#Tenya x Non binary reader
queentheweeb · 2 years
Tenya Iida X Non-Binary Tourette's Reader
A/N: Non-binary is a person that goes by they/them and does not consider themselves a girl/woman or a boy/man/. Tourette Syndrome is a nervous system disorder involving repetitive movements or unwanted sounds. It typically starts during childhood. It involves uncontrollable repetitive sounds/movements (tics) such as blinking eyes, bodily movements, and blurting out offensive, nonsensical words and sounds.
Your tics started when you were 13 years old. At first, you just chalked it up to your severe anxiety and that was you releasing a build-up of emotions. You remember talking to a therapist about it, who then referred you to a clinical therapist who diagnosed you with anxiety disorder. Everything was going good so far up until 14 when you started blurting our cuss words and kept getting written up and sent to the principal's office for crude and disrespectful behavior as well as disruptive. No one took you seriously when you said you weren't doing it on purpose. It felt like electrical pulses every time you felt a burst about to come out so you would di your best to suppress it. However,  the more you tried to suppress it the stronger those electrical pulses would get throughout your body and neck, and head. Your neck would crick and start spasming before you would let out a slew of cuss words, random sayings, lines from TV shows and movies you watched, or what other people would say. You would end up crying after an attack which triggered another one having to listen to people laugh at you and call it cute that you were having fits or getting angry at you for being unable to control something that was not voluntarily controllable. After the severe bouts, you were sent to your doctor who sent you to see a pediatric neurologist. After multiple visits and tests and going to therapists, you were finally diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome along with your Anxiety disorder. It was a relief to you if you were being honest. You had an answer and now you carried around a card and Keychains as well to signify you have Tourette Syndrome. It was also put into your files so when you applied for U.A and got accepted that was the first thing that would be known. It was embarrassing enough that during the written exam you had to be seated by yourself to prevent being a nuisance to the other students. Well, it didn't matter at the end of the day you got accepted to 1-a and here you are at the end of the year having explained your Tourettes and everyone accepted you. Even Mineta granted they laughed a few times considering the stuff you said sometimes was funny.
"Y/N-Chan!" You turned to see Tenya waving erratically at you for your attention. He was with the dekusquad at a table going over the school notes and homework. At least from here, it looks like they were doing that. At least Tenya was that need. You love him. 
"Yes Tenya, Tenya, Tenya" For some reason his name is a tic so when you said it, you always repeated it. At first, he was annoyed because he didn't understand how Tourettes worked until he did some research on his own and with Recovery Girl. Once he confirmed stuff with you he was more confident and understanding which is so much more than what you expected from someone. 
"Come and study with us! We do the homework together and study together then we can all pass together." This is why you loved your friends and Tenya as well. They genuinely cared about everyone including themselves -Izuku was questionable at times but that's another topic for another day- and that was something that you always wanted and maybe needed. Genuine friends with genuine feelings. You sat down right next to Tenya who tangled your legs together. He wasn't one for P.D.A because he thought it was ungentlemanlike of him to take advantage of you like that. You didn't see it like that but, you respected his decisions. However, in the safety and privacy of your dorm rooms, he would be all over you. He was always holding you, hugging you, kissing you, and never gave you any kind of personal space. You loved it all. Your tics were relatively calm considering you were comfortable and there was no urgency or training. Your tics occurred in stressful situations such as training or fighting villains. You still don't know how you made it into the hero course but, you believed it was out of pure spite that you were here. Everyone who told you that you couldn't make it, that you couldn't possibly be a hero with anxiety and Tourette's syndrome. 
"Y/N can you help me out with this, please? You know I suck at math." You smiled at Asui and Ochako looking over the worksheets that Ecto had given the class. It was quiet with you making light noises and twitches with your body here and there. There were no classes considering it was a Saturday and everyone was in the common room area. After a couple of hours and dinner, everyone set out to do their own thing. It wasn't movie night so Tenya very slyly looked at you with a tilt of his head signaling if you wanted to go upstairs for cuddles. You nodded your head at him going to grab his hand. He allowed it and the two of you waved by to your friend groups and headed straight upstairs. Once you got to his room the two of you stepped out of your slippers and you went to pick a movie to watch. He never watched too many Disney movies so you picked Mulan this time to watch.  You turned to the bed to see him laying on his side with his arms open. You grabbed the remote jumping into the bed loving how he spooned you. 
"Are you comfy?" You whistled before nodding and snuggling back into him. You felt the slight electric buzz of your Tourettes but it was calm. He was your peace after all.
What are your thoughts? What do you think? Was it okay representation?
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lovdlydaz · 1 year
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Tenya Iida x Seme Male Reader.
You and Iida had been friends for a while now, and it was like the two of you were inseparable. You would go everywhere together, have lunch together, go home together and do literally everything, together.
But then, things started to change a bit.
You and your best friend had both applied for the same college, and somehow, the both of you got in. It was a miracle really, because your quirk wasn't really all that special while his was a bit too special.
Sure, while speedy quirks are quite common in this universe, his quirk had gotten more advanced and unique than normal speedy quirks. He would be able to run on reciproburst for days on end without his engines stalling, while you were just able to produce flowers out of thin air. And that didn't really seem like a very unique quirk to you.
But, you somehow managed to get into this prestigious and high-maintenance college.
You and Tenya apparently got dorms only a few doors down from each other, which was very lucky in your opinion. Sure you hoped that they were a bit closer but eh, could you complain all that much? It was a miracle that you even got accepted, so why trash talk it now?
Anyways, it was a day before a really big test. And by big, I mean half of your semester grade. You were panicking and forcing yourself to stay up all night to study, but, you just couldn't keep your eyes open long enough. So, you decided to call one of the first but also last people you wanted to call up.
Tenya Iida.
He could basically hear your cry for help, so, he was already at your door in a matter of seconds. Holding his ginormous amount of books, some snacks and a bunch of monsters that he had snuck away in his mini fridge that he would use to also help him stay awake and cramp in a nice study session. Even though he always studied days before a test.
You were thankful to have a best friend just like him, because you haven't studied at all, and you needed to ASAP. He ran inside your dorm as soon as you opened the door, him dashing towards the desk and slamming the required study notes along with books needed for this session. He gave you one look, and that was one filled with determination and a bit too much excitement to be studying with you again.
You two had studied with each other for a good bit when you started to get a little hungry, so you stood up and looked down at Tenya. See, he was standing as well, but you were 5 inches taller than him, him having grown from being 5'10 in highschool to 6'2 in college. In all honesty, you were tall all of your life, but you were 6'1 in highschool and have grown to an abysmal 6'8.
Anyways, that was a bit off topic. Or was it? Anyways anyways, you looked down at the smaller blue-haired man, your eyes observing his figure as you started to speak. "Do you want anything to eat? I could cook you something," you spoke, him shaking his head and going back to writing down notes. You sighed, he was always dedicated to his work. But, you decided to get him something to eat anyways.
You walked into the kitchen you had built in yourself, going into the refrigerator to see what you had inside. You had some stuff for a fairly decent meal so, you started up the stove and started cooking.
After a while, you were finished with the food for the both of you, and since you were a bit hungry, you decided to eat some of your food. You did make Tenya some and you were going to give it to him, but you noticed how he already had walked into the room with some papers and sat at the table, so you didn't really have to. You walked over to him and gave him his food, him giving you a small thanks with a soft smile as he decided to eat.
God did he make your heart flutter.
You see, you and the boy had been friends for quite some time, but what you hadn't told him was that, you were pansexual. You definitely had had your boyfriends, girlfriends, non-binary partners, the list goes on. But, you only had those partners because you thought it was wrong to love your best friend.
You couldn't help it. With the way he was hardworking, determined and he could get pretty shy at times which was downright adorable to you, it was like he was doing this on purpose. He definitely wasn't but, you were just so lovesick you couldn't stop thinking about him.
To be fair, this whole "study session" was really your plan to get closer to the blue-haired boy. You really had the hots for him, and he honestly was too oblivious to realize it. The way you stared at him in class, the way your body language was more open and fruity (pun intended) when he was around, it was kind of hard not to tell.
Everybody in your class knew about your secret little crush on the man, but he was weirdly enough the only one who didn't. You didn't realize it but, others had seen Tenya looking at you the same way you looked at him. It was like... a cliche y'know?
Anyways, you had grabbed what was left of your food and sat down next to him, looking over the work he was able to complete so far and you smiling brightly at his hard work. "Thanks Tenten! It really means a lot that you were able to do this for me," you chirped, him looking at you and a small blush forming on his face from the nickname you had called him. "It's not a problem M/N, you know I'll always be there whenever you need it," he told back in reply, a smile still on his face as he took a bite out of the food.
You really felt your chest tighten when he said 'I'll always be there when you need it', because it felt so genuine. He always was there when you needed him. For homework, he would always help you. For sports, he would always help you. For literally anything else you were bad at and he was good at, he would always help you. It was like he knew when you needed something, and he was always on the case.
You really couldn't just stop staring at the boy, red tint flying to your ears in a frenzy as you looked back down at your food. You felt a bit hungry, so you scarfed down the last of your food and went to put your plate in the sink. You then saw that Iida wasn't eating, so you went back to him and slowly slid the papers away.
He looked back at you with a shocked look in his eye, trying to reach for the papers. But alas, he couldn't. He just looked at you with a 'wtf' look on his face, you smiling back at him as you scooted the papers to the end of the table. "Now, Tenya Iida, you have to eat.” “Why?” “Because I said so, and eating is important for you to survive. Now, you can get those papers back later once you finish your food. Eat up buttercup," you stated, him grumbling a little before taking the smallest bit of food and shoveling it in his mouth.
You just let a small 'tsk' fall off your tongue as you grabbed his fork from him, a small 'hey!' bring emitted from his throat as he tried to reach for the fork. But, yet again, he couldn't. So, he just looked at you again and this time, he was a bit angry. "Why do you keep taking away my stuff M/N?" He asked in a contradictory tone of voice from his behavior, which was angry and closed. Meanwhile, his voice was calm and open. "Because you're not prioritizing your needs and paying more attention to your wants," you replied, him scoffing and leaning back in his chair.
"Now, I'm going to feed you your food," "Why?" "Because I want to, and you will finish this plate so you can go back to studying and working," you told him again, the boy looking at you like you were a madman. You didn't care, so you continued. "Now, open wide Tenten," you told him, pushing the food that you had scooped up from his plate on his lips like he was a toddler. He grumbled a bit before opening his mouth a little, you sliding in the food and pulling the fork back out.
