#They don't have a name so she just calls them “not gregory”
decomposing-roses · 1 year
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Basically what if Cassie figured out the mimic wasnt Gregory reeally early on but still freed them for some reason
Inspired by this post :]
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thatgenericwriter · 3 months
I'm Eepy || Gregory House
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Paring: Dr. Gregory House x fem! reader
Summary: House and the reader have a 4 year old child that definitely takes after her father
Warnings: Children, House, Swearing
You took your eyes away from your kid for 10 seconds. 10 fucking seconds! And when you turned around she was no longer playing with her monster trucks by the nurse's station. You immediately start to panic, frantically searching the entire floor you're on.
Normally you wouldn't be this panic, she runs off all the time, except the last time she wandered off in the hospital she got into the drawers of a patient's room and almost took an entire bottle of pills thinking they were candy.
You collect House's fellows and make them split into teams, sending them to scour the different floors in search of your daughter. By this point, you're on the verge of a panic attack. Your daughter is missing in a giant hospital with so many ways of hurting herself, or getting kidnapped, or just leaving on her own, or---
Your hysterical train of thought is interrupted when you hear your name called out from behind you. Whipping around you find that the source of voice is none other than House. You practically sprint towards him throwing yourself into his arms.
"She's missing and I can't find her and I have everyone looking for her and she's gone and I'm an awful mother and I should have never let her out of my site and how could I---."
"Calm down!" House pushes you back slightly and leans down to be face-to-face with you. "I know where she is."
You look into his eyes before punching him in the shoulder. "Why the FUCK did you not tell me that in the first place!"
"Well I was going to but then someone got all weepy and pathetic so I didn't get the chance."
You roll your eyes at him and scoff, but then you lean back in for another hug. You feel him run his hand along your back soothingly before pulling away and turning towards the elevator.
"Come on I have Thirteen and Kutner watching her right now, but I'm not sure how long they can last around her before their feeling are hurt so bad they cast her out of my office."
You grab his hand and walk to the elevator while picturing your daughter making fun of Thirteen and Kutner. She definitely took after her father in the 'making others feel like trash for fun' category. Something you were trying to teach out of her, but someone keeps teaching her more and more curse words.
As the elevator doors open you let go of House's hand and run to his office. You throw the door open and look around for your daughter. All of the fellows have gathered at the table and give you sushing gestures before pointing behind you.
You turn around to find your daughter lounged in House's yellow chair, her eyes fighting to stay open. You quietly walk through the connecting door and crouch by your daughter's head.
"Hey pretty girl," you stroke her hair lovingly, "you know you can't run off like that. Mommy was so scared. You don't want to scare me do you?"
She groggily shakes her head no before letting out a yawn. "I'm sorry Mommy, but I'm soooooo eepy."
You shake your head with a small smile before kissing your daughter's head lightly and watch as her eyes finally close. Standing up you turn and look through the glass to see House standing there looking at you and your daughter with the most content look you've ever seen on his face.
Turning off the lights and closing the blinds you give one last look at your daughter before walking through the conjoing door and into House's awaiting arms.
"Get a room you two!" Everyone whips their head around to Chase with a furious look on their face.
Author's note: i did not prof read this so if it sucks don't tell me... also I'm going to write more I swear! plz be patient with me as I get through requests!!
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comicwritesstuff · 5 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
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Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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plussizefantasia · 3 months
Don't Cry over Spilled Lemonade pt.2
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Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: A little bit of dread on the reader's part but mostly it's fluff and yearning, just the way I like it.
A/N: hahaha I finally finished it!!!! Thanks for all the love on part one it really made me so happy to see so many people liking the little story that I wrote half asleep <3
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Anthony wrestled with his thoughts for the rest of the evening. He hated himself deeply for hurting you and even more for not remembering it. Knowing himself though, he knew that his actions were probably fueled by a desire to leave the gathering and visit Siena, she had been his refuge in the years before and during Daphne’s debut. 
He would never forgive himself if the reason you would not ever stand to be in the same room with him was his naive infatuation with the opera singer. Especially given the fact that as soon as he met you all thoughts of her flew from his eyes and he never thought of her in that way again. Deep down he knew that his heart now belonged to you although that thought was much too terrifying to dwell on for more than a minute.
You on the other hand were reeling with the new information. You had vowed to hate Anthony Bridgerton until your dying day but his pleas for forgiveness had shaken your will. You still held a deep anger towards him, one that you didn’t think would go away any time soon. But it was becoming harder and harder for you to find the detestation in yours that had once been bubbling at the surface.
You didn't know what to expect from the Viscount anymore, you had always had a pretty clear picture of the man in your mind, and in one fell swoop he had shattered it like glass. Seeing him playing with his younger siblings in the park the day after your conversation in the hallway certainly didn’t help settle your mind.
If there was one thing you knew about Anthony Bridgerton it was that he loved his family. Sometimes he goes about it in the wrong way but you could tell that he does everything he does for them, even getting grass stains on his trousers because Hyancithy and Gregory are insistent that he plays tag with them in the great park.
It is their laughter that draws your attention first followed shortly by a sharp shout and even more giggles. You are fortunate enough to catch sight of the Viscount tripping and landing on his backside, his hands falling to the side of him and right into what looks to be some freshly planted flower beds. His head hangs and he takes a heaving sigh before pushing himself back up. You can’t help but laugh at the sight.
Anthony would be able to recognize your laugh anywhere, he hears it flowing through the halls of his home enough that it’s become ingrained in his mind. His head turns to where you are and your eyes meet. He is taken aback by the warmth he finds in them. How long has it been since you’ve looked at home with anything but detached coldness?
It is Hyancinth who bridged the gap between the two of you, with a shout of your name she comes bounding across the green and practically leaps into your open arms. 
“Hello sweet girl, having fun are we?” Your hand runs down the back of her head and you smile down at her.
“We were playing a game of tag, would you like to join us.” Sometimes you forget how innocent the young girl is. Her smile is contagious as it spreads across your own face.
“On any other day my darling but I’ve only cut through the park on my way to visit with Lady Danbury and you know how she is about punctuality.”
“Oh.” Her face falls and your heart follows.
“How about this? Once I am done calling upon her ladyship I shall stop by and you can finally show me the new dresses you got for dolly Molly okay?”
Her smile returns full force and she squeezes you a little tighter before conjuring up a mask of faux indifference.
“I suppose I can accept that.” 
“You’re starting to sound like Viscount grumpypants over there.” You tickle at her side.
“I heard that,” Anthony calls from a ways away, Greg held under his arm.
“I was not trying to keep quiet my Lord.” Your eyes meet his once again and Anthony cannot help the little bubbling of hope that builds inside his chest when he sees the lightheartedness contained in your gaze.
“That’s Lord Grumpypants to you.” He shoots back and delights in the way your smile widens. 
“Very well Lord Grumpypants, I must be off but I’ll see you all later.” You say the last words down at the young lady still wrapped up in your arms. You give her one final squeeze before releasing her and bowing your head slightly at her older brother. You try not to dwell too much on how much you enjoy the viscount’s smile.
Anthony takes the day in the park as a sign, one that shows him all hope is not lost. All he needs to do is fix his mistake. He craved you, that much he knew. He craved your smile and your laugh, he yearned for your kind eyes and the way you seemed to float when you walked. He has never considered himself a particularly creative man but the images his mind conjures of the two of you make him second-guess himself.
He did not have time to imagine for very long, however, as Colin was due to return today for the start of the season and Eloise seemed to need constant supervision lest she run away the first chance she got. The Danbury ball could not come soon enough.
The Danbury ball was one of legend, the older woman’s opening ball was not one to be missed as it set the tone for the rest of the season. Young women not lucky enough to gain the Queen’s favor had a second chance at the Danbury ball, a chance to show themselves off to the ton once more in the hopes of catching the eye of an eligible young man. 
You were no different than those young ladies, primping and preening all day long with the hopes that you would be able to secure a match this season before you become too old to do so. Your mother was adamant that this season had to be spectacular, you had to look and act your best always. She was weary and weeping, moaning about how you’d be letting down the family if you were unable to secure a match.
It was interesting you thought, how quickly she changed her tune. During your debut season, she had spoken dreamingly about a love match and finding happiness and now you were sure that she would shove you off to whoever if it meant that you would be married. It seemed your Mama’s greatest fear was you becoming a spinster. 
You obliged her whims, after all, you did wish to find a match. You had always dreamed of a love match. With every year that passed by the candle of hope held within your heart flickered, it was small now, but you had to admit that it still burned. You still soothed your restless nights with dreams of a husband and children, a loving home full of laughter and joy. That is the future you want, that is the future you will fight for.
Tonight you aim to make an entrance, any attention at this point is better than being snubbed. You wore a gown of deep red, with golden lace around the bodice and black and gold beading around the waistline and down the back. Your maid pulled and twisted your hair, piling it upon your head and creating a bold and dramatic look. You were going to pull attention, you had to.
And pull attention you did, from the moment you entered the ballroom all eyes were on you. Ladies whispered and hid behind their fans. Men stood in circles with their peers but you caught the glance of more than one bachelor. And yet, nobody had approached you. You were beginning to feel the flash in your cheeks. Perhaps this was too much, such boldness was offputting and you should have stuck to the known. Dressed in soft pinks and whites, proclaiming purity and softness. 
Anthony was beside himself. You were the most ethereal creature he had ever had the privilege of laying his gaze on and he wished to spend the whole night by your side; catching up on all the lost time. He knew though, that you would never allow that, and he would rather die than hurt you again. 
So he watched and watched and watched. As time ticked on those cowards kept you waiting. Dances began and ended, people arrived and left and all the while you were stood, bathed in candlelight and alone. 
The sun had long since set and you were done. No longer would you endure this embarrassment. You had followed your gut and put yourself out there and it had failed. You were destined to be alone you suppose.
Just as you were getting ready to turn away and retreat back to the safety of your family home a hand entered your sight. Palm up and inviting, your eyes traced slowly up the arm and towards the face of the gentleman who had finally put you out of your misery.
Anthony Bridgerton stood before you, arm outstretched and a small smile on his face. “A lady as beautiful as yourself does not deserve to spend the whole night without a single dance.” 
“Are you offering?” You looked him in the eye and raised a brow. This was the first time since your conversation in the hallways that Anthony had approached you without one of his siblings present to be a buffer.
“I’m giving you an opportunity.”
“And what might that be?” You tilted your head to the side and watched as a smirk slowly spread across his face.
“You have a choice, right here and right now. Either grasp my hand and we dance the rest of the night away, opinions be damned. Or you snub me, snub me like I snubbed you that night, and get your revenge.”
You exhale a laugh and look at him. His face held a smile but also a certain seriousness that belayed his intention. This was him making it up to you. He would accept rejection if that is what you wanted. 
Here he was, the man who had hurt you and who you still held a flame for offering himself up to like a lamb to slaughter. 
You must’ve been taking a long time to answer because the Viscount began shifting on his feet. He looked around the room at the other couples who began to take to the dancefloor.
“I do not mean to rush you my lady, but the dance will be starting soon.”
“Anthony you must promise me.”
“Anything, name it and it’s yours.” 
