w0nnielov3 · 2 years
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🥞༉‧₊˚ BASICS !!
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━━━━━━━━ THATS ALL !!
© w0nnielov3
2 notes · View notes
adonis-koo · 6 months
wicked • 17
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 8k
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Note: it’s actually difficult to believe it’s been eight months since I’ve updated, went through two jobs, a friend group and a boyfriend who gaslit the absolute fuck out of me and made me experience female hysteria 😍 I wrote this chapter the night he broke up with me so it just has that nice little extra touch of ✨ intensity ✨ enjoy lovies and I will be back hopefully sooner then last time with another update
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It felt wrong, packing a small case of clothes while so many things at the castle had yet to play out, and Wheein’s life was hanging in the balance of it.
You had no intentions to trudge your way to the barracks but here you were; early morning where all of the guards were training and the person you were looking for was watching them, hands on his hips as he called out to one of them to tighten their guard.
You hadn’t planned on talking to him today, but leaving without so much as saying a word felt wrong, and perhaps after everything that had happened you were searching for sober reassurance.
Everybody froze at the sound of your voice, you ignored all the eyes on you, after having lived in Penumbra for almost a year, you had somewhere along the way gotten used to all of the eyes that constantly followed you.
The guards exchanged awkward glances with one another, Jungkook looked surprised by your appearance, eyes glancing over you as if you were a hallucination, but after a moment it was evident you weren’t going to disappear upon blinking.
He glanced between you and the guards before he waved them off, “Keep going.”
You couldn’t stand the hopeful look in his eyes, almost a bit bashful as you walked in line with him further away from the barracks, “How can you expect me to leave the castle when Wheein is in a dungeon? And furthermore sending your aunt to try and reconcile with me?”
Jungkook frowned, “Well I doubted you wanted to see me after my drunk display- which truth be told I hardly remember anything I said, and It’s probably for the best that I don’t, Y/n…” He sighed as he stopped, “It was only a suggestion, it crossed my mind about the estate because truthfully I think you would like it there, and it would be safe,” His hands tenderly grabbed your shoulders as your lips curled in anger but you said nothing, “And I think it would be good for you to put all of this out of your head for a few days. I’ll continue to handle things here and if things change with Wheein trust that I’ll be able to take care of it.”
Your expression didn’t change as Jungkook frowned, “I would also like to remind you that she’s been one of my closest friends since I was a child. You’re not the only one who cares for her.”
You begrudgingly looked away from him but your expression softened, a stab of guilt surging through your stomach at the realization that he was very much right, “I know, I’m sorry I just-”
“Don’t be,” Jungkook replied, “You have a mean bite but I can appreciate your loyalty. I can’t undo the past but I want to make things right. I…” Jungkook paused, looking hesitant his eyes darting away from you and then back to you once more.
You offered no words forcing him to sigh, as if it was difficult for him to admit, “I want to be with you Y/n, not as two people amicable due to marriage or friends on uneasy terms…” He bit down on his cheek, unable to hold your steely gaze as his hand hesitantly reached out, tenderly stroking along your jawline, “I want more than that with you, I want all of the fire and all of the rage, I want the pain, the hardships. I want you, all of you, every flaw that makes you, you.”
You hadn’t even realized your eyes had blurred until his thumbs were tenderly pushing your tears away, “Is this a declaration?”
“It’s a promise.” Jungkook’s eyes held such a softness in them filled with something you still felt uncertain to assume, “You told me that you wanted to bear the deepest parts of yourself to me, all of your insecurities, the parts you don’t like about yourself, the parts you may even hate, so I am standing here to tell you to show me, show me all of it, and I will still take you as you are.”
He was saying many overwhelming words to you, but you knew he was dancing around the most important word, you could see it in his eyes, how it lingered on the tip of his tongue.
But something was stopping him from truly confessing it.
Perhaps even after all of these months, it was still too soon.
Evidently so given your circumstances.
“I don��t want you away from me,” Jungkook admitted, a frown slowly forming on his lips, “But if that’s what it takes, I would wait a lifetime if it meant your forgiveness, if it meant a second chance to be with you.”
“Is that why you’re willing to send me away?” You sniffled, “Otherwise you’ll continue to drink and wake me up in the middle of the night?”
“It wasn’t my finest moment,” Jungkook gave a weak smile, “But you can’t deny it got my point across didn’t it?”
Just his smile made something in you crumble, a vast desire to embrace him here and to forgive him, surely you could put this all behind you…?
But a bigger part of you didn’t want to rush this, you didn’t want to be complacent anymore, that was how you got into this situation, how you immediately jumped to Claudin’s offer rather than confide in the person you were married to.
It was such a raw feeling, you could feel it licking at your very soul, trying to tame your desire to throw all caution to the wind once more.
And for a brief moment you could feel Jungkook have the same reaction as you, as if it took every fiber in his being to not beg you to stay, you don’t know if you could stand your ground against him again if he came on as strong as he had last night.
“Just for a few days.” You whispered out as he frowned, giving you an understanding nod.
“You’ll love it there.” His hands finally let go of you, somewhat reluctantly.
And then it was silent for a long moment, tension still lingering in the air and both of you clearly hesitant.
“Then…I’ll see you in a few days.” You mumbled and Jungkook nodded once more. It felt like the ground was trying to engulf your feet as you turned around, feeling oddly empty at your goodbye, waiting for something that wouldn’t come.
What was it you had hoped for? A hug…?
Maybe a kiss…?
But then again, it felt as though you were no longer deserving of those things, Jungkook may have done things to hurt you but you had also done things to hurt him, how could you both love one another if you couldn’t trust one another first?
You wished Jungkook had reached out for you, to at least give you some form of affection before leaving, but he also knew this was true, and let you leave with no grief.
It left you feeling empty inside, but this was for the best.
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You journeyed over horseback for the day, trying to leave your fretting heart behind as you nervously glanced back at the far away sight of the castle, what if something developed with Wheein?
You felt as though you were betraying her just by leaving, more than anything you were desperate to get her back, perhaps that was why Jungkook was sending you away, as if he sensed your desperation would only heighten the longer this went on.
Dare you say, he feared the worst might happen if you stayed.
Your grip tightened on your reigns, once more trying to put it out of your mind, taking a deep breath you took in the heady scent of the pine tree’s the surrounded you, the Estate was much closer to the mountains then you had anticipated, by midday you had journeyed far enough that snow had already reached the ground.
“Are you nervous?” Yoongi had slowed his horse down to ride next to you, his eyes however still scoured ahead for possible danger.
“What do you mean?” You frowned as you glanced at his back, hearing a branch snap as your eyes darted towards the left of him.
Your faithful companion Fenrir having accidentally broke the branch he had been carrying in his mouth the past hour he had grown fond of, a whine leaving him in disappointment as he picked up the bigger side.
“Journeying away from the castle during these trying times…” Yoongi glanced back at you, a frown of his own, “It can’t be easy leaving with everything that’s happened.”
You didn’t reply for a long moment, Yoongi slowed down to ride beside you as he curiously took in your expression.
It was silent for a long moment before you finally relented, “It is difficult, but…After a long night, I figured this was probably best. It seems like my involvement in things only tends to make them worse. And truthfully there's no telling what lengths I’d go to at this point to get Wheein back.”
“Oh?” Yoongi looked curiosity once more, “I didn’t realize you had such a taste for danger.”
His joke made a smile finally tug on your lips, “Neither did I before coming to Penumbra. It seems this kingdom has a way of bringing out the primitive nature in me. But then again, it seems people have always looked down on me when I think of it.”
“On you?” Yoongi scoffed in amusement, “Dryad Matron of Eunoia? It’s difficult to believe, you’re like a pillar of light to the commonwealth of Penumbra, it used to drive the Prince nuts during your engagement.”
“It did…?” You peered somewhat hesitantly at him.
This made Yoongi grin, “Oh yes, when news of your engagement first broke out it had the people ecstatic, it had him gagging every second he heard good things of you.”
“This is hardly making me feel better…” You winced, though a small part of you was amused to hear this, though you wish you could say the same.
It always seemed to you that people in Penumbra didn’t fully grasp just how much people feared them on the outside world, instead poking fun at the titles they had earned as if it was a little joke.
The whole two years of your engagement are two years you’d rather die then live through again, the anxiety that kept you up at night, the endless amounts of tears you cried, the emptiness it left inside you how no one even tried to comfort you.
Looking back you understood, nobody wanted to feed you lies to comfort you, but at the time, you didn’t understand, it felt cruel.
“Not everyone feels that way about me, evidently from what I saw in the Underside.” You replied, somewhat reminiscing on the horrendous memory of the mock version of you.
“You shouldn’t pay that any mind,” Yoongi scoffed, “The humor is juvenile there, everything it stands for is juvenile, even it’s name; the Underside was a joke, a mockery meant for every royal that has to say it’s name with seriousness, point being- they don’t respect anyone who won’t give them money.”
You only shook your head, “It’s not just that though, there has always been a small part of people and court alike who haven’t liked me, even long before I was engaged to Jungkook. I was known for having a temper,” It made you smile wryly, “-The Bitch of Eunoia, that’s what they ran around calling me behind my back. It was horrendous in Kimhae.”
“Was it now?” Yoongi looked amused by this, “That in some ways does, and doesn’t surprise me.”
“The court ladies in Eunoia often liked to call me that as well. But it was very pronounced by Kimhae court men. When I was younger, I used to wear traditional Eunoian attire when i’d visit. Apparently shoulders and knee’s used to drive them crazy. I had one of the aristocrats boldly ask me if I was an exotic woman of the night, willing to pay for me.”
Yoongi’s jaw had dropped making you laugh as he gestured you on, “What did you say?”
“Something along the lines of calling him a perverted old man whom ought to have his loins cut off for making such a comment to a women- let alone a Princess.” The memory made you smile as you shook your head, “The Bitch of Eunoia…why is it men are allowed to be angry Yoongi? Why is it women are shamed so?”
Yoongi let out a hum, “This is indeed a good question, but perhap it’s because they know a woman's scorn could even bring heaven out of the sky. I’m not all too surprised about Kimhae- but you said Eunoians called you this as well?”
Your smile became saddened, “By many court ladies yes,” You scratched your cheek in thought, “I was always lonely as a child…the war took a toll on me, I was temperamental and childish. But the court ladies as children, also liked to mock me and egg me on. As we grew older they grew closer and I still stayed a distance away. They’d find any reason to pick me apart or give me more work to do. They were practically leaping for joy when the news broke that I was engaged.”
“Why do you think that was though?” Yoongi asked, “That they didn’t like you?”
You shrugged, you had never really thought about it much, rather you preferred to keep the past where it was rather then dwell on it, “I suppose it had a lot to do with the fact that while we were all training to be healers I excelled more at it, it came naturally to me and they ended up putting me in the tents before the others. They all assumed it was from favoritism…Maybe it was,” You pondered on this briefly, “I just remember thinking it wasn’t fair.”
You didn’t elaborate on the word for a long moment, feeling something akin to guilt bubble in your stomach.
You glanced off into the distance where the mountains towered high, it made you feel so tiny in comparison to its greatness, and briefly you felt awe.
You always admired nature, how vast it was compared to you and all your humanly troubles, you turned to it and it’s kin when you needed comfort and in these moments you could turn to it when you were also troubled with words.
It was difficult to adequately explain to people the rage you had felt since you were a child, anger had always been in your bones, from the moment you were born. Your mother used to tell you, that when she gave birth, you had come out of her womb with a roaring cry.
You craved to be vulnerable, to be soft and tender, to be all the things you were not, and you were many things, just not those.
Many people people heard you, they just never listened, didn’t understand.
“I had a lot of resentment as a child, to everything, the war, my parents, our country. I didn’t want to be a healer, I didn’t want to have to watch people in my care die, I didn’t want to attend the burnings or hear the whales of agony and pain, the cries of mourning, the people who blamed me for not being able to save their loved ones.”
You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel haunted by those memories, watching the lifeforce leave someone's body as you tried to stop the bleeding, the maimed limbs and mangled bodies that were beyond your skill or help.
“I didn’t want to be made to go past our lesson times to keep studying, or made to go back in to practice when all the other girls were allowed to play. Or put in a tent over night while they all slept. It wasn’t fair.”You mumbled, perhaps still a lingering tone of resentment.
The past was the past, it couldn’t be changed, you had come to terms with this, but if you stopped and really thought about it, old feelings old eventually begin to resurface, it was why you tried so desperately to just forget about it.
At one time you blamed Penumbra, you hated it’s people for what they did, what they caused.
But then you married Jungkook and you journeyed here yourself, and saw with your own eyes, that these people, were simply people, who were also victims of their own royalty.
You felt the soft grip of a hand on your shoulder, “I am sorry, for what it’s worth,” Yoongi held a face of sympathy, “We all felt the same, or…I suppose a mutual feeling on the opposite side of things. Children being forced to enlist into a war we didn’t want to wage with little choice…”
You gently grabbed his hand giving it a small squeeze, a weak smile on your face, “It wasn’t fair for any of us. We’re all a bi-product of our parents' sins. It’s up to us now to break that cycle.”
You had arrived to the estate by nightfall and it was shrouded in tall pine and fir trees, the aroma had you closing your eyes for a moment to savor it, just as Jungkook said, it truly was beautiful.
Snow covered the ground in a few inches, and a chill was left in your bones, but you settled in rather nicely, Yoongi had managed to get a fire going rather quickly and it was quiet in the solitude of the estate.
For once, it was nice to be able to breathe without being watched.
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The first two days had went by surprisingly quick, but you had found a natural rhythm in nature, you went on long peaceful walks, kept yourself wrapped in a blanket while sitting on the terrace taking in the crisp cool air.
You had even spent the evening watching the snowfall outside, enchanted at how it came in big fluttering puffy balls, you had heard of snow before, but you had never actually seen it fall from the sky, like a thousand little gifts from the heavens.
It was dull and gray out today, the same as it had been for the last week now, at the estate was unsurprisingly no different.
Today however you had Yoongi set up some haybales in the pit area where guards would typically be trained, it was run down now, old boxes used as storage had been broken down and were hazardously strewn everywhere, long nine inch rusty nails sticking out of wooden pieces at razor sharp jagged angles.
But with Yoongi’s help you both had piled it up safely away and got a decent bit of space ready for training.
“Too stiff-”
It was a second too late, you had already released the string, sending the arrow flying, it had veered off target as the string slapped your forearm with a sharp snap causing you to drop it.
Fenrir suddenly popped up from the ground where he had been laid out the last half hour, head cocked in concern at the noise that escaped you.
“How many times do I have to tell you,” Yoongi groaned, “You can’t hold it with a stiff arm! Look at this!” He got up from his spot as he held up your arm by the wrist, “It looks like somebody gave you a lashing! Jungkook will have my head if it isn’t heal by tomorrow.”
Your lips twisted into a sulky pout, “I am trying!”
“Not hard enough that’s the fifth time within the hour,” Yoongi whistled out as he let you go, Fenrir walking up to you as he sniffed your hand, giving it a lick before nudging it.
You rubbed your forearm, that was undeniably sore and throbbing with pain before placing your hand on Fenrir’s head to give it a nice long rub.
He had grown remarkably big in the last month, almost as big as you now, just a five or six inches shorter, it made you give a sad frown, at how big he was and soon he’d become a monstrous size…
You’d simply have to build a bigger stable you supposed.
“Aim comes naturally but holding a weapon does not,” You sighed as you placed both your hands on Fenrir’s head, now giving him generous rubs and pats that had him giving a toothy puppy grin that made you smile, “I’ve practiced here and there with a bow but with everything going on, I just haven’t made it a priority.”
Yoongi sighed, “Natural ability will only get you so far, discipline if a far greater advantage Princess, thankfully we can start working on this daily, I think it’d be good for you to have a hobby.”
“I have hobbies.” You frowned as crossed your arms.
“Such as…?” Yoongi gestured.
“Well…” You could think of several as a matter of fact, but you had given them all up once you had moved to Penumbra, the thought made you frown in realization, you had been so caught up in all the highs and lows of your new life that it was true.
You had hobbies, you just never participated in any of them.
“I suppose it would do me some good to work on it,” You sighed as you relented, “I still feel a tad guilty though, shouldn’t I be honing my skill in swordsmanship? Jungkook once told me that it’s expected the Crowned Prince and Princess are supposed to be the best at it.”
“Well…” Yoongi stretched the word, “This is true but, I don’t think somebody is going to fault you for not being the best at it. I’d like to think it’s an expectation from those born in Penumbra, not those who marry in. Not only this but if you are inclined to another form of weaponry, then it’s as simple as that.
“As long as you have some form of sword training then it’ll do,” Yoongi shrugged, “What matters is personal protection, some training is better then none, but having a form of training you’re good at is even better.”
“You Penumbrian’s certainly like taking precautions.” You sighed wistfully as you picked up your bow once more.
“The more the better,” Yoongi said, “Guards are great, but what happens when you’re caught without any? Learning to defend yourself is vital.”
You glanced down at your bow, “I understand but…”
“But?” Yoongi asked.
“Well, I suppose a part of me just feels odd,” You replied, “I grew up being taught to save lives, not take them,” You rubbed your neck in uncertainty, “When I took the Dryad’s oath, it was a promise to myself and my ancestors that I would abstain from our carnal nature. That I would never take a life nor would I consume its flesh. Animal or human. Even though the chances of me having to defend myself in such a way are so low, it’s odd to train for it, after taking that oath and living by it my whole life.”
Yoongi let out a small smile, “Then don’t view it as such.”
“What do you mean?” You tilted your head.
“Sword play is considered an art form in Penumbra, you can view a bow in the same light. It’s quite a beautiful thing really, it’s not just aiming and shooting, it’s how you hold it, the type of arrow you use, the weight of your feet. A lot goes into it.”
You thought on this for a while before nodding, “I suppose you are right.”
“Min Yoongi! I’m looking for a Min Yoongi?”
A voice called out that had you both glancing around the courtyard before seeing the courier at the gates glancing around before meeting his gaze.
“Yes?” Yoongi called out, walking up to meet him.
“I have a letter for you sire! It was urgent from the court” The courier dug through his bag before handing it to him, giving a short bow to you and then departing.
You glanced at it anxiously as you exchanged a look with Yoongi, was this about Wheein?
Yoongi opened the letter, reading it before he sighed,
“What, what is it?” You asked, anxiety in your voice.
“It’s not about Wheein,” You let out a breath in relief as Yoongi continued, “But it is a request for help.”
“What do you mean?” You asked.
Yoongi sighed, “There’s a watchtower just east of here, about an hour away give or take on horseback, apparently they’ve been dealing with a gang of bandits up there. Supposedly they’re going to siege the tower.”
“They can do that?” You asked in surprise.
Yoongi shrugged, “I suppose so, I don’t know what they think I can do about it.”
“Well you said you were an assassin before you became a knight? So surely that counts for something.” You said, setting down your bow on a lonely bale of hay.
Yoongi sighed as he folded the letter back up, “Even so, I won’t just leave you here by yourself.”
You frowned, “It’s only us here, and it’s secluded so I won’t be in any real danger, and you said it was only an hour away. I doubt you’d take long in taking them down.”
“Are you just trying to get rid of me?” Yoongi asked in mild amusement.
“I would never!” You said, “But I’d hate to see something unfortunate happen that could be prevented, you’re far closer then someone is to the castle. It would make the most sense for you to go.”
Yoongi sighed, “Even if I’m over cautious, it doesn’t sit right leaving you here all by yourself.”
“I wouldn’t be alone!” You replied, grinning as you gave Fenrir a solid pat, “Fenrir will defend me! Jungkook and I have been working on commands. Sit!”
Fenrir immediately complied.
“Very fierce.” Yoongi said dryly.
You held up a finger, grabbing a piece of wooden box that was free of any nails off the ground, “Fenrir,” He perked up at his name, “Attack!” You threw it causing his gaze to follow it with a loud snarling howl, his jaws crunching the board in half immediately grabbing the smaller end.
Running back to you before dropping down on his front paws, tail wagging as he tried to get you to chase him.
Yoongi looked a bit more startled at the thick board of wood that had been crushed as he nodded, “Okay, a little more fierce than before…” Yoongi thought about it for a long moment, “I suppose if I left now I would make it back by supper….Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
You gave him a small smile, “It’s only a few hours, I think I’ll be able to manage.”
Yoongi still seemed hesitant but he nodded, “I’ll go gather a few things then and be off. The sooner I leave the sooner I’ll be back.”
“It’s one night,” You smiled, “And then we’ll be back at the castle tomorrow.”
You had waved Yoongi off before you continued on with your day.
Spending another few hours training with your bow you had eventually given up once the string of your bow hit a particularly sensitive spot on your forearm.
The rest of your day had been spent taking walks along the trail’s with Fenrir before eventually settling inside, roaming the halls and exploring empty rooms.
And eventually the afternoon came.
But slowly the sun began to set and a vague feeling of dread followed along with it.
Yoongi…would’ve been back by now, right?
Or perhaps it took him longer to clear out the bandits.
You nodded at this as you stayed curled up in your large chair, Fenrir curled up beneath your feet as he let out a sigh, as if sensing your discomfort and unsatisfied with it.
Continuing to read, time went on and soon the sun had set.
You had managed to get a fire going on your own and had lit the candles in the hall, making the estate feel less consuming then it had before but it didn’t quell your anxiousness as the hour went on later.
Yoongi would certainly be back by now…
You were certain you’d manage the commute back to the castle if you had too but…You wouldn’t feel right just leaving without him, but you also had no way of sending a message to the castle for help without going back yourself.
You felt at a loss for what to do, as you roamed the main hall, pausing at the sound of the gate opening. Opening the doorway you hurried out to the courtyard.
“Yoongi, I’ve been waiting all day, you worried me sick!” You stopped short at the sight ahead of you.
“Not who you were expecting?”
Di Jin’s smug smile was the last thing you saw before the sudden blow to your head caused your vision to go dark.
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“You look lost.” Jimin commented as he plopped in a seat right next to his dearest friend, both sat out for breakfast on the terrace.
“Was it a good idea sending her to the Estate?” Jungkook stared down in hard contemplation, his food untouched, “If something happens I won’t be able too…!”
He inhaled sharply as he forced himself to lean back in his chair, but despite the motion his body refused to relax.
You had left two days ago and he felt a void ever since.
Jungkook didn’t realize how much your presence had filled every inch of the castle until you had left, and now, he felt utterly useless, it was one thing for you to be mad at him, it was another for you to be gone.
Jimin looked amused but felt bad for him nonetheless, “Nothing is going to happen to her, the estate is nice and tucked away, the entire court has forgotten about it anyways, it hasn’t been used in years. You did a good thing.”
“Did I?” Jungkook finally slumped.
He had been constantly replaying his last memory of you, the conversation you both had before you left, the memory of you looking up at him for a long moment as if silently yearning for some form of affection.
It left Jungkook’s hands twitching and an unfamiliar ache in his chest, he couldn’t even describe how it felt. And he was honest when he spoke with you the night before, true he didn’t remember much, but what he did remember was straight from his heart, he thought he knew many things.
But after meeting you he found out quickly that he knew nothing at all.
Tomorrow, surely you’d be back tomorrow. You hadn’t given him an exact timeframe, but surely when you said a few days, you had meant no more then three?
“What if I-”
“No.” Jimin cut him off, “The whole point of her going was to get out of the castle and by default away from you. Not only that but what if something happened to Wheein while you were gone?”
Jungkook sunk back in his chair, that was right…He had promised you he would take care of anything that might possibly happen.
He wouldn’t let you down.
“Have you found any evidence yet?” Jungkook lowered his voice, his gaze lingering on the far side of the table where Claudin had been dining with a group of court ladies.
Jimin frowned, “Yes but the problem is getting it open,” He huffed, “I was able to slip into his room last night, it was empty but he has a lock box beneath a hollowed broken floorboard piece, seems he was in a hurry when he left, otherwise it wouldn’t have been left afar.
“Regardless I haven’t been able to crack the lock. Whatever is in there, it has a master’s lock on it. I’ll need at least another dozen picks before I even come close to cracking it.”
Jungkook sighed as he shook his head in disdain, “Of course when we need Yoongi he’s gone.”
Their elder would be able to open it within the hour if he was here.
Jimin frowned as well, “I’ll try again this afternoon.”
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed, “That’s early for you.”
“We’re running out of time Jungkook,” Jimin sighed, sinking back into his chair as well, eyeing Claudin with a certain wryness, “I keep hearing stirrings from the guards about how they’ve narrowed their search, but they’re hellbent on saying it was Wheein.”
They both paused at the sight of Taehyun, a frown on his face as he glanced between them both, an anxious look as he bowed slightly, “It’s the council…they’ve summoned you. It doesn’t sound good, you should come as well Jimin.”
Jungkook glanced at his friend but said nothing as he stood up, not liking this one bit.
The walk to the throne room was swift and Jungkook wasted no time in arriving, the other council members had just arrived as well.
Clearly he wasn’t the only one uncertain of what was going on, other members had started hushing whispers to one another, all glancing in Jungkook’s direction occasionally as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed as he glanced at the empty throne the seats on its left occupied by his aunt and uncle whispering to one another.
They both glanced at him once before quickly looking away.
The tension felt suffocating and the longer it lasted the more anxious Jungkook felt, seconds turned into minutes and the whispers began to get louder.
And all within a moment, the doors open and a sweepingly silence took over the room save for the sound of boots against the ground. Dae Seong walked with confience in every step before standing before everyone on the throne.
“It is with confidence I have come to announce something of the utmost importance,” His voice boomed, “The attempted assassination on our Crowned Princess, was indeed committed by her maid Jung Wheein, we have reason enough to believe it was her as all the evidence points as such. Her form of punishment will be burning at the stake, tonight at the height of the moon. I ask you all join me on this divine distribution of punishment,”
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Groaning softly your vision was blurry at first, and the first person to appear in your vision was not who you expected.
“Not so quick witted now are you Eunoian Bitch,” Seohyun sneered, her smirking figure beneath you as your vision of her doubled.
Your mind was confused as you only remembered Di Jin being here, your eyes closed briefly only for a sharp pain to spread through your side that you recognized as being kicked in the side by her.
Groaning your eyes opened and her eyes beaded, sneering at you as another voice spoke, “Come along now Seohyun, why don’t you go see if that insufferable knight has managed to come back yet, I will finish our business here.”
She eyed you warily but said no more as she left and soon Di Jin stood in front of you, “You have truly been a pain in my ass since I was enlisted to kill you, I only hope you realize that.”
There was no remorse in his eyes as he pulled the wickedly curved knife from it’s sheath and a sadistic smile curled on his face, “Don’t worry Princess, i’ll make sure you have a slow miserable death.”
Despite your sluggish movements, adrenaline had shot in your veins as you realized you were about to die, you had too much to live for still. You needed to see what would come of Eunoia, you needed to make sure Wheein was okay, that you would keep your promise to Jungkook.
You couldn’t die, and you would fight if it meant living to see it.
Your mind was slowly coming out of it’s haze as Di Jin stepped closer to you, realizing you were in the courtyard near the hay bales, the pile you had cleaned early next to you, your arm reached over to grab one of the planks, three long rusted nails sticking out of it.
You swung it with as much force as you could towards his legs, it made contact, the nail piercing his skin with a wet noise as he cried out in pain, falling back on the ground as he growled out. “You dumb bitch, a pain until the end!”
You attempted to crawl away, heart pounding in your ears as you scurried but he was still too mobile, yanking the plank out of his leg with a growl of pain as he managed to get on top of you, you caught his wrists as he attempted to plunge the knife in your throat, “I’ll enjoy watching the life leave your eyes. I’ll be sure to bring your head back for your little husband to see one last time.”
Your strength was already failing as you winced out, the knife slowly coming closer to your skin as you whimpered out as it pierced the first layer of your flesh.
