#That’s all I have—and I’m gonna have to plan out more for said human
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
Another AU has appeared. Though, right now, I don’t really have many ideas for it- I’m still just kind of going “???” but there’s certainly a thing going on.
At first, I kind of just thought about it revolving around a show—but then my mind immediately drifted towards a sort of FNaF World centered AU. So, for now, that’s where it’s sticking.
Who does it center around, you may ask? The idea that threw itself at me is just that... some kid basically gets isekai’d into wherever FNaF World—Animatronica—Animatronic Village?—is.
The first thing to pop into my mind was Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon. Except... y’know, different in a bunch of ways, and it’s animatronics with no humans—until the one character appears—but they stay human.
I have no idea what I’m doing with this.
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hazbinwhoree · 5 months
yandere adam x reader x yandere lucifer
like basically durning the last extermination adam sees the sinner and basically fall heads over wings for them
and yk durning the heaven meeting he made a globe to watch angel dust i feel like he makes that globe thing to watch the reader see how there doing and sees that lucifer is too close to them
i feel like he would try to do anything to get them into heaven with him and far away from lucifer be he already took his first wife and maybe his second and he doesn’t want him to take his third wife
The Third Wife
Part 1/2 Part 2
Yandere!Adam x Reader x Yandere!Lucifer
A/N: I had fun writing this but I don’t plan on a part 2 because I don’t know where to take it from here. I hope you enjoy!
Lucifer had taken Lilith, and Eve, and now he was going to take (Name). He met her first, it wasn’t fair Adam was trying to steal her. (Name) was a human on Earth who had summoned Lucifer a few months back to strike a deal. Lucifer found her adorable and endearing and found himself slowly catching feelings. He planned to convince her to join him in Hell.
Adam had Lilith stolen from him by Lucifer. Then Eve. He’d be damned if he lost (Name) too.
He first met (Name) during an extermination, (she had died and reincarnated as a sinner) and to his own surprise, he fell hard. He became obsessive, spending most of his free time in Heaven holed up in his room watching (Name) through his globe. He had to make sure she and Lucifer weren’t getting too close while he tried to figure out how to get (Name) into Heaven.
To Adam’s dismay, (Name) joined the princess’ stupid hotel. That meant more time spent with Lucifer. Adam couldn’t let that happen. The more he watched, the more possessive Lucifer began to act over (Name). It infuriated Adam. He came to the conclusion there was only one way to get (Name) away from Lucifer to be with him.
He was going to approve of Miss Sunshine and Rainbows’ Hazbin Hotel.
Lute was appalled when he told her. “But why, sir?” “None of your fucking business,” Adam snapped. “Tell the bitch princess I want another meeting.”
Adam actually came to Hell to meet with Charlie.
“So…” Charlie looked skeptical. “What’s this about? I thought you were too good to come to Hell outside of the extermination.”
“I’m giving your stupid little hotel the green light.”
“What?” Both Charlie and Vaggie’s jaws dropped.
Adam rolled his eyes. “Don’t shit your panties.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?” Vaggie asked suspiciously.
“Doesn’t matter. You gonna give me a tour so I know what I’m agreeing to?”
Charlie wasn’t nearly as suspicious as Vaggie. “Of course!” She was practically bouncing with excitement. “Come with us!”
When they entered Hazbin Hotel, all the residents stopped what they were doing to stare. Adam made eye contact with (Name). She was the only one who mattered.
“What is he doing here?” The porn demon asked.
Charlie linked her arm through Adam’s and he tried not to grimace. “Adam has agreed to the Hazbin Hotel! We’re giving him a tour!” The residents looked skeptical. Except for (Name), who smiled and waved at him. His heart fluttered.
Charlie dragged Adam around the hotel, talking his ear off and introducing him to different residents and discussing their progress. When she got to (Name), Adam cut her off. “We’ve met.”
“Oh!” Charlie exclaimed. “Good!”
“Charlie–” a voice sounded from down the hallway. Lucifer had rounded the corner, calling his daughter’s name, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Adam. “What the fuck.”
“Dad!” Charlie tugged Adam over to him. “Adam said yes to the hotel!” “Did he now?” Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Adam. Adam narrowed his back. The energy was palpable as they stared one another down. “Your change of heart wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with (Name), would it?”
Adam smirked and answered with silence. Lucifer was fuming. “Alllright… that’s enough of that. I’ll talk to you later, Dad!” Charlie broke them up, leading Adam back to the lobby.
At the door, far enough from any nosey ears, Adam stopped Charlie. “The agreement comes with a stipulation, princess.” Charlie’s face fell. “Relax, sweetie, it’s not a big deal. If sinners are cleansing their souls and coming to Heaven, I want (Name) to be the first.” Charlie looked relieved. “Deal!” They shook on it.
When Adam left, Lucifer approached his daughter. “You can’t trust him, Charlie, he definitely has ulterior motives.” “He only had one stipulation,” Charlie smiled. “(Name) is to be the first sinner redeemed!” “What?”
Lucifer was furious. He knew Adam had been up to something.
“Tell me you didn’t agree, Charlie.”
Charlie looked confused. “I did… why wouldn’t I? (Name) is here to be redeemed, who cares about the order?”
“I care! Because I was going to convince her to stay in Hell!”
Charlie was surprised. “What, why?”
But Lucifer was already storming away. He stormed straight to (Name)’s room and banged on the door. She answered it, and as soon as she did, Lucifer pushed his way into the room and shut the door.
“Well, hello to you too,” (Name) said sarcastically.
“I want you to stay in Hell.”
“I want you to stay in Hell,” Lucifer repeated. “Why?” (Name) asked. “Because I’m in love with you!”
(Name)’s mouth fell open, moving as she tried to form words, but nothing came out.
Lucifer took her hands in his. “Please. Say something.”
“Lucifer that’s… that’s a lot. I care about you, a lot, I do, but I want to go to Heaven. My quality of life down here is shit, and you can’t change that.”
“But I can!” Lucifer insisted. “Be mine and I’ll give you everything you could possibly want.”
“I’m sorry,” (Name) said, looking sympathetic. “I want Heaven.”
Lucifer continued to try to get her to change her mind over the next month as she worked to be redeemed, but before he knew it, her soul was cleansed and Heaven was ready to take her.
Adam was of course the first to greet her, a massive grin on his face. “Welcome to Heaven, babe! Congrats on getting out of that shithole. Let me show you around.” He offered her his hand, and his face warmed under his mask when she took it without hesitation. He had won.
Lucifer was scheming, no doubt, but for now, Adam had won.
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penkura · 28 days
where you belong [1/10]
Summary: As Luffy's big sister, you've viewed it to be your job to see him become King of the Pirates in place of your absent parents, even as you try to find where it is you belong in the world. You never really expected to draw the attention of Trafalgar Law in the process.
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Fem!reader
Warnings: Discussion of feelings of abandonment, age gap relationship (four years), brief secret relationship, mentions and heavy refences to sex, mentions of alcohol, typical One Piece stuff. Other warnings to be added if needed.
Notes: Hi, it's me again! Another fanfic here for you all! When this goes up, I'll be on my last day of vacation before I fly home, so I hope that you'll enjoy this! I know Straw Hat Reader x Law is popular, and I wanted to write my own, but with the Reader being Luffy's biological older sister. So for this, Reader is three years older than Luffy, 20 at the start and 22 after the timeskip, making Law four years older. I personally like older men, and age gap fics are just delicious reading material for me (within reason, nothing illegal).
Note 2: This is NOT the Law with vitiligo series. That one is actively being planned but will be separate from this one.
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“And I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!!”
Luffy standing your tiny dingy boat worries you a little, but you still grin at him and nod.
“Hell yeah you will be!”
“Your turn! What’re you gonna do while we sail??”
Rolling your eyes, you make Luffy sit down while you stand up.
“Easy. I’m gonna chronicle your journey and write the greatest story ever told!”
Your younger brother watches you, tilting his head when you don’t continue. He believes there has to be more you want out of life, and tries to make you say what else is in your plans, what you have on your mind.
Taking a breath, you nod. Of course he knew you had more, it’s Luffy, he’s been by your since he was just a few weeks old. Things you’ve said over time, to him and Ace, they’d both known for a long time what you’ve always wanted to find once you went out to sea.
“And find where it is I belong.”
Your arrival in Sabaody was a trip, in more than one way. You'd been excited to explore the place, hoping you could pawn your younger brother off on Camie, Pappag, and the others so you could have some time on your own to shop the stalls, maybe with Nami and Robin, turn it into a girl’s day. Of course, though, nothing could be so easy when your brother is the captain of the Straw Hats. You all find yourselves at the human auction hall, Nami willing to spend all the money possible to save Camie, but it makes you itchy while being there. You cringe to think about the things that happened in this place, how many people had been sold to Celestial Dragons. Your and Luffy's loss of Sabo due to the actions of one had severely soured your opinions on them.
You scan the crowd in the auction house, scratching at your arms which never seem to calm down while the rest of your crew discusses their plan to save Camie, and you end up locking eyes with another pirate captain there, unknown to you at that moment but somehow familiar.
A furry white, spotted hat, dark hair you can barely see, oddly enough you think his facial hair is attractive, and those yellow eyes that you almost would believe see right through you.
Trafalgar Law simply stares at you, realizing you’re a Straw Hat when he recognizes the rest of your crewmates. After a moment of fidgeting slightly you give him a nervous smile and a wave, which he returns with a nod before turning back to the auction stage as they continue to call bids on people.
Weird girl.
Strange guy.
Although she’s busy watching for Camie to be brought out, Nami still leans into you when you pull on her sleeve and start to whisper. “You see that guy in the white spotted hat?”
“What about him?”
“I think he’s Trafalgar Law, captain of the Heart Pirates. He’s more attractive than his poster makes him.”
Rolling her eyes, Nami pulls her arm away from you. “I don’t have time for you to be horny about some guy.”
“Wha—Nami!! I’m not! I’m just saying.”
She doesn’t listen to you anymore, focusing back on waiting for Camie and sending you to watch for Luffy, just so you don’t get distracted by the attractive enemy captain and defect to another crew.
You swear you never will, but do as you’re told to watch for your brother. Maybe one day you’ll get to properly meet Law, you’re quite curious about the young man.
“Another one?! Are you kidding me, Dragon?!”
You’re three years old when you wake up to your grandfather yelling at someone in the middle of the night. Normally Garp is sure to keep things quiet so you, his sweet little princess angel granddaughter, can sleep peacefully. He’d leave early in the morning once your nanny showed up for the day, returning before dinner so he had the evenings with you before you had to be off to bed, to do the day over again the next morning. It’s rare for you to stay up late or wake up early, but the few mornings you’ve woken up before he left were some of Garp’s favorites.
You quietly slip out of your bed, blanket in your hand as you rub your eyes and go to the door, opening it just enough to see what’s happening. Garp is there with someone in a green cloak, you can’t see the other person’s face, but listen anyway.
“He’s the last one, there won’t be anymore.”
“You said [Y/N] was going to be the only one!”
“Things happened.”
“Obviously something happened, babies don’t appear out of thin air!’
You tilt your head, the man in the cloak catching your eye, which makes you shy away behind your doorway, glancing away before back to him as he looks to Garp again.
“Take care of them.” He goes to leave and is gone before Garp can even stop him.
“Dragon, wait--! That…damn idiot.”
Garp is surprised to hear your voice, turning around once he closes the door, giving you a smile while you start to focus on the bundle he's holding.
“Hey there, princess, what are you doing up?”
“I heard yelling…”
Nodding, Garp apologizes as he picks you up, letting you settle on his free arm. “Sorry about that, angel. Just… an unexpected visitor.”
Garp sees you staring more at the bundle of blankets in his arm than at him, and he sighs a bit, taking you to the living room and setting you on the couch, before showing you how to position your arms as he sets the now squirming bundle in your arms.
“[Y/N], this is your baby brother. His name is Luffy.”
How unexpected! You’ve never thought about having a sibling, just enjoying your childhood and life with your grandpa, but seeing this tiny little boy in your just as small arms makes you grin while you look at him. Dark black hair and just as dark eyes, scrunched up little face and tiny hands in fists while he starts to fuss and whine.
You hope your prayers aren’t going unheard, that Luffy will return to you safely. Ace’s death has long passed, but you’re more worried about your little brother than anything else right now. You’d both been sent off to Amazon Lily by Kuma, but after they’d all agreed to let you both stay, and Boa Hancock seems to have fallen in love with him, Luffy left you there to go rescue Ace, that was nearly three weeks ago now, you think. You want him back, both of them, but want to see Luffy more than anyone else.
“Luffy’s returned, [Y/N]-san!”
“He has?!”
Marguerite nods and you quickly get up from your seat and run after her to wherever Luffy is. The newspapers kept implying he was dead, you were terrified you’d lost him and Ace that day, no updates from anyone apart from the papers cheering for the Navy’s alleged victory, for the deaths of Ace and Whitebeard. The Amazons, all so kind to let you stay while Luffy went to try and rescue Ace, were unsure of how to help you the last two weeks once Ace’s vivre card burned to nothing in your hands and made you nearly inconsolable.
Despite that, your prayers hadn’t gone unheard.
Once you’re at the beach that Luffy should be at, you notice immediately the big yellow submarine with the word DEATH on it and it freaks you out more than anything. You don’t know who owns it, but when you catch sight of someone you’ve only seen in person once, you worry that he’s done something to Luffy. You don’t say a word, but someone in a jumpsuit (boiler suit you think?) calls out “captain” just in time for him to turn towards you as you shove the older boy to the ground, placing yourself on top of him and your knife to his neck.
Part of you wishes it was poisoned right now, just in case this Trafalgar Law has done something to your brother.
“Where’s Luffy?!”
The knife you have at his neck doesn’t phase Law even a tiny bit, it’s the fact that someone so much shorter and smaller than him was able to catch him off guard and shove him to the ground the way you did. You’re angry for some reason, giving him a nasty glare but look like you’re about to cry on top of it, as he just stares at you, his crewmembers shouting for you to get off their captain before he raises a hand to stop them.
“Tell me, where is my brother?!”
Oh so that’s what’s wrong, that’s who you are. Whether you’re related to Luffy by blood or by ritual cup like Ace was, Law doesn’t know, but he’s sure you want reassurance you haven’t lost two brothers in one day.
“Are you [Y/N]?”
You turn your head to look over your shoulder at Jinbei, still glaring. “Who’s asking?!”
“I was friends with your brother Ace, he told me about you and Luffy while we were in Impel Down.”
You’ve calmed down so quickly hearing Ace’s name, retracting your knife just slightly, while Jinbei explains things to you. You don’t move off of Law though, listening quietly, fighting the desire to cry more. You’ve done enough of that, you don’t want to anymore today.
Law doesn’t even try to move you off, knowing, like Luffy, you’re emotionally hurting right now. He doesn’t want to risk you slicing his neck either, even as Jinbei finishes telling you everything Ace did, and you still don’t move or look at Law.
“Ace hopes you find what you’re looking for.”
You clench your jaw a bit at first, before smiling sadly and nodding, thanking Jinbei for the information before Law speaks up.
“If you get off me, I can take you to Straw Hat-ya.” 
You blink, finally looking back to Law, and you feel your face burn with a blush when you realize your position and scramble to get off him, apologizing the whole way while he shakes his head. Once he’s on his feet, Law let’s you onto the Polar Tang and leads you down the hallway to the infirmary, updating you on Luffy’s condition the best he can with the knowledge he has.
“If he pulls through this, the most you’ll have to worry about is his mental health.”
“Mm.” You nod, grabbing Law’s arm as he stops to open a door, making him look back at you. “I apologize for shoving you down.”
“I’ve been through worse,” Law shrugs, you could tell just from looking at him, though he does smirk a bit at you, “Never had a girl push me down and hold a poisoned knife to my neck before though.”
“It wasn’t poisoned,” you almost shout, but keep your voice down to not wake Luffy, “…this time…”
He almost laughs, but when you see Luffy finally, you’re instantly but his side, taking his hand and trying to keep yourself from crying seeing him in such a state. He’d been injured badly before, but never like this, never this close to death.
“Luffy…oh Luffy, I’m here, Lu,” you brush his bangs away from his face before kissing his forehead, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, I should’ve come with you…”
Law doesn’t bother you for the next several minutes, stepping out so you have some privacy while you make sure Luffy is all right, your quiet prayers that he wakes soon and heals quickly don’t go unheard by the surgeon of death, who thinks back to his own sister and the prayers he’d once prayed for her health as a child.
As an older sibling, he gets it. While he still doesn’t know yet if you’re related by blood or sworn siblings, he does see how much you care for Luffy, and for your sake he hopes your captain wakes sooner rather than later.
You spend the next two weeks in and out of the Polar Tang, checking on Luffy and praying over him to wake soon, Law being the one to take you in and lead you back out most of the time, even though you’ve memorized the path already. The next time you leave Luffy to continue recovering, the friends you and Luffy have made from Amazon Lily have shown up in the time you’ve been with him, bringing food and drinks for you all. As you walk over to where he’s seated, Law offers you a drink that you reject with a shake of your head, sitting on the other side of the tree and bringing your knees up to your chest, hiding your face in them.
“Any signs he’s waking up?”
Shaking your head, you sigh and lean back, looking at the people around to distract yourself from worrying over Luffy.
“That your crew?”
“Yep. All twenty of them.”
You smile a bit, watching the Heart Pirates goof off while some have their meal and share drinks. It almost reminds you of the Straw Hats and makes your heart ache from missing them deeply.
“You have a nice group there.”
“They can be a handful.”
It makes you laugh a bit, nodding before you decide to stop wallowing and get back up, standing beside Law where he stays seated.
“Think you should hold this for now.”
Law tosses Luffy’s straw hat to you, and you grit your teeth a bit while you stare at it. You had wondered where it was, seeing it wasn’t around when you were with Luffy. You hold nothing but the highest regards for Shanks, he'd been an inspiration for you and Luffy when you were children, he helped end the war and helped Law save Luffy, but how you wish he’d shown up sooner. Maybe he could’ve helped Ace too.
“Thank you, for holding this.”
“Seems important to him, he’s not Straw Hat-ya without it.”
Smiling a bit, you nod. “He’s certainly not.”
“How do you—”
“I’m his big sister. I was three when our dad dropped him off with me and grandpa. We’ve been together almost every day since.”
“I see.”
You’re not entirely sure you trust Law, despite his saving Luffy, but you’re willing to give him a shot. At least let him know a bit about your history with Ace too, since he'd been there when you hadn’t been. Where Luffy asked you not to go.
“We met Ace and another boy when I was ten, and become sworn siblings with them soon after. The other boy died a few months later,” you grip the straw hat a bit tighter, but loosen your hold after being stabbed in the hand by sharp bits of straw, “a Celestial Dragon did it, we’ve not been fans of them since, so Luffy punching that one in Sabaody felt like some payback.”
“That makes sense.”
After a few minutes of silence, you finally realize something and turn to Law, sticking your hand out for him.
“Never introduced myself. Monkey D. [Y/N]. I don’t really use my last name though.”
Law takes your hand after a moment, nodding. “Trafalgar Law.”
“Thank you for saving my baby brother.”
“Don’t thank me until he wakes up.”
As if almost on cue, the door comes flying off the Polar Tang and you both whip your heads over, Law running ahead of you as you follow, and Luffy’s the next thing to almost fly out of the ship.
You’re about to run to him before Law grabs hold of your arm, pulling you to himself and holding you still, even while you thrash around and listen to Luffy call for Ace. It breaks your heart to see him so upset, and you just want to console him, have him do the same for you, while you both continue to grieve for Ace. But Law won’t let you go to him, fear or concern your brother might hurt you while he fights through pain and raging emotions, before he disappears into the forest.
“Luffy, come back!!”
You barely register Jinbei asking what’ll happen if Luffy continues to flail and run off like that, before Law speaks and your heart almost drops to your stomach at the thought.
“If he continues to move around like that he could reopen his wound and bleed out. He’ll die.”
Quickly you turn around and Law isn’t at all shocked to see the tears welling up in your eyes as you grip his shirt, still holding Luffy’s straw hat.
“Don’t let that happen!! Please!! He’s all I have! Luffy is my whole world, I can’t lose him!!”
Unsure of what to do, especially once you lay your head on his chest while you cry, Law hesitantly wraps his arms around you and watches Jinbei go off to Luffy. Maybe he’ll be able to calm your brother down before he really hurts or kills himself.
You’ve both been through a lot the last few weeks, losing Luffy would break you more than losing Ace did to him.
“I’m sorry I got snot on your shirt.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’ll wash.”
You glance away and keep your eyes averted while Law changes shirts, having taken you onto the Polar Tang while Jinbei attempts to calm Luffy down. He didn’t fully mean to bring you into his room, but he never let go of your wrist while he led through the ship, making you sit down to hopefully calm you down. You do catch sight of his tattoos, wanting to say something but you don’t want to sound like a creep or a pervert at the same time.
“Why don’t you use your last name?”
Law surprises you once he’s changed shirts, this one almost the same as the yellow one he’d been wearing, but now a dark blue with a furry, feathery collar that you really want to pet, it looks soft. But again, you don’t want to seem like a creep.
For a moment you’re quiet, before you cross your arms and lean against the wall, shrugging.
“Why should I use the name of someone who abandoned me? I only have one memory of my father, and it was when he dropped off Luffy.”
“Your grandfather is Garp, isn’t he?”
“I love my grandpa like he’s my dad…but I don’t want to use my last name.”
Law nods a bit, seeming to understand. You felt abandoned, and wanted nothing to do with your biological father, instead viewing Garp in that light, which makes sense.
He'd viewed Corazon in the same light at one point.
“Your mother?”
“I know nothing about her. It’s like…” You start to bury your head in your knees again, almost digging your nails into your arms, “Like I don’t know who I am half the time…”
He gets that too, the same feelings after Flevance, after losing Corazon and leaving the Don Quixote family, leaving Doflamingo behind. Many times of looking in the mirror and asking “who the hell am I”.
Law is about to respond, before one of his crewmembers yells for you both that Luffy and Jinbei have returned to the beach, and you’re out the door so fast he isn’t able to believe it. He follows you out, not all surprised to see you and Luffy hugging each other tightly once he exits his ship.
Your bond with Luffy would be on full display the next few days, Law truthfully does wonder if he and Lammy would’ve been the same.
“I met some people who are friends with our dad.”
“You what?”
Luffy nods, giving you this information during dinner one evening, while you stare at him with such a blank look that Law thinks you’ve completely shut down. You didn’t say too much about your dad while you relayed some of your childhood to him earlier that day, apart from your perceived abandonment, but the look you have isn’t a very happy one.
“They’re were some cool people! They helped me escape that prison and…tried to help me save Ace.”
“So they were revolutionaries.”
“Yeah, they…they said they didn’t even know we existed.” Luffy scrunches up his face a bit while you frown, then pat his head.
“I’m not surprised, Lu.”
Luffy makes a face now, one that’s almost disgusted but annoyed but upset maybe. Law swears he isn’t trying to eavesdrop, you two are sitting too close to him anyway, you’re practically pressed up against his side. You both appear to have problems with your father, after the little bit you’ve told him and how you confessed to feeling abandoned by your parents. He wonders briefly is Luffy feels the same, even as your younger brother leans against you, pushing you fully into Law’s arm and making you glance up at him apologetically. He doesn’t move, once again doesn’t push you off, instead shifting his arm enough for you to be comfortable.
When Luffy falls asleep, you finally speak again.
“Luffy met our dad once, in Loguetown”
“Oh yeah?”
“Neither of us knew until grandpa told us…he didn’t even stop to say anything to me…”
“…I’m sorry.”
You shrug, watching Luffy. It still stung to know that, to know that Dragon didn’t even seek you out when he must’ve known you were on Luffy’s crew, that you’d never leave him to do this alone. When Garp told you he’d been in Loguetown that day, it felt like a knife in your heart that you didn’t even get to see or speak to your father.
Law, while he watches you start to drift off to sleep yourself, thinks about his own dad and Corazon at the same time. He had two fathers in the end, who both cared about and loved him deeply, both wanting to protect him as long as they could. He had his mother and Lammy too, you had Luffy and Garp, but it wasn’t enough for you, and it makes sense. To not have that connection with the people who gave you life, Law can’t even imagine how difficult that must be.
He ignores the slight snickers and comments from his crew when they see you leaned against him, even has he slightly tilts his head towards yours, not going all the way to lay his against your own. Even when Shachi makes a small comment about ‘love’ being in the air at Amazon Lily, Law doesn’t open his eyes to respond or even Shambles his friend away.
You won’t see each other again for a long time after this, most likely, so he’s willing to give you some comfort and allow his crew to see him a little softer than normal.
“Bye, thanks for your help, Traffy!”
Law tries not to grimace at the nickname Luffy’s given him over the last few days, nodding to you both as his crew also shouts goodbyes and wave to you both, you personally sad to see them leave. You’d spent so much time getting to know them while taking care of Luffy, that it felt like you were losing friends again. You’d probably see them one day, maybe as friends but maybe as foes, yet, you’d like to see more of Law and learn about him like he had you.
Luffy notices your face, the sad look it has, then looks back to the Heart Pirates as they start to disappear below deck. You’ve already chosen to stay on Amazon Lily the next two years and learn from the women there how to fight, but even watching you the last couple days, he could see your heart wasn’t in it. You more so loved using your knives and making poisons, he remembers the one he and Ace mistakenly drank thinking it was lavender tea from Makino. You weren’t an archer or a swordswoman, you much prefer close combat and paralyzing your enemies. Your work during Enies Lobby earned you your $25 million berri bounty, the Navy having trouble recreating antidotes from the one you’d left with a knocked out marine, they knew you’d be trouble one day.
With all that in mind, Luffy sneaks up behind you, wrapping his arms around you in what you first believe to be a hug, before he lifts you up and you look at him. He’s got a grin that concerns you greatly as the color drains from your face.
He giggles a bit, nodding at you to brace yourself.
“Luffy, don’t you dare.”
“Have fun with Traffy for two years!!!”
He doesn’t give you anymore room to argue, flinging you towards the Polar Tang, making you yell for Law to pay attention, and he barely does in time to catch you, knocking both of you to the ground, several Heart Pirates making sure both of you are all right and that Law didn’t hit his head on anything.
You’re up and holding onto the railing, yelling at Luffy, “You’re an idiot!!!”
He pretends he can’t hear you, waving widely and shouting another goodbye, but to you this time.
Once Law is sitting up, realizing what the hell has happened, he sighs a bit while you look back to him.
“I’m sorry, Trafalgar. You can turn back and I’ll beat some sense into him!”
One of his crewmembers, you’re pretty sure it’s Shachi, leans down to ask him, “Should we? Kinda seems like Straw Hat wants us to take her along.”
He sighs, taking his hat off and running his hand through his hair, shaking his head.
“You can stay.”
You tilt your head in confusion, Law doesn’t think it’s cute at all no matter what that weird feeling in his chest is, while he stands up and nods at you.
“The Amazons might get angry if we return without permission, so we’ll just…take you along…and then bring you to Sabaody.”
Blinking several times, you’re still confused while some of his crew laugh, Penguin coming up to pat you on the back.
“You’re a temporary Heart Pirate! We’ll take care of you!”
Nodding, Law turns to go below deck.
“Say your goodbye, we’ll be going under shortly.”
While the rest of them follow after their captain, you turn back and see Luffy still waving at you, which makes you sigh and shake your head. You do smile though, you had wanted to continue getting to know Law and his crew, this was a perfect opportunity, and maybe he could help you with creating effective antidotes for your poisons.
“Luffy! Love you, see you in two years!”
Once you go below deck, Penguin being the one to wait for you in order to close the door properly, he starts to show you around a bit, the rest of the crew happy to see you’re staying with them for now, while Law keeps a slight distance unless he’s asked about something. You looking around and being so impressed by the submarine caused another weird feeling in his chest, and he fights to ignore it, especially when you thank him for letting you stay with a smile, which he waves off with an “It’s nothing”.
It's going to be an interesting two years.
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lyney-s-bitch · 2 months
hi omg i have been thinking about this a lot and idk I think you could work well with my request, so I’ll just ask! How would Neuvilette and Wriothesley react to their female s/o telling them they can go raw / they can finish inside? I’m so curious~ and I hope you have fun with writing this! Neuvi and Wrio are so hot omg I am so sad I didn’t get Wrio :(
hello my dear!! thank you so much for sending this in, I finally got around to writing it ;-;
I absolutely did have fun with it, and I’m sure Wrio will honor you with His Grace pun intended during his rerun😌🙌🏼 do feel free to share more of your thoughts hehe
asking them to finish inside (Neuvillette, Wriothesley) || 18+
The Iudex of Fontaine had been busy this entire week. Very busy. Too busy to spend any sort of alone-time with you, not even returning home for the night, instead spending the nights in his office, burying himself in the mountain of bureaucracy that he called his work.
Tonight was the first time after said week where he had come home to you, finally burying himself in you again… and it was driving both of you absolutely crazy.
Breathless pants of his name left your lips in a seemingly endless stream, your fingers entangled in the silky strands framing his pretty face as you gently rub your thumbs against his cheeks, the loving gesture in stark contrast to the almost feral movements of your bodies meeting one another in an unrestricted, desperate display of passion.
He was so damn close - you could see it in his face, hear it in the way his moans of pleasure got that slightly whiny edge you loved so incredibly much, feel it in the way his hips began to increasingly stutter with each stroke of his. He tried to slow down in an attempt to postpone his release, refusing to let this end just yet, not before you would be satisfied first… but you yourself had other plans.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in even closer as you whispered in his ear "Don’t stop now, my love… Please, keep going, wanna feel you finish inside…"
He shuddered visibly, inhaling sharply in an attempt to calm himself down and keep from exploding right then and there.
