#Tru Health & Beauty
wendigo-volturi · 27 days
Can you do the kings reactions to their mate having scars from past self harm but the mate is insecure about them and tries to hide them but they find out some how (you can choose how <3) if not it's okay! Feel free to ignore this! I appreciate you reading! Thanks! :3
1. Marcus would notice his mate's scars immediately, as he is known for being observant and perceptive.
2. He would feel a deep sense of concern and empathy for his mate, wanting to support them in any way he can.
3. Despite his normally reserved nature, Marcus would make an effort to talk to his mate about their struggles and offer them comfort.
4. He would reassure his mate that their scars do not define them, and that he loves them unconditionally.
5. Marcus would gently encourage his mate to seek help and therapy for their past self-harm, wanting to help them heal and move forward.
6. He would be patient and understanding, never pressuring his mate to open up or show their scars if they are not ready.
7. Marcus would show his love and affection through small gestures, such as holding hands or giving comforting hugs.
8. He would make an effort to learn more about self-harm and mental health in order to better support his mate.
9. Marcus would constantly remind his mate of their worth and beauty, helping them to build their self-esteem and confidence.
10. Above all, Marcus would stand by his mate's side through their recovery journey, offering unwavering love and support every step of the way.
1. Caius would discover his mate's scars when they are changing clothes in front of him, catching a glimpse of the marks on their skin.
2. He would initially react with shock and concern, wondering how his mate could have hurt themselves in such a way.
3. Despite his initial reaction, Caius would quickly compose himself and approach his mate with a calm and steady demeanor.
4. He would gently ask his mate about their scars, wanting to understand their pain and struggles without judgement.
5. Caius would assure his mate that he loves them unconditionally, and that their scars do not change his feelings for them.
6. He would offer his mate comfort and support, encouraging them to open up about their past self-harm and seek help if needed.
7. Caius would make a point to educate himself on self-harm and mental health, wanting to better support his mate through their journey to healing.
8. He would show his love through actions rather than words, always there to lend a listening ear or offer a comforting embrace.
9. Caius would make it clear to his mate that they can trust him and lean on him for support, no matter what struggles they face.
10. Above all, Caius would stand by his mate's side as they work towards healing and recovery, offering his unwavering love and guidance every step of the way.
1. Aro would uncover his mate's scars through his gift when he accidentally brushed his hand against theirs, feeling the pain and anguish behind each mark on their skin.
2. He would react with a mixture of sadness and empathy, understanding the depths of his mate's struggles without them having to say a word.
3. Aro would approach his mate with a gentle touch, offering them comfort and reassurance in their time of need.
4. He would use his gift to explore his mate's emotions and memories surrounding their self-harm, wanting to understand their pain on a deeper level.
5. Aro would assure his mate that their scars do not define them, and that he loves them unconditionally regardless of their past struggles.
6. He would offer his mate guidance and support, encouraging them to seek help and therapy in order to heal and move forward.
7. Aro would make a point to educate himself on self-harm and mental health, wanting to be a source of comfort and understanding for his mate.
8. He would show his love through actions, always there to listen and provide a shoulder to lean on in times of need.
9. Aro would make it clear to his mate that they can trust him with their deepest fears and vulnerabilities, knowing that he will always support and protect them.
10. Above all, Aro would stand by his mate's side as they navigate their journey to healing and recovery, offering his unwavering love and compassion every step of the way.
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witchcab · 1 year
Master post of Flower Correspondences.
Divine Alignment, Energy Healing, Energetic Fine-Tuning, Magical Power, Mystique, Psychic Abilities, Protection
Authority, Confidence, Elegance, Excellence, Intelligence, Intuition and Inner Knowing, Knowledge of Our Own Divinity, Self-Mastery
Comfort, Gentleness, Grounding, Healing and Immunity, Keeping the Peace, Staying True to Oneself
Creativity and Playfulness, Crown Chakra Opening, Joy, Self-Acceptance
Astrological Wisdom, Beginnings, Cleansing and Detoxifying, Connection to the Divine or Cosmic Realm, Doorways and Transitions, Gentleness, Psychic Abilities, Protection, Romantic Love with Spiritual Overtones, Support for Teen Girls and Newly Menstruating Maidens
Freedom from Past Hurts, Gentleness with Oneself, Healing the Inner Child, Letting Go, Natural Beauty and Wildness, Relationship Healing, Trust
Awareness of the Interconnectedness of Life, Awareness of Invisible Reality, Intuition and Insight, Mathematical Prowess, Protection, Sacred Geometry, Walking Between the Worlds
Cleansing and Releasing, Grounding, Integration, Mediumship, Connecting with Transitioned Loved Ones
Beauty in Pain, Emotional Availability, Healing Depression, Attracting Love
Beauty, Cleansing, Radiance, Passion
Divine Connection, Opening the Crown Chakra, Peace, Peaceful Transitions, Saintliness, Sleep, Soothing Grief, True Innocence
Alignment with the Divine Feminine, Authenticity and Decision Making, Energy, Friendship, Humility and True Confidence, Receptivity, True Prosperity
Beauty, Heart Healing, Love, Perspective, Rebirth, Vigor and Longevity
Animal Support, Breaking Curses and Spells, Healing and Protecting Children, Peace and Harmony, Positivity, Prosperity, Sleep, Soothing
Divine Love, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Remembering One’s Primal Innocence, Romance
Agelessness, Timeless Beauty, Chakra Healing and Clearing, Circulation, Digestion, Physical Healing, Courage, Determination and Following Through, Inspiration, Passion, Joy, Removing Energetic Blocks, Strength, Success
Longevity, Mental Clarity, Optimism, Protection, Solving Mysteries, Soothing Grief
Creativity and Playfulness, Freedom and Liberation, Healing, Luck, Magic, Prophetic Dreams, Wild Joy
Heavenly Assistance, Beauty, Clarity, Comfort and Luxury, Emotional Balance and Stress Relief, Happy Children, Happy Home, Marital Bliss, Positive Thinking, Sensuality, Trust
Abundance, Beauty, Faery Communication, Gentle Strength, Health and Healing, Protection, Purification, Simplicity
Healing from Abuse, Freshness and Purity, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Self-Worth