It was an indescrible pain that had you yelping in pain,
“I’ll make these last few moments the most excruciating and perhaps if you beg me enough, I might just end your pathetic little life girl,” Di Jin grinned leaning in closer, “Maybe if you beg me more i’ll give you a little more than just a long death.”
He pushed the knife a little deeper as blood spilled from your skin making you cry out, his body weighing heavier on yours and his lips suddenly pressing to your ear, “Something tells me you’d prefer that over this.”
Something about his lips pressing against your skin lit something primal inside of you, every sense heightened inside you as your lips parted taking a wide bite into his neck, you could taste it first, the metallic flavor of blood running across your tongue and dripping down your throat and then his skin was next, uncomfortably soft and tender and next was the cartilage, it was rubbery and had hard bits in it, next was the sensation of something warm and wet against your face.
Di Jin could no longer properly speak, his grip suddenly loosened on the knife as you yanked the large chunk of flesh straight from his neck, grabbing the knife as you yanked it away shoving him down as you managed to get on top of him.
The chunk missing from his neck was ghastly, blood pooling on the ground, oozing everywhere and squirting from various places and he was gagging loudly, choking on his own blood.
Anger trembled in your body, it wasn’t enough, even with chunks of flesh missing and blood covering your face, skin hanging and cartilage visible it still wasn’t enough, before you could even think you plunged the knife into his neck, eyes blurring as you watched him gurgle, choking on his own blood as the life left his eyes.
Your hands were shaking as you waited for him to jump back to life to kill you, and then you slowly realized your vision was blurred from tears, your heart pounding as you took a shaky breath yanking the knife out of his neck before you let out blood curdling scream slamming it back in his neck again.
Jungkook’s betrayal.
Wheein being taken.
Exiled from your own kingdom.
Being forced to wed.
Made into a healer as a child.
The mourning bells rang in your head and you could vividly taste the metallic on your tongue stronger than ever as the taste of raw flesh lingered in your throat.
Blood splattered upward as you stabbed the spot over again, all of the rage searing in your veins as Di Jin’s form became disfigured, his neck nearly separating his head from his body as you shoved the knife in deeper.
Hearing the wet gurgling noise as you heaved a breath, staring at his cold dead eyes staring back at you, the next scream was not your own, but it came closer within seconds before the door to the estate opened.
Seohyun was heavily bleeding from her left thigh, sporting a large bite as a loud snarl came from inside the door, shakily you stood up, “Fenrir, wait.”
The large wolf paused, and that's when you noticed the large gash on his leg, causing him to limp, rage quelled in your veins again as you limped over, Seohyun looked pale a ghost at the sight of you.
From the moment this woman met you, she had given you nothing but grief, attempted to humiliate you, belittle you, try to win a lost battle, attempt to kill you, and now she had hurt your precious companion.
Even with a mangled body behind you, it still wasn’t enough.
Tripping over her own two feet she fell down as you walked over, “We can talk about this Y/n!” Her eyes were as big as saucers, “Please! I’ll leave Penumbra and- and never come back.”
You felt nothing for her as you stood above her, watching pathetic tears drip down her face for a long moment, finally you knelt down, “If Penumbra has taught me anything Seohyun, It’s that some people do not deserve my forgiveness, nor my kindness.”
Her lips parted rapidly, her throat scratchy, and for the first time, you saw genuine fear in her eyes, “B-but you’re a Eunoian,”
Her words were pointed, bargaining, pleading even- if you listened close enough, “Eunoian’s don’t kill.”
Your lips slowly lifted into a joyless smile as you let out an uneasy laugh, “Well,” Your smile dropped, your hands were still shaky, unbridled rage still taunt in your veins.
The primal urge of need to prove her wrong, prove all of them wrong, that you would never again be looked down upon as weak or underestimated.
Your hand grabbed her neck, causing her to let out a choked sob as you squeezed it tight enough to choke her airway, yanking her nearly nose to nose with you.
“We’re not in Eunoia, are we?” Your nails dug into her neck, not stopping until you felt the blood from her skin oozing, you shoved her back before you stood up, ignoring her blubbering, tears trickling down her face as you walked away, “Fenrir.”
He let out a growl, “Attack.”
Her cries of agony were left of deaf ears as you walked back over to the corpse of Di Jin grabbing the knife from his neck and yanking it out before taking the sheath that went with it, adjusting it on your waist.
Collapsing on the ground away from him you noticed your hands for the first time, shaking, trembling as your vision blurred once more, scarred and covered in blood, just what had you done?
Fenrir’s mouth was covered in blood, but the whine didn’t escape your ears as he tenderly tried to sit down in front of you.
“I’m sorry.” You ushered, grief strong in your voice though uncertain of who it was for, yourself, your country, your companion, you reached out for him, gently rubbing your hand down his neck, “But we have a long journey ahead of us Fenrir.”
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The bells were ringing and a somber air had taken over, Jungkook had nearly lost his entire wits, his father had banished him from the room, not wanting to hear another word from him about this.
Being told he was too sentimental fell on deaf ears, he didn’t care, it was his friend, it was injustice, it was corrupt. He hated it, he hated that despite being the crowned prince, his son, his father simply didn’t care.
All Jungkook could do was wait for Jimin to unlock this damn box. But it felt as though it was too late, he was banned from so much as leaving his room, guards at his door there to keep him boxed in but this wouldn’t stop him.
pulling the cloak over his head, he opened the window, the bricks were jagged and uneven enough that he could easily climb down, he did it often when he was younger, much to the blindness of his father.
Scaling the wall, Jungkook got down, feet planted firmly on the ground as he kept the hood over his head tight as he made his way to the courtyard. A crowd had gathered, all wanting to witness the supposed assassin.
Nobody paid mind to him with his identity concealed, it would be soon now. If he couldn’t get evidence to get Wheein out, then Jungkook would take matters into his own hand. He didn’t want to have Wheein leave Penumbra, but if this is what it took to keep her safe until her innocence was proven, this is what he would do.
He owed so much of his existence to her, he couldn’t let this happen.
He wasn’t going to let this happen.
The bells stopped as Dae Seong stood up from his throne on the wooden stage they had set up, “We have all gathered here to see the execution of the assassin who tried to kill our crowned princess! Her very own handmaid, this is the killer, our own flesh and blood, and the punishment for a traitorous woman is fitting, burning of the steak!”
Wheein was brought out, her hands tied behind her back, her eyes had dark circles and she was crying as she shook her head, “Please! I would never do that to Penumbra! To Y/n! Please you have to believe me!”
But her cries were in vein as the crowd boo’d her, all shouting vile words her way as they dragged her down to the large wooden steak pyre that had been set up.
Jungkook shifted in his spot as he watched them begin to tie her up.
“Are there any last words you would like to impart to us traitor?” Dae Seong looked at her with pure disgust.
Wheein’s lips quivered as she parted them.
A loud bloodcurdling scream interrupted her before she could speak, the crowd tensed and everyone seemed alert, Jungkook was towards the front, having intended on getting her off there the right moment, but he quickly turned around to see people quickly departing and creating a path.
And the next thing he saw was hardly comprehensible.
You, covered in blood, your face was a horrific sight with it’s dried crimson color covering your mouth all the way down your neck, but what was even more horrifying was what was next to you, Fenrir limping beside you, a corpse held in his mouth.
Women screamed and men gasped in horror as they all moved.
The looks on the royals faces were indescribable, Dae Seong most of all, “What is the meaning of this?”
You stopped in front of the throne, Fenrir as if knowing this was the destination, dropped the body from his jaws, it smacked the ground with a wet echo, the head finally detaching from the body as it rolled towards Dae Seong.
You don’t think you had ever seen an expression quite like what Dae Seong had, and you were sure this would be the only time.
It was silent for a long moment before you finally spoke, your throat raw and scratchy, “That’s your assassin, he tried to kill me again just hours ago.”
Dae Seong’s look of shock slowly twisted into one of rage, “Where is your proof of this!” He stood up from his throne towering over you with a growl, “What does a girl like you have meddling in business you don’t understand and taking the lives of those who were helping!”
“Am I standing in front of you not proof enough?” You snarled back, “From the moment I have come to this kingdom I have been nothing but disrespected, disregarded, used, and seen as nothing more than a tool to further someone’s agenda. And i’m sick of it.”
“Even when it comes to my own life, you stand in front of me questioning it!”
“Why I ought too!-”
“I have it!” A voice cried out, Jimin was running from the side entrance of the courtyard, a notebook in his hand as he panted, his eyes widening when they set on you, ‘Y/n!? Are you okay? I have it, I have proof that Di Jin was the assassin! Here, your majesty.”
Dae Seong snatched it with a certain level of venom as he looked through the book, but slowly as his eyes read through, an unreadable look took over his face.
Exhaustion began to take over, your body beginning to sway.
Dae Seong closed the book with a sense of finality, “Very well,” He aid with gritted teeth, anger still simmering in his eyes, “Perhaps, you do have the grit to survive here princess.”
You didn’t hear his words though, your gaze had went down to the body of Di Jin, and swaying backwards you collapsed into an abyss of darkness, nothing more then multiple people calling your name.
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sungvrhs · 5 months
what about jealous hoon with strength kink???????? 😍😍
yes, i can't get over future perfect hoon with his hot bicepsss 😔
Jealous hoon and strength kink? A good combo I'd say 😋
Genre; Explicit | Sunghoon x Female!reader word count; 1.3K
note; T T took me 5 turns to write this cause I was had to gulp down some water everytime I wrote a single line about him.
You wanted to test how deep were the waters and seeing your boyfriend coming up home from the gym his plain white t-shirt drenched in sweat as his muscular boy would be outlined perfectly as he'd stand in front of the window pane. The effect he had on you was unnoticed by him. And you hated how he would simply be able to make you all worked up just by his small actions.
“I haven’t seen your boyfriend clenching his jaw even once.” Your best friend spoke while you both were on facetime as you giggled. “Well what do you want me to do about it? Get him pissed off for no reason?” You rolled your eyes as you saw her scoffing from the other side of the screen. “Why, thankyou for catching my words in one go for the first time.” You scrunch your nose at her words. “What do you mean?” “...UGH I take my words back. You’re dumber than I had thought.” You chuckled at her words, finding it amusing how hot-tempered she was. “I’m telling you, just do anything, literally anything to piss him off real bad.” You thought for a moment, not agreeing with the idea. “I don’t know Sana, this feels really off. I haven’t done anything like that.” You heard her groaning from the other end. “You-” she stopped for a while, her lips curling into a small smile as you noticed it. “Oh you know Sana, you can’t hide it that you’re thinking of something-” “No no I ain’t trust me?” She cuts you off as you roll her eyes. “Come on Sana, your face tells it all-” You heard the door clicking as you knew Sunghoon had come back. “Ah hoon is back. I’ll hang up-” “Hey Y/n.” Another voice interrupts from Sana’s end as you turn back to your phone. “Jake? Oh My God! When did you come back?” You saw him seated on the couch next to Sana as she sent a wink to you, leaving you confused as you eyed her for what was going on. “Hey babe, I’m back.” You heard Sunghoon as he walked in through the door, causing you to briefly look at him with a smile. “Hey love.” Sunghoon smiled, pointing at the bathroom as he indicated that he will be back after washing up. It took him only a few steps as he heard Jake speaking from the phone. “Ahh, I just came back a few days ago. I missed you.” Your eyes widened at his words as Sunghoon turned around to face you, raising an eyebrow at the new voice that just emerged from your phone. “Ahh, I-I missed you too.” You spoke, your gaze landing on Sunghoon as utter confusion was written on his face. You saw the incoming notification of Sana’s text that wrote; ‘Play along, this will be fun.’ And so agreed with the eyes as you both made "You changed a lot! The blond hair suits you.” You answered, holding the phone up high as you brushed your hair to one side as you flashed him a smile. You heard Jake chuckling as he spoke, “Ahh thank you! I was thinking of changing it to black but since you found it attractive, I will prolong the period.” You chuckled at his remarks, failing to notice the piercing gaze of your boyfriend. “Why I’d be honored! No wonder why you had the whole campus wrapped around your finger.” You spoke, knowing that this never happened but, oh well. “Oh does this mean I had the heart of this pretty lady too?” He spoke, leaning close as you giggled softly. “Well, what do you think?” You smirked, too engrossed in the convo as you heard his chuckle, “Well, I think-” His words got cut off with your phone being snatched by Sunghoon as he ended the call as you let out a small gasp. “What- Sunghoon! I wanted to hear him-” “Speak that you liked him? In front of your very own boyfriend?” He spoke, clenching his jaw as he tossed your phone on the couch next to you. “Sunghoon, I can explain-” Your words got cut off as he scooted our little figure in his muscular arms, taking you by surprise as you held onto his shoulders, you back meeting the bed as he chucked you down on the bed. “S-Sunghoon, wait!” You didn’t have time to react as he hastily hovered over you, taking hold of your wrists as he pinned them above your head. “You didn’t stop flirting with your ‘Jake’ so why should I stop?”
He scoffed, pushing his hair back with his free hand as the sight had your cheeks flushed; the way his muscles flexed while his messy locks dangled free on his forehead even after he had them brushed back. “Look at you being a total mess. I just pinned you down and you’re already breathing at an inhuman pace.” His words caused your cheeks to ablaze on a brighter shade of red as you wiggled your wrists under his hold. “Sunghoon, it was just a prank.” You spoke, letting out your breath which you didn't realize that you were holding onto. Your words only had him smirking as he leaned closer to your ear. “Well now that you admitted, pranksters deserve a lesson after being snitchy on someone, don’t they?”
“Look at you, simply falling apart on my fingers. I wonder if you will be able to take my big cock inside that pretty pussy of yours.” He taunted you, his two digits moving at an inhuman pace while your hands wrapped around his shoulders, moans escaping from your lips as you felt yourself reaching on your orgasm. You bit your lips, shutting your eyes close as you were near, ready to untie the knot forming in your stomach but Sunghoon was sly enough to pull out, causing you to groan as you let out a whine. “Agh, Why!” You spoke, earning a smack on your thigh as you let out another moan. “Acting all cocky even after being the one at fault? Tsk tsk.” And he had it all followed up for 2 more times, until you had it enough, begging for him to have mercy. “Yeah? You want mercy? After pissing me off?” He spoke, flipping you over swiftly as you were lying on your stomach, feeling his hand gripping your hair in a ponytail as he pulled you up, his tip teasing your dripping entrance. “Please H-Hoon.” You choked on your tears, earning a husky chuckle from his end as whispered against your ear. “Please fucking what Y/n?” You took time to recollect your lost voice whilst he spoke. “Can’t even beg for pleasure properly.” He moved back, his hand moving around your throat as he pulled you back, your back arching at his actions. “Can Jake ever fucking touch you like this?” He growled against your ear, pushing his tip inside you as you let out another moan, your walls clenching around his big shaft. “Can he ever fuck you like I do?” The soft hoon that you knew was no longer here as his inhuman pace was making you roll your eyes back. “Answer me or you’re not coming for the next few hours.” Your lips falling apart at the gush of pleasure as you spoke. “N-No he can’t. Only you can- Ugh Fuck.” Another moan escaped your lips as he plunged deeper inside you, causing the tears to slip down your brimming orbs as you yelped. “H-Hoon it’s too big, I can’t-” “Oh yes you can. You can take his big smile and his big lovely compliments. So you can take in my big cock too.”
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vex91 · 5 months
Ahn Yujin - Race
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader (Racer AU)
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: where yujin is a racer and she race in nights like everybody bet their car and she and yn is from different groups maybe rival groups so yujin say things like she can't beat me and she loses then have a crush on yn idk fluff at the end maybe.
Summary: You and Yujin were two of the best racers on the streets, everyone knew about your little rivalry. During one of the races Yujin proposes a small simple bet.
A/N: Racer Yujin is my new brainrot thanks to you anon😍
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3rd's POV
The smell of dust and burned asphalt was something Yujin was used to by now. Night races became her whole life ever since she was 18. She got her first car from her parents and her best friend quickly introduced her to the adrenaline that these races provided and before she knew it she was one of the best racers there. In her eyes she was the best one but some people would disagree because they thought the best one was you. Yujin hated that, she knew that if she had a chance then she would be able to show everyone who really was the best there by beating you but unfortunately for her you two never managed to race against each other.
It was surprising since not even you two knew why you never competed against each other, everytime she raced your group put out someone else to the race and vice versa but one night it did indeed happened. When the word about you two racing got out everyone started talking about it for days, everyone was excited to finally see you two racing against each other.
On the night of the race Yujin was leaning against her car as she observed you carefully chatting with your group member, Yizhuo. She felt confident about her victory and it showed in a way she held herself. One of her group members Gaeul walked over to her "Hey hoe about you go and bet something with her before someone else will? Her car would be nice in our collection" Yujin eyed the older girl before nodding and pushing herself forward, making her way towards you. Seeing her Yizhuo quickly left, confused you turned around just to stand face to face with Yujin.
Well nearly face to face since she was much taller than you so you had to look up a little.
"Hi there" She greeted you, a sly smirk on her face that you wanted to wipe off so badly. The confident aura around her made you more determined to win the race "Do you need anything unnie" For some reason the way you called her unnie made her feel something and actually threw her off for a second before she came back to her confident self "I just wanted to make a small bet, that's all" You nodded and told her to continue "I was thinking, if I win then you'll go on a date with me" Your eyes widened at her proposition, you were expecting her to say that she wanted your car to show off as a trophy. You still accepted it.
"Okay but if I win then you'll give me thid jacket of yours" You patted her shoulder and Yujin looked at the jacket "Okay fair" She shook your hand and pulled you closer, your faces inches away "Don't be late for our date love" She whispered before pulling away and leaving you standing alone, still processing everything. She was too confident that's for sure.
To a lot of people's surprise, especially Yujin's you ended up winning. It was a surprise because during the race you were at the very end but just before the finish line you sped up and passed everyone by in mere seconds, taking Yujin's win from under her nose. After the race she was setting in her car still in shock over what happened until you came over. She lowered her window and gave you her jacket with a sighed before leaning on her seat. The disappointment evident as she realized how much she overestimate her abilities.
But that disappointment faded pretty quickly after you leaned more into the window and passed her a note "Pick me up tomorrow 6 PM. Don't be late for our date love" and left without another word. The last part was definitely you mocking her but Yujin didn't cared as she looked at the address on the piece of paper.
Maybe this night wasn't so disappointing.
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satosugusandwich · 3 months
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔞𝔫…
True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Afab!Reader (This is an AU!!! Sukuna is not a homicidal maniac cannibalistic murderer! I think he’s sexy and my morals say no dick from crazy murderer BUT dick from crazy 😍)
Cw: once again mentions of violence from first chapter, self hatred, self-sabotage, sukuna is introspective, but he’s still an asshole, mentions of a sex room (context is necessary to understand lmao)
Description: You've been friends with Yuji Itadori for some time now and have seen the best, the worst, and the strange in all your years of knowing him. You've never thought he was one to have any crazy secrets and well... you were wrong. And now the demon bound to Yuji is bound to you too! How fun! Good thing that you aren't stupid and won't fall for a being that by no means should you have ever interacted with! Right? Right...?
*Yuji is aged up but there will be no sexual stuff with him except maybe like a brief mention but yeah*
Also I mentioned this on Ao3 but this work in inspired by “Teeth” by Lady Gaga (also monster by her is so Sukuna coded)
Chapter 2 Here!!!!!
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Chapter 3: To Hate One’s Self
You were able to sleep way harder than you anticipated. You suspected that the trauma from the whole ordeal would make you unable to sleep at all but there was something comforting about having Yuji with you and even though you didn’t want to admit it, having a demon bound to you was actually pretty fucking reassuring. When you woke up, you immediately decided that you have no desire to even think about going to class let alone actually go. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and rot a little bit. (Only temporarily, Yuji hoped). Yuji offered to go get breakfast for you two and promised he’d be as fast as possible, so you were left alone with Sukuna in your living room while you scrolled through YouTube videos online.
It didn’t take long for your peaceful scrolling to be interrupted by swearing coming from the living room and then an “aha!” You were curious but also scared to know what exactly Sukuna was doing. You decided to remain there until you heard a loud thud. You didn’t bother to fix your hair or your clothes when you peeked out of the door to peer at Sukuna. He had picked up your recliner and moved it across the room, seemingly had thrown it.
“Do you intend to watch me?” He turned his head toward you and rose to his feet from the floor. You realized what he was doing now, eyeballing the tv remote in his hands.
“Uh, no, just—I was wondering where that was.” You stammered. “I checked under there but—“
“It was lodged in the inside of it. I had to shake it around to get it out.” Sukuna interjected.
“Are you gonna… put it back?” You can’t believe you just asked a scary super intense monster demon thing to move your chair back.
He seemed amused but unsurprised by your question. “It was in the way.” His body was fully turned to you now and you couldn’t help but watch his stomach mouth smirk at you.
You opened your mouth to speak but were far too distracted by how one pair of arms crossed themselves while the others sat on his hips like a disappointed mother. “But that doesn’t answer my question.” You finally spoke.
“If you tell that brat to bring me extra food, I’ll move whatever you like.” He grinned.
Food? Okay. Interesting motivation but relatable you thought to yourself. “Yeah, sure.” You opened up your phone and called Yuji, telling him Sukuna wants extra.
“Man, he already eats comical amounts of food… I’m gonna go bankrupt.” Yuji mumbled over the line.
Sukuna had already moved the recliner back to its original spot and was sat, turning on the television after inspecting the remote closely.
Yuji continued. “I think I’ll get barbecue since I can get a whole lot for really cheap. He gets extra needy after he follows a more crazy command. Are you feeling okay?”
You nod, still watching Sukuna. “Yeah. And bbq is fine. I’ll send you my order.”
After hanging up, you walked back into your room and then into the bathroom to fix yourself. You didn’t want to look in the mirror and when you did, you realized you really were right. Your eyes were dark and your skin was so much paler. On top of that, you could see that bruises formed overnight on areas where the men had gripped you extra hard, and not to mention the dryness of your skin, having neglected drinking anything since you came home. Really, you feel ashamed for what you’ve done, you fucked up your life by sucking some shitheads dick and have given your best friend unnecessary stress. You were miserable. Maybe all you should do is rot.
“Hey brat! Teach me how to navigate your technology!” Sukuna called to you snapping you out of your ideation.
A nasty scowl was on his face and his stomach mouth was certainly not smiling anymore. You looked to your tv and realized it was on the wrong input and he was clicking buttons frustratedly, trying to get it off the error screen. You recall that you were playing video games last time you were out in the living room and you must’ve forgot to switch it back.
“Here, press this button.” You clicked the blue input button and it changed to the regular settings. “What are you trying to watch?”
Sukuna scoffed. “I can find what I want myself, I’ve seen the brat do it enough.” He snatched the remote back from you and slowly started to scroll to Netflix and then clicking on the app. It’s fascinating watching him, it’s like watching an old person use a phone.
“Okay.” You waited a moment before deciding to walk to the kitchen, trying to hide the fact that you were curious to see what he’d try to watch.
Sukuna assumed you wanted to watch him, he was tempted to find something that would make you react in an amused way. He didn’t exactly know what, but was determined to get a reaction out of you. He settled on an interesting title, How to Build A Sex Room. Perfect. “Hm.” Sukuna mumbled. “Humans still fuck like rabbits.”
You didn’t know what to say. But what made it worse for you? You had already started watching that show in the past. So it started in the middle of an episode.
“The hell? This doesn’t seem to be right, it’s in the middle of the show.” Then his head was suddenly facing you. “Someone must’ve been watching it.”
You were blushing and even though his face was completely indifferent, you could see his stomach mouth smirking again. “Maybe.” Is all you said. Let’s pray the demon that you just met doesn’t realize that you’re a freak and that he doesn’t understand technology at all.
Sukuna found the restart button fast. Yeah, he knows enough. Damn Yuji for being such a movie nerd! And damn Yuji for having a demon that watches him!
“Hey, I got a a question.” You tried to deflect from your embarrassment.
Sukuna remained fixated on the screen. “I suppose I’ll indulge.”
“Do you have to be around me or Yuji? Or can you roam free?”
Sukuna pursed his lips. “Regrettably, I’m stuck with both of you. If I could roam completely free, I wouldn’t be anywhere near here.” He answered honestly, seemingly unconcerned with how you feel toward his answer.
“How far can you go?”
“That’s already two I’ve answered.”
He let out a huff of air. “I’m only teasing. The distance depends, there’s no specification. Sometimes it depends on the security of the master. Presently, you don’t feel very safe so I can’t go far. I could’ve gone with the brat and maintained better distance, but I hate being stuffed into his vehicle.”
That makes sense, he was practically in a million different positions trying to remain comfortable in your friend’s car, thinking about the way he was having to sit made you realize it was a lot funnier than you remember. The recliner he was situated in was almost the perfect size to hug his body. You were sure he’s grateful to not have to follow Yuji anymore, but then again, he can’t get that far away from you either.
“Sorry you can’t leave.” You said.
Sukuna didn’t respond and instead focused on the screen. You attempted to shuffle away now, finding yourself to feel very awkward.
“Hey, brat.” Right as you got to your door he spoke. “You went to sleep with that man, right? I’ve heard you speak about your outings with the other brat and I find it pitiful you choose such sad men.”
Oh shit, you can feel that same tightness in your throat coming again as well as embarrassment flood your senses. You didn’t answer him.
“In my era, a woman like you would’ve been thrown to the masses, celebrated. I never had any interest in women like that but the men that did were ones who could not stand on their own. Taking cock from a man like that will ruin you.”
His words took you aback, not just because of his brazen use of the work cock, but also what felt to you like harsh advice. You sucked down the urge to cry and asked him, “why are you telling me this?”
Sukuna pondered over what he should answer with. “I don’t like watching misery.”
You entered your room and shut the door, unsure if he was being compassionate or shaming you. Either way, the words still hurt. Sukuna himself wondered if he should’ve said that, he doesn’t exactly care for you or anything and neither has he cared for anyone in a very long time, maybe it was an inkling of the past coming through. It was true, he can’t stand watching misery, watching someone wallow in it reminded him far too much of his own upbringing and the sense of being rejected. He had to make his way to the top, to earn the title of Sukuna. He’s long forgotten his name, cursed it to the back of his mind, a part of him he doesn’t desire to remember.
Soon after, Yuji arrived with all of your food and left Sukuna with his family sized meal before entering and seeing you bundled up burrito style on your bed. He could see the redness of your face and immediately knew you were crying again or was. He didn’t acknowledge it, choosing to try and keep you in a good mood by talking about the experience at the restaurant. Luckily, because of his stupid attitude, you were laughing pretty quickly.
Then he popped a question out. “What is Sukuna watching?”
You snorted. “How to build a sex room.”
His eyes widened and his nick stretched forward. “Huh?”
You were laughing a lot harder now. “Don’t ask me, he likes what he likes. You got a freak bound to your family lineage.”
Yuji slumped down onto your floor dramatically. “Man, he’s already a handful now, I can’t imagine how much worse he’s going to get with you now.”
A yell came through the door. “I can hear you!” Yuji straightened fast and you couldn’t help but laugh even harder. He’s such an idiot.
Sukuna wasn’t too amused, hearing Yuji so openly trash talk him and very loudly. Your laughter didn’t make it any better and he found it to be out of place after what you went through. He also doesn’t appreciate being called a freak. At least you’re attempting to move on, Sukuna could applaud you for trying.
“If I hear anything else, you’ll regret it, brat!”
“Whatever!” Yuji yelled back before quieting his voice. “He’s all talk, he can’t do anything to us. Unless we tell him to. Also, he tends to say things in a really abrasive way. He didn’t say anything to you, did he?”
You told him what he said and Yuji’s face shifted back into shock. “The last part was kinda funny. Who says cock so casually?” You laughed, cupping your hand around your mouth to try and keep quiet.
“Yeah, he’s a fucking weirdo.” Yuji was too loud.
