starryseth · 2 years
Attention Grabber
Seth Borden x Reader
Sam, Colby, Nate, Seth and Reader are doing an investigation. What happens when the Reader faints by Seth?
Content: established relationship between Reader and Seth, mentions of murder, evil beings, harm to people, sickly but mostly fluff for Seth.
If any of these things mentioned above makes you feel bad or something along those lines, please click away
Sam, Colby, Nate, Seth and I walked around the Villisca Ace Murder House before Sam and Colby started their video. The house had a very dark entity and it did well to make itself known. Even during just the tours during the day the guide explained that people would get scratched, pulled and sick.
"When we initially walked into the house I was like okay it's creepy in here, little spooky but I'm fine. When we went upstairs, it wasn't when we went into the parents room, it's when we walked into the kids room, I felt the same feeling in my back that I felt when I had that experience at the seance at the conjuring house when I got an attachment. When a spirit is trying to attach itself to you it starts by making like a back pain in the bottom of your spine and it goes all the way up. That's legit what I felt and I just felt that same thing upstairs." Seth begins their video by explaining how he felt during the tour.
"That's crazy because I noticed the shadows around you but didn't say anything because they didn't seem ill intentioned. There were three around us in the kids room and were trying to play. I don't necessarily think that they were trying to attach themselves per say but they did look very curious." I told the boys what I saw when we were touring. They all looked a little scared when I was finished but they nervously laughed it off. I thought it was hilarious because the kid spirits were super friendly. Yes they had a bit of sadness and anger but they were residual emotions from the murder.
"I definitely felt like how I did during the conjuring house." Colby added onto what Seth told us.
"To be quite honest when I was like alright we're gonna go to these haunted houses, alright, but compared to like Hell Week we're chilling. After all of these stories and interviews we've done today I'm like thinking this might be one of the more scary places we've actually been to" Sam confessed to us.
"Seriously it feels like it too." Colby responded.
"This feels like you walk into the room and there is a psychic oppression. I noticed (y/n)s shift of mood really quick." Nate noted. I got nervous for a second because I hadn't even realized I did that.
" I'm not trying to hype this place up for the camera. I'm being so serious right now, like I have not felt that feeling since I had thy experience. " Seth chimed in. Reconfirming that this house was full of bitter emotions.
"He said that this house was actually known for physical touch, scratches and things happening. Most paranormal occurrences are like sounds or like you see apparitions. This is physical it's different." Sam pointed out. He was right. Most paranormal occurrences don't result in poltergeist activity.
"Oh and what's freaky is its not even the axe murder that's freaky. It's the fact that there's an energy that's been here for a long time. But that entity is still here. So that technically means that the murder is still here. " Nate pointed out.
"You guys all have great points. Now let's see if we can get anything. But we have to remember, we were told that this entity, spirit, being, whatever you may call it. It is a trickster. We may not come to the official conclusion like we hope. " I commented. The boys all agreed but we are all in the best spirits to keep hope that we can help shed some bit of light on the story.
Time skip to after the attic Estes Method
"That was crazy. I feel like it's still with us. Maybe we should try to go down to the guest room to do another one. I feel sick being up here. Something definitely wants us to leave." I proposed. The boys agreed luckily and we left the attic. I was feeling dizzy. "I think I am gonna get sick. I need to sit." I announced. Seth looked very concerned. I grabbed ahold of his hand and sat down. I was about to talk about how I wanted to just leave because something wasn't right when the music box started going off. I stood up really quick because I was sitting right by it.
"It's like something was waiting for us to come down here. I feel genuinely sick being in this room. " Seth muttered.
"I agree. But I think it wanted us to retrace its steps. I think it's playing with us again. " Sam frowned. He was right. I looked towards the door again. I could see the figure there. It was then that I got a throbbing head pain. Not quite like a headache. It was way worse. My vision went blurry and then eventually went black.
When I woke up I was confused. My head was in a lap and my hair was being played with. I turned onto my back and saw Seth smiling at me. He looked so cute.
"You fainted straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention that bad you could have just asked for it, you didn't have to go to such extremes. " Seth smiled when I looked away blushing.
"I wasn't trying to faint but we do need to get out soon. Did you guys get anything when I was out?" I questioned trying to change the subject. The boys nodded.
"Yes. I don't think you'll believe this but it couldn't be the rival because he was out of town. If we are thinking logical then it was Paul because of the identical crime scenes. If we are thinking more spiritually then it is the reverend. When we did the Estes method, the answers it would give us were too perfect. It would give us a trail and then cut us off. " Nate indicated that the spirit continued to mess with them.
"In any case I think we should leave. I know that we technically haven't come to a conclusion but the ghost wants us gone and I have a feeling the next attack won't be as kind to you guys. " I voiced nervously. Seth helped me up and we gathered our equipment up.
