#Warrior Motivation workout
chilltidetrance · 4 months
Conquering Fear with Epic Orchestral Power | Empowering Music Mix to Bre...
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uppercut-athletics · 4 months
Practice at home
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Success needs a process. You have to do, what you want to be. Yes, there is a willing power also, but willing power only helps, when a man acts. Without action there is just dead power of willing.
If a person doesn't help to himself, nobody can helps him.
There is a Italian wisdom about life: " I Muri Sono Nella Mente - Translates as : The Walls Are In The Mind "
Heal Your Soul And Train Hard
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You become, what you give your attention to... EPICTETUS
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angelballance · 2 years
Living Life Fit with Angel: 3 Signs It's Time to Change Your Workout Routine, "ALL OUT" August Focus, My Classes this Week, WARRIORS at IDEA and SCW DALLAS MANIA!
Living Life Fit with Angel: 3 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Workout Routine, “ALL OUT” August Focus, My Classes this Week, WARRIORS at IDEA and SCW DALLAS MANIA!
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seafoamreadings · 5 months
week of january 28th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're in a weird sort of fate loop this week, although you're also so detached from the concept of time most likely that "this week" is not an extremely meaningful term. what seems like frightening deja vu experiences are actually you spiraling up and away from past problems; you get to revisit it with all your new knowledge and then transcend it. on to new and better problems, right?
taurus: this week's mars activity probably has you quite revved up. maybe it's your temper, maybe it's your productivity, maybe it's the passions of the heart, but you're kind of hyped! don't go overboard, but a little sudden move here and there, while it may spook others, can be quite auspicious for you.
gemini: while it's not mercury retrograde, you are currently sensitive to weird little messaging quirks. drafts of text from years ago get sent, emails don't get through (until the future some time) etc. be patient and be careful. by next week it's just memories.
cancerians: you're getting some tense vibes from all the other cardinal signs at the moment, quite possibly pinging off some of your natal planets and points. all actions have consequences and so do non-actions, so try to proceed with wisdom, and if you are already dealing with some consequences (which, all of us always are no matter what) try to give yourself grace if things haven't gone as planned or desired.
leo: while the week does have a distinctly un-leonic tone, it is not actually out to get you. and probably neither is anyone around you. everyone is kind of lost in their own minds, doing their own struggles. try not to let it affect you too much. take good care of yourself meanwhile.
virgo: you do have a tendency to see all the small things. apply this superpowered microscopic view to your finances; there are some risks both with your personal assets and your shared resources. at the same time, if you are not acting with authenticity it negatively affects your most intimate relationships and prevents any fun in looking for new ones. it's not a time for secrecy.
libra: significant nodal activity plus a libra moon can really have you pondering if everyone you meet, or already know, is a soul mate. and why shouldn't you have more than one, many soul mates? but don't use it as an excuse to prolong a toxic or decaying situation.
scorpio: although you are one of the fixed signs, evolution and rebirth are kind of your whole deal. this week it feels like you've had a fresh new start and yet somehow accidentally dragged part of your past incarnation in with you. but that's the nature of rebirth. just practice letting go. some of what stays is rather nice after all.
sagittarius: subtle things happen all week to show you how the universe can conspire quietly in your favor. watch, notice, learn. a gratitude practice coupled with being and providing small good fortunes for others amplifies the effect.
capricorn: mars in your sign is a busy bee. are you also buzzing around productively? even bees take cute little naps in flowers, so make sure you are resting and consolidating what you have learned. just like in a workout, if all you do is stress your muscles, they can never grow. the real growth is in the relaxing. you do have to do both.
aquarius: you're due for a little jolt from mars. it's 12th-4th house power, hitting your ruling planet uranus in taurus. your house is your temple, or if it's not, you need to make yourself a space. do warrior monk vibe.
pisces: people in your social network might not really understand you, questioning your motives or even your sanity. pay them no attention at all. you know what you're about, even if it seems like you're in some other dimension to them. in the end it benefits all of you.
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frociaggine · 1 month
Are proprioception drills real, and if so do you do them? What do you recommend on this, oh wise jock advisor? Love from the anon who you inspired to run a 10k. (Also, how do you run when it’s hot out. Will I need to become a morning person.)
“inspired to run a 10k” omg omg that's AMAZING!! go you. the first time I ran 10k in one go I felt like a superhero. I hope you feel amazing about it because you ARE amazing <333
proprioception: regrettably. proprioception drills WORK. they're good for improving overall athletic performance and injury prevention! stable ankles do so much for you! terrible news for me personally because I suck at anything involving balance, I hate looking stupid, and I strongly dislike doing the kind of "exercise" where you don't actually sweat and don't feel good right away. needless to say, proprioception is my enemy.
stuff that ""athletic people"" ""should"" be able to do, and you could start working on if you find it challenging: (it's me. I find it challenging). brush your teeth standing on one leg. stand on one leg with your eyes closed. one-legged bodyweight calf raises (one ankle doesn't touch the floor, the other foot is doing the raises; if you need balance hold with one finger to the wall or counter). You can do this stuff at any point during the day, and doing it ""helps build a habit"" (said between gritted teeth)
stuff that you can do at the gym, as part of a workout, or while stretching: some yoga balance poses (Tree Pose, Eagle Pose, Warrior 3, Half-Moon Pose). If you have access to one of those balance disks soft cushion things, try standing on it, or doing bodyweight squats on it etc. this is a very useful video I like with some balance drills (near the end, the first half is mobility) and I do those. very rarely. at the gym, while looking very ridiculous
there are cool more advanced drills for runners — leg bounds, backwards skips, but personally I'm hopeless at it and if you're a relative novice you're probably bad at it too. If you discover an incredible talent for ankle stability exercises and want to progress further, youtube has a lot of cool form videos about it (thank you college track coaches with small youtube channels!) and I also recommend r/running and r/sprinting.
summer runs: unfortunately, the only thing to do when it's hot out is to. start your run very early. I'm sorry, believe me, I understand your pain. I had a couple amazing years when I woke up before five AM consistently to run in the summer and the sight of the sky at dawn was breathtaking etc. I wish I could recapture that level of motivation because I currently don't have any, but unfortunately, you either become a morning person or you Suffer (on the bright side if you can train yourself to run during the day during summer, you WILL be faster in the autumn. but at what cost?)
another alternative is to go running at night BUT often it takes a lot for temperatures to go down, so you might end up starting a run at, like, 9:30 pm, and that gets very annoying after a while. I PROMISE that when you wake up early consistently (including on weekends!) it stops being hard. It takes a few weeks, but it stops being hard. But if you lose the habit you will have to suffer all over again trying to build it back <- me right now
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Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart Part II - Gwynriel One-Shot
Hey hoooo! This is long and smutty and such fun to write lol. 
