#The Sacrificers 4 Review
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The Sacrifice by Rin Chupeco
"'The living bring their own ghosts to shore, and only the latter are honest about why.'"
Year Read: 2022
Rating: 4/5
About: Kisapmata is an island that the Philippine locals refuse to set foot on, and it has a long history of hauntings, accidents, and disappearances-- which makes it the perfect place to film a new ghost-hunting show. A local teen, Alon, and their dog are the only ones who dare to visit, and they're hired to be a guide. The legend goes that the Dreamer god sleeps on Kisapmata, and that eight sacrifices will wake him and grant the sacrificer untold powers. Someone on the island is determined to do exactly that. Trigger warnings: character death, child/parent death, human sacrifice, self-harm, body horror, severe illness/injury, guns, violence, stalking, exploitation, racism, slurs, grief, guilt.
Thoughts: After a long time spent in fantasy, I was excited to see Rin Chupeco return to horror. The Sacrifice isn't on the level of The Girl from the Well duology for me, but it's a fun and spooky ride. It's also quite original, and I'm having trouble comparing it to anything else. They take some familiar concepts, like haunted islands, murderous trees, and ancient gods, and blend them together into something that feels fresh and unique.
The horror, as always, is very well done, and I enjoyed all the creeping plant life, faceless specters, and general sense of menace from the island--additional fun that a lot of the horror takes place in broad daylight. Chupeco excels at atmosphere and creepy descriptions of their monsters, and they don't get less terrifying with repeat views. It's not necessarily a fast-moving story, but the ending is tense and takes a direction I wasn't expecting, in a good way.
Unfortunately, the characters hamstring it a bit. They're mostly awful, as one would expect from a bunch of rich, filmmaking Americans exploiting a remote island for profit. It's not a subtle message Chupeco is sending here, and it makes a lot of the horror feel justified. Alon is a difficult narrator though, and they come over rather wooden and remote even in their own inner monologue. It's obvious they're keeping secrets even from the reader, and I think the novel tries to hang on to its mystery a little too long with that one. Their love interest is also fairly vapid, but I like the overall themes, story, and atmosphere.
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dispatchdcu · 7 months
The Sacrificers #4 Review
The Sacrificers #4 Review #thesacrificers #sacrificers #IMAGE #imagecomics #comics #comicbooks #news #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #Amazon
  Writer: Rick Remender Art: David McCaig & Max Fiumara  Letterer: Rus Wooton Cover Art: David McCaig & Max Fiumara Publisher: Image Price: $3.99 Release Date: November 1st, 2023 Reviewed: Samriddh Chaudhary Introduction: The latest chapter of one of the most well-written and well-drawn stories on shelves right now is out. The Sacrificers #4 gives more depth to different characters…
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Boeing’s deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Boeing's 787 "Dreamliner" is manufactured far from the company's Seattle facility, in a non-union shop in Charleston, South Carolina. At that shop, there is a cage full of defective parts that have been pulled from production because they are not airworthy.
Hundreds of parts from that Material Review Segregation Area (MRSA) were secretly pulled from that cage and installed on aircraft that are currently plying the world's skies. Among them, sections 47/48 of a 787 – the last four rows of the plane, along with its galley and rear toilets. As Moe Tkacik writes in her excellent piece on Boeing's lethally corrupt culture of financialization and whistleblower intimidation, this is a big ass chunk of an airplane, and there's no way it could go missing from the MRSA cage without a lot of people knowing about it:
More: MRSA parts are prominently emblazoned with red marks denoting them as defective and unsafe. For a plane to escape Boeing's production line and find its way to a civilian airport near you with these defective parts installed, many people will have to see and ignore this literal red flag.
The MRSA cage was a special concern of John "Swampy" Barnett, the Boeing whistleblower who is alleged to have killed himself in March. Tkacik's earlier profile of Swampy paints a picture of a fearless, stubborn engineer who refused to go along to get along, refused to allow himself to become inured to Boeing's growing culture of profits over safety:
Boeing is America's last aviation company and its single largest exporter. After the company was allowed to merge with its rival McDonnell-Douglas in 1997, the combined company came under MDD's notoriously financially oriented management culture. MDD CEO Harry Stonecipher became Boeing's CEO in the early 2000s. Stonecipher was a protege of Jack Welch, the man who destroyed General Electric with cuts to quality and workforce and aggressive union-busting, a classic Mafia-style "bust-out" that devoured the company's seed corn and left it a barren wasteland:
Post-merger, Boeing became increasingly infected with MDD's culture. The company chased cheap, less-skilled labor to other countries and to America's great onshore-offshore sacrifice zone, the "right-to-work" American south, where bosses can fire uppity workers who balked at criminal orders, without the hassle of a union grievance.
Stonecipher was succeeded by Jim "Prince Jim" McNerney, ex-3M CEO, another Jack Welch protege (Welch spawned a botnet of sociopath looters who seized control of the country's largest, most successful firms, and drove them into the ground). McNerney had a cute name for the company's senior engineers: "phenomenally talented assholes." He created a program to help his managers force these skilled workers – everyone a Boeing who knew how to build a plane – out of the company.
McNerney's big idea was to get rid of "phenomenally talented assholes" and outsource the Dreamliner's design to Boeing's suppliers, who were utterly dependent on the company and could easily be pushed around (McNerney didn't care that most of these companies lacked engineering departments). This resulted in a $80b cost overrun, and a last-minute scramble to save the 787 by shipping a "cleanup crew" from Seattle to South Carolina, in the hopes that those "phenomenally talented assholes" could save McNerney's ass.
Swampy was part of the cleanup crew. He was terrified by what he saw there. Boeing had convinced the FAA to let them company perform its own inspections, replacing independent government inspectors with Boeing employees. The company would mark its own homework, and it swore that it wouldn't cheat.
Boeing cheated. Swampy dutifully reported the legion of safety violations he witnessed and was banished to babysit the MRSA, an assignment his managers viewed as a punishment that would isolate Swampy from the criminality he refused to stop reporting. Instead, Swampy audited the MRSA, and discovered that at least 420 defective aviation components had gone missing from the cage, presumably to be installed in planes that were behind schedule. Swampy then audited the keys to the MRSA and learned that hundreds of keys were "floating around" the Charleston facility. Virtually anyone could liberate a defective part and install it into an airplane without any paper trail.
Swampy's bosses had a plan for dealing with this. They ordered Swampy to "pencil whip" the investigations of 420 missing defective components and close the cases without actually figuring out what happened to them. Swampy refused.
Instead, Swampy took his concerns to a departmental meeting where 12 managers were present and announced that "if we can’t find them, any that we can’t find, we need to report it to the FAA." The only response came from a supervisor, who said, "We’re not going to report anything to the FAA."
The thing is, Swampy wasn't just protecting the lives of the passengers in those defective aircraft – he was also protecting Boeing employees. Under Sec 38 of the US Criminal Code, it's a 15-year felony to make any "materially false writing, entry, certification, document, record, data plate, label, or electronic communication concerning any aircraft or space vehicle part."
(When Swampy told a meeting that he took this seriously because "the paperwork is just as important as the aircraft" the room erupted in laughter.)
Swampy sent his own inspectors to the factory floor, and they discovered "dozens of red-painted defective parts installed on planes."
Swampy blew the whistle. How did the 787 – and the rest of Boeing's defective flying turkeys – escape the hangar and find their way into commercial airlines' fleets? Tkacik blames a 2000 whistleblower law called AIR21 that:
creates such byzantine procedures, locates adjudication power in such an outgunned federal agency, and gives whistleblowers such a narrow chance of success that it effectively immunizes airplane manufacturers, of which there is one in the United States, from suffering any legal repercussions from the testimony of their own workers.
By his own estimation, Swampy was ordered to commit two felonies per week for six years. Tkacik explains that this kind of operation relies on a culture of ignorance – managers must not document their orders, and workers must not be made aware of the law. Whistleblowers like Swampy, who spoke the unspeakable, were sidelined (an assessment by one of Swampy's managers called him "one of the best" and finished that "leadership would give hugs and high fives all around at his departure").
Multiple whistleblowers were singled out for retaliation and forced departure. William Hobek, a quality manager who refused to "pencil whip" the missing, massive 47-48 assembly that had wandered away from the MRSA cage, was given a "weak" performance review and fired despite an HR manager admitting that it was bogus.
Another quality manager, Cynthia Kitchens, filed an ethics complaint against manager Elton Wright who responded to her persistent reporting of defects on the line by shoving her against a wall and shouting that Boeing was "a good ol’ boys’ club and you need to get on board." Kitchens was fired in 2016. She had cancer at the time.
John Woods, yet another quality engineer, was fired after he refused to sign off on a corner-cutting process to repair a fuselage – the FAA later backed up his judgment.
