papillon-de-mai · 5 months
“The most intense suffering, even insanity, arises because the self is divided within itself [Julius Bahnsen:] ‘willing what it does not will and not willing what it wills.'"
— Frederick Beiser, from "Weltschmerz: Pessimism in German Philosophy, 1860-1900"
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worte-mitohne-sinn · 11 months
Der Hass ist wieder da. Der Hass auf mich selbst und die Welt.
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jotgeorgius · 25 days
Der Sinn des Lebens ist leben.
Zuerst einmal muss man sich gewahr sein, dass die zweifelnden Gedanken, die einen umtreiben, andere auch haben. Ich lese so oft von Menschen, die verzagen, oder sich gar in Todeswünschen verlieren. Nicht wenige betäuben ihren weltlichen Schmerz mit Alkohol oder anderen Betäubungsmitteln. Die Dosis macht bekanntlich das Gift! In Maßen angewendet, können diese Substanzen beschwingend und gar fördernd wirken. Weil dieser "Kick" einen jedoch süchtig macht, nimmt man das fälschlicherweise auch zur Selbstmedikation. Mir geht es hier jedoch nicht um Kritik an Drogen, sondern darum wie ich mit weltlichen Schmerz umgehe. Würde ich über eine App Fragen beantworten, oder direkt zu einem Therapeuten rennen, würden diese mir sicher attestieren, dass ich dabei wäre depressiv zu werden. Viele Menschen haben jedoch verlernt mit sich selbst im Reinen zu sein bzw. in sich hineinzuhören. Was klingt wie ein Kalenderspruch, ist durchaus zutreffend. So wie man Trauer zulassen muss, sollte man auch lernen sich an kleinen Dingen zu erfreuen. Vielleicht sollte man manchmal auch einfach nichts machen, sich ein schönes Plätzchen suchen und einfach nur schauen. Ich habe das Glück einen großen Garten zu haben und mir bereitet es Freude wenn die Bienen und Hummeln da herumschwirren und eine freche Amsel 50 cm neben mir nach Würmern sucht, weil ich gerade das Beet bearbeitet habe. Extrem niedlich sind auch Igel, die einem in der Nacht fast vor die Füße laufen, dich bemerken, um dann wie Sonic the Hedgehog in die Nacht zu entschwinden.
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hadern die Menschen mit alles und jedem. Durch diese Unsicherheit und utopisches Anspruchsdenken, lenken sich die Leute ab und werden aktiv. Sie kanalisieren ihren inneren Unruhezustand und machen irgendwas, dem sie dann Sinn verleihen. Das kann politisches oder soziales Engagement sein, ich meine aber vorrangig Sport, Erscheinungsbild oder Beruf - Selbstoptimierung. Wir tun das, in dem Wissen, dass wir alle irgendwann sterben. Wir bauen Häuser, Autos, entwickeln Technik weiter, hegen und pflegen Infrastruktur und das alles in dem Wissen, dass wir vergänglich sind. Der Gedanke an den eigenen Tod kann einen durchaus in die Verzweiflung treiben. Gleichzeitig kann er aber auch ein Ansporn sein, den Tag so zu nutzen, dass man sich abends sagt, heute war ein guter Tag. In unserer Wohlstandsgesellschaft mit Vollkasko-Mentalität, denken wir in zu großen Zyklen. Ich bin davor auch nicht gefeit. Man bekommt den Rentenbescheid und denkt bereits darüber nach, wie man da aussieht und wie sich alles um einen herum verändert hat. Eigentlich ist diese Herangehensweise falsch. Der Rentenbescheid dient als Köder, den man an einer Angel vor den Leuten herzieht, damit sie jeden morgen aufstehen - was sie auch unbedingt sollten - aber nicht für die Rente, sondern für sich selber. Jeder Tag kann nicht nur für ältere Menschen der letzte sein, auch wenn wir uns gern in diese Gedanken flüchten. Jeden Tag kann irgendwas passieren, dass uns für immer das weltliche Licht ausknipst. Man sollte auch nicht versuchen das Leben zu begreifen, in der Hoffnung jemals eine finale Antwort zu finden. Alleine aber der Versuch kann einen zu geistlicher Höchstform antreiben. Nur übertreiben sollte man es nicht damit (Erinnerung an mich). Wenn also jemand da draußen sich fragt, wofür das alles - ich tue das oft - sollte die Person wissen, dass sie nicht alleine mit solchen Gedanken ist. Wir sollten wieder lernen das Leben mehr