooed, checking off something on the paper before testing your left as well. "Very nice, love."
He gently tucked the little hammer away, before holding out his hands to you.
 "Ok sweetheart...I'm gonna hold your hands ok? And I'm going to press up on them. Keep me from lifting them ok? Just push down."
You nodded, pressing down against his hands as he pressed up against yours.
"Good! That's my girl." He grinned. You tried to hide your blush, but were unsure if you'd managed.
He tried the same test in a few other spots and made a note under the little header reading "Musculo-Skeletal" before turning the page. He pulled his stethoscope from his bag,
"I'm sure you're acquainted with this hm?"
You nodded, "You'll listen to my heart?
"And your lungs. Just making sure everything's sounding nice in there." He warmed up the bell on the his sleeve, "Can I tuck this under your shirt collar? Have a listen?"
You laid back for him, allowing him to slip a hand beneath your shirt to press the scope against your heart. You couldn't help the happy, relaxed sigh that escaped you at the feeling of his warm hand on your heart. In all honesty, you were too sleepy to realize that you'd even made a sound in the first place. Again, Roger's tummy flipped. He brushed some baby hairs back from your forehead lovingly and smiled to himself. "That's it, darling. Take those nice deep breaths for me."
You tried to steady your breathing out and think of things not involving the pretty blonde boy beside you, seeing as he could hear your actively rising heartrate. If he noticed, he didn't say anything, but his cheeks were sweet and rosy as he untucked his hand from your collar and wrote something down.
You watched his blue eyes focus in as he wrote, his brow furrowing as he made note of your caffeine intake, which he already knew.
"Hm?" He glanced up to see your sleepy, enamoured face, and he couldn't help but wish he could hold you. Wish he could crawl right into bed and watch those pretty eyes grow heavier and heavier until you couldn't keep them open any longer.
You yawned, "Can I listen to your heart too?"
His eyebrows raised, heart melting. "Of course love...here. Let me just-" He went to find his stethoscope again in his bag, but before he could, you'd crawled in close to him to rest your head against his chest. He wondered momentarily if you'd heard his heart stop. He relaxed into you, wrapping his arms around you for a moment to hold you while you listened. He felt you breathe a laugh into his sweater and he smirked, pulling back a few inches to look at you. "What is it?"
"Sounds just like your drumming."
Roger laughed, giving you a good squeeze and a little kiss on your forehead. Your eyes meet his and your tummy flipped.
He smiled sofly, brushing through your hair with his fingers. "This next part is a bit more... intimate. Is that ok? We don't have to do it at all if you aren't comfortable. Don't want to make you feel bad."
Part of you wanted to run and hide. The other part of you was just too curious. Too desperate to be looked after by the pretty boy holding you on his chest.
"I...I wanna try it."
He rubbed your back soothingly. "Ok darling. Just let me know right away if you change your mind and we'll stop ok?"
You nodded obediently, squirming a bit at the eye contact.
"Alright...do you..um....do you think you can undress for me love? Down to your bra and panties? " A familiar ache formed low in your tummy. You never thought you'd be hearing Roger's voice asking you to undress for him. Again, you nodded, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt nervously.
"Do you want me to turn my back, honey?"
"N-No it's ok. I'm ok."
Roger tried to get himself to look away, but he couldn't help but let his eyes trail over your soft tummy and breasts as you pull off your shirt, revealing your bra to him. He'd seen that one come through the wash several times. He never thought he'd get to see it on you.
The blush on your face had slowly started traveling down your chest to your tummy as you unbuttoned your pants, and it took everything in Roger not to groan when you pushed your jeans down off your hips to expose your ass and thighs. He was pulled from his thoughts before he could get himself too worked up though, as you got tangled in the fabric and fell backwards from your knees, flat onto his bed. You giggled and he grinned, enjoying the sound of your laugh and helping you pull them the rest of the way off of your shins and over your ankles.
 He saw you give a shiver and chew your thumbnail nervously and he quickly grabbed the corner of his comforter, tugging it up around your shoulders so you could snuggle into it. "Ok...I'm supposed to be identifying pulse points. Does that sound alright?"
You nodded, snug and cozy in his blankets. His heart felt melty at the sight.
"Ok. I'm going to start up here with temporal...lay back for me darling...that's it."
Carefully, he guided your head back to rest against his pillow. You let him hold your face in his hands as he ever so gently felt around your temples with his ring and middle finger. He looked so pretty and focused there, and he held you like that for a moment, feeling your heartbeat.
"Good, sweetheart." He put a check on his list. "Moving down to facial, and carotid."
His fingers trailed down your face lightly to tenderly press just below your jaw. Everything in you wanted to whimper and arch into his touches, but you managed to ignore the urge. He placed another check down on his paper before moving to cradle your neck.
"This is a sensitive spot, so tell me if it hurts, ok?"
Holding your neck with one hand, Roger grazed two of his fingers along your sternum, pressing them carefully along your collarbone. It didn't hurt. Just a light pressure, right against your throat. " 's that hurting?"
"N-No..." you whispered, not quite trusting your voice.
"Good..." Roger swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the ache in his stomach.
He continued down your chest, feeling the pulse below your breast as well as the ones down your arms. He paused for a moment when he saw the last on his list, his cheeks going rosy.
"What is it?" You cooed, taking his hand in your little one. Warmth bloomed across his chest and he felt a tug at the corners of his mouth.
"This last one is um...well...it's right here." Roger sat up on his knees to show you the spot... Right along his thigh below his stomach. Oh.
He scratched his neck, about to just shake off the whole idea and mark that one off the list, when you spread your legs ever so slightly for him.
He took a little breath, surprised. "Oh love, we can just mark it off if you'd like. Are you sure? "
You nodded, yawning again. Perhaps normally you'd have a bit more energy to be embarrassed or insecure, but right now? You were all his. Completely malleable. You were sleepy and his hands were warm and he always hummed the sweetest little words of encouragment as he worked. He could have touched you wherever he'd liked and you wouldn't have minded it. You knew Roger would take care of you.
You tugged at the waistband of your panties a bit, "Need t' take 'em off?"
His stomach jumped and he caught your hand, rubbing his thumb over your wrist as he gave your hip a squeeze. "No no 's alright sweetheart. Just lay back for me. I'll be quick."
You nodded and rubbed your eyes, wiggling a bit to get comfy again. Roger paused for a moment, letting his eyes trace over your chest and your pretty little tummy...just soft enough to make you warm and grabable. God and your hips...Roger could have written sonnets about your hips and your thighs. He could've spent hours admiring your soft arms and your back and the little freckles that dotted you here and there and-
He shook his head, clearing his throat as he thumbed at the waistband of your underwear. "Ok, love. I've got you. Just lay nice and still for me alright?"
You took his free hand in yours and held it loosely. Carefully, Roger tapped the crease of your thigh, "Right here. Can I slide my fingers under your panties, love?"
You nodded, watching him with hooded eyes. He swallowed thickly, pushing his fingers inside the leg hole of your underwear and feeling your heartbeat against your skin. "Doing so well for me, honey." He whispered, counting the beats in his head. Finally, he pulled his fingers from your panties and scribbled down a number and a check mark.
"Alright love. You can get your shirt back on." He smiled, giving your leg a squeeze.
You sat up on your elbows, glancing around the bed and frowning as you searched for your top. Roger chucked as you looked under the pillows and blankets. You frowned, defeated, and crossed your arms.
"Aw lamb..." He laughed softly at the scene, "You want one of mine?"
Just as he'd expected, your pretty eyes lit up a bit and you nodded. He grinned to himself, getting up to retrieve an old tshirt from his dresser and toss it to you.
Your hair mussed when you pulled it on, and god, he wanted to kiss you and muss it even more. He had definitely had a dream like this before; you in his bed wearing nothing but his shirt and your panties, sleepy and happy and waiting for him.
Yes. Waiting for him.
Roger cleared his throat and pulled a little pen light from his bag, "Alright, sweetheart, I'm gonna have you follow this light with your eyes, not your head. Sound alright?" You nodded sweetly, looking very small in his old shirt.
He watched you carefully as you followed the light, realizing quickly how heavy your eyes were getting. You were good for him nonetheless, answering little questions about when the light left your sight and which finger he was wiggling in your peripheral vision. He set his papers down when he saw you fighting to keep your eyes open, clicking off the light and climbing onto the bed.
"Whats wrong?" You hum, concerned you'd somehow misunderstood his directions.
"Nothings wrong, angel. We're just gonna get you tucked in, hm?"
He slowly guided your shoulders to lay you down on the mattress, combing through your hair with his fingers and he fluffed his pillow for you.
"B-But we aren't done yet....not done Rog..."
He chuckled at your little frown. "Sure we are."
"You never looked at my tummy." You pouted sleepily, concerned that he hadn't gotten what he needed, but more so wanting him to keep touching you. "Or my ears."
He smiled amusedly, gently coaxing your head to turn slightly to the left and right before cradling your face where you lay, his thumb tracing your jaw.
 "They're very pretty ears." He stated matter of factly, pretending to scribble it down.
"Rog..." You wanted to keep going for him. You wanted to be a good patient like he said.
"Hey, I'll keep going, love, but you still have to lay down for me ok? Try and rest?"
You nodded obediently and god you looked so pretty all laid out for him. You took his hand, laying it on your belly encouragingly as you gave yet another yawn.
He giggled sneaking a hand beneath your shirt to rub your hip sweetly. " 's it ok if I touch you here, lamb?" He grazed the bend of his knuckle up and down the center of your tummy and you squirmed, nodding.
You let your eyes rest as his hands held your hips, his thumbs gently pressing inward to feel in a circle around your hip bones. He used two fingers to carefully press down right below your belly button before gently feeling around the spot. You whimpered softly.
' 's that hurt?" He whispered, still examining you.
"No." You squeaked, "No 'm ok."
He hummed a chuckle softly to himself, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Felt nice?"
You give a little "Yes", too blissed out by the feeling on his warm hands to care about being embarrassed. Your eyes fluttered as you heard him write something down. He fished his otoscope from his bag and flipped it on, scooting closer to gently cradle your face again.
"Gonna look at your brain, now." You giggled, turning your head for him to take a look in your ears. "I should be having you look in my ears, really." He hummed softly as he peered through the scope. "Hearing's gone to shit from the drums."
" 's not as bad as your eyes, though." You teased, pushing his glasses up on his nose where they'd, once again, drifted down.
He laughed, turning your head to the other side. "My eyes have gone to shit, hearing's busted...My bones are always aching. I lose my voice once or twice a week.  I'm falling apart, aren't I?"
"No..." you cooed softly as he put away the otoscope, and looked him in the eye again. "Just need someone to look after you."
"That's a hard job." His heart fluttered as he held your face again, moving down to gently feel your lymph nodes. You crooned into his touch.
"Not all that hard..." you yawned, eyes once again growing heavy. "Not for someone who loves you."
He smiled. You'd said it so surely. As if there wasn't a doubt in your mind that he was worth taking care of.
"Come're sweetheart." He whispered, cheeks still bright pink. He helped you sit up, guiding you to straddle his legs and settle in his lap. "Now normally this would be done on an exam table, of course." He chuckled softly. "But for now, just give me a big hug, ok? Just relax into me."
He barely got the words out before you'd snuggled up in his arms, giving him perfect access to feel and examine your neck and back.
His hands were gentle as he worked, knowing you often got sore around your neck and shoulders after longer days. You squirmed and whimpered a bit as his fingers grazed your tensed up muscles.
" 's that hurt?" He frowned against your temple.
"No...m jus' tense. I'm ok."
He didn't fight you, though he knew it was hurting you, and instead slowly rubbed small, light circles over the spot. It was uncomfortable at first, but quickly you relaxed into his body warmth as he worked the knots from your shoulders. You fidgeted ever so slightly at the hurt, but melted and cooed softly at the relief it gave you.
"That's my girl..." he sighed, giving you a moment recover from the sensitivity. He kissed your head softly. He wished he could paint. You looked like an angel, warm and soft and perfect.
You finally nodded off after a few minutes, and Roger carefully snuck a hand beneath the back of your shirt to unclasp your bra, maneuvering the straps off your arms without exposing you. "There we are." He whispered, laying you down against his mattress tenderly. Your eyes fluttered as he tossed it off of his bed. "Bet that's a bit more comfy hm?" You nodded, giving a little stretch and holding his hand tight in yours. 
"Did...did you finish?" You croaked sweetly, looking up at him with drowsy eyes. 
He grinned fondly at you, amazed you were still worried about the exam as you continued to fight to stay awake for him. "I did, silly girl. Check up's over and I've made my diagnosis."
"What's that?" His hair looked so soft and fluffed. Curly. He must have just washed it the night before.
"I'm afraid I'll have to prescribe bed rest. Quite a bit. And a good dinner when you wake up."
You giggled and yawned, but fowned a bit as he tucked his glasses into his back pocket.
He chuckled at your pout, "What's wrong?"
You felt childish, but it all seemed very important in your exhausted brain. "You're so pretty in your glasses but you won't ever even wear them unless you have too."
He laughed, and grinned. "Ohhh love." He crawled up to lay beside you on his bed, getting comfy on top of the covers. "I'm so sorry. I'd no idea I was depriving you so."
You were quick to curl up against his body warmth, tucking the blanket around him and letting his arms cradle you against his chest. He admired you as you rested there, looking so lovely that Roger was almost sure he was dreaming.
"Do you really think I'm pretty?" He whispered, eyes focusing on how your eyelashes rested against your cheeks.
Your heart stopped for a moment and you realized you'd gotten your wish. Here you were, tucked into Rogers bed with him as he played with your hair and drew little pictures over your skin with his fingertips....and on top of that, now he was asking if you thought he was pretty. "I think you're beautiful. So lovely. Lovely, Rog."
He gave a shakey breath and smiled. He could have held you forever. You seemed so small and precious all tucked away in his arms. "You're my pretty girl, too. Such a soft little thing, aren't you?"
Your eyes fought their weight but he cooed to you softly, "There's my little love. That's it. Just rest." And you all too quickly gave in to his body warmth.
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felassan · 3 years
DA4 Lead Producer Scylla Costa’s BIG Festival talk, “Challenges of Dragon Age production during the pandemic”, can currently be rewatched on YouTube here starting roughly at timestamp 8:57:02 after a lil presenter blurb/intro. It’s 1 hour long. When it was streamed live, there was an English translation ‘voiceover’. There isn’t in this vid, however I want to post the link for Portuguese speakers, and also it’s neat for everyone to be able to see all the slides he presented with for themselves in context.
I don’t know if an English-language version will get put up so I’m sharing the notes I took during the talk below, in case anyone’s interested and because I might as well since I wrote them. The rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
Edit: Found a place to re-watch the English version of the talk
(Quick note: I didn’t note down everything, mostly things that caught my interest, so this isn’t exhaustive, and when I was watching I was real tired, so pls bear that in mind and don’t take these notes as bullet-proof 100% accurate gospel or direct quotes. If you watched it and think I’ve written down something wrong/misunderstood, let me know and I’ll fix. Also if you’re a Portuguese speaker and I’ve gotten something incorrect or missed something important etc, again just let me know.) **
** Edit: I’ve now gone through my notes while watching the talk again. I’ve filled in some of the gaps (although they still don’t cover everything said) and so forth, and now I’m no longer worried about there being possible errors in this post.
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For some context, this slide contained the breakdown of the talk’s structure. Bear in mind there are other slides present in the talk than the ones I’ve posted here, I didn’t include caps of all of them, just ones which were of note to me.
In the talk, chief Producer Scylla goes over challenges of DA4 production during the pandemic. He discusses the adaptations - necessary skills and learning from remote work - and he ponders on the future of teamwork.
After the launch of ME3 he became a producer, all his MMO and other experience helped a lot. He was on DAI for 3 years and MEA for 9 months, then Anthem. Today, on DA4, Scylla and another Lead Producer were the heads of the whole project, and there is his boss is the Executive Producer Christian Dailey. 
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^ the usual AAA game development cycle (brief introduction)
AAA games are games that are launched for several platforms simultaneously. 
In BioWare’s case, the pre-production phase of the game development cycle can have from 5 - 30 people, and up to almost 60 people when they’re just about to go through the gate to production. 
In the pre-production phase, they go through the game’s concepts and prototypes and start developing systems. They seek the game’s concept and focus, and its key features. They do lots of market research. In the case of BioWare, all their games are strong in narrative, so they have lots of tools related to game narratives and supporting the development of a narrative (cinematic design, dialogue system etc) that get focused on in this phase. Other parts of the team such as writers and cinematic design need these systems to do their own roles. 
In BioWare’s case, the pre-production phase through to launch can take 4 - 6 years, but it does depend on the size of the team during development.
With regards to Dragon Age 4, they were coming close to the time when they would shift from pre-production to the production stage when the pandemic hit.
During the production phase is when the development of content and features takes place, with the systems mostly already existing from the pre-production phase. A few new systems may be developed in this phase. In the production phase is when things start escalating, and the team really starts growing, to like 2- or 3-fold the prior pre-production phase size. 
(DA4 is currently in the production phase.)
In the alpha phase, features have to be fully implemented and systems all have to be running / working. All the game features should already be in the game by now. They test from pre-production onwards, but this phase is when they run heavy technical tests with lots of players trying to play at the same time. In the beta phase, the idea is that you should now have full content and that now you’re balancing it and running more and lots of different tests with players before launch. There are final tweaks and then the final launch, when in the weeks prior to launch, all the different business units and areas e.g. marketing team, technology team, publishing team, get together once a day and all of the game’s issues are reported and brought to the table to be prioritized. Then they decide the next steps re: these issues (this is known as ‘the war room’).
After the launch there are usually patches like day zero patches and other patches, this being standard industry practise. The last stage is the new content stage where there are DLCs and a game with more content.
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On March 12th 2020, the team gathered to review the DA4 story in the new office. Everyone was very excited. (They had spent over 10 years in their last building and had noticed that with the team growing they needed more space. In August 2019 they found the new studio in the city center.)
Anyway that evening, they got an email from the CEO which contained instructions and said that due to the pandemic, they should from now all start working remotely. They had known that this happening was a possibility so they had been planning on how to have all the devs working from home, but initially less than 50% of the devs were able to work from home successfully/efficiently due to various issues e.g. you need a VPN to be able to log in remotely to do your job normally, varying home office setups. The day after this, the office was basically deserted, except for Scylla, the IT infrastructure people and one or two odd devs.
Scylla was part of the team that was working on allowing the devs to work from home. They first started looking at the short-term changes they needed to make to allow this.
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“First, take care of our developers”. 
When the pandemic first hit, their and Scylla’s [as Lead Producer] first priority was to look after the devs. Many of them are parents (schools and day-cares were shut, children were studying from home), others have relatives living with them, others have other personal circumstances which of course need to be taken into account when it comes to assessing what needs to be taken into consideration for this new scenario. So, they looked at each dev on a case-by-case basis in order to evaluate, speaking to each one and asking them what they could do to support them.
One of the first changes/adaptations they could implement was flexible working hours and flexibility around deadlines. Generally speaking the devs got a lot of support, EA was really good and really supported the devs especially in the first months of the pandemic (and they are still supporting them). Initially not all devs had suitable office spaces at home, some were working from the living room from laptops or at the kitchen table. The whole covid situation basically just happened over night and nobody was really ready to deal with that change. So their first step was to enable their devs to work remotely. As a producer, Scylla’s main task is to communicate with the team such as via a number of daily meetings. He doesn’t depend so much on powerful hardware.
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“Enable developers to work remotely”.
This slide shows some of a BioWare audio team. Different teams have varying and specific needs in order to do their jobs and therefore in order to do them remotely. For example, the audio team need good-quality speakers and amplifiers, while the lighting and art teams need other specific equipment such as tablets and large screens. So there was a lot of work they had to do to go through each dev to understand their individual needs and what needed to be done for them. ‘Could they download the builds? Did they have the right performance [tech-wise]? Could they submit their changelists, their codes to the server?’
Some devs needed a more powerful internet connection as it would take 6-8 hours to download a build (some devs live rurally). Some needed a lot of cable, as they were working far away from their routers (sometimes up to 50m). As time went by things got better and better. 
The chair devs work from is also important; a kitchen able chair etc is not suitable to sit in for long-term desk work, possibly leading to health issues like back ache and blood circulation problems in the legs.
Every 3 months they had money given to help devs buy new mice, keyboards, monitors - anything they needed really in order for their office setting at home to be improved. For a while, because lots of people [generally, in society] were needing and buying them, it was quite hard to buy things like webcams and microphones.
On mid- and long-term changes:
In terms of DA, we have to look at this from 2 perspectives, the change in the personal and the professional environments. 
As a consequence of working from home, people tend to be less active during the day (even in an office, you go between meeting rooms, up and down stairs etc). Physical activity supports life quality and therefore work quality. Scylla noticed that he began to feel listless and such, and found that he needed to change his routine that he had initially developed when he started working from home, for example; having a normal start time (as in, have a semblance of structure in your day as if you were still working in the office site), get dressed at the normal time, not having meetings over lunch etc. This wasn’t just him, lots of other devs encountered this and had this experience too. Devs which adapted faster had better productivity and became more productive faster.
Scylla bought a stand-up desk which he can raise up and down, and at meetings he would be delivering a talk while standing or even while walking on a treadmill. Other devs also got stand-up desks. He tracked his body’s data on a Fitbit. These sorts of things helped improve physical and mental wellbeing. Other devs did similar things, like starting going out for jogs or began practising yoga. Essentially, everyone needed to make changes to their daily routine in comparison to what they had been doing prior to the pandemic. 
The pandemic has been a thing for over a year now. In their location, every couple of weeks a new restriction is put into place or a rule is changed, and every two weeks there’s a new thing that you can and can’t do. Scylla also started moving around his property. He worked on his desk, fixed it up and painted - taking up a new hobby. Other devs picked up new hobbies too. These are good ways to be active and also to be somewhere else, i.e. to break up the working day and not be spending it all in one home office-type location. Scylla found that when he made these sorts of changes to his routine to improve his lifestyle, the data output by his Fitbit as indicators of his health/wellbeing etc improved, e.g. number of steps taken in a day, heartbeats per minute while at rest. As stated many of the other devs went through a similar process.
On the professional side of things:
They had to improve remote delivery of builds. Accessing things from home as a dev requires a VPN. They need to download a build every day and then upload it to the server after making their changes to the game. They had to work with infrastructure and research other tech, such as streaming tech to allow remote console access, in order to better facilitate this process. For remote access, they also had to work on adapting communications channels.
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“Adapting channels of communication.”
In this slide, the team are working on the storyboards. Before you can implement motion capture & performance capture, you have to ‘run the storyboards’ like this. These are small illustrating drawings which reflect the drafts and are meant to quickly reflect the intention of the scenes that are to be built. Before the pandemic, the team would go to meeting rooms like this, sit down, talk and interact in person. After the pandemic, the question became ‘How do you do this over Zoom?’ You can, but it’s not quite the same; it’s harder to see peoples’ expressions, some people are embarrassed speaking over Zoom etc. Therefore they had to adapt their communications systems, and unlearn the ways in which they developed before in order to relearn and learn new ways of communicating.