Enduring Partnerships, Graceful Change, Inspiration, Stillness, Youthfulness
Banishing Nightmares, Cooling Violent Emotions, Happiness, Wealth
Dreams, Mystique, Occult Wisdom, The Sweetness of Shadows, Transmutation of Emotions
Health, Simplicity, Purification, Wealth
Animal Protection, Divination, Happiness, Healing, Wishes
Astral Travel, Concealment and Invisibility, Discernment, Divination, Enchantment, Magical Power
Health and Healing, Fortification and Heartiness, Simplification, Support for Healers and Health Care Professionals, Success through Service and Joyful Work
Clarity and Focus, Health, Love, Memory, Organization and Efficiency, Perspective, Success
Courage, Faery Connection, Heart Healing, Protection
Clarity, Courage to Make Necessary Changes, Healing Depression, Self-Love, Removing Blocks, Transmutation, Womb Healing
Exorcism, Goddess Energy and Feminine Healing, Happy Home, Health and Healing, Heart Healing, Love, Positive Energy, Protection, Purification, Strength, Courage, Resilience, Support for Children, Truth
Connecting with Ancestors and Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Deep Issues, Luck, Memory, Physical Healing, Protection, Transmutation
Freedom, Harmony and Relaxation, Independence, Passion, Romance, Sexual Desire, Swift Assistance and Activation
Divine Connection, Protection, Purification, Sacred Space
Healing from the Past, Healing Land, Reclaiming and Realigning with Heritage, Reconnecting with Old Ways, Remembering Past Lives, Strengthening Confidence and Spiritual Energy, Strengthening Memory
Activating Intuition, Awakening Sexuality and Releasing Sexual Blocks, Good Luck, Letting Go/Endings and Beginnings, Prosperity
Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence
Boundaries, Deconstructing Challenging Karmic Patterns, Hex Breaking, Protection, Redirecting Curses and Psychic Attacks, Restructuring Energy Field
Aligning with Divine Timing, Being Present, Grounding
Alignment with Inner Truth, Creativity, Energetic Balance and Calibration, Intuition and Divine Messages, Love-Drawing, Purification and Protection, Walking Between the Worlds
Abundance, Joy, Sensuality and Attractiveness, Sexual Healing, Relaxation
Grounding, Inner Fortification, Harmony, Protection, Resilience
Breaking Old Patterns, Exorcism, Getting Energy Moving, Healing Depression, Space Clearing, Speaking Your Truth, Coming Out of the Closet, Strengthening Boundaries, Strengthening Will
Clarity, Cleansing, Divine Alignment, Harmony and Balance, Healing, Joy, Protection, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Relationship Healing, Releasing Guilt and Shame, Releasing Pain Associated with Unrequited Love
Chakra Balancing, Magical Power, Passage Between the Worlds, Peace, Psychic Abilities, Romance, Sweet Spirit Summoning
Angel Invocation, Divine Assistance, Divine Love, Divine Beauty, Entity Clearing and Protection, Goddess Alignment, Harmony and Ease, Legal Success, Safe and Harmonious Travel
Dog Healing and Balancing, Faeries, Imagination, Otherworld Communication
Awakening Ancient Wisdom, Fidelity, Goddess Energy, Independence and Personal Power, Wonderment and Awe
Body Chemistry, Emerging from “Desert Periods,” Emotional Detoxification, Holistic Balance
Cleansing and Detoxification, Happiness, Health and Healing, Healing Depression, Skin Healing
Death and Rebirth, Happiness, Heart Healing, Protection, Success, Vitality, Walking Between the Worlds
Awakening to the Magic of Life, Clarity and Simplicity, Happiness and Harmony, Intuition and Divine Guidance, Receptivity, Relaxation
Connection to the Otherworld, Freedom from the Past, Present-Moment Awareness, Reclaiming Personal Power, Self-Love, Spiritual Refreshment, Romantic Love
Banishing Prejudice and Supporting Tolerance, Choosing to Create Your Own Reality, Creativity, Freedom, Independence and Creating Your Own Archetype, Protection, Releasing Fear of New Situations
Abundance, Creating Your Own Luck, Abundance, Focus and Long-Term Determination, Success in School or Work, Tapping Your Own Divine Energy Source
Emotional Healing, Strength, Protection, Transmutation
Beauty and Elegance, Expressing Uniqueness, Goddess Energy and Queenliness, Ecstasy and Sexual Pleasure, Fertility, Harmony, Romantic Love, Spirituality and Intuition, Wealth and Luxury
Calming Stress Relief, Clarity, Gentleness, Ideas, Love, Love Divination, Purity, Self-Exploration
Cleansing, Healing, Prosperity and Luxury, Protection and Exorcism, Success and Confidence
Beauty, Carefree Joy, Domestic Bliss and a Happy Home, Inspiration, Fresh Perspective
Abundance, Balance, Falling in Love, Sensuality, Sexual Healing, Body Positivity
Creativity, Freedom, Healing Adolescents and Inner Adolescents, Long-Distance Relationships, Love, Youthfulness
Calm Energy, Communion with the Infinite, Invisibility, Overcoming Addiction, Making Peace with Death, Perspective, Relaxation and Sleep, Surrender and Release
Admitting Feelings, Healing Grief and Heartache, Home Amidst Despair, Relationship Healing, Transforming Karma
Balance of Extroversion and Introversion, Balance of Gentleness and Greatness, Embracing Personal Power, Mystique
Abundance, Beauty, Clearing and Blessings, Dreams, Emotional Healing, Friendship, Protection, Purification, Romantic Love, Secrecy, Self-Love, Spirituality
Clarity, Connecting with Inner Silence and Space Consciousness, Deep Cleansing, Emotional Detoxification, Emotional Disentanglement and Energetic Cord-Cutting, Exorcism, Meditation, Reclaiming Personal Space and Boundaries, Removing Blocks, Self-Respect
Hex Reversal, Owning Your Power, Protection, Truth
Happiness, Health and Vitality, Potency, Power, Radiance, Sustenance, Strength, Truth
Comfort with Luxury, Irresistibility, Feminine Friendships, Femininity and Personal Power
Intuition, Funerals, Peace, Protection and Purification, Sensuality, Wealth
Beauty, Desire, Gratitude, Grounding, Heart Strengthening, Love Goddess Alignment, Love, Relationship Healing, Simplicity
Dream Magic, Healing Depression, Heart-Opening, Influence, Peace and Harmony, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Sleep, Soothing Grief, Wealth, Wisdom
Connection with the Faery Realm, Eternal Love, Good Luck, Healthy Balance of Work and Play, Heart Healing, Joy, Lightening Up, Magic, Physical Healing
See “Pansy”
Clarity of Desire and Direction, Cooling Passions, Creative Flow, Healing Depression, Heart Healing, Purification, Spiritual Nourishment, Transmutation
Beauty That Increases with Age, Divine Blessings, Comfort, Love, Healing Grief, Softness, Soothing, Stress-Relief, Wisdom
Banishing and Exorcism, Divination, Healing, Releasing Negative Emotions, Protection
Joy, Healing, Love, Peace and Relaxation, Sex and Sexuality, Body Positivity.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: Merlin - Part 3
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Tsuzuru: Phew…
Citron: Tsuzuru, what is it?
