#Tim is destroying the Cave looking for this outfit
cloudycera · 2 years
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Oh look it's Robin, just an ordinary Robin.
Nothing strange about him.
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Roma Marinette pt. 1
Marinette's parents joined a traveling circus a year before Marinette was born. They make all the food that's sold as well as food for their fellow travelers.
Marinette is born in the circus. She is one of three kids. Only one year younger than Dick Grayson, Dickie as she grows up calling him, and five years younger than Johnny Grayson. Dick's nickname for Marinette is Marigold. Marinette takes to the Graysons she and Dick adore each other and all the Graysons love little Mari. With Tom and Sabine's permission they start training her along with Dick. Both kids fast learners with what seems like an ability to completely defy gravity and break its rules.
Dick and Marinette are stuck at the hip learning everything their circus family can teach them. Marinette is the one that decides that they should learn knife throwing and fire spinning. While Dick decides they are going to work out with the strong men and learn how to handle the animals. 
While they are still too young to join in on the trapeze they are allowed in the show. Together they wow crowds doing cartwheels, flips, and complicated floor routines together. Once they are 6 they are allowed to fly with the rest of them. Their shows garner more and more attention, everyone wanting to see the two youngest aerialists in the world.
Everything is perfect in their lives, until they go to Gotham for a show. Dick parents begin acting weirdly, hugging Dick more and more, while looking at him in a resigned manner. This causes both to worry a bit but they don't let it show. When Dick sees people messing with the trapeze both of them brush it off. Before the show they meet the young Drake family and take a picture together. Marinette and Dick are on one knee together with Tim sitting on their bent knees.
When the lines snap Marinette and Dick stand on the boards opposite of each other watching in horror as the lines snap. In minutes both are on the ground near the bodies, Dick crying silently holding his mother's bracelet while Marinette holds him tightly crying herself.
Bruce walks up and talks to the two and is slightly surprised to find that Marinette wasn't their daughter. Marinette smiles weakly telling them she was pretty damn close. Bruce comforts Dick before going to talk with the Commissioner and a Social Worker.
Before the end of the night Dick is packing up his stuff and getting ready to leave with the social worker. Bruce never leaves their sides. Marinette stops Dick from leaving and hands him her stuffed tiger named Sikhaya. Dick hugs it tightly before pulling out his elephant Zitka and giving it to her.
Marinette pulls him into a tight hug sniffling into his shoulder.
Mari- Don't you dare forget me Richard Grayson. We'll find each other again someday Dickie. So until then don't you dare forget me.
Dick- I could never forget you Bluejay. 
Two months later Marinette and her parents leave the circus and settle down in Paris. It breaks their hearts but after the Grayson's tragedy Tom and Sabine find it the best option.
Dick and Marinette don't see each other for a very long time, but they never forget the other.
Zitka is well loved and taken care of. The stuffed animal has a special place on Marinette's bed even when she is an adult. While Dick takes to putting Sikhaya on a shelf when his brothers come into the mix, not wanting it to be destroyed if they become destructive.
Dick grows up as Bruce's son becoming Robin when he turns nine. At thirteen he joins a team of young superheroes, at fifthteen he leaves behind Robin giving the mantle to his new brother Jason. He also begins dating Barbara. They break up a year later when Dick realizes he is continually comparing Barbara to Marinette. When he becomes seventeen he mourns the loss of his brother and nearly kills the Joker, only stopped by Batman. He takes a year break, taking counseling sessions with a reformed Harley Quinn. During his break he meets Tim Drake once again, he doesn't remember him however. He begins training Tim to find solace in acting as a brother again, he also digs up evidence on why the Drakes are terrible parents. Dick encourages Tim to become Robin, his first night out as Robin is Nightwing's return. When he turns 18 he goes to the police academy, and once he graduates he becomes part time and goes to college for business. He is 20 when Red Hood begins targeting the entire family. Jason was not prepared for how vicious Dick got when he shot Tim. Batman once again stops Dick in his anger, telling him once again that neither of his brothers would want him to kill. Jason uses this time to escape from the family and drops into hiding. He hacks into the Batcave and watches the caves videos and reading reports of what's happened since his death. When Jason finally comes back he is ashamed and is surprised when Dick simply hugs him crying. Things are tense between Bruce and Jason, but a few counseling sessions with Harley and their relationship is slowly rebuilding. Shortly after Damian comes into their lives. Dick is quick to knock Damian down when he attacks Tim. He tells Damian that he doesn't care who his mother is, or that he is Bruce's blood son. He slowly brings Damian into the family. While the boy is still distant and mean to the family they all notice he doesn't mean his insults anymore. When Dick is twenty-two he graduates college with a degree in business. He begins working at Wayne Enterprises as well, he mainly works from home and behind the scenes with Mr. Fox. No one outside the company knows he also works there, the entirety of Gotham believes he is just Officer Grayson.
Marinette grows up in Paris with absent parents. They love her but now that they have their own business they only have time for dinner with Marinette. While she is upset she joins gymnastics and aerial arts classes, quickly rising to the position of top student. She also begins going to regular school during her first day. She is so nervous she keeps tripping. The entire class soon begins to view her as clumsy, something that sticks. Even though Marinette only trips afterwards when someone does it on purpose, they choose to ignore the fact she catches herself quickly. While everyone believes she is just clumsy Marinette no one realizes that she is Paris's national champion in Gymnastics. Marinette is so good that they want her on Paris's Olympic team once she turns 16. When she turns ten she realizes she can sell her designs online. She pulls out all her notebooks pulling out her favorite designs and begins to make them all. Once done she creates a website under the name Marigold. On each outfit she hand stitches Mari in gold thread, for a signature marking. Marinette slowly makes friends outside her classmates, while they are nice they all stand by when Chloe attempts to bully Marinette and she doesn't like that. Especially when she sticks up for a few of them, she remains civil and polite to them although in her eyes she is clearly distant. When she is thirteen she becomes friends with Alya, the two girls slowly growing closer. She also develops a crush on Adrien that Alya blows way out of proportion wanting to help her new bestie. While Marinette likes Alya, Dick still holds the spot of best friend in her heart. Marinette also becomes Ladybug, she struggles at first but her years of training in flying helps her greatly and her aim has not deteriorated since leaving the circus. Marinette begins making less clothes and takes up karate classes as well four days go to gymnastics, two go to aerial arts and one to karate. Her three main instructors make the connection to her being Ladybug after a year, when Ladybug uses an aerial move that only she has ever used in front of them. 
Aerial Arts- Madeline Saint Cloud
Gymnastics- Tasha Buchanan 
Karate- Abraham Lebanon
Instead of confronting her the three get together and come up with a way to help Marinette. They start by deciding that Chat Noir either needs to get serious or get lost. One month later they all have solid examples of. why Marinette needs to bench him if he doesn't. It's at that time they confront her. Marinette attempts to lie saying that she isn't but stops when Madeline speaks up.
Madeline- My dear bird, you've never liked lying. You've rarely done it, and because of that you are truly terrible at lying
Marinette is dejected and apologizes to Tikki, but the Kwami just smiles telling Marinette that it wasn't the first time a Ladybug's mentor had found out.
Tikki- It's just never been three before!!
Marinette listens to her instructors carefully before telling them that she agrees. She tells them her partner looks through life with rose colored glasses. That while she does find him kind and silly she doesn't have a crush on him. That she doesn't find him as kind, caring, or as funny as Dick. She pauses after saying this, surprised that she hadn't said Adrien. Her instructors watch her as she closes in on herself taking a moment to sort through her thoughts. Once she is done a stray tear falls from her left eye.
Marinette- After all this time my thoughts still drift back to him…Chaton will never measure up to the person I truly love. His insistence and pushing do nothing more than cause stress on our partnership. I will look into having him either replaced or given one last chance.
That night she lays in bed hugging Zitka close to her chest as she stares out her open trap door at the stars. A few minutes go by and Marinette gets out of bed gently setting Zitka down. She walks over pulling the pictures of Adrien down, as well as his schedule tossing them all in the trash. Once done she climbs out onto her rooftop garden Tikki following her and sitting on Marinette's knee once the girl sits down.
Marinette- Adrien...Adrien Im sorry. I took your act of kindness and compared it to the kindness I use to have daily. Instead of seeing you, I saw Dickie. I thought I loved you, but I loved the kindness you showed me, that reminded me so much of him. I don't love you like that Adrien, instead of wanting to be your girlfriend. I just want to be your friend, so from this day on I will try harder to be that.
Two days later Ladybug tells Chat Noir to meet her on the Eiffel Tower that night after patrol. She tells him that she isn't in love with him and that she never will be. She knows she is coming off harsh and she tells him that, then explains that she needs to because after a year he is still acting like this. Chat is clearly saddened, this causes Ladybug to sigh and hug him.
Ladybug- I know it hurts, but you need to come to terms with this Chaton. You are my partner and you're like a brother to me. My heart is already taken, Chaton I have loved him since I was a child. Even if I was to date another right now I would just continue to compare them to my Robin.
Chat agrees to take things more seriously telling her that he still loves her, but he understands. He promises her that he will not let his feelings get in the way anymore. As the months pass the two become closer and closer. When Lila arrives Adrien already knows that she is lying and takes to avoiding her. When he spots Marinette getting put down by Alya and Nino for telling them Lila was lying he is quick to stand up for her. This causes a split among their classmates they don't want to be mean to Adrien, but he is always with Marinette. Lila is constantly telling the class that Marinette is bullying her and they want to do something but Adrien gets in their way. While Adrien and Marinette get closer they both realize one day that their partner in suits and civies is the same person. After them the two are rarely separate from each other. Gabriel finds Marinette very respectable despite Marinette being Roma, which would caused him to turn up his nose at first. He allows Adrien to spend more time with her, giving him permission to attend her gymnastics competitions. She is fifthteen when she becomes the new Guardian. By the time both are sixteen they have been outcast by their class and forced to the back. However they did not allow this to way down on them. Adrien had gained permission to model for Marinette along with their friends Luka and Kagami, and Jagged and Clara, two of Marinette's most famous clientele. Marigold was a very well known designer however no one knew what she looked like. Marinette never stepped out in public so the media didn't know the designer was a high school student. Marinette was also old enough to try for a spot on the Olympic team. She is sent an email the day of her birthday and Tasha laughs at the subtle begging in the email. Marinette is quick to agree and the four friends go out for dinner to celebrate. Only for it to be ruined when Lila shows up with Alya, Rose, and Alix claiming that they stole the table she reserved. Adrien was going to snap until Marinette placed a hand on his arm. She wiped her mouth standing up gracefully. She smiled politely at the four telling them not to worry the table was open now. The four walk away together not acknowledging Lila's glare. Marinette is seventeen when she participates in the Tokyo Olympics Adrien going with both her and Tasha. She uses Kaalki to get her and Adrien back to Paris for Akuma attacks. She loves her entire time in the Olympic Village. Marinette takes the gold for all four events. She is crying as she stands with her teammates four medals around her neck. Returning to Paris had been wonderful, she was greeted by the President and the Mayor and many fans. Adrien teased her relentlessly over the amount of fans she had. Once they returned to school the entire class demanded to know why Marinette never told them. Marinette simply sighs telling them she never kept it a secret. That she'd told them plenty of time she couldn't do something because of training. The class is really upset and they try to get Bustier on their side and the teacher just sighs softly wishing she never agreed with the Principal to teach Lila Rossi. Bustier knew she wasn't the best teacher but that girl destroyed her reputation by turning her class into the worst in the school. They are eighteen when they begin attending college Marinette for fashion and Adrien business. Marinette is nineteen when she and Adrien take down Hawkmoth only to discover Gabriel Agreste underneath. They hand him over to the cops before heading to the Eiffel tower together. Once there Adrien and Marinette de-transform and Adrien breaks down, Marinette pulls him into a tight hug tear of her own falling. Two months later Adrien sold off his father's company and the mansion. Moving into a cosy apartment with Marinette. Adrien takes the last name Dupain-Cheng and the announce it together on their way to the next Olympics when Marinette is twenty-one. She once again takes home all four gold medals, keeping her title for another four years. They graduate college together at twenty-two, and decide its time for the world to meet Marigold. Marinette reveals herself to the world as Marigold, and everyone in the fashion industry is talking about the young women who built her fashion empire before she was even 18. Adrien takes a job in her company head of PR. When they fully introduce themselves they become known as Marinette and Adrien D.C. The world is talking about the D.C. siblings, most of the conversations being around Adrien no longer going by Agreste. Together they travel the world, nothing changing in their lives until they visit Gotham, and Marigold receives an invitation to the Wayne Charity Event.
Marinette's first stop in Gotham is the place where the Graysons fell. Adrien goes with her hugging her gently as she softly cries. The next day she visits their graves alone, saying hello to the cold stone and asking if they remember her. She leaves flowers on the graves and a letter to each of them, including one to Dick. 
Marinette- Thank you for all you taught me and encouraged me to learn. I never thought I'd use my flying to save peoples lives when I returned to Paris.  Please continue watching over me and Dickie. I'm going to find him, I promise.
She leaves the graves feeling a lighter happy to have visited them once again
When the Charity Event arrived Marinette and Adrien D.C. couldn't wait to leave their mark on Gotham high society. Unknown to both of them that Dick Grayson had become Richard Grayson-Wayne.
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Captain the Retired Police and His Puppies Part 3
Sorry for not updating this story in a bit, I got distracted. I'll be starting a permit tag list for all my Daminette stories so if you would like to be add, just let me know! On with the story
It had been a couple of day since Tom and Sabine left back to Paris
Ace was still Captain's number one priority
So when his girl told him she was making a quick run to the fabric store for a comission for Fang's human he was a bit worried but stayed behind
He did ask that Titus try to go with her
Titus agreed and ran up to Marinette as she was about to leave
Marinette was having a day to herself
Apparently there was a big emergency at Wayne Enterprise and everybody had to go handle it
If course this was totally fine
And Marinette told them as much
She just planned to work on Jagged's comission
But she ran out of fabric and had to go get more
Marinette tried to get Alfred but couldn't find him
Figuring he went grocery shopping Marinette sent a quick text to Damian letting him know she was going to leave for 1 hour tops
As Marinette was heading to the taxi after checking in on Captain and Ace, she was about to head out when Titus came trotting up to her with his leash in his mouth
Marinette: What is it Titus?
Titus nudge Marinette's leg with the leash still in his mouth
Marinette: Would you like to come with me?
Titus gave an enthusiastic bark
Marinette giggling: Okay. It should be fine. We're just popping into a shop real quick.
Marinette put on Titus' leash and sent another quick text to Damian letting him know she was taking Titus with her
The taxi driver took them to the closest fabric store and dropped them off at the corner
The girl and dog was walking by an alley when they heard talking from inside
A woman's voice with a Brooklyn accent: Is that the girl who was able to take down Eddie.
Another woman's voice: Yeah she's dating Wayne's youngest too.
Marinette watched as Harly Quinn and Posion Ivy stepped out of the alley
Marinette took a step back a Titus stood in front of his human's mate
Harley: Aren't you the cutest? Isnt she the cutest Ivy?
Ivy: Yeah but what are you doing out here? It's not safe right now
Marinette gathering her courage: I was just going to buy some fabric
Ivy: Well you need to get off the street now. Joker is doing one of his big plans right now
Marinette: Oh I'll just leave then.
Harley: No why don't you come with us?
Marinette: Umm
Harley wrapped her arm around Marinette ignoring the dirty look Titus was giving her and started to drag Marinette to her and Ivy's apartment a couple of blocks away
Ivy following along: You sure it's a good idea to kidnap Bruce's youngest kid's girlfriend?
Harley: It's not kidnapping, it's forced temporary adoption.
Marinette remained quiet as the two older women dragged her to a secondary location (a/n: STREET SMARTS)
Marinette could sense that these two didn't mean her any harm
And if worst comes to worst she could transform
Titus followed along keeping close to Marinette ready to protect her if anything went wrong
The group made it back to the apartment on one piece
Marinette was able to see parts of the emergency Harley eas talking about
Some streets they passed were completely destroyed
Marinette wondered if she could use her Miraculous Cure to undo the damage
She'll have to ask Tikki about it later
As Marinette entered the Villians' apartment she spotted a young boy about her age sitting on their couch petting two Hyenas
Harely: Hey Edwin, we're home and we brought a temporary guest
Ivy: Don't say it like that. Edwin this is Marinette we found her close to the situation and brought her here until she can be picked up. Marinette this is Edwin-
Edwin: Edwin, but people also call me Puzzler. I believe you've met my father, the Riddler
Marinette blushing: Oh yeah, sorry about what happened at the club
Edwin grabs Marinette's hand and kisses her knuckles: Please do not apologize for such a brilliant show of cleverness. Father was never meant to go after you, rather your loud mouth classmate. Such a soft look but such a fire within, you are quite the paradox.
Titus growled at this strange biy showing too much affection to his boy's mate
Edwin laughing: Oh and is this your little dog? I thought you had a German Sheperd
Marinette: Oh no this is Ti....How did you know I have a German Sheperd?
Edwin taking a step towards Marinette: After watching your brilliance I had to know more about you so I did some research
Marinette taking a step back: Then you'll also know that this is Titus my BOYFRIEND'S dog
Edwin waving off the mention of Damian: yes yes
Ivy: Make yourself comfortable Marinette, you'll be here for a bit
Marinette sat down on a chair away from the two hyenas and the flirty teenage boy
Marinette gesturing to the hyenas: So what are their names?
Harley sitting between the two animals: Oh I'm so glad you asked. This is Lou and Bud. Their my little babies!
Harley continued to baby talk the twon hyenas as Ivy turned back to Marinette
Ivy: So Marinette you're obviously here to visit the Waynes, how are you liking your time in Gotham
Marinette: Oh it's great! Originally Damian was suppose to come visit me this summer and I was going to come back for winter break, but with Ace pregnant and my dog, Captain's the father, we decided to switch so Captain and I could be her for the birth
Harley: Ace is pregnant!! Oh you'll have to call us when she gives birth!
Marinette laughing: Sure
Marinette and Titus spent 3 hours in that apartment with Ivy, Harley, and Edwin laughing and talking. She surprisingly felt safer with them then she did her old classmates
Marinette was having so much fun she didn't realize her phone had died
But Harley let Marinette know that she sent a message to the Waynes letting them know where Marinette was as soon as they got to the apartment
That did not help the Waynes though
They finally defeated Joker after 5 hours of fighting
Damian was ready to go back to the Manor and cuddle Marinette
So imagine his distress when he couldn't find the girl anywhere in the Manor and checking his phone showed that she left somewhere with Titus 3 hours before
He worry grew when he found a worried Captain pacing in Damian's room, waiting for his girl's return
Damian ran down to the cave where is family minus Bruce who had to deal with some messages were still debriefing
Damian panic: Alfred do you know where Marinette is?
Alfred: I believe she's in her room working on a comission
Damian: She's not! She sent me a text three hours ago saying she and Titus were going to get more fabric, but there's nothing else from her since!
Jason: What?!?! What if she got caught up in the attack?
Tim taking over the computer: I'll seeif I can track her phone to find where she is
After a minute of Typing Tim came up with nothing
Damian: We got to go back out there and find her! There's no telling what type of danger she could be in!
Jason: I'm with Demon Spawn let's go!
Bruce entering the cave: Everybody calm down, I got a message from Harley. She and Ivy found Marinette close to the action and took her back to their apartment. She's completely safe and their not even asking for ransom to get her back we just have to go pick her and Titus up
Damian: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go get Angel!
Tim: Hold up Damian we need to change out of out costumes first
Damian: You guys do that I'm grabbing the car! And going there by myself!
Bruce: Damian calm down! Marinette's safe, atleast let me get change and go with you just to be safe okay?
Damian groaning in frustration: Fine but hurry up father
They were able to get Marinette back with no problems, but Edwin calling her Paradox in a flirty way As he said goodbye to her
Harley: I'll definitely be contacting you about that outfit you drew, I must have it!
Marinette giggling: Will do Harley!
That night Damian and Captain refused to let Marinette put of their sight to afraid that she'll disappear again
Though Marinette was able to talk to Tikki and she just might be able to help Gotham and fix the damage that has been done, but as Marinette laid cuddled up to Damian with Captain laying on top of her she planned to go out tomorrow night and she what she could do
And maybe find out the truth to where her boyfriend and his family disappeared to at night
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@felicityroth @northernbluetongue @mystery-5-5 @sidefrienda @tbehartoo @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @sonif50 @t-nikki10 @dawnwave16 @nach0
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trashystar420 · 5 years
CHAPTER4 Age Reversed, Babysitter AU MariBat!!!
Marinette was swamped for the rest of the week. It wasn’t easy being a young fashion designer trying to make ends meet because she wasn’t getting paid enough for her internship (yes she miraculously gets paid, but like not enough). But after getting her first pay check from that baby sitting gig, she realized very quickly how much time she can salvage if she were to live off the payment from Mr.Way-er-Bruce
“Finally came to your senses?” Tikki asked with a cheeky grin. Marinette rolled her eyes and gave the kwami another macaroon.
“Why do you always have to be right?” She asked and the goddess had the audacity to giggle.
“I’ve lived much longer than you, I know how this world works honey you got nothing on this spectacle of wisdom.”
“Spectacle of making herself look like a fool more like it” she muttered to herself.Tikki just ate her macaroon.
“Ugh well, guess I better get the day started.” And up she went to do her daily morning routine.
After making sure all the magical barriers were in place, she mentally checked to see if the kwamis she summoned were ready.
