#Watery eyes due to allergies
tatumeyecare · 9 months
5 Conditions That Cause Watery Eyes and When to See Your Eye Doctor
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Welcome to the insightful journey into understanding the complexities of watery eyes. In this article, we'll explore the top five conditions that lead to this discomfort and when it's crucial to seek the expertise of your eye doctor. Let's dive in!
Understanding Watery Eyes
Common causes of watery eyes
Allergies Do your eyes often become watery without any apparent reason? Allergies might be the culprit. Discover how allergens trigger excessive tearing and what steps you can take to find relief.
Dry Eyes Contrary to common belief, dry eyes can paradoxically cause watery eyes. Uncover the connection between insufficient tear production and the body's compensatory response, leading to excessive tearing.
Blocked Tear Ducts Explore the intricate network of tear ducts and understand how blockages can disrupt the natural drainage process, resulting in persistent watery eyes.
Conjunctivitis Delve into the world of conjunctivitis and its impact on tear production. Learn about the different types of conjunctivitis and how each contributes to watery eyes.
Environmental Factors Discover how your surroundings play a crucial role in eye health. From windy weather to air pollution, environmental factors can trigger watery eyes and ways to protect your eyes.
5 Conditions That Cause Watery Eyes
Allergies and their impact on tear production
Uncover the link between allergies and excessive tearing. From pollen to pet dander, explore common allergens that can turn your eyes into waterworks.
How dry eyes lead to excessive tearing
Dive into the complexities of dry eyes and their surprising connection to watery eyes. Learn about lifestyle changes and treatments to restore the balance.
Identifying blocked tear ducts and solutions
Recognize the signs of blocked tear ducts and explore both medical and home remedies to alleviate the blockage and restore normal tear drainage.
Conjunctivitis and its role in watery eyes
Differentiate between viral, bacterial, and allergic conjunctivitis and understand how each variant contributes to watery eyes. Discover effective treatment options.
Environmental triggers and eye watering
Explore how external factors like wind, smoke, and pollution can lead to watery eyes. Uncover preventive measures to shield your eyes from environmental triggers.
When to See Your Eye Doctor
Signs that warrant a visit to the eye doctor
Identify red flags that indicate it's time to consult your eye doctor. From persistent watering to changes in vision, prioritize your eye health.
Importance of professional diagnosis and treatment
Understand why self-diagnosis is risky when it comes to eye conditions. Discover the critical role eye doctors play in accurately diagnosing and treating the root causes of watery eyes.
Are watery eyes a sign of a serious eye condition? Examine the potential seriousness behind watery eyes and the importance of professional evaluation for a precise diagnosis.
Can I use over-the-counter eye drops for watering eyes? Explore the efficacy and limitations of over-the-counter eye drops for managing watery eyes. Discover when it's suitable and when professional intervention is necessary.
What are the common symptoms of dry eyes? Learn to recognize the telltale signs of dry eyes and differentiate them from other eye conditions.
How is conjunctivitis treated? Gain insights into the various treatment approaches for different types of conjunctivitis, ensuring effective relief.
Are there preventive measures for blocked tear ducts? Discover lifestyle changes and practices to prevent blockages in tear ducts, reducing the risk of watery eyes.
How can I protect my eyes from environmental triggers? Explore practical tips to safeguard your eyes from external factors that contribute to watery eyes, promoting overall eye health.
In conclusion, understanding the root causes of watery eyes empowers you to take proactive steps towards eye health. Whether it's allergies, dry eyes, blocked tear ducts, conjunctivitis, or environmental factors, knowing when to seek professional help ensures a clear vision and a tear-free future.
Tatum Eyecare is North Phoenix’s premier family eye care center. We’ve spared no expense to create the most pleasant, comfortable patient experience… including the finest furnishings, the best selection of prescription eyeglass frames, the most cutting-edge technology, and the most outstanding team of industry professionals. Come see why the choice for family eye care in the Valley has never been clearer.
#Excessive tearing causes, #Dry eye syndrome treatment, #Allergic conjunctivitis relief, #Blocked tear duct remedies, #Conjunctivitis prevention methods, #Environmental irritants and watery eyes, #Eye inflammation solutions, #Irritated eye symptoms, #Watery eyes due to allergies, #Tear production imbalance, #Reducing eye sensitivity, #Eye health and hydration, #Artificial tears for dry eyes, #Cold compress for watery eyes, #Eye allergies management, #Watery eyes and contact lenses,
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sweetracha · 1 year
its like im too anxious to sleep 😞 but i have been drinking lots of fluids!!! im sure my meds will kick in soon and hopefully let me drift off 🥹
on another note - could you maybe write a daddy!jeongin thing but its mostly just reader being obsessed with his hands? (totally not projecting 🥴)
Oh Sugars, I understand that feeling it is awful! I'm very glad to hear you are drinking lots of fluids! My Sweeties got to stay healthy!
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT!)
Allergy Warning: Daddy Dom Jeongin x Sub reader, female pronouns, choking, gagging, and pet names
Daddy's Hands
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A soft light illuminated your room from the window on your right. You stretched and groaned, not wanting to face the world today. When you reached out to find comfort in your lover, he was gone. His spot in bed has a phantom warmth meaning his departure was not long ago. As your bare feet hit the cold wooden floor you hissed. You straightened out your sage green silk nightgown and made your way into the hall. It wasn’t long before the smell of toast and bacon filled your senses. If your suspicions were correct, you would find Jeongin in the kitchen.
“Good morning sleeping beauty” his chuckle at his own joke was raspier due to it still being the morning.
“Good morning prince charming” You strolled past him and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. While he was distracted you stole a piece of bacon.
“Wrong movies but I will let it pass because you are so adorable in the morning, princess. Now sit down and no more stealing food!” You followed his whiney instructions and sat at the kitchen island.
You watched Innie finish making breakfast but soon it was your turn to be distracted. Long and slender fingers grasped the whisk tight as he stirred the pancake batter. His other hand skillfully flipped the meat in the pan. When a bit you batter splashed out of the mixing bowl, he used two fingers to scoop it up and pop it into his mouth. How was this so sensual? You two had never fully discussed your addiction to his hands before. When he would tease you for staring too long you usually changed the subject or laughed it off. It was painfully obvious now, as you were soaking the seat below you, that you had a thing for his hands.
“Earth to y/n, baby? Hello?” it was clear he had noticed too. When you snapped back you saw the smug expression on his smirking lips. “Someone sees something they like?”
“I just spaced out while you were cooking, I am probably still tired” you deflected but he wasn't buying it.
“You just happened to be spacing out on my hands? You seem to be doing that a lot these days, hmmm” he grabbed something out from the fridge and set it in front of you. His hand cupped your face gently as he ran his thumb under your bottom lip. He stayed there and played for a second longer before pulling down your lip with the pad of his thumb. A soft moan left you. “if you are so distracted baby, maybe I need to give you something to do” he pulled the bowl closer and dipped his middle and ring finger into the sauce. “tell Daddy how this tastes.”
With that, he opened your mouth up and slide in the two fingers. He let the weight of the fingers sit on your tongue for a moment before he slides further and further back. The sweet taste of honey was left on their trail. As he inched towards the back of your throat you felt your gag reflex acting up. You attempted to pull away but Jeongin was quick to stop you with a hand to the back of your head. He cradled you in a position that should otherwise be sweet but inside was tainted with pure lust. “Uh Uh baby girl, no pulling away from daddy. Taste it” he looked into your watery pleading eyes with his own darkened cold ones. He slipped his fingers as far back as he could and gagged you. You fought back with a coughing fit as spit filled your mouth. When he was satisfied he retreated.
“Messy little thing for daddy” he cooed as the smeared your spit to coat your now plump lips. “What do we say, princess?”
“Thank you, Daddy” Your voice was almost gone at this point.
“Good girl” Along with his words went your panties as he ripped them off of you. “So fucking wet princess. All for me? Just a messy desperate thing for daddy, aren’t you?” he rubbed his hand up and down your cunt.
You moaned in pleasure at his soft petting movements but one particular motion elicited a gasp from you. Your clit hooked on his smooth cold metal rings and you couldn’t help expressing how good it felt. All of a sudden innie’s hand got wetter.
“Oh princess, you liked that? Are daddy’s rings cold on your hot skin? Must feel so nice”. He rubbed his rings into your spot with more intention and pressure now. He loved how you were falling apart in the kitchen chair, all because of his hands. Jeongin knew there wasn’t a single thought besides pleasure in your head. As he slipped in those same two fingers he used to gag you, the others wrapped around your throat.
His instant speed and pacing left you speechless. The fingers around your neck closed tighter and tighter the closer and closer you came to release. It was like his calling card to tell you he knew just how good he was fucking you. Then he hit that spot.
“FUC—DADDY!” you were begging and pulling away but being stopped by the back of the seat. You both knew however that you did not want this to end.
“Take it. Sit there and take it like the desperate girl you are. Finally getting fucked by my hands just the way you wanted.” His hand finally choked you fully. “So be grateful and cum for me”
Those words sent you over the edge as you spammed on his hands. He helped you ride out your high and was careful not to overstimulate you when he pulled out. Before he started aftercare however he had one more thing to do. Jeongin collected your juices on his fingers and shoved them back down your throat, the scene mirroring the one before. As you gaged he praised you.
“Daddy’s good girl”
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
One of Those Days || Jay Halstead x Halstead Sister
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We deserved more interactions between Kim and Jay, that's all I'm saying.
I was thinking about this day where I was feeling super shitty at school, my self harm habits were horrible back then and I always wanted to cry. Since my mom was working, I texted my aunt and she took me to her house. She knew I was pretending to have a headache, but anyway followed my game. My little cousin lend me her bed to lay down and she decided it was a good idea to read The Little Prince for me to fall asleep 💕
“Do you want me to call your dad?” The receptionist at school asked the girl infront of her. Her head was slightly lowered and her hair covered a good part of her face.
“Can you call my brother instead?” Becca asked in a low crackly voice.
The receptionist sighed, “Sure. But you know I can’t let you go without your dad’s permission”
The girl nodded and sat in the hard plastic chairs of the office to wait while the woman spoke on the phone.
“…Yes, she has a headache…She’s alright, but seems like it’s getting worse. The nurse checked her, but can’t really do much. Sure, she’s at the office. Thank you, Mr. Halstead”
“Becca, your brother will be here as soon as he can. Go get your stuff, I’ll call your dad to let him know”
She didn't really have a headache, but it seemed like "fake it 'til you make it" was a real thing because she was now starting to feel discomfort in her head. Although it might have been because she was struggling not to cry in front of everyone. Her nose was now red, and her eyes were watery. Everybody thought it was due to allergies or the flu, but in reality, she was swallowing hard, trying to retain tears rolling down.
“Let’s go, Beccs”, Jay said while picking up his sister’s backpack from the floor.
The walk to the parking lot was silent; she knew that if she talked, she would burst into tears. A hole in her chest appeared the minute she saw her brother, and now it was growing fast inside of her.
Jay was eagerly typing on his phone, dealing with work issues he couldn't leave for later. He was worried; since he received the call from the school, his gut told him Becca's emergency wasn't about being sick, and now, even looking at her sideways, he could confirm it.
The detective opened the car a few steps before they reached it. Both siblings went to the same side of the truck, the girl ready to jump inside, while her brother was putting her belongings on the back seat. When Jay closed the door, Becca was still outside waiting for him. She was scratching her eye, and as soon as their gazes crossed, she started to silently cry. Instinctively, brother and sister took a step forward to hug each other; there was no time for Jay to bend to her height, so she squeezed his waist tightly.
"Did something happen, or is it only the feeling?" He tilted his ear to be able to hear the answer.
Becca moved her head, saying no, her face still sunken in his stomach, "Only the feeling."
"Alright," he softly said. They stayed like that for a moment before actually going inside the truck.
With a mixture of affection and concern, Jay stared at his sister before starting the car. "Do you want to talk?" He spoke gently. Her delicate attempt to wipe away the evidence of her tears with the sleeve of her sweater tugged at his heartstrings.
Becca despised being seen in such a fragile state; the vulnerability on display only heightened her emotions. It struck her as ironic that the very person who made her feel secure and shielded, her brother, was the one in front of whom she felt the most exposed. In the tumult of her emotions, Jay remained her safe person, the only one she could trust.
"It's the pain in the chest, the black hole. It's growing."
He frowned with a slight nod. Jay knew perfectly what she was talking about, and he hated to be so powerless about it.
"I don't want to go home," she begged. Becca's face made Jay's heart drop; you could see the pain in her puffy eyes and her cheeks a bit swollen along with her pink nose.
He swallowed hard, "I honestly wouldn't take you there even if you asked me to. You are coming with me, but I still have things to do at the bullpen."
