#This will not stop me challenge accepted!
palajae · 2 days
challenge accepted.
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PAIRING... coach!sunghoon x player!reader | GENRE... established relationship! au, fluff, humor, romance | WC... 1.1k | challengers inspired iykwim :))
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you’re annoyed. actually, it’s not just that. you’re peeved. you’re agitated. 
you’re hot.
and you’re waiting. waiting for the stupid coach that your parents hired in hopes of fixing the slump you were currently in. 
another player, another perspective, and another chance, is what they said. 
how unnecessary—a true waste of money—you think. you were more than capable at playing tennis, why in the world would they ever think you needed another extra hand? a pitiful stepping stool for the toddler. everything felt like such a chore. 
you feel your skin prickle at the heat. a bead of sweat forms at your temple. you sigh. 
you uncross your arms and stop tapping your foot in hopes of finally loosening up. it’s not like you needed to wait for permission to start—you could easily warm up on your own. 
let’s just get this over with. make it hell for your coach in hopes they never want to teach you again. then you’ll return to playing—struggling— as usual and your problems will be solved. not really (being in a slump was so very difficult) but at least without a pity partner. 
while stretching, your eyes wander across the complex. you usually didn’t come to play in the afternoon, opting to practice earlier in the morning or later at night. 
you immediately perk up at the sight across from you—someone leaving the courts with their duffel bag slung across their shoulder. 
a bright grin stretches across your face. 
a seasoned player only a year older than you and quite frankly, cute. 
you feel like a middle school fan girl, waving enthusiastically back as he winks at you. you make a mental note to ask him to hit together sometime soon. 
“you play for the game or for the players?” 
you stiffen at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, turning around only to be greeted by an unpleasant sight. 
or rather, a not so unpleasant sight. dear goodness, of course he had to be attractive. unfortunately very so. 
you ignore his comment as your eyes narrow. “you must be-“
“your new coach. you can call me sunghoon.” 
he extends a hand and you wrinkle your nose at the gesture. 
there’s no way he could have been more than three years older than you. you expected some old, sunburnt scruffy looking man. not someone who looked like they just stepped off the cover of vogue or something. 
“y/n,” you state simply while ignoring his hand. you needed to show him his place, establish the fact that you certainly weren’t happy about the whole situation. 
he coolly retracts his arm to set down his polished bag, “how long have you been playing?”
“long enough to not need help from someone like you.” 
he quirks an eyebrow, beginning to stretch next to you. a whiff of his scent fills your nose. you huff, he smelled way too good to be on a tennis court. 
“really? that’s not what your parents told me.”
“my parents don’t know anything.” 
how good was he, anyway? so far, it seemed like he was underestimating you. 
once he finishes warming up (and you finish sizing him and his expensive gear up) he gestures toward the court. 
“alright then. three laps. no cutting the corner.” 
you roll your eyes before starting. 
when you finish, attempting to keep your breathing even, you reach for your water. 
a hand snatches your wrist, effectively cutting off your motion. you feel your hair prickle at the sensation. 
you look up, surprised at his sudden action. his cold eyes glinting as he stares down at you.
“did i say you could drink?” 
“did i ask?” you mutter under your breath as you turn away to calm your sudden racing heart. as he grabs his racket, you do the same. 
“let’s start with down the lines.” 
you cross your arms like a little child. “that’s all for warmup? you must not know how we do it here. i need to at least stretch my hamstring, calves…”
you stop once you notice the expression on sunghoon’s face. 
“you’re cute,” he chuckles and you snort. 
“and you’re too young to be referring to me like that. how old even are you, like twenty-one?”
“twenty two,” he corrects you. 
“close enough. you’re not even older than me by that much.”
he ignores you, moving to the opposite side of the court. you glare at him indignantly. 
“i first just want to get an idea of how you play,” he calls out. “now, service line.” 
only after a few sets does sunghoon come over to your side of the court. you’re immediately on guard, watching his every stride.
“if you bend a little more, you can generate so much-“
“i don’t need you to fix my form,” you immediately retort. without saying anything, he comes behind you.
again, that distracting scent fills all your senses.