It took all of the Iudex’s willpower to cease his movements, pulling away slightly to look directly into your eyes and inquiring "Are you… absolutely sure?"
Even though you were on the pill, and neither of you knew for certain whether it was even possible for him to procreate with a human, you usually never opted to take the risk… up until now.
You nod, pulling him in once more and clenching around him noticeably, your hips moving ever so slightly to coax him into going on.
"I am. It’s gonna be okay, just please…" You trail off, unable to finish the sentence, though it’s not like you needed to in order for him to understand. He nods very slowly, his empathetic nature paired with the physical need overwhelming him in this moment making it nearly impossible for him to resist your wishes (or his own body’s, for that matter).
He lets out a soft groan under his breath, starting to move against you once more, this time with more vigor and intensity, yet also trembling more than ever before. It wasn’t long until his thrusts grew sloppier, until he eventually pushed himself as deep as he could possibly go and let out a soft, shaky moan when he finally released inside of you.
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The Duke was a smart and responsible man. He seemed to always know what to do and what not to do, keeping a cool head no matter the direness of a situation… but goddamn did you make that impossible for him today.
It was a certain time of the month - the time where you were especially horny and needy. And he already knew in advance: Wriothesley kept track of your monthly cycle in his calendar, ensuring that he was mentally prepared for all of your moods and could avoid additional headaches. But all that preparation didn’t help him much in this case, because how on earth would you expect him to not go completely feral when you come up to him sitting in his office, straddling his lap and rubbing yourself against him so deliciously??
He actually still had some administrative work to finish… but tomorrow would be a day too, right?
So Wriothesley ended up telling himself one of the biggest lies in human history: "JuSt tHe TiP" - which of course escalated into much, much more as you kept teasing and taunting him to keep going until he ultimately bent you over his desk, slowly sinking himself into you just the way he knew you loved.
He eventually doubles over, leaning down and pressing his chest against your back, whispering to you in a husky voice as he wraps one hand around your delicate neck: "You’ve managed to rile me up quite a bit there, darling." You only let out a soft whine in response, clenching around him desperately as you could feel yourself throbbing for more. The Duke couldn’t help but let out a stifled groan, sinking his teeth into your shoulder at the sensation.
"You’re really a piece of work, y’know that?", he then remarked with a throaty chuckle, his free hand coming down on your ass and eliciting a surprised yelp from you. He knew he wasn’t going to last any longer, you had gotten him way too weak already, so he inquired in a low rumble of a voice: "Where do you want it, princess?" He was about to pull out, but a distinct protest from you stopped him - it was as if your pussy was holding him in with a death grip, causing his eyes to roll back for a moment due to how close he was feeling to his limit.
"Stay inside, please, want you to cum inside", you babbled almost incoherently, yet the man understood every single word.
*Wrio.exe has stopped working*
You hadn’t even finished the sentence when he exploded inside of you, letting out a not-so-manly moan in the process (you fucking loved it).
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
Polar opposite
Jake Sully x female human reader x Tonowari
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Summary: There’s no plot. Just two dilfs working together.
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: explicit smut, minors dni, mmf threesome, oral, fingering, heavy size kink, belly bulge, praise kink 🤝🏻 degradation kink, unprotected sex, creampie, interspecies sex, squirting, overstimulation, … I’m gonna stop now it’s just porn without plot lol
Notes: I don’t think i will ever get to see the gates of heaven after this 😂
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You don’t know how you got yourself into this position. Trapped between two of the tallest Na‘vi you’ve ever seen. Two powerful olo'eyktan, one of the Metkayina and one of the Omatikaya.
With your back pressed against his board chest, you’re neatly seated in the lap of Tonowari. The gentle chief is holding your small wrists in his big hands. His breathe is hot against your skin, whispering praises and soft words into your ear that make your stomach flutter. "That’s right, little human", he chuckles lowly and a gasp leaves your lips, "Relax, we‘ll take care of you."
Kneeling between your legs, and with his mouth busy sucking hickeys onto the soft skin on your breasts, was Jake. He bites and nibbles on a nipple and you can’t help but whimper. For how much longer were they planning to torture you like this?
You want to clench your thighs together for some friction, but Jakes strong hands keep them apart. He tsks, "If you keep trying that one more time, I won’t let you cum at all. Understood?" You yelp when he pinches your nipple and the sound makes his cock throb. "Y-Yes, sir!" Behind your back, Tonowari chuckles. "I told you not to make him mad. Now show him how good you can be and you‘ll get what you want, okay?" You can feel him shift and suddenly your wrists are no longer held by his hands. But in return he grabs your thighs. From the underside of your knees he holds your legs and bends them slightly up. It’s like he’s presenting you to Jake. Said Na‘vi licks his lips as his eyes travels further down on your body. With nothing to cover yourself from his hungry gaze, you squirm. "Fuck, look at that", Jake groans as he swipes a finger through your folds, gathering your slickness and then holding it up for you and Tonowari to see. A thin string of your juices connect his thumb and index finger. "She’s so wet already", he chuckles and the embarrassment makes your cheeks light up bright red. "You’ve been teasing her for quiet a while now", Tonowari adds to your defense, with a kiss to your temple.
Jake rolls his eyes at that, but finally gives in. His kisses travel lower this time, trailing his tongue over your breasts before dragging it through a trail of shimmering saliva down your navel toward your crotch. You arch your back, hips desperately bucking to meet his lips.
"Thought I told you not to move, didn’t I?", Jake says and bites down at the plush flesh of your inner thighs. You groan, eyes teary and nod, "Sorry Sir…"
Tonowari can’t help the swell of his heart at having such a good girl for him, and gently kisses your cheek.
“You’ll be good for us and keep your thighs spread, right? You won’t move until we‘ll tell you to.” He keeps his tone low and steady, to ease your worries, to comfort you, his precious girl. He would let you cum, you just had to be patient. “Y-yes I‘ll be good", you mumble, letting your head fall back against his chest.  
“Good girl,” he purrs. "Stop spoiling her", Jake tells him, before he lowers his head between your thighs again.
With his thumbs, he spreads your lips apart and groans at the sight. "Must be my lucky fucking day", he voices his thoughts out loud. Your clit comes into view, swollen and neglected, just before Jake closes his lips around it and you moan. He sucks, rolls it in his mouth, kisses it loud enough, that if someone was standing in front of their marui pod, they would hear that the olo'eyktan‘s were very busy right now.
You made them go crazy. Moaning nonstop, loud and unending. “Fuck, Jake, fuck—” You desperately try not to move and rock your hips against his face while Tonowari’s grip on your legs tightens even more. “How are you so good at this? Fuck— I’m going to cum, Jake I‘m—”
Jake chuckles between your thighs, as if you just told him a joke. His voice is muffled, pressed against your cunt, “No, you won’t. Not yet.”
“But I gotta— shit, please I, I can’t I‘m–”
“No,” the tall Na‘vi in front of you says and then proceeds to drag his tongue from your entrance back to your clit. Tonowari can feel a physical shiver running through you. Your body is seized by a wave of what he could only assume was the best orgasm of your life, spasming and shaking nonstop as your hips jerk forward.
To everyone’s surprise, Jake keeps going. He sucks on your clit particularly hard before finally pulling back and wiping your juice from his chin.
"Hm, I see. So we’re disobeying direct orders now, huh?" Jake tilts his head and rises back to his full height. You swallow thickly and Tonowari shakes his head, almost as if he’s disappointment in you. You want to apologize but Jake is quick to cut you off.
"Since you wanted to come so bad, we‘ll give you exactly what you asked for. But I don’t want to hear you cry about it later, sweetheart."
While Jake unties his loincloth, you can feel Tonowari sneak a hand from under your leg to between your thighs. He coats his digits in your slickness and rubs lazy circles over your clit, causing your legs to twitch. You’re still very sensitive from your previous orgasm. "Tonowari", you sigh his name but it quickly turns into a moan when he slides one of his fingers inside you. You gasp when he immediately pushes a second one inside and he chuckles. "Think you can take him, tiny human?", he asks and your eyes are back on Jake, right when his loincloth falls to the ground. He’s thick, rippled with vein and taut, blue flesh. His dick twitches in the air, angry and swollen and wet. There’s a long string of pre-cum hanging from the tip and Jake catches it on his thumb. You stick out your tongue, much to his satisfaction, and he cleans his thumb there, giving you a taste of his salty pre.
Meanwhile, Tonowari curls his fingers inside you just right– hitting that spongy spot that makes your eyes roll back. "She’s already fucked out from just your fingers", Jakes muses and gives a lazy stroke to his shaft, using the salvia on his thumb as lubricant.
"I-I can", you protest weakly, "I can take him."
Tonowaris chest swells with pride at your words.
"Now would you look at that. She’s so eager to please, such a good girl", he praises and you can’t help but smile at his words. Slowly, he retreats his fingers from between your thighs and you whine at the loss, the sudden emptiness makes you shudder. But instead of just brushing his slick covered fingers off somewhere, Tonowari sticks them in his mouth, licking them clean. Your eyes widen and he groans at the sweet taste of you.
"Are you that desperate to get your holes filled, cupcake?" Jakes words make your eyes fly right back up to him. He‘s moved closer to stand between your spread legs. When you don’t respond right away, he uses his cock and gently slaps it against your clit a few times. "F-Fuck– i mean yes, yes sir", you rush out quickly and Jake approves with a low hum. He then proceeds to slide his dick through your folds, covers it in your slickness. When he feels it’s enough, he prods the tip at your entrance.
Before you can even inhale a breath, a thick-headed cock is trying to push its way inside your cunt.
Jake‘s stretching you oh so slowly and you whimper, cursing under your breath. It’s on the borderline of being painful, dancing on a knifes edge, but it’s also devastatingly perfect. With each passing second, you can feel yourself being forced open, further than you ever thought was possible.
But Jakes is impatient. His length is never-ending. Just when you thought he’s nearly all the way inside, you glance down and see he’s only halfway there.
Holy fuck. He’s huge.
"Shit–", Jake visibly shudders once he’s fully seated inside the warmth of your cunt, "How are you so god damn tight?" Something in his facial expression changes, another tad darker than it was previously. Snapping his hips forward, you moan out loud. Each pounding thrust he gives you knocks the very air from your lungs and you can feel yourself tightening even more. He fucks into you merciless, groaning whenever the tip of his cock kisses your cervix. The size difference between you and them is incredible, so it’s no surprise you can literally see him move inside you. The little bulge on your lower abdomen moves with every thrust of his hips and neither of you seem to be able to take your eyes off of it.
While Jake seemingly aims to fuck the very soul out of you, Tonowari sneaks one of his hands back to your front, feeling for your clit. Once found, he starts to rub small circles over the little bundle of nerves and you gasp.
“She’s so cute, isn’t she?” Jake grins as you squirm under Tonowaris touch.
“I wish I could see her face", the olo’eyktan chuckles and his hot breath ghosts over your ear, "She must be making some interesting expressions.” Jakes hips are slapping against yours and the sounds they form is music to their ears.
“Oh yeah,” Jake replies with a groan, "Looks like she’s about to come again." And he’s right. You can feel the familiar, addicting, tension building up in your core. Tonowari then pinches your clit, rolls it between his thumb and index finger and you whine and brabble nonsense to them as you feel that tension build and build and then it snaps. Your toes curl and you squeeze around Jakes cock– so much, that he has trouble pulling out and slamming himself back in.
"Fucking hell", Jake moans as you gush around his cock, your slick spurts forth and coats his lower abdomen and the sounds of his hips meeting yours are obscene, slopping wet. "Looks like we’ve got ourselves a squirter!" But he doesn’t stop there, if anything, his pace even starts to increase. Tears begin to prick at your eyes as he fucks into you hard and fast, with this big, shit eating grin on his face. "C‘mon, princess, give me another", he chuckles. "Can’t, I can’t! Please, Jak– sir! Oh my g– It’s too much", you cry out but Jake won’t slow down. With Tonowari still circling your clit, it doesn’t take long for you to feel that familiar knot tighten, almost painfully so. "You can", he says lowly, "I know you can, baby, I wouldn’t ask you to if you couldn’t."
And you know he’s right. Because in that exact moment, you come. You come harder than ever before, with a silent scream and nails digging into Tonowaris arms. Its not until your pleading for them to stop, completely overstimulated, with your legs twitching and tears rolling down your cheeks, that Jakes rhythm finally starts to falter. He plunges into you, one, two, three more times and then comes with a groan of your name, his head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut. He fills you with his cum, all the way to the hilt, until you can feel it leak out and dribble down onto to floor.
By the time Tonowari retreats his hand from between your thighs, it’s soaking wet, glistening from your juices and he doesn’t even hesitate to push his digits past your lips. You taste yourself on his fingers, let your tongue swirl around them as he watches you, mesmerized. "You did so well for him, such a good little human", he praises and then turns his attention to Jake, "Hold her. I want so see her face."
It takes the mighty Toruk Makto a few seconds before his senses are back and he’s fully capable of thinking straighten again, but he’s quick to comply. You whine when he pulls out and more of his release seeps out. Tonowari then maneuvers your limp body, turns you so Jake can hold you up in the air, with your legs spread wide over his strong arms. For a moment you don’t know what to do with you hands but you quickly settle to hold tight onto Jake. "Easy, girl", he coos, his chin coming to rest onto your shoulder so he can see better, "I won’t drop you." You believe him without a doubt. Those guys are easily ten feet tall, all muscles and strength- there was no way you would slip out of their hold.
When Tonowari rises to his full height before you, you can’t help but whimper as your cunt instinctively clenches around nothing. One of his hands comes to settle on your thighs, holds your leg firm below your knee as he lines up his cock with your entrance. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to brace yourself for the stretch that’s about to come but then his other hand finds your chin. He tilts your head up and tsks, "Look at me. I said I want to see your face, little human." You do as your told, looking up at him through your thick lashes and then he starts pushing the tip in. It’s enough to make you moan, your mouth falls open and he stretches you further. It’s a good thing that Jakes cum, combined with your own slickness makes things a little easier. You’re still tight, but not as much as before. Your soft, wet walls greet him hungrily, swallows him up like you didn’t just came.
Without warning, he snaps his hips and pushes his cock all the way inside you.
"Oh my fucking god–", you whine once Tonowari has fully bottomed out. Your body is barely ready for the size of him, the inhuman stretch making your eyes roll all the way into your head.
He barely gives you any time to adjust, pulling almost all the way out before roughly pounding back in.
"Look at her", Tonowari praises with a low grunt, "So tiny but she’s taking me so well, all the way up to her cute belly." With a hand on your stomach, he feels himself inside you -in and out, in and out.
God it feels so good. You feel so full. You love the burn of it, the feel of something large forcing itself into your body. It was one thing to like big cock, to fantasize, it was another to be roughly impaled on one in reality.
And fuck did you love the reality.
Better adjusted now, your body welcomes him with every snap of his hips. Tonowari sets up a brutal rhythm, pistoning in and out of your body roughly, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot at just the right angle. "I-I‘m close", you’re moaning shamelessly now, not a care about whoever might hear you, "Gonna come, gonna come again, Tonowari– fuck!"
You clench your inner walls around him as you do, almost choking on your words. Vaguely, you feel yourself leak more and more of your slickness, until it drips onto the floor with a splash. "That so hot, fuck– Cupcake, I didn’t know you had that in you", Jake groans at the sight, adjusting his grip on your legs to spread them even wider.
You flex your inner walls, squeezing Tonowaris cock even more until you feel him tremble with the change, moaning and his gaze entirely fixed on where you are joined. He stutters, his movements jerky and you know he’s about to come. You try your best to keep your eyes open, not daring to miss the look on his face when he does. His mouth is slightly agape, eyes half lidded as they land on yours and with one last thrust he stills inside you. His cum is hot and sticky and you can feel it fill you up, with his tip pressed tight against your cervix.
Tonowari chuckles softly as he pulls his hips back, slowly, letting you feel every inch until only the swollen tip rests inside you. He brushes a stray strand of hair clinging to your sweat slicked skin out of your face and kisses your lips as a distraction, before he pulls out entirely. You whine and your legs quiver in Jakes hold. "Good girl, just breathe", Jake whispers, "Gonna let you down now, okay? Can you stand?" Weakly, you give him a nod and then he gently places your feet on the ground.
You have to steady yourself, with a one hand on each of their stretched out arms. Your legs feel like jelly, cunt leaking all of your combined juices and you already feel the pleasant ache spreading between your legs. You’re so busy trying to collect yourself again, that you completely miss the way the two olo’eyktan’s look at each other at the sight of you.
With a smug grin on his face, Jake bows down to your height and whispers into your ear, "Get on your hands and knees, sweetheart. C‘mon don’t let me tell you twice." Your eyes widen at his words but you can’t help the smile forming in you lips. After all, that’s exactly what you’ve asked for.
"Y-yes sir."
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lets-go-hurt-someone · 3 months
Am I the only one who actually prefers the Araj confession from Astarion? I see so many people wax poetic about the “nice, simple plan” scene and how much better it is that I want to wax poetic a little about my favourite.
The first time I played BG3, I didn’t know anything about Astarion’s background and I thought he was a jerk. When I first ran into Araj at Moonrise, I was surprised that he wasn’t interested in biting her, but he gave his reasons and I was like, damn, okay, that sucks but I’m not gonna force him to do anything. He said no, so it’s a no. Then I moved on, and genuinely thought nothing of it.
When he hit me with the Araj confession at camp, when he explained how he felt in front of her and how easy it would have been to just grin and bear it and do as he was told, I started crying. Sometimes I struggle to even put into words the emotions it brought up — not the smallest of which was the realisation that I had had more respect for this video game character that I didn’t even like at the time than a lot of people had ever had for me, a real fucking human being.
So I love absolutely everything about that scene, from the writing to the performance to all the different ways it can play out. I know the other confession is more cute and sweet and romantic, but the Araj one held up a mirror to me and genuinely made me confront myself and change how I approach intimacy. Which is kind of an embarrassing thing to say about a video game romance scene but here I am saying it.
Because if this fucking rude ass pixel boy (affectionate) can learn to be honest about his needs and limits and have them respected, then so can I, goddamnit. And that will always be so much more profound to me than a nice, simple plan that fell apart.
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absurdthirst · 2 months
Rewarded & Rescued {Javier Peña x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 18.2k
Warnings: Human trafficking, kidnapping, drugging, mentions of rape, threats of suicide, mentions of Stockholm syndrome, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, biting, protected sex, unprotected sex, angst
Comments: Undercover working for Escobar, Javier is given a horrible gift. A woman, an American. Kidnapped from a club and presented to him as a reward. Unable to let you know who he is, all he can do is reassure you that he won't hurt you. Until you work out that he's not quite what he seems.
A/N: Despite being an American, there are no physical descriptions of the reader. Conversations are in Spanish until indicated they are in English.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
|| MasterList || Javier Peña MasterList ||
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“Gomez.” Javier looks up from his spot across the room when Herdanez comes into the room. It’s hard to react when his undercover name is called out but he forces himself to look up when he hears it. 
“¿Sí?” He asks, stubbing out his smoke in the ashtray. 
“Boss will see you now.” He says and Javier stands up and makes his way into the office. Escobar stands up and Javier pushes down his hatred of the man as he greets him as fondly as he can manage. 
“Hermano. You’ve been doing a great job. Blackie said he’s impressed and I want to reward your hard work.” He snaps his fingers and the doors open, a woman stumbling in as she is manhandled by Blackie. He refrains from clenching his jaw. He knows what this is. The reward. “She’s yours. To do whatever you want with. And she’s American.” He grins wickedly, handing Peña your passport and your purse. “She can’t go anywhere without this. Take her and keep up the good work.” He says and Javier clenches his jaw, unsure of how to feel but he knows how to react. There’s only one way. He grins and reaches out to shake the boss’s hand. 
“Thank you. She’s perfect.” He says with a smirk and your eyes widen, realizing that you aren’t gonna be rescued by this man.
It had been so stupid to go to that club. Even more stupid than it had been to even come to Colombia. You had risked it, you and the three other girls you had been with. Thinking that nothing would happen to you because you were Americans. Knowing Spanish and speaking fluently didn’t help when you were drugged and kidnapped by a fucking drug cartel. A notorious one at that. Everyone knows about Pablo Escobar. You had joked about buying some coke from him when you were safe in your hometown, planning this trip. Meeting him had been less than joyous though, your friends' fates possibly even worse than your own. They had talked about sharing the others with Escobar’s sicarios, letting all the men fuck them. It seems like you have the privilege of just being raped by one man, instead of numerous ones. “Please.” You shake your head, tears streaming down your cheeks and your jaw hurts where the one they call Blackie had punched you. “I just want to go home.” You beg. “I just want to go home.”
Javier wants to shoot every fucker in there for making a woman plead for their life, for their innocence, but he can’t. He has to pretend like he’s as evil as the rest of them. “You aren’t going home.” He says in English. “She’s going home with me.” He chuckles, speaking in Spanish again, “I’m going to fuck her so hard she splits in two. Can’t wait to see her pretty eyes water when I shove my cock down her throat.” He says wickedly, smirking at the other men. “She’s gonna be screaming out.” He chuckles. 
“Are you gonna fuck her ass? It’s cute.” Blackie winks at your horrified face and Javier shrugs, “haven’t decided. Gonna see how she does taking my cock in her pussy. I’m thick so she’s gonna struggle.”
You feel sick to your stomach. So much so that you gag. The only thing keeping you from vomiting is the fact that you are starving, not being fed since waking up in a tiny room after being taken from the club. “Please.” You begin in Spanish and then switch back to English. “Please? I can pay- my parents, they will- what do you want? Please, don’t- don’t do this.” It’s futile, but you have to try, unwilling to become someone’s sex slave.
“Your begging won’t get you anywhere. Nor will your money. Come on chica. I want to get you home.” Javier says in English as he grabs your arm from Blackie. He drags you against him and you struggle. “Don’t struggle. Unless you want me to put a fucking bullet in your brain.” He hisses in warning as he drags you out of the room to Escobar and Blackie grinning and clapping their hands in approval.
“No. No, no, no, no.” You try to fight him, to pull away even with the threat of death. It would be better than your future. You would rather be dead than to endure whatever this disgusting man would have in store for you. The fact that he’s actually attractive doesn’t even register, unable to believe anyone so vile could be remotely good looking. Your wrist hurts from how tight he is gripping it and you feel like your shoulder is going to wrench from the socket as hard as you are pulling back against him. Fruitlessly fighting the inevitable as he drags you out to a four door jeep. “No! Help! Someone please!” You scream, even though there is no one around, obviously planned that way.
He growls at you, “no one is gonna hear your cries here, sweetheart. Just shut the fuck up.” He demands, needing you to be quiet so he can get you up to his apartment and tell you he’s not gonna touch you. He slams the door after shoving you in the back seat and he gets on quickly, locking the doors before he starts the car. You press up against the wall of the car, shaking,  and Javier wants to tell you it’s okay but he can’t. He can’t help you right now. “Stop whimpering. Makes it worse.” He tells you honestly, “be brave.”
Biting your lip, you try to do as he says, sure that these men take pleasure in hearing women cry. Your tears still stream down your face, wondering if he will kill you quickly, crying for your friends. Closing your eyes, you try not to sob.
Javi quickly navigates the traffic and parks in the garage, coming around after killing the engine to open your door and he grabs your arm, “come on.” He hisses, practically dragging you into the elevator. When you press up against the wall, he pushes the button for his floor and you shake. When the doors open, you remain pressed against the wall and he shakes his head, grabbing you to swing you over his shoulder, carrying you down the hall to his apartment.
It’s almost impossible to keep from kicking and hitting at him, but you keep yourself limp, making him work to carry you. Trying to see what the apartment numbers are and looking back at the elevator so you can run away the first chance you get. The man you’ve been given to is wearing a gun, tucked into the back of his jeans and you bite your lip, wanting to reach it when you get the chance.
He knows where your mind is at. “Don’t bother. It’s not loaded.” He lies, “bullets are in my pocket.” He walks faster and deposits you at the door as he quickly fumbles with his keys, pushing the door open to push you inside within seconds. The lock clicks as he shuts the door and you stumble back, eyes wide and you’re shaking.
“Don’t touch me!” You spit, getting angry. He might overpower you, but you are going to fight him tooth and nail. Make it difficult for him. “I’ll- I’ll kill you.” You stumble back and look around the living room wildly for anything to use as a weapon.
Javier can't help it. He chuckles, shaking his head. "You won't because I ain't gonna touch you, sweetheart." He can't tell you why but he can tell you that he won't harm you. "I - it's a long story but I had to make a show of it back there. I am not - not-" He emphasizes, "that kind of man. I won't touch you. You stay here with me until I can get you out. I can't risk it yet. Gotta make them think that I have violated you to impress them."
Shaking your head, you scoff, not believing him for a minute. He just wants you to let down your guard, to make it easier for him. He steps forward and you leap back, bumping into the coffee table and knocking a letter opener onto the floor with a loud clatter. Looking down, your eyes widen and you drop down to your knees to grab it as he rushes forward. “Stay back!” You scream, holding the sharp tip to your own neck. “One more step and you’ll have to fuck my dead body before it gets too cold!”
“Jesus Christ“ Javier groans, and shakes his head, unable to believe how dramatic you are being. To threaten to take your own life. When he just told you, he wasn’t going to touch you. He guesses he has to make you believe him by his actions, “there is no need for that, sweetheart. I promise you that I’m not going to touch you. I swear on my dead mama‘s grave and I like my women to be willing. I don’t like a fucking struggle. I want a woman to shake in pleasure, not in fear.“
“Then let me go.” You demand, frowning at him. He doesn’t seem angry you are threatening to kill yourself, just annoyed by wasting his time. “I can’t.” He huffs, making you snort. 
“Of course you can’t. Why would you want to give up your gift? Doesn’t matter that I’m a fucking human being! You can’t own me, you don’t own me!” You start to yell again. “I have been threatened with rape, torture, I’ve been beaten and slapped around, my friends are probably raped and murdered too, all because I came to this fucking place and went to a club! Now I want to go home!”
Javier winces, knowing that your friends have definitely suffered a terrible fate at the hands of the sicarios but he won’t let that happen to you. “Listen to me.” He insists, “I can’t let you go because then they’ll know and I - shit - I can’t explain it to you but you got to believe me. Just believe me. I won’t touch you. I’ll make sure you’re fed and safe but you can’t leave.”
You don’t believe him, but it will do nothing more than piss him off to continue to argue with the man. He could just decide to shoot you, so you slowly drop the letter opener from your throat but you don’t let it go. Not fighting him will be as good as it gets.
Javier wants to roll his eyes if you think that you can take him down with a letter opener. “Do you want anything to eat? I doubt those fuckers fed you. I’m not much of a cook but I can do eggs and toast.”
You stare at him for a second. Wondering why, if he’s not like those other men, is he with them. When he just continues to stare at you, you nod slightly. “I- I don’t know what day it is.” You tell him. “I was at the club on Saturday night.”
“It’s Wednesday. They kept you in a room with your friends yesterday because you wouldn’t submit and they needed to make you suffer. Weaken you. It’s what they do. Fuck with your mind, then your body. Let’s get you something to eat and to drink. You gotta be starving.”
You shouldn’t take anything from him. Not when you know that he could just be toying with you, but you are ravenous. You bite your lip and nod once, looking around the apartment once again. Looking for any clue of what kind of man you had been given to.
He nods, making his way into the kitchen. He knows he’s taking a risk having you here and you could easily try to run or try to kill him but he has to take the risk. The bigger risk would be his cover being blown. He doesn’t entirely know if you’re a plant in his home to give information back to Escobar. He trusts no one and he can’t risk anything but he wouldn’t touch you. He could never cross that line. He opens the fridge and grabs the eggs and bread, grabbing the bottles of water to give you, certain that you’ll want something sealed until you can trust him.
It’s comforting that he’s given you something sealed but you discreetly turn the water bottle upside down and squeeze it to make sure there’s not a needle hole in the plastic. When it holds, you eagerly turn it upright and quickly break the seal. Gulping down the water in desperate gulps as you think it might be the best water you’ve ever tasted because you are so thirsty.
Javier watches you down the water as he puts the pans on the stove to begin cooking. The eggs start to cook and he turns to look at you, to really look at you. You’re gorgeous. No need to deny that to himself but he knows you’re angry and sad. Rightly so. He is for you. That this fuckers are doing this to other women and getting away with it. That’s why he’s doing this. Because of Helena, because of the lives that are destroyed directly or indirectly by Escobar.
You feel better just by drinking the water, but your stomach is still panging with hunger. The smell of the food making you moan quietly, unconsciously stepping towards the kitchen and the man inside it. “Are you- I can have some food?” You ask quietly. “Without doing things?”
Javier wants to growl out his frustration at you being worried that he wants something in exchange for food. The basic need. It’s insulting. He turns to look at you incredulously. “Are you fucking kidding? I- I just told you I didn’t want anything and this is food. You need food. Like I said, I like my women to give me all encompassing consent and I want them to be fully enjoying themselves. A struggle isn’t a turn on for me. It’s disgusting.” He says honestly, his face straight to convey the seriousness of his statement until he turns back to stir the scrambled eggs.
For a moment, you feel guilty. He seems genuinely disgusted by the idea of demanding favors from you, but he had accepted you as some sort of bonus from his boss. You swallow harshly and toy with the letter opener that’s still in your other hand. “Can I have more water? My- my mouth is still dry.”
“Sure. There’s plenty in the fridge. Go get one.” He says, wanting to give you some autonomy in a situation that makes you feel trapped. He watches you hesitate before you walk over to the fridge and he starts to butter the bread and puts it on the pan to toast.