“Promise me that you will never hurt me again, I don’t think my heart could take it.” You took his hand. And let your lips curve into a gentle smile.
He pulled your hand wrapped within his own close to his heart, and vowed, “I will do everything in my power to protect you for the rest of my days, even if the one I am protecting you from is myself.”
“I don’t need protection Anthony,” you looked deeply into his eyes, “I just need your love, honest and true.”
“Then you shall have it.” 
Anthony pulled you to the dancefloor and led you in far too many dances to be appropriate that night. And every night for the rest of the season. And neither of you cared about what the rest of the ton had to say. You had each other, finally, and neither of you was letting go anytime soon. 
taglist: @ilikestuffs-stuff @cat-lockwood @wolf-phoenix-lover
@tenshis-cake @bridkesby @divergentalwaysandforever-blog @lillysfrogsandbogs @unholyhuntress
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lizzydizzyyo · 6 months
I think what's really compelling about House's absolute unwillingness to bow down to anything or anyone (the ethical board, the law, extra rich CEO, vindictive police officer, and even the patients themselves) regardless of how absolutely batshit and downright illegal his actions are, is because it's coming from a chronically disabled person, in more ways than one.
He cannot walk without agony or his cane. His chronic and severe pain led him down the path of deep Vicodin addiction until he also becomes psychologically dependent on it too (once, Dr Cuddy gives him saline placebo and it "works", in that he is not feeling his leg pain anymore for a few hours).
He understands it deeply just how desperate people can be when they're in pain and nobody can (or are willing to) help them—at least, so far, until they land on his doorstep. Which is canonically the most extreme step patients take when everything else fails—you don't just go straight to Plainsborough Teaching Hospital and to Dr Gregory House MD's office; you have to go through dozens of other doctors in various specialties and failed treatments too.
(Although that's a separate discussion about how doctors, particularly resident ones, are overworked and underpaid and redtaped by shithead insurance companies even if they do know how to treat a patient and want to).
He knows, from the bottom of his heart, that having such a painful and life-limitting debilitating condition is comparable to hell on earth, because he has one. He knows, that despite his disability being visible to everyone, yet no one wants to put an effort to help him deal with it—is also hell on earth.
Cuddy simply throws money at him and turns the other way to his Vicodin abuse, like she is saying, "I don't care if he takes 10 Vicodin pills a day or more, and I have to pay at least $1M every year for lawsuits, as long as he gets the job done," (and when they decide to go into relationship, she immediately drops him when he relapses, even if the reason for his relapse is her—although, yes, there is another discussion to be had about keeping yourself and your child(ren) safe being a priority compared to helping an addict, recovering or not). Wilson, as loyal as he is to House, simply either enables him or lectures him without going into the root of the issue and thoroughly help House that way. His subordinates, especially after the original trio, are simply too scared, too ignorant, or too ambitious to even approach the issue and choose to keep their job than help House (also another discussion to be had about how you can't help people who don't want to help themselves and so on).
So when he sees a patient who has gone through hell trying to get a correct diagnosis and treatment, he becomes laser-focused on doing everything under the sun to get to the bottom of it and cure the patient. He doesn't care if he has to break into countless of houses (haha pun) and collect insane and probably biohazard samples to do it—he absolutely will, no question.
Yes, hate-criming and being a bigot is his favorite hobby (still livid at the asexual ep and the production's choice for the resolution, let's just say I still have beef with Hugh Laurie and the entire production team for it), and so is insulting patients in so many ways that Shakespeare would personally fly to New Jersey and shake his hands if someone manage to successfully perform necromancy on ol' Billy boy. But House is no one if not dedicated. "Yes, my patient is an idiot, everyone is an idiot too, but I WILL cure their condition like my life depends on it," is basically his middle name.
Besides, you can make the argument that he is more compassionate than all the other doctors around him, because despite his absolute disdain towards some of his patients' beliefs and stupidity, he still works his ass off to treat them. He will call your god an idiot in 7 different languages while putting you in a diagnostic machine he manipulated the whole hospital into letting him use so that you could get a test which weren't available to you before. He will tell you that your currently-happy marriage will end in a bloody divorce and your ex will leave you penniless so love is not real while injecting you with a medication he had to hack the CDC's database for.
There are even episodes that show him being truly earnest, like the clinic duty scene where he is snarky as usual to a girl who seemingly stupidly had unprotected sex until she lashes out, and House is like, "Oh shit, this is above my paygrade", and immediately goes to Cuddy with a very serious expression and no sarcastic dilly-daliying, demanding her to transfer the patient to someone else because he is not good with "curing" rape case (interesting choice on the writers' part to make the patient insist to have therapy with House, though).
There is an episode about a very workaholic woman executive in a fashion company who has tremor and partial paralysis, and later on it's shown that she seems to tie her worth as a person to her corporate success while band-aiding her deep psychological issue like her suicidal ideation, and House genuinely asks her, "Do you want to live? I cannot help you unless you want me to," or something along the line.
There is also the cursed 9-year-old terminal brain cancer episode where Chase kissed the patient (ew), where at first it shows House being a usual misanthophe to Wilson and saying, "She is not brave, it's the brain tumor clot talking because it must be near the amygdala." Later in the episode, House sits near the patient alone, and compassionately asks her if she even wants to live, going through the rest of her short-lived but horrible agony, even if they catch the clot. The surgery to find and get rid of the clot is risky and can debilitate her even more, and this is why House is laying the decision to her hands. That she gets to choose. This is what truly reveals to him that she is genuinely brave (aside from the scan showing the clot to be so far away from her amygdala), but for the wrong reason. She is brave for her mom, willing to go through horrible surgery and drag out her already painful cancer-ridden life because, "My mom needs me". When everyone is congratulating her in the end, you can tell House has a bittersweet expression of both awe towards her bravery, and sadness that this 9-year-old sick girl has to bear the brunt of her horrible pain just so that her mother is not sad. That he couldn't convince her to be a child until the nearing end of her life.
The most interesting evidence of his compassion to me is the gunman hostage episode. It might sound weird because in the whole episode, he is depicted to first want to outsmart the gunman patient, then becomes laser-focused but only because he sees it as a puzzle, then absolutely selfish and dangerous because he volunteers himself as the last hostage and gives the gun back to the guy after the MRI. I do think it's true that his dedication to solving patients-are-just-puzzle-to-me conditions shines through in the episode, especially the scene of him returning his gun, but there is something else I catch when I rewatched it before.
When the gunman patient is put in the MRI because Cameron tells him a theory through the hostage call, the remaining doctors in the room including House are wary at the gunman but also hopeful. Yet, when the result shows up on the screen, he realizes that the theory is wrong and the guy let go his only bargaining chip for nothing. If you watch this part carefully, you'll notice that House actually looks pitying and sad at the gunman's disappointed demeanor and expression. He realizes he is going to be another notch in the guy's failed doctors list, and at this point (with the gun given away and even the best, most talented doctor also not finding out what's wrong with him), the guy has given up hope that he will ever see the day he will be cured, certainly not behind the bars.
Yes, his thirst for puzzle is House's big driving force in giving back the gun, but you'll be lying to yourself if you don't notice House's compassion for the guy because he doesn't want the guy to go out empty-handed, with absolutely no more hope because House knows once they step out of the door, this guy will never, ever be allowed to be in the vicinity of any hospital or doctor ever again in his life, aside from jail's bare-minimum exams and medications. House can't handle the thought of putting someone else through his own disappointment—that nothing works to help his leg pain. He especially doesn't want to be the cause for this gunman guy's case either. Even in the end when House realizes the guy is a fucking moron because he doesn't know that Florida is, in fact, in earthwide-horizontal tropical zone and this is what stumps most of the guy's previous doctors—House still gives him a subtle salute to the guy while being handcuffed and led away, almost to say, "Enjoy your healing and the defeat of your arch nemesis The Sickness™, glad to be part of it."
Majority of his drive to stop at nothing until his patient is cured is definitely thanks to his own fucked-up leg, even if there are some dialogues with Cuddy and Stacy Warner (House's ex wife) that seem to imply he has always been a misanthrophe whose hobby is getting into malpractice (or general) lawsuits. I wholeheartedly believe that after his leg clot rendered him disabled and with chronic pain, he became much more dedicated and obsessed with getting to the bottom of a patient's medical information, even for info that seems innocuous or irrelevant that always turn out to be important (probably more like a plot armor than established characterization, to be honest), almost like this is his method of relating to the patients in his own weirdly human way, and maybe a little bit (actually, a lot) of projecting.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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laurentidal · 24 days
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"I know what you're up to, you know."
Cal turned and saw Mrs. Reynolds in the doorway. She'd come to visit her daughter, who had recently moved in with him. They hadn't met before yesterday morning when she'd arrived. They'd exchanged pleasantries, and the three of them had spent what he'd thought was a very nice weekend together. Ginny had just gone to bed and he was about to join her.
"I'm sorry?" he asked confused.
"This has been fun, but why don't you take a seat, Cal. I think it's time we put aside the game and speak plainly."
Having genuinely no idea what she was talking about, he agreed to sit.
"How long have you been working on this plan of yours?"
"Mrs. Reynolds I really am not sure what you're referring to."
"Oh please call me Joy. No reason to stand on ceremony now and even less reason to lie. We both know what you're really after, and I have to tell you that my daughter's inheritance is far from her grasp. I don't plan on shucking off this mortal coil anytime soon. It will be a long, long wait for you. Are you sure you're committed to the long haul?"
"I'm sorry. What inheritance, exactly?"
Joy raised an eyebrow. "The Reynolds Estate," she said simply. "When I die, Joy will be worth well over three hundred million dollars."
"Keep your voice down for God's sake. We've kept the truth from her so that she could live a normal life, but our competitors and our adversaries have always had eyes for her. People like you, Mr. Forman. It's my job to see that she'd protected."
She lifted a gold chain from between her breasts and at the end was a long sapphire teardrop.
"This is one of my more recent purchases. I've only had it about a year; hardly any sentimental value. Monetary value, however… It could be sold for nearly ten thousand dollars. It's yours if you admit to your deception and vow to give up the game."
The pendant spun gently on it's chain, catching the rays of the setting sun. It was beautiful and tempting. But Ginny was beautiful, too. And a gem would never love him the way she did.
"Consider your next move carefully, Cal. You can see this gem is worth a lot. You can see the perfection in its cut. You can see the richness of the color. Think long and hard about what your future is worth to you. Focus. Listen to my words. I'm giving you a wonderful opportunity."
Cal's eyes did indeed stay fixed on the crystal. He cursed himself in his own mind for even considering wealth over Ginny. But it was a lot of money. And the crystal was so pretty. The way it sparkled. The way it glimmered. The way…
"… it catches the light. You've been staring quietly so long it seems to me you've made up your mind, haven't you Cal. You want the gem. You can't think of anything else. It has captured you."
"Captured me…," Cal muttered weakly.
"Good. Now that your defenses are down, you will finally be honest with me. You must tell the truth, Cal."
"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds."
"Why did you pursue my daughter?"
"I think she's beautiful and fun." His voice seemed so far away, even to him. Words just tumbled out, unformed by his crystalized mind. "I love her."
"Nonsense. I told you you cannot lie. You must obey me, Cal."