"Now, chew baby. It's not gonna stay in your mouth forever," you said, him obliging like a good boy and eating his food. You smiled, and he frowned. The food wasn't bad no, he just didn't want to eat without studying. He did have a heavy blush on his white face, you noticing and were definitely going to continue with feeding him yourself.
After you finished, the smaller boy was very flustered, but full and able to work harder now. You gave him the papers back and he actually wasn't in the mood to work on the, well, work. You were very confused, but you didn't think anything of it.
"M/N. What was the real reason you wanted me to come over?" He asked, you feeling your chest tighten more from that question. You were a bit scared to tell him the real reason, because, well, you didn't know if he'd like it. "For studying? Isn't that all?" You asked him back, him giving you a skeptical look before looking back at the table.
"M/N, I like you."
You turned your head towards him, your eyes wide and your mouth agape in the shape of an O. You just gawked at the man, and he was rethinking stating that sentence. But, after a minute of you just deadass eyeing the man down you snapped out of your trance, you shaking your head and looking down at the blue-haired boy.
"You serious?"
You had asked in a inquisitive tone, you tilting your head to the side and basically looking like a confused puppy at the moment. Tenya nodded his head, you feeling a new wave of emotions running in as you looked at the table again. You didn't know if he was lying, but you also knew that he never lied. He was too much of a goody-two-shoes to lie, minus the fact he bitch-slapped Midoriya because he was being a pussy.
You just gripped your pants, tears threatening to leave your eyelids as you looked back at the ripoff sonic sitting besides you. You didn't know how to feel at the moment, because you were so happy but at the same time so confused as to why he decided to confess right here and now. You wanted to do that, not him. But, you couldn't complain, so you didn't complain at all.
In fact, you were a little too grateful about this.
"Well... I like you too Tenya. A lot actually," You spoke with a soft tone of voice, him feeling a wave of relief washing over him as he looked at you with hopeful eyes. He was so happy that you liked him back, he couldn't comprehend it. "I'm so happy you reciprocate my feelings. I thought I would have to feel the piercing heartbreak of loving someone that doesn't love me back. And that person being the one person I congregate with most," he told you, you chuckling at his use of big words.
That was your Tenya.
You just ruffled up his hair and chuckled more, standing up and him copying you. "Well... What are we now?" You asked the smaller male, him scratching his head before coming up with something. "Well... We could become significant others. Or, we could be something else if you don't want to be that," he spoke with a kind and soft voice, looking up at you with a small smile. "Well, I'm not completely opposed to that idea," you smiled, chuckling as he blushed more from your use of semi-big literature.
"Well then... We are significant others?" Asked Tenya, his crimson eyes shining with hope as he stared right into you e/c eyes. You nodded your head and felt the tears come back once more, you trying your hardest not to break in front of your new boyfriend. "Yes... Yes we are love," you told him with a small nod, you wiping your tiny tears away as you looked at him, since you were looking down.
He decided that the best thing to do was to take action and grab your face, kissing your soft/rough/in the middle lips with a small smile on his face. You were shocked, wondering where all this boldness came from, but you weren't complaining. After a minute you kissed back, wrapping your hands around his waist and holding him close. You both felt the love in the kiss, not wanting to break it to save your lives.
But, you thought this was a bit too wholesome.
You pulled away and he did too, you watching his face contort into one of pure love and embarrassment clouding it. You felt yourself change into something you never knew you could, seeing his face and wanting to ruin it more than you already had. You softly grabbed his body and picked him up, taking him to your bedroom and shutting the door behind you. You laid him down on the bed, smiling as you pinned him to the sheets and looked down at him.
"You're so beautiful Tenya... I want to see all of your beauty," you purred, him blushing madly by your tone but being very confused at what you were saying. "What do you mean 'all of my beauty'? What else is there to see?" He asked in a inquisitive tone, you chuckling at his wholesomeness and wanting to ruin it so badly. You grabbed his chin and tilted his head up, licking your canines as you stared into his shining red eyes.
"Well Tenten, I want to ravish your little ass and make you mine baby~" you allured, him blushing madly and yanking your hand away from his chin. You were a little heartbroken and confused why he did that, until he backed up to the headboard and shook his head aggressively. "N-No! I... I don't want to! Not right now-!" he sputtered out, you climbing on the bed too and crawling towards him. The way he was panicking was such a sad sight for you, so you weren't going to force him to do anything he didn't want to.
You softly grabbed his cheeks with your hands, leaning his teary eyes to look into yours, a soft and caring smile on your face as some flowers started to grow in your hair from the amount of love and empathy you were feeling right now. "Tenya... You know I will never want to do anything you don't want to do. But, if our relationship lasts forever, I want you to trust that it you ever want to make love to me, that I will take care of you and make sure you are always loved during it. You understand?" You asked him, him staring at you with small tears flowing down his face as he nodded his head.
"I... I know M/N. It's just... I'm scared..." He muttered, looking down and you forcing his head back up so that he would look at you. "Tenya... You clearly didn't understand me. I will make sure to take care of you and make sure you're feeling the best you ever felt. I will go at whatever pace you want me to, and I will not do anything you don't want to. I've been thinking about doing this with you for so long, so that doesn't mean when the opportunity comes I will take advantage of it and you. Okay?" You reassured the anxious male, him nodding again and connecting your lips suddenly.
You were very confused as to why your lips were connected, but you weren't opposed to it. You kissed back, you smiling softly as he pulled away. He looked at you with kind eyes, you staring back with the same eyes. "I think... I think I want to do it M/N," he murmured, your eyes widening as you looked at him with a shocked expression on your face. "You... You sure? I don't want you to agree just because I said I wanted to have sex with you Tenya. I want you to enjoy it, and I want you to want to make love to me. Not me, you." You told him, him nodding again and looking at you.
"M/N, I want to make love to you. I trust you enough to know that I am in good hands, so I give my full body to you and you only," he spoke softly, you smiling and more flowers appearing in your h/c hair. "I'm so glad you do. I love you Tenten," you told him, kissing his lips again after he told you the same thing. You pushed him down softly against the bed, him letting you do so and wrapping his arms around you.
You pulled away and stared down at him, him looking up at you and a small smile crawling onto his face. You started to strip him and yourself of clothes, being careful and sensually with it so he could have the best experience. You wanted Iida to feel everything, and by god he was going to feel every little thing you had.
You finished stripping the two of you, you seeing his beautiful body and him trying to cover it up. Damn, he was so pretty, and he was all yours. You grabbed his arms and pinned them to the bed, using his tie to tie them up so he wouldn't be able to cover himself. He didn't go against this, but he did struggle like a little brat trying to get out of the ropes. "M/N, untie me- I want my hands freed now," he told you, you letting out a sigh and shaking your head.
"Now Tenten, that's not how you ask for something. So, until you ask nicely, the ropes are staying on," You grinned sadistically, him gritting his teeth and looking at the man who was about to fuck him silly. "I-I... I'm sorry M/N..." he whispered silently, you smirking and lifting his chin up. "I couldn't hear you darling. Speak up for Daddy~" you purred in his ear, him whimpering a little and his cock beginning to harden from those words.
"S-Such lewd words M/N... I-I don't think I can say them...-" He whined, you shaking your head and looking down at him. "Well, until you do, I won't give you what your dirty little mind and beautifully lewd body is asking for," You teased, rubbing his tip just a little to emit a small groan from him. That noise made you hard, and you had to bite your lip from not just ravishing him right then and there.
Tenya whined as you kept teasing his cock, you rubbing your thumb over his purple and red tip and biting up his neck. He kept his mouth shut, and that was getting on your nerves. So, you stopped all stimulation and sat back down on the bed with your cock harder than it was before. "Now Tenya... Can you see how much I need you right now? And how much your little ass is wiggling just to get some friction?" You asked him a rhetorical question, and him wiggling his ass was completely true because he was moving his hips in a very lewd way just to ask for some kind of sexual attention.
You tsked at the man's unwillingness to comply with you, so you just rolled your eyes and crawled over to him. "Alright then, since you want to be so disobedient. Ass up and chest down, and by the time this is over you better be in your place or else we will go until daybreak. You understand me Tenya?" You asked him, him immediately complying by the tone and dominance in your voice and you holding his hips so that you could get better access to them. You had already grabbed some lube before this, so you drenched it all over your fingers and all over his ass.
You circled one finger against his ass, Iida shivering at the cold sensation around his hole and gasping as one finger slid inside him. He kept his mouth open as your finger twisted and curled inside him, him letting out deep and throaty moans just from one finger. You were as hard as a rock now, and you so desperately craved friction yourself. But, you knew you needed to wait until he was ready, so you were very willing to wait.
"Oh Tenten... Moaning like that just from one finger? You're such a slutty boy... I love it," You praised him, him letting out a small whine from that because it made his cock twitch. You decided to add another finger inside him, scissoring and curling around him just to feel for his sweet spot inside him. He moaned and whimpered as the fingers inside him were rubbing him in the most delicious ways.
You curled and twisted until you felt the pads of your fingers touch a spongy spot inside him, you smirking and rubbing it aggressively and hearing Tenya's moans increased in pitch and volume from it. He felt himself close to the edge, so he whimpered and looked back at you. "...D- Da-ddy... I-I think I'm c-close- Ah-! I'm close!" He gasped out, you smirking and pulling your fingers out. He whined loudly and wiggled his ass some more, him looking for some kind of friction to get himself off.
Your sadistic mind saw your boyfriend struggling to please himself and wanted more of it, so you started to grab some lube to lube yourself up. "You should know Tenten... You were bad earlier, so now you're going to come when I come. If you come before that, we will not stop until you pass out. Okay?" You asked him, him nodding his head and small little tears coming into his eyes. You lined yourself up and pushed inside, the tightness making you feel close but you held it back for just a bit. Tenya moaned the loudest he ever did, whimpering loudly as he felt your big cock bottom out inside him.
You smiled, looking at your broken boyfriend with a smile. "You okay Tenten?" You asked, him gasping and trying to catch his breath from the delicious burn he was feeling from being stretched out by your cock. He nodded his head after a minute, you getting the signal to move, so you did. And the delicious moan you heard come from Iida's mouth made you not regret it.
The speedy man was breathing and moaning under you like a slut, and that spurred you on more. The way he turned from a bratty little know-it-all to a brain dead little dumb whore just for you made your head spin. It was so amazing watching Tenya moan for more friction and more everything, just because he never gave himself any time to loosen up and relax.
