#Thor Halloween Cape Cosplay Costume
cosplayclans · 2 years
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Thor 4 Love and Thunder Thor Halloween Cape Cosplay Costume
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Top 5 fave Mar'i headcanons
Oooh these sounds fun @spider-jaysart
1) She’s the resident loudest snorer of the entire Grayson family, past or present. Only one closest to her volume might be John back then. And yet doors her loud snores, Dick, Kory and Jake are able to sleep through it no problem
2) She is an expert at sneaking in whenever her parents or Jake are sound asleep in the morning and doodling on them with a marker tip. Despite how legendarily ticklish all of them can be
3) Like her Mother, Mar’i drinks mustard right out of the bottle; although she actually has a favorite flavor to it: Dijon. The taste wins her over a lot of the time
4) Mar’i’s favorite Marvel heroes include but aren’t limited to the Jane Foster Thor, Storm, Kamala Khan and Spinneret aka Mary Jane Watson with Spider powers. Her favorite cosplay in all her Halloweens has been of Thor and if she can make a bigger version of that costume, she’d go as that one again
5) Mar’i once woke up in the middle of a weekend night and noticed that Jake was still on patrol in the snowy cityscape of Bludhaven. She went out floating around to find him which didn’t take her too long, noticing a small bundle covered with a bright yellow cape as he uses his body heat to keep warm depute how tried he was. Thus Mar’i gave Jake a piggyback ride back to their hole, helped take off his mask, gloves, belt and boots before tucking him in his bed. She stayed by his bedside the whole night even falling asleep with her head on Jake’s resting heartbeat, not willing to leave her Baby Brother’s side
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For Halloween, Marc decides to go into school as Count Marcula, a spooky yet romantic vampiric writer. His costume is really detailed, slicked back hair, cape, suit, gloves, super realistic fake fangs, red eye contacts, fake nails, fake ears, you name it.
He speaks throughout the day in a Transylvanian accent (I vant to suck your blood, that kinda voice), brings an umbrella to school, and comes out of an actual coffin.
Count Marcula: Good evening. (Fake blood dripping down his cheek.) Nathaniel: *Nose bleeds from the hotness.*
I'd love some scenes of him scaring the shit out of Chloe and Lila, flirting with Nathaniel, and being a hammy vampire in front of the Science Kids and Akuma Class.
Jean: *Dressed as the Phantom of the Opera* Daaaamn.
Nathaniel: *Dressed as Eraserhead*… He. Is. HOT! THAT’S MINE! HE’S MINE! *Shoves Ivan and Kim out of the way and runs into Marc’s arms* I SAW HIM FIRST! YA’LL BETTER BACK OFF!
Ivan: *Dressed as Jack Skellington* … Did he just-
Kim: *Dressed as Thor* I think he did.
Alix: *Dressed as Miss Joke* Never underestimate the power of a short bisexual.
Louis: *Dressed as Bob Ross* Maybe he can suck some actual talent out of someone and put it in you!
Nathaniel: *Sitting in Marc’s lap* SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, LOUIS!
Louis: … Ouch.
Lila: *Dressed as Queen Elizabeth 1; walks in on Marc who appears to be biting Nath’s neck in the locker room* AAAAAHHHH!! *Runs away screaming*
Marc: Vat is her problem?
Nathaniel: Don’t know, don’t care; just keep licking the frosting off my neck. Who the hell even started that food fight?
Austin A: *Dressed as Heather C* GUYS! MARC’S A VAMPIRE!
Austin B: *Dressed as Bill Cipher* Yeah, it’s a great costume, right?
Austin A: NO! Listen to me! I walked into the bathroom, and there he was at the sink, and he didn’t have a reflection in the mirror*
Austin T: *Dressed as Christine Daaé* … Armsy, have you been eating too much candy?
Austin A: You’re not listening to me! *Austin Q slaps him across the face* Did you just slap me?
Austin Q: *Dressed as Kim Possible* I was calming you down!
Austin A: How was that supposed to calm me down?! There is a vampire in this fucking school and he’s gonna suck my blood!
Austin T: Why would he suck your blood?
Austin A: ‘Cause, look at me.
Kim: Guys, it’s time to face facts… We have to kill Marc.
Akuma Class sans Nath: …
Marinette: *Dressed as Zatanna* WHAT?! Dude! We’re not killing Marc!
Kim: Why not? He’s a vampire.
Max: *Dressed as Electra from Starlight Express* Kim, for the last time, Marc is not a vampire. It’s just a very realistic costume.
Nino: *Dressed as Bruno* He did bite into that apple without his fangs coming off.
Myléne: *Dressed as Sally* Oh, and his skin started getting all smokey when he was outside in the sun.
Juleka: *Dressed as Jason* And he bit Nath’s neck.
Adrien: *Dressed as Harry Potter* Nath is looking kinda paler than before.
Marinette: Guys, Marc is not a vampire, okay? And if he is, then may I be struck by- *Thunder crashes outside* … May a bat fly through that door in the next three seconds.
Marinette: See? He’s not-
*A bat flies in through the window*
Kim: *Jumps into Max’s arms* KILL IT! KILL IT NOW!
*The students all hide under their desks for a few seconds, and and Marinette pokes her head out, she finds Marc sitting atop the teacher’s desk*
Marinette: … Marc… Did you see a bat just now?
Marc: Can’t say that I have.
*Thunder and lightning crash outside, cutting the lights off, and when they come back on, Marc’s nowhere in sight*
Marinette: … Okay, I’m sold.
Alix: I still think this is bull.
Denise: *Dressed as Luisa* Guys, he’s not a vampire.
Alix: Told you.
Nino: Then kindly explain why he has no reflection!
Cosette: Dressed as Static Shock; about to answer, but pauses* … Maybe… He’s so pale that… The light-
Alya: *Dressed in a Clovers cheer uniform* Mhm. Mhm. The light. Go on.
Cosette: … I don’t know, man! He cosplays! He’s got the mechanics of it all down! He could cosplay as Hagakure!
Reshma: *Dressed as Sailor Moon* He somehow made the blood smell like copper.
Ivan: Did you hear yourself just now?
Simon: *Dressed as a Ghostbuster* If Marc’s a vampire, then… I’m the Queen of England.
*Just then, Marc walks by with Nathaniel unconscious in his arms*
Lacey: *Dressed as Tinker Bell* Marc… Whatcha doin’?
Marc: Nath fell asleep. I’m just taking him… Somevhere. *Leaves*
Marinette: So, Simon, would you like your crown to be silver or gold?
Chloé: *Dressed as Elle Woods; going into the basement* How dare she make me grab another stupid textbook from down here?! Ugh! Now where are they- *Sees a coffin in the middle of the room* … H-how long has this been here?
*Going against every instinct, Chloé opens the coffin and screams when she finds Nathaniel in it*
Marc: You shouldn’t have come down here, Miss Bourgeois.
Chloé: … AAAAAHHH!! *Runs upstairs* VAMPIRES ARE REAL!
Nathaniel: *Groggily wakes up* Hey, is everything alright?
Marc: Yes, go back to sleep, Nath.
Nathaniel: Alright. *Shuts the coffin door*
Aurore: *Dressed as Eclipsa* …
Marc: …
Aurore/Marc: … *Nod to each other, open their parasols, and go their respective ways*
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Alright I gotta tell you guys how hilarious Spider-Man 2099 is!
Okay, so to set it up, Miguel O’Hara is part Irish, part Latino. Very progressive for 1992, but it’s set in the cyberpunk dystopia future, so take it as you will.  He’s the head of the genetics division of the Umbrella/Weyland Yutani megacorp company, Alchemax, but he lives alone with a hologram waifu, just like in Blade Runner 2045. 
He’s a big fan on the original spider-man, and when the big wigs ask him to make a super soldier gene sequence, he writes up some DNA code to give a human spider powers, but then he realizes that the megacorp is evil as hell, and quits his job.
