#Welcome to Patience
surprisingmarch · 3 months
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Welcome to Patience: Gifts? (Chapter 3)
Joseph Rainier x F!Human Reader x Harry Vanderspeigle Rating: 16+
Fandom: Resident Alien
Story Type: Fluff / Thriller / Romance / Drama
5,596 Words
-Y/N = Your name- -L/N = Last name-
Music I listened to as I wrote: -"H.S / Tom Cardy"
Slowly, you unload your various fridge and pantry items into their designated places, occasionally struggling to find room in your fridge to shove your food into. Joseph ended up convincing you to buy WAY too much food with the money Harry gave you. In his words, "It's good to be prepared and to have everything you could possibly want at your disposal." On the bright side, you won't need groceries for weeks, on the downside, you're going to have to store some things in his fridge… which he offered as he shoved more meat into your basket. You actually ended up getting a second basket from Joseph with things he thought you would like, he just randomly disappeared for several minutes as you perused and you figured he forgot something, but then he came back with a basket piled mountain high with a giant smile on his face and at that point you knew instantly it was for you.
You should have suspected considering before he left he asked if you have any food allergies. Your puppy like friend ended up carrying half of your groceries for you as you both walked home.. he is awfully sweet. He warms your heart with his goofiness.You can't stop thinking about Harry, why on earth did he have so much money on him? Is he doing something illegal or is he just paid really well? You wouldn't care if he was doing something illegal, you just don't want him to get hurt. You highly doubt as a small town doctor he's making that much, but he is from New York, so maybe he has a lot saved up from when he worked there that he's blowing. Either way, you're deeply bothered by the fact you have like 300 dollars of Harry's savings, it was thoughtful but also pretty careless to just throw several hundreds at someone you just met then rush out… You're planning on returning the money the next time you see him.
You hear a string of very loud knocks on your apartment door, you rush over to the door expecting to see Joseph, only to be met with the very man you were just thinking of, Harry. He's holding various gift bags of things, you can see a lamp poking through one, and some kind of… pig in another? "You got the job." Harry informs you as he slides past you and carefully sets all the bags onto the floor. "I got you some things for your new home… I put them into gift bags so it would be like Christmas." Harry chuckles. You look down at the array of brightly colored bags sitting around on the floor. "Thank you Harry… that's very sweet.. Oh! Before I forget.." You say as you pull out the three hundred or so dollars you owe Harry. "I do not need that.. I have plenty at home. You keep it… consider it a…" Harry looks to the side in thought before looking back down at you. "Late birthday present." Harry finished.
Knowing that Harry will most likely make you keep the money even if you insist on him taking it back, you give up and shove the money back down into your pocket. "Thank you Harry… that's awfully sweet.. And oh my goodness.. that's so many gifts.. It must have cost so much.." You quietly say as you look around at the many bags on the floor with a hand on your cheek. "And they are all for me..?" You ask quietly, still completely awestruck by the sudden kind surprise. "I have just the thing for that.." Harry rushes over to one of the bags, this one being bright blue, and pulls out a giant piggy bank. "And of course they are all for you. Who else do you see around here… A ghost?" Harry says sarcastically as he looks around your apartment and gestures widely to the large empty space. You giggle at him. "Yeah I guess your right.." You respond. Harry walks back over to you and carefully hands you the piggy bank. He's so gentle when it comes to touching you or handing you things, almost like he's afraid he's going to break you. "I saw it and thought of you.. you remind me of something innocent.. like a piglet. Also no, it did not cost too much, I assure you, I have plenty of money to spare. Spare me your guilt, you deserve gifts." Harry says softly.
It's very cute.. just like any ol' piggy bank but MASSIVE.. and it has cute blushing cheeks. "Thank you Harry.." You say as you feel your heart turn to mush. "Any time." Harry responds calmly. "Oh!" You exclaim, you almost forgot to put your money into it. You pull out your newly "earned" three hundred dollars and shove it into the bank. "It's so cute Harry… Thank you!" You smile brightly, you're genuinely almost brought to tears by all the kind gestures these two dumb dumbs are making. You've never had anyone go this far out of their way for you.. which sounds sad now that you think about it. Tears start to weld in your eyes but you push them back down as you sit in the floor with your legs crossed in front of your various gifts and start to dig. You start to pull out some things from the bags, honestly you think this is better than any Christmas you've ever had because instead of it being expected and obligated, these gifts all came from the heart of a guy you just met. It just feels so much more genuine, he didn't have to do all this, but he did. And that shows a lot about his character.
"What's cute?" You hear Joseph ask to your right, you look over and see Joseph standing in the still very much wide open entrance. He has some sort of dirty towel shoved in his front pocket that's half way hanging out. Harry quietly grumbles something under his breath and a loud growl can be heard underneath that, some how even further proving he's not human. You thought there was no way to further prove it, but no, turns out there's many more ways to do so. Now the only question is, what is he? "Come on in, you vampire. What? Do you need to be invited to enter someone else's space?" You playfully interrogate. "No.." Joseph replies timidly as he swings in and out of the doorway before finally coming in and glaring at all the gifts on the floor. "Please don't tell me that's all from Harry.. If it is, I'm going to have to up my game." Joseph declares some what determinedly. "I'm afraid it is.." You answer sassily. Joseph glares down at you, very much implying a warning, before looking over at Harry. "Please do not "up your game". There is no need for uping your game." Harry quickly pleads. "But you're stealing my girl away." Joseph says quietly, his voice is practically a hush, and there's this undeniable danger lying underneath it.
"YOUR GIRL!?!?" Harry shouts. "Oh? Your girl? We haven't even had our first date yet.." You playfully respond. You continue to look through all your items for a moment before you feel a sense of danger coming from your right. A chill surges down your spine, you look back up at Joseph who is staring at you quite hungerly. "Actually.. that's why I came over here. I'm making us dinner right now and I won't take no for an answer. And based on the fact you have no job and all you were planning on doing today was grocery shop and look for one.. and you're done grocery shopping…" Joseph squats down next to you, never breaking eye contact. "Actually she does have a job.. You start tomorrow at 9 o'clock exactly, by the way. I probably should have told you that earlier.. Oh well. There is no need for her to have-" Harry gets cut off by you. "Nu uh uh.. I said both of you get to get me a part time job so there would be no fighting." You remind him. Harry frowns and grumbles. You look back at Joseph who is still staring at you, seemingly not even acknowledging Harry's presence.
