#Yes this is about the new scrooge movie
molinaesque · 2 years
You know that popular text post that talked about how annoying it is when people reblog posts that's obviously in celebration for those particular things, just to shit all over it because it's already got a ton of notes so they're using it to piggy back off of it instead of just creating their own damn posts where they can dump all their negativity and bullshit on it? Yeah, I FEEL that post right now.
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings - The Lord of the Ducks?! -Duckverse in June - Mystical Creatures - Cosplay and literature - Duck comics, Ducktales, Quack Pack, Darkwing Duck and Mighty Ducks - Duckverse - My version - Fantasy
Well, more specials related to Donald Duck's 90th birthday that I drew and related to one of my favorite topics, certainly related to fantasy, literary works and movies, and one of the best works in the world that is definitely worth reading, and it is Tolkien's works, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was an English writer and philologist (study of the origin of language) and one of the greatest fantasy writers of all time who will certainly influence other authors and future generations. Born in 1892, died in 1973. He translated Beowulf, one of the oldest surviving Anglo-Saxon epics, and also wrote The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and other works. However, he was best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He inserted a lot into his works from Norse, Celtic, Slavic, ancient Greek and ancient Roman mythology, as well as elements from antiquity and the Middle Ages that happened in Europe, as well as religious elements, and of course he invented the Elvish language in his own way, and it is considered that that and high fantasy. The Hobbit was published in 1937, while The Lord of the Rings was written between 1937 and 1954, and published in 1954 and 1955 in three volumes, which are called "The Fellowship of the Ring", "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King". Of course, it received a lot of film and animated adaptations, the most famous and popular of which are Ralph Bakshi from 1978, the version by Rankin-Bass from 1977 and 1980 The Hobbit and The Return of the King, and certainly the most famous that received the most Oscars are Peter Jackson's films with the same titles awarded with many Oscars and shown from 2001 to 2003. And three parts of The Hobbit from 2012 to 2014. So I drew combining from literary works and certainly from the film version of Peter Jackson, since that is my favorite.
Not to go further, since I would like to talk about the plot of the story for a long time, it is certainly about Middle Earth and the conflict over the power over the whole earth and about the conflict of one ring. In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, the famous hobbit joined the wizard Gandalf and the thirteen dwarves of Thorin's Company in a quest to reclaim their home and take their treasure back from the dragon Smaug. The Lord of the Rings deals with the fact that Sauron, the dark lord, made the rings and gave them to dwarves, lords and humans in order to rule the world. But he is defeated by Isildur and King Elrond, but his spirit remains and can only be destroyed if the ring is destroyed. So the main task was given to four hobbits led by Frodo Baggins. And there is the elf Legolas, the dwarf Gimli, the human and prince Aragorn and the wizard Gandalf.
So I drew and combined two brilliant fantasy novels, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings into one where I gave my favorite characters specific roles that would suit them in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in my own way. Yes, I combined almost everything from Donald Duck media, comics, cartoons, video games, but mostly from Donald Duck comics, including Paperinik New Adventures, as well as from Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Quack Pack and Mighty Ducks. Yes, not all the characters stopped, because this is only the first part of my version of The Lord of the Ducks. Donald Duck would certainly be Bilbo Baggins, the hero from The Hobbit, and his nephews Huey, Dewey, Louie and Phooey Duck would be hobbits like Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck, Samwise Gamgee and Pereg "Took", and added Newton Gearloose (Gyro's nephew) as an additional hobbit. Yes, the Quack Pack version would be more appropriate, since older boys and teenagers are into this kind of fantasy. Scrooge McDuck is certainly Gandalf the Great (doesn't matter if gray or white), Drake Mallard is the prince and future king of Aragon, ruler of Arnor and Gondor, Moby Duck (Donald's older cousin who is a seafarer) as the dwarf Gimli, Abner Whitewater Duck as Thorin Oakenshield (the leader of a group of 12 dwarves), Gyro Gearloose as the elf Legolas, Wildwing Flashblade and Nosedive Flashblade (brothers from Mighty Ducks) as Boromir and Faramir, Odin Eidolon as King Elrond, El Capitan as Gollum (since he is very fascinated by gold, and surely with a ring, otherwise he appeared in the first episodes of Ducktales 1987), Flintheart Glomgold as the wizard Saruman the Great, John D. Rockerduck as Gríma Wormtongue and finally Negaduck himself as Sauron, since he loves chaos and that he rules the whole world and loves jewels. There is no replacement Smaug dragon so I drew him as his interpretation.
