#West Virginia process servers
govindhtech · 3 months
Boost Your Large In-Memory Databases & Business Workloads
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In-memory databases help energy, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, telecom, media, entertainment, gaming, government, and public sector enterprises. They also support business-critical operations for these companies.
Performance is crucial because they require real-time or nearly real-time transaction and analytics processing for a wide range of use cases. However, cost effectiveness is equally crucial in the modern world of accomplishing more with less.
AWS in memory database
For high-memory applications, Amazon EC2 U7i custom virtual instances (8-socket) provide the scalability, high performance, and cost-effectiveness that enterprises want. They also support in-memory databases like SAP HANA, Oracle, and SQL Server.
With 896 vCPUs and up to 32 TiB of DDR5 memory, these 4th Gen Intel Xeon processor and Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX)-powered 8-socket U7i instances provide the compute and memory density required to extend transaction processing throughput in rapidly expanding data environments.
U7i instances are a great option for the present and the future since the demand for high-memory cloud solutions, including  AI models, will only increase as large-scale data models whether developed by internal organizations or external vendors become more prevalent.
Intel AMX, an  AI engine built into Intel Xeon Scalable processors, reduces the requirement for specialized hardware while speeding up inferencing and training. This results in exceptional cost savings. These integrated accelerators are located close to system memory in each CPU core. A faster time to value is made possible by the fact that Intel AMX is frequently easier to deploy than discrete accelerators.
Benefits for Businesses
U7i instances give enterprises a quick, easy, and adaptable approach to manage their mission-critical, large-scale workloads. Additional benefits include of:
Extremely Flexible: In data environments that are expanding quickly, organizations can readily scale throughput.
Superb Work: Compared to current U-1 instances, U7i instances have up to 135% greater compute performance and up to 45% better price performance.
Decreased Indirect Costs: With U7i instances, you can operate both business apps that rely on large in-memory databases and databases themselves in the same shared Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which guarantees predictable performance while lowering the management burden associated with sophisticated networking.
Worldwide Accessibility: U7i instances come with operating system support for Ubuntu, Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Amazon Linux. They are accessible in the US East (North Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Sydney) AWS Regions. Regularly, new regions are added.
Quick and Simple to Start: Buying U7i instances is simple, allowing you to start using them right away. In addition to shared dedicated instance and dedicated host tenancy, purchase choices include On-Demand, Savings Plan, and Reserved Instance form.
What is in memory database?
In contrast to conventional databases, which store data on disc, in-memory databases store data mostly in main memory (RAM). Because accessing data in RAM is far faster than accessing data on a disc, this makes in-memory databases substantially faster for data retrieval and modification.
The following are some salient features of in-memory databases:
Benefits of in memory database
Speed: In-memory databases’ main benefit is their speed. Read and write operations are substantially faster when data is stored in RAM as opposed to disk-based storage.
Volatility: Data is lost in the event of a system crash or power outage because RAM is volatile memory. Many in-memory databases offer data permanence features, including transaction logs and recurring disc snapshots, to help reduce this.
Use Cases: Applications that need to handle data quickly, such real-time analytics, caching, and session management, are best suited for in-memory databases.
Example of in memory database
Redis: Popular in-memory data structure storage for real-time analytics, message brokers, and caches.
Memcached: A fast distributed memory object caching solution that minimizes database demand to speed up dynamic web apps.
H2: A memory-efficient, lightweight Java SQL database for development, testing, and small apps.
The cutting-edge relational database management system SAP HANA is for analytics and real-time applications.
Performance: Because RAM is used, data access and processing are incredibly quick.
Scalability: Frequently made to expand horizontally, this feature enables load balancing and distributed computing.
Decreased delay: Perfect for applications that need data access with minimal delay.
Disadvantages of in memory database
Cost: Large-scale in-memory databases are expensive since RAM is more expensive than disc storage.
Data Persistence: Adding more methods and potential complexity is necessary to ensure that data is not lost in the event of a power outage.
Limited Capacity: The RAM that is available determines how much data can be kept.
Persistence Mechanisms
In-memory databases frequently employ a number of strategies to deal with the volatility issue:
Snapshots: Writing the complete database to disc on a regular basis.
Append-Only Files, or AOFs, record each modification performed to the database so that the information can be replayed and restored.
Hybrid storage refers to the combining of disk-based and in-memory storage to provide greater storage capacity and data longevity.
Utilization Examples
Real-time analytics: Quick data processing and analysis, crucial for e-commerce, telecom, and financial services.
Caching: Keeping frequently requested data in memory to lighten the burden on conventional databases.
Session management is the process of storing user session information for online apps so that the user experience is uninterrupted.
Gaming: Keeping up with the rapid updates and data changes that occur in online gaming environments.
In summary
Applications that demand real-time data access and processing can benefit greatly from the unmatched speed and performance that in-memory databases provide. They do, however, have limitations with regard to cost, capacity, and data persistence. These difficulties can be overcome by utilizing suitable persistence methods and hybrid storage options, which makes in-memory databases an effective tool for a range of high-performance applications.
Read more on govindhteh.com
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gwydionmisha · 5 months
Internet data centers are fueling drive to old power source: Coal
CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — A helicopter hovers over the Gee family farm, the noisy rattle echoing inside their home in this rural part of West Virginia. It’s holding surveyors who are eyeing space for yet another power line next to the property — a line that will take electricity generated from coal plants in the state to address a drain on power driven by the world’s internet hub in Northern Virginia 35 miles away.
There, massive data centers with computers processing nearly 70 percent of global digital traffic are gobbling up electricity at a rate officials overseeing the power grid say is unsustainable unless two things happen: Several hundred miles of new transmission lines must be built, slicing through neighborhoods and farms in Virginia and three neighboring states. And antiquated coal-powered electricity plants that had been scheduled to go offline will need to keep running to fuel the increasing need for more power, undermining clean energy goals.
The $5.2 billion effort has fueled a backlash against data centers through the region, prompting officials in Virginia to begin studying the deeper impacts of an industry they’ve long cultivated for the hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue it brings to their communities.
Critics say it will force residents near the coal plants to continue living with toxic pollution, ironically to help a state — Virginia — that has fully embraced clean energy. And utility ratepayers in the affected areas will be forced to pay for the plan in the form of higher bills, those critics say.
But PJM Interconnection, the regional grid operator, says the plan is necessary to maintain grid reliability amid a wave of fossil fuel plant closures in recent years, prompted by the nation’s transition to cleaner power.
Power lines will be built across four states in a $5.2 billion effort that, relying on coal plants that were meant to be shuttered, is designed to keep the electric grid from failing amid spiking energy demands.
Cutting through farms and neighborhoods, the plan converges on Northern Virginia, where a growing data center industry will need enough extra energy to power 6 million homes by 2030.
With not enough of those green energy facilities connected to the grid yet, enough coal and natural gas energy to power 32 million homes is expected to be lost by 2030 at a time when the demand from the growing data center industry, electric vehicles and other new technology is on the rise, PJM says.
“The system is in a major transition right now, and it’s going to continue to evolve,” Ken Seiler, PJM’s senior vice president in charge of planning, said in a December stakeholders’ meeting about the effort to buy time for green energy to catch up. “And we’ll look for opportunities to do everything we can to keep the lights on as it goes through this transition.”
A need for power
Data centers that house thousands of computer servers and the cooling equipment needed for them to runhave been multiplying in Northern Virginia since the late 1990s, spreading from the industry’s historic base in Loudoun County to neighboring Prince William County and, recently, across the Potomac River into Maryland. There are nearly 300 data centers now in Virginia.
With Amazon Web Services pursuing a $35 billion data center expansion in Virginia, rural portions of the state are the industry’s newest target for development.
But data centers also consume massive amounts of energy.
One data center can require 50 times the electricity of a typical office building, according to the U.S.Department of Energy. Multiple-building data center complexes, which have become the norm, require as much as 14 to 20 times that amount.
The demand has strained utility companies, to the point where Dominion Energy in Virginia briefly warned in 2022 that it may not be able to keepup with the pace of the industry’s growth.
The utility — which has since accelerated plans for new power lines and substations to boost its electrical output — predicts that by 2035 the industry in Virginia will require 11,000 megawatts, nearly quadruple what it needed in 2022, or enough to power 8.8 million homes.
Thesmaller Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative recently told PJM that the more than 50 data centers it serves account for 59 percent of its energy demand. It expects to need to serve about 110 more data centers by July 2028.
Meanwhile, the amount of energy available is not growing quickly enough to meet that future demand. Coal plants have scaled down production or shut down altogether as the market transitions to green energy, hastened by laws in Maryland and Virginia mandating net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 and, for several other states in the region, by 2050.
Dominion is developing a 2,600-megawatt wind farm off Virginia Beach — the largest such project in U.S. waters — and the company recently gained state approval to build four solar projects.
But those projects won’t be ready in timeto absorb the projected gap in available energy.Opponents of PJM’s plan say it wouldn’t be necessary if more green energy had been connected to the grid faster, pointing to projects that were caught up in bureaucratic delays for five years or longer before they were connected.
A PJM spokesperson said the organization has recently sped up its approval process and is encouraging utility companies and federal and state officials to better incorporate renewable energy.
About 40,000 megawatts of green energy projects have been cleared for construction but are not being built because of issues related to financing or siting, the PJM spokesperson said.
Once more renewable energy is available, some of the power lines being built to address the energy gap may no longer be needed as the coal plants ultimately shut down, clean energy advocates say — though utility companies contend the extra capacity brought by the lines will always be useful.
“Their planning is just about maintaining the status quo,” Tom Rutigliano, a senior advocate for clean energy at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said about PJM. “They do nothing proactive about really trying to get a handle on the future and get ready for it.”
‘Holding on tight’ to coal
The smoke from two coal plants near West Virginia’s border with Pennsylvania billows over the city of Morgantown, adding a brownish tint to the air.
The owner of one of the Morgantown-area plants, Longview LLC, recently emerged from bankruptcy. After a restructuring, the facility is fully functioning, utilizing a solar farm to supplement its coal energy output.
The other two plants belong to the Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp. utility, which had plans to significantly scale down operations there to meet a company goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by nearly a third over the next six years.