He leans in closer to you. "And you've been guaranteed two jobs.. you have the whole day free… with nothing to do.." Joseph gets right next to your ear. You start to feel your face get hot, you hear Harry protesting in the background but can't make out what he's saying due to your flusteredness. "I think you can spare a few hours for me.. can't you? My dear Y/N." Joseph whispers. You nod slightly in response, Joseph purposely blows a bit of air into your ear, causing you to get chills. Your face flushes bright red, damn, you weren't expecting him to be this forward. You wanted to tease and annoy him a bit more before the date "That's it! We are having a talk!" Harry announces as he grabs one of Joseph's legs from under him, pulling him towards the door. Joseph falls forward and lands right into your chest, he flushes bright red and you some how blush even deeper than you already were, but there's no time to acknowledge the situation at hand or for him to even start to apologize as Harry continues to quickly drag him all the way across the hall to his apartment, Joseph protests the whole way there and you can hear him still protesting through the door as Harry slams it shut and locks it.
The two of them are now in there together.. completely alone… you're sure that won't go terribly wrong. Funny enough, Harry seemingly didn't even notice the incident he just caused as he was facing forward the whole time. You're sure he'll have a fit once he finds out, if he ever does. You can see it now, you chuckle to yourself. You know there's probably going to be a cat fight and try to think of a way to get in but you can't since you have no key and you definitely heard the door lock. You start to hesitantly continue looking through your bags, pulling one of the last items out, a beautiful ceramic orange tabby cat, it's just sitting there, being an absolute delight. Harry really nailed all these gifts, you love each and every one of them. They seem to have a theme too, cute animals or very tasteful table pieces, such as the Dale Tiffany blue butterfly lamp. You think it's kind of sweet that he got you a purple unicorn pillow pet, maybe he thought you were lonely up here by yourself. Suddenly, you hear the door unlock, you quickly look over and see Harry storming out of Joseph's apartment with a black eye, mumbling swears quietly under his breath as he stomps down the stairs and out of sight.
That was way too fast for an entire fight to happen, it's only been like a minute at most! It's been just enough time for you to pull out a kitty from the last bag! Not to mention you didn't hear any punches being thrown or anything break or anyone walk or really move at all, you're pretty sure you would hear their loud footsteps, they are absolute units. You look back at Joseph's open doorway, Joseph walks out of his apartment, slamming the door behind him, and starts to walk over to your apartment. He wipes some blood from his mouth, he also has a black eye on the opposite side as Harry. Once Joseph is inside your place he quietly shuts your door then turns around and smiles brightly, his blood stained teeth on full display. It's deeply disturbing to see someone who normally has pristine white teeth with red ones.
"Okay! Now that that's out of the way, how are your gifts?" Joseph asks, he's clearly trying to act like that didn't happen and brush it off. "What-" You try to ask what the fuck happened and how a whole fight broke out in less than a minute but he quickly interjects before you can even get the second word out. "Oh! The food!!" He blurts as he rushes out of your apartment, leaving the door wide open to both yours and his apartment once more. You throw your hands up in the air in frustration and slowly stand, letting the blood rush back to your brain. You have a nice big stretch and that spot in your back that always pops, pops. You sigh in relief. "Come on! The food is almost done!" You look over and see Joseph's head peeking out of his apartment, after a moment of eye contact he retracts and disappears into his domain. "Coming, just… hold on..!" You yell back. You're already planning on doctoring him once you get over there, obviously he won't be able to enjoy dinner with a bloody mouth. You rush over to Joseph's place, shutting all the doors he left open behind you.
You take a good long look around Joseph's place, his kitchen is to the left of the entrance and to the right there's a wall with two doors. There's food and dirty dishes scattered all over the kitchen's white marble looking island and the marble looking counter tops by Joseph are looking particularly brutal. They seem to be covered in splatters from some kind of red sauce, you assume tomato.. but you're unsure. God, he has a lot of cabinets. There's two rows of them above the stove and fridge… speaking of the fridge he has a giant stainless steel one that makes you envious just looking at it. Yours isn't even close to that big, no wonder he offered to store some of your food. Oh! Your food! You rush back over to your apartment and grab all the food setting on the counter that you couldn't store and rush back to Joseph's place, carefully shutting the doors with your right foot as you go. Joseph notices you carrying a ton of shit and opens the fridge doors for you, he has plenty of room in there. You carefully find a spot for everything then shut the fridge. You look over at Joseph, he takes the small towel out of pocket and wipes his hands on it then leaves it on the counter. "So that's what he had that for.." You think to yourself.
You continue to nose about, there's a giant stainless steel microwave to the right of the fridge that's built in. You think you got a bit ripped off, you don't have a built in microwave either.. maybe he added it in. Maybe he's just slowly upgrading his whole apartment. Joseph looks up at you and smiles. "Welcome to your fall back place. Nose all you want, I have nothing to hide." Joseph says confidently. He turns back to the stove and continues to stir something in a damn expensive looking pot. "Just so you know I'm going to doctor your wounds before we eat." You inform him. "Aww.. How sweet." Joseph responds teasingly, never looking up from the concoction he's stirring. You grumble under your breath and start to walk further in, looking for anything that would show a single ounce of information about Joseph and his past.
As you walk against the wall that you were greeted with to the right of you when you entered, you scope the perfectly clean white walls for any photos of himself or family and friends, but find none. All you find are weird modern prints that you assume came with the place considering you also have some that look the exact same in your place. All that you find that interests you in this part of the large room are the two doors that you assume lead to the bedroom and bathroom… or maybe one is a closet. You almost open one of the doors, you finger tips barely brush against the cold steel door lever before you retract your hand. You don't want to seem like a creep on the first date… you'll at least wait until the second date for that. Joseph starts to whistle a little tune as he cooks, you giggle at him.
