#Theo needs some self-esteem
mrsriddlenott · 9 months
Can I get a FIC abt the reader being Theodore’s gf and best friend and she’s embarrassed and alone in her dorm bc of cramps and they are REALLY REALLY bad and he just comforts her and they snuggle and he gives her his hoodie and fluffy!! (I’m dying from my cramps in my bed rn 🙏 I need comfort from my book bf)
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~ Comfort ~
Bf!Theodore Nott x Fem!reader
Thank you so much for the idea, I hope you like it🥰😊
Warnings:Period Struggles,Self Esteem Issues,Fluff
You lay on your bed curled up in a ball under your blanket as you press your hands into your lower abdomen. You decided to skip dinner that day, you had zero appetite from being bloated and nauseous and you knew you probably looked a wreck. You felt gross and you didn’t want people seeing you that way.
Your cramps were worse than usual this month and no matter how many soothing spells you put on yourself, they started up again within the hour. You instead opted for the muggle way by putting a heat spell on your favorite stuffed animal, making a heating pad and clinging to it in a fetal position. You groaned as you heard your door opening, you enjoyed being alone at this time and there were very few people who could change that.
“Hey Baby,” Theo said in a soft, cautious voice as he closed your door behind him, “I know you never feel like eating on your period so I figured you wouldn’t be at dinner, but you’ve gotta get something down, so I snuck some dinner rolls out for you,” Theo rambled as he fumbled in his pocket, pulling the napkin wrapped snack from his robes.
“I know you probably want to be left alone so I’ll just leave these here and I’ll come check on you later, I love you Baby,” He sighed as he set the food on your nightstand, leaning forward on your bed to place a kiss on the side of your head before you pulled away. Theo sighed, frowning and rubbing his hand up and down your arm before you turned your body to lay flat on your back, looking up at him.
“I’m all gross right now, you won’t want to kiss me,” He chuckled down at you as you frowned up at him, “I’m serious Teddy, I haven’t showered today,” You huffed as Theo smiled down at you wider.
“I always want to kiss you y/n, a little sweat won’t hurt me.” He said softly as he ran two of his knuckles down your cheek. You groaned and turned away from him remembering that your face always breaks out during your period.
“Baby?” Theo said as he positioned himself on your bed, sitting crossed legged behind your curled up body as he began to worry.
“I feel disgusting Teddy,” You said quietly as he sighed and rubbed your shoulder while repositioning himself to lay behind you, draping his arm over your waist.
“Well you’re not Baby, it’s all natural. Beautiful in a way if you think about it.” He whispered as he laid the side of his head against yours and pulled your back closer to his chest, grabbing your stuffed animal and hugging it against your lower abdomen for you. He pampered your face with kisses as he whispered about your beauty, before starting to get up to leave. “Will you stay?” You blurted out.
Usually you would spend this time holed up in your dorm room with Theo checking on you between classes and when he had free time. You were so embarrassed by yourself that you’d almost always end up asking him to leave for your comfort, but this time the only comfort you wanted was him.
“Of course my Love,” He whispered as he placed a kiss on your temple and pulled you back into him with a hand on your stomach.
“Don’t touch my tummy,” You mumbled as he softly giggled into your hair at your grumpiness, “Theo.” You scolded as he swiftly apologized.
“Sorry Baby you’re just so cute, and I love your tummy,” Theo said with an exaggerated pout as you lightly cringed at the idea of him paying attention to the layer of fat on your abdomen.
“I don’t like the way it looks or feels when I’m bloated like this.” You sighed out, wanting to cry but not wanting to worry him. Theo quickly pulled away, swiftly taking off his quidditch hoodie, that was much larger than any of your clothes, before you had even fully turned to face him.
“Here Beautiful,” He said as he started putting the hoodie on over your head, “this way you can feel more comfortable and I can still cuddle you, if you want me to of course.” He sighed as you looked up to him with watery eyes before taking you back into his arms, this time chest to chest for your comfort.
“Thank you Teddy, you have no idea how much this means to me,” You said on the verge of tears while he chuckled lightly in your ear as he held you tightly.
“Baby, you don’t need to thank me, this is my job as your boyfriend. You go through this every month so that one day we can be parents, it would be wrong of me not to help.” He said in a sigh and snuggled up to you more with a yawn.
“I love you,” You whispered, you were more comfortable than you had been for the past few days, all thanks to him.
“I love you so much my Pretty Girl,” He sighed as he began to drift off to sleep, you following suit with the pain of your cramps fading as you slept in your boyfriend’s arms.
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stqrgirlie0 · 2 months
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⋆✮mattheo riddle✮⋆
mattheo riddle is a complex character by nature, built by years of trauma that would make grown men go insane. he’s handled it quite well, he tells himself, but what’s a character without a traumatic background? we all need character development and mattheo riddle might just be a living example of that. his sufferings and experiences have shaped him to become the person he is today, be it better or worse. now in order to fully understand him and his character, we must start from the beginning- his childhood and family. having intense expectations be put upon him did not help, only decreasing his confidence and increasing his fear of being reprimanded for doing the “wrong” thing. the lack of affection and attention really rubbed off on him growing up, accumulating to attachment issues. with his tragically low self esteem and confidence, mattheo knew he had to make something of himself in order to gain approval from his father. it seemed that excelling in his studies at hogwarts and/or becoming a fellow death eater were the ways to go. however we all know that he did both. did he gain approval from his father? spoiler alert: he didn’t. his father didn’t want a son he wanted a soldier, a liegeman- he didn’t have time for diapers, quills and books. despite all of mattheo’s efforts, nothing he did was good enough, and that’s what started it. words became thoughts, thoughts became nightmares, and eventually, to mattheo, the nightmares became reality. he wasn’t good enough. he wasn’t worthy of his fathers attention. he was a disappointment.
when the time came and he was sent to hogwarts to “make something of himself”, mattheo’s insecurity was fuelled by looks that could kill, long stares and averting eyes. however this insecurity eventually turns into anger. the only downside was not knowing where to direct it, himself? his father? or the people around him who were just trying to help him? unintentionally, the latter, and this is where big bad Mattheo Riddle came to light. finding friends within slytherin wasn’t too hard- being the most misunderstood house, everyone just had to stick together. mattheo’s first friend was lorenzo. they both immediately clicked, and lorenzo helped bring mattheo out of his little shell and introduced him to the rest of the gang: theo, blaise and draco. it was like a dream come true to mattheo, having friends- let alone ones that actually cared about him. but obviously he couldn’t show his appreciation out loud, growing up and having to hide his feelings made him automatically think that it’s a weakness.
