#This ended up more rambling than expected
yanderes-galore · 1 day
Hiii! Absolutely in love with your writing! Never thought you'd ever write for Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel. Out of your top fandoms, may I propose that the reader is immune to Vox's hypnosis? Having this rare ability, they try escaping the V tower but it ends up being the biggest mistake. This TV seems to be possessive and canonically a control freak like a lot of TV based characters (looking at you Mr. Puzzles) lol! I know you're a busy person with their own life in the end of the day so I won't be mad if you refuse to write this. I love the content you provide us with already <3
Sure! I wasn't sure if you wanted a concept or a one shot, so I just focused on rambling out my thoughts on it. It could work either way though so maybe I'll follow this up sometime.
Yandere! Vox with Darling immune to hypnosis
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Violence, Anger issues, Kidnapping/Post-Kidnapping, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Mentions of Val's smoke/Drugging, Forced relationship.
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It's hard to say who, at this time, has immunity to Vox's hypnotism.
It's currently only known to grab the attention of people who are... paying attention.
So, maybe you're oblivious or just never paying attention to his hypnotism.
Which in itself is incredibly frustrating to Vox.
However, another method is natural immunity.
I'm thinking maybe you're also an Overlord that has to, unfortunately, have meetings with The Vees due to a partnership.
Vox probably still outranks you, yet you're strong enough to resist his powers.
Another option is simply having a specific type of gear or tech you created that blocks his hypnotism.
Regardless... One way or another Vox can't use one of his most powerful tools on you...
Which naturally makes him pissy.
He can't do his usual subtle charms against you, carefully manipulating you into listening and being his.
Even when he captures you, you never seem to listen.
Normally it's easy for Vox to make other demons listen to him.
Unless they're Valentino or Alastor.
But now he has yet another demon who can just... ignore it.
He has so many fits when he tries to trick you into something, only for you to shut him down.
It's humbling and he hates it.
So, if Vox wants to keep you in the V Tower, he has to expect more resistance.
In fact, normally escape attempts would be amusing as he can just charm you again.
But now he can't do that.
I feel your immunity would stress Vox out at times.
Even if he manages to manipulate you into V Tower, keeping you there is difficult.
Vox is naturally charming, so you may agree with what he says at first.
Hell, maybe you two were dating before things went wrong or at the very least on friendly terms.
Then he goes crazy and locks you in your own personal room with high security and everything.
Vox was once drawn to (and frustrated with) you due to your immunity.
That was what got him obsessed in the first place before he started having all these... feelings.
Sinful feelings.
You're distracting, even more so when he can't charm you to give him attention.
So what better way to force your attention than manipulate you into the tower.
Maybe you were meant to be another V, but once you had enough of Vox and his obsessive behavior, you tried to leave.
Only for Vox to lock you away.
As he can't charm his way into making you listen, now he has to keep you by other means.
Such as cameras, screens, electronic locks, all sorts of security.
Fine... You may be able to bypass his hypnosis...
But he has other means to keep you his.
The issue he ends up finding though is a lack of affection.
He can't charm you into giving it to him.
You ignore him and no matter how hard he tries... You never pay attention.
Considering how Vox thrives on attention...
This is devastating and leaves him screaming in frustration.
One way I can see him forcing you to be more... attentive is using Val.
Vox would probably somehow get Val to give him some of his smoke/spit.
Disgusting and disturbing? Yes... but that's the point.
Vox seems like the type of person to control you in other ways, since he loves control.
If you tried to escape your high security prison, or withheld affection from Vox, you're essentially getting gassed/drugged.
He most likely would test it with just a bit.
Then afterwards, depending on his mood, would up the dosage.
(This makes my skin crawl-)
Of course, escape was never going to end well for you.
Vox will find some way to break you.
Be that showing you his security, using Val, or isolating you...
Vox is going to force your attention to make you rely on him.
There's no genuine love with him.
Only ownership.
Escaping is near impossible with his coworkers, employees, and security.
At some point, you'll break and only have him to greet you...
Leaving Vox to embrace you with eager arms, his claws digging into your skin once you're finally his.
