faithshouseofchaos · 3 days
hi i don't think this is a real request but for franco colapinto it's kinda cliche ikr (but i believe in your writing skills so)
older reader (u don't need to specific the age) who refuse to be with franco bc she thinks it's better for him to be with someone close his age, but ofc they're in love and franco is down bad for her even though she's kinda cruel sometimes
so angst with a happy end? or at least something realistic? idk and it's up to u to add other stuff! *oh and they're from the same country or foreigners etc*
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“She calls me kidz bop” — Franco colapinto x fem!reader
Word count 3.5k
Warnings — Angst, heavy makeouts allusion of smut
This isn’t as good as I thought it would be
Tagged— @crispysoup318 @meeel-things @bieberismysoulmate @dejavuontrack @barcelonaloverf1life @nominsgirl @bluebluesol @chenlesbitxh @ironmaiden1313 @chunkpiboli @kr7-i-know-what-im-doing
Franco watched as y/n stood talking to her fellow driver Something deep inside him wished that she gave him the same attention as she did the rest of them. It didn’t matter if they had feelings for each other. It also didn’t matter that she was so cruel to him and gave him nicknames like Kidz Bop, Teeny Bopper, or Rug Rat.
He didn’t mind the teasing or the nicknames, he could take it. He’s used to being teased by others but not by the one he’s falling for, and he didn’t want to admit it but a part of him knew he was slowly concluding that he loved her. Franco leaned against the garage wall, staring at the ground with his hands shoved in his pockets.
He continued to observe y/n’s body language. The way she stood with her arms crossed, the way she laughed at the other driver’s jokes, even the way she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It was maddening.
Franco clenched his jaw, trying to hold back his frustration. He wanted to speak to her but he was uncertain of what to say. As he watched her, he noticed she was glancing his way. A small smile crept onto his lips as he realized that she was looking his way. He felt a flutter in his chest, a mix of hope and nervousness. He took a deep breath, summoning his courage, and finally stepped forward.
As he approached, he could feel her eyes on him, studying him. He tried to act casually, his hands still in his pockets, but he couldn’t help the way his heart was racing. He cleared his throat, “Hey, can I talk to you for a second?”
Y/n turned her attention away from her co-drivers and looked at Franco, raising an eyebrow. “Sure, what do you want?”
Franco swallowed hard, trying to ignore the coolness in her voice. He took a step closer, not caring that they had an audience, “Can we talk somewhere a little more private?”
Y/n nodded, gesturing for him to follow her out of the garage. Once they were alone in a secluded area, she turned to him with her arms crossed. “What's on your mind, kidz bop?”
Franco took a deep breath, trying to ignore the nickname. He knew it was her way of keeping him at arm’s length, but it stung nonetheless. He looked into her eyes, gathering his courage. “I wanted to talk to you about us…”
Y/n’s expression remained neutral, but he could see a flicker of something in her eyes. She raised an eyebrow, “What about us?”
Franco rubbed the back of his neck, nervous. “Well, I just wanted to know…if there’s ever a chance for us?”
Y/n let out a snort, “A chance? Kidz bop, you’re way too young for me. You need to find someone your age.” Franco's heart sank at her words, but he tried to hide his disappointment. “I don’t care about age. I just want to be with you.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, very romantic. But I’m not interested in dating some kid who still has a curfew. I need someone more mature.” Franco clenched his fists in frustration, “I’m not a kid. I’m just as mature as any other driver out there.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, sure you are. I bet you still have a teddy bear in your bed and your mom still picks out your outfits.” Franco's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he tried to maintain his composure. He couldn’t deny that he had a teddy bear, but he certainly hadn’t asked his mom for fashion advice since he was 12.
“I’m a grown man,” he protested, “Just because I’m a rookie doesn’t mean I’m immature.” Y/n leaned against the wall, still looking unimpressed. “Oh? Prove it then, Teeny Bopper. Show me how mature you are.”
Franco was determined to show her that he wasn’t just some naïve rookie. He took a step closer to her, his heart pounding. “Fine. I’ll prove it to you.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden confidence. “Alright, I’m listening. Go ahead and impress me, rug rat.” Franco took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He was suddenly keenly aware of how close they were standing to each other. He could smell her perfume, a soft, musky scent that made his head spin.
He looked into her eyes, unflinching. “I’ll prove it by showing you that I’m serious about this. I’m not just some kid who doesn’t know what he wants. I know what I want, and it’s you.” Y/n’s expression softened just a bit. She was impressed by his directness, but still unconvinced. “You’re young, Franco. You don’t know what you want. You just think you do.”
Franco took another step closer to her. “I may be young, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’m done with being treated like a kid. I know what I want, and I’m not going to give up until I get it.” Y/n’s heart skipped a beat at his words, but she tried to maintain her cool facade. “You’re not going to give up, huh? You’re stubborn, aren’t you?”
Franco smirked, feeling a rush of confidence. “I can be when I want something. And I want you.”
He took another step forward, closing the gap between them. He was now standing so close to her that he could feel the heat of her body. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as he stepped closer. She hadn’t expected him to be so direct. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, and she had to fight the urge to reach out and touch him. But she held her ground, refusing to let him see how her resolve was starting to crumble.
“You don’t even know what you’re getting yourself into, kidz bop,” she teased, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice just before she walked away from him. Franco watched her walk away, a mix of frustration and determination coursing through his veins. He knew he had gotten to her this time, he had seen the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.
He wasn’t going to give up, not until he had proven to her that he was serious. He was in love with her, and he wasn’t going to let her brush him off like some naive rookie.
Once again Franco found himself watching and observing y/n and this time was brought out of his thoughts by a large hand clapping him on the shoulder “You good there Franco?” Charles asked. Franco looked over at him and then back at y/n whose eyebrows were bunched up together and her lips in a thin tight line.
“Yeah I’m good,” Franco answered, looking down at his feet. Charles chuckled at Franco’s obvious lie. He followed Franco’s gaze to y/n, his smirk growing even more as he looked at her. “You have it bad don’t you?” Charles teased. Franco quickly shoved Charles’s arm off him as he gave him a nasty glare.
Charles cackled in response. “I’ve seen the way you look at her. How long are you gonna sit on your ass and not do something?” Charles said.
“There’s a reason why I haven’t,” Franco said, still stubbornly keeping his eyes on y/n.
“Which is?” Charles prompted.
“She’s too old for me,” Franco said. Charles’s jaw dropped.
“Bullshit! She’s what, 26? You’re 21! It’s not that big of an age difference, "he said.
“She thinks it is,” Franco said. Charles shook his head in disbelief at Franco’s stupidity.
“Goddamnit Franco. You’re a pretty handsome kid, why are you letting her have that much control over you? If you feel something for her then do something about it” Charles said.
Franco tore his eyes from y/n to look at Charles “There is something between us. But every time I try to talk to her about it, she shuts it down. Says that she’s too old for me and would rather I find someone my age” he confessed. Charles let out a scoff “She doesn’t mean it. She’s just running away because she doesn’t want to admit her feelings for you” he said.
Franco shook his head. “You don’t know that and besides she’s mean to me and she calls me kidz bop, teeny bopper, or rug rat.”
Charles rolled his eyes “Franco I’ve known y/n for much longer than you being mean to someone is her love language trust me the meaner she is to someone the more she cares for them. She calls me a pretty boy. She calls Fernando an old man. I've seen the way she looks at you. There’s no way she feels nothing.” Franco’s heart skipped a beat at Charles’s words.
“W-what do you mean ‘the way she looks at me’” he asked.
Charles smirked again “I mean you’re constantly in her line of sight whenever you’re in a room. Anytime she’s near you, she always seems to be hyper-aware of it. I don’t think she’s as immune to your charms as she makes herself seem.”
As much as Franco wanted to believe what Charles was telling him it was too hard. He’s seen the way y/n talks to the other drivers. They weren’t like that.
“I get that your old ass has much more relationship experience than I do. But you just don’t understand” Franco muttered, refusing to look at Charles. Charles shook his head at Franco “You’re a lot denser than I thought you were. If you’re gonna waste your opportunity with her then that’s your problem, not mine” he said before he sauntered off, leaving Franco by himself.
Franco stood there, his mind reeling from Charles's words. He couldn't shake the feeling that Charles was right about y/n. That she had feelings for him beneath all her harsh words and belittling nicknames. But he couldn't be sure.
Franco looked over to where y/n was still standing, her expression still tight and cold. He tried to muster up the courage to approach her again, but he couldn’t find the words. He was too overwhelmed by the possibility that she could feel something for him. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever rejection came his way. Franco began to slowly make his way toward her, his heart pounding in his chest. With each step, he felt as though he was walking through mud, his legs refusing to cooperate.
Finally, he stood in front of her, his eyes locked on hers. “Can I talk to you for a second?” he asked, his voice much softer than he had intended.
She looked up at him, her eyes flickering with an unreadable expression. For a moment, he thought she was going to brush him off like she had so many times before.
“Fine. What do you want?” she asked, her voice as icy as ever. Franco swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. He had practiced all the things he wanted to say in his head, but now that he was standing in front of her, all of his words seemed to have vanished.
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I just wanted to talk to you about us." "I know we're colleagues, but there's something more there, isn't there?" he said, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.
She paused for a moment, her expression faltering for just a split second before her walls went back up. "Whatever gave you that idea?" she asked, feigning indifference. Franco took a small step forward, closing the space between them. He could feel the heat radiating off of her body, making him heady with desire.
"The way you look at me. The way you always watch me. I know you feel it too. You're just too scared to admit it." Her breath caught in her throat as he neared. She tried to pretend that his words did not affect her, but he could see the subtle change in her breathing, the way her body seemed to gravitate towards him.
"Scared? I'm not scared of anything, least of all you," she retorted, hoping he didn't notice the waver in her voice. "Then prove it," he said, his voice suddenly low and intense. He was so close to her now that he could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the way her pulse fluttered in her neck.
He reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his fingers lingering against the softness of her skin. Her breath hitched at his touch, her eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment. She fought the urge to lean into his touch, to finally give in to the overwhelming amount of tension that hung in the air between them. But she forced herself to take a step back, pulling herself out of his reach. "I don't have anything to prove to you," she said, her voice trembling ever so slightly.
Franco couldn’t help the pang of disappointment that shot through him as she pulled away. He knew he was getting under her skin, but she was still fighting him.
But he had a card he hadn't played yet.
“Then why is this so hard?” he asked, his tone soft and gentle. “If we're just colleagues, then it should be easy for you to turn me down. Right?”
Inwardly, she was cursing his stubbornness. But he was right, and she was losing the battle with herself. She had been trying so hard to keep her feelings locked away, to deny the attraction that was growing hotter and hotter each day.
She tried to come up with a witty retort, but her throat was dry, and her mind was fuzzy. The way he was looking at her, the way he was so sure of himself, it was chipping away at her defenses. He took another step closer, closing the gap between them again. “Come on, admit it. This isn’t just some one-sided thing. You feel it too.”
She could feel his breath on her skin, the heat of his body so close to hers. She thought about denying it, pushing him away once more, but the words wouldn’t come.
Instead, she did the one thing she had promised herself she wouldn’t do.
She melted.
It was as if all the tension and resistance she had built up just disappeared. She found herself leaning into him, her body drawn to his like a magnet.
She looked up at him, her eyes betraying the vulnerability and desire that she had tried so hard to hide. "Franco..." she whispered. The sound of his name on her lips sent a jolt of electricity through his body. He could see the change in her eyes, the way they darkened with emotion.
He moved closer to her, his arms closing around her waist, pulling her against him. He leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from her ear. "Say it. Say you want me." The heat of his body against hers combined with the huskiness of his voice sent shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes, her body molding itself to his.
She took a shaky breath, her voice wavering. "I want you, Franco. Damn it, I want you." A rush of satisfaction and relief washed over him as he heard her words. He’d finally broken through her defenses, and now he had her exactly where he wanted her.
He pulled her even closer, his hands slipping under the hem of her shirt, his fingers tracing the bare skin of her back.
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that," he murmured against her neck. She let out a soft gasp as he touched her skin, her body arching into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair.
She had tried to deny it for so long, but now that she had finally given in, it was like an unstoppable force of nature. All she wanted was to be closer to him, to feel him completely. He claimed her mouth in a deep, searing kiss, his body pressing her against the wall. His hands roamed over her skin, exploring every curve and contour of her body. It felt like a dam had broken, and all the pent-up desire that had been building between them was suddenly unleashed.
She returned his kiss with equal fervor, her tongue tangling with his. She ran her hands along his chest, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt.
She wanted more, so much more. She was drowning in the sensation of him, losing herself in the heat and the passion of their embrace. Franco pressed himself against her, trapping her between the wall and his body. He broke the kiss, his lips trailing down her neck, nipping and sucking at her skin.
He could feel her coming undone, her body growing more and more pliant against his. He could tell that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her, and it was driving him insane. She let out a desperate gasp as he found a particularly sensitive spot beneath her ear, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. She couldn't think straight, her mind fuzzy with desire. The only thing that existed at that moment was the feel of his body against hers, the taste of his skin, and the way his hands sent sparks of pleasure dancing over her skin.
He continued to explore her body, his hands drifting down her sides, his fingertips tracing the edge of her waistband. He dipped his head lower, his lips trailing along her collarbone, then down her chest, leaving a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses on her skin. She whimpered and shivered beneath his touch, her body becoming a raw nerve of sensation. Her hips rocked against his, seeking more contact, more friction. She felt like she was on fire, burning up from the inside out.
He could feel her body reacting to his every touch, the way her hips moved against his, the way her hands clutched at his hair, pulling him closer. He could hear the soft gasps and moans escaping her lips, the sound sending a flood of heat straight to his core.
He pulled away just long enough to look at her, his eyes dark and intense.
“God, I love it when you make those sounds,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. The desire in his gaze, the rough rasp of his voice, it was too much for her. She reached up and pulled him back down to her, her lips crashing against his in a fierce kiss.
Her body was overwhelmed by the intensity of her desire for him, the need for him almost unbearable. He met her kiss with urgency, his tongue delving into her mouth, claiming her completely. He pressed himself against her, his body fitting perfectly against hers.
He let his hands slide down to her thighs, lifting her so her legs wrapped around his waist, pinning her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him, her body flush against his. She could feel every muscle, every contour, every inch of him. She couldn't get enough, she wanted to be even closer.
She tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him tight against her, her tongue exploring his mouth with feverish desperation. He pressed himself harder against her, his body desperate to get even closer to hers. He let his hands slide up to her hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh.
He broke the kiss, his lips trailing down her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. He wanted to taste every inch of her, to mark her as his. She tilted her head back, exposing her neck to him, her body arching into his touch. A soft moan escaped her lips as he licked and sucked at her skin, his stubble sending sparks of pleasure dancing across her nerve endings. He found a particularly sensitive spot just below her ear, and he lingered there, his lips and tongue working her into a frenzy. He could feel her responding to his touch, her body trembling against his, moans and gasps escaping from her lips.
He nipped and sucked at her skin, leaving a trail of red marks down her neck and collarbone. She was completely undone, her mind consumed with nothing but him and the pleasure he was causing her. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her body writhing against his.
Each flick of his tongue and each press of his lips sent shockwaves of ecstasy through her body, stoking the fire that burned within her. He pulled back slightly, taking in the sight of her - flushed and breathless, completely at his mercy. He wanted to claim her completely, to make her his in every way possible.
He lowered her down just a little bit, his body still pressed close to hers, and he looked into her eyes, his gaze intense and hungry. She gazed up at him, her eyes dark and hooded with desire. Her hair was tousled, and her shirt wrinkled where his hands had been. She looked wrecked already and they'd barely even started.
She met his gaze, her own just as hungry and intense. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her, and nothing was going to stop them now.
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demonmarker · 7 months
Beautiful with you Ch.2
Driving to your destination, not much conversation occurred on the way apart from when you first started Regina’s jeep up and her music what it was playing the last time the car was driven which ironically was Cardi B’s WAP. You look over to Regina with a questioning raised eyebrow, “A little on the nose don’t you think?”
Regina just scoffed at you “Oh please Loser, you. Fucking. Wish.”
You didn’t take your eyes off the road as you retorted “Eh sometimes if I’m horny enough” you mentally slap yourself for letting that slip, the plan of going into this friendship and not coming off as a complete simp for the blond just got thrown out the window. Well done.
Regina folded her arms, turning to you with the smug smile you know well, “Oh really? I’m starting to see where that compliment of telling me I’m beautiful came from. Which I totally agree with.” Stopping at a red light gave you the opportunity to give her a look that read oh please, “Hang on, I’m not the simp here! You started talking to me first, you were the one who came on to me and you were the one who kissed me! Might I add I didn’t say you were beautiful, I said the girls at the Plastics table were beautiful. PLURAL!” you defended.
Glancing at the traffic light, making sure it was still red, Regina leaned over to your side of the vehicle getting close to your face “And you enjoyed every second of it didn’t you Baby?” swiping her tongue over your lips to prove her point, making the smallest whimper escape your throat. Caught in a haze of the taste from Regina’s tongue to the smell of her perfume you were only brought back to reality when you hear the car behind you blare their horn, speeding off you give a ‘my bad’ wave which made Regina let out an evil chuckle which made your cheeks go red.
“Do you do that to all your friends?” she let out a throaty laugh that ran straight down to your now wet centre.
“Only the cute ones.” All you could do was shake your head.
Arriving at your destination Regina’s eyes zeroed in on the brightly coloured sign outside the facility “A Daycare? Don’t tell me you’re into that adult baby shit cause I’m so not down for that,” you get out of the car and walk to her side, opening her door for her offering your hand to her.
She takes your hand as you chuckle “God no. I’m kinky but not that kinky! Jesus!” she goes to say something but you cut her off before she can get a word out “Just, follow me.” You get an agitated huff for a response “oh stop complaining,” leading the way into the daycare, hearing Regina’s heels clop behind you.
Dodging your way through the running, screaming children, you look back when you reach the door to the small building only to see Regina a far way behind clutching her bag to her chest as if the little kids were notorious for mugging people, moving and avoiding them like they were rats or some kind of vermin “God let this nightmare end!”
“Hurry it up slow poke!” you mainly just said it to annoy her and on top of all the kids it worked to your delight.
“Listen you! It’s not easy to dodge running germ carriers in heels!”
You smile down to her when she finally reaches you “You’re cute when you’re annoyed,” “You’re cute when you’re annoyed,” she mimicked “Shut up!” you couldn’t help but laugh as
you open the door for her, “It’s not funny!”
“Eh it kinda is babe!” the nickname that slipped out made you both blush. It wasn’t till the
familiar face of Mrs. Bailey approaching you could you think of anything else.
“Miss Y/LN, so good to see you as always. How are you?” You smile back at the kind hearted woman,
“Hi Mrs. Bailey, I’m not bad thanks, always busy as usual.” The Daycare worker nodded along then turned to Regina.
“Oh this is a new face, Hi, I’m Mrs. Bailey, one of the care workers here,” she offered her hand to the blond.
"Regina George,” shaking the woman’s hand politely “I’m a...” she looked to you not exactly knowing how to finish her sentence.
“Friend! She’s a friend” first bullet dodged you think to yourself. You clear your throat “How was she today” you switch subjects quickly.
Mrs. Bailey glances behind her and lowers her voice “Well for most of it she was good, playing with the kids as usual with Alexander always with her.” You nod along as she informs you “It wasn’t till after lunch when we got the kids to do an activity of card making for Mother’s day next week did her mood really drop.”
You lift your hand to your forehead as you realise your grave error, “Oh damn, I completely forgot! I’ve been so busy with school exams and work, it completely slipped my mind!” your riddled with guilt as the shorter brunette gives you a look of sympathy.
“No one could blame, you’ve both been through a lot, she’s not angry but she’s definitely sad, she went over to the silent reading area with Alexander and has just been lying against him since. I had a go at talking with her but she didn’t take to it, so I thought it best to give her the space she needed till you got here.”
You place a thankful hand on the side of her arm “Thank you for telling me. Can I see her?” Mrs. Bailey started leading the way “Of course”
Regina shifts her head up to you as you follow behind the brunette, “She really need a new
wardrobe!” she whispered to you,
“She’s just wearing jeans and a polo! It’s the uniform” you justify.
“Whatever it is it’s ugly,” Regina then looks you up and down “Actually you could probably
use a trip to the mall yourself.”
“Not all of us have rich parents to scab off Regina.” Just as she was about to retort you see
the familiar golden retriever laying down near some bean bags, head perking up and his tail starting to wag as he notices you, and the precious little brunette girl who you would gladly give your life for, cuddled up to him slowly patting his fur hiding her sad little face, not knowing of your presence you slowly walk up to her and crouch to her level, giving her pale pink dress a tug “Hey Princess,” your voice soft and warm.
The little girls head snaps up, turning to you “Sissy!” the little girl immediately wraps her little arms around your neck and you lift her up in your arms as you stand back to your full height, giving her kisses on the side of her head while slowly caressing her hair. “Mrs. Bailey told me you got a little sad after lunch today.” The little girl nodded and hugged your neck, “Aw Princess,” with her head laying on your shoulder she notices the new face standing beside you, her face lighting up.