Tsuzuru: It’s nothing, I’m just glad I managed to get into this costume properly…
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Tsuzuru: It’s kinda tight, so I have to try to stay in shape for it.
Citron: You are thin, so it is okay, Tsuzuru.
Tsuzuru: But it won’t look attractive if I’m too thin.
Izumi: We’re ready to start filming, but are you two good to go?
Tsuzuru: Yeah!
Citron: I am a-okay!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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???: “Aaah, how the world fades with each passing moment, the screams enveloping all…!”
???: “Humans, fairies… and the lowly failures alike… it is we who will triumph over--.��
Izumi: (In the darkness, an eerie voice echoes as an evil aura fills the atmosphere.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (The scene switches to the beautiful forests of Britannia and then to the royal castle, the sound of pages turning echoes through the air--.)
*Page turns*
King Arthur: “...!”
King Arthur: “That dream just now… I saw something rather unpleasant.”
Vassal: “Your Majesty!”
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King Arthur: “What’s the commotion?”
Vassal: “The temple was attacked by a horde of demons, and the sorcerers who were gathered there for a meeting were completely annihilated…!”
King Arthur: “...!”
King Arthur: “Was the dream I just had not just a dream, but a prophecy?”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (King Arthur tries to return to the castle through the forests of Britannia.)
Izumi: (The temple has been completely destroyed, as reported.)
Izumi: (Remembering the gruesome scene, King Arthur sighs heavily as he spots a young man lying in the shade of a tree…)
King Arthur: “You…”
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Merlin: “Ghh…”
King Arthur: “He’s breathing. Lead him back with us.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Magic is cast*
Izumi: (The young man King Arthur brought back is given medical treatment by the healers.)
Merlin: “I’m… Merlin… a sorcerer.”
King Arthur: “Why were you lying in a place like that?”
Merlin: “I managed to escape from the temple that had been attacked by demons.”
King Arthur: “Just as I thought… Regardless, I’m glad you’re unharmed.”
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Merlin: “…Thank you so much for saving me.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Sometime later, Merlin, now fully recovered, visits the throne room to meet with the king.)
Merlin: “I’m eternally grateful to you, Your Majesty, for saving my life. While I am inexperienced, I’m still a sorcerer, so please let me give you something as thanks.”
King Arthur: “Something as--.”
King Arthur: “...Gh.”
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Merlin: “Is something the matter?”
King Arthur: “I just have a slight headache along with the troubling dreams I’ve been having lately.”
Merlin: “How unfortunate. Allow me to make you an elixir straight away.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Merlin: “Now, let’s make a very special elixir, shall we? Please continue to wait, Your Majesty.”
Izumi: (King Arthur then regains his health thanks to the elixir Merlin makes.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
King Arthur: “Merlin, I would like to welcome you as the sorcerer of this castle.”
Merlin: “I’m honored beyond measure. --I pledge my allegiance to you, my Great King.”
Vassal: “Your Majesty! There’s another horde of demons…!”
King Arthur: “Not again…”
King Arthur: “Take them down immediately. Bring Gawain.”
Vassal: “Understood!”
King Arthur: “My apologies, Merlin. I leave the castle to you.”
Merlin: “Please leave it to me.”
*Door closes*
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Merlin: “Fu… ahahahaha!”
Merlin: “Poor, lowly, failure of a king…”
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Merlin: “--.”
Merlin: “The pure white and blue-- the fairies have moved on.”
Merlin: “Come now… let’s begin our story--.” (1)
*Page turns*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: An email from MIZUNO Enterprises…?
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Tsuzuru: …Oh, they’ve started streaming it.
Citron: This is the spin-off from before!
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Seems like everything got approved and they’ve started distributing it.
Tsuzuru: Hoshii-san said it was good, and I got support from Tonooka-san, too… I guess we really did pull this off.
Itaru: Finally! That one unsettling line Merlin had…
Itaru: “Come now… let’s begin our story--.” God, he truly is the best at being the worst.
Citron: I was in the wings, so I could not see much! Tsuzuru, you are too good at being a villain.
Tsuzuru: Hey, can you please watch that in your room? It’s embarrassing.
Itaru: Tsuzuru, you’re the best. Thank you for playing Merlin.
Itaru: I still wish I could’ve been a part of it, though… no, but if I did that, it’d be a disservice to the entirety of the masterpiece that is KniRoun.
Citron: Correct. You had no part to play this time, Itaru.
Itaru: Ghrr…
Itaru: Playing KniRoun will fix me. Wanna join?
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Citron: That is a good idea! Tsuzuru will join us too!
Tsuzuru: Ah, well… I guess I can’t say no.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
• • •
(1) Up until this point, Merlin had been using watashi as a first-person pronoun, but here he suddenly uses boku, which is what he uses throughout the entirety of KniRoun IV. Going off what existing Merlin lore we have, the way Merlin seems surprised after he says “poor, lowly, failure of a king” as if he didn’t expect himself to say that, and Merlin saying “our story” specifically, my understanding is that that’s supposed to be an indication of like, the evil demon Merlin fully taking over the normal human Merlin. That’s just my interpretation of it though.
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blues824 · 2 years
Imagen Azul with a Rengoku kyoujurou s /o who always helps him with his self esteem issues Them being not judgemental to his tru self finding it beautiful and interesting
Him finding out that they're life wasn't as perfect as he thought and wonding how they stay positive
Him learning about beating techniques and maby wanting to learn about it and them passionately explaining everything to him
(Him finding about their love for food and yelling UMAI and their owl like eyes)
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I'm lovin' it!
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First, you both are complete opposites. How in the actual hell did you end up together? Both of you are like fire and water… literally. You also had a code of conduct that you strictly followed, Azul would do anything he could to win and come out on top. You are honest, he plays dirty.
