#The GFM Band
shadiafamily · 2 days
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We die a hundred times in one day. (If you have a heart please Donate and reblog)
This is unhealthy water that causes diseases and epidemics. We use it daily directly from the ground, not recycled. This water has caused us many diseases. Help us to be able to buy clean water. Help us obtain our most basic rights.
My brother does hard work , he is 17 years old , He was prevented from education due to war and genocide, and deprived of his right to education. His dreams were destroyed.
Please donte and reblog , your donation make a lot for us please my friend help us🚨🚨🚨
This campaign is vetted by @moayesh @wellwaterhysteria
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rhymeswithfart · 7 days
Hello dear.. Please don't skip my message My name is Mohammed, from the afflicted and destroyed Gaza Strip, where life has become impossible and tragic, and where we see death and pain every moment and every day. Our children suffer from hunger, pain, deprivation and lack of medicine. The war deprived them of playing, school, and their most basic rights. They are now suffering from woes and tragedies. 😭😭 During the war, my wife gave birth to a child and I could not find any milk for him Our conditions are tragic, and we live in a shelter that lacks the minimum requirements for life and is plagued by diseases and epidemics Please help me save my children from the hell of the Gaza Strip and provide them with a decent life 😔 Your assistance, no matter how simple, is enough to ease the burden on us and help us overcome our crisis. Please sympathize with me and donate to me or contribute to sharing the campaign and spreading it widely
I'm so sorry I took so long to answer.
Vetted by 90ghost ! Low on funds!
I'll add pictures so more people will see hopefully:
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flamingpen18 · 1 month
Turning Her Frown Upside Down
Bethy has decided that if she can't do marching band, that she is going to go ahead with jazz band which she signed up for. She needs a trumpet.
Jazz band practice is during school hours which is a big deal.
I have started a Go Fund Me just for a trumpet. School starts on the 27th. We're hoping it won't take too long.
I really hope this works. Bethy loves music and this would help soften the blow of being replaced in the marching band.
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
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artwork by raghad qanou follow: @rhq2744 verified ✔: no. 221 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet
dear moots/lovely lurkers- please read 🖤
raghad has finally reached the very first milestone in her fundraiser! that's right gang, thanks to the continuous support of friends/strangers alike, raghad's family has raised a whopping ✨£5,095✨as promised, here is another beautiful original by miss raghad herself 🖤
for those who haven't gotten a chance to meet her yet, please allow raghad to introduce herself in her own words:
Hello everyone, I am Raghad Qanou, a second-year human medicine student at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, or rather, I was like that, before I lost everything, literally everything... Before the 7th of October, me and my family [8 members] were living in our cute house in the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza, after huge suffering to repair it and return to living in it after it was destroyed in the 2014 war on Gaza. My family and I were forced to leave our home and forcibly move under fire 7 times so far! All this to escape death and hold on to the last shred of hope for a decent life! excerpt from raghad's gfm campaign page (read full story here)
i first met raghad sometime in june after she messaged me here on tumblr. one of the first things she shared with me (besides her name lol) was this piece:
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title: waiting for a ceasefire "only hope and art keep us alive here in gaza ...." -raghad qanou
since then, we've been able to chat a handful of times-- i told her how much i loved her artwork and she excitedly shared even more of her work with me
raghad is a talented artist- a loving sister- a diligent student- a wonderful daughter- and someone who deserves a chance to live a life worth living. her whole family does
they continue to suffer through horrific living conditions and rely on y'all to help carry their burden. to reveal yourself so vulnerably to the world is far from easy. so often, we are told to grit our teeth and push through whatever ails us in silence. but this is a type of pain that cannot and should not be felt alone. and it will take everyone to band together so we can begin to heal
raghad's campaign still has a long way to go. to help things move along, i am proposing another art reveal ✨
if we can get raghad to £15K- i will unveil another beautiful piece from her collection of artwork!
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as of posting, raghad's family has raised £5,095 / £55,000.
for those able, please consider donating by clicking the link below + share this post so others may get the chance to help out too 🖤
tags for reach below cut (note: sorry gang, ik we're not really moots. if you're here- it's cause i pulled people from a post that promoted a gfm in the past. please let me know if you do not wish to be tagged in future posts. no hard feelings, truly 🖤)
@juneybug @kodigobacktosleep @apocalyptic-dancehall @imnotthepersonyouseek @toonirl 
@kingofthebookcase @kazehita @yonch @pinkdreamscape1 
@king-dail @caseys-soup-corner @shoogachi @killy @missusmousse 
@j0ckhead @whoopsiedaisy20 @squidie-tittie @dreamingamongthestars @trexpel 
@mischief16 @foulharbor @draginfyre16 @tangerinesteve @3amsnow 
@fruitpuddle @wallsong @selkiesmile @suzakus-canon-wife @turquoisewavesstitch
@loutrem @thatlethalsoul @visemes @orange-coloredsky @dweamdoodles
@just-a-girl-0001 @samrobotize @aunty-matter @gamelpar 
@roachie-paradise @queruloustea @ehjane @firebird963 @butchdykekondraki 
@dinofur @cthulhu-with-a-fez @purplenickel @ysngie @paper-mario-wiki
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vampiricgf · 2 months
g. satoru ; in the house of hunger
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vampire satoru x f!reader | this fic was completed as part of the @ficsforgaza wip sponsorship ty for donating to Palestinian gfm's and helping people in need in Gaza! to learn more or get involved please check out their blog & read through their pinned post
warnings: dark content/dddne, violence, blood, gore, ooc satoru, yandere, psychological torment, obsession, mention of bathing and dressing an unconscious reader, masturbation, he's an unhinged little creep, heavily inspired by classic vampire lit n victorian aesthetics but unspecified time period/place
wc: 2k+
really living up to the username with this one :3 also leaving room for a pt 2 maybe idk nyeways ty for reading!
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Human life was so fleeting. To most of his kind humans were no better than livestock, and often treated as such. To Satoru it was a waste, humans were brimming with something so delectable, something every vampire fundamentally lacked: potential.
Vampires are rendered frozen at the moment of death, fundamentally deprived of all that was and all that could have been. It's a never ending state of boredom, of stagnation. Of forgetting.
He doesn't ever recall his own turning, not anymore. He's been alive for so long, in a manner of speaking, that the steady march of continuation outside his walls is of no consequence to him. It is an eternal source of frustration though, being nothing more than the mosquito encased in amber.
And perhaps that's what led him to you in the beginning.
Creatures like him are naturally drawn to battlefields, the veritable feast table laid by mans most brutal hands. The rich scent of churned earth, blood twinged iron, and the acrid aftertaste of human sweat and fear. Nothing more delicious on all the earth, the sweetest bouquet for the senses.
The first appearance he'd made had been in the aftermath of one such feast, a showcase of cruelty. The sounds of distant, drunken revelry nearly drowned out the hoarse cries of those succumbing to their wounds. It had been a quaint village previously, full of simple people living simple lives. One he enjoyed observing on occasion. But like most villages it was vulnerable to bands of raiders, would be pirates, or those who just wanted to take advantage and indulge in bloodshed.
As fine leather boots squished in the burgundy tinted mud his nose wrinkled. A waste.
Smog from still smoldering fires hung in the air, would have burned the back of his throat had he been a breathing man. Amongst the burnt skeletal remains of wooden structures and scarred earth there was a figure, prone in the mud.
A girl.
For all his painful forgetting he could never forget the way you looked then. Not pitiful, no, despite your obvious injuries you gazed at the sky almost stubbornly. Even as he took that first deep inhale and traced the unique scent of you like a thread, knelt down at the top of your head, bending to look down at you you hadn't winced away or screamed. If anything you looked furious, full of anger and malice.
Had you the strength he was sure you would have snapped your jaws at him like a beast.
It was delightful.
All too often when a human is faced with such a moment of mortality their first instinct is to give up, accept fate. Only when one can push past it and refuse, that's when a human is most admirable to him. Most alluring. Brimming with potential.