“Ready!” Tikki said
“Ready!” Said Kalki
“You know it!!!” Said Trixx
“Of course Marinette” wayzz answered.
“Alright. Let’s go, keep me updated if anything suspicious happens.” As the three kwami’s flew out. Tikki quickly flew in her jacket pocket. Marinette makes her way down to the place she works as an intern.
“Master Tim, perhaps you should lay off the coffee?” Alfred suggested. The butler was convinced if he drank anymore, he would die from overdose. Tim just gave Alfred a crazed look.
More crashing noises came from the living room. Alfred sighs and pinched the bridge of his nose, while Tim drank another mug.
“Perhaps tea would be a better alternative?” The butler offered. Tim didn’t even acknowledge the butler. The only response he gave were more ‘sipping’ noises. Then that got interrupted.
“That’s what you get for being mean to our Marinette!!!” Dick reasoned, as he push Damien down the fancy stairs.
“Yeah Dickie I’m soo proud of you!!!” Jason hugged his baby bro, messing with his hair. The troublesome duo looked to see their work. Damien was lying on the floor completely owned.
“Let’s leave before Demon Spawn tries to kill us again.” Jason offers and Dick eagerly agrees, holding Jason’s hand as the older of the two led him to his room.
“You really shouldn’t be insulting the babysitter with those two around.” Tim advises, sipping his third cup of coffee that morning. Eventually the eldest brother got up, limping on his leg.
“They are so dead” he promised. Tim just sipped more of his coffee.
“Don’t let Bruce hear you say that Demon Spawn.” Damien just gave him a withering glare, but Tim didn’t falter. Eventually the caffeine addict left the mansion to start his work at Wayne Enterprise. Damien stayed at home to treat his wounds after Alfreds nagging persistence.
As Alfred was treating the injured Wayne, Damien started to grumble.
“What seems to trouble you, Master Damien?” He asked. Damien looked away, almost ashamed.
“That babysitter...” he grumbled.
“You mean the one from yesterday?” Alfred clarifies.
“Who else?” He menacingly spoke. Alfred was unaffected by the young lad’s tone.
“Well what of her? I think she is a nice young lady with a good head on her shoulders.” Damien ‘tsked’ clearly upset. Alfred, already having a pretty good idea why the boy was upset, sighed.
“What about Marinette do you not like Master Damien?”
“She is clearly a witch if she managed to have those fools become her lap dogs.” He reasoned as though it were the most obvious thing. The butler resisted the urge to sigh.
“Surely you jest, Master Damien”
The butler finished wrapping the last bandage over a rather nasty cut.
“I’m going to investigate that witch, she is clearly hiding something.” Alfred looked scandalized.
“You will do no such thing Master!!” But Damien with a goal in mind marched towards the bat cave. Alfred sighed and immediately called Bruce to relay him the news of what was going on.
“Good evening Marinette” Alfred greeted the babysitter.
“And good evening to you Alfred.”she responded in kind.
“I see you brought another box of baked goods?” He asked.
“Haha yes, the boys really liked them you know.” She giggled.
“Allow me to show you inside, please take a seat, I will be right back with the master and kids.” The butler walked a bit faster to get the Wayne’s.
When Alfred walked in the bat cave, it was already a mess. Bruce looked stressed as usual. Damien was glaring daggers at a stubborn Jason and Dick. And Tim looked ready to pass out. The butler coughed, interrupting the mood.
“Is she here?” Bruce asked a little too hopeful. Alfred nodded.
“Is Mari here?” Dick asked and Bruce smiled.
“Make sure you change before meeting her. We don’t want to reveal ourselves.” He warned as Jason and Dick immediately changed out of their outfits and bolted to meet their babysitter. Alfred was smiling at how normal those two were acting.
“Alright Damien, let me be clear here, I have already done a background check with her, she is in the clear. I don’t want you snooping into her personal life, got it?” The bat warned, Damien pouted and looked away. Bruce heaved another sigh and looked at Tim, whose head rested on the table.
“Tim” that woke the teen up.
“Go get some rest.” Tim reluctantly agrees and left the bat-cave as well. Bruce gives a hard glare to his eldest son. Damien looks back with a stubborn glare.
“Damien.” He growls. Said boy just caves in.
“If you insist, Father.” He sighed. Bruce got up from the table and left. Alfred gave one last look to the ex-assassin, then went after Bruce.
When the coast was clear, Damien went to the monitor, and pulled up a file he made sure was hidden from his family. A picture of said babysitter was in display. An innocent, younger version of Marinette with her signature pigtails.
“Just what are you hiding, Marinette Dupain-Cheng” he muttered to himself, as he pulled up a documented report, and read it.
All completely unaware of a certain kwami’s eyes.
“Thz iz irrly gooz!!” Jason compliments as he stuffs his face with more macaroons. Dick tugged at the sleeve of his babysitter.
“Yes Mon Chou?” Dick twiddled his fingers, and blushed.
“I-I was wondering if you could tell us that bed time story you told Jason last time.” He asked. Mari swooned and scooped him up in a hug.
“Yes I would love to sweetie.” Jason also looked eager.
“Hell yeah!!!”
“What did we talk about young man.”
“No swearing like a sailor.” Mari giggled. She couldn’t help herself, she pinched the cheek of the cheeky one and kissed his forehead.
“Alright , everyone settled?” Eager nods were given. Before the Bluenette started, Tim walked down the stairs.
“Hey what’s going on here?” He asked. Marinette noticed the bags under the tired Wayne’s eyes. Jason looked peeved, while Dick had a sparkle in his eyes.
“Mari is telling us a bed time story!!!” Tim gave a look to Marinette, as she gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.
“You know what, can I join?” He asked. The boys made room for the older boy. Marinette stood as she begun to tell the tale.
“ once upon a time, there lived a young girl.
She lived in a village that suffered at the hands of a cruel beast.
What made the beast so cruel was his ability to curse someone for one night, and turn them into a monster. Due to the terror these curses cause for the people, everyone in the village suffered.
But there was nothing they could do, for the monsters would go on into the night, seemingly with no end.
But a miracle blessed the villagers. A goddess, who granted the power needed to end the nightly terrors. And she gifted it to the girl. But the power came at a cost.
‘No one is supposed to know you are their savior, otherwise your powers will vanish forever, and the nightly terrors shall persist.’
So the girl kept it to herself. It wasn’t bad, at first. She just kept going throughout the day with a smile, always eager to help.
And then....
A mischievous fox happened upon the village.
What made this fox so mischievous, were the lies she spoke. Tales of her ‘grand’ life. Making bold claims that she knew all the gods and goddesses.
That she could help eradicate the beast that haunts the night.
How she was best friends with the savior of the night.
And the girl with a smile on her face heard. Never believing for a second that what the fox said to be true.
She pleaded with her friends
‘Please you mustn’t listen to that fox, she speaks nothing but lies!’
But it was too late. The trap was set, and her friends fell for the fox’s lies. Eventually the fox confronted the girl, threatened to turn all that she loved against her. Hate her. Banish her.
And the naive girl never believed the fox for a second. Until it did.
Slowly but surely, lie after lie, the fox made good on her promise.
And now the girl who sacrificed herself everyday for the foolish villagers, found herself alone.
Gone were the days were she could smile.
Gone was her laughter.
Her spark fades every night.
Seeking the goddess who gave her the power to protect, all the goddess could do was shake her head.
For if she broke the vow that she was protecting everyone, she would lose her powers. And the village would be thrown into disarray once more.
And so, hiding her pain with a smile, she continued on.
Eventually she found the beasts lair and destroyed the terror or the night. And since the girl couldn’t find a home within the village she was raised in, left to make her own home.
No one from the village heard from the girl they all betrayed ever again.
Some say she lives in the mountains. Others say she resides by the beaches.
But no matter where you go, be kind to everyone you meet. You don’t know their life story. For they may also suffer just as much, if not more.”
Marinette finished. She found a tearful Dick, and immediately pulled him into a hug.
“Dawww Dickie.” She cooed reassuringly. But Dick his his face in her chest.
“Tha-that’s so sad! How could -the *hic* villagers *hic* be so cruel!!!!” He bemoaned. Jason wasn’t doing much better either, for his eyes were glazed. It looked as though were about to cry but didn’t want to.
“Oh Jason, come here.” And motioned for him to enter the hug. Which he did. And also cried about how the girl deserved to be happy.
“Now guys, please, let’s keep our voices down, look.” Their babysitter pointed to a sleeping Tim.
“Oh wow.” Dick mumbled. Jason could only nod. It was rare seeing their older brother sleep.
“Here, why don’t you two help me put your brother to bed” and so the two dutifully helped. Marinette picked up the teen with surprising ease.
“Is he supposed to be this light?” She whispered to Jason. The boy only shrugs.
Marinette ticks him in bed, and closes the door quietly. Dick and Jason walk back down the stairs with their babysitter. And then Dick yawns. Marinette checks the time.
“Oh wow, it’s already this late?” Jason looked dejected, while Dick had a hard time standing, so the bluenette picks him up as well.
“Come on Jay-Jay time to put you to bed as well. Jason reluctantly went as well.
Marinette gently placed the sleeping boy in his bed, and tucked him in. Then gave him a kiss on the forehead, and left.
“Hey Pixie-Bob, I know I should be in bed, but can I at least play against you once? I promise I’ll go to bed afterwards.” As he gave his best puppy dog eyes.
She held out a pinkie finger. Jason blinked.
“Promise. No complaints. No ifs no buts. After this one game, you are heading straight to bed. Alright?” Jason nodded.
“You got it pixie-bob!”as he gave her his pinkie. They both shook on it.
Marinette beats him yet again. And Jason doesn’t complain. He heads straight to bed, is tucked in by Marinette and is also given a kiss on the forehead, similar to Dick’s.
The young babysitter descends the fancy steps in thought. Holding onto the railing so that she wouldn’t fall.
‘Anything suspicious?’ Mari mentally asked to her kwamis.
‘Nope’ said Tikki
‘Nothing’ Kalkki said
‘All clear’ spoke Wayzz.
‘Trixx?’ Mari asked again. This time in fear.
‘Trixx please answer me what is wrong, did you get captured?!?!’
The other kwamis came from their respective hiding spots as well, also worried for their dear friend.
‘Sorry sorry, I got caught up in something. Uh. Marinette you might want to hear this once we get back home.’ Trixx warned. Marinette did NOT like that. Making sure the miraculous she wore are where they are supposed to be, she summons for Trixx, and the kwami still has not arrived. Marinette is getting anxious. She is supposed to be leaving, but she can’t leave Trixx all alone!!!!
‘Trixx where are you I’m going to come get you!’
‘Wait don’t!’
‘Trixx what the heck are you doing? Why won’t you let me track you?’
‘I seemed to have been caught in something...’Trixx said.
Marinette feels her nerves spike up tenfold.
‘That’s it I’m tracking you now! Just wait where you are I am coming to get you.’ Marinette follows the magic resonance left by the kwami.
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
10 Favorite Ishiro Honda  Movies
Honda is one of the greatest sci fi directors of all time ,and I feel saddened not more people know of him.Now I havent seen all of his films (HAve yet to see Atragon ,Gorath,Matango  or the Mysterians ) but of the ones I have seenthese are my favorites
Latitude Zero(1969)
Sooooooooo keep in mind this is a favorites list ,not a best list ,cause this movie is not good.Also while I hold Hondas other work in high esteem I will fully admit this film is nonesense .......But thats  why I like it .You have Cesar Romero hamming it up as the villain,Joseph Cotten in frankly hideous outfits shooting lasers  and flying on a jet pack ,batmonsters ,a utopia where greed is nonexistant ,and a flying lion with a human brain.This is a guilty pleasure and if you want cheesy old fashioned sci fi this is one to watch,I was laughing the whole way through 
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I think the strength of Rodan is how it switches things up within the narrative,starting as one kind of monster movie and ending as another.Plus I am sucker for a monster love story 
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Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster (1964)
Three of Tohos biggest kaijus:Godzilla,Rodan and Mothra  are forced to work together to face a world destroying space dragon,and adding into that is a interesting human plot about an alien possessing a princess who is the target of assassins .This is one of my favorite Godzilla movies and worth a watch 
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Frankenstein Conquers The World(1965)
So this films plot is insane  and should not work .......But it is honestly one of my favorite monster movies,partly by how dedicated the filmmakers and cast are to taking this seriously.The heart of Frankensteins Monster is mutated into a cave boy after the bombings on Hiroshima ,who is studied by scientists before growing giant and escaping,meanwhile an unrelated monster Baragon is going around eating people (Making him one of the few kaiju who explicitly eats humans ) .Nick Adams and Kumi Mizuno are charming leads ,Baragon is one of my absolute favorite kaiju,Frankenstein is a monster you feel for and the fight scenes are great .An odd take on the Frankenstein story but a good one at least to me
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War of the Gargantuas(1966)
The tale of two giant brothers,one good and kind to humanity  and the other  a maneating brute .This is a kaiju film with a great premise ,with the Green brother Gaira being a terrifying  villain and great fight scenes.Is let down by Russ Tamblyn looking bored out of his mind ,but even that is a bit entertaining
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Invasion of the Astro Monster(1965)
Aliens persuade humanity to let them borrow Godzilla and Rodan to battle King Ghidorah in exchange for a cure for cancer....But things arent what they seem.More of a sci  fi film then a Godzilla one ,I think this is a pretty good sci fi  flick.The Aliens are interesting ,Nick Adams and Akira Takarada are great leads ,the few kaiju fights there are are great and hey Godzilla gets to show off his dance moves.Good flick
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Terror of Mechagodzilla(1975)
Hondas final film as a director and one  of my favorites ,the tale of a mad scientist and his daughter brainwashing a dinosaur into serving them  and helping them in their quest for world domination.It has an interesting main character  with Tomoko Ai as Katsura Mifune ,whose story is heartbreaking .Adding to that is Mechagodzilla (Who is one of my favorite Godzilla villains ),good action,and Akihiko Hirata as the mad scientist Dr Mifune 
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This is a fun change of pace from other kaiju films as Mothra is not the villain but simply trying to save her tiny priestesses from the villinous Nelson.Nelson is a fantastic human antagonist (He almost reminds me of Tim Curry ),and we have a humorus hero in the form of Frankie Sakai as reporter Fukuda .This is a fun lighthearted film and one of the best non godzilla kaiju films
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Mothra vs Godzilla(1964)
The first brawl between two of Tohos kaiju and often called one of the best Godzilla films for a reason.Here two greedy buisnessmen have Mothras egg and she is not happy ,and complicating things  Godzilla is rampaging and only Mothra can stop him .Two great villains,likeable humans,a good story,and a fun battle between the titular kaiju.Honestly if you havent seen a  Godzilla film this is a good one to start with 
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Godzilla (1954)
A tale of destruction and dangerous weaponry that could be used for evil..That happens to have a giant monster in it .This is a classic ,somber and truly horrific 
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edyacouky · 5 years
Diamonds are Hood best friends
Here just a silly thing I wrote. I hope you will like it.
Have a nice day everybody :D
Can be read on AO3
Jason is stressed in his kitchen. He has so much to do and so little of time. He should have refuse. Why did he accept do it is beyond him.
“What are you making? Roy asks him when he comes search for glass of water
-A mess. Jason groans. And don’t come near the food with your dirty hand.
-You were used to love my dirty hand. Roy dramatically gasps. What happen to us?”
But Jason doesn’t even smile. He keeps cooking like the food is some kind of annoying opponent who have to purpose to destroy his life.
“This bad. Roy said more seriously now. You know we can always cancel it. We could say we have an emergency while the true is it would you and me on our couch eating fast food and watching a movie.
-It’s not like we could cancel it forever. So do that now to get rid of it.
-It’s just a family dinner, Jaybird. Not the end of the word.
-It’s our family dinner. I am sure something will go wrong. I will bungle the dish. Or Bruce and Oliver will yell at each other. Or they will be yelling at us.
-Like hell I will let them do that at our home.”
Roy sight when Jason still frowns with worry eyes. Of course, Roy saw that this last day Jason was shaken by having the Batfamily and the Arrowfamily in the same time at their home. Hell, Jason was shaken since their relationship was known by their family.
It is not like they were hiding it, or Roy doesn’t think it was something they did, but their “good” relationship with members of their family was still new.
Honestly without the cameraman who not only stole the moment Arsenal kissed an injury Red Hood after a battle, but also decide to share it on social network, they will have keep that for them.
“You should have deny or not answer their call. Jason said with despair
-It’s that so bad that they know about us.
-I don’t know. Things were just so perfect before they knew, you know?
-Are you afraid that they will not approve.
-Would that change anything if they didn’t approve?
-I don’t know. Jason confesses with guilt. You know how I can get because of them.
-I know. Roy admits. As much as you should know you can’t get rid of me.”
Roy keeps his reassuring smile while he catch Jason’s belt to making him come closer to him. He enlaces Jason, putting his hands on his lower back.
“I will never let you let me leave. I promise I'm not lying. Go ahead ask anybody who has seen me trying. I'm not going, if it seems like I did I'm probably waiting outside. Roy starts to song while kissing Jason neck
-I always thought that this song was about a dangerous stalker.
-But the melody is nice.”
Jason doesn’t contradict him and finally start to smile. Roy puts on of his hand on Jason’s cheek, his thumb caressing his cheekbone.
Tenderly, slowly, they kiss. Jason relax in his lover’s arms and trust him when he said that he will never let Jason waste what they have because of some of his insecurity. They know each other to well to not know how deal with each other bullshit.
“Did you put grease everywhere on my face?
-Jeez Roy. I tell you not put your dirty hand anywhere from the food.
-Oh, Jaybird, I know that I eat you out a lot but you’re still a human being.
-God you’re the worst.” Jason laughs
“It’s really ok we all come? Oliver asks again to Dinah when they get in the MPV
-Again. Dinah sight while she secure little Robert. Jason said it was only fair since there will be seven members of his family.
-How much are we going to be?
-Again. Dinah and all the children said
-We are seven, they are seven, plus Roy and Jason, we will be sixteen. Dinah answer
-Ok. Ok. I understand I should still be quiet. It’s just I can’t believe they have the room to do a dinner for sixteen. And did Roy said that Jason cook the dinner tonight?
-Yes, he did. Cynthia sings song. Roy gives me cupcake made by Jason once. They were delicious.
-Sound like a lot of work for one person.
-Not everyone have a multibillion dollar to buy an army of domestic so they can be lazy. Connor Hawke jokes
-Well, Roy and Jason aren’t poor. Dinah defend. Even if you only count clean money, Roy gains more than enough with his inventions.
-Ah! So they could have used a caterer.
-Don’t start say thing like that. Dinah warns him. They will think you judge them. Connor Lance-Queen, stop immediately to bother Olivia.
-And don’t start to scream, young man. Or you will see what your mother will do.” Oliver adds severely
Dinah gives him an unimpressive look before she only sighs.
“Why do I have to come?
-Damian. Bruce said
-What? You accepted this invitation without ask us if we agree.
-Not untrue. Tim whispers gaining a punch in his chest from Cassandra
-Be nice, Little D. Dick request him. It’s the first time that Littlewing invite us for a family dinner. It would be nice if it wasn’t the last too.
-Why? Cite one of our family dinner who end well. Damian reclaims
-Oh! N°726. That’s their apartment! Dick exclaims, ignoring Damian’s last remark
-Why didn’t he answer the question? Duke asks. What should I expect from this?
-Everything will be fine. Bruce said going to open the door but Alfred stops him
-I raise you better than that Master Bruce.” He scolds him while knocking on the door
They wait a few seconds where Bruce’s children make fun of his bad manner, before Jason opens them.
“Hi, glad you could make it.” Jason said to them by automatism
Not that he wasn’t really happy to have them in his home, but he becomes nervous again. Roy’s family was already there and for the moment everything was fine.
But when life doesn’t fuck up with Jason?
“Master Jason, you look really elegant. Alfred compliments him
-Thank you, Alfie. You’re awesome as ever.”
As stupid as he may sound, his family realizes only now how important this dinner was for Jason. He seems really nervous and not only he did a big effort in his outfit, but when they enters the apartment they see that he put a lot of work on the decoration and the dishes.
“Hey guys and girl! Roy smiles at them. Good to see you.
-Good to see you to Roy. Dick answers hugging him
-Gladly to be there. Damian even said after a pointy look from Cassandra.
-Well, come have a seat. We have just started the aperitif. Do you want drink something?”
They sit at the table, only place in their apartment where everyone can seat, and start eating, drinking and talking.
At first everyone acts like they tread on thin ice, they didn’t know what to say to prevent any conflict. Eventually, the younger ones were more at the ease and help the adult to relax.
“I am just saying that calling your cave Arrow cave is totally plagiarism of the Batcave.
-This is my cave. I’m Green Arrow. How do you want me to call it?
-Quiver. Cassandra said
-Oh! This is an awesome idea!
-Not mine. Harley’s.
-Not sure if I should be comfortable that you talk about me with your psychopath villain.
-She needs to be heard.”
Seeing Jason relaxed laughing with the other, Roy smiles tenderly at him and put his hand on Jason’s knee. Jason doesn’t even hesitate when he see Roy’s gaze and kiss him lovingly.
“Love you.
-Love you too.”
It was past midnight. The younger ones are asleep in the couple’s bedroom, or in Damian case sprawl on the couch. They had finish to eat an hour ago and they all compliment Jason for his cooking making him ferociously blush. After that, nobody acted like they will leave soon, so they drink coffee and tea.
“Oh! Before I forget.” Roy suddenly exclaim going out of the table
He comes back one minute later, with some money.
