#When I play canon they end up being weirdos
hakkouname · 1 year
//My Hinata is especially peculiar. She's straight up weird. Not even sorry.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Okay, no previous thoughts on this, it just occurred to me. (Slick Sunday ask!!!)
This is A canon divergence, a pretty big one, if I do say so myself.
Normal Omegaverse world, with The Party having all the common designations (Argyle, Eddie and Nancy being Alphas, Jon and Robin being omegas, Chrissy I'm still undecided, the pups still un-presented)
And there's Steve.
Everyone thinks he's a beta bc he doesn't really smell like a lot? And bc he's pretty much past the age range anyone would usually present, so.
The thing is.
Steve is not a Beta.
Or an Omega.
Or an Alpha.
He's not even a Human.
He's a human-eating monster who happened to develop feelings for some of his food (Namely, Nancy. And then the pups, and then he met Robin and.... He might have some really weird feelings for Eddie, actually).
So now he tries to fumble a bit in the whole being human thing, bc at first it was Easy™, he had no real friends, no family, just a persona to maintain while in town after eating some rich dude and forging his will so he could exist in Hawkins.
Anyways. Steve knows he's not the only fucked up thing in town, in fact, after becoming attached to Nancy and seeing the amount of grief the upside down causes her, he pretty much goes and starts a new diet based entirely of demo-creatures, as Steve can technically eat /anything/ it was just that humans were easy to come by.
When El seems to pop out of nowhere, Steve tries to avoid her with all his might, but eventually she finds him and they have a Talk™ about whether or not he's a danger to her friends.
All the upsidedown plots end up sidetracked not only by hormones, but the local monster dealing with it better than a bunch of humans can.
Still, the only reason they haven't caught on at all is mostly bc they think Steve is a weirdo. But like, psychologically insane, instead of biologically different from them.
The first time they realize is when Steve finally realizes what the dynamic is and, even though it's a bit late, fakes a first heat, he doesn't manage to get the Scent right and they're all immediately onto it.
So he ends up confessing he just wanted to be an Omega bc he really likes Eddie, and discovered that way he could totally be his partner and everyone is kinda endeared.
Eddie is going insane about the fact that the party wants to skip over the fact Steve is a literal monster who's been eating upsidedown creatures for years, but after a bit of processing accepts letting Steve try to court him, even if that's nowhere near Eddie thought his life was going, but he DOES like Steve a lot, might be kinda in love with him, actually.
So anyways, they live happily ever after even if people judge the fact that they're a Male alpha/ male "beta" couple bc they can't have children (they totally can though, it's just that no one has asked Steve yet, when Eddie finds out about this he immediately asks if they can have at least one, Steve is happy with that development).
steve doing his best to play omega so he can be with eddie 🥺
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tomezatos · 2 years
so like basically in the REIGEN manga tome tries so desperately to throw herself into the center of this literal Superhuman world she sees and play the role of the eager young protagonist and its so endearing but in the end reigen has to come clean and she can’t keep using the spiritual premise as a crutch. not because she was wrong to have her whimsical interests, but because the fantasy of specialness can often be an escape from the isolation a person feels due to being unable to live up to societal ideals of normalcy, and yet in the end the fantasy can itself end up feeding directly into the isolation by obscuring your view of the other people in your life. you cannot prioritize the idea of being unique or special alone and that is the reason that the power structures in the story (as represented by roshuuto in REIGEN) so frequently fail short; because actually EVERYONE is a Pathetic Freak Weirdo Nerd Loser, from the handsome, popular rich boy, to the pretentious Dark!Reigen foil who takes himself too seriously, to all of the mundane teenage girls who the audience is initially tricked into dismissing as shallow, but also by the same token EVERYONE deserves to be loved and feel supported. 
because actually bonds with other people are the most important thing, and centrally this is also why REIGEN relies so heavily on bonds with others as something to create horror. the evil spirit mimics the voices of the ones you love and lures you in and when you’re at your most lost and scared and in need, that’s when you turn around and the face of the person you trust betrays you. tome only contracts the fatal curse in the first place because she cared about reigen and went back to make amends with him. because that’s the most horrifying, most terrifying thing, the thing that renders you absolutely helpless, isn’t it? it’s letting yourself rely on others and trust them to the point that it leaves you vulnerable, isn’t it? but you have to do it, if you want to achieve true connection then you can’t continue keeping up a veneer of Specialness and posturing as someone you’re not no matter how afraid you are of being seen as your true self. that’s the idea that really connects tome and reigen above all else. you have to be who you really are and you have to trust that you’ll be loved for it. and that’s horrifying! that’s an unimaginable, Forbidden terror! but it’s necessary. 
and also I think it’s so clever how REIGEN conveys this by only bringing in shigeo kageyama, the protagonist and most recognizable character who the reader has so many preconceived notions of, in at the last moment as a terrifying ghost who is impersonating him. I mean also it’s partially because shigeo can easily be made to look scary lol, because let’s be real, he can be pretty goddamn scary /hj BUT MOSTLY it’s to have him in his uniform, in his most recognizable and iconic form that the reader will cling to, and then have it be blown away by the post-canon shigeo, the real shigeo, the shigeo who has grown and changed and is no longer stuck in the role he once was. because to be vulnerable with others you have to grow and change and do away with old pretenses and dynamics that you’ve become dependent on. it can be scary to stop playing roles after you’ve grown use to them for so long, but you don’t need them - your most honest self will be the most loved. and also I love how just like tome could tell that it was the real reigen bcause he immediately ran into a spiderweb and yelled, you can tell that it’s the real shigeo because he’s immediately rude as fuck and he and reigen literally instantly go into their mean pithy little affectionate banter lol ok sorry anyway.
and also because you cannot really be any more or less special than anyone else and you need bonds with others, it’s true both that you have to rely on other people, but also that you owe it to them to be kind. reigen is literally a normal person working in the spirit business, so he has to rely on other people with the necessary abilities, such as dimple the spirit and serizawa the psychic, yes, but he also does his part to take care of the people who matter to him. roshuuto is so focused on appearances and power - as shown by how he goes on and on about connections - but when it comes down to it, he was not willing to save others (leaving hoshido in Reliance), and so nobody bothered trying to save him in turn. he only abandoned, and was abandoned. this is shown most acutely in the end by how roshuuto “has no other option” but to pass his curse on to someone else to save himself, while reigen “has no other option” to take on a curse to save someone else. reigen and serizawa accepting their responsibility as adults to protect the children around them is an extension of the idea that you are equal to everyone and are obligated to be kind to your loved ones and recieve kindness in turn. anyway mutual trust and communication is all that matters and tome kurata is The protagonist of all time Sorry,
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lastoneout · 10 months
Finally saw the SBS where Oda confirms what jobs the Straw Hats would have if they lived in the real world and I cannot take this seriously. Like is he aware that most of these character's jobs are things people do in the real world?? Archeologist, meteorologist/cartographer, doctor, chef, rock star, these are real jobs. Why wouldn't they have the same jobs?? Truly baffling on every level. I refuse to accept any of these as canon.
Anyway here's my objectively correct take:
Luffy: Urban explorer. He posts stuff online but it's all really sporadic and not polished at all. Despite that he still has a moderate yet dedicated following. Not that he cares about having a following. Has broken so many laws it's ridiculous but always manages to get away. Probably lives out of a van, but despite this he does not have a driver's license. Makes money in underground fighting tournaments, but it's not about the money. Spends his free time hanging out with his friends.
Nami: Meterologist and cartographer, like she has a degree, but her "job" is being a storm chaser who has a massive tiktok + youtube following. Zeus is her assistant. The rest of the Straw Hats feature in her videos or tag along sometimes. Probably also takes sponsorships but she does vet them pretty well, and gives a lot of money to charity. Works with her family on their tangerine farm in her off time.
Zoro: Master swordsman that hangs out at his old sensei's dojo giving weird advice to the noobs, but has a "side gig" as a vigilante bcs he gets into fights with creeps at the bars he hangs out at. Luffy, Nami, and the rest of their friends are often present for these asskicking sessions, though it's mostly Luffy. Sleeps in his free time, usually in the back of or on top of Luffy's van. No one knows where he lives or if he even has an apartment in the first place. Tags along when Luffy goes exploring bcs Luffy has no idea how to be safe and someone has to make sure he doesn't end up dead on the floor of some abandoned building or stranded at the top of a cellphone tower.
Sanji: Owns a food truck ever since Zeff fired him. Probably still parks near the Baratie most days(and gets into shouting matches with Zeff when he notices), but he travels around the city. He wants to open his own restaurant but it's slow going bcs he doesnt make anywhere near as much money as he could since he keeps giving free food to pretty ladies and people who are down on their luck. Still, he always manages to scrape by. Typical yelp review says the atmosphere is shit but the food is phenomenal. Doesn't have a lot of free time but spends what he does with his friends. Terminally bitchless.
Usopp: Mad scientist who spends a third of his time building wild shit in his garage, a third working in his garden, and the rest as a playing competitive Fortnite and Overwatch. Has a small but VERY dedicated twitch following. Also he def posts bs on reddit and no one can tell if he's lying or not bcs he really is just that out there.
Chopper: Med student. Doesn't get taken as seriously as he deserves but his teachers love him. He also spends a large portion of his time patching up his friends. And he's a furry. Also I could see him having a small blog where he reviews theme parks. Spends the rest of his time hanging out with his friends.
Robin: Professional archeologist and historian. Could be tenured but she's too much of a wild card for that. Def has a criminal past but doesn't talk about it that often. Absolutely can kill a person in like 10 different ways. No one has any idea why she hangs out with a bunch of weirdos but she seems happy so w/e. Follows SO many pet blogs and tags along with Chopper when he hits the parks. Also does yoga.
Franky: Automotive mechanic who specializes in absolutely absurd modifications. Like flamethrowers and shit. Probably wants to build some sort of car mecha but no one can tell if he's serious or not. Has been banned from most places of buisness bcs he refuses to wear pants. Can be found hanging around Sanji's food truck or with Luffy and his van, constantly begs them to let him do wild shit to both. Sanji says no. Luffy says yes.
Brooke: Lead of a popular local band. They sell out concerts and he has a respectable YouTube channel where he posts covers and original stuff(though he's old and the others have to help him with computer stuff). Is hardly ever seen without his massive dog Laboon, who also is the band's mascot.
Jimbe: Bro he's retired(used to be a union leader and an activist) and spends most of his time ferrying Luffy around in his van. Also helps Nami out and has def saved her life a few times. Her audience adores him, which he gets a kick out of, but he doesn't have any social media of his own. A bit of an adrenaline junkie but it comes and goes. Surfs and does martial arts in his free time, but his priority is to enjoy life and have fun with his friends.
