#Thena: no he can walk
softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Thena and Gil playfully arguing…in business style!
Tyrant King,
If you would find it suitable, I have had a meeting cancellation this afternoon.
Gil's brows raised as he read the email on his phone. It was nothing if not succinct--classic Ice Queen. She didn't even sign it. But he was surprised she had even attempted to invite him over today. She had stated she was busy all week. No time for them to 'meet'.
No time for them to fuck like wild animals in her office between meetings.
Why so formal, Ice? If you want me to come over, just say so ;)
Her response was prompt, which proved to him that she was anxiously awaiting his response, much to his delight. She could play coy as much as she liked, but she wasn't very good at that game. In all fairness, nor was he.
I have a tight schedule today, Tyrant. I am offering my time, not begging you for your company. You may disregard my previous email if you are otherwise engaged.
Ice cold, his Princess was. But Gil grinned, happily responding, still in email rather than texting. She had yet to give him her personal number, but he was honestly just glad she wasn't having Kingo filter his messages to her, either.
As per my previous email, I would be happy to meet if your schedule sees fit, Ice.
Two could play at this game. Even as he was looking over his schedule and moving things around for himself. He really needed a Kingo for himself, and her older chief of staff Karun also seemed really on top of things. He had once joked that he would try to poach them from her, and the look he got made him know why people were so afraid of someone as beautiful and delicate as she was.
I have a meeting slot available from 4 onward.
So, it was a lie that she had a tight schedule. If she was offering her 4 o'clock then that was her last meeting for the day, most likely. Unless she was planning to make wild love for a tight 45 minutes and then have meetings until 6.
The whole hour?
If you think our business will take that long, I can offer you the full hour. I advise you decide preemptively if you require the full allotment.
Oh, she thought he didn't want the full time? She was making a joke about him not lasting long, sure. But he was having too much fun flirting with her to let it get to him. He gleefully typed out his response, already swiping his other hand through his hair.
Please be advised, Ice Queen, I believe I have several positions to propose during our meeting. I do hope you are prepared for such intentions during only one hour.
He would give anything to see her face right now. He liked it when she got kind of flustered, even when she was annoyed with him. Call him childish, he liked having her attention. He was entirely the the old story of a boy not knowing how to tell a girl how much he liked her, so instead he did little things to get under her skin.
She was facetiming him.
He picked it up with a wicked grin on his face, "to what do I owe the honour, Ice?"
"I would prefer not to have a paper trail for this proposal, as you put it," she glared at him. She knew he was having fun with their little entendres. "Are you coming or not?"
"Don't I always, with you?"
"Insipid juvenile," she practically hissed at him. She leaned back in her chair, ever poised and elegant. "If you don't want the time slot, I'll schedule someone else."
Gil frowned. "Are we still talking about us, Princess?"
She raised her brows at him--the minx. "I was talking about meetings."
He growled faintly under his breath. Such an impossible woman he had chosen. "I'll be there. Who would you even have offered it to?"
She shrugged, now playing coy for her own enjoyment. "I heard the Prince Eternal is floating around the city. I'm sure if I contacted his beastly little assistant, he'd come running."
Gil puffed through his nose, feeling like a bull getting a red cape waved at him. "Now you're just trying to piss me off."
Thena's eyes dashed down to her lap. She was playing a game of chicken with him, and the Ice Queen didn't take unnecessary risks. "My time is valuable, Tyrant. And others are willing to pay even more than you."
That may have been true, but no one would give her more.
He tugged at his shirt, calling her bluff, "you hate that guy."
She made a face; there was no lying about that. "Perhaps, but it's always at least a few million whenever he pays me a visit."
Gil rolled his eyes. He didn't have to be part of the rich boys who were all insignificant admirers of hers. He wasn't some kid with a crush, he was the Tyrant King.
"Thena," he began, and immediately she was set on edge. Even though they had made love several times now (not that she called it that). He leaned forward, making sure his shoulders looked nice and wide in the shot. He lowered his voice, giving her his best, most smouldering look. "I want to see you."
Desired effect: achieved. She blinked, looking just the littlest bit flustered, maybe even blushing a little. Her eyes drifted away again, but she was smiling a little, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. The diamond stud on her ear cuff sparkled at him. It made him want to pull it off with his teeth.
"Fine," she attempted to maintain her cold facade, but he could see a little more Thena under it. She drew her lace tighter around her. "I'll tell Karun to expect you."
And with that, she was done talking about it. She hung up, but Gil didn't feel hung up on. He smiled, slipping his phone into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He stood, fluffing his hair again and grabbing his essentials to tell his security that he was leaving the office.
He had an important date to make.
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
(Tommy's pov of this)
He's in the process of making sure the bird is ready to go when he turns and sees Howie, as well as two unfamiliar young guys following him.
Good-looking faces too. Maybe they should do the calendar next year. The shorter one has large, soulful eyes and a confident stride that speaks of military experience; the other is a tall, leggy man with a boyish smile and seems to be visibly thrumming with energy.
Of course they bring in the studs after I'm gone, Tommy thinks, half-exasperated that he's missed out on eye candy and half-amused at his own shallowness.
"Howie, hey!" Tommy says and embraces his former colleague and current friend. It's not always possible for them to meet up, but a life debt is not something Tommy will forget. "Long time."
Howie claps him on the back. It feels like a silent thank you, which, given the enormity of what they're going to do, the less said aloud the better.
Can't risk someone overhearing that they're going to steal a helicopter on a mere hunch.
Tommy knows he has a good poker face, and it's proven to be effective because no one seems to realize how nervous he is. They may cause an international incident if anything goes "pear-shaped", as his old instructor Winslow used to say, but Tommy isn't about to back out now.
"This is Tommy, Tommy Kinard," says Howie to the other two, telling them about him being a former member of the 118 and also about his being a fathead. At least Howie acknowledges that Tommy's grown out of it.
"Thanks to you," Tommy says. He sticks out his hand to the new faces.
Soulful Eyes grins when he grasps Tommy's hand. A firm grip, almost challenging. "Eddie Diaz."
Tommy smiles, feeling like he's found a kindred spirit. "Pleasure. And you are...?" He extends the hand to the other young guy.
"Uh, Evan," he says, eyes wide and curious like a puppy in a new environment. His hand is warm and dry. "E-Evan Buckley."
"Hi Evan." The splotch just over Evan's left eye is a birthmark, Tommy discovers. To his amusement, Evan doesn't let go of his hand, as if he's completely forgotten that they were just shaking hands in introduction. Tommy doesn't want to embarrass the guy, but he doesn't want to rudely snatch his hand away either. He opts for a slight tease. "I'm gonna need that hand to fly the chopper, kid."
"Oh! Oh, right. Sorry." Evan drops Tommy's hand like it's hot. His ears go red. Tommy thinks, That's so cute, and then sternly warns himself not to read too much into anything. He's not falling for a straight guy again, just because they're cute. And he's glad that he doesn't read too much into Evan's fluster because Evan says, "I was just, um, thinking, about Cap and Thena."
Bobby Nash must mean a great deal to Evan, judging by the way his gaze skitters from Tommy's face to the chopper and bounces lightly on his heels. For some reason, he reminds Tommy of Bambi.
Howie sticks his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, we're gonna need Hen to show soon with some coordinates. Can't go flying all over the Gulf of Mexico."
Tommy makes a mental note to re-check fuel levels. It's definitely topped up, but ninety minutes one way and ninety minutes back in what will definitely be rough conditions is not a walk in the park. Nevertheless, he keeps his tone light. "We'll do what we can."
A pair of headlights slide along the road that leads to harbor. Tommy doesn't really know if it's Hen, but his nerve is starting to give, so he says quickly, "Wait, I see a car pulling in. Might be her. Get in the backseat, strap yourselves in. Once I get Hen clear of Melton, we'll dash. Hopefully she has a good cover story..."
Eddie doesn't hesitate as he scrambles in, nearly knocking his head on the roof of the chopper.
Seeing that they aren't about to call him out on his fake calm demeanor, Tommy blows out his cheeks to center himself. Then he smiles, asking, "If we're all arrested, can I blame it on you, Howie?"
Howie snorts as he gets in next to Eddie. "Yeah I really twisted your arm with the 'Please help us save Cap and Athena'."
(In fact, Howie actually said, "Hen has a hunch, she won't let us help, but she''ll need a chopper. So I'm gonna need you to steal one for us to save Captain Nash and his wife." And Tommy agreed instantly. He trusted Hen Wilson's hunches too.)
"You know it's because of your irresistibly pretty face," Tommy quips as he helps guide Evan - the tallest of the three - in without hitting his head. "Alright, put those helmets on. Careful, Evan," he says when Evan nearly bounces the helmet off the bridge of his sharp nose.
It's a very nice nose. Be a shame to bruise it.
Fuel. And preflight. Tommy inhales sharply and gets into his seat as the three firefighters strap themselves in. It's a calming ritual by now, and he feels ready. He knows he is ready.
And Hen should be here by now.
"Alright. She's ready to go when we are," Tommy announces, patting the stick fondly. As he opens the door to get to the hangar, he says to the three men, "Don't touch anything. I'm gonna hang out near Melton and run intercept."
Howie rolls his eyes. Eddie holds up three fingers of his right hand, like a Scout's promise. "We'll behave."
Evan beams a dazzling smile at Tommy, like they're not actually about to commit a crime.
It's a good thing Tommy has to focus on flying into a hurricane, because otherwise his heart will be tripping all over itself to get Evan to smile like that once more.
Nope. No crushing on a straight guy, Kinard, we've been through this.
Instead, Tommy jogs towards the hangar where he sees Hen approaching Melton, holding a form that Tommy knows will not stand up to scrutiny.
Boy, if you can't convince someone, confuse them, Winslow used to say over drinks after their flying lessons. Act like you know exactly what you're doing and seventy percent of the time they'll let you get away with it.
Tommy takes a deep breath, puts on a smile, and walks into the light of the hangar.
edited on AO3
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
hi!! could you possibly do a one-shot where buck and reader are flirting during the dosed episode? like they get high and are handcuffed and are just giggling and flirting and then accidental confession or something and then the next day they’re just like “i’m pretty sure we’re dating now..” thank you so so much!! this idea just made me giggle so <33
you get me so high - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif does not belong to me
a/n: i adore this idea, thank you for sharing <3 i worked on this very sporadically, and i’m not the biggest fan of it but i hope you enjoy!
whoever brought those brownies in was an angel to y/n. yeah, a felony for sure, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t secretly enjoy it.
even though the whole station had been haunted by taylor and her team the entire day, all of the worries of the job seemed to vanish. buck wasn’t sure why, but he just saw everything different than he has before. nature called for him and he was more than excited to be at his job.
he just wanted to laugh at everything, each little girl in front of him was the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. he watched y/n from across the room, sitting on the floor and playing with a girl in a massive dress shaped like a pastry.
“where did you get this dress?” she asks, running her fingers down the satin on the side.
“my mommy bought it for me!”
“can she buy one for me?” y/n asks, turning her head to see the grown firefighter skipping over.
“y/n!” he shoots out quickly, jogging over to lean next to her on the ground.
“hi buck! will you buy me a dress like this?”
“only if you buy me one,” he smiles. “maybe we should put bobby in one.” he starts completely laughing at the thought of bobby in a pretty pink dress, with a sash and a tiara.
“what is going on- buck!” chim shouts. “can someone help us over here?”
“how are we not helping?” buck asks, leading y/n to just shrug. they glance over at eddie in the corner, looking at all the pageant girls like they have 5 heads. he almost looks fearful of them, swaying in his spot.
the next few minutes were a blur, and suddenly they were all handcuffed together against a wall. hen, eddie, buck, and y/n were all connected by their hands, being watched by athena like they misbehaved at school.
“ooh, you made him cry!” buck teases, looking at the tears streaming down eddie’s face. y/n just looks closer to athena’s face.
“you’re a hot cop, thena,” y/n speaks airily, just smiling cheekily at the officer in front of her.
“you guys are high as hell and you’re on duty.”
“what?” hen exclaims. “i didn’t smoke anything-“
“well you ate something! someone brought marijuana brownies into the station, so you’re all off work.”
the team just looks around in shock, not fully caring until y/n and buck start giggling once more. “just- just sit down against this wall, and do not move.” athena demands, walking away to deal with the other emergency in the main room.
y/n and buck sat fine against the wall, comparing hands and very lightly slapping each other on the sides. a few spouts of silence would happen for a few minutes while the group of stoners just watched the world pass in front of them.
“buck,” y/n whispers.
“what?” he asks.
“you’re really cute, like i just figured i’d let you know.”
“thanks, you’re a cutie, too,” she giggles at his words, throwing her head back against the wall as he just glances at her. normal, sober buck would’ve had a racing heart and nerves fluttering all over his body because she told him he was cute. he knows he’s not bad looking, but hearing it from her is when he truly believes it. now, he just figured why not? yolo, anyway.
