#They say insulting your own art is insulting the tastes of the people who like it and no...
thethrillof · 1 year
insulting your own work (art or writing or whatever) super openly, especially directly on your work is also insulting everyone who sees and enjoys it. you're essentially calling them a liar or telling them that they have shit taste.
i think abt this a lot (and it helped me stop being an asshole abt my own writing), but i'm especially bitter when it's people who have commission stuff all over. like. you say your stuff is worth buying, but you're calling it awful? do you see what you're saying?
i know it's not always that simple to realize, but still. ghghgh.
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foxglovepng · 22 days
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Sharks in the Water part 2
Part 1 Part 3
OnsenOwner!femYuu x Azul Ashengrotto
Azul isn't a fan of competition, especially when they steal away his best girls to work for them. He'll have to learn to share if he wants the benefits of having a business partner.
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Azul had heard of many business meetings over dinner. He drafted a contract and placed it in his breast pocket. If the meeting went well he could end up taking the spa right from under her or at the very least, keep it under his control.
He wanted to arrive early to get the perfect table for two, only to find she was already there. She was dressed to the nines. A simple but elegant long cocktail dress with heels. Her jewelry were a strings of pearls on her neck and wrists.
She with her back to the door. Clearly, she knew etiquette. Never sit at the head of the table unless you are the guest of honor. Which in this case was him. She hadn't ordered anything as she waved off the server. She didn't want him to feel like he was late by starting without him.
Azul should have just greeted her but he was enraptured by her. Yuu reached into her clutch and pulled out a hand mirror. She gazed into it and smiled as she apprised herself only to quickly flick it in another direction to show Azul his own reflection. She caught him.
"Azul, you shouldn't sneak up on people." She teased as she snapped the mirror closed.
He straightened his tie as he move to sit down.
"I could help but stare. You really dressed for the occasion." Azul said quietly picking up a menu.
Yuu pouted making a pitiful sound.
"Is that all I get?" She asked poking her lower lip out. "Can't you say I look pretty?"
"You're confident." Azul smiled.
"I'm right. Is this how you treat a girl, especially one trying to make you happy?" Yuu said slyly.
"Considering this meeting is over you oweing me an apology then you already know how to make me happy." That came out a bit more flirtatious than intended.
"Correction, I owe Floyd an apology. He's already being compensated though. The girls are seeing to that. This, right now, is merely a dinner invitation." Yuu said as she waved down the waiter "A chardonnay please."
"Pinot Noir." Azul said before dismissing the server. "A chardonnay?"
"I had a sudden craving for fish tonight. The taste pairs well." Yuu purred as she rested her chin on her hand. He eyes were piercing yet there was a subtle softness.
The dim lights of the restaurant and the soft light of the lamp on the table made it impossible for Azul to focus on anything but her. A chill traveled up his spine and the waiter couldn't have come sooner as he poured their glasses.
As he stepped away Yuu gave a wink to the waiter who blushed and took their orders for the main course.
Azul rolled his eyes. He needed to remind himself that she was probably like this to everyone. Still, she could at least focus on her date guest.
"Don't give me that look. I'm just being friendly." She smiled.
"Is that what you call friendly? Is that what you have your girls doing?" Azul was already suspicious of the goings on in Yuu's Onsen but he was beginning to confirm his thoughts.
"Of course not. Well not exactly." Yuu tried to explain "The girls are like hostesses. They entertain, only in the traditional sense. I train them in singing, dancing, art, and playing instruments. Alongside tea ceremonies, holding games, and playing a mean game of ping pong. Other girls learn spa care and cleaning. The last practice cooking in the kitchen. Each has their own role." Yuu explained feeling slightly insulted but understanding Azul's concerns. He wanted to know what his dorm were doing.
"Wouldn't it be better to focus just on the spa? You have plenty of customers from Pomefiore alone." Azul asked.
"No, the Onsen is a place to relax and escape work, not just a spa. Sometimes people just want to eat some good food while listening to music or play games." Yuu's reasoning was based on her upbringing in her own family's hot spring.
"If they wanted food and music the lounge would be the best." Azul had an undercurrent of irritation. Losing customers to the Onsen had been the source of his issue with the spring's Mistress.
"I suppose, but don't you think the atmosphere of being tended to by pretty women makes the food much better?" Yuu officiated.
"Personally I think you have your hands full. Training so many girls at once while balancing out managing the spa sounds exhausting." Azul reached into his pocket to pull out the contract. With one little signature, he would have it all.
"You're too forward. Give a girl a minute. We haven't even eaten." Yuu whined stopping Azul in his tracks.
Azul knew he needed to keep her happy if she would sign. He relented and they talked about other things until their food arrived.
Yuu gleefully dug into her seafood paella as Azul received his roasted lamb.
"Now then, you had a proposal? I do like proposals you know, looking over at that table it seems they agree as well." Yuu joked as she pointed out the couple at a neighboring table.
As if on queue one got on bended knee and asked for their hand. The restaurant was filled with polite clapping and enthusiastic cheers.
"I have a deal for you but nothing as life-changing as that." Azul felt his face turn red at Yuu's little joke.
Yuu pouted as she began tuning Azul out, much more interested in her wine glass.
"As I was saying earlier I believe you could use some help. I'm offering my aid to take care of all the messy business so that you can focus on what matters. The beloved matron of the onsen could use a break." Azul's honeyed words fell on deaf ears as Yuu gazed absent-minded as she tapped the shaft to her class. "Just sign here."
Yuu pursed her lips in thought before smiling.
"How generous of you Azul. Unfortunately, I am in no need of help. You on the other hand need it." She said smugly.
"Why in the seven's names would I need your help?" Azul asked aghast.
"Well let's face it besides the shifty atmosphere, unhinged staff, lack of entertainment, and honestly laughably dated decor. All you have are your backroom deals. It seems to me that your lounge is just some front you'd see run by mobsters. How can you bring in new customers like that? " Yuu didn't mince words. "It's not awful. But it needs a woman's touch."
"A woman's touch?" Azul repeated in a deadpan tone.
"My touch makes anything better~♡. But yes. You don't have what you need to get more customers. I propose a counteroffer. We spend some funds on a few minor renovations to the dining room. New stage, instruments, change some of the seating and cutlery. I introduce you to some of my best girls to get my regulars in your door. I'm also training a few who are good at serving and I'll offer them to you under contract. They can charm and keep customers coming back. They can even perform on stage. I've polished my gems nicely." Yuu said with pride in her voice.
"I don't understand? What do you get out of this?" Azul was suspicious of course.
"Look the Onsen is doing well but my girls need to shine more and show off their talents. Getting them out there to a bigger crowd would benefit me when customers come to request them. They need a taste before they ask for me. Plus if you offer some culinary expertise it would help. We don't serve meals and don't intend to but our snacks and sushi are much to be desired I will admit." Yuu was being realistic. They both had something to gain, it's a fair deal.
"Can I request girls? How about the mouse one?"Azul could tell Yuu liked that girl and wanted to know how desperate was she for the deal.
"Tilly isn't going anywhere she's one of my best. The older crowd loves her."
"Older crowd are you selling her to old men?" Azul wretched in disgust.
"Of course not. But the NRC staff love her. The sweet little girl appeal reminds them of a daughter. Having a sweetheart listen to your complaints and bringing youth back into your life is needed for older people. I need girl to target every market?" Yuu snapped at first.
"So what's your market?" Who liked a flirty girl like her? Not that Azul didn't see the appeal. She was mature, well spoken but always seemed like she wanted to eat you up.
"No one really. As the matron, I only entertain during events. The only person who'd ask for me are guys like you. Ones that come in with something to say already. I'd like to say I'm jealous when the girls go out on lunch dates with customers. All the while I'm stuck with clients. It's fine I at least know where I stand." Yuu sighed downing her glass.
"Have a preferred customer you'd like to entertain?" Azul asked feeling his neck turn pink as he watched her spin the glass between her fingers.
"We all do. But mine is rare. I like the ones who like money. Not rich. Guys with more money than sense are short-term investments. Guys who know value are the ones I like. They pick their target wisely and then strike when the moment is right." Her voice was low and sultry like honey and Azul felt pulled in.
"Is the moment right? He smiled leaning towards her.
Yuu brushed back a lock of Azul's silvery hair.
"Take me home for dessert and we'll see if we can seal the deal."
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kisses-from-crows · 9 months
Crossed Wires - Campbell Bain
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Pairing: Radio Host!Campbell Bain/Popstar!Reader (she/her)
Summary: after butting heads during an ill-fated interview for her debut album, Y/N and Campbell become professionally linked against their wills.
word count: 907
genre: enemies to lovers, modern au, reader insert, forced proximity, misunderstandings
cw: nothing yet, will let you know if that changes!
Chapter 1
-TMZ: Breaking News! Long lost pop princess F/N L/N has been spotted outside her apartment in New York for the first time in over a year. A comeback may be just around the corner, a source close to L/N reports. Posted: 4 min ago -
“Good god, just when I thought I was rid of the wretch” Campbell groaned. He tossed his phone on the desk and leaned back in his desk chair. Y/N… to say he hadn’t thought about her in a year would be a lie. He might have hated her music but god no one could keep up with his banter like she could. In the time it took most people to make out his accent she was already firing back some witty response.
Their first meeting had been years ago. Back when he was still a full-time intern and part-time radio host on the graveyard shift. Y/N was days away from releasing her debut album, both of them unknowingly teetering right on the edge of overnight stardom.