Disagree if you want but you AND Oda can meet me on the pit about it <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
Percy having overt supernatural traits is stupid and overdone and dosen't make nearly as much sense as his profiling and other mortal world experiences coming from him just being black,autistic Percy is the best freaky weirdo Percy
Special interests in blue,anarchy,the sea,cats,kidcore,energy drinks,child care and the Superfam
No masking game and self-diagnosed because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes despite blatantly dysplaying every single audhd/autism symptom
Transfem nonbinary/bigender with he/she/they pronouns and Percycore neos because of the overlap between transfems and autistics and her canon nonstop defiement of traditional manhood
Solarpunk out of being the daughter of Poseidon and the son of enviormentalist queen Sally Jackson and their black autistic experiences making them turn to punk culture
Blue safe food,knows how to diy things that don't even exist,Riptide and a shark plush and her battle jacket comfort items,goes on petty crime sprees and to underground parties and shows and charity events and protests and thirft stores and cat cafes and goofy gimmick restaurants/arcades,plays exclusively free and secondhand games on anti-capitalist principal,needs layers for sensory reasons,had Sally do his piercings(eyebrow,tongue ring,spider bite and forward helix on both ears)out of nerves at seeing a stranger for them,has a vegetable garden at home,a meowing vocal stim and raptor hands as her posture 50% of the time
Dresses earthy/afropunk with mostly dark/mute colors but splashes of pastels and slap-ons of their special interests(example:Dead Kennedy's shirt,sea blue dyed shawl,battle jacket on top,long chunky skirt with a silver chain,black doc martens,spiked bracelets,a necklace with a Rainbow Dash pendant and mix and match rings that range between edgy to cutesy)
Carries around a blue backpack full of essentials,emergency things and fun stuff like motivational stickers which regenerates and was a gift from Hestia he nicknamed 'The Backhomepack'
If i may have a selfshipper moment,him and my Pjo s/i Lex are autistic4autistic dominican4dominican black4blasian punk4punk and transmasc4transfem and childhood best friends to lovers since Tlt to Boo and Tales of Dead Seas/Tods is the one year later Hoo sequel spanning four years and four books aka the autism book series.Also Percy has a sparkly pink sunflower charm Lex diy'd to give him to represent them that's his favorite and Lex has a whole collection of blue diy'd gifts he made for them!!They do everything together because they have the same tastes on most everything and are willing to try out literally anything for the other <3 Perlex is real y'all
Never goes to college because school is too hard on his brain now and works at a beach cafe i.e the family bussiness La Familia Jackson Beach Shack opened up by Sally
Sally is allistic but genuinely a good parent and very understanding of Percy's needs from the get-go,as in before they even knew he's autistic and her being trans herself and a comphet stud to boot probably explains it
Autism spectrum trio with Nico and Hazel and is their intergenerational best friend,found eldest sibling,pseudo-parent and punk mentor and she also harrasses Poseidon for money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and supports Hazel's love for art(and girls,as it turns out)and talents(her rizz goes hard)in every way she can and convinced them to attend the Special ED school she was supposed to years ago
Sally was going to enroll her in it when she was 9 but Percy overheard the phone call and melted down so hard because her internalized ableism was already so bad that Sally never spoke of it again but they both still regret it to this day,mourning what could've been
Percy ends up powering through and going to visit it for Hazel's first of many art showcase's and to bring Nico's Mythomagic Club blue s'mores
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justali-anne · 2 months
Kind of obsessing over the Skelebros being soft right now. Just them being loving and caring towards each other.
Them watching a movie late at night. Papyrus having the biggest reactions, like laughing when something funny pops up, getting excited during an action scene, bawling during sad moments etc. while Sans just leans against him and enjoys the ride.
After reading a bedtime story to Papyrus and Papyrus eventually falls asleep, Sans, being too lazy and tired to go to his own room, just flops down on Papyrus' bed and falls asleep right then and there. Papyrus doesn't mind, it's a regular occurrence.
Them giving each other physical affection from time to time. Giving each other head pats, leaning against each other, side hugs, noogies, tickle fights, playing around... And let's not forget about cuddles!
Them being so supportive of each other, it's adorable. They show it in their unique ways, but everyone around them knows they care.
You know that thing that happens when you see someone you really care about and you can't help but feel your mood lift when you're around them? Yeah, that happens with the Skelebros.
Papyrus is always up first in the morning for obvious reasons, but sometimes, when he wakes Sans up, he does it gently, especially if Sans is in a particularly comfortable position, all snuggled up under the blanket. Other times, I think Papyrus would be a little bit rougher, like yelling or shaking him awake, or on days where he feels particularly mischievous, straight up cannonballing on the foot of his bed (making sure he avoids Sans entirely, he doesn't want to hurt him).
Sans gets rather cuddly when he's particularly sleepy, and usually Papyrus is nearby when that happens, so he just goes up to him and clings to his leg. However, Papyrus would usually be busy when that happens, so it's quite annoying for him. Sans is very lucky he's so cute.
I can just imagine them clinging onto each other like Scooby and Shaggy do when they're scared. It just sounds hilarious to me. Complete with bone rattling!
That said, let them rattle! Papyrus canonically rattles during his battle, so why not let them rattle more? I can just imagine that if someone ended up making an Undertale cartoon or something, there would be occasional bone rattling sound effects for when the brothers are particularly animated. So cute!
Aww, but imagine the two in a playful mood, though! Imagine Sans getting mischievous and pranking Papyrus constantly until Papyrus gets fed up and gets revenge on him. Imagine Papyrus trying to work on something, and then Sans comes to annoy him like brothers do, like poking him and tickling his spine or something, until Papyrus snaps and the two start play fighting and wrestling and having a tickle fight. Just good old harmless fun.
What if they frequently have stupid debates and really out there conversations? They're both lovable weirdos, after all, and they're both nerdy to some extent. I'm sure they would have very interesting conversations when they're alone that are beyond just banter. As cute as banter is, I'm sure that's not all they do.
I love siblings that are as different as night and day and bicker all the time but as soon as something comes up and they need to work together... I dunno, it's like someone flicked a switch or something, because all of a sudden, they're working together perfectly??? Like, I think that could be Sans and Papyrus when they share a similar goal or even the same goal. Just one minute, they're arguing over whether crosswords or junior jumbles are harder, and the next minute, boom! They're practically on the same wavelength!
This is a slightly different category of headcanon, but can you imagine them lighting up whenever you teach them something? Like I said, they're both nerds to some extent, so I wouldn't put it past them if they secretly like learning. I dunno, maybe I'm just into adorably dorky characters. Platonically, of course.
So, yeah, that's it, I've just been obsessing over soft and happy Skelebros.
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
Why (as a Kataang shipper and in general) I don’t like Zutara shippers.
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(I promise it’s NOT a Pro-Zutara post and it’s NOT an Anti-Kataang post).
LONG POST INCOMING, but if you have the time, please read. 😁
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I’ve been thinking. I don’t hate Zutara.
No, I’m not being held hostage, and I know this kinda goes against my rather vitriolic and brutal response to Zutara shippers, but the ship itself is fine and I’m sure 95% of the shippers are decent people.
I really love Zuko and Katara’s friendship, it’s one of the most interesting unique dynamics of the show. It’s annoying when people say, they’re toxic, or they’re barely friends, or it’s a colonizer ship. Zuko and Katara weren’t toxic by the end of the show, they have a great relationship at the end, they were absolutely close friends, ready to lay down their lives for each other. Zuko WAS a colonizer, but he learned this line of thinking was wrong and actively sought to make the world a better place and save The Earth Kingdom.
That being said, Kataang is definitely indisputably the superior “ship”. We see the two start of a close friends from the get-go, they both have a lot of admiration and respect for one another, they grow to love each other dearly despite their flaws, they support each other constantly. And it’s abundantly clear that not only does Aang love Katara, but Katara loves Aang, some may it’s one-sided, but that’s objectively false, it’s painfully obvious they mean the world to each other, we see their bond get stronger, but they have a strong friendship and bond first and foremost and their romantic feelings comfortably exist within.
When I say Zutara shippers are annoying, entitled, toxic idiots, I’m specifically referring to the very vocal minority of people that seem to dominate ZK shipping discussions on Tumblr.
People like…
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the-badger-mole who villainizes Aang and hates a fictional 12 year old to a ridiculous degree. Not to mention has so many objectively wrong takes.
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longing-for-rain who villainizes Aang, downplaying his trauma, and is unempathetic to his emotions, but will excuses all of Zuko’s anger and outbursts cuz “muh enemies to lovers”.
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eponastory who straight up downplays the very serious effects of genocide and the trauma it causes.
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sokkastyles who actually thinks an imperialist play reflects the real Katara, (and yes they think the Zutara means “Zutara should’ve been canon, waah”).
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zutarawasrobbed who straight up compared Aang to Ozai.
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burst-of-iridescent who invalidates Katara trauma from bloodbending cuz she did it in front of Zuko once, but the evil Aang must’ve forced Katara to stop. 🙄
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linnoya-writes who straight up infantizes Aang and adulifies Katara, and then that’s the audacity to put their garbage in the Kataang tag.
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miss-sweetea-pie who makes mindless assumptions about people who like Aang, as though people ignore Aang’s faults and he never learns because he’s cute. Which is not only untrue, but completely ignores the fact people ignore and romanticize Zuko’s faults because to them he’s hot.
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araeph who not only lies about interviewing Aaron Ehasz, but also says borderline racist stuff like this just to pathetically validate their non-canon ship (this is apparently what Sokka would gain from Zutara becoming a couple).
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This idiot who acts like Aang forced Katara to comfort him and Katara apparently never treated Aang as an equal. Not to mention weirdly villainizing Zuko and Mai, because Mai didn’t coddle Zuko (like they claim Katara did to Aang) and Zuko became Fire Lord?
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This hateful idiot, who is a straight up genocide denier.
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And this racist weirdo who straight up writes slave fanfics about Katara being owned by Zuko. Ew.
It’s these types of people who suck. They’re the most delusional entitled moronic idiots who are fake A:TLA fans with no media-literacy who only care about a middle school ship, so they pathetically mischaracterize Aang, Katara, Zuko and Mai, and whine about Bryke not giving into their desires like the little bitches they are. Screw these guys.
That being said the ship itself isn’t bad, it’s just the vocal minority who ruin it for me. I love Zuko and Katara’s friendship, and I wish the great characters in this great series would stop being mischaracterized.
To anyone who reads this, have a nice day.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
There are AUs where Marc is Marinette's cousin, right? What if that was canonical? In my country there is the concept of the perfect cousin and privileged by relatives and they often compare anyone who steps out of the norm to this cousin…. I imagine them almost as siblings in childhood, but with Marinette always getting more attention. And when they grow up, she becomes manipulative with him, it has happened that the whole family fights with Marc because of her. And that's why he always helps her with her plans… and I imagine the ones who would interfere would be Nath, Zoe and Felix (the first two for obvious reasons and Felix as "ok, I'm a shitty cousin, but this is crossing the line").
