#Thor being a great dad
eggxcellent-blog · 9 months
Dude Marvel movies suck and everything, don't get me wrong, but DC movies aping Marvel make me want to break out into hives. Their animated stuff is the only stuff they make that's consistently worth a damn (they have good live action but like, barely).
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lina-lovebug · 3 months
USM characters dating an Avengers daughter
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- you knew his about his not-so-subtle crush on your dad when you first met, and decided not to tell him
- you adore him but whose to say he won't just use you as an excuse to hang out with your philanthropist billionaire playboy dad?
- but you'd been dating awhile, and had met Aunt May (who adored you), so why were you avoiding the subject of your dad?
- that was until you were fixing your suit and Peter walked in, gave you a kiss and offered to help. You forgot the little engraving your dad left you on your suit, "be careful and kick ass, love dad"
- "aw, that's sweet," he smiled, "when can I meet him?"
- "you. . .already have," you said, trying to gage his reaction, "he made me my first suit. . .and yours"
- it took him a few seconds but then it all clicked. His super amazing genius girlfriend whose dad bought her a Porsche at fifteen was Tony Stark
- his idol
- "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, but you idolize him and I was scared and-"
- he understood - completely shocked but understood
- he does ask if that means he can drive the Porsche now tho
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- you and your mom? Best friends
- danny and your mom? Not so much
- being the daughter of Black Widow herself came with a lot of trust, and many secrets so you never intended on dating because of it
- but then this handsome motherfucker gentleman comes along and you're on cloud nine
- you told him you have a complicated past and he respected that, waiting until you were ready
- but he's Iron Fist, King of K'un L'un and an Agent of SHIELD so he took notice when you'd disappear from team sessions
- he admits he got curious and followed one day, and there you were: training with Black Widow herself, and doing it flawlessly
- and at the end of it, his suspicions were confirmed once you hugged and said, "thanks, mom"
- "So are you gonna introduce us or does he always do that?" She made DIRECT eye contact with him and it honestly sent a shiver down his spine
- he introduced himself, remaining calm and collected, which impressed her but she also knows that people can hide how they rlly feel
- "where'd you grow up?" "K'un L'un" "who are your parents?" "Heather and Wendell Rand" "if you're a billionaire, why do you wear five dollar flip flops?"
- you knew she approved of him, but she liked to keep him on his toes
- "beloved, I love you, but your mother scares me"
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- oh how does one BEGIN to explain to their bullet proof boyfriend that their dad is Thor?
- he knew you had to be other worldly, and not just because he thinks you're a Goddess you accidentally struck him with lightning one time
- you wanted to keep it a secret for a bit before the Almighty Thor comes in and demands to know Luke's intentions
- "babe, why is Thor asking me when I'm proposing?"
- being a God came with perks, so Thor knew not long after you guys started dating that something was amiss with his daughter
- (you stopped remembering to being him poptarts and he got upset)
- "how do I know if he is worthy of your hand?"
- "He makes me laugh :) and he's bulletproof so. . ."
- they get along great
- his first trip to Asgard was a bit intimidating but seeing as you're half human, your mom reminded him that love between you guys was possible
- "I recommend a traditional Asgardian ceremony-"
- "dad we're sixteen"
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- o h b o i
- talk about overprotective father
- you're a minute late, who were you with? What were you doing? I want their names, addresses, social security-
- if you guessed Winter Soldier a.k.a Bucky then you guessed right
- he knew something was up the moment you two lingered for a bit after training, and watching from the top deck this man SPOTTED your hands brush and asked Fury for Novas' personal file
- but knowing your dad, you were actually able to keep your relationship a secret for two months before he put the pieces together himself
- you both were out on a picnic date, Sam having made a cute cake, and a very threatening man with a metal arm came up sat down, smiled at him, held his hand out and said, "Samuel Alexander, sixteen, last Nova, grew up in Carefree, and 5'8, correct?"
- you were LIVID
- meanwhile Sam was like "omg he knows my name :0!!"
- you had told Sam long before dating that your dad was extremely overprotective, but Sam being Sam was just excited that his badass girlfriend has a badass dad!!
- and Buckys like "wtf this kid isn't even remotely terrified"
- Sam asks question after question, and it even turns into a third wheel - as in they're bonding and you're just there
- Bucky likes him but still tries to be somewhat intimidating, being the infamous Winter Soldier and all
- "Babe. . .baabe. . .when's your dad gonna be back? I wanna ask him if he likes my new helmet look"
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- so like where do I even start
- you and Ava had been dating for a couple of months before she started to realize that she hadn't met your family
- you told her that they were just really intense and you didn't wanna scare her
- but who could scare White Tiger? So she insisted and you said "your funeral"
- also how does one explain to their partner that they technically shouldn't exist because your dad is a robot and your mom is a witch?
- your brothers LOVE her
- Billy and Tommy immediately recognized Ava, seeing as they'd work with the team from time to time and said "ooh our sisters dating the smart one"
- and Ava like, "babe I think I kicked one of their asses in training"
- Wanda adores Ava, she thinks she's good for you and might as well have someone mentally stable in your life
- Meanwhile in Avas' mind, "omg omg her mom is Scarlet Witch, her dad is Vision - wait is that why she's so smart? Is my girlfriend a robot?"
- no you're not a robot
- Vision likes her, and he knew about you two before you two even started dating. Why? You rambled about White Tiger during dinner once and Vision CLOCKED that look in your eyes
- needless to say, Sunday dinners with your family are now mandatory with Ava
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Tears In His Ferrari - 10
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2,Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 , Chp 8 , Chp 9 , Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Bucky's heroic story of helping Toby's grandmother and bringing her to the hospital with his red Ferrari became the talk of the town.
The next day, he went to the fresh market with Y/N's parents to buy fruits and flowers.
He was planning to revisit Toby’s grandmother. He didn’t know why, but he felt a sense of melancholy toward elders, especially since his own grandparents had passed away before he was born.
As Bucky looked at the oranges, the locals greeted him warmly, especially the elders.
One grandfather said, “Thank you for helping Toby's grandma, young man. Here's some fresh corn and potatoes for you.”
Bucky smiled warmly and replied, “Oh, yes, we should help each other.”
Another grandmother approached him and said, “Are you the Barnes kid who helped my friend? Here's an orange for you.”
The kind old lady handed him baskets of oranges, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.
Then he felt someone tap his shoulder. He felt like a big shadow towering over him. It was Thor.
Thor exclaimed, "Buddy, you were a great help yesterday. Here, I'll give you my biggest catch today."
Bucky widened his eyes in surprise. "Oh no, it's alright. Urghh."
This was the first time in Bucky's life that he carried a heavy fish.
With each step he took, someone would greet him and give him something. He had never experienced this sense of community back in the city, and he appreciated how supportive the locals were of each other.
Samanta chuckled upon seeing Bucky looking clueless. “You've become the local celebrity.”
Bucky blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Yup. Oh, my daughter just called. Some people are at your farm.”
“That's right. I have to go back.” Bucky clapped his hands excitedly. He suspected that what he requested from his dad had arrived.
He stepped on the gas and drove fast to his place. When he arrived, he saw a few teenagers and kids standing near his house.
Y/N was also there, looking a bit overwhelmed as she guarded the youngsters from entering the house.
The truck stopped, and Bucky got out of the car.
He greeted Y/N with a smile. "What's up?"
Y/N sighed in relief. "They want to see your car, but I thought they needed your permission first."
The group of youngsters looked at Bucky with puppy eyes. In a second, he remembered being a young kid, also interested in sports cars when his dad brought him to the F1 race car. The experience was amazing, and it made him fall in love with fast cars.
As a fellow car lover, Bucky welcomed them. "It's alright. Do you want to see what it looks like inside?"
"Yeah!!" The youngsters cheered in excitement.
Bucky showed them his Ferrari car and enthusiastically explained the engine and the machinery.
Y/N observed Bucky, who looked genuinely excited. She remarked, “You've become the celebrity.”
Bucky chuckled, unable to contain his enthusiasm. “I can't help it.”
“By the way,” Y/N continued, “your father sent a pick-up truck. I didn't know you needed another one.”
Bucky's eyes lit up. “It's here? Yes! And it's not for me.”
“Then for who?” Y/N inquired, curiosity piqued.
At the hospital, Toby was speechless when he saw the pick-up truck. It looked brand new and far superior to the old truck they had to sell to pay his father's debt.
He walked around the truck, inspecting it from front to back, then turned to Bucky and enveloped him in a grateful hug. “Thank you, bro,” he said earnestly.
Bucky returned the hug with a smile. “You're welcome, buddy.”
After Toby rushed back to the hospital to share the news with his grandfather, Y/N approached Bucky. “That was really nice of you,” she remarked.
Bucky nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. “I realized how important a car is for Toby. He needs it to drive his grandma and carry boxes of honey.”
With the means to help, Bucky felt compelled to use it.
Y/N smiled warmly. Witnessing Bucky's generosity and compassion, she couldn't help but admire him even more.
Bucky's generous gift quickly spread throughout the town, making him the hottest topic of discussion. Suddenly, he found himself at the center of attention, not for his wealth or status, but for his kindness and willingness to help others.
The children in the town looked up to him as a cool role model, inspired by his actions to make a positive difference in the community.
With Toby's grandmother gradually improving, and Toby himself working diligently to sell honey at markets and to local households, the spirit of gratitude and determination seemed to infuse the air.
Despite initially finding farming challenging, Bucky began feeling accepted and belonging in his new life.
Though he still encountered difficulties, he realized that the rewards of helping others and being part of a close-knit community far outweighed any hardships he faced.
****** His story has also spread widely on social media. However, it wasn't Bucky who initiated it.
Bucky hadn't opened his social media for a while since he was already busy with farming.
But who did? Of course, it was Kate. She inserted herself into Bucky's story as if she were a part of the effort to help him.
During her live session, she recounted the events with a touch of theatricality, emphasizing her own role in the act of kindness.
"And that's when Bucky and I sprang into action," she exclaimed dramatically, her eyes sparkling with manufactured emotion. "Together, we rushed Toby's grandmother to the hospital, our hearts filled with determination to make a difference!"
Her viewers were quick to shower her with praise, captivated by her portrayal of a compassionate and selfless individual.
"You're such an inspiration, Kate!"
"Wow, I had no idea you were so involved in charity work. You're amazing!"
"Thank you for using your platform to spread awareness and help those in need. You're truly making a difference!"
With each compliment, Kate's smile widened, basking in her audience's admiration as she skillfully crafted her image as a philanthropic icon.
She kept smiling as she scrolled through the comments until she noticed someone mentioning "What about Y/N?"
Kate's smile faltered, and she let out a sigh.
"What's wrong?" inquired one of her viewers.
Kate sighed again. "Well, we only know what people choose to show us on the outside, not what's really going on behind the scenes."
