sinistershepherd · 2 years
So so, Scenario
A teenager or someone older comes into the the daycare unexpectedly, Looking for a place to perhaps hide from someone or something —
What would the boyos do? Would the kids help? :D
Why do these only show up on Wednesday I’m losing my mind help
Sun would ask what is chasing them first. They’ve been pranked by kids before like this, and often tend to make sure that this is a real issue before jumping into action. Once it is confirmed that it’s not a joke, however, both boys work together to figure out a plan.
The kids often insist on helping, since Sun and Moon seem so stressed dealing with this all on their own. Sun usually tries to disengage them, but it rarely works. The first time this happened, the kids actually came up with a plan that ended up becoming the official protocol, and would be used for times like that going forwards.
The kids took blankets, pillows, sleeping mats, and toys into the play-structures, and hiked, single-file, to the mid-section of the towers. Blankets and pillows are used to line the inside of the protective bars on both sides of the bridge, and cover the area around there, as well. Sleeping mats are used to cover the bars along the sides of the bridge, and this effectively cuts off sightline to the second floor of the play-structures, as well as all the area along the bridge. It looks like a kid-made fort from the outside.
But on the inside, the kids line the space with toys and any remaining comfort items. They make it as cozy as possible. They also grab some snacks and juice boxes before presenting their idea to Sun.
Oh, he nearly cried.
The poor teen is loaded into the play-structures and transported between them every half-hour so that they can’t be caught in just one of them, since just one being boarded up would look a bit suspicious.
The teen is also given snacks, comfort from the kids, and some comfy blankets and pillows to lean on when naptime comes.
When Moon comes out, he checks the teen over and fusses about them for at least ten minutes. No matter the age, Moon will play father, just as Sun did. Moon makes sure the teen is comfortable, isn’t hurt, and feels safe enough to rest. If they don’t feel safe, Moon offers them a place right beside him, to which they usually accept, since they’re scared out of their mind by that point.
The kids crowd around them like guards. They usually end up sleeping in a pile.
Now, if this perpetrator actually entered the daycare in search of the teen? Hell breaks loose. Sun would kindly ask them if they have a child to pick up, quickly come to the conclusion that they, in fact, do not, and then promptly ask them to leave or be removed by force. He usually inputs their name into the pizza-plex’s blacklist, as well, so that if they are caught on the premises again, they will be arrested.
He also reports them to the nearest police station as a possible kidnapper, pedophile, stalker, exc. based upon the teenager’s report.
Moon, however, is not so kind. He makes the intruder’s entrance into a game. He often lines the kids up along the bridge with toys, books, throw pillows, or whatever else he can find. Each child is given one or two things as they are lined up along the firing line.
When this person enters and is confirmed to be the individual after the person they are protecting, Moon tells the children that it’s time they show their ‘new friend’ out.
The kids start pelting the person as the doors are locked behind them by Moon. By this point, he has already called the cops.
Upon the law’s arrival, the assailant is usually covered in bruises. Moon tells them that he was only doing what was necessary to protect both the kids and the victim.
On a few special occasions, either Sun or Moon opens the front doors years after incidents such as this. A familiar face, a familiar name…a new worker stands there, usually sporting a small, warm smile. They remember that smile, that same face filled with relief moments before preparations would begin. Too keep them safe was their first priority, both brothers agreed.
And now, that same face, years after that fateful day. Except, now they wear employee issued clothing, a logo that both boys know all too well.
“You helped me when I needed it. I heard that you’re kinda short handed around here. Mind if I return the favor?”
Through tears, they would hug their new coworker. They don’t really focus on the extra hands, no- they’re more focused on the important things.
Their old friend is still safe. And suddenly, that realization that everything will be okay settles into the atmosphere as both brothers lead their newest and oldest friend into their new workspace.
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
Ngl, I’m a little bummed about the synopsis for 7x4. I mean, Oliver talked about Buck getting off his hamster wheel this season, but again, we have jealous!!Buck bc he’s insecure about his place in everyone’s lives?
We did that in s2, when Eddie first showed up and he was anxious about his place on the team.
We saw it again in s3, when they taped over his name tag & Eddie and Lena got close.
Buck’s been in therapy, he’s learned his worth and has talked about doing and being better, but we’re having ANOTHER insecure Buck storyline because his friends have other friends? There better be some DAMN GOOD PAYOUT from this arc this time, otherwise, it feels very redundant to me, and not in a good way.
I really hope we do get Bi!Buck, or a feelings realization now, because at least that’s something NEW. Honestly, I just want someone to just take Buck & love him the way he deserves to be loved.
Do you guys get what I’m saying, or am I totally bananas? I honestly don’t even know anymore.
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buckttommy · 1 year
Going to preface this by saying that this post actually is not meant to be mean or slanderous toward Kristen so if that's your beat, go find someone else to share it with. But here's the thing: it is very clear to me that Kristen has profound respect for Buck and Eddie's dynamic. As friends. Multiple times, she's made it very clear that she views their relationship through a strictly platonic lens. She's even said, paraphrasing, that the will scene (for example) was drawn from her life since her mom (I think?) made her best friend her legal guardian at one point. Kristen very clearly respects who/what Buck and Eddie are to each other, and she treats the intimacy of their dynamic with the gravitas it deserves, but she seems very invested in keeping them platonic, so I don't really trust her to give us canon!buddie. Honestly, with the way she feels about Buddie as romantic partners, I'm not even sure I'd want her to give us canon!buddie.
Now, I know there's the added layer of misdirection; she's never going to come out-right and say Buck and Eddie are soulmates on a crash course to each other, and I get that. I wasn't born yesterday, I know how PR works. But I think it's also fair to reserve a hefty dose of doubt considering nothing in her speech has given any indication that she even likes the idea of Buck and Eddie together as romantic partners.
