#Twin City Opera House
heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Definitely a Date- Lyney x Neuvillette's child!Reader
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Recovery date: April 18th, 2024
Description: Hello 👋, I just wanted to say I loved the Neuvillette story and I would like to see a continuation where the relationship with Lyney and the reader was explored, but if it's not to much to ask I'd also like some more context with the relationship between Neuvillette and the readers mother.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank her for her contribution. This was fun, and ended up being super long. I clearly have favorites, lol.
Part: 1 2 3 4
Word count: 2 699
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"I’m going out with Lyney today,” Y/n said before taking another bite of their croissant. “We might leave the city.”
“Very well, I won’t wait for you at dinner time.” Neuvillette stopped spreading the jam on his bread. “And if you could, ask him to stop climbing up to your window. He’s going to get arrested one of these times.”
Y/n inhaled sharply and began choking on their food. They grabbed their tea cup and chugged the drink before coughing some more. Neuvillette watched them carefully, pushing his chair back in case he needed to help.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m-” they coughed some more, “I’m fine,” they wheezed. “I didn’t think you knew about that,” they muttered, pouring themself more tea.
“I had my suspicions, but that was how he came looking for you the other day.”
Y/n cringed a bit at the mention of the other day. It had been three days since they and their siblings had scared their father shitless, and a day since the twins had gone back to Liyue where they were currently running a small legal business. In that time Y/n had stayed close to their father and been helping around the Palais Mermonia; whether it was their way of making up for scaring him or them trying to comfort themself was uncertain.
“On a different topic, I’ve been giving your question some thought.” Y/n’s brows furrowed in confusion. “About why your mother and I are no longer together.”
“I believe it was as I said before, my duty as your father is to protect you, and your mother did not believe we could do that here. She’d always taken the prophecy seriously, and as the water level began to rise she became more anxious about what might happen. However, I refused to abandon my duties here and while she could not make you leave with her– at least you would have somewhere outside of Fontain you could go.”
“I’m guessing there was more to it?”
A small smile pulled at Neuvillette’s lips. “Yes, but it doesn’t concern you.”
Y/n leaned their chin on their palm and watched their father as he flipped to the next page of the Steambird. His eyes were solemn in a way akin to how they looked after a trial. They’d always known that he hadn’t liked the idea of the divorce, but they’d also gotten the feeling it was partly because he blamed himself. After their mother had left Fontain, he’d made it a point to spend his lunch break with them and take them to see shows they expressed interest in as though he were trying to make up for his previous absence caused by work.
In fact, they’d been in the audience together when Lyney and Lynette had debuted in the Opera Epiclese.
“So, when-”
A knock echoed through the house and Y/n rushed to the front door, Neuvillette close behind.
“Hey,” Y/n breathed out.
“Good morning, Y/n.” Neuvillette heard Lyney say just before he turned the corner. To his surprise, the magician was not in his usual clothes. Instead he was dressed in black slacks and a red dress shirt, sans his usual hat. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes, let me just-ah!”
Y/n turned around to find their father standing at the end of the hallway.
“Enjoy your day.”
“Mhm,” Y/n nodded.
Lyney held out his arm for Y/n to take, and they waved goodbye to their father before stepping outside and linking their arm with his. Neuvillette watched them walk down the street, arm in arm, before closing the door to finish his morning routine.
“Nice outfit,” Y/n hummed, leaning into the magician’s side.
“Thank you, you look good too.”
They walked past shops with windows full of mechanical toys and fancy jewelry, occasionally stopping to talk about the items on sale. Y/n shared the story of  a new line of accessories they came across, and how the melusine who was sourcing the material had gifted them one of the first watches made. Lyney smiled as they went on about how pretty the watches circuitry was, which ended with them asking about Freminet’s recent inventions.
Lyney was more than happy to share about Pers’ latest upgrade as they headed towards Cafe Lutece. 
“What are we doing here?” Y/n wondered aloud as Lyney led them up to the counter.
“Grabbing snacks.”
Y/n shrugged, and ordered a batch of conch madeleines. When they turned back from getting their mora out, they found the exact change already on the counter. They turned to Lyney who grinned and pulled them away to a table where they could wait.
“I could have paid for myself.”
“It’s no problem, I like treating you when we go out.”
Y/n let out a fond sigh as a white box was set on the table. The young adults thanked the shop owner before Lyney took the lead once again, dragging Y/n to the aquabus station.
They boarded the Navia line and found themselves reminiscing about the recent flooding of the nation at the mention of their friend. The melusine went on with her speech, occasionally catching the interest of the two as she pointed out animals nearby. Y/n let their head rest against Lyney’s shoulder, unable to see the way the tips of his ears turned red.
In the sky, the sun shone brightly– unobstructed by clouds.
“You know…” Lyney started once they’d separated from the rest of the aquabus riders on their way towards the Opera Epiclese, “when we uncovered the whole scheme behind my first show here, I had nightmares for a week straight that you’d been the one drawn.”
He squeezed their hand but didn’t look at them. His eyes were trained forward as they turned away from the rainbow roses lining the path to look at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the frown adorning their lips.
“What brought that up?”
Lyney’s eyes flickered to their before he looked away again and started steering them towards the Icewind Suite installation.
“I figured you’d be home the other day, and when Monsieur Neuviellette barged into your room and you weren’t there…” He trailed off. “I’m not saying you have to tell someone everytime you go out,” he backtracked frantically when he caught Y/n looking away. “It was just, so unlike you to disappear like that.”
“Sorry. For scaring you guys, I mean.”
The two fell silent as they took a seat along the edge of the installation. Lyney set the box of treats between them and Y/n leaned back on their hands to watch the dancing machines.
“Oh, one, I’m supposed to tell you to stop climbing up to my window before you get arrested. Apparently the other day wasn’t the first time father’s caught you.” Lyney nearly choked on a blubber profiterole as his face turned nearly the same color as his vision, making Y/n laugh. “Secondly, why did you come looking for me the other day?”
Lyney stumbled over his words for a minute, still stuck in a coughing fit as he regretted not bringing anything to drink.
“I-” he coughed a bit more, “I wanted to tell you that Lynette and I got a show in Sumeru.”
“Really?” Y/n gasped, clapping their hands together. “That’s amazing, when is it?”
“A few months out, but Lynette and I have to visit the venue sometime next month to make sure everything will work.”
“That sounds fun.”
Y/n took a bite of one of the madeleines, turning back to the sweeping dance. Lyney propped his elbows up on his knees and leaned against his palms, watching them.
They looked over at him from the corner of their eye before inclining their head in confusion.
“I want you to come with us.”
“For the show?” Y/n asked around another mouthful of madeleine. They shielded their mouth with their hand before swallowing. “Obviously, if you need me backstage.”
“No, well yes, but I mean next month. I want you to help us make a unique trick for our first international show.” Y/n stopped mid bite as Lyney continued. “I know right now you just come and go as you please, and that’s fine if you want to keep working at the Palais Mermonia, but I want to offer you a proper position in our show.”
Y/n sat up straight and stared at their half eaten madeleine for a moment before popping it into their mouth. 
“I’ll think about it,” they said after they finished it.
The answer seemed to satisfy Lyney as the magician smiled and turned to watch the dancing mechanisms. Across from them, the sun began to droop low enough that it washed out the show– its light glancing off the shiny metal and into the audience's eyes. They took this, and the completed sweets, as a sign that it was time to move on.
Lyney once again took the lead, looping his arm around Y/n’s and leading them back to the aquabus station.
Once back in the main court, he dragged them off to hotel debord where they had dinner before he once again dragged them off without an explanation.
“Alright, I wasn’t going to ask, but what’s all this about?” Y/n laughed as the magician dragged them through the court.
Streetlight had already turned on as the sun was hidden behind the high walls of the court. Lyney was no longer holding their arm but had a tight hold on their hand as they raced through the city.
“I haven’t seen you in four days, need to make up for lost time,” he laughed.
Lyney dragged them all the way out of the city before he slowed down again so they could walk side by side. He gently swung their hands back and forth, smiling as they ran their fingers over some of the calluses on his. They followed a practiced path down to the beach as the sun cast a golden glow over the landscape.
Y/n stopped suddenly when they hit the sand, causing Lyney to be yanked back, and took a deep breath. Lyney found himself smiling at this as he took off his shoes and socks.
A gentle tap at their knee lowered Y/n’s gaze to their feet Where Lyney was kneeling.
“What are you doing?” They asked, feeling their face heat up.
The magician grinned and carefully raised one of their feet to his knee where he began to take off their shoe.
“Taking your shoes off.” They yelped and grabbed his shoulders to balance themself as he removed the shoe and sock. “Other one.”
“I can definitely do that myself,” they laughed awkwardly.
“But I’m trying to spoil you,” he hummed as he set their other, now bare, foot down. He wrapped his arms around their legs and rested his chin against their abdomen. “Now how about a swim?”
“Are you trying to get me in my underwear?” They laughed, trying to ignore the heat spreading across their face and down their neck.
Y/n was so preoccupied with their own embarrassment that they missed the red tint that had also begun to cover Lyney’s face.
“If it makes you feel better I can strip first.”
“Ah, you’re serious.”
The realization stunned them, their thoughts running a mile a minute as they wondered if this had been a date in the first place. Not that they minded, but they couldn’t recall Lyney calling it a-
“AH!” they shrieked as Lyney wrapped an arm under their knees and the other around their back.
“Or we could just do this,” he laughed.
They shrieked and flailed as the deceptively strong magician picked them up and carried them over to the soft waves, then tossed them in. Y/n spluttered as they surfaced, wiping the water from their eyes just in time to watch Lyney jump in after them.
The wave hit them in the face, causing them to inhale water and start choking again.
“Are you okay,” he laughed, standing next to them in the water.
He wrapped an arm around them, patting their back as their head hung between them.
“You jerk,” they wheezed. “Now our clothes are wet.”
They sighed and kicked off the seafloor to float on their back, and Lyney joined them. He intertwined their hands so they wouldn’t float apart, and the two lay there watching the sky darken and the stars appear.
Y/n’s voice was muffled by the water in his ears.
“Was this a date?”
The magician swung his feet under him and began to tread water as they’d floated away from shore. Y/n did the same, but grabbed Lyney’s shoulders to stabilize themself leaving the two practically nose to nose.
“No, if it was a date you’d definitely know.”
“And how would I definitely know?” Y/n inclined their head.
“Well for one I would have brought you flowers when I picked you up, two I wouldn’t let you pay for anything-”
“You didn’t let me pay for anything.”
Lyney cleared his throat awkwardly. “And three I would certainly hope you’d remember me asking.”
“So your sister helps you dress up for all your outings with friends? And you always walk arm in arm and pull out their chair?”
“How did you know Lynette helped me pick this out?”
“Lyney, in all the time we’ve known each other I’ve almost exclusively seen you in your show wear. For the first month we knew each other I wasn’t sure you owned anything else, then I just found out you’re a bit of a workaholic,” Y/n chuckled and moved their hands to cup Lyney’s face.
Lyney moved his hands up to their waist.
“This isn’t a date,” he said, causing Y/n to look at him incredulously. “I was going to ask you out on a date when I brought you home,” he grumbled, making Y/n laugh.
They dropped their head to his shoulder as theirs shook with every laugh. Lyney hugged their waist as they moved closer and pulled them back to where he could at least stand.
“Nope. I’m still going to ask you, so save your answer for then.”
Y/n pulled back with a wide smile and nodded before the two wadded back to shore.
Lyney used his vision to dry them off, and they headed back into the city– once again hand in hand.
As soon as they arrived back at Y/n’s place, they turned around with an expectant grin. Lyney had to admit that he was less nervous than he’d expected, probably because they’d already made their answer very clear.
He flicked his wrist, and a rainbow rose appeared in his hand. They giggled as they reached for it, but Lyney pulled it back slightly.
“Would you do me the honor of going on a date?”
“I would love to go on a date with you, Lyney.”
Lyney didn’t let them take the rose, moving it away again as they reached for it, and instead tucked it behind their ear.
“How does dinner tomorrow night sound?”
“It sounds perfect,” they hummed as they reached up to hold the hand lingering near their face. “Goodnight, Lyney,” Y/n whispered as they pressed their lips to his cheek.
Y/n yelped, nearly falling off the stool at their vanity when Lyney spoke from behind them. The magician was perched on their open window sill with one leg crossed over the other and the day’s Steambird in his hands.
“Good morning,” he grinned at them. “Anyways, maybe it was a date.”
He stepped into their room and handed them the Steambird.
There, on the front page, was a picture of them watching the Icewind Suite. Lyney was leaning towards them with his chin in his palm and a lovesick look in his eyes and Y/n was watching the dance. The headline read Magic and Justice on a date?!
“Lynette?” Y/n sighed.
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pjshermann · 8 months
Harold Headcanons
He always wanted to become a writer. His ambition to study law was something that came later in life, in his adolescence. But ever since he was a young child, he loved to write. He’s proud of his work as a law professor, but the real pride of his career are the books he’s written.
