#These two dynamic is so important to me u don’t understand
arrowsneo · 4 months
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Gordon cringe compilation #12
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threadsoflacee · 23 days
Hi, I'm new to the fandom and unsure who to ask my questions. I recently joined Tumblr and came across your posts while browsing the Hannibal meta tag. I have a few questions: What are Hannibal's feelings towards Bedelia and Alana? I remember Mads once said that Hannibal is in love with everyone on the show to some extent, so what exactly does love mean to him? Also, I'm having trouble understanding the line by Will: "You will only do that if I rejected you" (sorry, I paraphrased). I apologize if these are too many questions. Thanks in advance!
Haiiii welcome to the fandom !!! This will be my own perception of things so if I’m wrong in any way it’s on me !!! Ok so. Hannibal has a very hierarchical scale on his friends and lovers. Don’t know if U finished the show but in s3, Hannibal sees Alana in his Memory Palace as having a deserved place in his psychiatric office in Baltimore, which shows that he has respect for her and she’s a big enough part of his life to occupy the more intelligent part of his attention. We can compare that to how he sees Will as having the first place in the chapel in Palermo, the Uffizi gallery, and the front door of his childhood home, that he described as "it’s the door at the center of my mind, and here you are feeling for the latch", and in a deleted dialogue in the script "you stumbled into the hall of my beginnings". Will is the one who has the most importance in his mind ! Alana is below that. So to Hannibal she’s only a past lover, past work colleague, and an asset to get closer to Will (like when he promised her he would save Will). In s2 he had sex with her ONLY for the alibi when he killed Abel Gideon. So he could tell Jack he was up all night sexing it up when he was actually cutting it up in Gideons guts. OK NOW BEDELIA !!!!! He doesn’t gaf abt her. They only got married under false pretenses so Hannibal wouldn’t get caught in Italy after the whole Mizumono thing. He cuts off her leg at the very end of the show (past the credits after the cliff fall). 1 scene that shows how annoyed he actually is with her is when he kills Anthony Dimmond in front of her, Bedelia is obviously in shock, and he raises her voice at her when she doesn’t answer his questions in time. She couldn’t even be a proper asset because of how sensitive she was to murder (as she should !!!!!). So to Hannibal she was only a piece in the puzzle in his grand scheme of Need To Kiss Will.
Ok now for the second question ! Will saying "you turned yourself in so I would always know where you were. you’d only do that if i rejected you" could mean two things. 1. Will knows that Hannibal is in love with him, or at least desperately devoted, and him saying this is like poking at where it hurts saying "you’re so in love with me you’d ruin your entire life if i rejected you" Which in this case ruining his life is Hannibal turning himself in to the police. 2. Will WANTED Hannibal to be put in jail so it could be done once and for all. He told him "I don’t want to know where you are or what you do" which is clearly saying Get the fuck out of my life we are Done breakup style not entirely out of hatred, but also because he KNEW Hannibal would manipulate his words. And since Will knows Hannibal’s mind so well, he knew Hannibal would find a way to turn this sudden dynamic / domination dynamic around and find a way to put Will in the lesser spot ; which is what he accomplished by turning himself in. He even told him "I want you to know exactly where I am and where you can always find me". In this way Will would always think about him and know against his will where he is and what he’s doing since Hannibal is in prison.
To Hannibal Love is violence. Maybe u read my post abt Will’s question "is Hannibal in love with me?" !!! Hannibal’s love is violence in the way that love and ache gets mixed together. It’s distance and intimacy. It’s sharing meals and music together and isolating Will from all of his friends so they can only be together (Hannibal referenced their relationship to Achilles and Patroclus with the phrase "Achilles wished all Greeks would die so he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone"). It’s the stabbing wound that Will sees in his nightmare bleeding out his stomach into a bite then a kiss !!! The bite shape is symbolism of possessiveness and the kiss is love. He never fell in love with Alana or Bedelia. He appreciated them as friends, people to fill his days with, and assets to manipulate and eventually guide himself into Will’s way by scaring and erasing everyone that would try to stop him. Will is the only one who Hannibal truly loves on all aspects of the spectrum. Emotionally, physically, psychologically, and selflessly.
Ok now im done lol. I hope this helped !!!
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jack-kellys · 24 days
3 bc we are Choosing Violence today
give me a number and i'm gonna say some real shit rn.
3. screenshot of an awful take or a description of the worst thing you've seen opinion-wise. [my tags say no hate is meant, btw.] [but also this is mild bro.]
i could say a lot of things! i could talk abt someone who sent me an ask saying that uksies "completely ruined the sprace dynamic" (racist and sexist, made a post abt it). i could talk abt a post that had said nothing had changed or was special abt uk's something to believe in even tho jack was entirely black and said "i know girls like you don't end up with guys like me” (made a post abt it) i could talk abt every post from the dawn of time about sunshine boy crutchie and the absolute damage andrew keenan-bolger accidentally incited with his/bway's take. but i saved two special instances bc someone else also asked for #3. ahe he hem:
there was an issue a while back where there was someone on tumblr saying that they don't headcanon the jacobs to be jewish, or something. in theory that'd be fine, everyone's entitled to their own cultural headcanons, but the jacobs' jewish identity and culture is something this fandom (& i) has been very adamant about and i’m gonna be frank. this was like……. the first if not only diverse headcanon/fact about newsies for like. a long time. and by that i mean popularized- i think latino jack kelly years later became popular but that’s like…. recent, oddly enough.