He does enjoy that you aren’t judgmental at all. You show great respect to those that are close to you, him included. You admire his skill and charisma, and he admires you for your great self esteem. You speak very fondly about your family.
You make a great advocate for mental health and self esteem, and with you around everyone seems to be doing a lot better mentally. Even he had a bit of a confidence boost and ordered a milkshake as a snack. You told him that if he felt bad at all, then you’d work out with him, 
Azul also noticed that you are very intelligent and tactical. You make sure you have a plan to accomplish everything more efficiently rather than just facing an obstacle head-on, and he acknowledges it and takes inspiration from you. 
You once told him about the happenings in your life, and he asked you why you stay so positive even with that heavy load on your shoulders. You told him that there was no reason to stay sad about the past. Sure, it hurts, but you can focus that energy into making the future better. 
As for your abilities, they’re one of the reasons Azul wanted to get to know you. He originally wanted to get to know you so that he could manipulate you into a contract where he could gain your powers. However, you didn’t fall for it. It’s not like you were born the day before. 
But, you did answer questions that he had about your abilities. He sat you down at one of the tables and brought out a list of questions that he’s been meaning to ask you. You answer each one to the best of your ability, and you even show him your nichirin blade. 
He does enjoy having you at the Lounge often because you like food a lot. He doesn’t judge, he just has a love-hate relationship with it. Whenever he can spare a few minutes, he loves to sit with you and talk about what happened during your day. The tweels are used to seeing you two laughing at a table and they are glad their boss is in higher spirits. 
Your bright personality boosts everyone’s joy, but you tend to be a bit loud. You also have strange eyes compared to everyone, but everyone has their perks. All-in-all, he finds you to be a great person and he has you to thank for helping him through his issues.
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lunaapudleonem · 4 days
Hi girl! May i ask you one slightly evil question ? I just got monumentally f*cked by a coworker and he took (stole) credit for something that i made and now he is receiving awards and praises and i have been cryng tru out the last few months and i would like to ask is there any way how karma can come back for him? i have read that saturn is in charge with that - mine is in pisces in the 6 house , but from what i see since he worked with me his career florish and i am now jobless and angry . I have chiron in the 1 and i dont wanna fill like a cursed motherfucker but will a bitch ever get her happy turn ? my mars is in pisces too and all i do is be afraid and ones i get the ball to go after my dreams i end up getting my work stolen and other getting all the benefits ( I FUCKING HATE MY MARS PLACEMENT) like i feel so defeated so yeah sorry if my ask is filled with anger i know you shoud not wish unwell on anyone i am just asking will he get his karma? every person that i have met in my life have told me this creepy sentence my whole life - You bring luck to everyone you come in contact with! ( BUT I DONT FEEL THAT FOR MYSELF!!!!) like my jupiter is in the 4 house in the capricorn for fuck sake - does last 20 years felt like HELL and i thouth this year was about to be my year insted my hard work gave SO MUCH POWER to other people and i am left with nothing i feel bitter and sad ... are people with jupiter in capricorn doomed to never have anything :(( and also i only have 2 placements touching my jupiter /jupiter square node and jupiter trine venus , i have no idea what does are i know squares are bad :((( but i am tired of cryng wail the other people are getting praise ... i am SO SORRY for the the long ask my heart is just hurting
Hii sweetie!! Yes, Saturn is in charge of karma, so if someone does you bad since your Saturn is in the 6th house it would mean their daily routine could get messy, they could have health problems or something could happen to their pets for example. However, it isn't something you should rely on since it can take so long for it to actually happen, and in the end, it really doesn't benefit you much, does it? They could develop for example some gastrointestinal issues, but in the end, it won't give you the recognition you needed at the time. + I noticed karma for the people who wronged you comes only when you let it go and when you don't care about it as much.
I have Pisces Mars and while it can be challenging, I think that as you get older you'll see how useful it can be too :) I see that people often think Pisces Mars is vulnerable and fragile but I believe as we age many Pisces Mars individuals get tougher and learn how to use positive sides of their Mars sign to their advantage - you'll learn how to adapt to any situation, even really bad ones and you'll see how resilient and intuitive you'll get over time. The neuroticism also slowly goes down too haha.
In my opinion, just be patient and work on becoming the best version of yourself. Daydreaming about success and wishing it to happen soon won't make it happen, determination and focus even after you fail many times will!! You have beautiful placements - Jupiter in the 4th house (you might have a very nice family one day, good relationship with your children!!), Jupiter in Capricorn can indicate career success too, Jupiter trine Venus could make you attract a very nice romantic partner (and it also could mean you could have many romantic choices). You have Jupiter square node with could indicate that you might have some karmic debts, but once you pay them off things could start going your way (and once you learn your life lesson).
It will get better, hang on!!
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leovenuslatina · 3 months
Hello, I want to participate in your tarot game. My initials are NDN, and my nickname is Vivian. I'm a Taurus sun.
My assumption about you: I think you have a strong but feminine beauty with many curves. Your energy may resemble Fifth Harmony songs.
My question is: How will my future husband pursue me?
Thank you!🥰
(if you send an ask sorry but you’re too late DONT WORRY darling i’ll be doing another game super soon !!)
wow thank u ur assumption is super tru !!
for paid private readings dm me 💘
3 questions - $20
6 questions - $30
long channeled message - $90
plzzz no questions about health or death ☠️
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also what a good question 🫶🏾(might do a PAC about it soon) 🥰❣️
how they will pursue you 🥰
he’ll be very obvious about it he’ll let everyone and ANYONE know that he likes you 🥹🫶🏾 literally he’ll shout it from the rooftops. he’ll probably get to know you really well and try to use that to woo you like if you like a certain band he’ll take you to see them or if you like a show he’ll make sure he watches it all the time so he can talk to you about it. he’ll want to go everywhere with you he’ll be so clingy w you.
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markeduke · 4 days
TRU Nail &amp; Beauty Japan A Premier Destination for Safe and Stunning Beauty Services
There is a sanctuary where safety and contentment coexist with beauty in both the tranquil countryside of Japan and the busy metropolis of Saigon. Within the beauty salon industry, TRU Nail & Beauty Japan is a shining example of perfection, providing an array of treatments that are intended to bring out your inherent attractiveness and give you more self-assurance. TRU Nail & Beauty Japan has made a name for itself in the cutthroat beauty market by focusing on quality, safety, and client happiness.