After adopting Jude, he went to visit his parents’ graves and told them about his new son. He wished they could have gotten to meet Jude before they passed. He’s knows that they would’ve loved him. -
Before he went grey, his hair was a very dark, almost jet black colour
You have @bombaciouscaboose to thank for this one, but I headcanon that after Jude’s attempt, while he was still unconscious, Harold would sit by his side and read from the Torah or recite prayers. He was never the religious sort, but he found himself turning to prayer after nearly losing Jude
Besides his insatiable sweet-tooth, his favourite kind of food is anything and everything Italian.
His first date with Julia was inviting her over to his place and cooking her dinner. The food was a disaster, but they had a great time regardless, eating takeout in Harold’s living room
Keeps Jude’s law graduation photo on his desk. Both at his home study desk and his office desk at his university. (I actually wrote a fic about this teehee check it out on my ao3 PJShermann)
When Laurence had his twin daughters, he gave both of them the middle name "Harriet" after Harold. Harold cried when he found out.
When he and Laurence were in law school, they had made a similar pact/plan to what Jude and Willem had made for the Camino de Santiago pilgramage route, only theirs was the Via Francigena pilgramage route. The year they were meant to take the trip, was the year Jacob fell ill. They never went.
Speaks a little Russian, because he learned from his grandparents. Though now he can only remember a few phrases and lullabies (one of which he sang to Jude when he had his episode) because he stopped speaking it after they passed.
Actually doesn't really care much for gardening, but Julia wanted a garden in their house, so he helped her plant one and contributed to it's maintenance. When Jude comes along, although he's happy enough to delegate the maintenance to him, he hangs around outside while Jude gardens. He finds that it's during this, and while Jude is cooking, that Jude seems his most peaceful, most relaxed, and he's more likely to hum or sing quietly to himself, so Harold likes to be around to be able to witness it.
Out the four boys, the one who reminds him the most of Jacob in terms of his personality, is surprisingly, Malcolm.
Got his love of writing from his biological mother. Though he hardly knew her since she died when he was too young to remember and Adele was a constant mother-like presence throughout his life, his father gave him his mother's old journals, within which she wrote almost every day, up until the day she died. When he wrote his first book, after his father read it, he'd said to him "You write like your mother did".
Liesl was the one who first asked him out, instead of the other way around. They met through a high-school friend of Harold's, whom Liesl was cousins with. Their first date was to see the opera The Tales of Hoffmann
Get's his affinity for petnames from his father. He used petnames often for Jacob (Buddy, sweetie, my darling) but with Jude, he didn't use them simply because (without knowing really why) he felt Jude might be uncomfortable with them.
He kept a collection of all of the little knicknacks and gifts his grandfather used to give to him. It's why he usually gives Willem a little toy or trinket on his birthday.
On November 10th, the anniversary of Jacob's passing, he takes a long trek around the city and doesn't come back until very late. Part of the reason why he's so ecstatic around Thanksgiving is to deflect from the knowledge that it's the month that Jacob passed in.
Was on his high-school's tennis team as a teen, and they went all the way to nationals (Though they ended up losing then)
When he first met Willem, he hadn't remembered him from the men's suit store he frequented and Willem worked at, until Willem mentioned it to him.
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A List of Works Influencing and Referenced by IWTV Season 1
Works Directly Referenced
Marriage in a Free Society by Edward Carpenter
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Cheri by Collete
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
La Nausee by Jean-Paul Sartre (credit to @demonicdomarmand )
Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson edited by Thomas H. Johnson*
Blue Book by Tom Anderson
The Book of Abramelin the Mage
Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti with libretto by Giovanni Ruffini
Iolanta by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky
Pelleas et Melisande by Claude Debussy
Epigraphes Antiques by Claude Debussy
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Nosferatu (1922)
The Graduate (1967)
Marie Antoinette (1938)
On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis by Michael Ranft (1728)
Emily Post’s Etiquette
Bach’s Minuet in G Major (arranged as vampire minuet in G major)
Artworks referenced (much credit in this section to @iwtvfanevents and to @nicodelenfent )
Fall of The Rebel Angels by Peter Bruegel The Elder (1562)
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt (1633)
Three Peaches on a Stone Plinth by Adriaen Coorte (1705)
Strawberries and Cream Raphaelle Peale, (1816) credit to @diasdelfeugo
Red Mullet and Eel by Edouard Manet (1864)
Starry Night by Edvard Munch (1893)
Self Portrait by Edvard Munch (1881)
Captain Percy Williams on a Favorite Irish Hunter by Samuel Sidney (1881)
Autumn at Arkville by Alexander H. Wyant 
Cumulus Clouds, East River by Robert Henri 
Mildred-O Hat by Robert Henri (Undated)
Ship in the Night James Gale Tyler (1870)
Bouquet in a Theater Box by Renoir (1871)
Berthe Morisot with a Fan by Édouard Manet (1872)
La Vierge D’aurore by Odilon Redon (1890) credit to @vampirepoem on twt
Still Life with Blue Vase and Mushrooms by Otto Sholderer (1891)
After the Bath: Woman Drying her Hair by Edgar Degas (1898)
Bust of a Woman with Her Left Hand on Her
Chin by Edgar Degas (1898) credit to @terrifique
Backstage at the Opera by Jean Beraud (1889)
Roman Bacchanal by Vasily Alexandrovich Kotarbiński (1898)
Dancers by Edgar Degas (1899)
Calling the Hounds Out of Cover by Haywood Hardy (1906)
Dolls by Witold Wojtkiewicz (1906) credit to @gyzeppelis on twt
Forty-two Kids by George Bellows (1907)
The Artist's Sister Melanie by Egon Schiele (1908)
Paddy Flannigan by George Bellows (1908)
Stag at Sharkey’s by George Bellows (1909)
The Lone Tenement by George Bellows (1909)
Ode to Flower After Anacreon by Auguste Renoir (1909) credit to @iwtvasart on twt
New York by George Bellows (1911)
Young Man kneeling before God the Father
Egon Schiele (1909)
Kneeling Girl with Spanish Skirt by Egon Schiele (1911)
Portrait of Erich Lederer by Egon Schiele (1912)
Krumau on the Molde by Egon Schiele (1912)
Weeping Nude by Edvard Munch (1913)
The Cliff Dwellers by George Bellows (1913)
Church in Stein on the Danube by Egon Schiele (1913)
Self Portrait in a Jerkin by Egon Schiele (1914)
The Kitten's Art Lesson by Henriette Ronner Knip credit to @terrifique
Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion by Francis Bacon (1944)
New York by Vivian Maier (1953)
Self Portrait by Vivian Maier (Undated)
Self Portrait by Vivian Maier (1954)
Slave Auction by Jean-Michelle Basquiat (1982)
(Untitled) photo of St. Paul Loading Docks by Bradley Olson (2015)
Transformation by Ron Bechet (2021)
(Untitled) sculpture in the shape of vines by Sadie Sheldon
(Untitled) Ceramic Totems by Julie Silvers (Undated)
Mother Daughter by Rahmon Oluganna
Twins I by Raymon Oluganna
@iwtvfanevents made a post of unidentified works here.
Works Cited by the Writer’s Room as Influences
Bourbon Street: A History by Richard Campanella (as it hardly mentions Storyville I think interested parties would be better served by additional titles if they want a complete history of New Orleans)
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (This was also adapted into an award winning opera)
poetry by Charles Simic (possibly A Wedding in Hell?)
poetry by Mark Strand (possibly Dark Harbour?)
Works IWTV may be in conversation with (This is the most open to criticism and additions)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, uncensored (There are two very different versions of this which exist today, as Harvard Press republished the unedited original with permission from the Wilde family.)
Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Warsan Shire for Beyoncé’s Lemonade
Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
La Morte Amoreuse by Theophile Gautier
Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu
Maurice by E.M. Forster
Sailing to Byzantium by Yeats
The Circus Animal's Desertion by Yeats
The Second Coming by Yeats
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (credit to @johnlockdynamic )
1984 by George Orwell (credit to @savage-garden-nights for picking this up)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Gone With the Wind film (1939)
Hannibal (2013)
Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle Suzanne de Villenueve
Music used in Season 1 collected by @greedandenby here
*if collected or in translation most of the best editions today would not have been available to the characters pre-1940. It’s possible Louis is meant to have read them in their original French in some cases, but it would provide for a different experience. Lydia Davis’ Madame Bovary, for example, attempts to replicate this.
** I've tagged and linked relevant excerpts under quote series as I've been working my way through the list.
Season 2 here
Season 3 here
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bokettochild · 6 months
Opera house AU
I can actually see Linkle being pretty close to Wind and Aryll. She's just as responsible with them as Wars, but more open to Shenanigans. The four have the most intense board game nights ever seen, there's more double dealing, backstabbing and gerrymandering in their average game of Settlers of Catan then the 2020 US Election
Well, since you asked (suggested?)
Happy late birthday! Here is the Catan fic we've been chatting about!
There are many ways Warriors likes to de-stress after a long day at work. Running into his twin sister outside of his apartment though, is not one of them.  
 It’s not that he dislikes his job, in fact, he’s very fond of it. He likes acting, he likes the opera, and most importantly, he likes his boss, his co-workers, and even most of his fans. His agent, not so much, but that’s neither here nor there; almost nobody likes their agent. The only people he’s heard of who like their agent are Legend and Ravio, and that’s only because Dot is their so-called ‘agent’, if only on paper. The girl isn’t fully qualified for the actual job, but he’s half a mind to sign with her once she is, if only to get away from the Dragmire agency.  
 Regardless of future plans though, he loves his job. He has no intention of leaving, even if balancing rehearsals and college is a bit of a struggle on some days. Today is one of those days though, and after spending all day working with Sky and Time on choreography, the only thing he wants to do is make dinner for himself and the kids, kick his feet up, and finally read something other than a textbook. No, check that, maybe watch a show with Wind; Aryll too if she’s interested, although she usually isn't. Still, he has the feeling if they start watching anything, she’ll come out for snacks and cuddles, which he doesn’t mind in the least.  
 He’s running down the list of movies they’ve been wanting to watch as he climbs out of his car. Some of them are action, some thriller, a couple mysteries at his insistence and of course some pirate ones for Wind. Usually, he’s not so keen on that sort of thing, but he supposes the whimsical part of his brain has been gathering dust for the last while, and he could probably tolerate a pirate movie tonight, after sufficient begging from his cousin and maybe the promise to get the dishes done for the next week.  
 Right, dishes.   
 Heavens, he needs to talk to the landlord about when the new dishwasher is supposed to be installed. He also needs to wash and put away the dishes from last night, because he’d had an assignment due and hadn’t had time once the kids had gone to bed, and this morning he had to drop them off at school, so there wasn’t time then either. Honestly, you’d think three people wouldn’t use that much kitchenware, but the full sink waiting for him in the third-floor apartment would indicate otherwise.  
 Warriors sighs. Keys in the front door but know not yet turned, he takes a moment to just... lean against the doorframe and sigh.  
 It’s been a long week.  
 The sound of his name, his birth name, even spoken by a familiar voice, makes him start, and he goes from leaing on the door to slamming his head against it in surprise, keys already ripping out of the lock and brandished like they could actually do any harm. Well, they could, but not as much as a proper weapon. He hates city rules; back home he could have a switchblade on him and no one would think anything of it!  
 He doesn’t need a weapon though, at least at the moment, because the person standing behind him is his twin sister, and honestly, even if he was properly armed, she’s almost as good with a switchblade as he is, and she’d probably be able to dodge an attack even if he did make one. As it is, the blonde woman stares at him, bright eyes hard for a moment and smile frozen as she takes him in, but then it’s gone and she’s all sunshine and madness again, something wild in her smile that has him on edge for a whole new reason. A reason that has nothing to do with mistaking her for one of his stalkers. “I‘m so glad you’re home! I brought something for you and the kiddos!”  
 Loosening his fingers, he lets most of his keys fall free again from between them, door key still in hand as he fumbles for the knob, wary of turning his back even if it is his sister. Especially if it is his sister; she’s unpredictable at the best of times, and he’s not sure she won’t pull something if he’s not looking. It wouldn’t be malicious, but it would be incredibally annoying, and they both know it. Her attempt at an innocent smile as he finally slides the key into the lock says that she knows it, and she doesn't regret it either.  
 “Do I want to know?”  
 A shrug, but her smile lingers, bright and chipper, and he can’t help how the sight of it makes him smile in answer.  
 “Is it chaos contained, or something nice?”  
 “Can’t it be both?”  
 “No pyrotechnics in my home. I will kick you to the curb and block you from all social media; even the opera one.” Linkle pouts, which would be effective from any of their other sisters, but considering they’re nearly identical twins, it just makes him snort in laughter instead. “Well, is it a nice surprise, or one that will make me disown you?” he chuckles, pulling the door open, and then wincing when it squeaks.  