You grab another water and look through the contents of the fridge. There’s not much, obviously he doesn’t eat here often and you wonder why he’s bothering to cook for you. More importantly, why aren’t you trying to get out of the apartment? You’re tired, hungry and he’s holding your passport. That’s why. You move over to a barstool at the counter and plop down, overwhelmed by everything.
He glances over his shoulder at you as he plates up the food, turning off the stove and he carries the plates over to the counter, setting them down in front of you and he turns back to clean up. “Eat.” He orders you with a point before he turns back to clean up.
It’s probably the gruffest nice thing that anyone has ever done for you, and you want to resist, but you’re starving. Falling on the simple breakfast with an enthusiasm that surprises you.
Javi notices how hungry you are and he pushes the other plate towards you. “Have that. You’re hungry. I already ate today.” He says as he washes up the pans, allowing you to have your meal in peace. He wants you to relax a little, realize he isn’t going to hurt you.
You shouldn’t accept it, but you’re too hungry to push it away. Devouring your eggs and toast before pushing the empty plate away and starting on the next. You might make yourself sick, but right now, you don’t even care.
He’s pleased that you are eating. You clearly need it after those bastards starved you. “I’m sure you want a shower too. I have a shirt you can borrow and some boxers - they’re new…I don’t really wear them.” He confesses, “I’ll see about getting you some clothes tomorrow.” He says, knowing he’s gonna need some help from one of the girls to get the right stuff. All he knows about clothes is ripping them off and he doesn’t want to do that to you.
You freeze for a moment, sure that the offer is just a ploy to leave you naked and vulnerable. His stance is unsure when he turns back to you, as if he’s embarrassed by the idea of not having clothes for you and that makes you relax. “I- I won’t-“ you pause, not sure of what you will say. “Thank you.”
Javier nods, “you need clothes and toiletries. Make a list of what you need and your sizes and I’ll get it sorted.” He promises as he scrubs the pan while you finish eating. He’s not sure how he’s going to get you out of the country without Escobar knowing. He will have to think about it later when you’re settled and not trying to stab yourself or him with a letter opener.
You can’t believe this man is willing to buy you clothes. Frowning slightly as you swallow the last bite of eggs. “Why do you work for a man like that?” You ask. “If you aren’t like him? How can you stand what he does to people?”
“It’s complicated.” Javier tells you as he wipes the counter down before he turns back to look at you. “I can’t tell you why. It would put you in even more danger. I know you can’t but all I can ask is that you trust me.” He pleads, needing you to believe that he’s here to be a good man, not like them.
You have no choice but to believe that he isn’t like those other men. It’s not like you can do much if he is, regardless. Your eyes are on his and you nod, realizing that he looks haunted. His dark eyes are trying to tell you something, but you don’t know what. “The American newspapers say the DEA will catch Escobar any day now.” You tell him. “You might want to stop working for him if you want to avoid jail or being killed.”
Javier can’t help but snort, “sure thing, sweetheart. I’ll keep that in mind.” Unable to tell you that he’s DEA. He can’t tell you anything, just in case you are a plant from Escobar. Your reactions tell him you aren’t but he can never be too sure.
You can only pray that you are still alive by the time that Escobar is taken down. You scrape the plate clean and sigh softly. Your stomach doesn’t hurt any more but you’re emotional and honestly exhausted. Yawning catches you off guard and you try to hide it from the man.
Javier notices and bites his lip, watching you for a second. “You wanna shower before you go to bed?” He asks, “I have a guest room. It’s all yours.” He adds when you narrow your eyes at him. He guides you to the bedroom and shows you the shower. “I’ll get you some clean clothes.” He offers, knowing you’ll want some alone time.
You’re alone and it should be the time that you are running to the window to see if you can escape or signal someone, but you’re too tired. Beaten down already and just wanting to shower and sleep. He’s bringing you clothes so you can’t lock the door, but you do lock the door to the bathroom before you strip your clothes off. The letter opener on the edge of the tub.
He grabs some clothes for you, setting them on the bed, and he wonders what’s going through your mind. You must be terrified. He wants to grab his gun and kill every fucker who does this to a woman. Make them pay. He can’t, not yet. He has to take this operation down from the inside out. He rubs his cheek while you shower, grabbing his pack of cigarettes to quickly light one. It’s gonna be hard to keep himself from thinking about how gorgeous you are. You are a beautiful woman and he can never tell you. You’d immediately be on alert and not trust him.
You feel better now that you’ve showered. Clean. You had scrubbed your skin so hard it practically squeaks and you are glad to trade the club dress that was stained and torn for the comfortable t-shirt and boxers that were waiting on the bed when you had peeked out the door to find no one in the room.
Javier snubs out his smoke and picks up the phone, dialing in on a classified number and giving his code name for access. “Peña. How’s it going?” His partner Steve asks. 
“Christ, they gave me a girl. To do whatever I want with.” He tells Steve who groans down the phone. 
“What are you gonna do with her? Fuck her?” Steve asks and Javi growls, “fuck no. She - she’s American. I have her passport. I need to figure out how to get her on a plane without Escobar knowing what I’ve done.” Javi explains.
Steve hums down the phone, “let me sort that out. You can’t risk having some girl in your apartment. Jesus, never thought I’d say that.” Steve snorts, “leave it with me.” He says before the line goes dead and Javier sighs.
Back in the bedroom, you are too exhausted to come back out, but you don’t completely trust the man who’s apartment you are in. Sliding a chair under the doorknob would be too obvious, so you put the letter opener under your pillow when you collapse onto the bed, ready to sleep. Hopefully, this will all be a bad dream and you will wake up from it soon.
Javier takes a sip of the whiskey, staring at the papers on the kitchen table while you sleep. He’s trying to figure out where the illegal money goes and who the money man is. If he can figure that out, he can track them down and bring them in. Escobar has had the government in his pocket for too long and they need undeniable evidence to make anyone take notice and question the cartel leader.
You sleep for hours. The sun is gone and the room is dark when you wake up. Making you think that maybe you had dreamed it all when you feel the letter opener under the pillow. Screaming when you realize you really are in this nightmare and not waking up safe and at home.
Javier rushes into the bedroom, eyes wide and gun in hand as he wonders if somehow someone from the cartel has realized who he is and has decided to take you both out. When he sees you sitting up, he glances around the room with his gun drawn. “What the fuck?” He shouts, heart pounding.
Eyes wide. You gulp. “S-sorry.” You bite your lip and raise your hands, leaving the letter opener under the pillow. “Bad dream.” You explain quietly. “I-I had a bad dream.”
He lowers the gun, feeling guilty for you having bad dreams. He shakes his head and shoves the gun into the back of his pants. “Jesus. Scared the shit out of me.” He confesses, placing his hand on his racing heart. “You want something to drink?” He asks, knowing you might not but he needs something to take the edge off.
You tilt your head, confused at the way this man just offers you casual hospitality like you aren’t his property. Nodding slowly, you have to admit that it would be good to relax a bit. “I- thank you.” You mumble. “For not shooting me.”
Javier snorts, “yeah well, I don’t usually hesitate before shooting.” He confesses, “but I wouldn’t shoot you.” He promises as he walks into the living room and over to the bar cart. “I have whiskey and…vodka.” He says, knowing that whiskey is the only thing he drinks so he has vodka for any of his female company that comes over to give him intel.
“I drink what you drink.” You decide, figuring it would be safer to have the same thing he is. He was less likely to drug your drink that way. You scramble after him, wearing the clothes he had brought you and in your haste, you had forgotten the letter opener.
Javier nods, grabbing two glasses and he pours out a heavy measure of whiskey into each glass. He knows you need it and he definitely fucking does. He hands you the glass after letting you watch him pour and he takes a sip to assure you it’s safe. “I’m sorry you’re here. In this shit situation with me.”
“I don’t understand.” You take a sip of your whiskey after he does. “You don’t act like Escobar, joking about what he would do with me if he wasn’t giving me to you. Yet, you had done something vile enough to rate getting a real live sex toy.” You snort. “A fresh cunt as Pablo said.”
Javier turns to look you in the eye, “don’t be mistaken. I’m not a good man. I’ve done a lot of shit. Bad shit. But that- touching a woman without her consent? That is too fucking far. I’ll kill bad men but I won’t kill women or children. I need to prove myself to Escobar but not by violating an innocent woman. I meant what I said…I like my women willing and consensual.”
You contemplate what he says, watching him closely and realize that he really is handsome. His chiseled jaw compliments his sharp nose and is softened by the mustache that is straight from the 70’s. “You must have been a Bandit fan.” You tell him suddenly, thinking about the American movie.
Javier chuckles, “I did love watching Burt Reynolds but I tried the 80s and didn’t like the clothes of the music. Didn’t fit me so I turned back to my old closet and I’ve never looked back since.” He smirks, “most women say it suits me.” He shrugs and takes another sip of his drink.
It does suit him and he knows it. You settle in the chair opposite him a little more. “So you aren’t going to hurt me, but you can’t let me go? Right?” You bite your lip. “Tell me, what are you going to do with me?”
Javier sighs, setting his glass down. “You’re gonna stay here until I can figure out how to get you home.” He reveals, “it’s too dangerous to let you go. They’ll find out I let you go and then it’s my ass on the line. Give me time to figure it out and then I’ll get you home.”
“Why?” You frown, looking down into the last drops of your whiskey and then back up at him. “You don’t know me, I’m nothing to you.” It’s harsh, but it’s also reality. He shouldn’t care about you at all but he’s going to risk himself for you?
“You represent the many women who have been abused or killed at the hands of Pablo Escobar and his sicarios. You won’t be one of the many who have suffered at their hands. You’ll go home and tell the world about this tragedy and tell them that Pablo Escobar needs to be taken down.” He says, measuring your reaction.
You stare at him in shock for a moment, unable to believe that he just said that about his boss. Biting your lip, your eyes water emotionally and you nod. “I’ll scream it every chance I get if I survive this.” You know there’s a good chance you won’t live. “He’s- he’s a monster. One who pretends to be noble.” You snort and shake your head. “I’m so fucking stupid. My friends and I- we joked about meeting Escobar on this trip. Buying some coke from him. I’ve never fucking done coke, but I was so cute, thinking that I could meet a drug kingpin.” You shudder and look back down at your drink. “Wish I had fucking missed my flight. Never come here.”
Javier reaches out to touch your hand before he pulls it back. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here. You’ll be safe with me. You shouldn’t have come to Colombia. You should’ve stayed at home. You and your friends shouldn’t have come but you’ll get home.” He promises, “I’ll get you home.”
“I’m sorry.” You whimper quietly. “This is all my fault. It was my idea to come.” You confess. “My friends- they-“ you shake your head, unable to even voice the horrible things that you imagine they are going through. “It’s my fault.”
Javier doesn’t try to placate you with words when you know you’ve fucked up. He doesn’t want to upset you even more but he doesn’t comfort you. “Like I said, you will go home. I’ll make sure of it.”
“I’ll believe you.” You snort, tossing back the rest of the whiskey and holding out the glass for another. “If I don’t, I’ll drive myself crazy.”
Javier nods in understanding as he grabs the glass and refills it. “You can’t leave here, you understand? If you leave, you die. I can’t protect you outside of this apartment.” He says as he hands you back the glass.
“I won’t leave.” You promise, shaking your head. “If you are actually not going to hurt me and keep me safe, I will do whatever you want me to. I just want to go home.”
“I’ll get you home.” Javi promises, his dark eyes meeting yours as he swears he will do whatever it takes to get you home. “Just do what I tell you and you’ll get home.” He swears, downing the rest of his drink. 
It’s been a few days that you’ve been in his apartment and Javier has left to check in with the sicarios, having to lie and tell them the disgusting things they’d expect him to do to you. They laugh and he pretends to go along with it, making out like he’s done those vile things to you. When he returns to his apartment, he unlocks the door to find you walking around in the fucking shorts he bought you from the list you gave him. He feels disgusting for finding you attractive but you are. You’re gorgeous and he finds himself thinking about you but he would never cross a line, you trust him and he wouldn’t break that trust.
You turn towards the door and watch him walk in, smiling at the sight of him. “Hey.” You greet him and hurry over the bar cart. You have learned that he loves to have whiskey, especially when he’s dealing with the Escobar or his cronies. Pouring him a drink, you hold it out to him. “I started dinner. It should be done soon.”
“That smells good.” He tells you, groaning at the scent wafting from the kitchen. You’ve taken to cooking dinner and for a man who usually survives on booze and cigarettes, it’s a welcome change in his apartment. “What’s cooking?” He asks as he takes the drink from your hand. God, you’re fucking beautiful and can cook. Any man’s dream but he can’t kiss you. Even if he wants to. It’s hard for him to distance himself when he’s so used to physical contact. He hasn’t brought back any of his contacts to the apartment.
“You had some meat in the freezer so it’s like a birria, but I didn’t have tomatoes.” You shrug slightly as he lifts the lid on the pot. “Hopefully it’s good. Although maybe I need to give you a shopping list.”
“Smells fucking delicious.” He groans, “you’re a good cook.” He says and turns back after setting the lid back on the pot. “You’re - you’re too good to me considering the situation.” He murmurs, sliding his eyes across the room guiltily, knowing that his contacts at the embassy are working on how to get you out of the country without anyone knowing.
“You could be a lot worse to me.” You acknowledge. “You could have given me back. I’m grateful that you have kept your word and kept me safe.”
Javier nods, reaching out to gently touch your upper arm. “I am working on getting you out. It’s not gonna be easy but I’m working on it.” He tells you, lowering his hand when he reminds himself that you probably don’t fully trust him even if he’s given you no reason to doubt him.
“I- I appreciate it.” You murmur quietly, looking down at the rice you are cooking. It’s been harder to ignore how attractive he is since you’ve settled in and realized that you are safe. “I really do. So while I can, I’m going to take care of you.”
Javier is surprised and he shakes his head, a little pleased that you feel comfortable with him. “You don’t have to but I appreciate it.” He tells you softly, “now…you want something to drink and then I’ll show you the new clothes I got you.” He says, knowing you need more clothes, he had gotten the girls who work for Escobar to help him get some things.
“You bought me more clothes?” Your eyes widen. “All I do is stay in your apartment. What you had gotten for me was fine.” You promise. You aren’t ungrateful, but he’s not going to take you anywhere, so as long as you’re covered, you’re fine. In fact, you have grown comfortable walking around his apartment in shorts and one of his t-shirts.
“I just wanted you to have some choices.” He shrugs, a little flustered. He must admit that he loves seeing you in his shirts but he can’t admit that to you. You’d think he’s a creep. “I spoke to someone today who is working on getting you a fake passport to get you into the airport and on the plane so Escobar isn’t flagged that you’re leaving.”
“Do you think that could actually happen?” Your eyes are wide and hopeful. “That’s amazing!” You bite your lip so you don’t cry, noticing that tears make him uncomfortable.
“I’m working on it, beautiful.” He promises, “I’m not that bad to live with, I hope, that you want to go because of me.” He teases softly and he winks at you. You have slotted into his life seamlessly and he isn’t sure how to feel about it.
You laugh and bite your lip again, this time to keep from saying that he is great. For a man who obviously has done horrible things, he’s actually pretty fantastic. He is kind, respectable, and intelligent. You’ve spent hours reading the books in his apartment. “No, not because of you. I think that you might be my guardian angel.”
Javier sighs and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say that. I- I’ve done bad things in my life. I’m not a good man but like I said, I would never hurt a woman. My mama would slap me across the head if she were alive.” He says, ducking his head and he bites his lip, “when’s dinner gonna be ready? I’ll set the table.”
You shake your head and push him away from the stove playfully. “Go shower.” You insist. “You stink.” He doesn’t, but you want to take care of him. He should relax and get clean. “Shoo.”
He chuckles and nods, making his way out of the kitchen to shower and clean up. He never imagined he’d enjoy this kind of life. The one where he comes home to a home cooked meal and a woman that makes his heart flutter - not that he’d ever tell you that. He can’t get involved with you. You don’t actually know him or who he is. He needs to get you home and safe and he needs to take down Escobar.
Setting the table is so domestic. Like all of this. The table setting is for two, since he insists you eat as well and it’s shameful but you imagine he’s your boyfriend that you are cooking for. That you are together and he will kiss you before you eat. The rice is done and you smirk when you hear the shower start up, knowing that he will feel better after getting clean.
Javier showers and he can’t help his cock hardening at the thought of you walking around in his shirt wearing those short shorts. Fuck, he shouldn’t do this. He shouldn’t touch himself at the thought of you. He wants it. It’s hard not to when you look at him with those eyes. “Shit.” He hisses in English, reaching down to grip his hard cock, knowing this won’t go away until he deals with it. He slowly pumps, imagining you spread out on his kitchen table instead of your delicious food.
You fix yourself a drink too, aware that he doesn’t mind and sip it while you chop the few vegetables he had to make a salad. The man needs some proper food. And not from a restaurant like he had been doing. It feels good to do this, and you can see he appreciates it. Loving how he groans when he eats, you touched yourself last night imagining those groans were his sex noises.
He pants as he jerks himself off, the hot water running down his back as he imagined those little whimpers you make sometimes are from his mouth on your pussy. He wants to hear how you moan, see how you cum. You are as intoxicating as the whiskey you serve him and fuck if he doesn't want to drown in you.
The timer on the stove goes off and you smirk when you open the lid again. It’s smelling delicious and will be perfect the rice and the tortillas. His shower is taking longer than normal, so you don’t dish it up just yet, wanting it to be steaming hot when he sits down to eat
He groans when he cums, painting the shower tiles with his seed as he clenches his eyes shut and thinks about you. How fucking perfect you are. He pants as he rests his forehead on the cool tile as he slowly works his cock until he lets go and washes off the wall. He will do whatever it takes to get you home. You deserve to be safe and with your family. After turning off the shower and drying off, he dresses and makes his way back into the kitchen. "Smell better?" He asks teasingly.
You grin and lean in to sniff him when there’s the sound of gunfire, seemingly right outside the window. “Get down!” He screams in perfect English as he grabs your arm and pushes you down, under the table and sprints across the room to his gun.
His heart pounds as he grabs his gun and presses against the wall beside the window. The gun shots become more distant and he chances a peek out the window. Seeing a young kid running away. It’s something that happens with the young teenagers fighting in their own gangs. He pants as he lowers his gun, tense but glad to know you’re not in danger. You’re under the table so he sets the gun on the side and kneels down to see you. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asks you, again in perfect English, forgetting to keep up speaking in his mother tongue around you.
English. His English is perfect, not even a hint of an accent. He's an American. Your eyes widen in horror and you jerk back when he reaches for you. “You’re an American!” You screech, pushing out from under the table and moving to the other side, keeping the table between you. “You motherfucker, you’ve been lying to me! What is this? Some kind of trick? You’re planning on trafficking me?”
Javier curses softly under his breath at his fuck up. “No! No! I- shit. I can’t tell you. I can’t but you have to trust me. I’m American and I’m- I’m one of the good guys.” He winces at how bad that sounds but it’s true. “You gotta just trust me, sweetheart. I’m gonna get you home.”
“Stay back.” You shake your head and your heart drops. “I- I don’t believe you. I’ve been here for days and you’ve just pretended that you aren’t American! How can I trust anything you say?”
“You have to.” He says harshly, “I’m the only way you’re going to get out of this country. I’m your only hope. So you better trust me or you will be stuck here forever.” He half threatens, needing you to understand the gravity of the situation.
Your eyes widen and you swallow harshly. “You’re an asshole.” You decide, not hungry anymore and you turn around and march towards the second bedroom he had given you to use.
Javier sighs, feeling all the progress goes down the drain as you slam the door and he leans against the counter, looking down at the food you cooked. He washes up and puts the food in the fridge, sighing your name as he wonders what to do now. He needs you to trust him for this to work. He decides to call Steve and see how things are going with the passport situation.
You don’t come out of the bedroom until you hear him leave the apartment again. Sighing as you come out to find that he had cleaned up the kitchen and put everything away. The clothes he had bought are neatly stacked on the counter.
Javier sits in the bar, smoking his cigarette, and the woman walks past. His eyes trail along her figure but he finds the usual fire he feels absent. Usually he’d be chasing her but now, all he can think about is you. He met with Steve in an abandoned parking lot, discussing the details and timeline on the passport for you. Steve narrowed his eyes at him, asking if he liked you, to which Javi vehemently shook his head. Now, he’s giving you space and he knows he has to go home soon to check on you.
Biting your lip, you look at the closed door that is leading to his bedroom. You haven’t been in there before, but now you want to see what this man is like. Walking over to it, you push the door opened and step inside.
Javier downs the rest of his drink and the woman stands at the bar making eyes at him. He smirks at her and winks but walks straight past her to head home. He hasn’t slept with anyone since you arrived because he didn’t want anyone to see you and he has to keep up appearances that you’re his sex toy. It’s been a while for a man who uses sex to process his emotions. He heads out the door and makes his way home, eager to see you and make amends.
You find his room to be really tidy for a man. His bed is neatly made and his dirty clothes are in a basket. All in all, the room is devoid of anything personal. Which makes you wonder even more about him. About why he is working with Escobar.
Javier comes down the hall of the building and quickly unlocks the door. You clearly don’t hear him because he finds you in his room, the door open, and he can’t help but confront you. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Trying to find out who you are.” You don’t even try to lie, you don’t need to. Closing the beside drawer, you stand up straight. “What I’ve found, is that you are either the most unsentimental man on the planet, or you are here - working for Escobar - for a reason.
He appreciates you not lying to him and he knows he hasn’t told you anything. Maybe now is the time to tell you. “Come have a drink with me and I’ll tell you who I am.” He says, jerking his chin towards the door and he makes his way out into the living room and over to the bar cart.
He’s not yelling at you, or demanding you get out of his room and it puts you at ease more than anything else. Following him quietly and sitting down on the couch while he pours you both drinks.
Javier hands you the drink before he comes over to sit next to you on the sofa. He’s torn on telling you but he also thinks you deserve to know the truth now. He trusts you. He knows you aren’t working for Escobar otherwise his door would’ve been pushed down by now and a bullet in his chest. “I, uh, I don’t work for Escobar. Well, I do but…I’m actually a DEA agent and I am undercover working to take down Escobar and his cartel.” He reveals, deciding to cut straight to the truth.
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops open. What you had expected, you don’t know, but it wasn’t that he was a DEA agent. “I- are you for real?” You demand. “A fucking DEA agent? You must have been laughing at me when I said that the agency was close to catching Escobar?”
Javier shakes his head, “I wish we were closer. I wasn’t - I wasn’t original assigned to do this but I have to take him down. That’s why- it’s why I had to pretend that I was gonna abuse you. That’s what they expect of me and if I didn’t do that, I would’ve been found out.” He says with a sigh, taking a sip of his drink.
You stare down at your drink and sigh. “So the DEA knows Escobar is kidnapping women and trafficking them?” You ask quietly. “Good. Motherfucker needs to pay for what he did to me, to my friends.”
Javier nods, “he’s gonna pay. For all of it. He’s gonna be taken down and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make sure he pays for what he’s done.” Javier promises, “I’m just - I’m sorry you’ve gotten tangled up in this. That you’re stuck here with me.” He finishes with a murmur.
“Out of everyone Escobar could have given me to, I’m glad it’s you.” You admit quietly. “I could have been really screwed.” You snort at your pun. “Literally.” It’s better to joke about it now, to break the tension. Even if there’s nothing funny about what could have happened. “So now you don’t have to pretend with me anymore.”
Javier nods, "I am glad I don't have to pretend anymore, sweetheart. I - my pa would kill me for lying to a beautiful woman." He chuckles softly, looking down at his glass, sloshing the liquid.
Your brow raises at the words he uses. “You think I’m beautiful?” You ask in surprise. “I- I didn’t think that you- you never- I-“ you break off and just shrug.
He sighs and shakes his head, "I didn't want you to think that I wanted to save you because I wanted you to - you know. That was what I saved you from. You're gorgeous and I - I gotta tell you, sweetheart, I ain't got the best reputation around town. I, uh, a lot of sicarios spend their time in the brothels and...so do I."
“Do you beat the women?” You ask seriously. “Abuse them? You once told me that you like your women willing and eager to fall into bed with you. Is that true?”
He shakes his head immediately, "no. Shit. No. I don't - I pay them well. They give me intel and I, uh, I make sure they enjoy the time they spend with me. I haven't been since you got here." He confesses, biting his lip.
“Because of me….” You bite your lip and you can’t help how that makes you feel. Almost proud that he’s not been with anyone else. “Is that because you don’t want them to know you aren’t touching me?”
“Partly. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I didn't want to make you feel awkward and I didn't want to leave you alone for too long. And...and because none of them interest me since you've arrived."He admits, his dark eyes flicking up to yours as he worries about your reaction.
“Do I interest you?” You ask softly, afraid that you’re reading too much into this and wait for him to tell you no. The nod is so subtle, you almost miss it, but it’s there. He wants you. You look down at your drink and set it down on the coffee table. “I’m going to go into your bedroom.” You announce as you stand up, “come in two minutes from now.”
His eyes widen slightly and he swallows down the rest of his whiskey when you disappear into his bedroom. He rubs his hands on his jeans, Adam's apple bobbing with nerves. He is used to paying a woman for sex. You are different. You want him, actually want him, and he holds your life in his hands. He wants to keep you safe from everything...including him. Yet he can't deny what he wants. He wants you. Standing up, he waits another thirty seconds before he makes his way into his bedroom.
Inside his bedroom, you strip down to nothing. Aware that he could reject you or end up being a far different lover than what you’ve imagined but you have to take the risk. You want to feel alive for the first time since this entire ordeal started and ironically, you’ll achieve that by fucking the man you had been given to. Except you are in charge of your body, and you want him to touch you. You kneel down on the bed and look at the door when it opens.
Javier inhales deeply when he sees you naked and kneeling on his bed. Christ, you're gorgeous. He slowly walks over to the bed, his cock twitching in his jeans, and he reaches out to gently grip your chin, making you look at him. "Tell me what you want, hermosa." He orders softly, wanting to hear you say it before he goes any further.
It’s so strange to hear his voice in English after hearing it for days in Spanish. You bite your lip and turn your head to kiss his palm. “I’ve imagined you touching me. Making me cum.” You admit when you nuzzle back into his hand. “I want you to tell me your real first name so I can cry that out when I cum.”
He nods, pleased that you want him to make you cum. It’s what he’s imagined since you arrived. “Javier. My name is Javier but you can call me Javi.” He tells you, caressing your cheek until his hand slides down to your neck. He squeezes it gently and slides it lower until he’s cupping your breast. “Eres hermosa.” He murmurs, “I’ve thought about you in my bed.” He confesses, “thought about making you cry out my real name.” He squeezes your breast before he pinches your nipple.
You gasp out in pleasure at the sudden, brief burst of painful bliss. It’s just the right amount of roughness that you would enjoy anytime but especially right now. “J-Javi.” You whimper, already struggling to keep your eyes open so you can watch him touch you. “Do what you imagined to me.” You beg softly
He groans softly, letting go of your breast to cup your cheek again and he surges forward to press his lips to yours. Pushing you back on the bed as he shifts to hover over you. Managing to kick his shoes off as he straddles your naked body, his tongue sliding into your mouth.
There’s something intoxicating about his clothed body grinding against yours. Enjoying the rough feel of his jeans against your thighs and core when he presses a leg between yours. His shirt is hanging down and you capture it, starting to unbutton it to feel his hot skin underneath your fingers as you kiss.
He’s already drunk on you. Groaning into your mouth as you fumble to undo his shirt and his hand slides down to squeeze your tit again. Unable to stop himself, he pulls away from your mouth, kisses down your neck, and takes your nipple into his mouth.
"Ohhhh fuck." you toss your head back against the pillows and whine at the sensation of his hot mouth against your nipple. HIs tongue running over it again and his teeth scraping over the sensitive skin. "That's- so good." you pant out, running your fingers through his hair and tugging on it lightly.
He groans into your skin, switching over to your other breast, and his tongue soothes the flesh after he bites down. Your moans and gasps have him throbbing in his pants and he shifts to continue kissing down your body, his tongue dipping into your belly button before he shifts to spread your thighs with his shoulders. Breathing you in, he gets a good look at your dripping wet cunt.
"Are you- you do that?" You ask breathlessly, lifting your head and looking down at him in shock. It was rare to find a man willing to even get close to a cunt with his face, but he seems almost eager. "You don't have to- I know that I'm wet enough."
Javier looks up at your confused expression and he snorts, “baby. I love pussy. I love burying my face in a pussy. I wanna bury my face in this pussy.” He says and surges forward to slide his tongue through your folds, groaning as your tangy taste hits his taste buds.
You whine, toes curling up and digging into the sheets underneath you. "Oh fuck!" you cry out, unable to believe that this man has his tongue sliding through your folds with an eagerness that would have you believing the women he paid were actually paying him. "Oh fuck, Javi."
He grins against your wet flesh, his fingers grabbing your thighs to push them back so he can push his tongue deep inside of you. The way you cry out has him grinding into the mattress and he’s glad he has his jeans on still.
Javi doesn’t just lick you to show that he will eat pussy, he licks you like it’s his only purpose. Thoroughly taking you apart one sharp flick of his tongue at a time, with his nose pressed against your mound and his hot breath puffing against your cunt.
Javier groans, loving your breathlessly whimpers and cries of his name, cries of nothing as you react to his tongue. He’s determined to hear you cum, to fall apart on his tongue. He wants to hear your pleasure. He closes his eyes for a second until you tug on his hair and he hisses into your pussy, dark eyes opening to meet yours.
“You like that?” You get your answer when you tug on his hair again and he groans into your folds again. Making you smirk slightly as you loosen your grip. “Make me cum.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking hard, and he needs you to fall apart beneath his tongue. His fingers press into your thighs as he spreads you further open for him.
