#They weren't kidding with 'you just know' because you're right gang. And I don't know what the fuck you're talking about <3
rune-chaser · 2 years
I think it’s so funny that when you had romantic attraction described you you were like “that sounds really fun” but when it’s described to me I’m like “that sounds really unpleasant I’m glad I don’t experience that”. Duality of aro 💚
Like with the way people described it to me I was confused almost the whole time because just, "what do you mean? That doesn't actually happen that sounds like every romance plot and we all know those are just to sell movies and stuff."
But no it kinda does and it took me way to long to realize that people weren't just having "Movie romances" they were just experiencing romantic attraction.
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liaarxse · 1 year
tr boys when y/n has issues accepting that they actually do love her
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
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Characters: Nahoya Kawata, Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst in Kazutoras part
A/n: Literally pulled out the biggest smile when I saw this request. Also, yes, Nahoya again. I just love writing for him. idk why (cuz he a crackhead)
P.s: Remember, it was said multiple times that Toman doesn't hurt women, sunshines. Don't think they'd break your precious hearts. They'd be just a bit hard to deal with <3
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Okay, we've all seen that one best/worst boyfriend chart our friend Ken Wakui made.
Personally, I threw a fit when I saw who were the worst.
Then I thought about Nahoya. He seemed a bit like a fuck boy, you get what I mean? Yeah, no.
Then I thought about it again
I examined the post a bit more after I found it in English and read what Takemichi said. If Mikey and Kazutora would be the top worst because they're reckless, Nahoya would obviously be even tamer
So personally, I believe Nahoya is in the top three just because he has a carefree type of living way. Like, he isn't scared of fighting, killing, and all. I mean, he probably IS scared to kill but doesn't show it.
How's he a red flag again? I don't believe them.
But for one, he'd never cheat on you. He'll be loyal as hell. Maybe if he wasn't in a relationship in one of the time skips where it showed the top members he'd fuck around with chicks (straight hair grown up Nahoya gives me fuckboy energy), but since the change and he's now working with his brother In their ramen shop? Get that thing out of your head.
Because for him to get in a relationship, he must dearly love and respect you.
Keep in mind that he also has to trust you since, in one way, if you're not to be trusted and/or are somewhat dangerous, he's putting his brother in danger as well.
But that's besides the point.
He loves you.
It's painfully obvious
He protects you, he trusts you, he spoils you in his own ways
He loves you
Maybe it's past relationship trauma that causes you to think it's all a facade
Which brings us to today's scenario
You're in Nahoya's room since his brother is out all day and you didn't bother to fix yours
You were looking around his room while he was testing the new straightener you got him since his broke
Examining the objects around you, your eyes land on a frame right above his toman uniform. It was of you two
You wondered why he would frame such a picture on the wall over his gang uniform. You mostly didn't like it because you hated the way you came out in the picture
Getting off his bed, you walked over to the opposite wall and stared at the picture for a good minute
Nahoya noticed that from the reflection on the mirror in front of him, but his smile just grew a tad bit more and returned to straightening his hair
You pursed your lips together in thought and reached to grab it
"Oi!" He exclaimed with a giggle. "Hands off."
You flinched when he suddenly spoke and turned to him with a raised brow
"What? Why?"
"Because," He turned around to face you. "I know you'll throw the pic away."
You weren't going to lie. If you stared at it for a bit more, you would've made the paper rip itself. You hated how you came out!
"But I look horrible!"
"I know." He laughed, but it quickly died down to a chuckle when he saw you glaring at him. "I'm kidding, babe. You look hella cute!"
You quickly turned around to hide the blush that appeared on your face. Crossing your arms, you were still staring at the picture
Being too caught in the act, you didn't realize when Nahoya finally finished straightening his hair and came up to you. He loosely wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, mockingly copying your slightly frustrated face
You noticed that and rolled your eyes with a soft groan, which earned you some snickering from him. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his own to yours
"Why did you frame this?"
"Because it's special."
"How is it special?" Your voice grew confused. It's just a picture, nothing much
"Reminds me of the main reason I never give up."
Your blood went cold. What?
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're my main priority, babe. You, your safety, your smile." He chuckled at how cheesy he sounded. "That's why I framed us right over my gang uniform. Every time I have to change for a brawl or even just a meeting, I'm reminded of the smile that will greet me in the end and will always be there."
That didn't sound like Nahoya. For a moment, you even thought if that wasn't just some doppelganger
Until he smacked your ass
Yeah that's him
He loves you, and without realizing it, he just made all your problems fade away
Looking at the picture now, maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as you thought it was.
+ Your little twin girls found the picture in some box while playing and made fun of how you both looked. It was never to be seen again. It was under your mattress
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So. Second worst boyfriend on the list.
Let's be honest, if your love language is quality time this won't work
Not that he won't want to spend time with you, but Juvenile? Sorry baby, they stole him from you
Kazutora loves you so much. He'd kill for you, and he'll die for you. No questions asked. He once even tried to break out from Juvenile because he couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
You visit him every day for as long as you can, bringing him gifts, telling stories, saying how much you miss him
But sometimes you wondered, does he love you?
"Baby!" A happy Kazutora exclaimed when you finally entered the meeting room and waited for you with a happy smile to sit down, on the opposite side of him, thick glass keeping you both separate.
"Hey, baby." You chuckled, adjusting in your seat.
It wasn't a lie how excited he was every day to see you. Sometimes, like today, he'd make you small diy gifts and show them off to you, explaining every minor detail from the inspiration, materials, hidden message, time taken, everything
And you kept them all on a special separate shelf in your room
"So that's my gift for you today! Do you like it?"
"I love it, 'Tora."
It was a small origami rose, which was actually very well made, considering he had to use his imagination
You both talk for a few moments before the chattering died down. You knew what that meant and quickly wiped the already falling tears
You hated this
You hated how close yet how far he was from you
You just wanted to break the damn glass and embrace him, never letting go
And he damn well knows he wants it too
But he can't, and neither can you
He was recently taken in, 3 years ago
Which means he'll be out in 7 years
Which felt like a lifetime for both of you
His biggest fear was you'd find someone new and leave him
Which he wouldn't even be mad about, considering he just ruined both your lives
But you stay consistent, you visit every single day, and even if you don't manage to, you always send him gifts and make up for it when you see each other.
But people's patience runs out at some point, and that point is today
You never meant to say this
You never meant to question his love for you because you both knew it was there and growing every passing day
So why did you ask? Was it the loneliness you felt every time you stepped out of the room and he wasn't there by your side? Was it the thrust to just be able to hold his hand? Was it the pain you felt every night where, instead of saying goodnight to him, you turned to a frame with a photo of him and said it to it?
You didn't know. He didn't know
The only thing you remember after that was the sound of glass shattering, alarms going off, and Kazutora hugging onto you as if it was your last minute on Earth.
You just cling to him, never wanting to let go again
You felt the tears fall when he kissed you, feeling all his love attack you in that one moment before the guards arrived and took him away
Your little moment lasted around 10 seconds, probably even less, but it felt like eternity to both of you
Visits were banned for a week until they changed the glass into an even more thick and unbreakable one
You dashed to the building the second they opened visiting hours again
And to be fair, even if that cost him 4 more months in juvenile, it was worth it when you finally managed to continue with your lives after his sentence
+ Your younger son thought it was funny while your older daughter cried her eyes out. I think you have 3 kids instead of two.
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Ah, yes. Our favorite dark impulse.
Listen, Mikey has to have FULL trust in you to even think about dating you. We're talking about Draken type of trust, if possible even more.
If Mikey falls for you, he will hit like fucking bedrock
If you don't reciprocate his feelings, he'd be hurt, but if you do, you're stuck for life
Mikey loves hard, and it's been proven so many times
It's the same as Kazutora. He'd kill for you.
Don't make him prove it. Just don't. You know, he knows, and everybody knows Mikey will do anything for you
So why ever question it?
You loved Manjiro, and he loved you. It was way too obvious to the point Emma already planned your whole future together
You knew that, but you always had this 'what it' thought in the back of your head, messing with you and you hated it
It was a normal afternoon. You were out with Mikey, just roaming around the city, eating at restaurants where they don't have flags so you brought your home-made ones, and spending way too much money on things you don't need
It was fun and all, just spending time together until he got a message from Draken which quickly brought him to his senses
He didn't want to leave you, but he had, so with a quick kiss on the lips he was off
You waved him goodbye with a smile and called up Emma and the girl just magically teleported to you in 10 minutes
She just loves you too much
Probably fought with Mikey for your hand at some point
You were having a blast with her until you both finally settled down at a café and talked about, just, anything and everything
You decided to share your thought with Emma and she quickly jumped, reassuring you that Mikey loved you with all his hesrt
She started showing you messages he's sent her about how he felt, what to get you and all sorts of things
But our beautiful Emma had her own 'what if' thought and when Mikey got home she instantly jumped on him
It was like, 1am when you heard his bike's engine roaring from outside your window. You got up and were met with a smiling Mikey and no more sleep for tonight
"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to talk."
The moment you got down to him, you were already zooming through the streets of Tokyo, but not in a racer-fast manner, just enought so you aren't like slugs on the roads
"Emma told me that—"
"I'm sorry, Mikey... I didn't mean to—"
"Please let me finish."
He talked for like, a whole ass hour. About everything that includes you both.
He brought you to tears ngl
His words just hit so deep that the thought immediately disappeared
Maybe it was he words of affirmation he used, the quality time he spend riding all night with you to ease your worries, the gift he gave you when you watched the sunrise and the fact you woke up in your bed later on with a small letter from him and a chibi drawing of both of you at the corner that kept a smile on your face till the end of you days
And you damn well know you lived one long ass life with Manjiro
And I'm kinda surprised to be honest
Not because you could've died while he was in Toman or anything, but because your kid is 3 times worse than Mikey.
+ Your son found his old gang uniform and wore it to school. The next teacher-parent conference was one hell of a trip.
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emilsendo · 11 months
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Baji Keisuke x Male Reader
Type: Angst to Fluff. (enemies to lovers)
"Can you finally notice me!?"
Baji Keisuke and You literally ALWAYS hated each other. Neither of you knew why, maybe because one was better at fighting than the other? Maybe because of behavior? Who knows.
Unfortunately, Mikey took a liking to you very quickly when you were all kids, which meant that you had to see the brunette with canine teeth every day. And this made the whole situation even worse, Baji often insults and interrupt you when you were talking about something, he hit you for no reason, which most often caused fights between you and him. So Draken, together with Mitsuya, had to pull you away from each other.
But after a while, when you were both 13 years old. You noticed that Baji started behaving strangely. I mean, weirder than usual.
A boy with black hair and canine teeth sometimes, even often, glanced at you out of the corner of his eye when he thought you weren't looking. He stopped insulting you and interrupting you while you were telling stories to others, and instead listened to you with buttery eyes.
Maybe someone just hit him in the head too hard during the fight? If so, it must have been a REALLY hard hit because Baji is acting like some kind of puppy around you. You don't even look like you're enemies anymore! Which terrified both you and the rest.
(Timeskip. You and Baji are 15 years old)
You were walking somewhere near Musashi Shrine, it was already after the Toman meeting, so all you could do was walk slowly home. But after literally a few minutes of walking, someone punched you in the face. You fell to the ground because you didn't expect this attack, but you knew exactly WHO hit you. Baji Keisuke.
Only he's able to punch you in the jaw hard enough to make something crack, so it's pretty obvious that the perpetrator is Baji. You got to your feet with a pissed off face, ready to punch Baji back. But when you saw the boy looking down at the floor and his long hair covering his face and cheeks which were now as red as a tomato. You instantly frozen.
The boy looked at you with an irritated, even angry expression. Then he gritted his teeth and shouted at your face:
- Can you finally notice me!? - his cheeks became redder than before after he shouted it loudly and clearly. You were surprised and confused. What did he mean by that?
He always hates you, bully you and fights with you. So what was this sentence supposed to mean?
- What was that supposed to mean, Baji? Are you playing with me again, do you want to get a good punch in your face or something? - You said with a frustrated tone, looking at the other teen with confused and angry expression. Baji was even more angry and frustrated than before after your answer, he looked like he wanted to say something but didn't have the guts to do so.
After a minute, he quickly grabbed you by the collar of your gang uniform and pulled you towards him to place his cold lips on yours. This made you make a surprised noise. What the hell is going on here!? You thought in your head as Baji continued to kiss you gently on the lips. After a while, you returned the kiss, your heart was beating like crazy and a slight blush appeared on your cheeks. You didn't understand why you felt this way. You were supposed to hate each other... right?
Your lips separated from each other after a minute or two. You both looked deep into each other's eyes in silence until Baji broke it and said, panting slightly.
- I love you, idiot! Is it so hard to notice...? - he said at the end, more quietly and softly. He then grabbed your waist and hugged you tightly, burying his face in your shoulder to hide his blush.
Maybe being enemies paid off?
so I finished my first oneshot, which I think sucks 💀👍 but I hope not that much.
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levis-nut-dump · 8 months
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~Break Away~
Description: Drug dealer ex boyfriend Connie tries to make you jealous.
TW: Drugs, gang, fluff, cursing
You never liked Connie Springer much. Since you were thirteen he was trouble in a small package and now you're twenty and he's trouble in a bigger package, which is why you weren't surprised when your six-month relationship was cut short because of his line of 'work'. You weren't too fond of being around a bunch of guns, drugs, and gangbangers every time you want to hang out with your boyfriend, you weren't cut out for that life. Not even two weeks later, Connie found someone who was.
You found the news out through a mutual friend of yours, Sasha Braus, she also hated Connie's work but knowing him as long as you have she knows just as well there's no pulling him from it.
"Already?!" you yelled.
Sasha jumped. "I mean, yeah. But that's ok, right? Your relationship was mainly physical and you don't like him that much anyway."
The truth is, you have grown to like Connie as a partner over the last six to seven months. You also found him sexy as you did dangerous. "Well... Whatever! Just how can he move on so quickly?! With Jackie nonetheless!" You grabbed your car keys and slammed your apartment door open.
Sasha jumped from the couch. "(Y/N) Where are you going?! He's around his people and Jackie's just as dangerous as he is! Don't do anything rash!" she begged.
"Fuck Jackie and FUCK Connie. I'm giving that prematurely grey jackass a piece of my mind!"
"She can get in my way if she wants to. She doesn't mean shit to him. Connie's wanted me for years he didn't move on that fast. Jackie is just to make me jealous and it's not working." you say getting into your car.
Sasha crouched to talk to you in the passenger side window. "Are you sure about that?" she giggled.
"Are you coming or not?" you say with aggravation filling your body.
"Yes but only so I can keep my two best friends from killing each other. This is why we don't date in the friend group." Sasha said getting into the car.
You start the car on the way to Connie's corner. "You're dating Jean, who is in the same friend group." you point out.
"Jean who's not a gangbanger."
You flip Sasha off.
Finally, you get to Connie's corner hideaway. An old building he and his guys use to plan their moves. "Ok, so what's the plan? Do you have like a weapon or something or are we gonna take the sneaky app-" Sasha started.
You turned the car off and got out, slamming the door which alerted Connie around the corner as he smirked.
"Connie Springer!" you yelled turning the corner to Connie, his guys, and Jackie sitting on his lap. In front of them was a table full of guns, large bags of weed, and a white substance you didn't even want to know about, but you weren't scared, your ego was bruised. You weren't the violent belligerent type but when your pride was hurt no one was safe from your temper.
"Hey Connie." Sasha smiled and waved from behind you, fearful of the table that possessed at least three charges. Maybe Sasha's the only one exempt from your temper.
"Hey Sasha. (Y/N)." Connie grinned.
"Fuck he's so sexy." you thought. "You're kidding me, right? Jackie?"
Connie sighed. "We broke up babe. I moved on." he said cocking his head to the side.
"Yeah right. It would be more believable if it were with anyone but Jackie Fletcher." you scoffed.
Jackie got up and Sasha backed up. "And what's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with me?" Jackie asked putting her shoulder-length blonde hair into a ponytail and taking her earrings out.
"It means you have more STDs than Connie has warrants." you grit through your teeth.
Connie's boys laughed and this set Jackie off. "Bitch you better have the hands to back that mouth up." she said stepping closer
"My mouth isn't as 'trained' as yours but I bet my fucking hands are just as good hoe."
Jackie ran up and you don't know what happened but the next thing you knew you were on top of her punching her over and over.
"Guys take Sasha upstairs I'll take care of this." Connie ordered. As the guys were carrying out his command Connie went to pull you off Jackie. "Alright. Alright Tyson she's out!" he said finally getting you to your feet. You quickly turn around and push him. "The fuck (Y/N)?!" he yelled.
"What you want some too?" you asked, pushing him again.
"I'm not gonna put my hands on you (Y/N)." Connie said softly.
You push him again. "Why not?" You pushed him against the wall "Fucking pussy. Fight back." You slap him on his left cheek.
Connie stared at you with a hazel deadly glare that snapped you back to reality. Sometimes you forget just how scary he could be as he towers over you weighing two hundred all muscle. "You want me to put my hands on you (Y/N)?" he growled switching you against the wall faster than you can blink. "You come in here, yell at me in front of my guys, insult my girlfriend, then beat her unconscious. After that, you have the nerve to come at me?" He put your chin between his fingers and made you look him in the eyes. "You're so fucking sexy." Your lips smashed together in a sloppy kiss. You run your fingers through his short grey hair as he undoes your pants and drops them to the ground. With a small bite of your lip, Connie breaks from the kiss and peppers your neck.
For an hour, years of pent-up hatred and anger were released against that wall.
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
i love oftm fam so much 🥹 i would love literally any updates on them :)
How Could I Not Love You?