 He needs to talk to the landlord about that too, he supposes. Mentally, he adds it to the list: dishwasher, squeaky door, and the flickering hall lights. Honestly, he swears no one in this building talks to the guy anymore! If he doesn’t call, nothing’s ever done about these things!  
 He must sigh aloud, because Linkle starts shaking her head, clucking her tongue like Mother used to when they were small. “You need to find a better place to live.” She ducks in through the door without invitation, but he holds it open for her all the same. It has to be tugged firmly so that the lock clicks back into place again, but it’s long since become habit to do that; it’s an old building, the door frames warp with time. Honestly, pulling the door shut is the least of his worries about this place.  
 “It’s cheap.”  
 “You have kids living with you.” She reminds him.  
 He shrugs, juggling his bookbag, keys and the grocery bags he’d grabbed on his way home, in order to find his other apartment key; the one for his unit, not just the front door. “Know another place where I can rent a clean three-bedroom apartment; I’m all ears.”  
 His sister’s fist makes contact with his shoulder in answer, but he’s been fielding punches from Sky all day, and it honestly hurts far less than the skyloftian’s blows. Usually, he dodges Sky just fine, but he’d been a bit off his game today, and he’s pretty sure he’s got some nasty bruising under his shirt as a result, although admitting as much to Time, or Sky for that matter, is out of the question. They'd been worried enough as was. He’s fine, honestly. The skin is tender, and the muscles will be sore, but letting them know that would just upset his co-worker, not fix it. And would’ve made Time’s scolding to them both far more intense.  
 He knows, beneath that harsh veneer, that their director is a kind man, but on days like today, it’s easy to forget that. Maybe he needs to text Twilight and tell him to let the old man watch Legend for a day, that might get him to ease up.  
 Linkle, beside him, must get tired of him fumbling his keys one handed, because she snatches them out of his hand with a put-upon sigh, flicking through them until she finds the right one and unlocking the door for him. Honestly, he doesn’t mind. If anything, it means he can re-distribute the weight of the grocery bags between here and the kitchen counter.  
 “I’m home!” He calls, stepping into the door and sliding his shoes off onto the mat. Linkle has to crouch to untie her steel-toes, but those too join the three other pairs on the mat as he moves to the kitchen, relief washing over him as he sets the groceries down. There’s shuffling from down the hall, one or both of the kids busy in their rooms. Like their old hound, Linkle starts towards the sound immediately, back-pack still slung over one shoulder while he turns his attention to putting away food and starting a pot of water for pasta.  
 No pyrotechnics, he reminds himself. No destruction. Linkle wouldn’t actually, he thinks- he hopes, but he’s still got no clue what her “surprise” is. Knowing her though, she’ll tell the kids she has one, then hold it over their heads through dinner. Ah well, better to get food on the proverbial table sooner rather than later, that way the eager nagging won’t last forever.  
 Warriors isn’t the best cook, not by any means, but he’s managed to keep himself and his kid cousins alive this long, and while he’s under no delusions that his work in any ways lives up to Granny’s cooking, the kids are happy, and well fed, and that’s really all he can ask for. Sure, food is messy, and yes, there's dishes left, but Linkle, sweet, sweet Linkle, his bestest twin sister, has bribed their cousins into washing the dishes before they can have their surprise. Neither question it.  
 He could have asked them to help, but putting his feet up while they work never sits well with him. Aryll pushing him into the family room and into his recliner while Wind scurries around the kitchen, cajoling Linkle for clues, well, that’s a different matter! The girl won’t let him get up!  
 “We’ll hurry!” His youngest cousin promises, yanking on the lever on the side of the chair and making him laugh as his feet are literally swept up in front of him onto the footrest. Linkle cackles too, but then Aryll’s bouncing over to the kitchen, voice shrill. “Wash faster, Wind! I wanna see the surprise!”  
 He laughs at the two, soft, so they don’t hear and think he’s making fun of them, but he can’t help it. Likewise, his twin does the same, moving to climb into the recliner opposite his own. “Oh dear, poor Link! No dishes for him to wash!”  
 “Poor me,” he sighs, sinking into his chair and blessing his past self for buying the set. It was a bit of a splurge, but it’s proved to be worth it over the years, and a great delight at the end of a long day. He’s just letting his eyes slip closed- not to sleep, but to rest them long enough that light doesn't hurt- when a flick to his nose has him blinking up at his sister again with a huff. “Seriously?”  
 “Don’t go sleeping now, there’s still a surprise,” she scolds.  
 “For the kids,” he rubs at his nose. That hurt. “It doesn’t have anything to do with me.”  
 “Did I say that?”  
 “I didn’t say that.”  
Another sigh. “No, I suppose you didn’t.”  
 “It’s for all of us,” she says, but her voice is low, conspiratory, and there’s that twinkle in her eyes again.  
 He has some concerns, but he doesn’t speak them. No. Instead, he humors his sibling while the kids clean up, and then when they've all gathered again in the family room, Aryll squishing up beside him and Wind flopping down in an ungraceful pile of teenage boy on the floor, he turns to stare pointedly at his twin. “I believe there’s a surprise someone owes us?”  
 Another sly little grin, but the backpack is opened, and a brightly colored parcel, somewhat badly wrapped and definitely scuffed, is produced and dropped into Aryll’s lap. “There we go.”  
 No cue needs be spoken, little hands are already tearing away paper, and while neither of the two younger ones is really sure of what it is once the paper is gone, Warriors can’t help the deep belly laugh that explodes out of him when he sees the familiar box. “Catan? Linkle, are you kidding me?”  
 “I thought the kids-”  
 “Oh, sure! ‘The kids’!”  
 She’s laughing too, although she’s trying so hard to pretend that she isn’t. “Yes! You never have any good family games here-”  
 “We have Monopoly!” Their young cousins chorus, but the words get drowned out by his twin’s own.  
 “-so, I thought I’d get you one!”  
 “You’re a glutton for punishment, you are.” He laughs. “Was it not bad enough, me handing you your ass all those years as a kid? Need me to do it again, do you?”  
 The kids are exchanging a look, confused but amused, glancing between the two adults with expressions that he’d dare say are amused, in their own way. They both definitely take after their mum; he swears Wind’s eyeroll is just the same as the diva’s aunt when she was left out of a conversation by her older siblings, his own mother included. Still, he takes his time teasing his sister for a moment more, before finally both twins decide to explain how to play to the kids, who are all too eager to learn now in the wake of their banter. 
 “So, it’s pretty simple,” he opens the box as he speaks. It’s a new one, the game, and doesn’t nearly crumble under his fingers, but he’s dreadfully careful all the same, out of habit. The pieces sit in their little plastic cubbies within for all of a moment, before a flick of the wrist has the box spilling onto the coffee table where they can all reach. The ‘thief’ piece rolls off the side, and Wind dives for it, but honestly, Warriors isn’t worried about it. “I’ll show you how to assemble it, but play is easy enough.”  
 And assembly is easy. Their old game was so used it was warped on the edge of the frame (Lilly had spilled water on it when she was tiny) but the ocean painted pieces fit nicely together with this one, and after a quick shuffle of the hexagonal land tiles, he lays them out at random into the frame. Well, mostly at random. The desert tile goes in the middle, because it always does. Linkle snorts at him for it too.  
 “Desert in the middle.”  
 “It’s not a rule.” She points out, as if she wouldn't protest if he'd done anything ese. 
 “House rules. My house, my rules.” He’s not mad though, even if his tone is flat, and Aryl is now the one rolling her eyes as Wind sighs at them, head propped up in his hands and making his cheeks squish adorably.  
 “You two are ridiculous.”  
 “We’re adults,” he corrects, continuing to set the tiles, “which means we take the time to be dumb when we can.”  
 A brow raises in answer, the older of his two charges leveling him with a Look. “I have video evidence otherwise.”  
  “And I have baby pictures I’m happy to leak,” he tugs his cousin’s ear in response, “don’t make me use them, snickerdoodle.”  
  That seems to get the kid to stop with his threats, which is for the best because he most certainly does not want Linkle to have all the details about his work life. Wind, he doesn’t mind knowing, Aryll too, but his twin is a whole other matter; he doesn’t want the chaos from work to spread to the family. He’d ever lie it down. 
  “So how does play work?” Aryll asks, already spilling out the packets of little wooden buildings and roads into neat piles along the edge of the table, color coded because of course she does. 
  Warriors grins at her, setting the box aside and resisting, barely, the urge to shove it on Wind’s head. He’s an adult though, a responsible one, and he will not display such behaviors. No, he’ll just kick their asses in game with a smile on his face. “Well, now that the land is spread out, which you do at random, we have to lay the number tiles, here-” he picks up the back, tugging it open and spilling it into his hand for the middle schooler to see, “-out on top of the land pieces.” 
  “Also, at random,” Linkle adds, swiping one. “You place them on whatever order you get them, on every land piece except the desert one.” 
  “What goes there?” Wind asks, fidgeting with the ‘thief’ he’d picked up off the floor. 
  The eldest mischief maker reaches over a smile on her face as she plucks the wooden figure from his fingers. “Our lovely knight of course!” 
  “It’s a thief.”  He corrects, still laying number tiles with Aryll’s assistance. 
  “Knight.” Linkle corrects, knowing she’s wrong and purposefully causing problems on purpose because that’s what she does. As kids, they never would have dreamed of challenging the ingo of the game, even if their terms hadn’t been quite what was in the rulebook. As adults though, Linkle delights in opposing everything he has to say, as if doing so makes this more fun. She’s not wrong either; the easy, mindless bickering is relaxing in its own way. It definitely distracts his attention from anything else at any rate. 
  With a roll of his eyes, Warriors puts away any extra pieces. He debates placing them neatly in the box, but then decides, screw it and drops them it to land how they will. He can worry about it later. Or not at all. Losers are the ones who clean up the game, after all, so it might not even be is problem. “Okay, so, play goes like this.” He grabs a tiny wooden house from one of Aryll’s piles; blue, because they don’t have purple. “Each player takes a turn laying a house on a corner where three of the land tiles intersect,” he sets his down between a forest tile, a brick quarry and a sheep pasture, “usually with the knowledge that when we play, whatever resource tile your piece is touch is the resource you’re going to be earning during the game.” He plucks a matching blue road from the pile Aryll has pushed in front of him, setting it down beside his house, facing in land and already starting a path towards where other desirable tiles are. “The way it works is that, when each player rolls the dice, if the number on the dice matches the number on one of your land tiles, you get a resource card for every house touching that tile.” 
  “So,” Linkle picks up, setting down a green house a fair distance away from his, on forest, field and pasture tiles, “because I placed my house near a ten a three and a four, if any of those numbers are rolled, I get the resource for the land tile.” 
  “So, four means a sheep?” The youngest holds up the deck of cards she’d sorted through, apparently while no one was watching, offering the mentioned resource to the older girl. 
  Her cousin nods. “Yep. And because Wars is touching a nine a six and a five, if any of those numbers are rolled, he gets what’s on those.” 
  “What’s the thief-knight for?” One sun-browned finger toggles said figure back and forth in the midst of his desert wasteland, big sea-green eyes staring at the older two.  
  Warriors chuckles. “Well, if you haven’t noticed, all the number tiles have numbers from two to twelve on them; all the numbers you can roll with two six-sided dice; but there’s one missing.” 
  Those green eyes fall to inspect the board, Aryll popping up to lean over the table, likewise searching until both blonde heads are popping up in time with each other. “The seven?” 
  “Yep,” he pops the ‘p’. “If you roll a seven, there’s no land tie for that, so you move the thief to someone else’s land tile and get to take one of their resource cards.” 
  “But whatever number you put the thief on, if someone rolls it after, no one gets whatever resource it is. The knight has that depot under siege, and nothing gets in or out!” Linkle adds, with enough drama that really, she could have been an actress. If she was better at following orders anyhow. Time wouldn’t, and can’t, tolerate her as is. 
  The younger of his two cousins nods, slowly. She’s still processing, but they’d really dumbed the game down a bit. Honestly speaking, he doesn’t remember most of the official rules, although in playing it with others, he’s since learned that there are many ways and some rules that are held as golden by some and disregarded by others. In the long run, he doesn’t suppose how they play matters much, as long as the core basics stick, and he’s not going to overwhelm the little guppy with finite details. As is, she’s grabbing for the red pieces and shuffling the pile of wood her way, prompting her brother to do the same with the orange ones. 
  Of course, Wind chooses orange. He should have seen that coming. 
  “So, I place my house, and then this….” 
  “Road,” he supplies. “It has to touch the house, but you can put it between any two of the pieces.” To illustrate, he motions to his own set up, tapping carefully the other two possible routes for the wooden highway to follow. 
  Aryll nods, setting down her house, between a field, a pasture and a mountain quarry, big blue eyes looking up at him expectantly. 
  He nods. “Perfect.” 
  “What are these though?” Trust Wind’s eyes to fall on the printed ships set around the board at the edges of the land tiles. You can take a child from the sea, but you can’t take the sea from a child it would seem. “Can you sail around in this game?” 