Warnings: swearing, massages, fingering, oral (f receiving) 
Word count: 5.6k 
It’s funny how slow the mind works when you’ve just awoken it from a deep rest. Gwyn noticed the white light creeping through the curtains first, little pieces of dust dancing in the brightness. Then she noticed the heavenly feeling of warmth surrounding her body from all sides, the softness of the sheets against her skin. It made her want to never get up.
Reality started to set in a few seconds after that wishful thinking. Training, breakfast, her work in the library. And no Azriel beside her to make her morning just that little bit more magical.
With a loud, annoyed sigh, Gwyn detangled herself from the sheets and started her morning routine. It was weird how everything about the routine, and everything in the room, reminded her of Azriel. Usually, he’d have given her her hundredth kiss by now. He’d be utterly unhelpful when she tried to dress in her leathers, complaining about how he’d much rather train her in private, with less restrictive clothing. He’d sit with her in silent contemplation while she practiced a bit of mind-stilling, sometimes even doing it with her.
As Gwyn made her way outside to the roof of the house of wind, another unusual scene reminded her of his absence. Only one Illyrian warrior prepared for their class in the training ring, huffing and puffing as he lifted bits of heavy weaponry and obstacles into their respective places.
Gwyn never thought of herself as someone who would grumble and complain when their significant other was gone for a while, but noticing all the ways he should be in her life at this moment made her want to share it with him even more.
“Good morning. What’s with the face?”, Nesta came up from behind her, briefly hugging her to her side. She looked gorgeous as always, her hair tied neatly into a ponytail, the tight leathers flattering her every curve.
“Morning. I’m just watching Cassian and contemplating how painful of a death we will die today.”, the white lie tasted sour in her mouth. She wanted to tell Nesta, but at the same time felt a bit weak admitting that she missed her boyfriend. She was a Valkyrie, for the Mother’s sake, winner of the Blood Rite. Was it normal to be so attuned to another person?
Nesta observed her for a bit, her eyes narrowed slightly. “If you say so.”
Gwyn was luckily saved from the conversation as more and more Valkyries and priestesses arrived in the ring, chatting amongst themselves and making their way towards Cassian.
“We should get going.”, Gwyn murmured and started moving without waiting for Nesta.
The training was truly as hard as it looked. Cassian led the big group of females through a warm-up that might as well be considered a full workout, before they moved on to strength training. A minute never felt longer than when you had to spend it in a plank position, with a heavy rock pressing you down from your back. Honestly, maintaining her energy was a lot harder when she didn’t have that little extra motivation she usually got from showing off to Azriel.
During their little break Gwyn practically inhaled her water, Nesta and Emerie flanking her and looking no better.
“You’d think you did a good joy wearing the man out every night. But Illyrian bodies are no joke.”, Emerie grumbled towards Nesta with an accusatory stare.
Nesta just snorted, the gesture slightly less dismissive and cool when done during heavy inhales of breath. “I clearly do too much of the work.”
“Okay, Ladies, gather around!”, Cassian shouted from the middle of the ring, motioning the tired females into action.
Gwyn looked at Nesta over her shoulder, agreeing with the evaluation of her sex life. “Clearly.”
Another hour spent on conditioning with a practice sword tied to their back and Gwyn was well and truly exhausted. It had helped her mind a bit, though, her concentration now clearer than before. She was ready to tackle her work for the day when a deep voice shouted her name.
“Hey, Gwynie!”
That was Cassian, jogging towards her as she had already been on her way to the stairs.
“Do you have a minute?”, he came to a stand next to her, aggravatingly looking just as relaxed as before training, even though he joined in during most of the exercises.
“Sure.”, Gwyn shot him a smile, immediately perking up a bit. If Cassian wanted to talk to her, it was usually about Nesta or Azriel. Gwyn prayed to the Mother that he had news.
“I’ve received a note from Az this morning.”, he started. Gwyn’s next exhale was one of pure relief. Her Shadowsinger was alive and well. Her day already looked ten times brighter. “He said that he’ll wrap up his work within the next week. There has been a minor complication, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He said to expect him back around Saturday.”
Saturday. It was only Monday and the male had been gone for a good two weeks. Which was extra hard on the nerves if you knew he is in potentially dangerous situations daily.
Gwyn nodded. “Thanks for telling me. I’ve been a bit worried.”
Cassian flashed her his easy, gentle smile. “I’ve been worried, too. I swear the bastard forgets to message me on purpose. He’s only doing it more regularly now because the message is meant for you as well.”
“You know me, always eager to help.”, the priestess tried to joke, but the line of worry didn’t move from her face. Cassian noticed too.
“He also said to tell you that he misses you and he will hurry.” Cassian had always been the gentle giant, way too attuned to emotions for his brutal looks.
Gwyn pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling a bit. What was wrong with her?
“You know, its normal to miss your partner during times like this.”, he said carefully. Gwyn cursed herself silently for letting that much of her misery slip onto her face. “When Nesta was taken from me during the Rite I was beside myself. Nearly mad from the need to be with her. I know Az didn’t enter a Rite, and you two aren’t mated. But what he does isn’t exactly a picknick in a park either.”
It felt good for Gwyn to hear that. If even Cassian’s emotions depended heavily on Nesta’s presence and her well-being, then maybe her own yearning was more normal than she thought.
It made going through the day a bit easier. Not just this day, but the rest of the week as well. She trained hard, ate her breakfast in calming silence, then ventured down into the heart of the house to begin her day under Merrill’s strict supervision. Manuscript after manuscript went by her and if it weren’t for the big clock announcing the end of the work day, she’d have probably worked through the night. Only during dusk services she snapped out of her trance. The Mother deserved her whole attention, after all. And weirdly, it made her feel more connected to Az as well. He sometimes joined the service, if he found time in his busy schedule, and nothing made Gwyn happier then when he sang the traditional hymns with everyone.
After her Friday service, Gwyn found her way to her and Azriel’s bedroom, legs feeling like lead, head like jelly. It had been a tough week, and the priestess was glad it came to an end. She reminded herself that, also, there was only one more sleep before her love will be with her again. The thought brought a smile to her face that felt a bit foreign, like the muscles usually used for it left with Azriel.
She didn’t even notice him, so engrossed in her own world. But to be fair, he had a way of hiding in the dark.
“I sincerely hope it was the thought of me that brought that beautiful smile to your face.”
Gwyn stopped dead in her tracks. How did she not see him? The hallway was dark, yes, but for a girl that barely had anything else on her mind than him, it was a bit embarrassing.
Azriel was leaning against the wall leading to the corridor of their room, surprisingly not looking like he just came back from a mission. His hair looked freshly washed and soft, siphons and leathers discarded for some more comfortable cotton clothes. He appeared to be exhausted though, the dark under his eyes mirroring his dancing Shadows.
Gwyn couldn’t believe her eyes as she drank him in like she’d never seen him before. Mother, did he get more handsome? With a few quick steps she stood before him, flinging her arms around his neck and finally – finally – feeling his lips against hers. Azriel met her halfway, clearly just as eager to have her in his arms again. His wings folded around her, too, cocooning her in the feel of her Shadowsinger.
