#Wanda 2.0
feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
I cannot BREATHE at the Wanda Childa’s fake death performance. Everything about it was so fucking funny and peak intrepid heroes of them
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sokai-asuki · 7 months
I think I started to rethink the Moorington's family and the weird timeline of Nexo Knights...
Okay, to start off, Merlok is like a hundred years old, I think that same goes for all the wizard in Nexo Knights, of course, they can be killed with a powerful spell. I heard that in Knights in the Realm, Clay was 13 when he started to go to Knight's Academy.
Okay, so, Fletcher is Clay's brother, from the info I have, Fletcher would be 4 years younger than Clay. From what I've seen people said that Clay might be around 4–5 years old to be able to walk around, and that's maybe when his mom, Wanda Moorington a.k.a Ruina Stoneheart, started to turn to stone.
So, it would be make sense for Fletcher to be born before she's got turn to stone. But it would be more fucked up if she did give birth to Fletcher only to turn to stone, abandoned her sons, and one of her son doesn't even know he has younger brother.
So let's do math when Merlok says he's being searching for Clay after finding out he has a nephews. 4/5 years old plus over 5 years, Clay would be 9–10 years old when Merlok found him and try to encourage him to be a knight.
Okay, so maybe the timeline is not so messy when you think about it, but it would be more fucked up when you know everything and think about it now...
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one-half-guy · 5 months
Now some positive thoughts about Knuckles' series EP 3 to balance it:
Knuckles appreaciating Wade's mom food is so precious 🥹 HE IS HAPPY TO EAT THAT YOUR HONOR 🥹
Knuckles learning of some jewish customs was... Interesting, it was done pretty naturally
Lol, Knuckles having the access to the gossip in first hand, wanted to see him telling that to Sonic and Tails 🤣🤣🤣
Wade held on too long, a true warrior ✊ (I would've shown Lanolin 2.0 the right tool/weapon to use when stabbing somebody)
Okay, Wade's mom had really heart talks to Knux, she just wants her family to be together again (even though she does less than the bare minimum, but that's not our focus now)
Being fair, liked to know Wade's mom knows Krav Magha (I probably wrote wrong and I apologize for that... Or not)
LOL Lanolin the Human reading a book about "How To Not Be Caught on Surprise" (hardly the correct title, I'm sure I forgot something) WAS THE ONLY ONE BEING CAUGHT ON SURPRISE, CHUPA QUE É DE UVA LANOLIN.
Knuckles punch scene... Ladies and Gentlemen, I was Wade at that scene *chef kiss*
Knuckles and Wade's mom beating the bounty hunters on the kitchen... *CHEF KISS*
"Protect the candles" HE DOES IT *happy dogs noises*
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illicthearts · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse Spoilers
I just watch Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse and WHAT THE HECK?!
What is wrong with all these spider people? How can they just accept these “canon” events. That’s literally what Spider-Man isn’t about.
“With great power comes great responsibility.” Remember that everyone
Or when Peter says in civil war “When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.” That’s like the core of spider-man. It’s one of the reason Tony and Peter are seen as such a good duo. They both can’t except that in their line of work, they can’t save everyone but they sure as hell are gonna try.
Sure Spider-Man can’t save everyone but when he knows someone is going to die and he just lets them without trying to stop it, it’s literally on him. Now Spider-Man is the reason they’re dead. And that’s not Spider-Man.
Not to mention Miguel himself, so he didn’t have a family of his own in his own universe so he just goes to the other universe where he does and takes his spot there. WHAT THE FUCK MAN! That’s messed up! Bro is pulling a Wanda. Why don’t you find a girl to fall in love with and have kids with her or adopt a child like a normal person!
Also, all the other spider people just believe Miguel? Except maybe Hobie I guess. What proof does he have?
Kang said the same thing in Loki, that if they try to change the a “nexus event” there could be major consequences. But in reality, the Kang who was saying that was the same Kang that won against all the other Kangs. The only threat to the multiverse is Kang himself, not the multiverse interacting with the self.
Albeit Kang and Miguel’s situation are every different but the gist of it is the same.
P.S. I watch it online since I couldn’t watch it in theaters, and it was recorded so the sound quality wasn’t as good and I couldn’t catch everything. I’ll watch it again when it comes out in HD and I’ll more add more to this if I have anything more to add.
P.P.S I love Pavitr Prabhakar
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
I don't hate nexo knights season 4
now, before you bring out the pitchforks and the torches, I have reasons.
one, not many shows do corruption arcs (his petrification isn't one, fight me), two, I can see aaron developing a guilt complex over the second destruction of merlock's library and clay's absence would have been almost tangible for him. he would have stepped up, trying to become what is essentially a second clay. it kinda works. it erases his whole personality and drowns him in stress but still. it works.
the whole season feels rushed but it has some highlights. ruina being the most ruthless and evil being on the whole show is one; clay being forced to confront his death and completely not doing so; hell axl and lance playing dnd!
should have macy been the step-in leader - yes. maybe aaron being the leader was a temporary thing so as not to force lance and macy into another argument - basically shocking them into compliance? maybe aaron is supposed to be the figurehead while in actuality he and macy would have been co-leaders?
anyway. I think season 4 is full of amazing fill-in and headcanons material. there are so many questions you could ask and world-build around!
What was going through Clay's head during his stint undercover?
How does Ruina's magic affect him?
Is Aaron running on fumes trying to emulate his dead friend? Is that why Macy stepped back from pestering him about his leadership position?
How did the rest of the knights deal with Clay's descent? How did they try to help him?
Is Ava an apprentice wizard if she can pinpoint the magical power needed for a spell?
and so many moree. it's a treasure cove and sure it's tacky and a bit on the nose but still! the only thing I will not let lie is the chronological shitshow that moorington family created. i mean seriously, three hundred year old my a–
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 11 months
Howling Hearts
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Summary: Countess Romanoff and her lover, Lady Maximoff, find themselves inexplicably drawn to the Countesses oldest, most trusted and loyal guards. One night after a particularly rambunctious banquet, they finally decide to act on these forbidden urges and claim the two wolves as their own.
Warnings: talk of blood/feeding on blood, graphic violence, slight Omegaverse concepts for the werewolves, Reader has a penis, sexual content (fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, breeding)
Authors note: first time writing Bucky in anything, so please go easy on me if he seems out of character at any point 💖
Authors note 2.0: sorry this is later than intended, still hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 10011 (im sorry its so long lmao) 2023 Halloween Specials Marvel Masterlist
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   It was a cool evening, and a soft rain pattered against the castle's stained glass windows, providing a tranquil atmosphere to the room. Several times now you've become a bit lost in that feeling and have let your eyes linger a bit too long on Countess Romanoff as she sits in her exquisite chair by the fireplace. 
   Admiring her wasn’t new, in fact you were sure that after so many centuries you could paint the curve of her lips blindfolded and you were certain that your mate James could too. But lusting after the vampire that you were in service of wasn’t exactly acceptable behavior. If any other werewolf heard of such a thing it wouldn't go over well. Falling for the species that imprisoned yours to use like glorified watch dogs…they’d shun you at the very least.
  “Lady Romanoff, Starks fledgling is here to see you.” one of her guards announces, breaking the peaceful silence
   A brunette boy stands there beside the guard with wide eyes and he quickly offers the Countess a polite bow. She chuckles at his clear nervous energy and beckons him forward. Somehow the young vampires wobbly legs carry him further into the room
   “So young one” the Countess begins, giving the visitor her full attention “What brings you here on this lovely evening?”
    And lovely it had been indeed. With her lover out for the day it left her able to just focus on the presence of her two oldest and most trusted guards, her wolves. Something Wanda would indulge in as well, but normally they’d be too wrapped up in each other to daydream long. At least while in the same room as you, in their bedchambers it was a different story. But alas, the arrival of this fledgling had chased her decidedly naughty thoughts from her head.
   “Lord Stark wanted you to be informed that he and Lady Potts shall be in attendance of your upcoming banquet” he tells her, looking like he might pass out from anxiety at any second
   “Thank you and I’m glad to hear that. Do give them my best when you return home”
   He quickly nods and understanding that to be a dismissal he turns on his heels and heads back out the door you're standing by. He passes you with such a speed that you have half a mind to tell him to let the horse ride in the carriage as he takes the reins, but you hold your tongue. A good thing too, because no sooner did he disappear from view did Lady Maximoff arrive.
   She smiles as she passes by and heads straight for her lover, kissing the woman's cheek before taking a seat on her lap. You're used to such behavior by now, but at the start it had surprised you, as the Countess was not one to allow such affections from her nightly escapades. Then again, Wanda had always been different. She wasn’t some fledgling picked up for fun, nor was she a human chosen to be a plaything before a meal. No, she was every part an elder vampire, just as your master was, and they were quite old friends before the relationship ever began. 
   “Hello moya lyubov'(my love), is your brother well?”
   The brunette smiles, “He is, and still annoying. Who did I pass in the hallway?”
   “Starks fledgling, here to tell me that my invite was accepted” she explains
   “Oh good. It's not a proper banquet without Tony”
   The redhead chuckles, “How very true. We’ll have to have the kitchen staff keep extra glassware on hand, just in case he causes a debacle like last time.” 
   The two continue talking, making plans for the upcoming party as well as catching up on what the other had been up to in the few hours that they had been apart. You and James tried your best to stay focused and not watch the way the Countesses hands roamed across her lover's waistline and mid back as they converse but that proved to be a very difficult task.
   Eventually one of their servants enters the room with two goblets, indicating it was time for the two women to feed. Now, they could eat food like you and James did, but it did nothing for them. It didn't fill them or give them sustenance so it was something that they really only did when they felt like it or were craving something particular. Otherwise, it was all blood. The fresher, the better.
   "Here you are, my Lady" the servant greets, handing both women their cups
   “Thank you Sylvia” the Countess says before taking a deep gulp 
   The servant quickly excuses herself, heading back to whatever duties she was attending to before she needed to bring the two women their meal, and part of you wishes you could follow her. Not because you wished to be apart from anyone you were currently in the company of, but due to the feeling that stirs in your gut, and to your embarrassment, sometimes your pants, when you witnessed the women consume blood.
   You couldn’t help it, there was just something about being able to watch them feed. The way their fangs grew before they sunk them into their victim, their eyes turning nearly black as they drained the person's essence to fulfill their need was incredibly enchanting. And the way the red liquid dripped from the corners of their mouth, or how they licked their lips afterwards had your heart racing. Which is exactly how you feel now as a drop of blood trickles down from the corner of the Countesses mouth, down past her jawline and down her neck.
   Wanda notices this droplet as soon as Natasha moves her cup and she wastes no time in leaning over, letting her tongue lap up the treat before she attaches her lips to that same spot. She begins to suck a mark into the pale skin there, eliciting a throaty chuckle from the older vampire
   “Behave. You are not the only one currently present”
   Wanda's eyes travel over to James as she continues to mark up Natasha, before they eventually move to look at you as well. You sincerely hope she hadn’t noticed the way you shifted your stance in order to adjust the growing bulge at the front of your pants. The last thing you wanted was for either woman to begin to feel uncomfortable around you, or find you some kind of pervert. 
   “Dorogoy(darling), I said behave” the older woman repeats, gently tugging Wanda's hair to remove her from her neck and get her attention once more
   “But I like getting to mark you. I like the reaction it elicits” 
   Natasha smiles, “I like it too. But if that's something you want, then our room is a much more suitable place for us”
   Wanda wordlessly removes herself from her girlfriend's lap and waits for the redhead to stand before they both begin to make her way towards the doorway where you and James stand by. Wanda shyly smiles at you both and turns to the left, indicating that the bedchamber was exactly where they were headed
   “If anyone needs me” the Countess states, looking at James, “I’m not to be disturbed until I’m out of my room. Unless it's of utmost urgency”
   “Of course, my Lady” he responds, and she quickly follows after the brunette. After he's sure she's out of hearing range he looks to you with a brow raised, “Really?”
  “Oh, shut up.”
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  Down the hall, Wanda finds herself pinned to the mattress as Natasha slowly undresses her, “So wet already. You get turned on marking me up in front of them?”
   “Yes” she whimpers, remembering how she felt like she was putting on a show for you both earlier
   “Mmm, you weren’t the only one” Nat replies against her lovers ear, making the younger vampire shudder, “They liked it too”
   Wanda's eyes shut as she tilts her head back, the feeling of hands roaming across her now bare body fogging her mind. Still she manages a reply, “Yeah?”
   “Oh, yes. Couldn't you see the hunger in their eyes? Or the bulge in Y/ns pants?"
  Another whimper leaves the brunette as Natasha gropes her breasts, "Yes, I saw"
   "And you liked it, didn't you? Causing that reaction in them."
   "I loved it…" she admits, looking into Nats eyes, "I want them, Tasha"
   "I know, my love. I do too, but you know we can't." She sighs, "Even if they feel the same, you know we can't. Our laws forbid it."
   Wanda sighs, a sadness now etched upon her features, "But I don't care about keeping the bloodline pure, and neither do you. So why can't we indulge in our heart's desires?"
   "Because we could be found out, which would endanger James and Y/n" 
   "But- "
   "Shhh darling" Nat interrupts, kissing her girlfriend's plush lips, "Just focus here right now. Can you do that for me?" The younger vampire nods and Natasha smirks at how eager she already seems, “Good girl”
      The mixture of praise and her girlfriend's touch causes Wanda to moan, and Natasha finds herself eager to hear more. She pulls more sounds from the brunette by pinching her nipples and sucking marks along her collarbone, letting her fangs brush against the sensitive skin there.
   Occupied by her lover's mouth, Wanda had failed to notice the removal of one of Natashas hands from her chest, until she felt a thumb press against her clit. Her hips jump slightly and another, more throaty moan leaves her as Nat slides a finger through her wet folds
   Wanda whimpers, her walls clenching around nothing, “I need you inside me, please”
   “I’ve got you” Nat coos, slowly inserting one of her fingers into her girlfriends tight hole
    “Please, more” she begs, and taking note of how wet she already is, Natasha slides a second finger inside, stretching her open as her thumb circles her clit, “Oh god, fuck me Tasha, please”
    Nat smirks and quickly begins to thrust her fingers, and she leans down to capture her lips in a kiss. She easily dominates the action, sliding her tongue into the awaiting girl's mouth while avoiding her fangs. Wanda's walls tighten around the older woman's fingers, causing her to smile and break away from the kiss
   “That feel good, my love?”
   “So…good” she pants, trying hard to catch the breath Nat keeps stealing from her, but its of no use when the redhead quickens her pace, “Ooh fuck!”
   “Which one are you picturing taking you right now?” Nat asks, smirk still plastered on her face. Wanda only wimpers, her fists tightening against the silk sheets as her head leans back, “It's ok darling, you can tell me. I wanna know”
   “James!” she practically shouts, feeling herself nearing her orgasm
   “Leaving poor Y/n out, hm?” Nat teases
   “No” she gasps, trying hard to focus on her fantasy, “She's…ooh!”
   Nat soothes her by kissing her chest softly, “She's what? Tell me”
   “She's making me suck her cock”
   Nat hums, fully agreeing with the mental picture her lover is painting, “I bet she tastes so good. Don’t you think?”
   “Yes!” she moans, her back arching off the bed
   “And James would absolutely fill your pretty pussy up, is that what you want?” she questions, nipping at the younger girls jawline
    The brunette's walls clamp down around Nat's fingers, “Yes! Oh god Tasha, please can I cum?”
   “Go ahead dorogoy(darling), cum”
    Wanda's legs shake as a loud moan leaves her, and her juices drip down her girlfriends hand to the sheets below. Natasha continues to slowly fuck her through her orgasm, prolonging her high until all she can do is whimper and grab at the older woman.
   “Good girl” she praises, gently pulling her fingers free before licking them clean, “Mmm, I’ll never tire of how you taste”
   “Can I taste you now? Please?”
   Nat smiles and quickly rids herself of her own clothes before she settles herself against the mattress, and if that wasn’t a clear enough ‘yes’ she spreads her thighs wide to reveal her pussy
   “So pretty” Wanda mumbles, leaning in to pepper her girlfriend's thighs with marks of their own
   The closer she gets to the redheads core, the more intense the older womans breathing becomes, until finally it's too much for her to take, “Come on darling, I thought you wanted to taste”
   Wanda quickly lets her tongue dart out, lapping up some of her girlfriends essence that had leaked out. The older woman lets out a small moan, which only urges Wanda on. She licks again, this time letting her tongue go even deeper inside as her nose bumps against Nats clit
   “Oh god, just like that”
   Priding herself on doing as she told, Wanda keeps going, exploring every part of the beautiful redhead before her with her talented mouth. The moans she's able to get her girlfriend to make only make her want to cause her more pleasure, and Natasha quickly finds herself reaching her own release
   “Fuck…” she mumbles, struggling to voice her own fantasy, “I wonder if Y/n can eat pussy as good as you”
   Wanda nips at the woman, meaning it as more of a ‘no ones as good as me’, but all it manages to do is leave her girlfriend grinding against her face
   “I’m so close Wans, please”
   Hearing her lovers please Wanda moves to suck on her clit and is rewarded with a gush of juices and a scream of her name. She carefully moves up the bed, straddling her lover's body before kissing her. The two stay locked together, passionately making out for what seems like hours as they continue to pleasure each other. Effectively ending the night as they did most, with whispered declarations of love and shared fantasies of their favorite werewolves.