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: this isn’t my favorite but I miss them desperately
Summary: “You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” [2.5k]
Warnings: newborn stuff, angst, the Garcia-Long family coming in clutch, god they are so in love it hurts, smutty dialogue toward the end but no smut because I chickened out
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You don't know that you've ever been this tired. The girls have been in the world for a whopping two and a half months, and you feel like you've been awake for the entirety of those two months. None of the Miller kids are particularly good sleepers— even Sarah didn't sleep through the night until she was two and a half, which Joel conveniently forgot to tell you when you talked about having kids— but with the addition of the girls, it feels much harder. They wake up at different times throughout the night to feed, get changed, or be held, which complicates the rotation. Also, Sam's sleep schedule has regressed, and he's up at random times. Having three under five is not all it's cracked up to be.
You love Joel, and you love watching him be a dad, but your relationship has suffered through the just-barely-surviving stage of having newborns. You try to make time to watch a movie or just talk, but whenever you do, someone starts crying. Even if you're able to sit down for more than five minutes without a kid needing something, you're half-asleep and in no shape for a conversation. 
It didn't hit you how much of a toll it's taken on you until you were up for one of the late-night feeds with Violet, and he lay there, watching you through the darkness. You turned to look at him and reached out with your free hand to smooth down some stray hair. He smiled sleepily and turned to kiss your wrist before whispering, "I miss you." You wanted to say that he doesn't need to miss you, and you're right there, but you weren't. Not really.
"I miss you, too," you whispered back, feeling the sting of the truth on the back of your tongue. You wanted to say more—to remind him how much you love him and tell him how you couldn't do this without him—but Sophia's tinny cry closed the window of opportunity before it could fully open. 
You love your kids. You couldn't imagine anything better than watching them grow and interact with each other. They are so wanted and loved, but it still feels really fucking hard. You're sitting on the couch, feeding a baby while Joel bounces another and plays Army men with Sam, feeling like a horrible wife and mother, when the lock turns on your front door and your second family enters.
Carolina, Ryan, Elizabeth, Victoria, and Penelope descend upon your living room like well-meaning vultures, and you give them a confused look. Penelope immediately runs to Sam, and they embrace in their awkward toddler way before they scurry off to his room to play. Victoria, now nine and looking more like Carolina every day, gushes over Daisy. Elizabeth, in her teenage grace, plops down next to you on the couch and squeezes you, trying not to disturb Sophia too much.
"What are you doing here?" You ask Carolina, looking at her like she's a saint, and she smiles. 
"I heard you could use a break," she says. You're about to argue with her and insist that you've got everything under control, but she stops you. "We have two and a half adults, play buddies for Sam and Daisy, and nothing to do for the rest of the day. Plus, I've been itching to hold a baby." She explains. You turn to look back at Joel, who is now babyless and standing next to a baby-equipped Ryan, and give him a look.
"Did you do this?" You ask.
"Would it be the worst thing in the world if we went to dinner alone?" Just the idea of an actual dinner is enough to make you waver. You've both been living off of takeout and Sam's leftovers since the girls were born, and you're dying for a change of scenery. There's more than enough frozen breastmilk in the fridge for the girls, and they're at ease with their aunt and uncle. Sam is ecstatic to have someone to play with, and Daisy looks excited to get some attention. Surely, a few hours couldn't hurt. 
"Fine, but you can't make me wear pants." 
"Wouldn't dream of it," Joel says. Once Sophia is done feeding, you hand her off to Carolina and show Elizabeth where everything is. They don't need a rundown of everything a newborn needs, but it makes you feel better to ramble about their routine to make sure it all gets done. 
With all the kids placated, you and Joel sneak off to your room to change out of the clothes you've been wearing for God knows how long. You put on a maxi dress and spray dry shampoo in your hair while Joel buttons up a nice shirt. 
"Thank you," you say as you put on earrings, glancing at him in the mirror. “You didn't have to do this." He gives you a confused look but shakes it off with a quick kiss to your cheek.
"I wanted to. You deserve a break."
"We deserve a break," you correct, and he hums as he wraps an arm around your waist. Even though he hasn't been dealing with postpartum and breastfeeding problems, he's still been in the trenches with you. For a quiet minute, you stand together and take a breath for the first time in months. Yeah, you desperately needed this. 
You quickly finish getting ready before your plans can get thwarted and are shooed out of the house by Carolina and Ryan. They promise to text you updates and have everyone in bed on time, but don't pressure you to come home early. "We've got this," Carolina says with enough conviction that you can believe her. Still, your anxiety spikes once you're down the driveway, and you have to convince yourself that everything is okay. Joel grabbing your hand and asking you a question pleasantly distracts you. 
The autumn sun slowly sets over the California hills and casts a golden glow over Joel's face, catching the grays in his hair and beard beautifully. He's fifty now and older than he ever thought he'd be. He told you as much on the night of his birthday, along with his fears of being an older dad and husband. "I just don't wanna miss anythin'," he said. You reminded him that he was only fifty and he's in exceptional health for someone who spent most of his thirties and forties making music and bouncing around the world on tours. Plus, aging looks good on him. 
You talk about little things like how he's scribbled lyrics onto a notepad he keeps beside the bed or how Daisy has adjusted to having three little kids around instead of one. You're in the middle of saying something when he makes a familiar turn, and you can't stop the laugh from leaving you as the restaurant comes into view. 
"Are you serious?" You ask, looking at him with a big smile, and he shrugs.
"What?" He asks, as if he's not stopping in front of the restaurant where you had your first (contractually obligated) date. 
"Joel, we haven't been here in…" you trail off as you do the mental math before gasping. It's ten years to the day of your first date. Guilt immediately pools at the base of your spine, but Joel just sits there with a smirk on his face. "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize. I've been so caught up with Sammy and the girls and-" he leans over the center console and kisses you before you can continue rambling. 
Normally, you make it a point to remember days like this. Your first date, breaking up, getting back together, getting engaged, getting married, all of it. That's why it's so shocking that you forgot about it, and on a milestone year, no less. 
"I'm so sorry." You say, and he shakes his head. 
"I didn't say anything, so it could be a surprise," he says. "I called Caro and Ryan about a month ago to set this up, and I rented out the whole restaurant, so it's just us. We don't have to worry about cameras or fans or anythin'." 
Of fucking course, he would do something like this. You sigh and drop your head to his shoulder. 
"I didn't even get you anything." You mumble guiltily. He chuckles and kisses your temple.
"You just had two of my kids. I think that's more than enough." He says. You could spiral about feeling like a bad partner (how could you forget when your life together started?), but you have plenty of time for that. For dinner, however, you're on the clock. So, you push the thoughts away for now and stare at your husband fondly.
"I love you so much it's stupid," you say, and he smiles.
"Right back atcha, baby." He says. Much like he did on your first date, he gets out first and gives the car keys to the valet before opening your door for you. You take his arm and walk into the restaurant with him. There's no need for a hostess since there's only one table set up in the space, and it's impossible to miss it. Beautiful flowers surround the table, already set with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of red roses like the ones he turned up at your door with. He pulls your chair out for you and steals a kiss before moving to the other side of the table. Light, romantic music plays over the speakers, and the candle flickers in the middle of the table. It's perfect. 
The bottle of wine is from the year you were married, and it has a special label bearing both your names. You haven't had any wine for almost a year, and Joel, knowing this, evidently pulled out all the stops. He pours each of you a glass and raises it in a toast. "Thanks for going on a second date with me," he says, and you laugh. 
"Thanks for giving me a reason to." You say and clink your glass against his. The wine is amazing, and it's not just because you haven't had any in so long. You spend some time catching up with each other and talking about nothing important until a very nice waiter comes by to take your orders. Besides the waiter coming and going, you're left alone with Joel, with nobody crying or asking you for anything. It's nice, if not a little strange. 
You take your time eating and drinking and giving Joel your full attention. You laugh together and get butterflies when he kisses your hand or brushes his knee against yours. It's a little silly to get so worked up over such small gestures, but it's been a hot second since you've had adult time, so you figure it's fair. God forbid you still find your husband attractive. 
In the middle of dessert, a special request of Texas Trash Pie— which doesn't come close to his mother's but is still delicious— you look up from the dish and find whipped cream in his beard. You snort a laugh at the sight, and Joel furrows his brows.
"What?" He chuckles. You gather your napkin in your hands and reach out to wipe his face, not unlike you do with your son, and he blushes a little when he realizes what was making you laugh. "Can't believe you still like a mess like me." He says before taking another bite and somehow getting more on his face. Once you're full and pleasantly tipsy from the wine, you scoot your chair closer to Joel, and his hand finds a home on your thigh. 
You can't stop staring at him. You track the changes you've watched unfold over the past decade: a little more grey on his temples, the creases next to his eyes a little more prominent, and his hair a little longer. He still has that indescribable sparkle in his eye that you think can only be a product of his joy. Your heart squeezes when it only intensifies as he looks at you. 
"We've been together a long time," you say, and he hums. "Ten years, five kids, one dog, three finished albums, and one in the works."
"And four movies, an Academy Award, and how many others?" Joel chimes in, never the one to just accept praise, and you roll your eyes playfully.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," you say, making him smile. You grab his left hand and trace his gold wedding band back and forth and back and forth a few times before you look at him again. "I mean, considering everything, we've done pretty well for ourselves. Can you handle ten more years with me?"
"I'd take a hundred more years with you." He says so quickly it takes your breath away. "I'd do it all over again if it meant this would be our life." 
"Even though we have to change shitty diapers and get no sleep?" You ask, the question betraying the sudden tears, and he laughs.
"There are worse things." Like thinking you'll never see each other again. Like running out of time. Like never seeing him in our children's faces. Yeah, there are much worse things. You take a deep breath and squeeze his hand. 
"I love you." You whisper like you told him you missed him not even a week ago. 
"I love you, too." He whispers back as he kisses you sweetly. The waiter lets you linger for another half an hour before dropping the check and very politely tells you they'll be closing soon. Joel leaves a big tip as an apology for staying so late and personally thanks all the staff who worked to make this possible. He's all Southern charm and manners, even as you leave the restaurant and wait for the car. 
"Thank you for tonight." You say, and Joel gives you a look. 
"Y'know, we don't have to go back just yet. The kids are all in bed. Carolina and Ryan said to enjoy each other." He says, and you squint at him, a smirk pulling on your lips.
"And what would we do with all that extra time?" 
"I might've reserved a room in a hotel nearby, just in case. We can order breakfast to the room early and be home before the kids wake up." 
"Do Caro and Ryan know about this?" You ask, but you already know the answer. You scoff a little and shake your head before stepping close to him. "You must've been really desperate to fuck your wife to plan all this, huh?" Your lips brush against the shell of his ear, and you swear, you feel him shudder. 
"Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna take such good care of you."  
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethksplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia @maried01 @acupofhollie
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dearanakin · 1 year
"Bad Reputation" - Steve Harrington x f!Reader
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Summary: You wanted to pretend you were going out with someone as the guy from school insists on hooking up with you. Among the people at a party, you choose Steve Harrington, who has a bad reputation.
Warning: Cursing, fluffiness, alcohol
Word count: 3.1k
Someone from school was throwing a party you weren't supposed to be at, but you went to anyway. Robin made you go with her so you would do something on the weekend.
And then she dragged the whole gang with her, including the kids - the kids were actually 18 now.
Among too many people, you were trying to squeeze between them so you didn't bump into Riley, because he was insisting too much on hooking up with you for weeks.
You were thinking about hitting on someone just so you could get rid of him, but the only guys available, which you would hook up, included Eddie, who was getting high with his friends.
Jonathan, but he was too preoccupied with Nancy, and... Steve Harrington. You didn't know him well enough, and he was really involved in just talking with Dustin and Mike and some other guys, drinking some beer.
The fact he wasn't hooking up with any girl was weird, but understandable.
It's not like he was still that guy who would make a line so girls with kiss him. His bad reputation ended up making him become different than that guy.
You thought to yourself, that maybe if you could ask him a favor, you could make Riley give up on you.
Not that it was the greatest idea, but Eddie wasn't actually really into hooking up at parties and you were somewhat friends.
You walked towards the boys and Dustin and Mike ceased the conversation just to have a look at you. Henderson gave you a smirk and you thought it was cute.
You noticed Steve made the same course as them and stared at you. Well, you made it halfway, might as well just finish it.
"You're Steve Harrington, right?", you asked as he nodded, puffing his chest. He was "retired" from being a jerk, and now the girls would usually hit on him.
"Yeah, that me", he said as he gave a side smile to the other boys. Both of them gave him a grimace look, leaving you both alone. "And who are you?".
"I'm (Y/N). Can you do me a favor?", you were looking around you as you tried to find Riley. Harrington wasn't really getting your point, but nodded anyway.
"I'm trying to get rid of a guy, can you pretend we're going out?". You spoke close to his ear as the music was too loud.
"Uh, sure. But you know I have a bad reputation, right?", he questioned, like it's a warning. You honestly don't care at all, because you don't judge people either way.
"I don't mind, really. And I don't see it that way". You smile at him, you really didn't.
"You're not pranking me, are you?". He sounds really suspicious and it almost makes you gasp.
"Why would I do that?", you seemed kind of offended, he was playing defensive. "Look, are you gonna help me or not?".
Steve looked like he was having a meltdown, he took too long to think and you were already giving up your decision. Maybe it would've been better to ask Eddie, he's always doing crazy shit anyway.
"Fine", he gave in. "And what's in for me?", Steve asked and you grinned at him, sipping on your beer. "You know what? I've got something better. I pretend to be your hook up, and you help me get my good reputation back".
You almost snorted, why would he, of all the things he could ask for, want to have a reputation after all?
Although you knew he was always a jerk to girls, he would always be the least of the romantic, always getting in trouble for going out with committed girls as well.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all, he was nice, you've heard. Robin was his closest friend and she sure would never lie about him.
You found Riley walking around with a friend and immediately crashed your lips against Steve's. He wasn't really waiting for that so it was a sloppy kiss at first, just pecking.
He wrapped your waist with one of his arms while holding the beer with the other. He tasted like cinnamon as he was chewing a gum and it made you melt down under his kiss.
You opened one of your eyes slightly as you watched Riley leave. You broke the kiss and looked and Steve, who was still shocked by your sudden approach.
"Wow, could've warned me first", he said as he rubbed one hand against his soft hair and you chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were expecting it", you used your thumb to clean up your smudgy lipstick on his lip.
"Not that fast, honestly", he gives you a nervous grin. "Who is the guy, by the way?". Harrington asked as he followed you to the kitchen. You were looking for something stronger. You needed something to get through the night.
"Riley Edwards he's on the band group. Robin probably knows him". You found a bottle of Gin and decided to make yourself a Gin Tonic.
Steve was just behind you as you were making the drink. You probably didn't know what to do next, you just know you're supposed to be kissing when the guy is around.
But other than that, what are you going to do when he's not around? Maybe kiss him again properly would be nice.
"I already said no to him. But he's too persevering", you finished your drink and almost chugged it entirely.
Steve watched you with his brows furrowed. "Jesus, easy with that".
"You're not playing boyfriend here", you provoked.
You laughed at his sudden worriness and offered him the cup. He grabbed it and sort of savored it first before drinking it. His face went bloody red and he almost choked.
"Fuck, this is strong as hell, (Y/N)", you were still chuckling watching him scrunching his nose.
"Yeah well, don't act like a baby girl", you drank the entire cup and decided to make another one, while he rolled his eyes to your response.
"We said we'll help each other out, right. How am I going to pretend to be your hook up if you're hammered?", Steve had a point though.
And then you decided you would slow down on the alcohol. Maybe later probably. You found a tequila bottle and placed it on the sink as you looked for shot glasses.
He looked at you and shook his head. "Nope. No, no, no. I am not drinking that. Forget it".
You gave him a side smile, Steve still held a grumpy face because that wasn't what he signed up for.
You filled the glasses and went looking for some lime, only to find all of them were already in the trash.
Harrington was still in disbelief. "Fuck, I don't drink that without a lime".
"Oh my gosh, how do you want a reputation if you can't even fucking drink a tequila shot?".
"Well, I don't drink tequila shots, for starters", he retorted.
"If you do it, I'll flash you", you saw his eyes brighten up and he downed it all. He hissed at the taste and chugged on his beer.
You did you shot and closed your eyes. This was probably the strongest tequila you've ever had in your life. You leaned against the sink and took a deep breath.
"Now flash me", Harrington sat on the table, making a "come here" gesture and you burst out into laugh.
"Oh, Steve. I was just kidding", you squeezed his cheek and he frowned. It made you laugh harder.
"You manipulated me!", he shook his head as he watched you still laughing at him.
"Maybe I'll do it, who knows?", you respond.
You opened the fridge looking for a beer, grabbing one bottle and leaving to the backyard holding Steve's hand. He was on your tail still trying to get rid of that horrible taste.
Madonna was blasting outside and you saw Robin dancing with a girl, you couldn't but hold a smile at her.
She was having so much fun and she deserved to. Steve grabbed you by your waist while dancing and you thought it wouldn't be a terrible idea to dance with.
The alcohol started to make its way through your system and you knew it will soon hit your head. But you didn't care at that moment, because you wanted to have fun as well.
He was intently resting his face against your shoulder and you laughed at the way he was playing an affair so perfectly. Or maybe he was already too drunk too.
You spinned around to face him and he definitely had a drunk smile on his face. His hair was kinda messy and he smelled like Calvin Klein and tequila.
"How am I doing?", he asked as he still danced, twirling you around him and you chuckled.
"Better than I expected", you said. "How are you not hitting on girls in this place?".
He had a different look in his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders. Steve sipped the rest of his beer and licked his lips. Suddenly you felt very attracted to him.
"I don't care about that anymore. I just want people to realize I'm different now".
"And yet you still want to rebuild your reputation", you retorted him and he leaned against the wall. One of his knees bent over as he rested his foot there.
"I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore", he seemed upset. Things with Nancy didn't go well either, that was when he realized he needed a change.
"You know what I think?", you asked as you got closer to him. He raised his eyebrows waiting for your answer. "I think you look very pretty right now".
You grabbed him by his colar and he stiffened against your touch. "And you don't seem to be a bad guy at all. But I'll help you fix it". As you finished your line he leaned on to kiss you.