"Hey (y/n) have you scratched your leg recently?" Colby inquired. I shook my head as I looked down. I had three long claw-like marks from the outside of my calf leading to the top of my shoe.
"Ya let's get out of here quickly. Thank you for communicating with us but you may not follow us. You may not attach yourself to us. You have to stay here. " I headed towards the door and the boys followed me. "Thank you again Seth for helping me. I appreciate it." I confessed to him.
"It's honestly not a problem. I didn't want to see you get hurt. " he leaned down and kissed me.
"Awe what a cute way to end a horrifying video." Sam chuckled
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holycatsandrabbits · 4 months
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On this day in 1912, eight people were murdered with an axe in their home in Villisca, Iowa. Josiah Moore (shown above), and his wife Sarah, along with their four children and two neighbor children, were killed in their beds by a person who has never been identified. And I mean never—the internet doesn’t even have a favorite suspect.
I used to live in Iowa, and I have actually been to the “Villisca Axe Murder House,” now a museum and historical site, and a frequent host to ghost tours. Visitors are free to leave their mark on the rafters in the barn, writing messages which range from the usual names and dates to oddly creepy warnings like “Don’t stand on your head in the kids’ room.” On my visit I was struck by how little has changed, though Iowa has traveled more than a century into the future: at the end of our tour, we were discussing suspects and expressing sympathy for the victims, exactly as people have been doing outside that house for over 100 years.
Check out the blog post for the whole story and some creepy writing prompts, such as:
Nobody woke up
So this part is almost true. There’s evidence that only one person in the house woke up before being murdered: one of the neighbor girls downstairs. Everyone else was killed in their sleep, probably starting with the parents. But that’s quite a feat considering eight sleeping people were in just 3 rooms. Neighbors reported hearing some inconclusive sounds, but nothing that would cause alarm. The crime wasn’t discovered until a neighbor noticed the house was silent at breakfast time. 
Now, murder with an axe is not nearly as loud as murder with a gun. (Ronald DeFeo of Amityville infamy claimed to have drugged his family before shooting them, which is why they didn’t wake. No evidence of sedatives was found, however.) As far as writing a story goes, it is extremely creepy to think of someone killing eight people essentially soundlessly. Your story could have multiple killers, a really experienced killer (most likely the real answer to the mystery), or victims who have been drugged, poisoned, or gassed. Perhaps neighbors could be threatened to keep quiet until morning (or nasty neighbors could even be paid off). Paranormal explanations for quiet killing include a spell or magical/cursed item that removes sound, a ghostly killer, a supernatural disease that kills quickly, or a killer so demonically horrifying that victims freeze in silent terror when they see him.
DannyeChase.com ~ AO3 ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Resources for Writers 
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geeknik · 11 months
31 Days of Halloween: Day 28, The Villisca Axe Murder House
Welcome to Day 28 of our eerie expedition. Today, we traverse into the heartland of Iowa to the small town of Villisca, home to a quaint, yet sinister dwelling known as the Villisca Axe Murder House. Prepare to delve into the chilling lore that shrouds this ominous abode.
Historical Background
On the eerie night of June 9, 1912, the quaint town of Villisca, Iowa, became the scene of a ghastly crime. Within the walls of a modest three-bedroom farmhouse at 508 East 2nd Street, eight souls were brutally murdered, their lives snuffed out by the unforgiving blade of an axe . The victims included six members of the Moore family and two young guests, their lives tragically ended, leaving a scar on the tranquil community.
Haunting Tales
• The Unseen Murderer: The sinister specter of the unseen murderer is believed to haunt the halls, the chilling echoes of that fateful night reverberating through the eerie silence.
• Ghastly Apparitions: Visitors and paranormal investigators frequently report witnessing ghostly apparitions and experiencing unexplained phenomena, a testament to the restless spirits believed to inhabit the dwelling.
• The Cries of the Innocent: The ghostly cries of the children are said to permeate the chilling night air, a haunting reminder of the innocence lost within these ominous walls.
Exploring The Murder House
The Villisca Axe Murder House now stands as a grim attraction for those enthralled by the paranormal. The house opens its creaking doors to brave souls keen on exploring the sinister past that clings to the ancient timbers. Guided tours and overnight stays offer a chilling glimpse into the eerie occurrences that frequently transpire, inviting visitors to confront the haunting reality of the dark history that pervades this forsaken abode.
As we conclude Day 28, the Villisca Axe Murder House stands as a haunting testament to the grim reality of human malevolence. The sinister lore that envelops this dwelling beckons the brave to delve into the eerie unknown, to confront the haunting echoes of a bygone era of terror. Venture into the heart of darkness that resides within the Villisca Axe Murder House - if you dare.
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mecthology · 6 months
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The Villisca Axe murders.