“ITADORI!” He shouted and soon enough your bedroom door was wide open. “You sure have a lot to say after I saved your friend so kindly, your ass as well, and even stayed behind to protect her. Not a single thank you.” The demon feigned offense. “Shouldn’t you be groveling and worshipping me for doing such a feat for you?”
You could tell he was mostly joking and trying to irritate Yuji, but you really did realize you needed to thank him. You can’t believe you forgot.
“Hey, listen! You are weird, you’re from like a thousand years ago and are watching a freaky-deaky show! You also have bbq sauce on your stomach mouth! You have a literal mouth on your stomach!” Yuji stood up fast but Sukuna’s towering frame made him look like a child yelling at their father.
Sukuna was grinning down at him. “Hah. Your mouth is running exceptionally fast, might I tell her about that time you got so drunk you pissed on your own floor?”
You rolled back on the bed laughing and Yuji was beat red. “You—you saw that!?”
Sukuna wiped his mouth, briefly glancing over to you. “It was entertaining, how could I not watch?”
You put your hand on Yuji’s shoulder. “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us.”
Sukuna scoffed. “Your kindness is misplaced.”
Hearing his words, you were brought back to your thoughts and managed to make yourself stop snickering. You almost forgot again! Rising up from the bed, you stepped between the two men, confusing both of them, then you bowed your head in front of Sukuna.
His grin faded and his expression turned sober. “What’s this?”
“Thank you for saving me.” You remain bowed. “I’m sorry for not answering your question earlier, as well.”
The demon looked at your head hanging before turning around and saying, “Your apologies are unnecessary, but I will take the gratitude.” He closed your door and you lifted your head, turning back to Yuji.
“Whoa, that’s unusual.” He said. “Sukuna is usually a lot more arrogant than that. You must’ve shaken him up or something.”
You stood there for a moment, pondering Yuji’s words. It was strange, he’s someone who seems to think highly of himself but just blew off your apology like it was nothing. Especially since he was framing what he did as a favor, you expected to see more of a jovial reaction or even a degrading one. He doesn’t seem to be heartless, just a little out of touch, so his reaction does make some sort of sense. Regardless, you don’t know him all that well so perhaps something is off about your newfound bonded demon.
Sukuna sunk back into the chair and continued watching the show, or really what he was doing was watching the images while his brain ran. After watching you from the side from time to time, he determined your naive and self-sabotaging habits to be a bore and overall sad, but now that he’s interacted with you, he almost feels guilty for having seen you in such a negative light. To be so grateful to him when he expressed saving you as a favor, as an obligation, shocked him. Should you not be screeching insults and your disdain at him? Are you that much of a self-hating creature? Did he even view saving you as a favor? He didn’t know, he hasn’t felt pulled to anyone since the Heian era or connected at all in that matter. He wondered, would he have saved you if Yuji had not commanded him to? Is he a creature still capable of compassion and empathy after experiencing all that he has?
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦
Headcanon on the way Jude shows you he loves you
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GENRE: fluff, implied smut
WARNING: none that I can remember
PAIRING: Jude Bellingham x f reader
AUTHOR NOTE: I rushed through this. I had to finish before exams
Remembering little things
You sat on the couch, eyes glued to the TV on the wall. You were waiting for Jude to come home from his day of training. As you yawned, the sound of the door opened.
“Honey I’m home!” You heard coming from the entryway. You laughed, getting up from the couch and walking to the door.
Jude stood there pulling off his shoes. When he saw you he opened his arms with a proud smile on his face. A laugh left your lips while you walked into his arms, burying your face into his chest. You moaned when he scent took over you. Even though you just saw Jude this morning, you missed how he smelled. It was always so comforting.
Jude kissed the top of your head before you pulled away.
“How was training?” you looked at Jude as he pulled off his coat. “pretty good, but I’m happier to be here with you.” He grabbed your face, placing a kiss on your lips.
“ok what do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Jude wrapped his arms around your neck and walked with you to the TV room.
“You want to watch princess diaries a royal engagement?”
You gasped. “how do you know I like that movie?”
Jude pushed his lips into a thin line. “you said it the other day when you were talking about the stuff you love.”
Your heart melted as you looked into his eyes. “you were listening?”
“Of course I was. Why wouldn’t I be listening?”
You sighed. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Lots of people don’t listen when I’m rambling.”
“I’m not one of those people baby. I listen to everything you say no matter how irrelevant you think it is.”
Your stomach hurt from how many butterflies you were getting. All you could do was throw your arms around his neck, hugging him closed. “I love you so much.”
Jude smiled into your shoulder. “I love you too baby.”
Him buying you flowers
You woke up to your alarm practically screaming for you to wake up. A groan fell from your lips at how annoying it was. You reached over to your bedside table turning the alarm off.
When you settled back into the covers you reached over ready to cuddle with Jude. Instead of feeling his bare chest you were met with the cold sheets.
You frowned, but then remembered Jude left last night to play in a match. You groaned again for the second time this morning, you hated when Jude left you, but you had no choice but to deal with it.
You decided to get up after that. You had no reason to stay in bed anyways.
You went to the kitchen to make yourself a tea. As you started the kettle there was a knock on your door.
You tighten your robe and walked over to the door. You opened it to see a delivery guy standing there with a bouquet of red roses.
“Delivery for y/n”
You took them from the man confused. You muttered a thank you before shutting your door.
You walked back to the kitchen and sat the bouquet on the table. You took the note out and read it. You couldn’t help but smile as you read it.
“to my favorite girl.
I hope you enjoy these. Sorry I couldn’t be the first thing you saw when you woke up from your beauty sleep.
From your Secret admirer ;)”
You laughed taking your phone out.
Thank you for the flowers secret admirer 😍
My future husband:
Damn! How’d you figure it out?
Because you’re the only person I allow to see me when I wake up from my beauty sleep.
My future husband:
I’m honored pretty girl ❤️
Running his fingers over your back and your hair while you sleep on him
Jude woke up before you like he usually does. He tried to move around, but he was stopped by a weight on his chest. He looked down to see your sleeping figure passed out on top of him.
Jude smiled softly. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You moved slightly, huffing, but you stayed fast asleep.
Jude would love to stay like this, but unfortunately he had to get up. He hated doing that especially when you’re so comfortable against him.
Jude ran his hands over the top of your hair as he placed another kiss on you. His hands slowly trailed down to your back. He ran his finger tips over your exposed back.
After a few minutes, Jude heard you groan.
“Good morning.”
You lifted your head looking at Jude with tired eyes. “good morning to you too.” Jude sighed. “I have to get up.”
You pouted. “yeah ok, fine.”
Jude felt bad for having to leave you, but he knew at the end of the day he would be right back with you. Just where he wanted to be.
Always moving to the side of traffic so you aren’t walking near it
Your dinner date with Jude had just finished. It went great; you and Jude chatted, shared a bunch of laughs and small touches. Date night between you two weren’t often so this was special.
You and Jude walked out of the restaurant together. You were walking on the side near the traffic. Jude was quick to change that.
He stopped you from walking further to switch sides with you. You laughed at his action.
“Whats funny?” Jude asked while intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Nothing.” You bite back your smile looking at Jude.
He roll his eyes but smirked. He brought your hand to his lips, kissing it.
Sleepy hugs and kisses in the morning while you cook
You stood in front of the stovetop mixing the eggs that were in the pan.
You had somehow managed to wake up before Jude did. Because you were so proud of that, you decided to make breakfast for the two of you.
“Baby..” you heard a deep, sleepy voice. Before you could turn around you felt to arms Snake around your waist. A soft kiss was felt on your shoulder.
“good morning Jude.”
“I was so confused when you weren’t in bed with me.” Jude whined, Why’d you leave me?”
“I just wanted to make us some breakfast.” You turned the heat down on the stove and turned to your lover.
You kissed him.
“come back to bed.” Jude whined holding you against him with a hug.
“after I finish making breakfast I’m all yours baby. I promise”
Jude kissed you one more time before pulling away.
“I’ll be in bed waiting for you.”
You laughed watching how he waddle back to the bedroom.
Always teasing about how short you are
“Can’t reach that huh”
You flinched at Jude’s voice.
You turned to Jude and nodded. “yeah can you get it for me?”
Jude shook his head. “no I wanna see you struggle a little bit more.” He said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes at him. “jude please! I really need this bowl.”
“Ok fine. Only because you’re short ass is scary when you’re mad at me.”
Giving you his hoodie he’s been wearing all day
Jude walked into your house after a day out. You haven’t seen him since the morning time. You were missing him.
“How are you baby?” Jude asked you.
“I’m ok.” you sighed, just missing you.”
“can’t go a day without me huh?” Jude smirked. “shut up.” You rolled your eyes and took a seat on the couch.
Before jude sat down beside you he pulled off his hoodie. He threw it at you knowing you loved his hoodies.
“Put it on baby. It smells just like me.”
You smiled. “nice. Another hoodie I can add to my collection. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome now..” Jude sat beside you. “can I have some of your panties?”
Dedicating a goal to you
It was rare for you to be at Jude’s games. Even though people knew about your relationship, you were desperate to keep it as private as possible.
But this week it was different. You decided to go with a few of your friends.
You were seated in the vip area with your friends. The game was already started and so far the ball was getting kicked back and forth between the teams.
You always got giddy watching Jude play. Each time, he got better and better. You were very proud of him.
Speaking of getting better it wasn’t long before Jude had the ball in the net.
You stood up and clapped as the team started to celebrate. Jude ran to the end of the field. You watched as he blew a kiss in your direction.
Everyone in the crowd turned their heads, aws falling from their lips as the realized it was you. Your cheeks heat up at the new attention on you.
Placing kisses randomly on your body like your stomach or neck at random times
You laid on the bed, Your nose was deep in your phone. You noticed Jude walked into the room, but you didn’t acknowledge him.
Jude walked over to the bed and lifted your hoodie up. You felt as Jude placed several kisses on your tummy.
“Jude what are you doing?”
Jude looked up at you. “kissing you duh.”
You snorted. “im sorry, continue.”
Jude did. He placed several soft kisses on your stomach before moving up to your neck. You shuttered at his soft lips on you.
Your phone was long forgotten. All you could think about was his lips on you.
Jude placed a kiss on your nose. You dropped your phone down on the bed beside you before you looked up at him.
“I love you.” Jude breathed out against your lips.
You said it back “are you sure?”
“More than anything.” Jude sat up. He ran his fingers down your exposed stomach. “let me show you how much I love you baby.”
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agirlwithglam · 26 days
what to do when someone makes you feel insecure
✧*. * · ~ thewizardliz 💋💜
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✬ i very very very very highly recommend thewizardliz. shes been so helpful to me this past year and if youre not watching her, then what are you doing with your life?? she is the secret which gave me self love and confidence in myself!! i love this woman so much, when she uploads a video my day just brightens☀️.
This post is going to be completely about her video and the points she made. These are just some summaries but it’s best to watch the video bc the way she says it makes all the difference. full credits to this stunning queen for this post. ✬
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★ look at the kind of insults someone gives you;
most people hate on others and say nasty things about others because they feel bad about themselves.┊ so what are they insulting you about? your looks, your intelligence, your personality, what is it? remember that "everything someone is insulting you about with no reason- that is something that they are insecure about with themselves." when someone says something to you, understand that it's just a reflection of themselves. and then just pity them and leave bc u dont need that kind of negative energy around you baby💅
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★ find yourself. create yourself. KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
"when you know who you are without this person, no one can shake or rock your boat! your boat has to be stable first." you need to learn to be so stable and secure in yourself that whatever comes in, it cannot affect you in anyway! if someone comes up to you and says "you're purple" would you take it seriously? no ofc not!! you may even laugh in their face because you know that you're not purple so whatever anyone says- it does not affect you. so those insults would go 1 ear in, and through the other ear out.
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★ never allow anyone to talk down on you.
when you allow someone to talk down at you for the first time, then it wont stop. they will just keep going on and it will only get worse down the line. "toxic people dont get nicer down the line." so once you tell them to stop and they continue, that is officially disrespecting me. you can leave, cut them out of your life.
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★ give them a passive aggressive comment back.
(in the video liz gave some examples of things to say back and DAMNN she ate it up!) just adopt the ✨bimbo mentality✨ and act stupid :) example from her video:
someone: "you dont look good today... you look kinda ugly" liz: "aww thankyou, you know i love to look at you and everyday you just give me inspiration to be confident because if you look like that and you can be confident, then i can too."
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★ are they even worth your time and energy??
absolutely not. those people are WAYYY beneath you honey. walk away. just walk away from these pathetic people. you will find SO MUCH better than them for they are literally UNDER THE BARE MINIMUM. "if someone has to insult you to bring you down, girl you're already above them" also look at the people you're constantly spending your time with. do they help you? do they grow you? do they add ANY kind of value?? no? then why are they still there?? why are YOU still hanging around them??? bc when does your life change? when YOU change.
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★ we accept the love that we think we deserve.
why on earth do u think that this is the best you can do?? why do you think that someone who disrespects you is the best you can do? do you really think you're not worthy of the same amount of love you give out?? there are literally people out there who believe that they deserve the best and they get that! but you here are doubting yourself?? huhh?? honey what??
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★ what do YOU want?
so many times we're constantly thinking 'how can we make this person happy' , 'what does this person want' , etc etc. but what about you honey? what do you want out of life, out of your relationships, etc.? genuinely, they should actually feel BLESSED to be in the same room as you, to breathe the same air as you. and here you're letting people come and talk down on you? like are you serious? PROTECT YOURSELF.
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★ surround yourself with people that grow with you.
people who you surround you with, they should make you feel like the king/ queen of earth! they are meant to hype you up! they should tell you that you're amazing and beautiful! because if you don't then theres no benefit. why be with icky toxic people when you can be with people who will love you the way you love them? "im too pretty to accept this behaviour".
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★ lead with your actions, not your words.
its time you stop saying stuff like "im gonna leave if you continue doing this" , "i will do this... i will do that.." no. just leave. you've said it once and they continued? shut up and leave.
start to create your exit plan. i understand that for some people, they arent able to just leave because of problems related to money, health, knowledge, a community etc. so thats why you need to start creating an exit plan.
if its money you need then start thinking: how can i get money? what job? how can i save up to live on my own? if its friends so you don't feel lonely: how can i make friends? can i join a club or a community with people like me? how can i start to meet new people? if its knowledge so you understand more about it: how can i start to educate myself about this? can i go to a library and find a book on this? can i search it up online? is there anyone else who's been through the same think and i can take advice from them?
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★ not everyone you lose is a loss.
sometimes a loss is a gain. if people in your life right now have been disrespecting you and now they've left or you've left, thats a gain!! looking back the people i was friends with before- i needed them so i could grow and gain knowledge. and when they stopped being a significant part of my life, that was a gain. "it wasnt a loss, it was a lesson"
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"just know that you're the queen of the earth and you can do and get anything you want if you set your mind to it."
"if you have a good heart and pure intentions, then you deserve people with the same intentions and the same heart."
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cosmiiwrites · 24 days
Uhm hello. Your writing is amazing! LOVE succubus scum 😍 I can imagine almost like a mini series or them sneaking around the hotel but also totally need Angel's reaction to losing the bet 😂
btw if you havent read it, here’s the fic :3
anywhooo heres a little post-fuck drabble cw: cussing, no aftercare, angel being angel slowly, you lifted yourself off of the bed, legs wobbling. adam peered over at you, snickering at the scene. "a-asshole, this is your fault," you huffed, stumbling as you pulled up your half-torn skirt. "my fault?" he tsked, placing a hand over his chest in mock offense. "i wasn't the one slobbering all over my dick, like a desperate wh-" "okay, okay! i get it. whatever." you felt your cheeks grow warm, reencountering the memory. god, you were already imagining angel's smug face. with a huff, you slammed the door, being met by blaring lights and loud music. from the corner of your eye you saw angel dust, talking husk's head off. you stumbled your way to their table, their eyes widening as they caught sight of you. "holy fuck, [name], you looked like you just got your shit rocked!" angel dust gushed, eyeing you down with a laugh. "hate to say this, but angel's right," husk added. you couldnt blame them, i mean, look at you! you struggled to walk, hair a mess, cheeks flushed... and was that a line of drool? with a grumble, you let out a weak "twenty dollars, angie. pay up." pulling a twenty out, angel decided that he was going to get his money's worth. you were about to snatch your well-deserved money out of his hand when he pulled away. "nuh-uh, you ain't getting none of this unless i get some answers~" angel dust drawled, flaunting the money in your face. "fine! whaddya wanna know..." you groaned, already humiliated by the situation. totally worth it, though. twenty dollars and a heavenly orgasm. what a deal. "...how many inches was it?" "angel!" "i gotta know!" "...seven inches and yes, the carpet matches the drapes." angel dust let out a boisterous laugh as husk sighed and pulled out a five dollar bill. "fuckin' told ya it'd be well over six inches!" he boasted, snatching the bill out of husks hands vehemently. you shook your head at the interaction. "so, you're not gonna ask if he was even good in bed?" you questioned, tilting your head. "toots, by the looks of ya, i already have my answer," angel snickered, elbowing husk, who only took another sip of his drink. "you're the worst." you huffed, grabbing the money out of angel's hands.
suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a slightly flushed adam. aside from that, he looked fine. no fair. gaze meeting yours, adam gave you a wink. what an ass.
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night-dazai · 4 months
Hiii you ahould totally do like a romantic/fluffy s/o dancing with dazai like that scene with sigma and dazai😔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 i wish to dance with this man😍
Dancing with the Changed Devil : 
Dazai X Reader 
This request was such a lovely and sweet one thanks i enjoyed imaging and writing this . !!😊
The party was loud and after work this was not helping you in any way. Dazai had gone into a room with Mori and the director “ 2 hours now “ you signed look at your phone once again . After defeating all villains you crave rest while the world wants to celebrate you but all you aksed was for a DAYS OFF , you did not get it . Now you sat in the party hall as all of the agency was out there eating(ranpo) , networking (Kunikida ) and the other kids running around and dancing. You smiled at them all enjoying this enev though you did not much front line work as your ability was more of a backup plan but the image of people close to you being dead haunted you for nights and thus you sat there tired and sleepless in the red gown hair loose waiting for your bf .
The director came out talking with Dazai “ yes sir of course i see it all donee~” you heard your lover's dramatic voice. After talking with him they both walked to you “ y/n if you are very tired yo-” he could not finish as the hall went dim “ now for the special show , lovers, couples all take the dance floor all yours “ the host announced. Dazai’s eyes twinkled as he swiftly grabbed your hand “y/n lets go !” his childlike enthusiasm made you smile but not move “ i am tired please” you said softly. Normally he would push you more but now he knew the stress you were under and kissed your knuckles “ lets go home Donna “ he said. Both of you left the party very early saying your byes to all of the members. 
The cab ride was quiet as both of you just started at each and out of the window “ its hurts is it time ?” you wondered holding your abdomen. Dazai noticing how you held yourself asked worried “Bella?” his hand on top of yours on your stomach “All right ?” his eyes worried. Smiling “ yeah ..think its time, “ you said making him blink twice before he got the meaning “Ahhhh~~~ lovely doll come here i will provide you warmth . “ he said opening his arms . You were sure the driver was cringing at you two but you couldn't care less and settled into his arms and went into a long slumber. 
Dazai put you on the bed and went to change his clothes. As your opened your eyes feeling your soft bed under you wonder you mumbled “ dazai?..” “ one second love “ he said from the other side and the bathroom door opened with him coming out “ i bought some pads change up i will make something warm “ he said walking into the kitchen kissing your forehead. As you were changing your mind wondered “Does he hate me for what i said there “ you thought washing your face “ but i am tired and periods no wonder i felt cranky “ you thought but the more you thought the more guilty you felt and soon you come out and sat on your bed crying in the sheets to be found by Dazai with 2 cups of coco milk .
“Y/N!” he said keeping the cups down and removing the sheets from you searching for any signs of injury “ what happened why are you crying ?” his voice filled with worry only made you sobs worse. Your hid your face in his chest as he patted your head worried but sure you were not hurt physically  “Maybe periods is soo bad ? did she fall in the bathroom, did someone say something to her in the hall…” as his mind raced all thoughts he looked down hearing your soft sorry’s. Confused he held your chin gently forcing you to look up “ why love ?” “ you ..you wanted to dance…i said noo..i am sorry i am really tired did not mean itt….i “you kept mumbling making his heart squee both in pain and love . “how did i end up with someone so cute This is not possible, “ Dazai thought and laughed making you look at him confused “Periods is messing her head “ he mumbled and before you could hear it he had you on your feet dragging you to your balcony. 
The moon was there big and bright shining on you two, he kneeled “ my dear y/n would you do the honour and dance with this undeserving man ?” his voice laced with love and passion he kissed your hands. Wiping your tears you nodded your head , your fingers intertwined his and one of his hands rested on your waist and the other pulled and guided you. His movements were soft and gentle “Love i want you and nothing you say can ever hurt me “ he whispered into your ear seeing you calm down. Both your bodies swayed to the rhythm “wait !” he suddenly paused and went back and got his phone playing the most romantic song he knew “ lets dance love “ he said. You saw the same energy in his eyes and knew he was not mad “ yes dear “ . You twirled and twisted guided by his gentle but strong hands not letting you go even for a second. As you bent back the music ended with Dazai whispering on your neck “Darling i must warn you again i don't deserve you i am a monster you know that right ?” he asked pulling you up and hugging you to his chest.
Smiling you pushed him and got on your knees making his eyes go wide “ Dazai Osamu , devil or angel, good or bad dont care. I want you , i love you and will always be with you . you dont want marriage no probs lets stay like this , you want to go forward lets go , anything you want i am at your command “ you said like a knight saying his oath to their king and as you looked up it was a heavenly scene which your eyes observed. The tall bandaged creature stood having a hand to his mouth as his chocolate brown hair swayed in the slow wind the big moon behind him he tried to hold his tears in but his brown orbs did not allow it . As he fell crying you hugged him “my my Osamu how in the world did i end up with someone soo precious as you . You won't hate me if i say not dancing our going out if i am tired right ? “ you said into his ear just to get a nod from the fragile man in your arms. 
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this is how he looks when he says he wants to dance with you !!!
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writing-wh0re · 8 months
Heyoooo I saw that your requests are open and I'm absolutely screaming because OH MY GOD WHAT A PROMPT LIST
So may I request, “If they touch you again, I’ll break their fucking hands” + Bodyguard AU + Billy Hargrove?
I'd probably faint it you wrote this!! Thank you so so much! 😍💖🙏
All writings will be #writing-wh0re-requests
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings: Smut 18+, Explicit Language, Praise Kink, Sir Kink, Vaginal Intercourse, Unprotected Sex, Oral (female and male receiving), Jealousy, Language.
A/n: I have re-written this so many times trying to make it right, I hope you enjoy this Leyla! Thank you so much for sending this through!
Being the daughter of a powerful man wasn't the most ideal situation but it did have its perks, like getting into exclusive clubs, penthouse apartments in New York and my own sex god of a body guard, can’t complain.
“Y/n, I expect you to be there?”
I flick my eyes up from my phone, looking up at my father, his best friend Mike smirking at my confusion.
“Uhh, could you repeat that?”
My father tuts, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“My birthday party tonight, I'm hoping you'll make an appearance.”
“If I must.” I smile up at my father as he nods, ticking my name on the guest list.
“That completes the list, be there by 9pm.”
My fathers phone buzzes on the table as he excuses himself and walks out of the room. I noticed Billy standing by the door, a swift wink sent my way as I felt my cheeks heat up.
“Will you let me buy you a drink tonight?” Mike asks, his eyes looking from my cleavage to my eyes.
“Let's see where the night takes us.” I stand from my seat, feeling Billy’s hand on the small of my back as he pulls my chair out for me, guiding me out of the room.
I wave goodbye to my father as Billy and I get into the private elevator, leaving my fathers penthouse.
I lean against the back wall, the cool marble refreshing against my back. Billy leans on the wall to my left, his arms crossed.
“I hate Mike.”
I smirk at his mumbled comment, humming in agreement. Billy pushes off the wall, his body standing in front of mine, towering over me. I look up at him, his hand tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. Billy licks his bottom lip as my heart hammers in my chest. This isn’t the first time I’ve been this close to him. My mind quickly wanders to where I want this to lead, internally slapping myself knowing Billy won’t cross the line. His hand cups my cheek, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip. My breathing becomes uneasy, butterflies erupting inside of me.
“He is not buying you a drink, got it?”
I bite my lip, nodding in response as Billy shakes his head.
“Tell me you understand.”
“Yes Sir.” I whisper, watching Billy’s eyes darken as the elevator tings signalling the doors open.
“Good girl.” Billy whispers guiding me out of the elevator and to the car. Billy opens my door, sliding in beside me and providing the driver with directions.
| | | |
I rummage through my closet, sorting through the outfits, trying to find something to grab Billy’s attention.“Oh.” My fingers brush against the red silk dress, “Definitely this one.” I slip out of my robe, pulling the dress up my body, backless with a halter neck, slightly showing off side boob. The dress sits against my mid thigh, the addition of my black stilettos tying the whole outfit together.
I spray myself with perfume, quickly applying clear gloss to my lips. I look over myself in the mirror hoping to drive Billy crazy.
I swing open my bedroom door, meeting Billy in the hallway, his eyes instantly roaming up my body. I smile posing slightly as Billy chuckles.
“You look great.” I compliment, noticing Billy is dressed in all black, a black button up with the top buttons undone and sleeves rolled up, paired with black pants and shoes.
“So do you.” His fingers brush up my arm leaving goosebumps in his wake. Billy bends down slightly, our lips inches away from each other before his phone vibrates, pulling away from me. Billy sighs before answering, quickly finishing the call before looking over at me. “Car is waiting.”
I nod, following Billy to the car, mentally slapping the driver for interrupting our moment.
| | | |
“The princess is here.” Mike beams, my father right by his side.
Billy stays close to me as I hug my father, taking a champagne glass from a nearby waiter. My father quickly dismisses me, walking through the party to greet other people.
“Drink Hargrove?” Mike asks
Billy shakes his head as Mike pouts.
“C’mon it's Silver's birthday.” I slightly cringe at my fathers nickname, watching Billy decline Mike again causing the man to shake his head.
“Well you’re boring.”
“Just doing my job.” Billy retorts.
“Pfff, please, little princess doesn’t need saving here, everyone loves y/n.” Mike smiles, his eyes wandering over me lingering on my side boob as I cross my arms. “You’re stunning.”
Billy’s jaw tightens as he moves closer to me, standing slightly in front of me. I quickly finish my champagne, needing alcohol to get through this night.
“Ah, let me buy you a drink.”
“She’s good.”
“I'm good.”
Billy and I respond at the same time, a small smirk on his lips at my response.
Mike rolls his eyes, walking away from the two of us.
“God why is he so interested in me, he’s literally my dad’s age.” I cringe.
Billy chuckles, his eyes looking at me.
“You’re stunning so I don’t blame him.”
Butterflies erupt inside of me as I blush, hiding my face by looking around the room.
“Here princess.” My whole body stiffens, my eyes widen as Mike’s arm falls around my shoulders. Within an instant Billy pulled me from Mike’s embrace and stood in front of me.
“What the fuck are you doing.” Billy spits, grabbing Mike by the collar.
Mike laughs, avoiding Billy’s gaze.
“Simply providing the princess with a refreshment.”
“After she said no?”
“You’re making a scene.” Mike spits, smiling at a few people looking at him.
“Don’t fucking touch her.”
“How much is Silver paying you to care about her?”
Billy uses his grip on Mike’s collar to throw him to the ground, the drinks he was holding splashing onto himself and the floor.
“Billy, let's go.” I grab his arm, pulling him closer to me as he looks at me, his eyes running over my body quickly for anything out of place, noticing I’m uncomfortable he nods in agreement.
“You’re a fucking idiot, do you know who you’re messing with?”