You were his lifesaver.
After some time, you felt yourself come close to cumming. So, you started to speed up and Tenya lost it, him trying to get out of the tie and whining more. "Un... Untie me! P-Please D-Daddy I beg you!" He moaned out and pleaded, you untying his wrists and him gripping onto your back since you two had moved from a different position.
His moans became more wanton and girly since he felt his high coming too, so he looked at you with small pleasurable tears in his eyes. "Come- Come with me p-please!" He begged, you obliging and thrusting harder and faster inside him. "I-Inside out Out?" You panted. "Inside!" He screamed. You moaned loudly as you came deeply inside him, him cumming with you and crying out your name in pleasure as his high shook all over his body. You were wrecked too, but not as much as Tenya.
His beautiful blue hair was sprawled all over the sheets, strands sticking to his sweaty forehead and his face a deep red. His mouth was open in a pant, his eyes dazed and drool with tears were stuck to his face. His abdomen was covered in sticky cum with sweat mixing with the cum and his mind was cloudy. Last but not least, his ass was spitting out the cum you had dumped inside him.
You had wrecked him perfectly.
You chuckled as you picked him up, cradling him in your arms and looking down at your amazing boyfriend. "Look at you Tenten... So fucked out and pretty just f'me... I love you~" you told him, him trying to catch his breath as he looked up at you. "I-I... Love you too..." he whispered, him closing his eyes and falling asleep in your arms. You smiled and ran fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead and watching him sleep peacefully.
You loved this man so much.
4358 words.
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
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What exactly is allowed? And what’s not?
? Suggestive
? Mental disorder (For awareness and spreading love about them purposes.)
? Yandere/stalking (Not too disturbing)
Ah, so you decided to request a Character x Reader? Lovely choice, reader! Let me show you what I have in store to satisfy your needs!
~ If you would like an AU of the character x reader you requested, you may ask and I will tell you if it’s possible to be written by me!
Gender identity: ~ Male ~ Female ~ Transfem/Transmale reader [Any other gender identity like non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc, will be referred with they/them pronouns!]
Role: ~ Civilian reader ~ Villain reader ~ Hero reader ~ Vigilante reader ~ Child reader (It must be platonic!) [And so much more! Depending on your request.]
You can’t have a good request if you don’t know what you’re requesting! Here’s a list of fandoms that I know and will do!
~ If you have a character in mind in one of these fandoms and was not mentioned, please let me know in the request!
(?) = Maybe? I don’t know their personality that well
Students: ~ Shoto Todoroki ~ Katsuki Bakugou ~ Izuku Midoriya ~ Ejirou Kirishima ~  Kyouka Jirou ~ Mina Ashido ~ Momo Yaoyorozu ~ Ochako Uraraka ~ Tenya Iida ~ Neito Monoma ~ Itsuka Kendo ~ Hitoshi Shinso
Pro heroes: ~ Hawks ~ Endeavour (?) ~ Mirko ~ Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) ~ Present Mic ~ Ms. Midnight ~ Sir Nighteye (?) ~ Fat Gum (?) ~ Best Jeanist (?) ~ All Might (?)
Villains: ~ Shigaraki ~ Dabi ~ Himiko Toga ~ Lady Nagant ~ Mr. Compress
Platonic only! ~ Kota ~ Eri
UNDERCITY / ZAUN: ~ Jinx / Powder (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Vi / Younger Vi (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Ekko (From when he was a kid to his current self) ~ Vander (?) ~ Sevika (?) ~ Silco (?) ~ Victor (?)
UPPERCITY / PILTOVER: ~ Caitlyn ~ Jayce (?) ~ Mel Medara
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Paladins: ~ Keith Kogane ~ Takashi Shirogane ~ Lance Mcclain ~ Hunk Garret ~ Pidge/Katie Holt
Altean: ~ Allura ~ Coran (Platonic only)
Half-blood: ~ Lotor ~ Acxa ~ Narti (?) ~ Ezor (?) ~ Zethrid (?)
And so much more! It all depends on your request!:DD
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
Everything Back But You
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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff between the reader & izuku
warnings/things to know: non-binary!reader. katsuki is such an asshole. cheater!bakugou. bit of fluff. supportive!midoriya
inspired by: everything back but you by Avril Lavigne
Part 2: Now available ! <3
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“Move out of the doorway.” Your voice sounded so empty.
Midoriya’s eyes widened with worry, but he moved away and let you pass by.
You threw your damn backpack down before sitting in your seat. Of all days, this shit had to happen on a fucking Sunday, which meant school the next day.
Midoriya went over and sat by you, he gave a little frown before setting something down on your desk. You looked down to see a small plastic bag filled with bekko candy.
You smiled softly, “Thank you.”
He sighed before nodding, “How’d it go?”
You brought your phone out before typing your password and showing the message to Midoriya. In bright light, the message read:
Bakugou: I wish you were her.
Midoriya cringed at the stupid message, “He’s a dick, y/n. I’m really sorry.”
“No, it’s my fault.” Your voice cracked, angry tears wanting to escape your beautiful eyes.
“He left out the e. He left without me.”
“And now, he’s somewhere out there with that bitch, slut, backstabbing traitor!” The others in the classroom turned towards you with worried expressions.
“STOP STARING!” You yelled before slamming your forehead onto the desk.
Midoriya frowned before coming closer and holding your left hand in his.
“I hate him,” you whispered, “why are guys so lame?”
Midoriya gave an offended expression as to tease you, you chuckled at the adorable face he gave.
“Except you, my little hero.” You ruffled his green hair playfully before he smiled at you with small blush tinting his cute face.
“I should’ve known, honestly. Jirou kept trying to tell me. And I wouldn’t believe her until she showed me real footage.”
“Y/n,” Midoriya whispered, “You were in love. You believed that someone you cared about wouldn’t hurt you the way he did.”
“I bet he didn’t think I would find out. And her of all people. I thought she was my friend.”
Midoriya put his arms around you, he sighed before softly kissing your forehead, “You’ll get through this. You’re stronger than you believe.”
You smiled, those tears finally escaping as you relaxed in his arms.
A few minutes until the bell rings for class.
The door to the classroom opened and in walked in another student. You didn’t see who it was, honestly you were just playing with Midoriya’s hand as you laid in his arms. A growl was heard behind you before you felt Midoriya’s body tense up.
“Go away. They don’t want to talk to you.” You heard Midoriya angrily exclaim.
You tensed up yourself when you realized who it was. Your teeth clenched and you quickly got up, letting go of Midoriya’s hand. Bakugou stood before you with a glared expression.
“You didn’t answer your phone last night. And now I catch you in that stupid nerd’s arms, holding his hand like he’s your boyfriend or something?”
You scoffed, “Oh please. Leave Izuku out of this. At least he cares about my feelings.”
“What the hell are you talking about, shitty woman. You’ve been ignoring me, I haven’t done anything wrong-”
“Give that back.” You whispered, pointing to his left wrist.
He raised an eyebrow before looking down at his wrist. A bracelet stood proud with the words “y/n’s wonderful boyfriend.”
“What the hell? Why? It was a birthday gift, it’s mine.”
“You lost that privilege when Jirou showed me those photos.” He didn’t hear you, but he knew you said something.
“Y/n. What’s going on? Why are you acting this way.”
“I know that you cheated on me.” You managed to get out.
His eyes widened (similar to the gif). He looked like the just saw a ghost.
“Don’t play so innocently! I fucking knew it. I should’ve listened to Jirou.” You hit your fists on his chest, hoping you caused at least some harm.
“Why would you even think I cheated on you?!” He angrily yelled, throwing his backpack on the floor.
“I wish I was Uraraka, too,” you admitted, “the woman is gorgeous. And she has a nice figure.”
Bakugou clenched his fist.
“But you would know that, am I right?”
The classroom stayed silent. The bell had finally rung. Class was now in session.
Aizawa opened the door before walking in a tired expression, “Alright, sit down. Quickly-” He paused when he looked up and saw the scene.
“Give it back,.” you said once more.
“Y/n please,” he started, “I- I didn’t mean-”
The classroom door opened again, the girl of the topic herself walked in with a small smile that quickly fell when she saw the glares of her fellow classmates.
“Guys?” She quietly asked.
Jirou scoffed before walking over to her. A smack on her left cheek.
“Little bitch.” Jirou whispered before trying to hit her again, Kaminari came over and held Jirou this time before she could hit Uraraka once more.
“What are you doing?” Jirou asked.
“She’s not worth getting in trouble for.” Kaminari reassured her.
Uraraka frowned, holding her cheek before turning towards you and Bakugou’s little scene. Her eyes widened as she realized what was going on.
“Y-Y/n, wait. Let me explain.” Uraraka tried to walk up, she didn’t want to lose a friend over a stupid mistake.
Iida blocked her from continuing. Uraraka looked up at him with a surprised expression. People who were her friends.. are turning their backs on her now.
“Leave them alone,” Iida started, “You’ve done enough damage.” He glared at her before crossing his arms.
You smiled at both Jirou and Iida’s gestures before turning back towards Bakugou. Your eyes filled with such disappointment and hatred.
“Y/n, can we please just talk about this later?”
“Give. It. Back.”
“Teddy bear, don’t do this-”
“Everything I gave you… I want everything back but you.”
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Iida X Non-Binary (AFAB) Reader
Welcome to Lyric isn’t going to work on their requests, but instead going to write self-insert Iida fan fiction because they need the serotonin.
Summery: Iida thought he was confident in his sexual identity, but when he befriends a non-binary classmate and starts to catch feelings, he begins to question himself.
Warnings: AFAB non-binary reader, female presenting, body dysphoria, misgendering, mentions of anxiety, swearing (like one “damn”)
Note: this also includes my Iida sexuality headcanons. If you disagree with me, then that’s fine, but please don’t come at me. I don’t want to argue with anyone. 
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When the new student arrived, Aizawa pawned them off on Iida to show around
He was a little confused when he was first meeting you
You looked feminine, but you were wearing the pants with your uniform
He didn’t say anything about it, but you could see the wheels turning in his head
When you gave him your name, he noticed the tiny smile that flickered across your lips when you added “You can use me first name, though. I prefer it.”
“It’s a nice name,” Iida admitted, extending a hand for you to shake
“Thanks,” you grinned, grasping his hand “I chose it myself!”
He blinked in surprise, but again, refrained from commenting
He took you on a walk around the campus, pointing out the cafeteria, classrooms, teacher offices, and the dorms
As he ended the tour, he asked you if you had any questions or concerns.