anyway the jacobs are canonically jewish, according to their names, their parents’ names, and the 1992 novel flat-out saying it. but this person’s reasoning, after a friend of mine cites the book’s statement, is "headcanoning characters with Jewish names as Jewish feels like stereotyping”. (i don’t have the post anymorrrre… might’ve been deleted)
and so like. this person. had to have been trying to cause discourse i’m sorry. what are y. the book is from DAVID’S POV, btw, like. he is saying they r jewish. the point of jack being irish in 92sies is that irish and jewish community tensions were high and so them working together is slay & cool. and since they do have jewish names, what you need to do is respect it, not make attempts to admonish yourself from not wanting to see them that way. what?? what the fuck. so that was a crazy fucking take. this fandom has history, and it’s important. like ur allowed to be new here, of course you are, but when these ppl who’ve been here a long time are trying to HELP YOU understand something and u say that shit. brother god help u lmao
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nightcolorz · 1 month
Daddy wants 2 hear ur thoughts on Armand’s relationship with lestat ‼️if you don’t I will aggressively butt fuck you and spank you like the naughty little boy you are
Xoxo -TOTALLY not your favorite boy toy Edward
(Also I imagine someone already asked you this cuz ur so hot and popular so u don’t have 2 answer if u already answered someone else’s ask about it)
Edward I instantly recognized ur sexy voice and I pissed myself cuz I was so eager to answer ur ask 🥹❤️. I love how ambiguous this prompt is so I can talk about whatever I want 😈💦💦. I sure do hope my answer is sufficient so that u won’t butt fuck me and spank me bcus im a naughty boy who needs to be punished 🥺
uh anyways. Armand and lestat !! They r my favorite ship in the vampire chronicles ssh don’t tell anyone. Devils minion is a very, very close second. By nature of the polyamorous blood orgy dynamic of all of the vampire chronicles characters, all of the main cast is in some way deeply in love with every other member of the main cast. The great thing about this is that every character has the capacity to have a deep and important romantic and sexual connection with any other given vampire, regardless of how many deep and romantic connections they may have. But even with all this in mind, in my opinion, out of all of the loves of his life Lestat has had, I’d argue that Armand was the most significant. By this I mean their relationship is fundamental to literally every relationship Lestat has had there after and the vampire chronicles literally wouldn’t have happened if lestat and Armand hadn’t become insanely psycho sexually bonded for a little bit in 1700s Paris. Even tho Lestat and Armand never end up as “endgame” bcus they r 100% incompatible and their love is less like an affectionate desire to be with someone and more like a virus they can’t control, I think that Armand is always going to be lestats “soulmate”, in the sense that if any pairing in the vampire chronicles is destined to always find each other in every universe, it’s lestat and Armand. I mean this incredibly derogatorily btw.
Armand and lestat remind me of Batman and the joker, they r like in universal unable to exist or be completed without the other while simultaneously hating each others guts. The great thing about that is that they also genuinely like each other despite the hatred and betrayal and see each other in a very affectionate, human way that isn’t common for either of them. But lestat and Armand require each other in a way that I perceive as very cosmic. I love the concept of two characters who hate each other very much being bound by some force that compels them to care for each other. And that’s lestat and Armand to a tea. They are very brothers to me, Cain and Abel but if Abel is immortal and gives cain wedgies and affectionate punches on the arm after Cain kills him for the one billionth time. Can’t have a cain without Abel, rlly.
Lestat will always forgive Armand for anyway he betrays or wrongs him bcus he is connected to Armand in a way that he is with no one else. They sort of fulfill this primal desire in each other that is impossible to get from anyone but each other. Lestat sees Armand in a way no one else does. He basically has had Armand’s entire life’s story and whole self inserted into his brain by Armand in magnus’s tower, and he ends up knowing Armand in his entirety and being like “well what a pathetic little fuck. How embarrassing.”
It’s important to Armand and to lestat that they both see and understand each other in their entirety and the feelings they come away with are “wow. Ur so gross and weird. But I like u anyway.” Lestat and Armand both have problems with having their identities romanticized or treated like mythological tales to the point where they kind of can’t perceive themselves in anyway that’s normal or comforting. Lestat has his issues where he acts like he’s a doomed god who’s every action and step is some sort of thematic representation of evil, and Armand has been told since he was a child that he’s not human and hes unable to be like humans or even be like any vampire who understands what being a human means. So I think to the both of them, having someone who understands them so intimately, and perceives them just as that jerk nasty they can’t help but like is so important. Who else would ruffle Armand’s hair but lestat? Anyways
most of Armand’s hatred for lestat comes from a place of expecting him to be more important then he is. Lestat takes away Armand’s divine purpose, and then he’s like idk what u want from me I’m like 20 and stupid. Lestat is just as lost as Armand is, and neither of them can give each other the guidance or support in immortality the other is looking for. they r both just kids who have been abandoned who happened to wander into each other on the street. And I think that, ultimately, this what lesmand is all about. While lestat and Armand both have amazing relationships with other characters that define who they r in unique and interesting ways, lesmand breaks them both down to their barest essentials, it strips them of the glamor into smth dirty that they both can’t help but see in each other and love.
in conclusion #lesmand for life!!!thank u sexy for sending me this ask mwah
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astral-skyes · 13 days
to forget, you need to understand
a/n- this one is pretty long and dialogue heavy but I need to flesh out annabeth and piper’s dynamic. Also I need help. Cuz I don’t wanna use friends to lovers two times so what trope should I use for Pipabeth help
chapter 3
Piper was guilty as heck. Her being the daughter of the goddess of love should’ve made her good at breakups. But she messed it up. Not wanting to use charmspeak on Jason, she winged it and didn’t even get to tell him the most important part. Piper checked her phone again, before getting out of bed and making breakfast.
She had sent a few texts to Jason apologising but she hadn’t gotten a word back. She had also sent a few texts to Leo, he hadn’t answered too.
Sitting down with the fried egg she made, she texted the only person that could make her feel better right now.
‘Hey Annabeth! Wanna meet up? Grab coffee maybe?’
A few minutes passed by and Piper’s phone buzzed.
‘Hey Piper! Yeah, I’m up for it. Where should we meet though. I’m checking out a new school in LA btw’
‘Good! I live there lol. I have a really nice coffee shop I like thats close too. The address is *********.’
‘K, that’s gonna take me like 30 mins to get there. I’ll leave now. See u there?’
‘Yea! I’ll be there’
Piper smiled. She needed someone to talk to about the breakup, and who better than Annabeth? She was one of Piper’s best friends and a person that Piper had gone through a lot with. Putting that aside, she put on a pair of baggy jeans, a white shirt and a dark green jumper she had decorated with lots of different patches.
She left the house and in her excitement, didn’t notice a text from Leo: ‘Hey Beauty Queen. Dw, everything’s ok, Jason’s w me and he’s safe. Calm down lol’
~~time skip~~
Piper arrived at the cafe and Annabeth was already sitting at a table in the corner. The blonde waved to Piper.
“Hey Piper! I haven’t seen you in a little while”
“Same! How has life been?”
“Eh, it’s kinda boring. Ever since the Giant War I’ve just been at camp and school. It’s dull” Annabeth said dejectedly, swirling her coffee.
“Damn. I mean I had a wild day yesterday”
“What happened?”
