#Worm headcanon
thepariahcontinuum · 7 months
Sophia/Shadow Stalker's Trigger Event definitely involved her running for her life.
Having little Miss "You're either a predator or you're prey" have gotten her superpowers whilst being the prey and keeping that as a dirty little secret that she would rather die than admit to anyone just feels absolutely perfect.
It makes her just another traumatized teenager using her powers to take back some semblance of control over her life in a world that is objectively nuts. It also fits with her relationships with a few different characters.
Emma: Sophia has no friends outside of Emma, even Madison is more "Emma's other friend who's around sometimes" and they meet during what would have been Emma's Trigger event if she was a Cape....Sophia is, in a messed up way trying to be the person she never had in her own life; revealing that there's something more to her under all of that anger and cruelty.
Brian: Shadow Stalker wants Grue to be her nemesis so hard it hurts and honestly, if Brian "I'm going to lie about my Trigger Event" Laborn is going to have a nemesis then making it a Sophia who is similarly hiding her own insecurities and refusing to show weakness or vulnerability in front of anyone is just perfect, it makes them narrative foils.
Taylor: Remember the line where Sophia sees that Taylor took up running and loses her shit about it "You wanted to be strong so you copied me by running" or something to that effect....Gives it new context doesn't it?
You're on the track team in junior high.
The fact that all you can do is run is what saves your life.
You get superpowers designed to help you escape and still you refuse to ever be the victim or run away again.
You're forced to stay on the track team in high school just to keep up appearances.
The girl you've been bullying finally gets a bit of a spine, she's finally getting stronger.
She did it by taking inspiration from you..... By running
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itsdetachable · 11 months
So do you think the Grand Worm that swallows everyone in Ep 4 is specifically Zazie? I know Zazie is like, The Worms Mouthpiece or whatever, but they have to have like, an actual worm body somewhere since the one we see is just an amalgamation of bitty flying worms.
I have like, a MASSIVE headcanon idea about the Worms, that might not mesh entirely with true canon but not even canon meshes entirely with canon lol
Just wanted to toss my thoughts out somewhere so like, hm, while I think the entirety of Worms on NML being one giant hivemind is cool, I think it would make sense that there's rather like, levels of worm society or maybe hierarchy is a better term. There's a variety of different types of Worms so there's probably a variety of ways that their groups...congregate? Live? Seems they all prey on each other too..
So my headcanon is that there are groupings of 'hives' or 'burrows' (not sure what term I feel fits better) that are basically a Head Worm and their Bitty Worms. And as the Worm ages, grows, and possibly even defeats and consumes neighboring Worms they grow in power, size, and their hive/burrow grows larger, with more Bitty Worms and worms of other sizes and types as well.
I also think it would be really cool if there were Thomas Mimics, worms that from a far enough distance looked a lot like Thomases. I have a whole Worm OC who is a Thomas Mimic and while she does have a hive she also has a herd of Thomases she basically protects, raises, and eats whenever she's hungry lol
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clownsuu · 1 year
How do you feel knowing you converted most of the welcome community to Howdy lovers
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The howdy propaganda
W O R K E D -
[mini cw link has mini caterpillars in it]
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marauderstars · 10 months
Regulus: Would you still love me if I was as a snail?
James: Isn’t it supposed to be a worm?
Regulus: A worm? Who would love a worm?
Regulus: That’s disgusting.
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leravat-lat · 4 months
headcanons My little worms
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
Hear me out
Grunge bf kayn with a hyper feminine gf , like his gf loves sanrio and cute stuff 🫢🫢🫢
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HEARTSTEEL KAYN: ULTRA-CUTE PARTNER HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW ♡ No TWs ♡ I am so fucking rabid for the idea of this combo...demon bf/ hello kitty reader SUPREMACY
At first, the pairing confuses people, but those that see you and Kayn together recognize that somehow you just work. You soften Kayn's sharp edges in a way that he only lets those closest to him see, and Kayn helps highlight the fact that even though you look innocent and soft, there's more to you than that.
Both you and Kayn recognize how much work it can be to curate and present an aesthetic. That's part of what helps you two mesh so well, even though on the surface, you're entirely different. There's a mutual respect for the other, stemming from understanding.
