#Uyghur people
the-falling-star · 4 months
A Quick Reminder
Palestine is going through a genocide/ethnic cleansing/colonization
Sudan is going through Genocide/Famine/War
In Congo the Children are being sold / the woman are getting sexually assaulted along with minors and impregnated/ Man are being slaved
Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic Muslims are facing: possible genocide, forced abortion, forced sterilization, forced birth control, forced labor, torture in the north-western region of Xinjiang by china.
the Syrian Civil War is primarily rooted in a feud between Russia and the United States and their allies in the region over natural gas pipelines passing through Syria on their way to European markets, Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale military intervention in Syria to prevent the fall of their ally Bashar al-Assad and stop Syria from joining the Western sphere of influence = Syrian are dying everyday because of other people greed.
In Yemen 18.2 million people are facing famine/poverty/health diseases(cholera).
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natequarter · 7 months
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txttletale does it again. may i suggest not fucking reblogging her posts?
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whywoulditho · 6 months
not saying the holocaust wasn't bad. but i need people to understand that it wasn't the only genocide that happened in the same period of world history. not because i want you to pay less attention to holocaust but because i need you to ask why it's the only one we ever talk about. it wasn't the longest occured massacre of a marginalized group, it wasn't the most gruesome, it wasn't the one with the most casualties, it wasn't the first and it wasn't the last one. i need people to think about why we didn't pay much attention to all the other holocausts after WWII that happened simultaniously and were just as horrible. it says so much about media, the news we are fed, and that our empathy is BOUGHT by the same people that keep funding genocides all over the world.
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im-tired1124 · 2 months
Hey there, friendly reminder that while Palestine is still important ( I just felt compelled to write a whole summary document on why Zionism bad, Hamas bad and doesn’t more harm than good to Palestinians, boycotts work, and genocide is genocide, like I’m totally a cool researcher and not a high schooler who spends too much time on the internet without much over their financial actions) friendly reminder not to forget Congo, Sudan, Ukraine, Myanmar, Haiti, Ethiopia, the Uyghur Turks/East Turkistan, Iran, Preventing Project 2025 from going into effect, holding Japan accountable for their laundry list of war crimes they refuse to answer for, holding Turkey accountable for the Armenian Genocide that they refuse to answer for, advocate for or at least support indigenous and Romani rights everywhere, and whatever else I’m forgetting because the government has failed us and there’s no point in cruelty.
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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People who lie and spread fake news about an alleged genocide in China are doing a real disservice to the people who are experiencing a real and obvious genocide in Gaza. The difference couldn't be more clear at this point.
Also the funny thing is that Israel condemns China for their alleged genocide against Uighur Muslims Imao. That just goes to show how disingenuous this whole thing is. Israel is a huge supporter of the narrative that China is committing a genocide against Uighur Muslims lol. Since when does Israel give a fuck about Muslims?
And the U.S. vehemently condemns China for genocide but DENIES there's a genocide in Gaza and supports Israel financially and militarily in their effort to carry out the genocide in Gaza. What a joke.
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scarletlich · 2 months
I wish people knew that Chinese doesn’t have “a different alphabet”, it just doesn’t have an alphabet. I wish people knew that Mandarin is a spoken version of Chinese and it is meaningless to say “written in Mandarin”. Written Chinese only distinguishes between simplified and traditional.
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haleviyah · 5 months
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G-D I LOVE RESPONSES LIKE THIS! Really puts me in my place and shows how much of a saint you are...
P.S. Fun fact: Did you know that the Chinese government recently deemed Muslims or practicing Islam as a "mental illness"? I'm not joking... Go ask them.
Israel has done no such thing.. yet look how they are demonised for being "the bad guy". They house 2 million Arabs (most of whom are practcing Muslims, and they dare not tear down the Dome of the Rock)... and yet are attacked and called an apartheid. Give me a break.
Pot calling the kettle black, I always say!
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depressedmonster99 · 10 months
Don't let the world go back to normal. The show must not go on. The show ends here.
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safije · 7 months
whats your take on PRC ? the surveillance is mad there + the uyghur situation
The Uyghur situation is a lot more complicated than westerners think.
I'll give you a bit of a backstory starting 10 years ago, Uyghur seperatism was on the rise and some Uyghurs were joining ISIS or Syrian Rebel groups and committing terrorist attacks in China.
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The Communist Party has always had restrictions on religion but because of this, they reacted with even harsher anti-Islam policies and propaganda. I have a friend living in China who told me her friend in Xinjiang hasn't been allowed to fast for Ramadan in 6 years. As a result, many religious Uyghur families moved abroad mainly to Türkiye and Kazakhstan. According to my friend in İstanbul, the Uyghur family she knows hasn't been able to get contact with a relative still in Xinjiang.
However I will say I disagree with people saying that this is a race war and that China just wants everyone in their country to be culturally Han. There are still millions of Uyghurs living in Xinjiang and most of them are not in concentration camps, most of them are fluent in their language and are not banned from speaking or writing in it. Contrary to popular belief, the PRC does give some autonomy to ethnic minorities. They even have government ID cards written in their own language.
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If anyone here is Uyghur and wants to add their two cents, my inbox is open (for now)!
İnşa Allah I pray things get better for you all soon. 🤲🏻
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maybe “never again” meant we as a society would never accept history repeating itself again.
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whywoulditho · 8 months
if you're still not boycotting israeli products, protesting against the genocide, sharing the news, asking for a ceasefire, I am judging you. I know my followers, I know my mutuals. I know the ones who selectively interact with my anime shitposts and ignore the ones about palestine. I am seeing you and I am judging you. I won't call you out on your bullshit personally, because if you can still ignore this humanitarian crisis while being active online and seeing all those posts, you're just not worth trying to reason with. But know that if you still choose to be silent, if you still think this issue is too political or complicated you're an ignorant, pathetic little bitch. you can't live without your starbucks? grow the fuck up. you think celebrities don't owe anyone their support and it is okay for them to stay quiet when it's the brown, the muslim who suffers? you're fucking delusional and you're pathetic. you think you get to turn a blind eye because it's not effecting you? you're a self-centered whiney little toddler. stay in your bubble and keep quiet all you want, i know you will lie to your kids one day and tell them you stood with palestine.
none of us are free until all of us are. free palestine 🇵🇸
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geoazie · 2 years
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The people of China : Part 1
[The beginning of a serie. I use the official names and numbers but they are a bit old now]
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Hey, just for the record vandalizing Synagogues/Jewish schools/Jewish community centers or boycotting Jewish businesses just because they’re Jewish not only doesn’t help Palestinians and isn’t activism, but rather looks an awful lot like nazi Germany. In other words, it’s just antisemitic.
Stop harassing Jewish people and go do something to actually help Palestinians. Donate (I’ve talked about ANERA, World Central Kitchen, and the Palestine Red Crescent Society before). Protest at government offices and pressure policy makers. Boycott war profiteers and defense contractors (Lockheed Martin and Boeing, for examples) or companies that have otherwise provided support to the Israeli government and/or military (see, for example, why Google and Amazon are on the BDS pressure targets list). Raise awareness and emphasize Palestinian humanity – and for the love of all things holy stop portraying Palestinian and Jewish safety as diametrically opposed.  
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ganondorf · 7 months
no offense to MLs but i think i'm going to value what chinese leftists have to say about their own country more than white randos in portland and seattle
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gooogoogaagaaa · 6 months
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dikleyt · 1 year
"Trans people and trans rights are not liabilities to any left-wing movement in any sense of the term, and anybody who has ever spoken of them as such is either a disingenuous transphobe or too stupid and lazy to ever be taken seriously."
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