Then there's Sam Salehpour, the 787 quality engineer whose tearful Congressional testimony described more corner-cutting on fuselage repairs:
Salehpour's boss followed the Boeing playbook to the letter: Salehpour was constantly harangued and bullied, and he was isolated from colleagues who might concur with his assessment. When Salehpour announced that he would give Congressional testimony, his car was sabotaged under mysterious circumstances.
It's a playbook. Salehpour's experience isn't unusual at Boeing. Two other engineers, working on the 787 Organization Designation Authorization, held up production by insisting that the company fix the planes' onboard navigation computers. Their boss gave them a terrible performance review, admitting that top management was furious at the delays and had ordered him to punish the engineers. The engineers' union grievance failed, with Boeing concluding that this conduct – which they admitted to – didn't rise to the level of retaliation.
As Tkacik points out, these engineers and managers that Boeing targeted for intimidation and retaliation are the very same staff who are supposed to be performing inspections of behalf of the FAA. In other words, Boeing has spent years attacking its own regulator, with total impunity.
But it's not just the FAA who've failed to take action – it's also the DOJ, who have consistently declined to bring prosecutions in most cases, and who settled the rare case they did bring with "deferred prosecution agreements." This pattern was true under Trump's DOJ and continued under Biden's tenure. Biden's prosecutors have been so lackluster that a federal judge "publicly rebuked the DOJ for failing to take seriously the reputational damage its conduct throughout the Boeing case was inflicting on the agency."
Meanwhile, there's the AIR21 rule, a "whistleblower" rule that actually protects Boeing from whistleblowers. Under AIR21, an aviation whistleblower who is retaliated against by their employer must first try to resolve their problem internally. If that fails, the whistleblower has only one course of action: file an OSHA complaint within 90 days (if HR takes more than 90 days to resolve your internal complaint, you can no have no further recourse). If you manage to raise a complaint with OSHA, it is heard by a secret tribunal that has no subpoena power and routinely takes five years to rule on cases, and rules against whistleblowers 97% of the time.
Boeing whistleblowers who missed the 90-day cutoff have filled the South Carolina courts with last-ditch attempts to hold the company to account. When they lose these cases – as is routine, given Boeing's enormous legal muscle and AIR21's legal handcuffs – they are often ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs.
Tkacik cites Swampy's lawyer, Rob Turkewitz, who says Swampy was the only one of Boeing's whistleblowers who was "savvy, meticulous, and fast-moving enough to bring an AIR 21 case capable of jumping through all the hoops" to file an AIR21 case, which then took seven years. Turkewitz calls Boeing South Carolina "a criminal enterprise."
That's a conclusion that's hard to argue with. Take Boeing's excuse for not producing the documentation of its slapdash reinstallation of the Alaska Air door plug that fell off its plane in flight: the company says it's not criminally liable for failing to provide the paperwork, because it never documented the repair. Not documenting the repair is also a crime.
You might have heard that there's some accountability coming to the Boeing boardroom, with the ouster of CEO David Calhoun. Calhoun's likely successor is Patrick Shanahan, whom Tkacik describes as "the architect of the ethos that governed the 787 program" and whom her source called "a classic schoolyard bully."
If Shanahan's name rings a bell, it might be because he was almost Trump's Secretary of Defense, but that was derailed by the news that he had "emphatically defended" his 17 year old son after the boy nearly beat his mother to death with a baseball bat. Shanahan is presently CEO of Spirit Aerospace, who made the door-plug that fell out of the Alaska Airlines 737 Max.
Boeing is a company where senior managers only fail up and where whistleblowers are terrorized in and out of the workplace. One of Tkacik's sources noticed his car shimmying. The source, an ex-787 worker who'd been fired after raising safety complaints, had tried to bring an AIR21 complaint, but withdrew it out of fear of being bankrupted if he was ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs. When the whistleblower pulled over, he discovered that two of the lug-nuts had been removed from one of his wheels.
The whistleblower texted Tkcacik to say (not for the first time): "If anything happens, I'm not suicidal."
Boeing is a primary aerospace contractor to the US government. It's clear that its management – and investors – consider it too big to jail. It's also clear that they know it's too big to fail – after all, the company did a $43b stock buyback, then got billions in a publicly funded buyback.
Boeing is, effectively, a government agency that is run for the benefit of its investors. It performs its own safety inspections. It investigates its own criminal violations of safety rules. It loots its own coffers and then refills them at public expense.
Meanwhile, the company has filled our skies with at least 420 airplanes with defective, red-painted parts that were locked up in the MRSA cage, then snuck out and fitted to an airplane that you or someone you love could fly on the next time you take your family on vacation or fly somewhere for work.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Tom Axford 1 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_sky_with_wisps_of_cloud_on_a_clear_summer_morning.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Clemens Vasters (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:N7379E_-_Boeing_737_MAX_9.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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percheduphere · 5 months
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Thanks for the comment, @sunflowerdigs!
I am also in HUGE debt to @loki-us for the below gifs that I could not find anywhere in Tumblr's gif search system. Thank you, friend! So many of my metas would not be possible without your help and support!
The poetic irony is definitely the point and is the reason why the S2 finale is as painful as it is.
I've previously discussed how Mobius would 100% absolutely choose to be with Loki at the End of Time and his decision-making history that points to this as being in-character here.
I also reviewed Loki's decision-making here.
Now let's discuss the choice Loki desperately wanted to give Mobius:
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gif credit: @loki-us
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gif credit: @loki-us
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gif credit: @loki-us
(Original gif set post here)
What I love about this scene with Sylvie is that it is a perfect example of narrative subtext at work. The emotional thrust behind Loki's words may be interpreted as either platonic or romantic. Ultimately, it doesn't matter (well, it does, but it's a minor detail) because the definitive meaning behind the subtext is what the TVA means to Loki and what he actually wants, which is getting Mobius back.
Let's break down the scene:
Sylvie asks what Loki wants. Sylvie, we must remember, is a Loki. She knows how Loki thinks, how he hides his vulnerability, and how he lies to himself. This allows her to suss out what Loki has difficulty admitting. I absolutely adore Sylvie for this.
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1.) To stop HWR. - wrong
2.) To save the TVA. - wrong but closer; why?
3.) To save "all this" - too broad
4.) To save his friends. - correct
Ergo, stopping HWR is a means to an end, as it was for Sylvie. Saving the TVA could feasibly "save all this" from HWR, but who or what does Loki mean when he says "all this"? He means the timelines, certainly, but why does he care about the timelines? Because if all timelinee are destroyed, Sylvie and the TVA are destroyed too. Who is at the TVA? Loki's friends. Who is Loki's first and best friend? Mobius.
TVA = Friends = Mobius
Now, this isn't to play down the importance of OB, Verity, and Casey, but the series has been very clear about which friendship is the most significant to Loki. S2E1 -S2E4 builds up Loki and Mobius's closeness for the explicit purpose of likewise building up the cost of Loki's sacrifice. Their separation in the finale would not have been given as much attention nor hurt as much if they didn't become close.
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The editing here is very intentional. In screenwriting, we call this technique "off screen dialogue", which is denoted by the character's name followed by (o.s.), then their line of dialogue.
In example, the shooting script might say:
On Don's reaction.
It was more about what I wanted.
If this wasn't formatted as such in the original script, it was likely formatted as such in the shooting script, which is a highly detailed version of the script with notes on how each scene should be shot in production and edited in post. The same cinematic technique is used in S2E4, after the pie confrontation with Sylvie, in which Brad, off screen, says, "Aren't you gonna say anything?" The dialogue overlays Mobius's reaction shot before cutting to the scene with Brad and Dox.
It is also no accident that Loki very pointedly talks about Mobius, what he thinks Mobius wants, and how Mobius should have a choice. In making his point, Loki shows that he is actually quite confident that Mobius would choose the TVA and therefore, HIM.
But perched! The TVA means Loki's friends! How can the TVA also mean Loki?
Well ...
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(Thank you so much for your marvelous gif set @riotinyellow)
After the Loom explodes, everyone is returned to their original timeline except Loki. What is significant but not often discussed is that Sylvie is returned to her 1982 Broxton, Oklahoma timeline. She did not remain at the TVA despite being a Loki herself. The subtext of this is that Sylvie associates the 1982 timeline as where she belongs, where she feels at home. If we parallel this subtext to Loki, this means the TVA is where Loki feels he belongs and thus, feels at home. He only begins to timeslip once he realizes the people he cares about aren't there. Notably, Loki unconsciously timeslips to Mobius the most. I have a meta on Loki's timeslipping here.
