#There was such a clear majority in the last poll that I feel okay about posting this a few hours early
snakebites-and-ink · 6 months
Whumper-Turned-Caretaker CYOA 3
CW for the series
You chose to tend to their wounds.
However much they might need reassurance, you doubt they'll believe you if you tell them you’re not going to harm them. You’ll try to act non-threatening and hope that will put them a little more at ease.
You approach slowly, keeping your movements gentle. You crouch down next to Whumpee so you’re on their level and they won't feel like you're looming over them. You try to keep your voice soft as you say, “I want to treat your wounds. Can I trust you not to try any funny business?”
They nod quickly.
“That’s good.” You hope you sound soothing enough. Probably not. A little bit of soft talking isn’t going to undo the hurt Whumpee’s received at your hands, but maybe it will help them feel like they’re not imminently about to receive more.
You unlock Whumpee’s chains. “Alright, come on.”
You take them upstairs and into the bathroom, where you pull out the first aid kit. They’re as timid and as quiet as a mouse, and true to their word they don’t try any funny business.
You carefully pull off Whumpee’s shirt and inspect their wounds. No broken bones, fortunately, but they’ve got a number of cuts and bruises of varying ages and intensities. All your handiwork, of course, so you’re not surprised by any of it.
None of it seems to be infected, so you figure you’ll be able to handle it without having to get a doctor involved. There’s not much you can do about the bruising other than giving it time to heal. The cuts, though, should be cleaned and bandaged.
@kabie-whump, @whumpanthems, @whumpsoda, @3-2-whump, @generic-whumperz, @taterswhump, @alivenova, @whumped-by-glitter
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kiame-sama · 4 months
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Results on the poll are in and the majority wanted Romantic Yandere Zestial with a rival. (I was honestly surprised, but seeing as romantic and platonic were so close, I'll make it platonic to slow burn romantic)
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Warnings; Yandere temper, Yandere behavior, Yandere relationship, yandere v yandere, Sin Eater reader, Gender Neutral Reader, slow burn platonic to romantic yandere, rival yandere, surprise rival yandere, violence, blasphemy, reader gets one hell of a backbone (only for a bit), God, yelling in the presence of God, brief surprise guest appearances, lucifer and others call reader young/kid (mostly affectionately),
Zestial felt a small playful grin tug at the corners of his mouth as he watched his wayward charge curiously poke around his home. The halls of his manor had been rather quiet and the change to having company was certainly a welcome one. Despite his long life and the many lovers he had entertained in the past, he felt a true connection to the Sin Eater whose very soul he held claim over. They were not only a novelty in their soul's unfortunate proclivity to violence towards sinners but they did not immediately fear or despise him upon meeting.
"(Y/n), thy curiosity is truly an endearing quality."
His grin only widened as he noticed the way you startled at his sudden presence. Though he didn't wish harm or misfortune upon you, he was still a sadistic overlord who adored the fearful looks others gave him. You looked up at the tall arachnid that loomed over you, relaxing when you realized it was just Zestial poking fun.
"Hi, Zestial. I was just-"
"Being the curious nymph thou oft remind me of."
"I guess? Anyway, Carmilla wanted me to come over and talk to her about the exterminations. Apparently during the last one, the angels were looking for a Sin Eater down here."
This made a deep frown pull at Zestial's lips, feeling a kind of anger take over his being at the idea of an exorcist getting their hands on you. His change in temper was easy for you to notice as Zestial often seemed pleasantly aloof excepting for when he was angry. Zestial was certainly unhappy at that moment.
"I see... And, did Carmilla share with thou the intent of this angel?"
"No. I think that's what she wants to talk with me about."
"I shall accompany thou in thy to visit Carmilla. I, too, would like to know how oft these angels seek thy presence. The attentions of Exorcists are oft a negative omen."
"Okay. I'm sure Carmilla would like to see you too. She always seems more comfortable when you are there with me."
Zestial hummed at this, well aware that his presence often put Carmilla at ease whenever she interacted with you. She still didn't trust you because of the many unfortunate interactions she has had with Sin Eaters, so having Zestial nearby calmed her. So long as you are still on Zestial's leash, she trusted you wouldn't act out of turn. She figured she could always call upon him should your hunger get out of hand while nearby. The deal you had with Zestial also kept you safe from Carmilla as she would not dare try to slay a soul he had claimed.
"Wait, so I was supposed to die when they threw me into Hell, but now they want me back? How does that fit in with Heaven's logic?"
"I'm not an angel. I wouldn't know."
You frowned and pondered what you had been told. It was confusing, but it did make it easier knowing that though Carmilla may dislike you, she didn't like the angels talking about you. According to Carmilla, the angels expected you to be slain shortly after throwing you into Hell. The fact you were still alive upset and irritated them.
"If Carmilla's informant is correct, it twould seem they shall be searching for (y/n) specifically. I refuse to be one to allow these feathered nuisances to harm a hair atop thy head. They shan't have you."
You noticed the way Carmilla slightly frowned, glancing to the side as Zestial swore to protect you. Her clear respect and somewhat attraction to Zestial had been weighing on you as you didn't want to drive a wedge between the two seeing as they obviously had gone through quite a lot together. The most you could do was hope that Carmilla didn't dislike you for befriending Zestial even though she clearly disliked that you were a Sin Eater.
"Ms. Carmine? Though I know you likely told me this for Zestial's benefit, I still appreciate you letting me know about all of this. Thank you."
Carmilla seemed surprised at first before her eyes somewhat softened from her typical hard glare to a gentle expression. You had only seen her use that expression when talking to her two daughters.
"Don't be so quick to trust anyone in Hell, Sin Eater. If you weren't Zestial's soul, I would have killed you myself."
"I know. That doesn't mean I can't be thankful to you for your help."
The smallest of smiles pulled at Carmilla's lips for just a moment before she returned to the hardened expression she usually wore.
"Take care, (Y/n). I can see why you were sent to Heaven first before they betrayed you and sent you here. Heaven may want you dead, but I won't let them have their way."
Extermination day was a brutal yearly event in Hell that always seemed to be more violent than the year before it. Zestial insisted you remain inside his estate with the curtains drawn while he left to an overlord meeting, making it clear he wanted you nowhere near the angels. You weren't keen to argue seeing as the angels were likely going to be gunning for you the moment they noticed your presence.
What you hadn't expected was the frantic knocking at the manor doors. Desperate souls in hell trying to escape the extermination going on outside. They were willingly to do anything, even sell their souls to the ancient being Zestial just to have a chance at escaping the angels.
Though you wanted to open the doors to let the poor sinners in, Zestial had been more than clear that you were to leave the doors sealed. However, those on the other side of the door did not take kindly to you not offering them sanctuary as the door suddenly caved in, a large axe blade sticking out of the door.
The body of a sinner fell into the doorway and a frighteningly familiar figure entered in. His large horns and dark mask looked identical to when you saw him at the gates of Heaven. He sneered as he removed the axe from the poor sinner he hunted down.
"How d'ya like that, demon bitch? Try and fucking run from me and I still got you!"
It was while he was taking in his surroundings he realized you were standing there, your gaze filled with terror and confusion. He didn't seem to recognize you at first before his smile became manic and sadistic.
"Found you. Did you know, you are one tough unlucky fucker to find. But Sera heard you survived, so I gotta drag your ass back to Heaven. Just had to screw up your one job, right? Now the Big Man wants your ass in His office, so You're gonna be a good little bitch and don't fight."
The fear coursing through you set you on edge as you took a step back from the man. His mask covering his face made him seem like more of a monster and set actual fear into your heart. You did the only thing you could think of, hoping beyond hope that he would answer you even if he was in a meeting with other overlords.
"Zestial, please... Please help me!"
Your plea seemed to be unanswered for a moment as the man reached towards you with a grin of triumph. Right as it seemed his hand was about to grab you, you found yourself suddenly stumbling to the side and into a pair of arms.
"Woah there! You alright?"
You looked up at the sinner holding you only to pause in confusion. The person you saw looked far more human despite his pale white skin and bright red clownish cheeks. He watched you in confusion even as he steadied you on your feet and let you lean on him to find your footing.
The room you found yourself in was not where you had been only moments ago. It seemed like you were somewhere high up as you could look down at a fair portion of The Pentagram from the windows nearby. None of it looked familiar.
"Where's Ze-?"
You were cut off by a bright light that drew your attention to the windows on the far side of the room. Several overlords- Zestial included- and even a few rather intimidating looking sinners you didn't recognize were present in what seemed to be a meeting room. In the open space before the windows was a blinding light that faded only slightly as a being emerged from the light. The being was humanoid in shape, but you couldn't make out what their face looked like as light continued to shine brightly enough to obscure them.
"Come, Sin Eater. It is not ideal that I had to retrieve you myself, but I shall do what I must."
"You may call me Father, Creator, or God. Whichever you feel has enough reverence."
"The one creator of all things, Damned and Heavenly souls included. And you, young Sin Eater, have defied your odds to exist to this point. Now, come and we shall discuss your afterlife."
You watched in silence for a moment, feeling anxiety racing through you as you looked at this intimidating figure before you. There was a part of you that wanted to do whatever the intimidating man told you to, but another far stronger part wanted you to yell.
You wanted to yell for the injustice of it all. To yell for being thrown into Hell with no warning. To yell for the clear suffering so many other sinners endured. To yell at the cause of all this suffering and senseless slaughter.
You needed to yell.
"Excuse you?"
"I said 'no'. If you want me to go with you I need a few things first."
The Man scoffed slightly in an incredulous manner, folding His ethereal arms over His chest. Though you couldn't see His face, you could tell He was scowling to some degree.
"A bit big in your own shoes, eh? Fine. What is it you believe you can ask of God?"
"Save them."
"The sinners screaming outside, being slaughtered and cut down at your behest. Save them first, or you are nothing but talk."
"They made their choice. They are reaping the rewards for sinful life."
"Really? Then what was my time down here? What do you call it when you kick someone out of Heaven and send them straight to Hell? Is that not an injustice? Is that not an undeserved fate? I went to Heaven first, and this is what I got instead."
"And I am taking you back to Heaven, is that not forgiving of me?"
You frowned deeply, feeling anger bubble up in your chest as you slowly walked forward. Step by step you approached the Heavenly being that claimed to be God Himself.
"Forgiving for what? What did I do that needs to be forgiven?"
"You claim to be the Creator of All, yet you turn a deaf ear to those begging you for mercy. You claim to be loving and forgiving, yet my only crime was an affliction I did not put upon myself and I was still thrown into Hell. You claim to be all of these things yet you refuse to save those that need it most."
He slightly dipped His head, as if He were refusing to meet your gaze and your blood only burned hotter. This Man stood before you claiming to be divine and forgiving, yet He couldn't do anything you asked of Him. He may not see it, but as far as you were concerned, He owed you a bit of grace.
"No. I will not go with you. Until you can open your arms to the damned and forgotten, I will not go with you. Until you uphold the morals you claim to purvey, I will not go with you. Until Hell itself is empty and I am the last one standing, I will not go with you."
"You belong in Heaven."
"Not any more. Those here showed me more kindness than your supposed 'angels' ever did! These damned sinners showed me mercy when I didn't deserve any from them! I belong here. And until you can prove to me that you are more than just talk, I will go nowhere with you. I'll even spit in your face if I have to, to prove I belong here!"
The Man was silent for a long moment, your anxious nerves sparking wildly as you stood before your Creator and told Him to go fuck Himself. The words spilled from your mouth like water from the head of a river, flowing forward with no regard to the end destination. All you felt was rage.
"You may have me when you earn me. Until then, find someone else to preach to."
The silence was near deafening as He stood, letting your words soak in even as you glared into the blinding light that emanated from Him. No one spoke until the sudden crack of what could have been thunder, and with a pop He was gone from view.
It was then your nerves hit you, making your knees buckle and your body sink downwards as all you had said and done weighed in your mind. At the least, you forfeited your one ticket into Heaven and a peaceful afterlife. At most, you pissed off God Himself and made it clear that His words could never reach you despite His efforts. You were forsaken regardless.
"Well, holy fucking Hell. I sure as shit didn't expect that!"
The gruff voice of one of the strangers present drew you from your downward spiral. He had a heavy Aussie accent and seemed to be some kind of abomination cross between a jester and a Christmas tree. His greenish-yellow eyes were wide with surprise, as were the eyes of the rest that were present. Even Zestial seemed surprised.
A hand rest on your shoulder and you sharply looked up to see that same man from before watching you with a gentle gaze and warm smile. His red eyes seemed so full of understanding and compassion that you could scarcely believe he was likely a sinner.
"Not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Honestly, I'm surprised He didn't strike you down for what you said, but I can definitely say that I am proud of you."
"Thank you... I think? I just- I couldn't stand how he was so happy to let others suffer yet he still thought he was the merciful one. I- I'm sorry, I don't even know who you are and I'm putting all of this on you. I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I'm a-"
"A Sin Eater. Yes, I could tell by your soul. Not many of your kind down here, but hey, Hell has plenty of room for all. Lucifer Morningstar, pleasure to meet you, (Y/n)."
"... Morningstar..? Oh. Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, Sir! I didn't mean to be rude, or intrude, or not bow. I was just calling for Zestial's help because that one angel who sent me here broke in and- I- I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I-"
"Take a breath there," Lucifer chuckled in a good-natured way, "to think, you'll spit in the face of God with no trouble but you apologize to me for not bowing when you didn't even know who I was. You've got some moxy, kiddo. I'll give you that."
He stood up again, holding a hand out to you which you gratefully accepted. It still felt like you were in an emotional limbo state given all that happened, yet you still found a bit of comfort and happiness bloom in your chest. Who knew Lucifer was such a chill guy?
"Gotta love a sinner who can stand up for themselves. Mmm. Takes guts."
A beautiful and deep baritone voice grabbed your attention and drew it to the owner of such high-quality brass pipes. Sitting with their legs crossed appeared to be a humanoid that was some kind of cross between a rooster and a Lion with three faces. They wore a finely decorated suit that seemed to glow in the low light as if they held some kind of light within.
"Guts? Talk about bringing the fire baby! Where you been hiding, Cutie? No way you've been anywhere near the other sinners with a soul that unique."
A female figured humanoid spoke up with a feminine voice, her figure much like a bee mixed with a fennec fox. Her stomach reminded you of a lava-lamp as the pink and blue colors within moved in a fluid maner. The group she sat among being the many you did not recognize.
Your eyes scanned the rest of the room where you had seen the various overlords prior, quickly finding Zestial among the faces. The relief you felt was quickly taken over with a sudden and fierce hunger.
Something about the way you or your soul looked must have changed because the overlords and even Lucifer reacted to the difference. There was something wrong with this hunger that made it different from your typical drive to consume sin. It was a deeper, more primal craving that seemed to only get worse with every passing second as you doubled over in pain from the crippling hunger.
"Damn Him! Of course He wouldn't let something like that slide. They're gonna turn feral unless they feed."
"Allow me to bare this load, your Highness. (Y/n) is still one of the souls I consider to be mine. The duty to feed should fall to me."
Zestial now stood, coming over to your side with several contracts in hand with the intention of curbing your hunger before it got too far. Before he could summon forth the sinners to feed you, another sensation overcame you that soothed the hunger significantly. A faint glow seemed to increase for only a second from Lucifer before fading back down.
"No need, already took care of it. Knowing Him it wouldn't have been a simple thing to quell. If anything, I would guess He made their sin-consuming affliction worse for talking back to him. It's possible that only a Sin can help them now. No offense."
"... None taken."
"Well, guess that just means I'll be seeing more of you, (Y/n)! I can tell we're going to get along just fine."
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klainepolls · 9 months
unexpected- day 4 of 7
by: @kurtsascot
day 1, day 2, day 3
“Music Theory,” Blaine says, and, senseless, he continues, “I go to NYU.”
He regrets the confession instantaneously.
Giving Kurt all the ammunition necessary to remember him isn’t his best idea.