I'm happy to be wrong. Honestly, despite all appearances, I'm not even really saying I don't believe Buddie is going canon because, to me, that still seems like the logical conclusion to both of their stories. But with Kristen at the helm, if at one point I was 99.9% sure of canon!buddie, I now sit at a solid 50% sure. I'd love to see it, I still want to see it, and we still might see it... but I'm going to keep a big dose of doubt kept in my pocket just in case.
#jack.txt#An anon asked me a couple months ago what I thought the differences between Tim/KR's styles were and it's taken me all this time to piece#my thoughts together. In all honesty I still don't know if I can fully articulate my thoughts because they exist more as ideas than they do#as fully flushed out concepts but one thing I can say concretely is that - regardless of what other problems Tim might have - he knows how#to weave a story together expertly. When Tim tells a story - even if the narrative is fractured initially - he always manages to piece it#back together in a very cohesive way.#I don't see that same attention to detail in Kristen's writing. Which isn't even to say that her stories are bad! She *does* manage to#weave overarching plot points and details together but not with the same meticulous attention. I think that's the thing I miss most about#Tim's imprint on 9-1-1. He's so detail-oriented from the largest details to the smallest and it shows with how smoothly the story flows.#Another difference between Tim and Kristen's styles is that - because of Tim's attention to detail - he is able to weave seamlessly between#both lighthearted and heavy storylines. My guess is because - to him - both the light and the dark exist as part of the same story#(which - to be clear - it IS all part of the same story).#With Kristen there's an almost visible and palpable distinction between 'this is heavy' and 'this is light' with no unifying cohesion to#unite the two as being apart of the same story.#I know this must sound like I hate 6A; I don't. I really really don't. Every week with my weewoos and my firefam is a good week for me#and the criticisms I have this season do not even come close to outweighing the things I've enjoyed.#But as I sit here and reflect on Kristen and Tim as well as the direction of the show#(all of this before 6B airs of course)#this is where I am so far.#I love 9-1-1. I miss my blorbos. I'm ready for them to come back lol
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vvitchering · 11 months
Strange New Worlds got me crying with laughter, sadness, and joy all in one episode GOD I LOVE STAR TREK!!!!!!!
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screaming-universe · 3 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Bobby Nash, Carla Price, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: i'll add tags as i go, Curses, Dragons, Shapeshifting, eddie gets cursed and turns into a dragon, Alternate Universe - Magic Summary:
Eddie gets cursed to turn into a dragon but he doesn't know when it will happen. Apparently today is the day.
couldn’t get this to immediately jump to chapter 2 so here’s the link
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lovecolibri · 2 years
That comment about the musical so that she doesn't have to struggle thinking about a plot gets me irrationally angry, I'm sorry. If the musical is a one-off thing to pay homage for the talents' ability, sure I will watch it. If the main reason is so that she doesn't have to properly do her job, throw that idea to the trash can, please thank you. She actually thinks writing a musical without any experience in that is easy.
And I don't fucking care if she's joking. When you're admitting you're struggling for a job you see as "the next step in my career," making a joke is the last fucking thing you have to do. When will this Kristen Reidel nightmare be over please?!
Honestly. I saw that quote and had to like, take a minute. Like you said, even if she's joking, at this point with all the flack the show has been getting about the declining quality and having too much filler, is it really the right time to be admitting on the record that you are having multiple instances of not being able to come up with enough story to fill out episodes and are trying to work in an episode that lets you get away with doing less?? Especially because for a musical episode to work for a show without a real supernatural element, there needs to be a damn good reason for it to be happening (thinking about the musical episode of Scrubs) which requires, shocker, a solid story element! You can't just pass the whole episode off to the music department and wash your hands of it so you can get out of having to do the job you're being paid to do.
Like, it's just SO insulting on top of everything too! Like, yeah it makes her look incompetent (and Tim too for letting her take over when she clearly doesn't have the chops or the desire to put in the actual work), but it's also clear that she thinks it's a big joke! She's getting paid, she's getting a job to put on her resume, what does she care if the audience is bored with it? It's not about the audience, or the stories being told, it's about HER getting to boss people around and call the shots and be petty when the audience pushes back on what she's doing. And that? That is what is getting to me the most. She has no interest in improving because she isn't making this show for the audience, she isn't making this show to continue telling the stories and exploring the characters she was given, she's making this show to get a paycheck and a leg up, and to write out her fantasies whether they are true to the characters and make sense or not.
Girl, go back to writing fic and maybe you'll feel better. You can self-insert as much as you want! You can write song fic so you don't have to plot too hard! You can do random shit and just call in an AU! And best of all, you'll stop dragging the show down, and someone who actually cares about writing plots and cares about these characters can take over.
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bekkachaos · 2 years
Helppp I wanna write Bucks POV from my last fic where he realises Eddie liked his TikTok but I have so many WIPs 😅
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seelestia · 2 years
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❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?❞
SUMMARY. redamancy is a love returned in full — except you express that by staring at your lover like a madman.
CHARACTERS. xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou, zhongli, albedo, gorou, itto, scaramouche, ayato, childe, diluc, thoma, kaeya.
GENRE. cotton candy fluff, little bits of crack, teeny tiny angst in kaeya's part, established relationship.
CW. use of pet names.
THOUGHTS. weewoo, my first multi post! i may have screamed, kicked my feet in the air, and sobbed while writing this and i hope you do too <3 /pos
☆ masterlist.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
XIAO turns his face away nervously. You are silent, yet your gaze speaks many volumes; volumes that he is unable to comprehend properly. What exactly should an Adeptus say to such peculiar manner of staring? Xiao clears his throat, "If you have words to spare, then spit them out." Bold words for someone with reddening cheeks.
VENTI grins as if he had caught a thief red-handed. "Is it me or is someone awfully shameless today, hm?" Although it is clear as day that you're not even trying to hide it, this bard sees the opportunity to tease you and he takes it in stride. As a performer, Venti is used to having eyes on him — but to receive such attention from his beloved is so much sweeter, is it not?
