#Travis Valkrum HCs
erionlextib · 1 year
Travis HCs because he deserves them:
• Ain’t no way he isn’t younger than the rest of the group (except Vylad, because dead people don’t really age per say), he gives me the vibes. Perhaps like 18-19 or something
• He wears a mini pony tail to keep his hair out of his face when he’s fighting and what not (or just in general because he finds it quite annoying)
•he has a few freckles..? (not like many, there’s like 6 or 7 in total)
•dimples (that I don’t know how to draw)
•He lives in the tree house along with Vylad and Laurance. Aaron sleeps either at his little set up camp, or sometimes at the tree house when the weather gets rough. (A big ass tree makes for a big ass house)
Travis does eventually get his own place, although it’s on the island. he also claims the little cave on the mountain as his own
• He can shapeshift (cuz witchcraft + demon abilities and whatnot, plus if the imps and his dad can shapeshift, so can he ), but not extended periods of time. He’s a) not very good at witchcraft and b) part human so he struggles a bit more w/ that stuff
It doesn’t really bother him all that much before the rest of the cast scoops him up, as he (canonically) lives in an isolated cabin, in the mountains, away from any sort of civilization (the closest being the town, which just about hates him and still isn’t all that close). Who the hell does he need to look human for? The snow? The trees?
He mainly uses his human form only to sneak in and out of the village to get foods he can’t find in the forest (fruits and vegetables imported from warmer regions, meats when he can’t catch anything) and his (fully) demon form when fighting mainly his dad and his dad’s imps (just to look a little more intimidating)
• When he becomes part of the group though, he becomes kind of insecure; he fears rejection and is scared that if they see what he actually looks like they’ll change their minds on him and hate or hurt him and he’ll be all alone again.
This leads to him pushing his limits and often hiding away whenever he needs a moment to regain his strength. Until the moment w/ the Demon Warlock on the new island, only Aph knows. When she found him (Enki Island), he wasn’t expecting to find a human so far away from the village. Took him a while (most likely longer than in canon) to believe that she wasn’t his father or one of his imps, to which he changed to his human form and apologized profusely when he realized.
• His human form is mostly made up by him in an attempt to look more like his mom. Like in Canon, he has a couple different forms, but his “natural” forms are mixes between a human and a demon. They just kinda change every once in a while depending on his environment, health, ect. *, so he never really looks quite the same. Both his human and demon forms (as well as any other form e.g animals, other people, ect.) are forms he physically has to shift into/require and use up energy to be in
*e.g climate/weather may determine some aspects like horn size and skin color; dark energy/vibes (like those around the nether, or his father) or high stress situations makes him (his natural form) look a little more demonic as his body reacts to the energy around him, while he looks a little more human in relaxed, light hearted situations where he doesn’t feel in danger or when there is overall good energy/vibes (like the energy Aph emits when she heals stuff) and that sort of stuff
Like a defense mechanism (kinda like how some animals try to make themselves bigger in the face of a threat)
• Canon was wrong, he is not.. like that.. no. His mom taught him better than that. He respects women very much.
•He’s socially awkward, and definitely comes off as a little weird and blunt and overall just a little off. (He’s really sweet, just not smooth with his delivery)
• His mom was a really big inspiration for him growing up and he really strives to be like her and he’s deathly afraid of becoming like his father (canon I’m pretty sure, but thought to include it anyway)
• He’s really good friends with Vylad and Aaron; they are like partners in crime, and bond over not being very good with words/social interactions.
When Aaron died and Vylad went off with Laurance to the nether, Travis felt at just about his worst in a long while. He would barely go out (specifically after Aaron’s death, but got worse after Vylad and Laurance’s disappearance), often staying in his room for a few days on end until Katelyn and Luci would drag him out to get some fresh air and get his mind off things. Sometimes they also went with Aph as she was in a similar boat. Travis got closer to Katelyn and Luci during this time. He also started hanging out more with Aph so that neither of them would feel so alone (*coughcoughnotalonebuddiescoughcough*)
•He steps outside and within 10 minutes he is sun burnt and on the verge of a heat stroke /hj
He can be outside for short periods of time before getting some symptoms of heat exhaustion (the amount of time he is able to be outside lengthens the longer he stays in Ru’aun as he starts to adapt to the climate)
When he first got there he was not vibing. Like At all.