“I can wait”
On the road back to the 21st District, Jay’s phone never stopped ringing, but anyway he passed by a drive-thru to get an ice-cream for Becca, a nice attempt to cheer her up a bit.
“Feeling a bit better?” He asked before getting inside of the building. At least, the crying was controlled for a moment. “Alright, let’s go”.
It was obvious she had been crying, but nobody said a thing about it. All the cops, detectives and seargets greeted the girl with a warm smile and acted normal around her.
Becca stayed in the coffee room and never got out of there. After all the weeping, exhaustion took its toll, and she found herself drifting into sleep on the arm of the sofa. Jay periodically entered to check on her, his stress evident as he felt the weight of time pressing against him. The clock relentlessly ticked away, yet the workload showed no sign of diminishing.
Kim noticed, and after preparing to leave by taking her coat and bag, she approached her friend. "Hey! I'm already done here and heading home. If you want, and if she wants to, I can take Becca with me. I just need to pick up Mak from school, and then we'll be home."
The detective hesitated, “Uhm—“
"Look, I don't know what's going on with her, but at least she can properly rest there..." Kim's voice carried a note of genuine concern, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and worry for both of them.
They turned their heads to see how the girl was all tangled in her spot.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. That way you won’t have the pressure—I mean, you’ll still have the pressure, but it will be different knowing she’s comfortable in a safe place…I know the feeling, Jay”
After a few seconds of deliberating in his mind, he thankfully agreed only for his sister’s comfort.
“Don’t worry, don’t rush. You can pick her up whenever you can, doesn’t matter if it’s late”, Burgess said before departing and Jay knew she was honest, “I’ll take care of her”
Makayla was delighted with Becca's presence but was too shy to interact with her. Since they didn't have visitors often, this was kind of a new experience for her.
"Mak," her mom called, "Becca is not feeling very well, would you lend her your bed for a little while so she can rest?"
"Sure!" Despite her short life, Makayla's tender heart had already weathered enough storms, shaping her into a compassionate soul capable of understanding when someone else was beaten down or in pain. She sensed all that in Becca and was willing to make her feel good. "I can even lend her my stuffies," she added as an innocent gesture. Now addressing their guest directly, she continued, "They'll keep you company and won't be scary if you wake up in the dark."
Kim guided Becca to the room and arranged everything for her, picking up some clothes and toys that her daughter had left on the floor. Meanwhile, Makayla was opening drawers and climbing them to reach the highest shelf where the books were placed.
"There you go, make yourself comfortable," Burgess said while still fixing the unmade bed.
“And I’ll read you something to help you sleep”, Makayla approached holding a big book with her small hands.
“Mak, sweetie, no. We’re going out while she sleeps, okay? But you can read to me”, she took her hand to lead her out.
“No, mom. She doesn’t need to be alone right now”, Makayla’s big dark eyes were over Becca. “She needs a story, that’s what you do when I am sad”
Suddenly, the pain in Becca's chest intensified, and the gaping hole seemed to expand. It was as if her new little friend could read her mind. Becca yearned to be alone to release the pent-up tears, yet a lingering understanding told her that solitude might not be the best course of action.
“It’s alright, Kim. This her room, after all”
“Yas!” Mak jumped out of excitement. “Now, you lay down here and close your eyes. I’m going to read you a story that always make me feel better when I am not happy…”
With a smile and slowly going out of the room, Burgess leaved the two girls alone.
“The Little Prince is one of my favorite books too, Makayla”
“I knew it” her smile was bright.
As Becca listened to the reading, she feigned sleep. A few tears escaped her eyes, but she skillfully concealed them. Eventually, the reading ceased, and Becca sensed Mak's tiny face drawing near, checking if she was truly asleep. The youngest Halstead heard Makayla's footsteps departing from the room, but then she returned, placing a stuffed animal between Becca's arms. "Don't leave her alone, Buttons," she whispered before descending the stairs with her mommy.
Slowly, Becca opened her eyes and as soon as she made sure she was alone, she started an intense crying, trying not to make a lot of noise. She turned to give her back to the door, hidding in case someone came in. Clutching the stuffed animal tightly, she cried until exhaustion enveloped her, eventually lulling her into a fitful sleep.
She awoke in Jay's bed, disoriented about how she got there, a Mak's plush toy still nestled between her arms. Rising from the bed, a sudden wave of dizziness hit her, her head throbbing, and the discomfort in her chest persisting. When she emerged into the living room, her brother was seated on the sofa. Becca raised Buttons with one hand, a question mark etched on her face, silently seeking an explanation.
“Makayla insisted you should take it for tonight”, he answered simply.
“Oh. That's sweet”
"How are you feeling?" Jay asked, standing up to approach her, but she just shrugged. "Stupid question?"
"It's just—"
"One of those days," he completed. "I know."
"A terrible one, and it's not over yet" There was a long silence and Jay knew she was trying to say something, so he gave her time. "I was scared, Jay."
Those last words sent shivers down his spine, he understood what she was referring to and was also frightened but couldn't admit it in front of her. He masked his concern, assuring her, "You should never be scared, I'm here with you."
"I know", she gave him a hug.
"Do you want to talk now?" Becca hurriedly said no only with her head, and her brother understood.
"Okay", Jay sighed, "You haven't eaten a thing all day. Food should make you feel better. What about pizza, a movie, and the company of your favorite brother, hm?"
"What? Is Will coming?" Becca teased him, finally smiling.
"Ha! A joke, that's a sign that you are already feeling better."
The evening unfolded and laughter echoed through the room as they enjoyed the movie. Yet, even in her weariness, Becca managed to stay awake for a fleeting moment. As she drifted into sleep, the pain in her chest, a constant companion throughout the day, was miraculously eased by the gentle touch and care of her brother.
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A Prince and His Subjects
Title: A Prince and His Subjects
Summary: Or five times the other sides were a simp for Roman and he never noticed. Meanwhile Remus suffers as he tries to protect his brother.
Warnings: none, no smut but there are spicy implications.
            Roman always thought that he wasn’t anything special. Yes, he had his own special abilities and magic. He was confident and extra confident on good days. He was brave and kind. Yet, Roman felt as if he was no different nor did he stand out. He tries to with his prince role but he knows he doesn’t always have to put on the costume. He was just Roman. Thomas’ Creativity, Ego, and Passion. Nothing more and nothing less. That’s what he saw and thought of himself. Of course, there’s his big tower of insecurities but he’d rather not address them. To him, Roman is just Roman. The prince isn’t aware that his subjects, or rather the other sides see so much more. Remus does and he gags every time. He’s glad they’re treating his brother nicely but they could be simping less. A lot less.
            It’s another slow day with Thomas free for the day so that left the sides with not being needed in a meeting for the day or until their host summons them. In the Mindpalace, Patton called everyone together to do some cleaning since the common area had become a mess. The place was used for many movie nights and sleepovers during the past few weeks. So, now they stood in the messy common area. There was trash on the couch, books on the coffee table as well as abandoned coffee mugs and empty cookie plates. There’s probably something behind the couch where Remus pops up to join them.
“Okay, everyone! Are you guys ready to clean?” Patton asks, grinning. “I know it would be easier to snap the mess away but it’s also tricky since we don’t know exactly where those things go.”
Roman nods, always eager to help with a little cleaning. He doesn’t look like it but he does like organizing things so they match and look neat plus the extra space is satisfying to him.
“I’m ready, Padre!” he grins, doing his usual royal pose.
Patton claps happily.
“Good! Has everyone decided what they’ll handle?”
“I’ll clear up the books. I apologize for leaving so many of them here.” Logan volunteers.
“That’s alright, Lo. We know you can’t put your books down. If you want, you can leave the book you’re currently reading here.” Patton replies.
Logan blinks and smiles small, his cheeks slightly pink.
“Ah. Thank you, Patton.”
“Of course! Okay, who else is doing what?”
“I’ll handle the cobwebs, dust, and the trash so Princey doesn’t whine about dust allergies.” Virgil answers, taking off his hoodie and tying it around his waist.
“Please do vanquish every speck of dust. I refuse to sit through another movie night with watery eyes.” Roman huffs cutely, feigning a pout. He does appreciate Virgil taking him into consideration.
Virgil chuckles, averting his gaze with a light flush.
“I’ll vanquish all of them, Princey.”
Remus rolls his eyes at that as Patton nods.
“Good! Roman, Janus?” Patton asks, turning to them.
“I’m going to rearrange the furniture back to where they were. We haven’t moved them since the last sleep over as well as reorganize the movies.” Roman volunteers. “Plus, this place is majorly due for redecorating.”
Patton giggles at that.
“Have fun, Ro! Oh, and don’t strain yourself!”
“I’ll be alright, Padre. I don’t just train to vanquish the Dragon Witch.” Roman grins, waving his hand to change the top half of his costume into a tank top.
            Roman used to be ashamed of showing his arms since they were covered in plenty scars but with some assurances, he found some bravery. Lately, especially on hot days, Roman can be found in tank tops or completely topless. It’s definitely not unwelcome. Roman trains a lot and works out for his Imagination adventures and because he likes keeping his body fit and toned so he’s got quite a pair of muscly arms as a well as a nicely toned chest. It makes the others minus Remus glance at him for a moment. Roman just blinks obliviously.
Meanwhile, Patton stops himself from getting any redder as he tears his gaze away from Roman and his arms before turning to Janus.
“What about you, Jan?”
Janus hums, stealing a second glance at Roman because he can and he’s the most shameless next to the twins.
“Hm, I suppose I shall assist Roman. Someone has to pick up the mess when he moves the furniture. Plus, there’s bound to be something interesting under the couch.” he answers, smirking at Roman.
Roman only smiles innocently at Janus and nods.
“Sure! I could use someone to watch my back in case I bump into something.” he chirps, the poor thing unaware of what was going on.
Virgil, having known Janus long enough to spot his schemes, squints and glares subtly at Janus.
That sneaky fucking snake. That was clever.
Remus nearly gags. He had been surprised when Janus admitted he was attracted to Roman. He’s glad his brother is getting love but also wished he hadn’t had to see stuff like this. He’s not the mushy gushy love guy here. He’s the gross, icky intrusive man. That, and his brother was just so innocent and dumb, more so than Patton. Remus wanted to keep him that way. Not that he cared, nope.
Patton just smiles, flustering more. He seems to know too.
“Alright, Janus. I’ll help Virgil with the dusting then I’ll take care of the dishes.” he nods, summoning a feather duster. “Remus, can you help clean too? You don’t have to handle soap.”
Remus secretly is relieved to hear that and looks around. Well, someone’s gotta keep an eye on Roman and make sure the others don’t make him uncomfortable by accident.
“I’ll clear out my stuff from behind the couch because if I don’t, Janny’s gonna make me do it anyways.” he huffs.
Janus chuckles.
“Perhaps you should stop bringing your things to movie night.” he teases. “We don’t need any more…toys.”
Roman tilts his head in confusion. He may handle romance but he tends to miss innuendos and the like.
“But we always bring our plushies to movie night?” he questions.
“Oh, those toys are okay. Remus can’t bring his toys though.” Janus grins, resisting the urge to ruin his innocence.
“Why? What kind of toys does Remus have?” Roman asks, even more confused.
Remus glares at Janus who has a smug grin on his face.
“Don’t worry too much about it, RoRo.” Remus intervenes.
The prince blinks.
“Oh. Okay then.”
Patton clears his throat awkwardly at that and summons his cleaning apron as well.
“Okay, let’s get cleaning, everyone!”
            With that, the sides went off to go do their tasks. Roman immediately went to the beanbags he left piled in the corner from the last movie night. He hums and bends down, scooping up the blankets on top along with the pillows, setting them aside. Then he picks up his Beast onesie and waves his hand to send it back to his room. With that done, Roman bends back down and gathers the beanbags, unaware of where Janus’ eyes were.
            Janus had followed Roman, waiting for him to move something so he can watch-help Roman pick up any items that had been hiding under the furniture. When he saw Roman bend ever so perfectly, he couldn’t help but smirk at the new view. Roman was quite toned, even from the back. The snake side’s eyes slowly travel lower and lower and…
Roman stands up and Janus hides his smirk.
“Good work, Roman. Oh, and you even found the missing TV remote.” Janus praises, taking that moment to pat Roman’s arm.
Remus squints.
Is the snake seriously feeling up his twin? Gross.
“Oh, thanks, Jan! Could you grab it for me? I need to move these.” Roman grins back at the yellow side.
Janus squeezes Roman’s arm and nods.
“Of course.”
Roman nods his thanks and waddles away with the beanbags.
Remus huffs and stands up from where he was looking for his things behind the couch.
“Really? Feeling up my brother in front of me? You might as well grope his ass too, you horny fucking snake.” he growls, huffing.