-Thanks. But you give me too much. Jason said after he counts the bills.
Roy shrugs and kisses Jason’s neck.
“Buy you a book.”
Jason tenses when he heard a giggle.
-Nothing. Oliver tries to defend himself. Just funny to see that is my son the sugar daddy in this relationship.
Almost everyone in the table choke on their drink before they laugh.
“What the hell Ollie? Bruce said shocked
-What? That’s true.
-Fuck no. I am not a lubricious old man.
-And he doesn’t support me. I have money, thank you.
-Why did he give you some then? Ollie jokes
-I just lost my debit card. He advances me until my new one arrives.
-It’s not that stupid what Ollie said.
-Oh. And how so Dickhead?
-Well my darling Littlewing, you’re younger than Roy to begin.
-You’re the one who do the cooking and the cleaning.
-Yeah I should help you more with that.
-No thanks. I see how you tidy up your workshop; I don’t want that in the rest of the apartment.
-And at the last event you go together the entire people magazine was saying “Who is the mysterious trophy husband Roy Harper has found?”
-Well he is still legally dead. If he was still officially a Wayne and we go to a gala, I’m sure I will be the trophy husband.
-Not sure. Jason knows how to dress better than you Roy. I am sure he will still be the trophy husband.
-Father! Damian exclaims from the couch. It may be just Todd, but will you really let them talk about one of us like that?
-I love you too Demon Brat.
-I knew you care. Dick coos before trying to hug Damian
-No! Grayson! Don’t come closer!
-Well my mother used to say to never underestimate a trophy wife. Because they could easily have the world at their feet. Bruce said ignoring the mess his two sons are making in the living room
-I thought that your parents had the same age.
-My father was younger by one year and half. But my mom worked frequently with trophy wife for charity event.”
They start to talk about other things when a knock interrupt them. Everybody tense, slowly Jason goes to the door and look at the peephole.
“It’s one of our neighbors. Hi, sir. What can I do for you? Jason asks him after open the door
-Hi. Look, you’re good neighbor and normally I would have pas that but, I have to just come back from work and I have to go visit my family in another state today. Just, I really need to sleep so can you lower the sound.
-Of course. Jason looks at Dick and Damian stop during their wrestling. We will let you sleep. Sorry for that.
-Thank, good night.
-Good night to you too.
-Well seems like it’s time to go. Dinah said
-You’re sure?
-Yeah, it’s late. The kids are already asleep.
-We will go too. Bruce said
-Yeah. Thank for the invitation.”
They all said good bye at the door.
They kiss and promise to do that again soon. With Olivia in his arms, Oliver hugs first Roy then Jason.
“Thank to have invited us tonight.
-You’re welcome.
-And thanks for the dinner. He said hugging Jason. It must have taken a lot of work to prepare that meal for sixteen.
-That’s fine.” Jason answer a little startled by the demonstration of affection
Bruce is the last to leave their apartment.
“Sorry we bother your neighbor.
-Don’t worry about that. I’m surprised it’s happen only now.
-Take care of you.
-That’s work for you too.”
They both smile and for a moment, Jason think that Bruce may hugs him but he just go with the rest of the family.
“Well everything was great. Roy said starting cleaning the table. We worry for nothing.
-I was sure that Oliver and Bruce will make a scene. Jason adds helping Roy
-And when Ollie start saying I was your sugar daddy, Roy laughs, I prayed that Bruce doesn’t beat me.
-They’re completely crazy.
-And you and I make all this crazy people one and only one family.
-Have mercy on us.”
Some day later, Jason is taking his breakfast with Tim.
“Sound like RedArse isn’t trendy anymore. Jason said looking at the news on his phone. SuperRobin stole us the show.”
One video of Kon kissing passionately Tim on the top of a Gotham’s building was everywhere on social network.
“Shut up. Bruce already lectures about not being attentive and unprofessional.
-Please, tell me you ask him if it was professional to sleep with a burglar he is supposed to arrest.
-No. Tim laughs. But if you do, film his reaction.
-Promise. Jason said before go search for salt
-While you’re at it. Can you get me some blueberry? They must be in my fridge.”
Jason goes in the kitchen; if he found the salt easily he can’t say the same for the blueberry.
“Are you sure you have blueberry?
-Maybe I put it in one of my closet.
-Nope. No blueberry in sight. Jason confirms after open up twice each closet
-I must have forgotten to buy it. Thank anyway.”
Jason sit down and stop what he wanted to do because something looks wrong with his phone.
“Did you touch my phone?
-Yes, Tim admits after a pause, we take beat which kind of Roy’s photo you have as wallpaper.
-What do you mean which kind?
-You know. Kind Roy asleep, kind both of you kissing, kind sexy Roy or kind embarrassing for Roy.
-Well sorry to disappointed you.
-Yeah I didn’t expect a dog. You don’t have one, do you?
-It’s an old picture of the dog I had when I was a kid. Some weeks ago, Bruce found some of my family old photo on squat of junkies.
-Your dog was cute. What were they name?”
Jason’s day was pretty exhausting so he is happy when he found Roy sit on the couch. He fall on the couch, put his head on Roy’s knee.
“Hard day.
-Awful. This child trafficker I had to catch decides to make me run after him.
-He didn’t dare.
-He’s an asshole. I make sure that everyone at the jail will know what he did to children.
-You didn’t kill him?
-No, he has some information that could be useful to save more kids and anyways Bruce is on this case too.
-Well I hope this could make you feel better.”
Only now, Jason see the little box with a golden ribbon on the table.
“What is it?
-Well it is for you so open up.
-If I’m not a lucky boy.”
In the little box, there are diamond cufflinks. Usually Jason think that diamond jewelries are too flashy but the one Roy choose are discreet. And Roy looks at him so hopefully that even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t tell him that.
“That’s beautiful.
-You love it?
-Yeah. Thank you.
-Since there is this gala where we have to go, I though cufflinks was a good idea.
-That’s perfect. Thank you so much.”
Jason kisses him deeply sitting in his lap.
“And I think I should make you a lucky boy too.
-No need. If you’re too tired, I can understand.
-I am in good shape.”
Jason takes Roy’s shirt away before kisses him languorously.
“That’s new? Selina asks him at the gala looking interested by Jason’s cufflinks
-Yes. And gift from Roy so if you can let me leave with them I will appreciate it.
-Everything to make you happy kitten.”
Jason doesn’t like Selina’s smile but as she say she doesn’t stole him so maybe it was something else.
Jason is with the Bird of Prey. He needs their help on a case and they are kind enough to at least listen to what he has to say.
“Sound reasonable. Barbara admits
-I’m a reasonable man.
-I want you to promise you will not using anything I will give you for kill someone.”
Jason sight loudly. Honestly this kind of rich guy he was after for the corruption case was the kind he prefers dead. But if he successes make them lost all their fortune that will be enough.
“I promise.
-Good, give me your phone, I will transfer you all the data we have in this case.
-And we will tell you if we see something during patrol. Helena adds. But only if you don’t hide anything.
-I’m not B. If I say I want work with you, it means I will work with you and not using you while keeping secrets. I’m sure Babs already takes all the info I had on my phone, and we will stay in contact.
-I’m done with your phone. Barbara said and gives it him back
-No, thanks to you.”
Jason shivers unexpectedly. He has a weird feeling suddenly. But the girls are nice and he will not accuse them of something just because a draught make him feels weird.
Some hours later, he meets Roy at the dinner they both like. They couldn’t see each other for the next days because of their jobs so they decide have a date. So the separation will be less difficult.
“How was your day? Jason asks him after kissing him quickly and takes place at the table.
-Better now that I see you.
-What will you do without me?
-I will get to know an old friend again. Roy jokes shaking his right hand
-Jeez, why did I love you again? Jason laughs after he kicks Roy under the table
-Well, I hope this could help you regain your memory.” Roy said putting a box out of his vest once their order taking by the waiter
Again, Jason thinks surprised. But he is touched by the gesture.
“I have nothing for you. Jason admits embarrassed
-That’s not a problem. It’s a gift as much for you than for me.”
Jason looks at him suspiciously. The little grin Roy had makes him suspect the worst, but they are on a public space, with some kids around, Roy wouldn’t dare offer him something to …suggestive, right?
Cautiously, Jason opens the box and found what seem to be two diamonds earrings.
“Oh, I’m just pierced at the right ear. Jason said confused
-You have an ear pierced? Roy asks amazed
-I was fourteen years old. It was after a fight with Bruce. It was stupid. Jason feels the obligation to defend himself
-Sound like a conversation for another day. Roy said feeling his partner’s embarrassment. Anyway, that aren’t earrings, but yes, that are piercing.
-Ah … Ah! Jason exclaims touching his chest when he understand that they are for his nipples. Do you mind if I go quickly in the bathroom to wear my gift.
-Do you think you could send me a photo? I’m not sure I could wait till we get home.
They wanted to kiss rapidly but that seems like they can get enough of each other.
“I should go before we’re not PG anymore.” Jason said before leaving in a hurry
Roy sights looking dreamily at Jason while he walks away.
He thanks the waiter when he comes back with their orders, maybe not as much as he thanks the entity who brings Jason and him together. He really doesn’t understand how he gets so lucky.
His phone beeps and he sees the picture send by Jason.
Obviously, he was on the toilet. He holds his shirt so not only his chest was visibly but also his gorgeous abs. Roy is almost certain that Jason put down a little his jean too. Roy could swear he fell a little more in love because of the way the four little diamonds shine as much as the mischievous gaze he had. And not only, Jason’s grin promises an unforgettable night, but he also gently bites his lower lips exactly how Roy likes.
“Must be the first time I can’t wait to say good bye ;)” Jason wrote as commentary and Roy could only agree.
Months later, despite how terrible their mission could have ended, Roy and Jason is together asleep in their bed. Neither of them want to moves and they both cry and moan like babies when a ring wakes them up.
“Jay. Roy groans. That your phone …
-Fuck. Who is the asshole calling me this earlier?
-It is two p.m. Master Jason. Alfred answer hearing the question Jason asks
-Sorry Alfie. But with all my respect we go to bed at six a.m.
-I prefer that it’s that. We were supposed to see each other today. Did you forget?
-Fuck. I totally did. Jason admits. Let me one hour and I come.
-No need to. I just wanted be sure that you were alright.
-But I want eat your delicious pie. One hour. I’m coming.
-Very well. See you soon.
-See you soon.
-You abandon me. Roy jokes half asleep
-For Alfred’s cooking, I will leave you without a hesitation.
-I should be angry but I could sell you too for his cooking. Bring me a piece.
-If I don’t eat all.”
Jason kisses Roy’s forehead before he fell asleep again. Jason goes take a quickly shower, drinks some coffee and wears clean clothes. Then he drives his motorcycle to the coffee shop he have to meet Alfred.
“Sorry to be late. Jason said sitting
-Next time send me a message, if you can’t come.
-I’m here, right? I could came.”
Alfred say nothing to that. He doesn’t need to, just his unimpressed look at Jason tells him enough.
“Promise, next time I will text you.
-Thank you.”
They order their drinks and talk a little about everything. How life is at the Manor, about books they had read or some TV show they had watch.
Suddenly, Alfred takes Jason’s wrist looking curiously at the watch Jason wears. Simple watch with some diamonds around the dial.
“Gift from Mister Roy? Alfred asks
-Yeah. Jason smiles. I don’t how but he always finds some flashy gifts that are in my taste anyway.
-It was for a particular reason?
-No. I don’t think so.
-Did he buy it to you the same day where you help Miss Stephanie with her homework?
-I don’t remember. Yeah, I think he did. Why? Fuck! Do you
think I forget an anniversary or something like that? Jason starts to panic
-I think you should ask to Mister Roy why he buys you this gifts.”
Jason doesn’t understand this little smile Alfred have on his face. One second before he sounded like he was upset, though.
But despite what Alfred like to think, Jason knows him as much as Alfred know him. So he doesn’t try to force Alfred to tell him what’s happening in his brain exactly.
Jason wanted to listen to Alfred’s advice but life happen and he didn’t have time to talk about that with Roy.
Until one day where things go crazy.
Jason is cooking the dinner. Something simple and easy to do because he spend all the day with Selina, doing shopping and watching some telenovela, and he is tired.
Roy enters in their apartment, kisses him in the neck.
“Hi Jaybird. Roy said with a smile
-Hi yourself. Jason answers kissing him
-Hope it was you wanted. You were pretty specific this time.”
Jason frowns, don’t understand what Roy mean. He takes the large box Roy gives him. Curiously, with apprehension.
He almost choke when he sees what is inside.
“What’s the fuck, Roy? This is too much!” Jason can’t help himself and exclaims
There is a kind of Napoleon Diamond Necklace. But with more diamonds than the original who can cover easily Jason’s neck and shoulder. The worst is all the diamonds are real.
Jason can’t accept that. Even if it was a copy, it’s not Jason’s taste. But mostly it must cost a little fortune to Roy. How in hell did he thought it will be a good idea to offer him this?
“Really? I was afraid it would be not enough.
-Not … What the hell Roy? Why did you buy me this?
-Because you asking me. Roy answers perplexed
-Asking you? No!
-Well yes. I still has your text.
-My text?
-Jaybird, your dish burn.
Jason give back the box to Roy so he can save what he’s cooking. Roy frowning sit in the kitchen, put the box on the table and search Jason’s message.
When the dish were save, Jason sit down next to Roy and look at his phone too.
“I didn’t send you a text. Jason confirm
-Look by yourself.” Roy retort showing the text
“Hi, my archer. Can you buy me the most fabulous Napoleon Diamond Necklace you can find? I will make sure it is worth it *winks*”
“What the …?”
It was his number. No doubt for that.
“I didn’t send you this text. Jason say again then he remember his conversation with Alfred. Wait. Did you receive a text like that every time you buy me a jewelry? Did you received a text tell you to buy me nipple piercing?
-Well no. Roy answer started by Jason’s hysteria. That’s the first time you were explicit about what you want.
-It wasn’t me!
-Ok. So who it was?
-Show me the date and hour you received this texts.”
Quickly, they realize that Tim send Roy a text for the cufflinks, Barbara for the piercings, Stephanie for the watch and Selina for the necklace. Every time they send to Roy a message telling something like Jason was feeling sad and diamonds could help him feel better and he will make sure to show to Roy how grateful he was.
“I’m going to kill them. Jason groans while Roy laugh
-Why? This is funny.
-No it’s not! I’m sure it’s because of Oliver’s stupid remark! How much money did you waste because of them?
-It’s not wasted. If I recall correctly you make it worthy I buy you this.
-Fuck! I’m really the trophy husband here. Jason groans embarrassed. I will give you back all the jewelries, so you can be refund.
-Why? No. Except for the necklace you like them, right?
-Yeah but I don’t like that you waste your money because of a stupid joke.
-It’s not a waste.
-Give back at least the necklace. How much did it cost you?
-Nope and it’s rude to ask how much a gift cost.
-Roy, I’m serious.
-Me too. Look, can I at least see you wearing it? Before you throw it in some deep closet.”
Jason suspiciously at Roy before he realizes.
“It’s make you horny that I’m your trophy husband, isn’t it?
-I’m weak man. Roy admits with a smile. It’s just … it’s been a while since you didn’t wear the nightie you buy for Valentine Day. Could be the occasion.
-I’m starting to think that you knew it was a joke.
-I swear I’m an innocent victim here. Doesn’t mean I should take an opportunity when I saw one.
-You’re the worst. Jason smiles amused
-It’s that a no?
-It’s that a yes. But I’m still killing them.
-Don’t be such killing joke, Jaybird. Roy kisses him passionately. Fuck them.
-I was thinking you will fuck me.
-Yeah that too.”
They laugh and make sure that this joke make at their expense become their best night.
Tomorrow, Jason will find a way to avenge Roy and his self-esteem.
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violetsmoak · 5 years
Pieces of April [11/?]
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21099044/chapters/50202530
Summary: On the anniversary of his death, Jason’s second life takes an abrupt new turn and he’s faced with a challenge that neither Batman nor the All-Caste prepared him for.
Rating: PG-13 (rating may change later)
Warning(s): Past Jason/Isabel, kidfic, minor canon character death (pretty sure you can guess who), I’ll add more warnings/tags as I think of them.
Canon-Compliance: Takes place in between the two RHATO series, so after Roy and Kori and before Artemis and Bizarro. Jason and Isabel Ardila
First Chapter
As expected, Jason doesn’t sleep that night.
His eyes remain trained on the ceiling of the guestroom while his subconscious drags him along a tilt-a-whirl of anxious and circular thoughts. He can barely process what they are with how fast they manifest and vanish again to be replaced with new ones. And before he’s really aware of it, the sun is streaming through the window that he forgot to pull the shades over, and he hears movement outside the room.
Figuring he might as well get up, he heaves himself out of bed and ambles down the stairs, skirting the piles of baby supplies he somehow forgot about while drowning in his night of circular thinking.
Tim is standing in his kitchen doing up his tie, nodding and humming with a frown on his face. Jason’s about to ask until he notices the hands-free earpiece in one ear. That could be either for work or to cover the Bat-issue comm; he probably has the latter plugged in permanently the same way Bruce does.
Tim notices him, and his mouth quirks upward in a not-quite smile of greeting.
“I’ll be in shortly, Lucius,” he says distantly. “We can discuss it before the meeting.” He taps the earpiece, hanging up, and then addresses Jason. “Good morning. You look like shit.”
“It’s the ‘I-didn't-sleep’ chic, which you should recognize since you invented it.”
“You’re just jealous you can’t make it look as good as I can,” Tim quips, and maybe if Jason were well-rested, he’d have a better retort for that. Instead, he narrows his eyes to study the younger man.
Tim Drake is polished and put-together, the epitome of perfect Wayne heir. Damian might throw around the words ‘blood son’ at every opportunity, and Dickie might be the first and favorite son, but Tim’s the one actually carrying on the Wayne legacy. From what Jason’s heard, he does it better than Bruce ever did.
Goddamn workaholic. And that suit probably costs more than rent for one of my legal apartments.
“I’m heading out,” Tim announces needlessly, taking a sip of what must be coffee from a travel mug. “I’ll try to get home before four o’clock, but it really depends on how much work Lucius decides to pile on while I’m still in town.”
“Because it sure as hell won’t get done if B is the only one around,” Jason agrees, earning a sharp grin in reply.
And there’s the cocky little bastard Jason’s been waiting to re-emerge after a day of being hidden by the scarily competent functioning adult façade.
“Feel free to stick around here and play the game system or raid the fridge or whatever. It’s up to you. The security system’s biometric, but I can give you an override code—” Noticing Jason’s disgusted and somewhat insulted look, he huffs, “Or not. Whatever. You’ll figure it out.”
He leaves without saying anything else, and suddenly Jason is well and truly alone for the first time since waking up on the anniversary of his death with his only thought being to get black-out drunk.
Funny how much twenty-four hours can change.
Except it’s really not.
Jason doesn’t want to spend another day thinking over all of his problems and the infinite possibilities of how the situation can become even more screwed up or confusing, so he busies himself with breaking into Tim’s hideout.
That occupies him for a little while, figuring out the security codes to the false wall and then to the locks on his computer system. He spends the morning wandering around, getting to know the frankly sweet set-up of the place, testing out the training room and looking under the hood of the cars in the garage.
Wonder if Timbers would help me outfit my bunker.
He’s been squatting in an old subbasement beneath GCPD headquarters for a few weeks now; the place was cut off from the main building during the Cataclysm a few years back and for whatever reason, everyone seems to believe it was caved in beyond repair.
Jason’s cleaned the place out and set up his own operation, but it doesn’t have the tech or necessities of an actual Cave. Which, frankly, isn’t fair, since everyone else has their own Batman-free getaway to hide in when the old man gets in one of his moods. Hell, even the new kid has a place beneath the Fox center.
As soon as the thought enters his mind, Jason scowls.
What the hell am I thinking?
None of this is even going to matter for a while anyway, now that he’s about to be benched. Might as well say goodbye to the state-of-the-art vigilante tech now and spare himself the disappointment.
He leaves the Nest (was Drake born without the ability to be original or something?) and returns to the living area, examining the place with a more critical eye this time around.
He still ignores looking at the pile of baby supplies.
Jason’s first impression the day before was of a barely lived in space, meant to show any would-be-intruders how a normal local celebrity might live. He learns he was only half-right when he spies smaller, more personal touches in the décor as he wanders through the house. There are photographs arranged along most of the walls, which on first glance he assumed were the kind you picked up at Ikea to make a place look classy, but he realizes as he studies the black-and-white images that they are shots of various locations in Gotham.
Locations a normal person can’t actually get to.
Which means Tim must have taken them himself; it’s just innocuous enough that a regular visitor would only admire the clarity of the shot. To someone like Jason, it’s impressive for completely different reasons; not least of all the danger inherent in achieving just that right angle. Two pictures he knows could only have been taken by hanging one-handed off a Gotham Trade Centre gargoyle.
The whole thing says more about Tim’s personality than any human detritus or strewn personal belongings could.
Though he does have those, too.
The shelf beside the television has a copy of what might be every video game known to man, across three different platforms. The study is filled with vintage board games and robot figurines and piles of tech magazines. Everything is scary neat—the professional, unnatural Stepford kind of neat that speaks of someone paid to clean it—with the exception of Tim’s bedroom. Jason pokes his head in there for like a second before shuddering and walking away from it.
How has Alfred not murdered you yet, kid?
