#They're some integration ideas for with my other blog
Everyone asks what I read and truth be told I learned a lot of politics through experience and listening to Black revolutionaries.
There is nothing- nothing- that I say on my blog that Malcom X or James Baldwin or Frantz Fanon or Thomas Sankara or Frederick Douglass didn't say first (and much more eloquently)
Further, their words have given me the tools to think critically about not just my place, but everyone else's and what we owe each other.
I myself, wouldn't have a Lot of the politics I do had I not been exposed to the ideas they talked about with such knowledge and experience. Whether it was by following activists or looking up things up or learning about them myself, they're influential and I would even say foundational to decolonization and dismantling white supremacy.
My usual recs are Wretched of the Earth and Braiding Sweetgrass, but those are just starters since people just usually ask where to begin.
So I wanted to make this post and for them to be Very Much credited for the following I have and my politics since I don't often mention them.
For example, I talk a lot about how the comfort of the privileged is an obstacle that stems directly from their privilege. How libs who only conditionally support peaceful protests don't understand what's necessary; that challenging the status quo can't be done comfortably and it's never been "peaceful" for the oppressing classes. How it's detrimental to progress to compromise on how we fight for our rights and to have been liberals telling us we demand too much.
Frederick Douglass:
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Frantz Fanon:
Privileges multiply and corruption triumphs…Today the vultures are too numerous and too voracious in proportion to the lean spoils of the national wealth. The party, a true instrument of power in the hands of the bourgeoisie, reinforces the machine, and ensures that the people are hemmed in and immobilised.
Thomas Sankara:
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Malcom X:
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James Baldwin:
In a way, I owe the invitation to the incredible, abysmal, and really cowardly obtuseness of white liberals. Whether in private debate or in public, any attempt I made to explain how the Black Muslim movement came about, and how it has achieved such force, was met with a blankness that revealed the little connection that the liberals' attitudes have with their perceptions or their lives, or even their knowledge—revealed, in fact, that they could deal with the Negro as a symbol or a victim but had no sense of him as a man.
Bonus MLK Jr quote:
Over the last few years many Negroes have felt that their most troublesome adversary was not the obvious bigot of the Ku Klux Klan or the John Birch Society, but the white liberal who is more devoted to “order” than to justice, who prefers tranquillity to equality. In a sense the white liberal has been victimized with some of the same ambivalence that has been a constant part of our national heritage. Even in areas where liberals have great influence— labor unions, schools, churches and politics—the situation of the Negro is not much better than in areas where they are not dominant. This is why many liberals have fallen into the trap of seeing integration in merely aesthetic terms, where a token number of Negroes adds color to a white-dominated power structure."
Whether your medium is a PDF, a book, movie, clips, quotes, podcast, whatever. However you digest info easiest: learn about them and their words. Think about them. Talk about it and process it with friends.
That's how you shape your politics to be similar to the ones you find on my blog.
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rileys-battlecats · 1 month
How difficult was it to create a whole another clan, and do you have any tips for those wanting to start? I've always been wanting to make one but honestly my worldbuilding skills are not that great and procrastination levels are high😿
Honestly I never really set out to make an entire clan! It started with just a little handful of OCs, and then it just sort of.... expanded on its own HAHA
My advice would be to start small! I started by focusing on a little handful of characters, really only fleshing out two of them (mudpaw and wrentail), and then branching out from there based on their relationships. Mudpaw needed peers, so the other apprentices were designed and eventually their personalities were developed. Then those apprentices needed mentors, and needed dynamics with those mentors, and then the mentors needed dynamics with each other, and at that point I had so many cats it was just logical to design a leader, deputy, and med cat! And then I just designed a few background characters to fill in some spaces (sometimes reusing old designs I'd made but hadn't used for anything), and then I had an entire clan!
It definitely helps that I LOVE designing cat characters, it's actually so fun for me HAHA. Any excuse to make up a new kitty cat is good enough for me :P
The worldbuilding for the clan was built mostly from what I needed it to be for the characters/story! I've been putting it together piecemeal for quite a long time. Don't feel pressured to figure everything out all at once! I left a lot of blank spaces in the clan's history/culture in the beginning; I only really started filling it out over time and with a lot of help brainstorming from the people leaving their questions and thoughts on this blog! Even now, I still sometimes have new ideas that I want to integrate into the clan's lore
My biggest tip is to just have fun with it! Use concepts that are cool to you, make stories that YOU love, and don't worry about making it appealing to other people. They're your OCs, they're there for you to have fun with! Don't worry about making everything cohesive and finished all at once, you can make things and develop them in little bite-sized bits, then just put them together whenever you want!
A more concrete tip is to think about what little pieces of clan culture affect the characters and their thoughts/feelings/relationships! For instance, I have one of Micaclan's most important traits being that they are deeply insular as a group; this means that outsiders are treated with suspicion, but it also means that they care about their clanmates immensely. Those considered to be part of the "in-group" are met with support, love, and loyalty. So, anything or anyone that breaks from this loyalty is treated very harshly (ex. Possum leaving the clan was seen as a very serious betrayal). This insular trait affects how the clan treats Mudpaw (a perceived outsider), it affects how the clan treats their kits (they all share responsibility for each kitten equally/"it takes a village" approach), and it affects how the clan sees its individual members' shortcomings (ex. Wrentail being seen as a harsh mentor, sure, but ultimately believing him to be a good cat; they can't really conceive one of their own as being in the wrong without some serious proof).
Another tip is to include fun little details that might not seem important to a story, but still add a little bit of flavor to the world! Micaclan values storytelling, and Wrentail was one of their best storytellers. The elder Snaptail keeps clan history alive by imparting old stories to each new generation. The clan teaches their kits to swim at a young age, due to their history of losing cats to a flood and now living close to water. The clan doesn't have frequent access to Starclan, because their holy place is dangerous to approach. The clan's healers meet with Starclan each half moon only symbolically, by traveling to their mountain's peak to stargaze. Little details like that can do a lot to make the clan feel more alive!
I know this is sort of an eclectic mess as far as tips/advice goes, but I hope it helps!!
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renwyvernsims · 1 year
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Sooo... I've been playing some more Sims on my own for a bit, and had a silly idea like "Oh, what if I made some of the members from Evo and have them play through the Strangerville story, wouldn't that be funny?" But from there I started to actually make a storyline and a plot and what was meant to just be a little thing for me has gotten a bit out of hand... So I'm gonna be posting it here I guess.
Recent Posts / Chronological Posts
Extra notes about the story below:
So if you're following this blog for Sims reasons and don't know what Evo is, it's an old Minecraft server that had a storyline featuring time travel, entities called Watchers that messed with the members, and more. Admittedly, I'm still watching Grian's pov of Evo, but I've picked up quite a bit from fans, and from Martyn's Life Series lore streams, and it seemed like it would be fun to find a way to integrate it into the Strangerville storyline- which somehow I've never actually played through but I've been wanting to for a long while now.
Because I'm less familiar with Evo, but I'm more familiar with the Life Series and it's members, I decided to use the Evo members who are part of the Life Series, with references to other servers they are on (ie. Jimmy and Lizzie are siblings and merfolk, Scar and Mumbo both exist in the save with mumbo being an old friend of Grian's, etc). Some of the other changes I've made are purely fanon, such as Grian and Pearl being twins.
And with this being the Sims, there's certain things that I'm tweaking and changing, or otherwise have decided I'm just gonna have to accept. One of these being that I wanted to have the watchers involved, but didn't know how- for Grian's sake, though, I wanted them to have both a human and nonhuman form, so now they're aliens. I also thought it'd be funny to have Scar be the Curio Shop owner (desert guy scamming people with with outlandish conspiracy theories). Except that it kinda made him very glitchy, so I have to manually summon him if I ever want to talk to him, and he's not even running the curio shop anymore. And then there's some stuff I just decided to roll the dice on to decide whether to allow to happen or not.
(Of course, even with me trying to make a cohesive storyline, Sims will do whatever the heck they want when my back is turned, and apparently everyone is in love with Grian. I've lost count of how many suggestive looks have been thrown his way, and how many times he's been propositioned by other sims, once I left the household for five minutes to fix Lizzie's mermaid form and came back to find a watcher had moved in and was dating him, please I just wanna make a story here, I'm not looking for woohoo at this time!)
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kinfeelings · 27 days
I used to label myself a Felidae cladotherian, but it just wasn't enough. At the moment, "polymorphic shape-changer" feels far closer to the truth. It may even actually be the truth. I pulled the term out of my ass like a week ago, frankly, but after some discussion with others within the OtherConnect Discord server, I've found a way to define it that is basically perfect, in my opinion. Read my Pinned post on this side-blog if you want the definition as I see it.
I am the sole individual who utilizes this label, so far. It's probably gonna be that way for a very long while. Maybe one day that'll change and I can create a designated Discord server for the lot of us, who knows. I'm no good at designing flags or whatnot, but perhaps I can commission someone to make some stuff for me like that eventually.
I feel very close with the idea of werecats, AKA ailuranthropes. (Like how werewolves can be referred to as lycanthropes.) I dunno when precisely or why this feline fixation of mine ignited; loving cats is a big part of my earliest memories. I tend to simply shrug and claim that I was born enamored with these creatures. It's hardwired into my brain, my DNA, my soul. I am an example of metaphysical feline software running on flesh-and-blood physical human hardware. For as long as I can look back, I've felt like I should be one of them, that they were my kith and kin -- no irony intended -- and that I should have at least one around me in my personal living space at all times.