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Slack was a tool that they adopted on this front. Communications channels can be confusing on Slack, so there was a need to develop structure. For example, how quickly should someone reply (as a recommended convention for the purposes of work)? They had to define the process/procedures for the channels so it was clear for the team as a whole how it would all flow (this is important especially if you have a team with say 30 people or as a whole hundreds of people). Before the pandemic, they had stand-up meetings where they’d go around in a circle every morning and talk about their activities - what they’re going to be working on, any roadblocks they had encountered etc. The question arose ‘How do you replace these?’ They ended up doing Slack messages at a certain time of day and updating their statuses with some details on what they’re working on and color-coding (green - fine, yellow - need help, red - busy/blocked out).
Another issue that they faced was unforeseen - the number of meetings that devs were having really shot through the roof. When there wasn’t a good structure of communications channels, any conversation would become a meeting. Everybody began scheduling meetings left and right, and at the end of the day they would have little time left in which to actually work on their to-do lists. Hence, they had to work with the team to really analyze and be very pragmatic. ‘Which meetings needed to happen? Which didn’t? Is a specific meeting really necessary? Which meetings should be recurring? What can be done over Slack?’ This guideline had to be given to the team to help, and it improved things a lot. The number of meetings decreased a lot and they got more effective. For example, by making sure to set an agenda for meetings beforehand, and by having meeting notes (then a dev who didn’t really need to be at a meeting could skip attending and just quickly review the notes output after instead). They also decreased the standard length of meeting times from the default Outlook blocks of 1 hour and 30 mins to 55 mins and 25 mins respectively. This 5 minute change gave devs time for things like bio breaks (also 4 hours in a row at a computer in a home office with one meeting after another just isn’t good for a person).
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“Adapting p-cap and mocap”.
On content:
From a content point of view, the most difficult thing in terms of the pandemic was adapting p-cap and mocap (performance capture and motion capture). They hire actors and it’s a large studio. The pandemic meant big limits to what they could and couldn’t do. The actors had to be masked and 5 meters apart in distance (although it doesn’t look like it in some of these shots due to angles). Also there could be no other person around in the studio - only the actors. The directors instead would ‘patch’ in remotely on big screens (you can see this in the second photo in the top right). 
Before the pandemic, they felt that they wouldn’t be able to do p-cap or mocap properly remotely, as the directors would usually stand right next to actors giving guidance on their performance. The techs would also usually be near. But they adapted! The keyword is adapting, changing process. It’s harder and it’s different, but it is possible, and people start rethinking what is possible. What was said to be impossible before now is possible.
P-cap differs to mocap in that it also captures voice and facial expressions.
On the future of work after covid:
There will probably be more working from home and more flexibility for workers e.g. being able to work say 3 out of 5 days from home. It does depend on what a dev’s specific job is however. For example, the audio engineers require lots of specialist equipment and said equipment is of higher quality and quantity in the office. So, depending on role, devs might be working more often or less often from home.
Another development is that lots of devs are moving house. In lockdown etc people started reassessing what’s most important in life. Some are moving further away from the studio to get a cheaper rent or for example couples who both needed an office space to work from home from but their current place only had one area. Others are moving closer to nature for a better quality of life, and still others have other different reasons for doing so. Over 10 devs that he knows in fact have recently moved, including Scylla himself.
The pandemic changed certain skills being used by people on a daily basis. Scylla used as an example of this one of his soft skills, being able to tell from looking/interacting in-person with someone if they are stressed out. Obviously it’s less easy to tell if someone is stressed out when you’re remote, so you adapt different ways of checking in with people in the new situation. To continue carrying out his role as Lead Producer, he began checking in with his team pro-actively on the new comms channels and asking how they were doing.
Also, now that companies are more open to working remotely, there is going to be increased competition for hiring devs. They saw both sides of this coin at BioWare. They were able to hire devs from many places that they couldn’t hire from before e.g. Montreal, Vancouver, the US, as there’s less need for devs to relocate to Edmonton or Austin. This opens up opportunities to hire really intelligent and skilled people that they would not have had access to before.
Question and answer segment:
The pre-production phase has been concluded. They’re in the production phase.
They are not giving out a lot of details yet but Scylla is really excited as a big fan of the whole series. He thinks that with DA4, they will have the opportunity/possibility to launch the best story out of all DA games. He feels that the characters they’re making are amazing. He’s dying to say more but can’t. 
When you work from home you need to keep your team as productive as possible. During the pandemic, when people started working from home, they noticed that some people became more productive and some people became less productive. They were analyzing it on a case-by-case basis so as not to make assumptions. They were interested in seeing what they could do to help. At the beginning of the pandemic, they were looking at the devs as people and seeing what they needed.
Production of DA4 still needed to continue during the pandemic because they want to be able to launch the game.
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This slide shows a writer. Writing is an example of a role which is more able to work from home easily.
Their productivity did go down in the first month of the pandemic. After adaptations, some people then became more productive than they were before (this was role and personal situation-dependent, examples of this being artists and coders who were able to art and code at home without being interrupted, thereby being able to produce more). Covid has affected productivity in general, but this is part of our new reality. They have adapted and adjusted some deadlines. They have enough data (Scylla LOVES data) now to understand how long it will take them/how long they’ll need to launch the game. They have always had historical data for this purpose, but they’re doing more of this sort of thing now to ensure that they are doing things at the right time.
Remote hiring opens up the door to more talent joining, so if someone has talent geography will hold them back less. Some companies though may choose not to hire people from other countries due to labor issues, cumbersome legal aspects, time zones. But even in such cases there are activities for example that can be carried out while the rest of the team is asleep such as testing or working on the build, or there are cases where those companies still will want to hire a specifically/highly talented person even in spite of the potential legal aspects and so on.
On mental health: People were affected. There is the mental, physical and social impacts of the pandemic situation on people. EA supported them during the pandemic in terms of their mental wellbeing, there are specific companies (services offered, speaking to a therapist) that they can contact if they need something or help. EA had always been good at supporting them with this sort of thing but this has improved further during the pandemic. Another change was that they could/can take a couple of days off if they needed/need to because of the pandemic e.g. to take care of children, who were obviously not at school at the time. As a producer he had to be very mindful of all of this. How much they were monitoring peoples’ wellbeing really went up during the pandemic.
A question that was asked - in terms of DA4′s storybeats, is there anything in there that they decided to change due to the pandemic as it wouldn’t be sensitive or appropriate to include anymore, for example a plague plotline or something? Scylla’s answer is that DA and ME are games in which they try to have narratives that are relatable, which include things which people will identify with, so that players understand what characters are going through etc. Nothing in DA4′s plotline/storybeats has been changed (in the frame of this question, relating to the pandemic), as it didn’t have anything in it that could be specifically or a directly connected to a pandemic-type situation or anything. Of course the DA story has Blights and the Taint, but these are different & fantastical things and existed long before the pandemic situation. So this wasn’t the case with DA4 and there was no need to change anything, but this has happened to other games where they decided to change a storyline due to a strong correlation with something in the real world.
There were then concluding/closing remarks. The message he wants to send is that a crisis will always spark opportunities. Look at a crisis and try to see how you can grow.
[☕ found this post interesting or useful? my ko-fi is here if you feel inclined. thank you 🙏]
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 21: Body Talk
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
Mulder’s thirty years past kindergarten, but the anticipation he’s feeling in his body is reminiscent of the excitement he felt as a child over bringing his new model airplane to school for show-and-tell. Except the context is very, very different.
He’s got an envelope tucked into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, and he’s highly aware of every crinkle it makes as he strides through the halls, making his way down to the basement.
He’d expected to receive a clean bill of health, so the contents of the envelope weren’t a surprise. Even so… he’s fuckin’ thrilled.
“Morning, Scully,” he says cheerily, waltzing into the office and peeling off his jacket. “Another hot one out there, huh?”
“Mhm,” she responds, already elbow deep in paperwork. She’s always got her nose in some pile of documents, his Scully. God, she’s so cute, it’s unbearable. He thinks of when they first met, how rosy and round her cheeks were. He regrets not having done something earlier; he missed out on kissing her adorable baby face.
He really wants to kiss her now, but they’re at work, and she’s made it abundantly clear that At Work Scully is not open to the physical demonstrations enjoyed by Off Duty Scully. Instead he sidles up beside her, holding out the envelope in front of her.
She takes it, clearly noticing that it’s already been opened. “What’s this?” she asks.
“Just a little something, from me to you,” Mulder replies, going around the desk and plopping into his chair. He clasps his hands behind his head casually, grinning at her as she slides the folded paper out of the envelope.
Scully unfolds the page and scans it, nodding to herself. “Congratulations,” she says, glancing up at him. “This is… welcome news. But you didn’t need to bring me the physical test results, Mulder. Your word is enough.”
“Oh, but I know how much you enjoy solid evidence,” he says with a wink. “So, uh… do you have your results back yet?”
“This is definitely not an office-appropriate conversation,” she warns him, slipping the page back into the envelope.
“Sorry,” he says, lowering his voice. “But…”
“Yes,” she says quietly. “Last week. I’m in the clear.”
He smiles even wider at her. “So, given this new information, what do you suggest we do, Agent Scully?”
She holds the envelope out to him across the desk. “Right now, our jobs.”
He licks his lips, nods. “Of course.”
Ten minutes later, she gets up to put a file in the filing cabinet. As she closes the drawer, she lets out a soft cough.
“Friday,” she says in a low tone. “My place.”
Mulder feels a thrill roll through his stomach. “Now how am I going to get a single thing done around here ’til then?” Mulder asks. “All I can think about is-”
She gives him a warning look.
“-You,” he finishes. “Every moment, Scully.”
Scully gives him a little pout. “I’m sorry, Mulder. That must be very difficult for you. You know what you need?”
She picks up a stack of folders out of their in-basket and drops it in front of him on the desk. “A case.”
Mulder doesn’t find them an actual case, but he does manage to annoy Scully with conjecture and conspiracy for two whole days until it’s closing time on Friday night.
This could be the most important romantic encounter of his life, and he wants to make sure he’s adequately prepared. He takes a cold shower when he gets home, scrubbing every inch of his body until his skin tingles. He clips and files his nails, plucks some stray hairs, trims a few scraggly ones down south. He almost shaves his face before deciding to leave it be. He suspects Scully likes a little stubble, after all.
It’s a warm evening, so he throws on a gray t-shirt and jeans and bounds out the door with damp hair and crisp, soap-fresh skin.
As a rule, he doesn’t sing while driving; but today, he’s humming just a little.
He knocks on her door at quarter to seven, bouncing on the balls of his feet, trying to shake out a little anxious energy. This isn’t a prom date, he chides himself. Calm down and be an adult.
The lock is turning and the door is swinging open and there Scully is, looking soft and inviting and dangerous all at once. “Hi,” she says, giving him a little smile.
“Hi,” he says softly, eyes drawn immediately to the low neckline of her simple wrap dress. He snaps his gaze back up to her face again. “Hi, sorry, I’m-”
“A little distracted?” she asks slyly. She opens the door wider. “Come in,” she says, beckoning.
“I, uh, didn’t bring anything,” he says awkwardly, following her into the apartment. “And now that I’m here that feels kinda thoughtless.”
“What would you have brought?” Scully asks.
He shrugs. “Flowers, wine, something that says ‘I want to get laid but I also respect you’,” he says.
“Well, that’s unnecessary,” she says, going into the kitchen and opening her junk drawer. “I already know that.” She pulls out a small stack of takeout menus. “I’m assuming you haven’t had dinner yet?”
I was kind of planning on having you for dinner. “I have not,” he replies.
She hands him the menus. “Pick a place, we can call something in,” she says. She takes a box of matches out of the drawer and walks over to the fireplace.
Mulder glances over the menus, but he’s mostly watching Scully. She seems relaxed and comfortable, lighting a few candles atop the mantlepiece.
“You want a little music?” she asks, blowing out the match.
“Sure,” he replies. “Surprise me.”
“Promise you won’t tease me for this,” she says, flipping through a stack of CDs.
“Any of those restaurants sound appealing?”
“The Italian place sounds good, but I don’t want my garlic breath to put you off,” he admits sheepishly.
She glances over her shoulder at him, giving him a little smile. “That restaurant usually sends a few mints in the bag; and you have a toothbrush here, if it’s that big of a problem.” She puts a CD into the stereo.
“I don’t mind if you don’t,” he says. “You want me to call it in?”
“Sure,” she replies. “You can order me a chopped salad and some of their spinach ravioli. And get garlic bread,” she adds.
When he hangs up the phone, he sees her standing by her stereo, nodding her head in time to the music. The song is slow and sensual, and somehow familiar. He goes to her, places a hand on her lower back. His spot.
“Marvin Gaye?” he guesses.
“Mm, no. Al Green,” she replies.
“Ah,” he says, nodding. “Never took you for a Motown fan, Scully,” Mulder says, pulling her in by the waist. “You always keep me guessing.”
She closes her eyes, sways in his arms. “I save this one for very specific moods,” she admits.
“And what moods are those?” he asks, running a hand up her back.
She opens her eyes. “I’ll show you later,” she whispers.
She’s looking at him with so much heat and adoration, and her lips are so full and soft, he can’t speak; only lean down and kiss her.
They drift together, interlocking shapes moving through space, rearranging patterns of hands and lips.
“We’re going to get interrupted by a delivery guy again,” Scully says against his cheek.
“Mm… kinky,” Mulder whispers, lips brushing her ear. “This is gonna become a pattern for us. Are you an exhibitionist, Scully?”
“Baby steps,” she says, patting his chest as she pulls away. “I need to leave a few mysteries for you to discover later, right?”
They sit cross-legged on the floor next to her coffee table, knees touching companionably as they eat their dinner.
“You know,” Scully says around a bite of garlic bread, “This makes me think we should go on another picnic. Since the weather is more appropriate.”
“What, sitting on the frozen ground at night in February wasn’t your idea of a good time?” Mulder jokes, tangling his fork in linguini.
“I didn’t say that,” Scully points out. “In fact, that was one of my better birthdays in recent years.”
“Really,” Mulder says, surprised. “Why?”
She absently toys with a hole in his sock. “Because… because I’d had a rough year,” she explains, “And you put thought and care into doing something special for me. And it was perfect, in all its perceived imperfections. It made me feel that for once… you were finally paying attention. You saw me.”
“Saw you?” he asks softly, turning his head to look at her.
Her eyes shine into his. “Yes. You were there for me through my cancer, with Emily… you were becoming more attentive. And I felt like you were considering me, caring for me, knowing what I needed. Seeing.”
“I-I think that’s called love, Scully,” he says, chewing pensively. Part of him is surprised this is even happening; them sitting on the floor in her apartment, eating pasta out of styrofoam boxes, talking about their feelings. Hell, he just said the ‘L’ word without breaking a sweat.
“You’re right,” she says, leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder. “It is.”
Supper completed, containers emptied, candles burning down to stubs on the mantle, Scully sitting across his thighs as they kiss slowly. She was right about the mints, it turns out.
“Mulder, I’m a coward,” she sighs, running her fingers down his jaw. “I’ve been in love with you for years and I still haven’t said the words.” She presses a kiss to his lower lip. “Even though I know you reciprocate.”
“Take your time,” he replies, carding his fingers through the hair at the nape of her neck. “I already know. And you technically did just say them,” he adds. “Besides, there’s more than one way to have a conversation.” He smoothes a hand over her kneecap, inching a finger beneath the hem of her dress.
“Mulder,” she murmurs into his neck, his name sweet in her mouth. “I’m ready. I want to be with you tonight. Completely.”
He can feel his pulse throbbing beneath her lips. “I… God, Scully, I want you so badly,” he sighs. “I can’t think of any other words. I'm all out.”
She kisses his nose, untangles herself from him to stand. “Come on,” she says softly, holding out a hand. “I think it’s time for a different kind of conversation.”
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
So.... How about that Sonic Color port?
I don't get the white-knuckle outrage people have about it.
One, bad ports and remasters like this happen a lot. Sonic Colors Ultimate was not the first, and will not be the last. I've told this story before, but it's the one that sticks out the most in my head:
Back in 2011 or 2012, a company called "Just Add Water" announced they were going to remaster Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. This was important, because Stranger was an Original Xbox exclusive, came out at the tail end of the console's life span, and was a commercial failure. The game was essentially left to rot on the Xbox.
But Stranger's Wrath was a critical darling, people loved that game, so the idea that finally, FINALLY, it would be getting proper PC and modern console releases was a big deal. An easy slam dunk for Just Add Water.
They released the remaster on PC first, a straight-across port from the Xbox hardware, and it was a technical disaster. Tons of effects were broken and it barely ran, especially if you were unlucky enough to have a Radeon GPU.
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At the time, there was a thread on the NeoGAF forum (years before it imploded) and developers from Just Add Water were posting in it, seeing how people liked the port. There were a lot of posts from hopeful fans complaining about it being broken on their machine (I was one of them). The developer's response was to make fun of people for having weak PCs, while revealing that "the game usually averaged 30fps at a resolution of 800x600" on their test machine, which was a somewhat high end system for the time. 30fps for a six year old Xbox game on a ~$700 PC build. At a resolution of 600p no less, when we were approaching the dawn of 4K games on PC.
It was disgraceful. I was mad. They were proud of this. They were arrogant about this. What a great favor they had done for us bringing Stranger's Wrath to PC where only the top 25% of their install base could run the game acceptably at low settings.
Just Add Water, perhaps realizing the growing number of scorned users, vowed that they would improve the PC port "soon." In the mean time, they ported Stranger's Wrath to every other platform under the sun. Playstation 3, Vita, Xbox 360, I think even Wii U. The PC version remained in the same broken state. They made announcements for other Oddworld games. They started porting Munch's Odyssey to other platforms, as well. Finally, something like three or four years later, after they'd already wrung everything out of the Oddworld franchise everywhere else, they went back released an updated version of Stranger's Wrath for the PC that looked and played correctly.
That was their definition of "soon."
Sonic Colors and Stranger's Wrath still aren't the only examples of this. I mean, Gearbox's original PC version of Halo was a complete mess of arbitrarily changed effects, and only now, 13 years later, did The Master Chief Collection finally fix that broken port.
Or what about the original 2007 PC port of Resident Evil 4? That looked like this:
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The game originally shipped with a complete lack of any lighting whatsoever! It was also a port of the PS2 version, so the textures were visibly worse than the original Gamecube and Wii versions. AND it still ran like unoptimized garbage, too! It took Capcom another 4-5 years to put out the "Ultimate Edition" port we have today.
All of these ultra-dramatic Sonic fans out there like "SEGA WILL PAY THE PRICE FOR HAVING CROSSED US THIS DAY" are like... yeah, it sucks that the port could be better, and we did not deserve to have it be this bad, but could you tone it down just a little?
I mean, we knew going in to this that the port looked a little funky, based on videos Sega was putting out that featured clearly broken effects. Sure, there was the hope that things would get fixed before release, but that's all it should have been: hope. Cool your jets, wait and see. But you don't have to go full Skeletor.
Based on what I've heard, from people I know and from what other rumors have said that seems to line up, it sounds like Sonic Colors Ultimate was a victim of covid-19. I was first informed that Sega was prepping a Sonic Colors remake/remaster in 2019, and it seems like the originally targeted release date was Christmas 2020. However, apparently, in early fall 2020, a performance evaluation revealed the game was in no state to release thanks to covid guidelines gumming up the development, and apparently Blind Squirrel was brought in to rescue the project.
That's probably why Sonic Colors Ultimate is this weird mishmash of original game code + an implementation of Godot bolted on over the top of it. Blind Squirrel tried to clean up the mess as best they could, but it wasn't good enough. The Switch version caught it the worst.
This isn't an excuse for the quality of the remaster. It sucks and we deserve better, but you could say that about a lot of things during this pandemic. We just don't need the big theatrics and the bickering over what is just another mediocre remaster.
I canceled my pre-order and I'm waiting to see if it gets any significant updates before I consider buying it.
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
watermelon sugar - harry styles
i’m sure that a lot of people are writing about this or something similar since the music video just came out, but i hope this is new and everyone enjoys:) (Also sorry if I used your names as some of the models, I made them up as I went lol)
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“Are you sure about this?” I ask while adjusting the strap of my swimsuit over my shoulder. I catch his eyes in the reflection from the mirror in front of me. I’ve only been sitting in the chair for a few minutes, the makeup is very minimal for the shoot.
“Absolutely.” Harry takes a step forward and hugs me from behind. “They don’t know we’re dating yet, and then once we decide we’re ready it’ll be a fun little easter egg for them to discover”
“Only, if you’re one hundred percent sure. I don’t want us getting out there before you want it to.”
“Of course, love.” He leans forward to press a kiss to my temple, “I think it’s only right to have the muse for the music in the video.”
Harry gets called to set shortly after that and I go hang out with the other girls for the shoot while they get everything ready and Harry films the first scene by himself. It couldn’t have been planned for a better day, the weather is perfect.
“Hey, Y/n.” The girls greet as I walk over.
“Hi!” I smile, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet almost all of them already. We had a few test shots together to get over with before today. All of them have been beyond kind and more than happy to keep Harry and I’s relationship a secret. Sometimes I think they’re more in love with our relationship than I am, which is saying something.
It wasn’t hard for them to figure out between the whispering and the glances exchanged. Plus Harry can be a very affectionate person, and he doesn’t want to hide our relationship from anyone, but the press.
“How’s it going?” Angela asks, everyone looks over the options from craft services.
“It’s alright, I’m excited. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“I find that hard to believe!” Heather chimes in, “You could easily be a model. I could totally refer you to my agency.”
“Well, let’s just see how today goes.” I laugh.
I never saw myself as a model, I know that I’m attractive, but never saw myself to that level of desirable. Harry has helped my confidence in so many ways. He can find beauty in almost anything.
“Who here needs sunnies?” One of the assistants on set asks as she lugs a basket with a variety of them.
All of us move forward to look at the options, attempting to match them with our outfits. They all have funky shapes and a colorful tint.
“How about these?” I ask, throwing on a purple pair. I pose a few times making everyone laugh.
“No way.” Jen pulls them off with a giggle, “Blue is totally your color for the day. It matches.”
I take the shades she hands me and my view takes on a blue haze.
“They’re not too big for my face?”
“I think they look great.” A  familiar voice calls over my shoulder.
“You think?” I bite my bottom lip, hiding a smile. “I’m not quite sure I’m sold. I feel very blue.”
“I like them.” He pulls them off my face and puts them on himself. He checks his reflection and smiles, a sure sign that he probably wants to steal them.
“I think they look better on you.” I peck his lips, “You have a big head.”
“Hey!” He pouts, wrapping his arms around my waist as his head drops to my shoulder. I laugh and wrap my arms back around his shoulders, rubbing up and down his back.
“It’s a compliment! I need to find a new pair to wear though seeing as you’ve taken mine.” I turn as best as I can with Harry still weighing me down, not relenting his grip.
“One pair left.” Andy hands me the last pair and I thank her. She hands me a red pair that I tuck on the top of my head just in time for us to start filming.
“C’mon love, I know you can do better than that. I’ve seen ya do it better.” He teases, a proud smirk hiding behind the camera.
“Yeah, usually it doesn’t involve a whole crew staring at me.” I give him a dirty look.
Of course faking an orgasm on camera in front of a whole crew would be something easy to him.
“Do we have any tequila on set?” I tease.
“Y/n, it’s not even noon.” Harry reminds with a laugh.
“Says you.” I roll my eyes.
It takes some time and letting lose a little to get shots that look good. It got easier each shot we did. We got several takes that the director and Harry approved of.
If you had told me a year ago that I would be faking an orgasm in a swimsuit on a beach with a watermelon between my legs, I would’ve called you crazy.