“no, you’re like cute cute. like hot oiled up firefighter cute.”
“that means so much, y/n,” he says, the sly remark almost making his heart clench.
“i want you under my christmas tree.”
“well, i want you in an easter egg for me.”
“well, i want you-“
“can you just shut up?” eddie asks, still distressed about being handcuffed and drugged. “we get it, you’re into each other. and what happens when you’re not high?”
“i don’t remember talking to you,” buck teases, giving eddie a side eye but keeping his head directed towards the pretty girl next to him.
“alright,” athena comes back into sight. “let’s get you all home, maybe sleep off some of this.”
the next morning, y/n remembered every little thing she said to buck, and he remembered every little thing he said to her. they hoped maybe it was like alcohol, making them forget what they may or may not have said, but nope. it was clear as day. it didn’t feel as awkward, though. it felt easier. like a weight was off their shoulders after being weighed down for so long.
when they both arrived at work, the look from the other just told them everything they had to know. buck meant everything he said, and so did she. her eyes lightly wandered over his, and he didn’t even make her say anything. they both knew that those cookies made a great thing burst open.
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redheadspark · 1 year
i had a small idea yesterday for the prompt session! druig with #’s 3, 15, and 18. maybe with reader after the emergence. they’re both EXHAUSTED and even though druig’s hurt, he still wants to make sure his s/o is okay after fighting. you can change things around to your liking ofc!
A/N - YAS! I do like this a lot for Druig! Thanks for requesting this, dear friend!
Scars and All
Summary - Druig seeks you out after the Emergence
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Warnings - angst and fluff mixed together
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“How is she?”
“I’m more concerned about you since you took a beating from Ikaris on that beach,”
Druig huffed as Phastos was looking him over with some of his equipment, being ever patient but not willing to sit through a thorough exam.  He was sitting on what was left of Phastos’s work table, his armor stripped, and was only sporting his black pants and nasty bruises along his ivory skin.  Phastos and Thena were with him and taking the proper measures to check on him, Sersi was talking to a now-human Sprite in the Meeting Room, leaving Makkari to tend to you in your shared room with Druig.  Although Druig knew that Thena would hold him down in order for him to get checked over and be cleared, he would rather be with you.
You both took a beating on that beach in order to save the world.
Druig took on Ikaris’s beams head-on, thinking for a split moment that he wasn’t going to make it out alive.  It left him both physically and mentally bruised, not to mention the mental fatigue that he endured ignorer to take over the mind of a full Celestial.  Throughout the centuries that he has been on Earth, this was truly the first time he felt beyond tired.  
Not tired, exhausted.
“Your internal organs are still good,” Phastos hummed as he scanned Druig’s backside slowly and with determination, Druig’s leg bouncing on the workstation table as he was sitting Indian Style.  Even his fingers were fidgeting while he was staring dead ahead at the wall.  He was half listening, mostly thinking about you and how you were holding up.  Seeing you on the beach covered in scratch wounds and pale to the touch made his heart sink.  Saving the world didn’t matter to him anymore, nor did stopping Ikaris and stopping Tiamat.  All that mattered was you.
He needed to see you and make sure you were alright.
“The bruises are gonna last a bit,” Phastos explained as Druig was still sitting rather impatiently, Thena was watching like a hawk and not moving an inch while Phastos placed his instruments down and gave Druig a brotherly kind of stare, “I can have Makkiar get some herbs to make a paste and make the bruises shrink down a bit.”
“Not a fan of modern medicine I take it?” Druig asked with a hint of sarcasm, though Phastos cracked a grin.
“Modern medicine is too tame compared to what we endured in the glory days,” Phastos hummed, then pausing for a brief moment before he spoke again, “Plus, we need to be careful since we don’t have Ajak to help us,”
It made the mood more somber in the room, even when it was rue.  Ajak was always there to heal them, from the smallest scratches to the more massive wounds that they would get from Deviants.  The healing was more than the physical, her soothing tones and words of encouragement for every Eternal.  Even Druig, though they both clash plenty of times when it comes to the philosophy of Eternals, admired Ajak all the more and missed her terribly.  
“Thanks, Phastos,” Druig replied with a soft smile, hopping down from the workstation table.
“Get some rest,” Thena instructed him with a small tilt of her head to him.  Druig nodded back.
“Will do,” He replied walking past both Phastos and Thena to the hallways that lead to the living quarters.  He was glad that he was cleared from needing anymore assistance, and he was not thinking about himself at the current moment.  
“Couldn’t gone worse for him if it wasn’t for her,” Phastos said to Thena as Druig was walking away, his eyes going right down the hallway and nothing slowing him down.
“She saved his life, as she should since they were meant for each other,” Thena replied in an optimistic hum, which made Druig wish he could smile from hearing that from the warrior herself.  He might have been too tired to smile, or simply more concerned about you to smile from the comment.  But it still warmed his heart nonetheless, adoring Thena all the more.
Once he made it to your shared room, He carefully and softly opened the door to see nothing but darkness.  Your king-sized bed was against the wall, you were nestled amongst the satin sheets and already sleeping with Makkari sitting by your side and keeping a close eye on you.  
Makkari, still clad in her armor, saw Druig and immediately sped over to him, She’s okay.
“Thanks, ‘Kari,” He whispered to her as he gestured his head over to your sleeping form, “How bad is it?”
Her cuts are deep, but they’ll heal in a few days, She explained to him, I know how to make a paste for her wounds to make the healing go a bit faster.  I’ll make some for you too, I think you two need some rest,
“You might be right,” he agreed, seeing her crack a smile slightly before she leaned over to hug him gently.  He hugged her back, feeling her warmth in the embrace.  Once Makkari pulled away and slipped out of the room, Druig looked over at your sleeping form with both concerns and warmth.  
Warmth that you were alive and still with him in this life, and concern that you took a beating to protect him. 
He loved watching you sleep in the past, seeing how soft and content you were as you dreamed away with nothing haunting you.  There were even moments when he would watch you and be amazed at how peaceful you seemed to be in a chaotic and ever-grieving world around you.  He loved that about you and he wished he had that in himself sometimes.  
You had enough love and compassion to fill the both of you up instantly and overflow.  
Moving without him making a single sound, Druig lifted the sheet to finally see you.  The distinct slash marks along your skin, the deep bruises etched near your neck and hips. It was all too much for him to see.  You were never one to harm a fly or start trouble, it wasn’t in your nature.  Yet now, you looked so broken to Druig that it made his heart shatter. 
Immediately he moved, wrapped you close in his arms, and avoided some of the fresher wounds.  You stirred, your head against his neck now as he hummed to alert you.
“…Druig?” You said in a hoarse tone.
“I’m right here, darlin’.  Go back to sleep,” He mumbled to you since the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and lose sleep.  You moved your arms, grimacing from the drained energy and the tender bruises along your arms.  
“You okay?” You asked him.  Of course, you would be worried for him and his health, not even worried about your own wounds and exhaustion.  Druig loved you for your selfless heart and need to care for others before yourself, both a blessing and a curse for him to witness as the love of your life.  He kissed your forehead, feeling his own energy draining within moments from being in a safe space with you and being in one piece.
“I’m alright now,” he reassured you soothingly, “We’re both alright now.  Let’s sleep, alright?  I got ya,”
As you both slept and healed together, all you both could dream of was your future together.  No matter that there was no village to go back to, losing some of your own to both the Deviants and Ikaris at the same time, none of that mattered compared to what you two wanted in your future together.  Somewhere quiet and away from chaos, maybe near the sea or deep in the forest.  Just you and Druig against the world, scars and all.
The End. 
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September Prompt Session
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shadowsndaisies · 14 days
dogfighting 101: 06 - dead and buried
wc: 1.6k
synopsis: if it wouldn't result in a court martial or a dishonorable discharge, you probably would punch that stupid mustache off his face.
main masterlist
athena-verse master post
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Your last run had been with Payback and Fanboy, you failed.
After, you sat and listened as Bradley almost got both himself and your dad killed. Jake’s running commentary doing nothing for your nerves. When all three came back from their run, you were stood in your black tank top and your flight suit rolled down and tied around your waist. Your sunglasses were perched on your nose, blocking the glare you had hyper-fixated on the idiots walking your way.
“’Thena! Darlin’!” Hangman’s drawl always seemed to emphasize your callsign, often dropping the first A, and elongating the E. Usually the way he says your name could get you to smile, but this time your gaze doesn’t even flicker to him, a stark contrast to just last round, when the two of you had been giddy off of catching Maverick with tone.
“Keep walking, Seresin,” you say seriously, and for the first time Rooster can ever admit to, Hangman simply does as he’s told. He doesn’t argue with you, or tease you. He doesn’t even glare or smirk cockily back at those left to face off with your ire, in fact, if anything, it looks like the smile all but melts from his face. Instead, he just keeps walking, not even bothering to look back, and Rooster’s brows furrow, because not for the first time today he’s left wondering what had the two of you been through to develop the relationship you had?
“What the hell were you thinking?” you all but hiss, pulling your shades off, so Bradley can see the full force of your glare.
He doesn’t know why he says it, he knows it’s not the right thing, or the right time, but he scoffs, and he sees your jaw shift at the sound, “So, now you want to talk to me?” he asks, and Maverick who had kept a distance, walking further behind him and Jake, was now catching up and was forced to stop as he watched the two of you face off, Bradley didn’t miss his sharp inhale at the tone you both were giving off.
“Don’t pull that bullshit with me Bradley!” you shout back.
“Bullshit?” he finally shouts back, and Bradley has to admit, part of it, of yelling at you, it feels really good. “It’s been twelve years since we’ve spoken! Nine since I’ve heard anything from you!”
“And whose fault is that?” that shuts him up, because now he knows you’re done pulling punches. “Whose fault was that Bradley Bradshaw?”
“I never meant for it to go like this,” is all Bradley can offer you, his voice suddenly weak as he pushes his own sunglasses up to look you in the eyes.
“Yes, you did,” you argue back, shaking your head at him.
“No, (Y/n)-” he tries to reach for you, as if it would help in making you understand.
“Yes, you did, Bradley!” you smack his hand away and instead point at him accusingly. “You did, because you were the one who said what you said, you were the one who took the insecurities I trusted with you and twisted them, the one who said all the hateful things you could think of, and then to top it off, you were the one who gave me an ultimatum!” you’re screaming at him, and he’s glad the tarmac’s basically empty now, because he’s sure that if Warlock or Cyclone heard about this, you’d both be booted from the program and probably given a formal reprimand.
Bradley also doesn’t know how to respond.
So instead he gapes at you. How does he explain how hurt he was to you? How does tell you he knows how wrong he was to say what he said and demand what he did? How does he apologize after hiding behind emails for the last twelve years.
He stumbles over that, hiding, because that’s what he’d been doing, isn’t it? And he was stupid enough to trick himself into thinking you would see it any differently.
“You made a decision, over a decade ago. You threw away a friendship that mattered. You threw away lifelines, and people who cared about you, and you did it without even asking for the whole picture,” you tell him, venom dripping from every word. “Let me make myself perfectly clear, Rooster. I have no intention of trying to resurrect what you killed and I was left to bury twelve years ago, but we’re both here, and so is Dad. So get your shit together, because the stakes are too high to be living in the past,” his shoulders drop and you hold firm as you finally make the point you’d intended to bring up.
You stare at him hard for a second before brushing past him and heading straight for your dad. He sees it in the hand movements, the stance, you’re laying into him. Probably equally pissed about the the corkscrew cobra maneuver, that he and Mav had just pulled. There is however noticeably less tension in you as you yell at your dad.
Bradley finds himself stuck for a moment, with the realization of how much anger and hurt was in your voice as you spoke with him. He had been too hopeful, he realizes, to think that emailing you would fix what he had broken. Too stupid to consider the real weight of what he had said, and how much more it meant coming from him than anyone else.
He finally forces himself to look away and walk back toward the hangar. He is extremely annoyed to see Hangman standing there. A witness to the mess that had just occurred. Though he doubted Hangman could hear much if at all. The other pilot rarely needed a reason to give someone a hard time (except you it seemed).
Bradley geared up for another argument, or at least a dig, but Hangman didn’t even acknowledge him as he approached. Instead, he kept his gaze on you, brows squinted, focused. Bradley slinks past him, bewildered at the flip, but gets stopped before he can fully exit the hangar.
“Getting killed on day one would be pretty counter-intuitive to wanting to go on this mission, and it might even make her hate you more, which I honestly didn’t think was possible.”
Hangman’s voice echoes a bit, but he doesn’t turn to look at Rooster, not even when the older pilot turns to look at him. Instead, Hangman stays focused on you, and you alone, and Bradley is left wondering what the fuck? once again, because that has to be the least contentious thing Jake’s ever said to him, and Bradley know that it’s solely for your benefit.
everything: @butterfly-skinnylegend
athena’s tags: @omgbrianab @smoothdogsgirl @bazellawriz @sbrewer21 @inky-sun @djs8891 @rory-cakes @geeksareunique @je6291 @kee-0-kee @fanreader75 @whoismurphyslaw @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @thespillingvoid
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iamharryhale · 1 year
Captain: I’m your captain tonight, we’ve got a problem.