Janus merely chuckles and smirks.
“Tempting but we have cleaning to do, Remus. Besides, it’s not like Roman’s going anywhere anytime soon~”
Roman, who had returned just then, blinks in confusion.
“Where would I be going?”
Remus says nothing and glares at Janus.
            Virgil doesn’t often wander into the Imagination, especially alone. When Roman asked him to come along for a walk, he couldn’t really say no. Roman had busted out what he dubs as the “princey pout” and Virgil was a weak side. So now, Virgil finds himself strolling along beside Roman in the Enchanted Forest. It’s nice and peaceful. Or as peaceful as Virgil can tell. Being the embodiment of someone’s Anxiety always reminds him that anything bad could happen. So, Virgil is still a little on guard. He tries to distract himself and glances at Roman.
            Roman is humming as he walks along, his katana sheathed at his side. He had assured Virgil that they’re not going to fight anything but he decided to bring it along. Just in case. Bright emerald eyes gaze at the forest path head, counting the little yellow daisies that dot the way. A blue jay then flutters from its nest and flies down to Roman with a chirp. The creative side smiles fondly and holds up his finger, chuckling as the bird perches for a moment. He takes that moment to pet the bird’s tiny head.
“Hello, little one. I see your injured wing is feeling better. Have your eggs hatched?” Roman asks, gently stroking the bird.
The bird chirps and shakes his head.
“Ah, I see. I’ll try to be here when that does happen.” Roman replies, chuckling as the bird hops and chirps happily.
Meanwhile, Virgil blinks out of his stupor.
“Huh. So, you can talk to animals, princey.” he teases, smirking slightly.
Roman smiles and lets the bird go, watching it return to its nest.
“I love my creatures, big and small, so I used a spell to give myself the ability to communicate with them.” he explains, waving to a passing rabbit.
Virgil hums at that.
“Or maybe you’re just actually a Disney prince.” he mutters.
Roman blinks.
“N-Nothing, shut up!” Virgil flustered.
“Oh. Well…I guess we should just keep on walking then.”
Virgil sighs and nods.
Nice job, Virgil.
            As they continue to walk, neither notice the rustling tree branches behind them. Up above in the thick of the tree branches is Remus, watching them walk. He was going to jump down as a sneak attack on Roman but held back when he saw Virgil. Out of curiosity, he stayed back to watch them walk. Huffing, Remus hops to another branch to follow after them. Remus isn’t being overprotective towards his little brother. Nope. He’s just…making sure Roman is okay. Yeah.
            Meanwhile, Roman leads Virgil to big clearing in the forest. A beautiful lake sits in the center, shaded by the canopy above. Off to the side and further back is a beautiful cottage with lavender vines growing down the sides of the roof. Playful creatures like rabbits and squirrels scurry by. A small duck family lounges at the side of the pond. Dragon flies dance around and across the lake. There’s also a log to sit on nearby. This place is one of Roman’s favorite places to go when things are too much or when he wants to be alone. He then leads Virgil to the log bench.
“This is what I wanted to show you. One of my favorite places.” he explains, gazing at the water.
Virgil follows his gaze and watches some waterlilies float by.
“It’s…beautiful, Ro.” he replies, perching on the log bench.
Roman smiles softly, watching the ducklings splashing in shallow of the lake.
“I’m glad you think so. It’s where I sometimes go to unwind after a long day or just to think. Sometimes I come here to nap.” he smiles, chuckling.
Virgil nods along.
“Yeah? That sounds pretty relaxing. I don’t think I could nap out here. A bug might crawl up my nose or mouth or ears. Or I’ll somehow roll into the lake and die even if it’s shallow.” he replies, laughing too.
Roman chuckles again.
“That’s understandable but if you do ever want to give it a try, I’m here to accompany you. I’ll make sure no bugs crawl inside you or that you don’t roll into the lake. Or we could do other things.”
Remus, who had followed and watched from the branches, squints.
Virgil flusters, smiling shyly at Roman for a moment.
“L-Like what, Princey?”
“Swimming!” Roman grins, standing up.
Virgil lets his heart calm down. Bless Roman, he’s just so damn innocent.
Meanwhile, Remus frowns and huffs.
“You really thought you were going to get dicked down by my brother, huh? Naughty emo.” he whispers, knowing damn well that Virgil can at least hear him.
Virgil does hear him, his head whipping to the side. He squints but sees nothing though he swears there’s glowing eyes in one of the trees and-
“So, do you want to swim with me, emo?”
Virgil looks back to Roman and nearly falls off the bench, his face reddening.
Roman had changed into a pair of swim trunks, giving Virgil an eyeful of his chiseled abs and toned arms. It doesn’t help that he’s got…quite the chest or a sexy-
Virgil jolts and averts his gaze.
“Uh, sorry, what?” he answers dumbly.
“I said, do you want to swim with me?” Roman asks again, head tilted in confusion.
Virgil flusters.
“Oh, uh, I’m good. Don’t want to ruin the eyeshadow and I’m too pale.” he replies.
It’s not a lie but he didn’t want to tell Roman he actually couldn’t swim or that he’ll combust, staring at Roman’s abs and arms.
Roman just shrugs and smiles.
“Okay then. I’ll just go on ahead.” he hums, turning around.
Once again, Virgil is blessed with the view of Roman’s backside. Damn, even his back muscles are hot.
Remus growls lowly and huffs.
“That’s not where his eyes are, Virgil.” he hisses.
Virgil jumps again and turns red, glaring at the eyes in the trees. Dammit, Remus.
            Logan doesn’t often hang out in Roman’s room. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, no. It’s just…a little harder to function normally being in the same room as Roman. Especially in his bedroom. He’s Logic, after all. He’s not supposed to be feeling stuff…or thinking about…certain things.
            And yet, Logan finds himself outside of Roman’s room with some books under his arm. It’s a brainstorm session and Roman invited him over. The logical side figured that he could use the books as a distraction, so he didn’t have to look at Roman too much. Sighing, Logan stands tall and knocks at Roman’s door.
“Be there in a moment!” comes Roman’s voice.
The door then opens.
“Ah, I hope I’m not-oh.” Logan’s words die on his tongue.
Roman is back in his tank top and it seems he’s been experimenting with his makeup again. He’s always had the prettiest face despite all of them looking similar to each other.
“Um, Logan? What were you saying?” Roman tilts his head cutely and Logan has to clear his throat.
“Ah, I was saying, I hope I’m not late.” Logan stammers, adjusting his glasses.
Roman smiles.
“You’re right on time, Specs! Come on!” he chirps, taking Logan’s free hand and tugging him inside before shutting the door.
Logan lets Roman lead him. Even his hands feel strong.
“You wanna join me in bed?” Roman asks.
Logan nearly chokes but saves it with a cough.
“E-Excuse me?”
Roman plops down on his big, royal bed with some books piled in front of him and his beloved red binder.
“Do you want to sit here and brainstorm? It’s comfy and soft. It’s okay if you don’t want to. You can also take my desk chair.” he asks, blinking innocently.
Oh. Right. That’s what he meant.
Under Roman’s bed, Remus squints and huffs as he chews on one of Roman’s old boots. Even nerdy wolverine had naughty thoughts about his brother. Gross. It makes Remus summon a shuriken. Just in case.
Logan regains his composure and nods, clearing his throat a second time.
“I-I’ll join you, Roman.” he replies.
He then toes off his shoes and sits on Roman’s bed before setting his books down.
“Yay!” Roman cheers before grabbing his binder and summoning a pen. “So, do you want to hear what I have so far?”
Logan finds himself staring for a moment before refocusing and nodding.
“Of course.”
For next hour, he and Roman share ideas and thoughts. They wind up chatting a lot and talking about books they’ve been reading, upcoming things on Thomas’ schedule, and other little things. It’s nice and Roman cherishes the moment because it’s not often they can settle down and just talk without bursting into arguments. They’re working on arguing less though. It’s a…long process.
“Ooh, I’m so excited for Thomas to do the Crofters tasting video!” Roman then squeals.
Logan finds himself tugging on his tie for the millionth time this hour. Roman’s just so sweet. So bright.
They had moved onto video ideas and the conversation evolved into discussing already planned videos. Most of them were to be fun little shorts for Thomas to do as a break from his usual stuff.
“I agree though I wish we didn’t have to rank them. They all taste exquisite.” Logan replies, a small smile on his lips.
Roman giggles and Logan feels like he’s been blinded by the sun.
“Definitely! But I’m curious to see what Thomas’ opinion is. He only gets certain flavors and there’s probably a lot more he hasn’t tried.” The prince grins, bouncing up and down.
“Of course.” Logan replies before flustering and averting his gaze. “And I appreciate the fact you invited me into this video.”
Roman nods happily.
“I wanted to, Logan! Crofters was your thing first and I merely got inspired to try. Plus, it’s your turn in the spotlight, my dear nerd.” he winks.
Logan has to breathe through his nose to stay calm. Damn, that handsome prince and his handsome face.
“T-Thank you, Roman.” he manages to say a moment later.
Roman nods again and Logan takes a moment to calm himself down on the inside. The two then go back to talking and brainstorming. At some point, Logan found himself gazing at Roman’s face again as the prince was talking.
Logan couldn’t help it. Roman had such a pretty face. The scars made him look extra handsome. His eyes were just as pretty, sparkling like a pair of emeralds. If Logan looked closer, he could see that Creative spark in those eyes. He could see passion and wonder. Sometimes Logan wondered what the world was like through Roman’s eyes.
“Uh, Specs? Logan?”
Logan blinks and realizes he’d been ogling Roman for some time now. Oops.
“A-Apologies, Roman. I…got lost in thought.” he answers, face flushed.
Meanwhile, Remus who had moved to watch from his twin’s massive closet, rolls his eyes.
“You’re so lucky it takes more bullshit than that to summon Janny.” he hisses under his breath.
Back to the two, Roman just smiles and pats Logan’s shoulder.
“It’s okay! Anyways, I was asking if I could practice my makeup skills on your face. Thomas wants to do another makeup video and I want to be on top of my skills so I can help!” he replies.
Logan doesn’t mind makeup though he doesn’t wear it as often as Roman does. He’s not really that good with the art. Yet, he can’t find himself to deny Roman. Not with that smiling, pretty face looking at him.
“Sure, but nothing heavy, Roman.” he nods, a little flustered.
Roman perks up and claps happily, bouncing up from the bed.
“Oh, thank you, Logan! Wait there! I’m gonna get some stuff from the bathroom.” he squeals before dashing off to his bathroom.
Once the door clicks shut, Remus takes that time to slip out of the closet.
“Watch yourself, nerd. I could hear your nasty little thoughts from there.” he whispers in the logical side’s ear, holding up a shuriken.
Logan blinks, composing himself from being startled.
“What do you mean? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Remus squints.
“Uh huh. I saw you eye-fucking my brother.”
Then he sinks away while Logan is left standing there with a red face.
            Patton loves to bake a lot. It’s calming and fun and he loves giving treats to everyone. He loves it more when he bakes with someone. This time, he’s baking with Roman which has him super excited. Roman is often busy in the Imagination, helping Thomas, or doing some creative work so he doesn’t always have time to do this kind of stuff. With Thomas having another slow day and things being quiet in the Mindpalace, Patton was able to invite Roman who happily agreed to join.
            And now here they were in the kitchen, utensils and bowls scattered around the counter. Flour covers the surface. Patton is in his sky-blue apron and Roman in his white apron. Roman also has his bangs pinned away from his face with a cute little hairclip that’s shaped like a crown. Right now, the two were mixing cake batter.
“Mm, I can’t wait to have these for dessert later. We deserve a little treat!” Roman grins, eager to have some cake after dinner.
Patton nods happily.
“We do! How’s your batter coming along?”
Roman holds up his red bowl.
“I think it’s almost ready!” he answers, mixing a few more times.
“Good! Mine’s almost ready too! Once we get these in the oven, we can work on the frosting and icing!”
Roman nods.
“Oh, I love that part!”
The two laugh and they keep mixing. Soon the batter is ready and they put it in the cake pans. Once that’s done, they place it in the oven to bake. After shutting the oven door and setting the timer, Patton moves and opens the cabinet to get more bowls while Roman gets the ingredients needed.
Patton then sees a problem. The rest of the big mixing bowls are on the top shelf of the cabinet and he can’t reach them.
“Oh dear.” he frowns.
Roman sets down the box of icing mix that he was looking at.
“Is something wrong, Pat?” he asks.
“Could you reach up and get those bowls for me, Roman?”
“Oh, sure!”
Before Patton can move aside, he feels something solid behind him and he blinks. He looks up and nearly squeaks. Roman’s pressing up against him, reaching up into the cabinets. Patton quickly turns away, looking at the counter instead. He can feel Roman’s chest behind his head.