mattheo’s new discovery of alcohol hit him hard like a bunch of bricks. it was something he’d never felt before- relaxed, peace. nothing to think about, nothing to worry about, just silence within him and a raging party ringing in his ears. the parties started becoming more frequent, some with no purposes, just for fun. with the parties the consumption of alcohol also became more frequent. what was surprising was that no one noticed, mattheo was slowly feeding his monsters and he himself wasn’t realising.
in fourth year, mattheo found his new best friend- theo. they were inseparable during the day and during the night up at the astronomy tower. with endless things to talk about, mattheo became less scared to talk about his feelings, about how his father made him feel like nothing less than shit. listening to theo talk about his mother broke mattheo’s heart, for himself or theo- he didn’t know. for himself because he’d never felt the warm embrace of his mother or for theo because he’d never be able to feel the warm embrace of his mother ever again. the lack of a motherly presence had quite a toll on mattheo, and when it came to looking for a relationship, he needed a girl he could fall back on whenever he needed to.
going back home for summer was actually something he dreaded, because he knew what was waiting for him- nothing short of 6 weeks of hell. it wasn’t all bad, nobody actually cared what mattheo did around the house, be it lying around, rotting in bed. one could say he had freedom, but oh no he didn’t. not a single inch of him was allowed to be outside of the premises, something about protecting the heir. yes, correct. he was the only son of Lord Voldemort and the title held quite some significance. when the weeks slowly dragged by, mattheo was slightly awaiting for his fifth year at hogwarts. immediately upon arriving at the station mattheo was more than glad to see his friends, having missed them dearly during the summer. the train ride was more than entertaining, lorenzo, being the influence he is, snuck cigarettes and muggle “herbs” with him. and here’s our second coping mechanism: cigarettes. there’s no doubt he spent multiple hours staying up smoking with theo, sustaining his inner demons.
#left y’all hanging for a whole ass week😭🙏🙏 #whoops! #only a small background blurb on mattheo #YES there will be a part 2 #theyll be more like concepts and headcanons and less of a story since i can’t write stories for shit #so yeah xoxo
taglist: @iamgayforyourmom1510 @lovelyygirl8 @brownboyandthestarboyonthetrack
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christopheroshea · 5 months
I adore the steelworks gang, like more than I've seen other people express online.
First of all...
My little icon Lexi.
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They have been known and initially regarded for their silly voices and jolly nature but I don't often see people looking into why they do it. Like their voices make them more wild than Marion who's generally loved by some fans but they also do it in spite of themselves. They and Theo did an entire upbeat song about how much they are failures to railway engineering with lyrics like:
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"We're experiments gone bad
in other words whoever designed us must be mad."
These are not the words of someone with self esteem in how funny they are! They even showed them actually depressed when saying 'We can't do anything.' for the final time in the special.
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And anyone who knew how long it took for more in-your-face LGBT+ representation in 2018 She-Ra will know that if this special just came out three or four years later, we might've had proper gender-fluid Lexi representation.
As for Theo...
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He is still a pure little bean and I feel the ambiguity of his design makes it all the more reason for him to feel bad about his design. I don't know what about his design warranted gigantic cogs on his sides but we don't know what went on in whatever workshop he was built at. For all we know he could've had the Henry treatment, having been dumped on the doorstep on the first desperate railway executive needed an engine, as a last ditch effort for a dying manufacturer.
As for him being on the spectrum, I can still see it in his behaviour. Lexi was truly not gender fluid but once you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person.
And some characteristics are visible in him.
His unintentional bluntness. "Are you being scrapped?"
His tics and stutters.
His shakes in excitement, if you were to count it as stimming.
And who's to say he's not limited to physical disabilities? He and Lexi, depending on how successful you can view it having designs as unique as them on British rails, are the perfect ones to have given the body language they were adamant on giving all the engines back then.
Him being so gentle and anxious is generally adorable, so yeah, not so much to say about his actual personality.
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Speaking of not much to say, not much to say on Merlin either, at least nothing that people haven't said already. We all know how awesome he is.
Beresford is MY MAN!
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Beresford just wants a friend guys. He said in his own song that he was always ignored by engines who just want to get a job done. No time to chat with him. Loneliness can drive him mad. It is kinda sad that his appearance in Royal Engine was not only a sign of the further appearances these characters could've had but how it was also kinda a rehash of the scene we got in his last appearance, so maybe an episode of his own where he learnt to make friends properly would've been fun.
Ah well, at least he got some friends in another life.
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And what can I say about Hurricane?
Keeping it real, working with steel.
Since 1902
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He is such a chill guy, that while his companion might've had a lot of hard labour in mind for Thomas, he seems so genuine in wanting to take Thomas in while still acknowledging his terrible position. He could've done with standing up to Frankie though. But whatever, that's meant to be a part of his character, and he was voiced by the chad Jim Howick no less.
It's so funny when people say he sounded like a member of the royal family when he's played kings before.
And then there's Frankie.
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Oh my god I adore her so much. Her manipulation being legitimately intimidating at the best times, especially when she's actually chasing Thomas down in the dead of night, her musical style bribing him into working for her, her VA's performance capturing all of her personality through line delivery perfectly.
Everything about her class, her demeanour, most of her lines makes me so curious about her whole life.
How is she running this steelworks better than the human manager of the works if there even is one? How are the human workmen so ok with her doing this? How did the other engines before Thomas get into doing her work? How did they get out? How did Hurricane stay with her for this long, let alone not encourage some potential friends of his to work with her? Was she indirectly responsible for Hurricane surviving as long as he did to still be a tank engine after she was built? Why didn't the railways surrounding this fictional steelworks not agree with this most likely non-existent human manager not just agree to get a lot of their engines to transport steel from their works? What did Frankie do? What are you hiding from us!?
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The whole mystery surrounding her and her apparently feeling put-down and apparently not evil at heart according to her character profile and her role in the book 'Delivery at the Docks' makes her potential crimes such a goldmine for story potential that I really want to delve into very soon.
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And yeah, that's what I have to say on them in canon. All beautiful characters that I feel need more recognition on a regular basis.
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pigeonwhumps · 1 month
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I wanted to introduce Somaia and Cecilia, so new characters for today's entry. Partially inspired by @gottawhump's post about some countries freeing pets automatically, which finally gave me the last link in Maia and Ceci's story (running a refuge in the Netherlands, Maia's home country, which is primarily for pets but does take in abuse victims and the like too sometimes) so ty for that!
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump @bbu-on-the-side
Ceci talks to Bless about going outside.