The station gave him an interview with the singer as a fluff piece and he was determined to make the best of it. At the time the rumor was she’d only secured the spot after catching the eye of some studio executive’s son. Y/N’s lead single was charting well but Campbell guessed she would likely be another one hit wonder, destined to fade into obscurity. He’d been given an advance copy of the album and nearly fell asleep listening to it. The production was predictable and flat, the lyrics were repetitive and meaningless, and the vocals were… well the vocals were quite good but he’d never admit that out loud.
All Campbell needed was a good old publicity stunt and he was on his way to securing his own show. Determined to expose this clear industry plant, Campbell put Y/N in the hot seat and his tongue ran away with him. He endlessly grilled her about her new album and the flaws he found in her character because of it. Much to his surprise, she didn’t falter. She matched him for every hit, striking back quicker and harder each time. He found the exchange utterly thrilling. Scratching a particularly manic part of his brain, the part that loathed idleness and people who talked too slowly. So they verbally went for each other’s throats for the next half an hour. Exchanging cleverly harsh witticisms like a game of battleship. Which is to say by firing blindly and seeing what landed a blow then concentrating all your attention there. By the time the radio station techs told them time was up, a part of Campbell was bit sad to see her go. Never one to keep a thought to himself, stood up to tell her so. She, however, tossed her headset on the desk with a huff.
Y/N muttered a quick “Fucking finally” under her breath, before marching out of the studio without another word. It was in that moment that Campbell decided he had been absolutely right about Y/N. She was shallow and vain. A hollow figurehead for everything wrong with the music industry. She had no passion for the art, and it was insulting. The assumption that he would likely never see her again gave some comfort to his wounded ego.
But fate could never be so kind, he should have known that. Their careers and destinies were now undeniably linked. As the he stared up at the ceiling of his too small and too expensive New York apartment, the seemingly meaningless late night radio interview Campbell wanted to forget spread like wildfire. Those that despised Y/N’s music took Campbell’s word as gospel, bashing her music and praising his superior taste. Fans of Y/N rallied behind her and praised her composure. But the part of the interview neither side could get off their mind, was the heated chemistry between the pair.
Within 48 hours, both of their timelines were filled with half-baked think pieces and edits of themselves. It was all surreal really, watching strangers on the internet discuss you like you aren’t real.
Campbell’s stunt pulled in more attention for the station than they’d had since the dot com boom. Viewers fell in love with his unique voice and frantic energy, demanding Campbell get more airtime until the studio was forced to give him his own show. And the controversy surrounding Y/N’s debut caused it to rocket to the top the charts, trending in the top 10 for weeks.
But that was years ago. Almost seven now, to be exact. After that first interview, all anyone can wanted was a repeat performance. A chance to see the two quick-tongued hot heads in another cage match. That TMZ leak was a warning. Campbell laid in the dark and prayed that the call he knew was coming would miraculously never come. He fiddled with his New York Giants cap and wondered why he ever came to this town in the first place. Ah, yes, the unrelenting blind optimism that had gotten him so far.
As his phone lit up the black of his room, he knew it had failed him once again. Campbell almost let the damn thing go to voicemail. On the cracked screen of his old beat up phone was a call from a contact labelled: ITS THE DEVIL’S HENCHMAN DINNAE ANSWER IT.
So Campbell accepted the call.
“How would you like the exclusive interview for F/N L/N’s comeback album?”
Next Chapter
a/n: ahh so this is first fanfic i’ve ever written. i have an idea of where i want this to go so if people are into it i’d be happy to keep updating it. this chapter was mainly to establish some background info. anyway thank you for reading!!! love you!
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no-psi-nan · 4 months
When you self-deprecate on your art (writing included!) by calling it garbage or sloppy or stupid or cringey or whatever, there are broadly 3 possible viewer reactions:
The viewer agrees your art is garbage and is now encouraged to disregard or be mean to you. They won't share your art unless it's to make fun of it.
The viewer disagrees that your art is garbage and actually really likes it! However, you've literally just insulted their tastes by saying something they like is garbage. Someone who was your fan now feels bad about enjoying your art and will be much less inclined to share it.
The viewer had no real opinion on your art, but upon being told it's garbage, will generally either take your word for it or will specifically look for the supposed flaws. Either way, they're even less likely to share your art now.
None of these outcomes are good!! And that's not even taking into account the damage you do to your own self-esteem by calling your own creations garbage!
This includes snarky text post tags btw!! "#Stupid/useless/idiot (PERSON) thoughts" is not funny and humble, it just automatically makes everyone feel bad!!
INSTEAD, try to say something positive or at least neutral! "I had fun making this!", or "I tried a new technique here!", or "Blorbo practice!", or "stay sillay!", etc!
Over time you'll notice that you'll enjoy your art more and that people start will start sharing it more too!
Have fun making art!! And be kind to yourself about it!!
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year
When You and Jimmy Crystal Started Dating
A/N: I hope y'all like my first batch of headcanons! Cause I enjoyed putting them down to metaphorical paper!
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(I don't own this image)
As Jimmy assured you when you first met, you and your band passed your audition with his boss! Said boss especially loving the energy you bring to the stage.
Not too long after, a bouquet of flowers was left at your Winnebago, specifically, sunflowers. The same flower as your spiritual and stage namesake. The tag attached to the bouquet read, "Congratulations! I knew you would make the cut xoxox -J.C"
You felt your ears flatten against your head and your face warmer under your bandmate's knowing smirks, knowing exactly who sent the sunflowers and why. Later that evening, you'd slip away from the rest of your band to call Jimmy and have to physically hold down your tail when he answered, hoping he wouldn't be able to hear it over the phone. You thank him for the flowers and say that the rest of your band found them lovely. He gives a chuckle over the phone in response, a sound that causes an invigorating shiver down your spine.
"Those flowers weren't for them, Sunshine."
Jimmy laughed over the phone as you just about died on the spot from how hot your face became.
With Time, you and your band's popularity slowly but indeed started to skyrocket. At the same time, Jimmy also started climbing the corporate ladder, with your band's success being a major factor in helping to promote him. "Taking Back the Spring" performed under the Corporation's agency for some years, making hit after hit, albums that sold like hotcakes, and shows that are closer to being as big and grand as you and your band hoped they would be. Your music and passionate songs captivate audiences and get people to bop their heads along to the beat over the radio.
Often after rehearsals or a show, you'd find bouquets of your favorite flowers in your dressing room, all from one J.C. Flowers that you lovingly replant or find a nice spot for them in your apartment.
Sometimes, when you both have some free time, you and Jimmy would go out to take walks in the park. You're pretty sure none of your bandmates believe you when you say you're just meeting up with Jimmy Crystal for professional reasons. Which is a given since they know it's a lie. You and Jimmy would sometimes get snacks from nearby food stands before sitting under a tree or a park bench. Both of you would talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, mostly blowing off steam when it came to work. For you, it's how nosy your bandmates can sometimes be.
You giggled a bit when Jimmy went into a full-on rant about the morons he has to work with and some of the talentless garbage his boss decided to sponsor. Unknowingly, causing him to send his ice cream flying off its cone.
"I mean, really! Amazingly, the bozo was able to recognize talent when he see it when it came to you and your group, but most of the other acts workin' under him? Garbage, complete garbage!"
"Well, music is subjective like any art form. What you find to be "trash" others might find a treasure trove with."
You giggled a bit when he realized he had no ice cream anymore, much to his chagrin. However, you do offer him your cone, which he takes with an almost inaudible "thank you" licking it, before playfully insulting your taste in treats.
"Jokes on you, now it will forever be the flavor of our first indirect kiss."
This time it was Jimmy's turn to be speechless. He gives your ice cream another lick before admitting that it ain't that bad.
Later when you went back to the Winnebago, you screamed into your pillow.
Other times when you're not spending time together at the park, Jimmy would take you to show you the best shows in the theater or the best places to grab a coffee or pastry. In turn, you show him some activities that you like which include some yoga and meditation that you try to get Jimmy to better maintain his temper. While he does grumble about how it seems dumb, he still participates with you and the rest of your band.
You realize that gift-giving is part of Jimmy's love language when, not too long after you struck up a friendship, he started leaving you more than flowers. Anything you're interested in? He started buying the best quality items related to them. It's no trouble for him at all, money wise much to your never-ending bewilderness. Personally, your favorite gift from him is a soladite crystal pendant. Why? It's because Jimmy gave it to you on your first official date.
A date that entailed you and him watching the hottest and newest musical in time, that left you humming its songs long after leaving the theater. After the musical was dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants you've ever seen and felt a little (much) insecure being in. Yet, Jimmy couldn't keep his eyes off you the entire time. At one point, he reaches out with his paw to cover yours and tell you loud enough for you to hear.
"Darling, you look perfect tonight."
Later, after taking a moonlight-lit walk in the park, you ended up back at your apartment. Although, neither you nor Jimmy wanted to end the night right then and there.
A lightbulb seemed to light up in your head as you quickly put on one of your vinyl and invited Jimmy to dance, who happily obliges. Not too surprisingly, Jim-Jam has some moves of his own to show you, swaying you both fluidly around with expert elegance and grace. Eventually, you're just left swaying and moving slowly in each other's arms as the last song is coming to an end.
You're resting your head on his chest and Jimmy holds you close by the small of your back and hip, before moving to look up at the white wolf. His crystal blue eyes always captivated you, but now they melt your heart.
"Thanks for the wonderful date, Jim."
"Not a problem, Y/N"
You don't know who exactly leaned in first, although Jimmy fervently claims it was you, you then find your and Jimmy's noses touching one another. The nose touching then dissolved into kissing on the lips, next into some kissing and nipping on the neck. Finally, you're left as a love-sick puddle as Jimmy then bids you goodnight.
