#Traditional Fertilizers
agricultureandfarming · 3 months
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Nano fertilizers, utilizing nanotechnology, offer precise nutrient delivery, reduced environmental impact, and customized formulations tailored to specific crops and soil types. They enhance nutrient uptake by plants, minimize nutrient runoff, and promote sustainable agriculture. In contrast, traditional fertilizers lack precision in nutrient delivery, leading to inefficiencies, environmental pollution, and soil degradation. While nano fertilizers face challenges such as cost and regulatory concerns, their potential to revolutionize agriculture makes them a promising alternative to traditional fertilizers.
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prahacat · 1 year
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it’s spring, but all he wants to do is sleep
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wis-art · 1 year
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Hoppas ni får en glad påsk!
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grand-old-time-prints · 3 months
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Merry Eostre, for those observing (Visit for more historical art and vintage prints)
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pushing500 · 3 months
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Against all odds, asexual Buckeye and reduced-fertility-gene Magic Man have managed to make a baby! However, because Buckeye is Animakin, she needs to plant the baby in soil... And there is no soil in the ocular forest where Monster's Basin is. Only red sand and red dirt and other nasty red stuff, which apparently doesn't count.
So, we have unexpectedly had to up and move in order to give this new baby the best possible chance of survival! We were hoping to be able to prepare a bit more first, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll leave everything behind for the sake of one of our own if we must.
However, moving means it's time for another (rather rushed, I'm afraid) colony tour! Presenting: Monster's Basin!!
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Here's the whole thing from above. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "red".
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Here is the central room, the kitchen/dining/ritual room. Next to it, we have two bathrooms and our freezer. Magic Man is already packing some of our human leather kneel sheets, as you can see.
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Some bedrooms: Top left is Vasso and Laursen's room, top right is Euclid and Socks' room, bottom left is Dire Wolf and Pro (and formerly Bella's) room, and bottom left is Magic Man, Buckeye, and Dopey the razorjack's bedroom.
We also have a small, utilitarian hospital.
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Up above the bedrooms and the main room are our dinosaur museum (we can't go without a dinosaur museum) and our research laboratory. Also a better view of the freezer.
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Our farms and a huge stack of red bricks that we'll never get to use.
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Here's a nutrient-paste barn that we got from a prefab some traders sold us. Mostly so we could see what it was, but our animals seemed to appreciate it.
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Bella's room that she was given when she grew up into an adult, the sauna, and Blackdragon, Duchess, and Night Stalker's room.
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The wardrobe, the chemfuel room, the miscellaneous devices room, the hot spring, and the small place where we attempted to plant Buckeye's sapling child before we realised it didn't work in this biome.
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Finally, our animal pen/archery range. We were very fond of the moose named All-Powerful (she fell out of the sky), but we'll probably release her into the wild (along with a self-tamed hare and three baby wolfchickens some traders gave us) to help us conserve food on our abrupt journey.
And that concludes the tour of Monster's Basin! I wonder where our caravan will take us. Hopefully, somewhere with plenty of fertile soil for a growing sapling child...
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mcromwell · 1 year
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"Salmon Run"
Is she bringing the salmon up the bank to fertilize the trees, or to eat it? Why not both? 🐟🌲
12"x16" acrylic on reclaimed support
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aworldofpattern · 7 months
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Miss Universe Philippines 2023, Michelle Marquez Dee, wearing a gown designed with Mark Bumgarner.
The design was inspired by the traditional tattoos of Maria Whang Od Oggay, popularly known as Apo Whang Od (pictured below).
At age 106, she is the oldest tattoo artist, or 'mambabatok', from Kalinga in the Philippines.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 4 months
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Fertility doll of the Asante people, late 1800s-early 1900s, Ghana.
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nickysfacts · 5 months
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It’s amazing how many meanings one small shell can have!
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sappy-witch · 1 year
🔥🌜 Celebrating Walpurgis Night 🌛🔥
Hello darlings 🥰
As the long, dark winter months come to an end, we welcome the coming of spring and the promise of renewal. One of the most magical nights of the year is Walpurgis Night, a celebration that occurs on the night of April 30th.
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Walpurgis Night, also known as Hexennacht or May Eve, is a pagan festival that dates back to ancient times. It was originally a night to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of the planting season. Today, it is a time to embrace the return of light and warmth, and to honor the spirits of nature 🌷✨
To celebrate Walpurgis Night, you can light bonfires, dance around Maypoles, and create beautiful floral wreaths to wear in your hair. It's a night to let go of the old and welcome the new, and to connect with the earth and its cycles.
Some popular ways to celebrate Walpurgis Night include:
🔥 Lighting bonfires or candles to honor the return of the sun.
🌸 Creating floral wreaths and garlands to wear or hang in your home. 
🕯️ Holding a ritual to honor the spirits of nature and ask for their blessings. 
💃 Dancing around a Maypole to celebrate the fertility of the earth.
🌿 Planting seeds or starting a garden to welcome the spring.
Remember, the energy of Walpurgis Night is all about renewal, growth, and new beginnings. Embrace the energy of the season and allow yourself to let go of the old and welcome the new.
If you're celebrating Walpurgis Night this year, be sure to share with the Sappy Witch Coven by submitting your post to connect with other witches and pagans around the world 🥰
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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conjuremanj · 6 months
Pinecones In Hoodoo + A Pinecone Fertility Charm.
