#The importance of trusting and communicating with your partner
Yandere Baby Daddy Logan Howlett
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Wolverine, as a yandere, can be intense, fiercely protective, possessive, and obsessive in his love. He is not afraid to use violence and intimidation to keep the object of his affection close to him and ensure your safety. He may struggle with trust issues and jealousy, always on guard for any perceived threats. Despite his tough exterior, he deeply cares for you and can be incredibly loving and tender when the situation calls for it. However, he can be intimidating and controlling at times, driven by his intense emotions and a desire to keep what is "his."
As a yandere baby daddy, Wolverine is intensely protective and possessive of his family. He is fiercely devoted to you and his child, willing to go to great lengths to ensure your safety and happiness.
He'll go into "overprotective dad mode," keeping a close eye on you and the kid, and anyone who attempts to harm you or intrude upon your family life may face his wrath. However, beneath this fiercely protective exterior, he'll also display a softer side, doting on his child and expressing his love in his own unique, rugged way.
He might struggle with balancing his intense protectiveness with giving you space and independence. It's a tightrope walk between his natural instincts and respecting your autonomy. However, he'll always prioritize the safety and well-being of you and his child above all else.
He may still struggle with trust and jealousy issues even after the baby, but he recognizes the importance of being a responsible parent and will, in his own way, do everything he can to support and provide for his child. While his methods may be unconventional, he genuinely cares for his family and will always have your best interests at heart, even if he can be a bit intense at times.
But he'll also demand a lot of attention, becoming jealous and possessive when you seem to give affection to anyone or anything else, including the child. He'll struggle with balancing his protective nature with allowing his family to have time without him. Overall, he's fiercely protective and devoted but can be demanding and possessive in his role as a yandere baby daddy.
However, Wolverine's yandere tendencies could extend beyond just protection. He might become overly possessive and controlling, suspicious of anyone who interacts with you or the child, and might even exhibit signs of possessiveness toward the baby. He questions your loyalty or fidelity and may need reassurance and communication to ease these insecurities. His intense emotions could also lead to bouts of anger or aggression if he perceives a threat to your family's safety or happiness.
Oh, and be prepared for the occasional jealous outburst, especially if someone else gets a little too close to his family. Logan can get pretty territorial. But deep down, he's just a big softie who loves you and your kiddo more than anything in the world.
Logan might also experience moments of insecurity, especially given his rough past. He may question his ability to be a good father and partner, fearing that his violent tendencies could negatively impact your child. He'll struggle to balance his fierce protective instincts with the need to allow his child to grow and learn independently.
You might also notice an increased reliance on communication. Logan will likely start opening up more about his fears, insecurities, and past traumas as he navigates the complexities of fatherhood while dealing with his yandere tendencies.
Wolverine as a yandere baby daddy is also likely to have a strong sense of responsibility. He'll prioritize providing for and caring for his family, and might even go to extremes to ensure financial security. Additionally, he'll want to teach the kid his ways and values, being a rough-and-tumble father figure. He'll try to instill his survival and combat skills, as well as his sense of loyalty and bravery in his child.
Overall, expect a mix of intense loving and overprotectiveness from the feral baby daddy Wolverine.
With Logan as a yandere baby daddy, expect some occasional mood swings and bouts of grumpiness. He's not exactly a smooth talker or romantic, so don't expect flowery compliments or sweet gestures. Instead, his affection can manifest in gruff, rough, and even violent ways. He might express his love through acts of service, like protecting you and the kid from danger, rather than traditional romantic gestures.
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pubbamoon · 2 days
Hi!! I just came across your account and I have a huge difficulty with interpreting Matrix of Destiny, can you just share some thoughts of mine? Anddd maybe recommend some materials for learning a little bit, I don’t find much stuff on internet. Thank you sm 🫶🏻
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Hi! Thanks for trusting me and asking me this question. Sorry for later response of mine, I was busy with my private life. Nevermind, let's just get into your Destiny Matrix chart!
As I always say, number at the center in the Matrix of Destiny is the most important number in your chart, representing who you are. This number, which is placed in a yellow circle, is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra, which is related to confidence, power and identity. You have number 3 at the center of your chart, making The Empress card the prominent theme in your life, since it's a 3rd card in Major Arcana Tarot deck. In numerology, number 3 is being ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, idealism and spirituality. This might make you an optimistic type of person who looks life in an ideal way. The Empress card makes you a creative and joyful individual who seeks pleasure in life. It seems to me that you might have a potential to lead an abundant life. You may also have a natural feminine energy within yourself. Take it how it resonates.
There's another four numbers that are super important in your chart and these are number 11 (Strength) on the left side of your chart (your day of birth), number 6 (The Lovers) on the upper side of your chart (your month of birth), number 7 (The Chariot) on the right side of your chart (your year of birth) and number 6 (The Lovers) on the bottom side of your chart (your life path). While looking at your Destiny Matrix chart, I can say that you were born on June 11th, your year of birth might be 2014, 2005, 1996 or 1987 and your Life Path number in numerology is 6. Both of your day of birth and your month of birth (11 and 6) are placed in your Crown chakra (purple-colored circles), representing your spiritual journey and mission, while your year of birth and your Life Path number (7 and 6) are connected with your Root chakra (red-colored circles), representing your stability, foundation and how you ground yourself.
Number 11 (Strength) and number 6 (The Lovers) being placed in your Crown chakra signifies that you're a courageous person who strives to achieve your full potential (Strength) and you're also a communicative type of person who likes to be with others (The Lovers). Number 17 (The Star) is also important for the state of your Crown chakra, meaning that you may be a creative individual who gives hope to other people.
Number 7 (The Chariot) and number 6 (The Lovers) in your Root chakra may signify that in order to ground yourself and to build a foundation of yours, it might be helpful to take some action and make movements (The Chariot), while also making connections with others and being a good communicator (The Lovers). Number 13 (Death) is also significant for the state of your Root chakra, meaning that leaving the old things or beliefs aside and starting something completely new might be crucial for your stability and foundation.
Your love line is the 9-10-19 code, making the number 10 (Wheel of Fortune) the most important number for your love life. That means your partner might be optimistic person who gives you luck in your life. But the Wheel of Fortune card isn't always about luck, it's about cycles too, about the things in our life we cannot control. Because of that, you may have a luck with your love life based on your external circumstances, something like that. Other numbers signify the some sort of isolation because of your partner (9 - The Hermit), but also joyful and beautiful times with your partner (19 - The Sun).
Your money line is 19-11-10, making the number 11 (Strength) as the most important number here. This might mean that you could be successful as a CEO or a businessperson, because the Strength card is about having a courage and strength to lead. You might also work as a vet, since in the Strength card, the woman is taking care of an animal. Number 19 (The Sun) also signifies a career in business and leading the others, but the number 10 (The Wheel of Fortune) reveals that you success in career is based on your external circumstances.
Speaking of materials and how to learn this, it's interesting, but also strange to me how almost everybody struggles to find informations about the Matrix of Destiny system, because I find them without any problems. But I'll say that if you learn the meaning of numbers and Tarot cards from Major Arcana, then it's going to be easier to understand the concept of the Matrix of Destiny. I've spent years of learning and understanding of numerology and Major Arcana deck before I knew Matrix of Destiny exists, which helped me to read the Destiny Matrix charts.
The materials I'll recommend if you want to learn more about the Matrix of Destiny system are some YouTube channels and one website based on the Matrix of Destiny.
The Om World
Anastasiia - Matrix of Destiny
Okay, I think that would be everything for your Destiny Matrix chart reading. I didn't say everything about your chart, but I didn't want to make it too detailed. If you have any other questions about your Destiny Matrix chart, you can ask me privately or book a private reading with me. I hope you can resonate with this reading of yours. I wish you had a great week ahead.
Best regards, Paky McGee
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ninadove · 1 year
Felix and Kagami understand the plot and themes of the series better than any of us could
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Look at them go
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metalcorebarbie · 5 months
#this is not a fully formed thought#but i’m just thinking that if buddie does go canon#one of the things the writers could deep dive into is#how they both have kind of complicated relationship with sex#i’ve been thinking about that post about eddie and does he know he can say no to sex#and how buck used to try to fill#heh pun not intended#an empty hole inside himself with meaningless sex#and how bothered he was that he might have not been able to please all his former partners#so i just think it would be such a good character study opportunity to have them figure out those things when it comes to their sex life#just. you know. have eddie learn that he is allowed to say no#and have buck understand that it doesn’t mean#that he failed as a partner#and that there are other forms of intimacy#that aren’t better or worse than sex but equally important#and even when you KNOW the other person#like really truly know them#you still need to communicate#because even in a commited relationship that is based on trust and love and devotion#you still can’t read your partners thoughts#and even if it’s hard at first it will make your relationship even better when you just talk#and that sex isn’t just some wordless agreement that just happens naturally when two people are attracted to each other#but it’s something that you NEED to talk about#and figure out what works best for everyone involved#i don’t know i have other thoughts about this but like i said#they’re not fully formed and i’m not able to articulate them#🤷🏻‍♀️
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coloursofaparadox · 1 year
i ✨️cannot sleep✨️ and vaguing about shit on the internet feels more cathartic than writing it out somewhere else. suffer.