At some point, rumors and speculation about your band's more love-centric songs started to form, specifically about if any of the songwriters (including you) wrote them with a certain someone special in mind. Eventually, you were asked directly on Hot News during an interview.
"So Sunny, could you please answer a teeny tiny question that we've all been dying to know the answer to? Who did you, if anyone, have in mind when writing your latest song?"
"That's quite a question to make there Lyla. I'd say if he is watching right now, the answer is crystal clear."
You give an earnest smile and a wink into the camera, not knowing miles away Jimmy is watching this interview with his mouth slightly agape and his tail wagging.
Why didn't you just admit who you're seeing or interested in public? Because you and Jimmy agreed to keep your personal lives outside of your careers private. No need to have nosy reporters bothering you or your band every minute of every day. Plus, Jimmy is still building his career and doesn't just want to be known as your arm candy.
Speaking of his career, when he got to the point he could quit his old job and start his own enterprise, he asked you, your band, and a cat named Jerry if you want to come work for him. While you and Jerry were immediately on board, it took a bit of convincing for the rest of your band including having more creative control and freedom.
Their hesitance was born of how they've seen how Mr. Crystal can be cantankerous when not in front of his boss or any cameras, demanding perfection from everyone that worked under him. Literally barking orders or barking when someone gets a small thing wrong.
Yet, you assured your band, and your friends, how that's because of how his ex-boss expected a lot out of him and put a lot of workload on him. That and you're helping Jimmy manage that anger with some meditation and light exercise. Which has been working if you say so yourself. Jerry vouched that this is true.
While having some reservations, your bandmates eventually came around to working for Mr.Crysal's upcoming Crystal Entertainment.
A little over a year after "Taking Back Spring" switched agencies, Jimmy Crystal would pop another question to you. Right on your dating anniversary.
Playlist while writing this:
"Sway" by Michael Buble
"Higher" by Michael Buble
"Night Eyes" by the Orion Experience
"Can't help falling in Love" by Elvis Presley
"Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars
"Singing in the Rain" by Gene Kelly
"Take on Me" by A-Ha
"Knock Knock" by Lenka
"Sugar" by The Orion Experience
"Roll with Me" by The Orion Experience
"Perfect" by Ed Sheeran
"Love me Like you Do" by Ellie Goulding
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havocskies · 2 years
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if you have the same music taste as him expect him to be talking abt it ALL THE TIME
like seriously the only people who enjoy the same music as him is his band and most of hellfire, he's gonna grab you by the throat from your room and you WILL appreciate some iron maiden and possibly some quiet riot as well
loves to take you to his gigs at the bar no matter how old you are. ofc if you're under 21 he's gonna try his best to keep an eye on you but this dude's ego is through the roof when it comes to his guitar playing and occasional singing so basically as his little sister you have to witness how cool your older brother is
even if you don't share his taste in music or clothing he'll make you a battle jacket or give you one of his old ones that doesn't fit anymore (just pretend like it doesn't smell like weed and whatever else he uses)
annoying. absolutely ruthless. comes into your room just to talk abt the most stupid thing that you don't even care abt. he's probably worse when it comes to gossiping than the popular kids at hawkins
being eddie's sister you probably wouldn't have the best reputation automatically. he's definitely aware and while he doesn't show negative emotions much he feels bad and tries to make it up to you in little gifts or by taking you places. he's determined to prove he's a better brother than what everyone else makes him out to be
doesn't let you touch his guitar but if you showed enough interest in it he'd get some money and surprise you w one of his own. he'd be so proud too, he'd probably want you to join his band and come with him on his gigs
brags about you all the time. you're the best little sister he's ever had (you two are the only siblings) and he wouldn't trade you for the world. even so he'd manage to throw in a little sibling like insults as well
remember when i said he loves to annoy you? yeah. take that to the full extent. if he could he'd likely throw you over his shoulder whenever you begin annoying him or he just feels like it. probably throws you on the couch or whatever wouldn't be likely to give you a concussion. he's not THAT bad of a person
loves discussing music with you even if you don't share his music taste. he'll barge into your room and force you to listen to a random song that he might've found or just likes in general and you WILL listen, even if he has to hold you down in order to do so
fights all. the. time. most of the time he's probably the one starting it simply bc he lives off of annoying people and making them uncomfortable, it's something he loves to do. as your older brother he knows ALL of your buttons and how to annoy you and he uses that to his full advantage whenever he wants to get his way.
holds the fact that he's older over your head all the time no matter how much older he is. he takes pride in it and obviously that means he's superior, so that last bit of icecream in the fridge? it's his automatically. you don't get it.
doesn't want you to end up like him when it comes to his reputation and addiction. he doesn't care abt what people think of him but he wants you to have a relatively normal life. he picked this reputation for himself, you didn't deserve it, too. if he ever overheard someone talking bad about you he'd immediately step in and insist you're WAY better than him, even if you actually aren't. he'll defend you forever
if you also play dnd he'd drag you to hellfire meetings as well (once you're older. the earliest age he'd actually let you tag along is probably 14 since hanging out w freshmen is something he does fairly often) he'd say that the hellfire meetings are serious and little kids aren't allowed. he'd still teach you how to play as soon as you were old enough to understand what he was saying, though
even though he's failed highschool 2 times already he is an absolute nerd, specifically when it comes to language arts. he was probably in a few honors english classes in his earlier years of highschool and when he eventually started caring about school less he stopped getting put into them. he loves to read and often tries to suggest books he likes to you as well
he'd try his best to help you w homework because even though he can't graduate he will certainly make sure you do. he's not the best at math and didn't care much for history but he'd try his best to help regardless if you asked him to
he likely wore eyeshadow and eyeliner in middle school and possibly his earlier high school years so he would in fact LOVE to do your makeup, thanks for asking. he definitely has a few pictures of your younger toddler self in heavy terrifying makeup because he thought it was absolutely hilarious to make you into a metalhead, and not knowing any better you would notice eddie laughing and decide you found it funny, too. uncle wayne was indifferent
doesn't talk abt your dad often if you're too young to remember when he was around. you may have heard eddie and uncle wayne talking about him and asked and both's faces contorted into a sort of sour expression. they tried their best not to talk abt him around you after that
if you were somehow popular and managed to get over the little reputation that was oh so generously handed over to you by the upperclassmen eddie wouldn't quite hate you for it. you're still his sister of course and a high school status wasn't going to change his view of you. he will definitely still tease you over it, though and occasionally ask for you to give your friends a good word on his behalf
his van is MESSY. like seriously, it's horrible. covid 19 probably originated in that very same van. his definition of cleaning the front seat for you is throwing trash in the back so it's at least able to be sat in but it reeks in there
loved to give you piggyback rides when you were younger and even older if it's possible. he'd definitely scare you a few times by pretending to almost drop you or body slamming you into the nearest couch but he'd be a very good older brother when it came to attention
if you were in the hellfire club he'd tease you even more relentlessly and the other boys would likely pick up on it at some point, but he'd insist he and only him could bully you. you were his sister after all, not theirs
if you ever dated anyone from the hellfire club he'd be a little against it at first as he wasn't quite sure how his friends would treat a girlfriend (they're all awkward guys that get no girls, let's be real) but if he realized you were happy w whoever you chose he wouldn't mind at all. he'd be glad one of his friends finally got a girl for once, even if it was his sister
if it was someone he didn't know however it'd be a different story. he knows how guys can be and he doesn't want you going through anything bad at all, he'd live up to his little reputation of possibly being a murderer if anything at all happened to you
if you got a girlfriend or any other kind of partner however he'd be a little shocked but he'd support you regardless. i personally hc him as omnisexual w a preference for men so he'd let you in on his little secret of being a boy kisser and insist there's NOTHING wrong w you for liking any gender other than guys
same goes for if you're trans. while he can't personally relate he obviously loves you no matter what and will support you forever
loves to tease you randomly and give you mean nicknames. it's just what siblings do, as he says, and since he's older he can do whatever he wants obviously
when you first get into high school he tries his best to give you tips on whatever you need to know. he learned the hard way high school sucks unless you're popular, which you likely wouldn't be just by being his brother in general. you associate w eddie you're unpopular, that's just basically how it works
he'd also automatically give you the option of at least hanging around the hellfire club just so you have some friends if you didn't already. he'd recommend whoever was closest to your age to be your best friend and honestly you'd probably be their best friend, they're all very welcoming when it comes to unpopular people and you're also eddie's sister, so you're automatically pretty cool
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lapouris · 4 months
I'm so sorry to all my followers for bringing this pointless discourse up all the time. I just wrote my thoughts on the matter and I'm just going to leave it at that from now on. I promise.
Under the cut if you wish to read.
First off, as I've said in the past many times, I don't believe it's wrong or bad to criticise something. Nothing is above criticism and people have the right to speak their minds on topics. The problem I have is people giving their thoughts on something in a way that shows that they do not understand the subject they're talking about. The "criticism" I've seen ranges from misunderstandings, personal opinions disguised as feedback, or just outright attacking the creators. It's not constructive and is honestly just very hostile and unpleasant to read.
People are approaching SCH like it's a long-running franchise or a game or something and that's just… Missing a lot of nuance?
The impression I get is that Sparklecare is a very self-indulgent, personal work for the people who work on it and it's just something a lot of other people happen to vibe with. If it's not for you, that's fine. You can dislike something and move on from it, It's essentially just vent art from personal experience and that fact goes over so many people's heads. Media doesn't have to cater to or be for you and that's a thing people have to accept.