He protects his skin a lot, so he gets less sunburns
•Since there is no such thing as AC in this era, as a welcoming gift, Luci took it upon herself to put a spell on Travis’s room so that it would stay colder (aka it’s like a freezer now), so he actually gets sleep at night. Vylad and Laurance like to hang out there when it’s too hot out during the day, although it gets too cold for their liking after a while
Here’s also a small drawing of him I made to try out a new stylus that inspired this entire post
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nagitosstolenhand · 1 year
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recently remembered a theory/hc i had pre-season six about Ein being Michaels kid instead of Zacks, and thus Travis n Ein being half siblings. so. siblings hanging out doodle
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papercute · 10 months
travis valkrum is an autistic non-binary gay guy btw. if you even care
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Haha I have been off for a bit, but I'm back with mcd Travis with his cat companion stars!!
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I love cats
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Making Travis teeny tiny and then making his demon form a stretched out cryptid is very fun.
When your boyfriend goes from 2’3 to 9’3 and is sad because he can’t fit in your bed anymore
100% yes.
Travis is tiny but he stubs his toe once and just enlarges into a 10 foot beast.
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alcorian-cycle · 2 years
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rexecutioner · 2 months
Mmmm.. gonna draw my Vylad and Zenix and Laurance and Dante all go batshit crazy trying to figure out wtf happened to Garroth and Travis (and pals) during Starlight au
aka Dante and Laurance just figured out about the missing people over the news and Zenix saw it with Sasha and Gene, Vylad just got off of their plane from Europe (a large town in Gal’ruk with no internet access because how tf does the entire country of Europe exist in this universe) expecting their family but instead reads a newspaper about the Lycans
So Dante and Laurance are freaking out (Dante thought Garroth and Zane were on a camping trip with everyone else) and Zenix (who has a soft spot for Garroth bcs he taught him how to ride a bike, thanks Amnesia for that hc) makes a mad dash over to Laurance’s house only to find he isn’t there, then runs to Dante’s house and busts open the door much to Dante and Laurance’s surprise
Meanwhile Vylad is getting a whole bunch of nothing from trying to text people for the first time in months, their sibling gc has been quiet for months and even the Not Alone Buddies gc has been silent recently, not even a random meme or Travis selfie. So Vylad thinks of people close to their family and Laurance pops into their head immediately. Then follows Vylad trying to call him.
Cut to Dante is scolding Zenix for breaking into his house while Laurance’s phone rings, he picks it up and is extremely surprised to see Vylad calling him. The surprise goes away once he remembers the news cast and he answers.
Long story short Vylad arrives at Dante’s house as well, suitcase and all, and both Dante and Laurance get a surprise when Zenix immediately recognizes Vylad and they treat each other like old friends (because they are, Vylad got physically bullied once in pdh and Zenix was mad that someone dared try to bully somebody else before him, so he beat the shit out of the other guy and earned Vylad’s respect, they are now an honorary Shadow Knight in Zenix’s eyes thanks to how easygoing and mildly badass they were)
So they all crowd around Dante’s laptop and research anything they can about Starlight, using The Wayback Machine and looking into random phone numbers and last names, learning about what the Ultima is and giving them an explanation for why Garroth is a Werewolf now, and leading to Vylad using connections from high school (Hyria) to break into Lucinda’s house to find a book on the Valkrums, THEY RESEARCH and now they have a mild understanding about what might be going on, and Zenix finds Terry’s Office phone number by accident, leading to Dante calling it and the guy actually picks up
Terry is confused and quickly gets the phone taken from him by Lucinda who is insanely surprised to hear familiar voices from people she hasn’t heard from in months (in two cases years) and gives a very quick explanation about what is going on and who is okay and about what just happened like 2 seconds beforehand thanks to exorcism and Terry takes over with how bad the situation just got and infodumps about all he knows to both the witch girlys and the former Shadow Knights + Dante, PANIC ENSUES
and thats about as far as i got lmao
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snekverse · 2 years
Obligatory Headcanon Post!!