"You still have your spite, huh?" He glanced between you and a pair of the obviously responsible raiders who'd wandered close in their drunkenness, far enough from the others in the distance. "Good, you'll need it."
"Fuck off."
It was so shocking it made him burst out into laughter. Even though it was clear speech was painful for you, the two words wheezing out of your throat and past what must have been a pool of blood hanging thickly in your esophagus, you had forced them out anyway.
Despite the fog of blood loss it was obvious you knew him for what he was. It was impressive though not surprising, superstition and legend were as common as baked bread in villages. A mother or grandmother likely told you some version of the story: an eerily beautiful stranger comes to a vulnerable person just on the precipice of death, offering salvation. Eagerly they accept, without realizing they've shackled themselves to a demon, sacrificed their immortal soul and earned damnation for the trouble.
"Aren't you in pain?" He already knew the answer.
In between rasping breaths he awaited your answer, the sky opened up above you and small droplets of water splattered against your skin, making the blood swirl in marble like designs as it seleuced into the ground. The scent of you was beyond tantalizing.
"Not anymore." You offered, and it concerned him how glassy your eyes were.
"I can help you, you know. Save you. All you have to do is ask."
Stubborn silence descended and quickly his frustration grew. Were you dense? Did you not realize what was being offered to you? Not just a reprieve from this pain, but from all pain. Forevermore. And instantaneous revenge. Oh how he would enjoy watching a thing like you rip and tear into those who only moments ago had laid waste to your entire life. That sort of human hatred was also unique and captivating to witness.
What sort of losses had you accumulated? A father? A mother? Siblings? He could feel his pointed canines catch against his bottom lip as a smiled down at you. Contrary to human belief, a horse can be led to water and made to drink if it's been deprived of enough.
"What about your loved ones? Your home? Will you lay in the mud like a slaughtered deer? Will you shame them like this?"
Again you had no answer and again his anger only rose in response.
To hell with it, obviously he'd grossly misjudged you but that didn't mean he would let you languish here. If they discovered you were still alive it was all too obvious what would come for you and it would be far less kind than himself.
So as your eyes rolled he heaved you into his arms. It had been a long while since he'd held anything, anyone. Even longer since a living creature was carried from a battlefield in his arms and up the long, winding path towards a very distant and long forgotten manor. He can't say for certain what came over him, but he has always had the poor habit of playing with his food.
In the weeks that followed his irritation only mounted. You staunchly refused anything to do with him, his very presence, only accepting the trays of food left at your door when he wasn't around to witness it and returning them in the same fashion. He could hear you at night, weeping like a child for everything you lost. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, left him lashing out night after night.
Those numbskull bandits had also picked what was once a fertile hunting ground clean, forcing him to venture further than he would've liked to for a meal but there was nothing to be done about it. Your home remained a charred ruin. It's people nothing but fodder for bloat flies and carrion birds before the bones started moldering in the ground. Just the way of things for fragile creatures.
Sometimes he'd pluck a finger bone or a piece of vertebrae to bring back for you, making sure sinew was still attached, to leave outside the room you'd resolutely locked yourself in. Cruel maybe but really can you blame him when you've been so dead set on behaving as frustratingly as possible? On biting the hand attempting to feed you?
Even if he hadn't laid eyes on you in days, even if you kept yourself locked away until you withered and died, you would be the only thing exempt from his curse of forgetting. How your hair looked soaked in blood and mud. How your eyes had shined but not with tears. How your lips had peeled back to reveal bloody, blunted teeth in a gruesome snarl.
It was perfection.
Almost as perfect as when he'd bathed your unconscious form of its grime, laid you so gently in the steaming water, lovingly tended your wounds and dressing you in the finest slip that was still tucked away in the wardrobe. He'd wanted to take you right then, not waste any time with the game of ask and response but there was no fighting his stubborn need for it to be your choice. You have to say yes to him. All he allowed himself was a longing lick up the side of your neck, stifled moans at just the way your skin tasted.
Tonight was different though as the recollection drifted through his mind. In the absolute stillness he could almost swear the taste of you lingered on his tongue, wafted through the air just like it had weeks ago. With a will of its own one hand began stroking himself through his pants, groaning at the combination of sensations.
He was sure if he could feel temperature shifts it would've been quite balmy all of a sudden inside the bedchamber as he undid the suffocating confines of his clothes, thick cock springing free and throbbing at the thought of how good your warm, human hands would feel grasping around him.
Would you be shy? Gazing up from half lidded eyes as if to ask for guidance? Or would that defiance shine through again, taking him in hand and smearing precum over his flushed pink tip with your thumb and oozing self assurance? His own fingers were sticky with pre-release as he gave shallow thrusts into his fist.
He's sure his name would sound like the sweetest note coming from your lips before you would take him into your mouth, cheeks hollowing and the corners of your lips tightening as you strain around his girth. Your tongue would be heavenly against the underside of his cock. Would you let him bury his hands in your hair, hold you still while he fucked your mouth in a brutal pace? Would you cry and gag around him?
His own ragged groans bounce off the icy stone walls, his unoccupied hand twisting against the bedsheets as his eyes squeezed shut even tighter and he could feel his abdominal muscles flexing with the need for release, his jaw nearly vibrating with the urge to clamp down on your jugular and take selfish gulps of you.
What makes him unravel entirely is wondering how it would feel to sink inside you, feel your slick warm walls part to accept him like a most welcome visitor. He'd lavish that pretty human pussy, rub sticky little hearts against your clit just to hear you squeal and make your hips buck. Keep you sat on his throbbing cock while he lapped at your neck, sucking on the skin to encourage the puncture wounds not to close so soon.
As his own hips stuttered and his head flung back against the pillows he couldn't help the one thought that circled around and around in his mind, like an ouroboros swallowing itself: he would certainly die if he never felt your touch. Would absolutely die without getting to taste you, feel you, claim you.
It was feverish, feeling it descending on him like some phantom tormentor as cum stained the surface of his loose undershirt and he could feel himself softening in his own now loose grasp. With a whimper his teeth caught his bottom lip between them, eyes staring unblinking at the canopy above the bed.
It doesn't matter how or when but you're going to choose him. You have to choose him.
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p0p33-k3da · 2 months
I just realized I never did one of the introduction thingys to my page so I hurried up and made one right now yyyaaaayyy....
First things first,
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I didn't add all the names I can be called because it would take up to much room probably...
I like to be called Keira, Keith, Shield, Spade, Jay, and honestly a lot more I guess.. But those are the top ones that I like being called.
If you for some reason cannot read the certain music artists/bands then I decided to waste my time and type them out below!
-Vial -GFM -Will Wood -Insane Clown Posse -Queen -Baby Guts -Dazey and the Scouts -Random Encounters -Cheap Perfume -The Oozes -A Verbal Equinox -Human Zoo -Jack Stauber -Destroy boys
I do like a lot more bands and artists but I'd rather save my precious fingers.
My fursona's name is Spade, My Persona's name is Shield.
The flags shown in the picture are Omnisexual and Omnigender, but I also could be pangender.
My favorite colors are...
Orange, Forest green, and brown!
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰
I am into MANY different fandoms.. If you can't tell. But some of these fandoms consist of,
-SMG4 (5 years inconsistent)
(SIGHHHH) Wreck it Ralph... Mostly for Turbo though.. (Watched it a ton when I was a kid, my siblings can vouch for me... So maybe uhm.. 7-8 yearsss veerrry inconsistent)
-Gravity Falls (8 years inconsistent childhood show)
-Popee the Performer (6 years inconsistent
-BFDI series (6 years inconsistent)
-Inanimate Insanity series (6 years inconsistent
-Animatic Battle (about 2-3 months)
-It's time for the (also about 2-3 months
-Good Omens (1.5 years?)