“I’ve misses you so much.”, she whispered against his chest when their lips parted, way too happy to see him again to remove herself from his form.
“I’ve missed you more.”, he laughed, pressing a gentle kiss on top of her head. “I’ve never flown so fast in my life. Or took bigger leaps when Shadowtravelling. You truly inspire me to be better.”
He smiled down at her, his eyes glowing with love and happiness. Gwyn probably looked the same – just hopefully less exhausted.
Her fingers lightly roamed over his face, feeling the tightness in his jaw, the hollow of his cheek. “You need to rest, Az. Have you eaten?”
Azriel shook his head. “I’ve come straight here, made myself presentable again and then waited. My body needed to see you more than it needed food.”
Gwyn narrowed her eyes at him, unsure if he was joking or not. His face stayed in that serious, relaxed state. “More than food? You have weird priorities, Shadowsinger.”
He angled his head to the side, his brows jumping up slightly. “If you had yourself as a girlfriend, you’d consider yourself a top priority as well.”
“Mhh, I might.”, Gwyn said in a fake-cocky voice, “I would also consider myself Queen of the World, and I would bring myself chocolate daily to stay in my good graces.”
She took his hand while talking, leading him to their room.
“Then, I’d give myself nice, long back massages, treat myself to a new book every week… actually, make that two.”
Azriel shook his head in disbelief. “Should I start taking notes, Berdara?”
“You should.”, Gwyn stated matter-of-fact, hand already on the doorknob of their room, “I mean, surprising your girlfriend in coming home earlier is pretty good, too. But you could really level up by listening…”
Her voice trailed off as she took in the room that opened in front of her. Azriel had been taking notes, it seemed. And he was damn efficient at putting them into action.
The whole room was lit up by candles, curtains and windows open to let in the quiet, warm night. On her bedside table stood a vase of white roses, and – Mother – a box of her favorite caramel chocolates. If you looked up the definition of ‘romance’ in the library, this exact picture will be found.
“Good enough, priestess?”, Azriel asked from behind her, voice dry from sarcasm and satisfaction. “Must be, if it managed to shock you into silence.”
Note taking her ass. That male could write a whole book about giving Gwyn princess treatment, it seemed.
“Az.”, her voice should have come out strong and excited. Instead, it cracked, her eyes burning already from the pent-up emotion inside her. She must have done something very right in her past life to deserve someone like him.
“It’s my way to apologize for being gone so long.”, he said, coming up beside her to squeeze her hand in his. “I know it’s not going to magic away what I do, and me having to travel. But I hope it makes up for it a little.”
He placed a revered kiss on her knuckles. Gwyn still tried to process the beauty of the room, the thoughtfulness of her partner. “Az, you don’t need to apologize. I’ve known what you do since before we started being together. I’m just happy you are home safe.”
They found each other in a tight embrace again. Gwyn felt Azriel’s heart beat steadily in his chest, his Shadows and his hands taking turns in caressing her back. This was worth the time spent apart, she thought. Gwyn could have stayed like this forever, never tiring of the feel of his body against her or his smell surrounding her. But Azriel seemed to have plans.
“Remember when you said you’d give yourself massages?”, he murmured, gently pushing her away and towards the bed. Gwyn nodded with a grin on her face. She was going to have the time of her life. What was better than feeling Azriel’s hands on her bare back?
“I’d be happy to comply, under one condition.”, Az continued.
“And what would that be?”
“You’d have to be naked.”, he couldn’t help that one stubborn corner of his mouth lifting as he said that. Gwyn just raised her brows, sitting down on the edge of the bed to fake deep contemplation. She would strip the second he told her to, but there was no rule stating she can’t toy with him first.
“Why would I do that?”, she asked in a borderline innocent voice.
“It would be beneficial for the message, since I’d be able to reach more places.”, Azriel stated, slowly kneeling before her and reaching for her shoes. He untied one of the light slippers before sliding it off her foot, then grabbing the other. “Also, you’d not get too warm. We don’t want you overheating so early on in the evening.” Her other shoe slid off her foot, and Azriel brough his lips to the arch of it. The kiss felt like the flutter of a butterfly and sent little sparks all the way up her leg. “And lastly, you’re going to do it, because I told you so.”
His forearms came up to the bed, framing Gwyn’s hips and trapping her before him. The husky tone of his voice sent more shivers dancing on her skin. “So, do you want to get more of your sass out now, or are you going to be good for me?”
Gwyn could have sworn her heart skipped for a second. She didn’t take her eyes off Azriel as the reality of what he just said set in. This was different, more assertive than the last time they were intimate. And even though her brain didn’t comprehend yet, her body was already reacting.
“I’ll be good.”, she said, voice raspy.
Azriel nodded along, like this was the only response he accepts anyways, and made room for her to relieve herself of her clothing.
Gwyn stripped down slowly, taking her time to regain some of her senses and, in all honesty, to break through Azriel’s calm. It wasn’t fair that she felt all these feeling, while he looked like he is just about to take a stroll in the park.
Mind you, that calm façade of his started crumbling as soon as the last piece of Gwyn’s clothing hit the floor. The Shadowsinger thought that he’ll never get used to this view. It was what he had dreamt of every night he spent in the human lands, it centered him everytime he encountered a problem. Gwyn’s beauty was ethereal, unmatched by anything he has seen before. He already yearned to let his rough hand slide around her waist, to feel her soft thighs and the piece of heaven that lay between them.
“Go lie on the bed, my love. Face down.”, he said, trying to regain his previous aloofness. He had been dominant in bed frequently, and enthusiastically, but Gwyn had a way to make him want to bend over backwards for her.
He admired the way her lean muscle moved as she crawled on the bed, had to suppress a groan when her naked backside came into perfect view. Fuck, he wanted to devour her. But he if he was a master of one thing, it would have to be patience.
Azriel went to collect the oils he’d use for the massage while Gwyn got comfortable, burying her face in a soft pillow. He got settled on the side of her body, pouring the oil on his hands and warming it up between them. When he placed his palms on her bare back, Gwyn signed.
His hands were warm and heavy, languidly moving up and down her spine to spread the oil evenly. The years of handling weapons clearly paid off in moments like this. Azriel found the perfect pressure and began working on her shoulders before travelling down to her sides and her lower back. Gwyn’s body began to feel like a feather after a while, so light and relaxed she never wanted to move again in fear of losing that sensation. The Shadowsinger was thorough, working out all the knots and returning to the places she loved most over and over again. She almost drifted to sleep, almost forgot the throbbing in her core as it dulled to a manageable tingle.
Until Azriel’s hands found the backs of her thighs. New oil was applied generously, and then Gwyn was caught in the weird state between being very relaxed, and very on edge.
His thumbs just sometimes seemed to find their way to the underside of her butt, then slipping towards the inside as if by accident. But the frequency of that happening told her that it was anything but an accident. After a few minutes of that torture, Gwyn began squirming, trying to move at exactly the right time to make his hands slip even more, to the place she needed him.
