#Then starts fighting back a bit just in time for Link to win the fight
morimess · 8 months
Cause I-
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mysticheathenn · 2 months
Messages From A Healing Heart
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about what your healing heart has to say to you or things that are the matter of the heart.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
Messages From Your Healing Heart. Tarot: 8 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Priestess, Strength.
Pile l I want to congratulate you on this beautiful win that I see here of you walking away from things, people, and places that no longer serve you. It takes a lot of strength to being able to walk away from anything where you hold a strong attachment to whether it's love, family, friends, a place, or even a career. For those who haven't already walked away from what doesn't serve you, I sense it has been plaguing your mind lately that a certain someone or something needs to be released from your life but you aren't either a) sure if it's the right time, b) if you are making a big mistake, or c) fearing nothing better will come along from releasing this into the wild. It's as if you are holding out until something better comes along before you decide to release it when that's not how blessings work. How can amazing things come into your life when you are so desperately clinging onto things, places, or people who will destroy your blessings, or if not destroy how can you make room for beautiful things to come and grow when you have the cloud of doom looming over your head. It's time, pile l. The scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where Harry is fighting Lord Voldemort and his dead loved ones helps distract him for a moment so he can get to the portkey and back to safety to Hogwarts with Cedric Diggory and his mother keeps telling him "Let go, it's time. Let Go, sweetheart, you're ready." You're ready for bigger and better things. Those who have already done the letting go, it's time for you to walk in your healing journey. Releasing the past and forgiving yourself and possibly others. (Clip Link)
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Pile ll:
Messages From Your Healing Heart. Tarot: 10 of Swords, Strength, 2 of Wands (reversed), 10 of Cups (reversed), 8 of Cups
Just a few of you may be drawn to Pile l, not the whole message will resonate but some of it might. Pile ll I know that you have been through a lot whether this is personal, romantically, or what not but you need to take a chance and let good things happen in your life. I know, I know I can already hear you say "But every time I allow good things to happen something bad always happens." I'm here to tell you that you can't get any good without a little bit of "bad" along with it. You can't see a rainbow without weathering out the storm first pile ll, it's part of life. You take the good with the bad but you keep pushing until you see nothing but blue skies and sunshine, you don't give up halfway because you don't see any way out of your situation or in life in general. Speak to your angels, (spirit guides, Ancestors, God, etc) they are here to guide you through whatever and help you along your journey. All you need to do is ask, but I am hearing that some of you don't ask and get mad when people start showing you that they are a spade that needs to be let go. For some of you who are into crystals, Moldavite might be something you might want to consider working with but only if you find yourself having a hard time with dealing with making the first move. Only ask your guides and use crystals when you are ready for this next shift in your life. Again don't ask god to take the wheel and then you're climbing back in the driver's seat at the first thing you don't like. Remember everything in this next stage is happening for you and not to you.
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Pile lll:
Messages From Your Healing Heart. Tarot: Death (reversed), 9 of Pentacles (Reversed), 4 of Swords (reversed), 10 of Pentacles (reversed), Queen of Cups
Pile lll I need you to feel more abundant in your life. I want you to know that you can have any and everything that you could ever ask for...you just need to believe it. I sense a deep money wound meaning that you have the mindset that you can never make enough, have enough, or even dream of yourself having more than what you have now. I sense some of you probably grew up in single-parent households living with your mom where she was constantly trying to make ends meet and would mention the lack of money a lot to the point you are seeing yourself repeat the same patterns surrounding money. You feel that "money is burning a hole in your pocket" or "the man is always out to get you" when in reality you just need to heal your money wound and become more financially literate. Healing your money wound I know won't be easy but a nice start should be to dare yourself to dream. I don't want to hear anything other than you stating what your dreams and goals are. There are no buts, there is no I don't have..allow yourself to dream for a second. What does that look like? What does it feel like? Amazing right? It's because of a future you already have. You just need to believe in yourself, develop some discipline, come up with a game plan, and lean in heavy on "delusion". Muhammad Ali said he was the greatest before he was the greatest. It's time for you to adopt that same mindset and read some financial literacy books, YouTube channels, etc. Find channels that help you adopt a more abundant mindset so you can see opportunities in everything and everywhere. You have the 10 of Pentacles upright which is all about financial fulfillment..it's yours for the taking...but are you ready for the change it takes to get there?
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Pile lV:
Messages From Your Healing Heart. Tarot: The Fool, The Magician, The Priestess, 9 of Wands, The Star, 6 of Cups
Pile lV I am sensing you have a childhood wound around giving up right before the good happens. Very few of you may be drawn to a partial message of pile 3 again very few of you. Either way, You may have been the kids in the late 90's TV show series where parents lecture their kid about starting a project and never finishing it like starting piano lessons but stopping because it became difficult or you didn't like the teacher, you probably stopped playing soccer because you thought you would look cool but ended up hating the heat, mosquitos and it didn't get you the recognition you wanted from others. Whatever it is..You tend to start things and then you are either at the verge of quitting or end up quitting because things get tough and you are about to do the same thing right now in your life pile lV. You either don't believe you have what it takes to finish or you just want to get to the good part of doing things without putting in all the work. You are more than capable of doing any and everything pile lV. There is a reason why these things you want are placed in your heart to go after but you need to put in the work and get your hands dirty. You need to see things out for once and see if it gets you to where you want to be but you will never know if you keep quitting. This reminds me of the stories where you hear celebrities who started from the bottom of waitressing to make ends meet while they chase their real goals of being an actor and they told themselves they would give themselves one year and if nothing they would stop. John Krasinski did that where he said he would give himself x amount of time and just before he was about to quit and call home to his mom letting her know she was coming home...he landed the office. (Clip Link). It starts right around 1:19. See whatever this thing you have going on whether it's an idea, a job, a relationship, etc all the way through. I feel for most of you, you may have an idea that you want to go after that has been plaguing your cranium but again afraid to start that pattern. Do it. Do it. Please keep going and see this thing through. Do it for yourself. You will never know how your life will be if you never push through to the finish line.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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rinstaro · 1 year
Tbh I don’t have an idea for this one kore, but smth horny asf with my bb time or even wild cause I’ve been having a bit of a rough time
hope ur well and thank you!!
of course, anything for you dear. this took so long!!!! sorry i’ve been so dead lately, life is tryna whoop my ass. i was playing botw and changed into the barbarian set and…… yeah. you know how it “bolsters links fighting spirit”? in my head it just makes him a lot more feral so it makes him horny too. i hope you like it! and i hope you feel better soon! i promise that these rough times will pass 🌟
cw: he’s a little mean, doggy, forest sex, reader is implied to be shorter than him, slight predator/prey dynamics, y’all are just messing around… or are you? reader has a vagina no pronouns, not proofread <3
minors do not interact.
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you played with wild’s stuff all the time. he didn’t mind so long as you didn’t hurt yourself. his swords, his bows, and especially his armor. no matter how many rupees he’d spend buying you whatever clothes you wanted, you were always fascinated with his instead.
his knights armor was heavy and sturdy. his climbing gear showed off his toned arms. his sheikah armor had you drooling.
the only set you hadn’t seen on him was the barbarian armor. you always wondered about the set. the headpiece was just a little scary, so you asked him what the armor was for when it covered so… little.
“it makes me a little more…. it’s easier to fight.”
he left it at that, but it made you curious. so it made him stronger, but you wanted to see that firsthand. you asked him if he’d put it on for you to which he shied away. “i don’t think you’d like it…”
you rolled your eyes, begging him to do it, just once. he eventually caved. when he did, you immediately realized why he was hesitant to show you his armor.
he looked fucking divine.
the way it exposed the best parts of him had you salivating. you circled him, trailing your gaze up and down his body. the tattoos that manifest on his torso and legs... you wanted to taste them for yourself. “i cannot believe you hid this from me,” you mumbled. you wrapped your arms around him, tracing his skin with your fingertips. you could hear his breath hitch as you teased him relentlessly.
suddenly he grabbed your wrists, looking at you with a hardened gaze.
“i’m not sure if we should… do that right now.”
you could tell wild was holding himself back, so you decided to kick it up a notch. you dropped to your knees in front of him, batting your eyelashes when he hisses. your hands trailed down to his thighs, nails scratching the skin ever so slightly. “come on, you don’t wanna have fun? at least let me– oh!”
the grip on your wrists tightened, and you were locked in place. your heated gaze met his, and you shuddered. he looked like he was about to eat you alive. wild’s nostrils flared as he stared down at you, seemingly trying to keep himself together. he slowly leaned down, eyes never leaving yours.
“sure, let’s have some fun.”
that’s how you ended up deep in the forest, heart racing and wild hot on your trail. this was harder than you thought, but it was definitely exciting. the deal he made you was simple. just a quick game of hide and seek.
“you get five minutes. if you win, you get your way. if i win, i get mine.”
you took off as soon as he uttered the word ‘run’, excited giggles ringing in his ears as he watched you. he waited til you were out of sight, and even gave you an extra minute. after counting, he started walking at a leisurely place in the direction you took off in, grinning to himself.
sure, this was a little unfair. you didn’t stand a chance against him without the set, let alone with it. but you didn’t need to know that. you wanted to have some fun, so he’ll entertain you. wild wondered how long you’d last when he finally got you under him.
you stopped to catch your breath, hands on your knees as you panted. surely this was far enough. you'd been running at full speed for a while, and you were sure at least 2 minutes had passed. you had to have gotten pretty far.
only moments later did you hear a loud “thud” from behind you. you spun around to be met with trees and shrubs, the silence making you uneasy. your eyes scanned the area only to find nothing. probably just some animal, right? even if it was, you weren’t gonna take the chance. you slowly backed away in the opposite direction of the noise, keeping an eye out for any movement.
when you turned back to run, you were met with the hard surface of someone’s chest. you groaned, rubbing your nose before your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend.
“i win, right?”
you opened your mouth to protest, quickly being cut off by him gripping your chin. his hold was gentle but the look in his eyes was anything but. “l-link?” he wore a twisted little grin, as if he’d just caught his first meal in days.
“so we’re doing this my way. i’ll still give you one choice. do you want it here, or do you want me to chase you back home?” your knees buckled at his words, your mind reeling. you couldn’t even begin to speak, sputtering out nothing but nonsense. wild huffed, grabbing your wrists and pinning you face first to the nearest tree. he pinned your arms on the side of you and spoke, “don’t move.” you nodded hastily.
“you know you look really cute when you run? it was hard not to take you right there. the wait was worth it, though,” he grinned. his fingers traced your spine, his hunger only growing as he watched you shiver.
wild placed a hand over your eyes and started trailing love bites down your neck. you whined. the bites felt hard enough to leave marks, yet you could still tell he was holding back. you pushed your ass back against him, trying to rile him up.
your boyfriend growled, suddenly biting down harshly on your neck. you whimpered loudly as your arms twitched with the need to move, which didn't go unnoticed.
"look at you, still trying to be a good pet. ah, its a little late though. you've already pushed me to my limit," he snarled, landing a smack to your ass. he watched the flesh jiggle, humming contentedly. without warning, your bottoms were ripped from you and thrown to the ground. the roles were now swapped, wild on his knees before you- well, behind you.
you felt him part your folds with his thumbs, watching your sex drip with arousal. you squealed at your sudden nudity, arms reaching back to grab him. he quickly put a stop to that, grabbing both wrists in one hand. "on the tree. don't interrupt me."
you obeyed his orders, bringing your arms back to yourself and placing them on the tree. once he was satisfied with your position, he gave no warning before licking a long stripe up your cunt. you moaned shakily, the pleasure between your legs making you tremble. wild hummed, tongue swiping across your clit at a rapid pace.
he ate you like a man starved, your position not allowing you any room to squirm. you moaned his name over and over, and it only seemed to make him more ravenous. a mix of spit and slick dripped down his chin while his nails dug into your thighs. he'd been waiting for this for far too long. "l-link, im gonna- keep going, please!"
your boyfriend wasn't listening to your whines, tongue fucking you until your eyes crossed. he was doing this for him.
only a couple moments later did you gush all over his face, legs shaking in his grasp. wild didn't stop even when you whimpered for him to slow down. he made sure you were licked clean before pulling away from your cunt.
"b-babe what- oh!"
you weren't sure when he undid his belt, but you felt the head of his cock push against your folds.
"you always taste fucking amazing. be sure to give me another taste later," he whispered in your ear. his buttercup blonde hair tickled your shoulder as he leaned over you. "that wasn't loud enough for me, though. maybe i just need to be a little rougher, then you'll scream for me right?"
without another word, he pushed his cock into your cunt making your eyes roll back into your head. it took no time for you to adjust to his size, and he took no time in starting up a mean pace. the sound of his hips slamming into yours rang in your ears, every pleasurable thrusts making your head spin. one hand left your hips to grab your hair, tugging slightly. you winced, the pain sending heat right to your cunt.
"oh, you like that? squeezing me so hard— so cute, baby, thinking you could beat me," he groaned. you could only respond with loud moans, your brain turned to mush. "sound so pretty, gonna cum?" you nodded frantically in response, begging for him to keep going. he watched your cunt suck him in, your ass jiggling with every mean thrust.
"p-please, feels good!" your words slurred together, drool beginning to drip from your chin. it was too much and yet you wanted more. he was hitting your g spot with every thrust, his balls slapped against your clit, and you couldn't imagine a better way for this game of yours to end. you heard him snarl before he picked up his pace.
"f-fuck! 'm my god yes!" a few more thrusts and you were spasming in between him and the tree. wild stopped his movements, relishing in the feeling of your cunt squeezing around him. he chucked to himself as he watched you writhe. he suddenly frowned, realizing he hadn't been able to see your face when you came. oh, well. he'll just make you cum again.
wild pulled out, turning you around and staring you in the eyes. he then watched as your chest rose and fell, mouth hung open as you tried to catch your breath. the ferocity that was temporarily sated was now rising again.
you yelped in surprise when he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. your back rested against the tree as you furrowed your brows in confusion. "b-babe?"
"you're so gorgeous. how many times do you think i could fuck you til your legs gave out?" he questioned casually, a dark smile on his face. your legs clenched against him, hands coming to rest on his shoulders while he held you up by your thighs. you swallowed thickly, unable to answer. "hm? three? four? or more than that? well, i guess we'll see..."
wild never broke eye contact as he slipped his cock back into you, not even giving you a moment before fucking you at a savage pace. your back arched against the tree as you squirmed in his grasp. he pounded himself deeper into your cunt, his growls getting louder and your vision beginning to turn white. he was too much, fucking you so mercilessly and yet you couldn't bring yourself to want to stop. is this what he meant? he thought you wouldn't like this?
"hm?" he answered, never faltering in his pace.
"harder!" your boyfriend's eyes widened slightly in surprise before he huffed in disbelief. you just continued to surprise him. he adjusted his grip on your thighs, leaning in so that you two were nose to nose.
"i've always wanted to see how much you could take."
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thefirstknife · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could explain the lore surrounding Saint and how he says he looked up to us? That whole time fuckery always confused me + the Vex apparently made him a tomb? What was that about? I really just have no idea what happened in Season of Dawn
So, we should start with Osiris being exiled from the City (some time around the Twilight Gap, unclear when exactly, but vaguely at that time). Osiris packed his stuff and left to go do his research in peace; he went to Mercury for the Infinite Forest.
This upset Saint a lot and he decided to go after him. He even left a letter for him which destroys me every time:
Ship's Final Log: Osiris. I hope whatever you find in this place is worth it. My recommendation to install you as Vanguard Commander was not a gesture to stroke your ego. It was an order to stay and help the City achieve all that it could. An order you refused to follow. News of my demise will no doubt reach you late. I can already see your response—the guilt that will follow, however fleeting. I thought you had changed after Six Fronts; that seeing your people on the brink of destruction and spared from death would be reward enough to stay. To fight. I'll fight in your stead one last time.
However, note the following at the end:
To my inspiration. Your final gift to me I now send back to you. It will be good to see you again.
This was very bizarre at the time because there was no context to this. While we knew some little bits and pieces of Saint's story before, it wasn't until Curse of Osiris that we got the proper introduction.
Fast forward, Saint entered the Forest after Osiris and got lost in there. He wandered a lot, fought the Vex, eventually got them so upset that the Vex put all of their resources into constructing a special Vex Mind that was capable of draining Saint's Light. When they succeeded, Saint died in the Forest. The Vex were so impressed that they came to respect him enough to make a tomb for him in the Forest:
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Finding this tomb was a quest in Curse of Osiris: links to the full questline. When we got to the tomb, we took information from Saint's body and used it to forge his gun: Perfect Paradox. The lore on it is also very peculiar, addressing someone that Saint looked up to. Again, we could only speculate at the time because we didn't have the whole story, but it appeared there was some sort of weird shenanigans here that potentially involved us, the player. Important:
All I have left is this weapon. The Cryptarchs say you crafted it yourself, built it out of scraps and Light and sheer will, inside the Infinite Forge.
We did indeed do that. But how can Saint know that and why is he addressing us? We've never met him; he disappeared into the Forest long before we existed.
It would take 3 years for this to be resolved, in Season of Dawn. In Season of Dawn, Osiris revealed that following our discovery of Saint's tomb, he went to work on creating the Sundial. The sole purpose of the Sundial would be to essentially allow entry into Saint's personal timeline and past, to find him in the right moment, and save him from certain death. Osiris tried to do this himself and failed. For some reason, he could not find the right Saint in the right moment. He begrudgingly gave up and put the Sundial away.
When it was discovered by the Psions and used for their nefarious purposes, Osiris told us about this briefly and let us give it a shot to try and find Saint. He advised against it and deemed it "an impossible task." However, unknown to him (and us), we were the link needed to make this possible.
We went in there and we found the right Saint in the right moment. We found him desperately fighting against the Eliksni on Mercury in his personal past, during the Dark Age. We met up with him and helped him win. After that, we talked to him. Saint seemed super defeated and hopeless, but Ghost then told him about the future where people are safe and showed him a projection of the City from the future. We also gave him the Perfect Paradox. Our Ghost pulled our weapon that we made and gave it to Saint.
The Shotgun you crafted in the Infinite Forge is reacting to the Sundial! An onboard transponder is broadcasting coordinates: a path through the Sundial, crossing two time periods. The prophecy blueprint you used to create the Perfect Paradox must have included this broadcast.
This was the link between us and Saint that allowed us to use the Sundial to save him in a way Osiris could not. The gun is a bootstrap paradox: it exists "out of nowhere" basically. We give it to Saint in his past and we pick it up from his body in the future and then we take it back to the past and give it to him. Saint had information needed to craft it because we gave him the gun, but we only gave him the gun because he had it in the first place.
Saint takes the weapon and we leave him in his personal timeline, but to him, at the time, we're a hero who saved him and showed him a future where the City thrives and people are safe. He kept that hope with him and considered us someone who inspired him to do better and to fight. He could never explain who we were, because for everyone else we did not exist yet: Saint only met us because we showed up from the future to meet him.
We end up going back to the Sundial to find Saint again in the right time when he's found by the Vex Mind designed to drain his Light. Only this time he doesn't fight alone and we save him, essentially changing the course of time. Saint doesn't die; we save him and he's able to stay in the Forest until we can open it from the outside years later in the present day.
Saint never forgot about us and how we saved him and gave him the shotgun. He spent his life with us as an inspiration; someone who appeared out of nowhere and promised him that one day the City will be safe and people protected. It kept him going, even when nobody really understood what he was talking about. Osiris also mentions this when we finish the quest:
In his youth, he talked often about the Guardian who inspired him. I should have guessed it would be you.
Osiris I promise that it's okay that you couldn't guess that Saint was talking about a Guardian time travelling from the future.
I definitely recommend checking out both quests for this whole thing, they're really cool, especially the ones from Dawn because they're more expansive and also Saint is alive there. But the setup from Curse of Osiris is really neat because they heavily hinted at Saint coming back since then. Both the exotic ship and the shotgun itself have lore that clearly reference Saint having already met us, a plotline that we waited 3 years to resolve.
Hopefully that makes a bit more sense!
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colleybri · 9 days
Cassian Andor taking on an Imperial garrison…
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The subtle use of echoing lines in Andor (frequently right through to Rogue One) is so well done, and one example shows Cassian’s character development very clearly…
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When Cassian is first being briefed by Vel about the heist on Aldhani, he reacts with horror at the news about there being an Imperial garrison nearby. Luthen didn’t mention it, and you get the sense that he might not have agreed to take on the job had he known about this extra danger . But of course, he commits and the heist is a success – of a kind.
But afterwards… he doesn’t want to do anything like that again. He wants to “win and walk away” to “somewhere warm and easy” . The irony is – his actions have helped to inspire Maarva, who refuses to leave Ferrix - while praising the actions of the “brave” “heroes” of Aldhani. She’s just indirectly praised him, and you can see that he’s delighted by a split second little spontaneous smile of pleasure that he quickly suppresses. Ouch. He’s finally done something she could be proud of, but he doesn’t want to give her a reason to stay so he has to stay quiet.
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^ Awww 😞
But what’s really interesting is the editing in this masterful and moving scene. On Maarva’s words ‘If there are heroes brave enough to take on a whole Imperial garrison I’m brave enough to stick it out here” we see the flashback of 13 year old Cassian approaching the Troopers with a cudgel, revealing at long last the details of the assault that landed him in youth prison for three years and Mimban after that. The horrifying execution of Clem combined with the injustice and pain of his own punishment has not just traumatised the adult Cassian, it’s also made him somebody who will now avoid a conflict – and therefore the Rebellion– wherever possible. 
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‘It’s all useless… it’s better to live!’ is what he told Luthen before Aldhani, but the precise placing of the shot here is very telling.
Cassian is starting to subconsciously associate that act with bravery rather than recklessness. He hates the Empire for what they did to Clem but it has so far translated to trying to ‘live’ and ignore them as much as possible; but his teenage self wanted to fight, to get revenge. Nonetheless it was an emotional response, an impulsive act that was not thought through. This is in total contrast to the calm methodical shots of Wilmon Paak preparing the bomb at the start of Episode 12. Wilmon is balancing emotion with rationality in planning his own revenge, in an arc which otherwise is like a replay of Cassian’s own.
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Later in Episode 12 Cassian hears from Brasso his mother’s last words for him - all proof not just of how much she loved him but of how much she knew him too. He does indeed now ‘know everything he needs to know and feel everything he needs to feel’. His reasoning and his emotions are now able to work together to be that ‘unstoppable force for good’. He won’t be making emotional but futile attacks like rushing armed Troopers with a stick anymore. He will think, plan, observe and react. But he will act. He is not going to walk away any more. And he’s not going to leave loved ones behind if he can help it…
…Because in a final bit of lines-linking brilliance - immediately after hearing these words of his mother, Cassian prepares to go into the hotel, via the tunnels she checked were open, to rescue Bix.