-What we do in the Shadows (2 years inconsistent)
-Our flag means Death (2 years inconsistent)
-Doctor Who (4 years inconsistent)
-Insidious (1 year??)
-Saw series (1 year)
-and a LOT LOT more..
I have done art my whole life and have been really into it, but the age I started to get a lot more into it was when I was like 6-7
Some of my art!
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My art style changes constantly.
(Please do not criticize any of my art!)
Some of my favorite animals are SNAKESSS, PUPPIESS, KITTIESSS, BIRDIEESS, and a LOT LOT LOT more eheheaa
Two of the 10 pets that my family has:
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snake in the picture: Pheonix
puppy in the picture: Milo
My other animals
Puppy #2: Jasper
Puppy #3: Sophia
Puppy #4: Carter
Snake #2: Elliot
Snake #3: Leo
Snake #4: Noodle
Kitty #1: Zeus
Kitty #2: Tigger
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭ ▬▭▬ ✦✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭ ▬▭▬ ✧
I hope this was in depth enough for you to understand what kind of a person I am! (Might update here and there)
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zaycheese · 2 months
Howdy! I'm Zay, pronouns are they/them but I don't really give a shit, the person to assign me the funniest gender wins
Tagging system cause that's the real reason I'm making this post:
#zayspeaks - General posts, most of my own posts will be tagged this unless I forgot (frequent occurrence)
#zaydraws - Art tag (We all gasp in unison)
#zaysasks - My ask tag, not including gfms and donations
#benjamin - photos of my son
Those are my major ones, everything else you gotta guess.
Long time warrior cats kid, fan of things with many eyes and horror podcasts. (Go listen to Hi Nay RIGHT NOW) NITW, And extraordinarily autistic over hit band Lord Huron, I've got lots of other minor interests but I Am Lazy so those are little surprises.
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cosmignon · 12 days
Hi, 🕊️👋
Could you plz share and reblog my story my friend and my fundraising campaign i will be thankful for you
Note: My older account banded for unknown reason for me i wish u can help me to share my story and my new account to help me and my family to evacuat to safe place.🌹❤️🌹
After a little digging I can confirm the original blog was vetted, I'm sorry to hear your account was banned! For those looking to donate, this GFM is currently sitting at CHF10,768 out of CHF20,000 (CHF: Swiss Francs, about the same spending power as 1.18 USD). I hope you and your family can live in safety once again very soon.
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dp-marvel94 · 1 year
Face to Face- Chapter 54
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s back to normal now. But why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny remember a life that wasn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidentally splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half know that that is what they did
First -> Last -> Next
Word Count: 7,517
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: Finally! The much awaited (for me at least XD) concert chapter! This is probably the most self indulgent thing I have ever written. 😅😳
Seriously though, I put so much time and thought into this love letter to my two favorite things: Danny Phantom and Christian rock. 😂 I hope ya'll enjoy it just a fraction of the amount I did writing it.
(And on a serious note. A warning for some minor religious references and discussion here- the name of Jesus in a reverent context, a character asks another if they would like to be prayed for. I wrote a very long post on Tumblr going to more detail on some of these and my reasons for including them. See the link in the end note.)
Excitement grew, buzzing in Danny’s chest as everyone piled into the GEV. Even Jazz.
The boy raised a brow at his sister. “I figured you’d wanna stay home and read about the psychology of troubled teens or something.”
The red-head rolled her eyes at the comment. She shook her head. “Spike is going. He’s really into the metal scene and I thought going myself might be informative.”
Dad glanced back. “Is that your boyfriend, Jazzirencess?”
Jazz blushed. “We’re just friends, Dad.”
The parents exchanged looks, saying nothing else on the topic. Instead the conversation shifted, back towards the subject of the concert.
“Danny, sweetie. Who are we seeing again?”
Less than ten minutes later, the group arrived at the park. Dad pulled into a parking spot and turned the vehicle off. The teens were out almost before the van even stopped and practically run across the grass.
There was the stage, set up the field where Sam, Tucker, and his two halves had played frisbee golf on Thursday. Danny stopped a dozen feet away, just staring for a long moment. Not even four days ago he’d fought a dragon here. Signs of the struggle still mard the area: patches of dead grass, a few fallen trees, and –Danny winced at the sight– the destroyed bathrooms, bared off the caution tape. A row of Port-a-Potties has been set up in their stead.
The sound of a guitar broke through Danny’s thoughts. “Feels like I'm stuck. Going nowhere fast.” An older teenage girl was singing while playing. “My life is on the line. I'm running out of time.” The instrument suddenly cut off. Then her voice pitched down, speaking normally. “I’m gonna need more guitar in my ears.” A few more strums. “Perfect.” She glanced over at another teen, holding a bass. “Maggie?”
Beside Danny, Tucker leaned in, right next to his ear. “They’re sound checking!” The half ghost could practically hear the stars in his friend’s eyes. 
“We’re listening to GFM sound check!” Danny felt just as giddy.
More strumming instruments, banging on the drums, growling and yelling into the mic. “Mic check! One, two, three! Can you hear me?!” 
“Yeah!” Woah!” The few people already gathering in front of the stage yelled an affirmative.
“Sounds good, CJ.” The bassist backed up from the mic, leaving her instrument on a stand. “Let’s get dinner.”
“Pizza!” There was a cheer from the drum set.
The other two band members, all sisters if Danny remembered, left the stage, now empty of people. 
Sam tugged on her friends’ arms. “Let’s scope out merch.”
The three hurried over to the merch tables, the group clustered under a tent. First GFM’s merch table, all black and pink and green. Shirts and tank tops. A jersey and hoodie. Wristbands and stickers. Pins. Even a skateboard- with cupcakes and a cheerleader in a black and pink cheer outfit with fishnets.
“I want one of everything.” The goth gushed. 
Next Relent’s table- black cloth covered the table, displaying fewer options but no less enticing.
Danny eyed one particular shirt. 
Tucker pointed. “Dude, check it.” The shirt showed a typical, if spooky, bed-sheet ghost, the scene complete with the band name, fire, lightning, and little bats.
“I’m so tempted.” The half ghost grinned.
Then Protest’s. A huge banner with the band’s logo hung on a frame, shirts displayed around it. In front of that was a table with posters, cds, stickers, and other offerings. A man with long brown hair and an upper arm tattoo was hanging up one last jacket.
“That’s a sick zip-up.” Tucker commented.
The man turned around…. He looked vaguely familiar. “Thanks man. My bro designed it.” He pointed to another man, a few tables down who was talking to some other people. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m-” He held out his hand to Tucker, only to be interrupted.
“Joshua Bramlett!” 
The four turned, only to see-
“Grandma?!” Sam’s eyes crinkled in disbelief of the old woman zooming across the path in her electric wheelchair.
The man’s (presumably Joshua) eyes lit up behind his glasses. “Miss Ida!” He stepped around the group, bending over to hug the woman as her chair stopped. “How have you been?!”
The trio of teens stared, confused. “What is happening right now?” Danny asked.
Meanwhile, the bearded man and Sam’s grandma chatted. “These old joints are acting up. But I wasn’t going to miss seeing you boys for the world.” She patted his hand. “You have to meet my granddaughter.”
Grandma Ida wheeled forward, the man walking back to the trio with her. “This is Sam.” The old woman introduced.
“I’m Josh.” The man offered his hand with a smile.
“Sam.” The goth nodded, accepting the gesture.
Two more hand shakes were given. 
Josh then lowered his hands, putting them in his pockets. “Have you ever seen us before?”
“Us?” Danny raised a brow and the man motioned to the banner. “Oh.” The boy blushed. “You're in the band.” That really should have been obvious; hadn’t he seen him on the flier for this very show?
Josh chuckled, giving a shrug. “I sing for The Protest.” The words were so casual, “Are you excited for the show?” and the question eager and genuinely interested.
The half ghost instinctively felt himself relaxing. “Yeah! We’ve been talking about this for weeks.”