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Then his boss is like “Haha no you don’t” and puts some super scifi heroine in his drink at the company christmas party. it instantly makes him physically dependant. the drug binds itself to his very DNA, making it so if he doesn’t regularly take the drug, he’ll die. The evil buisiness man tells him that he can either continue to work for him, or he can kiss his ass goodbye.
Miguel says fuck that, and writes up a program to remove the drug from his DNA. but when he goes into the DNA pod, a jealous coworker shows up and hits randomize on the DNA machine to try and kill him. just because.
Miguel gets the spider DNA he was experimenting on. He’s no longer addicted to super heroine, but now he’s got fangs, monster eyes, and spider claws on his fingers. The jealous coworker tries to kill him with a gun when he realizes that Miguel survived, but shoots a compressed air tank instead, and the whole lab explodes. Miguel tries to save the guy who tried to kill him, but his new super strength and talons break the guy’s hand right off.
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Miguel runs from the cops, and sees a guy dressed as thor, riding a hang glider and shouting through a megaphone that Ragnarok is coming. He’s like a Thor worshipper, but in a creepy cult way.Miguel hitches a ride on the flying thor cosplayer to get away from the cops, then crashes in his bed at home.
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Meanwhile, big bad buisinessman wants to know who blew up his gene lab, so he sends a fuckin cyborg bounty hunter to track the guy down. Like this guy looks like he’s cosplaying Cad Bane, Cowboy hat and all. 
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Miguel wakes up when his brother comes over to ask if he’s still addicted to space crack, then sees the cade bane cosplayer walking down the street from his window. His spider sense lets him know that this guy is the real deal, so he tells his brother to get lost and searches his closet for a disguise. He figures that Cade Bane has his scent, but he doesn’t know his name or face, so he finds an actual halloween costume in his closet.
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The costume is made to look like across between spider-man and a Day of the Dead skeleton man, and it’s made from Unstable Molecules, because the party he wore it was a real banger. For those who don’t know, Unstable Molecules are what the Fantastic Four wear. it’s what lets Reed Richards stretch out his arms, or Johnny Blaze not need to go find new pants every time he Flames On.
so he literally had a halloween spider-man costume made of super space kevlar just laying around, and it’s the sickest spider-man costume ever drawn. 
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  Miguel then dives out the window. His own window. Even though he doesn’t want the bounty hunter to know where the new Spider-Man lives. Then he falls at least a hundred feet, hoping that the spider-web cape on his back will work as a parachute. It doesn’t, but he sticks out his foot and the bounty hunter’s face break’s his fall. 
So after Miguel kicks this guys ass, he goes ahead and becomes a superhero, because the Dystopia Nueva York is full of freaky gangs and corrupt cops. It was set in the future, so comic writers could get away with showing how nasty the NYPD really could be. He’s also set out to take revenge against the guy who tried to kill him with super crack, which is just what you do in a cyberpunk dystopia.
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jajackets · 3 years
Costumes To Relive Your Childhood In This Halloween
Either Halloween is just around the block, or you are going to a costume party. You probably are looking for some of the superhero costumes. Being a comic nerd has its own perks, as we all have witnessed so many characters. Read about and have seen different versions of the costumes. Probably you already have that one suit you absolutely love.
Well, mine is a Black Panther jacket. But there are people who are new to the super-soldier serum, arc reactor, or figuring out who is worthy to lift the Mjolnir. The surge of superheroes and comic books has been very absurd. Absurd because they do not have that sort of character building as we all do through comics, and they are judging some characters on the basis of their actions.
Let's take Loki for instinct, pre-Ragnarok; Loki MCU just started showcasing the good side of the Mischief God. He even tried to save his brother Loki but was forced by Thanos by threatening Thor's life. He gave away Tecaract to save his brother. Now come on, MCU, you didn't have to kill him. Now, if you are watching the Loki series — I really don't want to give any spoilers, so to understand what I'm talking about, just go and watch it. So if you are looking forward to getting into the costume of the superheroes or villains from the comic books, here are some of the looks that you can wear! Look great without having any trouble. We are going to talk about both the universes, Marvel and DC comics, to make these suggestions work for both of their fans.
Which superheroes would be a better one than the first-ever comic character? Do you know that in 2019 the first-ever comic book of Superman, Action Comics issue #1, was sold for 3.2 million dollars? You might say everyone wears the red cape when it comes to wearing costumes.
After the character release, it is true that this costume has been a dominant one at every convention related to the costume. Many cosplayers are known for replicating EVERY look of Superman ever since his first appearance. So if you like the character, then the symbol of hope isn't going to be the reason for bad choice compliments.
To have the facsimile looks from the DC universe. Then what about the leader of the Justice League? Who's that sound? The only character in the DC universe who kicked Superman's Ass even without any superpowers. Detective Comics issue # 27, the comic book where we saw the creator and the leader of JL (Justice League) and the most ever famous superhero of no powers, Batman.
He may have taken the longest of time to really develop the fan base. But not the slowest to establish a loyal fan base. The pointy ears, utility belt, the only bulletproof spandex in the DC Universe upon which everyone was crazy. Whether it's the comic con or a cosplay convention, you are definitely going to see this black and all TechEd up suit by hundreds of cosplayers wearing it.
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iamnemuru · 5 years
Stranger Danger - Loki Laufeyson
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by a miracle, loki survives thanos' attempt to murder him and you find him trying to break in your house
pairing: loki laufeyson x reader
words: 1.86k
note: this took way too long, i’m sorry! i’ve been busy with a lot of stuff.
The lack of noise in the once busy streets was almost deafening.
You knew this was going to be the norm for the next couple of years until all of humanity, or at least your neighbourhood, got back on its feet. It was very depressing to admit, but you doubted everything would be the same again. Not with half of the population reduced to nothing but dust.
Despite the grave thoughts that kept visiting your mind constantly for the past few days, you’ve tried to live your life as normally as you can; knowing that mucking around in the confines of your room would do you no good.
So here you were, walking home from the supermarket in a street that’s far too quiet than usual.
You turned a corner towards your street, hoping to spot a neighbour out of their home today. The amount of interaction you’ve had with your neighbours ever since everyone disappeared was starting to become worrisome. In fact, the number of times you’ve seen any of them in the past few days was a whopping zero.
You were starting to believe that you’re the only one who’s survived in your area.
You were busy pondering the whereabouts of everyone you were acquainted with when you heard a faint noise; which sounded awfully a lot like someone’s voice. You directed your attention towards it and quickly spotted a tall figure a few ways ahead.
You halted in your tracks and squinted your eyes to get a better view. Pale skin, long dark hair and wait – is that a costume?
As far as you knew, not a single cosplayer lived in the vicinity. Though to be fair, you didn’t trust any of the information stored in your brain anymore. Not with beings like superheroes and an army of aliens popping out of the blue every now and then.
As you got nearer, the more it dawned on you that this man definitely did not live in your neighbourhood. Not only because his face was unfamiliar, but it was also because he looked very out of place in his leathery dark green suit and flowy cape.
“– just open!” Was all you managed to catch from the strange man’s session of frustrated shouts.
“Oh no,” You muttered to yourself when you realized he wasn’t standing on just about anyone’s front porch. He was on your front porch – trying to open your front door.
You let out a small groan and picked up your pace, fully knowing you couldn’t ignore him even if you wanted to. It was either that or letting a trespasser enter your private property.
You took it as your cue to speak when you were well within his earshot. “Uh, sir? Excuse me, what –”
You came into another abrupt halt when you felt the rest of your words lodge themselves in the back of your throat. Your eyes traced the side of his head with your mouth slightly hung agape.
His hair was caked in dried and somewhat fresh blood, which had dripped down to stain the skin on his face. You would’ve been impressed if it was Halloween – but it wasn’t, and the blood looked very, very real.