“forehand,” he orders. his voice being so close to your ear makes your shiver. when you don’t move, he does it for you.
his touch is light—his body a little too close for comfort to yours, maybe. but from the outside perspective it just looked like a coach fixing their student’s form. 
that’s all it was, anyway. right? 
“you see?”
you swallow, “right.” 
he lingers for more than a second and you swear he’s so close you can feel his heart beating in his chest before he finally lets go. 
he swallows harshly and you hate how you can’t help but stare at his adam’s apple bobbing.
by the end of the lesson, you’re sweating thoroughly. although you like to blame it on the heat.
sunghoon, infuriatingly, looked never the better. the same as when you first started the lesson with his perfectly styled hair and immaculate skin. 
you guzzle down water, ignoring how some of it runs down your neck. you also ignore the way you can feel sunghoon’s eyes stay on you. 
as you finish packing up, you’re startled by his sudden movement. he closes in on you as you freeze, eyes widening. one of his hands lean on the pole next to you. you’re not sure if it’s his or your heavy breathing filling your ears.
until he gently picks a leaf out of your hair. 
“that wasn’t too bad. see you next week, then?”
you’re speechless, he only grins.  
you just watch as sunghoon—your new coach?—grabs his stuff and struts off. 
as you angrily stuff your things into your tennis bag, you mutter under your breath. 
oh, how sunghoon irritates you. his cockiness while still being so young only fueled your aggravation. he made you want to show off, play better, be better. all in hopes of showing him that you’re good enough. you don’t need his help. or his devastatingly handsome face and quick brain. 
you gasp at the thought, horrified. and almost sink onto the bench. 
you fell for it. 
sunghoon was exactly what your parents wanted for you. and he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. 
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a/n ▸ wow jae actually posted?
MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @kynrki @heesterical @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount
@hoeshii @love-4-keum @luvhyun3 @dimplewonie @who-tf-soddhi
@microwvdstrawb3rri3s @asteria-wood @noajakah236482 @enhacatalog @june-pop
@ohsjy @ashtxrie @isoobie
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chosugarplum · 2 days
run your mouth
sakusa kiyoomi x reader
warnings: nothing, just kisses at the end and a weird question from reader the whole time.
ps: my first language isnt english so this must have severe grammatical errors
"If I..."
At the same moment that he perceived your voice entering the room, his head immediately turned around to gave you a warning look, telling you to be very cautelous about what are you about to say. For the past months, Sakusa got acquainted with your weird sense of humor.
"Listen up" you proclaimed before he starts to say anything else "If I hypothetically ask to lick your moles, you would let me do it?"
"What? Which one?" his voice sound slightly disguist, but the way his eyes softner when he turn to look at you, its shows that, if you asked, he happily gonna say yes.
When you met Sakusa, he was almost speechless and quite distant, always looking up on ways to avoid contact. Not only with you, you notice someday that he actually doesn't approach others people in general.
His team were the only ones who had permission to get close to him, and even his teammates didn't go far away, they always keep some limits to not transgress his boundaries.
The first moment in which both of you had to swap a few words were in a bar. One of your friends was "getting close" of Miya Atsumu, and have asked you to go with her so it's wasn't gonna be so stranger to her to meet some of his teammate.
You accepted and somehow - nobody know how - you ended up being placed next to Sakusa. Most of the time was very peaceful and quiet, but when all of the people in the table decide to become ghosts, you two have to start some convo.
The talk was very polite, just some questions about your profissional life - "what you do?", "how do you knew that was this you wanted to work with?"
But it has starded a thing between you and Sakusa. From that moment above, you accepted every offering that you friends does, in hope that he was in there, and Sakusa had done the same thing with Atsumu's offerings.
Each appointment brought you a little closer of him, until the moment that he asked for you number. since that moment your relationship climb some steps up to this exact moment.
"So you would let me?" you ask, challenging him to answer. "Hum? Kiyomi. Would you let me" you tighten your eyes, approaching him in the bathroom.
Your face is above his shoulder,with your cheeck scrunched on his skin, Sakusa can feel the heat that comes from your body. He looked at you in the mirror, a small lift in his lips.
"If you ask properly" he gazes at you, mesmerized with your face, nothing could change his mind about you being the prettiest person he ever seen.
You stare him in dare, removing your face from his shoulder and immediatily wraping your arms around his hips, you start to make a pout.