#im having. thoughts. on one hand. VERY badly want woods and chicken farm.#on the other hand. i do actually like friends?#and the likelihood of making friends as a queer person in a small town is uh. yknow. not as good.#but idk if its important enough to me to put my life on hold indefinitely to create more ties to an area that ill eventually have to leave#if i ever want a chance at supporting myself financially or buying a tiny lil starter house?#ideal situation is i start a gay commune with like minded friends. but uh. people have not been good to me#on the whole 'trust em with your plans' front#sigh. idk. id love to be able to afford a place thats still in the general area but that is never going to happen#unless i can spontaneously manifest /literally/ a million dollars#i am done with romantic relationships i think. if one happens at some point? cool. but i am not basing my life plans around it.#and will not sacrifice my own peace and wellbeing just for the sake of one#god. looking for queer friends who want to live on a farm with me platnically and we all have our own space but#also raise animals together and hang out sometimes. and dogs are a requirement.#i just! want! queer commune! where i can go back to my own little bubble and have my own space too!#aaaaahhhhh!!!! albertas real estate is starting to look real good right about now!#ugh. u g h. i fluctuate wildly between 'im very VERY content not speaking to a human for a week at a time' and 'platonic life partner. pls.#maybe i just....take a page out of 18 yr old me's ballsy ass handbook. and uproot my entire life to move somewhere completely new#where i know no one have no connections and in a completely different climate 😎 it worked out last time#i could so just fuck off somewhere. oh my god it is so tempting.
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sincerelybubbles · 1 month
Spencer holds your hand while you argue.
"Physical connection with a partner, especially during tense moments, is proven to aid in communication and connection."
It's something you found odd at first - annoyed, you tried to shrug him off, but he persisted, fingers clutching yours and dipping his head to hold eye contact. Now, though, you appreciate the habit.
"You have to trust me to do my job," you're saying, one hand linked in his and the other tapping along his forearm. "I'm the exact type the unsub is looking for. Emily will be right beside me, she'll have her gun-"
"But you won't," Spencer interrupts, squeezing your fingers and avoiding your eye.
The connection reminds you that he's simply concerned for your safety, not doubting your ability to do your job. Still, annoyance flares in your chest and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"He's looking for women he finds attractive - women with my eye color, my weight, my height, my hair color. He's got military background, he'll notice if I'm armed."
"He'll notice if you're wearing your vest, too," Spencer argues, nostrils flaring.
You both know that this argument is pointless. You're not going to say no to Hotch's assignment and it's been cleared by him already. Spencer doesn't have the rank to outvote him. Still, it's important to you that he understands, that he's comfortable, that he trusts you.
You keep holding his hand, returning his squeeze, and massaging his other forearm. You're in a small office in the small-town sheriff's office the team set up in. You can smell the sour dust in the air and the Texas heat causes sweat to gather on your forehead.
"Love, Emily will be right there. Morgan will be in the bar, too, and Hotch and Rossi will be outside. They're not going to let anything happen."
"I don't like it," Spencer says, voice firm. Compromise isn't clear - you can't say no, he doesn't want you to say yes.
Despite your best efforts, you sigh. Truly, you're just proud of yourself for not letting the eye-roll escape. You kind of think you deserve a reward for the effort.
You want to tell him that he doesn't really have a say in any of this. You're leaving in twenty minutes to get ready with Emily and JJ. An hour after that, you'll be in a bar pretending to sip a vodka cranberry and waiting for your unsub to hit on you.
Instead, you lean forward to catch Spencer in a hug, untangling your hands and looping your arms around his neck. "I know."
You meet him in a soft kiss, brief because of the setting. It's the best comfort you can offer him.
He sighs softly against your forehead when you pull away, hugging you tight.
"I'll be there too. Outside with Hotch and Rossi. I don't care where Hotch wants me."
"Okay," you whisper into his shoulder. Despite how high-strung you are considering the circumstances, the hug is calming you down, rapidly slowing your heartbeat.
He's right, as always -- the physical connection has you calmer instantly.
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dontforgetukraine · 2 months
Ukraine Donation Guide Master Post
(Ver. 2 updated Aug 13th, 2024) I will be reformatting this and adding more in the future when I have time.
Also a quick note, all of the groups I have found through twitter have been around long enough for them to be vetted by each other and the brigades they work with. In fact, a lot of these groups collaborate with each other too. Those that are in the fight for Ukraine have been diligent in calling out those that are grifters. Word spreads around quickly if an organization doesn't show up with what they promised. They also use their social media (often Twitter) as a means of transparency for their work.
Remember: When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
United 24 has various fundraisers dedicated to defense and drones, medical aid, rebuilding Ukraine, humanitarian demining, and science and education. You can pick which one you want to contribute to under their various projects.
Liberty Ukraine uses funds for humanitarian aid, medical supplies, protective gear and equipment, and rehabilitation therapy. You can choose which campaign of theirs to donate to.
Come Back Alive is a charitable foundation that supports Ukraine's military with competent assistance while also focusing on security and defense. They also have projects that use sports to help veterans rehabilitate. You can choose which campaign to donate to.
Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation works to help both civilians and Ukraine's army. You can choose to donate to an active project or any of their general campaigns. Civilian aid campaigns cover temporary housing, supporting crisis and emergency responses, schools, demining, and healthcare. Military aid campaigns cover drones, optics units, communications equipment, and support of air defense teams.
Food Aid
World Central Kitchen works with local partners wherever they are providing food aid. They make sure meals and meal kits are what the local population eats. Even though there is no separate fundraising campaign for Ukraine (that I can see), they still do great work.
Animal Rescue
Hachiko Foundation works to help displaced pets and strays in frontline areas. They help with veterinary care, outdoor shelters, setting up feeding stations, and rehoming animals.
Medical Aid
Hospitallers (Website) is a volunteer organization of paramedics that was founded in 2014. They evacuate the wounded, provide medical aid on the frontlines, assist in rehabilitation, and transfer of the deceased to burial sites. They are also supported by Ukraine Charity. Visit Hospitallers' website to see how many they have evacuated, different methods you can donate, and more information about them.
Saint Javelin (Twitter; Website) is a great place to get apparel, gear, and other cool loot to show your support for Ukraine. They don't take donations, but instead raise funds through their shop with a portion of their sales going towards humanitarian aid and critical items needed by the defenders (generators, pick-up trucks, medical supplies etc). Part of their shop has items made in Ukraine to support Ukrainian businesses. Overall, their products are high-quality. I include them due to their impactful presence in the Twitter community I follow and how they make Ukraine visible in an alternative way. Consider buying someone a gift from their shop.
The Kyiv Independent (Twitter; Website) is a great English language resource for news about Ukraine. I include them because I think supporting good journalism is incredibly important, especially now when the information space is fraught with Russian propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. My followers have probably noticed I've pulled a lot of quotes from their stories in an effort to amplify Ukrainian voices and experiences. Look on their website for more information on different way to support them, such as their Patreon.
If you're on twitter, there are a number of groups and people that fundraise for Ukraine and for specific units fighting on the frontlines. If there is no official website, a PayPal for donations is listed in their profiles. When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
@/Teoyaomiquu almost always has a fundraiser for Liberty Ukraine with a specified purpose. At the time of writing this, he is currently raising funds for engineering equipment such as excavators. One such excavator is already in Kursk. Follow him to stay up to date with what he's fundraising for.
Dyga's Paw (Twitter: @/dzygaspaw) is a smaller group that has recently raised funds for starlinks, drones, batteries, and Ecoflow generators. You can look at the fundraising campaigns they currently have on their website.
@/DefactoHumanity represents and founded Planet of the People with their website U(a)nited for Freedom. She frequently posts updates about their fundraisers and what their partners need. They are known for providing Frontline medical aid supplies, protective equipment and other military aid, technical equipment (starlinks, drones, scopes, etc), and infrastructure equipment (generators, vehicles, power stations, etc). They even have a merch store of the battalions they partner with if that's your jam. Here is their link tree if you wish to explore more. And in case you're curious, there is an article bout the founder here.