“Not about the school, but....”
“Yes? You can ask me anything.” Iida prompted.
You smiled nervously. “I don’t have a question, but can I tell you something?”
“I was gonna tell you earlier, but I got a little anxious.” You shrugged with a little laugh. “But I use they/them pronouns.”
Iida’s brows furrowed. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know what that means.”
“Oh, that’s ok. It just means that I go by they instead of she. I’m non-binary.” You explained.
“Oh, so you don’t identify as a girl or a boy?”
“So when you said that you picked your name yourself, you weren’t just joking?”
“Nah, I was totally serious.” You chuckled.
“That makes a lot more sense,” Iida exhaled. “I see. Thank you for telling me. Would you like me to tell the rest of the class, as well?”
“Could you, actually? I’d feel a lot better if you did. Or- at least, if you were there while I did it.”
“I’d be happy to! Anything to make you feel more comfortable.” Iida gestured wildly with his arm while you watched in amusement. “I’d like to welcome you again to Class 1-A. I hope we can become great friends, (Y/N).”
You bounced on your toes in excitement, grinning. “Thank you, Iida! I think I’d really like to be your friend, too.”
After class that day, Iida gathered everyone in the common room, and stood by you as you introduced yourself with your pronouns
Everyone was understanding, and you relived when you only had a few questions about your gender identity and pronoun usage
Iida attached himself at the hip with you after that day
He couldn’t quite explain it, but he liked being around you. You were funny and thoughtful, and he found he quite enjoyed talking to you
You found that you appreciated Iida’s earnestness and sense of loyalty. It was refreshing to have someone so willing to stick up for you
You weren’t misgendered very often, but sometimes on of your classmates would slip up
When that happened, you didn’t say anything, but Iida could see the betrayal flash across your face
That’s when Iida would step in and correct them
His confidence helped to build your own, so you became better about correcting people yourself
It took him a while, but Iida started to notice his feeling towards you shifting
Iida checked his watch again. You were cutting it close. It was two minutes to the bell and you where still nowhere to be seen. Just as he was about to pull his phone out to text you, you stormed in.
Iida stood to scold you for your near-lateness, but stopped short when he saw you were wearing a skirt, which he hadn’t ever seen you do before. Then he noticed that your eyes were red.
“Are you alright? You’re almost late! What happened?”
The questions came too fast. You shook your head frantically, reaching up to catch his flailing arms. “I forgot to wash my pants over the weekend, I’m stuck with the skirt today.” You sounded miserable.
“Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?” Iida asked, more gently this time.
“Unless you can magically conjure me up some pants, then no.”
“I-I could go ask Yaoyorozu to make you some?”
“No, I don’t wanna bother her.” You shrugged, whipping your nose on the sleeve of your blazer. “I’ll live.”
He reluctantly let you go to your desk, watching solemnly as you shuffled away. He heard you sniffle, and he felt his heart explode into a million pieces.
A few hours later when it was time for training, you couldn’t get into your gym uniform faster 
Iida noticed how you seemed much happier once you’d changed into the gym pants
He hadn’t missed your unhappiness all day long, you wore your heart on your sleeve
Gym was the last thing you had that day, so when class was released, you ducked into the changing room to grab your uniform, but didn’t bother changing
This also did not escape Iida’s notice
Neither did your immediate disappearance into your room upon reaching the dorms
Something painful tugged in his gut as he watched you speed-walk into the elevator
He considered going to check on you, but figured it may be best to leave you alone for a while
He tried to do homework, but his mind kept wandering back to you. After an hour of trying to school his thoughts back to his work with little success, he gave up and texted you
Can I come up to your room? I can keep you company if you’d like it.
He waited impatiently for your answer, staring daggers at his phone until you replied
Sure. I think I’m done being alone rn
Needing no further prompting, Iida was barely able to restrain himself from flying out of his room
When he arrived, you didn’t talk about what had happened that day. You just hung out. You did homework together, and talked about mindless things
Iida got the feeling you were very pointedly not talking about what had happened, so he didn’t push it, until......
“Iida, do you think I looked too much like a girl this morning?”
He startled, surprised by the question. “When you had the skirt on?”
You nodded, fisting the material of your sweatpants between your fingers.
Iida considered. There was clearly a right answer here, whether you intended there to be or not. “I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever perceived you as a girl. You wearing a skirt didn’t change anything, at least not for me.”
You laughed incredulously, voice cracking. “I’m glad at least you thought that. I felt like I wanted to rip my damn skin off.”
His face softened, and with only a moment of hesitation, he allowed himself to take your hand. “I’m sorry you felt uncomfortable all day. You really don’t deserve that. Your dysphoria does not define you, though. I can’t possibly imagine what it’s like to be trapped in a body you don’t belong in, but that doesn’t make your gender identity any less valid, (Y/N). It doesn’t make you any less non-binary.”
You sniffed, nodding weakly. “Thank you Iida. Can I hug you?”
“O-of course!”
Iida forced his body to relax as you melted into him. It wasn’t difficult, just foreign. He wrapped his arms around you, placing a hand gently on the back of your neck. You sobbed quietly, burrowing further into him.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out. “It’s just been a tough day.”
“I know. And it’s okay.” He whispered back, rubbing your back reassuringly. “You don’t need to apologize. You’re more than okay.”
As you sat crying quietly, Iida gently rocked you back and forth, continuing to whisper comforting things into your ear. He sat there, holding you, and it was then he realized that if he could spend the rest of his life holding you like this, he’d die a happy man.
Once Iida realizes that he likes you romantically, he kinda panics a little
Not just because he’s caught feelings (though that’s definitely a contributing factor)
No, he’s nervous because all his life he thought he was straight, and now he’s fallen for you; a female presenting person
So.... does that mean he’s inadvertently perceiving you as female???
He’s not, but he doesn’t know that at first
He’s so friggin ashamed of himself, bless his heart
Poor boy wants to respect your identity, so he’s terrified that by having a crush on you, he’s doing the exact opposite
While he’s having this crisis, he accidentally throws himself right into another one
He thinks back to people he’s had crushes on or at least found attractive over the years, and makes a mental list
The girl from his first year of middle school, the boy at the coffee shop, the boy who transferred into his class in the last year of middle school, that one androgynous kid from the entrance exam who’d sat a few seats away from him....
How did he ever assume he was heterosexual??
It was the hetero-normative society we live in, that’s how
In any case, Iida is now having an identity crises, and is unsure of how to label himself
On the plus side, he’s now confident that he likes you for who you are!
So it is only with a minimal amount of nervousness that he brings his revelations about himself and his feelings to you
“You can just slap on the label “queer” and call it a day,” You suggested, sipping your tea pensively. “if you’re getting too worked up about it.”
“You’re so confident about who you are, though. I wish I had a definitive answer about myself like you do.” Iida lamented.
“Not everyone is like that, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be unsure about your identity. Some people don’t even feel comfortable putting labels on it.”
Iida mulled your words over, swirling the tea in his mug. “I guess I’m.... queer then.” He said, the words feeling like a weight off his shoulders.
“I’m really proud of you, Iida.” You clapped him on the back, grinning. “It takes a lot of courage to accept yourself like this.”
“Thank you. I’m certainly going to need courage to tell you this next thing.”
“What, there’s more?” You chuckled, eyebrows thrown up. “How many confessions can you make in one night?”
“Just one more,” He smiled tightly, trying in desperation to still his racing heart.
“Out with it, then.”
Iida squeezed his eyes shut. “I want you to know that this doesn’t have to change anything between us. I really like you a lot, more than I like my other friends. You were the reason I started to question myself, actually.”
You blinked. “You mean... you have a crush on me?”
“And I was you sexual awakening?”
“Also yes.”
You laughed suddenly, the noise startling Iida into opening his eyes. “I don’t know my own strength!” You gasped, clapping your hands.
Iida felt himself relax infinitesimally. Your reaction seemed like a positive one, but he still wasn’t sure how to read it. “You don’t have to return my feelings, I apologize if I’ve made things awkward.”
“Okay, but what if I do return your feelings?” 
“You- what?”
You took both of his hands in your own, squeezing them gently. “I really like you too, Iida.”
His whole body practically deflated in relief. “Oh, thank god. That was stressful. Thank you, (Y/N).”
You laughed again, prompting Iida to chuckled a little, too. “You are very welcome, Tenya.”
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
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Second Masterlist
Third Masterlist
Most of my work is NSFW so please do not read and do not follow me if you're a minor!! I have enough reasons to go to hell and I don't need a fresh one.
This goes without saying but everyone is aged up in the NSFW stories. Sometimes I forget to put that in the notes so I thought mentioning it here would be better.