“Me and the boys will be sure to put on a good one for you.” He chuckled, before pointing back at the stage. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more set up to do. I’d love to talk to you guys more after.”
Sure enough, Josh turned and walked away. The three teens stopped, watching for a long moment.
“He seems nice.” Tucker commented.
“That young man’s one of the sweetest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet.” Grandma Ida nodded, eyes twinkling with her smile. 
“Who you’ve apparently met before?” Sam frowned down, hands on her hips. “You know the Protest’s lead singer. How come you haven’t taken me to see them before?”
The old woman just shrugged, a mischievous look flickering across her face. Then her eyes lit up, gaze flickering to something near the stage. “Is that Marco Pera I see?!” She called out. “Don’t you run off now! Come talk to Grandma Ida.” The old woman wheeled off, leaving the three teens behind.
The goth lowered her hands to her sides, mouth open. “Unbelievable.”
Danny tugged her arm, diverting her attention. “Come on. There’s another table.”
Sam turned back. Her brow furrowed. “I thought there were only three bands playing.”
Tucker shrugged, leading his friends to the table. Sure enough, there was more merch displayed. 
“They have everything.” Danny’s eyes widened. Bags, CDs, posters, stickers, and pins were typical fare. But there were shirts in just about every color, not just black or gray. Keychains and coasters. Wristbands too. Even jewelry, bracelets that looked like they were made of leather.
“You should get that one, Sam.” Tucker pointed teasingly at a pink leather bracelet with the band’s name.
The goth rolled her eyes, giving the technogeek a punch on the arm. 
“Hey!” Tucker protested. 
Sam ignored him, instead reading the writing on the banner behind the table. “Chaotic Resemblance. Who are these guys anyway? They’re not on the flier.”
“We got added last minute.” A blond man, late twenties with a lip ring, looked up from his phone, putting the device in his pocket. “We’re good friends with the guys in the Protest and playin’ a few hours away tomorrow.” The man shrugged. He had an odd accent Danny couldn’t quite place. “Figured we could swing by.”
“Cool.” Danny said with a slight smile. He had no idea who this band was but the prospect of hearing cool, new music was always exciting.
Briefly, names were exchanged; the man’s name was Travis, yet another lead singer. He asked the trio if they’d heard of any of the other bands playing today and who they were excited to see.
“GFM.” Sam’s eyes sparkled. “I’ve been following their vlog for like a year now. The music kicks ass. And their music videos! I love the one for SMILE.” She stopped, blushing in seeming embarrassment from the rant. “So, yeah. I’m excited.”
Travis laughed, expression open and kind, before asking Tucker and Danny the same question. The technogeek mentioned reading a review of The Protest’s new ep on a music website he liked and listening to the songs a bunch. And Danny…
“Relent’s super cool. Sam introduced them to me, since they’re on that same label GFM used to be on.” He blushed, cheeks scrunching up with his smile. “I’ve listened to the new cd like a hundred times. Especially Ghost and Heavy.” Just a hint of sadness brushed his mind at the thought of that second one. “I… really like those songs.”
“You’ve gotta learn the words, right.” Tucker elbowed him playfully. 
The halfa just felt more embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, well uh…”
“Don’t be embarrassed.” Travis leaned forward, a conspiratory twinkle in his eye. “Let me tell you a secret. We love it when fans know the words.”
“Really?” Danny asked hesitantly.
“Yep.” The man nodded. “So you better sing really loud for those guys.” The half ghost nodded eagerly. Then, suddenly strumming sounded from the stage. Travis’ head jerked in the direction. “Oh, we’re sound checking. I have to go. It was great talking to you.”
Again, the trio watched him go. And Danny’s shoulder untensed. He felt better, embarrassment and lingering sadness gone. He knew all the words to Heavy because, well… he’d listened… and cried through the song many times. It’s not like anyone could blame him, right? The last two months had been the hardest of his life. But he’d gotten through it. He’d learned and he’d grown. And that song had been a tiny part of that.
Shaking the thought away, the trio of friends returned to their spot near the front. On the way they passed Danny’s mom and dad, both seated in their camping chairs with what looked like a few other parents. Jazz and a teen with black spiky hair and a nose ring stood on the other side of the stage, a little ways back.
The trio stood in front of the stage, excitement building as the band checked their sound. Minutes later, the musicians walked off, leaving the stage bare and ready. Music crackled to life on the speakers. Pre Recorded but familiar, fast paced and energetic, from bands Danny recognized. Anticipation grew.
The shadows were lengthening now, the golden light of late afternoon bathing the scene. The wind blew gently, not too hot or too cold. And the crowd gathered, people packing closer together near the stage. The half ghost’s heart fluttered with excitement. The show must be starting soon…
A cheer rang out around him. The boy looked up.
“Who’s ready to rock?!” It was an older man, maybe ten years older than his dad, bald but with a big, wispy beard and tattoos in a biker jacket. “I’ve always wanted to say that.” He chuckled. “I’m Dave. I’ve been volunteering with Guardians of the Children for ten years now. We’re so excited to have all of you guys here today. ‘Specially these awesome bands on the Gotta Rock ‘em all Tour.” 
Another cheer rose up and Dave clapped. “Yeah! Give it up for these dudes.”
“Woo!!” Danny yelled, voice joining his friends.
More clapping and cheering… slowly the sound died down.
The older man pointed. “Later, one of my buddies is goin’ to tell you all about what we Guardians do. But now… are you ready to have your faces melted!?”
“Yeah!” “Woo!” “Yeah!” The half ghost caught a glimpse of Sam, her fists already in the sky. Tucker, mouth open to yell.
“Our first band wasn’t originally planned to be here. They’re on their own tour now but makin’ a special trip to see us. I love these guys. If you’re in my generation, you’re in for a treat.” Dave’s eyes sparkled knowingly. “Give it up for… Chaotic Resemblance!”
To cheers, the band sauntered onto stage, one by one. The drums pounded, cymbals clashing. Then the bass, an easy strum. The guitar, with a flourish and…
“How are we doing, Amity Park?!” Travis ran onto stage, now in a jean vest with studs and hair unbound.
The first song started, unfamiliar words fast. The guitars slung notes, fast and driving. The singer’s voice rose, high and resonating, with a twang. 
Danny bobbed his head, a smile growing as he listened. The sound tickled his ears. This was cool! Not his typical style for sure. Maybe it was closer to something he’d heard his parents listening to…? 
A hint of a bridge. The guitar solo. On stage, hair flew. The song swept up. 
Around the half ghost, the crowd was swept up with it. Danny’s heart beat faster, hair flopping on his forehead with his movement.
The chorus, on final time…. 
“It's time we break!” Travis half-sung, half-yelled.  “The identity crisis toda-ay!” The note held out, long high and reverberating. Instruments clashed, one finally flurry of head-banging. 
With a final shout, the sound died…. And the crowd cheered.
“Yeah!!” The halfa clapped, the motion big and exuberant.
One voice rose above the rest. “Woah! Radical, dudes!”
Danny looked back, cheeks bright red. That was his dad, hands up and grinning like a mad man.
On stage, Travis chuckled, pointing. “Thank you, sir.”
The half ghost face palmed….
The show rolled on, embarrassment long forgotten. 
“We’ve got one last song!” The singer started. “Thanks for having us.” A cheer from the crowd. The guitars started shredding. “We love you guys. God bless.” A final yell. “Let’s start a riot!”
Travis pumped the air with a fist. “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
Soon the crowd was copying….
Jumping. Hair slinging. Figuring out what to do during the song was natural, the crowd moving as one. 
“This is the Riot Anthem!” 
“Riot! Riot!” The boy’s heart pumped, grinning.
“Our final call to action!”
“Riot! Riot!” He shouted, fist punching the sky…
The set ended but the show went on, Relent playing next, just as the sun was starting to set.