@/wilendhornets (Website) specialize in making high quality drones that have gotten a lot of praise from Ukraine's army. They have attracted a lot of media attention too. Check out their website for the list of articles that have been written about them. Their Twitter is very active with strike footage.
Ants Kitchen Hub (@/ants_kyiv) is a volunteer kitchen that makes dry rations for the Ukrainian army. They are more active on their other social media. To learn more about them, check out their link tree.
@/frontlinekit (Front Line Kitchen) is represented by Richard Woodruff. Originally they made shelf stable food for the Ukrainian army, but now their fundraising has branched out to other campaigns such as raising funds for medical supplies and drones. They are a well known group that many battalions have come to for help.
@/bekamaciorowski (Rebekah Maciorowski) is as combat medic and nurse who helps provide medical care to soldiers and civillians at the frontlines. She raises funds for medical supplies and other equipment, but also helps train soldiers in first aid. More of her social media that features her work can be found in her link tree.
@/UkraineAidOps (Website) is another organization battalions frequently go to for help. They fundraise for all sorts of equipment from medical supplies to drones. If you're interested, they also have a shop with patches from different brigades and flags signed by soldiers. Their shop also includes a separate section called the Victory Gallery where artifacts from the war are turned into art. This includes shells that are painted on, scrap metal from downed enemy planes are turned into keychains, and pieces of a rocket are turned into lamps.
Chris Garrett is the co-founder of Prevail. His organization deals with humanitarian demining as well as training for trauma care, training of bomb disposal, and education to the public. Prevail works with local agencies in Ukraine as well as the army.
Project Konstantin (Twitter; Website; Linktree) is still going strong after the death of their founder, British paramedic Peter Fouché. His digital ghost can be found here. They collaborate with the military, thus giving them an insight into what is dearly needed. They often raise funds for starlinks, personalized first aid kits (IFAKs), generators, portable power stations, and other nonlethal military equipment. I regret forgetting them the first time this post went around. Visit their website to see everything they have done and more. It has more information on what and how they do it than this post can cover.
One Team One Fight (Twitter; Website; Linktree) has some of the original members that worked for Ukraine Aid Ops. They formed their own group after differences with the previous one, and are still helping Ukraine. They are very visible on various social media showing what they have accomplished in their deliveries to various brigades. They're another group that seeks to bring starlinks, drones, medical supplies and protective gear to the battalions that come to them for help. Check out their website for more information on their current fundraisers, their achievements, and received recognition.
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade (Twitter; Website) Another small group that focuses their funds on delivering drones, generators, vehicles, and saving the occasional furry companion. They are very diligent in their updates for their fundraising campaigns. Check out their website for more information and the articles written about them.
Postmaster General Boomer (Twitter; Website) focuses on humanitarian aid, animal aid, and logistics. Boomer is the beloved pet of one of the founders and the secret boss/mascot. They have many transparency reports and are diligent in reporting the various "tours" they do in getting supplies where they are needed to go. They are based in Germany but have built up many connections during their existence. They have also worked closely with Ukraine Aid Ops.
I am sure I have forgotten some, so please reply or comment with any more I should add to this master post. I will edit and update as I see and evaluate more.
Last updated: Aug. 13th, 2024
Version updates listed below
August 13th, 2024 Added:
Saint Javelin
The Kyiv Independent
Project Konstantin
1 Team 1 Fight
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade
Post Master General Boomer
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butchwheels · 10 months
i think more neurodivergent people should practice saying "hey please only say yes to me infodumping to you about my favorite things when you have the emotional capacity for it, don't force yourself to or it defeats the purpose and if you hide it you'll grow resentment unnecessarily and if i ever find out i'll feel incredibly betrayed" to loved ones, even if they also are autistic/adhd/etc. it is an important boundary that is in OUR control and would radically change our sense of trust with others. we can be authentic AND build trust if we communicate effectively with other people
this can also apply to passionate ppl in general, and to their loved ones who think that making a martyr of themself so their loved one can ramble to them beyond what's comfortable makes them a better partner. it actually often does not. the only way we can learn to trust that you actually want to listen to us when we ask is when you say no sometimes too. otherwise we'll go into a guilt loop everytime, bc we don't have the data to prove that you would tell us if it was too much. i think even without neurodivergency being involved ppl are likely to martyrize themselves for their loved ones not realizing that being a martyr AT ALL will ALWAYS backfire at your loved ones. it never just affects you, and it always impedes genuine connection and trust. even i have been guilty of letting my autistic friends ramble at me until i was exhausted, and then straining beyond that bc it felt too rude to tell them, even when it was negatively affecting our emotional connection on my end. but communication is key, folks. it's a hard habit to learn but one we all must learn, and both sides need to do it
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
being married to erik lehnsherr would include
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• erik is EXTREMELY protective of you. he uses his powers subtly to ensure your safety, like redirecting bullets or stopping potential threats without you even noticing.
• when you’re driving he will use his powers to move a car over if he thinks that they’re drifting into your lane.
• as his partner, you have a significant role in his plans and strategies. your insights and ideas are crucial, and he trusts you implicitly with major decisions.
• balancing erik’s often ruthless methods with your own moral compass can be challenging. you constantly strive to find a middle ground, helping him see different perspectives while understanding his deep-rooted convictions.
• erik loves to shares his vast experiences from different historical events, giving you a unique perspective on history and the evolution of mutant-human relations.
• being with erik means constantly learning and evolving. he encourages you to hone your skills, whether they’re related to your powers (if you have any) or other talents.
• despite his tough exterior, erik shows his softer side only to you. his love for you is profound and unwavering, and he cherishes every moment spent with you.
• you both enjoy challenging each other intellectually. debates are a common occurrence, and they often end in mutual respect and deeper understanding of each other's viewpoints.
• erik shows his love in small, meaningful ways, like always having your favorite tea ready or ensuring you have a warm blanket when you’re cold, using his powers to fetch things without you asking.
• you both share a strong commitment to the mutant cause. whether it’s through activism, helping mutants in need, or fighting against oppression, your relationship is a powerful force for change.
• despite the constant battles and responsibilities, erik always makes time for private getaways with you. these retreats are a chance to relax, reconnect, and enjoy each other’s company away from the chaos.
• the two of you often host gatherings for the mutant community, providing a space for mutants to connect, share their stories, and support each other. these events are filled with a sense of unity and purpose.
• trust is the cornerstone of your relationship. despite the challenges and dangers, you both have unwavering loyalty to each other, knowing that your bond is unbreakable.
• erik respects your independence and ensures that responsibilities are shared equally. whether it’s managing your home or leading missions, you both contribute and support each other’s strengths.
• if you have children, erik is a fiercely protective and loving parent. he’s dedicated to teaching them about their heritage, powers, and the importance of fighting for their rights.
• i mean come on, it’s basically canon that this man is a girl dad. look at the way he treats wanda and lorna compared to pietro.
• he occasionally shows off his abilities in small, romantic gestures, like creating intricate metal sculptures for you and arranging a metal flower bouquet that never wilts.
• your house is adorned with thousands of metal flowers he's crafted for you.
• he's also made countless pieces of jewelry for you as well.
• he made your wedding ring himself. <33
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botanicalsword · 5 months
House Stellium • Harmonising your energy
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Advices for those with prominent House Stellium
This is relevant for Natal Chart, Progression Chart, Solar Return Chart, and Lunar Return Chart.
1st House Stellium - maintain humility & an open mindset
be open to others' opinions and not be too arrogant
listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition and inner feelings - learn to listen to others' perspectives
gain different angles of thinking and experiences
2nd House Stellium - hard work and savings
avoiding get-rich-quick schemes, seeking luck, or engaging in illegal ways
through diligence and frugality, steadily accumulate wealth and achieve your goals
✧ 3rd House Stellium - talents and interests
leverage your expressive and communication abilities to excel in the field of culture and the arts
showcase your uniqueness in the arts and cultural domains
enhance your expressive and communication skills to engage with others and share your thoughts and creativity
✧ 4th House Stellium - explore unknown territories
explore the world outside and not stay too isolated at home.
actively participate in social activities - step out of your comfort zone
broaden your horizons, enrich your life experiences - interact with different groups of people
✧ 5th House Stellium - the importance of financial knowledge
study investment theories - can better manage and grow our financial assets
engage in moderate entertainment and relaxation outside of work - maintaining a balance
✧ 6th House Stellium - physical health
be attentive, and diligent but overworking
maintain a balance between work and life
Sustaining good physical health - enhance work efficiency and life quality
schedule work and rest time properly
✧ 7th House Stellium - choice of partner
be cautious in choosing partners, whether in relationships or business ventures
Good partnerships - shared success
unsuitable partners - unnecessary troubles and difficulties
✧ 8th House Stellium - unexpected circumstances
leave room for alternatives when dealing with matters - reduce anxiety and stress
have backup plans and maintain being calm / let go
9th House Stellium - knowledge and wisdom
read more books, explore the world
understand different cultures and perspectives, and expand our thinking and cognitive range
Reading - transport us into a colorful world, stimulating our imagination and creativity.