You continue forward, trying to ignore the doors that are just begging to be opened. There's a small wall on the left side of the open room that separates the living room from the kitchen. Right next to that small wall is a large, beautifully carved, dining table with spirals and some sort of symbols etched across the edges of the whole thing. It's seemingly made of spruce and has matching dining chairs with the exact same patterns carved along the sides, they're tucked neatly underneath the table. You pull one out, silently claiming it as the spot you will sit at for dinner and probably every time you come here. You admire it's deep, blood red, cushions and gently brush a hand across it, it's so soft.
You push down on it, it seems comfortable too. It seems everything he has in here is of good quality, even the pots and pans he has scattered around seem name brand. You walk back to the corner of the table and trace the symbols embedded into the edge, you examine the symbols but don't recognize a single one of them… For some reason they call out to you, almost like you've seen them before… perhaps in a dream. They almost look.. alien. You quietly try to change your minds subject and glace at the table's centerpiece, a large beautiful wooden bowl with tons of fresh fruits is sitting in the center of the table, along with 2 silver candle holders with a burning white candle in each on either side of the bowl. He seems like a damn good decorator.
You move on to the living room. Sleek, red, futuristic lamps that look like something straight out of a GTA pimp's pint house sets on either side of a big brown leather couch. The side tables they are perched upon are also made of spruce and have the same symbols and pattern as the dining table. You assume all his furniture are made by the same person. You respect the time and dedication someone took to make all these beautiful pieces of work. You gaze over towards the fire place, it's just a normal fireplace, though there are LOTS of knickknacks on the mantle.. you choose to save those for another time. You admire the coffee table in front of the couch, yep, same pattern as all the other furniture. God, it must have taken someone years to complete this whole set of furniture. It has two white marble looking coasters on either end of the side towards the couch and the remote to his tv is neatly sat in front of the left coaster.
Well, from that you can gather that he usually sits there, but you could be completely wrong and that could just be where he keeps it. You look above the fireplace, he has a giant flat screen tv with two speakers drilled into the wall on either side on the tv. Of course he has a separate sound system for his tv, you should have assumed based on his… more than comfortable lifestyle. You're starting to question the salary of the sheriff deputies of this town, there's no way it can be that good.. can it? You examine the rug underneath the coffee table and couch, it's quite spunky, very colorful… oddly enough. Kind of Boho-ish, but otherwise a normal rug. Maybe he wanted to confuse people with the sudden change of color scheme, because he seems to have a dark brown and red theme going on here. Even the throw pillows on his couch are blood red.
You walk over to the kitchen to check on Joseph, he's still stirring away but whatever he's cooking is starting to smell really good, so you assume it's very close to done. It does smell like some sort of tomato sauce.. your stomach growls in anticipation. You start to look for ways to help, you feel bad for not helping him, he's injured and he took the time to make an amazing meal for you both and you're just wandering around like a weirdo. You know he's going to try to stop you, but you have to at least try. You start to bring the MANY dirty dishes Joseph's accumulated to the sink but he quickly grabs one of the dishes that you're very precariously holding and won't let go. "What are you doing? I'm cooking, not you. I'll do the dishes, don't worry about it." He snatches the dishes from you and sets them carefully into the sink. "Shoo Shoo." Joseph says as he dismissively waves a hand at you, he turns off the stove unit he was using and puts the pot of delicious looking sauce onto the spruce cutting board to the left of the stove.
"Go sit at the dining table while I finish up." Joseph orders, you stand there, unmoving. Joseph looks up at you and squints his eyes at you. "It's a surprise, go.. shoo." Joseph waves his hand at you once more, you squint your eyes at him in response but reluctantly go and sit at your spot at the dinner table. After a few moments of just sitting there and piddling with your hands, Joseph yells out "Done!" You look up, Joseph sets a piping hot plate in front of you. "Do you want me to sit beside you or in front of you?" Joseph asks shyly. "Next to me." You answer with a smirk. You're trying to tease him and make him buckle, but he catches on immediately and gives you a look… one that screams "now get ready for the storm." You gulp. He sets his plate next to yours on the left and plops down. You take a long look at the beautiful food he's prepared, it's ratatouille with a tomato sauce spread across the top. He didn't give you a small amount either, thank god, you're famished.
"WAIT!" You shout, causing Joseph to jump out of his skin. "What? What's wrong? Is something wrong with the food?" Joseph asks frantically. "I FORGOT TO DOCTOR YOU." You announce loudly, Joseph looks at you absolutely dumbfounded. You stand straight up. "Do you have a first aid kit?" You ask. You look at Joseph and at such a close range you can see every little detail of his injuries, he has a pretty bad busted lip and his right eye looks like it's killing him, he looks like he can barely see out of it, not to mention it's bloodshot. You can't even imagine the damage Harry took. God, what are you going to do with these two idiots? Are you going to have to keep breaking up their arguments forever? "I have one in the bathroo-" Joseph gets cut off by you grabbing his chin to examine his face even closer.
"How the hell did you two fight and land punches in under a minute? I had just enough time to pull out a ceramic kitty cat and suddenly Harry came out of your apartment with a black eye and you were off the ground and somewhere else. There's no way either of you could have possibly moved that fast, it had been like.. forty seconds AT MOST. Not to mention Harry said he just wanted to talk, and he seems like the type of person who MEANS what he says. I know this is bit of a stretch but… I know you're not human. I don't care what you are, I don't need to know right now, tell me when you feel comfortable enough to, but I know you're not one. There's been too much evidence, the way you and Harry move is just… to precise and without flaw, you're both, no offense, bad at understanding anything to do with social boundaries or how to communicate or really anything human, and you both seem to have endless money. You both are extremely gentle around me, almost like you're scared to hurt me, and you both seem just a bit too smart. Not to mention you both stared at me flustered when I was thinking about you two not being human. I just wanted to tell you that I know and I don't care, I believe in ghosts and aliens and cryptids and shit and I'd care for you both even if you were both bigfoot. Now where is your bathroom?" You finish your rant and Joseph blinks at you in response. He sits very still for a few seconds before he finally snaps out of it and points towards the door closest to the front door.