KAZUHA returns your gaze with an even softer one. He asks, "Is something wrong, my love?" What started out as a way to express your adoration for his beauty turns into a mutual contest. Kazuha's eyes are a beautiful scarlet red, you know that — but why is it so hard to acknowledge when he's staring right back at you? But in his defense, he is but a humble man returning the favor and using it as an excuse to adore you.
HEIZOU pretends to poke your eyes. "Ah-ah, where's your permission to stare?" A cheeky one, indeed. Heizou hovers two fingers in front of your eyes as if poised to poke on command. With the way his smile is almost reaching his ears, it's so difficult to take him seriously — and it doubles by tenfold when Heizou dives in for a kiss. His giggles tap against your lips, "There you go, permission granted." Great, just awesome; now, you feel like poking his pretty olive eyes instead.
ZHONGLI is unmoving yet knowing all the same. No, he is not oblivious, not in the slightest. In fact, he knows you are staring at him. Zhongli usually doesn't mind being gawked at; yet as he takes a sip of his tea, he can't help but chuckle, "You can look until you've had enough, but don't let the tea get cold now." Your eager gaze that is almost akin to a stupefied child is more amusing than he thought, it seems.
ALBEDO wonders what is running through your mind. As if his thoughts have morphed into crystalflies that leave a trail of epiphany in their wake, you exhale a cold breath and two words for him, "You're beautiful." Albedo realizes that maybe, his metaphor might've been off the mark; because no longer are the crystalflies taking flight in the air, they are here in his chest like fluttering butterflies at the sight of your smile.
GOROU blinks in confusion. Deciphering has never been his best suit, so when Gorou finds you staring at him without a word, his first instinct is to assume the worst. His ears droop down almost instantly, "W-what's wrong?" The genuine fear on Gorou's face makes you panic and he swears he never relished in relief like ever before after you explain. No, he's not mad — he just can't help but sulk, just a little. Ahem, please don't scare him like that again.
ITTO pats himself in accomplishment. "Are you staring because I look extra, super duper handsome today? Ohoho!" Was it the new shampoo? Mouthwash? Eyeliners? His pearly white teeth? The comb he exchanged for snacks yesterday?! He sounds obsessed but hey, he wants to look good for you — and if you're staring at him like that, it means his efforts aren't in vain! How silly though, you've always been staring at him like this; Itto was just too immersed in his beetle fights to notice.
SCARAMOUCHE flicks your forehead. You get two privileges, though; a forehead flick and a somewhat gentle one at that. He doesn't just flick anybody's forehead, you're special (or whatever). Scaramouche huffs, "Got a staring problem? Your eyes look like they're gonna pop out." But you don't mind, you'd gladly pick them up just to stare at him again. "Ugh, weirdo," he rolls his eyes but he's actually smiling, so who's the weirdo here?
AYATO only hums in acknowledgment. "Is this angle good enough for your liking, dearest?" He says that so casually. As a man who has etiquette engrained into him since young, you partially expect him to reprimand you. It's common knowledge that staring is improper in public, after all — but that's exactly it; right now, he isn't the public figure, Kamisato Ayato but simply a man with his beloved. How ironic would it be to reprimand the very person who gives him a sense of normalcy? Besides, you're adorable, so he's not complaining one bit.
CHILDE tilts his head questioningly at first but plays along. He searches your eyes; is this a prank or are you angry? The corners of his lips crook into a grin, there's a playful agenda in his mind. "Are we doing a staring contest? If I win, will you give me a kiss?" His jokes are just a way of his to get a reaction from you. But when it fails, Tartaglia's grin quite literally drops, "Wait, are you actually upset? [Y/N], what did I do—" And he won't stop pestering you with a whine until you explain.
DILUC lowers his head into a bow. He mutters quietly, "I'm sorry." Straightforward words, but the thing is does he even know what he's apologizing for? Actually, why is he apologizing? Diluc looks so meek underneath your gaze, you wonder how he'd react if you tell him that you're merely staring because you can't look away? Simple, he wouldn't know how to; so, he'd fake a cough to hide his face or more specifically, the shades similar to his hair blooming on it.
THOMA frowns with concern. "Do you need something, my love?" His hand is warm as he cups the side of your cheek as a giving touch of comfort. Are you staring at him to get his attention? Has something been bothering you? Worried questions begin to fill Thoma's mind — of course, your well-being is what comes to mind first, not the thought of you admiring him for no reason. "Ah, you're such a tease. You scared me there," he pinches your nose; that's a Thoma-like way to get revenge, alright.
KAEYA leans in closer. He does so with no hesitance, no warning whatsoever and you lean back with a squeak. Kaeya chuckles to his heart's content with a cheeky jest, "Why, I thought that was an invitation?" But beneath the desire to fluster you, lies an odd sense of contentment; knowing that you stare at him with such a loving gaze. "Thank you," two words that seem so out of place, but Kaeya wants to say them anyway.
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— © seelestia, july 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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bambisnc · 2 months
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operation : true love - how likely riize is to NOT confess!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : 2/10 - cutie would plan out eveyrhting the moment he sees you and has that italicised oh moment - i'm talking your favorite flowers delivered by hand followed by your ideal date + lots of fairy lights/candles. trust me.) and woo you exactly how you deserve to be wooed <3 would get a little anxious about making everything perfect for you tho
eunseok : 7/10 - he'd lowkey be such a tsundere ... thanks to my talk w mai i'm fully convinced he's the Only academic rival to lover to exist. would for sure pine after you silently and end up confessing in the middle of an argument. you know like "why do YOU care who i'm going out?" "BECAUSE. i like you. okay bye."