I think really the main problem I have with all this discourse is that people seem to want to comic to change to their tastes rather than ZCP's. I've seen someone complain that the comic was too "anglocentric" (Kittycorn is from the US and it's based on personal experience so… yeah?), I've seen someone say that all the cast have the same body type (not even remotely true??) or I've just seen people say that 2 updates a week isn't enough (have you read a webcomic before???).
That's not a critique, that's just your opinion.
People can say the team don't accept criticism or don't respond to it but I honestly cannot blame them. As a game dev I have received a lot of unwarranted vitriol from the general public on my own projects and I can't blame for not wanting to engage with, if I can be brutally honest here, a community that doesn't understand the comic or the themes or the characters at all.
I am a massive fan of Sparklecare and even I have some issues with certain aspects, but ultimately it's not my comic to make and I can still enjoy it for what it is. I'm not saying Sparklecare is above criticism. I don't know the ZCP personally so I can't judge them as people and I'm not putting them on a pedestal.
If you want to critique something, that's fine. Go ahead. You have every right to do so. But before giving your thoughts maybe you should think a little harder about if what you want to say is constructive feedback or just "I don't personally like this. Please change it for me." Not everything has to cater to you. You can dislike things and move on. Don't insult people just because you don't like their work or try to change it because it's ultimately not your decision to make.
Also if you run a blog dedicated to being negative about media please get a healthier hobby lmao
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beevean · 9 months
Hey it’s so called this morning’s anon back with more things to say I suppose…
I supposed I wanted to elaborate on some things, I know you said you didn’t wanna start discourse but I really wanted to elaborate on what I meant by that proshipping comment. The term proship, from what I heard, has gone from let people ship what they want and if you don’t like don’t look to… This person is a disgustingly vile subhuman and their death should be celebrated.
Funnily enough I openly ship problematic stuff, but I constantly over complicate things to prove that I’m still better than ‘those guys’, to say that I have morality and ‘they’ don’t… But it’s so fucking exhausted. My life wasn’t good and moral and pure so why does my art have to be?
I’m sick of fearing I’ll have someone genuinely threaten my life because I cope differently than them. Ironically I used to get mad when people say it was their coping mechanism, calling it a shitty excuse to be a whatever [You can insert all kinds of fun and degrading terms there] and yet… I was doing the same thing.
So yeah… I don’t like everything but I’m realizing that everything has its place and if that makes me a proshipper then fuck it I guess I’m a proshipper
[After reading all those kind messages I wanted some way to reveal myself because surprise you actually know who I am! But I wasn’t sure how to do that without outing myself so openly… I read your Hevor fic and told you about it on Discord, it’s the only thing we ever discussed. So yeah if you manage to figure me out based on that alone then congratulations! Purity culture is ruining my life so bad I can’t even say my own name! ;3]
fdjskfksdngksjdhk talk about efficient secret codes lmao. Yes I understand now 😄
That's pretty much what happened. "Proship" started as a countermovement to the "anti" culture budding around 2016 who were all like "Sheith is actually incest because they're like brothers and that's gross guys!!!!", and at first it meant simply "ship and let ship", but then it got twisted into meaning "someone who enjoys problematic ships/ships with incest, pedophilia and/or abuse", which inevitably leads to "this person has Something Wrong with them and they're a Bad Person who Hurts people like me with their Degenerate Art! Pedo alert pedo alert! PUNISHMENT FOR A THOUSAND YEARS".
The problem is that "enjoys" means a lot of things :^) there is a difference between "aww they're so cute <3", "welp this is a kink now", and "wow this would be incredibly fucked up but I am intrigued to explore this story". But nuance is not allowed, apparently.
(fun fact: I don't really go through proship blogs because I swear they all ship sibling incest. I hate sibling ships lmao, especially when they're wholesome. But of course they're all in the "will accept anything" community, after being pretty much shunned and painted as horrible abusers who deserve to be hurt and worse - and just because I don't want to see those ships, that doesn't mean I think they're bad people who condone real-life abuse. So yeah, proship is not about having all the grossest ships in the world, you can be exclusively into the most vanilla M/F ships ever and still think "yo do what you want I'll respect you from a distance")
I also hear similar stories like yours, of people who twist themselves into pretending to be antis and be morally "purer" than others when in private they were doing the same things they were insulting others for, just with tons of shame and denial. Not judging you and I'm happy when people realize that this behavior is harmful, definitely more than being into the Problematic lol... I'm just disappointed and frustrated that the internet culture has come to this. I reiterate my points about surrounding yourself with friends who don't make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells.
Also real talk: you don't really have to psychoanalyze yourself. Maybe your tastes are tied to an easily identifiable reason, or maybe they aren't or the reason goes too deep to explore without outside help. In any case, it doesn't matter. You don't have to justify yourself in any way, let alone showing to everyone the "I'm Coping With Trauma" badge in the hopes they will forgive you - because it doesn't work. It's never about the mental health of victims, it's about "i feel icky and i don't want to :("
Disgust is not harm. You (general) have every right to be disgusted by something - I myself am not above it :P But it's not a personal attack against you, and it's your responsibility to walk away and coping with your feelings in private.
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cinyemina · 23 days
That poll you posted had like 200 votes lmfao and thats just from Japan. Eren and Mikasa are more popular worldwide. Plus eremika tag has the most views on tiktok. More than flop Levi. So let me say again, Eren and Mikasa are more popular. Levi has been dethroned by a genocider. Levi is nothing
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The only thing more predictable than your daily Levi hate mails is the sunrise.
Seriously, why the Levi obsession? Is it because those cleaning wipes just can't scrub away the fact that deep down, you secretly admire his sparkling dedication?
Constantly spamming me with these anonymous messages about Levi? It's getting creepy. Maybe put that devotion towards, I don't know, actual productive works?
And seriously, "Levi is no popular"? "Levi is flop"? Those insults are so weak. The only thing flopping here is your attempt to start a fan war.
You think spewing nonsense about his popularity will somehow magically convert everyone into Levi loathers? Dream on.
And your "evidence", TikTok tag with the most views? Wow, groundbreaking. Popularity on a platform notorious for fleeting trends and fabricated challenges? Deep.
And your evidence is last ask, a random tweet with someone's opinion on "iconic" anime characters? That's your counter-argument to a poll that gathered actual votes, even if limited to Japan. The internet is a vast ocean, and you're throwing a pebble at it and declaring it a tsunami.
Do you even know how the internet works? Levi fan art floods every corner, cosplay conventions are crawling with him, and Attack on Titan fanfiction?
Let's just say Ereri is a genre all on its own, and it dwarfs any Eremika scribbles. And Levi has the largest base of fanfictions in Attack on Titan.
Levi doesn't need your validation. Your opinion is about as relevant as a pebble.
Then, if you must message me again, at least have the courage to do it without hiding behind anonymity.
Because, like moths to a flickering meme, people like you flock to the most popular choice, and your taste buds are easily swayed by the latest tiktok buzz.
It's a shame to see a character's journey, their internal struggles and triumphs, are reduced to a mere popularity contest.
I am talking about your grand declaration of Levi being "nothing." Deep. Did you come up with that one all by yourself, champ?
Levi may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to dismiss his entire character arc, his skills, his dedication, as "nothing" just shows how blinded you are by your bias.
The writers who pour their heart and soul into crafting compelling narratives must despair at the sight of these shallow consumers, abandoning well-developed characters for the fleeting validation of trendy picks.
Imagine a shelf stacked with jars of colorful candy. One jar, overflowing with bright red cherry chews, is constantly picked and devoured by everyone. But across the aisle sits a jar with a single, beautifully crafted dark chocolate truffle.
Popularity isn't everything, and the same goes for characters in books, movies, or video games. Just because a character is everywhere, doesn't mean they're well-written.
A well written has depth and complexity. It might have funny quirks or tragic flaws that make them relatable. They might surprise you with their actions or choices, but those choices always feel true to their personality. They grow and change throughout the story, learning from their mistakes or facing their fears.
Even if they're not traditionally "likable," they're interesting.
The cherry chews, on the other hand, are the popular characters. They might be fun for a quick pick-me-up, but they all sort of taste the same. They're one-dimensional, with predictable personalities and easy jokes. Maybe they're the goofy sidekick or the sassy best friend. They fulfill a role in the story, but they're not particularly memorable.
But there is a place for both cherry chews and dark chocolate truffles. Sometimes, a light and fluffy story with a popular character is exactly what you crave. But a truly well-written character leaves a lasting impression.
They stay with you long after you finish the story, because they feel real. They make you think about the world, about yourself, and about the choices we all make.
The next time you encounter a character, don't just be swayed by their popularity. Dig a little deeper. See if there's more to them than meets the eye. After all, the most rewarding discoveries are often the ones you have to search for.
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strqyr · 1 year
Do you ever feel isolated when you enjoy something and can see the value in a piece of media, but people online outright do not understand it at all, or even care to try to understand it to the point that they effectively scorn you indirectly every time they insult that work, and you can't do anything about it because you'd get labeled as overthinking things and "needing better taste", even though you aren't some mindless drone?
