#That's the soul Lucifer owns
smileduponyou · 7 months
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Listen c'mere... lil closer...
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The man would fight you about it.
You think his Revolutionary Soul will tolerate it? Not a single second.
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
So Lucifer Morningstar, the fourth of the fallen, (retired) ruler of hell, the Devil himself, is a character in DC comics, appearing in the Sandman comics, his own solo run and various other comics
He is absurdly powerful
The thing is, Lucifer still has access to his Divine power, unlike other fallen angels, and is actually more powerful than other angels
What does this mean?
Lucifer was the guy that shaped the matter to create the stars, an ability he still has
Enter one Danny Fenton
“Omg(oh my ghost) I’m a HUGE FAN of your work”
Just Danny fangirling over the literal Devil because of stars and space
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vesselslut · 4 months
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"Pretty?.... Yeah."
In celebration of tomorrow's new chapter, I bring some fanart for chapter 17 of @morningstarwrites 's fic
I'm still missing the Alastor one but I've class soon so I'll post the finished version later
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contumacious-arcadia · 2 months
oooo ooooo OOOOOO!
What if Al was actually the original redeemed sinner and *that's* where he was for those 7 years? What if he actually did die again 7 yrs back but was appalled when he reincarnated in heaven and immediately started a campaign to be sent back? What if he accidentally redeemed himself by murdering all those other Overlords?
We can see just how abusive and sadistic Overlords can be towards the souls they own by looking at Val's character. If you contrast that with what we've seen in Husk/Nifty/Al's interactions, despite owning their souls and being a snarky little shit towards Husk (and scaring him a bit when he brings up Al's deal), Al never once actually hurts them and arguably provides them with a comfortable, relatively safe, and happy life in the hotel. These interactions are in present day, but we have been given no evidence to show that he ever treated them differently. On the contrary, when Al shows back up in the pilot, Husk immediately bitches at him when he is ordered to bartend - back-talking to his soul's owner with no hesitation and no fear. It stands to reason that he's comfortable doing so because Al's treatment of him has been the same since they made their deal.
In the context of hell, Al's rise to power seems to have had an accidental side effect of killing the super bad guys, saving sinners from an eternity of abuse and torture, and providing them with a much better contract. Like, *MUCH* better. No more rape, torture, druggings, mind control, etc... Al's obviously not a saint, but in this context, he may have been pretty close to hell's version of one.
If this is the case, Al obv would have *hated* being in heaven and likely immediately took it upon himself to attempt returning to hell BUT heaven obv wouldn't be cool with just letting him fall because they would *not* want hell finding out that redemption is possible. (Remember, in this scenario Al was redeemed 7 years prior to the show's pilot.) What if THAT's what his deal was? What if the deal was: either heaven just murders him on the spot -or- they allow him to fall back to hell in his original sinner form BUT ONLY if he agrees to have his angelic powers bound and is contractually sworn to silence about anything that happened during those 7 years?
This would work SO well. It would also answer a lot of questions about Al's character and actions. For example:
-Where was Al during those missing 7 years? Heaven. Likely imprisoned. -Who owns his soul? Again, heaven. Likely either Sera or an Archangel like Micheal. (I like the idea that it's Micheal, and that Mikey is Luci's twin, pouring more fuel on the fire on the immediate Al x Luci hate train.) -Why does Al state redemption is impossible as if it's a fact and not just an assumption? His deal forces him to keep redemption a secret so he is literally contract-bound to verbally disregard the idea. -Why does he still help the hotel then? Because he's pissed that heaven roped him into a deal WAY more favorable to them. Even though he can't outright state that redemption is possible, he can push Charlie's project along and hope she is the one who blows up heaven's big secret for him. It's revenge, baby! -Why does Zestial make comments about Al falling into "holy arms" when this is seemingly the first interaction between the two since Al's disappearance? Zestial suspects what happened. Maybe he witnessed Al's double-death 7 yrs ago, maybe he overheard some gossip from exorcists during an extermination, maybe something else. -Why doesn't Al use angelic weapons during his battle with Adam, especially since HE is the one who brought that knowledge to the hotel in the first place? He is overconfident because he too is actually a fallen angel, but he fails because his angelic powers are still bound. It is the pride ring after all. -Why does Al sing about "unclipping his wings" during his panic attack/loss to Adam? It's literal. He's pissed that he's been stripped of a massive boon to his power set and double-pissed that heaven seemingly has "beaten" him again. -Why does Al claim that he will be "pulling all the strings" once his wings have been unclipped? Because he is literally proof-positive redemption is possible and therefore, to his knowledge, would basically be a living weapon against heaven's authority. Remember, at this point no one is aware of Pentious' redemption.