“For one, I broke up with Jason”
“What? Why? What did he do?” Piper noticed Annabeth said that last sentence as if she was going to make Jason pay for what he ‘did’.
“He didn’t do anything, don’t worry. It’s me. I’ve had a hard time trying to say this, and I didn’t even tell him yesterday but I don’t think I like guys at all”
“Oh. Well congratulations. One for figuring it out and two for being brave enough to tell someone”
“Thanks. Only you and Leo know. I know I need to tell Jason but I’m scared.”
“Hey” At this Annabeth took Piper’s hands in hers. Piper blushed. “You have done harder things than coming out to your best friend. He cares for you, that will never change.”
“Yeah, thanks” Piper said, still blushing.
“I’ve finished my coffee, wanna pay and leave”To Piper’s relief, Annabeth changed the topic.
“Yeah sure. I’ll pay.” Piper said and took out her card.
“Nu-uh. I’m paying.” Annabeth took her card out too and pushed Piper’s away.
“No.” said Piper simply. She called over a waiter who took her card and scanned it.
“I will get you back” Annabeth joked and stood up. Piper stood up after her and they left.
“Anything else new in your life? Maybe something positive?” Annabeth chuckled.
“Yeah actually” Piper said. “I’ve been learning how to draw.”
“Really? Can you show me some drawings?” Annabeth said inquisitively.
“Oh… sure.” Piper took out a small book filled with sketches of houses and people and furniture.
“Whoah!” Annabeth exclaimed, startling Piper. “These are amazing. The only sketches I can do are ones for blueprints and stuff.” Annabeth then started looking through all the sketches. “I can’t believe how lifelike these look, these are amazing!” The blonde lifted her head up to find it was inches away from Piper’s. She pulled away quickly and turned red. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine” Piper felt herself blush too. “I didn’t think they were that good though”
“They’re amazing. Hey, do you mind sketching me?” The blonde had a hint of shyness in her voice.
“Sure! You’re just gonna have to sit relatively still for a few minutes” Piper said excitedly, opening up her notebook to a blank page.
Piper took out a pencil from her bag and began sketching.
After around 3 minutes, Piper sat up and put her pencil away. “Okay, I’m done! What do you think?” Piper showed Annabeth her sketch.
“It’s amazing! I look better here than I do in real life” Annabeth said, smiling.
“Come on, you look amazing in real life too.” Piper answered and Annabeth blushed, then her eyes widened. “Thanks. Wait, do you wanna get ice cream?”
“Alright, what flavour?”
“Choc chip”
“Same! Alright, I’ll go get it” Annabeth stood up and went towards the ice cream van. She bought the ice cream and returned.
“Wanna start going back?” Annabeth asked and handed one cone to Piper.
“Sure” Piper stood up and both walked back to the coffee shop.
“Okay, well this was so fun. We should do this again.” Piper said.
“Yeah, I’m probably going to move here for school. The one I visited was really good.”
“That’s amazing! Well then we should definitely see each other again” Piper said excitedly
“Yeah. Sun’s going down so we should go.”
“Yeah. I’ll text you”
“Not if I do it first!” Annabeth laughed and waved to Piper as she left.
Piper waved back and started moving back to her house.
~~another time skip~~
At her house, Piper was bored again. Annabeth had taken her mind off of her breakup. She sat on her balcony and checked her phone. She’d missed the text from Leo earlier so she answered: ‘Hey Leo, thanks for telling me. How is Jason taking the breakup? I handled it so badly I can’t’
‘Girl it’s not as bad as u think. He’s fine, he told me everything. U should talk to him tho.’
‘Bro ik. I wanna give him a bit of time alone from me.’
‘Sure, we’re alone in the countryside on Festus’
‘Ooohhh so romantic!’
‘Why does everyone say that?? I’m not in love with him’
‘Or are you??’
‘I’m not!’
‘Sure…’ with this, Piper was left on read. Annabeth was all Piper could think about after. She would soon live here and Piper saw a real future where they were really close friends, or maybe more.
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risingscorchingsuns · 4 months
Hi Leon!! It’s princeblue but my main acc!! Dropping into ask what you think Genya’s and kyojurous, and maybe even senjurou’s dynamic would be like? You said you interested in being moots sooo I’m taking an opportunity to have a convo hehe
omg hello!!!! thank u for sending this i literally have no idea how to start conversations lmaoo
i think it depends on how much they know about each other/where Genya is in his character development! there’s a LOT of factors here so im gonna try and turn it into a formula because that’s my favorite analysis format lol
i don’t know if this is going to make any sense because I don’t know how to do actual math but breaking things into variables makes it easier to sort them in my brain
let’s say K = kyojuro and G = genya. x = how much kyojuro knows about genya, and y = how much genya knows about kyo. a = pre-tanjiro genya and b = post-tanjiro genya. (i assume this would make a difference bc tanjiro makes him less aggressive lol.) Going to leave Senjuro out for now because that’s too many variables for a post that I don’t plan to cross-reference 💀
There’s also the fact that canonically, post-Tanjiro Genya would never meet Kyojuro, but I didn’t think about that until I was nearly done with this post so I’ll leave that variable in as a hypothetical. aG in this scenario can be a control group I guess lol
let’s take (K)x + (aG)y as a base formula, and solve for the dynamic there. assuming x is “Kyojuro knows nothing except Genya’s last name”, and y is “Genya knows Kyojuro as a Hashira and nothing else”, it’s safe to say their dynamic would be mostly professional. Kyojuro, knowing Genya’s last name, would no doubt link him to Sanemi. But Sanemi fervently denies having any siblings, so Kyojuro would likely try to probe Genya for info, due to his brotherly instinct. He’d want to know if something was wrong, so he could help if possible. Assuming we’re dealing with aG, Genya would shirk away the questions, and Kyojuro would back off out of respect. I don’t think Genya would be too rude about it due to Kyojuro being a Hashira, but definitely a bit more irritable and snarky than bG would be.
bG would feel hurt at the mention of Sanemi, but I believe he’d be more open to talking about it. If Genya opens up to Kyojuro, I think they have high potential to form a brotherly relationship given enough time. Kyojuro would feel protective of Genya, and, whether consciously or not, may link him to Senjuro and begin to act brotherly and/or protective of him as well. If Kyojuro knows that Genya eats demons to make himself stronger at the cost of his own health, he’d probably be horrified- food is very important to Kyojuro and he would be mortified at the idea of eating a demon to gain its powers, especially if it hurts the consumer. I’m not sure if he’d try to stop Genya or not, but he’d definitely be concerned about him.