The FirstEnergy plants are among the state’s worst polluters, said Jim Kotcon, a West Virginia University plant pathology professor who oversees conservation efforts at the Sierra Club’s West Virginia chapter.
The Harrison plant pumped out a combined 12 million tons of coal pollutants like sulfur and nitrous oxides in 2023, more than any other fossil fuel plant in the state, according to Environmental Protection Agency data. The Fort Martin plant, which has been operating since the late 1960s, emitted the state’s highest levels of nitrous oxides in 2023, at 5,240 tons.
After PJM tapped the company to build a 36-mile-long portion of the planned power lines for $392 million, FirstEnergy announced in February that the company is abandoning a 2030 goal to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions because the two plants are crucial to maintaining grid reliability.
The news has sent FirstEnergy’s stock price up by 4 percent, to about $37 a share this week, and was greeted with jubilation by West Virginia’s coal industry.(Hadley Green/The Washington Post)
“We welcome this, without question, because it will increase the life of these plants and hundreds of thousands of mining jobs,” said Chris Hamilton, president of the West Virginia Coal Association. “We’re holding on tight to our coal plants.”
Since 2008, annual coal production in West Virginia has dipped by nearly half, to about 82 million tons, though the industry — which contributes about $5.5 billion to the state’s economy — has rebounded some due to an export market to Europe and Asia, Hamilton said.
Hamilton said his association will lobby hard for FirstEnergy’s portion of the PJM plan to gain state approval. The company said it will submit its application for its power line routes in mid-2025.
PJM asked the plants’ owner, Texas-based Talen Energy Corp., to keep them running through 2028 — with the yet-to-be determined cost of doing so passed on to ratepayers.
That would mean amending a 2018 federal court consent decree, in which Talen agreed to stop burning coal to settle a lawsuit brought by the Sierra Club over Clean Water Act violations. The Sierra Club has rejected PJM’s calls to do so.
“We need a proactive plan that is consistent with the state’s clean energy goals,” said Josh Tulkin, director of the Sierra Club’s Maryland chapter, which has proposed an alternative plan to build a battery storage facility at the Brandon Shores site that would cut the time needed for the plants to operate.
A PJM spokesperson said the organization believes that such a facility wouldn’t provide enough reliable power and is not ruling out seeking a federal emergency order to keep the coal plants running.
With the matter still unresolved, nearby residents say they are anxious to see them closed.
“It’s been really challenging,” said John Garofolo, who lives in the Stoney Beach neighborhood community of townhouses and condominiums, where coal dust drifts into the neighborhood pool when the facilities are running. “We’re concerned about the air we’re breathing here.”
Sounding alarms
Keryn Newman, a Charles Town activist, has been sounding alarms in the small neighborhoods and farm communities along the path of the proposed power lines in West Virginia.
Because FirstEnergy prohibits any structure from interfering with a power line, building a new line along the right of way — which would be expanded to make room for the third line — would mean altering the character of residents’ properties, Newman said.
“It gobbles up space for play equipment for your kid, a pool or a barn,” she said. “And a well or septic system can’t be in the right of way.”
A FirstEnergy spokesperson said the company would compensate property owners for any land needed, with eminent domain proceedings a last resort if those property owners are unwilling to sell.
Pam and Gary Gearhart fought alongside Newman against the defeated 765-kilovolt line, which would have forced them to move a septic system near FirstEnergy’s easement. But when Newman showed up recently to their Harpers Ferry-area neighborhood to discuss the new PJM plan, the couple appeared unwilling to fight again.
Next door, another family had already decided to leave, the couple said, and was in the midst of loading furniture into a truck when Newman showed up.
“They’re just going to keep okaying data centers; there’s money in those things,” Pam Gearhart said about local governments in Virginia benefiting from the tax revenue. “Until they run out of land down there.”
In Loudoun County, where the data center industry’s encroachment into neighborhoods has fostered resentment, community groups are fighting a portion of the PJM plan that would build power lines through the mostly rural communities of western Loudoun.
The lines would damage the views offered by surrounding wineries and farms that contribute to Loudoun’s $4 billion tourism industry, those groups say.
Bill Hatch owns a winery that sits near the path of where PJM suggested one high-voltage line could go, though that route is still under review.
“This is going to be a scar for a long time,” Hatch said.
Reconsidering the benefits
Amid the backlash, local and state officials are reconsidering the data center industry’s benefits.
The Virginia General Assembly has launched a study that, among other things, will look at how the industry’s growth may affect energy resources and utility rates for state residents.
But that study has held up efforts to regulate the industry sooner, frustrating activists.
“We should not be subsidizing this industry for another minute, let alone another year,” Julie Bolthouse, director of land use at the Piedmont Environmental Council, chided a Senate committee that voted in February to table a bill that would force data center companies to pay more for new transmission lines.
Loudoun is moving to restrict where in the county data centers can be built. Up until recently, data centers have been allowed to be built without special approvals wherever office buildings are allowed.
But such action will do little to stem the worries of people like Mary and Richard Gee.
As it is, the two lines near their property produce an electromagnetic field strong enough to charge a garden fence with a light current of electricity, the couple said. When helicopters show up to survey the land for a third line, the family’s dog, Peaches, who is prone to seizures, goes into a barking frenzy.
An artist who focuses on natural landscapes, Mary Gee planned to convert the barn that sits in the shadow of a power line tower to a studio. That now seems unlikely, she said.
Lately, her paintings have reflected her frustration. One picture shows birds with beaks wrapped shut by transmission line. Another has a colorful scene of the rural Charles Town area severed by a smoky black and gray landscape of steel towers and a coal plant.
A previous version of this article incorrectly reported that Prince William County receives $400 million annually in taxes on the computer equipment inside data centers. It receives $100 million annually. In addition, the article incorrectly stated that two FirstEnergy plants in West Virginia have been equipped with carbon-capturing technology. They do not have such technology in place, The article has been corrected.
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is6621 · 4 years
Why don’t we vote online? / By Crystal Chen
With the election now less than a month away and deadlines for voter registration approaching, there is a surge of posts online urging everyone to register to vote. Even social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are offering buttons such as “Register Now” or “Apply for an absentee ballot.” With the country still combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the appeal of an absentee ballot to individual voters is much higher this year. As of September 30, more than 72 million absentee ballots have been requested or sent to voters in more than 30 states.
But with the rise in the number of absentee ballots being requested, it brings to the forefront a question that’s been considered many times: why don’t we cast our ballots online? And it’s usually followed up with another question: is voting online for 200 million voters even feasible? As a first-time voter in the 2020 general election who requested her absentee ballot a month ago, I’ve thought about these questions multiple times as I diligently check the status of my ballot and eagerly await its arrival. With each day that my ballot doesn’t arrive, the more nervous I am about even receiving one. But I’m not in New York... so why can’t I vote online?
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Using the internet for sensitive things isn’t unheard of. People often use their mobile phone to deposit checks, store all their credit card information in a Wallet app, and electronically sign leases and contracts. If electronic devices are so integrated into our lifestyle, it seems that voting could easily be integrated in as well. After all, we’re in a decade where technological advances have made leaps and bounds. How can pen and paper be superior?
In actuality, online voting does exist. About thirty-two states and the District of Columbia offer this option, whether through fax, e-mail or an online portal. But the catch is that it’s only available for certain voters in special circumstances. Reading this, you might be able to tell why that system is in place. It’s severely limited to a small number of voters, meaning the systems created for this usage are able to handle the processes being requested from it. The reliability of an online platform for something as sensitive as the voting process is important to consider.
However, the reliability of an online platform to handle the influx of usage isn’t the only type of reliability needed. It’s important to recognize that the internet will never be 100% secure and the threat of hacking looms large. Especially in America, where the presidential election is extremely critical in determining the direction of the government for the next four years, security cannot be taken lightly.
With the set-up of an internet election comes many working parts. There are plenty of points in the process that are vulnerable to hacking or bypassing the laws. First, there could be trouble guaranteeing that voters are who they say they are. Ric Militi, creator of Zip (a question and answer application), prorposed that a simple registration with a unique number such as a social security number could fix this issue. But it isn’t the only issue we would need to tackle. Online voting platforms would still need to account for the security of each individual voter’s devices, some of which could be infected with malware, its own server connection to the internet, and the chances of an enemy attack from other countries.  
Remember the part where I said online voting is available for certain voters in special circumstances? MIT researchers found that Voatz, an application used for this type of online voting in 2018 in 24 West Virginia counties and other regions, had vulnerabilities that could have been exploited. Simply, Voatz and other similar applications are not safe. While there was no evidence that the app had been hacked, the possibility of it and the consequences of a hacking is too grave to be seriously considered for widespread online voting.
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For cybersecurity experts and computer scientists studying election software, they are strongly against online voting. In 2014, a team of computer scientists who build secure systems for the National Security Agency and the Department of Defense showed how easy it is to change the content of a voter’s PDF file over the internet from when the voter initially sends it to when the ballot is received.
It’s important to recognize that even though we as a society may be in the smart age, government technology is still about 10 years behind companies like Facebook and Google. So maybe Facebook and Google can build platforms to hold elections? But that brings into question our privacy. Do we want huge technology companies to have access to our private information and who we end up voting for in the election? Some might argue that these companies already have that information, or have enough information about us to predict the decision we will make. But I suppose it’s one thing to concede that this information is being taken due to being a user of their platform and another to willingly give it to them.
Until (though more likely if it will ever) online voting can become more secure and reliable, millions of voters will have to carefully read the instructions on their ballots and put pen to paper to cast their vote, whether at home or in-person.
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Clipping USA
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The clients will have some advantages of Photograph Altering from Clipping USA: Appropriately altered photos  speak to the brand and pass on an organizations' message in the most ideal way.