Briefly Duckverse in Middle Earth and our heroes who need to save the world from evil and Sauron and Smaug. How about this? I hope you like this idea and these characters and love fantasy as much as I do. :D I know Tolkien didn't like Disney because of certain views, and I apologize for that, but since many authors like Tolkien's works, including Don Rosa, why shouldn't I? And sorry for these long sentences and finally the music for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SBQvd6vY9s
Feel free to like and reblog this if you like it, just don't use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me, thanks! Also this is intended as a dedication to the Duckverse in June, the fourth week under the theme "Mystical Creatures", however elves, dwarves, wizards and dragons can be counted under that, so I am dedicating to @duckversejune2024, @secret-tester, @tokuvivor, @queer-in-a-cornfield. And I dedicate it to my friend @cityoftheangelllls who likes ducks and fantasy like me. I hope you like this. Once again, happy belated birthday Donald Duck and his 90th birthday!
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professorsta · 2 years
Spirited was heartfelt in a way I didn't expect. I've read A Christmas Carol before and seen the many adaptions as I'm sure all of you have too, but I loved how this one tied in the Old Scrooge with the New One. Clint meeting Present who is so similar to him yet so different, for the fact that the whole time Present seems as if he's looking at a horrific fun house mirror, while Clint is meeting maybe the only person who has deeply and intrinsically connected with him. Clint learns that Present knows what its like to be a cruel controlling money hungry leach who desperately fears that when he tries to make up for it, no matter what he does, he won't ever be able to rectify the pain he caused. And yet? Present still tries, and inevitably is able to convince Clint to as well. Wasn't really a Christmas Carol beats wise but it was a realistic answer to the question; what happens after the story is over? Does the mean old Scrooge become a good man indefinitely? Or does he realize that it's not about desperately grasping at the idea of what is good, but instead about embracing and excepting his past, present, and future so he can move forward with honesty and without shame? Realizing he had to choose everyday to not say Good Afternoon, even though he knows he'll fail sometimes, and try to give grace when he does. It's the age old question; Can a bad person be a better one if they try? The movies answers, yes, everyone can do a little good.
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typicalopposite · 2 months
Is it too early to talk about Christmas?? As a mother I’d say YES! Keep that money hungry stress filled holiday away! As a fic writer 😏 hehehe welllll imagine with me… if you will…
Tommy, who has never cared much for the holidays… He didn’t have the best home life, his adult life was filled with hiding and lying about himself and sadness… and loneliness… until Evan, of course.
Evan who loves the holidays! Evan, who convinced him to do a couples costume for Halloween. Evan, who convinced Tommy to host thanksgiving at his house, so he could get to make the bird this year. He’s never had a big enough place to host… and yeah they aren’t living together, but like Tommy could say no to that face (we know that face).
Evan who has been Holly jolly mistletoe and reindeer since Black Friday (honestly since the Christmas decor hit the shelves it just came out in full force after thanksgiving)
And Tommy tried to keep up. Truly… he did. He tried to slap on the best smile and be cheery and merry and have the holiday spirit. It’s not like he’s the grinch… or Scrooge… he just… He doesn’t get it.
And Evan picks up on it so quick… Tommy feels terrible! He stops requesting holiday movies, or activities... but the kicker is when Tommy finds out about the 118 toy drive through Lucy who is helping out at the sister station.
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me about this?” He asks.
Evan’s face goes red and he bites his lip. “Well— I know it’s not really your thing… Christmas, I mean… and I get that, I swear I do. I just didn’t— I knew you would come if I asked… and I didn’t want to pressure you…”
Tommy melts. Absolutely melts. He pulls Evan into his arms and kisses him. “What time should I be there?”