The viewers were intrigued. "Is this about Y/N?"
Kate hesitated, then replied cryptically, "I don't want to name names, but let's just say there's someone who's been quite influential in Bucky's life, and it's had some unfortunate consequences for my brother."
"Your brother, the celebrity chef Paul?" another viewer asked.
"He can't cook anymore because of a car accident, right?"
The comments continued to pour in, each one adding to the speculation. It was precisely what Kate wanted. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she watched her fans dissect the situation for her.
Glancing down at her ruined shoes, a reminder of her unexpected encounter with the mud earlier, Kate clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Never underestimate me," she murmured to herself, a hint of determination in her voice.
Bucky, who had been feeling clueless, had just finished cleaning up the sheep's stable. He made his way back to his house to freshen up.
Archie, the puppy, had eagerly awaited his return, wagging his tail excitedly. "Woof."
"Hey, buddy, I missed you too," Bucky greeted, bending down to pet the eager pup.
Once inside, Bucky headed straight to the sink to wash his hands, feeling the grime of farm work clinging to his skin. As he scrubbed, he couldn't help but notice his phone incessantly buzzing with notifications.
"What's going on?" Bucky wondered aloud, setting down the soap to check his phone. He was met with a flood of messages and tags from various people. Among them was a tag that caught his attention: #Y/N and Paul.
Curious, he clicked on it, and his screen filled with photos of Y/N dressed in a chef's outfit, standing beside none other than Paul, the celebrity chef who also happened to be Kate's brother.
Bucky's heart sank as he read the accompanying captions and watched a reel detailing Paul's accident, along with rumors suggesting that it wasn't him driving the sports car, but rather a woman whose name was still unknown.
His thoughts racing, Bucky was startled when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Here's the dinner."
He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to find Y/N standing there, a concerned expression on her face as she looked at him. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his troubled demeanor.
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Join the taglist? 🩷💙🩷
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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being tony stark's daughter would include... (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 778
request: yes / no
original request: can you do one where the reader is tony’s daughter and loves to wear fancy stuff like cher from clueless 😭. and instead of being that stereotypical “mean spoiled rich girl”, the reader is actually super sweet and people sometimes take that for granted and use her for her stuff and money?
dynamic: tony stark x stark daughter!reader
characters: reader, tony stark, happy hogan, mention of steve rogers, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, peter parker, harley keener, and miles morales
a/n: ty for the request!! also requests are still open hehe :)
coming soon: clint barton younger sibling headcanons, overprotective avengers when reader has a boyfriend headcanons, hanging at the sanctum sanctorum over break headcanons
taglist: @nutellani
(message me or send an ask if you'd like to be included in the taglist!)
tony stark is an awesome dad. 
like he just goes above and beyond to make you smile.
it’s well-known that he spoils everyone at the compound, but since you’re his daughter, he spoils you A LOT.
you’ll come home from school often to find a little box on your bed, and it’s always something you either had mentioned in passing, or something that you didn’t even know you needed. 
like you got into crocheting for a little bit. you now have buckets full of multicolored yarns in every texture and color one could ever need!!
also i feel like when you told him your favorite ice cream was the same flavor as his favorite, he literally almost burst with excitement.
and now you ALWAYS have that ice cream.
he even built a little gadget that only lets you and him eat out of it.
the only exception to the rule is happy, as thor painfully found out one day.
he went to have some and it shocked him, but happy just reached in and got it anyway.
also if you’re tony stark’s daughter, i just have to say what an iconic trio you, your dad, and happy are.
like y’all always look so badass with matching shades or whatever.
you got matching shirts for you three for christmas and they both reluctantly wore it.
natasha took like fifteen pictures and steve was literally on the floor dying because he thought it was so funny.
anyways one of the coolest things about being tony stark’s daughter are the gadgets.
for example, you have a lot of clothes. but guess what? you don’t ever have to do laundry.
all of your clothes are put in this special hamper. it washes, dries, and folds/hangs the clothes up for you, then puts them away in a neat fashion. 
you have a high tech mirror (ala cher from clueless!!!!) where you can “try on” outfits before you actually retrieve them to wear.
it’s kind of awesome? 
jk it IS awesome.
anyways you’re also super smart.
science and math just come easily.
it must be…. in your blood or something.
bruce made that joke once and tony locked him out of the lab. then peter tried to make it too and tony made him go “test” a robot that blocks people out of a room HAHA
that being said, your dad actually lets you in the lab.
ikr? kind of crazy.
you have your own little corner to work on stuff.
also you and bruce are so iconic. i think you would have tea parties every sunday. 
tony says it’s “childish” but you can tell he’s jealous
once you caught happy setting up high tea for him and tony but then he told you that you didn’t actually see anything
now, it’s usually a great thing to be tony stark’s daughter
but finding real friends is tough.
there are people who are awesome, like peter parker, harley keener, and miles morales. 
but there’s a lot of people who’ll use you to get to your dad or your money.
and yes that sounds stereotypical, but it’s really tough.
there was a group of kids who seemed really excited to go out with you, but then you realized it was all for social media clout and that they expected gifts and stuff.
so you ended up exploding on them, and it gave your dad some bad press.
you were so embarrassed that you locked yourself in your room, refusing to come out.
happy left some tea outside but you didn’t want it.
so then finally tony came in.
guys he’s iron man he can get through a locked door 
and you didn’t really want to talk.
so instead he just put on some music.
some really loud guitar music.
and then, with the door still open, tony stark began playing air guitar.
now you knew he would do this sometimes, but not with the door open.
and then he started to SING.
that man cannot sing guys.
needless to say, it gave you a laugh.
he grabbed your hands, pulled you up, and the two of you started dancing around the room, laughing harder than ever before.
when the song ended, he told you he wasn’t mad.
and that people can be losers sometimes
but that you certainly weren’t.
then he said one day he would come up with a loser detector so that you wouldn't have to go through something like that again.
and he was only half joking, so you just laughed.
but deep down, you were happy to have someone who cared for you as much as your dad, tony stark, did.
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mysticcollectionbee · 7 months
Loki season 2 Ep.5
This just gonna be a list of things I’m obsessing over in the new episode by order of importance to me (I’m sorry):
GOD. OF. STORIES. Buildup. YES!!! From the episode title to Loki specifically mentioning saving their stories (only other time he mentioned stories to represent a person’s life was in the very first episode of this show I think). I’m way too excited.
Mobius…I’m sorry this will be mainly Lokius based. *Ahem* Mobius a single dad who can’t shut up about being single and the only person he talks about stuff that isn’t just Jet-Ski related is Loki. Everyone else he meets he kinda just stays on topic but Loki; “Hey, stranger who might of followed me from work, want a beer? I’m also a single dad.” And two things I feel like I see differently than a lot of the fandom: a) I don’t think Don (Just remembered that’s his name) has a dead wife. Like, who describes your wife being dead as ‘Long gone’ and immediately tries to pawn off a belonging that you used as a couple? b) People saying the kids act like Loki and Thor which means Mobius represents Odin but…Odin kinda sucked as a dad? And Frigga was a MASSIVE part of raising the kids, so an Odin variant being able to step in is. Unrealistic. Oh and Hela? Hi??? Hela exists. So nah, I think they made it that way the same way they made Thor adopt Love, to fix the mistakes of the past generation with the new ones. Thor is raising Love unlike how his father raised him. Loki could raise the brothers to not have the same issues he had with his own brother, and what they both had issues with when raised together by Odin.
(Last one was long) I think I made a theory a long time ago that Casey/Frank was related to the unsolved case of the guys escaping Alcatraz. Could be wrong, if not, hey one of my theories was right!
O.B. my baby boi was a failed Sci-Fi writer that ended up inspiring the god of stories to save all the stories across the multiverse. He’s secretly the most important writer character in the MCU :’)
B-15 being a nurse makes a lot of sense and explains why she became softer and more focused on helping others after she got her memories back. Her true nature of helping others came back to her, which probably ask explains why she really hate the idea of pruning people again.
I want to talk about Sylvie and all the neat stuff about her…But my Bi brain keeps getting distracted by that scene of her without her jacket…She’s- she’s great here too 👍
Final unimportant thing: Any Doctor who fan get time explanation flashback the moment O.B picked up that mug with pens in it? “I’m a pen in a mug?” “Yes you are, Donna Noble.”
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ynscrazylife · 10 months
if you still do avengers reqs, what would the avengers and y/n talk about in the avengers resident groupchat? y/n!stark x peter 🙏🙏
The Avengers Groupchat Would Include . . . 
Let’s start off with who’s in this groupchat: you (obviously), Peter, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Thor, Scott, Vision & Carol (Rocket was in the chat but he got kicked out, Ayo’s in there but she doesn’t chat much, Nebula would be there but she doesn’t get how to use a phone, Rhodey has better things to do than be in there)
Let’s be honest, Carol did not see the sense in her being there because there’s not gonna be WiFi throughout the galaxy.
“LTE, Carol!” — You, probably
Thor also didn’t really get it because there’s not WiFi on Asgard, but he’s too kind to say no
Naming the groupchat was hell. Every second, someone would change it (usually either you, Peter, or Sam) until Tony put his foot down and programmed FRIDAY to make it so no one could change it from “Avengers”
Natasha’s usually the one who sends reminders about training
Steve will send reminders about meetings 
Lots of pictures of each other are sent, mostly when they don’t know photos are being taken of them
The conversations range from someone asking what people want from the grocery store (Scott goes on grocery runs) to fierce debates over who’s the better fighter (It’s Nat, no one can beat her in sparring)
Tony will ask you and Peter if your homework is done (which you both annoyed, then Natasha yells at you)
It’s best to silence the notifications because they’re too, too much
Regular FaceTimes are a thing even though you’re usually all in the same tower
“Thor, your video cuts out when you go over Heimdall’s bridge.”
Wanda and Vision usually ask if they can double date with anyone (ends up being Scott and Hope or you and Peter)
Peter will send cute pictures of you that the Avengers ADORE. He’s tickling you? He’s recording a video. You fell asleep? He’s taking a picture.
“Peter, you’re not tickling her right. You have to get her knees.” — Tony
Clint’s kids love to take his phone to chat with the Avengers
And they LOVE chatting with them
“Auntie Nat, when are you visiting!” “Soon!!”
Sam and Peter both send lots of memes
“I don’t get it.” — Steve
Bruce doesn’t talk much but you know who’s a great texter? THE HULK
Hulk is the king of keyboard smashes
“Someone get Nat to do the lullaby.”