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Free Trial Get in Touch and Start a Project with UsIf the file size is more than 20 MB, kindly use our web upload system to send your test images. We will reply you within a few minutes.Select Category Background Remove Image Masking Photo Retouching Shadow CreationNeck JointImage Manipulation Vector Conversion Glamour Retouching UploadOur Photo Editing Services Home Vector Conversion Raster to Vector Conversion: Clipping USA provides flawless and accurate Raster to Vector Conversion. Raster images are the series of pixels or digital dots arranged in certain and Read More Home Photo Editing Service Photo Editing Service: To make any kinds of change on a photo is called photo editing. It depends actually on one’s needs. Basically a  Read More Home Clipping path Photoshop Clipping Path is a technique that is mostly used for removing background of original image. It is used for Media photographers, web design organization, fashion agencies, magazine design Read More Home Masking Photoshop Masking Service is the process to remove or replace the background of the complex images having numerous turns and curves with blurred or fuzzy edges. This technique is applied where only Read More Home Retouching In the photo editing sector retouching is the most important service. It plays a vital role to make a raw photograph into a new style and attractive looks. By this service you can Read More Home Shadow Shadow service is a system of graphic design which creates an object over the rest of an image by laying a direct shade behind the object. This is used to add a Read MoreClipping Path experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping path is a way or system which is applied with Photoshop pen tool to cut out an image from its background using a closed vector path or shape. It implies this is the manner in which that is utilized to expel and alter the foundation of a picture. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote photoshop masking experience with quality & cost effective service.Photo retouching services is generally used to fix the faded, rough, badly cracked or damaged photos. This service applied to make a photo more wonderful as well. There are numerous methods, tips & tricks for enriching things from the inner side of a photo as blemish, skin tone and increasing the photo’s qualities. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote photo retouching experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping USA is expertise on professional photo retouching service on photograph. Customers will get a picture upgrade benefits in mass for freelance photographer, weeding photography, photograph studios, visual creators and offices, advertisers agency, online business website proprietors, printing and distributing organizations, and some more. The cost is exceptionally focused and furthermore clients are getting something special from . So why not pass judgment on us for photo retouching service. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quoteneck join experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping USA offers neck joint service to remove mannequin from image, ghost manipulation, ghost mannequin, neck joint by Photoshop utilizing specialists in visual computerization. This service have been utilized by online retailers, eCommerce Photography, stock photography organizations and online eCommerce store owners,internet business shop proprietors, stock photography eCommerce shop owners and online product sellers, eBay, amazon and other affiliate marketers. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote Photo Retouching Services Real Estate Photography Retouching Our Real Estate Photography Retouching service include an enticing environment, legitimate lighting, and exact scale to your land photographs which will undoubtedly pull in property seekers. To increase more business sales it should be taken the advantage of quality service.Product Photo Retouching Product Photo Retouching brings a new looks for images and increase online business sales. Clipping USA enables the pictures to settle lighting issues, expel foundations, and improve the item's to meet the advance market by following clients requirements and obviously at lowest cost.Portrait retouching or Correcting Clipping USA gives a guarantee that the pictures look normal and practical after editing by Photoshop. We are all around prepared in giving proficient looking pictures, while keeping away from the utilization of digitally embellishing methods. Clients can expect a better appearance of edited images.Jewelry photo Retouching Clipping USA does have a devoted group of editors who work with gems picture for jewelry shop, online retailers, E-commerce freelance photographer. We modify adornments pictures by utilizing sparkle improvement, altering center stacking, foundation expulsion, scratch evacuation, and so forth.Amateur Photo Retouching Clipping USA has expertise on Amateur Photo Retouching work. Aside from this we additionally enable to utilize and also brings a better experience for Amateur Photographers. It's a special ability of Clipping USA that never makes a customer unhappy. So one can contact for a unique photo retouching service.Wedding Photograph retouching Our master group of photograph editors at Clipping USA guarantees that your wedding recollections are depicted in the most ideal way. We embrace all thoughtful s of wedding photograph modifying and post-preparing administrations, for example, practice photographs, wedding representations, and so on.Working procedures & disposal We give the special importance to the things are related to clients demands. Customers always expect a unique service that we offer and provide with the touch of service that best suits you and your project. Some customers will request solutions through the schematic style, and others will demand a full edited file with detailing. We pay attention to you and provide precisely what you exactly need.We continue steadily to prefer direct, personally get in touch with as the easiest method to work and offer support. We don’t like hiding behind a screen - we prefer to display who we are and how exactly we are in full.Image clients evaluation" Thanks So Much For All Of Your Great Work the past couple of days. Really good job on all of my images, very appreciated!!! "-- Rick" As always… Fantastic job and turnaround. You guys are the best in the business (and I’ve tried a lot of the companies out there). I wouldn’t go anywhere else after using you. Thanks! "-- Mike" I cannot thank you enough! You saved us from a very unhappy client! "-- Daphne" Thank you very much! You guys are truly awesome. "-- Uche" Oh my, your team did a fabulous job. I will be in touch "-- Erin" WOW!!!!!! You guys are amazing!! You are above and beyond expectations on the retouching. We are so happy with your service. I know quite a few photographers in the business and I am telling them all about you. "-- Pat" You are AWESOME! Excellent Work!! THANK YOU! "-- Michelle" I successfully downloaded all the files and am extremely happy! You guys did an amazing job! I am convinced! Your quality is amazing! Very, very well done!!! Thank you! "-- ScottIncreasing Sales and Driving Deals with Substance in Online business:Amazon is a worldwide innovation organization centering in web based business. It is the biggest web based business company as estimated by income and market capitalization.Internet business stores are turning into a fever now days, moving electronic items, clothing, furniture, nourishment, toys and gems and huge amounts of different items. Be that as it may, everybody passes up "utilizing upgraded item pictures"; which on occasion costs them truly. Redistributing item picture altering to specialists could enable them to set up enhanced pictures on Internet business. Online stores can't give that genuine shopping background and subsequently; they draw in the feeling of sight without bounds. The client can't grasp the item, smell its aroma or feel its surfaces thus they additionally take obtaining choices absolutely dependent on the all-around altered item pictures of the items they are.
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govindhtech · 11 months
Apache Iceberg Integration in AWS Glue Data Catalog
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AWS Glue Data Catalog with Apache Iceberg
AWS are now offering the option for transactional tables in the Apache Iceberg format to be automatically compacted using a new feature of AWS Glue Data Catalog. Your transactional data lake tables can remain performant as a result.
Large volumes of unstructured, semi-structured, or raw data could be inexpensively stored in data lakes, which were first used for big data and analytics use cases. Organizations have realized that data lakes can be used for more than just reporting, which has led to an evolution in the amount of use cases that may be implemented. To guarantee data consistency, transactional capabilities must be included in data lakes.
Additionally, data lakes are essential for data quality, governance, and compliance. This is because data lakes include ever-increasing amounts of vital corporate data, which frequently needs to be updated or deleted. Additionally, data-driven businesses must maintain near-real-time synchronization between their back-end analytics systems and customer apps. To enable concurrent writes and reads without compromising data integrity, this scenario necessitates transactional capabilities on your data lake. Lastly, data lakes are now integration sites that require transactions to provide secure and dependable data transfer between different sources.
An open table format (OTF), like Apache Iceberg, was used by businesses to allow transactional semantics on data lake tables. Using OTF formats has its own set of challenges, such as managing a large number of small files on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as each transaction creates a new file or managing object and meta-data versioning at scale.
Existing data lake tables can also be transformed from Parquet or Avro formats to an OTF format. To overcome these issues, organizations usually create and manage their own data pipelines, which results in more infrastructure work that is not differentiated. In order to run your code, you must develop code, deploy Spark clusters, grow the cluster, handle failures, and so on.
Speaking with AWS customers has shown us that the hardest part is getting all the little files that are created by every transactional write on tables combined into a limited number of huge files. Large files load and scan more quickly, which speeds up the execution of your analytics operations and queries. Compaction makes larger-sized files store more efficiently in tables. It switches the table’s storage from having a lot of little files to a few big files. Performance is enhanced, network round trips to S3 are decreased, and metadata overhead is decreased. Because the queries take less compute power to run, the performance boost is also advantageous to the cost of usage when using engines that charge for computation.
However, creating unique pipelines to optimize and compress Iceberg tables is costly and time-consuming. It is your responsibility to oversee the scheduling, provision of infrastructure, planning, and compaction job monitoring. For this reason, Amazon are introducing automatic compaction now.
Things to consider
Here are a few more things to share with you as AWS debut this new feature today:
Files cannot be deleted or merged by compaction. Data files that have delete files linked with them will be skipped, but tables containing removed data will be compacted.
It is not supported to use S3 buckets that are set up for exclusive access from a VPC via VPC endpoints.
Compacting Apache Iceberg tables with data stored in Apache Parquet is possible.
Compaction is applicable to buckets encrypted using either KMS controlled keys (SSE-KMS) or the standard server-side encryption (SSE-S3).
There are locations for this new capacity in US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland).
The data processing unit (DPU), a proportional indicator of processing capability made up of four virtual CPUs with a compute capacity of sixteen gigabytes each, is used to determine pricing. There is a fee per DPU/hour, with a minimum of one minute, and it is measured by the second.
It’s time to move to this new fully managed capability right away and decommission your current compaction data pipeline.