He braces himself, wanting to be anywhere but alone in his apartment with Kurt, awaiting his inevitable rejection.
But, the rejection doesn’t come. Instead, a baby pink tinge dusts across Kurt’s cheeks and neck. It’s a similar hue to his lips; a bit sweeter, a tad lighter, but the color’s just as distracting, and Blaine latches onto how the tint smolders under tender overhead light.
“I know,” Kurt says through a laugh, the skin at the corners of his eyes creasing.
Blaine feels himself marginally relax. Okay. Maybe his crush isn’t as obvious as he thought. Maybe Kurt really doesn’t remember him from last semester, and this skittish, jumpy stranger is his first impression of who Blaine is.
Are either of those better options?
Blaine’s not sure.
“Oh?” He prompts, partially lost, partially just wanting to hear Kurt’s voice again.
Kurt rubs his lips together and nods, thoroughly pleased. He throws a puckish glance towards Blaine’s hands.
Following Kurt’s eyes, Blaine finds that the top paper in the pile he holds is decorated with NYU’s crest, offensively enlarged and in full color. His laptop, beneath the assortment of paper, has a Bobcat sticker on the protective case, directly in Kurt’s line of sight, and, his school bag, next to Kurt and by the door, has a pin from NYU’s most recent Choral Arts concert…
“Right.” Blaine ducks his head. He regroups, trying to save himself from further embarrassment. “What about you? Are you in college?”
Blaine watches Kurt adjust his hold on his coat, his fingers clenching and unclenching, the faint squeak of polyester pricking the air. “Yeah,” he starts, treading carefully. “I go to NYU for theater. I graduate at the end of the semester.”
Blaine smiles. “That’s weird, that’s my major too-,” He takes his clutter to the entryway, shoving the assortment into his schoolbag. “I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around.”
There’s a pregnant pause.
Blaine looks up as he zips his bag closed.
He can’t decipher what expression Kurt wears. He’s searching for something to say.
Something’s off.
His smile doesn’t fill his face like it did before.
“Yeah...” Kurt pulls the garment closer to his chest, clears his throat and looks past Blaine, past the couch and down the hallway that leads to his bedroom. “Laundry?” He avoids Blaine’s eyes.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” Blaine scrambles to stand. He dusts off his knees and takes a few steps forward, before stopping in the hall. He doesn’t have to guide Kurt- his apartment isn’t that big. He shouldn’t hover. “Down the hall, to the right,” he points. “Everything you need should be in there.”
“Thanks,” Kurt mutters. He scoots past Blaine, steps into the laundry room, and clicks the door shut behind him.
Blaine returns to the kitchen and collapses on one of the island’s bar stools, unable to escape the onset of awkward energy that is smothering his apartment.
He sits in his discomfort and fidgets. His foot runs along one of the chair rungs. He listens to the distant echo of Kurt working his way through detergent and topical stain treatments, of water turning on and off.
He doesn’t sound like he’s in a hurry to get out of here, but, it also doesn’t sound like he’s taking his time…
Blaine groans. This is a disaster. He ruined everything, and he’s being a terrible host.
He needs to get himself together.
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wayward-dreamer · 2 years
Bit of a life update...
Hey beautiful people! It’s been a while! Hope everyone’s doing okay out there as we start getting into the silly season.
I feel like I haven’t done an update post in a while, and there’s been a few things going on with me that I want to tell you, so let’s just get into it, shall we?
1. I’ve decided to put Patreon on hold for the time being. I made this decision during November, and have paused it since December 1st. There has been a lot going on for me personally, and I just haven’t been able to find the time to write anything new and post it there, first. Some time a few months ago, I did a poll in which the majority voted that Patreon should be just Supernatural and leave the other fandoms to Tumblr, and while I don’t mind this at all, my SPN brain has definitely been suffering a little, in terms of new content. That said, I hope this pause won’t last long and I can get back to it in the new year.
2. In order to get my SPN brain working again, I’ve decided to focus my time during this month on finishing the Life’s Lessons saga, with the sequel The Hardest Lessons. There are already 3 chapters posted of course, but I let it fall to the side while I was focusing on other fics, and I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to give a significant amount of time to writing this series to its end, because it deserves the proper send off as my first series on this blog. It’s my pride and joy, it’s my therapy from when things in my life are getting to be too much, and I owe it to the series, to myself and to you all who love it, to give it the attention it deserves. I’ve written a couple more chapters, but I intend to finish writing it before it starts posting again, so that we don’t have any breaks. So stay tuned for that!
3. I’ve also signed up to SPN Christmas Bingo, so hopefully that will also get my brain flowing for it again!
4. I’m also going to be giving some love to other fandoms that I’m in, primarily MCU and Stranger Things, with a little of The Boys sprinkled in. That’s what my brain seems to be wanting me to write, so there probably will be some drabbles and one shots to look forward to.
5. My requests are open for any of the fandoms/characters/ships listed here. Please read through the page and make a request if you want to, and I’ll try to get to them when I can :)
6. This might be the most important one, and probably should be at the top, but it’s here because I just don’t know right now whether it’ll happen or not, and I don’t want to make a clear statement without knowing for sure what the future looks like. However, things are getting a little hectic for me in terms of projects, and there may be some things in the pipeline that could happen in May-June, hopefully. As a result of that, I may need to consider whether Patreon and Tumblr will continue. I need to start seriously thinking about the future of this blog. That said, I don’t want to say anything definitively. It’s still months from now, but I’m nothing if not honest. I promise you though, y’all be the first to know if things change, but for now, I’m not going anywhere!
And that’s it for now! I hope that I can get to the things I want to do this month before Christmas-time well and truly takes over our lives lol, but I just want to thank you all once again for your continued support of me and my writing. Whether you’re on Patreon or here, you’re all amazing and I’m grateful to every one of you.
Stay safe out there. Sending you all lots of love and creative fire!
Rosh xoxo
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menalez · 3 years
I was looking at your anons that you shared. But I feel you are missing the point though I maybe wrong. Thing is culture and environment does greatly affect the way men view and act on things. A man raised in a liberal, cosmopolitan environment is less likely to have violent misogynist tendencies and more likely to support women's rights (though liberal misogyny may still be present) than a man raised in a place where women are subject to chattel slavery and covered or locked up in houses. You can look up global opinion polls where there's a clear hostility towards women's equality and lgbt rights and more support for conservative religiousness in middle East, Africa and South Asia (obviously not all countries in those) compared to Europe or the Americas (including South America). Obviously a man who is from such an environment is more likely to be misogynistic (in terms of actions) than a man from a liberal environment on an average. This has nothing to do with race, because the same man had he been raised in a better environment would've likely been better (on an average). It is fair to blame the global geopolitical game and actions of the Western powers for the current situation in middle East or Afghanistan etc, but that doesn't change the fact that men from these places are more likely to be misogynist due to their environment and culture (not due to their race). What do you think?
i would like to preface this (for future anons) that im simply rbing and tagging that stuff for future reference, these aren’t all there is that ive said on the topic and it’ll take me time to go thru everything ive said on the topic so what ive reblogged is by no means the entirety of my perspective. additionally, ive talked so much about this that i actually have no desire to really have a discussion on it. maybe a civil private one in dms or something, but not a public one on my blog. it’s just bc i found talking about this topic and discussing it with very blatantly racist ppl last month was very emotionally draining for me. so i would appreciate if this discourse isnt reignited bc my intention isn’t to reignite it, but rather simply to find all thats been said on it so i can share it with another blogger on here.
OKAY so onto what u said. i agree that environment plays a massive role, in fact i think it’s predominantly what drives people’s behaviours in this context. however, i disagree with the argument that it’s about culture. i think it is about society and environment, but culture in itself isn’t the root of the issue a lot of the time. you brought up afghanistan, and i think that’s a good example of what i mean. culture is very deeply rooted and our cultures often have hundreds if not thousands of years of history behind them. what we’re seeing in afghanistan today isn’t the result of culture— it’s the result of an extreme societal change that happened several decades ago. not to say afghanistan didn’t have their own battles with misogyny before taliban got power, but taliban getting power and coming to exist isnt because of afghan culture (which ive seen many people argue and then use to point out that “well their culture led to this, and since they created their culture this goes to show these people are innately more misogynistic and violent”) but rather because of foreign powers. communism was on the rise in many nations in the middle east and in afghanistan as well. on another end, there were also islamists. they existed (afaik, we have saudi to thank for that) but they were weak and didn’t have influence. western powers, namely US, thought of communism as a threat to their power & to their livelihood, and thus supported and empowered the “lesser threat”, which are the Islamists. this helped the Islamists gain power and take over. this led to a major societal shift in afghanistan. what was once a country where women could walk around dressed however they liked, turned into a country where women were being forced to wear a burqa. what was once a country where women were getting educated, now became a country where women had to pretend to be boys if they wanted to learn. there’s some famous images showing this (ofc they don’t give us the full picture of life in afghanistan before taliban took over, but we get an idea), all of them being afaik from afghanistan in the 60s and 70s:
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so i firmly am against the argument that the primary issues involve their culture. the islamists existence AND their power were both things that came from outside influence and outside powers. what i think is fairer to say, is that the difference in extremes of misogyny is to do with society and moreso social progress. we cannot argue that misogyny in Western Europe is less extreme because of Western European culture, especially when European society, around the same time as the images above, had a lot of undeniable misogyny. for example, at around the same time, italy had a law where women were forced to marry their rapists so that their rapist can basically get away with it, and in the 60s was the first time when a woman publicly refused to do so (her name is franca viola). women like the aforementioned one pushed for social progress which has made life better for women today, it wasn’t about the difference in culture.
with some practices, i would give culture more credit. for example, fgm is an ancient cultural practice in various countries. however, some practices aren’t cultural. taliban is far from a reflection of afghan culture. and of course men took advantage of the taliban and became more overtly misogynistic. the number of men that come from places where women’s rights have made massive progress, only to go to other countries and be incredibly misogynistic to the women in said countries, points to me that even with social progress, men will try to find a way to be misogynistic in a way thats acceptable enough (ex: sex tourism or mail order brides).
this is a long reply and by no means everything i think on this, but hopefully you understand now where im coming from. i don’t disagree culture can play a role, but a lot of the time what people blame on culture isn’t even about the country’s culture to begin with.
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mack3030 · 4 years
Types of Paywall Abuse --- A post...
I think it’s time to tackle a topic that might make a few simmers uncomfortable, but we need to talk about it, because in addition to seeing a lot of people complain about it in general, I’ve also been getting some anons in my inbox talking about it. So let’s discuss this. 
Now, first of all, I would like to clarify a couple of things: 
When I speak of PAYWALLS here, I am talking about custom content that can ONLY be accessed by paying, or viewing an ad through a virus filled ad shortener link (which is just as bad).  Pure early access content, where you pay for it and get it earlier than everyone else who gets it for free IS NOT PAYWALLED CONTENT. 
This is why it is called a pay “WALL” because the wall portion indicates that you cannot access it without paying a fee/toll. 
Second of all, I would like to remind the public at large that this is not hate, it is a critical commentary. I am not going to go for these creators personally, nor do I want to. I, as a member of the community who plays the sims 4, and downloads/uses CC, would like to simply hold some of these creators accountable for actions that are unethical and unsatisfactory to the community in which they serve. That is it. No more, no less. I simply believe they CAN do better and BE better than this. 
Now, let’s get into the meat of this. 
The main type of abuse that I have focused on has been what I call Permapaywalls. 
Content that cannot be accessed ANY other way than either paying a certain amount via patreon or another service, OR viewing a link through a virus-filled ad that puts your computer at risk. 
There are many creators who are well known permapaywall creators, with at least 80% or more of their content being locked behind these permapaywalls. Sometimes they may release a few items for free, but this is very similar to being allowed to test drive a car before buying it. It’s to entice the user/viewer into liking the brand, and then buying in.
I’m not going to delve into this too much because I’ve already expounded on this topic a bit. So let’s go further. 
The next type of abuse is what I like to call “Exclusive Loopholes”. 
Exclusive Loopholes: Creators who try to “get around” EA’s early access policy by offering a majority of their content as early access, but holding back certain items only to those who “subscribe” to their “patreon exclusive” content. 
There are some who are okay with this, thinking of this as a neat “bonus” for those who subscribe and support. However, the sims team made it clear: 
Folks who have a Patreon page are welcome to provide folks with "early access" incentives for their content but it should be made available to the general public within 2-3 weeks of it being given to folks early.
- Simguru Drake, The Sims Forum
Notice nowhere in this answer does it say anything about BONUS CC incentives. Nowhere. This is just a method that certain creators try to use to keep people from decrying them as “big bad paywall creators”. This way they can say “oh look, we do early access, we’re following EA’s rules~!” while still holding content hostage. 
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If you want to offer your patreons some exclusives, here’s some ideas:  * Share pictures of your process, or work in progress content coming up.  * Allow them to have input into your process via polls and questions.  * Have an exclusive discord community just for your patreons where they can talk to you easier and share excitement and input about your content with you and each other.  * Have exclusive streams where only you and your patreons have the link to see you go live making content.  * Host a workshop on how to make CC using your process. (I see all of you who steal meshes from other sites sweating over this. ;D)  * Pause billing for a month and say “you know what, since you guys have been loyal and supported me, have a month of patreon on me!”  * Anything that honestly doesn’t involve only giving those patreons CC and not releasing it to the public. 
Let’s talk about another type, and oh my lanta, this type has had some anons messaging me ALL up in arms. I like to call this type “The Donation Disaster”.
Donation Disaster: Someone who CONSTANTLY uses the “downs” in the up/downs of life as excuses to not release content on time, or delay it while still collecting payment from patreons. Bonus “you’re a jerk” points if they then try to use those misfortunate circumstances to beg for even more money from their patreons on multiple occasions. 
Look, we all have junk that goes on in our lives. But when that junk is used as an excuse for you continually delaying content while still charging your patreons (and not using the pause feature), it makes them feel cheated.  In addition, when you then ask for donations to help you during your difficult time, and turn to your patreons instead of the support networks that are around you (ex: friends, family, religious communities, etc.), that can be VERY off-putting. You might be able to get away with it once, maybe twice, without a large chunk of your community turning against you. But the more regular it becomes, and the more they hear about how strapped for cash you are and how you’re asking them to give more than their pledge, and you’ll soon find yourself being called a scammer. Regardless of your intent, or if your problems are reality, you’ll find people’s empathy for your situation will be lacking.
I’ve had a few anons in my inbox talking about different patreon creators that always seem to have an excuse for why updates aren’t coming just yet, or why x is broken, and with their excuse comes a plea for help with bills, and a link to a paypal or venmo. 
Everyone has junk, don’t get me wrong. And it sucks to go through the junk we have in life, but if you’re reaching out to random people on the internet as your first method of support, you might need to be looking someplace else for support first before you come to the people who are already paying you for content you make. A one time “hey I’m in a bind, I need some help” donation thing might not be a bad thing, but when it becomes a constant pattern on your patreon....people aren’t going to take it well...at all. 