✧ 10th House Stellium - quality of life
excel in work or entrepreneurship while also giving yourselves some space for personal life
pursue professional success while paying attention to our quality of life
need time to rest, engage in leisure activities
spend time with family and friends
✧ 11th House Stellium - self-acceptance
strong interpersonal skills
avoid relying too much on others' approval
maintain authenticity and independence
not excessively conforming to others' expectations or seeking validation for satisfaction
believe in our value and capabilities
maintain confidence and self-esteem
✧ 12th House Stellium - kindness and empathy 
qualities of tolerance and inclusiveness
sympathize with others' experiences
avoid procrastination
take proactive actions and avoid delaying problem-solving or pursuing our goals
forgiveness towards others and yourselves - release inner tolerance and goodwill
Dear 12th House Stellium
12th House Stellium Part I (Extended)
12th House Dominance Part II (Extended)
Hidden strength of 12th House (Extended)
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loveemagicpeace · 26 days
North node- your path🌊
The sign in which the North Node falls denotes the psychological shift that needs to occur within the personality. The house containing the North Node shows the experiences that allow the person to access this new psychological awareness. In my experience, the house is at least of equal importance to the sign. The house position indicates the arena in which the life lessons of the North Node are learned. For ex:, if your North Node is in Cancer in the 11th House, you are learning to get in touch with and communicate your feelings, through cultivating the energy of friendships and learning to "go with the flow".if your North Node is in Aries in the 4th House, through getting in touch with your gut instincts (4th House) you can discover and communicate who you are (Aries.) . If the sign of your North Node is in the same sign as the house containing your North Node it simply means double the intensity of the same life lesson. If your North Node is in a house opposing the sign of your North Node it will be necessary for you to carefully and continuously check with yourself to find the right blending of behavior.
North Node in 1st house/Aries North Node-in this life you are focused on yourself, how you see yourself, personality. To learn how to be with yourself and love yourself. Accept yourself as you are. Being independent from others and believing in yourself. Being kind to yourself and not looking at others. You have the ability to see the difficult sides of others, but also their loving sides. You don't like to be with people when your dark side shows and you prefer to withdraw because you feel guilty. But then you can see yourself in a different light, and that's actually a good thing. You have to find someone who will accept it and not push you aside. When you make decisions, you can feel that it is the right decision and you must not make a decision impulsively, because that way you can make the wrong decision. You have to be aware of yourself and who you are, and when you are more in touch with your energy, then you will feel the real you. You need a partner with whom you can grow and become a better version of yourself, and thereby also get to know yourself.
North Node in 2nd house/Taurus North Node-your focus is to find value in yourself and not through money. Many people with this position see their worth or power only when they have money and think that makes them worth more. You can learn to find value in the things that make you happy and bring you peace. To enjoy life without including money in it. To find pleasure in food, good drink, movies, good company and being in your own comfort. To find trust in others and in yourself. To take things slowly and be patient. To live knowing that they live for themselves and not for others. You can be too vulnerable to the opinion of other people. You define your self-worth based on them. You could easily get help, and you attracted things to you naturally. The north node in second house suggests that in the past, you used sexuality as a means to get what you want. With this placement, you often possess a lot of sexual power. You are very charismatic, and other people are drawn to you. There were periods in your life when you were on the verge of collapse, where you had to completely recreate yourself, and come back and rise like phoenix.
North Node in 3rd house/ Gemini North Node- your focus is on communication, relatives, interaction, intelligence and learning. It is important that you are not focused on your truth but on the people around you. To listen to other people and understand their sides. That it's okay to ask if you don't understand something and that the question will never sound weird or crazy. You can learn to be okay with silence and connect with people through it. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. It is also important that you choose one path, because the problem with this north node is that many times you are torn between two things. One path may be quite different from the other, but you can choose the path that suits you best. These people are learning to accept duality. Planet earth runs on the principles of yin and yang, night and day, cold and hot, female and male- seeing opposites that make a whole. U will better understand people when u will see filp side of the coin.
North Node in 4th house/Cancer North Node-in this life you are focused on home, family, comfort, people you know and who give you a sense of recognition. You have to learn to be with others and be connected to your family (which can be difficult) but this is also your purpose - maybe a better connection with your mother and to understand her better and build a better relationship with her. To support others in things and to feel accepted. You can sacrifice a lot for others and to make others feel better around you. You want the person next to you to feel safe. You have to also learn that you don't need to achieve everything right away and that it takes time and that no one is more successful than you. When it comes to relationships, you can learn not to control things but to let them go if your partner doesn't feel good enough in the relationship. They have the need to do everything just to keep their partner because they think that if they fulfill their needs then they will have a nice relationship, but this is not entirely true. First, they can fulfill their own needs.
North Node in 5th house/Leo North Node-in this life your focus is on children, hobbies, fun, inner child, romance.Many problems with taking responsibility have to do with trust. Leo North Node people violate other people's trust without intending to or recognizing when they have done it. This is why other people sometimes react violently against them. If these folks can see the child in other people, they will recognize that everyone operates from a certain level of trust that others are going to keep their word. You can learn to find your own fun and hobby that makes you happy and fulfilling. Above all, you can find your inner child and connect with this part of your life. Spending more time with people who are younger than you or children. You can proudly show your childish side and talents. Share your knowledge with others and don't be afraid to step in front of others and show yourself to the world. You could have had a more difficult childhood that was unusual and because of that you now want to find your childhood joy that you couldn't find before. You have to recognize your power and follow your ego. You are wonderful with children and children are “good karma” for you. It is important in relationships that both things are involved giving and receiving.
North Node in 6th house/Virgo North Node-in this life you have to find balance with your body and your job. You have to work in a job in which you feel that it is healthy for you, because the job can also cause you to get sick. You can find a routine that will suit you and in which you will find yourself. The connection with your body is important here. You must not doubt your abilities and be self-critical. You have to learn to find your perfection, which is in some ways imperfect. You are here to heal others and help them on their journey. You are often more aware of the pain of others than they are themselves. You can heal many people. You can also become a mentor to others. When it comes to love, you can't idealize others too much and you can let other people close and not look for an ideal partner. You have a lot of empathy for others and you listen to others without judging them and you like to help solve their problems. Sometimes you can also put off a lot of things. Like, say, time to pay a phone bill or an obligation. You often avoid this. You can be very messy at the times.
North Node in 7th house/Libra North Node-in this life, your focus is a partnership that will make you and the people around you happy. You can see two sides well and know how to overestimate a problem and solve problems in relationships. Finding a partner who will really suit you is difficult for you, because you may want someone who will match the image you have in your head. You might need a lot of confirmation from others that you are good enough and you want a lot of love from others. But here it is important that you find love within yourself and not from others. That you learn to receive love from your partner and that this is enough for you. To let go of the fear of disappointment and loss. Some of these folks are afraid to love anyone because they aren't accustomed to exchanging love. In this life, their early attempts may fail because they haven't learned how to exchange love. They close themselves off emotionally in response. However, they are learning that some people will love them for their innate individual spirit, and some will not. People are differ-ent, after all. You attract partners that are karmic.
North Node in 8th house/Scorpio North Node-in this life you want stability, depth and trust. You feel a lot of other people's energy and can have a lot of past lives. These people have such good and simple hearts. They must also accept and trust the help of others. You are a very mystical person who can quickly identify the energy of others. You like to build something worthwhile. You also have a special gift when you build things (relationship, business, etc.) you can build things so that they will last consciously. You want power and you want your money. You like things to be yours only, this is true in all things in life. That's why you don't like to build a relationship with someone if that person is not completely yours. It is also necessary to remove things that do not serve you from your life because you can stay in the old circle. When you decide to change - you win and when you decide to do things the old way you lose. It is very important to connect with your spiritual side because that will fulfill you and to look for people who are similar to you in these aspects. Find people who are deeper and more spiritual. Surrender more to the universe and trust that magical things will happen. These people are destined to experience a total bonding with another person. And this is also what they are looking for the most. These people are also destined to meet many soulmates.