Read more on Govindhtech.om
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chumejer47-blog · 6 years
Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Fallout 76
The way mutations work is that they'll randomly appear based on your radiation level. 1 thing players need to consider though when removing mutations or seeking to is will it be well worth it as mutations may not always be a terrible thing. If you wear whatever offers you radiation damage protection (for example, a Hazmat suit) you will reduce the possibility of gaining a mutation too. The Fundamentals of Fallout 76 Revealed You are going to want to make sure the folks who do the hiring for you are implementing a system which will bring about employees who last. An employee retention specialist will use a productive system which will enable your company to create the essential modifications or improvements that will motivate your staff to remain put. Fallout 76 players that are thinking about finding out how to get access to the secret developer room may want to rethink their plans. Dec 11, 2018 If you get a high intelligence in Fallout 76 you will be in a position to hack terminals and improve on the status and durability when you craft items, as long as you've got the appropriate Fallout 76 perk cards equipped. After you have all you need, it's still true that you have to decrypt the codes. Don't pay for a product you don't wantparticularly once you know you're paying for a product that you don't want. Friends are wonderful distractions for the pain of heartbreak and therefore don't be scared to turn to them for some additional support as you're managing the fallout. Fallout 76 has lots and tons of small pleasures but not plenty of giant thrills. In games like DayZ, you truly feel nervous once you find a new player since there's the possibility they may assist you, or else they might just try and murder you for your supplies. There are several different available pre-order bundles out there for Fallout 76. Later on, you'll receive advanced lasers, Space Marine-esque power weapons and possibly even mini-nukes. There's a terminal to select what type of ammo you would really like. The Fallout 76 site was updated with a new developer post that provides players a little information about a huge patch which will be deployed on January 14th. To access the beta, you need to pre-order the game. PS4 and Xbox One Fallout 76 updates must go through a certification procedure, which makes it harder to fix short-term issues promptly. The Advantages of Fallout 76 Obviously it isn't feasible to experience each and every change, but the most significant changes come in the shape of performance and stability, where Bethesda notes that various client and server-side changes are made to enhance the total stability of the game and boost the functioning of the game across quite a few end-user systems. Everyone who pre-orders WILL be given the opportunity to play the beta. however, it sounds like some players could possibly be given chances to play for longer amounts of time. Players are able to build wherever and whenever assuming they possess the resources to achieve that. As soon as you're in exactly the same level band, think about moving to the next hunting ground a military base named Huntersville. If you get the digital version of Fallout 76, you will be able avoid damage to a disc and cut back on the clutter all around your entertainment center. Set in West Virginia, they will create a character and play in an always-online world where they'll have the chance to build their very own settlement and interact with dozens of other players on the same server. The Fundamentals of Fallout 76 Revealed In case it sounds convoluted it's as it is, making standard shooting a better choice. Beta testers found a slew of bugs. The good thing is that players on PS4 and Xbox One won't even should download a patch, whilst PC fans will just have a small update. Still, there are several things to explore in Fallout 76, as well as the thrilling battles you will need to face in a quest we're going to complete now, An Ounce of Prevention. Nonetheless, Fallout 76 will prove very popular, but not everybody can play it at exactly the same moment. Fallout 76 isn't an enjoyable game. Players have the ability to choose perks, or passive abilities that provide gameplay bonuses. Although the game is prepared to land on 14 November, the beta edition of Fallout 76 will be prepared to play in October. If you're likely to pre-order Fallout 76, you are going to want to take into account this wonderful collector's edition. Fallout 76: the Ultimate Convenience! Interact with C1 on the other side of the room who will again instruct you to have a number. So definitely it's visiting the blockbuster. The larger the step forward the larger the fall backward in the event that you go too fast so take your time. Fallout 76 Features You are going to be ruling the wasteland in no moment. It's area-based so that your capacity to hear different plays will be different. It is sometimes a risky build since you can't have an opportunity at dying more often but it's definitely powerful. Details of Fallout 76 Perks arrive in the shape of cards and every S. Additionally, it is also possible to use the game's new photo mode during the creation process to better see the way your character looks, and snap some shots you are able to share on social networking. A font is a kind of text. The Unexposed Secret of Fallout 76 You're able to take at the total map in the image below. When the player is offline then players profile will be eliminated. New footage from the most recent gameplay tests are available below. Moreover, the developers of the game proved also embodied in a controversy regarding the grade of the physical content included with the exceptional edition of the game. Gaming platforms can do the exact same thing with exclusives. If you would like to hop in the action, but are unable to learn where to receive it on PC, you have to purchase it from Bethesda.net. fallout 76 take me home
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globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Enabling low code graph data apps with Amazon Neptune and Graphistry
One of the common challenges to unlocking the value of graph databases is building easy-to-use, customer-facing data tools that expose graph-powered insights in impactful and visual ways. Data engineers need to inspect data quality, data scientists need to perform discovery and inspect models, analysts need to investigate connections, and managers need insight into what’s going on. The ability for a project to make data easily accessible is often the difference between reaching many users in your organization vs. having little return on your project. However, all too often, creating these data applications isn’t easy, as trying to combine the required components together quickly turns into a slog. Recently, Graphistry released a new open-source tool, graph-app-kit, which aims to solve this problem by providing a low code way to create powerful data applications for your Amazon Neptune managed graph database. graph-app-kit pairs the simplicity of a Streamlit data app, with point-and-click visual analytics tools of the GPU-accelerated Graphistry platform, all backed by a robust and scalable graph database in Neptune. The combination enables you to investigate your graph while performing analytical operations, such as viewing key clusters, as shown in the following animation. The GPU acceleration provided by Graphistry means even large Neptune results can be visually analyzed in a web browser. In this post, we demonstrate how to use graph-app-kit to generate a full-stack dashboard, complete with GPU-backed graph analytics on top of Neptune. We cover the process of launching Neptune, configuring and launching graph-app-kit, and building your first dashboard, by only modifying a few lines of code. For our data, we build upon the identity graph used in the post Building a customer identity graph with Amazon Neptune to construct an interactive enterprise-ready data dashboard that can be made available to business users like security and fraud, sales and marketing, and supply chain and logistics. Overview of solution Before we dive into the details, let’s first take a moment to answer the question: What is graph-app-kit? graph-app-kit is an open-source software project that integrates best-of-breed tools in the Python data science ecosystem: Streamlit dashboarding with Jupyter notebook authoring Tabular and graph analytics packages, including the RAPIDS GPU ecosystem with cuDF, cuGraph, and Graphistry for GPU visual graph analytics Database adapters, such as for Neptune, for a robust and scalable graph database optimized for storing billions or relationships and querying them with millisecond latency The core of graph-app-kit is a Docker host used to run all these technologies. Docker provides standardized configuration, launching, and operation, resulting in a quick-to-deploy system. The architecture of a deployed graph-app-kit instance consists of five containers: The first of these containers is a reverse proxy server, using Caddy, which directs incoming requests to one of four backend containers. Two of these containers run Streamlit dashboards, one configured to serve public-facing dashboards and the other configured to serve private password-protected dashboards. The remaining two containers are part of the Graphistry platform. One of these containers runs the Graphistry platform, while the other runs a Jupyter server that is used to interact with both Graphistry. The following diagram shows the architecture of the launched graph-app-kit stack for Neptune. This post covers the latest version of graph-app-kit, but for any future changes and potential customizations, we suggest you refer to the graph-app-kit tutorials in the GitHub repo. To get started deploying this stack, we have provided AWS CloudFormation templates for both Neptune and graph-app-kit, which make it easy to launch and manage your stacks. When you create this stack, you will be responsible for AWS charges incurred. Launching Neptune (optional if using an existing cluster) The first step in our deployment is to create our Neptune cluster and load the identity dataset. This data, such as the device identifiers, browsers, cookies, and history of sites visited or mobile apps used, represents a unique identity for a collection of users. This data also contains known demographics about the user based on information provided through various account profiles. This data is highly connected and is similar to what you might find via web server logs or clickstream data, as shown below. To use a GPU, you must selection an AWS region with a GPU quota. If you already have a Neptune instance with identity data, you can skip ahead to the next step. Launch Neptune with the preloaded identity data from the identity graph tutorial. Choose the stack for your preferred Region: Region View Launch US East (Ohio) View US East (N. Virginia) View US West (Oregon) View EU (Ireland) View In the Capabilities section, select the two check-boxes that grant the stack permissions to create the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. Choose Create stack. The process of creating your stack may take up to 20 minutes to complete. When the process is complete, open the generated Identity-Graph-Sample stack’s Outputs It displays the values you need to configure graph-app-kit: VPC – ID vpc-abc PublicSubnet1 – ID subnet-abc DBClusterReadEndpoint – URL abc.cluster-ro-xyz.zzz.neptune.amazonaws.com To facilitate a fast bulk load of the sizable identity dataset, this CloudFormation script uses a Neptune cluster with an r5.12xlarge instance. After you complete this step, we recommend resizing the Neptune instance size to an r5.2xlarge to reduce the overall cost. You can view the Amazon Neptune costs on the pricing page. Launching graph-app-kit The CloudFormation template uses the Graphistry Core offering in the AWS Marketplace, which requires you accept its terms and conditions. After we launch Neptune, we’re ready to configure and launch graph-app-kit. Launch graph-app-kit for the Region where your Neptune cluster resides and you have GPU EC2 instances enabled: Region View Launch US East (Ohio) View US East (N. Virginia) View US West (Oregon) View EU (Ireland) View Fill in the launch settings using the output values you recorded earlier and select the instance size. Make sure that the VPC and subnet chosen are capable of connecting to the VPC of your Neptune cluster and that the subnet is the public subnet, so that you are able to access graph-app-kit from the internet. The least expensive self-managed GPU and Graphistry configuration for graph-app-kit is g4dn.xlarge (EC2 pricing information). To further lower costs by going CPU-only and with a free Graphistry Hub account, see Configuration 2: Minimal. Choose Create Stack to begin the stack creation. If your account isn’t configured for GPU capacity, you can launch a minimal CPU-only version of graph-app-kit with a subset of the components. Launching graph-app-kit may take up to 10 minutes to complete. To monitor the progress of the installation, SSH into the instance (user ubuntu) and run the following code: tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log -n 1000 When the stack creation is complete, the public IP address is available on the stack’s Outputs tab on the AWS CloudFormation console. With graph-app-kit deployed, the following features are now available: All public dashboards can be viewed at http://[the.public.ip.address]/public/dash Private dashboards are available after logging in at http://[the.public.ip.address]/private/dash You can access notebooks to live-edit dashboards at http://[the.public.ip.address]/notebook Administrator functions are located at