Roman is much taller than him and Patton has no complaints. He’s…very strong too. If Patton leaned back enough, he could feel Roman’s chest against the back of his head and-
“One of the others must have put the bowls up here after movie night.” comes Roman’s voice from behind him. It makes him shiver as Roman’s basically talking in his ear.
Then the solid and muscly wall that is Roman is gone from behind him, now standing beside him instead with the bowl.
“Here you go!”
Patton blinks and hopes he isn’t blushing too much before taking the bowl.
“T-Thank you.”
Roman nods and goes to the other side of the kitchen with the icing box to read the instructions.
Meanwhile, Patton calms himself down. As he moves to put the bowl down, he feels something grab his ankle and he almost squeaks again. The fatherly side looks down and has to hold back another squeak when he sees Remus’ head sticking out of the sink cabinet.
“Don’t even think about it, froggy.”
Then Remus lets go and disappears under the sink.
Patton shudders at that and continues with baking, totally not thinking about Roman’s body against his earlier.
            It’s another slow day in the Mindpalace. Everyone had been hard at work, assisting Thomas last week so this time they agreed to just chill out for the time being. They gathered in the living area and put on a movie though no one really paid much attention to it. Patton was doing a word search for fun, Logan sitting next to him on the couch with a book. Virgil was next to Logan, gaming away on his Switch. Roman and Remus took up the beanbags beside the couch, the twins doodling and brainstorming in a shared sketchbook. Janus sat at their feet, also reading.
Though Janus was getting bored. He’s already read his book and despite it being a mystery novel, the plot was predictable. He sets his book down and glances around before seeing Roman. He hides a fond smile as he hears him giggle at something Remus says.
Janus has heard from the others about their…encounters with Roman. He’s very tempted to try something to get Roman to…show off a little. He looks around some more and spots the thermostat.
Janus then grins and nudges Virgil’s leg.
“Fuck off, Janus.” Virgil huffs without looking up.
“Okay but you’ll miss the show, my dear emo.”
Virgil pauses his game and looks over to Janus.
“What show?”
“Just wait and see.”
Janus then subtly waves his hand to turn up the heat on the thermostat. It takes a few moments but soon it’s starting to get warm. Patton and Logan hardly noticing, being used to the warmth of the Mindpalace. Virgil is used to sweating in his hoodie and Janus himself likes heat. Remus already runs warm so he doesn’t notice much change.
Soon it’s even more warm and Roman is feeling a little uncomfortable in his costume. He loves it and all but the thick material makes it hard to stay cool. It’s why he has a different costume for his Imagination trips. Sighing, Roman sets his pencil aside and stands up.
“Oh, it’s just so hot in here! Sweltering!” he huffs. “I apologize but a prince must shed his costume!”
Roman then waves his hand and he’s now shirtless again.
Janus smirks. Lovely.
“Holy shit…Nice one, Jan.” a flustered Virgil mutters beside him, fist bumping Janus.
Janus nods, enjoying the view.
Patton squeaks, adjusting the sleeves of his cardigan around his neck as his face reddens.
“O-Oh my goodness…”
Logan nods, fixing his glasses as he flusters.
Meanwhile Remus glares and huffs.
“I hate all of you.”
No one replies, too busy staring at Roman who had decided to fan himself for the moment.
Remus glares more.
“Hey! Quit drooling all over him, you fucking weirdos!” he growls, not liking how they’re ogling his twin.
Sweet, oblivious Roman blinks.
“They’re not drooling all over me. That would feel gross, Ree.” he frowns, head tilted in innocence.
Remus resists the urge to smack the others or knock Roman out just to spare him.
“Don’t-Don’t worry too much about it, RoRo.” he sighs, getting up to go check the thermostat.
Roman just blinks again. The others sure have been acting weird lately and he wonders if Remus knows why. He won’t tell him though.
“Oh. Okay then. Wonder why they’re staring at me…”
Oh, if only Roman knew what they saw.
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stars-n-spice · 26 days
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Wrecker Wednesday Headcanons!
for @sunshinesdaydream :)
Various random Wrecker headcanons that have been floating around my head-
Doesn't like needles so he doesn't have a lot of tattoos. Really the only one he has is a '99' that all his brothers got to match that he has on his forearm. No, he definitely did not cry like a baby when he got it.
Despite not liking needles, the man has nipple piercings. This headcanon actually came from my sister who doesn't really watch the show but randomly brought it up to me one day and it's been living in my mind rent-free ever since.
Plays off pain like it's nobody's business. ESPECIALLY when he has a headache. Whenever he has a headache, out of fear of what happened with the chip malfunction, he'll go and isolate himself for a bit until it goes away because he doesn't want something happening again. He also thinks that he's the "strong" one so he underplays being in pain and every now and then will just collapse randomly due to exhaustion.
He can be a really big flirt when he wants to but if he genuinely really likes someone he becomes a flustered mess. He can joke and make comments, but the moment someone he's interested in or attracted to responds he just "wrecker.exe stopped working."
Memory issues from being bonked on the head one too many times also later needs a hearing aid in his left ear
Demisexual :) I project on the Batch and make them all aspec one way or another and I think Wrecker is omni and demisexual
Oh here's something devastating: he has a cat allergy. Does that stop him? Oh definitely not. His face would be puffed up, his eyes red and watery, and he's constantly sneezing, but he got to pet a cat and that was worth it.
Those hips don't lie 👀 I think he's a good dancer. Put on some cumbia and watch the man go!
Hobbies I think he'd be good at/pick up: Baking, fishing, woodworking, pottery, and
He's not a big fan of the cold and he tends to run hot. He's a big ol walking portable heater and weighted blanket. Ergo he gives the best hugs :)
The man is a hoarder. Though he'd prefer the term "collector." He has his plushie collection and a munitions collection but I think that he also likes to take keepsakes from various (successful) missions just to have to remember them by
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lolly-047 · 11 months
there is a diluven headcanon that i love incorporating into most if not all of my works:
Venti being allergic to Diona
Now, Venti being allergic to cats is canon - and Diona being a cat is basically canon (despite her repeated and enthusiastic disagreements) and y'all should know that Diluc, in all his brooding, Batman-like glory is a father figure just waiting to drop adoption papers at any unsuspecting child left alone by their guardians for more than five seconds. He may not know it yet, but this is nonetheless the truth
Now, picture this: Diona finally getting to talk with Diluc, just once - usual 'bonding over their mutual hatred for alcohol' commences - and thus, a catgirl becomes a more permanent fixture in Diluc's life. Is he complaining? No, he is more horrified with why a ten year old has a job in a tavern - but that is a problem he is still working out how to solve. At least she eats well whenever she comes around, and she also likes Kaeya's old room, so-
Yes, Diona is now a permanent fixture in Diluc's life. Which means, as another permanent fixture in said life, Venti eventually runs into her - maybe even while being a tad bit tipsy and reeking of wine... (Master Diluc always takes such good care of Venti tho, so why shouldn't he come stumbling to Dawn Winery?)
And so... The legendary meeting goes as the following:
Diona Kätzlein - nose fine-tuned to smell even the faintest whiff of that bloody-terrible alcohol all grown-ups are insistent of dying of (don't ask why she is suddenly brittish, i dunno either) - can barely b r e a t h e due to the stench of a bard who has a rather hard time getting drunk with anything less than a whole barrel of mead. It is a rather unfortunate side-effect of being a God of Wine, but hey, when your pseudo-boyfriend owns a winery that problem is mostly easily taken care of...! That is, when you are not faced with the only thing that causes you true trouble in your long, immortal life-
A screaming, hissing cat-child.
When, despite all the possible shortcomings you could have had, you possess none other than... an allergy to cats.
Venti, of course, is quite plastered at this point - so his reaction to a cat-child yelling bloody murder at him, being also yelling bloody murder back at the cat-child seems quite reasonal and logical, at the time. Tho his words slur, he can't help but get into a verbal battle of wits, even as his eyes grow watery and he begins to sniff and sneeze.
Diona, on the other hand, is red-faced and shrieking at the top of her lungs - also quite unable to smell things properly, because somehow, this one bard smells worse than the Cat's Tail on the busiest nights and Diona is choking on the stench.
She makes sure to throw this barb at his head, too.
And this is how Diluc, summoned by all the screaming finds them; two people, both very important in his life, but also, where do they get all this air to keep screaming for so long?!?!?
And his arrival brings something unexpected:
Then, the duo whirls on him as one.
Diona is loudly questioning who and how and why this random drunkard is here and makehimgoaway! - meanwhile Venti, matching the cat-child in volume reminds the redhead that he is highly allergic and what the hell is a cat-child even doing here at Dawn Winery?!?!?
Cue Diluc calmly (trying to) explain the situation to both, at first somewhat patiently, but then getting annoyed af by all the loud noises and simply using his dad voice™ to make them both fucking listen
And thus, the first encounter does not end bathed in blood - instead, Diona gets to go up to her room, while Venti is forced to stay away for the night and then wear a nose-clip to keep him from having much of an allergic reaction again. Diluc certainly doesn't bring him to his own bed that night, despite all the griping of the bard.
But alas, this is only the first encounter.
Many more follow, as both Diona and Venti are prominent figures in Diluc's life - especially these days.
Each meeting, each narrow-eyed glare and biting comment makes sure the air between the two feels like a ticking bomb tho; one you are never quite sure when will go off.
Because go off it will, at the slightest chance it can.
But at the end of the day, altho Diluc would clearly be better off without one of them in his life - the redhead is a common ground between the two. They can make nice, against all appearances, for a scarce five minutes.
And tho neither will ever admit it, they might be growing on each other more than they care to acknowledge.
Welp. Not sure i wanted to go ahead and write out a whole scene like that, but... lol xD
Just - frenemy Diona and Venti. the good shit
I L I V E for the character dynamic that takes two otherwise mostly normal characters and turns them into rabid dogs frothing at the mouth when they see each other. just. Good shit
Also, why does Diona canonically hate Diluc (i mean i get why, he is kinda the poster-boi for the wine industry) when VENTI is there??? These two have the perfect elements for a mean-banter relationship, one even greater than the one Venti and Paimon share!!!!
Maybe we will get in one day, in canon
Until then, this still lives in my head (plus across many of my wips) rent-free. Thanks for the read <3
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candydust · 14 days
A little fictional snzscenario I found myself exploring.
Part | 1.
Even though her allergies been troubling her since morning, she was still adamant carrying on her daily schedule. Which first and foremost should go as planned with a refreshing jog through the park.
She sniffled putting on her sneakers. The nose kept itching, sending her into frustrating false starts. She grabbed her phone, put the ear buds in. Gathering her hair up in a messy ponytail. Checking herself out quickly in the mirror, she figured the slim yoga pants were suitable for running too.
She headed out the door.
Starting off slow, she began her usual jog through the block. The nose kept bothering her, tickling and itching and she hastily rubbed at it. Breathing through her mouth, she felt her breath starting to hitch. Slowing down the pace, she focused on the itch in nose which flared her nostrils widely.
‘Uh…’ She hitched again, hastily building up towards the sneeze that she so badly wanted to release.
‘Eh-Tschh!-K’schu!! …’ She sneezed into her elbow, whilst trying to keep up a steady pace. ‘Ah-tsch!-Tsch! …ah’Tschu!!’ She wiped off the nose with the back of her hand and kept running. ‘…T-scho!-Ah-Tscho!-Tschu!!!’ The nose began to run too and she caught herself sniveling frequently. At least the tickle had subsided and she felt some sort relieved feeling from it.
Finally she reached the park. She slowed down momentarily. Her moist nose wasn’t done and she had to sneeze all over again. Narrowing her eyes, she brought up her phone. Unlocking it, she didn’t bother to conceal any specific expression as the facial features of a pre-sneeze took over her.
‘Tsch!-Tschu!!’Schew!!’ Barely turning her head as some droplets ended up on the screen of her phone. She wiped off her nose with her hand once more.  ‘Eh-K’schu!!-Ah’K’tscho!!’ It was harder for her to hold back her sneezes as they were growing stronger from each fit. Putting the phone back, she sniffled strongly. Starting to jog towards the nearest convenience store.
She was just about to enter when someone called her name. Turning around she took out her ear buds as she was met by a colleague. About her own age, they’d formed some sort of loosely based friendship.
‘Hey out jogging again?’
‘Yea.’ She sniffled. Giving her nose a quick rub. ‘What about you? Out shopping?’
‘Yea I’m going to buy that shirt we talked about during lunch do you remember?’
‘Yea.’ She felt her nose twitch. She put her hands on her hips with a blank expression. The tickle established rapidly inside her nose and she hitched. ‘Ah-tsch!-Tsch!-hhh-Tschuu!!’