However, when I was little, rarely did any cat like me or even tolerate me in return. I was too loud, too obnoxious and rudely grabby. The numerous scratches I rightfully received from all those cats never, ever deterred me at all. Sure, it made me heartbroken at the time, but I'd bounce back soon enough. Now that I'm older, calmer, more self-aware and respectful of cats in general, they usually allow me into their proximity for affection, if they're the type of kitty to want it.
Moving on to my teen years, I was but a fledgling, insecure and depressed alterhuman, with no clue what my true identity was yet. I tried identifying as many things, fictotypes, theriotypes...all brief, including my tenure as Bluefur/-star from Warrior Cats. Didn't work out with her in specific, but something in me spoke that I was on the right track by looking into her, if only because of the felinity. I mislabeled myself many, many times as I aged throughout my youth, my journey of growth. Self-discovery was eager to smack me in the face every once in awhile. Lots of embarrassment for me as I continued to mislabel myself over and over, with lots of encouragement and peptalks from my online, fellow alterhuman friends to not give up.
Now, I am cognizant of myself being both a cat person and a literal cat-person. The latter is what my base/default form resembles at basically all times, thinking about it. It took some serious questioning from my previously mentioned online buddies to help me uncover what I was probably critically overthinking. I have a sense that my base/default form is going to gain yet more defining physically traits as time goes on and I dig up these things like a work-weary archaeologist. The exact details of my own appearance frequently change: coloration, eye color, and markings as well as fur length and texture. One day they may just stabilize with finality, and I can feel like I can drop the "polymorphic shape-changer" name and substitute it with just "shape-shifter/-changer" for certain, forevermore.
Not that that's something I particularly dearly wish for. I can remain a polymorphic shape-changer for the rest of my days if need be. Whatever happens will happen.
Anyway, I can clearly see now that I've always had some degree and measure of felinity within me. It's integral to me on the inside. All my other forms I take are secondary in comparison, not lesser but also not as "big." My felinity is the most spiritual part of my identity, alongside what I do as a seemingly "average human being" out in the big wide world. Human isn't how I identify, but yeah, it's nowhere near all-bad. I like it at times. Doesn't change that my felinity means more to me than it.
I have a fiction novel planned that features werecats as the main characters. It's urban fantasy + magic realism. Untitled right now, slowly being built and penned. The first draft isn't even completed yet...or started. I have a long notes Word document about it though. I realize now that I subconsciously and heavily based amd modeled the werecats in the tale after my own base/default form. One day, I'll publish it and then excitedly scour the online alterhuman community to check if anybody else identifies as the type of werecat in my book. Honestly, I'll welcome anyone who identifies as any of my OCs!! I'd adore that, or even as a noncanon member of the species. The second thing I look forward to most are the fanfictions and fanarts folks will surely make of my media. There might even be a film or TV adaptation of it...but I'm getting way overly ahead of myself by daydreaming so much.
On the note of artwork, I viscerally hate it when artists put the warning "do not tag as ID or me" under their pieces. Like, so sorry your art was so amazing that it resonated with me on a deeply personal, important level. Jerk. I know certain artists do it because the art is of their own alterhuman memories or noemata and the like, but normal human creators? What excuses do you have? Why do you care so badly? ...In the end, unfortunately, I cannot dictate how any other artist wants their works to be seen or used. Sigh. But I can definitely whine and bitch about it -- as evidenced.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Do you think you can help me out? I don't understand why everyone loves Ibuki so much. I mean, I don't want to hate her, but the one thing I don't like is her music. It's been bothering me ever since I learned that she's a fan favorite, I want to know if anyone doesn't like Ibuki because of her music. I get that her popularity has to do with her jokes and fashion, but some of it feels like dark humor to me. You can read my blog for more info if you want (some of it doesn't make sense though).
I don't think anyone likes Ibuki's music aside from Hiyoko, lol. (Unless, of course, you're talking about that amazing fan recording of what "I Squeezed Out the Baby But I Have No Idea Who the Father Is" could sound like, which I would say is an absolute jam.) Just look at everyone else's reaction to it in-game! So you're definitely not alone in such an opinion; I'd be stunned to learn if ANY fans legitimately liked her in-game/in-anime music, actually. I always thought the whole POINT was that it's supposed to sound like a cacophony of garbage. But having some crap musical preferences isn't usually enough to hate OR love somebody, y'know? Whether they're real OR fictional.
(But please, y'all: If any of you legitimately love — or, like @dangan-kagura, totally hate — Ibuki for her.... eccentric musical style, I'd love to hear about that. I want to know you exist!)
But ultimately, I think Ibuki is beloved by the DR fanbase because of three main reasons:
A) Yes, she's funny and cartoonishly positive and speaks in the third person, but she also runs deeper/smarter than she usually acts. We do tend to really dig characters with layers to them that run deeper than our first superficial impression.
B) We also love someone who is relentlessly individualistic and shows no signs of caring what other people think of her. There's an admirable quality to her, particularly in how she's pursuing her music when we meet her.
C) A character with queer undertones (overtones?) is always a character that fandoms will gravitate towards.
Let me go a little more in-depth on those points.
Regarding point A: Obviously, Ibuki acts like a goofball a lot of the time, which can be endearing. But she also surprisingly pulls her weight in the class trials by catching others in lies, pressing people for answers, reporting on exactly what sounds/voices came from where at what points during Chapter 1's murder, and so on. She can be quite insightful — remember that in DR3's Despair Arc, she's the only person in Class 77-B who points out that there's something between Fuyuhiko and Peko — that they're clearly closer than they pretend to be. All of the above speaks to how lowkey observant she is, which supports how she can drop some legit wisdom, such as her mini-speech about "finding oneself" during her final FTE in Island Mode.
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Regarding point B: As we gradually learn her background in-game from various conversations and FTEs, we find that she once wrote and co-performed a song with her Light Music Club that became a top-charting single. That fact combined with her incredible guitar skills helped her get scouted by Hope's Peak as the "Ultimate Musician." Even so, she ditched her club and quit pop music so she could make the heavier, harder music SHE wanted to make. And... it's not exactly being well-received, but she doesn't seem to give a damn. She left behind the easy route to praise and loads of cash so she could maintain her artistic integrity and do what she's passionate about and loves doing. That's easy to admire.
Regarding point C: At the end of Island Mode, if the player/Hajime suggests they could now be "lovers," she rejects that notion with a strong "DENIED!" Plus she talks about her heart pounding hard when she sees the other girls in their swimsuits. And there's her request for Mahiru to take picutres of Mikan in compromising positions when poor Tsumiki falls in Chapter 1. And, y'know... the infamous "Welcome to the world of girl love!" quote. All this together has made her be popularly believed to be gay or at least bi/pansexual, and characters with those kinds of hints just always get a lot of love from fans. Geeks do love their slash.
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I hope this helped you understand why people are fond of her — including myself. I'd probably put her anywhere from tier 1 to tier 3 of my favorite characters, depending on the day. She's not a lock for the top level by any means, but I'm still a fan and enjoy her presence.
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slimeranch7 · 2 years
Hello! I found your blog through your post about the Genshin girls as monsters, and I really liked your blog and other posts!
But speaking of that post, it made me think about Eula! A wight Eula to be exact, so I hope I can share it with you! ^^
Being the highest class of undead, Eula had been living in the mansion at the outskirts of your hometown way before the founder of the village had even drawn their first breath. Eula was a monster, an undead creature of the night, but above all that she was a noble, a merciful at that, so she allowed the humans to move in and live on her territory. They thanked her, they praised her, but after a few decades. Nothing. No more gifts, visits or the occasional sacrifice she would turn down, they forgot about her completely.
Every day she would be sat near the window, seeing the young kids growing older and older without being able to leave her home to make herself known to them. She wouldn't lower herself to their level just for companionship. Until one day, someone had the courage- nay, the hubris to enter her home. It enfuriaded her, but she decided to let is passs. Letting the young human do as they desire as a way to show her superiority over her kind. She was generous with the people she allowed to live on her backyard.
To her, a lesson was given so the human would be grateful for being able to live another day without even having to face the lord of the land. But to you, you only got confirmation that the old mansion was indeed empty, and all those spooky tales that passed down from generation to generation were lies after. So you came back again, lounging on the antique couches. And again to keep your sweets hidden so no one could eat them before you could. And again to hide when you had to take care of the kids in the village while their parents went out to hunt. All of those times, nothing happened. Well, each time the air inside grew colder and colder to the point you could see your breath dancing in the air, but that's it.
Until one day, you brought some friends to take a look at your very own secret place. But it's on that day that Eula herself realized that she doesn't sharing all of her belongings. She grew to love the daily visits, everything coming closer and closer to hear her new-found friend exploring her surroundings. But the peace and warmth you brought would not be disturbed by some loudmouth delinquents, she would make sure of it.
She only gave and gave whatever humanity wanted to them, wasn't it about time she took someone in return?
I hope you liked reading that. Also I hope it would also be OK to interact with you ^^; Oh! And welcome back to the hellsite :D can't wait to see you active again!
-Pie anon
Pie anon that is a horrifically beautiful concept, ty for this welcome back gift lmao
It's perfectly fine to interact just as long as u read the rules and abide by it. Then again i rly have no way of enforcing them so I'm just relying on my audience's integrity 😉
Content warnings: DEAD DOVE
You'd have no idea she's even there. She's in the walls, in the furniture, always prying, always watching and waiting patiently.
To you, it's free real estate. Everyone else is too afraid to approach, all the omens, the stories of a vengeful spirit residing in the barren estate, and despite the ungodly amount of cleaning you have to subject yourself to, the rooms grow familiar and even nice and quaint over time. It feels like a hard earned vacation home.
On the other hand, unbeknownst to her cute little visitor, Eula has eyes on your every move. That includes your... Unnecessary stowaway.