And last, but not least, I’d like to talk about the last kind of patreon abuse, which frankly, is really upsetting to me. I don’t even really have a name for it, because it’s literally so much of a “what?” thing in my head. I don’t even understand why it goes on.  Now, this practice involves the black/POC community, and frankly, as a white girl, I don’t feel I should be speaking over the community and what they have to say. Thankfully @xmiramira​ spoke on it, all the way back in 2019. Here’s an excerpt from her fantastic POST:
Even new creators who JUST joined the community sliding up in TBS with locs and braids talking about Patreon only. GTFOH. I’m not okay with creators doing Patreon only CC PERIOD, but my main discussion is focused on NON BLACK simmers making CC catered to US, and making it PATREON EXCLUSIVE IN AN ATTEMPT TO FORCE US TO PLEDGE, and how people are ASSUMING that I’m OKAY WITH THIS, and ASSUMING that I’m letting it FLY in my community. Just because I don’t go off about shit as frequent as I used to doesn’t mean I cannot see and I am not doing what I can to keep the fuckery OUT.“Oh but your friend has a Patreon” I don’t have an issue with what @ebonixsims is doing because it’s all early release. It gets released to the public a few weeks later. It’s not being kept behind Patreon, forcing people to pledge to her. Despite this, she’s still doing really good with it. So don’t get it twisted, I’m not on social media arguing with folks so people just assumed I’m okay with this shit, I’m really not. I’m actually two seconds off dropping Patreon share folders. (That also have my shit in it) Supporting people is one thing, but a lot of these motherfuckers are becoming extremely exploitive, and it’s aggravating. It’s like you goofy motherfuckers sit in DMs like “yeah let’s make some CC for the negros and put it on Patreon” Fuck outta here. And it’s not even just hair, it’s skins and even CLOTHING STYLES. Y’all are really wilding the hell out. African necklaces, black girl magic chains, Juicy Couture sweatsuits. Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling? IM TIRED! Next time someone asks me where I got something and it’s Patreon exclusive I’m dropping a SFS link. FUCK OUTTA HERE!
Here’s the deal. The black community has been fighting for a while to be able to feel represented in this game. Here’s two articles (ONE, TWO) talking about this issue.  But the thing that has me upset is the fact that SO many creators of content that is AIMED at Black/POC simmers are locking that content (or a good majority of it) behind paywalls. And what’s even more shameful is some of those creators are POC themselves! They understand what it’s like to feel that they cannot make themselves or have sims that look like them in this game, yet they still lock their content away and expect people not just in the SIMS community, but in the POC community to pay through the nose for it.  The fact that this is STILL going on, two freaking years after she made this post, and that both NON POC creators and POC creators are engaging in this behavior is honestly disappointing and shameful. I believe black/POC creators should be supported, BUT they should be supported without depriving their OWN community of representation and access. And frankly, if you’re a NON POC creator and you’re specifically targeting this group to make money off of them with paywalls, I have only one thing to say to you:
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I’d speak on it more, but frankly, I’d rather let the people who are actually in the black/POC community speak on it, so if any of you want to let loose in the comments about this problem, go wild. I’m happy to sit back and listen, and I suggest others do the same.
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nerdygaymormon · 3 years
What will it take for the Church to accept LGBT people fully and allow gay marriage? When all the younger generation and all LGBT and pro LGBT members leave Church?
My answer to this is the Church will change when the pain of changing is less than the pain of not changing.
By this I mean that if they made a big announcement today, there'd be a lot of pain. If it were to dramatically shift positions, the Church would have to explain why past prophets and apostles were wrong, and many members would disagree.
The average member thinks of the Church as strongly anti-gay. Just 13 years ago, members in many states were being asked to donate time and money to pass constitutional amendments outlawing gay marriage. 7 years ago married gay couples are deemed apostates and disciplined. 3 years ago, Elder Oaks was still delivering a string of homophobic talks in General Conference.
If the Church leadership were to say they were wrong on queer topics, it would undermine faith in their leadership. Members would likely wonder if leaders were wrong on this, what else is the leadership wrong about?
The Church's usual process isn't to announce big changes, instead it works slowly, year by year, making incremental changes to the point that the "big change" doesn't seem big.
I think this is happening in regards to LGBTQ issues, but there's a frightfully long way to go considering how slowly these changes are occurring.
Some examples of changes include
it's okay for people to call themselves gay or lesbian
being gay is no longer a sin, but gay sex is still a sin
the Church coming out in support of rights for gays in many areas, such as employment and housing
the Church also finally rejecting conversion therapy
there've been talks by apostles saying there's room in the Church for differing sexual orientations
openly gay & trans students at BYU are allowed to stay and not be kicked out
the Family Search website allows gay marriages to be recorded
the November 2015 Policy of Exclusion is rescinded along with the statement that “the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.”
The problem with slow, incremental change is when the views of the membership are shifting much faster than the Church is moving.
In 2014, only 27% of Mormons supported gay marriage, in 2017 that was up to 40%. Among Mormons between the ages of 18-29, the acceptance in 2017 was 52%, up from 43% percent in 2014.
In the 3 1/2 years since this poll, I can't help believe these trend lines continue and possibly a slight majority of all members support marriage equality, with a strong majority of those under age 30.
We have an example of a dramatic shift in 1978 when the Church restored temple & priesthood blessings to Black people of African descent.
As society changed, eventually the LDS Church was about the only church still employing such racists positions, virtually all other churches had dropped their racist teachings & traditions. A decade after the Civil Rights movement, many members were ready for a change and embarrassed when asked about the Church's racist positions. (We may be headed this way on queer topics, but a lot of members aren't yet to this point)
A lot of prep work was done by President Kimball to bring along the apostles and get this change made. I don't think any church leaders today are trying to lay the groundwork for change regarding LGBTQ acceptance.
If this example is a model, then we still have at least a decade to go as it was just last year the Supreme Court decided gay and trans employees are protected by Civil Rights, meaning we can't be fired for being gay or trans. There's still more rights & protections to secure for LGBTQ individuals in the USA.
A different way to think about this is, what positions does a progressive church go through in order to reach the point it accepts LGBTQ+ members as full members and is affirming in its teachings?
I can't think of any church that reached the point of being welcoming of queer people that didn't first accept women as ordained ministers. How close do you think the LDS Church is to getting women ordained?
If you're wondering if you should hold on for the Church to change, I think putting yourself in storage and waiting for the Church to change is not a great move. The Church’s lifespan is much longer than yours. We are meant to live during our time on earth.
If you feel good about seeking romance, if you believe God doesn't want you to be lonely and wants you to live openly as LGBTQIA, if you feel like Church isn't a safe space for you and feel your mental health declining, then choose to live. If you feel called to remain in the Church, then stay and own that choice, but keep open the possibility that this is temporary and what's right for you may change in the future.
Our path is not clear, even the LDS Church isn't sure what to do with us or why we're here. You get to work out your future and your path in collaboration with God.
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palukoo · 3 years
ooh amy and toby because i would die for them
okay i know you sent others before this one but i really wanna answer this one! i meant to just... write about basically what i've said before with their unique combinations of idealism and cynicism but also with the vast difference in loyalty and also their similar political positions, but then i spent all afternoon uh. writing this.
amy and toby meet on some doomed campaign that he's running, and she's fundraising for, and they both know it's doomed but that doesn't stop them from trying. she tells him it is, at some point, and he knows she's right but won't say it, because it's different. amy's consulting for a dozen campaigns this election cycle, and toby's got one, and he likes amy, but she doesn't get to say that about his one.
they bring amy in for debate prep, at the candidate's request, and toby sits back and smiles a little at the hopefully-but-doubfully future senator's comprehensive answer until amy starts eviscerating the woman's answers. she does it with an awkward, regretful smile, and the candidate adjusts, and toby asks amy to step out into the hall, asks if she has a problem with their policies. amy says no, she loves their policies and that's why she's doing what she can to give them a shot. toby laughs bitterly.
"you said yourself that we don't have a shot! we're trying to talk about issues and you're taking the only place we can do that and have people listen and turning it into pithy soundbites like every other guy!"
"the pithy soundbites might stick," she says, mostly unfazed. "let me try to give you a shot. she thinks she has a shot."
he sighs. "yeah."
the candidate loses, 41-57. before amy had started working with them more, polls were at 30-62.
they run into each other, after that, both of them with tendencies towards certain candidates. amy's associated with more winning campaigns than toby is by a long shot, but she's never run one, winning or otherwise.
amy's talking to a candidate she's excited about for maryland's fifth district, who's leading against the old, far too moderate and out of touch incumbent in her primaries. andy wyatt. and then toby's beside her.
"oh, hey, amy, this is toby, he's my--"
"you're working with her?" amy asks teasingly before andy can finish. "but she might actually win."
toby laughs. "yeah, no, don't worry, i haven't lost my touch yet. i'm her fiancé, not her campaign manager."
amy tries to keep the surprise from her face. "you two know each other?" andy asks.
"we've worked together before. congratulations, by the way," amy says. toby smiles awkwardly. "don't let him anywhere near your campaign," she teases.
"don't let her anywhere near your speeches," he quips back. amy laughs.
it's catching up and some unofficial consulting in the primaries that amy would really rather stay mostly out of even though she has a clear favorite. she meets abbey and liz at a starbucks that was a little diner the last time she was in town, and they bring her back to "campaign headquarters" after bribing her with coffee and using their trademarked bartlet charm. which is really what will help him more than anything, at this point.
she laughs when she gets to the office and sees him bouncing a ball against the wall. "toby ziegler. i should've guessed that you'd be on this campaign."
he doesn't question her presence, just sighs. "because it's doomed?"
she beams at him, shaking her head. "because it's good."
his lips twitch into something resembling a smile, and she turns around to abbey and liz.
"with him and governor bartlet--"
"you can call him jed, y'know," abbey says. amy can't, actually.
"well, with the two of them, you're gonna need to find someone less... long winded."
he sighs and glares, and then his brow furrows. "why the hell are you drinking an iced coffee?"
she runs into them right after they've won the primary, which means everyone's uncharacteristically excited, meaning josh unthinkingly drags her along to their party, and jed kisses her cheek, and toby, by some miracle, hugs her and cj laughs and hugs her, too.
"you and toby get along?" she asks, surprised. amy shrugs and turns to toby, who also looks deeply noncommittal. cj laughs again.
the giddiness of the room gets to her. "i admire his integrity and his politics," she says, and there it is again, that vague, almost smile, brighter with the new victory.
"when he recruited me for this campaign, he called emily's list 'that women's group with the dumb name'," cj says to her, and amy turns back to him, suddenly far less admiring.
"dumb name. not dumb... mission, dumb name," he defends. she stands down, a little. "so, what have you been up to lately?”
"i'm political director for emily's list," she says, and he opens his mouth and closes it, and cj laughs again.
when the general election rolls around in november, amy collects bets from coworkers and friends and really whoever. she can't help but admire that toby only bets on losing candidates, but she also knows it doesn't matter to him. he won the thing that mattered.
"did you know?" he asks, tense.
"that-- you've known the bartlet's forever. you... did you know?"
amy shakes her head, and forces her face into a neutral expression. "no, i didn't."
"are you--"
"i didn't run his campaign, toby. i voted for him, and i would've done it either way. and i'm not sure i'm in the majority there, and i'm glad he's there, so... i'm not mad."
he laughs bitterly. "you admire my integrity?"
"didn't say i shared it," she says plainly.
"you're not mad none of them told you?" he asks after a moment.
she takes in a breath and nods slightly. "well," she says like a concession. "mostly i'm worried," she admits, and toby nods, too.
"about him or the election?"
amy doesn't answer. she doesn't need to. he knows as well as she does that it's both.
"hey, amy, that speech you gave last week," he says when she runs into him in the hall. "did you write it yourself?"
"i could tell," he says, condescending and teasing at once. she rolls her eyes.
"nice job with the president's remarks yesterday," she says back.
"that was sam."
"yeah, i know. i could tell."
"i don't want to have this conversation with you," he says, and her eyes narrow.
"not 'cause it's you, 'cause you're actually... i just don't want to have this conversation."
"toby, did something happen?"
he shakes his head and looks at the floor. "josh really cares about you."
she scoffs, disbelieving in a couple ways. "got it."
"as much as i agree that josh really can't take care of himself, he really doesn't need your protection from me, if that's what this is."
toby nods, and amy hopes they'll never talk about that again.
working with stackhouse reminds her of the old campaigns she's run into toby on, and it almost makes her nostalgic, except for the part where she's still mad at him, because he knew as well as josh did that the marriage incentives were shit. he knew as well as josh did that they could've made a play other than the one that forced her to resign.
still. she knows that if there's anyone as proud of the president's answer on needle exchange as she is, it's toby.
sam's campaign really feels like the old days once they’re in it, mishap after mishap, impossible odds, her trying to get funding while toby coaches him on remarks. she feels bad, having talked him into this, knowing he wouldn't win.
toby's used to the loss, she knows, but he's not used to this one. she buys them both drinks and gets on a plane to start her new job.
her first day, after the ceremony, after every exhausting, impossible thing, she still finds herself going back to her office. there's an unpleasant banging sound coming from inside when she gets there, and she'd be more concerned were it not for the secret service and her exhaustion.
she steps inside, ready for whatever new prank josh has set up, but instead it's just cj and toby putting her diplomas back up on her wall.
it's a week or so before she catches up and remembers to congratulate toby and andy, but neither of them hold it against her.
it's another few weeks before she leaves, and for that, she's sure he does.
"rafferty's speech was really good," she says casually. he nods vaguely in agreement. "toby," she says.
"i could tell," she says pointedly, and he sighs. "you should've... i like getting women elected, you know."
"i don't need your help," he says confidently. she rolls her eyes.
"your track record--"
"she's not trying to win, amy," he says insistently, and she shrugs.
"neither was the president at first."
he exhales. "the debates have been better than i expected. santos did well."
she shrugs, and he rolls his eyes.
"i could tell, too."
she knows it's stupid, but here she is, so. she hits the buzzer.
"hello?" he asks.
"it's amy."
"wh-- why the hell are you here?"
"i'm not associated directly with the white house or the campaign, toby, just let me up."
there's a long pause where he doesn't say anything, but then the door clicks open. he opens his door when she knocks, and she hands him an iced coffee with a grin. "you didn't answer my question," he says.
"i'm... not mad at you," she says. he squints.
"i get why everyone else is," she adds.
"okay. you're still not answering."
she sighs. "i thought you'd want to know that."
"i don't care if you're mad at me," he says gruffly, a bit rude.
"okay," she says, unaffected. "i also... don't want to have this conversation with you."
"josh really cares about you," she echoes. he laughs humorlessly.
"i think josh wants to kill me right now."
she smiles. "that's another thing we often have in common," she teases.
"what's the first thing?"
she rolls her eyes and doesn't answer.
"should you really be calling me?" he asks.
"i know for a fact that both josh and donna call you. plus, congratulations, you're free."
"and you aren't anymore. didn't think you'd take it."
"i didn't, either," she admits.
"what are you calling about?"
"sam said you knew congressman johnson pretty well. i want him to swing with us for a vote."
"how are the kids?" she asks, and he smiles, which makes her smile, too.
"good. they're good."
"good. how's andy? do you... are you and cj talking again?"
he nods. "yeah, they're both... you talk to both of them more than you talk to me."
"and when i do, i ask about you," she counters.
"they're good. how're things there? josh, sam, donna?"
she laughs. "you talk to all of them more than you talk to me." she waits for his eyeroll. "they're all good. things are... you know how things are."
"not as much as you do."
"you can guess."
"how's teaching?"
he huffs. "college kids can't write."
"you don't think anyone can write."
"i think sam can write. i think will can write, on a rare good day. whoever you guys have is... fine."
"a glowing recommendation. i'll be sure to pass it along," she teases. otto probably would be flattered, really. "what's up?"
"how are your internals looking?"
she laughs. "did josh cut you off?"
he sighs. "maybe."
"i have some notes," he says.
"on... what?"
"the book," he says, like it's obvious.
"well, considering that it's been, a, published, and b, selling quite well, i think it's a little late," she says, arrogant and exasperated.
"i agree. you should've sent me the draft first."
she laughs. "content or style?"
"the content's great. you make good points, and it's compelling, and... it's very..." he trails off and sighs, and she takes the compliment. "it's too pithy."
she rolls her eyes. "how's yours coming along? how many pages so far?"
he pauses. "touché."
she's just finished a guest lecture when she gets the call, and she's surprised, a little, by the name on caller id. it's been a while. they'd had less to talk about, other than comments on each other's books, since she'd left the white house and started going back to lobbying and fundraising and debate prep between campaigns for old friends. though, when she thinks about it, it could be that last one.
"hey, toby," she answers.