Since he was born, Marc has always been overlooked by his cousin
She was always so talkative, sociable, making people laugh and smile, and he just read in silence
Oh, never mind that he gets 100% on a test, because Marinette got 101% after she explained her reasoning behind the answer she gave. La-dee-dah!
Because she’s the “perfect cousin” out of the two, Marinette is always getting whatever the fuck her spoiled little heart wants- A new expensive sewing machine, fancy fabrics, magazines from high end fashion brands, and some of that stuff even comes from Marc’s own moms
Alyssa and Penny don’t outright say Marc should be like Marinette, but they’re more like, “Sweetie, why don’t you spend some time with Marinette?” And that’s code for, “Why can’t you be perfect like your cousin?!”
Sabine and Tom, though? They will take the opportunity to brag about Marinette’s accomplishments for twenty minutes then finally remember Marc’s in the room and ask his moms what he’s done lately
They have no idea about the awards he’s received in school for his stories, and he doesn’t mind keeping it that way. All of his certificates are just sitting in a folder in his hoodie drawer
It’s due to his treatment, that Marc’s wardrobe is toned down a bit. And by that, I mean he looks like his concept art-self
He secretly enters writing contests, and has been doing so and winning since he was ten. He’s earned a lot of money and keeps it saved up because if he tells anyone in the family about it, they’re definitely gonna use it to spoil Marinette. The only person he can really trust in Kiran, and occasionally treats him to ice cream
Marinette wants nothing to do with him. She always says she asks Marc to hang out with her, but he keeps declining. I’m reality, she doesn’t want a “Total weirdo” anywhere near her friends. And she lets him know it, too, but he couldn’t care less. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near a bunch of people who are probably psychos like her
He’s seen the way she acts around boys she likes, sniffing their hair, taking pictures of them, even following one guy home. It hasn’t escalated past that, but at least he’s not a part of it
However, his family doesn’t notice that about “perfect little Marinette”. He gets reprimanded for not being sociable like her and laughed off for having crushes because who would ever date someone like him?
Then he gets sent to therapy for his “issues” as Marinette so helpfully pointed out. There, he lays in to her that she can’t get a single question in
Marc: Oh! And then that bitch cut off my bangs while I was sleeping, and I got in trouble for playing with scissors! I mean- Oh, is our session over? Thanks again, Lisa. You are just wonderful for letting me vent. See you next Wednesday. *Leaves the room*
Lisa: … Damn, that boy’s cousin sucks.
In DuPont, everyone knows they’re cousins thanks to Marinette just so more people can compare Marc to his “perfect cousin”
Marinette has instant popularity she bought with custom clothing, her high-end connections, and Marc has his writing under the stairs while Lila quietly reads… Only for that to be interrupted when Marinette drags him out and into the art classroom one day where a few of her friends are gathered
They’re a little disturbed by her “psycho burnout cousin” being in the same room as them. Apparently, Marinette started a few rumors about Marc taking unprescribed drugs along with the ones for his “mental problems” just to make herself look better by comparison
Marc: … Well, that explains why moms keep searching my room for something.
Ignoring that, Marinette let’s him in on why he brought him in here- To help her with her plan to get Adrien to be her boyfriend by making a comic with Nathaniel that will map out the perfect date between them, which will eventually lead to marriage, having three perfect children, a hamster, and then dying together in a couples coffin
Marc: No.
Akuma Class: What?!/She’s your cousin!/You’ve gotta help her!/Don’t you want her to be happy?!
Marc: I am not obligated to help her, I know none of you, nor do I know this boy she is suddenly so infatuated with. So, pardon me if I sound rude, but leave me the fuck alone. All of you. I know how her fan club get when she is told no.
For context, Marinette’s “friends” will do anything to make her happy. Even bully those who are the slightest bit mean to her or show an interest in Adrien. Like Lila
Lila was the new girl who had no idea what she’d be getting herself into. After her Akumatization into Volpina when Ladybug called her a skeeze in front of Adrien, she was made an outcast by Marinette and eventually adopted by Marc
Now she swears to protect him with her life. On with the rest of the story!
The next day, Marc has his books slapped out of his hand, his glasses snatched, and he gets tripped on his way to class. All by some members of Marinette’s sychophant club
Some jocks who always leave stuff for Marinette on Valentines Day corner him in the locker room, but before they can do anything, some redhead walks in and tells them Marinette needs help with her books, and they’re gone in two seconds
Marc almost thanks the guy until he recognizes him as Nathaniel. Along with him is Lila. Before he can storm off, Lila stops him and asks Marc to hear him out
Nathaniel: Uh… Thanks.
Marc: For what?
Nathaniel: … *Lila nudges him* … For getting me out of that. I didn’t even want to make the stupid comic, but Marinette’s family bakery is more popular than my mom’s diner. She threatened to get her fan club to leave bad reviews and get her shut down if I didn’t help…
Marc: … You, uh… You guys wanna hang out… Away from here?
They skip school and not to their surprise, no one notices except for Nathaniel’s mom, Mme. Mendeleiev, and to Marc’s surprise, his classmates
They sort of stay out of the loop when it comes to Marinette, and the reason they don’t talk to him is because they didn’t want to make him uncomfortable since he always seems to close off when someone attempts to make conversation
Because Nathaniel hangs out with Marc and Lila, this turns him into more of an outcast. Oh, but don’t worry, because Chloé owes Marc a favor for something she won’t reveal, she gets her dad to leave a glowing review for Aya’s diner and boosts sales
Then there’s that whole shitstorm on the anniversary of Adrien’s mom’s disappearance. Marc (Who was dragged along), Nathaniel, Lila, and the surprising addition of Luka actually overhear Marinette’s totally insensitive and inappropriate confession to Adrien on what is supoosed to be a day of mourning, and Max sends the messages off before they can stop him
Then “Adrien” arrives. When it seems like he’s about to accept Marinette’s feelings… He tears into her, calling her all sorts of names
Lila just had to record it all for whenever she needs something to make her smile or laugh. But, when another Adrien arrives, it turns out “Adrien” is actually Félix, Adrien’s cousin
Marc: Which one do you guys think is the asshole cousin?
Nathaniel: Well, I like Félix, and Adrien seems too nice.
Lila: … Let’s keep Félix.
Luka: Yeah.
After some sychophant Akumas try and kill Félix to defend Marinette’s honor and after Ladybug puts on a show of being this angelic savior while Chat Noir is just her sidekick who does all the work, the Akumas are eventually defeated
Marc catches up with Félix and… Hugs him
Marc: You are truly the greatest human being on this godawful planet!
Félix: Uh… Thank you?
Marc: I’m serious! Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to tear into that girl? She needs to be taken down a hundred pegs, and because of you, some people are beginning to doubt her intentions with Adrien. If I weren’t in love with Nathaniel, I’d kiss you
Félix: Please don’t. I’m asexual.
Marc: Noted.
Félix: And I’ve decided to stay in Paris for a while, anyway. Someone’s gotta keep my moron cousin from walking into traffic, and it seems like you’re in need of friends
Marc notices a slight change in the school the following week. For one, a few people, namely his classmates are giving Marinette the stink eye whenever they can
As for the Science Kids, while they were appreciative of the nice clothes they got on their birthdays even though they weren’t in their style, they were never really fond of Marinette
Plus, a ton of bad reviews were left on Aurore’s Akuma Analysis blog and she has the suspicion it was started by Marinette to boost traffic for Alya’s Ladyblog
Reshma had a hard time making friends because Marinette convinced people she was just another Chloé (Someone Marc is considered adopting)
Simon was in the same boat as Marc once. Marinette saw his videos and “asked” him to get some footage of a boy she liked for “personal reasons”
And they never went to anyone about their treatment, because who’d believe them over Marinette? So, they were a class of outcasts no one ever wanted to be associated with
Also, Félix is in their class and gives everyone the latest information on every creepy thing Marinette does when Adrien doesn’t notice. Nathaniel and Lila would switch, but that would be like letting Marinette win
Now onto Reverser
Marc has a particularly bad week. He’s forced to go to dinner with the Dupain-Chengs just so they can brag about Marinette being asked to design an outfit for Clara Nightingale while Marc’s moms embarrassingly admit that Marc made a few friends
Marinette and her gang, for the hundredth time, badger Marc into making the Adrinette comic with Nathaniel, and go so far as to drag him to the art classroom where Nathaniel is, and where Marinette is banned due to her toxicity
Marc and Nathaniel are making a comic, but about Chat Noir, painting him in a positive light due to Ladybug soaking up all the glory. And Félix and Lila so helpfully point out that they should turn Marinette into a villain in their next issue… And they do, but only give copies to their inner circle
When he gets home, he finds a check in his mail as an award for another writing contest he entered and goes to put it with the rest… Which is not there
His moms aren’t home, Kiran would never, and the only other person with a key is… Marinette! And his suspicions are proven right the next day when he sees her in a VERY expensive outfit, and she just gives him this look
Well… He lets her have it
Marc: MARINETTE! Your pigtails are MINE! *Tackles her to the floor*
Lila: Yes! It’s finally happening!
*Marinette puts up a fight, but Marc has so much repressed anger and doesn’t hold back*
Marc: Take a bite of my Doc Martens, bitch! *Roundhosue kicks Marinette*
Marinette: Someone stop him! He’s a fucking psycho!
Félix: Shut up. Fuck you. Eat shit.
Marc: *Denise and Jean pull him away* You want some more, huh?! SCREW YOU! And screw these assholes, too! I HATE YOU, MARINETTE! I FUCKING HATE IT HERE! *Runs away crying*
Nathaniel, Chloé, Lila, and Félix try to call him back, but it’s a little hard to hear over everyone calling Marc a “Demon” and all sorts of cruel names. Cue the Akuma
Okay, so it’s not Reverser. Imagine the Grimm Reaper going through a punk phase, his scythe causes the worst parts of people to be revealed when they’re slashed by it, and he’s got Oni-Chan’s teleportation powers
Nathaniel, Chloé, Félix, and Lila attempt to stop him from killing Marinette and only giving her more to use against him, but he only promises them that “Things will finally change,” then leaves in a dramatic cloud of black smoke
Nathniel: Do we want him not to kill Marinette?
Lila: … Wow, you think of something for so long, and then it happens. I gotta sit down for a bit.
Félix: Get up and help us stop Nath’s boyfriend.
Nathaniel: What?! I- No! What? No!
Chloé: Relax, Kurtzberg. We know you’re crazy about him. You can kiss him after this is over. Now let’s help Chat Noir
Marinette can’t find a place to transform due to Marc always finding her, and while she would love to take a “much needed rest” for protecting Paris and let her “lazy partner” finally have to work, she can’t!