They're loud. Disruptive. Unkempt. Nothing like what you are, quiet and tidy and graceful, just the way she likes it. It's her house, her rules, and if she doesn't want them, she'll make it happen.
It took some convincing from their part, so it's your first time reluctantly revealing your secret little hideout, but all the years you've been hanging out here, you've never felt this sense of unease and dread.
The air feels colder than usual, the blankets you keep here are no longer keeping the chills at bay. Things are missing, books sometimes slide off the table. You swear you left the front door closed, why is it swinging wide open?
The halls- it's beginning to twist and turn in ways you can't comprehend. The kitchen should've been this way... It's not that you're lost, you cluelessly try to navigate with your friends laughing as they tail behind you.
Everywhere you turn, it leads right back to the front door, which seems to have stayed open no matter how many times you've shut it close. Maybe something's wrong with the hinges?
Maybe they should return another day, when you're in the right mind, when you've finally gotten these faulty doors fixed up.
But when everyone's stepped out, the door slams shut in your face before you can even make a move.
A hauntingly graceful voice of a woman seems to echo all around. She carries her tone with dignity, yet it's laced with a low, boiling anger.
"I've let you off the hook far too many times. But this. This is overstepping."
You're still faced against the door, disbelief and shock still stuck in your system. You can't seem to move, muscles unresponsive, despite doing everything in your power to desperately claw at the door.
A ghostly pale hand reaches around your waist, too close to your lower abdomen. A cold breath tickles you ear. "And for that, i will exact vengeance."
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neilsanders · 2 years
i've been waiting forever for you to open your asks because i love your animations so much, they're so fun.
i've been doubting that i might ever make a livable career out of my art; but then i saw that you did some vault guy animations for fallout and i realized that there's a niche out there for everybody, including me! so, thank you.
I had a little rummage around on your bloggo but can’t see any pictures you cheeky fellow! I love to draw lots of dumb stuff, I think the key for me is to be working outwardly, as in making work with other people in mind, but without compromising too much on your personal taste. It’s the old thing of making what you want to see, but hoping that there’s enough people out there to warrant it as a commercial venture. Blah blah blah, I just draw lots and lots then sift through them to find things that work for me in the moment, then try and flesh those out a bit. That said it’s easy to have integrity when you’re not relying on it as your main income source. I’m an art teacher four days a week, so making art is the fun in my day rather than a stressful challenge of tight deadlines and huge expectations.
Working with Ivan Dixon and Greg Sharp at Rubberhouse was a dream come true, they had loads of great creative projects where we got to animate in authentic styles from the thirties, forties and fifties! I didn’t know what Fallout was when they put me on the gig, hadn’t played many games since the PS2 generation. The studio has disbanded now with Greg running Truba Animation and Ivan being a co-director at Studio Showoff, but they’re each still running amazing 2D productions.
As far as finding your style and audience goes I owe a lot of it to contributing to and running @loopdeloop-blog , it’s a monthly animation challenge where we would all make something dumb around a theme and then get together and have a public screening. It’s a very surreal feeling to be at a screening with everyone watching something you made and taking in their reaction. We’re just getting it back up off the ground after things got all screwed up with covid, you should check it out! It’s a great way to get animators out of their caves to socialise each and I’ve made so many lasting friendships because of it.
Here’s a loop think I spent almost all of my free time on one month back in 2012 for a LoopdeLoop screening, no idea what the theme was… but I guarantee I wouldn’t have worked so hard on a personal project without wanting to impress everyone at the screening as a goal.
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wild-wombytch · 1 year
Hey ladies 💗!
You can call me Tañ. I'm a 24yo European disabled dyke with sometimes approximate English. I'm also an anarchist and believe genders and sexual exploitation are as oppressive as (and products of) patriarchy.
I'm a veteran of the Reddit misogyny and purge against "TERFs" for saying neo/microlabels and bi/pan "lesbians" are harming real lesbians and bi women. I was already starting to be skeptical and tired by trans women talking over lesbians with pretty misogynistic takes, so I decided to look into the so frowned upon radical feminism and gender critical ideas, sensing this Reddit drama was just the tip of the iceberg. That's after years being a TRA/libfem.
I'm tired of the marketable liberal feminism and queer communities and catering to males' feelings, when they're actively hurting lesbians to satisfy their ego and so called feeling of erasure (forcing females who want nothing to do with males to cater to their mental health still or trying to coerce them into sex). I'm also tired that "lesbian" is always associated with porn, especially porn for straight men. So I hoped to get to know the radfem community here better, because you are the only ones who seem to give a fuck about women at all these days and trying to keep women from mutilating their beautiful bodies instead of caring for their mental health. I almost did that to myself due to the trans agenda convincing me that I was a "nonbinary transmasc" and not just a good ol' dyke not aligning with heteronormativity, so here I am. I'm still reading and learning about radical feminism. To be frank, I've been quite brainwashed into the TRA/pop feminism cult bs and genuinely have to rebuild myself psychologically and get all these things I interiorised (to be honest, mostly out of fear of being thrown out of my own lesbian community, leftist and "feminist" spaces) out of my head. Including things about my body and the "queer community" pushing for us to cater to men and shutting ourselves up instead of saying things as they are. I hope I can learn by interacting with the community here. I frankly need some sorority to help me out of the patriarchy and its genderist Hell. This ideology definitely made feminism go back of 50 year. Males can wear dress and be feminine without needing to get into our locker rooms and females can be butches and bind to alleviate dysphoria without being men.
What else to say? I don't want to say too much for now, because the world is so fucking dangerous for women, especially if they go against the men ideology. I really hope to find a peaceful corner here where I can interact with other lesbians without getting witch hunted for stating science and that I'm not into penises and without fucking men filling up the only internet spaces where we can just have women talks about women issues without always centering or integrating men.
I also discovered things like the Moon School, which helps me healing my relationship to being a woman and starting to accept again that I'm a lesbian and don't have to convince myself I'm either trans or having to be exactly like straight women or that gender matters. I'm learning to get rid of the internalised misogyny and feeling like I can't love what I want to love, especially if it's "girl things" or be emotional...etc I'll likely open up more and act more like my confident self once I'm used to be able to state my opinions without getting banned. Probably expect some NSFW and New Age content here. I have a spiritual approach to what it means to be a woman (exploring Wicca and the Dark Goddess).
I'm still learning to use Tumblr, so apologies if the tagging is shit or if the reading is hard on my blog for whatever reason (tell me if I can make it more accessible!). I'm still not confident being here, hope I'll learn. Feel free to DM or send recommendations in asks (about how to use Tumblr, radfem communities, radfem books/Youtube channels, women-centered spirituality...anything really) or just introduce yourself! Straight women have valuable inputs too, but I'd prefer to interact with other lesbians and ex-TRA, since we have more shared experiences. Hope I'm not being weird by spam liking and reblogging your posts there!
Also warning word that my beliefs are bound to adjust as I learn about radical feminism and heal my own relationship to being a woman. I'll still navigate radical feminism leaning, but might go more tirf or other orientations over time.
⚠️ Everyone except the dni can follow, I won't tell you "pro TRA kys" like people say about TERFs 🤷🏻. If you don't want gender criticals, misandrists possibly in the future TIRF, TERF, SWIRF, Dianic Witches or whatever to follow you, you can block me. ⚠️
Again, I'm too new to know exactly what I'm going for except radical feminism.
DNI : Men in general, bi/pan/male "lesbians" (febfems are cool, I refer to mspec "lesbians"), conservatives, alt right, the genderist/MOGAI crowd can respectfully interact and is welcome to like and reblog, but you're on thin fucking ice
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
my current zosan fanfic idea
under cut for more
okay so on here ive been talking a lot about a one piece modern au, and i've been thinking about it for this fanfic. anytime I get into a new fandom I always think "how can I fit a/b/o and/or mpreg into this" which maybe isn't my greatest impulse, but that's a post for another day. Realistically with one piece I don't think either Sanji or Zoro want children, and would be out of character for them to upend their life of adventure just to have them. I have some integrity in what I do so I didn't want to try to force a square peg into a round hole. (tho if you wanted to write an abortion story, there's prime real estate for that. but again, post for another day)
I think if you wanted to write a pregnancy story with Zoro and Sanji, a modern AU would be better cus there would be less plot derailing, and more of a focus on the juicy character drama.
So as I talked about with my modern AU posts, it would be set in a coastal town on the west coast. I like the environment a lot because you could use a lot of the one piece extended cast to fill out a small town, and use the external pressures that come from living in a small town to create character drama.
The vibe is really projecting my 20s eunni onto the straw hats, so the idea is placing them in this small town where they all have their jobs where they're just going through the motions. Sanji and Zoro aren't dating, but they are hooking up semi-regularly, and that's how Zoro winds up pregnant. I don't think Sanji would take the news very well initially (hc he has a fear of fatherhood cus let's be real), but once he comes to his senses he's very much like "I'm going to step up and take responsibility!!!". Zoro figures out how this all fits into the goals he has in life, to become a nationally recognized kendo fighter, and how this affects how people view him and his masculinity.
Zoro and Sanji don't start dating because of this (they still insist that they can't stand the other) but due to the nature of having a kid together, they get a lot closer and their lives intertwine in more and more ways.
And then drama ensues. From being pregnant and unmarried (or unmated) in a small town, to shitty parents, to money struggles, to feeling directionless, to masculinity struggles, to confusing emotions and so on!
The idea was for this to be a fic, but I've always wanted to make my own comics, so maybe there will be some shitty comics of this idea posted on my art blog @frogs-with-tea
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deerydear · 8 months
Idle musings of a sour note:
Tumblr has a strange culture. I've enjoyed a lot of stories in my time... Yet, to come onto tumblr and find other people discussing them.... disgusting them...