“Relax, love.”, Azriel murmured from above.
Gwyn almost wanted to laugh. Relaxing was now furthest from her mind. All she needed was his finger on her clit, or inside her, or preferably both at the same time. She tried telling him as much. “Azriel, please.”
She lifted her butt up just slightly, hoping he’d get the hint. Instead, both of his hand vanished from her body.
Gwyn cursed herself for her eagerness. If she learned one thing from spending so much time with the Shadowsinger, it was that you shouldn’t hurry him.
What she didn’t know was that Azriel’s mind was already in a hurry, driven not only from Gwyn’s heavenly scent and clear impatience, but more urgently from his own desire. Moving his fingers anywhere but on or in her was a form of torture he had discovered only now. And it hasn’t only been torture for his priestess.
Snatching a smaller pillow from the head of the bed, he grabbed Gwyn’s hips with his other hand to place the cushion underneath her. “Still comfortable?”
Gwyn let out a weak noise that sounded affirmative enough, and Azriel couldn’t help grinning at the way she already was puddy in his hands. And he didn’t even start the main event yet.
With her butt perched upwards and legs spread slightly, her core was perfectly exposed. He slid his oiled thumb down her folds, not using enough pressure to part them fully, but the feeling made Gwyn release a breathy exhale nonetheless. The lavender oil already started mixing with the wetness flowing out of her.
Azriel palmed himself with his other hand, patience wearing thin. He was so hard beneath his cotton trousers that only the slightest touch of Gwyn’s hands would make him burst. But that wasn’t on the plan for today, so a bit of pressure relief from himself would have to do. The entirety of his focus was set on her core, making her come and scream in pleasure.
This thumb started to move idly up and down her pussy, slowly starting to sink deeper into her slit. The heat and moisture were unbelievable to him. It filled him with a sense of pride that he was responsible for her reaction, and that all fears and inhibitions seemingly flew out of the window. Gwyn whimpered so beautifully that he pressed his thumb down with a little more pressure now, circling her clit whenever he was on his way down, slightly dipping inside her when he came back up.
He could have done it for hours, mesmerized by the pink of her flesh and her noises. But he also knew that she was probably at the brink of an orgasm by now, her hands clawed into the sheet and brows furrowed in pleasure.
“You’ve been so patient for me. Do you want to come, love?”, he asked her with a gravely voice. Gwyn wanted to claw at him, scream at him. Yes, a hundred times yes! But she had the feeling that sassiness wouldn’t get her anywhere tonight. So instead, she assumed her best pleading voice – which wasn’t a hard feat to achieve at this point – and begged.
“Yes, please, Azriel.”
“Mh.”, Az drawled out behind her, resuming his pattern of movement. “I’ll give you a minute to do so. One second after and you’ll have to do more than begging.”
Gwyn didn’t completely register his answer before he plunged two fingers into her heat while his other finger remained firmly pressed on her clit. He fucked her with an almost brutal pace, meeting no resistance whatsoever from her body. Gwyn was glad for it, thankful he didn’t slowly ease himself in. After only a few pumps of his fingers and another swirl around her clit, she came completely undone beneath him.
“Fuck, Gwyn,” Azriel ground out. She could only assume that he felt her come with his fingers still knuckle-deep inside her and enjoyed it nearly as much as she did. “That’s it, love. Good fucking girl.”
He gave her maybe a minute to recuperate, barely enough time to get her breathing back to normal, to regain feeling in her legs. She felt the pillow being snatched from underneath her, felt her hip and then her whole body being turned on the soft sheets. With freshly regained focus, Gwyn looked up and saw a grin on Azriel that promised nothing but mischief. He lowered himself to hover above her, pupils dilated so wide no amber could be seen in his eyes.
With a soft brush of his nose against hers, he whispered, “What do you say?”
“Thank you.”, her voice was barely more than a whisper, too.
“Mhh”. The rest of his hum was swallowed by Gwyn’s lips, vibrating along the edges as he kissed her deeply.
Gwyn felt as if drunk. Floating in her own body, warm and fuzzy, and weirdly confident. Even though she gave up all her power, yielded to him, she felt free. And if the past minutes made her realize something, it was that she loved being good for him.
Azriel was the first to break the kiss, climbing off the bed and pulling Gwyn with him. The way she looked up to him with wide doe-eyes, the teal of her irises vibrant against the flush of her cheek, it made Az nearly feral with the need to have her. His damned Illyrian heritage was making his blood boil beneath the surface, all senses attuned to nothing but Gwyn. If there would have been an intruder in the House, he wouldn’t have noticed. A war could break out right outside their window and he’d see and hear nothing but her. Taste was the only thing missing from his life.
“Stand.”, he rasped out, trying to balance her wobbly legs, “Lean against the bedframe when it’s difficult.”
Gwyn nodded, her now messy hair bouncing with the movement. She reached for the seam of his shirt, desperate to feel him too, grazing her fingers along the warm patch of skin she found. But Azriel snatched her hands away, an almost violent jerk going through him. He raised her hands above her head, pinning them to the wood of the bedframe. “Don’t do that again, or I’m going to embarrass us both.”
Gwyn was disappointed. All she wanted was to feel his skin against hers. “Can you at least take you shirt off, please?”
Azriel was in a dilemma now. If he was meant to be completely dominant, a request like that would have fallen on deaf ears, or it would have led to a punishment. But he also wanted her to feel the best she possibly could. Him being fully dressed while she was completely naked had a dynamic of power in and of itself. What if she felt insecure? His inner monologue was interrupted by Gwyn.
“Azriel.”, was the one and only thing she said, her voice so full of gentleness and plea. And that one word was enough to command him. He reached for his shirt, yanking it off and then falling back into his position of pinning Gwyn against the frame.
Gwyn didn’t think she could feel more attracted to the male than when he made her come, or when he kissed her with his remarkable gentleness. But as inches upon inches of bronze and inked skin revealed itself before her, her knees nearly gave out for the second time that night. Azriel was sculpted by the Gods and she’d accept no other assessment.
His hand came to grab her jaw, molding itself against the curve of her neck. “What I need you do to now, is stay very, very still. One move of your hips and I’ll stop.”
“What is going to happen?”, she didn’t want to ask the question, but a little surge of panic due to the uncertainty made her do it.
Her Shadowsinger just smiled, this one more loving than the predatorial grin from before, and parted her lips with his tongue. He grazed the roof of her mouth, languidly stroking her own tongue until he withdrew with a quick peck to her lips.
And Gwyn understood what exactly was about to happen.
Azriel began kissing his way down, first paying attention to her neck and collarbones. His hands found her breasts, kneading them firmly and pinching her nipple inbetween his fingers. The sting of hurt was quickly replaced though, as his mouth latched onto one of her buds, gently flicking it with his tongue. Gwyn tried her hardest to stay still, like he told her to. But if this was already making her squirm, she doubted she could muster the discipline for when his wicked mouth met her core.