“Sissy, it’s the Queen from your drawing!” pointing at Regina who held out her hands as if to say I didn’t do anything at first then placed them on her hips with a smug look.
“Well look who knows royalty when she sees it, little cutie.” The little brunette in your arms giggles, Regina getting a little closer to her and whispers “What’s your name Sweetheart?” being shy as she ever was though she just hid her little face into your shoulder but made sure she could still see Regina.
“This is Nina. My little sister.” You almost cried at how good Regina was with Nina, she was like a whole other person with her and it made your heart race.
“Nina. That’s such a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty girl.” Regina gently grabbed Nina’s little foot softly shaking it, “I’m Regina.”
Nina lifted her head up out of hiding and laid it on your shoulder looking still at the blond “Hi Wegina.” The moment Nina giggled made your questioning if it really was a good idea bringing Regina here to meet Nina was such a good idea disappear instantly. “Wegena?”
“Yes, Princess?”
“Why do wou wike bees so much?” your face drops, uh oh.
Regina waved her hand around Nina “Okay one I am obsessed with her” Nina giggled
happily which made you smile, “two, what was that about bees?” making sure she kept a smile on her face even in her confusion.
You couldn’t help but let out a little laugh “She’s asking why you like Bees so much, Queen BEE” you emphasised the last word hoping she’d catch on, no way were you going to explain to a four year old that Queen B meant Queen Bitch.
“Oh, um, you know what? Every bee hive has a Queen Bee and she gets to boss all the others bees around.” Regina lied but in a way she really wasn’t.
Little Nina’s jaw dropped in amazement “Even the boy bees?” she asks softly in her little voice that you adore.
Regina nodded. “Especially the boy bees” Nina squealed with delight at that decibel that made your ears ring making you scrunch your face up.
A loud bark voiced from Alexander grabbed your attention “Oh right, sorry bud. Regina this is Alexander.” The dog looked at her panting, Regina’s face fell to one of disgust “Um. Hello. Alexander.” She gave a little wave not wanting to get close.
You roll your eyes “Please don’t tell me you have a fear of dogs” Regina held up a hold on finger,
“No, no it’s any animal that carries god know what kind of germs on them and it’s not a fear it’s health self-awareness thank you very much.
You bop Nina gently soothing her... and yourself as you roll your eyes for the hundredth time that day, “argh okay, Alexander. Shake.” The Golden Retriever hearing your command held out his large paw for Regina to shake.
Regina crumbled like you knew she would, you could read her just as much as she could read you.
“Aww” Regina bent down to shake the dogs paw, letting him sniff her but not expecting the long lick he gave her cheek, “Oh ew, ew, ew!” and that was the end of that.
Nina cackled as Regina raced through her purse for antiseptic wipes, “So gross!” she complains wiping her cheek vigorously. Both you and Nina were laughing at the blond soon enough.
“Alexander is Nina’s emotional support animal.” Regina looked at the dog and pointed at him as she put two and two together “Oh!” drawing out the word “That makes sense.”
Nina couldn’t stop laughing “He’s my best friend” she announced proudly.”
Outside the daycare Nina held both your and Regina’s hand as you all walked to her car, “Okay so two options.” You announce “First, you join us for dinner in which case, can Alexander sit in your car with us? Or option two is we split ways here and Nina and I get an Uber home.” You wondered if inviting her for dinner was pushing things too far for your first day, but you couldn’t help but hope she says that she would, you’d understand if she didn’t of course but you couldn’t deny you’d be disappointed.
Regina put on an exaggerated thinking face obviously for Nina as the little girl looked up at her with big eyes, “What does Nina want me to do?” the question caught you off guard, Regina was amazing with Nina and you couldn’t deny that it was making you fall harder for her.
Nina didn’t even need to think about it “Come over! Come over!” bouncing on the spot excitedly.
Regina bent down and picked Nina up, “The Princess has spoken. I’ll just get the jeep detailed so it’s not a problem for Alexander to come in the car.” She says to you. You just looked at Regina with adoration. She put Nina down and started to walk to her car.
“Stop looking at me like that Dork” you grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks, her head whips to look at you, and before you over think it you kiss her on the cheek.
“Thank you Regina” her face went bright red and she just cleared her throat and continued on her way to her jeep.
This Regina George you’d happily let into your life.
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gatitties · 2 years
Hanging out
─ Tenjiku x fem!reader
─ Summary: you have the courage to ask the guys who tried to recruit you to hang out
─ Warnings: swearing, mention of ways to die, kisaki
Part one / Part three / Part four
no because I'm thinking of making a miniseries for these bois because I'm an idiot for them 😭 I think I did it a bit long, sorry-
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"Come on honey! It's the first time in a long time that you've been out with friends, or talked to someone, or seemed to have friends, or-
"Mom, you don't need to degrade me anymore, I know I don't have friends."
"But not anymore! That's why you have to go out with them, you can't spend your life locked in your room."
"What are we betting? If it's the family heritage then…" a bump grew on your head from the blow your mother gave you "Okay, okay, I guess I can try to get out of the house."
"That's it! Get out there and shine love, you deserve everything good in the world."
"Even the family herit-?"
You didn't even finish when you already had another bump on top of the previous one, deciding to leave the subject you said goodbye to your mother, well, she had to go with a friend, meanwhile you finished doing some pending things that you had to finish by tomorrow. When you finished, you threw yourself on your bed, flipping through the social networks a bit, doubting whether to contact the boys, after all, you only met them once in person, the rest was all conversations in the group that Izana put you in, although you had a lot of fun with them there, it's not the same to talk on a screen than face to face.
After several minutes you decided to take a brave step, seeing that some of them were even talking on the group chat.
Tenjiku will rule the world
[Matchstick] So i grabbed the bat and left him bleeding in the alley
[Izana] deserved more punishment tbh
[Izana] we can't go easy on traitors
[Sanzu] next time leave it to me
[Sanzu] i won't let them recognize the corpse
[You] is that a new flirting method?
[You] i don't think it's very effective
[Izana] aye
[Izana] glad to see you're on
[Shion] not me
[Kaku] stfu
[Rat] protective boyfriend material huh?
[Kaku] stfu too Rat
[You] yeah leave my baby alone
[Rat] whatever [Rat] can you at least change my name?
[You] nah, i like Rat more than rindou, it suits you better
[Rat2] can you change mine?
[Rat2] i'm supposed to be the oldest
[Rat2] he would have to have the 2 not me
[Mochi] picky boy
[You] okay
You have changed the nickname of Rat2 to Rannabelle
[Rannabelle] …
[Matchstick] pfft-
[Kisaki] i keep asking why you decided to include her in the group
[Kisaki] the rumors were false after all
[Izana] do you have something against the opinion of your superior?
[Matchstick] bro she's funny
[Kisaki] ...
[You] anyway
[You] who tf are you?
[Shion] oh right, they didn't meet in person
[Kisaki] i wouldn't like it either tbh
[Sanzu] speak for you
[You] i already like you Sanzu [You] you're already among the 'handsomes'
[Shion] not that shit again- [Shion] you didn't even see him
[You] i don't need
[Koko] you're just jealous cause you're not in the handsome group [Shion] i'm not jealous [Koko] sure [You] anyway i have something to ask [Matchstick]shoot
[Rat] you want a date with me? aww, of course! [You] yikes [You] i think i prefer a date with a homeless man who can time travel than you
[Kaku] i'm really concerned about your mental health right now [Izana] she's just in her haunting nature [Rannabelle] bet she likes me more than you rin [You] i like hanma better ngl
[Matchstick] bwahahah~ i'm the favourite ♡  [You] no, you're not ♡ 
[Matchstick] </3
[Izana] so... what do u want to ask?
[You] oh right
[You] i was just wondering if you guys had some free time to hang out?
[Izana] sure ;)
[Kaku] i'm in
[Matchstick] of course i have to get to be the favorite~
You didn't pay attention to the other messages, the truth is that Izana and Kakucho were enough for you, you weren't going to belittle Hanma either, he was trying anyway. You just texted a couple more to meet up at a certain place, quickly got ready in the most comfortable clothes you could find, plugged your headphones into your phone to have a walk to the location.
Normally you were like a damn rock when it came to expressing your feelings or opening up to people, you didn't like to socialize much but it wasn't a pain either (depending on the person), the fact that you didn't like to talk or express yourself a lot didn't mean you were one of those people who get nervous when they have to order pizza by phone, call a waiter or order a drink at any bar. But today you had that little nervous feeling, as if these guys were going to judge you and decide if you were worthy or not, even though it was clear that they already liked you a little for the simple fact of adding you to their group chat.
You were pessimistic so you kept those feelings throughout the journey, however, swallow them because as soon as you saw the boys just forgot them, there were three people you didn't know, the rest were Izana, Kakucho, Hanma and the Haitani brothers. You assumed that neither Koko, nor Shion, nor Mochi were there because they had to do something important or simply didn't want to see you.
"Hey honey, here!"
Hanma waved his hand as his eyes met yours, drawing your attention to come closer once and for all, you murmured a greeting to everyone, looking at the three new faces.
"So you don't intend to introduce me to your friends? Oh wait, I want to guess, can I?"
"Go ahead, please give us one of your amazing comparisons."
Rindou said, completely amused, even though you also messed with him, your comparison ability can always make fun of others, it's not like you make distinctions, no one was going to escape your critical eye.
"Mmmh… I don't know why I have the feeling that the one who seems bacterophobic is Sanzu" you pointed to the long-haired boy who had a mask covering half of his face "he seems to have pretty features, and Sanzu is in that side without hesitation."
"Madarame must be tossing and turning in his bed when he heard you, you've got it right."
Sanzu offered you his hand in greeting, noticing how his eyes narrowed a little, he had a cheeky smile that no one could see. The next one you looked at was Mucho, he seemed almost as stoic as you, another rock on the team huh? You also guessed that it was him, then you exchanged glances with the boy with glasses who seemed to be here by force, there was no one else left so he could only be…
"Are you Kisaki? Man, aren't you cute? Are you the baby of the group or something?"
Everyone tried to hold back their laughter when you approached him to ruffle his hair in an affectionate way, more like to annoy him a bit, poor boy, you were taller than him so your action and comment only irritated him more than he already was, he moved away your hands from his head, clicking his tongue.
"Maybe you're taller, but I'm sure I surpass you in age and intelligence."
The others looked at the interaction, you had that dark look that managed to scare away so many fucking thugs, it looked like you wanted to hit him right there, but they didn't expect you to laugh like Izana the time he met you.
"Oh please, don't be silly, I'm older than you, in fact, I think I'm older than all of you."
"You're kidding, aren't you? Most of us here are of legal age and you are still studying."
Izana questioned looking at you, you scratched the back of your neck sighing, you weren't very proud to admit it, but it's not like it was a big deal either.
"Well, I'm nineteen, I repeated a couple of courses…"
"You what!?"
The Haitani brothers were the ones who were most shocked by the new information about you, you just downplayed it, the last thing you wanted right now is to be treated differently because of your age, even if it's only a year older than some, these guys can be very offended at not being the oldest.
Kakucho finished off the general daze, talking about doing something and not just standing there like idiots, so you guys moved around just taking a walk while talking about random nonsense, it went pretty well, at least the guys appreciated some 'healthy' time, since usually their free time was also related to causing chaos in other gangs.
The truth is that it was not as bad as you thought, they all seemed quite funny, Izana and Kakucho managed to drag you into every interesting thing they saw, more like the leader of Tenjiku, Kaku thanked you because he could see his friend behaving like if he were a kid again (although he did threaten the others if they made fun of Iza for being a bit softer).
Hanma and the Haitani brothers tried to irritate or flirt you, you just looked at them with a blank face, completely ignoring them when they brought up the whole 'love' and 'relationships' thing, when they weren't bothering you they were quite nice, but that meant that now you were messing with them, that was your mechanics.
Surprisingly, after a while you and Kisaki 'clicked' simply because Hanma was bothering you both, you looked at each other silently as if you could communicate with your eyes, ignoring the poor boy as you started small talk out of the first thing that came to your mind, of course that didn't stop your little comments about him being smaller than you either.
Sanzu and Mucho stayed more on the sidelines, you didn't complain, they seemed more reserved than the others, or at least less expressive, you understood them perfectly because you were like that most of the time, it's just that these guys ─Izana more than anything─ made you take out to bring out your more sociable side a little more, it was different and nice.
But you knew well that hanging out with a gang would bring trouble, some punks recognized most of the group you were with, how could they not anyway? You were unintentionally involved in a small fight, but you weren't scared either when the fistfights between the teenagers started flying back and forth, you knew it was going to happen at some point so you just watched on the sidelines disinterestedly.
Ironically, Kisaki stayed by your side ─this guy doesn't know how to fight─ because the guys felt threatened by your dark gaze, honestly you were a little scared now, but only when one of the thugs came up to pick a fight with you, you saw yourself in the obligation to use your second wild card.
´"If you get one step closer, I promise that death will be the most beautiful thing you want to wish for, how do you want your body to be found? Ah, better if they don't find it, right?"
They immediately backed away, you're lucky most people find it hard to read your true expression because if they were like Kakucho the first time you met him they would have already beaten you up. But it didn't end there, there was another brave man who came up thinking that despite your threats you would be an easy target, which, well, you were.
Everyone seemed to see just as you were hit square on the cheek, your body seemed to fall in slow motion until you hit the ground, you closed your eyes letting a tired sigh slip past your lips, watching out of the corner of your eye as Kisaki did his best to defend himself against that same guy. You dedicated yourself to looking at the clouds in the sky without even getting up again, as if you were an opossum playing dead, hey, at least that way they wouldn't hit you again.
You only lay there for a long time, you even closed your eyes because you were starting to get bored, the boys only took a few more minutes, all their bodies surrounding you, guilt gnawed at some more than others ─Kakucho was very angry with himself─ but still it remained there.
"Do you think she's dead?"
"That's something very pessimistic, I haven't been able to go on a date with her yet."
Hanma and Ran murmured over the others who kept their questions as to whether you were okay inside, they didn't know if you were that weak or not, if you suffered from some disease or anything that could literally kill you, much to their relief you opened one of your eyes noticing how the sunlight darkened because their figures obscured it.
"It takes something more forceful than a punch to kill someone, unless the person is hit with a more forceful object or has already been seriously injured, statistically it is impossible for someone to die from a punch, well, unless it is a newborn baby."
"Oh never mind, she's perfectly fine."
Everyone sighed with relief, some being more audible than others, Kakucho helped you up, asking your forgiveness for not helping you before they hit you and they decided to go to a store to buy you a cold patch for the bruise that began to form on your cheek.
"Did you really just lie on the ground to wait?"
You hummed affirmatively at Mucho's question, who was waiting with you outside for the others to leave the store, you saw that he tried to hide his small laugh at your stupidity, if he had received that blow he would not have remained impassive, that person would definitely have to have a broken neck.
"We will accompany you home, come on."
"Huh? Izana, I appreciate it, but I'm not five years old."
"We're not taking no for an answer."
"Kakucho, not you too… I'm literally older than you."
“Well, look how we don't give a shit."
You looked at Rindou with a grimace for simply dismissing your words that you didn't need a squad to escort you home, but you couldn't do anything, even Kisaki accompanied you even though he said that he had business elsewhere.
These guys would cut their tongues out before admitting it out loud, but they took a liking to you in no time, and even though these idiots were a year younger than you (most of them) they would start behaving more carefully around you, they're not going to let today's incident happen again because they definitely wanted to spend more time with you.
"Gang members but you're being soft because someone hit a girl you only talk to from a group chat, that's cute."
You closed the door of your house in their faces after saying that, you laughed silently when you heard several shouts about how they weren't being soft and that they weren't cute for that, except for Hanma, he just smiled with his typical smile because you said he was cute, did that mean that he was advancing in his position to be your favorite?
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miaisocool · 11 months
Lonely star
Pairing: Rockstar!ellie x Reader
warnings: 2 year age gap reader is 19 ellie is 21 cursing, explicit language,Modern AU mentions of alcohol and cigarettes i guess? not much warnings yet :) not proof read btw! underage drinking
a note: i was brainstorming this while playing guitar.. please like and reblog anything is highly appreciated i will give you a big fat smooch ;)
summary: Ellie williams was a rockstar sensation, she was on her rise to fame when she was finally doing a North America tour you immediately bought tickets for their tour....
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You and your friend kiara who you knew ever since you were a freshman in highschool were standing outside the venue, eagerly awaiting the moment the doors would open so you could see Ellie Williams perform live. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, as the two of you had been dreaming about this day for what felt like forever.
You and kiara would ramble on about how much you guys enjoyed ellies music and the way her band performed on those live concerts on youtube kiara was your best friend ever since you bumped into her in your freshman year of highschool she was the first to see tears run from your eyes, the first person to ever see tears run from your dirt colored eyes as you went through your first break up with your first ever girlfriend you were so used to dating guys all through out middle school and high school until you started to figure out your sexuality and turned out to only feel sexually and romantically attracted to girls you didn't really enjoy having a label for your attraction as you felt it was useless but you decided it was easier if you do kiara was the first to ever know about it too that night in her dorm when you ran crying into her arms shaking with fear in your veins and muttering the words "i dont know" over and over as you cried.
She knew you well enough to know when something was deeply wrong, even more so on that night. She tried to comfort you, asking about what was wrong, but you were too distraught to even speak your tears that flowed to your cheeks ruining your mascara, staining her white shirt that she had usually wore as pajamas was leaving her to just hold you as you cried quietly.
She had never seen you so upset and vulnerable, and it made her concerned for you and your wellbeing but she knew it was better to wait and then talk. The first to see that vulnerable side of you, the first person you would come to whenever something went wrong and it truly showed how deeply your connection strengthened over the years you were now a 19 year old sophomore in college that had been with kiara every step of the way, kiara was your platonic soulmate and that's why you chose her to attend this concert with you, you were both in awe of how talented ellie was as you guys did research on her as if she was a lab rat, watching her rise to fame you guys bonded over the aura that the band gave as they would usually perform covers of songs or either perform songs they wrote themselves.
In the weeks leading up to the concert, you and Kiara couldn't stop talking about Ellie Williams it was like that everyday for a few months ever since you bought the tickets. You both knew every song on every album and even had nicknames for all the band members.
You spent countless hours listening to her music and learning about her history, from her early days in a small band to her debut as a solo artist. You couldn't wait to see her live, to experience her music in person, to feel the energy of the crowd as you sang along. You eyed out the line from what seemed like people ranging from high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band.
You and kiara you felt the breeze of the california air the people chattering and muttering in excited tones made your impatience die down for a bit as you swung your arms in boredom its only been 2 hours ever since you arrived in line kiara told you not to come so early but you wanted the closest view of ellie possible you didn't know the reasoning but you knew the closer the view the better but kiara mocked you for this as she said you just wanted to see ellie up close and personal although it was a half truth you didn't only admire the lead singer/guitarist for her looks you admired her for her creativity voice and the way her mind ranged so far when writing songs or performing its almost as if you were having parasocial relationship thoughts about her but you knew that wasn't it.
You just deeply admired ellie because you looked up to her she was doing all the things you've ever wanted to as a adult. mostly ranging from what looked like high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band shaking in anticipation as your body sent adrenaline running through your veins and you weren't even in the venue yet.
You felt your heart almost beating out of your chest as you catched your breath to talk to kiara you checked ellies instagram story over and over for any updates that would give you a clue on when the venue would finally open or when the performance would start but it was nothing she hadn't posted anything which you were so you finally untangle that knot in your throat to speak to kiara.
"why the fuck did we get here so early?" you mumbled under your breath to kiara
"we wouldn't be here so early if we went to that diner around the corner before getting here" kiara muttered leaning back against you as she looked off into the distance watching the line not move at all and people wait in anticipation
"it would be way better if we went to a diner or a bar after" you muttered a small groan leaving your lips as you grazed your fingers against your shirt tracing circles over your stomach
"cmonnn.. you're just hangry! plus you wanna see ellie real bad dont you?" kiara said playfully while laughing at your impatience
"shut up.." you deeply exhale as the tension that was once in your face goes away
At long last the doors swung open your heart beat sped up as you heard the sound of the doors slamming against the concrete wall of the venue echoing throughout the stage and outside of the venue, the excited murmurings, whispers, and exclamations rising to the noise level of a storm.
You felt like you were in the eye of the storm, or the wave in the ocean as everyone surged forth in a single mass. As your pace increased, trying to make it to the front of the line, you were met with a few more aggressive nudges and shoves than you expected. Your grip on Kiara's hand tightened, as if instinctually drawing comfort from her presence.
You moved forward through the chaos of the crowd, as you and kiara were both eager to enter the venue to see the legendary infamous Ellie williams but also tired of trying to push forward. You nearly lost your balance more than once in the chaos as you almost slipped running through the crowd, but eventually your feet found a solid stance and your eyes found the entrance of the venue as you finally take a break from all the chaos happening not too long ago you see the concrete floor and hard surface of the wall.