sungchan : 192830429283/10 - im biased sorry. but you can't tell me you don't see best friend!him being so obsessed with you - like all your friends know it, hell even you know it but the guy himself refuses to admit. is so "we're besties!! it's natural for us to hug and hold hands and make out between classes in the janitors closet :D i mean what. i didnt say anything" coded like c'mon
wonbin : a solid 13/10 - i feel like he'd be really conflicted. like on one hand he'd rather you be the one to confess but on the other he wants to do like a huge romantic gesture and be the one to confess to you. i can imagine there being this one phase of time where he'd kinda start ignoring you to get you to reach out to him or wtv tactics the insta/tiktok girlies (gn) teach him too
seunghan : 5/10 - okay but i see him either just randomly blurting it out of nowhere over a voice call or while ur ft-ing ("hey this cat reminded me of u" "aww haha im in love with you" "WHAT") OR doing it via a more traditional, thought out kinda way ... maybe like making you a gift or writing you a love letter/song :(( <3
sohee : 4/10 - bbg is confessing to you so fast. he'd only do it once he confirms (multiple times) that you both like each other though. is immediately planning the best way he could confess to you. does all his necessary research, books everything in advance - goes all out to ensure there's no hitches, basically. him and taro probably share notes
anton : 11/10 - bro is Not confessing. you can feel free to tho he'll say yes obvi! as soon as he gains back enough conherence after he (half) faints that is. for sure the type to get you soso many gifts and he'd try to be so casual about it too "hey i got u a customized acessroies set with the fav flower/colour you like" "anton wtf" "uh no dw i had an extra hahaha". def gets u guys matching stuff a lot too
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notes : imma not be online for at least a day (shocker) so queueing this!!!! -> well that was a lie <3 + [m.list] song rec : LOVE ME BACK BY FROMIS 9 WEEWOO WEEWOO
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the-likesofus · 1 year
Buddie Fic Recs
AKA Talented Mutuals Tuesday
Except I spent so long making this list that the timezones changed over BUT I wanted to show my mutuals some love and now that we are going into the hiatus I thought you might all like a list of quality fics to keep you occupied while there is no new Weewoo show. 
I don't know if anyone will actually want to join in on this but if you do the rules are simple:
SHOW YOUR MUTUALS SOME LOVE! Share your favourite fics, (or gifs, edits, literally anything that your very talented mutuals have made), as many or as few as you like but let's share the love around <3
Apologises in advance for the long post btw
@speaknowdiaz I would literally read anything that April writes and would probably sell a limb for the incredible WIPs I know she's still cooking up but here are a couple of my faves:
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend)
Buck challenges Eddie to try to hit on him after teasing Eddie for not having any ‘game’. This fic is very funny and very soft.
believe in one thing (i won't go away)
This fic hit me straight in the feels. Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy even though they aren't a couple and they work through some stuff.
@thosetwofirefighters Incredible amazing Nat ily xx
Say It All Out Loud
Eddie comes out to Aunt Pepa after his ‘date’ with Vanessa. I am a little bit biased towards this one because she did write it for me but it's honestly just so good!
How to Cure Boredom: Buckley Edition
The 118 are stuck at the firehouse during a slow shift and Buck entertains them all by mattress-surfing the loft stairs. It’s soft and silly and in the same universe as her other fic Safe in His Arms.
@loveyourownsmiilee The wonderful amazing Juju not only writes incredible meta and keeps us all fed with Oliver content but Juju also writes wonderful buddie fic. 
When Were You Under Me?
Who doesn’t love a Friends AU. This is Buck and Eddie as Ross and Rachel and it is hilarious and so sweet. 
You should also check out her Buddie Language Meta if you have not read it before <3
@elvensorceress Jenwyn’s work always astounds me so be sure to check these out:
Color Him Father, Color Him Love
I will scream from the rafters how much I adore this fic and yes it did make me cry (happy tears). It’s a look into Buck’s head after his sperm donor kid is born and he realizes what Christopher (and Eddie) truly mean to him. I know I have recced this before but it deserves all the love. 
Unless You Ask Me To
Eddie dates a man for the first time, and Buck is completely 'Fine'. This is a preemptive rec because it is one chapter away from completion and I have been saving it to binge in one sitting but knowing Jenwyn and her incredible talent I guarantee this will be worth the read. 
@spotsandsocks If anyone’s work is guaranteed to make me sob like a baby (happy, sad, or tears of laughter) it’s Spotty. 
Everything But (temptation)
This is Spotty’s newest fic and it's just brilliant. Buck is practicing extreme self-control whilst Eddie is being an irresistible menace. 
Could Have, Should Have, Would Have
Buck finally tells Eddie he loves him right before Eddie’s new boyfriend is supposed to meet Christopher. Honestly, all I can say about this fic is that it’s a masterpiece and I screamed many times while reading it. 
@shortsighted-owl Wonderful amazing Owly (Abbi). I appreciate you so and you make my dash so happy xx
Of foam-moustached kisses, and button combinations
For all your sweet domestic buddie needs this is the fic. Eddie is practicing a video game to get better than Chris and Buck makes fun of his ex-technophobe boyfriend. 
Also THIS EDIT SET to the lyrics of You’re All That I Have by Snow Patrol make me assdffgghjjklkll
@lilbuddie Okay, this one is just a brag because Minja doesn’t actually have any fics published yet (side eye) but I wanna make sure she is on everyone’s radar for when she does because yall are not ready for the incredible amazing talent that is this girl’s writing!! So go check out the snippets on her Tumblr and badger her until she finishes something plssssss
@wheelsupin-five Hi! <3
Almost Almost Almost
This adorable of Buck who is always cold and Eddie warms him up I– asfffghhjkklllll
Under Kitchen Light
SO SOFT! Buck wakes up and Eddie isn't there, Buck finds him in the kitchen. 
@rogerzsteven Simi owns my heart and by that I mean my heart is locked in a cage in Simi’s basement where it is occasionally beaten to a pulp by the most incredibly angsty fics you've ever read.
Buck is extremely nauseous and Eddie takes care of him while I sob over them in a corner.
build me a home underground (free from light and sound)
This fic is so brutal in all the best ways, my heart was in my throat the entire read! Buck gets trapped in a sensory deprivation room while the 118 and Athena race to find him. 