To her shock and anger, four heroes arrive on the scene. Vulpix, Queen Bee, CapriKid, Bomb Shell. Well, she’s not letting them get all the credit and goes after Marc herself. Finally, and excuse to hurt him… But he’s a lot stronger than she expected, and only succeeds in creating a crater in the road when she lands
Bomb Shell: *Watching Akuma!Marc bashing Ladybug’s head against a car window* … Should we help?
CapriKid: Nah, he’s got this.
Bomb Shell: I meant Ladybug.
CapriKid: Oh… Later.
Marc finally slashes Ladybug and all of the worst parts about her are revealed live, not by Alya, but by the heroes using their weapon phones, with the addition of Simon and Aurore. And… It’s a lot
When Marc is cured, Ladybug goes to reprimand him and force him to apologize like she does with all Akuma victims, but Bomb Shell threatens to slice her head off with her shield
Bomb Shell: Remember me, skeeze? *Whispers* I will find you, and I will break you.
The heroes, Aurore, and Simon waste no time posting what they recorded, and many Akuma victims step forward about Ladybug’s treatment. Even local law enforcement is suffering from pay cuts becuase of Ladybug insisting that she and Chat Noir get paid for their work. Chat Noir never knew about the cuts and donates his checks to the officers
Now there’s a active campaign against Ladybug, started by people who have a vendetta against Ladybug due to her poor treatment of Akuma victims after the Miracle Cure. Akuma class students who are most active in the campaign are Chloé and Nathaniel while a few are still on the fence
She claims Akuma victims need to be reprimanded for their actions and not coddled just because they can’t keep their emotions in check
Well, let’s just say therapists aren’t on her side
Everywhere she goes, Ladybug is jeered while Chat Noir finally gets the praise he deserves. They only keep her around and don’t try to steal her Miraculous becuase she reverses all of the damage
But while Ladybug is losing her status, Marinette still remains popular and uses her influence as a designer for celebrities to publicly denounce Ladybug Haters, but that doesn’t deter them
Oh, and Marc was suspended for a week after attacking Marinette, but he doesn’t give two flying fucks. Now he’s got a reputation as a badass who will go off on anyone who looks at him funny, and it keeps the Marinette Worshippers away. Also, his friends and Kiran are the only ones to believe him about the money, so that’s another thing to add to the list on why they hate Marinette
And Cue Zoé! She arrives in the middle of the semester like Lila instead of near the end of the year
Zoé is almost dragged into an Adrinette plan involving them getting stuck in an elevator, but she knows all about Marinette due Chloé’s long rants about her at home, so she keeps her distance and becomes an outcast. The only reason she’s not being actively bullied is because of Chloé threatening to get the mayor involved
Zoé never cared for Marinette, but she comes to hate her, because what person just does that bullshit to their own cousin? When Marinette tries to start another rumor about Marc taking antipsychotic drugs, she comes at her with, “Don’t you think it’s rude to expose people’s medical history?”
Now, you might be thinking. “Where does Adrien stand in all of this?”
Well, you see… Adrien is just so confused. DuPont seemed great at first, and his classmates were all so nice to him, especially Marinette. It’s too bad she’s so shy around him. Now things just keep shifting around. The girls are so secretive around him, Félix insulted Marinette for no reason, the guys don’t hang out with Nathaniel anymore, and Lila… He’s not entirely sure
And Marinette always lets him know who it’s safe to hang out with... But the list keeps growing. For example, Nathaniel has anger issues so it’s best not to talk to him, Lila is a serial liar who was kicked out of her school for causing a girl to commit suicide, Marc is… It’s best to just not to go anywhere near him, Zoé got expelled from her last school for excessive bullying, and to his surprise, Félix is on the list. He gets Félix pulled that stunt on her, but he’s his cousin!
Something’s not right. Well, at least he’s getting praised as a superhero for once, not that he ever asked for it. But, it’s nice to be appreciated by people
Though, he can’t help but wonder why Marc attacked Marinette all of a sudden… So, he asks
Marc: Because my cousin’s a lying, thieving, no good son-of-a-bitch who never should have been conceived and should crawl back into the darkest pits of hell like the Satan spawn she is!
Lila: Hey! Satan happens to have lovely children.
Nathaniel: You would know.
Lila: Oh, you hush.
Marc: Anyway, Marc Anciel, Marinette’s unfortunate cousin. Nice to meet you. Are you a sychophant, bystander, or outcast?
Félix: Trust me. He’s a bystander. You see, my dear sweet innocent cousin sees the chaos happening around him and knows it’s bad, but is afraid to do anything.
Adrien: That’s not true!
Lila: Ladybug called me a skeeze in front of you.
Adrien: … Okay, maybe I am a bystander.
Nathaniel: Not necessarily. Marinette just knows how to keep the worst part of herself hidden so people will like her and go along with whatever she says. At least you’re aware that something’s off. Anyway, we’ll help you.
Marc: Nope! First, he has to help us. And for that to happen, Félix, show him the video.
Adrien: What video?
Félix shows Adrien the confession video Marinette sent him on the anniversary, and it goes as well as you’d expect
So now, Adrien wants nothing to do with Marinette, especially after the outcasts gave him some hard evidence of Marinette being a stalker, and Marc even put him in touch with some of Marinette’s past obsessions so he can know just the kind of person she is
Marinette is NOT happy and confronts Marc in the locker room one day
Marinette: What the hell did you do this time, you freak?!
Marc: What are you gonna do, beat me up? Look how well that went last time, jackass.
Marinette: Because of you, Adrien hates me! Why are you so hell bent on ruining my life?!
Marc: That is so RICH coming from you! The second you were born, your life’s ambition was to make my life hell! Because of you I had no friends growing up, my moms and all your little sycophants think I have a drug problem, I’m in therapy for problems I don’t have!
Marinette: And who the hell would believe some pathetic loner?! Face it! Your only purpose in life is to be compared to me! The physical embodiment of perfection itself! You are nothing! No one would even know your name if I weren’t born! Hell, it’s not like they bother to remember anyway! Even your own moms love me more than you and your sad sack of a brother-
Marc: *Death glare* Leave Kiran’s name out of your fucking mouth. Go on. Try me, bitch.
Marinette: You- you think you can threaten me?! I have all the power over these pathetic losers! Just like you, they are nothing and would have nothing without me! All of them are nothing but pathetic sheep riding my coattails! Why?! Because I gave them those coattails in the first place! I gave them some form of hope to grab onto, a shred of hope that they would get to bask in my glory if they just did every damn thing I said and kept them happy, but once I am out of here, they will have NOTHING! They can’t even do something so simple as to make Adrien MINE!
Marc: You do realize he’s not an object, right?
Marinette: I don’t care! He’s perfection! I’m perfection! I deserve him! He should be modeling my clothes, worshipping and groveling at my feet for my love like every idiot boy in school! And once I marry him, the Gabriel brand will be in my grasp, I will take the fashion world by storm, and you and that little boy toy of yours will be doing favors just for a scrap of cash before dying in an alley somewhere! As if you ever think your writing career is gonna take off! Those contests you entered? They obviously have low standards! Thanks for the cash, though and for giving these idiots another reason to hate you and adore me. *Leaves*
Lila: *Exits the girl’s bathroom with Chloé* Wow. That was intense.
*Félix, Nathaniel, and Adrien walk out of the boy’s bathroom*
Nathaniel: Simon? Did you get all of that? *Opens a locker to reveal Simon with a tape recorder*
Simon: Every last word.
Félix: Man, it’s a good thing you fit comfortably in a locker.
Simon: There’s a pencil stuck to my ass. Does that sound comfortable?
The following week, Marinette finds herself on the receiving end of some dirty looks and makes a mental note to get her idiot classmates to do something about those losers
But when she goes crying to them, Kim slaps her across the face
Nino: Jesus, Kim! She’s a girl!
Kim: … Screw gender rolls.
Nino: … Okay, that’s fine.
When she recovers, Max plays Simon’s recording, but Marinette is still trying to save face
Marinette: Who are you gonna believe?! My psycho of a cousin, or your best friend?!
Max: I’ll believe and ax-wielding murderer over you. And I’m done doing your dirty work just so you’ll keep quiet. Everyone! I am a proud homosexual, and I am in love with my best friend!
Rose: I have a severe medical condition and I didn’t want any of you to pity me or treat me like glass!
The Akuma class all come out and share the secrets Marinette blackmailed them with unless they did exactly as she said
And as for Adrien, he hits Marinette with a restraining order and yells at her to stay YARDS away from him at all times
Lila: Oh, she’s violating the restraining order right now. Off to jail!
Marinette: Shut up, Lila! Adrien, you don’t know what you’re saying! You’re supposed to be my boyfriend!
Adrien: Why? So you can have my dad’s company? You’re either desperate or stupid. I have no interest in inheriting the brand and plan to go into child psychology, so even if I were to go crazy and fall in love with you, you wouldn’t be anywhere near Gabriel.
Marinette: You all… Arr going to be SORRY! Tikki! Spots on!
Marinette transforms and is about to take off with Adrien, but a familiar Doc Marten boot hits the side of her head and knocks her out so that Marc can snatch the earrings off of Ladybug
Marc: … I’m fucking serious, guys, I had no clue about this.
And to make matters better, the police arrive to take Marinette in for questioning about her stalking, but as she’s being shoved into the police car, she actually grabs for an Akuma
So now, Paris will face the wrath of La Dictator
Zoé: We… Are so fucking boned, you guys.
Not necessarily. Chat Noir gathers the Miraculous and brings back Vulpix, Bomb Shell, CapriKid, and Queen Bee. And Calamity, Viperion, and Mariquita make their debuts
While La Dictator is smiting and punishing everyone who went against her, Calamity is getting survivors out of Paris with her portals so the team can take care of her without anyone else getting hurt
The battle lasts well into the evening, but they win, and Marinette is arrested becuase EVERYONE saw her reach for the Akuma
Bomb Shell: … *Giggles* Oh my God! We’re still alive! We’re alive, you guys!
CapriKid: We fucking lived! *Kisses Mariquita*
Vulpix: Yeah! Get your boy!
Things are… Somewhat normal after Marinette’s sentencing. For one, his moms apologize for how they’ve treated him, but he can’t find it in his heart to forgive them just now
The Akuma class and everyone Marinette has blackmailed are getting some serious therapy and make it a goal to make up for their treatment of others due to Marinette’s influence
And there are several permanent heroes now, that’s good. Lord knows Paris needs them, and… Oh yeah! Marc and Nathaniel are dating
Adrien found comfort in Luka and they began dating. Zoé’s dating Cosette. Félix is dating the library. Lila’s been learning how to skateboard from Ismael, and Chloé had her lesbian awakening when she met Kagami
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glitcheslikeslego · 4 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 18)
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Chapter 18 : Spite
Spite decreases the PP of the last move the target used. Spite fails if that move has no PP remaining.