Josiah B. Moore, aged 43, and his wife Sarah, aged 39, were the parents of four children: Herman Montgomery (11), Mary Katherine (10), Arthur Boyd (7), and Paul Vernon (5). The Moores were a respected and prosperous family who were highly regarded in their community. On June 9, 1912, Mary Katherine invited her friends Ina Mae (8) and Lena Gertrude Stillinger (12) to spend the night at their home.
On June 10 at 7 A.M., Mary Peckham, the Moores' neighbor, grew worried when they didn't emerge for their morning chores. After unsuccessful attempts to reach them, she enlisted Ross Moore's help. Ross found the door locked but gained entry with a spare key. Inside, they discovered the bodies of the Moore family and the Stillinger girls, all bludgeoned to death. The murder weapon, Josiah's axe, was found nearby.
Doctors determined the murders happened between midnight and 5 A.M. Cigarettes found in the attic suggested the killer(s) waited there until the victims were asleep. The attack began in the master bedroom, where Josiah and Sarah Moore were sleeping. The killer(s) used the blade of the axe on Sarah and the blunt end on the others. Lena Stillinger showed signs of attempting to defend herself, leading to speculation about possible sexual assault, later disproven.
Numerous suspects were considered in the investigation, including Reverend George Kelly, Frank F. Jones, William Mansfield, Loving Mitchell, Paul Mueller, and Henry Lee Moore (unrelated). Reverend Kelly faced two trials, with the first resulting in a hung jury and the second in acquittal. Other suspects were also cleared of involvement during the investigation.
The case remains unsolved.
Follow @mecthology for more horrors and lores.
Source: Wikipedia & urban-mythology.com
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On this episode, Krysta talks to us about the upcoming 5 Nights at Freddy's movie and her experiences with the game. She also discusses her new fursona, a Koi Kitsune based on Leah Fox Fish from the JH Mott episode. Then we get into the Villisca Iowa Murders of the Moore Family. We discusss what we know of the Moore's, who all was home that fateful night. We discuss how the crime scene was secured (it wasn't) and the brutality of the crimes. We discuss the likely sequence of events and the odd things the killer did (like covering the mirrors and getting out 4 pounds of bacon to lay on a bed). We cover the suspects and a few other theories of the crimes as well as paranormal occurrences that have happened in the home in this paranormal, historical true crime epissode of the Family Plot Podcast!
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horoscopo-dehoy · 2 years
Horóscopo diario en condado de Johnson
#ARIES: No sería de extrañar que empezases a pensar en comprometerte más con una persona con la que ya hace algún tiempo mantienes una relación. Ese paso es importante, debes meditarlo más, aunque te puede llevar a la inacción, ojo. Busca el equilibrio.
Tarot Y Videncia:
Llámanos Ahora
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
Para resolver los problemas del corazón y entregarnos a la felicidad. ¡Los temas del corazón son tan complejos! Cuando el amor no ha tocado a la puerta nos sentimos ansiosos por encontrar a la paraje ideal y una vez que la tenemos nos enfrentamos al miedo de perderla. En cualquiera de los casos no hay de qué preocuparnos porque el tarot amor nos brinda la ayuda necesaria para triunfar en una relación.
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elinmargaretan · 2 years
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Halloween #scoobydoohalloween #villisca #halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYNC1dMb8_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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179. Murder House (Halloween Special)
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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Villisca Axe Murder House
Past midnight on June 10, 1912 a horrific crime was committed that remains unsolved today. Villisca, Iowa at the turn of the century was the typical peaceful American small town.
June 9th was a Sunday and Josiah “Joe” Moore a Villisca businessman accompanied his wife, Sarah, and their 4 children, Herman 10, Katherine 10, Boyd 7, and Paul 5 to the local Presbyterian churches’ Children’s Day service. The Moore children among other Sunday school attendees performed speeches and recitations.
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It was a special night made more exciting by the fact that two neighbor children, Lena 12 and Ina Stillinger 8 attended with the family and were given permission to go home with the Moore children for a sleep over.
The church service ended around 9:30 p.m. and the Moore’s and their 2 guests walked home. The children were treated to milk and cookies and then put to bed for the night.
The church service was the last time these 8 people were seen alive. Even today not all the facts are known including who committed the murders. Tragically, sometime between midnight and the early morning hours each person sleeping in the Moore house was brutally murdered.
Two cigarette buttes where found in the home’s attic so it is speculated that the murderer or murderers waited in this room until the family returned and settled in for the night.
The following morning an elderly neighbor, Mary Peckham became concerned when at 7:30 a.m. the Moore house was unusually quiet and deserted. Joe’s brother Ross arrived and spotted two figures in the back bedroom covered with a sheet–he also saw blood.