Can't believe I've had this account for 2 months now and haven't shared any personal hcs with yall. N e ways all if these are incredibly half assed and self indulgent so uh fair warning?
When the Ro'Meave boys were little, Zianna was very invested in them bonding and insisted they did activities together. This leads to all three having at least beginner knowledge of both piano and violin. Her insistence on group activities phased out as the boys reached middle school
"Katelyn" is actually her middle name. Her first name is Elizabeth, after her mother, and she hates it with a passion
Garroth and Laurance have been close friends since middle school
Zane had a S/O (Janus) for a few years after college
Zenix had a massive crush on Sasha during high-school and all the way through college until eventually finding out that she was a lesbian
KC actually loves first-person shooters, and totally kicks ass at em
Katelyn and Lucinda used to go out and are still relatively friendly after the breakup
Aphmau LOVES dancing and will pull anyone within reach into a spontaneous dance number
Zane's go-to comfort drink is hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Anyone not present during starlight was questioned by the government due to being in close contact with Aaron and Co.
Katelyn needs glasses but refuses to wear them, she either uses contacts or suffers
Lucinda is incredibly fond of using pet names, platonic and otherwise
Vylad is into photography
Garroth Can Not Cook
Travis genuinely didn't realize how awful his behavior was (start of s1) and is still in the process of unlearning it
Lucinda and Zane end up becoming close friends after s4/during s5
Genes full name is Eugene
Aphmau enjoys being physically affectionate with her friends
Dante and Travis have definitely explored each other's bodies once or twice,,, yknow how bros do
Aaron is wildly touch starved but terrified of physical affection
Garroth often times has trouble telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings
Anyone who was under the effect(s) of forever potions now gets awful migraines from time to time
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creamofdragonsoup · 4 years
Could I ask for some soft Danvis headcanons??
- Dante love, love, LOVES, to play with Travis's hair! Whether it's running his fingers through it or combing it gently he's all for it. It feels super smooth like silk and Dante's all for it!
- Travis in his natural form is shorter than Dante (see my MyStreet boys heights HC post) but this does not stop him from trying to be the big spoon. He wants to see Dante front and center so he's a very aggressive big spoon.
- Dante is a blanket hog which leaves Travis struggling to dig into the huge cocoon he's made for himself. Dante secretly likes to let Travis inside for a warm cuddle. Works great on rainy days.
- Speaking of rainy days, Travis hates thunder. Lightning is fine but the loud boom scares the daylights out of him. Dante likes to try and take his mind off it by closing the curtains and throwing on a movie, coffee, tea and other hot beverages are a guarantee!
- Travis is really big on PDA, any chance he gets he's gonna be trying to hug, kiss, or nuzzle Dante. Dante loves the attention but can get a bit flustered in public when Travis hits him with a sudden nose kiss!
- Dante can't cook very well (he used to live with Laurence he had no reason to learn) but he likes to take online classes so he can make Travis's favorites! Travis isn't a picky eater but it's nice when Dante suddenly pulls a gourmet meal out of nowhere.
- Travis made an oath to himself to never use his magik on Dante, ever. His worst fear is hurting Dante or making him do something against his will. He'd never do anything intentional, but of course magik is a wild element and can quickly get out of hand.
- They have a sanctioned cuddle/date night. Saturday at 6 pm to 11 pm. It doesn't matter what's going on that day they're going to have their alone time. They're both more than willing to drop work or social outings for it.
- Dante was a first to confess and boy howdy was he nervous! He was incredibly surprised and actually cried when Travis accepted his feelings! It did take a minute for them to begin a proper relationship though!
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Mystreet Hcs without elaboration
These are hcs (most of which were come up with by me AND @cutetranszane ) that I am writing with p much zero elaboration to them. If you like something elaborated on, plz do ask ^-^
Also Lowkey doin this to help calm myself, I apologize if smthn doesn’t make total sense!!