There was a giant shadow monster in the middle of the street.
You huffed in irritation as you glared at the giant monster, knowing full well who was behind the entire thing, but did you speak up about it? No. Because honestly, who would believe you?
“Hey guys, a dead monkey came back to life and is now wreaking havoc in our city because he’s a dick.” Like, come on.
Besides, this show is for ages 8 and up, so no cursing, even if you wanted to, even though you already have.
Mei was on call with MK, who sounded more than happy to be fighting a monster instead of doing the wall breaking thing Wukong had him doing, meanwhile your boss and Tang were lamenting over Pigsy, who had been knocked down when he tried fighting the monster himself.
Even you were going to go up there and give the shadow monster of your weirdo stalker a piece of your mind but no, even with your powers, Sandy did not want you to hurt yourself.
It took a bit, but MK eventually showed up, raring to go and down to fight, unwilling to listen to you and Mei as you both tried to stop him. The shadow monster took him by the ankle and slammed him back down to the ground, ending up in the same position as Pigsy, with his own crater to boot.
“Yeah, we already tried that.” Mei exclaimed, gesturing to Pigsy, while Sandy placed a white cloth over Pigsy’s head. You sigh tiredly.
And like in canon, who else shows up but Macaque. Like a shadow, he sneakily approaches his shadow monster with parkour before easily driving it away.
Because it’s his.
You sigh again when MK immediately darted off, yelling about Monkey King saving the day.
Out of character, you don’t stop him.
You feel strangely agitated today for some reason.
Pigsy woke back up, making Tang and Sandy cheer happily and help him up, and you and Mei watched to make sure that the shadow monster had disappeared fully. Mei hummed, curiously. “Wonder what that was about…”
You nodded in agreement, despite knowing exactly what would happen, and you made a mental note to start keeping a closer eye on MK.
Okay, you knew MK had training sessions with Macaque, but within the span of two weeks, everything finally came to the climax.
After the first week, when MK came in to get a cup of the most caffeinated tea you had, with obvious bags under his eyes and sporting many injuries, you finally sat him down to try and talk with him.
He didn’t listen to a word you said, and instead, decided to drag you over to the next session he had with Macaque to ‘prove’ it to you.
It certainly proved something, alright. And not in the way MK was hoping for.
You stayed around for the rest of the week, knowing full well this will either end up with something going wrong, or you getting involved in the eventual fight between Wukong and Macaque.
You watched everything go down, with MK finally achieving a form of shadow weapon and how the monkey insignia on the back of his jacket would slowly glow purple and transform into one resembling an evil version.
At this point, you believed it better to not stop him.
You frown, that’s a bad thing to think about, but then again, you simply being here is changing the course of this world already, so it’s better to let things play out as is and not interfere further, despite how much you wanted to smack Macaque around.
And now, everything continued up to this point, with Macaque ‘hyping’ MK up into defeating the ancient shadow demon, which was really just Macaque’s own entity of shadow.
Macaque pushed MK out towards the monster, giving him the nudge to fight it. That was when you sighed heavily and placed a hand on Macaque’s shoulder.
He looked at you curiously.
You’re really about to do this…
“You’re really about to do this?”
Macaque chuckled. “What’cha mean kid? I just gave him the training to beat that demon.”
“You gave him the training to beat you.” You corrected with a smug smirk. Macaque was caught off guard for a second before taking your hand off his shoulder with an evil laugh.
“Guess so.” Was all he said before disappearing and reappearing in front of MK, stealing his powers, and trapping him against the wall with the staff he could no longer lift.
You leaned against the rock formation, arms crossed as Wukong finally arrived. He glared at MK, and looked surprised to see you there, but you pointed at Macaque, which made him return his attention back.
MK looked at you worried. “You gotta get out of here, it’s dangerous!”
You looked back at him, looked down at the staff, then back at him with a sassy expression. He sighed. “You want me to say you were right, huh?”
You shook your head. “Nah, it’s fine. You learned your lesson.” You knew it wouldn’t work, because if MK couldn’t move it now, neither could you. 
It didn’t budge.
The fight continued to rage on behind you, and you had no idea what to do, and your best bet would be to run, but you didn’t want to leave MK.
Why, he can handle it.
And you know that, but still…
You and MK looked at each other worriedly before MK decided on another escape attempt, this time freeing himself from the wall, but he still couldn’t lift the staff.
Wukong called out to him. “Kid. We’re definitely going to have words later. But it’s time for the hero stuff!”
“Come on MK!” You put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. He looked up at you, a look of appreciation then turned to determination.
“You might wanna stand back.” He said. You were already on it, as you ran off a good distance, behind a pile of rocks.
The blast hit fast and hard, barely giving you any time to protect yourself behind the rocks, but you were thankfully unharmed. You waited a bit afterwards before peeping back over to see Macaque was gone, and the sky returned to a sunset.
“Wow.” Was all you muttered before walking up to the two. Wukong was comforting ME before you came up to them. “That was quite the blast.” You began awkwardly.
There was a small beat of silence before you and MK just randomly began laughing.
“What, am I missing something?” Wukong asked as he looked between you two suspiciously.
You waved a hand dismissively. “Nah, I’m just awkward.”
“Listen, I–.” MK began awkwardly. “I’m sorry for not listening to you.” 
“I know.” You said, patting his hair. “How about we get some noodles to cheer you up?” MK excitedly followed after you.
You looked back at Wukong and waved before turning around the rock and heading down the mountain.
Wukong hummed, watching you leave with a strange feeling of interest.
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purplespacekitty · 3 months
just wanna formally apologize to anyone i've been INTENSE about Riverdale to. not because i love Riverdale. because Jughead Jones is canonically touch-averse and aroace and i will never, EVER, evereverevereverever forgive Riverdale for willfully ignoring that.
also, they barely showed our boy with any burgers or fries or milkshakes or gummy worms or any kind of food throughout the whole show. a travesty. dude held a PC controller maybe once. and uh, i don't think they ever had him playing his drum set. ...they tried to do the whole music thing, but The Archies never happened on Riverdale. could have been a great way to keep Josie and the Pussycats in the picture as crossovers between the two comic lines (and additionally, with Sabrina The Teenage Witch) have commonly been used to keep stories going, but it just dissolved before it could even start. anyway, Jughead Jones was born to eat burgers, dispense witty remarks on his friends’ social drama, wage prank wars and play drums, it's literally his destiny (and so is being Archie's best bud).
and like.
here's the thing.
i know, i know, i know that Riverdale isn't the Archie Comics. it's "edgy" or whatever. but like, have you ever read the Archie Comics?????? there are hundreds of storylines more edgy than Riverdale's and in (probably) every single one of them, Jughead eats more net burgers than he eats in all 7 seasons of Riverdale. he has his little angsty plots and crazy nonsensical adventures and is never as deprived of food and games as he is in Riverdale.
he's been this way since 1939, when the Archie Comics first came about. granted, video games didn't exist then, but his whole deal has always been eating burgers and being Archie's best pal. he's a breath of fresh air, a glass of cold water to the face for Archie and the gang to snap them out of their various problems (mostly love- and dating-related, but sometimes friendship- or science or general-good-time-adventure-related). he is often the voice of reason, which is why Riverdale!Jughead doesn't really work. original Jughead has a unique perspective, being primarily preoccupied with food and video games and avoiding all potentially romantic/sexual situations that might involve him: he can observe everything without getting (too) mixed up in all of it. and the more wisdom he imparts to his friends; the more jokes and witty comments he concocts during a given meet-up at Pop's; the more he goofs off and plays pranks on his friends and enemies, the more secure their collective friendship is. and he's perfectly happy with the state of things. he doesn't yearn for romance or sex, all he truly yearns for is a day spent eating burgers with his friends. as long as he has a snack readily available, he's happy to be alone or on an adventure. his natural state is in solitude, which is a state he sometimes has to seek out, but he never has to go far in any quest for company. it's exactly where he wants to be. he would rather eat his cake and eat it, too. Riverdale!Jughead inserts himself into the chaos, which original Jughead would rather play a game of football against Reggie than willfully do.
i think Riverdale tried to play into Jughead's comfortability with and preference for his general nonconformism with that whole "i’m a weirdo" speech, but ultimately failed because in the end, they still had him conforming to norms the original Jughead scoffs at. and Bughead, as the literal 85 years of Archie Comics and 7 seasons of Riverdale (in which Bughead basically become kinda-sorta-maybe-almost-pseudo step-siblings??? idk the whole thing between FP and Alice just makes it too weird for me) clearly demonstrate, added nothing to either Jughead’s or Betty’s characters and only contributed to the erasure of one of the longest running aroace characters there is. when the comics did try to give Jughead love interests, it was either extremely out of character, played for laughs as a way to shame him for not being interested in romance or just simply…didn’t work. usually some combination of all of the above. because Jughead is fundamentally aroace and has no desire to be with anyone in a romantic or sexual way. plus it kinda messes up the whole premise of the Archie Comics? teenage boy can’t choose between best friends Girl Next Door and Uptown Girl, who both care for him and each other equally, so he dates them both? it would have been way more refreshing to see them explore the complex open/polyamorous relationship that Archie, Betty and Veronica have been negotiating for 85 years through a more queer and empathetic lens than what Riverdale actually turned out to be. maybe they wouldn’t have erased Jughead’s queerness or sidelined other canonically queer characters (i.e. Kevin, Toni, Fangs, etc.) if they’d taken that route. it would be cool to see a plot within the Archie universe constructively centering queerness as a main element of its characters as storyline.
Riverdale refused to keep the most essential parts of the original Jughead's character: aversion to physical touch, romance and sex, an aggressive adoration for burgers, rhythm and musicality and his ability to separate himself from tense situations in order to problem-solve. what the other characters often sneer at or find frustrating about him are actually the things that solidify his importance in their lives. he balances them out. and there are moments when his friends recognize and celebrate that. and him being this essential, inextricable part of an iconic friend group in the comics is an extremely heartwarming thing to see as an arospec/acespec person, myself.
this was supposed to be an apology, wasn't it...oops? sorry?
Riverdale just kinda missed the whole point of Jughead Jones. and i WILL be salty about it forever.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
heya! i loved your ol:ba headcannons, and i saw your post asking for requests, so i thought i'd sneak in here and ask for some more? have a wonderful day!
Sure, this is fun! And you too!
-- Baxter and Derek LOVE each other. Baxter would eat him up with a spoon. It doesn't matter if you end up with Derek and then reconnect with Baxter, if you end up with Baxter and introduce him to Derek, or end up with Cove and they meet at the wedding, this is the bromance we need to be talking about.