North Node in 9th house/Sagittarius North Node-in this life you are looking for your belief and your truth. The more you travel and discover new things, the more you will learn about yourself and your journey here. You can find people with whom you can be exactly as you are and they will accept you as such. You have a gift for understanding others. Many times you can find yourself between two decisions such as "knowing" and "feeling", but your intuition will always be right, so rely on it. You can follow your path and trust that you are where you are, exactly where you can be. You can let go of things that hinder you and rely on others. You can find some peace within yourself and trust that this is just a journey you're on and it's fun and you always learn something new. To live in the moment and forget everything that hinders you and all the thoughts you have. Being more spontaneous and making decisions impulsively.
North Node in 10th house/Capricorn North Node-in this life you have learn to be yourself and find your own light that doesn't involve your family. Family can often be the reason why you don't do what makes you happy or why you don't follow your path. Many times you can feel that they are controlling you and your life. You can have problems with rejection in all aspects and you can learn that in life we ​​don't always win, but even losing can bring a lot. When you get over that fear, good things will come. You learn to be responsible for yourself and find out how to become independent and independent from others. This will also bring you great growth. Adulthood and maturity are also part of it. You can be a very good boss and you can also have good leadership skills. You want to gain the respect of others. You can boldly pursue your goals and believe that they will succeed. Above all, you can let go of your emotional attachment to your parents and you must not let them control you. Connect more with your emotions and needs. You want someone who will make you feel seen. You need a partner who will give you a sense of protection, strength, determination and will support you. When you find your goal and follow it, then you will also attract the right partner.
North Node in 11th house/Aquarius North Node-in this life you have to find your interests, friends, group and what you want in yourself. To belong to oneself and not to society. You have to let go and do things without expecting anything from them. You like to take risks, but when you lose, it brings you great disappointment. You must learn to lose in any area of ​​life, even if it's just a game. You must learn to control your ego and see things from a different perspective. You have to also look at the needs of others, which can sometimes be insufficient. You are meant to shine and take the stage, but with the right intentions. You have to learn that not everyone will love you and that not everyone will see you and give you the feeling that something you do is approved by them. You have the extraordinary gift of being able to build deep and unique friendships. And you can attract many people who will change your life. You tend to attract very unique people and idiosyncrasies. Being a child or teenager will bring you great joy. You must trust the flow of life and trust that it will bring you the best.
North Node in 12th house/Pisces North Node-you have to find your inner self in this life. Connecting to yourself and not looking for perfection. You can live in an imperfect world and do things with your soul and not your head. That way you will best achieve what you want. You have a lot of past life connections and can be very intuitive. You can become more aware of your existence and be okay with it. You like to plan things and you like to be in order. You can be critical of others and yourself, which is one of the things you can give up. It's good to make mistakes and to let yourself make them. You must realize that we are all only human and that this is normal. You can have an obsession with being able to analyze everything and get an answer as to why something is the way it is. You must embrace change and allow yourself to become more like a fish and just go with the flow of life. When things go wrong, you can get nervous and want to control things so that they go in the right direction, but in reality, you have to just let go and let go. In relationships, you have to let go of your emotions and let yourself be vulnerable. Facing the unknown and being okay with it. It is good to meditate and do yoga, this way you will connect better with yourself.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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elysiansparadise · 1 month
Composite chart observations
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🤎When Mercury is in the 4th house it makes you feel that with this person you have opened up like no one else. Both feel that they can say what they really think without feeling judged or criticised and they will have that particularity that their words will have a strong emotional impact on the other, mostly in a positive way. They will have the tendency to say what the other needs without meaning to and talking to the other will be comforting after a tense or stressful day.
🤎If Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 4th house or both of them are in that house, both people will take each other's emotional world seriously, take the time to understand each other's needs and seek to lower their defences little by little. . They can make a beautiful home and/or make the relationship a safe place for both of them that they know they can retreat to if the world out there becomes overwhelming. Strong trust in each other, a feeling of comfort and contentment in which they work and invest.
🤎When Mars is aspecting Neptune [especially conjunction, trine, sextile] it makes it more likely that the couple will actively do things to fulfil the dreams they have together. You can support each other not only in achieving what you always dreamed of in a relationship, but also in pursuing your individual dreams and aspirations. This couple dreams of achieving things together, of sharing their achievements, including them in their dreams and growing together in every way.
🤎Aries rising in this chart tells us about a playful relationship in which both can be their true selves and feel comfortable in their own skin. Authenticity, adventures and a lot of joy. It is likely that both of them are people with a strong temperament and it can lead them to arguments, but with patience in the relationship [or placements in 2nd, 4th or 6th house] it is very likely that they will resolve their issues easily. They are direct with each other, they can tell each other everything and rely on each other for their strong connection and personal values.
🤎With Juno in the 4th house, it suggests that the relationship is meant to provide a deep sense of security and emotional stability for both partners in the relationship. The couple can actively work to create an environment in which they both feel protected, loved and safe. This mutual commitment to emotional security can be a central pillar of the relationship and the main reason why both natives consider taking this relationship further or at least see it lasting in the long term.
🤎The position of the North Node in the composite charts can reveal karmic lessons and the spiritual purpose of the relationship. These positions may indicate areas where people are destined to grow together. For example, in the 1st house both will grow a lot on a personal level and will discover parts of themselves that they had no idea about. In the 2nd house you will learn to value the things that you consider important, you will reconsider priorities and you will understand which things are really valuable to you. In the 3rd house you will learn a lot next to the other, from the most mundane things to more complex concepts. Likewise, you’ll be able to better communicate your ideas without fear of being judged.
🤎When Pallas is in the 1st house, this couple can have a peaceful and logical approach when issues, conflicts or problems of all kinds arise. They will always validate the other's opinion and feelings before jumping to conclusions. Furthermore, when there are differences between them, they do not seek to "beat" or crush the other by showing that they are right, rather their love and respect for the other is so great that they will seek to reach a resolution that they both feel comfortable with. Great admiration, respect and fascination with the other and their personality.
🤎If Vesta is conjunct Sun, Moon or Rising tells us about a relationship where there is a lot of devotion, this is because Vesta is a representative of that term. They will not only demonstrate devotion by being faithful to the other, but by investing time, energy and effort in the relationship. There will be a strong fascination between both of them and they will feel that the other is worthy of all the efforts and affection they have to give.
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🤎When Pluto aspects either the Sun or Venus it makes this relationship something totally new for both of us. They will help each other to have a different perception of relationships, changing old mindsets. A strong attraction will bring them together, the intrigue and curiosity about the other will keep them hooked from the first interaction and the glimpse into the depths of the other will make them end up deciding to take a more intimate approach to the relationship. A powerful, intense and very transformative union.
🤎If Uranus is conjunct the Midheaven or in the 10th house, it is very likely that, regardless of the relationship, people will perceive a strong sense of unity and friendship in both. Their relationship falls into the description of fresh, positive, unusual but full of trust and support. You will both encourage each other to pursue your individual goals and celebrate each other's achievements as your own. For this couple, each other's individual success is important and they will play an important role in the path that the other travels as far as pursuing their goals is concerned.
🤎With Moon in the 1st house, not only will love and support abound between both of you, but individually you will feel the need to encourage the other to be authentic, not to wear masks when you are together, and you will have the ability to make each other feel safe. There will be familiarity between the two and it is very likely that they are a couple or friends, there is a bond of the type 'I choose you as family'.
🤎With Ceres in the 6th house, the couple nurtures and cares for each other, this not only refers to physical care, but also emotional and psychological support. Both individuals feel safe and supported in the relationship and, in turn, try to be reciprocal with the other by giving what they receive. They will support each other in all areas, from being a strong emotional support, a safe place for the other or even taking care of the other in their most vulnerable moments. They really enjoy doing things for each other and many times they won't even have to ask for it, since both will easily sense these needs.
🤎With the trine or sextile between Moon-Uranus, this couple can feel that spark between them, feeling not only fascinated by the other, but also very inspired. They will allow themselves to feel freely, they will not bind the other or seek to control them in any way and they will feel an affinity and genuine affection towards the other and their uniqueness.
🤎The favourable aspects between Moon-Saturn or if they are in mutual reception [Capricorn or Aquarius moon + Cancer saturn] help a lot if both want to take the step of living together, since it gives them not only affinity in terms of lifestyles, but also a strong sense of responsibility regarding the relationship. There is a lot of commitment, similar priorities and future planning [Saturn] for a domestic life together [Moon].
🤎When Pluto and Mars are conjunct or opposing, beyond showing a powerful attraction and a desire that seems to grow more and more, it also shows us a couple who is willing to do whatever it takes to guarantee not only the security of the relationship, but of the other person. They can be fiercely protective of each other and be very intense about each other. There is also an intense fascination for the other and, although many people do not usually associate it with this aspect, there can also be a strong admiration and fixation for the other.