Incredulous, Brasso says: “Are you going to take on a whole garrison?”
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And Cassian doesn’t verbally reply. The look says it all. ‘I’ve done it before, twice, l’ll do it again, and I’m doing it now.’
It sums up Cassian’s arc so well. From oppression, to fighting back, to running from the fight, to taking up the fight again (now an even more exact mirror of Jyn Erso’s arc too). But this time… having learnt from experience. One lesson being: teamwork matters…
…Because thanks to Brasso and the riot the Troopers are ordered out of the Rix hotel, which is the Empire’s base. Making it possible for Cassian to extract Bix, with the “Imperial garrison” deployed elsewhere. A technique so effective, it will also be used on Scarif to give Jyn, K2SO and himself a chance to reach the data files.
“Light it up …
..Make ten men feel like a hundred “
And that’s how you make a realistic hero. Cassian is somebody who learns and grows despite some bitter experiences.
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Better deploy that garrison, because Cassian Andor is taking it on.
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thursdayinspace · 3 months
fic master post
I think I have enough fic at this point to make a master post, collecting them all in one place. Organized chronologically for now, there isn't quite enough to make categories. :)
wild side - G, 1,205 words (AO3 link)
“Hey, Scully?” “Yeah?” “What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” Or: sometimes being stuck in the middle of nowhere on a dark and stormy night with your work partner of five-plus years is the best possible version of events.
in conclusion - T, 3,370 words (AO3 link)
It's the middle of the night in a freezing cold motel room and they both haven't slept. The best time and place to figure out how relationships work -- theirs in particular.
time and space - M, 2,604 words (AO3 link)
Sometimes he wonders if it would be easier if she'd be gone from his life completely. Then he reminds himself: if she moved to the ends of the earth he would still want to follow her. And when she calls, he always answers the phone. Set during the revival era. They always find their way back to each other.
five ways to says "I love you" (plus one including words) - T, 4,501 words (AO3 link)
Just because something is unspoken, it isn't always unsaid. You just have to know what to look for.
sanctuary - T, 1,550 words (AO3 link)
In a world full of lies and fear and darkness, they have each other to be the light and shelter that they need. That's something to hold onto. They watch each other sleep and consider everything that means.
mend into pieces - Explicit, 1,641 words (AO3 link)
There is nowhere she would rather be than here, with him, making the biggest mistake of her life and enjoying every second of it. Every mistake made with him is greater than every win, every success, every moment of perfect joy she has ever experienced. She’ll break herself for him as he does for her. -- Set in early season 2, right after Scully's return.
travel in style - G, 1,401 words (AO3 link)
“I can’t believe there wasn’t a single room available anywhere,” Scully says, snuggling deeper under the jacket she’s using as a blanket, already sounding half asleep as she tilts the driver’s seat back into a reclined position. “Three motels and not one single bed to be found.” Mulder shifts in the passenger seat – which she had insisted he should take because of the leg room – and desperately tries to get comfortable. “That has literally never happened before,” he agrees, sliding the seat back as far as it will go. It’s still too cramped. “God, Scully, how can you ever sleep in the car? You always make it look so easy.”
from this morning forward - Explicit, 7,233 words (AO3 link)
Moving back in happens slowly. It's not a decision, it's not a plan. They've each battled their own demons, and now that the wounds are starting to heal, she's so tired of pretending that she doesn't miss him every day. After all, through the good times and the bad, it's always been the two of them, together. -- Set during the revival era.
it's the day the world didn't end - Explicit, 1,544 words (AO3 link)
The clock ticks over to the day the world doesn’t end and he kisses her. She kisses him back. It’s not a new year’s kiss, it’s a kiss more than six years in the making. -- Millennium fic.
got you covered - T, 2,419 words (AO3 link)
“Is it a bit cold in here?” He wraps his arms around himself, looking at her in her thick cardigan next to him on the couch. “The heating’s broken,” she says. “I’m sorry, I should have called you before you came over.”
words behind the meaning - G, 3,175 words (AO3 link)
He tells her he owes her everything and she owes him nothing. She knows that's not true, but she doesn't get to tell him. Life has other plans. But she knows. And once life lets her, she will tell him. -- Post-Fight the Future: they don't kiss in that hallway, but they get there eventually.
tuesday - M, 894 words (AO3 link)
They get married on a Tuesday. It just feels like the time is right. They've waited long enough; it doesn't matter that they're only just beginning to realize that.
yesterday's future - Explicit, 3,189 words (AO3 link)
They deserve to be happy. It's not too much to ask. It's something worth fighting for, something to hold onto; the light at the end of the tunnel. That is the one thing they promise each other above all else: a future where they don't have to run anymore.
spectacular - Explicit, 2,238 words (AO3 link)
They make rules, and they make them for good reasons. No kissing at work. Definitely no sex during work hours. And they would absolutely, definitely, under no circumstances ever break their own rules. (with wonderful art here)
ellipsis - Explicit, 3,758 words (AO3 link)
He's a free man again – it’s what they’d barely dared to dream. Now, she barely dares to ask him what he wants to do with his freedom. He doesn’t know.
beyond a doubt - T, 1,164 words (AO3 link)
Maybe their second meeting will be better than their first. He’s here even though the world has fallen apart. And she’s afraid. What will she do, what can she do if it’s not really him? If they have succeeded at last, destroyed him and left only an empty, Mulder-shaped hull in an awful prison suit. or: the kiss from The Truth, told in 1,000 words.
the ginger invasion - G, 723 words (AO3 link)
Mulder is sick. He never gets sick, and it's awful. It's terrible. Scully will be wondering why he isn't at work. He should call her. He just about manages to lift his head and there she is, Scully, in his bedroom doorway.
starstruck - G, 671 words (AO3 link)
"So, I guess she's sticking around, then?" Frohike asks, and Mulder looks up from . . . whatever it is Byers just put on the screen in front of him and nods. "Seems that way. At least for now." -- Mulder has a crush. The gunmen know it.
how many stars - G, 472 words (AO3 link)
"What are you thinking?" she asks, and he turns his head to the side, looks at her. "The universe," he says.
had you big time - G, 540 words (AO3 link)
"I've thought about our weekend away," he whispers against her lips, before he kisses her again. "I've had the perfect idea."
tasting raindrops - G, 385 words (AO3 link)
She laughs with him and can't look away, raindrops clinging to his lashes, water dripping from his nose -- not kissing him in this moment would defy every law of the universe.
what time do you call this? - G, 495 words (AO3 link)
He stirs as she carefully lowers herself onto the mattress and she pauses, not wanting to wake him. It's way after midnight and it's enough if one of them will be entirely sleep-deprived the next day.
distractions - G, 1,181 words (AO3 link)
He wants to ask if she’s okay, but he knows the answer to that. And she’s told him more than once that she doesn’t want to talk about it. She says she has no memory of what they did to her. Sometimes he’s not sure he believes her.
heaven and hell - T, 996 words (AO3 link)
Hell doesn’t burn. There is no pit of fire. Heaven isn’t a green garden under a cloudless sky. Everything is made of moments, and they don't happen on schedule. But often, they happen with his hand in hers.
coffee and pancakes - T, 1,881 words (AO3 link)
It’s amazing, he thinks, how quickly you can get used to things just because they feel right. It’s been no more than a few weeks since they unpacked the last of her boxes; there hadn’t been many to begin with. She had left a lot of stuff behind when she’d moved out and barely acquired new things during the time she’d been away. Everything is back where it belongs now. or: Scully has moved back in and Mulder is realizing that a home is not just four walls and a door.
no longer dreaming - Explicit, 2,626 words (AO3 link)
She refuses to do anything while he still has his arm in a sling. And while his body is straining towards her with every cell, deep down he’s grateful. All these years they’ve waited. He doesn’t want to rush this now. -- Post-millennium, they finally let themselves have what they've both wanted for so long.
home furnishings - Explicit, 5,008 words (AO3 link)
It starts with a sprained ankle and frustration about a broken chair. He knows it’s not IKEA’s fault. He and Scully have gone through a number of chairs over the years. But he thinks a billion-dollar multinational company will survive the scorn of one grumpy customer. (or: Mulder writes reviews. Mulder also loves Scully.)
92 notes · View notes
loquarocoeur · 4 months
Lestappen Masterlist
All the fic links with shortened summaries, please check full summaries and tags on ao3
Yours Verse
All independent fics with the top Charles, bottom Max dynamic . They can, but don't have to be read as the same universe
Yours (54k words)
Read the tags for kinks
Charles looks much too satisfied as Max leans back against the door, one eyebrow tugging up as he asks, “Do you want to fight?”
“Of course I want to fight.”
Charles only looks slightly amused. “Then fight.”
"Stop fucking telling me what to do!" Max yells.
Charles cocks his head. "What, because it turns you on?"
Max doesn't want to like Charles, but Charles makes that really fucking difficult sometimes
Love Languages:
En Français (5k words)
Max secretly starts learning French and Charles catches him doing a Duolingo lesson and has a bit of a crisis about how Max sounds speaking French
In het Nederlands: (9k words)
Charles makes it his life's mission to learn Dutch, butchering Max's native language and breaking his eardrums in the process, but then Charles calls him schatje and Max can't handle it even a little bit
Il Calore: (7k words)
Max is melting in the Italian summer heat and Charles' way of cooling him down is to get him hot and bothered.
Down Deep (11k words)
I don't even know honestly
Settle Down (11k words)
Sometimes Max just needs a little help to calm down.
Pretty (6k words)
Charles makes sure Max knows that he is very pretty
Resolutions (8k words)
One time Max is mad, one time Charles is mad, one time they're both mad, and one time nobody was actually mad, they just needed to fuck
Sweet (7k words)
Max is an absolute brat and gets what he deserves
Red Yellow Green (7k words)
Safewords are used, feelings are had, they get through it as usual
Pushing Buttons
Charles gets them a remote controlled vibrator
Charles wins in Monza. There are two religions in Italy, but nobody worships Charles Leclerc quite like Max Verstappen
Puppy Eyes (6k words)
Leo and Charles are carbon copies of each other who team up to weasel anything their hearts desire out of Max. But turns out puppy eyes work on Charles too.
Black Cat Behaviour (5k words)
Max has no idea just how much he behaves like his cats
High Maintenance (5k words)
Charles is really high maintenance. Max is less annoyed about it than he pretends to be
Wisdom (2.5k words)
Charles definitely says some things when he wakes up from wisdom teeth surgery
The Art of Seeking Attention (6.5 k words)
Max being forced to ask for attention and hating every minute of it
The Domestication of Max Verstappen (4k words)
Charles having the girlfriend effect on Max
I Love You's (9.5k words)
Max is very bad at saying 'I love you', but he actually tells Charles he loves him all the time in his own ways
That random oneshot I wrote:
The Cat Conspiracy (5k words)
Charles comes over one time and the cats decide they like him better than Max and then he keeps coming over and being all cute with them and calling them baby and Max can't decide whether he's more jealous of Charles or of the cats.
121 notes · View notes
differentpostrebel · 26 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I added two gifs to the mix, since they do go hand in hand with this chapter lmfaooo! Now we just need Y/N power insert
Chapter 13: Tango in the Shadows 
A/N: Welcome Guys! Sorry I couldnt post another chapter, I was a bit caught up in the morning but is all good! Here is Chapter 13, this was a fun chapter to write since Law and Y/N maybe settling that promise, Bepo relayed to his captain. Hehehehe. When I wrote Sanji’s part I was cracking up. Cause my boy is ready to go to war and win back Y/N. As always the chapters are all linked! And without further ado lets get to it!. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13 (Here)
Word Count: 4.2K
Sanji x Reader, OP X Reader, Sanji x Y/N 
“Now, shall we head inside, Princess?” Law's voice was smooth, almost teasing, as he turned to face me, holding Smoker’s heart encased in a clear, small box. His tone was casual, but the weight of the situation was anything but. My eyes lingered on Smoker's unconscious body sprawled on the ground, a chill running down my spine. Why does Law need Smoker's heart? The question echoed in my mind, but I pushed it aside for now.
Slowly, I rose from the steps where I had been seated, forcing a faint smile onto my face. “Wow, Law, you really know how to show a girl a good time,” I quipped, trying to mask the unease creeping into my thoughts. 
Law was about to say something else when Tashigi’s voice pierced through the tension. “I refuse to retreat! Let go! I joined the Navy to fight, damn it!” She struggled against the G-5 soldiers holding her back. “Approach him again, and you’ll just end up cut to pieces,” one of the soldiers warned her.
Law’s focus remained entirely on me, undeterred. He stepped closer, his left hand still gripping his blade, while his right hand found its way to the small of my back, drawing me in. I can feel Smokers heart beating. “Now, Princess, let’s not let this moment slip away. I was just about to make things a bit more... interesting.”
I tilted my head, a playful smile curling on my lips. “You know, you can stop calling me ‘Princess.’ It’s starting to sound a bit old-fashioned.”
Law’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Old-fashioned? Maybe. But I think it suits you perfectly. Besides, it’s officially your title now, whether you like it or not.”
As Law began to lean in, his eyes dropping to my lips before returning to my eyes, the gap between us narrowing, Luffy’s voice cut through the air. “Hey! Hello? Remember me!” He waved enthusiastically as he approached.
Law’s expression shifted, a low groan escaping him. “Just when we were getting to the good part.”
“Is that Y/N?!” Luffy shouted, his surprise evident.
“Hey!!” I called back, my amusement clear as I saw Luffy making his way over. The moment was interrupted, but Law’s gaze lingered on me for a heartbeat longer before he turned to face the new arrival, his frustration barely masked by a smirk. 
“You helped me out that one time!” Luffy exclaimed, his grin wide as he approached.
“Strawhat,” Law acknowledged with a slight nod, his gaze shifting between Luffy and me.
I pulled away from Law’s grasp and hurried to Luffy. “You’re all okay!” I said, my relief palpable as I saw my crew.
“Yeah, and Traffy’s the one who helped me out of Marineford,” Luffy said, his excitement clear. “He patched me up and everything!”
“Really?” I asked, looking back at Law. He was standing a short distance away, and the clear box holding Smoker’s heart was nowhere in sight. “He must have hidden it,” I thought, noting his nonchalant demeanor.
“By the way, Y/N,” Zoro said with a smirk, crossing his arms. “What’s with the outfit? And why are you here with Traffy? Did Curly-brows just leave you alone with him?”
I glanced at Law, who seemed to be enjoying the banter, and then back at my crew. “It’s a bit of a story,” I said, trying to downplay the situation. 
“Okay, I’m going to talk to Traffy!” Luffy declared, already sprinting towards Law with his usual enthusiasm. “Traffy!!” he shouted, waving as he ran.
I watched, amused, as Luffy barreled forward. “Wait, when did Luffy get an extra pair of legs?” I muttered, shaking my head. I then noticed Brook among the crew and headed over to him.
“Brook!!” I exclaimed, hugging him tightly. “Oh my goodness, I was so worried about you! When I woke up, I didn’t see you anywhere. I thought those bastards had done something to you!”
Brook chuckled softly, hugging me back. “I’m fine, no need to worry. I’m glad to see you’re okay too. But,” he said, pulling back slightly with a playful glint in his eye socket, “it looks like you were on your own adventure with a certain captain, eh?”
I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. “Well, it’s not exactly what you think—”
“Ah, don’t be shy now!” Brook teased, his grin widening. 
I looked over and saw Luffy animatedly talking to Law. “Guys, I’ll be right back!” I said, waving to Brook as I made my way back to Luffy and Law. 
“You saved me!” Luffy shouted, his face lighting up with gratitude. “I owe you one! Really, thanks!”
I chimed in, smiling warmly, “Yeah, Law, thanks for saving my captain’s life.” I laughed lightly, feeling a sense of camaraderie.
A faint blush colored Law’s cheeks. “Don’t get too sentimental. I acted on a whim, and we’re still not friends. We’re just pirates, after all.”
Luffy’s grin widened. “Even if you’re an enemy, you still saved me, so thanks.”
“Luffy! Look over there, a marine!” Usopp pointed out urgently.
“Wait! Please!” Tashigi’s voice cut through the chaos as she ran towards us. Her eyes were locked on Smoker’s unconscious body. “No... Smoker!” she cried out, tears streaming down her face. “Smokey, no!”
“Marines! Wait, I know her!” Luffy called out, recognizing me.
“Tashigi really can’t take a hint, can she?” I muttered, preparing to activate my right ring again. “I’ll handle this.”
“Wait! Y/N, what’s going on?” Luffy asked, concern in his voice.
“Long story short, Captain,” I said, “the marines were here and wanted to capture the crew. I stayed behind to give them a head start.”
“Luffy, we’ve got more marines headed this way!” Usopp warned, urgency in his voice.
Tashigi, now kneeling beside Smoker and seeing the injury he’d sustained, was overwhelmed with grief. “Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!” she screamed, charging at Law with a mix of rage and desperation.
I prepared to step in, my right fist crackling with electricity, but Law’s firm hand stopped me.
“Princess,” Law commanded, his voice firm and unyielding, “stay back. I’ll handle this.”
Tashigi, driven by fury, pulled out her blade and charged at Law. Law glanced at her with an almost bored expression. “Really? More drama?” he said, almost dismissively. “Room.”
In an instant, Tashigi was enveloped in Law’s blue orb, unable to move. With practiced ease, Law drew his sword and made two precise cuts in the air, creating swirling, distorted portals. “Shambles.” He manipulated Tashigi’s position effortlessly, leaving her bewildered.
A nearby G-5 soldier stared in disbelief. “Aww damn, he took her down again!”
Law’s gaze shifted to Tashigi, his tone laced with cold amusement. “Once wasn’t enough? It seems I win again, Captain.”
As the G-5 soldiers began to advance towards us, I called out to Luffy, my right hand crackling with electrical energy. “Luffy! We need to get out of here now!”
“Hold on, I’ve got a question for you!” Luffy shouted back, his tone impatient but curious.
“Make it quick, Luffy!” I urged, feeling the electricity surge up my arm as I prepared to activate the left ring too.
Law pointed toward a building. “Head to the lab, around the back. You’ll find what you’re looking for. We’ll meet again soon. We both have things we need to get back”
Just then, one of the G-5 soldiers lunged at Law. I didn’t hesitate. I moved behind him, grabbing his cloak and lifting him off the ground. With a burst of speed, I placed my electrified hand on him. “Now Shock!”
The electricity surged through the soldier, sending him crashing to the ground. I landed beside Law, catching my breath, ready to follow Luffy.
“Let’s go, Luffy!” I shouted, glancing back toward my captain. “Right!” Luffy responded, already racing back toward Brownbeard with the crew.
Suddenly, I felt a firm hand spin me around. “What’s with the spinning?” I asked, only to see Law’s smoldering gaze locked onto mine.
His eyes were dark with unspoken desire. “Seems like our moment was cut short,” he said, his voice low, every word dripping with a provocative undertone.
I raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on my lips. “Well, it looks like someone’s eager to pick up where we left off.”
Law’s lips curved into a predatory smirk. “Eager doesn’t even begin to describe it.”
Before I could retort, Law’s hands slid up to cradle my face, his fingers brushing my skin with a startling tenderness. His lips crashed against mine, and the kiss was anything but gentle. It was fierce, driven by a palpable hunger, a raw, unrestrained passion that left me breathless. Each touch and flicker of his tongue ignited a fire deep inside me.
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested against mine, our breaths mingling in the intimate space between us. “Keep my coat on you,” he murmured, his voice a heated whisper. “I don’t want anyone else seeing what’s mine.”
I shivered at the possessiveness in his tone, my pulse quickening. “And what if I don’t want to keep it on?” I teased, my voice husky with the lingering thrill of his touch.
Law’s gaze was dark and intense, his breath warm against my cheek. “Then I guess I’ll just have to make sure you do,” he said, his lips brushing mine again in a fleeting, electrifying touch.
With a final, smoldering look, Law released me, and I turned to catch up with Luffy and the crew. The weight of his coat and the memory of his fiery kiss lingered, a vivid reminder of the intense, unspoken connection we shared. 
I made it safely with my crew, landing on Brownbeard’s back just as Luffy arrived, panting and out of breath.
“Hey! No fair! How’d you make it faster than me?” Luffy exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.
I flashed him a teasing smile. “Easy. With this pinky ring I got as a parting gift back at Sabaody.”
Luffy’s eyes sparkled with interest. “Can I wear it?”
I chuckled and shook my head. “I’m afraid not. If it’s anything like my sword, it might do something completely different from what you’re used to. But to be honest, I’ve been dying to see what else these rings can do if I combine them with my moves. I tried it once when we were trapped in the cell.”
“Fine,” Luffy said, a determined look crossing his face. “I’m gonna ask Franky if he can make me one too!”
I laughed at his enthusiasm. “Good luck with that!”
Zoro, having watched the exchange with an amused smirk, leaned in and asked, “So… what was with that kiss back there, Y/N?”
I felt my cheeks heat up as I glanced at Zoro, who was clearly enjoying my discomfort. “Oh, that? Just a little detour before things got too hectic. Law and I… had some unfinished business.”
Zoro raised an eyebrow, a sly grin spreading across his face. “Unfinished business, huh? Seems like things got pretty heated. Are you going to tell us what that was all about?”
I shrugged, trying to play it cool despite the flush on my face. “It’s not like I can explain everything. It was just a moment. You know how it is.”
Zoro’s smirk widened as he looked at me. “Curly-brows is definitely never going to live this down once he hears about this. First, he left you alone back there, and now he’s got to deal with this?”
Before I could respond, bullets whizzed through the air, forcing us to duck for cover. We stayed low until the barrage ceased.
“Fire men! Dont let them escape!” “Forget about them, let's get Smokey and Tashigi out here quick” said one of the G-5 soldiers. 
“Hey, look who it is!” Luffy called out, his voice full of excitement. I followed his gaze and saw Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, and a group of samurai, along with the children, all safe.
“Sanji!” I shouted, making a beeline for him. The relief of seeing my crewmates washed over me.
“Y/N! My darling, oh, how I’ve missed you during this time apart!” Sanji cried out with his usual dramatic flair. “Come leap into my arms and let’s get that ugly coat off you!”
But it wasn’t Sanji who spoke. Nami's voice broke through, “That’s strange…”
Ignoring Nami, I ran straight into Sanji’s arms, hugging him tightly. “See, Sanji! I told you I’d be safe!” The familiar scent of his cologne was comforting as I pressed closer.
“Umm, Y/N?” Sanji said, his voice sounding off.
I pulled back slightly, looking up at him. “Wait, what’s—”
“I'm not Sanji… I’m Chopper,” came the small voice. I looked up, shocked to see Chopper’s face looking up at me with wide, innocent eyes.