"Other people", of course. I could play some grim, ugly refrain, giving names to this-and-that...
"I name you... ugly-monkey-butt! ......and I name you.... Poopoo Papa!"
So, "fandoms" (fan-kingdoms) can build around a story. They may develop their own "fanon" (fan-canon; i.e. things that do not actually happen in the story, but which are memetically-propagated within the culture of the fandom.)
So how do these fandoms propagate?
I feel that a big 'factor' is in people who have not actually read the Original story... or perhaps they "found out about the story through the influence of fandom", and so they may have been primed by the fanonical lense applied to it -- to already react to the events in the story a certain way.
This is why I cherish those stories that I read in the times before I founded a blog. I didn't 'instantly-react', I didn't update my blog to say: "HOLY SHIT GUYS! THIS IS CRAZY!"
It was me with my nose in the book, immersed in an intercourse with the characters of the story.
Now, are there interesting stories inspired by other stories? Yes, of course. Many authors have been inspired by art.
There is a difference in ecosystem between a "fan-collective", and a singular fan, and a small group of friends who discuss something together.
I get a very 'oppressive sense' from tumblr, and I always have, since I discovered it. Yet, there is also boundless creativity to be found on the world wide web... so what will I do?
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i feel a good balance of nice energy & rude energy cioming through the monitor at me, and i think i will stay online for about 3 more hours. --- wint@dril
fucking lab rats drinking morphine-laced water when they're kept alone, and preferring normal water when they're socially-engaged. (both sets of rats have a choice of drink)
....but can't anything have a 'fanonical lense', so to speak?
Such as... trying to interpret the results of a scientific experiment. Just like what I just said... the way I phrased it. How I related it to my own set of experiences... that's all... so...
I think I have a deep antipathy for ....something. I thought "the human race", but then I recoiled from that. Its more about the 'cultures' of people. Sick, empty, impoverished of meaning. Is this all a result of "the greater system at work"? Don't people have a choice in where their own lives go?
Yes, well, at the same time.... the product ends up very ugly if you try to force people to change.
Even if they acqueisce, agree, follow you enthusiastically... it just is not natural. Believe me, I've tried. I learned my lesson. Even myself: I guillessly followed a few self-assured idiots, and only through realizing that my "new output" had become irredeemably ugly, did I ever put it down. Who cares about heartless, intellectual arguments, in the face of beauty? Beauty is intellect that becomes integrated into the sense world. It's deeper... Simplicity.
In the theoretical realm, I sound really mean. -- like I'm just 'berating fans for no reason'. but if I showed an example.... hm, well what inspired me to write this?
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continue reading...
A few people have written offshoot stories where the child B had loved the child A, and mourned their death. This became a popular 'fanon': that idea of a motive for revenge against L.
....but, I find that so.... saccharine.... cloying. Stupid. Perhaps that feeling stems from my own detachment from social bonds, wherefore I........
Well, actually...
My question is:
"Do you think you can replace Madness?"
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As I see it, Grief is an exhaustible motive. Eventually you will get sick, and sick of paring yourself down and down to fit into the box of the "Victim", the "Underdog who is supposed to overtake the Suppressor".
what if you were doing things just to see what happened?
what if life was an experiment?
as yelyahnaloj said today, it's good to think of an experiment as telling a story. it cannot be separate from the context within which it took. At least... not without sacrificing data.
So maybe this child was inspired by what he saw going on around in life.
I think that human relations can be much more complex than simply "love" or "hate", or shades in-between. After all, we have Sadism and Masochism, which seem to light up both centers at once.
...feeling for another person can be "layered". Perhaps the ones "on top", (i.e. conscious) are not Falsities.... Are there rules to human cognition? Who is to say I haven't loved someone who I also hated so, so much. I was glad when he died, even though I love him. I still love him. People are more than paper.
Perhaps "fandom" can seem strangely neutered. After all, a blogger may want to "portray a good face". So-called "social-justice culture" is endemic to this website...
Actually, no, I think it's just a welcoming host. From what I heard, SJWism (and the annoying, cloying attitudes) may have originated (in their recent forms)... on the Something Awful webforums.
I think vanity is ugly.
I relate very much to Czesław Miłosz's profile of Beta:
"When I met Beta in 1942, he was twenty years old. He was a lively boy with black, intelligent eyes. The palms of his hands perspired, and there was that exaggerated shyness in his behavior that usually be­speaks immense ambition. Behind his words one felt a mixture of arrogance and humility. In conversation he seemed inwardly convinced of his own superi­ority; he attacked ferociously yet retreated immedi­ately, bashfully hiding his claws. His ripostes were full of pent-up irony. Probably, though, these char­acteristics were most pronounced when he spoke with me or with other writers older than he. As a beginning poet, he felt he owed them a certain re­spect, but actually he believed they were none too deserving of it. He knew better; in him lay the prom­ise of a truly great writer.
In 1942 in Warsaw, we were living without hope, or rather on a hope we knew to be a delusion. The empire which had absorbed our country was so mighty that only an incorrigible optimist could be­lieve in the possibility of a totally vanquished Ger­many. Nazi plans in regard to our nation were per­fectly clear: to exterminate the educated class, to colonize, and to deport a segment of the population to the East.
Beta was one of the young people who started writing during the War, in the language of slaves. He supported himself by various odd jobs. It is hard to define exactly how people earn a living in a city completely outside the law. Usually they took half-ficti­tious posts in an office or factory that supplied them with a work-card plus the opportunity to operate a black market or to steal, which was not regarded as immoral because it injured the Germans. At the same time, he studied in the underground university and shared the exuberant life of the resistance youth. He went to meetings where he and the other young peo­ple drank vodka, argued heatedly about literature and politics, and read illegal publications.
But he smiled scornfully at his comrades; he saw things more clearly than they. He found their patriotic zeal for battle against the Germans a purely irrational reflex. Battle-yes, but in the name of what? None of these young people believed any longer in democracy. Most of the countries of East­ern Europe had been semi-dictatorships before the War; and the parliamentary system seemed to belong to a dead era. There was no question as to how one came into power; whoever wanted to take over au­thority had only to seize it by force, or else create a "movement" to exert pressure on the government for admittance into a coalition. This was an age of nationalist "movements," and Warsaw youth was still very much under their influence even though, ob­viously, it had no sympathy for either Hitler or Mus­solini. Its reasoning was confused. The Polish nation was oppressed by the Germans; so, one had to fight. When Beta declared that they were merely counter­ing German nationalism with Polish nationalism, his comrades shrugged their shoulders. When he asked what values they wanted to defend or on what prin­ciples Europe was to be built in the future, he got no reply.
Here indeed was a well of darkness: no hope of liberation, and no vision of tomorrow. A battle for battle's sake. A return to the pre-war status quo, bad though it had been, was to be the reward for those who might live to see the victory of the Anglo-Saxons. This lack of any sort of vision led him to see the world as a place in which nothing existed out­side of naked force. It was a world of decline and fall. And the liberals of the older generation, mouth­ing nineteenth-century phrases about respect for man-while all about them hundreds of thousands of people were being massacred-were fossil remains.
Beta had no faith, religious or other, and he had the courage to admit it in his poems. He ran off his first volume of verse on a mimeograph machine. No sooner had I received his book and pried apart its sticky pages than I realized that here was a real poet. The reading of his hexameters was not, how­ever, a joyous undertaking. The streets of occupied Warsaw were gloomy. Underground meetings in cold and smoky rooms, when one listened for the sound of Gestapo boots on the stairs, were like grim rituals conducted in catacombs. We were living at the bot­tom of a huge crater, and the sky far up above was the only element we shared with the other people on the face of the earth. All this was in his verse-gray­ness, fog, gloom, and death. Still his was not a poetry of grievance but of icy stoicism. The poems of this entire generation lacked faith. Their fundamental motif was a call to arms and a vision of death. Unlike young poets of other epochs, they did not see death as a romantic theme but as a real presence. Almost all these young writers of Warsaw died before the end of the War either at the hands of the Gestapo or in battle. None of them, however, questioned the meaning of sacrifice to the same degree as did he. "There will remain after us only scrap-iron and the hollow, jeering laughter of generations," he wrote in one of his verses.
His poetry had in it none of that affirmation of the world that is present in the sympathy with which the artist portrays, for example, an apple or a tree. What his verse disclosed was a profoundly disturbed equilibrium. One can divine a great deal from a work of art, e.g. that the world of Bach or of Breughel was ordered, arranged hierarchically. Modem art reflects the disequilibrium of modem society in that it so often springs from a blind passion vainly seeking to sate itself in form, color, or sound. An artist can contemplate sensual beauty only when he loves all that surrounds him on earth. But if all he feels is loathing at the discrepancy between what he would wish the world to be and what it is in reality, then he is incapable of standing still and beholding. He is ashamed of reflexes of love; he is condemned to perpetual motion, to a restless sketching of discon­tinued, broken observations of nature. Like a sleep­walker, he loses his balance as soon as he stops mov­ing. Beta's poems were whirlpools of fog, saved from complete chaos only by the dry rhythm of his hexameters. This character of his poetry must be attributed at least in part to the fact that he belonged to an ill-fated generation in an ill-fated nation, but he had thousands of brothers in all the countries of Europe, all of them passionate and deceived.
Unlike his comrades who acted out of loyalty to their fatherland, on Christian or vague metaphysical grounds, he needed a rational basis for action. When the Gestapo arrested him in 1943, it was rumored in our city that he was taken as the result of an "acci­dent" to one of the left-wing groups. If life in War­saw was little reminiscent of paradise, then Beta now found himself in the lower circle of hell: the "con­centration universe." In what was then the normal order of events, he spent several months in jail be­fore being shipped off to Auschwitz. Incredibly, he managed to survive there for two years. When the Red Army drew near, he and the other prisoners were transported to Dachau, and there they were eventually set free by the Americans. We learned of all this only after the War, when he published a vol­ume of stories recounting his experiences."