Hulk has smashed Bruce’s phone on multiple occasions tho
“Should I invent armor for Bruce’s phone?” — Tony
Yelena will steal Nat’s phone to troll the chat
Clint sends updates on his farm
Pepper will confiscate Tony’s phone when he needs to work so she’ll end up chatting
Everyone loves chatting to Pepper
Tony managed to get wifi on Carol’s ship so she’ll send updates from space
Thor tries to text, it doesn’t go great
When badgered by Natasha, Ayo will text
Nebula has occasionally hopped onto the group chat when Peter Q helps her
The group chat was SO ACTIVE when you and Peter went to prom
They were spamming the entire time, asking for pictures and updates and telling ya’ll not to drink
If anyone’s sitting out of a mission (usually you and Peter), they’ll text in the group chat to annoy those who are on the mission
Getting Nat to swear in the group chat isn’t rare but it is dangerous
Vision, Ayo, and Steve text with perfect grammar, short and to the point (Steve has a tendency to go on tangents, though).
Tony’s style switches constantly depending on his mood
Natasha, Sam, Wanda, you, and Peter text with abbreviations and lowercase sometimes
Carol usually sends photos, not many texts. She’ll occasionally send an lol or lmao.
Scott is always cheerful. He uses lots of smiley faces.
Tony will put an ironic amount of obnoxious emojis.
Clint’s tired and his texting reflects that. As short as possible usually.
There’s always something chaotic going on
But there’s also some of the funniest moments
So will Natasha
The Avengers are a family and they love each other so much, it’s definitely represented in the groupchat
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wordsarelife · 6 months
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pairing: platonic!avengers x gn!stark!reader, peter parker x gn!stark!reader
summary: just a few domestic headcanons about living with the avengers
warnings: mentions of kissing
notes: not really christmas themed, but whatever lol
living in the stark tower was the best thing in the world for you. you were sixteen and it felt like all of a sudden you had a huge family, when before it had always only been your dad and you
the best thing about it was, that they all didn't really act like grown ups but more like much older siblings. but it was great to have some role models, that weren't pepper or tony
then when peter and his aunt moved into the tower, you couldn't have been happier. he was your age and the both of you hit it off immidiately
tony wasn't really happy about this, but he knew that both you and peter were good kids and eventually accepted it, to his luck, the avengers really are teenager and constantly made jokes about your and peters relationship
the worst thing that ever happened was when sam caught you and peter making out in the kitchen on new years day. of course, sam being sam, he didn't shut up about it and it took about ten minutes for everyone to know
that situation was mentioned a lot during the next few months and you and peter found it absolutely embarassing.
every sunday there is a big family dinner, which includes all the avengers and is mandatory
these dinners are CHAOTIC, it's loud and everyone talks over the other but you absolutely love it and wouldn't have it any other way
every friday evening is game night and each of the avengers takes it very serious, because the winner decided what you'll eat on sunday. sometimes you play scrabble, or poker and sometimes also charade, which was banned after a few times, because peter and you always won
the avengers were sure you were cheating, but peter and you had just decided on very indicating gestures that told the other if the word was a movie, a book or anything else
steve spend a week researching how you had done it
speaking of steve: you love to show him and thor everything that is going on in the world, considering they're the ones that aren't really on the internet
you created a tiktok account for thor and he only made one video and went viral immediately, gatherin thousands of follower, while you have like a hundred followers, despite posting 200+ tiktoks
you have a close relationship with wanda and nat, those two are often the most sane adults around you, so you often come to them if you have problems, like a fight with peter or anything
ultimately you keep a close relationship with all of the avengers and they're like a family to you
you're probably the most loved 16 year old in the world lmao
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess @helpimhopelesslyinlove
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
⎯ one in nine realms [mini series]
[masterlist] & [taglist request]
[next chapter]
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▸pairing: heimdall x f!reader [god of war: ragnarok version]
▸summary: after atreus’ sudden disappear you decide to bring him back to home. to bring him back, you visit the asgard and so many advantures at the door. however, the most unpredictable one is to fall for odin’s right hand man, heimdall. he is something else and eventually, you find yourself wanting him to be a good boy. maybe he will listen?
▸wc: 2.3k [for the chapter]
▸warnings & tags: in general; some mature scenes, heimdall is lapdog of odin, he is arrogant and cocky, not a certain relationship with kratos such as a dad figure (for now because I couldn’t make a certain thanks to my love for kratos), travelling in realms, y/n is a goddess and she has a great power, she is an original characters as her power/s are made by me, heimdall become sub (sometimes), pet names (like sunshine, pretty boy, good boy, honey) – for the chapter; pet names/nicknames, heimdall is being an asshole, y/n is confident, touching, exposed skin, travelling, mind reading
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    “Where is Atreus?”
The question made the three of your visitors keep their silence. While your big smiled face was leaving its place to concern one, Mimir tried to break the silence, “He is gone, y/n. We are estimating that the boy gone to the Asgard, to meet Odin.”
It took for a second for you to reply because Kratos concern looking gazes towards the forest made you feel sad. Everyone knew how he cared for his little boy, Atreus and now, he was concerned about his safety. As you made your way to Kratos’ huge posture you tried to calm your own inner thoughts about Atreus’ safety.
“Kratos –“ You touched his shoulder, giving a light squeeze, “Don’t worry. He is a smart and strong. I know he is okay.” Even if you were worried about him, your words were true. In your past journeys with Kratos and Atreus who were the ones saved you from a dangerous dragon years ago, you witnessed how Atreus has grown as a strong and smart boy like his father. Because of the bond you have with them, you didn’t wait any longer to express your plan, knowing Odin very well thanks to your past events with All Father’s lies. “I will go and bring him back.”
Freya took a step further, “No, y/n, it is dangerous. You can’t go alone. Heimdall and Thor will be there.”
You tried to put a smile to Freya who was another person you liked most, alongside with his brother. “Thor? Oh, don’t worry about him. I will not step back to cut his face again, if this would be what he wish.”
“You fought with him?” Kratos asked curiously.
“Of course she did!” Mimir’s playful tone came from Kratos’ back, “She fought with more than half of the Asgard. I didn’t joke when I said she is a beast when we first found her, brother.”
You chuckled at Mimir’s compliments, “Thanks for genuine words my friend.”
“Ah, always young lady.”
“So,” You focused on Kratos, “Do you trust me?”
“Then, let me bring him back.”
“But –“ Yes, Kratos was fond of his son, Atreus, but he also has a bond with you. He didn’t want you to be in a risk that he put you.
To ensure him that you will be safe, you smiled, cupped his right cheek, “I will be fine. So do Atreus.”
After spending some time looking at his eyes, you made sure he was giving you approval. So, you picked up your gatherings and weapons, putting them on your back as they vanished from others’ eyes but kept remained for you, Freya spoke,
“Odin closed the gates. How will you go to there?”
You pointed the golden bird who was standing on a tree next to you, “If Odin has his own magic, so do I.”
Freya smiled, “Of course.”
The golden bird whose name was Trisc, landed on your shoulder, looking at the other three happily. “Now, Trisc,” You caressed her head, “You know where we are going.”
She nodded and began to whistle a song in a low tone. As the Midgard’s, your home’s vision become blur, Kratos said, “Be careful.”
You nodded, “Always.” And with that, your body vanished and a minute later, you were in front of the huge walls of the Asgard.
    “Oh c’mon!” Your golden colored blade cut the last remaining creature’s head off, giving you a time to relief. How many creatures were there? You thought Asgard will be safer than other realms but clearly, Odin just made his own palace safe and well. Others, who stayed Asgard, behind the walls, didn’t concern him.
‘Oh, he never changes.’ You thought while climbing the last part of the wall. He always thought about himself. He even didn’t pay attention to his family. Thor, who you fought deadly, was the saddest one for you. He just wanted to be in peace but Odin wanted him to do his dirty jobs. You really had so many nights thinking about how these people believed, respected and stayed right beside Odin. Their All Father was nothing but a liar.
After reaching the top of the wall, you came up on the wall with one last force. While taking fresh breaths, you took some time to relaxing your muscles. ‘It was easy peas' but boring’ you thought to yourself as the Asgard’s peaceful side came to your scene.
There were people who were forging weapons, having little chats, going to bar, and minding their own business. Valkyries were all over the place but none of them paid attention to your figure. You wanted to laugh at how they saw themselves as higher living things than others who couldn’t even see a woman who was standing the right in front of their eyes.
You guessed they believed Heimdall, the one who saw and hear all as Mimir said, without thinking twice. You didn’t meet with Heimdall, the one who so many people afraid of, in your previous years. You just heard his name and abilities. They said how he was the protector of Asgard and lapdog of Odin, as Mimir said again. He was able to see all but he wasn’t one that could be more powerful than you. However, your curious side really wanted to see him, meet him and you knew, with this journey, you would definitely meet with him.
As you made your way to the palace, as you thought it was a palace, some gossips began to audible from right and left sides. People were trying to guess who you were. They never saw any unknown woman in here most likely because they were really surprised. You didn’t pay attention to any of them. You were here just for Atreus. So, they were none of your concern but when someone said your name, you stopped on your trail.
“It’s Y/n!” One of them said, probably a dwarfs who was prison of Odin. “Who is Y/n you dumbass?” Other asked, keeping her gazes on your body. “You are the dumbass! She is a Goddess. She is far from our realms!” Other one laughed, “A goddess? With that delicate body, she only can be a human.”
You wanted to smile at their comments but kept moving instead. You were no longer a Goddess, as you wanted to not to be. You held your power still but you denied using it. Instead of your nature power, you just used magic and became sorcery after being a God meant nothing to you. You wanted to help people but you didn’t want them to see you as an outsider like these Gods and Goddesses. You wanted to be part of them. After using magic instead of your power, you really became friend of people.
So, without giving them any hint about who you were, you just went to the palace. Standing outside, you knocked the door, gently.
After waiting for some time, you knocked it again. When you were ready to knock for the third time, you heard a deep but playful voice behind you, “Well well well. Isn’t this my lucky week? Two strangers at once!”
You rolled your eyes and turned around to look at who were keeping you from your job, reaching Odin. The moment you saw him, you just thought how beautiful his eyes looked. Maybe it was because of the color of them but he certainly had wonderful eyes that made people look them without minding any other business they had. No, you hadn’t a favorite color but purple became looking so good to your eyes.
His lips stopped with a grin-like expression, looking proud of himself but you couldn’t tell why he felt so good suddenly. Instead of questioning who he was, you just asked, “I came here to see Odin.”
He rolled his eyes, “I really don’t understand how everyone thinks it is this much easy,” raising the thumb and forefinger, showing the short gap between them, he said, “to meet with All Father.” He took a step to your body, making you feel short because of his a bit taller size. “Are they giving something that makes your minds go dummy?”
You crossed your arms over your slightly exposed breasts, analyzed him from head to toe while realizing how his armor looked expensive and clean. He must be him.
You smiled, “From the attitude, I am guessing you are Heimdall.”
He smirked, “So, you are not that dummy after all, honey.”