"hey. so, rafferty's running again," he says.
she smiles. she's always liked rafferty. "okay." she thinks about it. "you... want help fundraising?"
he laughs. "amy. she wants to win this time." he pauses. "you should come up to new hampshire with us."
she gets a plane ticket.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 62 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 314 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 303 Responses
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There was an interesting contrast this week between anime only viewers’ and manga readers’ reaction to the episode. Anime only viewers overwhelmingly felt positively about the episode. But for manga manga readers, many of the cuts in the anime dampened their enjoyment of the episode, and for some ruined it entirely. Still, overall, the episode got positive reception, even if it wasn’t overwhelmingly enthusiastic. 
a little rushed but still very enjoyable. it defo got the point across about Reiner's struggles
It was... Fine. I'll give it a solid 8/10 on emotional value and finally seeing these chapters animated. But accepting that the anime and manga are not the same and that there will be cuts is hard.
Wasn't very good. The cut scenes really hurt the pacing and overall story.
i thought the pacing was way too fast :(
Stunning. Beautiful 
Another great episode. My only criticisms are the music that was used at the beginning of the episode, which didn't really work, and the cuts but I understand why that had to happen.
Impeccable. The adaption was both efficient and emotionally effective. Zero misses so far - I'm officially a MAPPA ho. 
Really great! Feels different from the manga and makes me excited for future episodes, because even if it's not perfect, we will always have the original material + some fun new scenes that the anime is adding, can't wait for more
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The much-anticipated scene where we learn amputee-kun is actually Eren was the most favored of the episode, with 37.5% of the vote. Following behind that with more narrow margins were the introduction to Marley’s titans, Annie and Reiner’s fight and Reiner’s suicide attempt. 
The first part was very rushed and I wasn't as impressed by it. But I was very impressed by the second part of the episode once the warrior kids made it to paradise. I also very much enjoyed how they animated the scene of Annie taking out her anger on Reiner after Marcel's death. There was just something about the use of colours that really appealed to me. 
The Reiner and Annie fight and Reiner's suicide disturbed me a lot more this time around, partially because I haven't read the chapters in a while, but this is easily one of my favorite episodes now.
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The majority of the fandom are enjoying the new ending, with 65.6% loving both the song and the animation. 11.2% are enjoying the song… but not so much the animation. 11.9% feel that it’s “just okay.” Some are enjoying the animation, but not the song, and a few more dislike both. 
The song and the animation are truly beautiful and gorgeous. I couldn't imagine better. It is always so peaceful after the full of emotions episode. 
Beautiful song, although the bit with the streaks of shiny animation look like 480p and are a little boring. 
I didn't see it 
Bold of you to assume I watch the EDs and don't just skim ahead to the preview.
i'm not interested in the ending
There was a half ED?
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A very tiny fraction of voters weren’t impressed with the way MAPPA executed the scene that introduces us to the Marley titans and why each warrior was picked for the titans they received. However, the majority of respondents felt very positively about the scene, with 221 even feeling they, too, will become a titan as a result of the awesomeness. 
I really liked the marley titan montage but why the hell were the female titan's boobs so big? It looked so out of poportion
It was awesome and I loved the introduction to the Titans
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Whether it’s for practicality or aesthetic reasons, we all have different titans that appeal to us more than others. This race was a close one, with the Female Titan holding on just slightly over the Jaw Titan in terms of favoritism. The Armored Titan came in at a distant third with the Beast Titan and Colossal closely behind. Only a very small fraction would like to inherit the Cart Titan from Piku-chan.
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Overall, the majority (29.1%) wouldn’t want to adopt any of the OG warrior crew, whether because the responsibility is too much or because they don’t like kids at all (or perhaps, a missing third option being they don’t like any of them). But for those who would happily take on one of the OG warrior kiddos, 24.1% would most like to take Reiner home (and probably give him lots of hugs). 21.1% adore little Pieck and would shower her with parental love forever. 9.7% probably want to pinch little Bertolt’s cheeks, and 8.4% wish they’d adopted Annie instead of her father.
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The majority of respondents felt positively enough about seeing WIT’s S1 style mixed in with MAPPA’s, with 42.9% feeling it flowed together well enough, and 26.4% understanding why they didn’t reanimate the event (despite preferring it if they had). 11.2% don’t care at all, and 8.6% think it was way too jarring. There are some who are reminded that they miss WIT’s style, and others who have a continued appreciation for MAPPA.
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Overall, nearly everyone seems to be pleased with Kaji Yuki’s more “mature” sounding Eren, with 76.4% feeling he is portraying an older and more jaded Eren perfectly. 11.6% are lost in their lust for a 2D drawing and are focused entirely on that (we understand lol). A few are simply indifferent to the lower tone, and a smaller percentage just prefer Eren’s voice prior to the timeskip. 
Anime onlys can spot him more difficult, which I like
Made sense to me, he’s not a teenager anymore after all, plus works better for this “new” Eren who’s less angry and shouty all the time.
I didn't even notice lol
Eren is adult so changing his voice was a very good choice. I like his new sound.
It was stupid that he ever talked so low before now. He was fifteen and he sounded like an adult, well they all do that bc it's standard anime shit but it makes it even harder when they become real adults.
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Seeing Marcel get eaten 2000 times seems to be a running gag at this point, so naturally we had to include this question. Whether it’s recency bias or objectively true, 44.6% feel that MAPPA’s take on Marcel’s death was the best. 30.4% feel that Isayama’s more recent art style truly does Marcel the most justice. 14.2% liked the way WIT Studio portrayed the scene and 10.8% like Isayama’s older, more grungy art style.
RIP Marcel
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In the hypothetical scenario that Reiner hadn’t convinced Annie and Bertolt to stay on the island, the majority feel that Reiner was wrong in his assessment that they would be executed practically on-site. 55.1% believe that the idea would have been out in the open, but ultimately rejected. Though, 35.6% feel that Marley is too ruthless and uncaring toward Eldians to care what the situation is, and would absolutely hand over their titans to others deemed more capable. Very few felt Marley would be understanding by default. Many write-ins feel that Reiner is the only one who would have been executed for the failure. 
Depends on if B/A emphasize that it was Reiner’s fault rather than their own.
If all of RBA got eaten then I think they wouldn’t use kids for their next attempt. Maybe teens around the age RBA were after training in Paradis military
Magath would have pointed out how wasteful it would have been, but probably even him couldn't have saved reiner
He was wrong. What would be the point of feeding them to other children, if they were the best candidates? Too much of work. 
Reiner said that there's a possibility that they couldn't find Ymir even if they try. He has a point. But I don't think Marley would have RBA eaten even if they lose Jaw.
They wouldn't go through with it because they seem to lack other qualified warrior candidates.
I think Magath and maybe Zeke would have tried to convince the government to not go through with it and that Reiner might have been the only one sacrificed.
Obviously. They would have indisputable proof that sending a bunch of kids to carry out a massively important mission is the dumbest shit they could have ever done and immediately they'd put the titans into older soldiers.
They'd let them live a few more years just for propaganda and used them for other battles, then they'd have them killed around their midterm.
Possibly, but they put a lot of time, effort, and money into training their warriors. It would be a big decision to execute all of them and start over. Maybe they would have executed Reiner as an example.
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In our least-serious question of the poll, we asked you guys to try and predict the weather based on Bertolt’s sleeping pose. 18.3% believe his legs-on-the-wall pose means clear skies, 13.9% are certain it means rain. 13.6% are confident in an overcast night. At 11.5% foresee storms coming and 11.2% think it’s gonna be snow. 18% are probably just annoyed with the question. A few write-ins pointed out that Bertolt was, indeed, sleeping in the Hanged Man Pose.
It’s gonna be partly guilt ridden old man with a 90% chance of suicide by hanging
Blood and guts
Let's just call it hail
Hanged man posture, dreamed about the old man
raining titans
No one can make me like the warriors even if I don't blame them for what they were forced to do as kids. idc what quirky habits they have.
There'll be clear skies for some time but don't be deceived, heavy rain is incoming
This was amazing because it's a reference to The Hanging Man on Tarot cards: he's willingly being hanged for his sins. Look it up, it's so cool.
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With only 20(ish) minutes to fit in all of Reiner’s backstory, cuts were inevitable. MAPPA made the decision to nerf most of Reiner’s struggles training as a Warrior Cadet (among a couple other more lengthy scenes during and after the wall breach). 62.9% are sad that some of these scenes didn’t make the cut, but also understand that we can’t have it all. 13.2% actually preferred seeing Reiner’s backstory in MAPPA’s condensed version, while 12.9% feel it completely ruins the characterization of the warriors.
I don't even remember what was cut 😂
Slightly ruined the warriors’ characterisations (especially Reiner’s)
I thought they could have shown a bit more about Reiner's underdog, it's something that really made me sympathise with him in the manga. 
Kinda disappointed, since some scenes were essential for a little background on their lives
Honestly, even after all the cuts and the restrains it tells the story of a "warrior", Reiner.
Mappa fucked RBA backstory and I would bet it's because they are biased towards Eren and 104th...
I wouldn't say it ruined their characterisation, but it did leave it a lot more shallow. I would've loved to see those scenes animated, but I also realise that things will have to be cut to fit everything in, and I think these cuts still preserve the forward momentum of the story reasonably well. 
The important scenes were animated, so it's good that way
MAPPA cannot animate every panel and the best will be, if fandom finally understands that. Every episode has limited amount of time and MAPPA is doing everything they can to make episodes good and easy to understand for anime onlies. I was fine with cutting because I know that episodes aren't long and there are more important stuff to animate than every part of training.
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MAPPA completely glossed over Annie’s role in the wall breach, showing her being choked by Reiner and then waking up in the refugee camp later. 40.9% state they would have preferred seeing Annie play her part in the mission, though they accept that it isn’t there. 34.6% are concerned that those who don’t read the manga will just be confused as to where Annie was during all of the chaos (Oh no! Did RB leave her passed out in the fields!?). 16.1% are simply just disappointed altogether. A small fraction felt it wasn’t necessary anyway and have no problems with the cut. 
I feel kinda iffy about it because that was one of my favorite parts of the chapter, but oh well... it is what it is.
Kenny's scene should be eliminated.
I mean it's not like the female titan could destroy the walls herself. I think nobody expects it and then her absence makes sense
Yams did an oopsie in the first place retconing 
It really confused me lol for a moment I completely forgot what she even did in the manga and had to reread
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We learn after Annie comes out of the crystal that her father is actually an adoptive parent. Annie, in an attempt to cover up why she’s stalking Kenny in the underground, claims (or jokes) that she was born to a brothel worker and is Kenny’s lost daughter. We asked if this made the joke any less funny to readers, though most of them didn’t think so at all. Only 14% of respondents say the new knowledge actually makes it a little sad. Some people forgot entirely that Annie is adopted and voiced their confusion in the write-ins. 
wait,,,,, she.,,,, she's adopted ??? wha- how did i completely forget about this
Kenny's gay anyway so it's impossible! Sorry, Annie :/
I don't really get this joke tbh 😅 Do people think she and Kenny look alike?
We're all Kenny's lost daughter
It just brings into question her true parentage, like how she can scream summon other Titans and if that’s a royal blood thing or not. But probably doesn’t matter since it hasn’t come up in the manga yet 
I hadn't thought about it before today.
She's adopted?!?
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With such a weighty scene, execution is of utmost importance. So we were curious if you guys felt that MAPPA hit the mark. Overall, MAPPA’s take on this scene got positive responses from the fandom, with 42.4% feeling they felt about the same as they did when the scene came up in the manga. 26.5% actually thought that MAPPA did a better job with the scene, whereas 26.2% felt that Isayama’s original take on the scene is still superior. 
I think that while the manga's intent is for the reader to feel Reiner's pain and emotions during what he thought were his last moments, the anime focuses much more on making it disturbing and depressing (both taking into account the same things, just choosing to highlight different aspects of the scene). Not a bad change but I prefer the manga's portayal, it made me feel so much more attached to Reiner
Actual scene was good, but the build up was lacking.
I really liked the flipping back and forth 
Not nearly as emotional as I expected
The lighting was so good in the anime version. 
Bruh we needed the flashbacks cause they depicted Reiner's journey and regrets
I think it was more impactful in the manga, but MAPPA did it amazing too
The scene looked more serious but the building of the characters didn't live up for the moment. 
It impacted me differently than in the manga. I prefer the manga scene, but the anime's was still really good
I was worried about it being overly censored so I’m glad it wasn’t 
The execution was about the same, but it had a bigger impact when you read it for the first time
The drool was a great touch
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While we shouldn’t dwell on cuts too much, there will still be things that people are disappointed didn’t make it into the anime. The scenes which were most missed this week were Annie’s role in the wall breach, Reiner passing along a tired Annie over to Bertolt atop the wall, RBA discussing their infiltration plans in the field (also known as the tree-uprooting scene), seeing Bertolt, Annie and Marcel surpassing Reiner in their training, and Reiner breaking up Eren and Jean’s fight (noticing Annie is exhausted). Well, at least the manga still exists, right?
I wish they didnt cut some of the flashbacks right before Reiner tried to kill himself. 
Really great episode, but Bertholdt looking up at the wall before breaking it was such an iconic panel, I'm a bit sad
Any cuts are a negative. I dont care how much it makes sense for the anime onlies, I just wish they somehow incorporate some of the small slice of life scenes that made the Marley arc special.
Truly loved it despite cuts and pacing, but just wish we could’ve seen that tree uprooting scene!
I still hold the sentiment that Mappa is cutting way too much from these episodes. The amount of small details getting cut from every chapter/episode results in losing out on smaller moments that in my opinion have a real impact. While I understand a 1 to 1 replica might not be possible, the amount of cuts is too much imo. Missing out on nearly all of RBA assaulting Shiganshina was a huge disappointment, and less Falco and Gabi scenes makes it tough for me to connect to them. Talking to my Anime-only friends though, they are very into this season, so I'm glad to hear it works for them. 
I'm not necessarily sad they cut so much, I feel like as an Anime only I wouldn't have noticed! The only thing I wish that had been kept was Annie's involvement in the destruction of wall Maria. 
I was sad they cut stuff but that’s inevitable.  The only cut I’m sad about is the scene before Bertholdt  breaks the wall.
some of the cuts made sense, some made other scenes kind of occur out of nowhere, like annie with kenny.
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While the Falbi romance isn’t a major focal point of the series, it does play a big part in their storyline and overall character development as their involvement in the plot increases. MAPPA has had to let a few scenes go, so we were curious if manga readers felt it would lessen the impact of Falco’s inevitable confession just before the rumbling starts. 31.4% feel that the anime is doing just fine at portraying Falco’s feelings. 28.4% feel the impact will be lessened, but that it’s fine due to it being a minor plot point anyway. 14.5% are upset about the missing pieces and 11.8% think MAPPA will make up for it later. Smaller groups of voters either don’t understand why Falco likes Gabi or just don’t care. 
I'm more dissapointed about Zofia and Udo getting cut than those two.
Kid romance is lame anyway
It's not gonna hit like the manga but it's still pretty important plot imo
What works on paper doesn't always work animated, they're doing ok 
I hate gabi gahh
It is obvious he likes her anyway
Not really, they've established he has a big crush on her since he pretty much came out and told it to Eren
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We failed to ask this question last week, but it still applied well to this week’s episode. When it came to anime only fans, we wondered whether manga readers felt MAPPA did a good job at making him as mysterious to anime watchers as Isayama did to us manga readers. 40.1% felt that MAPPA did a great job, as many anime watchers didn’t seem to catch on. 25.6% feel that they didn’t do any worse or better than Isayama did. 13.8% feel MAPPA did not do as well as Isayama, as some anime watchers easily caught on. 9.4% think they did completely awful at pretending it’s not Eren. Some write-ins felt we couldn’t objectively judge this as we already knew it was Eren anyway. 
I think the voice gave it away the most. The sneaky animation was great! 