Captain: I can’t fit this many people on my boat.
Buck: No, no, I was told you could take 30.
Buck: I have exactly 30 guests.
Captain: Plus 6 not gonna help, you gotta drop a few people.
Buck: Come on, there’s must be something we can do here.
Captain: Well, we have bigger boats, but this is the best I can do on 2 hours notice.
Athena, coming over to them: What’s the problem?
Eddie: Apparently Buck started planning my birthday party 2 hours ago.
Buck to Eddie: No! I did not.
Buck to Athena: Apparently, we have too many people for his boat, so…
Athena: That’s crazy, I’ve seen more people clinging to a floating door.
Captain: I’m sorry, ma'am, it’s a safety issue.
Athena, pointing at him: No, you’re going to have a safety issue if you don’t take me away from this well.
Captain: Ok, little too much finger, little too much attitude.
Bobby: What’s all this?
Eddie: 2 hours of Buck's hardwork going down the drain.
Captain: Look, I can’t fit more than 30 people on the boat. I was just explaining to the lady here.
Bobby: First of all, that lady is my son…
Buck: He wasn’t… he wasn’t talking about me, dad.
Captain, pointing at Athena: I was talking about her.
Bobby: Oh, her… oh, it’s her now.
Bobby: Well, her happens to be my wife.
Bobby: You got a problem with her. You got a problem with me.
Athena: No, no, Bobby, calm down.
Captain: I didn’t have a problem before, but now I’m starting to.
Bobby: No, your problem is about to get a lot bigger.
Athena, placing a hand on his arm: No, Bobby. I know you think this is what I want, but it’s not.
Bobby: I got this, Thena.
Athena: No, love, I was just being stupid today.
Athena: I love that you’re calm, that you think first and you act second. I need that in my life.
The 118 family: 🥹
Captain: Yeah. So walk away, grandpa.
Athena turns around and punches him: Nobody call him grandpa!
Christopher: I do.
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pasukiyo · 11 months
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a royalty au. remus lupin x princess!reader. multi-part series. series masterlist.
word count; 2,635 words summary; the princess is to be betrothed soon. but she's still so, so young, she has yet to even see the world! how can she marry a man she doesn't love, much less a man she has never even met? meanwhile, the full moon is in two weeks and remus is in the most pain he's ever felt. how much longer does he have to suffer, how much longer until the pain fades away?
so even in a different life, you still would've been mine, we would've been timeless...
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‘Dear Lily,
 Things have been less than exemplary here, I’m afraid. Peter has been practically breathing down my neck as of late… (I’ve just been told off for even writing that) …and I overheard mother and father talking yesterday. They’re going to force me into marriage. 
 I know I should be happy. This is my sole purpose as princess anyway, I should feel honored to have found a suitable prince to marry. Yet… I cannot help but to feel anything but. It feels like I am wasting my life away… why can I not find a man for myself? Why must I marry without falling in love? 
 I apologise for how short this letter has been. But it is becoming rather difficult to keep Peter from reading over my shoulder and quite frankly, I do not wish to succumb to another one of mother and father’s rants. Peter is such a sneak.
 With all my love,
                                 The Princess’
 The princess sighed as she signed off her letter, narrowing her eyes up at Peter where he stood, an incredulous look upon his face as she rolled the parchment, tying it with a red, silky ribbon. “You don’t have to give me that look, Peter,” she said, fixing up the bow she had tied. “The letter is between me and Princess Lily, you don’t need to be such a snoop.”
 Peter hissed, watching the princess as she rose from the desk, dusting off the skirt of her gown. “You understand that it is my job to keep you in line?” He scoffed, following close behind her heels as she walked up the steps of the Owlery, catching sight of her beloved owl, Athena. “Your mother will be very displeased if she were to know the contents of that letter.”
 Her eyes rolled in their sockets as she soothed her fingers on Athena’s mottled brown and white head, a satisfied hoot slipping from her beak. “Which is why I trust that mother won’t hear of this,” she said, her lips curved in a cheeky grin as she tied the parchment to Athena’s claw. “Deliver this to Lily, would you, Thena?” She cooed at the owl, the creature giving her knuckle a tender nip before she outstretched her wings, pushing her body off of her perch, soaring out the window and into the night. The princess sighed as she watched the owl take flight, an envious burn in her heart. 
 “You’re lucky I am feeling extra generous today,” Peter replied and she huffed, turning back around to face him. “‘Extra generous?’” She chuckled as she pushed past him, holding onto her skirt as she made her way back down the steps of the Owlery. “Since when were you capable of being generous?” 
 With a smile, she turned her head around to peer over at Peter just in time to watch his eyes roll in their sockets. “You jest, my princess. Perhaps I’d laugh if it weren’t damn near midnight. You should be in bed, may I remind you.” She sighed as she pushed her way out of the Owlery, Peter following close behind like a shadow. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Peter, I’m going,” she giggled as they made their way through the garden and back into the castle, stepping inside one of its many hallways.
 “My knickers are not in a tw–”
 “Goodnight Peter! I cannot wait until the morning where you will chastise me again,” she smiled and waved at the Royal Advisor behind her, lifting her gown as she made her way up the staircase. She could hear Peter scoff behind her, her lips still curled into a soft smile as she made her way through the corridor towards her quarters, yawning and rolling her neck as she smiled at the guard outside her room. With an indifferent expression, he pushed open the door for her, stepping aside to allow her to enter the bedroom.
 The room was warm with the marmalade glow coming from the candle she had left lit earlier and she hummed at the sight of her handmaiden, Marlene, in the corner of the room, silent as she focused on the parchment in her lap. At the sound, Marlene snapped her head towards where the princess stood, pushing the parchment off to the side as she scrambled to her feet. “My princess! Let me grab your nightgown for you…” Marlene hurriedly stammered out, rushing to the closet to grab one of the princess’ many nightgowns, pulling a long, white lace one from the sea of many fabrics.
 The princess’ lips twitched in an amused smile as Marlene practically sprinted back towards her, presenting the gown for her to take. “Marlene, what have I told you?” The princess chuckled, graciously taking the nightgown from her handmaiden’s hands. “You can relax when you are with me. You make me seem like one of those stuck-up, snobby princesses that care very little for others’ wellbeing. It is almost insulting.”
 Marlene’s rosy cheeks flushed and she bowed her head, locking her shaking fingers before her. “M-my apologies, your highness,” she hardly managed to stutter out, earning yet another roll of the eyes from the princess. “Marlene,” the princess called her name again, reaching out with her hand towards the handmaiden’s chin, tilting it up until their eyes met once again. “Relax.”
 Marlene’s chest heaved when she inhaled a deep breath, her muscles visibly relaxing at the sound of the princess’ soft, gentle voice. She exhaled as the princess’ lips grew in yet another warm grin, making her way around the dressing screen and making quick work of her dress. “Do you need help with your corset?” Marlene’s voice called over the screen just as she unlaced her own corset, her muscles aching in gratitude, her waist finally free of its confinement. “I’ve got it,” she sighed, tossing the corset until it hung over the top of the screen as she began to shimmy herself out of her dress.
 “Princess,” Marlene’s voice called again and she hummed in reply as she tossed the dress over the screen as well, rolling up her nightgown until the head was visible. “The King and Queen requested you for brunch tomorrow. Apparently, Lord Sirius will be spending the day in the castle.”
 Her lips twitched at the mention of Lord Sirius and she stepped out from behind the dressing screen as she soothed the nightgown down her body. “Thank you, Marlene,” she nodded her head. “May I request that I wear that midnight blue dress, you know, the one I wore the last time Lord Regulus came around?” Marlene’s face lit up in an almost knowing grin, although she tried to suppress it. “Trying to impress Lord Sirius?’ The handmaiden couldn’t help but giggle and the princess chuckled as well, shaking her head as she made her way towards her bed. “No, of course not,” she replied. “Lord Sirius is only a dear friend. And I like that dress. It is very comfortable– you did well on it.”
 Marlene flushed and bowed her head, “thank you, princess,” she murmured shyly. The princess smiled as she tucked herself beneath the covers, gazing up at the dusty pink ceiling of her bedroom. “Is there anything else you’d like before you sleep?” Marlene inquired and the princess shook her head in response. “No thank you, Marlene,” she murmured softly. “Have a good night.”
 “Sweet dreams, princess.”
 The princess blinked up at the ceiling as the marmalade glow faded when Marlene blew the candles out, the room slowly shrouding itself in darkness until she was gazing into a void of black. She listened to Marlene’s footsteps as she sauntered out of the bedroom and out of her quarters, leaving her alone in the room much too big for one woman.
 Everything was still, the sky outside her window was black and frankly, she should have been asleep. Alas, her mind was reeling, a dark, swirling tempest of much-unappreciated thoughts. What was she to do about her impending marriage?
 Call her a sap, call her a hopeless romantic— she wanted love. She didn’t want a prince of some far away kingdom, she didn’t want to be his shadow— she wanted to properly fall in love with someone, to marry someone on her own accord. She was still so young and still had so many years ahead of her, how could she be forced into wedlock!
 The thought put a sour look on her face and she turned to her side, wedging an arm beneath her pillow to support her head. She gazed out her window at the night’s black sky, eyeing the twinkling stars illuminating it. This couldn’t happen, it just couldn’t— she’d find a way to be sure of it.
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 Remus howled in pain as he stumbled through the back door of Lord Sirius Black’s manor, his muscles aching and the contents of his stomach bubbling at the pit, threatening to spill from his chapped lips. He could hear footsteps somewhere on the other side of the mansion and he hoped to whomever it was watching down on them that it was his dear friend. 
 Remus growled as sweat beaded down the side of his face, crashing into the bookcase against the wall as he tried to regain his balance, chest heaving as a thread of saliva fell down in a string from his lips. He groaned as he blinked up at the figure approaching him, hardly able to make out the face in the darkness of the manor. 
 “Sirius,” Remus managed out, yelping at another particularly rough jab of pain in his abdomen, practically slamming his forehead down on the nearest shelf of the bookcase. 
 “Merlin, let’s get you upstairs,” Sirius muttered, grabbing a hold of one of Remus’ arms, tossing it over his shoulders as he used his other arm to hoist his friend off of the wall. Remus hissed through his teeth at the pain and squeezed his eyelids shut, throwing his head back as he tried to move his feet to aide Sirius. 
 Sirius grunted as they approached the stairs, practically dragging his friend up the steps, much to Remus’ displeasure. His belly lurched at a particular rough landing on one of the steps and he pursed his lips together, hoping the acid bubbling in his throat could be willed to stay down. Sirius grabbed a hold of Remus again and hoisted him forth, finally arriving on the second floor of the manor. 
 He rushed Remus into one of the empty spare bedrooms, practically tossing his dear friend on the mattress as he rushed for the waste bin he kept in here for this sole purpose, handing it to the man. Remus wasted no time in spilling the contents of his stomach, a sour, rotten odor Sirius had grown far too accustomed to to care about imbuing the bedroom. 
 Sirius found a washcloth and poured some cold water over it, sighing as he plopped down in the chair beside the bed, handing the cloth over to Remus once he was done vomiting. He fell back against the pillows on the bed, chapped lips agape as he tried to catch his breath, slapping the cold rag down on his entire face. He squeezed his eyelids together hard enough to see stars, feeling his heart drum against his chest. 
 “Sorry,” he managed out, his voice low and husky. Sirius rolled his eyes and scoffed from his bedside, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “I think we’re well beyond an apology, my friend,” he chuckled. “Besides, you know I don’t mind.”
 Remus huffed and coughed against the rag, furrowing his brow as he folded it to only lay on his forehead, pressing it down hard enough to let some of the water trickle down his skin. He sighed at the feeling of the cold water reaching his chapped lips, his tongue swiping between them just as Sirius pressed the rim of a bottle to his lips. Remus’ lids shot open and he peered over at Sirius before back down at the glass of water, practically ripping it from his friend’s grip as he chugged the entire thing down, hiccuping and wiping the little bit that had dribbled onto his chin before handing it back. 
 “Sorry if I woke you up,” Remus apologized, letting his head fall to the side to get a better look at Sirius in his night clothes. Sirius shook his head, setting the glass of water down against the nightstand, once again leaning back in his seat. “No matter, I was awake anyway,” he replied. “Was just figuring out what to wear for brunch at the castle tomorrow.”
 Remus rolled his eyes at this— somehow, it always seemed to slip his mind that his best friend was rich, and a lord for that matter. “Right,” Remus muttered. “While I’m doing my best not to die, you’re rubbing elbows with royalty. Almost forgot.”
 Sirius, too, rolled his eyes and snickered at this, “it’d do you well to remember that I’m the one making sure you’re not dying in this very moment. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize your position right now, would you?”