🤎When there is a stellium in the 2nd house it shows that both have a strong need to be close to the other, many times even their mood seems to radiate in the presence of the other. This couple will seek to be there for each other and work together for the stability of the relationship. The comfort of the other and that they do not lack anything they want will be important to them. They can have a tendency to spoil each other very frequently and if Venus or Jupiter are there, it can often be excessive.
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etherealyuri · 1 month
❝ PICK A PILE ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
(Late night edition) •y2k
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𐦍༘. ⋆.
Chose which y2k picture speaks to you! Which one do you really connect with? That will be your pile!
(What does your future person think of you?)
Pile 1 ➳
Your person will be very romantic towards you. In the type of way where they always send flowers at random times or by sneaking up behind you and giving you little surprise kisses..maybe your future person is the type that likes to surprise you because he likes to make you happy. This person could be very loving & giving to their person. I’m seeing truly a happy lifetime and bliss with this person. This is the type of person you would most likely settle down with because they are truly committed loyal and really loving.
Pile 2 ➳
your person is a shameless flirt. He cannot take his eyes off of you. He gets shy sometimes and you make him nervous but for the most part he knows what he wants and it’s you. He has a strong desire for you sexually..and really loves your body. He is very overprotective of you and he always makes sure to let you know that your his and his alone. A bit possessive likes to keep you to themselves. They do love you and care about you genuinely and is romantic towards you but this person he/she is definitely the flirty type that always likes to spice things up in a relationship doesn’t mean he/she doesn’t love you but you basically get twice the fun..with this kind of relationship.
Pile 3 ➳
Your person might be the very nonchalant type of partner in a relationship. They aren’t really strict about anything and they are open to a relationship with you where you can be honest ➳ and really talk about anything without one another getting mad or jealous. This relationship has a lot of trust and communication which is important and this person may be very kind hearted and genuine even if they don’t seem like the type of person who would be romantic. They are very quiet about what they do maybe they like to keep relationships private because they hate when others get into their buisness. Your partner is the type of person to let everyone know he’s in a relationship but not have anyone invest in it because he’d rather the both of you keep to yourselves rather than share your relationship to the public for others to judge..that way everything can be fair and just whenever the both of you communicate and you wouldn’t have to worry about what others outside of your relationship think about you. He likes to keep things private for a reason but he’s always going to be loving sweet and genuine he just wants his buisness to stay his business with you.
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The end…..
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pendarling · 3 months
What Ruins Romance Between Characters
Also keep in mind I’m not a professional writer. This is just a list of things I think absolutely destroys chemistry
Lack of Communication & Proximity: It should be a no-brainer that the two characters in love would also want to be together as much as possible. However, for some authors, what they don't do is just that. Automatically, these characters become more like strangers than people that are dating/married/pining for each other. If you want to build romance start with them actually talking and putting them in situations that demand them to work as partners.
No Show of Physical or Verbal Affection: Another no-brainer. How're you going to want your reader to love them if they don't show it? Even enemies-to-lovers will always figure out a way to make a scene more tense and filled with desire as long as your characters are giving us hints that they want something more than just what they currently are.
One-Sided Pining: Do not have one character doing all the romantic gestures! Readers will think the receiver of the affection is undeserving of their partner. I can assure you, nobody wants to see only one person doing all the heavy-lifting in the relationship. It's boring, sad, and will likely make readers want that character to leave the relationship asap.
Wildly Different Perspectives/Nothing in Common: You're bound for writing a breakup if this is the situation of your characters throughout the entirety of the story. Unless they slowly come to understand one another and meet in the middle, this romance will fail.
Arguing More Than Loving: If your characters are constantly arguing with no intentions to stop it, they are no longer compatible for each other. You are writing a toxic couple that hate one another and forcing them together is unlikely to make the average reader want to continue any further. I've seen some writers do an excellent job of a couple arguing but always trying to be better for their significant other. If you want them to argue solely because this is enemies-to-lovers, some time soon they're going to want to stop being an asshole to the person they like.
Better Romance With Other Characters: If Character A is supposed to be with Character B, but Character C is becoming the ideal, then I'm afraid to tell you the romance will not work between A and B. To avoid this, make them communicate less, have less in common, spend less time together and give more attention to Character B. Take away the roles that make Character C more compatible and give it to B. This doesn't mean you should completely change C, it just means you need to do everything you can to put the focus back on B, and if that's too much then consider ending whatever B and A have.
Too Slow/Fast to Fall in Love: Characters that take 20 seasons and 3 movies to confess is insanely slow. We are starving for the romance that was promised in the story, eventually readers will stop reading because that is not being satisfied. Pacing is incredibly important and you need to take into account the behaviours Character A will have with Character B. Also, don't make them instantly fall in love, I feel everyone in the writers and readers community know this very well. That's not how people work, you actually have to try to know each other first.
Only Together for Sexual Gratification: I don't even have to do a lot of speaking for this. Unless the characters become part of each other's lives outside of the bedroom then the chemistry does not exist.
Lack of Trust/Keeping Secrets: There has to be someone that knows their partner more than anyone else. Keeping secrets will show the readers that Character A does not love their partner enough to trust them with important information. It's fine if they're keeping a few secrets maybe-- major ones-- to protect Character B, but constantly lying and being unwilling to share is the beginning of what we call "falling out of love." Even worse is if Character A went ahead and shared their deepest insecurities with Character C.
Priority is Not The Significant Other/No Sacrifices: All relationships have done something that must be done in order to make the relationship work. If Character A will not give up something that they know upsets their partner/crush then they are not ready to be with someone. In order to love someone you must devote time and have interest in them. If your character chose some external desire over Character B, then this will not work. Their greatest desire should be Character B.
Unrealistic Standards & Expectations: We can't have characters choosing each other for surface-level wants to be satisfied. Readers will end up seeing characters changing their entire personality for their partner and their entire body to fit an image they were not made for. If your readers know Character B very well and it's that Character B would never turn away a friend for example, and suddenly they cut ties with all their friends because Character A doesn't like them, then I'm sorry but this is toxic. You can't change someone's characteristics in the middle of the story to help Character A.
No Conflict: What relationship is truly perfect? There will be arguments and setbacks that need to be explored. This is a fun way at having a deeper level of understanding on why your characters are having a conflict of interest. It's quite stale when everything is happy-go-lucky with no issues, you don't need to make them breakup or anything just a simple disagreement can show a ton for readers on the complexities of Character A and B as people who operate differently together.
Underdeveloped Character with No Goals: Some shows I've watched put time and effort in flushing out one character and completely forget about their life-long partner. Uhm, hello? What's going on?? If you write Character A with their entire lore and family tree or whatnot and then-- oh side note, they also really love Character B-- excuse me, who's Character B? Give us some sign that Character B is capable of thoughts and has dreams of their own. Do not make it revolve around Character A either.
Couple Do Not Interact with Anyone Aside From Each Other/No World Building: Similar to the point above, if these characters only know and see each other, you will lose readers. We are sick and tired of stories where the overarching story has been reduced to two people. If the story is about them, then introduce us to their lives outside of their partner. Can they operate as a functioning creature with thoughts without their partner? Do they have friends and family? Do they go to work and school? Are there fears they have? There's tons of material to choose from, pick anything.
Too Much Interference: Although it's fun to watch two characters do anything to get closer to each other it can become annoying when there's simply way too many characters and situations that separate them. We want all that hard work to be rewarded to Character A when they finally get what they want, Character B. Even a little bit of talking alone, being alone, finally away from the chaotic world is more than enough. Let your characters be alone.
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northopalshore · 13 days
Synastry observations series 7th house synastry: lovers & enemies 🌊⚔️
🫧The 7th house symbolises partnership and close relationships. It also signifies contractual relationships of all kinds i.e marriage or business. In this post, I will focus on romantic relationships.
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Planets 🫧
You will feel a very strong pull towards the house person. Perhaps they see you as an ideal love interest, someone that embodies a lot of what they're looking for in a partner. They may see you as someone who is dominant and can take the leadership role in the relationship. They may come to depend or lean onto you when they are overwhelmed. If you work together, you may be more experienced in your industry and thus act as a guide for the house person. Both of them will have a lot of pride in their relationship. If they get married, perhaps the sun person will flex their ring wherever they go lol. There is a good likelihood of marriage.
You will feel emotionally tied to the house person. Perhaps the house person will provide a lot of comfort and emotional security to the moon person. You will feel bound together and may have trouble with boundaries or letting go if the relationship turns sour. You will be very warm and possessive of each other. It seems like if one of them were to show the same or similar amount of affection to others it's going to be like they cheated on their partner. The moon person especially will not be fond of sharing that intimacy with other people. Marriage could very much be on the table.