"So Please, please, please, let me get what I want~" you sing and Sakusa raises an eyebrow.
"You have to do better than that, sweetheart."
Your pout increases and you get an idea. A great idea.
Your fingers reach for his face and pull him closer.
Slamming your lips against his, you put your arms around his neck while you feel he placement his hands on your waist, opening your mouth when you recognize his tongue asking for access, your tongues slide against each other and you hear a small whimper from Sakusa. Smiling, you stop the kiss and murmurs slowly as you plants little seals on his lips.
"Can I" seal "please" seal "lick" seal "yours" seal "moles"
You separate your body from his and Sakusa has the glimpse of your whole figure, your eyes glowing in his direction, how could he say no?
"Yes, anytime you desire" he look at you smiling, and you know that this man loves you more than anything else.
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chosugarplum, 06/18/2024.
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lesbianrobin · 15 hours
what's so fascinating about eddie to me is that like almost every problem in his life is a direct result of his own decisions but they're all decisions that don't even seem like decisions to him. like he has this mindset where there are certain things he Must Do or Should Do and then he never really stops to be like but do i Actually have to do this. Why am i actually doing this. who does this benefit and How. and that's a mindset which is like a perfect storm for compulsory heterosexuality. like eddie is a lesbian magnet and he's not a remotely bigoted guy but he struggles So Much with challenging his own entrenched beliefs about like love and masculinity When Applied To Him.
and i think what's hardest for eddie is like. if he accepts that he's gay then he has to reevaluate all of these past choices he made and accept that he basically never once did what He wanted to do and he made most of the big decisions in his life out of a sense of obligation. like the Only thing he ever did for himself was moving out to LA to be a firefighter and even then he sorta went to LA specifically because of shannon. and how the hell do you accept that yknow how do you look yourself in the mirror and say yeah i spent the first thirty years of my life and an entire marriage and my son's entire life just going through the motions of what i thought i was supposed to do and it didn't even WORK it just made literally everybody miserable. i am mourning an idealized marriage that not only never existed but never even Could have existed. did i waste and ruin the painfully short life of a woman i loved? have i been hurting my son by pretending to be something i'm not for his entire life?
like eddie's already king of hating and blaming himself for everything but in a way that's far easier to stomach i think than the can of worms he'll open when he realizes he's gay. and that's why he's continued to repress it for so long.
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blindmagdalena · 16 hours
thoughts on ep 4?
ohhhh man this is gonna be really long and disjointed because i just finished the episode. i'm just gonna be focused on the homelander stuff here bc i feel like that's what we're all here for lol
the energy he brought to that whole situation gave me the most intense anxiety. i feel like not even he was entirely sure how all of that was going to go down, but as soon as he was there, all these memories that he had repressed started flooding to the surface. obviously his relationship with Ryan is causing a lot of his trauma to come to the forefront, and this is the culmination of that.
i think what caught me the most off guard was how run down the place looked. a concrete basement with shoddy computers and post-its everywhere. a bunch of techs. it was so small, and yet it's like homelander said. it was a lot bigger when he was a child.
it was their day job. it was his whole world.
that very first moment when Marty calls him John, and he corrects "Homelander," in that boyish voice, i almost burst into tears.
the moment where he's staring at the incinerator made me feel ill for him. i already knew what was coming, and it didn't disappoint.
"I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can't even remember it."
i had chills throughout this entire scene. it was such a succinct way to lay out how dehumanized he was his entire life. that so many people stood by and were so desensitized to his torture. they tuned out his screams entirely and played little games to pass the time. all while he watched.
this time, when Marty calls him John, there's no quiver in his voice. "Homelander," he corrects firmly, smile tight and closed. direct eye contact, waiting for a challenge. but they won't. he knows no one will stop him. not just because they can't... but because they simply won't. they wouldn't save a child. why would they save Frank?