At the heart of TRU Nail & Beauty Japan’s philosophy lies a dedication to using safe materials and employing well-trained technicians. This dedication ensures that every service provided is not only aesthetically pleasing but also completely risk-free. Whether you’re seeking the perfect Eyelash and nail and eyebrow lamination, flawless microblading, long-lasting liptattoos, or simply a pampering session, TRU Nail & Beauty Japan guarantees an experience that exceeds expectations.
One of the hallmarks of TRU Nail & Beauty Japan is its impeccable nail services. Renowned in Japan for their precision and artistry, our nail technicians transform your nails into exquisite works of art. Whether you prefer classic elegance or bold creativity, our experts will craft designs that reflect your unique style and personality. Using only the finest quality materials, we ensure that your nails not only look stunning but also remain healthy and strong.
Microblading is another specialty at TRU Nail & Beauty Japan, offering a semi-permanent solution to achieve perfectly shaped and defined eyebrows. Our skilled technicians utilize advanced techniques to create natural-looking brows that enhance your facial features. With meticulous attention to detail and a focus on client satisfaction, we ensure that you leave our salon feeling confident and empowered.
For those longing for fluttery lashes that mesmerize, our eyelash services are unparalleled. Whether you desire length, volume, or a natural enhancement, our technicians will customize the perfect look to accentuate your eyes. Using safe and gentle techniques, we ensure that your lashes remain healthy and vibrant, making every flutter a statement of beauty.
Liptattoo, a revolutionary technique in the world of cosmetics, is another specialty at TRU Nail & Beauty Japan. Say goodbye to smudged lipstick and hello to long-lasting color that stays put all day. Our skilled technicians will expertly apply liptattoos that enhance your lips’ natural shape and color, giving you a flawless pout that lasts for years to come.
What sets TRU Nail & Beauty Japan apart is not only the quality of our services but also the dedication of our technicians. Each member of our team undergoes rigorous training to stay updated on the latest techniques and trends in the beauty industry. This commitment to excellence ensures that every client receives personalized attention and leaves our salon feeling satisfied and rejuvenated.
Furthermore, our commitment to safety extends beyond our services to the materials we use. At TRU Nail & Beauty Japan, we prioritize the health and well-being of our clients by exclusively using high-quality, non-toxic products. From nail polishes to microblading pigments, every item in our arsenal is carefully selected to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and other adverse effects.
TRU Nail & Beauty Japan is more than just a beauty salon—it’s a sanctuary where safety, satisfaction, and style converge. Whether you visit us in Saigon or Japan, you can trust that our services will exceed your expectations and leave you looking and feeling your absolute best. Experience the TRU difference today and discover a new standard of beauty excellence.
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truvaluedental · 5 months
Tru-Value Dental
Are you seeking a cosmetic dentist in Mesa who can work wonders for your smile? Look no further than Tru-Value Dental, where we specialize in enhancing your smile's aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch cosmetic dentistry services tailored to your unique preferences.
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As your trusted Mesa cosmetic dentist, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you're interested in teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or other cosmetic enhancements, we have the expertise and advanced technology to deliver exceptional results.
At Tru-Value Dental, we understand the power of a beautiful smile. Our cosmetic dentistry services are designed to address various issues, such as stained or discolored teeth, chipped or misaligned teeth, and more. We work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your specific goals and expectations.
In addition to being a premier cosmetic dentist, Tru-Value Dental also offers a comprehensive range of general dentistry services. Our commitment to your oral health extends to routine check-ups, preventive care, and restorative dentistry. We are your go-to Mesa dentist for all your family's dental needs.
If you're considering Mesa dental implants to replace missing teeth, our experienced implant dentists are here to guide you through the process. Dental implants are a permanent and natural-looking solution that can restore your smile's functionality and beauty.
Contact Us
Tru-Value Dental
1722 E University Dr,Mesa, AZ, 85203, USA
Phone: 480-833-9942
Website: https://www.truvaluedental.com/
Company Hours: Sunday : Closed   Monday : 08:00 - 16:00 Tuesday : 08:00 - 17:00 Wednesday : 08:00 - 16:00 Thursday : 08:00 - 17:00 Friday : Closed   Saturday : Closed
External link: Quora Issuu Scoop.it Strikingly Spreaker
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wileyhealth · 8 months
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trubluecleaningau · 8 months
Tile and Grout Cleaning
Revive Your Home's Elegance with TruBlue Cleaning Tile and Grout Cleaning
Your home is a reflection of your personality and style, and the beauty of your space lies in the details. One often-overlooked detail that can make a world of difference is the cleanliness and appearance of your tile and grout. Over time, these surfaces accumulate dirt, grime, and stains that can be challenging to remove with regular cleaning methods. That's where the experts at TruBlue Cleaning come to the rescue, offering top-notch tile and grout cleaning services to help you restore your home's elegance.
The Importance of Clean Tile and Grout
Tile and grout are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-traffic areas of your home. Their smooth surfaces and vibrant colors can enhance your home's aesthetics, but they can also be a magnet for dirt and stains. Here's why it's essential to keep your tile and grout clean:
Enhanced Aesthetics: Clean and well-maintained tile and grout look stunning and can make your home appear more inviting and spacious.
Healthier Environment: Mold and mildew can thrive in dirty grout, contributing to poor indoor air quality and potential health issues.
Longevity: Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the lifespan of your tile and grout, preventing costly replacements.
Why Choose TruBlue Cleaning?
TruBlue Cleaning is a leading name in the field of tile and grout cleaning for several compelling reasons:
Expertise: Our team of experienced technicians has a deep understanding of various tile and grout types, allowing us to apply the most suitable cleaning methods.
Cutting-Edge Equipment: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to achieve optimal results without harming the environment.
Customized Solutions: Each job is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether you have porcelain, ceramic, or natural stone tile, we have the expertise to handle it.
The TruBlue Cleaning Process
Our tile and grout cleaning process is thorough and effective, ensuring your satisfaction:
Assessment: We start with a detailed inspection to identify the type of tile and grout and the extent of the cleaning required.
Pre-Treatment: We apply a specialized cleaning solution to loosen dirt, stains, and grime, making them easier to remove.
High-Pressure Cleaning: Our high-pressure equipment blasts away the dirt and grime, leaving your tile and grout looking as good as new.