572 words
CWs: BBU, pet whump, dehumanisation (past and self)
"It's irresponsible and bordering on cruel to set people free with absolutely nothing, no legal identity, in many cases not even any knowledge of the language. Tortured into being unable to care for themselves. That's why we've partnered with the police, to give victims somewhere to go and someone to assist them as soon as their former owners are arrested."
Ceci places the mug of black coffee next to Maia with a pat on the arm where she's interviewing with the local news and squeezes past, towards the stairs and the balcony that accompanies the second floor.
Sure enough, Bless is sitting cross-legged out there, looking longingly over the beautiful bridges and buildings of Amsterdam. They've been doing that for a week.
"You can go out into the city, you know," says Ceci. "You're not property anymore. You don't need permission."
Bless is quiet. They're often quiet, but in a thoughtful way, like they're picking the perfect words. Perfect, perfect, perfect, all the time, and Ceci knows how they feel.
"It would be improper. I need supervision, because I'm too stupid to go out on my own. And pets don't get to go into the proper outdoors anyway."
Ceci closes her eyes for half a second. It hurts, every time a victim comes out with something like that. Even the ones who aren't pets, the abuse victims or runaways, their self-esteem is always so low.
She sits down next to Bless.
"Who told you that isn't the proper outdoors?"
"My Mistress' brother, ma'am." A pause. "Cecilia. My apologies."
"No worries. What exactly did he say?"
"That pets are too stupid to go outside properly. That's why there are places we can't go. And we need a leash when we go out in some places so really, we're not going outside properly."
"Well that's not true. There's plenty of restrictions on different groups of people, that doesn't make you stupid. Although regardless, you're not property anymore. You can go outside as much as you like."
Bless' wide eyes turn to look up at her. "Into the city?"
"Into the city."
"Can we go tomorrow?"
"Yes. Although I hasten to add that I'm accompanying you, not supervising you. You don't need supervision."
Bless' brow crinkles slightly as they turn back to the city. It's only the morning now, there would be time today, but they obviously need today to prepare, which Ceci understands.
Ceci makes a mental note to tell Bless later that pets are illegal in Amsterdam, and to take them somewhere that that's clearly labelled. Make sure that Bless knows they're not stupid, they don't need leashes and supervision. They should know. And it hurts to hear what they think about themself at the moment.
She's glad they picked up Bless straight from the police. It was Maia's idea to partner with them despite her distrust, and Ceci thinks it's helping. It's better than letting ex-pets continue to be abandoned when their owners are arrested, at least. That's what happened to multiple of their residents. Bless is the first to come to them through the partnership.
Maybe it's about time she contacted Theo and Max again. They're better at this than she is, maybe they have some tips for Bless. Or Anita or Ade might have advice for the increased publicity she and Maia are likely to receive now, after today's interview.
Increased publicity for them, and for their refuge. Oh, joy.
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offsidekineticist · 1 month
I'm still taking a break from aeon Theo, but I was going through my random untitled documents and found what I wrote about his first night ever in Drezen and I need to tell someone about this.
Cw: sort of suicidal ideation (of the "determined to go out in a blaze of glory" variety)
So Theo is tiny, even for a gnome - like, based on the 1e height tables, it shouldn't be possible for a male gnome to be as small as he is. He's closer to average halfling height than average gnome height because childhood malnutrition is a bitch. But what this means is that he gets to Mendev, and literally none of the crusader orders will take him, Steve Rogers style.
But Theo doesn't really have anywhere else to go. His library burned down and his home is in the middle of a civil war and he ran away. He can't bear to go back and face the people he tried to abandon - especially not the kids. So when none of the orders in Kenabres will take him, he decides to go to Drezen on his own and convince someone there to let him fight.
In the end, he arrives in Drezen a couple of years before the Second Crusade and impresses Staunton Vhane (by punching him really hard after Staunton laughs at the idea of him being a crusader). Staunton tries to get Theo a position in the garrison, but Commander Verstol is like "aw, I love the enthusiasm, little guy, but this is no place for a little fella like you!" Staunton immediately goes Qui-Gon Jinn mode and is like "Theo is now my squire!" Which is the only reason Theo is allowed to join the crusade (and is also funny because Staunton is a paladin and Theo is godless so it's really not a good match).
Here's the part that made me go like "I need to post about this": before Staunton pulls the squire uno reverse big brain plan, Theo is already planning what he's going to do now that this hasn't worked out. And his plan was to try to join the Hellknights. Because, yes, he hates them, and he'd be a terrible hellknight, but the idea of going home after running away when home needed him most is so awful to him that he'd rather be a massive hypocrite and try to make himself into something he hates (or at least pretend he's trying long enough to die heroically).
And now I'm imagining an AU where Theo does join the hellknights and his mentor is one of the original five of the Godclaw. He's "killed" pretty early on, but this version of Theo gets it together enough to "die" in a manner worthy of a hellknight, so when the Godclaw gets their citadel and, like, a plaque with the names of their fallen, Theoven's is at the top as the first member of the Godclaw to fall in the line of duty. And Regill spends his entire time in the Godclaw in the shadow of his brother's sacrifice, not sure what made Theo change his mind about the hellknights, but determined to live up to the standard Theo would have surely held himself to.
And then Theo isn't dead, and he's also a complete fucking mess and just terrible at everything Hellknight related except having such low self-esteem that he's willing to throw his life away for the Mission. And Regill is pretty sure this is some kind of demonic trick to undermine morale by sullying the memory of the Godclaw's first fallen, but also this version of Theo is much more familiar than the legend of Hellknight (posthumous) Theoven Derenge and at some point he realizes Theo is only remembered as he is because he's a vicious fighter with a death wish who "died" before he washed out, and his mentor leveraged the "heroism" of his death to recruit hellknights to the Godclaw, and, uh, Regill has no idea what to do with that knowledge.
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fanfic-recs-01 · 1 year
Thiam Fics
This is just a list of all the Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!
happy birthday, by the way (I’m not your party favor) by unholy_obsessions
~“I’m a legal adult,” Theo argues, not sure why he even has to argue his point in the first place. He has a solid plan, if there is one thing he’s good at it’s strategizing.
“You’re eighteen, that barely counts-“
“Nineteen,” he interrupts Derek. The room freezes and Theo has the sudden desire to shrink into himself.~
Eight Hugs a Day by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
~Liam informs Theo that the human body needs an average of eight hugs a day to develop a healthy sense of self-esteem and empathy. Theo thinks that’s just excessive.~
Numb Apathy by Sun_Spark
~Theo Raeken spent ten years under the cruel care of the Dread Doctors, and it warped more than his DNA. When Melissa and Deaton have to perform minor surgery on the chimera, the pack learns just how numb the boy can become.~
golden silhouettes and these fragile moments by fallingforboys 
~He felt his stomach turn as he got out and sat against the side of his truck, looking out into the preserve. Why did the Sheriff even offer him a job? Theo knew that what the Sheriff had said wasn’t true—that some of the pack had already forgiven him.~
Let's pretend by classythiam (sunclefz)
~"I need you to be my fake boyfriend," Liam repeated.