Many people making their way through calmly as security warned them not to run, the use of the spotlights for the concert beaming over their heads pointing out how dilated their pupils were from the rush of adrenaline as you and kiara made way you saw the front railing come into the sight of your eyes as your heart thumped with excitement knowing you finally had a chance to see Ellie Williams the rockstar you dreamt of seeing for months all the delusions of seeing her had finally became true.
The stage was bathed in a dim warm red light complimenting the bands red themed equipment from the red keyboard, drums, bass guitar and the other guitar that was still on a stand which you assumed had to be ellies. A hush fell over the crowd. The bassist, drummer, and keyboardist had completed their setup and were now ready to begin.
The spotlight focused on the stage, highlighting each of the band members in the dim light bringing out all their features the drummer adjusting his ear piece as he waited for ellie the rest of the band checked their instruments, tweaked some buttons, plugged in cables, and tested each microphone to make sure everything was working correctly.
In turn as they nodded to each other and prepared themselves. Slowly the chatter grew still the red lights still dimming around the venue around the crowd and each member of the band except ellie.
Each person in the room waiting with bated breath tension slowly making the walls close in as everyone waited for ellie. You looked at kiara with a confused look as if she knew when the show would start, you almost strain your neck trying to see the stage better and see any clue or signal of ellie as you were only there for her well so was everybody she was the heart throb of the band.
 People began to talk to the people they came with at the concert as if it was the only sense of entertainment, exchanging glances, asking if the show would be starting soon.
Some people sighed in disappointment and began to move away from the stage, their patience running out. Some members of the crowd grumbled to their friends, voicing their displeasure at the delay. The anticipation and the excitement were quickly fading now, with a more negative mood settling in.
The drummer started hitting his closed hi hat in sixteenth notes then the crowd started to erupt in excitement and push against each other to start a mosh pit the bass guitar starts to ring with a what you assumed to be a rock pedal muffling through the speakers amp.
Finally ellie ran to the front of the stage she stood at the edge of the stage, the light shining down on her, and wrapped her guitar strap around her. she takes a moment to bask in the aura of the crowd and her lips curve into a smile with a powerful strum of the guitar, she launched into a song, the sound ringing through the air, people cheering the sounds of the people roaring off of the walls of the venue, the red lights flashing as each instrument starts to sync up
"… The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time"
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The last two songs
As the adrenaline that was coursing through out your veins dies down the songs that were playing not too long ago, you finally come to your senses, the venue buzzing with energy the excited chattering and cheering filling the hollow noise noticing the lights from the stage cast a soft glow over the venue fog slowly fading into the air through out the venue that was medium sized at least enough to hold five hundred people, illuminating the faces of the audience, speakers slowly making a faint signal noise as the band stops playing with their instruments The faint scent of sweat, mingling with the warm bodies of the crowd. The energy in the room was palpable, as fans of Ellie Williams cheered and screamed at the sight of her on stage. The hum of the amps and the sound of the bass guitar echoed through the speakers, permeating everything. As ellie began to talk again
"This is our last song of the night..."
she muttered breathlessly as she adjusted the guitar strap around her shoulder fitting it to
"i just wanted to thank everyone for coming and buying tickets or taking the time to listen to our music." She speaks into the mic as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead with a towel before throwing it into the crowd, and the audience erupted into a mosh-pit as they pushed and lunged at each other trying to grab the towel. The sweaty fabric fluttered down as fans jumped up and down, pushing and shoving each other in a bid to grab the towel.
One tall guy in the crowd managed to grab the towel, raising it in the air before spinning around with a victory scream, his hands waving the towel above his head like a trophy as he shoved people to avoid them to get the towel as ellie sees this her concerned look turns into her lips curving into a smile and then chuckling into the microphone as the white spotlight hits her blurring everyone else in the band . She adjusted her grip on her guitar, holding it like an extension of her own body, as she began to strum the chords that would support her powerful voice.
"When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock"
The chord of the guitar complimented her vocals in the perfect harmony as you watched in awe and jealousy of how talented she was her live vocals lifted you up as if it felt like you were floating which put you in a trance forgetting the crowd of people that surrounded you transporting you to a world of ellies talent and beauty as you take in all of her features you were so mesmerized by her dirt colored hair, eyes greener than the grass in los angeles, slightly upturned nose and her hair sticking to her forehead as she was a bit sweaty from the jumping and adrenaline filled night you were in awe.
"When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked"
With each note she sang, you could feel her passion and emotion pour out of her as her feedback from her microphone bounced off of the walls of the venue the crowd jumped with ecstasy and yelled cheering her on every chord she strummed or every time she would play a guitar solo which whenever she did it sounded like the guitar was crying showing truly how talented she was you felt her vocals powerfully blast to your ears almost as if you were right there in her shoes, experiencing the same emotions.
Her eyes were bright and sparkling as the spotlight complimented her dilated pupils, her smile full of joy as she sang within the instruments notes as she strummed the chords. Her voice echoed through the stadium, filling the air with a sense of longing and hope, as if she was talking directly to you. It was an unforgettable moment, you and kiara couldn't believe but tonight your eyes were only focused on ellie no one else just her.
After the concert, you and your friend Kiara make your way out of the venue your hair was messy from the jumping and mosh pitting as you still had a high from the adrenaline rush from ellie's performance. You can hear the buzz of energy and excitement from the venue as people made their way to the exit As you and kiara make your way down the street walking to god knows where you take in kiaras features noticing her hair is a mess, her dress sleeve sliding down to the point where you can see her bare shoulder and the faded mascara on her face.
Despite her fucked up appearance, she looks absolutely radiant as always. You can't help but let out a small chuckle under your breath as you see how emotional she is over the experience. "You're a mess," you say, grinning.
kiara breathlessly takes a breath, looking up at you with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know.." she says, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "But it was so worth it seeing ellie and just hearing her live is like a dream come true." she says as you guys walk down the street
You nod in agreement brushing your messy curly hair out the way fixing your half messed up dress sleeves a bit rearranging yourself, still processing the experience yourself. "I know, right?" you say. "I can't believe how talented she is. And her live vocals… they just.. i don't know she just serenades me.."
"Not gonna lie i kind of saw her peeping you"
"please don't feed into my delusions especially not now.."
kiara nudges you as you both walked down the street the street lights beaming onto you both casting a glow that complimented the aura you and kiara held whenever you both were together
You and your friend kiara who you knew ever since you were a freshman in highschool were standing outside the venue, eagerly awaiting the moment the doors would open so you could see Ellie Williams perform live. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, as the two of you had been dreaming about this day for what felt like forever.
You and kiara would ramble on about how much you guys enjoyed ellies music and the way her band performed on those live concerts on youtube kiara was your best friend ever since you bumped into her in your freshman year of highschool she was the first to see tears run from your eyes, the first person to ever see tears run from your dirt colored eyes as you went through your first break up with your first ever girlfriend you were so used to dating guys all through out middle school and high school until you started to figure out your sexuality and turned out to only feel sexually and romantically attracted to girls you didn't really enjoy having a label for your attraction as you felt it was useless but you decided it was easier if you do kiara was the first to ever know about it too that night in her dorm when you ran crying into her arms shaking with fear in your veins and muttering the words "i dont know" over and over as you cried.
She knew you well enough to know when something was deeply wrong, even more so on that night. She tried to comfort you, asking about what was wrong, but you were too distraught to even speak your tears that flowed to your cheeks ruining your mascara staining her white shirt that she had usually wore as pajamas was leaving her to just hold you as you cried quietly.
She had never seen you so upset and vulnerable, and it made her concerned for you and your wellbeing but she knew it was better to wait and then talk. The first to see that vulnerable side of you, the first person you would come to whenever something went wrong and it truly showed how deeply your connection strengthened over the years you were now a 19 year old sophomore in college that had been with kiara every step of the way kiara was your platonic soulmate and thats why you chose her to attend this concert with you, you were both in awe of how talented ellie was as you guys did research on her as if she was a lab rat, watching her rise to fame you guys bonded over the aura that the band gave as they would usually perform covers of songs or either perform songs they wrote themselves.
In the weeks leading up to the concert, you and Kiara couldn't stop talking about Ellie Williams it was like that everyday for a few months ever since you bought the tickets. You both knew every song on every album and even had nicknames for all the band members.
You spent countless hours listening to her music and learning about her history, from her early days in a small band to her debut as a solo artist. You couldn't wait to see her live, to experience her music in person, to feel the energy of the crowd as you sang along. You eyed out the line from what seemed like people ranging from high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band.
You and kiara you felt the breeze of the california air the people chattering and muttering in excited tones made your impatience die down for a bit as you swung your arms in boredom its only been 2 hours ever since you arrived in line kiara told you not to come so early but you wanted the closest view of ellie possible you didn't know the reasoning but you knew the closer the view the better but kiara mocked you for this as she said you just wanted to see ellie up close and personal although it was a half truth you didn't only admire the lead singer/guitarist for her looks you admired her for her creativity voice and the way her mind ranged so far when writing songs or performing its almost as if you were having parasocial relationship thoughts about her but you knew that wasn't it.
You just deeply admired ellie because you looked up to her she was doing all the things you've ever wanted to as a adult. mostly ranging from what looked like high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band shaking in anticipation as your body sent adrenaline running through your veins and you weren't even in the venue yet.
You felt your heart almost beating out of your chest as you catched your breath to talk to kiara you checked ellies instagram story over and over for any updates that would give you a clue on when the venue would finally open or when the performance would start but it was nothing she hadn't posted anything which you were so you finally untangle that knot in your throat to speak to kiara.
"why the fuck did we get here so early?" you mumbled under your breath to kiara
"we wouldn't be here so early if we went to that diner around the corner before getting here" kiara muttered leaning back against you as she looked off into the distance watching the line not move at all and people wait in anticipation
"it would be way better if we went to a diner or a bar after" you muttered a small groan leaving your lips as you grazed your fingers against your shirt tracing circles over your stomach
"cmonnn.. you're just hangry! plus you wanna see ellie real bad dont you?" kiara said playfully while laughing at your impatience
"shut up.." you deeply exhale as the tension that was once in your face goes away
At long last the doors swung open your heart beat sped up as you heard the sound of the doors slamming against the concrete wall of the venue echoing throughout the stage and outside of the venue, the excited murmurings, whispers, and exclamations rising to the noise level of a storm.
You felt like you were in the eye of the storm, or the wave in the ocean as everyone surged forth in a single mass. As your pace increased, trying to make it to the front of the line, you were met with a few more aggressive nudges and shoves than you expected. Your grip on Kiara's hand tightened, as if instinctually drawing comfort from her presence.
You moved forward through the chaos of the crowd, as you and kiara were both eager to enter the venue to see the legendary infamous Ellie williams but also tired of trying to push forward. You nearly lost your balance more than once in the chaos as you almost slipped running through the crowd, but eventually your feet found a solid stance and your eyes found the entrance of the venue as you finally take a break from all the chaos happening not too long ago you see the concrete floor and hard surface of the wall.
Many people making their way through calmly as security warned them not to run, the use of the spotlights for the concert beaming over their heads pointing out how dilated their pupils were from the rush of adrenaline as you and kiara made way you saw the front railing come into the sight of your eyes as your heart thumped with excitement knowing you finally had a chance to see Ellie Williams the rockstar you dreamt of seeing for months all the delusions of seeing her had finally became true
The stage was bathed in a dim warm red light complimenting the bands red themed equipment from the red keyboard, drums, bass guitar and the other guitar that was still on a stand which you assumed had to be ellies. A hush fell over the crowd. The bassist, drummer, and keyboardist had completed their setup and were now ready to begin.
The spotlight focused on the stage, highlighting each of the band members in the dim light bringing out all their features the drummer adjusting his ear piece as he waited for ellie the rest of the band checked their instruments, tweaked some buttons, plugged in cables, and tested each microphone to make sure everything was working correctly.
In turn as they nodded to each other and prepared themselves. Slowly the chatter grew still the red lights still dimming around the venue around the crowd and each member of the band except ellie.
Each person in the room waiting with bated breath tension slowly making the walls close in as everyone waited for ellie. You looked at kiara with a confused look as if she knew when the show would start, you almost strain your neck trying to see the stage better and see any clue or signal of ellie as you were only there for her well so was everybody she was the heart throb of the band.
 People began to talk to the people they came with at the concert as if it was the only sense of entertainment, exchanging glances, asking if the show would be starting soon.
Some people sighed in disappointment and began to move away from the stage, their patience running out. Some members of the crowd grumbled to their friends, voicing their displeasure at the delay. The anticipation and the excitement were quickly fading now, with a more negative mood settling in.
The drummer started hitting his closed hi hat in sixteenth notes then the crowd started to erupt in excitement and push against each other to start a mosh pit the bass guitar starts to ring with a what you assumed to be a rock pedal muffling through the speakers amp.
Finally ellie ran to the front of the stage she stood at the edge of the stage, the light shining down on her, and wrapped her guitar strap around her. she takes a moment to bask in the aura of the crowd and her lips curve into a smile with a powerful strum of the guitar, she launched into a song, the sound ringing through the air, people cheering the sounds of the people roaring off of the walls of the venue, the red lights flashing as each instrument starts to sync up
"… The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time"
The last two songs
As the adrenaline that was coursing through out your veins dies down the songs that were playing not too long ago, you finally come to your senses, the venue buzzing with energy the excited chattering and cheering filling the hollow noise noticing the lights from the stage cast a soft glow over the venue fog slowly fading into the air through out the venue that was medium sized at least enough to hold five hundred people, illuminating the faces of the audience, speakers slowly making a faint signal noise as the band stops playing with their instruments The faint scent of sweat, mingling with the warm bodies of the crowd. The energy in the room was palpable, as fans of Ellie Williams cheered and screamed at the sight of her on stage. The hum of the amps and the sound of the bass guitar echoed through the speakers, permeating everything. As ellie began to talk again
"This is our last song of the night..."
she muttered breathlessly as she adjusted the guitar strap around her shoulder fitting it to her body
"i just wanted to thank everyone for coming and buying tickets or taking the time to listen to our music."
She speaks into the mic as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead with a towel before throwing it into the crowd, and the audience erupted into a moshpit as they pushed and lunged at each other trying to grab the towel. The sweaty fabric fluttered down as fans jumped up and down, pushing and shoving each other in a bid to grab the towel you couldn't help but feel in awe that you were in ellies presence as she looked more beautiful in real life than the music videos you watched.
One tall guy in the crowd managed to grab the towel, raising it in the air before spinning around with a victory scream, his hands waving the towel above his head like a trophy as he shoved people to avoid them to get the towel as ellie sees this. Her concerned look turns into her lips curving into a smile and then chuckling into the microphone as the white spotlight hits her blurring everyone else in the band . She adjusted her grip on her guitar, holding it like an extension of her own body, as she began to strum the chords that would support her powerful voice.
"When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock"
The chord of the guitar complimented her vocals in the perfect harmony as you watched in awe and jealousy of how talented she was her live vocals lifted you up as if it felt like you were floating which put you in a trance forgetting the crowd of people that surrounded you transporting you to a world of ellies talent and beauty as you take in all of her features you were so mesmerized by her dirt colored hair, eyes greener than the grass in los angeles, slightly upturned nose and her hair sticking to her forehead as she was a bit sweaty from the jumping and adrenaline filled night you were in awe.
"When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked"
With each note she sang, you could feel her passion and emotion pour out of her as her feedback from her microphone bounced off of the walls of the venue the crowd jumped with ecstasy and yelled cheering her on every chord she strummed or every time she would play a guitar solo which whenever she did it sounded like the guitar was crying showing truly how talented she was you felt her vocals powerfully blast to your ears almost as if you were right there in her shoes, experiencing the same emotions.
Her eyes were bright and sparkling as the spotlight complimented her dilated pupils, her smile full of joy as she sang within the instruments notes as she strummed the chords. Her voice echoed through the stadium, filling the air with a sense of longing and hope, as if she was talking directly to you.
It was an unforgettable moment, you and kiara couldn't believe but tonight your eyes were only focused on ellie no one else just her.
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After the concert, you and your friend Kiara make your way out of the venue your hair was messy from the jumping and mosh pitting as you still had a high from the adrenaline rush from ellie's performance. You can hear the buzz of energy and excitement from the venue as people made their way to the exit.
As you and kiara make your way down the street walking to god knows where you take in kiaras features noticing her hair is a mess, her dress sleeve sliding down to the point where you can see her bare shoulder and the faded mascara on her face.
Despite her fucked up appearance, she looks absolutely radiant as always. You can't help but let out a small chuckle under your breath as you see how emotional she is over the experience. "You're a mess," you say, grinning.
kiara breathlessly takes a breath, looking up at you with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know, right?" she says, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "But it was so worth it seeing ellie and just hearing her live is like a dream come true." she says as you guys walk down the sidewalk
You nod in agreement brushing your messy curly hair out the way fixing your half messed up dress sleeves a bit rearranging yourself, still processing the experience yourself. "I know, right?" you say. "I can't believe how talented she is. And her live vocals… they just.. i dont know she just serenades me.."
"Not gonna lie i kind of saw her peeping you"
"please dont feed into my delusions especially not now.."
kiara nudges you as you both walked down the street the street lights beaming onto you both casting a glow that complimented the aura you and kiara held whenever you guys were near each other the sounds of laughter and conversation echo in the air, as people rush by on their way to their next destination.
You can hear the hum of cars and the occasional honking as they navigate through the crowded streets, a few police cars blocking certain ways for god knows what, the sounds of shoes clacking against the pavement and people chattering about the experience of the ellie concert or just anything in general, the night air has a distinct smell that is both familiar and exhilarating.
The air is thick with the stench of gasoline and exhaust fumes from the cars, but that is covered by the smells of pizza and hot dogs emanating from the street food vendors that line the sidewalks, a faint odor of stale beer wafting in from nearby bars, a reminder of the fact that this is a city that never sleeps.
"So where do you wanna eat?" kiara looks around, taking in the lights and the sounds of the city the aroma of street vendor food through out the city
"To be honest i wanna drink" you say shrugging looking at all the food vendors with the neon lights including the prices above the food but none of them really catch your eye
"i don't blame you" kiaras eyes sparkle and she laughs at the thought of you being all burnt out from the concert "i know that there's a few bars around here" kiara says grabbing your hand and leading the way
As you and Kiara walk down the street, you both keep an eye out for any potential bars to grab a drink. You pass by a few crowded clubs, but the music seems too loud too many sweaty out of control drunk people and most of them stunk of cigarettes, most of the bars had the bouncers too intimidating to make a good hangout spot. You also notice a couple of cozy restaurants, but they seem more oriented towards couples on a date night rather than a couple of friends wanting to grab a beer or a shot and unwind.
Then, almost as if by fate, your eyes fall on a dimly lit lounge that seems to be begging you to go inside. The neon sign above the door flickers on and off, casting a soft glow on the sidewalk outside bouncing off of your dirt colored eyes almost somewhat ruining your strained vision.
The music drifting out of the lounge is barely audible, but it has a sensual, almost psychedelic quality that draws you in as you felt like the psychedelic vibe usually always drew you in ever since you were young the bar somewhat reeked of weed but in a good way maybe it was the only on the outside and not the inside.
"Well, this place looks interesting." Kiara says with her eyes widened in awe with a smile, peering through the thick glass door. You can't help but agree. It seems like the perfect place to go for a drink or two, away from the crowds and the noise of the city.
Kiara steps ahead of you, a slight grin on her face. She pauses for a moment before reaching out to hold the door open for you, gesturing for you to enter first.
"After you." she says with a slight chuckle. You enter the psychedelic bar the dimly lit lounge opening up before you, you cant help but feel overwhelmed by all the neon lights spread through out the bar. The interior of the bar was a stark contrast of the somewhat trashy street outside the soft but warm blue lighting casting a warm glow over the clean, polished glowy tables that had stickers on them from brands all over the world.
The neon signs also complimenting the warm dim light that had glowed as the neon signs were all over the lounge truly complimenting the feeling of psychedelics the bar was supposed to have the servers and waitresses helping around with the cooks as they scattered around throughout the lounge, The smell of the cocktails, beer, wine and hot food surrounding you as you took a step in you couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria as the lounge or bar brought you comfort and felt like you were right at home.The DJ over at the booth manned the mixing console, his fingers expertly spinning the records. The music was loud and clear in his headphones, the rhythm moving him to the beat. With one hand adjusting the volume, and the other spinning the records in perfect sync with the music, he bopped his head in time with the music.
As you scan the lounge spot your eyes settle upon a group of people gathered around the bar, laughing and talking loudly among themselves as if there was no one else in the bar you notice a few people giving them side glances due to their carelessness but they weren't paying attention to that it seemed like they were enjoying just being in the moment . In the midst of the chaos, a somewhat tall brunette haired woman stands out, her medium length hair flowing softly down her back as she inhales deeply from a lit cigarette then exhaling out as she sips from her beer bottle, her almond-shaped eyes glinting under the neon lights, her plump lips curve into a slight smile as she chats with friends reminiscing on how she recently had a performance of some sort..