It was an intentional kiss with a mixture of booze and desire. He was obviously very attracted to you as well and made it clear as his tongue touched yours.
He grabbed your hip firmly with one free hand and deepened the kiss, tasting every bit of you. You gritted his tongue between your teeth and heard him groan, amused.
Harrington twisted you around and pulled you against the wall, almost merging into your body as he started to kiss you faster. You were lightheaded over the alcohol and the kiss, nibbling on his lower lip and he rubbed his finger against your skin.
It didn't last too long as you heard someone behind you. "Well, holy fucking shit", the voice said. You and Steve both opened your eyes at the same time, he even loosened his touch against you.
Billy Hargrove stood behind you and laughed along with his friends from the basketball team. "If it isn't King Steve fucking Harrington working his way up to someone's pants".
His words were nasty and you felt Steve growing mad in front of you. He turned his torso around and faced Billy, who was holding a sarcastic smile on his face.
"Just get lost, Hargrove", he said, feeling a little groggy from the tequila and the other one laughed. Everyone around stopped their dancing to stare at them.
"No, you know my favorite hobby is to never leave you alone", Billy stated, sipping on his beer.
You couldn't be more stressed over this, you just wanted to have a good time. You should've known he was going to make an entrance and make someone's life a living hell, and it always had to be Steve.
"Whatever man, I'm not playing your game", Harrington said and faced you. He tried to ignore Billy but the guy just wouldn't stop being an asshole. "I'm sorry you have to go through this".
His words were so soft and warm and it made you feel angry by the way Hargrove just makes someone uncomfortable and it wasn't right. It was just so messed up.
"Why don't you go find someone's pants yourself, hm? You think you're so different from everyone else but you're just another asshole", you pointed at him and he furrowed his brows, still chewing a gum.
"Steve Harrington is a great guy. He's mature enough now to realize he was a jerk and he's not like that anymore. Now, if you'll excuse us, you're disturbing my moment with him, at least he's getting in someone's pants", you finished as you pulled Steve close to you.
On purpose, of course, you made him grab your ass as you gave him a feral kiss and he responded to it the same way as you. Harrington felt his head pound over the stress and the way you pulled him against you.
You heard when people around you booed Billy and cheered, throwing plastic cups over him and the basketball team. You waited until he left to break the kiss, but Steve kept on going, squeezing your ass and moving his tongue too fast.
A moment after that and he had to pull some air into his lungs, laughing. "Shit, you just- that was so wild". He pecked your lips, licking them.
"Think you still want a reputation?".
"Fuck no, doesn't matter if it worked or not", he gave you an honest smile, holding your waist too close to him. You felt that part of your skin become numb.
"That's good for you. You don't need to be so dependen-", he cut you off as he cupped your face and gave you another kiss.
Steve took his time to taste you with a slow kiss, holding you against his firm hands, savoring your taste. You didn't have time to react as he grabbed your hands and dragged you inside the house, going upstairs.
Obviously you knew what was going to happen, and unlike you thought, you were hoping for it. Not because it was Steve, but because the way he's been treating you the whole night.
He didn't stop between groups to show off, he didn't brag about winning another night.
He made a mental note to himself he wouldn't fuck anyone at the party, but the way you were looking at him and the way you reacted to his touch gave him fuel to his body. Maybe it was also because of the alcohol.
He never liked to mix drinks because of the way he tends to act around people, like it would be different this time. He found a spare guest room and closed the door with a kick, hovering over you in the bed.
Harrington hit his knee on the corner of the bed and yelped, making you laugh. "Fuck. Shit".
"Such a smooth way to get into someone's pants", you say as you chuckle, looking at the stare he gave you.
"Shut up or I'll rip your clothes off", he warned before leaning over you, spreading wet kisses on your skin.
"Yes, please", you whine. Steve feels his body shiver by the way you say it and sucked on your neck. If it gets a hickey or not, you will not care about it on the next day.
He took a long time on the crook of your neck, inhaling your perfume and the smell of your skin. His hands were properly rubbing your inner thighs and your core squeezed.
His bulge started to grow and he felt an intense urge of pounding on you all night. But something inside his guts tells him otherwise and he breaks the contact, and you flinch.
"Everything okay?", you squeeze his wrist lightly and he rubs his hand against his silky hair. He hums before sighing heavily.
"Yeah, fuck. Sorry. Shit", you don't understand squat he's complaining about. His dick is pressed against his jeans, almost crying for help.
"Steve?", you coax. He looks at you like he's having trouble fixing his thoughts.
"I don't wanna be this guy. Like, this", he mentions with his index fingers, pointing at him and the bedroom. "God, I wanna make things right. I wanna have sex, not fuck around".
Okay, he's drunk. But this talk is kind of nonsense to you.
"Is this because of what happened? Because I don't give a single fuck", you explain, watching him sit next to you. He shook his head.
"No, not at all. I don't wanna fast forward moments like that, around too many people. Yeah I think it's hot as fuck and I'll probably cum in like three minutes, which is exactly my point here. I wanna appreciate things", he made a speech you were not in the mood to hear because you wanted to suck on him so bad.
But then you realized what he meant. It's supposed to be a fuck and nothing else, and that wasn't what you really wanted. You wanted a relationship, a commitment.
"Maybe this is a drunk talk but I've been feeling like that for a while. And on that note I realized you didn't come after me because it was me, because obviously you would find someone better than me. Eddie would be a nice option", he grasped one hand on your thigh, softly.
"But I look at you and I see you don't care about how people look. And I really dig that", Steve wouldn't shut up and you just wanted to kiss him. But if you laughed he would be offended, so you let him speak. "And now I feel such a douche, I look so needy when I'm drunk. Fuck me".
You laughed at the way he said it and he looked at you, chuckling.
"Steve, I get that. I get you. I don't like it either, but I just thought 'why not?'. And it's okay to not want that. I mean your crotch says otherwise, but I understand it", you joke about his bulge and he leans against the bed, hiding his face with one hand and holding his crotch with the other.
"Fuuuuck. Alright, show's over. I'm definitely going to need a thousand shots after that". Harrington got himself up and walked to the the room. "Care to join me?".
"Hm, I have a better idea", you grab his hand and pull him across the house, making your way outside.
"Where we going?".
"To my house. We're going to listen to some nice and less loud music, eat some snacks and then maybe have proper sex". You stop walking, only to look at him as you speak into his ear. "Without anyone else around".
His face brightens up and he pulls you closer before you can walk again. "You just made your way to my heart instead", he says giving you a soft and gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I wanna pick the songs", Steve stabilished while grabbing your hand, walking on the sidewalk by your side.
You didn't care you left the party with King Steve, per se. He was definitely getting under your pants, but with a meaning. You laughed at the way he said he wanted to pick the music, and then it came to your head that this is the result of a great idea you had, only because someone wouldn't stop being so annoying.
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leiawritesstories · 1 month
@throneofglassmicrofics August prompt "Ferris Wheel"
here have some TOG gang county fair antics hehe ;) written while i unfortunately cannot go on fair rides because of recovery
word count: 1.2k (oops)
warnings: swearing, various antics, heights
"Absolutely not." Rowan stepped between Aelin and Fenrys, looking suspiciously at the matching smirks the two blondes wore. "I don't like that look, Ae."
"What look?" She threw her boyfriend an innocent smile. "We're just talking about which rides we want to go on next."
"Sadly, you weren't an option," Fenrys snickered.
Rowan's eyes just about bugged out of his face, and he punched the cackling Fenrys in the shoulder. "The fuck?!"
"Calm down, boys," Aelin said, draping an arm over each of their shoulders. "Ro, babe, I promise I'll be safe." She dropped her voice to a throaty whisper. "Unless you don't want to be safe."
"Gods above." He wiped a hand down his face, fighting the way his blood rushed south. "Do I need to tie you down?"
"Don't threaten me with a good time," she hummed.
"Get a fuckin' room already!" Lorcan yelled, passing by with Elide sitting on his shoulders.
Rowan just flipped him off. "I think the roller coaster is closed by now, Ae," he said to his girlfriend. It had been dark for well over an hour, and most of the rides at the county fair had closed for the night.
"We were thinking the Ferris wheel," Aelin replied. "There's lights on it, and it runs all the time." She tucked herself into Rowan's side and laced her fingers with his. "I know you're not the biggest fan, but it's probably the safest ride at the fair, you hovering buzzard."
"I don't hover," he sighed, tapping the end of her nose. "I just...fuck, I don't like the idea of the ride stopping with you all the way up at the top there."
"What if you sit with me, and I can prove I'm okay if the ride stops for a couple minutes?" She winked. "I'll keep you safe, big guy."
Aedion groaned theatrically and clapped his hands over his ears. She hadn't even noticed that her cousin was walking beside her. "Can you two keep it PG for ten fucking seconds?" he complained. "Can't go ten feet without you two making eyes at each other."
"Oh yeah?" Aelin raised a brow at her irreverent cousin. "What about you flirting with every other person we walk past? You think I asked to be subjected to that?"
"Hey, hey, no fighting, kids," Rowan teased. "I can think of better ways to pass the time." He smirked wickedly at Aelin and looped his arm around her hips.
"Fucking hell!" Aedion yelped and hurried off, pretending to scrub out his eyes.
Aelin snickered. "One of these days, I swear he's gonna ask you to duel or something."
Rowan smirked. "Bring it on."
She jabbed him in the side. "I don't need either of you two idiots ending up in the hospital, babe." They came up to the Ferris wheel and got in line, and there were few enough people waiting for the ride that the line moved quickly. Within a couple of minutes, they'd shown their wristbands to the attendant and climbed into the steel car, securing the bar across their laps.
As their car slowly began to rise, Rowan inhaled softly and splayed one hand on Aelin's thigh, his posture tense. She leaned into his side, placed her hand atop his, and exhaled deeply, encouraging him to breathe with her. "I'm right here," she murmured. "'S'okay, babe." He slowly relaxed, enough that he could look out over the fairgrounds as they rose into the air, the Ferris wheel moving in a steady mechanical circle.
On their third rotation, the cars slowed, letting people on and off, and Rowan tensed up again as they climbed towards the top of the wheel. Aelin ran her hand up his leg, and he sucked in a sharp breath, tense for reasons other than their height. "What," he asked in a low, hoarse rasp, "do you think you're doing, Ae?"
"Distracting you, scaredy-cat" she practically purred. "Is it working?" Her hand crept higher.
"Aelin," he groaned, catching her wrist. "Tease."
"You love it."
"Sweet fuckin' gods!" Lorcan's voice shattered their little bubble. "The cars ain't soundproofed!"
Giggling, Aelin sat up. "There's no need to let your jealousy show, Lorky," she snickered. "I'm sure Ro would let you have a ride with him if you asked nicely."
"Oh, what the fuck." There was a thump like a fist striking the steel side of the car and Lorcan went silent.
Rowan, whose face was a heated shade of scarlet, flicked Aelin a sideways glance. "I'm not gonna---"
"Don't worry, babe." She kissed the corner of his lips. "I can get pretty possessive, and while I won't judge you for your past lovers, I don't want to share."
"Good." His hand returned to her thigh, thumb stroking lazily up and down. "I'm not sharing you either."
The Ferris wheel moved beneath them, and their car slowly circled back down to the ground. When they stopped, Rowan pushed up the safety bar and lifted Aelin out of the seat. She chuckled and whispered "caveman" in his ear, but gladly hopped onto his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her piggyback down the packed dirt path, only stopping when she rapidly drummed her fingers on his shoulder when she saw a funnel cake stand.
"Do you really need more greasy fair food, love?" he teased.
She pretended to be shocked. "What's a fair without a stomach ache?" Fenrys ran past, heading for the food truck, and she took off after him. "Bet I can eat a funnel cake faster than you can."
"Twenty bucks." He shook hands with her and proceeded to buy two funnel cakes despite her protest that she could pay for her own. He set both plates down on a picnic table and beamed at her. "Ready to lose?"
"Like hell I'm losing." With a wickedly playful grin, she sat down across from him and quietly tore open a packet of powdered sugar behind her back. "Three, two, one...go!" On go, she flung the powder in Fen's face, and he coughed and waved at the cloud of sugar as she tore into her funnel cake.
"No fair!" he squawked when he regained his voice.
Aelin licked the last crumbs of her funnel cake off her fingers and grinned at him. "Never said I had to play fair, Fenny boy." He huffed indignantly and took a massive bite of his half-eaten funnel cake, and she chuckled. "Pay up?"
"Gonna make me go broke," he grumbled, but he handed over a twenty. Just before the cash passed into her hand, he stopped, and a grin lit up his face. "Wanna go double or nothing?"
"Oh no you don't," she laughed, plucking the money from his grasp. "Last time you asked me that, I somehow found myself on Lorcan's roof, and that's not something I wanna repeat."
"Boring," Fenrys drawled.
Rowan rolled his eyes. "More like safe." Groans arose from around the table at Rowan's favorite word, but he just laughed and flipped them all off. "Nothing wrong with being safe."
"I'm gettin' sleepy," Aelin whispered into his ear before the others could rib him for being overbearing. "Wanna take me to bed?"
If they hadn't been very much in public, he probably would have thrown her over his shoulder. "We're gonna head home," he said as he stood up, her hand in his.
"Be safe!" Aedion yelled as they walked towards the parking lot. Aelin flipped him off over her shoulder.
"Idiots," she chuckled.
The best idiots.
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we-out-here-simping · 8 months
Chapter 1: Three inches minimum.
(s.h. x gn!reader)
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from the river to the sea (educate yourself and help however you can)
Warnings: y/n might or might not be used; no pronouns used (gn!reader); flashbacks within a flashback; suggestivenes (no smut); trauma; might be canon divergent in future (cuz screw the canon) ; very questionable food choices on readers part (don't ask me I have no idea why I put it in)
word count: 9.5k
A/n: alright gang! we start all over again and imma do this right this time. i really am liking doing this rewrite/revamp of the old stuff now that i know where to take this story. so ive added new stuff that i really wanted to and got rid of some stuff as well.
i dont write smut but this is an 18+ blog mdni
promises series masterlist
Life in Hawkins was not a normal one. But then again, what did you know about the norm anyway?
You ran away from the Hawkins lab in 1980. Even after all these years, its memories still haunted you. You still got nightmares, they had never really stopped.
It was hard to forget, you in your dirty hospital gown, the cloth had still smelled of smoke. You had been lethargic, exhausted, but you had a goal in mind. Find Eight. 
You didn't know where she was, but she was your best bet. In the lab, she was the closest thing you had had to a friend. she was your sister. She told you about what her life was like before she had been taken to the lab, she had remembered a lot from then, you on the other hand, didn't. she used tell you all she remembered from outside.
it had been so long since you had last seen her. two years. 1978.
“Come with me”, she had almost begged, holding your hands in her, “we’ll do all that we wanted to. We’ll be free”
You don't know why you couldn't do it then. 
“Please. We’ll have names, we’ll find your real parents, we'll find mine, we’ll be together, we'll be free, that's what you wanted too, didnt you?” she swallowed, desperate, chest heaving. the alarms had been ringing through the halls. The clang of the heavy metal doors and boots stomping rang in the air— they were coming, Papa was coming. you were running out of time. you could run far far away. But you were stuck, your throat dry.
“I.. we can’t”, was all that came out. Your words betrayed you because Eight was right, it was all you wanted. It was all both of you wanted. More than anything. But in the heat of the moment, everything was scary, you were so damn scared. 
Eight stared at you, she stepped back, your shaky hands slipping out of her own. The noise got louder, the stomps closer. The betrayal and confusion on her features quickly morphed into a stoic expression.
“Maybe he’s right.” she swallowed, shaking her head, “You are too weak”, she turned and started walking away. you wanted to call after her but nothing came out. she stopped– the guards were so close– she turned her head a little yet still not showing you her face.
“Goodbye, seven.”
You had to find her because despite what she had said, she was your only hope. two years later, it was a shot in the dark at best, but what other choice did you have?
you tried looking for her, but the void was nothing but emptiness, yet crowded as a maze. she wouldn't let you see her. She was hiding, or rather, just not letting you in. you just hoped she was okay.
You weren't sure how, but you managed to stay out of suspicion for a week before an old woman found you trying to ‘steal’ clothes– a jacket more specifically. 
That's when you met Jim hopper.
“Ok, kid. How about you start by telling me your name?” a low gruff in the man’s voice. You stayed silent as you looked down to your hands in your lap, there was dirt beneath your nails. Water was hard to come across when you're on the run, especially in this cold.
“How about, where you're from, ‘cause I know you're not from around here” Hopper spoke up again. You pulled the sleeves of your full sleeved t-shirt further down, palms sweaty.
“Listen, kid”, he sighs, “ you’ve gotta give me something” you infact continued to give him nothing. you tuck your cold fingers under your thighs, trying your best to hold back the shivers. The ill-fitted t-shirt and joggers you'd found the day after you'd run away didn't do much in matters of protecting you from the cold. That was why you had tried to get that thick jacket. the very same you were caught ‘stealing’ that had brought you here.
“Mrs. Lauter wanted me to arrest you, y’know?” he tried to prompt you. you didn't look up from the tattered shoes you wore– they didn't fit you, they weren't yours.
“Hey!”, he raised his voice a little, your gaze snapped to his– eyes panicking. “look at me when I am talking to you!” he said sternly.
His gaze softened up along with his voice. “don't have to worry though. I got it under cover. Dumpster diving isn't much of an offense. But you gotta tell me where you came from so i can take you back home”
“No”, you finally speak up with a finality that he hadn't expected.
“Oh, so you do speak”, he leaned back in his chair, looking at you, analysing every detail about you. you avoided eye contact, your frame shivering, the dirt on your skin, your hair, “What's with the whole buzz cut, huh? Last time i checked, that wasn't what the kids were doing these days”
you wrapped your arms around your body, eyes still trained down. “C'mon kid you gotta give me something”, he huffed.
the only movement he got from you was you blinking down at your shoes. “Fine”, Frustrated, he got up, his chair pushed behind him, “then i guess you wouldn't mind being locked up in juvie then”
You looked up at him, eyes wide, brows knotted, not understanding what he said meant.
