#Thomas Curry
milkydraws8 · 1 year
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young dumb and full of cum
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hjbirthdaywishes · 9 months
December 26, 2023
Happy 63 Birthday to Temuera Morrison.
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heavenboy09 · 9 months
Today Is The Day
The Tide Is Turning
&  The Final Battle Of The DCEU.... FOR NOW
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#AquamanandTheLostKingdom #Aquaman #ArthurCurry #Mera #Orm #BlackManta #ThomasCurry #QueenAtlanna #Atlantis #JasonMomoa #DCComics
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why-i-love-comics · 4 months
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DC Pride #1 - "Rainbow Pin-Ups" (2024)
pin-ups by Robin "Zombie" Higginbottom, Chloe Brailsford, Ego Rodriguez, Helen Mask, Valentine Smith, & Bailie Rosenlund
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soranatus · 1 year
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Flashpoint Designs by Luis Bajo Collados
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highlordofkrypton · 6 months
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the lighthouse, an au fanfic where orm is raised alongside arthur on the surface
baby bruce makes an appearance!
Chapter 6 - Little League
“These are my sons, Arthur and Orm, and that is my wife, Lana.”
A steady hand presses against Arthur’s back, supportive as Tom introduces his family to the Waynes—the freaking Wayne family. Half the things he owns have their logo on it, or a subsidiary of their Enterprises. Still, he insists on being the one to treat them to lunch, once everyone is settled and he feels comfortable enough to leave them if only for a moment.
Atlanna hadn’t wanted to interact. What she wanted was to take her boys and bring them back inside. She wanted to lock the doors and make sure that their little world can never be disrupted. It had taken some convincing, soft-spoken words of reassurance from Tom. Thomas and Alfred had helped their boys, and their children are alright because of them.
Her compromise was this: she would stay in the waters and keep watch. She trusts her husband to guard their sons on land. 
Tom glances at her as she wades into the water, waist deep, and her long blonde hair trails behind her. She’s beautiful, but a deep part of him understands that she is equally terrifying. He loves her, and he mourns the part of her that cannot remember what it is like to be free. 
Someone must have said something, because he tunes back into the sound of Alfred repeating a question.
“Does any of your family have food allergies? I will fetch us lunch.”
“No, no fetching. Lunch is on me. I was just going to give everyone a minute to get comfortable with one another.”
He’s not sure if he can stop Alfred from being too nice and too helpful. The lifestyle of the Wayne family is so far from anything he’s ever known; he doesn’t know how to act around a butler? Tom had fought with him (not really) when the man insisted on finding and unfolding more beach chairs for them. Alfred has done enough. God, it was so much yelling. He deserves a raise and extra vacation days, and Tom had told Thomas as much. 
“Please, lunch is on us,” Thomas counters, and that is how the both of them begin a loop of arguing about who is buying lunch.
Arthur stares. He holds both of Orm’s hands while his brother dances on wobbly little legs. He hasn’t started walking yet, but Arthur knows it’s gonna be soon, and he knows he’s definitely not gonna miss it.
He blinks at the other boy, watching as his mother lathers him up with lots and lots, and lots of lotion.
“Do you want some,” the nice lady asks. “It’s sunscreen.” The staring must have tipped her off on his confusion.
His dad has never put sunscreen on him before. Lotion, yes, and it always smells like cupcakes or something cool like cucumbers, but never that much. It makes the other boy look like a ghost and he was already pretty pale.
“So you don’t burn from being under the sun too long.”
Oh. Oh, no. 
Arthur has never burned, but his little brother comes from another place. He looks at the bouncing baby, frowning at him. Orm might need sunscreen. He doesn’t want his brother to burn!
“Dad!” He shouts, and he catches the way the sunscreen-ed boy jumps at the sudden noise.
With everyone staring at him, Arthur feels shy. It’s not like when Gramma and his cousins stare; they watch because they know he’s up to some kind of nonsense. These are strangers, and he thinks they’re looking at him weird? They all look so surprised.