I'm sure there's more! Anywho, my brain ran off on this tangent for some unknown reason. Al's just such a fun character to theorize about. Now, I don't believe this will actually happen in the show (it's probably a simple answer like "Lilith owns his soul, duh"), but we can dream! If any writers out there are looking for fic ideas and find my little rant interesting, PLS take this and run with it! I would LOVE to read something like this <3
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Okay, I can't be the only one, who thinks it's kinda ridiculous how people hate Lilith right?
And I think it's even more hypocritical of people to hate Lilith but love Lucifer/Alastor/Adam
Now- I'm not saying you can't dislike a character, no....but we've seen this women ONCE, not counting the story/flashback
And frankly, I don't think she's done anything worthy of, you know, being hated as much as she is
"She took Charlie form lucifer" the fuck she did, im 90% sure that Charlie snuck out of bed and went to find Luci and Lilith(if it was Lilith) jsut went 'no- no. You're supposed to be asleep'
There was no clear context that Charlie was being taken away form Lucifer- not to mention even-
Okay, let's say that they did divorce, which I'm not even sure if they did, and Lilith took Charlie to live with her
She CLEARLY did not keep Charlie AWAY from Luci, we see portraits/pictures of Charlie as a kid young adult, teenager, etc, in her dad's office/home
We even see family portraits with her as a kid and teen/young adult, so the divorce was also probably not until she was already fully grown
Keep in mind, Chalrie is canonically 200 years old, or older, this divorce could've been when she was, like, 180 she probably wasn't a kid when the separated
So even if she was taking Charlie away in that scene, it clearly was not forever and honestly doesn't seem possible with the timeline
"She abandoned charlie" so did....Lucifer??
Like, she mentions him not contacting her for a long time, the one phone call she DOES get from him is about a meeting, not exactly a meaningful conversation
And if he became like this after the 'divorce', then unless lilith divorced him and then left. That probably means Charlie hasn't had a meaningful talk with her dad for longer than 7 years
Or even seen him, I forget if Charlie says that 'this is the first time I'm seeing him in years' or smth
Not to mention Charlie clearly still loves her and views her in a positive light
"Shes in heaven" Okay....we don't know why tho??
I mean, personally, I like to think she's planning war crimes against heaven and is using whatever deal she and Adam had as a cover up
But we don't know the reason, it could be a good one! it could be a shitty one! We don't know!!
We know, like, 4 things about this women and people are already hating her, and I just don't get it
Like why?? What's the reason??
And maybe im overreacting or yall havnt seen the same fans/thing I have
But I've seen people say they hate Lilith but love Lucifer, I've seen people paint her in a bad light to either have a villian/antagonist or to show Adam in a better light, or to victomize/pity Alastor
And I just don't get it, how is she worse then Alastor or Lucifer here?
Which, even if she does own Al's soul, I don't think it'd be a big deal?? Like....Alastor owns souls to, and Lilith isn't abusing her power over him(unlike Al with Husk), I think if she did own his soul, she would've stoped him from suggesting a deal/favor to Charlie
I can't be the only one who thinks like this either right?
i also personally dont want her to be a villian and i also dont want sera to be a villian either; Lute is a good enough villian
Sera ALSO gets hate, which I don't really get. Like this women is trying her best to run heaven by herself and make sure nobody dies under her care
Like this, women clearly has truama/ptsd, just as lucifer does about his falling. And for the exterminations to be fair, if I was told a bunch of rapists and serial killers were coming to my house, I'd grab the gun too!!