She sneezed openly to the right side of her friend. Knowing it was probably due to allergies she didn’t bother to cover.
‘Oh bless you! Allergies?’
‘Ah-Ktsch!! …Yea. …Ah-T’schoo!! Severe during spring.’
Despite the urgent sniffles, her nose began to drip and she stroked at it with her open palm.
‘Poor thing.’
‘You don’t have any tissues on you, do you?’
‘Sorry. All out.’
‘T’schs!!’ Sniff. ‘Eh’tschue!!’ Sniffle. ‘K-tschu!!-T’schou!!’ Sniffle, sniffle.
She was now sniffling after every sneeze. The itch just wouldn't subside and was beginning to bother her tremendously. She had to keep the jogging session short. Even though she wasn’t prone to quit anything she’d started.
‘K-tschu!!-ooh.' She caught that sneeze into her elbow. 'Shit I really must get going. I can’t just stand here and sneeze my head off. We’ll talk later? Nice seeing you.’
‘Yes, see you. Feel better!’
She went inside the store. The monitored screen that looked back at her revealed her red nose and watery eyes. Feeling a slight congestion, she quickly walked over and got packs of tissues and a couple of face masks. They come in handy for her next run, she figured.
Walking out the store she put the tissues to her nose and blew it vigorously. It felt so good to her nose to get rid of the ticklish particles momentarily. She threw the used tissue into a trash can and picked up a jogging pace on her way home.
She reached the park and that’s where her nose begun to bother her once more. She stopped altogether and breathed heavily through her mouth. The nose twitched and flared, the itching sensation traveling further up to the triggering point.
‘Ah-tsch!!-Tscho!!-K-tsch!!-Tsch!!’ She sneezed freely and openly. The stifling sneezes so harsh she felt her nostrils widening from each. A faint mist had landed on top of her sports bra.  She awkwardly wiped it off.
‘Bless you!’ A bypasser exclaimed and she nodded at the man hastily, building up towards another fit. Fishing up a new tissue, she put it over her nose and mouth.
‘Ah-Tschosmm!-K'schhhhmm!!’ The nose dripped and she blew it harshly. The forceful tendency caused a ticklish burning and she hitched yet again.
‘Tschue!-Ah’Tschu!... Ah-RASCHiu!! ASCHEu!!! ...Oh wow.’ She said to herself exhausted when her nostrils flared once more. ‘…ASCH-schu!! AH'GASCHu!!’ The powerful sneezes bent her over.
Rubbing at her nose with the tissue, she was surprised over how strong and loud the sneezes came out. She blew her nose again more carefully. Putting her ear buds back in, she walked the way home. Ready and steadily with a tissue at hand.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: fluff, ingo having spring allergies, pla ingo at the end
pairing: Ingo/Reader
It was a bit sad to see him in such a condition, admittedly. Normally, he stood so tall and proud with a certain air of authority in his domain. That domain being public transit management, but he enjoyed it over all. You were almost tempted to press a hand to his forehead and check for a fever, but you resisted. He sat at his desk with many papers lined before him, having been banished from train work by Emmet until his condition improved. Another sniffle came from him, followed by a sneeze, and then a tissue being needed.
The antihistamines have seemed to do little for him. It was impossible to save him from this, alas. Unova had begun its shift from a frigid, icy winter into a blossoming and warm spring. All the greenery and flowers coming to life were gorgeous, yes, but the pollen they brought with their life led to poor Ingo falling into allergies. His watery eyes and scratchy voice made him more off-putting than his frown and stiff body language normally did. You sighed at the state of your poor boyfriend.
“You want to try eating something spicy, Ingo?” you asked, remembering a friend claimed eating a raw, hot pepper temporarily cleared their symptoms, “I'll make it for dinner.” You had come to visit him on his lunch, as he was spending it alone due to Emmet managing all the train work himself. Ingo gazed at you with desperate eyes.
“… I would love to try anything at this point,” he begged, “I had a Depot Agent peer in here when I made an announcement because he did not think it was me…” You hated how much you wanted to laugh at that. His voice did sound off, you would give the employee that. You walked over to him and cupped his face. There were more fun ways that you would prefer his body to be stressed out. Rubbing your thumbs against his temples, you observed the irritation under his nose and the redness of his eyes.
“You want to take off early? Emmet wouldn't mind,” you asked him. The younger twin had already tried to send the older one back home, but he resisted him and insisted there was still some work he could do. Not to mention how much he just wanted to battle today. He leaned into your touch, clearly enjoying the light massage you offered him.
“I can't…” he argued lightly, “I hate to leave him alone here.”
“You can,” you corrected him, “Emmet can see how bad your health is right now and is more worried about you than himself.” Ingo sighed. His hands came over yours to lightly push them away as he pulled out his radio and called into Emmet's frequency. The twin easily agreed to Ingo's leaving and ordered him to bed rest. Ingo looked mortified by Emmet's reaction. You gave a light laugh. He quickly finished up his activities and headed out with you.
The Warden sniffled with annoyance as he downed the tea Calaba claimed should help him. You sighed as the memories of your time in Unova with all the allergies' medicine you could only dream of feeling so far away. Ingo sneezed into his handkerchief as he laid back down on his futon. You tried to finish the spicy stew he had liked back home in hopes of giving him some relief from his seasonal curse. Pouring some into a bowl, you came to sit beside him as he ate it.
“… In our time, even with all the medicine we have, you still didn't always get over your allergies,” you told him as you leaned onto his shoulder, “I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed doting on you during those times.”
“Thank you,” Ingo spoke with his scratchy voice, “… How did I meet someone like you?” You giggled.
“Ah, all there's a story to distract you from your sinus pressure,” you grinned at him, “Want to know about how we met originally?”
The light smile he gave you warmed your heart.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Sick reader that also has bad allergies (high pollen count that day) with Nat? :o Thank you for writing these great fics!
A Bad Combination
Thankyou!! Im sorry this isn’t longer, its just a drabble but hopefully you still enjoy :)
“Oh darling, you need to stop rubbing at your eyes, I know they itch.” Natasha sighed as she laid a damp cloth over your fevered forehead.
You really did have some rotten luck, you’d managed to come down with a cold just as all the spring flowers had begun to bloom. This had resulted in you being confined to bed by your overly-protective girlfriend who was insisting on staying by your side.
Your chest gave a crackly sound as you breathed, causing Natasha brows to furrow with worry.
“You’re due for another dose of meds.” Her phone buzzed with the reminder she’d set, “You gonna be a good girl and take them properly this time?” She asked, giving you a stern look, despite her soft tone it still didn’t mask her annoyance from earlier.
That morning Natasha had tried to get you to take your medicine, and well, you didn’t exactly take this well. You’d pushed her away, burying yourself below your duvet. It had taken her awhole 10 minutes of bribing before you poked your head back above the blanket.
You hadn’t noticed it but Natasha had poured out small cup of DayQuil for you to take, along with 2 pills.
“Here.” Natasha grabbed your attention and held out your medicine, “Please take them for me baby.”
You gave sniffle but did as you were told, making a face of disgust as you swallowed the pills along with the the orange liquid.
“Thank you.” Nat leaned over to press a kiss to your lips, they were slightly sticky from the medicine but she didn’t care. She didn’t really care about getting sick either.
You smiled, enjoying the affection. However your enjoyment only seemed to last a second before your nose twitched tellingly.
“Hhuh’tshiew! Hep’tshhhiew! HhH- HHiii’tshiew!” You sniffled before going to rub your eyes again.
Nat’s hand gently slapped yours, reminding you of her earlier statement. “Don’t rub them, those meds will kick-in soon I promise.”
“Hh’tshhoo!” Your body seemed to have other ideas as your eyes began to grow watery again.
“You should try and get some more sleep darling.” Nat cooed, readjusting the cloth on your forehead, “You’ll feel better, cmon.” She moved your pillow and helped you slide down into the duvet.
You let yourself get comfy and looked up at her shiny green eyes, “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Of course, where else would I be?”
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puppyexpressions · 10 months
How To Help Your Dog With Fall Allergies
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Ah, fall is in the air, and along with that air comes watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and, most commonly of all, skin problems for your best friend! Dog fall allergies can be as big of a problem for your dog as they can be for you.
Dog allergies can manifest in the form of itchy skin, red eyes, hair loss, or even general itchiness. So what’s causing the problem, and what can you do as a loving pet parent to help?
What Allergens Cause Dog Allergies?
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Allergens are basically foreign substances that your pooch can inhale, ingest, or just come into contact with, and when he does, it’s possible for his immune system to overreact.
While the fall season is not associated as much as spring with allergic reactions, there are still several plants, like ragweed and sagebrush, that release pollen in the fall. Fall winds can then spread those substances far and wide.
Mold is also a culprit in fall allergies because increased rain and piles of decaying leaves are great environments for growing mold. Additionally, your good buddy may be more exposed to dust mites in the fall season when your heating system turns on and spreads them throughout the house.
Your pup may also show signs of a flea allergy in the fall since they thrive on the increased moisture in the air.
Your dog’s environmental allergies can then result in itchiness, redness, hives, or swelling. He usually responds by licking or chewing on the affected areas, and that can result in secondary skin infections, which then create even more itching. This allergic reaction on your dog’s skin is known as atopic dermatitis or atopy.
It’s a real catch-22, so what should you look for during allergy season?
Signs of Dog Fall Allergies
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Signs of allergies in your dog include:
watery eyes
runny nose
skin rashes
hair loss
waxy ear discharge
red paws
excessive scratching
Just like with humans, your dog may suffer from sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. But you might also see him develop rashes and generally irritated skin.
He might also experience hair loss, a waxy discharge from his ears, and red, discolored, smelly feet. Flea allergies can also cause secondary ear infections and other problems like an aural hematoma.
Aural hematomas occur when your dog shakes his head because of an irritated ear. He can shake it so vigorously that the skin of the ear separates from the underlying cartilage. That creates a space where blood can pool. That’s an aural hematoma.
How Can You Be Sure It’s Seasonal Allergies?
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While environmental allergies are common in dogs, other problems can cause similar symptoms. It’s vital to determine the cause of your dog’s itchy skin, ear infections, or other symptoms in order to choose the best treatment.
While runny eyes might be due to seasonal allergies, it could also be an eye infection or injury that causes that. Other types of problems include things like dog food allergies and allergic skin lesions resulting from a bacterial infection, among others.
Respiratory symptoms could be seasonal allergies, but it could also be something like kennel cough.
Though environmental allergies are common, there are many other health conditions that cause similar symptoms. It’s important to know which one is causing your dog’s itchy skin or ear infections.
That’s why you’ll want to consult a veterinarian when you notice allergy symptoms in your pooch. They can perform diagnostic tests to determine the exact cause. Since those symptoms can be very uncomfortable and result in more problems, the sooner you visit your DVM, the better.
How Seasonal Allergies Are Diagnosed
There are a number of diagnostic tests your veterinarian might perform, but they usually start with a general physical exam. Your vet will ask about possible allergen exposure, and then they may follow up with some simple skin tests.
For example, they might do a skin scraping and look at the material microscopically to see if there are any skin mites or other identifiable causes. If your pup’s symptoms involve problems with his ears, they will look for evidence of an ear infection.
If your vet thinks that the symptoms are due to something else, they may recommend other types of diagnostic tests. If they suspect food allergies, they may also conduct a food trial, which often involves stopping all foods your dog is eating and instead feeding something hypoallergenic like lamb and rice. Then you reintroduce his old food slowly until the symptoms reappear. That will allow them to identify the specific allergen.
If allergies are determined to be the cause, and your dog has a particularly severe case, they might also recommend allergy testing to determine the specific sensitivity. Once they know the environmental allergens are causing your pup’s symptoms, they can recommend an appropriate treatment.
How are Seasonal Allergies Treated?
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You can’t cure allergies, but you can manage the symptoms so that your pooch stays comfortable. There are some over-the-counter medications, like antihistamines (think Benadryl, for example), that can manage those fall allergy symptoms.
Of course, you want to be careful about giving any over-the-counter drugs until you’ve spoken with your vet. Just because you can take a drug like that doesn’t mean it’s safe for your pet.
Your veterinarian might also recommend using a medicated shampoo to help relieve skin irritation or itchiness. For many dogs, those kinds of treatments will be enough to relieve the symptoms, and if fall allergies are to blame, you shouldn’t have to use them year-round.
Dogs with more severe symptoms, however, might need something stronger. In these cases, your dog might need something like a steroidal medication to lessen the strong reaction your dog’s body is having to the allergen.
There are also allergy shots available to help desensitize your pup to the allergen. For these, it will be important to conduct skin testing to determine the specific cause of the reaction.