“That's little people jail”, realisation flashed across your face and he waited for you to say something but when you didn't say anything, he picked up his hat from the table with a deep sigh and moved to walk out.
Just when he was about to push the door to head outside his office, “I need to find my sister”, came a quivering voice behind him, your eyes finally looking at him. 
There it is, he thought to himself. 
“So”, he started, walking back to his chair, “this sister of yours. What's her name?”
“I– I don't know”, you stuttered, gaze moving back to your hands. You mentally berated yourself for letting it slip. you weren't even sure why you trusted him enough with that information, maybe that was just your 14 year old brain being stupid. you wondered what her name was now.
“You don't know? Your own sister's name?” he waited for an answer, leaning against the table, “what did I say about looking at me when I talk to you?”
You looked at him apprehensively, arms wrapping tighter around yourself, trying your best to not shiver. 
He sighed again, voice low, “Listen kid, it's late. So I'd appreciate it if you gave some answers.”
No response.
You weren't sure why, but Jim was willing to help you. you lived under his roof for two weeks, during which he considered what to do with you. 
Whenever he inquired about your past, he would be greeted with nothing but silence. He tried asking about the sister you mentioned– nothing.
He decided calling child protective services was the best choice but you knew that as soon as Hopper would make it that call, your Papa would be at his door– ready to take you back to the lab. 
Just when he was about to do it, you had grabbed Hopper's hand before he could dial the number and made him forget all about it. 
you needed time. you had to find your sister. and for some reason this man wanted to help you, for some reason you felt safe. you felt guilty, using him as just a means to your end. you promised yourself to not use your powers on him ever again.
Hopper didn't adopt you. He was aware that he was a drunk smoker and his place wasn't exactly the most child friendly place, filled with unprescribed medication that he popped like candy.
Hopper did find you the cheapest place in Hawkins, paid your rent until you could get a job, and even enrolled you into school. 
Speaking of which– School was fun….. for the first five days– those five days you'd managed to stay invisible, making sure to not draw attention to yourself. But on the sixth day, you realised that you were behind, classes were hard, neither the students nor the teachers were kind. 
So you'd get in fights, and the principal would tell you to call your parents and you would call over Hopper– him being the closest thing to it. Hopper would make you promise that you won't repeat your actions, but you would break that promise too.
Then the year 1983 came and Hopper came across the upside down. He instinctively hid the true story of the missing Byer's kid from you– adamant to keep you away from danger. not knowing that you had always been part of it.
You had taken up a job at a gift shop near melvalds. And were now finally making somewhat of an income to survive but now no longer in as much contact as before with Hopper. You were blissfully unaware of your troublesome past lurking only two steps behind you.
The following year, you somehow got roped into the madness of the upside down. When you found out about Eleven and her powers, and you couldn't lie anymore. You recounted your past with Hopper and the young girl who you shared a similar past with. 
Hopper had forced you to stay with the kids at the Byer's house with a boy from your school year. Steve Harrington. You knew Steve, he was given titles like "the hair" or "king". Far more better than the titles you were given. 
That night you both stood up against Billy, a rage-filled moron. When Steve was down, and he was closing in on the kids, you decided to step in between– shielding them. You had extended your hand, palm splayed across his chest. While pushing him away, you had tried to use your powers, control his mind, maybe just make him faint– you’d done it before. You had done much worse in the past.
Much to your horror, though– your powers didn't work, they were gone. 
as soon as the realisation had hit, there had been a pause. Billy had looked at where your palm touched him and then back to your face. He had smirked. 
The situation spiralled out of control. You then helped the kids with their plan sporting a broken left arm and dragging along a very concussed Steve.  
At the snowball, hopper told you that he was planning on adopting both you and Eleven. Ecstatic, you dropped Eleven off to Mike so they could have their much earned time. Nancy, to whom you'd talked to once, was sharing a dance with Dustin. And Jonathan clicked everyone's pictures. You had decided it was better you wait outside with Hopper. 
On your way out, you noticed a familiar car– looking in closely, you realised that it was Steve– his face no longer covered in scars and bruises. The sudden urge to go over, talk and maybe even thank him for helping you back there with the Billy situation. You looked over to Hopper, as if silently asking for permission to go over to him. After he had given a slight nod, you walked over to the car and knocked on the window. He cranked down the glass.
"Hey”, he smiled.
Eleven was out again with Mike. Hopper had left for the station and now you were all alone. No one to talk to. You found it ironic how you'd lived in loneliness almost all your life yet you still weren't used to it. 
You didn't even want to bother calling anyone because literally everyone had gotten either a job or internship over the summer– Steve at scoops ahoy, Nancy and Jonathan at the Hawkins Post and- well you didn't have any other friends who were your age. 
So here you were, in the quiet of Hopper's cabin– save for the chittering of the squirrel Eleven had named Mr. Fibbly. You were alone with nothing to do so might as well do some sort of chores. After racking your brain for what chore to settle on, you decided– Laundry, it is. 
Your mind went on autopilot as you gathered the laundry from your adopted father's and sister's room. As you padded to the room with the washing machine, you felt a disturbance. Come to think of it, you had also felt something the night prior as well.
A headache, it was a much milder version of the headache you felt when you used to use your powers but you had lost your powers almost a year ago. So, you brushed it off as your mind playing tricks on you– which you found hilariously ironic, considering that it used to be you who used to play tricks on the mind.
As you unloaded the laundry basket, you felt something again. This time, it wasn't a headache but it felt as though there was a presence. Your actions stopped as the past year's memories came flooding back. The fear that those things could be back weighed heavily on you. Your heartbeat picked up its speed. You had almost been mauled by those demo-dogs, you were traumatised to say the least.
The whisper of wood creaking reached your ears and your throat went dry. Perhaps what's scarier than being alone is realising that you never were. but you're in the cabin, it's safe here. It's supposed to be safe here.
then you heard it again– another creak. You wanted to run and hide yet you also wanted to look at the intruder but your legs wouldn't budge, as if stuck to the floor. 
When you finally managed to move your feet and turn around, you were suddenly engulfed in arms and a scent that you've grown all too familiar with.
"STEVE!", you let out a yelp as you turned around to face him, "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!", you smacked his shoulder as he laughed but then atleast he had the decency to give you a sheepish smile and breathe out a quiet "sorry". 
Before you knew it, his lips caught yours, heart still beating loudly against your ribs and lips moving with a rhythm that you'd now gotten used to. 
Kissing wasn't really your strongest suit as you'd never really done it before Steve stumbled into your life but you'd gotten a lot of practice in the last seven days.
A smile crept onto your face as he kissed you deeper, his hand held the back of your head. Your hands dropped the shirt that you were holding back in the laundry basket and instead held his jaw as your thumbs rubbed against his cheeks– the skin warm under your fingertips. 
"Missed you so much", he mumbled between kisses. Heat crept up your neck as you giggled through the kisses, "you were here yesterday."
"Yeah, so?", he pulled away– not too far though, your noses still touching, "i just wanna be with my favourite person." He planted another small kiss on your lips as if to punctuate his sentence. Another giggle erupted from your throat as he pulled you impossibly closer. 
"I thought Dustin was your favourite person"
"Let's not bring Henderson into this, he's barely a person. besides, I'm not interested in kissing him"
Your hands went up to Steve's hair, fingers mindlessly playing with the brown strands that fell on his forehead. "How exactly did you get in?", you asked with an arched eyebrow. 
"Same as always– your bedroom window", he said as if it was the most obvious thing.
“You didn't fall again did you?”
“What? No– no, I'm too agile for that”, he paused when you looked at him with raised eyebrows, "who am I kidding? I almost fell. again" he said as his head hung in embarrassment.
"you could've just used the main door– you know no one's home except me", you laughed.
"Where's El?"
"With Mike", you said with a slight scowl, "God, she's with him all the time and they're always swapping spit!"
"Bit like us, isn't it?", He wiggled his brows and you rolled your eyes, "just let her be– she's a kid. Y'know hormones 'n stuff"
"Yeah, I know– it's just– she's barely home and I'm just worried about her, y'know?"
"Yeah, and it's completely okay to be worried", Steve started drawing circles on your shoulder with his fingers perhaps to provide some semblance of comfort, "but you know that she can't always be here right?"
"But I am always here."
"you don't have to be", he frowned and slightly shook his head– looking right in your eyes. This wasn't the first time Steve had mentioned this. He would try to convince you to visit him at the mall, to which you'd mention Hopper's rules and that it was too many people. He would then ask you to come over at his house, since it was always empty, you would again say no– never elaborating.
"But it's like the only place I feel safe, since everything that happened…. Last year", that was only partially a lie. The truth was it was the only place where you had felt safe ever.
"Hey", he held your face in his hands, "those things are gone, okay? Your dad made sure of it." You nodded, choosing not to tell him about the apprehension you've felt in the last couple days– knowing full well that telling him of your anxieties would inadvertently lead to you having to tell him about your now non-existent powers and your past in the lab. The past that you've left behind and have decided to pass off as nothing but a bad dream. 
You make a note to maybe tell Hopper or Eleven about all of that though.
A lazy smile adorned Steve's lips as his thumb swiped back and forth on your cheeks. "You look so cute when you're worried", he said with a smirk, as he held your chin with his thumb and forefinger. The smile on your lips grew wide, the corners of your mouth morphing into a suppressed smile. You wanted to say something, your lips even parted to tell him how much you think he's cute and handsome and pretty and how much you were glad that he was there with you but nothing came out. And he didn't need you to. He lifted your chin up to his and you were kissing again– this time more slower and softer than the last. 
In that moment, when your bodies were pressed together, you felt like you were in one of those movies that you and Eleven would watch with Hopper on movie nights and then your father would leave around the 30 minute mark, saying that it was too 'awkward'. cheesy rom-coms, that's what he had called them.
Everytime felt better than the last with Steve. As your lips moved in tandem, his arms wrapped tighter than ever around your waist, slightly lifting you off the floor for a second. You gasped into the kiss and your hands slid down from his hair to his chest, laying flat above his heart. 
"Steve-" you whispered in between kisses, "Steve I-", he just kept kissing you, "Steve- Harrington!-", you whisper-shouted. The boy let out a hum against your lips, the sound so warm that it was sure to melt you up into warm and happy goo. You almost wanted to give in to him, be engulfed in his scent and warmth while he kissed all your anxieties away. Yet you reluctantly nudged his chest away from yours. Your faces were merely inches away– his warm breath breezed against your cheeks and when your eyes met his, you saw his pupils dilated and lips swollen. His chest heaved a little as he steadied his breath– he was still staring at your lips.
"Steve, I have to do the laundry", you breathed out. 
"C'mon you do that like every day", he huffed as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Yeah, well there's new laundry every day", you begrudgingly moved out of his arms.
"That's preposterous."
"I don't even know what that means", you said with a laugh.
"Neither do I, honestly–", he said with a chuckle, "Dustin used that word and I was like 'I have to use it', so I can fool you into thinking that you actually have a smart boyfriend."
"C'mon you are smart."
"Only to you." He sighed.
“You have to stop talking about yourself like that…. I mean it, Steve." you frowned with a sigh. “You are smart"
"Yeah, that's exactly why I'm scooping ice cream for a job"
"Smartness isn't all about school or marks or jobs or any of that bullshit." You ranted as Steve looked at you with enamoured eyes, "you are smart. You are strong. Last year when everything went to shit, you were the one who made sure of the kids even with a concussion. You looked after them and me. You took Billy Hargrove's beating to make sure the rest of us were okay-"
"That's not what smartness is–"
"-shut up! I don't wanna listen to you putting yourself down." You huffed in frustration, "you protected Dustin, Max and everyone else, you saved me! You make such a huge impact– if it wasn't for you, someone could've died, Steve. But you were there, you made sure that that didn't happen. You aren't weak. And you are a hero. D'you understand?"
Steve nodded, almost dumbfounded as it was probably the most you'd said in one sentence, ever. a faint smile painted itself on his face, his cheeks rosy.
You nodded, “good”, pecked the tip of his nose. you turned around, facing the washing machine– getting back to laundry. 
You picked up Hopper’s shirts, checking the pockets in case there were any bills or coins hidden in them– your only form of income. Steve once again tightened his arms around your torso, resting his chin on your shoulder– nuzzling into your neck. His warm breath fanned against your collarbone. “Don’t mind me”, his chest rumbled as he spoke through a smile. You let out a playful sigh and continued your work. 
Both of you stayed that way for a while. You checked the pockets of shirts and trousers, separating colours from white just like Hopper had taught you. All the while, Steve landed lazy kisses on your cheek, neck and collarbone. You'd wish you could stay that way forever– so warm, so comfortable, so nice. Maybe it was the fact that it was your first relationship ever and had only now felt safe enough to think of someone in a romantic way but you wanted it to last forever. 
Feelings were weird and hard to talk about, and you weren't the best at conveying them. The past week you've wanted nothing more than to tell Hopper and Eleven about yourself and Steve. But your communication skills (or lack thereof) prevented you. 
Steve loved watching you just doing normal everyday things, it reminded him of his mother– back when she was around more. So whenever he was not at work or being used as a valet driver by Dustin, he was sneaking over to your cabin. Before you both started dating, he would call you– making sure that Hopper wasn't home and then come barging in with a new cassette tape or to make you try some new ice cream flavour. It took him a couple months to realise that he was essentially looking for excuses to be around you– to feel that lovely and fuzzy feeling that he felt whenever he was with you. 
So, eight days prior, he finally built up the courage. 
Staring at the wood grain of the cabin door, your favourite ice cream and some flowers in hand, Steve was starting to consider backtracking a little. He really didn't want to mess things up between you two. And as he knocked on your cabin's door, he was contemplating the entire thing but before he could turn around and disappear, the door opened. And there you were, in a plaid shirt that probably belonged to Hopper at some point, hair sticking up in places. 
"H-hey", His cheeks turned pink when your eyes met his and then your gaze trailed down to the flowers and ice cream held out in front of him. The corners of your mouth curving into a smile. That smile– the one he'd couldn't get enough of. "You didn't call today, hopper could've been here”, you said, looking back up at him. he wondered if you could tell how nervous he was.
"Yeah, sorry, I uh- I bought this", he held up the ice cream cup and then the bouquet, "and- and these f- for you", he stuttered as he handed you both. God, whatever happened to the harrington charm?
You let out a giggle as you hugged the flowers close to your chest, "yeah, well duh", you joked, not truly understanding the meaning behind his gesture. It was pretty common for Steve to bring you ice cream anyway, the flowers didn't make sense but then again you weren't the greatest at grasping social cues.
You turned on your heel, socked feet moving toward the kitchen so you could grab a spoon for the ice cream. Steve was still stuck, standing at the doorway, face bright red.
You started rummaging through the drawers in the kitchen to try and find two spoons. When you found them, you held the pair up in the air, one for him to take, “Here,” looking back up at him, you saw that he was already looking at you as if about to say something.
say it.
“You okay?” you asked, brows pulled together.
okay, maybe don't say it.
“Steve? Why do you look so–”
fuck it.
"I like you", Steve blurted out– like he was ripping a bandaid. You stopped in your tracks and stared at him, the easy smile on your face fell. He fucked up, didn't he? He has ruined everything, and now he has lost another friend–
You burst into laughter, “yeah, I know Steve. I like you too." you playfully hit his upper arm before holding up the spoon again, "Here.”
the utensil still stayed in your hand, the deep furrow in his brow hadn't disappeared, only, it grew deeper.
"What?" you asked with an uneasy laugh.
“That not what I… meant”, he paused, "I- I like you."
You blinked, processing it, all that came out was, “oh.”
He calls out your name. He let out a deep breath, you however looked like you had forgotten how to breathe. Steve squeezed his eyes shut, mentally berating himself for being so nervous– it was a first for him.
you looked at him like a deer caught in headlights, he could almost see the cogs and gears turning in your head. after a few seconds you spoke up, “We’re… we’re best friends...” your voice barely a whisper.
Steve swallowed, trying his best not to show any disappointment on his features, nodding slowly before before turning to rush out of the door and get the hell out of there.
“Steve?” he heard behind him and despite his mind telling him to leave, his heart echoed. he swallowed, turning around hesitantly. and there you were, hair still messy, clothes wrinkled as always, hands fidgeting by your sides, you looked as if you were preparing yourself to say something.
You walked towards him and as you stood infront of him, you gulped. but you didn't say anything.
next thing he knew your lips were on his and the moment after it they were gone. it ended as quickly as he felt it.
You looked at him with doe eyes, Steve knew he probably had the stupidest grin on his face. a shy toothy smile grew on your face too. he extended his hand to you, you took it and he realised that you were trembling. He squeezed your hand. His gaze trailed down to your lips, you bit your lips before speaking up in barely above a whisper. "I think... that I like you too."
Steve let out another exacerbated breath as he smiled wider. His face was all red, and his stupid dopey smile that probably looked as though he'd won a lottery.
He murmured your name through bated breath. "Yeah, Steve?"
"Can I- uh- do that again?", His fingers intertwined with yours almost as if to make sure that this was actually happening.
You nodded quickly.
Your eyes fluttered close as he landed a chaste kiss on your lips. Steve made sure that the kiss was light and soft, almost as if dipping his toe to test the waters. And before you knew it, it was already over. He pulled back eyes wandering over your features, looking to make sure that you were okay with this. You looked back up at him with your lips slightly parted– in an unreadable expression.
"You okay?", He asked quietly. You nodded, "yeah, you okay?"
"never better."
That was the start of something big, Steve knew that. Although it had only been a week since the incident, he knew he didn't just like you– there was way more. There was care, there was understanding, there was trust and more.