Mercury :
Both parties will love conversing with each other. The mercury person will want to show their affection through words, or through writing or even through songs. Their mental rapport will be a means of flirtation. Both parties could romanticise each other while talking. Perhaps both of them will find ease in communicating their wants, needs and desires as well as their issues within the relationship. Communication is very important for the both of you to ensure the longevity of your relationship.
Note: "blah blah blah, proper name, place name backstory stuff" I had that stuck in my head while writing this part lmao.
Both parties will see each other as marriage material. The 7th house person will love how the venus person carries themselves, from the way they dress to the way the talk the 7th house person is likely to be head over heels for them. They can be very much in love with each other. The downside however is the same traits that they once found attractive about each other can lead to hate if the relationship doesn't end well. Could be a potential marriage partner.
There is a great attraction between you. The Mars person especially will have 7th house person in a chokehold lol. There is a tendency for the mars person to rush into commitment however, which can lead to a lot of disappointments or arguments when the relationship doesn't turn out the way they expected.
You both share similar ideals and philosophies about life. You are charming and playful together, and may love goofing around. The both of you will find that trusting each other comes easily even from the moment you meet. You will teach eachother about relationships, and help expand both of your love lives. Could be a sign of a long-term reason.
You might as well be the first long-term or serious relationship that the house person has. They will see you as a reliable and loyal companion.
The pluto person will bring a lot of change, and healing to the 7th house person. If there are things that the 7th house person kept hidden, refusing to deal with pluto will be the one to drag it out just with their presence alone. They could be very possessive and obsessed with each other.
Neptune will likely be head over heels for the house person. Seeing the house person as everything they've ever dreamt of in a partner. They could also choose to perceive it through the filtered vision of a hopeless romantic. Whether the 7th house person sees them the same way depends on the sign it's in. If it's in aquarius, virgo, gemini or aries then there's a good chance that it's one sided.
You both are likely not each other's usual preference in terms of looks or personality, but you will feel very at ease with each other. You won't feel constantly and judged, and you'll start to open your mind to things you would have never considered before. Could possibly be an open relationship but it's not always the case. If you do decide to be together, it's usually without the restraints of legalization i.e marriage contracts.
ex: Vanessa Paradis & Johnny Depp were together for 14 years and had kids, even though they were never married & never cared to get documentation for their union.His saturn (aquarius 7th house) harmoniously aspects her uranus (libra 11th house).
The Chiron person will draw out all the fears and insecurities that the 7th house has around relationships. One or both oh them may have been badly hurt in their love life or close connections before, and they will find in eachother the opportunity to address that pain and heal from it. On the flip side, this also means that this person could be the biggest heartbreak you'll ever experience if it weren't to end well.
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Nodes 🫧
You may feel drawn to being their partner, or perhaps being married to them may as well align with your destiny in this life. You'll find that both of you may feel fated to be with each other or at least have a significant impact into your relationships or business. You could also work together.
You may have been married to them in a past life, or you'll notice that they hold a lot of similarities to people you've been in relationships with before. Being their partner will perhaps trigger the feeling that you might have met before. There may be karmic attachments to this person.
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Signs 🫧
Aries :
You will be passionate and slightly competitive with each other. There's this hard to get energy that you may like to play with. With one being the chaser and the other enjoying being chased lol. Heated arguments are prone to happen when misunderstandings arise however.
Taurus :
Both of you are very romantic, and find a lot of comfort within eachother. You will love spending time together, just breathing in their presence. You could also go on a lot of dates, or just stay at home together. Mundane things will suddenly feel like enchanted endeavours. However, both of you could also be stubborn and petty.
Gemini :
Fun, witty and exciting. Your connection will bring both intellectual stimulation and a childlike sense of joy into each other's life. You'll also be like twins when you're with each other i.e dressing the same way, adopting their manner of speech. You will feel that nobody quite understands you the way your partner does. However, there could be lies and manipulation taking place verbally or perhaps they could spread negative rumours about each other if the relationship doesn't run smoothly.
Cancer :
Both will feel very connected to each other. You will feel like you've found your home, or your forever person. You'll both feel as if you were meant for each other. Treating each other with care and compassion. There may be a tendency to victimise themselves when hurt however.
You will be very loyal and possessive of your relationship. You're friends with everyone, and people will know you as the extra pair, never boring and never apart. There is a tendency to overreact over things however.
Both of you will feel naturally connected to eachother. You'll find that your lives, no matter how different actually mesh together very well in terms of routine. You will love doing practical things for each other, and working around their schedule to be together. There is a potential for a long-term relationship.
Communication and equality is very important to the both of you. You will make sure that both of you will feel just as loved and appreciated as you are. There is a tendency to look at the relationship through rose tinted glasses however.
There is nothing that you can hide from each other. Your relationship will be centered around themes of love, passion, obsession and slight toxicity if not handled correctly. If all goes well, you will experience a love that knows no bounds. However if things go south both parties will become very vengeful and grow a deep hatred towards each other.
You both will be very adventurous and entertaining together. You will spend a lot of time learning or sharing your knowledge and culture. You could love travelling, or just going out together in general. Marriage could be quite possible.
Loyal, reserved and responsible. You both approach love and commitment through a mature and practical approach. Both of you share similar values in a relationship and strive to obtain success and stability. It's likely that both of you will be together for a very long time, if not married.
You could be an odd pairing. You could be very involved in your community together or take part in a lot of charities or humanitarian activities. You will allow each other a lot for freedom and space for individuality. You will have unconstrained fun together, pranks, spontaneous trips, shared tiktok accounts, the works! You could also prefer to be long-term partners without the legality of marriage contracts.
Your relationship goes beyond the physical realm. You will be spiritually connected to one another and may have been dreaming of them long before you met. There is a tendency to be very unrealistic however, detaching yourselves from reality and going into seclusion.
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***disclaimer: entertainment purposes only, reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
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The beast trio as your boyfriend headcannon + Trafalgar D.Law જ⁀➴ ♡
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Pairing: Zoro/Luffy/Sanji and Law x A!Reader
Tags:fluff,cute,,kisses,pecks,snuggling,lovey dovey stuff
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia @satorkive @ponderingmoonlight
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Zoro as a boyfriend would be the silent but caring type. He may not be the most verbal about his feelings, but he would always be there to support and protect you. He'd be the reliable and steadfast partner who stands by your side through thick and thin, always ready for a challenge. Behind his stoic exterior, he secretly has a soft side, especially when it comes to you. He might not say it outright, but his actions would speak louder than words. He would show his affection through small gestures, like surprising you with a gift or taking care of you when you're unwell.
When it comes to intimacy, Zoro would approach it patiently and respectfully, taking his time to understand your boundaries and desires. He values communication and trust, and would ensure that you feel comfortable and safe with him. While he may not be the most open with his emotions, he would express his love through physical contact, holding you tightly and showering you with gentle touches. He would also be fiercely protective, ready to defend you no matter what. Despite his serious demeanor, he can be playful and sarcastic, finding joy in the little things you do together.
Zoro would be the type to have deep and meaningful conversations with. While he might not always have the words to express himself, he would actively listen to you and provide thoughtful insights. He would value your opinions and feelings, and would be open to discussing his thoughts and experiences. He might not be the best at expressing his emotions, but he would try his best for you, knowing how important communication is in a relationship. He would also be supportive of your goals and ambitions, encouraging you to pursue your dreams and aspirations.
Zoro might appear tough and strong on the outside, but when you ask him for cuddles, he'll be surprisingly soft and eager to comply. He may grumble a little at first, pretending to be annoyed, but deep down, he secretly enjoys the closeness and intimacy. He might tease you a bit, calling you "cute" or "needy" but he can't resist the way your body fits perfectly against his. He would wrap his strong arms around you, pulling you close to his chest, and let out a content sigh.
When it comes to conflict resolution, Zoro would be straightforward and honest. He would prefer to address issues head-on and would not shy away from difficult conversations. While he might be blunt at times, he would approach discussions with the intention of finding common ground and reaching a resolution. He would respect your feelings and opinions but would also be firm in expressing his own perspective and boundaries. He values compromise and would be willing to adjust his approach for the sake of the relationship.
In an intimate moment, Zoro's kiss would start off slow and tender, his lips gently exploring yours. He would take his time, savoring the moment and making sure you felt comfortable and wanted. As the kiss deepened, his grip on you would tighten, pulling you closer to him. His tongue would dart out, seeking entry into your mouth, tasting and exploring every corner. There would be a sense of possessiveness and passion in his kiss, as if he was marking you as his. He would break the kiss momentarily, his breath hot against your skin as he looks into your eyes, a silent promise to always protect you.