  “No,” and while Linkle turns a questioning look at him, he still shakes his head. “Not this version anyway, although I think someone told me once that there is a version for that. I could be wrong though. In this version though, those are what we in the game call ‘ports’.” 
  The deadpan stare is worth all the effort he’d put into keeping his face straight for that line. 
  Laughter overtakes him at his cousin’s obvious “no really!” and Warriors has to be terribly careful not to disturb the board in his mirth. “The sails on the ships will tell you what trading discounts you can get by putting your pieces there. See,” he leans over to read the one under Wind’s finger, “this one says that you can trade for any resource if you give up three sheep.” 
  “What if I don’t have sheep?”   
  “You suffer.” 
  Linkle snorts. “You have to make sure you get sheep somehow then.” 
  Wind nods slowly. “So, you can only trade if you have a house on the port?” 
  “No,” his sister shakes her head, braids flopping against her shoulders. “As a rule, you can trade any set of four like cards for one card of any other type, even if you’re land locked. The ports just mean you get discounts, but they come with a disadvantage too, because by having your house between two land tiles and the ocean, you get one less resource than if you were on only land.” 
  “Is it worth it?” Aryll pushes, chewing her lip. He should tell her not to do that.  
  Linkle shrugs. “Depends really. It can be a lifesaver, or it can ruin you. Depends on how you play your cards.” 
  “And speaking of playing cards!” He’ll let Aryll be tonight, she’s not hurting herself so it should be fine. “Here are your purchasing menus!” He hands out the reference tiles to the two younger, in their chosen colors. He doesn’t grab any for himself or Linkle though since they don’t really need them. “You can trade resource cards for more buildings and roads, or upgrade the buildings you already have into cities. These tell you what resources and how many of them you need to do that, and how many points you get for each one.” The rest is self-explanatory, and the kids nod, apparently already catching on. 
  His sister grins. “Now, Wind, place your house and road. Once we’ve all placed one, we get to set out a second one wherever we want.” 
  “What about the shield cards?” Their youngest holds up the deck of painted cards, backed with the image of a round shield. “How do we get those?” 
  “They’re called development cards,” he explains, taking them and setting them beside the board, carefully, so they don’t scatter. “You can get them by giving up a sheep card, wheat, and some ore. They allow special moves, extra points, or sometimes, if you get the monopoly card, you can steal all of a single type of resource card from everyone else.” 
  “Me, Linkle, and Wind, yes.” 
  “Sweet. I want that one!” 
  He chuckles, tugging at her ear as well, a little gentler than with her brother. “There’s only two of those ones, pumpkin, so chances are slim for most games, but I like your enthusiasm.” 
  She takes that news with a shrug, easy as can be but no doubt already looking forwards to the chaos she could cause by robbing the lot of them. It’s easy to miss with her sweet face and big blue eyes but the younger of his two charges is just as much a terror as her older brother, if not more so on some days. 
  Wind places his houses, and the rest place their second ones, and then with a quick review, and a reminding that “cities” double earnings- because he’d forgotten to mention it until Wind asked why they mattered at all- they start playing. 
  Taylor Family Rule’s state that youngest and ladies go first, but also that, when that becomes a source of contention (as the only brother among six sisters, he did kick up a fuss on occasion about being last every time) then all roll dice for the highest number, and the winner goes first. Maybe out of pity for him, Linkle elects to call for the second option, but it doesn’t matter, because Aryll rolls an eleven anyways. Luckily though, he’s second after her, something she’s quick to cheer about. 
  The kids catch on quick. And much like the cursed game that is Monopoly, it’s not long before the wheedling tones and puppy eyes start turning on him, although Linkle opts for the more direct option of threatening him, point blank. His sister knows, just as well as he does, that weakness such as one sees in those who crumble to cute faces, is a quick path to defeat. Aryll and Wind are cute, but they’re not cute enough to make him budge If anything, just to have him teasing them and reaching out to tickle their sides until they’re screeching at him to stop. 
  As is his habit with Catan, as something of the family champion, Warriors put’s every resource into expanding his territory, building out roads to block the others from building outwards at all, which, unfortunately for Wind, works all too well against the older of his cousins. Linkle, on the other hand, is too used to him, and is building out from two locations, meanwhile Aryll quietly builds circles around her favorite pieces, long winding roads that circle back on themselves, and while that means he’s cut off from her space, he’s not too worried about her out-building him either. 
  And then Wind manages to settle a house in a pasture, and sheep enter his fold and he starts trading for development cards. 
  Really, they should have expected the kid would take unlimited delight in controlling the knight-thief (they have compromised with that horrendous name). Actually, the fact that he keeps rolling sevens would imply that the thief, too, has an affinity for Wind, something that makes the rest of them all suffer exceedingly. 
  Another seven is rolled, and when Wind’s knight-thief lands on Linkle’s only source of brick (arguably the most in demand resource in this particular game) his twin sister starts glaring. “No.” 
  “Yes.” Wind replies, smugly reaching over.  
  A hand blocks his access to her cards, splayed over to try and protect them. “Wind.” 
 “Linkle.” A bright flashing grin that says he knows he’s won.  
  Warriors and Aryll share a look, and, while the two are fussing at each other, trade a few cards. He’s finally established the longest road, effectively blocking Aryll on one side of the board, opposite from her sibling, and surrounding the smaller of Linkle’s settlements so that she can’t build out and towards anything on that side of the wall. In a way, he and Aryll have established a truce as a result of his ‘protection’, but Linkle and Wind are beginning to go at each others’ throats. 
  He trades a sheep to his youngest cousin in return for more wheat. Might as well start converting settlements to cities, and looking at Aryll’s little pile of cards, he imagines Wind is soon to be challenged for his right to control the thief-knight. 
  “Child, I will end you.” 
  Wind smiles sweetly, fluttering his lashes a bit at the woman. It reminds him of how Legend reacts when he’s especially pissed. “Brick please!” 
  There is only one brick in Linkle’s deck of cards. A overwhelming amount of sheep and wheat fill her hand, but tragically, her forest tile has been blocked frequently, and no one is trading her ore. 
  That’s the downside, he muses as he slips Aryll another sheep, if you don’t build quickly, you lose fast, and really, Linkle ought to know that by now. He taps silently at one of the littlest’s ore this time, which she gives him readily.  
  Aryll, unlike him, had built around the tiles she’d chosen in the beginning, and built thickly. She may not have a twisting road like he does that blocks others one way or another, but she’s got ore and wheat coming out of her ears, and ran out of city pieces ages ago. 
 Technically, the game should have ended when one of them reached ten points, but Taylors never play that way. They play until overwhelming defeat is left to all but one. It’s more fun that way, he muses, sitting back, now out of his chair but resting his back against it all the same. Aryll, predictably, settles against him, squirrelling her way under his arm and propping herself against his shoulder. He doesn’t mind in the least, hand lifting to toy absently with her hair while their siblings bicker.  
  “Do you want me to fix your pigtails?” They’re coming loose. 
  She shakes her head, humming a bit. “No, Imma just pull ‘em out later anyways.” 
  Right, because it’s getting late. He glances down at his watch, it’s 8:38. It should be okay, the kids usually get their homework done before dinner, and they can stay up a bit later tonight, it being a Friday and all. If anything, they’ll be waking up just fine in the morning and it will be them hauling his ass out of bed in the morning! 
  Ignorant of their exchange, of cards or words, Linkle continues to try and convince Wind to take literally anything but her precious bricks. “You’re killing me here! I barely got any building done!” 
  “Well,” Wind returns, fingers inching forwards while royal blue eyes are fixed on his face, “you should have thought about that before you became a peasant!” The card is whipped away, and just as quickly, deposited in the bank as a new orange house finds its way onto the board. 
  Linkle groans, head sinking. “Why me?” 
  “I don’t know,” the voice of their youngest is muddled with a wide yawn. “Warriors warned you, but you didn’t listen. Looks to me like this is your fault.” 
  Aryll is officially his favorite. 
  “I give,” his twin sighs, looking at her desolate kingdom and meager profits before glancing up at them. “Another win for you, I guess, Link.” 
  “No,” Aryll’s smile is wide as she blinks innocently up at the older girl. “I win.” 
 Wait, what? Warriors glances over, counting. He has less cities, yes, but he has the longest road and more settlements and- 
  “I have the biggest army, and the most cities, and-” a development card is flashed, and then another, and three more! “Five bonus points.” 
  “So you do.” He finds himself saying, blinking dumbly down at her where she’s still nestled against him, smile innocent and devious. He’s not sure if he’s feeling more betrayed or proud of her right now. 
  Linkle is giggling like a mad woman. “Oh this is golden! Link lost Catan to the baby! On her first game!” You’d think she was the winner from the way she crows. “This is the best! Absolute best! Wind, you’re forgiven, now help me take a photo to memorialize this moment in family history!” 
  Despite anything he says (and really, they’re toke complaint’s anyways) they do take a photo of them, the board, and Linkle’s wild smile as Aryll flaunts and preens before the camera like any good Taylor would. They take a few more, funny ones of the boys cow-towing to the tiny champion as she drowns in Warriors’ recliner, and all sorts of the like. Honestly, silly photos are basically required in this household. 
  It’s only when Aryll can’t keep smiling past her yawns that he decides bed-time is in order. “Linkle, Wind, you’re on cleanup.” 
  “You lost too!” 
  “I did,” he stoops, scooping up their winner in his arms and smiling as she comes willingly, arms wrapping tight around his neck, “but it’s the winners bed-time, and as winner, she deserves to be tucked in nicely, not ignored. So have fun!” And without further ado, he heads down the hall, eating the losers in the dust. Or rather- leaving the losers amid the tiny wooden houses and cardboard tiles. Eh…it doesn’t have the same ring to it. He likes leaving them in the dust more. 
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WTNV quick rundown - 145 - The Veterans
Featuring the voice of Mark Gagliardi as as John Peters (you know, the farmer?)!
Read the rest of my rundowns here, including live show and novel rundowns.
Fake it till you make it. Mic it till you like it. Book it till you look it. Welcome to Night Vale.
More Veterans from the Blood/Space War have arrived, landing in John Peters (you know, the farmer?) field. This includes John's brother, James Peters as well as Admiral Junior Blais, Sergeant Dan Christensen and his twin brother Drew. They say that the galaxy is under threat by the ruthless Polonian armies of Star System Lacaille 9352 and that's what they're fighting the war about.
The Polonian's are three times the size of humans with hundreds of sharp teeth up and down their boneless limbs. They have only one eye which gives them bad depth perception but it also shoots lazers. They have already completely destroyed the planet of a species which only speaks via dance - two members of which accompany the human veterans and are allies to them in the war.
There is an extremely lackluster attempt at supporting the financial, emotional and physical burden these veterans carry.
Senior Strategic Advisor Jameson Archibald at the Intergalactic Military Headquarters admits that he still has no idea what the Blood/Space war is about and lost all the money he kept getting from the government and not using in an intergalatic war in a faulty tech start up. Donations from the Bake Sale and Sheriff's Secret Police are received gratefully but since the Polonian's are so close he decides that it's probably too late. He then rolls up a $100 and eats it like a Snickers bar.
The Polonian ships are now visible in the sky. Harrison Kip sends Cecil and e-mail stating that in 1993 he found crashed ships that look exactly like the ones in the sky which had corpses of creatures matching the Polonian's in them whilst out on an unrelated exhibition. He was then reprogrammed to forget it but seeing them has recovered some of the memories and he feels he can recover the rest. However, he is then reprogrammed again and forgets it all. Cecil is then also reprogrammed for talking about it.
Luckily it seems the army of Polonian ships simply vanishes anyway. There one moment, gone the next.
Weather: “No Good Day” by Windows to Sky
Dan and Drew were born in 1912, both became tax accountants, had wives and children, donated to the Old NV opera house and were avid sports fans - even starting the first ever semi-pro Sand Hockey league. Dan passed away in 1994 due to liver cancer and Drew died of a heart attack a week later. Despite this both men when they return look to be in their late 20's and are entirely unable to reconnect with their middle-aged grandchildren or get jobs due to being legally dead.
Junior Blais, who is 50, says he was born in 2022 (this episode was written in 2019) to Oliver and Linda Blais both of who say they don't plan on having children making him either an accident or dramatic change of heart. He was badly wounded and has many 3rd degree burns that require grafts but clearance for them in NV involves getting clearance in Red Mesa and it's taking forever.
Jim Peters was honourable discharged from service and is decorated with many chevrons and medals. John Peters tells us that his brother used to play catch with him and show him where to get discounts on sweets and drinks. John is now 60 and was only 15 when his brother left, Jim is 22. John wants his brother to stay but Jim says that The General has a plan that will work and that they need him. John makes an attempt to make him stay but knows it won't work. Jim dons his space suit and leaves, already haggard with the horrors of war.