"I obey, Mrs. Reynolds."
"Who are your parents, boy?"
"Stacy Forman and Gregory Forman, Mrs. Reynolds."
She paused. "You aren't related to John and Josephine Forman?"
"No, Mrs. Reynolds. I don't know anyone by those names."
Joy burst out laughing, causing the gem to wobble on it's chain. It's hold over Cal began to weaken. By the time she'd regained her composure, Cal was almost completely conscious again. He simply sat there, stunned by her revelation and her attempt to buy him off; and even more shocked by her success in entrancing him. He was almost too afraid to breath, remaining just as still as he had when he was under.
"What a fun turn of events. Of all the last names you could have had… Well in that case, Cal. I think I approve. You do seem like a lovely young man, now that I know you're not an interloper. I do have one condition, however."
She pulled off her dress, allowing her bare breasts to come into clear view.
"Ginny was making quite the assortment of sounds last night. I think you should give me the same treatment. After all, I'm going to make you very rich some day."
"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds," he answered, trying will all his might to pretend that she was still in control so that she would continue.
Thanks for reading! If you are a fan of my work, consider buying me a coffee. Any contribution is insanely appreciated. 💖
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦀
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I use FireAlpaca! And occasionally MS Paint in specific situations or for fun XDD
FireAlpaca is free and I'd say its good for beginner digital artists, but also has a lot of tools for pros! But keep in mind it's got some quirks and weird bugs sometimes- use it at your own risk! <XD
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Tassels is a much nicer word than "ribbonlike feelers", which is what the pokedex entry's say they are <XDD
And thank you! I'm glad you like that detail!! :))
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Thank you! I'm doing my best not to overdo it <XDD
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*The bottle sinks into my head and disappears*
Thanks you :}} 👍
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Oh, no no- they are not a couple/gay. They are like the bestest-best brothers :}
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:0 .... do I like what-
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Yes! Birdos in my AU are decedents from the original Yoshi's. They live on the coast by Daisy's kingdom and have been domesticated by the Delfino people.
While Yoshi's come in all different colors.. Birdos are mostly Pink, Red or shades of purple due to red Cheep-Cheeps being the corner stone of their diet.
Now, the specific/individual Birdo that we know? The one with the bow and everything? That Birdo is supposed to be Daisy's personal pet Birdo. She's very spoiled XDD
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Thank you!! And welcome back! :))
I'm sorry to hear you've got some personal battles and school weighing you down.. <:(( I hope you can salvage some of those connections and make some new ones soon! :}}
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(Refencing this post)
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(Refencing this post)
Honestly? That's rather fitting for Emmet- XDD
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I'm glad to hear it! But hey! Don't call it ugly >:(( Its wonderful!! :}}
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I'm glad to hear it! :DD And ooo! Whisper?? That's such a cool name!! :}}}
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<XD You don't seem happy about it, I'm guessing it was more of a nightmare?
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If you mean which game ending my AU follows..
Its supposed to be a modified version of the 6AM ending. Where Gregory escapes when the front doors open but he doesn't get caught by Vanessa later. He ends up coming back to the Pizzaplex 2 weeks later on his own.
If you mean an ending to the entire AU itself? I have some ideas in mind and just need to take the time to pick one of them--
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XDD Don't worry, I assumed it was my POV-
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like what I make! :)))
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Just trying something new! This new lineless pixel style is a change of pace and is helping to keep me out of art block :) 👍👍
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Thank you so much!! :DD And I'll take the thumbs up XDD 👍✨
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(Refencing this post)
.....Well he's got that Papyrus energy tbh-- <XDD
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(Refencing this post)
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(Refencing this post)
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🥺Flowers........ 💖🌹💖
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(Referencing the comments of this post)
XDD Don't worry, I'll track em down! >XDD
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@shiocreator (Referencing this post)
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I'm hanging in there, thank you for asking! :}
My FNAF AU/Recap/Repair project thingy has kind'a been put on the shelf for a while. But that's mostly due to my poor health and being unable to sit at my desk and draw on my PC..
(All my resent posts- this one included- and drawings have been made on a laptop while laying on a couch. All of my FNAF stuff is on my desktop PC :((( )
As for your second question, sorry, I don't take requests! 😅
Thanks for the ask! I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night as well! :}}}
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That sounds like me! XD Thank you! I'm glad you liked my Octonauts stuff! :))
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:DD Thank you! :))) 🍪💖
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I'm hanging in there as best I can 🫠
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kiwisa · 2 years
genesis: outtakes ✩ the harpy
F1 Grid x Fem! Driver! OC ⏤ George Russell x Fem! Teammate! OC (platonic)
fluff, angst, humor • series' masterlist
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Astrée didn't know how the other pilots managed to keep going during media day. It was only the third interview – she nodded to the departing journalist – and she already wanted to end her life, or someone else's. She was still hesitating. If she was asked to play "Fuck, marry, kill" again, or to rank the other drivers by their looks, the woman would not be able to control her murderous urges.
A gentle nudge in her rib brought her out of her thoughts. Beside her, George – whose sympathetic look annoyed her (she was not a fragile little girl) – was handing her a packet of sweets that he had had time to steal from his driver's room before they were called in to do all those interviews together. Without a word, because she had drained her capacity to talk along this stupid question-and-answer game, she took one and, with the sweet taste, forgot for a moment the nasty remarks that had been made about her all morning.
George squeezed her shoulder before letting go when the new journalist arrived. Astrée could not help but wince as she looked at him. Imagine a pale, sunken face with two dark eyes, hidden by bushy eyebrows just as dark. Thin, wicked lips curled into a pout that was unpleasant to look at because the yellow teeth protruding from them inspired disgust. His shirt did nothing to hide the fat that had accumulated in his belly. One wondered how the buttons on his shirt managed to stay on.
After sitting down opposite them, right next to the camera, he gave her a wicked smile that sent shivers of disgust down her spine.
This was going to be a long one...
George must have been thinking the same thing because he sighed – only his teammate heard it.
The journalist introduced himself. His name was apparently Gregory Reeves and if Astrée gave a fuck, she might have remembered the name of the newspaper he worked for. Too bad for him, the Frenchwoman wasn't in the mood and didn't care about these useless introductions. She knew perfectly well that it was to establish some kind of fake link, a way of going beyond the status of strangers, but frankly, knowing their name didn't change the fact that journalists – or vultures, either name worked – were there to make them say what they wanted.
And if they didn't like their answers, a couple of edits, a made-up sentence or two, and a quote out of context in the headline would suffice.
“So, George, are you feeling confident about this grand prix?”
At this question, Astrée disconnected herself from reality. Staring into space, she let her thoughts wander to a world far more pleasant than this one. George always had the interesting questions. She was just an extra. When the video was broadcast, many would criticize her absent-mindedness. For now, she didn't care about the fallout.
Her teammate answered the question, but then, out of the camera's view, handed her the packet of sweets again, as discreetly as possible. This made her smile.
“Astrée,” the journalist called out to her. She was forced to look up, swallowing the candy quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see George watching her carefully, surely sensing the lack of sympathy emanating from her. The good thing about him was that they had quickly found a balance during interviews. The Englishman would become the mediator between the journalists and her.
“Since you are a woman, the rules must be different for you. What underwear do you wear under your tight jumpsuit? It looks great on you, by the way.”
The driver blinked once, twice, three times, hoping it was all a big joke, but it was no use. The journalist looked at her, patiently waiting for her answer, as if his question was perfectly normal.
Fucking hell, she was there to drive a car, not to be interviewed by an old pervert.
Her blood ran cold. She stood up, rolled up her sleeves, took a step forward, raised her arm and⏤
“Can we stop the interview, please?” George held her back, cutting short her urge to hit the now frightened reporter. Good. Be afraid, you sexist bastard. Ignoring the scowl Astrée was giving him – let me rearrange the bastard’s face, that's what she wanted to tell him – he turned to their press agent. “Astrée and I have no desire to talk to someone who is clearly misogynistic. I want this man and his paper blacklisted from the paddock. There is no way he can ask such disgusting questions without consequence.”
The pervert snarled, as if he were legitimate to do so. George ignored him. He brushed the imaginary dust off his polo shirt, stood up and, without a glance at him, held out his hand to Astrée to lead her away.
Once they were far away from the cameras, George handed a new bag of candy as a way to say “sorry you had to experience that” to Astrée who, for the first time since they had become teammates, gave him a blinding smile.
If candy and a few insults were the keys to gaining her friendship, George was ready to take on the cavities and PR problems it would ensue.
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Daniel, Lando and Pierre looked at the Williams duo as they left. A silence fell but it was quickly broken by the youngest of the three.
“She scares the shit out of me,” Lando finally said.
“Who? Astrée? Why?” Pierre frowned.
The latter had crossed paths with the young woman several times. If she didn't seem very friendly – with the crap that was said about her every day, he wouldn't be either in her place – the Frenchman had never felt any bad vibes emanating from the woman who had trained in the same academy as him.
Perhaps it was because he couldn't get the image out of his head of an eleven-year-old Astrée crying after scraping her knee and her adorable "thank you" when he had tended to her wound.
“Looks like she's ready to get rid of you if you get in her way. And by “getting rid” I mean murder.”
“You know what, now that you mention it, she kind of reminds me of Max in that respect,” Daniel remarked thoughtfully.
“Wow, can you imagine if they were both on the same team? It's a good thing she's at Williams and not Red Bull.”
“I would pay to see that happen,” Daniel admitted.
Lando suppressed a shiver of horror as he imagined the Dutchman and the Frenchwoman driving the same car. He would rather die than experience that.
One thing was certain, he intended to stay as far away from Astrée as possible, Sebastian and his wish to welcome her in the group be damned.
The Williams garage seemed to be holding its breath. One could have heard a pin drop. Words seemed to be missing. In the midst of a noisy paddock, their silence surprised the engineers of the other teams who would occasionally pause in the middle of the frantic race to look at them. Curious glances, however, could not break the trance that made hearts beat faster and took the breath away from the engineers and pit crew alike. Imperturbable, their eyes remained riveted on the screen broadcasting the race.
In this mass of black, blue, and white, George Russell, his nails bitten to the quick, was paralysed by stress. Motionless in the middle of the anthill that was the garage, his eyes were burning. He didn't want to blink for fear of missing an action, an overtaking, or – the worst option – a mistake.
If anything were to happen to Car 95 at that moment, when they were fourth, George would cry. The wind of hope that was blowing through the room, reviving the team that had been discouraged after his crash with Bottas, could not fade. Not now.
Discreetly, the British man crossed his fingers.
“How many laps left?”
The royal blue car sped through the turns, almost seeming to fly across the tarmac. George didn't even know how that was possible. It was as if the engine had been changed before the race, as if the car had come back to life after a rather mediocre performance in the first grand prix, as if it felt that the person driving it was destined for great things.
“She’s going to do it.”
Eleventh lap. The blue shape caught up with the orange on the straight before the Tosa, the turn that everyone was dreading, except Astrée – apparently – who didn't slow down when she saw it coming.
The McLaren car in front of her preferred to play it safe. A wise decision. George would surely have done the same. On the TV broadcast, Astrée and Elijah's radio conversation was broadcasted.