"Holy fuck" kiaras eyes widened in shock as she starts grabbing your forearm and shaking it
"YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR HER AUTOGRAPH COME ON! or a selfie at least.." kiara protested as she recklessly grabbed both of your shoulders shaking them as she gawked into your eyes
"why can't you do it??" i mutter under my breath so ellie or her band members can't hear me as i lean away from kiaras touch
"dude i put you on to her so.." kiara rolled her eyes at you as she crossed her arms you knew she wasn't wrong you've only ever heard of ellies band because kiara sent you one of their music videos and you only fell in love with it because of the way ellie looked and sung the way she strum her guitar in the music videos you had watched you were in love with whatever sensation entered your body when you heard the bands music
As you approach ellie you couldn't help but fiddle with your fingers with nervousness as you walk towards the bar you felt your heart thumping in your chest, your breathing patterns becoming a bit uneven and the smell of ellies cigarettes weren't helping as you attempted to steady your breathing your mind ran with thoughts of what ifs?
what if she doesn't say yeah?
she's not obligated to.
what if she ignores me?
you weren't important to her.
what if...
You take a deep breath and approach the group at the bar. Ellie's bandmates are still laughing loudly with her as they drink beer a few empty bottles on the bar's counter as you inhale the smell of alcohol and cigarettes around them noticing how they were a bit intoxicated, but she seems to have noticed you she didn't seem as intoxicated as her bandmates she seemed pretty sober although she has had two beers which you noticed, of course you noticed. her green eyes sparkling as she gazes at you from across.
"Hey i saw your performance at that venue around the corner i just wanted to say you were really good." You finally feel a weight lifted off of your chest as you spoke to ellie, feeling more confident than you did when you were walking up to her.
Her green eyes gawked at you as her lips curved into a smile. "I appreciate that i mean.. we appreciate that thanks for coming i was pretty nervous before coming on stage" She returned a smile as she looked into your eyes almost feeling a bit of tension in the air but what kind of tension?
"You shouldn't feel nervous at all i mean you're the ellie williams ...lead singer of loathe.. you're truly amazing at what you do."
"That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" spoken ever so earnestly, as if she was hit by a sudden revelation and was taking what you said to mean much more than you thought it did.
The two of you lock eyes for a few moments, you getting lost in her vibrant green eyes and full plump lips as she takes another sip of her beer.
For a moment your senses of taste and smell immediately disappear and vanish into the cigarette smoke filled air, you feel like the two of you are trapped in your own little bubble, where nothing else exists but the two of you, the walls closing in, the tension of possibly a start of a new connection causing you to choke up feeling like you have barbed wires around your throat as you speak up. You felt ill at ease, looked away, and finally muttered the first thing that came to mind
"Nice?" You asked
"Yes, nice." she finally left her burnt out cigarette in the ashtray
"can you sign my dress?" You looked at her with eyes of awe as if you were a child begging for candy from a parent.
She pulls out a marker from the back pocket of her jeans and starts to gently write her signature on your soft, white clothed dress
As she finishes signing your dress, elie looks up at you with a smile on her face.
You notice the spark in her eyes and the warmth in her voice as she speaks.
"It's not often that someone takes the time to express their admiration, let alone ask for an autograph," she chuckles, holding your gaze for a brief moment before glancing down at the signature. "It's really nice to meet you, and I'm touched that my music has meant something to you that means a lot.." she smiles at you a bit as she mutters this for you only to hear
You smile back at her, feeling a shiver of excitement run down your spine. "of course listen, ellie. I've been a big fan of yours for a while now, and hearing your music live in concert was an incredible experience it brought me to emotions that i've never experienced before." you chuckle a bit
"i don't get that often. Well i always try to put my heart and soul into my performances, even if it's just for a few songs."
"your music is truly a comfort to me i really mean it..."
Ellie chuckles, a soft sound that tickles your ears. "I'm glad to hear that," she looks at her beer bottle but then glances back up at you "That's exactly what I want my music to be just a comfort spot.."
you nod in agreement as you sense a bit of a connection between yourself and ellie as you guys gaze into each others eyes
ellie's expression softens even further, and she reaches out to brush a stray curl behind her ear. "You're a good person, you know that?" she says, the kindness in her voice making your heart flutter. "Not many people take the time to look inward and reflect on their actions and thoughts, let alone strive to improve themselves. It's really admirable.. i feel like thats what truly attracts me to someone you know?"
You feel your face turning red as you smile softly back at her. "Thanks ellie" you cant help but smile at her kind words
There was the most silent silence you've ever encountered in your life as you looked at the empty beer bottles on the bar counter gazing at her green grass colored eyes a few times but then she clears her throat, breaking the spell, and looks away. "Anyway, it was great meeting you," she says, holding out her hand for you to shake. You take it and feel a thrill run through your body as your hands touch feeling a bit of ecstasy as your bodies made contact.
You couldn't help but let your mind wander off to what other feelings you would have when your bodies press against each other with the feeling of you being overstimulated. You hated yourself for having these thoughts come across your mind about a stranger
You start to scan the room for kiara and you finally notice her sitting in a corner of the lounge where it seemed comfortable enough to lay in as she was resting her head on the table she seemed half asleep but you knew she could handle herself as you start to walk away all of a sudden..
"Hey why don't you grab a few drinks with me?" She says with a bit of smirk growing as she looked at you, you noticed her taking in the sight of your flowy dress but you ignored the thought.
ellie's invitation takes you by surprise, but you quickly regain your composure as you nod in agreement. As you take a seat next to ellie you see ellie's confidence growing as she smiles and takes a few sips from her beer.
She orders a round of drinks for the two of you not asking what your choice of drink was but maybe it was because she wanted to treat you to something special?..
For a moment, the two of you sit in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. The music from the dj boorh still plays softly in the background, but it feels as though it's just the two of you there.
"So, tell me about yourself," Ellie says, breaking the silence as she leans in towards you. "What do you do when you're not rocking out to my music?" she chuckles with a slight grin
You take a sip of your drink before responding. "Well, I'm a student right now, studying finance. I've always been interested in just being a real estate agent. And when im not being a student i like to play the guitar or just draw my thoughts out"
Ellie smiles at your answer, clearly impressed. "Holy shit really?" she scoffs "i've always been jealous of people who study about businesses" she takes a sip out of her beer before clearing her throat "it's insane how much effort you can put into that.."
The two of you continue to talk and get to know each other, the night slowly fading away as the two of you lose track of time. For a moment, it feels as though the rest of the world has disappeared, and it's just the two of you in your own private bubble.
As the bar starts to close, you realize that it's time to head back to your friend. But before you go, Ellie grabs your hand and whispers something in your ear you couldn't make out what was said but you just obliged. A moment later, she leans in and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. you felt a sudden rush of ecstasy running through out you.
"thanks for the company" she says with a smile. "maybe we can talk again soon? she whispers into your ear as she slips a paper into your hand
"yeah sure.." you take the paper into your hands not inspecting it at all but just taking it and walking away
As you walk back to kiara you couldn't help but feel your cheeks blush and your face muscles tense up not knowing what the future would hold for you this was only the start of a new chapter..
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Preseason Edition: Trevor Zegras Edition: One
23-24 Season Masterlist
welcome back, besties<3 we’re back where it all began! i’d like to give my love to each and every one of you for loving this series so much and allowed me, and helped me, blossom it to what it is today. here’s to a wonderful season together🧡
OCTOBER 5, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 18,611 others
yourusername WELCOME BACK TO MY POST GAME PENALTY BOX SHOW: THE ENEMY OF SILENCE EDITION (who played 24:10 minutes of ice time, which is higher than every single coyote)
my beautiful boy played his first game of the preseason tonight, and the biggest secret of the century was quickly discovered by all of you— he *slightly* chipped his tooth. but it’s nothing compared to what happened to j*ck’s tooth, and MY man is still hot as hell and would be even if all of his teeth fell out (that was not invitation to do that. my love might actually disintegrate over that) (just kidding, z-baby) (probably)
my little quacks gave a valiant effort tonight against the coyotes, but alas, the brats were impolite and didn’t think to lose on my baby’s debut! but as we all know, i like to say that if you’re going to lose, at least give me some chaos. and my former panther gudas came through by giving me not one, but TWO fights! once a rat, always a rat!!
and stromer! my hero! he didn’t do anything but exist and i’ve missed him so much! i was a very happy girl seeing him again these last few days!! i love him!!
p.s. jamie baby signed today and he flew in just in time for the third period! (dw, he’s getting his post!) i’ve missed him tragically and i’m so happy he’s home <3
p.s.s. to my love, my heart, and my soul— you tried your best🧡 mwah! i love you, always!
p.s.s.s. BEFORE ANYONE ASKS— YES! z and i officially have a child! leo signed the contract today!
tagged trevorzegras
trevorzegras you’re so sweet to me🧡 i love you, forever
yourusername that’s my job!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i think i missed the sweet part
yourusername @/colecaufield i called stromer my hero! that was sweet
colecaufield @/yourusername i meant about z
trevorzegras @/colecaufield she called me many cute nicknames and i’m taking that as a win
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras enemy of silence was spot on
yourusername @_quinnhughes you can thank our commentators for that one!
lhughes_06 @/leocarlssoon welcome to the family! i’m your half brother
edwards.73 @/leocarlssoon me, too!
mackie.samo @/leocarlssoon me, too!
dylanduke25 @/leocarlssoon me, too!
colemcward @/leocarlssoon me, too!
leocarlssoon what a strangle little life mom lives
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon you have no idea
yourusername @/leocarlssoon they all have different fathers! except my baby boy dylan, he’s fatherless. there’s many fatherless sons, but dylan’s my favorite. the others just randomly started calling me mom
adamfantilli @/yourusername rude???
yourusername @/adamfantilli don’t act like that’s not true
leocarlssoon @/yourusername a break down is needed
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon i’ll explain everything later
user6 they gave z quinn level minutes damn
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i got a whole post bullying me and you got “he’s still hot” and used my name as a curse word
yourusername you’re my curse
jackhughes @/yourusername i’m your gift
yourusername @/jackhughes you’re definitely something
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i also got told she won’t love me anymore if i lose all my teeth
yourusername @/trevorzegras i said probably!
_quinnhughes only 24:10 minutes? i could do that in my sleep
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you trained your whole life for those minutes. you had to chase y/n at any given moment
jackhughes @/trevorzegras he is not the only one
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras i’ve carried her up hills just because she was being dramatic
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i’ve had to chase you down, too!
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes these sound like personal problems
yourusername @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes i love you boys soooooo much!
jackhughes @/yourusername you just called me your curse
yourusername @/jackhughes yeah, out of love
tterry19 stromer says he loves you, too
yourusername AHHHHH!!! you’re such a real one for showing him, dad!! i love you!!
tterry19 i love you, too!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras @/yourusername time to get shitfaced
yourusername DAMN RIGHT IT IS
trevorzegras it’s a national holiday! we’re both home!
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale you’re in charge
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes the couch is going in front of the door
_alexturcotte @/jamie.drysdale that hasn’t stopped her before
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i fear you
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale you’re welcome!
sorry it’s short!
276 notes · View notes
crisalidaseason · 4 months
sooo, is it too unusual to ask something w dark armin? like his SO got hurt and he is livid and gets revenge, also everyone is a bit scared of his behavior
i'm so starved for dark protective armin fics
Sorry it took me ages to answer this!!!! Also, Interesting ask...I think I have an idea. Hope you enjoy it!
CW and tags: Slight out of character Armin, protecive Armin, a bit dark Armin, gender neutral reader, "who did this to you" trope, blank period between S3 and S4, canonverse, relationship status not clear, mentions of blood, violence.
A little rat.
Something people often called Armin due to his tendencies of sneaking around, creepily watching and listening, acting below the radar. The blond boy was never one to enjoy theatrics, attention, thus the nickname made sense. Armin enjoyed it even, being discreet within his action, he benefited from it.
The bruise on your left cheek was impossible to conceal and you accepted the countless questions your friends would ask. You were building a lie while your steps guided you to the mess hall - despite your disinterest for dinner. As your fingers brushed on the tender skin, images of the other soldier's bloody nose and mouth were enough to satisfy yourself.
You could defend yourself. Armin knew that.
But as soon as his beautiful blue eyes landed on the dark blemish his gaze went from tired to unreadable. He did not say anything - unlike the others, who kept asking 'what happened' 'who did this!' - he remained silent during dinner. You told your lie - physical combat training - but Armin did not react nor did he say a word, only his hardened eyes occasionally looking at the bruise.
His knuckles were white while gripping his cutlery.
You knew he would ask as soon as nobody was on sight. His steps were silent, but you could feel him behind you. Cold fingers touched your elbow softly, guiding you to a quiet corridor, under a staircase.
Armin made it impossible to lie. There was something about his blue eyes, soft and yet handsome features, that made your stomach revolt with the mere thought of lying to him.
"It doesn't matter-"
"It does" his jaw became even more defined as it clenched.
The blue eyes were still hard to read, but there was a stormy sea in them. You knew this look - a mind working full speed on hypothesis.
"Who did this?" his voice was soft and calm, monotonous. A happy and excited Armin almost sang when he spoke.
"He is way worse, Armin" you tried "I gave him what he deserved-"
"I. Want. A. Name." the sea was simmering, the point of boiling coming soon.
You gave him the name. You told him everything. Because there was nothing you could ever hide from Armin.
"You're quiet" Mikasa spoke "you usually don't shut up when you're researching"
The brunette girl was sitting on the chair next to his - running away from her brother's apathetic behavior. Hange's office was usually free for Armin to use, for him to read and debate strategies with the current commander.
"There is nothing to speak about" he said.
He saw Mikasa's head tilt to the side, she knew him too much.
"You're angry" she concluded "Eren said something to you again?"
Armin sighed in frustration. Denying with a mere head movement.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?" she said.
He wouldn't. She would stop him and do it herself. He could not loose the opportunity.
You were just released from the meeting with your squad when a desperate Sasha collided with you in the middle of the hall.
"I'm sorry, so sorry!" she was frantic.
You were beyond confused.
"What happened?" you asked her.
"Armin was arrested!"
You felt your blood pool around your feet, leaving nothing but cold limbs. Barely able to ask her to elaborate.
"I heard Hange had to give him a corrective punishment for assaulting a cadet"
You wanted to feel surprised, but you couldn't. Armin was capable of horrible things if it meant keeping his loved ones safe. Violence was never his first choice, but it was there...always.
Armin was a patient man. If he could avoid acting on emotion, he would. Waiting for the anger to stop bubbling left him rational enough to plan carefully.
The cadet in question was an ex-MP. Typical.
Taller than Armin, stronger built. Forgetful face and name, just another soldier amongst hundreds that enlisted after Wall Maria's expedition.
Armin watched him for days, weeks. His routine, his tasks, when he was alone or surrounded. He observed, always keeping his anger at bay. A thursday afternoon, nearing the end of the fifth hour, was the perfect time frame for Armin to act.
Armin was proud of his rational thinking, but all good plans had a hint of recklessness.
"You have one minute to explain why you hurt them"
Alone in the stables, the cadet turned to see no other than the bearer of the Colossal titan.
"Who the fuck you're talking about?"
"Forty seconds" Armin replied, stance completely relaxed.
The cadet chuckled.
"come on" the soldier said "they can throw a punch, I respect that, but you? I-"
"I asked why and you are going to answer why. Thirty seconds"
The soldier - not knowing Armin at all - should have noticed the way his limbs contracted and his eyes focused into him.
"They hit me first" the cadet complained "I was just joking, said some shit and they didn't like it apparently"
"And what did you say?"
"Was it because of me?" he pleaded, hands afraid of touching the bruised skin "please, tell me"
"It's not worth repeating what he said"
"I want to know!"
There were tears trying to escape his eyes, his fingers trembling with anger.
"They don't do this to Mikasa or Eren, but I know they say things to you"
The colossal was in all shapes and forms a demon in his body. A demon he hated more than anything.
But there were undeniable benefits of hosting such demon.
A cracking sound of another bone breaking. The cadet fell on the gate of a horse stall, struggling to breathe.
"Tell me" Armin's voice was on the verge of breaking into screaming, but he knew better.
"Repeat to me exactly what you told them and I'll consider letting you walk out of here alive"
The soldier coughed and groaned, trying to get up. Armin was faster, stomping his foot on the man's chest, right below his rib-cage, where he knew it would render the cadet breathless.
"Come on, tell me" Armin warned again
Your voice trembled as you repeated the words to an anxious and angry Armin.
"He called you a rat and..."
"...and they were the scum" the cadet struggled to repeat.
"And what else?"
The man took too long to answer, Armin's patience running thin.
"That...I could" the man coughed blood "could not wait for you to die"
"And then I hit him" you concluded "I shouldn't, but I was so furious that I could not let him walk out intact"
Armin kicked the man one more time below the ribs, for sure breaking another floating one.
"Next time you have a problem with my existence, talk to me" Armin said quietly "You can call me names, even hit me, but if you ever do anything remotely threatening towards them again...I will kill you"
He left the man on the stables, walking steadily to Hange's office. Consequences must be paid.
Besides you, Mikasa was the only one not panicking. The two of you were not close - she was extremely reserved - but there was mutual respect. She was the only one who did not bombard you with questions, already aware of what could have happened.
"Is he in the dungeons?" you asked her.
Mikasa nodded. Hange's office was full of the veterans of the 104th squad, yet you felt alone in that moment. Armin was being punished and it was your fault.
"Nothing is going to happen" Hange said, entering the office "he is far too important for an actual imprisonment, but I had to keep appearances"
"Did he say something?" Jean inquired "we all know Armin's not a saint, but sudden violence is very uncommon for him"
The commander's eyes asked the same question as they landed on you. They were trying to understand. You and Armin interacted discreetly in public, like acquaintances. Hange was trying to understand why someone like you would trigger such a violent unusual behavior from Armin Arlert.
"I was hoping you could explain" They said to you "your captain told me you had corrective punishment from assaulting the same guy about two weeks ago"
The others were silent, looking at you. Waiting for an answer while trying to connect the dots. The only one who did not wonder was her. Mikasa knew of Armin's affection towards you, that it was beyond a building frienship or quick burning passion.
Armin heard you first. Steps descending the long stairs of the dungeons. As your familiar frame appeared, he stood up and leaned on the bars of the cell. You did not look him in the eyes, staring at a point in front of you.
You were angry. He had no regrets.
"Was it necessary?" you whispered.
"Yes" he replied without hesitation "would do it again"
You looked at his profile, an elegant man even behind bars. His white shirt was stained and tucked out of his pants, yet he left you breathless. You could defend yourself, but there was something warming about him going to extremes for you. It might have suprised the the others, but not you.
You would hurt and kill for him either.
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honeylations · 1 year
hii:) i don't know if it's too much to ask, but if it's posible can you make a f!reader x g!p chanelle smut?
i hope you have a good week:)) love your work!
Yes yes yes I can anon <3
Hope you have an amazing day!!
Prompt: You caught your boyfriend cheating on you, but Chanelle is there to make you forget about it ;)
Warnings/Notes: g!p Chanelle, cheating, swearing, rough sex, a little bit of voyeurism(?)
You never thought about spending your summer break at a college party but here you were downing your 4th cup of some alcoholic concoction that Yunah made. Whatever it was, it tasted amazing and gave you the buzz needed to survive the rest of this party hosted by Jiwoo.
Everything was going well until you saw some random chick on your boyfriend’s lap, her arms rubbing his shoulders while his hands were hugging her hips.
You stood there, waiting for him to remember that you were his girlfriend, that you came to this party with him, that he was in a happy relationship. But instead he initiated a rough sloppy make out session with the girl, holding each other close.
Throwing your cup away, you started making your way towards the two but a hand grabbed you before you could do so. “Y/n, stop”
It was Chanelle. Her hands moved to your waist while you hugged her close by the neck, letting your tears stain her shirt. “I can’t do this anymore, Chanz”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. That pig never deserved you, not one bit” She said in your ear before making you look at her. “He’s not worth your tears, okay?”
You sniffled and gave a short nod, the taller girl wiping away the leftover tears that stained your pretty face. “You’re so beautiful Y/n. I want you to know that”
It was probably the alcohol in your system talking but Chanelle looked really attractive right now in her simple shirt and baggy jeans. The party’s neon lights illuminated her charming visuals in the perfect way.
You massaged her nape before leaning up to give a soft kiss at the corner of her lips. “Make me forget about everything, Chanz” You whispered loud enough for her to hear.
“Y/n, you’re hurting…” Chanelle softly spoke although she did want you so bad.
She liked to believe it was love at first sight when Jiwoo introduced you to her at Moa’s birthday dinner. You and Chanelle talked a lot that night, even continuing to talk through socials which you two exchanged before heading home.
She felt her life fall apart when you introduced your boyfriend who shared the same class with you. Chanelle continued to like you even when she knew she couldn’t.
“I know, but i want to feel better. Wont you help me feel better, baby?” You questioned in a seductive tone, one hand moving down to run at Chanelle’s growing erection.
“I want to make you happy” She replied with a shakey breath.