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This is a Original piece of digital art by me. A statue of a woman holding a pinecone charm.
First I just wanted to give a little history of pinecones.
Pinecone In History. In Mexico there is a god called “Chicomecoatl” sometimes depicted with an offering of pine cones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other. In Hindu their are deities that are often depicted holding a pine cone. The Egyptian Staff of Osiris from (1224 BC) depicts two spiraling snakes rising up to meet at a pine cone. In Ancient Assyrian there is a carvings from (713-716 BC) depicting winged people holding pine cones.
Celts, used pine cones for fertility charm. . Romans used them for the goddess of love Venus. But there are to many others to add to this post.😁
In Rome, the pope wears a pine cone carved into the holy staff that's used in religious ceremonies. There's a huge gargantuan bronze pine cone statue at the Vatican in Rome. 👇
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All of these depictions of pine cone are symbols of spiritualty; and let's not forget durning the Winter Solstice (Christmas) people have pinecones on their altars.
Pinecone Purification,Cleansing & Banishing: Burning the tree's pine needles or using pine oil can the strong fresh scent. in the south it's been used to increase your energy when you're feeling stuck in life, it purify the spirit & clear the mine & heal the body.
The energy of Pine smoke can also be used rituals or ceremonies to help release negative energy.
Making Pinecone Incense Sticks: You can easily make your own pine incense stick by tie pine needles. BUT LET the sticks dry for about two weeks before use. (If you can't find pine cones or needles you can buy the Incense or the Pine Oil)
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Left Male & Right Female
Now that you have a little idea on pine cones in hoodoo it's one of the most effective charms to used if you are trying to conceive.
How To Tell Which Is Which? To start pinecones comes in male and female. The Male pine cones do not make the hard-shell it is soft and spongy and it's shell closer together. The Female pine cones is the had shell and it's shell is further apart.
Hoodoo Fertility Charm: Get yourself a female pinecone. Drizzle the cone with some Honey.
Next add some hair from the head of the (female) and the (male's) head of the couple who is trying to conceive. Now place the hair in the honey on the pinecone.
Last get a small white plate and a make X in salt from one end to the plate to the other, place the cone in the middle of the plate.
READ PRAYER. Lord, I'm asking you for a child. Your word says you will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4), and this is my greatest desire. I want to be a parent. I want to raise a child to love and serve you all of his/her life.
Place the plate under your bed and have sex, more the once if you want.🥰 ❤️ afterwards take that pinecone and bury it in your yard.
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maypoleman1 · 10 months
21st August
Saddleworth Rushbearing Festival
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Saddleworth Rushcart. Source: Alamy Stock Photos
In mid August, the Saddleworth Rushbearing Festival takes place in the Tameside villages on the western edge of Saddleworth Moor near Manchester. It is a version of the church rush strewing ceremonies common over the summer, but this one, organised as it is by the local Morris men is a less reverent and more jocular and drunken affair. Two tons of rushes are piled on a cart and then hauled by the dancers, led by a “jockey” holding a large kettle, through the streets of Greenfield, Dobcross and Delph, the procession ending up at St Chad’s Church in Uppermill, where the rushes are strewn on the church floor. The rushcart has however stopped at every pub along the route with the jockey drinking a kettleful of ale each time. Apparently the tradition directly led to a local term for getting drunk - to get ‘kettled’.
Another tradition states that if women of childbearing years touch the rushes while they process, they will conceive within the year, which is possibly linked to pagan good luck and fertility beliefs. Apparently one year the landlady of the Cross Keys in Uppermill , one of the pubs on the route, tempted fate by touching the rushes, allegedly laughing at the superstition. She fell pregnant a couple of months later.
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pushing500 · 2 months
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We left Loyalty's Meander at the same time our last guests did. Apparently, the horrible murder-cult vibes weren't enough to deter them, so now we have allies! That's nice, I guess.
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Blackthorn learned to walk while we were road-tripping and I couldn't get this scene from Ice Age out of my head while I was trying to draw it so you just get the scene instead.
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Thanks to the vehicle mod, it only took us eight days to get here, so here we are! I can't wait to see the ship!
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there is... no ship
That is problematic. We'll try to mine into those mountains and see if there's a ship hidden in there somewhere, but I fear this may call for some Dev Mode intervention from Ecthuctu themselves...
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Duchess now is not a good time
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Curly, that is RUDE. Ecthuctu will not be impressed by this slight, mark my words... Terrible things are coming for you.
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skylordhorus · 1 year
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hey The Spectator? what the FUCK are you talking about
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year
Good morning! The rune for this week is Berkana!
Berkana is associated with the birch tree, and is the rune of birth, fertility, creativity, healing, shelter, secrets, maturity, and life changes. Whatever you have been bringing into being in your life will need some additional nurturing this week. You may be more fertile in the creative sense, so the ideas may be fruitful. However, Berkana is also a rune of secrecy and sheltering, so you may want to play your cards close to your chest regarding some of your newer ideas and plans until you have had time to develop them.
#runepull #runeart #runes #runedivination #divination #northerntraditionpagan #pagan #northerntradition #berkana #creativity #fertility #healing #secrets #runeoftheweek #runevideo #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark
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flippydisk · 2 years
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so what kinda books do you read
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