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lady-phasma · 21 hours
Could you IMAGINE Lestat’s reaction to the internet? Better yet, imagine his reaction to all the fan blogs that would inevitably pop up after his own interview is released after Daniel’s book is published. Lestat’s ego would be bigger than the moon LMAO. Somebody would have to hide ao3 from that man.
Hi anon! I saved this ask until I could take my time with it, but also so that the amazing and brilliant @aemondsbabe could help me. She and I have literally been having a similar conversation for months!
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In fact, I love this ask so much that I had to make a gif for it!
Since season two and the Rockstar promo we have been discussing this pretty frequently. One thing I think we can all agree on: Lestat's Twitter would be phenomenal and hilarious. I live for AMC to do a promo account just for the character.
Here's some headcanon we have about Lestat's internet use:
OF - Lestat 100% has an account. He might not use it for explicit acts, but he would love the "private" style of attention, knowing that he is captivating audiences via computers and phone and tablets in their homes.
Twitter/X - This account would be the rambling, unhinged shit we expect from him. Typos, Franglish, absurd comments because he misunderstood a pop culture reference. But most of all, he probably would direct most of his tweets to close friends and we'd get to see his tweets to Louis and about Armand. And the occasional interaction with fans or other celebrities when he figured out retweeting (which would result in the inevitable cancellation that he wouldn't care about at all).
Insta - We discussed this and at first I didn't think that he would have Insta at all. Then aemondsbabe suggested that he would have an account, but he would only post what his PR manager told him to post. I hope someone teaches him to take pictures of things other than shit in Walmart and candids of Louis.
Tumblr - aemondsbabe is a fucking genius! 100% credit where it is due. Lestat would have a Tumblr blog, but wouldn't quite understand that it's not a private diary. In fact, earlier this month during a discussion about this subject, she wrote a blog post for him:
louis, mon cher, how i wish you could be here with me on this, the most périlleuse des nuits… i have fallen prey to an evil poison, a foul spirit! the tour bus, you see, we had to stop to get l'essence ou, how you say, the gasoline… louis, mon cœur, i was tricked at this heinous shoppe! they had peculiar wares, des médicaments, promising virility of the gods! i have taken one and i fear this will end me, mon cher! please avenge me by slaying the most wicked of men known as Daryl! he has taken up résidence at l'Exxon outside of Tampa!
I laughed until I cried! Brilliant!
AO3 - I really don't know that he would find AO3 on his own. I think someone (maybe Graham Norton) would show it to him at some point and then he would speed read everything he could and write a "private" entry about the fics on his Tumblr diary. That would be something to read!
Thank you for this ask, anon! This was so much fun!
I hope AMC goes all out with Lestat on social media the way they gave Daniel his own LinkedIn page. I need him to have a twitter at the very least, but they could so much more.
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Steve likes to take dates to the carnivals and he always tries to win them stuffed toys because he’s cheesy and romantic and proud of it thank you very much
Only, he’s absolute ass at the carnival games. He’s only ever managed to win an ugly little cap, and Tiffany had not been amused when he’d presented it to her. It never stopped him from trying of course, but it’s a little discouraging
Fast forward to now, when he’s recruited by Claudia Henderson to drag the party out to the carnival. Robin refuses to join him because “I finally have a date Steve, I’m not going to spend it chaperoning your walking headaches”. So he recruited Eddie
Of course, the party doing want to be chaperoned and they’re really old enough to go to a carnival by themselves, so he agrees to let them go off by themselves as long as they stay out of trouble.
So he and Eddie go on a few rides and grab a bite to eat, and Eddie eats like three ice cream cones and feels too queasy for more rides. So Steve decides to practice carnival games so he can win something for the next babe he brings on a date.