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   They're awoken the next morning by a loud pounding on their wooden door, "My Lady, pardon me waking you, but I imagine your guests will be arriving within the next few hours. I wouldn't want you to oversleep"
   A soft smile spreads across the redhead's face, "Thank you, Y/n. We'll be out shortly. Do tell Sylvia not to fret"
   "Yes, my Lady"
   Once Wandas sure you're out of earshot, she turns to her lover, "I do wish that maybe just once, they'd have to come in here to wake us. I'd love to just pull them into the bed with us"
   Nat chuckles, "Naughty girl"
   "Not like that. Not this time at least." Wanda corrects, "Right now, I just want to cuddle. I want to feel their arms wrapped around us as we all share the bed"
   "It does sound wonderful…" the Countess sighs
   "But it's just a dream, isn't it?"
   Natasha gives her a tight lipped smile, "I'm afraid so, dorogoy(darling). Now come, we need to get dressed for the banquet"
   After trying on multiple dresses each, they both finally settle on their choices and proceed to get ready. Wanda is dressed in a maroon dress, with her hair done up in a low bun. A few red gemstones decorate her hair to tie into her gown while a delicate necklace adorns her neckline. It was a gift from Nat earlier in their relationship, a golden chain with a dangling centerpiece consisting of golden knots and rubies. Natasha is in a black dress, her hair done up in exquisite braids with small charms and gemstones decorating it. Around her neck she wears a golden necklace with multiple chains dangling from it, each adorned with a few rubies. At the very center hangs a larger pendant that dips quite low, sitting snugly in her cleavage. 
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   By the time they arrive in the grand hall, the area has been completely set up by the Countesses staff. The large gathering table for the heads of houses sits up front, while a few others are spread around the vast area. Each is decorated with an ornate cloth and set with plates and goblets for meal time. A few large candles sit at the center of each table with wines on either side for their guests to freely drink from.
   “My Lady” you greet, entering the room with a large tray of hors d'oeuvres
   “Y/n” she greets, swiping two samples from your tray. She hands one to Wanda before biting into it, “Mmm, the kitchen staff have done an excellent job”
   “They’ll be happy to hear that” you reply before making your way around the room to distribute the food to each table, “The main course should be ready about an hour after everyone's arrival, and James is tending to the humans chosen for tonight. But he’ll be joining us soon”
   “Perfect, thank you”
   With your task done, you can finally focus on them, which allows you to fully take in their appearance. And the words came out of your mouth before you even realized you were saying them, “Wow. The two of you look incredible”
   Both women smile, which helps to calm your nerves of overstepping a boundary. And if you didn’t know better, you’d swear a hint of pink was now visible on their cheeks, but vampires didn’t blush, right? And if they did, it certainly wouldn’t be due to a compliment from a lowly werewolf
   “Thank you, Y/n” Wanda says, pulling you from your thoughts, “You look great tonight too” 
  “You really think so?” you ask, glancing down at your outfit
  The Countess had gotten you and James formal attire a while back for situations like this, because every other house just had its wolves show up in a regular outfit, which she admits she did as well. Until she overheard a group of wolves talking about how ostracized they felt at events and gatherings, and she wanted you both to feel included. But she and Wanda had yet to actually see you wear them.
  “Absolutely, you look quite dashing” Natasha quickly condoms
   You smiles shyly, “Thank you, my Lady, and you as well, Lady Maximoff”
   Before either woman can continue the conversation, James arrives carrying an ornate dagger in its sheath, “My Lady, the humans are all properly secure and are all still in perfect condition for this evening.”
  “Thank you James” she replies, “Go ahead and set that by my seat”
  “Of course”
   As he moves to do as he's told, both women appreciate the way he looks in his new uniform as well. You can’t help but notice them doing this, and you find yourself wondering if they had been looking at you with that same amount of interest. The idea that they could have has your mind swimming with thoughts on what that could mean.
   “James, you look good in your suit too” Wanda finally offers up
   He smiles, “Thank you Lady Maximoff, I tried to clean up nicely for this evening”
   “And you did a wonderful job. You both did” the Countess assures, watching fondly as the two of continue to carry out your duties
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   A few hours later and the banquet is in full swing. Many of the Countesses' friends and acquaintances are in attendance, bringing along a handful of their own guards or a couple of their werewolves to ensure the safety of themselves both during travel and here in the Countesses castle. The grand hall was quite full due to this, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t put you a bit on edge.
   You knew your Countess didn’t necessarily trust everyone she invited, but had to do it to keep the peace among the elder vampires and their houses. Meaning that someone here could easily be at odds with her, and with a handful of guards at their disposal they could cause a disturbance and multiple injuries if they chose to do so. Not to mention how easily someone with ill intentions could slip in and remain hidden in a crowd this large. 
   “You alright?” James asks, coming to stand beside you, his hand caresses your shoulder gently to hopefully ease some tension away from you
  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just….I don’t know, something seems off. Like there's an unnecessary heaviness in the air” you explain, eyeing the room suspiciously 
   He nods, “Yeah, I feel it too. Might just be our nerves, or it might be something, so lets stay on our toes just to be sure”
   You agree and the two of you do your best to not stray far from the main table for the next hour, wanting to ensure the safety of both your Countess and her girlfriend. If one of you had to do something or got called to have a conversation, the other made sure to not stray. And thankfully, so far, everything has been going well.
    “You know, if Lord Pyms fledgling isn’t careful with how he holds the elders daughter while dancing with her, we might have to step in to make sure Scott doesn’t lose his hands.”
   You glance over and notice Scotts hand dangerously low on Hopes back and catch the glare the older man is sending the two as they remain oblivious, “Oh, I would hate to be on the receiving end of a look like that. He's absolutely going to get a reprimand the entire way home tonight”
   “Guarantee it.” another voice replies, causing both of you to look in its direction. 
    “Carol, glad you're here”. It's nice to see you. you happily greet, having not seen the blonde werewolf in some time
    “You too, Y/n” she says with a smile, turning to look at your partner, “And you as well James.”
   “Hi Carol. Maria here too?” 
   She nods, “Of course she is, Count Fury wouldn’t go anywhere without both of us. Ah, there she is now”
   “Hey guys” the raven haired werewolf greets, and her mate happily kisses her cheek, “How are the two of you?”
   “We’re well” James replies, linking his fingers with yours, “How about the two of you?”
   “We’re good too” Carol replies, pausing to look at you, “Have the two of you been allowed to find an Omega yet?”
   You swallow and glance at James, unsure of what to say. Because packs worked a certain way, and that's essentially what a group of guards under a vampire's service was, a very small pack. Alphas were in charge, generally more offensive in actions, and were the ones responsible for breeding. And Omegas, who were still an equal threat despite generally being more defensive, and the ones that would carry any children. And due to you being in the service of vampires, you’d have to get their permission before finding mates and expanding your pack. Which, as Alphas, you and James had a big say in.
   And it's not like your Countess had forbid you from looking for an Omega, but it's not like you had asked either. Whether that was due to the two of you being content without more of a pack, or due to the two of you being infatuated with the two vampires was another matter. One that you couldn’t admit to.
   “Uh, well, we haven’t really brought it up to anyone yet” James admits, causing the two to share a look that you have a bad feeling about
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    Back up at the main table the Countess sighs as Lord Rogers continues to drone on about something that not only happened thousands of years ago, but that he retold at every gathering. Wanda gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, and she turns to find the brunette rolling her eyes. She chuckles lightly at the action, until Count Fury sits down beside her
   “Countess Romanoff, such a lovely banquet so far. Though, personally I would have gone for whiskey instead of wine”
   She smiles, “Count Fury, I’m glad you could join us this time. I can have a servant get you some whiskey if you’d like”
   “I’d appreciate that”
   She quickly signals for Sylvia, who is just as quick to appear, “Please bring out one of our finest whiskies and a glass for the Count here”
   She nods and does as told. He takes his time pouring a glass sampling it. Once satisfied with it he fills the glass entirely before refocusing on conversation, “Seems my Omega wolves have taken a liking to your Alpha ones”
   Her eyes immediately snap up, trying to find you and James in the crowd, and once she does she hates what she sees. Carol is standing mere inches from you with her hand resting along your bicep while Maria stands inches away from James, brushing a long stand of loose hair back behind his ear. 
   Her jaw clenches as she watches neither of you do anything about their close proximity, and has half a mind to let Wanda go over there and sort things out. But she can’t afford to have a scene caused due her her affections for the two of you
   “The bitches will be in their heat soon, if you're looking to let your wolves have a bit of fun, I’m sure we could strike a deal”
  Her stomach sinks at the very clear implication, and based on how quickly she sees Wanda turn her head from the two of you back to her, she knows her girlfriend felt the same dread
   “I can assure you that they both come from good backgrounds genetically. And they've never laid with any Alphas before, your wolves would be the first, and presumably last.”
   “No thank you”
   He raised a brow, apparently surprised,“Are you certain? They seem like a good match.”
   “She said no” Wanda interjects, practically ready to go shove the mans wolves away from you and James
   Nat raises her hand to signal her girlfriend to contain herself, “The offer is very generous, but I must decline. I’m afraid that my wolves have yet to show interest in such a thing”
   “A little push surely wouldn’t hurt matters, but if you are sure in your decision then there's nothing I can do about it”
   “No, there isn’t” she affirms, signaling for her servants to bring out the humans. Her anger needed to be taken out on something, and this would also allow her to temper her hunger
   A row of chained nude men and women are led into the room and brought before the main table, prompting the Countess to stand and grab the ornate dagger. She makes her way to the first person and smirks, “This won’t be quick”
   Before he can even register it, the dagger is brought across his neck and he slumps backward as blood begins to pour from the wound, prompting the remaining humans to let out noises of shock and disdain. You and your mate can only stare in awe at her brutal efficiency. 
   “Who would like a taste?” she offers, beginning to take goblets shoved her way to fill
   You and James watch on as your Countess helps fill chalices for those that approach her, but suddenly a sharp movement to your left catches your attention. You turn to find a group of four men attempting to approach her, but something is off with them. They seem determined, focused. That's when you spot their gear, strategically hidden within their cloaks. Miniature crossbows and blades. 
   “James, we need to move. Now!” Your stern tone immediately has his attention and he turns in time to catch you shifting into your werewolf form. 
   You cause a bit of a commotion as you turn, pushing others down or shoving them away as your size increases and black fur begins to cover your body. People quickly make room for you, effectively halting the men you would soon be after in their tracks, as they are cut off or bumped into. 
   Seeing you transform, Wanda is on her feet at once, “Y/n?”
   Nats eyes move to you then, and her brows furrowed in confusion as she sees you in your werewolf form standing there on your hindlegs, towering over everyone. She only becomes more concerned when your lip curls back in a snarl and a deep growl emanates from your chest.
   “Hey! Control your mutt!” someone, who is quite obviously a vampire shouts, and a good amount of others begin to murmur in agreement 
  But it’s then James sees them too, as they all turn to lock eyes with you, “Go, I’m right behind you.”
   You lunge through the crowd, causing a surprised gasp of indignation to leave the vampires, who somehow still haven’t managed to sniff out the humans in their midst. But the roar-like sound that leaves you as your ears pin back quickly has them fleeing the area of whatever you have perceived as a threat. You land a few feet in front of the small group, and the room is quickly being cleared of all other guests and guards aside from those at the main table, effectively plugging up the rooms entryways and stopping more of the Countesses guards from rushing in
   “We ain't here for you!” the one shouts, “Move outta the way and I’ll reward you with your freedom!”
    Your growl at them and bare your teeth, obviously not swayed by such a thing, afterall Natasha was good to you. She fed you, clothed you, even let you have a room, and you'd never known what it was like to be on a chain or to be whipped. No, you had it good here, the best as far as werewolf standards could go. Plus, you were kinda hopelessly in love with her and her girlfriend, so to you and James, this was freedom.
   You stalk forward a few paces, and they all finally reveal their weapons, aiming them at you. Both Natasha and Wanda can feel their own lips curling back in snarls, showing off their fangs. Neither can tell though if it's due to the anger at the brazen attack or their protectiveness for you however.
   “We just want Romanoffs head” another one of them declares, chuckling, “It’s gonna look real nice on a pick in the center of town”
   It would seem that James wasn’t a fan of that idea either, because in only a few seconds he's shifted into his werewolf form as well and circles around to the groups one side. They seem a bit shocked by his telltale white fur, no doubt connecting it to the legends that run rampant of when he was younger and kill crazy under the service of another vampire named Vasily Karpov.
   “Certainly you recognize the white wolf as being the one your kind calls the Winter soldier” Natasha states, venom clear in her tone, “And as you can see, he is not alone. Surrender and I might spare these citizens their lives”
   A third man shakes his head, “We don’t make deals. We’re leaving here with your head”
   “You won’t be leaving at all” 
   Her comment is as good as a command, and you surge forward with a roar. The recognizable sound of a crossbow firing can be heard only seconds before your teeth are tearing into the soft flesh of the man's neck, and the metallic smell of blood fills the air. 
   Upon seeing this, two of the men attempt to scramble away, but James moves after them. He jumps on the first one, sinking his claws into his back as he bites down on the man's shoulder. He yells out a strangled cry for help before his neck is snapped by a large paw. The other man looks on in sheer horror as he frees his blade, it shakes in his hold but he's determined to not die without landing a blow
  “Come on then, come get some!”
   He lets out a growl that sounds rather like an amused chuckle before striking, tearing open the man's leg with his razor sharp claws. The man yells as he collapses, and he wildly swings his knife, catching your mate with the blade. It slides across his fur covered forearm leaving a small gash and terrible burning sensation in its wake. He quickly swats the blade from the man's grasp, breaking his wrist in the process before getting right up in his face. 
   He stares him down as he slowly bleeds out, having had his artery severed by claws not too long ago, but his attention quickly switches to you when the smell of your blood hits his nostrils…
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   The man that had stayed near you instead of running had watched on in disgust as you ripped away a part of his friend's windpipe before dropping his body. And he knew as soon as your eyes locked onto him that he was next. He decides to be brave as you walk forward, and he fires another bolt into you. Unlike the earlier one that lodged itself in your shoulder, this one hits your abdomen, causing an involuntary whine to leave you as blood drips down to the stone floor. But you don’t allow this to slow you down, and you rush him before he has a chance to reload. He screams as your claws tear into him, ripping open his abdomen and spilling his guts. 
  But before you can finish him off, the pain sets in, and it's quite clear even in your animalistic state that the tips of the bolts had been silver. You recoil from him, letting out another whine as your paw wraps around the arrow in your shoulder, and you yank it out with all your might. 
   The pain nearly has you on all fours at this point, and James quickly rushes to you. His head rests in the crook of your neck as his tongue laps at your shoulder injury. You whine again, almost collapsing as the silver rushes through your bloodstream and Wanda finds she can’t hold back anymore
   She rushes over and carefully runs her hand through the black fur of your uninjured shoulder. Your head turns to her, and she swears she sees your eyes light up as you take in her presence. She watches as you sway, clearly weakened by this attack and she helps you lean into her. Though smaller in size, vampires are amazingly strong and she has no issues helping keep you upright. As she does so, the last of the crowd clears from the doorways, and the Countesses vampire guards make their way into the room. 
   “It's about time!” she shouts, trying to keep her worry for you under wraps, “Get the elders out of here and safely to their carriages, and put these humans back in the dungeons”
   “But, my Lady- ”
   “Go! My wolves took care of the threat and now the elders would like to be in their own castles, see that they at least get safely out of mine!”
   The nod, “Of course. At once”
   As soon as the room is empty, she rushes to join Wanda at your side, “How bad is it?”
   “She can hardly stand Tasha, I think it was silver” she admits, pulling away from your now human form
  The Countess frowns, knowing you must be really weak to allow that to happen just now. In all the years of knowing you, she's never seen you become human again in front of them, likely due to your nakedness. She rubs the fur of James shoulder to gain his attention, and he looks over at her
   “Can you carry her to our room?”
   Though confused, he nods and scoops you up into his arms. It agitates his own injury slightly, and he winces, but he powers through it easily.
    “Set her on the bed” Wanda tells him, and he does as he's told. Only he refuses to move away from you
   Natasha reaches up to rub his muzzle, “I know you're scared right now, but please James, I need you to step back so I can help her”
   His eyes move from her, to you and he takes a few hesitant steps to the side, giving her enough room to maneuver around you. There's still a bolt lodged in your abdomen that is likely causing an extreme amount of pain as well as letting silver remain inside you, but she can’t remove it. Not until she deals with your shoulder wound that's bleeding profusely
  “Just hang on, Y/n” she whispers, grabbing the cloth Wanda hands her. She presses it into the wound, causing you to whimper, “I know, I’m sorry.”
   Wanda hands her a blade then, and James watches in awe as the Countess slices open her own wrist, letting her own blood pour out. He knows she intends to offer it to you, as a vampire's blood has healing properties. But he also knows that this is completely unheard of. He's never known a vampire to allow a wolf in their bed like this, and he certainly knows that none have ever let themselves be fed off of by a wolf. He knew Natasha was a kind vampire to werewolves, much kinder than most, but still he can’t help but think that something different is going on here.
  “Y/n, I need you to drink, okay? Please.”
   You weakly take the wrist she has offered you, attaching your lips to her soft flesh and begin to let the coppery flavor of her blood wash over your tongue. 
   To your surprise, you immediately start to feel its effects as the pain in your shoulder numbs. And you're fairly certain you can feel the wound trying to close itself, something your healing factor normally wouldn't help with when silver was involved. She moves the cloth away with her free hand, and sure enough it's only a small injury now.