And when he arrives and they come to him in need of a Santa — Evan was the original choice but he is currently occupied with activities. Apparently the Christmas spirit finds (and possesses) him because he agrees. Which is where Evan finds him shortly after. Jee clinging giddily to his hand. His eyes light up when he meets Tommy’s — who is doing his best to make the impression believable. The kids are buying it— well most of them.
“Hey Tommy!” Jee says as she climbs up onto his knee.
“Uh— oh no, little girl, I’m not Tommy,” he says, and has to bite his jaws to stop from joining in Evan’s laughter.
Jee tilts her head, confused. “But you look like Tommy,” she says.
“You know what… come to think of it, I actually have got that a lot…” he says and adds in a, “Hohoho…” laugh that has Evan covering his mouth with his hand to muffle a snort.
Jee goes on to tell him what she wants for Christmas and he spends about an hour talking with other children; all the while he keeps catching Evan staring at him with this awestruck look. He actually has a really good time that day… catches Evan under the mistletoe every chance he gets… and it doesn’t automatically make Tommy love Christmas. But he is 100% sure he loves Evan… and if that means dipping his toes in new things he didn’t care for before he’s willing to do so.
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int-writersmind · 10 months
I Hate Christmas, Peter Parker! {Part 1}
Peter Parker x f!Reader
It’s simple: You don’t see what the big fuss is all about surrounding Christmas, but Peter Parker thinks that this is unacceptable and puts you through step one of a multiple step list to make you fall in love with the holiday. 
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: I decided to put a Christmas song suggestion for immersion, not b/c I'm currently in love with Laufey right now...
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“You what?!” exclaimed Peter, quite loudly.
“Jesus, calm down,” You lean forward, just slightly, over the table, careful to not tip your mug of half decent hot coffee. “All I said was that I don’t really like Christmas that much, that’s all.” 
“You Grinch! You Scrooge!” Peter throws his hands up in an over exaggerated motion, he looked like an oversized toddler. Peter puts on a slight pout as he leaned against the wall, feet outwards, looking over the rest of the coffee shop. “I-I mean, you live in New York City, this place practically invented contemporary Christmas!”
“Now that’s an exaggerated statement.”
“I know that,” Peter turns back to you, folding his hands on top of the table. “But there’s a reason why so many Christmas movies are set here, why so many Christmas events are here. It’s because Christmas is just better in NYC!”
“More like Christmas is more annoying in NYC.” You gently pat Peter’s hand before downing the rest of your drink. “Peter, babe, honey, I’ve lived here my whole life don’t you think I don’t know all this?”
“Yeah, babe-honey, so have I. It’s why I love the holidays.”
“And that's why I hate the holidays!”
You thought Peter would grow bored of your Christmas conversation on your way out the coffee shop and down the street, but he only continued his long rant. It was the first day of December and with the new month came the sudden spark of festive, holiday flare, much to your chagrin. The addition of a new holiday drink at your favorite coffee shop had sparked the conversation in the first place. Peter had ordered it and once you decline the same, suddenly came the sudden barrage of questions. 
The two of you held hands as you continued down the long city sidewalk, Peter using his other hand to gesture wildly about Christmas. You decide that enough is enough and pull Peter off to the side, dodging tourists with tons of shopping bags. You reach out for Peter’s other hand, bringing it down with the other, squeezing ever so gently. “Listen, Peter, I appreciate how passionate you are about Christmas, the holidays and what-not, but there’s nothing you can say to convince me to suddenly fall in love with this time of year. This feeling has been there for years.”
Peter looks into your eyes and for a minute it seems as if his attention is elsewhere until he jolts in surprise, eyes widening to match. “I’ve got it!”
You can’t help but roll your head back in defeat. “Oh no…”
“Maybe you're right,” Peter squeezes your hands, bringing your attention back to him. “Maybe there isn’t anything I can say to you to convince you that Christmastime is the best time of year, but I can do things instead.”
“Oh Peter! You naughty little reindeer..” You tease.
“I don’t mean that!” Peter quickly kisses your grinning face, “That could be on the list only after–”
“Only after you complete my list of activities that will definitely, 100 percent make you fall in love with Christmas and everything that comes with it.”