Your thighs fall open for him. Willing to let him get as deep as he wishes if he continues to touch you like this. One hand buries itself back into his longer hair and the other grips the sheets tight. “Javi- oh- oh Jaaaaaavvviiiii!” You squeal when the next suck makes you fall over the edge and you shake in pleasure.
He works you through it, loving the way your thighs shake and you squeal his name. It almost makes him cum. He laps at your essence, loving the tangy taste as he eagerly drinks up every drop while he works you through your pleasure until you’re pushing his head away when it becomes too much for you.
“Oh fuck.” Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath but you want him to kiss you. Tugging gently on his hair and his shoulder, you urge him to crawl up your body. “Kiss me, fuck, I need you to kiss me.”
He can’t deny you anything. He crawls up your body, groaning your name as he wastes no time pressing his lips to yours. His tongue pushes into your mouth as he settles between your thighs again, grinding into you.
Your fingers slide down to the belt around his waist. Needing to strip him down and feel him. Unbuckling the clasp and flicking open the button. “Shit…” you hiss, reaching down and discovering he doesn’t wear underwear.
Javier grunts when you reach in to pull his cock out. He’s hard for you, aching really after jerking off so many times in the shower to thoughts of you. “Fuck baby. You feel too damn good. You want me to fuck you?” He asks gruffly, his cock twitching in your tight grip.
“Fuck, Javi, you- yessssss.” You moan. Your cunt clenches every time he twitches and he’s thick enough that you will feel him after you’re done. “I want you to fuck me. Take your pants off and slide inside me.”
He nods, shifting off of the bed to push his pants down. He kicks them aside and his cock bounces as he walks over to the nightstand to get a condom out. He wants to make sure you’re protected, even from him. He rips it open and rolls it down his cock, shifting to kneel on the bed. “You sure you want me inside if you?” He asks, wanting to make sure you fully consent.
You spread your legs wider, nodding. “Fuck yes.” You moan. “Fuck me. Please fuck me.” You aren’t above begging at this point. You’ve cum, but you really want to see what he looks like when he falls apart.
He nods, shuffling closer between your thighs and he grips his cock, swiping it through your folds. He groans at the heat of you as he notches himself at your entrance and his eyes meet yours as he pushes inside of you. Slow, not wanting to hurt you. He shifts to press his weight onto his forearms as he hovers over you.
Your mouth drops open as he slowly fills you. Enjoying the slight pinch and the fullness he gives you. “Oh fuck, Javi.” You moan, eyes fluttering close and you slide your hand up his shoulder to pull him down for a kiss. “Move.”
He doesn’t disobey you. He kisses you as he starts to move, slowly pulling out of you and he pulls back to watch your face as he pushes back into you. “Want you to enjoy this. Every second. You tell me what you need.” He demands, rocking inside of you, a slow pace at first to let you get used to him.
“Want to feel you for days.” You whimper, wrapping your legs around him. “Fuck me hard. Like you would one of the other women you fuck.”
He shakes his head, “you’re not like the other women. You deserve more. You are more.” He says softly, his dark eyes sincere as he looks at you with something close to love but it’s not. Not yet. He starts to move again, rocking into you.
You don’t argue, you can’t when he’s moving inside you. Sensual with just a bit of roughness, it’s perfect. Making you moan every time his hips hit yours.
He loves hearing you moan. He leans down to kiss along your neck, his hips grinding against yours. He’s not as rough as he could be, not wanting to be the man the other sicarios thought he’d be with you. He wants to be soft and sensual. “Hermosa.” He murmurs against your neck, “you’re so fucking beautiful.”
There is a tenderness to his kisses on your skin that makes your eyes water. This man is truly better than anything you could have ever hoped for. Your arms tighten around him and your cunt squeezes him tight. “So handsome. I can’t believe that those men think you are the same as them. You aren’t.”
He doesn’t respond, knowing he’s done bad things to take down bad men, but now isn’t the time to explain that. He continues kissing along your skin, down your chest until he’s taking your nipple into his mouth. His hips move to push deep inside of you, switching the angle slightly as he tries to find that spot inside of you.
“Oh fuck- there!” You gasp out when he hits deep inside you and make your eyes fly open in pleasure. His cock hits against it again and you moan. Your fingernails dig into his skin and you scratch lightly, not wanting to draw blood.
With a groan, he focuses on that spot and he loves the way your nails dig into his back. His cock twitches inside of you and he shifts his weight onto one arm so he can snake his hand between you. He rubs your clit with his thumb, eyes on you to see what you like.
“Oh fuck.” Your mouth drops open in a moan before you close your eyes and your body arches up to his touch. “So good, fuck, you’re so good.” You whine. “We- we should have been doing this from the beginning.”
Javier groans in agreement, “yes but I didn’t want - I wanted you to trust me.” He says, kissing your sternum, “only want you to trust me.” He murmurs, “and now I want you to cum for me.” He rubs your clit a little faster, needing to feel and hear you cum.
“Oh yes, yesssss.” You whimper, feeling your entire body start to tense for your coming orgasm. Knowing that it’s only going to be a few seconds before you come apart underneath him and your breath catches in your throat.
Javier groans as you clamp down on his cock, soaking him and he knows he’s already addicted to you. He fucking loves it. He loves making you feel this way. He rocks you through it until you relax beneath him then he pulls out. “Hands and knees, baby.” He orders, wanting to make you cum again.
You can't believe that he's not already cum. Most guys don't last longer than a few minutes and you've already cum. The fact that he's still going has you moaning even as he's guiding you onto your stomach and pulling you up to your knees. Looking over your shoulder, you grin. "Smack my ass." You order, wiggling it at him. "I did go through your room."
Javier chuckles, “you’re a naughty girl.” He rubs your ass cheek before his palm comes down on it, smacking you hard. You moan and his cock twitches. He grips his cock, positioning himself at your entrance when you lean forward to wiggle your ass. He’s not gentle this time when he pushes into you with a groan.
"Oh fuck!" You choke out when your entire body lurches forward at the thrust of his cock. Punching deep and filling you completely with one harsh thrust. "More." You moan as soon as you can draw another breath. "Fuck me, Javi."
He doesn’t deny you. Grabbing your hips, his nostrils flaring as he starts to fuck you hard. His fingers digging into your skin as he grinds him cock deep inside of you. “Feel good?” He asks, wanting to make sure you’re enjoying this.
"Godddddd yes." You moan when he pushes deep again. "So good." Your head drops down to hang between your shoulder blades and you move down to your elbows. Letting him get even deeper with ever thrust of his hips.
He caresses your back as you shift forward before he smacks your ass with both hands, squeezing the cheeks. His thumb pushes between your cheeks to press against the puckered hole, groaning at the way it flutters with each push inside of you. Christ, he’s fucking drunk on you. The way you feel around him.
"Oh my god." Your eyes flutter wide and then you relax into the sensation of him pushing against that other hole easily. If anyone would breach you there, you would let it be him. "Fuck, Javi, whatever you want, please, just don't stop."
Hearing you say that has him nearly cumming but he holds back, slowly down a little. He likes that you trust him so much. He bends over, letting his spit dribble down between your cheeks so he can press his thumb into your hips while his cock continues moving inside of you.
You whimper when his pace changes, slowing down and you feel. every throbbing vein in his cock scrubbing against your walls. "Oh fuck." You whine, trying to push your hips back, but he as you pinned with his body. "So good."
He loves hearing you moan like this. “You’re doing so well, hermosa. Want you to cum for me again. Want you to soak my cock again.” He murmurs, kissing your shoulder as he leans over you. He’s slow but he wants you to feel all of him.
You grunt as he presses deeper. Feeling like he's pushed up into your throat at this angle. You choke out a moan and clench down around him. "I- just like that." You beg, loving how he's pushing deep.
He keeps the same pace and thrust, wanting to hear and feel you fall apart again. He groans softly when your walls clench around you he him as he pushes his thumb into your ass. “That’s it, baby girl. You gonna be good and cum for me?” He asks, voice raspy and deep with his own pleasure.
It shouldn’t affect you that bad. The way his voice dips down and his words twist in your stomach. “Yes.” You whine, tanging your fingers into the sheets. “Fuck, yes, I’m your good girl. I’m gonna cum.”
“Jesus.” He hisses at your words, his entire body vibrating with desire for you, and he pants as you grind back against him. “That’s it, hermosa. Thats it baby. Cum for me. Cum for me.” He pleads roughly and finally, you cry out. Your body shaking as you clamp down on his cock again and he thrusts into you, trying desperately to hold on but he pulls his thumb out and drags you up against his chest. His grunts in your ear as he picks up the pace, thrusting into you like a jackhammer as he gets closer to his own orgasm.
“Ja-Ja-Javiiiiiiiiiiii!” You squeal as he ramps up the pace, fucking into you roughly and you love it. Taking the harsh thrusts and knowing that the ache in your cunt will last beyond cleaning up. “Cum- cum in me.” You beg, even though you know he’s got a condom on. You still want to feel him fall over the edge. “Cum for me.”
He grunts, jaw clenched as his arm wraps around you and he squeezes your tit in his other hand. “Shit. Shit.” He pants as he thrusts fast and hard until he comes to a stop. A strangled groan escaping his lips as he pulses and fills the condom deep inside of you. His teeth sinking into your shoulder as he squeezes you close to his sweaty body.
The sharpness of his teeth make you clench around him again, milking his cock even more as you feel him ride out his high. “That’s it, baby.” You coo softly, turning your head and pressing your lips to his cheek.
He seeks out your lips, pressing his to yours and he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands caressing your stomach down to your hips as you both take a second to enjoy your orgasms. He pecks your lips and lets go of you to reach down and grip the base of the condom before he slowly pulls out of you.
When he pulls out of you, your body melts into the bed. Slumping down and you huff out a chuckle as you try to catch your breath. “Holy shit.”
He quickly ties off the condom and leans down to kiss along your back as you recover. “Damn right.” He chuckles softly and shuffles off of the bed. He grabs his jeans and pulls them on before he walks into the bathroom to grab a wet rag to clean you up and then he tosses that onto the side when he settles down on the bed, leaning against the mattress. He reaches into the nightstand to grab his smokes and he wastes no time in lighting one.
You turn to look at him, stealing the cigarette and taking a drag. “Are you ready to go back to your real life?” You ask him seriously. You know that if he’s undercover, he has to be under a lot of pressure.
Javier sighs as he exhales the smoke. “I don’t even know what my real life is. All I know is that I need to take down Escobar. Nothing else matters except that. And I gotta get you home.” He adds, raising his eyebrows at you before he takes the cigarette back to take another drag.
“That’s comforting.” You snort, swinging your leg over his thighs and straddling him. “You will take him down.” You predict softly. “and until I go home, I’ll make sure this apartment is very….relaxing for you.” You promise with a grin, leaning down and kisses him right after he inhales the smoke.
He smirks and playfully nips your chin, shifting to snub out his smoke in the ashtray on the nightstand. “Yeah? Gonna make sure I have a nice warm pussy for when I’m coming home all cold and lonely?” He asks, his hands coming up to caress your waist.
“You fuck me like that?” You huff, grinding down on him. “You’re damned right. Freshly shaved and dripping for you.”
Javier clicks his tongue, “not bothered about the shaving. I’m a man of the 70s, baby. I ain’t afraid to get down and dirty.” He smirks and slides his hands lower to squeeze your ass. “You enjoy it?” He asks, licking his lower lip as he leans back to look at you, wanting an honest answer. He hasn’t paid you to moan for him. He wants to make sure you enjoyed it.
"Loved it." You admit easily, smirking down at him and cradling his face so you can kiss him again. It's fucking astonishing to find a man who is as good as he is under these circumstances. You should be terrified of him touching you, but you can't wait until he is wrecking you again. "Want to do it again. When you can."
Javier chuckles softly, caressing your skin. “I’m not eighteen anymore, baby. Gimme a while. Doesn’t mean I can’t get you off in the meantime.” He smirks and slides his hand lower until he’s cupping your pussy. You whimper and he rubs your clit, “God, you’re still so wet.” He murmurs, shifting to push two fingers inside of you.
“Oh fuck.” You whine, rocking onto his hand shamelessly. “You- you’re so fucking good at this.” You whimper, eyes sliding shut in pleasure. He’s not selfish and that makes you even wetter for him.
He smirks, loving the praise, and he curls his fingers deeper before pressing his thumb to your clit. “Take what you need baby. Ride my fingers.” He orders, loving the way your chest heaves and your eyes flutter shut.
This man is so sexy. You don’t know why he’s not been snatched up, because he’s also a good man despite what he says. You moan his name quietly and roll your hips down onto his hand eagerly. Wanting to obey him.
He watches you take what you want from him. Your hips grinding down on his digits and he curls them as you rock down. “That’s it baby. Take what you need. Wanna watch you cum again for me.” He murmurs, his dark eyes flicking between you and your pussy, his digits glistening when you lift up. “You’re so wet.” He murmurs again, a tinge of awe in his voice.
“You’re so sexy.” You hum, ducking your head down and nipping his jaw as you continue to rock in his hand. “Sexy, chivalrous, fuck, you turn me on with how fucking good to me you’ve been. And you’re an agent? Even sexier.”
His heart pounds at your compliments and he surges forward to press his lips to yours. His tongue slides against yours as you grind down onto his fingers and his thumb presses harder against your clit. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He murmurs against your lips, “gonna keep you safe.” He vows, “gonna make sure no one touches you except me.”
You whimper into his mouth when his tongue slides against yours once more. You believe him. If he says you will be safe, then he will protect you. Your arms wrap around his neck and you pour yourself into the kiss, wanting to make this good for him too and he seems to really like kissing.
His groan is muffled by your tongue and he isn't in a rush to make you cum. His cock is interested but he's still not fully hard. His free hand finds your breast, squeezing it and pinching the nipple as you eagerly kiss him.
Shuddering, you press yourself into his hand harder, needing more. He's completely focused on you and you don’t think anyone has ever done that for you. You nibble on his lip when you pull back slightly and moan again when he curls his fingers up.
"That's it, hermosa. Can feel how close you are. Need you to fall apart for me. Can you do that? Can you cum?" He asks, murmuring against your chin as he pushes his fingers deep, slow, hard thrusts into your weeping cunt.
“Yes.” Your gasp of pleasure is one that is purely anticipatory. Knowing that you are about to cum again, your body tensing as you move closer. “Gonna cum for you.”
"That's it. That's it." He murmurs as seconds later, you clamp down on his fingers. "Good girl. Good fucking girl." He groans, loving the way you practically soak his hand and his jeans as you shake against him.
You collapse against his chest and pant as you try to catch your breath. Your body is still quaking and his fingers are still moving, although slower than they were before. Turning your head, you kiss along his neck lazily.
He withdraws his fingers after a few moments, his wet fingers squeezing your ass as he rocks you on his hardening cock while you kiss along his neck. "Fuck baby. Want me to fuck you again? Want you to ride me." He confesses when you pull back to look at him.
“I’ll ride you.” You nod, reaching down and palming his cock through his jeans. “You have another condom?” You ask breathlessly. “Want you to sit right here and relax while I make you feel good.”
He nods, reaching over to grab a condom from the nightstand and he hands it to you. "I'm yours to do what you want, hermosa." He promises, a groan escaping his lips when you pull him out of his jeans and squeeze him.
He’s gorgeously  uncut and you can’t help but slide down his body so you can take the head of his cock into your mouth. Wanting him to experience your mouth before you ride him. He moans and your tongue presses against the sensitive slit.
“Jesus Christ.” He hisses as you take him into your mouth. “Baby. God. I- fuck.” He groans when your eyes flick up to meet his. He’s a sucker for eye contact. It’s so sexy. You are so sexy. His cock twitches in your mouth and he swears he has to take a deep breath to control himself.
You want to make it good for him. Keeping your mouth soft and sensuous as you work him slightly deeper. Keeping your eyes on him since he seems to like that a lot. Your moan of approval when you taste the salty pre-cum reverberates around him and your hand starts to slowly pump the base of his cock while you bob your head.
"Fuck." He pants, reaching down to caress your cheek, "you're so fucking beautiful." He murmurs, "so fucking beautiful." He can't deny that you make him feel so much more than any other woman he's slept with in years. That scares him honestly.
You hum, sucking on him lightly and pulling off with a pop. “You want to cum down my throat, or do you want me to ride you?” You ask breathlessly. “Your choice baby.”
“Ride me.” He says, voice rough with desire as you slowly pump his cock. You nod and let go of his length. He shifts back against the headboard while you grab the condom and straddle his thighs.
Ripping the foil open, you pull out the rubber and pinch the tip while you roll it down his thick length. Making sure it’s secure, you pump him again while you shuffle forward and line your cunt up to sink down on him. Quickly taking him into your body with a loud moan of his real name.
He groans your name as you sink down onto him, his fingers finding your hips as you moan as he stretches you out. “God, baby girl. You feel so good.” He grunts, his hands sliding up to squeeze your tits as you settle onto him.
“You feel good.” You pant out breathlessly. Enjoying the hot hands on your tits as he pinches your nipples again. “Oh fuck, oh fuck Javi.” You whine, leaning back and letting your head fall back between your shoulders. “You’re so deep like this.”
He groans, his eyes flicking down to look at where he’s disappearing inside of you. “Jesus Christ, baby. You’re so good. Look so good.” He says as you lean back and he slides his hand across your stomach until he’s pressing his thumb against your clit.
“Fuck, Javi.” You whimper, your cunt clenching around him when he starts to rub small circles in your bundle of nerves. “You know every trick in the book, don’t you?”
He chuckles darkly, “had a lot of practice. Lost my virginity when I was fourteen.” He confesses while rubbing your clit a little faster. “Also, wanna see you cum. Like seeing you cum. You’re so gorgeous.” He reveals, leaning in to gently kiss along your shoulder.
“Hard not to feel gorgeous when I have your attention.” You admit with a sigh, enjoying the slight tickle of his mustache. “You should have a dozen kids by now.”
He snorts, “I’m careful. Always keep it wrapped and I haven’t had any accidents. Haven’t had anyone come forward yet. Why? You volunteering?” He asks with a smirk.
You moan softly, clenching down even as you grin. “That would be a conversation to have, wouldn’t it? Asking how you go together and having to explain that you knocked up the woman a drug dealer gave you. But she wanted you to.”
“Hell of a story.” He agrees, “I definitely don’t think you should get pregnant right now. I would have to kill every fucker in this goddamn country to protect you.” He says with a hiss.
Your brow arches up in surprise, you had expected him to laugh off your comment. Instead you hum in agreement and lean in to kiss his lips. “Agreed. The condom stays on.” You squeeze him again and bounce a little harder on his cock.
He’s a little relieved but also a little disappointed. He doesn’t deny that the idea of seeing you pregnant is tempting but it’s irresponsible. Beyond imagination. He has to keep you safe and that includes all aspects of your physicality. He groans when you bounce harder again. “Christ, baby.” He murmurs, “so fucking good.”
You can barely push out a light chuckle, so breathless from how his cock is hitting inside you. Deep and thick, he presses against all the wonderful spots that make your body tense every time you slam back down on his lap.
“That’s it. You gonna make yourself cum on my cock like a good girl?” He asks, licking his thumb again to press it to your clit as your hands press against his chest for balance. “So beautiful riding my cock like a goddamn rodeo.” He pants, “seen less professional ones in Texas.” He jokes breathlessly
“Ohhhh fuck!” You moan, jerking slightly at the pressure. “Yeah? You’re a Texas boy?” You ask, wanting to know more about him.
"Born and raised. Laredo." He reveals and he groans, "fuck. I- I need you to cum for me again, sweetheart. You - you're so fucking tight." He hisses when your walls flutter around his cock.
You whine, nodding as your hands brace on his broad shoulders. Increasing your pace until you are practically galloping on him. Moaning out his name until that last roll of your hips and your entire body stiffens and you scream his name.
He groans when you clamp down on his cock, your body putting him in a vice grip that he struggles to move within but he shifts onto his knees, your legs around his waist as he thrusts up into you. "Fuck. I- I'm gonna cum." He warns, unable to withhold like he did last time when you're so fucking tight around him and you sucking him off before. "Mierda. I - fuckkkk." He hisses as he bites down on your shoulder
You moan softly when you feel him throbbing inside you. “Thank you.” You whisper, closing your eyes and holding him close. “Thank you for caring for me, protecting me, satisfying me.” You know that it’s crazy but you turn your head and kiss his neck. “I’m falling in love with you.”
Normally, Javier would be shit scared. He would've been running for the hills hearing those words but he can't run away from you. Especially when he feels the same way, it's terrifying. To have something - someone - to lose when he's fighting for his life in this undercover mission. One wrong move and he's dead. You're dead. It puts everything on the line but in this moment, he doesn't give a fuck. He pulls back from you to look you in the eye. "I feel the same. We shouldn't. So much at risk but fuck, I love you." He murmurs, voice rough with emotion.
You know that it’s probably the proximity, that once you leave, he will never think of you again, but you smile into his neck and sigh happily. Your fingers caressing his back gently. “Good.” You hum, basking in the moment and stealing every second of joy life will give you. “That’s good, baby.”
A few weeks go by and you're settled in a routine. You sleep in Javier's bed at night...well, try to sleep after he fucks you. Then you spend your days reading and waiting for Javier to return home. One day, he comes back and you greet him with a kiss but he doesn't seem enthusiastic. "What's wrong?" You ask and his dark eyes look sad as he holds up the passport in his hand. 
"Got your fake passport. You're booked on the first flight home in the morning." He says, swallowing harshly.
“Oh.” Your heart drops and you immediately have to look away from him, eyes watering. You don’t want to go, as crazy as that sounds. It’s dangerous and he’s undercover, so you can’t stay, but you don’t want to. “Well, I- I guess that tonight is our last night together.” You try to sound stoic but it falls flat. “You’ll be happy to not worry about me.”
Javier shakes his head, throwing the passport down on the table nearby and he grabs your waist to pull you into his chest. Burying his nose in your hair, he breathes you in. “Don’t want you to go. I want to stay here in this apartment with you and forget about the rest of the world but it’s dangerous here, hermosa. I can’t lose you and if something happened - fuck - no. You need to go. You need to be safe and I’m gonna try to take that bastard down.”
“You will take him down.” Javi has been opening up to you, finding it cathartic to have someone know that he’s not the monster that the men he is with are. Your arms hold him tight and you try not to cry. “You will, just like you kept me safe.”
He kisses your hair before he kisses your forehead. His nose nudges yours and he tilts your head up to press his lips to yours. He needs to know you’re safe. It’s more important than his love for you. He can love you from afar. He doesn’t want to love you from a grave site. He deepens the kiss, suddenly getting urgent with need for you as he pushes you up against the wall, his tongue sliding into your mouth.
You feel the change in the mood, from sad to desperate and you understand completely. If you are leaving, you want this time with him, you need it. The chances are that you will never see him again. Your hands move, desperately ripping open his button on the shirt he is wearing, scattering them across his apartment.
He groans into your mouth, practically devouring you, and he drags the dress you’re wearing up your body, reluctantly pulling back to pull it over your head and it’s soon on the floor. No words are spoken as he kisses your neck and cups your tits, glad you have taken to not wearing a bra in his apartment.
Your fingers push the stretched fabric of his shoulders and let it fall, attacking his belt next. He doesn’t wear underwear, so the second you can, you are wrapping your fingers around his cock and moaning when you find him already hard.
“Shit.” He hisses as you squeeze his cock and his fingers hook in your panties. He isn’t patient. He can’t wait to push them down so he’s ripping them from your body with a groan. “Fuck. Need you.” He rasps, grabbing your thighs to lift you up against the wall. “Put me in.” He orders, his cock throbbing in your grip.
You whimper his name, finding his need for you utterly intoxicating and you notch his cock against your entrance eagerly. Gasping when he doesn’t hesitate to bury himself to the hilt. No gentleness, just pure need.
He’s driven by desire, love, and desperation. He doesn’t want to lose you but he can’t be selfish. You deserve to feel safe and you need to go home. He can’t follow you and he can’t let everything he’s worked so hard for you down the drain. He groans your name and leans in to press his lips against yours as his body keeps you pressed against the wall until he starts to move his hips.
You whimper his name, clinging to him like he’s going to disappear if you let go. “I’m yours.” You promise raggedly against his lips. “All yours, make me yours.”
He loves the way you cling to him. He thrusts into you, desperate and sloppy but passionate. “Mine. Like I’m yours baby. Fuck. You’re mine.”
“Yes, yours all yours.” You pant, desperate for him to know it, to believe it. His hips slam into yours and drives you into the wall to make you moan at the roughness of it. “More, baby, I need more.”
Javi groans, his fingers digging into your thighs as he works you on his cock, lifting you up and down as he pushes you into the wall. “Fuck. Tell me what you need.” He demands, “rub your clit.”
“Just you.” You squeal breathlessly, reaching down and rubbing your clit. “Just need you. Just you baby, your cock is so good. So perfect inside me. I love you.”
“Oh fuck Javi, Javi, JAVIIIIIIIII!” You scream out in pleasure when your body locks up, core clenching down around him and soaking him with your cum. Shaking against the wall while he continues to pound into you and draw out your orgasm.
He swears his heart stops when you clamp down on his cock. “Fuck yes. That’s it baby. That’s fucking it.” He growls, loving the way you grip him and soak him and he pushes deep, “fuck. I- I gotta pull out.” He murmurs, remembering he didn’t put on a condom.
“Don’t.” You whimper, wanting to feel him just once. “I’m about to start my period.” You are, you aren’t lying to him. You should be completely safe for him to fill you up this once. “Want to feel you. Keep you with me.”
He doesn’t deny you. He groans as he thrusts hard, pushing deep inside of you a half dozen more times before he cums. He pants just before he bites down on your shoulder. “Fuck. I love you” is muffled into your skin.
Your eyes roll back and you whine at the feeling that is swimming around inside you. Enjoying the heat and wetness as he paints your walls with spurts of his hot cum. “Love you too.”
He kisses everywhere he can reach. Your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, your chin, and finally your lips. “Te amo.” He chokes into your mouth, hating that he has to let you go. He’s terrified of you forgetting all about him. He loves you. He loves you more than he ever thought possible and he’s going to leave you.
“I love you too, Javi.” You can’t help but start to cry. They are silent tears, ones that just express how badly you want to stay with him. A far cry from the woman screaming to go home not so long ago. “I don’t want to eat. I just want to go to bed, baby.” You beg. “Take me to bed.”
He doesn’t pull out of you. Instead, he carries you into the bedroom and lays you down on the bed. He’s gentle, caressing your body and he pulls out of you as he shifts to lay between your thighs. He stares at the mess he made looking at your entrance, cum threatening to drip out, and he can’t help it. He surges forward to slide his tongue between your folds.
Shuddering, you moan his name while your fingers run through his hair. You’ve learned that Javi has no problem with doing what he wants and he obviously wants to touch you like this, unconcerned with his cum between your thighs. “Fuck. I love you. I don’t want to go.”
He pulls back for a moment to say “I don’t want you to go but you have to.” He dives back in a few moments later, his tongue ravenous and carving indistinct paths while he tries to memorize every tiny detail about you.
Your moans fill the room, soft and sweet. He’s taking his time, not rushed a bit as if you have all the time in the world rather than just tonight. He reaches up and twines his fingers with yours, holding your hand as he continues to take you apart with his tongue.
He wants to burn your moans into his memory, carve your taste into his tongue, he needs to remember every single detail about you before he lets you go to return to safety. He’s slow and methodical as he pulls you apart stroke by stroke, uncaring of the salty taste of his cum combined with your tangy juices that make him go crazy.
You’re there forever, legs spread while he feasts. Time seems to suspend into nothing and your breath catches and never recovers. Making every moment drag out as your body burns and twists on itself until your orgasm snaps through you, sharp and bright, cunt gushing all over his face when he presses his thick fingers deep into your walls.
Javier groans into your clit, loving how you are clamping down on his digits. "Fuck baby. That's it." He murmurs into your flesh as you shake above him. He works you through, his fingers squelching with your combined cum.
Panting, you try to close your legs, overstimulated and nearly sobbing from the pleasure. He kisses your thigh and grins up at you. “Want another?” He asks and you shake your head. “I just want you.”
He snakes up your body, kissing every inch of skin he passes, until he is pressing his lips to yours. "I love you, hermosa." He murmurs, nudging his nose against yours as he settles beside you and pulls you into his side.
“I love you too.” You sigh softly, your hand splayed over his heart and you kiss his chest. “I know you won’t be able to call me, but I’ll be thinking about you. Hoping you’re safe. Praying you are.” You know he can’t promise you anything, this is just a flash in the pan for him, and he will go back to his normal life after he catches Escobar. “You’ve saved my life, Javier.”
He sighs, “I did what was right. I have fucked up a lot on my life but I couldn’t let you be abused or worse. You were something special from the moment I saw you. I’m just - all I ask is that when you get home, you’re happy. Be happy.” He pleads softly, wanting to know that this hasn’t all be in vain.
You want to tell him that you won’t be happy unless you are with him, but you can’t. Not when it’s not what he wants to hear. “I will, Javi.” Reaching up, you caress his cheek. “I can be happy because of you, amor.”
Javi’s dark eyes meet yours and he swallows harshly, “good.” He murmurs and brushes his lips against yours. All he wants is for you to be safe and happy…even if that isn’t with him. 
Javier glances around the airport, worried that a sicario or two have followed him. Steve is in the terminal with another agent to make sure he has back up just in case. Your passport was accepted without question and won’t be flagged by one of the informants for Escobar who works at the airport. He bites his lip as he sets your suitcase down at the gate. Your eyes are already watery and he fights the instinct to just take you back home but he can’t. You have to go.
“This is it.” You bite your lip, aware that you shouldn’t cry but you can’t even help it. You’re doing good not bawling your eyes out. Glancing around the airport, no one seems to be watching you, but you look back at Javi. “Can I kiss you?” You plead softly. “One more time? Or is it not safe?” The last thing you want to do is to put him in danger, but you can’t imagine boarding this plane without kissing him goodbye.