   "Okay, I'm going to pull this one out now" she says, gesturing to the bolt in your belly, "It's going to hurt"
  You nod and she pulls, causing you to grimace around her wrist. And honestly if she wasn't so worried about you, she would have been going insane over the feeling of your lips and teeth on her skin
  "That's it, keep drinking" she tells you, turning to look at her girlfriend, "Wanda, James is hurt too, let him drink from you"
  The brunette picks up the knife and holds it to her wrist before looking up at the looming white werewolf, "You can shift back if you'd like, unless you're more comfortable like that"
   His head tilts to the side like some confused dog as he thinks on it, before deciding to shift back. Wanda watches in amazement as he turns back into the man she's familiar with
   "There we go" she says with a smile, but before she can cut herself his hand in hers stops her
   "You don't have to. I appreciate it, and I appreciate you, my Lady, helping Y/n. But my injury isn't in a vital area. You don't need to"
   "James, Natasha helped Y/n because she cares. Deeply. As do I. And we feel the same about you. I don't care if it's not fatal or that it will eventually heal. I can help you not to hurt now, so I'm going to " she explains, effectively causing both his heart and yours to race
   Wanda slices herself as soon as he lets go and gives him her wrist, "Now drink"
   As he does as he's told, Nat removes her wrist from your mouth as she looks you over. She tries not to let her eyes wander, only intending to make sure your injuries are closed, but when she sees your v line and happy trail she can't help but glance further down. She bites the inside of her lip to hold back a groan, because even soft you're bigger than she's ever had the pleasure of taking. But your voice pulls her eyes and attention away
   "Thank you. You didn't have to save me"
   "Of course I did" her eyes soften as she looks at you, and you swear you're dreaming when her hand cups the side of your face, "I couldn't let you die. Besides, you saved me tonight too"
   You can't help but be confused, "But that's my duty to you as your guard. You…you don't have that duty"
   "I don't. But Wanda's right, I care about you and about James far more than a Countess should. And I have felt this way for a very long time. As has Wanda" she explains, leaning closer, “And I think, the two of you feel the same way”
   “We do” you admit, your heart fluttering as you get lost in her intense gaze
   She smiles, “Good, then you won’t mind me doing this”
   She leans in and captures your lips with her own, and you move your hand to cup the back of her head to ensure she stays there. Her lips are so plush, and they fit perfectly against your own. It’s better than you ever imagined, and when her tongue prods your lip for entrance, you eagerly allow it. You then wrap your arms around her waist to pull her even closer, causing her to let out a soft moan. The scene practically has James’s jaw hanging open
   “Why let them have all the fun?” Wanda says, bringing him out of his daze and offering him her hand now that he's done drinking from her
   He swiftly takes it and she leads him to the other side of the bed. Before she can say or do anything however, his hands grasp her hips and pull her against him. She lets out a small sound of surprise before he leans in, pressing his lips against hers in an awaited kiss. Without realizing it, he leans her backwards, letting her come to rest on the mattress below.
   When all four of you finally pull away from each other, James helps Wanda out of her dress and jewels while you do the same with the redhead above you. With all four of you finally able to see each other fully, you each silently study the other. Each of you intends to take in every freckle and scar, committing them to memory before giving in and worshiping each other. 
   Natasha makes the first move, smirking at you seductively before effortlessly flipping your positions. With you now on top of her she guides your hands to her body, “Make me feel good, baby”
   Your hands begin to caress her sides, slowly making their way up to her chest while your mouth kisses along her jawline. When your hands finally cup her breasts, your mouth has moved to her collarbone, where you leave a few of your own marks beside some of Wanda's older ones. The Countess shudders in anticipation as her core throbs, spilling her essence to the bedsheets below. 
   Beside you, James does similarly. His hands squeeze the brunette's tits while his mouth trails the valley between them, leaving kisses in his wake. Wanda squirms beneath him, a flushed mess as she feels her arousal drip between her thighs. She's honestly surprised by her girlfriend's patience, as hers has run out.
   “James” she calls out, her voice a bit raspier than usual. His eyes glance up at her but his mouth never leaves her chest, "I need you lower"
   He eagerly obliges and slides himself further down pressing gentle kisses against her bare stomach before settling before her mound. His eyes darken as he sees how wet she already is, and his tongue darts out to taste her.
  “Ooh” she moans as his tongue gently parts her folds and enters her awaiting hole. He swirls the muscle around before pulling back to suck on her clit, causing her to clench around nothing, “Feels so good, baby”
   He hums at the praise, causing her to roll her hips against him as she seeks out more pleasure. He obliges by pushing his tongue back inside her, letting her walls squeeze him as his nose brushes against her bundle of nerves.
   Hearing her girlfriend moan beside her has Natasha eager for the same treatment. But she needs not wait long, as you're already busy marking up her plush thighs.
   “Y/n…” she sighs as you test her patience, so you finally give into both of your desires
   You practically dive in, attaching your lips to her clint instantly, earning yourself a loud moan from the woman. She quickly brings one her hands to tangle in your hair to hold you close as the other hand twists up the sheets
   “Fuck….just like that” she encourages, scratching lightly at your scalp, “Good girl”
   Her juices drip down your chin as you slip your tongue inside her, causing more sounds of pleasure to come from her. They mix with Wandas as you both work on getting them to come undone.
   It’s not long before both vampires are writhing, their muscles tightening as they begin to reach the peak of their bliss. You and James increase the pace of your mouth's movements as you both hold down their thighs to avoid being crushed.
   “Fuck!” Wanda shouts as she treats your mate to a gush of her cum, which he happily swallows
   The sounds of her girlfriend coupled with your motions is enough to have Nat falling over the edge as well, “Oh god!”
   Her grip on your hair tightens as you continue your movements for a bit, until she slumps back against the bed. Though neither of you want to, you both pull away, not wanting to overstimulate either woman. They both look at you and JAmes through hooded eyes, clearly still blissed out as smiles grace their features
   You and your mate share a similar smile as you glance at each other, clearly forming an unspoken plan with each other. This plan is put in motion quickly as the two of you trade places on the bed, allowing you to each slide between the legs of the other woman you’ve yet to please, and taste.
   You effortlessly wrap your arms around Wanda's thighs and pull her close to you, making her moan deeply as your lips make contact with her still sensitive pussy. Natasha makes a similar sound as James’ tongue slides inside her. You both work at the same pace as before, making both women shudder as their second orgasms quickly approach. Wanda's hand instinctively reaches out to grab her girlfriend's hand, and they both shout out your names as they cum again. You both help work them through it before pulling away to let them calm down.
   It takes them a moment to regain their composure, but once they do, Natasha is sure to praise you both, “They did so good for us, didn't they detka(baby)?”
   “They sure did. Took such good care of us” Wanda agrees, reaching down to affectionately stroke your cheek
  Natasha hums in agreement, “I think it's time to take care of them, don’t you agree?”
  “Oh yes” 
   You and James watch them with anticipation as they stand from the bed, gesturing at where they once were laying. You quickly understand the implication and both move up the mattress to take their places. They both eye you hungrily as they realize you're both hard, and both leaking precum.
   Natasha moves to straddle James, reaching down to grab his cock. She gently wraps her fingers around it, causing him to moan as she jerks him off. His head leans back against the pillows as she presses his tip against her entrance, and she then moans as he slips inside. She slowly sinks down, bracing herself with her hands on his chest as he bottoms out inside her
   “Fuck…” he whimpers as his hands move to her hips, “You feel so good”
   She smiles down at him, “Mmm, so do you. Filling me so well.”
   As she begins to rock her hips, Wanda makes her way to you, straddling your lap with a confident smirk. She strokes your cock as she lines herself up with you, and you both moan in unison as she begins to sink down on you. Your hands cup her breasts in effort to add to her pleasure as hers rest against your abdomen, and she whimpers as stills against your hips
   “So big” she mutters, not used to anything other than Natashas fingers inside her
   With your ego boosted you smile up at her with a cocky grin, “You think we’re big now, you should see us in our other form”
   The thought alone has them both clenching around you, causing both you and James to moan as their movements increase in speed. An your mate glances over at you with a knowing look
   “I think they like the sound of that” you tease, only to be shut up by the brunettes lips on your own
   “Damn right we do” Natasha admits, still eagerly riding James’ cock, “After Wans and I make you two see stars, we want you wolf forms to claim us. You don’t need Omegas now that you have us.”
   James grunts at her words and tightens his on her hips, she's almost sure it’ll bruise and that excites her, “Does that sound good, handsome? Does the idea of knocking us up excite you?”
   “Yes…” he breathes out as his cock twitches inside her, “We’ve never wanted Omegas, only the two of you”
   Wanda pulls away from you, looking into your eyes as she continues her hips movements, “Yeah?”
   “Yeah” you assure, wrapping an arm around her waist, “All we ever thought about was you two”
   At your confession, Natasha leans over and connects her lips to James’ while the brunette on top of you cups your face. Even without words, it's clear the sentiment is the same for the two of them. Besides each other, all they thought of was the two of you. And that paired with they way they both still ride you, neither of you will last much longer.
   “Fuck…Wanda, I’m gonna cum” you grit out, trying to hold yourself back until you know she's close as well
   She moans at your words and her walls tighten around you, “Go on baby, cum in me”
    With her permission you unload inside of her, sending her over the edge directly after you. You hold her close as you thrust your hips upward, helping her ride through her orgasm.
   Beside you, Natasha pants, quickly approaching her own climax, “Thats it, being such a good boy for me. Keep going, I’m so close”
   He nods in understanding, “Me too. God…I’m gonna fill you up” 
   Natasha moans loudly, cumming all over his cock at his words, but his hands continue to guide her in her movements until he spills inside her. She practically collapses against him once he's finished, and he runs a soothing hand through her hair.
   A few minutes pass before the four of you have caught your breath, but once you have, you look over at the redhead resting against your mate, “Did you mean what you said? About our wolf forms?”
   She reaches out to caress her girlfriends back, who still lays on your chest, before answering, “Yes. We want you both in every way we can have you. Right, dorogoy(darling)?”
   “Right” she answers, kissing your chest, “Please Y/n?”
   James looks over at you, “Come on, love. If they want to be ours, who are we to deny them that?”
   You nod, “You're right”
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   The two of you carefully move the two girls off of you as you stand, and once they’re situated you both make your way to the foot of the bed. James gently grabs your waist and pulls you against him before leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss. You eagerly lean into it and wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close for a moment
   After the two of you break apart you walk away from the bed a bit to ensure there's enough space before shifting forms. The two vampires watch in awe as you both transform, and their jaws nearly drop as they take in the size of your still erect cocks.
   You both walk over to the bed, eyeing them as if they were prey. Which, in a way, they were. Just not the kind to be attacked or eaten, but the kind to be claimed. You lick your maw as you climb above the Countess, and she reaches out to stroke the fur covering your chest.
   “Come on, baby. Use me.”
   As soon as the words leave her mouth you reach out your large paws to flip her over, showing off her ass to you. She gets the idea and moves to be on all fours below you, and you eagerly bend over her. She can feel your throbbing member resting just against her folds and grinds back into you, showing how eager she is for you.
   Seeing the position you have her girlfriend in, Wanda quickly moves to get in the same one, hoping to entice James to come to her faster. Her plan works and he moves to hover over her. He gently licks the back of her shoulder as he lines himself up with her and he pushes his tip against her pussy.
    She moans loudly and pulls at the sheets as he pushes himself further inside her, stretching her open even further than she had been on your human cock earlier. He stills for a moment to let her adjust to the new size, only continuing to move once her breathing evened out. Now fully inside her, he lets out a possessive growl and drops a bit more of his body weight on top of her as he waits for you and Natasha to catch up.
   Seeing how your mate has already mounted Wanda, you move your hips back slightly before moving them forward again and you slowly begin to slide into the woman beneath you. She moans and reaches out to grab ahold of one of your giant paws to help ground herself as you inch forward until you're all the way inside her and you thank her by softly licking her neck
   “Please” Wanda whimpers, moving to look at James the best she can in her current position, “Please fuck me”
   With a grunt he begins to move, slamming his hips into hers without little care for how rough his movements may be. His sole focus now is on his pleasure, and filling the brunette with his seed. His powerful thrusts have Wanda a mess beneath him, and all she can do is make sounds of pleasure as his cock pulses inside of her.
   Below you, Natasha wiggles her hips in an attempt to entice you, “Come on Y/n, please”
   You thrust your hips forward with a growl and move your paw to be on top of the hand that was once holding onto you as you start to pound into her. Noises similar to Wandas leave her as your movements never falter and she nearly screams in pleasure when you brush up against her cervix
   “Oh god….oh god” Wanda mumbles, feeling her own arousal drip down her thighs as she approaches her third orgasm of the evening, “Don’t stop”
   He grunts as he increases his pace, proving to her that he had no intention of doing such a thing. He can feel her walls tighten around him, which only spurs him on. He lowers his head next to hers, letting her hear him pant against her ear which proves to be enough to tip her over the edge
   “James!” she shouts, and he nuzzles against her as she shakes but continues to fuck her, not planning on stopping until his knot is buried inside her. 
   Your hips slam into Natashas with a similar roughness, causing the redhead to whimper. She tries her best to force her hips back to meet your thrusts, intent on chasing her next orgasm that's oh so close. And all it takes to send her over is your other paw moving to grab at her chest
   “Oh fuck! Y/n!” she yells as her walls squeeze you in a way nothing ever has before. But you don’t let up either, only thinking about locking your knot into place so you can fill her properly.
    The two of you continue to rut into them with such force that has their arms nearly giving out, but neither cares too much as you both have their eyes rolling to the back of their heads and drool dripping down their chins. Neither has ever felt pleasure this intensely before, and they honestly aren't sure they ever want it to stop. But just as that thought crosses their minds they can feel themselves approaching their climax once again, and they are eager to be filled with potent werewolf cum.
    “Please, please, please” Wanda begs, grasping the sheets so hard its a wonder they don’t tear, “Please knot me, please”
    James grunts, a bit surprised at first that she knows enough about werewolf anatomy and breeding to know of a knot, but when he remembers their admittance of wanting this for a long time he gets the idea that they may have looked into it just to understand the two of you better. And that thought has his knot instantly growing. It slams into Wanda's pussy a few times, and feeling how big it is she nearly changes her mind, but with a final hard shove from him, it slips inside her
   “Ooh god!” she moans as his hot cum practically pours inside her, sending her into her yet another orgasm
   As Nat watches Wanda practically collapse from exhaustion and pleasure  her excitement of being knotted by you nearly doubles and she does her best to turn her head to face you
   “Please baby, I want your knot.” she whimpers, “I need it”
   Her admittance has your knot growing, and she can’t help but moan as it slams against her. Then, without warning it slips inside fully and locks into place, and she swears she cums so hard she sees white as your seed seemingly endlessly pumps into her. She also practically collapses, so you and James both ease them into a prone position as you both gently lay on top of them, and without meaning to they both begin to drift off.
   By the time they come back around, you and JAmes are human again, and are spooning them from behind. Large smiles envelope their faces as they realize that you both not only stayed but you had also cleaned them up a bit
   “Ah, you're awake” James says from behind Wanda. She hums in acknowledgement but its NAtasha that speaks
   “Hopefully not for long. Just wanted to check on the two of you”
   “We’re fine, love” you assure, pressing a kiss to her still bare shoulder, “And we aren’t going anywhere”
   “Besides, how much safer could the two of you be now that your guards sleep in the same bed as you” James teases, causing all of you to chuckle
   “Promise you’ll be here?” Wanda mumbles, clearly only moments away from returning to slumber
   James squeezes her a bit tighter as you answer, “We promise”
   She give you a sleepy smile, “I love you all”
   “Love you too detka(baby)” Nat replies before James and you answer in unison
   “We love you too”
   Nat smiles as her girlfriend closes her eyes, “I also love you both”
   “And we love you too” you answer
   “Indeed we do” James says, nearly drifting off to sleep himself
   “Sleep now” Nat tells him, turning to look at you, “You as well.”
