#Uruk Hai
beardedmrbean · 2 years
An army bred for a singular purpose,
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The White Hand of Saruman wasn't actually any kind of insignia, he was just putting suncream on the Uruk Hai and forgot to rub it all in sometimes. This is why they can go out in the sun
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ranminfan · 2 years
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You know when there's a minor villain in a franchise but they're really cool and you're more interested in them? yeah.
I like them alot, just saying.
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holyinflowers · 2 years
Was rewatching Two Towers (extended edition obvs) and when the Battle of Helms Deep came up, I absolutely refuse to believe that when Theoden ordained that the elderly and young boys would also pulled into fighting the Uruk-Hai, that the mother, wives, sisters, and daughters that heard this didn't immediately start undressing and forcing their loved ones to swap clothes with them because if you think for one second I am about to let my 14 year old brother or my ill grandfather (who probably can't even LIFT a sword) go fight for our freedom when I can, then Theoden King better step up because I have a few things to say
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wine4thewin · 2 years
Playing Middle-Earth: Shadow of War again. Forgot what a riot this game is. Only one hour into playing, I’ve quickly remembered its undying appeal.
*When you’re hiding in some bushes on a stealth mission and an orc Captain bum rushes you out of the blue, loudly proclaiming how worthless you are.
*Going around, collecting orcs like you’d collect Pokémon.
*Orcs with Blood Brother bonds. Lay hands on one of them and his Bestie will show up screeching for your guts. Like, how dare you touch his boyfriend?
*The horny ones that call you “sweetie” 🤣 or the abusive ones that call you Man-Swine or Man-Filth.
*All the drunks by grog barrels, laughing and giggling as if they don’t know there’s a gravewalking madman running around dominating unsuspecting Orcs.
*🏆 Had an orc tell me he was going to “turn me into paste and spread me all over his body” while in the heat of battle. I was like, whoa, my man, this will not stand.
*also, Ratbag.
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Who Would Win?
LOTR Memes
Silmarillion Memes
The Hobbit Memes
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entishramblings · 4 years
the white hand of Saruman except stamped on both my ass cheeks
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dancingbluelight · 2 years
I have legitimately forgotten what number this post is so I'm gonna say this is part 🌳 of LOTR memes that made me struggle to keep quiet in class
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have a fantastic day <33
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gobproblem · 2 years
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orc!Talion surrendering, for some reason. What foe has bested him? Why kneel instead of fight? I drew this like a year and a half ago so I have no idea! I haven’t posted in forever, so I was simply looking through my files for something half-way decent to put out.
Bonus grumpy orc!Talion under the cut 
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holykhepri · 2 years
Hi 👋 I just wanted to say I never see much lotr orc art anywhere, so that made me really happy lol. Anyways you have a new follower now, I hope you’re having a lovely day <3
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naww thank you!! they are charming bastards after all. it's nice to have you here! :D
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me info dumping abt lotr to my friends who literally don't know what im talking abt:
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vildo · 2 years
The feminine urge to not know either pain or death and only taste man-flesh
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elvenmoans · 2 years
At first Talion let the orc captains give their little speaches out of sheer confusion, but then he realized it's culturally important to them and let's him get a breather anyways
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lordoftherings-uk · 3 years
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
Random HCs for Shadow of War Uruks
Mostly composed of archers or hunters
None put high value into reading/writing or math comprehension
Their hand-to-hand combat is modeled after ghuls
Most eat their meat raw
More than some are startled by their reflections (reactions may vary, as will the proceeding damage to both self and others/property)
Suffer from extreme separation anxiety, whether it be with their beast, blood brothers or their crews
Weak connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of defenders or berserkers
Most don't put high value into reading/writing comprehension, but many care for basic maths
Many have a natural disposition to be leaders
More than some are revered tacticians
Can and will paint themselves in the blood of their enemies, but not freaks about it like the Slaughter tribe
Honour through combat and duels to the death
Memorialized fallen comrades and even well fought enemies through oral traditions, such as song or story or theater
Moderate connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of warriors and hunters
Reading/writing and math comprehension not highly valued, though some do eventually learn to read/write for record purposes
The weirdos of Mordor (not to be confused with the same brand of weird as the Terror or Slaughter tribes)
The morgul blades they wield are made from the obsidian of Mount Doom (both as a literal and metaphorical connection to the Dark Lord)
The tribe with the closest ties to both the Dark Lord and the Witch King
Strongest ties to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of defenders and warriors
All learn at least basic math, with the best receiving advanced math comprehension
They do most of the problem solving amongst their kind god help them all
"Sometimes the only correct answer is to bash it with a hammer." -some uruk, probably
"Work smart, not hard." -probably the same uruk
Surprisingly good at problem solving, but only when it suits them (see the statements quoted above)
Understand the best the Dark Lord's intentions for Middle Earth
Moderate connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of archers and warriors
Most are naturally ambidextrous
All learn basic reading/writing, with the best of them learning advance languages/ reading/writing comprehension
They are the dictionary definition of the word "paranoid"
As needed as their services are, they are despised and viewed rightly with great suspicion
Strong connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of archers and warriors
All learn some basic reading/writing and math skills, with the best receiving extra training in both fields
Gift of the gab
They both compose speeches (for warchiefs and/or overlords) and plays, and even perform for outposts/strongholds/forts (for a price, of course)
The backbone of the Mordor economy
Piss off one group, most of the others will refuse to do further business
Weak to moderate connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of berserkers and hunters
Not well liked due to their... uh, love of giving and receiving pain
The best at "acquiring" information from enemies of Mordor (and even allies when it's called for)
Occasionally called to be beast tamers for particularly unruly beasts
Or slaves
Or new recruits
Kinda like enforcers, except they mostly enforce whatever it is whoever is paying them (or what the Dark Lord) wants
Moderate to strong connection to the Dark Lord
Mostly composed of berserkers and hunters
More shunned than the Terror or Outlaw tribes (more than any other tribe, really)
Completely bloodthirsty and driven by it
Literally the grossest of all the tribes
Cannibalism is a tricky subject. All uruk tribes practice a sort of death rite through honourable "cannibalism" (recycling bodies in the vats) but actual cannibalism is seen as a last resort. The Slaughter tribe don't care, and they are a blight on Mordor for this very reason
Either weak or strong connection to the Dark Lord
Far more varied that any other tribe in terms of the fighters they have
Absolute wild cards and mad lads
They take *almost all tribes (except Slaughter cause ew)
Split wildly between being fashion oriented and function oriented (always one or the other, rarely, if ever, both)
They teach each other the fighting practices they were born into, so they are unmatched in the surprise category on the battlefield
Will spit in the face of God and shake their fists at the heavens
Weakest connection to the Dark Lord
@space-arsonist @elvenmoans, @sinick
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