“Astrée, slow down. Tosa coming up.”
“Hell no.”
The engineer's words had the opposite effect on the pilot, who accelerated.
“She's crazy,” George whispered.
His fingers – still crossed – tightened, as did his shoulders, his jaw, his whole body. Beside him, Adam, with a notebook in his hand, was not doing well either. He was awfully white, and his pupils were shaking. 
The Williams gained ground and put immense pressure on the number 4 McLaren. If it wasn't sticking to Norris – her desire to win never outweighed safety – its presence in his rear-view mirror was enough to destabilise the young driver who gave in and let his opponent pass as the two cars raced into the Tosa corner, one much faster than the other.
The commentator shouted something about Astrée overtaking Norris and 10 laps to go but George didn't hear, too busy shouting for joy with the rest of the team.
“That's my girl!”
Immediately, inquisitive looks were cast at the British man, and some eyebrows were raised. He cleared his throat.
The eyes turned back to the screen. George rolled his eyes. It didn't matter if they were drivers, assistants, mechanics, radio crew or engineers, all the regulars in the paddock had a taste for gossip.
For a moment, the TV showed the battle for first place.
“Who cares about Max and Lewis!” a mechanic shouted somewhere in the background. “Put Astrée back on!” 
As if the control room had been listening, the images flickered on to the blue car speeding through the Alta chicane. It was as if the turns didn't exist. It was as if fear itself was running away from number 95.
George, who had no fingernails left to deal with his stress, began to crack his fingers a little harder as the laps went by. His breathing seemed to mime his teammate braking and accelerations, and then stopped completely as Max passed the chequered flag. 
“Max Verstappen wins the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix! Hamilton takes 2nd place while Iraklidis closes the podium! The first woman to do so! This is a historic moment, ladies and gentlemen!”
Euphoria at Williams’. Screams. Laughter. In the midst of it all, George seemed to be the conductor of the hubbub, jumping around with high-pitched shrieks, letting out “Fuck yes!” and “I knew it!” over and over. He threw himself into the arms of a very uncomfortable Adam, unused to being the subject of an F1 driver's affection.
Amidst the joy and sheer hilarity of it all, no one saw the cameras pointed at the second Williams driver or the footage that was broadcast live for millions of viewers to see. 
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The first thing she felt as she entered the Williams garage, still sticky from the champagne, was George's arms around her waist. If being on the podium had already made her dizzy, his teammate carrying and spinning her around in euphoria worsened the feeling.
“You did it!” He shouted into her ears, surely piercing her eardrum in the process. But she didn't really care, too happy to have her moment ruined.
“I did it!” she replied in the same tone.
When he put her down, when all the team members (even Adam) had finished congratulating her, when she could no longer feel her hand after shaking so many in a row, she dropped ungracefully into a chair near the computers recording their race statistics. George sat down next to her, shaking her shoulders.
“I still can't believe it,” she finally said once the euphoria had subsided a little.
She thought back to that moment, so special, that she had always dreamed of. She replayed it in her head over and over again, as if she were a spectator of her own life. Although she had made a few mistakes that would bother her enough to cringe alone in bed tonight, Astrée couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, her cheeks flushed, as she saw the realization of her dream pass under her closed eyelids.
“You must be over the moon,” George pointed out.
“That I am.”
“Your first GP and you're already on the podium...”
Astrée frowned.
"What? No. I don't give a damn about the podium. I mean I do, yes, but nothing compares to meeting Lewis Fucking Hamilton."
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✩ taglist !
@xcharlottemikaelsonx @i0veless @simping4marauders @muglermami @fxllfaiiry @exatse @lilsiz @iloveandsuffer @notaceventura @missamericana69 @kageyamama-hinatatata @gentlemonsterjennie1 @sad1esgf @16solace @kenanlotus0 @till1am @itsnotgray @starkwlkr @missflobelova @mehrmonga @crimeshowjunkie @anicega @kosmosgalore @lovemarvel16 @charles-dimple @hiding-behindmy-glasses @serenityleah @flowerchild-96 @hopiiex @ivegotparticulartaste @jivas0 @screechingtrashkid @gxp30 @lauren--maex @idkiwantchocolatee @javden @lighttsoutlewis @rowansshit @like-fire-love-blog @ironmaiden1313
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sempsimps · 3 months
Gregory Violet x reader
okay so after episode 5 i made this draft and I've only just finished it now leave me be anyway i have no idea why i thought that making reader a bluwer sibling but the narrative fits to good? i don't know. I've written so much that i cease to see who asked anymore, but oh well
sweet fluffy kisses turned
admirers to lovers?
fast burn boi (its a one shot what do you want?)
slight mention of you being an unwanted sibling because you haven't done anything yet. lol imagine
It's the cricket opening ceremony, you are the twin of Lawrence Bluewer, along with your 7 sisters who needed to go to the cricket matches to see Lawrence play it, was his last year after all. but you didn't really like parties that much, too many people, but someone caught your eye the first year you came here. unknowingly, Gregory had found his gaze drifting over to the sister Bluewer never mentioned. It's always the 3 older and 4 younger, never the twin, always a stain on the family. but Gregory always noticed the empty space on his sketch "something's missing," never pointing it out. although curiosity almost getting the better of him, and you seen that over the years he became a prefect and he was just so pretty from afar. Just the right type of quiet but skilled and fitting into the role of prefect, and he wasn't even there?
Standing next to the blue athlete door, resisting the urge to yawn. Listening to the lower headmaster of the school although it was unusual for him to do the speaking it was still the same boring lines and then the thudding came 'green house I suspect oh look at that I'm right' they received the most applause and respect becuse they always won 'mh with that knowledge it will be red next' the second i thought it the rose petals fell all around and some of my sisters audibly swooned at it 'ugh gross, their practically throwing themselves at Redmond' I rolled my eyes at this, but I seen the lights dim, and focused on the purple door the candles let off a purple flame it was beautiful but short lived the doors opened and... 'Nothing?' No one came out. A scream from further in the room rang out. 'ah somewhere in the crowd then at least that was new' a soft smile on my features as I scanned the crowd, to look for him, only catching a glimpse of a golden tassel, before my shoulders are grabbed and I'm forced to look at my brothers team, walking though the reception for blue was always so awkward barely a few people even clapped. 'wow what a crowed anyway' i looked around for the purple, noticing the cloaks were all the same so i kept scanning each one looking for the slight difference amongst them, i looked to my chaotic relatives the older two playing match maker with Adela (only cannon name i can find) the taller little girl with glasses and an equally awkward blue house boy rolling my eyes away i started to walk towards the purple house eating area attempting to walk away i was stopped by a hand on my shoulder i freeze completely slowly turning my head to see it was Redmond 'oh my god no no no please don't' forcing a smile
"Good evening, my lady. Would you care for a dance tonight? i know it's only the announcement, but -"
"No! i mean uhh no thank you"
i blurted out, giving a small cough and turning to let the hand fall from my shoulder. 'oh my fucking god no, no, no, not now, not ever' thankfully a younger sister called out to the prefect to ask for a dance. sighing and looking up, seeing another flash of gold and purple with white hair moving at the purple door as i try to move away again, but my older sister stood in my way.
"Why would you ever turn down Redmond? he has plenty of status for you to be of -"
"No, I'm good"
she looked shocked, and another broke in. i felt anxious now, feeling some eyes on me.
"You have to like someone here. There's plenty of handsome boys around"
I'm sweating bullets now, awkwardly shimming to the side, trying to escape. standing on my tip toes, getting a flash of his deep purple eyes, and looking at me between the crowd before turning away. my eyes widen and i try to walk over yet again, not even getting a foot forward before i felt another person invading my space, this time i glared daggers at the poor soul who was also know as Lawrence, his face was a thin line and half serious eyes.
"Could everyone just leave her alone"
"awww Lawrie"
they faded out as i was overwhelmed already, this place sucked and i only wanted to build up the courage to talk to-
"It's violet, right?"
i was more shocked in horror now looking at my brother, the calm tone setting in, and my face flushed he just sighed, fixing his glasses with one finger looking away before speaking.
"i hoped it wasn't but, alright come on"
"Huh? w-wait, how did you?"
my words fell flat he started to walk back through the door the athletes used, and i quickly glanced around before following him through. i was confused. No way, it had been obvious, right? All the girls would have picked up on something they're like sniffer dogs with this stuff. once i caught up with Lawrence, i looked at the spacious corridor that was perfect to make the entrances that they always did. I'm surprised curiosity never came through me to explore behind here. All the way the walls looked was beautiful, like most of this gothic school. once i was done admiring the architecture, i saw my brother moving along. we had passed the red door, then we reached the purple one. 'Wait. is he seriously taking me to Violet? oh god, he is, isn't he? i thought he didn't care about me, and why now is it because it's his last year?' My mind was spinning, and my face felt warm. Lawrence simply moved towards a door it looked like a store room, and he knocked before speaking.
"Hello Violet, I've brought company"
nothing was heard from the other side, but the blue haired boy opened the door. i tried looking in it was basically pitch black except for a small purple flame, which illuminated the space, not to mention the little light coming in from the hall me and my brother blocking the majority of it.
"Oh, it's you, thanks you Bluewer"
i was confused, but i didn't have much time to think, as i was lightly pushed forward, and my brother made a slight go-ahead gesture. i made a "really" face to him, to which he nodded, pursing my lips but proceeded into the void.
"I'll get you after the celebration dies down"
"wait Lawrence what's going on?"
he just smiled, giving a small good luck and left, closing the door so that the only purple flame from the prop lit up the room. my gaze was dawn to it, and maybe to avoid the intense stare i was getting, my eyes looked over the intricate design of the wand? it was amazingly crafted and the wolf skull was awesome every year purple house was the most interesting to see but its not like they won the game but i still found myself cheering for them i first seen violet in the stands and he talked to Lawrence they were the drudges at the time speaking of that boy i looked to the side of me he looked awkwardly sat his knees up to his chest arms crossed in the crook of it his eyes boring into mine and at this i immediately looked away the dark lighting did nothing to hide how pretty he looked those eyes which were illuminating and that lipstick made him seem so kissable 'oh god I'm in the same room as him alone. wait, alone, this is just like that game. Sis mentioned it. Ugh, what was it called again?' lost in thought i failed to notice that Gregory had moved, and his hand had come in contact with my cheek, his palm was soft, like he hadn't done much physical work, but the calloses on his fingertips proved his did a lot of art. 'Wait, he's...' My face exploded with heat, as my brain and his eyes came into contact with mine. The purple was intense and extremely captivating.
"uuhh h-hi so, is this where you disappear to after the entrances... It's quite nice not many people go here either, so it's a lot quieter. So, how come Lawrence knows where this is? Did you tell him, or do all the prefects do this? Sorry, i realise I'm talking too much. I'll just shut up now okay great"
i covered my mouth with both my hands backing up slightly, his hand falling from my face.
"How come Bluwer never mentions you?"
"Oh well, I'm uhhh kind of not that welcomed by everyone since i haven't shown much potential or ..... benifit"
i was embarrassed by this. i didn't really want to talk about it, obviously, but what he said next was unexpected.