   “Mkay” you admit with a yawn, pulling her even closer
   And as the Countess feels the love and warmth of her three lovers around her, she knows that any risks that come with such a relationship, potential hybrid children and all, will be absolutely worth it if it means she gets to have this for the rest of time
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softestqueeen · 6 months
✧*̥˚ fic recs *̥˚✧
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here are some of my favourite fics! here are all of the fics i regularly re-read and go back to!
i will be updating this list as i go!
if you see your works here and want them removed, please reach out to me!
disclaimer: they are ALL x reader *heavy sigh*
last update: 30/06/24
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✧*̥˚ marvel/mcu *̥˚✧
loki laufeyson
burning words by @lokiprompts (angst/fluff)
the ceremony by @smolvenger (smut)
i want you by @lokigodofmyheart (angsty fluff)
statues by @sassypossumm (fluff)
enchanted by @fqreverwinter (fluff)
my attention by @seriiousgiirl (fluff/smut)
love story by @averagewriter-inthedark (headcanon/ fluff)
you can wrap me round your finger by @spookyrea (fluff)
lokis little witch by @vbecker10 (smutty fluff)
training blues by @jiyascepter (hurt/comfort)
running into trouble by @vbecker10 (angsty hurt/comfort)
gossip by @lokigodofmyheart (smut)
like a queen by @lokisgoodgirl (smut)
blue christmas by @mochie85 (smut)
what makes a princess by @muddyorbsblr (fluff)
lace and beads by @sarahscribbles (smut)
bucky barnes
breeding kink blurb by @buckyalpine (smut)
pick me by @buckyalpine (angst & hurt/comfort; fluff)
drabble by @buckyalpine (smut)
please can i hold you? by @itsthewritergal (hurt/comfort)
one shot by @buckyalpine (angsty fluff)
a forbidden invitation by @thevillainswhore (smut)
wanda maximoff
good morning ࿏ wm by @themidnightcrimson (smut)
natasha romanoff
one for the road by @elaci (fluff/smutty)
stephen strange
my doctor by @withalittlehoney (fluff)
good girl by @futureplayboibunnie (smut)
his medicine by @ironstrange1991 (fluff/smut)
the goatee problem by @ironstrange1991 (fluffy drabble)
you're my comfort by @ironstrange1991 (fluff)
bucky barnes & steve rogers
accidents happen by @myfictionaldreams (fluff, smut, hurt/comfort)
adventures of amy series by @girlygirl14534
miguel o'hara
all brawn by @luvrxbunny (smut)
hot and bothered by @spiderlyla (fluffy smut)
bruce banner
cuddles are the cure by @late-to-the-party-81 (fluff/comfort)
steve rogers
tomorrow by @writtenfangirl (fluff)
here for you by @elixirfromthestars (hurt/comfort)
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✧*̥˚ bbc sherlock *̥˚✧
sherlock holmes
sidewalks of london by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
the london eye by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
hold me by @fallingforunrealisticromance (fluff)
brother dearest by @starks-hero (fluff)
a single touch by @bakerstreethound (smut)
safe in your arms by @classickook (fluff)
too good to be true by @teigo-the-explorer (fluff)
let the light in by @starssaroundmyscarssblog (fluff)
dear jealousy by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
a case of mistletoe and presents by @bakerstreethound (smutty)
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✧*̥˚ call of duty *̥˚✧
sugar daddy!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
pornstar!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
simon "ghost" riley
soft-tummy simon riley by @lovelyghst (fluff)
pornstar!Ghost by @shotmrmiller (smut)
drabble by @xiamentshoneypot (fluff)
wife of ghost by @august126 (smut)
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✧*̥˚ harry potter *̥˚✧ *heavy sigh* i know
george weasley
the stolen sweater by @mayraki (fluff)
put your head on my shoulder by @weelittleweasley (fluff)
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✧*̥˚ actors/actresses*̥˚✧
tom hiddleston
in too deep by @thefaefiction (smut)
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✧*̥˚ criminal mind*̥˚✧
spencer reid
be my angel by @nereidprinc3ss (angsty fluff)
smut imagine by @minswriting
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✧*̥˚ authors*̥˚✧
here are some of the authors i love to read and i always go back to!
@ironstrange1991 (stephen strange) her masterlist
@buckyalpine (bucky barnes) her masterlist
@luvrxbunny (bucky barnes, miguel o'hara, moon knight, joel miller) her masterlist
@fettuccin-e (oscar isaac & pedro pascal characters) her masterlist
@bakerstreethound (sherlock holmes) their masterlist their masterlist 2.0
@withalittlehoney (stephen strange) her masterlist
@melodygatesauthor (moon knight & miguel o'hara) her masterlist
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251 notes · View notes
I Work Too Hard, Can You Fuckin' Pay Me?
Part 5 - Y/N moved to escape some of thier looming troubles from Westview, to the place that their best friend said would make a difference. New job, new digs, will Y/N make a change for the better, or leave another city with their tail between their legs?
TW: Angst, Intersex reader, reader has some... not so great coping habits, sexual tension
Word Count: 3.5K
Read Pt. 1 HERE Read Pt. 2 HERE Read Pt. 3 HERE Read Pt. 4 HERE
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Searching Your Eyes For Humility
Time flew as you buried yourself in work, working on project after project, taking on extra work to keep your mind busy even when you were at home, off the clock. The office was your refuge, a place where you could drown out the whispers of the past with the clacking of keyboards and the hum of the air conditioner. Many at work noticed how your focus had shifted like a light switch went off. You were withdrawn, only speaking when spoken to or when necessary, most greetings were a curt nod and a poor excuse for a smile.
Pietro had tried to get in touch, multiple times, in fact. You ignored his texts and calls, and even when he would try to come by your office you would find yourself in a 'meeting'. If he tried to come by your house, you would hide in your bedroom, pretending to be asleep or blasting music in your headphones while you worked out in the basement. You had made it your mission to avoid Wanda, Piet, and Natasha at all costs until you were confident your mind was in the right place.
It had been three and a half months since that night, that weekend when you wiped the hard drive that was your brain, drinking all the alcohol in your home. You had to call in the following Monday and Tuesday, you were too hungover and ill to function. But after that weekend, you shifted your routine, working out and leaving the house before you knew Wanda would be awake and outside her home in the morning, tending to her gardens. You would bury your nose in work, and keep yourself until well past dark, so when you got home there was no chance the woman or her brother were outside.
You were quickly getting into better shape than you had been when you attended Westview High, treated yourself to some ink therapy at a tattoo shop in town, and avoided any drama you could. Until now.
"Y/N!" a boisterous voice echoed from behind you as you were now running on a school track on a brisk Saturday morning. "Y/N! Jesus!"
You kept up your pace, Pietro could maintain your pace if he needed to talk to you.
But the footsteps grew closer, and suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, spinning you around. "Pietro, what the hell?" you snapped, trying to keep your breathing steady.
Pietro was out of breath, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and frustration. "We need to talk, man," he panted. "It's been months. We can't just ignore each other forever."
You glared at him, the muscles in your jaw tightening. "What do you want to talk about?" you snapped, your heart racing from both the run and the confrontation.
His gaze shifted, a disappointed expression dancing across his face. "Y/N, you know what."
"No, Piet, I don't." you crossed your arms over your chest, your breathing somewhat regular as you both stood in the middle of the straightaway.
"Y/N, when I said to distance yourself from the Natasha situation, I didn't mean for you to go AWOL. I still need my best friend." The sincerity in his voice made your heartache. You had missed him too, but the fear of falling back into the toxic cycle kept you at bay.
"I know, Piet, but it's just... complicated." You shoved your hands in your pockets, avoiding his gaze.
"I know, Y/N."
"It scared me, honestly," you admitted quietly.
Pietro's eyes searched yours, looking for the truth behind your words. "Scared you? What do you mean?"
"After how that night unraveled, I just saw Westview 2.0, starring me. This is what I came here to avoid, to grow from. I couldn't let myself fall back into that toxicity, Piet." You took a deep breath, the words finally spilling like a dam breaking. "I drank myself into a stupor all weekend to get rid of all my booze, and I've been sober since. Working out, working, and building new habits. I have to. I can't let myself become that person again, Piet." you whispered the last part, hoping he didn't catch it.
"I understand that, Y/N. But you aren't the same person. The same person in Westview would have never had the balls to leave. They would have gone through town, causing drama and ripping through households with no abandon. You DID do that."
Pietro's words hit you like a ton of bricks, and you felt your anger dissipate slightly. He was right, you had changed. But the fear remained, a nagging voice in the back of your mind whispering that it could happen again. "You need people around you who encourage the more healthy behavior, Y/N. Not the toxic shit." He spoke with a firmness that made you realize he wasn't just talking about Natasha.
"What do you mean, Piet?" you asked, fidgeting with the sleeve of your jacket.
"The people at work, people around town you were making a connection with. You need to have healthy relationships. Hell, you had been talking to Wanda almost daily and just...stopped." He leaned in closer, his eyes searching yours. "I know you think you're protecting yourself, or me, or whatever, but you're just cutting yourself off from everyone who cares about you. That's not healthy."
You swallowed hard, his words resonating deep within you. "I don't know how to do this, Piet. I don't know how to be the person I want to be without getting sucked back into that world."
"You just have to take it one step at a time," he said gently. "We all make mistakes, but it's about learning from them and growing."
You nodded, feeling the weight of his words. "I know, it's just..." You trailed off, unsure of what to say next.
"Difficult. Trying. I get it. But that's part of why I moved from Westview. It was toxic as hell, and I slowly found myself the longer I was away from it. But you need people with you to do it. I need you. Wanda, while she may not admit it, and I don't like it, needs you. You need us."
Pietro's words hung in the air, and you felt the weight of his gaze on you, his hand still on your shoulder. You sighed heavily, looking up at him with a sad smile. "You're right," you conceded. "I've been hiding. I've been avoiding everyone, including myself."
He nodded, his hand moving to give your shoulder a comforting squeeze. "But you don't have to face it alone," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "We're here for you, Y/N. Wanda and I, we're a team. We've got your back, no matter what." A smile crept across your face, and finally, a small smile graced Pietros as well. "Now, can I have my bud back, can we go eat breakfast or something? I'm fucking starving doing this 'big brother' talk bullshit."
You chuckled, the tension in the air dissipating. "Alright, alright," you said, bumping his fist with yours. "Let's go."
As you walked off the track together, the cool morning air nipping at your skin, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. It had been so long since you had allowed yourself to let someone in, to accept help. The silence between you and Pietro was no longer heavy with unspoken words and accusations, but rather filled with a quiet understanding that had been missing for months.
"How'd you get here, Y/N? I don't see your car," he asked, looking around the school parking lot as you approached his silver Jaguar F-Type. You laughed at him, as he whipped his head around to look at you. "No, Y/N. Tell me you didn't run here. Tell me you didn't fucking run here."
"Alright, fine. I won't say."
Pietro rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips as he unlocked the car. "Jesus, Y/N. You're insane. When was the last time you ran that far, outside of the soccer field in high school?"
You shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I had to do something to keep my sanity." His gaze softened as you both slid into his car.
"True. Otherwise, you'd be certifiable right now." He winked before starting the car and pulling away from the school parking lot, back towards town.
You both ended up at a quaint little diner that had become a staple within city limits, a place where you could sit for hours, sipping coffee and hashing out the world's problems. The bell over the door jingled as you entered, the scent of pancakes and coffee wafting through the air. The walls were adorned with vintage posters and photographs, the chrome of the bar stools glinting in the early morning light. As you looked around, you noticed a familiar woman in a corner booth at the other end of the restaurant. Her attention was drawn to the bell over the door rang through the atmosphere.
Pietro pushed you towards the booth that Wanda was seated in, her smile growing wider as her brother clamped his hands on your shoulders.
"Look who I finally fucking found!" he directed at her, his voice raising a few octaves in his excitement. You both approached the booth, but Wandas gaze never left you. She eyed you up in down, likely noticing the more trim version of yourself that had been carved over the last few months.
"About damn time," she responded. "I thought you were dead, and I would have to get to know another neighbor all over again."
"Thanks, Wanda," you mumbled, sliding into the booth across from her.
Wanda's gaze remained on you, a mix of curiosity and relief. "What's been going on, Y/N?" she asked, her voice softer than you had ever heard it. "You look good," she began, her cheeks tinting a slight pink shade as Pietro slid into the booth next to you. "Er, uh, happy. I mean." she laughed, looking down at the menu in embarrassment.
"Looks like little Y/N has gotten back into working out. She hasn't looked this good since high school," he joked.
Wanda playfully rolled her eyes, "I swear to God, you're like a puppy that just learned a new trick."
You couldn't help but laugh, the tension between you three slowly fading. The waitress, a bubbly brunette named Laura, came by to take your orders. You settled on a protein pancake platter with a side of eggs and turkey sausage, while the siblings both went for the classic breakfast of champions: waffles with a mountain of whipped cream and syrup. Laura scribbled down your choices before flitting away to the kitchen, her smile lingering on you.
Pietro leaned over to you, holding his hand up to shield his mouth from Wanda. "She likes youuuuuuuu!" He whispered extremely loud, all but defeating the purpose of whispering and covering his mouth.
Wanda slapped his arm, "Dickhead, you don't have to whisper-shout it to the whole diner!" She said with a smirk, disguising the slight disappointment she had in the attention you were receiving.
"What?" He feigned innocence, grinning at his sister.
You couldn't help but chuckle, the sibling banter a welcome distraction from the heavy conversation you had just had. It was like stepping into a warm blanket of familiarity. The sound of plates clattering and coffee brewing in the kitchen melded with the low murmur of the other patrons, creating a comforting ambiance. Wanda's eyes sparkled with mischief as she took a sip of her coffee, the steam rising to kiss her nose.
"So, Y/N," she began, setting her cup down with a gentle clink. "How's life been treating you these past few months?" Her tone was cautious as if she was tiptoeing around a minefield.
You took a deep breath, "It's been a... journey," you said, trying to keep your voice light. "Learned a lot about myself, made some changes."
Pietro nodded, his hand reaching over to give yours a quick squeeze. "That's what we do, right?" He said, his smile genuine. "We're the masters of reinvention."
The waitress brought over a pot of coffee and topped off all three of your mugs before retreating to the next table. Wanda's gaze held yours for a moment, her expression a mix of understanding and hope. "I'm proud of you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
The words hit you like a warm embrace, filling a space in your heart that had been cold and empty for so long. "Thanks, Wanda," you murmured, your eyes misting over.
Pietro cleared his throat, trying to break the tension. "So, what's the plan today?" He asked, flipping open the menu. "Besides eating our weight in breakfast foods."
You glanced over at Wanda, who was still watching you intently. "I don't know," you said, forcing a smile. "Thought I might go to the library and grab a few books, then hit the gym."
Wanda leaned back in her seat, her eyes never leaving yours. "Why don't we make it a group activity?" She suggested. "Pietro can go with you to the gym, and I'll tag along to the library. Maybe we can grab lunch after?"
Surprise flickered across your face. "Really?" You hadn't expected the invitation, but a part of you felt a spark of excitement at the prospect of spending the day with them.
"Yeah, really," she said, her smile genuine. "We've all been so busy with our own shit, it'd be nice to just...hang out."
The three of you spent the morning at the library, you searching for self-help books while Wanda picked out some gardening guides and Pietro perused the biography section. The silence between you wasn't awkward anymore but rather filled with a gentle ease that had been lost over the past few months. You felt your walls slowly crumbling down as Wanda shared her latest gardening successes and failures, and Pietro regaled you with tales from his recent business trip.
After the library, you headed to the gym together. Wanda decided to join you after all, saying she needed to get her own endorphins going. You couldn't help but notice her lingering stare as she watched you work out on the treadmill. She had never seen you like this, focused and determined. You felt a little self-conscious at first, but her presence was comforting.
You shifted between machines, Pietro spotting you when needed, and vice versa. Wanda's piercing gaze only ever left you when you caught her staring. When you had arrived at the gym, you went into the locker room where you kept a locker with other clothes to work out in if you didn't feel like using the equipment you had at home. When you emerged from the locker room, Wanda's eyes went wide as you made your appearance in an extremely revealing cut-off tee shirt and tight-fitting shorts.
You blushed under her scrutiny, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she put in her earbuds and started doing yoga in the corner. The gym was a bustling hub of activity, the sound of weights clanging and the grunts of exertion echoing off the walls. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the faint smell of antiseptic cleaner. You found comfort in the routine, the burn in your muscles a familiar and almost comforting feeling.
Pietro was in his element, effortlessly bench-pressing weights that made you feel like a featherweight by comparison. His skin glistened with sweat, his muscles flexing with each push. Luckily, you were no slouch when it came to athletics and working out, and you quickly worked yourself up to your personal records. When you asked him to help you break your records, he began cheering you on as you pushed your limits. 
This caught Wanda's attention, as she came over and watched. Her gaze wasn’t the same as it was before. It was almost dark like there was a deep-seated desire lingering just below the surface. She was watching your muscles flex, the sweat drip, and admiring how effortless you looked breaching your limits. You couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under her gaze, but you also felt a strange sense of attraction growing. 
The rest of the workout passed in a blur of reps and encouraging words from both of them. When you finished, you were drenched in sweat but felt more alive than you had in months. The three of you headed to the showers, Pietro splitting off to the men's lockers as you and Wanda went into the women's lockers. Sending Wanda a shy smile, you walked to your locker, shedding the sweaty tee shirt and tossing it into a backpack for you to carry home to clean.
"Y/N?" a quiet voice came from the next row of lockers.
"Yeah, Wands?"
"I need help," she let out a nervous laugh. "I'm stuck."
You turned to see Wanda struggling with her sports bra, the material clinging to her skin. The sight was surprisingly... distracting. Her supple breasts were on display as you neared her, noticing how toned she was up close. Your mouth went dry, and you willed your little friend to not 'wake up' and the unholy thoughts running through your mind.  "Oh, sure," you said, trying to keep your voice even. You approached her, reaching for the clasp.
As your fingers touched her skin, she tensed up, but you moved quickly and deftly, having had enough practice with your own as well as others' workout gear. "There," you said, stepping back and handing her the bra, looking away from her so you wouldn't make her uncomfortable. The old you would be pressing her against a locker, teasing her and making her break the barrier down. But you didn't want to do that to her.
Wanda took the bra with a murmured 'thanks', her cheeks flushed. You couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the lost opportunities, for the friendship you had pushed aside in your quest for self-preservation. "You know, Y/N," she began, her voice tentative. "I've missed you."
You turned to face her, "I've missed you too, Wands." Your voice was sincere, filled with the weight of the past months. "I'm sorry for being such a shit friend."
"It's okay," she said, her eyes meeting yours. "I understand. I just... worry about you. I was worried is all."
You nodded, swiping a towel over your forehead. "I know. And I appreciate it. I just needed some time to figure things out."
Wanda stepped closer, her eyes searching yours. "Well, you're back now," she said, a hint of something unspoken in her voice.
You felt a spark of something, a connection that had been buried under layers of fear and doubt. "Yeah," you whispered. "I am."
The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter and good food. Wanda had invited you to her place for lunch, her garden was lush and green, a testament to her dedication and love for the earth. You had helped her pick out some herbs and vegetables for a salad, the coolness of the leaves contrasting with the heat of the day.