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As people, we define ourselves not only by our past, our talents, our weaknesses, our interests, and our dislikes, we also define ourselves by our relationships (good and bad). The implication, therefore, is that TVA symbolically represents not only friendship and Mobius, it represents Loki, too.
The most painful part of Loki's argument, which is never communicated directly but is subtextually inferred, is that not only does Loki want Mobius to choose the TVA (him), he is confident that Mobius would choose the TVA (him). And why shouldn't Loki be confident? Mobius has been his most loyal friend. Mobius has never abandoned him even when he was angry with him.
This sets up the meaning behind the subtext of Mobius's departure from the TVA in the finale. Mobius insists the TVA provides him with meaning, that he likes it there, and that he is grateful for whoever took him and "gave [him] this pie" (interestingly, it is Loki who recruits Mobius first, gives him his name, and offers pie to help calm Mobius down).
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Once Loki is gone, however, Mobius only stays at the TVA long enough to ensure it's changed for good and has appropriate leadership. What's striking is that, with the exception of Mobius, all of Loki's friends, given the choice, chose to stay at the TVA. This answers the question Loki posed with Sylvie: How many of them would choose to stay?
Verity, OB, and Casey all have purpose. Mobius's purpose has always been Loki. That purpose evolved into friendship once he stopped Loki's "reset" and uncovered Ravonna's corruption. Just as TVA = Friends = Mobius for Loki, for Mobius, the TVA = Loki. When Loki is gone, so is Mobius's purpose, his place of belonging, his home. Mobius loses everything, including (platonically or romantically) someone he deeply loves.
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niobiumao3 · 3 months
Realistically, I get why people think the Pabu folks and Crosshair haven't been told about Tech. Taken within the bounds of the show, it looks like NO processing is going on, so does anyone even know? That seems absurd given the time jump presented in episode 1--which is masterfully handled--but still.
Yet Michelle Ang herself indicated we see none of Omega's processing ('there's not time for it with everything else going on') and the episode reviews for 1-8 confirm is it never addressed. That just makes no sense if they've not already been told.
So, they've been told, and we don't get to see it. But I totally grok why anyone not terminally online would be assuming those conversations haven't happened because the show is making it look like he only just died and word isn't out, when it's been 3-4 whole ass months.
In S3E1 Omega is in no way acting like someone mourning a beloved mentor and brother. She is literally not.
This is utterly unhinged writing if Tech is really dead. It erases the grief over such a loss and acts like 'well we all had to just move on' when the marketing was so, SO heavy handed on THE LOSS and THE SACRIFICE. What loss, what sacrifice? NO ONE IS UPSET ABOUT IT OR PROCESSING.
So. Like. They've been told. But I bet he's on his way back in some manner or another.
As @eriexplosion has pointed out, Kanan Jarrus got an entire episode about how he was definitely not coming back. Echo stepped off screen and Omega and Tech had an emotional arc about it that spanned two episodes. He wasn't even injured he was just off with his bro!
Tech yeets himself to save them and uh here are his goggles 'not all of us made it back' is the sum total of our commentary. ?!
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irrealisms · 1 year
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c!wilbur + death as catharsis
A Temple of the Holy Ghost - Flannery O'Connor // The Gods Show Up - Michael Kinnucan // tumblr post by @oneheadtoanother // tumblr post by @nonsenscialghosts , tags by @annabelle--cane // tumblr post by @notbecauseofvictories
[IDs under cut]
Image 1: She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick.
Image 2: The tragic hero attains something like divine completeness, except that for human beings completeness is death.
Image 3: A photo edit of a person with their hand on their head saying "HELP! I'M UNHAPPY". Another person offers them a sword, labeled "OKAY, HERE'S GRADUAL CHANGE THROUGH DAILY HABITS". The first person replies "NO THANKS, I WAS LOOKING FOR DRAMATIC ESCAPE"
Image 4: a tumblr post by nonsensicalghosts, reading: “denied the catharsis of punishment” is an underappreciated but hugely effective narrative consequence imo a reply to it reads: "#it’s so tasty and it comes in so many flavors#does the character self-loathe and feel anguished by what others intended as an act of forgiveness and grace?#does the character know they need to change but sort of madly wish they could trade the unceasing exhausting improvement journey#for a flash bang of slate-clearing repentance so they don’t have to think about it anymore?#is is a creeping horror as the character realizes no one is going to punish them because everyone else still thinks what they did was okay?#does the character have to live the rest of their life just feeling ever so slightly untrusted by everyone with no way to stop it?#sorry for leaving pretentious tags on tumblr dot com it will happen again Peer-reviewed tags by annabelle–cane"
Image 5: a tumblr post by notbecauseofvictories, reading: "Honestly though, thinking about martyrs in the context of “your death, while touching and deeply meaningful, actually isn’t your death for real bc obviously life everlasting—gear up for purgatory, mate” is a wonderfully cruel thought ……and then failed martyrdom, where you attempted to sacrifice yourself in the name of some great and Good cause, to become something more than the bounds of your skin and instead you’re stuck in the same old morally muddling-grey world, hiding the scars where the flames licked at your calves or swallowing meds to deal with the chronic pain from the breaking wheel stigamata not as this blessed gift turning your mind to the suffering of Christ but really annoying reminders of that time you were strung up by your wristbones and almost asphyxiated and you still need an inhaler" tags: #''dying is easy young man living is harder'' #to quote #I love martyrs but mostly because they are so narratively satisfying and robbing them of the narrative satisfaction is weird cathartic #''HAHA you have to stay in the confusing and uncertain world with the rest of us #instead of discovering the answer to one of the essential questions of humankind'' #''sucks to be you''
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psychopasss4 · 4 months
PPP Novel is out❣️
...just in time for the Lunar New Year Eve, Feb. 9th. 🎉
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Noitamina Shop will hold Arata Shindo-kun's bday campaign and at the same time promotes the PPP novel sale 🥂🥳.
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Have you already prepared dried persimmons? 🤗 You know, in ancient times people used to wind-hang outside Hoshigaki, thus the Japanese lantern shape we know about today were taken from. 📸 Google Images.
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Quick Review:
During the premier of PPP movie before the Global launch, fans kept asking Dir. Shiotani about
The meaning of empty liquor bottle in Kogami's desk.
Why Kogami removed his jacket during his balcony scene
And his answer were simple. Kogami didn't know the difference of wearing it inside or outside. At first, I thought it was some kind of a funny little joke, or I didn't understand the words full well (I'm not a full-bred Japanese though I studied Nihonggo way back in grade school).
But if you read the PPP novel, you will realize Kogami isn't fully adjusted from his traumatic experiences as a mercenary overseas 🤧. So he doesn't feel how to act just as he used to when he's back.
And ofcourse, we all know he and Saiga only emptied the liquor after long hours of chatting and Tonami profiling.
2. It's interesting that the writing team have taken the pulse of the fans during the Q&A session, thus some points in PPP novel is what we might've expect after all 🤭.
3. Some may say it's nothing new. As it seems the writing team pretty much remain loyal to the movie summary. But if you read between the lines, you realize how it is a bit forgiving & fan-serving, compare to the movie itself 👍🏻.
4. The locations...last minute alterations... 😆😂.
5. And ofcourse the last time Akane spent with Saiga on his detention cell 😭. She literally blame herself for asking him to come to them on Dejima in MoFA's HQ to retrieve the Stronskaya Papers a day after. Which we all know ended tragically.
6. She pulls the trigger. She question the justice. Which quotes the same kind of line from PP3 novel when she's writing her thoughts down in an analogue typewriter. From that scene she thought of Kogami's action and how Sybil judged him for that.
But in PPP novel, no doubt she puts into consideration the life of Atsushi Shindo and how he was used as a pawn, only to be a master pawn who puppets the life of another pawn like what happened to Akira Ignatov.
Aswell as Akira Ignatov's sacrifice. He volunteered to be a puppet for the sake of the future generation. For the sake of his brother in particular 😢😓😓😢.
7. Frede-chan's holding back and being indecisive to keep the truth about the mission to Kogami. Is like keeping her phone number to her crush 😹🤭. Sure, she's just conscious how would Kou-chan would react since she knows Saiga and him are pretty close 😮‍💨.
8. The writing team did a pretty good job by staying true to their plot work. They know what they're doing. As if taken up some piece of advice from Gege Akutami 😅😂.
9. The last scene is pretty much heart-aching but well executed 😘🤌🏻❤️
10. The General was a medical AI but I wonder if the creator of Sybil also created that?... how about BiFrost? Oh hello, Season 4! We're waving at you ☺️😀!
11. Many hate Akane for trying to control Kogami, again?! Let me get this straight, SHE ISN'T CONTROLLING ANYONE!
There's a MASSIVE difference when he a.) first pulled the trigger against Makishima (out of revenge) and when he b.) pulls that against Tonami.