Javier can’t deny you. Hell, he can’t deny himself. He reaches for you, grabbing your waist to drag you against him. His lips immediately find yours and he groans into your mouth as he pours every thing he’s felt for you into this last kiss. He doesn’t care if anyone is watching. He needs to do this, he needs you to know how he feels.
It’s a goodbye kiss. A kiss that is desperate and yearning and bittersweet. The saltiness of your tears mixes with the whiskey and nicotine from Javi’s tongue. You hold him close and kiss him back just as desperately until you are unable to think about anything but him.
He isn’t sure how long he kisses you, but soon the tannoy announces that your flight is about to board. He pulls back, pecking your lips, and he leans back to look at you, his hands caressing your waist. “It’s time to go, baby.” He says, letting go of you and your hands clench in the air as if to keep holding him. His heart is pounding in his chest but he has to let you go. “Be good. Be happy.” He demands softly, kissing your forehead as your row is called.
Walking away from Javier is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. Looking back at him until you can’t see him anymore, you bite back a sob as you collapse into your seat. You’re free, but at what cost when you are separated from the man you love?
It’s been a year and Javier has no clue if you’ve moved on. Maybe you’ve found a new guy. You could be married. The thought makes his stomach twist but he’s here. He tracked you down using his contacts and he’s here to see if you still feel the same way. He does. The former Casanova of Bogotá has been celibate since you left, wanting to focus on taking down Escobar. He fucked up. Got involved with Los Pepes and got sent home before he could take down Escobar but he’s here and he doesn’t want to focus on his failure. He swallows harshly and takes a deep breath before he rings your doorbell.
You sigh as you hear the doorbell, looking over at the door and contemplating not answering but you can’t do that. Wiping your hands on the kitchen towel, you walk over to the door and flip the lock to open the door. Since you’ve been back, you’ve settled back into life with only a few hiccups. Memories of your time in Colombia are now bittersweet, the good far overshadowing the bad.
Javier shifts from one foot to the other as you open the door and he offers you a half smile. “Hola hermosa.” He says, fingers flexing as he prepares for your reaction.
Eyes wide, your mouth drops open in shock. You never expected to see Javier again. Not really. You had convinced yourself it was that Stock-ham, whatever, you had read about. That it was just a fling for him and that you had imagined yourself in love with him. One sentence, two words from the man, a year later would prove that was a lie. “Javi!”
He stares at you, heart pounding as he prepares himself for your reaction until you fling yourself forward and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his. He groans into your mouth, loving how you feel in his arms, pulling you so close you can barely breathe.
You don’t care that it’s been a year. That you haven’t heard from him and that you’ve wondered if he’s been dead or alive this entire time. Scouring the news for any information about Escobar and the entire ordeal down in Colombia.
He kisses you over and over until finally he pulls back and looks at you with love in his eyes. “You been good?” He asks and you nod, still speechless that he’s found you. “I, uh, I got sent home. Fucked up and got involved with the wrong people but I’m here and I- I still love you.”
“I can’t believe you are here.” When you find your tongue, you’re reaching out. Touching him in disbelief and for one horrible moment, you are convinced it’s a dream. “I’ve missed you. So much. You really still love me? It wasn’t just….circumstance?”
Javier reaches for your wrist, kissing your pulse. "I still love you. I haven't - I haven't been with anyone since you left. I fought hard to get Escobar so I could come home and find you." He admits, "I love you. I still love you."
“Oh baby.” You whimper quietly, melting against him. “I love you too. I never stopped, I couldn’t stop. You- you are the love of my life and I’m grateful Escobar gave me to you.”
Javier cups your cheeks and nudges his nose against yours. “I’m here baby. I’m here and I ain’t leaving. I love you.” He murmurs, closing his eyes as he breathes you in. 
“Fuck Jav.” You moan as your hips rock up to meet his mouth. It’s early, the sky just changing colors with the rising sun, and Javi woke up eager to have you. He’s been at your home ever since he got back from Colombia. He took you to Texas to go to Danny’s wedding and to meet his Pa. He even got his mom’s ring from his dad but you don’t know that yet. His fingers curl deep inside of you as he sucks on your clit and the phone starts to ring. “Shit.” You hiss, trying to push his head away but he pulls back to growl “leave it.” 
You pant, “it might be - fuck - important. It’s early.” You tell him but he ignores you, focusing again on making you cum. The phone rings again, “Javi.” You whine, hand reaching for the receiver but he slaps it down with his free hand, silently telling you to leave it again. His fingers push deeper and he can tell you’re close. His digits curl just right and you clamp down, crying out his name just as the phone rings again. He works you through it as much as he can before he’s pulling his soaked fingers out of you and grabbing the phone from the cradle. “Why the fuck are you calling so early?” He growls down the phone without asking who it is. 
“Agent Peña.” The official voice makes him sit up. “Yeah?” He asks, voice raspy. 
“The Cali Cartel. It’s time. You’re reassigned back to Colombia. I’ll call later with your flight details.” The line goes dead and he stares at it, unable to respond or say anything at all.
“What-“ you sit up and frown as he stares at the phone. “Baby, who was that?” You ask, worried that something is wrong. You know they’ve captured Escobar, Javi had gotten the news from Steve, getting drunk that night and pulling you apart for hours as fucked through his emotions.
Javier swallows, setting the phone back down and he closes his eyes for a second, unable to look at you. “I’ve been reassigned. They want me back in Colombia to take down Cali.” He reveals, his heart aching.
You hear it in his tone, he wants to go. “Oh.” Pulling the sheet over your body, you sit up, watching him start to pull away from you. “Then you have to go.” You decide, pushing away your own heartache. “They are giving you a second chance, to do it right this time. You have to go.”
Javier is torn. He wants to do it right. Take down Cali the right way and redeem himself. Yet he also doesn’t want to lose you. “I- I don’t know.” He confesses, knowing you won’t wait for him again. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Javi.” You cup his cheeks and press your lips to his. “You go to Colombia and you do what you need to do.” You tell him softly. “You want to go….so go.”
“I don’t want - I can’t leave you. I don’t want to be gone and come back to find you’ve moved on. I know we love each other but I can’t ask for you to wait for me again. I want…I want you to come with me.” He says, even though he knows the risks. He can protect you.
“W-What? Come- come with you?” You hadn’t even considered it a possibility. “The DEA would let you bring me? How?” You can’t imagine they would want to have some random civilian in the country and possibly in danger.
He nods, "Steve brought Connie. She - she was a civilian." He explains, "I don't want to lose you." He confesses, "Do you want to come with me?"
“Connie’s Steve’s wife.” You remind Javi softly. “Of course I want to come with you, but I don’t think the DEA will let you bring your girlfriend.” You admit. “You aren’t going to lose me.”
He swallows harshly, knowing you’re not wrong. “They might not let me bring my girlfriend but they’d let me bring my fiancée.” He says and you frown, “fiancée?” He sighs, opening the bedside table to grab the velvet box he had hidden in there. “I was going to take you to dinner on Friday. Make it romantic but - but I don’t want to wait.” He confesses and your eyes widen. He shifts to kneel at the edge of the bed in front of you. “You came into my life so unexpectedly and I- I don’t regret saving you from Escobar. You were the missing piece of me that I didn’t know was gone. You make me so damn happy and I know I’m bad with words but I love you with every fiber of my being. I’d do anything to keep you safe, to make you happy. Will you marry me?” He asks, opening the box.
“Jav- I-“ your throat closes as your eyes fill with tears, looking down at your love on his knee as he asks you to marry him. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you.” Launching yourself forward, you crash into him, needing to kiss him once more to remind you that this isn’t a dream.
He kisses with a smile on his lips, pouring every ounce of love he feels for you into the kiss. He pulls back after a second to get the ring out of the box. He remembers proposing to Lori and he didn’t really feel much at the time, doing it out of obligation. Right now, he’s asking you to marry him because he loves you with all of him. He takes the ring out and takes your shaking hand, sliding the ring onto your left hand.
“It’s beautiful, amor.” You gasp, looking down at the ring in awe. It really is beautiful, but beyond that, it’s the realization that Javi wants to spend the rest of his life with you. “I love it and I love you.” You promise, leaning in to kiss him again. “My fiancé.”
Javier looks out across the ocean, the sun is about to set and he clears his throat as the breeze makes the linen shirt he’s wearing blow up slightly. “She’s here.” The officiant announces and Javier exhales shakily, turning away from the water to see an even more exquisite sight. 
God, you take his breath away. Walking towards him wearing a white sundress, he swears his heart is about to pound out of his chest. When you stand before him, he reaches for your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. “You look gorgeous, baby.” He murmurs when he stands up straight but keeps your hand in his.
“I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” You admit, amazed by the beautiful, small wedding he had insisted on. It was gorgeously simple and yet the pinks and oranges streaking across the sky is something that could have never been replicated in a fancy church somewhere. “I love you so much.”
Javier smiles, “I love you too.” He takes your hands as you stand beside him and the officiant begins the ceremony. His stomach is twisting but not with nerves, it’s butterflies and excitement. Knowing that after this, you’ll be his wife. He never imagined he’d settle down but you changed that for him. He can’t imagine a day without you now. He squeezes your hands when you recite the vows and he proudly declares “I do” when asked if he wants to take you as his wife. The rest of the ceremony seems like a blur until the officiant says “you may now kiss the bride.” He surges forward to press his lips to yours, your rings shining on your finger as the sun disappears beyond the horizon. “I love you.” He murmurs into your mouth before he kisses you again.
Smiling against his lips, you sigh softly. “I love you too.” You never expected to find the love of your life when you had been kidnapped and given to one of the world’s most famous drug dealers in the world’s sicarios. It could have turned out to be your worst nightmare, but it ended up being your dream come true.
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lordprettyflackotara · 2 months
till dawn || eyeless jack || the finale
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SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+. this one’s a lil fluffy not gonna hold you guys. i’m so sad to see till dawn end :’) but all good things must come to an end eventually. i think down the line i will create a bonus chapter, but for now this is the end of till dawn. love you all. mwah!
bonus part is here
Knock knock knock!
A groan of annoyance left your lips, your senses resuming as you regained consciousness.
“Wake up fuckers! You owe us waffles!” Ben’s cheery voice flooded your ears, his voice echoing down the hallway outside of Jacks room. You sighed, rolling over and shoving Jack awake. A confused snore escaped his lips, his eye sockets finally opening.
“Ben wants waffles,” You sighed, flopping back down onto your pillow. Unfortunately you both had lost one too many rounds of mario kart, resorting in a wager of cooking breakfast to end in Ben’s favor. Jack groaned. “Okay Ben give us five minutes!” He called. You rubbed your eyes, looking over at the window. The sun had just reached above the trees, the sunlight beams streaming across the room. A triumphant Ben continued down the hallway, whistling proudly.
“Holy fuck, what time is it?”
Jack chuckled, sitting up against the headboard.
“I told you we’d only have till dawn before someone showed up at our doorstep about breakfast.”
He was right, but converting to rising at the early hours and staying up late was exhausting. You rolled over lazily, your back turned to him. “Have none of them ever heard of sleep schedules?” You grumbled. Jack couldn’t help but chuckle, your settlement into the mansion one that occurred with ease. Your charming personality and ability to cook won everyone over, even the proxies.
“We live in Slender’s mansion babe, we’re lucky the sun even rises here,” Jack replied, pressing a soft kiss against the back of your head. Slenderman’s reaction was a completely different story, the explanation of your existence the longest tale Jack had ever had to explain. Letting humans know about creeps existence was grounds for exile. It was forbidden to make spectacles out of themselves, even if the long term plan was for you to become a creep. (Which, it was not even an option to Jack.)
Becoming one, losing that grasp on sanity or facing an unfortunate fate of torture and death could never be planned though. Unless of course you were Jeff, then you knew how to create an arch nemesis. Jack would never want that for you, which he explained to Slender. Out of all of the mansions residents and outsiders, there was not another creature like Jack. A creature that went into an animalistic heat and needed to mate. Slender knew this and that led to his approval.
Another factor that Slender considered was that Jack was the oldest and wisest. If he was to entrust anyone to bring a human into the house, it was him.
Jack curled up beside you, your back pressing against his chest. “Sleepy this morning are we?” Jack asked teasingly, peppering kisses on your neck and shoulder. You chuckled, moving yourself closer to him. “I would’ve gotten better sleep if someone hadn’t kept me up all night,” You replied. A mischievous smile spread across Jacks lips, his hand slithering down to your hips.
“If it makes you feel any better i’m sure Clockwork didn’t get much sleep either,” Jack said, his lips refusing to stray far from your skin. His hand slithered further up your skin, slipping under your nightgown. You bit your bottom lip, Jacks fingertips lightly tracing your skin. “Thats gonna make a terrible first impression,” You sighed. Clockwork didn’t frequent at the mansion, leading to you never officially meeting her. Having her room be next door and hearing you beg for more? Not exactly the best first impression.
“There have been worse my love. When Jeff first came here Slender tried to make him a proxy. He tried to burn the mansion down,” Jack said, cupping your heart. Your thin panties blocked him from complete access to your cunt. Your breath was becoming shaky, your thighs opening more for him. He inhaled deeply, the smell of your arousal hitting his nostrils. “You just can’t get enough can you?” Jack teased. You groaned softly as he rubbed more harshly against the fabric.
“Of you? Never,” You replied, satisfied to feel Jack push your panties to the side. His lips attached themselves to your neck, his boner poking you from behind. You could feel him suck at your skin harshly, purposefully littering your neck with as many marks as possible. “I’m going to keep looking like a wounded puppy if my neck stays forever purple,” You chuckled, gasping as his fingers rubbed up and down your wet slick. You bit your bottom lip, two of his digits dipping into your cunt.
“My wounded puppy,” Jack snickered. He curled his fingers inside of you, your hand finding its way to his aching cock. He gasped as you palmed at the fabric of his basketball shorts, slipping your hand underneath the waistband. “Not sure if we’re doing to have time for this love,” Jack admitted, even if he didn’t want it to be true. You moaned in response, pumping his shaft as he finger fucked you. “It can be quick,” You offered. You bit the inside of your cheek, refraining from moaning louder.
“Please,” You whimpered, sealing your fate. Jack grinned, the two of you eagerly switching positions. Jacks back hit the soft mattress, licking his lips as you straddled him. Your panties had been discarded, his shorts and boxers pooling at his ankles. Jack was never one to not be in control of sex, even with you riding him. Sometimes he’d let you pretend you were in control, if he was feeling nice enough. But each time you got a bit out of line, Jack was quick to put you in your place. However, he couldn’t deny how ethereal you looked riding him.
You lowered yourself onto his cock, both of you exhaling in relief as he bottomed out inside of you. The shape of his cock bugled from your stomach as it always did, a subtle, very hot reminder that he was much bigger than you. Jacks hands found your hips, leaning forward to kiss you as he guided you. You groaned into his mouth as you rode his cock, his tip hitting your g spot. Playfully you grabbed his shoulders, pushing him back onto the bed. Jack admired your breast bouncing as you chased your high, riding him like a wild animal.
Your body over time came to crave Jacks almost identically to the way he craved yours. (He couldn’t help but wonder if scientifically his cum had altered your hormones.) You smiled lovingly as you looked down at Jack, his facial expression one of contentment. The sun had risen higher, hitting his face at a flattering angle. It highlighted his sharp jawline and round nose. “What’s so funny?” Jack asked. You shook your head, continuing to hold your sinful noises in the best you could as you rode his cock. “You just look so handsome like this,” You complimented.
Jack blinked, “What, under you?”
You giggled, playfully slapping his shoulder. “No EJ, with the sun shining on your skin,” You replied, rolling your eyes. Jack leaned forward, wrapping his arms around your back. He completely and utterly adored you, your flattery and complimentary of him meaning the world. “You look even better, so beautiful taking my cock like this,” He huffed, snapping his hips upwards. You whined as he began to move faster, taking control. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, biting down on his skin to control your noises.
“Thats it, bite me as hard as you want love. Mark me,” Jack panted, his cock abusing your cervix. He was tempted to say hell to breakfast, flipping you over and fucking you senseless like the animal inside of him craved. But he knew you cared about his roommates opinion of you, even if to Jack he wouldn’t consider them friends five out of seven days of the week. Your teeth sank into Jacks shoulder, a subtle growl escaping his throat.
Something about seeing you so primal, but so desperate to keep quiet made him pound into you harder. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, a trail of saliva dripping down Jacks shoulder as your teeth clenched around his skin. You whimpered, your hands tangling themselves in his hair as you came on his cock. Your walls spasmed around his shaft, a deep grunt escaping his lips as he came inside of you.
You released his shoulder, grimacing down at the bite mark. “Holy fuck, I don’t know where that came from,” You panted. Neither of you had moved, Jacks gaze moving to your breast. “Neither do I, but it was pretty fucking hot,” He admitted, kissing your breast.
‘Waffles! Waffles! Waffles!’
The sound of Toby and Ben chanting from downstairs made you chuckle. Jack could hear them slamming their silverware down on the kitchen table, the sound making his ears twitch. You slowly slid off of you, whimpering as your walls squeezed the air. His cum slowly dripped down your cunt, the sight the most satisfying sight to Jack in the world. He laid back on the bed, propping himself up with his hands behind his head.
He admired you as you brushed your hair, throwing on clothes. You were so focused, Jacks staring going over your head. It wasn’t until you were ready, turning around to find Jack undressed and unbothered. “What are you doing? Ben’s gonna come through our radio any minute now if you don’t get dressed,” You say. Jack rose to his feet, bringing your back against his chest. He towered over you easily, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“How did I ever get so lucky?” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your head. You giggled, examining your stomach. “Do you think you’ll ever get me pregnant one of these days?” You asked curiously. Jacks eyebrows furrowed, his large hands resting on top of yours. “You do know that’s scientifically impossible right?” He asked. Yeah, maybe his cum was seeping into your hormones. Or maybe your brain.
“Yeah it’s still a nice thought though,” You shrug. Turning around you wrapped your arms around his neck, admiring him from below. Your eyes were dancing with curiosity. Tilting your head to the side a simple question left your tongue, “If I somehow did, you’d want to keep it right?”
Millions of thoughts soared through Jacks mind, ones mixed with the joy of parenthood and ones of terror. Would the fetus become a demon just like him? Or would it be as beautiful as you? What would it eat? Would raising a child in a mansion full of monsters from its worst nightmares be sustainable? But as he looked down at your puppy dog eyes, your orbs flickering back and forth as you awaited an answer.
Creeps had never procreated before, successfully anyways. It would be a first for all of them, especially Jack. He wanted to believe there was a piece of him that wasn’t an organ eating monster. One that could raise and love a child that was a mixture with the person he loved the most. He was almost sure he would’ve gotten you pregnant by now, with the amount of times he’d locked you into the mating press alone.
Truth was Jack would give you whatever you wanted, even if it was most likely scientifically impossible. “I want whatever you want my love,” He purred, pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
Bang bang bang!
“EJ learn how to keep it in your pants and pour some batter in the waffle maker instead!” Ben called.
You giggled, Jack sighing as he pulled on his pants.
“And in the mean time we have Ben.”
“We most certainly do and that’s enough for me.”
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ja3hwa · 1 year
❝𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝!𝐎𝐭𝟖 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝❞
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Hybrid!Ateez wants to breed their mate in order to start a family.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.26k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Smut, Suggestive, Fluff, Angst.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Ateez Hybrid Members x Hybrid Bunny Readers
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : mention of a nest. Hints of car sex. Hints of bathroom sex. Seonghwa is a sucker for cockwarming. Yeosang just wants to see you full with his um...cum... Swearing. Sans reaction is a little bit more angsty. Woops. Accidental pregnancy. Getting pregnant out of spite. Some shitty talking about shitty family.
Note : I hope you enjoy this request. And also to the lovely darling that sent in the request, I hope it's okay that i made it more on the line of family rather than just a breeding kink. I was feeling sappy, ahaha.
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𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 - 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞
Hongjoong always knew he wanted kids the moment he became a leader. His dream was to be labelled a strong leader and have a powerful son or daughter to prove it. So when one of your heats came around, he was surprised and also glad it was during his mating season. And from what he was told when a bonded pair was going into heat at the same time, it meant perfect breeding time. And he was going to make the most of this situation. Pampering you, making you comfortable in your nest before using his strength to completely ruin you in the soft sheets over and over again until you were nice and full of his knot.
“You’re going to look so beautiful carrying around our foals, baby. Like the goddess you are.”
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𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚 - 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞
Hwa is another hybrid who grew up dreaming of the idea of having his own little ones running around. He had to have four since it was the perfect number, but he also wouldn’t be mad if he had more. His parents were also thrilled with the idea of having gran-babies, so after you and Seonghwa got married, he planned to make your honeymoon full of nothing but babymaking. The wasn’t a time when Seonghwa wasn’t dotting on you, romantic dinner ended up fucking in the car on the way to the hotel. Bath time resulted in water going everywhere as he trusted harsher into you. And when you were going to sleep he made sure to keep you laying on his cock. His words were;
 “if my cock stays inside you, none of my cum will leak out and it will give us more chance of you getting pregnant”
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𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠 - 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐫
Now, it wasn’t cause Yeosang wanted kids, but it was just the idea of you being pregnant that made him so goddamn hard. Cause little did you know, he had a big breeding kink, the idea of claiming you in more than one way made his heart skip, and his cock so hard it aches. He overheard you the other day about wanting kids and you weren't if it was even possible, your human friends had said it should work but maybe asking Yeosang for guidance, but you were worried he wouldn’t want kids. Oh boy, you were very wrong. He was going to make sure he pumped his kids into you if it was the last thing he could do. He had you crying out while holding onto his antler for support, his grunts filling the bedroom when he saw your fucked out expression.
“That's it Doll, feel my cock raw inside you. I’m gonna—fuck—breed you so well all you’ll feel is my cum dripping down your thighs. Take it, it’s yours.'
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𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 - 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
This tall, gentle giant actually never thought about kids. It was you that wanted them, and whatever his little bunny wants, will get. The fact that when you asked him, he was like ‘Okay what about now?’ and got straight to it, stripping you bare before fucking the life outta you. In the best way of course. His lips painted your skin and his knot was buried deep inside you, you would feel it when he placed your hand against your tummy. The more he fucked you, the more he realized, seeing you plump and pregnant would be the best thing he could ever witness. Just waddling around, carrying his child, glowing from motherhood, argh, he swore he never got harder until now.
‘I’m gonna fuck so many babies into you, darling. Keep you nice and plump. Fuck I’m gonna cum baby, let me pump my load into you. All of it for you.’ he was a rambling mess at that point.
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢 - 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫
This big beefy body was all over your the moment you agreed to have kids. He had been begging to feel you raw for the past month, and you kept declining the big bear because you feared about being a mother, or in this case, failing as one. But he reassured you that you would be the greatest mother, you were already so good at looking after his younger friends and him for that matter that he could bet his life on you being suited for motherhood. 
‘I can’t wait to meet our baby, I bet they will look just as beautiful as their mama.’
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𝐒𝐚𝐧 - 𝐒𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭
This mischievous feline loved kids and loved you. So, putting the two together was just a perfect idea in his mind. So when he started begging, you were reluctant at first. You were both still young, and the idea of children wasn’t something on your mind. You loved San, yes. But having kids with him was something you didn’t see at that current moment in your life. It wasn’t until you caught him literally crying on the phone to one of his friends. He was thinking he was the problem and you didn’t want kids because he was a different type of hybrid to you. But he couldn’t see far from the truth. In truth, you were scared. You had to step in and interrupt the call, not caring if his friend heard you. You immediately apologized to him and pleaded for him to stop crying. You repeated over and over that one day you would be happy to have kids with him, but for now, while you are both young, to live your lives.
‘I’m sorry Sannie. You are not the problem, and you never will be the problem.’
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𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐱
So you both didn’t really care for the idea of having kids. If they happened one day, neither of you wouldn’t be mad. But what you didn’t expect was it to be by accident. When you missed the first two days of your period you at first didn’t think much of it, but day by day your worry worsened and now it had been 2 weeks late with you sitting on the floor of the bathroom with a positive pregnant test in your hand. Not including the three sitting on the counter, all positive as well. You were about to call Wooyoung telling him to get home quickly, but as if the gods were on your side that evening, you hear a click of the bedroom door handle.
He called out looking for you, and you told him you were in the bathroom. When he came inside, he immediately noticed the tests on the counter. A large gulp fell down his throat as he let out a half-assed chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨 - 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
You and Jongho were already excepting your first baby the moment after your honeymoon. You both had planned from the fourth year of dating that you wanted to try and conceive a child on your honeymoon. But it was not just for the fact you both wanted a family, no. It was also to prove to your families that you were better off without them. They never accepted your mixed species relationship, and the idea of you two having a baby together honestly scared them. The idea of an abomination being created by the two of you made them sick. So, of course, Jongho was going to pump as many kids into you as he possibly could. Heck, maybe four or five if he was lucky. He wanted a family, he wanted one with you. So if that means making some, then so be it.
‘you look so beautiful carrying our cubs my darling. You are going to be the best mother ever.’
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multifandomgirl08 · 11 months
Prologue [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Max Verstappen x Daniel Ricciardo (Platonic)
Summary: Max finds out that he had a son. And it changes his world.
Warning(s): Mention of adoption, Jos Verstappen
A/N: This is set before the first part of Mini Verstappen.
Words: 1.1k
→ Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max’s life had been completely turned upside down. It had only been an hour since he had gotten the news.
He was a father.
Daniel had been over at his apartment when his agent had called him and told him that a woman had dropped off a baby with a note for Max Verstappen. Max didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t be a father at the age of 22. That wasn't possible. His ex had ended the relationship, and while he hadn't been in love, he had cared for her. He never thought that she ended it because she was pregnant.
"Maxy, you okay?" Daniel asked as he dropped his phone on the couch.
"No." He said staring off into the distance, his eyes unfocused in front of him.
"What did Raymond call you about?"
"I... I..." He tried to get out. "I have... a son."
Max looked right at Daniel. He saw his eyes go wide in disbelief. It's nice to know that his former teammate felt the same way about his news.
“What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know,” Max answered honestly. “But I’m sure my father will have some ideas.”
Max wasn’t sure he would enjoy hearing those ideas.
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"We go through all of the channels. Have people sign NDAs, get a DNA test, make sure the media never finds out, and then put the child up for adoption." He heard his father say.
As Max was sitting on the sofa in Raymond's office looking at the child, all he could think was how much he looked like him. The chubby cheeks, blue eyes, their hair color was almost the same given how little the baby had.
"That's not your decision to make," Raymond said. This was one of the few times he was glad his manager said something to his father.
He rocked the baby in his arms as he slept.
"Tell him you want to give the baby up," Jos told him. Max looked up from the bundle of blankets. "You give him up, and the problem goes away."
"He's not a problem, he's a baby." Max heard Daniel say.
As Max watched on, his father seemed like he already had this all planned out in his head. Like he knew that this would happen.
Max didn't want to let go of him, his son.
"I'm not giving him up," Max said.
Raymond's shoulders deflated at his words. Yes, having a child would cause problems, but it would cause more problems if people found out he had a child by someone he used to date and then didn't acknowledge them.
"You don't even know if he's yours." His father spewed quickly switching to Dutch so no one else would understand.
"He looks like me. Who else's child could he be?" He rhetorically asked.
"After everything that I did to prevent this..." He heard his father mutter under his breath. He knew?
"Prevent this? Are you telling me that you knew about this and didn't want me to find out that I would be a father?" Max was quick to hand the bundle of blankets over to Daniel before getting into his father's face.
"It would fuck up your career. You winning a championship is the most important thing right now." There was a high pitch wailing from the baby.
Max wanted to yell at him. Winning a championship could wait. Who knew what was going to happen this coming season with the car? It could be horrible once the season starts. But the child that Daniel was holding couldn't wait. It was going to depend on him every day.
"Tell me you didn't know about this. That you didn't do something so that I wouldn't find out about him." All Max was hoping for was his father's honesty. Not that he got it before, but just this once he wanted his father to treat him like a human being.
"I gave her money so that she would go away. She was a distraction." His father was an asshole, this just confirmed it. "I didn't think she would want to have the baby."
"Get out," Max said as calmly as he could. "Leave, and don't come back."
"Max." His father started to say.
"I want you to leave me with my son and never show your face at another race ever again." He looked him dead in the eyes so his father knew that he was serious. Jos Verstappen was dead to him.
Max couldn't deal with him. He shook his head watching as his father left them alone. His father had tried to pay off his ex because she was pregnant. What was wrong with him?
Max walked closer to Daniel seeing him cradle the baby. Shit. He was a father. He lightly reached over and stroked the baby's cheek.
"I guess your father's plan is not how you want to deal with this?" His manager asked.
"No, but we do need to call Christian and Helmut and tell them. This was a surprise to me, imagine how it will be for them." He hoped he didn’t lose his Red Bull seat over this.
"You don't have to do it today Max," Daniel said. "Worry about it tomorrow, just spend the day with your son."
Daniel was a great friend to Max, more than he deserves at times.
"Okay, we can call them tomorrow." He said. Max moved back to the sofa before Daniel put the baby back in his arms.
"Does he have a name?" Daniel asked.
Raymond was quick to reach for a small stack of papers and then held up what he assumed was the birth certificate.
"It says Nico, Nico Verstappen."
Even though his ex had given Nico up, Max was grateful that she had chosen a good name for his son.
“Nico,” Max muttered to himself as Nico’s fussing seemed to dissipate.
“There are two letters that were left for you with him. One addressed to you and another to Nico.” His ex wrote him a letter? Probably explaining her choices, but the one for Nico he would leave. That wasn’t meant for him.