zu schätzen, denn es ist wertvoll und kann schnell vorbei sein, ohne dass man selber aktiv etwas dafür getan hat. Anfang des Jahres hatte ich eine sehr düstere Phase, obwohl es mir gesundheitlich blendend ging. Es waren viele dunkle Gedanken, die sich zu einem Dämon formierten, der lächelnd seine Hand nach mir ausstreckte. Er flüsterte in mein Ohr, dass der Tod doch eigentlich etwas heilsames sei, da man dem weltlichen Schmerz so sehr schnell entkommen könnte. Der Tod ist ein Fakt, er wird kommen, doch er sollte das Jetzt nicht beeinflussen. Er sorgt nur dafür, dass du keinerlei Risiko mehr eingehst, weil du einfach noch nicht sterben willst. Verbildlicht ist das ein Leben in der Gummizelle. Man ist sicher, aber isoliert. Hilfreich kann es auch sein, daran zu denken, wie Menschen vor uns Auswege aus den ausweglosesten Situationen fanden. Woher ich das weiß? Nun ja, wäre dem nicht so, hätte ich diesen Text nicht schreiben können.
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dark-longings · 15 days
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devotedtomygods · 5 months
Here to let you know I'm still breathing (anxiously)!
I'm not nearly as active here as I wish but life has gotten so busy I barely have time to sleep. Let alone make art, and it really takes its toll on me. I have a big case of Weltschmerz and it has NOT been a dandy couple of months. I feel I have wandered away from the gods and it makes me really, REALLY sad like seriously. It's hard for me to find connection with any deity nowadays...
Anybody who has similar feelings? Or any tips on how to get back to my practice or just ANYTHING at this point?
There's so many pieces I want to make and create but there simply isn't TIME to do ANYTHING but work. Modern life eh?
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erovalkyrie · 10 months
do you ever feel like you have no time for anything, that life is rushing past you, and you have so many interests of creative input and output that go unfulfilled that you are splintered into so many tiny pieces to only scatter in the winds of endlessly accelerating days
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nasty-creeps · 3 months
Welcome to my little mental breakdown
I hate constantly being torn between caring and protecting myself.
There are so many issues in this world that I do care about and that I want to address and do my part in by idk spreading the message, educating people to provoke real change. But I can't. I have difficulties prioritising. There are things to help people right now that might be solved over the next 20-30 years but also issues that threaten the existence of humanity as a whole and that need action soon or it might be to late and become a chain reaction that triggers even more problems for people that are already struggling right now.
And it's so frustrating that so many of these problems are deeply rooted in capitalism and the patriarchy. We need systemic change but the people in power don't care. Having power seems to be so toxic and turn people who had ambitions to make a change into hypocrites. Do we really all have a price?
I also have a conflict within myself. I don't wanna be alive. I didn't choose to be here and I don't really get why anyone would. But I know that they do so I want to help.
I feel like a lot of people in my generation are educating themselves before joining a movement but don't really put the information in context if that makes sense. Yes, Russia shouldn't have attacked Ukraine. Sure, the right thing for russia to do would be to just give up and leave the borders as they were before. But that's not going to happen. And Ukraine isn't a Saint either. There's a lot of nationalism playing into their narrative and nationalism is never good. There's a lot of conservativeism in their politics, that we critic in other countries but right now all everybody talks about is that Ukraine is the good guy with a gun and Russia the bad guy with a gun. And that we have to give the good guy more guns.