In hindsight, you probably had bigger matters to worry about than being robbed. A great example would be getting murdered, but it’s a little bit too late for that now you realized.
You contemplated running away as fast as you could when he didn’t budge from his place. One of his hands was resting on the doorknob and his gaze remained glued to the door. Your breath got caught in your throat when he glanced your way slowly, peering at you from the corner of his eyes.
A moment of silence passed. The blank stare you directed towards each other would’ve been comical if he didn’t look like he had just risen from a grave.
“Er –” You began to say, pausing when he turned to face you fully.
He crossed his arms in front of him, head slightly tilted to the side. “What business do you have with me, Midgardian?”
Mid – what?
You chose to ignore it, deciding it was probably part of whatever character he was trying to portray – if he really was doing a cosplay. They hadn’t added new members of the Avengers, had they? Man, it was probably high time you updated yourself in these things.
Your somewhat perplexed expression morphed into an anxious one. “You’re… On my property.”
The man seemed to perk up a little upon hearing your words. “Ah – splendid,” He commented, a ghost of a smile appearing briefly on his lips. “I would be eternally grateful if you could open the door for me.”
You blinked at him, looking utterly bewildered. “Am I supposed to know you?” You inquired, unsure if you were being dragged into an elaborate prank or was genuinely being asked to open the door for a stranger.
He looked taken aback, either by your cluelessness or courage to ask questions, you didn’t know which one. “I’m Loki, prince of Asgard.” He rose one hopeful brow. “God of Mischief?” He was staring at you as though you should have recognized him by now; though it became rather apparent after a while that you still had no inkling who he was.
Loki, if he wasn’t lying about his name, inhaled deeply, an expression of mixed exasperation and disappointment evident on his features. “I’m Thor’s brother.”
You arched an eyebrow at how pained he sounded to admit that. “Thor from the Avengers has a brother?”
“I’m adopted.”
“Oh,” You remarked awkwardly and shifted your gaze elsewhere, thinking of how to say your next set of words carefully. “Adopted or not… Shouldn’t you have powers? Why couldn’t you just uh, magic yourself inside?”
Loki looked at you indignantly. He opened his mouth to retort back but no words came out. You were no genius when it came to guessing but you were pretty sure he didn’t want to admit that he wasn’t capable of doing so.
He heaved a deep sigh, sensing that he wouldn’t be able to convince you any time soon. Loki brought up a hand towards you, a dagger clutched in his palm. “I didn’t want to have to resort to this.”
You quickly stumbled backwards with widened eyes, finally convinced that he was neither cosplaying nor pranking you. Loki observed the frightened look plastered on your features and for a split second, he felt a sudden surge of reluctance go through him.
He glanced back and forth between you and his hand before letting out a groan of annoyance, bringing his weapon down. A couple of years ago he wouldn’t have hesitated to take all life on Earth but now, he couldn’t even kill one mere mortal. How touching.
“Listen,” Loki pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand, another sigh slipping through his lips. “I’m horribly injured and my ability to self-heal isn’t working as well as it should, or any of my abilities for the matter. I simply need a place to stay for the meantime.”
You stared at him for a second, the hammering in your chest still present. “How can I be sure that you won’t hurt me?”
Loki returned your gaze. “You’ll just have to trust me.”
Wow, truly convincing words.
You suspiciously eyed the hand that was holding the blade. “You won’t try to murder me, will you?”
He followed your line of sight. “Oh. No. I - I wouldn’t, I don’t think my brother would be thrilled if I did.” A flash of green light engulfed his hand, taking the dagger with it as it went away.
Oh, so he really is a god.
You stood there for a moment, weighing your options. It did seem like he was telling the truth – green light tricks and everything.
You sighed.
Loki stepped aside as you walked towards the door, a paper bag clutched on one arm and the other busy fishing keys out of your pockets. You pushed the door open and walked inside, Loki tailing closely after you.
A small thump echoed within the space of your living room as you dropped the bag on the coffee table. Without waiting for your permission, Loki plopped himself down on the soft cushions of your sofa, looking weary as can be.
You turned to face him after the last bit of uneasiness has fled your body. It was rather rare that a Norse god would pull out a dagger and threaten to stab you.
“Since I’m staying here,” Loki brought his tired gaze towards you, all emotion absent from his face. “Would you like to know how I arrived on Earth?”
Stunned that he was willing to share it with you, all you did was give a tiny nod.
Loki was brief in his storytelling, obviously having no energy to share every little detail. He had apparently been floating in space, pacing in and out of consciousness after Thanos’ attack. Until he woke up fully, finding himself lying face down in the middle of nowhere; just a kilometre away from where you lived.
Silence soon followed after Loki finished speaking. Loki’s expression was downcast like he had lost everything that was important to him – which wasn’t that far from the truth.
You cleared your throat obnoxiously in a desperate attempt to snap him out of his depressive state. “You probably want to take a shower, right?”
You flashed him a weak smile and gestured for him to follow you. As you opened the bathroom door, you remembered something important.
You held out your hand towards him. “I’m (Y/n), just a human.”
The next hour went by in a flash, you managed to force Loki into your oversized clothes and you got all of his wounds bandaged and cleaned up. Though he had been trying to tell you that the bandages were unnecessary and the cuts would heal themselves in no time. God or not, you didn’t want him to have an infection.
Now, the two of you were in your kitchen. Him, perched casually on one of the chairs around the dining table and you, cooking food.
After seeing the mournful look on Loki’s face earlier; you had officially made it your duty to take care of him until he got back into shape. It was almost pitiful how quickly you had gotten attached. Even the memory of you trying to shoo him off your property seemed a bit strange and distant now.
But you had to remind yourself not to get used to his presence, knowing he wasn’t going to stay for long.
And speaking of which –
“Hey, Loki. How long do you think you’ll be staying?” You asked, twisting the cap off the salt shaker.
No response.
You twisted around, confused as to why Loki had suddenly gone quiet only to find him taking a nap on his seat. He was using his arms as a cushion for his head, his still slightly damp hair sprawled all over the kitchen table. His eyebrows were drawn upwards in a peaceful expression.
You smiled at him fondly, feeling your troubled thoughts disperse for the first time in a couple of days. You turned back to the stove after deciding to not disturb his much deserved and needed rest.
You could always ask him when he wakes up.
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anthonyed · 5 years
Day 7: Cosplaying (crack-ish)
Tony likes to say it’s Clint’s fault even if technically it was Bucky who asked what ‘Cosplay’ was and proceeded to look with wide eyed interest at the images Tony pulled out from online.
Thus, it’s Clint’s fault.
It’s Clint’s fault that Steve asks Tony about cosplaying later that night and it’s Clint’s fault that Steve comes back from his run the next morning and suggests they have a Cosplay themed party for his approaching Birthday this weekend.
Tony spits his coffee out. Steve looks offended so Tony chews and minces his word before he decides that nothing he says in that moment is ever going to save him so he shuts his mouth and glares at Clint’s shaking shoulder behind the couch.
Later, he corners Steve in the bedroom and asks in privacy, “Are you sure about the – um – cosplaying? I’m not judging, just to be clear. I’ve done worse.” He holds up his hands, erect.
Steve wipes his wet hair and sighs, “I’ve never seen him so interested.”
And that’s when it clicks for Tony. Of course this is about Bucky and if this is about Bucky, then this is surely about that one single fucking -, “Bastard Barton.”
Because Bucky and Clint have been hanging out like some weird interconnected limbs lately and by the way Clint bursts out laughing every time he sees Steve is suspicious enough. So Tony does the one thing he’d be refraining himself from doing. He switches the coffee in the communal kitchen with decaffeinated beans; it’s only Clint who drinks it religiously from there so that’s fine. Although sometimes Steve does a cup or two and Tony feels bad about it, it was the only reason why he never switched before but things have come to head and Tony has snapped.