"Thank you." You respond. You walk over and savor every moment of opening that damn door, once you're inside the bathroom you don't examine much, all you notice is the pretty grey and white shower curtain and the fact it seems VERY clean in there. You rummage under the bathroom counter and find a red plastic first aid kit along with a shit ton of cleaning supplies. "Well, at least he's cleanly.." You think to yourself as you shut the cabinet door. You leave the bathroom and shut the bathroom door behind you, unlike someone, and speed walk back over to Joseph, who is sitting there staring at you like a confused cat. You carefully look Joseph over and find a small cut on his right eyebrow and a brouse on his right arm. You lift his shirt to which earns you a very surprised and flustered reaction from Joseph, his face flushes bright red and he starts to breath very heavily.
He's ripped, he has a 6 pack and very pink pretty nipples. You find one very big brouse under Joseph's right arm, but otherwise find nothing. You think it's kind of weird that he only has injuries on the right side of his body, but decide not to mention it. You make him lean forward and you check his back, nothing. You sigh and push him back against his chair and pull his shirt back down. "I don't think I need this right now.." You say as you quietly set the first aid kit on the table next to your plate of steaming hot food. You rush over to the kitchen and grab a few paper towels and wet them under some warm sink water, after that you grab a couple of bags of frozen peas from Joseph's fridge then you run back over to the dining table and sit back down. Joseph looks a little teary eyed but you can't tell if it's from the pain from his injuries or not so you don't comment. You carefully start to dab at his lip, he winces and whimpers then clamps his eyes shut in response.
"Shhh… it's okay. It's okay.." You say quietly. You hear a soft sigh come from him and he untenses. His eyes remain shut but he seems more relaxed and at ease from your reassurance. A single tear runs down Joseph's left eye, you carefully wipe it with your thumb and continue to dub at his lip. You fold the paper towel each time too much blood gets on it. After you're done with his busted lip, you carefully lay the dirty paper towel to the side, neatly folded into a square, and grab a new one to start dubbing his eyebrow with it. Upon further inspection the blood from his eyebrow had actually dripped into his eye a bit, that's probably why it's so bloodshot and painful looking.
You appreciate the fact that he was so determined to cook you dinner that he neglected his own needs to do so but you also feel awful about it. Obviously, you wish he had taken care of himself first, you wouldn't have minded slightly burnt food.. or even mildly burnt food. You just want him to feel better. You very gently wipe his eyelid clean and he gasps slightly and tenses up once more, but quickly untenses and sighs after a moment. "Sorry.. it's okay.. It's not too terribly bad." You reassure him. You reach behind him and rub his back a bit, tears start to stream down his face. His face contorts and he starts to silently cry. "Oh Joseph.." You whisper, before pulling him into a big bear hug. He hesitantly hugs you back and sobs quietly into your shoulder. This is definitely not just from pain, you wonder what bothered him so badly.
"Shhh… it's okay… I'm here.. Was it stressful? Do you want to talk about what happened?" You ask. Joseph shakes his head slowly. "It's not that." Joseph replies, his voice is horse and quiet. You rub comforting circles into his back. "What is it then, honey?" You gently push for information, after a moment of contemplation Joseph responds. "I never had parents.. or really anyone who showed me any kind of affection.. in fact, I grew up alone.. I had people who supplied me food and the bare minimum of what I needed to survive, but otherwise, that's about it.. Actually, I think I'm what people refer to as "touched starved"." Joseph says, solemnly. He starts to break down even more and squeezes you close to him, but not enough to hurt you. You hug him tighter in response and in response to that he pushes out his chair a bit and picks you up, his hands are right under your ass. You squeak at the sudden touch and he sets you right in his lap, his hands return to their original positions, protectively wrapped around you.
You rest your chin on his left shoulder as he continues to sob into the crook of your neck. You rub his scalp through his neatly kept hair for a while, you quietly shush him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. You reassure him that it's okay and that he's safe and that you won't leave him. After a while of consoling, he calms down slightly. You pull away and grab his chin, he looks up at you with tears still flooding from his eyes. You give him a gentle kiss on the nose and continue to dab his right eye. He closed his eyes when you kissed him and when he opened them they were full of nothing but love. He smiles as bright as the sun and sighs. He tries to calm his breathing, he takes deep breaths through his nose and out his mouth. "It's okay… take your time. I just didn't want you to hurt anymore.. I figured it would feel good for you to be clean and have some frozen peas on your eye.. So I'm trying to hurry and finish up here so you can have some relief." You say as you finish up cleaning his final wound. "Take your time.." Joseph playfully responds with a smirk.
You set the dirty paper towel on top of the other one and open the first aid kit, you grab two butterfly closures and place on on his eye's cut and the other on his busted lip. It seems to help a lot, you grab one of the bags of frozen peas and place it right on his right eye. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and he pushes his face into your touch. "Good boy.." You quietly praise him, he groans in response. You grab the other pack of peas and attempt to lift up his right arm, he gets the memo and lifts his arm for you to put the peas under there. He holds the peas with his arm on the giant brouse and sinks back into his chair. He reaches up with his other hand and places it over your hand that's holding the peas. "Joseph..?" You whisper. "Mmm?" Joseph hums, calmly. "Don't you wanna eat?" You ask quietly. "I don't want your food to get cold… you worked so hard on it.." You confess. "No.. I'd rather sit here like this for the rest of eternity, but I will."
Joseph sits up straight with a long dragged out groan and you get out of his lap and sit in your chair. His hand slips off your and you put the peas in his hand. You grab a spoonful of your food and start to say "ahhh" for Joseph to eat it but when you look over and see Joseph's disappointed little puppy face you can't help but laugh at him a bit. He furrows his brows at you. "I'm sorry, you're just so cute." You respond as you hide your smile with your free hand. "You are too." Joseph says, you gurgles a bit of water to get the blood out of his mouth before he takes a bite of the food. He hums in approval. You use the same spoon take take a bite for yourself, damn.. it's good. "You did an excellent job, chef." You praise him. "Thank you, madam. I had to make sure I gave you only the best food in the whole town." Joseph responds. You giggle at him as you both start to feed each other.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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lizaisdrawing · 3 months
HI OH MY GOODNESS I can’t recall if I’ve sent an ask before or not but I love love LOVEE how you draw human Wally and Julie! Your style makes them look so natural but fun!