Being a cocky person, having expensive and clean armor, treating you like a dummy and using pet names… You couldn’t expect much from the sons of Odin, could you?
Without introducing yourself, you just said, “I am here to meet with Odin. Where is he?”
He looked taking back from your question, “Didn’t you hear what I said?” He kept walking around you, looking at your body shamelessly, “All Father is not someone who you can meet anytime you want.”
He stopped right behind you. As he bent over your right soldier to look at your eyes, you felt his fresh breaths on your exposed shoulders because of your clothes which were a strapless black and golden colored armor top that covered your breasts and a black pant that completed with furry golden boots. His purple eyes were so close, and because of being taller than you, his nose were nearly touching your cheek effortlessly, making you want to get out of there because after all, he was Kratos’ enemy.
“Why are you here hon?” He looked angry for a moment before talking playfully again, “And how you crossed all the way to here without me seeing or hearing it?”
You took a step forward, saving you from his breath taking aura, “Well, this is the question you should ask to yourself, hon, not me.”
Even if you were trying to sound calm and confident, his effects on you were insignificantly effective. How come he took your breath away like that? This had to be some trick he used on you. Definitely. Nothing more.
“Oh, no, no-“ He began to speak but stopped for a second like he wasn’t sure to say it or not. “I don’t use tricks. I do not need them sunshine.”
Again with nicknames. And how stupid of you was this? You forgot that he was able to read minds, getting their real intentions. Did he read your mind when you first meet with his beautif – dumb eyes?
“Thanks for the compliment.” He said, smiling now. Oh, how you wanted to punch him in the face now. However, you reminded yourself your main purpose, taking Atreus back.
“If you read minds, then you know why I am here.” You looked at the Asgard’s view, “Where is he?”
“The half-breed boy is doing something for the All Father with Thor.” You both surprised how he suddenly became honest and Atreus doing a job for Odin with Thor. The whole situation was blowing your mind. If Kratos could be here –
You stopped thinking about them to prevent giving any unwanted information to this lapdog of Odin. So, you thought about Odin again.
“Then, I will wait here ‘till he comes back.” You smiled at him. If he wasn’t letting you meet with Odin, you would wait for Atreus to come back, then, you would return to home. Also, even if it was filled with the living things that you hated, the Asgard was beautiful. You would enjoy to travelling around it ‘till Atreus come back.
The moment you began to walk, curiously looking at the Asgard, trying to find an interesting thing to visit, Heimdall’s taller body stood right in front of you in a heartbeat, preventing you to take a further step. He waved his hands in front of his chest, “Oh, no, no, sunshine. You can’t wait here. Actually,” He showed the walls, “You have to go.”
You looked at the walls, then him. Every time you looked at his purple shining eyes, you couldn’t help but feel – good. How he had this personality with these beautiful eyes? It was sad.
You took a deep breath, “I will not leave ‘till Atreus is back. So,” You closed the gap between your faces, making him surprised and flushed a little bit because of your sudden confident move, not expecting it. “Either get out of my way or I will make you.”
Among the silence you two held, you studied his face better thanks to the closeness. Yes, you too flushed but this wasn’t something you wanted to hide. And how wise was it to try hiding something from a God who read minds without asking for permission?
You looked at how his eyes sparkled again and again. His face was clean, looking delicate but at the same time sharp. His braided golden hair made you want to touch and feel them because of its perfect and soft looking. The color of both his eyes and hair was something admirable. If he wasn’t acting like this, you could almost call him as one of the most lovely but also handsome Gods of the nine realms. But no, he was just the cocky son of Odin.
While thinking about these things, you saw how his face changed from self-righteous to resentful. Why he found your thoughts scathing? He didn’t need anyone’s acknowledgment expect Odin. Did he?
Suddenly, he moved from you, “Uhh –“ He tried to say, make a sentence, “I –“ He looked at you one last time like he was thinking about your last question. Maybe he was thinking how you made him feel? Wait, did you made him feel something?
As if he heard your thoughts again, he turned away. “Whatever.” Was the last thing you heard from him. You tried not to smile. Oh, this was going to be fun.
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Hi, it's my first time requesting something so I hope I don't mess up anything and English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. So I was thinking about Thor having a 7 years old daughter who is rather shy and quiet around others but when she's around her father, she's a bit more talkitive and ask him about some of his journeys and I was thinking if you can make a headcanons about how Thor, Odin and Loki would treat her? If don't want to it's fine, have a nice day.
I’ll be happy to accept the request ♥️♥️
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How do Thor, Odin and Loki treat Thor’s daughter?
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🎀he definitely tries to play little tricks on her. Like transforming himself into Thor or Odin.
🎀They definitely paint each other’s nails 💅 Loki definitely shows off his nails to the other gods saying his beloved niece is the best nail artist in Valhalla.
🎀Hair too! The two definitely style each other’s hair. (Odin and Thor) braids, pigtails, and ponytail. Wigs made of gold✨too.
🎀Quiet runs in the family, so Odin doesn’t mind that she’s quiet. The all father gives her a library of books and the two definitely have their quiet time reading. If she doesn’t understand Odin is more than happy to make things clear. (Odin will read to her as well; even if it’s a small story. Odin probably got her into the habit of reading.) Yes, he has tea made for her.
🎀Odin doesn’t dote on his grand daughter. But if someone asks about her he talks more. If she wants something he gets it for her too. (He spoils her quietly) Odin takes her to the god council too and while the other gods are debating she’s either coloring (that her dad got for her) or solving riddles that her grandpa gave her to solve.
Odin knows when his grand daughter is shy and doesn’t want to talk to other gods; Odin takes up for her. 🤍
Going back to Loki, Odin has taken a nap and awaken to his hair in pigtails. He knows it was his grand daughter. 🤍
🎀Odin wants her to be a powerful goddess one day and so he already has plans on how he he wants to train her. But for now, Odin teaches her all he can. Knowledge is power and Power is Power. But knowledge first.
🎀Thor treats his daughter with respect and affection. A little, little protective. Always, brings her gifts. Like flowers or candy. Going back to Loki, Thor will let his daughter braid his hair or put it in pig tails or a pony tail.
Due to her shy nature Thor finds it amusing when she hides behind him when he talks with someone or essientlally if they are out and about. Thor has gotten used to it so he doesn’t mind at all.
Going back to being protective; Thor won’t let certain gods come around and those that do are few and that’s only because Thor’s daughter probably mentioned that god or goddess in passing and he remembered. (Thor remembers everything about his daughter)
🎀Thor is aware she talks more with him than most people and he hopes he always talks to her and comes to him if she has a problem. When she asks about his adventures Thor will tell her (keeps it PG) and while he doesn’t have plans like his father for her being a powerful goddess he is confident she’ll be a great goddess in her own way and in her own time.
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Being a father changes everything.
Thor heard that saying from many people over the years but he didn’t think about it much, nor did he think he would be getting his hair braided by his young daughter and telling her how he defeated the 66 Jötunns by himself.
“How did you feel when you defeated them? Were you proud?”
Thor wasn’t expecting such a question from his daughter, nonetheless his stoic didn’t change much and thinking back to the time he saved Asgard the god of thunder only said a simple sentence.
“I felt bored.”
Thor heard his daughter repeat the word in surprise, then followed by the question “Weren’t they scary? And tall? And scary?” Thor pondered on his daughter’s question and simply told his daughter that he didn’t find them scary.
“Are you scared of anything?”
Before Thor could answer his daughter had moved on and was curious about Thor’s adventures with Jörmungandr, the World Serpent and how he defeated the monster easily. Once again, Thor told the story of his adventure. All the while knowing there was only one thing Thor was scared of.
Monsters didn’t scare him and he didn’t fear any god.
However, the Norse god was scared of one thing and that was never being able to see his daughter. Good thing, Thor would be very hard to kill and the two had an eternity together.
So, the Norse god really didn’t fear anything.
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Hey I was wondering how the gods and humans will react to a reader who is similar to Thorfinn from Vinland Saga with the whole “ I have no enemies.” Like how reader used to be this person that was filled with rage and hatred for the person who killed her father but slowly became a more forgiving person who let go of her anger and became a better person. I love your work btw ❤️❤️❤️
Hey! Thank you for the compliment, however, I'm not really familiar with the Vinland Saga, I'm sorry! I'm not really doing requests right now, either but I can try my best to answer in a small blurb.
So I can see some gods like Buddha and Thor finding you to be a very admirable person for letting go of your hate and such, Buddha for obvious reasons cause you chose the path of self improvement and Thor because he respects one's ability to hold a great amount of rage but learning how to control it. On the human side, Jack definetly admires you and maybe because he wishes he had your ability to forgive yourself and being able to not dwell on your past or it might just be because he genuinely sees your color and thinks it would be lovely. Hermes is very intruiged by your past, as well as Brunhilde. Hermes being curious because he wonders what you're abilities might be because he hears you were quiet the monster when you were alive and Brunhilde because obviously her sisters and people she cared about have fallen because of the Ragnarok and she'd definetly seek your console if the grief is too much for you. Adam just kinda adopts you as your new dad (and then he dies too) and just genuinely feels saddened because a child without a parent is such a tragic thing. Hercules is proud of you and admires you very much, amazed at how you accept your past and how you've grown from it. The people like Shiva, Loki, Raiden, and Zeus highkey just kinda want to see you go ape shit for themselves.
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zombiiegrr · 1 year
Brooklyn Baby. (๑>◡<๑)
a dbf! bucky x afab! reader.
word count : 3130
honestly everything is the same but Bucky is like healed happy and he more like amazing soldier then winter solder lol and jazz thanos didn’t happen causes it’s not marvel it’s more like real army idk with Tony still bring a billionaire + vision being ‘normal’ like wandavison and wanda acting like that aswell :)
cw: y/n is down so bad, cocky!bucky, slightly toxic! bucky not at first, age gaps (y/n is 21 while bucky is 38), cursing, smut. jealously, secret relationship. mentions of skin tone doesn’t exist here. daddy issues, slight mommy issues idk characters pick up the reader theyre all STRONG ass men so dont think the reader is supposed to be petite or anything!! ALSO there’s mention of recent readers 21 birthday ok I’m a june 3 gemini so… idk… ur birthday but it’s technically going to be hot in the fanfic so summer but I won’t say birthdates
Your mother had you at 17 leading to your father going into the military at 18 leaving you and your mother, fighting for his country meeting friends turning into family including bucky
i've always thought when someone watches someone growup then bangs them is kinda sooooo odd.. so bucky was never really around the reader when she was a kid he was on duty and when he was around the reader was way to nervous to even be downstairs when he was there so its not like that!!!!!!
music i listened to while writing. some song fit ill tell u to play them
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new chapter
this is a series! comment to be added to the tag list
@aemondmylove @arilevinsonhavemybabies @masturbucky @alwayshungryforramen @yvonneeeee
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“Now landing in New York! enjoy your holiday or welcome home!” The flight attendant says waking you up. You stood gain the feeling back in your legs, got your suitcase from above you wait for the people in front of you to get their items.