Back downstairs, he studies the faux mantle above the electric fireplace where he sees artfully placed personal pictures of other recognizable personages. Tim with his Kryptonian and speedster friends, then him along with his generation of Titans. There’s one of him as a child with two people Jason assumes are his parents at a high society event of some sort, as well as a wedding photo of him much older; the man beside him is the same, but the woman in the veil is different. Stepmother, probably.
Jason pauses to smirk at the one of Tim and Dick on a beach somewhere, both ridiculously sunburned; it’s in the same folding frame as one with them both sitting beside Bruce on a beach chair. The older man is asleep, or at least pretending very well, and they’ve used sunscreen to write ‘I hate this place’ on his chest. Alfred obviously took that one.
The family butler is in the next image, standing beside the entry stairway of the manor with a thoughtful expression on his face. It’s so clearly staged to seem as distinguished as possible.
Guess Alf never did get over his dislike of having candid pictures of him taken.
Moving on, there’s a four-strip photo of Tim and Blondie stuck in the frame of a larger one with all three Batgirls past and present in what he supposes is Barbie’s apartment, with them trying to show Cass how to make a duck face. Beside it, one of Tim and the Thomas kid arguing over what looks to be a disemboweled computer; judging by the thumb shape in the corner it was taken sneakily and probably by Dick. Hell, there’s even one of the demon brat there, conked out on a couch in Bruce’s study with a black and white cat curled up on his chest.
Family’s all here, he thinks with a grim sort of humor. All except yours truly.
He’s not sure if he would have expected different, given his and Tim’s relationship. They might partner on occasion, and he works better with Tim than any of the other Bats he sometimes teams up with, but it’s not like they’re actually close. He doesn’t go out of his way to spend time with him outside of the mask, and then there’s a chasm of tense history between them.
He’d actually be surprised if—
Something catches his eye as he turns away from the fireplace, if only because next to all the gleaming frames its’ ordinariness makes it stick out. There’s a faded paper propped up against the wall behind a decorative clock, and when Jason reaches to pick it up and examine it, he finds himself staring down at his own grinning face.
Sort of.
It’s him from years ago.
The Jason Todd before Bruce stopped trusting him; before finding out his entire life had been a lie and before the Joker destroyed him. And it’s not so much a picture as a clipping from a newspaper.
Little Jason grins up at the photographer, missing his right canine and the same side of his face slightly puffy. Jason vaguely remembers the fight with Two-Face the night before, faster than he recalls sitting for this photo. He’s wearing a school uniform, can now recall the harried little man asking if he was sure he didn’t want to wait for picture retakes so they could get a picture when his face wasn’t bruised (“Bruce tried to teach me to ride a horse. They need to make those things closer to the ground!”) and him refusing because he earned these colors, thanks very much—
Jason can’t figure out how this photo ended up in a newspaper, though; the only pictures of him still extant in public are the ones they drag up on television every few years when Bruce does some bit of charity for orphans. Reminders of the poor dead orphan.
But this one—no, now he remembers.
This was the photo the press used during the custody case when Bruce was publicly battling Natalia Knight for guardianship of Jason. It’s not a copy, printed off the internet or digitally finished as a photograph. There’s yellowing around the edges and the paper quality is thin and grainy the way an actual newspaper is when it ages.
But why the hell does Tim have this?
He’s been back from the dead for years now, and with the Bat propensity for stalking and surveillance footage, if Tim wanted a photo of him, he could certainly have gotten all manner of material. Why this one? And why include it here at all, if it’s hidden away behind the others like a dirty secret?
The whole thing is vastly unsettling, and as he remembers Tim’s words from yesterday—
“We’re too complicated to be family. But we are Robins. And in a lot of ways, I think that’s stronger than us being part of the Family.”
—his chest starts to experience that vicelike pressure he’s been having on and off since learning about Isabel and the baby.
He’s struck by the very pressing need to get out of here.
Fleeing the apartment for the hidden Nest once more, Jason finds the exit protocols and manual overrides for Tim’s system, then borrows one of the bikes in the garage area. Tim did say he was free to do ‘whatever’ and though Jason doubts that includes absconding with his wheels, he doesn’t entirely care. He doesn’t even bother looking for the tracking beacons he knows are hidden on them.
He’s not running away, he’s just…clearing his head.
Or clearing it as well as anyone can while navigating the construction and traffic-infested roads of Gotham.
An open highway would be the most ideal way for him to lose himself and avoid his complicated feelings, but he supposes that option has its own dangers. Like just driving straight to California and pretending the past day has been nothing but a bad dream.
Instead, the constant roadblocks and detours Jason’s forced to take through the corners of the city jog his brain back into thinking. Back into reasoning and solving problems and improvising like he usually does.
First of all, he needs to stop letting Tim do everything for him.
Jason is capable—has survived on his own his whole life; it’s time to get his shit together. And to do that, he has to find someone who can take care of the baby.
His daughter.
He needs to get used to saying it, whether he stays in her life or not.
Jason isn’t entirely sure what he’s looking for in terms of the plans Tim suggested to him the night before. There’s merit to all the ideas, but he’s stuck between getting her out of Gotham or finding someone here who knew Isabel.
Or at least someone who knew she was expecting a kid. Any kind of connection to her mother would be better than nothing.
In theory.
Jason’s pretty sure that it’s a rare kid—himself included—who would have been better off without knowing anything about their birth mother. But Isabel is not Sheila, and the situation isn’t anything like that one.
He’s not even sure where to start looking for potential guardians.
Though Isabel’s friend Safiya said she would be looking into it, it’s once again putting Jason in the position of letting others deal with the consequences of his own actions. If only he knew more about what frame of mind Isabel was in before all this started…
Jason didn’t live with the world’s greatest detective for three years of his life without learning how to build a profile on someone. And the best starting point for that is where she spent most of her time.
He pulls over in the parking lot of a Bat Burger to unlock the fancy computer hidden within the bike’s dash (obviously one of Tim’s own design) and linking to the Bat-network’s backdoor to Gotham General’s patient records. Then it’s a simple search to bring up Isabel’s personal information, including her latest address.
Turns out she moved a lot closer to Gotham General than she was before; as he revs the motor and takes off again, Jason wonders if that was pre-emptive.
Isabel’s place is on the edge of Midtown, where the business district turns residential. The condominium itself seems well taken care of, especially in contrast to the fixer-uppers Jason’s used to in his own neighborhood, but in Gotham, that means next to nothing.
Though clearly Isabel’s been doing well if she’s able to afford a place here.
He’s not entirely sure what the average flight attendant’s salary is, but maybe she was just good with money.
Her apartment is on the highest floor of the apartment building, reachable by the fire escape. He scowls a bit at the idea that just anyone could get in here if they so choose, and if she thinks that’s a good enough deterrent than—
Jason has to stop and shake his head and remind himself that Isabel is gone. She’ll never have to worry about break-ins again.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he jimmy’s open the window and slips through.
Your feedback matters! I want to know what you think of my story, so feel free to leave kudos, a comment or as many of these emojis as you want and let me know how you feel!
❤️️ = I love this story! 😳 = this was hot! 💐 = thank you for sharing this 🍵 = tea spilled 🍬 = so sweet and fluffy! 🚔 = you’re under arrest! the writing’s too good! 😲 = I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTER 😢 = you got me right in the feels 🤯mind blown 🤬god damn cliffhanger 😫 whyyyyyyy?!?!?
Next Chapter
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: The Incredible Hulk
Hi, Everyone I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today We're Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
By Looking At The Film That Introduced That Big Green Monster Of Might, The Hulk To The MCU, The Incredible Hulk...
This Film Sees Bruce Banner (Played In This By Edward Norton, Before He Transformed Into Mark Ruffalo) As An Unwitting Pawn Of The U.S. Military, Led By General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (Played By William Hurt) Who Are Trying To Restart The Super Solider Program Which Led To The Creation Of Captain America But Without Erskiene's Formula It Leads To Hulky Results For Bruce Which Forces Him To Go On The Run From The Military Until He Can A Way To Cure Himself Of The Raging Spirit That Dwells Within Him...
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But When Bruce Is Captured By Ross, His Worst Fears Are Realized When A Power Hungry Solider Named Emil Blonsky (Played By Tim Roth) Turns Into A Similar More Bestial Creature Named Abomination And Causes A Panic Throughout Harlem, Can Bruce Stop Blonsky With The Hulk?
Let's Find Out As We Watch The Incredible Hulk...
The Movie Starts With A Flashback That Shows Everything I Just Mentioned Including How Banner Became The Hulk (Which Looks Reminiscent Of The Bill Bixby Tv Series), And How Banner Went On The Run After Nearly Hurting His Love Interest, Betty Ross (Played By Liv Tyler) Who Is Daughter Of General Ross...
Years Later In Rio...
Seriously, How Banner Doesn't Run Into Dominic Toretto And His Crew There Is A Mystery To Me...
Bruce Holds Down A Job As Both Worked And...
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In A Soda Factory While Also Trying To Find A Way To Control The Hulk By Taking A Medatation Class?...
Let's Hope Bruce Doesn't Become The Hulk There, Because The Last Superhero Who Was There? Well...Let's Just Say It Didn't End So Well...
While Also Working A Mystery Guy Named "Mr. Blue" On Ways To Cure Himself Of The Hulk At The Same Time, But When Some Of Bruce's Blood Ends Up In One Of The Soda Bottles At The Factory And Poisons An Old Man...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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It Catches Ross's Attention And Soon Him, And His Men, Led By Emil Blonsky Are On Their Way To Rio To Find Bruce...
Getting A Message From Mr. Blue, He Says He Has Something That Might Cure Bruce But He Needs More Data (Which Bruce Doesn't Have) Otherwise He Can't Help Him...
Hearing Some Noise, Bruce Makes A Run For It As Blonsky And His Men Burst Into His Apartment But They Eventually Spot Bruce As He Runs From Street To Street And Rooftop To Rooftop...
Eventually Losing Both Blonsky And Ross. Bruce Ends Up Running Into Some Guy Who Was Hitting On A Friend Of His At The Soda Factory And Him And His Guys End Up Following Banner To The Soda Factory Where They Start Beating Up Banner Which Leads To Bruce Becoming The Hulk...
With Blonsky And His Boys Soon Arriving After The Hulk Beats Up Those Guys And Thrashes Everyone Except Blonsky...
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Regrouping At Bruce's Apartment, They Find Bruce's Laptop Along With A Picture Of Betty, Which Eventually Leads To A Talk Between Blonsky And Ross, As Blonsky Feels That They Had Banner But When The Hulk Showed Up Everything Went South...
Interested In The Hulk, Blonsky Swears To Find Banner And Get Him To Tell Him Where To Find It, But Ross Simply Tells Him That That Thing Was Banner And Walks Off As He Tells Blonsky To Pack Up So They Can Go Home...
The Next Day In Guatemala, Bruce Wakes Up By A River As He Gets A Ride From Someone Heading Into Town, Asking Where Bruce Is Headed, Bruce Tells The Man In His Native Language That He's Headed Home...
Back In The States, Blonsky Talks With Ross As Tells Him That He's Not Stepping Away From This And Whatever He's Involved In, He Wants In...
Back In Guatemala...
Okay, What Is This? Why Are They Playing The Lonely Man Theme From The Incredible Hulk Tv Series? Not That I'm Not Happy To Hear It, But This Is A Movie Based On The Comic Book, Not A Movie Based On TV Series...
If I Wanted To See A Movie Based On The Tv Series I'd Watch One Of The Tv Movies That Have Daredevil And Thor In It (And Yes, This Is True) Either Way, It May Be A Good Easter Egg But It's Done For The Wrong Reasons, If Anything They Should Be Playing This Since Bruce Is Going Home...
Telling Blonsky We Already Saw In The Flashback At The Beginning Of The Movie (Only Thing We Really Learn Is That Bruce Thought That He Was Working On Radiation Resistance And Ross Never Told Him What The Real Experiment Was) And Says As Far As He's Concerned Bruce's Body Belongs To The U.S Government...
(Start At 0:45, End At 0:51)
Arriving At His University In Virginia, Bruce Spied On Betty Who Has Found A New Boyfriend In Phil Dunphy...
I'm Sorry, I Know That He's Supposed To Be Leonard Samson, But Ty Burrell Is Phil Dunphy And That's All I'll Ever See Him As...
Visiting A Pizza Place Called Stanley's, Bruce Catches Up With The Owner, Played By Hermey The Elf...
Seriously, The Guy Who Plays Stanley, Played Hermey The Elf In Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Which In Turn Makes Me Wonder If Stanley Has A Side Job As A Dentist...
He Offers Him The Room He Has Upstairs And He Asks To Borrow A Pizza Boy Delievry Outfit So He Can Keep The Guard (Played By Lou Ferigno) Distracted With A Free Pizza While He Tries To Get The Data He's Looking For Only To Discover That It's Not There...
Telling Mr. Blue This, He Says That Without It, He Can't Help...
But As He Prepares To Leave, Betty And Phil Stop By Stanley's Only For Betty To Catch A Glimpse Of Bruce...
Asking Stanley To Tell Her The Truth, He Tells Betty That Bruce Is Back, Which Leads Her To Confront Bruce On The Bridge Which Leads To A Tearful Reunion For The Former Lovers...
Taking Bruce To Her House, She Gives Bruce A Drive Which Contains All Their Data And Info That The Military Erased, But Wondering Why They Can't Just Talk With Her Father And That's Because He Told Bruce That He Wants To Make The Hulk Into A Weapon...
Taking Blonsky To A Lab, Ross Injects Blonsky With The Same Stuff Banner Injected Himself With But Warns Him That At The First Sign Of Any Side Effects, He's Off The Team Until He Straightens Out...
The Next Day Betty Takes Bruce To The Campus To Say Goodbye But Turns Out Phil Dunphy Was Like...
(Start At 0:44, End At 0:55)
And Called Betty's Father To Come Get Bruce...
Going Through A Building To Get Away From Ross's Forces, They Eventually Lock Bruce Into An Overpass As They Fire Tear Gas Inside...
(Start At 0:36)
Ross Thanks Phil For Calling Him, But Phil Is Not So Sure Now As The Hulk Protected Her And Ross Almost Killed Her But Either Way Bruce Would Get His Revenge On Phil Later When He Autotuned Him On YouTube And It Went Viral...
(Start At 0:06)
Taking Betty To A Cave, The Hulk Is Hurt By A Thunderbolt (Possibly By Thor) Which Forces Betty Calm Him Down As He Thinks He's Under Attack...
Eventually Getting The Hulk To Calm Down, They Get Some Sleep...
Checking On Blonsky In The Hospital, It Appears That The Hulk But As The Saying Goes, He May Be Down, But He's Not Out As Blonsky Appears To Be Healing Rapidly...
The Next Day, The Hulk Has Turned Back Into Bruce And Bruce And Betty Go To A Motel Where They Stay For Now...
With Bruce Taking A Shower, Betty Soon Arrives With Provisions Including A New Heart Rate Watch And Purple Pants...
Giving Bruce A Haircut, It Eventually Leads To The Two About To Have Sex But Turns Out Because Of The Hulk Bruce Can't Get Too Excited...
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When Someone Comes In About Blonsky, Ross Goes To See Him Only To Discover That Blonsky Is Completely Healed On All The Injuries The Hulk Gave Him...
Dumping Betty's Phone And Credit Cards As They Can Track That, Betty Sells A Necklace That Probably Belonged To Her Mother In Order To Get Some Cash, While Bruce Sends The Data To Mr. Blue, However, S.H.I.E.L.D. Copies The E-mail And Sends It Ross's Way Along With The Identity Of Mr. Blue, Which Happens To Be A Doctor Samuel Sterns...
If The Name Sounds Familiar, That's Because That's The Leader (Apparently Before He Became The Leader)
Eventually Arriving In New York, Bruce And Betty Soon Find Themselves In Crazy Taxi...
(Crazy Taxi Announcer) Hey!!! You Got 5 CRAZY Minutes To Get Your Passenger To His Destination Before He Turns Into The Hulk And Kills You For Being So CRAZY!!!!!
Before They Arrive At The University, Where Sterns Works And He Finally Meets Bruce...
Talking With Sterns, He Tells Bruce And Betty That Even Everything Goes Perfectly And They Induce A Hulk Out And And Get The Exact Dosage Right, They Don't Know If It'll Be A Lasting Cure, Just An Antidote To Suppress That Particular Hulk Out Or Worse, Kill Bruce. But Willing To Take The Risk, Sterns Gets Ready...
Back At Ross's Base, Blonsky Starts Noticing Changes In His Bone Structure But Doesn't Tells Ross About Because He Feels Like A Monster...
Tying Bruce Down On A Table, Sterns Shocks Bruce Full Of Electricity And Causes A Hulk Out But With Help From Betty In Calming Him Down, The "Cure" Is Injected And Bruce Goes Back To Normal...
Not Believing What He Just Saw, Sterns Tells Bruce And Betty That The Gamma Pulse Came From The Amygdala And Betty's Primer Let Bruce's Cells Absorb The Energy And Then Abated It (Which Is Basically How Bruce Didn't Die Of Radiation Poisoning Years Ago) Maybe They've Neutralized The Cells Permanently Or Maybe They Just Suppressed That Event But Either Way It's Hard To Tell As None Of Sterns' Test Subjects Survived...
Not Liking That Sterns Said That, Sterns Shows Bruce To A Room With Bags Of Blood That's Bruce's As Bruce Didn't Give Sterns Much To Work With So He Had To Replicate It. Seeing Limitless Possibilities With It, Bruce Tells Sterns That He Doesn't Understand And They Need To Destroy The Blood...
But As Sterns And Bruce Bicker About This, A Sniper On The Rooftop Across The Way, Shoots Bruce With A Tranquilizer As Blonsky Bursts In And Punches Bruce In An Effort To Bring Out The Hulk But Bruce Is Tranqed And It's Pointless...
Carrying Bruce On A Stretcher, Betty Tells Her Father That She Will Never Forgive Her Father For What He's Made Bruce Into And To Never Speak Her As His Daughter Again...
Knocking Out The Soliders Questioning Sterns, Blonsky Tells Sterns To Inject Him With Bruce's Blood But Realizing That Blonsky Is On Something Sterns Warns Him That If He Injects Banner's Blood Into Him Without Knowing What He's Already On It Could Turn Him Into An Abomination...
Ooh, Foreshadowing....
Not Giving Sterns Much Of An Option, He Injects Blonsky With Bruce's Blood And It Transforms Him Into The Abomination...
Tossing Sterns On The Ground, Some Of Bruce's Blood Ends Up Inside Of Sterns And Starts To Transform Him Into The Leader For A Possible Sequel That'll Never Happen At This Point...
Causing Destruction To Try To Get The Hulk's Attention, Seeing Everything That's Happening On The Ground On From The Plane, Ross Knows That Abomination Is Blonsky And That They Have To Go Back To Help The Remaining Soliders On The Ground...
This Leads Bruce To Suggest To Let Him Fight Blonsky Despite Him Having No Control Over The Hulk...
(Imitating Bill Murray In Ghostbusters) If I'm Wrong, I'll Go To Whatever Government Jail Cell You Have Waiting For Me, Peacefully, Quietly, I'll Enjoy It, But If I'm Right, Thunderbolt, You Will Have Saved The Lives Of Everyone In This City...
Lowering The Ramp For Bruce, Betty Tries To Stop Him As She Doesn't Know If He'll Even Change, But Either Way He Has To Try As Bruce Gives Betty A Kiss Before He Goes...
A Few Weeks Later In British Columbia, We See Bruce Back Living A Life Of Solitude In A Cabin As He Has Given Up His Search For A Cure And Instead Seeks To Control Him As Our Movie Ends...
In A Pre-Credits Scene, We See General Ross Having A Few Drinks When He's Confronted By Tony Stark (Played Again By Robert Downey Jr.) Who Tells Ross That He's Putting A Team Together...
However, In A Marvel One Shot Called The Consultant, It's Revealed That Stark Was Only Sent In To Piss Off Ross So Much To The Point That He Wouldn't Give S.H.I.E.L.D. Blonsky So He Could Join The Avenger Initiative Which Both Fury And Coulson Did Not Want To Happen Despite The World Security Council Wanting Blonsky Because Of His Decorated War Hero Status And Saying That The Harlem Incident Was Bruce's Fault...
This Movie Is Okay...
It's Not Bad It's A Good Movie, I Like The Characters, The Story Is Nice And The Action Scenes When They Happen Are Awesome But Sometimes The Talking And Science Babble Goes On Forever And It Sometimes Gets Boring But I Still Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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hour13 · 6 years
The Tower
A note before reading:
             Back in 2015-2016, a few friends and I were planning to work together on writing a serial story about a team of people known as The Scrap Hounds who roamed a post-apocalyptic wasteland.   We built an amazing world and a few great characters, but unfortunately things fell apart.  Before the collapse, I wrote The Tower, which was originally going to be released in six weekly installments.  
             The Tower is set in the Durante Desert, a land trying to reclaim itself after being the battlefield between two powerful nations, Myrora (MERE-Ore-Uh or Mai-ROAR-Uh, depending on inflection) and Sideah (Sih-day-uh).  The Scrap Hounds are a team of junkers who wander that desert collecting scrap from battlefields, wrecks, and abandoned towns and selling the raw metal to the settlements they come across.  The Scrap Hounds travel around the desert in The Land Whale a large vehicle colloquially known as a trawler.
The Tower
Writing by Tim Carroll
The character of Torva is a creation of Miles Rodgers
The world of the Scrap Hounds was a collaboration, see end of story for credits.