“Chopper!” I exclaimed, stepping back in surprise. “Wait, what happened to you guys?”
Before Chopper could explain, I noticed Nami, her face streaked with tears. “Hey, Nami, don’t cry! I missed you too!” I said, reaching out to comfort her.
Nami looked up through her tears and managed a shaky smile. “Actually, I’m Nami, but Franky’s body responded. And I’m Franky in Chopper’s body,” he explained.
“So… that means Sanji’s in… Nami’s body?” I said, trying to piece together the situation.
Sanji, in Nami’s body, stepped forward with a dramatic flourish. “Oh, my lovely Y/N, I’m so glad you’re safe and sound, and back in my arms!” He spoke with exaggerated affection, making the most of his temporary new form.
I looked at them all, bewildered. “I’m so confused,” I said, my head spinning as I tried to puzzle together the strange situation.
Sanji POV… 
I was utterly distracted by Nami’s body, unable to tear my gaze away. The curves, the familiar scent of her—everything was overwhelming. Just then, I heard a voice that belonged to my angel. “Sanji!” Y/N shouted, making a beeline for me.
“Y/N! My darling, oh, how I’ve missed you during this time apart!” I cried out with my usual dramatic flair. “Come leap into my arms and let’s get that ugly coat off you!”
But Y/N ignored me and went straight to Chopper, who happened to be in my body. She hugged him tightly and said, “See, Sanji! I told you I’d be safe!” pressing closer to my body.
My heart sank as I saw her cling to someone else, and I began to weep softly. “My angel is finally here and not with Law, and she doesn’t even recognize me!” I said, my voice choked with emotion.
“Chopper!” Y/N exclaimed. She turned to us all and asked, “Wait, what happened to you guys?”
I stepped forward in Nami’s body, trying to make the best of the situation. “Oh, my lovely Y/N, I’m so glad you’re safe and sound and back in my arms!” I said, trying to sound comforting despite my confusion.
“I’m so confused,” Y/N said, shaking her head. Just then, I got a whiff of another man’s cologne. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. “WHAT DID LAW DO TO YOU! YOU SMELL LIKE HIM!” I yelled, my anger and concern mixing into one.
Y/N’s eyes widened in confusion. “Sanji!” said Nami, who was in Franky’s body. “Now’s not the time; the crew clearly doesn’t know what’s going on!”
“Alright, let me explain,” Nami said, stepping up to clarify the situation. After a few minutes of explanation, the crew finally understood the predicament.
“So, you’re Chopper?” Y/N pointed at me, her confusion evident. “Right!” said Chopper in my body.
“And you’re Franky?” she continued. “Yup,” said Franky in Chopper’s body.
“And you’re Nami?” she asked, looking at Nami in Franky’s body. “Yes,” Nami said, tears forming in her eyes.
“So that means Sanji is in… Nami’s body!” Y/N concluded, turning around and noticing me still staring at Nami’s form, unable to hide my awe-struck expression.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N sighed and yelled, “SANJI!” Her right hand crackled with electricity. “Now Shock!” she commanded, and with that, she shocked me, causing me to fall.
“Wait, Y/N,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath. “Next one isn’t going to be so nice,” she said, her look hardening. “Defile my body again, Sanji, and you’re getting fined 100,000 berries—no, make it 200,000.” Said Nami
“But… but—” I stammered, trying to explain myself.
Before I could continue, the samurai found his legs, which happened to be Luffy’s extra pair of legs. The chaotic scene added another layer of confusion to our already tangled situation.
As minutes passed by, Usopp explained the situation, detailing how the distress call was meant for Brownbeard, not for us, and that the samurai was from the Land of Wano. “We followed the signal and ended up here,” Usopp said. “The samurai is searching for his son.”
“Yes,” the samurai said, his voice tense. “I fought those men only to find my son. His name is Momonosuke. He was brought to this dreadful place, and so were these children. There might be more.”
“Yeah, he’s right,” one of the children said. “There were other kids like us, so your son might be there.”
“So… who did this to you?” Y/N asked, trying to understand the situation.
“It was the man we encountered,” the samurai said, his expression darkening. “The one with the cold gaze and the silly cap who bears the title of Warlord!”
“Wait! Traffy?!” Luffy and Y/N exclaimed in unison, struggling to grasp the shocking news.
“Traffy’s a Warlord now?” Luffy said, looking stunned.
“And you’re sure Traffy did this to you?” Y/N asked, trying to make sense of everything.
“Calm down, Sanji,” Zoro said, smirking. “You sure it’s not because of that kiss you two shared Y/N?”
Y/N groaned, “Why’d you have to add more fuel to the fire, Zoro?”
“WAIT, Y/N, LAW KISSED?!” I blurted out, my eyes wide with shock.
Y/N’s face flushed as they tried to avoid my gaze. “Sanji, it’s not—”
“That bastard is going to pay!!” I roared, my anger burning hotter than ever. “I’m going to make him regret ever messing with you!”
“Sanji, you’re not helping,” Y/N said, trying to stay calm. “We need to focus on the situation.”
“Fine,” I grumbled, still fuming. “But once we’re done with this, I’m going to have a word with Law. Nobody messes with my Y/N and gets away with it.”
This has truly been a long day. Not only did Zoro blurt out to Sanji about the kiss I had with Law, but now Sanji is even more amped up in Nami's body. I sighed, trying to refocus on the situation at hand. "Please continue, samurai," I said, hoping to steer the conversation back to the story.
The samurai nodded, his expression serious. "That Warlord was the one who cut me into three pieces. My head was kept in the facility, while my torso and legs were scattered across this island."
"I did see a torso outside! It was fighting with me, oh dear!" Brook exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern.
"You've seen it?!" The samurai's eyes widened. "We must go there at once!"
As minutes passed, Usopp thought of a clever idea. He crafted little stickers with the crew's faces on them and placed Chopper's, Franky's, Nami's, and Sanji's pictures on the bodies they were currently inhabiting.
"Really, Usopp?" Sanji grumbled, clearly annoyed by the stickers.
"Ahh, quit whining. Besides, no one is going to remember who’s who, so this is the best option," Usopp retorted, proud of his solution.
"I agree, this seems like a great idea," I chimed in, smiling as I admired Usopp’s handiwork. Then, with a teasing grin, I added, "Oh, and by the way, Chopper—who’s in Sanji’s body—that cologne you’re wearing smells rather good. I’d love to hug you again just to smell more of it."
Chopper, blushing furiously in Sanji’s body, stammered a shy response, while the real Sanji—now in Nami’s body—began to bite her sleeve, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Y/N," Sanji whimpered, his voice tinged with desperation. "Why must you torment me so? My poor heart can’t take it! Seeing you embrace another—even if it’s my own body—is too much!"
I laughed softly, shaking my head at Sanji’s dramatics. 
A few minutes later, the plan was set in motion. Nami, Chopper, and I stayed behind to watch over the children while Sanji, Brook, and Zoro (for Nami’s sake, since Sanji couldn’t be trusted in her body) went out to search for the samurai. Meanwhile, Luffy, Robin, Usopp, and Franky headed off to find the lab.
As we gathered test samples from the children, Chopper’s face turned grim. “These kids aren’t actually sick,” he said, his voice barely containing his anger. “They’ve been drugged. It’s awful.”
My heart dropped as I saw the children writhing in discomfort, their withdrawal symptoms clearly evident. The realization hit me hard. “Those bastards who did this to them are gonna pay!” I declared, my voice filled with determination.
Before Usopp joined Luffy’s group, he used his Sleep Star to knock out the children to alleviate their suffering. The tranquilizer worked quickly, and the once frantic children fell into a peaceful, drug-free slumber. 
Laws POV… 
It’s been a few hours since I last saw Y/N, and her presence still lingers in my mind. The kiss we shared is like a vivid memory, replaying over and over. Her wearing my coat, the way her lips felt—soft and warm—against mine. I had been hungry for more, but the interruption from the G-5 units and the Strawhats arriving at the front of the lab had cut our moment short.
Two long years had passed since I last saw her, and the thought of losing her again was unbearable. The corridors of this facility seemed endless, and yet my mind was fixated solely on Y/N. Every step I took felt like a reminder of how much I wanted to be close to her again.
As I walked, I gently touched my lips, as if trying to grasp the ghostly sensation of her kiss. Her touch was still fresh in my memory, and the lingering taste of her kiss was both intoxicating and maddening. 
Pushing Y/N to the back of my mind, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. I handed Caesar the heart of Smoker, and the scientist's characteristic laugh filled the room.
"Shrorororro," Caesar chuckled, examining the heart with his usual detached amusement.
I made my way to the couch, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. Monet, ever the silent observer, was next to me, her presence almost soothing in its calmness.
"The heart of the leader of the G-5, Vice Admiral Smoker," Caesar said, as he carefully inspected the beating heart. "What a wonderful souvenir. With this, the fight is over."
Caesar’s gaze was fixed on me, his expression a mix of satisfaction and cunning. "Shrorororro. Now, that the G-5 men are going to be taken care of, that will leave just one remaining issue."
"The Strawhat crew," Caesar continued, his tone growing darker.
"What about the Strawhats?" I asked, trying to sound completely indifferent, though I felt a twinge of unease.
"Don’t worry about them. I have a plan to eliminate them and retrieve the children."
The word "eliminate" made my blood run cold. 
Just the thought of someone laying a hand on Y/N was enough to make my blood boil, but I tried to suppress that emotion.
"At first, I wasn’t too worried about the Strawhats, that is until Monet warned me about them," Caesar said. "I’m sending them those two, the snow mountain assassins. And I want them to bring me Cyborg Franky and Princess Y/N."
The mention of Y/N’s name caused me to widen my eyes slightly. 
"Yes, Franky has some technology that can be useful to me. Y/N, the power she wields is extraordinary. She’s quite the looker, isn’t she Monet?" Caesar said with a smirk.
I clenched my hands tightly, trying to control the surge of fury rising within me. You won’t lay a hand on her, I thought, barely able to contain my rage.
"Why, she is. But also, her bounty has increased as well. She no longer sits at 115,000,000 berries; she now sits at 150,000,000 berries. That’s due to her new title and what she accomplished back at Sabaody two years ago," Monet added, her tone matter-of-factly.
"Then it’s settled. Shororororo," Caesar said, his laughter echoing with a sense of finality.
I gritted my teeth, my mind racing. I need to do something to protect Y/N. The thought of her being targeted by these people was unbearable.
And we are back with another chapter! Today its only one chapter since I didnt have much time in the morning. But Law, be putting the moves, and standing on business. Sanji poor guy just when y/n came back to give him a hug he no longer is no his body. Ngl that section was the hardest to type because I wanted to make sure that it was understandable as I wrote as well. But other than that you guys, thank you for reading this chapter!, thank you for following, liking, reblogging, sharing, commenting etc. I am going to be making a tag list so if you guys want to be added please let me know in the comments!. But tomorrows Chapter its going to be a good one too! Ill se you guys tomorrow
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slayfics · 11 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fanfic about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter two: You talk to Katsuki about the Sports Festival.
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More time had passed during your time in U.A. and The Sports Festival had finally concluded. It was exhausting and the school had the next two days off to rest.
You lay on your bed as you re-watched the televised version of the event from start to finish. As it concluded they announced Katsuki as the winner. Although he looked far from a winner. In fact, he looked like a prisoner with his arms chained and face muzzled.
Don't they think that was a bit much you thought?
You wondered how Katsuki was doing. Clearly, he wasn't happy about the result even though he won. You glanced at your phone debating texting him. Would anyone else check up on him, you wondered?
Probably Izuku, but if anything that would make him more pissed.
You agreed with the overall opinion that his anger was out of hand and reckless. But, was everyone else going to just dismiss him for that and not listen to what he was going through?
Sure it was dumb to be upset about winning but, if everyone just dismissed him instead of validating him from time to time... wouldn't he just fall even deeper into anger?
You understood what it was like to feel like no one listened to your perspective on things so you couldn't help but have empathy for Katsuki. Even though he did resemble a feral dog fighting back on the restraints.
You also couldn't help but wonder if being restrained like that was triggering for him. After all, it was only a few months ago that he was attacked by the sludge villain. The villain had restrained him in a similar manner to the muzzle and handcuffs used at the Sports Festival.
Fuck it, you gave in and grabbed your phone to message him.
Hey, how are you doing?
You sent and watched with bated breath to see if he would respond. To your surprise, he messaged you back almost as quickly as last time.
How the fuck do you think dumb ass?
You had become so used to Katsuki's vulgar tongue that it hardly made you bat an eye anymore. While the rest of your class still took it offensively, you just brushed it off.
I know that was a dumb question. I just wanted to check on you. Didn't think anyone else would.
I don't fucking need someone checking up on me.
You signed at his response and locked your phone, dropping it to your bed and deciding to leave it. Clearly, he was going to be too stubborn to even accept a listening ear. You started to putter around on your computer when about 10 minutes later your phone buzzed again.
You turned around to grab it, surprised to see it was another message from Katsuki.
Icy Hot is a fucking idiot, why wouldn't he want to show off what he can do in front of the pros? He ruined the festival for both of us.
You were surprised to see he actually began to open up slightly to you.
Want to come over and talk about it? I don't want to talk about anything. But, I'll come over. Since you're so eager to see me.
It didn't take long for you to hear explosions outside, followed by Katsuki coming through your window.
"You know it's daytime you could have come through the front door. I don't think anyone would mind a classmate coming over," You stated.
"Nah, I don't want to deal with all that bullshit." He said, sitting down on your bed making himself as comfortable as he would in his own room.
"I'm sorry about how things went down," You said, causing Katsuki to let out an irritated tch and look away from you.
As irritated as his demeanor indicated he was, the truth was no one had empathized with him. Everyone kept telling him y0U sTiLl w0n tH0uGh. Hearing someone agree with him threw him off, and he wasn't sure how to respond.
"Yeah, half and half is a fucking idiot. Thanks to him the pros don't know what I can really do," Katsuki said, looking back at you.
"Maybe, but if anything I think that reflects more on him than you," You responded.
"Hu?" Katsuki exclaimed, confused.
"Well think about it, if you were a pro hero scouting for talent, would you really be interested in a hero who had some reservations about using his full power? Or, would you be more interested in the hero that showed he's always ready to give it everything he's got," You explained.
Katsuki felt something weird in his stomach that he didn't understand.
"Whatever, you're thinking too much about it," He dismissed you.
"Yeah probably, but... I think you would have won regardless of what Todoroki did though," You spoke, causing Katsuki to look away from you again.
"Duh idiot, of course, I would have won," He said, but his voice didn't carry as much anger this time. The room was silent for a moment before Katsuki spoke again. "You know, you didn't do too bad yourself, the way you used your quirk surprised me. I could tell you trained a lot in order to make it so versatile."
"Wow," Your face flushed just the tiniest bit. "Did I really just get a compliment out of Katsuki Bakugo?" You teased, laughing away your blush.
"Oh shut up you damn nerd. Whatever, I got to go," He said, getting up and walking to your window. "I'll see you Monday," He said as he left.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Shout out to @yuichiroleftarm for the enlightenment of Katsuki being re-traumatized by the sludge villain when being restrained again at the Sports Festival .
Tags: @unofficialmuilover
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock Pt 17
Part One Link to ao3 Part 16
A speedy update? Couldn't be me lmao
Step Seventeen: Tell a Story
The party really wasn’t like any of the ragers he used to throw, but in Steve’s opinion that made it a thousand times better. 
From his vantage point on the arm of the couch, Steve could see everything, and all looked to be going well. All of the parents had quickly clustered together around the big dining room table, smoking and playing cards as they reminisced about the good old days and enjoyed the wine Steve had broken out of the cellar. Mike and Lucas were sprawled out across the floor, their books in piles around them as they designed new characters and argued about the best way to win against dragons, while Nancy and Jonathan had curled up together on the loveseat by the window, sharing a cup of cocoa and quietly whispering about god knows what. 
It all seemed peaceful. 
So naturally Steve was sitting next to the most chaotic conversation he had ever heard. 
“In terms of controlling the fight and better initiative, it’s the halberd. Hands down,” Frank declared. He was putting emphasis on every single word, as if doing so would somehow sway the three preteens throwing him impressively dry looks. 
“That’s assuming you have the speed and dexterity necessary to gain that advantage,” Dustin sighed, shaking his head and tutting. “The greatsword is not only faster, but it is shorter, which makes the swing that much more versatile.”
Mike and Lucas sagely nodded along from their spot on the floor next to Dustin. the calmness of the action only riling Frank up even more.
“Reach is speed on its own!” He snapped, tossing his hands in the air, turning to the others for help. Steve bit down the laugh that was attempting to escape, doing his best to appear supportive, and Eddie was already reaching over to give his friend the conciliatory pat on the shoulder. 
Steve wasn’t exactly positive how the debate had started, but it had to have been at least fifteen minutes of furious back and forth between the two. It was pretty entertaining to watch, made even better by the quiet comments Eddie would whisper up to Steve when he was sure no one else was listening. 
“Careful there Frank,” Jeff called from the other side of the room, not looking up from Will’s sketchbook as he did, “you sound like you’re losing to a twelve year old.”
“I am not losing,” Frank ground out. 
“I’m not twelve!” Dustin protested.
“Of course you aren’t losing, Frankie,” Eddie interjected, his tone practically dripping with false kindness. He accompanied the words with a brief pat to the top of Frank’s head. 
“Dustin just isn’t opening his mind to the possibilities that your elder brain has already thought through,” Steve added on, his stomach doing a weird flip-flop when Eddie turned to look up at him with a little gremlin smile. Teasing friends was different when it really was just teasing, and Steve couldn’t resist the urge to jump in and knock at Frank a little for getting so into a debate with the kids. 
“Okay just because you play now doesn’t make you an expert, Steve,” Mike added on, never one to miss a chance to try and knock Steve down a peg. Steve, very maturely, rolled his eyes and chose not to reply. 
“How about it, Sweetheart?” Eddie asked, looking up at Steve where he was sitting perched on the arm of the couch, “halberd or Greatsword?”
“Steve, if you don’t choose the sword, I will feel personally betrayed,” Dustin spat out before Steve could even open his mouth. It was accompanied by a murderous looking glower, and Steve knew trouble was starting to brew on the horizon. 
“Eh, I think Baby might have a problem if I start using a different weapon,” He said, staying neutral and dragging the boys into a different conversation before feelings started to actually get hurt. 
Steve’s whole body stiffened up, and he glanced quickly at Eddie before turning away, mind racing to come up with an explanation. How the hell was he supposed to casually bring up the bat studded with nails that was sitting in the trunk of his BMW?
“Okay, but we’re talking in game, not real life!” Lucas objected, keeping the conversation flowing and unintentionally bypassing Eddie’s question. 
“Baby would be more effective than a halberd though,” Dustin pointed out, and Mike hummed in disagreement, flipping the pages of the manual in front of him as he looked for a counter argument.
“So who’s Baby?” Eddie asked quietly as they continued the debate, leaning back towards Steve so only he could hear the words. He was looking up at Steve with those big doe eyes, completely at peace with a soft smile and lax shoulders. He was the picture of calmness, and Steve wouldn’t ruin that with the Upside Down, not even in the most roundabout way. 
“I’m gonna get a refill,” Steve whispered to him instead, reaching down to quickly run his fingers through Eddie’s curls impulsively before standing up and stretching. He felt the hem of his maroon sweater ride up over his hips, and the boys groaned as the bottom half of Steve’s stomach came into view. “Do you want anything, Eds?” 
“Um no, ‘m okay,” Eddie said, his voice uncharacteristically small. Steve relaxed from his stretch, giving Eddie a quick once over. He looked the same as before, save for a slight color on his cheeks and averted downward facing eyes. 
Something to check on. 
But later. First Steve had to take a lap. 
“Dustin, don’t make Frank blow a gasket,” Steve ordered as he passed by, pushing the kids hat down over his eyes. Dustin growled at him and waved his arms blindly in an attempt to smack Steve away, but Steve easily dodged it, sliding over to the edge of the living room and down the stairs to the wine cellar. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,” Steve muttered to himself as he picked two bottles at random. How could he have said something like that? He wasn’t even drunk! It had just slipped out, but that didn’t make it okay. Sure, the very existence of Baby wasn’t covered by the NDA’s, but just knowing about her would be enough to make Eddie curious, and curiosity led to more questions, which lead to more answers, which lead to more danger. 
Steve’s stomach flipped over on itself, and he leaned back against the cool stone wall of the cellar, worrying his lip as he tried to take a deep breath. 
There wasn’t any danger. Not anymore. It was just a party, and it was just one little sentence. Eddie would forget about it by the time he walked back up the stairs. He was working himself up over nothing. 
Or everything. 
‘Or’ might just be the scariest word in the world, Steve thought to himself as he climbed up the stairs feeling about ten thousand pounds heavier. He trudged over to the kitchen and quickly opened both bottles, leaving one to air out as he carried the other over to the dining room table, silently listening to the adults as they gossiped. 
“It’s such an insane story,” Sue Sinclair was saying in a quiet breathy voice as Steve walked in, barely even noticing as he started refilling her glass, “it’s hard to believe.” 
“It was harder to live through,” Hopper replied, extremely somber as he gravely shook his head.
Steve bit the inside of his cheek to keep from making a noise and giving up the act. He looked up just a bit to make eye contact with Joyce, who was also clearly hiding a smile behind her hand. 
“Maybe we should pause this conversation?” Karen asked lightly, politely jutting her chin out towards Steve who continued to pour without comment. 
“Steve knows,” Hopper quickly smoothed over. 
“He babysits Jane with the others,” Joyce added on, giving Steve a secretive look as she continued, “such a big help with acclimating her.”
All eyes were on him now, and Steve played his part perfectly. He poured the last of the bottle into Hopper’s glass and stepped back with a sigh. 
“She’s a great kid. Amazing even, after everything she’s been through,” Steve said, his voice pitched to the ultimate tone of caring worry. 
This seemed to seal the deal for the rest of the adults, and they fell one by one. Hook, line, and sinker. The women were twittering on about how sad the whole story was, and the men were shaking their heads and muttering to Hopper about how drugs were going to ruin the nation. 
Everything was going to plan. 
Steve couldn’t help the little burst of pride he felt watching all of the parents gossiping like hens. He was the one to come up with El’s cover story, and it couldn’t have been going better. 
El might not be allowed to go to school until next year, but Steve didn’t see a point in keeping her locked up in the cabin until then like Hopper wanted. The government knew she was alive now, and she had all her paperwork. Besides, having her drop out of the blue sky into one of the most unforgiving social settings on the planet was a complete recipe for disaster. 