Your phone finally gained service flooding in texts from your roommate asking if you got on the flight safe. a bit from your mother telling you to make your dad get you things and more family telling you to have fun and say hi to your father for them. after reading most you finally got to your father's texts telling you his friends were coming to the airport to get you and to be “nice to them”
Just great. You loved your dads' friends the only thing was you had a crush on about every one of them realizing how attractive they are when you hit puberty making you shy around them leading to them thinking you dislike them. It had been 8 years since you left to California to live with your mother for school/the social life (Californian here!) Visiting during summers, Christmas, Thanksgivings and or your father's birthday. After 18 you choose spending summers and most holidays with your father and mother sometimes coming with.
Your fathers' main friends. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, San Wilson, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, James Rhodes. James “Bucky” Barnes, & Scott Lang. Your father had a lot of friends from all over and They were all handsome, but Bucky was breathtaking. You hadn’t seen him in 8 years well you seen him but hadn't even had a full convo you would avoid him like the plague being so embarrassed of the things you talked about with your friends when they pointed him out in family vacation photos.
You finally fully got off the plane moving quicky not wanting to be late and make them wait outside as you arrive outside blinded by the brightness of the sun as you wait for your eyes to adjust. As you finally get the hang of the brightness you hear some walking fast behind you “NO WAY SAME AIRPORT!?” Scott says as he walks over holding cassies hand as she waves aggressively with her other hand you smile wide knowing Scott lived above you in California , San Francisco. So it made sense landing in the same airport.
A car horn makes you all look over quickly seeing an Chrysler 300 with a metal arm out the window meeting the glasses of a guy smirking at you and before you could react someone busts open the back door making your face light up realizing who it was.
“DOUNTTTTT!!!!!” Clint screamed getting looks from other people there as you ran to him aswell
“HAWKEYE!!!” Clint had earned the name hawkeye when he had been the only one approved to use a bow and arrow with guns on the field and according to your dad he moved and had the eyes of a hawk giving him the nickname “Hawkeye” which you loved as a child still using now when he called to check on you helping you during fails and letting you stay with his family during fights with your mom.
"Geez you look all different kid had to make sure it was you." Clint says as he hugged you tightly giving you a kiss on the forehead while taking your suitcase in the other arm.
"Is that really you superstar you got taller or is something else different?" A kind smile meets your eyes as Sam reaches over the driver's seat "Well, I'm 21 now! last time you seen me I was like what 17?" Clint nods his head as he puts your suitcase in the back of the car.
“WHATS UP TINY” Sam says as he gets out the car to run and hug Cassie earning a giggle from Cassie as he lifts her up “oh you brought your father” sam jokes as he puts her down “Yeah ok Sam it’s great to see you to” Scott laughs as he hugs him and Clint
"Hello ladybug" Bucky says removing his glasses. he called you ladybug when he came home from duty to you welcoming him home with your dad in a ladybug outfit and when you dyed your hair red and black and always wore black and white. You liked ladybugs and liked that the few times you spoken; he had called you one.
"James-" he laughed slightly at your formality reminding you that bucky was fine making your stomach fluttery at the eye contact "Almost drove past you bug. You look beautiful you father talks about you like you're still a kid hiding from us on the stairs. But then I seen Scott your a lifesaver Scott " Bucky eyes you making you feel small under his gaze.
"Woah lay off the charm handsome" Scott laughs out loud not causing Bucky to break eye contact just smirk a bit more.
You get in the car begging bucky to drive you home fast He laughs and jokes about how insane Californians are with driving. OfCourse the two in the car start agreeing and shit talking Californians. You laugh seeing as you were literally in NEW YORK and so were they. and in an argument between the worst driving between New York and Cali? New York takes the cake or at least in your opinion.
you see scott putting his stuff in the back and you asking if Scott and Cassie were getting a ride then you got confirmation that Scott was invited by your father and you would be going to the same place!
the car ride was a bit quiet besides humming from you or clint. Many questions from Cassie before she passed out knocked out after 5 minutes. Bucky did ask about school, housing, and asked how your mom was doing. You answered all happily just happy to talk to anyone other then your roommate or your mom. Sam starts to ask the ‘good’ questions asking if you had had a drink yet since you had (recently) turned 21 extremely quietly looking over at Cassie You answered half ass knowing you truthfully had only had a few cocktails and maybe a beer while at a party only enough to get tipsy nothing getting you drunk.
You Start to pull up to the house watching your father standing outside with Tony talking about something noticing us pulling in.
“OH YOUR HOME” you father says LOUDLY gaining a very blank stare from Tony covering his ear rolling his eyes. He parks and you run out to hug your father being too broke to see him but not wanting to ask others to pay for a ticket you hugged him for a while before tony ask how long it’s been since you had seen each other.
“6 Months. Longest time since I was on duty.” You father answers gaining a frown from you. “College payment. I went broke and tried working overtime but my car-“your father cut you off with another hug reminding you that you’re here now daddy issue go crazy.
It had taken a while to repair the relationship with your father dealing with the damage of what he did and how his cheating broke up your family and how he ‘parented you’ due to his own issues and ‘shell shock’ from the years at service you could recognize he was trying so hard to change and heal.
“not to ruin the moment but I have a surprise or well we have a surprise let’s go inside” you dad says as you watch Clint grab your bag so you start walking in with your dad.
Steve, and Rhodes were talking in the kitchen looking over and noticing you. “Hell kid you sure grew up” Steve walks over giving you a big hug seen as those are common today sorry if you hate hugs Rhodes behind also giving you a hug.
“Ok give me the floor please lady’s and gentlemen. I and Darren have decided to force all of you to go on a family trip with us and before any of you say shit like ‘work’ or ‘kids’ or whatever I will slap you i cleared everything for you guys cause I’m me. But yeah kids are coming with causes it a damn huge lake house” Tony says as he pulls his laptop out to pull up the lake house Information.
“We and I mean WE ALL will be staying at Twin Oaks At The Chapin Estate for the summer because I own that place and it sits there collecting dust. HEY, Clint your kids they will have a room with bunk beds and Scott you okay with Cassie bunking them and Morgan?” Scott said it was perfectly fine with him if It was okay with Cassie who was nodding. Tony continued “it’s me and pepper of course Darren already claimed his room Nat and banner are gonna visit but not stay, Vision, Wanda, their kids and Thor will be staying in a place that they decided to rent like a seven-minute walk away from away from us so that’s cool. So that’s three more rooms any takers?
Everyone was kind of collecting information. You were overjoyed about going out to the lake and the family restaurants in that area. Sam said that he was fine with a couch and really didn’t need a room which a few people without rooms started to agree with.
As everyone started talking about rooms and stays and everything else your mind starts to wander to Bucky and the thought you and him staying in the same place overnight although you did feel a bit silly getting so excited over that. You didn’t even realize he was sitting right in front of you at the table smiling at you making you feel warm you stupidly thought if he could hear your thoughts. You thought about asking your dad to put you both in the same room cringing at the look your father would give you.
“hey ladybug” bucky whispers making you look at him making eye contact for the first time in a bit. “Hm?” You ask trying not to express any nervousness especially not around everyone else and especially not in front of him. “excited? I haven’t been on a trip in forever even if we’re staying in New York that place is expensive knowing Tony” you agreed saying you were excited just nervous about getting bored or homesick he laughed a bit and reminded you he won’t let you get bored locking eye contact feeling his knee slightly hit yours before he his smirk slightly grew.
“Okay final decision. Me and pepper, Clint and Laura, The kids, Darren, y/n, Rhodes, and Steve. And for some reason the rest of you prefer the couches? I dont know but I don’t care it’s figured out. Also shit I told the kids I’m sponsoring that he can bring his friends out to the lake and the pool and the gym and all that they aren’t staying but heads up.”
“Parker?” Darren asks. Tony nodded his head as he closed his computer. Everyone looked happy and it make you happy. Bucky would be using a couch which seemed like something he would do but being honest he’ll probably share a room with Steve falling asleep on the couch in Steve’s room of choice. You were fine with him sneaking in your room though
When the thought came to your head your looked at him right away giggling and squeezing your legs together like a teenager everyone looked at your confused and you father asked what was so funny backed up by bucky wondering as-well you laughed again apologizing and changing the subject saying you would be going shopping to pack for the trip backed up by Scott asking if you would be so kind to pick up a bathing suit for Cassie which you agreed
“Do you even remember where everything is?” Bucky teased. Why was he being so flirty? Were you being delusional?? Were you misinterpreting everything? Was he flirting or just hot and talking .
“yeah. Wanna go with just incase I forgot?” Smoothhhh you thought to yourself begging that no one else will invite themselves attempting to keep his invitation quiet.
“Don’t mind if I do. I have the ugliest swim trunks so I have to get new ones hun” he replied getting up saying he would get his keys
Everyone else said it would be smart to go Home and pack or something all deciding to meet up here again the next morning at 7am to start the drive over seeing as it would take a few hours did my research frfr
about 30 minutes later! (>ω^)
“sooo adult Life? How do you like it? I asked this before but in a car full of people and a kid so is it the same answer?” Bucky asked as walked around the clothing store you laughed knowing you did change your answer cause of the people in the car
“It’s shit. My mom forgets I’m a adult and cussed me out because i went to “way to many parties in one week” and posted “things” when I knew people from church view my story so she took my car which caused me to spend everything on a new one which is why I couldn’t pay to come out here” you could feel the words pouring out of you and Bucky was an amazing listener he followed every word you spoke feeling and reading you emotions and you could tell that made your heart pound.
“Man im sorry kid. Why didn’t you reach out? Dumb question I know it can be hard but your ‘uncle’ is a billionaire he would have happily got you a ticket to visit and your dad missed you like crazy he would have definitely helped.”
you frowned again. “oh no ladybug I didn’t mean like you did something wrong I’m just saying we’re here for you. We care and if you ever need to come out here for anything we will happily help. excuse me I’m not the best with words”
“you’re great. thank you bucky.” you said as you hugged his arm he pulled you away a bit which made you confused but then he gave you a full hug in the middle of the store which made you laugh in embarrassment, but you wouldn’t let him go. He smelt so good and covered so much of you he held on to you so tightly and easy it make you shake.
“Woah you're shaking to hard of a hug. Sorry kid” you held on before he could let go and reassured him that you were fine and just a bit touch starved, he let out an attractive laugh whispering take all the time you need. You could feel the change in your panties as you grew wetter in his hold as he whispered asking If you were alright. Making you hold him tighting nodding you head.