Hard to answer because chapters were a month apart while episodes are weekly and I’ve already read the manga when it came out
well, I can't say much about this. since I know he is eren, I was just focusing on how Kaji Yuki will handle this important speech
They even didn't try to hide him. I'm disappointed because I wanted anime onlines to feel what we - manga readers - felt, when after few chapters we found that the hobo man was Eren. 
I honestly didn't even realize he was supposed to be hidden from the readers/viewers at this point. It was so obviously him in the manga and the anime. Genuinely confused by how many people did not catch on. 
Watching some reactors they were like "...wait...that *looks* like Eren...but his leg is amputated...his leg would've grown back??" but as soon as you heard his voice it was instantaneous 
I, being a manga reader, had a hard time getting how you couldn't see that it was Eren, but some of my friend only got it at the last scene.
Hard to say. WIth the manga, it took me a few reads to catch on, but now that I KNOW, it's hard to say anything.
Yes, I'm watching the episodes with my anime-only friend and he still hasn't figured it out
I think they did a good job, but with anime being the medium it was easier to guess due to both hair/eye color and voice.
It was nice, I was actually surprised that some of my anime only friends didn't even realize that it was Eren talking to Falco this episode
When Eren was finally revealed in the manga, I was *shocked! I had *no clue that was him! I think the anime did a great job, but of course had to reveal him sooner. It was perfect both in manga and anime imo.
It's obviously him once you see his eyes, but I don't think that the animation team were trying to make it a big shock reveal, they want this scene to say "this is probably Eren, but can you be 100% sure" to keep anime onlys engaged and reassure them that the main cast is still relevant.
Yes, but the manga hid him better, it took me way too long to realise it was him while reading
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The vast majority of respondents were very pleased with Kaji Yuji’s delivery on one of Eren’s most prominent speeches. 38.1% felt it was exactly as they had hoped it would be. 28.1% were extremely happy, and feel that any delivery by Kaji Yuki as Eren will be 100% spot-on. 24.7% are simply just content with it. Smaller fragments of respondents just wanted to voice their thirst, or felt that the delivery could have been better. 
Better than I could have ever imagined
I don't really care
Eren is the best main character ever
Not my native language so I can't really tell how good it is, but Kaji's delivery seemed about right
It was a bit fast but good
Very good. You get a real sense of how clueless but trying to be tough Eren really is.
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Eren already knows he will bring destruction upon the world, so it’s a wonder why he would bother telling Falco he hopes Falco will have a long life. 64.8% believe that he truly means it from the bottom of his heart, despite knowing his future actions will likely affect Falco. 10.7% believe he said this because he has already seen that Falco will survive the Rumbling. 10.1% aren’t really sure what to make of it at all. Smaller numbers of people think Eren was only trying to gain Falco’s trust and didn’t mean it at all, or believe that Falco will take part in Eren’s eventual demise and Eren is already aware of that. 
He saw him in his memories so imma believe what he says
I'm sure there is part of Eren that hopes for a good long life for Falco. Just like there was part of him that couldn't help but save the refugee kid. But that doesn't mean he isn't any less dedicated to his plan to genocide a whole lot of people. He has his conflicts, but in the end he's still going ahead with the attack on the square and later with the rumbling.
I think it's the same deal as him saving the immigrant kid when he knew that he would die in the rumbling.
In an ideal world Eren would want *everyone* to live a long life--he's been portrayed as someone who cries and disassociates while he commits his genocide so we're meant to understand he doesn't enjoy it. Sadly it doesn't matter what he hopes or wants when he's decided murdering everyone is what has to be done..
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Many of our respondents seem to be looking forward to Pieck and Porco’s inclusion in the daytime festival. 47% are hopeful that this will mean some wholesome bonding scenes between the Warriors and the kids. 26.5% don’t know what to make of it, but are looking forward to it nonetheless. A handful of people think it will be similar to how WIT included Sasha in the Clash arc - adding minor details without changing anything in the story-line. 7% wish that MAPPA wasn’t doing this at all, and 5% are hopeful this means that MAPPA will find a way to repurpose Pieck crawling on all fours next episode. 
I still want Pieck butt
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Who wants to place bets on the contents of next episode? While the largest chunk of people don’t know what to expect in episode 4, others are happy to speculate. 19.8% feel (or are at least hopeful) that MAPPA will fill in some screen time by repurposing already-skipped scenes. 19.1% feel that there will be minor additions, but not too much. A solid 16% feel that there will be a few anime only additions during the daytime festival. 10.9% are placing bets that episode 4 will actually bleed into chapter 100 before the end.
Mappa won't have to cut a lot of stuff like they did to ep 3
The title "From One Hand to Another" immediately made me think we would actually be getting Eren grasping Reiner's hand and transforming at the end (meaning chapters 100 and 101), but that's just so much. The title may just refer to Magath and Willy's handshake. 
What about just enjoying the show?
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As expected of the fandom! Reiner and Eren’s reunion is the most anticipated scene for episode 4, with 74.8% having voted for that. 17.1% are most looking forward to the daytime festival, and 6% are excited to meet Willy in anime form for the first time. One commenter is very invested in the banquet and how it’s executed. 
Not this ep but if they cut the Udo and Kiyomi scene I'll RIOT!
I'm upset so much was cut from Reiner's backstory but the cinematography is freakin' excellent I can't even complain
*cheers MAPPA animators for their hard work* ... Perfect for anime onlies, I think. Made me almost wish I hadn't read the manga so I wouldn't have missed the cut scenes.
Cuts aside, the animation was much better than the previous episodes. 
"The one scene I really wanted was Bertholdt looking over the wall and seeing the EMA trio. Of all the cuts, I think that was the only one that was damaging to the story. I also kind of wish that MAPPA animated the reused scenes. I kind of like comparing and contrasting the animation styles of both studios so its a bit of shame that we didn't get anything new from Episode 1.
I'm really impressed with how much MAPPA is managing to squeeze in each episode and I'm content that Reiner's flashback was covered in a single episode rather than two. It just makes sense pacing-wise. The only real criticism I have is that in the flashback scenes where everyone is supposed to be 12 years old, they don't sound 12 at all. Their voices are way too mature, especially the males, and I understand they're voiced by adults, but I feel like they could have at least tried to sound more like kids. Other than that, great episode.
Elaborating on the missing content: they really shouldn’t have cut Annie’s transformation prior to wall Maria being breached. It makes it look like Reiner choked her out and then a minute later bert was kicking the wall through. 
I'm in the boat, where i think it wouldve been better if Mappa didnt cut out so much, but considering what there is to cover, we will live,but i hope they dont end up butchering everything Also the bit with reiner’s dad would be confusing to anime-onlies since it cross-cuts between that scene and him on the parade. I’ve seen some reactors think it was a daydream, or that he left during the parade. 
It was quite rushed, but I understand why they did it, the flashback wouldn't have been as impactful over 2 episodes, and I do think when the Marley arc was first introduced in the manga, manga readers were quite inpatient to get back to the main cast, so they might be feeding off that feedback. 
Mappa has become my favorite studio of all time. Not just in regards to anime, but studios in general. Their discography is on another level (imo) and the fact that on top of every other masterpiece they’ve made, they’re doing an outstanding job with my favorite series of all time just solidifies them as the first and probably the only anime studio that I can truly Stan.
Lots of (I think) Important stuff cut, but the meat is still in place. I like my meat to be juicy and marbled, while Mappa cut out all the fat that makes for a flavorful meal. I completely understand why and I am apathetic about it.
disliked the fact the wall breach was so quickly glossed over, and the transition between mappa and wit style was jarring to say the least
Regardless of the cuts, i think it flows together nicely. The anime has always been more speedy than the manga so i kind of expected this. I don't think it'll get as bad as s3 part 1 in terms of pacing. I trust in Mappa, so far i haven't been disappointed at all. The animation and backgrounds are absolutely stunning. That warrior titan sequence was incredibly well done. Props to the animators!
It was a bit confusing mishmash of scenes, but there were some good moments sprinkled in like the introduction of all of Marley's titans. The emotional reactions, however, just weren't the same as they were when reading the manga, to be honest.
I’m really glad they cut the part with RBA hanging onto Female/Armoured neck by a rope. That whole thing seemed stupid to me. Doesn’t match up with previous chapters and I feel like SOMEONE would have noticed two kids hanging onto the Armoured Titan’s neck. 
I think MAPPA is doing a really good job so far, can't wait to see the battle in Liberio. I'm not bothered at all with the CG titans because firstly, they look really good, and secondly, I understand why they had to do it. I also hope they don't censor many things or cut out some dark scenes that are important to the season because I would love to see everything animated. 
Felt like watching a recap episode... And it wasn't supposed to be one, so
I'm really dissapointed that mappa cut so many things from manga. Reiner's backstory is my favoure part of snk. Suicide scene completly lacks impact. 
I really dislike the fact that MAPPA is trying to show only bad side of the marleyan officers. They removed the gate guards, they removed the scene where Magath is telling RBA to stay safe (on Paradis). One of the best parts of the manga is showing that the both races (Eldians and Marleyans) have good and bad sides. By removing positive aspects of Marleyans MAPPA is creating totally different picture. This way the anime onlines may find the whole rumbling even more justified. The episode was pretty good and the OST has made some scenes to feel more dark and serious (especially the moment where the new titans are introduced), but sometimes I feel like the characters are speaking and acting way too fast. I was waiting for the scene with Kenny and Annie, but it took only like few second and was cut. I love MAPPA's version of Kenny. He has more serious aura and looks more like his manga counterpart. In other words;  wrinkled grandpa with skinny neck :) 
It honestly wasn’t my favorite, but I still loved it. I feel as though they skipped around a lot and there wasn’t a lot of scenes that actually tied together and I’m worried anime only watchers might get confused. Definitely some of the stuff I wanted to see animated didn’t make the cut, but I still love the animation style, the characters and the story!
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Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again next episode.
28 notes · View notes
clearturtletrash · 4 years
Horikoshi’s writing of Shouto and the problems I have with it
If you’re a fan of the way Shouto’s treated in the manga, don’t read, we’ll end up disagreeing on everything and you’ll probably end up offended lol. Because I’m not (satisfied, that is). 
This post is spoiler-heavy for anime onlys, and for manga readers not up to date with the last arc (and last chapter for that matter, which is 301).
So, about Shouto and how he’s handled, along with ‘his’ story.
I don’t get how Horikoshi, whose writing I respect immensely, managed to depict such an incredible and alluring storyline with the Todoroki family, with some of the most complex character writing I’ve seen, but fumbled the one character he had to actually focus on.
Literally more than half the people in the Todoroki storyline are more interesting and more developed than Shouto at this point. Hawks, Endeavour, Dabi, Rei… a good bunch of fans are way more invested in their story than his, and I am too. It’s really sad, because if you asked me two years ago Shouto would have probably been one of my favorite character. But he was completely shafted, given no internal conflict, and at this point, I have the same interest in him as I do for Fuyumi and Natsuo, which basically means his only interesting feature to me is that he’s Endeavour’s child (oh, and he does have a cool design, but that can only get you so far).  
Deku and Katsuki are more popular than him by a landslide compared to before if we believe the Japanese popularity polls, because Hori actually bothers to give them focus, conflict, and cool moments (even though, sometimes I feel like Horikoshi forgets Deku’s his main character lol). It’s a testament to how great Shouto was and how much potential had that he’s still that popular despite everything. Because, let’s be real, Endeavour and Dabi have taken the focus because they have much more emotional energy, while Shouto is just stuck in the crossfire, as a punching ball and stress relief (and eventually as the person who’ll save him I guess) for Touya (see how he was relegated to first aid during the big fight against Tomura? how he did absolutely nothing against Touya who was burning him alive? And how Touya had no interest in Shouto outside of the fact he was Endeavour’s son? Story of the way Hori treats him). He has no particular interesting insight to give on the Todoroki family either as he was too small to remember the important events, so even on this point we can’t count on Horikoshi to write something for him, everything comes from Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei. He's really had one great moment in S2 and S3 and that’s it. The way Horikoshi struggles to give him a personality doesn’t help either (he admitted some time ago he was hard to write sometimes, and… yeah, I can see that).  I’m really trying to like his character but the manga gives us nothing, and keeps developing Endeavour, Dabi, and Hawks, which is great (I really love all three of them) but makes no sense given who’s supposed to be the main focus.
In the Endeavour agency arc, Endeavour’s thoughts and struggles were heavily touched upon, and Bakugou and Deku are in sync for 90% of it while Shouto’s just… there. as fodder for Endeavour, and maybe as a link between Endeavour and Bakugou/Deku too. He’s supposed to be a part of both these storylines, but instead, he just ends up as a way for them to overlap. we don't even take a peek in his thoughts, even though it's supposed to be an arc about the Todorokis!
I say all this as someone who eagerly waited for the day Horikoshi would portray Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku as a trio, but yeah, Shouto feels more like a third wheel than anything. if he wanted to establish them that way, he should have done it right after the sports festival arc, but after this arc, they have no scene together, and the focus shifted on Deku and Katsuki. Too little too late I guess.  
To come back to the Todoroki storyline, I feel like Horikoshi simply woke up one day and decided Endeavour was more interesting to write lmao. at this point, it’s more Endeavour’s storyline than Shouto’s, even though Shouto’s supposedly one of the main characters. it has come to a point where, even though I know it ought to focus on Shouto because he’s (at least he should be) the main focus of this particular storyline, I’m hoping it won’t, because that’s just the least interesting aspect of this whole thing.  
I’d say even Ochako’s treated better by the story, because at least Horikoshi tries to challenge her views and beliefs (even though for now it’s not very conclusive), while Shouto’s inner growth hasn't been put into question in how many chapters?
(btw, by inner growth, I’m not talking about his problem with his fire side, because that’s just been rinse and repeat for more than 200 chapters. I mean, srsly it’s been already 3 times since this problem has caused him to lose/fail... and it's not even satisfying like Katsuki or Deku (except for the first time in the sport festival, because that was when his character was still handled very well by Horikoshi). Why? Simply because when he loses, the stakes aren’t high, it’s all training or exams, so he’s just like, "oh, I have to maybe learn how to deal with it!", but there’s no real pressure he’s under. It’s not like Deku, who, if he does not progress, will break all his bones, and who failed to rescue Katsuki because of his broken arms (=and had a mental breakdown immediately afterwards and blamed himself). It’s not like Katsuki either, because Katsuki has a personality that makes low stakes feel like high stakes, which isn’t the case for Shouto. just compare Shouto's reaction when he loses because of his setbacks to Katsuki's reaction when he lost to Deku the first time (mental breakdown), or when Katsuki failed the provisional license exam (another mental breakdown, not caused just by his failing, but yeah). And anything else about Shouto's inner growth is tied to his reaction to Endeavour’s arc, which isn’t a flaw, and 100% depends on the way Endeavour acts. Apart from this, he has 0 internal conflict).  
Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent lol.
To get back to the point I was making, and to further develop my analogy with Ochako, let’s look at their relationship with Deku, because there’s a major difference there, which is clearly in favor of Ochako.  Deku has a big impact on Ochako, yes, but the reverse is also true. People complain she’s all about him (which, yeah, probably), but at least, she made a big impact on him too. She was the main reason ‘Deku' became his hero name. Shouto and Deku have a nice friendship, and Deku clearly considers him one of his best friends. but... it’s all one-sided in terms of impact, I can’t think of a single thing Shouto has done who changed/motivated Deku, while Deku literally changed his life. Because of this, he’s not one of the people who’s intrinsically tied to Deku’s character development, because he’s not Ochako, Inko, Katsuki or All Might (and probably soon Tomura).