"You're sorry? Now?"
this whole scene is such an interesting parallel to his conversation with Vogelbaum in s1, where he asks, "You want forgiveness? Now?"
something he rightfully denied Vogelbaum. in this instance, however, we see Homelander enacting his vengeance and giving that forgiveness... but only once they're dead. only once they'd paid his price. once they've suffered as he did. I forgive you.
the only time anyone expresses remorse for what they've done to him is when they're faced with it. when the regret eats away at them not for the harm they caused, but the damage done to the world, or to their own safety.
immediately following that, we see him call Marty over and not just apologize, but very specifically he asks, "Can you forgive me?"
it's perfect foreshadowing for what he's about to do to him. can he forgive the same thing Homelander is about to?
the scene that follows is so profoundly uncomfortable i had a lot of trouble watching. the reality of Homelander's life and teenage years is something that we as a fandom have always been very cognizant of, but seeing it addressed so plainly on screen was both nightmarish and vindicating.
i remember being really squicked out by his comment regarding Ryan getting Zoe pregnant, but it makes total sense that raising Ryan is bringing a lot of his own childhood sexual trauma to the surface. there's SO MUCH to be addressed here that it could be it's own post. but what's great is when Homelander calls an end to it: it's the moment Marty says he's sorry.
"I forgive you, Marty."
this is all about Homelander accepting what happened to him. facing it and the people who were part of it head on.
speaking of...
BARBARA. i know she's public enemy #1 right now, and rightfully so, but i found her so profoundly interesting. did she know Homelander was there? she didn't seem surprised at all. why would she come without backup? how did they even contact her with everything shut down? i don't know, but whatever the case, i really got the impression she already knew what she was walking into. she made a real attempt to get Homelander away from the other scientists, but he wasn't going to be swayed. they were already doomed.
she antagonized him. They were just doing what I told them. It's not their fault. It's mine. Leave them alone.
it's very apparent to me that among his fractured personalities, she represents the kinder motherly one. she, like Stan Edgar and Vogelbaum, are elevated above the other scientists. she's a figure of authority and she spoke to him as such.
"They were scared."
"I was a child."
"They were scared!"
and he does recoil at that. we KNOW Homelander hates being feared. it was his trigger with Madelyn, it's what kept him from lasering that crowd, and it's a blatant, desperate lie when he says to Starlight, "...being feared is a-one okie doke by me."
"Everyone was terrified of you from your first breath."
she breaks his heart a hundred times in this scene. from the reveal that he killed his mother in the same way Vogelbaum told him his son did—the source of that lie?—to the statement that their greatest success was making him obedient by withholding love. by turning his heart into a pit of need.
a sharp juxtaposition to Vogelbaum's You're my greatest failure.
and then she says to him no matter what you do, you will always be human.
here's the thing about Homelander's humanity. he doesn't associate it with kindness or love. he associates humanity with all the worst things that have ever happened to him. cruelty. selfishness. betrayal. his entire life he's been used and abused by the people who were supposed to protect him.
of course he doesn't want to be human. doesn't want his SON to be human. look at what humans have done to him. they're vile, they're vicious, they're dirty.
in another life, that desire could have been his drive to be good. if he'd only had a single fucking example of it.
"I'm not human. And neither is my son. And I'm gonna raise him so that he knows it."
in other words, he'll raise his son the way they failed to raise him. Homelander wants desperately to raise his son with the love he never had. he just doesn't know how to.
ultimately, like Vogelbaum and Stan, Homelander can't bring himself to kill her. he tears apart the people she tried to save, and he leaves her to stew in her own fucking mess.
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What’s the difference between Malleus and Idia? What Idia was about to do when he overbloted would have been just as bad as what Malleus is doing if not worse. (Releasing a bunch of OBs and reshaping the world would not be safe for everyone) is it just just because Idia has a more sympathetic back story? I understand that some people have their likes and dislikes, but I’m just curious. I love all my Twisted boys!
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I’d say that the scale of Idia and Malleus’s machinations (and even both backstories involving the loss of a family) are similar. I don’t believe that Idia has the “more sympathetic” backstory; if anything, Malleus is also very relatable and sad because we can all relate to the fear of change + losing someone precious to us and/or wanting to stay in a happy "fantasy" world (ie TWST) forever. However, the methodology and the context surrounding their actions are not the same. That’s what makes Malleus’s actions so much more despicable to me. (Again, I want to stress that this is NOT an objective take; this is my own interpretation of the events, characters, and their motivations.)