As Max’s eyes met Nico’s, he finally understood why his mother did the things that she did when he was growing up. Max wanted to do right by Nico and that meant giving him a life with a parent who loved him with everything that he had.
“How do you want to deal with your father?” Raymond asked.
“I don’t care, blacklist him from everything if you have to.” His father didn’t deserve to be in his life. Jos gave no consideration to how he would feel about being a father. So he would give him just the same.
From now on he was going to worry about his son.
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn
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dear-bunnyboo · 9 months
important note: my face claim will be madison beer but you can imagine whoever you desire. also the songs mentioned are not all technically all madison’s i will be incorporating other songs from other artists.
all the pictures seen below are not mine, however they were edited by yours truly. credits to the owners.
new format!! this would be the youtube or interview format, hope you enjoy cause I literally had to watch and copy the transcript of this interview from YouTube 😩 but Ily guys so it’s fine 🩵
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Joe Burrow x Singer!Reader / Brief Ex!Jack Hughes x Singer!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your interview all the way from Los Angeles, Joe’s press conference back at Cincinnati, and the fans speculating all over the globe.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing, interviews, press, media, haters, talk of past relationship, mentions of cheating ex, rumors, fluff, slight angst, mentions of crying, instigation
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐍𝐇𝐋 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Los Angeles, California
Intro - Zach: Hello, beautiful human! Thank you for clicking on our conversation with Y/N Y/L/N— we have an entire album to dissect, it’s called Teardrops there’s a link in the description below if you haven’t heard it yet and while your down there please hit the like and leave your honest feedback in the comment section below and subscribe!
Zach: Hello, beautiful human! I am Zach Sang and that is Dan Zola and today we welcome, someone who’s dominating the charts and the music industry right now— Y/N Y/L/N! (*Zach and Dan starts clapping*)
Y/N: Hello! Hi, Zach, hey Dan— it’s been a while since I’ve last been here.
Zach: I know it has been a year and a half since your first appearance in the Zach Sang Show and we missed you, dude.
Y/N: I’ve missed you guys too, you guys are the best interviewers out there.
Dan: Really?
Zach: Are we really?
Y/N: You don’t ask me dumb questions, so yeah. (*chuckles*)
Zach: Well, thank you. We have lots to discuss today— you’re album Teardrops being one of those topics today, we’ll also be talking about your tour— Wonderland Tour which is ongoing currently, and more personal questions to finish if you don’t mind.
Y/N: Yeah, let’s get to it.
Zach: So, Teardrops, this album is years in the making, right? Two years at least, right?
Y/N: Yeah, almost two years but a year and a half to be more specific.
Zach: Can you tell us more as to why you kept pushing it back? And why you decided that now was the perfect time to release it?
Y/N: Well, I’ve always known a year and a half ago that I would be making this album. I already have written the songs for it at the time— and originally I was gonna release it last year but I am a perfectionist, so I decided to push it back a little. Cause I really do value the quality of my work, so I had to.
Then a few months ago, a lot had happened— life happened and I was in a really dark place in my life that I had no choice but put all of it on hold which I hated doing but I needed to do it for the sake of my sanity and then at one point I decided to scrap all the songs I had on the album— this album was originally going to be called Angel which had songs with completely different vibes as to what I have now but I decided to archive them for now because of my circumstances.
Zach: Oh wow, so you have a completely different album you had to archive. Can I ask what pushed that decision? Why not just stick to the original plan?
Y/N: Like I said, something happened in my personal life that pushed me to do so. My song making process involves a lot of emotion for me— I feel a lot. So whenever I’m happy or angry or sad or heartbroken, just whenever I feel an intense emotion I just start writing.
It just flows out of me and at first they are just lyrics and I piece them together, produce the melody and beats and then they become a song. When all the drama and chaos started happening to me a few months ago— I just kept writing. Writing and writing until I managed to make thirteen new songs.
Song writing is my way of grieving in a way and moving on from those emotions and experiences— so, changing the album completely was important for my grieving process in a way.
Don: Wow.
Zach: Yeah, wow! Dan just expressed everything in one word— wow. I don’t want to touch on that experience of yours cause i know how fresh it still is but hopefully we can touch on it a little when we dissect the songs— but before we start with the album dissection, do you think you’ll ever release the original album— Angel?
Y/N: (*smiles*) Uhm, as of now, no. I’m not sure when I’ll be doing that or if I’ll be doing that. It depends— someday maybe.
Zach: That’s fine— take all the time you need. So, let’s start talking about the album in detail. Teardrops, why that title? Why change it from Angel to Teardrops?
Y/N: I wanted to change everything from the original album— everything. So that meant the tracks, the title, the visuals, the concept. Everything.
I named it Teardrops because all I did while making this album was cry (*awkward laugh*). I was crying writing each song, cried when I produced each melody, cried after recording— it was a lot. Each song represents the tears I’ve shed in a way— which is why I called it Teardrops.
Zach: That’s amazing, what a process.
Dan: It really is.
Y/N: Thank you so much.
Zach: So, track 1— Raindrops (an angel cried.), please introduce us to this song.
Y/N: Ok, so, Raindrops is a short intro to the album. The name Angel is a name I was called a lot by– a person in my life and I wanted the intro to set the tone for the entire album, so that the listeners would know what they are getting into musically.
My mom used to say when I was young that the reason it would rain was because angels were crying and a couple of months ago an angel did cry— she cried and cried and cried.
Zach: Let me just say this track— is heavenly. That’s the word that seems to enter my head when I hear it.
Y/N: Thank you and that’s good. That’s the vibe I was going for— an almost angelic sounding production, without instruments or any melody at the back just my voice and an echo— it’s perfect.
Zach: Next we have, track 2— Selfish–
Y/N: Yeah, but I actually want to explain track 2 and 3 together— Selfish and Reckless.
Zach: Oh, go ahead. Please.
Y/N: Track 2— Selfish and Track 3— Reckless we’re actually written together which is why i’ll be talking about them together.
Selfish and Reckless are songs about regret and realization. The realization that you were with someone so selfish and reckless at the same time— it’s about– (*chuckles*) when I found out about the drama, those were the two words that came into my head— selfish and reckless then I just started writing.
They are twins almost (*laughs*) you have to listen to them one after the other to get the gist of the emotion and story I was trying to express.
Dan: I just want to say, I really love the intro to Reckless— the music box element. Why did you choose that sound and element to add to the song?
Y/N: That’s a great question. I have a couple songs on this album that has a very Disney feel to it almost— like a fairytale vibe that I really loved. I mean that is the concept I was going for, a fairytale theme. Everything about Reckless was heavily inspired by Tinkerbell, the fairly like aspect of it— the music box at the beginning made it it come to life.
Zach: Why a fairytale concept though?
Y/N: Well, fairytales aren’t real, aren’t they? (*smirks*)
Zach: Oh? So it wasn’t real? Is that what your implying? (*Zach and Dan smirk back understanding what you were implying*)
Y/N: That’s the thing about fairytales— for little children it’s real up until it isn’t anymore. It’s the same for me. (*smiles*)
Zach: Are we still talking about fairytales? (*laughs*)
Y/N: We are! We are.
Zach: Ok. The next song, track 4— Dangerous. What can you tell us about that?
Y/N: It’s one of my favorites. One of the fairytale-like songs that I was talking about. It’s a ballad, the melody reminds me of those Disney songs that would play when the Princess and the Prince are dancing but in contrast to that the lyrics are very sad.
Zach: What is it about?
Y/N: Zach seriously (*chuckles*) everyone knows what it is about.
Zach: (*laughing*) Moving on to track 5— Safety Net ft Ty Dolla $ign— your first feature in this album and by the way, let me just say that this is my favorite track.
Y/N: Thank you, I actually contacted Ty and asked him to be in it because I felt that his voice and style matched the song so well— and yeah, Safety Net is about realizing later into a relationship that no one is there to catch you at the bottom— that there was no safety net to begin with and you have no other choice but to continue falling.
Dan: We’ve all been there.
Y/N: We’ve all been there. (*nods in agreement*)
Zach: Now onto track 6— Leave Me Lonely.
Y/N: This track is also one of my favorites and I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot (*laughs*) anyway, this song is about asking to be left alone. It’s preferring to be left lonely rather than staying in a relationship that is no good for you.
This song is actually so much fun to sing. Vocally it’s the most unique I’ve ever done.
Zach: It kinda has a James Bond vibe, I don’t know why it feels like that but it does.
Y/N: That’s such a complement— James Bond vibe! That’s great. Thank you.
Dan: Track 7— Good in Goodbye. This is one of your more upbeat songs in this album. It’s really fun, with the wording in the chorus.
Zach: Yeah, it’s such a catchy chorus, dude and very clever with the play-on words.
Y/N: I know. It’s such a fun song to sing, honestly— the chorus I am very proud of. I just love how it all turned out honestly.
Zach: Now for track 8— Wonderland which you named your Tour after. Why this song?
Y/N: Again, the entire concept of this era is fairytale. Wonderland is an nod to Alice in Wonderland which I love and I thought It would be an appropriate title for my Tour— to be able to name that event Wonderland was the perfect choice.
The song is about falling into a relationship the same way Alice fell into the rabbit hole— the unexpectedness, the craziness, and uncertainty of it all. My previous relationship is just like Wonderland— it was new and exciting but it was also risky and frightening— it was all over the place.
Zach: We are halfway into your album. Track 9— Watch.
Dan: This song made me emotional out of all of them.
Y/N: Did it really?
Dan: (*nods*)
Y/N: Well, Watch is one of those songs that talks about the physical feeling of a heartbreak. The turmoil and anguish you feel. In this song I described it as a burning sensation which some might relate to and some might not— it depends it guess.
Zach: Ok, how about track 10— My Tears Ricochet which is such an interesting title by the way.
Y/N: Oohh, this one is tricky. This song can actually be interpreted in a lot of ways— everyone can have their own interpretation of this song which is the fun aspect of song writing. For me this song is about how the pain inflicted on me affects the person as well, how the tears I shed ricochet back— somewhat like karma in a way.
Zach: This song is deep. Probably the most versatile album you’ve ever put out to be honest.
Y/N: Thank you so much for saying that. That means a lot to me.
Dan: Now on to, Track 11— Consequences.
Zach: Another tear jerking song— well, they all are.
Y/N: (*chuckles*) That’s true. Consequences is just me listing down all the consequences I had to deal with for loving someone who embarrassed and hurt me. (*shrugs*)
Dan: I love how this song, with the meaning and the message you are trying to put out and then transitioning to the next track which is Track 12— The 1. Just the different emotions you’ve put into this.
Zach: Yeah, cause The 1 is almost a bittersweet song. Which is a complete opposite of the previous songs.
Y/N: This album is basically me going through the five stages of grief. Some people listening to the album might say “Oh she’s talking shit about her ex but then the next song is about her crying about him.” Or “She wrote a song about hating her ex but has a song about missing him.”— That’s the point.
You don’t just move on from someone. You don’t. Especially after a long relationship, it is gonna be hard to let go and I understand that— I’ve made peace with that. I understand that I have to go through all the stages to get to the point where I am finally at peace.
It’s not easy. I’m still at that process— yes, I may sing about missing and crying about a past lover but also singing another song about hating his guts— that’s the process. I’m grieving, I’m moving on— and The 1 is one one of those songs where I just reminisce. It’s about the possibilities that could have happened if everything didn’t come crashing down like it did.
Zach: I keep forgetting how young you are at how mature you speak. You carry yourself with so much grace and dignity— it’s honestly so admirable.
Y/N: Thank you, Zach but seriously stop it before I cry.
Zach: (*laughs*) Ok, finally the last song in the album. Track 13— Red.
Y/N: Red is the final track— I use colors to express and relate different feelings I’ve felt through my last relationship and yeah— That’s Teardrops! I’m extremely proud of it and happy with the feedback.
Zach: You should be, this is a masterpiece! One of the many achievements you’ve accomplished just in the last few months— one of them also being your tour which are sold out in all the cities.
Dan: We’ve got tickets for tomorrow by the way.
Y/N: Yay! That’s amazing! But yeah I’m extremely grateful for the love I have been receiving lately. My fans are extremely supportive and being able to perform for them every night is the best feeling in the world.
Zach: The opening night was at Cincinnati, right?
Y/N: It was yeah! Such a great opener as well, the response and the energy in the stadium was out of this world— I’d never forget it.
Dan: Along with your performance, the presence of Bengals’ Quarterback Joe Burrow also caused chaos. How did that happen?
Zach: Yeah, everyone wants to know, how long has this been going on?
Y/N: (*laughs while shaking your head*) I’ve met him just the day before the show actually, so not that long ago. The NFL invited me to sing the National Anthem the day before at a game and when the Bengals’ won— they invited my team an I to the after party. I was pretty hesitant on going but my best friend dragged me to it (*laughs*)
Obviously I knew who he was and surprisingly he knew who I was and when he approached me, he told me he was a fan— he congratulated me on performing which shocked me considering it was their win we were celebrating that night, but yeah. We talked and he mentioned that he tried to get tickets to my show but didn’t succeed in doing so.
So I offered him a ticket, I don’t know what urged me to do so but he hesitantly accepted and that’s how he ended up there— we became friends.
Zach: So you mean to tell me, that you had extra tickets laying around?! (*jokes*)
Y/N: I always have one extra ticket, just in case. (*shrugs*)
Dan: You attended their game a few weeks ago as well, didn’t you?
Y/N: Yeah, I think that was Joe’s way of repaying me back for the tickets— our schedule coincided and he asked me if I wanted to go and I didn’t have anything else better to do at New Jersey so I accepted.
Zach: Fans speculate that you two are dating because of your somewhat public interaction that day.
Y/N: No. Joe and I are good friends. We are both focused on our own careers and I don’t think I’m ready to be in another relationship of any kind at the moment. (*smiles sadly*)
Zach: And that’s understandable, I hope this puts the rumors to rest. Thank you for stopping by, Y/N.
Y/N: It won’t but thank you anyway— also thank you for inviting me.
Dan: We love having you here.
Zach: Good luck on the show tomorrow. We will see you!
Y/N: I’ll see you tomorrow, guys!
𝐟𝐚𝐧1: this interview is Godsent, everything was just perfect.
𝐟𝐚𝐧2: thank you to Zach and Dan for the amazing content as always.
𝐟𝐚𝐧3: An hour long interview of Y/N talking about her album? Yes please
↳ 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫1: An hour long interview of Y/N talking about her trash of an album as she continues to shit on Jack? Bitch please.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧4: Translation: I watched the entire 1 hour interview where Y/N talks about the songs she wrote about her cheating ex which she never ones name drops… but if the shoe fits ig 🤷‍♀️
𝐟𝐚𝐧6: Zach is right. Y/N handles herself with so much grace and dignity it is truly inspiring. She continued with her life and let her work speak for her. She’s stronger than me fr cause if my boyfriend of 3 years cheats on me and gets caught for the entire world to see I would be in jail rn.
𝐟𝐚𝐧7: it’s the fact that she had an completely different album called ANGEL and decided to scrap it all when Jack’s cheating scandal happened hurts my heart.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧8: I’m crying in the club rn. Angel is probably the complete opposite of Teardrops. It probably was about how in love she was with Jack.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧10: just imagine how hurt she must have been to realize that she would never get to release those songs.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧11: When they asked her if she’ll ever release Angel she said maybe but the pain in her eyes when she was thinking about it says otherwise.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧12: I’m sorry I’m a new fan and I’m not sure why people keep emphasizing on the name Angel? Like, what does it represent? And why is it so important?
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧13: It’s alright 😊 Angel is what Y/N’s ex boyfriend Jack called her. He cheated on her after 3 years of being together hence her having an album called Angel is so shocking cause we are assuming it’s about her love for Jack which we will never get to hear by the looks of it.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧14: And since Jack plays for the New Jersey Devils, Y/N would call him the Devil and Y/N the Angel.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧12: Thank you so much for explaining. That is so sad.
𝐟𝐚𝐧15: Raindrops (an angel cried) hits harder now knowing what the album was called before 😭
𝐟𝐚𝐧16: I admire her so much. She said she made peace with the fact that she needed to go through the five stages of grief. She accepted that she was gonna feel all those emotions just so that she could move on.
𝐟𝐚𝐧17: “fairytales aren’t real, aren’t they?” OOOHH GIRL HER SMIRK AFTER SHE SAID THAT😏
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧18: “for little children fairytales are real until they aren’t anymore.” Put that on a shirt.
𝐟𝐚𝐧19: her explanation of Safety Net pained me, I related to that song the most.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧20: realizing that there wasn’t a Safety Net to catch you the entire time 🥲
𝐟𝐚𝐧21: she’s beauty and brains, she’s so intellectual.
𝐟𝐚𝐧22: she deserves all the love in the world 🥹🤍
𝐟𝐚𝐧23: look how happy she looked talking about Joe 😭
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧24: the immediate switch up was so cute. She literally lit up.
𝐟𝐚𝐧25: I know she just denied them dating but I really do feel that there is something there.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧27: I understand the excitement but please let’s respect both their privacy. Joe and Y/N are both private people so IF they are dating and want to keep it quiet then let’s please respect that. However, I don’t think they are dating tho, not yet anyway. Y/N is still in the process of moving on, she said she’s not ready for a relationship. Let’s respect that please. 🤍
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧28: Couldn’t have said it any better 😊🤍
𝐟𝐚𝐧29: get you a friend who would give you tickets to their shows/games 😫
𝐟𝐚𝐧30: Joe congratulated Y/N for singing the National Anthem at his own after party 😩 can he get anymore perfect.
𝐟𝐚𝐧31: Y/N hates New Jersey. You can’t convince me otherwise. Joe gave her tickets to his game and she took it as a way to get out.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧32: he’s hot for that.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧33: I don’t blame her but I don’t think she’ll hate it forever. She just need time.
𝐟𝐚𝐧34: friends don’t look at friends the way they were looking at each other.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧35: they probably do like each other but give it time. I actually want them to last and she needs to heal first before doing so.
𝐟𝐚𝐧36: I’m so ready for her show even more now 💕
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Joe: Hello, hello.
Reporter: Did you have a good time at practice today, Joe?
Joe: Uhm, it’s practice. It’s the same every season— it was good. Exhausting but good.
Reporter: You don’t train during off season?
Joe: Nah, I’m a lazy guy, sit at home all day. (*smiles*)
Reporter: What’s your favorite thing to do every year, Joe?
Joe: Just relax. Sit on my couch watch YouTube videos, play video games that’s my favorite thing to do.
Reporter: Did you watch the Quarterback thing, Joe?
Joe: I did not.
Reporter: Do you plan to?
Joe: Uhm, maybe one day. Probably not though.
Reporter: What why?
Joe: Would you watch a documentary about Hobson? (*grinning as he nodded his head at the reporter*)
Reporters: (*laughs*)
Reporter: Joe, one of your strengths is your ability to compartmentalize, is your focus right there?
Joe: Yeah. I’m able to hyper focus on a lot of different things at different times and when it’s time for one, I can completely focus on that and forget about everything else.
Reporter: Were you asked to be in season two of The Quarterback?
Joe: Yeah I was. Maybe one year— this year I’m not, uhm but we’ll see. I would like to do it maybe a couple of years down the road but I don’t think now is the right time.
Reporter: Joe, are there any personal goals you’ve set for yourself?
Joe: You always have personal goals, I’ve been thinking about goals a lot lately and I think where my mindset is these days is just improving everyday. The point I’m at now— I’m one of the best in the world and if I just continue to improve everyday I’m gonna help myself a lot more.
Reporter: What music do you listen to, Joe?
Joe: I’m, uh, kind of all over the place. I’ll listen to some indie, I listen to some hip hop, some pop. I listen to just about anything but country— I’m not a country guy. (*smiles*)
Reporter: A lot of Y/N Y/L/N then?
Joe: (*laughs while nodding his head*) Yeah, I’m a fan of hers.
Reporter: You were seen at her concert here at PayCor and she was at the game against the Jets recently— you two seem close.
Joe: She’s a good friend. I met her after the game against the Raiders— we had a good conversation. I joked about having a hard time buying tickets for her show and she offered to give me an extra ticket. Yeah, we became friends after that. I invited her to the game against the Jets cause our schedules aligned and yeah. She’s great.
Reporter: Gave her flowers recently, Joe? (*grins*)
Joe: (*shrugging his shoulders laughing*) Flowers? I don’t know? You tell me? Did I?
Reporter: I think you did.
Joe: She’s an amazing human being. So maybe I did. (*shrugs again*)
Reporter: Last question, Joe. How are you feeling that there is a possibility that you’ll be the highest paid NFL player is history?
Joe: That is not guaranteed yet as of the moment, so I don’t really feel anything about it— sure I’m flattered to be considered a valuable player but as of now it’s only a possibility. Ones it actually happens I’ll get back to you. (*chuckles*)
Reporters: Thank you so much, Joe.
Joe: Thank you.
𝐟𝐚𝐧2: Joe Burrow the man that you are 😩
𝐟𝐚𝐧3: he’s a homebody and so am I. We are perfect for each other joe.
𝐟𝐚𝐧4: OUR QB1
𝐟𝐚𝐧5: Joe gets it. Cause I could never get into country music.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧6: you’re missing out fr.
𝐟𝐚𝐧7: his mentality. that’s it. that’s the comment.
𝐟𝐚𝐧8: his sense of humor makes him even more attractive 🤭
𝐟𝐚𝐧9: Miss Y/N really has this man blushing
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧10: nah fr cause he was all smiley when they asked about her.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧11: they both just confirmed that they are just friends but I call bullshit.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧12: friends for now.
𝐟𝐚𝐧13: he’s messing with us. cause you know damn well he sent those flowers.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧14: “She’s an amazing human being. So maybe I did.” I need that tattooed on my forehead.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧15: he definitely did.
↳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧17: 💍💍💍
𝐟𝐚𝐧18: can I get flowers, Joseph? 🥲
𝐟𝐚𝐧19: he’s going to be the highest paid NFL player.
𝐟𝐚𝐧20: Joe and Y/N just be giving each other free tickets.
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641 notes · View notes
alottiegoingon · 1 month
art fair
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: jackie taylor is the elementary school's art teacher.
warnings: too much fluff, jackie and reader being adorable, not proofread
you weren't expecting to stay for any longer than five days this time. that was the initial plan and the words you had said to your parents on the phone before you arrived to wiskayok, new jersey.
the second high school was over, you took the first bus to new york and never looked back. okay, never was a strong word. despite the strong feeling you had to free yourself from the place where you had an awful time in high school, sometimes you would come back to visit your family and your sister, in special.
not wanting to miss her growing up, you had to work extra shifts on the bookstore to pay for a decent looking car, capable of going back and forth from new jersey to new york twice in a month.
now, it was an special occasion. for her 8th birthday, you promised her that you would spend the week in your family home and spend time doing fun things. and by fun things, she meant fun things for her.
the first thing you were asked as soon as you put your feet inside was "what did you get me?"
after wishing your sister a happy birthday and watching her open her present, you sink into the couch with drowsy eyes after some good two hours driving, feeling exhausted. you were so tired that you weren't even paying attention to what the small human full of energy was chattering around you.
"what do you think we should do first? we can go roller skating!"
"bug, i hate roller skating. you know that." god, you remember the last time you fell on your face. you wore a purple eyes for weeks.
"...or we could go get me new books! mom promised me you would go out with me." she keeps talking, not paying attention to you. that was going to be a very long week.
the very next day, you could barely open your eyes when your sister forced you to wake up early and drive her to school, affirming that it was part of the birthday package you promised her even though you didn't actually recall that
you had the brilliant idea to go straight home after dropping the kid at school and sleep for the rest of the day. or until she got home with quick loud steps and a vibrant high-pitched voice.
your great idea fell apart when you were effectively blackmailed by a tiny human dragging you to her classroom, excited to show you everything. you weren’t even sure if you were allowed in there but you followed her anyway.
"that's cool, bug! you did that?" you encouraged her regardless of the many screams of the other kids hurting your ears, right after seeing the paint strokes in a small canvas forming the figure of a person. for a eight year old, the kid had some actual talent. it was better than what you could do.
she nods, extremely proud of herself. "ms. taylor is teaching us how to paint for next week's art fair. you’re coming, right?"
five days. five days was all you could do. it was a pain in the ass to convince your boss to let you skip work for a week and you only managed to do it cause she was a friend of the family. more than that and you would turn into a jobless woman.
“i’ll see what i can do, alright?” you get on your knees to match her height. “now i’m gonna go home and later we can watch…” your voice trails off when your attention is stolen by a woman entering the classroom.
wearing baggy and colorful clothes with glasses that made her look even more attractive, she had a few books threatening to fall from her hands and loose paper sheets. nothing like the old women you used to have for a teacher when you were young.
“good morning, party people! sorry i’m late today.” she doesn’t seem to notice you, too busy and overwhelmed while organizing her desk. she was probably used to be surrounded by loud gremlins all the time, you thought.
she was about to say something but her lips closed after not even a second, knitted brows and an uncertain but polite grin painted on her face. “oh, and i think we have a visitor today.”
and your world fully stops when she looks at you. flushed cheeks as you were practically drooling.
“that’s my sister, she's visiting for my birthday!” the little one fills the awkward silence, not looking like she cares about your unexpected loss of words.
“aw, this is so sweet.” she frowns for a second and all of sudden, her eyes are on you “and are you having a good time down there?” she chuckles, causing your heart to skip a beat, and only then you notice your knees hurting. you were still on the floor, looking like a full time idiot. you hear the other kids the room laughing as well.
“yeah, i was just… tying her shoes.” you stand on your feet as quickly as possible, nearly losing balance.
“no, you weren’t. my shoes don’t have-.” your hand flies over your sister direction to cover her mouth.
your legs were feeling like thin sticks as you walked towards the light haired woman, extending your hand to her. “hi, sorry.” you said falteringly.
“it’s all good. i like to stay on the floor sometimes too.” she offers you an empathetic smile. “i’m jackie.” she finally shakes your hand.
“jackie.” you echo her, subtly shaking your head. it felt like you were absorbing her name into your soul. even her name sounded like something that could be in a movie. “hi. i’m-“
“i know. your sister talks a lot about you. but i guess i wasn’t expecting you to be like this.” you freeze again.
“like what?" your voice trembles as you ask.
she didn’t say anything but you feel her eyes wandering around you while she smiles.
jackie gave you an excuse, apologizing for interrupting the conversation but emphasizing how she desperately needed to start the class. she was already late and you felt bad for taking so much of her time.
“it was nice to finally meet you.” is all she says and you made sure to say it back. before walking through the door, you quickly wave at your sister, not wanting to disrupt them anymore.
you immediately gave up on the idea of sleeping for the entire day. how could you when you had just met jackie taylor?
overthinking everything was like a piece of cake for you, as easy as blinking. but it wasn't hard to overthink things when jackie's first impression of you was probably a terrible one, knees on the floor and making a fool of yourself.
you were happy to welcome your sister back home from school, disregarding the fact that she told your parents that you were drooling over her art teacher on your damn knees. how can kids remember so much?
wanting to know more about her very interesting teacher, with ice cream for dinner, you succeeded in finding out that jackie taylor wasn't a married woman.
"why do you wanna know that?" you struggle to understand the few mumbles thanks to her stuffing her mouth with ice cream.
"okay, i think you had enough." you whisper, slowly moving the bowl away and ignoring her question.
for the next two days, between a bookstore visit or going out for ice cream, you would give jackie taylor a thought. not because you cared or was interested, of course, you were just curious. and you wanted to fix the impression you made on her.
"are you driving me today?" was the question you were asked every morning.
too tired, too sleepy, too early, bad headache, terrible cramps. were all the excuses you gave her so you could have a few more hours of sleep. until the third day.
"school is starting soon!"
"hmm, i don't know if i'm taking you... i'm feeling so-"
"ms. taylor's class is the first one today." you notice her playful tone. she knew you too well.
"good. i'm actually feeling so good today." fast as the wind, you shoot out of the bed.
"you don't have to walk me there anymore. i'm not a baby." the eight year old complains as she notices you following her inside.
"sure, i know. i just wanna make sure you're safe." that wasn't a full lie. yes, you were looking forward to talk to jackie again, but you still cared about your sister.
you were fifteen minutes earlier that the actual class time and by the time you walk into the room, jackie was already there. with your sister going straight to talk to her friends, that was your chance.
"good morning." you timidly knock on the halfway open door, not wanting to scare her.
"hello there!" jackie closes the book that was laying on her big desk in front of her, fixing her gaze on you. lips curving upward. "not tying any shoes this morning?" standing up, she adjusts her slightly crooked glasses as she watches you get closer.
"not today, no. too hard to find any customers." you join her tease, feeling like you have been blessed as she laughs.
"you should try the art exhibition next week. lots of shoes to tie in there." you caught yourself thinking that she may be flirting with you but maybe you were just going crazy for drinking so much coffee lately.
"i would love to tie some stranger's shoes on a school event." playing along, all you could think was that you urgently had to stay for more than just five days. time to beg your boss twice.
"nice! i'll see you there, then." about to end the conversation, jackie's smile widens and the simple act almost makes you fall on your knees again.
"actually..." you fight to not stumble over your words as you create the fastest excuse ever to see her again. "my sister and i are going out for roller skating tomorrow. you should join us."
jackie's gaze lifts back at you, eyebrows raising in curiosity.
"why should i?" she had the casual smirk adorning her face, probably enjoying this entire situation much more than you.
"because... we're going to a park nearby and there's a few tables in there. what's greater to an art teacher than a pretty view to paint?" you were quite proud of how quick your mind worked.
jackie seems to take a brief moment to think about your words, even though she had already made her mind minutes ago.
"it's a deal."