Billy sighs, turning around to Mike and bending down to his face. Billy whispers something to Mike that makes his eyes go wide before he shakes his head mumbling a ‘Yes Mr Hargrove.’
My mouth falls open in shock as Billy laces his fingers with mine, pulling me through the crowd of people. My eyes quickly scan the room for my father, seeing him with a blonde girl on his lap as she laughs at something he said. I cringe at the sight, thankful that Billy is taking me home.
“What did you say to Mike?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“But I want to know Billy, what did you say?” I pull my hand from his, standing in the lobby of my father’s hotel.
Billy tilts his head back a deep sigh leaving his lips, frustration oozing from him. He spins to face me, closing the distance between us, his body heat enveloping me as our eyes lock.
“I told him if he touches you again, I’ll break his fucking hands. No one touches you, especially that jack off.”
My heart races before my mind can process, I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down to meet my lips. Our kiss is messy, lips, teeth and tongues smashing together as Billy pulls my waist against him, pulling me up into his arms. I wrap my legs around his torso, his hands holding my ass as he walks us towards the waiting car.
We fumble into the car, Billy tells the driver my address before pulling me into his lap, ignoring all his typical road safety rules.
His lips fall to my neck kissing and sucking on my skin, his hands running up and down my exposed back.
“God, I crave you.” His whispered words mixed with his lips on my neck cause my panties to flood with wetness, wanting nothing more than Billy.
“Billy, I need you.”
Billy pulls away from my neck, his eyes locking with mine before flicking to the driver.
“Mind your fucking business and drive the car.”
I blush having forgotten about the driver and hide my face in his neck.
“You’re safe with me.” Billy whispers, running his fingers up and down my back.
“I know.” I whisper, kissing his neck, dragging my tongue up throat as he grips my hips. I smirk against his skin, having found his sweet spot. I suck and bite leaving my mark on him.
The car stops as Billy rushes us out of the vehicle without another word to the driver.
We barely made it to my apartment without pulling our clothes off each other. The moment the door was shut Billy was pulling my dress off. The only light filling the room is from the city below, a mix of whites, reds and blues bounce off the walls and our skin.
“You’re beautiful baby.”
My heart flutters, my fingers working on the buttons of Billy’s shirt. My fingers drag down his chest, fumbling with his belt as Billy’s hands cup my breasts, his mouth capturing my nipples, sucking on the hardened nub.
“Fuck Billy.”
“Uh uh, what do you call me baby.” “Sir.”
Billy groans, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulls my head back, locking his eyes with mine.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you baby.”
I nod as Billy chuckles, shaking his head.
“Yes sir.”
Billy smirks, kissing me softly, biting my bottom lip and pulling it away from me.
I pull Billy towards me by his belt loops, undoing his pants as I drop to my knees, my heels providing me with more height, becoming level with his cock. I look up at Billy, holding his dick in my hand, dragging my tongue from the base to the tip. His breath becomes shaky, my tongue swirls around the throbbing head, sliding my lips down his length. I feel his fingers tangle in my hair helping guide my mouth up and down his cock. I tilt my head back, taking more of his cock slipping into my throat as Billy’s moans fill the air.
“Holy fuck, yes baby.”
I moan around him, pulling his cock from my lips with a pop as I tap it against my tongue, kitten licking the tip.
“God.” Billy moans, his hands running through his hair as I smirk up at him, winking.
Billy bends down quickly pulling me up into his arms. His cock brushes against my red thong, his lips smash against mine, walking us towards the huge living room window and pushing me against it.
I gasp looking at the city below, holding onto Billy tighter, my heart racing at the thought of the only thing separating us from the world is the cold glass.
“You’re safe with me, remember baby?”
“Always.” I whisper, his smile illuminated by the city light below.
Billy softly places me down, falling to his knees and placing my leg over his shoulder. He places a soft kiss against my clothed clit; I whimper at the contact, rocking my hips forward as he pulls my thong to the side.
“You’re soaking, so needy for me.” I moan in response, his tongue tracing my pussy lips, teasing me. He blows air on my glistening slit, his fingers slipping inside of me. My head rests against the window, my fingers tangling in his hair, his tongue swirling around my throbbing clit, dragging up and down, tracing numbers earning a gasp to fall from my lips. He curls his fingers inside of me, keeping a slow steady pace to match his tongue.
“Fuck Billy.”
Billy groans against me, lapping at my core as if he would never get the chance again, savouring every stroke. His free hand reaches up my body, cupping my boob and squeezing the skin as he sucks my clit, Billy’s fingers pressing against my g-spot.
“Right there, fuck.” My legs tremble against the glass, Billy continues his pace, my fingers pull at the strands of his hair, my hips grinding against his tongue and fingers to reach my high.
“I’m-fuck, cumming Sir.”
Billy moans against my core as I tighten around his fingers, covering them in cum.
My chest rises and falls, Billy kisses my thighs, trailing kisses up my body. His lips wrap around my nipple looking up at me.
“Please, Sir, fuck me, I need you Billy.”
Billy smirks, pulling away from my body as he runs his cock up and down my slit, the nudges against my clit causing small shocks to rush through my body. Billy holds my leg up under my knee before slipping inside of me.
I gasp at the size of him, his thick cock stretching my walls. Billy smirks at me, looking down at his cock buried inside of me.
“You were made for me baby.”
“Only you.”
Billy kisses me, his hips thrusting in and out of me slowly, building a rhythm. My mouth falls open, the sound of skin slapping skin accompanying my moans.
“Look at me baby.”
I lock eyes with Billy, my hands tangling in his hair.
“There’s my pretty girl, you take my cock so well.”
I groan in response, my pussy tightening around his cock at the praise. Billy licks his lips, his signature smirk on his face as he grabs my other leg under my knee, placing his hands on my ass, holding me off the ground.
“Fuck.” I dig my nails into his shoulders leaving marks on his skin.
The new angle allows for Billy to slip deeper inside of me, the grip on my ass helping his thrusts as he bounces me on his cock.
Billy captures my lips in his, our moans mixing as our tongues fight against each other.
“I’m close.” I whisper, pulling Billy closer to me for support as I slip my fingers between my slit, rubbing my clit.
“Fuck baby.” Billy moans, watching me play while his cock continues to slide in and out of me.
“God, don’t stop, please.”
Billy picks up his pace causing my legs to tremble around his arms. His hands grip my ass tighter, his pace slowing slightly.
“Cum for me baby, cover my cock”
My mind falls fuzzy, feeling his cock twitch inside of me, his lips fall to my neck, sucking and biting as his moans vibrate against my skin.
“I want you to fill me Sir, please.”
“God, I’m going to ruin you.”
Billy opens my legs a little more, going faster before his hips falter, cumming deep inside of me.
His head falls on my shoulder, keeping his cock inside of me, both of us catching our breath, holding each other.
Billy gently pulls out of me, letting my legs down, my heels unbalancing me slightly.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck you against this window.”
I giggle slightly at Billy’s comment, looking over the window that is slightly fogged up, a few imprints marking the clear glass.
“I’ve always wanted you to fuck me.”
Billy smiles, cupping my face in his hands and kissing my lips softly as if I could break.
“Please stay.” I whisper, wrapping my hand around Billy’s wrists, his eyes searching mine.
“Baby, I will never leave you.”
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danikamariewrites · 9 months
hi❤️ could i request a feysand x reader with jealousy, maybe one of rhysands old girlfriends tries confront reader and feyre and is completely hateful to them. maybe the ex tries to put a spell on him to fall in love with her again👀 protective feyre and reader😍😍
Love Potions
Poly!Feysand x reader
A/n: I love protective Feyre she’s mother fr
Warnings: jealous ex, attempted poisoning
As you mingled with the guests of the annual Starfall party you noticed a familiar face that made your eye twitch. You politely excused yourself from the group you were speaking with to go find Feyre. You pulled her away from Mor and Emerie and dragged her behind some of the tall shrubbery in the back of the garden.
“Honey what’s wrong? You keep looking over your shoulder.” You peek through the bushes one more time to make sure you didn’t lose the female. “Rhys’ ex is here.” You whisper shouted. Feyre tilted her head in confusion. “Which one?”
Feyre chose the wrong moment to sip her champagne. “Ella.” You growl. She chokes on her drink, blue eyes going wide. “She’s not allowed to be here. What the fuck.” She quietly shouted back. “I know.” You peek through the gap in the bushes again, “if you keep Rhys distracted I can get rid of her.” You say.
Feyre nods in agreement. Her lips in a tight line as she keeps her anger at bay. You can see the darkness swirling in her eyes and the power crawling under her skin. “Keep our mind-to-mind connection open.” She said walking away to find Rhys.
For a half hour you kept your distance from Ella, making sure she didn’t do anything that would piss Rhys off. Really you were doing this for you and Feyre. Rhys told you two what happened between them. And it was not a pleasant relationship.
Ella was a very jealous female. She couldn’t stand not having Rhys’ attention and didn’t get along with the rest of the inner circle. Nesta ran into her one day at the bookstore and they didn’t have a pleasant interaction. Cassian had to keep Nesta from breaking Ella’s nose.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far. All Ella did was talk to a few friends and enjoy the dessert table. You were about to call it and go find your mates when you saw Ella grab a glass of whiskey. She slipped a small pink bottle from her dress pocket and poured half the contents in, swirling it around.
Azriel and Cassian told you once that out of all Rhys’ exs Ella would do anything to get him back. She was crazy. After they broke up for good Azriel found her stalking the Town House and scared her off with his shadows. You wished you had been around to see the petrified look on her face.
She started to strut across the yard. Your eyes followed where she was going and noticed she was making a beeline toward Rhys. You started lightly jog across the yard your heel slightly sinking into the grass as you went. “Feyre!” You yelled, “Feyre, she’s walking toward you and I think she put something in a drink for Rhys.” “Oh no she’s doesn’t. I got this.” “I’m coming. Don’t yell at her without me!”
You see Feyre float toward Rhys and he wraps an arm around her. As Ella steps on the raised deck you rush past her causing her to stumble. You don’t look back as a smirk graces your lips. Feyre notices you and holds out her hand. You take it and she pulls you to Rhys’ to chest.
“Hello sweetheart.” He says planting a kiss on your forehead. Rhys hugs you and Feyre closer to him, “My darling and sweetheart. This night can’t get any better.” “Oh but it can get worse.” You grit out in Feyre’s mind. She grimaces but it quickly turns into a disgusted look as she looks over your shoulder.
You and Rhys turn to see Ella with an innocent smile plastered on her face. “Hello Rhysand.” “Ella,” he says, his voice tense. “I just wanted to say hello. I thought I’d bring you a drink, since neither of them thought of you.” Her tone condescending as she eyes you and Feyre. “It’s your favorite whisky.”
You wanted to rip her hand off as she shoved the drink in Rhys’ face. Feyre knocks the drink from her hand. It spills across the stone and the glass shatters. Rhys has the mess gone with a thought and looks at Feyre with a questioning look.
“She put something in it.” You said coldly. Rhys’ attention snapped to your face which promised Ella death if she didn’t leave. “Ella? Is that true?” He asked carefully. All Ella did was scream and stomp. Once her tantrum gained the attention she wanted Azriel appeared from a shadowy corner. He sent his shadows toward Ella sending her running form the house.
“Thank you, brother.” Rhys said trying to cover up his laugh. He looked down at you and Feyre, resting a hand on each of your shoulders. “And thank you, my beautiful mates, for looking out for me.” You both hugged him saying in unison, “Love you Rhys.” “I love you too.”
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fangsp1der-2099 · 8 months
basically with a reader that’s kinda like zoro, like really good with a sword and doesn’t show emotions that much pls🤓☝🏻
The Meaning of The Sea
Sanji x f!reader
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| Navigation| warnings: brief description of torture but it really is brief 😭.| a/n: honestly I love writing stuff like this like cold x flirty is such a good trope to me 😍. Hope you enjoy! 💞| tags 🏷️: @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
The sea had always been mysterious to you. It had a strange but alluring aura to it. You had always felt like you belonged to the sea. The salty breeze on your face and the gentle rocking of a ship on the waves had always comforted you.
However when you were recruited to Arlong’s crew, you didn’t feel that way. Was the sea punishing you? But what for? You didn’t know but whatever the reason you felt as if you didn’t deserve it.
Arlong was a dreadful example of a fish man. He treated you like a slave. He says you deserved it as you were human and humans were inferior to fish men. He would beat you until you bled and degrade you until you wailed for him to stop, but he never did. Because of this you became cold, you hated everyone around you, the only comfort you found was with Nami. She was another victim to Arlong’s empire however, even she got more freedom than you.
One day Nami had came back from her mission to recover the Grand Line map to Arlong. She looked almost happy? But why? Did something happen to her during her mission? You decided not to question it. Arlong would beat you if he found out you talked about his plans without his consent.
Later in the day, you became uneasy, a sense of dread but also hope washed over you. Arlong also seemed on edge, you heard him growling and he looked agitated after Nami had left him with the map. You were sat with a few fish men as they gambled away all of their berry when suddenly a loud bang came from the front gates, revealing five figures which included Nami. Pirates? Nami is with another crew?! You mind raced. Had she really betrayed Arlong? Betrayed you?
You looked at the other figures, a boy with a scar on his cheek was to Nami’s left and two others were to her right. There was another, just behind her. His sea blue eyes quickly locked with yours. You felt angry. How dare he look at you like that!? He flashed a smile at you, a tongue piercing peeked through his teeth. It was attractive but that attractiveness angered you. So as the rest of the fish men started the attack on the intruding pirates, you grabbed your sword and you headed to attack the blue eyed stranger.
You ran towards him and unsheathed your sword, ready to attack but as you swung, the blade connected with his foot. “Come on sweetheart you don’t have to fight with me, let’s go get a drink, maybe I could cook you something.” He winked at you. Was he trying to flirt with you during a fight? And why was he wearing a suit? “What sort of pirate where’s a suit?” His kick pushed you back a little but you recover and head towards him again. “The hot type sugar. You know you remind me of my friend over there.” He nodded to the green haired man. As you looked over, you lost focus and he kicked you again, this time his foot connected with your jaw. “For a guy in a suit your form isn’t bad.” You wiped away any debris he left on your jaw.
The back and forth attacks continued for a few minutes. He also continued to flirt with you. “Fuck off, this is a fight not some place to pick up girls.” You say breathlessly, he had worn you out. “Come on sugar, don’t be like that. I can help you. I’m sure Luffy would let you join the crew.” He walked over to you and he put out his hand for you to take it. “Come on love what do you say?” You slapped his hand away. “Why would I want to work with you? You come here and destroy my home and expect me to join you?” You took out your sword again but tears clouded your vision. “Are you sure you can call this your home?” His voice changed from a flirty to a soft tone. “Because to me, this looks like a prison to you. Nami has told us about you and how Arlong treats you love.” He moved closer. “You know nothing!” Your voice cracked through your tears and you fell to your knees.
He kneeled down to your level and places a hand onto your chin. “Join us, join me.” His voice turned into a plead. “I can’t, I don’t want to.” You wiped your eyes and you pushed away his hand away from your chin. “Fine love but you did this to yourself.” He stood up and swore to himself before he kicked you one last time, your head connects with the concrete beneath you and you lose consciousness.
You woke up, your head hurt, a lot. Looking around all you saw was rubble and none of Arlong’s men could be seen. “What?” You said to yourself. A hand landed on your shoulder and you jolted at the touch. “Hey it’s ok. You’re safe now.” You looked over to see the blue eyed, blonde haired pirate next to you. “What do you want from me?” Your brows furrowed. “I’ll never join you, Arlong needs me!” You growled in his face. “Well love he’s gone so I don’t think he does.” He clicked his tongue and crosses his arms. His tongue piercing was in view again. God it’s hot! But then you took in his words. “Gone! He left! Without me!?” You worried that he had left you behind. “No he’s gone. Dead, at least he should be dead.” He interrupts your thoughts. Your mind stopped working. Dead? Gone? Forever? Your eyes watered. Why were you crying over him? After hurting you so badly? Maybe it was because you were finally free? A small “thank you” erupted from you. “You’re welcome sweetheart glad you’re ok.” He leaned down to you again and pats your head.
You took a deep breath before you reached up to him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “Wow!” He exclaimed as he straightened his tie. You saw a soft blush creep onto his cheeks. “So pirate, what’s your name?” You asked. He choked out “Sanji. What about you?” You told him your name and he put a finger to his lips. “Y/N?” Your names rolls of his tongue like a ships rolls along the sea. “Well Y/N, welcome to the Straw Hats.” He puts out his hand he lifted you up. You clumsily fell into him and he smirks at you. “No need to be hasty, we have all the time in the world.”
The sea had always been mysterious to you. It had a strange but alluring aura to it. You had always felt like you belonged to the sea. The salty breeze on your face and the gentle rocking of a ship on the waves had always comforted you. And now you know why.
a/n: I really enjoyed writing this. I might make a pt.2 and put in some cheeky smut 🤭. Hope you enjoyed! 💞
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Pedro? Pedro. Can I request where reader is mid 20’s and has been dating Pedro for a few months and she brings him home to meet her family at a family reunion? 👀😍 I LOVE me some Pedro 🤤
Family reunion - p.p
hello angels! i hope everyone is okay. this request is so cute. if anyone has any requests don’t be shy to put them in my inbox. i honestly hate this i might delete it tbh. anyway, enjoy loves🤍 ⚠️age gap couple⚠️ (i based this on my family, i hope that’s okay xx)
taglist (feel free to add yourself🤍) @1-john-4-19 @newtandminhoaretoocute @mavs101 @brilliantopposite187 @mimi-luvzyu @iloveshawn @jaydiann @one-sweet-gubler (if there’s a line through your name i can’t tag you for some reason x)
you and Pedro had been dating for 10 months and it had been the best 10 months of your life. he had been the best boyfriend in the entire world. you and Pedro had travelled to your home town as it was your family reunion tonight and you thought it was the perfect opportunity for Pedro to finally meet your family. you had met his family about two months ago but Pedro was always nervous to meet yours.
your family was always welcoming, no matter who they were or what their background was they never judged a person. it was set in stone that Pedro would meet practically all your close family tonight and you could tell the nerves were getting to him. "does this look okay? do you think they'll like it?" he was looking in the mirror at his outfit, he was wearing dress pants and a creamy coloured shirt.
you were sat on your shared bed and had just finished putting on your heels. you always thought Pedro look beautiful in anything he wore and this time was no different. you stood up and walked to him, wrapping your right arm around his waist and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, trying not to transfer your red lipstick "you look perfect baby. i promise they're gonna love you" you gave him a reassuring smile which was met with a nervous one from Pedro. it wasn't a formal event by any means so you didn't bother dressing up too much but you were wearing a light pink co-ord set which fit your body perfectly.
after a couple more minutes of you both looking over your outfits you laced your fingers with his and started making your way to the car. Pedro decided to drive so he could keep his mind occupied. he wanted to make a good impression. you always talked about how much your family meant to you and he wanted them to like him. he was quite a bit older than you, probably closer to your parents age (which seemed crazy) but he had no idea how they would react.
obviously you had told everyone that Pedro was older than you and they really didn't mind. they always wanted you to be happy and if it was with someone older than you so be it. it took you guys about 40 minutes to get to your grandparents house and that's when he felt his heart start beating faster. he saw quite a few cars outside meaning everyone was here, which also meant he was meeting everyone right now.
you could see the nervous look on his face as you unplugged your seatbelt and smiled as he took a deep breath before unplugging his. you both got out of the car and started making your way to the front door, hand in hand. "i promise you'll be fine. you have nothing to worry about" your thumb stroked over the back of his hand as he nodded his head.
you finally arrived at the door and knocked straight away, giving him no time to even think. you heard footsteps approaching the front door before you saw your nan standing there with a huge smile on her face. "y/n" she said, arms open as she pulled you in for a hug, making you let go of Pedro's hand. your nan was one of your favourite people and not seeing her for months was hard, face-times and calls were sometimes not enough.
she rubbed her hand up and down your back as you tightened the hug. "i missed you so much" you said as you felt a small kiss being placed on your forehead. "we all missed you" she pulled away from the hug and moved her attention to Pedro who had his hand out for her to shake. "so this is the famous Pedro we've all heard so much about" she smiled and swatted his hand away playfully and pulled him in for a hug.
"it's nice to meet you" he smiled and hugged her back. that put some of his nerves at ease to be welcomed with open arms. "it's nice to meet you Pedro. everyone's already here so you guys go inside." your nan moved out of the way so you could both go to the living room where you were sure everyone was. you were surprised to only see your niece, Olivia and cousin, Hannah. Hannah and Olivia were on the floor colouring in Olivia's colouring book, not focused on anything but making sure they kept the colours in the lines.
"hey guys" you said with a huge smile on your face. Olivia was 5 already and it felt like she was growing up to quickly from the last time you saw her. they both looked up from the colouring book and Olivia's face lit up with excitement. she squealed and got up from the floor, running to you with her arms raised hinting that she wanted you to pick her up. "auntie y/n. i've missed you" she said, wrapping her arms around your neck once you had picked her up.
you felt your heart swell as you hugged her. "i've missed you so much angel" you smiled and kissed her head. she pulled back from the hug and looked at Pedro with a confused expression on her face. "who's that?" she wrapped her arms around your neck again, her shyness showing making you smile. "that's Pedro. he's my boyfriend. are you gonna say hi?" you whispered to her before she pulled away yet again and looked at him. "hi" she said with a small wave of her small hand. "hi" he replied, smiling at her.
she smiled at him as she finally felt comfortable again and you let her down so you could greet your cousin. Hannah was a year younger than you and she was practically your sister, she walked to you and wrapped her arms around you. "i'm so glad you're here. i've missed you" you heard Hannah say as she rocked the hug slightly. "i've missed you too. it's so nice to be back home" you said, pulling away from her.
"Pedro this is Hannah, my cousin" you smiled at him as he once again stuck his hand out for Hannah to shake but she shook her head. "thank you for making my cousin happy. she doesn't stop talking about you so it's nice to finally meet the man" she hugged him as your cheeks flushed a bright red. "you're welcome. she makes me happy so i guess it's only fair i do the same" he joked, making her laugh loudly.
"i think we should go look for everyone else. mums probably dying from waiting" you laughed as they pulled away from the hug. "your mum has not shut up about you since she got here. she can't wait to see you" you laughed and Hannah smiled as you grabbed ahold of Pedro's hand and started making your way to the kitchen where you heard your mums voice. your mum didn't notice you at first but once she did she practically ran to you and pulled you into her. "my baby. i'm so happy you're home" she said, tears filling her eyes. you hadn't seen your family in almost a year, with everyone having different work schedules and different events happening this was the only time you had gotten a break.
she pulled back and put her hands on your face as she looked over you, taking in the moment that you were actually home. "you look beautiful sweetheart" she lent in and kissed your cheek before turning her attention to Pedro who she immediately hugged. you saw your grandad who had the biggest grin on his face and you couldn't wait for Pedro to finish introducing himself to your mum so you made your way over to your grandad who opened his arms wide for you to hug him.
"how've you been?" he whispered to you as he hugged you tightly. just hugging everyone made you realise how much you'd missed them over the last year. "i'm okay. i've missed everyone though. i hate being away" he nodded his head and kissed your cheek and turned to see Pedro and your mum making their way over to you.
now your grandad looked mean and scary to anyone who didn't know him but he wasn't, he was the kindest, most selfless man you'd ever met. you had been on face-time with your grandad when Pedro was over one time and had spoken to each other for 5 minutes before Pedro had to go to work but speaking on face-time was completely different to meeting him in person. "Pedro, it's nice to see you in person. how are you doing?" your grandad stuck out his hand for Pedro to shake, which he immediately did and nodded at him. "i'm doing great thank you. how are you?"
Pedro was more nervous to meet your dad and grandad more than anyone but seeing your grandad in person and being welcomed by everyone who he had met so far made him feel at ease. that was until your grandad offered to show Pedro around and meet the rest of your family without you. "are you sure? i can show him around grandad" you said, looking between Pedro and your grandad who just shook his head. "Olivia has been wanting to spend time with you and Stacey has just gone into the living room with the baby. you haven't met her yet, Pedro will be fine"
you looked at Pedro who nodded his head reassuringly and smiled when you gave him a small kiss on the cheek before scurrying off back to the living room where you awed loudly seeing your new niece in your cousins arms. "oh my goodness look how adorable you are" they heard you say as you took the baby from Stacey's arms making the two of them laugh at you.
"come on, her dads outside with everyone else" your grandad led Pedro to the back garden where your dad, brother and the rest of your cousins were. he saw everyone in a circle speaking but he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. “guys, this is Pedro, y/n’s boyfriend” your grandad announced making them all turn around to look at him. this was intimidating. 5 men staring at him intently, analysing him as he approached them.
after a few seconds of awkward silence they all smiled and hugged him at the same time a chorus of hellos. “welcome to the family mate. one rule is treat her well which it seems you are already doing so well done” your brother Adam said and Pedro nodded. of course he was treating you well, you were the best thing to happen to him and he loved you. “would you guys mind if you left us alone?” your dad said, sipping his drink before they all nodded.
“we will be inside” your brother said and it was now left with your dad. your dad could see the anxious look on Pedro’s face and sent him a small smile “you don’t have anything to worry about, i just wanna get to know the man who’s been making my daughter happy is all” your dad said, hoping to give him a little bit of reassurance.
“i’ve seen y/n hurt in the past. you’re her first boyfriend in five years i think and i would hate if something happened between the two of you. she looks happy in every photo i’ve seen of you both and the way she talks about you shows how much she loves you. i hope you aren’t one of those people who will hurt her. she doesn’t deserve it” it was true, your last boyfriend had crushed you and it took a lot for you to open up to Pedro.
“she told me about her ex and i’m nothing like that. i love her a lot and if i’m being honest she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, i wouldn’t dream of hurting her, she’s to special” your dad nodded and smiled again. his words seemed genuine. your dad patted him on the shoulder “thank you for making her happy. i’m glad she met you” with that the two of them made their way back inside the house. your brother and two of your cousins were in the kitchen and the rest of the family were in the living room.
the two of them walked in and saw you next to Hannah with the newest addition to your family in your arms, huge smiles on both of your faces as the baby cooed as she looked at you. “you are the cutest thing i’ve ever seen” you said making Olivia look up from her colouring book with a frown on her face. “excuse me auntie y/n but i am actually the cutest thing” she sassed, making everyone laugh loudly.
"i'm sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i've ever seen" you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. "everything okay?" you watched as he nodded and smiled. "i think your dad likes me" you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy "i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't i?" you lent in and pecked him "yeah you did"
"i'm sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i've ever seen" you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. "everything okay?" you watched as he nodded and smiled. "i think your dad likes me" you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy "i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't i?" you lent in and pecked him "yeah you did"
“i’m sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i’ve ever seen” you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. “everything okay?” you watched as he nodded and smiled. “i think your dad likes me” you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy “i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn’t i?” you lent in and pecked him “yeah you did”
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leeknowspinkytoe · 5 months
i hate you
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   Minho x Reader.
enemies to lovers (kind of) almost smut but not
my second thing so it’s not very good 😍
Your hatred started for Minho in the first grade when he took your doll out of your hands and cut its hair, directly in front of your face. Then he proceeded to throw the hair into your lap and then walk away, snickering. 
   It grew in second grade when you were sitting with your best friend, Jeongin, and he tried to scare him away by telling him things about you. Jeongin just laughed, like it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard.
   In third grade, though, is when you finally understood how much hate you could have for one person. It was recess and he saw you about to go down the slide, and he came up behind you and pushed you. You tumbled down the slide and broke your pinky, so you couldn’t go to your piano recital anymore. 
   Fourth and fifth grade nothing much happened, other than him trying to scare your group of friends away from you. Nothing ever worked, though. 