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As a boyfriend, Luffy would be fiercely protective and loyal.
He would always defend your honor, and he would never let anyone disrespect you.
Luffy would also shower you with affection, hugs, and physical touch. His love language would definitely be physical touch.
However, he'd also be incredibly dense, especially about romantic matters.
Luffy would constantly surprise you with spontaneous dates and romantic gestures, but he wouldn't always realise they were romantic gestures.
He'd buy you flowers because they look pretty, but wouldn't realize that giving you flowers is also meant to express affection.
Luffy would be extremely blunt and honest with you, and expect the same in return. He doesn't like playing mind games or playing hard to get.
Luffy would be incredibly affectionate and physical in public, holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, or even picking you up for no reason other than just wanting to hold you close.
He'd constantly compliment your beauty and strength, and wouldn't hesitate to show off his affection for you to others. He'd take pride in being your partner, and would never shy away from calling himself 'your boyfriend.'
Luffy is also adventurous and spontaneous. He'd often drag you on last-minute road trips or adventures, even if you were supposed to have a quiet night in.
Luffy would always make you laugh, no matter how bad your day was. He'd have a way of lightening the mood with his jokes and carefree attitude.
He'd also be intensely loyal, and once he commits to a relationship, he'd never cheat or betray your trust.
Luffy would always be there for you when things get tough. If you're having a bad day, he'll immediately offer a shoulder to cry on and lots of hugs.
He'd be extremely supportive and encouraging, and would always push you to be the best version of yourself.
Luffy would also fight anyone who dared to hurt you physically or emotionally, no matter how strong they are.
However, Luffy can be a bit clueless when it comes to emotional nuances.
He might not always understand when you're upset or hurt, and can be a bit too blunt in his attempts to comfort you. He can be insensitive at times, but it's never from a place of malice.
Luffy also has a short attention span, so you'd have to be patient with him and accept that he can be distracted easily, even in the middle of romantic conversations.
Whenever you ask Luffy for cuddles, he is more than eager to oblige. He'd wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. His arms are strong, yet gentle, and he holds you securely against him. Luffy loves the feeling of your body against his, and he'll often bury his face in your hair, taking in your scent and enjoying the sensation of having you so close to him. He'll also sometimes nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, placing light kisses there.
When it comes to kissing, Luffy is surprisingly gentle and passionate,
He'd cup your face with his hands, holding you closely, and press his lips softly against yours. His kisses are firm, yet tender, and he never fails to convey his feelings of affection for you through the contact.
Luffy isn't the type to hold back, and if the moment feels right, he'd deepen the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with an eagerness that's both hungry and tender at the same time.
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As a boyfriend, Sanji would be the stereotypical romantic type. He'd shower you with constant gifts and compliments, his way of expressing his love would be through his cooking and always making sure you were well fed. Despite how rowdy and boisterous he can be, when it comes to you, you have his undivided attention. The moment he's in your presence, he's completely enamored with you. He would do anything to make sure you're always taken care of and happy.
Another notable thing about Sanji as a boyfriend is his jealousy. He's known to be possessive and territorial, getting jealous easily if he sees anyone giving you any kind of attention. He'll always be there to step in and protect you if need be, making sure nobody else gets near you or tries to take you away from him.
His love language is definitely physical touch. He'd make any excuse to touch you. Whether it's holding your hand, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist, or just gently placing his hand on your shoulder, as long as he can touch you, he's happy. He likes to shower you with small kisses as well.
On top of being romantic, he's also pretty flirtatious. He loves to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, and shower you in compliments. He knows how to smooth talk and charm his way into your heart. Even when it comes to arguments or disagreements, he'd never raise his voice at you, instead trying to gently and calmly find a resolution. His desire to understand and compromise is one of his strong points when it comes to being your boyfriend.
He's not afraid to show his soft side around you either. When the two of you are alone, he's all gentle and tender. He likes to be close to you, and often craves your company. Even if he's having a bad day, just spending time with you can instantly put him in a better mood. Your presence alone brings him comfort.
He's also really considerate of your feelings. He'd always ask how you're feeling and make sure you're not stressed out or upset. If you ever need someone to talk to, he's all ears. He's willing to listen to you vent about anything and everything. He takes your emotions seriously and always tries to find ways to make you feel better.
Even when he's busy, he can't stand being apart from you for too long. He constantly checks in with you and keeps you updated on what he's doing. He doesn't like the idea of you feeling neglected. If he can't come to you, he'd make sure to send one of the other Strawhats down to give you updates, just so you're not left in the dark.
When you ask Sanji for cuddles, he would light up like a Christmas tree. His eyes would widen, and a bashful smile would spread across his features. He'd immediately scoop you up into his arms, holding you close to his chest. A low hum of contentment would leave him as he nuzzled his face into your hair, inhaling your scent deeply.
Overall, Sanji would be a devoted and loving boyfriend. He'd treat you like a princess and make you feel like the only girl in the world. He's attentive, caring, and protective, and his love language is a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation.
Whenever you kissed him, Sanji would melt against your lips. He would wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to him in an almost desperate manner, as if he was afraid you'd slip through his fingers if he didn't hold onto you tight enough. Soft sighs and quiet moans would escape him, his body completely surrendering to the sensation of your lips against his. He'd kiss you with an intensity that betrayed his usual bashful behavior, his tongue eagerly exploring your mouth as though he couldn't get enough of you.
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Law would be surprisingly a very affectionate boyfriend once you win his trust. Behind the facade of being a cold-hearted and apathetic doctor, Law secretly yearns for the closeness and love from someone he can rely on. He becomes a bit clingy, not wanting to leave you alone for long, and always secretly craves your attention. But he will rarely admit it, if you confront him about it, Law will blush in embarrassment and call you "bothersome".
Law is also a surprisingly a very protective partner. He always worries over you whenever you're in danger or injured. Though he does try to hide it from you, he gets jealous easily and secretly enjoys having you around him rather than other people. He values your presence in his life and always craves your company. Law will also always go out of his way to keep you happy and satisfied. Though he may portray himself as a stoic and apathetic person, Law is a real softie when it comes to romance.
Law is also a surprisingly a very protective partner. He always worries over you whenever you're in danger or injured. Though he does try to hide it from you, he gets jealous easily and secretly enjoys having you around him rather than other people. He values your presence in his life and always craves your company. Law will also always go out of his way to keep you happy and satisfied. Though he may portray himself as a stoic and apathetic person, Law is a real softie when it comes to romance.
Despite his aloof and stoic nature, Law secretly enjoys cheesy and romantic gestures. Whether it's a surprise flower bouquet, a hand-made card, or even a simple hug, Law can't help but melt whenever you do something romantic. He pretends to be annoyed by it but secretly loves it. He also secretly loves cuddling and holding hands with you, often subconsciously seeking your touch whenever you're nearby.
Law also secretly loves it when you show concern and care for him. When he's not well or feeling under the weather, Law secretly enjoys it when you take care of him. He's secretly happy when you bring him a glass of water or a soup to bed, or when you offer to do something for him. Law will never admit it to your face, but he does secretly love being taken care of by you. He also secretly enjoys it when you pay attention to him and focus entirely on him.
Law also secretively craves your touch and affection. He loves it when you hold his hand or rest your head on his shoulder. He pretends to be annoyed by it but secretly enjoys the small gestures of intimacy. Law also loves it when you stroke his hair or caress his face. He loves it when you give him little touches like a brush against his arm or a playful poke in the side. He's secretly addicted to your touch.
Law also secretly loves it when you give him compliments. He may act like he doesn't care, but he secretly revels in hearing sweet words from you. When you call him handsome, or tell him how much you care for him, Law can't help but feel a little flutter in his chest. He secretly enjoys the attention and the appreciation, and loves it when you go out of your way to make him feel special. Law also secretly loves it when you express your attraction to him, whether it's through words or actions.
Law secretly loves it when you ask for cuddles. He may pretend to grumble or act annoyed, but he secretly enjoys the intimacy and closeness. Law will often pretend to be resistant at first, but as soon as you curl up next to him and rest your head on his chest, he will quickly wrap his arms around you and pull you closer. He secretly loves the feeling of your warmth and your scent, and will often hold you tightly, as if he never wants to let go.
Law's kisses are surprisingly gentle and tender. Despite his aloof facade, he's actually a very skilled kisser. His lips are warm and soft as he gently kisses you, taking your breath away. Law also secretly loves deep and passionate kisses, especially when alone with you. When he's in a good mood, Law may even initiate kissing you unexpectedly, surprising you with a quick kiss on the forehead or a kiss on the cheek.
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