Doesn't mean all sinners are like that, I'm sure a lot are in hell for minor crimes, but heaven doesn't know that!
Cut her some slack man, I doubt she's had a nap in 4+ billion years
Also this isn't hate on any of the characters, I absolutely love lucifer, I just think that people needa stop painting lilith and/or sera to be the bad guy
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plumomi · 1 month
Yearning for season two to give us Canon Lilith Personality™ and open the fic writer floodgates for a wider variety of Hellradio stories.
There's a lot of pure smutfic out there already, and that's all well and good if that's your thing, but the Possibilities of exploring a fucked up polycule between Hell's monarchs and our resident radio demon beyond that, and all the political implications and drama that would entail, intrigue me to no end. I'm honestly so here for it. Need it in all its Messy Glory.
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alastorbeaux · 8 months
I have a theory about who owns Alastor and it’s actually not about Lilith
Hazbin Hotel episode 5 spoilers and a wacky theory ahead
Stay with me for a minute. What if it isn’t Lilith who owns Alastor’s soul, but Lucifer?
I was trying to figure out why Alastor had an issue with Lucifer from the jump. I mean before Lucifer even started insulting Alastor he was glaring at him. But if he owns Alastor, then Al would be pretty pissed at him wouldn’t you think?
Also, Lucifer claims to not know who Alastor is (which I don’t buy, he has to knows who the Overlords are especially one as strong as Alastor) but then why does Alastor hate someone who claims to have never met or even heard of him before? He doesn’t even despise Vox this much.
I don’t agree that Lilith got Alastor to hate Lucifer because since when has Alastor invested himself in other people’s drama? And why would he care about the family drama of the person that owns him?
So my theory is that since Lucifer clearly isn’t the best father, and he knows it, so he commanded Alastor to go and keep an eye on his daughter. That’s also why he’d be pissed at the insinuation that Alastor has basically become a replacement dad (and explains how Lucifer knows the way to get under Alastor’s skin is to pretend to not know him and say he’s a nobody).
But how does this explain his 7 year absence.
Well I theorize Alastor was left pretty hurt after his fight with Vox. Valentino says Alastor almost killed Vox which I imagine took a lot of power to do, so Alastor is left in a position where he is not healing quick enough and probably is left nowhere near as strong as he previously was. This leaves him desperate enough to make a deal with Lucifer to heal him in exchange for his soul. And since this isn’t Alastor’s first time making a deal he makes sure to have Lucifer promise no one will ever find out, Lucifer will never speak a word.
And the first thing he has Alastor do is help him find Lilith which would explain his 7 year absence.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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wazzi2ya · 8 months
Just now noticing I accidentally deleted that long ass post about the theory of Eve being Alastor's contractor and that she's impersonating Lilith and that's why the Lilith card has no name and no face and the same smile as Eve in the intro, ANYWAY turns out I'm not alone and MANY people think the same so we might be on the right track here fellas.
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ladyknight33 · 5 months
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Unclip my Wings
Why use this phrase when Alastor laments the deal he is stuck in?
tl;dr: skip to midway down to So here is the Proposed Theory. I don't want to ruin the build up and you'll probably figure it out after with all the pictures I chose. It's not Lilith.
But after watching the Pilot episode of Harbin Hotel (of course I watched after I binged the entire season), I had a new appreciation for Alastor and his function at the Hotel.
But the main question we have is WHY? Why is a demon as powerful as Alastor at the Hotel in the first place? Why is he acting as the general manager? And then Husker gives up that little piece of information that Alastor is also bound to someone. Now we're asking WHO?
Who could possibly have enough power to contain a demon as strong as Alastor. Of note is seven year absence which remarkably coinsides with Lilith's disappearance. But that seems a bit too coincidental.