“Oh, you have a list?” You cock one eyebrow up.
“Hypothetical list, it’s being finalized.” Peter pulls you in close, his hands resting on the small of your back, your hands resting on his chest. “But I think I know what to do first. Do you have a Christmas tree? Decorations?”
“Tree, yes, my roommate left one before she left. Decorations…no, I’m sure my cousin has some extra, I’ll stop by after work today.”
“Ok, I’ll meet you at your place later tonight?”
“Yeah, and–,” You move in closer to Peter, eyes shut, lips millimeters away from each other. “Your little list is not gonna change my mind.” You kiss him gently, one hand resting on his cheek before pulling away, Peter slightly chasing you back. “See you tonight.”
“I can already tell i’m gonna hate this” You hold up a shiny red, classic looking ornament by the wire, looking at it as if it was dead fish caught on a hook.
“What?! You have the easy job!” Peter calls back as he clicks the last piece of your ex roommate’s Christmas tree together.
It was night now, Daylight Savings causing the city to look later than it actually was. The two of you had stayed committed to this little game of Peter’s. After calling your cousin about picking up some spare decor (which she eagerly shoved into your arms), and lugging the oversized box on the train back to your place, Peter showed up with a determined expression and a carton of egg-nog. 
You take out the other ornaments from their box, inspecting each one, before setting it off to the side. Peter saunters over and plops on the floor next to you, going through the rest of the box to find more decorations for the tree. “This feels tedious.” you say, looking at all the stuff you laid before you.
“Oh c’mon, this will be great.” Peter says as he untangles some garland.
“That’s what you said about the egg-nog.”
“Yes, yes I did say that, but to be perfectly honest, I’ve never tried egg-nog until today so…that’s on me.”
You smile at him as you take the final ornament from the box in hand, a golden ball that had swirls molded into the plastic. “Ok let’s decorate this stupid tree.”
Half an hour in, with tolerable Christmas music playing in the background, the tree was finally starting to come along. You and Peter stood on either side of the tree, hooking various ornaments on branches. As the last ornament looped on, Peter went over to the box to pick up the garland he detangled earlier as you stood back and admired the tree. 
“See, beautiful.” Peter said coming up from behind you.
“What, me? Of course.”
Peter just rolls his eyes as he hands you one end of the garland, you each start to place it around the tree, passing the end from one hand to the other. “Doesn’t this remind you of being a little kid, putting up all your favorite ornaments?”
You just shrug your shoulders, “The older I got I just dreaded putting up the tree. It’s started out fine of course. But then someone puts the wrong ornament somewhere, or one side of the tree lights are not working, a favorite ornament gets broken…boom arguments. Mom, Dad, pissed at one another, little ole me just trying get the hell out of dodge.”
Peter gets the end of the garland, securing it at the bottom of the tree. “Sounds like…an experience.”
You just smile at him as he comes to stand next to you. The two of you look at the tree, its soft, golden white lights, the shiny, almost sparking ball ornaments on each branch.  “No, no, it’s ok, my parents love each other, but they're just…really good at arguing with one another. I, personally, don't care for it, so I try my best to avoid it.” You reach for Peter’s hand, interlocking your fingers with his. “After my dad accidently broke one of my favorite ornaments and got into a fit with Mom, I just decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. Swore off decorating Christmas trees.” You lean your head on Peter’s shoulder. “It’s funny, I wasn’t even that mad that it broke…”
“What was it?” Peter rests his head on yours.
“Some old time-y phone box, something silly I saw at a Christmas pop-up when I was like 6-7 years old.”
The two of you just stand there in the silence for a moment.
“Pick a new one.”
You move your head off Peter’s shoulder, turning to look at him, “What?”
“Pick a new favorite ornament.” Peter answers, “You don’t have to keep it forever, but it can just be your favorite for this year.”
“Hmm, fine.”
Your eyes skim over the tree, you land on the red ornament before jumping to the golden one, before your eyes find something much more garnish. A little ceramic coffee cup, what better to remind you of how you ended up here. Decorating a tree for the first time in years with your boyfriend who’s hellbent on getting you to like the holiday again.