You finally let go shaking embarrassed that you were this into a hug for crying out loud. You locked eye contact he was smirkingly as usual looking down at your basket asking if you got everything you needed you nodded asking if he did Aswell seeing as he had nothing.
“Oh no sweetheart I just wanted a excuse to come with” you genuinely felt like you had a flood in your panties you felt so shameless for getting so wet over that over everything he did or said you nodded and smiled at him walking away before you did something stupid.
While in line Bucky was clearly eyeing your basket. The underwear the bikini THE everything or maybe he was just looking over? Unless he asked “isn't that a bit small?” pointing at the bikini “your daddy isn't gonna like that”
“I don’t care what daddy thinks or says I want the bikini”
for once Bucky looked surprised or well for a few seconds before he had a different look on his face he looked so good like he liked whatever I said I didn’t want to jump to conclusions but you’re sure it had something with saying daddy.
“Move in line y/n” once again whispering in your ear you did once again feeling that pulse in your panties. If he whispered in your ear one more time you were gonna-
“You total is $226.88 cash credit? Debit? Or Apple Pay” The cashier snapped you out of it with that total as you were so confused how you got that much stuff for a 1-and-a-half-month trip. Before you could think Bucky puts his Card in being way to buff for you to cross over and cancel you just stood there saying nonooooooooo i GOT it when you definitely didn’t have it but Bucky did. Tony slipped him a card
He grabbed your bags grabbing your hand aswell leading you out saying let’s go.
“Bucky that was a lot of money.” He ignores you as you both get back into the car as you keep repeating that he didn’t need to and that you needed to look at everything to see if it was even worth it and he still wasnt repling until he did.
“Y/n i GOT it. Please kid don’t worry about me we’re gonna have so much fun and spend a lot of time together if thats alright with you and if you would stop stressing about some money right now we could start having fun right sweetheart? Thank you.” He said calmly just sternly making me sit back into lt seat
“Atta girl thank you” you almost whimpered outloud he was very leading and it made you weak he probably knew so much things you don’t you want him to teach you
“hellllllllo you’re Home ladybug” you look around seeing that youre in your driveway and start to freak out nervous to ask for his number. “Thank you so much. Is there anyway we could talk? Instagram? Number? Email? Sorry that’s silly.“ you were mixing all of your words up again. he nodded and took his phone out handing his phone to you as you put you phone number in you felt his eyes on you.
“Thank you i was going to ask someone for you number but easy if you did First” you GOT nervous at THE idea that he fought of you.
“good night Bucky don’t forget tomorrow” You said as you got your bags and got out the card.
“Oh i wouldn’t miss it for the world ladybug” he said as he watching you making sure you got into the house safely
until next time sweetheart.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I hope you guys liked this!!! took so long im so sorry plz plz let me know how you guy liked it also Lmk for tag list this is a series.
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brw · 1 year
ranking random marvel men by how helpful i think they are in domestic settings
tony stark – 0/10 cannot cook cannot clean if you tell me otherwise ill bite you he has never cleaned a day in his life and that's okay.
simon williams – 0/10 has also never cleaned a day in his life and sure as hell won't start now.
thor odinson – 0/10 like he thinks he's being super helpful but he keeps accidentally breaking things and smashing plates and making a mess in the kitchen but he acts real cute about it so nobody gets mad at him really.
bruce banner – 1/10 he does his best but disaster follows him wherever he goes. he can't help it. everything that can go wrong will go wrong. he tries to make a nice meal and the fridge breaks so nothing is cold and the oven destroys the meat and the vegetables all get overboiled and he drops the wine bottle and it smashes on the carpet and and and it's just a bad time. he's doing his best.
roberto da costa – 1/10 you didn't marry him for his domestic skills.
bucky barnes – 2/10 keeps putting knives in random ass places n doesn't tell you.
logan howlett – 3/10 look he's a good cook and remembers to stock the fridge but he tracks blood in like at least once a week and it takes forever to remove from the carpet.
remy lebeau – 4/10 points deducted for not washing himself
bishop – 5/10 he grew up in a dystopia with on rations and it shows. the only thing you're eating with him is rehydrated beef or some shit. keeps the cleanest sparsest environment you've ever seen though
hank pym – 6/10 generally good at cooking, cleaning, buying shit etc but uhhh succumbs to the Horrors bimonthly
pietro maximoff – 7/10 will clean everything that gets messy, he likes a clean environment, but hates buying food vocally and gets kitchen rage when making food, his food is very good though
reed richards – 7/10 has made various machines to do washing, cleaning, cooking, laundry etc but cannot be trusted in a supermarket unattended, struggles to cook generally but can be trusted to make a few really good meals
luke cage – 8/10 i don't think he can cook for shit but he is great for remembering shopping and keeping things clean and tidy and we know he's a great dad so .
scott summers – 8/10 cleans everything, has a photographic memory of what's in the fridge and seems to telepathically know when something is broken or needs replacing but the only thing he serves is soup.
sam wilson – 10/10 good at cooking, remembers groceries, loves hosting people, keeps getting nice expensive wines to enjoy over the weekend as a nice treat from all the captain america shenanigans
steve rogers – 10/10 likes to clean likes to cook enjoys just relaxing and doing chores when not captain america-ing, will absolutely pick up stuff for dinner back from a fight with hydra or whatever
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itsmaferart · 2 years
SxF Season 2 · · · I love "Souvenir"
Honestly, I got so caught up in the new opening that I think I fainted from the overdose of sugar and beauty I saw in just a few minutes and I've come to talk about everything I loved, especially my speculations and personal analysis:
Anya's life changed "Everything is more fun since dad adopted her."
Just to see how a poor girl, who was treated like a lab mouse, an accident to be taken advantage of. Who ran away from that dark world, to know the outside, was trapped in a cruel world, was adopted but was returned so many times just to be peculiar.
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To see the contrast of a girl alone, in an orphanage, without friends. To see her walking next to Becky, her best friend. A happy little girl, surrounded by adventure, love, play and fun.
I love that Anya clung to the hope of being happy, and after so many opportunities she has already achieved it. And even though she is still fighting to preserve that happiness. Being adopted by Loid/Twiligh has been the best thing that ever happened to her.
Yor's background:
I really like the subtle reference, even though most of the opening we see Yor being beautiful. I like how they constructed the image sequence of Yor, receiving an assignment with her cold and unflappable assassin's face, moving on to a scene where we see her walking as a shadow in the streets bringing death with her.
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But right away we see a fragment of her taking care of Yuri, in a possible reference to the fact that everything she has done, she did it to protect the one she has loved all her life. It perfectly exposes Yor's "maternal" side, being the best sister/mother Yuri and Anya could have had. Exposing how she sacrificed herself so many times.
The visual references of the Forgers driving around in the car
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I don't know how significant this is, but I love seeing the Forger's riding around as a family in a car. Loid/ Twilight driving for sure after planning a whole outing with his family, Yor so beautiful and cheerful, Anya laughing and happy for her day of adventures and our adorable Bond as a gentleman.
Yor being beautiful, tender, sensual and sexy.
For this alone, the opening is already a masterpiece. The reference to Endo's art with Thor Princess bathed in flowers, even in everyday clothes, is a masterpiece.
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The use of light/shade
I make mention of how they use darkness whenever it is understood that a Forger is alone or makes reference to their secret/past life.
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I feel it's somber atmosphere shows the sadness, resignation and how isolated the Forgers are individually. Yes, well, it is understood that Twilight as a spy and Yor as assassins have made the choice to isolate themselves from the world and their own happiness, for Anya this loneliness was not her choice.
It's a huge contrast, seeing what her life has been like previously to being a family to what the three of them have become together. This whole opening is a display of the happiness they have and will have as long as they are together.
Thor Princess training
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This detail is great because in the manga we canonically don't have a scene of Yor in her training days with the shopkeeper. While, there are scenes of her in her assassin work, I would still love to see Yor's past and her path to becoming the legend among assassins that she is today. I thank the anime for having given her a sequence in a few seconds.
The Twilight agent
As I mentioned, the use of dark shots is a reflection of the seriousness with which Twilight executes its work. He lives hidden from the world, almost like a ghost or sudden apparition that he embodies in a respective role/character. But this same lonely man, who lives in fear of a war existing
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Now he is someone who cares for, protects and makes these two beautiful girls happy. The contrast of Twilight shooting at a target, to Twilight shooting at a fair to surely win a prize for Anya and Yor, is sublime.
I also love that Yor and Loid are in the same vehicle waving to Anya, as a couple as they greet their daughter!
Mother and daughter!
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What more wonderful than to see Yor and Anya with such sweet and intimate moments, a mother brushing and sheltering Anya in her arms as her little baby. Just in the most beautiful and I wonder if Yor's melancholy face in the second panel is a reference to her dismay during the arc where Fiona appears, and the way she hugs Anya is a way of saying that she doesn't want to walk away from her ever
Twilight's point of view
Love this very recent theory, just because it seems so believable to me. Much of the manga Twilight's look is a reflection of his deepest thoughts, which he doesn't usually admit to
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The perspective of many scenes seems like Twilight watching Yor and Anya, carefully detailing their happiness, treasuring it as the most wonderful thing in their world. It feels genuine, because of the angle at which the viewer is looking. Anya's scenes are looking down or up, marking a distance (because of the height between them) and Yor's scenes are close up.
The true peace of twilight
I think what touched me the most is knowing that Twilight is a tormented man who longs for peace, but I think deep down Twilight is searching again for the meaning of his life. He looks for a way for everyone to be happy, to have the opportunities he missed, but at the same time, he lives isolated to this happiness, so no matter if he gets happiness between East and West, Twilight was condemning himself to a life of loneliness and exile.
Yor and Anya now represent that light at the end of the tunnel, although his rational side prevents him from pushing away those shadows of the past, and letting that seed of love germinate fully. I hope that in the end he can wake up and realize that he already has everything he needs.
In short, Yor and Anya represent Twilight's happiness and Twilight represents the happiness of the two of them.
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I feel the red ribbon symbol at the end, reference: to the red thread of destiny, which is unbreakable. So no matter when the Forger's relationship is stretched or strained, they are already bound together for the rest of their lives.
This opening came to invade my heart and never ever leave.
What do you think?
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
Accidental Kiss
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PAIRING: Heimdall/Thor/Baldur x Female Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: Heimdall, Thor, and Baldur accidentally kiss (Y/N).
It’s unlikely that he’d cause the accidental kiss to happen himself; Heimdall is too careful about how he presents himself to allow such a thing to happen. It was probably an outside force that initiated the kiss.
If you’re not in a relationship then Heimdall would act disgusted to save face. He’s extremely embarrassed that he didn’t foresee this incident. The moment your lips collide with each other Heimdall would lose focus on everything and just be thinking about the beautiful woman that landed on top of him; his crush.