  All throughout middle school, he scared guys away from you, and no one would approach you. Other than him to slap your books out of your hands. You started retaliating, you scared girls away from him, you tripped him, you did things to get back and take all of your pent up hatred out on him. 
   Freshman and sophomore years, you had a boyfriend, it was the best years. Other than when Minho got your boyfriend to break up with you by telling him that you were cheating. You were so mad that when you walked up to him, your vision had lines in it. You grabbed Minho by his hair and yelled at him. When you let go, he smirked and muttered “that was hot.” And you threw your hands up and walked away groaning, while he cackled on the floor. 
   Junior year, you ignored him, and you didn’t see him very often. Until he got a girlfriend and you edited pictures of him kissing another girl to piss her off and they broke up after three weeks. He was pissed and when he walked up to you, you just walked away and went to your next class. 
   Now, it’s senior year, everyone knows about the two of you and your little feud, neither of you have had a significant other since each of you ruined the others relationship. It’s funny, really, how something can go from zero to I hate you so quickly. At lunch time, Minho comes up to you. You’re alone today, so you have absolutely nobody to roll their eyes other than you.  
       “What do you want? I don’t have time for your annoying ass today.” You groan, he raises an eyebrow at you. 
        “Just came to see my favorite whore.” He says, lifting your chin with his pointer finger. 
        “Don’t touch me,” you smack his hand off, “and if you don’t remember, I haven’t had a boyfriend since you accused me of cheating. But you sleep around like it’s the only thing you can do.” 
      He sneers.
       “You’re being very rude princess.” He says, smirking right down at you.
       You stand up and get in his face, you point your nail into his face and he scoffs 
       “You’re annoying. Like really annoying, you know.” 
         His smirk grows into a grin, he’s grinning at you and your face is red with anger. “Oh, doll. The feeling is so mutual.” He watches steam come out of your ears. You groan and storm off, but he’s quick to follow in pursuit. You hear him following you and whip around, he stops right in front of you, almost knocking you down. But he doesn’t step back. Since he doesn’t, you do. You take a generous step back. But he keeps walking forward. He stops walking and you try and take another step back, but your back hits off of the wall. He slams a hand onto the wall behind you, and leans closer. 
        “I’m getting a little tired of your attitude, princess.” He mumbles, he leans into your ear and lets a breath out, sending an unwelcome shiver down your spine “if you don’t drop it I might have to do something about it.” He pivots and walks away with no other words, leaving you to contemplate what he just said all on your own. 
     The next day, when you get to school all eyes are on you. Then you spot him laughing in the corner. 
     When you whip the corner, Minho is standing there, talking to his buddy. Smiling wider than ever before. 
     You stop towards him and pull him out of the building by his collar. “What did you say this time?” You question, holding onto him so tightly that your knuckles turn white.
      “What do you mean, princess?” He asks, cocking his head to the side, and smirking.
       “You’re gritting my nerves, tell me what you said, why was everyone staring at me?” You stare at him and waiting for an answer.
       “Maybe you’re imagining it.” You don’t like that answer. You drag him further away. His eyes are widened, and his smile is very lopsided. 
       “You’re going to tell me right now or else.” You say, in a low and steady tone.
       “Or else what?” 
       “You’ll find out, now tell me.”
       “Okay, I told everyone that we hooked up yesterday. I also said that it was in the janitors closet. I also said that you enjoyed it so much that you said that your ex couldn’t compare, happy?” He says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Your open mouthed stare has hit feeling more nervous by the minute. 
        “You said what?” Your calm, and whispering tone makes him feel so scared and anxious. Obviously he didn’t say any of that. He doesn’t know why the hell they’re looking at you. Maybe it’s the pretty little tennis skirt or the baby pink lipstick you have on, but he doesn’t know. “Lee Minho. Why did you say that?” 
         He smirks, “a man can only dream.” He shrugs and turns to walk away. You grab his arm and tug him around and before he can even comprehend, you kiss him. His eyes widen, but he relaxes and closes his eyes. He snakes his hands to cup the back of your neck and you throw your arms around his neck. You don’t know what you’re doing. When you dragged him out here you have absolutely no intention of kissing him. He’s first to pull away, but he stays close, “let me take you home today. It’s cold.” You nod and kiss him again. 
      “Can we go home now?” You ask, he nods and drags you to his car and he doesn’t even give you time to close the door all the way before whipping out of the parking lot and onto the main road. His hand is rested firmly on your thigh, his nails grip into the skin, his fingers itching to go further under your skirt. Your cheeks flush, and you try and close your legs, but he uses his pointer finger and pushes them back open. 
       “Go ahead and get used to having your legs open princess. I’m going to show you how much I fucking hate you.” He says it so nonchalantly, you bite on the inside of your cheek. 
        “I hate you more than you could ever hate me.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest.
       The only thing heard in on the way to him home is the silent whirring of the car engine and the radio turned down low. Its otherwise completely silent. 
        He whips into his driveway and immediately unbuckled you both at the same time. He leans over you and opens your door before rushing out of his. He goes to your side of the car and helps you out and tugs your hand to his front door. He fumbles with the keys before hurriedly unlocking the door and throwing it open . He slams it back and pressed you up against the wall and doesn’t waste any time pressing his lips to yours. It’s warm in contrast to the cool outside weather, you start sweating in your sweater. 
      “Oh darling,” he mumbles flush against your lips, he smiles before running his hands down your shoulders, then up your shirt. 
       Your hands are knotted in his hair, pulling your lips off his and connecting to his neck. You kiss a trail from his collarbone to his jaw, right under his ear. This feels so wrong, but with his hands wandering your body and his breathy moans when you kiss just the right spot make the twisted feeling go away. You tug his ear to your lips, and whisper. 
      “Where’s your bedroom, pretty boy?”
      And ill leave the rest up to your imagination. 
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meet-me-backstage · 4 months
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎸 Virgin!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🎸 You play at the Hideout with your band, Stake For My Valentine, every night - you're considered the metal queen of the bar and your band are the rulers of the roost, famously loved by the Hideout's local drunks. However, when a band named Corroded Coffin land their first gig there, the sparse crowd warm quickly to the unique and awkward charm of the leading metal head, Eddie Munson.
However, you don't warm to him so easily - in fact, you don't warm to him at all. Eddie, on the other hand, worships the ground you walk on and doesn't hesitate to make it known, leading to a cold rejection from you.
Band rivalry occurs - you vs. Eddie, Stake For My Valentine vs Corroded Coffin.
You hate each other... but one night everything changes when a plan is created and executed by yours and Eddie's bandmates with the intention of bringing you two together and harmony between the bands.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊-𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕, 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 🎸 bad language, angst, mention and consumption of drugs, mention and consumption of alcohol, sexual innuendos, mention of blood, Eddie wearing eyeliner bcuz damn😍, some typical bar fight drunkard violence and SMUT so you must be 18+ to read‼️
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 🎸 10K words.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 🎸 bad language, angst, mention of smut, blood, mention and consumption of drugs and alcohol.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱, 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 ‘𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧’ 𝐨𝐫 ‘𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬’ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!)… 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭!
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠!
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲, 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 <𝟑
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⇜ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 • 𝟑𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 • 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓
'He's just a loser with a guitar.'
'You're a dick but I think I've fallen in love with you.'
'I fucking hate you Eddie Munson.'
'No I don't.'
You stare down at your lyric book with tired eyes, trying to decipher the scribbles of words that you'd crossed out and areas where you'd pressed the pen so hard against the paper that you ripped away some of it. They were all lines that you'd written over the weekend, ever since you'd gotten home from almost fucking Eddie Munson outside the Hideout, from realising that he had been the most beautiful guy you'd ever met and from crying so hard about him that you thought your eyes may fall out due to being so exhausted.
Elektra, Alyssa and Cherie are sat in the back room that had once been only yours, you can't help but think about how much the dynamic had changed since Corroded Coffin had stumbled through the doors behind you - you'd been so occupied with them that you realised that you hadn't even spoken to your band since last Friday...
Since I fucked it all up... I used to tell them everything... they're my best friends, my only friends - well, maybe not anymore since I've kept secrets and treated them like complete garbage... but we were always there for each other at school - always, surely they'll forgive me? I don't know, maybe Saturday night was the last straw, maybe I've fucked up one too many times.
You hear Cherie's voice through the door, it's muffled, but loud and it snaps you away from your thoughts.
You quickly slam your lyric book shut in your hand and take a deep breath that lasts for about five seconds before exhaling...
I've got nothing to lose now... I just hope Alyssa kept her word about not telling Elektra and Cherie what happened between me and Eddie.
With a determined stare, you head straight for the door like a missile to it's target, your worn and cracked black leather boots, as usual, thudding on the old floorboards of the Hideout. They can hear your footsteps because as soon as you start walking their voices go quiet, immediately knowing that it is you who had just entered the bar rather than a drunk that has nothing to do apart from sit at the bar and drink all day on a Monday.
You knock on the door, your knuckles brushing against the red tape that label the initials of yours and Eddie's bands on it.
Elektra clears her throat, you assume it's her because a few seconds later she calls out to you, "Come on in!" She didn't sound like her usual self who would crack a joke or dirty innuendo whenever you would walk into the room, starting band practice with a bellow of laughter from all four of you.
You grip onto the handle of the door, your forehead almost touching the wood before you slowly push it open, revealing your bandmates one by one.
Alyssa is sat on the manky rug in the middle of the room, tapping away at it with her drumsticks loosely gripped by her hands. Elektra is stood by Alyssa wielding her black and purple Jackson Dinky electric guitar, she's staring down at it so you can't see her face because her black hair, identical to Alyssa's, which is styled into a shorter mullet than her younger sister's, is falling in front of her green eyes, also identical to Alyssa's. Then, lastly, you see Cherie, with her bleach blonde hair as bright as ever, she is sat on the couch with her black Danelecto 58 Longhorn bass guitar nestled in the space beside her.
"Hi," you sigh, stepping into the room and gently setting your guitar case down beside you before turning around and shutting the door. The creak of the door being closed completely grabs all three of your bandmate's attention. They all look disappointed, confused, disheartened and it's all so quiet suddenly, Alyssa's drum beat couldn't be heard, Elektra is holding tightly to the neck of her guitar and Cherie has her mouth tightly shut. "Sorry I'm late," you mumble.
"Again," Elektra adds, rolling her eyes after.
You blow a puff of air out of your mouth, glancing down at your boots, briefly thinking about the words you'd rehearsed for them all day yesterday. "I - er I know - I'm sorry - I'm letting you guys down. I've been a real selfish bitch the last few weeks-," you sigh out with a nervous chuckle before your eyes flicker between all three of your friends, "I'm completely aware of that now and I'm sorry - so fuckin' sorry. I've not listened to you, I've been slacking at band practice, I've kept you in the dark, I've not been a good friend and I almost got us kicked out of here by Keith... I know now that it's all my fault - not Corroded fuckin' Coffin's... I - I guess I just didn't want to admit that I'm not as good as I thought."
"But you are, V," Cherie, who is, as usual, your number one fan even after letting her down.
Both Alyssa and Elektra nod in agreement with Cherie. "Exactly - that's why we're all so confused," Elektra, confesses. "You've never ever let us down in all the years that we've played together - so why are you now?" She pleads for an answer, accentuating her words by pointing the neck of her guitar at you.
You fiddle with your fingers, picking at the already chipped black nail varnish on your left index finger because you hadn't exactly prepared to answer that exact question. "I dunno - but I promise I won't fuck up any more than I already have, okay?" You look at each of your bandmates earnestly.
Elektra shakes her head while looking you dead in the eye, "Why're you avoiding the question?"
"I'm not!" You retort defensively.
"Vamp," Elektra states sternly, raising her thin dark eyebrows at you.
You realise again that you're acting the exact opposite way that you'd promised not to act, "Sorry - sorry - I er - I guess it's the... the competition." You bring a hand up to your forehead and shake your head at yourself, "It got to my head because - we've always been the band of weirdos who play metal music here every night without fail - and then suddenly these even weirder weirdos come into the picture and-," you let your hand fall from your forehead back down to your side, "We're not the only ones anymore and I felt - threatened by 'em because it was always just us... but I should've known that it wouldn't stay that way forever."
Elektra and Cherie nod in unison, but Alyssa stays completely still and silent which attracts your attention.
"Can I talk to you for a second, Al?" You take a step towards her while pointing your thumb over your shoulder towards the door behind you.
Alyssa looks at you, still hurt by what she'd seen you doing with Eddie on Saturday as her eyes are sunken in from not sleeping and her lips are pointing downwards at both corners of her mouth. She shakes her head, "Whatever you've got to say, you can say it here because we're a team - that's what a band is, right?"
You exhale through your nose, nodding at the same time, "Right," you mumble under your breath and fiddle with your fingers, still picking away at the black nail varnish on your nails. "I-."
Am I really going to tell them about what happened between me and Eddie?
Should I?
Yes... no... yes, no more lies, Vamp... no - I can't do it... I have to, to prove to Alyssa that I'm still as serious as I was when we first formed our alliance in school... besides, what happened between me and Eddie - it was nothing, it meant nothing... but if it meant nothing, why would I tell them? As far as Eddie is concerned, it never happened and we're never gonna kiss again, he sure seemed determined about that... I should forget about it all too, and I should definitely forget about how good it felt to kiss his lips...
You realise that your silence is raising suspicion from Elektra and Cherie, who are examining you wearily with crossed arms and expectant looks on their faces now, while Alyssa is nodding for you to just spit your words out... probably urging you to blurt out your undying love for Eddie Munson, to admit that your judgment of him and his band had been entirely wrong - therefore ending the little feud between Stake For My Valentine and Corroded Coffin that you'd caused so that she and Gareth could run into the sunset together finally.
I admit that I'd been wrong to try and stop Alyssa from having feelings for him... even though I still don't understand why of all the weirdos and freaks she fell for Gareth - I mean, I guess he is kinda cute and can play the drums like a champ... plus he's totally her number one fan - I'm sure if I asked him, Alyssa would be his favorite drummer of all time... so who am I to deny a friend her happiness for the sake of Eddie fuckin' Munson?
You look at Alyssa with big, apologetic eyes. She is still silently pleading with you, holding her drumsticks in a vice-like grip while she waits for your words. "I just wanted to-," you shake your head, closing your eyes for a moment before staring at Alyssa again, "I owe you an extra apology, Al - I'm - so - sorry about what happened the other night-."
"Wait - what happened the other night exactly?" Elektra asks with a quizzical look on her face, her petite nose scrunching up slightly as she stares down at Alyssa.
Alyssa sheepishly looks between you and her big sister, clearly feeling guilty for keeping what she had seen occur between you and Eddie a secret from her own flesh and blood... "Al did nothing wrong, El - I'm not gonna let her take the flack when it was all me." Elektra drags her eyes away from Alyssa to you, still with her arms crossed. Her pale face with dark eyeliner around her piercingly light green eyes intimidate you, making you break eye contact and instead you focus on your fingers still chipping away at your nail varnish, "I - I did something really - really - really fuckin' stupid."
Cherie furrows her fair brows, looking at Elektra, who looks back at her, confirming that they are just as confused as the other person.
"What did you do, V?" Cherie asks, tearing her longing eyes away from Elektra to look at you again.
You don't have to lift your head up to know that all six of your bandmate's eyes combined are staring into your soul right now... I need to just spit it out right now. You gulp, struggling to speak because you're too busy trying to relax your heartbeat and choking on your spit that had gathered in your mouth from trying to process words that just refused to leave your mouth, "I - I-."
"Vamp," Elektra interrupts before uncrossing her arms lazily, "If we don't have trust anymore we've got nothing left - so we may as well call it quits-."
Your neck snaps up so quickly to meet eyes with your bandmates that you almost get whiplash from the desperation because you are not ready to give up on this band yet, and definitely not because of a reason that doesn't even exist anymore - I mean nothing to Eddie and he means nothing to me... and Stake For My Valentine mean everything to me. "I-made-out-with-Eddie-after-his-gig-on-saturday-because-he-wrote-the-most-beautiful-song-for-me-and-also-Rodrick-was-making-out-with-some-girl-he-met-that-night-I-think-and-Alyssa-saw-the-entire-thing-oh-and-I-made-our-fifteen-fans-hate-us-because-Rodrick-got-me-drunk-the-night-before-and-I-called-them-all-assholes-for-going-to-Corroded-Coffin's-first-gig-here-."
All three of your bandmates look entirely bewildered by your rambling, with wide eyes and their mouths hung open in shock that your mouth could move so fast.
Cherie's back has thrusted forward away from the couch, leaning closer to you as if it can help her try to understand what you are saying, but she realises that she can't because she uses her hands to motion you to calm down and stop talking, "Woah woah woah, slow down, V!”
Elektra nods in agreement with Cherie. "I think I can vouch for us all by saying that we got none of that," Elektra gestures to Cherie and Alyssa, who nod in agreement, "Could you start again and maybe - step on the break a little for us?"
You nod, staggered breaths leaving your mouth while trying to catch as much air as possible because your rambling has left you pretty light-headed, "Okay - okay." Deep breaths, Vamp - here goes nothing... you bring one of your hands up to scratch the back of your neck, "I sorta made out with Eddie after his gig on Saturday-."
"You sorta what?!" Elektra blurts out before covering her mouth with one of her hands, her silver bangles around her wrist clashing loudly against each other from the speed.
You nervously glance at Cherie, who had loudly gasped at your confession, before acknowledging Alyssa, who also looked shocked that you'd actually told them. You give Alyssa a small nod before audibly inhaling another long breath, "Yeah er - I came onto him after he er - I mean - after I saw Rodrick with another girl-."
"But - I thought you hated Eddie?" Cherie asks, completely gobsmacked.
"So did I," Elektra adds while Alyssa mumbles a sorrowful 'me too' in sync with her sister.
"I do," you gulp, fleetingly looking down at the stained rug underneath your feet, "I do hate him," you repeat with much more assurance, though your face doesn't show it. You blink... if I just keep talking about how much I hate him they've gotta believe me eventually... "I hate him so much, he's so - he's so - ugh, everything he does just infuriates me so much that I just wanna-," kiss him so hard that it bruises his lips? Slap his cute face silly while I give him the ride of his life? Suck his soul out through his dick? Sit on his face? "Die? Yeah - he makes me wanna - die."
Huh - that has an interesting ring to it. I should write it down in my lyric book.
Elektra, Cherie and Alyssa all exchange bewildered looks. Cherie then mouths a shocked 'wow' at Elektra while Alyssa looks up at you, even more confused than she appeared to be before you’d opened your mouth about Eddie.
"I thought-," Alyssa speaks, but before she can reveal that Eddie had written a song about you, or the way that you looked at him like you look at your electric guitar... which is totally not true because I could never spare a spot alongside my Pink Special or Eddie Van Halen in my heart - there is no space for Eddie Munson in there and there never will be... you shake your head frantically.
"I - I did it to get back at Rodrick," you interrupt Alyssa boldly, defensively, lying through your teeth while trying to maintain confident eye contact with her.
"There's no other reason, Al," You declare before chuckling nervously, "C'mon - why else would I kiss Eddie Munson?"
Alyssa's face drops a little, her eyes, rather than being wide, they are now sad again, reminding you of the disappointed look that she sent you when she left you alone with Eddie on Saturday, "Cause you like him like I like Gareth?" She suggests with a small, hopeful tone of voice.
You hear Elektra and Cherie giggling to themselves, they fill in the silence after Alyssa's suspicion towards your denial for having feelings for Eddie.
Your head continues to shake frantically in complete denial, "No - no, not like you and Gareth," you tell her with another nervous laugh after, "You and Gareth - you're perfect for each other, I understand that now and I shouldn't have gotten in the way of the two of you just because he's the drummer in a band we're in fierce competition with... but there is no me and Eddie and that's all there is to it."
You spot the glint of happiness in Alyssa's dark green eyes, but it leaves as quickly as it comes when you continue to deny anything more than indifference for Corroded Coffin and hate for Eddie Munson. It frustrates her because she saw how you danced to their music, how you gave the lead singer heart eyes throughout their entire gig and how you genuinely enjoyed yourself in the presence of Corroded Coffin despite the battle between them and Stake For My Valentine to claim the Halloween gig. She thought that you felt it too, a connection between the bands that overpowered the competition... but perhaps you weren't quite as on the same page as she thought you had been.
"So - what about Eddie?" Alyssa asks, her voice almost sounds afraid.
Your head tilts to the side and you shrug your shoulders, trying to act as casually as you can, as if you hadn't been able to get Eddie off of your mind since you cleared the air between your mouth and his… and failed, "What about 'im?"
"How does he feel about what happened?" She asks matter of factly, one of her dark brows raising at you.
It feels like your heart is sinking down your body at the reminder of how yours and Eddie's last bicker battle...
'Don't you dare follow me this time, Munson - because I won't be kissing you again!'
A drawn out, quiet sigh leaves your lips, "Nothing," your shoulders hunch over slightly after you shrug them, "He hates me as much as I hate him-," you take in each of your bandmate's facial expressions and they all look completely unconvinced by your answer, "but we're both on the same page - we're here for the music. We're all here for the music, aren't we?" You question them as a way to divert their attention from you and Eddie.
All three of your bandmates hum in unison, looking amongst each other and you nod in response to their agreement.
"So we're all in this battle to win the Halloween gig back, right?" You speak entirely with confidence now, ignoring the joy that you felt when you were at Corroded Coffin's gig and completely thinking about the joy you'll feel when your fans vote Stake For My Valentine as the winners of the Battle of the Bands... if I win their loyalty back tonight.
"Right," Elektra, Cherie and Alyssa all respond in sync, nodding at the same time.
You nod slowly with a hopeful smile on your face and determination in your eyes, "Exactly, so we've gotta blow our crowd's minds tonight with epic solos and new material," you keep nodding, looking between your bandmates, who are staring at you with intense excitement in their eyes, their postures are gradually lifting from being slouched before, "We can't waste a second today so what'd ya say?" A cheeky grin spreads across your lips.
Cherie mirrors your cheeky grin before nodding eagerly, "Let's fuckin' do this," she jumps off of the couch and hops towards you while lifting her arm up, waiting for everyone else to do the band chant that the four of you usually do before a practice or gig.
Elektra steps forward and stands directly in front of you, a smile spreading across her lips too as she lifts her hand. You give her a small nod before looking down at Alyssa, who looks up at you wearily for a few moments before deciding to join the triangle that you, Elektra and Cherie had made. You all stand in a circle now with your arms lifted, your firsts balled as if you are holding wooden stakes and are about to drive them through a kneeling vampire in the middle of your circle.
"Three - two - one... watch it!" In unison, you all clench your fists, "Look behind you - beside you - inside you - don't underestimate a Vamp's power - it hides in plain sight - it hides before your eyes!" You all move your heads in the directions that you chant before dramatically tearing your eyes away from each other and looking down at the space in front of you within the circle. "Drive a stake through the heart and knock 'em dead!" You throw your arms down together as if you are going in for the killing of an imaginary vampire, a ritual that you'd all created and participated in for good luck since your very first gig at the Hideout.
The four of you cheer as if there hadn't been any tension between them and you, they're all driven by the adrenaline that the chant always gives you that would usually last until the end of a practice or a show, but this time the energy is very short-lived as your cheers fade quickly into an awkward silence.
Elektra clears her throat as realisation spreads across her features, "We don't have any new material."
"Ah ah ah - that's where you're wrong," you bring your hand that's still holding your lyric book up to your face, waving it beside your head while you smile devilishly, "I've got the perfect song for us to play tonight right here."
Elektra wraps her arms around her black and white striped t-shirt, hugging herself and pressing her fingertips into the back hem of her black leather pants, "I'm a little scared," she says with a chuckle.
"You should be," you tell her with a giggle.
⎈ 🎸 ⎈
By the time you're ready to go on stage you're high and drunk, which isn't usually a problem when you haven't been an emotional mess for days. It was what the four of you usually did during practices and before gigs just to take the edge off, to get rid of nerves and any stress or pressure. However, tonight you feel it all and with each pint of beer that you downed and each drag that you took of weed, your emotions seemed to heighten rather than lessen.
With each hour that passed during your practice, you noticed Rodrick's absence from it - he'd usually join your practice by sitting on the couch ogling you or maybe take over on the drums briefly while Alyssa took a small break. There was no sign of him today, but you were sure that he was just hiding away up in his room all day.
The four of you now are sat on the couch, squished together like a bunch of fish in a fishbowl, sharing one last joint before going on stage.
Each time you pass the joint to each other in a line that's going back and forth, you sink more into the couch with your limbs intertwined with Alyssa's and Cherie's, who are sat on either side of you.
Elektra is sat on the other side of Cherie, and has her arm flirtatiously wrapped around her... you'd have been a fool not to notice the massive crush that they had on each other since high school, fleeting looks, touches and blushes at your table in the cafeteria, so you and Alyssa weren't surprised when they announced their 'on the low' relationship when you all left school... they'd blossomed just as you had when the four of you found the Hideout because not only could they play the music they loved, the pair could also love each other and not be afraid of what anybody thought of them in a place where they could be free - you could all be free.
You can hear the bar starting to get rowdy on the other side of the door, muffled chattering, glasses clinking and music playing from the stereo... another ordinary night at the Hideout, you think with a dreamy smile, resting the back of your head on the couch... little do they know, we're about to play the goddamn bar right down.
A small knock interrupts your daydreaming and all four of you sit up in sync, staring at the door like deer in headlights.
When you see Rodrick's face peeking his head through the door and frame you feel the same boiling in your blood that you felt on Saturday when you saw him kissing someone else.
I wonder if she's here tonight?
His brown hair is more wild than usual, he's gelled it into more of a spiky texture, and is wearing what he usually wears, his old 'Löded Dyper' shirt that you woke up in on Saturday afternoon last week, a pair of ripped black jeans and his dirty black converse.
His tired, dull brown eyes flicker at you for not even a second before focusing on your bandmates, "The - stage is ready for you," he mumbles half-heartedly, refusing to even acknowledge your presence in the room before quickly shutting the door and leaving the four of you alone again.
You close your eyes and sink back into the couch while Elektra, Cherie and Alyssa exchange looks between each other, you and the door that Rodrick had disappeared behind.
Don't you dare even think about that asshole - get the fuck up off of this couch and get on that stage.
You monitor your breathing for a moment because seeing Rodrick had instantly brought that night back to you - your heated moment with Eddie. It makes your breath hitch before you take another deep breath, trying desperately to forget the existence of a certain long-haired, doe-eyed, adorable metal head...
I'll show him... I'll show them all.
"Let's fuckin' show them all what we're made of," you state before suddenly springing up off of the couch, almost tripping over the rug and falling face first onto the floor, though you manage to find your balance by taking a few quick steps towards the door.
You throw your arms out towards the door to halt yourself from head butting the wall or floor and close your eyes to brace yourself from the inevitability of falling down, but instead you find yourself hearing the door creak, opening again, and being caught in a pair of arms, "Rodrick I swear to the metal gods above I will swing my fist at your stupid face and shove my guitar up your ass," you ramble angrily, hitting your fists into his chest while your face is also nuzzled into him.
"Woah - Jesus H. - Christ - will you stop - hitting me when - I'm trying to - save you?!" You hear Eddie's voice in between your hits on his chest, but they gradually stop when you realise that it had been him who had caught you before you could fall onto the floor in front of the crowd waiting for you to take the stage.
You relax, hiding against his frame while nuzzling your nose against his chest, now realising that the texture of the shirt he's wearing is completely different to the one Rodrick is wearing... the smell is also different, while Rodrick's smells of weed and cigarettes, Eddie's also smells of weed and cigarettes - but with an added scent of musk that you could easily get used to.
"What are you doing here?" You grumble, gathering the courage to finally look up at him. To your annoyance, he looks as beautiful as ever and it takes everything in you not to wrap your arms around his neck to be even closer to him... but I know I can't... he doesn't want me anymore.