And that you wish they'd give that media a proper chance and actually making the effort to recognize your point of view instead of dismissing it because they only care about surface level impressions and listening to popular opinion?
i wouldn't say i ever felt isolated bc i do enjoy solitude and silence can be incredibly comforting ( tho this is probably more of a cultural thing rather than a me thing, specifically, but if the shoe fits ) so like. isolation isn't really a negative feeling to me bc it's kind of my starting point? but i have definitely been there where i want to see what other people are thinking about something i like, and then letting the negativity get to me and affect my own enjoyment of it.
and then i learned two things about myself: 1. despite what my brain sometimes likes to tell me, i do, in fact, like being happy, and 2. i'm that spiteful that like hell am i going to let other people ruin my fun. like. why care about "better taste" when what's really important is if you find enjoyment out of your choice of media? it's called entertainment for a reason. if i'm entertained then job well done. if not, it wasn't meant for me, and i move on. simple as that.
anyway, to prevent myself from making myself miserable, i made myself my own place where i can share my thoughts and art and all that stuff, and that's. this blog. i don't wander far from here, i filter tags and words like there's no limit ( i certainly hope there isn't lol ) and the block button is never too far. the education system here helped ensure that i came out with some critical thinking skills so i don't need other people to tell me how to feel about this and that; different perspectives are nice and all but when people start acting like only their or the popular opinion is all that matters i'm like. who are you people lol
anyway. find your happiness in cultivating your own space and not giving a damn about what other people think. i know it's easier said than done bc i've been there, but it's time better spent than trying to argue with and change minds of people who have no intention of doing so ( and really, that's their right, they don't need to like everything in the world or even give it a chance if they don't want to, and they're free to give their opinions just like you and i are, be it the same opinion or not )
sorry if this makes no sense. it's been a long day and i'm very tired, so i might have rambled a bit and completely missed the point. i guess what i'm trying to say that it's good to learn to recognize when a conversation isn't going anywhere ( for whatever reason ) and just cut your losses instead of sticking around just to walk into a brick wall over and over again.
and also prioritize your own happiness and well-being by finding or creating yourself a place where you don't feel that way.
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autumnslance · 2 years
This Home Wrested Forth
((My piece for the Blackest Night @drkzine with lovely original art by @cassigator!
Sidurgu & Rielle go to Gridania and find an unexpected familiar face, who asks the Dark Knight to provide the sort of justice only he can. DRK & WHM story completion, Sid's 2nd person POV. Below the cut for those who prefer Tumblr to Ao3.))
Your clan fled the Empire, crossing Ilsabard in search of homelike climes. Aldenard was safe—for now. Even so, the tribe moved often, looking for a place to settle. Every time, you hoped you had found a place to call home.
Later, you think the Fury has a vicious sense of humor.
You were a child; you tended the goats and played with your friends, games that often ended in blood and bruises, for Xaela play rough to prepare for a hard world.
Coerthas had the right sort of mountains and meadows. It was also in a never-ending war with dragons—not legends, but flesh and blood creatures of intellect and fire. Auri horns and scales set your clan apart. From the insults hurled by cursing adults keeping their children away, they thought you were draconic heretics as well.
Knights came, but Xaela are made for war, as your eastern cousins upon the Steppe say. Sometimes you wonder why your people fled west.
You wonder when you dream of the knights’ return, of burning homes and rivers of blood. You stumbled over your favorite goat, its throat slashed, square eyes blank, as a knight dragged you by the hair to join your parents for execution.
“Look away,” Mother begged. But you couldn’t.
Not until it was your turn to face the sword that never came, and instead a man in black armor offered you a new Path.
Rielle is the family you have now, a pesky little sister, though you dare not say it aloud. Fray taught her conjury before his death, and she took to it like breathing. The trials you faced together made her learn quickly, but she wants a proper education, as Fray once did.
You grumble all the way to muggy Gridania. Once you might have found it a pleasant climate, but those days are long gone and you’re wearing full plate.
It’s not your first visit, and this situation is less fraught. Rielle is introduced to other students; a young Padjal, a Hyur adolescent who can hear the Elementals, and—
In your hazy memories, there is a serious girl with pale hair against dark skin, bark-brown eyes often disapproving. Delicate, everyone said; her magical gifts left her ill-suited to be a warrior. Yet she could be cajoled into raucous play and emerge triumphant in her own way.
The serious child survived the slaughter, becoming a quiet woman who smells of moss, with dirt under her nails and conjury in her touch. Her magic tastes like windswept plains and a wildflower whose name escapes recollection. She blinks, similar confusion giving way to elated relief.
“The Matron Herself must have sent you, Sidurgu,” Alaqa says. You worship Halone, so it’s no surprise she venerates Gridania’s patron. You can’t recall your clan’s religion, so why not adopt the gods whose lands adopted you?
The girls get acquainted, laughing at another table. You and Alaqa speak haltingly in your childhood language, tasting the rust in every syllable, each word further opening the creaking gates of memory.
“I spent enough time in Coerthas to know what you are,” she says. “You can help.”
You scowl into your ale. Immediately after finding one another, she wants a favor.
Hearers stand between the people and the Elementals, interpreting nature’s whispers into proclamations. Gridanians understand from their earliest years sustainable practices that keep their Woods in harmonic balance. Newcomers must rely on permission from Hearers to determine if they can integrate into the weave of man and nature.
“While the Greenwrath is a concern, mostly the Elementals don’t care,” Alaqa explains. “Not when it comes to people's daily lives. Elementals don’t experience the world as we do, and they don’t ‘speak’ in words. Hence the Hearers.”
You see where this is going. You’ve seen it among clergy that abuse commoners, among the knights that slaughtered your clan and hunted Rielle. “And some hear what they want, or simply make up what they will, and people can only take them at their word.”
Alaqa nods. “I believe this is happening now to the Ala Mhigans in Quarrymill. Since the liberation of Gyr Abania, there’s been a push to ‘send them home’, nevermind many have been here for over twenty years. Their children are forestborn; the Twelveswood is their home.”
A Hearer using his privileged position to force refugees out. Not the visceral violence of the knights, but violence all the same on people who have suffered enough, who have found a home despite all odds.
A familiar rage boils in your chest, a furious howl rising from the abyss.
Justice is needed everywhere.
Alaqa’s rare smile is fierce, seeing your answer before you speak.
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Most of Quarrymill’s townsfolk are native Gridanians—primarily Midlanders, Elezen, Miqo’te, a handful of Lalafell—but a few Highlanders and Hellsguard live in their own small district.
It’s humid, insects buzz about your head, and your boots are muddy. You’ve never yearned more for Ishgard’s icy stone streets. You follow Sylphie as she tends to people in the hamlet. She asks after their health, if they’ve enough to eat. Questions receive brief replies at best; the forest-dwellers are an insular lot. For most, life moves normally, though they mention the Wailers have been giving them a harder time about hunting and harvesting, after Hearer Bannon’s claims that the Elementals are concerned about the Ala Mhigan presence.
The Hearer in question is speaking with a woman, a small child clinging to her skirts. Bannon’s standing too close for propriety, especially with how she’s trying not to step away. He’s perhaps only slightly older than yourself and smiles unkindly as you walk up. She looks down.
“Is everything all right, Greda?” Sylphie asks.
“We were simply speaking about the recent difficulties,” Bannon says. He is fair-skinned and flinty-eyed. “I was offering Mistress Greda guidance on how she may appease the Elementals.”
“Looked like badgering to me.” You cross your arms.
“You are a visitor here,” Bannon says. “You cannot be expected to understand the delicate balance we must maintain at the Elementals’ behest, lest disaster fall.”
“Any gods who threaten their own people aren’t worthy of veneration.”
By necessity, you’ve learned to quickly pick out the righteous from the rotten among priests and knights. This conjurer isn’t difficult to understand. He’s just like some clergy back home. Under your glower, the Midlander’s false smile fails, expression growing thunderous.
“I suggest you make your visit brief, lest such views bring the Greenwrath upon you and yours,” Bannon turns to Sylphie. “Have care with whom you mingle, young lady. ‘Tis easy for such influences to drown out Nature’s voice.”
“I listen carefully,” Sylphie responds coolly.
Greda doesn’t relax even after Bannon leaves. “You needn’t get involved.”
“Someone must. What did he want with you?” You ask.
She looks away. This too you recognize; she’s been made to feel shamed and afraid. You’ve seen it often in the Brume, and familiar anger coils in your gut again. “He says my late husband’s actions are part of the trouble. He… joined the Griffin, you see…”
Sylphie frowns. “While the events at Baelsar’s Wall did cause a stir, why would one rebel’s actions matter more than the Griffin’s?”
You study Greda. A Highlander in her early twenties, shapely, with warm brown skin and dark gold hair.
“That’s his offer? The supposedly upset Elementals will allow you to stay in the forest if you but agree to his suggestion?”
Her head snaps up, cheeks darkening further as she trembles. Sylphie looks confused. “I…I didn’t,” Greda stammers. Tears well in her green eyes. “I can’t be the reason everyone suffers, but I won’t…”
“No. You won’t. And you aren’t—it’s that bastard. I’ve seen enough.”
You walk away, Sylphie hurrying to keep up. “What’s that supposed to mean? Sid? Oh, no wonder Rielle calls you—”
“Don’t.” Gods, you can’t have her calling you a chocobo’s arse too. “Let’s find the others.”
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You pause to watch Rielle and Gatty. They’re sitting on the upper walkway built into the town’s palisade, legs dangling as they chat and share lunch. Sylphie joins them, distracted by their enthusiasm and her own youth.
“They’re having fun,” Alaqa says, joining you.
“While they can.” Your life isn’t easy and Rielle remains in it by choice. These moments when she can be the girl she is, with others her age, are rare.
Your duty is going to take that from her. Again.
“Bannon’s supposedly intervening with the supposedly upset Elementals to take advantage of people.”
Alaqa frowns. “If we could prove this corruption of his office to Brother E-Una…”
“You wouldn’t have asked for my aid if you could. Take Sylphie and Gatty back to the city. I’ll need Rielle’s help.”
“What are you going to do?”
You grin. “What I do best. Justice demands no less.”