Heimdall doesn’t even realize he’s been stuck in the same pose on the ground, with a blank face, staring up at the sky like an buffoon. “You…your lips.” He kept mumbling it under his breath. Truthfully, it wasn’t just the fact that you both had just kissed. It was the fact that everyone in the room saw it.
Naturally, Heimdall will pretend to be disgusted to avoid being teased. “Ugh! How dare you contaminate my temple with your cow lips!” He storms off and hides on the wall of Asgard. He’d love it if you visited him afterwards to give him another kiss, but he’d also want to be the one to set the kiss in motion.
If you’re in a relationship then Heimdall is more likely to be suave with the kiss. He wouldn’t be as caught off guard, and so he’d have enough strength to hold up the both of you. He’ll keep the kiss quick if you’re in public, but if not, or if he wants to rub it in someone’s face, he’ll deepen the kiss.
The accidental kiss will only work once, so enjoy it while it lasts.
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The accident could happen in a plethora of ways. Thor could be the cause of it, you could, someone else could, nature could, anything. Either way, it’s more likely to be Thor himself that causes the accidental kiss.
If you’re not in a relationship then Thor will be a little shy at the intimacy. He’s not going to be red like an apple, but he’ll definitely get a bit softer than usual in his tone of voice. Probably also going to hold you in place for as long as you’ll let him. “We don’t have to move so soon. It’s really comfortable in this position, right?” Doesn’t care what anyone says while watching, unless it’s Thrúdie.
He’d be a little embarrassed if his daughter started teasing him about having a crush on you. “Dad, I know you said you liked (Y/N), but I didn’t think you’d move this fast with her!” Thor’s got some self confidence issues when it comes to the people he cares about, so he’ll also be worried that he may have offended you if you didn’t already make it obvious about your shared interest in him.
Thor definitely becomes more bold if you say you’re fine with it. He wouldn’t mind stealing a few extra kisses in the mix of things.
If you’re in a relationship then Thor will cause the incident to happen and he will take his sweet time with ending the kiss. He’s bolder than ever and unless you end the kiss, you’ll be stuck in that man’s hold forever. Thrúd will gag if she sees it herself, but she’ll also secretly be throwing her dad a thumbs up behind you.
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Accidental kisses happen more often than they should. Baldur is really careless about how often he touches you, because he really likes touching you. Even though he can’t feel anything, he knows it’s great and is just happy he can still feel emotions.
If you’re not in a relationship well then you are now. Baldur knows he likes you, he knows you like him; the only reason he hasn’t asked you out yet is because he wants to plan the perfect moment. That was until you accidentally fell on top of him and kissed him. Baldur saw wedding bells. “If I’d known you’d do this I would’ve worn something nice today.”
His mind isn’t well, so naturally he will be upping everything to the max. You smile at him? You were missing him. You hug him? You couldn’t live without his touch. You kiss him? Gosh, what are you, his stalker? Buddy doesn’t get that you’re just nice and that the kiss was an accident. Baldur’s love for you, along with his inability to feel you, makes it all the more extreme.
He obviously won’t move the relationship too fast if you don’t want that, but he will refer to you as his wife to everyone. Leaves your relatives very confused as to why they weren’t invited to the ceremony.
If you’re in a relationship then Baldur just latches on and kisses you. If you’re in public then he’ll make a big display for it, but in private he likes to be more gentle and romantic. “One day, I’ll feel you. And on that day, I want to experience everything I have with you all over again.” Baldur has become a real poet with the way he articulates his words to explain how his heart beats only for you
- Fin
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lovedrots · 2 years
Hi! I loved your peter parker fanfic, it was cute and it melts my heart🥹 can I suggest a tony stark x reader where he finds out about Peter and the readers secret relationship?
Thank you in advance! Keep up the great work!❤️
i. to fool a genius
i . to fool a genius - dad!tony stark + stark!reader
synopsis : you ( stark!reader ) and peter parker have been sneaking behind the avenger’s backs for months, trying to keep your relationship from them – or, more specifically, from your dad, tony. but, it takes more than hiding on roofs and in closets, to keep a genius from finding your secrets. 
warnings : swearing, tony raising his voice / being a mean dad at first, mild angst to fluff ! quick-paced / rushed dialogue.
a/n : thank you so much, lovely! it means a lot that you enjoyed my first post. i hope i was able to capture your idea well enough for a one-shot:) i have a part 2 for this in mind, regarding the last sentence of this fic. so if you'd like to see that happen, please tell me. <3
word count : 2,840
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the avengers tower was silent, the only noise that you could hear being your own voice as you hummed to the melody of paper rings, the words replaying in your head over and over. the final song you had heard during your date.
you’d just returned from an outing with peter parker at the bowling alley, your face flushed, hair messy, and face absolutely glowing. sure, your arms ached a bit, as you’d over-exerted yourself in an attempt to beat your boyfriend in the sport. but, you could barely feel the burn over the butterflies in your tummy.
now came the difficult part. 
the elevator doors opened with a click, and you poked your head around the corner, brows narrowing for any signs of your, rather nosey, family –
“welcome home, miss stark.”
you shot back, landing against the elevator wall, leaving a thud. “friday!,” you seethed, fumbling against the metal bar, pulling yourself up. “i told you not to do that today … or any, for that matter.” 
you smoothed out your wrinkled t-shirt, cursing the poor a.i. for messing up your simple order. it was a little childish, to get angry with a machine. but, had tony been in the living room, things would have been bad. like, civil-war level bad.
you could almost envision it; the infamous tony stark chasing a poor teenage boy around the tower, shouting profanities, all suited up. steve would be there, scolding your dad for the ‘bad words,’ as natasha and clint enjoyed the show. lord knows where you’d be; probably locked away in your room, with no one but friday to keep you company. 
all the more reason to keep it a secret. 
“miss stark, i am unable to override your father’s requests. they are top-priority in my system,” it’s voice trailed you as you slipped down the hall.
you crossed your arms, walking a faction quicker, towards your room. “keep that up, and i’ll reprogram you entirely,” you threatened under your breath, unlocking the doors to your bedroom with the print of your finger. a stupid, dramatic addition to your security, but a much needed one. especially after a drunken thor and clint had snuck into it, one night when you were out, to dig through your closet and have an ‘avengers fashion-show.’ thor’s idea, after watching miss america for the first time.
needless to say, half your clothes were stretched beyond recognition. 
throwing your purse on the plush bed, collapsing next to it, you whipped your phone out.
peter had left you a sweet goodnight message; one you didn’t get too often, thanks to the risk of someone seeing your phone. but, recently, the two of you had begun to become less and less cautious. it read, “goodnight, princess :) tell me next time you can go out please!! also, may says hi. she misses you.”
you giggled, kicking your feet as you quickly sent a reply of your own. “what a charmer. goodnight, parker. tell your aunt that i miss her, too.”
you crandled your phone to your chest, heart fluttering as you stared at your painted ceiling, a wistful sigh leaving your lips. 
“in your teen-angst days, y/n/n?” a deep voice mused. steve rogers. “i remember when i went through that … it passes. promise.”
although you appreciated the words of encouragement, they sure did ruin the moment. you groaned, rolling onto your stomach. “uncle steve, i am not brooding.”
he rose a thick brow, leaning against the doorframe of your room. stupid you, for not closing the door. “then, why’s your makeup all messy? and your hair. you look like a mess.” 
your heart thundered, a hand raising to touch your lips, lipstick likely smudged from the kisses you planted all over your lover’s face. “shit – nothing. just a failed attempt at a new online trend,” you quipped, unwittingly covering your face. 
“you kids are so weird, you know that? you want to look like a train-wreck?” he shook his head, bouncing off the wall with a grunt. “i didn’t come here to banter with you about your fashion choices, though. tony wants your help. main lab.”
you rolled your eyes, making a beeline to shove your uncle out the door. “whatever, tell him i’ll be there. let me just wash this train-wreck off my face.” 
by the time your face had been cleansed, hair had been brushed, the entirety of the crew was home, huddled up on the couch. it was obvious that you’d just been training; natasha’s hair stuck to her temples, and vision, ever the gentleman, was rubbing circles into wanda’s skin. 
you offered the gang a wave, brushing past them, into your dad’s laboratory. you had always loved it, since you were a kid; the holograms and little gadgets laying around were more than enough to entertain you, while tony sat in meetings day and night. as a pre-teen, you even managed to fix up one of his small, failed projects during one of his trips. though it was tiny, it was enough to have him ruffle your hair, and praise your brains. “must’ve got it from me,” he had said proudly.
you wandered over to the desk, setting your cell phone down next to you as you sat on your favorite seat – a pillowy spinning-chair that your dad had installed when you were 5, so you could watch him work. 
“you called?” you said, crossing your legs, peering over his shoulder. it didn’t seem like he needed any help; the man was meticulously deconstructing the helmet of his suit, replacing panel after panel with shinier, sturdier metals.
he didn’t even look your way. “hey, kid. you seen underoos around? he was meant,” he pinched a metal tool between his teeth, “to swing by tonight. i’ve got some new features in mind, too add to his little costume. and some to remove.” 
“remove?” you raised a brow. 
“he almost electrocuted himself with the taser-web feature.”
you bit your lip, a gurgle of a laugh almost slipping past your lips. “n – no. i haven’t. he doesn’t even live here, y’know,”
tony’s exasperated exhale had you chuckling. “trust me, i’ve tried convincing him and his aunt. friday? call ‘underoos.’”
no response. 
“point break’s probably hogging friday again. i can’t believe i gave him voice recognition,” he grouched, setting his mask down. he eyed your cell. “may i?”
you mindlessly nodded, having picked up a project of yours, fiddling with the wires and snaps. it hadn’t been working for years; the teleportation panels couldn’t seem to fabricate, after the one and only time you tested it. what could you have done wrong? the code seemed fine, and nothing had short-circuited – 
“so … ‘baby,’ huh?”
your spine went stiff, warmth seeping out of you faster than quicksilver. “sorry?” you swiveled your chair around to see your father, your phone in his hands, dangling it between his fingers, screen facing you. it read a simple text, from none other than peter. ‘baby, do you have the algebra homework? i kind of lost my backpack, lol.’
it didn’t exactly help, that you had a small heart next to his name. 
you almost dropped your project. “dad …” you tried, stomach churning. “i can explain.”
“no need. i’m not stupid, kid,” he snapped, slamming your phone on the counter with such force that you knew it was cracked.
obviously not, you wanted to roll your eyes. he was a genius, in case he hadn’t noticed. but instead, you meekly nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt. this was probably the worst way he could have found out. 
“what did i say about boyfriends? or, more specifically, boyfriends that could get you killed?” he seethed, looking you straight in the eye. 
you felt your cheeks heat, eyes welling. “pete won’t get me killed! for fucks sake, he’s a hero. and he actually cares about me.”