"You're beautiful, peculiar. like salamander eyes"
i looked at him, blushing and confused. 'Is that going to be a compliment, too?' Either way, i had no other thoughts other than to kiss him
"Can i uhh...."
my words fell flat, and i just leaned forward. my lips kissing his i felt lightheaded, butterflies in my stomach. i felt some of his lipstick smear onto my lips. i pulled away the softness of them still lingered on mine. he faintly tasted like a mix of the fruit juice they had set out, defiantly apple and a hint of orange, maybe cranberry as well. Gregory had a light red blush dancing across his face.
"I'm sorry i didn't ask if i c-could uhh do that"
"It's alright, i didn't ask you to stop"
Gregory looked away it was now my turn to place my palm on his cheek, and i pulled him towards me, and his body wilfully followed.'Oh god, is this really happening?' we awkwardly kept our hands on each others faces, our teeth accidently clashed, and he pulled away. a bigger and deeper blush spreading from his cheeks down his neck, which was only barely visible in this outfit and the dimly lit room he broke my silent adoration, my mouth unknowingly was open.
"You're... uhh, you're really pretty"
"i uh t-thank you. i think you're pretty too"
we both blushed, and i looked away. but his gentle touch slowly turned my head back, letting us have another kiss. This one was slower more organized than the others. It let us fully enjoy the moment of peace and half confession. his tongue lightly passed through my lips, and i returned the gesture, he let out a small noise of surprise, this didn't feel real. I was so lost in the moment that we both failed to notice the door opened. and a clearing of a throat made both me and the lover boy break apart and look towards the sound. There stood my brother and Redmond, who giggled a little. I'm guessing Greenhill was somewhere off to the side
"Come on, sister, the others are leaving now"
Lawrence was obviously annoyed but held a smile. while Redmond thought to tease the poor emo boy some more.
"My , i wouldn't have guessed this from a Bluwer sibling. How romantic. How are you feeling Violet? rather flushed, it would seem"
"Be quite Redmond"
Gregory was blushing his mouth noticeable, had some sliver on them, and he wiped his chin.'When did that happen?' but we both equally looked a mess. i could feel the remnants of his lips on mine, not to mention the likely stained black lipstick. soon i stood up, and everyone moved out of the doorway. Violet followed after me, and i felt him link pinkies with me 'god that's adorable'.
"Lawrence, could i -"
"Yes, here"
it was a bit of paper that had our address specifically for letters. I passed it to Gregory, which he placed into an inside pocket. afterwards, we said our goodbyes and Lawrence led me to the other girls. When i left, i heard Redmond tease by saying violet should have had a parting kiss with such a beautiful maiden.
okay so this took me sooo long to write like i started it after episode 5 and here i am weeks later but i feel like did really good on this so whatever i will make a smut scene that i was going to add but i thought to keep it separate but on ao3 it will be one fic
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itsangelicasworld · 21 days
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*・῾ ⁺ Welcome to My Bridgerton Life 🌺 .*
Dearest Gentle Reader, As the new social season makes haste in its arrival, the ton is abuzz with fresh new debutantes sprouting along the marriage mart. Yet, amidst the collection of glimmering rare jewels, one young woman outshines them all. Lady Angelica Sinclair—the only daughter to the Earl and Countess of Ashbourne—has made her grand entrance into society, and is already drawing the eyes of many eligible gentlemen. Whether Miss Sinclair will secure a match worthy of her esteemed lineage or chart a more unconventional course remains to be seen. But rest assured, dear reader, as she navigates the treacherous claws of high society, all eyes will be upon her. I'm literally SOOO in love with this reality. I scripted out a lot of discrimination and such, so this is exclusively a reality where I get to dress up and have messy relationship drama🤭. I also don't have a S/O for this one, so we'll see who I end up with, if anyone
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🦢 ˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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NAME : Angelica Isadora Luciana Sinclair
NICKNAMES : Angel, Issy, Lucy
AGE : 20-years-old
LANGUAGES : English, Spanish, French, BSL
PRONOUNS : She/her/hers
ETHNICITY : Black and Hispanic
PERSONALITY : Lively, outgoing, comedic, rebellious, educated, poetic/artistic, open-minded, empathetic, playful, hopeless romantic
HOBBIES : Writing (prose and poetry), acrylic painting, debating, gardening, sculpting, dancing, astronomy, harp, pianoforte
VOICECLAIM : Hayley Atwell
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📜 ˗ˏˋ PARENTS .ᐟ
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My parents are Valerie and Manuel Sinclair, or as society calls them, the Earl and Countess of Ashbourne. They're basically like the Gomez and Morticia Addams of 19th century London🤭. My mom is where I get most of my personality from; she's incredibly free-spirited and intelligent but also very sophisticated. My dad is far more easygoing and is where I got my passion for art from. He's mainly there to offer endless support for his wife and daughter🛐. My family lineage is one of the most well-known and affluent family lines in London, because I'm the main character actually <333
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My family and the Bridgertons have been friends for years, so I have a specific relationship with all the siblings, but for brevity's sake, I'll only list out the important ones and my connections with non-Bridgertons!! GREGORY: Me and him are the same age in this reality, so we've been friends ever since birth. He's so much fun to hang out with. He loves to make me laugh (especially in serious situations), so we're always joking around. I LOVE GREG HE'S GREAT KATE: SCREAMING CRYING I LOVE KATE SO MUCH😭. She's the big sister I never had. We just connect so well, with both of us being very independent and witty. She also offers REALLY good advice BENEDICT: I grew up with two parents who held really high value in art, so it's a no-brainer that me and Benedict connect over that. He's the most unserious person I know asides from Gregory; he's really playful and I love him for it PENELOPE: Pen is a really sweet girl with a big personality. We used to clash heads a lot because of her attitude (not to mention the whole Lady Whistledown incident💀), but after her and Colin settled down, she matured significantly, and our little squabbles died down. We talk the most about literature and poetry, she's very skilled when it comes to writing
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⌛ ˗ˏˋ OUTRO .ᐟ
I'M SO EXCITED TO SHIFT HERE HUHYGTFRG. I'm really looking forward to all the balls and elegant dresses I'll get to wear. NOT TO MENTION THE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA?? I'm gonna turn this whole reality into a soap opera. As always, feel free to send in asks about this reality!! <33
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 *+:。.。 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . ╰──╮
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livingdreams97 · 8 months
Eloise Bridgerton - "The Prince" (Part 3)
Eloise Bridgerton x Male reader/oc
Summary: Two people who have never seen each other before, with the same need and desire to be free in different ways. What could come of that when both people meet each other?
Words: 4.181
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Just as I had discussed with Eloise that night in the maze. I have been showing my interest towards her in a more noticeable way and she towards me too.
Four days have passed since that night and on each of the days I have gone to the Bridgerton house, had tea and thus could spend more time with Eloise in front of her mother. Of course, I have never appeared empty-handed, because if anything it is etiquette and manners regarding situations like these.
The first day I showed up with a lemon cake, along with a bouquet of Eloise's favorite flowers which were daisies, blue roses and blue dahlias. Also along with a bouquet of violets for her mother. It goes without saying that the matriarch was impressed and Eloise gave me a subtle wink as a sign of success.
The second day I turned up with some cakes and Lady Bridgerton 's favorite sweets. Since having a detail with the mother is always well seen and adds points at all times.
On the third day I was a little more daring, bringing a carrot cake made by myself; with the help of the cook and Eloise 's favorite chocolates.
And today I had decided on a book on the natural sciences and their use in medicine, since my studies had come to light in one of my conversations with Eloise and she had shown an interest. So I thought it was a good idea to give her a basic book on the subject, because she likes to read and I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than the desserts.
While for her mother, I brought her favorite sandwiches so that she can accompany the tea with them.
I knock on the door of the Bridgerton house , making sure my black tailcoat is tied securely, my khaki slacks are wrinkle-free and my tie is tied just right.
I put my hat back on and take a deep breath. The door opens, letting me see the housekeeper of the place and she, recognizing me, allows me to pass.
Before entering the house, I receive the gifts from my coachman and I thank him by entering the site. I follow the woman into the living room, where I immediately see Lady Bridgerton sewing something, Eloise reading a book sitting on the sofa in a tomboyish manner, and the younger members of the family playing chess.
XX: My lady, Prince Y/n of Hanover is here. - she informs her of my arrival and I see how the matriarch gets up from the couch immediately.
Violet: What a pleasure to have you back here.- she walks towards me excitedly, passing by her daughter and giving her a light blow to make her sit good; causing a small amused smile from me.
Y/n: The pleasure is all mine Lady Bridgerton .- I assure her, greeting her with a kiss on her hand. -I hope I was right when i choose them.- I commented, extending the box with the sandwiches .
Violet: It wasn't necessary my lord.- she denies with a small smile receiving the box.
Y/n: Don't tell me my lord Lady Bridgerton, we are not in public and honestly I feel a bit old when it comes to it.- I say with a certain humor. -As long as you calls me by my name, we will be more than fine.- I assure her with a smile.
Violet: Okey Y/n, are you coming to have tea with us? - she asks with some emotion and illusion.
Y/n: If you are so kind as to accept me, then I would like to have tea with you. - I respond politely and without imposing myself.
Violet: I'm going to tell them to prepare it outside, since it's a wonderful day and the garden is beautiful. - she warns and leaves the room with a huge smile.
Gregory: When my sister marries you, will I be a prince too? - he asks running towards me, as soon as his mother disappears and with his sister by his side.
Hyacinth: And can I be a princess? - questions excited. - Because if Gregory can be a prince, I want to be a princess too.- she says confidently, receiving a push from her brother and she returns it.
Gregory: You're a copycat.- he reproaches her and I can't help but think about my absurd and childish fights with my brother when we were just kids.
I watch as they playfully push each other, poking each other and can only look longingly at them. I long for when life was as simple as copying your brother or playing a prank on him to annoy him.
Eloise: Stop fighting and making a fool of yourselfs.- she tells them, separating them by the heads. -Second, like "when my sister marries you"? - she asks his little brother.
Gregory: Mom says you're getting married, because Y/n comes every day for you and because he likes you.- he answers as if it were obvious and that causes me to laugh without being able to avoid it.
Eloise: Mom said that? - asks with a surprised expression.
Hyacinth: She and Lady Danbury have commented on it, they compare you with the work they did with Daphne and the Duke.- the youngest of all responds this time and I can't help but look at the oldest with a raised eyebrow.
Eloise: And what makes you think that I will marry him? - she points at me and I pretend to be offended; causing the children to laugh.
Hyacinth: Because you talk to him for more than a minute and you don't complain about him like you do with the rest of the suitors.- she answers as if it were the most obvious.
Y/n: So you don't complain about me? - I ask with amusement . -It's interesting to know.- I assure her, seeing how she kills me with her eyes.
Violet: We can go outside, they are already organizing the tea.- she warns us happily, entering the room and seeing the four of us standing together. -What are you talking about? - interested question.
Gregory: About how Y/n and Eloise are going to get married and I 'll be a prince.- he answers with total sincerity, causing the matriarch to open her eyes surprised and somewhat curious.
Eloise: Don't pay any attention to them, mother, the dwarves are just saying nonsense and commenting on some unimportant things they've heard.- She brushes the matter off with her hand.