Pietro had regaled you both with tales of his misadventures in the nightlife world, his charm and humor a balm to your soul. Wanda had listened with rapt attention, her eyes lighting up with every punchline. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden, Pietro had long since gone home, leaving you and Wanda alone. Wanda was sipping from a glass of wine, while you were drinking a glass of iced tea.
You sat on the porch swing, the chains squeaking gently as it rocked back and forth. Wanda was beside you, her hand resting lightly on your knee. "You know, Y/N," she began, her voice low and gentle. "You don't have to be so tough all the time."
You looked at her, the question in your eyes. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," she said, her hand moving up your thigh as she turned to face you. You gulped at the proximity, catching the scent of wine coming from her breath. "You put all of this unnecessary weight on your shoulders. It's like you're putting up a front to make it seem like you have it all together. But no one has thier shit together. And if they say they do, they're lying."
Her words hit home, and you felt a lump form in your throat. "You think I'm...faking it?"
Wanda's eyes searched yours, her thumb tracing circles on your skin. "No, I think you're scared. Scared of letting anyone in, scared of getting hurt again."
You nodded, looking away from her gaze. "I just don't know how to do it differently," you admitted.
Wanda leaned in closer, her hand moving to cup your cheek. "Let me help you," she whispered. "Let me be there for you."
You looked into her eyes, feeling the warmth of her hand and the gentle pressure of her thumb. "I'm trying," you murmured.
Her gaze was intense, and you felt a sudden heat pool in your stomach. "Then maybe it's time to stop trying so hard," she said, leaning in to kiss you.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Naughty fantasies | 500 follower special 🖤
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Avenger!Fem!Reader
Word count | 2.5K
Summary | Bucky recently discovered a specific fantasy he's been wanting to fulfill. Even though you two have never experimented with roleplaying before, you're instantly on board when he brings up the idea of a Student/Teacher roleplay. It's just not the way you had initially thought...
Warnings | Established relationship ~ boyfriend/girlfriend, use of nickames ~ Doll, Baby Boy, Baby
Smut | Porn with some plot, Bucky watching porn, implied male masturbation, oral ~ M&F receiving, deepthroating, student/teacher roleplay, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), Sub!Bucky Barnes at first, but later he takes back control.
A/n | Firstly, I want to apologize that this has taken so long to be posted, life got in the way and with Fluffcember going on too it was hard for me to find the time to write this. But it's here now, and I hope you will all enjoy it! This is written as a thank you and celebration for reaching 500 followers; this one has been chosen by all of you! 🩵
A/n 2.0 | This is proofread by the amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917, for which I am truly grateful! I also believe this was based on a post from @notafunkiller a while back (please correct me if I'm wrong and it wasn't you!) about wanting to see a student/teacher fic with student Bucky, so I hope this will fulfill at least a little bit of that craving 👀🩵
Events Masterlist | 2. ''Don't tell anyone'' | @the-slumberparty
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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You've been away on a solo mission for the last three weeks, meaning your boyfriend, Bucky, has been looking for a different way to meet his needs. Not in the form of another woman, but in the form of his fist while watching porn.
The idea of porn was very foreign to Bucky at first, but he has always been curious about it. When he truly couldn't take it anymore, he decided to ask you since there's no one else he trusts more with such a sensitive topic than you.
''Doll? Could you come here for a moment?'' Bucky asks as he's seated on his bed, and you're getting ready for a girls' night out with Nat and Wanda.
You just put on your outfit for the night, and once your heels are on, you're ready to go. During this entire time, Bucky had watched you like a hawk, enjoying every curve of your body when you changed and pouting when you told him you couldn't stay.
If it were up to him, he would have you under him the entire night, making each other cum so many times you don't remember your name, let alone where one person begins and the other ends. But no, you couldn't cancel girls' night again.
''Is everything okay?'' you ask as you walk over to him, putting your hand on his thigh as you look at him with a curious gaze.
''Everything's perfect, but I've been... wondering about something,'' he starts, his voice trailing near the end and a blush creeping onto his cheeks. 
Your eyebrows are slightly raised out of curiosity, and your mind is going a mile a minute as you're trying to think of what could be swirling around in his brain. The following sentence is most definitely not on the list of things to even cross your mind, let alone his.
''Where can I watch porn?'' he said it like it was the most casual thing in the world, like someone asking what's for dinner that night. You nearly choked on your saliva, and after your coughing fit, you looked at him to make sure you heard him correctly.
It turns out that you did.
''Are you okay, Doll? I can ask someone else-'' ''No! I can show you!''
It was unexpected, yes, but you didn't want to give Bucky the feeling that you'd think he was weird or that you weren't okay with explaining these things, too. They're only natural, after all.
And that's how you found yourself explaining to Bucky where he can find free porn, and he has been exploring the wonderful world of online porn.
Ever since that night, he has watched porn a couple of times, usually only when you're away on long missions like you are now. He's been watching one of his usual videos when he stumbles upon something he's never seen before that instantly piques his interest.
Student/Teacher roleplay. After that first video, he has been going down an entire rabbit hole of roleplay porn, but he noticed he gets the most satisfaction from the student/teacher dynamic.
Somewhere along the way, he found out about the dynamics being reversed. It was usually a male being the teachers and a female being the students; in this one, a female teacher was punishing her badly behaving student.
Now, he's trying to find a good way to bring up the fact that he's interested in trying out a little roleplay of his own. It's not something you two have ever tried before, but it's not something you have discussed.
So here he finds himself watching the same video over and over again, his sweatpants on his knees together with his underwear and his fist wrapped around his cock, stroking himself at a leisurely pace.
Despite seeing the video countless times at this point, it never fails to get him off, and this time is no exception if it weren't for the fact that you swung open the bedroom door, just as he was about to reach his climax.
His super soldier hearing had not notified him of your arrival because he screamed when you caught him, his phone flying across the room as he tried to cover himself up.
''D-doll! Fuck! I didn't know you'd be home so soon...'' he mumbles, his face bright red while you walk over to where his phone landed to see if it's okay.
''Please, don't tell anyone!'' Bucky pleads, not wanting everyone to know about the kind of porn he watches. It's nothing illegal or anything, but that doesn't mean he's not embarrassed by it.
''I won't, Bucky; this will stay between us,'' you reassure him as you take off your boots before making your way over to the bed, where he's still waiting for what you're going to do next.
''So, you've wanted to try a little roleplay, huh? Well, you could have just asked me, and I would have happily said yes, silly boy,'' you tell him with a sensual voice.
You take slow steps towards the bed as you pull down the zipper on the front of your Tac suit, exposing your bra underneath.
''But first, do you want me to help with your not-so-little problem?'' you ask him, crawling on the bed and in between his legs before pulling the pillow away, revealing how he's still hard as a rock.
''Y-yes, please,'' he whispers, and without any hesitation, you bend down to give a few licks across his red, weeping tip to lick off the few drops of pre-cum that have gathered.
Your fist wraps loosely around the base, closing your mouth around his tip, sucking softly, and earning yourself a loud moan from your boyfriend that has your pussy clenching around nothing.
Slowly, you work more of him into your mouth and throat until your nose makes contact with his pubic bone, and you're gagging around his length. This turns out the be his undoing, and without so much as a warning, he shoots every last drop of cum into your mouth, letting you swallow every last drop.
''Fucking hell, Doll, you always know how to give a warm welcome-'' he tells you as he's softening and coming down from his high, ''- but now it's my time to give you the same.''
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The next day, you and Bucky discussed roleplay and your interest in trying it out. However, this is also when Bucky confessed he would like to be the one receiving the punishment and taking the sub role in this scenario.
Your discussion has led to you searching for an office you could use, which may have resulted in a somewhat awkward situation with Steve. See, you've been trying to figure out if any offices are available with a lock on the door, but you didn't want him to know what you would be doing there.
"So, about the office… Is there one available?" you ask Steve again. It's been about a week since you last discussed it with him.
"Well, there are plenty available, but I can't exactly assign an office to you without knowing what you're going to do there," he tells you, focusing intently on your face. You know he means well, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
"I have some- uhm- personal business? With… Well, with Bucky…" you say, your voice trailing off to a whisper, and that's when Steve finally puts two and two together. It's not about exactly what you would be doing, but it did click why you need an office with a lock.
"Oh! Well, uhm… Yeah! We have- I'll put you on the list; I'll let you know!" he says as his cheeks turn bright red, and with that, he storms off to try and not make the situation any more awkward. You quickly retreat to your bedroom to tell Bucky the excellent news, but you decide not to mention that Steve has an idea about what you will do.
A week later, you find yourself in the office Steve assigned you and Bucky. The door is locked so you two can avoid getting interrupted.
''Are you sure you want to do this? Because you know I'm okay with this, of course, but I care about your wellbeing too, Bucky,'' you tell him before you start.
''I'm sure, Doll. And I have my safeword if anything happens that I'm uncomfortable with,'' he reassures you. This does make you feel a little more at ease, and you need to get a few more things ready before your scene.
You've already changed into your outfit of a tight skirt that barely covers your ass, a white blouse that is about two sizes too small, your boobs and bra on full display, a pair of high stockings, and high heels. The entire look is finished with a high ponytail and your glasses.
''Ready, Baby boy?'' you ask Bucky when everything is ready, and when he notifies you that he's ready, you instantly switch into teacher mode. Suddenly, you're glad you've been a high school teacher for a few years before joining the Avengers.
''Somebody-'' you start with a raised voice ''- has gotten an F on last week's test. And because of that, they will receive a fitting punishment.''
Bucky's eyes instantly go wide at how you naturally slipped into your role. Between your authoritative tone and the way you look, he can already feel himself growing hard in his pants, and he has to adjust himself already.
This doesn't go unnoticed by you, and you walk over to Bucky, your heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor. You lean forward when you're at Bucky's table, and this only makes your boobs stand out more, making Bucky unable to look away from them.
You clear your throat loudly, and his eyes instantly snap up to yours, and he knows he's been caught. A deep red color appears on his cheeks and down his neck, and you can't help but grin at the sight.
''What's the problem, Baby Boy? Am I making you nervous by standing so close?'' you whisper in his ear after leaning in, and you are so close to him that he can smell the perfume you're wearing.
He bought it for you last Christmas, and you only wear it for special occasions. This occasion is very special, and his head reels from the thought.
You get back up, and he instantly misses you being so close, but that feeling is quickly gone when he watches you walk, the fabric of the skirt stretching slightly across your butt.
The sway of your hips has his mouth slightly agape and his hand reaching down to his crotch, palming himself over his jeans to give him the slightest bit of relief.
''Barnes!'' you say, and he quickly pulls his hand above the table. His eyebrows go into his hairline as he looks at you, and you turn around, sitting on your desk with your legs crossed.
''Come over here, Baby Boy, and I will give you your punishment now, so you won't have to go to detention later,'' you tell him, your glasses sliding down your nose as you playfully look over them.
He slides his chair back without hesitation, and before you know it, he's in front of you, the bulge in his pants very noticeable. He's enjoying this even more than you thought he would, and it makes you smile.
''For the first part of your punishment, I want you to sit on your knees, and eat this pussy until I tell you to stop, is that clear?'' you ask him, and he nods.
''Words, Baby Boy,'' you order, and he follows with a soft 'yes.'
''Good boy,'' you tell him as you spread your legs for him, and he sinks to his knees, his hands hooking behind your knees to pull you towards the edge of the desk. A soft gasp leaves your lips, and Bucky spreads your legs wider with his shoulders, opening you up for him.
The skirt you're wearing rides up to your hips, and when Bucky finds out you didn't wear panties for this, he lets out a deep groan. At this point, he's straining almost painfully against the confines of his pants, but since you didn't tell him he could touch himself, he hooks both arms around your thighs as he starts to eat you out like a starved man.
''Oh, fuck! Doing so well for me, Baby Boy,'' you praise him, and with that, he increases his pace even more, alternating between licking your clit and fucking your entrance with his tongue to get every last drop of your arousal.
He groans against your pussy with the praise, and you can never get enough of him eating you out like that. Your fingers are threading into his long locks before pulling him even closer, making your moans only louder.
''Use your fingers, Baby, use your fingers to make me cum-''
He doesn't have to be told twice because as soon as he hears the words 'fingers,' he is suckling on your clit, his fingers crooked inside your pussy.
Within no time, you're trembling as your legs are over his shoulders, your hand in his hair pulling him away as you're overstimulated and unable to keep yourself up at this point.
''F-fuck me, Bucky, fuck me until I can't fucking walk straight anymore,'' you tell him as he's worked you through your orgasm, and he's glad he can finally free himself from his pants.
After a few quick strokes, he's pushing himself into you, and you instantly clench down on him from the stimulation he's giving you. Once you've finally relaxed enough to let him in further, he slides in, bottoming out in one thrust.
The moan leaving your body is nearly pornographic, and it has Bucky going crazy, too. After getting adjusted to you and how tight you are around him, he leans forward and captures your lips in a soft, sweet kiss that is the complete opposite of the pace he's fucking you with.
With his metal arm, he rips your bra and shirt into pieces in a single motion, freeing your breasts from their confines and ready for him to play with. At this point, you know he's taken back all control, but you don't care; all you can think about is his cock deep inside you, hitting precisely the right spot.
''Need your fingers, please!'' you tell him, and his metal arm slides between your bodies, finding your clit without a single problem, while his flesh hand plays with your nipples, tugging and squeezing both in an alternating rhythm that only increases your pleasure.
Before you know it, you're falling over the edge of your second orgasm, and Bucky is following closely after, shooting his cum inside your pussy as he bends over and captures your lips in a passionate kiss.
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, and your legs are wrapped around his waist to keep him as close as possible. The two of you stay like that for a little while until Bucky goes soft, and he pulls out, ready to clean you up.
''So, how about that grade?'' he asks you.
''You deserve an A+ after that performance,'' you tell him, and after he's cleaned you up, you try to stand, but to no avail. Your legs give out immediately, and Bucky has done precisely what you asked.
''Here, take my shirt,'' he tells you as he pulls off his Henley before taking off the remaining pieces of your bra and blouse and throwing them in the trash for you. The soft material of the shirt feels warm against your skin, and Bucky lifts your bridal style, ready to take you to your bedroom.
You lay your head against his shoulder with your eyes closed, letting out a content sigh as you let Bucky take care of you. He makes sure all private parts are covered, and despite a few people giving him odd looks, Bucky keeps walking and giving you soft kisses on the crown of your head occasionally.
''I love you, Doll, and thank you for making my fantasy come true. Next time, I'll help you fulfill one of yours,'' he whispers to you before stepping into the elevator, and you fall asleep, getting a much-needed nap.
The elevator arrives at the floor of your bedroom quickly, and when the doors open, Bucky walks past Steve, who instantly turns bright red at the sight of his best friend holding you as you're wearing his shirt.
Steve turns around and quickly rushes into his bedroom to save himself from more embarrassment, though it is unspoken between all three of you that this will never be mentioned to anyone.
It's a good thing you left your bedroom door unlocked - your valuable stuff is always put away safely - and Bucky steps into the large room to put you on your bed without disturbing you.
When he pulls the comforter over you, he is just about to walk away to meet Steve, but you've woken up from the transfer, and you're not engulfed in his warmth anymore.
"Stay?" you ask him in a rough, sleepy voice, and he agrees. Right now, all he cares about is you, and Steve isn't capable of looking either of you in the eye after knowing what you did in that office.
For Bucky, though, this is truly a win-win situation. More time with you and the rest of the day to do whatever he pleases? It's like his dream come true.
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delulu-with-wandanat · 8 months
Shape of you
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings 18+: Shapeshifting (Wanda), teasing, praise kink, slight degradation?, cunnilingus, bottom!Nat, top!Wanda, fluffy moments cus these two are just-
A/N: This was requested by a user who would like to remain anonymous. I hope you like it! It was nice exploring this idea with you, some of the lines were from them as well!
Summary: Wanda's exploring the extent of her powers and can't help but tease Nat with it. And Natasha... well, Natasha discovers something new about herself.
"What the-" Her girlfriend, Wanda, was always up to interesting things when she calls for Natasha's attention. Most of the times it was adorable, like that one time Wanda excitedly showed her the cupcake she had baked with a proud grin.
But this... this was just...
"Hey sailor." Wanda- or better yet, Natasha 2.0 said. The spy narrows her eyes in confusion, but nonetheless she was very impressed. She knew Wanda had been experimenting with the extent of her magic. Whenever they hung out in Wanda's room, she would absentmindedly play with her powers. However, she never knew Wanda's magic could go as far as shapeshifting.
"Well done, detka! However, you still sound like you." Natasha said from her seat on Wanda's bed, her tone was teasing. The witch pouted, oh god is that what I look like when I pout?? "Aw... My darling, I was only joking. I'm sorry, this is really impressive!"
Wanda only stick out her tongue and faced the mirror once more. This was something she had been working on for the past days, Wanda noticed that she was able to be alter the environment around her, which pique her curiosity on whether or not she could alter her body.
At first it was simple things, like changing the color of her hair without the use of hair dye. Then putting on clothes without actually needing to put on any materials, getting her nails done, the color of her eyes, so on and so forth. Then she started to wander if she could alter... her face.
She got the idea from none other than her own girlfriend, the former Russian spy. Natasha had told her about the time she used a photostatic veil in order to impersonate others, which inspired the witch to do her little experiment.
Wanda checks herself out on the mirror. She had gotten everything right, from Natasha's hair, her beautiful green eyes, her full lips. "How are you not in love with yourself?" Wanda asked randomly.
"I'm pretty sure there's a term for that, unfortunately Tony already took the title." Natasha replied.
"If you were, i'd honestly understand."