Part 1
             If you’re of the mind to listen, the sounds of the Durante Desert at sunset can form a sort of symphony. The buzz of insects finding their way home to their hives, the distant howls of coyotes, the percussive rattle of scorpions, the crackle of campfires, and, of course, the slow steady rumble of trawlers moving through the desert.
             Tonight, there is one more sound - if you listen closely enough -  a quiet hiss, a gasp of compressed air, as an artist presses on his canister of spray paint.   His canvas- a tower, hundreds of feet tall- his painting, hardly a painting but a story. A tadpole, swimming out of the flames of hell, to become a frog, live its life, and eventually be reincarnated as something greater.
             There were no entrances to the tower, at least none accessible above the shifting sands.  The only reason the Scrap Hounds had bothered to stop at all was because a zeppelin had crashed at the tower’s base nearly a week ago.
             Unfortunately someone else had gotten there first. The zeppelin had already been stripped down, the crew members buried, and everything of value taken.
             Another sound filled the night, a drumbeat, something pounding against the desert sands.   Selak raised an eyebrow, but did not turn around, as the seven-foot-tall armored man approached him from behind.
             “Hello, Torva.” The artist called, shaking a can of green paint.
             “Hello, Selak.” Torva replied, his voice a deep reverberating bass. The armored man tilted his head to the side as he took a long look at the painting. “Reincarnation,” he said, after a short pause.
             “You got it.” Selak smiled.
             “What did a frog do to merit being reincarnated?”
             “Lived a good life as a frog?” Selak offered, leaning against a pile of scrap, “I imagine the bar’s pretty low for them.  Eat flies, lay lots of eggs, respect the natural order.”
             “Then neither of us would merit reincarnation.” Torva observed.
             Selak raised an eyebrow, “You don’t think we’re good people?”
             “We do not respect the natural order.” Torva clarified, “Few humans do.”
             “Maybe that’s a design feature.” Selak replied, filling in the frog’s body, “If humans respected the natural order, we’d have too many people reaching nirvana and nowhere near enough people being reincarnated as insects.”
             “Perhaps,” Torva observed, as he pressed a button on his shoulder blade, igniting a floodlight that illuminated the dark picture.              Selak cleared his throat. “How’s Blue doing?”
             “I do not believe he will suffer any lasting harm.”
             “The scorpion didn’t pierce a lung?”
             “That is correct,” Torva replied, stepping forward, “The greater danger is the poison.”
             “It was just a baby, right?  Painful, not lethal.”
             Torva shook his head, “An adolescent.”
             Selak bit his lip, “You can cure that right?”
             “Our supplies are low. I have done what I can, but we will need to leave at first light to make it to Anodar.  There I will be able to purchase the medicine he needs.”
             “Sounds good.”  
             Torva paused. Selak sighed.
             “But you need me for something?” The artist asked, “Look I know you want to chew me out, but what happened was a complete accident, scorpions shouldn’t have been inside the main hatch, the kid—”
             Torva raised his hand, “I am not here to chastise you.”  He cleared his throat, “There is a cave not far from here.  The recent winds have cleared away dunes that were blocking the entrance.  Initial exploration suggests it may lead to the tower’s entrance.”
             “But tomorrow we’re leaving?”
             “Correct. At first light.” Torva repeated.
             “So if we wanted to know what’s inside this thing, we’d have to do it right now.”
             “Also correct.”
             “And you’re proposing a night mission, into an unknown, possibly trap-filled tower, in the hopes of gathering information about the old world or finding useful and/or pricy artifacts.”
             “For the third time, correct.”
             Selak grabbed his paint supplies from the ground and threw them into a canvas bag over his shoulder. “I’ll get my kit.” He said, “Meet you outside the cave in ten.  I’m in.”
Part 2
             If you’re of the mind to look, there is a beauty to nights in the Durante Desert.  The winds tend to die down, allowing one to appreciate the endless rolling dunes, watched over by a thousand twinkling stars.  But be careful, many have made the mistake of assuming that night’s reduced risk of dehydration and exposure meant a reduced risk of death.  It is night time when the most dangerous of creatures in the Durante Desert hunt – whether they be the giant scorpions out to secure sleeping prey, brigands out to catch their targets unaware, or the mutants lurking beneath the sands, hoping to catch a glimpse of the surface.
             There is beauty to be found in the Durante Desert, but there is far more danger.  
             Selak tried not to get distracted by the scenery as he approached the mouth of the cave.  He had tossed away his painter’s smock in favor of his exploration outfit.  A black flak jacket – spraypainted with shark scales and an open shark mouth on the torso. Inside the dozen or so pockets were every tool he might need for a night outing: chemical flares, lockpicking equipment, and – his personal favorite – the grapple gun.  
             Torva was waiting outside the cave, wearing a different evo-suit than before.  Although few other junkers noticed – most were too scared of the behemoth to pay much attention – the scientist’s suit varied from day to day, with pieces removed and added as Torva saw fit.  
             “I didn’t know you liked the mollusk suit.” Selak said as he approached.  The suit’s back was painted with a design of a golden crustacean shell, the creature’s appendages reaching so they rested upon Torva’s own arms.”
             “It is good for spelunking, and I appreciate the design aesthetic.”  
             “Was that a compliment?” Selak asked.
             “It was.”
             Torva touched his shoulder, and an instant later, a floodlight illuminated the path in front of them.  The two set off into the cave.
             “So I am a mollusk, because I am armored and collect things.” Torva observed, “Do you have an animal for each of us?”
             “I believe that each of you have an animal.”
             “Fair enough, what is Alexa?”
             “A hawk.”
             Torva tilted his head to the side, “Is that not the animal you attributed to your ex?”
             “First off, she’s not my ‘ex.’” Selak corrected, “And, second, there’s no reason that two people can’t have the same animal.”
             “So, I’m a mollusk for my nature.  Alexa is a hawk for hers.  Why are you a shark?”
             “You don’t think it suits me?”
             “You are not a predator.”
             “Have I not told you this story?” Selak asked, “The origin of my necklace?” Selak reached into the neck of his suit and pulled out a two-inch long shark-tooth attached to a piece of scarlet rope.
             “You have not.”
             “Really?” Selak asked, replacing the necklace, “Okay, well, brace yourself.  Way back – maybe a hundred years ago at this point – my family used to live on the south shore.  My great-grandfather was a fisherman and a mechanic, and he was damn fine at both of those jobs from what I hear.  Now, one day my gramps was out fishing when he caught the attention of a massive shark.  The thing, attacked his boat, damn near destroyed it, and nearly killed my great-grandpa.  Luckily, gramps kept a spear lying around and was able to fend off the animal until he made it back to harbor.”
             “I see…” Torva murmured, running his hand along the preternaturally smooth cavern walls.
             “Great-Gramps and the shark fought at least a half-dozen more times over the course of the next two years.  Each conflict was bloodier and more dangerous than the last.  Grandpa lost two of the fingers on his left hand, the shark lost several of its teeth and part of its dorsal fin.  
             Great Grampa dreaded seeing the shark, because he knew deep in his gut that the conflict would only end when one of them died.
             But that all changed one summer night.  There had been a massive storm, the kind where trees are ripped out of the ground and thrown around like toys.  And worse, about five miles off shore, an oil tanker was damaged, and was going to sink unless someone intervened.  
             But it wasn’t just the people that were in danger; everything in the ocean was at risk.  If that tanker capsized, the entire shoreline would be devastated.
             My grandfather was the only one with the expertise to go out and repair the tanker, but every boat on the shoreline had been wrecked.  There was no way they’d be able to get to it in time.
             That’s when the shark rose up out of the water near the shore, and allowed my grandpa onto its back. Together they swam over to the tanker and grandpa was able to repair it in the nick of time. Every person on the boat and every fish in the water was saved.  
             There was no more fighting after that.  My great-grandfather and the shark remained friends, and when it died, grandfather gave the shark a funeral, and took several of its teeth in memory of their friendship.”  Selak reached for his necklace again, “That’s why I wear this.”
             “Do you believe that story?” Torva asked.
             Selak shrugged, “It was told to me by people I trust.”
             Torva coughed, “So you are not decorated in honor of all sharks, but one in particular.”
             “The shark went against its nature, and joined with its enemy for the greater good.  Their rivalry, their language barrier, their species barrier.  None of it mattered.  I think there’s a lesson we can learn from that.”
             “The shark went against its nature…” Torva mused, “Per our earlier conversation, neither your ancestor nor that shark would reach heaven, they would both be reincarnated.”
             “Maybe that’s for the best,” Selak mused, “The world is a better place with animals like that, no matter what form their in.”
             “Or perhaps we were wrong to assume that going against one’s nature was a bad thing.”
             “Or maybe we—” Selak stopped mid-sentence as the two came across a stone door.
             Torva knelt down and rapped his metal knuckles against it.  “Granite,” he muttered, “At least three inches thick.”
             Selak ran his hands over the door, engraved into it, at head height, was an insignia.  “You recognize this?”
             Torva nodded.  “Have you ever heard of Dr. Alarus?”
             “No…” Selak paused, “Wait.  You’ve mentioned him before.”
             “Her.” Torva corrected, “Dr. Olivia Alarus was one of the directors of the Myroran militarized science wing, specializing in genetic research.  She had many projects, but her most infamous involved modifying humans in the hopes of creating the perfect soldier.”
             “How’d that work out?”
             “For the subjects: very poorly.  Many died in her experiments, many more were crippled.  It is said that the few “successes” if you choose to call them that – were used in combat operations, forced to act against their will.”
             “What happened to her?”
             “One night, there was a prison break at her facility.  A few of the mutants broke loose and were able to free their brethren. They captured Dr. Alarus and tortured her to death.”
             Selak shivered. “Do you believe that story?”  
             “It was told to me by people whom I trust.”  
             “So what’s that got to do with this symbol?”
             “It is the insignia of her lab.”
             “Could she be here?”
             “Unlikely.  Even if she had been able to escape from her lab that night, I doubt she would hide in such a noticeable dwelling.  In addition to her former test subjects, there are many who want her dead.  Those in the public who believe she must answer for her crimes and those in the Myroran military who she has shamed.”
             “Fucking Hell.” Selak let out a low whistle, “So what’s the symbol for her lab doing all the way out here.  We’re what two hundred-something miles from the Myroran border?”
             “I do not know.” Torva replied, as he ignited a blow torch “But it is my intention to find out.”
 Part 3
             If you’re of the mind to search, there’s a history to the Durante Desert – a tale of heroism, honor, betrayal, and blood-stained sand.  But be warned, any investigation into writings about the desert will lead a researcher through a labyrinth of bias, misinformation, and pride.  The Myrorans and Sideans both hold each other accountable for the attacks that reduced nearly a third of the land into a wasteland. Even the rare scholars who truly are impartial are confounded by the conflicting reports. Were there two factions in the war, before it was disrupted by the rebels? Or were there as many as five?  Was the rebellion truly motivated by a desire for national sovereignty? Or was it, like so many things, motivated by greed?
             The answers to many of these questions, like so much of the desert itself, are buried deep beneath the sands.  
             Selak took a few steps back as Torva knelt down and set to work on the door.  The acetylene torch in the scientist’s hands lit up the cave like a miniature sun, and even a half-dozen feet away, Selak could feel the prickle of perspiration on his forehead.
             “Hey, Torva?” Selak shouted over the tool’s hissing, “How exactly do you intend to melt through a stone door?”
             “Stone does not melt, Selak.”  Torva replied, not looking away from his work, “But locks are not made of stone.”
             “So you’re melting the hinges?” Selak asked, “And then we’ll kick it down. “
             “Precisely.” Torva grunted.
             “So how is this different than a door made out of metal?” Selak asked, “Wouldn’t that be easier to work with?”
             “You, of all people, do not need a lecture on symbolism nor aesthetics.”
             Before Selak could reply, Torva turned off his torch, and slammed his armored shoulder into the door, knocking it off its weakened hinges.  The stone door toppled forward, groaning like a dying beast as it did so, but an instant before it hit the floor, Selak heard a second sound, one that he had heard far too often in his life:  the sound of a bowstring being pulled back.
              “TORVA!” Selak shouted.  Acting on instinct, Selak kicked at the back of the scientist’s knees, knocking him- along with his exosuit – to the ground.  As his partner fell, Selak dove to the earth as well.  The two Scrap Hounds hit the ground simultaneously, as an iron crossbow bolt, crackling with electricity, sailed over their heads.
             “ROLL!” Selak shouted, as he and Torva tumbled to opposite sides of the doorway, where a layer of stone stood between them and their attacker.   Less than a half-second later a second crossbow bolt hit the ground between them, sending a flurry of blue sparks into the air. They had a foot-and a half of room on either side of the door.  Room to breathe, but not much else.
             Torva reached for his periscope while, Selak reached into his jacket pocket for a compact mirror.   The two peered around the corner. There wasn’t a human in sight. Just a large auto-loading crossbow resting on a table, with a tangle of wires attached, some of them leading to a black orb resting beside it.  
             “What the hell?”
             “An automated firing system.” Torva observed, retracting his periscope, “Rare to see one functioning.  The ocular technology they used was known to be problematic.”
             “Fascinating,” Selak hissed, “You got any grenades?”
             “I brought none.” Torva replied, “I was not expecting this kind of resistance.”
             “Looks like we’re gonna have to improvise.” Selak muttered, “Problematic ocular technology, right?  Is that big black thing its eye?”
             “In a manner of speaking.”
             “So let’s blind it.” Selak replied, grabbing a spray paint can and a long thin nozzle from his jacket, and fastening them together.  Carefully, Selak squeezed the trigger, spraying an arc of green paint over the machine’s electronic eye.  
             Torva removed the gauntlet of his exo-suit and waved the empty metal arm in front of the egress. No more bolts came out.  “It is disabled.” Torva replied, reattaching his glove.
              Cautiously, Selak shined his flashlight over the entryway.  “You see any other traps?”
             “Negative.” Torva answered, as he approached the crossbow. “Exquisite work.” He muttered.  
             “I like how ‘exquisite’ for you, doesn’t preclude ‘deadly.”  Selak replied, running his hands along the metal walls.
             “It is good that we did not use grenades.”
             “Why? You want to take it home with us?”
             “No.” Torva answered, “This device was only able to work because it has spent much of the past decade in darkness.  A month out in the desert, or an hour out in a sandstorm, would render it inoperable.”
             “So why was it good that we didn’t use grenades?”
             “These power cells,” Torva said, tapping two yellow and black squares with his metallic forefinger, “are what kept this system functional for so long. They are Myroran military technology.  Exceedingly rare.  If disrupted by an attack of sufficient force, they would create an explosion powerful enough to destroy this room, possibly even this cavern.”
             “And they decided to attach these to their defensive formation without any sort of protection?”
             “Perhaps they anticipated an attack by an opponent who did have grenades.”
             “This was most likely an off-site storage facility.”  Torva said, as much to himself as to Selak. “The hidden entrance and defensive machinery would be intended to keep out raiders, as guards for such a far off facility would be unfeasible.”
             “But why here?”
             “Field testing of Alarus’s mutants must have taken place in the area.  This was most likely a facility for holding them and experimenting on them pre and post battle.”
             “Would they still be here?”
             “Unlikely.” Torva replied, “The mutants used for battle were too valuable to be left to rot and too dangerous to leave to their own devices.”
             “So how does this thing differentiate friend from foe?”
             “On its own, this device would be incapable of doing.”  Torva replied pointing to the half-melted mechanism beside the door.   “If a member of the Myroran high command were to have come here, they would have needed a transmitter to ensure their safe entry.”
             “Press a button. Open the stone door.  Disarm the crossbow.”
             “Yes.”  Torva nodded, “Although…”
             “Something the matter?”
             “This crossbow appears to be a recent addition, the security system most likely originally used a firearm.”
             “Which leaves us with three options.” Selak replied, “Option one: The scientists here got bored one day, and decided to see if the motion tracker would work with different long-range weapons.”                “Unlikely.” Torva replied, “The scientists who worked here were corrupt, but not stupid.  Tampering with defensive equipment would have been tantamount to risking their own lives in an attack.”
             “Option two.  The gun was damaged in a raid, and they replaced it with a crossbow for whatever reason.  ”
             “Possible, although there is no reason that they would not have replaced the old weapon with a similar one.”
             “Which brings us to option three.” Selak said, “Which judging from the lack of bullet holes in these walls, I like best.  The gun failed due to mechanical issues over the years.  Eventually someone found the weapon and replaced it because they wanted to use this place as their new hideout.”
             Torva searched the room. “That would appear to be most likely.”
             “You do know what that means?” Selak asked, reaching for his pistol.
             “Yes,” Torva replied, “It means we may not be alone.”
Part 4
             If you’re of the mind to dig, there’s a world buried beneath Durante.  When the first shots of the war echoed over the sands, many of the desert’s denizens fled.  Some ran off to the southern shores, and began new lives as fishermen.  Others headed north to try their hands tilling the fertile plains.  But there were a few who took a different approach; they fled downward.    
             Lying underneath many towns in Durante is a spiderweb of catacombs. During the war, these undercities had a thousand uses, housing black markets, hiding families, and allowing rebel soldiers to outmaneuver and escape their opponents.  
             Most of the tunnels have been preserved since the war.  Many homeowners enjoy having a secret room beneath their cellar.
             And of course, there are the rumored-few, who liked their subterranean home so much, that they chose to never return to the surface.  
             The metal catacombs echoed with each step the pair took further into the lab.  
             “I guess the stealth approach is out of the question.”  Selak shrugged,
             “Stealth has never been my strong suit.”  Torva replied, as he examined the scratch marks on the walls.
             “That’s okay,” Selak replied, “I’ll just be sure to hide behind you if they jump out and shoot at us.”
             “That is hardly shark behavior,” Torva observed, “Would it not make more sense for you to charge ahead, so that I could use your corpse as a shield when you die, as my patron animal would suggest.”
             “Only if you’re comfortable living in my corpse after this is over.”
             “I doubt that I would…” Torva paused in mid-sentence, and knelt down.
             “Something wrong?”
             “This floor is made of iron.” Torva observed, rapping his knuckles against a section of the floor with four inch-long scratches, “And these gouges were not made by a machine.”
             “A wild animal?” Selak suggested.
             “Nothing natural could have done this,” Torva replied as he rose to his feet,
             “Could a mutant do something like this?”
             “If the stories are to be believed, Alarus’s mutants were capable of far stranger things.”
             “There are bullet holes in the wall,” Selak said, “You think there was a battle in this hallway?”
             “That would seem to be the case,” Torva nodded, “We should continue.”
             Less than a minute later, the hallway came to an abrupt end, with a stone staircase leading upwards into the darkness.  
             “It seems we have reached the base of the tower.”
             “Well, let’s get climbing.” Selak replied, walking up the stairs.  
             The two walked up the concrete steps. Selak listened closely after each step, trying to listen for any telltale signs that the stairs might come crashing down beneath him and his partner.  About five steps before the next level, the artist held up a hand, “Hey Torva, you smell something.”
             The scientist shook his head, “I do not. What do you smell?””
             Selak sniffed the air, “Do you know what hibiscus is?”
              “I am familiar with the flower,” Torva responded, “Not with its smell.”
             “It smells like that… and…. and sweat.”
             Torva shrugged, as the two arrived at the first floor.  The pair shined flashlights over the room.
             “Holy lord…” Selak muttered as he stared at his surroundings.  The room was three-stories tall and looked to be made of iron and stone. Stacked three-high in a dozen rows in front of him was over a hundred prison-cells, with catwalks running back and forth between them.  
             Selak shivered. Torva turned to his partner.  “Are you well, Selak?”
             “I’m fine,” Selak said, as he began walking, “Let’s just keep moving, it’s freezing in here.”
             There was not much to see in each cell.  Nothing more than a cot for sleeping and a large bucket for excrement.  
             “Strange…” Torva said, as he peered into the nearest of the cell, “All of these cells appear to have been used, but there are different accommodations for different subjects. Perhaps another experiment?”
             “I doubt it.” Selak replied, testing the lock on the nearest door.  It swung open with a shrill squeak.  
             “You’re thinking too much like a scientist, Torva, and not enough like a warden.  These weren’t subjects, they were prisoners.”
             “Why would that-“
             “If you’re in charge of prisoners –” Selak interrupted, running his hands along the bars, “If you keep people in cages for a living, what is the one thing you fear most?”
             “Those people breaking out.”  Torva surmised, kicking a loose screw into the darkness, “Those people putting you in a cage of your own.”
             “An uprising.” Selak concluded.  
             “And the distribution of blankets prevents an uprising?”
             “In order to rebel against a more powerful foe, you need two things: numbers and unity. Historically prisoners have always had the former.  It’s just not practical to have an equal number of guards and prisoners.”
             “So they take away their unity?” Torva asked, ducking under a low-hanging catwalk.
             “That’s where the blankets come in.” Selak explained, “In any group of people, there are gonna be the popular ones.  The ones who everyone likes.  The ones who could inspire a rebellion.”  
             “And you take away their blankets?”
             “No,” Selak replied, “Those are the people you give blankets to.”
             “I do not follow…”
             “Imagine you’re a prisoner, and you see that the man in the cell next to you just got a nice warm blanket.  What’s the first thing you ask?”
             Torva paused, “I would ask “Why?””
             “Exactly. Why are they getting special treatment?  Are they secretly working with the warden? Can I trust them?”
             “Preventing a rebellion with a few square yards of wool.” Torva concluded.
             “And that’s just the start of what guards can do with blankets.  Give them to obedient prisoners on a cold night.  Take them all away as a form of mass punishment if one person starts stirring up trouble…”
             “Where did you learn so much about managing prisoners?”