Eddie chuckles, which makes his chest sort of vibrate against your upper half, causing warmth to spread all through you, "I might not want to uh - kiss you - again... but I wasn't gonna miss your show - 'm still Stake's uh - biggest fan y'know," he looks down, huffing a small chuckle whilst blinking his eyes closed so he can avoid eye contact with you.
He can't even look at me now... which feels like a stab to your heart because you realise just now that looking into his pretty brown eyes is a privilege that you took for granted until you no longer had his eyes only on you.
You nod a little, focusing on the silver pendant sat neatly beside his red guitar pick attached to a silver chain around his neck, "No I - I meant - what are you doing here?"
"Oh uh-," his eyes trail from your boots, to your fishnet tights, to your oversized white t-shirt, to your neck, to your eyes, but you could've sworn that for a millisecond he looked at your lips, "I - uh - I wanted to uh - uh-," it's like your eyes have him under a spell because he can't look away now, it takes a massively deep breath for him to get his words out, "'S stupid - but I uh - came to say good luck - so uh - good luck."
"Thank you - I guess?" You mumble nervously, on the brink of crumbling in his arms and telling him that you do, in fact, want to kiss him again.
Eddie hums, tearing his eyes away from you at the same time you awkwardly look away from him, "I should - uh - I should go um - back to - Gareth." He looks over your head, being a head taller than you now means that it doesn't take much effort for him to look behind you, seeing your bandmates watching you both, in shock and holding onto each other for dear life.
You have to stand on your tiptoes to look over his shoulder to see that you have gained some attention from a few familiar faces that you'd see in your usual crowd from the stage - Joan looked shocked, Troy looked a tad more shocked and Victoria looked even more shocked than them combined, probably because you were in talking distance, let alone being enveloped in the arms of your competition... and on top of that, you weren't fighting to get away.
Your bottom lip falls slightly, but you have no words to say as you feel numb... the weed is definitely not helping me right now - I can't move...
Eddie watches you, appearing completely uncomfortable in his arms, horrified by his touch and the audience that you were getting from being close to him. He clears his throat, "Sorry - I uh - I didn't want an - audience either," he sighs, slowly unwrapping his arms from your waist and suddenly you feel so cold... he can't even stand to be seen near me... another stabbing sensation to your heart, you visibly shiver and falter slightly from no longer having him to lean on, which he notices, "you okay?"
So now he cares…
You give him a hard stare while the rest of your body feels numb and warm from the weed and alcohol, "Mhm fine - I'm fine," you slur unconvincingly, causing Eddie to furrow his brows at you and take a step closer only for you to step away, "Go a-away," your voice cracks and you shake your head. Eddie continues to stare at you, his facial features no longer hard or distant, now they are sad and he looks like a lost puppy that has no idea what to do or where to go, whether to help you and stay or do what you say and go... you can see the battle he's fighting in his head so you take a shaky breath, your stare at him turning into a glare, "Go."
Eddie falters, the battle in his head coming to an end as he reaches a decision, he nods and looks down at his fidgeting hands before silently turning himself around and walking away... like I told him to.
You take a harsh breath in through your nose, ignoring the tears that are threatening to spill from your eyes... no no no, Vamp - you said you weren't gonna cry over Eddie Munson again... you exhale as steadily as you can, successfully stopping a single tear from running down your cheeks, "May the best band win, Munson!" You shout to him as he walks through the small crowd that are now only staring at you. You fight the urge to say something like 'what are you looking at?' to the entire group of onlookers that had just witnessed everything including the scene you created after Stake For My Valentine's gig last Friday...
They must think I've really gone off the rails - I've gotta prove them wrong right now...
You look over your shoulder at your bandmates, who are still sunken into the couch watching your every move, before motioning with your hand for them to join you by the door leading into the bar area. "Let's knock 'em dead," you state, referring to your chant with a forced smile, after picking up your guitar and swinging the strap over your shoulder until your Pink Special hits your lower stomach.
Elektra and Cherie walk together with their instruments in one hand and reaching for each other's spare hands, squeezing tightly while they walk and nod your way. They give each other a kiss before running up the three steps onto the platform side by side, being careful not to hit their instruments against the wall because the steps are pretty narrow for two people to be on them at the same time.
Alyssa walks your way alone, wielding her drum sticks tightly in her left hand, but before she passes you at the door she stops walking and leans her mouth close to your ear, "It's for Eddie, isn't it? Not Rodrick," she whispers before pulling away and searching your eyes for the truth.
Your eyes flicker between hers before your guard breaks at the mention of the 'new material' you'd practiced all day long, a song of the lyrics you hadn't stopped writing since the early hours of Sunday morning, "It's for Eddie," you admit under your breath, but loud enough for Alyssa to hear, with a hasty nod.
Alyssa nods with you before giving you a satisfied, closed mouthed smile, “Knew it.” She brings her right hand up to squeeze your shoulder and tips her cowboy hat to you with her left hand while holding the drumsticks, almost dropping them while doing so, making the two of you giggle together.
"Let's - knock 'em - dead," Alyssa repeats your words from before with an amused grin on her face and small giggles in between them. She then grabs your left hand with her right one, pulling you towards the stage and up the small staircase.
You grasp onto your Pink Special with your right hand, clutching the back of it's body to your hip tightly as you run up the stairs with Alyssa. You can hear claps, cheers, but they're not as loud as they had been before the battle of the bands competition had been thought up by Rodrick.
You're facing your band as you take your pink guitar pick from behind your ear and hold it between your teeth, watching your bandmates as they adjust themselves - you wait for their approval to start the first song.
You bounce on your feet, psyching yourself up physically and mentally for the next hour and fifteen minutes because you know that to gain your great, hard-working, dedicated lead singer and guitarist reputation back… I need to put everything into this.
When all three of your bandmates nod you drop your pick from your teeth and let it land in your hand before spinning on your heel to face the crowd... and it's way bigger than you thought it would be - you've got a crowd bigger than when Stake For My Valentine were the only band playing at the Hideout... granted, it is about ten more people than usual, but that makes ten more than the familiar fifteen faces that you usually see towards the front.
A dreamy smile spreads across your mouth when you strum the first chord of Light Me Up, one of the first songs that you wrote when you were a junior at Hawkins High, before you'd even met your bandmates in Stake For My Valentine... it's a fan favorite that you typically play at the end of your gig, but earlier the four of you, with some convincing on your part, decided to move to the very beginning of the setlist.
So when the fifteen familiar faces hear the A chord that sets a moody, but lively atmosphere which sends everybody into a wild frenzy, you notice them all reliving every moment that they jumped and danced to this very song with you for the last two years.
You take a quick step towards the microphone, your lips brush against it, “Hey lovers,” you mumble with a cheeky grin on your face, sending a wink to one of your most loyal fans, Joan, who is now looking at you in awe rather than in shock, “Did ya miss us?”
‘Fuck yeahs’ and ‘we missed yous’ echo throughout the room, causing you to giggle into the mic, but then you hear a ‘did you miss us?’
“Sure I did - you guys are family,” you answer, flashing Lisa, another familiar face, a toothy grin before focusing on your guitar and the instruments being played behind you, signalling you to start singing. “Does what I’m wearing seem to shock you?” You sing into the mic, widening your eyes and looking down at your outfit as if you can’t believe what you’re wearing.
Your eyes scan the crowd towards the back as you sing, but you’re very quickly distracted with the sight of Stake For My Valentine’s booth being occupied by none other than Rodrick, who isn’t alone… you assume that it’s the same girl that he was kissing before, but as you look closer, you can see that it’s not now because she has much longer black hair, while the girl from before had mid-length chestnut brown hair…
so I really was just another name on his list of sex conquests?
That thought alone makes you stutter your lyrics, which diverts Rodrick’s attention from the girl sat opposite him to you. He’s leaning over the table, his face just inches away from her’s, but he continues to stare at you with a devious grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
“I’ve got it on my mind to change my ways,” you sing as your stare on Rodrick hardens. You suck in the anger that you feel, expressing it through your strong voice, “But I don’t think I can be anything other than me - No I don’t think I can be anything other than me.”
Rodrick glares back at you, but is forced to drag his eyes away from you because the girl he’s with grabs his shirt by the neckline and pulls him in for a messy kiss… though his eyes are open and looking at you the entire time his tongue is in her mouth.
“Do you think it’s right - when you knock me to the ground,” your eyelids flutter shut and you turn your face away from Rodrick, instead, putting all of your focus into the dancing crowd directly in front of you, “Well - light me up when I’m down!”
A bunch of your dedicated fans and your bandmates start to sing the chorus with you, “Light me up when I’m down!” An unconscious grin forms on your lips while you sing the line, you bob your head which makes your hair fly crazily in every direction possible.
You’re having the time of your life with your bandmates and your fans, all dancing wildly together and you feel as though, through your music, you’ve made up with them all… like everything you ever did to let them down had been erased by how metal your performance was. Like you’d promised yourself earlier today, you put every fibre of your being into throwing yourself around the stage, your singing and guitar solos… so by the time you’ve reached the end of the second to last song on your setlist, sweat is dripping from your forehead, all four of your limbs are numb and you’re completely exhausted.
You breathe heavily before laughing breathlessly into the microphone because as you stagger towards it you almost fall, but catch yourself by grabbing onto the microphone stand, “Woah - that was close, huh?”
The small crowd cheers in agreement, laughing with you.
“Okay,” you sigh, taking another few desperate breaths to try and calm your frantic heartbeat, “We’ve got one last song for you tonight!”
Another loud cheer in response to you.
You grin mischievously, wrapping your left hand, which is clammy with sweat, around the neck of your guitar while your right one keeps a grip on the microphone stand to keep you stable, “Do you dare to hear it?”
A few screams can be heard from the front, while everyone else cheers again (apart from Rodrick and his most recent fuck buddy, but you don’t give a shit about either of them).
“Well you better because it’s a new little treat-,” you state in a playfully stern tone, scanning the many faces in the crowd, but your eyes unexpectedly land on Eddie’s starstruck one towards the back of the cluster of people before you, “From me to you,” you maintain eye contact with Eddie, the adrenaline buzzing through your body stopping you from being too nervous to admit it. Your fans express their excitement through more cheers, but Eddie’s jaw drops a little and is frozen, just like you had been when he sang his song for you, “Here goes - you make me wanna die.”
You look over your shoulder at Alyssa and nod your head before she hits her drumsticks together, “three - two - one!”
You and Alyssa begin the song together, she starts with a steady beat on the bass drum that accompanies your guitar, you strum a strong, quick and melodious chord pattern that you repeat twice, all while banging your head and stomping your boots down onto the platform in time with Alyssa’s beat, before Elektra and Cherie join you and Alyssa’s playing.
“Take me, I’m alive - never was a girl with a wicked mind - but everything looks better when the sun goes down-,” you continue nodding your head in time to Alyssa’s beat while you sing with your eyes shut, “I had everything - opportunities for eternity - and I could belong to niiiiight!” You end the line with a gradual pitch change in your voice that sounds as smooth as velvet. “Then your eyes, your eyes-,” you sing alone during the bridge of the song, grasping the strings of your Pink Special tightly so they don’t make any sound. Your eyes open and you flutter your eyelashes, swiftly accustoming to the dim spotlight facing the stage, “I can see in your eyes, your eyes,” you find yourself singing softly into the microphone while staring into the pair of brown doe eyes that inspired this song, “everything in your eyes, your eyes-.” Eddie’s lips tug upward now while he looks at you like you’re some kind of angel, it causes a cheeky smile to appear on your lips during the pause between your lines because he was looking at you the same exact way when he first saw you on this stage, “You make me wanna die,” the words come out of you dramatically as you continue to cheekily smile at Eddie, who looks completely gobsmacked now.
Now he knows how I felt when he sang about how much he fuckin’ hated me… and called me a bitch.
“I’ll never be good enough - you make me wanna die - and everything you love will burn up in the light - and every time I look inside your eyes-,” you sing as you throw yourself around with your guitar, swinging your head uncontrollably before freezing in front of the microphone with your hair all over your face and noticing Eddie and Gareth jumping wildly and bobbing their heads to your music, “you make me wanna die!”
You go back to stomping your feet, strumming quick chords on your Pink Special while Alyssa goes back to just using the bass drum to create the same steady beat and melody you played for the intro.
You stare intensely at Eddie which immediately grabs his attention as if you’ve put him in a trance-like state, he stops dancing with Gareth and turns his entire body to face you again, “Taste me, drink my soul-,” Eddie’s mouth parts at your words, making you giggle a little while you sing them, “Show me all the things that I shouldn’t know - when there’s a blue moon on the riiiiise!”
You spin yourself around with your guitar in hand before repeating the bridge of your new song and going into the chorus again, just focusing on the singing and screaming coming from in front of you… you’re sure that no other song of yours has gotten this much of a reaction from the crowd - it almost feels like your second big break, the first being getting your first gig at the Hideout.
After that it’s time for your final guitar solo tonight, which you completely make up as you go along by just closing your eyes, feeling the heat of the room and the vibrations of all the instruments playing behind you… the pitched blackness of closing your eyes allows you to completely concentrate on the music, it’s almost as if it’s only you and your Pink Special in the room. Your nimble fingers slide up and down the neck of your guitar with ease and without you having to even peek an eye open at what you’re doing before ending the solo by shrieking out a high note and using the whammy bar to bend the sound, letting it fade with a light vibration that tingles up your hands and arms.
You can’t feel a thing in your body apart from the tingling sensation from your guitar after that… maybe it’s the weed, the beer, or the metal solo that just flew out of me… your hair is wet and sticking to your forehead and you start to feel dizzy from the fire that is burning your insides. You lazily try to shake your head out of this sudden wooziness, which is spreading to each of your limbs, making your sweat fly off of you…
I’ve gotta get through this - just nine more lines - I can do it!
“I - would die for you, my love - my love,” you sing in a slurred way because even your mouth is exhausted. Your voice that is usually strong, but angelic and smooth, is now weak, “I would - lie for you, my love - my - my-,” you blink profusely, suddenly unable to get your words out that you so desperately wanted to say because your heart is pounding and your brain is fuzzy.
All you can remember in that moment is your song coming to a messy stop.
Alyssa, Cherie and Elektra stop playing their instruments and all that can be heard are gasps and static coming from the amps at the back of the stage.
Then Rodrick, he’s suddenly at the side of the stage pulling out each of your bandmate’s instrument cables from their amps… then lastly he pulls your Pink Special’s cable out of your amp while shouting out for everyone to hear, “Stake For My Valentine are disqualified!”
Your face turns from shock, to horror, then to fury at Rodrick, “I’m - gonna fuck-ing get you - asshole!” You stammer weakly before using the last of your energy to stride towards him, ready to punch his lights out, but on your way you trip over the loose cable that’s still connected to your guitar. It all happens so quickly and you’re completely blind with rage that you don’t notice the dark wire as your right foot catches it, making you stumble forward and hit your knee against the corner of one of the amps by the stairs.
Rodrick, whose eyes are wide from the sight before him, still has that evil glint in them that makes you want to hit him even more.
Though your knee is starting to bleed, the pain hasn’t quite made itself known yet… you’re so numb and tired in your body that you can’t even feel it. However, you can feel yourself falling towards Rodrick after ricocheting off of the amps, and your first thought is of your guitar, so you grasp onto it as tightly as you can, hoping that Rodrick would save you, or at least cushion the fall… but he doesn’t, he moves out of the way.
You fall on your own, determined to keep a tight grasp on your beloved Pink Special while you dart past the steps and collide with the wooden floor below. You can hear muffled calls of your name, footsteps running around you. You can’t bring yourself to move from being so tired and every bone in your body is aching from being so active on stage.
“Vamp?!” You hear Eddie’s voice, which sounds like a plea as he kneels beside you and grasps onto your shoulders, he shakes them frantically but very quickly realises that it’s not helping you in the slightest.
He leans further down, placing the side of his face against the floor so that he’s face to face with you. Your eyelids are fluttering and you can just about see him, but even your vision is blurred and your eyes are fatigued so he looks like a wobbly blob with curly brown hair at the moment.
You feel Eddie’s rough fingertips touch your cheekbone and temple, soothingly rubbing your skin, but he pauses his movements when Rodrick speaks, “She’s cool, man - just give her a minute.”
You hear Eddie mumble angrily under his breath before he straightens his back and turns his upper half in the direction of Rodrick, “Does she look like she’s cool to you?!” He shrieks sarcastically.
Rodrick shrugs, awkwardly scratching the top of his head, “I dunno - but I’m not havin’ her in my bed, it’s reserved for - Maisy here,” he admits while gesturing towards his fuck-buddy for the night.
“It’s Daisy!” The girl sassily corrects him, crossing her arms before muttering ‘fuck this’ under her breath and leaving the circle of your friends, fans and Rodrick around you.
“Looks like she just cancelled her reservation for tonight,” Elektra jokingly states, though there is an undertone of hate in her voice.
“Stillllll, it’s a no,” Rodrick responds with a pop of his lips.
“Well she can’t just stay here on the floor all night, Rodrick!” Cherie, who is sat on the floor behind you, shouts worriedly up at Rodrick.
Rodrick shrugs, “I don’t have the time for this, my dad is back in the mornin’ for the gig tomorrow and everything has gotta be in order so I’ve gotta tidy shit up… just - get ‘er outta here,” he speaks like you laying on the floor after everything he’d done to you is not his problem, before turning away from you and proceeding to casually clear some glasses that had been left on the bar.
Despite how exhausted you are, you can just about see all the glares that Rodrick is being given by everyone around you… it is silent, nobody knows how to respond to his cruelty and lack of care towards you.
Eddie’s fingertips feel even hotter against your face from the anger and frustration that is radiating off of him. Your eyes flicker up at his larger frame that’s towering over you comfortingly, but no matter how comforted you are by his touch, or how tired you are, a tear falls from your eye and touches Eddie’s thumb on your cheekbone, which he immediately notices and unclenches his other hand that is balled into a fist and ready to punch Rodrick in the face. His facial features go from being hard with anger at the way that Rodrick had just spoken about you, to going soft at the sight of you so exhausted and hurt below him.
“E-ddie - I - I wanna go - home - please,” you manage to mumble before your glossy eyes slowly close and everything goes quiet, sending you into a deep sleep while you’re in the exact same position that you fell, on top of your Pink Special in the middle of the Hideout.
“As you wish, sweetheart.”
⎈ 🎸 ⎈
The sound of an engine soothes you in your sleep, along with the small bumps that are being driven over that rock you gently… that is until there’s a sudden bump that causes your upper half jolt forward slightly before falling back against the car seat.
“Shit,” you hear Eddie mumble under his breath.
You start to stir in your sleep and your eyelids slowly flutter open.
Your head is bowed down to your left, facing the driver’s seat, where Eddie is sat. He looks extremely concentrated, like he is trying desperately not to wake you by doing something stupid like driving too recklessly… which is entirely not in his nature because it is famously known around the town that he is a dangerous driver and has been issued with many warnings by Hawkins Police since he first got his licence.
The windows had been rolled open to let as much air in as possible, which has calmed your temperature down by a lot and is blowing your now dry hair away from your face. You slowly bring your hand up to your forehead, rubbing it while you watch Eddie drive.
He notices your movement and looks away from a familiar dark lane he’s driving down to get a small glimpse of you, “You had me - us worried y’know?”
You blink your eyes open wider, though they’re still half-closed, “Where - are we going?” You ask in a strained voice, furrowing your brows.
“‘M taking you home,” he answers, looking back at the road, “You fell off the stage, y’remember that right?”
Realisation spreads across your features as you recall your gig, playing your song for Eddie, Rodrick disqualifying Stake For My Valentine, falling off of the stage and asking Eddie to take you home. “Yeah - yeah, I remember,” you sigh, looking directly ahead of you at the road, recognising shops like Family Video and the community pool that you live nearby. He turns his van to the left into the block that you live in, which causes you to look at him quizzically.
Eddie chuckles, knowing exactly what you’re thinking, “Alyssa told me where you live - don’t worry, I’ve not been stalking you or anything.”
You hum in response… that makes sense.
While Eddie drives somewhat carefully, you take the time to look at your surroundings. You notice empty bags pretzels on the floor, tapes scattered everywhere around the van and a picture stuck to the rear view mirror of a pretty woman with dark curly hair just like Eddie’s, she’s holding a little boy in her arms on her lap… it must be an old photo of him and his mom - cute.
Eddie hits another bump accidentally which makes your knee that hit the amp move slightly, nudging it against the van door and making you wince quietly… now I can feel it - the pain.
“Shit shit shit,” Eddie curses at himself, hitting the steering wheel before glancing at your fishnets which are now ripped at your knee, “Sorry about that.”
You let out a strained huffing noise before examining your knee and the dried blood surrounding the wound right in the middle of your kneecap. You lazily slide your hand down your thigh, unknowing of Eddie’s eyes following it’s every move, to the open gash you’d gained from your fall.
“Don’t touch it!” Eddie squawks suddenly, taking a hand off of the steering wheel and swatting your hand away.
“Jeez,” you giggle uneasily before leaning back into your seat and focusing on Eddie driving again, “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you cared about me or somethin’,” you mumble softly, referring to his words from the other night with a small smug smile.
He looks at you knowingly as he brings his hand back to the steering wheel before shaking his head, exhaling and looking ahead of him, “I do actually - ‘s kinda annoying how much,” he mumbles under his breath.
“What did you say?” You ask, dumbfounded, because you were still slow and tired from the eventful night you’d had.
“Oh - nothin’,” he answers quickly, he takes another glance at your knee and gestures with his thumb over his seat to the back of his van, “I’ve got a first aid kit handy at the back we can use to clear your knee up when we get to your place so - just leave it alone for now, m’kay?”
You nod a little, “Okay,” you answer softly.
Watching Eddie drive, to your surprise, is so calming. You admire the way that his tongue is peeking past his lips in concentration, the way his hair blows in the wind and how he grips onto the steering wheel, his fingers overlapping his thumb because his hands are pretty big… they’d also look pretty nice wrapped around my ne- you notice him smiling at you finally answering him without you backchatting or making a sarcastic comment.
He senses your eyes on him, which makes his heart pound, so he takes a deep breath and is in the midst of turning his head to take another glance at the beautiful sight of you in his van again, causing you to quickly look away from him. Your sudden movement scares him and instinctively he looks back at the road, settling to just enjoying the feeling of you being beside him and maybe stealing a couple of glances at you as you continue to look around his van curiously.
He tries not to hyperventilate about the fact that you are beside him… in his van - alone. He’d not stopped thinking about you or your hands touching him since the moment you left him alone outside the Hideout… you’d been the one in his head, in his thoughts, in his dreams whenever he slept, ate, walked, worked - all the damn time. It was worse enough before he’d found out how it felt to kiss you, but now that he knew he was going crazy, so crazy that he found himself wrapping his hand around his cock every night to the thought of you… even thinking about what it would be like if you would just let him love you.
His thoughts are interrupted when he notices you turning your upper half to take a peek at the back of his van, which causes his eyes to widen, “Wait - wait, Vamp - I wouldn’t look back there if I were you-.”
You furrow your brows at him, looking at him being so incredibly suspicious right now, sweat is practically forming under his eyebrows, “Why not? You got a secret porn stash back there or somethin’?”
“No - j-just - don’t move your head too much, you’ll hurt it,” he stutters nervously.
“My head is already hurt,” you remind him with a hint of sass in your voice.
“Right,” Eddie sighs at himself before looking around the front of his van for anything to distract you with, “Oh - hey, I’ve got these cool stickers over here,” he points at his dashboard, where he’s messily stuck them by his radio, “The bat sticker is lucky,” he emphasises excitedly before his face falls when he notices you giving him a deadpan look. “Totally not interesting - uh - oh - what about some radio?”
“I’m looking, Eddie,” you state with a determined expression on your face.
Eddie’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down, coming to the realisation that you are not going to be distracted, “Okay, okay - just - don’t freak out.”
You smile at him, amused, as he focuses back on the road, staying awfully silent and keeping his mouth tightly shut… surely it can’t be that bad- you think as you turn your head, ignoring the pain that it causes you. Your eyes widen as you see it as clear as day, suddenly your knee and head is no longer the source of your hurt… it’s your Pink Special, placed gently on the navy backseat of Eddie’s van. It’s neck has been snapped away from it’s body and two of the strings are curled, no longer attached to their tuning pegs… your jaw falls open at the murder scene before you, “She’s- she’s-.”
“She’ll be fine,” Eddie interrupts you reassuringly, concern clear in his eyes - it’s such a genuine reaction that you believe that he understands your heartbreak for your guitar.
“Fine?” You retort, sarcasm oozing from your voice, “She’s been snapped in half!”
Eddie keeps his eyes on the road, turning right onto the road you live on which is just opposite of Lover’s Lake. “Yeah, you kinda - fell on her,” he informs you.
Your heart sinks, thinking about how you’d tried so hard to save her from the fall which makes tears start to well up in your eyes again, “Y-you mean - I - killed - her?” You tear your glassy eyes away from your guitar to look at Eddie…
How the hell is she gonna be fixed?
How the hell am I gonna play without her?
What the hell am I gonna do without her?
I can’t be a lead guitarist without a guitar.
Eddie gives you a reassuring smile, “Your Pink Special is gonna be rockin’ out with you again soon - trust me,” he tells you confidently, giving you eye contact that makes you want to take him for his word instantly.
You blink at him, your face blank with tears running down it and dropping onto your oversized t-shirt that’s now stained with your makeup mixed with your tear drops.
“You do trust me, right?” He asks, curiosity laced within his words.
You continue to blink at him as he drives around to your side of Lover’s Lake, near the woods. He doesn’t look at you so that he can concentrate on finding your home, and so that he can hide the disappointment in his face if you say no, “Yes - I think I do.”
After the shock of initially getting over the fact that you admitted that you do in fact trust him, a chuckle leaves his lips and he grins smugly at the road, “So close your eyes and trust me to get you home safe. Does that sounds good?”
Sounds perfect.
Without saying a word, you answer his question by shutting your eyes and relaxing into your seat by pressing your back right against it and nuzzling the side of your face against the fabric of the top of it.
After a few minutes pass, Eddie takes a sneaky glimpse of you, so relaxed that you’ve almost melted into the seat, a little smile spreads across his features, but he finds himself shaking his head, trying not to think about other circumstances where you could be sat beside him like this right now… like driving you home after a romantic diner and cinema date which would be topped off with a quickie at the back of his van… or taking you on a permanent roadtrip outta Hawkins and never looking back… just you, him and your guitars.
He takes a deep, sharp breath while forcing himself to drag his eyes away from you, which you can hear clearly - you steal a glimpse of him too with a timid smile on your lips before scrunching your eyes shut again.
“Home sweet home, sweetheart.”
That’s the second time he’s called me sweetheart… and I’ve not stopped him.
⇝ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐱
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!!!!! 𝐈𝐭'𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 <𝟑
𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 '𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒' 𝐨𝐫 '𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧' 𝐭𝐚𝐠-𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰!
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 👌👌
@big-ope-vibes @majesticjellyfishzombie @b-ritney @joyfulcandyrunaway @sidthedollface2 @sillypurplemurple @aysheashea @spookycreepycookie @bookobsessedfreak @lefdepard @rottinglexi @aol19 @loki-loves-cats @eddieslooneymoonie @hllfrclb @weirdkidfromtheupsidedown @bonehead-playz @euphoric-rush
𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒏
@introvertedmouse @munsonology @fastnights @kathieycarrerarosshley @marjoriea13 @goldengunspinkrosses-blog @lolalanaie @neteyamsluvts @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @seatbacksandtraytables
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94 notes · View notes
pjisskullourful · 6 months
𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓼
🌼Damiano × reader
part 25 of ??? [parts 1-24]
NSFW 🔥 bigtime horny kitty energy, much dirtiness [⚠️potential trigger warning: body image issues]
° Damiano David/female reader insert
wordcount:: 12,602
° all of the requests!! a secret friend on here wanted shower sex, a reader on ao3 asked for thigh riding& an anon sent in: What do you think of the girlfriend being jealous of somebody going after/ flirting with Damiano? Given who he is I bet it would happen and I think It would be fun to see how you would play that out. Cause I can see Damiano being real cocky about his girl getting all possessive over him and then having some ✨fun time ✨ with her to show her she’s the only one for him 😍 [requests are open! but commisions are priority, secure the 5th spot in my cue here!]