Natasha only hummed in response and returned to her previous activity on scribbling in her notepad. Well, she knew she was attractive of course. She had no doubt about that, but being physically attracted to herself sounded absurd. Not because she was insecure or any of that, rather how does one could be THAT self absorbed.
"Do you ever think about fucking yourself?"
Natasha almost choked in her own saliva at Wanda's rather absurd question. And to be quite honest, she should be used to it by now. Wanda could be quite... random. One of the many traits Natasha adores so much, but... maybe there are times where you shouldn't speak out your mind-
"I think the word for it is masturbating."
"No, I meant like... Having sex, with yourself. As in physically touching a clone of yourself." Wanda elaborated.
A small smile creeped onto Natasha's face. Wanda's absurdity was so weird yet so adorable at the same time. Natasha finally put down the notepad and puts her attention fully to the younger woman. "That mind of yours, little witch. Sometimes I don't understand why you're even asking any of these questions for..."
Wanda only rolled her eyes, her face was still representing Natasha. Christ, this is weird. "I'm just saying..." Wanda said in a low voice. Taking a step towards the bed, swaying her hips slightly. "Hypothetically, if you were to meet a clone of yourself, wouldn't you feel... something?" The seduction in her voice were present.
Well... the way she saw her own face smirking at her, Natasha had to admit. It was rather... sexy.
Wanda got closer and closer, crawling onto the bed to Natasha. Arching her back a little so her ass was up in the air. Natasha raised an eyebrow at Wanda. "What are you trying to do?"
"My point being, you drive me crazy, Natasha Romanoff. With your eyes, your smirk, the way you present yourself in general." Wanda continued, still advancing towards her on the bed, almost like a cat. Soon enough, Wanda made herself comfortable on her lap, tilting her head a little as she looked down at Natasha. "Don't you think you'd feel some type of way if you ever met a clone of yourself?"
Natasha crane her neck upward to see herself, or more like a face of herself smirking down at her. Perhaps Wanda was onto something, Natasha's face had an aura that tug something within you. Yet, the spy was still not convinced. That may be her face, her smirk, however everything else was still Wanda.
Maybe because she was a spy so she was much more observant, that or she loves Wanda so much to the point where she knows every single little detail about her. The little head tilt that she always does, the nose crunch when she smiles, Natasha could go on and on.
Natasha then raised her hand and lets it rest on Wanda's cheek. "I already have the girl for that, detka."
A soft blush formed on Wanda's cheek, the smirk turned into a soft smile. Ugh god, I'm making a mental note not to blush like that. Looks cute on Wanda, but god forbid someone else caught me in that state.
A smirk formed on Natasha lips, her other hand grip Wanda's thigh slightly, causing the witch to hitch her breath. Natasha moved her hand to the back of Wanda's neck, pulling her down so she could whisper in her ear. "Now how about you let me see that girl, hmm?"
Within an instant, her face transformed to it's original state. Natasha smiled upon seeing the view she adores so much. She then pulled Wanda down, the two met halfway, sharing a soft loving kiss while embracing one another.
Natasha had thought that her girlfriend's little hocus pocus would end there. However, the little witch was very much still adamant on reaching her goal. Which was to become the perfect Natasha clone.
Altering her appearance was easy, making it accurate was not so hard either.
"Hey babe, I think I finally got your tits right. Can you come over and have a feel to see if it's accurate?"
Natasha stopped dead in her tracks upon hearing the question at 9am in the morning. She had just gone back from her run to find Wanda standing in front of her mirror, with a different body, HER body to be precise. And also wearing her suit... The zipper was unzipped way lower than it should to be frank-
"Wouldn't you have a better opinion on that? After all, you're the one who's on the other end of the stick." Natasha teased after composing herself real quick.
"It's your body."
"Wanda, I don't exactly spend my time in front of a mirror all day." The witch then took another look in the mirror, her eyes almost looks like a prey as her hand trails up her body in a sexual manner, biting her lips as she gave her tits a firm grip.
The scene had Natasha swallowing the lump in her throat. That's when she felt... something in her stomach. What the fuck was that-
"Mmmm, the way I would record myself if I had this kind of body." Wanda husked out dreamily.
Natasha took in a shaky breath, which went unnoticed by the witch. "I love your body the way it is."
"Oh darling, I don't mean that in a self deprecating way. Don't you worry." The younger woman continues to admire her body, or Natasha's body in the mirror. Turning to the side and arching her back, running her hands along the curves seductively. "Keep watching, perv."
Wanda's words snapped the spy out of her trance, when her gaze returned to Wanda's green orbs, the witch was smirking slightly at her. Natasha only rub the bridged of her nose and mumbles some incoherent words in Russian.
"You can be honest."
"I'm going to the gym-"
"You just got back from a jog." Wanda stated.
"I need something to punch after dealing with..." Natasha made a movement with her right hand, indicating to the whole shapeshifting ordeal. Wanda only narrows her eyes in faux offense, Natasha then turns around and walked out of their room.
"You love me!" Wanda yelled out just before the door closes. Natasha merely rolls her eyes, yet a smile creeped up on her face. She really does...
The most difficult part for Wanda was not to alter her appearance, rather how to mimic her girlfriend's demeanor and personality. Which was weird, wasn't it? As Natasha's lover, Wanda should be able to mimic her perfectly.
Perhaps there were a couple of reasons. One, she wasn't a trained spy or actor by any means. And two, Natasha had an... aura you could say, a confidence, the way she brought herself up. It wasn't something that anyone could copy.
Natasha strides into a room with her head held high, all attentions directed to her in an instant. When she speaks, no one dares to cut her off. The power she holds, the fire in her eyes, just everything about her that makes her Natasha-Fucking-Romanoff.
Maybe that's why the witch was so drawn to her. And to be completely honest, Wanda had no clue whatsoever on how she manages to bag the former assassin.
So for the past couple of days, Wanda did a complete observation of Natasha. Watching every moves that she makes, the way she speaks to others. The micro-expressions on her face, the way she sits, her composure, every-single-fucking-thing...
Natasha turns around upon hearing her colleague.
"Rogers." Natasha responded promptly.
"How'd you get here so fast?" Steve asked, confusion written across his face. To which Natasha responded with equal confusion.
"I thought I just saw you... Never mind that." He approached her and makes himself a cup of coffee as well. Natasha had her back leaning against the counter. "How are you and Wanda?"
With that Natasha lets out a soft chuckle. "Interested in my love life, Rogers?"
"It's a harmless question." Steve responded with a kind smile.
"We're alright." Natasha said, trying to hide the tiny smile that's creeping up to her face at the thought of Wanda.
"I'm truly happy for you both." The two avengers drank their beverage in a comfortable silence. Despite all the dangerous mission they had to go through, moments like these are the ones they cherish the most. In the midst of all the chaos, it was nice to have a peace of mind once in a while.
After a few moments, Steve broke the silence once again. "Well, I should head out."
Natasha narrows her eyes in confusion. "Aren't you supposed to train Wanda this morning?"
"You just told me she was sick??"
"I didn't... Wanda is sick?" Concern flair up in her for a split second, I didn't even know...
"You tell me." Both Avengers were in confusion. "Nat, are you sick as well? You seems a little off today."
"Rogers, I assure you, I'm perfectly fine."
"Alright... Well, I hope Wanda a speed recovery. See you around, Nat." Steve said before walking past her while patting her shoulder.
What the fuck is going on??
Natasha opted to check up on her girlfriend, she strides to the direction of Wanda's room. The conversation she had with Steve was weird to say the least, however, being the spy that she is, she had an idea on what was going on. Just as she was about to knock on Wanda's door, a voice called out to her.
"Natasha." To hear herself, she wasn't that much surprised to say the least.
Natasha smirked, she knew Wanda was still hellbent on the whole shapeshifting thing.
"Trying to get yourself out of training I see."
"A day won't hurt anyone."
Natasha turns around to face... herself. She had to admit, this was very impressive. Wanda manages to get every curves of her body right, the color of her eyes, her hair, down to her signature smirk.
"You could've just told me, you know?" Natasha said in a slight teasing tone.
"I find this more exciting." Wanda said, taking a closer step towards her. This is really weird.
Natasha... out for words. Give her a break, how exactly does one reacts to this? Wanda had become the perfect clone. Natasha tried to say something, only to close her mouth again. With that, Wanda smiled teasingly.
"Cat got your tongue?" She said, while thumb reaching up to rest it self on Natasha's chin. The spy's breath hitched. Why the fuck-
"Don't flatter yourself."
Wanda let out a soft chuckle, "So defensive, Detka." Fuck, is this how Wanda feels every time?
"How long are you planning to keep this going, hmm?"
Wanda only lean closer, her breath ghosting on Natasha's lips. "I'm not entirely sure..." The witch's eyes subtly glanced down to her lips before returning to her eyes. "Until it bores me." With one last smirk, Wanda pulled away and walked to a different direction.
Natasha lets out the breath she didn't even know she was holding. To see herself, acting the way she did awakened something in her. Natasha wasn't sure if she was comfortable with that fact...
The rest of the day was... interesting to say the least. Wanda spent the entire day, posing as her. However, the witch wasn't out and about to wreak havoc. Meaning she wasn't out there to spread rumors as Natasha, or completely re-writing Natasha's well known reputation.
No, no... It was much worse than that.
She was constantly teasing, and flirting with Natasha AS Natasha. Which the spy couldn't decided if she would have prefer the former or the latter.
Wanda was getting bolder each minutes as well. It started off as just having a rather seductive conversation with her, then she started stretching and bending her body in sexual manners, then she started brushing her hand and whispering things in her ears. It frustrated the spy, one because it turns her on in a way that made her feel weird about herself. And two, she may or may not feel slightly hypocritical, as she often does this to rile up Wanda.
"I think I'm starting to understand." Natasha felt a hand encircling her waist, her voice whispering on her right ear. Natasha looked up from the bathroom sink, the reflection caused her to hitch her breath. Wanda smirked as she rest her head on the spy's shoulder.
"Understand what, exactly?"
"Why you do what you do..." Wanda husked out. Pulling Natasha closer by the waist and flushing their bodies completely. "Why you tease me so relentlessly..." Natasha lets in a shaky breath the moment she watches the scene unfold in front of her eyes. Wanda kisses her shoulder, before slowly trailing it up to her neck.
"Wands..." Natasha breathed out, her mind was starting to get hazy. Her eyes flutter slightly, she couldn't help but to crane her neck a little to give Wanda better access.
"To have someone submit to you so easily..." Wanda started to nibble her earlobe, Natasha couldn't help the slight moan that escaped her throat. Which caused Wanda to chuckle.
For fuck sake, why am I feeling like this?
"The power you have against me, Natasha Romanoff." Wanda husked out again. With one swift movement, Wanda spun her around to face her. Natasha could feel her breath against hers. The spy's eyes shifted just for a split second, Wanda's lips pulled into a devilish smile the moment Natasha was caught red handed. "Go on. I won't blame you."
Natasha took in a sharp breath, yet she couldn't seem to rack up any words.
"Don't be afraid, Natasha." Wanda purred, leaning ever so close their lips were mere inches apart. Natasha didn't knew what's gotten into her. Was it the way she acted? Her voice? Her mannerism?
She knew she was good at what she does, hence why all of her targets gave in whenever she used seduction. But to have experienced it herself was something she would've never imagined happening. Was it weird? Perhaps.
But by god does her lips move so well against her...
The way she took control, just how the spy always does. The way her hands know exactly where she wanted to held. The way her tongue teases her lips, causing Natasha to subconsciously part hers letting Wanda gain access.
Their mouth moved in a perfect tandem. Natasha moaned against her, arching her body in a way she normally never does. Almost submitting herself...
She broke the kiss, trailing kisses along her jawline, then down to her neck. Natasha's breathing was getting heavier and heavier on every kiss, her knees felt wobbly. She wrapped an arm round Wanda's shoulders for support.
"You feel the effect you have on me?"
She lets her hand roam down to Natasha's thigh, giving in a firm grip while her mouth continued its way down Natasha's neck. The action was causing Natasha to let out a breathy moan. As her mouth explored Natasha's neck, searching for a sweet spot, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
"Ah... I see why you like this angle. Why you love to fuck me in this exact position." She smirked at her own reflection, Natasha's back facing the mirror. She trailed her hand up Natasha's spine from under the muscle tee. Fuck, even Wanda is so turned on by the sight...
She then pushed her leg between Natasha's thighs, eliciting a delicious moan from the redhead and something she did not expected to hear, "Natalia..."
Both women snapped out of their trance.
The witch pulled back to look at Natasha in the eye. The spy was shocked at her own words. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I-"
But Natasha was shushed, a smirk creeping onto her partner's lip. "What did you just call me?"
Natasha clenched her jaw, "Wanda-"
"No." She responded firmly. Her finger reached up to force Natasha to look at her in the eye. "I won't ask you again, Malyshka." The amount of dominance in her voice made Natasha weak in the knees. The spy didn't know why, but all she wanted to do was to oblige.
"Good girl."
Oh fuck- Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She crashed her lips onto Natasha, with one swift movement Natalia had picked her up to sit on the counter top. Making the older one gasp and moaned against her. Natalia tugged on the muscle tee she was wearing, the older one took off her shirt with so much difficulty as she refused to part their lips for more than a second.
Natalia lets her hand roamed the newly exposed skin. Running her hand up her strong muscular back, gently digging her nails causing Natasha to hiss and arch her back. "Oh god-" She groaned. Natasha puts her hand on her chin to force Natalia to look at her. "Take me to bed." The spy demanded.
The clone merely raised her eyebrow, Wanda had to hold herself as she was so used to obeying Natasha's words. But not this time. "You know better on how to use your words, Detka."
Natasha swallowed the lump in her throat, one last breath she let out a very soft. "Please..."
A devilish smirk crepped up on Natalia's lip, "Say it again. Full sentence."
"Please, take me to bed, Natalia..."
Delighted, the clone crashed their lips once again and swiftly pick her up. Natasha naturally wraps her legs around her, her right hand on her shoulder for balance while her left remain on Natalia's cheek.
The kiss gets progressively messy as Natalia carry her to their bed. With the lack of space between them, she could feel Natasha's growing arousal on her abs. The spy even tightens her legs around and subtly moving her hips. Christ, since when did Natasha get so needy?
Once Natasha was laying on her back, Natalia pulled back to take off her shirt. Natasha watches the scene, practically drooling at the mouth. The clone wasted no time in locking their lips once again, positioning herself between Natasha's legs and grinding her abs against her core.
"Ahh... F-fuck..." A pathetic whine escaped the spy's throat. Something that never had happened before.
Natasha's panting and moaning filled the room, it was music to Natalia's ears. Painting the older ones neck and collarbone with purple markings, now she understands why Natasha always leaves so much of those. To mark her territory, show off to everybody what is rightfully hers. The two continues to undress each other, revealing more and more skin each time. Natalia pulled back to take in the view.
The sight of the infamous Black Widow, now naked underneath her, squirming under her touches, by god Wanda wanted to engrave the sight on her mind.
Over the course of their relationship, Natasha took charge most of the time, well... all the time actually. However, it wasn't because she forbid Wanda to take charge, no. But rather Wanda found herself incapable of doing anything else other than to obey her. She never understood why, until now that is.
The power she has, the seduction in her voice, the aura that just makes someone follow you like a blind dog willingly.
"Look how pathetic you are..." Natalia husked out while playing with her tits. Natasha's bottom lip trembles, desperately holding back the needy whine that's threatening to escape her throat. Still trying so hard to keep her 'dignity' even after the numerous slip ups a few minutes ago. "You don't have to hold back, Detka."
Natalia slowly kisses her way down to her stomach, Natasha's breath hitch as she closes her eyes, her legs subconciously spread wider.
"Look at me." Natalia demanded. When Natasha opens her eyes again and look down, the clone was smirking up at her. "Don't you want to see how good you look?"
Natalia stick out her tongue, dragging down from her stomach then all the way to her inner thigh.
"This part is my favorite to watch..." Natalia husked out as she makes herself comfortable between Natasha's thighs. Kissing and lightly biting the inner parts, getting dangerously close to her core only to pull away, causing Natasha to grip the bedsheets like her life depends on it as she watches the scene unfold.
"Please..." Natasha breathed out.
Natalia smirked. Christ, that devilish smirk. "I'll do it exactly the you do."
And by god does Natasha finally understands what she means.
Head thrown back, toe curling, sheets gripped tight as Natalia lapped her up like a starved animal. Natasha's moans were music to her ears. Natalia swore the sight itself could make her come without the need of touching herself. The feeling of Natasha grabbing a handful of her hair was enough to make her head spin, causing Natalia to moan against her core.
The action only pushed Natasha closer to the edge. "Oh fuck-"
She was close, it was almost so pathetic how quickly she got to lose herself. As Natalia kept sucking and twirling her tongue on her aching bud, the knot on her stomach was threatening to snap.
Yet, she couldn't?
She knew she was practically gliding along the edge. What exactly is stopping her?
Natalia was too pre-occupied to notice Natasha hesitancy. The spy whined and whined like a pathetic mutt as she wanted nothing more than her release. But it never came.
"S-stop, stop, please..." Natasha whimpered.
Natalia froze and pulled away, immediately hovering closer to Natasha's face. Looking at her with so much concern and fear. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
Natasha shook her head, there was tears in her eyes. Yet, not out of pain, out of frustration. Which Wanda picked it up as though she had hurt Natasha. Her heart ached as she thought of the damage she might've caused. Luckily, Natasha was quick to straighten things out.
"No, detka. It's not you, I just-" Natasha couldn't understand, what's happening to me?