Thank you! I’m very happy to hear that! I hope to do that for everybody! [edit: OMG i JUST saw your human Wally and HE LOOKS AMAZING. Love your style]
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Here’s another pic!
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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taydraws2much · 1 year
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@/clownsuu Mob AU got me in a chokehold.. I love their designs sm!!
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leapdayowo · 1 year
Yippee! I finally finished it :D
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Tasty colors oh my! Them <3
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vynnyal · 5 months
This is likely the hardest I've laughed in rain world yet. Basically, you can glitch a spear into a quantum state using a dead bat body, allowing stabbed enemies to follow you through tunnels. So I tried bringing a leviathan to Moon. And the game really, really didn't like that
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
Here's something I drew earlier (before I got food poisoning). I'll get back to you shortly, but for now:
[Leo]: "DONNIE! Stop! You know Mikey would be pissed if you do that! This is my problem! Stay out of this!"
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We won't get to this part for a while. This is post-Shredder/post-season 2 part of the AU's timeline. The main comic is at the very start. That doesn't mean I won't give these sections of later story. I won't give much context, but I just wanted to share it :)
Tentative Devotee AU Masterpost
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catlover4536 · 11 months
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Shh they are holding hands.
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alaskasbignaturals · 5 months
hmm, we got Ohio... how about Michigan now? (you're so awesome btw :D)
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waaah! thank you! <3 here is the boy :P he's got an apple blossom on his crewneck and he's the wolverine state so he's got a wolverine beanie :3 he's also mixed ojibwe/chippewa
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victormare · 15 days
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surprisingmarch · 2 months
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Welcome to Patience: Make it rain, Harry (Chapter 5)
Joseph Rainier x F!Human Reader x Harry Vanderspeigle Rating: 16+
Fandom: Resident Alien
Story Type: Fluff / Thriller / Romance / Drama
4,477 Words
-Y/N = Your name- -L/N = Last name-
Music I listened to as I wrote: - Nothing! :)
Slowly, your eyes flutter open. You gaze up at the man whom you fell asleep on, he's still sound asleep, softly snoring in the slight beam of sun peeking in through his dark red curtains. He has giant dark bags under his eyes and you can't tell if it's from the fact he was in a fight or because he cried or because he slept good. He looks so peaceful, it fills your heart with glee to see him sleep so well. You slowly return to your previous position, attempting to not disturb him. He groans softly, he gently adjusts his position as well. "Y/N..?" Joseph asks sleepily, his voice is slightly horse. You hum softly in response. "What time is it…" He grumbles as he stretches and rubs in between his brows. You reach up and grab his left arm, you pull it down to your face to read his watch. "Oh.. I should've done that.." He admits. "It's…. 6:45 A.M…" You answer, concern fills your voice. Did you fall asleep early or did you barely sleep at all? You feel rested… "Oh jesus.." Joseph groans. He sighs deeply before he scoots up so he can sit up propped against the arm rest. "You fell asleep around eight-ish… And considering I remember nothing after that I'm assuming I also fell asleep around eight.." He confesses. You sigh in response. "Uh oh… looks like today is going to be a long day…" You think to yourself. A male voice rings out inside your head. "No it won't.. be at least a little bit optimistic. It'll be fine… I promise." You look up at Joseph, he's smiling down at you. Huh… seems he can talk in your head.. seems like something he should have mentioned. There's no telling what else he can do that he hasn't revealed yet. Maybe he did mention or did it before and you forgot.. He winks at you in response, you roll your eyes and start to get up but he quickly wraps and arm around you and holds you against his chest. "No… noo… you love it here.. you love laying with me…" He says as he dramatically wiggles his other hands fingers over your head as if he's casting a spell. "Josephhh… it's too early for thisss…" You whine, he chuckles in response. "Nonsense.. I need my morning cuddles. Now lay down." Joseph demands calmly.
You try to get up once more but you're stopped by his iron like grip.. so instead you lean back against him in defeat. He starts to rub your back and carefully leave a trail of kisses along your forehead… maybe you needed morning cuddles too. "How did you sleep last night, dear?" Joseph asks quietly. "I slept good, like a rock. How did you sleep, lover boy?" You ask quietly. "Good.. thank you for asking." Joseph responds softly. "No, thank you for asking." You say with a giggle, Joseph giggles as well. "Soo.. what do you want for breakfast?" Joseph asks after a long moment of wonderful loving silence. "I want a diner burger! ..Or the waffles… they looked good." You answer. He sighs long and hard. "My, you're going to be a handful.." Joseph responds. "Heyy…" You pout. Joseph chuckles at you and kisses your head. "It's not a bad thing, it's simply a fact." He says chipperly as he pats you twice on the back. "Gee.. thanks.. that makes me feel so loved." You respond sarcastically. "Alright, since you want diner food, how about I eat breakfast here because I'm not a lunatic trying to eat unhealthy greasy burgers and get a heart attack at…" Joseph pauses and checks his watch before putting his hand back on your back and continuing. "Seven O' one A.M. and you go get diner food and you can either bring it back here orrrr we can meet up for lunch at your work place. I could stop by the diner to pester you before I run some errands. By the way… you start your doctor job at nine and it ends at one and you immediately start your police job at one and it ends at five. I'll be there to pick you up for dinner and I won't take no for an answer." Joseph finishes. You process the information and try to memorize the times, once you think you've got it you respond. "You're going to try to get me to live with you again, aren't you?" "I have no idea what you mean." Joseph quickly responds. "You're going to keep pampering me and being sweet to me until I come over here where you can have me all to your dirty little self." You tease. You roll over and grab at his pelvis before you blow on it making raspberry noises. Once you stop you sit on his legs and look up at him, he's flushed bright red. It takes him a moment to regain enough sentience to respond. "I am not…. totally not… going to do that…" Joseph responds quietly.