Meanwhile the NV Scorpions, the wheelchair basketball team that Janice is captain of, won their semi-final game against Cactus Park HS. They will playing Pine Cliff Saturday afternoon. City Council says that win or lose they will hold a parade next Tuesday for the team which will feature a celebrity appearance by Lee Marvin who is turning 30 that week.
A large chunk of the moon is destroyed by the Polonians but City Council just plans to buy a new one.
Reprogramming is done by men in camo-suits using some kind of metal hat full of wires and such.
Stay tuned next for simultaneous panic and relief as you realize all of your emails are gone.  Good night , Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Develop your chi. Really work that chi hard. Get six-pack chi. Totally swole with chi. Roll up those sleeves and welcome people to the chi show.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 11 months
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @professorlehnsherr-almashy @theselfshippingwitch @amalthea9 @slimerspengler @janeb984 @inevitablemoment
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FULL NAME: Noemi Adina Melnitz Spengler and Miriam Sarai Melnitz Spengler.
NICKNAME(S): Nomi and Miri.
FACECLAIM: The twins Drusilla and Minerva from the cartoon The Garfield Show (both voiced by Laura Summer), Madeline and Chloe from the cartoon Madeline, Tommy Picles and Chuckie Finster from the cartoon Rugrats.
BIRTHDAY: September 06th 1988.
SEXUALITY: The only thing they know is that they think two adults kissing is gross.
GENDER: Assigned female at birth (just because their parents it was more easy than calling them "the babies" or "it", but they made sure that the girls can change their gender identity when they're older).
OCCUPATION: Playing and studying.
BIRTHPLACE: Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City.
LIVE IN: Tribeca, Manhattan, New York City.
Egon Spengler (father)
Janine Melnitz (mother)
Nathan Spengler (grandfather)
Ruth Spengler (grandmother)
Elon Spengler (uncle)
Cyrus Spengler (great uncle)
Joseph 'Joe' Melnitz (grandfather
Miriana 'Mimi' Melnitz (grandmother)
Bella Melnitz (great aunt)
Sabine Melnitz Banner (aunt)
Cait Banner (cousin)
Victor Banner (cousin)
CHARACTERISTICS: Both are playful, hyperactive, caring and protective. Noemi is thoughtful towards the needs of others, optimistic, confident, intelligent, courageous, compassionate, hard working and very persistent, possessing good detective skills and acting as a leader in times of need. While Miriam is pessimistic and easily scared, shy and reserved, but loyal and brave, capable of facing her fears briefly to come through her friends and give them emotional support. They can also both be short-tempered and sometimes act stubborn, specially when they were babies.
LIKES: Playing with puppets, building houses and clothers for their dolls, watching cartoons, singing, helping their father in his lab, drawing, imitate their mother on the reception phone, cooking alongside Slimer.
DISLIKES: When grown ups try to force decisions upon them ( instead of asking for their opinions) and also act smug and talk down in a condescending way to them for being small children, and don't admit right away to not knowing the answer for their questions.
Walkie talkie
PKE Meter
Ghost Trap
Noemi wears green framed glasses and purple hair clips in half up pigtails, and has a hair fringe, while Miriam wears red framed glasses and blue hair clips in high pigtails and has no hair fringe.
Surprisingly, both turned their heads down when Janine reached the ninth month of pregnancy, so their mother decided to have them born in a natural birth instead of a C-section.
As babies, they tought Slimer was a toy, and even bite him. They were only playing, and didn't meant harm, but it took time till Slimer understood that and became one of the girls best friends. Meanwhile, their uncle Peter was just amused of seeing the spud being tortured by the two babies.
They are huge opera geeks ever since their parents took them to watch Engelbert Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel for the first time.
Noemi: pleasantness
Adina: delicate
Miriam: bitter
Sarai: princess
Melnitz: steward
Spengler: metal worker
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Ngl in your shackled revelations au, I’m imagining doku getting ganged up by the 20+ rivals who are PISSED that he killed their either best friends (or romantic partner in the case of like Blue because those two are pretty much a married couple at this point), the legendary pokemon whom the protagonists bonded with, and even a few of the evil teams like team star or yell because of the above.
also are Liko and Satoshi canon to the verse cuz I’d feel like Dokutaro would research him the most.
Actually, that does happen in the final storyline of the AU. Essentially, they are EXTREMELY PISSED OFF when they find out. However, they can't immediately go in guns blazing, they need to defeat all the mind controlled pokemon and trainers, knock every single secret base out, take out and find the 25-27 generals of Pecharunt. It'll be explained in due time. Speaking of the generals, some are actually the real killers of the protags and some have connections to some of the them:
Ethan: Ethan encountered one of the generals in Bellsprout Tower. The general proceeded to chase and attack Ethan. Ethan, thinking it’s just a regular pokemon to attack him, however, this proved to be a near-fatal mistake. Not being on the same level, his team got wiped, Ethan couldn’t even see the appearance properly for some reason, and he felt one thing that overpowered him: fear. He needed to run, and get out of here. However, due to the general’s ability to produce oil and paint that can mess with the mind (in this case, cause extreme dizziness), Ethan stumbled through the tower and barely got out before passing out. He was hurried to the nearby hospital to rest. He was still a bit shaken from this incident.
Lucas: In this AU, he's the professor's assistant, but does accompany Dawn and Barry later on, however, he does get whisked off to Hisui by Arceus and goes by the alias Rei prior to the events of the game. Later he ends up finding a 'shiny' gligar when completing the dex. Let's just say, it wasn't a gligar. That incident scarred him and was one of the few times it scared the hell out of him. The same Pokémon is also the reason why he stopped his journey (when he got back in Sinnoh) after the 4th badge as the same Pokemon killed one of his team members. So he hasn’t battled since then. He only got back into the battling after some encouragement from Dawn and Barry.
Hilda: In this AU, she alongside her twin are the heroes chosen by the dragons. She encountered one of the generals, thinking that he’s a regular trash bag when she wanted to throw her trash. She only found out when it stood up at a rapid speed upon noticing her appearance. She just finished her 5th gym badge so feeling slightly confident, she took the Pokémon on wanting to catch it, it proved to be a mistake. The general wiped out her team but he wasn’t done yet, the moment he saw Hilda, he said in clear English: “You are the one”, before approaching Hilda at a rapid speed, Hilda didn’t know what to do so she just ran. When she looked back she saw that the general was wielding a…knife? It was pretty late at night so she couldn’t see. Just before the ‘knife’ stabbed her, her brother (Hilbert), Cheren and Bianca arrived to help her. They all engaged in a brawl before the general had to retreat. Till this day, neither knew who or what attacked them.
Serena: She alongside her neighbor Calem are the main protags in this AU. She encountered one of the generals in Lumoise City, she got an invitation when she woke up in the morning in the Pokémon Centre. The invitation says that she was invited to an Opera Play called ‘The Phantom of The Opera’. The invitation says to follow a specific set of instructions to the place. The place ended up being an abounded Opera house in Lumoise city, far from any place. She was told to pay 4000 Pokédollars to enter despite the lack of the door. Nevertheless, she paid the exact amount before entering. Serena disappeared for exactly 8 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes and 8 seconds before she was discovered lying unconscious outside the Opera House. She claims to recall the events, when she woke up, there was a piece of paper in her hands that says ‘Thank you for watching The Phantom of The Opera, we hope to see you again!’
Florian: In this AU, he alongside his twin are the protags and he is the Violet side. He encountered one of the generals when he was looking for a dunsparse for his team. When he encountered the general, he was about to battle thinking it was a regular dunsparse, the general revealed the whole thing before Florian could send out a Pokeball. The general’s eyes turned red and blue, flashing through both with swirls like when he was hypnotizing Florian. When the general was done, he went back underground with Florian falling unconscious after being hypnotized. Florian woke up the next morning as his sister found him, he mentioned that he doesn’t recall anything that night. He claims to be fine but for the next 8 days, he started to have an insatiable greed for power. So he trained his team relentlessly and not caring for anybody. It only stopped after Juliana and their mother’s support helped him. Till now, he doesn’t know why he had this feeling.
Juliana: Like with Florian, same info except she represents the scarlet side. She met a general outside Levincia city. When she accidentally encountered one, it appeared to be friendly and didn’t seem to attack her, ultimately she decided to catch it. This proved to be a mistake. The general dropped its disguise and shocked Juliana badly, leaving her with some electrical burns. Her pokemon, went out to battle the general, while some helped her to carry up on Koraidon. The general quickly defeated her pokemon with ease, while the remaining got returned and Koraidon immediately dashed as fast as possible away from the attacker. However, the general was fast and was able to close in the distance, however, due to being close to Medali City, Rika and Larry were to able to deter away the general, and because of the need to conceal their identities, the general left. Once that happened, Juliana was treated for her injuries with Florian being informed of the situation.
Now, sorry if I rambled on for too long but yeah, that’s what happened. And the people who are close to the protags are royally screwed.
As for Liko and Ash, they’re not canon to this AU. This only has the main series games. However, in my trivia post about Pecharunt, this one should ambiguously answer your question
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So, yes, he did actually do some research on both Ash and Liko on Bulbapedia (yes, that Bulbapedia). He’s even aware of other dimensions, AUs and timelines, you can see the post relating to his quotes. However, this does mean he’s aware of your ‘Kaijumorpha’ Au as well as ‘Scars of Black and White’. His main thoughts are interesting and ‘Ghetsis being Ghetsis’ respectively. Also, I would say if Kaijuran (Kaiju Kieran) and SR Pecharunt fought. It’s a one-sided beatdown for Kaijuran, details on his power level next time.
Well that’s all I have.
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Bleeding Leads
AI-less Whumptober Day 4: ALT 18: Misunderstanding
TWs: literally none except for Devin making very poor self-care choices, the whump will happen in the next part, I promise!
The truth of the matter was Devin Connally very often did not mean to end up where they ended up.
They just so happened to seem as if they had the ability to show up to the worst imaginable place at the worst imaginable time. And, while this was incredibly inconvenient in their day-to-day life, it did make them excel as an investigative journalist. 
Much to their coworkers’ annoyance, Devin always seemed to get the best scoop and the fastest story and the most intriguing leads. They were almost embarrassed to admit that the vast majority of their career’s accomplishments were little more than misunderstandings, blown out of proportion.
They had found themself in the midst of everything from the mayor’s infidelity scandal (with the neighboring city’s mayor, nonetheless) to one of the largest drug busts in Fallgate City history to in-depth interviews with both convicts and local high schoolers that revealed some of the massive power imbalances that were being taken advantage of. 
Needless to say, Devin had made quite a name for themself in the eight years since moving to Fallgate.
So, when they got the envelope in the mail, they really didn’t think much of it. They simply tossed it to the middle of their coffee table, where other unopened mail was laid, and headed towards their kitchen—kitchenette, really, and that was still being generous—where they opened their freezer and popped another frozen meal into their microwave.
Glancing at the packaging of the meal as they slid over to their coffee machine, they hummed to themself. Chicken and rice today, they thought. Well, at least whatever they’re claiming is chicken. They chuckled to themself. Now that would be one hell of an exposé. 
They were just stirring the creamer into their steaming mug when the microwave dinged. Carrying their rather sad dinner to the living room—one beat-up couch, one second-hand coffee table with plenty of mystery stains, and a TV perched precariously atop a wooden drawer chest that always seemed to be wobbly—they sat down, pulling a worn blanket over their lap. 
Taking a sip to test the temperature of their coffee, Devin absentmindedly turned the TV on, flipping to some food competition, a guilty pleasure of theirs, and began shoveling the food into their mouth. It had been a long day and they were ready to crawl into their small twin-sized bed and wait for their alarm to go off too early in the morning.
It was only after the food was gone and the last dredges of the coffee had gone cold that Devin bothered reaching for the stack of mail piled in front of them. Setting it on the couch beside them, they quickly flipped through everything to see if there was anything important.
Most if it was random catalogs, some of which were from companies they’d never even heard of, selling rather outlandish goods. There were a few bills thrown in, and Devin set those aside with a roll of their eyes. That left two things.
The first was a bent postcard, with a grainy photo of what looked like the Sydney Opera House. Flipping it over, Devin immediately recognized the slanted scrawl of their oldest brother, Kai’s handwriting.
Just thought I’d send this to you, I know how much you used to want to travel when you were younger. I’m here for another month or so while Pippa finishes up… whatever she’s doing with the local marine life. When I get back stateside, we should totally try to meet up! You still living in Fallgate, right? Anyways, I think I heard Callum just wake up from his nap, so I better go.
Talk to you later!
Devin finished reading and slowly flipped the postcard back over. They would never tell anyone this, but they still longed to see the world. That was part of why they worked so hard; so, eventually, one day, they might be able to work their way up to a nation-wide newspaper and then possibly travel abroad for international pieces.
Still, it was nice knowing at least one person had thought of them, even if it was Kai, who was too busy with his wife and children to bother actually showing up. Breathing deeply, Devin set the letter aside, slowly letting go of the surge of anger that begged to course through them for just a moment-
Looking at the other piece of mail remaining, Devin frowned, brow creasing slightly. They didn’t recognize the elegant script that had written their address—no name, though—and the paper was heavy and creamy. Not cheap, as far as Devin was concerned. 