             “I…” Selak coughed, “I’ve had a few friends who’ve done their time behind bars.”
             “You would think that prisoners would learn that they are being manipulated.”
             “Easier said than done,” Selak replied, “To have an uprising you don’t just need one person to go against their nature, but dozens, maybe even hundreds.”
             “A mental revolution.” Torva agreed, as the two came across a steel door at the far end of the room.  
             “Hey, Torva,” Selak shouted, pointing at the walls – which were lined with steel fans, “Is there any reason they’d need to keep this room cold?”  What’s with all the air conditioners?”
             Torva shook his head, “I have no idea.  Perhaps they kept these rooms freezing to improve their use of blanket tactics.”
             “Is that what we’re calling it now?”
             “What name would you suggest?”
             “Blanket tactics sounds a little too whimsical for my tastes.”  Selak replied, “I’d call it what it is: torture.”
             The pair arrived at a set of double doors on the opposite side of the room.
             “No lock,” Selak observed as he pulled open the door.
             The next room was also three-stories high, and looked to be an infirmary.  Rows of cots lined the walls, with medical devices lying next to them.  Everything else seemed to be made of bare metal: The walls, the floor, the cabinets that covered the far wall.
             “Looks like they expected to have a ton of wounded.”
             Torva shook his head, “These beds are not equipped for emergency care.  And if one truly harbored concerns about the safety of the injured they would not put their infirmary so far from the entrance.  This was where they gave the mutants their treatment.”
             “Most mutants are unstable.  The genome is a tool for gods, not man.  Most mutants required significant medical care in order to survive from battle to battle. Alarus considered it a small price to pay.”
             “This woman keeps sounding better and better.”  Selak mumbled, wrenching open one of the cabinets. “You think you can do anything with this stuff.”
             Torva looked over the contents of the cabinet.  “Antibiotics…” he mused, “Blood thinners… bandages… “Torva grinned, “We’re in luck. Not only should we be able to refill the Whale’s infirmary, but we will have a surplus to sell at the next trading post.”
             “Looks like the hounds will be eating pretty well for the next couple weeks.”
             “Why?  Did you see something that would get you off of cooking duty?”
             “That’s cold, Torva.”
             The scientist laughed, as the two approached the door at the far side of the room.  “Wait a minute…”  Selak stopped dead.
             “What is it?”  
             “Those prison cells, they were made of iron… just like the floor.”
             “Yes,” Torva replied, “Why�� oh dear…”
             “If a mutant could tear through the floor, why couldn’t he pry apart his cell?”
             The two scrap hounds exchanged glances.
             “Something is not right.” Torva murmured.
             Selak nodded as he opened the final door. A staff kitchen with a large wooden table in the center.  In front of each of the dozen place settings was a black metallic box.  
             “Audio logs.” Torva said, picking up the closest one in his hands.  “Numbered one through twelve.”
             “Looks like there’s a story here after all.”  Selak said
             “Not only that,” Torva replied, “But someone here wanted the story to be known.”
             “Well then,” Selak replied, leaning against the nearest chair, “How about you and I oblige them.”
Part 5
             If you’re of the mind to care, there is a desperation in the Durante Desert.  The ceasefire brought an end to the war, but it was only the beginning of the true struggle.  For some, every day is a fight to survive.  Farmers hack away at the dirt, trying to raise a profitable crop. Junkers search through piles of wreckage hoping to find something to sell.  Architects throw structures together praying that they’ll survive the next sandstorm.  Some have called life in the Durante desert a constant sprint to stay ahead of the next disaster: A marathon that may never have an end.    
             “Status report:  Day 16.”  The recorder on the metal table buzzed, “This is Senior Researcher Richard Parvus.  Yesterday, Dr. Alarus returned to Myrora to continue work on Centurion III. As of today, I am the director of all operations here at Site 14 and all further status reports shall come from me. Our current priority for all personnel is ensuring the total obedience of subjects.  In addition to usual mass humanoid containment protocol, we are using both subliminal and explicit instruction to convince them that they cannot survive in sunlight without regular injections of Pherendalin. We are also using pheromone therapy to aid in containment.  The entirety of the prison is filled with pheromone mixture 21-B-epsilon, which dulls the strength and mental fortitude of our subject population.  
             Field testing will be scheduled when have ensured complete control of our prisoners.  Nothing further to report.”  
             “Disgusting,” Torva hissed, his hands clenched around the steel table.
             “Do you have any idea what happened to this asshole?”
             Torva shook his head, “His name is unfamiliar to me.”
             “Is there any news on what happened to Alarus’s aides after the war?”
             “Only rumors.” Torva replied, “It is impossible to separate fact from fiction.”
             “What do you believe?”
             “I believe that Alarus’s aides were removed from public record and transferred to other projects by the Myroran government.  Myrora would not let valuable assets rot in prison or be taken by the enemy.”
             “Amazing…” Selak mumbled as he reached to press the play button on the next tape. “Wait a sec,” He drew his hands back. “Pheromones… those are released from sweat right?”
             “In many cases, yes.”
             “Could that be why this place smells like sweat?  Artificial pheromones?”
             Torva scratched his chin. Or at least approximated the gesture through his exo-suit. “That would make sense.  It would also explain the excess of ventilation in the prison room.”
             “Just a thought.” Selak shrugged as he pressed play on the second recorder.
             “Status report:  Day 29.” Parvus’s voice droned, “This is Director Richard Parvus.  Another pair of mutants died today.  The fault rests solely with Dr. Bakir, who prescribed insulin at the average level needed for a homo Sapien, not a homo Servus.  I have informed him that a similar mistake will result in him sleeping with the mutants.” Parvus laughed before continuing.
             “We have lost 7 percent of our mutants since our arrival at Site 14.  I have decided to accelerate the schedule for field testing.  Our first operation will not be conducted in ten days, as was previously scheduled, but in three.  We will also be using forty mutants instead of twenty.  That is all.”
             Selak and Torva looked at each other.  A bead of cold sweat rolled down the artist’s forehead.
             “We do not have to continue,” Torva intoned.
             “Someone set this up for us,” Selak gestured at the table, “Maybe not us specifically, but someone wanted their story known.  We have an obligation to listen.”
             “Very well.” Torva replied, pressing play on the next recorder.
             “Status report:  Day 34. This is Director Richard Parvus. All subjects have been returned to their cells.  Confirmed Sidean casualties: 436.  Confirmed subject casualties: 22.  Field testing indicates that our mutants’ lack of ranged weaponry was a hindrance on the battlefield.  However, as-expected, hormonal injections did insure the complete obedience of subjects. Our next testing date is set for a week from now, we will use 60 mutants on the battlefield.  That is all.”
             “Hey Torva, not sure if this is outside of your expertise…” Selak turned to his partner.
             “How the hell do you control someone with injections?”
             Torva cleared his throat, “There are certain brain states that can be induced with the right combination of hormones and neuromodulators.  If one had been mutated or conditioned to have one of those brain states associated with complete obedience, then it would be possible to use hormones as a form of mind control.”
             “Injectable obedience…” Selak mused, “And just when I thought these bastards couldn’t sink any lower.”
             “They would most likely have needed some sort of pheromone failsafe to prevent the mutants from taking orders from the enemy.  Possibly there was--”
             “I know I brought it up,” Selak interrupted, with a shiver, “but is it okay if we end this conversation?”
             Torva nodded, and reached for the next audio log.
             “Status report:  Day 42. This is director Richard Parvus.  Our latest field expedition was an overwhelming success.  Confirmed Sidean Casualties:  286. Confirmed Subject casualties:  Merely 8.  Unfortunately, a new problem has arisen.  Some of our subjects appear to be developing a resistance to pherendalin.  This has led to six of our mutants developing severe UV burns on the battlefield.  We will increase dosage, from 20 ccs to 25 for those showing signs of acquired immunity.  
             I have consulted with command and they are interested in a more aggressive pace of field testing. Recent reports have come in of a Sidean Motor Pool, 60 kilometers to our north.  In three days’ time we will deploy 80 mutants to that base.  If the ensuing massacre doesn’t convince command we’re deserving of more funding, nothing will.”
             Torva and Selak looked at each other.
             “Funding?”  Selak hissed, slamming his fist into the table.
             Torva took a step back involuntarily.
             “Winning a war? I get it.”  Selak said, pacing back and forth, “Advancing science? I get it. But just earning funding!? I can’t fucking believe—" Selak’s words were interrupted by the sound of pounding coming from the wall next to him, “What the hell was that?”
             “Machinery?” Torva suggested.
             “Why would it still be running?”  Selak asked.
             “Perhaps they left more equipment than just their defenses running on advanced batteries”
             “Perhaps…” Selak said, “But the war ended—what a decade ago?  Did they just forget about this place?”
             “If these logs are anything to go by, then this seems to be a place well worth forgetting.” Torva tapped the play button on the next recorder.
             “Status Report Day 45.  This is Director Richard Parvus.  We deployed seventy-six of our mutants to the field today, along with twenty-eight of our guards and scientists.  We are currently running on a skeleton crew of scientists.  I remained behind to supervise experimentation of the seven mutants who were deemed unfit for battle.  
             Unfortunately, due to being understaffed, we were unable to stop Subject 44 from escaping before her third injection of Nafaltin.  Subject 44 broke from her restraints and self-terminated by throwing herself into the metal gears of the ventilation machinery. As a result…”  Dr. Parvus paused,” Oh… shit.”  The doctor nearly screamed, his voice notably higher “The vents are down, that means…”  A crash sounded on the recording.  
             A second voice – a man’s - rang out on the recording, “Forget something, Dick?”
             “Stand back!” Parvus shouted,
             “Or what?”  The second voice asked, “Richie, I’ve watched dozens of my brothers and sisters die slowly and painfully at your orders. So for the sake of science, I think it would be best if you experience that—”
             A gun shot rang out on the recording, and then a sound like a body being thrown to the floor.  A second later a crack sounded – the unmistakable sound of a bone breaking- and then another- and then another.   An agonizing minute later the screaming stopped. Followed by the sound of someone standing up.  
             “Is this thing still recording?” The second man said, “Did this guy honestly do daily monologues... How did he end them? There was a few second pause on the recording. “Uh…. That’s all folks.”
             Torva and Selak stared at each other in silence.
             Simultaneously, they reached for the next play button.
             “Status Report,” The voice of the man from the last recording began, “Day uh… yesterday plus one. This is Markov Karazden.”  Markov paused. “Uh… Updates:  Richard Parvus is dead.  Seeing as this is a science report, I would like you to know that, according to the very scientific experiment I conducted yesterday, he lasted nearly a dozen bone breakings before dying.”
             “For those wondering how this miraculous escape occurred, well there’s only one person to thank. Melanie knew that she was dying -- only had a couple of days left.  Yesterday she broke free during testing and jumped into the vents.  She – her body – clogged up the machinery.  Since our blood has the vish- visco-  stickiness of resin, they weren’t able to clean out the machine fast enough.  Without the vents they didn’t have the damn pheromones to keep us contained. Tomorrow night, they’ll be bringing our brothers and sisters back in groups of about a dozen at a time. They’re expecting that this place will still be run by Parvus.  Oh boy, do we have a surprise in store for them.
             The recording clicked and the two scrap hounds stared at each other.
             “An uprising.” Torva not-quite chuckled.  “Blanket tactics appear to have been insufficient after all.”
             “You think this is funny?” Selak asked,
             “Funny? No.”  Torva replied, “But it is fitting.”
             “After all he has done, do you truly believe that Richard Parvus deserved to go gentle into the good night?  That he deserved anything less than what he received?”
             “What he deserved was to learn the error of his ways and try to amend them.” Selak responded. “His mutilated corpse doesn’t serve any purpose?”
             “And how would you ‘show him the error of his ways,’ Torva asked, “Mind-Control Hormones of your own?”
             “Torturing people to death isn’t something we should be cheering on.” Selak replied, “Violence just begets more violence.”
             “Said the ex-mercenary.”
             “Said the human being.” Selak corrected.
             “That is even less of an argument.” Torva responded, “I have spent years watching humans kill each other over minor slights and insults.   This is perhaps the most just killing I have ever witnessed.”
             “Saying that it’s the ‘most just killing’ is like saying that you’ve seen ‘the smartest buzzard’ or ‘the strongest housefly.’  A killing being more just than usual doesn’t suddenly make it justice.”
             “So you would prefer Parvus to be alive?”
             “No,” Selak shook his head, “I just wish things could have been different.”
             “Things are as they are, Selak.” Torva replied, “Now shall we listen to the next recording.”
             Torva tapped the play button.
             “Status report day 1.”  Markov’s voice rang out, “Yes, we restarted the calendar.  The battle for research facility 14 is over.  Confirmed shithead deaths: 29.  Confirmed mutant deaths: 2.  Damn, I went ahead and spoiled the ending.  So sorry, let me set the scene.
             The scientists and guards were coming back from the Sidean motor pool.  There had been a massacre there, a ton of vehicles and equipment stolen.  They even managed to lift a few crates of champagne for the lab. I don’t know why there was champagne at the motor pool… is champagne something people keep at military bases… whatever… probably not important. Anyway, they figured this was their big break; three ‘victories’ couldn’t be a coincidence.  They figured a grant – you know, money for scientific research - was coming that would make them all filthy rich… oh yeah, and it would help their research, but I think we all know where their priorities were lying.
             Anyway, they had already started drinking the champagne when they walked the first group of mutants back, and you could tell that they were hurrying things along.  Ten guards and scientists escorted the first group of fifteen mutants in.  They’re so busy talking and hi-fiving that they don’t notice how faint the smell of pheromones was.  They only realize what’s going on when we jumped on them from above. We went straight for arteries and vein just like they had taught us.  A few managed to grab their guns, but let’s face it, they designed us too well. Two bullets hit me in the solar plexus and I didn’t even feel it.  
             Maybe twenty minutes later another group of guards came in, this time without any mutants, I could tell they were worried.  One of them had even ripped the big-ass gun off of the security device they have behind the stone door.  If we had had more time, I would have loved to have cleaned up all the blood, but we didn’t have that so the second they walked into the room, they saw the bodies of their comrades, and then we shot them before they could run screaming back.  
             We weighed our options after that.  We could either wait to see if any more of them would walk in, or we could head out to where the rest of our brothers were being kept outside. Alicia had the bright idea to put on the clothing of some of the guards, before we left the building.   It worked out well enough.  We were able to get the jump on the last few scientists, and escort the rest of our brothers inside before sunrise.
             There are 58 of us remaining.  Tomorrow we’re going to make plans for how to free the rest of the prisoners across Myrora.”  
             The recording ended.  
             The pounding in the room next door resumed, louder than before. The two looked at each other.
             Selak turned to his partner, “You sure you’ve never heard of this place?” He shouted over the din.
             “I have not.’ Torva replied, “Though there is another possibility.”
             The pounding stopped.
             Selak shrugged, trying to look more casual than he felt, “Go on.”
             “Earlier I told you the story of Alarus.”  Torva continued.
             “But she wasn’t here. At least not during the uprising.”
             “What if the two stories-- Alarus’s death and the prison break - have become conflated over time?”
             “It’s possible,” Selak scratched his chin, “But then we have to acknowledge another possibility.”
             “Which is?”
             “That Alarus is still out there somewhere.”
             Torva shivered, “I pray, for the world’s sake, that that is not the case.”
             A silence descended, as the two looked at each other.
             “Shall we go on?” Selak asked, gesturing towards the next recording.
             “Please.” Torva replied.  Selak nodded and pushed the button.
             “Day 3. Markov Karazden.  You know the drill.  Yesterday we took it upon ourselves to clean up the bodies.  All of us know damn well what happens to those who hang around rotting corpses. We burned the lot in the incinerator and mopped up the blood.  We then proceeded to celebrate, seeing as the doctors were kind enough to supply us with shitloads of champagne before their passing.”  
             Markov sighed.  “We have a problem though.  Because of my medical training, I’ve been put in charge of inventory.  It doesn’t look good.  In fact, it looks like the reason the reason the doctors were sending us out to fight so much was that they were running low on medical supplies.”
             Markov sighed again. “We don’t have enough to last us the month.
             The other problem is Pherendalin – which is spelled with a P-H, by the way.  Pherendalin is a chemical compound with a unique folding… you know what, I won’t bore you with details. It’s an injection, and we need it if we want to step out of the compound without being cooked alive by the sun.  They gave it to us every time we left the base, and now it looks like it’s losing its effectiveness.  Even if it was at full strength, there’s not nearly enough for us to all leave together.  We’re looking into jury-rigging some exo-suits for some of our more resistant brothers, but those aren’t exactly easy to make.
             Honestly, even without the guards, this place might still be our prison.”
             Selak shook his head… “Goddammit…”
             Torva reached a hand out.  Selak batted it aside.
             “God Fucking Dammit.” Selak hissed, “Why the hell would they do that.  The scientists.   We’re in a fucking desert.  Why would you want troops that burn in the sunlight?
             “It’s like you said earlier, Selak.”  Torva replied, “The one thing all jailers fear is prisoners getting out of their cage. It makes sense to have a last resort—”
             “And their government funded this?  A project that would leave them broken for the rest of their lives?  How can you be okay with this?”
             “I am far from okay with this,” Torva growled and Selak flinched.  “I am merely inured to the horrors.”
             “Believe me, If I had had the chance, I would have been happy to kill Alarus and all her ilk with my own hands.  If the Rebels had ever managed to eke out a victory on Myroran soil, I would have been happy to go there, hammer in hand for the chance of breaking the bodies of anyone who has abused science for an atrocity like this!”
             “I understand why the rebels accepted the terms of the ceasefire, but every day there is a part of me that wishes they had not.”
             “You wish that we’d attacked Myrora!?  Do you have any idea-- ”
             “You have travelled with me for less six months, Selak.”  Torva interrupted, “Do not presume to understand my reasons.”
             “I’m sorry,” Selak said, stunned “I--
             “I accept your apology,” Torva interrupted, “Please play the next log.”
             Day 7, Markov said in a defeated tone, “There was… another fight today.  It was worse than yesterday’s.  Christine… dammit… she killed Kaine, bashed his skull against a wall.
             I… We don’t know what to do with her.  Some of us suggested killing her, but I’m not willing to institute capital punishment.  Others suggested locking her in a cell, but unless we use the doctors’ pheromones it’s not gonna keep her in.  
             It wasn’t her fault. Not entirely.  We were designed to be aggressive, and without any sort of balances we’re slipping.  We’re losing our minds.  All of us. Little things are making me angry, and I know I’m not the only one.  If we don’t come up with a plan soon, we’re gonna end up killing each other.
             Some of my brothers are suggesting we take as much pherendalin as we can, and see if we can make it to the Myroran border.  ‘A few massacres’ they say, ‘and they’ll never mess with mutants again.’  I told them absolutely not.  I’m not going to have the blood of children on my hands, Myroran or otherwise.  We need to maintain control. We are more than living weapons”
             The recording clicked off.
             Torva turned to his partner, “I should not have yelled at you.” He said somberly.
             “I understand.” Selak said, “But thank you.”
             Torva tilted his head to the side.  “This may be the ultimate test of our earlier conversation.”
             “How do you figure?”
             “The nature of these people is clear.  To kill without end.  Now, they have to choose, to rise above it or to give in.”
             “I don’t see this as a contest.”
             “How you see it is irrelevant.”  Torva said, “What matters is how it is.”  Torva clicked play on the next recorder.
             “Day 8,” Markov’s voice crackled, it sounded almost as if he were crying, “Christine’s dead… she… she shoved a metal pipe into her heart.  I tried to give her a second chance, told her that we would trust her, but the others… they wouldn’t stop giving her shit about Derek… I mean, I know she killed him but...”
             Markov sniffled, “I guess it doesn’t matter now.  We need to get out of here, there’s no other way.  The others and I have been through our supplies.  Food is no concern of ours, as a result of our “condition.”   Markov spat the word like a curse, “But our medical needs can’t be met forever.  There’s not enough pherendalin for us to leave, but there is enough to stock an away party.  We’re going to draw lots tomorrow for eight of us.  There’s enough Pherendalin to last them each three weeks, more if they’re able to find caves to hide in during the day.”                Selak reached for the next recorder, but Torva grabbed his wrist.
             “What the hell?” Selak asked, jerking his hand free.
             “I’m curious,” Torva asked, “What would you have done with Christine?”
             “The murderer?”
             “Yes, would you have allowed her to go free or would you have done something else.”
             “I’d have killed her,” Selak sighed.
             “Why the sudden change of—“
             “It’s not a change of heart.” Selak replied, “It’s a change of situations.  Us junkers, we’re privileged.  If a fight breaks out between us and a rival team, we don’t have to end it with killing, we do have other options.”  
             “And what if it’s not a fight between the Scrap Hounds and another team.  What if a Scrap Hound kills another Scrap Hound?”
             “We’d have to look at the circumstances.”  Selak said
             “And you’d feel that way if you were the one that were killed.”
             “I don’t know what you guys are going to make of my death,” Selak replied, “But I hope to God it never gets used as a reason to hurt others.”  
             “Fascinating,” Torva replied,
             “Fascinating?” Selak asked, “What am I, a test subject?”
             “Not everything has to be an experiment for me to find it fascinating.”
             “Is that what my life philosophy is to you?” Selak asked, “An idle curiosity?”
             “No.”  Torva replied, “What’s curious to me is that you have managed to survive so many combat encounters with such a philosophy.”