° none of the lyrics included belong to me[×]
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You paused from closing the fly on your high-waisted pants - you had been trying on the outfit you wanted to wear to dinner tonight, but something had caught your eye, distracting you.
A jagged, dark line reached up from just above the waistband of your underwear. This stretch mark was brand new to your eyes. It hit you like an actual wound, your mind racing.
As your throat clenched, you stopped caring about checking that your choice of outfit was cute or not. You hated this intruder on the side of your tummy. This new line was a failure on your part, maybe if you weren’t so lazy, or spent less time playing video games, you could have avoided gaining another mark in your ugly collection. You were frozen with the top of your pants in your hands.
How long had this mark been on your body? Had Damiano seen it - what did he think when he looked at it?
This was supposed to be a fun day - the day before Easter, and some friends of his were hosting a dinner that would end in an egg hunt through their garden. You were going to be meeting more of the people he had grown up with. But most importantly, you were getting to spend the whole weekend with him, there hadn’t been many of those so far this year. There was no Måneskin-business to take him out of the country, he was just your boyfriend this weekend.
You didn’t want to waste any of this precious time with your insecurities. You wished you hadn’t seen the line, because it hadn’t been as simple as noticing it. You were having a full reaction to it. The change of mood inside of you was almost a tangible sensation.
You didn’t know how to resolve it, you just knew that you wanted the unpleasantness to stop. Your  solution was to physically move away from it. You undressed without completing the try-on process, so desperate to walk away and pretend this negativity didn’t exist. You just needed to refresh yourself and then you would be able to get back on the right track.
“I’m gonna have a shower.” You loudly announced without knowing if he actually heard you. He might be outside having a cigarette, or otherwise occupied too far from the bedroom.
You went into the bathroom and stopped at the vanity, pulling your hairbrush out of a draw. You took your hair down and started brushing through any tangles. Standing in front of the wide mirror, it wasn’t easy to keep your concentration on your hair. Your eyes wanted to wander, to find other flaws in the reflection to tear yourself apart over.
Until you were given the perfect distraction. Your boyfriend came into the room, his figure filling the reflection behind you. He was dressed in only a pair of underwear, wearing a festive headband on top of his short hair. It was enough to make you smile, even though you had to feign annoyance.
“Take those off.” You said as sternly as you could manage.
“You got it, baby.” He said, promptly taking his briefs off.
You were amused, even as you rolled your eyes. You turned your back on the mirror, more than happy to put all of your attention on him. “I meant the bunny ears and you know it.”
The fuzzy rabbit ears remained fixed on his head as he furrowed his brow. “I’m confused, do you want me to put the underwear back on?”
“Damiano.” You warned, but this only resulted in getting him to say your name back to you, in a sing-songy way, delivered with a positively devilish smile. “I never should have let you take the ears from my office…”
His eyes grew wide and he pointed an accusing finger at you. “You were the one who took them.”
You let this unserious discussion progress, exaggerating your shock. “How dare you accuse me.”
“No, how dare you. I was just there to pick you up from work. You were the one who pulled them out of the cute little window display and put them on my head.” He said.
“I didn’t think you were going to walk out still wearing them. And I was kind of distracted, I was working.” You added to his recollection. “Now, you have to take them off before they get stretched or broken ‘cause I’ve gotta put them back, they’ll probably be part of next year’s Easter display.”
He resisted, still. “I like them. You have to agree that they look better on me than they did in the window.”
“I agree.” You said. “Now take them off.”
The thing that was stopping you from simply snatching the accessory off of him, was the knowledge of how getting too close to him would change this situation entirely. He could physically overpower you in an instant and any illusion of you having some control would be banished.
“You can ask nicer than that, kitty.” He said, very clearly enjoying this teasing.
“Can you please take the ears off for me, please and thank you.” You said, even clasping your hands together in front of yourself to further sell it.
He cocked his head to the side. “I didn’t hear a single word you said. It’s kinda hard to hear you over all of those clothes you’re wearing.”
You reminded yourself how much you enjoyed being called a ‘good girl’ as inspiration to help you bite back any sarcastic comments. You even resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
You removed the two items that you were wearing - a bra and a pair of panties. You cupped your hands to either side of your mouth and spoke at a much higher volume. “Can you hear me now?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yes, did you have a request for me or something?”
“Can you please take those ears off for me, please?” You asked.
“Why, of course I can.” He said, plucking the accessory off of his head. “Here you go.”
You snatched it out of his hand, holding it securely in both of yours. “I’m gonna find someplace to hide these from you.”
“I can’t imagine why you would think that’s necessary. I’ll get the shower started while you do that, shall I?”
This made you pause from leaving the room. “Oh, you’re joining me?”
“Yeah, unless that’s not okay? I thought we should shower together, to save water.” He said.
You smirked. “To save water. Yep, that’s fine.”
You carried the confiscated item over to where you kept your work bag. It was enough to put it into your bag and shut the zipper. If he pulled it out of there he would be in the wrong - you’d both know it, and any argument would be in your favour.
When you returned to the bathroom, it was to find him standing under the stream of water. You were further distracted from your earlier issues as you admired how great he looked when soaking wet.
He turned his head and smiled at the sight of you, beckoning you in with a curling of his finger. You stepped in, sliding the door shut behind yourself. You shouldn’t have been surprised when he was instantly drawing you in for kisses, his hands cradling your face. There were times when the two of you could share a focused shower, spending as much time washing yourselves as you did making out.
But the look he had given you had indicated that this wasn’t the case for today. You linked your arms around his waist, indulging in this as the noise of the persistent water blocked out everything else. You felt how easy it would be to melt as his mouth worked tenderly against yours.
His hands left your face, slowly moving down to where the water had already reached. He started to kiss his way off of your mouth, his lips pressing against your chin before going lower. You couldn’t help arching your back into him as his lips worked across your throat. This was the closeness that you absolutely ached for when he was away, showers (like pretty much everything else) were so dull without him.
But -
“I need to wash my hair. This shower was supposed to have purpose.” You said.
He stopped what he was doing to look up at you. “Nobody’s stopping you from washing your hair. Look, I’ll even help. I’ve got lots of time to help with washing your hair these days.”
“I could return the favour and use my volumising shampoo on your hair.” You said of his well maintained buzzcut.
He wore a deadpan expression, blinking at you. “Hilarious. I swear, you’ve missed your calling in life. You shouldn’t be doing admin work- stand-up comedy, that’s where you should be. Netflix would give you a special so fast.”
“Because I’m a special girl.” You said as he let go of you to grab the shampoo bottle.
The intimacy wasn’t totally lost in this process. The two of you remained standing very close together (even though there was ample room for each of you in here) and you took every opportunity to touch him.
When he began to massage the shampoo into your scalp, you could have let out a moan of pleasure. You shut your eyes and soaked up every second of his attentiveness. His fingers slowly dragging across your scalp was the only thing that you needed right now.
“Stop making that face.” He said, his voice so stern that your eyes instantly snapped open, you were practically ready to apologise at once. “That’s a sex face and if you keep it up you’re gonna get me hard, which isn’t the purpose of this shower, right?”
You almost began giggling, you covered your face with both of your hands. “I didn’t mean to. I, I guess I was enjoying myself a little too much.”
“I’ll say.”
You parted your fingers to peek at him. “Did I really do a sex face?”
“Oh, yes. If you want me to get specific- it was your edging face. When I see that face I know that I’m doing it right and your brain is getting all empty.” He said before instructing you to tilt your head back under the stream of water.
As he rinsed all of the product out of your hair, you physically cringed. “Oh my God, I hope I don’t make that face when they’re washing my hair at the hairdressers.”
“Relax baby, I’m the only one who knows that face is linked to naughtiness.” He said.
You tried your best to stay in constant awareness, and control, over your facial expressions as he conditioned your hair. The lack of massaging on your scalp kept you from that floaty feeling.
“What do you think, is that up to your standards?” He asked, losing the careful look on his face that he had been wearing during this task.
You tested his work by running your fingers through the ends of your hair. “It feels perfect. Thank you, Daddy.” You reached out to tap the end of his nose.
“Okay, your hair is washed, what other purposes did this shower have?” He asked.
You smiled, your feet almost overlapping his on the wet ground and you wrapped an arm around his neck. "Do you want to see more of my sex faces?"
"Duh." He said, both of his hands going to your cheeks as he brought you in for kisses.
You wrapped your other arm around his middle, holding him close as you stood chest-to-chest. His fingers caressed your cheeks as his tongue slid back-and-forth along the seam of your lips. You endeavoured to get as much of your body pressed against his as possible. You relaxed your jaw, allowing his tongue into your mouth as you began to explore his body with your hands.
One of his hands left your face, meanwhile you were reaching between the two of you. You were half-anticipating where you would be feeling his hand next, but mostly you were concentrating on his little reactions as your hand travelled down lower.
You were interrupted, breaking the kiss with a gasp when the water hitting your shoulders became shockingly cold. The chill sank beneath the surface instantly and you were rattled beyond logic at first. Your eyes snapped open, searching for more information.
“Are you trying to get me out of the shower?” You asked, glancing over your shoulder to where his fingers were fixed around the hot water faucet, and he wasn’t turning it up. “Because you can just say if you don’t wanna fuck in here, I-...”
“No, it’s not that. This is gonna increase your blood flow, my fucktoy is gonna get more sensitive in less time.” As you listened to his explanation, it felt like the stream of water was getting colder still.
His hand left the dial and he held his fingers up, letting the water hit them straight away. “But if you don’t wanna fuck in here.” His eyes were set on you as he took his hand out of the stream, bringing it towards his body. “I don’t mind relocating, but I think you’ll find, if you trust me- you’ll find this very enjoyable.”
To correspond with this final word, he pushed his fingers in between your labia majora and an icy touch greeted your clit. Your gut twisted and your heart lifted as you tightened your arm around him. The intensity was immediate, making you feel as if your nerves were already on the verge of fraying as he started working the hood with his cold fingers. Your hand moved across the coarse hair on the back of his head as your eyes fluttered shut.
You couldn’t fill your lungs and you were too caught off-guard to form any coherent thoughts. “Hu-mmph…”
“That’s what I thought you’d say.” He commented and you could hear the smile on his lips before you saw it.
He began to move his fingers up-and-down your slit. You gradually came back into yourself, regaining some scraps of control. You could form thoughts again, thinking beyond what he was doing with his fingers, thinking to his pleasure.
This time when you reached between your bodies, you followed through, not stopping until you could wrap your fingers around his stiffened dick. The way he was looking into your eyes seemed to egg you on and you started to stroke, slowly at first.
You were positioned more beneath the shower head than him, the driving water was impossible for you to escape. The cold didn’t just prompt dramatic goosebumps, it cut through any of the potential noise that could rise up in your mind. With your heart racing, you concentrated solely on all of these sensations, fully locked into the experience. It didn’t seem that he was going to move you out of the stream anytime soon, forcing you to embrace the way those persistent droplets made your skin sting a little.
Your nipples felt as hard as rocks when he closed his mouth around one of the peaks. The pleasure rushed through you, the strongest wave yet, which made your legs feel a little weak. You grasped to the back of his head, at the same time your other hand moved faster on his dick.
He traded off one of his hands for the other on your pussy, these fingers were freshly chilled and you let out another surprised gasp. You didn’t care about catching your breath, too preoccupied by delighting in every swirl of his fingers around your clitoris. The excitement crackled in the air all around you as he sucked on your nipple.
You arched your back to press more of your body to him, your needs growing. You rushed ahead, too eager to be content with more foreplay. Thankfully he didn’t subdue you, going along with it when you began guiding his dick towards your entrance.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you as you lifted a foot from the wet ground, spreading your cunt further and applying more of your weight to his body. You drew in a quick, shallow breath as his tip stretched your cunt as needed. In stark contrast to the water, a primal heat was born into you, radiating out from your cunt.
He transferred his mouth to your other nipple, heating you up here too. He wrapped his fingers around your thigh so that he could hold your knee against his hip. You were rocking yourself forward, his cock filling you as you sought more of his body to grind against.
He was short on breath as he looked up at you, watching how you continued to move. You bit into your lower lip, hoping that he wasn’t about to exert his dominance by making you stop, because this was starting to feel so good.
“Damn, you’re very keen to show me those sex faces, aren’t you babygirl?” He asked, his tone thankfully free of any disapproval.
“Yes.” You said over the continuous pelting of water on tiles.
“Show them to me.” He said, gripping your squishy thigh harder. “Show me.”
“Yes.” It came out a little less clearly this time and your eyes fluttered shut.
You stroked yourself up-and-down his shaft, working yourself into a pace that you hoped you could maintain. The water was freezing the bare skin on your back, but his body was heating your front and you lived in these oppositions. The cold made you more grateful for the warmth, made you keener to notice it in your body. You chased it with more determined thrusting, delivering your hips to his.
His lips left your nipple, ravishing your throat instead. You didn’t raise a complaint over the possibility of him creating a hickey that so many strangers would see, you were too locked into the good for that. And so was he, his moans vibrating against your skin.
His approval inspired you to gain more speed, caring less about how slippery the floor was. The concerns couldn’t stand up to how spectacular every collision felt, with your body crying out for more - always more.
A loud whimper ripped free from your throat in response to cold suddenly engulfing your nipple. You were surprised out of your momentum, even forgetting to breathe for a second. Your mouth hung open as you looked down and identified the cause, his freshly chilled fingers pinching either side of the peak. His eyes were on you, not missing a single reaction, he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
As you were somewhat settling into this sensation, the intensity shot up by him fucking into you. Your mouth remained agape as he followed this with more fast thrusts. He was establishing a rhythm, one of his hands grasping your ass so that he could continuously bring you forward on his dick. His other hand remained on your breast, maintaining that firm, cold grip on your nipple, which had the potential to drive you crazy.
You let all of the desperation go straight to your head, wrapping your arms around him as your release became the only thing you cared about. You wondered if he would make you wait, the thought of that made your legs want to give out.
“Oh, Daddy.” You whined as you made the effort to move with him, your body filled with frenetic energy as you chased his tempo. “Fuck, Daddy, Daddy…”
Every clenching of your cunt had you plunging deeper into the pleasure, as every collision of your bodies felt more significant than the previous. The cold water slapped your skin relentlessly, competing for attention with all of these other grand sensations.
His breathing came in heavier-and-heavier, accompanied by the occasional moans as he refused to quit working you over. His movements were consistent as he got all that he could out of this angle. You clung to him, riding out every high that he gave to you.
Between your sensitive walls you could feel how swollen his driving cock had become. And soon it was leaking inside of you. At first it was a bit of extra warmth in your pussy. Then it was an unignorable rush that was coating you as his jerking got faster.
“Ah-hu… uh, unf.” He gasped as he saw out the entirety of his orgasm deep inside of you.
You felt how he pulsed as you remained in motion. He released your nipple, just wrapping his arms around you to support you through your continuing rocking. As your eyes fluttered, unable to stay completely open, you saw how he watched you, taking in every facial expression that this sex was bringing out of you.
You reached your highest peak, slamming your body into him as you allowed yourself to come undone. You threw your head back, the stinging water hitting your face as you were stunned by your climax. The cold kept you from floating away, instead you were extremely conscious of how your body was being dazzled by this pleasure.
You felt the oxygen rushing through your blood and you were rejuvenated as you started to come down. You found yourself smiling, your earlier negative emotions couldn’t touch you in this state - you wouldn’t be surprised if you had a visible glow right now, you felt that good. And it was all thanks to your connection with Damiano.
“I love you.” You said, still buzzing even as your bodies started to separate.
“I love you too, baby.” He punctuated this statement with a quick kiss on your lips.
You planted your feet as firmly on the floor as you could manage. As he moved around you, you were again very grateful for the sight of him soaking wet. He manipulated the taps, bringing the hot water back in a way that eased any lingering tension out of your body, finally seeing the end of your goosebumps.
“How do you feel?” He asked as his eyes carefully surveyed your current state.
You pushed your dripping hair away from your face, gaining back more of your composure with every passing moment. “Great. Dirty, but clean. Did you enjoy my sex faces?”
“Always do.” He said and you got another kiss. “Now, one of the things on your menu is a shower. Is that what you wanna do for aftercare? Because I can just leave you in here.”
“Or, you can shut up and make me a cup of tea.” You said, which he went along with.
He left the bathroom behind, a towel wrapped around his waist. You were going to be in here much longer, plugging in your hairdryer. As you got to work on your wet hair, you could feel the bliss from your climax still simmering under the surface. Seeing your reflection, you weren’t focusing on any flaws because you had been granted a new energy, which felt like it could carry you through the process of getting ready. Earlier, this had seemed to be a taxing feat that would have to endure.
The steaming cup of tea was awaiting your arrival at your makeup table. You collected your mobile phone before going over to the seat. Checking the time on its screen made you worry a little, more time had been spent in the shower than you had realised.
You looked up when you noticed him coming into the room. “Is what we did in the shower gonna make us terribly late for this dinner?”
He considered the time displayed on the bedside clock. “No, we should be fine. Besides, I think what we did was very worth it, don’t you baby?”
“Don’t you dare distract me with a play-by-play, I’ve gotta do my makeup.”
*** *** ***
But he was wrong and you were late to arrive at the dinner party. Damiano tried to reassure you, telling you no one would mind that you were ‘fashionably late’.
But you worried about making a bad first impression on his friends. This only strengthened when it became clear that the rest of the guests had been waiting for the two of you. Almost every person assembled in Mia and Antonio’s dining room (and it was a sizable group) watched your delayed entrance.
Damiano was absolutely unfazed by this, swiftly making an apology to the hosts, which didn’t include placing the blame on you. Then, with your fingers interlaced securely, he made his way around the room, greeting people individually and introducing you. Even as they all smiled at you, you couldn’t help feeling like you didn’t know where you stood with these people.
Nathan quietly informed the two of you that you hadn’t missed anything important. Some gossip had been shared during the pre-dinner drinks, but nothing truly worth noting had happened.
Antonio announced that the food had been laid out in the kitchen and everyone was welcome to serve themselves, buffet-style. Before you or Damiano could make a decision of your next move, you were being accosted by a petite woman who carried the scent of a freshly-smoked cigarette with her.
“Oh my God, who let you in here?” He loudly asked as his attention went to this stranger.
“I could ask the same thing about you.” She said, stepping in close at once. “Give me a hug, you animal.”
His hand slipped from yours so that he could embrace her. The lack of distance between the two of them suggested more than just an acquaintance, but her face didn’t strike you as familiar from any of the childhood-cataloguing photo albums that his mum had shown you.
“How long has it been?” She asked, yet to notice you as she beamed up at him.
“Duh, Domino.” She said, giving his shoulder a playful shove.
You furrowed your brow, unsure if you had misheard her (with a house full of people, it was likely your hearing was slightly compromised). Or if she had seriously messed up the pronunciation of his name. His lack of reaction made you think the former was what had happened.
“But have an actual think about it. When did we actually see each other last?” She asked.
He gave this some consideration. “Was it Kesha?”
“It was.” She said happily. “That concert was amazing. I crowd-surfed that night.”
He rolled his eyes. “Convincing the drunk guys next to you to pick you up for a couple of seconds is not crowd-surfing.”
You couldn’t help clearing your throat. You didn’t like how you felt right now, waiting for somebody to notice you so that you could be acknowledged and included.
He instantly set about rectifying this, taking a step away from the enthusiastic stranger so that he could put an arm around your shoulders. “I’m sorry baby, I totally forgot my manners there. This is Andrea, she dated my brother in high school.” You extended your hand for a shake. “And this is my girlfriend…”
“Nice to meet you.” You said. As you shook her hand, it was hard to ignore the way that she still barely looked at you - apparently all of her attention remained on this little reunion.
“You too. It’s good to see the woman who’s crazy enough to think she can keep up with this clown.” She said - what the Hell did that mean?
“Hey, watch what you’re saying. I think you will find that it’s you who is the clown.” He teased.
Her comeback was delivered within seconds. “Classic thing for a clown to say.”
He didn’t struggle for a comeback either, it was as if the two of them had never fallen out of the habit of making fun of one another. As they joked, you had no idea how you were supposed to be contributing to this conversation. This only got worse when they began to refer to things you had never heard of. All that you could do was smile and hope you didn’t look as awkward as you currently felt.
You weren’t very fond of the way she repeatedly cut him off, talking over him so that her point could be reached first. He didn’t let this trip him up, but you were keeping a mental tally of it, even as you went on smiling.
After a while you were noticing more-and-more people coming to the table with plates full of food. You weren’t the only three not in the process of sitting down.
But you were getting bored of forcing a laugh whenever they laughed and the two of them weren’t slowing down. They kept talking without much pause, meanwhile your eyes were getting drawn back to the food. 
You jumped on the briefest of lulls in their conversation, giving his hand on your shoulder a little squeeze. “I’m gonna get the food before the best stuff is gone. Did you want me to put a plate together for you as well?”
“That would be amazing, thanks babe.” He said.
You stepped away from them, hearing their chatting continue as you headed in the direction of the kitchen. There were a handful of people in this room, loading up plates, considering the food on offer or having contained conversations.
You collected two clean plates from the station and approached the food-covered counter. This brought you closer to where Mia was standing, allowing you to hear what the host was saying to Liliana.
“-never had them at any of your parties before.” Liliana said.
“We’re just trying it out to see if it makes things easier. This way we can make sure all the couples get to sit together.” Mia said.
“I get that. But what I don’t get is why you stuck Andrea down the end of the table.” Liliana said, and you felt compelled to listen more carefully now. “She hates not sitting in the middle. Do you really think she’s not gonna have a bitch and a moan about that before the party is over?”
You quickly looked up, seeing Mia make a face before you went back to adding sausages to Damiano’s plate. “I know, trust that I know. I’ve been friends with her longer than you, I’ve heard more of that bitching than you. But I put her where she demanded to be.”
“Demanded?” Liliana repeated.
“Yeah, she demanded that she get to sit next to Damiano.” Mia said - something about this statement didn’t sit right with you, spawning the feeling that you should put your guard up. Even if you couldn’t articulate why.
They kept talking, the discussion regarding the assigned seats at the table moving away from Damiano and Andrea. You concentrated on just picking which foods looked most appetising. You tried to not analyse what the women had said as you added generous servings to each plate.
By the time you reached the table (a steaming plate held in each hand), you found that Damiano was already seated. And beside him, still talking, was Andrea. You sat down on the opposite side of him, providing him with the selection of food.
He didn’t let this go unnoticed, instantly turning to give you a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the best, thank you baby.”
“I did a good job?” You asked.
“Yeah, everything looks fantastic.” He said, picking up his cutlery.
You were interrupted from your second bite when Andrea got your attention by saying your name. “What do you do for a living, sweetie? Or are you a professional groupie?”
“I’m her groupie.” He said.
“I work in real estate, general admin stuff.” You said, knowing that she wasn’t seeking too much information.
She wordlessly stared at you, as if this needed a beat to be understood. “Huh…”
You showed an uneasy smile. “Is that a bad thing?”
“No, of course it isn’t.” She said, her eyes mainly on Damiano again. “I’m just surprised. I was expecting you would be dating a model, or some type of influencer, at the very least. Wow, I know whose day at work gets talked about first.”
You dropped your eyes, the empty hand in your lap clenched into a fist. You wished for even a shred of his natural sass, because you couldn’t think of a single thing to say. You couldn’t express yourself, nevermind defending yourself.
“Oh I don’t know about that.” He said. “Parts of my job are pretty boring. Recording music is seriously tedious, there isn’t much about my day to tell if all I did was listen to the same eleven seconds of one song, trying to decide if the pitch should go slightly up or down. I would much rather hear about the stuff happening in her office. You genuinely don’t want to imagine all of the hours this poor woman has wasted hearing me do the same three vocal warm-ups.”
You reached under the table for his leg. “I’m just grateful you don’t do it in your sleep.”
He placed his hand over yours, his fingers moving to their familiar hold. He used his other hand to operate his fork and you started to eat more as well.
That surge of being embarrassed was easing off. But you couldn’t help feeling a little inferior. You supposed that the opinion of this woman seemed significant because she had been a part of your boyfriend’s family long before you. If you had been feeling more confident tonight, then her effervescence wouldn’t seem like such a threat.
You could feel relieved when she didn’t direct any more questions at you. You continued to be bothered by her habit of speaking over him. But with so many other people around the table, you didn’t struggle to find someone else to talk to and distract yourself. You got to know Nathan better.
After clearing his plate, Damiano wanted to go out to the yard to have a cigarette. Instantly Andrea was insisting on going with him. You tracked their movements away from the table, unshakably annoyed and hating every second of it.
You didn’t want to behave like an animal marking their territory. But a lull in your conversation with Gabriella saw you unable to resist the urge to make an excuse to leave the table. Your fingers were curled up, ready to tense as you walked out of the dining room, headed for the back door.
They were the only two people on the patio, cigarettes ablaze as they chatted. Actually, ‘chatting’ didn’t seem to adequately capture what you were seeing - it was Andrea talking. She was so animated and loud, dominating the space, dominating all of your boyfriend’s attention. And it made your blood run hotter than usual. There was something uncontrollable in you that was making your reactions to this woman stronger than usual. But you didn’t know how to make it stop.
And the elevated emotions dictated your actions. You left your subtlety largely behind, making your mind up to act without hesitation, without getting locked into self-consciousness.
You walked directly to Damiano’s side, snaking both of your arms around him as you stood as close as possible. You heard her continuing to talk, but he looked at you, an intrigued smile forming on his mouth. He began putting an arm around you as you moved in to kiss him.
She could regard your job as unglamorous if she wanted. But you were giving her the reminder that you had the guy she was so desperately trying to spend time with. He didn’t mind the public display of affection, kissing you back straight away. You doubted he would be bothered by this possessiveness. You had succeeded in shutting her up.
He was smiling as you separated and you gave a little giggle before speaking. “Sorry if I interrupted, I just really missed you, babe.”
“Missed me?” He repeated, eyebrows raised, but clearly not on the verge of discouraging you. “I haven’t been out here that long, have I? I swear this is still my first cigarette.”
You deposited your hand into the back pocket of his jeans. “I know. But I got to thinking about you. I was talking to Gabriella about TV shows and stuff. I told her how we’ve been watching Orphan Black for the first time. Which made me think about- but I didn’t say it to her- about how you really woke me up that time I almost fell asleep watching it.”
His eyes grew wide. “You didn’t wanna say it to Gabi, but you pretty much just told Andrea.”
“Coffee.” You said loudly. “He made me the strongest espresso known to man, and then he turned the volume all the way up. No one could sleep under those conditions.”
“Oh man, we used to have to keep you so far away from coffee, Domino. It was the worst combination.” She said and the apparent mispronunciation got your attention again.
“Yeah. Well it doesn’t quite have the same effect on me these days.” He said.
She looked at you, surveying you as she exhaled a column of smoke. “Do you wanna know what I’ve just noticed?”
No, your mind replied. And maybe in an alternate world, you would have let her see some of your attitude. You wouldn’t be held back by shyness and the constant need to be polite, and treat her how she had been treating you.
But you kept on smiling, tilting your head to the side in a display of curiosity as he invited her to elaborate.
“She doesn’t have a single tattoo.” She stated, pointing a finger at you. You felt like she had been watching you so carefully, looking for something to judge you over. “I’m in shock over here, I literally cannot believe you’re dating someone with no tattoos.”
“Did Hell actually freeze over?” She joked, speaking directly over your attempt to respond.