"what? you hate skating. remember when you had a purple eye? that was funny." you turn around to find your sister standing by the door, giggling at the memory of your swollen face. jesus, for how long she was in there?
you met jackie at the park after spending the entire day double-checking your helmet and all of your safety equipment. you couldn't afford to fall again. not this time.
with a huge bag and many art supplies, jackie carefully placed everything on the picnic table while being squeezed in a hug by your sister. the first thing you noticed was how jackie dressed the exact same way out of school. free of any boring clothes and with no glasses this once.
"you actually came." you shyly mirror her grin.
"of course i did. i need to paint something for the fair and i thought that the good old blue sky and pretty trees would do the job."
"so an empty canvas is what made you come?" nervously, your eyes dart back and forth at the brushes on the pine table and her eyes.
"not just that. i think the companny is pretty rad too."
after feeding the ducks with your sibling, you joined jackie by sitting in front of her. she appeared to be so relaxed even when being so gentle and cautious with the paint. you couldn't help but feeling at ease as well.
"found something worthy of being painted by you?"
jackie looks at you over the canvas with rosy cheeks and a contented smirk, affirming with her head. "i think i did."
"it's nice of you to stay longer." her narrowed focused eyes are back on her work, sometimes meeting yours.
you didn't remember telling jackie that it wasn't on your initial plan to stay that long and as if she was capable of reading minds, she snorts before explaining herself.
"she told me you wouldn't be here for the art exhibition." her head points at your sister, skating around the small lake.
"she really does talk a lot about me." you joke, referring to what jackie said when you first met her.
"why did you?" eyes locked on the piece of work, jackie tries to sound unbothered.
"stay longer?" she agrees silently.
"i figured that i really like art. and i couldn't miss such an important event for her."
"so your love for art was what made you stay?" jackie questioned and, once or twice, you would catch her more concerned glance at you.
"not just that. i think the art teacher is pretty rad too."
in the middle of longing stares and jackie blushing for the first time, you hear a childish voice calling you.
"aren't you coming? you're so boring!"
snapping out of the jackie taylor effect, you realized that you still haven't fulfilled your promise to skating with your sister.
jackie, not worried about the painting anymore, quickly put on her rollers with a huge beaming expression. without a single effort to stay still on those things, you became aware of how experienced she was.
"come on, i'll help you out." standing in front of you, she offers you a hand and you don't wait much to accept it.
you were a nervous wreck when the big day came and it wasn't even your works that were going to be exposed to people. in honor of jackie, you tried to wear something formal like a nice looking suit and elegant shoes. a bit too much for a simple school event but it was much more than that to you.
at school, you were surrounded by an impressive quantity of paintings already framed on walls. some of them were adorable, made by younger students.
being pulled by your sleeves, you spend a few minutes in the area where your sibling's works were hanging in and seeing her so happy made you pleased to your decision to stay.
with a single poppy in hands, you find jackie talking to someone, probably a parent. at the exact moment your eyes met, she quickly excuse herself from the conversation to walk towards you with energetic steps.
"all of this looks amazing. you look amazing." is all you can say, not caring about the ear to ear grin on your lips.
"hi! you look great too. i like the suit. so fancy." her hand tenderly brushes over your shoulder, feeling the soft fabric of your clothes.
"it's a special occasion, right? and, here, i got you something."
jackie's face radiates happiness at the second she sees her favorite flower being handled to her, eyes sparkling at you.
"thank you! how did you know i like them?" she tucks the flower into her hair, prettier than ever.
"you know, she talks a lot." you two share a laugh. "aren't you gonna show me your work?"
as her silky hands covered your eyes from behind you, she guides you to the wall with all of her artworks.
"you ready?" your nod in response and she let go of your eyes.
as soon as you open them, one specific framed canvas catches your attention. it was jackie's first view from when she was sitting at the picnic table the other day. you and your sister feeding the ducks on the lake, with the exact same clothes you were wearing. there was no doubt.
"jackie..." you gasp, stunned, jaw almost hitting the floor.
"you like it? i thought it would be something worthy to paint." she's nervous. you can hear her shaky voice as she speaks.
instead of saying something, you spin around to face jackie behind you. with trembling hands, you trace her jawline before pulling her in for a kiss.
you were a big fan of art now.
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theemporium · 9 months
whore I’ll give u my first born if you write vampire lando only turning his humanity on for his girl 🐈‍⬛🙏
ew i don't want your children
“So, this is your plan!”
He received no response. 
“Just gonna dose me up with vervain and lock me up? What do you think that’s gonna accomplish?” 
The silence remained, and Lando let out a humourless laugh. 
“This is pathetic!” 
He pushed himself to sit up, only to let out a groan as he felt the burn of the vervain still fighting his system. He leaned back against the wall, his curls sticking to his forehead as he glared at the metal door across from him. 
“This is bullshit and you know it,” he called out again, though the dull pain in his gums made it a little harder. He needed to feed. He needed blood. He needed to get the fuck out of this cellar. “If this is some intervention, let’s stop wasting all our time and move on!” 
He heard a whoosh before he saw Carlos’ face staring back at him through the small window. “This is for your own good.”
Lando’s smile was grim. “That’s all you have to say? C’mon, Carlos, I expected a better speech than that.”
“This isn’t you, Lando,” the Spaniard continued, his lips turning down with a frown. “You’re better than this.”
“I disagree, amigo,” Lando said with a small snort of laughter. “I have never felt better.”
Carlos sighed. “We aren’t giving up on you.”
“Oh whoop de-doo,” Lando scoffed as he leaned his head back against the stone wall. “You’re wasting your fucking time. Nothing you are gonna say is gonna make me suddenly see the light. I’m happy the way I am. I like who I am right now.” 
“We might not be able to change your mind,” Carlos started before the loud, clunking noise of the lock being opened echoed through the cellar. “But she can.”
Lando’s face instantly fell when the door was pushed open and you slid into the room, giving the boy a shy—maybe even nervous—smile. 
“Hey, Lando.” 
Lando instantly stood up, his body burning at the movement but he didn’t care. His eyes found Carlos’ as the man slid the door back shut. “What is she doing here? She shouldn’t be here!”
“Why? Because she’s human?” Carlos guessed, almost looking smug. Lando had never wanted to snap his neck more. “You’re different now, Lando. Surely you don’t mind ripping her throat out. She’s just a measly human, after all. Just like the rest of the ones you killed.”
“Carlos,” Lando gritted out through clenched teeth.
“You said you wanted to feed,” Carlos grinned. “There’s your meal. Bon appetit.” 
Lando’s eyes instantly fell to you as you stood on the other side of the cellar, watching him like he was a stranger. Like you had never seen him before in your life. “You need to leave.”
“We both know that’s not happening,” you said with a grim smile before you took a step towards him.
His back was pressed against the wall in a flash, his eyes narrowing at you. “Stay away.”
“You look different,” you murmured, ignoring him as you continued to close the distance between you both.
“Love—” The nickname slipped past his lips in a pained voice.
His eyes clenched shut when you were standing in front of him, his body twitching when he felt your warm palms resting on his cold cheeks. He could hear your heartbeat, hear the way it skipped a beat. Not in the way it used to. No, this time it was in fear. He hated how much he knew the subtle difference, how he wanted to get rid of it. 
“Open your eyes, baby,” you murmured in a soft voice, your thumbs brushing against the apples of his cheek. “Please? For me?”
He hesitated for a short moment before he opened his eyes.
Your lips twitched upwards in a soft smile. “There’s my boy.”
“You need to go,” he whispered to you, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I’m not leaving this room without you,” you said to him, completely serious. “So, you either join me or you kill me.”
His eyes flashed in anger. “Love–”
“I mean it, Lando,” you said with a shake of your head. “It’s your choice whether I leave here alive or dead.”
“I-I can’t,” he whispered in a shaky voice. “It’s too much. I…I can’t do that, I can’t turn it back on—”
“Yes, you can,” you assured him, squeezing his cheeks slightly. “I’m here. Let me help you. Let me in. Let me carry the burden with you.”
Something flickered in his eyes, a single tear rolling down his eyes. “Baby—-”
“Shh, I’m here,” you murmured and you wasted no time in throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him close as he nuzzled himself against you. His body wracked with sobs are you clung onto him, letting the emotions pour through him. “I’m here for you, Lando. Forever. Just like I promised.” 
And he could only hold onto you tighter as you held him while he cried.
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politemenacephd · 5 months
Arachnophilia (Part Fourteen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
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Word Count: 5040 Notes: Voyeurism build up is here, will be dropping that next chapter. For now here's some tension/proper argument w HQ!Miguel and some fluff w Mig
‘You’re sure you wish to return today?’
You paused midway through the very unflattering motion of hoisting your suit over your hips, rolling on the bed like a flipped beach turtle, and turned to find Mig watching you from across the room.
His big red eyes already betrayed his concern as they darted from your face to your body, as did his slowly tapping paws.
You shot him a reassuring smile. ‘I’m sure, Mig! Don’t worry, I have a plan.’
Mig made that same adorable face he always did when he was disgruntled, as his nose wrinkled up and his brows folded in over his big puppy-dog eyes. Your reassurance would never be enough, sadly.
‘You could- stay, another hour’ he offered. ‘They can’t fault you for being a little late.’
You sighed through the nose and finally did up the last hidden button on your suit, snapping it into place.
It’d been a few days since Mig’s confession. You’d managed to snag the extra time away from the society by calling up Jess and going through some early talking points online, but all the time you’d gained had been devoted solely to working through Mig’s worries.
His possessive nature had certain gotten worse since he’d acknowledged his past to you. He startled at every minor noise, he rustled against you constantly to keep you saturated in his scent. He panicked when you weren’t in his line of sight, and he was patrolling his territory more and more.
The worst one though was at night, when he’d hide behind his giant legs and you had to gently coax him out.
It wasn’t easy, but you weren’t opposed to comforting your monster partner. You knew it was going to be hard on him. Today he’d made enough progress to at least let you return for a bit, and that was great, but you knew to expect relapses.
With a slight hop you stumbled to your feet and crossed the nest, carefully taking his hands into yours.
‘Uhuh, I could stay an extra hour. And then you would say, please stay another hour, then another, then another, and then I’m called in for insubordination and I get my watch taken away’ you said, firm but soft.
‘Mi arañita, it’s in my blood to keep you here’ he insisted.
‘Nope, can’t use that excuse anymore. I’m not in heat, am I?’ you said. You tried to keep it light by booping his nose with your finger, but Mig remained tense.
‘It’s in my human blood, to keep you here, is what I meant’ he said, his voice dipping. ‘I just want to know you’re safe. I can’t, know, if you’re not here with me.’
Sensing that he was spiralling you put his hand over your chest. He could sense your heart thumping beneath your ribs, small but strong. It seemed to have an instant calming effect.
‘I’m okay. See? I’m okay. And I’m gonna set something up’ you reminded him gently. ‘Right? I’m gonna go get some stuff while I’m at the HQ, like we discussed. You’ll be able to see my vitals on a screen here so you know I’m safe, and we will- test, you being able to call me, because I know if I give you unlimited reign you will call me every second of every hour. But, you know, I’m bringing stuff back to make this easier.’
Mig grumbled and rolled his tongue against his fangs at your reminder. ‘You… are you, sure, they won’t try to keep you away from me?’ he asked.
‘I’m as sure as I can be, Miggy. I mean Jess clearly got annoyed with Miguel for trying to separate us, remember? I don’t think the elite’s care, so long as we’re not endangering anyone. We’re two consenting adults after all.’
‘A monster and his pet’ Miguel grumbled. You couldn’t help but giggle at his sour tone.
‘A consenting adult monster and his consenting adult pet’ you added. Mig didn’t smile with you but you saw him tap his spider legs a few times, which you knew now meant he was happy. It was like a silent laugh for when he was too worried to laugh openly.
‘Hey. Come here’ you whispered.
You gestured for his foreleg and he stretched it out. You took it between both your hands and raised it your lips, pressing a single kiss to the fluffy little paw, showing no sign of fear or disgust. You then gestured for his human hands.
‘Here. Here, babe.’
Mig outstretched his hands, and with his fingers in your grip you kissed each of his claws one after the other. You could sense his body deflating, slowly losing all of that pent up tension as you showed his body the same love you always did.
‘Pretty spider’ you whispered after the final claw was crowned with your lips. When you looked up he was smiling at last.
‘Pretty spider’ he repeated back. You craned your neck and noticed his abdomen was rustling, the fur on his back gently bristling as his middle legs tapped at the floor. You beamed.
‘Mmm. Happy dance’ you noted.
Mig closed his eyes as he smiled, his old, chiselled face growing soft as he made the dance more overt. He tapped his feet back and forth, gently rustling his fluffy body up against your face. You nestled right back. There was nothing better than seeing that little display.
‘Okay, okay. There we go.’ You gently leaned back after giving him a quick squeeze, your hand flying to your watch. You knew you had to make the portal now or you’d never leave.
‘Guess I better get going.’
With a few clicks a portal to the HQ exploded into the centre of the nest, covering your face in that ethereal orange light. You glanced back over your shoulder and saw that Mig had stopped dancing. It hurt your heart, but it had to be done.
‘Can I have a goodbye kiss, please?’ you offered with your hand outstretched on the precipice of the portal. Mig was eager to take it.
‘Ah- yes, of course mi arañita.’
You should have been wise enough to know that this was a double play on his part. The moment your lips connected his hands were on your waist, digging in deep to the soft flesh beneath your suit.
His lips moved slowly, parting before rejoining as they smothered your own. They were so soft compared to the rest of his ruggedness, soft and full and warm. As his tongue teased your mouth they grew wet.
His low moan made your knees weak. It vibrated through your lips and into your soul. His lips parted right as you usually would have left, and soon you were entranced by his tongue.
‘Mm- mmm—’
You forgot the portal at your back as Mig gently rumbled against you, his fluffy body vibrating in a way that made your insides tingle. He dug his claws in deeper, a small dose of shock to widen your mouth, allowing his tongue to go right down your throat.
When he pulled back there was a long and heavy trail of spit between you, one that he licked into his mouth without ever breaking eye contact. You felt that pleasurable tension in your gut triple over.
‘Ah—Mig, I know what you’re doing’ you panted.
He’d held you for so long that the portal had closed behind you. You let out a mildly exasperated huff while he tilted his head, his face sickeningly innocent.
‘Doing what? I just wanted to kiss mi arañita goodbye.’
‘You told me you were incapable of lying, Mr.’
‘I am, yes. It’s not a lie’ he said. The earnest affection in his eyes broke you, and a smile crept back onto your face.
‘Mhm. It’s just- leaving out the full truth, right?’
He coyly darted his eyes to the side, forcing you to grab his thickset jaw and turn his head back. You were on your tip toes to reach him.
‘The full truth, is… I don’t want you to go, but, I know you have to. So I will do what I can to keep you here, because I am selfish. And… I will miss you, when you are gone. Because you make me happy. And, I like having you close’ Mig murmured.
‘I know’ you sighed. ‘I know. I’ll miss you too. And I will be back soon. I promise.’
You bumped foreheads once more before pulling back, and this time Mig let you go.
As you flew through the dizzying portal you were surprisingly optimistic.
You were going back to the society, and this time you were no longer alone. No matter what you had someone to go home to, someone to talk to, someone to hold you.
Your perspective on the society had also certainly shifted since meeting Mig, and that was something you had to contend with. Knowing that they were hiding things, these cosmic mistakes they didn’t want to deal with, it bothered you to no end. You’d previously viewed the elites as these unfathomable being, who just had to know best because of where they were, but not anymore. Especially in the case of Miguel.
You felt a little bad, but you hadn’t been fully honest with Mig about your intentions. Yes, you were going back to grab some items for him and to show you were available. Yes, you were returning to ensure your relationship was sanctioned.
But you also had something else in mind. Something a bit more personal. Something for the boss to deal with.
You skipped a few steps as your body was thrown from the depths of time and space, your shoes clacking as you hit the HQ floor. You stepped out into the lobby, into a bustling sea of spiders, and you breathed in the familiar smell of Nueva York. It smelled like spandex, like cleaning fluid and cold park air.
You felt the portal close at your back, leaving you standing alone in this great gathering of your peers.
And then you froze.
Almost half the spiders around you were still, their head craned in your direction. You felt the eyes on every inch of your body. You met their gazes through their masks, and despite you clearly looking at them they didn’t turn or look away.
You frowned. What was going on?’
A new sound filled the quiet buzz of conversation, the worst possible sound you could hear. Muffled laughter.
You spun around only for the laughter to stop, and by the time you’d turned back all the spiders were pretending not to have looked at all. They were deep in meaningless conversation, their heads down, and soon you were once again lost in the crowd.
You could feel your face burning, your cheeks hot and clammy.
Oh, fuck. Shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit, fuck. Did they know? How did they know? Who could have told them?
For a moment your blood ran cold. Wait. Had, Miguel, told everyone? To punish you?
In a brewing panic you started to make your way through the HQ.
All the way out of the lobby and up through the dizzying web of beams you felt eyes on you. You occasionally heard laughter but now you couldn’t tell whether it was aimed at you or not, which only spurred your paranoia, and you only continued to spiral further as you went about your objectives.
You stopped by the lab and grabbed the tech you needed for Mig: a watch for him to programme, a monitor for your vitals, and a few old or nearly scrapped holographic screens that you figured he could fix up. All eyes on you, staring at you through screens and over desks. You hurried out.
From there you made a stop at HR, a pretty run-down and disorganised area compared to the rest of the society, where you grabbed some paperwork Jess had ordered you to fill out. You felt eyes peering over piles of paperwork, soft whispers and curious mumbles hidden behind walls as you piled up the work.
By the time you made it to your last stop you could feel the sweat on your lower back from stressing so hard. Around Mig you felt safe, emboldened, but you were realizing quickly that you were still alone here.
You crept into the open research base and dropped into one of the empty desks. You were here, right back where you started, the day you first met Mig.
You thought of him, back in the nest, and your heart twisted. You missed him.
‘You’re the one, right?’
You jumped as an unfamiliar voice sounded off against your ear. Somehow you’d been snuck up on, and three spider-people you’d never met before were crowding around the back of your desk. Their faces immediately put you on edge; they looked far too familiar with you, far too excited.
‘I- the one, what?’ you stammered.
‘You’re the one who- you know—’
You felt your stomach drop as the spiders broke into playful smiles. You tried to push the chair back and run, abandoning the PC while it was still on, but to your horror the other spiders held you in place. You slumped back into the chair as they offered an overlap of fake coos and soothing words.
‘No, no, hey! Please we’re so curious.’
‘Curious about- what? Don’t- grab me!’ you said, inadvertently snapping as you pulled from their grasp. You could feel other people in the room starting to glance over at the commotion, and it was driving your anxiety way up.
‘You had sex with Miguel’s variant, right? The spider one?’ one of them whispered. The spiders holding you in place were practically giddy as they spoke over themselves.
‘We… they’re, all spiders’ you stammered.
‘No, no! You know what we mean. There’s one that’s like fully half spider, right? And you had sex with him?’
‘I—That’s, nobodies business’ you said defensively. Sadly, your tone only spurred them on harder.
'No come on please, oh my god- does he look like Miguel? Is he that big?'
'Does he have the teeth?'
'Oh god, ew, what's the spider part like? Was it like an actual spider?'
'Did you--' 
You went rigid in your seat, as did the spiders hounding you. Heavy footsteps filled the room as a huge, foreboding shadow slowly covered your body from behind.
‘What’s going on?’
You turned to see Miguel standing over you, his hands on his hips. The spiders almost fell over each other trying to placate him.
‘Hi! Sir, we were just—’
‘It’s fine Miguel we were—’
‘No gossiping. We’re not a rag newspaper, we’re a serious organisation, that does serious work’ Miguel said, his voice slow and cold. ‘Work that I assume you’re currently procrastinating on, since you’re here, and not somewhere else.’
The spiders quickly abandoned your desk, leaving you spinning awkwardly on the spot in your little chair. Miguel had to grab the back to make it stop.
‘Ah, hey, you—’
‘Come with me.’
Miguel didn’t wait for you to respond after cutting you off. He turned and walked in the opposite direction, his presumptuous, authoritative aura gleaming off him like musk.
You thought about saying no, just on principle, but it wouldn’t help. You’d been planning to talk to him anyway. With a slightly reluctant shrug you obeyed.
Miguel led you in silence up through the heart of the HQ building to his office. The whole way you continued to avoid the curious eyes on your back, focusing instead on what you wanted to say to him.
Up the beams, through the corridor filled with anomalies, down the messy side hall and into his office, where at last you were both alone. You shuddered in the gloom, where the only light was a thin lay of blue from above that tinted your skin. It was only here that Miguel finally addressed you directly.
‘I’m sorry they’re bothering you’ Miguel called over his shoulder.
‘Uhuh. Yeah, me too. Strange how they knew’ you said, making no effort to sugarcoat your accusatory tone. Miguel grunted a chuckle as he picked up on the implication.
‘It’s not strange. HR receives filings whenever a relationship needs to be sanctioned, such as- Peter’s and Mary’s receiving crisis training or therapy, or any spiders entering into inter-dimensional relationships. It doesn’t happen often, so when one comes up featuring a Miguel variant and a random spider, and some intern copying it notices the names, they talk. They talk to their friends at lunch, and then they talk to their friends on missions. Suddenly, everyone knows.’
You felt your face burning as he spun this elaborate story. You wanted to believe he was lying, but, it was one thing he and Mig shared in common: they didn’t lie.
‘I didn’t tell anyone’ Miguel grunted as he jumped onto his desk. ‘I understand how- frustrating hormones can be. I don’t blame you for what you had to do.’
‘Uhuh’ you said, your voice wary.
‘I just don’t understand why you’ve still choosing to remain around my counterpart now you’re free’ Miguel continued as he booted up his set, more to himself than to you.
‘Because he’s my friend’ you said sharply.
Miguel glanced over his shoulder, his one visible eye glowing brightly against the dull blue hue. He looked you up and down.
‘I don’t get it’ he repeated in a low murmur. You hated it but his presence still made you slightly weak, and that soft voice was painfully close to how Mig usually spoke.
‘If you were in pain I would have helped’ he said as he turned back around. ‘It’s not like you had no options. Was I really that cold to you?’
You balked at his unexpected confession, especially when said in such a nonchalant way. It was a pretty heavy thing to drop, surely, to admit that he’d sensed your heat and been willing to sleep with you too?
‘You- are you serious?’ you whisper shouted. Your outrage made Miguel chuckle again, something that only made your face warmer.
‘I’m serious, yes. I would have helped.’
‘Oh, oh of course you would have. Just, out of the kindness of your own heart?’
‘More or less.’
You scoffed openly. ‘My god- Do you have no shame? At all?’
Miguel turned again, craning his neck a little further this time to eye you up fully. You saw the thick curve of his back as he arched it.
‘I’d advise you not to be combative’ he murmured. ‘I’m still your superior, and I’m also well aware of what you’ve done. I don’t think you should be the one to tell me about shame.’
‘Why should I be ashamed?! Because I had sex with a nice person I was friends with, because we shared a mutual attraction? Oh my god, how could I!’
‘You let a monster mate with you and almost get you pregnant’ Miguel snapped back, his voice rising ever so slightly.
‘He’s not- a monster’ you said. ‘Not- I mean, physically he is, unusual, but he’s a good person.’
‘You have no idea who that man is’ Miguel impatiently snapped.
‘Yes, I do. Damn it-- He told me! About Dana!’ you blurted.
A brief silence fell as Miguel’s hands went still. Up until this point he’d been typing, casually micro-tasking while you argued at his back, but now he was totally focused on you.
‘He did?’ Miguel repeated back. He sounded shocked, confused, perhaps even impressed?
‘Yes. He- it sounded, horrible. That poor man.’
‘That poor man’ Miguel sneered, his shock quickly turning back to disgust. ‘You didn’t see what I saw. And that’s not your fault, but I’m telling you now, I saw it. The blood on his hands, the blood on his fur, the—face, of—’
Miguel paused and shook his head. ‘He may not have intended to hurt her, but he did. He couldn’t de-escalate, couldn’t control his own strength. He could have ripped the gun out of her hands, or pointed it upwards. His panic killed her.’
‘He was- he was scared, Miguel!’ you argued. ‘He’d just undergone a painful attempt on his life, he was turned into something new, something scary, and then his life was threatened again by someone who was meant to love him!’
‘Yeah, and you know what? I want through the same exact thing’ Miguel spat. ‘I didn’t kill anyo-- … I didn’t, kill, Dana, Did I?’
Internally you were seething. Part of you wanted to just rip into him for what he’d said, for so cruelly bullying Mig for something that wasn’t his fault while making overt passes at you in the same sentence, but you held your tongue.
At least now you didn’t feel at all bad for what you were about to do.
‘I want to- make a proposal’ you said, your voice echoing through the office.
Miguel blinked. His brows went up, slowly, as his eyes darted across your face. He looked surprised. ‘You do, do you?’
You stiffened your resolve as his shadow covered your body. Before you’d have never thought of standing up to your boss like this, and yet, here you were.
‘Yes. I want you to retract the clause that Mig remain isolated from other spiders and people. He’s not a threat and you know that. He deserves the chance to reintegrate, to see that he’s safe to be around other people and to connect with people like him who won’t be afraid. I want you to let him into the society.’
Miguel grunted, his nose wrinkling with disgust. ‘No’ he barked, and immediately he turned.
He thought that would be the end of it, the stubborn fool, but you weren’t interested in begging for permission. If he wanted to play dirty, you would too.
‘Fine’ you said sharply, ‘fine. Let me guess, his genes make him too dangerous?’
‘Wow, newbie, that’s a great point. You’re right. I’ll keep that on record next time someone brings up the idea of letting him join’ Miguel sarcastically drawled. You sneered.
‘Okay. Well, if he has to stay away because his genes make him dangerous, genes that you SHARE, may I remind you, then I suggest for the safety of the society we make it public knowledge.’
You saw Miguel freeze up. He was clearly frightened, as his back muscles popped to indicate he was tensing them tightly, and his biceps were clearly getting more prominent as he clenched his fists.  
You had to steel yourself to approach that terrifying visage.
‘What are you talking about?’ he hissed over his shoulder.
‘You know what I’m talking about’ you said, getting closer with each word. ‘You know that you go into ruts, the same as he does. You know that for all the pressure you put on him to stay away from people, you happily engage in that exact behaviour.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Miguel repeated, this time in a far gravellier voice.
‘I know, you sanctimonious asshole, that you’ve also been sleeping with people during your ruts!’ you whisper shouted, your voice slipping through gritted teeth.
Miguel immediately scoffed, trying to play it off. ‘You don’t have proof of that. I didn’t sleep with you.’
‘No, not- me, Miguel, I have proof. I have proof you’ve done this before.’
‘Oh, do you?’ he asked in that same sarcastic, defensive tone.
‘You decided to threaten me with my own medical records, so clearly that’s allowed, right? So, I can bring up that there are definitely files within the society bay detailing god knows how many other members or workers, filled with the same genetic material, covered in webbing?’
The moment you said ‘webbing’ he tensed up. You’d got him.
‘Perhaps a few, anti-venom prescriptions? Emergency birth control?’
He tensed up further, his head going forward as his shoulders rolled. You continued to push.
‘I don’t think the wider society would be too kind if they knew their boss was going into little, horny breakdowns, and then secretly taking out his frustrations on its members—’
At that Miguel spun around, his clawed hand slamming itself into the desk at your back. In barely a second you went from standing to trapped, your back bent against the desk with his enormous arms on either side of your torso.
‘Do you think you’re better than me?!’ he spat, his fangs dangerously close to your face.
‘Do you think you’re better than me, huh?’
You felt all of your previous convictions slip in his presence. God he was terrifying. He wasn’t nearly as big as Mig but he was huge compared to you, easily pinning your body to the desk. You felt the cold metal press into your spine as he bent you back, and your eyes instinctively drifted to his fangs.
You swallowed, hard, and were met with the strangest look in his eyes. He seemed ashamed, almost, as he realized you were scared of him, and yet there was something else there. Something more complicated.
You struggled to claw back a semblance of your previous anger.
‘You know what? No. Not in that sense. But that’s my point. We’re the same, you’re just a—’
‘Don’t say it’ he hissed.
‘Hypocrite’ you spat back in his face. With a frustrated grunt he pulled away.
‘I don’t put anyone at risk of spreading my genes!’ he said, his voice rising with his annoyance. ‘And I don’t touch anyone who I could hurt!’
‘How can you know that?’
‘Because they’re all men!’ Miguel blurted. He had to pause to breathe, his hands now gripped tight to his hips. ‘Or- at the very least they’ve had their reproductive organs taken care of. And they’re my friends, I never- I never approach anyone I don’t know and trust. I just… sometimes, I have to—have, something. Just one. But I’ve never- slipped and, indulged in anyone the way your sweet, innocent Mig has.’
‘You- but you JUST said you would have helped me out too’ you argued back. Miguel scoffed again.
‘I didn’t mean sex. I would have- offered something, for relief, because I know how much it hurts. I can control myself, but I’d rather not smell someone else going through the same agony, that’s all.’
‘Look, my— my point is, you do the same thing you accused Mig of doing. You don’t get to keep him out of the society if you’re allowed to be its head’ you said, trying to bring the subject back around.
‘He killed someone’ Miguel hissed.
‘And you exonerated him, because he was acting in self defence!’ you spat. This time your rage drove you forward, and you slammed your hand down on the desk beside Miguel, caging his tiny waist between your arms.
‘We are dangerous’ Miguel said, his voice even colder than usual. ‘We are not, safe. We are not supposed to be in relationships. I tried to tell you this, but if you won’t listen, I can’t help you.’
‘Oh, I’m the one who needs help?’
To your horror, Miguel suddenly let out a deeply sardonic chuckle. He bent so that his lips brushed your ear, and you froze as he spoke.