Either way, I think the key variable here is whether or not Genya lets his guard down long enough for Kyojuro to learn his story- then I think their relationship would evolve from professional to a lot more brotherly. Kyojuro can’t entirely help it- it’s in his nature to protect, it’s literally been taught to him since he was old enough to understand. He would want to protect Genya regardless, but learning his story, his sacrifices, and his actions going forward, Kyojuro would almost certainly take him under his own wing if given the chance. I believe Genya would remind Kyojuro of Senjuro- someone who doesn’t fight traditionally, but is so so strong in their own regard. They aren’t exactly the same, but they have enough similarities that i believe Kyo would definitely associate the two.
how knowing Genya would change his perception of Sanemi is also an interesting concept but I’m going to save that for another post lol
anyway pls feel free to plug in different variables for me to analyze???? id like to do them all here but unfortunately i am writing this post so i can procrastinate on my schoolwork so im gonna call it here lol
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kaelsleftverdantsphere · 10 months
This is set BEFORE Corvus gets murdered and AFTER he got kicked out of the magistrate by his father. Thank u for understanding.
Just a little fluffy fic, nothing extra, just figuring out the dynamic of the two.
As the darkness settled around the camp and everyone was slowly getting ready to sleep, Corvus was restless. Sitting in his chair, reading his notes over and over in the dim light of a candle.
“What are you sulking about?”
Corvus turned as quickly as possible just to meet the familiar face. “Caspian.” His brows furrowed. “You cannot be here. Not now. Not like this…”
The redhead slowly walked on over to him, gripping one of his shoulders and turning him back around to the table. “My sweet sweet darling, what’s on your mind?” He started massaging Corvus’ back, relieving some tension.
“There are…” He sighed, lifting his hands to lightly press fingers against his temples. “-many, many matters I must tend to… and believe that even more is to come.”
“Hm…” Caspian moved his hands, hugging the other man from the back and peaking over his shoulder. “What are these notes about?”
Corvus hastily covered the loose papers on his desk, turning his head a little to see Caspian’s face. “None of your business now is it?”
“Oh how I adore it when you’re so rough with me…” An ever present smile and arms squeezing Corvus’ shoulders clearly showing just how comfortable he was. “I just wish I could… Maybe calm you down a little- help you…”
“I don’t think you can help me… I just need space to get to the bottom of this-“
“What you need, my dear, is sleep…” Caspian planted a gentle kiss under his ear. “Go to bed, I’ll accompany you and leave just before sunrise, I promise.”
Corvus frowned, although his heart was longing to lie next to him. “I have my duties…”
“To who? Not the magistrate, that’s for certain… not to your father… not to yourself-“
“Stop acting like you know everything that happens in my world…” Corvus’ tone was harsh, the mention of his father hurt like a freshly opened wound. He owes everything to him and the Magistrate, and he cannot fail them once again.
“Ouch… up until now I thought I was your world, sweetheart?” Caspian straightened his back, taking a step away from his beloved. “But clearly your work is far more important than that, isn’t it?” He didn’t physically pout, but clearly really wanted to.
“My work is important for the entire realm, my sleep is important to me and lying in bed with you only benefits the two of us, what do you not understand? We’re a part of a bigger picture that is getting torn more and more with each passing day and the responsibility to glue it back together lies on my shoulders alone… I cannot rest.” He stood up from the chair, turning to Caspian. “I apologise…”
“This is going to destroy you.” Caspian shook his head, crossing his arms on his chest. “When have you last actually slept? Not rested, slept?”
“I don’t know… and it matters not, as long as I can hold a pen, I am useful-“
Caspian quickly stepped in closer to him, catching him by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t care about you being useful when you’re dead, you absolute mad man! It isn’t selfish of you to sleep! That is a necessity for every mortal!”
“But the abyss doesn’t rest, Caspian, the darkness doesn’t either.” His gaze softened, staring into the eyes of his partner. “I apologise, I apologise for everything…” He lifted his hands to Caspian’s cheeks and held them. “I need to protect this realm… And I must protect you.”
“Your protection is useless to me when you’re dead… Nor is it needed…” Caspian tugged on his collar and planted a kiss on his lips. “Come to bed or I’ll carry you there, idiot.”
Corvus smiled, caressing his cheeks. “I hate you, Caspian, your morals are horrendous and your lifestyle disgusts me.”
“Well, maybe, in your princely duties, you shouldn’t have chosen an assassin of kings for a partner, don’t you think?”
Corvus chuckled, both of them smiling at one another now. “You’re no assassin of kings, you just know how to look pretty with a sword-“
“Is that what caught your eye? My sword?”
“Mayhap it did, not like you’ll ever know.”
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Abbott Elementary S03E07 thoughts
Melissa having a spare room baring in mind we’ve seen her house feels fake sorry - How will she have a room mate but noone look at her pictures and keep control of her kitchen. I get its gonna be for plot but i don’t buy it
I’m w ava that’s a woman who just found out she’s not pregnant - that’s a woman who’s been successfully slutting it up (how’s she gonna slut it up with a roommate)
“I know its gods will but hes gotten awfully creative” 😭😭😭😭😭
I love it when Mr johnson lore gets unlocked
Manny and the beard whew 😮‍💨 I was literally wondering where he was so I’m glad they’re using him again
Janine ur SO SMART this is such a good idea and not like a janine unnecessarily fixing a problem like an actual good idea- good job babygirl
Not ava spilling the tea to the whole room
Ponytail melissa at home is so personal to me, I love that this continues from s2, this is just who she is, she throws her hair up when she’s at home. I like that she’s wearing the eagles hoodie we’ve seen before too. Love the hair, makeup & costume details on this show
“I only know how to cook for 12” 😭
Finally mel talking about her breakup! Damn maybe it really was “im not bringing this to school” this whole time
Also Gary being a dead ringer for her dad?? I’m not saying my headcanons are more correct than the show but I disagree with this statement. Gary is not schemmenti coded.