Yes, there is war crimes committed in this war. Which is happening in every war. Using rape as a weapon is very common. It makes people feel in control and like they have power over someone. But even in times of peace that's not not happening. Statistics show that rate of rapes are higher around US military bases in Germany, than in the rest of the country. And here we're back at patriarchy being a original reason for this to happen. They see it as their right to get what they want. But that's an illusion. Nobody has the right to use your body without your permission.
There's no winners in war. People die, get abused and traumatized. Because of some people in power, trying to make life better for themselves.
It's not about their people. It's not for the "small man". It's for them to gain more power.
Then there is climate change. An issue that affects everyone but people refuse to do something about it or even believe in it.
Politicians care more about being reelected than making tough and partly unpopular decisions. Nobody wants to give up their privileges. But the thing is they probably wouldn't even really have to if cooperations would get their shit together. And here we are again with capitalism and the addiction to (financial) growth. There is no way to maintain infinite growth when we have one planet. At some point it HAS to stop. But they always try to convince us that their growth is something positive even tho it just means they exploit nature and people even more. Resources are limited. Space is limited. You can't expand infinitely
And they know that. But they want to profit of it as long as they can. On the cost of all others trying to survive this hellhole.
We need change but change seems impossible. Looking at the big picture there are two ways this whole thing could go. Either we get away from the idea of nationalism as a whole. Even if it's not necessarily present in an extreme way right now. We need to see us as humanity. Every single one of us has the right to a good life. So when resources are getting low, we would need to bond together, work together so we can benefit and share all the resources that different areas on earth have and can produce. Care about the issues some regions have and find ways to change it, eliminate it or how to help people affected by it.
Or we become more and more nationalist. Sure for now we have alliances between countries but if resources get low everyone is gonna fight for their own life. People in regions with bad conditions to produce food and clean water will just die. And it's gonna be a downward spiral. There are gonna be wars over resources and only the richest countries will survive.
Seeing humanity as it is now, I don't see option one being in the cards.
There are too many people who don't care. That just live their happy little lifes. But their children and grandchildren are crying for help. They know that we need to work together to make a change. But instead we see so many countries going backwards. Making laws that only rich (white) people benefit from.
Then there are people indoctrinated by the capitalist system. I don't blame them, it's force-fed to us from the day we are born. But there's also no functioning alternative for capitalism. The concept of communism is good. But it doesn't take greed in consideration. We would all have to be willing to live with the same opportunities. But privileges are hard to give up. And that won't happen. We are not able to create a society where everyone is truly equal.
And people still care more about changes in language or things that don't affect them personally, than improving the lifes of people that struggle and are discriminated against. What's the problem with using a * when addressing people? Who the hell cares if someone wants to be addressed with they/them or the pronoun of their choosing? It does not affect you. Just do it. We're so used to seeing everything through the lense of "western christian morals". We think being non binary is a new idea by confused teenagers. But it's not. Other cultures throughout history had "a third gender" or even more genders that were commonly used by people that now identify as non binary or trans. They say it's unnatural when people feel like they were born in the wrong body when in biology there are literally animals that can change their gender based on what they need to be to procreate. That not a new concept either. Let people live their lifes. You're scared of gender neutral bathrooms? 1. Thats no fucking reason to deny people do be happy and safe and 2. Advocate for bathrooms with real doors and walls. That's better anyway. I don't need my coworkers to hear if I'm going Nr 1 or 2. Even if they are the same gender as me.
There's no valid arguments against giving trans folks the same rights that everybody else has.
There is no reason to hide the fact they exist from children. It's not giving them ideas or turning or pressuring them into being trans or gay or whatever the thing they are talking about is. It's showing life. It's education. It shows that there is nothing wrong with them if they have the feeling like they don't conform with the "norm".
So there is no solution for any of these issues. There's nothing concrete we can work on to turn things around. We have to accept that things are probably gonna get worse and worse till humanity eventually goes extinct.