 Remus scoffed, rolling his head to gaze back up at the ceiling. “Right,” he murmured. “Well, thanks for helping me out, mate. And don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair come morning.”
 “Now, wait a minute here, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily,” Sirius chuckled, leaning forward in his chair. Remus peeled a single eyelid open, glancing over to his friend. “The full moon’s not for another few weeks now, is it? And you’ve already got it this bad.”
“Two weeks, actually,” Remus sighed. “My symptoms seem to have gotten worse lately. Not even one of your million galleon beds takes away the pain.” Sirius pursed his lips, “not a million galleons, for one thing. Second, I thought you didn’t get this bad until the day before a transformation. Are you alright?”
 Remus opened both his eyelids again, cocking an eyebrow towards his friend. “Really?” He scoffed. “Oh, I’m doing just fine and dandy here, thanks so much for asking.” Sirius’ chest puffed when he huffed, “I can throw you back out onto the street if you fancy.” 
 Remus huffed, easing himself further down into the mattress. “I’m better now,” he sighed. “Just… tired.” Sirius eyed his friend, Remus’ skin still slick with a layer of sweat but at the very least, he didn’t seem prone to hurl his dinner out at any given moment anymore. Sirius soothed his palms over his thighs before pushing off of his seat, fingernails scratching at his scalp. “Get some sleep,” Sirius said as he made his way towards the door. “Leave whenever you need to tomorrow. I’ll probably already be gone.”
 Remus’ lips tugged into a smirk, “off rubbing elbows with the royal family?”
 Sirius hissed and rolled his eyes in their sockets, “piss off.”
 With that, Sirius closed the door behind him, leaving Remus all alone in one of the manor’s many bedrooms, blinking up into the black above where the ceiling would be. His muscles were sore and aching, the upcoming full moon lingering in the corner of his mind. How much longer would he have to bear this? How much must he suffer before he finally went numb? Before he felt nothing at all?
 Remus sighed, letting his eyelids flutter closed, hoping sleep would overtake him soon. He was grateful for Sirius, for having at least a comfortable bed to sleep in, unlike his own bed at home that was no better than sleeping on pins and needles. Remus let himself fall deeper into mattress, slowly but surely feeling himself slip into the arms of a deep slumber…
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a/n; so uh... surprise? so sorry for my long hiatus! between college and work, i have just hardly had any time for anything, especially writing but i'm back! and with a series of all things lol but i'm so excited to finally be posting this and i hope you all enjoy this as much as i do! please either comment or fill out my taglist form in my pinned post if you'd like to join my taglist for this series!
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Ikaris walked towards the bathroom and shut the door as he turned the light on and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He looks the same. Same blue eyes. Same dark hair with his gray streak. So, nothing's changed right? He pulled his shirt off his body and hisses slightly as he sees red and purple scratch marks all over his trail of skin.
He doesn't know why, but he can feel tears starting to form in his eyes. Why was he crying? He's been hurt worse than this before. Like the time Thena got trigger happy and attacked him with her axe and sword. But this was different. The enemy who made these marks was gone, but not done. And Ikaris fears for not only himself, but Y/N too.
There's a knock at the door. "Ikaris? Are you okay?"
"Fine. Just fine." He sniffles.
"Are you crying? I can hear your heart rate going up. What's going on in there?"
"Nothing! Please just go away."
Instead of listening, Y/N forced his way into the room with his powers as he saw Ikaris'bruises. "Oh my God, Iceberg what happened?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine." Ikaris said.
"You are not fine. You're hurt. Now, who did this?" He walked towards him and ran a gentle hand over his marks. "Please, tell me who did this?"
Ikaris takes a breath. "Apocalypse."
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All we Need - Jake Seresin x Reader - Part 2
A/N: Here is part two, I have enjoyed writing this hence why I am getting the parts up pretty quickly. Feedback is welcome and so are request!
Pairings: Jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem!pilot!Benjamin Reader
Warning: Angst Fluff Naval Inaccuracies mentions of death and mentions of the mission from the movie
Note: this is a bot of an AU where Iceman is fine and better!
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Jakes POV
“Daddy,” I hear a whisper next to me and a slight tap on my shoulder opening my eyes to see my daughter with a sad look on her face.
“What’s the matter Daisy?”
“Thena gone.” She replies tears brimming in her eyes and I shoot up out of bed, any indication that last night was a dream gone as I look at the tears threatening to fall.
“No baby maybe she just had an early start you know how she likes to wake up early to go make sure everything is safe for you.” She nods and starts making grabby hands indicating she wanted to be picked. I picked her up and headed toward the kitchen to start breakfast looking at the clock seeing that it was only 7am, Sarah wouldn’t be here for another half an hour to pick Daisy up. We eventually sat down for breakfast when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Sarah standing there a wide grin on her face as she stepped through the house.
“Hi miss Daisy” Daisy lifted her head with a small smile.
“Hi grandma Sarah”
Sarah shot me a confused look and I sighed normally Daisy would jump out of her seat for Sarah.
“Y/N got home last night, but was gone before we could wake up.” Sarah nodded immediately understanding the gloominess of the two Seresin’s.
“I am sure she will be home tonight Daisy, until then did you want to spend some time with me and Papa Ice and we can go to the zoo” Daisy head pops up and she sprints to her room to get ready suddenly excited at the sound of going to he zoo.
“I will grab some money for you to take her to the zoo, Sarah, thank you for looking after her.”
“Don’t you dare Jake, it is always our pleasure, since Ice got better he loves spending time with her and besides I know how hard it is for kids to grow up in this lifestyle.”
“Thank you” I say giving her a hug, for some reason this last deployment of Athena’s seemed harder than normally and now with this mission we are all stressed, the only silver lining was that Iceman was better lifting everyones spirits slightly. “Can you help Daisy get ready, I need to be on base in 30 mins.” Sarah nodded before walking into Daisy’s room.
After getting ready I waved to Sarah and Daisy before heading off towards base. When I arrived I walked into the classroom to noticed I was the last one to arrive with still no sign of Athena anywhere I start thing maybe she hadn’t been recalled and was just home early from deployment. As I took my seat next to Coyote, Warlock and Cyclone walk in explaining the details of the mission.
“And now to introduce the pilot instructed to teach all of you how to successfully fly this mission……Captain Pete Mitchell call sign Maverick.”
I turn to see Mav walking down the centre of the chairs, he hives me a subtle nod as I see Coyote Payback and Fanboy drop their heads while an angry look crosses Roosters face.
“What did you do Coyote”
“We throw him overboard about 1 min after you left last night.” I laugh lowly as Mad starts talking about the F-18 handbook.
“Today’s training will be basic dogfighting, you will be going up in pairs, first up Hangman, Payback and Fanboy, be ready in 15, I will meet you in the air.” We all start to stand up and head towards our jets, I see Rooster looking angry.
“Rooster man you okay?” He rolls his eyes at me
“Go away Hangman.”
“Okay but just so you know you can talk to me I know normally you would talk to Athena about it but you can talk to me.”
“I really thought she would be here.”
“Me too.” We turn to look as we hear a jet take off from the 2nd runway where the instructors planes normally are.
“Well that must be Mav that’s my cue, don’t let whatever is getting to you get to you Rooster.” I leave it at that and walk toward my jet before doing pre-flight checks. Once I was ready to go I lined up on the tarmac as Payback and Fanboy take off, after I have taken off we start idling above the training area waiting for instructions.
“Morning Aviators and welcome to basic dogfighting, you are not to go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. The goal shoot before you get shot down.”
Mav starts through the radio before Payback interrupts.
“What happens if we don’t, sir”
“I shoot back.” I can here the snideness in his voice.
“How bout we put some skin in the game.”
“What are you thinking Payback?”
“Whoever gets shot down has to do 200 push ups.”
“Alright you are on Payback.”
“Guys. That is a lot of push ups.” My heart nearly plummets to the ground when I hear the voice through the radio, a voice I would no anywhere suddenly the sun is blocked out of my canopy and I look up as I see Athena had moved her jet so she was upside over my jet.
“Hey cowboy, miss me.”
“Shit is that…” Payback breaks through the radio and Fanboy finished the sentence
“Athena, shit.”
Readers POV
I giggle as I hear Payback and Fanboy swear looking down at Jake just able to make out the shocked expression, i knew he knew i was home but I had still managed to surprise him.
‘Alright boys, its on.’ I quickly break away from my inclined position getting into a fight position, I knew Jake was going to be the tough one to beat, i also knew he had a bad habit of leaving his wingman so I went after Payback and Fanboy first, the put up on hell of a fight radio for Jake who i had seen sneak up behind me arrogance in his voice.
“This fellas is how you kill a goddess.”
“Right Hangman, time to teach you a lesson,,,,you’re out Payback.”
“Copy Athena” i break away and Jake follows as i start flying toward the sun, i can hear him asking payback for help to which payback responds with ‘i’m dead dickhead.’ And I giggle knowing i am now out of jakes line of sight i pull the control stick and flip over the top to land behind him.
‘You’re out Hangman, next time don’t leave your wingman.’ I see him hit the canopy before we all head back to base. I was the first to land, after i landed i popped the canopy and climb down the wing as i hit the ground I was wrapped in a tight pair of arms.
‘I missed you too Roo.’ He didn’t say anything just hugged me tighter.
‘I havent seen you in what a year and you dont even call to tell me your back.’ Before i can answer two more sets of arms wrap around me I look to see both Bob and Phoenix hugging me
‘Good to see you both as well.’ I reach up and ruffle bobs hair to which he groans through a wide smile.
‘Phe, we need lots of drinks tonight, on me.’ She nods
‘I missed you thena’
‘Me too Phe.’
I spot Jake over Phoenix’s head I smile before sprinting across the tarmac, Jake smiles even wider as I leap in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist.
‘Miss me did you Thena.’
‘You know I did, sorry I didn’t call, I didnt know I was coming back till I was practically on the plane.’
‘Daisy was upset you weren’t there this morning.’ He says placing me on the ground. I lower my head, suggesting ice cream and movies before we go to the Bar tonight.
‘I gotta go see Mav, but I will see you all in the classroom soon yeah.’ And i take off towards where Mav is standing with Cyclone.
Jakes POV
I watch as she takes off running toward Mav and Cyclone so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t hear Rooster come up behind me
‘That was odd.’ I turn to Rooster.
‘What are you on about man she just needed to talk to Mav.’ I replied though Rooster was right we hadn’t seen each other in months and she said two sentences to me. Rooster just shrugged and walked towards the classroom where everyone else was gathering. I walked it taking my seat next to Coyote normally Athena would sit on the other side but right now she was standing still fully kitted up next to Mav. Cyclone moves to the front of the room gaining everyone’s attention
‘Now the she has graced as with her appearance can I introduce your team leader and co-instructor for this mission, the only pilot on active duty to be an Ace by having five air-to-air kills, and the best pilot that Navy has had in decades Lieutenant Commander Y/N Benjamin, call sign Athena.’ I turn in shock to look at Phoenix and Rooster who are also looking with at the front in shock as she moves to the front, Coyote taps my shoulder whispering in my ear
‘She is an Ace and got a promotion and you didn’t tell me.’
‘I didn’t know.’ And i turn back to the front of the room my full attention on Athena.
‘Most of you I know and have flown with before for some it is the first time, the point of these next few weeks is to teach you all how to fly this mission and get you all home safely.’
I took note of the way she was phrasing the mission objectives and how she was always saying you and not us, I made a mental note to talk to her about it in private, we all knew this mission was dangerous but the way she is speaking is that someone is coming home and that someone is her.
‘Now next in the air going up against Maverick is Rooster, Phoenix and Bob.’ Rooster shoots a small glare at her and she shrugs slightly.
‘As for the rest of you report to the rec room there is a schedule there of who is flying and when except Payback, Fanboy and Hangman.’ I flinch at my call sign coming out of her mouth through all our years she has always referred to me as Jake.
‘Ma’am where do we report.’ Fanboy asked.
‘To Hondo, Fanboy, you three owe me 200 pushups.’
Readers POV
I saw Payback and Fanboy groan as the head towards Hondo, I glance to Jake who looks hurt that i had kept the promotion and the fact i was now an Ace a secret. As he stood up i yelled out to him to get his attention to stay back.
‘Ma’am is there something i can do for you.’ I could hear the sarcasm in his voice with hints of anger
‘Cut it out Hangman, I was going to tell you I just hadn’t got time to.’
‘How could you not get time is your phone broken or something.’
‘I got told i was being recalled then shoved on a plane before i finishing packing my bag, by the time i got home I just wanted to sleep.’
‘What happened on you last mission Athena?!’ I saw his face soften as i struggled to control my emotions a flash of sadness making its way across my face, before i could answer Cyclone called me to report to his office.
‘I want to tell you Jake, but I don’t know if i am ready, tonight can we go together to get daisy and then maybe grab some ice cream by the beach.’ He just nodded in response and i patted him on the arm before walking to cyclones office.