Natalia, reached up to cup her face. Causing the two to lock eyes. Oh... Maybe that's why... "Talk to me." Natalia said gently.
"I want you..." Natasha breathed out.
"Are you sure you can continue?" Natasha nodded, the hand that was initially on her face slowly and gently trailed down again. "I'll be gentle, I promise."
But Natasha halted her hand before it could go further. "Not like this." Natalia tilted her head in confusion. "I meant- You, Wanda, I want you..."
Realization hits her like a brick. Without missing beat, Natasha finally stared back at the woman she loves, Wanda Maximoff...
As much as she enjoyed the whole role play and that it turned her on in many ways. The act of release was.... something she found rather sacred?
Perhaps for better term, her body only naturally wanted to let go for Wanda. She made Natasha feel safe, like she could let down her guard. Like she could demolish the wall she had built around herself for so many years.
Wanda, Wanda, Wanda....
"I love you." Natasha whispered, her hand wrapped around the witch's shoulder. Staring deeply into her green eyes, oh those eyes...
"I didn't mean to hurt you-"
"You didn't." The redhead said firmly, pulling Wanda closer so she could rest their foreheads together. "But I wanted it to be you, only you..."
Wanda nodded, her hand trailed down again to her aching core. Natasha's breath gets heavier with anticipation. It started slow, as Wanda had to build her up once more. She leaned down capturing Natasha in a soft kiss while her hand did their magic.
"Just like that. Ah- Wanda..." Fuck, the witch loved their previous role play, but hearing her own name was so much better.
"You're doing so well for me, detka." Wanda whispered as she picked up the pace. Natasha's breath hot against her face as the spy yearned for their close proximity. Wanda then started kissing her jaw, her neck, then up to a spot just below her ear. "I love you so much, Natasha."
The redhead felt a surge of arousal in her stomach, this moment was so intimate. In a sense, she felt so safe, so loved, so well taken care of. She loves her, she loves her, by god she loves her...
"Wanda, f-fuck. I'm so close...." Natasha moaned.
"I got you, baby." The knot in her stomach tightens as it's threatening to snap at any given seconds. Natasha chants her name like a prayer, begging for her to go faster so she could have the release she so desired. And Wanda wants nothing more than to fulfill her needs.
"Wanda... Wan- oh fuck!" Finally, it snapped. Natasha hid her face on Wanda's neck, still holding her close as the witch helps her through her orgasm. They've had much more exciting sex of course, but this moment... this wasn't just sex. It was making love.
The realization that Natasha only felt safe enough to let go is for Wanda. That wasn't something Wanda was going to take lightly.
Natasha's breathing eventually evened out. They pulled away to gaze into another, though it seems like there was a soft blush on Natasha's face. Wanda couldn't help but to smile, it was so adorable to see the big strong Black Widow blushing like so.
"You're so cute." Wanda teased, leaning down to kiss her nose.
Natasha only scrunched her nose, but a small smile creeped onto her lips. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I should return the favor..." Natasha husked out.
Wanda bit her lip, "I wouldn't be opposed to that."
Wanda entered the gym with a yawn, holding a cup of tea in her hand. She looked rather adorable still in her pajamas. Natasha noticed her and gave her a soft smile.
"You should be in training, witchy." Sam grumbles as he does more push ups, courtesy of Nat of course.
"Don't make me add another 100, Sam." Natasha replied.
"This ain't fair! You can't just give out special treatments just cause she's your girlfriend."
"You know what? Fair enough, just for that you get 200."
Sam cursed under his breath, "Go fuck yourself, Romanoff."
Instant flashbacks for the spy, yet she quickly shook it off before anyone else at the gym notices. However, she locked eyes with Wanda who raised her eyebrows teasingly.
'Don't...' Natasha mouthed.
Wanda only sipped her tea, while maintaining eye contact. It had a glints of mischief in them.
Damn this woman...
Whoooo, ok so i had this WIP for like weeks. And I'm the type of person who gets overwhelmed when one thing isn't done, so I'm gonna post this so i don't have the weight of it in my head for these college essays :')
I'm sorry that I'm gonna have to postpone all request until further notice, anyway hope you guys liked it! Also I hope the whole thing wasn't confusing, i tried my best to describe Wanda as Natasha XD I think I could've done better but with everything my head was elsewheree, anyhow enjoy!
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
Can you do headcannons on Wanda being pregnant with reader because of the hex and having to tell Natasha on top of dealing with all the hex aftermath?
(That storyline not being picked is the loss of my life fr 😔)
Westview 2.0 Headcannons
Ignore the ugly ass title lmao, I have no idea what to title this x
These are just some of the ideas I had for the story if I did write it, unfortunately there isn't really a need to do that now so being able to share these is fun! I hope you enjoy, this is kinda long.
After Wanda clears the Hex, all she does want to do is go into hiding, seeing what she's done wrong, it made it hard for her to accept that she abused her powers for her own needs.
Things between Wanda and Nat are slightly awkward after the hex, Nat coming back from basically the dead is already a lot for her to deal with but on top of learning what Wanda did in response to grieving also throws her. She's not mad to say because she understands to a degree, she's more mad that nobody kept an eye on Wanda and made sure she was getting help if she needed.
Wanda does see a therapist.
Wanda knows about her pregnancy but it's something she struggles to tell Nat about. A lot of conversations in therapy help her take that step to tell Nat.
Wanda wants to retire from the Avengers, she wants to leave that life behind and just try to live a normal life but she knows Nat wouldn't be open to the idea.
When Wanda tells Natasha about the pregnancy, Nat can't find any reason to be upset. She's happy, she's excited but a little overtime she see's that the unexpected pregnancy throws her more than she thought.
Wanda wants to do the right thing, she wants to try and made things right. The town of Westview now have knowledge of their ordeal and think Wanda should be punished for taking an entire town hostage. Wanda doesn't seem to fight the idea.
Natasha is against the idea of Wanda going to prison, she always argues that Wanda was in pain, she was grieving and that should be taken into account whenever her and Wanda get into arguments over it. Natasha just wants to take care of her wife and unborn child.
Strings are pulled and Wanda ends up being on house arrest, has 100 hours of community service to do and will spend 6 months in prison after her baby is born. Natasha isn't happy about it but she's thankful that Wanda won't be missing years of this new chapter of life.
Wanda & Nat go to marriage counselling. This helps the two of them understand how one another feels after the hex. Nat now understands Wanda's need to do right and do time for what she did and Wanda now see's that although Nat is over the moon about having a child, she wishes that they were about to talk about it and plan it. Nat does feel like Wanda went against her will a little.
Wanda's pregnancy eventually brings the two Avengers together more. They come more excited to be mothers each week.
They buy a house just outside of New York, close by Clint's farm house so Natasha has privacy and help when the time comes for Wanda to go to prison.
Natasha is in full protective mother-mode, she's always by Wanda's side, always talking about the baby and future plans. She ignores the 6 months that Wanda will be somewhat absent and tries to distract Wanda from thinking about it.
Together, they make their new home a home that is every much them. The nursery is very much inspired by Wanda's Sokovian heritage and Nat's Russian background. They want their baby to know where they come from. Not from a hex and spell, but from two mothers that love them more than life.
Before the baby is born, Wanda tells Natasha that when the time comes, she doesn't want to hide anything from their child. Eventually they will ask how they born, they will hear talk about their mothers. Natasha disagrees, she doesn't want their child to know of horrible things Natasha was made to do but with some therapy, Natasha comes to terms with how to tell their child things without tell them the glory details.
Wanda had plenty of unusual food cravings while pregnant, one that she kept going back too was pizza topped with strawberry and caramel toppings.
Nat would always talk to Wanda's swollen stomach, telling the little unborn baby anything she would think off. At night, when Nat struggled to fall asleep, she would read a nursery book to the baby. She wouldn't wait to read them a book and be able to look over to them sleeping of smiling soft back at her.
Nat was excited to let Melina & Alexei apart of this new chapter of her life. Yelena couldn't wait to be an aunty, ofc she wished the baby was born at an age she could take the child out to do things. Melina was excited to be a grandmother but she refused to be called grandma or nan - that changed when you called her nanny Melina for the first time. Alexei was set that unborn baby was going to be a boy, he would boost about how he couldn't wait to take the little champ camping and what not. He was actually relieved when he found out his grandchild was a granddaughter.
Wanda wished she would share all this joy with her parents and Pietro.
Wanda & Nat welcomed their beautiful, healthy daughter at 10:37pm on a Saturday night in August.
They named their baby Y/n Iryna Romanoff.
You had Wanda's big, green eyes and Natasha's smile along with her red hair.
With everything that had happened over the last 9 months, all the bad and the good, Wanda was thankful that the best outcome was you. You made everything better, nothing worried the two mothers but making sure you would always be happy, safe and healthy.
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sunshine-zenith · 23 days
(Different anon) one of ANW's writers talked on twitter about how the crew was thinking of bringing Timmy back in S1 (as the founder of the Galax Institute! neato), and that's a fascinating what-if, but I'm glad that the writers ultimately elected to hold off. I kinda agree with the other anon -- Timmy's doing a good job of haunting the narrative, right now. All the parts of ANW that he's (in)directly impacted fascinate me. And yet... I'd also love to see him again? The writers withholding him while they figure out how/where they want him to show up makes me hopeful that whenever he *does* debut in ANW, it'll be good.
I remember hearing that — it could’ve really worked with the episode, especially with how Crocker was specifically reminded of Timmy because of Hazel’s outfit (if Timmy had been the Galax Institute’s founder, this would’ve gone from a reference to actually pretty neat foreshadowing). Still, I’m glad that they didn’t go that route — I watched an Awestruck Vox video on the topic of Timmy a couple weeks ago and he pointed out that Timmy opening the Galax Institute could easily turn into a Crocker 2.0 situation, which I kinda agree with — I want Cosmo and Wanda to matter to him, and him spending his adult dedication to studying the supernatural is kinda cool, but I don’t want to see him derailed completely due to obsession
The more I think about it, the pickier I realize I am when it comes to adult Timmy lol — I definitely don’t want him to be miserable, otherwise it feels like Cosmo and Wanda’s love and efforts did nothing to help him in the end and the irl decade+ the OG series ran for was a waste; I don’t want to see him be a stick-at-home-in-denial-about-growing-up adult (which is why I avoided the live action movies as a kid, even if I knew he’d get character development); I’m torn on him becoming a fairy — if it happened during the OG series and he spent his life from childhood onward as a fairy, I’d be super down with that, because he’d officially be able to grow up with Cosmo and Wanda and never lose them because they’d be his actual adoptive parents, BUT learning the timeline where he became a fairy in canon is the timeline where he grew up, got in a serious relationship, and then died trying to save his loved ones is a little… why tho??; and overall I love that ANW is generally compliant with Channel Chasers, because seeing Timmy grow up to be a genuinely average, seemingly well adjusted adult with a loving family who, even if he doesn’t remember Cosmo and Wanda, still has positive feeling associated with them — it amazing to see as a kid… until it was revealed that his kids had their own awful babysitter and needed fairies. It was less a the story goes on moment and more a slap in the face, especially as a third grader
That said, I 100% trust the crew working on ANW. They did a great job with references to him in season 1, and if they want to bring him back in a potential season 2, I know they’ll do something wonderful. Plus, ANW has Infinity Train alumni working on it — if there’s any series that mastered balancing bringing character back and knowing when to leave characters behind, it’s that series
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sokai-asuki · 1 year
Clay's Backstory Theory
Lego Nexo Knights have been confirmed to be cancelled years ago. And we didn't get season 5 and 6 as promising. Right I am rewatching all the seasons and episodes of Nexo Knights to know deep in Clay's Backstory including on how Moorington's family and the Wizard Council work.
Okay, some may include my headcanon, it's gonna be hard to explain I guess... But anyway let's start.
So far, Merlok is like a hundred of years old and Clay is like in his early twenties. That's just shows how messed up the timelines are in Nexo Knights... However I introduce you to— Wizard are immortal being to age and you can only seal them from growing, seal their magics to make their immortality won't last long, or defeat them with a powerful or forbidden spell.
And that's what I get where it from, let say Merlok was like 30 or something and Wanda is like in her 20s. Merlok found out her sister being corrupted as he try to reason with the Wizard Council to let him talk to her.
Wanda thought her brother and the Wizard Council try to seal her like how many times Merlok try to seal Monstrox. She ran away and arrived at the village called "Dnullib"
Wanda try to hide every trance of her from Merlok and Wizard Council. During her time there, she might try to fit in with the villagers but it will be hard for her since she has to control herself from the corruption in her heart. Until, one knight came to the village.
Said knight caught her attention and she observe him from afar and will continue everytime his in the town. The knight are nothing but kind, caring and a helpful knight... Unlike the knights she heard of.
The knight notice Wanda watching him but he ignored and think she might do no harm at all but when he looks at her, he can't also help but think there's might be something is on.
Both of them meet in person, hangs around and finally found their feelings to one another.
He knows she's a witch, but he didn't care. Wanda is Wanda, and nothing changes her.
Now, here comes the part where Ruina said to Clay, "You never should be a knight," or a line that goes like that. She sounds so upset? I don't know what to said about her tone but she was sound so upset when she said that to Clay.
Maybe because the knight she fell with have passed away during his mission and Wanda took that as a betrayal. That time was the time she had Clay. She kept Clay as a secret and when Clay is asleep or distracted, she would let out of her anger and rage towards the villager and no one could stop her.
Merlok, heard the news, try to stop Wanda but after seeing her again, that is not his sister, that's Ruina Stoneheart...
Before Merlok could seal Ruina to a statue, Wanda had just hidden Clay away from the village and around the forest. I think this might be around a years ago considering Merlok had said he have fought Monstrox like a thousand years ago.
Now, Wanda might cast a spell on Clay, a spell to make him stop aging until someone, a mortal, could find Clay. If someone did find Clay, the spell of stop aging will fade away if the person took Clay in.
And now, we know where this is coming from
"But what about Fletcher? Isn't he and Clay related—"
I know! I am coming to that part. Also, another Nexo Knights thing; messed up timelines.
If Wanda had Clay before she turn to stone, how did Fletcher came. Not to mention the age gap is big and Wanda still not revive at that time.
Let say, same as Clay situation but Fletcher was found like years later, longer than Clay. Making him not aging at all, heck, I think he was an infant if Wanda did cast a spell to stop him aging.
Imagine the Moorington's brothers as sleeping beauty but the reason they're sleep is because their mother cast a spell on them to stop aging.
Welp, this feels more like fanfiction rather than theory... Anyway, what are your thoughts?
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Sooooo, it's been quite a while since I've done a Tolkien-Poll, so here's a weirdly specific one:
Imagine the Council of Elrond, in the middle of the loud and chaotic debate, POOF!
Someone suddenly appears in their midst!
They cannot believe their eyes, that person should be long dead!
(they respawn exactly as they were before they died, only without fatal wounds obv)
Just Imagine....
... A random love triangle between Aragorn, Arwen & Luthien
... Turin being all "haven't is suffered ENOUGH?!"
... Hurin being a confused potato, having lost his marbles some time ago, becoming a Radagast/ Luna Lovegood Crossover
...Fili & Kili banding together with Merry & Pippin
... Feanor being a Wanda Maximoff -kind-of- Wildcard
... Celebrimbor bein like "bro, you STILL haven't fixed this shit?"
... Durin IV turning absolutely FERRAL once he hears what happened to Khazad Dum: "Fuck this evil blingbling I'll do a one-person-takeover someone give me an axe!!!!"
... Isildur being an almost suicidal, self-sacrificing Faramir 2.0 because of Guilt TM, with some occasional Gollum - Moments
... Elendil dying of second-hand embarrassment/ guilt & probably joining the Grey Company to hide
... Thorin being TERRIFIED of the Ring, refusing to go near it, but joining the Fellowship out of Spite TM "of you think I'm not keeping an eye on Thranduil's spawn with such an important mission you've got another thing coming!"
... Elros teaming up with Glorfindel, Elladan & Elrohir to make his brother's life an absolute NIGHTMARE. you think you have seen pranks? You have seen NOTHING
... Niënor bonding with Arwen about the joys and sorrows of MEN
... Luthien single-handedly destroying the Ring before tea-time if we're being real
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
If You Want to Be My Lova
Yelena Belova x PlusSize!FemReader
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
A/N: Though I identify R as plus size, I didn’t give her much description to leave it open to a broader range of readers who struggle with loving their bodies. (Pssst, you’re beautiful—I just know it’s true 🥺) | 3,912 Words
Warnings: Steve’s a fat shaming asshole, Body Image Insecurity. Alluded to/never specified eating disorder.
A/N 2.0: I personally detest Steve, but to be clear I don’t genuinely think he’d be like this, I just needed an antagonist.
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Steve watched from across the counter as you wandered into the kitchen, your water in one hand and your phone in the other as you perused the kitchen in search of breakfast. He'd seen the exact moment your eyes lit up when you saw the pink boxes on the counter.
An unnecessary wave of glee ran through him as he prepared to open his mouth and speak, "Are you sure you want to eat that Y/N? If you're serious about losing weight why not look into eating some rolled oats with berries?"
He was being vindictive, you'd grown used to it after you worked your magic and got Natasha to finally ask out Wanda, he's been visibly bitter over the situation ever since. The talking point of your weight was easy enough for him to cling to, he was in peak fitness, and it would only come off as a concerned friend trying to help you reach a "better" state of wellness.
What he failed to consider was Wanda was on her way into the kitchen as well, and she was able to see the exact moment your spirit broke. The light in your eyes faded fast, and the donut in your hand was gently set back into the box, she saw the way your lip wobbled, and your eyes filled with not only tears, but dread too.