Akane knows it best.
a) She doesn't want him to be a person swallowed by revenge like Sasuke (Naruto).
b) She hopes Kogami is back for the better but instead he acted again with his animal instinct which indicates he can still be easily outplayed by emotions instead of not letting it get the human out of him.
Akane still looks up to Kogami. She knows he was labeled as a latent criminal by Sybil. But the way Kou acted is like proving to Sybil that their labeling of him as latent criminal was right. And if there's one thing Akane isn't fond of, that is proving Sybil right.
So it's not about Kogami. It's about her campaign against Sybil's false and unfair judgement! So don't mock her! 😖
Lastly, PPP novel is enjoyable because a lot of fans are exerting efforts to translate it to English for fans abroad. Kudos to you all❣️
Not everyone have the time, capacity and dedication you've spent. Including me, I'm not good in translation. So thank you. You are the heart of PSYCHO-PASS franchise global expansion ❤️🥰.
End of Review.
Okay, so that wasn't a quick one 😋 sorry about that. I just hope you guys have a wonderful day. Have fun and enjoy everything that you do!
Meanwhile, the original crew of PP1 are in their podcast discussing how the series have been progressing so far 😋😂
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Nah! It's just a trace sketch of CD Discussion Vol. 1
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grangerxdangerr · 5 months
My 2024 TBR ✨
I am however open to Marauders fic recs! I couldn’t find many reviews that weren’t Crimson Rivers, All The Young Dudes, or Only The Brave. I loved Crimson Rivers so I have high hopes and I’m excited to really dive in!
1. Only The Brave x Solmussa
2. All The Young Dudes x MsKingBean89
3. That’s The Art of Getting By x sarewolf
4. Long Live The Little King x shorely
Finish DMATMOOBIL x isthisselfcare
Finish Measure of a Man x inadaze22
Various Storms and Saints x viridianatnight
Something Golden x justalazywriterr
Hogwarts: A Home x coralcollective
From Wiltshire With Love x MistressLynn
A Game of High Stakes x In_Dreams
Dragon in the Dark x GracefulLioness
All the Wrong Things x LovesBitca8
Sweetly Broken x LadyKenz347
Beginning and End x mightbewriting
Seek and Find x serpent_and_sage
Lost In Yesterday x uzumakibrat
The Fallout x EveryThursday
Mon Couteau Aiguise x gillianeliza
The Order of Serpents x bl_crtz
My Sacrifice to Make x sarahsempra
Timeless x alexandra_emerson
This Bitter End x WritexAboutxMe
Things We Say in the Dark x rubber_soul02
Things We’re All Too Young to Know x eevans
These are just works in progress that I’ve started and have been keeping up with.
How Far Will He Go x venitaserum
Tarnished x westxnorthwest
Failsafe x Hypothetically
Under the Same Stars x slytheraen
Fallen Dynasty x goldensunflowers98
This Bitter Earth x ikorous
Who Made You Like This x Dracosdove
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 High Quality & Cinematic BLs
Ones that are very well made with a tight narrative and no cringey dialogue. For example: Old Fashion Cupcake or His. Japan knows what tf it’s doing, okay? You don’t come from a tradition that gave us Kurosawa and fail at broad scope cinematography. 
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Comfort & Joy 
These are the ones that I love even though they’re artsy, but they also end happily and didn’t hurt me too much.
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1. Old Fashion Cupcake 
(Japan 2022 Viki)
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review.
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2. Restart After Come Back Home 
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de (Japan 2020 grey)
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth your patience. Full review here.
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3. Life: Love on the Line 
AKA Life Senjou no Bokura (Japan 2020 Viki) 
This is a beautiful movie and a good BL, if a bit adult and gut wrenching at times. Goes through young love, break up, and reunion - but it’s actually a saga of self acceptance. You want the director’s cut. Like His, LLOTL is an exploration of suppression and the limits we impose on ourselves when we’re dishonest about who we love. In high school, serious and self contained Ito fell in love with Nishi, the manic pixie dream boy of the dream he didn’t know he had. Nishi, emotionally and mentally fragile, struggled to fit into the world. Ito, however, found it all too easy, except for the whole - ya know - gay thing. This movie is about Ito’s willingness to sacrifice not just himself but his love (and even Nishi himself) to social and familial expectations and the misery that results. It has a hard fought happy ending that then follows them through the rest of their lives in a (slightly unnecessary but welcome) epilogue montage.
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4. A Tale of Thousand Stars 
(Thai 2021 GMMTV YouTube)
With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers.
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Work & Angst 
These are ones that I watched but were really difficult for me for personal reasons. Some may not have happy endings. I tend to call these moody arthouse smackdoodle. They like to pretend that "ambiguous" is somehow unique and special rather than bog standard commonplace for narratives of this type. Hold onto your psyche, these dramas will test you. But they very well done. 
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5. His the movie 
(Japan 2020 Viki)
His is about being a grown adult and still struggling with coming out as gay. It addresses the consequences of life choices disingenuous to identity. Nagisa turns up on Shun’s doorstep with his precocious daughter in tow. This is a touch confusing to Shun since they were each others first love. Shun has retreated from society, rejecting the world before it can reject him, already brokenhearted because without Nagisa he never had a reason to fight. Nagisa went the opposite way, tried to pretend to be something he was not and ended up with a daughter he adores and a wife who hates him. This movie is beautiful and the setting is unique and interesting but I'm not wild about the ending.
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6. I Told Sunset About You 
(Thai 2020 grey) 
I don’t have a ton to say about ITSAY because I’ve never managed to finished it. This one was too close to my own queer journey and it seriously messed with my head about 2/3 of the way through, so I stopped watching to protect myself. However, I can tell you that the production values are unreal for Thailand, using a soft lens, diffuse lighting, and a nostalgic atmosphere, paying close attention to framing, and forgetting neither background nor close-focus expressive detail. It’s a remarkable piece of work. I caught no mistakes in makeup, wardrobe, body positioning, reflection, or boom mic placement - so they clearly had continuity eyeballs during filming and on final product (which most Thai BLs don’t spring for). So yeah, the filming, directing, and acting is insanly good, but what’s really stand out in ITSAY from a film perspective is their smooth as butter invisibly perfect editing. Post production on this series must have been a BEAST.
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7. Your Name Engraved Herein
(Taiwan 2020 Netflix)
This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
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8. Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D 
(Vietnam 2019 Netflix)
Like YNEH or Dew, this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma, and social acceptance. 
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9. His the series 
AKA His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love
(Japan 2019)
Boy goes to visit his absent father, ends up kinda homeless on the beach, gets adopted by local family, falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
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10. I Want to See Only You
AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan 2022 grey)
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). For me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable. Full review here. 
More Like This From Japan 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit.
Does the Flower Bloom? (Japan 2018) - May/December romance about an artist student, the house he inherits from his dead parents. and all the people around him who are obsessed with him, including an older man.
Junjou: Pure Heart (Japan 2010) - I shoudl probably rewatch this one, it’s been a while. 
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan 2017) - It’s not as good as any of us wanted given the beautiful glory of the original manga (I Hear the Sunspot). Also it doesn’t really end happily. Disappointing. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan 2022 Gaga) - After Mitsuru’s cheerful outgoing boyfriend Koichi is killed but stay’s walking around, everyone else begins to forget about him. Mitsuru recalls their romance while trying to understand what’s going on, hold onto his love, and come to terms with loss and identity. Sad and creepy but somehow still beautiful, Japan spending all its pennies on pain. 
Darker BLs and more thoughts on Moody Arthouse Smackdoodle here. 
Tangential blogs posts:
10 Best Uses of Cinematic Storytelling in BL
Top 10 Highest Production Values in Thai BL  
Some Noodling on BL Production Houses & Studios
This post the result of an ask from @theklutzymaniac, updated end of 2022. 
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cocogum · 27 days
The Great Wave - Chapter 4 Review
This might just be the weirdest chapter so far.
Because what just happened???
Meanwhile, far away from Aurora’s bullshit, we go to the borders of Amakna. And not gonna lie, I just feel genuinely surprised by that one town they got us to zoom in on.
You’re telling me that after all those centuries, there are still regions that haven’t been touched by ANY calamities?? Really? NO CALAMITIES?
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First panel:
Elsewhere, on the borders of Amakna.
Spared from wars and natural cataclysms…
These people either live very far away from other regions like Frigost or their villages are just way too small to ever be noticed by danger itself. With all the stuff we’ve seen in the World of Twelve and how many disasters people have been in, it’s just so odd to see that there are still places in the world that have never been affected by anything before.
I don’t know why but just seeing these people having fun and enjoying life makes me sick.