             “Not everyone wants to kill, Tor.” Selak said, “Some people will take any opportunity to avoid killing.  They’ll make a deal with anyone to have one less face staring back at them when they close their eyes.”
             “Is that what you see when you close your eyes?”
             “Just play the damn tape.”
             Torva nodded and pressed the play button on the penultimate recorder.  
             “Day 10.  This morning everyone wrote their name on a scrap of paper and we threw them all into a bucket.  We shook it up and drew eight names. Sylvia, Raith, Colin, Esther, Jacob, Noah, Nina, and Reggie were chosen as our team.  They left this afternoon.   Markov sighed. Some people wanted to draw it out, to throw them a goodbye party.  But let’s face it, if we waited any longer we wouldn’t have been able to send them away.
             Their departure was emotional anyway.  Esther was sobbing when I hugged her goodbye.  I told her that I would see her again, but deep down, I don’t know if that’s true.  
              And then, before they could even walk out the door.  Another fight broke out.  I don’t even know what the cause was, but it was ten times more violent than the one a few days ago.  Three more of us were killed.  Nobody from the away team. Thank God, I don’t think we can draw any more lots.  I don’t know what to do.  I’m not going to force martial law on my own people.  My brothers and sisters…” A sound rang out like Markov punching a wall.  
             “God Fucking DAMNIT! When we sealed the entrance – replaced the turret with that electric crossbow, I thought it would keep us safe.  But it won’t... I don’t think anything will.”  The recorder clicked off.
             “Before we go on,” Torva said, “I thought I should tell you something.”
             “What’s that?”  
             “Selak, you said a few minutes ago that you hoped that no one uses your death as an excuse to kill someone.”
             “Yeah?”  Selak replied, “Is that so weird?”
             “I will not honor that request.”  Torva said, “If someone kills you, I will kill them.  I will break their body with my hammer, slowly and painfully, until they at last exsanguinate.”
             “You wouldn’t honor my last request?”
             “The desires of the dead should not outweigh those of the living.  As such, your desire for me to show mercy will not trump my desire to not live in the same world as your killer.”
             “It’s more than honoring my last request.”
             “How so?”
             “If I die, and you guys go on a roaring rampage of revenge, we’re gonna need someone who keeps the Hounds from becoming a full-on mercenary outfit.  And that someone’s gonna have to be you.”
             “You think I would be a good choice for that?”
             “Good? Hell no,” Selak grinned, “Best… probably.  But don’t worry about it. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.”
             “No one ever does.” Torva replied, as he pressed down on the final play button.
             “Day 17.”  Markov gasped. “I am leaving this message with claws covered in blood.  I’m pacing through the halls of this prison, praying that I’m not alone, praying that just one of my brothers or sisters survived that fight.  I’ve been dragging bodies to the incinerator, washing away the blood stains as if removing the evidence will make them all come back. That last fight… it wasn’t even intentional. Kylie stepped on Sam’s foot.  That was all it took.  We’re powder kegs.  FUCKING POWDER KEGS!!!!”
             Markov took a few deep breaths “Sorry… I can feel myself slipping.  I’ve burned the last of the bodies, washed away the last bits of my brothers’ blood.  But I’m still searching.  Praying.
             Every time I turn a corner, I see ghosts, my brothers, my sisters, the scientists, the soldiers, my family, my classmates, the people I killed, all of them screaming at me, sobbing, wailing in agony…  
             It’s too much.
             I’m locking myself in the inner sanctum.  I’ll take the books, the supplies, and a healthy dose of sedatives to keep my aggression in check.  Maybe there’s a cure for our condition.   I don’t need to eat; as long as I can inject myself with those hypernutritional supplements I should be able to last for years.  I’ll last for as long as it takes to find the cure for our condition.  I WILL see the sun again.  No matter how long it takes.  
              Before I lock myself in, I’m leaving some recording on the table in the meeting room. This one and ten others.  Mostly mine, but a few of the asshole’s as well. I’ve labeled them 1 through eleven.
             Come to think of it, if you’re hearing this than you probably know all that by now.”  Markov gave a weak laugh, “Well that’s how the recorders got there, whoever you are.
             You know, I suppose I should give you a message, if I’m not there to greet you in person.
             If you’re a member of the away team, coming back after days, weeks, maybe even yeas.  I’m sorry. I’m sorry, that more of us couldn’t survive.  But I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart I am happy that you did.
             If you’re a member of the FUCKING MYRORAN GOVERNMENT.” Markov caught his breath before continuing, “I hope the atrocities committed here have made you realize…” Markov gasped,  “Made you realize how horrific mutating human beings truly is.  I know how important the war is to you, but if you continue down this road, there will be a day of reckoning.  Someday there will be an uprising that you can’t contain.  And when that day comes, there will be hell to pay.  Stick to non-living weapons.”
             Markov sighed,” I suppose there’s a possibility that you’re just a stranger.  A man who wandered into a secret lab, or a Sidean raiding an enemy facility.   I’m sorry, I’m not here to greet you, but I implore you to learn the lesson of what happened here.  
             PEOPLE… AREN’T… WEAPONS.”
             The recorder clicked off and the two Scrap Hounds eyed each other in silence.
             “Lord…” Selak said, after a couple of seconds, “I can’t believe it...”
             “It’s—” Torva’s words were drowned out as the pounding resumed in the next room, louder and more insistent than before.  Selak’s mouth fell open as the realization dawned.
             “Torva?” Selak asked rising to his feet, “Is what he said possible? About not needing food?”
             “Theoretically, yes,” Torva replied, “Although it would not be pleasant.”  Torva paused, “You don’t think…”
             Selak nodded, as he reached for his pistol, “What if that’s not a machine that’s making that noise.”
Part 6
             If you’re of the mind to feel, the Durante Desert is a wounded land.  The war cut a bloody swath across the landscape and the people of Durante, leaving a scar that may never truly heal. For three decades, blood and fire poured over this land; culture, landmarks, and scientific advancements, were all destroyed in a mad quest for victory.
             Hate burns in this land as brightly as the sun above.  For some, the anger is concealed: The shopkeeper whose price raises by the slightest of margins whenever a Myroran enters his store.  For others the anger is a badge, proudly worn: The veteran who sits at the Sidean border, sharpening his knife, and waiting for the day the ceasefire wavers.    
             The artist and the scientist stood on opposite sides of the steel door that led into the lab’s final room.  Selak held a pistol in one hand and checked the door’s handle with the other. “Unlocked,” Selak half-whispered, “He’s not sealed in there.”  
             Torva nodded as he flicked the switch on his electrode hammer.  An instant later it’s metal tip crackled with electricity that made the hairs on Selak’s arm stand on end.  
             “Okay, Torva,” Selak hissed over the sound of crashing on the opposite side of the door,  “No matter what state he’s in, we should try and talk things out first.  There’s no need to spill any more blood here.”
             “I am ready to negotiate if he is mentally stable.” Torva replied, “Are you ready to fight if he is not?”
             Selak sighed.
             “Are you?” Torva repeated.
             “Yes, Torva,” Selak said, “I am.”
             “Good,” Torva replied, “If I make contact with my hammer, he should be stunned.  It will not last long, but while his muscles are seizing, you will have time to shoot him in the head.  Any other bullet wound will not be able to stop him!  Do not attempt an incapacitating shot!”
             “I know!” Selak grimaced.
             “Good.” Torva answered, “Then let’s go in.”
             Selak nodded and pushed open the door. The second his hand made contact, the metal clanging on the other end stopped.  In silence, the two Scrap Hounds entered the next room.  
             It was a chemical lab, or at least it looked like it had been one once.  The dilapidated shelves clinging to the walls were covered in beakers and broken glass. Textbooks, their covers and pages shredded. Torva eyed a few of the stray pages with interest.  
             “Think we could put off reading till later?” Selak asked, “Maybe a time when we’re not in danger?”
             Torva nodded, as the two walked into an adjoining hallway.  At the far end of the hallway was a man-sized scientific instrument, with three of the batteries they had seen at the entrance attached to it. Selak looked at the machine, and tilted his head to the side.      
             “So what does this—” Selak jumped, back as the machine sprung to life, releasing a flurry of sparks into the air as its metal innards ground together filling the hallway with the pounding drumbeat from before.
             “It is an industrial-grade pestle.” Torva shouted over the din, “It is used for crushing medicines that are stored as minerals, but administered as powders!”
             “So this is what’s been making the pounding?”  Selak shouted back.
             “It would seem so,” Torva replied as the two rounded a corner, “But if that is the case then where is—” Torva stopped midsentence.
             “Well…” Selak cleared his throat…  “Fuck…”
             The man was shirtless, exposing his grey skin under the dull fluorescent lights.  He was propped up against the wall, a recorder in one hand and a pistol in the other.  His shoulder-length greying hair did little to conceal the olive-sized hole in his head, a wound filled with a grey-black mixture of dried blood and congealed brain.
             Torva knelt down beside him.
             “How long has he been like this?”  Selak asked.
             Torva shook his head, “Difficult to say given his mutations.  Several years at a minimum.”
             Selak reached for the recorder in Markov’s hands and rested his finger on the play button.  He glanced at Torva, who nodded solemnly.
             If you’re listening to this… well… If you’re listening to this than I guess you can see for yourself what’s happened.  Markov’s voice was raspy and far weaker than before, as if every word was a challenge for him to force out, I… I found a cure for the Pherendalin problem.  I’ve developed an injection to make my body fold proteins differently.  I’d essentially be able to produce Pherendalin naturally.  I’d need semi-regular injections, but I’d be able to make a lifetime’s supply with just the materials in the lab.
             I’d be cured…  Markov let out a soft sob.
             But I know that I can’t do that.  I know what I’m like unsedated.  My anger isn’t a flame in my chest anymore; it’s a wildfire, uncontrollable and deadly.  I wouldn’t be able to return to polite society.  I wouldn’t be able to return anywhere.
             Markov cleared his throat. I am done fighting the inevitable.  Out of the corner of my eyes, I still see my brothers and sisters, but they are no longer angry.  They are calling me home.
             I realize that these are my last words. Another sob escaped from Markov, “So I guess… I guess I should make it count.”  A weak chuckle.  “I remember back – was it weeks?  Months? Maybe even years ago, when Regis suggested we take what was left of the Pherendalin and go on a killing rampage. Get to the border and kill as many Myrorans as we could before the sun cooked us alive.   Markov let out a wet hacking cough.
             I don’t regret telling him no. And I hate the Myrorans.  I hate them so damn much.  But more than anything else…
             I hate the war.  I hate what it made this broken world into.  An orgy of blood and violence.  
             Whoever you are.  Thank you for listening to my story.  The story of my brothers.  Do not let it die here.  Let it be free.  This war is a cancer on the land.  Do not take part in it.  Bring it to an end.  Markov let out a weak chuckle and flicked off the pistol’s safety.  I guess that’s all I have to say.  It’s time for me to move on to the next life.  I hope that when I get there, I’ll get to see the sun again.  Or, at the very least, I hope that it’s warm.
             The recorder clicked off, Selak and Torva glanced at each other.  
             “What now?” Torva asked.
             “Now,” Selak sighed, “Now, I think it’s time to head home.”
             It took the artist and the scientist nearly a dozen trips to get everything they needed from the tower.  Together they sorted through the medical supplies, dragged out the most functional machines and batteries, sorted through the remnants of the textbooks, and pried as many armloads of iron bars as they could from the prison cells.  
             The prison incinerator was broken beyond repair.  So as Torva removed the last of its functional parts, Selak returned to Markov’s body and carried him away from the lab.  The emaciated corpse was uncomfortably light in the artist’s arms as he walked out of the cave into the desert night.
             As Torva sealed away the last of the supplies in the Land Whale’s storage, Selak found a rocky outcropping at the base of the mural he had been painting earlier, where he laid out pieces of dried wood, rubber, and strips of old bandages from the tower.  He laid down Markov’s body, and sprinkled it with gasoline, before igniting a match and pressing it against his dried skin.  It ignited instantly, the crimson flames illuminating the mural like a flare.
             “Did the others approve your appropriation of the Whale’s gasoline?”  Torva asked as he approached from behind.  
             “They can take it out of my next paycheck,” Selak replied, “Markov said he wanted to be warm, I think we should honor that.”
             Torva nodded, and for a moment the two stared in silence at the crackling flames.
             “You have been uncharacteristically quiet since we found him.”  Torva observed.
             “I thought you’d be celebrating.” Selak replied.
             “I like to think that I am not as cold as the metal exo-suit lets on.”
             Selak sighed, “It feels… hollow.”
             “What does?”
             “Tonight.” Selak said, “Everything we learned.  The mutants broke free, they escaped their imprisonment, but still they all died. They never got to be free again. Even Markov, he kept his sanity all those weeks alone, even managed to find the cure.  But then he killed himself for the benefit of people who will never know his sacrifice. ”
             “What about the away party?” Torva suggested,
             “It’s been years, Tor. If they ever came back they would have moved Markov’s body.  They’re either dead or living in a cave somewhere in fear of the sun.”
             Torva rested a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “There were good things about today.”
             “Such as…?”
             “The batteries we took will be useful to us for years to come.” Torva replied, “The medical supplies will save lives in every town we come across for the next month.  The textbooks we salvaged will make worthy additions to the libraries in Dura.  And that is to say nothing of the value of the scrap we took from the prison cells.”
             Selak shook his head, “Forgive me if I still feel sad.”
             “I would never hold that against you,” Torva replied, as he walked away from the pyre, “After all, it is your nature.”
             If you’re of the mind to listen, there is a story in the Durante Desert.  A tale of junkers and jailbirds, love and loss, brotherhood and blood.  A story of a broken world and its denizens.  A story of murder and manipulation, of greed and guilt, of hedonism and heartbreak.  A story of those who gave their lives for causes greater than themselves and those who lost their lives for reasons they couldn’t comprehend.  A story of exploration and exploitation.
             A story as dark as the desert night.
             But as bright as the sunrise that comes after.  
 Notes on the Scrap Hounds
             As said in the opening, the world of the Scrap Hounds was a result of a five-part collaboration.  The five of us (in alphabetical order) were Talia Loeb, Derek Mull, Karlo Panganiban, Miles Rodgers, and myself.  I won’t try and piece together who is responsible for what or whose vision is most clearly represented.
             Each of us created a character for the Scrap Hounds that we would take creative control over.  Torva was designed by Miles Rodgers and Selak by myself.  If you want to read up on how Torva met Selak and some of their early adventurers, let me know and I’ll see about asking Miles to let me put up a few of his stories on here.  
             I have a few extra short stories set in this world that I may put up just for the hell of it, but I should specify that they’re all 2-4 pages, nothing on the scale of The Tower.
             Champagne – the bubbly wine – is referenced several times in the story. I went back and forth as to whether or not to change it since this story takes place in a world where the Champagne region of France never existed.  I eventually decided that it wasn’t a linguistic rabbit hole worth going down. They drink Champagne in Durante. They also speak English.  I offer neither excuse nor apology.
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couch || Bruce Wayne
Warning(s); cursing.
Note; a sequel of 'even Joker says so'
"Come on, Batsy! Just enjoy the show!" Joker cackled, both of his hands were on his hips as he watched the fireworks exploded in an unused building, away from the main part of the town where nobody ever laid their feet on unless for testing things.
Mostly things that could explode or harm other people.
Joker, of course, insisted that he wanted to do it at the crowded part of the town so he could see the civilians screaming in terror, thinking that he was trying to kill them all with the Batman. But after a few punches to his face, he gave up and obliged Batman's wishes, though, on their way, Joker couldn't stop whining and begging for him to change his mind.
The answer obviously a stern NO from the bigger man. As if Batman going to let him destroy the town he loved the most.
They had been meeting each other for two nights, since the big fight with his wife. Batman was desperate, Batman was never desperate, there was no way he would tell his children. Especially the girls.
Oh, heck no.
Those three would make him sit on the couch like he was a bad little kid for hours, listening to their rant and scolding for hurting their mother figure, telling him he should never treat a woman who always put up with his bullshit for years like that.
It wasn't wrong, he admitted that. Thing was, his wife already made him sleep on the couch one day since their fight. When he came back home from his patrol that night, he found a pillow on the couch in their sitting room.
Curious, he decided to ask his wife as soon as he finished cleaning himself up. That was when he noticed his pillow was gone.
His wife only replied with an irritated grunt thus gave him the conclusion that she was still pissed. It usually takes her days to finally forgive him.
Heaving a sigh, he approached their bed, "where's my pillow?"
"On the couch." Her voice was groggy, she didn't even bother to turn around to meet his tired gaze.
"You're sleeping on the couch, Mr. Wayne," ouch, talk about holding a grudge, "I'm making you regret marrying me."
"You're being immature." The dark haired man stated bluntly, he was also tired so he wasn't really aware he had said those words until his wife turned her head around to glare at him. Her eyes were bloodshot red, tears streak on her cheek.
"Fuck you. Out."
He didn't move.
"Out. I say," she demanded as she started to sat up, "I don't care how handsome you are, I don't wanna see your face for now."
Bruce could smell a faint alcohol scent from her, that explained why she was being more emotional than usual. She probably drank and cried herself to sleep. If he didn't feel guilty then, he sure as hell does now, he did feel bad after he let the word 'regret' slip out of his mouth.
"Alright." He caves in, standing up before walking towards their door.
He heard faint shuffling from the bed but he didn't turn to check, as he about to step out of the room he felt something warm and soft bumped into his back. He looked over his shoulder to find the gorgeous woman he loves holding a thick blanket.
"Here, even though I'm mad I don't want you to get sick." She mumbled, shoving the blanket further towards him as he turned around, taking it from her arms.
"Thank you."
"Goodnight, Bruce." Was the words she said before closing the door, he could remember the faintest smile on her lips.
Bruce inwardly sighed, he totally deserved that. Sleeping on the couch. It wouldn't be so bad if those childish boys of his didn't laugh at him because of it, then again, he should've woke up earlier or maybe don't sleep at all.
Jason was the one who started the fire.
"Ha, Batman's sleeping on the couch because his wife is mad." Jason snickered, a cup of black coffee in his hand as he passed the couch Bruce was sleeping on. Jason went off to look for the other boys who came not too long after.
Dick let out a full-blown laugh, he went as far as falling onto the floor as he laughed wholeheartedly. "How was it feels like? Getting kicked out?" He wheezed. "What did you do anyway? Using cheesy pick-up lines to get her forgive you?"
"Dick," Bruce warned, only to make his oldest son laugh more.
Damian held a satisfied smirk on his usual blank face, his arms crossed over his chest amusedly. "You deserved it, father." He obviously trying to bit back a laugh, failing after a few seconds.
Tim was leaning his arms over the backrest of the couch, looking down at his adopted father as he let out the most shorter laugh of them all. "You need to stop it guys, I can see the smoke fuming above his head."
Bruce was a little pissed but he deserved it really.
Another loud bang brought him back to reality, along with Joker's crazy cackle. He inwardly groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose over his cowl.
"How is this supposed to help?" He asked in his gruff voice, already exasperated at this point.
"I don't know," Joker replied, his eyes were still staring at the burning building before him. His thin figure was illuminated by the light from the fire, it kind of reminds him when he let a beaten up Jason to die because of his injuries and the explosion of his bomb. The thought makes him grin.
Bruce stayed silent, letting the green haired clown have his moments. After this, he would totally dump his ass back into the Asylum.
Joker turned around a bored look on his face. "That was pretty boring." He grunted, "anyways, what did you expect, Batsy? Do you really think I have a beautiful and peaceful love life? Nooo! Do you even realize that I'm actually an abusive bastard? Ha! Stupid bat, just ask Harley!" The sicko was visibly proud of his words.
There was no way he would admit that he was desperate to his longtime enemy. He took a few steps closer towards Joker, "I know. I'm just playing along so I can get you back into the Asylum."
Joker gasped in mock hurt, "you bastard---ack!"
Bruce interrupted him by landing a punch to his face, partly for being an abusive little shit and partly for wasting his time, he saw the clown cradled his cheek that would surely bruise in the morning.
Before the fight could go any further, he sent Joker unconscious with another hit to his head. He slung the clown's limp body over his shoulder, bringing him to where he belonged.
"Where have you been?" His wife's sleepy voice ringed in his earpiece as he closed the metal door to Joker's cell. "I couldn't track you a few minutes ago."
"I had to play along with Joker's game," he answered, making his way out of the said place. A sick moaning could be heard from each door he passed, sometimes it was crying and sometimes it was silent.
Bruce heard his wife let out a relieved breath from the other side of the line, she must have been waiting for him to come home or maybe Alfred told her that he couldn't be tracked, either way, it brought a little smile to his face. Glad that no one was around to see his soft side.
"I'll be back soon after making a few stops, go to sleep, beloved."
"Okay, careful."
After about an hour being out, he finally got back home. Out of his outfit and ready to go to bed---in this case, couch. Before he does, he went up to his shared room. The door faintly creaked as he opened it enough for him to sneak inside.
There she was, sleeping peacefully, hugging a pillow to replace his absent figure. He placed a bouquet of her favorite kinds of flowers on the nightstand along with an apology written on a piece of paper. He wasn't really good with apologizing, he often left a note and a little something instead of saying it, but he sure would apologize to her in the morning.
"Jerk." She muttered.
Bruce froze, he turned his head over slowly. She was still sleeping. He knelt down by the bed, this way he was able to see her sleeping face properly. There was a frown on her face.
"Must be dreaming about me." He breathed out a chuckle at his own joke, he leaned over, placing a kiss on her forehead making a smile replacing her earlier frown. "I'm glad I can call you my wife."