“You did it, love.” He tackles me down in the sand. He knew that this was the part that I was least excited for.
“Hey, you got sand all over my watermelon.” I look at the slice that he’s successfully knocked onto the beach.”
“Oh is it now?” He raises his brows, a wide smirk gracing his face.
“Shut up!” I push him off.
“You set yourself up for that one!” He calls after, still laughing.
The other girls film some takes and I’m relieved to have some of the pressure gone. It settles me a little that some of the other girls struggle too, trying not to laugh.
We move on to the next scene which is a group scene. We’re all laid out on the beach, Harry central to everyone. He kept trying to pull me in closer, but I fought to stay by some of the other girls.
“This is just supposed to hint at our relationship, Styles.” I pull my ankle from his grip.
“But, I want to be next to you.” He pouts.
“Aww.” Heather sighs, giving me puppy dog eyes.
“If you feel so bad, you can kiss him for this.” I tell her with a laugh, laying back down on my beach towel.
“Ya don’t even want to kiss yer own boyfriend?” He huffs. He scoots a little closer and reaches an arm out. I expect him to run a hand through my hair, but I’m surprised when he pulls my sunglasses off my face.
“Would you stop stealing my sunglasses?” I yell trying to reach for my pair back. He pulls me close to his side, locking his arms around my waist.
“You just make them look so cute.” He grins.
“Ass.” I mutter as I wiggle from his grip.
“Excuse me, miss, what was that?” He laughs pulling me in closer.
“Get off me.” I can’t fight off the laughter anymore.
We start filming and it takes a lot of shots to get a good mix of everything. Harry being fed fruit, Harry admiring all us girls, and just a lot of overall touching. Touching is a common thread in this video. Heather and Nadra end up being the girls to kiss him on the cheek, but I give in when Harry wants to lay on my chest and be the one to feed him. I’m sure we got a lot of bloopers from it because there were many takes that one of us would breakout laughing.
We move to the next location where we are all supposed to take a group picture, eat more watermelon, and fall into a big group of touching again.
Harry’s fingers are intertwined with mine while my limbs are tangled with someone I’ve only met twice. We lay around for a while, for a full day on set with filming it’s kind of relaxing. We move on to the next bit right after, everything between scenes moving quickly. We’re attempting to film it all in one day so avoid lighting issues between days.
“You better lookout, you keep making music videos with orgys and you’ll get a reputation.” I tease, whispering over his shoulder.
“You’re so in for it when we get home.” He shakes his head while still smiling at the camera.  
“Can’t wait.” I smile.
The other girls laugh, of course they heard our conversation we’re all standing or sitting close together for the picture and filming everything. I hover over Harry’s shoulder, liking my spot in the back.
“Alright, so we’ve done all the shots for this spot, we’ve just got one left. We saved it for last because it’s when everyone is eating, Everyone try to get Harry to eat your piece.” The director instructs before calling action.
I share a piece with a girl named Adaline before moving in on Harry, I hold out my piece for him, while I lean in closer to him and bite down lightly on his earlobe. I catch his eyes half close for a second and smirk.
Before he knows it, I move on to be with the other girls and the director yells cut.
“You are something else today, baby.” He shakes his head, still seemingly a little dazed.
“C’mon, babe, we only have one more spot to film.”
I reach out my hand for him to follow as we go down to the beach again. The sun is setting now, casting a completely different light from earlier today. Our director informs us that this is just going to be placed between other shots. More montages of us with Harry, running around on the beach.
“Christ, the water is freezing.” Anna takes a step back out of the water's reach. We’re filming in Malibu, but it’s still technically winter so the water isn’t exactly comfortable.
“Yeah, that’s why we’re running.” Harry laughs, “We barely need to get our ankles wet.”
It doesn’t take long to get enough takes, these scenes are supposed to seem carefree, so they aren’t really planned out.
“Alright, I think we’ve got it all.” The director announces and we all let out a cheer. I give the girls all hugs and find Harry thanking them.
“Hey.” I smile, I kick up a small amount of water on his leg to grab his attention. He turns and there’s already mischelf in his smile.
“Don’t you dare.” I hold out a hand to stop him. I recognize that evil look in his eyes. I take off in a sprint, but his long legs don’t take long to catch up. He reaches around and hooks me into his chest. Before I know it, my feet are off the ground and Harry and I are going in. The water was cold before, but now that I’m enveloped in it, it’s freezing.
Harry and I both come up sputtering for air.
“You ass.” I fight and wrestle with him trying to pull him under again. We’re both laughing while fighting for the upperhand.
“Alright, lets go.” He pulls me up with him. I pull him down one more time, this time for a long kiss. HIs lips are warm and familiar. We walk up the shore a little bit, finding the crew again.
“Thank you for today.” His arm wraps around my shoulder. We both found towels to fight off the teeth chattering.
“Of course, I had so much fun.” I grin. “Plus, I think I’ve made some new friends.”
“That’s lovely. Now let’s get you home.” He pats my bum and scoops up my legs and takes off running.
We filmed the video months ago, and today is the day it’s finally released. It’s been done for a while now, but Harry thought with quarantine and everything it might be a nice pick me up for everyone.
“Ready?” Harry asks as he pulls up the video on the TV.
“Yes! It’s been killing me not seeing it.”
Harry has been in the know of everything, giving his input and changing parts that he wants to. I have been in the dark to it all, seeing the video at the same time as the world. As soon as the music starts and the screen starts to play it a smile grows on my face.
“Oh my god, it’s Angela, and Heather, and Nadra, and Adeline!” I name each girl as they come across the screen. “I miss them.”
I have to fight the urge to cringe when it’s me on the screen. It’s beautifully done, a masterpiece, but I don’t want to think about my parents seeing this.
“Alright, we get it love, you’re friends with em all now.” He teases.
“Shut up!” I slap his chest, “You kind bond with someone when you film a clothed orgy with them.”
Harry’s cheeks turn pink while he fights a smirk.
The video continues and it’s a reminder of what an amazing day it was. It’s cool to see the way it was edited. The way all of us girls were blended together, and small touches were magnified. Everything just feels so sexy. I feel Harry poke at my sides any time that it’s the two of us on the screen, which I have to say might be a tad bit more than other girls. I know for sure that the other girls didn’t get an intense slow motion zoom in if they ever nibbled on his ear. Now it’s my turn to blush.
“Baby, you’ve smashed this.” I comment as the video comes to an end.
“You too.” He presses a kiss to my lips.
“I also have a little surprise.” He reaches for his phone from the coffee table.
“And what would that be?” I prompt, turning to face him on the couch, my legs finding home on his lap.
“This.” He hands me his phone and it’s another video from the day. It’s all of the shots that they filmed on the retro camera for film. It’s a lot of behind the scenes, stuff I never even knew that they were filming for.
Harry giving me hugs while I was in hair and makeup.
Harry and I trading off sunglasses, Twice.
Harry and I’s conversation from when we were taking the group photos.
Harry throwing me in the water and us playfully fighting through shivers.
Harry and I walking away on the beach, as he scoops me up and takes off running.
It was all captured, and I was none the wiser.
“What is this?” I smile, handing him his phone back.
“The video I’m posting...tonight. To confirm our relationship, because I don’t want to hide you anymore. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Especially after that video.” He smirks.
“I love you.” I sigh, pressing my lips to his a few times.
“I love you too.”
“Play it again.” I lay my head back on his shoulder.
“Just for you, sugar.” Harry grins.
this was cute, hope you enjoyed:)
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twilightdruig · 3 years
why did it have to be me?
pairing: bill weasley x fem!reader, slight ron weasley x fem!reader
summary: (part 2 of mamma mia! series) after y/n’s intimate night with ron, she’s off to greece in search for her destiny and future. too bad she misses her boat.
warnings: mamma mia!au, muggle!au, alludes to sex, reader has mommy issues
words: 1.8k
a/n: unedited!! , this is the second part of the mamma mia! series, next is sam aka donna’s 3rd lover. hope you enjoyed this!
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y/n successfully snuck out of the small hotel room of ron weasley. the two shared an intimate night only a few hours ago and here she was leaving for greece.
she arrived at the pier, met with a short, bald man who was checking for their tickets.
“hey” she slid her ticket and id into the booth he was sitting in. he looked very uninterested and drowsy.
she sighed before the ticket man inspected her ticket and id. “you grew your hair. it’s longer now.” he bellowed with a french accent. it reminded her of fleur a bit who was full french.
“it is a bit. yeah.” she sighs, looking back at the boat she was supposed to be in “we could totally talk about that but, um, i’m kind of in a hurry. the ferry leaves any time now and this trip’s very important, you see—“
“i prefer it shorter.” he retorted.
the ferry departing the dock now. y/n felt as though her destiny was departing with it.
the ticketman stamps her ticket and gives it back to her. before he knows it she was running, trying to catch the boat who wasn’t at the dock anymore.
“wait! wait!” she cried out, not caring about half of her wardrobe falling out of her trunk “please! don’t. oh, god!” she dropped her baggage and felt like she wanted to drop dead as well.
she was about to before she heard another person behind her.
“this is great.” she turned around to be met with yet another ginger man. this one was tall, had a few scars on his face, had a (what looked like) a shark tooth necklace and a black earring. “i’m just gonna follow you everywhere. by the end of the day, i’ll have a whole new wardrobe.” he laughed.
this brightened up her mood a little bit. this man, quite attractive as well, holding multiple of her clothing items and was laughing.
“i don’t think that’ll suit you” she tilted her head and giggled.
“oh trust me, love. i can make this work” he winked before trying to put her clothes ; specifically a two piece top, on his muscular body. he was different from ron. he may have been ginger as well but this one looked cool, earring, long hair, leather — no, snake skin? boots, he was lanky and almost the exact opposite from ron.
“ugh,” she groaned “i really wanted to catch that ferry”
“i’m sure there’ll be another one tomorrow” he assured.
“thanks.” she turned her head back to him while smiling sarcastically.
he jumped to another boat. a private one. y/n wondered, maybe this was his. he wouldn’t mind taking her to wherever she was going right?
“right, uh… but what would be really great… today, not tomorrow… is if, uh, somewhere in this harbor there was a guy.” she tested the waters.
“young, tall, dashingly handsome?” he interjected.
“he’s probably passive-looking, but… he has a boat.” she continued.
“and a couple days free before he takes part in a sailing race.” he was swinging by one of the ropes now.
“so maybe, maybe. he can take me where i want to go?” she urged, rolling on the balls of her feet.
“he’d love to” he consented, grinning.
“but, the… um, sad fact is… this-this isn’t my boat; i just wanted to impress you” he finally stood still, trying to act serious, until he chuckled.
“oh, okay” she was about to turn around and leave, before she even got to that she heard fits of laughter coming from the man.
“i’m kidding!” he waved his hands in the air “hop on, i’m bill”
she scoffed and laughed. she jumped on the boat, put down her things and tried to get comfy.
bill led her to where the beds were. “i actually have an elderly relative on the island who helped me buy this beauty.”
she nodded as he explained.
“well, it certainly is a beauty” she ran her hand over the details of the small boat.
“thank you” he pretended to tip a hat.
“well, there are two beds down here. unfortunately, one’s a little bit… full” he gestured to the certainly full bed against one side of the small room.
“huh… convenient” she rolled her eyes.
“well i’m lucky this trip isn’t long enough for you to shatter my heart into pieces” he teased.
“ugh” she moaned “i get it. i’m attractive and charming” she winked.
he paused before talking again “you’re one of them” he smiled.
her face contorted into a look of confusion “one of who?”
“there are two,” he put two fingers up “kinds of seducer.”
he paused again, “first doesn’t actually like women, so he wants to assert his power and dominance over them. second one, far, far more dangerous, is the guy who falls in love every morning just to fall out of love the next.”
she chuckled at his explanation.
“but as you run away, you tell her you’re the one in pain and she’s just too much for you to handle” he smirked.
y/n was trying to tidy up the bed she will supposedly sleep in.
before she could actually get any work done bill pulled her back up to the deck.
“bill!” she exclaimed then giggled excitedly.
bill played some music on his radio before the two started dancing on deck. technically, he told her to while he steered to wherever they were going.
multiple minutes or hours passed. she couldn’t tell how long it has been. she had been talking and giggling with him for way too long.
what y/n was unaware of is that her most recent ginger boy toy (before george) was on the harbor trying to catch the boat he thought she was on.
ron rushed the ticket man to scan his ticket and check his id. “your hair. it’s short now”
“well… yes, i had to cut it for work” he politely smiled, slightly shaking from nervousness “uhm… i wonder, could you hurry up a bit? uh, you see i’ve followed a girl all the way from paris. she wrote me a note. a very kind note… saying goodbye.” he sighed.
when the ticketman didn’t reply, he continued “but, when you’ve found the only girl you’re ever gonna love, it’s gotta be worth one more try! don’t you think?”
“it’s better short” the ticketman returned his things. ron ran off to the edge only to find the boat far from the pier.
ron felt helpless. he really liked loved this woman. he really thought he had a chance with her.
back to the boat where y/n and bill were bonding, “you’re really funny, you know that?” she complimented, “and you’re very attractive… and charming” he complimented her back.
“listen… we only just met”
their faces grew hot and they were nearing each other’s, noses bumping against one another, just about to kiss until a faint yell was heard from a distance.
“hey! help!” they heard a masculine voice who sounded like they were drowning.
“do you hear that?” she pushed him away.
“what? no. that was um.. a seagull now, where were we?” he pulled her close to his chest once more.
“anyone on that boat?! help!!” the voice yelled again.
“there it was again!” she pushed his chest to see where the gurgled voice was coming from.
he groaned “we’re coming!!”
“hi!” y/n greeted. she found a man on a still boat.
“just checking to see you’re not in danger, which you’re obviously not, so… we’ll be off” he tried tugging her arm but she wouldn’t budge.
“uh.. my engine is not working” the man gestured to the non moving vehicle.
“oh, that is bad luck” bill scratched his head “i-i’ll radio someone for someone to come and help. they should be along soon.”
“please, please!” the man pleaded “there is a woman waiting for me on main land. her family, they not want her to marry simple man like alexio. they want rich man. ugly, big, fat, mole but rich.” he frowned “but she… she want me. and i love her with all my heartness” he smiled at the thought of his lover “please help, kind sir and beautiful lady”
y/n laughed “well obviously we’re doing this” she turned to bill.
they turned back to alexio “yes” they said at the same time.
they sailed for a few minutes until the saw dry land and a few people waiting on it. men in suits and a lady in a white wedding dress.
“i see them. okay, everyone, we’re nearly—“
“apollonia!!” alexio yelled, cutting off bill’s sentence.
bill went to speak up again until alexio jumped off the boat “apollonia!!!” he yelled again.
“woah!” bill was surprised by the man jumping off. y/n was just laughing on the floor.
“what are you doing? we could get you closer” bill roared with laughter.
“if you love someone, you’re willing to die for them!” his voice was gurgled as he might’ve swallowed water.
“apollonia” he yelled again.
“alexio?!” she turned around “alexio!” she started running to the edge of the pier, ready to jump off.
“aah! apollon..!” his head dunked underwater.
“he’s just swallowed a big mouthful of water, but the basic point he’s trying to make is that he loves you!” bill screamed for alexio.
“what?” she screamed back.
“he loves you!” both y/n and bill yelled. both of their throats getting sore.
“apollonia!” alexio screamed for the umpteenth time.
apollonia jumped into the water in her wedding dress, trying to swim to her unrequited lover.
faint and distant ‘apollonia!’s and ‘apollonia no!’s came from the men in suits she was previously with.
“oh god, i don’t think she can swim either” he began to take his own shirt off.
“well, she’s wearing a dress”
bill couldn’t hear her when he already jumped in the water to save the couple.
bill dropped them off at the second nearest dry land, away from apollonia’s relatives.
sooner or later, they arrived at y/n’s destination. the island of kalokairi.
“hey,” bill grabbed her attention once more “you sure you’re okay here?”
“yeah” she smiled at him “i’ll be fine”
“i’ll come back after the race” he reassured her “although it wouldn’t be for a few weeks, but i do promise to come back.”
“look at this place” she gushed “it’s so beautiful”
“it is, yeah.” they admired their surroundings while nearing where bill would drop off y/n.
“what? what’s wrong?” she noticed his expression.
“storm’s coming” he murmured. this worried herself. but all that worried faded when she noticed the clear sky.
“shut up, it’s a clear sky” she rolled her eyes.
“trust me,” he paused “actually, don’t”
“but i know i’m right. i’ll still be fine. i got a very good feeling.”
“bye, bill” she hopped off the boat, dragging her trunk on the wooden floor.
“see you soon, yeah?”
“yeah. thanks a lot too!”
“anytime, love” they waved at each other until bill was out of sight.
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sfb123 · 4 years
Sapere Aude - Part 7
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 2,670
Notes: Sorry. I’ve been on a pretty good once a week schedule, but this one is a little more delayed. I had a lot going on this week, so I didn’t have a chance to get it up. But here it is, I hope you find it worth the wait!
Shout out to my pre-reading possy, @texaskitten30 and @txemrn, and @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard! 
Tags: Do tags even actually do anything anymore? Who knows, but in case they do, they’re added below and also in the comments. Maybe that will help at least a couple of you get them. If you want to be added or removed, just let me know. 
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Riley paced back and forth in her bedroom, mind reeling from her meeting with Eleanor. It was bad enough that she was going to have to tell Liam that his mother was alive, but now she would have to tell him that the guard they were trusting with their daughter’s life was actually his brother. She was certain, no matter how stoic and level headed her husband was, this news was going to break him. Riley would just need to make sure that he kept his cool outside of the sanctuary of their quarters. 
Her train of thought was broken when she heard a knocking at her door. “Come in.” She smiled as Drake entered the room. “Hey, when you left you had my kid with you. Don’t tell me you left her out in the woods to fend for herself a la some weird Walker wilderness test.”
Drake rolled his eyes. “Very funny. She fell asleep on the way back, so I just dropped her off in her room. I wanted to come in and see how things went with you.” 
She sighed and sat on the bench at the end of her bed, patting the empty seat next to her. “You’re going to want to sit down for this one, big guy.” Drake had known Liam his whole life, maybe he could help her figure out the best way to tell him about his mother, and now brother. But she had to tell him about his father first. “I learned a lot more in this meeting, and literally none of it was good.”
He put a comforting arm around his friend’s shoulders. “Ok, do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help you come up with the best way to tell Liam.”
“Well yea, I’m going to need a lot of help with that, like a lot a lot of help, but there’s something you need to know too.” 
She looked up at him with so much sadness in her eyes that Drake felt overwhelmed. He pulled her into a tight hug. “Hey, it’s ok Brooks, whatever it is, I can take it. Just let me have it.”
“Your dad was one of them, he was working with Eleanor. They were partners.” Her voice was muffled against Drake’s chest, but he was able to hear every word she said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed to be there for his friend right now, but this was also a huge blow to everything he had ever known or believed about his father.
“Wait, he was working against Constantine?” He pulled out of the hug and rubbed his hand over his face, letting the information fully sink in. “But he was his lead guard, he saved his life. More than once.”
“I know. He wasn’t technically against Constantnine, and I guess technically he did die protecting him.”
“What do you mean?” There was a hopeful sadness in Drake’s voice. 
“Well, Eleanor said that your dad didn’t agree with the plans to overthrow Constantine, so the assasination attempt that took his life was actually meant for him.” Riley was so upset that she didn’t even realize what she had said. 
Drake didn’t catch it at first either, still trying to process the information about his dad, but once it hit him, he looked over to Riley, utterly confused. “Wait, who said that? Eleanor who?”
Riley’s eyes immediately fell to the floor. “Yea...that’s kind of one of the other things. The meeting I had today was with Eleanor, Liam’s mother. She didn’t actually die, she went into hiding.” The tears she had been holding back all day finally started to flow. 
“Holy shit Brooks, way to bury the lead. Liam’s mother is alive? You met with her? She was here?”
“She’s...she’s in charge of the Via Imperii in Cordonia. What the hell am I supposed to tell Liam? This is going to kill him.” Riley began sobbing into her hands.
“Hey, shh shh shh, come here.” He pulled Riley back into his arms, gently stroking her back. “This is major. It’s going to be a big blow for Liam, but he has you to help him get through it. You guys have been through hell and back, you’ll get through this too.”
They stayed like that for a while, Riley needed to get all of her emotions out. Drake knew this, and just stayed there to be the comforting friend that she needed in that moment. He had to come to terms with his dad, and he would, but the news he got was nothing compared to the devastation his best friend, his brother, was about to receive. 
Riley was able to finally calm herself down. She pulled away from Drake, wiping the lingering tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry Drake, I didn’t mean to break down on you like that.”
“Don’t worry about it, Brooks. You needed to get it out. You need to empty the tank before you bring this to Liam…”
“There’s more.” She interrupted him.
“I’m afraid to ask, but we’ve already come this far.”
“Remember when I was pregnant, and we found out all that information about Eleanor, and how she was pregnant when she…” Riley trailed off. 
“Fuck. That’s right. Liam has a sibling out there somewhere.” Drake ran his hand through his hair. 
“Not somewhere. In the palace, guarding Eleanor.”
“Thomas?” Drake and Thomas were friendly, Drake was friendly with most of the guards. He couldn’t believe that this whole time, he had been talking to Liam’s brother. “Does he know that he’s...that he and Liam are brothers?”
Riley nodded. “He does. Eleanor said that when he learned that he was a Rys, he wanted to be close to his family, and do what he could to keep them safe. That’s how he ended up assigned to the King’s Guard.”
Drake stood and walked over to the fireplace, watching the flames dance as he shook his head. “This is unbelievable. His mother is alive, and he’s had another brother this whole time.” As he came to another realization, he snapped his head back to look at Riley. “Is Thomas his full brother? Like Constantine is his dad too?”
Riley nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Full brother. Constantine had three sons.”
“That means he’s a Prince too. What if he tries to get Liam out to put himself in place?”
“That can’t happen. Eleanor, my Eleanor, is the heir. Liam is the reigning King, so his child would be next in line for the throne…” She paused, taking a deep breath, not wanting to put her next thought into the universe, but it needed to be said. “If anything happened to him, Eleanor would be next in line, and as her parent and legal guardian, I would be Queen Regent, so I would rule until she became of age. They’ve already tried, and failed, to take her away from us once. I don’t think they would do that again.”
“Right, Barthelemy. Jesus, all of our parents sucked. Barthelemy, Eleanor, my dad, Olivia’s parents. Constantine wasn’t exactly in the running for father of the year. You and Hana are the only ones that really lucked out.”
Riley let out a humorless chuckle. “Heh, who would have thought, after everything we’ve gone through, Hana’s overbearing, controlling, parents would have been considered the normal ones.” She walked up to Drake and linked her arm through his. “Drake, your dad was a good guy, he just got caught up with the wrong group. He really did die trying to save the King, just not in the way we thought he did.”
“Yea, I guess.” 
“And you know what?” She grabbed both of his shoulders, turning him to look her in the eyes. “For as shitty as you guys’ parents were, they made some pretty great humans. You, Savannah, Maxwell, Bertrand, Liam, even Leo.” Throwing Leo in there like that got a chuckle out of Drake, which is exactly what she was hoping for. “You guys are some of the most amazing, selfless, caring people I have ever met, and I am truly honored that you all are my family.” She pulled him in for a hug. 
“Alright, that was a pretty good pep-talk. But when you give it to Liam, make sure you mention him first.” They both laughed as they separated. 