Violet: Okay.- she nods not very convinced. -Let's go out.- she points out and placing her hands on her children's shoulders pushes them out.
I laugh at the attitude of the youngest and the conspiracies of Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton about my possible relationship with Eloise .
Eloise: Are you okay? - she asks me after a few seconds.
Y/n: Yes of course, why wouldn't I be? - I ask somewhat confused, starting to walk out with her.
Eloise: When my brothers have started to fight, you made a sad and somewhat thoughtful face.- she answers me with a small grimace. -And I wanted to know if you were alright.- she comments and I nod with a slight smile.
Y/n: I just remembered what it was like to be his age and fight with my older brother for any trifle.- I answer with a slightly sad face. -But I'm fine.- I assure her with a small smile.
Violet: Y/n and Eloise sit together on that side.- she points to the two free seats at the round table outside.
I take Eloise 's chair out for her to sit in, tucking her in nicely, then I sit to her right and across from the Bridgerton matriarch .
As soon as we sit down, tea and sandwiches along with other sweets are served on the table. And it is at that moment that I remember the book in my hand.
Y/n: Before I forget.- I speak turning to Eloise and stretching her the book. - The other day we talked about my studies and since you showed some interest regarding natural science and its uses in medicine, I have brought you this book for you to read.- I informed her seeing the smile appear on her face.
Eloise: Thank you.- she thanks me by receiving the book and opening it immediately. -There are things written.- she comments confused.
Y/n: It's my book; well it was, now it's yours. - I pointed out a bit nervous. -I asked my father to send it to me, since it is quite interesting and something basic so that you can understand it better.- I comment with a small smile. -What is written are my notes, which I wrote at the time to better understand the concepts and I have believed that this way it would be easier for you to understand everything too. It took me a while to understand everything, but to be honest; You're smarter than me and I'm sure you won't need the notes. But I wanted to make sure and that's why I'm giving you my old book and not a new one. - I explain to her, pointing to the small paragraphs written by hand on some pages.
Eloise: Thank you very much Y/n, it means a lot that you give me this book.- she assures me with a smile, looking into my eyes and I can see how her beautiful blue eyes water slightly.
Y/n: It's nothing, I know how much you appreciate books; I thought you would like and appreciate a book more than another dessert. - I explain somewhat embarrassed, scratching the back of my neck and feeling observed.
I couldn't tear my gaze from Eloise 's, feeling that if I look away from her I'll miss the happiness and excitement that sparkles in her eyes at the gift. And that's something I don't want to miss for the world.
POV Narrator
What he wasn't aware of, and neither was Eloise , was the look that Violet Bridgerton was giving into the interaction between his daughter and the prince. As she watched with a smile full of happiness, her daughter's face lit up at the detail and the prince's own detail towards her daughter.
Her daughter could deny it all she wanted, but she was falling in love with the Prince of Hannover and her eyes or the way she looked at him couldn't hide it. And for the first time, the former viscountess felt calm about the future of her rebellious daughter. Because she had someone who cared and would take proper care of her.
And Violet Bridgerton didn't just see that look on his daughter, She could also look at the look the prince was giving her daughter and the slightly reddish color of his cheeks. She just hopes that she and Lady Danbury are right and that the proposal is close.
Because her daughter had never looked at anyone like she was doing at that moment with Prince Y/n and she didn't want anything or anyone to get in the way of her happiness.
Eloise's POV
I was determined, I was going to accept the proposal and marry Prince Y/n. Sure, if the offer still stood.
After weighing it carefully for almost four days, I have realized that I win much more than I can lose. And not only will I end up winning, but my family and Y/n will also win; so it's the best I can do.
Also, that Y/n is not so bad and every day I am enjoying his presence and company more. The truth is that I never imagined that I would get married, but it was because it went against my ideals and my growth as a human being.
But I know that with Y/n my growth as a human being and as a woman will not be crushed or reduced in any way. The freedom that I would have is also something that has pushed me to accept, since that is something that has made it clear to me and I can do what I want as long as it is not something that puts my "marriage" at risk.
And lastly, Y/n was a nice company and I can have an intellectual discussion with him . Without feeling insulted by my sex and my "few" studies or level of knowledge.
He had been really great to me. My mother, like every day, has not stopped asking the prince questions and talking to him in an animated way. Like my little brothers, who have not stopped asking questions about the crown and royalty like every day.
Leaving little time for me to talk to him and tell him in a hidden way that I accept the proposal.
Just before he leaves, I stop him and look around making sure no one sees us. Once I make sure that my mother is busy with my brothers and they with my mother; I have the green light.
Eloise: I accept.- I tell him directly.
Y/n: Accept what?- he asks a bit confused.
Eloise: You are supposed to have studied and gone to the university.- I reproached him amused, giving him a light blow to the back of the head.
Y/n: That's not a reason to hit me.- he claims, rubbing the affected area.
Eloise: Exaggerated.- I say because of her reaction to the light blow. -But I accept your proposal.- I clarify and after a few seconds he opens his eyes in surprise.
Y/n: Are you serious? - he asks excited and with a certain illusion shining in his precious emerald eyes.
Eloise: I'm not kidding, you don't see how I laugh.- I say sarcastically causing him to laugh.
Y/n: I don't care about your horrible humor.- he downplays it with a smile. -I have to think about how to ask your mother for your hand, in the ring and in the house.- he enumerates and opens his eyes. -Where do you want the house? - he asks me with interest.
Eloise: Near Aubrey Hall, it's my family's country house and I don't want to be far from them, but I don't want to be in the center.- I answer. -In addition to the fact that my family is only here during the social season, then they live at Aubrey Hall for the rest of the year.- I explain and he nods in agreement.
Y/n: Perfect, well I guess I'll be back tomorrow for the I 'll ask your mother for your hand.- He nods according to his own plan.
Eloise: I'm afraid we won't be here tomorrow.- I comment with a grimace and I see how the smile disappears from his face.
Y/n: And why is that? - he asks confused.
Eloise: We're going to Aubrey Hall for the weekend, to bond with the family and spend time together; and blah blah blah.- I downplay any kind of importance.
Violet: What are you two talking about? - she asks appearing out of nowhere and scaring us completely.
Eloise: For God's sake mother, don't appear like that.- I ask with a hand on my chest and feeling the accelerated beating of my heart.
Violet: Sorry dear, I didn't know you were so engrossed in your conversation and that you hadn't seen me.- she apologized with an amused smile for my reaction.
Y/n: It's okay, the scares help keep the heart beating.- he says with an amused smile.
Violet: So? What were you talking about? - she returns to question too interested from my point of view.
Eloise: About the fact that tomorrow we're going to Aubrey Hall and that we'll spend the weekend there, so we won't be here for the prince Y/n to come for tea.- I answer my mother and see how the gears of her head begin to move.
Violet: Maybe Y/n can join us and be our guest this weekend.- she offers and it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.
Y/n: I don't want to impose myself on your family weekend.- he denies with a small smile.
Violet: Don't say nonsense, you don't impose yourself and I'm also inviting you.- she assures him happily. -In addition, the Sharmas and Lady Danbury will also accompany us for another year. In fact, I'm surprised that Lady Danbury hasn't told you anything.- she says a little confused and thoughtful.
Y/n: It will be because of Edwina and her possible relationship with my cousin Friederich .- he comments a bit insecure. -From what I know, they spend a lot of time together and since my aunt can't be supervising all the time, it's Lady Danbury's turn to be watching.- he shrugged at the information.
Violet: Then we'll see each other tomorrow at Aubrey Hall.- she assures Y/n. -Let's go out, so I tell one of my drivers to give directions on how to get to your coachman.- she says threading her arm through the prince's and pulling him towards the entrance of the house.
I just laugh, when he looks at me over his shoulder with a face between surprise and amusement at my mother's attitude.
I shake my head and sigh calmly, knowing that many of my problems will be solved as soon as Y/n asks my mother for my hand. And the rest of my problems will be solved when the prince and I give each other the "yes, I want".
Because something is clear to me, if my mother believes that Y/n is going to ask me to marry him and that we are in love; the rest of the world will believe it too. Because if there is something that my mother is in this life: she is insightful.
None of my brothers have been able to deceive our mother, since she always knew when something did not quite fit and we hid something. So if Lady Danbury is being talked to about my possible marriage to the prince; it means that she believed it.
As soon as I get to the palace after being at the Bridgerton house , I head towards the tea room and where I'm sure my aunt is.
Now that Eloise has accepted the proposal to marry me, I have to start organizing the proposal and I need my aunt for it. I know that Eloise is not her favorite person after the last season, since at first she was sure it was Lady Whistledown and then she dismissed it; when her political position came to light.
Y/n: Aunt.- I greeted entering the room and making a reference. -I have to talk to you in private.- I ask and I see how she nods giving her servants a look.
Charlotte: Sit down dear.- she asks me pointing to the hole next to her on the sofa . -Tell me what do you want to talk about ? - she asks me interested when I sit next to her.
Y/n: You know that I have come to London with one intention, which is to fall in love and marry a woman from high society, right? - I ask a little nervous, because my aunt is the key to making everything believable and if she doesn't accept my engagement; neither will my father.
Charlotte: I am aware of this and that is why I put Lady Danbury as your supervisor, so that you could be successful in this first season. - she nods with a serious face.
Y/n: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, aunt.- I point out the interest in her eyes. -I have found the person I want to marry and I want to have your blessing to ask for her mother's hand.- I comment with all the confidence in the world.
Charlotte: So soon? - clearly surprised question. -We've barely been in the season for three weeks.- she says, somewhat impressed.
Y/n: I know, but I can't explain what I feel when I see her or when I'm with her aunt.- I start to say to make it sound credible. -Besides that you have always told me that love does not have a predestined time.- I remind her with a small smile.
Charlotte: Are you sure dear? - she asks me and I just nod. -Do you love her? - she asks staring into my eyes and I stay for a few seconds thinking.
Y/n: Yes.- I answer without taking my eyes off his, trying to look sincere and credible.
Charlotte: Then I give you my permission.- she nods with a huge smile. -And can you tell who is the lucky one? - she questions interested.
Y/n: Eloise  Bridgerton, aunt.- I answer confidently and I see the surprise and a hint of annoyance appear on her face.
Charlotte: No.- she denies immediately.
Y/n: Aunt please, I love her and I want to marry her.- I ask, grabbing one of her hands and looking at her with pity.
Charlotte: Can't you choose someone else? Someone who doesn't hang out with political radicals? - she asks in the form of a complaint.
Y/n: She's not a radical girl, she's intelligent and has something on her mind besides the pianoforte.- I defend her without thinking. -The hours fly by when I talk to her, I feel comfortable and I feel that she really wants to be with me because of who I am; and not for being the prince aunt.- I say honestly.
Charlotte: And I'm glad you feel that way about someone dear nephew. But couldn't it be anyone else? - she asks in surrender and I smiled knowing what it means.
Y/n: I'm sorry aunt, but she's the right one for me and I'm sure that if you meet her you'll like her too.- I assure her smiling and seeing how a slight smile appears on her face.
Charlotte: I'll accept her because for me you're like a son and if she makes you happy I can't oppose it.- she finally accepts and I jump on her to hug her.