With Eddie cheering him on as obnoxiously and flirtatiously as he can, Steve starts playing. And he starts winning. Not just the little prizes either. Along with normal sized stuffed bears and bats and what-have-yous, he also gets a comically large stuffed rainbow unicorn wearing sunglasses, a long dragon plushie that’s taller than he is, and other oversized paraphernalia
Since he isn’t here with a date, Steve just gives all his winnings to Eddie. Eddie jokes about how this was the most romantic date he’s ever been on (only it’s not really a joke, this not-date is more romantic than any of his trysts). Then Eddie starts complaining that Steve needs to stop winning because how is he supposed to carry all this? By the time they meet up with the kids, Eddie isn’t even visible behind the mass of prizes in his arms. He stumbles over, guided by Steve’s hand in his back, wrapped in the giant dragon, and the kids mock the both of them ruthlessly
Eddie keeps all the toys and names then after the party just to bug them. Steve delighted with that, and together they always tease the kids (“wooow, rainbow unicorn Dustin would never do this” is a favourite because it makes Dustin apoplectic)
When they start dating, Eddie keeps telling people that Steve “gave me 6 kids before finally putting a ring on it”
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therealdistortion · 2 months
I find it funny the way Jon blames himself for the apocalypse. Cause essentially what happened is that Jonah put a nuke in his lunch and he blames himself for it.
Like, imagine you got a sandwich for lunch. You’ve been looking forward to eating this sandwich for so long, you haven’t had one in weeks. Your friend got it for you from a restaurant and you are so so excited.
It looks amazing, it smells amazing, you are so excited. Then, you go to take a bite and there’s a fucking nuke in it. It explodes and kills everyone around you, except for you. Then you blame yourself.
You didn’t put that nuke in it. You didn’t know there was one there. You were just trying to eat lunch.
It was the guy from that restaurant, he put a nuke in your sandwich! And it wasn’t even like he put it in a random sandwich and you just happened to get it. No, he put it specifically in your sandwich so when you try to eat your lunch it will explode.
And you know that he put the nuke in your sandwich. Cause he wrote you a note explaining to you exactly why and how he did it. He told you it was so it would explode and kill everyone, and he told you that he put it specifically in your sandwich. And he hid the note so you would only see it after you started eating, at which point it was already too late.
And you still blame yourself. Even though you had no idea. How does that make sense?
Jon, it is not your fault there was a nuke in your sandwich
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They don't talk about it.
But there's no way Nate should know those things. No way the client could have told him, no way he could've figured it out on his own. Not when these things were nothing more than fleeting thoughts from the mark. But Sophie notices him quietly go for the scotch behind the counter and rub at his head in pain with extra vehemence some days despite the latest con having no personal connection to him.
They don't talk about it.
But someone should've recognized Sophie on that con. There's no way she could have that many characters per con. No way none of those diplomats didn't recognize her from any of her previous cons. Not when she didn't change any more than her clothes and accent. But Nate notices her features seem to flicker at the peace and safety of home when she thinks he isn't watching.
They don't talk about it.
But no one could've survived that. And certainly not looking the way he does. There's no way he didn't come out of that fight broken and bloodied to all hell. Not when instead he walks out with a purposeful stride and only a clenched jaw, rolling his shoulders. But when he's cooking and accidentally burns himself, Parker notices the unmarked skin left behind.
They don't talk about it.
But not all vents are human sized. They all saw the size of the vent cover as she exists with a grin. There's no way she could've fit in there. Not when the human body can't bend that way, a way that even the greatest contortionist can't bend. But some days Hardison notices as she seems to stretch and bend before his eyes when she's feeling relaxed and safe enough.
They don't talk about it.
But that's not how computers work. There's no way Hardison could access that kind of thing. Not when he describes how he did it like that. Not when he does it so quickly like that. Not when he says he's taken berries and the next thing they know he's recreated a colonial era journal to perfection. But Eliot swore he shoved a glass of water at him, not more goddamn orange soda.
They don't talk about it, the thing lingering over their heads as they conduct each con, the unacknowledged thing between the five of them that's a little deeper than just a desire to take down the rich and powerful.
They aren't perfect, they all know that- sometimes they're too good with their covers, sometimes they have to shift gears as the con unfolds before them, but somehow things always seem to work out.
But no one asks about it, so-
They don't talk about it.
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ontosgold · 5 months
I LOVE the way you drew ryomina they are soooo 🥺💖🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰🥺🥺💖💖
Curious, I would love to know if you have more personal headcanons for them! I love your art of Minato wearing glasses
Good luck in uni!!!! Hope you have an amazing day/night ^^
and yes I have a few more hcs !! thanks for asking hehe now i get to ramble >:)
I have some hcs regarding fashion and such !! I've kinda been thinking about this a bunch ever since I made those casual outfits for ryoji
-ryoji loves expressing himself through fashion, he really enjoys experimenting with clothes and discovering his style
-he likes going on shopping outings with yukari (minato has been dragged along a lot as well) (yukamitsu ryomina double shopping dates !!)