“Does Ormie need sunscreen?” He points at the boy and his mother.
Tom looks at Orm, then at Atlanna in the distance who dives beneath the water. He’s never seen her burn. If she has, she would have healed before he could notice. He ponders the risk, and figures that for a baby, there are some chances he doesn’t want to take. (Oh, and shit, he never put sunscreen on Arthur. Woops.)
“Sure, but not too much.”
Arthur nods and the nice lady helps him get settled with Orm on their beach towel. She squirts a tiny bit into Arthur’s palm, and he meticulously spreads it across Orm’s skin. Orm giggles, clapping his hands, and makes a grabby motion to be picked up.
“After,” Arthur promises. 
In the time he’s spent with his baby brother, there is one thing in the world Orm loves more than anything. Whenever Arthur holds him, Orm presses his ear against his chest, mooshing his cheek, and listens to the vibrations of his voice. He noticed  it when Orm would cry, and he would stop as soon as Arthur picked him up and started talking. When he would go quiet, Orm began to fuss again.
He tickles his little brother, and the boy screeches with happiness. 
“Seems like you’ve got everything under control,” the lady smiles at them. She leaves the bottle, just in case. “Be good, you can do this,” she encourages her son before joining the other adults.
The children sit together in awkward silence, waiting for someone to speak first.
“Hi,” says the boy.
“Hi,” Arthur answers.
Silence slips in between them again as Arthur rubs his brother’s arms. He’s very focused on the task, but he’s also very distracted in squishing Orm. Orm is very squishable.
“I’m Arthur,” he finally says because the silence was… weird. “This is Orm. He’s a baby.”
“I can see that.”
Well, this boy isn’t a good conversation-maker. Arthur knows that much.
“I’m Bruce,” he finally says.
Arthur whips his head around, bug-eyed and grinning at Bruce. “Did you say Bruce? Like Bruce the shark? ” He turns to Orm and picks him up, turning him to face their new friend. “Lookit, Ormie! Fish are friends! Not food!”
Bruce has no idea what’s happening, and he makes a face at the child being shoved into his face. Is he… supposed to take it? He figures he’ll be told if he has to do anything, but the baby is covered in lotion, sand and drool. He makes a motion with his hands, as if to rid himself of imaginary dirt.
“It’s Nemo!”
Orm mimics the cadence of ‘ne-mo’, gurgling happily. Nemo is a staple at the curry household. They even have a clownfish onesie for Orm and a very cool turtle shirt for Arthur.
Bruce gives Arthur a blank expression.
“Just keep swimming!” 
(And Orm flails his arms to show that he can swim, too.)
None of the quotes stir anything in Bruce, he hasn’t actually seen Finding Nemo. He does make a note to watch it when he gets home. The talk of swimming does pique his curiosity. The… incident shook him. He’d worried that his father would get hurt or something would happen to Alfred. Yelling is harmless, but it is also the precursor to violence, he thinks.
“Were you really going to let your brother drown?”
That’s what the woman had intervened for, wasn’t it?
“Huuuuuuuh? ” Arthur says, confused and loud (but that’s par for the course). He giggles and lets Orm use him as a support to stand up. Orm bends his knees and bounces again, dancing to a silent rhythm in hopes of finding balance. “That could never happen!”
“His face was under water.”
“Yeah, that’s ‘posed to happen.”
“For a long time.”
Bruce makes a frustrated sound. “You die if you can’t breathe.”
“Nuh, not us.”
“Not underwater.”
“We can!”
The Wayne boy glares at Arthur, slowly losing his nerve. “Why are you lying!”
“I’m not!”
The children argue between themselves and Orm tumbles against Arthur. He begins to cry. Apologies are exchanged between the parents, and though their first instincts are to intervene, they ultimately decide that it’s better for the boys to learn and work things out. Neither Bruce nor Arthur are used to new situations outside of their little bubbles; Bruce lives behind his family’s protection and Arthur only knows the abundance of his father’s family and community, nothing beyond it for his own safety.