It enraged her honestly, you were the sweetest person around these parts, and deserved to be treated with nothing less than love and respect.
Steve saw it too, the way you bit your lip and closed your eye's tight to try and reel your feelings in. Crying over it changes nothing...
He went to lift his mug of coffee to his lips as if he was accomplishing something amazing, his smile smug as ever when you turned away, but it fell fast when the steaming contents of his mug were sloshing over the edge of the glass in a way that could only be explained with magic.
He hissed as the drink scalded him through his thick cotton shirt, his chest on fire now, and in a dramatic manner he removed the stained shirt to reveal his toned abs, and ripped arms.
"Wanda, what the fuck was that for?" He called her out immediately, and so she entered the kitchen with a victorious smile, and red tinged fingertips. "Whatever do you mean Rogers?"
"I know what you did."
"Yeah, and I too know what you did," she glares menacingly in his direction while also setting a reassuring hand onto your shoulder, "I'd say the punishment fits the crime."
Steve glared right back, and you finally turned to see what must've occurred to cause this rift, you felt guilt gnawing at your gut, it wasn't a fair feeling, but yet you could feel it festering.
Wanda's fingers continued to spark in shades of a dangerous crimson as the burned man wasn't appearing to be backing down, and you didn't want to involve her any further. It felt sorta unfair for her to fight your battles for you. On account of her being your girlfriends future sister in law, and also because this entire moment was beyond mortifying for you.
To have your insecurities viciously thrown in your face in a public space like this, well it was rather juvenile, and so it made you feel like you were that same kid crying under the bleachers all those years ago when kids were being cruel.
The people pleaser in you won out alongside the embarrassed little one who still resided in your heart, so you took in a shaky breath before trying to calm the witch, "It's okay Wands."
You'd gently settled a hand over hers that still held tightly to your shoulder for comfort, the witch looked back at you, the sad smile you offered didn't calm her though, it only fueled her on. "It's not, especially not when he himself is only a byproduct of a steroidal experiment."
Steve's stance faltered ever so slightly, his ego now efficiently bruised. His mouth spluttered embarrassingly for a moment before he left the kitchen altogether in a grumbling huff.
"Tata Captain Hot Head," she flipped the man off, then turned back to you as you giggled.
"Hey dorogoy," you looked at her inquisitively, and she offered you one of the warmest smiles you'd ever seen, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Of course, whatever you need Wands," she beamed, "I'm glad to hear you say that, can you get two plates for us? I'll take a maple bar, and you can pick that sprinkled one back up while I make us a fruit salad and some hot cocoa."
Wanda watched closely, there was a hesitation in your demeanor, as if you were now scared. You however nodded meekly, then began to shuffle around the space to do as she asked.
"Ooh, did I see donut holes too?"
"Yup," you confirmed, and then you watched from your place at the counter as six tiny balls of dough and sugar danced through the air until they landed evenly between your plates.
The two of you spoke about your weekly movie night tonight while picking at the food before you, you smiled when the witch said you got to pick, you settled on Hocus Pocus, and Wanda smiled when she saw your plate was empty.
Then Wanda watched your face fall as she described in detail how she'd prepared a couple of snack trays for the both of your girlfriends with the ravenous appetites. This was a normal conversation, but now that Steve threw you into this self deprecating headspace she could see you debating if you wanted to go anymore.
The pressure to eat another meal today was already crippling your soul, it felt wrong to even consider nourishing yourself after the way Steve haphazardly regarded your body. Seeing how fit he was didn't help either, it only made you feel like you truly didn't deserve to eat.
"Well, I have some errands to run Wands, but I'll see you tonight," you collected both of your plates, and left her behind with a side hug as you departed, but your thoughts were so loud all the witch was left to do was frown as she made her way to the gym to try and fix this.
Natasha slammed Yelena into the mat for what was like the tenth time in an hour, "Cyka."
"Just admit that I'm better, and we'll be done."
"Never, I am just distracted," Yelena groaned, "Something in my gut is deeply unpleasant."
"Yeah, you simply can't stomach losing," Nat laughed as she once again dodged her sisters fist with grace, but then she was groaning when Yelena's fist hit her in the gut, she was too distracted by the sight of her fast approaching angered lover to have stopped the attack.
"Ha! I win!" Yelena screeched, only to be met with a shove that knocked her on her ass, and to wind up on the receiving end of Natasha's incredulous expression, "One hit isn't a win!"
"Listen here cyka," Yelena angrily muttered while stepping up to her sister, "Listening," Natasha smirked and Yelena reared back.
"Enough! Both of you!" Wanda caught Yelena's fist with red wisps, "Save your anger for Steve."
The sisters looked to her within an instant, both wearing different degrees of confusion.
"What did he do now?" Natasha groaned, she was growing really tired of his petty antics.
"He made Y/N self conscious, she's not okay."
Yelena's entire body tensed, Wanda could feel her fighting against her magic, and as if the God's heard her prayer Steve entered the gym.
"Let me go," she lowly growled, and Wanda did so without a single concern for the man, she was actually thrilled for what was to come.
Steve was unknowingly preparing for a beating coming down here, he'd come here to fight away the thoughts of inadequacy Wanda placed in his mind with the punching bag, but instead he was on his knees clutching his manly hood.
"What the actual fuck?" he seethed, but when he met the fiery gaze of one Yelena Belova he knew not to even test the waters any further.
"YA vypotroshu tebya, kak rybu," she rasped through gritted teeth, her hand fisted in the mans hair, as she punched him square in the nose, then as she went to further beat him she felt Natasha's hands on her shoulder's pulling her back, "Idi k yeye sestre, ty yey nuzhen, my s nim spravimsya." Yelena looked to her with a scowl, but after a moment of reassuring eye contact she conceded, "Zastav' yego zaplatit'."
(I will gut you like a fish / Go to her sister, she needs you, we'll handle him. / Make him pay)
"You know Rogers, Y/N only ever gave me the confidence to ask Wanda out, it was always going to be her, and never going to be you," she pulled Wanda in by her waist for a bruising kiss to ensure he understood her honest words.
He pouted like a petulant child, Yelena's firm hold was replaced with Wanda's impenetrable magic, so he was forced to watch them kissing.
Natasha lowered her body until she was level with the pitiful man, she patted his cheek twice patronizingly then she spoke only to ruin him, "Because sure Rogers, you might have the fawned over physique, but that's really only superficial, at the end of the day you're nothing worth experiencing," she beamed as his eyes filled shallowly with tears, "Y/N is a light in this dark world Steve, and for you to treat her like she's less than because you feel you lost me because of her is so strange. It's also not true."
"Everyone knows you have the personality of a brick wall, and it's just not that appealing. At least Sam and Bucky are interesting enough," Wanda taunted the scowling man, "There's a reason you could only ever score a date with the niece of your almost lover," she gripped him by his chin, and stared coldly into his eyes, "You're a pathetic excuse for a man Steve."
"That's all there is to it," Nat concluded, then with a precise swing of her fist he was out cold.
Wanda knelt beside him, and Natasha watched as red wisps jolted through his temple, "Sweet nightmares, I hope you wake up devastated."
"God, I love you so much," Natasha groans as she pulls her lover in for a deep kiss, "Y/N's family Nat, and nobody fucks with my family."
"That she is, I just hope Yelena can fix this," Natasha frowns slightly, and Wanda meets her concerned expression with an equivalent sigh, "If anyone can, it's her." Wanda softly grabs her lovers hand, "But we can also do our part."
Yelena raced through the entire compound in search of you, in her frazzled state she had neglected the obvious solution of just asking Friday, but after stumbling onto the vacant floor of the compound she knew she found you.
Soft sobs came from the room that used to be yours before you moved into Yelena's room. Back when you were Tony's assistant who he deemed worthy of a room, and not yet her everything, because that's exactly what you are.
"Y/N?" She called out softly as to not scare you, "Moye solnyshko," she whispered the words as she entered your old room, her heart stuttered when she saw the broken glass of your mirror, and it nearly shattered when she saw some of your things had been brought down here.
"Y/N, detka, what's going on?" She reached out for you, but you pulled your hands away, she frowned upon seeing the cuts that littered your skin and the air of despondency in your glossy orbs, it had made her imagine Steve's body dangling over a tub of carnivorous crocodiles.
It's now on her to do list...
"Lena, you should just go," you whispered brokenly, voice cracking as well as both of your hearts as you verbalized the words you didn't mean, "I'll never be what you deserve, so go."
"So that's just it? I don't get a say in this?"
"You're so beautiful Yelena, you deserve a partner that matches or excels you, which would honestly be impossible, you're perfect."
"You do excel me Y/N," she whimpers, and this time when she goes to reach you she does so by straddling your body, and making sure you can see just how true her words are. "I've never had anything to call my own Y/N, but now I have you, and I wouldn't trade that for anything."
"But what if there's someone better along the way Yelena? It's easier if we break this off now, I couldn't cope if you left me in the future."
"Never," she promised, her lips deposited a peck to your tear stained lips, "There is nothing better for me than you detka, I've never been happier," she smiled warmly as she stared into your cloudy eyes, hers just as glossy as yours, "That's all because of you. Moya solnyshko—my sunshine; oh how you brighten my life."
Yelena watched the storms behind your eyes begin to settle, your once tense body melted into the mattress, and she took the moment as the perfect time to kiss you, to pour out just how much you meant to her into the gesture.
"Look at me Y/N," she remained soft as she sat you up, and pulled you into her lap without a moment of hesitation, her tone however held a seriousness to it, "You deserve to feel safe in your body, to be able to love yourself despite any societal norms that are like ugly lies."
"I try to love me Lena, b-but when people that look like Steve say what they do I can't help but worry that I'm not meant for your love, maybe I'm holding you back, or you're settling here."
"First of all, you are meant for me only," she held you far more tightly, a possessiveness falling over her at the thought of you being with someone else. "You move me forward detka, my life has only looked up with you at my side. Life is a box of chocolates with you."
A sweet giggle left you as Yelena paraphrased last week's movie to make her point.
"I'm not settling Y/N, if anything it's you who's settling," you instantly shook your head with a pout, and she smiled at you sadly, "I've done a lot of things wrong in this short lifetime Y/N."
"You didn't have a choice Lena," you growled, and she chuckled lightly, "I know, but I finally do, and you're the only thing I've done right."
A brief moment of silence fell over you both, Yelena's grip on you was firm, and loving, her lips pressed to your forehead, and when you quietly sniffled she figured you needed more.
"Fuck that dipshit in spandex," she grinned when you giggled softly, and her looming fears melted away when you rested your head over her heart, "He'll never know what it's like to be loved truly, because he doesn't understand that people don't care for that manufactured body of his when it's paired with a heart of stone."
"You though. You're not only beautiful to look at," she leaned back, giving you the once over for emphasis, but she truly did get distracted as she took you in, with her lip caught in between her teeth and a smile in her eyes she couldn't fake, "You've also got a heart of gold detka."
It was easy to believe when she looked at you like that, but you still had your reservations, and Yelena could see right through to that.
"I love you, for every last part of you," she readjusted you so that she could cup your cheek while her other hand held your hip, "Whatever you see as a flaw, I see it as you, and therefore it's perfect, because there's nothing flawed about you, you're a beauty worthy of marveling at, you're the perfect they say does not exist; this body of yours is my paradise."
Tears began to stream down your face, and in the past Yelena would freak out, worried that she said something wrong to upset you, but she's come to learn that tears can be joyful. That much she learned when she burst into them the first time you said you loved her, the sweet words dripped from your lips like honey.
"I-I love you Yelena," you blurted in a graceless blubbering manner, "I-I'm sorry for trying to leave you, I was just scared, but I promise you that I don't ever want to lose you, like ever."
"You never will," she purrs, her hand gently gripped you by the plush skin of your hips, "Because I'll never give you up for anything," she murmured against your lips before she slammed hers into yours passionately.
Her lips began to travel down your jaw, your breath hitched when she sucked lightly over the skin. "Lena, we have to go to movie night," you stuttered breathlessly. She groaned, "Do we have to? We can skip it tonight, on account of me wanting to love you until you believe it."
"I do," you whispered, "I believe you," with a genuine tone you brought a smile to her face.
"Then let's go moya lyubov'," Yelena lifted you up into her arms causing you to squeal at her show of strength, "I can walk just fine baby."
"I just didn't want to let you go just yet," she confessed while gently lowering you, and in return for her being so sweet you softly kissed her lips, "We'll be cuddling soon enough."
The two of you rode the elevator to your floor so you could drop off your things, and change into more comfortable clothes, but not until Yelena doctored up your injured hands, with a soft kiss to follow every bandaid she placed.
"Your boo-boos have been handled," she said with a bit of a pout, "I'll be back shortly," and with a soft kiss to your lips that lingered for a moment longer than need be she was gone.
Yelena left to shower off her day in the gym, and you unpacked your things before slipping into a pair of black sweats, with a worn down band t-shirt, and as you always did when feeling somewhat down, you slipped right into your girlfriends oversized army green hoodie.
You knew she bought it for you, but she wore it until it smelled enough like her to calm you... It's become your live in article for her missions.
Yelena's always been so incredibly sweet, you honestly can't believe you tried to end things. Her love has always fixed your problems, she never saw you as anything other than worthy of love, and affection; she was your soulmate.
"Well don't you look cuddly," she noted as she walked up from behind and grabbed your hand, "Can't wait to hold you close, it's cold"
"Cold?" She met your confusion with a sly smirk, then pulled you along wordlessly.
Once she pressed the button for the roof you understood her, excitement overran your body at the idea of a spooky movie under the light of the moon and the surrounding stars. That is until the doors opened to reveal a battered Steve with an ice pack on his bruised cheek, making you tense up, causing Yelena to look away from you and over at the unwelcome.
Before anyone could even mutter a word you got to bare witness to the brick house of a man wordlessly hobbling away after your much smaller girlfriend stepped towards him, and the smug smile that overtook your lovers face was rather priceless, "Lena, baby, you can't solve everything with brutal violence."
"Why not?" She pouted, and it was so innocent in appearance you'd never believe she was a highly skilled assassin in her younger days.
"Words can work too..."
"Yeah, he used words, we used our fists."
"Yes, I broke his nose, and hopefully made him unable to reproduce. Wanda and Natasha did the rest to him, remind me to thank them."
"Goodness me, you three keep me on my toes."
Yelena grinned, then kissed you for the rest of the elevator ride. The ding signaled her to stop, and she stepped aside to let you exit first.
"Ta-da," Natasha cheered with jazz hands to draw your attention to the identical hanging day beds settled besides one another, with a table between with popcorn and candy atop.
Then you looked up to see the projector screen was adorned in purple and orange lights with smiling pumpkins after every few bulbs, the beds were littered with fluffy blankets, and there were outdoor heaters nearby for the anticipated maximum comfort level possible.
"I did nothing to help, but I promise I love you, witchy was just too nit-picky, I was safer on the sidelines," she said quietly while pulling you into her for a tight embrace, "I love you too."
"You'll be safer on the couch too if you keep it up," Wanda lightly threatened before taking you from her genuinely terrified lover, "I've prepped lots of food, make a plate honey."
"Where will she pick from if this weird plate is mine?" Yelena asked while holding an entire charcuterie board to her chest, her face never more genuinely serious than right now, and you stifled a laugh at the adorable sight, "Don't worry baby, feel free to enjoy your dinner."
Wanda looked to you scoldingly, worried you were using this as a get out of dinner card, but then you lifted your phone up to show her that it was okay, and you were fine. While Natasha and Yelena scavenged around with snacks, you and Wanda will share a pizza—like normal.
"What will you eat?" Yelena frowned, but you waved her off, "There's popcorn and candy."
Yelena held her plate out anyways, and you smiled while picking off a single cracker and a slice of cheese to top it off., "Thanks love."
"I will not be doing that," Natasha shared with her girlfriend who settled onto the bed beside her with an eye roll, "Oh, I was well aware."
When the expected ding of the elevator interrupted the undergoing movie night you smirked over at the witch who had left their outside daybed to collect the pizza, and with a soft kiss to your girlfriends parted lips, and with a careful transferring of a pillow in your place you joined Wanda on the porch swing.
"Every time," you remarked playfully, "Without fail," Wanda added while waving her pizza around for emphasis, "They're total chumps."
"But we love them anyways," you softly added, and Wanda snuggled into your side with a warm smile, "That we do," she whispered, then she hugged onto your arm tight, silently letting you know that she loved you too, and in turn you laid your head over hers on your shoulder as the both of you continued to watch the film.
"I'm sorry Emily; I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle."
"It was probably Steve..." Wanda nudged your side, and you cackled softly, "Knock it off."
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
I finished the fic! The Fic™ is what lived in my head rent free for three months - it’s basically my love letter to Ruina Stoneheart with lots of Clay struggling and having a bad time
Destitute grave
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Summary for those who want it!
Reeling back the retort, sitting on the tip of his tongue, the knight forced himself to snort with derision. "Why would I be? I destroyed the nexo knights, remember?"
"So you keep saying," Garg said, his eyes a pair of burning embers amidst the dark expense of his face, "but for a monster of your caliber, you cling to your previous titles with a strange fixation."
The nexo knight had to bite the inside of his cheek so as not to react outwardly. The lack of pain - of feeling - didn't help his predicament. Then Garg's words registered in his mind. "A monster of... my caliber?"
Ingrid cocked her head, pushing Baltic, who had long since given up on being a part of the conversation, out of her way. "You don't know?"
Clay's stint undercover takes a day longer. That changes a few things.
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