"I have read many books about concentration camps, but not one of them is as terrifying as his sto­ries because he never moralizes, he relates. A special social hierarchy comes into being in a "concentra­tion universe." At the top stand the camp authorities; after them come prisoners trusted by the administra­tion; next come the prisoners clever enough to find means of getting sufficient food to keep up their strength. At the bottom stand the weak and clumsy, who daily tumble lower as their undernourished or­ganisms fail to bear up under the work. In the end they die, either in the gas chamber or from an in­jection of phenol. Obviously this hierarchy does not include the masses of people killed immediately upon their arrival, i.e. the Jews, except for those who were single and especially fit for work. In his stories, Beta clearly defines his social position. He belonged to the caste of clever and healthy prisoners, and he brags about his cunning and agility. Life in a concentration camp requires constant alertness; every moment can decide one's life or death. In order to react appro­priately at all times, one must know where danger lies and how to escape it: sometimes by blind obedi­ence, sometimes by calculated negligence, some­times by blackmail or bribery.
"In the abundant literature of atrocity of the twentieth century, one rarely finds an account writ­ten from the point of view of an accessory to the crime. Authors are usually ashamed of this role. But collaboration is an empty word as applied to a con­centration camp. The machine is impersonal; respon­sibility shifts from those who carry out orders to those higher, always higher. Beta's stories about the "transport" should, I believe, be included in all an­thologies of literature dealing with the lot of man in totalitarian society, if ever such anthologies are compiled."
"Beta is a nihilist in his stories, but by that I do not mean that he is amoral. On the contrary, his nihilism results from an ethical passion, from dis­appointed love of the world and of humanity. He wants to go the limit in describing what he saw; he wants to depict with complete accuracy a world in which there is no longer any place for indignation. The human species is naked in his stories, stripped of those tendencies toward good which last only so long as the habit of civilization lasts. But the habit of civilization is fragile; a sudden change in circum­stances, and humanity reverts to its primeval sav­agery. How deluded are those respectable citizens who, striding along the streets of English or American cities, consider themselves men of virtue and goodness! Of course, it is easy to condemn a woman who would abandon her child in order to save her own life. This is a monstrous act. Yet a woman who, while reading on her comfortable sofa, judges her unfortunate sister should pause to consider whether fear would not be stronger than love within her, if she too were faced with horror. Perhaps it would, perhaps not -- who can foretell? But the "concentration universe" also contained many human beings who spurred themselves to the noblest acts, who died to protect others. None of them figure in Beta's stories. His attention is fixed not on man -- man is simply an animal that wants to live -but on "concentration society." Prisoners are ruled by a special ethic: it is permissible to harm others, provided they harm you first. Beyond this unwritten contract, every man saves himself as best he can. We would search in vain for pictures of human solidarity in Beta's book. The truth about his behavior in Auschwitz, according to his fellow-prisoners, is ut­terly different from what his stories would lead one to suppose; he acted heroically, and was a model of comradeship. But he wants to be tough; and he does not spare himself in his desire to observe soberly and impartially. He is afraid of lies; and it would be a lie to present himself as an observer who judged, when in reality he, though striving to preserve his in­tegrity, felt subjected to all the laws of degradation. As narrator, he endows himself with the qualities which pass as assets in a concentration camp: clever­ness and enterprise. Thanks to the element of "class" war between the weak and the strong, wherein he did not deviate from the truth, his stories are extraor­dinarily brutal."
Here, you can keep reading the rest of his story, including what I left out in the beginning.
I first heard this story being told by another man, through his voice. These were not words on a screen, they had come alive. He was a Polish man. He understood the horror.
"I have no way of knowing the inner-workings of his mind."
I appreciate Mello's honesty.
"How deeply do I grasp my own mind?"
....of my own choice?
Is it in Action? Is it in Theory?
Perhaps both, in some ways.
I'll end with some commentary on the 45th passage of the Tao te Ching.
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akaluan · 2 years
Hey, that stuff about Google Docs you just shared would be VERY helpful to share with some people I know but do you happen to know of any sources I can link about it besides your post? (No worries if that is not possible, but my search attempts are probably not using the right keywords and I'm coming up blank.)
Good search terms are "Google documents canvas" and "Google doc canvas implementation" although you'll need to skip past mentions of Canvas The Product.
Here's an opinion piece by someone at Zapier about what Google's changed, in layman speak, and why it is (theoretically) a good idea. https://zapier.com/blog/google-docs-canvas-based-rendering/
Realistically I do somewhat agree, but also I will argue that there IS no way to entirely unify the way things display... If you're talking about using different browsers. Because Firefox renders canvas slightly different from how chrome does, and things will never one hundred percent agree. But different computers all using chrome? Yeah, things will render very close to identically.
On the other hand. This change broke 90% or more of BROWSER extensions (not add-ons, which are like extensions for just gdocs/Gmail/etc) that tried to interact with gdocs. Many that still work only work on chrome. Of those that do, many of THOSE only work on editable Google docs, even if they're just an accessibility extension to read websites aloud.
So most of the points I listed past number one are merely things I've found while working with the code itself. However! Here's one of the initial documents that Google released about the update to canvas:
Note that they say that SUPPORTED assistive tech will be unaffected, which means tech implementations that they approve for use. Specifically, it requires getting access to the API, and also they're talking about Add Ons, not browser extensions, which need to access a different API. I work for a pretty large education based company, and we were denied our request to access specific features that would allow us to Just Work As Usual, so I had to work around their switch to canvas in order to enable our specific features in Google docs.
And no one say anything about Grammarly still working on gdocs in both Firefox and chrome. You know why? Because I figured out my work around trick from examining THEIR implementation. Which doesn't use any API access (which thus means no Google integration is required to use their software) and thus works on both editable and uneditable documents. (Okay, so Grammarly doesn't APPEAR to work on uneditable documents but that's just because the coders told it not to. After all, why make grammar suggestions on a document you can't edit?)
Most of my points (the rebuilding of the canvas, how often it happens, etc) are only visible when I add debugging statements in my specific code, which lets me see otherwise "invisible" interactions happening beneath the hood.
You can see the use of four canvas with your own eyes, though! And it's actually pretty fascinating to watch the html move. If you want to see that bit, in your browser of choice, navigate to a Google doc (not a spreadsheet, a document) of your choice, and open the Inspector
(Chrome and Firefox: press Ctrl+shift+i )
Now click on the element picker icon in the corner of the inspector panel that came up
(it looks like this:
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And hover your mouse over the Google document you're viewing. You should see part of the page highlight a light blue. Aim for the page of the document (so where the text is) and you should see a popup that reads something like "canvas.kix-canvas-tile-content" which is what we're aiming for! Click to confirm, and look back over at the inspector window you opened in the first step. Make sure you're viewing Elements -- these are the raw html components of the page you're viewing.
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This is an example of the element inspector panel on Chrome.
Now, you don't need to know tooooo much about html to follow what's next. Clicking on the canvas when in selection mode should have highlighted a line in the inspector panel that should start with something like "<canvas class="kix-canvas-tile-content"" that's the actual canvas that Google is drawing on to produce your text document.
Now, right above it should be another line that starts with "<div class="kix-page-paginated"" along with a little down arrow next to it. This is the containing element that holds the canvas in a proper place, and you should see several divs with kix-page-paginated as their class. Pay attention to these divs specifically. Now start slowly scrolling down the page and watch the inspector panel. Note how after a point there's a flash and the z-index tag on the div changes? That's Google rebuilding the canvas inside that div to be a different page. Google lists pages starting from index 0, so what we would call page 1 is actually z-index 0, but otherwise it's the same. If you hover your mouse over the html element in the inspector, you'll see the element's location on the screen -- do this with a page outside of view, and watch how when the index changes, the location the div points to changes too!
Again, this part of the changes really isn't a problem, it's just a Fascinating Implementation that amuses me to play with.
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dont know if you been asked this but i am curious
would you genuinely consider sdra2 a bad fangan/story?like what rating would you exactly give it if you can,what are the major positives and negatives in your eyes?
//I don't think SDRA2's a bad fangan, it's just a deeply flawed one. I know I complain about it a lot, and that's because LINUJ is capable of great writing. He just has this weird habit of undercutting his work for inexplicable reasons ^^;
//As for the big pros and cons of SDRA2 in my opinion?