-- I thought about this because I was playing the wedding DLC last night and when you call Derek to ask him to be in the wedding party he answers "Hi, this is Derek," like yeah buddy, this isn’t 1999 on a landline, I know exactly who I'm calling. It was so cute and polite and formal, so I thought about Baxter's old texting style and how adorable it would be for them to communicate, then boom, they are best friends.
-- Baxter thinks Derek is the most charming person in the entire world, and he appreciates how well he was raised. He likes that he always opens doors and pulls out chairs. Derek does all the old-fashioned gentleman stuff too, like he always makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, if you're cold and he has at least one stitch of clothing on, you're getting it, and Baxter thinks that just so nice.
-- This isn't unique at all, but I like to think that you do all three Step 4s -- so regardless of romance, you go to your moms' anniversary with Cove, spend Father's Day with Derek, and meet up with Baxter at the wedding. So even if you end up with Derek, you make friends with Baxter again, and can you imagine planning a wedding with Derek when you and Baxter are solid buds? I love it so much.
-- One more one more -- Baxter and Derek making friends and Baxter going over to the Suarez house for events. Nicolas is OBSESSED with him, he's such a weirdo and plus Xavier likes him so that's an automatic win. But Derek's parents take Baxter in too, and now he's got a place to spend Father's Day and it just makes him feel so warm and cozy.
-- Is there another guy in this series LOL
-- There's at least a 90% chance that you cut Cove's hair for him. If you reeeeeally aren't comfortable with it then obviously he won't force it, but it just makes sense to him for you to trim it up for him when he needs it so he doesn't have to make it a whole thing. If you don't do a good job, that's ok with him -- you tried your best and he loves you for it!
-- Do you and Cove have a kid? Cove is that kid's doodle pad, and he gets at least one tattoo of a lil baby drawing your kid did. You might have to convince him not to do it every time. He loves that baby more than anything and the thought of having a little piece of them with him always, ugh, he really likes that.
-- Baxter loves cats and wants one very badly but he does that whole thing for a while where he doesn't feel like he deserves affection from any other living beings, so you'll have to talk him into it. But when you do, that cat is his child.
-- I'm not saying Baxter is in danger of turning into a crazy cat lady, but you might want to keep an eye on it.
-- "Baxter, did you spend $500 on this fancy robot litter box?" "Yes."
-- Baxter (I am currently on a Baxter kick, sorry) references magic several times throughout the story. Honestly I don't really know what else to day about this, but I think it's really sweet and important that he talks about it more than once.
-- Both Cove and Derek canonically like it when you wear their clothes, but Baxter likes to wear yours. It doesn't matter if you're smaller than him or if you wear traditionally feminine clothes, he wants in them. they smell like you and remind him of you, especially if you're long distance in the beginning after Jude and Scott's wedding. He's not going to like go out in them, but he'll wear your hoodie around the house for sure.
-- This also isn't like a hot take I don't think, but none of the boys ever change, ever. Like they grow and stuff, but if you're with Cove, he's going to be clingy and have heart eyes for you when you're 80, and there literally will not be a day that goes by for the rest of your entire life that he doesn't tell you that he loves you -- guy is going to be on his deathbed and blushing when you tell him how you feel about him. Likewise, Derek is going to be Derek forever -- always just so so excited to be with you. Hope you can handle literal decades of "it's Derek Day." Baxter does have a lot of settling to do, but please imagine a 90-year-old man smirking at you and giving you those flirty little lines. He'll never stop.
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iggyguyy · 5 months
if you ever wanna lore dump about your ocs I’m here I GRHRHRHEHKRHEJ I NEED TO MORE ABOUT THEM
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You are now one of my favorite people ever I hope you know that <3
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The over-all story of the silly guys:
It's about this 5 person band filled with weirdos in the very real Texas town named Round Top Senior (better version of round top). They live together in a small apartment and have a lot of playing gigs at the local all inclusive bar. Their main problem is money. Money for a new apartment. Their non human drummer is still growing, and is slowly outgrowing the current apartment. They are desperately looking for money to buy one that can actually house their huge drummer. One day this all changes when a 6th person gets sort of kidnapped by the banjo player and has to stay there for a while. No one really likes him and he has no idea how to act around neither queer people nor non humans. Chaos ensues when he finds himself slowly falling in love with the weirdo who got him in that situation in the first place...
Mama 🌞🪕: No one knows who or what he is, but he is sure there! His warm pink skin, his bright green hair and his huge chest make him very loved around the town; you'd recognise him anywhere! His species, age, gender, past and motives are all unknown, even to him. All he knows is that he likes stringed instruments (He plays the banjo, guitar, bass, electric guitar and harmonica) and that he loves befriending humans and learning more about them. There's something about him that really drives people to love him. His huge list of past lovers really shows this!
While most people (including him) don't know, he's actually an impressive 2723 years old. He's the last stander of a species that went extinct around year 700 B.C. I could do a post just about this species but good lord it's so much
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He / him used on him mostly, he couldn't care less. He has a vagina and seems to be able to reproduce, no one has really tried. He has a very deep voice and a strong Cuban accent. 200 cm / 6'6 ft. Doesn't have body hair below the face, 0 fingernails and never wears underwear. He also REFUSES to wear shirts / cover his titties. His "titties" are actually holding a very sweet and intoxicating liquid, and the "lines" under his chest are shallow slits that excrete the smell of this liquid.
No Canon gender or sexuality but he will be with anyone who wants him. His favorite band is Buffalo Springfield. Old ass drawing but its still one of my favs!
Richard Kelly / Dickhead 🕶🎸: He thinks that he's the coolest guy ever but oh god he is STUPID! He tries so hard to be likeable that most people just end up hating him instead. From his neglectful parents and bullies in school, he's ended up being a very pretentious and dismissive person. He doesn't really "get" queer people, he thinks most people are beneath him and he doesn't even slightly respect non human people. Why is he even here? Good question! After getting mad at Mama for "stealing his girl" (His gf Jill broke up with him because he was yelling at her in front of Mama), he got so mad in his drunk state that he fainted mid-punch and woke up on Mama's couch the next day. The rest is history! He tries to pretend that he hates the band but oh god he's starting to love them so much. He also canonically loves goth girls.
He / him, cis male. 175 cm / 5'7 ft. Has a HUGE ass. Stubby beard paired with sad mustache. Cis straight man in the beginning of the show, cis BI man at the end! 25 years old, birthday is the 15th of August. His favorite band is Gorillaz. Haven't drawn him in ages whoopsies!
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Julius Amadeus Usoro 🍎🥁: Big guy! This huge monstrosity is the head honcho of the band, their drummer and the one who owns the apartment! He has a huge fear of birds and insane abandonment issues. He tackles having 3 jobs at once, drummer for the band, ASL teacher for their deaf neighbour and he also teaches the drums! His other hobbies includes competitive eating, cooking, anything that has to do with apples, going on runs and walks, cooking even more, napping and cooking again. He is a mix between a sewerian and a Häll-horn, hence his purple skin! Most people just know him as "the demon" though. His brain is very small and he's not that bright, but he has a big heart and he is very loved by the band. He is illegal in many places and the band literally have to say that he's a guide dog to get out of some situations. The people of texas really don't like "demons". He legally adopted Marv in high school. Won't say his whole long ass backstory either but he was raised by a Russian lesbian couple who owned a big apple farm. He is also mute! He communicates through ASL or messy writing!
He / him, cis grayromantic bisexual male. 255 cm / 8'4 ft. 21 years old, birthday is the 10th of October. Huge titties on this guy. Gets winter fur but is pretty hairy all year round anyway! Paw-like hands. His favorite band is The Beatles.
His current design has him wearing headphones more times than not, but these old drawings still work to shoe his design :3
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Marvin Juhani Usoro / Marv 🎺💣: The youngest in the band, but also the smartest by far! With 150 IQ and a concerning love for violence and explosives, this little pyromaniac is the main singer in this already weird band. He is completely blind, literally not having eyes at all under his opaque glasses, two of his limbs are amputated and his scarring is painful, so he uses his trusty crutch-cane wherever he goes. He's in and out of asylums and switches back and forth between psychologists, which is awful for him due to strong noscomephobia [fear of hospitals or care facilities]. He's diagnosed with bipolar disorder, autism and borderline personality disorder. His mother got killed by a faulty bomb he made, and his dad disowned him afterwards; making Julius and the band his only family. He was born in Borås, Sweden, to two Jewish finns, so he speaks english/finnish/swedish/jiddisch.
He / him, cis aroace sex+romance repulsed male. 177 cm / 5'9 ft. Big part of his nose gone due to explosion. 16 years old, birthday is the 3rd of March. His favorite band is either Insane Clown Posse or Children of bodom. Ignore that his foot is only missing on one drawing it's a pretty recent change !
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[Dead name] Hernandez / Buddy 🎹🤙: They are the backbone and most street smart one in the band, without them the rest of them would be completely lost! They love messing with the others amd pulling small pranks. They're diagnosed with Adhd. As a side gig they like to play piano and sing during nights at the club without the band, usually with a bar specific backup crew. They are a recovering alcoholic and struggle with smoking. They used to be very ablelist and cruel to people, but they decided to leave that life and they're trying to become the bigger person. They write pretty much half of their songs [other half being by Julius], and being in this band is the best thing that ever happened to them. They've completely cut off the ties to their family who still lives back in Spain. They pride themself in their big amount of friends, always making sure to check in on them and hype them up. They don't use their dead name ever, except for legal instances, but it doesn't make them that uncomfortable so they can't be assed to legally change it.
Any pronouns, mostly they / them. AFAB genderfluid lesbian. They still view gender for them as fluid, but still primarily fem! They are 28 years old and their birthday is the 1st of April. 167 cm / 5'6. Their favorite band is Queen, but fav artist is Cass Elliot.
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Dominic Smith / Dom 🎷🖼: The half raccoon half human who ran away from home and just happened to meet Julius! This sax playing maniac is so obsessed with Julius that he clings to him 24/7. He has autism, adhd, strong maladaptive daydreaming disorder and even stronger schizophrenia. He basically lives in his own little world and sees things as a jumbled mess of bland colours, and that's why he loves Julius and the band so much; they're a break from the same old same old! He grew up on a corn farm for most of his life, living with his mother and 2 older brothers. His dad was nowhere to be found, and Dom cant remember meeting him ever. He loves sporting his beautiful knockoff slipknot merch and jeans. He has a very hard time remembering things. His special interest is spongebob! [Although he calls him "monty spumbop" for whatever reason ?]
He/they/xe, amab but pretty much completely unlabeled. No one has ever explained the concept of gender to him in a way he understands, but if someone managed to do it he would most likely use xenogenders. He's silly like that. 155 cm / 5'1 ft tall. 19 years old, birthday is the 17th of January. His favorite band is slipknot.