“Thanks for the note. I’ll be sure to punch it up before I talk to him.” She smirked at him. “I should go check on Eleanor. Are you going to be ok?”
“Yea, I’ll be alright. I’m more worried about Liam to be honest. Do you want me to be there when you tell him?”
“No, I think this is something he and I need to handle one on one. But I love the concern. See what I mean, amazing human.” She made finger guns and pointed them at Drake. 
“Alright, alright. Well, I was going to head up to Ramsford tomorrow, after we get back. I could take Eleanor with me, she and Bartie could have a slumber party, and you and Liam can have plenty of time to talk.”
“Drake, I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve basically spent the whole weekend with her. I’ve already imposed too much.”
“It’s not imposing if I’m offering. I know Liam, he’s going to need time to just deal. He’s not going to be able to do that if you guys have to be in parent mode. It’s no trouble, really.”
Riley was overwhelmed by the generosity of her friend. He had just received news that completely destroyed the image he had of his father, his hero, and his first instinct was to do whatever he could to make things easier for her and Liam. Without saying a word she barreled toward him, the force of her body hitting him knocked him off balance slightly, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Number one best friend of life. No question.”
“Alright slugger, take it down a notch. Go get your kid, I’m going to go back to my room and relax for a bit. Come get me for dinner?”
Riley nodded as they exited her room and took off down different ends of the hallway. 
The next day, Riley Drake and Eleanor were in the SUV on their way back to the palace. It had been another sleepless night for Riley, trying to work out exactly what she was going to say to Liam. She came up empty. She was just going to have to wing it. They would have a couple of hours together as a family before Drake brought Eleanor to Ramsford, then she would completely devastate her husband. 
“Mommy?” Eleanor spoke up, pulling Riley from her thoughts. 
“Yes baby girl?” 
“Are you and daddy going to come play with me and Bartie?”
“No Eleanor, not this time. Mommy and daddy have some grown up stuff we need to do.” She reached across the seat and held her daughters hands. 
“Ew are you and daddy going to kiss?” Eleanor scrunched up her face, causing Drake to choke on the sip of water he had just taken. 
Riley burst out laughing at the comment. “No baby, no kissing.”
“Can I play with daddy first? I miss him!”
“Of course. Uncle Drake is going to go home first, and then he’ll be back to pick you up after dinner.” She kissed Eleanor’s hand.
As they pulled into the palace, Riley’s breath caught in her throat seeing Liam waiting for them in the front. Whenever they spent a night apart, they made it a tradition that whoever got home first would wait for the other out front. This was the first time she had ever hated that tradition. She wished she had a little more time to compose herself before seeing him. 
Drake noticed the panic flash across her face and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You’ve got this, Brooks. Deep breaths.”
She nodded as the car came to a stop. She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself as her door opened. Drake worked to unbuckle Eleanor on the other side of the car.
“Riley, my queen. I’ve missed you.”
The tears immediately started to well up in her eyes. “Liam.” She jumped out of the car, and into her husband’s arms. “I love you, I love you so much.”
He held her close, rubbing her back in soothing circles and kissing her on the crown of her head. “I know, Riley. I love you too. It will be ok, we’re together now. Everything is going to be ok.”
“Daddy!” Their reunion was interrupted as Eleanor ran full force into her parents to join their hug.
Liam pulled back, giving Riley a brief kiss and a wink before diverting his attention to his daughter. “Welcome home, princess.” He lifted Eleanor into his arms.
“Uncle Drake took me fishing. I caught the biggest fish!”
“You did? I’m very proud of you.” He kissed her cheek.
“For the record, it was the only fish.” Drake emerged from the other side of the car, sticking his tongue out at Eleanor, she returned the gesture. 
“That’s alright, going fishing with Uncle Drake and catching the only fish is still a very big accomplishment.” Liam placed Eleanor back on the ground and extended his other hand out to shake Drake’s. “Thank you for taking care of my girls for me this weekend Drake.” 
“For this one,” he signaled down to Eleanor, “anytime. This one,” he nudged Riley, “not so much.”
Riley rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder. Liam chuckled, with everything he knew Riley had to endure this weekend, it made him happy to see her joking around, even if it were just for a moment. 
“Daddy, Uncle Drake is going to take me with him for a slumber party with Bartie tonight! It’s going to be so much fun!” Eleanor tugged on Liam’s pant leg to get his attention. 
He crouched down to meet her face to face. “Really? You just got home and you’re already leaving me again?” He gave her an exaggerated pout, she responded by placing her hands on either side of his face and kissing his nose. “I’m sorry daddy, mommy said you had grown up stuff to do. Maybe if you say please, she will let you come with me. I bet it will be more fun than the grown up stuff.”
Riley sighed as Liam turned and faced her. “I’m sorry Liam, I know you haven’t seen her all weekend, but Drake offered to bring her with him to Ramsford. And the stuff we need to catch up on will be a lot easier to go over if it’s just us.” There was a seriousness in her expression, Liam understood that she didn’t mean the usual catching up they did when they had been separated for a few days. 
“No, of course.” He turned to Drake. “You don’t have to leave just yet, do you? I would like to spend some time catching up with Eleanor before she leaves again.”
“Nah you’ve got time. I’m going to head back to my place, I’ve got a few things for Bartie that I’m going to bring with me. I’ll be by after dinner to pick her up.” He clapped Liam on the shoulder. Liam nodded as a silent thank you to his friend. 
As Drake walked to his truck, Liam took Eleanor’s hand in his, and wrapped his other arm around Riley. “Alright then, let’s go make up for lost time. Eleanor, I want to hear all about your weekend. Don’t leave a single detail out.”
They walked into the palace and up to their quarters. Liam and Riley were both dreading the conversation that would come later that night, but silently vowed to forget about those feelings, so they could enjoy time as a family.
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Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou​ @imturaxamara @gabesmommie1130 @cordoniaqueensworld
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Climb Chapter Three
This time Clark isn't going to let you get off with a warning hell bent on giving you a punishment you wont forget... but with you bent over just he couldn't help himself.
Warnings: Adult situations 18+, Spanking, Smut, Daddy kink, Size kink, dirty talk, humiliation
A/n: so been working on this for a while, got a few more things I’m writing atm which should hopefully be finished soon, i do hope you enjoy xx... P.S Its another long boi...sorry xx
dividers by @writeyourmindaway​
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @magdelen69​ @iloveyouyen​
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A Climb Chapter Three
Clark watched as you made your way across the office coffee in each hand and a paper tucked under your arm. You smiled placing his coffee beside him. It was one week since the whole superman discipline fiasco and you and Clark was officially a couple. He smiled sweetly thanking you then peered uneasy into the cup hoping it wasn't another ginger spice crappy frappie thing.
"What is it today then?" Looking at the frothy milk already pulling a face at it you laughed at his expression then leant on his desk.
"Coconut latte, honestly Clark you haven't even tried it yet, broaden your horizons live a little, you can't just stick to the same boring black coffee every single day... Go on try it its sweet just like you, I promise you'll like it." He scrunched his nose, coconut? In milk and coffee? He looked at you as you sipped your own drink.
"I happen to like black coffee... But you did buy it so I might as well try it...I'd hate for you to waste your money" he said taking a hesitant sip as Lois came over eyeing you both curiously, you mouthed coconut to her and she shook her head.
"You trying to get him on fancy coffee? Not sure if that will work but I admire your efforts" you both watched as Clark hummed and nodded before taking a second sip. You smiled laughing as he refused to put the cup down taking slow drags from it now and then.
"See I told you~" you said in a sing song voice. Then placed the paper down beside you on the desk.
"Soo whats on the agenda for today then girls and boys?" Lois shook her head at your antics, having you around the office was effectively having a child in the building. A fully grown 5ft fuck all fearless, sneaky child, which is exactly why she needed you ,you were to all intents and purposes a fucking ninja...Or at least you should have been.
"Well y/n I was hoping I could steal you from Clark for a while?" You tilted your head at her
"Define a while?"
"Day or two? I need someone who will keep up with me." You mulled it over taking another sip ,that normally meant she was either doing something she shouldn't and needs a photographer she could trust or needed you to do some behind the scenes acrobatic snooping. You ignored the way Clark's eyes wandered over the two of you carefully.
"What's the story?" Her face lit up as you asked
"Got a lead on that chemical leak down by the Lex corp labs, its causing symptoms similar to the victims of nuclear radiation, immunity failure, it hasn't killed anyone...Yet anyway, but there are fourteen people hospitalized and they are trying to white wash it as some industrial strength cleaning solution accident." You tilted your head at her nodding slowly sounds like a major cock up on the lab's part.
"Yep fine, you want me to get my stuff now or-" you was interrupted by Clark placing a hand on your thigh squeezing the strength shocked you as he pinned you to the desk you were seated on.
"No" both you and Lois looked at him and started speaking first
"What? Clark its fine she will be with me" she said you continued
"Yeah it will be okay I'm not even leaving the city this time" he stood still holding your thigh under his heavy palm squeezing it tightly making you wince a little then released it, he moved standing close shielding you from Lois slightly puffing out his chest looking down at you making you gulp a little as your clit tingled at his imposing stance you wet your lips a little. He tilted his head looking sternly at you.
"I said no,Love your not going running in to god knows what. We don't even know what that stuff is?" He added waving his hand around .You grit your teeth and pushed him back a little you and stood at your full height jabbing him in the chest, then shook out your finger as it had hurt.
"Well that's the point of going isn't it you know investigating what it is? Look I know your worried but if they are doing some freaky chemical testing shit then its dangerous! Besides I'm just going to take photos of the facility. Nothing will happen we will be extra careful wont we Lois?"
"Of course we will just photos and statements that's all promise" she backed you up he looked between the two of you and sighed.
"Lois no that place is to dangerous, the things they have there-" he caught himself but Lois didn't click ...Or really listen to him, it was a story. Her story you hesitated.  At his statement sparing Lois a glance.
"Clark people have a right to know if Lex corp are doing Illegal testing!" he grunted ignoring her turning to you pointing at you
"I said no...And I mean it, I'm not playing around you know what will happen if you ignore me, he is still on your tail I will find out" you took a step back at his severe look and reluctantly nodded he was serious, you pivoted to Lois giving a apologetic look.
"Lois ...It does sound a bit iffy...Lets look for another story from Perry" you winked at her discreetly nodding to the elevators she huffed turning in a strop making her way across the office, you sighed as Clark sat down at his desk rolling his eyes.
"Great now shes in a mood"he sighed
"She'll get over it....Thank you for dropping it, I love you" you froze insides twisting with guilt already as he pulled you down to his face giving you a kiss you smiled at him sweetly before looking away towards Lois and grimanced watching her stalk towards the elevators all but crushing the buttons
"I'll go talk to her" he hummed in agreement
"Okay be safe love" looking back to his screen and beginning to type his own article as you made your way to her sneakily still having your bag over your shoulder and quickly made it to the elevator slipping in beside Lois.
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Once outside you sighed walking along side Lois she looked up at you smirking, you both high fived.
"Soo you and Clark huh? Never got the full story on how that finally happen?"You blushed not sure what to say not like you could say superman spanked you like a child for climbing buildings then delivered you to Clark for another scolding.
"We err yeah we argued over something silly and he sort of screamed he loved me, not exactly romantic but that was it" she smiled nodding.
"Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, he has had his eye on your for a while, been telling him for months to ask you out he was to shy." You laughed yes that sounded like him. You did feel a little uncomfortable after all Lois was his ex. She gave you a side glance
"What did he mean back then in the office?" You flushed chuckling
"Oh that who knows with him I mean come on this is Clark hes a bit backwards isn't he?" She couldn't argue there then it got quiet noticing your mood change and sighed she wasn't going to let this cause a rift between you both, she'd been working with you for nearly six years you were friends.
"I don't mind you know, it didn't work out between Clark and I, I wish it had but it just didn't, honestly I knew he liked you after he started working with you,  when we was still together, I could feel it, that's why I ended it... I wasn't the one he truly wanted, I was just the first he opened up to sometimes I think he just felt obligated to be with me but if you hurt him you'll have me on your case you got that?" You nodded smiling at her softly.
"Thank you, I was afraid that you wouldn't like me anymore that's why I've avoided you a bit." she laughed and pushed you a bit making you weave around a small group of businessmen  then come back to her side.
"Course not don't be stupid, by the way you do know were sneaking in don't you?" You grinned waving your slightly smaller camera
"Why do you think I've got this bad boy? and I brought my new go pro , got this new one better pixels and its more stable just have to change shoes when we get there trainers are in my bag. So what do you think it is? Some poison? Or nuclear type thing?" She hummed
"Always prepared huh? And I'm not certain but it could be a weapon? Apparently Lex corp has been trying to get government contracts for military imports and exports, I think it was a a chemical weapon test gone south."
"Military? Was they approved?" She shook her head stopping beside you
"No it was denied and its the fifth time this year they seem desperate and I think its because they already have weapons and are testing them but technically until they get the contracts what they have been doing is illegal. It could ruin the whole Luthor name, tear down their empire." you followed her to the cab she had waved down both jumping in the back she told the driver the destination.
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It took just over half an hour to reach the labs, as always you had gotten out and walked the last few minutes. you used your cameras zoom using it as binoculars.
"Red, we got a problem. Security and they are packing some serious heat.... But look that's the one right? with the big tube tent thingy?" she huffed hands on hips thinking, you used the time to snap some photos capturing some shots of the armed security, you noticed they gave the sight of the incident a wide birth veering around it on every pass,you cursed as two stopped spotting you, you quickly shifted slightly.
"Pose pose!! quickly!!" she did as she was told holding her hands up and popping her hip out to the side and you snapped another photo you noticed the security shake heads walking away.
"That's it done" she dropped her hands it was a trick you had both developed use Instagram like poses for cover you nodded to the building.
"You go cause a fuss I will use the distraction to get in, if you get turned away go wait where we got out of the cab try to hold out for as long as you can okay? I will be as quick as I can if I'm not out in thirty minutes go home." she looked hesitant as you crouched finishing swapping your shoes for trainers tightening your laces double knotting them tucking the ends in.
"Leave? you want me to leave you there?"
"Yeah don't worry I will get out I always do but if things go south I don't want to worry about you to, no offense but your not as fast as me" you said taking a small  pouch from your bag clipping it to a belt loop on your trousers passing her your satchel tucking your camera in to your pouch then attaching the go pro to your head, it was smaller then your other one and this one saved your live stream to the cloud, so even if you lost dropped or broke it the film was intact.
"Okay if your sure.. Just please be careful I don't think Clark would ever forgive me if you got hurt" you nodded to her
"I'm not going to get hurt now go, wait until I'm at that fence at the bottom" she nodded watching you jog to the very far fence, you turned back looking at her nodding watching as she approached the security gate.
You turned the corner the finding a weak spot in the fence , it was a basic chain link one that you could easily roll up, your guess is they were trying to look unassuming. You didn't bother taking a photo you could pull stills from the go-pro footage. The security cameras moved in slow sweeping motion's across the open space you counted there was a thirty second interval that was clear as they moved, thirty seconds didn't seem much but you would be amazed what you could achieve in that time you planned your route, make it to the large truck parked half way across the concrete then a run jump and wall climb and you’d be on the first roof out of view of the cctv using the electricity box to spring off.
You took a deep breath then moved sliding under the chain link fence and rushed tucking below the truck, taking a deep breath as the adrenaline kicked in, peeking as the cameras rotated then made your move again sprinting and using the electricity box to propel yourself to the roof grunting as you held the edge quickly scrabbling your feet and rolling just in time. Taking a moment you calmed your breathing and got up crouching looking left and right seeing a durable looking gutter, it was close to the edge and you'd be in plain sight for the climb, but Lois was down there being Lois so you was certain no one would see you.
You had to trust she would keep them occupied, grabbing the gutters attachments you planted your feet either side cupping your hands behind the pipe, the trick was to keep a steady rhythm you made the climb breathing steady until you reached the top a little out of breath and stood, no one of ground level would see you from here, this roofs height was almost at three stories. Peering over the top you saw the guards watching as Lois made her way down the side of the fence going to the meeting spot.
You stood back slowly looking around there was a small hatch that looked like a maintenance shaft that would be your entry point then. Walking towards it you pried it open shimmying down inside there was a small ladder and a platform at the bottom attached to a cat walk around the room. You crouched on the platform looking over the huge space. One huge room that looked almost like a warehouse apart from plastic dividers cutting it into smaller cubicles each looked like mini science labs various apparatus and small machines in each then there was a wall with huge glass window inside two massive industrial sized vats at the other end with pipes feeding whatever it was holding into a few smaller canisters, people with full on hazmat suits and bubble masks entered and left via a decontamination chamber as other people walked around transporting the smaller canisters in glass boxes on trolleys taking out your camera you snapped shots of the room the zoom picked up more then your go-pro ever could.
You pointed the camera zooming on various items you did a slow walk round getting close ups of the activity in and around the place, most of the stuff looked.... Medical? For some reason, vials and syringes and drip feeders that type of stuff. Finally you found what you was looking for zooming in on a large board that has diagrams all across it depicting the vats and smaller containers, but couldn't make out any writing. Sighing you crouched speed walking down the cat walk finding a spot with a better view from here you could work out what it says....Theralizumab (tgn1412) what the fuck was that? A drug or something? For some reason it sounded familiar but you couldn't place it. You leaned closer taking more photos of the table beside it all showing different scientific calculations and symbols then quietly spelt the main name out loud for your go pro as a back up.
You froze and crouched lower as a gun wielding guard came in  Through a side door looking around talking on the phone as he made for the stairs across from you. Shit. You had to get out, deciding to call it quits you retraced your steps. Once you made it to the ladder you quickly climbed it making it to the roof safe and sound, you peaked over the to where the groups of guards had been but they were scattered about patrolling again you swore. Things are definitely turning south. You must have spent longer looking around than you thought. You took a deep breath before slipping down the gutter aiming to leave the way you came. As if things couldn't get worse the truck was gone. You would be spotted before you got out hearing a voice from above your stomach dropped quickly you dived against the wall.
"There’s no one here, yes I've looked , nothing on the cat walk or roof.... Jerry is just seeing things...... well he's been paranoid since the explosion.... yes well he should suck it up think himself lucky......pfft that's what he's saying he wasn't anywhere near it to be hit with this shit......no point, looking at what it did to those in England they will probably be dead in a few days, wouldn't surprise me if he let em to cover up........ I will check now yes alright be down in a minute." You held your breath as you heard the foot steps moving closer your heart was trying to jump out of your chest. He would see you. He would see you and shoot you and you'd die, because he would shoot you and you'd be dead. You panicked looking for somewhere to hide as he got closer to the edge.
"Fuck! Show me your hands!" He shouted you rolled away and made a break for it as he fumbled with his gun aiming it at you firing. He missed hitting the roof by your feet making the gravel spray up hitting your ankles making you hiss,your heart skipped a beat as you closed your eyes ducking and screaming diving in a zigzag towards the edge with every intention of throwing your self off it was only one story hopefully you’d make it. You flinched hearing him run down the length of the building you held your breath waiting to feel a spray of bullets  as you neared the edge. But there wasn't any. just a sudden gust of air a warmth at your back you flinched closing your eyes fearing the worst as someone grabbed your waist quickly tugging you towards them, then they seemed to jump your feet left the ground and you grabbed at the arm in shock opening your eyes the saw a flick of red before closing them again as you was lurched through the air at speed landing seconds later a few blocks away at ground level next to a sheepish looking Lois.
"Lois? Wha-" before you could finish you was spun around your wrist was held in a tight grip coming face to face with the man of steel and for the first time you was happy to see him, before you could think you hugged him shaking from fear and adrenaline he sighed tucking an arm around you patting your back as the shock of what happened washed over you in nauseating waves. A few tears escaped, you were shot at, you could have died.
"Fuck ,thank you, thank you so much , if you hadn’t- I'd be....I thought I was a goner" he sighed ruffling your hair holding you as you shook, no matter how angry he was he couldn't help take a few moments to help settle you down rubbing your back slowly as you sobbed quietly you were so frightened.
"Shh it's okay...I've got you...your okay" you cried into him missing the looks shared over your head between him and Lois. She looked guilty, and he was fucking pissed. Eventually you calmed down enough for him to get through to you and he pulled you back at arms length, you tried wriggling away wiping your eyes and sniffing back your last whimpers, he growled when you tried twisting away. Oh hell no.
He wasn't letting you get away from him not after that major fuck up moving his hand he gripped you by the scruff of your shirt. You flinched and snapped your gaze up. Oh shit. His face was set in a deep frown, jaw twitching. He was angry, furious. Double shit.
"What have I told you?! About doing stupid things like that?!" He shook you a bit by your shirt making you wince closing your eyes pretending he wasn't there.
"Don’t you pretend to ignore me!" He wasn’t playing ball and instead captured your chin in his other hand.
"Y/n what did I say?...Look at me when I'm talking to you....Right now or so help me god!....That’s better....Was last time not enough To deter you?" Your eyes bulged as you used your hands to cover your back end. Lois raised an eyebrow at your reaction going to ask but was silenced with a look from Clark, he wasn't happy with either of them. He trusted her! Trusted you to both do the right thing, the safe thing and leave this story alone, at that point he wasn't sure who he was more angry at. Lois for encouraging you, or you for actually going through with it!.
"No! I mean yes! I don't know!! it was work their doing something bad!! like really reeaallly bad! I'm sorry please don't!" He growled
"Sorry isn't good enough!!" you squeaked at him trying to twist from him but he juts locked a hand on one of your biceps makeing to spin you around.
"No! don't nononono! please not here pleaseplease, I get it I'll be good, I wont make a fuss just not infront of her please!" you begged and he clenched his jaw looking from you to Lois who was confused by your desperate display
"y/n wha?" she didn't get to finish as her question was answered as you was spun round to face her yelping and thrashing as he moved landed a harsh smack you your lower thigh making you cry out trying to tuck yourself away from him moving your free hand around trying to cover yourself flushing in humiliation as Lois' jaw dropped. You moved your hand across yourself trying to save your ass but he just worked around it with ease ,finally having enough he switched his grip capturing both wrists behind you as you tried spinning back round and dodging at the same time tears already falling from the harsh impacts of his hand all but branding your ass.
"No nonono stop! I'm sorry I'm sorry please
""You want me to drop your jeans? No? Well stop wriggling then!.... You are unbelievable!...Three times! This makes t hree times now I've had to Intervene! I thought your last spanking would have knocked some sense into you Young lady! But then again Clark let you get away with it last time didn't he?" You cried as this time he had put more force behind each swing leaving a much deeper burn then last time tears streamed down your face and you started sobbing as he carried on. He meant it.
"Im sorry ple-please stoooop" he continued letting you feel his displeasure at you landing heavier blows you could tell he wanted to strike you harder in the way his hand trembled with each impact, the rougher treatment and scolding made you soak your panties almost instantly, the humiliation of Lois watching may have had something to do with it as well.  You flushed in humiliation happy that you was in black jeans, had you been in anything else he and Lois would have seen your shame. You wriggled yelping between sobs as he bruised your back side adding five more in quick succession then stopped. It had felt like a life time but in reality was only a minute two at most. You hiccuped rubbing your eyes as he stood there still glareing at you before huffing.
