#USA accounting
bookkeeperlive12 · 2 days
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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hussyknee · 9 months
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One. Day. After vetoing the ceasefire at the Security Council.
One. Fucking. Day. After condemning two million people to genocide.
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There is no hell hot enough for you.
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amaryllidaceaee · 9 months
hi im autistic and i like numbers and dates so im gonna think abt that with petrigrof to think about a timeline because its fun
Since this is an early mobile phone
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mobile phones became available to the public in 1983
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and this (came out about: HMMM its giving me early 2000s like early early 2002 but correct me if im wrong) like I remember round cd players like this but also to be fair we had flip phones until 2018 so we were behind ig
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cheers ran from 1982 to 1993
(also fun detail from stakes the song marceline sings with two bread tom is from a sit com that ran from 1985 to 1990 as well)
also if hes doing an exhibit about the 1990s they already happened
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Also fionnas phone is from 2000 so 2000 happened and made phones
So yeah like a lot of ppl i think the mushroom war took place in the 2000s and betty and simon probably met in the early 1990s maybe even late 1980s if we think abt it hooray her headphones also give early 1990s
The average age for a grad student in the us is 33 so lets say they are in their late 20s early 30s when they meet in 1993 (im just making stuff up now) im gonna say shes 27 or 28 since its implied she is Currently a grad student and im ignoring marcys scrapbook because that will never make sense) and hes already graduated that and is doing a phd okay so say hes 30 more or less in 1993
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If a person is 30 in 1993 that means they were born in 1963 and in 2003 they would be forty so simon and marcy would take place in 2010 if hes approx 47 and marceline is 7 she would have been born exactly in 2003 when the war and apocalypse happened which yknow my maths and estimates not great but i think is interesting anyway. Im gonna say he puts on the crown in the year 2000 and betty also disappears into the future in 2000
Also if betty is 28 (born 1965) when they meet plus 7 years means she is 35 when she goes into the future and 37 in come along with me
also if finn is 16 when elements takes place and shes on mars all through to temple of mars that means she spends a year on mars more or less and about 2-3 years in the future/ooo
If simon reverts back to before the crown that would make him 40 lets say and 52 in fionna and cake
Also if simon puts on the crown in 2000 and he leaves marceline when she is 11-10 years old it takes him approx 14 years to get to that point which is just interesting but also sad
more fun things
996 years from 2010 is 3006
finn is born 2992 (if he is 14)
also shermy and beth (if its 1000 years from 3009) would take place in 4009 making marceline 2006 years old by that point
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have-you-been-here · 10 months
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The Bean, Chicago, Illinois, USA
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vyorei · 8 months
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bookkeeperlive12 · 7 days
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lauren210 · 1 month
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Am lucky having her around me..🥰🥰❤️❤️🫂
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spnscripthunt-inactive · 10 months
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"All that remains of the collection:: my empty tote bag and a shipping receipt longer than I am tall 🥹"
— @mittensmorgul
Fundraisers we donated item(s) to:
SPN Family Giving: J2M 2022 birthday fundraisers ($1,791 Thinkery, Austin; $2,180 Attitudes in Reverse; $1,350 Nova Ukraine); Jensen's birthday for Random Acts: direct donation $3k + $1k from auction = total of $4k for Random Acts
deanismybuddy, awomanredacted & friends: $1200 ($1475 including Jarboard) for Misha's United24 Demine Ukraine fundraiser + Entertainment Community Fund (Jarboard raised $510; $275 Demine Ukraine + $235 OutYouth)
The Green Cooler: $1100+ The Transcend Project & OutYouth
aborddelimpala, thewalkerwiki & friends: $1000 OutYouth for Jared's birthday ($1235 including Jarboard)
#ScullyCoffee4NF 2024: $3897.50 raised for the NF Network
Total: $17,028.50
Fundraisers/Raffles we ran:
$45 GoFundMe receipts
$50 Project C.U.R.E.
$175 National Network of Abortion Funds
$7048 ($6848 + $200 off-counter employer match) The Trevor Project
$3820 worth of receipts submitted for the "Thank You" raffle (Misha's United24 fundraiser)
$5066 World Central Kitchen
$10086.10 RIP Medical Debt
Big three: $22,159.10
Our total: $26,249.10
Shenanigans in total (ours + others we donated prizes to): $43,277.60
Update: Jan 12, 2023
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The $10,086.10 we raised for RIP Medical Debt abolished $1.18 million in medical debt for 621 people living in five states!
Update: Jan 13, 2023
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hussyknee · 2 months
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If I spat the bile this rose in my throat in this fascist, death-worshipping maniac's face it would melt the flesh off his skull.
At the same time as Dems were pouring sympathy on the orange baby's boo boo today, Israel massacred nearly a hundred Palestinians in the designated safe zone of al-Mawasi. The only hospital in Gaza is just barely functioning after having been shut down by the Zionists. Of the three hundred injured it's unsure who will be able to get any treatment or survive.
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introspectivememories · 6 months
i've seen people talk about if logan is really southern or not and i cant weigh in that seeing as im from socal but i will tell yolu this: logan sargeant's americanism is like la croix. you know how la croix tastes like if you thought of fruit from 10 miles away? that's what logan's americanism is like to me.
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iwatcheditbegin · 2 months
I’m American and I still do not understand America’s obsession with focusing so much on celebrity political endorsements. I feel like the focus is in the wrong place, it should be on the politicians and actual policies.
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troythecatfish · 1 year
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ignorantsanonymous · 1 year
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The Psych Writers Room has set up an account on Threads!
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Go give them a follow!
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bookkeeperlive12 · 14 days
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