It doesn’t take long to bait Bannon. Loitering outside Greda’s house while he makes his rounds, followed by accepting a simple adventurer’s job into the woods, soon has you surrounded by the Hearer and six young men from town. You sigh, realizing they’re all Ala Mhigans.
“Promising them lenience from the Elementals if they get rid of the annoying foreigner?”
Bannon sneers. “You are a blight on our Woods. The Elementals will recognize their…dedication.”
Their sacrifice. He’s hoping you murder these boys if they don’t overwhelm you. You draw your blade and shrug. You can try not to kill them.
Though you might have to, as Bannon goes for Rielle. He doesn’t expect her to be battle-tempered, to counter his command of the elements, drawing on those same forces with expertise beyond her years. She’s fought alongside the Warrior of Light, and it shows. Your friend would be proud.
Meanwhile, you are making a fool of yourself. If Ompagne were here, he’d be scolding and laughing. Two youths dash in close under your blade to take you with their fists. Two use lances to match your greatsword’s reach. Two others keep distant with short bows.
They grew up in these woods and are desperate to stay in their home, to fight the perceived threat.
Focus, Sid. Rielle can manage.
You roar, body checking one pugilist into the other, smacks from your gauntlets leaving them dazed, though it earns you a decent blow from a lance.
There’s a shout to the side; Rielle deflects Bannon’s earth spell into an archer, breaking his bow and leaving him nursing bruised limbs. You grin, knowing you look feral, rounding on the lancers. They falter as bloody rage swirls around you. They are not hardened warriors; you remember that as you break their spears and strike with the flat of your blade, cracking ribs.
The last archer stands his ground, Halone bless, though his nervous aim is poor. He doesn’t expect your leap to his position, for you to grab the bow and backhand him with it before flinging it aside.
A strong wind nearly bowls you over.
Rielle shrieks.
Fury colors your vision, the abyss howling against your horns. Bannon dashes into the trees. Rielle tumbles to a stop at the far end of the clearing.
Gatty is already there, magic in her hands. “She’ll be all right,” she calls.
“This way!” Sylphie shouts from the treeline behind you, in the direction Bannon ran.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
She shrugs and points, frowning. “Alaqa went that way.”
“Take care of Rielle and these boys.” You plunge into the forest.
No underbrush catches your armor, no roots trip your feet. Perhaps you’ll ask the girls about that later.
You think you’ve gone a quartermalm when you find Bannon ensnared in spiny vines, Alaqa nearby with hands clenched.
“How dare you, you filthy outsiders!” Bannon snarls.
“How dare you,” she replies. “Falsifying the Elementals’ whispers for your own gain, coercing desperate people.”
“I am a child of the Wood!” He shouts. “I Hear the Will of the Forest!”
“What does the Forest say now?” You ask as you stalk nearer, blade drawn.
He swallows, trembling. Like any other false priest. “Th-the Greenwrath will strike you down!”
“Perhaps,” Alaqa answers. “If the gods decree, so be it.” She looks at you, eyes clear and cold. “But I will not abide a man to drive us from our home. Not again.”
You remember playing with your friends. You remember the goats, your father’s laughter, your mother’s songs.
You remember the burning homes, the blood, the knight’s grip on your hair and your parents’ pleas. You remember Ompagne ending the violence; too late for most, but not for you and her.
Your blade is swift, and more merciful than the Hearer deserves.
You leave the Archer’s Guild after a few bells. You didn’t think you had warranted the Bowlord’s attention, but someone convinced not only E-Sumi-Yan to vouch for you, but the Warrior of Light as well.
The second was less surprising than the first; family looks out for each other, and timing has ever been that hero’s forte.
Rielle is waiting with Alaqa, Sylphie, and Gatty. “It went,” you say before they can ask. “While the Elementals seem silent about Bannon, Lewin still wants me out of his Woods.”
“They’re silent on the matter of the Ala Mhigans too,” Sylphie says. “The Fane’s sending someone new to tend to Quarrymill. Hopefully, they’re more honest.”
“If they aren’t, you can always mention it in your letters.” The ferocity behind Rielle’s grin is familiar; you’re not sure to be proud or worried she’s picking up your habits.
“Or don’t, as it’s too damned hot and muggy in this forest.”
The girls giggle at your growling. Alaqa shakes her head, amusement in her eyes if not on her lips. “With so much more for Rielle to learn, we're sorry to see you leave so soon. Our own fault...”
“More that bully’s,” Rielle answers. “Perhaps you can visit us!”
You groan, thinking of the trouble this group could get up to in Ishgard. The girls laugh all the way to the Carline Canopy. There’s time to try those famous eel pies before catching the airship.
Goodbyes are said, promises to write made. Your duty is taking Rielle from her friends and education, even as you both want to return to your cold, stony city.
Funny how much you’ve missed it.
Alaqa catches your arm and pulls you down to brush her horn along your own. In the tongue of your childhood, she says, “Thank you.”
You straighten, nod, and hope your stoic expression holds, though Rielle’s face tells you it hasn’t. “I did my duty,” you answer in kind. “You’re welcome.”
Rielle leans halfway over the rail to wave as the airship pulls away. You hold the back of her tunic and watch until the trees obscure the view of your friends. Appropriate, somehow; Alaqa and the Ala Mhigans found a home in these woods, while you return to where you found your home.
So long as you can fight, no one will take that from you.
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what do you think would their types be? like, what would they look in an s/o, what the wouldn't like, etc? be honest as possible bc i have this thing were i fall in love with a character then i go "wait they wouldn't like _____ and i'm so _____ oh wow even a fictional person wouldn't like me" destroy my feelings lmao
well, first of all i hope you find peace with yourself.
when you find peace with yourself honestly, this kind of situation rarely happen.
obviously we all feel bad once in a while and i understand + hear what you're saying right here.
In my writings i try to be inclusive whilst not giving too much information about the reader.
not in my house i'm telling you all.
i hope whoever is reading my stuff gets the comfort, love, attention they deserve. i started this blog because i couldn't find what i wanted.
i bring it now, and i don't want my few readers to feel bad about themselves for whatever reason.
sending everyone hearts because you deserve it.
i used to think the same because of my nationality, completely destructive. so i kinda understand where you're coming from with your ask.
real life or fictional, if someone doesn't understand or like you, don't blame yourself, it's their own problem. being someone's problem has nothing to do with how you are or look.
lets start :)
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uk brothers II headcannons II what they would/wouldn't look in for a s/o
someone embittered
he would struggle quite a lot with that,
would try to help if he ever ends up with someone like this
you cannot change people but you can learn from them
he wants comfort in someone
he would tend to go towards people who share and treasure their loved ones
dylan reflects a lot what he recieves probably why that last point is important
he wants the best for his s/o so he deserves the best s/o too
condescending people
no-no for him
he is the kind to fold himself so he is flexible to situations
people who mistake that "folding" from him tend to be condescending
he likes a lot people who are smart,
not smart like good grades- he doesn't care about that tbh
he wants someone he can have long talks with, debates and learn things
teach him something about your favorite subject and you won
malignant narcissist, mixed with grandiosity
really big struggle for arthur, malignant narcissists are helpless to him
you cannot change them and that's the worse
he would lean towards someone decisive, someone who knows what they want
by this, i mean personality wise. if you don't know how to dress today it doesn't matter.
be clear about your tastes, what you want in life.
and if not, it's absolutely fine, you'll grow this kind of confidence with him
insolent people
respect yourself and others with him
passing remarks as insults will get you nowhere (i am not lying)
but, he tends to like people with witty comebacks, high verbal ability or skills
why ? he likes to discuss or joke with his s/o
while still being respectful, insolent people are different
high verbal abilities such as witty comebacks means you can listen to people correctly and also pay attention to your feelings
brings the best characteristics of someone in his opinion
men and women who show themselves as "pick me" people
any symbolic elimination act doesn't go well with him
shutting down, putting down someone for attention is violence
he leans towards people who are attentionate.
by this i mean, someone who will cherish their loved ones, each at a time
someone who makes time for their loved ones separately and makes them feel unique
someone who sees relationships and friendships as a meticulous works of art
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unknownzapy · 1 year
HII!! I saw your requests are open so I wanted to request a matchup if that was alright, im looking for a platonic relationship if that’s fine and since I saw that someone requested for helluva boss I would really like that and also the amazing world of gumball and FNAF ^^ so now I shall introduce myself✨
My name is Joey I go by a nickname which is Asmo (as Asmodeus), im 14, i use he/him pronouns, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, my MBTI is ENTP, im also adhdtistic and I’m 5’6 with brown shoulder length hair, i wear glasses and im pretty much in between skinny and chubby? i dress in a lot of styles actually which are goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, and kogal), scenemo and also ouji and lolita
My personality is ENTP but I’m usually pretty awkward when I meet someone so it may take some time to get used to the person before I start emoting freely, i love to ramble about my interests to people that I’m comfortable with, im also not afraid to get snarky if someone bothers me to much, im also pretty protective of the people I love and my interests LMAO, also I love making sexual jokes and I love making the goofiest jokes to exist like “im the ohio god” and I also love to make fun of kids on voice chat in roblox
My hobbies/likes: anime/manga, fashion, art (drawing, pottery, painting, digital art, animation, etc), cooking, learning new languages (like Japanese and Spanish), i also like to do gym which most people don’t like, listing to music/making music (I’m a vocaloid producer), musicals, hanging out with my friends, gaming, going shopping, and hotels
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like “you remind me of ____”, also spiders I scream whenever I see one… no joke, insulting what I love, fish, uncomfortable places like sleeping on a couch
Helluva Boss Matchup Is…Loona!