“You will. I know you will. Let’s give that bitch a taste of his own medicine”
Chanelle gave in when you gave her crotch a good squeeze. “Anything you want, Princess”
It was embarrassing to know how easily wet you got from the nickname. Your boyfriend used it a lot on you but Chanelle’s just hit different in a much better way.
Chanelle quickly called two people over by the flick of her wrist. “Moa, Jiwoo, you see those two rats over there?”
The two looked at the direction and cringed.
“Ew at my party?!” Jiwoo gagged.
“Y/n, isn’t that your-“
“Ex boyfriend. He’s my ex boyfriend now” You quickly corrected.
“Don’t need to give any further instructions. We got this” Moa winked before walking off with Jiwoo.
“Come on, I’ve been waiting for too long now” You smiled at Chanelle while dragging her upstairs to the guest room.
You pushed her inside and locked the door, surprising her a little by your strength. “Sit on the bed for me” You ordered.
Chanelle wasn’t usually a submissive person but for you, she’d do anything you want. So like a good puppy, she sat on the edge, waiting for further instructions.
“Such a good girl” You rubbed her cheek. “Or do you prefer…good boy?” You tilted your head to the side, noticing how her breath hitched. “Oh? Seems like you liked good boy more”
“I-I don’t mind any name”
Sinking to your knees, you parted her legs and saw the large bulge. “Pants and boxers off, darling”
That was done within seconds and your eyes widened at her length. “God, you’re huge”
“T-Thank you” The half American stuttered, blush forming on her cheeks.
You sucked on the tip, already enjoying the taste of her precum. “Mmm, yummy” You chuckled and finally swallowed her entire size.
A hand immediately grabbed your hair, wanting to push you closer than you already were. “S-Shit!”
Chanelle took the opportunity to remove her shirt while watching you deep throat her pulsing cock. You pulled your mouth away to capture her lips in a hot kiss, one hand continuing to jerk her cock as the other pushed Chanelle on her back.
“My pussy is aching for you to be inside. Be a good boy and fuck me good”
Chanelle nodded and watched you strip out of your tight outfit, noticing you weren’t wearing a bra nor underwear to begin with. “So pretty”
You blushed at her words and gave her one more rewarding kiss before aligning the head of her cock to your soaked entrance.
The taller girl held your hips as you sat down, your cunt tightly hugging her thick cock. “F-Fuck. Only halfway and I feel so full”
Chanelle sat up to kiss your neck out of comfort and because she wanted to finally mark you. “Is it hurting you?”
“J-Just a little-Ah!” You squealed when the whole thing was inside. “Biggest I’ve ever had. So much better than that jerk”
The mention of your ex got Chanelle’s blood boiling. She only wanted you to think of her and only her. The sudden thought switched on her dominate side, grabbing at your ass harshly.
“He’s irrelevant now, Y/n. You’re mine, got that?” She growled with dark eyes. “Say it”
You whimpered and nodded. “Yes, baby I’m yours”
You let out a squeak when she moved you up and down on her dick. “Ah! I’m yours, Chanz! You own me, baby”
“Fuck how are you so tight? That dumbass didn’t give you a proper dick treatment did he?” She scoffed.
You looked directly into her eyes with your mouth open, too lost in the way she stretched your insides. Annoyed from the lack of response, Chanelle flipped you on your back, pushing herself in deeper.
“Come on, answer me. Was his dick not good enough to make you beg like the slut you are right now? Hm?” Chanelle taunted, dragging her cock out slowly and then thrusting in hard.
“N-No! His dick wasn’t good enough. I only like yours” You cried.
Chanelle sat up for a moment, letting you see her hot smile while she parted your legs wider. She bent down to place her arms on each side of your head, starting to move her hips faster.
Chanelle enjoyed the way your tits moved which each thrust, capturing one nipple in her mouth without a second thought. Your hand makes its way to her long hair and tugged lightly when she did an abrupt rough thrust.
“Mmm, my good girl” She moaned and kissed the centre of your chest and moving it up your neck to your lips.
You bit her lower lip and gave her your most innocent eyes. “Cum inside me, baby.” You showed her a little pout too. “Fill me up”
“Been wanting to so bad, Princess. Got me so fucking crazy” The taller panted in your ear, hooking her hands under your knees and pounded inside like a mad dog.
“O-Oh fuck yes! Just like that, Chanz! Don’t stop don’t stop~” You arched your back with a scream.
Chanelle groaned and added more hickies to her collection on your neck and on your tits. “Fuck…I’m getting close, baby. Is your naughty pussy ready for me?”
You nodded with a desperate look in your face. “Want it so bad”
“Y/n!!” A muscular voice roared from outside the locked door, trying to open it.
“Ignore him, please keep going” You begged Chanelle, holding her face in your hands to maintain her focus on you. “Please, baby”
Chanelle leaned in to shove her tongue in your mouth, moaning at the taste and warmth while the loud noises from the door continued.
“Fuck off will you?!” You heard Moa yell with a mix of Jiwoo’s voice.
“Y/n, we’re going home!!”
Chanelle kept her face close to yours. “Gonna fucking cum, scream my name baby. Let him know you’re mine now”
You hummed in response and felt yourself getting close to your own orgasm. “D-Don’t stop fucking me, baby”
“Fuck, my good good girl. So fucking good!”
Right on cue the door flew open with your ex boyfriend standing there. Moa and Jiwoo trying to grab at his arms but the three got shocked at the sight of you getting dicked down by the half American.
“Chanelle!! Oh fuck!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, pussy clenching tightly around the girl’s cock.
The taller bit down onto your neck and released a loud groan, pushing her loads of cum inside you. “Shit…Holy shit” She panted, thrusting lazily to chase her orgasm.
“Don’t act surprised. You fucking cheated on me. I’m Chanelle’s now” You weakly sat up with arms around the said girl’s neck, sending a bitchy smile at your ex boyfriend who could only stare in disbelief.
“Fucking slut!” He screamed before storming off without a final look.
Moa and Jiwoo covered their eyes.
“Um, congrats I guess but please clean up now” Moa chuckled awkwardly.
“Yeah and help me fix this door later” Jiwoo added, dragging Moa with her downstairs to give you and Chanelle privacy.
The half American pulled out and bit back a smile at the mess you both made.
Taking a few minutes to throw your clothes back on, Chanelle held your hand lovingly. “You know, I was being serious about the whole ‘being mine’ thing. I know you’re probably still bummed out by that piece of shit but I promise you I can treat you better. I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you again”
You cupped her face again. “I’m being serious too. I always feel safe with you”
“I don’t think it’s romantic for us to become official after fucking but if you let me take you out to a nice restaurant tomorrow night, I can make it extra special”
You smiled and pecked her lips. “Looking forward to it”
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
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Once again making family trees, partially inspired by this post here. I was just trying to throw in as many muppet names as possible really.
Grover wants them to side with the Greens so I gave him a Bracken wife bc they initially wanted to side with them. I also think the continued cousin on cousin slapfights are funny. Imagine being cousins to the Lord Paramount and they still choose to side with the Blackwoods.
Elmo gets a Piper wife because he resents his grandfather for living so long, knew he’d choose to back Aegon the moment the boy was born, so he married another Rhaenyra loyalist so the blacks would have support in the Riverlands.
Kermit marries Sabitha Frey’s daughter Elayna because he loves his Lads and Sabitha is a Lad. He has a son, Wembley, named after the Fraggle.
Oscar starts the Stormbreakers (that part is canon) and marries a rich noblewoman in Braavos. He has two children, Breha and Kylan, both named after Gelflings from Dark Crystal. Kylan, being a cadet branch born in Essos, married Vale heiress and uses his contacts from Essos to get them both FILTHY rich. Breha married a Reacher. Why? Because I wanted the girls to have Muppet names and I thought "Fossie" as a nickname for Fossoway (aka Fozzie Bear) worked AND I found another reacher house called Risley and I thought that worked for "Rizzo" (aka Rizzo the Rat).
Wembley marries a Dustin - the book mentions that both the Blackwoods and Tullys benefit from the Northerners who stay in the Riverlands so I figured part of that benefit is, ya know, brides! I chose Dustin since Roddy the Ruin was a Dustin and it feels likely he’d have several younger sons or grandsons that stayed for a time in the Riverlands. Wembley’s son is canon because we know there’s a Medgar Tully in The Hedge Knight who has a six year old son.
Medgar dies and leaves his eight year old son as Lord Tully. In canon, they describe the boy as being “surrounded by women” so I gave him a shitton of aunties (like Fossie and Rizzo). Oscar’s descendants through Breha come back to the Riverlands to influence their very little cousin, as do Wembley’s many daughters!
Zooey Shawney is a reference to Zoe from Sesame Street.
Pink Missy Crakehall or Melissa Crakehall was fascinated with her cousin’s stories of Tyroshi fashion and was known to dye her hair pink, hence the name. Yes this is a Miss Piggie Reference.
Janys Keath aka Janice from Doctor Teeth’s Electric Mayhem
Red Rose Smallwood is supposed to be both Red the Fraggle and Rosita from Sesame Street.
Large Marvin is also a Fraggle!!
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
The Volunteer: Part 2
The first day of volunteering at Hama's Haven went as well as could be expected. Zuko spent his four hour shift painting the stair wells of the building. There were only three floors, but they'd only painted about two and a half landings. The men that Zuko worked with were happy with the progress, though. They were friendly enough, despite his clear inexperience. They gave Zuko the nickname Splotch because of how messy his painting skills were.
"Good thing we have drop cloth down," said the man named Due. He gave Zuko a good natured slap on the back and offered him a can of beer.
"Um...no thanks," Zuko declined politely. "I'm underaged. And it's kind of the reason I'm here in the first place." Due and the other men laughed heartily at him, and Zuko was given another round of back slaps to seal their newfound camaraderie. They would finish the paint job, they told him, the following day. Then the next week, when he returned, they would take on the second set of stairs in the middle of the building.
"See ya, Splotch!" they called after Zuko as he went to go find Azula and the others.
It was a bit later than he realized. Without a doubt, Azula and her friends would be at the front desk or the car already, and furious with him for making them stay in that building. Zuko hurried down the stairs and through the hall towards the front desk. It was only his quick reflexes that kept him from crashing into Katara and her brother as he rounded the last corner.
"Sorry," Zuko mumbled.
"Hey! I know you," Sokka said. "You're that jerk from my physics class! The one who ruined spring break by reminding Mr. Piando that he didn't give the assignment. You volunteer here now?"
"He's with the group the judge sent over," Katara told her brother.
"What?" Sokka laughed. "Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes? What did you do to get sentenced to community service? Let me guess, public mopery? Brooding with intent to skulk? Did you scowl at the wrong cop?"
"They're in for arson," Katara supplied, eyeing Zuko with disapproval.
"That's none of your business," Zuko growled at her.
"Get out!" Sokka gaped at him. "Arson? Seriously?"
"You are literally the only one who doesn't know that." Katara rolled her eyes at her brother. Sokk, still unfazed, just shook his head and let out a low whistle.
"Dude...when you rebel, you go hard, huh?"
"It wasn't like that!" Zuko insisted. "Look, I've got to go." He took off down the hall towards the front desk.
"Alright," Sokka called after him. "But you stay out of trouble. No more arson around!" Zuko could hear him laughing at his own joke.
Idiot, Zuko thought rolling his eyes to himself. He stopped at the front desk to make sure Hakoda got his hours logged.
"You sister and friends are waiting for you outside," he told Zuko. There was a tightness in Hakoda's face that made it clear that it would be a good idea for them not to linger. Zuko thanked Hakoda quietly and hurried out.
As he anticipated, Azula was in an even fouler mood than she was when they got there. She was standing outside of the car with Mai and Ty Lee ranting about her day. Mai, who had been assigned to work with her also looked unhappy, but she at least seethed silently.
"I should sue this place!" Azula was saying as Zuko approached. "I'm covered in whatever was rotting in those bins. My shirt is ruined, and that useless, smug knuckle dragger just laughed at me! My dad with tear this place to the ground. When he is done, there won't be anyplace for the rats infesting this place to hide!" Zuko was taken aback by is sister's vitriol.
"Let's get home," Zuko said, glancing around the parking lot. Fortunately, no one was in the immediate area to hear his sister's tirade. She looked at him and scowled.
"What took you so long?" she demanded. "We've been waiting for you to leave this disgusting place for ages!"
"It's only been a few minutes, Azula," Ty Lee interjected timidly. Azula rounded on her with a sneer.
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind staying, would you?" Azula spat at her friend. "Made a lot of good friends in the kitchen? Why don't you ask if there's a spare room. I'm sure they'd be happy to let you stay." Ty Lee shrank back, biting her lips against the tears that were about to fall. Azula just rolled her eyes and huffed in disgust. She turned and got into the car, taking the front seat this time.
"Zuko's going to be cramped in the backseat," Mai said.
"He can deal with it for twenty minutes," Azula snapped. "Shut up and get us out of here." Zuko slid into the backseat without a word. Azula moved the seat up a few inches so that Zuko at least had room to get in, but that was it. Azula continued ranting the entire drive, coming up with some particularly creative and vicious names for Hakoda, the staff and the residents of Hama's Haven. Her brother and friends just let her go. Mai interjected occasionally with some snide remarks of her own, but she didn't have the energy for all out rage like her friend. Zuko did his best to tune them both out, and he politely ignored Ty Lee's subtly wiping away stray tears next to him. Not for the first time, Zuko wondered why the sensitive, bubbly girl was friends with Azula and Mai of all people, but he'd stopped searching for an answer to that years ago.
True to her word, Azula went into her father's home office and demanded that he get her out of her community service sentence. Zuko could hear her while he fixed himself a snack in the kitchen. Interestingly, he noted, she didn't mention a thing about getting him or her friends out of the mandated service. Not that it bothered Zuko. He'd already decided he didn't mind the work.
Ozai did end up calling the judge to demand that something be done for his daughter. Zuko heard it the next day. He'd forgotten to shut the door to his office completely, so Zuko was able to hear Ozai alternately threatening and cajoling Judge Jeong-Jeong to release Azula from her punishment. He offered bribes. He swore to get Jeong-Jeong removed from his bench and disbarred from practicing law anywhere. He offered to donate a ridiculous sum of money to the shelter, if Hakoda was removed from his position. Jeong-Jeong said little through the near hour-long call until the very end.
"Mr. Kaji," he began ponderously. "Firstly, I feel the need to remind you that bribing a judge is a federal offence, and this call is being recorded. Secondly, my ruling stands. It is only the generous intercession of your brother that kept your children and their friends from spending the next 8 to 13 months in a juvenile detention center. I feel I have been more than fair with my judgement, but if Azula would rather serve out her sentence in juvenile detention, I would be happy to arrange that."
Ozai swore and started to speak, but Jeong-Jeong cut him off.
"As for having Hakoda terminated," he continued. "He has been serving at that shelter since it opened, and he has never had a single complaint about how he runs it in all that time. I have no say in what happens there, but I sincerely doubt the board that oversees the operation of Hama's Haven would be willing to let him go on the say so of one disgruntled, mandated volunteer and her overly indulgent father. This is Azula's only option if she doesn't want to go to the juvenile detention center. If she refuses to honor her service hours, or if Hakoda dismisses her, that's exactly where she will end up. Am I clear, Mr. Kaji?"
"I'll find a way around this," Ozai promised.
"You are certainly welcome to try," Jeong-Jeong sounded amused. "I'm sure the additional scrutiny from the government won't affect you...much."
Ozai swore at the judge again, but again Jeong-Jeong cut him off.
"If there is nothing else, Mr. Kaji," he said. "I have better things to do than babysit your tantrum." The call ended abruptly, leaving Ozai to rage in his office to no one. Zuko took his book and crept towards the back stairs. It was better if he wasn't in his father's line of sight while he was in this mood.
He made it to his bedroom just as Ozai came out of his office and stormed up the main staircase. He shut his light out and stayed silent. Ozai, though, went straight to Azula's room. Zuko heard her door fly open and hit the door with a thud.
"What's your problem?" Azula snapped.
"You're going back to that pit and serving your hours," Ozai told her. "I don't want to hear another word out of you about it."
"But, Dad!" Azula protested.
"Not another word!" Ozai barked. Azula went silent. A moment later, Zuko heard the door slam shut and his father stomped down the stairs. Then he left the house, slamming the front door even harder than Azula's door. Zuko waited until he heard his father's car peeling out of the driveway to make his way carefully to Azula's room. He knocked at her door lightly, then poked his head in. Azula stood in the middle of the floor, absolutely seething with rage. Her dark glower got darker when she saw her brother.
"What do you want?" she hissed.
"Just checking to see if you're okay," Zuko said. He was. It was rare to see Ozai's anger aimed at Azula.
"Peachy," Azula snorted. "I just found out that Dad's connections are useless. Now I'm stuck either cleaning up after people i wouldn't let touch my rags or spending a year in jail."
"It's not that bad," Zuko said, shrugging. "Some of the people are pretty cool, once you get to know them." Azula shot her brother a disgusted look.
"I should've known you'd be fine there," she said. "What are you doing in my room, anyway? Get out!" She stormed across the room and slammed the door in Zuko's face. He just barely managed to keep his hand from being crushed. With one last scowl at Azula's door, Zuko decided he'd had enough of the house for a while. He took his car and drove off in the opposite direction of his father.
The next week of school was annoying. As Katara had implied, word of their sentencing had spread throughout the school. People stared and whispered as Zuko passed through the halls. Well, more than usual. It was annoying, but people were too intimidated by Zuko to say anything to his face, so he could ignore most of it. At lunch, Zuko headed towards his usual spot in the far corner of the cafeteria, but he was stopped half way by Sokka appearing at his side.
"Yo!" he greeted Zuko. "Come sit with us today. I'll introduce you to the rest of the Haven Crew."
"What?" Zuko's nose wrinkled in confusion. Sokka had already started walking, though. Zuko followed awkwardly to a table where Katara sat with three other people. Zuko recognized Suki, who was in the same martial arts club as him, but the other two- a boy with a tight fitting beanie and a girl Zuko was startled to realize was blind- he had no idea who they were. They looked like freshmen.
"Katara you know," Sokka said, pointing to his sister. "This is Toph and Aang. The babies of the group. And this beautiful, terrifying girl is Suki, my girlfriend of two years."
"We've met," Suki told Sokka. She smiled politely at Zuko. "Nice to see you again, Zuko."
"So," Toph drawled, leaning towards Zuko. "You're the guy who blew up a building."
"What?" Zuko sputtered. "I didn't blow anything up!"
"Whatever you say, Sparky," Toph grinned at him. "Hey! I'm not mad at you. There's a few building's I'd like to blow up. Starting with this one."
"Toph, don't say stuff like that!" Aang glanced around nervously, looking for a monitor or a lurking teacher.
"Nah, it was just arson," Sokka told his friends, grinning. "I didn't know he had it in him, though. Sit, down, Zuko. You can't eat standing up." Zuko eyed the open seat between Sokka and Aang hesitantly.
"Would you just sit down already?" Katara snapped irritably. "The seat isn't dirty." Zuko scowled at her, but sat down.
"Zuko and his accomplices are going to be working off their debt to society at the Haven," Sokka explained. "We'll be seeing a lot of him. Dad says they've got nine months of work to finish."
"Um...you all volunteer at the shelter?" Zuko asked.
"Yeah, we're all there at least a few times a month," Suki told him. "I do tutoring once a week."
"I help out in the garden." Aang grinned cheefully.
"Pottery and crap," Toph said.
"Crafts," Katara said. "You do pottery and crafts." Toph snorted at that.
"We made comb sheaths last month," she said. "I think crap is spot on."
"Toph," Katara let out a long suffering sigh and shook her head.
"So, Sparky," Toph turned back to Zuko with a smirk. "Why don't you tell us how you landed on the chain gang?"
"Toph!" Suki chided. "You can't just lead with that."
"Why not?" Toph demanded. "It's the most interesting thing to happen in this school all year!"
"Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it," Aang suggested, looking at Zuko nervously. Katara rolled her eyes, which bugged Zuko most of all for some reason.
"There isn't that much to tell," he said. "We got drunk at warehouse and my sister dropped a candle, or something into a box of tea leaves. The fire department put the fire out before there was a ton of damage." The finer details, Zuko decided, didn't matter.
"And that's why you always use a flashlight when you're drinking," Sokka said sagely.
"Or you could just not drink underage," Katara scoffed.
"Too easy." Sokka waved his sister off. And with that the topic moved onto something else. It was jarring. Zuko wasn't sure what he was expecting. An interrogation. Derision. Some sort of prank to humiliate him for daring to think they actually wanted him to sit with them. But the conversation turned to what they all had done over the weekend. Zuko had little to add there, and no one pressed. It was a pleasant lunch, all things considered. Sokka invited him to sit with them again the next day and the one after that. By the end of the week, Zuko joined them on his own, if a bit hesitantly. They welcomed him. Or rather, they didn't tell him to get lost. Zuko decided to count it as an open invitation.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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mintsuwu · 9 months
I HAVE A LOT OF SKETCHES AND OCS LAYING AROUND THAT I SHOULD SHOW TO THE WORLD but I am slow- ANYWAY Meet Boney!! (It's a nickname however because in his first concept I drew a rat with a bone and that stuck with me /hj). He is kinda rowdy and stubborn at times but he´s actually a nice kid.