His writing feels so fast compared to the others too. Shigaraki / Deku and Toga / Ochako have been paralleled for ages, have had a conversation at least once, and have had deep encounters early on. Nonetheless, both Deku and Ochako are just coming to terms with the fact these villains aren’t so different from them. However, Shouto’s only interaction with Dabi is a ten second eye contact when Dabi kidnapped Katsuki. Dabi had more interactions with Endeavour for fuck's sake! Shouto then learns Dabi’s Touya, and speed runs the development of Ochako and Deku. He doesn’t even need 10 chapters to process they’re ’the same'. Where were all the reflection and doubts? Okay, it’s his brother, so the parallels are easier, but still, it shows Horikoshi doesn’t allow Shouto to have that much introspection, and I feel it’s because Horikoshi just doesn’t care that much. Even worse! Horikoshi introduces another hero parallel to Dabi in the character of Hawks. A parallel much more interesting and compelling, because it parallels Dabi MUCH BETTER. They’re opposites in every ways (particularly in regards to their relationship with Endeavor), and know each other. Touya and Shouto don’t even seem to have spoken to each other...
And so, the only thing that still was interesting and that Horikoshi still bothered to develop was Shouto’s relationship with Endeavour, but in the end, even that was overshadowed by the much more complex, fucked up, and challenging relationships of Endeavour and Touya (and Endeavour and Hawks) as seen in 301 and before. Clearly the one Dabi’s fixated on is Endeavour.
one last thing: Shouto's stuck in a weird loop where Horikoshi kind of makes him comes close of the Bakugou and Deku duo, and then when we start to think they’re an actual trio, he does everything in his power to make it very clear how that’s NOT where he belongs either, since OFA/All Might/Deku/Katsuki is another storyline. It’s as if Horikoshi doesn’t want him here (see: how he decided the ‘win all might’ scene didn’t have to include him), but puts him there sometimes anyway. It’s probably because Shouto’s so popular, which, yeah, would be fine, if he could stick to it!
His supposed admiration for All Might (I feel like everybody forgets it's a part of his character, and I don't blame them) is brought up once every blue moon, which compared to Deku and Katsuki, is just ridiculous. And, once again, All Might has a much deeper and more interesting relationship with Endeavour than with Shouto. At this point, I don’t even know what Hori could do to make me want to read about him. I much prefer the dynamic of Hawks/Endeavour/Touya and Katsuki/Deku/All Might.
I hope the future will prove me wrong for his character. Actually, I hope everything I’m saying is wrong and idiotic, and Horikoshi will make every scene I criticized worth it and a means to an end. I mean, he clearly has the talent and writing ability to pull off some of the best character development I’ve ever seen, so anything’s possible. but yeah, I don’t really believe it for now, and I’m frustrated, because Shouto had so much potential.
tldr; I liked Shouto as a character, but he dwindled after some time, and now I feel as if he’s not the focus of his own storyline, because this place is occupied by the much more dynamic relationships of Endeavour, Touya and Hawks. And I’m not even mad, because their dynamic is much more interesting. However, I feel like Horikoshi grew bored of Shouto, and has put much more soul into Katsuki and Deku as of late.
I’m welcoming any responses, if people are seeing an aspect of his character I don’t, please enlighten me! I miss enjoying his character, and I’m not opposed to seeing him in a different light. I just needed to put down my thoughts in writing to make sense of them lol.
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ghostmartyr · 3 years
Are you still watching RWBY? What did you think of Volume 8 overall
I enjoyed Volume 8, but I think it stumbles at the end enough to look back at its time management and feel not totally great about it.
Cinder’s development is solid. I’m still not very attached to her, but she has attained my interest at long last. Good for you, Cinder. Solve your emotional problems with murder. Kill Watts. Give Neo a reason to go back to trying to kill you. Make yet another mortal enemy. I support these actions.
Emerald’s flip means she won’t have sad eyes over all the atrocities she’s playing witness to while the timer goes down on her defection anymore, and that’s cool.
Ironwood’s everything is... well. Yeah. Great. Nothing like watch someone destroy themself. Oh, and everything else around them in the process. Once he got started, it was pretty clear where he was going, and that’s just sad. He goes from hugging Qrow and finding relief in his allies to shooting all of them. Shooting Jacques along the way does not even that out.
The Ace-Ops felt too cluttered for the final parts. They’re the cautionary tales, obviously, but I don’t think we get enough time detailing them for them to be on the same stage as Winter coming into her own and RWBY falling into oblivion. Qrow and Robyn get the slow burn and then the panicked call to immediate action, but for the Ace-Ops, Marrow and Harriet are the only ones who the narrative actively does something with. Marrow’s problems are obvious from the start, and Harriet’s emotional heat hints, and then reveals, a depth of trauma that this system has been crap at handling. But Vine and Elm, the critical pieces in talking her down, and centerpieces of keeping Mantle from blowing up, aren’t prominent enough in the narrative for their place in its resolution to feel quite earned. I think if we’d gotten an extra episode it would have worked a little better. As it was, I was left wanting more focus on the central cast.
Which is kind of why I’m so thrilled that RWBY+J are maybe stuck spending some quality time together. The macro plot matters, obviously, but they’ve been moving so fast. Atlas feels like a speedrun of a kingdom falling, and a little more interplay between my faves would be very welcome.
Then there’s the obvious.
Oh, Penny.
I can’t feel good about Penny’s handling in the end.
The Winter Maiden, as soon as we’re introduced, is waiting to die and offer her power to the next one in line. Winter was intended for that, but Penny interrupts.
Two days later, Winter has the power, and Penny’s dead.
This is necessary so that Winter has time to center what she actually believes before she’s upgraded to demigodhood. Winter as the Winter Maiden leading into Volume 8 would have kept her on Ironwood’s script. The disruption of expectations that leaves her vulnerable forces her to respond to what is going on, not what her side believes should be going on.
It makes sense to delay Winter’s ascension, because it gives Winter perspective that she can’t access as long as she’s in her chain of established command.
Making Penny’s value tie entirely back to supporting someone else’s story. She’s allowed to be a real girl, she’s allowed to fight for what she believes in, she’s allowed to have friends, but becoming the Winter Maiden serves Winter’s storyline more than it serves Penny’s.
Which isn’t to say they do nothing with her. Obviously, the virus making the vault look good creates a variety of opportunities. Sure, they could have filled in another domino without Penny specifically, but she’s an instrumental part of getting them inside that vault in how the story goes.
Creating a new body for her is a complicated thing. Penny’s a real girl no matter what her form is, but if you say that while cutting out the nuts and bolts -- it’s a little mixed. In the most benign way I can put my preferences, I like Penny being a robot. I’m thrilled she knows how warm a hug can feel (Pietro, patch notes, get on it), but...
Before Watts causes problems on purpose, Penny shows a little hesitance about not being your standard model of girl, but unless I’ve been worse about my watching comprehension than I thought, she doesn’t have any burning need for flesh. Changing her body is the best solution they can up with in response to her agency being violated.
It’s not my favorite thing in the world. I don’t think it’s entirely good faith to pin all of the possible unfortunate implications on it, but they exist, and they are there. And on the flip side, being granted a body that is created through nothing but who you are is a sentiment that I’m sure resonates with a lot of people. I think there’s a lot to observe in what Penny’s going through, and it’s worth discussion more than angry words.
Except before there’s a chance to collect opinion polls on that, we once again have her asking for death before she hurts her friends.
I believe there’s a post on LotR somewhere that explains why people are okay with it being a mood shift from The Hobbit. People aren’t huge fans of media they consume invalidating media they previously invested in.
Penny dies, then she comes back. Then she dies.
Penny interrupts the inevitability of Winter becoming the Winter Maiden. Then Winter becomes the Winter Maiden.
It feels like a zero sum game, but a zero sum game where our emotions were torqued around for the sake of it, and the object of said torquing is being utilized as a plot object prior to being a character.
Penny obviously has a lot of personality, and a lot of established emotional ties. She’s not just a lamp standing in a corner.
But to use the apt metaphor, you can see the strings. Penny’s trajectory seems to be moving under its own velocity -- but then that ending hits. Despite going through all of the steps to make sure that Penny doesn’t have to sacrifice herself to keep the people she loves safe, despite actually being really creative and clever about doing everything possible to keep her alive --
The plot demands her death.
It isn’t good enough to fix the pressing issue that made sacrifice look good. Sacrifice is still the ultimate answer.
Thematically, that doesn’t jive with the story we’ve been getting.
Emotionally, what the fuck, could we not.
(What’s better than the cute robot girl begging for death? Doing it twice!)
People who are in a more optimistic state about fiction at the moment have noted that Pinocchio does do a lot of dying, and I do like the read of Penny as Jiminy Cricket. Considering the full context of the world, there’s more to justify a return than a lot of characters get. It wouldn’t be the most shocking thing ever.
It’s still kind of fucked up. Penny doesn’t kill herself, but she asks others to kill her, and that’s her being a good girl.
The National Suicide Hotline gets its number placed in the summary of the episode.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, but the implications are there, and a very painful thorn when looking over the rest of her. Creating an environment where it makes sense for this character to kill themself, it’s noble, even --
I don’t think that’s a route of story that the available material handles gracefully.
It’s the “twice” that really hammers the point down into the coffin. It creates a pattern of behavior in Penny. Once, and okay. Heroic sacrifice plays are always a major source of drama, exemplifying how Good the person making the sacrifice is, and how Tragic it is that we’re losing such a good person, all because they have principles and just love these other people so much.
Only if you have a character asking someone to kill them twice in relatively quick succession, the callback isn’t to feats of heroics. It’s suicidal tendencies.
If you’re not prepared to deal with implications of that magnitude, you’ve got to make the link a lot less suggestive. Otherwise you’re telling a new story whether you like it or not, and it’s not one you’re ready for, drastically upping the odds that it’s not going to be the most polished thing ever.
What the issue becomes then, in my personal opinion, is pacing (’hey self why is the answer always pacing’ ‘because shut up’). Penny’s joy of life is a blip in between her asking for death. The heroic nature of her desire for death mixed with the awful despair of her actual death makes this endpoint of her story saturated with a darkness that sours the entire experience.
Complicating it further is the issue of trust.
The writers killed her and brought her back just to kill her again. If they do bring her back again, the faith is kind of broken. Once you show that you’re willing to move a character around like a piece on a chessboard, your audience isn’t going to trust the story enough to invest. They’re going to be looking for the strings. For a complicated special effect that takes a lot of strings, that’s a pain, because the agreement with stories is supposed to be that yes, there are strings, that’s our medium.
If you don’t trust the writers, you are not going to believe in the story.
For my personal taste, if the writers are doing something more with Penny, their presentation has made it difficult for me to see value in the journey, even if the destination happens to be something I ultimately approve of.
Anyway Robyn needs to officially adopt Qrow. He has been a bad guy bandit, now he can be a good guy bandit.
He can be the Happy Huntresses’ cute animal mascot.
That is all that matters.
That is my one, solitary thought on the entire volume.
Thanks for the ask!
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uwunnie · 5 years
Updates (December 17, 6:30 PM US Mountain Time)
There’s a lot to unpack, so let’s get into it.
Seoul Music Awards
Android link
Apple link
3 votes daily
Voting ends January 22, 2020
Global Disk Awards
App link
3 daily votes & 2 additional votes if you share the link (there’s full instructions on the link)
Voting ends December 27, 2019
Global Golden Hands (fan-video for Wonho)
Stream the video
There’s also a poll on their YouTube channel page, I think, but I can’t pull it up from my app right now.
Voting ends December 20, 2019
HoneyPop Artist of the Year
Vote here
Twitter: #VoteTHPMonstaX
Voting ends December 20, 2019 - 11:59 PM EST
Idol Champ (Best Song)
Download app
I think you get 30 votes per day
This ends today, but I’m pretty sure there’s always new categories to vote in.
Middle of the Night
Follow and Someone’s Someone on Spotify (Spotify Awards)
Follow performance (MAMA 2019)
Forever & Never Die (MAMA 2019)
MX Moments (MAMA 2019)
⚠️ Remember to not skip ads nor put the videos on the mute. Do not replay otherwise the algorithm thinks you’re a bot. Watch the entire video - especially the mv - without pausing or skipping. Don’t play Spotify songs on loop, and listen to at least 30 seconds otherwise it won’t count. ⚠️
Twotuckgom videos:
I made a playlist of all the recent ttg videos. Please stream them! Minhyuk has mentioned that he wishes there were more views so that they could gain more publicity, so let’s stream them for him and all of OT7!
Playlist here.
Japanese MBB did the OT7 fan chant at MX’s most recent show in Japan.
At one of the recent shows, MBBs holding Wonho slogans and signs were encouraged by the boys to raise them higher.
If I’m correct, I believe Jooheon actually had a ment where he encouraged MBB to raise their signs up. He mentioned that the signs were very beautiful and that he wanted to see them and asked MBB to raise them up one more time. He didn’t specify exactly which signs, but it’s pretty easy to assume he was referring to the Wonho ones because of him mentioning he noticed MBB were hesitant to hold them up and MBB tweeting from that show explained how the ones holding Wonho signs were afraid of holding them up because they didn’t know if they could.
@joohoneybunch created an OT7 fan chant for their final jingle performance and I believe mbb used it
I think that may be it for concerts.
Going back a bit, Monsta X won two awards at MAMA 2019.
Fast-forwarding to more recent events, the active members went to the US for Jingle Ball and it wasn’t too chaotic.
Changkyun said Monsta Truck is about a truck for Monbebe that he wants us all to get on..sure, yeah, def.
When prompted to answer what MBB have taught MX, Minhyuk said ‘love,’ Hyungwon said ‘live,’ and Shownu said ‘dougie.’
They appeared on Ryan & Kelley.
Their B96 interviews are up!
Here’s a Spotify link, but I think there’s videos up on YouTube as well - especially their performances.
VLives were done.
Jooheon had fallen ill prior to coming to the US, but he’s since returned and informed everyone at the last US concert that he’s okay. In addition, at one of the recent shows, he said how MBB have been his strength for getting through his mental and physical sickness.
Back in SK, ISAC commenced and it was...chaotic good?
MX was two hours late - I presume because they had just flown in from America and went directly to ISAC.
MBBs attending ISAC fell asleep while waiting and one of the managers told them to wake up because it was “time to support.” 🥺
MBB said the food provided didn’t taste good.
Minhyuk told MBB to go home and rest.
MX only participated in the categories they had to - I think they were hoping to get banned tbh.
Despite their semi-obvious efforts to lose, MX ended up going to finals.
In addition, despite their efforts to lose and the fact that they had absolutely zero practice beforehand, arrived late, and just came back from the US with probably less than four hours of sleep - they won second place overall.
Hyungwon wore this shirt:
Tumblr media
Kihyun basically dyed his hair blue after MBB talked about it on fc.
They’re aware of everything we’ve adopted and bought for them.
The top two major news angencies played OT7 footage when talking about MX. This is very unusual, but a good sign because usually when an idol is terminated and/or no longer respected, they get blurred from footage or cropped out, but there was actually a Wonho focus throughout most of the broadcasts’ durations.
This could hint that the general public no longer views him negatively.
In addition to new merch for the active members, from my understanding, Twotuckgom has also restocked old Bebegom products, and continues putting a small BBG in the comics.
They also had one comic in particular that showcased one of the goms as a magician who is looking for the ‘rabbit in its hat.’ When it looks inside it’s hat, there’s another gom dresser as a bunny lifting weights with a little BBG hidden in the background. I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like they’re finding Bebegom like we’re finding Wonho.
TTG’s Twitter also retweeted a rendition that a MBB made of the goms involved in the The Ugly Duckling (I think?) fairytale. Basically, Bebegom leaves because it doesn’t feel like it belongs and the other goms search everywhere until they find each other again.
There are projects going on, but I’m not going to post about any until I research them. There’s certain groups I do not support because their intentions are ill, but they hide behind a sort of..veil. When I get time to properly look into everything, I’ll make a post.
Searches have been cleared for the most part, but please continue a little bit more since some bad things still pop up when searching certain members.
Interesting things are happening with the 🐍🐍, but I’m not going to talk about it publicly. Maybe at some point I’ll release a post, but not until more info emerges.
In the meantime, please refrain from leaving negative comments on either of their social profiles. Don’t make posts, either - even if you think your profile is small enough that no one will see. Trust me, eyes are everywhere and a negative post on an account with so much as 0 followers will still pop up and travel like one for someone with 1000 followers.