-ryoji's a big fan of yellow and also just any bright colours that go well with it. he's a bright and colourful boy :>
-minato never really cared much about fashion or style, a t-shirt is usually just good enough for him (his style is just. if its comfy and it looks nice then its good) and he's not a fan of bright colours or anything that makes him stand out too much. ryoji's been trying to get him to experiment a bit
and here's some of my more general hcs for them ^_^
-ryoji's a lot quieter when its just him and minato and minato smiles more around ryoji (minato is completely unaware of how much he smiles in ryojis presence and he'll get a lil embarrassed if someone points it out)
-minato's sleepy and tired all of the time. chronically sleepy (<- lol). god's sleepiest soldier. but he feels super comfortable having naps around ryoji. sleeping when he's nearby just feels safe.
-if ryoji and minato are hanging out at the dorm together, there is a fairly high chance that minato will end up asleep.
-also i like to imagine that if the two of them have a movie night at the dorm, they'll both end up asleep by the end with koromaru all cosied up with them too (<- i should draw this sometime)
-minato's super introverted. while he loves spending time around the ppl he cares about, he only has so much energy for socialising. ryoji is the one person minato can spend all his day around without draining the social battery
-also minato's a pretty quiet guy, he's a man of little words. he prefers to listen to people, rather than be the one leading the conversation. and bcs ryoji and mina know eachother like they know themselves, they don't always need to communicate verbally. I like to think they spend a lot of their time sitting in comfortable silence together
-ryoji's super fascinated and interested by all the simple joys in life. whenever he's out with minato he'll point out things like pretty flowers, birds, the way the clouds look. and they'll stop to admire the sunset if they're out late. and of course minato takes a lot of interest in the things ryoji points out to him :>
also i hc ryoji as bi and minato as greyromantic ace ^_^ !! ryoji and minato's relationship is something so much more than a typical romantic relationship to me
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sharkzippo · 1 month
fics that remember jubilation lee is actually in the original trilogy ( despite having less than a second of screen time ) and have her as john’s actual non-bobby best friend are so big brained, actually. and they’re right! jubilee is 100% john’s bestie and his worstie all rolled into one.
#⧽ ⠀ ⠀ ── ⠀ ⠀ ooc : maybe magneto had a point actually.#jubilee being more john’s friend and kitty being more of bobby’s#it just feels right!!!#god i love thinking about the pre movie school dynamics. they’re v interesting to me!!#i don’t think john had many friends outside of bobby. like... it really might have just been jubilee because she’s as stubborn as he is#and refused to be pushed away no matter how much john tried to scare her off with his asshole persona.#like if bobby is his best friend then jubilee is his closest just by the nature of their personalities#as much as ​john loves bobby (which is part of the problem) they end up butting heads more often than not.#there are things he can’t talk to bobby about. things bobby doesn’t and couldn’t understand just because of the sheltered life he had.#but jubilee does#and even though he’d make jabs about her 'finding another pet project to fix' she has become one of the more important people in his life.#she’s the one person he actually feels bad about leaving behind once he leaves.#but yeah!!!!!!#these tags have gotten too long and i probably should have just put my ramblings in a normal post but oh well#even tho ​i don’t write with any jubilees (yet?) i wouldn’t expect them to adhere to any of this anyway!#this is all just personal headcanon and mostly serves to round out my john’s life prior to what we saw on screen#but if any jubilees are reading this (👀) ​i’d be more than happy to plot or discuss any different ideas you may have!
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saurix5 · 8 months
It may be simply Mordred refusing to see that Kara was executed for attempted regicide not being a magical Druid. Or that he is a teen blinded by rose-tinted glasses in regards to Kara's behavior.
But I believe Mordred knew very well about her beliefs and why she's in trouble. When Merlin confronts Mordred, the latter only brings up Kara being a Druid to correct Merlin about her being a Saxon and to appeal to him emotionally. When Mordred says Arthur will kill her, he knows it would be for attempted murder.