Header by @/saradika
Crumbling fortress (Dabi/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ 18+/ TW/ Fluff/ Angst/ One Shot)
Surprise (Aizawa/ Fem reader/ Fluff/ One shot)
You're mine, whoever you are (Bakugo/ Denki/ Kirishima/ Shigaraki/ Midoriya/ Fem reader NSFW/ +18/ Fluff/ Angst)
Gimme that bootie (Bakugo/Mina/Shouto/Nejire/Mirio/Ochaco/Amajiki/Gender neutral reader/Fluff/Comedy/Suggestive)
Scars (Shouto/ Gender neutral reader/ Fluff/drabble)
My soulmate (Dabi/ Fem reader/ Fluff/drabble)
The beginning of the end (Aizawa/ Fem reader/ angst)
Home (Bakugo/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18)
Misunderstanding (Shinsou/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/ angst)
Caught in the act (Aizawa/ Gender neutral reader/ drabble/ NSFW/+18)
Waking the beast (Shouto/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff)
Let's talk (Bakugo/ Midoriya/ Shouto/ headcanons/ fluff)
Trust (Tenya Iida/ Virgin!Fem reader/ NSFW/+18/ fluff)
Fate (Tattoo artist!Aizawa/ Gender neutral reader/ Eri/ drabble/ fluff/ AU)
Another shape of love (Shouto/ Bakugo/ Fem reader/ fluff/ drabble/ Tw)
Punishment (Bakugo/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ drabble)
Three is a hoot (Aizawa x Fem reader x Hizashi/ NSFW/ +18/ Trigger warning)
The abyss (Shouto/ Shinsou/ Bakugo/ Fatgum/ Fem reader/ Angst/ Fluff/ Trigger warning)
The best (Aizawa/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ drabble)
Call me how you wish (Aizawa/ Dabi/ Mina/ Tenya/ Fatgum/ Hawks/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ suggestive)
After care and morning after -Tenya special- (Tenya Iida/ fem reader/ fluff/ suggestive)
It's not over (All might/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ angst/ fluff)
Worthy (Kirishima/ non binary reader/ angst/ fluff/ hurt and comfort/ trigger warning)
Mismatched (Bakugo/ Toga/ Izuku/ Ochaco/ Shinsou/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ suggestive/ NSFW)
A second chance (Aizawa/ Kirishima/ Bakugo/ Momo/ Ochaco/ Mina/ Sero/ Kaminari/ Iida/ Izuku/ gender neutral reader angst/ fluff)
Always and forever (Dabi/ fem reader/ fluff)
Beauty mark (Bakugo/ gender neutral reader/ fluff)
Have a seat (Aizawa/ Fatgum/ Present mic/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ Explicit/ imagines)
True happiness (Dabi/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/ a tiny bit of angst/ trigger warning)
Distress (Kirishima/ Dabi/ Aizawa/ fem reader/ angst/ fluff/ hurt and comfort)
Will you? (Bakugo/ Shinsou/ Kirishima/ Kaminari/ Shouto/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ Suggestive)
Something new (Bakugo/ Amajiki/ Kirishima/ Shouto/ Dabi/ fem reader/ Tooth-rotting fluff)
My savior/ My demise (Dabi/ fem reader) (multi chapter fic/ angst/ fluff/ romance/ NSFW/ tragidy) chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Completed
Aftercare and morning after (Aizawa/ Kirishima/ fem reader/ fluff/ suggestive themes/ headcanons)
Resurrection (Bakugo/ Shouto/ Dabi/ Tamaki/ Deku/ Aizawa/ Mirio/ Kirishima/ Kaminari/ gender neutral reader/ headcanons/ fluff/ TW
Profanities (Dabi/ Shigaraki/ Aizawa/ Yamada/ Bakugo/ Midoriya/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ comedy/ headcanons)
The end (Aizawa/ fem reader reader/ Angst/ imagines) part 1
The end? (Aizawa/ fem reader/ fluff/ imagines) part 2
Will you be mine? Forever? (Fluff/NSFW/ +18/ Aizawa/fem reader/One-shot)
A stolen night (Shigaraki Tomura/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/angst/one-shot)
Comfort (Bakugo/ Shigaraki/ Shinsou/ fluff/Angst)
True love ( Aizawa/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ drabble)
How they react when you wake up from a nightmare (Bakugo/Shouto/Hawks/Kirishima/Izuku/headcanons/fluff)
Phone sex (Hitoshi Shinsou/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ one-shot)
Kirishima's relationship headcanons (NSFW/+18/ fluff)
Let's play a game ( Aizawa/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ explicit/ trigger warning)
Mha characters reacting to you owning a tarantula (Bakugo/Kaminari/Mina/Kirishima/Shouto/Ochaco/Momo/ headcanons/fluff)
A second family (Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Iida/ Monoma/Kendo/ angst/ fluff)
Meeting your parents ( Izuku/ Bakugo/ Shouto/ headcanons/ fluff)
Mha boys with a Scarlet Witch s/o (Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ fluff/ a bit angsty/ headcanons)
Mha boys activating/ using their quirks during an argument with you (headcanons/ fluff/ a tiny bit of angst at the beginning)
So what if they find out? (Dabi/ villain fem reader/ imagines/ NSFW/ +18/ explicit)
Fight and makeup (Bakugo/ fem reader/ one shot/ fluff/ angst/ NSFW/ +18)
It is the darkest before the dawn (Bakugo/ quirkless fem reader/ fluff/ angst/ two shots) (1) (2) Completed
His feathers ( Hawks/ fem reader/ imagines/ NSFW/ +18)
Hawks reacting to his s/o being a virgin and suffering from genophobia (fluff/ angst/ NSFW/ romance/ happy ending) tw: mentioning of sexual assaults and genophobia
Dabi's relationship headcanons (fluffy)
Seducing Aizawa: part 1 (fluffy/ suggestive themes)
Seducing Aizawa: Part 2 (NSFW/ +18)
Movie night (Aizawa shouta/ gender neutral reader/ imagines/ fluff)
Bakugo's forehead (fluff/ imagines/ gender neutral reader)
How we met (Todoroki Shouto/ fem reader/ fluff)
What the mha guys would say when you're giving them a blow job
Bakugo's soft relationship headcanons (gender neutral reader with an empath quirk/ fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you having tigers' characteristics due to your quirk (headcanons/ fluff/ spicy/ suggestive)
Shouto's favorite sex positions with fem reader (NSFW/ aged up)
Kirishima using his teeth on you (imagines/ spicy/ suggestive)
Mha guys reacting to your new short haircut (Aizawa/ Mirio/ Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ fluff/ headcanons)
Leaving Bakugo (angst/ imagines)
Teasing (Bakugo/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ trigger warning)
How the mha guys would handle an eccentric y/n
Mha characters' reactions after learning about your real hair color
How the mha guys use their hands when they're fucking you (NSFW/+18/ smut/ explicit/ headcanons)
Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Izuku's favorite sex positions with fem reader (NSFW/ aged up)
Bakugo's relationship headcanons (fluffy)
Together (Sero/ Kaminari/ gender neutral reader/ angst/fluff/ TW)
Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou's reactions to you telling them you want to have sex (separately/ fluffy)
Insecure (Aizawa/ fem reader/ one shot/ angst/ fluffy)
Dabi and Hawks' favorite sex positions with fem s/o (separately/ NSFW)
Mha boys and girls discovering their bunny quirk s/o has sensitive ears and tail (headcanons/ fluffy/ suggestive themes)
Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Shouto/ Izuku falling in love at first sight with y/n (separately/ fluffy/ headcanons)
Izuku, Shouto, Katsuki's reactions to you telling them you want to have sex (separately/ fluffy)
Mha characters reacting to you having the same quirk as them (fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you asking them to fight (fluff/ comedy/ headcanons)
Katsuki and Shouto having a crush on you at the same time (fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you having sharp teeth
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
A Sleeping Beauty(Husband!/Prince!Shoto Todoroki x Wife!/Aurora!Reader)(Royal/Sleeping Beauty AU)
A.N: I hope you will like this scenario and I had fun writing it :D I will probably do more Disney stories like this with other characters and have fun reading! :)
If I made a mistake feel free to tell me! :)
Warnings: Female pronouns(She/Her)
Story Used:"Sleeping Beauty" Disney adaptation
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"Daddy! It's time for my bed time story!",your 4 years old kid yells(You can choose a girl,a boy or a non-binary kid).
"I'm coming princess/prince/royal",your husband Shoto responds while smiling at you both's creation.
He thanks you everyday for giving him the most beautiful gift you could have given him, a child of his own.
He goes sit on the bed of his kid and he sees your down expression on your face while you pass in the hallway.
You have been feeling down lately because of work, but you didn't want to show it to your family, but Shoto knows you too well and saw that you were down. An idea pops in his head at this moment.
"Hey Honey? Would like to come listen to the story with us. The one of today is special.", you smile at him
"Of course. I'll go get a blanket and I'm coming."
You then get back with the big blanket and put it on you, Shoto and your kid.
"So, you said that today's story was special?",you look at your husband.
"Yes. I took a story and changed it a bit at my manner."
"I'm excited to see", said your kid with a big grin on their face.
"Ok, so here it is":
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of (Your Country), was born a beautiful princess named Y/N L/N.
"Just like mommy!", said your kid while cutting Shoto's story.
"Yes just like Mommy, and she was just as beautiful as your mother."
You knew where this was going and a smile popped on your face at his actions.
For the birth of the princess, their parents has organized a big event where all the kingdom and the Kingdom of the king Enji who had just gotten a fourth kid nammed Shoto, was invited. The parents(I made it so it works if you have two moms or two dads), had invited three fairies and they each would give the princess a gift. The first one, Katsuki, gave the princess the gift of beauty. The second one, Tenya, gave the princess the gift of a beautiful voice.
"For now the story works with mommy's description"
"You think so",said Shoto
"Yeah! Mommy is very beautiful and she has a pretty voice when she sings"
"You don't have to say all that",you respond while blushing a bit
"Also the prince has the same name as you daddy"
"Yeah. Imagine the princess and the prince ends up together like me and mommy."
"It would be so cute!"
"Before you continue, does the fairies has the same names as uncle Kacchan and uncle Iida?"
'Yeah, and the third one's name is Izuku just like uncle Midoriya"
"Ohhhhh you can continue"
Shoto continues:
When it was the turn of the third fairy,Izuku, a big amount of smoke appeared. It was the shapeshifter witch Himiko Toga.
"No one invited me to the party? How sad. Well I guess I can also give something to the little girl now that I'm here."
"No! You won't touch her and get her blood you crazy witch!"
"Oh come on! You know I have something better. You didn't invite to the celebration when you know I love parties. You know what? I'm gonna give the princess a gift! She will pick her finger on a spinning wheel on her sixteenth birthday and die!"
"NO!", yelled your parents
Himiko then disapeared in a cloud of smoke. The third fairy hasn't given her gift yet. He decides to give her the gift that instead of dying, she will fall into a deep slumber until someone gives her a true love kiss. The parents of the girl orders that all spinning wheels of the kingdom must be burned and the parents decides to let their daughter live with the fairies in a cottage in the forest.
Many years later, the princess turns into a beautiful and wonderful woman. She doesn't know her parents are the royal family and she thinks she's just a peseant and that Katsuki,Tenya and Izuku educated her after her parents died. It is now Y/N's sixteeth birthday and the fairies wants to organize her a surprise party.
"Y/N? Could you please go gather berries for the dessert tonight?", said Tenya.
"Of course! I'll be back later!"
"And don't forget not talk to strangers!",reminded Katsuki
Y/N left the house and went to go gather the berries in the forest. The girl then decided to go by the river a little while. The animals then gather aroud her. She always had a good relationship with animals and she taught they could understand her.
Meanwhile, the prince Shoto, who has also become a handsome young man, was out with his horse and heard the voice of the girl. He got struck by the beauty of her voice he wanted to know who she was. He tried to follow the voice but on his way, he fell into a pound.
On the side of the river, Y/N is talking with animals about the fact that her godfathers stills treats her like she's a child and she wishes she could meet someone. She then tells them she met someone "Once Upon A Dream". While she tells her dream about her walking with a prince, some of the animals finds the cape,the boots and the hat of the prince and takes them.