Sealing: For added protection, we offer sealing services to prevent future staining and damage.
The Results
After a TruBlue Cleaning session, you'll notice a remarkable transformation in your tile and grout. Stains will be gone, colors will be vibrant, and your space will look refreshed and hygienic. The investment in professional cleaning can save you the time, effort, and potential damage that DIY methods might cause.
TruBlue Cleaning's tile and grout cleaning services are your ticket to a cleaner, healthier, and more visually appealing home. Don't let the grime and stains on your tile and grout detract from the beauty of your living spaces. Contact us today to experience the TruBlue difference and restore your home's elegance. Your home deserves the best, and that's precisely what TruBlue Cleaning delivers.
For more information please visit the website
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bluetopics · 9 months
(Young people nowadays) tw: depression, anxiety, anorexia, suicide
Greetings, I'm Felix, making my debut post here. Today, I'm delving into the pressing issue of mental health challenges that young people are grappling with in the contemporary era. When we mention "young people nowadays," it's almost synonymous with Generation Z or Gen Z, encompassing those born from the 1990s to the early 2010s. Over recent years, there's been a discernible surge in mental health issues within this demographic, and this phenomenon is underpinned by a web of interconnected factors.
One pivotal factor deserving attention is "The Digital Age and Social Media." Gen Z has been raised in the digital era, wielding smartphones and engaging with social media platforms from an early age. While these technological advances offer myriad advantages, they simultaneously usher in distinct stressors. Issues such as cyberbullying, the unrelenting pressure to maintain an impeccable online presence, and ceaseless social comparisons conspire to amplify anxiety and depression rates within this generation.
Cyberbullying is another concern. Many people from Generation Z post various things on social networks, like pictures of themselves, friends, animals, etc. Many live happily and confidently until the so-called "hate" arrives. People of this generation receive hate for their appearance, clothing, or similar things. When they encounter these cruel comments, they slowly start to feel insecure about themselves. They begin deleting their posts and gradually isolate themselves, entering a severe depression. As they scroll through different networks, they see how flawless celebrities look and start altering their appearance to become "beautiful" as well. This leads to unhealthy habits, such as starving themselves, resulting in anorexia and depression. Sadly, many end up in such dire situations that they contemplate suicide. It's heart-wrenching to witness young people resorting to such extreme measures due to the negativity inflicted upon them.
Another topic worth discussing is education. Young people today face immense pressure in their educational pursuits. They receive copious amounts of homework and are expected to study each subject every week for upcoming exams. This leaves them with minimal time to enjoy their lives as children. Their existence revolves around completing homework and studying late into the night. They often feel unheard and misunderstood. Parents rarely provide assistance, which we will address later. The overwhelming pressure makes them feel like robots devoid of emotions and souls. When all these stressors converge, some contemplate taking their own lives. This is a cruel outcome.
Regarding parents, many also burden their children with household chores and academic expectations, hoping their child will become a doctor or lawyer. However, school grades don't define a young person's future success. The knowledge imparted in schools often lacks practical applications in real life. Music education exams? Rarely relevant. Parents frequently dismiss their child's emotional distress, labeling it as pretense or a plea for attention. They respond with phrases like, "Stressed? You don't know what stress is! Wait until you have children and responsibilities." Such responses discourage the child, even when they achieve less than the highest grades. After enduring all these challenges, some young individuals reach the point of contemplating suicide.
It's only then that parents realize their mistakes and the immense pain their child endured. The suffering their child felt throughout their life, the parent now experiences. Regret sets in because they didn't listen and offer support when it was needed most. It's truly saddening to witness what this generation has become. I could discuss more topics, but I'm running out of time. If you have questions or opinions, please leave a comment to let me know what you think. Until next time, take care of yourself, trust yourself, and don't always heed everything the world tells you on the internet. Goodbye!
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riteshmadmax · 11 months
Top 5 Ayurvedic Medicines for Hair Care in India
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Introduction: Do you dream of having lustrous, voluminous hair that turns heads wherever you go? Are you tired of trying chemical-laden hair products that promise miraculous results but deliver disappointment? If you're seeking a natural and time-tested solution to achieve gorgeous locks, look no further than Ayurveda – the ancient science of holistic healing from India. Ayurvedic medicines have been used for centuries to promote hair growth, strengthen roots, and prevent hair-related issues. In this article, we will explore the top five Ayurvedic medicines for hair care in India that have garnered widespread acclaim for their effectiveness. Get ready to discover the secrets of beautiful, healthy hair the natural way!
Bhringraj Oil - The Elixir for Hair Growth: Bhringraj, also known as 'The King of Herbs' for hair, has been an integral part of Ayurvedic hair care for generations. Extracted from the leaves of the Bhringraj plant, this oil is a potent elixir for hair growth and scalp nourishment. Packed with essential nutrients and minerals, Bhringraj oil stimulates hair follicles, leading to improved blood circulation and accelerated hair growth. Massaging your scalp regularly with Vedikroots Ayurveda's Bhringraj Oil can help reduce hair fall, prevent premature graying, and add a healthy shine to your tresses.
Amla - Nature's Gift for Hair Health: Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a powerhouse of vitamin C and antioxidants. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall hair health and preventing various hair-related issues. Amla oil or powder is an excellent natural conditioner that strengthens the hair shaft, making it less prone to breakage and split ends. Regular application of Amla-based products from Vedikroots Ayurveda can add volume to your hair, improve texture, and leave you with hair that feels soft, smooth, and revitalized.
Brahmi - Nourishment for Hair Roots: Brahmi, with its calming and rejuvenating properties, has long been celebrated for its role in Ayurvedic hair care. Rich in alkaloids and triterpenoids, Brahmi nourishes the hair roots, promoting healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss. It also helps in soothing an irritated scalp, preventing dandruff, and restoring the natural balance of oils in your hair. Include Vedikroots Ayurveda's Brahmi-based products in your hair care routine, and witness a noticeable difference in the strength and texture of your locks.
Neem - The Nature's Antiseptic for Scalp Issues: Neem, often referred to as 'Nature's Pharmacy,' is renowned for its potent antifungal and antibacterial properties. It effectively addresses scalp issues like dandruff, itching, and infections, which can hinder hair growth. Neem oil or Neem-based hair products can help maintain a clean and healthy scalp, providing an optimal environment for hair follicles to flourish. Embrace the goodness of Neem from Vedikroots Ayurveda, and say goodbye to scalp woes for good!