Firstly, Malleus is exerting much more power over his victims and actively tries to maintain it. He has already robbed ~20,000 people (the population of Sage's Island) of their autonomy and essentially gaslit them into accepting it as their reality. Idia has employed no such physical control or emotional manipulation. All he has done is release Phantoms out of Tartarus to rampage around the world. Both he and Malleus are putting Twisted Wonderland in danger, yes--but Malleus is also committing the moral wrong of forcing his will upon others' bodies and minds. The only other OB to involve manipulation/mind control is Jamil, and even then that was on a much smaller scale by comparison. Whenever someone so much as challenges Malleus's word, he or his autonomous magic goes out of its way to trick them back into sleep or pulling them even deeper in--and this act is much more insidious than just ripping away their free will altogether (as Jamil had). Malleus is knowingly and willingly deceiving thousands and thousands of people; Idia's plan, meanwhile, never goes that far. It could be argued that his plan was to "play hero" to save people from Phantoms so that he could make friends this way (which is also deception), but let's remember that this was Ortho's suggestion, not Idia's. We have no clue if Idia himself would carry it out, nor it he would go to the same lengths of gaslighting that Malleus did. For all we know, he could have just drawn the line at letting the Phantoms run free and be "friends" with everyone.)
Even if we assume that Idia was fully intending to be just as deceitful, Idia and Malleus are very different people, so the context and motivations behind their OBs are very different as well. The loss that Idia experienced was that of a close family member, and he has been living with that grief for several years prior to his OB. His OB, then, is in an attempt to adapt to that lingering guilt and shame and to "fix" the past. When he loses to the other boys, he offers to "go" with Ortho to right his wrongs, but ultimately doesn't. He's willing to take all of the "burden" upon himself for what he has done in the aftermath. Malleus meanwhile lost his parents, who are figures he never became intimate with or really got to know because they vanished before he had hatched. What Malleus experiences before his OB is the fear and anxiety of losing his loved ones (Lilia, Yuu, etc.), something which has not happened yet. He is unable to accept these changes, so his OB is a desperate act to prevent those events from unfolding. Idia is fixated on correcting the past, and Malleus is fixated on stopping the future--he's determining everyone's future for them. Because of this, I perceive Idia as a person with hang-ups about previous life experiences that he's overcorrecting for while Malleus comes off like a three-year old throwing a tantrum and making it everyone else's problem too.
Another element to this is that whereas Idia has to take some level of accountability for his actions (even if it's just a scolding and banishment from his parents + feeling upset with himself), Malleus never does, even in scenarios where he clearly endangers the lives of his classmates. He can claim it's "by accident" or "just a misunderstanding" all he wants, but it won't erase the worry or the battles his classmates went through for the "surprise party" he wanted to have for them. He always walks away feeling as though he "did the right thing". So what happens when Malleus, AGAIN, endangers the lives of several people? Is his power and social status going to save his ass AGAIN? Is he going to be let off way easier than everyone else AGAIN? That's what's really frustrating to me. Malleus's refusal to accept change AND the consistent lack of accountability feels very... juvenile. In-character for Malleus, but still very juvenile. Of course, book 7 isn’t done yet so maybe Malleus will eventually see the error of his ways. Right now though? All of the other stories leading up to this point in time rarely show Malleus taking accountability for anything he does, so my expectations of him aren’t great to say the very least.
A common defense I hear for Malleus is that "he's still considered a baby by dragon fae standards". Yes, I know this. However, that doesn't give Malleus a pass for his behavior. This has always been my stance on this matter. To me, he is still at least old enough to know what is an abuse of power or not--yet he acts so hypocritical, it's infuriating. For someone who is supposedly a good leader (according to his own dorm members) and cares so much about his relations to other countries (to the point where Malleus chides Sebek for being rude to other royals), I sure do see a lot of inappropriate emotional reactions and acts of abusing his power/social status (both of which can seriously harm his public image and sully his political reputation) 💀
But again, that’s just my interpretation and opinion on the matter; if you think differently then that’s valid as well!
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Robin Time Travel AU!!
A fic where Dick or Damian or Jason or all three time-traveled and stop Ethiopia from happening... Only they didn't anticipate the consequences.
With no Ethiopia happening, Jason never dies and neither does Bruce go off the rails... Thus never giving Tim a reason to join the Batfam...