I think this pretty much sums up what’s been happening as of late. Sorry for being slow - all of this occurred during finals, so I didn’t really have a lot of time to make long posts. Now that I’m on break for a month, I’ll catch up with the recaps and go back to the steady updates.
Continue with your efforts and try to ignore the hypocrites who continue spewing toxicity despite spreading positive mantras.
Honestly, Monbebes have accomplished a lot and made steps towards a positive change in both the industry and the world. In addition, at the end of the day, our goal isn’t to please other fandoms, but win justice for Wonho and other artists who have been wronged, as well as prevent the wrongdoings from incoming and current trainees.
Be proud of being part of the “sticky-note fandom” because regardless of other people’s opinions, we’re not only inspiring and demanding change, but succeeding in doing so.
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arcticdementor · 4 years
But police violence, and Trump’s daily assaults on the presidential competence standard, are only part of the disaster. On the other side of the political aisle, among self-described liberals, we’re watching an intellectual revolution. It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind. It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.
The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation. They are counting on the guilt-ridden, self-flagellating nature of traditional American progressives, who will not stand up for themselves, and will walk to the Razor voluntarily.
They’ve conned organization after organization into empowering panels to search out thoughtcrime, and it’s established now that anything can be an offense, from a UCLA professor placed under investigation for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” out loud to a data scientist fired* from a research firm for — get this — retweeting an academic study suggesting nonviolent protests may be more politically effective than violent ones!
Now, this madness is coming for journalism. Beginning on Friday, June 5th, a series of controversies rocked the media. By my count, at least eight news organizations dealt with internal uprisings (it was likely more). Most involved groups of reporters and staffers demanding the firing or reprimand of colleagues who’d made politically “problematic” editorial or social media decisions.
In the most discussed incident, Times editorial page editor James Bennet was ousted for green-lighting an anti-protest editorial by Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton entitled, “Send in the troops.”
I’m no fan of Cotton, but as was the case with Michael Moore’s documentary and many other controversial speech episodes, it’s not clear that many of the people angriest about the piece in question even read it. In classic Times fashion, the paper has already scrubbed a mistake they made misreporting what their own editorial said, in an article about Bennet’s ouster.
As Cotton points out in the piece, he was advancing a view arguably held by a majority of the country. A Morning Consult poll showed 58% of Americans either strongly or somewhat supported the idea of “calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces.” That survey included 40% of self-described “liberals” and 37% of African-Americans. To declare a point of view held by that many people not only not worthy of discussion, but so toxic that publication of it without even necessarily agreeing requires dismissal, is a dramatic reversal for a newspaper that long cast itself as the national paper of record.
Incidentally, that same poll cited by Cotton showed that 73% of Americans described protecting property as “very important,” while an additional 16% considered it “somewhat important.” This means the Philadelphia Inquirer editor was fired for running a headline – “Buildings matter, too” – that the poll said expressed a view held by 89% of the population, including 64% of African-Americans.
The main thing accomplished by removing those types of editorials from newspapers — apart from scaring the hell out of editors — is to shield readers from knowledge of what a major segment of American society is thinking.
It also guarantees that opinion writers and editors alike will shape views to avoid upsetting colleagues, which means that instead of hearing what our differences are and how we might address those issues, newspaper readers will instead be presented with page after page of people professing to agree with one another. That’s not agitation, that’s misinformation.
The instinct to shield audiences from views or facts deemed politically uncomfortable has been in evidence since Trump became a national phenomenon. We saw it when reporters told audiences Hillary Clinton’s small crowds were a “wholly intentional” campaign decision. I listened to colleagues that summer of 2016 talk about ignoring poll results, or anecdotes about Hillary’s troubled campaign, on the grounds that doing otherwise might “help Trump” (or, worse, be perceived that way).
All these episodes sent a signal to everyone in a business already shedding jobs at an extraordinary rate that failure to toe certain editorial lines can and will result in the loss of your job. Perhaps additionally, you could face a public shaming campaign in which you will be denounced as a racist and rendered unemployable.
Even people who try to keep up with protest goals find themselves denounced the moment they fail to submit to some new tenet of ever-evolving doctrine, via a surprisingly consistent stream of retorts: fuck you, shut up, send money, do better, check yourself, I’m tired and racist.
Each passing day sees more scenes that recall something closer to cult religion than politics. White protesters in Floyd’s Houston hometown kneeling and praying to black residents for “forgiveness… for years and years of racism” are one thing, but what are we to make of white police in Cary, North Carolina, kneeling and washing the feet of Black pastors? What about Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer kneeling while dressed in “African kente cloth scarves”?
There is symbolism here that goes beyond frustration with police or even with racism: these are orgiastic, quasi-religious, and most of all, deeply weird scenes, and the press is too paralyzed to wonder at it. In a business where the first job requirement was once the willingness to ask tough questions, we’ve become afraid to ask obvious ones.
On CNN, Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender was asked a hypothetical question about a future without police: “What if in the middle of the night, my home is broken into? Who do I call?” When Bender, who is white, answered, “I know that comes from a place of privilege,” questions popped to mind. Does privilege mean one should let someone break into one’s home, or that one shouldn’t ask that hypothetical question? (I was genuinely confused). In any other situation, a media person pounces on a provocative response to dig out its meaning, but an increasingly long list of words and topics are deemed too dangerous to discuss.
The media in the last four years has devolved into a succession of moral manias. We are told the Most Important Thing Ever is happening for days or weeks at a time, until subjects are abruptly dropped and forgotten, but the tone of warlike emergency remains: from James Comey’s firing, to the deification of Robert Mueller, to the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, to the democracy-imperiling threat to intelligence “whistleblowers,” all those interminable months of Ukrainegate hearings (while Covid-19 advanced), to fury at the death wish of lockdown violators, to the sudden reversal on that same issue, etc.
It’s been learned in these episodes we may freely misreport reality, so long as the political goal is righteous. It was okay to publish the now-discredited Steele dossier, because Trump is scum. MSNBC could put Michael Avenatti on live TV to air a gang rape allegation without vetting, because who cared about Brett Kavanaugh – except press airing of that wild story ended up being a crucial factor in convincing key swing voter Maine Senator Susan Collins the anti-Kavanaugh campaign was a political hit job (the allegation illustrated, “why the presumption of innocence is so important,” she said). Reporters who were anxious to prevent Kavanaugh’s appointment, in other words, ended up helping it happen through overzealousness.
The traditional view of the press was never based on some contrived, mathematical notion of “balance,” i.e. five paragraphs of Republicans for every five paragraphs of Democrats. The ideal instead was that we showed you everything we could see, good and bad, ugly and not, trusting that a better-informed public would make better decisions. This vision of media stressed accuracy, truth, and trust in the reader’s judgment as the routes to positive social change.
For all our infamous failings, journalists once had some toughness to them. We were supposed to be willing to go to jail for sources we might not even like, and fly off to war zones or disaster areas without question when editors asked. It was also once considered a virtue to flout the disapproval of colleagues to fight for stories we believed in (Watergate, for instance).
Today no one with a salary will stand up for colleagues like Lee Fang. Our brave truth-tellers make great shows of shaking fists at our parody president, but not one of them will talk honestly about the fear running through their own newsrooms. People depend on us to tell them what we see, not what we think. What good are we if we’re afraid to do it?
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Other User Added Ships
We’ve discussed the main ships, consisting of canon characters only. Now I’d like to discuss the following:
ships with OCs;
ships with characters from other fandoms;
crack ships;
ships I couldn’t classify.
1. Self-ships
These are the ships where a person ships themselves with a character. I didn’t receive a lot of these, which is surprising, because I’ve seen quite a few people self-ship online.
It is a shame, because self-ships are great and they are a really neat indicator of how desirable some characters are. Like, sure, you can have a character that is loved by the fandom, like, say, Amaya. Many people love Amaya for different reasons, but some people actually feel sexually or emotionally attracted to her. Of course, not everybody who feels attracted to a character ships themselves with that character, but quite a few people do.
It’s possible that many people are embarrassed to admit it even in an anonymous poll.
Here’s a pie chart of all the self-ships I’ve received:
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The number inside each slice represents the number of people who voted for a given ship.
With such a tiny sample, the margin of error is huge! It’s still fun to see that Aaravos is the most desired character, which coincides with my observations from simply browsing the internet.
2. Ships with OCs
Okay, I’ve seen a lot of awesome TDP OCs shipped with various canon characters (the majority - with Aaravos), but I only got three people adding anything OC related:
Nyx x OC
Ateerida (Ateris (OC startuched elf male, of Kurizera) x Fareeda)
All the Startouched OCs ships
People put lots of effort into their OCs, but I feel like they don’t get enough appreciation. Someone should organize an event for TDP OCs (whether it’s romantic OCs, fanchildren, or OCs needed for the plot of someone’s story). It’ll take me some time before I’m done with the shipping poll, so I’d be really happy if someone else took this task upon them :”D
3. Ships with characters from other fandoms
I got only one - Sormiko (Soren x Kimiko Tohomiko from Shaolin Showdown)
Aaravos/Lotor people, where have you gone??? :o
4. Crack Ships
A crack ship is generally a ship that is somehow unusual. It can be something utterly bizarre, funny or sometimes - disturbing. 
Ezran x Jelly tarts
Gren x Strawberry Cake
Berto x The Ruthless
Nyx x Shadowpaw x Moonstrider
The first two are obvious - cute boys and their favorite dessert.
The third one is especially funny if you imagine the huge Berto from Callum’s dream!
The last one is what I’d call bizarre. I don’t actually know if it’s meant as a crack ship or a serious ship. In case it was supposed to be serious - I would like to apologize to the shipper! I think all ships are valid regardless of how I personally feel about them!
5. Ships I couldn’t classify
Aarvaos with anyone
Kazi (the translator elf x ________) (this is the form I received it in)
The first one’s very clear, although I’m not sure if the person meant literally everyone, like, including Bait, Pip and Berto.
The second one, I assume, is supposed to show that the person headcanons Kazi to be aro/ace? Is that correct, OP? Send me an anonymous ask and tell me, if you see this post!
I also received two mean-spirited ones, which I decided not to include in this discussion :T sorry guys, but that was rude.
Stay tuned for Favorite Ships!
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wandererslullabi · 6 years
SGA/SSA aren’t LGBT+ terms you should be using
In fact, they’re not even really terms from our community at all.
In this post I’m going to be talking about two terms sometimes used by some people in our community: SSA (same sex attracted) and SGA (same gender attracted). Note, however, that this post is NOT about SGL (same gender loving) which is a completely unrelated, lovely term created for and by black LGBT+ people. To clear things up, the SGA term is not based on the SGL term; SGA was already an entirely separate term based in violent homophobia, which I’ll speak on below.
So, what’s wrong with SGA and SSA, and why do I have the right to speak about it?
I was born and raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a church that until recently also went by the nickname “Mormons.” (Yeah, I know it’s a mouthful. Don’t worry, I’ll be using LDS, Mormon, or The Church for the rest of this post.)
This church has a very long, horrible history of homophobia and transphobia which continues to this day, and they’re known for using the SGA/SSA terms to describe LGB+ people, to the extent that the SSA and SGA terms are considered fairly taboo in the queerstake community (queerstake  being what much of lds LGBT+ call ourselves). I grew up hearing the SSA/SGA terms with lot of negative connotation, and to put it shortly, the church has for a long time “encouraged” lds LGBT+ people to call themselves “same sex/gender attracted” instead of LGBT+.
This statement, by the church leader Dallin H. Oaks (more on him here in a post by a gay mormon) is a pretty good example of the kind of rhetoric they use to encourage this: “We should note that the words homosexual, lesbian, and gay are adjectives to describe particular thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. We should refrain from using these words as nouns to identify particular conditions or specific persons.” (x)
This kind of rhetoric is repeated so often in the church that “same sex/gender attracted” is the way a majority of cis straight lds people refer to LGBT+ people aside from negatively using the word “gay” or “homosexual.”  They often use it talking about how we “suffer” from SSA/SGA, are “afflicted” with SSA/SGA, “struggle” with SSA/SGA. Instead of being gay, we “have” SSA/SGA.
It’s used as a way to essentially brainwash LGBT+ lds people into distancing ourselves from the LGBT+ community and further envelop ourselves in the church’s “you should repent from your homosexual behavior” mentality. The two terms are used fairly interchangeably; I’d argue SSA is used more often, but SGA is starting to get used more as well. In any case, it contributed to my younger self’s phase of “I won’t label my orientation” because I’d been trained to think that if I didn’t label it and I kept doing what the church said, my attraction to girls would either go away or I could just ignore it. Which, uh, didn’t really work, seeing as I’m extremely queer now.
A church university called BYU has, in particular, been homophobic to an extreme, actively participating in anti-LGBT+ efforts. In fact, they’ve been ranked one of the least LGBT friendly universities in the entire US! What an incredible achievement! You can read the history of their homophobia (and some transphobia) in this article (including a fairly extensive timeline from the 1950s up to the end of 2018). To sum up some of the really bad parts, though (the sources are in the link):
They repeatedly banned LGBT+ people from their university entirely, then banned students from being openly LGBT+, and are suspected of firing several staff members for being gay, as well as for suspending and expelling students for dating or kissing people of the same gender
In the 60s through 70s, they began administering “electric aversion therapy” in order to “cure” LGB+ students (this “therapy” involved showing gay people nude pictures of the same gender and giving them electroshocks in order to make them associate those feelings negatively). This method was ineffective at making the LGB+ people straight (obviously), but the people who underwent it reported extreme decrease in mental health and increased suicidal thoughts. At one point this therapy was required for anyone suspected of being gay. The therapy ended in 1983, but only because of the overwhelming reports that it wasn’t working.
In 1965 there were 5 reported suicides of gay Mormons at the university in a single year, and the LGBT+ Mormon suicidality in Utah has continued to be high. 
In the 70s, when Dallin H. Oaks was president of the school, he created a surveillance system to “catch” LGB+ people, including literally spying on gay bars and implementing recording devices to watch for any suspected LGB+ students, as well as posting fake gay advertisements to “ensnare” them.
Dallin Oaks also helped create the Institute for Studies in Values and Human Behavior, which was dedicated to proving that being gay was a choice, in order to re-affirm the church’s stance on homosexuality at the time. The freaking director of the institution, Allen Bergin, once said that homosexuality was “caused by some combination of biology and environment.” (thankfully, the church no longer believes being gay is a choice, though they talk about how “SSA/SGA behavior” is a choice as often as they can.)
I suggest y’all also read the Payne Papers (aka Prologue), which was written by two gay BYU students in 1977 in response to a homophobic professor at the university.
In 1997 there was a poll where 80% of students said they wouldn’t live with a roommate attracted to people of the same gender.
“In 2000 a reported 13 students were suspended from the University when caught watching the TV series Queer As Folk. The next year two gay students (Matthew Grierson and Ricky Escoto) were expelled under accusations deemed ‘more probable than not’ of hand-holding or kissing.”
In 2005, The Foundation for Attraction Research (FAR) was founded, run by mostly BYU professors. In 2009 the organization published Understanding Same-Sex Attraction which advocated therapy to change sexual attraction (evidently they didn’t learn their lesson lol).
In 2014, a BYU survey to students only gave the option of “heterosexual but struggles with same-sex attraction" or "heterosexual and does not struggle with same-sex attraction” for people’s sexual orientation. Y’all, this was only a year before same-gender marriage was legalized in the US. That’s just bad.
LGBT+ students are currently still facing risk of expulsion from the school if they hug, kiss, or date someone of their same gender. Celibacy is mandatory.
All LGBT+ groups are currently banned from meeting on campus, so there’s only a single LGBT+ group for the school that meets at a library in the city.
And of course, this is only what happened at a single Mormon university. You’d be surprised how much power the LDS church has, especially in Utah. Ya know Dallin H. Oaks, the homophobe? Yeah, last October he gave a homophobic and transphobic talk in front of over 4 million church members from all over the world.