Though he keeps them stashed in a bathroom drawer, Kayn's got a matching set of soft bunny-ear headbands for when you sleep over. Usually he just bobby-pins his hair back to wash his face, but when you're there, he'll pull out the cute headbands so you can match during your morning/night-time routine. For the sake of his image, please, please don't ever show anyone your bunny-eared, spa-masked selfies.
Kayn has you saved as 'prince/princess' in his phone. Fitting, since you're the patron saint of all things cute and soft, no?
The guys tease him whenever they catch Kayn with your things around the apartment, like when he's washing your pink Starbucks cups or pulling your cinnamoroll pajama pants out of the dryer. "Changing your look, Kayn?" They'll smirk, but he just rolls his eyes and sneers. "It's (y/n)'s, obviously," he bites. He's not really embarrassed, though—truth be told, he loves the way your life has leaked into his enough for others to notice. Besides, those nerds are probably just jealous that he bagged such a fucking perfect cute pastel angel.
Obviously, Kuromi is Kayn's favorite, if he has to pick one. You won him a little Kuromi figure from a claw machine, once, and he actually keeps it on top of his dresser, in full view for everyone to see. (It's probably the cutest thing he owns, and though he might not admit it, he fucking treasures that little figurine.) He sometimes says he's your Kuromi, though not usually in earshot of others. The similarities are uncanny—a proclivity for black, a tendency for mischief—they even have almost the same birthday!
Whenever you're in his room, Kayn sets his LED strip lights to pink for you.
If Kayn's going to be gone for awhile, touring and the like, he always gifts you a Calico Critters set the night before he leaves. "Try to take good care of them, yeah?" He smirks. "I don't wanna come back to the mouse family in the middle of a custody battle."
Kayn stashes a plushie in his underwear drawer, so you'll always have something to snuggle with when you stay with him (besides him, of course).
The visual contrast when Kayn lets you borrow a hoodie or jacket is nothing short of jarring. Here you are, this adorable thing in Mary Janes and a pastel skirt, sporting a bleach-dyed hoodie with a death metal logo. Kayn, of course, thinks the contrast is fucking adorable.
Kayn gently teases you about your bedroom—"I didn't even know this many pink things existed," he'll say"— but the truth is, he loves being in there with you. The softness makes him feel totally surrounded by you. It's gentle. Safe, even. Drinking from Sanrio glasses and slipping underneath a strawberry-printed comforter to spoon you may not be his usual style, but you make it feel so natural. (Sleeping in your bed, though? Kayn doesn't love that as much. He moves around in his sleep enough as is, but now he's got to worry about accidentally shoving your favorite Hello Kitty off the bed? Not fun.)
Kayn's favorite cutesy thing to buy you is sleepwear. Those pastel, soft-fabric cami and sleep shorts combos? Fucking delicious. There's at least three sets of your pajamas stashed in his PJ drawer, and Kayn bought all of them.
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bluecokecan · 6 days
pjo characters' reactions to "would you still love me if zeus turned me into a worm"
annabeth: build you a structurally sound worm habitat with air conditioning, perfect moisturization, gourmet worm food- percy: be really sad and find a way to turn himself into a worm as well. grover: what?? why would zeus turn you into a worm? what did you do??
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strawberryspence · 8 months
inspired by the recent events (think of a singer and football player) and ofc, inspired by the brilliant, @henderdads, who has graciously allowed me to make this into a whole thing. 👀
check out the original post!
*i don’t know ANYTHING about the NFL, so sorry for the obvious mistakes*
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”What do you mean?” Steve looks up from tying his shoelaces, and stares at his agent.
“Harrington, how many times do I have to say this?” Robin smirks at him, “He’s here. He’s sitting with Mama Joyce.”
Steve’s 100% sure a wire short circuits in his brain. He blinks rapidly at her before asking once again.
“Eddie Munson?”
Robin hums, “Ahuh.”
“Like the 12 time Grammy winner, Eddie Munson, from Corroded Coffin?”
Robin slaps a hand on her forehead, “Yes, Steve! Eddie Munson is in the stadium right now. You’re the one who asked me to arrange his seats.”
Steve jumps from the wooden benches, “I didn’t think he would come!”