@ashavahishta another incredibly talented mutual of mine
out of ashes
Is it really a Meegs rec list if I don’t rec this fic honestly it's engraved on my soul. This is a criminal minds/greys inspired fic where Buck is kidnapped and tortured until the 118 can find him. This fic is so so well written and means a million things to me I could never explain but pleaseeeee read it!! 
@jobairdxx hello lovely xx
Oh, We Pray to Make it Through the Night
Highly recommend this fic, I do love a near-death experience fic! Buck gets injured on a call and Eddie falls asleep holding vigil at his bedside. 
Jules also writes beautiful poetry on Tumblr so go read some of that too <3
love is on its way
I know we’re all a little bit in mourning over the couch theory but it lives on in our hearts and in this fic which has six moments between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch (and she’s a wee bit spicy too).
Buck's café (take my heart, just not my order)
Coffee Shop AU. Buck runs the shop where the 118 order all their drinks on shift. I absolutely adore this fic! 
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
If “aasdsdfghhjkl” was a person it was me reading this fic. Eddie comes out to Buck, receives a quirky mug, and gets together with the love of his life. In that order.
@bekkachaos Wonderful, amazing Bekka xxx
lose yourself in the feeling
I am a sucker for ‘accidental kisses’ and this was just wonderful. Buck is so excited about Maddie and Chim getting engaged that he kisses Eddie when he tells him. 
start me up, open my eyes
Okay, the mild sexual content tag is a lie, nothing has ever been closer to smut without actually being smut than this fic, I have never been so wound up reading a fic. Bekka builds the tension so so well. 
@sibylsleaves honestly I'm still a little in shock that we're mutuals now so please excuse me while I fangirl over your incredible writing!
with a bird at your door
Eddie starts spending all his time with Buck. Which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that Buck is in love with him. This fic is the perfect mixture of pining, angst, and a happy ending. And yes I think about this fic frequently I love it okay. 
@mysteriouslyyounggalaxy last but certainly not least (for now). hello lovely xx
(tell the gravedigger) better dig two
Missing scenes from while eddie is trapped in the well followed by the most perfect extended reunion scene. We all know I am a sucker for fics based on the well incident, it’s literally how i started writing for buddie but omg this fic!!!! 
Remember to share the love around and happy hiatus to you all.
Love, Meegs xxxx
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Hello hello,dearie!!
How are you,good?
My name is Nina or Weewoo,self proclaimed platonic (Hazbin) asker!
I have seen your platonic works,and I have to say,you've peeked my interest,darling!
The way you write is very wholesome and cute,so please,indulge me in an ask!
May I request a Zestial,Rosie,Alastor,Vox,Husk,Charlie and Carmilla (you may remove,replace or add character as you so please! I simply like to give a character list so you can choose!) with a platonic!child!reader that loves art but gets really messy with it? A little energetic artist.They're all giddy and happy getting everywhere with the rainbows and sunshines. Maybe one time they get really upset because they messed up,and they start to cry? (If you need an age approximate,maybe 6-10 years old?)
I hope that not too much info!!
Have fun writing this,don't forget to drink,eat,and take breaks!!
Have a fantastic day,honey!
Stay proud.
-Nina <33
A/n: My shift key fell off so I'm having a hard time with that. Sorry if I accidentally didn't capitalize something! (I planned to also do Vox but I couldn't think of anything, I'm so sorry!)
!!not proofread!!
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Roise: Doesn't care that you are messy with art at all! She'll make sure you don't stain or break anything but besides that she lets you go wild. Would probably give you your own art room. Is also very sad when you mess up. She hates seeing you sad. She draws with you to help you feel better.
Alastor: He likes you but stay away from him when painting. He would rather keep having a red suit, rainbow wouldn't suit(ha) him. Though he does give you room to paint and draw where you want. All those spaces are suspiciously close to Husk. Tries (and likely fails) to comfort you when you mess up. Might draw with you to help you smile again. After all, you're never fully dressed without a smile.
Husk: Talks to you while you draw. Kind of like you are a drunk bar patron lol. But instead of their insecurities it's what animals you like (or maybe about your insecurities too.) Very grumpy especially when you get paint on him but he does care deep down. For example, when you mess up he helps you calm down. Gets you some chocolate milk or apple juice or whatever you want <3.
Charlie: Very supportive! She'll draw with you!!! Happy to help get you supplies. While she gets that you're a child and usually wouldn't be that upset about making messes, Nifty keeps giving you death glares and she doesn't want to risk anything. Feels bad when you're upset. She'll get you anything that she can help to make you calm down, and also does a group session on learning about healthy coping mechanisms. It's supposed to help you not break down but everyone in the hotel, including her, could use it.
Carmilla: She has two kids so I'd imagine she has some experience. Hangs your art on the fridge like a true mother. While she does like you being hyper and happy she doesn't think the house needs a new paint job. She'll try to make sure you get most of your paint and markers on the paper. Like I said she has two kids so she is great when comforting you when you mess up. She'll encourage you to try again and might even draw with you if that helps.
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hoonichi · 2 years
kinktober ‘22 - day three
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pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
words: 1k
warnings: impregnation, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), dirty talking weewoo
a/n: i am still sick but i already feel terrible for missing a few days of kinktober so i forced myself to write this 😼 it’s honestly..not that good ngl, kinda sappy euehej, don’t ask me abt the ending
kinktober ‘22 masterlist
“heeseung!” you squeal when he spins you around and suddenly your back is pressed against the wall. you instinctively push him away but who are you to go against him?
heeseung has that glint in his eyes which tells you he’s up to no good, “you riled me up in the car and now you’re trying to get away from me?” he scoffs, and the sounds of him unbuckling his belt fill the room. your eyes dart down to his hands and you look at how swiftly he undoes the belt and then they’re back to roaming your body, “let’s make babies tonight, y/n” heesung whines into your ear. him being needy is definitely what started your little fiasco in the car but you truly didn’t expect him to say that.