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Like what do you mean they’re not suffering or have never heard of any danger??? Don’t these people know what stress is???
People are even giving each other kamas as if it were nothing. They support each other and help no matter when or where they are or with who they are.
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This is way too good to be true, they just HAVE to suffer.
And as if my prayers have been answered, here comes the part where it all goes to shit 🥰 Except that this wasn’t what I was expecting… AT ALL.
And I STILL haven’t figured out who’s the dragon with the Ebony dofus! (he’s kinda sexy-looking tho ngl)
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I refuse to believe that that’s Grougalorasalar because why on earth would he be the one to hate Yugo after he PURPOSELY JOINED IN OGREST’S CHAOS??? Bro is hating on a traumatized man who grew up in a day cuz he accidentally created a calamity but didn’t mention the fact that he himself PARTICIPATED IN A CALAMITY.
So for now I’ll just call him “the dragon”.
We can see how the dragon makes his appearance and immediately starts sucking out the souls of these villagers, which is not only a huge reference from the Dofus movie, where Julith has used that same technique with the exact dofus to try to revive her husband Jahash, but is also what the dragon is intending on doing by reviving Julith.
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The only difference here however is that the dragon doesn’t seem to be nonchalant or even satisfied to steal their lives. He looks to be in misery at the idea of committing this action since we can see him shedding a tear at the lives he’s stealing. So we at least know he doesn’t entirely want to sacrifice a bunch of innocent people but for some reason has to.
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Julith discovered that in order to revive Jahash, exactly 1000 souls needed to be stolen. Her findings have revealed that one person is equivalent to 1000 souls. As the dragon aimed to revive only Julith, it is likely that he actually sacrificed at least 1000 people from this town, which had been thriving until now.
What’s also shocking about this whole ordeal is that the reason why he came to this specific village was because Julith’s body had literally been under the ground this whole time.
These people had unfortunately been unlucky enough to have settled their homes over her body which resulted in the dragon using them as the perfect sacrifices to revive her.
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But why bring back Julith?
Would the dragon be hiring her for a job? Julith used to be the guardian of the Ebony dofus so the dragon somewhat had a reason to bring her back but why now then?
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Would he use Julith to make her fight Yugo?
Is that what this is all about? Or is there more to it? Also, would Joris be in the later chapters or the next volume to see her again after all those centuries?
This chapter gave us so many questions and very few answers. Because now that we know what the dragon intended to do with the village, we now have to wonder what he plans to do with Julith.
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I don’t know about all of this but I do think it’s ironic that Julith got revived by the very same technique that she intended to use on Jahash only to refuse to go through the complete process at the last minute.
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class1akids · 7 months
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I have to talk about this outrageous take that I've seen unfortunately pop up across platforms - i.e. that somehow it was Shoto's decision that Endeavor fought AFO instead of going to help Touya together like they promised. It leads to outlandish statements like Endeavor losing an arm in the fight against AFO is a sacrifice / atonement he made for Shoto.
So I'd like to invite everyone to review the events - and look not just at the dialogue presented, but the context clues and facial expressions to understand what truly happened and not fall for this narrative
Post-Dabi reveal
Yes, you have to go back a 100 chapters to Shouto thinking it's up to him to face Touya - mind you not because he wants to, but because he thinks Endeavor can't / won't.
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Enter Rei who tells Shouto he's wrong, that what Touya truly NEEDS only Endeavor can give him - which leads to Shouto offering a hand to his dad. They'll do it together (implication: Shouto will fight / defend while Endeavor tries to talk to Touya).
2. Dark Deku arc
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So now we are in the month when Deku is running around trying to find AFO / Shigaraki, while Shoto is trying hold Endeavor accountable to their promise (and Endeavor interpreting it as a personal support). Let's also remember that Touya was out in the open during this period - running to Toga's old house. He wasn't impossible to find with a little effort.
Endeavor was clearly paralyzed with indecision, while Shouto worked on a new move he made specifically for Touya.
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3. The battle planning
The battle was planned by Hawks, All Might and Aizawa. Endeavor seemingly didn't participate. I think it was by choice. As still nominal No 1, as part of the Top 3, if he wanted he could have gone and insisted that the plan accommodates for him to face his son. But he chose not to choose, he chose to leave the decision to Hawks, who didn't understand that Endeavor's role was not to fight in that confrontation, and prioritized Endeavor over the promise the family made.
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Shoto - a mere student tucked away in UA - had no input into the plan. His opinion was not asked.
4. The eve of the battle
When they receive the assignments on the eve of the battle, Shouto's face is clearly disappointed. And yes, he did receive a call from Endeavor then, but that was once more Endeavor trying to push his choice over to someone else - this time Shouto.
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He gave Shouto a non-realistic option to throw a tantrum about him breaking his promise, when it crystal clear that it was too late to change things and Shouto would never inconvenience his friends over family matters. This phone call was not about Shouto deciding on the battle plan, but accepting a bad situation, trying to graciously reassure Endeavor and prioritizing everyone else.
5. Hint: Shouto is not fine
He keeps saying how he wanted this and how he's fine - but to his friends it's crystal clear that he's not fine. He's trying to reassure them, he's trying to rationalize it while his father had to let him down. But you can see on his face that this is not his choice. He hates inconveniencing others, making them worried, making his family problem be their problem.
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6. Shouto's true feelings on the matter
Shouto reveals his true feelings about this to Touya. He's doing what he thinks he's right. But he's also criticizing Endeavor for running away from it, for waiting until there was no time to come up with something else. Shouto knows he's not whom Touya wants, but he's here anyways.
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7. Endeavor prioritized his hero work and it led to disastrous consequences
There are also the voices to say that only Endeavor could face AFO. But this was not the case. Endeavor couldn't focus on the fight, he lost his cool, had to be bailed out by Hawks, Jirou, Tokoyami. They broke AFO's helmet that was the biggest obstacle.
And when Endeavor beat AFO, he just returned to a more powerful form anyway, which still was handled by a line of "extras", like Hawks, Shiketsu kids or Mineta, not to mention quirkless All Might...
Endeavor was not "essential" to that fight, unlike what Hawks thought.
And him not going to Touya meant that his son was burnt much more badly by the time they met. If Endeavor went with Shouto, they maybe could have been done in 5 minutes with Touya not spiralling with more rage and then both Endeavor and Shouto could have gone to help in other places. Touya's escalation is because Endeavor ignored him again.
But in the end, what did Endeavor achieve? He didn't stop AFO, he couldn't stop Touya, and still had to face him under worse circumstances. In my view, the narrative is not telling us he's making good, noble choices, but that he keeps running away to play hero until the every end.
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I think the narrative tells us that it shouldn't be Shouto's job to fix and be the sacrificial lamb in Endeavor's place:
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And I think Hori's choice to line up the family at the back of Vol 39 shows that Endeavor still owes them to step up as father, to do right by Touya, to make a choice that puts the family first and not his hero career and most importantly releases Shouto from the burden he's been carrying for him.
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samepisodebracket · 1 year
justice for sam
If the spnepisodebracket craze has shown us anything, it's that the supernatural fanbase is extremely divided, with the lowly sam stan seemingly at the bottom of the pile. sam is always last in polls, so this is a bracket for the 10% or so who always votes for him. because yeah, there's 327 episodes of Supernatural, but how many are popular because of a dean or destiel moment? how many good episodes are drowned out because they focus on sam?
i've chosen, with some crowdsourced peer review (special thanks to @spneveryseason, @suncaptor, and @ambersock!) 125 episodes that are Sam Relevant. Some are extremely sam-centric, some just have a shot where sam looks like he's being crucified that gives me brain worms -- i tried to be generous about it to keep a relatively even seasons distribution! matchups will be random and polls will last 24 hours each. in the tradition of @spnepisodebracket (who this is obviously inspired by and would not be possible without!) i'll try to rb a gifset for every episode in the poll!
a final note: no this is not that serious but the criteria for voting here should be how good the episode is as a SAM episode, not as anything else, so please vote accordingly! i am making this for people who actually enjoy sam and if that is not you, then this is not the poll for you!
with that out of the way, here is the compiled list of episodes! voting starts this sammy sunday, 3/26!