“Okay, well, come and watch me swim, you knowitdall!”
Arthur hauls Orm into his arms, but Orm doesn’t want to be carried now. He wants to walk, so it’s a very slow, but determined toddle towards the water. Yeah, they’ll show Bruce. 
Orm takes one wobbly step at a time.
“Careful,” Bruce warns, brow furrowing as he walks alongside them, holding his hands out in case the baby falls. Orm misunderstands the extended hand and thinks it's an offer for more support. Innocent and determined, Orm wraps his little fingers around Bruce’s hand. 
Arthur thinks to tell Bruce that he knows how to take care of his brother, but Bruce is experiencing the wonder that is baby Orm. It’s pretty cool, becoming a chosen one to the cutest baby on land and in the sea. He grins, forgetting why they were arguing in the first place.
Bruce is gentle with Orm, making sure not to squeeze his hand too tightly. As soon as they walk into the water, he’s the only one that flinches at the cold. The other two seem unbothered. Orm’s hand slips from his, and he tries to hold on, but the baby disappears underwater. He panics, trying to hold onto him, but he’s nimble and moves like no human he’s ever seen. Orm disappears under the water, and a moment later, he pops up out of the water into his mother’s arms, further down the beach.
“I told you.” Arthur smirks at him, a little too satisfied at his victory.
“That’s—That’s not possible!”
“It is,” he motions at his brother and his mother.
Bruce stumbles backwards, landing in the water. His gray eyes are wide with surprise; mermaids aren’t real and yet. He looks at Arthur, stunning. “Can you do that too?”
“Yup,” he grins, popping the ‘p’.
“Whoa, that’s awesome.”
“Yeah!” But Bruce hasn’t seen anything yet. Arthur gives into the water, too, and shows Bruce all the tricks he knows. What better way to make friends than to put on a water show?
Bruce is content to sit in the shallows, watching with fascination. His introverted nature makes him a perfect audience for Arthur’s shenanigans, and now that their misunderstanding has been cleared, their personalities complement one another greatly.
They end up playing in the sand together, building castles. Orm eventually comes back, crawling out of the water to see what his brother(s) are doing.
“This is pretty,” Bruce holds out a small shell.
“Pudit-back,” Arthur frowns. When Bruce looks at him confused, he sighs and explains. “Someone lives there.”
Right on cue, a little hermit crab pops up to say hello.
“That’s Shelldon.”
“Right, sorry.” Bruce sets it down with another muttered apology. 
He’s mostly silent in their playing, happy to let Arthur make all the sound effects. Orm joins in too, copying Arthur. When he speaks, it’s after a lot of thought. He makes sure that it’s purposeful, a belief that his parents have ingrained in him as a child. It’s important to understand his impact on people, whether it’s individuals or entire demographics. It’s also a lot for a child to think about, but he’s not any child. He is a Wayne. 
“Do you want to be pen pals?”
“What’sa penpal?” Arthur asks, pushing his longish hair out of his face.
“We would write to each other, since we live far from each other. It’s how we stay friends.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll send you sand.”
“Alright,” Bruce smiles. He’s looking forward to Arthur’s letters, and he hasn’t even left yet.
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DC PRIDE (2023 )
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can't say this comic was something WOW .or anything, it was eh from my point of view. quite mad Catwoman was not in it AGAIN!!! neither was Extraño and his husband >:(
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leoruby-draws · 5 months
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Some art from my TrWh au, showcasing the friendly rivalry between Koryak and Jason (plus a bonus Tula!). Felt like posting more stuff today, despite posting something yesterday.
Just wanted to show the many ways Koryak and Jason might interact with eachother. Koryak is the fourth member to be added to the outlaw team, joining out of both loneliness and a want for some allies for his goal to become King of Atlantis. Koryak will often push to lead missions, more than other teammates but he sees it as a way to expand his leadership skills. But he's willing to take a backseat, so long as he's second or third command. I should probably do a post on how leadership is handled in my au outlaw team. Suffice to say, its loose and messy.