Dick never saw nor tried to find out exactly how bad Bruce got after Jason... And was waiting for Tim to find him again... Even going to Harley's where they met... Keeping the entire schedule for the week very simple for Tiny Tim to easily follow... Only Tim never shows up...
Jason does not know the circumstances of Tim joining and is wondering when Bruce is bringing Timbo home...
While Damian convinced Talia that it is better for him to join his father in Gotham... By 'investigating' and 'arriving' at the 'conclusion' that his father is Batman... Thus he comes to Gotham early... Like months before Tim... Like he coincided with the week Jason would have died...
Again, he does not know the circumstances of Tim joining... Just knowing that this time when he has Robin, it will be on Tim's terms... He is looking forward to a good relationship with him because Dick said Tim always wanted a little brother and now Damian has the chance to be that little brother... No, he is not jealous of YJ or how close they are with Tim, or that bloody speedster... What are you saying!?!!!
Tim never comes.
Now, Tim on the other hand decided to explore Paris and gets caught in shenanigans... Meets Lady Shiva... Gets mentored by Lady Shiva... Unknowingly insults Snake... Gets challenged by Snake... Defeats Snake... Refuses Lady Shiva's offer... And comes back to Gotham... Only this trip was a year or 9-10 months long...
In Gotham, he takes up the cape... Works smaller crimes, nothing with rogues (like Spider-Man) and becomes beloved... Of course, Tim is still that little stalker at heart and keeps updating the Bat's info... he doesn't want to be burdensome to them, Thus, Tim makes sure Bats and him don't cross paths... After all, Batman might feel obligated to take him in as he did Batgirl, Spoiler, and Black Bat... They didn't have training. He does...
Meanwhile, Batfam is wondering where they went wrong and missed Tim... And slowly Dick starts remembering the context as to why Tim sought him out... Not to be Robin but to make him take Robin back up... And when Dick refused to... Then Tim took up the job of keeping Batman in line... Because Gotham needs Batman and Batman needs a Robin...
Dick tells Jason and Damian... They don't believe... Because of course, my info is not wrong... He was replacing me/was an interloper... It takes them that entire year to accept that Tim is not coming... Then scrambling to find him... Then they started hearing rumors... Of this little vigilante who helps with small crimes... And try to intercept him, maybe introduce themselves, to no avail... It was as if Gotham herself was against it, they always missed him...
Meanwhile, Tim's life continues pretty much same as in earlier comics... Batfam, out of the city, Metallo attacks Gotham... Tim calls Superboy... Thus, the first meeting of TimKon, same as comics. Only, instead of Tim, he travels as Alvin Draper, a child who was helped into his seat by his parents and will be picked up by his cousin Shanks at the airport... Actors he hires to help him... And "will you please watch him, we are so scared he will be traveling alone"... The story works for both going and then returning and Cousin Shanks helps Alvin back onto the plane when needed...
School trip for Bart and I do not believe much will change with Bart as he will know Tim's rep from the future, rather than the past, so Bart still believes Tim's awesome... And makes friends...
They still start Young Just Us... And still go on every mission they did in YJ98... Tim still develops a rapport with Batman... Only he is not his Robin or known as his prodigy... Compared to when Batman taught him everything and knew him well, lying to Batman was quite easy for Tim... Because Tim grew up in Gotham society and was his mother's son through and through...
Tim's parents are not bad in this either... Like can Janet put the fear of god in businessmen? YES... But when it came to family and especially Tim, she was soft... I see Tim's relationship with his parents same as Kudo Shinichi's from Detective Conan... Like they have wanderlust and Tim does not... But just because they are not in the same country or continent, does not mean they do not keep in contact... They know exactly what shenanigans Tim gets up to and know better than to stop him because otherwise, he will just hide them... They know all his friends, his interests, etc... Especially his mom, and hiding about Robin probably hurt their relationship a lot...
{I 100% believe the only reason Tim didn't tell Jack he was a vigilante was because he was Robin and thus was responsible for the entire Batfam identities... And that is why Jack believed Tim did not choose but rather was coerced into being Robin because otherwise they would already know...}
So, in this fic, Tim keeps his parents in the loop from the beginning and Janet makes sure a part of DI is dedicated to helping Tim, so he's never without help in Gotham... Also, they know life is dangerous so they get separate mobile/communicators for "just emergencies", like a "Need help! Will die if not given" button... So Tim knew the moment his parents were taken by Obama Man and rescued them with Young Just Us...