"What am I going to do with you? Is this going to be a weekly occurrence now?" You sniffed trying to compose yourself shaking your head. No. He released your wrists but you didn't pull away wiping your nose on your sleeve feeling humiliated, belittled and most dreadfully of all aroused. You flushed a deep red hanging your head in shame, god knows what Lois must think watching you get man handled like that, watching you be reduced to tears in seconds.
"I don't need to tell you how stupid that was do I?" You whined and shook your head again at him, feeling his eyes boring into your head.
"And you can rest assured that the only reason I'm letting you off so lightly is because I'm letting your boyfriend deal with you this time! I'm very disappointed in you, I don't think he will be very happy I doubt he let you come out here, did he know?" you hung your head somehow Hearing him say he's disappointed in you almost felt as bad as his spanking and you didn't know why, you shivered at the thought of Clark finding out.
"Well?" He probed Lois gave him a look, you didn't know yet? but then by that display she hardly thought you spent a lot of time facing him, by the looks of it you spent your time across his knee.
"No, well maybe, he knew we wanted to but we said we wouldn't...." he sighed at you
"Well he will be finding out" you panicked shaking your head
"No! don’t tell him! I know I did wrong but he will be so angry!!" He ignored you fixing you both with a firm gaze.
"You will both drop the story, we are already on it and don't need people panicking over it, your leads dried up am I clear?" You heard Lois agree still stunned by what she had just witnessed he tugged your head up to face him seeing nothing but a blur through your tears.
"Y/n I said am I clear?" You nodded before answering weakly without thinking
"Yes sir" mortified as the words slipped out before you could catch them
"Good now off you go...Back to your office both of you" he said releasing you ,you quickly made your way past him hissing as your tender muscles pulled, they was already bruising. You moved scampering quicker as he left you with one last parting smack on your rear as you scuttled past him to embarrassed to look up as Lois walked by your side quietly you flinched as you heard him take off the echoing sound as he broke the sound barrier, knowing he was going to go tell on you. Lois closed the gap resting her hand on your arm lightly as you sniffled she held out your bag for you, you took it quietly.
"A-are you okay?" You nodded a little
"Yeah just embarrassed I never wanted anyone to see that, you probably think I'm stupid" she smiled a little
"I'll admit I've never seen him do anything like that before, sounds like you have tho" you sucked in a deep breath as your bottom stung and throbbed you could just feel the ache of a bruise now forming.
"Yer tha-thats the second time, first was longer but that was worse.... way worse and now I'm gonna have to face Clark, hes going to spank me to,I don't think I can handle two, but if I don't go then I will be in worse trouble." You trembled a little
"So Clark spanks you to?" She asked realizing you didn't know yet. You nodded then shook your head
"No, yes I mean not yet but only cos of how red my ass was when I got to his apartment... Superman found me climbing he caught me and spanked me then sent me to Clark... That’s when we argued and got together weird huh?" She shook her head.
"Not really, He loves you the thought of loosing you could be the thing that broke the camels back....Still tho I feel sorry for you.....More so your ass I mean neither of them are weak by any means.... And I doubt your behaving" you groaned as she chuckled
"Hey come on let me have that one, I mean you just got spanked back there then I find out that your letting both of them spank you?"you scoffed
"Let? you try wriggling away see how far you get! , Superman's a nosy prick who can fuck right off" you shouted up at the sky hoping the bastard could hear you then heard the familiar sound of him roaming the sky. You froze looking to the sky cautiously and gulped, he was still about.
"...Shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that! Lets go before he comes back I don't want another round" you said trying to make your way out of he area asap quickly regretting shouting at him. Lois smiled, you were going to be so pissed off when you find out, but she kept that to her self.
"... You think he was bluffing, like superman can't really go to the office can he? like there'd be to many questions? That suit is so tight I doubt he has a pocket for a phone....right?" she hissed through her teeth seeing where you were going.
"Well I couldn't say, but I don't think you can keep it from Clark. I mean their close....really close two peas in a pod"
"No shit I realized that when they both had the same views on domestic discipline, it was that cape wearing asshat who gave Clark the idea" she blinked you really had no idea.
"If you want my advice tell him the truth because when he finds out and he will, he will be angry that you broke in and hurt that you lied to him" you sighed
"Your right I suppose, best to get it over with....Could you keep this a secret? Please in all honesty I'd rather you forget the whole thing.." she smiled nodding
"It goes without saying, but I promise I wont tell a soul.... If the league are on this tho we should leave it." You blinked at her
"What? Do my ears deceive me or is Lois Lane, THE Lois lane dropping a story?" You gaped at her she nodded.
"From the way he said it...He was serious... Whatever is in there is dangerous and we should leave this one... You nearly got shot over it, in Metropolis! If they are willing to risk that type of law suit then its big business in there....And no offense but I'm not really itching for a trip over someone's knee anytime soon." you scoffed but nodded she was probably right.
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You kept up small talk on the way back Lois was trying to get your mind off of the inevitable and it worked. It wasn't until you reached the daily planet that your stomach tied in knots. Once you was in the office you felt Clark’s eyes on you before he came over engulfing you in a hug tucking your face in the crook of his neck as you began shaking again. He kissed the side of your head.
"You went there didn't you?" You nodded sniffling he heaved a deep sigh
"You stupid stupid girl, are you hurt? What happened? I know something happened from the minute you walked in" you fumbled with your words a little going to brush him off but a look from Lois quickly made you change your mind.
"I broke in..... And got spotted and I was shot at....A tiny bit....Like teeny weeny bit shot at" He quickly pulled you away his face set firm as he stared at you.
"S-superman saved me and then he well..... You know..." you flushed but he simple blinked at you
"He what?" You groaned and nodded behind you he fixed you with a look and grasped your ass squeezing you hissed stepping on tip toes trying to wriggle away from his hand.
"Oh so he gave you another spanking?" He said still applying pressure to your tender warm cheeks, you nodded hissing at him still trying to escape.
"Yes! and he did it in front of Lois even when I begged him not to! Claarrk! Stoop it hurts!" You whined at him he only sighed shaking his head at you giving you a severe look making you feel even more sorry for yourself.
"Good its definitely what you deserve and you can expect another when we leave today, I specifically told you not to go there. What was you thinking?"
"Kent is everything alright?" You both turned looking at Perry you nodded but Clark shook his head
"Y/n isn't really feeling well" Perry nodded regarding you
"She does look a flushed... Probably best you take a half day y/n" you nodded at him thanking him, thinking this the perfect time to escape your unimpressed boyfriend.
"I will to if that’s alright? I've already handed in my article today and I can look after her god knows someone needs to, she's to stubborn to do it herself" Clark asked Perry, he nodded knowing even feeling unwell you’d probably go home and work anyway.
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Twenty minutes of awkward silence later you both arrived at his apartment. He was angry. But it was an eerie calm anger. He dropped his keys and bag taking your bag from you then kicked his shoes off you did the same unable to take the silence anymore
"Clark I'm sorry, I really am I didn't intend to be spotted" he sighed
"No one ever intends to get caught.But that’s no excuse... I told you not to go! Fuck I didn't say that for fun I said it because I love you and I don’t want you to get hurt, I was worried when I didn't see you in the office and I just hoped you listened, trying to kid myself that you had found another safe story to do. I was terrified all I could do was wait for you to return or to receive a phone call from A hospital or-or police department and I was worried for good reason you was shot at! Shot y/n!" You quivered as he scolded you, as frightening as the huge man was angry you couldn't help the way your core twitched watching him, the tingling of your clit returning as he ran a hand through his hair messing it up.
He stopped and pointed a finger at you.
"It was a dumb thing to do and no matter how bruised your ass is this time I'm adding to it !" You shrunk as he walked past you deeper into the living room. Sitting on the sofa.
"You cant be serious...Claarrk! He has already done it! And in front on Lois No...I’m not having it!" He tilted his head casting a glance over his glasses as you stomped at him, he sighed.
"And I'm not having you running around god knows where getting yourself in trouble being fucking shot at! Come here....Now" he said quietly you gulped as his voice got deeper shaking your head stepping back a few steps. He leaned forward pulling him self off the seat and in four quick strides he was in front of you dragging you forward before him.
You fought him feet dragging on the floor ,cursing his large form as he over powered you ushering you around the sofa to the side then paused. He settled for leaning towards you pinning you between him and the arm of the sofa moving his hands forward he popped the button on your jeans batting at your hands leaving sharp slaps to them as you resisted and tried to fight him trying to hold them up. He quickly halted your efforts making you whine at him tugging them down making you squeak flushing as he peeled them down you held his shoulders as he wrestled your legs out of them. You stood back still trying to wriggle free
"No..Please don’t Clark!" You protested all of your bravado failing yet again as you were placed bare ass over the sofa waiting for what was promising to be a very uncomfortable spanking. Clark smirked noting that your protests sounded more like a panicked little girl who didn’t think her daddy was serious as you soon found yourself bent over the arm of the sofa one of his hands at the curve of your spine holding you down.
"How can you still be so bratty with an ass this red? Hmm? This time he wasn't thorough enough, I will fix that!" You cringed as he moved his hand across your two glowing cheeks pressing his hands in letting you feel how hot and swollen you was,  you moved yours back to him trying to shield your already hot cheeks. You whined pitifully as he moved them in front of you
"Keep these up here!" You nodded finally giving into him as he moved to stand at an angle quickly connecting his hand making you claw at his sofa cushions trying to inch yourself forward, but it was no use he had you tucked securely against the arm not leaving you anywhere to go. you yelped as he raise his hand again making sure to hit the pinkest part of your cheeks, you kicked out whining at him. He chuckled it was cute your feeble struggles as he popped you on your sore red bottom again and again sending you into a full blown paddy.
"CLARK!PLEASE STOP!" he tilted around to meet your gaze seeing your bright red face. He stuck out his bottom lip at you mirroring your pout.
"Aww poor y/n is it already sore?" You nodded sniffling feeling completely humiliated already.
"Well then maybe you should start doing as your told." He finished his statement with a firm slap that rippled across your ass, you wailed fidgeting clawing at the sofa cushion beneath you as he continued to spank your ass and thighs. Your toes curled into the carpet below you as his hot palm landed again and again each time in a slightly different place slowly working in rounds across your bottom. It wasn't long before the pain truly set in, a deep burn building on your already smarting cheeks that made you truly feel small and naughty, ashamed of yourself for being naughty and ending up in this position.
You cried true tears as he move lower to a more sensitive spot cupping his hand on impact making the sting almost sweet as the jolt went straight to your aching clit making you throb with need. Fat tears rolled down your face as he moved you higher stretching out your cheeks giving him easy access to the crease of your thighs that Superman couldn't reach earlier.
"NOO! Clark pl-please sto-op I'm sorry OWW NO! I wont do it again! Please!" He huffed at you as you choked out the words around sobs that wracked your body jolting when you heard the quicker stinging slaps echo through the room, moving your hands back trying to cover yourself tho you wasn't sure if it was to shield your ass or hide your drenched pussy.
He had already spotted it, he growled capturing both wrists pinning them to your back as he smelt you, some of your juices was already clinging to his fingertips where he had spanked a little lower then necessary, it gave him an idea he knew that he couldn't continue on your ass for much longer.
"I hope so! Do you know just how worried I was! You little BRAT! Your so lucky that I wasn't there had I been I wouldn't have left your jeans up in front of Lois you can be damn sure of that!" You whined not really sure how he new you hadn't been spanked bare by the man of steels but you couldn't dwell on it as he moved again pressing a hand to the top of your cheeks digging his blunt fingers into the darkened flesh making you whine pitifully at him to stop through your tears.
”You.will.never.disobey.me.like.that.again!...do you understand me?" you nodded weakly as he emphasized each word with harder and harder spanks on the crease of your bottom making it just as bright as the rest of your ass. Finally you felt him pull away and you sighed still sobbing your heart out, half in pain the other humiliation at how your body had reacted to him.
You twisted trying to cross your legs as you felt your arousal drip down your thighs in long embarrassing streams and yelped when he kicked out your ankles wider and moved to peel back your lips taking a long look at your wanting core, chuckling when he saw how you clenched longingly, wanting to be stuffed full. He sighed as you tried to fight him.
"Oh no you don’t let daddy see..." you whined pressing your face into the cushion hissing and bucking into his hand as he ran a fingertip up and down your slit.
"Oh god! Dont LOOK! STOOPP!"  You were silenced with a all be it lighter spank straight on your revealed clit making you screech that broke of into a moan then another and another you clenched on each strike, his spanks on your pussy pushing you closer and closer to a trembling orgasm he stopped just shy of your release making you heave deep breaths.
He tutted at you leaving his hand wedged between the two pink lips rubbing across you harshly in an up and down motion.
"Oh sweet baby~ don’t tell me your were going to cum on my palm as I spanked your naughty little pussy?" You groaned as he moved his hand dipping two wide fingers into you leaving your mouth agape as he scissored them, he concentrated on your high pitched sounds and the way your pussy began clenching and suckling.
"Oh you were weren't you? So so ready for me hmm? Just a needy little girl~" You shivered and moaned trying to grind on his fingers as the brushed your walls massaging them just right you gasped when he began fucking you faster and harder onto his fingers them held them still buried deep to the knuckles curling them.
You jolted as he hit that spot, the smooth patch of nerves that will finally finish you off the edge.
"Is this all you wanted baby? Such a naughty baby~ You were acting out so daddy would bring you home and punish you? Maybe that what I should do, punish my needy little girls cunt, fuck her until shes a very sore very sorry little girl" As he spoke he was watching listening to your heart rate the way you struggled to breath you were close, his dirty talk seemed to do the trick , he could feel your body clenching as he called you his naughty baby. He quickly and cruelly pulled away at the last second laughing when your little pussy tried holding on to him as he withdrew his fingers he watched the pleasure fade and become annoyance you really had been just about to cum.
"Poor baby~" his voice was condescending, belittling  and it made your knees shake. He was sexy just being his normal shy farmboy self but here and now he seemed like a totally different animal! The confidence and raw power he had over you was...It was breathtaking and arousing...definitely not what you expected from the man. Somehow he seemed to know exactly what you needed, he somehow knew you wanted a daddy, to spank and fuck you into behaving, the thoughts of the huge man taming you left you a mess beneath him.
Your protest was immediate you moved side to side letting your thighs rub at your swollen lips trying desperately to trap your clit between them. Your voice hoarse from begging and pleading with him
"I NOO! CL-CLARK PLEASE I WANT!-" he shut you up with another spank to your pussy making you gasp and widen your legs craving any sort of contact.
"Huh? I’m sorry You what? You might have to speak louder so I can hear you?" You turned resting the side of your face on the sofa looked at him tears still streaming slowly down your face.
"I-I want to cum! Please Clark please I want you to fuck me! Spank me again, just I-I want you to do something PLEASE DADDY! " he tilted his head and sighed looking at you from the top of his eyes enjoying the little game. Reveling in the fact you'd acknowledged him as your daddy; your dom your one and only, he felt it in his bones the way you'd given in, falling to his need to dominate you completely.
"Well now is that so?...All I hear is a disobedient little madame demanding things...Well I'm afraid that 'I want' never gets around here.." You whined
"And I said no! Not until you beg nicely, until ask me with a pretty please~" closing your eyes, him seeing your arousal from his chastisement is one thing but he wanted you to beg? You flushed and wriggled back. He moved deciding that you needed some encouragement chuckling rubbing a single finger down your slit pinpointing your clit and rubbed harshly for a few breaths then pulled back hovering it just out of your reach. You snapped twisting again to him
."Please daddy~ I'm sorry I was bad, Please let me make it up to you? Let me play with you, make you happy and show you just how sorry I am for being a brat again~" for a moment he wavered wanting to stop this game and fuck you full right there.
He still might. With a grin he leant down over you making sure to let you feel his hard cock he smiled as his teasing worked as you whimpered pitifully pressing back to him.
"Ahh...You want daddy to play with you?....is that it? you want me to finger fuck your needy little pussy until, your just gushing all over me? well baby?" You moaned weakly at his filthy words going bright red and nodded.
"Y-YES PLEASE! FUCK TOUCH ME PLEASE CLARK I CAN'T...I'M SORRY!" Your cry was loud and uneven as you fought to wrestle  your arms free trying to move back against him, to find something to grind on. He moved quickly unable to deny himself anymore the sight of you bent over and red assed and begging for him; for your daddy to fuck you any which way made him snap, it was all the permission he needed.
More tears fell this time in relief as you felt his hand drop to his waist then heard his belt move as he undone it with one hand quickly shucking down his trousers, he wasted no time lining up and with one sharp bone shaking thrust he embedded what felt like 10 inches straight into your quivering heat.
You screamed out but he quickly curbed it as he caught the scruff of your neck and pressed you into the sofa, the movement took your feet completely off the floor leaving them to kick about behind you. Perfect. Now your really did have to endure whatever he threw at you. Had you been able to see him you would have seen an abnormally dark look cross his normally sweet face. You groaned high cringing as he plowed his way into you holding himself deeper then anyone you'd had before.
You gasped finding it hard to breath with him leaning over you pressing your body down into the sofa you tired calling out to him as you began panicking when he pressed your face further into the sofa making you go a little dizzy, thoughts becoming hazy as your airflow was being cut off slowly as he rocked slowly fucking any tiny breaths you took right out of you. Just as you began to panic more he moved his hand moving to twist in your hair pulling your face up. You took deep gasping breaths crying out as he pulled back and rocked his hips into yours, making sure to slap his thighs harshly into your bruised bottom making you groan in slight pain, not that he could really tell with all the moaning you were doing. He wanted to make this a little painful, after all you'd been a bad girl.
He grunted loudly into your ear his breaths huffing past your ear making sure you heard just how good you felt for him. You tried turning to kiss him but he gave a quick shake of your hair.
"OOhh FUCK-YES THAT’S IT ugh ugh no~ your not kis-SHIT NOT YET BABY! fuck not yet no!. No your not kissing daddy only OH MY GOD!Fuuuck! Only good girls get kisses and your a bad baby! Bad babies don’t get kisses!" You whined slumping forward as much as you could pouting, you hissed whining and moaning as he pulled you up by your hair.
"What are you?" You whined shaking your head but he growled shaking you by your hair slightly, you cried out at the sting in your scalp.
"ugh fuck yes! Yes you are and you're going to stay right here and let me fill that little pussy! If your lucky I might let your naughty little cunt cum over my cock... But don’t even think about cumming until I say so." How he managed to talk so evenly whilst fucking you so thoroughly.
You cried out a loud animalistic sound as he moved back before thrusting into you deeper then you thought possible, hitting your cervix with a force you'd never experienced almost winding you. You whined as he battered away at your core your muscles protested weakly to his cocks heavy thrusts stretching around him so tightly, you felt his pulse throbbing away inside of you each time he impaled you on him his veins rubbing at your walls in a pleasantly addictive pace. 
You moaned every nerve in your body was alight arms tensing. He moved you releasing your hair and tucking his hands around your thighs pulling them further apart the action let him bury himself deeper inside of you, taking your breath away as he fucked you roughly , you twitched hissing as his balls slapped against your sore spanked clit making you see stars softly grunting as the abuse on your clit pushed you higher a surge of heat rolling around in your tummy just waiting to let loose. Somehow he knew and began grunting at you.
"Don’t you fucking dare! You hold it or I'm going to fuck your ass to!" You yelled out as he forced himself into your body with renewed vigor leaning down you bit the cushion below you trying to fight off the climax that was seconds away. The stinging heat of your ass was being punished all over again only this time it was his thighs doing the spanking. He tilted you up further your breasts now laying on the sofa cushion as he rutted into you his thrusts sloppy and he moaned louder and louder he was close you could feel him swelling, ready to fill you with his cum, to claim you as his own little fuck toy and ruin you.
"BEG! BEG FOR ME TO FILL YOUR CUNT!" You gasped as he spanked you making your muscled coiled tightly around his cock.
"Fuck yes good girl! Such a good toy for daddy! Now cum that right you can cum on daddy's cock!" You cried in relief letting go trembling as you came over him, arching wildly it was a full body orgasm like you’d never experienced before. You couldn’t even voice your pleasure far to lost in the shivering euphoria.
Your quivering heat sucked him so tightly as you came not even he could continue to hold out roaring as you forced him to cum inside of you, you’d actually milked him! Sucked the cum right out of his balls Forced him to release his cum and drench your insides.
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You both eventually came down from your highs you were still bent over the sofa tears trailing from your eyes tho your really unsure why panting heat going ten to the dozen. He patted your back and pulled himself free gasping and sweaty. He moved around you on unsteady feet and sat near your head he moved pulling you across his lap tucking you into his chest.
You moaned as he moved your tender body across the cushions to him you noticed at some point of his wild punishment fuck he had removed his shirt. You looked up at him smiling giggling slightly smoothing some of your loose hair out of your face. He sighed pressing a firm kiss to your neck then grunted pulling back and removing his slightly fogged glasses placing then on the table. He leaned back staring at you intently you blinked then moaned trying to find a more comfy place the sit wincing as your tender lower half moved against his thick thighs. You pouted as he chuckled running a hand through his hair moving the curls to the side, you froze looking at him.
"W-what? Clark? You look just like...." he froze realizing just what you meant and nodded sighing he was quick to wrap an arm around your waist so you wouldn't run.
"Yes....I-I am I mean" you tilted your head as he unconsciously tried to hide his face
"Your?....YOUR Superman? Its you whos-whos been? You've been saving me? Spanking me?" He nodded weakly unsure if you was angry or not. You looked at him in disbelief moving to cup his face gently when he wouldn't look at you you curled up tucking yourself into his chest hugging him far to exhausted to argue and cuss him out for being a dick. He moved slowly wrapping his other arm around you hugging you rubbing your back.
"I'm sorry....I really am, I don’t know why I do those dangerous things...I just always have...Never had to think about other people before" you felt him nod and kiss your head.
"Well now you do, I was terrified. Am terrified when I see you do those stupid stupid things I'm terrified that one day...One day I wont be fast enough, strong enough to save you....I am not invincible there are things out there that can weaken me and one day I might not be able to save you one day I might not be there to find you" you cringed at just how he said the words he was telling the truth.
"I-I will be better from now on...I will try to stop my adrenaline seeking habits...But it will take time, Ive always been like this." He smiled kissing you deeply.
"I know you will little girl~ but your always going to have me hovering over your shoulder...Maybe I could take you flying? To get your fix?" He chuckled as you remembered your last little flight with him. You shook your head.
"N-no thank you Clark I didn’t like that..." he smirked at you nipping at your ear
"like you’d have a choice baby girl~ I think that’s what I’m going to do from now on when I catch you being naughty, scoop you up and fly you off somewhere for a good old spanking!" You groaned
"Noooo Clark don’t! No more spanking...And someone will seee!" he laughed at your pout and poked your nose watching as you scrunched it at him huffing
."Oh yes little lady spanking is something we are definitely keeping up with you sorely need it,  and don’t worry there are many quiet places I can take you to tan that naughty little bottom!...And now you know you’d best behave at work to~ no more three hour lunch breaks to go see a movie...Yes I know all about that" You flushed and buried your face in his neck whingeing at him yawning, the days events catching up to you. He sighed tightening his hold on you breathing in your scent.