Carefully sliding a nail under the actual wax seal that closed the envelope, Devin slowly pulled out an equally fancy looking card.
Written on creamy white paper (that honestly might’ve been softer than their sheets) it appeared to be an invitation:
Your esteemed presence is requested 
Mr. Erik Wildre, CEO of Explority Voyages, Inc.
8pm on the 22 of September
105 Penrose Boulevard
Devin blinked, flipping the invitation over, half a mind waiting to see a “HA! GOTCHA!” jumping out at them. Nothing. 
Their brow creasing ever so slightly, Devin bit their lip, thinking hard. Today was Tuesday, and the date was for this Friday. That only gave them a few days to prepare. Still, they’d been trying to get in contact with Mr. Wildre for several months now—the official reason being an interview on his latest philanthropic efforts, but Devin had fully planned to then inquire about some of the nastier rumors going around—and it was like trying to sweet-talk a concrete wall. A concrete wall that was attached to Fort Knox.
So, Devin decided, it was totally worth it.
Taglist: @ailesswhumptober @panic-whump @cupcakes-and-pain @lonesome--hunter @latenightcupsofcoffee @badluck990
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rise-jez · 2 months
Nightmares or just bad dreams (Pt.1)
Oliver Rizo - Test subject 004
Born in a warm and loving family in Punta Arenas, Chile, Oliver Rizo was raised as a marine life lover and a sweet optimistic boy. Since kid he loved the sea but after an unfortunate event he developed an irrational fear of the sea and everything that hid its depths.
Alopias: It's the name he gave to his 'Symbiote', a creature from the underworld that is capable of breathing underwater. He usually says that before he died and was trapped in limbo, he was a sailor, although from the looks of it he seems to have been attacked by something while he was at sea.
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Marianna Price - Test subject 007
Daughter of a renowned mystery novel writer, raised in a wealthy but broken family in a pretty house Just outside the city of Palermo, Italy. Since she was the 'perfect' twin her mother preferred her over Phoebe, her twin sister, but since her half-sister was born, her mother simply distanced herself from the girls and their father.
Attrice: The soul of a desolated and forgotten actrice of the opera, now become the companion of Marianna in her upsidedown life. Very charismatic and overprotective with her owner, even though she doesn't like her at first still managed to bond with her. Since Attrice doesn't have a face uses a variety of mask that Marianna made for her to show her expressions.
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Hi again episode one
Adventure tails
Episode One
place:New York
Tails darted through the bustling streets of York New, his twin tails spinning like propellers. He weaved through the crowd, constantly apologizing as he brushed past people. "Sorry! Excuse me!" His heart pounded as he glanced at his watch. "I'm going to be late!"
He weaves through the throngs of people with practiced agility. "Sorry!" he calls out, narrowly avoiding a collision with a businessman engrossed in his holo-tablet. "Excuse me!" he shouts, dodging around a street vendor's cart.
As he rounded a corner, he found himself near the entrance of the York New Zoo. The zoo was a popular attraction, and a crowd had already gathered at the entrance, further complicating Tails' dash to work
"Great, just what I need," Tails groaned, trying to find a path through the throng of people. He squeezed past a group of children excitedly talking about the animals they were about to see, offering quick apologies as he went. "Sorry! Excuse me!"
nodded, understanding the urgency. "I'm on it, sir. I'll handle the repairs and service requests promptly."
With that directive, Tails hurried inside the workshop, where the air was filled with the hum of machinery and the focused energy of his colleagues
The robotics assembly line needs maintenance!" another exclaimed urgently.
Tails acknowledged each request with a quick nod. "I'll take care of it. Just give me a moment.
Throughout the day, customers called for help, and Tails adeptly handled each request, ensuring everything was back in working order. Despite the pressure, Tails found solace in his skills and the satisfaction of helping others with his mechanical expertise
However, amidst the routine, a peculiar call came in. "Hello, this is Tails speaking. How can I assist you today?" Tails asked, expecting the usual mechanical problem.
Suddenly, a call came in from the Opera House in York City. "Hello, Tails? We need your help with broken lights," the frantic voice of the stage manager echoed through the line."Opera House?" Tails muttered to himself, intrigued by the unexpected request. With a quick nod to Cardinal, he gathered his tools and set off to restore light to the stage, ready to face the
challenges and mysteries that awaited him.
After navigating the crowded city streets once more,
After navigating the crowded city streets once more, Tails finally arrived at the grand Opera House. The majestic building loomed before him, its intricate architecture and elegant facade a stark contrast to the urgency of his mission. Inside, the stage manager greeted him with a look of desperate relief.
Thank goodness you're here, Tails! The lights went out just before a major rehearsal. We need them fixed immediately," the manager explained, leading Tails to the stage.
However, amidst the routine, a peculiar call came in. "Hello, this is Tails speaking. How can I assist you today?" Tails asked, expecting the usual mechanical problem.
Suddenly, a call came in from the Opera House in York City. "Hello, Tails? We need your help with broken lights," the frantic voice of the stage manager echoed through the line."Opera House?" Tails muttered to himself, intrigued by the unexpected request. With a quick nod to Cardinal, he gathered his tools and set off to restore light to the stage, ready to face the
challenges and mysteries that awaited him.
After navigating the crowded city streets once more,
After navigating the crowded city streets once more, Tails finally arrived at the grand Opera House. The majestic building loomed before him, its intricate architecture and elegant facade a stark contrast to the urgency of his mission. Inside, the stage manager greeted him with a look of desperate relief.
Thank goodness you're here, Tails! The lights went out just before a major rehearsal. We need them fixed immediately," the manager explained, leading Tails to the stage.
During a hectic workday, Tails receives an unexpected call from the Opera House, whose stage lights have malfunctioned. He secures his boss's approval and ventures into the city again, feeling both intrigued and prepared for the challenge. Upon arriving at the elegant Opera House, the stage manager expresses urgent relief and leads him directly to the problem area, setting the stage for a critical repair task amidst the grandeur of the venue.
As Tails assessed the situation, a human man approached. "Hello, I'm Mr. Wanny, the operations manager here," he introduced himself, extending a hand.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Wanny," Tails replied, shaking his hand. "What's the issue?
Mr. Wanny sighed in frustration. "It's a broken lever in the control panel for the stage lights. We've tried everything, but it just won't budge, and without it, we can't control the lighting for the performance."
Tails nodded, taking in the information. "I see. Well, let's have a look at it." He approached the control panel and began examining the lever. It was clear that it had been forced and was now jammed in place. After a moment's thought, Tails retrieved a small tool from his toolbox and gently worked the lever free. The control panel sprang back to life, displaying the various
"All done! Everything should be working perfectly now," Tails announced, stepping back to admire his handiwork.
As Tails stepped back to admire his work, he accidentally knocked over a bucket of cleaning supplies, soaking his leg. "Oh, no," he muttered, quickly setting the bucket upright
Mr. Wanny chuckled. "You saved the day, even if it was a bit messy. Thank you so much, Tails."
With a satisfied smile, Tails packed up his tools and prepared to head back to Cardinal Screams, his leg still damp but his spirits hig
SUMMARY^1: At the Opera House, Tails encounters Mr. Wanny, the operations manager, who explains the urgent issue with a broken lever in the stage light control panel. After inspecting it, Tails successfully repairs the lever, restoring functionality to the lighting system. Despite a small mishap with a bucket of cleaning supplies, Mr. Wanny expresses gratitude, and Tails leaves with his spirits high, ready to return to work at Cardinal Screams.
SUMMARY^2: Tails faces a demanding workday at Cardinal Screams, where he must keep his true age a secret. He's sent to the Opera House to fix a critical lighting issue, displaying his mechanical prowess and earning Mr. Wanny's gratitude after a successful repair.
Meanwhile, in the projection room of the Opera House, a man with a distinctive egg-shaped body and a nervous demeanor adjusted his glasses. This was Robotnik, known to many as Eggman. His eyes flicked nervously from one investor to another, trying to read the room as his assistant continued to load film reels.
Eggman was presenting his latest project: filming nature footage in the most dangerous of territories. The room was tense as the investors watched the footage, their expressions unreadable.
How much more is there?" Zelman, one of the investors, asked impatiently.
Another five reels," Eggman's assistant replied.
This is it? This is what we get for our investment?" the thuggish investor growled, clearly unimpressed and annoyed.
Eggman swallowed hard, trying to muster his confidence. "There's more to come," he assured them, hoping to salvage the presentation.
The lights suddenly come up, flooding the room. A sleazy-looking Mobian moose investor wakes with a start.
This is it? This is what we get for our forty grand, Eggman? Another one of your Safari pictures?" the thuggish investor
You promised us romantic scenes with Bruce Baxter and Maureen McKenzie," the sleazy investor adds.
Denham, another investor, tries to calm the situation. "Come on, fellas - you know the deal - we agreed to push Maureen’s start date so she could get her teeth fixed."
"It's not the principle of the thing - it's the money," the thuggish investor insists
"Carl - you’ve been in production for over
SUMMARY^1: Eggman presents his film project to investors in the Opera House projection room, showcasing dangerous nature footage. The atmosphere is tense as one investor, Zelman, questions the value of the five reels presented. A sleazy Moose investor complains about the lack of romantic scenes with Bruce Baxter and Maureen McKenzie, and the thuggish investor is unhappy with the return on their investment. Denham defends Eggman, mentioning Maureen's dental work delay, but the thuggish investor remains adamant about the financial concerns, hinting at potential trouble for the project's future.
Eggman, trying to maintain his composure, assures them, "Trust me, Bruce and Maureen are gonna steam up the screen - once we get them on the ship.""What ship?" Zelman asks, confused.
The one we’ve hired to get to the location," Eggman explains hurriedly, standing up as Zelman turns on him.
Zelman, increasingly frustrated, responds, "What location? Eggman - you’re supposed to be shooting on the backlot.
Eggman, with growing excitement, continues, "Yes, I understand that - but fellas, we’re not making that film anymore - and I’ll tell you why.
Eggman gets out of his seat and moves to the front of the room. "The story has changed, the script has been rewritten." He pulls a tattered map from his pocket and holds it up. "Life intervened! I’ve come into possession of a map. The sole surviving record of an ancient civilization!""Whoa! Carl - slow down!" Zelman interrupts."Is he askin’ for more money?" the sleazy investor questions
Is he askin’ for more money?" the sleazy investor questions."He's asking us to fund a wild goose chase," the thuggish investor adds.
Eggman persists, "I'm talking about a primitive world ... never before seen by man! The ruins of an entire civilization - the most spectacular thing you’ve ever seen!" He pauses dramatically. "That’s where I’ll shoot my picture!"
Silence fills the room for a beat.
Will there be boobies?" the sleazy investor breaks the silence
Excuse me, boobies?" Eggman responds,
SUMMARY^1: In the heated discussion, Eggman reveals a new direction for his film project, involving an ancient civilization discovered through a map he found. Despite the investors' skepticism, especially regarding additional costs and the absence of the promised romantic scenes, the sleazy investor humorously asks if the new film will feature any nudity, bringing a moment of confusion to the tense atmosphere.
SLEAZY INVESTOR Jigglies, jablongers, bazoomers! ... In my experience people only go to these films to observe the ... undraped form of the native girls.
Eggman, furious, snaps back, "What are you - an idiot? You think they asked De Mille to waste his time on nudie shots? No - they respected the filmmaker, they showed some class! Not that you’d know what that means - you cheap low-life!"
Zelman shifts uncomfortably in his seat as the thuggish investor leans forward, sensing tension
Would you step outside for a moment, Carl?" Zelman finally suggests, gesturing towards the lobby.
Eggman nods, silently acknowledging the request, and exits the screening room with his long-suffering assistant, Preston, waiting for him on a sofa.
Preston, give me that," Eggman demands, pointing urgently at a glass of water on the table beside Preston
"You won’t like it, it’s non-alcoholic!" Preston warns, handing him the glass.
Ignoring the warning, Eggman promptly empties the glass into a nearby pot plant. "Preston, you have much to learn about this business," he remarks cryptically.
Inside, Zelman tried to calm the investors. "Don't write him off, fellas. He’s hot-headed, sure, but Robotnik has made some interesting pictures. He’s had a lot of ... near success."
"An ambitious no-talent! The guy has 'loser' written all over him," the thuggish investor argued.
"Look, I understand your disappointment," Zelman began, but the thuggish investor cut him off. "He’s washed up—it's all over town!"
: Eggman's anger flares when the sleazy investor suggests nudity in the film, prompting a heated exchange. Zelman attempts to defuse the situation by proposing a break. In the lobby, Eggman takes a non-alcoholic drink from Preston and pours it into a plant, highlighting his frustration. Meanwhile, Zelman defends Eggman's filmmaking abilities to the investors, emphasizing his potential for success despite the current tension and negative reputation within the industry.