Your fingers wrap on the ornament, lifting it off its branch, “How about this?”
“Prefect.” Peter says as you hold up the ornament in hand, the light glinting off the piece. Peter tosses something in the air upwards, shooting some webs to stick it to the ceiling. You put the ornament back in its original spot before looking at Peter. “Oh, wow what’s that?”
You look up, mistletoe dangling crookedly. “You know those things are poisonous right?"
“To eat, not to kiss under,” Peter pulls you in close by the waist, eyes darting from your lips to your eyes. “Plus it’s fake.”
Your own eyes glance at Peter’s mouth before looking back at his eyes, “Just because I didn’t run away from decorating a tree, you think you deserve a kiss?” You smirk, a hand going to the back of his neck.
“Oh come here you little Grinch.” With a soft hand on your cheek, Peter pulls you in for a kiss. Those lips, which you became so familiar with, soft and warm, sweetened by the eggnog, engulf yours. His tongue entering yours, playing with yours like it did so many times before. This action was so common, kissing each other was almost like second nature, but sometimes–like moments like this, it almost felt like kissing for the first time, but better. Kissing someone you could really trust, someone who really cared about. It was gushy and corny and everything else that people made fun of, but it was so worth it.
The two of you break off the kiss, foreheads resting on one another.
“So, step one of your list completed?” You ask.
Your head shoots upwards, looking at Peter with a confused look, to which he chuckles at.
“We still have the rest of the apartment to decorate.”
You groan, falling limp in Peter’s arm. It was all for show of course, but you had to commit to the bit, letting all your weight on to Peter’s one arm. You knew not matter what, he wouldn’t drop you. “God I hate you.”
Hello there! Thanks for reading Part 1 of this multi-part X-mas fic that was definitely not inspired by me at all hahaha... Anyway, I'll post on Sundays to get this series done by Christmas but no promise, but expect weekly uploads at the very least. Also this is meant to be mostly Fluff but if you Naughty Reindeers want some Spice/Smut I'll think about it 😉. Alright bye Void!
{Read Part 2}
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man-moth-hook-hand · 9 months
Christmas with the boys
The boys absolutly love Christmas! It's suprisingley their favorite holiday
They do Secret Santa every year
One year, Marko got David pretty much everything he could find with George Michael on it and gave it to him
The boys were singing his songs the entire night
David was not happy about it, his nickname is Uncle Scrooge
While they can't drink eggnog, they do at least try to be festive
They drain a victim and put the blood into a giant punch bowl and even drink out of festive mugs
Paul and Marko typically go out scavenging for old Christmas decorations, lights, I mean you name it
They have an old skeleton from halloween it's real and put him in an old Santa costume
His name is Mr. Kringles
They boy's aren't super creative
Dwayne has an old Elvis holiday album that they get out pretty much every year
David definetly reminisces on the "good old days" of better music when listening to old Christmas songs
I'm not talking about the 40s or 50s
No, David likes Christmas songs from the 1700-1800s
They boys joke that he's as old as Saint Nick himself
Marko's favorite part is decorating
This man cannot contain himself and will splash Christmas cheer every where
Dwayne could kinda care less, but he enjoys celebrating with the boys
The holidays are also a good way to help prevent time from passing too quickly
Paul wears a Santa hat every year
He starts sporting it the day after Thanksgiving and will wear it until midnight on Christmas day he's commited to the bit
They spoil Laddie so much
This kid literally gets at least 15 presents from each of them
Star doesn't really enjoy how excited the boys get, especially with the punch bowl, but she enjoys it for Laddie
They usually end up showing up at Max's house and watching movies on Christmas
At the end of the night, they all pile up in a room and pass out
Max likes it because it's the closest thing he gets to a "family" christmas
Christmas with you bestie
Oh the boys spoil you too
Anything you want to do they will intenseify that 100%
Get ready for the clingiest boys ever
They want you over 25/8 and will not stop cuddling you
If they manage to not burn everything, they'll set up a fire pit in the cave and make you sit on their laps
You always make sure to get the perfect gifts, they always get you twice as many