‘Athena, how was it being back in the air after everything today?’
‘Fine sir, no issues at all it felt like i never left.’
‘Losing a wingman is never easy Athena if you need to talk to someone whether its professionally or Iceman you need to talk about it.’
‘I know thank you sir, with regard Iceman is helping me as he knows the details of the mission.’
‘Very well and well done on the promotion, I am sure you are happy’
‘Yes Sir, thank you.’ As he dismissed me and i headed toward the locker room hoping Phoenix was still in the sky. As i picked up the pace tears threatening to spill i crashed into a hard chest looking up to see who it was i widen my eyes in surprise.
‘Uncle Ice?’
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Taglist: @dory-98
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marksbear · 2 years
Hi I really like your writing! I was wondering if you could do druig x make reader. Maybe reader is very sunshine kinda person and when the eternals meet druig new boyfriend they are just shocked
Hey! Thank you for liking it! And have a good Christmas Anon!
"just don't mess this all up for me."
Druig says to his team while they all sit together at Phastos house to all spend time with each other for the holidays.
The Eternals all begged to meet Druig's significant other he was so smitten for. Even Ikrais showed a bit of interest in who this person is. So to get them off of Druig's back he invited them over to have dinner.
"You worry too much Druig!" Kingo says with a laugh. "Don't worry Druig we'll try to be on our best behavior." Gilgamesh adds trying to ease his friends worries.
The sound of the door bell rings makes the house all quiet. Druig gives his team one more spare glance before walking to the door.
Once he opens it he smiles brightly. "You came." Even though Druig's voice didn't sound he wasn't excited he was beyond ecstatic. His boyfriend wraps his arms around Druig as he does the same just standing in the middle of the doorway hugging and enjoying the others presence.
"Of course I came! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" His boyfriend was smiling ear to ear making Druig weak in the knees. Druig pulls Y/n inside taking his coat or jacket and hangs them up.
"Come on." Druig takes his boyfriend by the hand leading him in the dining room. The Eternals conversations got quiet and their attention all focused on Druig.
"Everyone..." Druig moves out of his boyfriend way while all the Eternals stare and study the boyfriend who has the brightest and gentle smile ever. "Meet my boyfriend. Y/n L/n the greatest man on earth." All of the Eternals stand up from their seats introducing themselves to Y/n and having small talk.
Everyone click with Y/n gentle and energetic personality. Kingo and Y/n ranted back and forth about movies, Phastos and him had a mutual agreement about liking building and kids being the best boyfriends ever, Makkair even taught him him some sign language.
Gilgamesh and him talked about cooking for a while, Y/n was complimenting Thena's beauty making her very blushy and smile hard, Him and Sprite were making playful remarks to each other.
Hell he even managed to make Ikaris break character and share some cool and funny stories with each other.
All of the Eternals were hooked for Y/n and his great personality loved him even more than. Kingo was first to think "How the hell did Dark Vader manage to pull a man like Y/n." Kingo eyes Druig up and down making sure he isn't using his powers to control Y/n.
Y/n spends hours talking and playing with his boyfriend. He decides it's time for he can go. "Bye everyone! It was a pleasure meeting you all and I hoped you liked me!" Y/n bows his head down a little before giving everyone a hug bye.
Lots of the Eternals try to convince and beg Y/n to stay but Y/n kindly declines the offers with a huge smile on his face. "Bye everyone have a Merry Christmas!" Druig pulls his boyfriend out and walks him to his car.
"What do you think of them?" Druig asks wrapping his arms around Y/n waist. "I think they're lovely. They are all one big happy family. I think they're good for you my love~" Y/n answers with fully honestly kissing Druig passionately before pulling away and opening his car taking out gifts.
"Can you give them these. I based off the gifts from your stories about them! And I got plenty for you at my house!" Y/n hands him the boxes of gifts. "You know you didn't have to." Druig says feeling himself smile.
"I know I know. It's just that I wanted to make a double good impression."
The two share one more kiss before departing in their own separate ways. But Druig stops in his tracks. And he turns around putting the gifts on the porch before jogging back to Y/n's car.
Y/n pokes his head out the window. "Yes?"
"I love ya sun." Druig says smiling to his boyfriend.
"I love you too moon~" Y/n says back.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Can you do another spicy story with this AU but it's him tying her up instead. Like i need this to be SPICY like one of the spiciest, filthiest story you've ever made. I need the teasing, dirty talk, begging, maybe some overstimulation if you feel like it😅 Also I know being rough isn't Gilgamesh whole thing but I feel like for this Thena did something that set him off and brought something out of him maybe? I love you and all your work!
Thena keened as he tugged at the lace, making sure it was secure around her precious little wrists. He gave her backside a gentle pat. "Good, girl."
She whined faintly. Her teeth were dug into the plump of her lower lip, their fullness pushing against them.
"Easy," he growled, giving her a slightly firmer spank before moving around her. He hovered close, letting his eyes take in the exquisite feast that was his wife (to be). "Pink is a good colour on you, Princess."
She trembled before him, the pink he had just left on the round of her bum matching the pink in her cheeks now travelling down to her chest. Her breath heaved, forcing her breasts up and down in a hypnotising rhythm.
"And whose are you?"
"Yours," she gasped out as he rolled up his sleeves. He flexed his right hand, even slipped his engagement ring off. She eyed it as he approached her again.
"Good," he purred, holding up the ring. He toyed with it in his fingers a few times before pressing it to her lips. "Whose princess are you?"
"Yours," she panted, watching as he slipped his ring onto the other hand, freeing his right to be unburdened as he slipped it up her thigh.
"And whose," he paused, pressing his thumb at the right angle to open her just slightly. He ran his tongue over her, making her body tremor again. He held her other thigh steady, "is this?"
"All yours," she moaned as he pressed his tongue to her again. She wiggled against her binds, trying to press her hips to him. But he held her more solidly, commanding how far she was able to move and to what timing. "Please, Gil."
"Hm," he hummed directly against her clit. She made a positively guttural sound and he knew she had thrown her head back with pleasure. He let his tongue trace around the edges of her lips, testing out his territory. "Ask again."
"Please, baby, please," she whined, even trying to hook one of her legs around his shoulder, but he held her firmly. Her hips knocked against him.
"Ask nicely," he growled, even biting down on the firmness of her adductor longus (he needed anatomy knowledge for business, but pleasing his fiance was a pleasant bonus). He left reddish teeth marks, furthering the overall rouge of her pale skin sheened with sweat. He ran his palm over it, on his way to pushing two fingers into her, "like a good girl."
"Please, Tyrant King, please fuck me."
He buried his satisfaction in the crook of her thigh, right at the socket of her hip. He dragged his teeth over her soft skin there as he pumped his fingers mercilessly. Without his ring on, he could push up until his fingers met her pelvic bone.
"Gil!" Thena shrieked, but he kept moving. He had never gone so deep, so fast, so hard. He usually warmed her up more gently, even before they were joined. But he was powering on relentlessly. "Gil, Gil, fuck--it's too much!"
She came almost immediately, and he was pleased with the results. But he kept moving. He let his rhythm change slightly, pulling his fingers out just to his first knuckles each time. "Come on, Sweetness."
Her knees buckled but he held her up, still driving her towards her second orgasm in rapid succession.
"Fuck, Gil, I-I can't-!" She screamed again as she came a second time, her senses completely drowning in him. Her hips jerked as she squirted, her legs letting go of all semblance of strength.
He held her, not willing to let her fall to her knees no matter the agenda he had planned for them. Her whole body shook and her knees were twitching in a charming way. He rubbed her back as he helped her lean back against his desk. "Easy."
Thena panted, leaning as heavily as she could against her clasped fists between the desk edge and her bare back. Her lips attempted to form words, but all that happened were a series of kittenish sounds implying satisfaction.
Gil kept his chuckle to himself; he could relish in his ridiculous male pride later. He started at her ankle, pulling it up to rest it on his shoulder. "What a mess."
Thena gasped again, regaining her senses from the bottom up as he licked up the evidence of her bone-deep pleasure. "Gil?"
"It's okay, Princess," he whispered against her skin, trailing his tongue along her the way he would like a million dollar plate. He massaged the inside of her other thigh as he did. "I don't want to waste this."
Thena barely had the mind to breathe as he continued his journey up her thighs. He stopped just short of her core. Her hips quivered as he let himself puff a breath of warm air against her wetness. "M-More?"
"Is that a question?" he grinned against her skin, just below her bellybutton. He trailed his tongue over the scar leftover from when she'd had her procedure. She whined at him--she didn't like him paying it special attention. He gave her another light spank.
She yelped.
"Who's in control here," he rose from kneeling to look into her eyes again. She looked delirious, in a delicious kind of way. "Ice?"
"You are," she breathed, swaying on the spot as he moved closer. She let herself lean against him, her breasts finding refuge against his chest. She even tried to rise up onto her toes to kiss him. "You are."
If only it were always so easy.
He granted her a little kiss, although she tried to follow as he pulled back. "Ah-ah-ah, Ice--wait."
Her spine straightened at the command.
He undid the buttons of his shirt slowly, pulling it off with a sense of luxury he had denied her. She eyed him hungrily, some of his usual lionhearted Ice Queen emerging. He rolled his shoulders, showing off the tattoos covering his arms. She liked them.
She tried to move forward again, pulling faintly at her lace.
He undid his belt with a single hand, pulling it out and tossing it away with one motion. He inhaled as he pulled himself from his trousers. "This what you want?"
She nodded, still battling against remaining still and pulling forward.
He closed the distance, lessening her need to move in. He pressed her back towards the desk, even gripping her thigh to help her just high enough to lean back against it practically and comfortably. He dashed his eyes down between them.
The pink in her chest deepened, overtaking her like a rose blooming.
He kept his eyes focused as she obeyed his commands even without the words. She raised her leg further, showing her readiness to take him in. He held himself in position. "Good girl."
Thena moaned, literally dripping ready for him. "Please."
"Go on," he encouraged under his breath. He all but held still as she aligned them, trying to take in the head of him with only her hips to guide her. She whimpered as he finally slipped into her. "Good girl."
Thena moaned as she finally managed to slide him into her. She truly was wound up, her muscles undulating around him, at a loss after being teased so thoroughly.
She met his eyes, although the lids of hers were heavy. Her pupils were blown, her eyes a dark, dark green. She started, as he asked, bouncing on his cock, pinned between him and a hard place.
"Good" he growled, moving back to whisper right in her ears. The closer angle let them move more easily. He kept his participation minimal, just enough for them to continue while she did the bulk of the work. "Just like that."
She whimpered, pulling at her binds again. "Gil, please."
He loved hearing that. He leaned forward. She used the friction of their naked fronts to appease her need to stimulate her breasts. He reached behind her, in a semblance of holding her like she liked, or even of undoing her restraints.
She let out another sound of pure pleasure as he yanked her back, exposing her to the open air again.
"Getting greedy, Ice," he chastised her before nipping at the shell of her ear. He left light but visible bite marks all along the delicate but brightly flushed part of her until he could trail down to her neck. He latched on there, pulling her thigh up higher until he could seat her on the desk. Only there could he truly complete his task. "Who's in control, here?"
"You are."
He pulled out of her completely, admiring how visibly she missed him, only to push in again in one clean stroke. They both shuddered. His throat clenched,
Thena hunched all the way forward, desperate to feel some part of him closer aside from just what connected them. "Gil!"
"That's it," he cooed as he started moving. This was a better angle. He let go of her high, locking her knee up around his arm as he gripped the edge of the desk. The heavy, bolted-to-the-floor desk, moaned from the pressure of their bodies writhing together.
Thena's gasps fluttered continually upward and outward. She moaned, higher and louder with every stroke. "Fuck, I'm gonna come again!"
That was certainly his goal. He wanted a mess of her. He wanted a complete feast of the woman he loved, piled on his desk like a cornucopia. He wanted to be able to lick up her melted remains off the varnished oak top.
"Fuck, please," she panted. She had unfurled her fists, angling her hands to hold her up against his pounding. Her buttocks were creating a mass around which their sweat and other fluids could collect in an incriminatingly round formation.
"Who do you come for?" he growled, determined to bring their current mood to its conclusion. He reached behind her again, tugging at the end of the lace around her wrists and pulling her back further. He eyed the enticing bounce of her breasts, offbeat from the slapping of their hips meeting.
"You, only you," she responded oh-so obediently. She was a fast learner, his Ice Queen. If she wanted to come, she would play his game. "It can only be you."
"Damn right," he snarled, pulling up on the edge of the desk until he heard the legs groaning in protest. He could hear - and see - the wetness running from between her legs and now over the edge of the desk. That vision would be with him for the rest of his life.
"Gil, Gil, oh fuck, right there, I-!" Thena stopped mid-sentence, if not mid-word. Her head went all the way back and her legs jerked up and in. Her toes splayed out and then curled in.