So why continue to vouch for her and even break her out? One, it's because she's his childhood crush, but also he knows exactly how she feels. Remember in s2, child Mordred was pissed at Merlin for trying to kill him. Since Arthur led his men to raid both camps, which threatened his life twice, it's safe to assume Mordred also hated Arthur at least somewhat. Of course, he eventually forgave by s5 and saw the kind of person Arthur is.
Mordred also likely met other sorcerers who held hate for Camelot for the Purge & continued persecution. So, Mordred knows where Kara's head is at, and if she continued to fight, her life would be on the line. That's why he was trying to convince her Arthur is a good man and things would change. Mordred was there when Arthur first interrogated Kara. When Arthur brought up Morgana, Mordred probably thought that Kara's words may be similar to Morgana, but many good people feel that way (him included at one point). Mordred's been out and about in the world, interacting with the rest of the magical community, Arthur has not.
Even so, Mordred still believes that he can make Kara more aware that Arthur is not Uther and that things can change, change her mind, and have her life spared.
"This girl, she is a danger. Not just to me. She's a sworn enemy of Camelot, ruthless to the cause." -Arthur
"No. I will change that. She'll listen to me." -Mordred
When Kara dies, Mordred doesn't turn to Morgana because "oh he killed her cuz she's a druid/has magic, so now I must avenger her" it's because he realizes this situation happened because of the ban. Because Arthur kept the ban in place, ppl still live in fear. Because of the fear, some ppl turn to violence to escape oppression. Mordred realizes that will never change. (When Kara asked if Arthur kills those with magic, he doesn't refute that but switches points) More ppl like Kara will turn to violence, get caught, and die. The only way to stop that is to destroy the system aka kill Arthur.
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blackjackkent · 2 months
Slowly discovering the freeing power of the words "I know this is bad but I'll fix it in editing."
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prosebushpatch · 4 months
So I decided to restart my animal crossing new leaf for the 3ds file completely but I didn't know that Tom Nook would OFFER TO BUY the entire town and let you carry over the money to the new town and it's hysterical because the mayor basically peaces out, cashes in on 30 million bells, changes entire identity, and accidentally becomes the mayor in a new town. There's a fanfic there but I'm too lazy to write it.
#rose and rambles#HELLO????#i did not know that tom would offer to buy AND I DID NOT EXPECT MY TOWN TO BE WORTH 30 MILLION BELLS NOT INCLUDING MY CATALOGUE AND#THE INTEREST I'LL GET FROM GETTING THE BELLS IN INCREMENTS#MAKING THE FINAL TOTAL CLOSE TO 39 MILLION#WOWZER#okay also i did think long and hard about this#like i never have restarted that town#but it was overrun with flowers and i wasn't close to any of the villagers but wolf link#and i can get him again#i needed a blank slate#i do this with farming sims all the time#i restart so often because once i get into late game i have no gumption and animal crossing *is* different#but i really needed that fresh start and it felt better to restart new leaf than horizons#but the funny thing is#i now want to restart new horizons more than ever#i just haven't really touched it since 2020#i never did the pumpkin growing thing im so behind#and every time i think about going back to it i just feel dead#but restarting new leaf has been so fun and refreshing#and its only end of day two BUT i have so much bells to burn on projects#so i can get the foundations of things like bridges and stuff right away and continue through my house loans more organically#idk i feel good#and i might prefer restarting horizons in the future with knowledge of things and#with all the updates already figured out#feels good#also my starter villagers in this new town are#fauna peanut eloise sparro and rooney and im so heckin thrilled#best line up ive ever had in the beginning
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all-seeing-ifer · 1 year
Found a new thing that bothers me about a hole in the world this time which is that they try and do this thing where Fred's insisting she can fight back against her infection and find a solution and she's determined not to be the "damsel in distress" (her words not mine). Which hypothetically I think is actually kind of an interesting character beat like the idea of a character who is so determined to fight and be a survivor and beat this thing bc they've always been able to pull themself through shit before but ends up succumbing to what essentially amounts to a terminal illness they have no way to fight is compelling and emotionally charged. But it just ends up ringing sooooo hollow bc Fred was pretty much always the damsel in distress anyway she never got to be active and solve problems and be a hero in her own right outside of occasional moments like the jasmine arc and other than that she mostly got reduced to a plot device for other people's character arcs.
