feelingthedisaster · 4 months
i just love how aspecs are so present on tumblr. not only posts about being aspec, but in posts about literally anything else, you see the profile picture of the original poster/reblogger and it has a aspec pride flag on it
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lgbtqtext · 1 month
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drawingowlsblog · 1 year
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Made some aced coffee backgrounds!!!
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why does this not surprise me
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so-idialed-9 · 4 months
This Jade Purple Brown Build-A-Bear release is giving Louis' rose-themed 28 clothing line and leaking music Converse and Harry's Dazed photo shoot and Stones T shirt
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So many background gays making lovey dovey animations to each other! Yes I am counting Erika and Skye because I don't believe it's an coincidence that EVERY time Quinn entered the Three Broomsticks in this quest they were together.
The ones in the middle even talked about proposing 😁
And I love that they made both girl and boy pairings. If you don't count Rathkin it's even 50/50
I love queer rep ❤️
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lonely-dog-draws · 18 days
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I was inspired by this post to make a purple rhino button; this gay symbol hasn't caught on it seems, but I think it sounds nice! 💜🏳️‍🌈❤️ I used watercolor & colored pencil on various papers to get the different shades.
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Black Australian Women in Entertainment
Aisha Dee | Alice Hunter
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Charmaine Bingwa
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Deborah Mailman | Deni Gordon
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Emelia Burns/Emilia Burns An ongoing struggle with her name. I still haven't found any confirmation from her of which way it is actually spelled.
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Madeleiene Madden | Marcia Hines | Miranda Tapsell | Molly Fatnowna
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Paula Arundell
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Sara Zwangobani | Sophie Wilde
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Talijah Blackman-Corowa
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Zahra Newman
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productofaritual · 6 months
Saw someone with a pan flag on their bag in school today and it just reminded me
It doesn't matter how oppressed we can be. Or how we look. How we act. LGBTQ+ people are everywhere. Even when you can't tell at first glance. Or even after years. We're there
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Watching the kardashians, s1 ep2
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And who do I fucking spott?!?!
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xpapaemeritus · 9 months
it's the first day of school today for my 2 years old and one of the school teachers was wearing a "dance macabre" shirt, that's it, that's my tumblr post.
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ninjakittycomics · 1 year
Pride is necessary until we are no longer targets of dangerous actions.
We are there to be seen. We are there to say, Hey, we exist in your community. Your laws affect us, we exist.
That was the point, and is the point.
Pride events will look different over the years. And I hope there's always celebration and lots of play and goodness there. It makes me so happy to see us happier.
The riots were riots. and after that, Pride has always been about, "You can't pretend we don't exist and quietly legislate us away".
We won't go. We are your mothers, your sisters, your brothers, your niblings, your family, your coworkers, your bosses, your teachers, your actors, we're everywhere.
and you can't pretend that we aren't anymore.
For those of you who can be out, proud, and visible, please do so :)
For those who are in the closet, we party some years, and march others, so you will one day be safe enough. (please support us in the voting booth, otherwise, stay safe and take good care of yourselves)
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nylwnder · 2 months
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steviewashere · 3 months
Nex Benedict was a trans boy who used he/him pronouns.
He was a trans boy who was forced to identify as non-binary with they/them pronouns as a means of middle ground with his family, essentially with the world.
But his friends, those he was comfortable with, have time and time again said that he's a trans boy.
Respect him. Respect who he is and who he was.
Have the knowledge that his suicide was completely preventable had his identity been accepted, had this rhetoric surrounding trans youth identities been of a yesterday. The beating he experienced the day before his death, it may not have been the sole focus of his death. But it was certainly the last domino that led him to suicide.
No sixteen year old should have to end their life prematurely because you are not comfortable with how they want to be seen. People often wonder why there's such a lack of elderly queers, it's because they've been killed, led to their death with lack of medical research, or not given the means for mental health resources. Do not perpetuate this again. Do not make this a reality once more.
Nex Benedict should be alive and prospering. He should be here to be with his friends. He should be here to some day experience trans joy.
But he will forever be sixteen. And this is due to a lack of care, knowledge, and respect shown towards trans people. Do not let his death be just a number. And stop misgendering him; that only further proves that trans identities will only be seen if they're manipulated to fit your comfort level.
We do not exist to comfort you. We exist to live and enjoy and be comforted. Stop depriving us of that.
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ameliapodcast · 11 months
Ok ok so I wanted to find a new podcast to listen to the other night so I was looking at a list of recommendations that I found on Reddit and someone in the comments on there said to check out The Amelia Project so I started listening to it (it’s really good I’m on season 3 already and I love it so much) and then literally the next morning I woke up to a new episode of Re: Dracula (which is also very good) telling me to go listen to… The Amelia Project.
It was very funny I was like where was this yesterday when I needed it lol
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manscaped · 1 year
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