"I love you baby never forget that" you mumbled it back to him tiredly making him smile as you snuggled into him, he had no doubt that tomorrow you’d be mad at him and sulk over going to work with a bruised bottom and the fact that he has been the one spanking you around town. But that was tomorrow and he could deal with it then for now he was content, the truth was now out and it was a huge weight lifted from him and he could rest peacefully knowing you were safe and sound with him.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
put your hand in mine
frat jj x reader
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one year anniversary with pike jj and some reminiscing
oof this took me longer to get done than i’d like but here it is :)
warnings: cursing, borderline edited
For your one-year anniversary, you and JJ took some days off and drove from Nashville to Memphis for a hiking trip. It was his suggestion, but you were so tired of being constantly cooped up and inactive with school that you jumped on it. He took off the necessary days of work, and the two of you loaded up the car early one morning and hit the road.
The trip wasn’t long and consisted of the two of you singing along to whatever came up on shuffle. JJ told you he’d handle reservations, and while you did trust him to handle it, you were pleasantly surprised when he pulled up to some sort of housing office and actually got a key for a small cabin a little way up a mountain.
He saw your impressed face before you could hide it and laughed, “That much faith in me, huh?”
You shrugged, “I’m the planner, J.”
“Well, I’ve been paying attention.”
A fond feeling swept over you, and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching out to grab the front of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. When you pulled away, he looked a little dazed, but pleased, and smirked at you before saying, “Just got here and you already can’t keep your hands off me.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Too late.”
JJ grabbed the suitcases out of the trunk and you grabbed the two of yours’s booksacks before following him to the front porch. The interior of the cabin was small but bigger than your shared apartment, and you dropped the bags on the bed before wandering out the back door to see the view.
“J,” you called out and waited for him to pop his head out the door. When he did, you pointed excitedly, “Hot tub!”
He nodded, “One of the main reasons I picked this place, actually. Should be nice, especially when it starts to get cold tonight.”
You wandered back in to keep exploring the cabin before realizing the you were definitely going to have to make a grocery run. For the two of you, it was a true test of patience. JJ hated taking the time to plan and make up a list, more prone to just grabbing something that interested him when he saw it, while you liked having a set list that you rarely deviated from.
Fortunately, you’d had the foresight to make a list in the car on the way there, so all you had to do was find a grocery store. JJ groaned and complained a little about having to get back in the car when you just got out of it, but you promised to cook his favorite food and it shut him up quickly.
The store was crowded, clearly catered toward tourists staying temporarily in cabins. You sent JJ off to go pick out snacks for the two of you to carry and eat while hiking, and you started getting the ingredients for your agreed upon meals.
You were actually impressed when you met back up with JJ, his hands full of protein bars and trail mix and bananas instead of the normal snacks he tried to buy. When you pointed it out, he told you, very seriously, “We may not be experienced hikers, but we’re going to do our best to fake it.”
He paid for the groceries and the two of you headed back toward the cabin. By the time everything was unpacked, it was late afternoon and JJ was starting to complain about being hungry. You gently shoved him toward the living room, “If you go get a fire started, I’ll cook you up some alfredo, and we can eat on the couch.”
“Fuck yes, alfredo,” he cheered before walking off to do as you suggested.
Shaking your head in amusement at his antics, you started searching the cabinets for pots and skillets to use for dinner. The chicken was pretty much cooked and the noodles were boiling by the time JJ rejoined you, a few smears of soot on his cheekbone and neck.
You held your hand out to pull him closer and after licking your finger, started rubbing it over the soot, trying to clean it off. When JJ realized what you were doing, he jerked his face away from your heads with a, “Fucking gross, don’t put your spit on my face!”
The look you gave him was exasperated when you asked him, “Really? You’ve made out with me and you’re worried about a little spit on your cheekbone?”
He nodded emphatically, “That’s so different. Making out is hot, this is gross.”
You held your hands up, “Fine, go wash your face off then.”
With one last dramatic shudder, he disappeared in the bathroom, just off the kitchen and you rolled your eyes. JJ wasn’t gone long, and when he returned, he wrapped his arms around you from behind, swaying in place a few times while you poured the sauce in and combined everything.
“Get the garlic bread out of the oven, yeah?” you asked.
He sighed and pulled away from you to do as you asked and you suppressed a laugh at how dramatic he was acting.
“Oven mitts?” he asked, holding his arms out expectantly.
“Nope, bare hands only.”
JJ gave you a deadpan look before going through drawers until he found a pair. You finally turned the heat off under the food and grabbed some plates out of one of the cabinets.  When the food was dished out and the two of you were on the couch in front of the fire, JJ finally spoke again, “So, I know we technically didn’t get together that night, but tonight is the anniversary of you kissing me totally fucking wasted.”
You cringed a little at your past actions and nodded, “Yup, yeah, that’s true.”
“Thoughts?” he asked.
“I’m glad I did it, I guess. You weren’t going to do anything, you chicken shit.”
He snorted, “Yeah, okay, how do you know that?”
Which, that was the first time you’d heard that, so you leaned into his side, “Wait, what?”
JJ shrugged, not looking at you, “I don’t know, I was just getting to the breaking point, and I was going to ask you out eventually.”
You smiled, “So, I just beat you to it?”
“Pretty much.”
And just to mess with him a little, you shrugged, “You know, if I haven’t professed my love to you while drunk, we probably aren’t friends. I’m the sappiest drunk in the world.”
With a laugh, JJ nodded, “You’re right. But I’ve never seen you kiss anyone besides me.”
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
JJ took your plate and set them both on the floor before tackling you onto the couch, digging his fingers into your side. You squealed, giggling at his fingers’ assault on your side, JJ laughing along with you. He finally stopped and stayed on top of you, smiling softly, both of you catching your breath.
You reached up and ran one of your hands through his hair, stopping to rest on his cheek. JJ leaned into it a little before bending down further to kiss you. Surging up to meet him halfway, you kissed back happily, fire dying down in the background, and ran you fingers over his cheekbone repeatedly.
JJ pulled away and started kissing down your neck until he got to the collar of your t-shirt. Reaching down, he started pushing your shirt up, exposing your stomach, before you grabbed his hand, moving it away. He gave you a confused look and you told him, “I wanna go in the hot tub.”
Shutting his eyes with a sigh, he said, “If we go to bed now, we can do the hot tub tomorrow after hiking.”
“Why not both,” you suggested, half-jokingly.
“No,” JJ stubbornly replied, and got off you, walking toward the room, “come join me when you’re ready.”
You laughed and got off the couch, following him into the bedroom.
JJ was still asleep when you woke up the next morning. You got out of bed and put on one of the hoodies he brought before quietly making your way to the kitchen to start making the coffee. It was nice, finally having time away together, for the first time since your trip over the summer.
It wasn’t long before he joined you, roused by the sounds of you moving around and the smell of the coffee. He wrapped his arms around you, burying his face into your neck, and you poured him a mug, mixing in a little sugar. JJ hummed and swayed the two of you back and forth, still trying to wake up.
“Excited for hiking today, bub?” you asked.
He shrugged, “Yay, exercise.”
You laughed and pushed away gently, “Drink your coffee and get dressed, we’ve still got to pick a trail.”
With a small whine, he did as you said, and you went to get dressed. It was early, but you figured the earlier the two of you got back for the afternoon, the less excuse he’d have to get out of joining you in the hot tub.
JJ didn’t really care what trail the two of you did, just told you that you couldn’t “send me into a cardiac arrest before I turn 24” so, naturally, you picked the hardest trail near your cabin. He packed the snacks and filled up both of your water bottles, and then the two of you were off, driving to the trailhead.
It was quiet the first half hour or so, both of you focused on keeping your footing and not wiping out. Eventually, JJ woke all the way up and started chattering. He decided he wanted to be in control of the map, which you took a little bit of problem with, but you sucked it up and decided to let him have his moment. As an anniversary gift. (You were keeping track secretly just to make sure)
The two of you hiked for a few hours, waiting until you reached an overlook to finally take a break. JJ leaned against a tree and you sat next to him, splitting a protein bar in half for y’all to share. He took half and you asked, “You remember how we met?”
JJ’s chewing stopped as he thought back before shaking his head, “Not really. It feels like I’ve known you forever, like there’s not a time you weren’t so entrenched in my life that I think about you all the time and that I want to be with you when we’re apart.”
Your jaw dropped at his words, not really sure how to respond appropriately. With a weak laugh, you went with, “I helped you pass English 115. You cheated on all my quizzes because you were so sleep deprived from rushing.”
Raising his eyebrows, JJ chuckled, “Sounds about right, looking after me even when you didn’t know me.”
“I wanted to know you.”
He grabbed your hand, stroking over your knuckles a few times with his thumb. Eventually, he responded, “I’m glad I was forced into taking that stupid 8 a.m.”
“Me too.”
The rest of your break was pretty quiet, a few mumbled things back and forth before JJ stood and held out a hand to help you up. He glanced over the map, “Looks like we can go down the other side and hike around the base to get back to the trailhead. It’s a little extra walking but we’ll be seeing something new rather than go back the way we came.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The only real noises between the two of you was heavy breathing and eventually you had to complain, “Fucking hell, how much farther?”
JJ laughed and held his hand out to help you jump down from a small ledge, grabbing your hips when you landed and stumbled. He said, “Getting close to the bottom, pretty girl, then we have a mile of flat to get back to the car.”
You put a hand on his shoulder, “You know I always said I’d wait to hike with a guy until we were married so it would be harder for him to leave me when I complained about my feet hurting.”
“Do your feet hurt?”
“They kill.”
He squeezed your hand and you let it drop from his shoulder so the two of you could keep walking.
JJ half dragged you into the cabin, your arm thrown over his shoulder while you chanted, “Hot tub, hot tub, hot tub.”
He had a faux annoyed look on his face and he dropped you on the couch, “Gee, what do you want to do now?”
You hopped up, full of energy again, “Come on, J, please.”
Eyebrows raised, he stared at you, “Where was this energy before? Suddenly you’re fine to walk?”
“Yes. I will always be able to walk to a hot tub.”
“Jesus, okay, hot tub time.”
You changed and grabbed towels while JJ pulled the cover off. Getting in felt great, your muscles going lax immediately. JJ joined just as you were about to melt into a corner and pulled you over to sit between his legs, leaning back against his chest.
“Happy anniversary, baby.”
Letting your eyes close, you smiled and said, “Happy anniversary. A whole year.”
“My longest relationship.”
“Have you had any others?”
He hummed, chest vibrating, “Not like this.”
You were intrigued, “Like what?”
He traced a finger across your shoulders and shrugged, “Like serious. Like someone I’m in love with.”
“You love me huh?” you asked, linking your hands with his under water, “Guess that’s good because I love you too.”
JJ kissed your shoulder, lips lingering quirked up in a smile, “I’d sure hope so at this point.”
“Do you remember, last year, on the hammock?”
“Mhmm,” he mumbled, lips trailing across your shoulders.
“You told me that you wouldn’t be like the other guys who told me they wanted to be with me.”
“Oh yeah? And how did I do?”
You turned, kissing him softly, “Pretty damn good.”
JJ squeezed your hips, “Good. I intend to stick to that.”
“I hope so,” you told him with a laugh, “I like having you around.”
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigialnte: Part 16
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 16
Chloé couldn’t believe it! They forced her to stay in Gotham Academy’s girls’ dorms. That witch Lila managed to talk Madame Bustier into stopping her from leaving. Marinette had her mother’s permission to stay elsewhere, but apparently, the change in accommodation plans invalidated Chloé’s father’s permission. She would resolve it with a single phone call if someone didn’t steal her phone . She of course tried to report it to Madame Bustier, but her teacher declared that she must’ve lost it somewhere and she shouldn’t be shifting the blame on others. 
That woman’s picture should be in every dictionary, right next to the definition of a hypocrite.
She turned the corridor. She could sleep one evening there and tomorrow Marinette would let her borrow the phone. She could try with one of the girls, but it’s not like she remembered every phone number in existence! She regretted that the akuma attack ruined their plans for the afternoon, but Damian had sword-fighting practice tomorrow and she would have her friend all to herself. 
“You’re Chloé, right?” A blonde cheerleader asked. The Parisian immediately recognized her as Erica and narrowed her eyes. There were five of them and one of her. 
“And you’re the Queen B. of this school. For now .” 
The Gothamite princess had the guts to actually laugh. “You can’t even touch me. You’re just some foreign student that came here on a whim of the Ice Prince.”
“Oh, right. You’re the golden princess of this school.” Chloé mocked her. “Lemme tell you something, Erica. I’ll offer you an escape deal. You leave Damienette alone and you can keep your position on top.”
“Yeah. Like you could be a threat.” A new voice joined. From behind the cheerleaders, a new girl walked. Lila now wore the cheerleader uniform too. “You’re just a walking akuma factory. It’s really no wonder that people avoid you. You caused more possessions in Paris than everyone else combined.”
“And you hold the record for times being akumatized.” The Parisian blonde retorted. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! You think you can take the Chloé Bourgeois?”
“Oh! We don’t think…” Erica started.
“We know.” Lila finished. 
“The deal is simple. You will stop your friendship with Maribrat and we will let you keep some dignity.” 
“Or we will make you a social outcast. Not only at school, but in the whole of Gotham.”
Inside, Chloé was raging. She wished she could show them what Cass taught her, but she quelled the idea quickly. I definitely spend too much time with Sabine and the Waynes… She thought to herself. Instead, she grinned. “You know the difference between a threat and a warning?”
“What are you babbling about?” One of the cheerleaders snorted. 
“A warning is a threat that will actually come to pass. And I warn you. You’re messing with fire here. Damian was raised very old-fashioned. He will draw blood to defend the honor of his angel.” She decided that they could receive a warning. It’s not like they would listen. “And Marinette’s aunt is very well connected.” Then, she decided to drive the nail deeper. “Plus, MDC’s client list is quite long and none would appreciate that you try to bully their favorite designer.”
“Like that doormat…” Lila started, but Chloé tested the glare Cass taught her. It worked well enough. 
“You’re not dealing with Maribear. You’re dealing with me. And I’m not going to lose.” 
“What’s going on here?” Allegra walked toward them and stood next to Chloé. 
“Scatter.” Lila snapped at her. 
“Funny. I was about to say the same thing,” she retorted. Now she stood side by side with Chloé and both stared at them. Allegra had an aura of confidence around her. 
“Be careful who you stick with, Kane. You’ll do well not to antagonize me.”
“Just because your mother married a famous baseball player doesn’t make me respect you more, Boyle.” 
“It’s Layton ,”The angry cheerleader corrected. 
“Right. I must’ve forgotten. She does change her last name a lot…” Allegra smiled. 
“You’re in over your head, Kane. You’ll do better to stay with your little outcast club.”
“Nah. I’m good. Also, don’t you have practice in five minutes? I heard the coach is in a mood today.” The mayor’s daughter smirked. “It would be a shame if he made you run around with the players.” 
This made all the girls quickly scatter to get to the practice, leaving Lila and Erica alone. “You’ve just made an enemy, Kane.” 
“You’re an inconvenience at best…” She dismissed the threat. Lila decided to cut their losses and dragged the fuming Erica away, sending the two blondes a murderous glare.
“Thanks for the backup,” Chloé started. “Of course I didn’t need any, but still.”
“No problem. I always hated that self-appointed princess.” 
“And have you seen her hair?” The Parisian huffed. “Utterly Ridiculous!”
“And I’m pretty sure her dress is too short by the school standards.”
Chloé smirked. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”
After Bruce returned, they tried to figure out what was taken from the inside of the vault. Out of various precious weapons, documents, several property deeds, the only thing that was missing turned out to be the content of the wall safe. 
During the night patrol, Marinette and Damian scoured the city for potential akumas. While he dealt with criminals, she often stopped by the victims to calm them and gave some support. After serious butt-kicking for the criminals. It just wouldn’t do for Damian to get all the fun. The superhero/vigilante duo (nobody was sure which one, not even them) made a positive first impression on the city. Citizens seemed to like them, both for their efficiency and how they always stopped to talk. 
After, Marinette noted that their transformations could hold for much longer now since they were together in this. When asked, Tikki explained that now that she had Chat Noir that was mature and they were technically both adults as far as magic was concerned, she could start developing her full potential. 
After the short report to Alfred, the teens left the Batcave to change into pajamas. Marinette fell asleep almost immediately, but Damian stayed awake for a bit. He swore he would protect his Habibti. No matter how far he would have to go. 
Marinette and Damian had roughly half of their classes together. Sadly, she didn’t share too much with her best friend, since Chloé was more into business management than arts and fashion. It was mostly the problem of the level. Classes that Marinette had at beginner, the Parisian blonde had at a higher level and vice-versa.
When she arrived at her class, Claude and Jon were saving her a place between them, which would help to protect her from the classmates that ended in the same group. There were also several GA students that she would rather not sit close to (Erica’s bunch). Generally speaking, the first part of her day went well. 
The same couldn’t have been said about Damian. He, Chloé, and Allegra were saddled with the class. And to his utter dread, there were no free places next to each other. They tried to ask some students to move. Well, Damian tried to threaten them, which worked, but too late. The teacher entered and decided to put Damian between Alya and Lila. It was as if the universe was punishing him for something. He suspected that Mister Scarlet did that on purpose to egg him. With this one, he had no idea what he did to make him dislike the Wayne heir. But the way he acted toward him made it clear that he took pleasure in the situation Damian was put in: Between Alya’s nagging to leave Marinette and ‘return’ to Lila, and the Liar who kept whispering stories about their common past. 
Finally, after they got to go for lunch, Damian stormed out of the class. Everyone in the corridor made way for him. His scowl was enough to deter anyone from trying to approach him. Well, anyone but Maps.
“Damian! You’re back!” She leaped at him and it took all of his willpower not to draw a sword. 
“Tt. Mizoguchi. It’s not the best moment.” He growled. 
“But you’re back! Did the headmaster cancel your expulsion!?”
“No. He just forgot to file the expulsion files within the week of the offense. Ergo, I was never expelled. I just joined the exchange program.” He explained. 
Her eyes practically shined. “Coooool.” 
“Tt. Can you let go of my arm?” He was really hoping it would work. 
“Nope. I just met you again. We’re glued.” 
“Sup Dames?” Claude chose that moment to appear.
“Tt. I’ve got a parasite.”
“That I can see!” The other boy laughed. Most people were still steering clear from Wayne and whoever was with him. They valued their health for the most part. 
“I’m not a parasite. I’m Maps!” The girl greeted Claude, who in turn made an exaggerated bow. 
“And I’m Claudius Chase. But please call me Claude.” He made a mock fighting stance. “Like Jean-Claude Van Damme.” 
“More like Jack Clown van Lame,” Damian muttered. “Your stance is all wrong. I could take you out in seconds.”
“Of course you could. You’re b…” The Wayne heir covered her mouth with his hand. 
“Tt. Not here. Now if you would let go of my hand, you parasite, I’m sure Habibti is waiting for me.” 
“Habibti?” She asked after letting go.
“His girlfriend.”
You could actually see Maps’ eyes form into twin stars. “Can I meet her? Can I meet her?”
“Since when are you into fashion?”
“Huh? Who said anything about fashion. She’s your girlfriend though, which means she must be sooo cooool!” Maps was practically vibrating. 
“Hero worship much?” Claude joked.
“Tt. Fine. Let’s go.”
The three arrived at the Cafeteria, where Allegra, Chloé, Jon, and Felix were already eating. They had lasagna that day. Quite a lot of people were whispering when Damian appeared, more so than usual, but nobody dared to look at him. When he sat at the table next to Marinette, they did their best not to stare.
“Grumpy Cat?” She asked, a bit worried. “You’re… tense.” 
“Tt. Because of that socially-inept, talentless, petty bookworm,” he seethed, “I had to sit between Rossi and Cesaire.” 
Immediately, Marinette pulled him into a tight hug. “Oh, my poor Kitty.”
This caused some of the gathered, who knew Damian from the previous year, to immediately tense. Some of the students sitting nearby (mostly females) even grinned, thinking that here died the relationship. There was no way that Ice Prince would allow anyone to refer to him as Kitty. Getting him on the first-name basis was considered a privilege allowed only to the family (and strangely Claude). 
To their immeasurable surprise, Damian didn’t explode. Instead, he melted slightly into the hug and some of the anger left him. It wasn’t a long hug, but after it, he was now acting less like a walking grenade looking for its pin. At least three people awwed at them. It was just too pure.
“Whoah!” And then there was Maps, who had the subtlety of a steam-train speeding through the Wild West. “You’re so cute together!” She zoomed next to Marinette to get a better look.
“And you’re…” Marinette eyed the overly energetic girl. She was short, with hair that reached barely below her ears. 
“Mia Mizoguchi. But you can call me Maps. I’m Damian’s friend.” 
“Tt. More like a stray.”
“Damian! Don’t be a Grumpy Cat.”
“Besides, isn’t collecting strays kinda a Wayne Tradition at this point.” Felix deadpanned. Everyone started laughing. Damian gave a dignified smirk. The blond proved to be able to match him in intellectual discussion, which gave some basis for mutual respect between them. 
The group talked a bit more about their classes. Marinette and Chloé compared every detail of their experience in the States with what it was like back in Paris. Maps was a fountain of questions, even if some of them were a bit… strange. But Marinette still felt she would like the little girl. That she was in the same class as her surprised her. 
After lunch came time for more classes. When they finished, Damian was supposed to stay for training while Marinette and Chloé would go shopping. They were already outside the gates when three rather packed teens from the year ahead stepped in their way. 
“You think you can steal Erica’s man and then threaten her?” The one in the middle asked. It was clear he was angry and not exactly thinking clearly. “Gotham Academy Grackles stay together. If you think you can just prance here and take over, you have another thing coming.”
“Um… Sure.” Mari just nodded. “Now excuse me while I go away.” She tried to move past them, but one decided to make a fatal mistake of trying to grab the front of her shirt. She raised her left arm under the grip, lifting his hand slightly. It exposed his stomach for the moment, which she took full advantage of and delivered a knee-kick to his liver. When he folded in half from the pain, as much as he could with her still supporting his hand, she then used her right arm to deliver a cutter toward the back of his head.
The boy was out cold in less than five seconds. 
Seeing their friend attacked, the other two charged at her. Marinette ducked under the punch from the first one and headbutted him in the stomach. She then wrapped her arms around his left legs and lifted him up. He fell on the ground and tripped the slower one. When they both were down, Marinette stomped on the hand of the one on top. There was an audible crack that signaled she managed to damage the bones. He would not be fighting. The one under tossed his pained friend away and jumped on his feet. He managed to get Marinette in a chokehold, but she pushed her arms between his extended arms and spread them apart. When he was exposed, she jumped up and kicked him with both legs. While she landed without any injury, the bigger player crashed into his two friends. 
“The police are on their way,” Chloé informed, putting away the phone that mysteriously found itself in her possession earlier that morning, giving more credence to the theory that she simply misplaced it. 
“What’s going on here!” A harsh voice boomed behind them. Hammerhead was standing there in all his glory. “To my office. All five.” 
“Maman’s going to be here in just five minutes,” Mari informed him. She was still full of adrenaline. 
“I don’t care.” He seethed in response. 
The only conscious boy helped his friends stand up. First the one with a broken hand, then they lifted the unconscious one together. They limped through the campus toward where the office was located. Behind them, Marinette and Chloé walked with heads held high. Tomorrow, the school would be full of gossip, but the bluenette was all too used to it by now and the blonde would run her PR magic to change it into something positive. Chloé loved playing the crowd. 
“I’m here.” Sabine practically stormed inside the office. “Now could you explain, sir, what is it about?”
“Your daughter got into an… altercation with older students today. Right in front of the school.” Headmaster Hammer started.
“Ah. And you’re curious if we’ll be pressing charges?” The woman asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Charges?” She managed to baffle the man. 