http://[the.public.ip.address]/admin The default login credentials for protected pages are admin / i-theInstanceID and should be changed upon first login. Sample Gremlin dashboard graph-app-kit runs Python-based dashboards using Streamlit. Let’s take a look at one of the dashboards that comes out of the box with graph-app-kit. From the drop-down menu, choose Gremlin: Simple Sample. A view is shown with a layout consisting controls on the left that filter the data, in this case a slider for the number of edges to show, and a main content area that shows filtered data, in this case the Graphistry browser. Changing the filtering controls causes the dashboard to populate the Graphistry browser with data from the Neptune database. Creating a new dashboard One of the top use cases for a graph data app is enabling users to filter data by predefined attributes and visually explore the resulting graph. We’ve looked at a very simple dashboard with a single filter, but in many cases, you want to have multiple different criteria to refine your filter. Let’s see how we can extend that view to add additional filters to our dashboard. For this post, we copy and modify the existing view of our sample Gremlin database to add the ability to filter our results by state. The process of creating most new dashboards is easy to accomplish and involves the following steps: Clone the existing view, in this case the Gremlin sample. Register the new view in Streamlit. Add or modify any filtering UI controls. For this post, we add a drop-down menu to filter by state. Update the view’s query to incorporate the filter control values. Cloning the Gremlin sample view using Jupyter’s file browser To create our new view, named Blog Search Demo, we copy an existing Gremlin sample view. You can accomplish this by a variety of methods, but for this post, we use Jupyter, which is included as part of graph-app-kit. Go to http://[the.public.ip.address]/notebook/tree/notebooks/graph-app-kit/public/views/ , and log in. From the New drop-down folder, choose Folder. Choose the generated folder Untitled. Choose Rename. Enter blog_search_demo. Navigate to http://[the.public.ip.address]/notebook/tree/notebooks/graph-app-kit/public/views/demo_neptune_01_minimal_gremlin. Choose Duplicate and Duplicate selected. Select our newly duplicated file and choose Move. Move it to /notebooks/graph-app-kit/public/views/blog_search_demo. Go to your new folder blog_search_demo and select the copied file. Rename it to _init_py. Registering the new view in Streamlit Now that we have created a copy of this view, we need to register this view with Streamlit by giving it a name and unique application ID. The name property is the name of the dashboard in the UI, and app_id is used for the lexicographic sort order of dashboards on the dashboard drop-down menu. To change these properties for our new view, complete the following steps: Using Jupyter’s file browser, choose the file _init_.py to open it for editing. At the top of the file, make the following changes: For app_id, change app_neptune_01 to blog_search. For name, change GREMLIN: Simple Sample to Blog - Faceted search. Save the file. Go to http://[[the.public.ip.address]]/public/dash. From the drop-down menu, choose Blog – Faceted Search to refresh your browser to the new view. Adding the filter control Most graph-app-kit views are variants of the same flow: show filters, pass their settings to a query runner, then pass the query results to a main area results renderer. In our example, we need to add a new filter control to the sidebar_area() method and incorporate the new filter into our query, which we complete in the following sections. Our first step is to add a new filtering control to the sidebar by editing the sidebar_area() method. Out of the box, Streamlit comes with a variety of different filter controls such as sliders, drop-downs, and text boxes, which we can use to add additional filtering criteria to our application. For this post, we add a new drop-down menu containing the states to the UI by adding the st.sidebar.selectbox() call to our method. If we want the filter value to be part of the URL, such as for when sharing links, we can also copy the URL init and set pattern used in the next lines for the num_edges UI control. Finally, we expose the filter controls’ value by returning from sidebar_area() method. See the following code: def sidebar_area(): state = st.sidebar.selectbox( 'Find users from this state?', [ 'All States', 'Alabama', 'Alaska', … Additional States omitted for brevity... 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming' ]) num_edges_init = urlParams.get_field('num_matches', 10000) … Updating the Gremlin query to incorporate the filter With our new filter UI control in place, we update the query to utilize this new filter. First, we add the new filter setting state into the method signature for run_filters(). Next, we add an additional step to our Gremlin traversal to include the filtering criteria when it is set. The following code shows our updated method: def run_filters(num_edges, state): g, conn = gremlin_helper.connect_to_neptune() logger.info('Querying neptune') t = g.V().inE() if not state == "All States": t = t.has('visited', 'state', state) res = t.limit(num_edges).outV().path().by( __.valueMap().with_(WithOptions.tokens)).toList() nodes_df, edges_df = path_to_df(res) ... When we save the file and reload the browser, our users can now filter data by state and see the results. The following screenshot shows the interactive dashboard with custom state filter. Examining this visualization quickly reveals the top clusters in the filtered identity graph. Although not covered in this post, graph-app-kit also includes examples of how to integrate additional GPU-accelerated analytics projects common in the RAPIDS ecosystem, such as cuGraph and BlazingSQL. The dashboard examples show using GPU acceleration to make analytical and machine learning UIs interactive on larger data. Conclusion When you add up the blue lines of code, this was surprisingly little work. graph-app-kit took care of the plumbing, all the way through deployment, data pipeline, and the UI. Your team can focus on just repeating the short graph-app-kit process for your custom view. Being able to quickly share purpose-built tools means more of your users can finally leverage the power of graph analysis and drive insights from their business data. In this post, we showed you how to do the following: Launch a full graph dashboarding stack in your private cloud Create a new Streamlit view straight from Jupyter Add a new UI filter control Run a custom Gremlin graph query over your Neptune graph database Show the results with GPU-accelerated interactive graph visualization using Graphistry’s Python client As you bring graph data to more of your organization, join us in the Graphistry community chat and feel free to contribute your extensions! If you have any questions, comments, or other feedback, we’re always available through your Amazon account manager or via the Neptune Discussion Forums. About the Authors Leo Meyerovich is the founder and CEO of Graphistry Inc for 100X’ing investigations with GPU-accelerated visual graph analytics and workflow automation. His previous research in high-performance computing, security verification, and programming language design received awards including SIGPLAN 10 Year Test of Time and multiple best-paper awards.     Dave Bechberger is a Sr. Graph Architect with the Amazon Neptune team. He used his years of experience working with customers to build graph database-backed applications as inspiration to co-author “Graph Databases in Action” by Manning.     Taylor Riggan is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect focusing on graph databases at AWS. He works with customers of all sizes to help them learn and use purpose-built NoSQL databases via the creation of reference architectures, sample solutions, and delivering hands-on workshops.   https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/enabling-low-code-graph-data-apps-with-amazon-neptune-and-graphistry/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Your work was so illiquid there was little chance of getting market price. Kate said that she could never pick out successful founders, she could recognize VCs, both by the way they dressed and the way adults acted that people in the 1950s and 60s had been even more conformist than us. Depends what you mean by free. Nor did they work for big companies. It's not hard to express the quality we're looking for, that leads to other questions. Google did, but simply that they understood search so much better. And partly because in mid-century conformism, I can tell you it was no utopia. It's an interesting illustration of an element of the startup ecosystem that few except the participants ever see: investors trying to convince one another to invest in Airbnb.
Probably most ambitious people are starved for the sort of people who might have corrected them, they tended to be self-perpetuating. I came of age just as it was starting to break up. I can answer is why hardware is suddenly cool. You have to keep trying new things. Boston, it's even more true of every other city. The way you succeed in most businesses is to be undisciplined. All the deals he gets to invest in Airbnb. How much startups' ideas change. If you want to know whether you're the right sort of person to start a startup. By no coincidence it was in the chain bookstore in our local shopping mall.
I finally got being a good startup founder. Once some employer breaks ranks, everyone else has to, or they stop going well surprisingly fast. Those are interesting questions. They were what Shakespeare called rude mechanicals. Be relentlessly resourceful is definitely not the recipe for success. Depends what you mean by free. But he turned out to be worth keeping; the bulk of it has had no effect at all.
The Metaphysics is mostly a failed experiment. Just that all other things being equal, the more pressure there was to pay employees upstream of it.1 Whether or not computers were a precondition, they have certainly accelerated it. Indeed, almost pathologically so. People did start their own businesses of course, but educated people rarely did, because in those days there was practically zero concept of starting what we now call a startup: a business that starts small and grows big. In fact, for most people following the route David advocated. The market was pioneered by upstarts like Apple.2
Airbed team-Are you still in NYC?3 They were what Shakespeare called rude mechanicals.4 In the old days the only limit on the number of temptations around you. Can something people have spent thousands of years studying really be a waste of time?5 If your startup is connected to a specific industry, you may be better off in one of its centers. Link to an airbnb user This is after only a few months. A few ideas from it turned out to be is how little effect they have. Like all investors, we spend a lot of time trying to learn how to predict which startups will succeed. That's what makes theoretical knowledge prestigious. At this year's Boston Demo Day, I told the audience that this happened every year, so if everyone is mixed together randomly, as they tend to be early in people's lives, then the ambitious ones won't have many ambitious peers.
100,000 people worked there. I'm advocating won't be able to argue with you, instead of what he did. West Virginia didn't simply go back to the farm afterward.6 It does seem to me what philosophy should look like: quite general observations that would cause someone who understood them to do something differently. That word is not much used now, because the US economy was conscripted too. But what if your manager was hit by a bus? The test is probably whether it helps you to understand your users.7 You can see Fred's mind at work as he circles the deal.
If PR didn't work, but a big success or a funding round.
They may play some behind the rapacious one.
When I was insane—they could not process it. Compromising a server could cause such damage that photography has done, she doesn't like getting attention in the postwar period also helped preserve the wartime compression of wages—specifically by sharding it.
Letter to Oldenburg, quoted in Westfall, Richard and David Whitehouse, Mohammed, Charlemagne and the first thing they'd want; it would take their customers directly, but something feminists need to fix.
This is one of the living.
Parents move to suburbs to raise more money was to reboot them, if you agree prep schools is to start a startup to an investor in!
They therefore think what they are by ways that have bad ideas is to carry a beeper? Incidentally, the Patek Philippe 10 Day Tourbillon, is not merely a better story for an investor who says he's interested in you, what if they ultimately succeed.
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Happy Holidays from ARMENHYL GROUP LLC!
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builder051 · 7 years
Look at this photograph (Criminal Minds sickfic)
This is a repost from A03.  I also write Criminal Minds.  Here!  Look!
I’m not exactly 100% happy with how this came out, but people seem to really like it.  I know the title kind of sucks.
Contains migraines and vomiting, as well as mentions of violence (what do you expect? it’s criminal minds.)
When Spencer arrives at the BAU, he has the vague feeling that something’s off.  It has nothing to do with the packet of disturbing photos waiting on his desk.  Unfortunately, teenaged girls with bashed in faces aren’t too unusual in his line of work.  Spencer fills his coffee mug, adds sugar, and sits to peruse the file.  Hotch and Garcia will certainly fill in the details when the team moves to the conference room in a few minutes, but Spencer likes to try to deduce as much as he can first.