Memories swirled in both your heads while your hands worked on their own accord, still doing the laundry. You picked up Hopper's dirty uniform pants, following the routine of checking the pockets. Then you reached for the shirt of the pair in the basket yet it was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, Stevie", you piped up and he let out a small hum behind you. "Could you go and get Hopper's shirt from his room?"
"Sure can." He mumbled before pecking your cheek and then he went to Hopper's room to retrieve the shirt. He was back within mere seconds, "here ya go, your highness", he said, handing you the shirt that reeked of way too much sweat, cigarettes and beer.
You continued with the work, taking out the cigarettes from the pocket with a sigh. Hopper had promised that he'd quit smoking so much– guess he broke that promise. 
Steve picked up the pack and took one in his mouth, searching for a lighter. You took the cigarette out from between his lips and the pack in his hand and threw it in the trash. "C'mon don't be like Hopper" you said with a frown, "he literally can't stay away from those."
“One smoke wont hurt. Besides I haven't smoked in more than a year now”, Steve said returning to his previous position of holding you, "don't wanna be a bad role model for the kids, I guess."
"Wow, now you really sound like a dad", you let out a chuckle.
"I'm not their dad", he groaned.
"So, mom, huh?"
"I wont kiss you if you keep calling me that", he mumbled behind your ear– a giggle erupting at the ticklish feeling and what was now an inside joke between you two. "Let's just stick with ‘role model’" you nodded.
"I'd say that they look up to you…. Especially Dustin"
".....Y' think so?"
You hummed in response. It didn't take a genius to notice the bond between Dustin and Steve. Sure, it was a bit out of normal to befriend someone five years younger than oneself but then again none of the circumstances they'd been through were normal. And ever since the previous year's events, Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson had developed a sort of brotherly bond.
"cool", he muttered nonchalantly.
Comfortable silence once again fell between the two of you. Steve drew circles on the exposed skin beneath the hem of your shirt, his fingers leaving sparks along the surface. In all honesty, you wanted to drop all your laundry and just let him hold you, kiss you.
You and Steve had only been together for more than a week at this point– only going as far as kissing. You were still incredibly new to all relationship stuff, so Steve (despite being quite a horndog) had given you plenty of space. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe– and you were grateful for that. However, it was hard to ignore the attraction you both felt for each other. In ways both emotional and physical. Hopper hadn't ever truly given you the birds and bees talk, so you were a little clueless in the process of it all. Yet you knew that you felt something when it came to Steve Harrington. Something that you've never felt before. 
You put in the last shirt in the machine, with the detergent and started it. You turned around in Steve's arms as you wrapped yours around his neck. 
His hair was short of a mess, but it was still a pretty mess and stray strands bounced against his forehead. You both were so close that you could count all the moles and freckles on his face. Your gaze ran over all his features, taking it all in, engraving it to memory. Because you didn’t want to forget about the slight pinkish hue of his cheeks, the small bump on his nose that might’ve been the result of being hit a few times too many, or his lips. His soft, pink, warm, yet slightly chapped lips. The very same that had been on yours just a bit ago. Your proximity even allowed you to see the scars that the previous years had brought to him, they were small and barely noticeable now but they were there and you wanted to trace them and kiss them all. 
“Y’know I would’ve called you creepy for staring so intently, if you weren’t so cute”, Steve smirked.
You tried to hide your face in his chest to hide your embarrassed features. He kissed the top of your head, mumbling a little, “you’re so cute”
“I was thinking….”, your voice tapered off as you tried to look for the right words.
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”
“Y’know… Thinking about... us?”
His breath hitched as the worst case scenarios started racing through his mind. Did you want to break up? Did you not feel the same? Were you going to leave? Were you-
"And…. I think that–", you gestured vaguely with your hands, trying your best to convey what you were trying to say without really saying it but Steve's mind was running a million miles a second. You could almost see the gears turning in his brain, and perhaps he was starting to understand what you were saying but still wanted you to say it out loud, "I'm y'know– Ready?"
"Ready for?"
"Y'know! Ready for…", you fidgeted with his hair, your eyes not meeting his, "Sex?" 
"Oh." Steve let out a breath of relief as his concerns drifted away.
"If u want to, obviously", you quickly added.
"Oh, I want to but are you sure? We don't have to rush, and we won't do anything unless you're sure of it, you know right?"
"Yeah, I– I know "
"So? Are you sure?"
"I think so, yeah", you mumbled in the most unconvincing way, you really weren’t sure if you were being honest. Steve frowned, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"How 'bout you sit on this idea a bit more, ok? And if and when you're sure then and only then will we do it, ok?"
You nodded, shoulders relaxing. "Can I still get a kiss, though?"
"Of course your highness", he murmured with a smile as he leaned his head to kiss you. Your hands went to his hair again and his went to hold your cheeks. He held you so softly as if you'd break if you were to slip out of his hands. His palms helped in tilting your head sideways so he could kiss you deeper. But before you could continue, there was a knock at the door. You both immediately moved away as a reflex. 
"I thought you were going to be alone", Steve ran his fingers through his hair to fix his brown locks.
"It's probably El", you reason while fixing your own hair, "Please hide in my room?"
"Steve, if she finds out about us she'll tell Hopper, and I wanna tell him myself please?"
"Ok ok, Jesus."
"Thanks", you mutter before landing a quick kiss on his cheek and then jogging to the front door of the cabin. There you are met with the faces of your little sister and her boyfriend. 
“Hey guys! You are–”
“We’re late, we know”, Mike huffed out, annoyed.
“Yeah, so late”, you hadn't even noticed that they were late.
“Are you mad at me?”, Eleven looked at you with such puppy-dog eyes that your heart immediately melted– you could never truly be angry at El. Mike however-
“No, El. I’m not mad, don’t worry”, Eleven grins at you and then hugs you tightly– squeezing you mercilessly. Suddenly, the young girl stills. When she pulled away, you noticed that her eyebrows were knitted together– her eyes were roaming around the cabin as if looking for something. 
"What's wrong?"
"There's something– I felt something" she spoke with a cautious tone as she walked to the middle of the room– next to the coffee table– looking for any signs of the upside down, demogorgons or demo-dogs. You weren't the only one traumatized, Eleven perhaps more so than you– not that it was a competition. The girl had single-handedly fought interdimensional monsters multiple times already and she wasn't even fourteen yet. The hair on her hand arose in goosebumps, "there's something in here."
Your mind went back to the previous night and the uneasiness you'd felt. You'd chalked it up to your imagination and anxiety– there's no way they were back– but what if they were? Eleven sure as hell was feeling something and you felt it the night before too– it couldn't be a coincidence. Perhaps Steve Harrington was wrong. Perhaps those things are still out there, waiting for the correct moment to attack– ready to tear you apart, the moment you look away.
Eleven walked towards your rooms, Mike following behind her. The short-haired girl's steps stopped right in front of your room. The same room you'd felt that thing last night. The same room in which Steve was hiding. Steve.
Uh oh.
"El– it's probably nothing–", you tried to stop her from discovering your scandalous affair but before you could complete your sentence, the superpowered girl used her powers to open the door wide open. Your gaze darted across the room– no Steve Harrington in sight. "See? told you", a sigh of relief left your lips, he had probably gone out the window, "its nothing."
But Eleven's posture was still stiff, she took careful and cautious steps towards your closet, eyeing the thing as if it was your poor hand-me-downs who she fought against the previous years.
Mike shushed you. Eleven moved closer to the closet, she braced her legs and held out her arm, ready to use her powers.
Eleven yanked her hand and the doors to the closet flew open and from between your clothes emerged none other than Steve Harrington– in all his messy hair glory. "Woah, woah woah woah!--" His back slammed against the wall and he let out a pained grunt. 
"Steve?!" Both Eleven and Mike questioned.
"hey", he whimpered.
"Oh god, are you okay?" You walked over to him, helping him stand up, checking for any bruises or signs of injury.
"What is Steve doing here?" Eleven inquired.
"He's here because.. Because I- I called him" he nodded along to you "I was kinda bored" you added
"And why was he hiding?" Mike interrogated with a cocked brow. 
"I wasn't hiding—"
"El, you know how Hopper feels about people visiting the cabin", you fidgeted with the edge of your shirt, "he'd get mad."
Eleven knew. She knew how much convincing it took for Hopper to allow Mike to visit her at the cabin– it took him weeks. So she knew how you felt. "Okay", She nodded. She held Mike's arm and started pulling him to her room.
"Okay– uh— El, D'you need anything to eat or something?"
"Eggos!", she said over her shoulder.
"Soda f'me!", mike shouted back.
El closed the door behind her, let go of Mike's arm as she went to wipe the droplet of blood that was on her upper lip. 
"So are (y/n) and Steve like, fucking?" Mike asked with a disgusted look.
"F–fucking?" She repeated, confused.
"Um— you know like…", Mike scratched the back of his neck, "are they dating? Like us?"
"I don't know."
"Cuz I'm pretty sure they are."
"uh..... Sure", he was going to regret teaching El that word, most definitely.
"I think Wheeler might be onto us."
Steve was sitting on the countertop as you loaded the toaster with eggos. 
"Of course he is– of all people—"
"I swear that kid hates me."
"I mean— you are his sister's ex so it's a little bit weird"
"Yeah, I guess"
You walked over to the fridge, taking out the whipped cream, chocolate and candies.
"Oh, am I about to witness the triple decker eggo extravaganza?"
"No. The eggo extravaganza is made specifically by Hop for when El is mad at him. This is the eggo spectacular sandwich", you state while setting down the ingredients, "my recipe!" You added with a proud grin.
"Wow, so I guess eggo is to El, what ice cream is to you?", He suggested with a small smile.
"I suppose."
"I wanna know the secret recipe"
"You can't! It's a secret!"
You both let out a laugh. the radio from Eleven's room started blasting "good old-fashioned loverboy" by Queen. Steve then hopped down form the counter, running his hands through his hair. He stood right beside you on the counter, knocking his hips with your— you returned the action. Giggling at your antics. The brunette boy started singing along to the lyrics. He brought your hand up to his shoulder and held the other one with his. His right hand rested on your back as you danced goofily. He started kissing you.
You pull away when the eggos pop up from the toaster. You quickly assemble two eggo spectacular sandwiches and carry the two plates to Eleven's room. "Oh shit— Steve? Grab the soda for Mike please?"
Steve took out a can of coke from the refrigerator, kicking the door close behind him as he followed behind you.
"And here's your eggo sandwiches!", You announced with enthusiasm.
"Here's your coke, man", Steve muttered without an atom of enthusiasm while tossing the can in Mike's general direction— the black haired boy barely managed to catch it. The boy looked at you and then Steve with narrow eyes as he opened the tab, he maintained eye contact while he took the first couple sips of the fizzy drink. Both you and Steve tried your best to avert your gaze.
"Uh– okay I'll be in the TV room if you guys need me", you uttered awkwardly before pushing yourself and Steve out of the room's confinement.
"God, I swear if Wheeler figures out about us, he will tell Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. And that kid won't ever shut up about it", Steve said— rubbing his face in frustration. "And if Hopper finds out about this? I am screwed!"
"Please Hop wouldn't do that", you stated, "and I'm thinking of telling him and El today, anyway."
"Wait, seriously?"
You nodded.
"You think I should be there?"
"No no no, I wanna do it with just them around"
"Oh, okay", he fixed his hair— gaze falling on the wall clock, "Oh, shit I gotta go" he pecked your cheek, "or I'll be late…. Again "
"It wasn't my fault last time and it isn't my fault this time either ", you commented behind him as he picked his jacket up, slinging it over his shoulder. He muttered a quick "bye" before he was out the door— off to the mall, to his job.
You let out a deep sigh— reminiscent of your old deadbeat job you had at the gift shop near Melvald's when you lived in the camp next to the Munson's. Although Jim had gotten you a place to live you still needed money, so you'd gotten yourself a job— wrapping gifts and bouquets for people. It would always flutter your heart when people would tell you and ramble a bit about their lives, then you'd spend hours filling in the gaps— wondering how the day turned out for them. You reckoned it was one of the reasons why you were so infatuated by the idea of love. Up until recently it had been such a familiar yet alienating feeling.
But now here you were! Sure, you were unemployed now, but you had a father, a sister and an amazing and beautiful boyfriend and you weren't alone. But the more you thought about it the more you realised that you were— alone, that is.
You still locked yourself in the cabin, telling yourself that it could be still dangerous— and you weren't willing to take a risk.
It wasn't always like this, there was a time when you would actually go out with Steve— sometimes to his house, sometimes to Dustins, or the arcade or anywhere. But ever since you graduated with Steve, you'd made rules for yourself. You won't leave the house anymore, it was too dangerous anyway. You quit your job because it was shitty and you didn't want people seeing you. And although you'd made those decisions, you still wished for a job, missing all the stories you'd make up about the people who visited you. 
You spent the next couple hours going through a cardboard box that was filled up with all things Steve and you. Whether it be the graduation hat you wore, or the beer cans from when you got drunk for the first time, or polaroids of you both, flowers he'd bought you, and everything else that tied you two together.
A couple hours passed by, Jim made his presence known with a knock at the front door. You went up to open the door. And as you looked up at Hopper you noticed the bags and dark circles under his eyes— he looked tired and smelled of beer and cigarettes. "Hey, kid", he muttered through his bushy moustache. You let out a sigh and went in to get him some water. 
"El back yet?"
"Yeah", you said giving him the glass, "in her room with Mike", you pointed towards the door with your thumb.
"Wheeler's here?"
"When's he not?" You rolled your eyes. The man handed you the glass back and took off his shoes and went into his room. He emerged out within a few minutes.
"Movie night?", He offered
"But El is with Mike."
"What about just us two, huh? Haven't done that in a while"
You agreed and before you knew it you were Cozied up in a blanket while hopper was on the lazyboy. You both watched a random movie while sharing chips, candy and soda. After about thirty minutes into the movie, you noticed Hopper was distracted, the muffled music from Eleven's room was in fact breaking your immersion too. He shoved a handful of chips in his mouth while downing some beer from the can. You turned your gaze back to the TV screen. 
"Hey!" Your eyes averted from the screen to him who was now looking at Eleven's now shut door with seething anger. He got up quickly, shouting, "HEY! Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!" He went for the locked door handle, "El? Open this door", he said with gritted teeth, "Open. This. Door—"
The door opened but El and Mike weren't kissing, they were just reading magazines. "What's wrong?", You tried to hold in your laughter at noticing that Mike was holding his upside down. Hopper clearly noticed too.
"Thank God, you don't have a partner," he said pointing at you, "I can't imagine another stupid, undeserving boy hogging up my child." You bit your tongue at his anger. There went your chance to talk about Steve.
It was 12:30 a.m. and you really didn't feel like sleeping. You'd been feeling the headache, again.  You went to the kitchen, heading straight to the fridge— taking out the peanut butter jar and pineapple can. Right when you put a spoonful of the mixture in your mouth the light of the kitchen switched on.
"Why in the hell are you up so late?", Hopper interrogated.
You let out a loud yelp, cringing at the sound— the volume sure to wake up neighbours, if you had any. Through the three inch opening of Eleven's room's door, you could see that the light also turned on. 
"What are you doing?", The man asked, tucking his gun in his waist belt— surely he had thought of your midnight snack sounds for an interdimensional monster's sounds.
“Nofhing”, you said through a mouthful.
Hopper had known you since you were fourteen, he knew it might've had something to do with a nightmare. “Did you have another one?”
You stopped mid chew, avoiding his eyes– a tell.
“Same thing?”
Before you could say anything, the door to Eleven's room creaked and the short haired girl slowly stepped out, said hair sticking up as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"Everything okay?", She asked.
"Yeah, El shorry.", You apologised.
"Oh, it's okay," she said with a soft smile.
"It's not okay, what are you doing up so late?"
"I was Exshpanding my taste horizons", you stated, looking at Hopper like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"With peanut butter and pineapple at 12 in the morning?" He asked with narrow eyes.
"Please don't question my methods, Hop. I was hungry and wanted to try something new"
“How's that working out for you?”
“I... haven't decided yet.”
"I want to expand my taste ho- horizons too", Eleven imparted, struggling with the pronunciation of the new word.
"See? El gets me."
"Sure, whatever." Jim waved his hand off, "expand whatever, but you both better be asleep within thirty minutes", he ordered before going back to his room.
"Let's go to my room."
You and Eleven were lying on your bed now, covered in blankets. Much to your dismay Eleven wasn't a big fan of the food combo so you took her remaining portion too. Eleven looked around the room, eyes bouncing from one thing to another. It had dawned on you now that eleven had never been in your room for this long.
She got up from her place and picked up a brown teddy bear with a blue ribbon around its neck that was kept on top of your room's table.
"Oh, you found Mr. Arnold Bearenbearer"
"Arnold, w- what?"
"You can just call him Mr. Arnold", you laughed at the stupid name Hopper had given to the soft toy, "Hop gave it to me the first time I was here. I didn't have a place to live, so he took me in for a few"
"I remember being so scared that the bad men were going to get me or worse", you smile soon faded at the thought of the people from the lab and the amount of fear you had felt. "I'm sure Hop noticed and he gave me Mr. Arnold— I think he belonged to Sarah"
"Sarah? Hopper's daughter?"
You nodded with a hum. 
"I don't know what it is about Mr. Arnold. It's like he has powers— just holding him makes you feel so safe"
"Mr. Arnold has powers? Like us?"
"Just like us— he uses his powers to help others who get a little scared or lonely, with a hug!"
Eleven gave the soft toy a tight squeezing hug and she visibly relaxed.
"He smells like you and Steve", she whispered into the fur of the bear.
"Yeah, well, don't tell this to anyone but Steve gets scared sometimes too."
"He does?", She asked with wide eyes as if what you'd told her was the most unbelievable thing.
You hummed "Everybody gets scared every once in a while, it's completely okay too." An image of Steve hugging Mr. Arnold tightly like a scared little boy flashed in your head. How he'd once visited you in the middle of the night with red eyes and disheveled hair-- saying he couldn't sleep because of the nightmares. You'd told Steve about Mr. Arnold and just an hour later he was asleep-- free from all the bad dreams.