Or, the one where Scott shouldn't have talked to Liam like he was fragile, Liam should have thought twice before engaging in a childish kind of revenge and Theo shouldn't have accepted to help.~
The Best Kind by CelineStilinski 
~"Ok, I've had enough. Why are you all looking at me like that?" He almost snapped, refraining himself from doing so at the last second.
Scott cleared his throat, clearly hesitating, opening his mouth once, then closing it. Twice.
The third time was the good one.
"Is that Theo's jacket?"~
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dreadfutures · 11 months
For real though I think everyone should know that you can find most of Vincent van Gogh's letters online, and they are beautiful and so very human. I find them deeply melancholic, I struggle with many of the same feelings. In particular, the letter that originates the quote at the start of my thesis is very poignant. And he was the same age as me at the time of writing it.
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh: Cuesmes, mid August 1879 (From Van Gogh's Letters, Unabridged & Annotated)
This is the quote at the beginning of my thesis:
It is sometimes so bitterly cold in the winter that one says, `The cold is too awful for me to care whether summer is coming or not; the harm outdoes the good.' But with or without our approval, the severe weather does come to an end eventually and one fine morning the wind changes and there is the thaw. When I compare the state of the weather to our state of mind and our circumstances, subject to change and fluctuation like the weather, then I still have some hope that things may get better.
But there are other parts that really strike me:
The loneliness, the dependence on others for a sense of worth in continued living:
When I saw you again and walked with you, I had a feeling I used to have more often than I do now, namely that life is something good and precious which one should value, and I felt more cheerful and alive than I have been feeling for a long time, because in spite of myself my life has gradually become less precious, much less important and more a matter of indifference to me, or so it seemed. When one lives with others and is bound by feelings of affection, then one realizes that one has a reason for living, that one may not be utterly worthless and expendable, but is perhaps good for something, since we need one another and are journeying together as compagnons de voyage. But our proper sense of self-esteem is also highly dependent upon our relationship with others.
I don't know what discussions he and Theo had, but I can imagine they were like many that I've had with people who wanted to cheer me up. People who counseled me to put myself out there and to build relationships and that things would just fall into place if I just tried, and ignored me when I said I do try, I have tried, and they've fallen to pieces, and I'm tired and hurting:
As I think back with gratitude to your visit, my thoughts return to our discussions as well, of course. I have had similar ones before, even a good many and often. Plans for improvement and change and generating energy - and yet, do not be offended, I am a little frightened by them, not least because I have sometimes acted upon them only to have my hopes dashed.
There's an honesty and vulnerability in so many of Vincent's letters, especially to Theo. It really grabs my heart and squeezes. We aren't really alone. Through the depths of time, people have always felt this way. And people have always loved them. Even when it's hard, even when it's not noticed enough.
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 8 months
me sighing adoringly at theo,,, you fucking moron you’re supposed to be one of my best friends how are you subscribing to rumours !!! sighs, moron, i’m going to make it my job to kiss them
communication is something Theo has always needed to work on (with her parents, for example) and their relationship with MC is no different!
Theoooooooo!!!! Their best friend kissed them on the mouth and they'd still wonder if MC could possibly like them. bby pls grow some self esteem.
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ellieauthor · 2 years
muggle mall au | part I of iv or v I forget | was way too long for twitter
"In what alternate universe do you have a chance with her?"
Draco shrugs. "She's hot."
Theo knows she's hot. Everyone knows she's hot. But more than that, "she's smart, dude."
He sighs, familiar with the futility of arguing with Draco's confidence.
"What would you even talk about?"
"Why would we talk?"
How to explain this to someone like Draco.
"Look, man. She told me once that the downfall of our society lies at the intersection of consumerism and vanity."
"So, you work at Abercrombie."
Draco stares vacantly. Then, "Wait, you talk to her?"
Theo shifts uncomfortably. "Yeah, sometimes."
Any chance he gets, really.
"Oh hell yeah. You can talk her into hooking up with me!"
It's Theo's turn to stare blankly. "What?"
"You're great at talking, I'm great at making out. It's fuckin perfect!"
Theo's stomach sinks. There's never an easy way out once Draco is mid-scheme. "Look--"
"Shit, I gotta get back. Tell me once you've done it, yeah?"
And then Draco's heading out of the food court, leaving Theo behind with his untouched fries and his unvoiced protests.
He turns to see the redheaded girl he recognizes vaguely as someone who also hangs around the bookshop where Hermione works.
They're friends, he thinks.
"Hi?" he says dumbly.
"Hi, yeah. Anyways. You like 'Mione, right?"
"I...what?" he asks, also dumbly.
"Jesus, she made you sound like the smart one."
"Are you asking me?" she's joking, but it's mean. But like, a fun mean?
"No, um," he clears his throat. "I definitely am."
"Good. She could use someone with a spare brain cell. The boys in this town are rough on her self-esteem, and they're not worth her time."
"But I am?"
"You're asking me? Again??" she huffs her frustration. "'Mione seems to think so. But after listening to you just now, I'm not so sure."
"I am," he says with slightly more confidence.
"At a minimum, you're better than her other options," she admits. "At least you're hot."
"For fucks sake. Are you a man or a parrot? Don't make me second guess this. Just tell me if you're in."
Theo is smart. At least comparatively. To some. But he doesn't have a fucking clue what this chick is talking about.
Not that he's going to admit that now.
"I'm in."
"Oh you poor thing, you don't even know what you're agreeing to," she says, pinching his cheek between two fingers. "No matter, I'll coach you through it."
"I don't need to be coached."
She gives him an indulgent, condescending smile. "It's cute that you think so."
He's not sure how he feels about her tone. He thinks he should probably hate it.
So why is it kind of turning him on?
"Meet me after your shift in the parking lot behind Macys."
He has some hesitancy. And doubts. And questions. He should share them.
"Um, ok?" he says instead.
"Bring a better attitude and your friend's number. Unlike 'Mione, I kinda like them dumb."
He nods. He can do that.
She pats his face twice, like a child, then stands. "That line of hers about the intersection or whatever? If you've got any more of those, take notes."
"For your date," she says, rolling her eyes. "So you don't end up with this echo malfunction of yours around her."
"Right. Date."