Omg the jacob melissa work momming work sonning ive been dreaming of
“And dont forget theres a 3 booked limit 😒” barb is PISSED and i LOVE IT
“Oh i know what a google doctor is 😤”
Barb really is the best character on tv im sorry noone can do it like sheryl lee ralph like they just cant Shes everything
Janine forgetting the key term (pottery wheel) in her analogy she is so me
“Jacob if u dont like my ziti just say so and i will heave myself out that window” 😭😭
“I went to find mr johnson but he was still crying” NO 😭💔 hes just a sensitive guy 😔
“Mrs howard i blew down the house” 🥺🤏🏻 I love the kids being so central in this ep, I’ve missed that recently, and the kindergarteners are soooo cute
“🐷 I am a pig 🐺 i am a wolf 😄 and im a librarian who thinks she can just change everything around here 👋” IJBOL no please give sheryl another emmy I beg
“This programme is more of a distraction than an improvement” that’s teaaa actually. Thats so often what councils etc do, distract with new flashy things rather than fix the real problems. Even though in this case it’s well meaning it does make u think how big a priority should the library actually be? But actually children reading is super important and what did they say last season? The librarian was an alexa in glasses? 🤣
“You okay? You look like raven having a vision” 😭 you don’t understand how often i say this
I have thoughts on Barbara’s intentions and my instinct is gregory needs to keep her name out his mouth. I do think it’s really important that Janine stood up to Barbara, just maybe gregory made barbara seem worse than she was
“It’s been a rough week I could use the pick me up” i just love mr johnson
My immediate reaction was this one of my favourite episodes of the season - lots of excellent Barb moments, the kids, more mr johnson, story arcs I enjoyed and felt completed.
Janine standing up to Barbara was a really big deal for her considering her hatred of conflict and worship of barbara as a mother figure. It made me really proud to see how far janine has come.
But the longer since watching the less I like it. And it’s two main things:
- the jacob melissa room mate situation feels like jumping the shark for plots sake and not something realistic for those characters. So as much as I enjoy them and their dynamic and their growth it just feels fake.
- I dont care about the librarian. The set up feels like she could stick around and I just don’t care for new characters, I like my main people. (But then the same apprehension was had w the district people and they’ve not seemed to be around much).
I do still really like this ep and it definitely ranks highly in the season, just idk, some eps I enjoy more over time but this has made me feel more confused as to what will happen next I guess.
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bonerot19 · 6 months
what are your thoughts on Jason and Roy? I have very complicated thoughts about them because on one hand they’re made out to be good friends so often I can’t be ok with them being strangers it makes me sad :( on the other hand they aren’t good friends not really no them because RHATO destroyed Roy :( so they’re in a weird space of “met this guy two weeks ago would’ve died for him for three days and now we don’t really talk” tragic friendship kinda vibe in my brain. I guess that’s even sadder??? But at least the love was there? Sorry for randomly showing up in your ask box 😭 I’m just curious
I have So Many thoughts on Roy and Jason.
I've been learning a lot more about Roy lately, his history and character and he's so cool so it makes me sad what's happened to him in canon (the account royboyfanpage is a wealth of Roy info I love following them)
my problem is that RHATO could have been cool. they could have made Kory, like, important and sentient. they could have just not reduced Roy to the stupid comic relief guy. they could have kept Jason's backstory instead of rewriting one of my favorite origin stories (stealing the batmobile's tires fucks so hard I can't believe Lobdell thought making him steal from Leslie was better??)
I think Jason and Roy have the potential to have a fun, interesting relationship — little brother stealing his older brother's best friends is hilarious. and I know some people (rightfully) have issues with Roy being aged-down to be closer to Jason's age but I think they still have the potential for hilarity at their relative canon ages.
I like fics that portray Jason and Roy as chaotic, and I do often like Jason/Roy fics because I think the dynamic can be really well written — especially in AUs. I like Jason and Roy bitching about Oliver and Bruce (even though Ollie is like, leagues better than Bruce in canon and loves Roy So Much)
I think what I've learned is that while I enjoy Jason/Roy I really understand why Roy lovers hate Jason because when Jason is in Roy's story it does necessitate some level of character assassination. either by changing Roy's age, changing his relationship with Oliver, changing his relationship with Dick, changing his character in general via Lobdell's bullshit (if I catch u Scott I stg)
which sucks, because I think there are people out there writing really complex Jason/Roy relationships that challenge both characters and complete some great character analysis. you just have to be careful and aware of the way Roy is portrayed to not shape his character to suit Jason, cause that sucks
in the end, I'll still read Jason/Roy, because I like it. sometimes I dislike it in the same way I dislike other characterizations of other batfam and batfam adjacent characters. but I'm taking my time learning about Roy and I'm adding some Green Arrow comics to my tbr (which is 10 miles long) cause if I'm gonna write about Roy I want to understand him
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seumyo · 28 days
OMGGG CONGRATS ON 1K EUMY MY LOVE!!! im beyond words that describe happy for u ur such a sweetheart u deserve it sm<3 I SAW THE SCRAPBOOKS POST AND ID LOVE A SHOTO TODOROKI ONE!!!! 💗
im an enfp so im a loud extrovert, and i try to make sure ppl dont feel awkward or embarrassed around me bc im 10x worse HAHA 😭 i have insane attachment issues like i was crying so hard when my friend ignored me for a day. big lover with big emotions, hopefully that counts as an emotional intelligent person hehe<3
i am also a complete art kid and i never stop drawing, im also in choir and stage band so im basically all of the above (except sports. does watching haikyuu count?🤔) HAHAHAHA
id love a little description about our dynamic or something!!🥹 and be free w ur colour palette and do what u think deems best 🗣️!!! a song would be velvet ring by big thief, one of my favs rn<3
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★ Todoroki Shouto hated did not like you at first. The first time you two met in U.A., not once did he glance in your direction. Don’t take it too personally, he’s battling inner turmoil stemming from his complicated family life and upbringing.
★ Skipping to when he does warm up to the rest of the class, he still keeps his distance from them as he tries to test the waters. Now, you, dear Saku, are the first to invite him to have lunch together via the crumpled paper you left on his desk during free period (he almost threw it in the trash, but he telephatically felt your distress thought it might contain something important, so he decided to read it). He accepts, of course.
★ Lunch together was awkward, but Todoroki appreciates your effort to fill in his shortcomings in the conversation. So to say, he just listens to you while you ramble about anything and everything.
★ When he gets home that night, he definitely tells Fuyumi that someone invited him to eat together at lunch, and that it was nice. He doesn’t realize that he kept your note neatly folded in his wallet.