More and more soft kisses travelled down her breasts and stomach. When his mouth reached the bone of her hip, he started licking. Gwyn swore she felt that movement elsewhere and barely suppressed a whimper. But Azriel wasn’t in a hurry, caressing every inch of skin with his mouth and fingers that came before the place she wanted to have him most.
Until finally, he settled further down, now fully kneeling before her.
His tongue found the topmost part of her slit first, the lick slowly morphing into a kiss. Gwyn stood unnaturally still, both her hand grasping the bedframe to steady herself. She’d never let someone come so close to the most intimate part of her.
Azriel continued his warm kisses down her slit as far as he could reach, not yet parting her folds. His hands stroked up and down her hips in a soothing manner. But she didn’t know if it was meant to soothe her or him. The Shadowsinger seemed to tremble before her, or maybe she didn’t see correctly.
“Good?” The voice that came out of Azriel’s mouth sounded different, lower and more strained than usual. Gwyn looked down at his intense eyes and gave a slight nod.
That was all he needed before he spat out a word in Illyrian that sounded suspiciously like a curse, and then parted the folds of her core with his tongue. The noise that escaped Gwyn was low-key a cry, but she didn’t care as his mouth moved directly on her flesh now, caressing every inch of skin he could find. To experience someone’s tongue on your core was a wild feeling. You opened the most vulnerable part of yourself, presented yourself in plain sight in the hopes that your partner showed you care and pleasure.
Azriel understood that. He licked her carefully first, the wetness from her previous orgasm helping him glide over her pussy. Up and down and up and down, until his whole being was consumed by the taste of her. He narrowed in on her clit when he felt her fingers tangle in his hair for purchase. Stiffening his tongue, he dove under the little hood that separated him from her most sensitive spot and gently moved it in a circle.
Gwyn’s chest heaved from the intensity of feeling. She always thought that males licked their partners just for some kind of gain, maybe for them to reciprocate the action, or as a treat on a special occasion. The books she read presented a different sentiment, but she never really expected real males to service their partner like that.                                            
She should have known that Azriel wouldn’t disappoint. Gwyn could tell he cherished every stroke of his tongue against her from the way he closed his eyes in pleasure and his fingers digging into her hips almost too harshly. His kisses her pussy reverently, his tongue rubbing with just the right pressure in just the right spot.  
After a few of the best minutes of Gwyn’s life, Azriel stopped his movements and rested his head on her inner thigh. “Love, forget what I said earlier. I want you to move on me.”
Gwyn looked at him in shock. This wasn’t what they agreed on.
“It will be easy. I promise. I’ll help you. Just tilt your hip in a way that feels good.”, he reassured her, his hand grabbing her waist.
“But I might suffocate you.”, she rasped, her voice not used to talking after all the moans.
Azriel grinned. “That’s exactly what I’m hoping for, Berdara.”
And with the most flirty wink, he buried his tongue in her pussy again. His hand now grabbed one of her legs to lift it and place it over his shoulder.
Gwyn barely moved an inch as she tried to tilt her hips for the first time, like Azriel suggested. It wasn’t as hard as she thought it would, standing on one leg. But since she had the bed and Azriel to hold onto, they gave her some leverage. But her Shadowsinger grew impatient quickly. He put pressure on her lower back, forcing her to move quicker and purposeful.
“Gwyn, fuck yourself on my tongue, please.”
The wave of pleasure following his words was something entirely new again. This time, it brought a sense of power with it. She didn’t know when and how they switched their roles for Azriel to be the one to beg, but something about his desperation made her move.
Gwyn rode the Shadowsinger’s tongue with rhythmic rolls of her hips, his tongue hitting her clit every time. Her fingers clawed themselves into his hair, holding his face in place to use it as she saw fit. The orgasm that forced its way through her came completely out of the blue, or maybe it had been lurking from the very first touch of his mouth. With a sharp cry, her hips stuttering, she released on Azriel’s tongue.
It was intense and longer than the one before. When Azriel released her leg, she slowly slid down the bedframe, catching her breath in the process. The Shadowsinger pulled her in a tight embrace the second she came close, nestling her into his lap on the floor.
“Az, I don’t have words.”, she told him after a while. Her entire mental lexicon of synonyms for ‘earthshattering’ wasn’t enough for what she felt. Azriel released a hoarse laugh in answer.
“Who needs words if we can just do it again.”
Gwyn looked up from his chest, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Judging by the expression of his face, he didn’t.
“Shadowsinger, if I come one more time I’ll turn into a puddle and you have to mop up my remains. Is that how you want to end the night?”, she asked.
Azriel, Mother bless him, actually looked disappointed. “I guess not.”
They sat like that for a while, Azriel’s hands idly stroking up and down Gwyn’s back. It was a testament to the intensity of the night that she took an embarrassing amount of time to notice the hardness that pressed into her side.
Shame flooded Gwyn like never before. There she was, blissfully relaxed from two orgasms, a back massage and gentle rubs, while her exhausted Shadowsinger suffered in silence.
“Az, would you like me to take care of you now?”, she asked, pressing a light kiss to his cheek with the question. The thought of pleasuring him made her equal parts nervous and excited.
“Mh?”, Azriel seemed to need a second to figure out what she was referring to. “Oh, no need. I’m going to calm down in a minute.”
Gwyn was just about to take the way-out he offered when her eyes fell back to the room he had prepared. The candles still flickering away, the roses perched on the bedside table, the deepest love she ever had cradling her safely in his lap.
An unusual sense of peace settled over her as she whispered, with a smile playing on her lips, “It don’t want you to calm down.”
taglist: @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship
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paintedkinzy-88 · 9 months
I wrote this for you:
Magic flew through to air a bone and axe collided, two figures colliding in battle with wide grins in their faces. Alphys let out a bark of laughter as Sans managed to slip her guard, giving the tiniest of scratches on her scaled arm with a dull bone, blue wings fluttering in victory. Kid was getting good, although he still hesitated in his attacks. Sans was tough as hell when motivated to be, she'd be the first to admit it, but the kid I'd just too... soft. A low Stat monster with the tendency of being far too kind and naive for his own good qould never make it in the guard.
Which is what made this day so difficult. Alphys doesn't know why, but Papyrus had suddenly changed, seemingly overnight. Where before the taller skeleton used to keep a socket on Sans as if HE were the elder of the two and only really left the guy alone when he was with Alphys, nowadays the two skeletons were seen apart more and more often. On top of that, Sans himself was acting pretty weird!
He's been off with "friends" more often, friends she'd never even met and knows nothing about! She asked Undyne if she knew what friends Sans was visiting, out of concern for the guy of course. But even with her security and servaillance network, Alphys has only ever seen Sans hanging out with the kids in Snowdin or with that weird dog-cat thing whenever he wasn't with his brother or Alphys herself. Nine of which match the descriptions or times that Sans was supposedly hanging out with them.