Of course, it’s also important to treat your pup for any secondary skin or ear infections that develop as a result of the symptoms.
What You Can Do at Home
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There are a couple of things you can do at home to help prevent allergic reactions or at least lessen the severity of the reaction. You can wipe your dog’s paws and belly off with a clean, wet cloth after you’ve been on a walk, for example.
It’s also a good idea to bathe your dog once a week. Use a gentle dog shampoo, and pay special attention to areas that might come into contact with plants shedding pollen.
Wash your dog’s bed and any linens he comes into contact with regularly so you can limit his exposure to dust mites. Feeding high-quality dog food and getting him checked regularly for parasites are also important for reducing allergy symptoms.
Final Thoughts on Dog Fall Allergies
While it might be a lovely time of the year, fall can also bring different allergy symptoms that can make you and your pooch really uncomfortable. Take the steps you can to keep your home free of allergens, and see your vet if symptoms develop. You’ll feel as relieved as your pooch when the itching stops!

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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
lee moriarty x female reader? the reader is a newish wrestler at aew and lee is crushing HARDDDD on her and he tries to do something for her bday but it doesn’t go over well and makes her cry and then the next day he just ends up telling her about his feelings for her and they get together
I Messed Up
Lee Moriarty x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestlers Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @nickgirl-archive
I hope you like it
WC 954
Summary: it is f/Readers birthday & Lee Moriarty has planned a special day for her, as he has a massive crush on her, but nothing has gone to plan.
Julian - Ethan Page ☆ Tyler - Hook
Lee Moriarty's POV:
Oh, I fucked up.
I fucked up bad.
I tried to make this day as perfect as I could for YN since it was her birthday and all, but all I could see was the woman who I have liked since the moment she walked through the doors at work for the very first time, and she was crying and it was all my fault.
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"YN, I, I," I tried to apologise but I just kept stuttering and since I had nothing coherent to say, I watched as the woman, who I was going to ask out tonight, turn and walk away from me.
I felt a hand clasp my shoulder and I knew it was Julian just by his sigh. "Well, this didn't turn out as you hoped."
"No shit Julian," I shrugged his hand off of me. "Are you gonna go after her?"
"What is the point? You saw the way how she looked at me," I felt defeated.
"Can you think back on what happened? Where did it all go wrong?" I started to tell Julian how this morning started.
First I surprised YN with some flowers. I had flowers delivered to her hotel room and it was a massive bouquet of Daisies that had Baby's breath mixed in with it.
I wanted to send Roses, but that was for when I wanted to ask her out on a proper date. I didn't realise that YN had allergies and when I saw her this morning, her eyes were red and watery, and her nose was running due to the sneezing because of all that, she had that nasal drip and she kept clearing her throat.
That wasn't so bad as she took some medication and after a bit, everything started to clear up, just in time for lunch, except her nose was still clogged up.
I took her to an all-you-can-eat seafood place but it was a surprise. I had placed a blindfold over her eyes and she kept giggling and asking where I was taking her. "It is a surprise YN."
When we finally got there, we were ushered in and in the backroom for some privacy as I didn't want anyone to bother us and our friends that I invited.
I took the blindfold off, and I watched the emotions spread over her face. First surprise, then shock at our friends sitting at the massive table and then she looked around and noticed where we were.
"Lee, I hate to do this, but I have to go."
"Why, what is wrong?" I was confused and concerned.
"I am allergic to shellfish."
My eyes got wide when I looked around at the restaurant that I picked out. "Oh fuck, okay, yeah let us go and grab something else."
I quickly explained to everyone what I was just told and they understood. I paid the bill for drinks and extra cause they reserved the room for us and they would be missing out on money.
Our small group went to the Rainforest Cafè as many reviews were saying it was safe to eat there with a shellfish allergy.
Everything was back on track and YN was laughing and having a good time, we even went to a club after we had dinner at the hotel and changed.
I was just about to order YN a drink when a woman came up to me and started to flirt with me. I politely declined her offer of a dance and a drink, but she didn't get the hint.
I walked back to YN and spent the night with her, but then I was left alone as YN and Skye went off to dance together.
The woman found me as I was talking with Tyler. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I thought it was YN. I turned around and before I could even take in it wasn't YN, the woman kissed me. I was too stunned to move and that is when I saw YN and the tears started to fall.
"And that is what happened."
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @nicoleveno14 @1rsolideranna @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekittycat @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @tahiri-veyla
"Well you gotta fix this or you will never have a chance with her."
The next morning, I found myself knocking on her hotel door. "One second," I heard and I smiled at the sound of her voice.
"Oh, Lee, good morning," YN said once she saw that it was me at the door.
"Can we talk?"
"I thought you be too busy with whats-her-name," YN said but she stepped aside, allowing me to come in.
"Let me explain what happened."
"You have 1 minute Moriarty," I didn't waste a single second as I quickly explained what happened. The more detail I gave of what happened, the closer I got to her until she was in my arms.
"YN, I didn't even catch her name and I don't care to know her name. I wanted to dance with you and only you."
"Cause it was my birthday?"
"Yes, but I also, fuck, I like you...a lot."
"Like a friend?"
I felt my heart sinking into my stomach at that question, but I shook my head no.
"No, I have been wanting to ask you our since I first met you."
I felt like melting into the floor the longer it took for her to say something, but then she gripped my chin in her hands and brought her lips to mine and kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around her waist as she deepened the kiss. We only broke apart because we needed air.
"Best birthday present to me Lee."
"Happy birthday Gorgeous. Let's go out and give you a proper celebration."
"Just you and I this time?"
"Of course darling."
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misscellophane-ao3 · 1 year
And here it is~ the drabble based on the results of these three polls (extra poll) – A WangXian Soulmate AU ~ CW: Mentions of Allergies and potential Allergic reaction, WWX purposely ignoring an allergy (ex. Wei Ying wants to eat an almond joy but is allergic to almonds)
It turned into a crack fic 😅 I hope you all enjoy it ~ And hey, I ended up using all three quotes anyway 😂
"Wei Ying! No!" Lan Zhan exclaimed as soon as he caught sight of his soulmate. Wei Ying startled at his sudden appearance, turning to him with wide eyes and a slightly guilty expression, his hand bringing the candy bar to his mouth froze in place.
"Those have real almonds in them, why would you eat that if you were allergic?" Lan Zhan asked, horrified as he took the opened almond joy away from his boyfriend, suddenly grateful he entered the kitchen not a second later, "Where did you even get this?"
There definitely shouldn't have been any type of almonds in the house, let alone anywhere Wei Ying could accidentally or purposely get to them.
"Huaisang keeps saying how good it is! I wanted to try it!" Wei Ying whined, making grabby hands at the candy bar, "Come on, just a bite Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying gave him his best pout, he could see his Lan Zhan waver briefly before his stance firmed back up.
"But I'm not even that allergic to it! I'll just get watery eyes and an itchy mouth." Wei Ying defended, "Plus it's my body not yours!"
Lan Zhan shot him a Look.
"It may not be my body, but it is a body that holds a soul I care for very much and can not live without. Even the universe agrees." He said, with a pointed glance at the soulmark clearly visible due to Wei Ying's choice of slouchy tank top, Lan Zhan's matching mark was covered by his t-shirt.
Wei Ying flushed slightly, "Lan Zhan."
Ugh, why did his boyfriend have to take them being soulmates so seriously? It makes Wei Ying's heart melt.
He could still remember the day they realized it, it was a business event he went to with the Jiāngs. Everyone was dressed to the nines, alcohol was flowing, people were mingling; and Lan Zhan had decked Wen Chao after he attempted to throw a drink at Wei Ying for a reason he can't really recall anymore.
Attempted, because Lan Zhan had swiftly stepped in front of the line of fire just as Wei Ying prepared himself for the splash of cold amber colored liquid. His fancy shirt got completely ruined even with Wei Ying immediately dragging the other to the bathroom in hopes of saving it.
Seeing the soul mark on Lan Zhan's shoulder was the cherry on top of the cake that night (the cake obviously being watching Lan Zhan giving Wen Chao a black eye....and maybe also seeing Lan Zhan wipe his bare chest and abs down with a wet paper towel).
Wei Ying couldn't deny the pull he had towards the other since even before that incident, though. Constantly following after the other, making excuses to see him, hanging out with him whenever he could, touching him and teasing him a ridiculous amount. Seriously, his thoughts practically consisted of Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan 24/7.
Finding out they were soulmates just made sense. And Lan Zhan loved to remind him of it every day. Wei Ying is honestly surprised he hasn't combusted from all the blushing he does when Lan Zhan says literally anything sweet or romantic. Or even worse, teasing.
Lan Zhan softened, "Wei Ying, my love, I would hate to see you in any amount of pain, almond joy is not worth it."
"How would you know!? You don't even like almonds." Wei Ying pouted.
"Wei Ying, please. I will make you a homemade almond joy without the almonds. Please, don't risk your health for a simple candy bar."
Wei Ying perked up, "You can do that? Would it actually taste like a real almond joy?"
"It will taste even better." Lan Zhan promised with no hesitation.
Wei Ying hummed, eyes narrowed in thought.
Lan Zhan was surprisingly good at baking. Maybe he really could find an almond-less almond joy recipe or even make one up himself. Either way, it was obvious he wasn't gonna get to taste the candy bar any time soon.
Wei Ying sighed, "Fine. I won't eat it."
Lan Zhan instantly relaxed, going to throw the candy bar in the trash, "Good. They suck anyway."
Wei Ying squawked in surprise, laughter rising up, loud and bright, a fond smile crossing Lan Zhan's face at the sound.
"Lan Zhan! Don't let Huaisang hear you say that! He practically worships them!"
"Mn." Lan Zhan washed his hands before coming back to the island where Wei Ying sat.
"Take a nap with me." He said, gently easing Wei Ying from the bar stool by his thighs, Wei Ying instantly wrapped his legs around Lan Zhan's waist in response, arms slipping over his shoulders
"Okay." Wei Ying rolled his eyes fondly, "You don't have to carry me, Lan Zhan. I can walk."
"I know." Lan Zhan replies, heading off to the bedroom without once letting go of him.
Wei Ying pressed a soft smile against his shoulder, right where their soulmark was.
Two bunnies (one white and one black) curled around each other, the same position they fall into as soon as they hit the mattress.
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Can I request some Oryx headcannons? :3
omg yes you can!! i’ve always wanted to try and write for oryx, thank you for requesting him!! hopefully these are to your liking aaaa c: and hopefully i get more oryx requests at some point bc i love this man
Oryx Headcanons
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of: past injury, jail sentence, past anger issues, mild cat allergy
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☆ During training sessions, Saif will almost always tackle or topple over any of the attackers
☆ He laughs to himself afterwards, apologizing for potentially hurting them in the process and helping them up once the round is over
☆ Saif never tackles any of the female operators, however, seeing as how he doesn’t want to injure them due to their much smaller statures
☆ Usually goes to Lera to ask for her nanobots, to help ease some of the pain he has from all the bones that didn’t heal properly
☆ Saif, in his free time, writes poetry about strength and resilience because it helps continue keep him calm
☆ Seeing as how he no longer dwells on his past, he will also write poetry about a possible future where the world is much better than it is
☆ Saif’s poems also hide a deep longing of the need for peace, and safety for those who suffer cruel sentences as he had
☆ Saif has difficulty trusting others, so whenever he’s on base with others and Jalal is with him, he sticks close to him
☆ Saif owns a cat, no doubt, and often brings it with him to the Hereford base to keep himself calm while there
☆ Certain that he is also simultaneously allergic to it, but only very mildly, that just gives him sniffles and watery eyes
☆ Very much a gentle giant, despite the past rage he has since learned to control
☆ Saif is also a pretty good cook, and likes to share the food of his culture with his fellow operators, using it as a way to try and warm up to them
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
JQ sneezy during/between interviews and JCB giving him his handkerchief
Only thing I'm tweaking is making a handkerchief a tissue, because I feel like they're both more tissue kind of guys. This is super tiny, but I hope you enjoy!!
This year it seems as though hay fever is destined to make everything more difficult for him. Maybe it's due to being half in England and half in the states, or maybe he's just becoming more allergic to things as he gets older, but god damn, whatever the case, he's regretting not taking two allergy pills this morning.
He and Jamie are sitting across from a woman who's getting ready to interview them for Entertainment Weekly, and all Joe can do is rub at his left eye that's watering like mad, half listening to whatever Jamie's saying to the red head and half focusing on trying not to sneeze. The actor is sure everything about him right now is screaming 'allergies'- between his runny nose, watery eyes, itchy face, constant sniffles and hoarse voice, he probably looks like a mess.