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During the meeting with Lucifer, Alastor's constant angry glaring at Lucifer indicates he has certain underlying issues not addressed. Then Lucifer's agressive dismal of Alastor at their first meeting. It brings to mind the quote "[He] protests too much." Then the imagry during the "Dad Beat Dad" song where Lucifer has Alastor's head on a platter, having Alastor in a frying pan, and baked in a pie.
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These images are blatant displays of power over the victim. And Lucifer seems to relish these images far too much, to the point displaying out right disturbing glee at having Alastor in the frying pan.
Alastor counters with needling about exactly what bothers Lucifer the most. Charlie.
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Gaining Charlie's loyalty appears to be Alastor's primary objective. He hasn't actualy made it a secret that he would love to make a deal for Charlie's soul. In fact the Brady Bunch style picture is all about boxing Charlie in.
Which begs the question of why would Alastor want Charlie's soul? What could he possibly need such a powerful bargaining chip for? Who would do anything to free Charlie from such a deal?
We know Lucifer would.
WIthout knowing Lilith's side of the story, we're at a loss as to her choice. But the fact that she was in Heaven during this entire show thus far, gives an indication that she wants nothing to do with Hell.
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So Alastor is searching for a way out of his deal and he has set his sights on Charlie.
In the pilot Alastor is in the news room watching Charlie fail to generate interest in her hotel. He offers his services which Charlie turns down many times. He spends a fair amount of time staring at the portrait of the Morningstar family. He claims to want to help for the entertainment value, which is a much lighter excuse than trying to infiltrate Charlie's trust.
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It ends with Charlie agreeing, but without any sort of deal being made.
The phrase "Unclip my Wings" during the final song kept bothering me. It seemed unusual for a demon to reference wings as the majority of characters with wings are Angels. (Husker is something different, more gargoyle) Besides having the excellent rhyming for the phrase "pulling all the strings" it begs the question of what if Alastor actually had wings at some point? Unlikely, but what if he had had a taste of Angelic power and wants it again. If he had Angelic powers no one could stop him from pulling the strings.
Wings are also symbols for freedom. And Alastor clearly wants his freedom more than anything.
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Which brings up the point of why did Alastor sell his soul in the first place? What did he possibly want so bad as to give up his freedom?
Before his disappearance Alastor was killing the major Overlords, creating power vaccums he no doubt exploited. Making him one of the most feared demons in all of Hell. How would the King and Queen of Hell react to a mortal soul beginning to rival them in power?
Wouldn't it make sense to attempt to control this Demon so that it does not upset their power?
Neither Lilith nor Lucifer appear very hands on with ruling Hell. In fact, Lucifer doesn't appear in the last battle until Adam expressly threatens Charlie and Charlie is not capable defending herself. Lucifer does apologize for not being there sooner. So why? What was holding him back from fighting alongside his daughter when he cares so much for her? Is there something that literally holds him back from interfering in the Extermination or with the ongoings of Hell in general?
If so, it would make sense to have someone else deal with the out of control demons.
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But he does stick around for the rebuilding of the hotel, which Alastor is absent for.
So here is the Proposed Theory
In order to get control of the disruption of Alastor killing off Overlords and to prevent Alastor from becoming so powerful as to kill Lilith or Lucifer, Lilith meets with Adam and gets the Extermination started to limit how much power Alastor can gain from collecting souls.
Meanwhile Lucifer is part of the plan, but isn't particularly thrilled. What he doesn't know is that Lilith made a deal with Adam. Nor that Lilith got to lounge around in Heaven for getting Lucifer to agree to the Extermination.
Lucifer captures the biggest threat he knows, Alastor the Radio Demon. At this point Alastor has killed all the Demon Overlords that threatened his rise to power, so it stands to reason that Lilith might have attempted to stop the rouge demon and perished.
Alastor is now caged by Lucifer and wants his freedom.
Alastor is in a position where he is willing to make a deal with the King of Hell himself.