Methi (Fenugreek) - The Secret for Silky Hair: Methi, or Fenugreek, is a kitchen ingredient that doubles as an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for hair care. Rich in proteins and nicotinic acid, Methi seeds or Methi powder strengthens the hair shaft, preventing hair breakage and adding a natural shine to your hair. It also contains lecithin, which hydrates the hair, keeping it soft and manageable. Incorporate Vedikroots Ayurveda's Methi-based products into your hair care regimen and embrace the secret to silky, bouncy hair that you've always wanted.
Conclusion: In a world dominated by synthetic hair care products, Ayurvedic medicines stand as a beacon of hope for those seeking a natural and holistic approach to hair care. Vedikroots Ayurveda, with its commitment to authentic Ayurvedic formulations, offers a range of hair care products that harness the power of ancient remedies like Bhringraj, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Methi. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda, and let Vedikroots Ayurveda be your trusted partner on your journey to achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair that exudes confidence and radiance.
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tru-bowl · 1 year
Amazing Cucumber Cooler Juice Benefits Which Will Make You Drink It Daily
Drinking cucumber cooler juice can help you stay healthy while quenching your thirst. It is a delightful and refreshing beverage. This refreshing drink has grown popular among health-conscious people because it contains vital nutrients and has hydration-boosting qualities. 
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In this post, we'll go over ten significant advantages of drinking cucumber premium blends and explain why you should do it regularly.
Cucumber Juice Nutrition
According to research, cucumber premium blends are nutrient-rich. Cucumber juice nutrition includes water, Vitamins A, K, and C, some B-family vitamins, Riboflavin, Copper, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Silica, Calcium, Potassium, Dietary Fiber, Folate, Zinc Electrolytes, Pantothenic acid, and other polyphenolic compounds that may have a positive or negative effect on the body, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database.
Benefits of Cucumber Cooler
1. Helps in Detoxifying the Body
Cucumber premium blends seem essential in everyday life for their detoxifying properties. It consistently removes toxins from the body and promotes healthier bowel movements, which helps the body get rid of harmful substances.
2. Assists in Balancing Hormones
Calcium is a crucial component of blood that impacts hormone balance. Because cucumbers are high in calcium, if any hormonal gland in the body, such as the pituitary or thyroid, is out of balance, regular consumption of cucumbers can assist in bringing the hormone levels back to normal.
3. Increases Immunity
Micronutrients and antioxidants found in cucumbers help prevent several diseases. Cucumber hence has a host of health benefits in addition to boosting immunity.
4. Improves Skin
The body is known to be detoxified by cucumber water. The water enhances skin health and texture while flushing out all harmful pollutants from the body. Cucumber is indispensable in the beauty industry due to their cooling, relaxing, depuffing, and moisturizing effects on the skin and their health advantages.
5. Strengthens Bone
The daily recommended amount of vitamin K is found in around 19% of a bowl of cucumbers. The body needs vitamin K to make the proteins required for healthy bones and tissues.
6. Has Anti-cancer Properties
The anti-cancer qualities of cucumber premium blends are among its most significant advantages. Antioxidants found in cucumbers help to prevent cell damage caused by oxidative stress. Free radicals, which result in diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and eye degeneration, also cause oxidative stress. Lignans that prevent cancer are also present in cucumbers.
7. Keeps You Hydrated
If drinking ordinary water bores you, cucumber juice is an excellent alternative because cucumbers are packed with fluids.
8. Helps in Managing Weight Loss
You can stop feeling hungry by drinking cucumber juice which has proven to make you feel full. Including this drink in your diet plan will make you feel more satisfied between meals, accelerating the fat-burning process.
9. Helps in Reducing Hair Fall
Micronutrient-rich cucumber can aid in strengthening hair follicles, promote hair development, hydrate the scalp, and give hair a general shine.
10. Benefits for Skin
The benefits of drinking cucumber juice on the skin are among the most fantastic reasons. Having good genes is undoubtedly a blessing, but a little of this tonic can advance your skincare routine. 
The advantages of cucumber juice for reducing dark circles on the face are well known. However, there are many advantages to using cucumber juice on the face overnight and minimizing puffiness and swelling on a tired face.
The most incredible thing about cucumber premium blends is that it only requires a single, widely accessible item and offers a wide range of advantages. Start with a glass or two of this beautiful beverage and discover your benefits!
Visit Tru Bowl if you are looking for a fantastic Cucumber premium blend for a satisfying, nutrient filled refreshing drink
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zoomcleanings · 1 year
Professional Carpet Cleaning Services: Restoring the Beauty of Your Home with Zoom Cleanings
Keeping our homes clean and well-maintained is essential for creating a comfortable living environment. Among the various elements that contribute to the cleanliness and ambiance of a home, carpets play a significant role. However, over time, carpets can accumulate dirt, stains, and allergens, diminishing their appearance and potentially posing health risks. That's where professional carpet cleaning services, such as Zoom Cleanings, come into play. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Zoom Cleanings' carpet cleaning services and how they can help restore the beauty of your home.
State-of-the-Art Technology and Techniques:
Zoom Cleanings stands out among the crowd of carpet cleaning companies by utilizing state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning process. Their team of highly trained professionals is equipped with advanced equipment and tools, enabling them to tackle even the most stubborn stains and deeply embedded dirt. With their expertise, they can handle various types of carpets, including those made of delicate materials, without causing any damage.
Eco-Friendly Approach:
One of the standout features of Zoom Cleanings is their commitment to using environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices. They understand the importance of maintaining a clean home while also being mindful of the impact on the planet. By opting for eco-friendly cleaning solutions, they ensure the safety of your family and pets while minimizing the carbon footprint. This approach aligns with the growing demand for sustainable cleaning practices and makes Zoom Cleanings a responsible choice for conscious homeowners.
Comprehensive Carpet Cleaning Services:
Zoom Cleanings offers a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their customers. Whether you're dealing with stubborn stains, pet odors, or general wear and tear, their team can provide tailored solutions to address your specific carpet cleaning requirements. From hot water extraction to dry cleaning methods, they employ the most suitable techniques to restore the freshness and vibrancy of your carpets. Additionally, they offer additional services like stain protection, deodorization, and spot treatments to ensure a complete carpet cleaning experience.