“Attempted assault?”
“Madame. You misunderstood me. Your daughter…”
“Defended herself. Yes.” Sabine cut in, her eyes filled with cold fury. “Unless I’m mistaken, Self-defence is not a crime.”
“You can’t call self-defense stomping on…”
“To prevent further fighting? Debatable. She is smaller, physically weaker, and was outnumbered. A good lawyer would argue that it was necessary for her to act that way for her safety and to avoid further fighting.” She stared down at the headmaster. “As for the charges…”
At that, two officers walked in. Hammer recognized the first one as Renee Montoya. The other was a blonde officer wearing a tactical vest.
“Sorry, it took so long. We’ve been a little short-staffed since the mess with akumas started.”
“Don’t worry. Luckily, my daughter managed to defend herself. Now, officer, what must we do if we wish to press charges?” Sabine asked with a cold voice, never breaking eye-contact with the headmaster. 
“I’ll explain everything while officer Sawyer takes the attackers into custody.” 
“Thank you so much.” The older woman finally broke the eye-contact and turned toward Montoya. She smiled with her usual peaceful smile, but the fire was still in her eyes. “My daughter is part of the exchange program while I’m visiting my niece.”
Marinette was stunned by how well her mother could take control of the situation. She wasn’t sure what precisely she was doing, but it was definitely effective. 
“Foreigners?” The officer asked, surprised. “I could hardly hear the accent. France?”
“Yes. Paris.” Sabine smiled. “Neither I nor any of my charges are really familiar with the procedures here.”
“I will walk you through it. Headmaster?” The policewoman finally acknowledged the elderly man in the room. “Were the parents of the culprits notified yet?”
“Not. Yet.” He muttered through clenched teeth.
“We will take it from here.” She smirked at the headmaster. “You will be notified if any further input is needed, sir.” She started to walk away and motioned for the three women to follow her. 
Outside, Damian was waiting with a sword. Luckily, there was no blood on it. Yet .
“Hello, Kitty. Don’t worry. I’ve managed it.” 
“Tt. I’ll still challenge them to an honor duel.” He scoffed. 
“You will probably have to wait a bit. I don’t think…” The officer took a glance at Sabine, who even with her smile looked like she was ready to fight God on equal footing. “They probably won’t be coming back to school this year.” 
“They won’t.” Chloé, Sabine, and Damian said at the same time. But they probably had different things in mind. Or maybe just Chloé…
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hankwritten · 3 years
I am Full to the Brim with All the Bullets I've Bit
Demoman/Soldier, 2k
Request for someonehasto, Hooligan
Soldier slapped two things into the palm of the sleeping Demoman, startling him awake. “Happy anniversary,” he said informatively.
“Anniversary?” Demo asked, a little woozily. “But er…wasn’t our anniversary months ago?”
“Not the anniversary of when we started dating.”
Blearily, and still a bit hungover, Demo said, “then…anniversary of when we met? That’s not until…”
The sentence trailed off, but Soldier helpfully concluded, “June seventeenth! But that is not the anniversary I am referring to either.”
“Then what are you talking about lad?” Demo pressed, a little curtly.
“It is the anniversary of the day we said we loved each other.”
“…Oh. I er…oh.” Demo rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t…remember that.”
“That is not surprising! That night you were incredibly drunk!”
“So that is why it is our anniversary, and now that means you can look at your gift.”
Demo, who still hadn't looked at his hand, glanced at the pair of tickets. “Sploocher Brewing Company?” he blinked. “Oh, a brewery tour.”
“You’ve been saying you want to go to Sploocher for a while now.”
“I did, but I didn’t think you were listening. Ach, wait I’m sorry, that came out wrong. This is actually a really nice gift, thank you Jane.”
Soldier smiled widely, proud for getting it right this year. “I am glad it meets your standards!”
“More than,” Demo agreed. “You can probably guess, but I didn’t get anything for you…”
“That is not a problem! I will consider this a fun activity we can do together.”
“Fantastic. When is this ‘fun activity’ running anyway?”
“April twenty-eighth.”
“…Today’s the twenty eighth.”
“Yes!” Soldier declared cheerfully. “The tour will commence in approximately forty-eight minutes and twelve seconds! That is why I woke you up.”
“Bloody hell,” Demo panicked, and ran upstairs to change out of his whiskey-stained robe.
Soldier waited a beat before calling up after him, “I will go start the car.”
The brewery was far too noisy for Soldier’s liking. The dawdling minutes before the tour started (he and Demo had arrived exactly on time, but the group beforehand was running late so all that rushing was for naught in the end) were spent at the bar, drinking the complimentary soda out of a curly straw. The beer wasn’t complimentary, but they’d each received a wristband allowing them four free drinks each, and Soldier had been quick to sneak Demo his share of the tabs. The Demoman was back on his way to his usual level of drunk, and Soldier watched him with a slight smile.
“Here lad,” Demo said, scooting two unlabeled cups he’d poured a bit of beer into. “Blind taste test.”
Soldier set aside his soda. He lifted the first, smacking away the aftertaste, then tried second. “You’re messing with me, DeGroot. That’s the exact same beer.”
“Not a bit, Doe.” Demo slid forward the two bottles he’d been shielding from view. “Red Shed and Blu Streak, untampered condition.”
Soldier shook his head. “Really is different clowns, same circus, huh?”
“Does that make us the clowns?”
“Considering the stupid song and dance we put on for all those years, I’d say so.”
“Excuse me,” a meek voice called over the chattering tour groups, if lacking in volume then making up for it in direction. “Presentation will be starting soon. Please line up near the double doors.”
“That’s our cue,” Demo prompted, setting his empty tankard on the bar. He’d used every one of their combined wristband-tabs, and hadn’t wasted a single drop. “Let’s go see how this place shakes, aye?”
Unfortunately, before they were even allowed in the brewery itself, there was a fifteen-minute introduction on the Sploocher company history.
“Randy Sploocher developed a love of German beer while stationed in Ansburg, which he brought here to New Mexico after graduating from uh. From…” The tour guide shuffled his note cards. “…I don’t actually remember where he graduated from, ha ha.”
“Jesus this lad’s green,” Demo mumbled to Soldier.
“Shhh!” Soldier hissed. “I am learning about Randy Sploocher.”
He could hear Demo sigh.
By the time they’d actually got to the processing floor, the nervous young tour guide had dropped his cards no less than three separate times, and wound up asking the audience, “does anyone know the four ingredients to beer?” twice.
“Water, yeast, hops, and malt,” Demo muttered under his breath. He leaned closer to Soldier’s shoulder. “Oi. Want to ditch the dodo chain?”
Soldier, having barely heard the question, said, “I like malt. It’s one of the ingredients in a chocolate malt!”
“…Along with chocolate?”
“Yes! And that!”
Demo grumbled something, but Soldier was paying attention to the speech again.
“Here we have our brewers,” the guide was explaining. “Most modern breweries use electric heaters since they’re more reliable, but here at Sploocher Company we do the things the old fashion way, open flame only for that signature Sploocher taste.”
“If it’s not reliable, does that mean you’re always making bad batches?” a voice came from the crowd.
The nervousness, which had only lessoned out of sight a moment ago, came back with a vengeance. “Uh, well, yes. We have our certified taste tester verify every batch, and if doesn’t meet the Sploocher standard we dump the whole thing.”
Smiling proudly, the tour guide seemed to be under the impression that this was a satisfactory answer until a booming voice confronted him with, “WHAT.”
Soldier, less than a foot away from the shout, jumped just as much as anyone.
“You’re telling you just throw out the entire brew of beer?” Demo said in mounting horror. He swaggered a little as he took a step forward. “There must be over ten thousand gallons in one of those!”
It was a pretty large tank, two-stories stretching into the open floor plan, sleek and white except for the Sploocher logo (a multicolored parrot driving a tractor) pasted across the surface. Around them, the hum of beer brewing thrummed the air, rising to the many-windowed upper areas. While technically a microbrewery, it was still quite impressive, at least to the Soldier who’s experience with beer came almost exclusively from what Demo tried to forcefully impart on him.
“Oh actually it’s-” The young man shuffled through his notes. “…I’m not sure actually. But if it isn’t that good ‘ole Sploocher taste then we don’t put our label on it, haha.”
The Demoman was appalled. “Tasting terrible is no reason to get rid of perfectly good alcohol. What do you do with it?”
“Well, the Teufort Waste Processing Facility gives us exclusive dumping rights in the Well-”
“Lord almighty,” Demo moaned, putting a hand to his forehead. “This…this is bloody terrible. This might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”
He wobbled a little, and Soldier had to grab his arm to keep him upright. Around them, several of the other tour attendees whispered, and Soldier wondered if maybe they were right about Demo hitting the pre-entertainment refreshments a little hard.
Maybe in an attempt to head off further discussion, the guide said, “and uh folks that’s it for the brewing area! Now if you’ll follow me, you’ll be able to see our bottling area!”
“Ooo, bottles,” Soldier said excitedly.
However, as he tried to follow the tail end of meandering gaggle into the next chamber, something gently tugged him back.
“Jane,” Demo said, as conspiratorial as he was un-sobered, “I think it’s about time we sprung a jailbreak.”
“Spy and Scout are in prison again?” Soldier blinked.
“No lad, the beer,” Demo insisted. “Somewhere in this facility there’s a whole tank of beer they’re going to execute.”
“And you want to do…what, exactly?”
“Not let it go to waste for one!” Demo huffed. “It’s a crime, what’s going on here. We can’t just let them get away with it!”
“But…” Soldier looked over his shoulder.
“Pah,” Demo said. “Fine then. I’m going to go see some justice done.”
The only other people in the confines of the brewery were the tour group, now mostly disappeared behind a pair of swinging doors. There was no one but the beer itself to witness Demo storm off, swaggering slightly as he sometimes did on the battlefield, leaving Soldier’s head to ping between him and the location of the bottling process. Demo's idea sounded fun but...When was next time he was going to see that many bottles in one place?
In the end, Soldier determined Demo would probably be fine on his own.
This assumption didn’t hold, as twenty-two minutes later a resounding cry of, “KABLOOIE!” echoed through the brewery.
Heads turned. Gasps were had. Handkerchiefs were placed in front of open mouths. All and all it was a mortified audience that turned and saw a cackling Demoman standing atop one of the giant tanks, holding a detonator in his hand and raising it like Connor MacLeod before him.
Soldier might have wondered ‘where the hell did he get that’ if that particular phrase hadn’t crossed his mind so often before it had become cliché. His fellow onlookers, not wise to the ways of Tavish DeGroot, didn’t even recognize the significance of the little device, and were therefore shocked when his bellow of, “FREEEDOOMMM!!!” was followed by the great echo of an explosion.
Soldier cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted, "oorah!" as a show of support. He was getting nearly as worked up as Demo, when he head the sound of two more explosions.
Even from this distance Soldier could see the change in Demo’s face, and came to the conclusion that the additional detonations were not part of the plan.
“…Crap,” Demo muttered.
Seconds later, a rumbling came from within the deepest bowels of the Sploocher Brewing company, the splashing of something powerful sweeping through machinery and toward confused tour-goers. The telltale crash of thousands of gallons of sour beer.
“Run!” someone screamed as the first wave of golden liquid came barreling around the corner.
Screams of warning turned to screams of panic, people rushing all at once toward the closest visible exit, stampeding each other in an attempt to get out of the way of the oncoming tsunami. Bottles, happily chugging along down the conveyer belt, were blissfully unaware of their oncoming demise, and when they wave hit they fell by the hundreds, adding their contents to the already considerable torrent.
“P-please if we could all form an orderly- Wa-hoah!”
Any more advice the guide might have given was silenced as he was the first dragged outside. Soldier, meanwhile, was trying an entirely different tactic, pushing to where he’d last seen the Demoman before the tank he’d been standing on had started to shake.
“Move you maggots! There is more on the line here than civilian lives! Know that I would through each and every one of you into the line of fire if it meant victory!”
Threatening was no use. As the first wave of beer washed over his shoes, he was shoved outside.
“Sir! Sir you can’t go back in there.”
One of the brewery’s security guards (shouldn’t he have been inside during all this? Might have avoided having one drunken Scotsman tearing his place to shreds if he had) tried to stop Soldier once he’d gotten free of the lemmings.
“It’s an extreme fire hazard,” the guard continued.
“Ha! Fire? I can tell you from personal experience that burning to death is not the most painful way to die. Doesn’t even crack the top three. Now move, maggot.”
Then again, maybe he shouldn’t have been inside trying to stop Demo, since all it took was a slight shove for Soldier to knock him aside.
Inside was a damn mess. Half the tanks were knocked over, adding to the rising fluid, and the rest looked massively destabilized. This level of beer wouldn’t last long (as it was already emptying both into the built-in drain) of the brewery floor and out the building’s exits), but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a drudge to get through. That didn’t matter. He needed to find Demo. That was what was important.
Bottles floated ironically in the seas of yellow—their purpose realized, but in all the wrong ways. Soldier wondered what Demo had been trying to do in the first place. He’d assumed that the man was just going to find a random tank of to-be-extradited alcohol and attempt to drink it all himself, but apparently he’d underestimated Demo’s ability to make explosives devices out of even the most mundane of objects. Stupid. Demo had spent his whole childhood perfecting that technique.
“Tavish!” Soldier called out, the slosh of beer answering him. “Tav! Relay your position, stat!”
"O're here..." a faint voice called eventually.
He followed the noise to the very back of the brewery, where the trucks might come to take the finished kegs away. Among the leaning steel basins was a Demoman, sitting in an inch of beer and staring at his knees. He looked despondent. Even more worryingly, he looked sober.
Soldier splashed the short distance between them. After a moment, he sat down next to his partner. "Almost wish I had come with you. You looked like you were King of America up there!"
Demo wiped his nose on his sleeve. “Jane. Did I ruin our anniversary?”
Surprised by the change in topic, Soldier said, “not really? Your ability to cause property damage is why I fell in love with you. I am just glad you are unharmed.”
“Ah. That's good then.” Demo put his head in his hands. “I’m...sorry I didn’t get you anything. And I'm sorry I...it's just bothering me that…Why can’t I remember?”
Now Soldier was really lost. "Remember?"
“I can’t-” Demo wasn’t quite crying, but the effects of sobering up had turned his eye rather red. “I can’t remember the night I told you I loved you. How fucked up is that? That I’m running around, not being able to remember whole chunks of my life. Whole chunks of my life with you.”
He sniffed, and wiped his face on his sleeve. Soldier put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer.
“Do you think I have a problem?” Demo asked.
“What kind of problem?” Soldier said, surprised as anything.
“You know. With the drink.”
“Like…” Soldier floundered. “You still want to save the beer from its unjust execution?”
“No, I mean me, specifically.” He glanced at his hands, no devoid of the detonator, which was probably for the best. Evidence and all. But then, he lifted his chin and pointed at Soldier one of the most desperate looks he’d ever been given. “Do…do I need to stop?”
His voice was small, and timid, like even the even the suggestion was sacrilege in this holy space.
“I don't think you should be asking me,” Soldier admitted. “I'd love you even if were the soberest sonuvabitch this side of the New Schlooper Ocean. Better question is do you want to stop?”
Demo didn’t respond. Not for a quite a while, until Soldier thought he might not answer at all. But finally, in that same small voice, “I think I do.”
“Okay. I will help then.”
“Whatever you want. Or need. Whichever this is. But first, lets get out of here. I think all this booze is giving me a swimmers rash.”
“Ha. Maybe. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened to me.”
“You live a strange life DeGroot. Now come on.”
Soldier helped Demo to his feet, and as the two heard sirens in the distance, they began to make there way from the building as they often did on dates: with the knowledge that they’d probably be pursued by local law enforcement soon enough.
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blueaura · 4 years
Lost and Found Ch. 6
A/N: I finally finished it! I apologise for the delay but GISH (that’s all I’m gonna say). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It’s after midnight here, and I have class in the morning so I’m off to sleep. Thanks to everyone who’s read it this far. As always, any tips and suggestions are welcome. Feedback would be amazing. Thank you and happy reading!
Summary: Sam and Dean meet a young hunter who is a little rough around the edges and they reluctantly take her under their wing. But she might be a little more connected to them that any of them realise.
Word Count: 2.1k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 
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Chapter 6
Y/N waited patiently. For 3 whole minutes.
“You want me to trust you, right?” It was a rhetorical question but the brothers still nodded, looking suitably chastised.
Dean sighed, frustrated at his lack of control in the situation. He looked at Sam who just looked worriedly at Y/N, which reminded Dean that she had been crying and he should probably check if she was alright.
“Let’s go inside first, you’re not even wearing shoes,” Dean said lightly, trying to subtly get Y/N out of the cold. She eyed him suspiciously but agreed to go inside. Her feet were cold but Dean didn’t have to know that. The door closed behind them as they made their way inside.
“You doing okay?” Dean not-so-subtly tried to change the subject, but Y/N was just not having it. She merely looked at the hunter and raised her eyebrows, waiting for a response to her previous inquiry.
He looked frustratedly at his brother and sharply exhaled, feeling the exhaustion catch up to him.
“Our friend thinks you might be in danger,” Dean started slowly. “He isn’t convinced that you being here on the same hunt as us is a coincidence. Which, you know, I can’t really blame him. Coincidences aren’t too common in our line of work. Even more so if we’re to believe the whole paternity… aspect of the situation – yes, I know nothing is confirmed yet,” he interrupted before she could protest. She glared at the wall angrily.
“Look, we have to work under the assumption that it is true for the moment, at least until we know more. It’s better to play it safe instead of having a false sense of security. Now, you being related to us makes you a target, so we need to keep you safe. So, you need to decide now – you wanna come with us or are we putting extra security measures at Jody’s?”
“Who’s this friend of yours? And how do you even plan on ‘knowing more’? Last I checked, you were still legally dead!” she burst out. “And just to remind you, I’m not some helpless child. I’ve survived on my own for years, I don’t need your protection.” She knew she was being spiteful, but she pushed down the pang of guilt that was creeping in.
Sam waited for Dean to explode. He knew his brother very well and Dean didn’t do the ‘talking reasonably’ thing for too long. He was actually proud of Dean for keeping his composure for so long. He knew that if it was him who was in danger, Dean would have knocked him out and dragged him to the bunker if necessary. He could just imagine how well that approach would work with Y/N. So, Sam waited to see how his brother would react, prepared to jump in and salvage the situation if needed. But again, Dean surprised him.
He walked up to where she was sitting on Sam’s bed and knelt in front of her, forcing her to look at him instead of the wall. “I know you’re good at taking care of yourself, alright? You wanna cut out the bullshit and get real with me for a second? You’re strong and resourceful, yes – but kid, this is a different ball game we play here. Hunters who have had years and years of experience don’t survive long in our world. I just want to keep you safe, that’s all. Just… work with me here Y/N.”
“We promise we will figure everything out. Just come with us, please,” Sam chimed in, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
Y/N’s nails dug into her palms as she tried to process everything. She felt Dean’s hands take her own, rubbing over the crescent shaped indents she created.
“As for your other questions – Our friend is Cas, or Castiel. He’s an angel, and I believe he can help with the whole getting answers thing. He can explain how later, if you agree to come back home with us. What do you say, kiddo? We taking a road trip home to Kansas or am I ringing up Jody about setting up a guest room? It’s your choice, but I for one need to know if I should be summoning Sandra’s ghost and yelling at her for not telling me about my daughter.”
Dean’s voice was gruff with emotion and Sam almost felt like he was intruding a private moment, but then Y/N looked at him – with Dean’s eyes, he realized – and he felt the familiar protective instinct flare up, only a thousand times worse. He’d always been the little brother, the one who needed to be protected, and while he felt protective over his big brother, he also knew Dean could take care of himself. So, this new dynamic was something of an adjustment, and he wondered if Dean had felt like this his entire life. He couldn’t imagine how he hid it so well.
“Fine,” the soft voice broke the tense silence in the room. Y/N refused to make eye contact, even with Dean kneeling in front of her. His knees had started to hurt but he didn’t care. He was close to a breakthrough and he could feel it. The words registered with the brothers and Dean’s hands tightened over Y/N’s as they waited for her to continue.
“I’ll go with you… but only for now. I don’t promise anything. I can’t. And, if it isn’t working, I’m out. Those are my conditions,” she somehow got the words out, hands shaking even in Dean’s grip.
Dean wasn’t happy with it, but as he looked at Sam, he knew this was the best he was gonna get for now. He opened his mouth to agree with her, even if it was just to get her to the damn bunker and to safety, when she continued.
“And can we press pause on the family talk? I need to talk to your friend first before I make a decision on that subject,” her voice was barely there, but she ignored Dean’s clenched jaw in favour of getting the words out. She needed his reassurance that he wouldn’t pressure her to take whatever angelic DNA test he had in mind. Maybe she would feel better after talking to the angel, which – she couldn’t believe she was gonna meet an actual angel – but until then, she didn’t want to hear about it. She needed to process the information first.
“Please,” she said before Dean could interrupt. Even Sam looked bummed at her request but her at least understood where she was coming from. He had, after all, seen her epic break down earlier. She forced herself to ignore the hurt look in Dean’s eyes and tried to remind herself that – no, she didn’t care about these guys more than any other tentative friends, but it was hard. The hurt vanished and hid behind the classic Dean mask, as he tried to smile back at her, and she felt even worse if that was possible.
“Well, we have a long drive ahead of us so let me know if you change your mind,” he cleared his throat as he stood up and walked to the fridge in search of another beer.
“We’ll head out in the morning after breakfast. That reminds me, you hungry Y/N? None of us technically had dinner. I can run out and grab us something,” Sam tried to diffuse the tension in the room.
Y/N was hungry. They had split up during the day and she had been running low on cash the past couple of days, making her skip lunch that afternoon. So, the last thing she had eaten was the breakfast the Winchesters had provided for her. She usually had a better control of her hunger – life on the streets wasn’t the best for a young girl – but the boys had been feeding her regularly during their time together, barring that afternoon, so her body had grown accustomed to the food. Which was why, as soon as she was reminded of it, her stomach grumbled loudly, making Sam smile as her face grew red with embarrassment. She didn’t want to take advantage of their generosity, so she just told Sam to get whatever he wanted to eat. She would be grateful for any food they provided for her.
“Get extra food today, Sammy. I worked up an appetite earlier.” Dean had found it odd that Y/N never asked for anything but now it made sense. He knew that the kid wouldn’t let them know if she wanted more food, he recognized that particular trait from his own childhood – which made him want to throttle Sandra. The Sandy he knew was cold and calculating, but she also had a good heart. He couldn’t figure out why she would raise a kid in the hunting life, and if she was alive, he would have been tempted to knock some sense into her. It didn’t seem like she was the most affectionate mother either, if Y/N’s reactions were anything to go by. He didn’t miss the flinch when he grabbed her hands earlier, and the thought of her hurt made him see red.
Sam merely nodded at his brother’s request, seeing through the thin excuse. He looked at Y/N and decided to forgo his normal healthy food in favour of some greasy goodness instead. The kid deserved a treat. Grabbing the keys for the Impala, he walked out and the door shut behind him, leaving Y/N and Dean awkwardly standing around in the room.
“How did you know her?” Y/N’s voice seemed to echo in the room. Dean instantly knew who she was talking about.
“I met her when I was seventeen. She saved my ass actually. I was on a hunt with my Dad and it was just us that day. It was ghouls, I think. Dad was knocked out and I was outnumbered but then she came in and kicked their asses. She was a brilliant hunter you know,” Dean smiled softly at the memory.