+ Overall, the cast, at least for the first two chapters, is pretty solid and I like their dynamics. They're all pretty well-written and nobody feels flat + I like how this game utilizes the Neo World Program as more than just a setting, but integrates its mechanics into the plot as well + The decision to reveal Mikado as the mastermind from the very beginning was a good one, allowing us to get to know him as this theatrical villain through the whole game + Having essentially four traitors in the group was also an interesting idea and changed up the dynamic + The character drama concerning Sora and Yuki, especially in Chapter 5, is really well done, especially with how it connects back to the first game + I really enjoyed Hibiki's character growth in the first half of the game + Sora and Yoruko's relationship is fantastic + Having the characters from Chapter 6.5 of DRA really feels like it has a nice bit of continuity to things
-Even if it had some different elements, I personally would've enjoyed it better if the Another games didn't keep following up the canon ones with the exact same setting ideas, going from Hope's Peak to an island -The game doesn't have a solid theme. It's supposed to be about Progress vs. Result, but this is only apparent through dialogue, rather than made clear through the actual narrative and events of the story. Actually trying to follow the story's events to find a cohesive theme will just leave you floundering. -Most of the cast unfortunately feels superfluous, as the story is mostly centered on the Voids and Utsuro. Hibiki sadly gets the worst of it there, where her story feels less like a tragedy and more like a meaningless death for the sake of having a shocking twist -Chapters 3, 4, and 6 are very weak compared to the rest of the game. One is almost completely irrelevant to the actual story, one was rewritten to avoid being too similar to another fangan and one is stuffed to the gills with exposition and infodumps because of the latter two. - Kanade. She's overrated, poorly-written shock bait, and the more you go back and re-experience the story of SDRA2, the more you can see how pointless she really is as a character. She either shouldn't be there at all or Chapter 3 should've been rewritten to actually have her expose one of the Voids. That might actually convince me that she's supposed to be smart -While I understand why it happens, a lot of the characters get far too mean, bitter, argumentative or villainous for me to get invested. Iroha is basically useless, does nothing but cry and whine and depend on others, and yet survives to the end without a drop of character development. Kokoro honestly gets the worst of it in Chapter 0, to the point that it feels borderline ableist to me. -The Sixth Trial feels like it veers off too much into "Yes, but" territory, where we constantly cycle between problem and solution, and it gets really repetitive. Having Sora win thanks to having Divine Luck at least doesn't feel like too much of a cop out, given that it's literally the focal point of the story, but it still felt like things were drawn out too long and there was too little foreshadowing on a lot of elements for them not to feel like they came out of left field. -LINUJ's weird insistence with undercutting the emotional core of many of the characters' arcs, which you can see especially in the character profiles and blog posts. It feels like a bad cast of telling and not showing, where he tells us that we shouldn't feel sympathy for people like the Voids, that people like Syobai never change and that Kanade's entire personality revolves around her sister. All of it undermines the actual story if you read them. -Sora keeps sisterzoning Yoruko and I have no idea why
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gensokyogarden · 2 years
Okay, this is going to be a long post but. I've had a few sets of new ocs existing in my notes and the back of my mind for a bit. So consider this post an opportunity both for me to develop some basic details on them and to advertise them.
The main purpose of this post though, for me, is to gauge interest in different ideas to decide what to focus in on. It's possible I may wind up eventually adding all of these ocs, it may also be that I wind up never taking up any of them. Whatever the case it helps to know what y'all are into most.
Thus at the end of this post there's a poll to vote on who you're most interested in. There's no option on polls to allow folks to vote for more than one but if you're interested in more than one group and have multiple blogs feel free to vote more than once, since I'm looking at the number of votes gotten instead of just percent of votes.
Normally when I do a long post like this I prefer to stick a readmore on it. But polls can be finicky and I'm worried that will break it, so instead I'm going to just make this a long post and hope folks have that feature that reduces the size of long posts until you open 'em. If not, I'm sorry.
Anyways, onto talking about the ocs. I tend to do ocs in groups and that's particularly the case with 2hu ones, so they have been grouped into sections based on that. You don't need to read all of this but please take a look at whatever interests you and then give an answer on the poll please.
Also a disclaimer again: I am not a native Japanese speaker and only half understand Japanese naming conventions so very real possibility these names'll suck and be cringe/culturally inaccurate.
Second disclaimer: They're still in the idea stage so a lot of this, particularly face claims and names, are subject to potential change. In regards to face claims I actually challenged myself to only make use of icons from my collection, though I had to make an exception for the Akali icons since I had no one with a face mask among them.
Train to Gensokyo
Now this one is an idea I've partially talked about in the past. Of which I drummed up one of those posts here, which contains some more info.
The basic gist of this set is the idea of a ghost train from the outside world being brought into Gensokyo. The kind from folklore that travels and travels at midnight, never actually stopping at any stations. Forced to eternally wander. Though their arrival in Gensokyo finally allows them some rest.
Being a vehicle that existed a bit later (this particular train not all trains) than when Gensokyo closed its borders, much of the guests and staff of the train are "youkai" of a little more modern variety. Not exactly the ULoL sense but something similar. With The Ghost Train acting as a home to modern monsters and crytpids, like Teke-Teke.
I imagine that their arrival causes some incident (with Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, and special guests Mamizou + Lunasa as my little headcanon incident resolvers) but that soon after they integrate into Gensokyo's community, providing a new and quicker form of travel.
Kurashiki (倉敷) Miharu (未時)
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Face claim: Chain Sumeragi (Kekkai Sensen)
Ironically Miharu was the first character I envisioned when I started working on this project, not just the train section but those ocs in general, yet I haven't actually determined what kind of youkai she is. Presently, the idea I'm working with is that she is perhaps some form of dead human. The conductor of The Ghost Train before it became a, well, ghost train, that has become a spirit along with it.
Miharu's ability allows her and her train to always arrive on time. Through a tiny bit of time manipulation, The Ghost Train always reaches its destination exactly when it needs to. Though, despite this, Miharu is still quite neurotic about making sure it actually does travel with as few delays as possible. Mostly out of a fear of what may happen if it doesn't.
Other notes on Miharu are: that as a word pun she is a conductor (operates a train) and a conductor (leads an orchestra). With each of the other crew members of The Ghost Train operating some sort of makeshift musical instrument. As well as that, I like to imagine her as having some sort of history with Mamizou. Given Mamizou is also a recent arrival in Gensokyo and Tanuki being the enemies of trains in folklore.
When I created these characters I noted down the reasonings behind most their names, as you will see with the coming ones, but I lost the notes on Miharu and Reiko. What I can say, however, is that Kurashiki comes from Zero Escape: 999, as that happens to be a personal favorite of mine.
In the Ghost Train Incident, Miharu is the Stage six boss.
Zantetsu (斬鉄) Reiko (麗心)
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Face Claim: Chise Hatori (Ancient Magus Bride)
Reiko is a teke-teke. A vengeful spirit of a girl killed by a train, split in half, whose upper body now drags itself along the ground. The remains of her lower half making a scratchy teke-teke sound as they scrape against the floor. A scythe wielded in her hand as she seeks out victims to steal their legs.
Of course this teke-teke, as with a lot of youkai in Gensokyo, is a tad bit chiller than how she exists in folklore. As with much of the staff of the Ghost Train, Reiko was once simply a passenger aboard the train. One who chose to take up a role as a crew member. Reiko takes the role of porter, loading and unloading the luggage of the train's rare passenger. This may sound difficult given that she drags along the ground, but remember that basically everyone in Touhou can fly.
Reiko has the ability to protect an object. So long as she is holding it within her hands, an object of her choice cannot be damaged. She uses this to make certain luggage makes it to the proper hub of the train.
In the train's makeshift band, Reiko uses her scythe and lower bones as a set of instruments to scrape along a metal surface.
As I noted above, Reiko is the other one that I lost the notes on the name origin of. But the name Reiko is a reference to the name often given to the girl of the actual Teke Teke legend (Kashima Reiko).
Reiko is the Ghost Train Incident's Stage 1 Midboss.
Hasami (八社宮) Hanako (はなこ)
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Face Claim: Akali (League of Legends) [Akali is fine but I mostly chose her because I don't know many characters with masks, so of all the face claims this is the most likely to change]
Hanako is the stewardess of the Ghost Train and a Kuschisake-Onna. A vengeful spirit with a split mouth that gives similar injury to those that she encounters. Of course, just like with Reiko, Hanako is chiller than the average Kuchisake-onna. Working peacefully on the train.
Though, it should be noted, she almost never removes her mask, even around her coworkers. Hanako is actually quite self-conscious about the look. Owing to the fact that the Ksuchisake-onna in legends can be distracted with hard candy, she has a major sweet tooth and sometimes winds up snacking on the candy that passengers order before getting it to them.
Hanako has the ability to duplicate herself within the Ghost Train. Or to put it another way, to exist at multiple points within the train at once. This ability does not function outside of the train (though the original her may be off the train while her duplicates continue to exist within) but allows for a far greater convience of service than what one woman normally could provide.
Family name Hasami is a gag as Hasami (八社宮) is a name but Hasami (はさみ) is the word for scissors. The first name is made of meaningless katakana but contains the first kana of scissors.
Hanako is the Stage 1 boss of the Ghost Train Incident.
Animal House
Alright listen. I like Mafia and Yakuza stories. Be it something like the Godfather (I read the novel for the first time back in highschool), Goodfellas, or the Like a Dragon Franchise, or even the occasional triad story from Hong Kong action films. Suffice to say I've got a real soft spot for crime families.
I also really like Toutetsu Yuuma. Who happens to be the head of an entire criminal alliance in the Animal Realm. One that we've seen no member of besides herself (unless we count the eagle spirits).
Owing to these two facts I wanted to design some underlings for her. To give her more people to bounce off of besides her enemies and to do fun criminal stuff with. Now within the Animal Realm Yuuma's alliance is specifically known for their aerial power. They're also from the Animal Realm, you know for animals. For those reasons I tried to design Youkai that fit two critea:
-Were an animal or something animal themed
-Were a flying creature (granted again everyone in Touhou can fly but I think ya get what I mean).
Given that Yuuma canonically prefers to handle things herself, her underlings have been left sitting on the sidelines during most of the events of canon. But with Yuuka's priorities elsewhere they've now found a bit more responsibility dropped on their shoulders.
And just to get it out of the way lets end this with the note that, because I'm like that, each of the ocs in this group share a surname with a Like A Dragon/Yakuza antagonist. Doesn't necessarily mean they have anything to do with one another.