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Barbra Scarlette Wilson / Barb 💄🎀: A 32 year old 190 cm tall texan dragqueen millionaire! He has the biggest, pinkest house in town, and he is PROUD of that! He uses he/him and is a cis gay man. His drag name is Scarlette Darling. He is absolute besties with Buddy and even gave them a specific pink flip phone that only has his number, so it's easier to contact him! He has a crush on Julius that pretty much everyone except Julius himself has noticed.
Kino 🟦💢: 29 year old unlabeled Häll-horn whos Ukrainian and Russian, very traditional one too. He has embraced the "demon" culture and is completely against all humans. He absolutely hates Julius because he thinks that he's a disappointment and embarrassment to the whole species, with how human influenced he is. He is very aggressive and mean.
Kaleb 🟥❔️: 20 year old trans ftm pansexual Sewerian whos Ukrainian, not very traditional one. He doesn't care too much about traditions or hating humans, he just wants to relax and live as he likes. The only reason he hangs around Kino is because they can relate over both being non human and "demons". He had to pretend to hate Julius just to make Kino happy, secretly he thinks Julius is extremely attractive so whoops that's not what Kino wants!
Oscar Pérez 🍊🍺: A 37 year old cis male gay human from Mexico. He used to date Mama and planned on getting married to him while Mama was in Mexico, after getting left alone completely randomly by him, Oscar swore to find him and get revenge on him. Now he's found him again, but he still loves him too much to go through with it. So now he's just in an abusive relationship with him instead! Oscar gets a lot of pent up anger he usually takes out on Mama, since he thinks he deserves it. Mama doesn't even remember who he is or that they're even together, but he still keeps letting Oscar treat him as if they're an item.
Jill Dimitry 🖤💫: Richards ex gf. She loves rock and is trying to learn the guitar. She is cis female and bisexual. She can get fed up very easily, so it's a surprise she didn't break up with Dickhead earlier! She doesn't talk to Richard anymore but she's talking to Buddy and Mama every now and then.
Rita Salvador ✏️💛: Julius' old high school roommate and girlfriend. She was a huge beatles fan and collected spongebob merchandise! She was a transfem autistic girlie who always wore her socks over her baggy sweatpants. She died when Marv was working on a bomb and accidentally knocked it to the floor, the explosion happening close enough to Rita to kill her, but only knock out Marv. Julius just lied to Marv and explained that she died of a heart attack, not wanting Marv to feel guilty. Rita named herself after the beatles song "Lovely Rita" !!
Alia 🌼🫒: The local florist shop owner! She sells handmade and homegrown bouquets and all kinds of flowers! She was very close friends with Rita. She loves meeting Julius during the week, even if she can't understand his ASL! She's a transfem Muslim who always sports her cool handmade skirts! ALSO SHE WAS CREATED BY THE LOVELY @animatronicthing [art in the photo below was made by schyr!!!!!!!!] GO CHECK THEM OUT
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There are a few more characters worth mentioning who don't have a decided design or aren't that relevant but still!!!!!!!!:
The Abdullahi family. They are the band's neighbours whi recently moved here from Nigeria. Mrs. and Mr. Abdullahi don't know a lot of English, and their daughter Sani is deaf and autistic. Julius spends his free time teaching ASL to Sani!
War veteran neighbour: old man in wheelchair who lives across the street to the sillies and often goes out on his balcony at the same time as mama, making them greet each other every now and then.
Freddie: he's the local pizzeria owner and he absolutely loves getting visited by Dom and Julius, it really makes his day!!
That's pretty much all characters who are somewhat developed, but oh god there's more! TY sososososoosososoosososoososososoososo much for this ask i am literally going insane !!!!!!!!!
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That's my sillies, bye ! ✌️
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blade-that-was-broken · 5 months
HC for the soldier au, you know how kids in the US write those letters to soldiers overseas that the schools never like check before sending out so they say the most unhinged shit. Anyway a lot of the time they try to send those letters to squads of soldiers from the same state or area that the soldiers from the squad are from (this is not always the case but sometimes it is). Anyway basically one time one of branches letters made it to the front of a war that JD was fighting in and JD went feral trading and bribing people to get that letter cause branch actually signed that thing with his first and last name and it’s now one of jds prized possessions that he laminated and took with him everywhere.
Branch is touched but also super embarrassed when he finds this out because 3rd grader Branch was going through it and was a weird ass kinda emo 9 year old due to the family drama going down at the time so the letter says something like “thank you for being a soldier so smart kids like me don’t have to die in war” (this is a quote taken from a real unhinged soldier letter that a real soldier in Afghanistan actually received) with a crayon drawing of like a guy getting shot.
Headcanon no more! It's canon now. I love this so much
In the end, it was Dickory who got it.
John was pretty sure he stole it but he didn't care.
All of the guys - even that sheep's face, Chaz - knew about John's strange situation and the forced estrangement from the brothers he could not find. It was the one thing that John didn't really shut up about and most of them let it go, passing it off as sadness or grief or whatever, since he hadn't seen or heard from them in years. It was entirely possible he never would. And considering how John normally was - fairly quiet, kind of eerily still sometimes - they let it pass. Except for Chaz but well, no one cared what Chaz wanted.
Not every soldier in their platoon received a letter from a kid that day but a few did. And the moment John heard the name, he practically went feral.
Which, in hindsight, they all probably should have seen coming. He was practically raised in the woods. And if how John spoke about it was any indication, it was far in there.
"Yeah dude," someone said at another table. "Our squad got them too. Those kids are insane."
John, Dickory and Growly Pete were in a mess hall lunch room. Although John tended to avoid it, especially when Chaz was there, as fights were prone to break out for some reason, Dickory pretty much twisted his arm for it. Not that it was hard. JD and Dickory were pretty close, surprisingly so. It probably didn't help that John was a softie when it came to people he cared about. Which was most of his squad.
"What happened to normal names like Steve or Bethany? Parents are comin' up with crazy weird names these days!"
"I got a Dawn," another guy replied. "That's not too bad."
"Better than mine."
"What name was on yours?"
"Get this. Kid's name was Branch. Who does that?"
John went rigid within the moment and both Dickory and Pete noticed right away, glancing up from their food. "Nein," Dick grumbled with his nose wrinkling. "What is this? Why are you like this?"
He didn't respond, just stood up and whipped around to the other table. The others jumped, a little surprised at the sudden and slightly menacing presence. "Can we help you...?"
"Do you still have it?"
"Have what?"
"The letter."
"From the weirdo named kid?"
The other soldiers glanced at one another. "Nw. One of the other squad guys found it hilarious and wanted it."
"What is your problem?"
And that was how it started. John spent every spare minute tracking down that letter, which kept switching hands constantly. It was like John was chasing a butterfly in the wind. The squad quickly learned not to say anything about it or how John was acting. Of course Chaz decided not to listen.
He got pain for his troubles.
The rest of the platoon heard rumors and liked playing around. Suddenly it was kind of a game to keep it out of John's hands. It wasn't out of malice. If anyone knew who it was or what it meant, they wouldn't dare. Keeping a soldier from a loved one's communication was shameful and an unspoken rule.
Then one night Dickory hopped on John's bed, almost crushing his legs and shoved the paper in John's face. "Di-" John jumped and then sputtered. "What is this?"
"What do you think, you fool?" Dickory huffed. "I got it for you."
John stared at it. "Is this..."
"Ja," Dick nodded.
"Did you... dude, did you steal this?"
He shrugged. "Does it matter? You have it now and this foolish game can cease. I understand what it is even if these other idiots do not."
"Thanks man... this, this means..."
"A lot. I know. Are ya going to open it?"
John did so carefully and barked out a short laugh. "He's funny."
"Is it your brother?"
"Yeah," he sighed, wistfully. "He signed his full name. Do you want to read it?"
"I don't have to. I got it for you not for... what do they say? Giggles?"
John laughed lightly. "I think you'll like this."
"Dear Soldier,
Would you like to trade places with me? I think you could handle my stupid family better and I'd be okay with marching around and learning how to hold a gun.
My brothers are dumb, eat all the food in the house and always want to go out watching music. You listen to music, not watch it.
My teacher says I need to thank you so thanks for doing your marching and shooting so smart people like me don't have to. But really, if you want a break and like watching music - call me. I could use a break.
But I guess do the shooting. Don't get shot. I'm pretty sure that is your job anyway.
If there are any girls there marry her, get it over with before you get old and ugly when your done. Best to do it now. Unless you are already old and ugly well then sorry.
Have you ever fought a shark? Some soldiers are on boats so I thought maybe you have. Punch the nose. unless you are one of those in the woods. Don't run from a bear. It'll catch you. Good luck.
"Your brother is... random," Dickory noted, curiously. "Where did the wife and shark come in?"
"He's like, nine, Dick," John smiled. "He's just a kind."
"One day, John Dory, you're going to meet him again and I am entirely sure you will be best friends."
"One can only hope."
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blackholesun321 · 8 months
New One Piece AU dropped focusing around Zoro and Mihawk! You shall be subjected to it.
TW: Long Ask
Okay, so basically, this au has a long title but I dubbed it Child of the Sword. It started off with Zoro being able to see the spirits of the swords since in One Piece, swords are sentient and are possessed in a way. Only Zoro can see these spirits and talks to them all the time. At first, he didn't realize others couldn't see them. My friend and I played around with this a lot, and now's it's developed into a whole thing.
When Kuina died, Zoro's anger and grief erupted and Zoro discovered he was the incarnation of the Ancient Weapon: Ares. Created by the war god Asura. The sensei makes Zoro swear to never use his power in public unless it was life or death. Zoro goes on to see Kuina's spirit tied to Wado Ichimonji. During the shells town arc, Morgan is extra cruel bc he is Morgan, and when Zoro is tied in the courtyard he has the swordsman whipped on the back, marring and littering Zoro's back with scars. Zoro's honor is in shambles when Luffy shows up and helps him. During Baratie, Zoro fights Mihawk and loses, ending up with the scar on his chest. After Zoro promises to never fail, he whipsers "Finally a worthy scar" and Mihawk overhears. Mihawk almost noted how Zoro always seemed to be looking at things that aren't there.
So naturally, the warlord decides to kidnap Zoro instead of Luffy (yes I am mashing up OPLA and the anime, fight me). The Straw hats go on the free Nami from Arlong then make plans to get Zoro back from Mihawk. Zoro is less than pleased to be kidnapped by the strongest swordsman. Mihawk brings Zoro with him to meet with Shanks about Luffy's bounty poster and Shanks convinces Mihawk to give Zoro back to the Straw Hats, but before that happens, Mihawk and Zoro end up talking about Zoro's special abilities. Mihawk comes to the realization of what Zoro is and keeps it to himself.