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He´s a rat child who comes from a far town poblated with rats called Meadow Town, but he gets lost and stranded in Mousedom at some point. And since people don´t want to help him out due to the whole rat stigma (doesn´t help that Ratigan reinforced that bad image of the species-) he begins to steal food and scare people off with the mindset of "Well people already run away from me so I might as well make it fun >:)". Rumors spread around that there was some sort of mischeavous creature lurking around, leading to Olivia and Fidget investigating about it and finding out that it was just a lost boy.
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(Fidget jumpscared him right after/j) The bat didn't exactly like him at first, due to his personality and because it probably gave him Ratigan flashbacks BUT he ends up giving Boney his cap and they become mischief (and poker) buddies!
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And his relationship with Olivia is the typical little boy and girl who tease each other constantly but get along pretty nicely, in fact Boney makes her change her perspective on rats a bit, wondering if not all of them are as bad as the mice society said.
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OH AND SPEAKING OF RATIGAN he ended up finding Boney and snatched him for a bit, probably just to have him as a new lackey and also to teach him a crushing lesson in life- "See? Mice don't want to be friends with you, they LOATHE you because you are a RAT" (he's in denial)
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((I really liked that sketch I knew I had to redraw it sometime-))
Boney however had a good ending and returned home with his father whom he had found and I should probably introduce properly in another post since he takes an important part in the lore I have come up for Ratigan- So here's also Father Jacob!
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tf2-bhs · 2 months
Meet Jeremy Sullivan
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The most speedy Student at Mann Secondary School and Sixth Form. The runt of a rather large family it's clear that he was slightly neglected but so were all his other brothers as having one mother to share around 8 children is quite the task.
Being the so-called runt of a large family does have other consequences than just not receiving enough attention, it also gave his brothers the perfect opportunities to give stupider and stupider nicknames to him. To his brothers James and Jonny, he's simply 'Rat', as the twins used to call him 'Remy' until they watched Ratatouille, and found it quite funny. For Jacob, it is 'Jerbel.' Their mother always called him 'Jerry', which in turn led to Jefferey Jordan and Jackson calling him 'Mouse' as a Tom and Jerry joke. And because he's just quite boring, Julian just calls him Jeremy. Of course with his mother, nicknames are far from the insults and rodents of his brothers. Her favorites are 'Jerry', 'Jer-bear' and 'Cupcake'. She especially likes to do this when his friends are round to embarrass him further.
As he was the youngest in his family, and from his brothers' constant 'banter', as they put it, he often felt like he was the weakest member of their family, and that he had something to prove. And so to prove himself, he started to do sports, especially rounders and cross-country running, eventually dropping the other sports just to focus on those ones.
Aside from sports, Jeremy also quite enjoys drawing and arts, and in fact, he's quite good at it. However, he doesn't use his talents for much good just often drawing little doodles of his friends or characters, and never drawing anything big. One of the things he draws most often however is the French exchange student who's living with his family in odd situations.
And now we get onto 'Spy', as despite living with the Sullivan family for just over a year, no one actually knows his name, or what he looks like (except for one person), and by god, does he and Jeremy fight. Most of it is verbal, but occasionally there is a physical fight; like the massive one that got them in isolation for a while, and almost excluded, but that's a story for another day! Other than the constant fighting, they can actually be nice to each other occasionally. Like for example, Jeremy goes to 'Spy' for girl advice, specifically with a certain sixth former.
F. Pauling, or just Pauling as she's more commonly known, is the chosen infatuation of the two-year junior. Despite his many attempts at winning her over, she says that she just sees him as an annoying younger brother, and with how many brothers he has a lot of people see him that way.
Critical studies
Jane 'Soldier' Doe: They sit next to each other in PE, so hardly any work gets done. Not to mention the fights that Jane often initiates and Jeremy often loses
?? 'Pyro' ??: This pair just often sits and draws in either the most random places in the corridor or near where the library ghosts hang out.
Tavish 'Demoman' Degroot and Mikhail 'Heavy' Ivanov: The designated 'Bonk!' suppliers. Tavish gets it for him by simply not ID-ing him when he buys it, and Mikhail gets it for him by saying it's for himself, and with how old and tall Mikhail is, it's no wonder why the cashiers don't ID him.
Ludwig 'Doc' Koch: With how often Jeremy gets injured in his fights with Jane, it's no wonder why Ludwig's most often patient is none other than Jeremy.
Mun-dee 'Mick' 'Sniper' Mundy: Two of four members of the friend group to be in yr10, however, they haven't actually talked that much.
?? 'Spy' ??: It's a complicated friendship, in fact, they're more like brothers than they are friends.
F. Pauling: Its incredibly awkward when they're alone, especially when Jeremy tries to break the silence, with an even worse flirt.
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losersimonriley · 5 months
I want to ask about all of it but please,,, a crumb of sundowning 🙏
Camus I would post sundowning in its entirety right here right now if you asked me to 💘
Here’s a hospital scene mixed with a little flashback:
He clears his throat, fully doubting this will do anything, but willing to try anything.
It’s the first time he’s said the name aloud since–
“Johnny?” She asks, flipping through the chart. “He goes by Johnny? There wasn’t anything in here—”
“No. No, just…,” he trails off, not knowing how the fuck he’s supposed to finish that sentence without giving the impression that they’re something they’re not. He does go by Johnny but you can’t call him that. Nobody else can either actually, unless it’s me. Right then. Jesus Christ. It’s almost a more embarrassing scenario than when he wanted to tell the nurse aide to let him be the one to bathe him.
He remembers Soap warning Alejandro not to call him Johnny. It feels like a lifetime ago. He didn’t know it at the time but that was only the first of several incidents to come from the name.
Soap has completely pulverised their only source of intel. Ghost would be seething about it if he weren’t so turned on.
Soap hadn’t lost it until the rat-faced bastard taunted him with the nickname he’d overheard Ghost use.
“Call me that one more time, ye fuckin’ wankstain, swear I—”
Soap rears back to put a boot in the man’s face, but Ghost finally gains the sense to put a stop to it. He grips Soap by the collar and yanks.
It’s unbelievable how quick the raging fire dies down. All from a simple touch and command. He vaguely wonders what else his sergeant might do if he only gave the word.
“Mind tellin’ me what the actual fuck that was about?”
“He called me Johnny,” Soap mumbles, looking off to the side.
It reminds him of a child explaining to a parent why he got into a fight in the schoolyard. Similar to a child, the reason is because of name calling. And this one is just a normal bloody name.
“I call you Johnny.”
“Yeah, well, you’re the only one who can.”
He’s said that before—weeks ago in Mexico. Ghost still doesn’t understand it, hasn’t asked, too hesitant about throwing a wrench in this little friendship they’ve started to build. It’s been so long since he’s had a mate like Johnny. Never, actually.
But throw a wrench he must do now because when Price finds out about their prisoner…well. He needs answers. Ones that make even the slightest bit of sense to himself at the very least.
“Because it sounds sexy coming out of your mouth, sir.”
Insubordinate little—
“I don’t know, Ghost,” Johnny sighs, running a bloodied glove down his face. “Supposin’ the both of us need to figure that one out.”
“Just a name I use for him.”
It sounds weak even to his own ears. Heat gathers in his cheeks and he can only hope the mask is high enough to cover the blush. She gives a thoughtful hum before nodding at him to continue.
Why is this so humiliating?
“Johnny,” he says with a bite. “Eyes open for us.”
Nothing. The disappointment that floods his body shouldn’t be so sharp. He’d expected this, afterall. He flops back into his chair.
Emily presses her pen down against Soap’s fingernail with more and more pressure each passing second. Simon digs his own fingers into his kneecaps and Johnny doesn’t open his eyes. Just as expected.
What’s not fucking expected is Johnny’s arm suddenly jerking away from the pressure against his hand.
Ghost shoots up out of his chair once more.
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messinwitheddie · 1 month
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Mr. Casarez "...And a fruit cup. Do you make dessert pizza this early...? Really? Great. Could you add a--"
Nny "He's STILL ordering... who does this guy think he's feeding?"
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Mr. Casarez "Myself, My Wife and two boys who really need to eat."
Noise "And me, asshole!"
Mr. Casarez "Just take home whatever you can't finish. Or I'll eat it."
Squee "Sounds good. Thank you. Is it really killing you to be nice?"
Nny "To him? I think so?"
Squee "Well, die with grace, ok?"
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MW "Ooel Oi!"
Nny "Did that goddamn bird just call me noodle boy?"
Squee "No-- I mean, I'm pretty sure this type of parot can't talk."
Nny "You--"
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Mr. Casarez "The food should be here in 40 minutes."
Nny "Wonderful! I'll get started on the carpet while we wait so this day is over with as mercifully soon as possible! Kindly keep your aerial shit cannon away from me and my belongings. Thank you."
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Nny "I will working with my headphones on, so don't bother me until the food is here. Appreciate it."
Mr. Casarez "Ok... I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything."
Squee "I'm sorry about Nny. He really is trying to make up for all the crap he's pulled on you. He just-"
Mr. Casarez "Don't be sorry. I'm grateful for the help around here. It takes 4 times as long to clean her enclosure myself. Do you want to give My Wife a shower out back? She would really appreciate it."
Squee. "Sure, no problem."
Mr. Casarez "Ok, I'll get the hose."
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[Out back]
Squee "They just left her locked up in her enclosure when they moved out? That's horrible. "
Mr. Casarez "You don't know the half of it. When I moved in I found her covered in her own shit, her water bottle was dry for who knows how long, she was half starved and plucking out her own feathers from stress."
Squee "Awww..."
Mr. Casarez "Why do people take in pets just to mistreat them? I'll never understand."
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Mr. Casarez "Whoever lived here before me must have decided it was too expensive to keep her or it was too much of a hassle to move her. I couldn't afford to take her to a vet so I had to check out a bunch of books at the library about exotic pet bird care. I only knew how to take care of chickens. It was hard. I'm a very slow reader, even in Spanish. It paid off; she's much healthier now and she trusts me."
Squee "That's impressive, Juan."
Mr. Casarez "I've always loved birds. I was afraid to handle her at first though. Loud noises scare me and she's very noisy... and bitey, but now we're inseparable. It breaks my heart I won't be able to keep her much longer."
Squee "Why not?"
Mr. Casarez "My health isn't good. I love My Wife, but she needs an owner with more energy, a longer life expectancy and a higher income to care for her how she needs to live a good life. My social worker's son put her up for adoption on the internet for me. So far one person has contacted me. If I get a good feeling when I speak to them in person, I'll give her away. If not, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want to pass away and leave her trapped in her enclosure."
Squee "That really sucks, but it's sweet you tried this hard for her."
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Mr. Casarez "So, Um, just out of curiosity, why do you call him "Nny" and why does he keep calling you "Squee?" Is that some kind of new young person slang I'm unfamiliar with or--?"
Squee "Uh, no, um, not-- "Squee" is just his pet name for me. It's actually a crappy nickname the kids at school call me, but for some reason I introduced myself to him as "Squee" when my family first moved next door to him. I hate being called "Squee", but I don't have the heart to tell him. "Nny is a nickname... he gave himself, I guess? It's short for Johnny."
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Mr. Casarez "I like the sound of "Johnny" a lot better than "Nny", but I'm biased. My son was named Johnny."
[Last page
Sorry for so much dialog. I'm trying to move this story along and get to an important plot point, but I only know how to write with loads of dialog so....
I think there were at least 3 dumb spelling mistakes and I was super pissed off while drawing a few panels hence the extra sloppy, heavy linework in some of it. Appreciate anyone still following this au. Struggling to figure out exactly how I want to end this. It's meant to be a rather sad story, but I keep throwing in gags.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 16
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 15
part 17
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @aceywaceyboobybear @nenggie @wicked-binch
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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(Name) opened her door, a smile on her face. “Poks, Poni! Welcome!”
The two walked in, looking around her less than impressive apartment. “Oh, wow… it’s certainly an apartment.”
Pokkle elbowed the blue haired girl, who coughed before speaking up. “What I mean is, this place is lovely.”
“Thanks Poni, but I know it… average? I mean at East there’s no pests. My last apartment had a bad rat problem.”
They both grimaced.
“Yeah, they were like the size of my arm. Thought of keeping one as a pet. I mean, they were dog sized.”
“Dog s- never mind. We brought some gifts.”
(Name) gasped when they pulled out a gift basket and pot of flowers. “Guys, you shouldn’t have!”
She placed the basket on her counter, before looking at the pot of flowers. “What are these?”
Ponzu smiled, her bees flying around the small red flowers. “They’re poppies, Poppy!”
The two smiled at her. “Yeah, it’s your nickname. You call us Poks and Poni, so we’re gonna call you poppy!”
(Name) laughed. “Oh really? Is there a reason for that name specifically?”
(Name) packed her suitcase yet again after seeing off her two friends. ‘I’m going to miss them…’
She pulled her suitcase towards the airport, where she’d be meeting Gon and Killua.
It was early July, and the two had asked her to join them on whale island to catch up and train.
She gasped when she felt someone jump onto her back. “G-Gon?”
He laughed, hugging her from behind as she tried not to fall over. “Hey, did you miss me?”
The weight on her back disappeared as she heard yelling from behind her. “Gon, you idiot you can’t just jump on people!”
She turned around and pulled the two boys into a hug. “I missed you both so much. My sweet boys!”
Gon laughed, Killua halfheartedly swatting her away. “Let’s get boarded, and we can talk then!”
(Name) nodded slowly as they explained what happened in Heavens Arena. “You fought Hisoka? Gon…”
She patted his cheek, the boy leaning into her touch. “I’m okay, (Name). It was a… learning experience.”
(Name) sighed before leaning back in her seat. “I understand you want to get stronger, Gon, but please be careful.”
Gon nodded. “I promise I’ll be careful!”
They arrived on whale island after around 2-4 days of travel.
“Wow, it’s been such a long time since I’ve stood on my home ground! Ahh, the air smells so good!”
The two sniffed the air as (Name) pulled her suitcase behind them. “So, where’s your house?”
“We gotta take a bus to your house, right?”
“There aren’t any buses!”
(Name) hummed as she walked around, stopping by a market stall. She bought some bread and cheese, walking back to the two boys as they continued talking.
“It’ll take all night to get there? What are we going to eat?”
Gon held up his apple, and (Name) laughed. “Well good thing I grabbed extra.”
The three walked along the river, eating the food (Name) got along with the apples the captain gave them.
Early the next morning, the three spotted Gon’s house. (Name) trailed behind them, Gon pulling her suitcase.
“Aunt Mito, I’m back!”
Aunt Mito waved at them from the porch, (Name) sighing in relief. ‘Oh thank god.’
Killua and (Name) blinked when Gon sprinted off to hug Aunt Mito. They watched as they chatted for a moment, then Aunt Mito looked up.
“Oh, are these two friends of yours?”
“Yeah, we met during the Hunter Exam! She’s (Name), and he’s Killua!”
Aunt Mito smiled at the two. “Oh right, the ones your wrote about in your letter!”
(Name) gave them a polite greeting. “Hello, thank you so much for allowing us to stay.” she elbowed killua to get him to give a greeting as well.
“Gon this is the first time you’ve ever brought home some friends to visit! (Name), Killua, right? I’m Gon’s Aunt Mito, I hope you two feel right at home!”
They followed her inside, (Name) setting her suitcase by the door. The two peeked inside it, both having places their extra clothes in as well.
“I really wish you would have let me know before hand you were coming home, I could of prepared something.” Aunt Mito said with a sigh, taking out ingredients.
(Name) hovered around the kitchen, feeling a bit useless.
“Whatever you’ve got is fine!” Gon said, grabbing (Name)’s hand and pulling her towards the living room.
“Well you knows it’s not every day we have guests in the house!”
“No, really, it’s fine.” Killua replied to Aunt Mito.
“I could help if you need it, I promise!” (Name) said, peeking into the kitchen again. Aunt Mito waves her off.
“You’re a guest dear, you just relax, I’m sure the journey here was tough on you.”
(Name) twiddled her thumbs, the two boys standing on either side of her.
“Now that you mention it we are kind of hungry. We’ve been walking since last night, so yeah!” Gon said, leaning his head against (Name)’s arm.
“Well I guess that explains why you three are so dirty. (Name) why don’t you go take a bath in my room? Gon, Killua, you two can use the big bathroom down the hall.”
“Wait right now?”
“Yes, just leave me your clothes. I’ll wash them later.”
(Name) gave her a polite nod before walking towards the room she pointed to.
After a nice shower, she walked back to the kitchen, sitting at the table. “Miss Mito, are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?”
“Just Mito is fine, and it’s almost ready. You could help set the table, though!”
(Name) jumped up at this. “On it!”
Killua and Gon walked into the room, both now clean and wearing different clothes. The girl couldn’t help but squeeze their cheeks. “Aww, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you both all nice and clean.”
She gave them a hug before continuing her work. Killua followed behind her like a lost puppy, occasionally jumping back when she’d turn around.
‘Haha, he doesn’t want her to know he’s following her!’ Gon thought, snickering.
(Name) helped Mito set the table, patting Killua’s head as she took her seat. “Hungry?”
He nodded slowly, (Name) giggling at his excited face.
“This tastes great!” Killua said, happily munching on an omelette. (Name) nodded in agreement.
“You think so?”
“I told you Aunt Mito’s cooking is the best in the world!”
“Mito, you’ve got to show me how you got these omelettes to be so fluffy!”
The red haired woman laughed, basking in the compliments. “Of course!”
As they ate, Mito passed out more food,
“Here, try these.”
Killua stared at the red peppers, picking them off his plate and placing them on another.
“Killua! You really shouldn’t pick at your food like that. Don’t you know red peppers are good for you? You should at least try it.”
“Ahaha, actually I’m not really a big fan of these. Sorry.”
“Oh good, at least you’re not allergic to them! They’re delicious. Go ahead and take a bite, you’ll know what I mean.”
“She’s right Killua. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Ahh! Mom, quick, get a towel!”
The two left to go play in the forest nearby, leaving (Name) with Aunt Mito.
“So, how was your experience with the Hunter Exam?”
(Name) sighed, sitting down in front of her. “Exhausting, but…”
She glanced down at her phone’s Home Screen, smiling to herself. “I met a lot of important people there. Gon and Killua included. You raised a really sweet boy, Mito.”
Mito laughed, handing her a cup of tea. “I would hope so. Tell me, what was he like during the exam? He wouldn’t tell me everything, and I would like to know more.”
(Name) told her as much information as she could without potentially getting her younger friend in trouble. Mito nodded along, giggling when she saw how hot (Name)’s face got when she talked about Kurapika.
“So, this Kurapika… you like him, don’t you?”
(Name) sighed, hiding her flushed face. “Is it that easy to tell?”
Mito laughed. “Yes, it is. He must be quite special to have caught the attention of a sweet girl like you.”
They talked into the evening, and this time Mito allowed (Name) in the kitchen to help her cook. She taught her several tips and tricks, (Name) writing each one down.
The two boys got back all dirty again, being scolded and told to go take another bath. After that, they all ate dinner together.
“Time for bed, you two. I’ll be up in a moment, okay?”
Mito blinked when the two immediately listened to (Name)’s words. After the two were out of sight, (Name) realized what she’d done. “Oh, sorry Mito! I’ve just gotten used to taking care of them.”
“No, please don’t be sorry for that. I can’t tell you how thankful I am knowing Gon had someone like you by his side during the Hunter Exam.”
They shared a smile, before (Name) got up and stretched. “I should be getting to bed too. First I need to go say goodnight to both of them.”
She waved to Mito before walking to their shared room.
Gon was about to leap out of bed to greet her, but stopped when she shook her head. “Wait there, I’m coming.”
(Name) sat down beside him and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Goodnight, Gon. Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight, (Name)!”
She move on to Killua, who was impatiently waiting for her. She gave him a peck on the forehead. “Goodnight, Killua. Sweet dreams…”
She gave him another forehead kiss when he pouted at her. “And one more for good luck!”
The white haired boy swatted her away halfheartedly again, (Name) laughing. “Oh, I get it, you want me to go, huh?”
She stood up, about to leave before Killua grabbed her arm. She glanced back at him inquisitively, the boy unsure why he’d done that himself.
“… could you stay a little longer? Just until we fall asleep?”
(Name) took a second to register this request. ‘Where did this come from?’
Nevertheless, she sat back down, the boy snuggling up onto her lap. She hummed quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Unbeknownst to them, Mito watched the scene from outside the door. ‘How cute…’
(Name) woke up when she felt someone kick her. “Ow…”
She blinked her eyes open to see killua snuggled up against her, having kicked her in his sleep. ‘Did I fall asleep in the boys room?’
She attempted to get up, but the boy clinging to her grumbled at that. She glanced at the window to see it was still night time, maybe early morning. (Name) settled back into bed, making herself comfortable before going back to sleep.
“Alright boys, (Name), it’s time to get up!”