"So you're not planning on popping the question again after dinner?" You ask. "Shut up." Joseph says as he turns away from you. "Okay! That's enough cuddle time!" Joseph announces loudly as he starts to lightly push you off him. You stand up and stretch real big. Joseph swiftly slips off the couch and scurries to the kitchen where he stares at you behind the kitchen island. "What? You think that'll protect you from me?" You tease. "First off, be careful arousing me this early, I might just take you right here right now." Joseph says as he pats the island's marble counter. "Second, pop the question implies marriage and when I'll do that will be a surprise. But now you must live the the fact that I am planning on making you my bride and I won't stop until you fall deeply and madly in love with me, just as I have you.. if you aren't already. And I'll remove any and all obstacles. Trust me." Joseph threatens. You flush so red you feel like your head is going to pop. "It's a bit early to consider marriage.. isn't it?" You ask shyly. "It's also a bit early to have sex with someone you just met yesterday but that didn't stop you now did it?" Joseph sasses. You pick up a couch pillow and chunk it at him in retaliation. He catches it in mid air and throws it at your head, it hits you right in the face. Luckily, he did it gently. "Not to mention we BOTH considered marriage as soon as we met, don't act like you're immune to that argument.." Joseph states calmly, knowing damn well you can't argue with that. You lift up a finger and open your mouth but quickly snap your mouth shut and put your finger back down, realizing you have absolutely no way to get out of the corner he backed you into. "Mhm. That's what I thought." Joseph says victoriously. Joseph wanders about the kitchen getting various ingredients for his breakfast. You cross your arms and waddle over to him, he's setting the various items on the kitchen island. Once you're next to him you lay your head on his shoulder, he reaches a hand up and pats your head.
After he has everything organized he turns around fully and grabs both of your shoulders, he turns you so you're facing him as well. He grabs your chin and lifts your head up to face him, seemingly his favorite way to torture you, then he leans in and plants a kiss right on your lips. His lips are so soft, you're shocked. You're sure yours are probably shriveled as hell from dehydration. The hand that was left on your other shoulder slowly slips around your torso, pulling you close to him. He parts the kiss and smiles at you, you smile back as you feel joyful tears threaten to fall. "Y/N, I will never leave you.. I love you very deeply. I've never loved or cared about anyone before, but you… I could never live without. So any doubt you have in your silly little head needs to be extinguished because I assure you I love you with all of my heart and soul and I want you to be mine forever and ever. And if you doubt for even a millisecond that I'm not going to propose eventually then you're insane… a lot like me, ..apparently." Joseph chuckles. You giggle as tears stream down your face, you weren't expecting that this morning.. You reach up and cup Joseph's cheeks, he leans in and kisses you before you can kiss him. It seems he knows your tells already. Both of his hands drift down to your hips and he holds you steadily against him. You snake your arms around his shoulders and embrace him tightly, he leans into your touch, yearning for more affection. A few minutes go by before you both part once more. "Thank you Joseph… I feel the same way.." You confess, Joseph beams and a big bright smile stretches across his face. It's nice to see him smile without blood staining his teeth. His smile could weaken even the strongest heart.
He takes a thumb and holds it on your chin. "Are you sure you don't want to eat breakfast here with me? I could make you anything you'd like.~ Even a tasty burger if you pester me enough. Or.. perhaps, bribe me.." Joseph asks quietly. "Come to the diner with me, we'll have so much fun! We can gossip about the people that come in or plan future dates or talk more or.." Joseph slowly puts his index finger over your lips to shush you. "Go have fun baby, I would go, I want to go, but I really need to get ready for some thing as I eat. I've got to pack a thing and do… some things. I'll meet you for lunch, okay baby girl?" Joseph asks softly. His hazel eyes burn into you, you don't have an ounce of doubt that he'll do what he says. You nod. "What kind of errands?" You ask softly. "Alien business, none that you need be concerned about." Joseph responds. You catch his drift, alien business that could get you killed if he told you. "I'll miss you.." You say in a hushed tone as you reach up and give him a kiss on his jawline. You feel his shoulders untense slightly and he sighs softly. You pull away, he opens his shut eyes and looks at you like you're the light of his life. "Be careful, baby.." You whisper. He kisses your forehead before finally letting you go. His attention returns to his various items and he starts to concoct some scrambled eggs and.. something else? "Baby..?" You ask quietly, Joseph hums in response. "How is your eye and stuff doing.. does it feel at least a little better?" You ask with concern plastered across your face. Joseph smirks a little at your concern before he turns and lifts his light musky green T-shirt, revealing his giant brouse. It's no where near as big and it's already fading. You look back up at his face and realize his cuts seem to have healed already too, not completely, but enough to where he doesn't need the butterfly stitches anymore. You reach up and slowly peel the sticker stitches from his eyebrow and his lip, they look like they won't scar. "The eye will take a bit more time, however.. because it's an organ." Joseph informs you. You nod. You walk over to the stainless steel trash can located beside the island on the side closest to the entrance and drop the stitches in there. You respond as you watch the lid slowly close shut. "Okay.. I'm just glad you're healing so well and rapidly. I was so worried.." "I know you were.. I'll be fine. I told you I'd be fine." Joseph says softly before he walks over and plants a kiss on your forehead once more. You reach up and give Joseph a big giant bear hug which he happily reciprocates before you rush to his bedroom to pick up all your clothes from the floor.