This party had been the perfect test run for the story they were going to use to explain her sudden appearance, and it had passed with flying colors. But Steve had known it would work, never had any doubt despite everyone else’s concerns. 
He knew because he knew this town like the back of his hand. If you gave them a good enough story, something juicy and wild but with enough reality that it would stick, then they would buy it. Not only would they buy it, but they would sell it to everyone else on the block too. Now that Sue Sinclair, Claudia Henderson, and Karen Wheeler had the ‘truth’, El would fly into Hawkins High with only minimal odd looks and the occasional jerky kid to deal with. 
And what was the best cover story for a girl like El? 
“I just can’t believe that there was a suicide cult right here in Indiana,” Chuck Sinclair commented, sitting back in his seat. “How did no one know about it?”
“There was no way to leave without being killed. Anyone who would have told someone was killed. Brenner, the one in charge, was convinced he could create dimensions to other worlds and give children superpowers with LSD, if you can believe it,” Joyce replied, laying on the shock and surprise a little thick in Steve’s opinion. Still, whatever got the rest of them on board.  
“Ridiculous,” Ted Wheeler muttered, sounding absolutely disgusted. 
“We’re just lucky we found Will and Jane when we did. We were too late for the others,” Hopper paused to take a long slow sip of his drink, really selling the story. He even lowered his voice, causing them all to lean in, “The feds want to keep it real hush hush, and we were so afraid for the kids that we just went along with that bullshit water contamination story. But I mean, c’mon. Water contamination? Those people disappeared.” 
A round of mutters among the group, and then Karen Wheeler spoke up. 
“But Barbara Holland using drugs? I knew Barb her entire life. She always had such a good head on her shoulders,” She said, grief coating every word. Steve dragged a sharp breath in, holding the bottle close to his chest and forcing himself to stay still and silent as Hopper and Joyce did their best to explain. 
This was the part that sucked. To make the story work, really work, it had to involve everyone. Benny, Barb, Will, even the two hunters. All of them had to be explained, or the story fell apart. It felt dishonest to make Barb a part of it all, but El was still here, and Steve still had a chance to help her. 
For El. It was all for El. 
“That’s how the commies get you,” Ted remarked to Karen the second Hop was done speaking. “We’re just lucky she didn’t bring Nancy into it.” 
Steve bit his tongue to keep from lashing out. This wasn’t about him or his guilt. It was about El. 
“At least you saved that precious little girl,” Claudia breathed, hand still over her heart as her eyes glistened with tears. “It all must have been so scary for her. Does she know… you know… about her mother?”
“She does, but she doesn’t like to talk about it,” Hopper laid both hands out on the table 
“Listen, we really shouldn’t have said anything to you all.”
This was it. This was the moment that would tell them what was going to happen from here on out. Steve held his breath
“Our lips are sealed, Jim,” Chuck said instantly, the rest of the group nodding along. “Last thing any of us would want to do is put your daughter or Joyce’s son in danger. Whether it’s the government or some freaky cult stragglers.” 
There it was. 
In a small town like Hawkins, lips were always sealed. People said they wouldn’t say a word, they promised to keep a secret, but Steve had no doubt that by the end of the week the entire town would be abuzz with the story. The best part was, there was no one that would end up hurt. Hopper looked like a hero, Joyce went from local crazy woman to single mother who did everything to protect her baby, and El was just a poor child who was rescued from an insane terrible man. 
It was the truth, just… shifted ever so slightly. No lies involved. Not really. Just a perspective on it. 
The mood and the topic began to move, and Steve moved with it. He went to escape out the side door back to the living room, but as he went past her Joyce reached out, taking his wrist in her small hand and squeezing it once. It was a tiny display of affection, barely anything, but it stopped Steve in his tracks, making his heart do strange weird things that left his chest aching. 
“Are you alright?” Joyce murmured to him below the sound of the conversation. 
“Yeah?” Steve replied, unspoken question sitting between them as Joyce continued to hold onto his wrist. 
“You looked upset when you came in,” She observed. That was the best and worst part of Joyce, she never let anything drop. It reminded Steve a lot of Nancy actually, both of them so determined to get to the bottom of everything, even when it was best to just leave it alone. 
Of course it had to be Joyce. 
“‘I’m okay,” Steve said, trying for a thin little smile. 
Joyce hummed, rubbing her thumb over Steve’s arm as she forced him to keep eye contact until the fake smile slipped from his face. 
“It’s not a big deal,” Steve said, a dark cloud coming over him as Joyce continued to hold on. It was the same thing as Nancy. Stifling, impossible to be around, a feeling of claustrophobia that would never fully go away. 
It wasn’t any of Joyce’s business. It wasn’t like she was his mother. 
“Well, if you need anything you can always come to me or Hop,” Joyce said after a too long silence, releasing Steve’s arm. “We’re here for you guys too, not just the kids.”
“You’re allowed to not be okay.”
Since he had said those words, they had been permanently branded in the forefront of Steve’s mind. Every time he tried to forget them, they returned with a vengeance, hitting him directly in the soft spot right above his breastbone. 
It wasn’t like Steve didn’t know that. He knew that he was allowed to not be okay. He did. But it was silly for him not to be okay, because nothing had really happened to him. Will was the one who had ended up in the Upside Down. Nancy’s best friend had died. El had been fucking tortured for her entire life. 
In comparison Steve’s problems were so small it was laughable. 
So why was everyone trying so hard to tell him that they mattered? 
Steve had never been so happy to hear one of his kids. 
A hush fell over the adults as El popped her head around the corner, immediately coming over to Steve’s side and pressing close, trying to avoid the obvious stares coming from everyone else. They were looking at her with a mixture of pity and concern, but it was better than fear. 
“Hi Janey,” Steve said, playing with her curls and shooting her a warm grin, “you doin’ okay?”
El shrugged, burrowing impossibly further into Steve’s grip. 
“The others are being loud,” She said softly. Steve sighed, petting her hair again. He and Hop had talked about the possibility of this being too much for her, same as the Snowball. This party was mostly made up of her people, but even her people could be overwhelming. 
Luckily, Steve already had an idea in place. 
“Would you mind helping me with something?” Steve asked, already gently nudging El towards the doorway and into the kitchen. 
Making cookies was the perfect ‘cool down away from people so you don't have a meltdown and psychically destroy Steve's house’ activity. Steve had learned that El really enjoyed cooking, and although she couldn’t use her powers to get the flour down from the high shelf like she usually would if it was just them, she was still having fun. 
“Don’t listen to anyone who tells you oatmeal raisin cookies are bad,” Steve instructed, rolling out another ball of dough and placing it carefully on the cookie sheet. “They’re stupid and childish.”
“Mike hates oatmeal raisin,” El cheerfully replied, licking the spoon that Steve had handed to her when he was done mixing the batter. 
Now that it was just the two of them, she had relaxed. She was sitting on the counter next to where he was working, ever so slightly bobbing her head along to the music filtering in from the living room. Steve had relaxed along with her, all of the previous troubles of the night fading away, replaced by the smell of cinnamon sugar and the warmth of the oven heating up. 
“My point exactly. Mike hates everything great,” Steve countered, dabbing a bit of cookie batter onto the tip of El’s nose. She laughed softly, and stuck her tongue out, trying to reach the offending treat. 
“Mike likes me,” El shot back, continuing to try and touch her tongue to her nose. Steve watched her struggle for a second more before shaking his head and reaching around her to grab a paper towel. 
“Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day,” Steve whispered conspiratorially as he wiped her face clean. This started up another round of giggles, and Steve laughed along with her, his entire body feeling light for the first time all day. 
He loved each of his kids for different reasons- even Mike- but El was just so easy. The rest of them couldn't help the compulsive urge to be difficult little hell beasts. They were always trying to show off how smart they were, which usually meant disparaging Steve’s intelligence to some degree. Even Will couldn’t resist a few snarky comments when he thought Steve was being overprotective.
But El thought Steve was one of the smartest people in the world, and she was always telling him so. It was objectively untrue, but it was fun to get to show her how to do things without being afraid of being told he was doing them wrong. Even something as simple as baking cookies was an opportunity to give her a new happy experience, and getting to be a part of that was kind of magical. 
“How about this- we’ll tell Mike you made these and you’ll see just how quickly oatmeal raisin becomes his favorite cookie,” Steve offered. 
“Sounds like fun,” A familiar voice said from the doorway, making Steve’s heart skip a beat. 
Steve turned around and gave Eddie a pleased grin, waving him in and turning around to finish up with the dough.
“Hey Eds,” Steve said as Eddie leaned into his space and snagged a bite. Eddie hummed appreciatively, going for another taste but Steve smacked his hand with his spoon before he could.
“You’ll get sick eating that,” Steve pointed out. 
“So mean,” Eddie said with a fake pout. He pulled away from Steve, walking around the kitchen aimlessly with swinging arms, “I was just wondering where our liege had run off to. Apparently you went to guide a wayward princess through the fine art of confectionary creation.” 
Said ‘princess’ was staring at Eddie with open distrust. Her spoon had been abandoned beside her, and her arms were wrapped tight around her middle. Steve was immediately reminded of her initial reaction to Max. Although they were thick as thieves now, El had been cold to her too at the start. Steve had figured it was some sort of pre-teen jealousy thing over Mike. 
Apparently it was just an all around jealousy thing. It made sense though. A girl who had nothing would protect whatever she had with ferocious intensity, especially her people. Time to do a little damage control. 
“Eddie’s my friend, and he said he wanted to be friends with you too,” Steve said, pitching his voice soft and low as he reframed things for El. If Eddie was one of her people, then she wouldn’t be quite so possessive over Steve’s time. “He’s a little loud, and a little scary looking, but he’s probably the nicest person I know.” 
Eddie raised his eyebrows in surprise, but Steve just shrugged. He was just being honest, Eddie probably was the nicest person Steve knew. He cared about Nancy and Jonathan, and he loved the kids, but none of them were necessarily very nice. Eddie had taken Steve in without even really thinking about it, which would have been amazing even if Steve had just been another nerd.
The fact that Steve used to be one of the people who would have made fun of people like Eddie only made him even better in Steve’s eyes. 
El’s mouth pursed into a tiny little scowl, and she narrowed her eyes, evaluating Eddie where he stood. 
“Bitchin’,” El said after a moment, punctuating the word with an approving nod. It was probably the closest thing to approval Eddie could earn at this moment. 
“Yeah, Babydoll’s totally bitchin,’” Steve said with a laugh, stretching the word out just because it was funny to see Eddie turn bright red. Steve wasn’t sure if it was from the compliment or the silly nickname, but either way he was enjoying it. 
“It’s good to meet you, Miss Jane,” Eddie said, coughing and trying to will away the blush on his cheeks, “Steve’s told me a lot about you.” 
El turned to look at Steve, adorably confused by Eddie’s statement. Steve stiffened up, avoiding his knee jerk impulse to shake his head. He hadn’t told Eddie anything real about El, just the same story that Hopper and Joyce were selling to the parents. But El wasn’t good with secrets at the best of times, and the elaborate intricate story that they had woven would probably be too much for her. 
“El? EL!” 
“Mike, stop shouting!” Steve said, shouting himself, relieved at being interrupted before things could get hairy. He rolled his eyes and shot Eddie a look, calm now that Eddie seemed less curious about El and more fondly annoyed with Mike and his antics. “We’re in the kitchen.”  
Pandemonium as all four boys trooped in, clustering around El and chattering their heads off like they always did. Steve let out the breath he had unintentionally been holding, leaning back against the counter as he watched the kids mess around. 
“Steve, stop hogging her,” Mike snapped as he pulled away from El, glowering at him with all of the brutality of a two week old puppy. 
“El’s a person, not a toy. She can do something without you and that doesn’t mean she likes you any less,” Steve said, ignoring Mike’s sputtering denials as he helped El down from the counter, “The oven has to preheat anyway. Why don’t you go inside with them, and when the cookies are ready, you can help me dunk them in the icing?” 
El nodded, allowing herself to be pulled away by the boys. But just as she passed Eddie she stopped, grabbing onto the sleeve of his leather jacket and looking up at him from behind her curls. 
“You’ll join us?” She asked. Eddie leaned down so they were the same height and nodded, reaching out to ruffle her curls. 
“I’ll be here, Lady Jane,” Eddie promised. 
“El,” She corrected. 
That was big, even if Eddie didn’t fully realize it. It wasn’t exactly a full acceptance, but only people El actually liked were allowed to use her ‘real’ name. 
“El?” Eddie questioned. 
“A nickname. Not sure where she got it,” Steve stepped in, smoothing out the wrinkle before it could even form. He nudged Lucas, pushing them all towards the door, “Now scram, twerps.”
The kids all immediately began to groan and whisper curses under their breath at the word ‘twerps’, and they dragged El out without another word to Eddie or Steve. Steve turned and began to gather the dishes, dumping them all into the sink and turning on the water. As he started scrubbing, Steve felt more than saw Eddie’s presence approaching him. 
“I think she likes me,” Eddie sang, leaning all of his weight against Steve. He caught Eddie easily, carrying both of their weights as he continued to do the dishes. 
“What’s not to like?” Steve asked. The question was rhetorical, but the shaky little breath inward that Eddie let out wasn’t. Steve paused, sensing the mood shifting, put down the bowl he was holding and faced Eddie. 
He looked wrecked, inexplicably upset and almost guilty as he chewed on his lip and searched for words. All Steve wanted to do was wrap him in a hug and ask what was wrong, but he held back. Whatever Eddie was trying to say, it was important. 
But whatever Eddie was going to say was interrupted by the sound of an engine outside. The motor was roaring, an obnoxious sound that grated on Steve’s nerves and set his teeth on edge. There was only one person who revved their stupid car that way in town, and he was the last person Steve wanted to see tonight. 
Whatever this was, it wasn’t going to be good. 
Tag List: Taglist: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name@minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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bagopucks · 2 years
You can find all of my works listed here with a summary! I’ll also list my AU’s when I begin forming them.
By default, I write the reader as female. So if you want a different sex/gender, you need to clarify it in your request!
You can find a link to my post on requests, here!
Silly Love Songs AU Masterlist, here!
Out of Place Masterlist, here!
Elton John Masterlist, here!
Singlereaderfic Masterlist, here!
Trevor Zegras
It’s An Off Day - Trevor and the reader both have their own stressors in their lives, and it causes a tiff. But there’s nothing a little playful make-up can’t fix.
Defend My Honor - Somebody has to defend my honor. Somebody has to defend your honor. Enemies to lovers.
Disheveled Duckling - Trevor’s always hidden his feelings behind a locked door, but when everything becomes too much, he reluctantly turns to who he trusts the most.
Stand By Me - The reader and Trevor struggle but ultimately deal with the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. And they deal with it together.
You And Me - The reader, Jack’s ex, is now dating Trevor. After they’ve been outed, the couple deals with new hate, and it’s overbearing in more ways than one.
Getcha Back- The reader cracks under the pressure of media and her relationship with Trevor. It’s up to him to win her back.
Family Reunion - Trevor’s meeting the reader’s family. Both are a little nervous, but he ends up fitting right in.
Bad Idea, Right? - SongFic, he’s just an ex.. nothing more, right?
Can He Sing? - The reader and Trevor accept the request of a local recording studio to do an interview while they’re in town, revealing to the audience a bit of their relationship, and an upcoming album.
Jack Hughes
Sally Forth - The Hughes brothers and Jack’s hockey team going to support the reader in dance nationals.
Need You Now - The reader is paired up with an injured boy for a group dance. She needs a new partner, so she calls on Jack. A lot of fluff in between.
It’s Out There - The reader is a university student. That’s all she’s supposed to be to the public. Until they find out of her secret relationship with Jack Hughes. Then it’s another story.
Blackouts - When everybody is stuck at the lake house during a storm, and the power goes out, there’s only so much they can do to pass the time.
A Little Funky - The reader struggles with OCD, and Jack is still learning how to handle it.
Home Alone - Jack invites the reader over because his parents are out, but an oncoming blizzard has them returning sooner than expected.
And I, You - The reader and Jack get a moment alone in the lake house to discuss their future plans.
Record Breaker - Jack finally breaks the regular season point record, and of course he has to celebrate.
So Fine - Sequel to “Home Alone.” The reader’s parents are out of town on a business trip. Nobody’s passing up on this chance to give their day together another shot.
As Sure As It Gets - The reader and Jack have been best friends since they can remember. One day the reader confesses to feelings harbored for a while, and Jack hesitates before deciding not to tell the truth, for the sake of their friendship.
Late Night Drives - The reader finally discovers why Jack is called Rowdy, after accepting an invite to go on a drive with the Hughes brothers and a few friends.
More Than I Do Now - SongFic, Jack and the reader spend the evening with his family and a few friends, but the reader’s stuck in another world, fantasizing about their relationship.
ATTHNGVBD - It’s Valentine’s Day, and Jack puts himself under a lot of pressure to start a new tradition.
Can’t Break Up Now - SongFic, Jack and the reader have had a vicious fight.. and it’s time to decide what’s best for their relationship.
Mine All Mine - They’re polar opposites, and everybody has something to say about it. She just wants to be good enough, but never feels like she is.
Quinn Hughes
Wildest Storms - The reader’s anxiety levels are through the roof, and when Quinn comes home, he’s there to distract and comfort in the ways he knows best.
Softly, Sweetly - Quinn’s home alone one night, and decides to invite the reader over for a bit of fun. Only it doesn’t go as planned.
Plus One - The reader needs a date to a friend’s wedding. Quinn’s the lucky man.
Gingerbread Houses - The reader’s boyfriend drops a bomb on her during Christmas, and Quinn is the first person she turns to for comfort.
Fast Car - Coming Soon!✨
Jamie Drysdale
Drago-nita - Jamie’s left to take care of Trevor’s lizard while the forward is on a road trip. Things don’t go as planned, so he calls the reader for assistance.
Island Of Love - Jamie falls head over heels for a girl he never expected to love. But they’re from two different worlds, and he can’t stay away from his forever.
Lady May - SongFic, a recollection of the times the reader was Jamie’s rock, leading him to one fateful decision.
The Ugly Duckling - being written, angst and fluff, title’s kinda self explanatory.. gonna make you guys wait for it anyway.
Orange, Orange, Orange - The reader visits Jamie and Trevor during playoffs only to receive a rather startling surprise.
Blind Dating - Jamie is new in town and managed to get himself set up on a blind date. The reader isn’t too sure about him. At least not at first.
Nico Hischier
Smile Again - Nico’s injured and the reader has to leave town for a week. She returns to her lover in a horrible state, and there’s not much she can do but comfort him back to contentment.
It’s My Footwork - Knee surgery leaves Nico’s leg a bit weak, so he seeks out creative conditioning to get him back on track.
Soulmates ‘N All That - SongFic, a summary of the meeting, the dating, and the marriage.
Dearest Nico, - Two strangers falling in love over the exchange of letters and phone calls. Loosely based off of the song “Travelin’ Soldier” by the Dixie Chicks. But at the same time it’s really not.
Comfy - Nico comes home from a hockey game ready to relax, and though the reader isn’t in a bath mood, they’ll gladly sit outside the tub and talk all evening with him.
Too Much To Drink - The reader went to a simple bachelorette party and took part in the festivities, especially the drinking. And of course, Nico comes to the rescue.
Sun Days - Enjoying a perfect day on the New Jersey beaches with Nico and the team.
When you Wake - Nico went out with the boys, and the reader is left with a surprise when the Hughes brothers bring him home far less than sober.
Wishing For Angels - The reader comes home from work one evening and spends the night watching early Christmas movies with Nico.
Mitch Marner
Light My Love - SongFic, An art major and a hockey player who’s mind works a mile a minute. He’s her inspiration.
The Best Recovery - The reader’s overwhelmed, and slips into a nonverbal state for the night. Mitch is waiting at home to provide comfort and reassurance.
Noise Cancelling - The reader can’t hide their Amazon Wishlist from Mitch for forever, but this is by far the best gift.
Depths Of Love - Loss and grief. Acceptance and moving on. Mitch lost the love of his life, only to realize he doesn’t have to continue alone.
Auston Matthews
Felix and Missy - A dog is a man’s best wingman.
Cole Caufield
College Despair - The reader is overwhelmed with assignments, and needs a break. Cole just got back from a roadie, and needs quality time.
Misunderstand Us - The reader is invited out to the lake house. Quinn forgets to mention that he told Cole about them, and Cole’s rather forward introduction causes a feud between himself and the reader. Until the truth comes out. Enemies to lovers.
She’s Taller - Cole fell for the girl across the street. There’s just one thing that held him back. His height. Turns out, that might not be an issue for her at all.
Linear Progress - Cole has just returned from an injury, and can’t get out of his own head about the fact that he’s struggling.
She’s Taller Pt. 2 ✨ - coming soon!
Reality - SongFic, broken trust leads to a messy breakup. Cole simply can’t let her go.
My experimental additions! If you didn’t see the poll, I’ll be writing for Crosby, Malkin, Zucker -tho he’d technically be on the Wild when I write for him but I’m classifying him as a Penguin in this post- and maybe Jarry.
Highlight Reels
Adventures in house sitting - Jamie and Trevor
Country reader - Jack Hughes
Little!Hughes Brothers - Quinn, Jack, and Luke
Spa Days - Jamie Drysdale
Minecraft Servers - Various Players
Snowboarding - Jack Hughes
Blurbs and Edits
“Before sunrise, he’s your rookie.” - Nico Hischier
Cuddling and Trip Planning - Trevor Zegras
Cancelled Games - Trevor Zegras and Jamie Drysdale
“The Lean” - Trevor Zegras
Vacation to Switz - Nico Hischier
Sick Days - Any Player
Dancing In The Rain - Quinn Hughes, SongFic
Little Interruptions - Nico Hischier and Jack Hughes
Rainy Mornings - Cole Caufield
First Time Fighter - Jack Hughes, platonic Luke
Tornado Watch - Jamie Drysdale
Tea Cups - Young!HughesBrothers
Soft Launch - Nico Hischier
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goatpaste · 1 year
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Hai, mutuals have my actin up getting obsessive brain over Pillar Fam Au again and their all over my brain like ANTS
So I wanted to redo the art on the pillar fam playlist and doodle some stuff for my fav songs on the playlist
just thinking about them thinking about them thinking about them and running around and biting
every few weeks I just remember this AU is everything to me good lurd
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
also wanted to talk about some thoughts on the songs of the playlist just whatever, under the cut
Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family: this one I drew for, but I heavily think of it over Joseph and Wamuu's first meeting where despite the rough first meeting, theres that spark of interest in on another. Despite unexplainable need to get close to one another, especially Joseph to Wham.