Lucifer is a creator. We see him build rubber ducks at first then recreating the Hazbin Hotel for Charlie. He does not want any more destruction or carnage. But when Charlie starts the Hazbin Hotel to rehabilitate sinners, Lucifer wants to help, but can't.
What he does have is a powerful demon who would do anything for a taste of freedom.
Lucifer makes a deal for Alastor's soul.
The evidence?
Alastor's absolute hatred for Lucifer
Alastor seeking a deal with Lucifer's daughter
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Alastor gleefully gloating over Charlie's trust in him
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Lucifer's ability to manipulate Alastor's outfit and postures
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Lucifer's glee at presenting Alastor's severed head
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Lucifer enacting violence against Alastor
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Alastor not seeking retaliation
Alastor's eyes seeking his prey, making sure Lucifer knows
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This image where Alastor and Lucifer are nose to nose, glaring with bared teeth is perhaps the only time that Alastor's smile is close to cracking. It is also striking that Alastor's grin is nearly identical to Lucifer's in that it takes up half the face it is so large.
As Alastor said, there is no telling what is behind a smile, particularly when it is designed to confuse your enemies.
Lucifer cannot interfere with the ongoings of Hell. Lilith wants nothing to do with Hell at this point. Charlie is determined to reform sinners and Lucifer wants to protect his daughter.
Lucifer is furious that he has to rely on a demon to help his daughter when that is all he wants to do and constantly shows his superiority over Alastor whenever he gets a chance. But does not tell Charlie any of this because he doesn't want her fury or believing that her father doesn't think she can accomplish it by herself.
Not helping in the Battle against Adam until after Alastor is out of the fight, could easily be Lucifer's way of proving Alastor cannot protect Charlie. Coming in to save the day could be Lucifer proving his worth as a father.
Either way it is far to convenient for Alastor to show up when Charlie is announcing her Hotel. Alastor's soul is owned by someone who would release it should Charlie be the bargaining chip.
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Only time will tell what the truth is.
Here's to hoping I don't predict anything, because I want to be surprised. Which is why I watch most things because it is the HOW did it happen rather than WHAT happened that keeps me going.
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nychthemeron-rants · 7 months
I am so close to making a Hazbin AU where Angel is Niffty's dad because making this post and THIS vvvv
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Fucking image made the idea go from "huh, funny coincidence" to full on brainrot.
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blaackbiird · 6 months
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-and I hold your beating chambers until they beat no more you die like angels sing [ x ]
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
I just love your au! <3 <3 <3
The early 1900s seems like a pretty religion time period seems like a particularly religious time period. I was just wondering if Nicaise ever got her memories back how would she react to finding out that the angel she spent the night with was actually the king of hell?
Thank you very much! <3 <3 <3
I was actually thinking about this a bit last night. This is probably a good time to mention that I decided Nicaise was Catholic, as well as both of her parents, but her mother grew up with vodou and taught Alastor about it when he was very young, before she passed away.
(Now just pretend like I know the first thing about Catholicism despite being raised Christian.)
Even before she got her memories back, Nicaise spent over a century up in Heaven with the feeling that something wasn't quite right and that the Heavenborn were keeping something from the winners. It's honestly not too hard for her to accept that things aren't exactly as she was taught in the church. Learning that Lucifer was actually a fairly likeable guy was a shock, but one she adjusted to easily.
Getting her memories back and learning that he's the father of her child was another matter.
I don't think Nicaise ever had any real resentment towards Alastor's father for leaving. The met in the middle of Mardi Gras. They got wasted. These things happen. Even though when he was a young boy, she told Alastor stories about his dad being an 'angel' and said he was watching them, Nicaise was fairly sure she'd hallucinated Lucifer's wings when she saw him flop out the window in a drunken stupor. She just thought it made for a nice story.
Oh! But it turns out he really was an angel! Which, she's already come to realize, aren't all perfect beings. In fact, it seems like angels can be just as big fuck ups as humans. Okay. Cool. But he's not just any angel, oh no, he is Lucifer fucking Morningstar himself. Also, he and Satan are two different people, who knew? But back to the last point...