Not only that, but Sans has started holding back in training.
It's not noticeable to anyone else, but Alphys is a born and bred warrior to the core! She didn't make Captain of the Royal Guard by just throwing her weight around, temper aside, she knows fighting and how to think during a fight. She knows it very well, and she can tell when someone isn't fighting to their full potential or is holding out on her. Sans never really met his full potential before, kid had the potential to be tough as hell, but he was never really aware of that before.
The Sans she is fighting now is fighting with the air of someone who KNOWS they're capable of so much more and is actively trying to appear weaker. As if he wants to keep things at the standstill, like his brother. And that sort of thing just pisses her off!
"Enough!" Alphys barked, grinding her fangs together. Sans blinked before retracting the bone attack he'd summoned, panting. Fake panting at that!
"Wowie! What a workout, Alphys! You sure worked me harder than usual, is that why we're ending things earlier?"
Alphys had barely put more effort than usual into their usual spars, trying to gauge if she was just crazy or not.
"Sans, what's goin' on!?" The lizard grunted, twitching her wings irritably, feathers bristling.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"What I mean, Sans, is that there's something up with you!" Alphys growled, "You've been acting WEIRD!"
Sans' eyesockets widened, the lights dimming a bit in a mix of shock, fear, guilt, and confusion. That confirmed it for Alphys, Sans was hiding something!
"I-I don't know what you mean! I'm me, the Magnificent San-"
"I KNOW you're hiding something, Sans!" Alphys interrupted him, reaching over to poke his sternum with a sharp claw, "You've been holding back on me, are off to who knows where with who knows where most days, and nobody knows where you go or what you're doing until you show up the next day acting like nothing happened! Do you think I'm stupid!?"
"I-I'm not, I don't think you're-"
"Then why is there a burn mark on your armor? And don't say it was cooking, I know the difference between a magic burn and a passionate cooking session!"
Sans froze, eyesight following Alphys' to his shoulder where, hidden under his scarf, the edges of a blaster burn peaked out.
"O-oh..." Sans squeaked out, wings drooping until they were parallel to the ground, "That's... um..."
Alphys gave him a cold glare before letting out a sigh, her own feathers drooping a bit as she pinched the bridge of her snout,
"I don't mean to be so hard on you. You're like, my best friend. But Sans, if you're getting into fights... if what you and your mystery friends are doing is dangerous... I need to know!"
Am eying this so hard right now???
Like this is so well written omg! I love that it’s in Alphys’ perspective, too! We get all these little details like Paps suddenly being less protective “seemingly overnight,” and Sans just trying his best to keep up a facade of semi-incompetence. Just fhsjfbjsbfj I love it so much omg—
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lavenderwarrior1 · 7 months
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So here are some steps that can help you with setting and finishing your goals:
• Write your goals/ideas down in a list and put it somewhere you can see it every day. You can have yearly, monthly, or both goals. Just make sure they're SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
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• Now, let's choose some habits that will help you reach those goals. Want to improve your cooking skills? Start by cooking one new recipe every week and practicing basic techniques. Want to learn a new language? Try spending 10-15 minutes every day practicing with a language learning app. It's really that easy!
• Add those habits to your daily routine, but start small and be realistic. For example, if you want to get in shape, start exercising and eating healthy. Make it enjoyable and achievable. If you're not used to working out, don't try to do it five times a week right away. Start with two times a week and build from there.
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• Stop making excuses, my friend. You won't reach your goals if you keep finding reasons to skip out on them. Don't wait for "Monday" or "tomorrow" to start. If you're motivated, start right now and don't skip your workouts. Remember, the less you do, the less you'll want to do.
• Remember your 'Why' to keep the motivation going. Create a vision board, imagine your dream life, and think about why you want to make a change. If you're feeling unhappy or unmotivated, it's worth it to try and make a positive change.
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• Enjoy the process, my friend! This is the most important step. If you're dreading your workouts or your daily practice routine, you won't stick with it. So, make it interesting! Try learning new cooking techniques with a friend or find language partners online to practice with.
• Finally, celebrate your successes! If you've been consistent in your efforts, you'll start seeing results in just a few weeks or months. You'll get compliments on your cooking or notice improvements in your language skills, and you'll feel proud of yourself. When you work hard and achieve your goals, your confidence will skyrocket. GET AFTER IT!
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ilikekidsshows · 4 days
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That's the number one mistake the villains in this show keep making
Yeah, don't threaten the other Turtles when you're fighting one of them
"I will threaten your loved ones, that will surely not motivate you into getting your second wind"
"Oh no a second wind!"
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"Three Levram warriors is less than two Huns!"
"They were barely a workout"
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healthandfitnesssss · 14 days
Welcome to Health & Fitness: Your Ultimate Guide to Wellness and Vitality
🌟 Welcome to Health & Fitness! 🌟
We're thrilled to kick off this journey towards a healthier, happier lifestyle with you. At Health & Fitness, our mission is simple: to empower you to become the best version of yourself through evidence-based wellness strategies, practical advice, and unwavering support.
In this inaugural post, we want to extend a warm welcome to our vibrant community of health enthusiasts, fitness fanatics, and wellness warriors. Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey, you've come to the right place.
What can you expect from Health & Fitness? Here's a sneak peek:
🏋️‍♀️ Expert Insights: Get access to expert advice from certified trainers, nutritionists, and wellness professionals who will guide you on your path to success.
🥗 Nutrition Tips: Discover delicious and nutritious recipes, meal plans, and dietary strategies to fuel your body and optimize your health.
💪 Workout Inspiration: Explore a variety of workout routines, fitness challenges, and exercise tips to keep you motivated and moving towards your fitness goals.
🧘‍♀️ Mindfulness Practices: Learn how to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and enhance your mental well-being through meditation, yoga, and self-care practices.
🌟 Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, and celebrate your victories in a supportive and encouraging environment.
We're committed to providing you with valuable content that empowers you to make positive changes in your life, one step at a time. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards a healthier, happier you!
Stay tuned for our upcoming posts packed with actionable tips, inspirational stories, and exciting challenges to help you thrive in every aspect of your life.