Because NO BATMAN RULES thus Tim was able to tell his parents and team his identity much earlier than in canon... He still makes contingencies for fellow heroes, especially Justice League, including the entire Batfam, including Alfred... Because Janet Drake's son is taught better by her mamma... And Tim does not know Wayne beyond being a fanboy and does not have an emotional connection to them...
Just a fic where Batfam lives happily and Tim is successful but they never have more than a coworker relationship... Like Tim is closer to Wally or Donna or Roy or Bisaro or Jon than Dick, Jason, and Damian because they have a familial connection to his team, while Batfam only has the connection of Gotham... Like Oracle has the most influence over Tim's actions in his vigilant life because she sometimes directs him to crime if no one else is available...
Tim is still friends with Stephanie but here Tim's self-respect and confidence are not broken again and again and again... So Stephanie does not get away with treating him like shit on or off the field and that's dangerous on the field, so they mutually decided to not team up unless with a mediator in between that could lead both...
Off-field they are good friends, friends who know their secret life so they can share any grievance, WITHOUT endangering any identities, etc... But they do not date... Tim dates Ariana, yes. And felt Stephanie might be a rebound and knew she deserved better than that. If Stephanie confesses, Tim makes it clear he is not in a position to date yet (don't know if the timeline is right, if not feel free to correct)...
{OK, one thing I make clear, No hate for the character of Stephanie Brown but I just hate how she treats Tim in Canon and everyone acts like it's OK because it's not. It's fucked up and a toxic relationship. Especially how Bruce used their relationship later and Stephanie agrees)...
Tim also seeks mental help for the school shooting and other civilian events, while Jack is looking for a trusted therapist for his son, Janet absolutely approves... When they have one, Tim gets a contract of confidentiality from John Constantine to sign for the therapist and drags his team, kicking and screaming with him...
With the team being introduced to the Drakes early, they spent a lot of time in Gotham, and adults (Janet) understand what is happening with Ross, Tana, etc. And helps Kon before telling him to stay with Tim, "because that boy absolutely cannot take care of himself, never mind he has done so for years, you stay with him, do you want to go to Gotham Academy or do you like your current one"... While Jack is ready to smack some sense into Flashes, with his golf stick... And becomes quite good friends with Max...
Just competent adults who understand they can't stop their wild child but can and will give him every tool to survive.
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unknowncreature19 · 9 months
A quick update!
Lately, I’ve been thinking about upgrading or update some main characters redesigns! Since I’ve been working on the mysterious underneath of gray clear lake: The mangle whale ghost train I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while for scooter, Scorpio, blue fire, and other characters that maybe will be in the story. But there’s a big butt sometimes I will go back-and-forth with the new design to design work close ups, and zoom outs! So stay tune for these interesting remake/redesigns of these characters. Don’t worry, they will not change out their behaviors! They are still the same as usual just updating the way they look!
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toasteaa · 22 days
how are you feeling about the neuvillette cameo in clorinde's trailer?