That still doesn’t stop the Cosplay themed Captain America’s Birthday Party from happening. Thank god it’s only family and friends because Tony couldn’t live with himself if public saw him in his Batman costume and a fucking cape at forty three. Steve looks delicious in a Superman outfit and they go hand in hand to where the party takes place; the communal floor.
Besides the team, Pepper, Rhodey, Fury and Maria’s invited. Fury looks bored in his usual black, floor sweeping coat and when Tony confronts him about the party rule, he rolls his eyes, pulled out a shoulder length wig from somewhere under the coat and declares himself, “ - the black Severus Snape.”
Fair enough.
Maria’s Wonder Woman and Natasha’s Harley Quinn. Pepper is stunning in her Cat Woman costume. Tony checks them all out surreptitiously. At least he thought he’s subtle until Steve clears his throat pointedly. Tony leers and leans in to kiss him, but Steve nudges his side and tilts his head to the right.
Black cloak sweeping the kitchen floor, carrying a long stick with a duck taped curved blade at its end, Bucky Barnes struts around hauntingly with a short white sheeted – poorly cosplayed – ghost in his arm.
“Jesus Christ.” Tony cusses under his breath. “Tell me that’s not Barton.”
But it is. It can only be Clint because Bruce is in an embarrassing neon green tights with Rhodey and Thor on the couch. And every time that black cloak flicks, there’s that metal glinting under the dimmed lights which means the Grim Reaper is Bucky and that ill-fitted ghost – that - that is Clint! – Tony swears to god –
“Cute.” Steve chuckles next to him.
Tony reels back in and stares at him. “You’re kidding me.” He hisses. But Steve rolls his eyes fondly and kisses Tony on the cheek. “They are cute.” He says again, muffling Tony’s snipe with a kiss to his mouth.
Tony glares at the white sheeted Clint, narrowed eyes following the couple as they strut their way out of the kitchen to the couch where the rest of the guests are; Bruce whipping out a HULK fist – ah, he’s hulk – and Rhodey’s in his full bodied armour and wig playing Aragorn – typical. Thor is, well, Thor. “I am a Norse God, my friends,” he cheers with his Thor-sized beer glass and Tony heaves a heavy sigh because this is looking more like a college Halloween party more and more.
But the look on Steve’s face is pure glee and it’s his birthday today. Tony cannot deny him anything to begin with and this stupid thing is clearly making him so happy. So he ignores the deep seated shame he feels for playing dress up at this age and leans closer to him, kissing his cheek. They are all old – Fury is ancient even – and they are all playing dress-up with him for Steve. Somehow, that makes the shame fell thousand times better.
His gaze flits back to where Bucky Barnes and Clint are seated close in an odd blur of black and white in one corner of the couch and he has to admit, they do look adorable.
Doesn’t mean he’s switching out the decaffeinated beans though.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Omg, lol, yes, go to bed!!!
I mean, I have tried a fair few of our treats just so that I can mess with people when they ask for recommendations.  There was one treat that we used to sell by the pound that a lady actually asked us to stop carrying because her husband would buy and eat them.  Like, she would find stashes in his sock drawer.  One that we carried from a local company for a while was actually meant to be eaten by both the owner and the pet.  As I recall, they too were a bit dry and bland, but not bad overall.
And yes, that does help clear things up a bit without giving anything away, and shift the anxiety more towards curiousity.  About multiple people now, it seems.  And I love the new preview, which I presume is part of a fleshing out of Chris’s flashback about the incident with the basketball players?  Can’t wait to see how that goes.  (The angst.  The potential for comfort.  Mmmm.)
Those are excellent choices, and also some of my faves.  Ragnarok was a fucking masterpiece (will Loki’s face when Odin says “I’m proud of you my sons” ever stop catching me like a knife to the chest?  Pretty sure the answer is no.)  I love when Thor gets a chance to prove he’s actually intelligent, and I need a Valkyrie movie asap.  (And omg, some of those visuals…)  And I really need to see Black Panther again soon.  Pretty sure Shuri is my fave Disney Princess after Leia.  (For some reason I’d also really love to see Okoye and Carol meet.  Like, I’m pretty certain the combined confidence and self-assurance would just make every dude in the vicinity spontaneously bow or kneel without even fully understanding why.)
I haven’t actually gotten to see any of the footage from the FF7 remake yet, but I remembered their participation being talked about on Tumblr (which is also where I saw the pics of Keahu’s cosplay.)  I haven’t had a chance to see my friends and talk to them about it, though it’ll be more “hey, did you know that Sephiroth is voiced by Superman?” because none of them watched TW, but a fair few have seen the CW DC shows.  And hey, don’t sweat it, I just have a weird ability to remember stuff like that, whether I want to or not.  I may not always recognize the voice, but I remember names fairly well most of the time, which comes in helpful at work when we’re talking about some piece of media and they can’t recall someone I’ll play “what else were they in?” with them until we can usually figure it out.  Or when my mom is telling me about something she saw (she’s a caregiver with a patient who LOVES going to the movies, so she’s seen more in the last few years than I ever did with her as a kid XD ) and cannot for the life of her remember names correctly.  Like, at all.  It astounds me sometimes what she comes up with trying to get it right.
Gonna have to look some of those characters up, only some are familiar.  (If it weren’t for the fact that they’re cousins here, I would be screaming Geralt!Derek and Jaskier!Stiles from the rooftops.)  I have actually done a video game costume myself but it was very long ago.  Some friends and I were in a small, local Halloween parade.  We had a Mario and a Luigi, a Lara Croft (with old Nintendo guns instead of regular ones), a couple of puppet Pac-Man ghosts being chased through the group by a large cardboard Pac-Man, several Tetris pieces, and one person wearing a Power Glove, a dance pad as a cape, and innumerable corded controllers as bling who I think was technically “leading” us along.  I was the T-shaped Tetris piece, and for what was basically a large cardboard tube with another cardboard box attached to the back, it was surprisingly easy and comfortable to walk in…as long as I didn’t try to sit down.
Ooh, and last random thought that occurred to me earlier.  If Cora does turn out to be alive (which we don’t know if she is), and Peter gave up the Alpha spark, would it go to Cora, as eldest female in the Hale line, or Malia, as eldest female in Peter’s line specifically (assuming Allison stays human)?  Feel free not to answer if need be in case of potential spoilers, I just happened to think of it.
Hope your sleep was sufficient and restful!
I’m going to put down a couple of quick answers to all of these lovely asks since I don’t have much time but I do want to address some of it.
First of all, this just made me smile today all of it. I love reading through these on bad days.
Second, it was a continuation of the scuffle with the basketball players. This time seen from Peter’s pov. The preview I put up today is basically a short scene where they’re a few months into trying to get close to Chris and finally, things seem to be working. Not included in this preview is also some background info on what’s going on with Melissa and Claudia.
And that is a good question, one I haven’t thought much about since I’m still not 100% sure what I want to do with Cora in the sequel. I’m kind of tempted to not bring her back and have the spark go to Malia by default. But eh, more thoughts need to be put into this.
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illwynd · 6 years
characters i have cosplayed (some of these being quick closet cosplays/halloween costumes) or have on my current to-do list, in roughly chronological order
loki (siege, trials, AoA, kid loki, hoboki, tdw prison loki [with and without drapes cape], avac thunder loki, tr black suit loki)
kylo ren
thomas sharpe
dream of the endless
i might have a type. all the problematic broken fuckups.