Robin crosses her arms, “First of all, you were the one who made that bracelet with your number on it—“
Robin puts up a finger, “You weren’t drunk when you brought it to his concert and asked Lucas Sinclair to hand it to him. You also weren’t drunk when you announced it on a podcast, when it could’ve been a secret for all of us to keep. Second of all, you whined and annoyed me until I finally caved in, called his publicist to finally arrange the whole thing and the thanks I get is more whining?!”
Oh no. Steve stares at her, as all of the things she said finally sinks in. Oh no. Eddie Munson is in the crowd. He came. Steve asked and Eddie came. He’s gonna watch Steve Harrington play. Weirdly, he wonders if this is what Eddie feels when he’s about to play sold out arenas. Steve’s never felt nervous to play, the field is— well— his comfort place and not once has he had this sense of dread to play. Not even when he had to play the Super Bowl.
"I didn't think he'd come!" Steve panics.
“Uh-oh. No time for panic attacks. The game starts in about 15 minutes.”
“Oh my god.” Steve groans as she pushes him out of the locker rooms to the halls. There’s TVs in every corner, and one TV catches his attention.
There he is.
Eddie Munson’s sitting beside his adoptive mother and his siblings. Dear God. In what world is this real?
The commentator squeals in delight as he broadcasts, “Here’s one for the books, one that’s surely going to break the internet tonight. In the crowd tonight, we have the lead singer of best selling metal group, Eddie Munson. The rumors are apparently true! Harrington and Munson are definitely friends, maybe even more?”
Steve groans as Sinclair moves pass him, bumping shoulders. A huge smirk on his face, “I didn’t think you could do it, but I have to say, I am very proud of you.”
”Leave me alone.” He sulks as Lucas walks down the hall laughing his head off.
When Steve started talking to Eddie, he never really thought he’d end up here. Did he want something serious with Eddie? Well, yes. He’s been crushing on the man since he realized he was bisexual and Eddie was already the cover of the Seventeen magazine for nth time. But Eddie was a superstar singer who’s still on a world tour that has already sold billions, so no, Steve didn’t expect him to be here. He also knows that Eddie just got out of a pretty public break-up, so he didn’t expect anything but friendship. He just— shoot his shot and prayed to the Gods.
Steve thinks back to the conversation they had a few nights ago. A conversation only possible through the help of prayer and two shots of vodka.
“You wanna go out this Sunday?” Steve asks, trying his best to keep the nerves under the wraps.
“Isn’t that the day of the game?” Eddie speaks over the phone and Steve still can’t fathom the fact that he’s talking to Eddie Munson on a regular Wednesday night.
“Yeah, I mean. We can go out after the game.” Steve gulps, and he feels the need to take another shot.
”Huh.” Eddie hums, “Would that be a date, Harrington?”
“Yes.” Steve lightly bangs his head on the wall, “I mean, if you want it to be.” Steve covers his mouth to muffle the embarrassing sounds that comes out from him. What a wuss.
“Here, let’s play a fun little game. Let’s wait till Sunday.” Steve can hear the smirk in his voice, and god, Steve will have to look up the damn “Eddie Munson smirks for 10 minutes” compilation on Youtube again.
”What do you mean?”
“I’ll think about it. On Sunday, if I’m in the crowd then maybe we can get some dinner. If I’m not, then maybe next time.” There’s a playfulness in his voice that makes Steve want to tear his hair out.
Steve gnaws at his lips, that sounds easy enough, “Okay. That sounds… easy.”
Eddie laughs. It’s music to Steve’s ears and he feels pathetic, “Not so easy, big boy. If I’m there, you have to get a touchdown and then it’s a date. If not, then we hang out with your siblings. They’re pretty cool.”
Steve stares at the wall in his room, there’s maybe 50% chance he’ll get a touchdown. He could talk to Sinclair and McKinney to get him the ball. He could do it. It’s just another touchdown. He’s done—what?— like 50 touchdowns in his life.
”Okay.” Steve gulps, “Let’s do it.”
“HARRINGTON!” Steve blinks back to the present, lifting his eyes away from the picture of Eddie Munson wearing the red windbreaker representing his team.
Hopper’s calling him over, a smirk clear on his face. Why is everyone fucking smirking at him? “I see you’re distracted. I hope this doesn’t cripple your ability to play.”
”Hop!” Steve groans, only for his coach to laugh and pat him in the back.