(At this part you can listen to the song "Once Upon A Dream" to be more in the ambiance ;) )
The animals acts as the prince of Y/N's dream and dance with her. She is getting directly in the scene and dances with them while pretending she's talking to the prince from her dream. Then at a moment, the real prince Shoto starts to sing. She's surprised at first and tries to go away because he's a stranger. He then tells her: "Don't you remember? You said it yourself, we already met, "Once Upon A Dream"".he then starts to sing again. The princess then gets confidence in him and dances with him like this.
Shoto makes you stand up and puts his hand on your waist. He makes you sway in his arms to slow dance just like the prince with the princess in the story. He starts to sing the song and you get along with it. You both are twirling in your kid's room and having a romantic moment like you never had. Your kid looks at the both of you with amazed eyes and claps at the end of your performance.
"Let's go back to the story shall we?",Shoto says after you both sat down again on the bed.
Y/N invites the young man to meet her godfathers at dinner and he accepts. Meanwhile, at the cottage, the fairies had some trouble to organize the party so they decided to use their magic.
"HUH?! Why the hell would you want to make the dress Blue?! It would obviously be better in Pink!(I can't belive I wrote that haha)",said Katsuki
"Kacchan I was just proposing an idea, but I think that the Blue would be better on Y/N",responded Izuku
"Hell nah! I have way better fashion sense than you damn nerd! She would be so much better in Pink!"
While they were arguying, Tenya was trying to make a cake with no big succes the normal way. With magic, it gave a better result and it looked so delicious. Unfortunately, all the magic that Katsuki, Tenya and Izuku were making was leaving traces and it caught the attention of Himiko's sidekick, Dabi. He hides behind the house and Y/N arrives back home. She tells her godfathers that she has fallen in love, but they don't know it's the prince. They tell her that she's the princess and that she's already engaged to the prince Shoto and they will bring her back to the castle tonight. She goes in her room crying because won't be able to be with the stranger she fell in love with.
Dabi overheard the conversation and went to tell Himiko that the princess would be at the castle tonight.
Meanwhile,the prince tells his father he wants to marry a peseant, which the king Enji is not pleased about.
Shoto didn't care about his father and would go to the dinner at the cottage tonight anyways.
Y/N gets all dressed and ready for her birthday celebration and be with her parents again, but then a glow apears in the room. She follows it by curiosity. The fairies then also see the glow when they come to go get Y/N and try to go as fast as they can to stop her. Unfortunately, they came too late and the beautiful princess was on the floor. Himiko laughs at her victory:
"Hahahaa! I did it! The princess is dead and you came too late!", she disapears and the fairies put the princess in a bed in the highest tower of the castle. They put all the people from the castle in a deep slumber just like Y/N. Before they fell asleep, the king Enji and the parents of Y/N were talking and the fairies understand that the man Y/N fell in love with was the prince. When they go back to the cottage, they realize the prince has already been taken to Himiko's hideout.
"So....", Himiko shows to Shoto his princess in a deep slumber.
"Would you look at that. The beautiful princess you fell in love with has been put in a deep slumber. I think I should let her like this until you become old and raged while she didn't age a bit and you won't be together."
"NO!", Shoto yells.
Y/N was one of the only person Shoto trusted and wanted to be with forever and he was gonna lost her. When Himiko leaves the prince alone, the fairies rescue him and give him a sword and a shield to fight the witch.
Himiko tries to stop Shoto to go in the castle by putting thorns around it, but without succes for her, because the prince breaks them in a sway of his sword. She turns into a big dragon to confront him and the prince fights her furiously. At a moment, he throws the sword into her heart to kill her(I'm sorry TwT I love Toga I didn't want to kill her but it's for the sake of the story TwT).
The prince goes up to the highest tower of the castle and finds his beautiful princess on the bed. He goes closer to her to kiss her on the lips. She wakes up and sees her love smiling at her. They go together in the ballroom and Y/N's parents are glad to see her again after all those years. They all go in a hug and Y/N goes back to her prince and they dance together. While they dance, Katsuki and Izuku are still fighting over the color of the dress.
"I told you Pink, you damn nerd!"
"-_- You know what at this point I won't even try Kacchan."
They then got married a few months later and got many beautiful/handsome childrens.
The end.
"Wow! They ended up together just like you two! It's so cool!", your kid says didn't realizing it was you two all along.
Thanks to Shoto, your sad expression of earlier was long gone.
"It was a beautiful story Sho", you say smiling at him
"I'm glad you both liked it", Shoto responds.
Your kid yawns and you tug them in their bed.
"Goodnight my baby",you say to them.
"Goodnight mommy and daddy,I love you"
"Goodnight", you both say to them.
You peek throught the door to see that they are already asleep.
"So.... Many kids huh?", you say smirking a bit at him.
He also smirks at you and says:"I mean I wouldn't mind giving them a sibling.", he goes closer to you to kiss you on the lips and then rub your arms.
"Would you like to?", he says.
"I wouldn't mind either. You want to start now?", you respond.
He responds to you by smirking.
It's gonna be a long night... ;)
A.N: I hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it and I will probably do more scenarios like this with other characters and stories :)
Have a nice day or night and remember to take care of yourselves! <3 (I'm on my period right now so I try to take care of myself TwT)
You are beautiful and loved! <3
See you soon!
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summertimelyn · 3 years
You’re Fucking Mine - Tenya Iida x Reader
Warnings: Slight NSFW.
Written for @bakugosbratx 1k event. Sorry if it sucks. Moving + job + nieces = no time to write
Tenya Iida is a man who has always prided himself on his patience and ability to not lose his cool in public. Even more so since he graduated from UA and became a pro hero, but tonight, at his high school reunion party, he finds his patience slowly waning as he watches his partner mingle and flirt with literally EVERYONE. Men, women, even the non-binary Jiro, you were flirting with everything on two legs. Well, except for Tenya himself. He wondered if you were punishing him for something but couldn’t figure out what he could have done.
Midoriya: Iida-kun?
Iida: Yes, Midoriya-kun?
Midoriya: Are you alright? You’ve been staring at Y/N-san for over an hour and ignoring Todoroki-kun and I for twenty minutes.
Iida: Oh, yes, Midoriya-kun. I’m fine. My apologies for being rude.
He carried on a conversation with Midoriya and Todoroki as he continued to watch you. What was it? Had he forgotten an important date? No, he had reminders set on his phone and on every calendar he owned. Said something wrong? Not that he could remember. Why were you trying to rile him up and gain his ire? His composure finally snapped when he saw you dancing with Kaminari and he crushed his paper cup in his hand.
Iida: Excuse me, gentlemen.
He marched over to you and Kaminari, tossing the cup in the trash on his way. You wanted to play these games with him? Fine. He only hoped you were prepared to deal with the consequences.
Iida: Excuse me, Kaminari. I’d like a dance with my partner.
Kaminari: Hey, class rep! Absolutely. I’ll go bug Shinso.
Iida watched as Kaminari walked away and then pulled you close to himself and growled in your ear.
Iida: You’re fucking mine. I didn’t think I needed to remind you of that fact.
Y/N: Oh my. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss.
Iida: Do you actually think you’re cute?
Y/N: I think I’m adorable.
Iida growled then sighed as he gripped your hand tightly and began leading you out of the party.
Iida: We’re going home. It’s time to teach a certain brat a lesson.
You giggled as Iida pulled you to the car and opened the passenger door for you. Even though he was pissed, he was still a gentleman. You smiled and kissed his cheek as you got in the car. He closed the door and went to the driver’s side and slid into his seat.
Iida: You were very naughty tonight, love. I’m going to make sure you’re punished properly. There’s a box under your seat. Get it and open it.
You grabbed the box as Iida started the car and started driving. You opened it to reveal a vibrator and you squirmed in your seat.
Y/N: Tenya?
Iida: Not tonight, love. You know what to call me. You’re going to use that toy on the ride home but you won’t be allowed to cum. Maybe I’ll let you cum when we get home but that depends on how good you are.
Y/N: Yes, Daddy.
So you followed his instructions the entire way home. He edged you all night long but finally took pity on you and let you cum with him after he pounded you into oblivion. You made a mental note to make him jealous more often.
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sundancetarot · 3 years
“Red Lights and a Suit” Kirishima x ENBY Reader // SFW COMFORT FIC
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Hey Guys!! This is my first fic- I quite literally wrote it for my partner but if you want some of that comfort Kiri love, THEN COME GET YA’LL JUICE LMAOO
Description: After recieving news at school pertaining to a school dance, Kiri helps lift your spirits.
Pairing: Non-Binary reader x Eijiro Kirishima
Word Count: 2279
Includes: Loving relationship, affection, pet names, hugs, and appreciation.
"Grab my hand and keep your eyes closed tight, I don't want the surprised spoiled!".
Hesitantly, you grab a shaken Eiji as he steers your blind eye somewhere you've never experienced but, it feels familiar... somehow, but how? Two steps turned into four, four into six, six into nine, and so on.
"Okay- one more step... watch out for the step.. another... a third- OKAY! Open.".
You want to see wants behind these hands but your brain is having trouble communicating with your bones. You're not nervous but... envious, in ways. Finally, after your self-to-self speech, your hands lower to come in contact with a foggy image of-
"SHIT-" That was all that could leave your lips... well, there was also FUCK, DAMN, ASS, and your personal "I've been awakened into a frightened state" favorite- CUNT!
You turn over to your phone to finally shut off the constant ringing of your most recent anime binge watch's opening credits song- not your favorite- your most recent.
After, the all too familiar urge of procrastination, you finally manage to shut off the CORRECT alarm this time. Even so, shutting off an alarm has never had many benefits besides reducing the antagonizing screech of above the volume music... however, until now, you have never been greeted by a sleeping Kirishima on your screen behind the alarm window.
That's right... we fell asleep on Facetime together.
You're not surprised that eventually, you'd have these moments- you find the idea of him next to you somewhat comforting.
His blood red-like hair falling onto his pillow has always been a pretty sight to you. His pointed teeth exposed to you, no one knows what he dreams, as he tends to forget but- the way he smiles, even in sleep... No, especially in his sleep, is behind adorable.
You could see from the angle of the phone he had his red LED lights on the highest setting, (typical, was your immediate thought), he has self-drawn art of him in his Red Riot costume with "MANLY" written in comically large lettering under, above, or to the sides of each portrait, this is too cute.
Eiji mentioned last night that he sleeps without a shirt on, he decided to give you this information the moment you started to dose off. Fortunately, waking up before him grants you the pleasure of finally witnessing his rock-hard exterior (I'm so sorry.).