Fortunately, she let Damiano talk. “No, she does have one.”
You held his body closer, stroking a hand across his chest. “We got tattooed together in Japan, when I was on tour with him.”
“Yeah, we got our dragons done by the same artist in Tokyo. ‘Cause why would we buy a typical souvenir from a shop?” He said and you could sense the pride in him even in this brief retelling of that day.
But she continued to be unimpressed, making a face that saw her gritting her teeth in an uncomfortable-looking manner. “Matching tattoos? Oh, you guys… I really thought you would have known about this, Domino. Matching tattoos are the kiss of death.” You couldn’t keep yourself from sighing, but she still had more to say. “It’s a curse, even in friendships. I’m speaking from experience here, a lot of experience.”
“What if we just don’t believe in curses?” You asked.
“It might just be an Andrea-thing, not-...”
His teasing was interrupted by the loud ringing of her phone. She frowned at him as she pulled it out of her pocket. Whatever she saw on the screen wasn’t good and soon she was scowling. She answered the call with a huff.
“This isn’t a good time, Darr-... what the fuck do you mean you’re at my place?” She started to stalk off.
Damiano waited until she was out of earshot to speak. “I guess that toxic ex of hers is out of prison…”
“Matching tattoos are a curse?” You asked, your jaw clenched. “Shall I call Ethan, Thomas and Vic to ask for signs of the curse since you guys got your matching tattoos?”
“It’s all bullshit.” He said with a shake of his head and having him on your side felt validating, it helped ease some of the tension.
“Is she saying your name wrong on purpose, or does she have a speech impediment that I should be more sensitive about?” You asked.
He furrowed his brow, pausing as he sucked on the filtered end of his cigarette. “You mean Domino? That was a name she and my brother came up with when I was a tween. I had lots of pimples, ‘cause puberty. And dominoes have spots, and they thought it was close enough to Damiano for it to be comedy gold.”
“That’s so mean.” You said, finding another reason to dislike her.
“It was a long time ago, you know how siblings torture each other.” He said.
“I guess.”
He turned to face you, wrapping both of his arms around you now. “So you missed me, huh?” You felt his hands sliding down your back, travelling towards your butt. “It looks like this yard is smaller than Ethan’s, so I don’t think we could get away with sneaking off for a fuck like we did at his housewarming party.”
“I’ll save the horny kitty energy for when we get home, then.” You said.
You didn’t worry about the damage to your lipstick as he moved in, seeking more kisses. You kissed him back, relaxing into the embrace. It was a nice break to not currently hear Andrea’s voice. There was nothing to analyse in this moment, you just enjoyed how his mouth naturally moved with yours.
Once he was finished smoking his cigarette, the two of you returned inside. Soon Mia and Antonio were getting all of their guests ready for the egg hunt portion of the evening. It wasn’t just their backyard that you would be searching - they had friendly and understanding neighbours that had allowed chocolate eggs to be hidden around their front yards. Those participating had agreed to leave porch lights on, signalling that it was okay to approach their homes. Not everyone on the street had joined and you were told no one would vouch for you if you got into trouble for climbing over any fences.
The search area had been divided up, with each team of two allocated a different section to investigate. Every section had the same amount of eggs, so everyone had an opportunity to win.
The prize had come from the speciality chocolate shop Mia worked at. It was a large (about eleven inches in height), solid, artisan Easter bunny. You had already secretly decided that Damiano would be eating it alone if you two claimed the victory.
You held the cute little wicker basket in one hand, holding Damiano’s hand with the other as you walked with the rest of the group. Before you could get shown to your allocated search zone, Andrea approached, a smug-looking smile on her face.
“I wouldn’t be feeling too confident if I were you, not with Domino on your team. That guy can’t find anything, he was always losing his phone, like it fell off the face of the Earth or something.” She said.
“Good thing that was a very long time ago.” He said.
Antonio pointed you to the front yard you would be searching. You and Damiano approached with the flashlights of your phone’s activated. The rest of the party moved onto the next participating house.
You found the first egg, its foil wrapping catching the light from inside the cylinder that was attached to the letterbox, designed to hold a newspaper. There was another one beside the base of a rose bush. He noticed one on the short staircase and upon going to collect it, he spotted a second egg behind the steps, reaching his hand into the gap.
He was looking up, amongst the branches of a tree when you heard Andrea’s far-off laugh. It prompted an instant reaction from you and you took this private moment to express some of the thoughts swirling in your mind.
“I don’t know how much more I can take of her calling you that.” You said.
He looked at you, brow furrowed as it took him a pause to figure out what you were talking about. It wasn’t even on his mind. “Oh, the whole domino thing. I wouldn’t let it get to you, kitty. After tonight, you will probably never have to hear it again.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t irritating at this moment. They used it to bully you, it’s not nice to keep repeating it.” You said. “It’s not your name.”
He had gone back to searching the tree from his viewpoint, looking for something that didn’t belong. “And yet, she keeps calling me that. It’s like she thinks I have a humiliation kink, or something.”
Your mouth dropped open and you stared at him, unable to believe that he had found a new way to make you uncomfortable in this situation. This wasn’t a perspective you had considered and you instantly hated it. He wasn’t on the same page as you, he didn’t know what you needed to hear.
You couldn’t think of anything to say. All you knew was that you wanted to get out of this situation - you were tired of the negative emotions holding you down.
He seemed to realise his error after a moment, looking at you with wide eyes. “That was the wrong thing to say. Why did I say that?”
“I don’t know.” You said and your hand on the basket curled into a fist.
He had pocketed his phone, turning to you as he spoke with an apologetic tone. “That was- I wasn’t thinking, literally. Literally that was just stupidity and the worst attempt at a joke, ever. If I could take it back… Let me take it back? Please, I didn’t mean anything-...”
You showed him the palm of your hand, succeeding in getting him to stop talking. “The toothpaste is out of the tube now, Damiano. And I’m gonna walk away.”
“No, baby, you can’t.” He said, but you had already started to back away. “Let me apologise.”
“Save it for later. Truly, I just need a moment to be annoyed. We can talk about it later, when I’m feeling less… just less.”
“What about the egg hunt?” He asked with a hint of hope.
You scoffed and decided to stop being so polite, you had done enough of that tonight. You didn’t care if this action made him call you a brat, you wanted to drive home the fact that he had aggravated you.
You tossed the basket into the air, the chocolate eggs going flying as you aimed for the branches of the tree. You spun around and started to walk away before you felt the urge to show him both of your middle fingers. You walked in the direction of Mia and Antonio’s house, your breath coming in quicker than what was normal.
Your thoughts were racing as you tried to make sense of this swell of emotions. Why would he think it was okay to talk about kinks in relation to another woman? It was the wrong time for you to accept this as a harmless joke. It fed into your insecurities, festering beneath the surface, instead of being shrugged off.
When you returned to the house, you delivered your cover story of needing to use the bathroom. After visiting the toilet, you forced a smile onto your face and threw yourself into socialising with his friends. Everyone but Andrea.
You didn’t feel much like talking to him right now, either.
*** *** ***
The car ride home was filled with a lot of talking. You couldn’t walk away from him now. Potentially you could have shoved your fingers in your ears and refused to listen to him.
But your irritation with him had settled down enough that you were willing to hear him out. And you didn’t regret it, because he was seemingly done with thoughtless attempts at humour.
He opened with an apology and again stressed to you that he hadn’t meant to upset you. You nodded along as he explained how he had been able to tell that you were uncomfortable so he wanted to make a joke to cheer you up. His intentions had been good, even though he had fumbled the execution. He assured you there was no hidden meaning behind his words, telling you how much he wished he could take it back. He promised to never make another joke like it and you appreciated his sincerity.
But you couldn’t immediately snap yourself out of the way you were feeling. These negative emotions wouldn’t be so easily left behind, they would have to be worked out of your system. Time and distance from the situation would help you.
Crossing the threshold into your home, all that you were thinking of was taking off your makeup and going to bed. Maybe you would be able to put a positive spin on this whole thing in the morning.
But you didn’t get very far. Damiano wrapped a hand around your forearm, bringing you to a stop before you could get to the hallway. Your jaw was clenched as you turned back to him.
“I thought you accepted my apology.” He said.
“I did, I do. That’s what I said, are you calling me a liar?” You asked, quickly finding your way back to being fired up.
“No, I’m not. I’m just trying to figure you out right now, kitten. I don’t understand your energy. If you accepted my apology, then why are you still cranky?” He asked.
You snatched your arm out of his grasp, you were officially done with holding everything back. “Because I am. You don’t get to control my emotions. You get a lot of control, over a lot of things, Damiano. And I’m not complaining about it, I am more than happy with our dynamic. But my emotions are one thing that you don’t get to control.”
“I’m not trying to. Please, can you tell me what’s going on?” He asked, he wasn’t elevating his tone to match yours. “I am so confused and I just want to help make things better, but how can I do that when I have literally no idea what’s going on?”
You folded your arms across your chest. “Alright, we can talk about it.”
“Great.” He said with a little sigh of relief, taking a step back from you. “I’m gonna sit down, you don’t have to join me, but I think it would help us if you did.”
You walked into the lounge room with him. With how seriously he was taking this whole thing, it seemed highly unlikely that he was on the verge of cracking another unwelcome joke. You tried to let your guard down, telling yourself that he wasn’t going to give you any more reasons to feel sensitive. You sat on the couch with him, allowing a gap bigger than what was typical.
“I’m not that- at least, I don’t think that I’m terribly mad. I’m just in… a weird headspace.” You said. “And I’m sorry for ruining your night, that’s not how I wanted the night to end. But I don’t think anyone there could tell something was off with us…”
He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.”
“I accept your apology, I do and I listened to every word of your explanation. But it’s gonna take, like, a moment or two for me to not feel gross about it. Because you literally picked the worst time to say it.” You said.
“But why? What made my timing so bad? It’s gotta be more than just the Andrea thing.” He said.
“I’ve not been feeling so good today, just a lot of insecurities, being loud in my head and…” You said, starting to lose your ability to look him in the eye.
“How could I know that?” He asked. “Baby, I’m gonna start calling you Meryl Streep, ‘cause you’re way too good at acting like everything is fine.”
“Really, you had no idea that anything was wrong? Not even when I came up and was being all jealous and rubbing myself on you like a damn cat trying to get their scent on something?” You asked.
“Well I could tell that you were feeling a little jealous. But, I don’t know, the results were kind of cute to me, so I didn’t put any thought into it. I just assumed it was a superficial, non-serious thing.” He said.
“I was already comparing myself to her, how could I not? She’s so much more confident than me and why wouldn’t she be? She’s thinner than me, she has a cooler, more interesting, sexier job than me.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know how sexy body piercing actually is. Punching holes in the ears of crying and restrained children- that doesn’t exactly sound like a picnic to me. Trying to keep people from fainting and cleaning up their messes after they don’t follow the aftercare instructions properly. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a straight-forward career like yours.”
“She’s known you longer than I have.” You pointed out.
“Yeah, as her boyfriend’s geeky, pimple-covered baby brother. I was always just a loser, wannabe to them.” He said.
“Maybe back then, but she demanded to sit next to you tonight.” You said.
He cocked his head to the side. “Demanded, what are you talking about?”
“I overheard Mia saying it, she was talking about how Andrea wanted to sit next to you so badly that she demanded it. And that was Mia’s choice of words.” You said. “Demanded.”
He paused, he was without an immediate solution for you. “Okay, she demanded to sit next to me. Are you sure that wasn’t just to catch up with me? I mean, it has been years since we last saw-”
You jumped up to your feet, exasperation taking dominance over your other emotions. “She was flirting with you all night, Damiano. All of that teasing- if we were kids on the playground, she would have found some mud to push you into to get your attention.”
He remained seated, still maintaining his calm (you envied the logic and clarity he seemingly possessed right now). “Was I flirting back? Sincerely, did I give her any of that attention back? Because I have way more than a lame joke to apologise for, if that’s the case.”
“No, you didn’t flirt with her, but that’s not the point…”
“Actually, I think you’ll find that is the point.” He said, a hint of sternness coming into his tone now. “Just because someone flirts with me, it doesn’t mean I’m enjoying it or wishing I could flirt back.”
“But people just feel so damn entitled to you. And they’re not even shy about it. How am I supposed to not get jealous? When I’ve already got a bunch of insecurities.”
“What insecurities are loud in your head today, kitten?” He asked. “I really had no idea that you weren’t feeling at your best.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” You half-mumbled your response.
“Don’t freeze me out, please.” He said. “It’s so obvious to say, but I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what it is. We’re a great team, aren’t we? Let’s face this as a team.”
You fiddled with your fingers rather than looking at him. “I don’t wanna make you listen to me complain-... one day you’re gonna get over my insecurities, you’re gonna get sick of telling me not to believe my thoughts.”
“That’s not true.” He said but you just shrugged your shoulders. “Alright, if you’re allowed to say that like it has any basis in reality, then I’m allowed to say this: someday you’ll get over having a boyfriend that forces you to deal with a partially-long-distance relationship.” This succeeded in getting you to look up, shyly at first. “You’re gonna realise that you can have a guy with a nine-to-five, a fucking sane career. A guy that can be in bed beside you every night. You’ll get sick of sharing me with my job and you’ll find a more reliable guy.”
“You are a reliable guy. And I knew what your job was when we started dating, I knew what I was signing up for. It doesn’t take away from how much I love you, loving you isn’t a conditional thing, Damiano.” You told him.
He nodded his head. “That’s a lovely thing to hear, thank you. So what you’re saying is that my statement isn’t true, right?”
“Kinda like what I said about your statement. Actually, that's exactly what I said.”
“So we just cancel out each other’s insecurities and everything is great again?” You challenged.
“No, I know that it isn’t that simple.” He said. “I know Daddy is supposed to have all of the answers, but I don’t have them for this. My best guess is that we help each other with our insecurities and we get through it together. That whole team thing.”
You sighed. “I don’t know how to just make my bad mood stop.”
“I don’t expect you to.” He said and he extended his hands out to you, beginning to bridge the physical gap between the two of you. “Please don’t take this as me trying to control your feelings. But I wanna take care of you, as your daddy. Would you let me be in charge again?”
You met and held his gaze now. You had been too frazzled to come up with any solutions for yourself and you didn’t even try resisting how good it would feel to reconnect with him. You took the small steps over to him and placed both of your hands in his. “Yes, babe.”
He straightened his back, coming up a little higher now. He put one of his hands to your cheek and you allowed yourself to be drawn in for a kiss. It must have been hours since the last kiss you had shared and you felt just how much of your body responded, instantly telling you that this was the correct course of action.
“I heard you out, so now I would like you to hear me.” He said, a deep look into your eyes making his seriousness inescapably clear. “I want to help you get out of those thoughts and calm down. So I think the best thing will be for both of us to take our pants off, you’ll take your panties off too. And then you’re gonna put your pussy right here-” He gave his upper thigh a little pat. “And you’re not gonna think anymore thoughts, you’re just gonna feel good and listen to me.”
You were already undoing the fly of your jeans, but you almost rolled your eyes. “You’re gonna fuck the bad mood out of me- that’s your angle?”
He was taking his pants off as well. “You act sceptical and yet you’re going along with it, you’ve got free will, you could walk away and call me a moron.” He threw his pants aside. “And I wouldn’t phrase it that way. I just think you need to calm down and making your pussy feel good is the first step in that. We don’t have to do anything too crazy, we can go at your pace and you can safeword at literally any second.”
You dropped your underwear to the ground, looking in his eyes as you tried to not worry about the visibility of those new stretch marks (the overhead light was on, there weren’t enough shadows for you to hide in, you had to get okay with that). “Yes, Daddy.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders, ensuring stability before you moved in closer. You lowered yourself down, bringing your bare cunt to his exposed thigh - you couldn’t deny that you were feeling the beginnings of that wet eagerness before contact was made.
“I love you.” He said, he had wrapped one arm around you, holding you securely as he wanted.
You continued looking into his eyes as he gently brushed your hair away from your face. “I love you too.”
His fingers rested under your chin and he moved in for a kiss. “I love all of you, okay? I love this mouth, even when it’s saying unreasonable things.” He kissed you on the lips, then the next kiss went to the centre of your forehead. “And I love this mind, even when it’s being mean to you, I’ll still treat it with kindness.
“And your body, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life enjoying this gorgeous package that my kitty comes in.” He said, holding you in a way that eased you closer to him, briefly dragging your cunt across his skin, in a preview of the friction to come. “I want to make you feel it. Because you’ve gotta know it, you’ve gotta know that there is no part of you that I will ever get sick of. Even the bits that you don’t like, I’ll love them extra until you do.”
You couldn’t think of anything to say, so you expressed yourself by giving him more kisses. You didn’t want to dwell in your insecurities any longer and those thoughts felt like they were on the verge of floating away. He had been right - with so much blood rushing into your cunt, those cyclical emotions were getting interrupted. Of course he had been right, but you weren’t about to stall this kiss by pausing to tell him about it.
Instead you sought to deepen the kiss, placing your hand to his cheek and tilting your head. His lips parted for you and your tongue sought a deeper taste.
In his embrace, you were partially calming down. But another part of you was just getting started and you couldn’t resist working your hips. Gently, you rocked yourself back-and-forth, not rushing into any rhythm as you figured out your range of movement. You tested how steady you were, enjoying the feel of his thigh more with every rub.
He put his hands to your hips, encouraging and guiding you through more measured pumps. Your tongue rubbed against the roof of his mouth and your fingers stroked his cheek as you enjoyed him beyond words.
You slipped into a momentum, a maintainable and promising tempo. As the tension in your body built, you settled more of your weight onto his leg, infusing a greater pressure into your cunt. He matched your passion with every kiss as you got his leg wetter.
He was short on breath when he broke the kiss. You kept your eyes shut, letting your head slump a little as you gripped the nape of his neck. You didn’t stop riding his thigh for a single second.
“God, you’re such a good girl.” He whispered. “Look at you go, you’re doing so well. Good girl, good-good-good girl. Do you notice how there’s only one good girl on that leg? That’s because you’re the only good girl for me.
“The only girl for me, period.” He said and when he kissed you on the cheek, your eyes began to flutter open. “The only one.” He was speaking directly into your ear now, and nothing could get in between you and his words. “Just ‘cause someone wants me, it doesn’t mean they get me. People can embarrass themselves trying to flirt with me, it doesn’t mean that they get me. People can grab me while I’m singing, they can rub my chest and treat me like a goddamn petting zoo- it’s nothing to me, they definitely don’t get to have me.
“You’re the only one that gets me. I’m yours.”
“Please don’t start singing that song.” You joked after his words had opened a direct connection to the Jason Mraz song from your childhood.
He laughed lightly. “No, you don’t want to hear it? You don’t think it suits the vibe that we’ve got going on?” You shook your head, a smile blossoming on your lips. “You don’t want me to sing for you?”
“Not right now.” You said and you reached your hand out for his crotch, where a stiff shape had been catching your eye. “I’d rather have you moan for me.”
He licked his lips, excitement flashing in his eyes as, over the material of his underwear, you wrapped your fingers around his erection. “Then I’ll moan for you.” He squirmed a little in his seat as you started to slowly move your hand up-and-down his length. “Mmn, I’ll moan for you all night, my toy.”
You matched the speed of your rocking to how you stroked his hot cock. You felt his fingers gripping your hips tighter and you watched the way his breathing was coming in quicker. He was invested in this build-up the same as you, everything feeling simpler when you allowed the desire to be your guide.
You adjusted the angle of your hips, moving yourself in a way that got your labia out of the way, applying your clit directly to his skin. You rubbed the hood against his firm thigh, picking up a little speed as the sensitivities stored in this spot soared into the centre of your attention. You kept the same tempo maintained on his dick, staying in sync with him.
He let out a heavy sigh. “You’re really showing off your multitasking skills, huh? I’m impressed, but not surprised, I’ve always known that you’re very talented. But concentrate on you, okay? That’s what I want- your pleasure comes first.”
“Mm-hmm.” This whine was the best response you could give as your throat clenched.
The heat was radiating out from your cunt as you kept going, inviting in more threats to your composure. The friction was so wonderful that you couldn’t help but recklessly chase after more of it. Even when your breath began to fail you, you kept bucking your hips. The sublime stimulation of your clitoral hood provided you with all of the inspiration you needed to continue in this momentum. Your breath left you in gasps and moans that betrayed just how needy you had become.
His dick had started to leak as you continued stroking and he appeared to be losing his ability to sit completely still. “You sound like you’re having fun.” He said and there was a noticeable strain in his voice that hadn’t been present before. “You sound like Daddy got you to calm down.”
“Yes.” You whimpered, leaning forward so you could give him a couple of kisses. “Daddy is always right.”
“Oh, I just wanna be inside of you real bad. I know I said that I want you to concentrate on yourself and I do, I truly do. But, fuck, I’m dying to feel your pussy.” He said.
“We can- I’m happy for us to fuck.” You said, bringing your swings to an end.
“Hell yes.” He said breathlessly as he rushed to get his briefs down. You readjusted, unable to resist kissing him some more as you were moved to be straddling his entire lap. “Can I keep you on top?”
“Yes.” You said, wrapping your arms around his neck as your bodies got wonderfully closer.
He had an arm secured around your waist and his hand was between the two of you, directing his dick. “I wanna hold you just like this, so that I can keep looking at you, ‘cause you’re so-... fuck, you’re so beautiful.” His tip effortlessly stretched your slicked entrance open, pressing between your keen walls. “You’re so beautiful, pet.”
Your eyelids fluttered and you gave yourself a moment as your cunt adjusted to this fullness. You took in a deep breath and raised your head again, looking him in the eye as he carefully watched you. “You’re beautiful.”
“Even though I’m a jerk?” He asked.
“It’s okay, I’m a jerk too.”
“We’ll be jerks together forever.” He said.
No further adjustments were necessary, your bodies knew what to do from here. His hand stroked the small of your back as you moved in, securing more kisses. As one passionate kiss led into another, he began to move, fucking deeper into you. You wrapped your arms tighter around him, feeling how your inner-walls were already clenching to him, your desperation soaring.
There wasn’t much time dedicated to building. He wanted it fast, he wanted friction. And you felt the same, enjoying the hunger present in his movements. As your gut tightened, you worked to match the reckless speed of his jolting.
“Forever.” He murmured against your lips.
“Forever.” You responded as fast as you could manage.
“Together forever.” He said, sending a tremor through you.
This developed into a quake that reached down to the core of your being, intensifying with each fervent collision of your bodies. You knew that when you fell apart, it would be on this deep level.
“Together forever.” You repeated.
Your fingernails pressed into his skin as you held him even tighter in response to the overwhelming pleasure rising up all around you. It was more powerful than anything else, ready to cripple you as you continued to quiver. Every bit of you was crying out for release and you shut your eyes, getting lost in it all.
“Ff-uck.” He burst out. “Ah, I’m gonna come. You’re gonna make me come, babygirl.”
“Yes.” You whimpered, clenching your thighs against him in the face of his strengthening jerks.
You had no chance of matching his wild speed. All you could do was receive him as your own release came screaming at you.
He rocketed forward, almost launching himself off of the couch as he secured his orgasm. His dick was buried all the way in, colliding with your g-spot in a way that set off a series of spasms, which you followed to your own orgasm. Your cunt clamped around his leaking cock as you both fell out of the momentum, settling into silence.
He fell back upon the support of the couch, still holding you close to his body. You rested your head on his shoulder, keeping your eyes shut as everything faded away. You attempted to catch your breath as your heart continued to hammer.
He brought you gently out of your haze, his fingers slowly raking through your hair. “How do you feel?”
“Better, calmer. I’m really happy that we’re home.” You said.
“Yeah, me too.” He said. “Now it’s just you and me, and we can get started on your aftercare. Did you have anything already in mind?” He asked.
“Can I have a face mask? After I take my makeup off. And maybe we could burn some incense.”
“Of course baby, anything you want.” He said.
You got up from the couch, holding your hand out as you waited for him. “And cuddles. I’m ready for a lot of cuddles.”
“Sounds perfect to me.” He said. He took your hand in his and you left the room together.
Once in the bedroom, you took the rest of your clothes off, in favour of wearing only your luxurious black robe. You sat down with a cleansing wipe in hand, taking off what you had so carefully applied before leaving the house. He disappeared into the ensuite, his eyes on his phone as he went. Accompanying the sound of running water, you thought you could hear music playing, but you didn’t pay this much attention.
And it was gone by the time he opened the door. He stood in the doorway, a few different packets of sheet masks in hand. “Which one do you wanna use?”
“Well bring them over so I have a chance at reading what they are.” You pointed out.
He got the incense set up while you made your choice. He set the slowly-burning stick in its holder, beside the television. From the selection, you picked a strawberry-scented mask, it would match well with the vanilla incense gradually filling the room. You liked this process of curating the environment, it helped you feel more in control, most unlike how you had been feeling upon first arriving home.
“Hang on, I thought I would put that on for you.” He said when he noticed you opening the sheet masks packaging.
“Alright.” You said. As he approached the bed, you held a makeup wipe out to him. “For your leg, so you can get off any of the pussy still on there.”
“Thanks, but I cleaned it with water already.”
You laid down on your back as instructed by him. He brushed any strands of hair away from your face and took the chance to kiss you a couple of times. You smiled, slipping further into this feeling of contentment.
As he unfolded the thin, wet material, you noticed him humming a little. This developed into singing as he carefully applied the mask to your face.
“So I won’t hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait, I’m sure. There’s no need to complicate…” He sang in a voice different from his typical, famous voice. There was none of that usual grit or power. This was breathier, potentially it could have fooled some into thinking another person was singing. “Our time is short. This is our fate…”
You recognised the tune and began giggling before he got to singing the title of the song. “I’m yours…”
“Dami.” You said, still laughing as more of the thin sheet covered your face.
“What, you don’t like your lullaby?” He asked. “You probably shouldn’t have brought the song up, then.” As he smoothed the mask across your chin, he went back to singing in that fake voice. “Do you want to come on, scooch on over closer, dear…”
“What is this voice you’re doing?” You asked.
“You don’t like it? I was trying to do something that suited the song.” He said.
“So this is your ‘indie-Damiano’ voice, or something?”
“I guess.” He said with a shrug. “...and I will nibble your ear…”
You couldn’t help laughing as he kept singing. “Are you doing an accent, are you trying to be Australian?”
He smiled sheepishly. “Am I?”
“I thought Jason Mraz was from America.”
Playfully, he rolled his eyes. “Well how would you have me sing it?” He changed his posture and when he sang again, it was in his natural, unrestrained and loud tone. “I’m your-oh-oh-uh-orss… ow…” He punctuated this by sticking his tongue out and making his eyebrows dance for you.
“Oh my God, baby.” You said through more laughter. “How do you still have so much energy?”
“Well, um, I went to, um, my friend’s house and they, like, let me eat, um, a lot of sugar and, um, yeah…” He briefly adopted the mannerisms of an enthusiastic child. A more serious expression came onto his face as he looked down at you. “I’m kind of obnoxious today, huh?”
You shook your head as you stroked his arm. “No, you’re adorable, not obnoxious. You’re also not a jerk.”
“Neither are you, kitty.”
“Andrea is the jerk and I’m sorry for letting her get to me so much.” You said.
“You have absolutely nothing to apologise for. I’m sorry that I wasn’t more perceptive to how you were reacting to her. But do you know what- we’re probably never gonna see her again, our paths aren’t likely to cross again. And if they do, I’ll be firmer with her, she isn’t allowed to demand a single thing from me.” He said.
“I love you.” You said, feeling confident that he was on the same page as you.
“I love you too.” He said and he picked up your hand, raising it towards his face. “I’m just gonna kiss you here while your lips are in slime city over there.”
You smiled as he kissed the back of your hand. You were perfectly happy to remain just like this through the rest of your treatment time, maybe longer than that.
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
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