The pictures show three girls, all with long, stringy light brown hair, crumpled on the floor in various untidy rooms.  The background of the images looks like the low-pile carpet and dark paneled walls common in mobile homes.  These girls were probably the sweethearts of their trailer trash community.  Why would someone kill them?
Spencer takes another swig of coffee.  He can practically feel the warm liquid running into his stomach, and it’s less comforting than usual.  It feels sloshy, almost sickening.  The sensation of not-quite-rightness is back, and now it’s amplified.  Spencer wonders vaguely if he’s coming down with something, but he doesn’t feel ill.  He has a mild headache, but that’s normal considering the cloudy weather and his usual insomnia.  Conditions are rife for a migraine, but the usual vision-stealing aura doesn’t seem to be approaching.  Spencer’s stomach feels fine, but he has no appetite, apparently not even for coffee.  He doesn’t feel feverish, but he has a desire to curl in on himself and pull his wool sweater tightly around his body.  He doesn’t feel good.  Not in the sense that he necessarily feels sick.  Just that the needle on the meter of his physical well-being is stuck in neutral; it hasn’t ticked up into the green zone of good.
Spencer opens his top desk drawer and gazes down at the contents.  It’s a disorganized mass of small office supplies and random items.  A spare roll of tape sits partially on top of several large rubber bands and beside a miniature figurine of the Incredible Hulk.  Two bottles of Excedrin and a bottle of ibuprofen float in the mess, and Spencer briefly considers which he wants.  He’s not really in pain, but craves something to take away his discomfort.  Better over-the-counter than something else.
He chooses the Excedrin since it contains caffeine and he seems to be having trouble getting his fix in liquid form today.  Spencer dry swallows two pills, remembering and subsequently ignoring that he should probably take them with food.  He leaves the bottle out on the desk, upside-down, and looks back at the photos in the file.
Spencer’s suddenly filled with apathy.  He’s looked, made some deductions.  He’ll learn more in the briefing.  Given their track record, the team will probably catch the perp.  And none of it will bring back three dead girls.  Spencer folds his arms on top of the desk and lowers his head to rest on his hands.
He closes his eyes and flips through a series of mental photographs.  One of the younger murdered girls laying on a pink bedspread on the floor, a stack of toppled Nancy Drew hardcovers beside her.  Morgan leaning confidently against the driver side door of his new black BMW, arms crossed and mirrored sunglasses covering his smiling eyes.  The evergreen-colored pill bottle sitting cap down on Spencer’s dark wood desk, the expiration date showing that he had approximately three months to generate enough headaches to finish the bottle before it becomes ineffective.
“You ok, Spence?” a soft, slightly concerned voice says from over his right shoulder.  Spencer slowly sits upright to avoid dizziness.  Nonetheless, vertigo catches up by the time he swivels his chair to see the speaker.  It’s JJ, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Spencer says, rubbing the back of his hand across his forehead, which feels like it might bear an imprint of his sweater’s cable-knit cuff.  He pulls his eyes down from her face to the pale tan folders she holds against her chest.  Spencer closes the file on his desk and snatches it up, sending the Excedrin bottle tumbling in the process.
JJ tracks the green plastic as it rolls across the desk and bounces onto the floor.  Spencer quickly bends to retrieve it, and his sinuses throb as he tosses it back onto the desk surface.  “Headache?” JJ asks.
It’s hard to lie to JJ, even when she hasn’t seen the evidence.  Spencer mentally smooths out a half-truth before saying, “Yeah, just didn’t sleep that well.”  He did have a fractured night—real sleep from 11:30 to 3, then a series of nightmare-punctuated drowses until he finally just got up at 4:45 and flopped on the couch with the War and Peace audiobook.  He neglects to mention that he’s been through the same routine every night for the past 27 days.
“It’s tough when we can barely count on 12 hours at home before it’s time for another case,” JJ says as the two of them start across the bullpen to the conference room.  “Hopefully we’re going somewhere far away so you can nap on the jet…”
They’re not.  The murders occurred relatively nearby in Appalachian coal country, where the local population’s collectively ill with poverty, black lung disease, and water contamination.  It’s under an hour to fly to West Virginia, complete with takeoff and landing procedures.  The flight’s uncomfortable, but Spencer white-knuckles his way through it, hoping no one makes assumptions based on his pale face and aversion to the coffee machine.  Approaching weather creates turbulence and adds to the uneasiness in Spencer’s stomach.
Once they’ve landed and exited out to the cloudy runway strip, he sticks with JJ and slides into the backseat of one of the local police cruisers that’s waiting to drive the team into town.  He puts up barriers with his demeanor to ensure no one tries asking if he’s ok.  Not just because he’s annoyed and embarrassed, but because he still doesn’t really know.  He feels slightly better after leaving the jet, but the weather system is adding pressure to the headache and his stomach is stuck in the not-quite-nauseous state that follows eating too much birthday cake or chugging some revolting vegetable juice.  Like the body is saying I don’t need to actively reject it, but I just want to reinforce that I don’t like this.  So here, feel sick for a while and think about your actions.
He makes it through the day on a stream of I’m busy and have we looked into this angle yet?  Spencer hasn’t taken a second to think about himself, though he’s still sitting on the verge of unwell. When it’s time for dinner, he’s out of excuses.
The whole team knows he’s barely eaten all day, and there’s only one restaurant in town that’s not a fast-food joint.  Emily rounds up some borrowed umbrellas from the local PD, and the team proceeds to walk across the street for a shared meal.  Spencer’s so tired he’d rather go back to the hotel and try to sleep, but there’s no way he’ll get out of dinner without serious inquiries about his health.
Once in the diner, the six profilers are herded into an enormous round booth, which is touted as the best seat in the house.  Spencer tries to position himself on the end, but Morgan slides in beside him at the last minute.  Their server passes around menus and promises to return with water that no one plans on drinking.
Spencer scans the menu, not really taking in the list of homestyle, greasy fare.  The whole place has a slightly stale, oily scent.  He sets the laminated pamphlet on the sticky table surface.  His hands are trembling, so he can’t hold it steady.
It’s hot, especially with the booth’s close quarters.  Spencer feels his forehead, hands, and feet growing clammy, and suddenly he’s overwhelmingly nauseated.  He leans back in the booth and takes a deep breath, willing the feeling to pass.
Morgan looks up from his menu and glances at Spencer, who imagines all color has drained from his face.  “You ok?”  Morgan asks.
Spencer fully intends to respond that he’s fine, but when he opens his mouth, he feels like vomit might come with the words.  He stands and gestures for Morgan to get up and let him out of the booth.  “Just—sorry,” he chokes.
Spencer walks quickly but smoothly to the bathroom, trying not to jostle his stomach.  He pushes into the stall without bothering to lock the door and immediately retches over the toilet.  There’s nothing to bring up, but his body still contracts, intent on expelling something even if it’s just air and saliva.
The second heave is just as unproductive, but it leaves Spencer dizzy and off-balance.  His knees give out, and he grips the wobbly toilet seat and sinks down onto the unclean floor.  Spencer feels like his eyes are rolling up in his head as he retches a third time and finally vomits.  It’s barely a tablespoon of bile, so sour it makes his eyes water and leaves him coughing.
“Reid?”  A voice says his name, and the sound is muddled with footsteps, the creak of the stall door, and Spencer’s own ragged breathing.  There’s a hand on his shoulder, light and comforting. Feels like Morgan.
“Alright, it’s ok,” Morgan soothes as Spencer hacks.  Strings of mucous hang into the toilet.  A final dry heave works its way up from Spencer’s contracting abdomen, and he grunts from the pain and bitter saliva.
“It’s alright,” Morgan intones again, sweeping his hand between Spencer’s shoulder blades.  Spencer shudders and coughs, then tries to spit out as much of the bitter taste as he can.  His eyes and nose are dripping, and his entire body feels damp and dirty.  Contaminated.  Like he’s sweating out toxins that are collecting on his skin.
“Ok,” Morgan says calmly, still gently rubbing Spencer’s back.  They sit there, Spencer still hanging over the toilet, for a silent moment.  Then Morgan asks.  “Think you’re done?”
Spencer hopes he is.  The imminent nausea has passed, but he still has an aching stomach, raw throat, and dizzy head.  “Yeah,” he croaks, pushing up on his arms and lifting his head and chest from the toilet seat.  Spencer turns his body and leans against the stall wall, slouching so his head doesn’t come into contact with the toilet paper dispenser.
“Ok, good,” Morgan says.  He reaches up and flushes the toilet, though it still looks clean.  He leans against the stall wall opposite Spencer, their legs awkwardly crunched and touching knee-to-knee in the small space.
Another minute of quiet passes, then Morgan invites conversation.  “Talk to me, pretty boy,” he says.  “What’s going on with you?”
Spencer takes a deep breath.  “I, uh,” he starts, throat still raw and sore.  “I don’t know.  I was fine.  Then just got really nauseated…”
“Yeah, got that part,” Morgan says, still calm, but with a hint of impatient sarcasm.  “But you’ve been off your game since this morning.  Tell me, for real, what’s up with you today?  You think you’re sick?”
Spencer shakes his head and looks down at his knees, avoiding Morgan’s gaze.
“Do you have a migraine?”  Morgan asks, offering another explanation for Spencer to grasp.
It would be easy to just nod an affirmative, but Spencer lacks the motivation even to do that.  He shrugs
“Kid,” Morgan warns.  It’s clear his subtext says don’t lie to me.
“I have a—a headache,” he says, pausing to swallow.  “Not that bad.  Not light-sensitive.  At least not yet.” Spencer tries to explain, closing his eyes and massaging his forehead.
“Is it making your stomach sick?”  Morgan presses.
“No,” Spencer sighs.  Then, “I don’t know.”  He can’t even begin to explain what he’s feeling.  He can’t even begin to understand it.
“Ok,” Morgan says.  “Have you eaten today?”
Spencer swallows hard again and still doesn’t make eye contact when he slowly shakes his head.  “Not hungry.”
“Yeah, I know.”  Morgan places a hand on Spencer’s knee.  “But you’re probably nauseous because you’re empty.  You’re just completely out of energy, and your body’s freaking out.”