"CUNT-" told you. Once again you mistake snooze for the off option. You pick your phone up off the carpet, after launching it several feet in the air. Luckily, your side of the facetime's audio is off and Eiji didn't hear the exaggerated explosion of sounds.
Picking your phone up off the ground which was disconnected from your charger immediately, makes your gut sink deep into your ass, your brain catches up to what you're seeing and pushes your body to practically fly into the bathroom seeing as you only have 40 minutes to get ready now.
That seems like plenty of time if you would have actually showered the night before. Rushing back into your room for your towel, you place Kiri on the sink's counter.
Starting up the shower was a difficult task when you're removing your clothes at the same time, you eventually set it to the right temperature and successfully remove your oversized hoodie with boxer briefs underneath with ease.
After washing your body, you manage to carefully launch yourself back into your room to moisturize and get dressed- you place Kiri on your dresser with a view of you after putting on your underwear.
"Well- aren't you glowing Bubbles?". That humbled cockiness in a person's tone can only come from one person and only this person can make you jump out of your skin in excitement. You turn to face him putting on his shirt because, unlike you, he takes a shower the night before to avoid a rush.
"fuc- don't scare me like that Red!". You definitely miscalculated the emotion there because that was NOT fear, it was a sentiment of emotions on how what he said made you feel inside. Nearly dropping to your knees you tighten up your composure and continue with your routine.
"Sorry babes, you do look unbelievable this morning though." Blushing was definitely out of the question, ain't nothing burning through that melanin babes. Instead, your stomach burns in butterflies as you muster up the words...
"You missed a button on your shirt, Red.". Cool, that was cool.
No, it wasn't.
You can see he wants to make another remark but you notice the new arrangement of numbers on your clock.
[7:27 AM]
Eiji notices your expressions and the faster tempo in your steps as you go from rushing to being quicker than the speed of light. As you reach the door you hear Kiri clear his throat in a way to tell you about the one thing you forgot... HIM! Nearly, slipping under your bed you grab your phone in one swift motion and bolt downstairs.
You don't have time to eat the breakfast your parents teamed up to make so you grab toast and a Capri Sun, hug your parents, pet Rubble; your St. Benard, and bolt for the door.
You hear Kiri's radio in his car blare indistinctive lyrics from his favorite genre "Rock-N-Roll" (I'm so sorry.). You finally start to make your way to school where you pass the place you and Kiri had your first date.
As you ponder the thought of the first time you ever saw him cry, the moment you saw him smile, and the day he said he's his happiest with you casts an unbreakable spell around you. A spell you would never want an antidote for.
After a handful of minutes, you pull into the parking lot across the street from the UA entrance and began the new day. You walk past your classmates greeted with the usual "Hey, Y/N!". From Shoji, "HEY KISSES!". From the always bubbly Uraraka, "Alright boo, heyyy- AH, mwah!" from your favorite person in this school (besides Red of course) Mina.
Speaking of favorite people...
"Guess who?" A pair of hands appear over your eyes and an obviously forced high pitched voice lets you know exactly who it is.
"Hmm... Koda!"
"YE- wait, huh?" Kiri stands there confused arms unraveled from you. You turn with a gigantic smirk plastered across your face, eyes slanted, with defined smile lines signifying your humorous poke at him.
"Oh- haha, laugh out loud- super manly of you." You can hear his sarcasm bursting through his lips. You quickly place your arms around his waist giving him the tightest squeeze letting him know without words how much you miss him. Almost as if without any effort, he grabs you and lifts you into the air, wrapping your legs around him you give him an even tighter hug.
This day, like most, was pretty uneventful so, you zone out... as usual. When you finally come to, you find yourself wrapped around Ojiro's tail, who doesn't mind the immense affection. After your third class period, you meet up with your friends in the cafeteria.
Like any other day, you offer to pay for Uraraka who happily accepts; even when she has enough for a meal you still insist. I mean- why not? Kiri always has your bill.
[2:38 PM]
We finally reach last period and the class president Tenya, announces the school's annual Sadie Hawkins dance. [Brief Sadie Hawkins dance explanation: A dance in a tradition where the girl asks the boy out.]
"Well- what are Y/N and Eijiro going to do?" huh.
"How is Y/N going to ask out Eijiro- they're not a girl therefore how will they find a date to go?" Stupidity graced this one early but, embarrassment graced you immediately.
You couldn't form your words properly to explain or defend, you could only leave. Eiji tries to come after you but you signal him to stay there.
"You're such a douche you know that, right?" Kiri says dropping his almost permanent grin.
"LANGUAGE!" Iida screeches while flapping his limbs completely missing his faults.
[8:13 PM]
You sit in your room foolishly stumped by Iida's uncalled for questions. It doesn't make sense, honestly, you would never let Iida's "no thoughts, just speak" way of speech get to you.
You pause your binge of "Criminal Minds" to go down to the kitchen for a quick snack when you see a bright flare of red pass by your kitchen window wrapping around to the front of your house.
Your immediate thought is that this must be a police car making its way to a crime scene- being a hero in training gave you the instinct of potential bad around every corner. So, this was not a threat nor surprise to you.
{My Red Riot❤️ one (1) new message}
You were wondering where he's been all day. You haven't spoken to him all day, you even tried texting him, and you were left on read by red (I'm sorry once again.) with no response. You are curious as to what he has to say though.
{My Red Riot❤️ : Come outside.}
I won't say I'm nervous but I am definitely confused. I make my way to the front door and take a deep breath while turning the knob...
"Hey, Bubbles." standing there in a grey suit with a red tie, red handkerchief in the left chest pocket, maroon shoes accompanied by burgundy calf socks, and a rose pinned to his suit to top it all off next to his Jeep Wrangler with modified red headlights was your Red Riot.
"We don't need a school dance to strengthen our relationship when we have each other to look at and each other to embrace- I promise to never have this become a rocky relationship..."
You chuckle at the very thought-provoking joke. "... I love you Bubbles." How could anyone be so lucky? You can feel the tears forming already as he walks towards you.
Lifting your chin up to face him he asks you one question...
"Can I kiss you?". You meet his eyes, you feel equal.
"Yes- Of course, you can Red...". He lifts your face up higher and your lips meet he has just confirmed that you are equal- more than partners, but lovers.
You don't know where to put your arms, what to think, or what to feel but it doesn't matter. You feel safe, you feel protected, you are loved.
You pull apart from each other for a moment before getting another quick peck before a grin paints his face, it resembles The Cheshire Cat's smug grin. You don't know whether to be comforted or genuinely terrified by the devilish stare.
"Well- aren't ya gonna get dressed?"
"For?". What has he planned?
"For our Sadie Hawkins- Bubbles, DUH!"
"Oh- I mean, um, YES; of course! Our Sadie Hawkins!". You don't know what he's talking about but, You trust what he does. You rush back inside to my room... time to do the damn thing.
After a while of searching for combinations, You walked out the front door in a black turtleneck, burgundy blazer with black buttons and lining, matching dress pants, and black Doc Martens for footwear to a stunned Kiri.
"Wow- you look... stunning, Y/N." You haven't heard him say my name since we started dating, it's such a genuine feeling. Kiri pauses and rushes back to the car, in a hurry he returns with a small box... this isn't a- right?
Kiri falls to his knee and lifts up the box to a petunia corsage that he slides onto your wrist, completing your look. He picks you up and carries you towards the car door where he reaches out his right arm to open it and places you inside with his left.
The car ride is smooth, no bums in the road and if there were you didn't notice- you could only pay attention to Kiri's presence. You feel a breeze sweep your hand and look down to Red's hand comfortably resting on yours.
He's warm and his hand is incredibly soft definitely the opposite of his Unbreakable form. Being with him in this car feels almost sheltering to you, like a second home of love.
While you were off daydreaming, the car stopped in front of Kiri's house. Your door opens to fully red Kirishima, clearly embarrassed by his blush, you don't react to it much. A sharp feeling strikes your brain as soon as his hand gently grasps yours... you've lived this before.
"Grab my hand and keep your eyes closed tight, I don't want the surprised spoiled!".
Right- your quirk of future vision. It feels dreamlike but as soon as it's put into motion you can pinpoint everything that'll occur after the first stage, it helps with catching villains in the act of their crimes.
"Okay- one more step... watch out for the step.. another... a third- OKAY! Open.".
You let down our hands to a bundle of streamers, lights, and a painted canvas of you and Kiri with a message written on the bottom of it "RED RIOT'S REASON TO RIOT". You don't even give yourself time to process before leaping into his arms with a kiss, you both fall back onto his lawn where you spontaneously combust into laughter.
This night has been the greatest you've ever had- he knew your favorite movies to watch, shows to binge, and music to dance to the entire night. He knows you.
"I love you, Red."
"I love you, Bubbles."