With the girl from the bookstore?
How the hell does getting bossed around by one girl turn into a date with another?
"See you then," she dismisses him.
"See you, Red."
"No nicknames," she says, scowling. The expression nearly knocks him over. His cock twitches, then he scolds himself.
This day just went from bad to worse to actually looking pretty great, and he will /not/ fuck it up now.
The relevant facts, from what he can tell, as as follows:
He's somehow swung a supposed date with the bookstore girl of his dreams.
Draco won't mind the change in plans because to him, female attention is female attention.
The redhead is interested in Draco. Not him.
"Whatever you say, Red." Then he winks.
He shouldn't, but he can't help himself.
She stomps away, her cheeks tinged the prettiest shade of pink.
Somewhere in the recesses of his hormone addled brain, Theo has the thought that he might enjoy a life spent making this girl blush.
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mashihope · 1 year
《 About me 》
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• Basic info You can call me Luna (or Yoshi, whatever you prefer); I'm 22, INFP-T, pisces and spanish. I go by she/her, but I don't really mind if you accidentally use something else. One of my self-given nicknames is Ghost, because I usually disappear quite a lot (keep that in mind if you don't see any updates after a while!). I'm shy; (to mention a few things) I have social anxiety and low self-esteem issues, I may have ADHD and autism, I overthink a lot (these are my excuses for my non-existent socializing skills + lack of interaction + questionable things I say about myself, I'm so sorry!)
Listen to my favorite song! ♡
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
What does Luna like?
Listen to music (pop, kpop, rock...)
Read / Manga / Webtoon
Plushies / Dolls
Anime / Kdrama
White chocolate
Fantasy / Mythology
Stars / Galaxy themes / Moon related stuff
Animals / Bunnies (my favorite animal!)
Blue (my favorite color!)
Autumn (my favorite season!)
Cherry Blossom (my favorite flower/tree!)
Animal Crossing, The Sims, Stardew Valley
Cookie Run
Monster High / Ever After High
Harry Potter* (Ravenclaw) / Percy Jackson (Cabin 6) * I don't support the author in any way.
What does Luna dislike?
Loud noises
Crowded places
Being alone
P*rn bots
Kpop • Groups/soloists I stan:
A.C.E (Donghun) ◦ Ateez (Yunho) ◦ &TEAM ◦ BTS (Suga, J-hope) ◦ CIX (Seunghun, Hyunsuk) ◦ Cravity (Wonjin, Seongmin) ◦ DKB (OT8) ◦ Dreamcatcher (OT7) ◦ E'Last ◦ Enhypen (Sunoo) ◦ (G)I-dle (Yuqi) ◦ Ghost9 ◦ Golden Child ◦ Kingdom (Mujin) ◦ Mamamoo (Moonbyul) ◦ Monsta X (Kihyun, Hyungwon) ◦ NINE.i (OT9) ◦ ONEUS (Keonhee) ◦ ONF (MK) ◦ ONEWE (Dongmyeong) ◦ P1Harmony (Theo) ◦ Park Jihoon ◦ Pentagon ◦ Pixy ◦ Purple Kiss (Yuki) ◦ Seventeen (OT13) ◦ Stray Kids ◦ The Boyz (Sunwoo, New, Q, Hyunjae) ◦ Tomorrow by Together (Beomgyu) ◦ Treasure (Junkyu) ◦ WEi ◦ Woodz ◦ Xodiac (Beomsoo, Wain) ◦ Xdinary Heroes (Gaon) ◦ ZEROBASEONE (Matthew, Taerae) 《 Ult group/bias 》
• Other groups/soloists I support:
BAE173 ◦ EVNNE ◦ H1-KEY (Hwiseo) ◦ ONE PACT ◦ SF9 ◦ Tempest (Hanbin) ◦ TIOT ◦ VANNER (Hyesung) ◦ Verivery (Hoyoung) ◦ Xikers ◦ 8TURN 《 Some groups (that I currently have some kind of attachment to) may not appear due to less interest (compared to the ones shown here) 》
Anime • I've watched:
͏͏Angels of Death ◦ Ascendance of a Bookworm ◦ ͏͏ Assassination Classroom ◦ Bungō Stray Dogs ◦ Cells at Work! ◦ ͏͏Danganronpa ◦ Death Note ◦ Demon Slayer ◦ Haikyū!! ◦ ͏͏Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun ◦ Jujutsu Kaisen ◦ ͏͏Little Witch Academia ◦ Mirai Nikki ◦ My Hero Academia ◦  Sailor Moon ◦ Shadows House ◦ The Promised Neverland ◦ ͏͏Tokyo Ghoul ◦ Yuri!!! on Ice ◦ Zombie Land Saga 《 Fav 》
Kdrama (and movies) • I've watched:
͏͏The Mysterious Class ◦ True Beauty ◦ My ID is Gangnam Beauty ◦ Hotel del Luna ◦ Phantom School ◦ Witch's Love ◦ The Labyrinth ◦ The Sound of Magic ◦ Weak Hero Class ◦ Sell your haunted house ◦ Imitation ◦ Vincenzo ◦ Delivery Man ◦ Zombie Detective ◦ The witch store ◦ The Witch store reopens ◦ Mimicus ◦ User not found ◦ Nightmare Teacher ◦ Ms Ma, Nemesis ◦ Extraordinary Attorney Woo ◦ Itaewon Class ◦ Night has Come ◦ Twinkling Watermelon ◦ At a Distance, Spring is Green ◦ Begins ≠ Youth ◦ Pyramid Game ◦ Snowdrop
@strawberry-chuuice ⬅ click the name to go back to my side blog. @cookierunwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Cookie Run blog. @thatweirdwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Monster High blog.