During the two year time skip, Zoro reunites with Mihawk (even though he never stopped talking with the warlord after being dropped off ((begrudgingly)) at lougetown). Mihawk trains Zoro in the way of the sword AND helps him to realize his full potential.
This is all I have for now, but I have ideas for Dressrosa and Wano. :D
FUCK YEAH ASKS AGAIN! I’ve been ignoring the rest of my wings au ask gotta go finish those up lol just kinda sitting in my drafts. Anyways.
Oh fuck yeah again! I love the guy can see spirits no one else can mixed with reincarnation trope my little Bleach nerd heart is swooning.
But yesss constantly talking to air and technically he doesn’t need to but the swords haven’t told him that because it’s funny. And he’s just this ball of angst plus weirdo probably crazy guy who talks to his swords— so he’d be even more ostracized then in canon yeah the mentality Ill are stigmatized and treated poorly in all universes. Expect he not mentally ill I mean if we don’t count the Kuina trauma ™️ probably which is what gives Ironjaw the gaul and to whip him as well as tie him up to suffer dehydration and probably heat stroke so fun.
Maybe Kuina tags along in the form of wado-ichumongi? Maybe he can talk to her sometimes? Idk I just want him to be constantly fighting and loosing to a preteen girl that lives in his sword, I think that would be funny.
Mihawk please! Mihawk that’s kidnapping! Mihawk you’ve kidnapped a child. Because of course he has and did because Zoro=interesting equals if I leave him alone he could die and with the looks of his crew probably will die. Ugh guess I have to steal him.
You know he shows up at that beach eyeliner on, lip gloss applied and cunting it up to shore and with Zoro trying to stab him every other step. Shanks is very worried and weirded out. But also laughs his ass off because of course this is how Mihawk acquires a kid. But also he’s like Mihawk seriously no bad we don’t kidnap… Whitebeards the exception not the rule!
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clay-cuttlefish · 2 months
Updating the sheet has me thinking about the cameo limbo Vic's currently in, and what DC should do with him.
Vic is in this weird position where I don't really think he should be alive. He's had one appearance that was at all meaningful to his arc and one goofy oneshot since his resurrection, and it doesn't seem like anyone wants to do anything with him other than put him in bullshit spy stuff, so it kinda just feels pointless. Unlike some other ex-dead-mentors, though, it's not like him being around is a *problem* for Renee's development. Killing him off again would just be cheap, and there's no reason not to use him now that he's around. So what do you do with that?
Well. Vic died with his heroic arc complete, having passed on his legacy and made peace with his unfinished business, and now he has to figure out what to do in a world where he doesn't have a history to ground him. As a reflection of both his time seeking a purpose after Hub City and his earliest relationship with Shiva, the answer could easily be "hang out and get into trouble".
See, my annoyance with his current position is because I feel like it's kind of a waste to leave him in a dropped (I think? I might've missed something, but I'm pretty sure the Lois Lane Checkmate stuff has been ditched) team/plotline that kinda sucked, not that I'm upset he's sidelined. As much as I want to see my beloved guy, I don't actually have a problem with him showing up once a year. My ideal status quo for him, short of manifesting my stupid knockoff Birds of Prey pitch into reality, would be something like the handful of appearances in the late 90s/early 2000s where he was wandering around playing poker. No team affiliation, no grand motive, just showing up in backups and cooldown issues between major arcs.
Vic has thrived as a side character in other people's books, and it would open up a lot of possibilities if he was set up in a place where writers can pull him for an issue or two without having to figure out whether any of the Checkmate stuff is still relevant or come up with a great idea for where to take him next. It's not that he couldn't develop further, but I'd much prefer him to stay static as a roaming weirdo than to rehash old arcs or go in a direction that cheapens his existing development. It's fine for him to be a supporting character in the communal toybox now that his story has ended, and he's a lot more likely to stay in people's minds and eventually be a part of something neat if he's hanging around.
That said, there are a few things about where he is as a person that I think would be worth expanding on if he's being set loose into canon to cause problems.
The first is that I want to know how he feels about being resurrected. I'm sure his reappearance would've felt weighty to someone who was a Vic fan when it happened, and focusing on Renee's reaction to him being back in Lois Lane was definitely the right choice, but looking at his appearances as a whole it ends up feeling... almost underwhelming? That might just be because making the spreadsheet broke my brain, but it's something any substantial appearance probably has to touch on. I don't even think it's weird that he's seemingly unfazed by waking up in an alternate universe, unlike some other characters who should probably have more feelings about being resurrected by continuity jank, but I do feel like there's a lot of room to look at *why* he's so chill. Even just as a contrast to a deeper exploration of someone else having a bad time about it, there are a lot of motifs to build from, and there's a lot you could do with how his self-perception has changed after yet another metamorphosis. (Based on the scraps of pagetime he's had, I'd point it somewhere in the direction of "he's been freed from old obligations, blurring the boundary between his Vic and Charlie personas.")
i also think there's a lot you could do with his old struggles with whether he was doing the right thing or just doing violence because he enjoyed it, and how he views himself now that he's stepped into a more Shiva-like role. This isn't a new development for him, but his initial shift into a wandering mentor wasn't something he planned - he initially left Hub City out of necessity, failed to start fresh, then latched onto Helena while seeking purpose. There's some interesting weight to him getting a chance to either have a fresh start somewhere else or return to Hub City without the weight of his history, and instead choosing to fuck around and intentionally get into trouble that has nothing to do with him, without even the excuse of mentorship.
There's also the problem of continuity housekeeping. It's not really necessary for tracking who remembers him since other heroes generally have their post-crisis continuity back, but the vibe of him roaming rather than returning home change a LOT depending on which version of Hub City exists (it tends to depend on Blue Beetle continuity, which is currently fucked), if Tot and/or Myra exist, and how long Vic was dead from their perspectives. Honestly there are a lot of good options here. I love Tot and want him to be a part of Renee's supporting cast, but the idea that Vic's civilian past literally does not exist is incredibly juicy.
Other than that... idk man. Just because I think he's underused doesn't mean I think he has to be important. Use him as a plot device for anyone who needs an annoying guy to make them introspect. Do more goofy oneoff mysteries. Let me write a teamup that sucks. Put That Guy In A Situation.
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linddzz · 8 months
Dreamling Nonsense Masterpost
Looking for a fic? For a shit post? For a long winded au thread? Playlists? Got it here. Keeping it Dreamling for now until I really have the time to scour through my various fandom posts to collect the Big Hits.
Audacity in Human Form: E. main WIP. A post season 1 "let's see these two figure their shit out" exploration that's best described as two character studies stacked inside of a fanfic shaped coat. My main tagline for it is "it isn't unrequited, Dream just needs therapy." The fic exploring how the two weirdos I have in my head got together.
Fics/Tumblr Ficlets
"Audacity in Human Form" Series
Not exactly a structured chronological series. I have a pretty set version of my Dream and Hob in the canon!universe, so all the fics I write of them are just the same two dolls I'm bumping together in the same sandbox. They can be read in any order or separately, but there are characterization threads and things mentioned that tie them all together. I like to think that put together they can give fun context or more depth to each other :)
I'm less into Big Plots and more into just having fun bumping these dolls together and playing with how they interact!
It's a WIP and I write slow, as my job takes a lot of mental bandwidth.
(Other fics in the same series can be read even while the first isn't done! They don't really spoil much except for the fact that they do end up together. But of course they are.)
In Which Hob, a Shitty Wizard, Meets a Supposed Demon: Gen. Drabble ficlet on Tumblr as I start exploring my Shit-wizard Hob AU. More of a rough draft concept fic
Obviously: E. smut prompt fill one-shot. PWP. Dream is a needy eldritch pissbaby and also violently romantic. Hob scruffs him for some much needed gentle domming.
This Isn't the Trope: Teen. Lots of cussing. Johanna is agressively investigating an immortal man, Hob is looking forward to being dramatically rescued by his hot supernatural boyfriend. No one but Morpheus has a good time.
Audacity in Human Form related posts (esp the ones that broke containment)
"Oysters have nightmares like this"
"Jokes on you, you're into that shit"
Hob: "no. Shut up. I'm talking now."
Characterization Notes aka: I'm gonna start bullying Morpheus
Other mutterings about writing or snippets are under the tags "#my fic" and "#audacity in human form"
AU Cooking:
I'm honestly better at coming up with every single detail for an AU without actually writing the fic, but I like playing in the sandbox and other people seem to have fun with them too :)
Human!AU. There are kinda two versions of this that I'm starting to meld together.
Red Flags AU post: Hob is hired to be the party ruining messy boyfriend, but cannot begin to compete with the insanity that is the Endless family and the Hot Mess Express Morpheus, who hired him. They fall in love instantly. "Why would I fix him??? He's perfect."
Red Flags AU 2: slight deviation from the OG where everything is the same, except Morpheus' messy friend Johanna accidentally introduces them and instantly regrets it. She did not anticipate Hob reacting to Morpheus' red flags like a charging bull.
Assorted Human!Morpheus facts
Shit-wizard Hob AU: where Hob is still immortal, except Death is his Endless buddy. He first meets Morpheus when trying to take up occultism at Fawney Rig (he's bad at it but is gonna stick around now. For reasons.)
Meta-ish Shitposting:
Hob meets Thessaly. Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" starts playing ominously in the distance when she doesn't appreciate how much of a needy clingy freak Morpheus is.
Spotify Playlists:
I process Blorbo feelings with hyper specific playlists. Putting Dreamling and other fandom ones here bc I guess it's about time I share more of them
Audacity in Human Form PL: 1h33m fic specific. Set up to alternate Dream/Hob POV. Blatant "2012 fandom brain" indulgence in here.
Hot Mess Endless Express: 1hr45m the general Dream playlist. Not ship specific, all romantic songs are how I just see him in any relationship. Mostly serious, except when it isn't but especially when it isnt
The Devil of Fawney Rig: the playlist I imagine goes in Dreams head when he's stuck in a fishbowl and horny for revenge. Made with the shit-wizard Hob AU in mind
Newton Goes Kaiju All Over Everybody's Ass: 1hr it really is too bad that there was never a second Pacific Rim movie but wow isn't Dark!Geiszler a great concept? 🙃
EDDIE I MADE A PLAYLIST EDDIE: 44m Venom made a playlist for Eddie, isn't that nice?
Mountain Son: 1h30m Bagginshield Thorin feelings ahoy. Made with Mahrâna in mind.
The Bacchae: 1h. The soundtrack for the dream production of the Bacchae in my head. Meant to follow the progression of the play
The Huntress and the Maenad: 1h30m insane sapphic bitch in the woods solidarity
Mysteries: 7+hours!!!!!! The ongoing playlist for joining the cult of Dionysus and eating a billionaire in the woods
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