Eleven came underneath the blanket with Mr. Arnold snug in her arms. She lied down on her side while you lied on your back. after a moment of settling in, she called out your name softly.
"Yeah?", You turned your head slightly towards her.
"Are…. Are you and Steve fucking?", She asked with the most earnest look.
"... what– what did you say?"
"D'you know what that word means?"
"Kissing and dating?"
"Who told you that?" trying your best to not laugh, El was a sensitive girl, you didn't want her to think that you were making fun of her– you could never.
"Mike told me."
"Of course he did", you mumbled to yourself before turning on your side— towards her. "Why don't you ask Mike what that means again tomorrow, huh?"
"Okay", she paused as if making a mental note to do so, "So are you and Steve….."
"Yeah, yeah we are."
"You're like me and Mike?"
"why did you not tell me or Hopper?"
"Steve and I have been together for like a week and I was planning on telling both you and Hopper today— but I don't think now's the right time y'know?"
"You will not tell Hop?"
"I will, I just need some time, okay? you know now, I'll tell hopper soon too, I promise", you really were tired of sneaking around, you wanted Hopper to know. tomorrow- you promise yourself. "Promise you won't tell Hopper till then?" its not like you didn't trust her but she isn't the best at hiding something.
"But friends don't lie."
"I'm not lying El, its keeping a secret. I'll tell him but I want to be the one who tells him. you know how I don't tell Hopper if you sneak off with mike without telling him or something like that–"
"So I don't tell Hopper?"
"Yeah", you looked at her with anticipation.
she looked at you, mulling over it before nodding and saying a whispered, "Okay."
silence settles over the two of you. you were almost asleep when eleven's voice saying your name brought you back to consciousness. "Does Steve kiss you?"
you cleared your throat, heat rushed to your cheeks, "uh, yeah, that's what boyfriends do."
"D'you like it?"
"Sure do."
"I like it too, when mike does it."
You hummed, you weren't really sure how to respond. Both you and Eleven fell silent for a bit. your eyes started drooping again.
you heard the girl say your name again, you hummed, "Yeah, El?"
"I think Steve's nice."
"You think so?", You smiled. she nodded in response, a smile of her own.
"... Do you think Mike is nice?"
"I don't really know him that well, but he seems nice, he really does care for you." you really didn't know how to feel about the boy. he seemed to really care about your sister, but you didn't know why, you didn't trust him. not in a he's-gonna-betray-my-sister kind of way but rather, i-don't-know-if he's-right-for her. but maybe you just needed to give both of them a break, they weren't even fourteen, for god's sake.
Your name was called again, you hummed.
“You're awake because you had a nightmare again, aren't you?” the sleepy smile on your face slipped, you looked at her. she looked at you expectantly.
friends don't lie, “...yeah", your voice came as all but a whisper, before the girl could say anything you quickly added, gaze back at the ceiling, "but i don't feel like talking about it right now.”
"Okay", she said, suppressing a yawn.
"Let's get you to bed okay?"
"Here", she wrapped an arm around your torso and mumbled into the pillow, "I wanna sleep here."
"Okay, 'night kiddo", You put your palm behind her head, playing with her hair, scratching her scalp lightly.
She let out a sleepy hum before breathing out a "'night" herself. You continued carding your fingers through her slightly tangled hair as her soft snores floated in the air— before drifting off to sleep yourself.
Hopper wanted to be resting but he also wanted his two kids to be fast asleep at a reasonable time. he was trying his hardest to be the best father he could be— emphasis on trying. So, thirty minutes after he'd found you in the kitchen, shoving pineapple covered in peanut butter in your mouth, he went to check both your rooms to make sure you both were back in bed.
When he saw Eleven's room empty, he felt the beginnings of anger rising in his head. He then looked through the three inch gap of your room's door and saw both you and Eleven cuddled up and sound asleep. Any amount of anger or worry simmered down as he noticed your calm and serene faces— both your gentle snores muffled by the quilt. 
He felt a smile creeping onto his features. He then turned back towards his room— footsteps as quiet as possible and went back to slumber himself.
A/n: i hope the time jumps weren't too confusing. if they were let me know! i'll try to explain them <3
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fandomz-brainrot · 2 years
Far From Home... (Five Hargreeves x Male Reader)
“Where are we?”
Prompt by @soprompt <3
Five Hargreeves x male reader
Tumblr media
Tw: gang violence, guns, death, brief drug mention
You and Five have been friends for a while now. You met after one of the Umbrella's missions; resolving a gang shootout. A bit dark and extreme, as they usually deal with the simple bank robbers and the like, but oh well. They were growing older, around the age of 12 by now, so Reginald must deem them mature and skilled enough to handle a task such as this.
You were in the midst of this shootout, and a bit older than the Umbrella's at 14-- a one and a half year difference to be exact. Your family had been mixed up with crime for as long as you could remember. Your brother would end up becoming Klaus's plug in the future, a sign of solidarity between a small section of your family and the Academy. They did save your asses during the infamous shootout after all.
Speaking of the shootout, that was a thing that was happening. You had been taught how to wield a small pistol since a young age, and it was now your weapon of choice-- tiny yet effective. Or, it would be effective, if the rival gang member hadn't knocked it out of your hands. So it was safe to say that you were utterly screwed.
You couldn't even remember what the reasoning for the gang shootout was-- drug money, perhaps? A murder of a member? Who knows, if you wanted to survive out here you had to fight for your gang. So it was now fists or nothi-- OH SHIT.
You felt a boot roughly kick the back of your knees, causing them to buckle beneath you. You fell to the ground, scraping your palms as you caught yourself. The bullets were still being shot around you, and they were quite honestly giving you a migraine. Especially now that you had been injured.
A hand roughly grabs you by your hair and yanks you to an upright kneeling position. You felt the barrel of a firearm press against your temple as the person behind you held your wrists behind your back. You gritted your teeth, trying to keep your composure.
"You're the leader's son, right? I don't want to shoot you kid, so just tell me where the goddamn money is!" he yelled in your ear, pressing the gun harder against your head. Giving the answer would surely mean death by your gang, staying silent would mean death from the rivals. It was really a lose-lose situation.
So, you clenched your jaw and stared ahead. If you were going to die, you weren't going to be a little bitch about it. It was just the way these things were.
The man sighed angrily. "I'll give you one last chance boy, just tell me wh-" you didn't hear the last of his words because all you could feel was the lack of cold metal against you. You took this as an opportunity to headbutt the dude in the face. He groaned, letting go of you to hold his now bleeding nose.
You wasted no time grabbing your pistol from the ground and slamming the butt of it on the back of the guy's head. There was a small crack-- probably a fracture, hopefully nothing more than that. As long as he was out cold.
But where did his gun even go? You looked around, until you spotted it in the hands of a boy a bit younger than you. He stared at you, mouth slightly agape and grinning. He seemed very impressed with your movements.
You recognized him as an Umbrella kid-- that prissy little uniform and mask being a dead giveaway. You didn't know which one. And he was standing a considerable ways away, so how did he even get that from him-- HOLY SHIT WHY IS THERE BLUE LIGHT AND WHY IS HE NOW NEXT TO YOU-
"Nice moves, for a civilian." He said, now standing less than a foot away from you. He decided to stay with you for the time being. His siblings could handle it, the action was already dying down, and this would be a lot more interesting. Plus, once he was trained enough, he would be out of this shithole...
You looked at the gun in his hand, eyebrow raised. "How did you...?" If his eyes weren't obscured by the mask, you're sure he would've rolled them. You felt the metal of your gun leave your hand. It reappeared in the boy's, accompanied by what looked like some sort of blue energy and a small woosh type of noise.
"Are you... not familiar with us? With me? That's... literally my whole thing." he said, the same blue energy surging as he reappeared next to you. He kicked the unconscious man who had you at gunpoint moments earlier to the side, leaning on the wall behind you two.
"Um.. I've heard of you. Didn't know the specifics." you said shortly, your eyes slightly wide as you scooted away. "You guys are... strange." you said your words carefully. The boy huffed angrily, crossing his arms as he rested his foot against the wall. "Yeah, well, we just saved your ass, so..." he said pointedly, pushing himself off the wall. He started to leave, so you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"And I'm um... that was like... cool of you... so... thanks..?" you said hesitantly. You've never had to thank anyone before. You really didn't like it. He huffed, starting to walk away again.
"Wait!" he paused again, growling in frustration. "What, what do you want?" he said grumpily. "Can I see you again... um..." "Five"
"Um... what?"
"Five. My name. It's Five. Five Hargreeves."
You chuckle under your breath. "Your name is... Five? Like the number?"
You instantly feel bad. "Wait, no, that was a dick move, I'm sor-"
"Yeah, I'll see you againnn..." He dragged out the last word so you could tell him your name.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Well then I'll see you around, (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Yeah, see ya, Five Hargreeves."
He tensed his body as if to teleport, but stopped. "Get your side of the gang out of here quick. Police will be here in 10 minutes, give or take. I'll convince my siblings to cut you guys some slack."
And with that, he teleported out of there in a flash of blue, leaving you in awe.
It took you a second to realize what he said, and you hauled ass to get you and your people out of there.
Five kept his word. The next day you woke up to Five sitting on the windowsill of your shitty apartment, knocking on the window casually. That's how most days would go; him sneaking over to visit you and teleporting on to your windowsill or you sneaking off to the Hargreeve's mansion. Five would meet you outside and teleport you in, and your name became familiar to the other Umbrellas.
Whenever your home life would get too much to handle, you'd go over to the mansion. If it was Five's training day, someone else would look after you. You and Klaus would do each other's nails. You would teach Diego your combat skills and help him with his stutter. Luther would try to bench-press you. You and Allison would put on little fashion shows together. You'd sneak some comics over that you stole for Ben to read, so you guys could talk about them together. And you'd listen to Viktor play his violin.
The Hargreeve's children and even Grace, who kept your visits a secret from Reginald, had become more of a family to you than your own. Except for your older brother, Aidan, he was your best friend. He even accompanied you sometimes, and got close to Klaus.
But, as nice as all the other Umbrellas were, you would always have a soft spot for Five. You enjoyed annoying the prickly pre-teen, but also got to see a hint of his soft side. You were the only person who seemed to actually enjoy his company. You'd bring him coffee, which quickly became his favorite thing to ever exist. He would teach you basic skills; you had never enrolled in school because of your gang background, so he taught you how to read and write. Eventually, when you could read well, you two would read books together. Or he would just read to you and let you listen. Either was fine with you.
You were very childish by nature, since you had been forced to grow up quickly. Around Five you could just let loose. And that childishness complimented his uptight nature perfectly, allowing his hard edges to soften for a few moments.
You two were best friends. So, when Five told you his plan go in to the future, you offered to go with him without hesitation. You didn't have much to lose besides Aidan, so you didn't see the harm in it. You would follow Five to the ends of the Earth if you had to.
So, when Five knocked on your windowsill and told you that it was time, you eagerly followed him. You put the prewritten note you had ready next to Aidan's bed left with Five. And what a mistake that was.
You had a hand on Five's shoulder as you two travelled through time. Months, at first. You two grinned at each other as you watched the seasons change before your eyes. It was beautiful.
Then, you were met with the rubble of the world you had once known. Your hand fell from Five's shoulder, your eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
"Um... Five?" your voice was strained as you tried to remain calm.
“Where are we?”
Five didn't meet your eyes. He stared at ruined world around him, bits of soot and ash sticking to his face. "The... the future, but- no this... this can't be right..." he muttered nervously, his eyes knitted together in confusion and disbelief. He began to walk around, looking for any clues or signs of life. You followed him, slowly looking around.
All of a sudden he froze in his tracks. You followed his gaze, your breath hitching at what you saw. It was what must have been the corpses of all of Five's siblings. All of your friends.
Your brunette companion's eyes glazed with tears as he stared blankly. "N-no... this... no, this isn't right..." he muttered shakily. He let out a dry chuckle, his trembling hands tangling in his hair. He tugged at it, staring at the corpses in front of him. "This... This can't be what the future is..." He whispers to himself.
You go to comfort him when something catches your eye; a newspaper. You pick it up, reading the date before walking back over to Five. You place a hand on his face, tilting it to look at you. "Hey- this is the day it all went to shit. If we can get back... maybe we can get all of your siblings, and stop this from ever happening. You're like.. a genius, I'm sure you can figure out how to get back. And I'll help however I can, alright?" you reasoned.
He took a deep inhale from his nose, breathing out through his mouth. He blinked rapidly to clear the tears from his eyes, and grounded himself. He stared back in to your eyes. "Alright... we'll... we can prevent this." he said, mainly trying to convince himself.
You smiled at him, beckoning him to follow you as you walked away. "Come on-- lets try and find some supplies." you said, holding your head up high. "And plus, you still have me, right?"
You feel his hand brush against yours. He smirks slightly, trying to look confident as he walks beside you. "Yeah. And I know you'll still be a pain in my ass, even during the fucking apocalypse." he said sarcastically, but his smile never left his face.
"Awww, you know you love me!"
He pauses, a light blush dusting his cheeks as his smile widens. "Yeah. I do love you." he says, his words sounding clear and sure.
You smile widely, taking his hand in your own and interlocking your fingers. "And I love you too."
(2041 words)
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howlingday · 6 months
Arc’s Burgers Prompt;
Jacques Schnee and Roman Torchwick as…The Fischoeders!
Being the most Chaotic charcter
Being a Chaotic Gremlin
Jaune: Yes, Mr. Torchwick is an eccentric.
Jaune: Yes, he wears an eyepatch.
Thrum: And mascara on one eye.
Magnum: And he shoots a flare gun everywhere!
Nora: He is one death ray away from being a supervillain!
Jaune: Did you get the messages I sent you about the bathroom? The ones I kept sending you for the past several months?
Roman: Yes, I got them. How the hell did you get my number?!
Jaune: You... gave it to me.
Roman: Not to use!
Roman: Keep my brother out of my hair, will you?
Jaune: Okay... Where is he?
Roman: He's right over... Oh no. He probably doesn't want to come inside.
Roman: Jackie! Get in here!
Jacques: No!
Roman: Jackie!
Jacques: It looks gross!
Jaune: (Looks to Nora)
Nora: (Shrugs)
Roman: Please, Jackie! It's okay to come in! I came in and look at me! I'm fine! (Bell rings) There ya go! Hey, Jackie~!
Jacques: Hello! Greetings!
Jacques: (Whispers) I don't want to be here.
Roman: (Whispers) Shush!.
Roman: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get drunk for dinner.
Jaune: Don't you mean dressed?
Roman: Dressed out of my mind~.
Roman: OH! I get it! You think that just because I'm a landlord, and I wear a white suit, and mascara over one eye, and raise your rent, and make plans to build death rays while firing a flare gun at you, I'M THE BAD GUY!
Jaune: Well, can't you do something about this?
Roman: What? Jackie? Sure thing! Observe.
Roman: (Raps on door) Now you guys say, "It's Jackie~!"
Nora and the kids: It's Jackie~! It's Jackie~! It's Jackie~!
Roman: C'mon, Jaune!
Jaune: (Flatly) It's Jackie. It's Jackie. It's Jackie.
Roman: Who's that squirmy little funny guy~?
Roman: Who jabbed mascara into his brother's eye~?
Roman: It's Jackie~! It's Jackie~! It's Jackie~! He's his mommy's favorite~!
Jacques: (Kicks down door) THAT'S MEEE~!
Roman: Works every time. My mother played bongos. Jaune, you were a little flat.
Magnum: You should teach at my school!
Roman: And you should work in my gang.
Roman: Careful! I'm wearing white! If you hit my pants, you'll see the outline of my wiener!
Roman: Oh, what the heck! Fire away~!
Roman: Come on! Pull the trigger, you big baby!
Roman: Baby!
Jacques: STOP IT!
Roman: Baby~!
Jacques: STOP IT!
Roman: Come on, baby~!
Jaune: Stop teasing him!
Roman: Can you hang bricks from your nipples?
Jaune: I... I don't think I can.
Roman: You would know.
Roman: My mother left this gang for me to run. To this day, I'm not sure if it was a joke.
Jacques: It should have been me.
Roman: Oh, well, that would have been hilarious!
Jacques: There you are, Loona, you naughty girl! You're going to get Daddy in trouble again!
Roman: I told you that you weren't ready for a pet Beowolf, Jackie!
Jacques: I AM READY! The Beowolf Sanctuary wasn't ready! And I am NOT putting her in a hotel again!
Roman: Oh, just hurry up and put her into the van. We still have to find that damn Ursa!
Jacques: Here, Loona~! I got you your favorite~! Menagerite pizza~!
Beowolf: (Crawls into cage after pizza)
Jacques: (Shuts cage) GO, GO, GO!
Roman: I am going!
Roman: (Playing piano) Mommy loved me more than big brother~
Jacques: You can leave now. Farewell. Roman and I have some business things to discuss.
Roman: Eh... You're doing your creepy face again. This is why you should grow a beard.
Jacques: YOU KNOW I CAN'T!
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batwritings · 10 months
HEY!! i just stumbled on your account and i LOVE how you write!! can i request a fluff story with Valeria Garza COD? with a fem or gender neutral reader where they’re both pretty old, like mid 60s/70s they have grownup kids and little grandkids, they host a big family gathering and the grandkids wanna know how they both met? could you write about them meeting in their younger years? and specifically, how they met? were they rivals? were they childhood friends? was reader just a civilian who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? was reader a damsel in distress? (ofc this takes place after valeria retired from her gang!!)
you don’t have to write it now but i haven’t seen anything like this before, and i find it to be a very cute little concept!
OH BTW!! can reader be taller and older than Valeria? like maybe 2-3years older? and can reader have a flirty personality? also maybe more dominant than Valeria because there are hardly any fics like that, it’s always Val who’s the top and dim, let’s give her a break for once please🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭💕
I will certainly do my best to do this justice friend! Enjoy!~
"¡Abuelita!" Your grandkids cried, rushing up to your front door. You couldn't help but smile from the kitchen as you worked on food to place on the ofrenda. You could hear the sound of Valeria greeting them and ushering them inside to start on their makeup for the evening.