You look around but you can't find a single piece of clothing until you look on the nightstand to the right of the bed, where they are neatly folded on top of one another. "Thank you Joseph!" You yell out as you grab your pants and slip into them. "No problem, sweetheart. Get back safe, will ya?" Joseph yells back. "Of course! I'm sure if there was any trouble you would know and come save me anyway!" You yell out as you make up his bed. "I can do that, dear!" Joseph yells with a slight huff. "I got it!" You respond as you finish up the bed. You quickly slip on your socks and shoes as you exit the bedroom. "What's with the rush? It's almost like you're tired of me already." Joseph says with a frown. "Oh, I'm sorry.. I'm used to rushing to go to work. It's a bad habit, I think I'll probably shake it while living here." You answer. Joseph walks up to you and grabs you by the waist. "What did you used to do?" Joseph asks quietly. "I don't really want to bring up the awful stressful past, just search in my mind real quick. I'm sure if you can talk to me through my head, then you can look through it as well. Just look through everything, actually. I don't care." You answer. Joseph nods before he places a hand on your forehead for a few minutes, then he drops his hand to his side. "Interesting.." He rubs his chin. The smell of almost burning food fills the room. "Joseph, the food, hun." You say. "Oh!" Joseph quickly rushes to the stove where he's making eggs, and though those do smell good.. you still want a tasty burger from down town. It's not that far, anyway. It's like a 15 minute walk at most. "It's…" Joseph looks at the microwaves clock before continuing to stir a bit. "It's seven thirty three, hurry and get to the diner before tons of people come in! If you do happen to want breakfast food when you get there, it sells out quickly, so hurry!" Joseph says as he trots over to you as you're leaving. He turns you around and dips you into a passionate kiss before putting you back on your feet… literally, then waving you off as you hurry down the stairs. "Be careful and don't trip on the stairs! No running on the stairs Y/N! I mean it! The suitcase situation was enough for one week, we don't need another incident!" Joseph yells out. "Will do!" You yell back. You make sure to be extra careful as you go down the stairs because he's absolutely right, you should stay safe and go a normal pace instead of risking a head injury for a burger. You here a distant "Good girl!" echo out before you hear a door shut.
You make it to the diner in what you are assuming was ten minutes, a new record, to be sure. There's barely anyone in here, just one random guy sitting at the bar and a woman in a colorful hippie-ish shirt eating waffles. You've decided to get waffles, they just look too good.. It doesn't help that the hippie looks like she's really enjoying them. You sit down at a booth to the right of the entrance, a waiter quickly assists you. You order the waffles with a bowl of fruit and you just have to try some of that pecan pie, so you order that too. The young man quickly speeds away into the kitchen. You have to say you love the diner's menu. It's probably because you're not used to such a local looking menu, you know, the ones with tons of facts about the town and pictures of the owner and stories about how the place came to be... But you just love it for some reason. You put the menu back into his little cubby and look out the big window. You hope you see Joseph scurry by here while he does his mysterious "errands". Someone walks over to your booth and slides in across from you, it's Harry! "Oh, good morning Harry! How are you this fine day?" You ask chipperly. You weren't expecting to see him here, especially this early, but it's a pleasant surprise. Harry smiles and responds. "I'm well, thank you. How are you?" Harry queries. "I'm good, thank you for asking." You answer. Harry frowns slightly. "You reek of oxytocin, I smelt it when I came in, but I didn't think it was coming from you. Did you have sex last night? Was it with Joseph? And you're wearing a man's red shirt? That is way too big for you... unless you just like to be comfy and those are your pjs, then it's fine." Harry interrogates. "Woah, woah… way too personal, Harry. For all you know I could've masturbated and that's why I smell like that. Mr fancy words. And second, how can you smell... whatever you just said. That doesn't seem like a very... human, thing to be able to do." You tease. "Ah, I apologize, that was rude. But I would not recommend having sex with Joseph, I have not checked him yet, he may have sexual diseases." Harry responds. It seems he chose to ignore your claims of it being weird to smell such a thing. You start to chuckle, Harry is a very funny guy. The waiter comes by with your food and Harry examines the plater carefully. "I would like a bowl of oatmeal with a bowl of fruit and a slice of pecan pie, please." Harry tells the waiter, the waiter nods and rushes back into the kitchen. "I will pay for yours." Harry announces. You quickly get out your wallet and pull out some cash. "No no- Harry, I can pay for it. Look, I have plenty of money…" You stare at the hundreds you just pulled out of your wallet. "I'll be it money you gave me, but I have plenty!" You finish.
"Too late." Harry quickly gets up and speed walks into the back where you hear some indistinguishable chattering before Harry rushes back out and sits down. "Done, It's done. You're too late." Harry says with a chuckle. "…What? No, here." You shove a hundred in his face. "No, that is way too much, and I do not need it." He responds. "Please?" You insist. "It is rude to give a gift back." Harry states with a straight face. He knows he just won the entire argument. You're left speechless, you both stare at each other for a moment before you put the money back in your wallet and pout. "Thank you Harry… Oh! I owe you a pie or a cake for getting me the job! What's your fav-" You get cut off. "Pie, any pie. I love pie... But blackberry pie is particularly good right now. They are in season." Harry answers. "Okay! I'll get the supplies for it after I get off work." You respond. The waiter zooms back over and sets Harry's food in front of him then scurries back into the kitchen. "That was fast.." You mumble. "They are VERY fast here, Mr. Twelvetrees only hires the best. He can't tolerate laziness or incompetence." Harry responds calmly as he takes a bite of his pie. "Well? How is it?" You ask. Harry uses his fork to cut his pie in half and sets it on your plate. "Harry- I have the same pie-" You stop mid sentence as you watch Harry take your pie and cut it in half and put it on his plate. he slides your plate back over to you. "Oh.. okay." You mumble quietly. "Now we both shared. Thank you." Harry says before he takes a big ol piece of pie and dips it in his oatmeal. You have to say... you're thoroughly amused by Harry's antics. "Thank you.." You say with a giggle. You take a bite of your waffles and they are a GOD SEND. You get so wrapped up eating your waffles you forget to speak, you and Harry just sit in silence for over five minutes just eating. Once you finish the last bite of your waffles realization hits and you look up at Harry who is tentatively observing you eat. "Hungry weren't you? A lot like someone who exerted an especially large amount of energy…" Harry says. You immediately notice what he's insinuating and respond. "Harry, for all you know I had an orgy with 5 men at the bar. Let's drop it, okay?" "That would be unsanitary." Harry responds. "It would be fun." You reply. Harry glares at you as you take a big bite of your pie, you close your eyes in ecstasy. It's delicious. You were planning on saying sorry for not speaking to Harry as you ate, but you get the feeling he probably liked observing you in silence.