Usually, Dwayne gets a new book he's been talking about, David gets some kind of knife, Marko loves anything art related or new patches, and Paul loves music so you get him any new record or cassette he's been looking it
They boys understand the idea of gift giving, but they borrow just about anything from each other, so they kinda get you gifts they also like
One year you got a tool set. . . for a motorcycle. . . that you don't own
They boys said it was for when you do get one, but they definetly use it
They do ask first though
They do end up giving you gifts you do like
David got you an expensive necklace one year, it had your birthstone as the centerpeice with matching earrings
Marko loves to get you clotes, pretty much anything that you seems like you would wear, he somehow figures out how to get it even if it was on a diffrent person the other night
Paul likes to get you a lot of knick-knacks and decorations
Eventually you had to tell him to stop since you didn't end up having any space for them. He said you could store them in your area in the cave
Dwayne gets you normal gifts and at least one gag gift
One year, he got you a boyfriend pillow. It was basically a male torso with one arm so you could lay one it. Honestly, it's pretty comfortable. They boys had to throw it out because you were preferring that to them
Yes, they do an ugly Christmas sweater contest every year, even though Paul turns it into an ugly Christmas outfit
Star always makes you something and Laddie usually give you a decorated rock, he tries
You always get laddie the newest toy that comes out
Star loves it when you give her crystals and other shiny things
Even if you haven't turned, they still invite you over to Max's for the yearly Christmas movie marathon
Max likes you since you keep the boys in line when he can't be there
They all just flop down and make you sleep in the middle surrounded by them
It's your favorite time of the year since the boys end up being so sweet
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strawberry-selfships · 4 months
🍋🍋🍋 can i see three of them?
send me a 🍋 and I'll tell you a character I crushed on that never became an f/o
ok one of them is this fella named lester parnell from a film called saltwater moose . i havent started shipping with him yet because i only saw the movie once and the plot was like.. baffling (in a silly way like a What Is Happening Hello) so nothing ended up happening because i was like.. so goofily dumbfounded by the movie itself . HES SOOOOOOOO CUTE THOUGH.
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and yes i did make that gif of him. (and yes hes played by dalton who is.. rassilon . among other blorbos of mine)
OK the other two will be from DW because youre you and you get it
my most recent DW crush is kazran...... thats the latest DW ep/special ive seen (besides fifteen's new eps and besides the later ones my friends have showed me individually like the mr clever ep) and i just..... its so unfair bc i already crush on a version of scrooge so u give me a scrooge-inspired guy AND make him from DW its just . not faiiiiiirrrr thats oscar baiiiiit !!! idk what the likelihood of me coming back to him and selfshipping with him is tho . bc i have sooo much DW to still watch.
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and one more ahhhhhh THE NEXT DOCTOR AHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!! (idk what else to call him...) i can hardly even think about him without nerding out . HES SO WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i actually wish i did properly start selfshipping with him after i saw his episode but ah well . maybe ill make that day our anniversary when i do start selfshipping with him . AND ALSO HIS ACTOR PLAYS ANOTEHR ONE OF MY ROMANTIC F/OS SO THATS MORE OSCAR BAIT AAAHHH
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HES SOOOO CUUUUTE RAAAHHHHHHHHH runs circles around him really fast
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khtrinityftw · 9 months
"How does the original story connect to Disney?" is a question that has often been asked about Kingdom Hearts...and it ought to be asked more often, as the answer shows how the series lost its way.
In the first Kingdom Hearts, the original story is about the Keyblade Master trying to find his lost friends while saving the worlds of the universe from being consumed by a mass invasion of dark creatures, the Heartless, whose evil master ultimately seeks to conclude the invasion by absorbing the Heart of All Worlds assembled through each world's destruction hidden within the Realm of Darkness.