(ok i have also cosplayed hoodie thor but that was to go along with @allthespaceships’s black suit loki)
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odiliadimmack-blog · 6 years
Exactly how to cosplay thor similar to the moive programs
The first point you ought to do is to assume regarding your favorite character to obtain ideas if you attend comic conventions. There are numerous worthwhile characters with interesting tales, but if you desire something mighty, you need to think about Thor cosplay costumes. Thor is a hammer-wielding Norse God. He is the kid of Odin. Thor has this unshakeable guts and inner voice, and also unparalleled physical strength. With this, he is the defender of Asgard and also the world Earth. In popular culture, cosplay halloween costumes is a superhero based upon Marvel Comic books. There are several points that establish Thor in addition to other heroes. He is a entertaining and fascinating personality from Wonder's big schedule of superheroes. Below's how to pull off that legendary Thor cosplay costumes: Thor's hammer Thor is carries around a hammer called Mjolnir. Dwarven blacksmiths built it from the Asgardian steel Uru. On the side of the hammer, it has the inscription "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, will have the power of Thor". For this renowned hammer, you can get one in an arts and also crafts shop. Yet you can make one for a lesser expenditure. You can make use of a tissue box and roll. After that, you put among the cells roll ends into the top of the tissue box, after that cover duct tape around where the roll fulfills package. Keep in mind to tape the remainder of the box as well as roll with silver or grey air duct tape. Finally, wrap the handle with brownish construction paper. Thor's cape For Thor's cape, you need to use some textile. It's prudent to go to the closest crafts and also arts shop and also find a big red flannel fabric. Bear in mind that the shade need to be somewhere in between pure red and maroon. As quickly as you have the cloth, step from the neck line to the feet. You can purchase a prepackaged piece of textile. Thor's helmet Thor's headgear is simple. You require a paper plate and also wrap a textile measuring tape around the plate's edge. Do not forget to measure and cut your headband. Towards the end, style your headband (like wings), paint and also adhesive it together on each side of the headband. Settling the Thor costume When you're settling your costume, you should think of the garments to use, accessories that will match your costume and also styling your hair. My webpage: Simcosplay  To finish the appearance, it's important that you find a set of black boots-- ensure that it rises to the knee. For the pants, search for dark blue or black pants. When it comes to the devices, try to find silver tights for your arms-- make sure that it covers your lower arm area up to the shoulder. You need to additionally take into consideration silver medallions or broaches as well as pin it to your breast area-- make sure you have two for each side of the upper body. At the end of the day, cosplaying is more than a leisure activity-- it's an expression of your enthusiasm. You only need to look at some costumes to realize the effort that go through to carry out that Thor cosplay costumes.
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cosplayclans · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Thor 4 Love and Thunder Thor Halloween Cape Cosplay Costume
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sins-virtues · 6 years
Halloween - Part Two
“I hate you.” My sister laughed maniacally from behind me. She loved her costume. Mine covers a lot more than I was expecting, which is nice, but there is one huge aspect I’m not too fond of. “Where did you even find a Black Bat costume?!” 
Nyssa - who is happily dressed in her crazy accurate Spoiler costume - turned to me with her hands on her hips. “Find? They don’t sell costumes this perfect. I’ve been working on them for months.” She made this? She just shrugged like making perfect costumes. “What? Cosplay is fun. Plus,” She smiled deviously, “You match Roman now.”
I glared at her, pulling the little mouth cover scarf thing up. I had got Roman a Batman costume as a joke, because he’s a grumpy asshole with too much pride and it fits. Little did I know, I have an incredibly devious brat for a sister who saw all of this coming. Ugh. 
“Hey, are y’all ready? Oh you look amazing!” Lilikoi poked her head into my room - without knocking - and cheered when she saw us. She was dressed as some form of nigiri sushi, and actually looked really adorable. She has a wasabi headpiece and everything. 
“You look adorable, Lilikoi. Are you both ready to head down? Salem is probably waiting.” She’d kicked us out of the west wing of the house hours ago so she could set everything up. I wasn’t allowed to help because “it’s a surprise” and “I was just doing this to get out of dressing up” which is completely ridiculous. Spandex is so uncomfortable... And tight. 
“Stop pulling at the suit. It looks good.” Nyssa swatted my hands on the way out. I balled my hands at my sides. She could’ve at least given me pockets.
“Oh wow!” Medusa met us at the stairs, dressed as the sweetest little Alice I have ever seen. Roi - who was curled up in her arms dressed in a striped purple sweater - meowed lightly when he saw me. “Thanks for letting me borrow your baby. You look awesome. Those abs are a lot more believable than most fake abs in costumes.”
I pursed my lips, trying to not claw at the costume again. “Those aren’t fake. The spandex is just really tight.”
“Wait, what?” Caoimhe interrupted. Her sister, Roisin, stood beside her dressed as some kind of robot? I don’t know what either of them are actually, or when they found us. “You really look like that?”
“Remind me never to go to the beach with you.” Roisin shook her head.
“It’s almost Thanksgiving. Why in the hell would we go to the beach?” The Irish sisters simply rolled their eyes at me. They’ve just never experienced Thanksgiving. It’s much better than this dumbass holiday. “What are you two anyway?”
They whipped around, Caoimhe shouted, “The fourteenth doctor!” at the same time Roisin shouted, “A Dalek!” 
Medusa pulled me back a step, “It’s from Doctor Who. It’s a British show.” Oh. “You’d probably like it.” 
“You would.” Nyssa agreed. Her arm was looped with Lilikoi’s and she was in a conversation with everyone else in our small group, but apparently that doesn’t stop her from eavesdropping. 
“Welcome! Welcome!” Salem greeted as we made it to the curtained off wing of the house. Everyone went passed her to enter the ballroom, but I hung back. She looked amazing. She was waring a dark purple mermaid’s tail with sharp fins, her arms were covered in dark purple scales complete with long black nails. Her “top” was more of the same style scales, but still covered as much as a normal mermaid’s top would. A light blue - alarmingly long - wig completed her look. 
“You look badass. What is this?”
“Nanami from Nyx’s Chosen. She’s a siren. You know,” She played with my cape, looking over the outfit. “I was supposed to be the hottest person at my party.”
“Blame Nyssa,” I laughed, “I wanted to be a couch potato.” 
She laughed, shaking her head, and pulled me inside. “I would’ve made you change. You could’ve matched me though. There’s a sexy sarcastic vampire in the book, too. Though, she likes leather pants.”
“Still might be better than this. Medusa thought my abs were fake. Do they show up that much?” 
Her eyes raked over my torso, “Yeah, babe. Yeah. Roman’s seems to be the same way. Did you two plan that?”
“No, dammit. I bought Roman’s to fuck with him, and Nyssa made this without me knowing. Devious little brat.” Salem laughed, giving Nyssa a thumbs up. 
“You both suck. Where’s the food? Never mind.” I spotted Roman across the room, his much flimsier Bat-ears standing tall. He’d be by the food. “Hey, Bats.”
Roman turned to glare at me, but stalled when he noticed the alarmingly similar decal on my chest. Instead, he simply quirked a brow, “Nyssa?”
“Yes. Dammit.” I snagged a ‘graveyard’ cup from the table. “This is amazing.”
“Oh, try this.” He handed me a caramel apple jello shot. “They’re delicious. I’ve had more than I should.”
That explains why he’s being so nice. I guess alcohol affects demons too. “They’re alcohol, bud.” I took it anyway. Michael and Roman are going to be in the same room after all. I’m going to need some help.
“Ah, Karma. Do you like my costume?” Ace asked, appearing behind me...  Dressed completely normal. I scowled at him. How did he get away with not dressing up?! Salem likes me better! “I used the internet and found the Batman character, Alfred. I like him a lot.”
That’s genius! Damn him!
“Hello, peasants.” Julius greeted in his flamboyant way. We turned to see Julius standing several feet taller. Oh my god. How did he even do that?! “Oh? Do you like my costume?”
“How in the fuck did you become a goddamn centaur?!”
He looked like an actual centaur. Is that an actual horse body? How did he do that? Julius’s grin grew ten times wider. He turned, showing off his black horse body. “Nice isn’t it? I thought it was only fitting as a Horseman for me to become an actual horseman!” He laughed manically. 
“Nope. Nope.” Sailor cut in, glaring at Julius. “Puns ruin great costumes. Speaking of great costumes,” She placed her hands on her hips, showing off her Moana costume, “Why do you look better than anyone here?”