“a-are you sure..?” you stutter, partly because heesung is already sucking on your neck.
“yes, fuck yes, please let me” he groans into your neck and you shiver.
without a second thought you’re leading him to the bedroom, struggling halfway when heesung keeps trying to kiss you every second he gets.
to say the least, his earlier proposition already made you salivate at the thought of him filling you up fully and you wanted that just as badly as heeseung. fuck it, you were ready.
once you somehow finally reach the bedroom, heesung pushes you down on the soft covers of the bed and climbs on top of you.
his fingers work fast on unbuttoning your flannel and exposing your lace bra, “fuck, you planned this, didn’t you,” he says, diving straight into your boobs. he traces his tongue on the lace before biting down on the material and sliding your bra down, all while maintaining eye contact. you whine at the sight because he looks so unbearably hot right now.
“i did but i didn’t think you wanted to breed me,” you grin, latching your fingers in his hair and pushing his face closer to your breasts.
“ugh when you say it like that…,” he nuzzles his head in between your breasts, kissing your skin. soon he lifts himself up by his elbows and smirks at you, “let’s go to the main event then, shall we?”
“can’t wait,” you smirk and watch as heesung lifts himself up from you just to dispose of his shirt and then his hands go back to the earlier unfinished part of his jeans. he finally takes them off and is left with only his boxers.
quickly you get up from laying down and kneel in front of him, reaching for his lower part and palming his already very hard bulge. heesung throws his head back and lets out a low groan, placing his hand on top of yours and speeding up the process. it’s almost like he’s humping your hand.
“you’re so needy today, heeseungie,” you wet your bottom lip with your tongue as you look up at him. heesung gulps because you look so unbearably hot, palming him all while maintaining the eye contact.
“your fault,” he mumbles quietly, retracting his hand from yours and slipping out of his boxers. his cock springs free, almost hitting your face. you salivate at the sight and place your hands around him, giving him a few hard pumps. heesung watches as you place your lips around his tip and let your tongue lick off all the precum there is, “i want you, so bad”
you release his cock with a pop and smile, “then take me, heeseung.”
you lay down back on your back and heesung positions himself in between your legs, “i know that i was the one to propose to fuck you raw but.. you still sure about that?” he asks before he can push himself in.
“yes, heeseung, i love that you’re so considerate but please put it in alreadyy,” you whine, not being able to deal with your hormones anymore. heesung doesn’t look assured yet so your hands reach for his face and you pull him closer before placing your lips against his, “i love you and i want a future with you, so p-please..”
with that, heeseung is thrusting into you and a surprised moan escapes your lips. all the worried thoughts slip from heesung’s mind as soon as your warm walls tightly hug his member, making him want to ejaculate on the spot.
“fuck,” he lowly groans, “you will look so good with my baby,” he says while caressing your tummy, almost able to feel the lineage of his cock sliding into you. you bite down on your bottom lip, drawing out blood. what heesung is saying immediately goes straight to your core, “all filled up with my cum”
you cry out when his thrusts begin to get quicker, continuously hitting that one spot which makes you squeeze around him every time. heeseung holds your hips in place, practically ramming into you while your nails dig into his back, leaving marks for him to discover later on.
“i-im close,” you mumble out, alerting heesung but he already knows by the intensity of how much you’re clenching around him. he nods, also approaching his high. it takes him a few more thrusts until you’re both cumming simultaneously, loud moans and groans being heard in the room.
heeseung still keeps on slowly thrusting into you even after his high, milking his cock into your pussy. it soon begins to hurt from the sensitivity and you scrunch up your face but heeseung is already pulling out, and now you feel empty.
you watch with hooded eyes as heesung pulls out his now limp cock, his fingers going straight to your pussy as he spreads your lower lips and watches as the cum spills out. you think it’s awfully sexy when he does that but heeseung wouldn’t be heeseung if he didn’t ruin the moment, “this is so hot, let me take a pic”
you gasp at his words, “heeseung!,” you take what’s left of your energy and throw a pillow at him, missing terribly, “absolutely not!”
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 2 months
Travis 🥺🥺😖
i love travis i think about him almost as much as i think about vylad so im just gonna rant about him in my rewrite for you anon :)
travis is one of my favorites in my rewrite. him and vylad get to be besties after they meet and go through some silly little development. anyway i’ve changed travis’s character to be less of a pervert and more of someone who has no idea how to interact with people around him. he’s really just an awkward kid who’s never been around people before. he spent the majority of his childhood in seclusion with his mother until she died but he stayed hiding after, keeping his island safe from the shadows. he was fine with that. then aph and the gang pulled up to gal’ruk and suddenly there’s someone who wants to talk to him. travis doesn’t know the first thing about socialization so he does what he read the books he’d taken from the local village: flirt (very awkwardly)he’s not the most literate because emera (enki, i changed her name) was too busy trying to keep the demon warlock at bay but he tried his best to interact with aph and the gang… which came off the wrong way. shenanigans ensue now he’s in phoenix drop, a place where nobody is scared of him. they all accept him despite being the son of the demon warlock. he gets to know the town, gets closer to aph and co. he takes a liking to katelyn because she reminds travis of his mother (weewoo mommy issues alert). anyway slowly but surely he begins to feel at home in phoenix drop, finally feeling at peace. lucinda helps him learn how to socialize better (besties) and helps him talk to katelyn. but out of everyone, travis feels closest to vylad. he’ll claim they’re his best friend but vylad wont confirm nor deny. travis likes him because he’s a bit of himself in vylad. he sees someone who also knows what it’s like to be secluded in order to protect people.
im gonna stop myself there because i could write a whole other post about vylad and travis… and just travis in general. my two favorite characters <3
i promise i’ll have more detailed and understandable backstories posted for the main cast of my rewrite (including trav) eventually
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Weewoo!!! I hope I made it in time because your writings are so squimshy wimshy and cuteeeeeee! Can I please have I Won't Say I'm In Love + Ace Trappola? Thanksiess!!!