Sniffling yet again, he moves his left hand from his eye to his nose, swiping at it with his wrist. He can feel a bit of slick mess get wiped down his arm, but can't find it in him to care, not when the movement seems to help with the tickle blooming in his sinuses, if only for a moment. The woman continues talking, something about being grateful they're doing the interview, so he nods, eyes already fluttering shut for the fifth time in the past hour.
"eiKSHh! h'tCHHh-snf!! hih! hihKShhiew! snfsnf! Sor-snf! Sorry," Joe swipes at his nose again before something catches his wrist.
Jamie's long fingers are holding tight with one hand, the other held out in front of his best friend, a tissue being offered. Joe gives a thankful smile and takes it, turning to first wipe his face and then blow his nose.
"Thanks love."
"Don't mention it Darling, seems as though you need a few more," Jamie's smile is teasing, foot bumping against the younger mans.
They get through two minutes of the interview before the process repeats itself, Joe overcome with the need to scrub at his face before letting out itchy, desperate, allergic sounding sneezes, and Jamie offering up tissues he's got in his pocket, set aside just for the curly haired man next to him. Joe has no idea they're only for him, that Jamie's taken notice of just how bad he gets, but he's thankful that the man has them, and takes them just the same.
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
Prompt: Wednesday allergy to colour.
The new Principal volun-told Wednesday she had to help with Spirit Week decorations. The school colours were Nevermore Blue and Midnight Black. No one seemed to notice how uneasy the vast amount of blue paint that dominated the posters made Wednesday and she was too proud to show any fear.
Wednesday had a legitimate reason for her special grey and black uniform.
Werewolves were vulnerable to silver, aconite, and mountain ash.
Vampires were vulnerable to garlic, any wood to the heart, and their powers did not work while in direct sunlight.
Gorgons were vulnerable to beheadings, mirrors, slowed in the cold, and could be mesmerized by a melody played on a pungi.
Sirens held a fatal weakness against beeswax, the substance Odysseus used to bypass the lure of their song.
Every Outcast had its vulnerability.
The Addamses were a clan onto themselves. They defied death and were rushed into its arms in equal measure. They could survive the electric chair, poisons of all varieties, blunt force trauma; but had succumbed to angry mobs, firing squads, and premature burial, otherwise known as being buried alive.
Most wrote off these deaths as something that had to happen eventually. Others simply thought that they were means of death that no one could possibly survive.
The Addams family secret was that they were blessed by Chaos. No two Addams were vulnerable to the same thing as they were given at random.
If Aunt LaBorgia had been sentenced to hanging or lethal injection, she would have walked it off.
If Uncle Fledge had been before a firing squad, it simply would have tickled.
The Addams that filled their graveyard had succumbed only to their specific vulnerabilities.
Morticia was a Frump witch and vulnerable to iron.
Gomez could be felled by the Cocobolo, a rare tree found in Central America. Luckily, there was an embargo on the wood, and it was prohibitively expensive for most. He did have a cane wrought by the fragrant and red hued wood. He loved to dance with death, and it was a beautiful species.
Pugsly would only succumb to death on a Tuesday of an Odd year in a month ending in Y.
Wednesday was allergic to colour…specifically blue. There were shades of Cyan she could tolerate with naught but watery eyes and a runny nose, but most purples were right out. She was not being hyperbolic when she told Enid that she would break out into hives and the flesh would peel off her bones. Blue felt like battery acid upon her bare skin.
The family told people she was allergic to colour as a strategic red herring. There were eighteen-decillion, that was 18 followed by 33 zeros, known colours in the universe. If someone wanted to harm Wednesday, then they had a good chance an enemy would choose the wrong colour and therefore let Wednesday escape unharmed.
In a turn of bitter irony, Nevermore happened to have one of the most deadly variation of blue in their school uniform. She had to get a uniform specially made for her and had to divulge a legitimate reason for the change.
On any given day, she was not accosted with the colour blue upon her bare skin. She rarely touched anyone, so the regular school uniform rarely got close enough to even make her eyes water in irritation.
The new Headmaster at Nevermore was irritatingly involved in student life, and due to a misunderstanding, Wednesday had dropped a cannon ball on a Satyr who had gotten too handsy, had ordered her to help with Nevermore Spirit Week once they returned from their long break. The school did not have a football team, or any intermural sports team, but they celebrated the school regardless with all the trappings of a Normie Homecoming.
They were in the great hall, the dining tables cleared out and replaced with long tables to accommodate the various craft projects. There were posters, banners, and pom poms aplenty. The Nevermore Raven was painted onto everything that could be pinned down, with splashes with blue and black.
The vast amount of paint, crepe paper, and construction paper in Nevermore Blue made her pulse quicken, so close to death and everyone went about their day. She did her best to work solely with black and kept her face neutral so that no one could tell how close she was to her undoing.
Wednesday Addams never got nervous, she also never showed weakness. She would not be scared off by a primary colour, no matter how painful a death it would subject her to.
It was actually rather inspiring, she wondered how Viper de la Muerte would handle being next to a vat of sulfuric acid.
Xavier was there, and she was uneasy for other reasons.
Social media was soul sucking meaningless affirmation, and she stood by that. Texting, however, was a convenient and efficient way to communicate. She especially liked the blocking feature and how she could delete unnecessarily apps from her phone. She ignored all pleas from Enid to get on whatever vapid app the Werewolf preferred. She really had no desire to post pictures, much less comment on them.
She also suspected her eyes were sensitive to the blue light modern electronic devices gave off, but she would never admit to that. She figured out on her own how to put on a filter.
She actually found that she didn’t mind texting Xavier over the break. He never made a mention of how slowly she responded, and she rather liked how there was no rush to give an answer. She had always had an easier time expressing herself through writing rather than with spoken words.
Xavier was also respectful of her time. He never texted during her quiet time, and he helpfully told her how to disable any incoming texts or calls during certain hours. He also walked her through downloading music she liked. She could admit it was more convenient to have her favorite Mexican musicians play through her phone than cranking a record player.
She still much preferred her typewriter, and still refused to get a computer.
She found out that Xavier was talented at calligraphy. He wrote her beautiful letters in addition to texts. He also drew her lovely portraits and still-lifes of deadly spiders and poisonous flowers. He wrote of how she inspired him, of how he found beauty in the darkest and deadliest of things.
She could admit that his written words and art made her heart flutter. Xavier had also not been good with spoken words, his lousy attempts at warning her against Tyler or expressing his desire for her had failed spectacularly. With his texts and art, he was much more eloquent. She felt like they understood each other much better.
In return, she was inspired to write a short story of a tortured artist who had succumbed to madness and rage, and killed his father. Xavier in turn had drawn his favorite scene, one where the artist, Alexander du Sang, had cut out the still beating heart of his father and used his blood as paint.
If Vincent Thorpe turned up missing or dead, her short story and his drawings would certainly be Exhibits A and B at their trials.
She blushed at the thought of a double murder trial, she had never felt such a way about a boy before.
He understood her disdain for public displays of affection. He kept his distance, but kept his cocky smirk, happy to just be in her presence. He got to know her better over the break, and she had her own language through the minute expressions of her eyes and small smiles that he was becoming fluent in.
He had been roped into helping with Spirit Week, as the most talented artist at Nevermore. The new Headmaster had been told it was Xavier who was responsible for the Raven mural in the quad, and so naturally was recruited to waste his talents on trivial things such as posters.
“I’ve painted so many ravens I may just commit a murder,” he joked as Wednesday held a can of black paint that he used. She didn’t want to be there at all, so she did the bare minimum of appearing to be helping.
“A flock of ravens is called an unkindness.”
“Then it’s unkind to make me do so many,” it was a lame joke, but his smile made something ache in her chest. Xavier smiled enough for the both of them, he figured she found his joke amusing since she didn't openly mock him.
Enid was off on the other side of the hall, ordering many about as she took school spirit seriously. Ever since she finally wolfed out, and had taken down a Hyde at that, she had quickly established dominance of the Werewolf packs. For the most part, the decoration committee was a well-oiled machine and Enid ruled with a fur covered iron fist. If she wanted yards and yards of bunting, she would have it placed exactly where she wanted it, with not even a millimeter of deviation. If she wanted crepe paper roses in black and blue, the wolves would make enough to fill a florist shop.
If she wanted the school crest painted in gold against a backdrop of stripes of Nevermore Blue and Midnight Black, then they would ask how high.
Her exact words were “I want to see it from space,” so the wolves had immediately bought out enough paint to fill the pool Wednesday had released piranhas in to teach some Normies a lesson.
Despite Enid’s firm hold on the wolves, they were a rowdy clan by nature. They followed Enid’s detailed instructions to the letter, but they would do it while rough housing and generally having a good time.
Two wolves thought to use a can of Nevermore Blue as a football and had tossed it to each other, getting further and further apart and in more awkward positions to make the game interesting.
That was until the receiving wolf had missed the catch, and the can had dropped in Wednesday and Xavier’s vicinity.
The can exploded on impact, Xavier hadn’t enough time to even flinch as he was sprayed down with a deluge of blue paint that covered him from head to toe.
When he realized what happened, he was ready to yell at them for not only ruining his uniform, but the mural he had been working on.
His anger had stopped in its tracks when he heard Wednesday scream in agony.
This is a girl who had been stabbed, hit with an arrow, and nearly killed by the reanimated corpse of Jericho’s founder, and he had never heard her scream like that.
Wednesday didn’t even get a chance to yell at the wolves or try to wipe off the muck, she went down and started to convulse.
“Wednesday!” he dropped to his knees, desperately trying to figure out what was wrong.
She had blue paint staining her neck and face, the uniform she wore was a bit oversized and nearly covered her from the neck down. Because she wore the uniform correctly, it had saved her from being doused by the paint on her bare skin for most of her body.
Her normally pristine pale skin had started to turn red and blister, her voice becoming horse from the pain and tears running down her face.
Enid had rushed to her best friend and roommate, she seemed to know what was happening,
“Rolf,” she ordered the fastest wolf in the pack, “go to the nurse’s office and tell them Wednesday Addams has been exposed to colour, she’ll know what that means. Go!”
The wolf obeyed and used his supernatural speed to get help.
“Ajax, call 911. Tell them there is an Outcast having a severe allergic reaction.”
The Gorgon had obeyed as well.
Enid then took a bottle of water that Nevermore had provided for its students. She poured it onto Wednesday in hopes of washing off the paint.
It had only served to spread the paint more and Wednesday had instinctively struck the bottle out of Enid’s hands.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” tears of remorse pooled in her eyes, her friend was in pain, and she had made things worse.
“What’s happening?” he demanded of the Werewolf, who had seemed to know.
“She’s allergic to colour,” her voice bordering on hysterical, hating to see her friend in such a state.
“What?” that made little to no sense to Xavier. “You mean she’s allergic to dyes or pigments?” He wasn’t aware of what went into Nevermore Blue as it was a specialized colour made just for the school, but they could find out for the paramedics and hospital to know and hopefully know how to deal with.
“I don’t know, her mother just said colour.”
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he figured that was why Wednesday wore a black and grey uniform instead of the normal Nevermore colours.
“It can’t just be colour, she was fine when those Normie’s had put red paint in the sprinklers at the Rav’n.”
That was a good point, something that Enid hadn’t really thought of at the time. She had been too upset that not only was her outfit ruined, but the Normie boy she had brought had seemingly betrayed her after having a good time, she had thought.
“Wednesday,” he spoke to her gently, “You’ve got to tell us what you’re allergic to. Is it dyes or pigments? Woad, indigo, or ultramarine?” he tried to think of every dye or pigment the paint could have contained. “Is it the binders?”
“Blue,” she weakly said, but the pain of her skin blistering and starting to weep pus and blood had made her face scrunch in agony.
“We know it’s the blue paint, but what in paint are you allergic to?”
Wednesday cried in frustration, they didn’t understand.
“Blue…not allergic…vulnerable.”
Enid did not understand, but Xavier had quickly worked out what she meant. He knew the Addams were singular and unique, even among the Outcast.
“You’re vulnerable…your weakness is to blue?”
Wednesday nodded as speaking was too painful.
“Is it just blue?”
She nodded again.
He worked quickly and gently let Wednesday go, entrusting her to Enid. He headed over to the table that held all the paints.
Enid had been very exacting in what she wanted. The school’s colours had been Nevermore Blue and Midnight Black, and they had those in abundance. Enid had wanted a very specific gold for the school crest and had not been happy with any of the local suppliers. As a result, she and Xavier had worked together to create the gold she wanted, so they had a supply of the other primary colours, in addition to magenta and cyan, with bags of mica to give it a shimmer.
He quickly put together an exact orange, using his knowledge of the colour wheel and hoping it worked.