★ Do you know the concept of personal space? Todoroki does not. Whenever you’re doing something, whether it’s doodling or writing notes, he will peer over and check whatever it is that you’re doing. Completely unaware that he, too, has attachment issues (trust).
★ “Am I too close? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” And you guys were inches from kissing each other!
★ Romantically, it takes him a long time to understand that what he was feeling is clearly not platonic anymore. But when he does realize thus, he skips the steps in his head and wants to spend the rest of his days with you (you’re not even dating yet, and he’s already thinking of the future ten years later). Todoroki’s hesitant to engage in a romantic relationship because he thinks that you deserve someone who wouldn’t hesitate to court you and love you openly (he’s worried that he’ll end up like his father).
★ The initial dynamic is someone who talks a lot and the other listens (with the most lovestruck eyes yet still unnoticeable). When you do get into a relationship, he’ll still treat you just like when you were friends, but with a bit more effort to show you how much he cares. Acts of service & Quality Time are his love languages. This man is your ride-or-die forever and would go through lengths just to spend time with you (cue to Todoroki just appearing by your side whenever you’re not busy).
★ Whenever Todoroki talks to other people, it’ll always be, “Oh, where are Saku and the others?” You will always be the first person that comes out of his mouth, an unconscious habit of his.
★ Matching bag charms, candid photos (of him, mostly), handwritten notes that are passed to each other during class, enjoying each other’s company even if you two are just walking to the cafeteria together or him waiting for you to tie your shoelaces (he does them himself further into the relationship), finding out that Todoroki kept most of the things you gave him (especially your little notes and doodles), and the tips of his ears turn a bit reddish whenever he’s flustered—and you’re the only one to notice because it only happens when he’s with you.
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aranarumei · 6 months
Ask game time good morning!!! Maybeee considerations on hanakou and Aoinene tbhk..? And classic tsukkiyama haikyuu :3
ask me about a ship and I’ll give my opinions + classify them as does / doesn’t make sense, does / doesn’t compel me
and good night! this is like 12 days overdue lmao... do forgive me. since u asked for three I’m gonna have to go under the cut:
first, hanakou! I’m gonna say it does make sense, doesn’t compel me. I think like. I can see the bones of it—kou clearly cares for hanako, and his belief in him is to the point that he’ll stand up to his own brother about it. and this isn’t just bc he likes nene! it’s bc he cares about hanako in his own right. I think I really enjoy kou’s perception of hanako… there’s this line in the red house where he’s like. it would be easier if hanako was just an evil spirit and that’s always stuck with me. it’s also cool how hanako, for some point in time, is the only person other than kou who even knows about mitsuba. they’ve both got their own repression issues huh? where they just do things without explanation. the reason it just doesn’t compel me is like. I don’t have any real incentive to see it romantically? like. hanako’s relationship with kou is interesting to me in part because of how kou’s relationship with nene and mitsuba affects his relationship with hanako. his love for the both of them and wanting to “save” them aligns with how hanako wants to save nene, only hanako’s operating with a much higher degree of cynicism (and, some would say, realism). so i think it’s interesting to have this friendship between the two in the middle of that, and I don’t really feel an impetus to make it romantic.
aoinene on the other hand… it does makes sens and does compel me! aoinene’s so fascinating to me because like. they clearly adore each other and they’re like. girl best friends yknow. only nene doesn’t tell aoi about the whole ghost thing for the longest time and aoi doesn’t tell her about her issues with her hand. nene kind of idolizes aoi as this perfect popular pretty girl and I think, in some ways, aoi treats nene the same way? but her perception is of this naïve good-spirited kid she can’t quite be honest too. so like. that’s compelling, that they both love each other, but their understanding of the other lacks. and from the first chapters we see that nene’s like, dazzled by teru’s shine and such… she’s obviously kind of taken by this façade and also this very thin and minimal crush that’s not really love, right. so I feel like I could see aoinene be really interesting because aoi absolutely has her own version of this façade. we get into lots of fun stuff about honesty and what’s real and such. so this could definitely compel me romantically even though I haven’t thought about it much.
and tsukkiyama!!! does make sense and does compel me are you kidding me. what more do you need than pride!!! gonna lay down forever about it. tsukishima and yamaguchi are a really fun longtime-friends dynamic because they like. change? their relationship evolves but it doesn’t make them not important to each other, even if the shape of themselves and their interactions change. which is why that bond feels so strong. they both think each other is kind of the coolest actually. I’ve never really had the need to read much fic abt them tho? maybe I’ll look again sometime but its just like. man. their relationship in canon is so good to me already… ch 86-89 my beloved. the manga does a really good job of like… their relationship always feels real and solid but they’re also 100% individual people. and it’s such good development too. neither of them becomes a crazy genius but they develop as people. I love how hands-off tsukishima’s growth over canon is… like he’s a genuine good kid that just thinks a lot, and I don’t think he’d respond so well to people steamrolling over him with their own assumptions yknow? anyways tsukkiyama’s good. works in a sorta understated way where it being not too emphasized makes it work more, yknow. I loved reading haikyuu!! and thinking like why does a guy like tsukki hang around someone like yamaguchi? and then understand. oh. they’re both so earnest.
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psychics4unet · 8 days
can i ask for a message from the angels?
my initial is m and my zodiac sign is aquarius
my question is does he like me? i have deep feelings towards him i love him so much that it hurts and he makes every guy unattractive and i told u that we weren't that close but we had and still have a good friendship even though we are not that close and im going crazyyyyy for him 😫😫😫
thank u so much 🩷🩷
Free Psychic Reading – Message From The Angels! 🌟✨
Hello! The angels have a message for you regarding your feelings and the person you care deeply about. They understand how intense and overwhelming these emotions can be 💖🌈.
The angels are acknowledging your deep feelings and the strong connection you feel. They are guiding you to take a moment to reflect on the nature of your relationship and to consider the current dynamics between you two. They are suggesting that you focus on nurturing your own well-being and maintaining balance, even amidst these powerful emotions 🌟💫.
While the angels can’t directly reveal the other person’s feelings, they encourage you to trust in the process and to remain open to the flow of life. Relationships often evolve in unexpected ways, and it’s important to be patient and to focus on building a strong foundation of friendship and trust. This can create a space where deeper feelings can naturally develop over time 🌈🕊️.