Here's to your health and happiness! 💫
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starnightlover · 1 year
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Hi Starbursts777!!! Here's my succuess or partial manifestations from the past that I thought would motivate people especially myself. So as the pictures above make self evident I am going to writing about my experience and time having manifested becoming a Saiyan althought not fully as I will explain everything below. so if you don't know Saiyans are a warrior race like what you see above that are extremely powerful with supernatural physical abilities energy manipulation transformations that boost their physical abilities and they have a ruthless ferocious nature often known as being brutal warriors. at the time of manifesting this I knew of this but not to the full extent of having experienced some of this for myself. So my first experience was from a Saiyan subliminal it contained every transform and transformation up to super saiyan blue. So I noticed my strength was rapidly increasing along iwth my speed stamina agility all of that, around week one I could start to feel and sense energy more frequently my aura become stronger to the point It would act as a natural heater for myself. the more intense I feel the more powerful the aura becomes. my aura was Purple. after about a week my body started to develop ultra instinct which is the ability to move and react to things without needing to be consciously aware of things so I'd dodge things people and objects without even knowing about it. my friend thought I was possessed because he knew I was becoming a Saiyan at the time. now I do want to talk about the aspects I didn't expect the anger and aggression was different as a Saiyan for instance you'd find yourself getting angrier at the smaller things more aggrerssive overall, you become very serious overall and another aspect is you lose some human emotions like you become extremely confident even arrogant to a degree and you have little regard for others it's just that Saiyans treat everyone like Battle hardened warriors so sometimes it can seem like you are being treated harshly which I was completely unaware of until my sister said something and I thought I was treating everyone normal. Another aspect was I only cared about training and getting stronger nothing else mattered my life was Eat sleep train rest train some more rinse repeat and something about Saiyan dna makes you oddly content with that. anyways let's get back on track. as time went on my KI energy aka life force energy became stronger and stronger eventually even my sister could feel the energy she even said it had a misty static appearance to it. at this point I haven't tried using Kaioken which is a tecnhique that boost your strength speed senses and overall all your physical stats besides your durability the only downside is it is very damaging to the body like imagine going through several full body workouts instantly. After about 2 months I was so close to using Kaioken well my aura wasn't visible but It could be felt and I felt intense heat and pressure build as I used the technique which was crazy. Of course their were more things that happened like for instance at work I had at the time while mopping the floor I randomly slipped and was levitating for about 5 seconds before I fell to the ground. another instance of the power of a Saiyan was when I was getting a drink of water and my sister said she saw blue energy come out of my leg and speed across the room. Saiyans are so full of energy that sometimes it's hard to keep it in your body. also Saiyan willpower is way stronger than anything I ever experienced I could literally force myself awake from sleep if I was having a bad dream not even having to be lucid just like Fuck this shit I want to wake up then I forcefully woke myself up. So as for me I realized after this whole experience that if I want a more balanced out lifestyle being a Saiyan hybrid is better so that's what I am working on now for myself.
This is amazing!!!! I am so happy for you!!
I love hearing illogical manifestations!! Thank you for sharing!!! The blue energy coming out of your leg is so crazy!!! That's so cool!!!
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uppercut-athletics · 2 months
Taekwondo motivation 🥋💪🏾
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foxyatlas · 2 years
Tips for working out in a way that is actually possible:
Find a reason other than aesthetics to work out. If you only work out because you want to look a certain way, you're going to get frustrated when it takes time. For me, I found that working out in the morning gave me more energy and happy chemicals for the rest of my day, which was really helpful while I was getting my meds sorted out. So find a good reason other than aesthetics.
Find a place to work out that's accessible. One day, you might have enough motivation to run a few miles, but not enough motivation to drive that far. Find somewhere easy to access.
Try to find a place other than your house to work out. Even if you like doing bodyweight exercises, try doing them at a park or something like that. It will make you feel more productive, because you're actually leaving your house and doing things, rather than making you feel more like a recluse.
Don't talk about how much you hate working out. Ever. Only talk about it in positive ways. If you talk about it like it's the bane of your existence, you're going to believe that.
While I'm at it-- don't do workouts you hate. If you like working out in ways that really push you, then great, but if it makes you miserable and you genuinely don't want to be there, then find something else.
Find ways to get the right amount of stimulation while working out. For me, when I'm doing weights I like to listen to any sort of basic workout music (like rock or fast paced). When I run on the treadmill, I like to listen to audiobooks or watch shows. When I ride a stationary bike, I like to watch tiktoks. Other things I've heard that work for people: listening to showtunes/Hamilton, listening to comedy specials, listening to intense music remix/mashups. My sister listens to a remix called "World War 3 prep" on SoundCloud. Just find whatever will keep you somewhat engaged, and wanting to keep going.
Try interesting workouts. Some alternative ways to exercise besides the basics: hiking, walking around a lake, rock climbing (available at special membership gyms and many rec centers), swimming, biking. There's also some really cool specialty gyms, like bouldering gyms or, my personal favorite, ninja warrior training gyms.
Find ways to include working out in your daily routine. Things like biking to work are great. You can also offer to go on walks/hikes with people you want to catch up with, instead of an alternative like getting coffee. This is also nice because it means you don't have to make eye contact with the person while you're walking, which is convenient if you're ND.
Make sure you're eating the correct things before and after a workout. I really like chocolate shakes, and I DO drink them and eat chips and other less-than-healthy food too. I just try to be strategic about WHEN I eat it. I try not to eat food like that before I work out because then I'll usually get nauseous. I also try to wait a little while before eating food like that after I work out, because I need protein after a workout (eating protein right after a workout is what you need to do to gain muscle) and if I try to substitute that protein-craving for any old calories, it won't feel great.
Drink water and eat protein. Pretty simple.
Wear clothes you like. You'll feel like shit if you feel ugly or gross while you're working out. Wear stuff that feels good.
I hope this was helpful. Just in general-- exercising is healthy for you, but it shouldn't suck ass. It should make you feel better about yourself, not worse, and there's things you can do to make it a better experience.
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the Tactician’s Soliloquy zine! I tried to capture as many different flavours of Robin (well, Chrobin, really, but shhhh). Thank you FeH for giving me so many Robin outfits to work with.
It was all Lissa’s fault. Robin wasn’t a genius strategist for no reason. He’d run the math over and over again, double checked every variable and considered each possibility. He had crossed every t and ticked every box.
The simple truth of it was that Robin was outside, in the middle of a winter wonderland, making snowballs. He was freezing his hands with the singular motivation of seeing Lissa’s eyes widen in shock, her jaw fall open in surprise. The other castle retainers and warriors were either holed up inside with warm drinks or having fun in the snow, while he was preparing for a war. If he put it all together, the only answer was the obvious one.
“I blame Lissa,” Robin muttered as he scooped a handful of snow, pressing it into a ball. His red mitts did a good job of keeping his hands warm and dry, though the tips of his fingers were starting to feel numb. It made sense. He had been out for an hour now; even wool had its limits. Even his cloak was starting to let the cold in.
“Why?” Chrom asked, cocking his head.
It was a good question. A more important one, though, was the giant snowball Chrom was pushing. At half his size, the ball was practically a lethal weapon. Part of Robin wondered just how big he could make it. “Is that a snowball?”
Chrom bit his cheek, staring at the ball. “Can it still be called that?”
All of his knowledge couldn’t answer that question. Robin shivered lightly. He’d put on as many layers as he could, all the way up to a long-sleeved red cloak with a furry hood. Even with all of that, he still felt winter’s chill in his bones. “I don’t know. Say, aren’t you cold?”