“What you're about to see is not for free. No, I ain't got time for apologies!” Danny spat the words to the much loved song. “I'm a south boy killa. No scope headshot winner.” Screaming. “I can feel something staring at me!”
Bouncing, the half ghost’s spirit soared.
But the next song was Heavy. “I wrote this song based on my wife’s story. She’s been through so much. So many horrible, painful things. But she’s come out victorious.” The singer’s eyes flicking over the crowd. “So I hope her story helps people. I hope it helps you remember you’re not alone. And it helps you find the strength to break the silence and talk about the things that aren’t talked about enough.”
The drums pounded, slow and steady. The emotional words rang out. “I cannot take the pressure. This feels like forever…”
Danny sang along, vision threatening to blur…. 
The singer fisted the mic, eyes closed. “Look what you did to my soul. Look at the size of the hole.” He lamented. Tears collected in the corners of the half ghost’s eyes.  “Why do I, why do I, why do I feel so heavy?”
The song trickled to a stop and Danny’s heart squeezed. He whipped the tears away….
One final Relent song. The music pounded. Danny jumped and head-banged, excitement returning. His head swung at the bridge, the best part of the song. He sung. “Time’s up! What! What! What! Welcome to the-”
A puff of cold air. Danny stumbled to a stop, looking side to side. His eyes caught on… he blinked. A young man with sandy blond hair, a leather jacket. Was that… the motorcycle ghost he saw in the Zone?
Nervous curiosity squirmed in Danny’s gut as the set ended with a bang. The instruments pounded as the people cheered. With waves, the band left the stage.
The half ghost glanced back, his eyes meeting the other ghost’s. The biker raised an eyebrow. Danny turned back to the front, biting his lip. He should probably go talk to the guy. There was a little time before GFM started.
He tapped on Sam’s shoulder who turned as he leaned closer. “Save my spot. Be back soon.” The goth’s brow furrowed for just a second. Then Danny muttered. “Ghost.” He vaguely motioned with his head.
With no more discussion, he ran off, weaving through the crowd. Sure enough… there was the biker ghost. Johnny? That was what the green haired woman he’d been with before had called him, right? Quickly, Danny approached, half a dozen questions buzzing in his head. But what came out of his mouth…
“You should put that thing out.” His eyes narrowed at the death stick in Johnny’s hand. “Don’t you know cigarettes can kill you?”
The older ghost burst out laughing. “Shit, kid.” He dropped the cigarette, the object disappearing into mist as it fell. “How can you even see me?”
“You’re standing right in front of me.” The halfa raised a brow, arms crossed.
“I’m invisible.” He rolled his eyes like it was obvious. “You a medium or something?”
“A medium? What-” 
“Shit, I’ve seen you before.” The biker interrupted, snapping his finger. “You look like that twelve year old who was looking for his Mama.”
“I’m fourteen!” Danny bared his teeth. A cold feeling flickered in his eyes, green light swirling in them. 
“Holy….” The other ghost’s eyes widened. “I thought you were the live twin to your dead bro. But… holy f-king hell….” He pointed. “You’re a halfa.”
Said halfa dropped his arms. “What… How?… I just flashed my eyes and knew it like that?”
“I felt it, now that I’m actually lookin’ at ya…” Somehow, Johnny’s eyes widened more. “How come I didn’t feel it before?”
Danny blushed. “That’s complicated…” He shook his head. “What are you doing here?” The question was curious, just a hint of suspicion. 
“Watching a show.” He motioned to the stage, matter-of-fact. “Me and Kitten stumbled on a natural portal. Thought we’d have a bit of fun.” He leaned forward, voice lowering. “She’s good about knowing how long one’s gonna be open. Said we’ve got ‘til midnight.”
Danny’s brow furrowed. So that was apparently a thing…? But he didn’t ask. Instead he looked side-to-side…. “Where is she?”
“Snooping around backstage.” The other ghost grinned, mischievously, a hint of sharp teeth flashing.
New suspiciousness flashed in his eyes. A desire flickered- to get the thermos and catch the two ghosts before anything happened. But…. the boy sighed. Johnny was just standing here, watching the show like any other concert goer. He sounded like he was enjoying the music. Maybe Danny could hope….
Danny rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Can you at least try not to cause trouble?”
“Trouble?” The man laughed. “We won’t do nothing too bad.” He winked. “Besides, I’m digging these guys… and girls?” His eyes widened slightly, set on something behind. Probably GFM getting on stage. He shook his head, expression just a bit more genuine. “Believe me, the last thing I want is to stop the party.”
At that, Danny sighed. Behind him, cheers started. “Great. I’ll be near the front. Have fun.” He started turning to leave. “And really, don’t try anything. My parents are ghost hunters after all.” He pointed a thumb to the two Fentons adults, standing in front of their chairs. “You saw that big gun my Mom had in the Realms? She knows how to use it. And…” He flashed his eyes. “My folks aren’t the only ones’ armed.”
For a second, Johnny’s face paled, nervousness flickering across it. Then he smirked, summoning another cigarette with a flick of his fingers. “Alright, kid.” Burgeoning respect shone in those eyes. “See you ‘round.”
Danny ran back to the front, pushing through the crowd. In front of him, pink-colored smoke still shot up from the stage. He arrived at his spot just as Maggie ran on stage. 
“What is up Amity? I need you all to make some noise for me tonight!” Arms spread, head back, the teen brought the mic to her mouth and growled….
“Don’t tell me to! Don’t tell me to! SMILE.” A guttural yell. 
Hair flying. The crowd chanted around him. “S.M.I.L.E. Why don’t you smile for me?”
His feet pounded, his heart pounded, sweat running down his back. Beside him, Sam spat the words; he could almost hear her growling along. Tucker banged his head, glasses hanging on for dear life. Even so, his friends’ faces shone with gleeful happiness.
The second verse swung around, the chorus again. Danny’s mind filled up with the words, the rhythm. No room for anything more than the sheer exuberance.
The guitar and bass cut off, drums pounding the beat. “Okay, everyone settle down. Boys and girls, are you ready?” The guitarist, CJ, more chanted than sung.
The crowd clapped and yelled, hands in the air.
“LuLu, are you ready?” Pointing at the drummer. “I know I’m ready!” With a grin. “Maggie, are you ready?” Voice pitched up, a performatively raised brow. “Maggie?”
A pause. The audience held their breath, gripped with anticipation and...
“Go!” A growl from said teen. The breakdown hit.
And the crowd lost it. Jumping. Headbanging. Pushing and shoving. Moshing. The horde jolted. Someone ran past Danny. And…. they were circling?! The half ghost grinned manically. 
His ears twitched at the cry. A look back, eyes widened. And… Danny just about felt his soul leave his body. His Dad… his dad was in the circle pit. A flash of worry. But the man was keeping up no problem, sure on his feet. 
Danny chuckled, turning back to the front as the last chorus started. His voice joined the rest. At least his dad was having fun….
“Anyone want cupcakes?!” Maggie yelled.
This was it, the last song! And there they were: clear plastic containers with neon-frosted confections. The famed cupcakes!
“Misery loves company, I bet you're fun at parties.” Cupcakes flew. “Chasing after all the things you think will make you happy.” Instinctively, Danny ducked. “You've been played so many times, you'd make the perfect barbie.” The sugary goodness rained down. “Pretend your life's a fairytale, the story's getting boring….”  The guitar sped up, fingers flying across the cords.
Adrenaline rushed through his veins, heart pounding a mile a minute. He sang his lungs out. “I don’t need your fantasy!” 
Beside him, Sam’s eyes shone with passion, a balled fist to the sky. “'Cause I'm gonna say, gonna say what I wanna say…” 
A cupcake nailed her in the shoulder, pink icing smearing across her shirt and face. Danny laughed, pointing. The shocked look on her face!
“…my voice. You can't take it away!”
Something chocolate brown and blue flew at his face. The half ghost flailed to catch and… 
“You can’t!”
