curatedbyondrea · 6 days
How to bring *luxury* into your life while on a budget
Luxury on a budget is absolutely achievable! It's about focusing on creating an experience of indulgence and pampering, rather than just expensive things. Here are some ideas:
Redefine Luxury for You:
Focus on Experiences: Luxury isn't just material possessions. Think about what makes you feel truly pampered and relaxed. Is it a long, candlelit bath with a good book? A picnic in a scenic spot? Prioritize experiences that create lasting memories.
Quality over Quantity: Invest in a few key items you'll love and use for years, rather than buying a lot of cheap things. This could be anything from a luxurious body lotion to a cozy throw blanket.
Create a Luxurious Atmosphere at Home:
Declutter and Deep Clean: A clean and organized space instantly feels more luxurious. Light some scented candles, put on some calming music, and dim the lights for a spa-like atmosphere.
DIY Spa Treatments: Skip the expensive spa and recreate the experience at home. Give yourself a foot massage with homemade sugar scrub, use a facial mask made with natural ingredients, or draw a relaxing bath with essential oils.
Elevate Everyday Activities: Take the time to savor a cup of tea in the morning. Set the table for dinner with nice plates and silverware, even if it's just a simple meal.
Seek Out Free or Low-Cost Luxuries:
Embrace Nature: Take a hike in a beautiful park, have a picnic by the beach, or simply sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. Nature is a free and luxurious way to de-stress and reconnect.
Cultural Gems: Many museums and galleries offer free or discounted admission days. Check your local library for free museum passes or online resources for virtual tours of famous collections.
Learn a New Skill: Taking a free online class in something that interests you, like photography or cooking, can be a stimulating and luxurious way to spend your time.
Remember: Luxury is about feeling good and taking care of yourself. By being creative and resourceful, you can incorporate these elements into your life, regardless of your budget.
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sockdreams · 4 months
Treat Yourself
Today only (Feb. 15th), we're putting most of our website on sale, 20% off! No code needed. (some restrictions apply)
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Featuring some of our yummy 'dessert stripes' thigh high socks: Berry Cobbler, S'mores, Cookies & Cream, Strawberry Shortcake, and Sherbet Stripes (Dreamsicle and Arctic Freeze).
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mimsillustrations · 1 month
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Snippets from my latest print!
Mim goes to the gelateria 🍦
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fly-the-pattern · 2 months
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moreeeeweedddd · 17 days
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this is your sign to treat yourself to a joint after work today 💨🌻
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thelovelycircusau · 15 days
// TADC AU Crossover in The Lovely Circus
Girls enjoying some “TLC”
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AU Credits:
The Lovely Circus | @storyline512 | Left
Freakshow | @hootbon | Middle
Carnival | @sm-baby | Right
They deserve a break..
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shirleykarasuma · 2 months
I love watching detco while eating dinner. ❤️
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curatedbyondrea · 3 days
How to Add Hints of *Luxury* in Your Everyday Routine Using Your 5 Senses
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Here are some ways to add hints of luxury into your everyday routine, for a touch of indulgence without breaking the bank:
Fresh flowers: A small bud vase with a single bloom or a mini bouquet of seasonal flowers brightens any space.
Candlelight: Swap harsh overhead lighting for candles in the evening. Opt for natural soy wax and calming scents like lavender or vanilla.
Declutter and decorate: Tidy up your surroundings and add a touch of beauty with a framed picture, a decorative throw pillow, or a scented candle.
Signature scent: Apply a touch of your favorite perfume to your pulse points in the morning for a confidence boost.
Natural air freshener: Simmer a pot of water with citrus peels or herbs like rosemary for a natural and uplifting scent in your home.
Scented sachets: Tuck fragrant sachets filled with lavender or rose petals into your lingerie drawers or clothes closet.
Luxe towels: Invest in a set of plush towels for a spa-like experience after showering or bathing.
Silk scarf: Tie a silk scarf around your neck or wear it in your hair for a touch of elegance.
Comfy slippers: Upgrade your footwear at home with a pair of soft slippers or house shoes.
Homemade infused water: Add slices of cucumber, lemon, or berries to your water pitcher for a refreshing and flavorful drink.
High-quality coffee or tea: Invest in a bag of specialty coffee beans or loose-leaf tea for a more enjoyable morning or afternoon pick-me-up.
Multi-sensory experience: Combine taste with other senses to create a more immersive experience. Play calming music while you eat, light a scented candle, or arrange your food on a beautiful tray.
Uplifting playlist: Create a playlist filled with calming music or nature sounds that help you relax and de-stress.
Listen to audiobooks: Immerse yourself in a captivating story by listening to audiobooks while commuting or doing chores.
Focus on the soundscape: Pay attention to the sounds around you – birds chirping, rain falling, or gentle music – and appreciate the beauty of everyday acoustics.
Bonus Tip:
Mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to be present in the moment and savor the simple pleasures. This can be anything from enjoying a delicious cup of tea to feeling the soft texture of your favorite blanket.
By incorporating these small touches, you can elevate your everyday routine and create a more luxurious and enjoyable experience. Remember, luxury isn't just about expensive things, it's about creating a sense of peace, comfort, and beauty in your daily life.
Follow for more tips <3
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sockdreams · 5 months
love love love
Check out our Sweetie Styles collection, cute gifts for yourself and others.
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mimsillustrations · 29 days
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When we sits, we have Spritz! ✨
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nottheweirdest · 3 months
My 'Treat yo self' buy for finishing Coming Home 😁
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ktony11 · 5 months
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scarmille · 3 months
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visited my friend today, i miss her badly
it was so peaceful today and so quiet,
take care of yourself guys, you are loved and supported no matter where you are in life
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honehonn3honey · 4 months
It's pretty late. Shouldn't you be asleep?
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Three post-apocalyptic scenarios where one day humans disappear, in your exits to find supplies and some human finds a sweet little treat
I wish you all have a pleasant day and can spend it with your loved ones or treat yourself
It is inspired by the work of @/vicestrella.psd on Instagram. And the background images are @/taira_kakeru on Twitter
Some of my mutuals do not have inbox enabled or with images so to mention: @napstoee @parasitorg1814
Also this time I venture to send it to the blogs I follow
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getsalt1396 · 28 days
A package was dropped off for me today while I was at work and one of my roommates had to actually sign for it because it came from another country. They asked what it might be and I literally said:
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Turns out it was the Fizzarolli keychain I ordered like two months ago. My roommate clearly knows my hyperfixations.
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thirteen-31 · 1 month
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had the best Mother’s Day weekend soaking up all the suds 🫧
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