He can’t direct. He doesn’t have the smarts," the sleazy investor added
This jumped up little turd’s gonna bankrupt us," the thuggish investor concluded.
Zelman sighed. "The animal footage has value?"
Sure ... Universal are desperate for stock footage," the sleazy investor replied.
Then sell it! Scrap the picture! We gotta retrieve something from this debacle," the thuggish investor decided.
Zelman nodded and gestured to a young assistant.
Zelman turned to the young assistant standing nearby. "Get him back in here," he instructed, gesturing towards the closed door.
The assistant nodded and opened the door, only to find the lobby eerily empty.
Mr. Robotnik?" he called out, puzzled by Eggman's absence
But Eggman and Preston were already gone, their figures disappearing into the crowded New York sidewalk, weighed down by eight film cans. Eggman glanced over his shoulder, his mind racing with plans. "I want the cast, crew, and all the equipment on that ship within 24 hours."
Preston protested, struggling to keep up. "No, Robotnik, you can’t do this!"
"Tell ‘em the studio’s pressured us into an early departure," Eggman retorted, his determination unwavering.
"It’s not ethical!" Preston argued, desperate to reason with his driven boss.
What are they gonna do—sue me? They can get in line! I’m not going to let them kill my film," Eggman declared defiantly, forging ahead with his bold plan.
As they crossed a busy road, Preston hurried behind. "You realize none of the camera equipment is on board. We have no permits... no visas..."
Eggman flagged down a cab. "We’ll make it work, Preston. We have to."
Preston adds, "We have no insurance, no foreign currency—in fact, we have no currency of any kind—"
Eggman, looking back across the street, sees an angry investor heading towards them. "Get in!" he shouts, bundling Preston into the cab.
Preston, panicked, asks, "Who’s gonna pay for the ship?"
An investor grabs at the partially open back window of the cab, but they drive off just in time.
Eggman, determined, says, "We’ll find a way. We always do.
Time:12:30 pm
Preston and Eggman sat in the back seat. Preston was scribbling on a notepad feverishly, while Eggman glanced out of the window occasionally.
Eggman," Preston began, breaking the silence, "Mr. Walker's finest, red label, 80% proof. Packed in a crate marked 'lemonade
Eggman nodded approvingly. "You got it... And tell Sally—she doesn’t have six hours to put on her face. If she wants to be in this picture, she’s gotta be on that boat!"
Preston's expression turned serious. "She doesn’t want to be in this picture."
Eggman stared at Preston in disbelief. "Sally pulled out? Yesterday? I wasn't informed.
Preston nodded solemnly. "Yes, I told you.
"You said we were shooting in Singapore, right? That’s what you told her?"
"But we’re not shooting in Singapore.""
Goddammit, Preston! All you had to do is look her in the eye and lie Eggman turns away, his brain whirring with thoughts.
Back Tails sat at his cluttered workbench, the soft glow of his desk lamp casting shadows on the scattered tools and blueprints. His fur was damp with sweat, and his usually bright blue eyes were tinged with red from lack of sleep. His stomach grumbled, and he glanced at the clock on the wall—12:30 PM. He muttered to himself, "I need some sleep."Suddenly, the sound of his smartphone
What's happening now?" Tails grumbled as he answered the
The AI assistant's voice responded, "Incoming call. Would you like to answer?"
Who is it?" Tails asked, trying to stay focused.
The AI voice announced, "New call from Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit
Tails sighed. "Okay, put them through."
The smartphone's camera activated, showing Amy, the pink hedgehog, and Cream, the younger rabbit.
"Hi, Tails!" Amy greeted.
"Hi, Amy. Hi, Cream," Tails replied, attempting a smile. "What happened?
Yeah, Tails," Amy added, inspecting his appearance. "Your fur and eyes look terrible. Have you had any rest or even taken a bath?"
Tails chuckled weakly. "Yes, I'm okay. It's just hard work. Uh, what call now? Another broken thing?"
Amy shook her head. "No, you need to ask something else. Uh, come on, want to come to a party?"
Tails hesitated. "No, sorry girls, not today."
Why not?" Amy and Cream asked simultaneously.
Tails sighed, "My boss punished me for being late. If I'm late again, I'll be dismissed."
Amy's expression grew concerned. "Is he that strict?"
Tails nodded. "Yeah, he doesn't tolerate late people. He says it's about money."
Amy's eyes widened. "But it's not fair for you to work like this, Tails. You're too young to handle so much stress!"
Tails looked panicked, glancing around to ensure no one overheard. "Quiet, girls," he whispered. "No one can know my real age. I need the money. Don't worry about me, I'm okay."
Amy looked skeptical. "Are you sure?"
Tails smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Things could be worse."
"I miss you, brother," Tails whispered.
"I miss you, brother," Tails whispered.
The call ended, and Tails sighed deeply. He looked at the photos on his desk, one of a brown hedgehog hugging a younger fox.
"I miss you, brother," Tails whispered.
Suddenly, his desk phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. Tails picked up the receiver and said, "with something mechanical?"
The voice on the other end said, "The restaurant needs help again. Can you come ove.
Jake again? Alright, I'm on my way." Tails quickly gathered his tools. "Bye, brother," he said to the photo before dashing out the door.
As he hurried down the street, he heard a scream and stopped, curious. He saw a vendor angrily grabbing a bat woman by the arm. Without hesitation, Tails leaped into action. "Excuse me," he said, approaching the vendor.
"Stay out of this, boy," the vendor growled. "This bat was trying to steal from me."
The bat woman's eyes were wide with fear. "No, I was just looking," she protested.
The vendor shook his head. "I saw you trying to take an apple."
Tails kept his voice calm. "If there's a problem, we can sort it out without violence. Here, I'll pay for the apple."
The vendor hesitated, then nodded and released the bat woman, accepting the money. "Okay, but don't let this happen again."
No problem," Tails replied with a smile. He glanced at his wristwatch and panicked. "Oh no, I'm going to be late!" He dashed off, thinking, "I wish I could fly. It would be so much easier. But no, I'm just a fox. Foxes don't fly."
Tails ran as fast as his legs could carry him, navigating the bustling streets. He finally reached the restaurant. He hurried inside and found Jake, a burly human with a stern expression, waiting for him.
He sprinted through the bustling streets, finally reaching the restaurant, where Jake, a burly human with a stern expression, awaited him
You're late, Tails," Jake said in a thick Italian accent, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, Jake. I ran into some trouble on the way," Tails explained, catching his breath
Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Jake asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
Just a small misunderstanding with a vendor," Tails replied. "It's all sorted out now. What seems to be the problem here?"
Jake sighed. "My robot is acting up again."
Tails nodded, already in work mode. "Which one?"
It's the waiter robot again," Jake replied.Tails nodded. "Alright, let's get it fixed."
tood next to a large oven. Its LED eyes blinked with a soft blue light, and its metallic arms moved with precision as it prepared pizzas. "This one," Jake said, pointing to the robot. "It's been acting up again. Keeps overheating and slowing down during peak hours."
Tails inspected the robot carefully, noting the slight discoloration around its joints indicating overheating issues. "Looks like it's struggling with heat dissipation," Tails muttered to himself. He began to dismantle a panel on the robot's side, revealing a complex network of circuits and cooling fans.
Jake watched intently as Tails worked, occasionally nodding in approval at Tails' methodical approach. "You sure you can fix it?" Jake asked skeptically.
Tails glanced up briefly, his focused expression softening into a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Jake. I've seen this before. Just needs some adjustments to the cooling system."
While Tails worked, Jake recounted the robot's recent performance issues. "It's been a nightmare, especially with the crowds we get for the lunch rush."
Jake watched intently as Tails worked, occasionally nodding in approval at Tails' methodical approach. "You sure you can fix it?" Jake asked skeptically.
Tails glanced up briefly, his focused expression softening into a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Jake. I've seen this before. Just needs some adjustments to the cooling system."
While Tails worked, Jake recounted the robot's recent performance issues. "It's been a nightmare, especially with the crowds we get for the lunch rush."
Tails nodded, his nimble hands moving quickly as he replaced worn parts and tweaked the cooling system. "These fans are clogged with grease. They need regular maintenance."
"Well, I'm not exactly a robotics expert," Jake said with a shrug.
No problem," Tails replied, his voice muffled by the robot's innards. "It's all part of the job."
As Tails put the final screws back in place, the robot's LED eyes blinked back to a steady blue, and its movements grew smoother.
"Looks like we're all set," Tails said, wiping his hands on a grease-stained cloth. He stepped back to admire his work, watching the robot move gracefully across the kitchen floor.
Jake clapped his hands together. "Perfecto! You're a lifesaver, Tails."
Tails grinned, his tail swishing behind him. "Just doing my job, Jake. Now, let's test it out."
Unbeknownst to Tails, as he bid farewell to Jake and left the restaurant, Eggman he observed the encounter from a nearby alleyway. His interest was piqued by the young fox's mechanical prowess and bravery. As the robotic waiter whirred back to life, serving steaming hot pizzas to eager customers, Eggman's mind raced with possibilities. He knew he needed someone like Tails for his ambitious film project.
As Tails left the pizzeria, unaware of Eggman's watchful eyes, he felt a mix of relief and satisfaction. Fixing the robot had been challenging, but seeing it operate smoothly again gave him a sense of accomplishment. However, the stress of his job and the constant fear of being discovered weighed heavily on him.
Excuse me," Eggman's voice interrupted Tails' thoughts.
Tails turned around to see Dr. Eggman standing there, his round shape and steely gaze making him instantly recognizable. Tails hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "Um, hi sir," he finally managed to say, trying to keep his tone respectful despite his nerves.
Eggman stepped out of the shadows, his arms folded behind his back. "Hello, young fox,"
My name Robotnik Carl, but you can call me Eggman," the peculiar man introduced himself, extending a hand.
Later Tails is eating from a FULL PLATE, trying to disguise his hunger from the people around him. He's sitting at a small table in a noisy, bustling café, surrounded by the aroma of various dishes and the chatter of the patrons. He's been working non-stop since dawn, with only brief moments to grab a bite. His stomach growls again, reminding him that he can't let his guard down. He takes a deep breath and shovels another mouthful of food into his mouth
Eggman walks over carrying a CUP of COFFEE.
Mind if I join you?" he asks, his tone surprisingly friendly.
Tails nods, wary but too hungry to refuse. Eggman sits down and takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving Tails.
"You're quite the little body mechanic, aren't you?" Eggman says, his gaze piercing.
Tails swallows his food, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension. "Thanks," he replies, trying to keep his cool. "It's just something I'm good at."
Eggman leans in closer. "I'm looking for someone with your talents. I need a skilled hand for my latest project. It's an adventure of a lifetime, and I think you'd be perfect."
Tails' eyes widen, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of project?"
Eggman smiles, his mustache twitching slightly. "A film project, my dear Tails. A documentary, if you will, about the wild and unexplored corners of our very own planet. And not just any corners," he says, leaning in closer. "I've uncovered something extraordinary, something that could change the course of history."
Tails's heart races at the mention of adventure. "Where are you planning to film?"
"Ah, that's the secret," Eggman says with a twinkle in his eye. "But let's just say it's an island untouched by modern civilization, filled with mysteries and ancient secrets."
Tails's interest is piqued, but he remains cautious. "What do you need me for?"
Eggman leans back in his chair, his gaze still fixed on Tails. "I need someone who can fix anything, anywhere, at a moment's notice. And I've heard whispers of your extraordinary skills."
Tails feels a surge of excitement, but he's also wary. "What's the catch?"
"The catch?" Eggman laughs. "There's no catch, just a chance to leave this mundane life behind and become part of something legendary. Plus," he adds with a wink, "you'll get to travel and see the world like you've never seen it before."
Tails considers the offer, his mind racing with thoughts of adventure and escape from his current life. "But what if my boss doesn't let me go?"
Eggman's smile grew wider, and he leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. "Leave that to me," he said with a wink. "I have ways of ... convincing people."
Tails felt a twinge of unease at the thought of someone else dealing with his boss, but the promise of adventure was too tempting. "What would I be doing exactly?" he asked, trying to get more information without revealing his true age.
Eggman leaned back, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "You'd be my personal mechanic. Keeping all our gear in tip-top shape. And perhaps," he added with a knowing look." Assistant help the cast and crew with any... unforeseen issues."
Tails took a bite of his sandwich, mulling over the offer. The thought of adventure and discovery thrilled him, but he had responsibilities and secrets to protect. "What about pay?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Ah, the universal concern," Eggman chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll be compensated more than fairly. Plus, think of the experience and the stories you'll have to tell!"
Tails couldn't argue with that. The idea of seeing new places and making a difference was too tempting. He swallowed the last bite of his sandwich and wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Okay, I'm in," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt.
Tails couldn't argue with that. The idea of seeing new places and making a difference was too tempting. He swallowed the last bite of his sandwich and wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Okay, I'm in," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt.
Eggman's smile grew into a full grin. "Excellent!