Spencer vaguely nods.  He knows this.  The unsettledness is returning, but not in an urgent way.  It’s just annoying.  And exacerbated by the growing feeling of stupidity Morgan’s questions are bringing on.
“You’re probably dehydrated,” Morgan continues.  “D’you want—”
Spencer interrupts him with a hoarsely muttered, “Can you stop?”  Spencer’s on the verge of tears, and he isn’t completely sure why.
“What?  Yeah, kid.  Sorry,” Morgan backtracks, getting his voice back to pure comforting calm.  “You didn’t do anything wrong.  I’m just worried about you.  We all are.”
Spencer exhales and presses fingers to the corners of his eyes.  “I know,” he whispers.  “I just…I feel all…” He tries to find a word for the turbulence of physical and mental sensations swirling inside him, but all he can come up with is profanity.  “…fucked up,” Spencer says.  “And I don’t know why.”
“It’s alright,” Morgan reassures.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You don’t have to now,” Morgan says.  “You don’t have to talk to me.  But eventually Hotch has to know.”
All Spencer can do is sigh.  “Yeah.”
Morgan gives him another minute, then asks, “You ready to get up?”
“I don’t want to go back out.”
“You have to, eventually,” Morgan says.  “You’ll probably feel a lot better once you drink some water, have something to eat…”
“But I don’t—” Spencer has a hard time getting the words out.  “I don’t want to talk to anyone.”  He feels like shit, and he’s mortified about it.  The other profilers are probably just worried and eager to help, but to Spencer, it’s overwhelming.
Morgan pats Spencer’s knee again.  “How about I go back out first.  I can tell them you’re not feeling so good, and you want to be left alone,” he offers.
Spencer thinks for a moment, and silently nods.
“Ok, good,” Morgan affirms, starting to his feet.  He holds out a hand to Spencer, who accepts it and shakily finds his way upright.  He’s trembling all over, and he pauses to make sure the vertigo at the edges of his vision will stay at bay.
Spencer exits the stall and shuffles to the sink, where he turns on the water but doesn’t make a move to wash.  Instead he braces both arms on the porcelain and glances at his reflection in the spotted mirror.  He’s pale to the point of ghostliness, and his hair clings to his forehead with clammy sweat.  The armpits of his oxford are also soaked through.  He thinks about buttoning his cardigan to cover the damp stains, but it seems like far too much effort.
Morgan offers a paper towel, which Spencer takes, partially wadding it up so he can hold it and brace on the sink at the same time.  “You alright?”  Morgan checks in.
“Yeah…” Spencer says spacily, looking down at the running water between his hands.  He knows he probably looks ready to pass out.
“You’ll be ok by yourself?”
“Yeah.”  Spencer forces his voice to come out more confidently.
“Ok.  If you’re not out in 5 minutes, I’m coming back for you,” Morgan says as he opens the bathroom door and steps outside.
Spencer slowly releases the sink with one hand and dips it in the stream of icy tap water.  He knows he shouldn’t drink it, what with all the mining contamination, but he should be safe to wash up.  Cool down.
He actually can’t really tell if he’s hot or cold.  The sensation playing over his skin isn’t the heat that comes with nausea or the chill that comes with fever.  It’s more like the prickling of a thousand tiny cockroach feet.
Spencer splashes his face, catching his hair as he bends over the sink.  Then he pats his skin with the rough paper towel.  Vertigo almost overwhelms him when he takes his second hand away from the porcelain handhold, but he inhales the slightly woody scent of the paper towel and forces himself to remain upright.
Besides removing some residual bile from around his mouth, the hasty wash job does nothing to make Spencer feel better.  He still feels filthy, like a greasy, germy teenager.  He takes a deep breath, swallows foul-tasting mucousy saliva, and slips out of the bathroom.
Once the dinner bill is paid, the team exits the restaurant and opens umbrellas against the drizzle.  The general intent is to walk back to the Police Station and get in a few more hours work, but Spencer knows he can’t join in.  He wants nothing more than to sleep (or at least try to sleep) so he won’t have to feel so awkwardly unwell for a while.
He doesn’t get a chance to speak up, though.  Hotch claps a hand on his shoulder and says, “You need to go to the hotel and rest.”
Spencer doesn’t reply.  Hotch continues, “I’ll walk with you.”  Then, to the rest of the team, “Don’t wait for me.  Get as much done as you can.”
They split up, Hotch and Spencer heading down the block to the Holiday Inn while everyone else crosses the street.  Spencer feels the toast Morgan forced him to eat sitting heavily in his stomach.  There’s no way he’ll get out of talking.  He tries to remind himself that it’s not that bad.  Telling the truth is not hard.  It’s just the lingering feeling of stupidity that bothers him as he struggles to explain what and why he’s feeling.
Once in the hotel, they ride the elevator up to Spencer’s room.  Spencer fumbles the key card into the door slot, then steps over the threshold and sinks down on the end of the bed.  Hotch pulls the chair over from the desk in the corner and sits opposite.
“Reid,” Hotch says.
Spencer doesn’t make eye contact.
“I know you’re not feeling well.  And you don’t like getting attention like this,” Hotch continues.  “But I need to know what’s going on with you.  Not because I don’t think you can take care of yourself, but we have three dead girls and a killer on the loose.  The team can’t work at its best if you’re not honest with me.  And we need the team working at its best right now.”
Spencer sighs and finally raises his head.  He feels like crying.  His sinuses are heavy and there’s immense pressure behind his eyes and in his forehead.
“I just…” Spencer starts, “I just feel bad.  My head hurts and I keep getting nauseous.  My whole body is just…uncomfortable,” he tries to explain.  “It’s not—I don’t think I have a fever or anything.”
“I know you haven’t been eating,” Hotch says.  “Sleeping?”
Spencer shrugs.  “Sometimes.  Have a hard time most nights.”
“You’ve been having migraines.”  It’s not a question.
Spencer tightly closes his eyes and presses the bridge of his nose between his fingers.  “Yeah, but…” he whispers.  “I mean, I’m not…I don’t really know.  If this is aura, it’s different from how it’s been before.”  He takes a deep breath and grasps for any semblance of composure.
Hotch’s hand comes down on Spencer’s knee.  “I have to ask.  Have you taken anything?”
He knows his supervisor means hard drugs, but Spencer can still barely whisper, “Excedrin.”
“Did it help?”
“No.”  The word hardly escapes Spencer’s lips when the dam breaks.  His eyes are wet behind his fingers and his breath is caught up in a painful sob.
“It’s alright,” Hotch soothes.  He increases the pressure on Spencer’s knee.
Spencer sobs again.  He feels his heart beating fast and hard, and his head throbs in time with it.  Vertigo assaults him, and Spencer leans forward to rest elbows on knees and head in hands. Hotch’s comforting touch jumps up to Spencer’s shoulder.
Spencer takes a deep inhale and wills the dizziness down, but it turns to nausea anyway.  He focuses on his feet, not quite toe-to-toe with Hotch and tries to tell himself he’s fine.  The next sob brings on an excess of bitter saliva, and Spencer swallows thickly.
“Reid?” Hotch questions, fatherly instincts kicking in.
“I—” he swallows again.  “’M sorry, I think I’m gonna throw up.”  Spencer struggles upright, almost tripping over Hotch and unsure of what to do with his arms.
“Ok, yep,” Hotch intones as he stands and hovers at Spencer’s shoulder as the younger man moves to the bathroom.
Spencer bends over the toilet and sobs until a gag cuts him off.  Half a slice of undigested toast and a few sips of water don’t take long to expel, but time feels suspended, and both retches and sobs taste bad and make his stomach muscles hurt.  He’s so dizzy he’s half afraid he’ll fall forward and drown in the toilet water.
Spencer isn’t sure how much time has elapsed when his stomach finally stops spasaming and he feels comfortable moving away from the toilet.  He uses the edge of the counter to pull himself upright and drag himself over to the sink.  Spencer rinses his mouth with the probably-not-safe-to-drink water and buries his face in a hand towel.
He’s shaking horribly.  Everything, from his fingers to his lips feel clumsy and freezing.  The only thing he wants is to lie down so maybe his surroundings will move from painful back into ordinary. Spencer drops the towel onto the counter and slowly steps back toward the bedroom.
He gets as far as the door when his legs give out.  So does his vision, and he has no idea where he is for a moment.  Then an arm catches him around the chest and the world does a dizzying swoop as everything rights itself.
And finally, finally the skull-splitting pain hits.  It’s almost a relief.
“Hey, ok, take it easy,” Hotch says.  “Reid, you with me?”  He gets his arm solidly around Spencer’s shoulders.
Spencer swallows and tries to respond.  His throat is raw and full of snot, his very brain is being sawed in half, and his “yeah,” comes out as a hoarse croak.  He coughs and shifts his feet so he’s steadier.  “oh, god.”
“Alright, the bed’s right here.”  Hotch supports Spencer the five or so feet, and Spencer immediately sits and curls onto his side on top of the quilt.  Tears are leaking from his eyes again, and every part of him is trembling.
Hotch’s phone rings.  The ringtone indicates it’s one of the BAU team members.  Hotch answers, and Spencer covers his face with his hand and feels guilty all over again.  Someone’s probably found something, actions probably need to be taken.  The team leader should be there at the police station, not here putting Spencer to bed.
“Hi, JJ,” Hotch says.  Spencer can hear JJ’s voice on the other end of the line, but it’s too soft to understand the words.
“He’s uh…” Hotch sighs.  “He’s not good right now.”  She must have asked how Spencer is doing.  Another wave of guilt slams into him, worsening his headache.  Now he’s distracting JJ too.
“He’s upset.  He got sick and almost passed out,” Hotch says.  Spencer doesn’t want to hear it, and he wonders why Hotch doesn’t leave the room.  Either he’s afraid to take his eyes of Spencer, or he wants him to hear what he’s saying.
“Yeah, I think maybe the pain finally hit.  He’s very dehydrated, and that’s what’s worrying me.  And we don’t have any drinkable water here.”
There’s a long pause as JJ’s voice sounds again.  Then Hotch says, “Ok, let me see if he’s up to it.”  He holds the phone to his chest and crouches beside Spencer.  “JJ wants to talk to you.  Is that ok?  Do you want to talk to her?”