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myheroheacanons · 5 years
☆ bnha m.list ☆
Started - 5/20/19
Last updated-3/16/21
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HC - Headcanons
S- Scenario
TM - text messages
Katsuki Bakugou
HC : Crush and Dating 
HC : Blind s/o
HC : S/o with bad period pains
HC : S/o with stomach aches
HC : Being part of the Bakusquad
HC : Quiet yet strong s/o
HC : Shifter quirk s/o
S: Popsicle stained lips
HC : Him turning into a dog
HC : Winged s/o getting shot out of sky
HC : Ahego face
HC : S/o agrees when he calls them dumbass
HC : S/o’s family doesn’t care for her
HC : Girlfriend internalizing pain
HC : Happy at small things 
HC : Vanilla NSFW
HC : Bangs
HC : Beautiful voice 
HC : Cryptid s/o
HC : S/o puts on lipgloss
HC : Belly button piercing 
HC : Depressed s/o
HC : S/o with PTSD
HC : Slapped NSFW
HC : Catching him dancing 
Enemy - SMAU
HC: Bakusquad spying on his date
HC: Girlfriend coming back drunk and being flirty
HC: Squad trying to get him and reader together
HC: Touch Starved reader
HC: reader being stronger than him
HC: Seeing the reader in underwear 
S: Bakusquad seeing he’s married to the reader in the sims
HC: Dog quirked reader
HC: Reader being the same height as him
HC: Girlfriend having only guy friends
HC : Jealous Bakugou
HC : S/o who procrastinates 
Shoto Todoroki 
HC : S/o with stomach aches
S : Streetlights go out in the middle of a kiss
HC : Shifter quirk s/o
S: Popsicle stained lips
HC: Bisexual and Non-binary s/o
HC : Opinionated s/o 
HC : Him turning into a dog
HC : Comforting s/o before auditions
HC : S/o’s family doesn’t care for her 
HC : Happy at small things
HC : Bangs
HC : Beautiful voice
HC : S/o puts on lipgloss
HC : Making s/o laugh 
HC : Belly button piercing 
HC : S/o with PTSD
HC : Getting walked in on 
HC : Kitten sneezing s/o
You are art! - SMAU
HC:  “Who did this to you” trope
HC: Jealousy  
S: Confessing to him while being close friends 
HC: is he protective
HC: how does he kiss
Izuku Midoriya
HC : S/o with bad period pains
HC : Shifter quirk s/o
HC : S/o is related to Hawks
S: Popsicle stained lips
HC : Bisexual and Non-binary s/o
HC: Opinionated s/o 
HC : Him turning into a dog
S: Proposing
HC : S/o’s family doesn’t care for her
HC : Happy at small things
HC : Bangs
HC : Beautiful voice 
HC : Making s/o laugh 
HC : Belly button piercing 
HC : Otter quirk s/o
HC: Squad trying to get him and reader together
HC: reader being stronger than him
Ejirou Kirishima
HC : Being part of the Bakusquad 
HC : Quiet yet strong s/o
HC : S/o is related to Hawks
S: Popsicle stained lips
HC : Him turning into a dog
HC : Winged s/o getting shot out of the sky
HC : Ahego face
HC : Beautiful voice 
HC : Dating
HC : S/o with PTSD
HC : Bakusquad spying on his date
TM : texts from kirishima as your boyfriend
Denki Kaminari
HC : Crush and Dating 
HC : Being part of the Bakusquad
HC : Quiet yet strong s/o
S: Popsicle stained lips
S : Karaoke night 
HC : Ahego face
HC : Making s/o laugh 
HC : Kitten sneezing s/o
HC: “Who did this to you” trope
Mina Ashido 
HC : Crush and Dating 
HC: Being part of the Bakusquad 
HC : Quiet yet strong s/o
S: Streetlights go out in the middle of a kiss
HC : Cuddling 
Hitoshi Shinsou
HC : Supportive of s/o’s hobbies 
S: 7 minutes in heaven
S : Karaoke night 
HC : S/o’s family doesn’t care for her 
HC : Dating
HC : Cryptid s/o
TM: texts from shinsou as your bf
Ghost Hunters - SMAU
S - S/o getting hurt and confessing feelings
HC: burned out s/o
Tenya Iida
HC : S/o is related to Hawks
HC : cuddling 
HC : S/o screams when mad
Tamaki Amajiki
HC : Supportive of s/o’s hobbies 
HC : Kitten sneezing s/o
HC: Slapping readers ass
Fumikage Tokoyami
HC : Supportive of s/o’s hobbies 
HC : Girlfriend internalizing pain
HC : S/o screams when mad 
HC : Short s/o
Hanta Sero 
HC : Being part of the Bakusquad 
HC : Quiet yet strong s/o
S : Karaoke night 
HC : Girlfriend internalizing pain
HC: How he shows affection
Ochaco Uraraka 
HC : Bisexual and Non-binary s/o
HC : Opinionated s/o
Momo Yaoyorozu
S: Getting outed and confessing
Mirio Togota 
HC:  Slapping readers ass
Nejire Hado
HC: Slapping readers ass
Shota Aizawa
HC : Father figure
HC : Close student is vigilante 
HC : Flirty and confident s/o
HC : Otter quirk s/o
HC: “Who did this to you” trope 
TM: Husband Texts
All Might
HC : Father figure 
HC : Close student is vigilante
HC : Flirty and confident s/o
HC : Otter quirk s/o
HC : S/o has a younger sibling
HC : Vegan s/o
S : Attacked by thugs
HC : watching his interviews
S: Comfort in the hospital 
HC: Domestic! Son having a nightmare
HC : Mom friend
S : I’d rather stand by you
HC : Playing with his hair
HC : Dating 
HC : burned out s/o
Tomura Shigaraki 
HC : Mom friend 
HC : Playing with his hair
HC : Teaching to play video games
HC: burned out s/o
HC: Mom friend 
Himiko Toga
HC : Mom friend
HC : Playing with her hair
Sunset  - Kirishima x reader
Serotonin - Todoroki x reader
Happy Birthday - Kaminari x reader
Within seconds - Bakugou x reader
Sunday - Bakugou x reader
Hero at heart - Hawks x reader
Advice - Todoroki x reader
Wish you were sober - Kaminari x reader 
are you in love? - Todoroki x reader 
Hot Spring Confessions - Mina Ashido x reader
you’re the only good thing in my life - Bakugou x reader
Enemy - SMAU
You are art! - SMAU
Ghost Hunters - SMAU
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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💜Writing Rules💛
Heyo! I'm @aizawadeservesanaward! But call me Maddox. I'm in the age range 13-20 but please don't ask for my actual age.
If you want Fem, Male, trans or non-binary reader please tell me, if not I'll just write it gender neutral
💜Who I'll write for (In Alphabetical order)💜
Aizawa Shota
Ashido Mina
Asui Tsuyu
Bakugou Katsuki
Himiko Toga
Iida Tenya
Jirou Kyouka
Kaminari Denki
Kirishima Eijirou
Midoryia Izuku
Ochako Ururaka
Sero Hanta
Shigaraki Tomura
Shinsou Hitoshi
Todoroki Shoto
Todoroki Enji
Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)
Yagi Toshinori
Yayorozu Momo
💜What I will write💜
Short imagines
Poly couple
💔What I won't write💔
Long Imagines
Character x Character
OC x Character
That's it folks, now if you request anything and I don't write for said character or I just don't write that kind of thing I WILL tell you about it and will refuse your ask while also giving you a link to my rules. If you want to fight with me about it you will be blocked, but if you go and fix your request I will happily write it for you. Please respect my rules and me and I will respect you back.
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stressy-enby · 3 years
On Hiatus
~~~: My personal favorites
Rules for requesting
Other blogs:
Loki Blog
Eddie Munson Blog
My Hero Academia
Namari Midoriya (OC)
Introductory Headcanons and Picrew image
Namari Midoriya X Hawks headcanons pt 2
Denki Kaminari
Clothes (one shot) Crack, fluff
Eijiro Kirishima
Twin Headcanons Fluff, crack
~~~“You’re an Even Bigger Idiot than I Thought” (one shot) Kiribaku-ish, angst, unrequited love
~~~The Four Times Katsuki Bakugo Wanted to Kiss Eijiro Kirishima and the One Time he Did (one shot) angst, fluff, Kiribaku,  A LOT OF PINING
Girlfriend who blasts music while doing chores (headcanons) fluff
“Holy fuck, I think she might be the one! There’s something about her, I just can’t describe it…. tits” 300 Follower Event Prompt (one shot) crack
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
Alive (one shot) Hurt/comfort
Heroes? (one shot) Angst, hurt/comfort 
Girlfriend who blasts music while doing chores (headcanons) fluff
Hitoshi Shinso
Twin Headcanons Fluff, crack
Izuku Midoriya
Karaoke Surprises (one shot) Fluff
Twin Headcanons Fluff, crack 
~~~Love, at Last Tododeku one shot, fluff, adorable oblivious bois 
“Are You Wearing My Shirt?” Tododeku one shot, Prompt List, tooth-rotting fluff
“Lunch? Coffee?” Tododeku one shot, Prompt List, fluff
~~~Heroes Don’t Get Happy Ends (one shot) angst, BLOOD, DEATH
Katsuki Bakugo
~~~“You’re an Even Bigger Idiot than I Thought” (one shot) Kiribaku-ish, angst, unrequited love
~~~The Four Times Katsuki Bakugo Wanted to Kiss Eijiro Kirishima and the One Time he Did (one shot) angst, fluff, Kiribaku,  A LOT OF PINING
Crush on a badass yet dense girl (headcanons)
“Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started 14 years ago?” 300 Follower event prompt (one shot) angst INJURY, HOSPITAL
Shoto Todoroki
~~~Love, at Last  Tododeku one shot, fluff, adorable oblivious bois
“Are You Wearing My Shirt?” Tododeku one shot, Prompt List, tooth-rotting fluff
“Lunch? Coffee?” Tododeku one shot, Prompt List, fluff
Crush on a badass yet dense girl (headcanons)
Tenya Iida
“I Told You Not to Bother Me!” (one shot) Crack 
~~~No One’s Chasing You Masterlist (multi-chapter fic, FINISHED) Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn, why do I do this to myself?
Ride (one shot) Fluff
Taking Care of Sick Iida (Headcanons) Fluff
Twin Headcanons Fluff, crack 
~~~Love Letters (one shot) Fluff, cuteness all around, self insert
~~~Never Hated You (one shot) Fluff, enemies to lovers, like, a tiny bit of angst if you squint???
Iida X Grunge Reader Headcanons kinda goes with “Never Hated You”, enemies to lovers, fluff 
Risks (one-shot) Fluff, actually really sweet and I made myself sad writing it cause I’m lonely 
~~~First “I love you” Headcanons Fluff 
~~~Some Scars aren’t Physical (2 part, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, healing, TW: POAST ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, PANIC ATTACK                Part 1                Part 2 
Girlfriend who blasts music while doing chores (headcanons) fluff
Crush on an Equestrian (horse back rider) (headcanons) 
~~~Crush on a Theater Kid (headcanons)
Crush on a badass yet dense girl (headcanons)
Crush on a Family Rival (headcanons)
“Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started 14 years ago?” 300 Follower event prompt (one shot) angst INJURY, HOSPITAL
“Holy fuck, I think she might be the one! There’s something about her, I just can’t describe it…. tits” 300 Follower Event Prompt (one shot) crack, fluff
~~~Iida X Non-Binary Reader (headcanons + scenarios) fluff, queerness, self insert
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Found (one shot) Angst
Kirumi Tojo
Soft Relationship Headcanons Fluff
Kokichi Oma
Little Sister Headcanons  Fluff 
Nagito Komaeda
Little Sister Headcanons  Fluff
Peko Pekoyama
Soft Relationship Headcanons Fluff
Little Sister Headcanons Fluff
Original Works
Don’t Do it, Please (short story) TW: MENTIONS OF SUICIDE, angst 
Green Lipstick (short story) TW: MENTIONS OF TOXIC AND ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS, angst, healing 
~~~Lyric’s Writing Out Of Context~~~
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
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