Chrom glanced down at himself. In a sleeveless red outfit, the man showed almost as much skin as Olivia did in her dance uniform. Nothing about it looked warm in the least. Even his cloak was impractical, barely hanging off his shoulders as he moved. He shrugged. “Not really. The workout’s keeping me warm.”
“Is it?” Robin frowned, doubtful. They’d been out the exact same amount of time and he didn’t even want to take off his first layer, let alone bare his skin.
Then again, maybe it was just him that felt cold. Lissa’s festive outfit matched her brother’s, exposing her arms and shoulders, while Tharja’s could barely be called clothes. Between all of four of them, he was the only one who’d bundled up like a mummy. While Robin still couldn’t entirely remember his past, he was certain that he must have come from a warm country. It was the only thing that made sense.
“Morgan takes after you.” Chrom chuckled, gesturing further down across the snowy field where Morgan hummed as she carefully put together a snow fort. She was covered head to toe in what had to be the fluffiest coat Robin had ever seen, the entire thing covered with bells that rang with every movement. He was certain that it was an elaborate trick to annoy her friends; when they’d walked through the camp, she’d rung with every step, but out here, there was only the occasional chime.
Next to her, Lucina crouched, looking utterly awkward as she patted snow onto the fort’s walls in a bid to help. Unlike her father, she had the wisdom to cover her arms, though Robin was certain the red material was as thin as Chrom’s. “And Lucina you.”
Robin’s boot crunched as he walked over to his growing pile of snowballs, dropping his latest batch there. There had to be over three dozen by now, but it still wasn’t enough. Maybe another dozen and they could then ‘invite’ Lissa over.
“What were you saying about Lissa?” Chrom pressed as he went back to rolling his snowball. The landscape looked flattened with each step he took.
“Oh, just…” Robin trailed off, not sure if he really wanted to explain. He’d always liked pranks. Unlike Frederick, he knew how to relax and have a good time. There were plenty of times he and Lissa had even worked together to surprise the others.
Yet, the moment Lissa had turned her eye on him, all hell had broken loose. Pranking was almost a daily thing now. Robin wasn’t sure if he’d always been this petty and childish, or if just dealing with her had made him so. Even now, he had roped in Chrom and the others to help him set up a snowball fight to take her down.
It was, admittedly, getting out of hand.
Robin did not want to say any of this aloud. The whole thing felt silly as is; it’d feel even worse if he told someone.
“I think she’ll like this,” Robin mumbled lamely, unable to think of a better excuse.
Luckily, as perceptive as Chrom could be sometimes, he was for the most part a dense brick. He grinned, muscles straining as the snowball doubled in size. “Yeah, I think so too. As much as she hates winter, she’s always liked playing in the snow. We used to do it a lot as children.”
“Really?” Somehow, it wasn’t hard to imagine. Chrom still had a boyish side to him, no matter how old he got.
“Yeah. We’d toss snowballs, make snow angels…” Chrom chuckled, rubbing his neck as he remembered. “I’m pretty sure we got colds every other week from how much snow we dumped on each other. Frederick panicked a lot then. Emmeryn…” He faltered for a moment, his expression darkening. “Emmeryn scolded us for an hour but it didn’t help.”
“Didn’t peg you for a troublemaker,” Robin teased gently, trying to coax a smile out of him.
Chrom shrugged, laughing. “You know how Lissa is; she drags everyone into trouble.”
“You too?” That made him feel marginally better. Glancing at Chrom, he raised a brow. At this point, he had to ask. The boulder-sized snowball was impractical no matter what he came up with—too big for a snowman, useless for a snow fort, a lethal weapon in a snowball fight. “What’re you making?”
Chrom pursed his lips, gaze flickering between Robin and the ball. “Actually, I’m not sure anymore,” he admitted sheepishly. “I kinda just want to see how big it’ll get.”
“I…get that.” It was just so big and gravity had yet to claim it. Fortunately, Miriel wasn’t here, or they’d be running and experimenting on it. “Just make sure it doesn’t roll away from you. At this size, it’d probably flatten a village.”
“Definitely not,” Chrom agreed, shuddering at the thought. “We already have enough to repair as is. And Frederick would kill us.”
“We might already be dead from the bear jerky,” Robin countered with a grin.
Chrom snorted, his eyes bright. “I’m sure he’d find a way to kill us again.”
“Father!” Morgan called out and Robin looked up to find his daughter waving frantically.
“What?” Robin asked, cocking his head curiously.
“Over there!” Morgan pointed, urgency ringing clear in her voice.
Robin followed her finger until he spotted a blonde-haired speck in the distance. He didn’t have to see more to recognize Lissa. Or to realize that she was carrying her war axe. Next to her, Henry skipped gleefully, Frederick marched solemnly, and Tharja smiled threateningly. A cold, heavy feeling sank into the pit of his stomach. “Just what did she tell them?”
Not that it mattered. Lissa had figured out his plan and was declaring an attack. Quickly, Robin dropped the last of his snowballs behind the fort. It wasn’t fully ready, but there was not time for perfection anymore. They’d have to make due with what they had. “Everyone, prepare for battle!”
Whatever the outcome, there would be no winners. Just a massacre, followed by a revenge prank.
Robin narrowed his eyes.
Really, it was all Lissa’s fault it’d come to this.
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Embrace Your Inner Fighter: Discover Women's Kickboxing Classes Nearby
Are you a woman seeking a high-energy workout that will boost your strength and confidence? Look no further than women's kickboxing classes near you! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fighter, these classes offer a dynamic and empowering fitness experience tailored specifically for women. Women's kickboxing classes are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where you can learn the art of kickboxing while achieving your fitness goals. With skilled instructors who understand the unique needs of women, you can expect personalized attention and guidance throughout your journey.
Kickboxing is not just about punching and kicking; it's a comprehensive workout that engages your entire body. These classes incorporate various techniques, including strikes, punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers, all while improving your balance, agility, and cardiovascular endurance. You'll also engage in strength and resistance training exercises, targeting specific muscle groups to enhance your overall fitness and tone your body. What sets women's kickboxing classes apart is the camaraderie and sense of community among participants. You'll join a supportive group of like-minded women who share similar goals and motivations. Together, you'll push each other to new heights, celebrate achievements, and build lasting friendships. It's a wonderful opportunity to surround yourself with strong, empowered women who inspire and uplift one another.
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Whether your aim is to improve self-defense skills, shed those extra pounds, or simply have fun while getting fit, women's kickboxing classes offer a holistic approach to fitness. You'll not only improve your physical strength but also boost your mental resilience and self-confidence. Nitrixx provides an outlet for stress and tension, allowing you to channel your energy into a positive and empowering activity. Don't wait any longer to take the first step towards a healthier and stronger you! Discover women's kickboxing classes near you and embark on a transformative fitness journey. Unleash your inner warrior and experience the exhilaration of kickboxing while enjoying the support and encouragement of an incredible community of women. Get ready to kick, punch, and unleash your full potential!
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