You're in luck, anon! Your request was the very last one for my event! My fingers slipped while writing this and there are a lot of first year shenanigans lol. I hope you enjoy!
Notes: mentioned stuff from Book 4 and Ace's voice lines. FLUFF
Word Count: 1292
Warnings: possible ooc characters, not beta read, and very badly written basketball scene (my knowledge is limited 😭)
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"Arghh, where am I?" Ace questioned. He was sitting, and the room he was in was dark.
Ace could feel a soft fabric in his eyes. 'I must be blindfolded,' he concluded. The redhead noticed his hands were behind him and tried to move them but resisted. 
And he was tied up too? 
"When will he wake up?" a deep but familiar voice filled his ears. 
"I'm afraid you might have hit him too hard, dude," another voice added.
"Dude? Don't dude me, you human. Ace is just weak," a very familiar voice said.
Ace scoffed in offense, "Oi! Guys! I can hear you!?"
Everyone in the room took a quick breath. Ace could hear footsteps heading his way, and suddenly, his blindfold was off. His eyes immediately met a bright light, and he closed them due to the brightness. Ace slowly opened his eyes and had to adjust to the light. Everything was dark around him except for Jack holding a flashlight, and the other first years (minus Yuu and Grim) were staring at him. 
"Why did you tie me up?" Ace exclaimed.
Jack sighed, "You all should have listened to me and just asked him."
Epel snorted, "And miss out on the fun? No thanks."
Deuce ignored the two and stepped toward Ace, "Look, we just need you to answer a serious question. Do you like the Prefect?"
"WHAT?? YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED NORMALLY!" Ace asked, ignoring Deuce's question. 
Jack sighed, "See."
Deuce sighed, "This is getting us nowhere. Ortho, the powerpoint?" 
Ortho flew to an empty spot in the room (Ace still had no idea where he was), manifested a small device in his hand, and set it down on the floor. A small hologram appeared with a powerpoint titled 'Why Ace loves the Prefect with evidence.'
"The presentation is for us to prove that you like Yuu. It is so obvious, yet nothing has happened," Deuce explained that it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
"I don't like her like that!"
Sebek scoffed, "Don't lie, human! Now watch the presentation."
Epel cleared his throat and approached the projection, "Exhibit A: teasing about her being his type." The slide changed to show a shot of Ace and Yuu walking through the courtyard from someone else's perspective. They were standing side by side with Ace's arm over Yuu's shoulders. There were also some leaves in the footage, so Ace assumed whoever did it was hiding behind some bushes. 
Ace laughed at something Yuu said, "You know, I thought I'd never be into your type, but maybe I was wrong?...Or not!"
Yuu laughed and swatted Ace's arm away, "Your type is magicless humans?"
Ace threw his arm back to its original spot and pulled Yuu close. Meanwhile, Yuu made no move to push it back, "You're special, and you have your own charm," The two continued to walk, unaware of the gasp coming from the student filming them. The voice sounded awfully familiar to Ace. 
"Ortho, you traitor!" The redhead turned to the robotic boy, who shrugged. 
"According to Big Brother's shows, you were clearly showing signs of flirting, which means that you must like Yuu." he deadpanned, causing the other first years to snicker. 
Ace turned to the group, and his resolve started to weaken, "That does not prove anything! That was only me and the Prefect being friendly."
Sebek rolled his eyes and walked to Epel, "Nonsense, human!" He pointed to the presentation with a new slide, "Exhibit B: the basketball game!"
The slide included a video from Ace's recent basketball game; the first years were front and center to watch. It was an NRC vs. RSA match where the game was neck-in-neck. Floyd was in the mood to win, Jamil was gaining fangirls from the 3-pointers he was making, and Ace was currently in possession of the ball. 
The first years cheered as Ace swiveled passed the RSA players and toward the goal.
"GO, ACE! YOU GOT THIS!" Yuu yelled. Only ten seconds were on the clock, and two players left for Ace to pass through. 
He ran around the first guy and through the second as fast as possible. Jamil and Floyd held them off, leaving Ace to score the point. There were only five seconds left when Ace finally jumped. Everyone held their breath as the timer went down.
Ace slammed the ball through the hoop just as the buzzer went off. NRC cheered and picked up Ace in celebration. Once the first year was set down, he immediately ran to where the other first years were. 
Yuu laughed as Ace suddenly hugged her and spun her around. She threw her arms around him as the other first years gawked at them. They watched as Ace spoke to Yuu like she was the only person in the world and vice versa. The noisy audience drowned out the sound, but the group finally realized something was there. Ace even had a big grin and tender eyes to prove it.  
The video ended, and the group turned to Ace, who was bright red. 
"I was caught in the moment! We just won the game!"
Jack rolled his eyes, "You only hugged Yuu and gave the rest of us a high five."
"As Big Brother would say, it looked very sus," Ortho shook his head. 
Deuce stepped forward towards Sebek and Epel, "Moving on, Exhibit C: when you frantically texted me that we have to save Yuu from Jamil even though I got the message too-"
Ace had had enough of this embarrassment, finally letting everything out, "ALRIGHT! I'LL ADMIT IT! I LIKE YUU!" He wriggled in his chair and breathed, "But what was said here stays here, capiche?"
Epel sweatdropped, "Uhh, about that…."
"Myah! You can go in now!" Grim called out, and Ace's face became ghost white in fear. A door opened, and light filled the room. Ace scanned his surroundings and realized something.
"I was in Ramshackle this whole time!" he exclaimed, eyeing the familiar wallpaper and design.
Yuu laughed, "I'm surprised you didn't realize it and you stayed here for a long time." She turned to the other, "You all can leave now. I want to talk to Ace alone."
A series of "alright" and "okays" filled the room as everyone packed their things and left. Yuu bent down to undo the knot when the two were alone. 
"How much did you hear?" Ace asked after a moment of silence. 