Y/n: Thanks aunt, you don't know how much this means to me.- I tell her when we parted from the hug.
Charlotte: And how do you plan to ask for her hand? - question interested and excited by the event.
Y/n: Lady Bridgerton has invited me to spend the weekend with them and Lady Danbury at Aubrey Hall; and tomorrow when I arrives I'll ask for her daughter's hand and if she accepts I'll ask her after dinner. - I reply a bit nervous, due to the possibility that she refuses and the plan is spoiled.
Charlotte: And you already have the ring? - she ask and I deny. -Well, come with me dear.- she asks me getting up and I walk next to her.
We walk towards her dressing room, where there is a table full of precious stones on a table in the center and as soon as we stop in front of her she opens a box in the center.
When she opens the box, I widen my eyes to see what's inside and look at her in astonishment.
Charlotte: This was one of the first rings that King George gave me as a gift.- she comments showing me the ring. -The king discovered that emeralds were my favorite stone and he thought it would be a good gift for me; and he was right.- she tells me looking at the ring with a certain sadness and affection.
Y/n: It's beautiful aunt.- I compliment seeing the brilliant stones of the ring.
Charlotte: It has a lot of meaning to me and that's why I want you to have it.- she tells me, offering me the box.
Y/n: No, aunt, as you think, I can't accept something so important and with so much emotional value.- I deny immediately.
Charlotte: I insist.- she says pushing the box in my hands. -I want you to ask that girl to marry me with my ring, for me you are my son and I want this ring to pass into your hands.- she explains and I nod, looking at the ring more carefully .
Y/n: It really is precious. - I whisper, looking hypnotized at the great emerald in the ring.
Charlotte: And valuable, that's why I want you to ask her to marry you with that ring and pass it on from generation to generation.- she assures me and I nod safely.
Y/n: Thank you very much aunt.- I thank her again and hug her again; immediately being wrapped in her arms in an almost maternal way.
Charlotte: I am very proud of you my little one and of how much you have matured; your mother would be proud too. - she whispered safely against my ear and I can't help but tighten the hug feeling the itch in my eyes.
I'm sure you wouldn't be so proud if you knew the truth and the reason for my marriage. She always defended love and from the first day she told me to marry for love. That I would never marry for any other reason than love and here I am, marrying by agreement with my father.
Y/n: Thank you.- I whisper feeling the guilt invade me.
Charlotte: Also, I understand that that girl also likes emeralds.- she assures me amused when we part from the embrace.
Y/n: Let's hope for the best.- I comment amused and looking again at the ring in my hands.
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Now all I have to do is pack for this weekend and have Lady Bridgerton accept my marriage proposal to Eloise. I just hope everything goes well.
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chipistrate · 1 year
What the fuck why did Gregory do that
Okay so first of all: Gregory is patient 46 which means he's been under the Mimics control before and he KNOWS how that fucker WORKS. He knows how it affects people. He knows how it tricks people. He knows how it hurts people. That is important context here.
Gregory is 12 years old and just escaped a very fucking scary situation. He just escaped the control of an animatronic that tricked him into murdering multiple people, INCLUDING one of his friends, and also tricked him into lying about his past and parents to the authorities and possibly even manipulating him into MURDERING HIS PARENTS. Gregory is fucking TRAUAMTIZED. That's a LOT for a kid to go through!!! That's a lot for ANYONE to go through!!!!! And that paired with the fact that he also escaped with someone else (Vanessa) who was ALSO under the Mimics control, and also that he and Vanessa are the most likely candidates for who created the M.X.E.S to seal the Mimic away, they probably thought that this whole nightmare was over and that the Mimic couldn't hurt them anymore, that they were finally safe after everything and could finally recover.
But then Gregory's friend gets tricked by it. She gets lured to the Pizzaplex, thinking that he's hurt, alone, and trapped. Gregory says, and there's a chance of hearing a voice line of him trying to get through the Cassie while she's there. He's trying his fucking BEST to get through to Cassie and get her out of there before it's too late, he's trying to save her before she ruins all of his work and puts everyone at risk again. He did his fucking best, but by the time she finally listened and he got through to her, in his eyes, it was too late. The M.X.E.S was shut down, and the Mimic was free.
I have the preface this next part with the fact I know damn well that Gregory could've not been the one to drop the elevator, that it's perfectly possible that Mimic did it and that I actually believe that alternative more. But if Gregory was the one to do it, I think, for the situation he was put in, it's understandable.
Gregory, having failed at saving his friend, knowing that the system he and his new family, the survivors of this things torment, put in place to keep it sealed away and prevent it from hurting anyone anymore, is now free again- knowing how the Mimic affects and infects peoples minds, how it tricks them, thinks she's too far gone. That she can't be saved. Or that if she was saved, it would be at the risk of the everyone else.
So, he drops her. He thinks he's spared her from the Mimics control, and also sealed the one way out Mimic had by destroying the elevator. And it's possible he did, we don't know how that ended exactly- but considering Roxy's line at the end calling out Cassie's name, it's possible she still survived anyway. It's possible his plan failed, it's possible she'll be infected, it's possible the Mimic will be free and that he was just too late.
But we don't know how this ends yet. We just have to wait and see
But either way- Gregory did what he thought he had to do to protect EVERYONE. He didn't want Mimic getting more victims, he didn't want his best friend being one of those victims, he couldn't have that thing be free again after trying so hard to trap it away and be done with it.
He did what he thought was necessary.
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months
[FAN STORY] "Those five or six minutes that will stay in my heart forever" — Excerpt: "ELVIS: Live at the International" by Kieran Davis (2011)
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February 18, 1970: Elvis backstage with fan, Judy Cherry. Judy is an England "super fan" of Elvis, who met him in 1970, at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.
Here's Judy's recollections of that moment:
"... The first thing I said when he came out was just a whispered 'Elvis!' He put his arms around me and gave me a nice warm hug. I told him I had waited fourteen years for this and he said 'Have you? That's a long time to wait, isn't it honey?' Then gave Jamie (the girl with me) a nice hug and said, 'Did you come all the way from England?' She said, 'Yes' He said, 'Thank you, hon.'
I said, 'Elvis, do you have time for a couple of pictures?' His answer was a warm, 'Sure.' So while Jamie was getting my camera out, I showed him a copy of the Elvis Presley story, that I had brought with me, and told him I had had it since 1957. He seemed genuinely amazed. He came across this one real old picture and said, 'This really is old, man. I was 21 years old here!'
Note: Possibly, Judy is refereeing to a magazine called "ELVIS PRESLEY: THE INTIMATE STORY MAGAZINE" (Published in 1957)
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IMPORTANT UPDATE -- March 2024: I won't erase what I published orignally because there are friends who reblogged it already and I feel this can look confusing, but one minor correction is needed. This magazine above is definitely NOT the one Judy Cherry was holding for Elvis to sign. @whositmcwhatsit posted the actual book on her blog which is "The Elvis Presley Story edited by James Gregory, introduction by Dick Clark". I apologize for the wrong assumption I made, friends. I had never saw the actual book cover (until now), thus when researching the name "the Elvis Presley story", as Judy mentioned in her recollection, it only got me to think the magazine I shared on my original post [the one above] could be a the one she was referring to. My bad. Well, it's corrected thanks to our wonderful Jade. ♥ I hope you don't mind, dear, if I use the picture of your copy to illustrate this post.
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Photo by the copy our friend Jade [@whositmcwhatsit] bought. Lucky girl! Precious!🥹🩷
[Continuing the story...]
"In between these dribbles of conversation we had taken one picture (shown at the beginning of this post), had some trouble with the flashcube and now we're taking another picture... then he turned to Jamie and said, 'Now we are gonna get one with you, aren't we honey?' I got the picture, he said goodbye to Jamie and came over and gave me a hug. I said, 'Goodbye, Elvis, I'll see you tomorrow night... whether you see me or not: cause I'll be going to the show every night for the rest of the time.' He seemed really surprised at this and said 'Eleven times! Thank you so much, sweetheart. I just wish I could meet everyone of you!'
"He kissed me goodbye and he was gone but the 5 or 6 minutes will stay in my heart forever."
One of the things I love the most about EP (and what turned me into a passionate fan of his) is how loving he was with his fans, he really listened to them. He treated them like people, not numbers or simply "admirers". He cared about giving them the time of their lives once they were there to watch him performing or even if they were just around to ask for his autograph or pictures. Elvis was truly genuine when interacting with them — actually this word "genuine" is used by many of the fortunate fans who got to meet and talk to him, to describe EP's interactions with them.
He cared so much about his fans that it's said he could remember the frequent ones by their names, all of them, the die hard fans, and even asked about some of them to his other fans whenever they were uncommonly not around for a few days (specifically talking about the fans that hanged around at his homes gates now).
EP was a great guy. He deserved all the success he conquered. The best performer ever! It's always said the good ones are always taken from us too soon. Well, that seems to be the truth, tragically. How we wish we could see and talk to him today, having such great memories like Judy's, while EP would be at his 88 year-young of a well-lived life. Imagine the conversations with this guy! The stories he could share with us. Anyway, we'll forever cherish you, EP.⚡♥
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starlightscythe · 8 months
Raining in Manila
Greg Hirsch x f!Reader
Also includes an instagram!AU (idk what it's called but I added some insta interactions)
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Plot: you're the Chief of Financials at Waystar Royco and also Logan's Goddaughter, tasked to go with Greg to the Philippines to check up on the xerox business, not knowing some budding feelings will grow along the way.
Warnings: stressed!reader, will add more later.
P.S: purely written for Greg. Fuck Nicholas Braun, man. What a prick.
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"So you're half Filipino? All this time?" Greg asked, trailing you from behind. Pushing your heavy baggage cart as you walk with hands free, clutching your phone with your right hand.
"I am 1/4th Filipino, Greg. My grandma, Nerie is the Filipino. Lucky wife to my Grandpa, Victor whose a European." You explained, steps hasty as you walk towards the exit of the NAIA airport.
Greg tried to catch up with you as best as he can with his long legs, pushing the heavy cart with force to walk side by side with you.
You were sent here by Logan to check the Xerox copy machine side business and to evaluate the profit and if it's still considered to be operational by income standards. Waystar is apparently looking to cut their losses even if it means a thousand people would lose their job just to pay off Peirce.
"That's interesting. So you speak the language? B-because you know, what if we got lost and none of us speak the language? Google Translate isn't exactly eh- exact?" He pushes his hair back, adjusting the sleeve of his suit, "Is it normally this hot here?"
"I told you to lose the suit dumbass. It's a tropical country- and you know what-" You paused, stoping by a souvenir shop a saw an English-Tagalog Dictionary, "learn the language while we're here."
Quickly purchasing the book and throwing it at him which he catches clumsily mid-air.
The ride to your hotel was short, doesn't help that Greg was complaing about the tropical heat and how he's sweating underneath his suit.
"Honeymoon?" The Uber driver asked. Smiling at you and Greg from the rear view mirror.
"Uh- oh- no. No. Just work- work mates. Happy workmates" He laughed, "here for work."
"On valentines day?" The driver raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah, unfortunately." You replied, pulling your lips in a tight line as you message an unresponsive Roman about the hotel reservation.