Crew, her brother was appropriately dressed as Maui, appeared beside her carrying a large hook, “You know there’s such a thing as too fit, right Karma?”
“No there is not.” Michael interjected, coming up behind me. “Is that graveyard good? It looks interesting.” 
“Yeah, but here try this.” I handed him one of the jello shots. “Drink it in one go.” Maybe it’ll help Michael chill out a bit. “Who picked your costume?”
“I did.” Jezebel answered, grabbing one of the black candy apples. “He wanted something easy, and he already looks like Thor so,” She shrugged. I didn’t think she was one to dress up for Halloween. Then again, she is terrified of Salem, so she isn’t likely to piss her off. 
“Mary Poppins?” I asked. She beamed, nodding happily. It was a cutesy version, but you can still tell who it is. “It’s cute.”
“Thank you. I like your couples costume with Roman.”
“It’s not a couples costume!” We defended. Across the room, Nyssa laughed manically. Maybe she should’ve been a witch.
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @colourinside, thank you, love! ♥ Gonna have to catch up on all this stuff, sorry I’m so slow here!
 - Name: Niki
 - Star sign:  Aquarius
 - Gender: Female 
 - Height: 158 cm
 - Sexuality: Bi
 - What image do you have as a wallpaper: THIS fanart of Valkyrie from Thor: Ragnarök wearing  a shirt that says “die mad about it” in bi flag colours while flipping the onlooker off with both hands
 - Where do you see yourself in ten years: I can’t say I see myself anywhere specific but I hope for somewhere happy, in a place I like, and if I’m very lucky, with my own weird random bookshop :)
 - If you could be anywhere else right now, where: With my girlfriend ♥♥ (I’ll just leave this one the way it is, love, yes?)
 - What was your coolest Halloween costume: Oh dear, no clue. I mean, my girlfriend and I have done a few pretty cool combinations? Ghost Glinda was a lot of fun. But to be honest, I kind of want to go back to vampires, because I used to dress up as a vampire at any given opportunity when I was a kid and it’s the best excuse to wear a cape. Swish swish motherfuckers. (Also, I do have vampire fangs now! I just need to get around to fitting them on my teeth)
 - What’s your favorite 90′s show: Eh. No idea. I never used to watch much stuff as a kid? ...I just looked it up and apparently Tabaluga started in 1997. I used to love that one.
 - Last kiss: When I said goodbye to my girlfriend, shortly before I got on the bus back home… way too long ago!! ← yeah, this. That’s what happens when I do memes my girlfriend tagged me in, sometimes the answers are extremely similar.
 - Have you ever been stood up?: Don’t think so
 - Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Nah. What would I even do there?
 - Favorite pair of shoes: I’m not actually a fan of shoes but… probably the sort-of-high heels that I originally bought for my Harley Quinn cosplay. Hella uncomfortable but they look great.
 - Favorite fruit: Apples, probably
 - Stupidest thing you have ever done: I… do a lot of stupid things. I don’t know. Eat pudding with my bare fingers just because I never had done that? There’s a lot to choose from.
 - Favorite book: Look, I’m still always gonna say Wicked. But there’s so many good books? I’m obviously currently obsessed with Interview with the Vampire, then there’s Good Omens, and, and… so many?
 - Favorite gif: Do. Do people have favourite gifs?
I tag: @darya-the-bookworm, @goodtobealunatic, @fangirling-in-general-idk, @lokiilaufeyscn, @joi-in-the-tardis, and @acreasy1 - half of you have probably already done this, sorry, and no obligations for anyone of course!
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
ok idk if its a little too early for a Halloween themed headcanon but maybe,,,,? MJ dresses up as Spiderman for Halloween (to mock him) Peter not ok™
HALLOWEEN SPIDEYCHELLE. high school group costumes are fun, right?? cool. that’s what we get here.
peter isn’t sure how he’s suddenly a senior. like, it seems like yesterday he was a gangly freshman getting pushed and pulled through the halls like a ragdoll to his next class.
but its official. he’s finishing high school. and senior year peter is way different than freshman year peter.
for starters, he has friends that are more than Ned. he’s got Abe and Cindy and Sally and, sometimes, even Flash. and his best friend circle has expanded, too. instead of Peter and Ned its now Peter, Ned AND MJ.
plus he’s a superhero. which, like, as a freshman wasn’t even conceivable. but he is. he’s THE spider-man. no matter what Falcon and Bucky say. spider-MAN. not spider-BOY. man.
and life is good.
so good that he knows he’s got that entitled, cool senior air about him. and cool seniors do halloween hard. meaning group themes.
they all put it to a vote and Ned is in for Star Wars. MJ vetoes it when Flash leers at her and suggests she be the slave Leia of the group. which peter feels REALLY ashamed of himself for being disappointed about. because, well, just the THOUGHT of MJ in that costume is doing something to his teen boy brain.
Sally wants to do Harry Potter. its generic. they could just be their houses. and its still a theme. but Cindy doesn’t want to be mistaken as Cho Chang because she’s asian. and Ned is having an existential crisis about his house and so he can’t commit to Potter.
then, MJ smirks at Peter across the lunch table and says, “how about the Avengers?” Peter’s face pales and Ned, beside him, chokes on his lunch. no one notices their reactions but he KNOWS MJ doesn’t care. that reaction was all for her. and peter wants to veto it. but the whole group seems hella excited.
Cindy is dying to be Black Widow, Sally wants to be Scarlet Witch, Abe is all for Black Panther, Flash wants to be Thor. even Ned is about this group costume. he shyly admits he wants to be the Hulk. and peter knows its because Doctor Banner is the only guy upstate that ever takes the time to talk to Ned. there is a bit of hero worship there.
but Peter is so anti-Avengers for Halloween he can’t stand it. because if anyone upstate gets a hold of these pictures that’s instant humiliation for the next seven years. literally. which is why he assumes MJ suggests it. because only Ned and MJ know about Spider-man things.
everyone turns to Peter and he shrugs lamely, “I could be Iron-Man?” and MJ snorts, “no way, boy scout. you’re all Cap.” and PETER IS OFFENDED BECAUSE EXCUSE YOU MISS JONES, “I-I am not.” Abe laughs into his hand, “yea, you are, Peter.” Peter blushes, “fine. what are YOU gonna be MJ?” she shrugs, “I dunno..probably Iron-Man.”
and god damn it, he hates her sometimes.
only sometimes. most days her smile gets his insides all fucked up. which should probably be evaluated at some point. but he’s knee deep in denial about his feelings for her. so he’s gonna NOT look too closely at that.
and just before the end of the lunch he remembers, “HEY. why didn’t anyone pick spider-man??” Sally tosses her trash, “because he’s not a real Avenger.”
and y i k e s, that stings. because he is a real Avenger. he fought in the Infinity Stone Wars. HE IS. hmph.
after lunch, MJ seems to sense how upset he is, because she kisses his cheek and tells him to, “get over it grump gus.” and wow that kiss works. which is something he doesn’t wanna deal with atm. MJ. and feelings. nuh uh.
the homecoming game comes and goes and peter and his friends decide to go as a group and senior year feels like its in full swing. so he basically forgets about halloween. because he’s got a shit ton of avenging to do (because he’s a real avengrer. hmph.) and homework is also a thing. so is applying to college. why are college apps, so long?
tony likes to hype peter up, tell him that he’s gonna get in MIT, he’s a straight up genius. but prototype dads are supposed to say nice stuff like that.
and then, somehow, its october 29th and peter is SHOOK. because how the hell did it become halloween so fast? he doesn’t have a costume, he doesn’t have anything together. and halloween is on friday and all of his friends are going dressed up to school and he’s gonna be the one guy that lets them all down.