Blood in the Wine by AURORA: mostly a song I put on there for Wham, its a Wham heavy song and makes me think generally of pillar fam but also of Wham and his relationship to his pillar men family and kars. His Loyalty and devotion to the man who is his father, but ultimately having these different goals and feelings.
Electric Love by BORNS: Honestly mostly just a fun feel good song I felt had some good vibes to Pillar fam, love a good lightning motif for Joseph.
Kiss her you fool by Kids that Fly: First kiss scene, 1000% Joseph with a million thoughts about how he's trying to get out of dying, or even killing but also quickly realizing he might just be in love with this powerful warrior and that Wham just might like him back, and to make a leap of fate with a kiss.
Talk to Much COIN: Another song that fit the bill for Pillar Fam especially of a Joseph angle for suuuure
High on Humans by Oh Wonder: I think this is pretty straight forward for the wham angle of this relationship, especially when Suzi starts being in the mix and he's realizing he's soft for two humans who he should be seeing as a threat to Kar's mission. but instead his brain if fuzzy and soft around them
The Sex has Made me Stupid by Robots in Disguise: also pretty straight forward, they were going at it like rabbits because i take Wham for a guy who fucks his enemies as an equal partner for him, fighting it like gay sex to him but so is gay sex lol. Also this song is such so extremely british its just a bit of a too fitting not to include
Dirty imbecile by The Happy Fits: Kinda vauge take on Joseph, i get big joseph vibes in this song and fitting to my minds touchings of his character and relationship to family and lack there of
Step With me by MIKA: its the vibes, the specific lyrics just feel so right, the slow set by set calculations of getting close to someone like Wham in their specific situation. Both in trying to work every angle to get everyone out alive, but also dealing with big feelings for a big man who may kill him. One step at a time, just a few steps away from you. I especially take this song overlay to the idea of the height of Pillar Fam when the month is almost up and joseph's one like asking of truce between him and wham, but wham choosing to stay to his word and to kars and leaving Joseph, but stubborn Joseph not giving up quite yet.
Necessary Evil by Unknown Mortal Orchestra: i think this in a way feels a lot like similar lyrical vibes to Where Evil Grows. But bit on the horny side lol, two crazy kids defying the odds, dealing with how they feel, messy messy feelings while they nearly kill each other in a gladiatorial fight on chariots around a roaring fire.
I wont hurt you by the West Coast Pop Art Experience: THIS SONG OUHGH this is one of the big ones on the playlist to me, its soo ouch. Song that 100% in my head links to the end of the Chariot fight. Joseph and Wham have dealt out all their cards, every trick in the book to live or win. All but their final trump card, all or nothing, put it all on the line and die winning. Wham lost of sight, arms and burning a hole into his own chest. Joseph with caesars headband and the lighter fluid... But he can't do it. instead opting to drop his weapons and his guards, i wont hurt you, Yelled over the intense slicing winds as they grow nearer. Joseph's pleading one more time for Wham to stop to not kill Joseph, but more importantly, himself. That Kars wouldnt want this, Suzi wouldnt want this and Joseph wouldnt want this. He would rather lay down and accept defeat and death than be the one to remove Wham from the world. its then, Wham in his biggest moment of vulnerability stops, words reaching him. Falling to his knees and embracing Joseph in a messy bloody puddle in all the heavy silence under the blazing fire. I wont hurt you.
m'Lover by Kishi Bashi: themes of unlikely lovers? well dont mind if i do for my pillar fam playlist. Picking up right after the last one, things are finally looking right, defying the destiny that they were meant to hurt and kill each other in that pit that night instead promising themselves to each other. two loves in the night finding each other in the most unlikely way
Affection Taku Iwasaki: Its a jojo song, and it makes me sad weepy, its soft its perfect for this vibe.
Bizzare Love Triangle by New Order: I think mostly on here for the general title and 'love triangle' idea. Suzi and her two boys, their Bizzare Love Triangle
From Me, the Moon by Lav and Dark Moon by Bonnie Guitar: putting these together as their both meant to be for the same idea, Wham watching his human partners grow old. His family even with his pillar man genetics, growing older. The idea they will one day leave him behind. This reality will obviously never come as they world ends in p6. But its a lingering idea, a soft sad, but approachable topic to think about for Wham. Couldn't not include it in a playlist meant to encapsulate them and their life start to finish. Wham will be sad, but happily live out his humans long lives. As long as they'll have him.
Affection Taku Iwasaki: it was the final track of P2, just like Affection, sweet and good, how could i not make it the final track on this playlist.
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thewordswewrite · 1 year
The Drought of an Ocean
Chapter 11 - Rings Like Gold
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
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Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Chapter Summary | A new development from Snow puts Finnick and his victor in a tough situation
Chapter Warnings | canon typical violence, nonexplicit forced prostitution, mentions/situations of sexualizing minors, anxiety inducing situations, explicit language, mentions of suicide
W/C | 3.2k
Taglist | @lem0ns77   @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley​   @bela-nov​ @lilylovelyxo​   @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten​ @dd122004dd​ @jyessaminereads​   @aquawhore420   @qallaghereid  @bazzaza​ @zulpix-blog​
A/N | guys we’re just ruining these people’s livessss fr sorry not sorry-Smoe
Donations |  Link    
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As the party continued on into the night, the girl faithfully followed Sagan to the point of nearly cowering behind them as they descended further into the depths of the palace. Without Finnick by her side, she was vulnerable to the touches and offers of the partygoers, Sagan clueless to the fact that one might be made uncomfortable by this type of behavior; they meant well but ultimately, they were one of them.
She had seen the first glimpses of Finnick acting like himself when he had snuck away, finding something more important than her safety, than her to occupy his night. The idea of heading back home and never having to see him in more than a passing glance and mentor-related events was becoming more and more appealing. What had he really done for her anyway? She had been the one to impress the judges during training, to get in with the career pack and to fight her way out of that arena. Even with the unfortunate implications that had come from her interviews, she had clearly made an impression in the Capitol given she received a sponsor in her biggest time of need. If anything, Finnick’s presence in her life only made things far more complicated than they needed to be.
“Is the party almost over?” She asked Sagan as they pulled her along hand in hand, “Finnick’s gone and I just want to go home.”
“Over? Darling, it’s barely begun,” Sagan gasped. “You’re the star here. If you go now…well, I suppose it will continue on but at least stay for the fireworks!”
“Exactly! You simply must see them.” As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was intrigued. At the very least, she had heard rumblings of the President’s speech and the grand presentation being imminent so it wouldn’t be an impossible task to wait a bit longer. 
They were mingling for a little while longer when out of the corner of her eye, the girl saw a peacekeeper approach Sagan. She excused herself from the conversation she was in, in favor of finding a larger crowd to hide amongst. It was no use however, as her escort and the armed guard were by her side in minutes. When a leather gloved hand wrapped around her upper arm, she tried to escape the bruising grip but Sagan stepped in before she could start an altercation.
“It seems you’re a very lucky girl tonight. A private audience with President Snow awaits you!” Sagan said the words pointedly, knowing the girl well enough to urge her to calm herself before things escalated. “Go on now. I’ll be right here waiting to hear all about it!” 
She eased in the guard’s grasp as he led her towards the other man from his post. With the two of them behind her, they corralled her up the grand staircase to the top floor. The dark wooded hallway loomed around her, seeming to go on for miles with different doors. The guards led her to one at the end of the hall, marked in its importance by a wide set of double doors. The two of them took their new position, one on each wall as she looked at them for some indication as to what she should do but their masked faces revealed nothing. She stepped up to the door and before she could reach out a hand to knock, it opened, revealing a familiar face. 
“Finnick, what’s going on?”
Her eyes darted from Finnick’s wide blown ones to Snow’s narrow gaze. 
“Ah, and here’s our victor now,” Snow announced with a gesture of presentation, the room eerily silent beyond those words. Finnick’s mouth was agape as he stared at her, failing to form any sound. His eyes glanced between her and the door as if he was thinking of making an escape. The President cleared his throat. “Please have a seat, my dear. I’ll formally extend my congratulations in a moment but first, Finnick has something he wanted to say. Don’t you, Finnick?”
She took the finely upholstered seat in front of the President’s desk, sitting awkwardly stiff. It was impossible not to feel as if she had walked in on something she wasn’t supposed to be a part of, the air in the room cold and tense. She was angled towards Finnick, eyes moving from the President to her mentor as he practically shook in his stance.
In a moment there was a burst of words from Finnick, rushing out of his mouth where there were none before, “You have to understand I didn’t mean for this to happen this way, there was nothing I could–”
The frantic quality of his expulsion and no doubt the volume caused the peacekeepers to step towards him, hands on their weapons but Snow must have anticipated the reaction for he stopped all three of the men with a tut.
“There’s no need for that, my boy,” The President sighed, turning to her to add, “He’s simply overexcited. Of course, Mr. Odair has taken a special interest in you and as a gift for him, I’ve approved your arrangements.” With the frigid air in the room, she was breaking into a cold sweat, a pit in her stomach growing larger by the minute.
“Finnick, would you like to try that again?” Snow ‘asked’ though it was clear from the look on Finnick’s face that he had no choice. He pulled something out from behind his back that she couldn’t make out but if he wasn’t careful, his shaking hands would surely drop it. With his head pointed down towards the floor, he inched closer to her. His hand made to present the item in his possession to her but the President interrupted before she could catch a glimpse. “Now, now, be a gentleman and do it properly.”
Stinging hot tears sprang to her eyes as she watched Finnick get down on one knee, shaking her head before he revealed the piece of jewelry in his hand. In his palm sat a pearl ring, glittering stones around it forming the shape of a seashell. Finnick’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed, the lines of his frown mirroring the anguish that she too felt. Her vision was blurred by unfallen tears as she looked to Snow who nodded with a ‘go on’ gesture. There was no refusing, no running or fighting to be had; this was inevitable, it was this or death.
She nodded along in time with Snow, turning back to Finnick as silent tears traveled down her face. Grabbing her hand with his own, she flinched at Finnick’s touch briefly before relinquishing, allowing him to slide the ring onto her finger.
Finnick stood up, using her hand as leverage before she yanked her hand out of his. They turned to Snow expectantly, their next move unclear, the rest of their lives essentially up to the man in front of them. She felt the years slip through her fingers, her life already carved in stone. A cold dread traveled her entire body. 
Snow cleared his throat and stood to attention, “I believe it’s time for my speech. Join me, would you?” She could feel Finnick’s gaze on her but she didn’t dare turn to him, resolving to deal with him later. If it weren’t for the President, for the armed guards, she might’ve thought it in her best interest to fight her way out. Though, her instinct for self preservation was dwindling by the minute.
The peacekeepers led the three of them out onto the balcony, her and Finnick flanking the President on either side. The room having been void of life had not prepared her for the thousands of eyes on her in an instant. Seeming to go on for miles, the estate stood in its entirety in front of them, the Capitols citizens cheering as a spotlight fell onto her and the two men. She attempted to shield her eyes from the light as Snow began to speak. 
“Greetings, everyone,” The president’s voice boomed from next to her, echoing across the courtyard, “I know many of you have been anticipating the return of a fine young victor to our Capitol and tonight, I would like to formally introduce you to our very own Pearl, our 70th victor of the annual Hunger Games!” The crowd roared appropriately, a sound she had come accustomed to. Snow raised a single hand with a rehearsed grandeur and not an ounce of force, yet still the audience was immediately silenced.
“But it seems good fortune has fallen upon us. On this, the last day of her tour, I am most honored to announce the engagement of our newest victor to none other than our very own, Finnick Odair.” 
No interview, speech or appearance had prepared her for the uproarious response of the Capitol citizens. People were cheering, hugging, crying. They had not cared so much for her safe return home, for her very life and yet they stood beneath her as though this was the greatest news they had ever heard: the end of her freedom. 
Out of the corner of her eye she could see Finnick smiling and waving as though they were truly some happy couple, as though he weren’t essentially her captor. The lights around her were blurring together as she became dizzy with anger. She imagined joylessly the reality in which she could tell the truth, cry out for help, the reality in which one of these people would notice even a piece of the corruption that their lives were built on. 
An explosion of both sound and light painted the sky above sending her into a panic. She looked around wildly for the source until on her other side, the process repeated, this time a cerulean shadow cast itself over the crowd. Before she could understand what she was seeing, Snow was making his closing remarks and the peacekeepers were leading them back inside.
Her eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden darkness and a hot putrid breath was on her ear, “We’ll be seeing each other soon, my dear. We’ve things yet to be discussed.” The doors were shut behind her without another word, leaving her alone with her fraudulent fiance. Finnick was already walking down the hall, not checking behind him to see if she would even follow but follow she did. When they made it to the stairs, he was running his hand through his hair, the other hand flailing as he spouted excuses.
“Listen, I’m going to get us–”
She didn’t take any time to listen, the object of her rage before her. With a strangled shout and all her strength, she shoved him. Despite her attempt to fully disarm him, she watched as he stumbled down about half the steps before regaining his composure.
“Hey! Listen to me-” She ignored him, stomping down the steps and trying to attack him again. She couldn’t think, her vision completely red and filled with the man who stole her future.
“This is all your fault!” She screamed, still shoving at his chest. In their struggle, they had unknowingly found themselves at the bottom of the stairs from which she could now hear onlookers whispering around them. She made to hit him still, unbothered by the crowd for she had nothing to lose but he stopped her, grabbing her forearms with bruising strength as she grappled against him. 
“We can’t do this, not here,” Finnick hissed through his teeth for only her to hear. She was inconsolable, her only objective being to make him feel her pain. Though she held her own, he was undoubtedly stronger, years of training behind him and he stood, hoisting her up along the way. Her arms now free, she made for another strike but he had already snaked an arm around her waist, throwing her over his shoulder before she could make another move. She pounded his back with her fists but he did not relent. 
As always, Finnick performed for his audience, leaving the room with a charming explanation and wink.
“She’s just so eager to get home and celebrate!”
Finnick was splayed across the cushioned bench of an unmoving train, contemplating the life he had not even months before and the life that was unfolding in front of him like some child’s picture book though rather than a fairytale, it was the kind of story parents used to scare their kids into good behavior. It wasn’t as though he had any big plans for himself–he always knew his life belonged to the President–but at the very least he had hoped for the comfort of routine, some semblance of peace. Now he was responsible for another person’s life, another person who could be used as leverage against him and if she had anyone in her life, that also traced back to him; it was wave after wave, distending until they would inevitably drown him. 
On top of that, he knew the girl would not make any transition easy, having shown him exactly how she felt the night before when she had attacked him with a bloodlust he hadn’t even seen her break out in the arena. Still, he held out hope that she would come to understand that though unfair, this was the safest option for both of them. If he was being honest, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief at being free from having to give up his body to strangers, to put on a mask that was becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from himself; he had spared her from that and surely that was something to be grateful for.
“Any word on your…fiancee’s arrival?” Sagan asked gingerly, sneaking glances at the window above him. They had been despondent since the party, he figured for feeling scorned having not heard about their ‘engagement’ before the rest of the Capitol. “The conductor is getting antsy.”
“She’s on the President’s time. She’ll be back when he sees fit,” Finnick sighed, an arm slung over his eyes. Peeking over his elbow, he could see Sagan scoff before stomping off, their heels only making a dramatic thud on the carpeted floor of the traincar. He wanted her back more than anyone, he wanted to get home more than anyone but of course, Snow came first. 
The anticipation was killing him, worsened by the fact that he was not there to refute or explain away Snow’s words. Whatever the President was telling her, he was sure it painted him in a bad light and life would be easier for all of them if he could for once find himself in her good graces. He cursed the day they had laid eyes on eachother, wishing Mags had been there to guide her through, the distaste the girl likely still would have had for him only leaving him more determined for the next year.
The sun had nearly set when the doors to the main car slid open, Finnick’s heavy lidded eyes opening with a snap. He bolted upright, smoothing the wrinkles from his clothes as she stepped in. Once she laid slitted eyes on him, she purposefully made her way towards the next car but on unsteady legs he dashed after her, stopping her with an arm wrapped around her middle.
“We can’t not talk about this,” He grunted, “It’s not just going to go away if we ignore it.” She slipped out of his relaxed grasp with ease but he had already whirled around, putting himself between her and the doors.
“Get the fuck away from me,” She seethed. He swallowed the anger that she so specially drew out from him, shaking his head with a deep breath.
“What did he say? If I could just explain–”
“Oh, he explained everything. You’re disgusting,” She hissed lowly, regarding him as if she couldn’t stand to be in his presence. He reeled back as though she had hit him and Finnick considered that he might have preferred that to such blatant contempt. Couldn't she understand that it wasn’t his choice?  
Finnick felt a deep shame well within him. Maybe in another life he would still sleep around but it wasn’t that part, the promiscuity, that bothered him, it was the lack of control over his own body that made him feel ill, feel disgusting. He had never uttered to another person the truth of his situation, the sale of him as a commodity by their own President, their valiant leader. This was just another thing that Snow had taken from him: the ownership of his own truth.
“Snow went on about how he ‘owed you for your…loyalty.’” Her face was twisted in genuine disdain. The implications of what his loyalty entailed made his face flush in humiliation. A long silence fell between them as he tried to regain his composure. It was broken, however, when a gasp rang out from the other side of the room. 
“There you are!” Sagan gushed, rushing over to the pair. “Well, now that the two of you are here let me just say congratulations! Snow’s announcement last night was quite…sudden. I certainly never would have expected it.” A smile was plastered on their face so widely it looked as though it might crack. At that, his girl groaned and used the distraction to slip away. Finnick shot Sagan a ‘what can you do’ kind of grin and followed after her.
“Hey,” Finnick called after her, taking quick strides to follow her through the cars. He managed to grab her upper arm and her attention with a firm, “Hey.” 
She whipped her head back to look at him, her jaw clenched. He took a quick scan of the surroundings and pulled her into a spare bedroom, shutting the door after them.
“Listen,” Finnick began, “I’m sorry, okay? But this–” he gestured vaguely between them, unwilling to put it to words, “this is the reality now. I would take this all back if I could but if he really told you everything, then you know this is for the best.”
“What do you know-”
“Enough. I am speaking now.” She didn’t cower in front of him, nothing even close, but she dignified him with her silence, her head tipped back. “Snow doesn’t take things like this lightly. If we don’t play along–and we’re going to play along–he won’t hesitate to get rid of us the same way he gets rid of everyone but he’ll break you down first, make you wish for it. He’ll start with the ones you love.”
She laughed cruelly, “I don’t have anyone that I love.”
“Well, I do,” Finnick bit back, “So whatever Snow’s idea of a happy couple is, that’s what we’re going to be. End of story.” Her bottom lip trembled but she kept that sardonic grin that made his blood boil.
“You’re a sick man, Finnick Odair,” She scorned.
“Maybe so,” He offered with a grin that mirrored her venom, “but we’re in the real games now and I won’t lose.”
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luimagines · 1 year
A Kabedon Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2 will have Wind, Sky and Four.
Content under the cut!
“Wind, give it back!”
“Nope! You have to catch me!”
You huff, almost screaming in frustration before you turned to one of the older boys for help. “Can’t you get it back for me?”
They looked at you with sympathy but the growing smile on their face, no matter how smothered, was telling you that they found the whole thing amusing and weren’t going to help you anytime soon.
You stomped your foot in frustration, turning back to go chase after the pirate.
“Link!” You screech, trying to lose the distance once more. “Give it back to me!”
“Nah!” He laughs maniacally, dancing around your outstretched hand. “You’re going to have to take it from me.” 
You’ve just about had it. This direct attack wasn’t working. You’re going to have to outsmart him. And if you allowed yourself to think it, you were willing to bet that it wasn’t going to be that difficult.
You turned directions, going opposite to where Wind went and ran off. Some of the other called out your name in concern, thinking Wind might have pushed you too far. But Wind followed you instead.
“H-hey!... I’m sorry! Come back! We’re not supposed to go off alone.”
You didn’t listen and found yourself hiding amongst the trees as Wind called out your name time and time again.
You waited for him to come closer before you decided to go through your incredibly impulsive plan.
Wind called your name, sounding more concerned as the seconds passed. “Please don’t do this. It’s not safe! You know this.”
Just a little closer.....
Wind looked around, walking slowing as he searched for you. You crept around the trunk of the largest tree in the area, keeping your steps quieter than your breath.
You eventually found yourself behind him.
And you tackled him.
“Give it back!”
You both tumbled through the fallen leaves. Limbs flew everywhere, each trying to get the upper hand. Somehow, you both got back to your feet amongst the chaos. You didn’t even have time to gin your footing again before you shoved him against the tree, trapping him between your arms.
“Got you!” You grinned, feeling incredibly proud of yourself.
Wind blinks owlishly at you, wide agape and slack jawed. His eyes search all around your face. It’s as if he’s found a bountiful treasure map but he unable to make sense of it.
You snatch your precious belonging out from under him and hold it up to his face. “I win.”
Wind gulps and lets himself sag. “....I guess you caught me...”
“I did!” You cheer and begin to head back to camp without another thought. ”Lets go.”
“...Right...” Wind follows you. “You had us worried for a second.”
“Well you shouldn’t give me a reason to worry you.” You’re not entirely sure what that means but it feels the right thig to say. Zelda said it once and you’ve been inclined to repeat every now and then. Zelda always wins the fights she’s in so it must be true. 
He started it. You just finished it.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I can believe me.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Well I do.”
You and Sky were walking back from the market with the bags of your spoils in hand. The banter was easy and companionship was appreciated, even if the progress was a bit slow.
“How are going to explain this to the others?” You sighs, shaking your head.
“Easy. Just say it was my idea.” Sky explains. “There’s no reason why you have to-”
“Stop talking.” A sound came from the left of you and you’re not willing to trust the maker of it.
“Rude.” Sky keeps talking anyway. “I’m just saying there’s no reason for you to deal with it when I’m willing to take full responsibly-”
“Yes, yes, my hero- shut up.” You wave your hands frantically, trying to get him to cooperate.
“I’m just saying-”
“Stop saying stuff!” You push him away into a nearby wall, thanking your lucky start you also managed to push him into an alley way. With your hands over his mouth and your body against his, you strain your ears for the footsteps that seem to steady come in your direction.
Thankfully, Sky finally gets the message.
The footsteps pass, but you’re not willing to let go of the young man next to you just yet. Just in case.
The seconds begin to pass and the footsteps fade away until you can’t hear them any more. You let out a short breath of relief and finally step away from Sky.
He also lets a breath out and goes to step away from the wall but you keep him pinned against it with a single finger. “Don’t even think about it.”
His eyes dilate and fixate on yours.
“You could have just costed us this entire trip.” You narrow your eyes at him. “Learn to take a hint.”
“...Sorry.” Sky gulps.