Exiting the Uber and going straight to the hotel lobby whilst Greg was left alone to unload your bags from the trunk. A couple minutes of waiting for him, he finally emerges besides you, tapping your shoulder lightly.
"Oh, took you long enough. Show them the reservation." You spoke, returning your attention to your phone.
Greg stood there confuse, pushing his hair back and wiping his sweat from his forehead, "What reservation? I thought Roman sent it to you?"
"I thought he sent it you?!" You whispered to him, "well, call Kendall and have him sort this out."
"Is there a problem?" The receptionist finally arrived in front of you.
You quickly turned to her and smiled, "no. No. We're all good. He's just sorting out the reservation paper. Such a klutz, this one."
"Well, Ma'am if you just have a name for the reservation and an I.D I can verify it even without the papers." She assured you.
Rummaging through your bag as Greg tried calling Kendall behind you. Taking out your Waystar employee I.D and showing it to her.
"Can you try, (Y/N) Abberdon? I think my collegue might've put it under my name."
The receptionist typed for a bit and shook her head, "we don't have that name in the system Ma'am. Is there any name? Maybe under the name of your collegue?" She gestured to Greg.
Grabbing the man by the I.D which dangled from one of those laces with the retractable strings. "What- hey!" Greg exclaimed, hand still on the ringing phone.
"Try Gregory Hirsch?" You desperately looked at her. The woman did the same thing only to looked up at you once again and shook her head.
Mentally punching Roman in your head at this point, "Ok well, we don't have his I.D but, Roman Roy?"
"I see a Roman Roiland but no Roman Roy, miss. I am sorry."
"Oh my god," You backed away from the reception desk, "I am sorry- just give me a minute" Excusing yourself. The woman nodded her head and returns to her work.
You grabbed Greg by the arm and dragged him away from the desk, looking up at him for an answer.
"They won't call back. I tried Kendall, Shiv, and Roman." He panicked, "I could try Tom?"
"Then try Tom." You deadpanned, "I am going to call Roman. But keep calling whoever is in that flip phone of yours Greg or I will throw that ancient thing in the trash."
"No need to be stres-"
"Don't tell me what to do." You suddenly flipped out at him, making him flinch, "I am- I am sorry. I am just stressed, you're right. This is not big deal. If we can't reach out to any of them we'll just have to book it ourselves."
Greg nods, "yeah. Ok. I'll keep trying to call Tom."
A couple more minutes of you guys looking like anxious rats on your phone trying to contact everyone. Greg finally got a hold of Tom over the phone.
"Tom! Oh thank God. Listen I am- we- yes me and (Y/N)- we're stuck in the Philippines- yeah- can you just- Is Roman with you?- oh- right- uhuh- well, here." Greg hands the phone to you.
You took it out of his hand, "Jesus I forgot how these things work," Fiddling with the flip phone for a bit, "Hello? Tom? What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck is everyone?"
"Enjoying your vacation with my assistant? That you stole by the way. How dare you?!"
"We're not on vacation, dipshit. What's happening over there? We can't get a hold of everyone and we're stuck in another country with no hotel reservation."
"Oh yeah, well. There's been an emergency and Shiv just told me you guys might be stuck in there for another week or two because they're using the private jet to go to the bahamas."
"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed, quickly returning back to your normal tone, "well can you atleast have Roman call me b-"
The phone suddenly crackles and Roman's voice was heard though the phone, "hey god-sis. Yeah listen, I did an oopsie and I kinda forgot to put in a reservation..."
"What's happening...?" Greg tried to ask but your head was running a million miles per minute.
One thing you hated was when plans didn't go as planned and mostly being stucked in another country where you barely speak the language and your American Express might not work.
You raised your hand out of frustration, an attempt to throw Greg's phone onto the ground. But he was quick to catch your arm with his tall physique, snatching his phone out of your hand.
"He-hey. Ok. How about you sit and calm down. Ok?" He tries to comfort you, "I'll handle this. I know you're stressed out so just relax. Ok?"
You nodded, sitting by the nearby sofa of the hotel lobby. Frantically typing into your phone whilst running a hand onto your hair out of frustration.
"Yeah- ok- I can manage that. Ok. Thanks- bye" Greg ends the call and sat on the couch parallel to yours, "ok so, we'll book a hotel and have it on the company card. Shiv said we could do whatever we want for the next two weeks as an apology for your distress and inconvenience. So...there you go. Don't stress ok? Cause youre kinda freaking me out too."
Slowly nodding as you bit your lip, preventing yourself from laughing at the distressed Greg as he sighed and lean back onto the white sofa, putting his earphone on to calm himself down. You sneakily took a picture of him and posted it on Instagram.
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"Well I'll just see if they have a spare room available." You pull a tight smile , touching his shoulder as you move past him. Greg gives a nod in response.
"Hey," You greeted the receptionist again, "looks like my collegue might've missed it in his brain to book a reservation, is there a room available for two weeks? Two room separately...preferrably for me and him" Pointing at Greg behind you.
The receptionist tuts as she tapped at her keyboard for a bit, looking appologetic up at you, "sorry, looks like we're all fully booked at the moment. That's normal for valentines Day- oh wait- we have an opening for a honeymoon suite... I am afraid that's the only room available."
"Oh..." You scrunched your face. Scratching the back of your head in frustration, "is there like...another hotel?"
"Well you can try the love hotel from across the street but at valentines week I am afraid all of the hotel right now are fully booked too, miss."
Glancing at your watch, it reads 6:37 pm. And the jet lag was getting to your system. Not really wanting to go out there and dragging Greg around the block you were forced to weigh your options.
"Does it have a couch atleast?"
"Yes ma'am. But I am afraid it only has one bathroom."
"That's fine." You sighed, taking out your business card, "just do it. We're way too tired."
The woman apologized again as she took your card before handing you two keycards for the room. Telling you that your bags will be delivered in your room shortly.
Dragging your feet back to where Greg was, you handed him the other key card by shoving it in his face. Greg took it and read;
"Honeymoon suite?" He asked, looking up at you with wide eyes
"Yeah, not alot of options at valentines day, buddy." You scoffed at him, "you're welcome to run around the block for a new hotel room. They're all fully booked apparently. and I am too tired to argue for separate room. So either suck it up or get out."
Greg grunts in annoyance, standing up and following you anyways.
You turn back at him, "there's a love hotel full of jizz across the street. You're welcome to that"
"Uhuh, and if I get sick because of it, you'd have to be Tom's assistant for as long as it takes."
"He wishes, Greg"
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Solaris reads Murder as a Second Language, by Joan Hess (2013)
So yeah, this was the book I made the poll about. As this is a murder mystery I'm liveblogging, it's very likely I'll spoil the killer for you. Block the tag "solaris reads murder as a second language" if you don't want spoilers.
Murder as a Second Language is the 19th book in the Claire Malloy Mysteries and the first book by Joan Hess I've read. Last year I listened to about 30 minutes of the audiobook before DNF'ing it because of how trashy the first couple chapters were. Well, now I'm back, and we're going to see how bad the rest of it is.
MAASL picks up shortly after our main character Claire, long-time local business owner, has married Deputy Chief Peter Rosen, and just before she packs her daughter Caron off to college. To get into the college she wants, Caron has to spend the summer doing volunteer work, and Claire - now faced with the possibility of spare time - decides to volunteer as well. When a murder happens in town, Claire and Peter team up to solve the case.
Well, let's see what I've gotten myself into...
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[Transcript: "Inez found thsi really cool place where we can volunteer to teach English as a second language to foreigners. It's like four hours a week, and we arrange our own schedules. I figure that if we're there from eleven to noon, we'll have plenty of time to go to the lake and the mall." /end]
Just setting up some background here. Caron has picked fairly easy volunteer work that gives her plenty of time to still enjoy summer, and only really has to devote 40 odd hours to it. As far as last-minute requirements to get into college go, Caron has it pretty damn easy.
Or maybe not. See, she has to attend a training session and...
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[Transcript: "Yeah," Caron muttered. "The training session was interminable. The teacher basically read aloud from the manual while we followed along, like we were illiterate. We broke for pizza and then listened to her drone on for another four hours. After that, the executive director, some pompous guy named Gregory Whistler, came in and thanked us for volunteering. I was so thrilled that I almost woke up."
"Then it got worse," Inez said. "The program director, who's Japanese and looks like she's a teenager, told us that because of the shortage of volunteers in the summer we would each get four students - and meet with them twice a week for an hour."
"For a total of Eight Hours." Caron's sigh evolved into an agonized moan. "We have to call them and find a time that's mutually convenient. It could be six in the morning or four in the afternoon. We may never make it to the lake." /end]
How heartbreaking! Caron, on the cusp of adulthood, faces a fraction of the responsibilities she will face in a year when she goes off to college! Her life is truly difficult (sarcasm)
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[Transcript: "And I," Caron said, rolling her eyes, "have to tutor an old lady from Poland, a Chinese man, an Iranian woman, and a woman from Russia. How am I supposed to call them on the phone? They don't speak English. Like I speak Polish, Chinese, Russian, and whatever they speak in Iran. This is a nightmare, and I think we ought to just quit now. I say we set up a lemonade stand and donate the proceeds to some charity." /end]
And it gets worse (heavy sarcasm)! Did you know that people who need to learn English as a second language don't speak English perfectly? Caron is right to throw away the chance to go to a good college over this (heavy sarcasm)
Anyway, all is saved, because Claire promises to volunteer as well and take some of their students off their hands so Caron doesn't give up and go to the local community college instead. Personally I'd say a good parent would make their child take responsibility for themselves, but what do I know. This post is getting long, so check the reblogs for how well that works out for everyone
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percyaugod · 4 months
Scrambled Eggs AU
Random Sister Location AU idea of post-scoop Michael being extremely disoriented after Ennard leaves. Poor guy can't even really remember his own name.
Let Evan and Elizabeth live just do they have to deal with what's basically a drunk zombie that can mimic voices. Michael if you don't stop saying stupid things in Elizabeth's voice she's going to test how effective shooting a zombie in the head really is.
They haven't seen each other for years because Michael found out what William was doing and had to run before their dad found out and "dealt" with him. He tried to get Evan and Elizabeth to come with him but they thought it was another of his stupid jokes and didn't believe him. He always regretted leaving them behind but he was young and scared.
When William finds out where Michael is he makes up a fake story of Elizabeth missing a couple years after he left, complete with a fake missing poster. That it was Michael's fault because he ran like a coward and wasn't there to protect her. William knows where she is though, and now Michael can fix his mistakes.
When Michael is about to get scooped and finds out it was all a lie, and Elizabeth was never really down there, he can't help but feel relieved. That relief fades quickly. If she's not here, where is she? Was Father really lying about her going missing? What about Evan?
Every second from the moment he's scooped, used as a meat suit, and left abandoned on the sidewalk, all Michael can think about is finding his younger siblings and seeing if they're safe.
Let's bring back Evan Being Gregory's dad and mess with the timeline a little bit so Michael stumbles upon Gregory, mistaking him for Evan.
Gregory hears something and calls out only to hear a strange echo come back. He calls again, another echo. It's it until he tries to walk away and the echo repeats he realizes it wasn't an echo, just his voice being repeated back at him.
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