The angels are reminding you to be gentle with yourself and to honor your feelings without letting them consume you. Continue to communicate openly and honestly, and trust that the right outcomes will unfold in their own time 💖✨.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (message from the angels), Click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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starscelly · 1 month
hi cel!! was just going through ur 42455 tag and wondering if you’ve been having any Thoughts about them recently .. also. miro in that pic on roope’s ig story- he looked so so good!!
miro my beautiful wife. he did look so good if im remembering the correct photo!!!!!!!! apolocheese as this has been in my ask for Weeks now and i’m finally ready to approach it whole heartedly with my arms wide open …. i am always having thoughts abt Them unfortunately.... cracking my knuckles….. thank u for asking abt my Guys <3 please take a little essay
THE THING IS…. and i’ve touched on this previously…… everything abt 42455 begs you to be like. roope jealousy. easy. him and miro have history and then harls comes in drooling after his boyfriend. of course he’d be rude. but i literally JUUUUST discussed that i don’t actually find roope bitchy. necessarily. like i think he would do so in a chirpy manner (see: him always being like ughh i hate esa esa is a big freak weirdo. and then he sees esa and is like ^-^) that would actually bounce off of harls chirping really well! like theyre actually Pretty similar in the regard imo
and then we also consider THIS second quote here abt the bubble ….. and this opens new doors 4 meee. like what do you mean actually that he got close to miro and roope in the bubble? why did he specifically name miro and roope??????? but anyways . harls even says himself that he normally wouldn’t get to get close to the europeans but that closed in environment Let him do so . and it lets me live in a world of pre established friendship and crushes. and isn’t that stunning. i also think it’s fun that like. harls was a black ace. from my understanding they didn’t really overlap with the team for practices? like they were separate (correct me if i’m wrong) so that can affect the dynamic a lot imo! like we All remember this saad tweet (i am the only person that thinks of this regularly) and how it - along with those harls interviews gushing abt miro - set up a kinda. hero worship to friendship to lovers. but if we consider harls was a black ace during the covid bubble and didn’t have the same access to follow miro on the ice all day. that means they got to know each other like. casually. obviously not Outside the context of hockey because of the environment but closer to that than not. i think u can still get hero worshippy abt it bc harls would’ve been FRESHLY 19. actually turning 19 IN the bubble iirc so literally probably 18 when they met? miro would’ve been freshly 21 and roope 23. which in pro hockey world is Old Enough to be considered Older and Wiser and Cooler. BUT ANYWAYS. yeah enough outside of the context for it to be a Relatively Normal Friendship Plus Some Admiration. like there’s an article where they talk abt how the black aces would hang out with the main rosters guys at dinners and other Activities and pick their brain abt stuff and i can def see harls doing that with miro - and by default roope - but obviously that could and likely would devolve into Normal Conversation as well.
u can also maybe get into some fun stuff that, if u struggle with repositioning roope as not a jealous hater, could help. like we Saw bubble miro (so insane so good). maybe harls was a good luck charm. something like that. etc etc. 
i also want to just. placing roope aside maybe for a second. not something i like to do frequently but humor me. if we could take a moment for the dress and such. re:
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idk if i have much more profound to say about that but. 3 boygirlfriends who can skate soooo pretty and play such similar games..... idk im into it!!!! conceptually!!!!!!!!!!!
also idr how much i discussed this last time but. as someone insane + always miro centric. it is very quite important to me that miro has two men just aaaabsolutely obsessed with him. and i think the difference in the way theyre obsessed with him is really silly and fun as well!!!! harls is . seemingly. relatively sane abt him off the ice (well. insane abt him but in the way he is insane abt everybody) but is SOOO obsessed with him as a player. insert every time he talks abt miro playing hockey. and roope is relatively sane abt him as a player - so much so that they played together for a full ! year!!!!! without the having their names linked forever and the being attached at the hip - but absolutely insane abt him off the ice. like will not leave him alone. like half of his insta posts include miro atp (not fact checking so just trust me). like it's truly sickening.
ANYWAYS..... sorry this was especially all over the place... i have a lot of big feelings and thoughts! i hope this was appreciated regardless of the Mess of it lolll
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crosbyism · 4 months
re: fandom feminization (sorry for beating this horse) - one of the things that definitely bothers me most as someone who actually does enjoy a certain amount of feminization in fic really is when looking at a fic of two men in a very masculine environment who are being written as gay- WHY is it so common to write them as though they are a heterosexual man and woman in a heterosexual relationship? specifically the kind of egregiously heteronormative relationship that makes people rage against media with relationships LIKE that for being misogynistic??? ykwim? one cooks and cleans and cries and has emotions and does the emotional labor and calms down the controlling and upset/angry or emotionless other man because he's the girlfriend and the pretty princess girlboy - GUYS why is that the standard relationship dynamic here, they're supposed to be queer men, why are you making a queer relationship so fucking BAD hetero, the antisemitist kind 😭 and it really is like always the smaller guy, the "prettier" guy who's nicer and more palatable to project femininity onto. across all fandoms no matter what. i don't even want to think about the infantilization that goes hand in hand with some of this. that's a rant best left alone 💀 anyways feel free to delete, i'm just another person the masculinization posts resonated with and i appreciate seeing others feel the same !
anon i feel u dot org. it’s not my cup of tea either. i think it’s important to keep in mind that fandom works do not have the same “responsibility” (in as much there’s any responsibility in storytelling to be had at all, but that’s a whole different topic i won’t get into) in storytelling as traditional media, being very personal expressions of creativity first and foremost. people are simply into writing this type of thing for themselves, and that’s exactly what they should do without shame. i very much do understand why people would write those kinda dynamics (any number of reasons from “i want to project heteronormativity onto a queer relationship for personal catharsis” to “i want to explore this kind of dynamic” to “lol crackfic” to “i just feel like it idk”, all of which are totes fine and cool). personally i really don’t feel drawn to it at all. rip fanon mitch marner i guess.
what’s interesting is that it really is like that in every fandom. sometimes it get me sad that a lot of gender play in fandom is so cisheteronormative. like, there’s so much potential to get weird and strange with it, y’know? i would love a lot of more non cisheteronormative gender play fics. or, man, i would kill for a guy to finger his coach and go “oh, the menopause is making you drier, huh? that’s alright, i’ve got the lube right here, i’ll get you nice and wet, don’t worry” and service him like he’s a hot cougar’s young stud.
there’s a couple of rare gems in the hrpf tag re: slightly non-traditional gender play for sure, but it def isn’t the majority. i also think cause the majority of gender play in fandom is so cishet it kinda repels people who don’t like that from writing or getting into that in general, so clearly we need to fix this out here and reclaim the genderplay lol. make genderplay queerer 2024
(side note: i think you might be using antisemitist wrong? is that a typo? i don’t think you meant “bigoted towards jewish people” there? lol? that was confusing)
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nightcolorz · 1 year
Hello, could you elaborate on your thoughts about how sex was treated in the show? If you are comfortable with it, obviously! I love your blog and your answers btw
Of course! I love answering these asks. For me this is more of a nitpick then a criticism, bcus I don’t think there’s anything technically worse about how the show handles sex over the books, but it just doesn’t appeal as much to my preferences.