“Yes, Aunt Mito!”
Killua and (Name) groaned when the boy shook them. “Wake up!”
The sun peaked in through the window, shining down on the pair. Night was over, and (Name) had to use the bathroom.
“Okay, Killua, you gotta let go of me now.”
The boy didn’t answer, only cuddling into her closer. “Gon, can I get some help here?”
Gon ran over and grabbed Killua, pulling him away so (Name) could escape. She watched in amusement as the boy searched for her in his sleep, handing him a pillow to be her substitute.
After using the bathroom, she returned to the boys room to make sure Killua was up. He was, but barely. (Name) opened up her suitcase and laid out a pair of clothes for him to change into before going to her own room to unpack.
She unlocked her phone, scrolling to Kurapika’s contact and attempting to call him.
‘Oh, no service…’
For some reason, this made her… nervous. She would be alright going a few days without speaking to him because she knew it was because she didn’t have any service.
But he wouldn’t know.
Kurapika paced, his nen master raising an eyebrow an eyebrow at his unusual behavior. “What’s up with you, Kurapika? You’re acting strange.”
The blonde huffed, pulling his phone out and glancing at the time. On whale island, it should be around 10 am, and they usually called at 8 am her time every morning.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
His pacing continued. “Are you thinking of that girl again?”
Kurapika paused, shooting his master a look. “Tansy none of your business.”
“It is when it’s affecting your training.”
He sighed, sitting down in front of his master. ‘Is she really affecting my training?’
(Name) sighed. The day had passed by quickly, Gon and Killua watching a movie she downloaded on her phone as she folded laundry before bed.
“We’re gonna get the internet set up in two days, then you’ll be able to contact Kurapika again.”
Gon was trying to reassure her, but she could only continue holding to keep her mind off of it.
Kurapika tossed and turned again that night. He struggled to sleep without the sound of her sleeping on the phone. He slid open his phone and listened to a voice message she sent.
‘Hey, Pika, I just found the cutest dress! I’ll send you a picture in a minute. But before that, let me tell you about the crazy day I had!’
He chuckled as the message continued, eyes getting heavy as she explained her day. Kurapika clutched his blanket, chest feeling heavy.
‘Have I gotten so used to her that sleeping without her is impossible?’
Kurapika was able to drift off, but not peacefully. The weight of this knowledge weighed heavy on his heart.
‘Can’t… can’t keep going on like this.’
“Once you got that cable hooked up, we should be able to access the internet!” Killua said, directing Gon.
(Name) eat near them, occasionally handing Gon tools.
The boy leaped up to peer over the roof at Mito. “Yes?”
“I’m going out for a little while, could you watch the place?”
“Yeah, okay!”
“Thanks, I appreciate it!”
Gon glanced at (Name) and Killua, giggling to himself. The two ended up watching Mito’s bar.
Killua sat behind the counter, looking sleepy as (Name) swept the floors. When she heard him yawn, she made sure to finish up so she could carry him home to nap.
Unfortunately, he fell asleep before she was finished. (Name) shook her head at the boy, picking him up carrying him to his room so he could sleep peacefully.
When she tried to untangle the boy and lay him down, he grumbled again and refused to let go. ‘Oh, Killua…’ she thought, lying down with him. ‘Good thing Mito’s mother saw us leave…’
She attempted to keep herself awake, humming to the boy as he slept, but couldn’t help dozing off with him.
(Name) rubbed her eyes as she woke up, glancing out the window to see Mito cutting Gon’s hair.
“Oh, you two are awake! You both fell asleep on the job.” Gon said, Mito moving his head to trim the other side.
“Gon! Are you getting your hair cut?” Killua asked, climbing off of the bed.
“Yeah, it was getting kind of long.”
“Okay, now how about you? Do you want a haircut? Looks like you can use a trim.” Mito asked.
Killua glanced between the scissors and Mito, (Name) picking up on his anxieties.
“I can cut your hair, Killua.”
This made him sigh in relief. “Yes, that sounds good.”
(Name) sat him down in a chair outside, wrapping a towel around the white haired boy. “Wow, Killua, your hair is so soft…”
She ruffled his hair, causing Killua to huff. “Hey, I said you could cut it, not play with it.”
(Name) laughed, beginning to trim it. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just…”
She ran her fingers through his hair, humming. “You’re kind of like a dandelion. Hmm…”
She closed her eyes, then blew on his hair. The boy laughed, swatting at her half heartedly. “Hey, what was that for?”
“I just made a wish! They say if you blow on a dandelion and make a wish, it comes true!”
Gon nodded, sitting on the ground next to them. “Oh, I heard of that too! Aunt Mito said you gotta close your eyes and wish with all of your heart!”
Killua tilted his head. “Really? I never heard of that… so, (Name), what did you wish for?”
She giggled, continuing with his haircut. “Can’t tell you that, silly, then it won’t come true!”
Killua closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hair being cut. ‘Hmm… this is nice.’
Kurapika jumped when he heard his phone ring. He scrambled over to it, heart soaring when he saw (Name)’s contact.
He melted when he heard her giggle on the other end of the line. “Pika! Sorry for the wait, whale island has like no signal! Gon and Killua just got the Wi-Fi set up here, so I can at least call.”
Several situations of why she hadn’t called had gone through his mind. They ranged from her forgetting, to purposefully not calling him, to her being injured or even dead. Not once did he stop to think there may be a simpler explanation like not having service.
“I’m having so much fun though! Toady Mito, or well Gon’s Aunt Mito taught me how to make the fluffiest omelettes! I can’t wait to make one for you, Pika!”
Although his tummy filled with butterflies at the thought of making something specifically for him, he couldn’t let those fuzzy feelings linger. “(Name), I need to… ask something of you.”
She went quiet, before nodding. “Go ahead, Pika.”
He inhaled, hand shaking as he looked down at her contact photo. It was the picture of her kissing his cheek, something he would never be able to forget.
“… never mind, it’s nothing. Please, tell me more about your time on Whale Island so far.”
Although she could tell he wanted to say something, she didn’t want to push him. After all, if it was something important, he’d tell her when he was ready.
After a few hours of mindless chatting, Kurapika ended the call. He bit his lip, swiping through the pictures (Name) had sent him.
He stared down at the pair of earrings she’d sent him for his birthday, holding them up to the light. They were rubies that dangled on silver chains, and he had been meaning to wear them.
Kurapika took the first one out of the box, eyes softening. They were beautiful, and he didn’t want to think about how much she spent on them. He put the first one on, using a stream as a mirror.
Kurapika might not look like it, but he was a fan of jewelry. He tried to hide this little interest of his, not wanting to come across as greedy. After all, Kurapika was after people that collected disgusting things, he didn’t want to be associated with them in the slightest.
But right now, he allowed himself to stare at the dangling jewel, turning his head in different directions to watch it glitter in the setting sun.
He put the other one in before standing up. With a final look at himself in the stream, he knew what he had to do.
When the awful thought of (Name) possibly being hurt or kidnapped because of her ties to him crossed his mind, his immediate reaction was to do anything to get her back. And that… scared him. How had he let himself grow so attached to a person, let himself get so… soft?
Was he really willing to not only put her in danger, but jeopardize his mission because of her? If it came down between her and defeating the Phantom Troupe or collecting the scarlet eyes, what would he choose?
Kurapika scrolled to her contact, sliding to the left and pressing mute. ‘I can’t… I can’t allow myself to grow soft. She’s… she’s becoming a liability.’
He opened up his satchel, pulling out the small postcard she had sent along with the earrings.
“Though they dull in comparison to your scarlet eyes, I thought rubies would be the closest to complimenting them. Happy 18th birthday Pika, I hope I can celebrate it with you next year!”
-Love, (Name)
He felt tears well up in his eyes. Kurapika was really about to go through with it.
‘I’m such a coward, couldn’t even tell her that I could never see her again…’
He stuffed the note back into his satchel, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Master, I’m ready.”
(Name) hummed to herself, taking a picture of her new pajamas and sending it to Kurapika and Leorio before leaving the bathroom.
Like usual, Leorio was quick to respond.
Oreo: looks great, sunshine!
She giggled, sending him a quick text back.
(Name): thanks, Leorio! Can’t wait to see you this September!!
(Name) waited for Kurapika to respond, eyebrows furrowing when five minutes passed without a response. ‘Hmm, he must be busy…’
“(Name), help!”
The girl looked up to see the boys rushing into the bathroom past her, Gon carrying something in his arms.
“(Name) knows medical stuff, she should be able to help!”
Gon pulled her into the bathroom, showing her some type of small cub. “Oh, Gon…”
The poor thing was panting, barely hanging on to life. They moved out of her way, allowing her to badge its wounds and place it on a towel.
“Gon, sweetheart…”
She was trying to think of how to deliver the new that the little cub wouldn’t make it when they began fighting.
“No way, I’m not gonna let you do that!” Gon exclaimed, pushing his friend away.
“Get out of the way, it’s too late! Listen to his breathing, he can’t be saved so I’m putting him out of his misery!” Killua said.
“No, you can’t kill him!”
“He’s not going to survive!”
“No, he will okay, because (Name) and I are gonna help him!”
“Ugh! That’s it, out of my way!”
(Name) stepped forward, pushing the two apart. “Hey, this isn’t a time to be fighting!”
“That cub is dying, so I just want to put an end to its suffering! Isn’t that obvious? It’s not going to survive, so it’s stupid to try and save it.”
She grunted when she felt his sharpened nails pierce her skin. “I know you just want to end its suffering, but right now it’s alive, and I won’t let you be responsible for another living beings death!”
He stepped back a little, retracting his claws as his eyes bore into his hands. Blood, HER blood was coating his fingertips.
“Killua, let me shoulder this burden, okay? You’re a child, you shouldn’t be responsible for this.”
He sat down, bringing his knees to his chest. “But… killing is all I know.”
The room was silent for a moment, only the sound of the small animal panting able to be heard.
“Wait, we do know a way Killua! Our nen, we can use our nen to save the cub! Like when Wing transmitted his aura into us! Remember? He taught us that every living thing has its own aura!”
(Name) watched at the white haired boy perked up. ‘Nen?’
“You’re right… if we can enhance the aura of that cub, he could make it. It’s worth a try!”
The two approached the cub, their hands hovering over it. The air felt strange, like there was static surrounding her.
“Watch this, (Name). It’s something we learned in Heavens Arena.” Gon said, beckoning her forward.
“Let’s take it slow at first, we don’t want to risk hurting it.” Killua replied, glancing at (Name)’s bleeding arm.
For the next hour, the two kept their hands over the cub. (Name) gasped when she noticed it’s condition stabling, laughing. “It’s working, oh my god!”
The next morning, the three watched as the cub joined its father by the lake. (Name) stood behind the two, smiling.
“That was a very important thing you did, Killua.”
He turned, lip quivering. “Uh, thanks… ya know…”
His fingers ghosted over the bandage on her arm, eyes beading with tears. “I’m sorry.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t be. It was an accident.”
Gon ran over to them. “Okay, they’re gone! Let’s go home.”
“Alright then, it’s best we do before Mito gets worried.”
She kneeled down and brought to two into a hug, giving each a kiss on the forehead. “I’m so proud of you two.”
Killua closed his eyes contentedly, holding onto the back of her shirt and Gon giggled.
(Name) waved to the two boys from the boat as she left whale island. “I’ll see you two in August! Be safe, boys!”
“We’ll miss you, (Name)!” Gon yelled as Killua waved to her shyly by his side.
The three made plans for them to stay at (Name)’s apartment to save money while they were in York New. It was a good idea, considering how expensive the housing could be there.
After their night of saving the cub, the two taught her about nen, though she still didn’t understand it. Apparently a teacher was supposed to come and train her soon.
(Name) began planning for their arrival as soon as she got home. She had two Hunter missions she needed to go on before September 1st, both simple body guarding jobs. After that, she’d have enough money to put a good amount into savings, and the rest could be used for rent and groceries.
Every day until September 1st, (Name) called Kurapika. He didn’t answer her calls, her texts, nothing. She was always left on delivered.
(Name) knew it was probably because he was busy with work, but she couldn’t help but worry for her dear friend.
‘I miss him…’
She held a hand over her heart, feeling it thump against her chest painfully. Her heart was aching, yearning for him. All (Name) wanted was to hear his voice again, to know he still thought about her.
That he still cared.
She set down her phone after calling him again, sighing. ‘It’s only one more week, then I’ll see him again. I’m sure he’s just been too busy with training and his new job…’
Ever the optimistic woman, (Name) continued working on getting her apartment ready for guests.
(Name) yawned, waiting at the airport on an early August morning.
Yes again, Gon jumped onto (Name), this time she was waiting with open arms. He laughed as she spun him around, squeezing him out. “Hey, Gon!”
Killua walked up, scolding his friend for being so tough with her. “Killua!”
She pulled him into a hug, the boy relaxing. “It’s nice to see you again, (Name).”
She their hair before leading them to her van. “Let’s get going, we’ll drop your bags off at my place and then you two can explore to your hearts content.”
The two grabbed a snack from her fridge before leaving to do some research. “Be back before dinner time, okay? I promised your Aunt Mito that I’d take care of you, and that means not letting you two only eat junk food!”
“Yes, (Name)!”
They waved as they raced out of her apartment.
‘With those two’s appetites, I’ll have to go grocery shopping to have enough for dinner…’
(Name) pulled on her shoes on, leaving her key under the rug. She sent Killua a quick text before leaving.
(Name): Headed into town, if you two come back before I get home, my keys are under the rug! There’s snacks and drinks in the fridge!
Dandelion: thanks, (Name). Gon says be safe
She giggled to herself, placing her phone in her pocket.
Later that night, the two returned home grumpy, butting heads with each other as they entered the door.
“What happened with you two?” (Name) asked as she pulled off her apron. They relaxed slightly when the scent of dinner hit their noses.
“Killua lost all our money!”
“Hey, you gotta lose money to make money!”
(Name) sighed. “Boys, sit down. We can talk about it after dinner.”
They were quiet as they ate, (Name) smiling as they inhaled their food. It was obvious they were starving after running around the city all day.
“Okay, you two start talking and I’ll get the table cleaned up.”
They began explaining what happened, (Name) nodding along as she cleared the plates and started washing dishes. “Hmm, well I see both of your points. Killua did take a big risk and lost a lot of money, but Gon’s method was too slow and wouldn’t have made enough money by the time the auction started.”
She place a piece of cake in front of both of them. “You can think about what to do in the morning, rest and have some cake.”
Gon sighed, giving her a smile. “Sorry for troubling you, (Name).”
She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. You’re my friends, I’ll do everything I can to help you accomplish your goals, Gon.”
After dessert, (Name) tucked the two into bed, glad she had a spare bedroom. “Goodnight, boys. My room is right down the hall if you need me.”
She smiled before closing the door behind her.
A week passed by, September 1st finally arriving. (Name) woke up early, making a big breakfast and calling Kurapika yet again.
‘Still no answer…’
Now that was strange. They were supposed to be meeting September 1st, so it didn’t make sense for him not answer. ‘He… he’s probably still busy with his job.’
That excuse was getting harder to believe, but she shook the frown from her face and smiled. “Boys, breakfast is ready!”
The two came racing into the kitchen, making their plates before sitting at the table to eat. “Thanks, (Name)!”
As they finished their food, Gon looked up. “Are you coming with us today? Leorio supposed to be meeting us in the market.”
(Name) nodded, taking their cleared plates. “Yeah, give me 15 minutes to get dressed.”
She threw on a pair of jeans and a warm cardigan and followed the Gon and Killua to the market.
(Name) trailed behind the two as they walked, occasionally stopping at stalls to browse their wares. She wanted to get everyone a little gift to give them when they all met up. So far she had something for Gon and Leorio, only needing to shop for Kurapika and Killua.
She considered getting Kurapika more jewelry, after all he’d been incredibly happy with the earrings she’d gifted him, but decided against it. She didn’t want to give him a similar gift twice in a row, so it would have to be something else.
“A cellphone?”
“Yeah! Kurapika was planning on getting here yesterday, and Leorio will be meeting us here, so a cellphone will come in handy.”
(Name) perked up at Gon’s words, the girl drifting closer to listen.
“Kurapika said he has an assignment, so he might not have time to see us…”
She blinked. ‘He told Gon that but not… me?’
“An assignment?”
“Mhm. He said if he has free time he’ll call, and who knows when that could be. So that’s why I want a cellphone.”
Her heart sank at the thought of not being able to see Kurapika. She’d been so excited, and the thought of seeing him again had been the only reason she kept going at times. Gon sensed this, quickly waving his hands. “Oh, but I’m sure he’ll at least want to see you, (Name)! You know he has a soft spot for you!”
She sighed, ruffling the boys hair. “Yeah…”
She pushed her worry away, rubbing her arm as the salesman spoke.
“You want a deal? Here you go! This phone is the latest thing. It’s small, thin, and light and it comes with a GPS system to help you find your way around.”
“What do you think?” Killua asked Gon as he absentmindedly patted (Name)’s arm in an attempt to comfort her.
“Well, the price is right and it would fit in my pocket… yeah I think I’ll take it.”
“You don’t want that one.”
The three started to slowly turn around, (Name)’s eyes brimming with tears.
“You can’t roam with it and it’s not even waterproof. I’d go with this one over here if I were you.”
(Name) jumped into his arms, the man spinning her around as they both laughed. “Leoriooo! I missed you!”
“Right back at you, sunshine.”
He kissed her forehead, causing her to break out into giggles. The two boys glanced at each other.
“Is it just me, or do they seem a lot closer now?” Killua whispered to Gon.
“Well, living together for nearly four months will do that.”
Leorio got them their phones, and began walking back to (Name)’s apartment. “Are you staying with me too, Leorio?”
“Nah, I got my own hotel. Don’t wanna make your apartment too crowded.”
“Aww, but I slept in your bed with you for months! I promise I don’t mind.”
Leorio blushed at that, the two boys laughing at his reaction. "Hey, don't say that in front of them."
"Why? It's not like we did anything."
She giggled, the taller man's face going red. "Hey!Quiet down.”
They say in (Name's apartment, using her computer to look up information as she prepared some snacks.
"Hey, sunshine, can you grab me a beer?"
"Coming up!”
Killua scoffed, flicking the man on the back of head.
"Why are you acting like she's your little housewife? You can get it yourself.”
"Hey! (Name), Killua is picking on me!"
'What is he, a kid?'
(Name) came back carrying a tray of snacks in her hands and a beer under her arm. "Here, Leorio." She set down the tray before kissing his cheek. "Find anything yet?"
He sighed, cheeks turning pink. "A few things."
‘What the hell is their relationship!?' Killua thought, eyebrow twitching.
Before the three left to start a conditional auctioning, (Name) stopped Leorio.
She held onto his sleeve, staring down at the floor. “Has Pika talked to you recently?”
Leorio raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, a few days ago he informed me he had a new job. Has he not been in contact with you?”
(Name) seemed to deflate slightly. “He… hasn’t talked to me in a month…”
This seemed to genuinely surprise Leorio, the man taking a step back. “What?! A month? But the two of you were calling every day, even falling asleep on the phone together!”
She groaned. “I know! It’s so weird. I’ve been telling myself it’s because he’s just busy but…”
Now it was hard to hang onto that excuse. “Hey, I’m sure there’s some reason he hasn’t called. To be fair, he’s only texted me a handful of times this month.”
She nodded slowly, looking up. “Yeah…”
Gon held her hand. “I’m sure he wouldn’t ignore you on purpose. Kurapika cares about you a whole lot! There has to be a reason! I bet his new job has been suuuper time consuming!”
(Name) smiled, the boy grinning back. “There we are! I love your smile, (Name)!”
She giggled, ruffling his hair. “You little charmer. You boys go on, I’ll have dinner ready when you all get back.”
She waved them off and closed the door behind them.
“Oh, Pika…”
She sank to the floor, holding her phone in her hand. Her finger hovered over the call button, but before she could call him again, she stopped.
‘He won’t answer, anyway.’ she thought bitterly, picking herself up.
(Name) brushed her pants off before lightly smacking her cheeks. ‘I can’t think like that. I gotta trust him. He said he’d always be there for me! I just have to… I just have to believe in him!’
She grabbed her purse, throwing it over her shoulder before running out the front door. ‘I’ll get some grocery shopping done. Maybe I’ll even find presents for them!’
(Name) finished her shopping, having secured a gift for both Kurapika and Killua. She hummed to herself, glancing down at her grocery list.
“Need more celery, milk, eggs… ouch!”
(Name) tumbled to the ground, quickly gathering her things. “Watch it, girl.”
(Name) looked up to see a man glaring daggers at her. This didn’t bother her, though. No, (Name) jumped up and began frantically checking over the stranger. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I wasn’t paying attention. Did you get hurt? I have bandaids in my ba-“
The man stepped out of her way before he continued walking. “Tch, annoying.”
She blinked, crouching back down to pick up the rest of her things when she spotted it.