so, he knows its cheating, but he makes a phone call. Steve answers after three rings. his voice is bright, “Peter, hey kid, how can I help ya?” peter swallows, “hey, uh, steve…..i’m gonna…..look, this is….embarrassing….but can I, uh, borrow one of your uniforms?” he tosses all pride out of the window at that question. steve chuckles, “sure. can I ask why?” peter mumbles, “Halloween.” there is a beat of silence before Steve says, “you’re being me?” Peter nods before he realizes Steve can’t see him, “yea…is that…is that okay?” Steve’s voice is raked with emotion, “yep. i’ll have Sam drop it off. he’s gonna be in Manhattan tomorrow.” “NO!” Peter yelps. the LAST thing he needs is the Falcon reading him to filth over whatever he’s gonna make fun of peter about this time. Sam loves to just give it to peter whenever he can. and its embarrassing. he’s easily embarrassed. he takes a deep breath, trying not to be rude and amends his outburst, “no, that’s, uh, that’s fine.”
real talk? its not fine. when Peter opens his door on the 30th and Sam is standing there with a box and a shit eating grin…Peter almost closes the door. but Sam stops it with a foot in the door. “got your dress up order here, parker.” “okay,” peter rolls his eyes, “get it all out now.” Sam smirks and shakes his head, “nah…..i’m gonna wait. you get all twitchy when you don’t know what’s coming.” “i do not,” peter’s voice breaks. “sure you do,” he smiles and shoves the box in peter’s hands. “see ya.”
and peter is thankful it was short. but then it hits him. it is almost worse. now that he doesn’t know when Sam is gonna tease him about it. so much worse.
but he sucks it up and tries on Steve’s suit.
it’s a little baggy in certain areas. and he has to roll the pants up because he’s short, but it’ll work. he just needs a shield. which he fashions out of some scrap medal he had after a mission. its uneven, barely a circle, but he paints it and it’ll work. again, he’s doing the best he can. and there is a sort of thrill knowing this is one of steve’s ACTUAL suits. which, uh, who else on his friend group can say that?
the next morning, he gets dressed, sweeps his hair off to one side, and goes to school. when he arrives all of his friends look about as put together as he does. it’s a SOLID effort. they’re not the real avengers (well, sort of….peter excluded) but for halloween they look rad.
Ned painted his face green and is wearing some tattered old shorts and a ripped shirt and green sneakers. Flash is wearing a velvet red cape and peter doesn’t want to address the amount of bling on his person, nope. cindy is a kickass black widow even if her costume looks like a recycled catwoman suit. Sally’s scarlet witch is borderline cosplay level impressive. he makes a note to show it to wanda. and Abe’s costume is a piecemeal costume like Ned’s. the whole group will make for some fun pictures.
“holy shit…MJ!” Cindy says looking just behind peter. and he realizes he didn’t see MJ. he turns around and his heart freakin’ stops.
she’s spider-man.
no. not only is she spider-man….she’s wearing his old suit. before he upgraded to the iron-spider, his first high-tech suit. the one he keeps in a locked box in his closet. and….it forms to her body like he knows his suit always does. tight and snug for optimal flexibility.
his first thought is…how the hell did she get his suit out of the case? his second is…..holy hell. what a look.
his jaw must be hanging open. actually open. because Flash snorts and comments, “like something you see, parker?” he blindly throws an arm behind him to nudge Flash. he misses and hits Abe. “sorry, man.”
MJ puts her hands on her hips, which, oh man, he’s going to have a heart attack. teenage boys should not be able to see girls they find attractive in spandex suits. nope.
then she smirks at him because she’s not wearing his mask. he supposes if she wore a high tech mask people would ask some questions. the actual suit part of his suit looks innocuous enough. could be store bought. high quality, but store bought. and so her curly hair tumbles out over her shoulders.
and he has a crazy thought. if he reached forward and touched the spider in the center of his suit, it would fall away from her and pool at her knees.
he shakes his head and, thankfully, the bell rings. so their friend group starts to part. peter catches up to MJ and whispers under his breath, “where’d you get that?” “the password shouldn’t be your birthday, loser.” he groans, “what about iron-man?” “why would I spend money on halloween? I had access to an avenger’s suit.” “my suit.” “details.”
he steps in front of her so she’ll stop walking. and he STARES into her eyes. because he won’t look down. no sir. “i want that back, MJ.” she blows a curl out of her eyes and whispers, “you’re gonna have to take it off, then.”
and his eyes BLOW WIDE. he’s broken. his systems are down. he needs IT. the peter parker is absolutely broken. she laughs and walks away while he reboots.
he tries not to stare at her legs all day. and fails. and, uh, holy crap. her legs are so long. and her ass is also great. does that make him not feminist if he thinks so?? he’s not sure. but it is a great ass.
after school, they gather outside of midtown and get some poor freshman to take their group picture. MJ slides in next to peter and throws an arm around him. while everyone gets situated, she whispers in his ear, “does cap know you have that suit, Parker?” he turns his head and she’s so close their noses accidentally brush. he sputters. “uh, yea.” she rolls her eyes and turns her head back to the camera.
they take, like, a hundred pictures. because Flash wants them to take glamour shots, action shots, he also needs his best side represented. it’s a whole mess.
and in the last shot, MJ turns Peter’s face toward hers and kisses him full on the mouth. when the camera snaps….his eyes are HUGE.
but he doesn’t stop kissing her. like, the picture may be done but he sure as hell isn’t. he turns more squarely into her mouth and sweeps her up off of her feet to kiss her better. in front of all of their friends. outside of the high school. in broad daylight.
she laughs against his lips and wraps her legs around his waist.
when all of their friends realize what’s happening. they immediately start groaning. like WTF GUYS?!?
Ned squees. but he’s excited. he’s been waiting for this.
when MJ is contented to be done kissing, she climbs down and wipes the back of her mouth. “really?” she laughs, “the suit is what did it?”
he blushes beat red. “I like it.” and he knows she can tell that he means he likes her in his clothes. but that’s just between them.
the next year at halloween, with her at Harvard and him at MIT, they go out partying in Cambridge as Han Solo and Leia. not slave leia tho. well, ahem, not slave leia in public. what happens later in her dorm room isn’t anybody’s business, frankly.
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powerfulweak · 7 years
Prompt: Halloween night, Dean dresses up as a pirate captain, Cas as Constantine and Sam as Thor. Halloween drunkness. Then Dean gets wasted and makes out with Cas in the parking lot. (Do with this what you want)
Sam isn’t sure exactly when he lost them. One minute he could hear Dean complaining about how his scabbard keeps falling off and the next minute both he and Cas are gone. Typical, Sam thinks, swinging his plastic hammer over his shoulder and letting it hang by the leather strap, Of course Dean would bail on this. 
To be fair, Sam  kind of pushed Dean into going out. 
“The only good thing about Halloween is the candy, Sam,” Dean complained as Sam thrust a pile of crushed velvet into his arms. “I’m not about to ... cosplay with you just so you can meet up with some girl.” Sam's about to point out how many times he’s played wingman for Dean doing the exact same thing, but lets the comment slide.
“C’mon,” Sam says, angling his head toward Castiel. “Cas is dressing up.” Dean gives him a deadpan look and glances over to Cas. 
“He’s dressed exactly the same.”
“Actually, I’m dressed up as John Constantine.” Castiel holds up an unlit cigarette. “See?”
‘Who?” Dean asks with a grimace. 
“One of the characters in the DC canon. He is a-”   
“Explain on the way out,” Sam cuts him off.“ Now, just get dressed.”
“God, Sam, this is lame,” Dean paws through the pile of clothes, “and what am I supposed to be? a Stipper?”
“A pirate.”
Dean holds up the frilly sleeved blouse and jacket raising an eyebrow. “A pirate stripper? You could’ve at least gotten me something more Captain Jack, less... Gilbert and Sullivan.” Sam wants to make a smartass remark on how does Dean knows who Gilbert and Sullivan but not Constantine. Instead, he rolls his eyes and turns Dean around, pushing him toward his room and instructing him once again to get changed. 