“Go on! Line up!” Hop smiles, winking at him, “Good luck out there.”
Steve puts on his helmet, before taking a few deep breathes.
He just needs a touchdown. One touchdown.
Steve smiles.
He’d do anything for Eddie Munson.
A touchdown is nothing.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Eddie had heard plenty of stories about Steve losing fights.
He had the concussions to prove it.
But what Eddie saw with his own two eyes was far more impressive than whatever version of Steve had let Jonathan Byers and Billy Hargrove win.
He’d seen how quick he was to defend the kids, defend Nancy and Robin, even defend Eddie when he barely knew him. He’d thrown himself head first into the mix, nail bat in hand or not.
So when Eddie asked about it, Steve shrugged it off.
“Everyone loses fights.”
Sure, everyone does. But he’s seen Steve win against literal alternate dimension monsters.
No way a human teenage boy or two could be harder to beat.
But he let it go. If Steve insisted on it being a couple of genuine losses, so be it.
But Eddie doesn’t let things go. Especially not when it comes to Steve.
“I guess I just don’t understand how you lost to Jonathan. I mean had he ever even been in a fight before?”
“No. But neither had I.”
“But you should’ve won that fight with no effort. No offense to Jonathan, but he’s scrawny and doesn’t even punch right.”
“I don’t know. Why are you so hung up on this?”
Well, because this wasn’t simple. Eddie could tell Steve was hiding something, he just didn’t know what.
“I guess because no one else ever asked you.”
Steve stared at him, probably trying to figure out how to avoid answering.
“No one seems to ever ask you about you.”
Steve looked down at the floor.
“They don’t need to.”
“You deserve to have people care. So I’m gonna care for now and then I’m gonna have a chat with your idiot kids about relational reciprocity.”
“They have to show they care about you as much as you care about them. That’s kind of the deal with friendship.”
Oh? Did Steve genuinely not know that?
Jesus Christ.
“I think I just wasn’t good at fighting.”
“Nah. That’s not it.”
Eddie could see Steve thinking.
When he finally spoke, he wasn’t making eye contact. Eddie reached his hand out towards his face, cupping his chin and lifting his face so he had to look at him.
“Try again, Stevie.”
Steve took in a shaky breath.
“I wasn’t good at fighting for me.”
Eddie nodded. “Why’s that?”
“Just didn’t seem like I deserved to win. I deserved the hits I got.”
“Because I was awful. I said shitty things or did shitty things. Or with Billy, I knew I had to let him take it out on me and I guess I thought I deserved it. I dunno.”
He released Steve’s chin, watching as his head dropped back down and he seemed to curl in on himself.
Eddie couldn’t allow that to happen.
So he pulled Steve into his lap, smirking to himself just a little when he let out a yelp of surprise at the manhandling.
“So all this time, you’ve put your body and mind and future on the line for everyone else without a second thought, but when you had to protect yourself and only yourself, it’s not worth the effort? Am I understanding correctly?”
Steve didn’t respond, but then again, Eddie hadn’t really expected him to. He was too busy hiding his face in Eddie’s chest.
“That’s what I thought. So who taught you that you’re not worth fighting for? Who told you that anything you’ve done wrong should be considered a debt owed to whoever wanted to raise their fists? Who made you believe that your mistakes could only be absolved if you let them get punched out of you?”
Steve was crying; He could feel the cold wetness seeping through his shirt.
“You tell me who it was and I’ll make sure they know how it feels to lose a fight.”
“Just me.”
“I don’t think that’s true.”
He let Steve sit with the words for a few minutes before speaking again.
“You did some not great things as a teenager, as many teenagers tend to do. Have you seen the way Mike talks to people? He’s a shithead. But do you think he deserves to get concussed from a punch to the temple?”
Steve shook his head.
“Dustin gets an attitude anytime we don’t immediately bend to his will and calls us names all the time. Do you think he deserves to get a plate smashed over his head?”
“Of course not.”
Steve’s voice was quiet.
“You have more than made up for any mistakes you may have made in the past, even without the punches being thrown at you. If I have to tell you that you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect every day, then I fucking will. Hear me?”
“Hear you.”
Steve was staring at Eddie, tears still silently and rapidly falling down his cheeks.