Blue icing coated his hands. He dropped the cupcake…
“You can’t! You can’t!”
Right into Tucker’s hands. The technogeek smirked, taking a huge bite. 
Danny lost it, bursting out laughing. Mind, body, heart, and soul wrapped up, caught up in the moment. Just him and the beat. The stickiness on his hands. His grinning, screaming, laughing friends. The press of the crowd around him. The words pouring out of his mouth. 
“This is my life, my voice. You can't take it away!”
His core sang, buzzing inside him. This. This right here. It was amazing, incredible, perfect. The feeling almost euphoric. 
This is awesome! The words were more yelled in his head than thought. An almost physical thing, like throwing the idea with his mind to-
“Misery loves company, I bet you're fun at parties.” Sam’s jump sent her careening into him. “Chasing after all the things you think will make you happy!” She’s never looked so happy to be wearing pink.
The breakdown. Tucker’s flailing arm jolted his side, icing smeared around the technogeek’s  mouth.
“Now, you’ll see… I don’t need your fantasy!” With bared teeth, head raised to the sky, Danny had never felt so alive….
The set ended with a bang, the clashing of instruments as people cheered. The three sisters left the stage. The previous soundtrack started again, so much quieter than the live music. The half ghost almost felt the crowd breath out, decompress as one of the Guardian of the Children volunteers came up to speak. The mass of people shifted, the space for moshing filling in as some snuck closer to the front and others left. Jazz and Spike drifted closer, standing right beside Danny and his friends.
Danny took a breath, whipping his sweaty forehead.
His sister laughed, giving him a knowing look.
The boy raised a brow. “I’ve got icing on my face now, don’t I?”
“Yep.” Jazz’s tone was full of teasing.
“You want some?” With a grin, the little brother swiped for her.
“Danny!” The older teen shrieked, jumping away.
“Come on! Let me give you a high five!” He reached again.
Jazz weaved, dodging. “No!”
“Come on!” Danny got her right in her face.
“Ew! It’s sticky!” The girl fished in her bag, pulling on a sleeve of wet wipes. Frustiously, she whipped at the blue frosting. “Here, you heathen.” She shoved the package at her brother.
The boy rolled his eyes but obliged, whipping his hands. It did feel nice to get the sticky feeling off them. 
A sudden screeching sound through the mic brought Danny’s attention back to the speaker. 
The older man speaking smiled sheepishly. “Got too close to the mic there. As I was saying…”
What was the man saying? Danny should probably pay attention…
The boy shuffled foot to foot, watching, listening. He was getting tired from standing here so long. And thirsty. He’d sung, and screamed, and sweated a lot. He glanced back, wanting to go get some water. But his coveted spot…
Another screech. Danny’s gaze jolted back, focus returned. The mic was giving the guy problems, huh? He watched the stage, the lights  slowly brightening in the growing darkness. It was well past sunset now. A flicker of movement below the stage caught Danny’s attention. Some thing darted by, dark and strangely formless. That was weird… 
A few more minutes and the volunteer finished speaking, leaving the stage. The soundtrack returned as the lights on the stage dimmed.
Danny’s insides fluttered, anticipation rising again. He was still tired, previous emotional high lessened. But the last band was about to come on soon! The headliner!
Beside him, Tucker shook with excitement. “Oh, man. This is gonna be awesome.”
Danny nodded. The lights shifted, spot lighting the drums. And…
“Make some noise, Amity!” Josh ran on stage, jumping. “I wanna see you on your feet!”
The music rumbled and the crowd obeyed. A roar from the background track. Josh fisted the mic and growled. “I caught you like the monster hiding under my bed. Now I’m gonna rip you right out of my head! Like a baseball to the side of the face, I’ll make you disappear without a trace.” Heads bobbed, hands raised. “The match is in my hand… The match is in my hand!” The crowd shook, starting to jump. “You’re just a paper!”
A deafening pop and sound and lights died.
“A paper tiger!” The last yelled words sounded, only audible because of how close Danny was to the stage. 
For a few more seconds, the crowd continued jumping, the band still trying to play as Josh sang without amplification . “Nothing more than a… silver tongued… liar?” 
But the movement stalled, fizzling out. The half ghost stumbled to a stop, brow furrowing in confusion. Around him the crowd started to murmur.
On stage, the guitarist closest to the trio, short cropped hair and bare faced in a tank top, stummed, no sound coming through the speaker. His head turned toward the others already gathering around the drum set. “Did we just lose power?”
The drummer shrugged. One of the lights flashed on, randomly swiveling on its display. The spotlight shone right in the short haired musician’s face. “Woah!” He closed his eyes, head jerking away. The sound echoed out. The man blinked. “Hey, the mic’s back.”
More strumming attempts. Josh tried his mic again, lowering it with a confused look. The drummer motioned to something on the laptop set up beside the kit.
The guitarist turned his attention back to the audience. “Well, that’s how you know it’s live and we’re not just playing over a recording.” He laughed, strumming his guitar and making a face. “Anyone want to hear a joke?”
Under the stage something black flickered again. Danny titled his head, brow furrowed.
“What's a vampire's favorite kind of candy?” He gave a pause for effect, murmurs of question coming from the audience. Then… "A sucker."
Around him, people chuckled lightly, several groaning at the bad joke. On stage, the man continued. “There’s more where that came from. What do….”
The words drifted over Danny’s head, unable to keep his attention. Instead, his focus was on a… weird, unnaturally dark shadow. It undulated, half-slinging-half-crawling in the recesses under the stage. 
Another electric pop. The lights swiveled.
Danny almost swore he heard laughter….
The half ghost’s head turned side to side, looking. Was… no one else really seeing this?
The creature…. The ghost (it must be another ghost, with the way his ghost sense was swirling in his throat) chuckled again, static echoing through the speakers.
A few people winced, covering their ears. “Okay, okay, no more dad jokes.”
Somehow no one was seeing the ghost. How? Other people had been able to see the Lunch Lady and Dora. Wait…. It must have been the partial invisibility like Sidney showed him. But why…
“Hey!” The word was hissed, just a hint of ghostly echo. 
Danny’s head jerked, looking for the source of the noise. His gaze scanned the crowd. For just a second, his eyes met his mother’s, her brow wrinkled in concern as she stood up. 
Then… his gaze met a wavering, ethereal figure. Johnny…
“Cut it out!” The ghostly man hissed. He drifted forward, unseen by the crowd even as he literally, intangibly floated through them. 
Danny’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “I’m not doing anything.” He muttered hotly, earning a confused look from Tucker.
The biker ghost “What? No, not-” Another crackle cut off the word, the man covering his ears. His eyes narrowed, fixing on….
The strange embodiment of darkness. 
Oh. Danny realized 
“Cut it out, Shadow.” The man complained. “I’m actually enjoying this. Go make a kid drop their ice cream or something.”
Danny raised a brow at that last part but Johnny waved him off, attention still on the shadow.
“I’ll bring out the flashlight, man. Just you keep it up and see.” The other ghost threatened.
The living (unliving? undead?) shadow seemed to deflate. With something like a sigh, it zipped off.
The lights came back on. “Hey!” Several positive shouts came from the stage. 
“Now we’re getting somewhere!” Danny picked up the words, from the other guitarist and unamplified.
The half ghost turned his attention back to Johnny. “What was that about?” He asked quietly.
The man shrugged. “There’s a reason they call me Unlucky Johnny 13.” He motioned, waving in the general direction the shadow had gone. “Thing’s got a mind of its own.”
That… answered no questions. But the other ghost ignored Danny’s confused look, instead lifting a hand. “There you are Kitty.” His eyes lit up and in a blink, he disappeared, materializing at the green-haired woman’s side seconds later.
Danny just blinked, taking in what had just happened. That was… something.
“...feel like my ears are burning. They’re talking about me, aren’t they?” The words drew the half ghost’s attention back. The guitarist pointed his thumb at his bandmates. “I’m being voted out of the band, aren’t I?” The look was falsely aghast. “This’ll be my last show with the Protest, guys. It’s been fun.”