Season 1 Pilot (1x01) Bloody Mary (1x05) Home (1x09) Asylum (1x10) Scarecrow (1x11) Nightmare (1x14) Shadow (1x16) Provenance (1x19) Salvation (1x21) Devil's Trap (1x22) Season 2 Simon Said (2x05) Croatoan (2x09) Hunted (2x10) Playthings (2x11) Houses of the Holy (2x13) Born Under a Bad Sign (2x14) Heart (2x17) All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 (2x21) All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 (2x22) Season 3 Bad Day at Black Rock (3x03) A Very Supernatural Christmas (3x08) Mystery Spot (3x11) Jus In Bello (3x12) Time is On My Side (3x15) Season 4 Metamorphosis (4x04) It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (4x07) I Know What You Did Last Summer (4x09) After School Special (4x13) On the Head of a Pin (4x16) It's a Terrible Life (4x17) Jump the Shark (4x19) When the Levee Breaks (4x21) Lucifer Rising (4x22) Season 5 Good God, Y'all! (5x02) Free to be You and Me (5x03) Changing Channels (5x08) Sam, Interrupted (5x11) Swap Meat (5x12) The Song Remains the Same (5x13) My Bloody Valentine (5x14) Dark Side of the Moon (5x16) 99 Problems (5x17) Two Minutes to Midnight (5x21) Swan Song (5x22) Season 6 Exile on Main St. (6x01) You Can't Handle the Truth (6x06) Family Matters (6x07) Clap Your Hands if You Believe (6x09) Caged Heat (6x10) Appointment in Samarra (6x11) Like a Virgin (6x12) Unforgiven (6x13) The French Mistake (6x15) The Man Who Knew Too Much (6x22) Season 7 Meet the New Boss (7x01) Hello, Cruel World (7x02) The Girl Next Door (7x03) Season 7, Time for a Wedding! (7x08) Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie (7x14) Repo Man (7x15) Out with the Old (7x16) The Born-Again Identity (7x17) Season 8 We Need to Talk About Kevin (8x01) Hunteri Heroici (8x08) Trial and Error (8x14) Taxi Driver (8x19) Pac-Man Fever (8x20) The Great Escapist (8x21) Clip Show (8x21) Sacrifice (8x23) Season 9 Holy Terror (9x09) Road Trip (9x10) First Born (9x11) The Purge (9x13) Meta Fiction (9x18) Season 10 Black (10x01) Soul Survivor (10x03) Fan Fiction (10x05) Inside Man (10x17) Book of the Damned (10x18) The Werther Project (10x19) The Prisoner (10x22) Brother's Keeper (10x23) Season 11 Form and Void (11x02) Baby (11x04) Just My Imagination (11x08) Oh Brother Where Art Thou (11x09) The Devil in the Details (11x10) Into the Mystic (11x11) Ouroborus (11x14) Red Meat (11x17) Don't Call Me Shurley (11x20) Season 12 Keep Calm and Carry On (12x01) Mamma Mia (12x02) American Nightmare (12x04) Rock Never Dies (12x07) The Raid (12x14) Who We Are (12x22) Season 13 Lost and Found (13x01) Patience (13x03) The Big Empty (13x04) Various & Sundry Villains (13x12) A Most Holy Man (13x15) Funeralia (13x19) Beat the Devil (13x21) Exodus (13x22) Let the Good Times Roll (13x23) Season 14 Stranger in a Strange Land (14x01) Mint Condition (14x04) Nightmare Logic (14x05) Byzantium (14x08) Prophet and Loss (14x12) Lebanon (14x13) Peace of Mind (14x15) Game Night (14x17) Moriah (14x20) Season 15 Back and to the Future (15x01) Atomic Monsters (15x04) The Rupture (15x03) Golden Time (15x06) The Gamblers (15x11) Unity (15x17) Inherit the Earth (15x19) Finale: Carry On (15x20)
Edits: Bugs (1x08) will be added, polls will not be completely random bc im not doing this for science im doing this to see a good episode win and my randomizer pit when the levee breaks against swan song in round 1
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ikuzeminna · 1 year
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Why is crapping on Gundam Wing by people reviewing all the Gundam series such a trend? And in the silliest manner possible, because out of the million flaws Gundam Wing has, they never pick any of those. Instead they make stuff up. "The characters are flat." Oh yeah, sure, no depth at all to the guy who starts out as a merciless killer FUBARing every important mission he's sent on (and I love what a drama queen he is), gradually regaining his humanity once he's removed from the battlefield, only to end up horrified by being forced by a machine into becoming a ruthless killer again. Or the guy who spends the entire series preaching 'carpe diem' while he himself is the living embodiment of 'memento mori'.
Or the snarky mercenary with a massive Middle Child Syndrome who sacrifices the only thing he's fought for his entire life (himself) to keep another kid from turning out like him. Or said kid who goes through 50 shades of bonkers and every human emotion in existence during the show. Don't even get me started on the ladies. "Wufei is not interesting." Of course not. Why would the sole guy who doesn't fight for the freedom of the colonies but instead wages a personal war of revenge and a promise he's trying to keep to his late wife be interesting? Which explains why he's a wild card and fights on Mariemaia's side in EW. "The Gundams are overpowered. They never get any damage." Yeah, why didn't they send five suits made of Explodium against a world army? Also begs the question why we see them get repaired in the third episode already. And why every pilot is also a trained mechanic who can fix his own suit. Since the Gundams are indestructible anyway. Seriously. The show itself spells it out. Gundanium may be near indestructible but the electronics and other parts get fried perfectly fine which, surprise surprise, renders a Gundam useless. Never mind that Noin, in episode 4 already, was willing to use a weapon that could damage Gundanium but would overheat on Earth. "Relena's pacifism should never have worked against Romefeller. The show is dumb for presenting it as the solution." .....It didn't??? The whole Cinq arc made a point out of pacifism not working with Romefeller and the Mobile Dolls around. Just- what??? "Gundam Wing isn't realistic." This is like complaining about talking animals in The Lion King. Gundam Wing is supposed to be anti-UC. Being unrealistic was intentional. Being focused on ideologies was intentional. Not focusing on character struggles (too much) was intentional. Having a mess of a plot because you have one million different factions was intentional. If reviewers watch all the UC series and don't get that Gundam Wing has the exact opposite setup then I don't know what to tell them. Complain about talking animals while you watch a Disney movie, I guess. Pick on the horrid pacing. Pick on Relena and Heero being nutjobs in the beginning. Pick on yelling from cliffs. Pick on Noin being a doormat to Zechs. Pick on Zechs being a Char clone. Pick on there being way too many characters in the beginning. Pick on the Dorothy/Quatre connection coming out of nowhere or Une giving herself split personalities because of a dude.
There is a plethora of flaws to choose from. Also, get out of my face with UC being better. That salt episode was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life and I've watched Seed Destiny.
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dykebelova · 7 months
White Widow #1 by Sarah Gailey review.
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We can all agree that we all fell in love with Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova in Black Widow (2021) and for many people, including me, she was our first introduction to the character. And as an absolute, completely sane and normal person, I said to myself “Why not read all of her appearances in the comics ?”, and I did.
Surprisingly, both characters are incredibly different. Nonetheless, both interesting and amazing on their own. While I agree that MCU Yelena has more depth and perhaps, more personality, comics Yelena is still a good character. The way she has been written has been very disturbing, even sick and twisted sometimes, like Pale Little Spider (2002) or Black Widow (2001). Sometimes messy, and I suggest everybody forget her Adaptoid phase or anything that ever happened in Secret Avengers (2013) for her sake. But still, you don't erase almost 25 years of a character's development, even if it has been inconsistent, just because you felt like it.
In the comics, Yelena has always been in Natasha’s shadow and has never had her own original story. In Widowmakers: Red Guardians and Yelena Belova (2020) and Winter Guard (2021), we had a glimpse of hope to finally see her character evolve despite Red Guardian’s appearance, a character linked to Natasha. When a limited-serie on White Widow, a character that hasn’t been properly developed and deserved to, was announced, I fucking cheered man. But then I remembered the curse of a character’s MCUfication, because Marvel never does anything right. And oh boy was I not prepared for what was coming…
I don’t even know where to begin. It all felt like a giant fanfiction written by someone who has only ever seen the movie and didn’t even bother to check on other writers’ previous work on Yelena’s character.
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White Widow (2023) #1.
There are lots of things wrong in this picture. First and second panel, where does the needle come from ? After I checked and double checked just in case, there were NO records of Yelena being abducted or forced to do anything she has done in her life. She chose to join the Red Room. She chose to be a Black Widow and she was determined to outperform Natasha’s results during tests. She even had a whole mental breakdown about it.
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Pale Little Spider (2002) #1
Now, let’s try to find excuses for the use of the needle… The first one would be the Red Room using the Black Widow’s serum they used on the 28th original Widows, during Natasha’s era. But our good ol' Grigor Ivanovich just ruined this theory.
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Black Widow (2004) #4
Excuse number two, the Red Room used some sort of a mind-control serum which wouldn’t make any sense too for all of the reasons I said above.