"Does it please you to upset me" Harry says grumpily as he takes another bite of pie dipped in oatmeal. "A little." You respond with a giggle. You reach over and steal a grape from his bowl of fruit, you pop it into your mouth and pop it with a "pop!". "So… what did you do in New York? Were you a doctor there too? Or were you something else before you were a doctor?" You ask suddenly. Harry looks at you, his mouth is agape, he slowly directs the spoonful of food into his mouth and chews it before setting the spoon down and answering. "I was a scientist. My work was regarded as some of the best of my-… field." Harry answers some what hesitantly. "Oh! What did you do, if I may ask?" You query. Harry makes a high pitched noise as he stares at you. "Oh.. is it personal..?" You ask. "Oh…. no… I made… machinery." Harry responds. "Oh cool! Well anyway, do you like your current job?" You ask, clearly changing the subject for his sake. "No. Yes..? …Maybe." Harry responds. "Well that's okay, I'm sure it feels good to help people though… yes?" You say, throwing Harry a bone. Harry nods and takes another bite of his pie dipped in oatmeal, never breaking eye contact. You honestly think that oatmeal on pecan pie would be a tasty treat. Maybe you'll try it some time. Once he's done chewing he responds again. "I would love to tell you all about my past.. it's just… I can't right now. I'm sorry…" Harry confesses. "No no.. it's okay Harry, I don't mind. You can tell me when you can. Okay?" You say soothingly. Harry nods. "Alright." He says softly. "Hey, what's your favorite color?" You ask kindly. A slight smile stretches across Harry's face. "Red, it's an interesting color. One that is inside many animals, really red is a part of life. Not to mention you don't see it a lot, especially here. You usually see blues and grey that match the often snowy atmosphere... Which makes it all the more special." Harry responds. "Oh! I like red too." You look to the side and smirk, you think about Joseph's red obsession and the fact you're wearing his red shirt right now. You bet it would make Harry ultra pissed if you asked if he liked Joseph's shirt yesterday then told him you're wearing it. Honestly, you're surprised he didn't mention that Joseph was wearing the same shirt yesterday, but you assume since he was ignoring Joseph's presence eighty percent of the time that he probably didn't even notice his shirt. You decide not to poke that ant hill and find out. "What is you favorite color?" Harry asks. "I love the color (color) It's just so unique and pretty. It makes me smile and it brightens my day every time I see it." You answer. Harry smiles in response. He doesn't seem to smile often, but when he does, it makes you very warm inside. You still have no idea whether or not you like him, but you hope today at work you'll figure it out. "What's your favorite food.. ever… in existence?" Harry asks timidly. "Hmm.. probably (food) but I'm not too sure… there's just so many to choose from. How about you?" You respond. "Oh! I love beef steak! Medium rare, of course. I am not an animal. Any kind of beef steak is good with me." Harry answers enthusiastically. "Very good choice!" You say happily, Harry blushes and gazes to the side before looking back at you. You notice he tends to always keep complete eye contact. At first it freaked you out, but now it give you some sort of peace. It's probably because he's so honest and has nothing it hide.. other than the fact he's an alien. But that's a conversation for another time.
Suddenly, Harry stands up, his face bright red. He stares at the ground in front of his feet. "I have to go. Have a good day. Here's some money," He throws a few more hundreds at you. "Harry-" He cuts you off. "You can have the rest of my food, I have no illnesses… I'll see you at work, bye bye." He speeds out of the diner. You sit there in shock and awe before you quickly grab all the hundreds and shove them in your pocket to sort later before someone gets any funny ideas. "That guy.." You mumble under your breath. Suddenly, you hear a series of knocks on the window to the left of you, you look over and see Joseph. He smiles and waves, you wave back and blow a kiss, he catches it and blows one back at you before continuing his stroll down the sidewalk. You giggle to yourself, you're very happy he did end up making an appearance. You end up eating all of Harry's left over food and came to the conclusion that the pie was in fact, very good dipped in oatmeal. You head to the doctor's office thirty minutes early. Once you do finally get there and are shown around the place and your job is described to you, you sit down and start to work. And once you're finally alone you take those hundreds out of your pockets and shove them neatly into your wallet before someone steals them. You're absolutely going to have a talk with Harry later about throwing his money around.
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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keeperthemultiversemom · 10 months
I forgot to update here, still working on lore (it's taking so long 😭)
So for today I will give you multiverse family doodles !
Here's the rest of the family if you want more lore !
Scripter : @apileofscripts
Filante : @sillyshootingstar
Observer : @ask-observer-wally
Courier : @ask-courier-eddie
Trader : @asking-trader-howdy
Archivist : @ask-archivist-frank
Admin : belongs to @/morshmohlow
Messenger : belongs to @/thelazyangel4567
Shopkeeper : belongs to @/cosmic-meteorites
Timelord : belongs to @/kimuarts
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I realize now that I am lacking Watcheye content so he's next on the doodle list 👀
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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I’m back 🐶 and here’s New Hampshire, what a dainty fella! Did u know I’m half New Hampshirite (Dad’s side)? And half Filipina (Mom’s side); I just say I’m Alaskan (native Alaskan not Alaska native/indigenous) because I’m born and raised here
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A close up cuz I’m happy about how I rendered him <3
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U see I wanted to give New Hampshire a Studio Ghibli type look, no reason why! No other reason than I wanted to. The scar on his ear to his cheek-ish btw is because of the Old Man of the Mountain collapsing, and the uhh idk what to call it but the hair accessory is based on the golden laurel wreath wrapped around their state seal on their flag (the wreath and star print is on the cloth)
And as a half New Hampshirite I can confirm that these two are married
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I think New Hampshire would really like rocks, looking at how many state symbols revolve around rocks, especially granite; same with purple, a lot of purple symbols they’ve got! Not to mention I’ve always associated my dad with purple, and NH being known for being a swing state? I can’t remember exactly. But New Hampshire is definitely a purple and rock stone lover
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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phoenix-flamed · 5 days
Still though, buries my face in my hands because thank you guys for always being so kind to me. I appreciate it, I really do! Thank you. And thank you for letting me write with you -- and to those I haven't quite written with yet, I can't wait to meet you and get some interactions going!
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bueris · 11 days
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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