"Hola mama," came your oldest child, pecking you on the cheek as they put down the extra things they'd brought for Dia de los Muertos. "The others and I are going to go finish getting set up. Can we leave the kids with you and Mama Val?"
You shoot your child a look as if to say "do you really need to ask?" before they smile and run off. It was weird to think that your babies were all grown up now, having niñas and niños of their own. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
With food prep nearly done, you stepped out of your tiny kitchen to check into where Valeria was prepping your grandkids. "Almost done chica settle down," you hear hear chide as you lean in the doorway. At nearly 64, it was harder to do, but it didn't stop you.
"¡Abuelita!" four of the five young kids exclaim rushing up to you to show their makeup. "Don't I look cool?" "Don't I look so pretty?" they asked, clamoring for your attention.
"Si, mi chiquitos," you chuckle, smiling to your partner. "You all look wonderful. And I'm sure people like Tio Diego will be excited to see you."
You could see the sad smile on Valeria's face at the mention of her old right hand. While it had been a few decades since she had gone by "El Sin Nombre", it wasn't a time too long ago for the both of you. You're pulled from your reminiscing by your littlest grandchild, the one your love was currently working on.
"Did Tio Diego introduce you two abuelita?" she asks in her tiny voice. "Is he why we get two abuelitas?" You think for a moment, wondering if she was old enough to know. A few of your grandkids knew of the past between you and Val. Not the entirety of it, but enough to know your first meeting was anything but ordinary or safe.
"He did," Valeria answers before you can, never stopping her wrinkled hand. She puts the finishing touches on the little girls face smiling at her work. "If it weren't for Tio Diego and your abuelita, I probably wouldn't get to be here doing your makeup." Your lover presses a kiss to the girl's head, helping her down off the bed.
"Yeah everyone know that!" Chimes one of your grandsons. "Mama Y/N was a medic in Las Almas and helped Mama Valeria with her injuries."
"Not here?" Asks the youngest, clearly confused. "Where would she be then?"
"I don't know mija," you tell her, leaning over Valeria now. You can faintly hear her grumble about your height. "But that pretty face of hers would certainly compliment the ofrenda."
You revel in the groans that come from your grandkids and the way your wife hides her blushing face in her hands. From the front door, one of you kids calls for the young ones, and they go rushing out to show off you wife's handiwork. You can't help but smile as you watch them go, your lover standing beside you.
"You left out the part where you flirted with me even as my prisoner amor," Valeria hums as she leans up to press a kiss to your cheek. "And how you're a cradle robber." You gape at her in mock offense.
"It's only three years!"
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sankta-starkova · 5 months
010 | take a zebra to vegas
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where daisy returns to camp from college and is blinded by her love for him, even as the world ends
wordcount: 2.1k
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The camp was getting bad. She had never seen this level of fighting before.
Every day, someone else was clashing. There were cabins turning against one another and all because of Clarisse and her gang.
They were spreading these rumours throughout camp that the war was going to get worse between the Gods and that at some point, the campers were going to have to fight with them.
This had cause tension and Daisy and Luke knew that they had to get some sort of help.
They went into the Big House. Chiron was out dealing with a fight and they needed to see what Mr D could do about it or if he was even back from his war council with the other Olympians.
They split out. Luke went into Chirons office and Daisy searched upstairs - although she steered clear of the attic.
"Luke?" Someone asked and he turned around, confused as he saw a rainbow beam on the wall.
"Annabeth? Percy?" He questioned, looking at the kids through the iris connection, "Are you okay?"
He turned around and the kids watched as he searched around for someone else.
"Hey, Daisy, come in here!" He called out before turning back to the message.
Annabeth and Percy looked at one another, "We're okay, Where's Chiron?"
Daisy ran into the room, slightly out of breath. She gasped when she saw the two on the screen. She had been so nervous about the trio and it was good to know they were there.
"You're okay? We've been worried sick," She said, stepping into frame so she was shoulder to shoulder with Luke..
"We need to talk to Chiron," Percy repeated.
"Chiron is holding the Fort down. The campers think we're going to war so the cabins are taking sides," he explained.
It had been a difficult couple of days. Everyone had been arguing and fighting. Some cabins had stopped talking to one another, couples had broken up.
That's when she heard a yell outside. "I should go sort that, I'll be right back kiddos,"
Luke watched as she ran out of the big house and he could hear her commanding some of the kids around, a smile on his face.
"We think we know who stole the bolt," Percy stated with upmost certainty
Luke tensed up. He was nervous and it was obvious.
"How do you know?" He asked, a shocked look on his face.
"We ran into Ares and Grover got him talking and realised Ares knew who the thief was and is covering for them," Annabeth explained, "So who would Ares cover for other than-"
"His favourite daughter, Clarisse," Luke stated, shaking his head. He relaxed as he realised who they thought it was, "She is the lightning thief,"
"Chiron has to arrest her. Find out what she knows. There's more to this than just the bolt. Don't ask me how. You just have to trust me," Percy continued, an ominous tone to his voice.
"We trust you, keep yourselves safe out there," Luke said, smiling at them.
"Sorry, I'm back. They weren't trying to hang that kid," she said, running back into the room.
Luke grabbed her hand and pulled her into his side, he seemed really relaxed all of a sudden.
"So, you met Ares? What was that like?" Luke asked, the conversation sounding more civil.
Percy shrugged, "Compared to the Chimera on Monday and Medusa on Sunday, could've been a lot worse,"
"Medusa was Saturday," Annabeth said, giving him a look, "No monsters on Sunday. Monday you died in a river,"
Daisy's eyes went wide, they seemed to have just said that he died in a river. They glossed over it and she just stared at them in shock.
"Right. So Medusa on Saturday," the two preteens shared a look as they nodded at one another.
Her and Luke turned to one another. As they listened to Percy and Annabeth, it was like watching their past selves bicker.
"What is this?" Daisy asked, looking at the duo with an amused smile..
"What?" Annabeth questioned. She didn't know why the teenagers were looking at her like that.
"When did you turn into an old married couple?" She replied.
Luke chuckled to himself, "When did you turn into us?" He asked.
They had smiles on their faces but through the iris message, they could see the kids were not entertained and seemed almost embarrassed.
"Not to change the subject but, we could use your advise on something. We're heading to Las Vegas to talk to yo-" Percy started to say and it cut out
"You think they're okay?" She asked, turning to him.
He knew how much she cared about them. It was that caring instinct in him that he loved.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "They're fine baby, we have to make sure the campers here don't kill themselves first,"
"Did i miss anything? Did they have any news?" She asked.
He was silent for a second before he put a smile on his face, "They didn't say much, just that they're doing good," he explained.
She grabbed his hand, "There's a big fight happening out there, the Ares cabin are getting mad," she explained.
He nodded. This was the last thing he wanted, they didn't need the entire camp to be fighting against one another.
They walked outside of the big house and that's when she saw the first semblance of a fight.
"What's going on Travis?" She yelled out after him as she saw him running towards the amphitheatre.
He turned around, stopping in the middle of the path and looking at the couple, "Clarisse just challenged Lily to a fight,"
Lily was one of her best friends and she had just been elected as the Head of the Aphrodite cabin.
To have the Ares Cabin and Aphrodite cabin at war with one another would cause the biggest rift within the camp.
She looked at Luke, both of them sharing a worried expression on their faces before they chased after his younger brother Travis to the amphitheatre.
When they got there, they saw the true extent to the problem. Clarisse was in full battle gear, the remaining half of her father's spear tucked into her belt.
She was with some of the other Ares kids and in front of her was Silena and Lily, both of them weaponless.
She saw Clarisse pull her sword out, ready to strike. Daisy didn't even hesitate before she ran in between the two of them.
She felt the sword brush against her cheek but there was no pain, she must have missed.
"Get out of my way!" She yelled out and Daisy held her hand out, pushing her back.
Luke rushed over as soon as he saw Clarisse swing. He had to hide the anger bubbling up in his chest, "Lets all calm down,"
"There's a war that's going to happen out there," Clarisse spat out, taking a few steps back.
"We don't know who stole the bolt, we can't choose sides," Luke said.
Luke had been told about who the kids thought was the lightning theif but he couldn't tell anyone, not yet.
"You're naive both of you. it matters," she spat out, being cheered on by the other Ares kids, "You need to pick your side because when this happens, we will fight,"
"Percy can find a way to stop this," Daisy said, her hand resting on the sheath where her dagger lie.
It was a matching one. Luke had given it to her two years ago before their quest. It was a paired one to his and it had all kind of features - like glowing when the other person got near and dimming completley if they died.
She didn't think she would need the weapon right now but she didnr know where this fight would go.
Clarisse scoffed at the idea, "Percy? I doubt he's even alive," she stated.
"Can't we all just stop this, its not fair on anyone," Silena said as she took a step forward to stand next to Daisy.
Before the couple had gotten there, Silena thought that her best friend was going to try to fight her.
"If there is a war between our parents, they will be expecting us to fight alongside them," Clarisse replied, her voice softening as soon as she saw Silena.
"Our mother does not believe in war," Lily interjected. Everyone seemed to have forgotten she was there.
There was a crowd gathering around them as all the campers wondered if this was the official declaration of who's side they were on.
Everyone was on edge with the idea of war and as Daisy looked around, she could see how scared everyone was. Nobody wanted to fight.
"Come on guys, no need to keep arguing. The younger campers don't need all the heads of cabins arguing right now," Daisy said.
She looked around. They were all looking to their leaders for some sort of guidance.
"You want me to give you another nick on that pretty face of yours?" She questioned.
Daisy reached a hand up and that's when she realised that the blade had cut her. It was a tiny cut and she didn't know how she hadn't felt it.
Luke looked at her, a a hand going to her jaw so that he could get a good look at the cut on the other side of her face. He was furious now.
"You better watch your mouth Clarisse," Luke said, a hand going down to his sword.
The camp was silent as they realised that two of the strongest sword fighters may be duelling.
She went to lunge at Luke but Chris grabbed onto her, pulling her back before she could attack him. She let out a guttural yell as he held her back, struggling in his grasp.
Daisy reached down and grabbed Lukes hand. He was tense. She could feel him calm down at her touch and he looked at her, shaking his head.
He couldn't deal with this fighting. This was not the plan, the campers should not be having to fight against one another.
"Break it up children," a voice said and they all recognised it quickly.
They turned to see Chiron walking towards them and everyone knew that they were in trouble.
The groups of younger campers started to disperse and Clarisse just gave Luke one final glare before rushing away with her cronies.
"What happened here?" Chiron asked.
"She's trying to get campers to pick sides, you know the drill," Daisy said, trying to make it lighthearted.
Her boyfriend scoffed, "This time she hit you. Chiron, do you mind if we discuss this later, I should get her a bit of salve for that wound?"
Chiron nodded. He had a suspicious look in his eyes as he watched the couple walk away.
"We forgot to tell him that Percy and Annabeth sent him an iris message," she said.
He led her towards the Hermes cabin and walked over to his bunk. The room was empty, everyone else doing activities and training.
Luke shook his head, "Worry about that later baby, you just sit there for a second," He said, gesturing for her to sit down.
She looked at his bunk, smiling to herself for a second. She traced her finger across the picture board at the head of his bed.
They were mostly pictures of her, one of her by the lake in a bikini, one of them before the quest (she could tell by the lack of his scar) of them laughing.
Her favourite one was the one that her and Annabeth both had a copy of. It was the two of them, her head leaning on Lukes shoulder. Annabeth was standing in front of them, looking up at them with a smile.
She felt the bed dip and looked to her side to see Luke. He had a ambrosia salve on his lap.
"I'm fine honey," she said and he shook his head.
"Let me help you," he said and she nodded.
He leaned up, swiping the salve across her cheek and she could feel it getting better already.
Luke leaned up and he pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Feel better?"
She hummed in response. She lay her head against his shoulder, "I don't want to go to war," she muttered.
He could feel her fear, her fear about what power the Gods hold. The whole point of this plan was that she would never feel that fear again. That she would be on control.
"We'll be fine," he mumbled, leaning his head down against hers.
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@b3bybunny @inejghafawifesblog
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SFW Alphabet : Ponyboy Curtis
Should I have aged Pony up for this? Maybe. Was I over halfway done writing this before I realized that with no desire to rewrite any of it? Absolutely. Did I give a few cheap "idk, man, he's like 14" answers on some of these? Uh, yeah, sorry 'bout that--
Mention of substance abuse/dependency in "ugly."
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Insanely, whenever he can be. Always wants a hug, always wants to hold hands. Incredibly lovey. He's 14, it's probably his first relationship, he is a reader and writer that watches sunsets so you know he romanticizes the hell out of every little thing.
The gang teases Pony a LOT for how affectionate he is with you and then he usually gets all embarrassed about it and gets all weird about pda for a while. Thinks that everyone is just jealous and nobody has ever been this in love and they just don't understand, really he's just easy to make fun of because he's a kid in his first relationship and he's really cringe and awkward about it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Y'all most likely met at school, did a group project together or something and obviously he's such a sweetie that you weren't not going to be his friend.
You guys become quick friends, you're probably his best school friend instantly (because you actually have classes with him unlike anyone in the gang that's still in school), he'll always sit next to you. Constantly defending each other if anyone talks shit, he takes you to the movies and you two watch sunsets together because no one else cares to do that kind of stuff with him, you go to every track meet to support him and if you're in a club/sport you can bet your ass he's always there to support you. SUPER wholesome besties.
You also have to be his street smarts and basic common sense, though, because this boy has none. He'll go to do anything or open his mouth to say something naieve and you'll have to, like, grab his sleeve and say "now, let's actually think about that, buddy" because otherwise he's saying some r/im14andthisisdeep bullshit that will get him beaten to a pulp just for being annoying, or he'll start on some crazy ungrateful rant about how Darry should be a better guardian and you need to knock some fucking sense into him because absolutely not.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves to cuddle, but doesn't get to often. Darry is pretty strict about Ponyboy keeping his bedroom door wide open when you're there or (preferably) sticking to the living room or kitchen, so cuddling at home is a no-go. Obviously, cuddling is difficult at school too because, uh, teachers.
Sometimes you two will go out to the lot or skip a class and head out to the bleachers to lay in the grass and cuddle. Usually, it's very simple. Sitting next to each other with someone's head on the other's shoulder and arms around each other. One of you on your back and the other with their head nuzzled into their chest or neck. Kind of minimal touching, as far as cuddling goes.
He's afraid he'll be hormonal if the cuddling is too intense, lol.
Sometimes, when you two are in the lot, Darry *will* catch you guys but let it slide because, again, it's very minimal touching and could almost be platonic.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Good at cleaning. Doesn't really like cleaning, but would rather get it over with than live in a dirty space, so it would get done even if Darry wasn't there to constantly harp on him to do his damn chores. Does need the reminders because he'll honest to god forget about the dishes in the sink or whatever, but does them right when he does remember them.
Fine at cooking. Capable of reading a recipe, doesn't have the skill or experience to add on or better it. Does the basics, wouldn't be against learning more, but just hasn't really had the chance/need to yet.
Wants to settle down eventually. Sees himself having a pretty traditional/basic life. College, married, house, kids, that kind of stuff.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Would do anything to avoid a break-up. Ends up distancing himself and hoping you break up with him over it. Doesn't want to hurt you, ends up hurting you more than if he just sat down and talked to you about splitting up. If you don't take the hint and dump him he'll probably hand you a note in the hallway and leave SO fast so he doesn't have to do it face-to-face.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Again, overly romanticizes. Thinks that when he loves somebody it's the truest love to ever be felt by anyone. Is instantly daydreaming about the future. Ponyboy is big on commitment, but he's young so it's all an "eventually" type of thing. Y'all probably have legit promise rings a year in.
Just smart enough (that's a lie, it's because Darry said so) to decide to wait for actual marriage until he actually graduates and has a stable job instead of the second y'all are both 18 like he originally planned.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
SO gentle. Especially physically, treats you so good. Emotionally, he's really gentle but can get really socially unaware and ends up saying something stupid way too often because he just genuinely doesn't see/consider the issue with whatever he said. But the kid TRIES.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs. Will hug you goodbye every single time you go to leave. Will give you a congratulatory hug if you achieve anything. He's physically pretty sensory seeking, he likes holding onto things.
Hugs are usually fairly short and sweet, though. Very warm and nice, but if it goes on for too long then he feels a bit awkward. Like, he doesn't know what to do with his hands after a while and starts to worry that you're uncomfortable, he spends way too much mental energy thinking about the most appropriate hug length.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
On the second date. The first date is so casual and very mutual-crush-besties, but after he just thinks about you and how much he's fallen for you. On the second date, he's basically instantly confessing his love and asking if you want to be in an official relationship.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Average amount of jealousy. No issue with you having friends or anything. Only gets really jealous when someone is getting flirty with you or you start paying an extreme amount of attention to someone.
Gets really moody when jealous, may not even realize he is jealous. A lot of "no, it's fine" and shit. Irritable, usually isolates or vents to someone else.