He threw himself against her, their hips creating the perfect crater for one another in their release. He could feel the mess they were making, and it was incredible. Only now did he let himself lean his weight down over her, their hearts beating wildly, but somehow alike. The weight of him helped her to stop shaking.
Thena's body was completely slick with sweat, now glowing, and tinged pink all over. Her usual pallor had given way, particularly from her chest upward. Some of her perfect blonde hair was even stuck to her cheeks in their heated tangle of bodies.
Gil grunted as he pulled himself from her. He was tired, and he couldn't imagine how she was feeling. He looked down as the evidence of them trailed after him and flowed freely from Thena. He reached for his suit jacket.
Thena flinched as he ran his handkerchief over her bare lips.
"Sorry," he whispered, being as gentle as he could knowing she was probably still on fire within her own nervous system.
Again, she tried to form words, but nothing came out.
Gil collected her into his arms, undoing her lace just as easily as he had tied it. Her arms hung limply by her sides as he pulled her against his chest. "Easy, Princess."
She mumbled something, but he couldn't make out what it was. He just patted her back, helping her off the desk so he could hold her properly. Her head was limp against his shoulder, as if she were barely conscious.
"Thena?" he cooed, hoping he hadn't taken it too far. He turned, carrying her to his office couch and pulling his shirt over her.
"Hm," she managed, just barely. But her completely dazed expression did feature a sated - and dare he say cute - little smile on her perfect lips.
"Nothing, sweetheart, I'll wake you later," he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to those lips as comfortably and freely as he would speak her name.
Thena seemed aware enough to accept the promise, snuggling against him as she gave in to her exhaustion.
Indeed, he would. He would let her rest, run a cool cloth over her body until she was refreshed, pull her dress back on for her. He would have her favourites delivered, and hand feed her, if that was what she wanted. They had both had their needs more than fulfilled, after all.
Although he had to admit, he liked being the one to tie her up this time. And despite his security in knowing that Thena had no interest in the new business associates all throwing themselves at her feet, begging and drooling like unfixed dogs, he liked asserting that fact. He liked hearing for himself that she was only his, that her body was only his as his was hers. And he liked having her beg for him, just a little bit.
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fanficapologist · 1 year
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Thirty-Six
The Red Keep bustled with activity, as if it had come to life overnight. Staff and nobles hurried through its corridors, the impending royal wedding demanding swift preparations in the short span of six weeks.
The morning after the shocking announcement, Thena efficiently assisted Maera in preparing for the day, by twisting and braiding her hair so it was out of her face, and lacing her into a scoop neck turquoise dress, a slim gold chain sitting across her waist as a belt. As the maid served Maera breakfast, her tone held an air of importance as she conveyed the day's agenda.
"My Lady, you'll be spending the day with Queen Alicent and Queen Helaena," she informed Maera. "They wish to discuss gowns, invitations, and decor, matters that need swift decisions so the necessary resources can be secured."
“Thank you, Thena. I think the next few weeks will be busy indeed,” Maera replied with a defeated sigh.
Before Maera departed for her royal duties, Thena cleared her throat and placed the stack of correspondence her lady had previously entrusted her with, along with the silk purse filled with coins, on the dining table. She hesitated for a moment, then declared, "I believe it's time to return these letters, my lady. And your purse, of course," her gaze unwavering.
Maera was grateful that the letters had not fallen into the wrong hands, shuffling through them and saw all seven were accounted for.
"Thank you for ensuring their safety," she said sincerely. However, she insisted, "But you should keep the money, Thena, as a token of my appreciation and trust."
Thena's response was tinged with humor. "I couldn't very well refuse a gift from the future Princess, could I?" she quipped, using the title that Maera found uncomfortable. Despite this, Maera managed a strained smile, appreciating the loyalty and understanding of her maid.
Walking into the Queen's chambers, Maera was engulfed in a warm and tight hug by Helaena, their friendship radiating in that embrace before she had even fully crossed the threshold. Maera reciprocated the hug, feeling a sense of relief seeing Helaena's face on the mend. While there were still remnants of green and yellow from the bruising, her eyes shone as brilliantly as ever.
Seated at the table behind Helaena was Queen Alicent, and Maera acknowledged her presence with a respectful curtsy. The last time Maera had spoken with the Queen mother properly was the day they had discovered Helaena in her terrible state.
Wanting to ensure there was no animosity, Maera began with an apology. "Your Grace, I must apologize for my… past behavior. My actions were unbecoming of a lady." Of course, she was not sorry for beating Alicent’s son, who had hurt her friend, but for the sake of a peaceful future, Maera hoped her words would mend any lingering discomfort from their last meeting.
Alicent waved away her apology with a gracious smile. "No need for apologies, Lady Maera. There is much to look forward to now. Come," she responded warmly, gesturing for them to take a seat. Such indifference was puzzling to Maera. Did the Queen Mother even know it was her who harmed her son? Or did she think it was another result of Aegon drunken escapades in Flea Bottom? No, Alicent was no fool. The Kingsguard would have told her if he had returned in that state. Perhaps she thought it was Aemond? Oh Gods, Aemond…
Despite her own mixed emotions about the impending wedding, Maera couldn't help but be delighted to witness Helaena's enthusiasm for planning the intricate details of the upcoming event. Seeing Helaena engage with Alicent and herself over floral arrangements and menu choices, after being previously so subdued, brought a genuine smile to Maera's face.
With the chiming of a bell, Queen Alicent summoned numerous potential vendors for the royal event, assuring Maera that these were the finest in King's Landing. The assembly included florists, caterers, musicians, dress designers, and seamstresses. Although the occasion was bittersweet for Maera, she threw herself into the planning with the Queen and Queen Mother, as she would for any other event, using the preparations as a welcomed distraction from her own uncertain future.
Maera sat contentedly as Helaena and Alicent took charge of selecting vendors. It seemed right that Helaena should choose the flowers that would adorn the great hall. With enthusiasm, she selected a variety of blossoms of yellow, white, black and deep red, that would bring a vibrant burst of color to the event. In addition, she picked three skilled musicians who specialized in stringed instruments to provide enchanting melodies on the special day.
Meanwhile, Queen Alicent focused her attention on the crucial matter of catering and food options for the banquet, selecting various meats, fruits, pies, breads, wines and ales. Knowing that not all of the realm's nobles could attend in just six weeks, she then began compiling a concise guest list. House Wylde, of course, would be sent an invite first as they were the family of the bride. More strategic invites were also made priority, such as the Baratheons and the Lannisters. And to ease the transition of the seat of Morne to Targaryen rule, House Tarth would also be extended an invitation.
In letters, Maera’s late aunt Viserra had mentioned about the Lords of Tarth, cousins of her husband Lord Byron, and feelings were conveyed as mixed. Currently, Lord Pearse was the overlord of Evenfall Hall and his son, Lord Endrew, was heir. Both would need to be won over to ensure Maera’s family’s safety, and what better way to do that than at a royal wedding
In the midst of the wedding preparations, there came a moment that made the impending reality of her wedding day sink in for Maera – the dress. Prompted by a group of three skilled dressmakers, she rose from the table and stood still by the window as two of the seamstresses took measurements of height, bust, hips, waist and shoulders. The head of the group, the dress designer, a tall golden-haired woman who employed the seamstresses, arranged various fabrics on the table, presenting a palette of shades: black, gold, green, red, white, and turquoise, each with intricate patterns of embroidery.
Beside the fabric samples, the dress designer laid pieces of parchment that held sketches of recent royal wedding dresses, offering Maera a wellspring of inspiration. The dresses looked stunning, and the designer had drew them in such detail Maera felt she could almost see the actual dresses in front of her. Such a variety of designs on different body types, each dress conveying the true beauty of House Targaryen.
It was an immense pressure to pick and create such a masterpiece to be worn on an important event. An occasion that would not only bind her to Aemond for as long as they lived, but would be used as an excuse to form advantageous political alliances, over wine, food and dancing.
Overwhelmed by the array of choices, Maera felt a reassuring squeeze on her hand from Helaena. "I can't wait to see you in a wedding gown, Maera," Helaena exclaimed, a warm smile on her lips that prompted Maera to respond with a shy but genuine smile of her own.
The three women meticulously analyzed the designs, weighing the pros and cons of each. However, for every appealing aspect, there seemed to be ten more drawbacks – the designs were either too dated, impractical, or simply unflattering for Maera's figure. She couldn't help but nod in agreement.
Maera turned to address one of Alicent’s trusted servants, Talya, who stood diligently with the other maids in the corner of the room. “Can you please fetch me a piece of parchment and a quill? I wish to try something.”
The woman nodded, quickly procuring the requested items and handed them to Maera, who was ready to take matters into her own hands.
As Maera's quill danced across the parchment, her vision for the wedding dress slowly came to life as Helaena and Alicent watched with bated breath. She began by lightly sketching the outline of her form, the lines of her drawing emphasizing the curvature of her fuller bust and rounded hips. These were the features that would have the most significant impact on how the dress would flatter her figure.
With precision and a touch of creativity, Maera borrowed elements from various gowns she had admired in the sketches. The shoulders, reminiscent of the dragon wings, came from Queen Alicent's own wedding gown, flaring outward to create a regal and dramatic effect. Maera added a subtle touch—an attachment for a chiffon cape that would flow gracefully behind her.
Her gaze shifted to another sketch, inspired by the bodice of the late Lady Laena Velaryon's gown. Maera borrowed the idea of an accentuated bodice that would emphasize her natural curves, giving the dress a more defined shape and elegance.
She then turned her attention to Helaena's own wedding dress, a masterpiece that featured a layering of different fabrics around the hips. Maera skillfully sketched this layering, envisioning a central underskirt in pristine white, flanked on either side by golden shimmering fabric adorned with intricate black swirls.
Lastly, Maera drew inspiration from Queen Alysanne's dress. Though some might consider it dated, the voluminous skirt of Alysanne's gown held a timeless beauty. It flowed dramatically, drawing attention to the narrow waist of the bodice, a feature Maera was eager to replicate in her own design.
With the design complete, Maera presented her vision to Helaena, Alicent, and the dress designer, who couldn't help but marvel at her talent.
The designer, awestruck by Maera's talent, couldn't help but comment, "Perhaps in a previous life, Lady Maera, you were a seamstress." Maera chuckled at the notion, humbly dismissing the idea.
Turning her attention to her future sister-in-law and Queen Mother, Maera asked eagerly, "What do you both think?" Helaena's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she examined the sketch.
"Remarkable design! What colors do you think would be most suitable?" she inquired.
Maera rose from her seat to get a better look at the array of fabrics laid out before her. She carefully examined each one, lifting them to catch the light and see how they interacted. After a moment of contemplation, she made her selections. With a discerning eye, she chose a luxurious turquoise satin for the bodice, adorned with deeper blue embroidered swirls. For the accent color, she settled on a dark gold, almost bronze, fabric that would complement the turquoise perfectly.
Her gaze then shifted to the creamy-gold fabric meant for the layered skirts around the hips. After careful consideration, she made her choice for more intricate patterns on the dress—a scale-patterned, shimmering black that would contrast beautifully with the bright white she had selected for the underskirts.
Gathering the fabric samples, she brought them back to her seat, her quill at the ready. With precision and care, she began to mark her design, drawing annotations to indicate where each piece of fabric would go. The dress was taking shape not only in her mind but on the parchment before her, a testament to her creativity and attention to detail.
Maera, with a discerning eye, noticed Queen Alicent's silence and couldn't help but ask, "Your Grace, do you approve of the design?"
Queen Alicent took a moment to appreciate the creation before her and replied, "It's beautiful, very befitting of a Targaryen princess." However, her concern showed as she added, "I worry, though, that the neckline might be considered… a touch immodest for the Sept."
The dressmaker, eager to address the Queen's concerns, chimed in, "Your Grace, with the utmost respect, Lady Maera has a larger chest area than most noblewomen. No amount of fabric would truly hide that fact."
Maera, trying to lighten the moment, quipped, "It is a blessing and a curse, Your Grace."
Queen Alicent chuckled, responding, "You'll be thankful for it when it comes to feeding your future babies, sweet girl." Maera, feeling a mix of emotions at the thought, nodded in response.
Turning her attention back to the dressmaker, Queen Alicent inquired, "Can the design be executed?"
The blonde-haired dressmaker, with determination in her eyes, replied, "Absolutely, Your Grace. My seamstresses and I will work tirelessly, day and night, to ensure Lady Maera's gown is perfect. We can make any needed alterations here at the Red Keep a few days before the ceremony."
With the reassurance of the dressmaker, the women expressed their gratitude to the vendors and left the room, ready to continue their preparations for the grand wedding that awaited.