A wallet. There was nothing to identify the man with inside of it, only a few unmarked bills and a picture of a group of children. She tilted her head. “Sir, sir you dropped your-“
But he was gone. (Name) smacked a hand over her forehead. ‘Maybe I’ll bump into him again. Can’t leave it here…’
She stuffed the wallet into her backpack, sighing. (Name) pouted at her scraped elbow, taking out a bandaid and slapping it onto her wound before walking away.
As the sun began to set, (Name) started cooking dinner. The boys would be out late, meaning she could really take her time.
After hours of arm wrestling, Gon walked into her apartment, the other two trailing behind him.
“Just in time, dinner is ready!”
Leorio nodded sleepily, sitting down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. “Leorio, why don’t you stay here tonight? York New is dangerous during the day, it’s suicide to be walking around at night.”
Leorio munched on his dinner as he thought this over. “Alright. Hope your bed is big enough for the both us of.”
(Name) attempted to untangle herself from her tall friend the next morning, whining. “Leorio, gotta pee!”
“Five more minutes…”
He turned over, pulling her along with him. ‘Now I remember why I moved.’
The two came rushing in, Gon slipping and falling on Leorio’s pants he’d thrown off in the middle of the night. “You pervert, I should have known!”
Killua bonked him on the head, pulling him off the bed and throwing him at the hall. “Woah- MY BACK!”
(Name) was too busy wobbling to the bathroom to notice the two laying into the taller man, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
When she got back, she had to separate the three as they rolled on the floor. “Okay, okay, let him go.”
The four ate breakfast in silence, poor Leorio having a swollen cheek and several bruises. “Sorry, Leorio. You kind of have a reputation…”
Leorio sighed. “It’s alright. You two coming to protect (Name) like that is what you should do.”
But Leorio still tripped Killua when they walked out the door that morning, muttering something about payback. “Don’t wait up on us, sunshine. We’ll be out until the early morning.”
(Name) lingered by the door. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pack you some lunches, then? I-“
He silenced her with a peck on the forehead. “You’re too sweet. You just sit nice and pretty, and I’ll bring you home something nice, alright?”
(Name) felt her face heat up at his words, and to get him back, she fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Leorio, baby, not in front of the kids…”
He attempted to stutter out a response, only for his tongue to be tied. (Name) laughed and pushed him out of the door. “Byee! Don’t get into too much trouble!”
The entire day was spent doing chores, cleaning the house, making premade meals, and standing around waiting for Kurapika to call.
She stared at her phone that sat on the table, tilting her head one way then the other. “Hmmmmm…… okay I’m going to call him again.”
“You gonna answer that?”
Kurapika didn’t answer the brute in front of him, only glancing at his phone to see (Name)’s smiling contact photo lighting up the screen. His heart thumped against his chest for just a moment before he steadied himself.
“Where do you want to die?”
“Some place where we won’t cause a disturbance, because you’ll be making a lot of noise when I kill you.”
Uvogin allowed the blonde to leave and grab something.
A shovel, but not just any shovel.
Kurapika stood in front of the storing shed in the back of (Name)’s apartment building. He glanced up to her window, a faint smile on his face when he spotted her silhouette twirling around in what he assumed was her kitchen.
‘That’s how it should be. Her unaware and happy while I carry this heavy burden.���
He put in the combination to the lock around the shed, remembering she told him it was her birthday 2 months ago.
‘Still the same combination? That’s not safe…’
He scolded himself for thinking this. ‘I shouldn’t care, I have more important things to worry about.’
Kurapika searched the shed until he spotted what he was after. ‘There it is…’
It wasn’t perfect, but would do in this situation. It was a large snow shovel, one she’d bought when she moved to York New and found out the snow was heavy in the winter. He didn’t have the heart to tell her at the time that the snow was shoveled by volunteers, meaning it would be useless to her.
But now it would be useful to him.
Kurapika closed the shed and carefully clicked the lock closed, attempting to make it seem like it hadn’t been open in the first.
Kurapika shoveled dirt onto Uvogin’s corpse, eye blank. He glanced down at his dear friends snow shovel, only feeling slightly guilty as the evident dents in the metal.
‘She would forgive me. She always does.’
He made the long journey back to York New, slipping into the back of (Name)’s apartment building. Gone was the careful Kurapika who had been there a few hours before, now he shoved the dirty, bloody shovel into the shed, kicking the door when it caught on the ground.
He didn’t even both to make it seem like it hadn’t been tampered with, he was much too tired, much too emotionally and physically spent to care.
Kurapika lingered near (Name)’s apartment, feeling his legs nearly buckle as he attempted to walk away.
‘Have to… have to go. Can’t stay or…’
He’d subconsciously arrived at her doorstep, hand already reaching out to knock. Before he could stop himself, he knocked on the door twice.
“Be there in a second!”
His lip trembled at the sound of her voice. More than anything, he wanted to be with her right now. Kurapika had just gone through so much, he’d taken his first life.
The door opened slowly, and he pushed himself in, collapsing in her arms. “P-Pika?”
(Name) wasn’t sure how to feel in the moment. Her Pika had returned to her, but not in the way she had expected.
He was covered in blood, face pale and dirty. His clothes were torn, and she wasn’t sure what he’d been through.
“Pika? Are you hurt anywhere?”
Kurapika shook his head slowly, his grip on her tightening when she attempted to set him down. “Okay, okay… let’s try breathing in and out, okay?”
She sat down on the floor, allowing him to bury his head into her shoulder as he caught his breath. It was like standing on his own was impossible then, and he needed her support.
“Alright… there you go.”
She brushed his hair back to get a good look at his face. His eyes were a faint red, face covered in dirt and dried blood. She cupped his cheek, not caring a single bit about the mess collecting on her hand.
“Pika… what can I do? Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, leaning into her touch. “Okay… let’s try some yes or no questions. Shake your head for no, nod for yes.”
He patiently waited for her to continue, eyes fluttering closed. “Do you want to take a bath?”
He nodded, head leaning forward to nuzzle against her shoulder. Although the circumstances weren’t perfect, it still felt nice to have her Pika with her again, especially when he was pulling her closer to him. It reminded her of the Hunter Exam, when they never went long without another.
“Okay, let’s get to the bathroom sweetheart.”
She struggled under his weight as she guided him to the bathroom. He didn’t talk the entire time, silent as she set him on the edge of the tub.
(Name) drew him a bath, occasionally having to struggle out of his grip. He kept a hand on her shirt the entire time, and when she strayed too far he pulled her into his arms, whimpering against her hair. “Pika, I’m not leaving, I’m just grabbing a towel…”
After his bath was ready, she attempted to walk out of the bathroom to give him some privacy.
He was stopping her from leaving again, pulling her back by her hips. “Pika, what do you want?”
He gave her no answer, only pawing at her form like a sad puppy. Thinking he just wanted her near, she turned her head so he could get undressed. After five minutes, she turned to see he hadn’t made any moves to undress at all.
She shook her head in exasperation. “Okay, lift up your arms.”
He did so without question, (Name) pulling his shirt and undershirt off of him. When she moved to hook her thumbs under his pants, it was like he snapped awake from a dream.
Kuraoika shooed her hands away, face a light pink. She raised an eyebrow, then turned around so he could get undressed and sink into the warm water.
She turned back around and sighed. He was just sitting, knees pulled to his chest. “Pika…”
She sat at the edge of the tub, using a cup to wet his hair. Again, he leaned against her, soaking her shirt. “Aww, Pika…”
(Name) didn’t mind that much, though. She knew he wasn’t in the best headspace right now, and wanted to do whatever she could to help.
She washed his hair, giggling when he smiled at the feeling of her fingers massaging soap into his scalp. “That feel nice, Pika?”
He nodded against her, attempting to nuzzle into her soft tummy against but she pushed him back a little. “Hey, mister, you’re still wet. Wait until after your bath!”
He grumbled at that, but listened. She washed his upper half as much as possible, looking away as she washed his chest.
“Okay, Pika. I’m not going any further than that, you’ll have to take over sweetheart.”
She grabbed his hand and placed the rag in it. He stared at the rag, unmoving.
“Pika you’ve gotta wash yourself.”
She took in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I love you, so much. So much.”
She grabbed the rag and turned her head as she washed his legs, the blonde lifting his leg slightly. (Name) wanted to laugh. Usually Kurapika was very independent and easily embarrassed, but now he was completely naked, allowing her to see him at his most vulnerable and leaning into her touch.
But she didn’t laugh. That wouldn’t be right in her mind. Her friend had been through something traumatizing enough to the point he had gone nonverbal. And she couldn’t laugh at that.
“Okay, Pika, you’re all clean.”
She drained the tub, wrapping a fluffy towel around his form and helping him out of the tub. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
She sat him down, the blonde yet again attempting to pull her into his embrace again. “Pika, no! I’ve gotta get you some clothes, okay?”
The blonde tugged at her sleeve, looking up at her with watery eyes. “Pika…”
She cupped his cheeks, leaning down to peck his lips. “It’s just for a second, Pika. I’ll be right back.”
He seemed to melt under her touch, eyes fluttering shut as she planted kisses all over his face. “That better?”
He nodded, nuzzling against her palm. “Okay. I’ll give you more kisses in just a minute, just let me go.”
Kurapika considered this, glancing between her and the door before letting her go. (Name) made true on her word, returning only a minute later carrying a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt. “Sorry, it’s Leorio’s clothes, b-“
Kurapika seemed visibly disgusted when she attempted to dress him. He pushed the shirt away, shaking his head. “What… what’s wrong? These are the only clothes that’ll fit you, sweetheart.”
He kept pushing and shaking his head until (Name) sighed. “Well, I guess you can wear my clothes…”
He went still at this, relaxing when she walked over to her closet and pulled out some pajamas again. It was the ugliest t-shirt she owned. It had a screaming possum on the front, the text saying ‘LETS EAT TRASH AND GET HIT BY A CAR” in bright red comic sans font, along with a pair of hello kitty pajama pants.
This time he offered no resistance when she asked him to raise his arms. She slipped the shirt onto him, wincing at the sight of his thin frame. ‘He lost weight…’
He was able to put his pants on himself, following behind her like a lost puppy when she walked into the kitchen. She sat him down and took out one of the premade meals she made that day. ‘I’m so glad I made these…’
She heated it up, watching as Kurapika swayed at the table. He was exhausted, she needed to hurry so he didn’t pass out at her dinner table.
“Here, Pika, it’s hot.”
She set the plate of food in front of him, scolding herself. ‘Of course he can’t feed himself.’
“I’ve got it, sweetheart.”
She blew on a spoonful of food before bringing it to his lips. He took a bite, perking up a little. She continued, but apparently was too slow, because the blonde snatched the spoon from her hand and began to shovel his meal into his mouth.
“Woah, slow down, you’re gonna choke.”
He didn’t listen. Kurapika had trouble eating recently. Nothing tasted good, everything bland after he decided to cut his beloved (Name) out of his life, but right now the food in front of him tasted like heaven.
He finished his plate, sipping on the drink she’d offered him moments before. After that, he rubbed at his eyes, swaying again.
He nodded slowly, allowing her to guide him to her bedroom. “Let’s get you tucked in.”
She tucked him into one side of her bed, making sure he was comfortable before climbing into the other side. “Goodnight, Pika.”
He said nothing as he scooted closer to her, burying his face in her chest. She sighed, running her fingers through his pretty blonde hair.
“Thank you…”
It was so quiet that (Name) wasn’t sure she’d heard anything at all, but he continued to mutter thanks and apologies against her shirt. “Sorry… so sorry, (Name).”
“What are you sorry for, Pika? You didn’t do anything wrong?”
He didn’t answer her, and when she felt her shirt grow wet with tears, she could only sigh. “I love you, Pika. You’re not a burden to me at all, so don’t apologize for this.”
If only she knew that he was apologizing for who he’s become in the future, what he’d do to her to further his cause. Maybe she would have been less forgiving.
Just maybe.
(Name) kissed the top of his head, beginning to him as he clung to her. His body wracked with sobs, his hands clawing at her back as he broke down. “Please… please… don’t hate me, (Name). Please…”
She was quiet, not knowing how to respond. (Name) could never hate him. In the morning, she could attempt to ease his fears, let him know just how much he meant to her.
“Shh, shh…” she cooed, giving him kisses all over his face. He accepted those kisses, sighing in contentment. Kurapika peered up at her with those pretty brown eyes, leaning into her touch.
“Lets rest, okay?”
He didn’t want to rest. In the morning, he would become a stranger to her, but his heavy eyelids wouldn’t allow him to stay awake. “… okay…”
She pulled him into her embrace, the feeling of her warm hands on his back allowing him to relax and sleep.
Kurapika pulled on his clothes, glancing at the sleeping girl with half lidded eyes.
He bent down, brushing her hair out of her face so he could take a good look at her sleeping face. ‘So pretty…’
Kurapika stared at her for a while, feeling himself being drawn towards her. He shook his head, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehand before standing up.
“Goodbye, (Name). I wish you the best, truly.”
He lingered in the doorway, glancing down to the shirt he discarded on the floor, the one she dressed him in the night before.
‘She won’t miss this…’
He picked it up, placing it in his satchel before pulling on his tabard. He looked over himself in the mirror. Thanks to her help, he looked… passable. Clean, but nothing would help in hiding the dark circles under his eyes and slight hollowness in his cheeks.
Kurapika spared her one last glance before leaving her apartment.
‘I’ll miss you, angel.’
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lrmmef hcs
- all of them are super physically affectionate, tending to squish on the same couch or stand shoulder to shoulder (all pretty touchstarved)
- adam leaves flowers everywhere, whenever he visits ef headquarters he makes fresh bouquets, and replaces the ones in mission creek weekly
- kaz and skylar bicker constantly but are super protective of each other and also platonically hold hands all the time
- speaking of skylar when she came out to bree bree got her a little lesbian pin and skylar started collecting them, amassing a large collection (for her bday one year bree got them a button maker. it’s skylars favorite present to this day)
- kaz loves giving people nicknames, it’s his way of showing he trusts them
- bree superspeeds to mission creek weekly so she and leo can keep up their gossip and nail painting sesh
- leo chase (and occasionally kaz) build robots for the annual robot fighting ring (kaz and leo always come up with flashy ideas that chase adds reluctantly)
- adam teaches chase how to make a bouquet for kaz for their first date and kaz pressed and saved one of each type so he never forgot (that was the date where adam gave the shovel talk, and also the one where he realized maybe he didn’t need too)
- all of them added personalized features to their mission suits (both elite force and lab rats suits) to better match skill sets and personal aesthetics
- chase absolutely adores romcoms, he and tasha will watch them together and cry (at ef chase and oliver watch them together)
- leo taylor and logan have their own official bionic team which the president calls on every so often. leo unofficially calls it leo and the heartbreakers (he also wanted them to start a band but taylor said no)
- kaz has the best music taste (according to him) and has so many playlists and djs whenever the team does road-trips or hangouts
- megahertz and tecton are kazs father figures and when kaz introduces chase to them megahertz loves him while tecton is skeptical (techertz and chaz are mirrors fight me)
- chase and bree get mistaken for being twins all the time, that one time for halloween bree made them go as the shining twins
- kaz and oliver have had a secret handshake since they were six
- kaz and chase got mistaken for being a couple long before they ever got together
- leo is douglass favorite (with chase in second) not that he’d ever say
- leo uses a mobility aid to get around on most days since it takes the pressure off his bionic leg
- leo and janelle are in a qpr and were childhood best friends turned acquaintances turned friends to qpr
- for the longest time in middle school people thought oliver and kaz were dating bc they only hung out with each other and they were super physically affectionate (they always discouraged the rumor but allos are on something else)
- douglas fidgets with his jewelry constantly
- when bree and chase were working at tech town adam and leo would come in all the time to annoy them
- kaz has tried multiple times to get a job at the domain but wallace and clyde do not trust him to work there and not slack off
- jordan and skylar still meet for the monthly gng game and the two meet up outside of that to work on characters and play with the rest of the mighty mice
- chase has been collecting books since he left the basement and keeps them stashed over his room at ef the academy and his room back at mission creek
- chase has had so many breakdowns about being not human enough and being called robot and unfeeling (not to project onto him more-)
- the rats and the mice love to watch shows together (their favorite is doctor who)
- douglas and horace watch reality shows together and spend the entire time throwing popcorn at the screen and yelling at characters for being dumb (donald banned baking shows from his the ef hqs and his house since tvs kept getting broke from either the rats or douglas or tasha getting angry and throwing something. the house almost burned down once since adam tried to prove a point and failed)
pt. 2 will probably be coming since i cant stop thinking about these shows
tagging the gang: @blueskiesandstarrynights @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @lab-trash @tronagon
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aight-griffin · 6 months
One Piece collage au
Inspired by @atomikats
Everyone is their canon post-timeskip age
Undetermined major
Rarely, if ever, goes to class
Only goes to college because Garp pays for it. (He failed basic training and Garp just gave up)
Stays around because of the Straw Hats.
Can’t drive
Speaks English and Portuguese
Lives with Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji. He and Usopp technically share a room, but he always ends up in Zoro’s bed.
Shanks is his godfather, but they haven’t seen each other in ages.
Called his friend group ‘the Straw Hats’ relentlessly until they adopted the nickname too.
Ace convinced him to join the wrestling team
Ace and Sabo are both in grad school, and none of them live together, but they hang out every once in awhile
Fitness and Health major
Got in on a Kendo scholarship
Gym rat
Follows Luffy around whenever he’s not at the gym, no one can tell if they’re dating or not.
Can drive, but doesn’t because “walking everywhere is good cardio.” (He can’t make it a block without gps.)
Constantly bickering with Sanji
Bit of an alcoholic
There's a rumor that he's trans because people kee
Always harrumph’s when he finds Luffy passed out in his bed/wakes up underneath Luffy, but never kicks him out.
Joined the wrestling team because of Luffy, now takes it was more seriously than him
Finance/Geography double major
Meteorology minor
Lives off campus with Nojiko
Met Zoro her first year, but only became friends with him when they both met Luffy.
Dating Vivi, a foreign exchange student from Egypt.
Knows how to pickpocket
Regularly drinks every other Straw Hat under the table.
Vivi got a Roll’s Royce from her dad and Nami drives it every chance she gets
Chemistry major
Botany minor
He and Luffy were in the same grade in high school when they met, but Luffy took a gap year and Ussop went straight to college.
Started going to the gym after Zoro convinced him
Legacy student
Has anxiety
Likes to tell wild tales about the school so he can scare freshmen, but they rarely believe him.
Dating Kaya, who wants to be a pediatrician.
Captain of the slingshot club, tells everyone he has the world record for farthest shot with a slingshot.
Has a 2004 Honda Civic named Merry that he loves almost as much as his gf
Culinary student at a nearby trade school
Met the rest of the group when he ended up as roommates with Luffy, Ussop, and Zoro.
Works at Zeff’s seafood restaurant most nights.
Kickboxes on the side
Has zero free time, still manages to cook for the Straw Hats most days.
Ran away from his abusive dad as a kid, nearly starved before Zeff took him in.
The other Straw Hats like to show up at his work and piss him off. (He loves when they come but refuses to admit it.)
Constantly going on dates, can’t hold a girlfriend for more than a week.
Can drive
Had a fling with Nami when they were sophomores, never really got over her.
Has bipolar
Started smoking to calm himself down during manic episodes. It didn’t help, but now he can’t stop.
Biology/Pharmaceutical Double Major
Biochemistry Minor
Highschool age, but got a scholarship to go to college early.
Raised by his grandpa Hiriluk, who died when he was 15
Lives with off campus with Dr. Kureha, who’s old friends with Hiriluk. (He calls her aunt Kureha.)
Met the Straw Hats when he found Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji walking home after a fight. They were bleeding, so he patched them up, and they were friends ever since.
Simultaneously baby and smartest member of the friend group.
History professor
Mainly teaches Ancient Civ, Lost Languages, and archaeology.
PHD in archaeology.
Traveled the world and did her own research for several years after getting her PHD.
Only been teaching for two years
Knows over a dozen languages, half of them are dead.
Nami and Vivi have a class with her.
There are lots of rumors about her having a criminal record or being part of the mafia.
Local mechanic
Owns a shop called the Franky Family
Married to Robin
Lost his legs in a train accident
Made his own prosthetic legs, constantly tinkering with and improving on them.
Goes to night classes for electrical and mechanical engineering.
Addicted to Coca-Cola
Has a class with Ussop
Luffy and Chopper met him while picking up Ussop and now think he’s the coolest guy in the entire world.
Music Professor
Former Jazz pianist, started teaching when the last of his band mates died
Oldest person in the school, refuses to retire
His is the only class Luffy regularly shows up to
Prefers piano, but can play just about any instrument put in front of him
Likes to joke about hitting people with his cane. (Never actually does obv)
Assistant coach of the fencing team, says he could’ve gone pro with it but “the music was calling.”
Head wrestling coach
Assistant swim coach
Teaches various martial arts to kids in his spare time
Loves his boat more than life, takes it out every chance he gets
Looks mean and strict, but is actually the nicest coach you’ve ever had
Has a soft spot for Luffy because Ace was his star player, but only barely puts up with his antics
Always trying to convince Sanji to join the swim team
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