Standing back up, he brought the blanket that had been crumpled under her legs up over her body before making his way out of their bedroom so he could sleep on the couch.
"Goodnight." He then closed the door behind him.
Mentally preparing himself just in case his boys decided to make fun of him again.
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thefemalethatwrites · 7 years
Ra Al Ghul’s Granddaughter (Jason Todd)
Request: Nope.
Prompt: You’re Damian’s older half-sister and have been sent to Bruce with him to keep him safe.
Relationship: Jason x Reader, Brother!Damian x Sister!Reader
Warning: Smut is written in BOLD! Also cursing
Word Count: 4485
A/N: Feel free to request because I’m struggling with ideas, they don’t have to do with the batboys, they can be with any DC character.
(Y/N)’s POV
Look after your brother for me. He’s the future.
I watched as Dick and Damian trained, while Tim and Bruce were over at the computers along with Alfred, and Jason was brooding in the corner,
“If he’s the future, then we’re all doomed” I muttered as I left the cave and headed towards the kitchen, “You shouldn’t creep up on an assassin, especially me” I warned as I turned around to see Jason,
“Well, it’s a good thing I’ve already died then” He said, I raised an eyebrow and turned around again to grab the crisps,
“Why are you here again?” He asked gaining my attention, I sighed
“Mother’s orders” I say,
“Which were…?” He trailed off,
“To look after the devil child” I say, he hummed as we made our way back to the cave, “Why are you interested in me, all of a sudden?” I asked leaning against the railing
“Because everyone’s got a partner, Bruce has Alfred and Tim, Dick has Demon” He said making me smirk, “And we’re just outcasts” He said, I hummed and offered him some crisps, which he accepted,
“Outcasts, together?” I say, he smiled slightly and nodded
“(Y/N) you never share food! Are you feeling alright?!” Dick called over, I flipped him off “I’m hurt” He said making me roll my eyes,
“So, how’d you die?” I asked as I sat cross-legged on the railing,
“The Joker beat me with a crow-bar and then placed me in the same room as a bomb” he said.
“Oh damn, that sounds way more exciting than me” I say, he raised an eyebrow
“You’ve died?” He asked with disbelief,
“I know, it’s incredibly hard to believe because of how good I am now, but yeah. My Grandfather wanted to see how good I had gotten and demanded a duel, which he won but since I proved that I had potential I was brought back, after a year, by the Lazarus Pit, which heightened my senses making me the thing I am today” I say,
“Wow” He said, I nodded
“Exactly” I say,
“I don’t understand. How is she doing it?” I heard Dick asked making me turn to see him failing miserably to copy me, I smirked
“You don’t have my senses Dick! Give up!” I call over to him which made him fall on to his back, causing Jason and myself to chuckle.
“Hey (Y/N)! Jason’s wondering if you’d go on a date with him!” Dick yelled as he avoided Jason’s attacks, I chuckled at their childish behaviour,
“Pick me up at 8” I say as I walked upstairs making them both freeze in place and stare at me,
“Ha! I told you! Erm…Jay?” I heard Dick yell making me shake my head as I went into my room and fell on to my bed, they was a knock on my door making me sit up as Alfred entered,
“I’ve just been told by Master Dick, that you and Master Jason are going on a date tonight” He said,
“I see the news travels fast” I say as I stood up,
“Have you any idea, where he’s taking you?” he asked, I shook my head
“Not in the slightest, all I know is that he’s picking me up at 8” I replied, he smiled
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing I came to you then. You go bathe yourself and your outfit will be out ready for you” He said, I nodded
“Thank you Alfred” I say as I entered my ensuite, after bathing I exited the ensuite in my robe and my hair in a towel,
“Would you care for me to do your hair?” He asked, I shook my head
“I think I’ll be fine on my own now” I say, he bowed and left my room, I dried my hair and pinned half of it back before putting on the dress and heels Alfred picked out, it was a red knee-length dress and 4 inch silver heels, along with a sparkly silver clutch purse, I went into the ensuite to apply my makeup, when I was putting the finishing touches on there was a knock at my door and Jason came in wearing a tuxedo,
“(Y/N)?” He called out,
“One second” I say as I put the makeup away and exited the ensuite, his jaw dropped,
“You look…” He trailed off
“Awkward?” I finished off, he shook his head,
“Beautiful” He finished off, I smiled
“Thank you, you look quite handsome” I complimented making him smirk as he straightened the suit jacket, he extended his arm to me which I took and we made our way downstairs,
“Don’t be out all night” Bruce warned, Jason groaned but nodded making me smile slightly,
“Have fun!” Dick called after us as we got into the limo as Alfred took us to the restaurant.
“(Y/N), Jason, you’ll be on patrol tonight” Bruce said, Jason and I smirked at each other,
“Bruce, are you sure about that one?” Tim asked before I covered his mouth,
“If you’re smart, you’ll keep quiet” I whispered,
“(Y/N), come on!” Jason called over, I let go of Tim and climbed on the back of the motorcycle, we arrived at the location of our vantage point, I got off the bike and looked up to the vantage point, “Race you up?” Jason asked, I raised an eyebrow,
“Think you can beat me?” I asked,
“I can try” He said making me chuckle as we raced up to the top, myself winning, I rested a hand on my hip as Jason got up,
“I win, what’s my prize?” I asked as he removed his mask coming towards me, he leaned down to kiss me but stopped due to an explosion making us sigh,
“Something always interrupts” I say, he nodded in agreement “I’ll give you your prize when we’ve dealt with that” He said making me smile before we made our way to the explosion.
“Jay, you’re wasted” I say as he latched on to me, hugging me from behind, we had just arrived at his apartment after we went to the bar on our night off,
“Give me one good reason, you should go” Jason slurred and hiccuped,
“I have ice-cream waiting at the manor for me” I smirked,
“I’m delicious too” He whined burying his face into my neck, I chuckled as I leaned against his chest before gasping as his right hand slid to the front of my leggings and sticking a finger between the folds and rubbing it.
“J-” I whined as he continued to rub but he suddenly stopped and turned me around to face him, to see that he was smirking,
“Now, if you don’t stay here tonight, you’ll miss out on all the fun…” He trailed snaking his arms around my waist, “But, should you stay, we can have as much fun as you want” He finished off as his hand brushed over my butt, unable to control myself I pulled him in for a passionate kiss by his shirt, without the need of lip biting we were engaged in an intense oral battle of dominance, Jason pushed me against the wall making me gasp allowing him to completely excavate my mouth with his tongue, claiming dominance, unknowingly, we both were pushing each other to his room, as soon as we had gotten in he kicked it shut while full on making out with me, he then pushed me on to the bed and leaned on top of me, attacking my neck, more importantly my sweet spot, at first it was a kiss, then he bit harder and harder until they was a noticeably large red mark there, during that process he had removed my shirt revealing my black lace bra, “Kinky” He breathed out, I smirked
“Wait until you see the matching underwear” I whispered.
“Your pussy’s gonna be destroyed tonight, darling” He cooed into my ear sending shivers down my spine, he unclasped the bra, leaving my breasts exposed for him to exploit, he grabbed one mass of flesh in one hand, pinching, twisting, and squeezing every which way, as the other one was being attended by his tongue, which wrapped itself around the bud, gently nibbling just to make me squirm and whimper, which greatly pleased him, he then switched breasts, keeping my reactions alive, kissing from the cleavage all the way to the garter of my leggings, Jason takes the cloth between his teeth and pulls it down, leaving me in nothing but some rather soaked black laced underwear, unfortunately for him, though, I quickly sat up, pushing him down, and became the dominant one, I began kissing him passionately, as I pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a well-toned chest, I kissed down, leaving marks here and there, claiming him as mine.
Then I yanked down his pants, a stiff bulge prominent as ever beneath a thin cloth, I smirked at him as I straddled him, he smiled back weakly, loving my dominant side, at an agonizingly slow pace, I pulled down his boxers, leaving him fully exposed, I spread his legs and leaned down slowly, and the lower I went, the more he blushed, I flicked the tip with my tongue, making him scream in pleasure taking a handful of bed sheets in each hand, then I began to take in more of him, my teeth grazing here and there as he continuously screamed out my name, and eventually released his bitter seed into my mouth.
"Mm.." I hummed licking the excess off my mouth. "You are delicious” I say,
"What did I tell you?" Jason winked, suddenly he pushed me hard and fast onto the mattress making the entire bed bounce, he yanked off my pants, no longer caring about teasing me as I could tell he just wanted more and more, he dove in, sticking his tongue inside, expanding my walls as much as his pink muscle could do, and just like him, I came into his mouth, "Yum," he remarked, getting up.
He then scanned me from my face, to my wide-open womanhood, to my feet, all of me, I could tell that was all he wanted to see, to feel, to be a part of, with full force, Jason plunged into me, leaving me to be a moaning, screaming mess, he did this continuously, at the same rate, going in harder and harder each time, my walls grew tight as he found my spot,
“(Y/N)!" We screamed in unison, and with that, Jason collapsed next to me, his arm automatically around my waist, and the both of us grinning like the idiots, "Did I ever tell you that I love you?" Jason asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear,
“Not enough," I replied, grinning,
“I don't think there'll ever be an enough” He smiled, and with that the two of us drifted off to sleep.
I arrived to where the Heretic and Damian were battling only to see Damian get impaled, my eyes widened in horror
“No!” I screamed as I jumped down behind the Heretic, stabbing him with my hidden blades that had traces of poison on, I jumped in front of him and kicked him down before running to Damian’s lifeless body, “No. No, please” I cried as I cradled him in my arms,
“(Y/N)-No” Bruce said as he ran towards me, he collapsed to his knees I put Damian down and stood up
“(Y/N), where are you-?” I cut Dick off by barging past him and running back to the manor, I slammed the door open
“Miss (Y/N), are you alright?” Alfred asked as he emerged from the kitchen,
“He’s gone…” I trailed off as I dropped to my knees,
“Who’s gone, miss?” He asked coming over to me,
“Damian, I was too slow. The Heretic…” I sobbed,
“Master Jason” Alfred said as a shadow overcasted me, Jason just ignored us both and went up to his room.
Bruce threw himself down in the computer chair complaining about another criminal he was after didn’t give him any answers before he knocked him out, I let out a frustrated sigh and I grabbed him by the throat and picking him up, knocking the chair over,
“Perhaps, if you didn’t let your anger control you, you would be able to get some answers instead of blaming one of us!” I growled, he just glared at me “You may dress up as the Batman, but you’re just a shell” I spat as I dropped him,
“It’s your fault, I’m the shell” He said getting up,
“You’re blaming me for Damian’s death?! You may have lost your son, but I lost my brother, who I saw grow up in front of me!” I snapped,
“Enough! Damian wouldn’t want you fighting” Jason snapped gaining both of our attention, only to see him walk out of the cave, I sighed and went to follow him but Dick stopped me,
“Y’know, telling him about your little secret might brighten his mood” He said, I gave him a deadpan look before barging past him and went up to Jason’s room, I knocked on the door before opening it,
“Jason?” I called out, “Go away” He said from his bed, “Jay, please talk to me” I say,
“What do you want me to say?! My little brother is dead! And I can’t do sh*t about it!” He yelled standing up,
“I know exactly what you’re going through” I say,
“No you don’t!” He snapped coming closer to me, my eyes widened as I placed a protective hand on my small bump, backing away from him,
“Yes, I do! You weren’t related to him! He was my blood brother!” I yelled,
“Shut up!” He yelled punching the wall next to me causing me to flinch, “Just get out” He muttered, I wasted no time in doing so and retreated to my room, I leaned against my door holding back the tears then I just lost my sh*t and trashed my room before collapsing to my knees, curling up into a ball and crying, which eventually lead to me falling asleep.
I shot up in my bed, panting from a nightmare, I groaned running a hand over my face before getting up and making my way to the kitchen, on my way back to my room there was muffled shouting from Jason’s room,
“I don’t care, Jay! I found her on the floor asleep with a tear-stained face!” Dick yelled,
“Why are you telling me this?!” Jason snapped,
“Because she’s carrying your child, asshole!” Dick snapped making me mentally curse at him and returned to my room, I glanced towards the duffel-bag I’ve had packed for months, I sighed and picked up my phone calling someone,
“Hello” They answered,
“I’m in need of a favour” I say.
Selina stopped the car outside the Leagues gates, 
“You sure about this?” She asked, I nodded
“Positive. Thanks again” I say as I got out with my luggage,
“I owed you one, so now we’re even” She said, I walked through the gates and into the main part of the building, one of the guards tried to stop me making me kick them through the door where my mother was,
“I’m back” I sang as a smirk appeared on my face,
“(Y/N)? What are you doing back here?” she asked,
“To resurrect my brother” I say bluntly, her face turned dark
“You let him die?!” She yelled as she withdrew her sword and pointed it at me, I glared at her,
“I’ve brought his body, so put him in the Lazarus pit” I growled, she eyed me up suspiciously, “Now” I demanded, she sighed and put her sword away and mentioned for me to follow her,
“How long has he been dead?” She asked,
“4 months” I replied, she nodded and Damian’s body was lowered into the pit, it was a couple of minutes before he gasped loudly, re-surfacing from the pit, and seemed to not have any side-effects,
“Damian?” I asked stepping closer, he looked at me
“(Y/N)” He said, I nodded and mentioned him to come over to me, which he did and I gave him a hug.
“Now that the heir has been brought back to life, neither of you shall leave” Mother demanded as we were surrounded by assassins,
“Try and stop us” I smirked as Damian withdrew my sword and we stood back-to-back,
“Ensure that they’re in their designated rooms” She ordered as she disappeared somewhere, the group of assassins came to attack us making me chuckle darkly as drove my hidden blades into the neck of two of them before snapping another’s neck, after taking them all down I grabbed a hold of Damian’s hand and ran to where Selina was waiting,
“Welcome back from the dead” She said before flooring it.
After sneaking Damian into his room, I returned to my room to find it tidied from my tantrum, and someone asleep on my bed, I tilted my head as I approached it to see Jason hugging a pillow, that had tear stains on as he slept, I smiled as I laid down myself facing him, I moved his white tuff of hair from him face causing him to wake up,
“(Y/N)?” He groaned before his eyes shot opened and he stared at me, “(Y/N)!” he yelled hugging me, I chuckled as I hugged him back “I’m so sorry for being a huge asshole” He apologised as he pulled away and placed a hand on my bump, “I can’t believe I didn’t notice this” He said, I smiled
“I’ve been wearing looser tops for a reason, I mean it is small but it’s noticeable” I say,
“How far?” He asked,
“Five months” I answered,
“Five months?! And you’ve been going out?! What if you got shot?! What if you were kidnapped?! What if-” I cut him off with a kiss,
“I didn’t and I won’t go out anymore, alright?” I say, he just stared at me before nodding and pulling me on to his chest as he wrapped an arm around me and placed both hands on the bump.
“Argh! Damian’s come back to haunt me!” I heard Tim yell as I woke up, I wriggled myself from Jason’s grip and went out of my room to find Tim cowering behind a plant as Damian just stared at him with a deadpan look, I sighed
“Family meeting in the kitchen, now!” I yelled, I went down and found that Bruce and Alfred were already there, Dick ran in closely followed by Tim, “Stay here” I whisper to Damian, he nodded and I entered the kitchen, “So, last night, I may have gone back to the League of Assassins to bring Damian back” I confessed, they all stared at me with a blank look on their faces, “I’m not lying” I say as I pulled Damian into the kitchen, all their eyes widened before they all ran out of their seats and tackled him with a hug,
“Drake’s touching me” Damian whined making me chuckle and shaking my head
“Suck it up, demon-spawn” Jason said as he came into the kitchen and over to me, pecking my cheek, they all broke apart and regained their composure, “In other news, (Y/N)’s pregnant” Jason announced as he sipped his coffee, they all looked at me in shock, minus Dick,
“Gonna be an uncle!” Dick sang as he danced around the kitchen,
“This one’s not going to be another demon, is it?” Tim asked as he gave me a hug, I rolled my eyes and shook my head
“Not as I know of” I say making him smile as he pulled away and disappeared,
“I knew you were fatter when you hugged me last night” Damian said folding his arms, I raised an eyebrow
“Thanks Damian” I say, he nodded and left the kitchen, I turned to glare at Jason only to find him smiling at Dick’s dancing, Bruce cleared his throat,
“(Y/N), can I talk to you?” He asked, I nodded and followed him out of the kitchen,
“What’s-” I was cut off as he pulled me into a hug,
“Thank you” He said, I accepted his hug and then pulled away,
“Why?” I asked,
“For giving Jason happiness and bringing Damian back” He answered, I smiled “And I’m sorry for blaming Damian’s death on you” He apologised,
“I didn’t take it to heart” I reassured,
“Also, no more patrols or missions until the boy’s thirteen” He said, I groaned
“Why thirteen?” I asked,
“Because I said so” He said folding his arms,
“And he’s going to know his mother’s skills because Jason got jacksh*t” Dick commented as he exited the kitchen and avoided a pan being thrown at him.
“F*ck you!” Jason yelled as Dick ran away laughing, “He’s also going to need his mother by his side as his Dad, Uncle’s and Granddad are out cleaning the streets” Jason said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder,
“Why does everyone think it’s going to be a boy?” I asked,
“Have you seen the gender ratio here, it’s bound to be a boy” Tim stated from the staircase,
“Just because you’ve said that I hope it’s a girl to rub it in all your faces” I say, sticking my tongue at them
“What about you Alfred, boy or girl?” I asked looking at him,
“It would be nice for another woman in the house Miss (Y/N)” He smiled.
After the next four months, I gave birth to twin girls, we agreed to name one after Jason’s mother and the other after Bruce’s, I was currently taking them upstairs to bed when they was an explosion from the study making my eyes widened as the twins began to cry, I climbed up to the chandelier and hid on top of it as I calmed the girls down,
“Search the place!” Someone ordered, as a group of men ran up the stairs, I noticed Alfred on the phone in the kitchen
“Daddy’s going to be here soon, girls. Don’t worry” I whispered as I held them into my chest, Alfred noticed me with the girls and his face dropped before he gestured for me to get down as he created a distraction, I nodded and he disappeared, there was a loud collision from the living room making all the men run towards that area, I dropped off the chandelier and made no sound, I ran into the kitchen and was met by Alfred who took Martha off me,
“Are you okay?” He whispered, I nodded before the counter was shot at making me take cover sheltering Sheila, they stopped firing and I looked to Alfred, who shook his head “Not in the house, Miss (Y/N)” He pleaded as I handed him Sheila,
“No promises” I say as I got up and exited the kitchen,
“You know what’s worse that pissing off an assassin?” I asked, they all looked dumbfounded “Pissing off a mother who’s an assassin” I answered as I took down two of the men with my hidden blades, snapping a third one’s neck, then placing a single bullet in each off the remaining men’s head.
“(Y/N)!” Jason yelled as he ran into the manor only to me stood in the middle of the dead bodies,
“Welcome home” I greeted as the other four stood behind him, “Alfred, it’s safe to come out” I called out, he came out of the kitchen with the girls in his arms,
“I’ve got my work cut out for me” He commented on the dead bodies,
“I did say no promises” I smiled as I tossed the empty gun on the floor,
“I thought we promised no assassin life until the twins were thirteen?” Bruce asked, I gave him a deadpan look,
“You expected me to just chill on that chandelier until you got here?” I asked mentioning the chandelier above our heads.
“You took the girls up there?!” Jason asked,
“You should give her more credit, Master Jason. She managed to drop down from there without dropping the girls, or making them cry” Alfred complimented,
“Thank you Alfred. Now, it’s well past your bedtime” I say as I took Martha from Alfred’s arms and went for Sheila, but Jason picked her up and followed me up to our room, we placed them in their cribs before I sat on the bed removing the gauntlets that contained the hidden blades,
“You wear them when you’re with the girls?” He asked, I nodded
“They’re fascinated by them” I replied,
“What if you stabbed them?” He asked throwing his arms in the air, I sighed looking up at him,
“I wouldn’t stab them because in order for the blades to come out, I need to do a certain movement, they’re basically child proof” I say, he sighed running a hand over his face as I stood up, “Would you relax? They’re safe and are going to be fine” I say cupping his face,
“It’s not them I’m worried about” He said looking at me,
“Jason, I’m fine. I’m Ra Al Ghul’s granddaughter, for god sake, and I’ve died” I say reassuring him, he sighed before kissing me.
“Master Bruce, we have intruders…again” Alfred said through the com making my eyes widened as I glanced at Jason, he nodded and we jumped on his bike before racing to the manor, the girls have only just turned 13 and this was my first patrol since everyone found about me being pregnant, we arrived at the manor and burst through the door to find Martha and Sheila, stood back to back, in their Pjs, as a group of men laid unconscious around them,
“Hi Mum. Hi Dad” They said in unison as they smiled at us, Jason and myself just stared at them, while Alfred exited the kitchen and looked around at the bodies,
“At least they didn’t kill anyone” He said,
“See what I meant by them needing your skills” Dick said as he approached the left of me,
“I haven’t trained them” I replied,
“Then who did?” Jason asked,
“No one” Martha said,
“We observed you all training and used that” Sheila said, I sighed pulling them into a hug,
“So, you’re not mad?” They asked,
“At you knocking multiple men unconscious? No, but if you end up using these moves on a kid at school then, yes I will be” I replied pulling away from them, they high fived before Jason cleared his throat
“You two should be in bed” He said, they groaned rolling their eyes as they trudged up the stairs to their room,
“You’re such a buzzkill” I commented, he shrugged making me smile.
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