Enid was confused when Xavier came back with orange paint and was about to yell at someone to ask where the nurse or paramedics were. She had wanted to stop him when it was soon obvious, he planned to put the paint on Wednesday. She worried that he was about to make things worse, but she had recoiled back when she saw that he had a darkness in his eyes she had never seen before.
Ajax had warned her that his roommate had a dark side, getting between him and helping Wednesday had brought that out and she felt a chill run down her back; her inner wolf almost whimpering in submission, anything where he would stop looking at her that way.
It didn’t help that in his anger, all the paintings of ravens around them had started to flap their wings and sinister caws started to echo through the hall.
He gently poured the orange paint where there was visible blue, and by some miracle it was working. Wednesday had sighed in relief and had stopped hyperventilating in pain.
He had neutralized the blue, but the blisters and burns had been left behind. Enid was glad that it hadn’t gotten to the point where her flesh had started to peel off of her bones. The nurse and paramedics had finally come, and no one questioned Xavier when he invited himself to ride along in the ambulance.
“Enid, call her parents and let them know what happened. It’ll be quicker to contact them through the crystal ball. Tell them I’m with her,” he told the Werewolf as he got in the ambulance to go with Wednesday to the hospital. She nodded, so glad he was able to help Wednesday.
“Please text me as soon as she wakes up,” she begged, fear and adrenaline still pumping through her veins.
He promised and the doors were closed, they were on their way to the hospital.
Wednesday Addams was hospitalized for three days. Xavier had been her advocate for proper Outcast care until her parents came. He adamantly kicked out any doctor or nurse who wore blue scrubs. He threw out any blanket or décor that held any hint of the deadly colour. Luckily, blue was not painted on the walls, else they would have found Xavier with a roller brush and a bucket of orange.
They kept her hydrated, gave her pain meds, and Grandmama had come up from New Jersey with a poultice made from witch’s hair and mud from their family swamp. The blisters and open wounds healed nicely, without scars. The only evidence left was a bit of redness which would go away.
They wanted to keep her for another night of observation. Wednesday felt rage, self-pity, and self-disgust that she had shown such weakness in front of her peers and now they were aware of her vulnerability. She barely tolerated her family’s attention, but she had nearly died, again, so perhaps a bit of coddling was therapeutic for them. Enid had come by with a black crocheted blanket and some of Wednesday’s favorite snacks.
Eventually, their concern had become overbearing, and she could no longer bear their presence. She kicked them out and they knew to stay away until she was discharged.
Xavier had gently knocked on her doorframe to let her know he was coming in. He ignored her low growl, slightly amused that she reminded him of an angry kitten.
He came with a gift, however, and soon her mood had lightened.
“I didn’t want to risk your typewriter, so I got you an electronic keyboard with round glass keys like a typewriter with supposedly the same tactile experience. Along with a paper-white tablet, with literally no other function or app other than the writing program.”
It wasn’t a typewriter, but it was the closest equivalent that wouldn’t irritate her. She appreciated that he respected her things enough to simply not take it from her room. She tested the devices, and while it wasn’t the exact same as her typewriter, it would do while she was in the hospital. And it might be a good mobile writing device if she ever wanted to venture outside of her room to write.
“This is…very thoughtful. Thank you,” her features were softened, and she was as closed to relaxed as she got.
He nodded, he understood that Wednesday was not one to be coddled. He brought a chair to her beside, and it reminded him of the first time he spoke with her at Nevermore. They seemed to be attracted to sick beds.
In this instance, he was much closer to her bedside, his side flush against the side of the bed and she was easily within his reach. He suppressed a satisfied smile and his heart ached sweetly when she did not oppose how close he was.
“Most do not understand what happened,” he told her of what was going around in school, he figured she would want to be made aware of who knew of her weakness. “Enid had started a rumor on her blog that the paint had been tampered with by Normies. I think a lot of our peers are highly suggestible, because some swore that I went to the hospital too with burns when I traveled with you. I think some overheard that you were allergic to colour, but not specifically blue. If they do, then I made this for you,” and he handed her palm sized vials with a fine mist pump. They were three varying hues of orange.
“I figure you can carry this with you, like someone who has to carry an Epi-Pen. They should cover warm, neutral, and cool tones to neutralize all shades of blues. Luckily, paint doesn’t really expire, but if they dry up then I can teach you how to mix paints.”
“This is very clever,” she also appreciated that he wasn’t trying to assure her that she was safe. No one was ever safe, it was a truth she knew since she could toddle. He was offering a pragmatic way to save herself if she encountered blue again.
“It’s knowing the colour wheel,” he shrugged, in a rare moment of humility.
“You kept a cool head and came up with a practical solution during a medical emergency. Others would have panicked and possibly made things worse. That is something to be proud of. Most are too brainless to think clearly under normal circumstances.”
That he wasn’t a complete idiot or useless was high praise from Wednesday.
“Then I think you’ll like this next gift. I know you well enough that you’re probably…unhappy, to say the least, that some might know your specific weakness. The truth of it is that every Outcast has a vulnerability. Here is a reminder for them if any idiot forgets that,” he then placed a small pocket knife in her hands.
It was beautifully wrought, a smooth onyx handle with the silver crest of the Addams family and its family credo.
“Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc,” she whispered reverently, they were not just mere pretty words. Instinctively she pressed the crest and it gave way, the blade of the knife appeared and it was not a typical metal.
“One half is a silver-iron alloy, the other is lignum vitae wood. It’s supposed to be as hard as iron. The wood is polished with beeswax, and the metal is laced with mirror dust.”
“All the ways to kill the most prominent clans,” her voice hitched, Xavier had managed to understand her in ways that no one has. “How were you able to get this made so quickly?”
“The Thorpes are not as wealthy as the Addamses, but we are well off enough to know that with enough money, it can solve pretty much any problem…Seeing you in pain, learning you had almost died…again…I was inspired and designed this the first night after you got into the hospital. I told the blade maker that money wasn’t an object and he had it made in two days.”
“It’s beautiful,” it was well made on top of aesthetically pleasing.
There was some compulsive, sadistic part of her that no matter how fond of someone she was, she couldn’t help but test them.
“And psychics, does it work on them?” she, quick as lightning, had placed the blade against his throat. A quick slide, from his ear to his jugular, would be cut as easily as butter.
He did not flinch, and he did not cower. He even leaned slightly against the blade, not enough to break his skin, but to show that he was not afraid of her moving it. They were just a breath away from each other.
“Psychics are practically Normie when it comes to vulnerabilities. We easily die in just as many ways as they do…Grandmother Thorpe says it’s the tradeoff for looking so Normie, we can easily blend in and mask ourselves among them.”
Almost chameleons, and probably the greatest tool against the Normie threat. Psychics rarely ever came under direct threat, only when they revealed their powers did they become targets.
She made the mistake of looking into his eyes, a lovely hazel. A perfect mix of brown that reminded her of burial earth, and green, her favorite shade of moss on a tombstone.
As fast as she had placed the blade at his throat, he had placed a hand on her wrist of the hand that held the blade. She felt a sharp spike coming from one of his fingers. She looked down and saw he was wearing a ring she had never seen before.
It was a simple silver band, with what looked to be a small cabochon sapphire. He moved his hand so that it would catch the light, and she noticed a minute air bubble that danced with the movement.
It wasn’t a sapphire, and he gave her a knowing smirk. It was a spiked ring filled with blue, if he pressed any harder, she had no doubt that the spike would pierce her skin and blue dye or ink would get into her bloodstream. It could potentially cause sepsis or any array of allergic reactions, ones she could not easily assuage with the orange dye spray he had gifted her.
She raised a questioning eyebrow.
“I know who you are, you are a scorpion. But I am not a frog, only a fool would think they were ever truly safe with you.”
That was the sweetest and most beautiful thing anyone had ever said about her. And he respected her enough to protect himself from the very real threat she presented. He didn’t have any lofty or idiot ideals of how love would soften her.
She kept the blade at his neck, and she brought her lips to his.
Her first kiss with Tyler had been a moment of carnal weakness. Too much adrenaline surging through her, desperate to find the Hyde. Perhaps she kissed him as some subconscious effort to parse out the real Hyde, and actually wanted to trigger her visions to get her proof.
Kissing Xavier felt like kissing chaos and darkness.
She dropped the knife, and he moved his hand to her face. She did not feel the sharp spike as his large hand and long fingers cradled her cheek. He knew when to be deadly and when to be gentle. She could do the same.
This kiss she did not want to stop, but true to her nature she could not help the nip at his lip that drew blood. He had drawn back in pain, and she feared that perhaps she had gone too far. He smiled, however, manic and dazed. He leaned down to kiss her again, the tang of his blood setting hers aflame.
She did not get a vision, but she saw a future with him.
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Understanding Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids. This condition can cause discomfort, redness, and in some cases, even vision problems. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of conjunctivitis, delve into their causes and symptoms, discuss effective treatment options, and emphasise the importance of seeking care at the best multispeciality hospital for optimal management.
Types of Conjunctivitis
Infectious Conjunctivitis: This type is caused by bacterial or viral infections. Common bacteria involved include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, while adenoviruses are a common viral culprit.
Allergic Conjunctivitis: Triggered by allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander, this type results from an overactive immune response and often accompanies other allergies like hay fever.
Irritant Conjunctivitis: Exposure to irritants such as smoke, chemicals, and chlorine can lead to this type, causing temporary inflammation.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC): Typically linked to prolonged contact lens wear, GPC involves the formation of bumps on the inner eyelids.
Causes and Risk Factors
Infectious Conjunctivitis:
Bacterial: Highly contagious, it spreads through direct contact with contaminated items or personal contact.
Viral: Spread through respiratory droplets, it's common in crowded places and among those with compromised immune systems.
Allergic Conjunctivitis:
Allergens trigger an immune response, leading to symptoms.
Individuals with a history of allergies are more susceptible.
Irritant Conjunctivitis:
Environmental irritants lead to this type.
Common in people working in chemical-heavy industries or those exposed to smoke.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC):
Prolonged contact lens use and improper hygiene are common causes.
More prevalent among those who use rigid gas-permeable lenses.
Redness and Irritation: The eyes appear bloodshot and feel itchy or gritty.
Watery or Discharge: Excessive tearing or discharge can indicate infection.
Swelling and Sensitivity: Swollen eyelids and sensitivity to light may occur.
Blurry Vision: Vision might be impaired temporarily.
Giant Papillae Formation: GPC can lead to discomfort and blurred vision due to bumps on the inner eyelids.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Healthcare professionals conduct comprehensive eye exams.
Medical history and possible triggers are considered.
Samples of eye discharge may be collected for testing in infectious cases.
Infectious Conjunctivitis:
Bacterial: Antibiotics in the form of eye drops or ointments are used.
Viral: Usually self-limiting; lubricating eye drops offer relief.
Allergic Conjunctivitis:
Antihistamine Eye Drops: Over-the-counter or prescription drops alleviate symptoms.
Avoidance: Identifying and avoiding allergens is crucial.
Irritant Conjunctivitis:
Artificial Tears: Lubricating eye drops flush irritants.
Avoidance: Prevent further exposure to irritants.
Lens Management: Temporarily halt lens wear and maintain proper hygiene.
Medication: Eye drops with anti-inflammatory properties may be prescribed.
Finding Care at the Best Multispeciality Hospital
Conjunctivitis, though common, requires timely and accurate care for optimal recovery. When seeking treatment, consider the following aspects of the best multispeciality hospital:
Expertise: Look for hospitals with experienced ophthalmologists specializing in various types of conjunctivitis.
Comprehensive Care: Opt for a hospital offering a wide range of diagnostic services, treatments, and follow-up care.
Advanced Technology: The hospital should be equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Patient-Centric Approach: Choose a hospital that prioritizes patient comfort, education, and individualized treatment plans.
Hygiene and Safety: Given the contagious nature of certain conjunctivitis types, ensure the hospital maintains strict hygiene protocols.
Reputation: Seek recommendations and read reviews to gauge the hospital's reputation and quality of care.
Preventing conjunctivitis involves hygiene, allergen avoidance, and careful lens use:
Hand Hygiene: Regular handwashing minimizes the risk of spreading infectious conjunctivitis.
Lens Hygiene: Proper contact lens care reduces the risk of GPC and other complications.
Allergen Awareness: Stay informed about allergen levels and take precautions during peak allergy seasons.
ConclusionConjunctivitis is a common eye condition that can be caused by infections, allergies, irritants, or contact lens misuse. Understanding its types, causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management. Seeking care at the best multispeciality hospital ensures access to experienced professionals, advanced technology, and comprehensive treatment plans, ultimately promoting faster recovery and better eye health. Remember to prioritize hygiene and follow preventive measures to minimize the risk of conjunctivitis and its complications.
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