Eddie wiped them away and gave him a small smile.
“You have no idea how special you are. But that’s gonna change.”
Eddie placed a kiss on his forehead before he wrangled him against his chest again, moving his legs so he could relax completely.
“Just relax, okay? I got you. You’re worth protecting.” Eddie sighed softly. “You’re worth everything.”
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toshiitea · 2 months
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Moments before disaster🫶
This is probably not original at all but I headcanon that Togruta bite as a form of affection when they’re happy with their situation. It’s also a way they express positive feelings when words aren’t enough. Biting can be LIGHTLY territorial as well (It is for Uvosee and he wont ever say it), but that’s only for the jealous types.
In adulthood,it’s typically done between couples and it’s also common between close friends. Signs that it’s about to happen is when they’re far clingier and warmer (I also head canon they have body temperature lower than humans) than usual.
In Adolescence, it happens all the time. Kids just do it unexpectedly when they’re super happy or like something. Bite marks everywhere! No signs for them.
Also yes it hurts like hell for humans, they’re carnivores with sharp teeth.
The aftermath:
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Unfortunately for Avello doesn’t know and just thinks his husband is trying to embarrass him. He’s usually good on avoiding it but every now and then he (foolishly) trusts that his partner wont “attack” him and lets his guard down. He is very mistaken! Uvosee is just a happy guy!
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thepariahcontinuum · 7 months
When you're working on a fic and you end up using a character with very little canon personality/backstory and start coming up with headcanons for them as you go.
Anyway: We know that Oni-Lee's powers gradually chipped away at him until he was a husk, I'm headcanoning that when Lung first met him Lee was an absolute chatterbox, like he would just not shut the fuck up and he was also one of those Capes who had a real knack for witty repartee.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
how each driver would respond to “would you love me if i was a worm” 🪱
(and you actually get turned into a worm)
charles leclerc: gets the whole ferrari team to take turns looking after the worm. there’s a care roster and a motivational talk and everything. you become not charles’s worm but the ferrari worm. he posts a really cool social media story about “my journey looking after the worm.” you are loved, if a bit haphazardly.
max verstappen: “do i have time to keep a worm? probably not. but i will get someone to get you a decent box i guess. sorry if my cats eat you.”
oscar piastri: “no. you’re a worm.”
lando norris: professes his love and says “of course i would, babe”. only to be away so much on holiday or busy on track that you eventually perish in your enclosure
lewis hamilton: yes and will get you the most beautiful box with all sorts of fronds and ferns. he will build you the cutest little jungle gym of mind-enriching worm activities. you will see him about once a year but he will make sure you’re always fed and happy. he will help raise awareness of worms in their ecosystems all over the planet
carlos sainz: actually is very good at keeping the worm/you alive but is thrown for a loop because charles and lewis are all doing exceptionally with their worms. he flushes you down the toilet in a moment of emotional distress
alex albon: doesn’t tell anybody about the worm but will eventually have the longest living worm although everyone will forget this fact.
george russell: holds a drivers meeting about whether it is ethical to keep worms and should they in fact be considered emotional support animals. the vote is split and the outcome is undecided
fernando alonso: makes a tiktok with you “day in a life with my worm”. then leaves you on the side of the road and you roast to death under the sun
lance stroll: begrudgingly looks after you for about a week after which he pawns you off to his sister who is now stuck with his random worm
kevin magnussen: gives the worm to his daughter who uses it for a school project. it’s very cute
nico hulkenburg: people forgot about him so he didn’t even get a worm. he’s not that sad about it.
zhou guanyu: would seem totally neutral about it but end up incorporating a worm design into his track fits and his helmets. his worm helmet goes super viral on weibo.
valtteri bottas: will use you for fishing bait and might be a bit sorry about it.
pierre gasly and esteban ocon: constantly fighting over the same worm. nobody knows that the other has the exact same one. it ends with the alpine TP stepping in and confiscating the worm. the worm somehow gets acquired by mclaren.
yuki tsunoda: he keeps you in a box that is structurally very questionable but yuki somehow finds time on the road to get you the highest quality worm feed and vegetables. you thrive under his gourmand care although he shakes the box way too hard sometimes
daniel ricciardo: changes you immediately for a caterpillar and hopes nobody notices. the caterpillar takes ages to turn into a butterfly and then people are asking bro i thought you got a worm. he gets a caterpillar tattoo.
sergio perez: couldn’t care less. thought you were roadkill stuck on his windshield and squishes you with the windscreen wiper by accident
logan sargeant: WHAT DA FUK IS A WORMMMMM? your worm life ends prematurely when logan accidentally drops your box on the floor. james vowles gets him a new worm and it remains to be seen whether the second worm is better (hopefully it is).