Koryak can find Jason very annoying no doubt, what with his needling and secretive ways, but enjoys the thrill of a good fight with and beside him. Despite him finding Jason kinda suspicious in some ways, he sometimes with confide in him as well. Gunning for the throne will require allies of course, and Koryak will probably want the kinda skills Jason will have. Plus Jason understands that to reach the top of the food chain might require some less than virtuous methods...
Look how handsome Koryak looks in the third pic, love drawing his hair!
Also the first pic was actually my second try, did not like the way I drew it or how scrunch up it all felt, just wanted to show it here to compare them both:
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Also! Bonus Tula! Looks like she brought Koryak over and stopped for some girl talk with Barbara. Looks like she might help out the Birds of Prey with underwater trouble.
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Anyways hope you find this fun, later!
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delsin-r0we · 1 year
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Flashpoint + Covers [Issues #1 - #5 + Variants]
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milkydraws8 · 1 year
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its time we selebrate the milves and dilfen of this world of ours
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 years
December 26, 2022
Happy 62 Birthday to Temuera Morrison. 
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ftl-faster-than-life · 11 months
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Artist: Dan Mora
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heavenboy09 · 9 months
5 Years Ago Today, On December 21st,  2018
Warner Bros Pictures & DC COMICS'S PRESENTS
His birth into the Role of a Young Half Breed Boy born from 2 different worlds. The Land and The Sea 🌊
But Our Hero's story starts after the Tale Of How His Ancestral Line Began...
Deep Within The Hidden Depths Of The Oceans Of Earth 🌎 Lies a Secret Kingdom that once ruled the 🌎 World...
A Kingdom that was technologically Advanced and ahead of everything, while the rest of the World was far behind and still figuring out how the Earth 🌎 was.
A Kingdom that was the One of Many Wonders of The World. Until one day.
A Great Flood engulfed the Entire Contient and its Kingdom to the bottom of the Seas 🌊 and was never seen again.
In History, This Ancient Mythological Kingdom did exist in Real Life. In Stories, Tales and Legends Of Old.
This Contient That Once Ruled The World 🌎 This Great Empire, This Astounding Kingdom was once know as
NOW.  Centuries Have Passed and Our Hero's story begins and ends with a This Half Breed.
His Mother is the Queen Of Atlantis
His Father is the Lighthouse Keeper Of The Surface.
Somehow, Someway.  Destiny brought them together. 
And In Their Moment Of Love for 1 Another.
A Son Of Both Worlds Was Destined For Greatness.
But His Family was torn apart by the Traditions of Atlantean Rule.
No Union between Atlanteans and Humans can be accepted. 
And so the Mother of this Young Boy had to leave to return to her Kingdom beneath the Sea.
Years have gone and Now The Boy has become a Man and His Destiny is about to be fulfilled.  
The Decades Have Changed and His Birthright of Being The King of Seven Seas  has begun. 
Under his rule. Atlantis will change how the way they think about the Surface World and the Surface Dwellers.
His Adventures...
His Heroics...
His Powers...
His People...
His Loved Ones...
His Story Is Forever more.  A Legend in the Making.
With The Power Of 1,000 Men, His Strength Comes From The Depths Of Seas 🌊, While he is a Harden Warrior on Land. His True Might comes from the Water 💧 and He is a more Formidable Opponent like no other when Underwater 🌊
The Speed Of Sound or Flight is Not a Issue, when The Speed Of Swimming Comes In Handy. Under the Oceans Of The Earth 🌎  He is as Fast as the Great White Shark 🦈 but even faster.