"Now, there's one more thing," he said, his tone turning serious. "We leave tomorrow late i need search New cast and crew member," he called out, scribbling something on a piece of paper.
Tails's heart raced. "Tomorrow? That's so soon!"
"Time waits for no one, especially not for those who wish to make history," Eggman said, his voice filled with urgency. He handed Tails the paper with the address of the dock where the ship was docked. "Be there at sharp latest 5 pm, and don't tell anyone where you're going."
Tails nodded, his mind racing with excitement and anxiety. "What do I need to bring?"
"Just your toolkit and a change of clothes," Eggman replied, his smile never wavering. "Phone no good there, no signal. We're going off the grid
Tails nodded, his heart racing. "Okay, I'll be there."
Eggman rose from his seat. "Excellent. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need search now cast and crew member, so many to choose from in this vast city," he said, gesturing grandly around them.
Tails watched him go, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. He had always dreamed of adventure, but he had never imagined it would come so suddenly or from such an unexpected source. As he finished his meal, he couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into.
Thanks for brother," Tails whispered to himself as he stowed his tools and left the café. The evening air was cool, and the neon lights of the city reflected off the wet streets, painting a vibrant picture that seemed to mirror the turmoil in his thoughts.
To be continued...
Next episode soon
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travelonourown · 1 year
Wed Aug 16
Sightseeing in Montpellier- saw the Place de la Comedie with its Three Graces fountain and the Opera House. Next we saw the Eglise Saint Roche and the Halles Castellanes covered market. Then we walked to the Arc de Triomphe, and also saw the water cistern structure and the huge aqueduct with its many arches off into the distance. Finally we went to the Cathedrale Saint-Pierre, with its huge twin pillars supporting the main portal- quite beautiful. At this point it was time for a break- Elena had ice cream and Rose de Province, and Edward had a wonderful glass of local vin rouge from Pic Saint Loup. We walked back to the apartment and had a rest, and then walked back into the old city for dinner. Food was ok, but the bottle of Pic Saint Loup was superb!
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Oh My Lord. Can we have a F.R.I.E.N.D.S AU please?
I literally just concluded the series finale and then dove right in on this ask that I’m not even sure many people will even see but I still had fun on this.
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David Jacobs as Monica Geller
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David has lived in the city for a few years now and he has an absolutely gorgeous apartment in Manhattan. He is a very OCD person who very much values clean spaces and having everything in its place. David is an aspiring chef, who often cooks for his friends and dreams of his own fairytale ending. Eventually, he manages to become the head chef of his very own restaurant and marry someone that he was once only friends with, a man who lived across the hall. Actually, his college roommate’s little brother.
Racetrack Higgins as Rachel Green
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Race comes from a very wealthy family in upstate New York. He runs to the city after fleeing his own wedding and ending up in a coffee house where he sees his old best friend from his childhood, Jack Kelly. He ends up staying with Jack’s friend David who has an empty room and figuring out how to live his life after being completely cut off. He has to get a job at the coffee shop and rely on his new group of friends to help him out and figure out how to be a grown up and eventually realizes he has feelings for Spot, Jack’s older brother. They have an on and off again relationship for about ten years. He eventually becomes a big name in fashion, opening up his own line and becoming rich all on his own.
Jack Kelly as Chandler Bing
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Jack is the funny man in the group who lives across the hall from David. He has a job in some news company that none of his friends could ever name and is always there with a quick remark. His big brother Spot and him were adopted when they were young and have a very harsh competitive energy but they both love each other very much. He falls in love with David and eventually the two get married and adopt newborn twins together. Though he is severely haunted by one of his ex’s.
Spot Conlon as Ross Geller
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Spot is a paleontologist. He is fascinated by dinosaurs and a young boy who used to be best friends with his little brother. Racetrack Higgins. He has been in love with Race for a very long time. He has been in one failed marriage and has a son with his ex-wife. Eventually he becomes a professor of paleontology and gets married two more times, getting divorced quickly after. He is very protective of his brother even though Jack is a very confident person and he loves his friends more than anything.
Albert DaSilva as Joey Tribianni
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Albert is a struggling actor who is awful with money but a wonderful taster of food. He lives with Jack and is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But he is very loyal and protective of the people he cares about. Albert is extremely flirtatious and eventually lands a job on a very famous soap opera which scores him a lot of dates.
Crutchie Morris as Phoebe Buffay
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Crutchie is a very odd duck. He is a masseuse who is extremely in touch with the spiritual world. He is a songwriter and a musician. He used to be David’s roommate but moved out when he got his very own apartment. He is a vegetarian as he believes every life on the planet is too valuable to lose. He’s lived a crazy life on the streets, has a mother who killed herself and a father who left and a stepfather in prison. But he ends up having a wonderful life with wonderful people.
Honorable mentions
Katherine Plumber — Janice
Morris Delancey — Richard
Hot Shot — Emily
Finch — Mike
Specs — David
Smalls — Carol
Coffee Bean — Susan
Les Jacobs — Ben
For more mood boards and AUs, click here!
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dsantine · 1 year
Eduardo and Mônica
Who will one day say there's no exist reason In the things done by the heart? And who's to say there's no exist reason?
Eduardo opened his eyes but did not want to get up He stay lay down and saw what time it was While Mônica was drinking a cognac In the other corner of town, as they said
Eduardo and Mônica one day met unintentionally And they talked a lot to try to get to know each other A little guy of Eduardo's little course who said 'there's a nice party and we wanna to have fun'
Strange party with weird people 'I'm not cool, I can't handle more drinks' And Mônica laughed and wanted to know a little more About the little boy who was trying to impress And Eduardo, half dizzy, all he thought about was going home 'it's almost two, I'm going to get screwed'
Eduardo and Mônica exchanged phone Then they called and decided to meet Eduardo suggested a coffee shop But Mônica wanted to see Godard's movie
They then met in the city park Mônica on a motorcycle and Eduardo on a bike Eduardo thought it was strange and better not to comment But the girl had paint on her hair
Eduardo and Mônica were nothing alike She was a Leo and he was sixteen She was on Medical School and speaks German And he was still at the English course
She enjoys Bandeira and Bauhaus Van Gogh and Mutantes Caetano and Rimbaud And Eduardo liked soap opera And he played button football with grandpa
She talked things about the Central Plateau Also magic and meditation And Eduardo was still about 'school, cinema, club and tv'
And even with everything different It really came, all of a sudden a desire to see each other And they both met every day And the will grew As it had to be
Eduardo and Mônica did swimming, photography Theatre and crafts and they went to travelling Mônica explained to Eduardo Things about sky, earth, water and air
He learned to drink, let his hair grow And decided to work And she graduated the same month That he passed the entrance exam
And the two celebrated together And they also fought together, many times later And everyone says he completes her and vice-versa Like rice and beans
They built a house about two years ago When the twins came They worked hard for money and held it together The heaviest bar they've had
Eduardo and Mônica went back Brasilia And our friendship is missed in the summer But this vacation they're not traveling Because Eduardo's little boy It's recovery, ah-ha!
And who will one day say there's no exist reason In the things done by the heart? And who's to say there's no exist reason?
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iironwreath · 2 years
playlists [aurellyn]
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nepenthe aurellyn nepenthe (instrumental)
vierna aurellyn vierna (instrumental)
azul “bryony” aurellyn
main tracklists:
nepenthe aurellyn:
daughters of darkness - halestorm
superbeast - rob zombie
bloody mary - lady gaga
beautiful is boring - BONES UK
main theme: the addams family (instrumental)
love you to death - type o negative
I am...all of me - crush 40
breath of life - florence + the machine
strange girl - halestorm
scream - from ffxiv
spider dance cover - toby fox and ferdk
infinity edge - pentakill
the fire within - within temptation
patient number 9 - ozzy osbourne, jeff beck
see the light - ghost
athena - nova twins
can you feel my heart - MOTHICA
is there anything so endearing as a daughter - from arcane
the snake - lana lubany
the unholy mother - jonathan young
all I ask of you - from phantom of the opera
vierna aurellyn:
blood countess - karliene
the steeple - halestorm
darkness settles in - five finger death punch
poor unfortunate souls - the little mermaid
somebody’s watching me - rockwell
bloody city - sam tinnesz
feed the demon - yenne
eternal life - palaye royale
rats - ghost
alive - ozzy osbourne
filthy freaks - BONES UK
frankenstein - rina sawayama
morticia’s theme - the addam’s family
maneater - nelly furtado
cult leader - KiNG MALA
consummation of evil - jamie christopherson
everything you ever - neil patrick harris
hurt incantation - rapunzel’s tangled adventure
azul “bryony” aurellyn:
minor feelings - rina sawayama
good life - kc roberts & the live revolution
live through the night - dear rouge
my house - PVRIS
scary world - night club
the search - NF
dead man’s plate - pentakill
hey you - disturbed
holy (til you let me go) - rina sawayama
land locked heart - the midnight
these streets - bastille
better tomorrows - ewan mcgregor
all the dying - mother mother
you make me feel like it’s halloween - muse
no escape from now - ozzy osbourne
daffodil - florence + the machine
mountains - message to bears
I wanted to leave - SYML
to rage - daughter
buy the stars - MARINA
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juleecruisearchive · 2 years
A Peek Into Lynch's World
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by Dennis Hunt
A vocalist wearing a prom dress sings eerie ballads while suspended in midair. A topless nymph slithers up the back of an abandoned car, crawling in a space that’s normally a back window. Standing next to a clarinet player and a young woman writhing in ecstasy, a midget repeats an early, heart-breaking dialogue between a man and a woman.
Welcome to director David Lynch’s nightmare world.
“Industrial Symphony No. 1,” a 50-minute home video that was released this week (on Warner Reprise, $19.98), is a fascinating, constantly intriguing stroll through a dark, bleak, surrealistic landscape, resembling what a city might look like after a nuclear war--one big industrial junkyard.
Everything is smoky and lit by flashing searchlights. All the vocals are performed by Julee Cruise, who has a high, frail, angelic voice and an ethereal, jazzy vocal style. Her dream-like songs, such as “Up in Flames” and “I Float Alone,” provide a chilling contrast to the string of stark, menacing images.
In Lynch’s world, the bizarre seems normal. So when a squadron of dolls slowly descends into a frantic crowd, it seems like business as usual. You never quite know what’s going on, but that’s obviously what Lynch intended.
It starts off with a short phone conversation between a couple (played by Laura Dern and Nicolas Cage, who star in Lynch’s movie “Wild at Heart”) on the verge of breaking up. The succeeding images seem to reflect their turmoil and anxiety.
Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti, who writes the music for Lynch’s “Twin Peaks” TV series, composed a slow, spare, moody, jazz-oriented score—part instrumental and part vocals—that enhances the pervasive, nightmarish mood. Though it looks as if it had been shot on a sound stage using elaborate cinematic special effects, this program was filmed last November during a live performance at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House.
Because this is a Lynch project, “Twin Peaks” fans might be tempted to sample it. But this wildly unorthodox program is less for that audience than it is for fans of the far-out—for instance, those who love Lynch’s outrageous “Wild at Heart.”
Source: Los Angeles Times September 5 1990
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dankusner · 2 days
Concert reunites André 3000, Badu
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Neo-soul queen makes appearance on ‘New Blue Sun Live’ tour
André 3000 brought a special guest to the stage — neo-soul queen Erykah Badu — during the Saturday night Dallas stop of his “New Blue Sun Live” tour.
The former Outkast rapper shares a son, Seven, with Badu and they dated in the ’90s.
André posted a clip of their concert reunion at the Winspear Opera House to his Instagram. In the video, he plays a flute and Badu plays a theremin.
“It was such an honor and pleasure to play with one of my best friends in the world,” said Badu, in another clip posted to social media.
When the pair were romantically involved, André told The Dallas Morning News last week, they pushed one another artistically.
“We were both kind of influencing each other in strange ways, you know? Turning each other on to certain music, living together, singing together,” he said. “It was almost like a twin flame type of situation.”
Throughout the years, the musicians have maintained a close relationship.
“When we became boyfriend and girlfriend in the Nineties, we didn’t become friends first. We were attracted to each other first,” Badu told Rolling Stone in 2020.
“Over these years, we’ve just become closer and closer as friends.”
The Dallas tour stop was a homecoming of sorts for André, who lived in the city for two years in the 2010s, when he was co-parenting with Badu.
His main recollection of Big D was the weather: “ Very hot,” he said to The News . “I didn’t know it got that hot in Dallas.”
New Blue Sun, his first album in 17 years, is 87 minutes of purely instrumental music.
It features him playing and improvising on a variety of flutes.
He was originally planning to make a rap album, which he alludes to in one track called, “I Swear I Really Wanted To Make A Rap Album But This is Literally The Way The Wind Blew Through Me This Time.”
“I hate that people think that it’s a joke, or I’m trolling,” he explained to The News .
“I would love a rap album, and that’s why I said the title. But that’s just not what’s on tap.”
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