#Titan Showdown
Animated shows that deserves more attention and appreciation.
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ben-talks-art · 4 months
Just let women be evil 😈
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Been seeing some discussion around how the Netflix Avatar made some changes to Azula and tried to paint her in a less evil light and more as some poor child that got manipulated by her dad to be the monster she would eventually become.
And that's... Honestly a little lame imo.
Azula being a heartless monster was one of the many cool things about her, but now it feels like we're giving credit to her dad instead.
Like, she was the golden child, but she wasn't daddy's little submissive pet. A lot of what she did, she did it not because "she wanted to please daddy" but because she's just a little sh*t. Heck, she even manipulates her own father at one point, making him think Zuko killed the Avatar so she wouldn't get any blame when it was revealed he was still alive.
Ozai was the final boss, but Azula is basically the face of the show when it comes to villains. She was the bane of everyone's existence.
Having nuance and layers is nice, but sometimes I just want a lady who just loves being evil for the pettiest of reasons like wanting power, being salty for not getting what she wanted, or just because it's in her sadistic nature.
And, yeah, we have cases like Demona who you could argue is a victim of the circumstances she's in, or, again, Azula, who was practically raised to be evil, but you can't deny they clearly enjoy being bad and doing bad things to others.
Let women just be evil, and let them own their evilness.
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awesome-normal-heroes · 6 months
My Favorite Hero/Villain Platonic Relationships:
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jackce · 9 months
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I love my patrons so so so muuuch <3 thank you guys ;7;
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twinkpoll · 1 year
It’s fandom. We’re obsessed with them. Now it’s time to crown the winner.
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Submit your chosen twink to the poll using the form down below! There’s more than half of the places left for a ton of characters. Let’s fill up this bracket and get this show on the road!
Must be male (cis or trans) OR masc nonbinary. Cross-dressing girls might be accepted if the characters around them don’t know (e.g: Mulan as Ping).
Must be young, or at least appear young. Millennia-old twinks do exist, just look at Legolas.
No IRL people. No, not even Timothee Chalamet. This is for fandom twinks, which means they must be fictional. Bandoms do not count.
Only one extra Genshin Impact character may enter the tournament, because otherwise it’s just a Genshin Impact tournament.
Twunks are accepted.
No botting/spamming. Be fair to everyone’s faves!
Submissions will last for a week, showdowns for 3 days (72 hours).
Inspired by: @noncanongayestbitchestournament @girlfailure-bracket @thesupremeteachersummit @mfshipbracket @baldguy-fight @eldest-sibling-tournament @sidekick-standoff @blorbopoll​ 
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izunias-meme-hole · 8 months
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colddragonvoid · 6 days
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ddej78 · 3 months
Xiaolin Showdown final episodes for my episode list! :)
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demonicshowdown · 11 months
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
I love Geokinesis!
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Anyone else feels that out of the four elements, earth is the least represented and appreciated one?
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awesome-normal-heroes · 4 months
Some Villain Friendships!
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mushi-shield · 8 months
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jackce · 1 year
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Thank you so so so so so so so much to my lovely patrons of March - April ❤️ you really change my world to a better one 🤧❤️
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fanfic-lover-girl · 9 months
When Shipping Does Not Matter
Shipping wars can be annoying. As a kid, I never cared about ships. But even some media that I have come to enjoy as an older teen or adult are perfectly fine without shipping. Here is my list:
Danny Phantom - Sam is cool but I hardly cared about DannyxSam (although I have found arguments for DannyxValerie to be very intriguing). Danny's friendships, ghost lore and his identity reveal and how it impacted his relationship with his family were WAY more interesting.
Law & Order: SVU - I was there for the crime drama. Olivia and Elliot should be friends. Romance between these two is not necessary.
Star Wars - I literally got into SW because of Vader/Anakin & Luke's family drama. I couldn't care less about Han/Leia. And even Anidala is only interesting to me because of Anakin. I like Padme but I don't care much for her as an independent character.
Justice League/Batman Media - I admit that I enjoy some fics where Bruce/Talia raise Damian together as a family. And I have read some Superbat and Wonderbat fics but I quickly lost interest. I like JL for their friendship and their family bonds (give me Jason & Bruce angst and I will read that for HOURS).
Xiaolin Showdown - I know Raimundo and Kimiko had obvious crushes on each other but that was always a background thing for me. I like focusing more on the lore and Raimundo's character. I love Rai so much. Easily the best character in the show.
Teen Titans - Robin/Starfire are great but like Raikim, it is just background for me. Was never super into Beast Boy's relationships either.
Yugioh - I admit that most of my romantic fics in Yugioh were slash :). But I think for the most part the pairings in Yugioh are fine. You won't find me looking up posts about Yugioh ships. Romance is not a big deal in Yugioh anyway. I will say that Joey/Mai is one of the best Yugioh ships. Mai deserved better. Most Yugioh girls deserved better.
Dragonball series - The canon ships are fine. I enjoy wholesome family-centered fics but I hardly care about shipping in dbz. The only canon ship that's truly interesting in DBZ is VegetaxBulma because of how it shapes Vegeta's arc.
Avatar the Last Airbender *** - I am putting asterisks here because I feel strongly about Zutara. But that love was mostly inspired by fanfiction and reflection after watching the show. Watching the show as a kid, the story was perfect without shipping. In fact, the romance was the worst part and could have been removed entirely. The only ship that is arguably necessary is Sukka and even that relationship could have been platonic and Sokka's arc would be the same. Shipping for me only becomes important post-series. Literally all my post-series ATLA fics were Zutara lol. I can't recall ever reading a post-series Kataang fic. And this was before I really became sour on Kataang. I don't think I ever read a Kataang fanfic period. Maybe the Zutara fanfics are just better??
There are probably others but these are my main ones. What other shows do people think are great without shipping involved?
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teamteenorigins · 2 years
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TEAM TEEN: ORIGINS - ACT II - CHAPTER 1 is now live on Webtoon!
Our heroes converge, enjoying a bit of fun after their hard fought battles against 3 Mutraddi Mega-Beasts!
Make sure to check out the Twitter for more updates!
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