What the heck had he missed?
Just then, his mom tapped on his shoulder.
Danny turned jerkily, surprised. “When did you get here?”
The woman’s brow furrowed in concern. “You had a strange look on your face. Is everything alright sweetie? ”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” His eyes flickered to the two ghosts standing at the edge of the crowd. The halfa’s voice lowered, stepping closer to the woman. “There’s two ghosts, the biker couple we saw in the Realms. And this weird shadow ghost that was messing with the sound. The dude, Johnny, yelled at it to stop and it flew off somewhere.”
His mom looked in the direction his gaze had flickered. “I can’t see them.”
“I don’t think anyone else can either. Just me.” The boy shrugged. “It’s a ghost thing.”
“What are they doing?” She asked.
“Just watching the show. Johnny said they came through a natural portal and wanted to have some fun.”
Her forehead wrinkled in worry at the statement. “A natural portal again?”
“We’re good to go!” The crowd cheering interrupted Danny’s response. Josh’s words echoed. “Let’s start this again.” 
“We can talk later.” Danny had to raise his voice to be heard. Accepting a nod in response, he turned back to the front.
The band was walking off the stage, only to return moments later to cheers. 
The instruments pounded. The singer held the mic to his mouth and… “I caught you like the monster hiding under my bed….”
The song started again and Danny jumped, previous confusion and worry quickly forgotten.
“You’re just a paper! A paper tiger! Nothing more than a silver tongued liar! Paper! Paper Tiger! Incinerated by my new found fire!”
The crowd jumped and screamed. Song after song, excitement built.
Josh sang. “You may feel a change but don't be afraid.” 
“The transformation has just begun!” The short-haired guitarist quipped with a grin, pointing at the audience….
The words half-chanted. “In the freak show. In the freak show. In the freak show.” Hands flailed, shoulders shook as Danny and his friends danced.
 “Your mind will be blown away! Hey!” Each word punctuated by a fist to the sky. “Hey! Hey!” 
“Welcome to the Freakshow!” Second chorus ending, the crowd reached a fever pitch.
His heart beating in time with the music, Danny head-banged. His hair flung, dripping with sweat.
Something square and silver at the edge of his vision. Head turned, brow furrowed. His mom had her phone out, lens facing him. 
The boy snorted. Sore neck bobbing faster, he stuck out his tongue at her….
In the small break before the next song… “You’re supposed to take pictures of the band, not me!” Danny laughed…
The set forgaged on. Shredding guitars, pounding drums, screamed words. The songs were incredible. And the message in between…
“If you leave here tonight with one thing, know that you are loved so much. Do you guys understand me?” Murmurs of agreement. “So much. You have no idea.” Josh’s eyes were wide and earnest, so much conviction behind the words. “After we’re done playing tonight, we will be over at the merch tent. Please come talk to us. You are looking at four sinners so we don’t have all the answers, I promise you that. We don’t. We would love to hear your story. We’d love to pray with you. We’d love to talk with you. That’s why we’re here. That’s why all of these bands are here, why we drove hundreds of miles to be here today. To share the hope that we have in Jesus. We love you guys so so much. Come hang out with us. We’ve got a few more for you….”
Danny’s heart squeezed, something deep in him touched by the words. He didn’t know about all of this, but that offer… to be heard, to be listened to. There were plenty of things he couldn’t say but…
Another song started. By now, the almost euphoric excitement had smoothed, lessened, morphed into a more quiet, heartfelt joy. Even still, the words sent goose bumps over the half ghost’s arm.
“This is the time for life revolution
Setting a course to reclaim the broken.
We look to find those lost in the night.
Following hearts that lead like a compass
Fire will rise and we let it guide us.”
The singer leaned over the crowd and the half ghost sang, his soul pouring into each syllable. “Despite the pain, we’ll stay unbroken.” 
Each voice ringing in harmony, brown eyes and blue eyes met. Something in Danny’s chest fluttered, breathless and awed. He could never describe the feeling, not completely.  But when gazes met… belief resonated. Both meant every single word….
To cheers, the set ended. The lights dimmed as people started walking away. And for a long moment, Danny stood in front of the stage, eyes wide and heart light. That amazed feeling stirred…
“We need to get a picture!” Jazz’s hand on his shoulder drew him out of himself.
“Yeah. Go for it.” The boy smiled, letting his sister put her arm around him. 
The pair took a selfie, each with matching grins. The red-head lowered the phone. And Danny finally registered his friends and family hovering around him.
“That first band was so good!” His dad gushed. “They’re just like that band I was in in college! Good ol’ Skunk Punks! But they’ve got much better hair. And better lyrics.”
“Your strengths are in things other than lyrical composition, dear.” His mom graciously didn’t speak on the hair comment. 
Sam pulled him and Tucker across the grass. “We need to get pictures with everyone! And merch! I want one of like everything.”
“Yes! I need the GFM snapback. Their set was so good!” The technogeek laughed, pointing at the icing staining her shirt. “They got you to wear pink. And.” He puffed out his chest. “I’m the only one who didn’t get icing on them
The goth rolled her eyes but then a mischievous look passed her face. “That’s what you think.” 
“What are you- Hey!”
She swiped a glob of crusting icing from her shirt and shoved it at him. “Ha!”
“Not my beret! Sam, how could you!?”
Danny just laughed.
Everyone bought merch. The Relent Ghost shirt and a wristband for GFM and The Protest for Danny. For Sam, the pink and black skateboard, a delightfully cute and creepy pink, green, and black shirt, and a bunch of CDs. (“Who even buys CDs anymore? You can just stream that.” Tucker wrinkled his nose. The goth pulled his hand down over his face. “I want to actually support the bands I like, Tucker. Spotify doesn’t deserve a cent.) The technogeek proceeded to buy his own CD and his coveted snapback.
Danny’s parents even got in on the action. Dad apparently bought a Chaotic Resemblance shirt for everyone in the family. And the famed pink leather bracelet.
Pictures were taken with every band. 
“A silly one next!” Noses were scrunched up in ridiculous expressions. Two members of the Protest pretended to be punching each other. Danny laughed more still.
Words were exchanged, excited ones about the show….
“Awesome set!” Each GFM member was offered a high five.
More casual ones, about school and interests. (Unsurprisingly Josh and co were very personable.)
“Yeah. I just started ninth grade. It’s going pretty well.” “What’s your favorite subject?” “Science. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut…”
And somber ones.
The last band Danny got to speak to was Relent. His heart twisted, words lingering heavy on it. You should say something, a voice in him, not audible but very much present, whispered. The ghost boy listened.
“The last few months have been… really hard for me, for a bunch of reasons. But… I’ve listened to your song, Heavy a bunch of times. And it’s really helped me. Like… uhh… when I couldn’t sleep and just wanted to cry. And… yeah. I’ve listened to it alot and all your other songs so…. Thanks for writing them and putting them out. And… uh… thanks for being here tonight.”
Danny looked down, nervousness flopping his stomach.
“That’s why we write songs and tour.” The lead singer (In their introduction, Danny learned his name was Miggy.) “Like I said on stage, I hope that our songs help people. Thanks for telling me, man.” His expression softened, earnest. “Do you mind if I pray for you?”
As Danny’s friends and family walked back towards the GEV, the boy lingered for just a moment to look over the field. For just a second, three ghostly figures flickered into existence. Kitty and Johnny, the black shadow curled at the man’s feet, floated in front of the stage, unseen by all except the half ghost. The man nodded in his direction, lifting a cigarette-gripping hand. The green-haired woman waved.
Danny returned the gesture, lips quirking as the couple disappeared. He had a feeling he’d be seeing them again.
With the ghosts gone, the boy turned his attention back to the activity across the field. The bands were still active, packing up instruments and putting them in the vans and buses. Soon enough the stage would be torn down as well, leaving no evidence of the concert that had been here. 