“same difference. he has enemies, y/n. you know what they’ll do when they find out about you? they’ll take you, and torture you, and then end your life.” 
y/n. he only called you by name, when he was angry. it was always kid, kiddo, or y/n/n. “what difference does it even make? everyone knows i’m your daughter, you have even bigger enemies, dad. and you trust peter!”
“not with my fucking daughter,” he emphasized, jaw ticking. “i made some mistakes when i was younger, you know. mistakes that lead to a kid when i wasn’t even ready. so, i’m sorry if i’m just trying to protect our innocence!”
you scoffed, getting up, snatching your phone off the table, nearly slicing your skin on the sharp metals laying around. “oh, so now you’re using the fact that i was a ‘mistake baby’ to get the upper hand? real mature, dad.”
“don’t try to turn this on me,” he rose his hands in mock surrender. “you lied to me. i don’t even want to know for how long. i told you, to wait until college. you're not mentally prepared! you don’t even know what love really is!”
“shut up!” you yelled, splaying your arms. “i love him! i do. maybe you don’t know anything about love. i mean, come on! you slept around with women for years, and ended up with me. it took you, what, fifty years to actually get married?”
oh, you’d hit a nerve. he stood, eyes aflame, the lines on his forehead prominent as ever. this was the scariest you’d seen your dad. even when he was playing iron-man, he was still tony beneath the mask. 
but this was different.
he opened his mouth to speak, fists tight – but you were faster than his words. before he could watch the tears stream down your face, you sprinted out and down the hall, past the rest of the avengers, who most certainly heard every word said, including pepper, and into your room. you latched it from the inside, falling into your bed, the duvet never feeling softer than it did now. 
tony was probably leaving the house to beat peter to a pulp. it was all your fault. you knew to be more carful, to keep a close eye on your phone, your schedule. to not let anything slip. so, how in the world did you manage to out yourself in such a stupid, simple way? you always imagined you and peter telling everyone together, in the future. when you could all laugh it off, and your dad would be happy for you. 
not like this. 
why did you have to say all that? you could have reasoned with him, but you knew you hurt him, out of spite. and it ached, knowing you may have reduced your own father to tears. you told yourself you would never, ever use his dark days against him. but you lied. you flung it all in his face, with such malicious intent. and you despised yourself for it.
though your vision was blurred, your nose stuffy, you found it in you to pick your phone up off the ground, the screen indeed cracked. you opened peters contact, more than relieved to find that tony hadn’t blocked pete without your knowledge.
‘he knows, pete. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. he knows, and i think he hates you now.’ you clicked ‘send,’ pathetically clicking your cell off, not bothering to wait for your boyfriend’s – could you even call him that, anymore? – reply. you buried your face back into the covers, sobs and hiccups leaving in a string from your throat. your eyelids were so heavy. you didn’t want to hear anymore, didn’t want to see peter’s heartbroken face, when you would have to see him again. 
so, maybe it was okay, when you let your cries lull you to sleep. 
the sun was rising, when you awoke. it was an effort, to peel your eyes open; tears from the night before glued them shut, and you were almost content to keep it that way. 
but a familiar knock pulled you from the depths of your depression. a pattern that you and tony had made up, to indicate that it was him at the door. normally, the memory made you smile. but now, it only had your eyes grow glossy.
you didn’t want to open the door.
“i know you’re in there, kid.” his voice was hoarse. 
it broke you, in more ways than one. 
you padded over, cracking it open to peek through the sliver. tony looked just how you felt, eyes red, puffed, hair a complete bird’s nest, a bit damp from his morning shower. but, even when clean, he looked distraught. 
you pushed the door open farther, stepping aside. an offering, to hear him out. and one he took. he strode in, plopping himself on the edge of your unkept bed. though his eyes immediately found your phone, he didn’t dare touch it again, noting the long ridge that now ran through the middle of the glass. “looks like i owe you a new screen.”
he pat the space beside him, and you shuffled over obediently, gaze stuck to the carpet. you were fully prepared for a lecture. you deserved one, for what you said. never in a million years, did you expect yourself to be so crude. just remembering the moment had you blubbering all over again. 
“dad – i’m sorry, i know you just want the best for me, and i didn’t mean anything i said! but i really like him, and, and i know, or i thought, you would be okay with it, since you like him, too! and you’re a great dad, i swear, i’m just sensitive, and –” 
he hushed you with a gentle hand on your shoulder, shaking his head. “kiddo, don’t beat yourself up over it. we both said things we … probably shouldn’t have.”
he paused, but the look on his face had you shut up and let him continue. “i do approve. of parker, i mean. he’s a nice boy, and definitely strong enough to protect my little girl. i just don’t want you to end up like me – but that doesn’t mean i regret what lead me to having you,” he quickly corrected himself. “i just don’t want you to resent that i wasn’t there for you enough, or didn’t protect your innocence when you were young.”
you understood, where he came from. even he, the smartest man on planet earth, didn’t know how to raise a kid. it was different from coding a machine. a machine, at least, would have everything planned out. it was as simple as writing a story; you knew where it’ll start, and you know where it’ll end. but humans? there are twists and turns, left and right, and there’s nothing you can do about it. there’s no ‘test runs,’ for children. you only get to use your judgment. 
“i know,” you said quietly, but not unkindly. “but, dad, you’ve got to trust me more. i’m going off to college soon; you know i’m not really a baby anymore. i need to learn to take care of myself.”
this was one of the few times you’d genuinely seen your father cry, face-to-face. maybe even the first. 
“how about i try that, yeah?” he said, weakly. as if he was afraid to let go. “i’ll start with peter. the kid … i’m proud of him. and you.” He rose from the bed, excusing himself, obviously too proud to break down in front of you. and though you wanted him to stay, to keep talking with you and to clear everything up … there would be a time and place for that. “you two make a good couple,” he nodded, turning form you to dab at his eyes. he rounded the corner, out of your room – only to backtrack and add, “but if he causes you any harm , i swear to thor, i’ll gut him like a fish filet.” 
despite the shock still registering, you smirked. “not if i get to him, first,” you giggled through tears. tony’s deep laughter – though strained – was like the medicine to all your day’s problems.
you guys would be okay. it would be okay. 
picking up your phone, you dialed peter’s number, a twinge of guilt churning your stomach as you recalled last night’s text. 
he picked up on the first ring. 
“y/n? hey, are you okay? is mr. stark okay? are we over?” poor boy, his voice was cracking nearly every other word. he sounded heartbroken.
“pete …” you cooed, shaking your head, though you knew he couldn’t see you. “dad’s okay. with you. with us.” … you opted to leave out the horrid fight you had, along the way. “so, no more sneaking in through my windows, yeah?”
you could hear him practically jumping off the walls, talking so quickly, so joyfully, that you could barely understand him. but it didn’t bother you.
after all, you were already busy planning a dinner, for tony to meet peter as your official boyfriend.
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godsofhumanity · 16 days
You should make some general Thor headcanons since Marvel helped him become a popular god
okie i have some ideas.
i'll be real. marvel is what got me into norse mythology, and i find it super difficult to separate chris hemsworth's Thor from mythology Thor. so my hc's are pretty similar to that portrayal.
personality wise, i think Thor is generally a friendly guy. i mean, i dont think he makes friends as quickly as say, Freyr and Bragi, but deep down, he has a heart of gold and anyone who knows him, knows that this is true.
Thor doesn't really have any filter. he says exactly what he is thinking. he's call things as they are.
i think this makes his relationship with Loki very interesting. marvel has Loki and Thor as brothers, but in myth, that dynamic works better between Loki and Odin instead. so, my hc is that after Odin, i think Thor might interact with Loki the most largely because Loki is a *bit* scared of Thor.
Thor is superrrr strong. maybe the strongest in Asgard after Odin. his lightning is feared by everyone, as it should be. AND he has a temper to match.
with Thor, it's a short temper, but quicker placation. you can easily defuse his anger by apologising, or telling a joke, or acknowledging the situation. i don't think he holds on to troubles. so that's why with Loki, who perpetually sets everyone off, Thor tolerates Loki a lot because he just doesn't get angry for a long time. and once Loki has served his punishment for the crime of the day, Thor is satisfied... UNTIL of course Baldr's death which is simply too tragic to deserve any redemption.
now. as it has been said before, Thor isn't that smart. i think he's a bit all brawn and no brains. and that's ok. Asgard wouldn't want it any other way.
Sif is the love of Thor's life. i think he's always showering her with compliments and gifts.
i find it SUPER interesting that Sif has a son (Ullr) who is not fathered by Thor, while Thor has children Magni and Modi who are not mothered by Sif.
in all likelihood, Magni and Modi are products of extramarital affairs but i'm sick of having to write about gods and goddesses who cheat, so i hc that Magni and Modi, like Ullr, are products of previous marriages.
being warriors, and gods who are susceptible to death, it's completely possible that Thor and Sif's previous spouses/partners fell in battle... or perhaps even simply that they amicably left those partners because the relationship didn't work. idk,, i haven't thought about those details too hard just yet.
Sif has a GREAT relationship with her stepsons, and Thor has a GREAT relationship with his stepson.
i like the idea of Ullr being the eldest son. and i think he has gotten along with Thor from the start. Thor seems like a guy who wants a huge family, so having four kids i think is pretty good and natural for him.
Thor is a dad-joke kinda guy. and he also laughs at absolutely anything.
as i have mentioned before in my hc's with Frigg,, i believe Thor gets along with his stepmum very well. i think he has a lot of respect for hierarchy and power, and being a stepdad himself, i cannot imagine that he has a bone to pick with Frigg. it helps that Thor's own mother Jörð is treated well by Frigg and looked after by Odin too.
with Odin, i don't think Thor is that close. i hc Odin to spend a bit more time with the children of his who will take up important roles in his kingdom; for example, Baldr who is his heir, or Tyr and Freyja who would take charge of defense and war strategies, etc.
because Thor isn't all that bright, i don't think he that much responsibility in terms of organisation or management... he is simply a powerhouse who lends his aid when it's requested.
that's not to say that Thor and Odin don't like each other. they just have a different relationship. they are similar in terms of their personality, and i think Odin definitely would have given Thor instruction in the art of war, etc.
anyhow. amongst the rest of the gods, Thor gets along very well with Bragi. Thor loves music a lot, even if he sings offkey when drunk (which is most of the time).
he also enjoys spending time with Heimdallr. i think Heimdallr would tell Thor stories when he was a child that Thor later still recalls to tell his own children (Heimdallr is the eldest child).
strangely enough, i think Thor is one of the few gods who manages to break the ice (haha) with Skadi when she first comes to Asgard. because she's a hothead and Thor's a hothead and they're both super strong, i think they can go toe-to-toe with each other.
so yeah. there u go :)
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