Spencer’s first thought is no, he does not want to talk to JJ.  She’s probably his closest friend, and she’ll do everything in her power to make him feel better.  But Spencer’s not weak, he does not need help.  Especially for something ridiculous like anxiety and a headache.  But in his state of severe discomfort, all Spencer can do is nod and reach up for the phone as tears flood his eyes.
Spencer takes a shaky breath.
“Spence?” JJ asks gently.  “Hey.”
“Hi,” Spencer whispers.
“You really don’t feel good, huh?”
It’s one of those questions where yes and no mean the same thing.  “Eh,” Spencer replies, trying not to sob into the phone.
“Is it your head?”
“Yeah.”  He’d gladly go to a guillotine for relief.
“And your stomach?”
“Yeah, I don’t know.  ‘s just everything.  Hurts.  Doesn’t feel right.”
“Oh, Spence.  Can I come see you?  Maybe get you something to drink so we can get you feeling better?”
“But…the case?” Spencer asks.
“The internet is so slow it’ll probably take another hour or two for anything to turn up.  We’ve got Garcia on it back in Quantico.  It’s a miracle this call hasn’t broken up yet.”  She pauses for a second.  “Is it ok if I come see you?  We’re probably gonna call it a night here.”
Emotion crashes through him again as Spencer tightens his grip on the phone.  “Yes.  Please, JJ.  Yeah.”
“Ok.  I’ll be there soon.  I’ll be right there.”  She hangs up, and Spencer slowly moves the device away from his ear and returns it to Hotch.
Spencer stays curled on his side on the bed.  Hotch removes Spencer’s shoes for him and offers to help him into a more comfortable position, but Spencer declines.  He must have drifted into a light sleep, because all of a sudden someone’s saying his name and pushing his hair off his forehead.
“Spence.”  It’s JJ.
Spencer doesn’t open his eyes, but he doesn’t think he’ll be able to see even if he does.  Bright silver-white shimmers poke at his left eye, making it water with more than just impending tears. Aura’s supposed to come first.  He’s so off track he can’t even have a migraine properly.
Before he can form another coherent thought, he’s sitting up, his head swimming, and pressing his face into her stomach.
“Hey, Spence,” JJ whispers.  “Alright.”  She wraps her arms around his head and shoulders, pressing him to her.
Every single thing that’s ever been right or wrong or harrowing or painful seems to flash behind Spencer’s eyelids as he leans into the embrace.  His confused non-childhood, his mother’s illness, leftover PTSD and quirks from months on dilaudid, the inability to relate to other people, the debilitating headaches with no apparent cause…all of it falls in big, salty tears.
When Spencer wakes next, it’s still dark.  No light filters through the hotel room’s cheap curtains.  Spencer’s grateful; he’s positive any errant sunshine would send him heaving over the edge of the bed.  The pain’s settled in his right temple, and if it weren’t so damn incapacitating, he’d be relieved.
Spencer struggles to remember exactly what happened after JJ came into the room.  Everything in the past 24 hours seems like a painful blur, but that length of time’s especially blank.  There were comforts and kind words, Spencer thinks, then water and Gatorade and vomit.  Or maybe he’d been sick before she arrived.  It hardly matters now.
The mattress dips a millimeter, and Spencer rides the resulting wave of queasy agony.  JJ’s still here, he realizes, lying behind him, fully clothed, on top of the slick hotel comforter.
“You ok?” she asks sleepily.
“Hm,” Spencer affirms.  “Ok.”
“Feel better?”
Spencer’s torn.  Physically, it’s about the same as it was last night when the puzzle pieces realigned themselves into garden-variety migraine territory.  Which is to say his head feels like it’s going to fall off, his stomach’s in knots, and his eyesight’s completely shot.  But in terms of knowing what he’s up against, the reprieve is almost magical.  A day or two of hellacious headaches is manageable, it’s the devil he knows rather than the void of anxiety and depression and drug cravings that he wishes he doesn’t.
“I’ll be ok,” he whispers.
“How about right now?”  JJ doesn’t miss a beat, even when she’s half asleep.
Spencer doesn’t answer.  JJ fills in the blank.  “Still not so good?”
She’s up on her feet before Spencer can protest, bringing Excedrin and Gatorade.
“You don’t have to stay.  You should rest,” Spencer whispers after he’s painfully hauled himself upright so he can swallow the pills.
“I have Henry.  I’m used to being up at all hours,” JJ replies with a wan smile.  “Besides, someone’s gotta look out for you when you’ve got a headache.  Remind you to take fluids.  Otherwise you’re no use to the team.”
The eye contact she initiates says so much more than the sentence.  When you’ve got a headache may as well have been when you cry about your mom or crave long-gone drugs or claw through depression or need to mourn three dead girls.  Someone’s gotta remind you to take care of yourself.
“I don’t mean that you can’t do it on your own.”  JJ echoes Hotch’s words from earlier in the evening.
“Yeah,” Spencer sighs.  He realizes with a sudden onset of exhaustion that it’s not bothering him much anymore.  He has done a shit job of getting himself through any of it.  Maybe it is that dose of human contact he struggles so much with that actually makes all the difference.  “I, uh, I really appreciate it.”
“I’d do it for anyone I care about,” JJ murmurs.  She rescues the Gatorade from Spencer’s softening grip.  “I don’t know what I did before you joined up,” she continues in a whisper.  “You’re like my brother now.”
As Spencer drifts asleep again, he turns through pages of mental photographs again.  Bumper-to-bumper Los Vegas traffic.  Lonely country roads.  Three dead girls who deserve justice.  Hotchbending to unlace Spencer’s shoes.  JJ lining up bottles of water along the edge of the bedside table.
He knows what’s important.
And he thinks he might just feel a little better.
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Introduction The growth and explosion of the internet has led to a global market place. Companies can sell products all over the world and never have to leave the bounds of their physically secure location. With this move to a global economy we see an increase in security threats to organizations, individuals and agencies. All these models must have an information system to process, store, and retrieve information for their internal stakeholders, customers, and external users. Information systems have inherent risks and vulnerabilities to attacks from internal users, external customers, hackers and criminals. Organizations must have a robust security program in place to meet these attacks and be proactive in their security stance. Your group has the responsibility of creating a robust security policy that covers all the needs of the organization. The security policy identifies administrative, physical, and technical controls that must be in place to identify security risks and develop mitigation strategies to minimize the effects of these risks. You will evaluate the IT infrastructure of Solomon Enterprises and its global business model. Organizational structure Solomon Enterprises employees 500 people in five different locations throughout the domestic United States. Solomon Enterprises generates $200 million in annual revenue through its business model so they would be a huge target for hackers or criminals. Their business products can be purchased through an online web site. They have one central database/data center located in West Virginia and regional offices in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Montana, and Missouri. Customers, clients, and users have access via the Internet throughout the world. The company has a disaster recovery site located in Billings, Montana. Solomon Enterprises users can work remotely or within one of the regional offices. They have a VPN connection that ensures that their connection is encrypted. The central data center has a firewall and each regional office has a firewall to monitor traffic and keep unauthorized access from the facility. They have company issues devices located within the office and laptops that can be taken for remote access. All these devices are running Windows XP and their server is running Windows 2003. Objective The goal of your group is to develop a plan that evaluates the current security posture of the organization of the company and what controls need to be put into place to safeguard their information. You only have the brief synopsis for guidance so if something is not identified either it is not being done or they do not have enough information to provide you. Use your text as the key source when determining what security controls need to be in place for your company. Ensure that you cover each component that we have discussed within our class room videos in order to increase the security posture of your organization. Deliverables 2-page written paper. 2 scholarly sources in addition to your text. The entire paper must be properly APA formatted with an APA running header, all references properly formatted, and cited within your writing. The entire paper will be double spaced in Times New Roman.
Introduction The growth and explosion of the internet has led to a global market place. Companies can sell products all over the world and never have to leave the bounds of their physically secure location. With this move to a global economy we see an increase in security threats to organizations, individuals and agencies. All these models must have an information system to process, store, and retrieve information for their internal stakeholders, customers, and external users. Information systems have inherent risks and vulnerabilities to attacks from internal users, external customers, hackers and criminals. Organizations must have a robust security program in place to meet these attacks and be proactive in their security stance. Your group has the responsibility of creating a robust security policy that covers all the needs of the organization. The security policy identifies administrative, physical, and technical controls that must be in place to identify security risks and develop mitigation strategies to minimize the effects of these risks. You will evaluate the IT infrastructure of Solomon Enterprises and its global business model. Organizational structure Solomon Enterprises employees 500 people in five different locations throughout the domestic United States. Solomon Enterprises generates $200 million in annual revenue through its business model so they would be a huge target for hackers or criminals. Their business products can be purchased through an online web site. They have one central database/data center located in West Virginia and regional offices in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Montana, and Missouri. Customers, clients, and users have access via the Internet throughout the world. The company has a disaster recovery site located in Billings, Montana. Solomon Enterprises users can work remotely or within one of the regional offices. They have a VPN connection that ensures that their connection is encrypted. The central data center has a firewall and each regional office has a firewall to monitor traffic and keep unauthorized access from the facility. They have company issues devices located within the office and laptops that can be taken for remote access. All these devices are running Windows XP and their server is running Windows 2003. Objective The goal of your group is to develop a plan that evaluates the current security posture of the organization of the company and what controls need to be put into place to safeguard their information. You only have the brief synopsis for guidance so if something is not identified either it is not being done or they do not have enough information to provide you. Use your text as the key source when determining what security controls need to be in place for your company. Ensure that you cover each component that we have discussed within our class room videos in order to increase the security posture of your organization. Deliverables 2-page written paper. 2 scholarly sources in addition to your text. The entire paper must be properly APA formatted with an APA running header, all references properly formatted, and cited within your writing. The entire paper will be double spaced in Times New Roman.
The growth and explosion of the internet has led to a global market place.  Companies can sell products all over the world and never have to leave the bounds of their physically secure location.  With this move to a global economy we see an increase in security threats to organizations, individuals and agencies.  All these models must have an information system to process, store, and…
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