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#toast talks#Look I am SO ready to get Clorinde. She and Sigewinne being on the same banner is torture to me.#BUT!#You put my husband in front of me and I'm immediately going to lock onto him and be abnormal#Side stepping how good the track that played in her trailer was and how her view of brutally enforcing judgment when needed#is a necessary factor in upholding the court of law when that judgement and justice is challenged and how resigned and#unfortunate Neuvillette finds the decision (yet maintains that the decision is irreversible)#There's just something about that resignation but adherence to the rules and guidelines of the court that does something to me#I don't even really want to call it resignation. More like...this is something that he's seen over and over again.#Centuries worth of trials ending in the accused declaring a duel instead of accepting their fate.#And each and every time it ends the same way: a death that could have been avoided had they not tried to upend judgement.#Believing they could outrun their fate and beat a Champion Duelist...it's asinine. It doesn't make sense to him.#But it doesn't need to make sense to him. It's not something he needs to understand here. That is not his role in court.#He feels no guilt. No shame. Just a deep set acceptance that this is the decision that some humans will take and he must oversee it.#He feels no enjoyment while watching this performance. There's no pleasure in the finality of it. Yet he's forced to watch every time.#And after each perfomance - each unfortunate death waltz - another storm sweeps over Fontaine.#UH. THIS WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE ME THINKING ABOUT HOW PRETTY HE WAS AND HOW HIS VOICE SOUNDED.#SORRY SORRY THE OTHER BRAINCELL TOOK OVER BEFORE I COULD STOP IT AND WDJWKDKSKD
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bitegore · 2 months
fucking hate it when people who are hateful little bigots make posts that are completely irrelevant to the thing that they are hateful cunts about and those posts are actually really good but i know they want me personally actually dead and in the ground so i cant be like Yeah
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granny-griffin · 5 months
listen if you just sit there and are consistently kind about the wild accusations of a troll they will either get bored of your non reaction and block you or else you will get to befriend them and either way, you win. but one of these days I’d sure love to win through the friendship option
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Officer Raddagher most autistic character of all time she means so much to me
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satoruin · 2 months
i hate you overworld boss achievements
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months
*cracks knuckles* well if I'm gonna work on my OCs and now that someone's reminded me how actually tragic Echo is
Let's talk about Jasmine and her relationship with Echo
I feel like they would get really close if they ever met. I think Julien would tell Echo about her in a way he wouldn't tell Zane because he was scared Zane would tell others someday. Echo won't ever leave the lighthouse, so he can't tell anyone. He would know about Julien's other child, but he would figure it's Zane, the one he replaced. When they meet, once they figured out they were related, I think Echo would realize and want to tell Jasmine what he knows. Julien wanted to know her but couldn't. He left her because it's what was best for her. I think Echo would want to imagine Julien left him for those kinds of reasons too.
I think they would bond over being abandoned by Julien. Jasmine before she was born, Echo long after. I think they'd each envy each other, in a way. They both resent him (even if they won't admit it), but Jasmine resents him never being there. Echo resents him being there so much, only to leave him. Echo would fill in the gaps for Jasmine on who he was, while Echo is more eager to hear about the life Jasmine lived in the wide world, especially on her own.
I think they'd have a super close bond, I think they should visit Jasmine's home and have a snowball fight, I think she should take him to Borg Industries and watch Echo go starry eyed at all the cool technology, I think Jasmine would help replace his rusted gears and wires with ones that won't deteriorate as easily, i think she'd teach him how to garden and befriend animals and i think echo would be so thrilled to get away from the sea
I think if Echo and Jasmine ever got to meet, they'd find a comfort in each other and a confidant about some of their issues that no one else could provide
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you have far too few people in your ‘i’d rather kiss a plane toilet category’
dsjkfhgakdhgdjk LISTEN I'd honestly put most of the ones after Yuki as a leave but I'm trying to give it some DEPTH. I'm pushing the limits!!!!
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 10 months
i dont think ive ever gotten a "she uses he him pronouns" but i have actively twice now in the exact same circumstance just a different year gotten "they use he it pronouns"
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blackkewpie · 1 year
not to expound upon the political implications of fandom every chance i get but noel gruber is revolutionary gay representation because he wants to be fucked up and evil and it is so disheartening to see transformative works where they act like his wants and personality are character flaws. roadblocks in the way of the most conventional and milquetoast gay romance story ever put to word document. which isn’t terrible but the fact of the matter is noel gruber exists to say not every gay person wants to be normal or wants to have a normal easy heteroimitative life. marlene dietrich was a bisexual woman who endured mountains of hardship on every level and did important things and made important art. jean genet was a writer and activist who lived on the fringes of society doing survival sex work for most of his youth. liberace was never *out* out and was torn apart relentlessly by tabloids about his life. these are the people he canonically admires, he wants to be a starving artist and live a fantastic, queer, risky life that offends and challenges the mainstream. not because he is too naive to want a normal quiet life, but because he was raised in the bosom of the most banal, sterile, conservative small town existence he could have possibly been in and knows for a fact he wants the complete opposite. queer assimilation to the heteronormative standards of life has been a powerful tool in our survival, yes, but the point of that is to survive to make a world where that isn’t necessary anymore. the ease straight white cis abled society offers is one that exists at the expense of those who do not fit it. that is why the girl is fucked up. in a perfect world she shouldn’t have to be any other way.
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