Mine (峯) Honoka (火佳): Junior Chairwoman of the Gouyouki Alliance
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Face claim: KK (Kekkai Sensen)
Ah the mythical Kirin (or Qilin). Just as Yuuma's own beast, a Taotie, has its roots in Chinese monsters so too does her second in command. Now a Kirin is a dragon-deer or unicorn esque mythical beast said to run through the sky by flying. One that's appearance is generally said to mark either the birth or death of a great leader or philospher.
In the case of Honoka she arrived in the Animal Realm shortly before Toutetsu Yuuma herself. Being herald to her own coming to power. The pair have worked together for quite some time since then, with Honoka being an informal second in command of the Gouyoku Alliance. With Yuuma preoccupied with the lake of blood/oil, Honoka has been doing most of the actual management of their family.
Unlike her superior, she is stoic and not one for talking. Preferring listening or action. While Yuuma has a tendency to disarm her opponents with words, talking them into joining her side, Honoka would really prefer to just beat them into submission. Yet, outside of a brawl, she is slow to act. Considering every option for far longer than necessary before making a decision.
Honoka has the ability to call upon Fire and Lightning (or more particularly the elements of fire and air). The most unique application of their abilities is to copy the properties of the others. Flames that arc as lightning does and lightning that creeps up objects like a flame.
The Mine part is, of course, a reference to the character of Yakuza with a Kirin as a tattoo and the best theme in the franchise. Honoka I chose because I just happen to think it's a beautiful name but the kanji of it refers to her fire based abilities.
Goda (郷田) Misora (水天): Chairwoman of the Goda Clan
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Faceclaim: Shiro (Deadman Wonderland)
Tentomushi or ladybugs. An insect that I like and happen to think have a really rad name. It just so happens that in all my research I could not find any ladybug youkai, so Misora is just a youkai who was once a ladybug. What I do know is that Ladybugs happen to be symbols of good luck.
This plays into Misora's Ability. She is able to manipulate the luck of those around her in two ways. Taking in the fortune of others, granting herself good fortune and others misfortune or taking in the misfortune of others, granting herself misfortune and others good fortune. Don't put her in a room with Shion and Tenshi, she'll die.
Misora is also prone to violence as a solution but unlike Honoka it is not a matter of choosing violence after much contemplation. She's ready to fight at all times and believes the Gou-Alliance should just stomp out all the other families within the Animal Realm. Her boldness and lack of thought has made her an annoying rival for power within the Alliance. While everyone within it looks up to and respects Yuuma, those beneath her are not so equal. With troops being split between both figures.
Now Yakuza does not have a character with a ladybug tattoo. Instead I just went with the family name of one of my favorite antagonists of the franchise. On the other hand Misora's name contains the kanji for water, meant to denote a rivalry with Honoka.
Katsuya (勝矢) Chidori (千鳥): Chairwoman of the Katsuya family
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Face Claim: Medaka (Medaka Box)
Chidori is an Aosagibi. A type of youkai born from a heron that has lived long enough to become a youkai. Their scales fusing together to form a shiny and iridescent armor. Like Honoka and Misora Chidori is also a major figure within the alliance. Unlike the two of them she is aloof and silent. Choosing to simply observe without interaction. This gives her a mysterious air
But the reality is she's just incredibly shy and doesn't know what to say. She's managed to get to this position mostly from a series of flukes and climbing the ranks with time. She really doesn't like talking in front of people, particularly as a leader, and would prefer that the others just manage it on their own. Though their rivals perceive her as some form of cunning trickster.
Chidori has the ability to produce false light. Those that face her in battle are beset by series of strange balls of harmless light that resemble her actual danmaku. Making it difficult to distinguish actual attacks from random tricks.
Katsuya, again, comes from a Yakuza boss. In this case one from 5 who just so happens to have a crane tattoo ... or a heron ... I mix those two birds up. Anyways Chidori, on the other hand, contains the kanji for birds but I also kinda picked it because the attack from Naruto kind of reminds me of how an Aosagibi apparently looks.
The Robot Masters
This idea was partially inspired, I believe, by my friend Sethy when I discussed wanting to create an oc with an interest more vested in science and specifically robotics.
Katsume (勝目) Light
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Face Claim: Xan Audupon (Sennen Meikyuu no Nana Ouji)
A blind hag/magician dwelling upon the mountains of Gensokyo. Light has caught glimpses of the outside world and developed a fascination in the field of robotics. Dreaming of being able to create actual automaton and golems within Gensokyo. ... Yet the sad reality is that they have not been able to accomplish this goal, yet.
Much like how Alice relies on magic to puppet her dolls, Light relies on their own magic to control their automatons. Really nothing more than steel or iron puppets with some gears in them at this point. Though Light has partnered with some kappa for the sake of creating real androids their work has, as of yet, been unsuccessful.
They have the ability to percieve the spiritual. Light is blind and unable to see anything within the physical world, however, when they do open them they become able to see that which is spiritual. Be it the aura of those with magical power, magically invisible beings, or those with a spiritual existence such as Mima. This ability can also be used to place a part of their own spirit within an object in order to see spirits through it. Notably their fake automatons for the sake of enhancing their manipulation of it.
The name Katsume contains the kanji for "win" and "eyes" referring to their eye based ability. On the other hand Light is a double reference to the Megaman scientist Doctor Light and to the character of Snake (real name Light) from ZTD.
Kanagawa (銑川) Yusa (優作)
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Face Claim: Lee go Seul (Girls of the Wild)
One of the kappa that works with Light. One could almost call her their henchman. Yusa, like most kappa, is great with technology. Specifically iron working and soldering. She works to design the bodies of their false robots. Though the actual programming and wiring are skills she's far less competent with.
When their machines are not being controlled by Light's magic, it is normally Yusa who is controlling them. Mainly through the use of remote control ... controls. Like most kappa, Yusa is rather shy, yet she manages to get along well enough with Light. Having a deep respect for the hag.
Yusa's ability ... I have not figured out yet.
Kangawa has the kanji for iron and the kanji for river. Perfect for a kappa that's working with robotics. Yusa contains the kanji for "Create" and "superior". Originally her name was going to be Sakura (also from create) but I feared it was too close to Sakuya and could get annoying.
The Village People
Alright, now this one is a bit different in that we're not getting youkai. I thought it'd be fun to design some villager ocs. You know to have some fairly normal folks wandering around Gensokyo.
Now, just as a note here, I have given them abilities. My reason for doing so is because just about every named character in Touhou has one, even an "Average" person like Kosuzu. So I thought they'd stand out without them. Also designing weird minor abilities is fun, ya know.
Uruno (沾野) Kaname (火奈芽)
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Face Claim: Agatsuma Soubi (Loveless)
Kaname is the current head of the Uruno family. A family within the human village that has farmed and sold tobacco within Gensokyo for the last century and a half now. Establishing their business just slightly before the border was closed. In theory they've grown and sold tobacco for the village but now that a few youkai have started smoking, the Uruno clan may have started setting some aside for other business.
Given their profitable trade, Kaname has been able to get by with a fairly comfortable life. The labor of farming the tobacco is tough but he gets to live in one of the nicer houses of the village without fear of wondering if he'll be able to eat come winter. So all and all he is content with his current lot in life.
... Mostly content. The truth is this all has started to become boring and he's developed somewhat of a wanderlust. A wanderlust that seems to be drawing him more and more to the youkai mountain for their gambling parlor. Not that he'd allow anyone in the village to know that's where he has been slipping off to.
Kaname has the ability to ... become dry. When he or his clothing are wet, he is able to instantly dry either with nothing more than a brief thought. He really doesn't understand how it works but he doesn't mind not knowing.
Uruno contains the kanji for "to wet" and "field" which I thought fit well for a farming family. For the name "Kaname", initially I wanted something with kanji that made reference to smoke. There are ... few names that contain a kanji for that and I was not a fan of any. So I decided to go with fire because where there's smoke. Anyways the first one kanji is fire, the others make reference to a tree sprouting fruit. Not quite tobacco but.
Okita (沖田) Muyumi (武弓) Fujiwara (藤原) no Gin (銀).
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Face claim: Touko Hourai
A distant cousin of the more famed Okita Souji and a long time descendant of the Fujiwara clan (making her vaguely related to Mokou), Muyumi is a samurai by birth. Well, wait. You may be noticing. Japan's samurai caste was abolished before Gensokyo was sealed off from the world. Yes, that is true, but this is a detail kept well concealed by Muyumi's ancestors. Who have propagated the idea that noble samurai such as themselves are very much still a thing within Japan.
As a samurai she has been trained in warfare with the bow, sword, and flintlock. A true warrior and defender of the village's noble caste. Well ... except for the fact that the real defenders of Gensokyo are the incident resolvers, which she is notably weaker than. Meaning that Muyumi is really nothing more than a glorified bodyguard for the elite of Gensokyo ... but she's really been trying hard to convince herself that she's not, that she's more than that.
Muyumi has the ability to memorize poetry. Once she has heard or read a poem she will not forget it and she is able to understand the proper rhythm to recite it just from her reading. Though ... she's absolutely horrendous at creating poems herself.
Okita is, obviously given her lore, taken from the famous Shinsegumi. The Okita clan is descended from the historic Fujiwara clan and, much like the much more famous Okita, this is represented in Muyumi's rarely used full name. Fujiwara no Gin (Fujiwara of Silver) is a pun on the actual Okita Souji's Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi (Fujiwara of Gold)
Masamura (正村) Masafumi (将史)
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Face Claim: Asaki Minami (Stigmata)
Masamura's clan could be counted among the elite artisans within Gensokyo's human village. Being the only child of the village's doctor and blacksmith of the previous generation, he found an apprenticeship in both thrust upon him. Difficult work but hey doctors used to also be barbers, who said you can't doctor and smith.