Things will be added if needed. Created on 18/05/2022 - 15:45 ; Edited on 29/05/2024 16:49
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moriartyluver · 10 months
🦢 anon is back with the song analysis again
ok but teen fl + teen idle by marina is soo real
“I wanna be a bottle blonde I don't know why but I feel conned”- her feeling like liam is more privileged than her and feeling slightly jealous of him because she saw him as a white b who got everything handed to him
“I wanna be an idle teen I wish I hadn't been so clean”- revenge revenge revenge
“I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away”- her being an introvert as a teen and only ever studying and maybe occasionally socialising
“I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake I wanna be a real fake”- her putting on a facade
“Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible Feeling super, super, super suicidal”- the third line here is kinda like her being 16 and committing crimes ig?? Also fl low-key wants to unalive herself but knowing her she probably won’t try because of all her responsibilities
“The wasted years, the wasted youth The pretty lies, the ugly truth”- I know we didn’t get an exact thing abt fls relationship with Theo the pedo but I’d say it’s implied they probably did the deed. Like how when they were dancing in the Ashfordshire arc, liam said something abt fl having multiple partners in other aspects, also in the past chapter u mentioned that fl would visit Theo at night. I think she’d lie to herself and act as if she was just seducing him but really she was probably getting abused by him
“And the day has come where I have died Only to find, I've come alive”- fl having her grand duchess glow up post timeskip 👏 👏
“I wanna be a virgin pure A twenty-first century whore I want back my virginity So I can feel infinity”- fls issues with intimacy with Liam because of Theo. She probably never enjoyed the devils tango until liam came around because she was so used to using it for her ulterior motives 😕😕 also she always is getting fetishised and flirted with by the other noblemen to the point she felt she had to marry a guy she considered her biggest rival just to shake them off only for them to keep going and not understand how uncomfy she was
“I wanna drink until I ache I wanna make a big mistake I want blood, guts, and angel cake I'm gonna puke it anyway”- in the Noahtic arc, fl got drunk a bit and was probably using it as escapism for her issue of an heir. Also fls implied Ed ^^
“I wish I wasn't such a narcissist I wish I didn't really kiss The mirror when I'm on my own Oh God, I'm gonna die alone” - fl has slight self esteem issues imo so this lyric makes sense especially because she seemed to be a little meaner as a teen and rightfully so bc her brother literally died because of the British ofc she won’t like any of them. In like the second chapter fl made a comment abt dying alone and I thought that fits
“Adolescence didn't make sense A little loss of innocence The ugliness of being a fool Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?”- fl was suffering since she was like 9 and I don’t think anyone reached out to her tbh if she was really killing whole families at 16. She was probably hella merciless and numb poor girl. She also probably lost her innocence because of Theo and other weird noble guys
also she fits seventeen by marina too. If she was an mtp character she’d probably get angst edits to that one bit “I was brought up as a baby well you don’t know fuck about my family could never tell you what happened the day I turned seventeen the rise of the king and the fall of a queen”
fl is just sooo Marina coded idc
ALSO I AM BEGGING YOU TO GET SOME REST GIRLIE. u usually update like every day. We don’t need u losing sleep over false lovers I promise. Get ur beauty sleep 🙏
Stop this is literally a whole essay 😭 u are right abt most of it tho
Theo is literally such an asshole I’m glad fl killed him and tortured him
Bro was 20 and courting a 16 year old but wasn’t even following proper etiquette rules
Fl finds it so difficult to be affectionate with Liam all because of that stupid mf.
Grand duchess fl 🛐
Fls parents tried to reach out to help her with her grief when she was a kid but they were both suffering themselves and they were trying to find out who was responsible for fls brothers death while also suffering responsibilities as the grand duke and duchess. They tried but fl shut everyone out because she only wanted revenge
Fl also has really terrible self esteem issues but she doesn’t let it show at all. From her perspective William was just an asshole and she felt like it was unfair everyone treated him better than her. Paris and rory esque relationship tbh
Tbh fl would get edited with like every Marina song she’s just that Marina coded
Also I’m currently on holiday so I’m trying my best to get some rest after my exams. I’ll try to be constant with updates but tbh I don’t think I’ll update until I’m back home because my internet keeps getting fucked up lol
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arcadekitten · 2 years
Hfsh finale spoilers
Im abit curious what everyone’s reactions would be if we did break their hearts at the dance, mainly curious on how Reginald and Mary would react
Honestly that's a bit of a hard question considering some characters have totally different choices of what you could do to them!
(Adding a cut because this ended up being longer than I thought!)
I do imagine Nova's plan would work fairly well though, and you can imagine the target of whoever you chose getting either pissed or crying over it or shaken depending on their personalities.
I do think some of Nova's confidence is a little misplaced though and that not everything would go according to plan depending on some answers.
For example Theo would trust Zapara not to rat him out for cigarettes because she "ain't no narc!". And while he would be real upset(and possibly heartbroken) if Crowven did it, he would sooner assume it was a slip of the tongue rather than Crowven intentionally trying to get him in trouble, so he wouldn't be mad at him for long.
As for Reginald and Mary, it's a bit of a two-way street. Mary has a lot of self-esteem issues but it would actually be a little hard to convince her that Reginald is cheating on her because Reginald is the one who asked HER out and not the other way around. When they first met Reginald was the one who would initiate communication and actively and feverishly protect her from bullies like Netina, so you'd need a bit of elbow grease to convince her that Reginald suddenly stopped caring after all the work he puts in to reassure her that he does like her.
Reginald might be a bit easier to convince that Mary's cheating on him. Reginald knows Mary used to have a crush on Netina and knows Netina was nice to her. He'd start feeling some insecurity wondering if Mary doesn't actually like HIM and only likes that he treats her nicely. I don't think he'd be rash enough to break up with her on the spot or something though, they'd just have a very emotional confrontation where Reginald needs to be reassured that Mary likes HIM and not just anyone who's nice.
Even when they make-up I'm sure either answer would lead to some heartbreak, especially over accusations like that.
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crazysleepydreams · 2 years
Soooo still no-beta´d so be nice I really don´t wanna die like Hans….
Summary: Deborah DeVries wasn’t anything special, the only thing special about her was her genus friend Theo that worked for Gruber´s: Constuction & Security! She wasn’t even supposed to go with him to the bowling alley to meet his friends/co-workers, but that did happen and her life turned chaotic from there….. A Die Hard AU. What will change once Hans falls in love: will it end as a fairy tail or will it be doomed from the start?
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Deborah looked into the mirror before she decided that she looked good enough for an evening/night out bowling with Theo and his co-workers, she looked pretty and felt like herself while still putting some extra effort in her looks: she wore a pair of nice denims under a short sleeved red blouse, she had styled her hair a little so that her curls formed nicely, but she refused to wear any kind of make-up or heels…
They were going out bowling. She didn’t need to look like a doll or someone's date! While it’s true that she wanted to look good meeting Theo’s friends from work and their partners and was more than a little intimidated by the fact that the whole group had known each other for years and probably had their own cliques and all: no pressure right? It was just bowling with Theo, Karl, Tony and some others she didn’t know. The horn of a car distracted Deborah from her thoughts as she looked out of the window she saw Theo waiting for her and talking with her grandfather, she waved at her friend when he looked up before leaving her apartment and closing the door behind herself.
“So she’ll be back before 2 a.m.?” Asked her grandfather and Deborah heard him she felt her face turn red.
“OPA!” Exclaimed Deborah at the older man causing him to laugh. “Opa go inside and stop all this! Go read a book or something.” 