Now the third panel… I’m at a loss for words. Where the fuck does it comes from. Where the FUCK was it during Secret Empire (2017) ? Yelena wasn’t even there anymore, bitch was dead. We didn’t see her until Tales of Suspense: Hawkeye and The Winter Soldier (2018), until she was brought back to life WITH Natasha. Also, she has a real family and they’re even mentioned in Black Widow (2001), Yelena calls her mother and her aunt Olga is mentioned.
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White Widow (2023) #1
Now, the board... It looks like it has been made for a MCU tie-in more than anything.
Although I'd like to adress one thing that has been said on Twitter, about the "Hate nationalism → Imperialist invasion". There is a difference between nationalism and patriotism. Being a nationalist is being way too extreme about your country when being a patriot is to love your country, its people and its culture while also being critical about the way its being led.
Now, we know when she was young, Yelena was kind of extreme. In Black Widow: The Things They Say About Her (2005) #1, she admitted she was willing to sacrifice herself for the Motherland more than once. During her Black Widow era, she was naive and had a blind love for Russia which was her biggest weakness.
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Black Widow (2001) #3
But as her character continued to evolve and grow through her appearences, Yelena is far more reasonable now. She considers herself like a true patriot and she has always been proud of being Russian. In conclusion, this board's section is not as bad as people make it out to be since Yelena went from being an extreme nationalist to a patriot.
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Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova (2020)
I know many of you like Kate Bishop and Yelena’s friendship due to their duo in Hawkeye, I too, am a big fan of them… But unfortunately, they only interacted once in the comics. And they didn’t even talk to each other. That’s why mentioning Kate Bishop in her like section is purely fan service and although it is a nice nod to the series, it doesn’t make any sense here. Yelena has interacted with Clint Barton way more than the better Hawkeye, which is sad.
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Black Widow (2020) #10
I'd like to come back in the hate section just a second to say I don't know why she hates the Infinity Gauntlet so much that's it's written in caps. It's 100% a nod to the MCU again but here it also doesn't make sense. But again, a lot of things doesn't in this issue.
I wont bother talking about her attitude and how she looks like a teenager swallowing vodka directly from a bottle when she used to be classy and extra with manners. I wont bother talking about her new suit's design which sucks more than her previous one. This is not the Yelena Belova we used to know, it's a complete new character made to match her MCU self and please a small public who mostly watch the movies/series.
I saw a lot of people celebrating Yelena's changes to match Yelena's Florence Pugh more. I know the character has become more famous because of Flo', but this is actually terrible and wasn't handled correctly.
We hoped for a more mature story, maybe a little darker than usual. A new start for her character, to follow her path in making the world a better place and get out of Natasha’s shadow for good. With a little backstory too, nothing much. The bare minimum. Instead, we had a copycat of her MCU counterpart and it is just heartbreaking to see a character I loved so much being destroyed like that.
I could go on and on about why this piece of junk is just a bunch of nonsense and laziness and how Sarah Gailey’s just went for the easiest writing ever… But I will stop there. I just hope she knows that us, fan of comics Yelena, are fucking disappointed. Everything that made her character so special and dear to us, disappeared in one issue. The damage is surreal.
It’s only four issues long so I will continue to read it until the end, but I expect nothing from it anymore. I hope the writer won’t destroy Yelena’s character any further, because things can only go downhill from here.
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phykios · 5 months
Review: "We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium"; "I Plunge to my Death"; "A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers"
Hey y'all! I'm back. It took a while to write this review, and not just because I had a busy holiday season. The more I tried to consider episodes 3 and 4, the more I realized that a lot of my critiques of them were things I had already touched on in the last two–poor exposition, bad lighting, rushed plot, etc–and so it felt a little redundant to say the same thing all over again. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how annoying you find me), episode 5 was such a cut above over the rest of the season, I finally have new things to say! With that in mind, the format of this review will be a little different, as I will compare the episodes side by side, rather than consider each one individually. 
For a brief, brief recap, the three episodes follow fairly similar plot beats: the trio travels a little, meets a mythological being that tries to mess with their heads, then they all try to sacrifice themselves for the good of the quest before figuring out an alternate way to win. This isn’t a criticism, by the way–the book chapters have similar formats, and repetitive framing is a great way of demonstrating character growth. And of course, there’s no better way to spruce up a travel montage with a little lore dump. 
What makes for effective exposition? It’s a delicate balancing act between making sure that the information you need to get across gets to the viewer, but not letting them know that you’ve done it. “Show, don’t tell” is the most common expository technique, and for good reason–information is better retained and more effective when it’s not delivered to you like someone reading off cue cards. And it’s most effective when it’s withheld until just the right moment. PJO TV is not… great at this. It’s mostly little things, one-off little lines, like Luke saying “I’m the best swordsman” or “Annabeth is the smartest,” but there are some more egregious examples, mostly with Chiron explaining the world to Percy. This, I get, and it’s not like Riordan did it that much more elegantly in the books. But I’m more annoyed about Luke info-dumping than anybody else.  
I was re-reading The Lightning Thief for several reasons, and one of the things about Luke is that he keeps things very close to the chest. It’s partly to conceal his villainy, but it also makes sense from a psychological standpoint, hiding his emotions not only to keep everyone from finding out the truth about him, but also to recruit kids for the upcoming war. Luke only opens up about what happened to him and Thalia once: at the very end of the book, just before he tries to kill Percy. It’s a powerful moment–the specter of Thalia haunts Percy throughout the book, the ideal of a hero he’s afraid he’ll never be able to measure up to, and we find out that she’s been haunting Luke as well, but for very different reasons. (She haunts the TV show as well, which I like very much–I just hope it pays off!) We are shown hints of his darker side earlier, but withholding the heel turn until now, and pairing it with the first time we see him actually talk about himself, is part of what makes this scene so good and so heinous at the same time. The first time we get glimpses of Luke’s true self, his motivations and what drives him, is the same moment where he crosses the line. And in the meantime, TV!Luke just lets it all hang out. 
Before camp, I was on the road. Me and a forbidden kid I met along the way. Her name was Thalia… A long time ago, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades agreed their children were becoming too powerful, so they made a pact not to father any more. And it held for a long time, until Zeus broke that pact. Until Thalia. A forbidden kid attracts trouble. Monsters everywhere, it's just a constant battle to stay alive. One day, we, uh, find this little girl hiding in an alley. Annabeth. We were worried about taking her in, exposing her to all that danger. Then we saw her fight. Thalia didn't make it. But Annabeth and me... we did. And we've been family ever since… Annabeth is the strongest warrior in camp. The only way left to prove herself is to go on a quest. [S1E2, “I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom”]
Why is he saying all this? Is it for Percy’s benefit, or the audience’s? What does this reveal about Luke’s character? What about this monologue reveals what Luke actually thinks about the pact, or Thalia’s death, or even Annabeth? We’re told he sees her like family, but what does he do to show us? 
For contrast, here’s Ares’ lore dump a few episodes later:
You're new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work. See, years before I was born, my grandpa Kronos ate my aunts and uncles. Yeah. Then my dad made him puke them back up, then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked 'em into a bottomless pit, so that kinda set the tone right outta the gate. Olympians fight. We betray. We backstab. We will push anyone down a flight of stairs to get ahead. And that's why I love my family so much. My dad knows he's not getting this bolt back with quests or goose chases. He knows there's a war coming. And in reality, I think he's okay with that. I think he feels it's just time for a war, so we're gonna have a war. Isn't that great? [S1E5, “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers”]
What does this reveal about Ares’ character? That he loves violence, and that the threat of war is exciting. That he doesn’t exactly hold his family in high regard. That this is something that is central to who the gods are. All of this is supported by Adam Copeland’s performance, which is flippant, funny, and immature. The details work in concert to show us who Ares is and what he wants, all without ever having him say it out loud. 
For all of its clumsiness, though, I actually really like Grover’s little monologue about the nature of questing as we follow the kids into New York City in episode 3. It has a very Fellowship of the Ring vibe (which I’m pretty sure is deliberate) which fits on a meta-level too, with Percy Jackson in conversation with epic stories of the past.
But you know what wasn’t in conversation with the past? The shortest Medusa battle ever recorded. 
I’m being a little hyperbolic for comedy’s sake, but genuinely I hated the Medusa fight. Not the Medusa backstory–sidestepping the sexual assault in a middle-grade book was the correct choice, and it’s not like a post-#MeToo Medusa is a shocking or novel idea–but not only should the fight have been at least twice as long, it was missing a full fourth of the mythological ingredients. The mythical Perseus has four gifts: the sword, the mirror shield, the helm of invisibility, and the winged sandals. The book reinterprets the shield as a glass ball. And the show doesn’t use it at all. Is this a nitpicky critique? Maybe. But some of Percy Jackson’s strongest moments are the reinterpretation of mythological scenes, and for those to work, you should incorporate the key details. 