“Anyway, we got to talking and realized that we had a lot in common. So, we kept in touch. We would get together when we were in the same town but both of us knew we didn’t want anything serious. Honestly, I never pictured her having kids. She didn’t seem to want any at that time but I guess people change.”
“No, they don’t,” she replied as a tear slid down her cheek. She had cried more that day than she had in the past four years and it frustrated her to no end. Normally, she knew how to numb herself, but something about the Winchesters made her want to tell them everything and she hated it, hated feeling so weak. If this was what living with them was going to be like, she wanted out already.
Dean’s heart dropped at Y/N’s words. He hated that she grew up feeling so alone and he promised himself that he would give that kid a home, regardless of whether she was his.
They sat in silence after that, but surprisingly it wasn’t uncomfortable. Y/N was almost dozing off again when Sam returned with the food. The heavenly smell of burgers jerked her wide awake and Dean tried to hide his grin at her reaction.
She waited until Sam and Dean had taken their fill before moving to take a small portion of fries with her burger, making the boys look at each other worriedly. Clearly, things were worse than they had imagined. They had a long road ahead of them.
After dinner, it was decided that they would move out first thing in the morning and Dean proposed getting some shut eye. Neither of them wanted to let Y/N out of their sight but one raised eyebrow from her had them surrendering and she went back to her own room to sleep. If the brothers got up periodically to check on her throughout the night, she didn’t have to know that.
The next morning, she nervously picked at her duffle bag as the brothers handled the check out. This was it, her last chance at backing out. She could make a run for it and they wouldn’t know until it was too late, but her feet remained planted to the ground. Sam walked out first, Dean following closely. No backing out now. Dean opened the trunk and threw their stuff in, and they all shuffled into the car – Dean in the driver’s seat, Sam beside him and Y/N sat stiffly in the back seat.
Sam turned around to look at her, silently asking if she was alright. She nodded slightly but continued to fidget in her seat. Dean caught her eye in the rear-view mirror and held her gaze for a minute before he started the car. Over the loud rumble of the engine he said, “Let’s go home, kiddo.”
Chapter 7
TAGS: @vicmc624​ @carisi-sonny​ @zizzlekwum​ @geekqueen5​ @mondefantastique​ @lemondropirwin​ @hamildork​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
If anyone else would like to be tagged, please send me an ask (: Thanks for reading!
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Odin’s Ward ~ Chapter 10
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/637890992711843840/odins-ward-chapter-9
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Word count: 2798
Warnings: Violence
Y/n: 18 // Loki: 20 // Thor: 24
Y/n’s POV
Light floods my room and assaults my aching eyes.
“Good morning, My Lady.” Ragna’s high-pitched voice floats from my left, and I roll to see her standing near my bed. Her eyes widen as she takes in my face. She disappears, returning quickly with a cool washcloth.
“To help with the swelling,” she explains as she dabs under my eyes. I nod absently, not ready to focus on the realities of today.
When Ragna is done, she steps back. “My Lady, it is time to ready you for the day.”
I stand, following her mutely to my wardrobe. She puts me in a dress very similar to what I wore yesterday, although this one has sky blue accents as opposed to gold. While she does my hair in an updo typical of Alfheim noblewomen, Ragna tries to make conversation. “I’m sorry you did not sleep well.” Her words are careful, testing the waters and the limits of my politeness, but I hear real concern in her voice. This leads me to answer honestly.
“It’s…” I swallow and try to gather the right words. I must choose them carefully. “Difficult to be moved from what I’ve known for so long.” There. Not too revealing, but hints at why I’m so distraught.
Ragna is silent for a moment, her fingers expertly twisting my hair. “I can empathize, My Lady.”
I raise my eyebrows, grateful for any distraction and hoping she’ll go on. She does.
“When I was a child, barbarians kidnapped me from my village and sold me to the castle. I haven’t seen my family since.” There’s no sadness in her voice, no longing. She’s simply stating the facts.
My eyes staring at her through the mirror reflect the shock I feel. “That must have been very hard.”
“Yes,” she agrees. “Although it truly does get easier with time. Quite quickly, I adjusted to my life here. In all honesty, I probably would have died had I remained in my village. I was the youngest of seven, and my parents couldn’t afford to feed us all. My life in the castle allows me to be clothed, fed, and housed. I have a purpose, and I have friends. It is a better life than I was meant for, surely.”
I suck in a breath, lowering my eyes to my lap out of shame. Here’s a girl who has gone through much worse than I have, and she doesn’t let it break her. How weak I must be. “You speak of this so easily.”
Through the mirror, she smiles kindly, understanding clear in her eyes. “You will too, one day. It will take time, but you will grow to love your husband. You will have children you adore and rule over a realm that adores you.”
Love, I think wistfully. No, I have given all my love away.
A green-eyed man floats to my mind, and I hasten to distract myself. “What do you know of my fiancé?”
Ragna’s eyes sparkle and she launches into a fast-paced telling of everything she knows. I can tell she enjoys gossip, but I can’t find it in myself to be annoyed. After all, this could prove very useful to me.
“His name is Audunn, and he is very wealthy. That’s why your father chose him for you, I’m sure of it. His family is one of the founding families of Alfheim, and he is a pureblood. Not a single member of his family has every married someone not of traceable Alfheim descent, so it upset some people when he announced his engagement to you.” At my expression, she’s quick to reassure. “I mean no offense, of course, but you are Asgardian. Still, the Royal Family is Asgardian, so if Asgard blood is good enough to rule all Nine Realms, why shouldn’t it be good enough to marry?” I want to smile at her carefree conclusions, but don’t have it in me. “Audunn is handsome, but quite a bit older than you. I wouldn’t let that worry you, though. Age equals experience, and experience equals fun.” She tries to bite back a grin, and I can’t help releasing a shocked laugh.
“Sorry, My Lady.” But Ragna’s eyes still sparkle, and I feel my fondness growing for her by the second. She continues. “Anyway, he has no children, thank your lucky fates, but that means he will expect them quickly from you. But no matter. You are young and will surely be with child after your first few years together.”
Agitation rises within me. Children? I don’t think I’m ready for children.
Ragna stuffs a pin into the twist. “Your father is not an old man, and it is likely he will continue to preside over Alfheim for hundreds of years. But once he leaves us for the stars, your husband will rise to the position of Chief Diplomat and you will be extended that status as well. I’m not sure what the people will call you, though….” She furrows her brow as she thinks. “I don’t remember a time when your mother shared your father’s throne. Do you recall her title?”
“Duchess.” The word comes to me easily, though I wasn’t aware I knew this piece of information. “My father is technically a duke in Asgard.”
Ragna smiles at me through the mirror, adjusting a stray braid. “Duchess, then.”
Upon hearing the title directed at me, I gulp.
Finished with my hair, Ragna places an encouraging hand on my shoulder. “You will be wonderful.”
And although I do not feel like it, I smile back.
I sit on a bench somewhere in the castle grounds, enjoying the sun. Ragna lounges below me on the grass. I had offered her the space next to me, but she emphatically refused, saying it would not be proper for a servant to sit at an equal level with a woman of my status. I had fought the urge to roll my eyes.
A servant I haven’t encountered yet runs up to us. He’s older than I am, and it feels strange to have an elder bow deeply in my direction.
He does not look at me when he speaks. “My Lady, Master requires your presence immediately.”
I raise my eyebrows. Who’s Master?
Ragna jumps up and her eyes beg me to do the same. For her sake, I do, although I am already wary of meeting a man who makes his servant call him Master.
The servant walks a good fifteen paces ahead of us and does not look back. Ragna takes a place behind my left shoulder so she can whisper in my ear as the three of us speed-walk. “That is Sveinn, the manservant of your betrothed.” There’s a something in her voice, something odd, but my own panic at meeting my fiancé keeps me from placing it.
“Audunn? I’m meeting him now?”
“I believe so, My Lady.” Her voice is grave, a clear sign of the importance of this meeting. I straighten my posture. Ragna fusses over my dress as we continue our way up and through the castle.
Finally, and yet all too soon, we stop outside a massive set of doors.
“You are to wait here,” Sveinn instructs Ragna.
I consider protesting, but she has already curtsied to me and taken a step back.
I swallow as Sveinn knocks.
“Enter,” calls a deep, gravely voice. Audunn.
A set of guards opens the doors. I hold my head high, fake all the confidence I do not feel, and enter the chamber.
The man I presume to be my fiancé stands in the center of the dark room, turned away from me, hands clasped tightly behind his back.
Svienn moves to leave the room.
“Stay, Sveinn.”
The servant gulps nervously. “Yes, Master.” There’s that title again. So abrasive.
The silence resumes. I refuse to speak first. Audunn is the one who called me here, after all.
Somewhere nearby, a clock ticks.
“I thought it prudent that we meet, given our current status.”
I bristle at his haughty tone. “How can we meet when we do not look each other in the eye?”
Slowly, he turns to face me.
From across the room, I take him in.
He is of moderate hight and full of textbook Alfheimish features. His ears are longer and narrower than mine, his nose small and graceful. Blonde hair speckled with silver covers both his head and the lower part of his face. Ragna wasn’t kidding. He is much older than me.
He studies me as well. From the glint in his eyes, I can tell he likes what he sees. Gross. He’s dressed extravagantly, covered in an ornate cloak even though he’s indoors. With a hint of glee, I notice that his clothes are darker than mine. As of now, I hold a higher status than him.
That small bit of power gives me more confidence, and I take the necessary steps to meet him in the middle of the room. “Shall we sit and get to know each other?”
His mouth quirks up at one end. “That won’t be necessary. There is no need for you to be here much longer.”
I raise my eyebrows, taken aback. “Excuse me?”
He takes a heavy step in my direction, coldness in his eyes. “What is there to know about you? Soon, we will be wed. You will exist to give me pleasure, status, and heirs. That is all I need to know.”
I feel the fire of fury spread through my body, setting every nerve alight. My fists clench. “How dare you! I am so much more than an empty body existing only for you.” I straighten, doing my best to reel in my anger and return control to the situation. “You will not speak to me like that again.”
Audunn’s features harden and he locks his eyes on mine. “Sveinn, come here.”
Sveinn follows the order, his steps slow and shaky.
“Sveinn,” Audun barks.
The servant yelps and rushes to stand by us.
Audunn’s hand cracks across Sveinn’s face.
A gasp tears from my throat as I surge forward to stop the assault. Sveinn reaches a pleading hand from his position on the ground.
“Please, My Lady, don’t—” his voice is cut off with a sharp intake of air as Audunn strikes him again. “You will only make it worse.”
The poor man’s mouth begins to bleed and he looks at me with begging eyes.
I hesitate.
“That’s right, you listen,” Audunn growls, gripping Sveinn by the hair and forcing his bleeding face in my direction. I shrink back, horror seeping into my bones. “You did this to him.”
Horror turns to anger. “You’re the one beating him! You—” but before my words are finished, Audunn begins anew, striking Sveinn without reservation.
“My Lady, please.” Sveinn’s voice, broken and desperate, is what grounds me.
I try to force myself to de-escalate by focusing on my breathing. As soon as I’m silent, the beating stops.
“There’s a good girl.” Audunn’s voice sickens me. It reminds me of a poison apple—achingly sweet and unbelievably dangerous. “Sveinn,” Audunn throws him on the ground but releases him, choosing to walk a circle around me instead, “is what’s known as a whipping servant. Are you familiar with the concept?”
Heart stuttering, I nod.
“Good. Then you understand that anytime you do something to displease me,” his voice darkens, and he takes a menacing step in my direction, “poor, poor Sveinn gets a beating. Because of you.”
I bite the inside of my cheek, forcing myself to be strong. Do not break.
“If you behave,” Audunn’s voice is back to being sweet and deceptively pleasant, “all will be well. I’m sure that is logic even a woman can follow.”
I exhale in my anger but otherwise hold it in. My body is coiled tight and by the gods, I want to let it spring.
But the look on Sveinn’s bleeding and fearful face keeps me from acting on my impulse.
Audunn stops in front of me, wearing a tight smile. “You are dismissed.”
I do my best not to run from the room.
Once clear of the door, I speed up. Before I know it, I’m running.
I hear light footsteps behind me, indicating Ragna’s pursuit, but I do not slow. I exit the castle and run past the bench where I sat earlier. I pass the apple orchard and the fountains. I run for as long as I can, until my legs give out. I collapse in a pile of sobs and gasping breath, finally breaking. The grass pricks my legs, but I barely notice. The weeping is my main concern, wracking my body and causing my chest to seize.
“Oh, My Lady.” Ragna’s voice is full of concern and distress. Hesitantly, she wraps her arms around me and I grip at her, unable to stop myself from seeking comfort.
“He-he,” I gasp.
“My Lady, I am so sorry. There were rumors but I-I never thought….” Horror colors her voice as she trails off. Instead of speaking, she concentrates on stroking my hair, and the action gradually soothes me.
My heart is in deep distress. It calls for Loki. I want nothing more than to be in his arms. Loki is mischievous and morally ambiguous at best ,but I know he would never do to me what Audunn has. Loki cared for me, loved me, respected me, and protected me. Audunn views me as his personal servant, made to be used.
I shudder.
“Ragna, I—” I sniffle. “I cannot be with that man. I’ll…” But my voice trails off, because I don’t know what I’ll do. I desperately want to end the engagement and leave this realm. I want to return to Asgard and ask them to take me back. I will even beg Odin himself. And I want to run into the safety of Loki’s arms and kiss him and hug him and tell him that I am his. I want him to be mine as well. It’s him I want to marry.
But I know that’s not what will happen. People like me and Loki rarely get what we want, simply due to our status. We exist as pawns, ready to be moved at the will of our fathers. As a man, Loki has more free will than I, but not by much. As a prince, he will be expected to marry an Asgardian noblewoman, just as I am expected to marry Audunn. It is my duty. And I must be strong enough to carry it out.
I sit up, willing myself to find any strength left in my body. “Will you help me get ready for dinner?”
Ragna looks relieved at my gaining composure. “Of course, My Lady.”
Audunn joins us for dinner. Every time he looks at me, I do my best not to grimace. I may hate this man, but I have no ill will towards Sveinn and desperately do not want to see him hurt. For the majority of the evening, we eat in silence.
As I pick at my dessert, Father speaks. “My council and I have set a date for your marriage ceremony.”
My stomach clenches. Loki’s face flashes in my mind, apathetic and detached. I do my best to mimic his mask in order to hide my fear. “Oh?”
Father grunts. “Three weeks from now.”
But I am not as practiced as Loki. A breath escapes me, and my voice is noticeably stained when I speak. “So soon?”
Audunn puts on a winning smile. “What she means to say, is that she is pleased. Isn’t that right, dear Y/n?”
I swallow down my bile and set him with a hard look. “Yes.”
Father doesn’t seem to notice the tension between us. “Shall I invite anyone in particular from Asgard?”
Yes. “No.”
Father continues, taking a bite of his dessert. “I will, of course, invite the Royal Family, though I highly doubt they will be in attendance. It’s unusual for the entire family to leave Asgard.” A thoughtful look crosses his face. “But perhaps the Allmother will come. She seems the most likely, if any.”
Hope surprises me, and I cling to it. “Yes, I wish she would attend. It would be lovely to see her again. Queen Frigga was always so kind to me.” An unexpected pang of longing hits me, and I realize I had been so focused on missing Loki that I hadn’t noticed I miss his mother as well. Now aware, I ache for her kind words and motherly affections.
Father gives me a small smile. “I will be sure to convey your words in the invitation.”
I nod, thankful. Perhaps if Frigga attends the wedding, I can get though it without screaming.
A/n: Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/638076748499681280/odins-ward-chapter-11
Tag list: @80strashbag @dark-night-sky-99 @what-am-i-doing10 @chxrryycola @ravenclaw5606
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YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise
Pleasantly surprised to be in one of these, so let’s go
Favorite series: *Gestures to icon* Is it any surprise I’ll be picking GX? I love GX with all my heart and soul. The story’s pacing is very good and never feels like it’s dragging its feet to get to where it’s going, most duels are over in less than a full episode with the longest one being three, there are so many good characters to get invested in, and this boy right here is your protagonist.
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Look at him blow kisses to the audience after beating Crowler, how could anyone not love Jaden Yuki? I care him so much. Even the filler episodes in GX are pretty fun to watch most of the time, and it’s the good kind of filler that may not advance the plot much or at all, but it’ll give you plenty of good memories to take with you. Who could possibly forget the eggwich thief? Not to mention the soundtrack fucking slaps.
Favorite protagonist: I mean...
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Yeah it’s Jaden. GX hooked me immediately when I started watching it because of how much I loved this boy. He’s that perfect mix of cocky and sweet when it comes to dueling because he’s confident in his own abilities, but he never stops having fun and being amazed at what his opponent can do, he cares about all of his friends and does his best to help them with their problems, he’s kind to strangers, and he has exactly half a brain cell. 
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I feel the gif speaks for itself, but Jaden’s dialogue when he turns around here is “I’m such a sucker for things like this! I’ll help you, ma’am!” Dorothy says “No, you’ll be late... Don’t you have a test today?” And Jaden replies with “Who cares if I’m late? I couldn’t leave a lady in trouble!” Jaden Yuki is my absolute favorite protagonist.
Favorite rival: Oh man is that a tough one. Am I allowed to pick two? It’s a hard call to make between this dumb edgy bitch-
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And this dumb gay bitch
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Honestly they’re tied for favorite rival in my book. I absolutely loved Chazz when I watched GX, and I thought his arc about breaking through his inferiority/superiority complex and learning to accept loss as a part of life without letting it define him was wonderfully written, and seeing him grow as a person throughout the show just made me feel happy for him. Shark... I really thought I wasn’t going to end up liking Shark at first, but god he just gets so much better as Zexal goes on, starting out as this mean spirited middle school bully in episode one, and slowly ending up as Yuma’s boyfriend closest friend. It’s incredible to look back at how Shark acts when he’s first introduced and compare it to... season 3, I think it was, where just hearing the words “Yuma’s in danger” is enough to send him running to his rival’s side. Chazz and Shark. They are my favorites.
Favorite BFF: Him
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Crow Hogan is an absolute treasure and he was my favorite part about watching 5Ds. This little bird man first gets introduced by stealing cards for his kids and clowning on Sector Security, and he’s a source of so much good throughout the show. Excellent best friend (technically brother but I’m counting him), wonderful father, 10/10 person all around. Plus the fact that the only thing stopping him from berating his bitchass brother even more was Yusei having to literally pick him up and pull him away is definitely extra points in my book. What a powerful little bird. His only weakness is people that are taller than him, which is unfortunately most people.
Favorite GFF:
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Yuzu. Have I actually watched Arc V yet? No, but I’m still picking Yuzu for my number one here. Tea and Tori are just awful characters, I’m neutral towards Alexis, and Akiza... Did have potential to be something interesting on her own, despite how uncomfortable she made me in seasons 1-2 of 5Ds, but her relevance is alllll downhill from there. I’ve seen one clip of Yuzu yelling at a man eating pie and calling him a 100th rate duelist, and that was all I needed to know she would be my favorite. (Clip here) 
Favorite villain: Oh boy
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The fuckin carrot is my favorite villain, and I say this as someone who fully believes he didn’t deserve to be in the last episode. Vector did some fucked up shit in his day, and he only continued to do fucked up shit in Yuma’s day, but I have to say he was pretty effective when it came down to his goals. He got things done and went right for what he wanted by taking direct action to seize Don Thousand’s power, and he manipulated Yuma perfectly by preying on his kind nature and love for Astral to use him to further his goals. 
...Plus I mean just look at his subbed dialogue God he’s such a slut. Evil slutty alien.
Tl;dr Vector was a horrible horrible person, but he was a good villain, and he was so entertaining whenever he was on screen that it was impossible not to like him. Still kinda wish he got what he deserved though, and what he deserved definitely wasn’t another chance.
Speaking of Don Thousand though, can we talk about how unfairly pretty he is? If I had to pick a runner up villain in terms of looks alone, it would definitely be him.
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God it was not fair how pretty the big bad of Zexal was. He’s fucking gorgeous, and in my opinion, the best looking villain at the very least.
Favorite card: *Sweats in Duel Links* Favorite? There’s so many cards out there to pick from, but since I’ve already broken the rules with my two favorite rivals, I’ll be picking two of each card type: Spells, traps, and monsters. One for the aesthetic, and one for how often I make use of it.
First up, the Aesthetics group
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What can I say, Vampiric Koala is such a cutie, Dwimmered Path has some really pretty card art, and Rainbow Life is an eternal flex on any heteros I may encounter while playing Duel Links. Nothing better than a gay trap card.
Now for usability
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Dragon Knight of Creation is suuuper helpful in any dragon themed deck and has a permanent slot in my decks for Mokuba and Kaiba, PoG is always a fun way to boost up weak monsters to ridiculous heights, and Dark Bribe just lets you block your opponent like “Okay I know you wanna hurt me but I will let you draw another card if you do not do that thing”, and they can’t refuse you.
Favorite episode: I’ll be copying cipher’s format here and picking one for each series, but this will still only total out to five for me since I’ve yet to watch past Zexal ^^; Soon I’ll get to Arc V! One day...
Season 0: Episode 16:  Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis I’m a sucker for my son Joey, and this was a good Joey episode about him and his sister, plus it was nice seeing that doctor get what he deserved :) Duel Monsters: Season 5, episode 12-14:  The Deciding Match for Duel King - Yugi vs. Leon/Golden Castle of Stromberg/KC Grand Prix Ends  Probably a weird batch of episodes to pick, I know, but a lot of DM was kinda forgettable to me, and these are some of the few episodes I do recall. I just... really felt for Leon’s situation, and I wanted good things for that boy. I care him. GX: Season 3, episode 34: Dark Fusion! Inferno Wing!! Jim. Jim Jim Jimmmmm. This was the episode that finally made me understand why saviorshipping was a thing because it hits you with all these memories Jim has of Jaden and shows how they bonded before all this Dark World shit happened, and the whole thing was very emotional. 5Ds: Season 4, episode 2-3:  Recollections, Entrusted with a Friend's Dying Wish God Crow, my precious bird son. I really liked the backstory they gave him, despite how much it hurt. It was probably the best character development he got in the whole of 5Ds, and let you see a side to him you probably wouldn’t expect. I loved watching him get his justice. Zexal II: Season 2, episode 5-6:  Alito the Silent Fighter - Reunion of the Passionate Duelists!/ Be Revived! The Duelist Soul That Transcends Life!! I picked these episodes for Nistro and Nistro alone. He was one of my absolute favorites in Zexal, and seeing how well he and Dextra were doing was good for the soul. Just look at this good lion man right here.
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Look at him!!!
Favorite decks to use: Elemental Heroes, Aromages, Red Eyes, Six Samurai, and Crystal Beasts.
Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: I’m a simple girl, I love fusion/tributes for how easy they are, but synchro can be pretty fun, too
Years in fandom: ??? Even I don’t know the answer to this one, friends. I used to be in the fandom when I was in middle school, wrote/read a few fanfics here and there, but then I fell out of it for... Well I’m 22 now and only got back into things 6 months ago? I started rewatching the abridged series of Duel Monsters in March, and from there I just wanted to consume actual Yugioh content and never went back.
Who am I tagging: @finding-fallen-petals @dizziedaikonn​ @chazzaroo​ Go wild y’all
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