You huff and move away enough for Sky to peel himself from the wall at last. “Alright. We’re going to have to be quick about this now. It would only be a matter of time until they catch our scent and track down that we were here. Let’s go. We have to get to the others.”
You begin to walk away, taking the bags of groceries with you as you go. When you turn to see the young man, you find that he’s still close to the alley way, having not moved much since you puled away.
Annoyed at his behavior, you charge back over to where he is and take his hand. “Are you sleep again?” You tease. “Come on. We have to hurry.”
Sky coughs, finally picking up speed to match yours. His grip tightens around the other bag in his hand. “Right...”
That’s it!
You had had it.
This boy. His smug nature. His arrogant demeanor. The way he teased, and teased and teased. The thought makes your blood boil from your frustrations alone.
He was such a pain in the neck. And yet he only showed this side to you. It was annoying. He was annoying.
You’d show him.
You’d show him once and for all.
You didn’t to wait long for your plan to be put into motion. When the group was out walking for the next leg of the journey, you knew that he would single you out just to see you blush and fluster until your words failed you. But not this time. This time you were going to swallow your pride and show him what for!
You tried to keep your walking speed where the people behind you be far enough away to buy you time but you weren’t walking fast enough to run into the people ahead of you.
“Lovely day, isn’t it?” Four smiles next to you. “I hope the weather stays nice. I would like to think that maybe nothing bad is happening when the day is as cheerful as this.”
You bite your lip, moving close to him. He doesn’t notice and he moves with the flow, keeping the same space between you both.
“I was hoping to walk by you again.” There it is. “You are my favorite person here.”
Darn it! So strong and right out the gate to boot. You can feel your cheeks heat up, but force yourself to swallow it down. You step closer again, pushing him further off the trail. “Thank you.”
Four nods, sending you a bright and cheery smile. The jerk. “That being said, I was wondering about the next time we get into town. We would need to get more food and supplies, obviously. But I want to go see if there’s worth noting. And I’m not talking about information gathering. Would you mind being my companion for that?”
You feel the words die in your throat. “Mhm.”
“Great!” Four beams. “Awesome!”
You can feel yourself flustering more. That’s not fair! You had a plan! you can’t back out now.
You growl and push Four against a nearby tree. The action takes the boy by surprise. Good. You wanted that to happen.
Four’s eyes get blown wide as he registers how the space between you has vanished nearly in its entirety. Slowly, his face also begins to turn a lovely shade of pink. His eyes meet yours and he swallows. “Hey-”
“Shut up.” You’re breathing a little harder than you want to admit but you carry on. “Stop being annoying charming. Stop disarming me. Stop attacking my brain with your offhanded comments. I can’t take being struck stupid every time you so much as open your mouth. It’s my turn.”
You push him closer to the tree, making sure you’re chest to chest, emphasizing your size difference. “Do you know how frustrating it is to have to deal with your dazzling smile or your pretty perfect eyes or knowing that you’re easily the smartest person here and yet you use your incredible intelligence to toy with me.”
“I’m nOt.” Four squeaks.
“Well you have some end goal!” You frown.
“I don’t.”
“Shush!” You can feel yourself slipping. “Not another peep! I’ll go with you into the town but by the three, I’m not playing this game!”
Four nods hastily. His jaw clenches but he finds himself only staring into your eyes.
“Ok, good. Glad we’re in agreement then.” You pull back, feeling the shame of your impulsiveness creep up your neck. “Now if your excuse me...”
You skitter away, leaving Four by himself against the tree.
Four puts his hand over his heart and slowly lowers himself to the forest floor. His swallows hard and stares into the space where you just where. He’s still not entirely sure what happened, but he finds himself unable to think about anything other than the way you looked as you pinned him there.
Part 3
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
What would a Gold Saucer date be like with Seph and Zack? 👀👉👈
Taking in consideration that Seph can be a little awkward, but slowly open to Zack, and Zack feeling blessed to witness this side of him… 💭
Dhdhdhbdbdh!!! Only the CUTEST date lol!! ;-; ;-; Ty Anon for such a precious question!!!!
(Gonna make it CC era, but bump Zack’s age up to 18/19ish!!)
ZackSeph ~ Gold Saucer Date 💙💚
• The idea came a little out of the blue, yet not entirely without its roots or reason. Months had passed since the events of Modeoheim; Genesis was nowhere to be seen. Things at ShinRa have cooled to a moderate temperature, spattered with hints of conflict here and there, but not enough for it to take away the overall air of peace that had settled over the base.
• It was the perfect time for them to start exploring their relationship <3
• Zack had always wanted to take a vacation—a real vacation. Not some pitying trip to Costa Del Sol where he would have to fight Genesis copies with a sandy beach umbrella. He wanted a vacation where he could relax, be unchained from ShinRa, enjoy himself…
• And he wanted to be with one of his favorite people in the world.
• Seph had been there since the first sparks of the hellish fire were lit, shielding him from Ifrit’s vengeful fury when he’d been naive enough to turn his back in arrogance. Their bond traced all the way back to Wutai, the HQ ambush, Angeal… Everything that had imploded, they braced it together, and their relationship only flourished over the span of the storm. They bled together; they burned together; they grieved together; they healed together. Countless nights were spent at each other’s quarters, watching movies and fallen asleep in each other’s arms… An unbreakable friendship had formed, with also a spark of something more. Something beautiful. Something that burned just as bright as Ifrit, and a fire that Zack wanted to run into with all his blazing heart.
• All of which was how the question of a proper, fun Date was born.
• It was also first time Zack had ever seen Seph’s head snap up from his paperwork, be rendered speechless, and break an amusing swath of silence with “…I accept.”
• They walked through the gates of the Gold Saucer hand-in-hand, Zack feeling the anxious quivers as he clutches the smooth leather of his buddy’s glove. He gave him a little squeeze. I’m right here… he was saying, assuring. I’m here, pal…
• Sephiroth squeezed him in turn.
• Although a little overwhelmed, Zack doesn’t leave his partner’s side, the two SOLDIERs staying linked as their eyes darted from stand to stand. Zack wanted to chow down on some delicious greasy grub; Sephiroth wanted water. Result?? They ended up sharing an ice cream cone- vanilla with Oreo crumbs!! Zack got a little splotch on his nose, perfectly centered. Sephiroth dabbed the treat off with a napkin <3
• My… he chuckled, the first beautiful song of the night. You are too much…
• Zack bit the bottom of the ice cream cone, laughing playfully as cookie crumbs spilled onto his date’s hand.
• They shoot for some games, heading into the arcade, Zack taking the wheel as he smashes skeeball and basketball hoops. Sephiroth wondered why Zack seemed so… determined yo win, but ultimately chalked it up to Zack’s lovingly athletic nature. All his deductions are proven wrong when Zack raced up to the prize booth, 10000 game Gil earned, and exchanged the dough for their biggest prize: a JUMBO Zolom plushie!!
• Said Zolom was then draped around Sephiroth’s neck, emerald eyes blinking in surprise.
• For you, bud. And those beautiful eyes of yours.
• As the night deepened and the lights of the attractions blazed, Zack suggested they take a ride on the ferris wheel, knowing Sephiroth would enjoy the scenic views over any “nauseating” thrill ride. The man happily agreed! Some Would You Rather on the line later, and the two were climbing into a car, Zipper the Zolom still wrapped securely around Sephiroth’s shoulders—soon joined by Zack’s loving arm as the ride slowly ascended, carrying them up to the brilliant explosion of stars glimmering overhead.
• Sighing, Zack leaned against his bud as the their car came to a gentle stop, towering over the colorful beads and flares that had become of the park below. So cozy… the plushy combination of Zipper and the hoodie he had convinced Seph to wear, nestling deep into his beautiful shelter. Nowhere on the planet did he feel safer than he did then: soaring above the world, so free, light as a feather, no wings needed…
• He felt Seph lean against his hair only seconds later.
• Thank you…
• Heh… shucks. I’m so glad you had a good time.
• N-no… I mean… thank you. For everything.
• Aww, bud…
• I mean it. Your companionship, your ears, your trust, your love… He stopped, burying into the feathery spikes, the quills quivering as he let out a soft, tranquil sigh. My.. my life… it would never be the same without you. I don’t know where I would be. What I would be doing. How I would get up everyday without knowing you would be there. I…—
• And he paused again, swallowing, emerald eyes gleaming against the night as he let the truth break free in all its earnest, velvet honesty:
• Just three words, three simple syllables.
• Words he thought he knew once upon a time.
• Words that were lost.
• Words that, like their fragile weight, like a bond between a trio of glass statues, could be so easily shattered…
• And so very possible to be rebuilt again.
• I.. I love you.
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makelemonade · 2 years
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐱 F!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Summary: I think the title speaks for itself but basically what movie you and the Genshin men are in
Characters/Relations; Diluc, Childe, Cyno, Kazuha, Alhaitham x F!Reader
Warnings: SWEARING, LOTS OF IT, mentions of blood, rude moms, death, swords, fights, creepy men, gaslighting, guilt tripping, manipulation, tighnari is literally all the animal sidekicks in these, these are not fully sccurate to the movies more like 97% is accurate but wtv
under the cut!!
support me on kofi <3 link is on master list!
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❥Diluc: Beauty and the Beast (Live Version)
♫“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞.”
- cmon he radiates major beast vibes
- so I had the live version in mind for this but its hardly any different from the og other than the songs and extra characters
- the casting would be
-Alice as the enchantress who cursed Diluc
-Lumière as Venti
-Cogsworth as Aether
-Mrs. Potts as Jean
-Chip as Klee
-Kaeya as Gaston
-LeFou as Rosaria
-it’s kinda like dawn winery is the ‘castle’ so imagine it as that just larger and mondstadt is the town that forgot all abt the castle in the woods
-so we all know how the story goes; The Prince aka Diluc is cursed with shit by an enchantress (Alice) for being selfish and is turned into a beast while everyone else is turned into random stuff you’d find in a home and then there’s a rose and if sm1 falls in love with Diluc before the last petal falls then everyone is set free.
-Gaston, or Kaeya in this, wants to marry Belle aka you, but you don’t like him despite how hot he is and then one day your father leaves for the market but gets lost and finds the castle, the beast captures him for staying in the dawn winery and then you switch places with him yeah yeah and fall in love
-Diluc genuinely radiates beast vibes especially given the fact how cold he is at first towards you
-like Diluc is not a nice person at all at the start. He’s rude, has no feelings, is cold hearted.
-it’s only when he realizes that the rose only has like 7 petals left he decided he needs to do something.
-but at the same time who could ever love him? He was a selfish monster.
-however when you escaped the castle and attacked by wolves, he knew leaving you out there to die was horrible so he saved you; getting hurt during it.
-you were contemplating on escaping and leaving him here to die, but you weren’t a monster like him and got him to stand up, taking him back to the castle and treating him
-from then on he was forever in your thanks
-it’s one day when he’s in bed, healing, he hears you reciting something familiar.
“Romeo and Juliet?” He asks with a scoff, turning to look at you.
“You know Shakespeare?” You ask, eyes lighting up a bit as you refused to believe someone like him actually reads.
When he nods, you scoff in shock with a laugh. “Do you like it? Do you have any favourite works?”
“None. Most of his works revolve around yucky smucky romance. I have way better books to read.”
“Oh really? Like what?”
- he has a whole fucking library in the dawn winery and when he takes you to it your shocked.
-in your town you’ve ready every single book but not one from his library.
-when he asks if you like it you scoff, claiming you “love it!”
-so he gives you the whole library.
-it’s then on all his old workers and friends notice how close you two have gotten. They’d find you reading a book to him as he’d try to sleep
-there would be snow fights out in the garden, him winning since his larger hands could make a very much larger snowball than yours
-I think we all get the point; then Gaston or Kaeya comes blah blah he dies
-the last petal falls and you’re like fuck but then you kiss him and OH EM GEE ALICE IS THERE AND TURNS HIM BACK TO A MAN
-he’s hot asf you realize with his red hair andnwjdnjwdnkwdjiwnekwke
-he’s such a good dancer even as a beast oh my god
-other than that we know the story, but you’ve changed him for the better and freed everyone of the castle and have everyone their memories back.
-most importantly, you saved him and now he could marry you.
Childe; Anastasia
“Now shoulders back and stand up tall and do not walk, but try to float!”
“I feel a little foolish am I floating?”
“Like a sinking boat.”
-He and dimitri both have red hair okay it matches
-well Dimitri had chestnut brown hair but CHESTNUT ID CLOSE TO GINGER
-totally not because snezhnaya is based off of Russia too
-idk even without his snezhnayan background or the chestnut hair he still gives me major Dimitri vibes
-so the story of Anastasia is ur a lil princess living with ur amazing family in snezhnya (russia). Childe is one of the kitchen boys and helpers, and admired Princess Y/N from afar constantly. However, one day during a ball, your castle and homeland is attacked by a wizard, killing your parents in the process. All that’s left of the Royal family is you and your grandma, Childe helping the both of you escape but is attacked in the process.
-running to a train to escape, your grandma makes it on first but you can’t catch up and grandma leaves without you blah blah she cries she misses you
-you gain a concussion or wtv and amnesia takes its place to you, now living In Liyue. after like a decade, Dimitri (Childe) and Vladmir (Pantalone) find out the grandmother is tryna find you and will reward whoever finds you. The two con men hold auditions to pretend to be princess Y/N, and then they see you, someone who looks JUST like princess Y/N and decide that you would pretend to be her.
-on the travel to paris, you get closer with Dimitri and on the travel, the wizard that called your family is trying to kill YOU so now your falling in love while someone is trying to kill you all while realizing who you are
-anyway so the casting
-dimitri as Childe obv
-Pantalone as Vladmir (his best bud)
-it makes sense because the both of them care abt money a lot so
-anyway I can just imagine you and Childe with that enemies to lovers and slow pining
-yk how he betrays the traveller in the game
-in the movie Dimitri SORTA betrays Anastasia cuz he wants the money for the reward
-but in this case, CHILDE, decides he jo longer wants the money and just wants YOU.
-Just ugh imagine you walking down the stairs in a gown and Childe can’t stop looking at you ajdnjendiejf
-like he acc has JAWS DROP
-literal drool running down his chin
-it’s not an official ballroom dance hut you two practice your dancing skills on a boat and your constantly stepping on his toes but he can’t get mad and he smiles at your giggles
-Pantalone notices and gives the idea to Childe that maybe instead of the money, he should just have you
-but Childe isn’t worthy of love, he’s a con man, and he needs the money.
-that is until he sees you walk in with that gown and LO AND BEHOLD HE IS IN LOVE LADIES
-you’re at an opera waiting for the chance to speak with ur grandmama and when Childe notices how nervous you are he just
“Everything’s gonna be fine.” He whispered, taking ahold of your fidgeting hand, his lips barely glazing over the knuckles covered by your white glove. he doesn’t make any move to let go through the whole opera.
- however once you realized he was only using you for the money, you get into a large fight with him and end up slapping him
-in the next few days once ur finally home and found your grandma, she invited Childe to table the money
“No money is worth of my love for her.”
so he doesn’t acc say that in the movie but I’m adding it here because he NEVER TOOK THE MONEY.
-a few days later at a ball in celebration for having you back,
-ur grandma tells you that Childe never took the money despite your thoughts and he realized he was speaking the truth; that at first he did this for the money, but then he wanted to do it for you.
-Childe is there and honestly I’m not even gonna explain the fight but the wizard drowns and dies yayayayyaa
-he checks to make sure you’re okay and you’re not hurt after his ass saved u from the wizard multiple times and once he realizes that you’re okay and it’s over, he just smashes his lips against yours, so happy he finally has you.
-eventually you leave with Pantalone and Childe, going to travel the world once it was realized the princess life wasn’t suit for you.
-maybe it will soon, but now, you wanted to have all the time with Childe.
Cyno; Aladdin
“𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐝. 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 ��𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞?”
-no shirt,
-both have some sort of animal love (Aladdin’s monkey and how cyno is lowkey in love with tighnari ANYWAY)
-he’s a respectful man
- he may be the general mahamatra but in another life he’s Aladdin, the hot thief. Completely opposite of what he actually is (except the hot part)
-so I’ll be worried if some of y’all don’t know the movie but I’m explaining it either way
-so aladdin aka Cyno is our lil village thief and you are the princess with a overprotective father who never lets you leave the castle.
-one day Cyno is up to his thieving yet on this same day you decide to escape the castle woohoo!
“Morning ladies!”
“Getting into trouble a little early today, aren’t we Cyno?” Nilou chuckled, her and Dehya looking at Cyno with a horrible disguise on.
“It’s only trouble if you’re caught!”
ur not rlly street smart since you’ve been cooped up in the castle so you take an apple to give to a kid who was eyeing it and you don’t even realize it’s sm1 selling it
“You better have a way of paying for that.” The man said, voice rough. “No one steals from my shop.”
“I’m sorry sir I don’t have any money-“
“I’m really sorry! I had no idea! I promise I’ll go to the king and get money!” You pleaded, trying to squirm away from the seller who had a harsh grip on your wrist.
“Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?!.” He yelled, his hand on your wrist pushing it down onto a surface and his free hand pulling out his sword that somehow came out of nowhere.
Just as you were about to scream, a random young man grabbed his hand. “Thank you kind sir I’m so glad you found her!” He smiled at the man before turning to you with a glare. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he slowly pushed you away.
“Play along.” He whispered back
“You know her?” The man asked, forcing the two of you to stop inching away.
Cyno frowned and turned to the man. “Sadly, yes.” He let out an exaggerated sad sigh. “She is my sister. She’s a little crazy!”
The man didn’t take his words for the truth and grabbed him by the shoulders. “She said she knew the king!”
Cyno only chuckled, pushing the man’s hands off of him. “She thinks the king is the fox.”
He pointed down to a small fox- his pet fox.
Your eyes widened, quickly catching the idea as you bowed down to his fox friend. “Oh wise king!”
The fox was confused asf but he took the pride.
-you run together and you thank him but then GUARDS CHASE CYNO AND HE GETS ARRESTED WHATTTT but with your authority as princess you command to let him go and he’s free!
-he meets jafar (casting will be seen soon) and jafar takes him to some temple claiming he’ll pay him or some shit if he goes In and takes a certain bottle or wtv
-guys I’m iffy on this part of the story so dont bully me if I’m off
-cyno tricked him and NEVER GRABBED THE BOTTLE
-it takes cyno a while to realize while trapped in the temple that the bottle is acc a wish bottle
-he just randomly rubs it and POOF genie pops out and he wishes to get out the temple yayyy
-then he wishes to become a prince for all the money and also does it because he’s like in love with you despite seeing u once but you can only marry a prince
-jafar tries to frame cyno of corrupting the king blah blah jafar is evil then there’s a fight save the day smooch yeah
-okay onto casting
-the genie as KAVEHHHH
-they’re so similar if you think about it
-abu or the monkey friend as tighnari but he’s a little fox in this
-jafar as Azar (IT RHYMES)
-okay so cyno comes on a whole ass elephant claiming to be a prince and you can’t deny that he’s a lil fine
-you somehow don’t recognize the prince is the very man who saved you
-however ever since your first interaction with cyno In thé kingdom he has NOT STOPPD THINKNG AHT YOU
-before he wished to become a prince he was telling kaveh all about you
“There’s this girl. She’s smart and fun and-“
“And pretty?”
“Beautiful! She’s got the eyes and this hair- and her smile!”
-so yeah he’s vv much in love despite a one time interaction
-but love at first sight is real to him OKAY
-so to try and marry you he wishes to be a prince yet you don’t know the prince tryna marry you that you currently dislike is the MAN WHO SAVED YOU FORM THAT STREET VENDOR
-it’s not until one day when cyno has some RANDOM MAGIC CARPET flying while he’s on your balcony and he invites to take you around the world
-however on your balcony he notices your…pet
“You have a pet….tiger?”
-you realized once you finally got a good look at him and his hat was off that it was the same man who saved you in the streets.
-this is the one of first times you actually get to be away from the castle and it’s perfect because you’re FLYING on something and because it’s with him.
-let me tell you he gets jealous easily tho
-like he HATES the fact you had other suitors eyeing you up and shit like your his but not officially smh
-so final battle everhone is captured yeah yeah and azar wants to be king but to do so you must agree to marry him and ofc ur like hell no
-the thing is jafar is now in possession of the wish thing or wtv so now kaveh our lovely genie must grant all his wishes
-he’s about to wish for you to fall in love with him but Kaveh says he can’t do that then they get into an argument yeah yeah
-it’s not until you see cyno is free and tryna save you but you need to distract azar.
-so your idiotic self decides to seduce azar.
“I never realized how…incredibly handsome you are.”
-kaveh’s jaw LITERALLY DROPPED and azar shut it for him
“Oh really? Go on.”
absolutely disgusting cuz he’s just ew
“You’re tall…dark, well dressed…”
-kaveh is like genuinely disgusted at the scene in front of him
-but then he hears a sound and turns and ITS CYNO
-he almost screamed his name but cyno had to cover his mouth
-when Kaveh tells cyno he’s under Azar’s command he tries to get the wish bottle or wtv
-so you have to keep TALKING and lil sexy moves to distract azar
-cyno was also disgusted and he hated it sm but to save you he had to deal with it
“And what about that street rat?” Azar asked with a smirk.
You smirked back, walking closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “What street rat?”
-cyno knew u weren’t serious but UGH he hated this
-however azars lil evil sidekick pet or wtv sees cyno and is abt to scream but then FOX TIGHNARI TO THE RESCUE
-however he did make a nose and just when azar was turning his head, you immediately put your hand at the back, forcing him to look at you and you smashed your lips against his
-he forgot abt his whole plan for a second when he watched it all
-he lowk wished he was azar
-even tighnari stopped fighting and just stared shocked and kaveh’s jaw dropped
-once it’s over cyno uses his final wish to free kaveh and Azar takes his place and now Azar is LONG GONEEEE
-however since kaveh is no longer the genie, all of cyno’s wishes are gone and he is no longer a prince and can’t marry you
-he changes the law so you can marry cyno and he’s so happy he SPINS YOU AROUND AND KISSES YOU AJENFJEJJFS
-anyways you guys get married blah blah you’re finally free to make your own choices and both so so happy
Kazuha; Tangled.
“𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐈𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨.“
-cmon they’re both wanted and hot as fuck
-both have some amazing way with words
-so to explain the tangled story since I’m a lil scared some of y’all don’t know.
-if you guys have never watched tangled go watch it pls
-so for quick summary your born a princess obv but some crazy lady steals you as a baby and takes you far far away because apparently the mom ate a magic flower and the magic in the flower came to YOU
-so for the crazy lady who took you, she only did because she needs the magic to continue living
-so because you were literally 1 year old you think crazy lady is your mother as she takes you to a far far away tower and traps you there for almost 2 decades
-you’re hair is like 30 metres long somehow
-oh yeah the magic is in your hair and if you cut it the magic is gone so!!