With The Ability Of Commanding All Of The Earth's Creatures Of The Seas 🌊. He has a Army of Underwater Animals who can be summoned at his Command with the power of Aquatic Telepathy 🐳🐋🐬🦭🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙
His Weapon Of Royalty is A Sacred Instrument of The Forgotten Age Of Atlantis's Early Days. The Trident 🔱,  Wielded and Forged for the 1st King Of Atlantis.   King Atlan. The Original Ruler 👑
Now His time has come to Show the World 🌎 Atlantis has a Hero for the People of the Land and The Seas.
AQUAMAN 🧜‍♂️  #Aquaman #ArthurCurry #Mera #OceanMaster #BlackManta #ThomasCurry #QueenAtlanna #Atlantis  #DCComics
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multi-muse-transect · 2 months
My Adventures With Superman Crime Syndicate Fancast
Travis Willingham or Jack Quaid as Ultraman
Alice Lee as Superwoman (since they're both Lois)
Derek Phillips, Elias Toufexis, or Daniel Porreta as Owl Man
David Tennant as Johnny Quick
Eric Andre as Mr. Horrific (Mr. Terrific's counterpart)
Nathan Fillion as Power Ring
Alex Cazares or Kiana Madeira as Ultragirl
Khary Payton as Grid
Alan Ritchson as Sea King
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fangirllena · 1 month
my summer Paris Olympics favs
the summer Olympics is coming to a close. and it's been a very eventful Olympics. ahh, like..it was too much going on.
it's a lot of sports happening at the same time, and a lot to keep up with.
some of my favs are the swimming, gymnastics, track & field, basketball, rowing, cycling, volleyball.
Let's talk about Katie Ledecky!!! The most decorated woman in U.S. Olympic history! WOWWWW She won 4 medals in Paris - for a total of 14. I think she broke the record for the 1500-meter freestyle. Go Katie! She's just incredible to watch.
Simone Biles - the most decorated gymnast of all time! Incredible!!! 11 Olympic medals - 7 gold medals. She won 3 gold medals in Paris and a silver. So happy for Simone. Especially after the Tokyo Olympics where she dropped out because of "the twisties". I was on pins and needles watching her on the vault. She did it and won gold! what a comeback journey for her.
Suni Lee! We have to talk about Suni. What a story. I know her family is in tears. She overcame kidney disease to compete again. She's a fighter. Suni won gold for the team event. Bronze for the all-around event, and bronze for the uneven bars. She is so good at uneven bars. I think she'll win gold next Olympics. She's just incredible to watch. Everyone was so glad to see her compete and win 3 medals. After all she's been through. What a journey.
Noah Lyles and Sha'Carri Richardson both took home a gold medal. But- it wasn't what I had in mind. Noah won the gold by five THOUSANDTHS of a second in the 100m race. What an insane finish. he was a able to get a lean in over the line. holy moly. are you kidding me- this was a wild finish. Probably one of the most talked about events in the Paris Olympics. He raced in the 200m(which is his best race) and won Bronze----with covid. yes, covid! smh he had to be carried off the track after the race. Are you kidding me?
Sha'Carri did not win the gold in the 100m. I could not believe it! ughhh but she got the silver medal. But her run in the 4x100 relay was one to remember. She took the last leg and ran past everyone to bring the gold home. She did it!!! Won gold in the 4x100 relay. This is just the beginning for Sha'Carri. She's going to be back the next Olympics for the gold in the 100 meters.
BUT Gabby Thomas did it for me. 3 GOLD Medals in Paris. WOW, I'm so happy for her. I'm a big fan of her. So proud of what she did in Paris. 200-meter, 4x100 relay, 4x400 relay. yayyyy
History was made in the men's rowing. I was screaming, goooooo, come on y'all got this. really take some strength to row through all that water. i'm still amazed at that. Gold medal - for the U.S. men four rowing team. first U.S. men's four rowing team to win Olympic gold since 1960. way to go. This was one of the first events I watched. woohoo. they really set the tone for #teamUSA
OK- before this gets too long and no one will read all this, LOL, lets talk about team USA in Basketball.