The town’s Marshall, Hank Horton was sent for and he announced that there was “somebody murdered in every bed.” The murder weapon an axe that had been partially wiped clean was found leaning against the wall in the back downstairs bedroom.
Horton had found the two Moore adults and the six children all in bed, they were covered with bedclothes. Each of their skulls had been bludgeoned 20 to 30 times with the blunt end of the axe.
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The Reverend Lyn George Jackline Kelly was tried and acquitted twice for the murders of the Moore family and the Stillinger girls.
In the early morning following the murders he boarded a train in Villisca headed westbound. He allegedly told his fellow travelers that there were 8 dead souls back in Villisca–butchered in their beds as they slept. At the time he made this statement the bodies had not yet been found.
Kelly had arrived in Villisca for the first time on the Sunday morning of the murders. He had attended the Sunday school performance given by the children. Two weeks later he arrived in Villisca again. He posed as a detective and joined a tour of the murder house with a group of investigators.
The authorities initially became interested in him several weeks later after being alerted by several people who had received “rambling letters” from him.
Kelly was the son and grandson of English ministers. He suffered a mental breakdown while still in adolescence. After immigrating to America he had preached at several Methodist churches across the Midwest.
At the time of the Villisca murders he was preaching in several small Iowa towns just north of Villisca. He had developed a reputation for “odd behavior.” He had been convicted of sending obscene material through the mail and had been committed to a mental hospital for a time.
In August, two months after the murders Kelly signed a confession to the murders. He stated God had whispered to him “suffer the children to come until me.”
During his trail Kelly recanted his confession–eleven of the twelve jurors acquitted him. A second jury was convened and Kelly was acquitted again in November.
Several bizarre items where left at the murder scene. The first was a 4-pound piece of bacon that was found propped against the wall next to the axe.
The murderer had taken items from the bedroom dressers and covered all the mirrors in the home. He also covered the entry doors. He left a plate of uneaten food on the kitchen table along with a bowl of water stained with blood.
Some speculate that the murders were actually done by a serial killer. At the time of the Villisca murders over the course of two years from 1911 to 1912 at least 20 other people had been bludgeoned to death with an axe across the Midwest–none of these crimes were ever solved.
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[Shane: Again, Iowa.]
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presidenttyler · 5 months
not that there is anything very high-brow about looking into hundred year old murder cases, but the fact that like every single one of them nowadays is just fodder for ghost hunt shows is really annoying. like you know there are no ghosts in that house right. if you could talk to them someone would have by now ok. the villisca axe murder family is not waiting with bated breath to finally share their secrets with Super Scary Paranormal Ghost Adventurers: Reloaded
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holycatsandrabbits · 6 months
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Hey, y’all, it’s Weird Wednesday! Where on some Wednesdays, I blog about weird stuff and give writing prompts.
Today: The Villisca Axe Murders: 1912 Tragedy
On the night of June 10, 1912, eight people were murdered with an axe in a house in Villisca, Iowa. Josiah Moore (shown above), and his wife Sarah, along with their four children and two neighbor children, were killed in their beds by a person who has never been identified. And I mean never—the internet doesn’t even have a favorite suspect.
I used to live in Iowa, and I have actually been to the “Villisca Axe Murder House,” now a museum and historical site, and a frequent host to ghost tours. Visitors are free to leave their mark on the rafters in the barn, writing messages which range from the usual names and dates to oddly creepy warnings like “Don’t stand on your head in the kids’ room.” On my visit I was struck by how little has changed, though Iowa has traveled more than a century into the future: at the end of our tour, we were discussing suspects and expressing sympathy for the victims, exactly as people have been doing outside that house for over 100 years.
Check out the blog post for the whole story and some creepy writing prompts, such as: 
The Closet
According to an early rumor about the case, there was evidence the killer hid in a closet and left cigarette butts, and the mark of his own butt on a bale of cotton batting, to show he’d been in the house before the family got home that night at 9:30. Then the killer waited until at least midnight to actually attack.
So first of all, this isn’t based on any actual evidence. But it would make for a good story, because in June in Iowa in a little house without air conditioning, those closets would be sweltering. How would a murderer withstand hours in a tiny, overheated space? Could he be incredibly disciplined? Could he be having a psychotic break? Sneaking onto the paranormal side of things, could he be a ghost or inhuman creature? What would happen if a murderer attempted to hide in a closet and fainted from heat exhaustion?
DannyeChase.com ~ AO3 ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Resources for Writers
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SUMMARY: 'The Axe Murders of Villisca' is a ghost story based on the house where the notorious and still unsolved 1912 axe murders took place. Three outcast teenagers break into the house in search of answers, but discover something far beyond their worst fears.
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sophiemargotart · 2 years
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Villisca Axe Murder House Embroidery, 2021, by me 💚
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imaxyxia2 · 2 months
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In 1912, eight people were brutally murdered in their house. This house.
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