He apologizes when someone informs him that he's being a jealous jerk, though. Again, he usually doesn't clock the feeling so he has no idea he's doing it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Quick, sweet, a bit shy. A peck on the cheek or a quick brush of the lips. He'd probably get in trouble for it at school with teachers and at home with Darry, or most of the rest of the gang will tease you two RELENTLESSY anytime they catch you two, so kisses are super sneaky and the types that you can pull away from real quick.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Neither loves nor dislikes children, doesn't really know what to do with kids. He's the youngest person he's around most of the time, he would be so confused if you just plopped a kid down in front of him. Would probably be really good with a quiet, "good" kid, he'd love to read to them or babysit one of those kids that just, like, sit in the corner and draw or quietly play with toys for hours. The second a kid starts being super hyper or rambunctious, though, he'd be so overwhelmed and need an adult *RIGHT* now.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Y'all meet up at school and spend as much time together as possible before the bell rings. Studying for first period, chatting about upcoming plans or the day before, etc.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
A hug and a kiss goodbye at your door, lol. You think you're spending the night? You think he's allowed to spend the night at your place? C'mon, now.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Pretty open when it's relevant. Like, if asked a direct question he isn't going to lie and he doesn't really have an issue talking about himself. As soon as he sees you as a safe person that won't make fun of him for it, he's deep-diving into how he feels about almost everything to get your perspective. A lot of the gang either doesn't care to listen or will make fun of him for being a little bitch, so Ponyboy will absolutely latch on to someone willing to listen to his random emotional and philosophical bullshit.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Gets moody or frustrated easily, stresses easily and may need a break from whatever is getting to him. But actually angry? Slightly below average. There are things that will absolutely push those buttons quick enough, but he isn't actually angry so much as overwhelmed a fair amount of the time.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers a surprising amount of little things. Your favorite and least favorite colors? Foods? Books? Movies? Etc? Absolutely remembers all of them. Might forget bigger things, like your birthday or something. And it isn't like he even forgets!! He just has that weird "is time real?" anxiety that some people have. Like "I know their birthday is on [date], and it's [date] today, but is it *REALLY* [date]??? What if I say happy birthday and they're confused and tell me it isn't their birthday? Maybe I should wait for someone else to tell them happy birthday first, just to be safe..."
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Your second date. Eating at the diner where he told you he loved you and asked you to be his officially, watching the sunset, catching a late movie, and then walking you home and giving you a hug and kiss goodbye at the door.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Around average on the protective scale? Wants to know you're safe, obviously. If anyone is bothering you, he's by your side. If anyone is actively bullying you, Ponyboy will try to get the whole gang to defend you (and if anything serious is going on, they probably will). Will listen to you vent and rant, and (maybe reluctantly) accepts that you can take care of yourself. Will follow your lead mostly, stays close and will happily defend you if you look to him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Tries so hard. Writes love letters, makes sure there's plenty to do on dates (it's never *just* a movie, it's dinner and a movie and talking for hours after), buys you a little gift or treat whenever he has spending money, helps you with school work whenever you need it, walks you home even if it's way out of the way for him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Extremely addictive personality. He is canonly the heaviest smoker of the group despite also being the youngest, also considers himself addicted to pepsi and--while that could absolutely just be an exaggeration in saying it's his favorite drink--I wouldn't be surprised if he was fairly addicted to the caffeine. He also misuses prescriptions. Having problems with addiction early in life can lead to more issues with addiction later down the line, whether through stronger substance dependency/abuse or just addictive behaviors such as gambling or similar.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
About as much as a young teen is expected to be. Has a good plenty look-based insecurities, definitely wants to look tuff or whatever. Doesn't make it his whole thing. Also probably grows out of it fairly completely unlike some people.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
110% yes. This is true love to him. Yall are soul mates.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Don't know if this is obvious in how I write him, but I headcanon him as autistic (because I'm autistic and I say so, idk). Not diagnosed, because it's the 60s.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Not seeing (or at least trying to see) his point of view. He can be rather emotionally driven sometimes, and it does help when he has someone to give an objective or logical perspective when he's like that, but if you don't start with "yeah, I understand where your coming from, but also consider..." then he'll feel like you're just telling him he's wrong and his feelings don't matter. A lack of sympathy/empathy (idk which, I lack both, oops) is a good way to make him uncomfortable with you as a whole.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps holding onto something for dear life. A pillow, balling up the blankets next to him, partner, whatever.
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arxxq · 1 year
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| in which the world has a specific thing in order to find their soulmate, there's the classic red string, can't see colour and so on...and you got 7 things you or your soulmate hate which allows your soulmate and you choose things you hate for the other to see |
Haitani Rindou X reader
Enemies to lovers?
(no smut I don't write those, my first time writing TR and I had to start with Rindou might be ooc bcs this is my first time. I should probably stick to blue lock, also some of these might not be things you hate or rindou hates but for the sake of the plot pls accept it...)
(this is supposed to be gender neutral but i ended writing it as female... Sorry)
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"Yeah I'll take the (favourite drink) thank you-" you said to the waiter that is until you looked up to see (F/d) at the top of your head. And now your mood is ruined..
"on second thought nevermind I'll just take a (different drink).."
You were planning to have a peaceful day until you remembered that today was the day you get to see your soulmate's 7 hated things.
"jeez what's got you pissed now," your Friend asked. "the first thing my soulmate didn't like was my favourite drink....can you believe it?"
"okay but I'm sure he didn't know that right..." She says in a way to reassure you. Just as she said that another thing popped up above you. It was your h/c...
"You've got to be kidding me..." You said in annoyance. "okay okay calm down let's just get to school," you then walked to school with her.
A few hours later.
You were in class when another thing popped up above your head. E/c
Now you were very pissed. It was as if your soulmate is targeting you. Your friend noticed the same annoyance plastered on your face.
"Okay now I have a feeling I've been targeted!"
"I swear, is this another thing about you as well?"
"Yes yes it is...what next? My favourite colour?" And you jinxed it because then your favourite colour popped up as the 4th thing.
"Okay I'm not saying another thing because this is really pissing me off,"
It was the end of school. Your soulmate has finished his 7 list of things.
F/d, e/c, h/c, f/c, mean girls, bad temper, f/f
And now you are really pissed.
"what's gotten you pissed off?" You looked behind you to see the most insufferable person you knew. Haitani Rindou.
"Shut up, hearing your voice is just making me even more pissed,"
"Jeez princess.you really should stop being bitchy and maybe people would like you," he teased.
"oh please, people do like me. And what's wrong with your hair? Does it just get even uglier?"
"my hair is beautiful actually you're just a bitch who hates it,"
"okay whatever, at least dye your hair better? I mean blonde and blue are hideous,"
"oh at least I'm not a brat who has a bad temper," okay that was the last straw.
"Why you-!" You were about to slap him when your friend yelled at you. "(Name), cmon we gotta go,"
You stopped and calmed down for a bit.
And yes you left without saying anything which made his smile as if he won...which I guess you can say he did.
"I swear I already hate my soulmate..."
"It's okay...at least you can finally choose your seven things tomorrow!"
"yeah you're right...and i already know what to put in it,"
"For real, you weren't kidding when you said you really were prepared!" You smiled at her "I definitely did not,"
The next day...
You were forced to sit next to rindou when you heard a long ass complaint for his mouth. I mean he was whispering it but you wonder what got him so pissed.
"what's wrong with you," you asked rolling your eyes. "Well my fucking soulmate decided to piss me off today,"
"oh? What did she or he do?" You asked while letting out a chuckle. "okay I thought you were the only one who hates blondes but maybe I was wrong, she also hates gangs and guys with glasses...I swear I feel targeted,"
The moment he said that you froze. Those were 3 of the things you had chosen for your 7 things.
"You okay? You spaced out there," and when he said that you snapped out of your trance...
"yeah I'm fine it's just that my soulmate hates (h/c) and (f/d)..."
"oh? Well your soulmate has taste," he said a proud smirk. "Yeah and now that you say that...I'm starting to think my soulmate is you, jerk face," you glared at him.
He laughed and smirked at you with the same smirk you've always hated....or did you? "Oh princess I already knew that, I just chose those as my seven things to see if I was right and I was,"
"I also chose those as my seven things to piss you off which I think worked successfully," he said with a proud smile.
"yeah I hate you," you scoffed.
"you will learn to love me soon princess,"
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Yeah I'm leaving it like that
-Arxx 14/10/23
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oumagines · 1 year
Kokichi With A Shy Age Regressor S/O Who Loves Pink And Girly Things
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Anonymous Asked: "Could I request kokichi with a shy age regressor s/o?One who really likes pink and girly things? Thank you!! Sorry if it's a lot!"
Warnings: Kidnapping, mention of DD/LG, gang violence (?)
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 🍊
Notes: Oh, you don't need to apologize!! This request is so cute!! And this is actually quite a simple request, and it was really fun to write!!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi Ouma is a man whose feelings seem to fluctuate at random. But however, the one time you'd truly see a glimpse into how much he loves you is when you're little. The littler you are, the kinder he is to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ For one thing, he won't see the need to hurt or punish you for the most part. Or at the very least, if he does, it won't be nearly as harsh as if you weren't agere.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ First and foremost, he's willing to go out and buy literally anything little you might ask for, and forcefully willfully becomes your cg, since that will entrench him into your life.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And best part? Everything he brings you is some shade of pink if he can find it, otherwise it'll be purple or red, the closest colors to pink. He also likes to bring them in pastels so it's harder to distinguish between the actual pink and his "failures".
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Practically every single time he goes out, something will catch Kokichi's eye that reminds him of you, and he'll get it for you. Whether it's a cute little plushy, some adorable pink hair ribbons, or other toys you could play with when little, he'll purchase them immediately and be pretty much buzzing on the way back home.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If anyone were to question his sudden influx of more childish purchases, he'd probably make up something about volunteering at an orphanage or babysitting some neighbors' kids.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But when he returns home, he knows he's setting up for the day he finally kidnaps you, wanting you to be as comfortable as you can possibly be.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ So naturally, when you do get kidnapped, you're understandably confused about how this room is so completely ideal to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Enter your cg, telling you that he brought you here because the world is just too dangerous for someone so soft and sweet, and that you're too little for all that... That only he can protect you...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ After all, there are a lot of people who would think of your agere as a kink, rather than seeing it for the coping mechanism that it is. And someone as pure and soft as you doesn't deserve to have that innocence tainted by something so vulgar, or so he thinks.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He also tends to gush over your shyness, but in a teasing way.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww~! Why, my S/O is so shy, aren't they? So cute, tiny, and timid! That's what you want to hear, right?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If you ever call him "Papa" or "Big" while little, congrats! You get to see his heart melt in his chest!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ As long as you aren't fighting back, you probably never get punished, to be honest. He likes seeing you smile much more than seeing you cry, because if he makes you cry, the guilt of knowing that he hurt someone who's supposed to trust him will just... crush him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He will 100% pretend his favorite color is pink and start wearing it just so you two have something to gush over together. And in truth, it isn't a lie. But it's only his favorite because it reminds him of you. If not for that, it'd be useless to him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi has sacrificed a lot for D.I.C.E.. It was his duty as their leader. So when someone or something makes Kokichi as happy as you do, you can expect D.I.C.E. to be practically your biggest fans aside from Kokichi, himself. Meaning they won't save you from being kidnapped and may even help Kokichi cover his tracks. I mean, he isn't violent with you, so... no point in not doing it, right?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Whether you're little or not when you go to bed determines the way you sleep. If you're little, Kokichi will pull your head into his chest and rest his chin on the back of your head, using his hands to caress your back as you drift off. If you're big enough, he'll hold your hand and... that's pretty much it. You sleep mostly independent of each other except for the fact that he's not letting go of that hand. You probably didn't need it- /lh
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ All in all, you get a mostly wholesome Kokichi. And although you're safe from the punishments... that doesn't mean everyone else is.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ :)
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kissorkill16 · 3 months
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 25
On Monday after school, Nicky couldn't have run to Mr. Murtaugh's Science Room faster. He was desperate to tell his friends what he saw.
He practically kicked the door open and yelled at the top of his lungs.
The gang turned to look at him, shocked to see him, not really shocked at his outburst.
"Glad to have you back, Nicky. How was your mental health week?", asked Enzo.
Nicky went to the table they were sitting at and slammed his hands down. "It was fine, but that's not the point! Mr. Peterson is a murderer. There's a grave in his backyard, he has Aaron's switch blade and there was blood all over it and it was stabbed into one of their family photos, and my grandma has a huge stab wound on her chest -!"
Enzo gripped Nicky's shoulders, shaking him gently. "Nicky, calm down. Start from the beginning, what's all of this about Mr. Peterson being a murderer?"
Nicky took in a deep breath and explained everything. "There is a grave in his backyard, his house smells completely awful, there's blood on Aaron's switch blade in his office, and the knife was in one of his family photos. I don't know what happened this following week, but something drove Mr. Peterson so mad that he killed his own kids."
Maritza rolled her eyes. "That's ridiculous, Nicky. Aaron and Mya are taking a mental health week, they said they'd be back sometime this week.", she said. Nicky shook his head.
"No! They won't ever be back, because they're already dead!"
"How do you even know they're dead?", asked Ivan.
"Because I've tried calling their house multiple times, and no one answered! When I went to go check on them in person, I heard crying noises coming from somewhere in the house. I didn't even have a chance to go see where it was coming from before Mr. Peterson chased me out of his house!", Nicky said, trying not to run out of breath.
"You were in his house?!", Ivan nearly screamed.
"Nick, you're being ridiculous. Aaron and Mya aren't dead, they're just on a mental health week -", Maritza didn't even finish before Nicky interrupted her.
"No! Aaron and Mya are dead! Their father is a murderer!", he yelled, waving his arms around.
Enzo inhaled and exhaled, then he looked Nicky directly in the eye. "Nicky, I think you need to go. We're sorry about your grandmother, and we're sorry that you haven't heard from Aaron or Mya in a while, but that is no excuse to be yelling and acting like a total asylum patient. Please leave and try to collect yourself.", he said, maintaining a calm attitude.
Nicky's eyes widened in shock. He looked to Ivan and Maritza, and they had the same blank expression as Enzo. Why didn't his friends believe him? He knew they didn't have much good history with the Petersons, especially Aaron, but they could at least pretend to care just a little bit.
Despite the situation, Nicky remained calm and mature.
"Fine.", he said. And without another word, he left the room, slamming the door on his way out.
That night at dinner, Nicky couldn't even finish his food. Mainly because his mind was in other places right now. Why didn't his friends believe him? Did they seriously believe that Aaron and Mya were on some sort of mental health week? Sure, that's what they said, but they hadn't noticed that they weren't back when they said they'd be.
"Narf, are you okay? You've barely touched your food.", asked his father.
Nicky tilted his head up to look at his parents. "Aaron and Mya are dead, and Mr. Peterson is a murderer."
Jay and Luanne were shocked at what their son said.
"I'm serious! I've been trying to call them all week, but no answer. Mr. Peterson's house smells completely awful, there's blood on Aaron's switch blade, and there's a freaking grave in his backyard!"
Luanne rubbed her temple, "Nicky, I have the worst migraine in the world right now. Can you please not make it worse by your little story?", she said.
"But Mom -"
"Narf...", Jay put a hand on Nicky's shoulder, signaling him to be quiet for now.
Nicky tried to focus on eating his dinner, then Jay spoke up again.
"Narf, we're moving to a new house again.", he said.
Nicky's head snapped up, and he immediately dropped his plate in shock and stared at his father. "What?!"
"We're not moving out of Raven Brooks, we're just changing streets. Your mother doesn't feel comfortable in this house anymore since the funeral, she says she feels like she's being haunted. So we're just going to move to a new house on a different street."
Nicky picked his fork back up and focused back on his dinner. "I guess that's okay.", he said.
It was quiet for a while, then Luanne said "Why would you ever think that Mr. Peterson is a murderer?"
Nicky looked at Luanne, "Do you remember the funeral?", he started with. "Well no one else has seen it, but I have. Bubba had a huge stab in her chest, and there was blood on Aaron's switch blade. So what else am I supposed to think other than Mr. Peterson probably broke into our house and killed Bubba?!"
"Nicky, that's completely ludicrous. We locked all of the doors and windows before we left that day. And like the doctor said, Bubba died of natural causes.", said Luanne.
"No she didn't! She was murdered! There was a stab wound on her chest!", Nicky almost yelled, but not loud enough to make her mother's migraine worse.
Jay put his hands on Nicky's shoulders, "Nicky, I think you're still just trying to cope with the loss of your grandmother. I know it's hard, and I'm sorry you haven't heard from your friends in a while, but please don't go accusing people of being murderers."
Nicky shook his father's hands off his shoulders. "You guys sound just like my friends, they didn't believe me either. They all looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm not crazy! Mr. Peterson hurt Aaron and Mya!"
"Narf -"
Nicky shoved himself away from the dinner table and ran upstairs to his room, ignoring his father's "Narf, come on!", and slamming the door behind him.
Then he saw a box, he looked inside to see what it was, and it was all of Aaron's spy supplies from back then.
He already had a pair of these. He had a walkie talkie, and an earpiece, but the night vision goggles were new ones.
But who put this here? He didn't think it was either of his parents, but who else could it be?
That's when he looked across the street to Aaron's room, and saw Mr. Peterson staring at him from the window. When he noticed him staring, he immediately closed the curtain.
Did Mr. Peterson put this here?
Did he think Aaron was going to use it to call for help?
Nicky shoved the box under his bed, and buried his face deep in his pillow, letting out a scream.
A couple minutes later, Jay and Luanne entered Nicky's room and sat down beside him on his bed.
"Hey, Narf.", said his father. "You doing okay?"
Nicky nodded. But he wasn't doing okay. He was infuriated that no one believed him when he tried to tell everyone that Mr. Peterson's gone nuts.
"Listen, Nicky. We know you miss your friends, we know these past few weeks have been hard on you, but please don't go around accusing an innocent man of being a murderer."
"But Mr. Peterson isn't innocent!", Nicky wanted to scream in his parents faces, but he knew that wouldn't do him any good.
"I'm sorry I yelled.", he said, looking down at his knees. Jay and Luanne pulled him in for a hug.
"It's alright, sweetie.", said his mother. "We'll give you some more time to try to calm down, and whenever you're ready to talk to us again without yelling, we'll be right here for you."
Luanne gave Nicky a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room, Jay ruffled his hair and gave him a side hug. "Goodnight, Narf."
Then they were both gone, leaving Nicky alone with his thoughts.
Nicky pulled out the box from under his bed and pulled out the night vision goggles. He put them over his head and walked to the mirror on his wall, looking directly into it.
It was from that night, he made it his job to know what happens on his block.
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