-anyway one day ur mom is out blah blah and it’s your birthday blah blah and on your birthday there are these floating lanterns at the palace and you REALLY WANNA GO but ofc crazy mama says no
-but then some random hot guy comes through the tower window and because he’s a stranger and you’ve never seen anyone besides your mom you hit him with a pan and he goes unconscious
-he wakes up tied to a chair by YOUR HAIR.
“Uh, I’m sorry, is this hair?”
-you ask him what he wants and tbh I don’t remember the story but you make him take you to the lanterns or lights or wtv and he’s like yk what? Sure
-okay so he stole a crown from the palace
-and he found your tower to hide in it and when he went unconscious you stole the bag that had the crown
-so you say if he wants it back he has to take you and he’s like bet
-the dude can only stare as you go through a whole episode of feeling grass for the first time in your life but also regretting leaving your tower because your mom will be so mad when you get back but at the same time you’re finally free yet-
-this happens for an hour.
-eventually he has to reassure you he’ll bring you back
-uhm thing is he tried to steal the crown from you though so he was gonna send you to a tavern filled with scary men and lowk leave you there
-ofc though since you’re so cute all the scary men in the tavern start doing karaoke with you
-I got a dream she’s got a dream dududududuudd
-Kazuha grabs your hand and goes into this like hidden tunnel under the tavern and there’s like this whole fight scene thing
-you guys get trapped in a cave that’s blocked and there’s water coming in
-Kazuha CANT find a way out cuz it’s too dark
-that also glows…
-Kazuha is the definition of WTF when u just start singing a lullaby or wtv and ur hair starts GLOWING?
-nevertheless he’s able to see and he finds a way out of the cave
-however that night you didn’t know your mama was currently looking for you…
-and there were 2 people Kazuha pissed off (two random men I don’t have names) who he actually stole the crown with and then ran away from them
-you also forgot you left the crown
-in the tower
-with your mom
-she suggests revenge on Kazuha and boy did the two men smile at that
-that night Kazuha had a large gash in his palm from getting you guys out the cave and you ofc have to use your hair to heal it
“You’re being strangely cryptic as you wrap your…magic hair around my injured hand.”
He winces when you grip onto his wrist too tight snd you grimace. “Sorry! Just…don’t freak out please?”
-for you he didn’t
-once u sing ur lullaby he tries his best not to freak out he stares at his now completely healed hand with large eyes and thinks that something is gonna happen to him
-btw you’re both in a forest around a fire cuz it’s obv ur not gonna make it to the kingdom that day and have nowhere to sleep but you’re ofc gonna go tomorrow
-you guys open up to each other last night and Kazuha was shocked that he felt so relieved to open up to someone he met just 18 hours ago
-when he leaves to get firewood though…
“How did you find me?!” You ask, sputtering as your mom pulls you into a hug.
“I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed it! We’re going home, now.” Her soft and sarcastic voice turned into a harsh one as she gripped your wrist, trying to make you follow her.
You fought back. “What? Mom, you don’t understand- I’ve been on this Incredible journey and I’ve seen and learned so much! I even met someone…” you whispered the last sentence with a smile.
She scoffed before the sarcastic voice came back. “Yes, the wanted man. I’m so proud! Now come on.” It quickly turned harsh again and she pulled your wrist but you kept your ground.
“I think…I think he likes me!”
“Likes you? Please Y/N that’s demented!”
“But mother I-“
“This is why you never should’ve left! This romance you think is not real. It proves you’re too naive for this world. You think he likes you? Look at you! He’s not even impressed.” She stood a few feet away, arms out as if she was expecting you to hug her. “Don’t be a dummy, come with mummy. Mother knows bes-“
She stares at you bewildered. “No? I see what this is now. Oh Y/N knows best! She’s so mature now! If you really believe he likes you, go ahead and give him this!” She pulls out the bag that had the crown in it.
Your eyes widened. “How did you even-?”
She holds the crown out, cutting you off. “This is why he’s here! Don’t let him deceive you, give the crown to him then you’ll see.”
“I will.”
“Trust me, dear.” She did a quick snap. “That’s how fast he’ll leave you. I won’t say I told you so, because apparently Y/N knows best! So if he’s such a dream boat, put him too the test.”
“Mother, wait-“
“If he’s lying, don’t come crying. Your mother always knows best.” And in an instant, she’s disappeared into the night fog, and you can only stare in shock.
You overhear Kazuha coming back and you quickly hide the crown in the bag and then hide the bag behind a nearby tree
“Are you all right?” Kazuha asks, looking at your back as you were turned away from him.
You out on a fake smile, instantly turning. “Yep! Just lost in thought.”
He doesn’t suspect anhtning and nods, going on about whatever topic, and you constantly find yourself glancing back at the tree
-you both go to sleep later and he’s such a gentlemen he gets you smth comfy to put your head on and he takes a rock.
-such a gentleman ugh
-when he wakes up
-there’s a gigantic castle tanuki guard growling right above him and he realizes he’s fucked
-you wake up to screaming and somehow this TANUKI is DRAGGING Kazuha across the ground since his boot was in its foot
-you went to grab Kazuha’s hand, pulling on it and you obv win but the tanuki ends up taking Kazuha’s boot
-you tell the tanuki to sit and then call her a good girl and her baby tail starts wagging as if it’s an actual dog and Kazuha can only be like what the fuck
“You must be so tired from chasing this bad guy for days!” You say in a baby voice, scratching the Tanuki’s head and she nods.
“She’s a bad tanuki! Bad!”
“She’s just a big sweetheart!” You look at the dollar, smiling at the name. “Aren’t you Sayu?”
She, despite being a tanuki who shouldn’t understand anything, is currently nodding her head.
“Look, today is the biggest day of my life- it’s my birthday. And you can’t take Kazuha because he’s taking me to see the lights and it’s all I ever wanted to see! So, can you please not drag him to the castle and get him arrested?”
The tanuki somehow scoffed
“Just for 24 hours then you can chase each other to your hearts contents, okay?” You ask, watching as the animal and the full on adult glare at each other.
Kazuha scoffs along with the Tanuki huffing. “Fine.” He puts his hand out and Sayu hesitantly SOMEHOW shakes it, but makes no move to let go.
You walk away when you hear the kingdom bells, signalling the festival is gonna start, and when you walk away you don’t even realize or see the Tanuki punch Kazuha in the chest.
-so you’re both finally in the kingdom and of course you’re both hiding but now he feels like he kinda needs to make sure you’re okay because he was just gonna leave you there but you kinda saved him when running away from the guards
-also the tanuki is now glaring at him and watching his every move so he can’t leave you
-you also saved him when the scary men in the tavern tried to kill them but then you hit one of with your famous pan and karaoke starts
-he did originally plan to do that but after last night he lowk started liking you and realized you were too sweet and he wanted to make your special day happy
-each time you two- well three now- walk by a poster with his drawn out face, he grabs it and crumples it. Only so no one knows it’s him and because they made his nose look HIDEOUS on it
-when he crumples it he hears the tanuki/ sayu/ yell and he just throws it at her.
-then she throws it back
-you had to yell at them to stop
-so the only concern is your hair as a bunch of people step on it and it’s a VERY crowded kingdom
-he grabs handfuls of it so no one steps on it and no one gets suspicious
-town square though there’s 4 little girls who literally LIGHT UP at the sight of your hair and they braid pieces of it then braid it again so it stays short
-short is down to your feet btw
-when Kazuha looks he has to admit your really fucking pretty
-like he can stop staring and he’s finally out of it when the tanuki is SMIRKING at him and laughing her ass off
-he grabs a nearby flower and puts it right above your ear
-he’s a thief so he steals SOME snacks for you guys and he might buy a gift
-he even buys you a cloth of the kingdom symbol- a sun.
-^ keep that in mind guys
-he realizes he lowkey likes you despite knowing u for one day??
-but you’re so interesting and beautiful and he won’t say it’s love but there’s def smth he has for you
-when he’s abt to buy you guys some stuff you notice on the wall surrounding the castle there is an old painting
-it’s the queen and king and they’re holding a baby
-and it lowkey looks like you?
“It’s for the lost princess.” A little girl said, putting a flower down beside the wall and you realized there were multiple flowers everywhere.
-the eyes, the hair…everything
-she looks just like you!
-but you hear a band go by and you start following them and after Kazuha bought your shit he turns around and he’s like “where the fuck is she”
-he sees you dancing with a little boy and then you start to gather in more people to dance
-you encourage him to come dance and he says no but then Sayu pushes him
-sadly he can’t dance with you as multiple people take his arm and twirl around with him :(
-he really liked seeing you dance though
-not ballroom dancing but more of that jumpey old time dancing
-he wants to do whatever YOU want to do but you guys do have to hide a few times when guards walk by but your always giggling your asses off
-the man takes you to the public library and shows you books you’ve never read before after constantly rereading books in your tower
-the two of you end up dancing again for hours like all the way until sunset and he FINALLY gets the chance to dance with you
-he’s jumping and twirling with you and then you’re pushed together by the locals and you’re really close and he’s holding onto you and ughwkfnwkndns
-but before anything can happen someone yells “to the boats!” and you realize the sun is starting to come down, MEANING THE LANTERNS ARE COMING!!
-he literally grabbed your hand and ran you over to a boat before everyone could score one
-while he’s pushing the boat away from the dock, Sayu is on it glaring at him, as if telling him not to do anything and he only smiles
-he ends up throwing a bag of apples and she stares hesitantly at them then him
“I bought them!” He yelled, and Sayu instantly started eating the apples.
“Most of them.” He chuckled, and Sayu glared again at him again.
“Where are we going?” You asked
“It’s the best day of your life. I figured you should have the best view for the best day.” He smiled.
-he takes you all the way to a spot on the ocean near the castle that was on the edge of the cliff
-it wasn’t too near that all you could see was that but the shape was for sure visible
-he noticed you’re off again and when he asks if your okay, you admit your terrified
-you explain that you’ve been looking forward to these lights for so many years after seeing them from your tower, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky, but what if it’s not everything you dreamed to be?
-he can only stare at you, reassure you that it will be amazing
”but what if it is amazing? Then what will I do?”
“You find a new dream.” He shrugs. “That’s the good part, I guess.”
-little do you know in the castle your dad is crying because he can’t see his baby and he’s so sad because he genuinely thinks your dead
-his first daughter is gone :(
-acc ur about to make out with a thief on a boat but wtv
-the king and queen are always the first to let their lanterns float, and once everyone sees the lanterns they let their own go
-you always thought it was a festival, which it was, but in reality it was a tribute to the dead princess AKA YOU but your not even dead you just don’t know
-ur a lil dumb cuz how do you think it’s normal every year on your birthday there’s these lanterns and then you see the LOST ORINCESS BABY painting which looks JUST LIKE YOU
-also keep in mind on every lantern there is a sun symbol on it
-the sun symbol is a necklace your dad also has
-I’m sorry I love the dad sm when he started crying in the movie I wanted to cry
-back to you
-you notice the light reflection in the water and when you look up, all the lanterns start to fly up all across the kingdom and far into the water
-when you saw the light you started SCRAMBLING on the boat and you almost tipped the whole boat over and were prob gonna drown again but wtv
-now comes in that song if you wanna go listen to it it’s called “I see the light” or some shit go listen to it with the video it’s so good ugh
-^ onky if you’ve never watched it or just feel like watching it again
-Kazuha looks at you, illuminated by the lanterns and how you look up at them
-you turn to look at him and he’s holding two lanterns, one for you and one for him
-he claims he got it as a gift for you and you sit back down in front of him
-you pull the bag out of NOWHERE don’t ask it’s some magic type shit, saying you should’ve given it to him before blah blah
“I should’ve given it to you before but I was just…” You paused, letting out a sigh. “I was just scared. And the thing is, I’m not scared anymore. Do you get what I mean?”
He smiles, putting his hand in the bag, but not to grab it, and instead pushes it down into your lap, showing he doesn’t want it anymore. “‘Im starting to.”
-all those days he’s chased down daydreams or living in a blur- all that time he never truly saw things the way they were
-but now you’re here, just watching the lanterns with the most beautiful eyes
-now you’re here and suddenly he knows
-if you’re here, it’s crystal clear, he’s where he’s meant to go.
-he like holds onto your hand
-it’s warm, real and bright, and everything with you is like the world has somehow shifted
-all at once, everything is different, now that the both of you see each other clearly.
-he puts a loose strand of hair behind your ear and he cups your cheek but then smth happens
-he’s about to kiss you but on the main land he notices the two men he stole the crown with
-he looks back at the bag and he takes you back to the mainland, he leaves you on the boat with the bag and claims he has something to take care of
-you just nod, believing him because you’re literally in love
-he feels so bad for lying but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt :(
-he keeps claiming he’ll be back as he walks away, and you tell yourself it’s alright
-so away from your sight he meets up with the two men and they’re GLARING at him while one is sharpening a dagger
-we’ll call him dumbo 1
-he throws the bag to them and he’s about to leave but then he doesn’t notice dumbo 2 is right behind him and he bumps into him
“Leaving again huh? Kaedehara?” Dumbo 1 chuckled, standing up from the rock he was sitting on.
He turned back to look at him. “What?”
“We heard you found something more valuable than a crown.” He said, walking towards him until they wereface to face.
“We want her instead.”
-okay back to you
-you’re starting to get worried because he’s been gone for a while
-but then you notice the shape of a man in the fog and you’re happy!’
“I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me!”
-however behind the one man instead came a second, and you realized that was NOT Kazuha
-panic started to settle In you
“He did.” One of the men said.
“What? No- he wouldn’t!”
“See for yourself.” The other smirked, and he pointed to the sea.
You stared confused but walked closer to the water, only to see Kazuha leaving on a boat with the bag.
“Kazuha!” You yelled, but he didn’t look back.
One of the men circled you, touching your braid. “A fair trade. A crown for the girl with the magic hair.”
You gasped
“How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever. That’s what your hair does, correct?” The other said.
“No, no!” You started to back away, pleading the men after one of them pulled a dagger out with those large backs people usually…bag you with.
You started running, losing sight of the two, but your braid gets caught onto a branch and you struggle to let it go.
However, you hear sounds of grunts and struggles and you hear you mothers voice. “Y/N!?”
“Mother?” You ran back to the spot once your braid was free, to see the two men passed out on the ground and your mother standing beneath them.
-she starts to claim she was so worried, literally on the verge of tears
-you start crying and run into her arms and when you ask how she knew where you were she said she followed you
-she tells you to leave but you find yourself looking back at the boat Kazuha was on, trying not to cry
-you turn back ti see your mom staring at you with her arms out, and you can’t help but run into her arms and cry, claiming she was right the whole time
-however little did you know it was all fake.
-your mother originally payed the men if they could act like they were actually going to take you so she could bring you back home so she could live
-idk if I mentioned but your hair keeps her alive wtv
-Kazuha was on the boat, but he was actually tied and the two men pushed the boat to make sure it would go to the docks of the kingdom
-he wakes up when the boats hit the docks and he’s yelling out your name and doesn’t realize the current predicament
-the crown is tied to his hand
-the 2 ken wanted their revenge so they decided to put him in and the mother paid em for it
-while he’s being arrested, sayu could only watch with concern
-even while hes being arrested HES still yelling your name
-sayu looks back at the island you were both previously on and now she’s worried as fuck
-so the next day he’s in the dungeon blah blah and then the guards take him to get executed
-that same day for you, you’re back in the tower and your mom let the braids out and all the flowers too
-even the one Kazuha put in your hair
-but you don’t say anything, frowning the whole time
-the girl kinda guilt trips you, saying she tried to warn you and you’re just too naive for this selfish world and then she leaves you in your room alone
-you look at the cloth Kazuha gave you which was crumpled up in your hands and you just stare at the sun symbol on it
-you lay down onto your bed, looking at the ceiling
-but then you realize that all these years trapped in a tower, you’ve painted and drawn on every wall and ceiling of the tower
-you’ve drawn stuff you’ve never seen before but was always in the back of your head
-such as the kingdoms sun symbol
-you look back at the cliff then back at the ceiling anf sit up, trying to get a better look at it
-you have this like hallucination where every sun symbol starts to glow on the ceiling
-and then you get this vision back to the painting on the wall and realize
-your the lost princess
-okay back to Kazuha
-while the guards are walking him through the dungeons he noticed the SAME TWO MEN
-he runs from the guards and grips onto the collar of one of them, yelling and asking where the hell are you
-the one that was grabbed claimed he didn’t know and that some old lady arrested them and shit
-before he could ask the guards grab him again
-you walk out the room and ask your mom if uour thé lost princess
-she tells you don’t be ridiculous but your not having it
-but you know the truth and yell “I’m the lost princess!”
-she only stared at you with large eyes before she glared
“Everything I did was to protect you.”
You pushed her, walking down the stairs away from her. Your pushed caused her to fall into a mirror, all the pieces shattering underneath her. “For the last two decades I’ve been forced to hide away from the world, but I should’ve been hiding from you!”
“And where would you even go?!” She scoffed. “He won’t be there for you. That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.”
Your eyes widened with a gasp, and she tries to comfort you but you grab her wrist tightly. “No. You were wrong about the world. Wrong about me! And I will NEVER let you use my hair AGAIN!”
“You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. I’ll be the bad guy.”
-right when they’re about to take Kazuha into the room where he’s gonna get hanged
-all the doors suddenly close around them
-the main guard just scoffed, banging on the door. “What’s the meaning of this!”
-the little shuttle piece on the door opened with a slide, and Kazuha’s eyes widened to see one of the men from the tavern where you sang karaoke with them
-“what’s the password?”
-“that’s not it!”
-“not even close!”
-“you have three seconds!”
-when he starts counting down he doesn’t even realize all the doors that were previously locked suddenly opened at the rest of the men from the tavern grabbed the guards holding Kazuha
-the men from the tavern are the crux ppl btw
-the main guard looks back and he’s like wtf but then BEIDOU THE OWNER IF THE TAVERN AKA BEST LADY smacks him with a frying pan and sends him to the ground unconscious
-who knew frying pans were such an efficient way to make someone go unconscious?
-more guards come running in and Beidou grabs Kazuha’s hand, rushing him out while the others distracted the guards
-once out, a horde of guards are running towards him and he’s like oh shit
-Beidou picks him up and placed him onto something, telling him instructions
“Head down, arms in, knees apart.”
He repeated her words with every motion, but then looked at her confused “knees apart?”
Beidou only smirks and he doesn’t even realize he’s on some sort of catapult until one of the larger crux members jumps down onto the other side and Kazuha goes FLYING
The guards only stare
-he ends up landing on SAYU
-somehow she can carry him?
-he literally thanked Sayu for bringing the guards and then Sayu JUMOS OFF THR DUNGEON WALLS and there’s this whole scene of a TANUKI running like a horse thays jumping off of roof tops and then Sayu brings him to your tower
-don’t ask how she knows where it is idk
-he starts calling you, yelling your name. “Y/N! Let down your hair!”
-yes they use your hair to get into the tower don’t ask
-when you don’t respond he starts climbing the walls and then he hears the window open and he’s like oh my god!!
-ur hair comes out he climbs it yeah yeah and goes I to the tower
-“Y/N! I thought I’d never see you again!” However, his words are cut short when he sees you tied up, tape over your mouth and your trying to yell something
-he stares shocked and then he feels this horrible pain and your mom STABBED HIM FROM BEHIND and he falls to the ground bleeding out yeah yeah
-you try to go towards him but your ‘mom’ is holding onto a chain forcing you to her
-yes a chain.
-don’t ask.
-she wants to take you far away so no one ever finds you again
-the tape falls off your mouth and you yell. “No! I won’t stop, and I will never stop trying to get away from you!” You panted. “But I will go with you if you let me heal him. Please?”
His eyes widened, all while groaning and trying to stop the blood. “Y/N! No!”
-she ends up agreeing and unchains you, but then chains Kazuha do he doesn’t get any ideas of following you
-you immediately ran to him, eyes widening at the blood
-I’m realizing out of all the Disney scenes I’ve wrote this is the only fight scene I’m actualky writing
“Y/N. You can’t do this.” He panted. “I can’t let you die with her.
“But if you do, then you will die.” You whispered with a frown, cupping his cheek. “Hey. It’s gonna be alright.”
“Y/N.” He whispered, his chained hand coming to cup your cheek as he leaned closer, but what you didn’t realize is that he had grabbed a broken shard from the mirror you pushed your mother into, and he reached behind and immediately cut your hair
Your mom screamed and your eyes widened, your hair colour going a tad bit darker than it used to be. The now cut hair did the same thing.
The mother was screaming and she realized that all the affects your magic had on her was starting to ware off/ she was becoming old. Her hands went pale and slender, as if she was a zombie.
And then she faded into dust.
You couldn’t care less.
“Kazuha!” You yell, shaking him as his eyes started to close. You brought his hand to your hair, reciting the lullaby but nothing happened.
“Hey.” He whispered. “You were my new dream.” He said weakly.
You chuckled sadly. “And you were mine.”
With that, he smiled, and let out a final exhale as he went limp in your arms.
-you started BALLING your eyes out right there and then; reciting the lullaby over and over again for anything , but there was never anything and he stayed dead.
-you were sobbing over him, a tear falling into his cheek.
-the tear started to glow and then his wound started to glow and he was STARTING TO HEAL?!
-the glow slowly faded and with it going away, HE CANE BACK TO LIFR WITH A LARHE ASS GASP
-ofc after dying the first thing he said is your name
“Have I ever told you I got a think for H/C?” He asked, looking at the darker colour of your previous hair shade.
You chuckled and immediately wrapped your arms around him, now sitting on his thigh.
He hugged you tight and before he knows it, your smashing your lips against his.
-okay I’m gonna be quick with this now
-so he takes you back to the castle and then guard runs into your real parents room, claiming you were found
-they instantly start RUNNING to a balcony and see you with Kazuha
-anyway there’s a reunion, hugs tears blah blah whatever would happen after 2 decades of not seeing each other.
-Kazuha onky smiled over the whole thing and then YOUR MOM PULLED HIM INTO THE HUG
-the kingdom rejoiced for their lost princess had returned and the party lasted for a week
-Kazuha hardly remmebered anything that happened
-the crux members eventually had their dreams come true and got jobs in the kingdom
-thanks to Sayu, crime disappeared overnight ad bf so did most of the apples
-at last you were home and finally had a real family and you were a princess worth waiting for
-everh now and then whenever your out Kazuha woullf take the crown off your head and hide it but you always knew and he’d place it back on your head with a giggle
-a few years later he finally placed a ring on that finger and you lived happily ever after
-he also had all charges dropped against him too so he was no longer a thief!