So the father of her child is the Prince of Darkness, the Accuser, the Tempter (hah!), the Great Dragon, the Ancient Serpent. And he is a silly little man with cute, rosy cheeks and an obsession with ducks. Nicaise has to take a moment and have a laugh about the fact that her parents would keel over double dead if they knew, which is motivation enough to get back up to Heaven to tell them. Then she has to stop and ask if that means that Alastor is the anti-Christ. Lucifer assures her that, no, that isn't really a thing, and even if it was Charlie came about a hundred years earlier than Alastor. No end of days. So, that's a relief.
Nicaise mostly finds humor in the situation. She jokes that, hey, at least she can brag she banged the devil. But she also feels guilty, since she wouldn't have come on to him if she'd known he was married. Either she didn't notice Lucifer's wedding ring in her drunken state, or Lucifer took it off himself to keep it safe in all the chaos. It was the right move, given he lost his hat, his jacket, and a shoe that night.
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 27 days
@speakofthedebbie you asked me what my radioapple fankid is like and I literally cannot give normal answers so take this I guess 😭
Before Alastor went missing he was in a sort of relationship with Lucifer. No one knew about them and even they had never had an actual talk about their relationship, mostly just enjoying each other's company. One day Alastor started getting sick.
He didn't understand why especially because it was very rare for sinners to get sick. He mostly ignored it, he threw up a bit but he would be fine afterwards. Lucifer was obviously worried but him but didn't push the subject.
Eventually Alastor decided to meet up with Rosie for tea but he never made it to Cannibal Town. On the way there he felt sick and ended up throwing up in an alley. While in the alley a figure appeared to him. He recognized her, it was Lilith.
She explained to him what was happening and he was horrified. Sinners couldn't get pregnant. After a long explanation over tea she offered to help him.
Lilith had made a deal with heaven a few months before that (a deal Alastor never did actually get all the details of). She was going to be staying in heaven and wanted to take Alastor with her so she could help him and the baby.
Alastor thought about it and agreed. Heaven didn't like this very much and never agreed to let Alastor stay in heaven so they changed things around. They set up a house for them in purgatory which is a place in between heaven and hell (imagine the beach Lilith was on). Lilith was allowed in heaven but Alastor was not.
The pregnancy was fairly normal at first (it was a bit difficult to get the food Alastor needed to survive but they managed). He was pregnant with twins. They were devastated when one ended up absorbing the other. Alastor ended up giving birth to a baby girl.
He named her Dahlia (Dolly for short).
She lived a good life in purgatory. It was a bit lonely with only her Papa and Auntie Lily for company but she loved them. She was even allowed in heaven sometimes as long as she was with Lilith. Though she felt very out of place amongst the angels and other children.
Everyone was nice to her or at least they weren't purposefully mean. They all seemed a bit frightened of her though even though she would never hurt a fly (she would eat people though but they don't have to know that).
A few months before Dolly's seventh birthday Lilith started acting strange and distant. They learned that Lilith's daughter, Charlie, had started a hotel to redeem sinners. Dolly immediately started asking about redemption but what she was really interested in was learning more about Hell. Alastor and Lilith noticed how fascinated she had become with Hell and came up with an idea.
Alastor and Dolly would go back to Hell to help out with the Hotel. It really did seem like the best solution. Alastor missed being the Radio Demon and after all Lilith's done for him he might as well keep an eye on her daughter as well.
So Alastor went back to Hell and quickly got situated in the hotel before sending for Dolly. He created the bayou specifically for his daughter. Deep in the swamp they have a cabin for the two of them where Dolly stays. She's specifically told not to leave the bayou unless Alastor is with her.
The only people who know about Dolly are Husk and Nifty who stay with her when Alastor is busy with his hotel duties.