In the books sex is very interesting bcus of how encoded it is into the narrative. Sexual desire is thematically extremely important in tvc, it informs basically every character dynamic. Sex isn’t something the vampires literally can do, but they are very sexual in nature, or “sensual”as Anne Rice loves to say, and their actions and dynamics r very psycho-sexually motivated. I think this makes for a very unique dynamic that the narrative has with sex. Tvc vampires can’t have sex but almost every form of pleasure they experience from killing to looking at art is felt as strongly as sexual pleasure, they have intimate relationships with each other that transcend human romance, almost every two characters have sexual impulses over each other. It’s weird and fucked up and interesting and there’s a lot going on there. Sex is symbolically the same as blood drinking and killing and hunting r sexual, and I love that bcus it gives the vampires this element of other that’s really compelling. I love the concept that their ways of feeling and experiencing human pleasures and emotions and relationships we’re familiar with r fundamentally changed in a way that r almost beyond our understanding bcus of vampirism. They r very alien but also very human, bcus at their core they just experience things the way we do but heightened to a freakish extreme. I like to think that tvc vampires experience a reality were the type of frenzied daze we experience when horny is what they experience nearly all the time. It’s so weird! And yeah, cool. The way romance works bcus of this is so interesting too, bcus an element of romance and sex comes with pretty much every vampire dynamic, and it creates these crazy fucked up dynamics that u wouldn’t get in any other book series.
and then well, there’s the show. Not much to say there is the problem. I don’t really have an issue with the vampires being able to have literal sex, but it’s the way sex and sexual subtext in general r handled that bothers me. Bcus..I mean it’s boring. Like, Louis and Lestat have crazy hate sex, but it’s not anything we haven���t seen before in television, minus how they’re an interracial couple and two men I suppose. Sex has the same implications as it does for humans, like the whole Antoinette cheating story line is just ur average cheating storyline but with blood and violence, you’d never get something that mundane and clean cut in the books. And like, I love some weird gay vampire sex scenes as much as the next guy, but how does floating vampire sex compare to the weirdness I rambled about above? There’s not that layer of complexity and strangeness I find so interesting. Like, it’s fantastical and vampire specific, they drink each others blood and float and stuff, but not in the dense way it is in the books. I believe that this has the potential to change, I think the tense scenes with Rashid, like the honey and pineapple scene, felt weird and bizarre in a way that reminded me of the books. But, I’ve been disappointed before. So for now I’m dissatisfied.
thanks for sending me the ask and thank you sm!!! You r so sweet <3 I love that u love my blog. As always feel free to send me asks guys I love them !
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hi vincent u shd tell us more abt haruka n shu's dynamic i love toxic codependency btw
HELLO LAB!!! I am so happy you asked because I am obsessed with them. I will put this under a read more ….it got long
To explain why I think they should have a fucked up toxic relationship I should explain a bit about them individually. My Haruka post can be found here but to summarize some important points: Haruka has a fucked up relationship with his brother Kanata, who ostracizes him from anyone he meets. He thinks of himself as a corrupted human, an “egoist” who was once his brother’s hero and wanted to help others, and now has no hope of going back to how the way things used to be. Shu is an abandoned child who’s never been shown even a speck of love by his parents or those who have been assigned to take care of him. The one person who saw a spark of light in Shu instilled false hope for his father’s love inside of him, and accidentally turned him into a bitter kid who hates adults.
Shu and Haruka are the vocalists of Epsilon, which is actually the only band to even have two vocalists who consistently sing together. Pre-epsilon story 6.5, Haruka doesn’t endorse Shu’s shitty behavior but doesn’t shut it down either. Shu uses Haruka as he does anyone else and finds him entertaining to observe. Both of them are pessimists who use music to make themselves known, to be seen— Haruka, to his peers, Shu, to his father, and both of them to the world. Haruka realizes this before Shu does, in Epsilon band story Chapter 6 Episode 5: aka vincent insanity chapter. I will just put some screenshots here of the chapter because i don’t wanna summarize them
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This chapter completely changes their dynamic— it opens up a door to a whole new world of understanding between them. Now, they have no choice but to be at least somewhat involved in each other’s decisions. In this chapter, Haruka openly declares that he needs Shu to keep his dream alive, because he knows that they both know that music is all they have to get themselves known. They can’t just ignore each other anymore with this information. If they do, it adds a whole new layer of questioning— are they uncomfortable around each other, regretful about that sudden vulnerability, etc ? So, that’s all been established.
What Shu needs is a supportive, probably older brother or father type figure who can show him love and recognition, right? What Haruka needs is both a support system and someone to pull his head out of the ground and make him face reality, right ….? But like …imagine how much more fun it would be …if they fed off of each other like this ….my vision
I think that IF I WERE WRITING AASIDE. I would use this so much. I would love to see Haruka and Shu run off to stay in Tokyo and live this shut in lifestyle where Shu tries to write songs to sustain them and Haruka tries not to fuck up another relationship. Shu could absolutely fill that “younger brother I want to save” role for Haruka, and Haruka could absolutely fill that “First person to recognize me for who I am” role for Shu (except not really because they’re just using each other). Of course, though, I am not writing Aaside…with the recent development of Aoi being Shu’s brother and Reiji being much more kind than I expected (effectively creating a support system for Shu), this whole vision kind of goes down the drain, rip. But I like to think they’ll still go somewhere with Haruka and Shu’s newfound dynamic potential! Please god let Kimisute make them even more fucked up and depressed.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to ramble Lab….this is all kind of a lot of nothing and just restating facts but I enjoy it nonetheless. Here is Epsilon’s first song, isn’t the video so fun? I hope you enjoyed reading this ^o^
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