That night, Maera, with the assistance of two chambermaids, helped her Queen prepare for bed, her hands deftly unfastening the intricate laces of Helaena’s gown, allowing it to cascade like a waterfall of rich fabric. With the queen's attire removed, her undergarments were exchanged for a more comfortable nightshift, crafted from soft linens that cradled her form. As Maera began to undo the many braids in Helaena’s regal updo, the Queen's enthusiasm from the day's events was still palpable. She exclaimed, "I've always wanted a sister," before correcting herself, "I mean, I know I have Rhaenyra, but we were always worlds apart. Having a sister who is also my best friend is truly a blessing from the Gods."
Maera smiled warmly at the Queen, her heart touched by Helaena's words. While Maera did have sisters of her own, her bond with Helaena was unique and held a special place in her heart. “We have always been sisters, Helaena, the wedding will not change that. But it will be nice to be apart of the same House as you,” Maera replied as she ran a brush through Helaena’s silver locks.
As the maids guided the Queen toward the bed, moving in harmony, they ensured that every need was met. They fluffed the pillows, plumped the duvet, and arranged the linens with precision. Helaena, with a graceful ease, reclined on the bed, her expression one of tranquil repose. The maids then withdrew to begin dimming the candles around the chambers, leaving Maera to pull up the blankets to cover Helaena’s lap, her legs still showing bruising from the incident with Aegon.
Catching Maera staring, Helaena quickly pulled the fabric towards her in order to cover her lower limbs, almost as if she was ashamed of the markings she bore from the attack. To ease the tension brewing, Maera then tucked the duvet around the Queen with practiced expertise, as she brought up the topic that had been on her mind.
"You know, I haven't seen Aemond since yesterday. Nor have we spoken properly in over two weeks," she mentioned, "I hope things won't be awkward."
Helaena, relaxing against her pillows with a reassuring smile, replied, "My brother, despite his flaws, will make a good husband to you, Maera. I know this to be true. Perhaps clearing the air and spending some time with one another would ease your transition into marriage."
What Maera didn't reveal to Helaena was that she and Aemond had not properly spoken since the incident in his chambers—the kiss that had left things between them unresolved. They had encountered each other when Maera had confronted Aegon, but the kiss remained unaddressed.
After bidding Helaena good night, Maera made her way back to her chambers, where Thena awaited her. The faithful maid undressed her and gently unraveled Maera's brown hair, the striking silver streak glinting in the soft light of the hearth. Thena dressed Maera in her nightclothes and assured her she would see her in the morning before closing the chamber doors.
Restless from a day of wedding planning, she attempted to read a book, ‘The Loves of Queen Nymeria’, but the tale only made her more unsettled, as the thrilling freedom of the life of princess caused Maera to long for a much different future. The Dornish woman’s three husbands served her only as counselors and consorts, never seeking to rule over her or take her power, enamoured by her beauty and cunning. A stark contrast to Westerosi custom, where men absorbed the power their wives were made to give them the minute they were bound before the Seven.
The rain outside gently tapped on her window, creating a soothing rhythm. Beyond the glass, the world was veiled in a soft, silver curtain of water. Maera's gaze wandered to the window and below it she locked eyes on her writing desk, where the stack of old correspondence lay. Thinking it was unnecessary to hold onto the letters that would have been delivered after her supposed execution, she decided to dispose of them.
Rising from her bed and making her way over to her writing desk, Maera picked up the sealed parchments, each addressed for different recipients. There were two for Rain House, one for Hornhill meant for Wynni, another for Sabine in the Westerlands, one destined for the Citadel, intended for her brothers pursuing the maester's path, and finally one for Essos, meant for Dermot, who continued his travels. One by one, she fed them to the fire, watching as the flames consumed the words until they were reduced to ash.
Maera double-checked the count. Six. Not seven. She had originally written seven. One letter was missing. Her heart sank as she realized it was the one addressed to Prince Aemond. Panic set in as she frantically searched the area near the hearth and under her desk, desperately looking for the missing letter. Perhaps she had just dropped it as she had picked up the stack from the desk? No, not on the floor. Her hands trembled as she rummaged through parchment and finery, heart racing as each passing moment intensified the dread that gnawed within her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she muttered, beginning to turn her chamber upside down in an attempt to find it.
The soft candlelight, which usually bathed the chamber in a warm glow, now cast eerie shadows that danced menacingly along the walls. Lady Maera's breaths came in rapid gasps, her mind racing with thoughts of the consequences should the letter remain missing. She had narrowly avoided death once, surely the Gods would not allow her to avoid it twice.
Then, a voice broke the silence, asking, "Looking for this?"
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Tags: @blue-serendipity @marvelescvpe @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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firehousefreak911 · 2 years
Idk if you would write this but could you do something where the reader is bobby’s daughter and she’s a doctor but he hasn’t seen her in a long time until he walks into the hospital with Buck or something?
You were working a double shift at the hospital. It had been nothing but incoming trauma for hours. You finally had a second to breathe. You were standing at the nurses desk filling out paperwork when you heard a familiar voice.
“I’m telling you I’m fine, I don’t need to be seen” you heard the man say.
The woman accompanying him responded, “Athena is already on her way, so it’s probably safer if you get checked out”
You turned around and saw the last person you expected to see, your dad. The last time you saw him was about 6 years ago when he showed up to your dorm room drunk out his mind.
The paramedic with him saw you looking over and motioned for you.
“You had got caught, cover blown “ you thought, you put on a fake smile and walk over.
“Hi, I’m Doctor…”you began when he cut you off.
“Y/n?” He said looking hopeful. He had tried many times to reach out since he got sober but you stopped trusting him and his apologies.
“You look good” you said finally looking him in the eyes.
“Do you know each other?” Asked who you figured was Hen.
“Yeah, I’m his daughter” you said. You could tell that your dad wanted to hide. He never did well in situations like this.
“So what brings you in Captain Nash?” You ask trying to push everything away, hoping it’s not the alcohol and pills again. Hen excused herself.
“The floor I was on collapsed and I landed wrong” he said holding up a wounded wrist.
“I’m 5 years clean” he said, trying to start a conversation.
“That’s good” you said not wanting to cave.
“I tried reaching out over the years” he pushed.
You we’re trying your best not to show emotion. You heard a voice outside the curtain.
“I know” you reply.
“Well I thought it would be best if you found out from me” he started and was cut off with a beautiful woman entering the area.
“Bobby? Are you ok?” She asked, grabbing his shoulder.
“Yeah, Thena, I actually want you to meet someone” Bobby looked at this woman with so much love. It was the same look he gave your mother. It shattered you.
“this is Dr. Y/n Nash, my daughter, and this is my wife, Athena” he says introducing you.
You couldn’t help it. You run from the area and find the break room.
“I’m sure she’ll come around Bobby” Athena said , caressing Bobby’s good hand with her free one, as she drove home. A nurse ended up coming in a finishing up with him.
“I dont know if she will Athena, it’s been 6 years since I saw her and I was so drunk I don’t remember what happened. I’ve been trying to fix it for years, I screwed up big time and I should’ve tried harder to fix it” he said
“Bobby you have paid for your mistakes and you fight like hell everyday. But maybe she just hasn’t seen that yet.” Athena said.
Bobby nodded silently.
—back at the hospital you wipe off your face and exit the break room. Maria, the nurse who took over for you, walked up to you.
“I know you don’t want to talk to him but he asked me to give you this” she handed you a piece of paper with his number on it.
After you shift you went home. You sat on your couch looking at this number. You don’t know when you dialed it. You heard it ring and you grew nervous.
“Hello?” You heard his voice say.
“Dad?” You asked.
“Y/!N?! I’m so glad you called” he cheered
“Um can we meet? I want to see you, we need to talk” you caved. You knew it was time to forgive him.
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redheadspark · 10 months
Hawuuuu again can I request 8. Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own? And 20. "I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve that," with Druig
I kinda imagine this scene taking place in Tenochtitlan scene just when Druig was leaving
A/N - HAWUU! Thanks for the request, my friend! I love this for Druig!
Summary - Druig thinks he's going to be alone out in the jungle. He was proven wrong.
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Warnings - Angst and Fluff mixed in!
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“Druig…Druig come on talk to me,”
“I’ve said what I needed to say,” 
“No, stop,”  You placed your hand on his arm to stop him from walking further away from you, seeing him sigh in both frustration and in anger as you both were hidden under the towering trees of the jungle.  The night air was chilly and the adrenaline of the night’s events was still at an all-time high.  You were still reeling over what happened: Thena having Mahd Wy Rhy, watching a group of humans being murdered with no way of stopping it, and now the fragment of your own Eternal Family.
Seeing Druig walk away from your family was heartbreaking, but it was more heartbreaking to see through his eyes the pain he had to endure as genocide was happening with him being able to stop it.  You could see the betrayal in his eyes, heard it in his voice, and when you saw him walk away from you all, it felt like you were feeling the heartbreak yourself. 
You had to go after them, even after hearing Ikaris simply tell you to let him run off.  You ignored him, chasing after Druig as he and the soldiers under his control were going deep into the rainforest.  All you could think about was Druig and how he was feeling.  He left in such a state it was hard to get a reading on him or simply talk to him.  
You finally caught up to him at a small clearing, the cluster of soldiers that followed him were simply hanging around with their haunting yellow eyes.  You could still read the hurt on his face, wondering what you could do to help him.
“Look, all that happened back there…I’m sorry,” You simply said to him, not knowing what else to say to him as he was still stiff in his stance and the anger was on his face.  This was not that Druig that you knew, who would crack a joke to lighten the mood or have a good intuition on what the humans needed.  Deep down he had a good heart, though it was rare to see with the others on The Domo.  So to see him like this, lone out in the jungle after walking away from all he knew, it scared you and made you wish you could change what happened.
“I’m so so sorry, you don’t deserve that,” You kept saying to him, seeing him watch you and some of that festering anger start to melt away, “I understand how you feel, you love the humans so much.  I’ve seen it over the years, and I wish the others loved the humans as much as you did.  If you need to leave, then you can.  But just know that….that I think you made the right choice—“
He hugged you, making you go quiet in shock.  
Druig was never a hugger, he rarely did and would rather use his words for affirmation than physical contact.  This was new, awkward a bit but really new.  You did feel the hug, almost like his own soul and energy was melting into your own.  It was surreal to feel it, to almost feel his heartbeat against your own, a simmering warmth was now in your belly as you hugged him back gently.  Perhaps he was still reeling from what happened and was now realizing what he did, or he was simply feeling alone out in the middle of the jungle.
But you knew one thing, he needed this contact.
He pulled away before you could say anything, seeing him wipe his tears with his fingers before you could see it as you let your hands fall at your sides again.  Seeing this side of Druig, open and raw with no one around to see or witness this image of Druig, 
“You don’t need to do this, Druig,” you reminded him as he was shifting a bit on his feet, “You can go back and try to explain to them what you’re feeling,”
“I can’t,” He replied, his voice hoarse and almost broken as he was clenching and unclenching his fists, “Not after what happened and how they did nothing to stop it.  I have to do this on my own and—“
“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own, Druig?” You asked him suddenly, Druig going quiet and looking at you as you gazed at him, “All the time I have known you, you always think you had to be alone in what you wanted to do.  You shouldn’t have to, not when it comes to something like this,”
“What are you talking about?” Druig asked you, having you pause and look back in the direction where the city was.  You knew it was up in flames, no longer having any evidence of life.  In fact, it was almost symbolic of what was happening in your family at that moment.  How the humans were evolving on a path that seems both thrilling and dark at the same time.  You could see the cracks already forming amongst the others, whether it was in meetings or simply being around each other.  The last thing you ever thought you could experience was those cracks.  
“I’m coming with you,” You said to him, seeing his eyes go wide as you sounded so sure of yourself.  He searched your eyes, thinking you were joking or wishing him to feel better.  But you were not going to be swayed in what you wanted to do, thinking about from the moment he chose to go down the stairs of that temple.  He was your friend, and seeing him suffer was hurting you from the inside out.  You are willing to go after Druig rather than let him go alone.  
He had more heart than anyone you knew.
“You….I can’t let you leave them to come with me,” He said in a stammer as you shrugged.
“Why not?  You need the help with these soldiers,” You explained, gesturing to the soldiers that were still standing around in the area, “And the last thing I want for you is to be alone.  Plus, they don’t need me,”
Maybe that part hurt when you said it between the pair of you, but you knew deep down that you had no more part with the others back on The Domo, let alone in a fight.  You were not strong like Ikaris or Thena, nor were you popular like Sersi or Kingo.  You felt out of place for a long time, only needing to put on a brave face for Ajak and protect the humans.  
Perhaps this was your sign to finally spread your own wings.
Druig took your hand in his own, you feeling his fingers lace with you and his warmth.  He didn’t have to say a word, but you felt it in his touch that he understood and that he was grateful.  You smiled, seeing him smile back for the first time that night.  
The End.
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Hurt and Comfort Prompt Session
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boltupbitches · 8 months
Lover - Nick Bosa - Part 4 (spin-off of Sliding in the DMs)
Athena had her head in her hands as she sat up on the bed. Her head was killing her. Nick? He was in no better shape. He just sat there in a daze with no expression on his face. What could either of them say? Not at one point during the night and this morning did they consider practicing safe sex. That was 100% on them, regardless of booze being involved. They both knew that.