Honestly this goes better than you'd think, Dolly isn't really happy about it at first because she can't really leave and she misses Lilith more than she thought she would. She does like the bayou much better than the beach though. Thankfully she isn't stuck in the bayou all the time either. She inherited shapeshifting abilities from Lucifer so she's able to disguise herself and ride around in Alastor's coat pocket as a small animal (usually some kind of lizard or a spider). She's also been on some trips to cannibal town because Rosie is one of the only people Alastor trusts and they don't have electronics there to video tape it and out them. Dolly quickly becomes attached to Nifty, Husk, and Rosie.
Things stay the same for much longer than Alastor originally planned, the extermination being moved up was definitely inconvenient. Lucifer showing up wasn't great either. Alastor immediately pretended they had never met, Lucifer was infuriated by this but played along because his daughter was there.
After their whole song battle Lucifer pretended to leave but really just teleported up to Alastor's room because they obviously needed to talk. Alastor was pissed. His room was way too close to Dolly and he did not want her and Lucifer meeting at that moment (or ever really but he's not completely delusional). They fight, Lucifer gets zero information, then he leaves and isn't seen at the hotel until the battle.
After the failed extermination Dolly starts getting impatient. She was promised this wouldn't be forever but after Lucifer moved in she stopped getting answers. So she decided to rebel. Alastor was out on an errand with Charlie and Nifty was late so she snuck out of the bayou. She wandered the halls until Lucifer found her.
Lucifer was obviously confused at finding a child roaming the halls so he brought her down to the lobby to see if anyone knew her. Husk has a heart attack on the spot and when Dolly waved at him everyone could tell that they knew each other. Then Nifty ran in a moment later near tears and also freaked out when she saw Dolly. The group hadn't managed to get any answers out of the two by the time Alastor and Charlie arrived.
Charlie was confused as to why her dad was holding a random child and Alastor was FURIOUS. Dolly greeted him with an awkward "Hi, Papa" and Lucifer immediately put two and two together. He's actually a bit surprised it took him that long because he could definitely see the resemblance now that he was paying attention. He didn't say anything in front of the others though. He had to get Alastor alone to talk about this.
Now that everyone knew about Dolly she stuck around though she was told to stay away from Lucifer and not mention heaven or Lilith.
It was obvious to Lucifer but Alastor refused to say it out loud. Mostly telling Lucifer to stay away from his daughter (coughhypocritecough). Soon enough it became obvious to everyone else in the hotel too (besides Charlie and Dolly who might be ignoring it on purpose tbh) but no one said anything for obvious reasons.
She's definitely got a mix of both her dad's features. She has Alastor's deer features, his ears, tail, hooves, she even has fawn spots and a deer like nose. She has darker skin though, closer to the color of Alastor's when he was alive and the red circle blush on her cheeks like Lucifer. She has wavy blonde hair with red tips. Her eyes are the opposite of Lucifer's with red sclera and yellow irises. She has the gradient limbs of both her parents as well as their sharp claws and teeth. She has wings too (imagine Maleficent's but black lol). When she's angry she grows antlers and her eyes turn completely red.
She mostly inherited Lucifer's powers. By that I mean his shapeshifting abilities. She's unable to control shadows like Alastor does but her shadow does have a personality of their own. Dolly started calling her shadow Phoenix, which shocked both Alastor and Lilith because that was going to be the name of her unborn sibling. She also has a bit of radio wave powers, just being able to communicate through and change the radio station at will.
My Hazbin Hotel OCs Original Post
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symbioticsimplicity · 6 months
Re-watching Hell's Greatest Dad for rhe millionth time and just-- the audacity on Alastor's part. Literally no one else would ever. Lucifer met this dude for all of two seconds, and got pulled into two fights with him. He doesn't know a goddamn thing about him.
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malaierba · 6 months
I need Adam and Eve and Abel and Cain (and Lucifer) emotionally traumatising art in the Hazbin-verse
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shsy7573 · 8 months
Luci is such a cutie
So…. Uh… funny story
I- I think… I think I have a problem? This is not healthy behaviour.
I just… I love him. So much.
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Bonus: New wallpaper because I couldn’t decide
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