Sam sighs to himself, stretching his considerable height onto tiptoes to get an even farther look over the mass of costumed people crowding the street around him. A gust of wind sweeps down the street and catches at his cape, sending it flying around him. He hears someone whistle from the street and another yell out “Avengers Assemble.” He flashes a brief smile and waves as he continues to search for Dean and Cas. 
He’d have expected this kind of disappearance from Dean, but Cas? Castiel hadn’t argued at all when Sam had just brought up the idea of going out on Halloween. Would he just disappear because Dean wanted to?
“Probably,” Sam mutters to himself in answer. He walks another block, scanning through the crush of people when he spots a a flash of khaki out of the corner of his eye; the unmistakable sign of Cas’ trench coat. It can’t be him though, Sam thinks, briefly glancing in the direction he saw it. Whoever is wearing the coat is pinned up against a brick wall, mouth crashed into another man’s and...
“Dean?” Sam squawks. He hurries across the street to meet them. Dean pulls back from Cas at the sound of his name, his eyes hooded and his lips plump from the pressure of Castiel’s mouth on his. 
“Hey, Sam!” The “S” comes out a little more slurred than usual. “What’s going on man? You disappeared on us.”
“You disappeared on me,” Sam argues. 
“Well, we managed to stick together,” Dean gives a lazy shrug and  wraps an arm across Cas’ shoulder.
“Having a good time?” he asks wryly. Dean’s grin broadens.
“Fantastic time,” he says. “We found a place where shots were free if they were body shots and Castiel here...” Dean gives an enthusiastic slap to Castiel’s backside, causing him to jump. Sam can’t stop a smile from quirking at his mouth.“Cas volunteered to help me out.” He punctuates the sentence  with a sloppy kiss to Cas’ cheek. 
“How many did you have?” Sam asks.
Dean shrugs again. “Lost count.”
“Twelve,” Castiel supplies at the same time. 
“I... think we ought to get back,” Sam says holding back a chuckle.
“Only if the hot exorcist comes with us,” Dean says, nuzzling against Castiel. Sam can’t ignore the way Castiel’s body curves right back up against Dean’s. 
“Sure,” Sam says. “Come on, you two.” He moves around them, pushing both men forward from behind. 
“I’m a pirate in search of booty!” Dean screams into the sky, squeezing a handful of Cas’ ass again. Sam chuckles to himself as they walk on. 
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The fun cosplay outfits are not simply for the kids but likewise for those who are kids at heart
Superheroes and legendary Star Wars characters not only enchant kids however people of any ages. If you want to dress up like your favorite character with a strange mask, royal cape, and robes, cosplay costumes can help you realize that dream. The enjoyable cosplay outfits are not simply for the kids but also for those who are kids at heart and take pleasure in dressing up as their favorite superhero or anime character. Whether you have a theme-based expensive occasion to attend or you wish to buy some enjoyable outfits for Halloween, you can discover some of the best quality cosplay costumes online. Today we will mainly concentrate on the very best male cosplay outfits produced to assist you dress up as your favorite characters from X-Men or Star Wars.
The Ant-Man is a 2015 American movie that is based on the popular Marvel Comics character that transitions from first-rate con artists to everyone's beloved superhero. Simply as the name suggests, this is the story of a scam artist who unexpectedly discovers a secret that shrinks him, giving him extremely capabilities. It's the need of the hour to rise to the situation, discover himself and safeguard his superhero status. The gripping story and out-of-the-world characters have people of any ages like their new superhero that is not huge but a small ant.
While everyone else picks to dress up like the larger than life characters, surprise everyone by choosing the Ant-man cosplay costume. The custom-made, superior quality costume includes matching belts, boot covers, gloves, and masks to make your superhero character come alive. The clothing is made from high-grade rubber and taking care of the outfit is extremely easy. You need to clean it tidy warm water and it will be as excellent as new.
You can choose from the three various Ant-man Outfits offered at cosplay shop-- Deluxe Ant-Man Scott Lang Cosplay Costume, Ant-Man And The Wasp Cosplay Outfit, and Ant-Man And The Wasp Ant-Man Scott Lang Cosplay Costume Leather Full Fit.
When you wish to play it safe with your option of superheroes yet make heads turn at the Halloween party, the Spiderman cosplay costume might simply be the thing you need. Our premium superhero outfits are different from the low-cost reproduction readily available somewhere else. We have a complete head to toe superman outfit that consists of an one-piece limebarbcosplay suit made of a mix of products-- 10% four-way stretch spandex and 90% polyester Leather Lycra. This is an effective and trendy outfit that has the power to apprehend attention with your personality when you get in the celebration house.
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A lot of great details go into the making of male cosplay costumes provided at cosplay shop. These include premium 3D webbing at the best places, mesh lenses in the eyes area, and best shapes to mix with your physique. Moreover, our cosplay outfit includes the ideal devices such as gloves, boots, and helmet which makes you look like you can jump into action anytime!
We have a vast array of Spiderman cosplay costumes for men such as Spider-Man Noir Peter Parker Cosplay Outfit, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War Spiderman Cosplay Costume, and Spiderman Homecoming Peter Benjamin Parker Cosplay Costume.
If the out-of-this-world X-Men characters make you long for to walk the streets worn the sassiest costumes then here's your possibility to realize that dream. At cosplay store, we know the fascination of X-Men fans to dress up as Deadpool Wade or Wolverine Logan. We tailor make our cosplay outfits to suit your physique ideal and give you an air of self-confidence. Whether you wish to be a hero that saves lovely lasses from problems or a badass bad guy, it's entirely as much as you. Gown up in among the X-Men cosplay costumes this Halloween season and watch ladies swoon over you.
Our men's outfits are made from high-quality PU leather and the stitching is done with precision to allow you to have a terrific customized fit. The item consists of a properly designed one-piece suit along with boot covers, leg bands, deal with masks, belts, and bags to complete the appearance.
A few of our finest selling X-Men Cosplay Costumes are X-Men: Days Of Future Past Magneto Cosplay Outfit; X-Men Deadpool Wade Halloween Celebration Cosplay Costume, X-Men Wolverine Logan Cosplay Costume, and X-Men Cyclops Cosplay Costume.
Do you want to dress up as a warrior directly from the medieval age? The warriors were understood for their bravery, chivalry, and undying spirit. When you step out of the house in a Thor Ragnarok costume, be prepared to make heads turn and paint the town red. They are definitely going to whisper and talk about you in the party. The Thor 3 Ragnarok Thor Odinson Cosplay Costume is among our best cosplay costumes http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=cosplay that stands out with its powerful appeal and charisma. The costume is made from high-quality leather and cotton material. It can be perfectly custom-made based on the measurements of your height, waist, chest, shoulder, hips, and torso.
cosplay shop offers a large range of X-men cosplay outfits for males such as Thor Ragnarok Loki Cosplay Outfit and Thor 3 Ragnarok Thor Odinson Cosplay Costume. The costume comes equipped with all the vital devices to finish your warrior look.
There's something special about the dark and shady characters that makes them so special. It can give you a severe adventure to stroll down the streets impersonated one of the Assassin's Creed characters. The Syndicate Jacob Frye Assassin's Creed, for instance, is among our bestselling male cosplay outfits and it can be tailor made you appear like the callous British assassin. We also bring for you the additional devices like girdle, gloves, belts, leg band, capes, gauntlet, and boots to achieve that signature appearance.
At cosplay store, we have a collection of high-quality Assassin's Creed Cosplay Costumes for guys to make you stand apart from the crowd. Our collection consists of Syndicate Jacob Frye Assassin's Creed Cosplay Outfit, Callum Lynch & Aguilar Assassin's Creed Cosplay Costume, and Altair Ibn-La'Ahad Assassin's Creed Cosplay Outfit.
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