How Disney fits in is pretty obvious. Not only are the worlds in question largely Disney-based, but Donald and Goofy are the Keyblade Master's companions, Mickey Mouse is the leader of a resistance effort who operates the home base where refugees of lost worlds which includes some noteworthy Disney characters take shelter, until he can take physical form the Heartless' master's henchmen leading the invasion are a group of Disney villains that manipulates the Keyblade Master's male friend to the side of evil, and the magical beings who hold the power to unlock the way to the Heart of All Worlds are a group of Disney heroines with the Keyblade Master's female friend being among their ranks! What's more, the original iconography of hearts, keys and keyholes, "gummi" blocks, a money system called "munny", a majestic castle where villains hold maidens captive, and dark creatures with glowing yellow eyes all fit perfectly with Disney's usual sensibilities like an oversized glove.
At first glance, Chain of Memories doesn't seem like it does things as well, since beyond having Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy Cricket as companions for Sora and Mickey Mouse as companion for Riku, whom also has an important moment with Maleficent, the Disney worlds are just memory-based filler episodes in between the main plot progressing. However, said main plot is all about, yet again, a majestic castle where villains hold a maiden captive, the sort of archetypal fairy tale situation that Disney has always engaged with. Yes it's a dark and twisted take on it, but Disney also hasn't been afraid to go dark when necessary. Even the theme of memory is another fitting one for Disney, which has a hold on so many people's childhood memories. It still legitimately feels like a Disney RPG...heck, it feels like a Disney video game, a very specific one at that!
Kingdom Hearts II is about the Keyblade Master's journey continuing (and ultimately concluding) as a new group of villains conspires to destroy the universe through the spread of Heartless and acquire Kingdom Hearts, this time via the Heart of All Beings assembled through the Keyblade freeing captive hearts from the Heartless.
While this story pushes the Square Enix side more heavily, the end result is the perfect balance between it and Disney, which is still being considered. The important Disney characters from the original game remain important plus we get new important characters like Yen Sid, Pete and Scrooge McDuck, a plot point about a virtual world inside a computer at the start is echoed with the new home base world being heavily tied to the world of Disney's Tron, the main villains are spooky cursed beings exactly like the villains in the world of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, and above all the core threat will matter more to players who are Disney fans because it is primarily hearts of beings from the worlds of Disney that the villains are sacrificing for their evil objective. And even if you're not a Disney fan, Sora is friends with all these Disney characters, regardless of how plot-relevant they or visits to their worlds may be, which adds a highly personal stake in the story.
So the KH Trinity aces this test. Moving on to the series beyond...
358/2 Days: If the 1.5 cutscene movie having no actual cutscenes with Disney characters beyond one with Mickey that has literally nothing to do with the story and is only there as set-up for KH2 didn't clue you in, this game doesn't do too well with Disney connecting to the original story. The situations in the Disney worlds are good, bridging the gap of what went down between KH and KH2 quite nicely, but the main characters seldom get involved or interact with any of the locals. The only important thing they do is destroy Heartless to form Kingdom Hearts. It is purely thanks to KH2 and the heavy lifting it did that allows it to feel natural for this story, a direct prequel, to have Disney worlds as settings at all, since otherwise you could place the action in original worlds and nothing would feel off.
Birth by Sleep: This is a true half-and-half situation. Because on the one hand, you get Disney worlds that all connect with the KH Trinity, characters like Mickey, Yen Sid, and Maleficent all being important, the Disney Princess group of the first KH being relevant again, important plot progression happening in said Princesses' worlds, and an "old-school Disney" sort of vibe that even the main enemy creatures get in on with their rubber hose style movements. Even the original plot being a Star Wars knock-off is fitting in retrospect now that Disney owns Star Wars. But on the other hand, the original iconography that once fit Disney so well back in the first KH is now being treated so seriously and less whimsically that it feels like Square Enix is just completely taking it over, with the Keyblade concept in particular turning into something far less unique and magical than it had been before. Also, while the main characters certainly interact with the Disney worlds and characters more than the ones of Days did, it always feels like they're leaving no real lasting impact on them. Maybe that's by design since otherwise they can't be as impacted by Sora and the original elements in KH, but it still sets an uncomfortable precedent to be repeated going forward.
Coded: Give this game one thing, Disney certainly matters to its story, given that it's kind of all about goings-on at Disney Castle with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Chip and Dale, Maleficent and Pete, and of course Jiminy Cricket and his journal. It's a shame that none of that ends up mattering since the only part of the story that's important to the series narrative happens at the end and, aside from Mickey, is all about a bunch of original characters. But hey, it's still better than....