The last many years of his life were spend providing both services for the people of the village from his house on the outskirts. Supposedly he's not much of a people's person, hence his dwelling there, though that was not the only reason. Having some sympathy for them, he also offered his medical services to youkai in the dead of the night. After all, he swore to treat the injured, regardless of who they were. A youkai with a horrid cut? That's as much an injury as a human's.
Just ... the thing is that after some time Eirin made her presence known. Eirin, with her ability and centuries of experience, being the notably superior doctor. Though humans did not always wish to trek to see her, and seeing as Reisen only delivered medicine from times to time, Masafumi still had work but it was greatly reduced.
At least he could still blacksmith. A skill that he taught to a sad youkai who seemed without a purpose. Though, she would soon surpass him in ability, providing her services to those that were willing to hire a youkai. Leaving Masafumi again with a reduced amount of customers.
He still can find work, it's not like the poor man is jobless, but with every year in Gensokyo it seems there is less and less for him. As a result he's taken mostly to reading. He has a bit of an interest in old tomes and the study of youkai, meaning he rents books from Kosuzu quite often. Aside from that, however, Masafumi rarely leaves his home anymore. Being something of a hermit (the non magic kind).
He has the ability to hold his breath for an entire 15 minutes.
Masamura uses the kanji of "regular" and "village." The kanji of Masafumi come from the kanji for "lead" and for "book." Which I thought were fitting for a tired but well educated dude. All together they're meant to paint the image of someone plain while also having a fun bit of alliteration.
Sugar Saccharine
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Face claim: Clover (Zero Escape Franchise)
Alrigh, the last one, and this one gets a section all to herself. Sugar is a flesh eating youkai just like a certain Rumia. In fact, though I'm cautious on how much I'll say, she and the Rumia of this blog have quite a bit of history together. With Sugar having been the reason for why Rumia is presently stuck in a regenerative weakened state.
Sugar, for her part, has not been around for a long time. Being buried in a sarcophagus beneath the Hill of the Nameless. Something that Medicine has inadvertedly become a perfect guard for. But, you know, when you seal something away in Gensokyo it's only a matter of time before someone does something stupid and lets them out.
... And people have been having strange dreams lately. The kind that make them feel, for some reason, like they need to go to that hill and start digging. But it's probably just a coincidence.
Sugar has the ability to manipulate souls. Well, I wonder what that could mean?
Alright with all that out of the way (I hope you didn't read all of this it was a lot, but if you did I thank you for putting time in to check out my ideas). Here's a poll to see who you're more interested in. As I said at the top, if you like more than one idea and have more than one blog you're free to vote more than once.
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ddrqoyote · 1 year
thinking about trying to cross over as many anime settings into the one piece world as i can. like trying to fit the characters into the history/rules/scaling of the setting, then integrate them with the rest of the world. no canon characters, just rebuild the world with people from other shows. some of my ideas so i can show you what i mean:
goku, as the most famous main character in anime history, was the pirate king. the saiyans are descended from humans and minks; they use electro instead of ki. goku was a "super sulong" who can use sulong even when it's not the full moon by using life return to control his hormones and force the transformation.
the five great shinobi villages of the sky islands use dials to simulate elemental powers and other abilities. some shinobi move to the blue sea to take more lucrative contracts for their village. they're also known for their unprecedented nine mythical zoans between them, but those fruits have very strong wills and no one trusts those who eat the "tailed beasts".
bleach's gotei 13 are the samurai of wano. when wano was nearly destroyed fighting the quincy 20 years ago, the world government swooped in and made them an offer they couldn't refuse to join the world government and share their weapons. wano wanted a different kind of influence, and waived their right to attend the reverie if yamamoto could become an admiral instead. the government thought he'd age out in a few years and agreed, not realizing the old man's dragon devil fruit made him stronger the older he got. now wano's samurai are a major force in the military, especially their new vice admiral byakuya kuchiki. it's been a hard adjustment for both sides.
i don't wanna make a story out of this, more like a wiki or blog where each character and concept has their own entry. i wonder if i could make a sideblog for it...
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kitausuret · 2 years
parksborn for the ship game? 👀
@plutojester asked for this one too, so I'm tagging him as well for my answer. (:
YES I absolutely ship them. I've actually been decidedly Not Normal™ about them lately, so I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited for this one.
What made you ship it?
I think a more interesting answer is, what didn't make me ship it. Surprisingly, I didn't ship them during the Raimi or TASM films, but as soon as I read ASM #39 last year I was like. OH. Oh. I get it now.
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(Amazing Spider-Man #39; Lee, Romita Sr.)
It's Peter's first moment showing true compassion towards someone that isn't like... a direct relative, and the impact it has on Harry is immense. It's a turning point for both of them, and you really can't overstate that for a character like Peter, who now has over 900 issues in his main series alone. And so much of it started with this moment. How could I not ship them after that?
And then of course there's the roommates era, the first Goblin Jr. arc, everything after that, the second Goblin arc (internal screaming), death (!!!!!), resurrection (!!!!!!!!), and business partners, and then nothing happened after that. (:
Nobody hurt me for this, but I actually started shipping them really in earnest during the Parker Industries era, but I've blogged and also written about that. I just really loved it and that's where I really saw it for them.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Weeeelll aside from what I've said above, I go absolutely feral about their journey. Like, they weren't even friends at first! That's crazy! I wish adaptations would remember that because it's actually way more juicy when you remember that Peter didn't even LIKE Harry at first. But when Harry showed his true colors (that he did have strength and integrity) it changed like... everything.
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(Amazing Spider-Man Family #4; DeMatteis, Semeiks)
I also think it's kind of incredible how they can bring out both the best and worst in each other. Some of their highest and lowest points have happened around each other, like, in the same fucking issue. (Spectacular #200, looking at you.)
I'm also admittedly a huge sucker for the resurrection era. Is it sometimes referred to as the "Parksborn bait era"? Yes. Do I care? No. Thank you for your service, Dan Slott. (Don't tell him I said that.)
Also a really big fan of this moment:
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Amazing Spider-Man #573... I think (Slott, JRJr)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmmm.. honestly, I'm not sure. But for the reasons I've stated above, I'm not really a big fan of childhood friends adaptations or honestly adaptations that make him Peter's friend really on (and not Flash's). Their journey is really, massively important to me. (Sorry, TSSM.) I'm also pretty sure that liking Parker Industries as much as I do is (which isn't much, to be sure lol) some kind of overall Spider-Man Fan Sin, but this is probably one of the more popular ships I enjoy.
I'm not sure what the popular Parksborn opinions are, not enough to know if my own ideas are popular or not though, otherwise. The only other thing I can think of is that American Son is really popular with Parksborn fans (for, like, super obvious reasons) but I can't forgive it for what it did to Lily Hollister.
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What's the point of this beautiful drama if you're just going to throw Lily under the bus (and also whitewash her)!!!!! Sorry American Son but you lost so many points for that. :/
OVERALL THOUGH I do love Parksborn so so so sososososo much. And I'm not going to tag all the friends who have dragged me deeper into this ship because they're probably sick of me tagging them all the time anyways but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And you are why I'm neck deep in this.
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emile-hides · 2 years
If you could make only ONE fairy tail ship of yours canon with the magic of your brain which ship would it be? Please ramble. 💚
Laxus/Freed no question about it. It's not even a contest.
Would I like the Levy/Lily/Gajeel polycule to be real? Yes, yes of course I would, but Gajeel/Levy is canon and that's enough for me.
Honestly out of all my Fairy Tail ships (which you can see a full list of Here on my Ship Blog) Laxus/Freed is the closest to canon, and the only one I'd think "Big Win" if it did go canon.
I've never cared much about a ship I like going canon anyway. It doesn't effect much other than the amount of people talking about it.
Honestly what I'd rather do is uncanon some ships.
Number 1 being Erza/Jellal. I have such a thing against Jellal and I apologize he deserved his redemption I'm glad he didn't just like. Die or vanish into obscurity but like! I hate the idea of him and Erza being a canon couple with children some day!! Hate it!! It puts a bad taste in my mouth. I hate being negative tho so I'm not gonna ramble about it too much...
You know what else I want to uncanon?? The ship that floats the whole damn story; Zeref/Mavis
I hate it I hate it I hate it so much I hate how fanon treats it all cute and shit when it's probably the canon most Dead Dove do Not Eat kind of content canon has given us. I don't hate it because it's Dead Dove, that's actually what's holding it together for me, what I hate about it is how integral to the plot it is, how True Love it's treated, how sweet and tragic and twisted by fate it's treated.
It's not! Any of those!! It's a 400 year old man falling in love with a 13 year old girl and yes she's 20 Years Old when he actually realizes what he feels is love but she's still!! Physically!!! Thirteen!!! That's the Point Of The Curse!!! And then!!!!! He impregnates her!!!! AFTER HE THINKS SHE DIES!!!! HELL-FUCKIN-O????
I LOVE Zeref, and I really like Mavis too, I love The Curse Of Contradiction inflicting them both, I love the twisted "love" Zeref feels for Mavis, I love his desperation to find something to love to cling to project on to to save him to fix him to make him feel human again, I love Mavis' bleeding heart, I love Mavis' desire to save Zeref to fix Zeref to make him whole because she's so ful lof love for the world around her and she can see he's suffering and need someone anyone to help him
I think they're story is wonderfully dark. I think Zeref's obsession with her is something I'd very normally adore reading about, but the way it's treated in canon and fanon as a wholesome romance lovers torn apart by fate Romeo and Juilet Bella and Edward bullshit really ruins the whole thing.
Zeref/Mavis is really fucked up and I think we should treat it as such. Not in a boo hate the artist hate the shippers way but in a fun acknowledgment of Dead Dove content way.
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