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Let’s be honest here, Loona and you would be friends immediately. The both of you are quite awkward when trying to put effort into meeting new people you like, have similar fashion senses (*cough cough* More so on anything Goth, Emo, or anything remotely “edgy” and “cool”), and finally both of your protective natures for your loved ones, even if Loona doesn’t show it that much.
At first, the Hellhound didn’t care for you as much as any other bystander, seeing you only as another sap living in Hell (or Earth, if you prefer). But then again, she’ll warm up to you and give a new friendship a chance, Loona couldn’t help but laugh at your vulgar jokes and vibe to your music tastes, which is a rarity in the I.M.P Business.
Blitzo, on the other hand, is rather protective of his daughter after realizing that she’s becoming slightly more extroverted lately, though he is happy that she’s making friends on her own and having a social life outside of the business.
Face it, Blitzo would definitely join you in the sexual jokes and light banter after a week of meeting you. Though, if you’re uncomfortable with him egging you on about these unfiltered puns, then he’ll back off entirely and potentially diminish your friendship with his only kid because of it.
Anyways, onto other details. Loona loves your body shape and doesn’t really care what you look like, as long as you're cool in her book, even if she’s snarky about it with her fellow coworkers (such as with Moxxie). Speaking of being snarky, Loona feels as though she can be her true self with you without any form of consequences, especially with the two of you playfully going at each other’s throats over video games or face to face.
Whenever someone else gets smart with you or tries to bully you for whatever reason while she’s in the room, The Hellhound will pause her fingers above her phone and stare at the one who offended you, giving them a bombastic side eye and silently daring them to repeat what they just said to you. If the offender continues to mock you, then Loona will forcibly take matters into her own hands and kick their ass, literally and figuratively.
She’s the type to watch over your shoulder slightly as you work on your favorite hobbies, and maybe even tries to do some of them herself. However, she admires you for doing pottery and art better than she can, seeing as though you’re more crafted in the subjects than she is. Please gift her a piece of your talent, I’m begging you 🙏🏼 🥺 Loona will definitely keep a drawing you did for her on her wall in her bedroom because she sees you as her younger sibling as this point.
As a transgender person, The Hellhound was pretty open minded and accepting, given the fact that her dad is having an affair with an already married man, but that situation is for another time to talk about. It’s complicated as it is. With you, however, Loona always opt to use your proper pronouns and surprisingly remembers them without mistake.
If anyone isn’t aware of your preferred pronouns or simply refuses to use them for whatever reason, then you can bet your ass that she’s standing up for you until the other person backs off. On a completely unrelated note, I’d also like to add that the two of you horse around like real siblings, rough housing and all, if you’re down of course.
For your sexuality, on the other hand, Loona was a teensy bit confused, but with enough explaining, she understands completely and is quick to question others if they decide to bring you harm because of it. She knows when push comes to shove real quick, so don’t worry about your safety too much, she works with an assisation group after all.
For Millie and Moxxie, they sort of see you as their own nephew and treat you as their own. Of course, the I.M.P are your new family now, so get used to a lot of action and various forms of platonic love 🥰.
Five nights at Freddy’s Matchup Is…Ballora!
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At first, Ballora was the one who confronted you firsthand for whatever reason she may have had, though realizing your discomfort, she backs off and takes her time speaking to you. She is an unfiltered and honest character, which is why she hates “playing pretend” (or in my mind at least), May it be bad or good is entirely up to you.
She’ll most likely remind you how talented you are, wanting you to be your best, authentic self, despite what others may think of you. However, Ballora can’t force you to do something you are uncomfortable with, and will hold back with her advances.
In theory of the FNAF fandom, She is the mother and wife in the Afton Family, and her maternal personality will be directed to you as well, even in death. If the theory is false, then Ballora will treat you similarly to the children that come and go, though with more respect of course, considering that you’re a little older.
Now, onto your appearance. I feel like she’s the type to admire and adore someone despite their looks, and will tell you how amazing you look. For you, though, she’s astonished that you have varying clothing styles that even she hadn’t realized existed before. She’s beyond flabbergasted and speechless, which is a good thing; Plus, she wishes to dance with you someday in these clothes and show you off to the minireenas, even if you aren’t good at dancing at all.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but Ballora will show your art (and yourself) off like each one is your best prized possession. Though, she will avoid giving you the limelight if you seem to be uncomfortable with her high praise and try her best to take it back a few notches. She’ll most likely keep your art on her walls in her Gallery room, however kept in a more secluded area where kids, or anyone in general, can take them down. Only she can admire them, so she hates it when someone rips them up; Ballora learned the hard way.
For your singing and music tastes, Ballora will most certainly dance to it. You sing, she dances, the perfect duo 💪🏼. Sometimes, she allows the Minireenas to show off their own skills as well or join in on her dancing too. Wholesome, is it not?
When it comes to your gender and sexuality though, it takes some time for her to understand due to the fact that she was built in the late 80’s, where people were closeted for many reasons. Plus, she basically “lived” under a house for god knows how long. Though, I doubt Ballora will dislike you simply for your own preferences, and a matter of fact, Ballora has a newfound respect for you. Personally, as stated earlier, I feel as though she is the type to value honesty above all else, however will not push you to do something you’re not comfortable with. So with the fact that you trust her enough to reveal this information, Ballora can’t help but feel honored.
If anyone brings you trouble for who you are and what you like, her Minireenas (and maybe some Bidybabs, too, if Baby allows it) will take care of the offender, don't worry too much. Also, she can’t leave her stage during the daytime unless rented out, so the news of what happened will depend on the day. By the end of the day, Ballora will always be there to comfort and soothe you as best as she can if need be.
Lastly, your sense of humor. I feel as though Ballora has a dry sense of humor, while yours is more “wet”, if that makes any sense at all. Her laugh is similar to that of Fenneko from the anime “Aggretsuko”, but she genuinely will laugh at your Ohio jokes, even if her steel face says otherwise, so being an animatronic has its faults for being non expressive.
Ballora, as a whole, admires for who you are and supports you through and through. She’s the animatronic to praise you, even in your lowest of lows, she’ll be there to comfort you.
The Amazing World of Gumball Matchup is…Tobias Wilson!
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As the best for last, Tobias will treat you with absolute royalty in a way that spoils you rotten. For example, he will buy you the art supplies you wanted for a year now or even go as far as to (platonically) “rizz” you up with incredibly, yet ridiculously, expensive gifts that no one else is able to buy and show off his “buff muscles” along with it.
At first, Tobias genuinely thought you hung around him purely because his family was rich as hell. The more the two of you did hang out, however, the more he realized that you actually wanted to be his friend, albeit in an awkward manner from the start.
From that point on, the little guy tried his best to act like a real friend and not be a jerk for once (like in the show itself), so it takes him a hot minute for him to be more of a decent person. Instead of buying you expensive items, and depending on your (platonic) love languages, Tobias will try to meet your expectations as a friend from then on.
When it comes to hobbies, Tobias will stare at you like “👁_👁” in amazement and astonishment, mesmerized by your talent. May it be your pottery, cooking, or even learning a second language, he tries to either show off to get your attention or one up you in a playful manner, covered in clay, paint, and pride. Tobias probably summoned his paralysis demon in Latin by accident thanks to you, so there’s that/j.
Tobias will always question you as to how you got so many hobbies and still manage to create masterpieces, even if he does watch you create them like a child wondering how the Detachable Thumb Trick works, despite it being explained to them more than 12 times. Homeboy will praise the literal floor you walk on just by this alone 💀.
When it comes to Gym class, though, he will definitely get competitive with you while everyone else is exhausted, especially with Dodgeball. The two of you are wild with it, either you throwing the balls and him dodging with ease or the other way around, making the both of you that “one kid who becomes Goku” in Gym class. During this, most of the class will choose sides as to who would win or record the scenery before them. By the end of the period, everyone left with stunned bafflement and amazement, all in a good way. Now these classmates have a reason to go to Gym now, all thanks to the both of you, lol.
Besides this, Tobias totally vibes with your humor, especially the sexual ones. He’s the best one on the list with your sense of comedy and the type who would egg you on like a wingman, though if he accidentally goes too far with someone such as offending them or making them mad, he’ll immediately apologize and find a way to make it up to them. Especially if they were a friend of yours or a loved one, seeing as though he does try to be a better friend and person in the canonical show.
Understanding your sexuality and gender is a whole thing of itself. Considering his age, he’s new to all this, but understands the meaning behind them on the first try, absorbing this information like a sponge. Surprisingly gets your pronouns right on the bat, and will definitely swing at anyone who misgenders you. Tobias will treat you the same like always, but his respect for you has risen by 9,000. The rainbow child understands you the most when it comes to this stuff, so the two of you are immediately best friends from then on.
When it comes to other people giving you trouble with your interests or gender identity (or any part of you at all), Tobias will defend you like a white knight in shining armor. But in all seriousness, he’ll be by your side through thick and thin, even if he isn’t the best athletic and physically built person in the school.
By the end of the day, Tobias is your best friend until the very end. He deeply respects you the most out of everyone around him, most likely outweighing his envy for Gumball and his wild adventures and that’s saying something. Which is a good thing, by the way.
Additionally, He would never be the type to put you into situations where you’re uncomfortable, including to subject you to your fears (spiders, in this case) or compare you to someone else. Even if he did, it would probably be by accident and will apologize profusely after realizing this mistake.
While Tobias spent some time with you, he genuinely changed for the better; Not flirting with girls (even when they’re explicitly taken), showing off his money and “muscles”, ect. and decides to just be a relatively normal kid. He still has his moments but it isn’t as bad as he used to be, plus he always backs off when a girl tells him “no” or shows hints of uninterest.