Like I know I'm being a little hater about it all but I do think there is actually a version of this episode that works as a genuine and compelling tragedy but it would require the show to a) write Fred a lot better before this point and b) imo to develop fred and wesley's relationship outside of them being part of several annoying love triangles and wes being sad bc he thinks fred doesn't like him back. And idk. it's a shame that we couldn't get that
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
Slightly concerned that chapter 2 of my critically acclaimed new fic might be a bit shit...
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loki-ioki · 2 years
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“My name is.. Cynthia..
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theseasideskies · 2 years
“You are speaking treason,” Laurence said, without feeling, oddly calm; the words only a recitation of fact, distant.
“Very well,” Temeraire said, “if I am an animal, and may be poisoned off like an inconvenient rat, I cannot be expected to care; and I do not. You cannot tell me I should obey; you cannot tell me I should stand idle—”
“It is treason!” Laurence said.
Temeraire stopped, and looked at him only. Laurence said, low and exhausted, “It is treason. Not disobedience, not insubordination; it cannot—there is no other name which it can bear. This Government is not of my party; my King is ill and mad; but still I am his subject. You have sworn no oath, but I have.” He paused. “I have given my word.”
“Then I must go alone,” Temeraire said wretchedly, so softly that for once there was real difficulty in making out the words. “I will go alone.”
Hi this scene breaks me every time
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mylene is so interesting to me bc like. she just chucks elico out as soon as she gets a mechanical replacement with macubass. and i think she's the only villain so callous about their guardian bakugan???
most villains still care about their bakugan and usually actually share the same goals and are on the same wavelength, birds of a feather and all that. like even characters like kazarina, cruel as she is, still are fond of their guardian bakugan. and theres characters like spectra and barodius who's plans center around their guardian bakugan, and are actively encouraged by those bakugan.
even characters who's guardian bakugan dont necessarily get along with them all the time, like avior and mason's constant bickering, are still friends. meanwhile mylene just. throws elico out. and also takes brontes from volt and throws him out as well. i think whats also interesting, since the show likes to bring up spectra and mylene parallels, is how spectra uses machines to upgrade and evolve helios, while mylene outright replaces elico with a machine.
but it's not like she's shown to be like. completely heartless either. she calls volt her friend even though she threw out brontes beforehand. she stands up for hydron when zenoheld takes his anger out on him. she has some weird friendship with shadow prove.
i think she was the vehicle to show the general vestal opinion on bakugan, since mylene only sees her bakugan as weapons and when she loses she blames the loss on them. (meanwhile i think volt is supposed to show that not all vestals are THAT bad, even if they are part of the king's entourage of fucked up teenage celebrity theatre kids). and i think she's very interesting bc of that. anyways i love mylene.
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wren-likethe-bird · 1 month
wren rambles about the borderlands movie in tags
#so I went to the movie assuming it would be nothing like the games and be super shitty in general#I’ll preface with the statement that I’m generally pretty easy to please when it comes to movies#I go with the intention of enjoying myself and usually end up doing that#but my expectations were really low here#I genuinely really enjoyed this movie#some of the characterization fell short of the games but I expected that#the plot definitely deviates from the games#assuming this is meant to be Borderlands 1 timeline#but I liked how it came together#I found that the character differences made it easier to see this as its own story and not trying and failing to keep to the canon#the villain was eh but that’s because it wasn’t handsome Jack#frankly I find the first game very eh to begin with and this was certainly more interesting than that#as for the stuff I liked a lot#the cgi man#the settings and the creatures and the little details#really made it for me#I loved how the movie nods to things that it doesn’t need to for the story but did it anyway for the atmosphere and for the fans#the skags and the raak and the threshers were so cool#and just treated as part of the world and not something that even needed a ton of emphasis#like oh yeah watch out there’s threshers around here#the stickers on Marcus’ bus and the posters and graffiti did so much to build the world and atmosphere#I feel like it really matched the Borderlands tone of not taking itself seriously#and the world felt fleshed out rather than something we were being introduced to for the first time#overall I really liked it and will seek it out to watch more when it’s available#oh and claptrap wasn’t too gratuitous so that was nice#all his humour was really in character and not just showing off that they got Jack black to voice him#shit wren says#wren rambles#borderlands#borderlands movie
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