“I know when I’m not needed.” Said Adriaan dramatically putting a hand over his heart causing Theo to chuckle and Deborah to roll her eyes before swatting her grandfather on the arm lightly. “Night Popje, night Theo!”
“Night Adriaan!” Said Theo with a smile at the man’s dramatics. “He sure does enjoy his life….. Evening Dee.” Mumbled the man before turning to his friend.
“Hi Teddy.” Deborah said, hugging her friend before turning to her grandfather who was just entering the building. “Night Opa! Don’t forget to lower the thermostat before you go to bed or you’ll get a headache in the morning.”
“I won’t. Have a good night Dee!” Shouted the man before closing the door behind him.
“Let’s Go.” Said Theo opening the car door for Deborah, she entered with a smile.
Theo returned the smile knowing that she was worried: about what? Well the list could go on for a while, but the top would be the gang’s reception to her and Adriaan. Dee had serious issues about both: her self-esteem wasn’t as high as people would believe, her early childhood and some asses she had dated hadn’t helped, and her issue with Adriaan was centered on abandonment issues that stemmed from early childhood and he was the pillar where she had rebuild her life around: he was the only one who had stayed through thick and thin. He entered the car with a small smile and a half formed plan in mind.
“Hey Dee?” Asked Theo while he turned the car on.
“Yeah?” Asked the brunet looking out of the window while she played with one the charm on her necklace.
“You look lovely tonight and don’t worry about Adriaan. I believe he will be fine with you not calling him a night about the termo. And about impressing the gang: if they can’t see your worth then I may need to reevaluate their mental capacity.” Ended up joking Theo seeing that he was making Deborah more uncomfortable.
“… You don’t have to say such things to try to make me feel better, but it helps: thanks Teddy.” Answered Deborah with a soft smile and a light blush.
“I know, but you’re awesome Dee and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise….  Even you.”  Said Theo while he took a left turn.
“Awww! Love you too Teddy, but you and which army will fight the world?” Teased Deborah with sparkling gray/green eyes trying to shift to a lighter topic.
“I see what you are doing Dee and I’ll let you do this once, but for the record I want you to know that for you I’d take the world on on my own even if I’m sure that Karl and Adriaan would be right beside me.” Said Theo before exclaiming. “Look, we are almost there!”
“So who’ll be here today?” Asked Dee.
“Well we have Karl who doesn’t count and Tony with Jessica and then we have: Alexander, Heinrich, Fritz, Franco, some dude called Uli, Kristoff and Hans…. And well anyone’s plus one might be there and maybe that Jakob guy.” Explained Theo counting those he knew would be there.
“Teddy!” whined Deborah.
“How in god's name is that a small group with us there’ll be over 12 people, anyone aside from Tony bringing a plus one and it’ll be almost a party! How are we even going to bowl together: the maximum number of people that can bowl on a line is like 10?”
“I dunno DeeDee that’s all Hans stuff: maybe we’ll bowl in pairs or we’ll make some tournament or something. Just chill and be yourself.”
Okay as I said above there is still no beta, but I've gotten someone that proof reads it now and that really does wonders to my will to write so THANKYOU: @inflation-of-mind !!!!
Gift ain't mine thank the creator ppl I suck at making those
So this is the beginning please leave a comment a like or a reblog! And there is no beta so until I find one we’ll do it this way: not sure how fast I’ll update I’m a stud so it might vary.
Also if You want to read the previouse chapter you'll be able to find them under the #To Steal A Thiefs Heart
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chcrrysprite · 2 years
Theo, Hayden, and Allison
fuckkkkk um this is cruel but tysm anyway. best friend, one night stand, or husband.....
i had a whole bunch of different thoughts about this in the span of 8 seconds, but i think ONE makes the most sense. my first instinct was "best friend is allison, one night stand is hayden, and husband is theo," but to make it more fun i'm going to treat this like an actual serious question with some reasoning.
i'm gonna go backwards. i'm marrying hayden. i love her, she'd probably be a great wife, and we'd have a nice little life together even though she played soccer in high school which is IMO the third least interesting sport next to like golf and baseball. i could look past that. no offense to any soccer players.
one night stand would be allison. it's probably because i haven't watched the show in literal years, but i don't remember very much about her, so i don't feel too strongly in either direction to choose her as a wife or best friend, especially compared to hayden + theo. still ❤️ her tho
and finally, theo would be my best friend. he's my favorite character in the whole show, and yes, he is amazing, but i don't think we'd be well suited for each other. i don't need a distant man in my life rn. if he was my best friend, i could still hug him and hopefully help build him his self esteem or something Without having to suffer too much in the process. i think theo just needs a friend tbh.
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Thiam Drabble #6
What’s Enough?
The air around Theo thickened as he stepped back from the hospital bed, hands curling into white-knuckled fists at his side. He hated being here. Everything was clinically sterile, but the sharp  smell and fear that couldn’t be washed out or masked just due to the sheer volume saturating every inch of the building. 
“I’m—I’m sorry. I'm not who you need,” he said, shaking his head again.
This whole situation was his fault. He knew it, and so did everyone else. Everyone except Liam. Stupid, infuriating, forgiving Liam who rivaled Scott’s tendency for seeing the better side of people. This should have finally woken Liam up enough for the wolf to tell him to fuck off and put the kibosh on whatever this thing was between them. Unfortunately, he overestimated the level of rationality he was capable of. That and and Liam’s engrained stubbornness far exceeded what Theo could talk around with the state his animals were in. 
The coyote was still screaming for blood, itching to track down the idiot who landed the blows and rend him limb from limb, while his wolf wanted nothing more than to plant himself next to Liam and not move again. They were ripping him in two in a way he hadn’t felt for a long time. Merging their desires wasn’t hard, most of the time. Survival was the coyote’s main instinct, which was easy enough to twist around when he needed to. The wolf was harder. Those instincts screamed about pack and connection louder than anything else. Before he was thrown in Hell he could manipulate it well enough. But since then… 
He huffed, dreaded the moment both of them got on the same page, what with his self-control reserves at an all time low.
"But you're who I want. Isn't that enough?” Liam’s question was so quiet, he wouldn’t have thought he had said it at all if he wasn’t in the room. 
 He shrank back a step, turning his head away as his eyes started to prickle. Where was the chimera that murdered his friends without a care, who schemed his way into a pack by breaking up a lifelong friendship? Hot tears gathered at the corner of his eyes, damn near burning his skin the longer he let them sit there. Wiping them away would mean acknowledging them, which he was not about to do. He had a reputation to maintain. 