Zane is ftm trans
Travis is also ftm trans
Nicole is mtf trans
Travis is an artist
Zoey is Levin and Malachi’s mother in the mystreet universe
Garroth is a Big Bisexual
Garroth and Laurence have feelings for each other ^-^ (we all saw that one coming dvdbvg)
Laurence is Bi/pan and not necessarily cis but also isn’t rlly labeled at all and is perfectly comfy with He/him
Katelyn is curly haired and I’ll die on that hill 😤
So is Dante, and I’ll die on that hill too
Dante also has a baby face
We have a list of who in Mystreet says Fuck. I will provide if asked anbshdvs
Garroth loves kids. He’s fuckin awful at taking care of them
Laurence cries easily when overwhelmed with a strong emotion if he has no other outlet
Zane has many nicknames for KC he wouldn’t be caught dead using around anyone but her
Katelyn and Travis watch Drag race religiously and get others involved
We have very many Zanechan and Travlyn parent hcs lol
We also Gaurence ones, just not as many
We have discussed who cries easily, who’s a pretty crier- bunch of shit like that lol
We have many angst hcs relating to like every other hc bsvshdv
That’s all that’s coming to mind atm! If any of these interest you and you wanna hear them elaborated on, hmu lol
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nonbinarylaurance · 5 years
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I’m almost 80% sure this looks good on someone’s computer, but that computer is not mine
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lauranceofmeteli · 6 years
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icons for a few head cannons i have!
(please like/reblog if used)
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mystreetheadcanons · 6 years
HC #3
Katelyn is an absolute history buff. She loves teaching Travis and Kawaii~Chan about the women’s suffrage movement and has a Susan B. Anthony poster in her room. Travis absolutely adores it. That and Roman mythology and politics are his favorites. KC, oddly, absolutely loves the Wild West.
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I'm like doing a "class" project rn so yea I'mma have a Danvis group project hc
Travis does all the work while Dante stares at him just because Travis insisted on doing all the work to make life easier for Dante (this goes both way depending on the subject)
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I want to draw Enki (Travis’ mother) but I’m scared to mess her up.
Some HCs instead:
-I will probably change her name. Not a major thing . But. Noteable. Because it’s confusing. That or I’ll change the divine warriors name. Or make her the divine warrior reincarnated. That might be fun. But eh I’ll decide when I get to it.
-Her hair is black. Travis’ hair being white is a half-demon thing so it doesn’t make sense for hers to be white too. So she has black hair like the rest of the warrior tribe.
-Buff. Muscle. Because Valkrum men have a type
-Her eyes are white and pupil-less. Because I want to give her some funk
-despite being a Hunter, she loved animals, and would ensure to kill them in the most efficient, quick ways possible, and not waste a single part of their corpses. She’d find a use for everything.
-She was a little freaked out when she first gave birth to a tiny, grey, goat-hoofed, horned, tailed, white-haired baby, but she grew to love him after a while. He was kinda cute.
-literally no one could have killed her aside from herself. She was way too smart for that, not to mention a fucking tank. If the crew snagged her whilst she was still alive, they’d never have to worry about anything ever. Except maybe her trying to kill them. In which case. Run.
-Travis looks almost exactly like her. That said, he can’t even remember what she looks like, so he doesn’t see it in himself. He only sees his father, and he hates that. But she would have loved him regardless of what face he grew into.
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Blanevis HC’s
•zane sleeps in middle w/ nice bois on each side until trans!trav got baby and he sleep in the middle
•zane and blaze protective™️ over baby and baby carrier, driving who??? walking what???
•blaze biggest spoon and he wove it zane smolest spoon and he wove it
•trav why yo everything so soft boyo???
•zane gets carried on two shoulders at one time
•trav tired of infinite loop of “its your baby, you do it” from other good daddios
•zane=stay at home daddo but even before he was daddo
•zane is always first one up cus sleep who???
•blaze you cant sleep the day away—oh you have bella on your chest, carry on
•baby is a gorl Bella Taylor Ro’meave
•two people couch fits four people now
•zane cant sleep w/o cuddles so no one sleeps on couch no matter how mad
•why is blaze the most mature???
•zane has beat the boyf and riend system ((text to both individualally:”get me taco bell”))
•blaze hates smoking cus um boyfs need health
•argues over who has to be on of the toads in mario ((3rd player)) trav just agrees bc shut up
•blaze and trav have smol rivalry over zanes attention but love each other to death
•”how did this happen?” “i honestly dont know”
part 2 probably
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