Tobias became more of a class clown overtime, knowing when to take a joke and being the subject of a quick laugh. After all, Who wouldn't want to be friends with this rainbow goofball 😉.
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buttercuparry · 2 years
im sorry but whose fault is that arya is seeing by the fandom as a kid? i've read fics about arya written by arya stans and its always the same: arya being ugly (being seen as ugly even by her own love interest, her own love interest admits sansa is more beautiful than her, etc) which its a lie because arya is beautiful in the books, she was just a child at the start of the series. i have read arya being an infuriating smart ass, arya being a wild thing who insults everyone and hates other women and hates to wear dresses and is always dirty or mean. i stopped reading fics about her to read fics about sansa even if i dont give a shit about her bc sometimes her fics are more mature, idc if she never meets jon in the books, the writers do a really good job portraying jon being in love with her and thats all i care and want to read in a fic where they are the main pairing. that doesnt happen in jonrya fics and its sad bc they have so much evidence in the books.
I don't know why you came into my inbox.
I mean if you like reading jonsa fics and find jonrya fics to be lacking, then that depends on your personal tastes.
Like what was your thought process here? Did you want me to argue with you on how jonrya fics are the best form of art (TM) and scream how wrong it is of you to find it lacking? lmao.
I personally find jonrya fics to be scrumptious. Even if in those fics the author chooses to say that yes, Arya is not the fairest of them all: even then. And do you know why is that? Because that is true. Arya is not the fairest maid in Westeros. Neither was Lyanna. But our frustration comes when your people has repeatedly tried to impress on a stupid theory that Arya is too ugly to be loved, too wild to be loved and therefore it is impossible for her and Lyanna to look alike. Lyanna was a wild beauty but Cersei is said to be much more beautiful than her. Dany with her Targaryen features is canonically one of the best looking woman in perhaps the whole Planetos. But both of these facts do not take away from either Arya or Lyanna. Do not pretend that you who has read their fics, perhaps even went about in their circles, don't know that they have the tendency to push the, "why would Jon look at Arya if Sansa is there". As if Jonrya hinges on Jon losing his heart over Arya's beauty.
And yes, you asked whose fault it is that Arya is seen as a kid? Well tell me then why whenever we discuss Arya's potential love interests, edit any love scene for jonrya or gendrya, write metas or smutty fics of an aged up Arya or generally fool around with any ship regarding Arya, why do we have people coming into our inboxes, calling us pedophiles for sexualizing an 11 year old. Why was there a shock over show!Arya initiating intimacy with Gendry because apparently to them Arya was a kid?
And yes you are right even within our circle, we have had certain Arya Stans who had on them a stronger impression of the fanon/show version of Arya than of the actual canon version of Arya, but lmao none of them villainize Arya the way jonsas do. None of them villainize Arya for being the wild thing she is, for wanting to live as she wants, for not falling in line with Sansa's ideals. And I think you too have missed the point of my earlier post.
Arya is not just pretty girl. I wasn't screaming about people's inability to see Arya as such (as much as it frustrates me that they cling to the label of horseface that her bullies gave to her). My post was about people thinking Arya needs to be a prettiest girl in the whole of Westeros to have romance storyline, because they can't see a rebellious woman, a woman who has refused to bind herself in the narrow constructs of society ever wanting a family of her own. Ever wanting a lover whom she desires.
Also yeah there is this constant tussle, almost an obsession among your preferred faction to put Sansa at the highest pedestal when it comes to beauty and us even mentioning that: hey Arya is pretty as well sets them off in hilarious ways..
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direwombat · 1 year
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thank you so much to @detectivelokis for allowing me to borrow charlie for a little fic with her and paola for oc kiss week! i hope i did her a modicum of justice ;w;
have an alternate version of the auction with the ladies because. tbh. i think they both deserve a friend during it
Paola awkwardly adjusts the straps of her little black dress, desperately trying to pull up its plunging neckline. On any woman other than her, it might have looked good. Sexy, even. But the way her shapely breasts threaten to spill out of the garment and the way it hugs every single curve of her body makes her feel more naked than she does in her own shower. 
There are certainly fewer people ogling her in her bathroom to be sure. 
The Rossi Estate, where she currently finds herself, is an affront to good taste. What was once a beautiful classical Roman villa with additions made during the Early Middle Ages to turn it into a church, has been horrifically modernized. Long gone are the robust and vibrant murals on the walls, now replaced with sterile white and sleek lines. 
She’s grimacing her way through a one-sided conversation with an “art collector” -- whom she’s never met -- whose opening statement was an insult to her profession and who went on a ten minute long tirade detailing how he thought her entire life’s work of preserving material culture was worthless. 
“There’s beauty in the ephemeral,” he said, pretentiously swirling his champagne as if it were wine. “And value.”
In one hand she holds her own flute, while the other clenches so tightly at her side that her nails have bitten crescent shapes through the skin of her palm and drawn blood. It takes everything in her power not to kick this man in the shins. Blessedly, someone calls her name, distracting her before she follows through on the urge. 
“Professor Orsini!” a familiar voice calls, and she whips around to find Mr. Adler walking towards her with the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen on his arm. Dark hair. Cherubic face with a wide, ruby red smile. A dark green silk dress that ripples like the waters of the Adriatic. She's like a goddess from antiquity that's come to life.
She gives the man a terse smile and even terser, “Scusi,” as she all but scampers towards her temporary employer. 
For the first time since they’ve met, she’s actually grateful to see him. If only because he got her out of that horrid interaction. 
They come to a stop in front of her. 
She gives them a curt nod. “Signore Adler.”
“Miss Orsini, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” 
The woman smiles brightly at her, eyes twinkling as she peels herself from his side to take Paola’s hands in her own. “Sono Charlie,” she says and she leans in close, pressing a kiss to each of Paola’s cheeks. “Piacere di conoscerla.” Then, Charlie pulls back and gives Paola’s hands a friendly squeeze. “You look beautiful! The earrings you chose go perfect with that dress!”
Mr. Adler gives her a placid smile. “Charlie here picked out your outfit,” he says, gesturing towards her with his flute of champagne. 
“Oh,” she says, her fingers coming to pull at her earlobe. They’re the same earrings she wears just about every day. “Um…Thank you.”
Charlie’s eyes twinkle, and then she’s turning to Mr. Adler. “Rafe, darling, I’m gonna steal her for a bit,” she says, extracting herself from his side and linking her arm around Paola’s elbow. 
She barely gets the chance to protest before she’s being dragged away to a corner of the auction hall that’s a little quieter. Along the way, Charlie grabs a whole tray of canapes that were left unattended by the waitstaff. She swoops it up in her free hand and guides them to a small table tucked along the wall. Unlooping her arm from Paola’s, she drops the platter of hor d'oeuvres, leans her elbows against the table, and pops one of them in her mouth. 
Paola stands adjacent to her on the other side, awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the ache in her heels. 
After gobbling down a few more canapes, Charlie wipes the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand  -- a decidedly unladylike action contradicting the rest of her appearance. “Sorry,” she says through a mouthful of bread and smoked salmon. “I haven’t eaten in a while.” She swallows the food audibly and then flashes Paola a blindingly bright smile. “So, this your first time at one of these?”
“Is it that obvious?” Paola asks. 
“You haven’t had a sip of your drink, and you’re so stiff you look like you’re walking with a rod stuck to your back.”
“I am not used to large parties like this,” Paola says. 
Charlie cocks her head to the side. “Really? Not even, like, commemorative Galas?”
Paola frowns. She isn’t exactly used to those either, despite her attendance of many. “I am an academic,” she says slowly, “not a … um…” she trails off, not wanting to be rude to the first person here to show her an ounce of kindness. 
“A criminal?” Charlie supplies, and she laughs when Paola flushes and nods. “If it makes you feel any better, pretty much all the ones here tonight are white collar. They don’t get their hands dirty.”
“I suppose,” Paola says flatly. “That is what people like Miss Ross are for, no?”
The look Charlie gives her is patient. “People like Nadine are here to make sure that people like you are safe if things go wrong.”
“I…am sorry,” Paola says, not entirely sure of what she said wrong, but definitely getting the impression that she had misspoke. “I did not mean any offense. I am… out of my element.” She hesitates, and then she asks, “How do you do it?”
“How do you do it?” she repeats. “How do you walk around these groups of powerful men, like it is nothing?” 
Charlie cocks her head to the side, looking thoughtful. “Well, same way you walk into conference halls and present, I suppose.”
“That is not the same,” Paola frowns. 
“No?” Charlie asks. “You get up on stage and tell people a story to impress them,” she starts. Paola opens her mouth to object at such an elementary description of her job, but the other woman doesn’t allow her the chance. “What I do isn’t too different.”
Her first instinct is to argue otherwise, but Paola chooses to hold her tongue, and simply nods as if she understands. “Well, just like the Galas, I look forward to this being over.”
“Once we get the cross and you confirm its authenticity, I’ll see if I can get Rafe to call one of the cars so you can go back to the hotel,” Charlie says. 
“Really? You would do that?”
“Parties don’t seem to be relaxing for you,” she says. “We have a lot of traveling to do tomorrow, and even more work to do once we get to Scotland. I would rather have you well rested, and I’m sure he’d agree.”
Paola flushes. “That would be very kind.”
“Of course!” Charlie smiles. “And once this is all said and done, you’re going to have one Hell of an article to publish.”
Bizarrely, Paola finds herself returning the smile. The corners of her mouth stretch in a way that feels entirely unfamiliar. “That,” she says, lifting her glass, “is something I can drink to.”
With a bell like chime, the rims of their glasses clink together just as the lights go out. 
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