It was USA vs France for the finals in both men and women teams. And it was soooo close in the women's game. The final score: 67-66. A'ja Wilson was the Olympic MVP. Whew- this was a close one. omg too close. they had us all partly covering our eyes. hahaha. France was not playing around, Gabby Williams was phenomenal. 19 points as she carried France all the way till the last buzzer. But team USA got it done.
Diana Taurasi earned her 6th gold medal - the only Olympic basketball player with 6 gold medals. another incredible stat. Could you imagine winning the most golds as an Olympic basketball player? It's a team sport, with the best of the best. This is pretty special.
A'ja Wilson had a double double with 21 PTS, 13 REB, 4 BLK She also won the MVP award. This doesn't surprise me. A'ja is an amazing player! I knew she wouldn't disappoint. I'm not sure if she ever has any bad games. LOL
Team USA men basketball team. They defeated France 98-87 GOLD - they beat France. Steph Curry - that's it!
LeBron James won the MVP award. LeBron was amazing the entire Olympics. I just can't believe the numbers LeBron is still putting up in his career. Just wow. So is LeBron really the goat? Over Jordan? smh---this is a debate for another time. ahhh
But Step Curry's "night night" is one to remember. The dagger. He is just incredible. The basket he made over Wemby is insane. Do y'all know how tall Wemby is??? Sheeshhh
Steph is just on another level. He is. He is one of the greatest PG's in the league - in the world. Maybe the greatest PG. whew. Y'all think GSW will win another championship without Klay Thompson?
Final notes: Congrats to team USA women's volleyball- they won silver vs Italy. the men won bronze.
Congrats to Kristen Faulkner for winning gold in the women's road race. This was after her making the team as a REPLACEMENT. Woahhh. This makes the win all the better. She is the first American cyclist in 40 years to win a medal in the event. woohoo - go Krsiten! This is so cool.
This Olympics is one for the books! So many other amazing stories to be told. Records being broke, the unfavored winning. Ahhh- love it all. Feel like it's going to be so boring on the internet now that the Olympics is coming to a close.
Let me know what you think about this Olympics. Did you watch? What were your favorite moments?
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Based on Noah Kahan's album Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever), what follows is a series of 20 stories about the many lives we have all lived. Each story features different characters and my own interpretation of Noah's lyrics as well as my own relations to the songs as someone who spent 19 years of their life in New England.
Please enjoy!
‧₊˚Northern Attitude‧₊˚ - Aaron Hotchner
‧₊˚Stick Season‧₊˚ - Logan Howlett
‧₊˚All My Love‧₊˚ - Eddie Brock
‧₊˚She Calls Me Back‧₊˚ - Anakin Skywalker
‧₊˚Come Over‧₊˚ - Marc Spector
‧₊˚New Perspective‧₊˚ - Syverson
‧₊˚Everywhere, Everything‧₊˚ -
‧₊˚Orange Juice‧₊˚ - Sam Winchester
‧₊˚Strawberry Wine‧₊˚ - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
‧₊˚Growing Sideways‧₊˚ - Will Graham
‧₊˚Halloween‧₊˚ - Thomas Shelby
‧₊˚Homesick‧₊˚ - Arthur Curry
‧₊˚Still‧₊˚ - Bucky Barnes
‧₊˚Your Needs, My Needs‧₊˚ - Matt Murdock
‧₊˚Dial Drunk‧₊˚ -
‧₊˚Paul Revere‧₊˚ - Bruce Wayne
‧₊˚No Complaints‧₊˚ - Jason Todd
‧₊˚Call Your Mom‧₊˚ - Clark Kent
‧₊˚You're Gonna Go Far‧₊˚ - Batfamily
‧₊˚The View Between Villages‧₊˚ - Dean Winchester
‧₊˚Forever‧₊˚ - The Ghoul
Note: there's no specific order in which these will be released, dm me or drop a comment if you want to be tagged!
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