Yuu stood before the boy and held his hands in hers, "All of it. Grim insisted that I stayed to listen," She admitted while running a thumb over his hand. 
"Well, I guess I'll admit it again," Ace intertwined their hands. It shocked Yuu so much that she looked at him and saw that Ace had a serious face. "I like you, Yuu. I am willing to say I am in love with you." Yuu stared at Ace in shock, but he could tell there was doubt in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
Yuu sighed, "It makes me happy to hear that because the feelings are mutual. However, what if the same thing happens to your previous girlfriend? You found her annoying and ghosted her!"
Ace stood up and brought Yuu for a hug, "Look, you're not her, and she is not you. You're Yuu, the cheekiest, blunt, and toughest girl I know. I won't ghost you. I promise." He pulled away slightly to look at Yuu with a look that showed off his boyish charm. "Now, how about we get out of here and forget about this weird day."
Yuu laughed and pulled away from the hug. She intertwined her hand with Ace's, "It's a date."
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 44 - My Papycha, the Secondhand Dealer (Part 1)
I'm very normal about this episode, but thankfully, all the writings to translate will probably distract me from the need to gush about Kerubim and Joris's love for one another.
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The text on the left says "PAPYCHAT!". Usually, "!" means "M" in Amaknean, but I think Joris is just very enthusiastic.
The text on the right says "BROCANTE". It means "secondhand store". Also, there's a kama there. Cute :)
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"HACHE" (axe) and "BONG" (??????????????????????????????????...probably onomatopoeia for the sound that contraption he drew makes.
Doesn't make Joris writing "bong" any less funny.)
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A literal bear has entered a literal china shop. Warning, warning!
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To my memory, this is one of the two times old Kerubim cries during the series, the first time being when he thinks Joris will be stuck for the rest of his life in the Heads for No Tails restraint.
I think he should be legally allowed to kill that pandawa guy.
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I do think he loves them, but also, something tells me, a vase that took 20 years to make probably costs an amount of money that I don't even want to fucking imagine.
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"VIEUX VASE" (old vase)
WHEN WILL JORIS'S REIGN OF EVIL END? Did he steal that piece?!
Though, it seems that even without it, the vase was still restored, — because, judging from all the cracks on it, the photo was taken after The Incident. I guess this story has a happy ending, despite the missing piece.
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Photo of the clock: "REVEIL" (alarm, waking up) Bottle 1: "ELIXIR" Bottle 2: "BONBON" (candy) Bottle 3: "MIEL" (honey)
(the clock itself reads "5AM". Maybe Kerubim's alarm. I doubt he makes Joris, who isn't in education, wake up so early. Or maybe Joris wakes up at 5AM and then goes back to sleep. That would be the funnier possibility.)
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This action will have consequences.
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It's obvious that Kerubim is just trying to get him to stop asking, Joris knows that, — and it's generally always why he's being asked to go to sleep early.
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The text says: "PIERRE MAGI(Q)UE" (magic stone), with "Q" (::) being accidentally replaced by "N" (:)
Joris's guesses for this thing are: "Is this a ball?", "Is this a thing to do sport with to get muscles?", "Is this a geode?" and "Is this an egg?"
Truly, he is a dedicated thinker.
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"VIDE GRENIER" (attic sale)
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The first two vinyls say "GUST PRODUCTION" and "SADGUIRAM#2" respectively, while the third one says "ROMAIN".
The existence of vinyls also implies the existence of bands and their fans. We already know that, and all, but this still means a lot.
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I wonder if slavery has always been a thing in the World of Twelve, or if it came back in style after centuries of being out of style only in Waven. Love their nonchalant response to it, too.
Chances are, this is just normal.
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SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I TELL YOU JORIS IS A NIGHT OWL? He is NOT good at being awake early.
I also am beginning to suspect Kerubim is a morning person, unlike Joris. hdfkghsdgf.
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Kerubim makes buying things a sort of a game for them to play together, to educate Joris on how to be a salesman in the future and continue their family business, but in the process pretty much hugs him and also look at Joris's face and then hand on shoulder car door man hook car and and um and [CAR CRASH] [GLASS SHATTERING] ‘GOOD LORD!’ [GENERAL COMMOTION] [BABY CRYING] ‘WAAAAH WAAAAH’ [YELLING] [POLICE SIRENS] WEEWOO WEEWOO [HELICOPTERS] ‘WE’RE REPORTING LIVE-‘ [EXPLOSION] ‘MY LEG… MY LEG…’
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Yeah I'm okay./ (starts foaming.)
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Joris... I have some amazing news from the future. You'll never guess.
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At heart, Kerubim is an optimist, and Joris is a pessimist, and they've always been that way, even as kids. I think it's cute that they both have these contrasting characteristics, and that they've had them their whole lives.
It makes them both really like each other, — but also, probably makes them annoy each other to death, across the 600 years of coexistence.
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queenklu · 7 months
Dude! What is the gifset you reblogged of the guy saying, “my kid loves her.” What is that from? Who are those dudes with that adorbs kid bein a fam together?!
LOLOLOL That show, in all of its delightful screwballery, is none other than 911 (affectionately tagged by myself and others as "weewoo").
HONESTLY...(are you looking into my eyes)...the first season of weewoo is Bad. It's at least short, but if you start watching it and go "wtf is this???" trust me, I am with you, hang in there. It IS worth watching simply because of the absolutely batshit insane backstory that will be referred to in later seasons, but oof, it is a Rough Ride.
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Found family? ✔️✔️✔️ The foundest of fams. They love each other so damn much and that means calling each other out on their shit.
Gay? Both canon lesbians and gays, as well as some TASTY TASTY POTENTIAL (see below - though these two are not canonically gay or in love, they are just...writing each other into their wills (canon) and raising a kid together (canon) you know. as you do).
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Do the boys cry? YEAH. Do I cry? YEAH. But also!!!
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911 is a freaking delightful show (post season 1) and you should watch it!!!! It's on hulu!!
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