So does it really matter to be an activist? To spend all this energy when you can't expect it to permanently make minorities lifes better? Should we just enjoy it as long as we can? Pretend to "do our part" by using paper straws and not buying so many clothes? Is it good to boycott brands or is it just causing people to loose their livelihood? Even if the work they have to do is under horrible conditions and severely underpaid? Stop eating fish and meat if companies still mass produce or over fish our oceans? If the plastic trash that we are disposing in the ocean is killing marine life anyways?
Should we wait for the environment to be so run down, that we just don't have Oxygen to breathe anymore?
Excistential dread.
And there are so many people with different opinions on those issues. And we all judge each other for the life were living. Questioning our intentions, our priorities, how we try to make a change, if we're extrem enough, or how consistent we are. You can't slip up because that makes you a hypocrite and you did all the things you've already done for nothing.
I want to care. I want to help with every issue and every minority that needs more advocating voices. But I barely have the energy to get through the day. Even if I'm off work it's a struggle to get up and feed myself and keep my home somewhat in order. Is it doing anyone any good if I give myself up in order to being another voice in the crowd that has very little clout or power and influence? The people in my life share most of my views. They know all that.
Can I afford it? In this economy? With the inflation we're having? I don't really think I can. I can't afford to only buy biologically and regionally sourced food. And if something I need breaks I can't afford to buy a more pricey but better quality replacement. I can't even really afford to get the help I need to fight my own mental illnesses.
I feel stuck. And frustrated. I'm mad at the world and other people and myself. I feel unheard. Misunderstood.
Every day is a struggle. I felt like I don't have the energy to get through another day for years now. But my body keeps functioning and I hate it for that. I know I'm not alone or the only one that feels that way but in the end you still have to figure it out by yourself. Nobody is able to take life off your shoulders. So you are alone with it after all. And all the validation of my feelings is not changing anything when it comes to getting up, making breakfast, going to work, showering, ... .
You're alone with all that. And even more with what goes on inside your head.
So what is it? Stems my depression really from chemical imbalances in my brain? Or is it the world around me, around us, falling apart? I will never have the same possibilities as the generations before me.
Teachers that say, that 2 years after my apprenticeship I should have saved enough money to make a down payment on a house. When i struggle to buy food at the end of the month. How do you find joy if you work most of the day need to make food and do housework and sleep enough and commuting to and from work? Yes, consumerism helps us to get our little serotonin hits. But 1. You need to be able to afford that and 2 it again plays into the cards of capitalism.
People say you don't need to spend money on doing fun things in your free time. So what do you do? If you live in a city, most things you'll be able to do there will cost you money. Going to cultural events or sights please get your tickets. Wanna go to the gym or swimming? Get a membership. Wanna get out of the city to be in Nature? Pay for transportation. Wanna persue Hobbies? You need to buy gear or materials. Except for sitting in a park doing nothing or in a library there are no things that are free.
So how can you be happy. Basically don't think about stuff. You can either create your own bubble and let no upsetting things inside and/or deny everything you don't want to hear or you can care and get mad and worried and anxious. And you can soothe these emotions by buying a cool new mug, a cozy sweater, paints for a new project you're never gonna finish or concert tickets to see your friends. And at the end of the month you look at your bank account and think where did all my money go?
So capitalism and the patriarchy huh? What has that to do with not being able to keep track of your spending habits? Pretty much everything. Our current model of the 40 hour work week was not created for the "lifestyle" that we have right now. It was intended for one person to be the breadwinner and one person to be at home doing housework, run errands and Carework. Because they knew, of you work 40 hours a week, you don't have time to do that. And the salary was supposed to be enough for 2 adults and children. Now people have to take on serveral jobs to just barely survive. Capitalism controls the market. It controls prices and what you can afford. And it's goal is to make a maximum profit for a few people at the expense of the rest of humanity.
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helmofon3596 · 2 months
life so boring i be checking the school app.....
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ambrosethepoet · 7 months
Anmerkung: Nach der Phase von Sturm und Drang, nach der Periode der Meisterschaft, deprimiert die reiferen Künstler doch meist der Mensch an sich.