Also, again, cannot stress this enough, it was way too short. At least the Echidna fight scene had some blocking involved. And acting. 
Speaking of acting, I will say that it’s very consistently well done. I think the kids are more than holding their own against the adults, and they walk the line between playing maturity and still being young very well, which is a very difficult thing to do. In fact, rarely is the acting ever a problem. Because, once again, it’s the writing that makes it fall short. 
Let’s do another comparison: Percy sending off Medusa’s head and Percy and Annabeth with Hephaestus’ chair. One is from the books, and one is new. Both are given the appropriate amount of weight in the episode’s runtime. Both are well-acted, well-blocked, well-scored. But the new scene feels out of place to me. Part of the problem is that, being a scene lifted from the books, Percy sending off Medusa’s head feels earned and supported by the material of the last few episodes. He’s pissed at his dad for ignoring him, and pissed that the gods are forcing him to do all this nonsense for reasons he only barely understands. Of course he’s going to foist a magical WMD on them. 
But the chair scene doesn’t have that prior support. Consider: 
Eat or be eaten. Power and glory and nothing else matters. Ares is that way, Zeus is that way, my mother is that way. He isn't that way. He's better than that. Maybe I was that way once. But I don't wanna be that way anymore. I won't be like all of you. I just won't. [S1E5, “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers”]
In a vacuum, this would be a great scene. Walker’s fear is palpable and real, and Leah delivers a heartfelt performance in anguish at her friend’s supposed fate. That’s all well and good, except that these characters have known each other for… what, three days? A week? And for all her talk of glory, Annabeth dispensed with that idea pretty much right out the gate, as she killed a Fury rather than hand Percy over to Alecto. She tries to sacrifice herself for the quest all the time. What power and glory is she seeking? 
This is an excellent scene that unfortunately doesn’t belong in this season. This scene, as my dear @frenchswissborder pointed out, does not belong after the Thrill Ride of Love (before the Zoo Truck scene as well!) but instead feels like it should be in the Battle of the Labyrinth’s Mt. St Helen confession scene. Putting it there at least would build on three years of friendship, rather than a handful of days of not annoying each other. 
I don’t mind new scenes. I want new scenes. If I wanted a one-to-one adaptation, I’d just read the books again. But the new scenes have to matter. They have to bring something new to the table. Let me put it this way: when The Lightning Thief musical said, “Fuck it, Cerberus is a DJ,” it was both leaning into its own medium as musical theater and riffing on the idea of the underworld being under a recording studio. When PJO TV says, “Fuck it, exposition time,” it feels like they’re reading off Mythomagic card stats. 
What makes an adaptation great, in my opinion, is how well it speaks to the subtext of the original work. The musical is excellent at this, in particular how it uses the conventions of musical theater to highlight the parallels between Percy and Luke by giving them variations on the same “I Want” song. Where PJO TV shines is how it speaks to the subtext of abusive adults. Abuse of children is sadly not always so obvious, and I like how the Mist lets Alecto, Echidna, and Ares act pretty much with impunity. They are predators, and they are able to move without fear of detection. This even applies to Medusa, too, having her pretend to offer Percy a way out, when she really is only interested in herself and her needs. 
But, as the show tends to do, this only causes the story to kneecap itself by neutering Gabe as an abusive figure. I understand why it is this way, as book Sally, for all her kind and loving nature, wasn’t exactly written with a backbone. Part of this, I assume, is just that The Lightning Thief was published in 2005, and that a) the conversation around intimate partner abuse simply was not in the mainstream, and b) Riordan just got better at female characters over time. So the trade-off is that by making Sally a more formidable, dynamic character in the show, they had to dial down Gabe’s uglier, abusive nature–which is going to be really awkward in a few episodes when Sally kills him just for the crime of being annoying. 
Stray thoughts: 
Just taking a moment here to say that I think the set design has been really gorgeous so far. Shout out in particular to the attic in the Big House!
I’m only just noticing this now, but the trunk of Thalia’s pine tree looks like there’s a human in there–bent knee, arms outstretched, head bowed–and I think that’s awesome. 
The idea of monsters sensing a demigod’s weakness and responding to that is so good, and I’m taking it. 
Earlier versions of this review had a long and annoying rant about Medusa’s origins, so allow me to tl;dr: there is no original Medusa myth. Ovid’s Medusa myth in Metamorphoses comes about 800 years after Hesiod’s Theogony, which comes after Homer’s Iliad. It’s not a question of Ovid against Hesiod against Homer, it’s a question of these authors plus thousands of pieces of pottery depicting hundreds of variations on the Medusa myth, and we cannot definitively say which one is the source of the myth. That said, I don’t dislike a #MeToo Medusa, I just mostly hate the discourse around it.
It’s nice to see some architecture nerd Annabeth, but between the way the show glosses over it, and the lack of crippling arachnophobia, her character is being reduced too much to “prideful” for my tastes. It’s not that Annabeth isn’t prideful, obviously, it’s just that she has more dimension to her than the show is currently presenting. 
Annabeth and Grover throwing water on Percy like a beached whale is very funny, but it did make me realize that they haven’t introduced nectar/ambrosia in the show. Maybe they’re saving it for the finale? 
Ares calling them all cousins makes me extremely happy. This was something that Riordan did in the early books, but he kind of petered off, presumably so as not to imply weird pseudo-incestuous things once Percabeth started, but I always loved it.
I’m saving the Percy and Annabeth relationship breakdown until after the season, but it is coming! (But I am sad that “seaweed brain” came out of nowhere :( we just rolled right over it!)
The lighting is really bad, especially in the dark, and I am learning to live with it, but I am not happy about it. 
Aryan is the breakout actor of the trio, in my opinion. Playing awkward is so, so easy to overdo, but he brings a sincerity and a quickwittedness to Grover that I absolutely adore–he’s a sweet kid, and he’s clearly scared, but he knows when to summon his courage and do the brave thing for him and his friends. 
Also here are some screencaps that I like. They don’t have anything to do with the review, I just think they’re neat :3 (IDs/thots in the alt)
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apricotbuncakes · 7 months
TADC Theory: Caine was the FIRST human in the digital world:
We need context first so here is a quick review of what you need to know:
The story of Cain and Able is simple. The two men, sons of Adam and Eve are making sacrifices to God. While Cain’s sacrifice was more physically abundant, Abel’s sacrifice was more substantial because he sacrificed ‘more’. Cain didn’t stand to lose much from his gifts. Regardless, Able was chosen as the winner by God. Filled with jealousy and rage, Cain killed Able and committed the first act of murder on Earth. God exiled Cain and he was forced to wander. God did add protection to Cain though as Cain was worried someone else might try to kill him. According to Genesis 4:15 though, God marked Cain and said anyone who killed him would receive a sevenfold punishment, or a punishment seven times worse. How does this connect to TADC?
C&A (the company’s logo we see while Pomni is running through the ‘Stanley Parable’ looking office) presumably stands for Caine and Able! Yes ‘Cain’ is spelled differently for the show. Anyway, in this scenario the CEO would be God. He oversees all of the company, and that makes Caine and Able in running for the company’s chair.
Caine and Able both present something to the CEO to win his favoritism and put them in running for the position. The CEO chooses Able. After, Caine does something to betray Able (could be anything from sabotaging Able’s gift, to murder), the CEO forces Caine to work on TADC (or send him back, either works), exiling him and ruining his opportunity to be the favorable one at all. Perhaps he worked in a division by himself, protecting him from others who may take issue with his presence. The CEO has marked Caine as someone not to be messed with, much like God did for the biblical Cain. Caine (the pearly white one) gets sucked into the world; he is the first human to get stuck there. He is forced to wander the digital plane.
Since Caine was working on the game though he knows access codes and the likes, so is able to grant himself abilities to alter the world. But he doesn’t have total power (and I don’t think he wants it). But as more people get stuck in there, Caine, who worked to make the world, feels bad for how it has trapped them, so he tries to help them not only as an apology but to try and redeem himself for betraying his ‘brother’.
Perhaps Able is actually dead, and Caine, true to his namesake, killed Abel to try and get the company passed down to him. Can’t pass it to the dead brother after all. Regardless, Caine would be in control of virtually (haha) everything except for the minds of other humans, something that no code has access to.
Something I didn’t mention was that Cain, in the original biblical story, worked and built a town after his exile. What does the ringmaster Caine do? Make a habitable place for human minds in the circus. He gives them enrichment and entertainment, knowing full well that this is not a holy paradise. But he does make the most of it. And once again, here he is protected, having a high status that no one dares to test. He has built a salvation for him.
Of course this is all based on a single name, a company logo, and a Bible story, but I don’t think it’s a bad theory even with all the speculation. It’s at least plausible.
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