Skilled and Trustworthy Professionals:
When it comes to inviting professionals into your home, trust is of utmost importance. Zoom Cleanings understands this concern and prioritizes the selection and training of its staff. Their team consists of skilled and trustworthy professionals who are dedicated to delivering exceptional results. By conducting thorough background checks and providing comprehensive training, Zoom Cleanings ensures that their technicians are not only proficient in their work but also respectful and reliable.
Customer Satisfaction:      
Zoom Cleanings takes great pride in customer satisfaction. They go the extra mile to ensure that their clients are happy with the results of their carpet cleaning services. From prompt response times to transparent pricing and effective communication, they strive to create a positive experience from start to finish. The numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers reflect their commitment to excellence and their ability to consistently exceed expectations.
Carpet cleaning is a vital aspect of maintaining a clean and healthy home environment. With Zoom Cleanings' professional carpet cleaning services, you can restore the beauty of your carpets while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with eco-friendly and efficient cleaning practices. Their state-of-the-art technology, comprehensive range of services, skilled professionals, and dedication to customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for homeowners seeking reliable and high-quality carpet cleaning services. Trust Zoom Cleanings to revitalize your carpets and breathe new life into your home.
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leovenuslatina · 3 months
Hello ❤ i assume that you are someone who is very inclined towards beauty and take care of yourself.
My question is channeled message from my future spouse? If you can 18+
I'm 20 years old
Thank you for your game
very tru i love myself so much 😌 thank you for joining my games plz enjoy your reading 😛
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message from your FS 18+
(idk your gender so imma just assume but if you want a redo lmk and i can fix it for you ☺️)
i got A LOt OF wand energy so he loveessss the way you look on top of him. literally anything cowgirl reverse cowgirl sucking him he cannot get enough of you on him. he loves knowing that only he can see you all fucked out and bothered for him. he loves knowing that you only get freaky and nasty for him. so maybe there’s two side to you like a princess in the streets but a freak in the sheets lmaooo he loves that about you 😌
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for paid private readings dm me 💘
3 questions - $20
6 questions - $30
long channeled message - $90
plzzz no questions about health or death ☠️
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Hire a Team of Experts for Carpet Cleaning in Rochedale
Carpets need to be professionally cleaned regularly to ensure they are free from bacteria and germs. This is important for the health of your household and the beauty of your carpet. Professional carpet cleaning Rochedale also helps you maintain the luster of your carpet. You can hire a team of experts to get your home carpets looking spotless and fresh.
iCarpet Clean and Pest Control
iCarpet clean and pest control is a full service company that is dedicated to providing you with quality carpet cleaning, pest control and more. We use the innovative techniques and high quality products to provide award winning service. We have had the opportunity to serve over thousands of Brisbane customers including Logan & Northern Gold Coast. Our team of certified professionals has decades of experience. We are sure that our expertise, service experience and reputation will win over you. From pest control to stain removal and carpet cleaning – we are your best choice.
KO Carpet Cleaning
If you're in need of carpet cleaning in Rochedale or the surrounding areas, KO Carpet and Pest is the company for you. This small family-owned business uses a powerful van-mounted machine to ensure the safe removal of rodents and other pests from your carpets and rugs. The company offers competitive pricing for a top-notch service.
They have been in the cleaning industry for over 22 years and have experience with homes, nursing homes, and pubs and restaurants. Their staff is trained to handle all kinds of carpets and hard floors. They are also skilled at removing stains and restoring damaged carpets.
Tru Blues Home Services
If you want to keep your carpets in top shape, it's best to hire a professional carpet cleaning service. Not only can they remove stains, allergens, and dirt, but they can also restore their aesthetic appeal. Whether you own a home, apartment, or commercial property, hiring a professional carpet cleaning service is the best way to keep them clean and fresh.
A reputable carpet cleaning company will assess your carpeting and provide a quote based on the job. Be wary of companies that offer you a quick quotation without inspecting the job. A good company will take the time to inspect the job and provide the highest quality cleaning. Tru Blues Home Services is committed to providing customers with high-quality services at a reasonable price.
David Pye
One of the best ways to maintain the cleanliness of your carpets is to have a professional cleaning company come in and clean them for you. Carpet cleaning professionals use high-temperature steam cleaning equipment that will remove any dirt, stains, and pet odours from your carpets. This method of cleaning also ensures that your carpets will dry quickly. It is a great option if you live in a high-traffic area and want to make sure that your carpet will be clean and smell fresh.
You can also choose a professional cleaning company that is local to your area. The experts at Keep Clean have over 22 years of experience in the cleaning industry. Their technicians have extensive training in hard floor cleaning as well as carpet cleaning. They know how to make carpets look spotless, remove stains, and restore carpets that have been damaged.
Supreme Cleaners
Supreme Cleaners provides residential and commercial cleaning services. They also provide emergency restoration and mold remediation services. Supreme Cleaners' team of IICRC-certified technicians is available round the clock to clean up water emergencies. The company has a strong reputation and has been serving the community of Rochedale for many years.
Professional carpet cleaning is essential for keeping your carpet clean and looking its best. Using specialized machinery and cleaning solutions, they remove dirt and allergens. Their process is quick and efficient, allowing your carpet to dry quickly. They also use a HEPA filter to remove tiny particles and dust mites.
Keep Clean
Having your carpets professionally cleaned is a must for any household. Not only does it help prevent the accumulation of dirt, allergens, and other dangerous contaminants, but it will also keep them looking their best. Keep Clean Carpet Cleaning Rochedale is a local company with 22 years of experience in the industry. Their skilled staff is highly trained and experienced in carpet cleaning and hard floor maintenance. They know how to keep your carpets spotless, remove stains, and restore damaged carpets.
Whether you're a home owner or a business owner, it's important to find a reputable carpet cleaning service in your area. Choose Keep Clean Carpet Cleaning Rochedale for expert cleaning and great customer service. They've been operating in the area for over two decades and have worked with a diverse range of clients. This includes homeowners, property managers, pubs & restaurants, care homes, and local authorities. Their experienced team will provide you with a quality carpet cleaning service while causing minimal disruption to your home.
iCarpet Clean and Pest Control will take care of everything your needs in Carpet Cleaning and Pest Control Services in Australia. Call our team today to book and Carpet cleaning and pest control Brisbane, Logan, gold coast or anywhere else come with various challenges which our experts are trained to handle.
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