Even so, the half ghost’s heavy heart felt lightened. He felt better after talking to Miggy; that had been good for him. The boy sighed. This had been an incredible night. 
Sam bumped his shoulder. “Come on. Tucker asked and your dad said he’s taking us to Nasty Burger for shakes.”
It looked like the night wasn’t over yet.
Everyone piled into the GEV and his dad pulled out, leaving the almost empty parking lot. A few minutes later found the trio sitting at a picnic table outside the restaurant, each nursing their own shake.
Chatter batted back and forth, jokes and memories. The three looked through the pictures that had been taken.
“That’s a good one! You got him mid-head bang.” Tucker pointed while he and Danny leaned over Sam’s phone, admiring a picture of Josh Bramlett with his hair spread in a halo above him.
“I love this one.” The goth swiped. This photo was of GFM’s drummer, an excited grin plastered on her face.
“Drummer pics are so hard to get! That’s awesome.” Danny congratulated.
The conversation continued on, milkshakes almost finished and… 
The half ghost sighed. “Thanks guys for being there.” 
That got him strange looks. “Dude, of course we were going to come to the show with you.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I…” Danny shook his head. He wasn’t exactly sure what prompted this line of thinking but… “I mean…. Thanks for being here for me. With the accident and then splitting myself. I know it’s been hard and you’ve been the best friends I could ask for.” He’d told them as much at Sam’s that day, when they’d convinced Phantom to talk to Fenton about re-fusing and his denial of his death. And even before that…
He blushed. “You guys are the ones who convinced Phantom me to stop denying we were the same person. You guys… you saw me.. You knew me even when I didn’t know myself. So…” He bit his lip. “Thanks for sticking with me,” There in the Hot Topic dressing room, after his ghost self had flown off… “even when I was a jerk to you guys.” 
His friends’ expressions softened. “You really don’t have to thank us, Danny. That’s what friends are for.” Sam said.
“Yeah.” Tucker smiled. “We’re your friends. Of course we’ll stick by you. You’d do the same for us.”
Danny sighed, shaking his head. “Like I said, you guys are the best.”
His best friends both reacted out. An awkward group hug… the table in the middle had just their arms touching each other, heads close together. But Danny closed his eyes, heart warm.
This really had been the best day.
End note: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it. :) As always, feel free to let me know what you liked.
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hoziersmoon · 17 days
Hi, 🕊️👋
Could you plz share and rebolg my story my friend and my fundraising campaign i will be thankful for you
Note: My older account banded for unknown reason for me i wish u can help me to share my story and my new account to help me and my family to evacuat to safe place.🌹❤️🌹
please donate to iyad and family here! the gfm is currently at 10,631/20000.
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AFM: Naomie Harris, Gwendoline Christie Team for Family Adventure ‘Robin and the Hood’
GFM Global Sales is shopping the film, produced by Silver Reel, that also stars Mark Williams and Darcey Ewart.
Naomie Harris, Gwendoline Christie and Harry Potter star Mark Williams (who played Arthur Weasley in the film franchise) have joined the ensemble cast of family adventure film Robin and the Hood alongside rising star Darcey Ewart (Prancer: A Christmas Tale, To Olivia).
The film, which completed principal photography over the summer, comes from director Phil Hawkins (Prancer: A Christmas Tale) and was written by Stuart Benson and Paul Davidson, with the script first optioned by Silver Reel in 2021. It’s set to debut as a Sky Original in the U.K. and Ireland on Sky Cinema, with GFM Global Sales handling the film at the AFM following a deal inked prior to the market.
Robin and the Hood follows the tenacious 11-year-old Robin (Ewart) and her loyal band of friends, called “The Hoods,” for whom the patch of overgrown scrubland at the end of their cul-de-sac is a magical kingdom. Sticks and bin lids have become swords and shields, drones have become majestic eagles, and the hippy lady in the forest (Christie) is a terrifying witch. The only thing limiting their colorful imagination is the prospect of losing their kingdom forever. When the slippery property developer Clipboard (Harris) turns up and dazzles the parents of the area with promises of health spas and day-care facilities, Robin and The Hoods’ world is faced with an existential threat. Despite the children’s best efforts, their protests fall on deaf ears. When their parents can’t see the wood for the trees, Robin and her friends take matters into their own hands to defend their kingdom. 
The film is produced by Silver Reel’s Claudia Bluemhuber and Future Artists Entertainment’s Matt Williams. Alexander Jooss, Florian Dargel and Karol Griffiths (from Silver Reel) and Julia Stuart and Andrew Orr (Sky) will executive produce. 
“We were excited about Stuart and Paul’s script from the moment we encountered it – Robin and the Hood is a story with a big heart and plenty of laughter, which reminds us of the power and importance of imagination in a world that is swiftly losing it,” said Bluemhuber. “Landing the fantastic (quartet) of Naomie, Mark, Gwendoline and Darcey to lead our cast is a brilliant coup, and we’re thrilled that Sky, Future Artists and GFM are joining us on this adventure!”
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shadiafamily · 1 day
To everyone who cares 🚨
The difficult living conditions of the displaced in the Gaza Strip worsen during the winter with the rains and the drop in temperatures, amid a severe shortage of food and clean, potable water.
this is the condition of our tent , this is the condition of the place we live in now , winter has come and we do not even have a tent to live on. Help me achieve the goal of buying a new tent , If each person donated 20 €, we will be able to succeed. I want your support and standing with us , We have lost our ability to live the most basic rights: housing, food, and even clothes, we don't have the ability to buy that because we literally have nothing , We now need to provide tarps for this tent to protect us from the rain in winter, which threatens our lives.
We only ask for the basics of living to continue in this painful reality , I only ask you for simple things and simple rights Please help me achieve this goal.
Please help by donating and reblog🙏🏽🙏🏽💔
(This campaign has been vetted by @moayesh @wellwaterhysteria )
@sar-soor @khangaroobells @nabulsi27 @paliducho @helpingg @gazavetters @gazaboovintage @elshabot-blog @gazaablog @tvmoviedits @tvmilfs
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rhymeswithfart · 7 days
Share my campaign please❤️🥹🇵🇸🫶🏻
I'm so sorry it took so long to answer
This campaign is vetted by 90ghost ( more info on op's page) and low on funds
I'll add images to reach more tags and people:
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flamingpen18 · 1 year
Atlantic Coast Championships
My daughter's marching band has made to the ACCs which they have won for the past two years. Unfortunately, since we are starting over in our new home, we do not have the money to pay for her expenses.
The entire band is doing a fundraiser for the entrance fee but the individual members have to pay for their share of gas, hotel room, and six meals. We need help.
My Bethany has done a stellar job keeping her grades up while we were homeless. It has not been easy on her but she plowed on ahead and did what she needed to do. She deserves to go. Plus, this will look great on her college applications.
The money has to be handed in to the band director on October 18th.
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kurohtak1 · 2 years
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Sup! I'm Jae~! I'm A Black Nonbinary Lesbian, and I am a Comic Artist and Graphic Designer. I love all things fantasy, spooky, bright and colorful!
My current comic is called Triple Moon! It's about a Witch and a Vampire from rival bands falling in love! It's a Black Lesbian, Polyamorous, Slice-Of-Life love story. Featuring hot and sexy monster women! Some other websites you can support me!
Website (here is my gfm for donation and support)
Twitter (I post think pieces and lots of wips/finished art here)
Instagram ( I have lots of comic update stories, posts, polls, etc on here)
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naturally-elegant · 23 days
Hi, 🕊️👋
Could you plz share and rebolg my story my friend and my fundraising campaign i will be thankful for you
Note: My older account banded for unknown reason for me i wish u can help me to share my story and my new account to help me and my family to evacuat to safe place.🌹❤️🌹
//OOC: Hello! I sadly won't be able to donate, but I'll include your GFM for traction! <3
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