“Theo scrunched his face, hating the sharp sourness  leeching into Liam’s scent, his chest clenched, like a vise-grip was tightening around, knowing he caused the hurt. “Besides, it’s not like I ever really belonged here anyway.”
“Wait.” Liam sat up so abruptly Theo cringed internally at the thought of how the stitches had to have pulled. “You’re leaving?”
The way his voice nearly broke, straining to get the words out before the pain and fear overtook the ability, made Theo flinch. This was supposed to keep Liam from being hurt, not make it worse. It’s all I’m good at, he grumped to himself, teeth grinding. It didn’t matter how much he changed in Hell, he would never be good or even good enough. Failure was the name of his game, and there was no changing it. 
 “Yes,” he said as he forced his head to turn and lifted his eyes.
Regret zinged through him as Liam met his gaze. Instead of the rough, volatile anger he was ready to battle against, he found soft brows and pained, glassy eyes. He took a breath to steady himself, only to be gut-punched by the sharp tang of Liam’s pain. 
Tears rolled down both their cheeks. 
“Theo, please—”
“You almost died because I’m a freak of nature, because I couldn’t step up, because I—” He grimaced as words caught in his throat, hating how it let him think about the words that nearly flew out of him. 
Silence stretched between them, grating at his nerves more than the tears he couldn’t stop. His wolf and coyote were howling in unison, damn near screaming their want for the human version of sunshine laying in the hospital bed. He couldn’t listen to them, not this time, not after the woods.
“The best thing I can do is leave,” he said, turning to the door.
“That’s absolute bullshit,” Liam snapped, the growl in his words making Theo stop and look back at him. “You’re afraid and you’re running the other direction, just like with the Ghost Riders.”
He bit at the inside of his lips, trying to stop himself from back sliding the small distance he had managed to put between them. The hurt puppy-dog eyes Liam was giving him were decidedly not helping his resolve in the slightest. 
“You put on a brave face, convincing everyone you’re happy on your own, but the truth is you’re terrified of any emotional connection.” Liam paused as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, wincing and letting out a near inaudible squeak.
“Get back in bed before Melissa tranqs you.” Theo meant to say it as a threat, but the awkward tightness in his throat made it sound more like he was pleading.
As usual, Liam threw caution to the wind, white-knuckling the bed as he stood, never dropping his eyes from Theo’s. “Do you even know what love feels like?”
He couldn’t stop the snarl that ripped from him as his eyes flashed gold. Of course he knew! That’s why this whole mess was killing him. If he didn’t, nothing would have changed. Everything he was now started with that stupid emotion.
“When would I have had the chance to learn about it, huh? Between them shoving needles in my arms and opening my chest over and over and over again? When they praised my initiative for tearing out a failing chimera’s throat for the first time with no prompting? After I lied to yet another kid they conned into their clutches and told them it’d all be okay, despite the stench of death leaking out along with their black blood?”
His heart tightened at the memory of the sweet little girl, too young and innocent for such a wretched end. It was the only time his sister’s heart roared to life in all his years with the Doctors. She was so gentle. Too much so. 
A roaring snarl ripped out of Theo as he shoved away her last moments, ignoring how his scar burned where her tiny fingers had grazed the skin. “I think I’m in love with you, but I’m not good enough. I never will be,” he said, turning away again. “And that sc—” He stumbled over the word, grinding his teeth, fighting against finishing the sentence. “It terrifies me, okay? It makes me shit bricks every time you go near a fight and paralyzes me when I think about losing you because I don’t want to go back to classic Theo but I don’t know how else I’d survive without you.” 
For a moment he stood there, frozen. Those words had barely been given shape as thoughts. They weren’t supposed to leap out so readily! He shrank back, arms cinched across his chest like he could hold himself together through sheer force of will as he fought against his shoulders rolling forward. 
He jerked back, claws and fangs dropping in a blink, as something touched his cheek. Luckily his head caught up in time to not rip through the already injured Liam standing right in front of him. Right in front, less than an arm’s length between them, with a soft smile he only ever saw once directed at someone that was definitely not him. 
“No talking. Just listen, okay?” Liam moved his thumb to sit on Theo’s lips, effectively silencing the chimera. “I don’t care what you think of yourself, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You came back from so much trauma, shit that most people won’t even experience a sliver of in their whole lives, and you’ve been trying to do better every single day since I brought you back. There’s not a person alive, or dead, that I could ever feel safer with or more in love with than you, Theo.”
One second stretched into two, silent except for their erratic heartbeats. For once, his head was as quiet as the room, no instincts screaming at him to act differently. Instead, his inner wolf was damn near purring, overjoyed at the warm hand on his cheek, and the coyote was begrudgingly admitting that it agreed with this turn of events. Of all the times for you two to agree, he huffed, slowly closing his eyes and leaning into Liam’s touch. 
Even he couldn’t argue how right it felt, but that didn’t mean his stomach knotted itself any less or the tremors in his hand subsided in the least. Letting positivity in had yet to end well for him or anyone else involved, and Liam was a positive in his life. The most positive thing, actually. The man was sunshine incarnate, just like that stupid princess movie he made them watch the other day. If whoever she was could help a shifty, no-good thief redeem themselves, maybe he could trust his sunshine to do the same.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28894329
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offsidekineticist · 11 months
16 for Theoven?
Oooh, that's a tough one.
16. What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
Theo wants to be everyone's friend, and he often is, but I'll focus on what he looks for in a close friend.
So one of Theo's big issues is he has trouble grasping his own agency in a lot of situations, and relationships are kind of ground zero for that. When he and Seelah become close friends, it's not because he cultivated a friendship or consciously decided she would be a good and trustworthy friend. It's because she snuck past his walls (or barreled through them, as the case may be) - he doesn't really let people in, so the only ones that can get close are the ones who can find their way in anyway.
In timelines where he's able to grow and heal, he does start opening up to people and deliberately cultivating friendships, and in those cases the common denominator seems to be strong convictions and a passion for bringing about justice (not necessarily legally...)
As for love interests...at the time he becomes KC, his self-esteem is such that if he has a crush (and he forms crushes easily), and they return his interest on any level, he's pursuing that relationship to the ends of the earth, probably by ignoring his own emotional needs. Once he's matured, though, he looks for the same things he looks for in a friend, plus empathy, respect for boundaries, and ability to compromise - he's ace (sex neutral or repulsed depending on the day), so he needs a partner who's willing to accept that sex will never be something Theo enjoys for its own sake, and on some days it will be a complete non-starter.
He also doesn't consciously look for it, but...he likes guys with a harder edge. Something about someone being very bad at love and kindness but still trying just makes him melt.
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