-off topic fun fact; Originally instead of Kazuha it was gonna be Kaeya but then I acc thought of Kaeya as thé prince from the Swan Princess so I’ll have him in another post
Alhaitham; Frozen
-so we all know frozen is focused on Elsa but for the love story we’re focusing on just you
-so for this you will choose who you want your older sister to be
-whoever has a Cryo vision or a lady u wanna choose and make them have ice powers but wtv
-so basically the story starts out with 8 year old you waking up your sister 10 year old sister
-and your bored
-she tells you to go back to sleep but then you ask if she wants to build a snowman.
-sister has ice powers yayaya she can also make snow
-one day while your jumping shes making snow pillars but you go to fast and she slips on ice and accidentally uses her ice powers and hits your head
-you pass out and she’s crying calling your parents
-they take you to a small area away from the kingdom and.
-it’s mushrooms.
-you know nahida’s mushroom besties or the ones we see around sumeru thay pop up and disappear
-yeah those r the trolls from frozen
-nahida is human but she lives with them
-she tells ur dad that you need to forget your sister if you wanna live because if she hits you again you can die
-she replaces all memories of sister creating snow or ice and replaced them with natural snow and ice and the two of you together so the fun stays
-no one can know of her magic so all do the staff was reduced in the castle, the gates and windows were always closed, and Elsa has NEVER been outside since
-so basically for the next decade your sister doesn’t talk to you, and your always outside your door asking her if she wants to go in the snow and build a snowman but she tells you to go away
-however during this decade her powers got stronger
-it’s not until your 18 when your parents leave for a trip over seas
-sadly their ship goes down and they die
-your sisyer doesn’t even show up to the funeral
-so three years later your sister is finally of age to become queen and it’s coronation day!
-all the gates open and you’re finally outside
-what if you meet your future lover at the coronation?
-well one thing for sure you met someone you liked but not at coronation…
-you almost fall into a boat but someone catches you however he falls on top of you
-your both apologizing and then he finally introduced himself
“I’m prince Childe of Snezhnaya!”
-of course you bump into a prince
-even though ur a princess but wtv
-you end up running cuz you gots go to the coronation and you see him later though
-this is the first time you’ve ever actually seen your sister in the last decade and also the first time you’ve talked to her
-it’s vv awkward but you start bonding over chocolate
-eventually some random asks you to dance and he’s so bad at dancing that your sister is cackling while watching
-eventually sm1 else takes your hand and it’s Childe!! he twirls you around and shit yk the usual ballroom dancing
-okay fast forward somehow you two fell in love don’t ask
-like you do tell each other everything and he reveals he has 10 siblings and he’s the youngest
-4 sisters and 6 brothers
-he asks if you’ll marry him despite knowing each other for 5 hours and your like oh my god yes!!!!
-when you ask your sister for permission she’s like no cuz SHES SMART
-you get mad and cause a scene and you grab your hand and you pull her glove off accidentally
-she loses control and ice magic goes woosh
-fast forward she runs away
-I’m acc so tired and wanna get this post done with I’m sorry if this is rushed but it’s short cuz the main focus isn’t even supposed to be you
-your sister runs away and with her magic she causes an eternal winter IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER.
-you chase after her into the woods and little do you know after her whole “let it go” episode she created a whole castle out of ICE.
-I still wonder what she slept on.
-uhm so you leave prince Childe in charge of the king on of sumeru while you find your sister
-your horse runs away from you cuz bro knows he don’t want this bs rn
-your literally in a dress which makes this sm worse because now it’s like Snezhnaya and there’s sm it goes up to your knees
-you do find a shop though in the middle of nowhere at night and ask if they have any winter shit
-the owner points you to their collection and there’s just the stuff you need so yay!
-just when your about to buy it, someone walks in covered in snow and good lord he’s tall.
-he walks up to you and mumbled something but you can hardly hear with the mask over his face
“Huh?” You asked.
He leaned in closer, “behind you.”
You looked behind you to see carrots on the table where the owner was and quickly apologized, moving for him.
He grabbed the carrots then moved to grab a rope and pick axe.
“Where’s all this snow coming from?” The worker, Cyno, asked, looking at the man covered in snow.
“The North mountain.” He responded, placing down the stuff on the table.
“North mountain.” You whispered to yourself.
“That’ll be 40.” Cyno said.
The man scoffed. “40? No 10.”
“Apologies, but 10 is a big problem.”
“You wanna talk about problems? I sell ice for a living.” He pointed to a window and you saw a large sled with a bunch of ice on it.
You winced. “Not the best job.”
He glared at you and you shut your mouth, but only for a second until you started asking questions about the mountain and what he saw. “Did it seem magical?”
His glare stayed but he removed his mask to speak clearer. “Yes. Now back up while I deal with this crook here.”
“Crook?” Cyno repeated, standing up, and the man realized he was fucked- especially when he was thrown out of the shop.
-you ended up buying his stuff for him, and when he asked why, you told him to bring you up the North mountain
-and because you were kind enough ti buy his stuff after being thrown out, he decided to take you
-he owns a pet moose named tighnari.
-it’s funny how all the pet side kicks are named Tighnari in this post
-so while you’re on the sled thingy or whatever, he’s asking you what made the queen go all crazy
“So uh tell me. What made the queen go all ice crazy?” He asked, letting Tighnari guide the sled mobile.
You chuckled yet grimaced. “Uh..it was all my fault. I got engaged but she’d only just freak out because I met him that same day. And she said she wouldn’t bless the marriage and-“
“Wait,” he cut you off, blinking before continuing. “You got engaged to someone you just met on that day?”
“Yeah! Anyway I got mad and then she got mad and then-“
He turned his body to look at you, still confused. “Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you JUST met THAT DAY?”
“Yes! Pay attention. But the thing is she ALWAYS had the gloves on and I thought it was a thing about dirt!”
“Didn’t your parents ever warn you about strangers?!”
You blinked, before slowly letting out a “Yes” as you scooted away from him.
He just trolled his eyes
“But Childe is not a stranger!”
“Childe?!” He burst out laughing. “That’s an Incredulous name. If he’s not a stranger, what’s his last name?”
“….of Snezhnaya.”
He scoffed. “Favourite food?”
“….Raw fish.”
“Good lord- you’re marrying a man who eats raw fish as his favourite food? How in the world are you a princess!?”
“Best friends name?”
“HAH I KNOW THIS ONE! Scaramouche!”
“Snezhnaya’a got some weird names.” He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Eye colour?”
“Foot size?”
“Foot size doesn’t matter!”
“Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?”
“Picks his nose?!” You repeated, bewildered.
“And eats it.”
“Excuse me sir he is a prince!”
The man only smirked before looking away with a shrug. “All men do it.”
“Ew! Look it doesn’t matter! It’s true love.”
“Doesn’t sound like true love.” The shit eating grin on his face never left.
“What are You some sort of love expert?” You scoffed.
“No, but I have friends who are.”
“You havé friends who are love experts? I’m not buying it.” You didn’t notice the way the sled came to a stop and Tighnari was looking around frantically along with the man.
“Stop talking.”
“Nonono I’d like to meet-“ you were cut off with his hand over your mouth.
“Shh.” He stood up, holding a lantern up to get a better look around. He turned, squinting into a certain area of the woods and then wolves started to show.
“Shit.” He breathed out before immediately yelling at Tighnari to move.
“What is it?” You asked, fear speaking in you.
“Wolves.” He spoke while lighting a torch.
“What do i do?”
“Nothing.” He threw the now lit up torch at the wolves. “Just don’t get eaten.”
“But I wanna help!”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t trust your judgement.”
You let out the most exaggerated gasp. “Excuse me?”
He pushed you back a bit to kick a wolf that caught up. “Who marries a man they just met?!”
“It’s called true love!” You yelled, grabbing a random ukulele from the back of the sled and swinging it over his head to hit a wolf that jumped up.
“Woah!” He smirked, before a wolf bit onto his boot and dragged him off the sled but he quickly grabbed a rope that was tied to it.
“If i die my name is Alhaitham for my funeral!” He yelled.
You grabbed a wooden stick to light up, turning it into a torch before you lit up something random at the back of the sled. “Al, duck!”
“It’s ALHAITHAM!” He yelled, but did as you said when he saw you throw whatever the hell was in your hands that was on fire
He started to climb the rope back onto the sled. “You almost killed me!”
“But I didn’t!”
His eyes widened and you turned to see a cliff coming up.
“Jump Tighnari!”
“You don’t tell him what to do, I do!” He spoke while grabbing you, practically man handling you as he threw you onto Tighnari. Just as the cliff came up, he cut the rope connecting his moose firmed to the sled, prioritizing your safety over his as he jumped off the sled and PRAYED he would make it.
-he gripped onto the edge of the cliff, looking down to see his sweet sled on fire.
-he just bought that!
-he started to slip but you grabbed his hand and pulled him back up
-you promised you’d buy him a new one later
-you also told him you understand if he doesn’t wanna help you anymore and you started to leave
-in full honestly Alhaitham coukd care less if you died in the woods
-but you promised a new sled and if you die he won’t get it so he does follow after you
- anyway you spend the whole night tryna get through the woods and the whole time you just hoped your sister would be able to remove this eternal winter
-in the morning you start to realize how beautiful the snow and the hanging ice looks
“Who knew winter could be so beautiful?”
You and Alhaitham both looked at each other confused when you heard a new voice, and for a second then both of you thought it was Tighnari talking.
“It’s so fun! There should be some colour! Like crimson or yellow- actually yellow is just bad.” The voice became louder with each word and suddenly standing between the two of you was a talking snowman.
You screamed, immediately kicking it and it’s head flew off and landed in Alhaitham’s arms. “You’re creepy.” He said, throwing it back to you but then you threw it back to him and the continuation of it.
The body started walking towards you and you threw the head at it, sending it into the snow.
He stood up, his head upside down. “What am I looking at? Why are you hanging like bats?”
You inched your way closer to it, fixing it’s head.
“Oh thank you! Now I’m perfect.”
“Almost,” You chuckled, realizing this was a harmless snowman. You looked through Alhaitham’s bag before grabbing a carrot, making its nose.
“Okay, let’s start this thing over, hi everyone, I’m Kaveh!”
“You creep me out.” Alhaitham chuckled, kneeling down to his level.
You blinked. “Kaveh?”
“That’s right! Kaveh!”
“And you are…?”
“Who’s the funky looking donkey over there?” He turned to Tighnari and Alhaitham standing beside each other- well moose tighnari.
“That’s Tighnari!”
“And who’s the moose?”
Alhaitham glared and you burst out into laughter. “…Tighnari.”
“Got it!” He screamed when Tighnari tried to eat his carrot nose.
“Kaveh.” You called and he turned to you.
“Did S/N build you?”
“Yeah, Why?” He asked, not caring that Alhaitham pulled out his stick arm, analyzing it.
“Do you know where she is?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“Can you take us to her?”
“Yeah, Why!”
“We need her to bring back summer.” Alhaitham spoke for you, putting the arm back into Kaveh’s snow body.
Kaveh let out a squeak. “I love summer! The sun, and how hot it is!”
“Really?” Alhaitham grinned. “I guess you don’t have much experience with heat.”
“Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine.
Suddenly, he started singing and dancing and you and Alhaitham just stared.
“My snow up against the gorgeous sand probably getting a good old tan in SUMMERRR~~”
Alhaitham crossed his arms over his chest, smirking. “I’m gonna tell him.”
You gasped, hitting him. “Don’t you dare!”
“Somebody’s gotta tell him!”
-so he’s supposed to melt in summer and ofc Alhaitham wants to ruin his dream of summer
-back in sumeru kingdom Childe finds your horse running back but your not on it and he thinks you’re in danger
-so he sets out with his guards to find you
-anyway back to you
-Alhaitham is asking you what your gonna say to your sister and you reveal you had no idea
-kaveh goes on about how sweet your sister is and he doesn’t even realize he’s walking right into an icicle
-“oh look, I’ve been Impaled.”
-your all faced with a cliff and you try climbing it but Alhaitham Is telling you that your gonna kill yourself
-like anywhere you put your foot down he’ll say “I wouldn’t put it there!” And HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT
-then kaveh finds an ice staircase and you jump off, Alhaitham catching you in his hands
-he could only smile as you ran off
-“holy shit.” The two of you breathed out, looking at the castle
-“now THAT is ice. I think I might cry.”
-sadly Tighnari cannot climb the stairs because of his hooves
-at the door if the castle your hesitant and kaveh kept telling you to knock but your scared and he’s like “does she not know how to knock?”
-but the door opened automatically so wtv
“You probably shouldn’t come in.” You told him and he whined.
“What? Why not! It’s a palace of ice!”
“Last time I brought a guy she caused an eternal winter.”
“Good point.”
“You too, Kaveh.”
-making your way into the castle your like holy shir begause it’s all ICE but it’s so beautiful
-your lwokey slipping a lot too
-your sister comes out and is like why tf r u here
-and your just complimenting the ice castle and you apologize for everything that happened
-she tells you it’s alright and you should leave because you belong in Suneru
“Actually about that…” you trailed off, but then you heard Kaveh running in.
“Kaveh?” Your sisters eyes widened.
“We built him when we were kids, remember?” You asked.
“Yeah, I do…”
“We were so close, S/N. We can be like that again if you come back to Sumeru.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She shook her head; remembering the last time you were close. “You need to leave.”
-she tells you to go enjoy the summer of sumeru while you chase after her
-plus without her the gates are open and she’s free
-you tell her Sumeru is in deep, deep, deep, deep snow
-“yeah you set off an eternal winter.”
-“I’m sure you can remove it!”
-with all the stress on her she shoots her ice and it HITS YOU
-Alhaitham overheard everything and he comes running in
-he encourages you to leave and when your like no your sister creates a whole ICE MONSTER and it grabs the two of you and sends you flying down the stairs
“It is not nice to throw people!” You yelled, forming a snowball in your hands.
“Woah woah woah!” He grabbed you. “Calm down and relax Icy pants. Leave the snow man be.”
“Alright.” You sighed and he let you go, but the moment he did you immediately threw the snowball at the large snow and ice man.
-oh no
-oh no
-oh nononono
-it’s the smallest impact but he GROWLS and starts chasing after you two
-you both end up sliding away but once your far and hes still chasing, a 200foot drop cliff pops up
-he gets rope out of now where and wraps it around your waist before tying the other side to the pickaxe and sticking it into the snow and you both jump off
-you both forgot about Kaveh but he ends up jumping off the cliff and he’s fine
-“DONT COME BACK.” IT growled and threw you guys down
-thankfully there’s like metres of snow so it was lke landing on a pillow
-Alhaitham put his hands under our arms and pulled you out of the snow and you thanked him, both of you smiling
-you asked him how his head was and he said he had a thick skull
“I don’t have a skull.” Kaveh said.
-then he asked how your hair was
-he realized it was because you were struck with your sisters magic and then you asked if it looked bad
“You hesitated.” Kaveh spoke.
“No! Y/N you need help. I’ll bring you to my friends.”
“The love experts?”
-so he acc brings you to the mushrooms you went to as a kid but you don’t know since you don’t remember
“Meet my family!” Alhaitham chuckled, walking in a field of mushrooms.
You blinked.
“He’s crazy.” Kaveh whispered, looking at how Alhaitham talked to mushrooms in the ground. “I’ll distract him while you run.”
He walks up to a mushroom and pets it. “It’s nice to meet you!” He turned and whispered ahain. “Because I love you Y/N, you NEED to run. WHY ARENT YOU RUNNING?!”
“I’m gonna go.” You said.
Alhaitham groaned. “Wait!”
However, the ground started to shake and before you know it the mushrooms are coming out the ground and becoming slightly larger and they start TALKING.
“ALHAITHAM IS HOME!” They all screamed.
-he’s asking where sm1 named nahida is while all the mushrooms start talking to him
-you just laughed, and it caught attention of all of them as they turned and blinked
-“he brought a girl!” One of them yelled before everyone repeated “A GIRL!”
-they all leaned down and someone pushed you as you rolled over all of them and they threw you into his arms
-he told you to just roll with it
-get it
-one of them is literally analyzing you and says “she’s perfect for our Alhaitham!”
-you both realized they thought you were together and the both of you start explaining that’s not how it is
-one asks you what the issue is with him
-is it the clumpy way he walks
-or the grumpy way he talks
-or the weirdly shaped boots he had?
-but you’ll never meet a fella who’s as sensitive and sweet!
-he’s a bit of a fixer upper, a bunch of flaws, and his best friends with a moose
-they tell you that you can fix him with love!
-is it the way that he runs scared?
-or how he’s socially impaired?
-or that half the time he tinkles in the wood?
-you did not need to know that.
-your only laughing while they list a bunch of reasons
-he tells them you’re engaged to some else and they don’t believe it
-one of them says “SHE HAS NO RING!”
-one of the other mushrooms are just giving you advice on love and it’s so weird but you love it
-he turns around and he literally says “woah”
-it’s not until one of the mushrooms starts to speak when you both realize what’s happening
-“do you, Y/N, take Alhaitham to be your truthfully wedded-“
“Wait what?”
“Your getting married.”
-suddenly you let out a wince and fall, your body turning as cold as ice as another strand of hair turns white
-when you fall he’s holding you in his ice and the commotion sends nahida running over
-she checks over you and says your life is in danger because there is ice in your heart
-if not removed, you’ll turn into ice.
-when Alhaitham asks if she can remove it she says no and that only an act of true love can solve it
-Alhaitham dattes crying you and he holds you while Tighnari takes him to Sumeru, saying you need to kiss Childe
-little did you know Childe is currently hunting down your sister
-she almost kills him but wtv
-someone tried to shoot her and somehow she went unconscious idk how to explain it but she wakes up back in Sumeru but she’s chained up
-like there’s protective shit over her hands so she can’t use her magic
-she’s in a dungeon in sumeru
-okay back to you guys
-omg he’s holding you while your both on tighnari who’s jumping his way to the kingdom and when Alhaitham hears you shiver he takes his hat off and puts it on you and it’s so cute
-he carries you into the castle and when your asking if he’s okay he tells you “not to worry about him”
-once the gates to the castle open he tells the workers who take you to get prince Childe and then Alhaitham walks away sad because literally did you know he was kinda sad cuz he liked you
-but your engaged so he can’t do anything
-your taken into a room with Childe and your like “kiss me”
-and he’s like “what?!”
-you explain the whole thing to him and how your sister struck you and shit and you’ll die if there is no act of true love towards you
-he carries you over to a couch by the fireplace, tryna warm you up
-“only an act of true love can save me.”
Childe’s eyes lit up. “True love’s kiss!” His hand slowly caressed your cheek then moved down to your chicken to grab it, leaning towards you.
He went in slowly, almost torturing you.
“Oh Y/N.” He smirked, “if only if there was someone out there who actually loved you.”
- he explains he’s 11th in line for the thrown of his kingdom and he wants to be king
-so he thought marrying you would make him king here
-but now that your about to die and your sister refuses to be queen
-he can now lie and say you put him in charge and he’ll be king
-The betrayal-
-he starts to take out all the fire in the room, all while degrading you and saying how pathetic it was to wanna marry him after one day
-he grabs water and takes out the fire in the room, making you go cold
-he says he’s gonna kill Elsa yeah yeah wtv
-he locks you in the room and your hair has fully turned white now and your close to dying
-Childe walks into a room, faking his sadness and saying your DEAD.
-Now that he’s in charge he says your sister committed treason and his sentence is death
-meanwhile Alhaitham is waking away but a sudden ice storm surrounds the kingdom and he’s SPRINTING BACK
-your sister managed to escape before the guards came to grab her so now it’s a whole new problem
-he unlocks the door and lights the fireplace and your yelling at him to get away because he’s MELTING
-he helps you over to the fireplace to keep you warm all while you tell him what happened
-kaveh said he won’t leave until you find another act of love
“Love is putting someone else’s needs in front of theirs instead of their own. Like how Alhaitham brought you back to Childe and left.”
-and you realized that ALHAITHAM DID DO THAY
-“your so dumb.” Kaveh said.
-suddenly a window bursts open and he goes to look outside when he closes it
-“man I guess Alhaitham doesn’t love you enough to leave you behind.”
-you make Kaveh help you up even though your dying
-you said you love Alhaitham and you NEED HIM TO LIVE
-so he’s pushing you all the way outside but the storm is causing the whole castle to freeze and ice isn’t good for you because then you’ll die
-meanwhile your sister is out running but the blizzard is so strong she can’t see anything
-thankfully you and Kaveh end up escaping and your running to find Alhaitham and yelling his name
-your sister runs into Childe and he lies and says your dead and she breaks down crying because she knows it’s her fault
-during all of this your hands are starting to turn into literal ice
-like it was actual ice.
-your hair is full on ice now but Alhaitham hears you and is running
-during your sisters break down the blizzard immediately ends and it’s easier for Alhaitham to find you
-he’s running all the way towards you but then you turn to see Childe with a sword about to hit your sister
-and you run in front of her right when he’s about to slash her BUT YOU TURN INTO ICE
-your dead now btw
-ice = dead
-your sister is holding you crying her eyes out
-nahida said ACT OF LOVE
-she never said true loves kiss
-love will thaw the ice and because of this the winter starts to go away like SUMMER IS BACK IN SUMERU WOOO!!
-somehow you guys end up on a boat when the winter goes away
“This has gotta be the best day of my life…and probably my last.”
-Sister gives him a little snow cloud above him so he never melts so we good
-Childe is on the boat and he’s like oh fuck
-Alhaitham MARCHES his way over but you stop him and YOU PUNCH CHILDE OFF THE BOAT WOOO
-all the ambassadors cheer you on!
-Childe gets arrested thankfully woo!!!!
-all the kings and ambassadors are leaving a few days later
-and also a few days later your running around with Alhaitham and you have a blindfold around him
-you said it was a gift
-when you removed the blindfold it’s a NEW SLED
-you did promise him a new one
“Do you like it?” You ask, fidgeting with your fingers, nervous he’d hate it.
“Like it?” He repeated with a scoff, before placing his hands on your waist and picking you up, spinning you around. “I love it! I could kiss you!”
He freezes when he realizes what he said and places you down. “I mean I’d like too, I uh- can I- can you- can we-?”
You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek and smile. “We may.” You say before he wraps his arms around you again and pressed his lips against yours, you wrapping your arms around his neck.
-no you don’t marry Alhaitham you prob will like in the next few years
-I’m too fuckinf lazy to write the second movie
-anyways hope you guys liked this!!! Next post idk who I’ll have but I did plan on having Kaeya and Ayato so
-but yeah you all live happily ever after!
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