Was ist das für ein ort An dem das wort nichts richtet? Ich schleudre alles fort Weil sich der mensch vernichtet! Wer helfen könnte: will es nicht Wer helfen möchte: kann es nicht Woran die stärkste feder bricht . .
by Ambrose the Poet
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anti-creator · 7 months
Czasem samotność na wskroś mnie przejmowała i miałem ochotę wyjść do ludzi. Nawiązać jakiś realny kontakt ze światem. W praktyce nie lubiłem jednak tłumów, w ogóle nie lubiłem nikogo, co najwyżej miałem przelotną sympatię, zbyt słabą, bym chciał spędzić z człowiekiem czas. Z drugiej strony chciałem być z kimś, udać się wspólnie na zakupy i do baru, wypić herbatę i obejrzeć film. Chyba chciałem mieć kogoś bliskiego, choć wizja znajomości też mnie irytowała, przypominała te wszystkie wykręty, których zawsze używałem, by zamknąć się w domu i gnić w swojej samotności. Bo ludzie generalnie działali mi na nerwy albo mnie nie rozumieli. Byli drażniący albo nudni, nie potrafili dać mi żadnej przyjemności swoim towarzystwem. Dusiłem się wśród nich i po części wiedziałem, że to ja nie pasuję do tego świata, ale też nic nie umiałem z tym zrobić.
- Soulkiller / 14.10.2013
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gremlin-bot · 9 months
Weltschmerz Master post!
@patrol-partners-batphandom-2023 fic with @spite-sapphic-starlight @half-dead-ham @bewitched-forest and myself @gremlin-bot !
The Moon & The Tower | Verse I: Tomorrows problems are happening today - ao3 link
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mussmussbeidir · 1 year
Manchmal ist es besser unsichtbar zu sein. Manchmal da wünsche ich mir, all die Erinnerungen über mich würden gelöscht werden. Manchmal da wünsche ich mir, nicht mehr zu existieren. Und nein es ist nicht so wie du jetzt denkst. Aber manchmal, da hätte ich gerne diesen Umhang von Harry Potter, um mich zu verstecken. Und nicht weil ich wissen will was die Leute wirklich denken. Es ist weil ich nicht mehr unter ihnen sein will. Ich möchte nicht gesehen werden. Und ich meine das Sehen, dass du spürst. Manchmal, da würde ich gerne meine Gefühle vergraben und ausgraben wenn ich ganz alleine bin. Und ich würde gerne diese Schaufel nehmen und sie in meinen eigenen Händen halten. Und ich weiß das ich das nicht kann. Aber ich möchte doch nur dass diese Scham vergeht. Und dass all diese Menschen von mir zurücktreten. Dass sie mich frei machen in ihren Köpfen. Dass sie mich nicht mehr zu kennen meinen. All diese Menschen, ich hasse sie, weil sie ein Stück von mir in sich tragen. Und ich will es ihnen entnehmen und verbrennen. Damit nichts mehr an ihnen, mich an das hier erinnert.
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hannecroweley · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and so being young
and dipped in folly
i fell in love
with melancholy
— e. a. poe 🐦‍⬛
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cimeret · 1 year
We treat desire as a problem to be solved, address what desire is for and focus on that something and how to acquire it rather than on the nature and the sensation of desire, though often it is the distance between us and the object of desire that fills the space in between with the blue of longing. I wonder sometimes whether with a slight adjustment of perspective it could be cherished as a sensation on its own terms, since it is as inherent to the human condition as blue is to distance? If you can look across the distance without wanting to close it up, if you can own your longing in the same way that you own the beauty of that blue that can never be possessed?
A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit
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wolfanitas-art · 1 year
I don’t know if anybody can relate to this, but one of the things I find the hardest to accept and come to terms with, is that also very intelligent, kind people can say incredibly ignorant bullshit sometimes. It’s as if a little bit of hope dies every time they do.
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facelessentities · 11 months
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