“So,” Nick started to say before pausing to clear his throat, “We need to make a trip to a nearby pharmacy to get a Plan B.” He looked over to her and waited for her to respond.
Athena lifted her head and looked at him with bloodshot eyes. She nodded in agreement. 
Nick reached out and gripped her hand. “It’s going to be ok, Athena. Alright? We’ll be ok… I um.. I promise I’m clean.. This is an awkward conversation to have after the effect.. I can get my recent panel results sent over I got two months ago…” He rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck, “Fuck.. I’m so sorry. This is NOT how I planned for the week” He glanced over at her as she watched him with sad eyes. “I mean, I don’t regret the time we’re spending together and I’d be lying if I said I regretted the sex. I just regret not being more careful in the planning and now we’re in this predicament.” He admitted shyly. ‘I ruined all of this now. She probably thinks I’m a pig and a joke.’
Athena could see the struggle going on in his head and she squeezed his hand that was still holding her’s. “It’s not all on you, Nick. I played a part too.” She was sure she was going to cry again.
Nick went to say something else when his phone rang. He ignored it and looked back to her. “Let’s get dressed and go and get that Plan B. Then we’ll get some breakfast.” He stretched before getting out of bed.
Athena watched the naked expanse of his back as his muscles stretched with each movement he made. He was beautifully sculpted and she felt the familiar heat pooling in her nether regions. 
Nick walked to her side and said, “Let’s go shower, princess.” As he scooped his hands under her and hoisted her bridal style in the air.
Athena squealed and giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, her cheeks bright red and showing under her faded makeup.
Nick sat her on the sink as he prepared the shower. He still hadn’t looked at his phone, but he knew whoever it was could leave a message or call back later. He was on vacation.
Just before they headed out, Nick’s phone went off once more and he finally took a look at his missed calls. Three from his agent. “Fuck,” he mumbled. “Thena, I gotta take an important call. Give me like 20-30 minutes. It’s my agent I have to call back.”
Athena was picking up her clothes from around the room from last night. “Ok. I’ll be waiting in here when you get back in.” 
He nodded and walked out of their suite, likely going to find a quiet and private spot to take his call. 
She ok with waiting. Everything was fine. What difference did 30 minutes make? It was fine. Right?
“Oh my my god.” Athena felt the existential dread immediately return with Nick’s calming presence now out of the room. “Oh my god.”
She quickly found her phone and texted the one person she could rely on. Her sister.
I think I fucked up.
No. I know I fucked up.
She quickly dialed her sister’s number, but it rang through to her voicemail.
A few moments later…
What if i was fucking dead, bitch?
Five minutes later her phone rang and Arty’s face popped up to show her incoming call. Athena did not hesitate to answer.
“Finally!” she shouted. “Fucking-finally!”
“Ok, what, what? I couldn’t pick up because I was busy.” Arty defended.
“Busy? What busy getting your back blown out again?” Athena asked hysterically as she started to cry over the phone.
“Athena, are you ok?” Arty asked in alarm, ignoring the remark.
“No. No I’m not. I broke up with Teddy last week, I’ve been crying nonstop and decided to go to Napa.. and while in Napa I had unprotected sex three times with a guy while I was drunk. Oh my god, Arty.. If I get pregnant mom and dad will disown me!!”
She was hysterically sobbing.
“Woah, woah, woah! Wait-” Arty blinked in shock. “First of all, did he force you?”
Athena sniffled, “No, we ran into each other, I kind of know him already.. I was feeling just lonely and upset and he was trying to cheer me up. We drank like two bottles of wine.. And then made our way back to my hotel room at some point. I came onto him.” She admitted.
She was of course lying about half of that, but she didn’t want to admit to her sister that she was hooking up with the brother of Arty’s boyfriend. That would be a headache to explain. 
“Did he leave after?” Arty asked.
“No, he stayed the night… And then... This morning we fucked again.” She admitted quietly.
“Sober?” Arty asked in shock. This wasn’t Athena’s usual way - this was more Arty’s style of stupidity - she wasn’t going to say that to her sister right now, however.
“Yeah... He was just so sweet and showed me attention. I didn’t feel like I had to force myself to get his attention like with Teddy... And he is super attractive, so the second we kissed after waking up... We fucked again.”
“And no fucking condom, Athena?” Arty asked in outrage.
“I know! I didn’t even think about it, neither did he! I mean, I’m on birth control, but I didn’t take it yet this morning when we fucked and I had so much alcohol last night.” She cried again.
“Is he there now?” Arty demanded.
“No.. he had to take a phone call and stepped out to speak with his boss.” 
“I know.” She said quietly back. “I’m sorry, Arty. Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not!” Arty said back. “I’m just worried about you. Why didn’t you tell me you broke up with fucking Teddy? That piece of shit!”
“Because you’ve been so happy with Joey, I didn’t want to ruin that.” She said.
Athena relied on Arty for strength. Her big sister was the one person she could turn to for help and guidance. Their upbringing was a tough one with an overbearing mother and a physically there, but emotionally absent father. 
“Listen, go to a nearby pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist about getting a plan B and seeing if it is still within the time frame that it can be used. Then, get plenty of fluids and rest. Make sure you are eating too. Call me back after the pharmacy trip and let me know what they say. And if shit gets to be too much to handle, my ass will fucking be there.” She said seriously.
Athena sniffled and agreed. “Thanks, Art. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“You’d be going fucking insane and married to Freddy. Now get your ass in gear and call me afterward! Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” Athena ended the call.
Athena wiped her eyes and breathed deeply a few times. Somehow she felt like she dug a bigger hole than intended just now. “Fuck,” she groaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa. “Why am I such a fuck up?”
A minute later Nick was returning through the door, stress clear on his face. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. My agent had an update on my contract extension. It’s just a huge headache.” He sighed as he offered Athena a hand to help her up.
Their trip to his rental car was quiet, both of them in their heads for different reasons. Nick was certain he fucked everything up with Athena. She probably thought he wanted sex from her and nothing more. That wasn’t true.
Athena was thinking about the fibs she told her sister and the effectiveness of the Plan B. Nick wasn’t anywhere in the high priority of her mind right now. As rude as that sounded, it was true. She wanted to get this preventative in her and back on her way to being in control once more of her life because right now? She felt powerless. There was little she had control over and Athena hated that feeling.
Nick had pulled up to a nearby Walgreens and Athena got out. He was about to follow her in when she stopped him. “Just in case anyone recognizes you, it would be better if you stayed in here, ok?” She tried to reason.
Nick frowned and was quiet for a moment, “Ok… will you at least let me pay for it? I’m responsible in this situation too, Thena.”
Athena frowned before nodding and reaching her hand out.
Nick pulled a crisp $50 bill out and handed it to you. “I’ll be out here waiting then.” 
She nodded and walked into the pharmacy.
“Fuck.” Nick sighed as he rested his head back. It only took a day to fuck it up. “Good going, Nicholas.” He said bitterly to himself. 
His phone rang suddenly and it was Joey’s number that flashed on his screen. He answered with a “yo,” expecting to hear his brother’s deep drawl in return. Instead, he got an irate woman.
“Nicholas Bosa, how fucking dare you?”
“Whoah, what?” He pulled the phone back to glance and make sure it was in fact Joey’s number that called him. “Who the hell am I speaking to on my brother’s phone?” He asked rudely in return.
“Just the older sister of the girl you’re hooking up with!” She spat angrily.
Nick blinked for a moment before his eyes suddenly widened. He was speaking with the infamous Artemis. Athena’s older sister. His brother’s girlfriend. “Not sure what your problem is, but can we hash this out another time? I am busy.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are. Busy getting my sister drunk and having unprotected sex with her, knowing she’s emotionally vulnerable after a breakup with her fiance.”
Nick was not here for those accusations and he made known back to her. "I don't know where the fuck you got that info from, but that's not what is happening here. Just because you’re my brother’s girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m going to let you talk to me that way. Mind your own damn business." 
He hung up his phone and tossed it in the cup holder next to him. “What the fuck?” He cursed loudly and smacked his hand on his steering wheel. He needed some aspirin and a nap at this point.
Athena had taken the Plan B in the car and handed the rest of her water and protein bar to Nick, who was sitting stiffly in his seat next to her. 
Nick eyed them up for a moment before taking them and muttering a quiet “thank you.”
They sat there for a while before Nick spoke up, “I had an interesting phone call while you were in the store.”
Athena raised her eyebrows and looked at him. “Ok?” 
“My brother’s number rang through. Except it wasn’t him calling. It was your sister.” He stared at her, his face schooled and his eyes blank. “She apparently somehow knows I took you out here and thinks I’m using you for sex. Did you call her while I was speaking with my agent?”
Athena was shocked for a moment before she tried to stutter out a response. The words wouldn’t string together and she breathed deeply to stop and calm herself, “I did call her.” She admitted quietly. “But I swear I didn’t say you were taking advantage of me or anything. She came to that conclusion herself. I told her that I was worried because I wasn’t being responsible and had unprotected sex multiple times in the last 24 hours. I didn’t think she’d call you and react that way.”
“Well, she did and I got nasty back with her. I’m sorry, but just like I’ll tell Joey when he calls to bitch me out, I’m not going to let her talk to me like that.” Nick sighed, “Fuck. This is a mess. Let’s go get something to eat and spend the day relaxing. Both of us need it.”
Athena nodded. The pit in her stomach returned as did the darker thoughts once more. ‘You just can’t stop fucking things up, can you?’ She asked herself bitterly.
The car ride back was silent as Athena looked out the window at the passing miniature towns and farmland. If she wasn’t so hungover and miserable in that moment she would have been soaking in the beauties of Napa.
Nick was in his mind thinking about his handling of things. Arty’s words pissed him off and cut deep. He knew he slept around and had plenty of hookups between his last girlfriend and his pursuit of Athena. He was always careful with his actions after his disastrous relationship with his ex. Yet, he somehow fucked shit up in such a short time with Athena. He wanted to believe that she didn’t say negative things about him to her older sister, yet a part of his brain worried that he was just wasting her time in the end if that’s how she saw things.
The attraction was mutual. The affection and interest was there. He wanted to believe he wasn’t imagining that. 
Yet Athena had just gotten out of a relationship - a long-term one that almost led to marriage. Was he just making a fool of himself in pursuing her?
He wasn’t certain. He just knew that he wasn’t in control of the situation and his emotions right now. That was a difficult pill to swallow.
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absentia-if · 1 year
a prompt list appears 👀
Can I request “Where have you been?” for M please ? I need a little bit of fluff after the angst :((
honestly do what you want with this prompt, even if it's angst. i love what you write
"Where have you been?"
The question causes startled blue eyes to shift from their current balancing act, various bags precariously placed on their arms, to your stern one. Though an expression of warmth and happiness offsets it the moment their brain seems to register that you were standing in front of them.
"When did you get here, baby?" They tilt their head, reminiscent of Kodiak when he was trying to figure out where his favorite toy was hidden. "I thought you were having a best friend night with Blaire."
Your lips purse, completely unimpressed. "I've been here for about an hour, M. But--" You wave your hand behind you. "I was quite surprised to find out that you weren't here when I arrived. Where did you go? I thought you were going to catch up on the books you've been meaning to finish?"
They don't answer right away, probably trying to formulate a proper response to your pointed words, but they continue their journey through their house to the large kitchen to place their various bags on the island.
"You texted me," they begin, a small shrug making an appearance. "I just got back from my morning walk with Thena and Kody when I saw it." Blue eyes raise to meet your gaze, a softness exuding from their very core. "Do you remember what you sent me?"
"That I was having a hectic day and that I wanted it to be over already."
M hums, a happy expression etched across their face. "Precisely. I knew that you'd only get more stressed as the day wore on. So I--" They turn to rifle through one of the bags, only turning back around to show you the medium-sized carton now clasped in one hand. "Went to get you your favorite homemade ice cream from that store you like."
Whatever you had expected them to say, whatever reason you had conjured up within your mind, such a sweet gesture had never crossed your mind; even though it was completely on brand for M to do such a thing for you.
"M," you murmur, still stunned. "That shop is over an hour away in the next city."
They tilt their head once more. "So?" Looking genuinely perplexed now too, they continue. "I also picked up some of your favorite movies and snacks too. I thought maybe you'd like to have a movie night tonight? Though I assumed it'd be later once you got done with Bl--"
You stopped their rambling with a swift, yet gentle, kiss to their lips. The feeling of warm hands gently cupping your cheeks, a faint smile appearing, and a happy hum gracing your ears as you pull away, caused your heart to skip a beat.
"You didn't have to do all of that for me."
"Why wouldn't I? You were unhappy and I knew how to make you feel better." They place a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Why wouldn't I do everything in my power to make that happen? To make you smile?"
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