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twistedwonderworm · 1 year
May I request maybe the dorm leaders when their S/o leaves a lipstick mark on them after a make out season. When asked about it the S/o responds with something like “I wanted to mark what’s mine”
-❤️‍🔥 anon
Of course you can anon!!! I hope you enjoy this!!!!
Headcanons: When you "mark what's yours"
Pairing: Dorm leaders (separately) x GN!reader (Reader wears lipstick)
Riddle Rosehearts
His face goes entirely red when he hears you say that. He may need a moment to pull himself together.
He likes the idea of being yours and you marking him as yours in such a way, but he still scolds you all the same. He’s a housewarden after all, and has a reputation to uphold.
It would give off the wrong impression if people saw a lipstick mark on him. But that doesn’t mean he’s against it. He’ll absolutely let you leave lipstick marks in less obvious places, like his lower neck and shoulders where his clothes hide them from view.
Leona Kingscholar
It makes him grin. Of course, he’l act like it doesn’t bother him either way, but it makes him happy to know that you want to mark him as yours. Maybe you’ll let him mark you as well? It just won’t be with lipstick since he doesn’t wear it.
He doesn’t care who sees the marks as he’s going along with his day. Ruggie tries to bring it to his attention, thinking Leona hasn’t realized it but the lion beastman just waves him off.
He’ll let you mark as visibly as you want whenever, and he proudly shows it off in his own lazy way. If people start talking, let them talk. He doesn’t worry about a little bit of gossip.
Azul Ashengrotto
Another one who will go entirely red and basically shut down for a few minutes after he realizes it. It takes him a shorter amount of time to calm down than it takes Riddle.
He still scolds you but less harshly since he does have a reputation to uphold but it is still makeup that can be cleaned. He won't be as startled about it as Riddle is but nowhere near as lax as Leona.
Though he will let you mark him up with lipstick later. With his insecurities, it feels nice to belong to someone and marked as theirs.
Kalim Al-Asim
Doesn't mind one bit. Want to mark him as yours with your lipstick covered lips? No problem! He doesn't mind a little bit of lipstick on his skin. He would absolutely love to show everyone that he's yours.
Jamil would probably have an aneurysm though. With Kalim's status, he knows how his reputation will change if people see him like that. So he takes it upon himself to make sure it gets cleaned off.
Kalim is sad about it but as he knows Jamil is right, there's not much he can say. But he does let you nark him up in less visible places.
Vil Schoenheit
Absolutely not! Do you know who he is? He loves you with all his heart, dear, but he can't go walking around with visible lipstick marks on him.
He may like how it looks on his skin, but he won't tell you that since he doesn't want to tempt you.
He would rather mark you, if you will let him. His lipstick is high end so who knows? it might look better on you.
Idia Shroud
The king of freezing up and shutting down. He doesn't know how to react. Did this really happen to him?? Him of all people?
That pale face is immediately going to be a deep shade of red immediately. He’s still surprised you wanted to be in a relationship with him, so you wanting to ‘mark’ him will probably take some time to get used to.
But once he warms up to it, he won’t mind if you leave a bit of lipstick on him after your makeout sessions.
Malleus Draconia
He would be… confused. You marked him as 'yours' with a lipstick mark? You humans definitely have strange courting rituals.
After you explain it to him however, he'll be pleased. It'll absolutely piss Sebek off at seeing Malleus bearing such an unsightly mark, but it's not like he can, it would, argue with Malleus.
Beware, leaving lipstick on Malleus after a makeout session and saying it’s to mark him as yours is akin to a marriage proposal in his mind. So now you’ll have to deal with a very clingy but very happy dragon.
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synnamonroll666 · 5 months
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vlgrlrd · 1 year
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the m e m e
pretty old one, but I still like it
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
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I -I just. I- (x)(x)(x)
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