‘You fucked a spider’ he whispered slowly. ‘You found a version of your boss, who was half arachnid, and you let it fuck you. Furry legs and all. You nearly let it impregnate you. Yes, you need help.’
Miguel’s eyes darted, barely an inch from yours. You met them. You were shaking, yes, but you still stared him down.
‘He. Not it. I let him, fuck me’ you repeated.
You relished, secretly, in the deep resentment that crossed Miguel’s face. He looked jealous.
‘Why… Why, him?’
You blinked, taken aback by Miguel’s veiled question. You were expecting more vitriol, but instead his face sank as he pulled away from you.
‘What do you mean, why him?’ you asked.
‘You were in heat. I smelled it. You should have been drawn to my scent, but you turned and you ran. You ran back to him.’
You decided to let Miguel hang there for a moment, just to ponder how you should approach this.
‘If you ask that question honestly, I’ll answer’ you said slowly.
Miguel stiffened his jaw and stepped forward again. He was too curious to not take the bait. ‘Why? Why would you pick him over me?’
There it was. The most overt thing he’d ever admit. It wasn’t even really about you, was it? It was about his ego. It was about the fact that in that moment, when he’d grabbed you after your hospital trip, you’d been able to turn him down. You’d stayed loyal to Mig, and not just given in to your animal need so Miguel could satisfy himself with your body.
You could have given him a full lecture on why. His coldness, his mean streak, his little bursts of empathy that were never enough compared to Mig’s constant kindness. The way Mig gave you multiple chances to leave while Miguel grabbed you by the wrist, the way Mig praised you and thanked you and wished to acknowledge your relationship openly without shame while Miguel offered only a shameful coupling he would sooner forget.
You could have said so much. In the end, though, you just shrugged. ‘He’s hotter than you’ you said.
Silence filled Miguel’s office. At first his face was unreadable, but slowly, a smile crept onto his lips. It was an unnerving smile, the ghost of something cruel and cold.
‘Oh. Okay. Okay.’
You took a step back as Miguel turned back to his desk. The orange glow was eerie around the contours of his figure, highlighting his terrifying back muscles one by one as he rolled them.
‘Alright. You can have him here. And I won’t keep people off your back anymore. If you want to know, why I keep what I do quiet, why I keep my partners quiet, you can find out your way.’
You snorted. ‘Deal. Done. That’s all I needed from you.’
You left him there, alone on the desk, and you hurried back to the wider HQ, unaware of the new war you’d started for yourself. Link to next part!
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
State of My Head 1
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Your life is pretty good. Run around as a cat, get into places you shouldn’t, and get back out. Occasionally shift back to human to flirt. And on your way again you go. Until you make the mistake of trotting right into a military base and getting caught.
Warnings: Lying, mentions of hunting and eating small critters, reader is a literal cat (cat shifter), swearing, minor violence, world building, shifter etiquette, some self-deprecating humor, mention of death, threats of violence. 
Word count: 4.8k
Eventual Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x f!shifter!reader (I swear this has a happy ending)
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Nighttime jaunts were your favorite. Fewer people to avoid, less noise, fun hunting. Plus, as a cat you could see pretty well in the dark. It was great. 
Tonight, though, you had a new goal in mind. There was a military base you’d never seen the inside of. And the middle of the night would be a perfect time to explore. 
It didn’t take long to find a gap at the bottom of the fence big enough for you to squeeze through. You were small as a cat, no bigger than the average house cat. You trotted past a dirt path, ignored an obstacle course altogether, and finally started sniffing around some buildings. The base was big, larger than you’d anticipated. Interesting.
Also lacking in rodents to chase, at least at this time of night. Damn. 
You scaled a perfect tree next to one building, sharp claws making the task easy. One leap and you went from the tree to the roof of the building, padding up to the very top of the roof. Then you sat, curling your tail over your feet, to observe your temporary territory. This was a good spot - you could see a good part of the base, there was a nice fresh breeze up here, and all was quiet. 
Honestly, a good napping spot.
You’d just wake up with the sun and be on your way again before anyone noticed you. 
Things didn’t quite work out that way. You woke to a creak and a sudden shift in the lighting, sunlight blocked by something. You blinked your eyes open, expecting a shadow. 
And found yourself looking instead at a man. 
You were on your feet a moment later, hissing as he reached for you. 
“It’s okay kitty,” he said, voice soft and easy. “C’mere, I’ll help you down.”
As if you needed help down from the roof! You hissed again for good measure and then bolted, running straight past his outstretched hand and ignoring his shout. You jumped to the tree, pausing to regroup. 
An entire group of soldiers stood around watching events unfold. There was some good-natured laughing and teasing as the man on the roof got back down, swearing. 
You eyed the drop, thinking about how best to proceed. This had definitely not been part of the plan. 
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty,” another man cooed, both hands lifted towards you. “We’re just trying to help. You’re okay. Nobody is gonna hurt you. C’mere, pretty kitty.”
Almost despite yourself, your ears pricked forward, listening to him. He sounded nice, at least. You crept forward slowly, and a few of the soldiers moved closer too. You backed up, and the man hissed at them and flapped one hand at them until they backed off again. So you started forward again, carefully, until you could sniff the tips of his fingers. 
Well. He smelled okay, at least. Still moving cautiously, you moved closer, letting him grab you. He was gentle, so you decided not to attempt to murder him. Even better, he promptly cuddled you into his chest, scratching your ears. 
Okay. This one could live.
“Wonder where she came from?” one of the others asked, sneaking closer. Not sneaking very well though. 
“No idea,” the one holding you said. “Doesn’t have a collar.”
“Could be a stray.”
“What would a stray be doing in here, though?”
“I’m sure there’s mice and things for her to catch, that’s probably what brought her here.” 
You let the talking wash over you, amused. This wasn’t bad. You’d let them coddle you for a few more minutes and then be on your way. You could run faster than them, after all. 
“What’s all this?”
The soldiers all stopped and turned to look at someone new. He was wearing a silly-looking hat. 
“We found a cat, sir,” the one holding you said. Very unnecessarily, if anyone asked you. (They didn’t. Nobody ever did. It was enough to hurt a girl’s feelings after a while.) 
“I can see that. It doesn’t belong on base.”
“We thought she might be a stray,” one of the others offered. “We were going to bring her to you, sir.” 
He snorted, finally walking over closer, eyeing you. One hand reached out, and for a moment you thought he was going to pet you. Rude, since he didn’t let you sniff his hand first, but whatever. 
Except he scruffed you.
You yowled plaintively as he held you aloft, dangling uncomfortably from his hand. Squirming only got you held tighter. This was embarrassing - you hadn’t been scruffed like this since you were a kitten. 
“She doesn’t belong on base,” the hatted man said. “I’m sure you all have things to be doing.”
With a despondent scattering of “yes, sir”s, the soldiers all left you to your fate. 
“Well, guess you’re stuck with me until I can get animal control out here.” His voice was low and rumbling, and he carried you with him towards one of the buildings. It was really uncomfortable, and you yowled again, trying to grab something to hold on to. 
“Captain,” a new person called, and, really, how many people were there on this base? 
“Gaz.” The captain paused, at least. 
“Why do you–nevermind. Give me the cat, you’re making me sad just watching you carry it like that.” 
“It’s a stray,” the captain pointed out, even as he held you out. 
Gaz was quick to scoop you up, one arm sturdy under your paws, his other holding you steady. “She, I think,” he said, looking down at you. You blinked up at him, already relaxing again now that you weren’t being dangled about. “Doesn’t look like a typical stray.”
He may not have meant it as a compliment, but you took it that way. You knew you looked striking as a cat, with bold rosettes and spots, eyes and ears rounder and bigger than a typical housecat. 
The captain grunted. “Still doesn’t belong on base,” he grumbled. 
“Aw, c’mon, cap. Can’t hurt to let her hang around for a few hours.” Gaz shifted his grip on you to let you sniff his fingers. Oh, you approved. And he smelled nice! You liked this one. 
“Just don’t let it get into any trouble.” The captain waved one hand, heading back inside. 
“You won’t cause any trouble, will you?” Gaz murmured to you, low and soothing. He had a nice voice. 
You blinked at him and very deliberately meowed. Human-raised cats did that, and you didn’t want him thinking you were more than a typical cat. 
“Good kitty.” He scratched under your chin, and you stretched your neck out to give him more room. Mmm, that felt nice. 
“Hey Gaz, whatcha got there?” 
“Soap.” Gaz shifted his grip on you just a little, and you blinked at the new person. Soap, apparently. Ridiculous. “Someone found a stray cat on base and I rescued her from Cap.” 
“Pretty kitty,” Soap murmured, holding out a hand for you to sniff. Oh good, you’d found the polite ones. “Bit exotic, isn’t she?”
“I thought so too, but she’s well-behaved.” Gaz stroked one big hand down your back. 
“Huh.” Soap tickled under your chin. “Ye wanna come cuddle, kitty?” 
“Nuh uh, she’s with me.” Gaz turned slightly away from Soap, much to your amusement. 
“Ye can share,” Soap wheedled. 
“Maybe later.” Gaz smirked down at you as he started walking. “You’re on duty with me, cat.” 
Well. Not the worst thing in the world. You did wait until he had stopped somewhere again to crawl up onto his shoulder, balancing across his shoulders easily to watch the world from this new vantage point. He didn’t even protest, just let you get settled there. 
And you stayed there until lunch time. Gaz sat at a table with Soap, the two bantering. But you mostly ignored them, because Gaz tore pieces of meat off his sandwich and fed them to you. You accepted each morsel delicately, careful not to bite him by accident, quite content with how this was going. 
A good-smelling man hand-feeding you bits of his own lunch? Yes, thank you. 
“My turn,” Soap declared once lunch was over, picking you up and cuddling you to his chest. You made a disgruntled noise but decided to show mercy and not kill him. 
“Take it easy with her, yeah?” Gaz did not try to grab you back but he did watch Soap as the Scot left with you. 
“Well, pretty, let’s torment some rookies, aye?” His fingers scratched through your fur, which was acceptable. For now. But you still scrambled up onto his shoulders as soon as you could, much preferring this to being cradled like an infant. 
Soap was okay, but he was a little too handsy. He kept reaching up to rub your fur or play with your tail or even rub his nose into your side. That got him a gentle swat to the head. But otherwise you bore the indignity with aloof grace. 
“Johnny, if you're not careful, that cat’s gonna kill you.” 
You did not jump at the voice behind you, because that would be undignified. You did not hiss either. You might’ve dug your claws in, but Soap turned too fast anyway. 
“Nah, she’s a right sweet li’l thing,” Soap cooed, reaching up to tickle your chin again. 
And that was enough of that. You tensed, gathering yourself, and jumped from him to the big masked man, who didn’t even flinch when you scrambled up to his shoulders. Ha! Even taller now! 
“Easy, cat.” This one had a nice voice, deep and rumbly. But he let you settle in without touching you, which you appreciated. 
Soap was pouting when you looked at him, and you turned your face away from him, haughty. That’s what he got for ignoring your signals to stop. 
The big masked man didn’t seem to mind you perching on his shoulder as long as you kept your claws to yourself. And you were well-mannered, so of course you kept your claws to yourself. He didn’t annoy you, after all. 
It was an arrangement that worked well for both of you until dinner time. 
You spotted Gaz across the room and shamelessly abandoned your current perch, trotting under tables and around soldiers until you could leap up onto the table next to Gaz. You sat, tail curling around your paws, and chirped at him. 
“Hi there, beautiful,” he greeted, holding out his hand for you to sniff. You headbutted his palm, eyes half-lidded. He already smelled warm and familiar, like safety. 
And, just as you’d hoped, he fed you bits of his dinner. You could get used to this kind of treatment. 
“Gaz, I thought you were going to get rid of the cat.” The captain sat across from him, looking disgruntled. 
“She’s sweet,” Gaz defended. “And she’s not hurting anything.”
The captain grunted, eyes narrowing at you. “At least get her off the table.” 
Gaz didn’t protest, just picked you up gently and settled you on his lap instead. You hunkered down there, gently kneading his thigh. This was a comfy spot. 
After dinner seemed to be downtime. Soap once again attempted to nab you, which you deftly avoided by skittering out of the mess hall. 
Which meant you had some time to yourself. 
You meandered around the base, staying out of reach of the soldiers with ease. Honestly, it was amusing to watch them light up at seeing a cat. Especially since none of them had any idea that you were more than just a cat. 
You did a bit of hunting, more for fun than anything. You were still satisfied with the meal Gaz had shared with you. 
The base quieted, settling in for the night. And you crept towards the barracks, slipping in an open window and then making your way through the halls, sniffing under every door until you found the right one. 
And then you sat and scratched at the door. Politely. 
When that didn’t elicit an immediate reaction, you scratched some more. And then stretched up on your hind legs to sniff the handle and see if you could turn it without shifting back to human. 
“Hey, kitty.” 
You startled, tail poofing up, and spun to look at Gaz. He looked abashed, crouching down slowly with his hands out. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he cooed, gentle and warm. “You looking for someplace to sleep?” 
You chirped at him, consciously willing your tail back to normal. You’d still have to groom it later. When Gaz hesitated, you chirped again and threw yourself against his calves, winding between his feet with obvious affection. 
Amused now, he opened the door for you, letting you in first. 
An opportunity you didn’t miss. 
His room was neat, of course. And smelled like him. Which was amazing. You checked under his bed (boring), on top of his bed (pillow was too flat), and even batted at his footlocker (smelled interesting but also closed). 
“Mischievous,” he said, still amused. “Alright, if you wanna stay you gotta settle down, right? I need sleep.” 
You meowed at him, but made sure you weren’t too loud. That would count as agreement, right? 
He ran gentle fingers over your head and behind your ears before he turned to start undressing. You thought about watching… but gave him his privacy, turning instead to sniff the rest of his room. Humans were so body-shy, for reasons you’d never understood. 
The bed creaked, and you trotted back and jumped lightly onto the bed. He laid down, getting comfortable, and you followed suit. 
You only took up part of his pillow.
“Cat,” he spluttered, one hand gently nudging you to the side. “Oi. I need to breathe, yeah?” 
You lifted your head to give him a supremely unimpressed look. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he grumbled. “This is my bed.”
You put your head down again and closed your eyes, pointedly. He huffed something between a sigh and a laugh, but he settled down and stopped moving. You took it as agreement. 
You woke when he got up, stretching out and giving him a bit of privacy to dress for the day again. 
“Don’t think I can keep you with me all day,” he admitted, reaching over to pet the top of your head again. “Probably don’t wanna come running with me.”
No. No you did not. Smart man. You rewarded his intelligence by headbutting his hand. 
“Well, tell you what, I’ll see if I can spot you for breakfast, yeah?” He smiled, scratching under your chin gently. “Just don’t let Price catch you, he’ll toss you out.” 
You purred your agreement. You couldn’t entirely blame the captain - he just didn’t seem to like cats. (You could take that personally. It was in your nature to take that personally. But you decided to be the bigger person here and simply decide he was tasteless.) 
So you had some time to yourself. You avoided the many feet and scaled the nearest tree, using trees and rooftops as your highways. The day was beautiful, sunny and not too warm, and you found a good napping spot on top of a roof. Out of sight from below, this time. 
You did not show up to breakfast, because you didn’t want to be too predictable, but also because you didn’t want to seem too smart. So you napped through breakfast, content to just lay in the sunshine. 
You could get used to this kind of life. Quiet. Having your own territory, not having to fight for space or food. Especially being hand-fed by a gorgeous man. 
But then you also ran the risk of being discovered, if you stayed. And that could end poorly. 
Someone wearing a new cat scarf kind of poorly. 
You stretched languidly before getting to your feet. The safest thing to do would be to stay another day or two and then be on your way. If you really wanted stability, you’d find somewhere in a city to be a human too, carve out your own space as both cat and human. 
It was something to consider, at least. 
Going across rooftops, you investigated more of the compound. You could smell the shooting range, making your nose wrinkle and your ears flick back. But you gamely kept on, sniffing around and exploring. 
This really was a good spot, though. No competition. Lots of room to roam. 
And mice. One of which you caught, shaking until its neck broke. You weren’t really hungry, didn’t need it for kittens or anything. 
So you trotted off to a quiet spot near the fence and buried the mouse. 
By the time you meandered your way back, the sun was high in the sky. Probably lunch time. Mmm. Hopefully Gaz would agree to give you food again. 
You peeked into the mess, looking for your person. He was, of course, near the back, with Soap and Ghost (although Ghost didn’t have food in front of him). Pleased, you trotted over to the table, tail held high. 
“Hi kitty!” Soap reached one hand down, wiggling his fingers at you, clearly trying to tempt you closer. You ignored him and jumped into Gaz’s lap. 
“Looks like she likes him better,” Ghost drawled. 
“She has good taste,” Gaz agreed with a proud smile, offering you his fingers to sniff. You headbutted his hand before tipping your head to invite chin scratches. He obeyed easily. Such a good human, you really needed to think of an appropriate way to reward his good behavior. 
Especially since he once again began offering you pieces of meat. 
“Gonna spoil her,” Ghost warned, though he made no move to actually stop Gaz.
“She’s just a cat,” Gaz said with a shrug. “Besides, if she’s really a stray, she might wander off again.”
“Not likely, with how you’re feeding her.” Ghost watched as you delicately took another piece of lunch meat from Gaz. 
“She’s fine.” Gaz smiled down at you. You slow-blinked up at him, warm and content. 
And he let you ride around on his shoulder the rest of the day, so long as you kept your claws to yourself (which you did). 
You could get used to being a shoulder cat. 
You spent the next two days similarly - hunting for fun and to keep your reflexes honed, eating the bites Gaz gave you, running around base, and sleeping on his bed. If you hadn’t given up on the concept of having your very own person, you would have wanted someone like Gaz. Someone who treated you gently, and gave you room to be your own cat, and gazed at you with affection. 
But it was not to be. For one thing, he thought you were a cat. For another, you knew you needed to move on soon, before you got any more attached. 
You stretched in the early morning light in Gaz’s room, and then blinked. Wait. Something felt wrong about that stretch. 
Your hand bumped Gaz’s shoulder and you blinked again. Hand. Not paw. 
Oh fuck.
Gaz opened his eyes, still sleepy, and you froze, your own eyes wide. He blinked once. 
And then yelled, startled, falling out of bed. You yelled too, because oh shit this was bad. You dove off the bed, uncaring that you were human and nude, and yanked the door open. You shifted mid-step, skittering on the slick floor for a few moments as you tried to get enough traction to run. 
By now other doors were opening, people looking out in sleepy confusion. You were half-way down the corridor when you heard Gaz behind you shout, “Get that cat!” 
Soap got close, attempting to straight-up tackle you. He almost managed it, except you swiped at his hand and then used him as a platform to leap off. 
Your paws didn’t even hit the floor as Ghost grabbed you out of mid-air, scruffing you firmly. You yowled, as loud as you could manage, twisting and fighting like hell. At least until someone swaddled you in what smelled like a t-shirt, forcing you to stillness. When your claws poked out through the shirt, a towel was added to the mix.
Leaving you thoroughly burrito’d and helpless. 
“Gaz?” Soap asked, even as he took you from Ghost. “What the fuck, mate?” 
“Price’s office,” was all Gaz said, staring hard at you. You flattened your ears to your skull, growling low and threatening. It was all you could do in this position. 
The three made their way to Price’s office, still sleep-rumpled but wide awake now. Price joined the group, unlocking the door and ushering everyone in.
Gaz deliberately locked the door again. 
“What’s this about?” Price asked, arms crossed over his chest. 
Gaz, however, was staring at you. “Change.” 
You hissed a little, trying to wiggle out of your forced cocoon. You had no idea what would happen if you shifted while you were so tightly wrapped, but you didn’t think it would end well for you. 
“Put her down.” Gaz flicked his gaze to Soap before focusing on you again. 
Soap obeyed slowly, putting you on the couch. You immediately rolled to loosen the towel and then wiggled your way free of the layers of fabric. A quick glance around showed no way out. 
This was going to be unpleasant. 
You shifted back to human, wrinkling your nose at the shift in perspective. Soap swore, Price grunted and stood up straight, and Ghost pulled a gun on you. Where he’d had it, you had no idea. 
“Gaz?” Price demanded, low and furious. 
“Apparently, she’s not a cat.” Gaz was still staring at you, lips thin, jaw clenched. Oh he was angry. “Woke up to her like this.” 
You sighed. “Shifted in my sleep,” you admitted. No point denying it now. 
Price’s jaw clenched and he grabbed one of the extra chairs, pulling it over until he could sit in front of you. With the three others behind him, it was quite clear who was in charge here. “Put that on.” He nodded to the shirt still laying next to you.
You huffed but obeyed. Humans and their weirdness about nudity. Honestly. The shirt was soft at least and covered you well enough. 
“Why are you here?” Price watched you carefully, but you were less concerned about him. Your gaze drifted to Gaz, taking in the tense line of his shoulders, the anger in his eyes. 
“I was curious.” 
“Yeah? About what, exactly?” Gaz asked, voice sharp. 
You didn’t flinch, but you did look down. “This is unclaimed territory, figured I’d stick around for a few days, do some hunting. Relax. And then move on.” 
“Hunting, huh?” Price leaned forward. “And who have you been contracted to hunt?”
“What?” You blinked at the non-sequitur. 
“Or you could just tell us who’s paying you.” Gaz rocked forward a little on the balls of his feet, hands clenched into fists at his sides.
You blinked. Twice. “You… think I’m a spy?” 
“Fits, doesn’t it?” Price tipped his head a little, restrained violence in his eyes.
“Not really.” You leaned back, drumming your fingers against your arm. “Look. We don’t like people to know we exist, that’s how we got nearly hunted to extinction before. I’m not a spy, I really was just wandering through.”
“Wandering through a top security military base. Sure.” Gaz sounded unimpressed. 
“Really!” You held your hands up, palms out, at your sides. “I haven’t got a clue about anything here, except that the food is pretty good and I don’t have to fight for the territory.” 
“Then why were you sticking so close to Gaz?” Price again. The two were doing pretty well at tag-team questioning you. 
You shrugged, struggling to put your thoughts in order. “He smells good,” is what you settled on. At the disbelieving scoff from Soap, you shrugged again. “He never smelled… wrong. Angry.” You couldn’t help looking at him again. Sure, your sense of smell was muted as a human, but you could still smell well enough to smell the anger pouring off him now. “It’s hard to explain.” 
“You expect us to believe that you chose Gaz, at random, because he smelled nice?” Price raised one eyebrow slowly, conveying exactly how foolish it sounded. 
“That and he never grabbed me.” You grimaced. “Things are simpler. As a cat.”
Price leaned back in his seat slowly, considering. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have you arrested and shipped off to a lab.” 
And there it was. Well. At least it came from Price and not from Gaz. You weren’t sure you’d recover if it came from Gaz. “Being turned into a scarf isn’t on my list of things to do this year.”
Soap was the first one to get it, his eyes going wide. He glanced at the others, shifting his weight. Gaz stayed perfectly still. 
“Cap,” Soap murmured. 
Price pushed to his feet, narrowing his eyes at you. “Do. Not. Move.” The four of them moved, stepping out of the room, although Ghost remained in the doorway, both blocking your exit and keeping his gun on you. 
He was absolutely prepared to shoot you. You were absolutely prepared to be shot before they could ship you off to a lab. 
Unfortunately, they spoke too quietly for you to hear much, just the murmur of their voices. Gaz still sounded angry. Maybe one day he’d forgive you.
Sighing softly, you closed your eyes for a few moments. This was a right mess, one you’d be lucky to make it out of with your life. How many had you used up by now? At least five. At least. 
Here’s hoping you still had one left. 
They must have reached a consensus, because they trooped back inside and shut the door again. Price sat again. This time Gaz stayed back, arms crossed over his chest. 
“You have two options,” Price told you, calm, collected. “You tell us everything we want to know, or you get sent to a lab.” 
“I’m not telling you where to find my family.” You narrowed your eyes at him, testing. 
Price didn’t respond to that. Instead he started asking you where you’d been before. Who you knew. Who you saw. Where you stayed. 
Most of it was easy to answer - you’d spent most of the last two years as a cat. You hadn’t been kidding when you said life was less complicated as a cat. Food was less of an issue when you could hunt for yourself. 
The questions about how you shifted, though. Those were harder. You gave as little detail as possible, very well aware that they could hypothetically use that information to find others. 
You had no idea how long you sat there answering questions. A long time. Hours. Long enough for your throat to go dry, for your stomach to complain. Both of which you firmly ignored. 
Finally, though, Price nodded once. “You’re to stay with one of us until further notice. Any attempt to leave will have you shot. Any attempt to shift without permission will have you shot. Understood?” 
“I understand.” You shifted your weight, part of you railing against being threatened. The rest of you was far more pragmatic and simply accepted it. 
Still better than being sent to a lab. 
“Good.” Price stood and fished out a pair of sweatpants, tossing them to you. “Put those on.” 
You obeyed silently, though you had to roll them a few times so they didn’t trip you. Price stepped out of the office first, and you followed quietly. 
The meal that followed was easily as tense as the last one you’d had at home. And silent. Nobody seemed inclined to talk, and you weren’t going to be the first. You just picked at your food, absently wishing to go back to the day prior, when you’d settled on Gaz’s lap and eaten morsels from his fingers. 
Damn you were in deep. That was a problem. Especially considering you could tell he was still mad at you. 
“Stay with Soap,” was all Price told you as he rose. Gaz was quick to follow his captain without a single look at you.
But you stayed with Soap. Because you did not want to get yourself shot just yet. 
“Ye really were just gonna leave?” Soap finally asked, once the two of you were outside, walking around base. He didn’t seem inclined to hold still, something you were rather grateful for. After the stress of the morning, stretching your legs felt nice, even if it was only two legs. 
“Yes.” You shrugged. “I’ve spent a lot of time wandering. Wasn’t planning to settle down just yet.” 
He went quiet again at that, and you let him think. You had your own things to think about, after all.
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coffeewithcocoa · 4 months
Drunk Confessions
Human Alastor x Male Reader
I’m spitting random shit outta my ass and this is one of them.
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You and Alastor were good friends. The best even! You too have been growing up together and both your parents have loved seeing you both do everything together. Whenever someone would push him down you would be at his side helping him, same went for you. He chose to be more violent though.
Even when you both were teens that didn’t plan on splitting you up. Though when you did have to move back to Europe, you and him realized that you wouldn’t be able to talk.
So you just declined moving back there all together. Your parents kept trying to say that it was for the better and you’ll visit soon but that didn’t convince you. It took 18 hours, with the help of Alastor’s mom, to get you to leave.
Tears ran down your face as you remembered all the good times with him.
“AHEM-!” Someone snapped you out of your thoughts. “HM- Yes Mimzi?” You chuckled at the embarrassment, that was probably like the fifth time today. “How about you go talk to him. You’ve been gawkin’ at him ever since he walked in!”
She did have a point. “No thank you, Mimzi.” You turned your attention back over to the bartender. “Another drink please Husker?” He rolled his eyes and fetched you another drink. “Thank you~!” You sang out to him.
“Look..you high haven’t talked ever since you moved.” Mimzi said to get your attention turned back towards her. “Just try and talk to him again?” She spoke again, rising an eyebrow at you
“I would love to..I truly would, but it’s been so long and..WHERE are you going?!” She chuckled as she got up from her chair. Her height being very noticeable as her flapper dress straightened out from being seated.
“If you’re not gonna do it, then I am sweetheart.” She waved her hand at you as she moved closer to your old friend. “Here’s your drink..” You quickly got up from your chair, ‘shit!’ But when you got there it was too late. You quickly turned your heals and walked back to your spot.
“Thank you again for the drink Husk.” You snatched the drink that he healed and left to the back room of the speakeasy. God, you hated when people fought your own battles for you. You get that they’re trying to help but damn.
You closed the door with a nice click noise. A soft sigh slipped past you, taking a nice sip from the whiskey that you so desired. The room that you were in held all kinds of liquor. Starting from whiskey and ending at wine.
‘Looks like I can drink myself to death over here.’ You quickly downed the rest of your drink like it was a shot and grabbed a similar bottle to the Whiskey you liked. Opening it with a nice pop sound, you started refilling your glass with it.
The smell of liquor quickly filled the room. A satisfied hum came out from you as you decided to drink your way till you were drunk. Even though that was pretty risky but you didn’t care.
“Anyways Alastor, sweetheart, how have you been doing?” Mimzi smiled at Alastor as her and him were walking back got the area that she was last seen with you. “Oh I’ve been doing quite alright! The radio broadcasts have been just swell!” He chuckled out in his normal happy self.
Mimzi made a lip smack sound, “Well isn’t that just nice. I’ll be happy to let you know that..where the fuck did he go.” She blinked at your seat a couple of times before turning around to face the taller person.
She chuckled out loud while tinkering with her gloves. “Okay look. I didn’t lie to you but he did disappear.” Her voice wasn’t that confident. Since Husk was right there he scoffed, calling her out on her fake bullshit. “You were the one who fucking scared him off, son of a bitch.” He mumbled the last part so the both of them wouldn’t hear.
“What did I do to scare him off?!” Mimzi started getting defensive. “You called over the very fuckin’ person that he didn’t want to talk to.” Husk blinked at Mimzi before heading away. Alastor just stood there smiling before moving towards Husk.
“Hello old pal.” Alastor gave Husk one of the fakest smiles know to him. “The fuck you want.” Husk turned around so he could clean some bottles. “I just have a favor.” Alastor chuckled. “No need to get all pissy now. I just want you to know where you saw him go!” Alastor said taking a glass of Whiskey.
I’m going to write a part 1. For right now I guess this is a prologue! FEAST MY LOVELY CHILDREN>:)
Part 1
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