During the course of all that homophobia at BYU, “same sex attraction” and “same gender attraction” were both terms used regularly in this therapy and in the church, alongside “homosexual.” And as I said earlier, they still use these terms today! In fact, if you wanna see them in action, you can just visit this page on their official website, which has “same sex attraction” right there in the title. The entire website continues to follow the implied idea of “we’ll tolerate you saying you’re gay, lesbian, or bisexual, but we’d prefer if you’d just say you’re same sex/gender attracted, because being gay/bi/lesbian is a lifestyle, and we don’t support it” and the whole website is basically “it’s okay to be attracted to the same gender, but it’s a sin to ever do or think anything gay!”
You can also just search the internet for “same sex attraction” or “same gender attraction” and a bunch of christian articles will pop up with rampant internalized homophobia among LGBT+ church members, and a bunch of homophobia from the church itself. It’s possible this SSA/SGA rhetoric isn’t specific to my church, as I haven’t researched other church’s histories as thoroughly, but the church absolutely contributed to anti-LGBT+ efforts throughout history, using “SGA” and “SSA” the entire time. This isn’t even a thing of the past, LGBT+ Mormons are still freaking here going through all this--conversion therapy is still not banned in Utah.
So, TL;DR: the “same sex/gender attraction” phrase was used in LGB+ conversion therapy, and is still used to perpetuate homophobic rhetoric in the church today. Because of that, a lot of my fellow LGBT+ Mormons are uncomfortable with the terms being used as umbrella descriptors for our orientations. So when someone tells you “SSA/SGA was used in Mormon conversion therapy, please don’t use it,” take them seriously. Yes, I understand that they’re sometimes helpful terms when talking about LGB+ identities, and I’m (sometimes) more okay with the usage of the terms than others, but in general, if you’re not a person affected directly by the church’s usage of these terms (read: an active LGBT+ Mormon or ex-Mormon), please don’t use them liberally, and don’t use them to freaking discourse about who does or doesn’t belong in the community. “SSA/SGA and trans” is not how you should be defining our community, I don’t care whether you’re an exclusionist or an inclusionist, just don’t. And you should never. freaking. use them. to refer to any LGBT+ Mormon who asks you not to.
And, last of all, as a bi person, y’all should not be implying that attraction to the same gender is the only thing about our orientation that makes us LGBT+. I’m not just LGBT+ because I’m attracted to the same gender, I’m LGBT+ because I’m attracted to multiple genders. My attraction to multiple genders makes me inherently Not Straight. Biphobia and monosexism is an issue that greatly affects mspec people, and it’s time monosexual LGBT+ people recognize that homophobia is not the only type of oppression we face. Not even to mention how SGA and SSA terms are exclusive of nonbinary orientations, which don’t always involve even having a same gender to be attracted to.
Exclusionists and inclusionists alike please reblog. Y’all need to listen up. Queer Mormons aren’t here to play.
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TGF Thoughts: 3x10--The One About the End of the World
I did it, I wrote recaps for all of season 3. 
Oooh, this ep starts off with the credits.
This is the season 3 finale, but it’s not written by the Kings. Maybe they were busy with Evil at this point? As I’ve mentioned before, Evil is very good. I am NOT a fan of horror, but Evil works for me for several reasons. If you haven’t seen it, you might be imagining it’s full of jumpscares and gore. It certainly has its fair share of jumpscares and gore, but they’re not the point. The show’s definition of evil isn’t just demons… it’s radicalized misogyny and slavery and racial inequalities. And, as you might expect from a show written by the Kings, evil manifests itself in misuses of technology quite frequently. 
Honestly, I think I laugh more than I cover my eyes while watching. And, to be clear, I laugh because the show is funny. It’s quirky and bizarre, serious enough to be dramatic but light enough to be watchable.
It’s also got a central myth-arc (way more serialized and puzzlebox-y than TGW/TGF/Braindead) that’s as complicated as you want it to be. If you want to look for the hidden puzzle pieces (literal puzzle pieces!) you can. If you want to be an attentive but univested viewer, you’ll be able to follow the arc just fine. The arc itself is pretty simple and the Kings use recurring guest stars to build a web that pays off over the course of the season. So if you’re used to following a TV show with lots of guest stars-- and you all are, since you’re viewers of TGF-- the mytharc isn’t going to demand a lot of effort to follow. 
Speaking of guest stars, you WILL recognize at least one familiar face per episode. And if you pay attention to the credits, you’ll recognize the names behind the scenes, too. I love it when showrunners collaborate with the same people over and over-- it makes me think they’re good to work with and look out for their friends. 
Just finishing up the most recent season of Younger before I jump into writing this and there was a Liza/Charles scene giving me MAJOR Alicia/Peter in Death of a Client vibes, mostly because of her hairdo. Then I realized: both scenes were DEFINITELY filmed in the same place. I love it. 
Confession: I don’t actually remember anything about this ep, except for the very end.
Kurt was working from home! He was prepping for 2020.
Oh we saw Julius leave the firm to become a judge? And here I thought it was a spoiler he was in a robe in the s4 trailer.
There is talk of making Lucca a partner! Yes! There’s also discussion of someone named Rosalyn, who I’m sure is great but also, have you met Lucca Quinn? But in all seriousness, if the writers want me to truly believe there’s another associate who can rival Lucca, they have to show it to me.
I do believe the partner who says Rosalyn would be better for the culture of the firm than Lucca, though. Lucca hasn’t shown herself to be that invested in getting to know her colleagues (aside from the two white girls), and I think (not sure though) Rosalyn is the one we’ve seen speaking up the last several episodes. 
Jay is going to dig into Book Club more, and I cannot wait until this is gone.
Cookies shouldn’t have photorealistic faces on them. 
Did they REALLY hire white guys for the mailroom because that consultant said to?
There is a very angry former client of RBL asking for more money from Julius. Blum put him up to it. Go away, Blum! 
Now there’s a lawsuit to make it seem like RBL is exploiting all the police brutality victims they’re represented. This is part of Blum’s plot.
Diane accidentally answers a call from Marissa, so Marissa gets to hear all the gossip about salaries and partnerships.
Now there’s weird lightning. Not in the clear yet! 
Oh RIGHT, there was that FaceTime defect. I forgot about it. 
Lucca doesn’t want to know what Marissa heard, but she’s happy to hear more once Marissa’s started the conversation. 
Is it possible for a man to say “ladies, we’ll get to you” in a work setting without sounding sexist? I don’t think it is.
Casually sexist judge likes Blum. 
Oh hello Maia. Blum says Maia became “disgusted and quit” after seeing RBL’s methods. Well, that’s a lie. You’d know it was a lie even if we hadn’t seen Maia get fired, because in order for Maia to know the firm’s methods she would have to do work. (OKAY I WILL STOP BUT THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE WHERE I CAN MAKE JOKES AND I’M GONNA MISS MY PUNCHING BAG A LITTLE BIT)
Maia is using her mom’s name and carrying the portfolio Diane gave her, just to throw Diane off.  
Diane confronts her about it and asks if this is retribution. Maia says it’s just “lawyering.”  Maia could have gone to any other firm-- like, even Canning’s firm-- and I would’ve thought she had a point. I would say trying to throw Diane off is mean but no worse than what others have done. But Blum is so hateful and malicious Maia has no ground to stand on. 
Maia says she’s coming after RBL because they’ve done wrong. She sounds like she’s convinced herself-- or maybe she’s gotten that good at lying. (It is telling that so many former clients would be willing to join this suit, though-- Maia isn’t wrong about that)
Show title spoken alert!
I am pretty sure the Diane/Maia scene right there is one I would have ripped Diane to shreds for if it had been her vs Alicia, and Blum wasn’t involved, because Maia’s being very practical (Blum is out to screw you; I am here for the clients) and Diane is on her high horse. Hell, maybe I’d even take Maia’s side if we got Blum out of the picture. But I hate him. And Maia’s on this case because Blum said so. She’s running his firm and working with all his clients; this one just happens to have a way to spin as doing good. 
Kurt has to intro 45 and is drafting a speech. Diane doesn’t know yet, so she thinks his scribbled “the last two years have been amazing/brought me a new optimism” are about her. She finds out the real meaning for the scribbles and leaves the room.
Blum’s here again. I hate him. 
Also RBL may have caught Blum and turned him in to the ACDB but Blum got disbarred all on his own by doing disbarrable shit repeatedly and knowingly. 
Lightning balls. Weird. 
Lucca asks Jay how she’s thought of. I feel like if you have to ask that question you’re probably not thought of as an integral part of the culture. This is a smart thing to show as Lucca’s weak spot. She’s never liked making friends. Lucca also worries she’s “not black enough” for the firm.
“Everyone likes you. Just, a lot of the associates think you never hang out,” Jay says. “So it’s high school? I don’t care about being popular. Who has time to hang out?” Lucca responds. That’s the problem, right there! Maybe this isn’t such a thing at RBL, but where I work, the partners always make a point of greeting everyone, sticking around at happy hours, etc. Part of their job is to create the culture. RBL doesn’t seem to have that culture, but I absolutely understand why some of the partners want it to. 
And the “not black enough” comment is coming at least in part from Lucca’s tendency to surround herself with all the white characters when she does socialize. 
“I do not have to prove myself to anyone, or perform what they think black should look like. This is 2019. I’m not playing this stupid fucking game,” Lucca responds. She’s right, I think, but I would also be curious to hear other perspectives. This situation feels pretty nuanced to me in that I think it can simultaneously be true that Lucca can act however she wants and shouldn’t be judged or typed for it AND that there’s a somewhat strong case against Lucca as a partner because of her engagement with her coworkers.
Does the fact that I like Evil!Maia so much mean I secretly liked Maia all this time??? 
Jay asks Marissa to help him create more diverse happy hours. And then it’s time for them to confront Book Club. Jay’s got some intel on Rochelle, who’s legit enough to have done polling for Eli. Overcharging a client 30% for a focus group seems like maybe not a big enough deal to blackmail someone with, but Jay tries!
Rochelle isn’t having it and tells Jay and Marissa, basically, that she’s going to escalate things. 
Oh there are very many guns in Diane and Kurt’s bedroom suite thing. 
Diane winds up writing Kurt’s speech for him by bullshiting. Kurt knows it’s bullshit. Diane’s writing a parody but it’s also not parody at all. “A parody but it’s also not parody at all’ is also true of the mindfuck that’s been the last four years. 
Jay ends up doing drawings of cartoon animals to be used in court because the judge can’t understand anything complicated. One cartoon is Judy Giraffe, who may share a name with the toy Andrew Wiley’s kids had in late season 6 (but I’m too lazy to look it up and see if I’m right about that).
This also may just be Zootopia. 
LOL there’s ASMR happening now. I could explain why but it’s more fun if I don’t. 
This scene is hilariously over the top. 
Maia was 12 in 2000. I feel like that’s inconsistent with other timelines we’ve been given but whatever. 
Lucca awkwardly tries to socialize. Lucca immediately misspeaks by saying she thinks Obama probably wished that for one day he didn’t have to be “the black president” and her colleagues freeze up and push back.
Marissa then shows up and the scene ends. Awkward. 
Now Blum’s hired actors to be disruptive in court. Ridiculous. I hate Blum. That said, this isn’t really any lower than Diane’s ASMR shenanigans. 
Blum is singing now, goodbye. 
So much COTW in this ep. Remember how it used to have meaning when the regulars got called to the stand? Like, I know this is technically character driven drama but it’s nowhere near as engaging as last episode’s internal investigations.
Rosalyn comes into Lucca’s office: she knows they’re up for the same partnership, and understands that’s why Lucca came to drinks. Rosalyn was informed by one of the partners, and as much as I like Lucca, Rosalyn is making quite a good case for herself by handling herself so professionally here. She comes to Lucca once she realizes the partners are pitting them against each other, “because that’s what people do to the black girls.” I want to hear more of what Rosalyn is about to say, but she’s cut off by BALL LIGHTNING. What the fuck? Now the power is out. 
Rosalyn thinks it’s the end times. The red skies do suggest that. Lucca is unconvinced. 
Diane pays Maia a visit. “So, you got what you wanted. A corner office,” Diane says. Had Maia expressed this wish? Or is Diane mocking her?
Maia says she knows what she’s getting with Blum, and “sometimes that’s better.” She isn’t wrong. But it’s BLUM. 
Diane offers Maia her job back. No, PARTNERSHIP at RBL. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s hilarious enough in isolation, but the thought of Maia getting partnership over Lucca or Rosalyn (who both seem very deserving) makes it even worse. I think half of their staff would quit if Maia was made partner. 
It’s more money and Maia is skeptical. She (wisely) guesses that she’d be forced out after six months, but Diane (has she talked to any of the other partners about this?) says that wouldn’t happen. “You’re trying to buy me out of my case,” Maia FINALLY realizes. Well, I guess it makes sense she’d believe she was actually deserving of a partnership after two years of half working. 
Diane says it’s also because she impressed Adrian. Lol, okay. If that’s what it takes to make the suit go away.
Maia says she’ll think about it and asks Diane if it’s weird that they’ve ended up in this spot. Diane says yes and smiles.
Blum overheard the whole thing, naturally. He tells Diane that Maia won’t go with her. Now he is singing. Why is he singing. Why won’t he stop singing.
Liz does not like that Adrian and Corrupt Judge are friends. Why is Corrupt Judge here?
Diane watches Kurt awkwardly avoid clapping while standing directly behind 45. It is very funny and Diane enjoys it. Kurt is then removed from the audience, which leads Diane to say “Kurt, my God, I love you.” The incident makes the news almost instantly.
This Good Fight short has the characters in it. I imagine there’s a non-zero chance we get an animated, musical S4 wrap up given that they had to halt production. 
It’s weird there’s a short that says the season is over, followed by another scene.
Lucca and Marissa discuss how Maia got the partnership offer. Why would Diane or any of the partners let that slip?! “Two black girls are up for the job and they give it to the white girl,” Lucca says. Marissa’s surprised she’s not angry, but Lucca explains-- she knows Maia’s not going to take it. Marissa thinks Maia will, but Lucca understands that Maia’s moved on. 
Lucca no longer cares about the partnership because she’s realized “the best thing is to not care.” It’s almost like she was friends with Season 7 Alicia, who said this like twice an episode. 
Then Marissa and Lucca drop acid in the office because the world is ending, I guess. 
Didn’t the s1 finale also do this end of the world thing? A less apocalyptic version.
I think this Diane and Adrian scene may be a callback to that finale.
Diane posits that love and hope will get us through the endtimes.
Aaaah the case is still happening but I’m SO CLOSE to being done with season 3. I still love what TGF is doing, but its central devices and plots for season 2 worked so much better.
RBL wins! Diane notes that Maia hasn’t responded to their offer. Does that mean someone is still considering giving Maia a fucking partnership even though the case is closed? HA. 
Maia points this out and Diane insists they really want Maia home. This is probably the worst judgment I’ve ever seen Diane have? She wants to bring her goddaughter who is three years out of law school on as a partner at her firm, OVER two extremely qualified black women? Even if Maia were truly the best lawyer ever, the optics alone are bad enough to make Maia a terrible choice.
Maia decides, instead, to head for D.C. with Blum. She gets in an elevator and sucks on a fentanyl lollipop, which, sure, why not? I think they offer her partnership purely so we the viewers can see she’s choosing to emulate Blum and she likes it. 
BYE BLUM!!!!!!!!!! BYE MAIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won’t really miss either of you, but also, what am I going to write about when I can’t complain about Maia? 
And we’re back in the opening moments of the premiere, which, as it turns out, were a flashforward to this moment in which Kurt and Diane get SWATted seconds after Diane announces she’s happy and Kurt asks what could go wrong. I hope they’re both ok because I won’t be able to deal if they do anything to Kurt. (Or Diane but I’m less concerned about them killing her off lol.)
That’s a wrap! 
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