Dream Drop Distance: You put Disney in a game that's centered around dreams, and somehow make it feel like it doesn't matter aside from Mickey and Yen Sid. Just....how? How do you do that? The visits to the five Disney-based worlds don't matter and neither Sora or Riku have any real impact on any of what transpires there, a random excursion to Disney Castle to face Maleficent and Pete goes nowhere, and the original concepts have officially gone full Square Enix to the point of no longer gelling with Disney. Time travel with complicated rules and consequences whereas before it was just a whimsical door to the black-and-white past. A villain whose master plan is so omnipotent that it renders all the heroes' past victories meaningless and leaves them with no solid way of winning in the future. Clones of characters all over the place. Inception-style dream-within-dream mind screws. The literal cast of The World Ends With You playing the literal Reaper's Game. And a light, optimistic hero dumbed down, trivialized and ultimately deemed a failure all to prop up the dark, angsty hero. Also, I guess Pokémon are a thing now.
X/UX: All the Disney stuff is fake and unimportant. With that said, the fairy tale storybook framing of the main story in the original game / "season" did give off a decent Disney vibe. A shame the second "season" totally ruined that by making it all about Keyblade wielders inside another goddamn datascape, with more fucking time travel!
0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage: Mickey and Yen Sid are important characters and we see some destroyed Disney worlds.
Kingdom Hearts III: This story is about Sora and his friends preparing to fight Xehanort and his minions at a desert wasteland, and then they do. That's it. None of the visits to Disney Worlds have anything to do with that or impact it in any way; there's not even any crisis going on in the universe motivating the visits in the first place. Mickey, Yen Sid, Donald and Goofy, Jiminy Cricket, Scrooge McDuck, Remy and Merlin all get to be important to certain degrees, and the game itself is certainly full of Disney goodness for fans...it's just a shame that the original elements feel so divorced from it now. Everything that used to fit in with Disney - Keyblades and magic Keyholes, villains in black coats and the enemy creatures under their command, Kingdom Hearts itself, etc. - have so little interaction, intersection or interest with the Disney stuff that they've taken on their own, far less interesting identity. Even the new Disney worlds feel less like new incarnations of Disney properties set in an RPG universe and more like just....well, those Disney properties.
Melody of Memory: All the Disney stuff is fake and unimportant.
Dark Road: The main character's disgust at the actions of some Disney villains is used to justify him....becoming a villain himself. Because if there's one thing Disney is known for, it's stories where villainy is totally justified if done to keep other villains in line! Wait...
Missing Link: All the Disney stuff is fake and....
Sigh....Is it any wonder I'm like this?
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thepagansun · 11 months
Admittedly on the tendency to glorify Scrooge over Donald, sure Donald's existed longer than Scrooge, but when you look at the in-universe timeline for anything with Scrooge, he's clearly shown going on adventures for decades before Donald was ever born. Like it is kinda hard for a work to claim Donald is "original adventurer" when in the in-universe timeline has Scrooge going on adventures for decades before Donald was ever born. It's not like they can just go the meta route in stating Scrooge and Donald are cartoon characters that were already in their present ages the moment they were first drawn and created because they don't follow animated actor rules in Disney works (aside from Roger Rabbit and the Rescue Rangers movie).
I got a LOT of Disney asks which I can only assume came from the same person so I'm going to try to answer them all here.
The thing with glorifying Scrooge over Donald: Yes, Scrooge is far older than Donald in-universe, but if Disney can go out of its way to constantly credit Mickey as "It all started with a mouse" (when technically it was Oswald and before him, Julius of the Alice Comedies which was also Pete's first incarnation); then I think they can find a way to properly give Donald his well-earned credit for being the one to inspire the Al Taliaferro and Carl Barks (and by extension Don Rosa) universe. In the end, the original in that regard was Donald, not Scrooge so he should get the credit.
Mickey and Goofy: My favorite portrayals of them? For Mickey, I love the newer Mickey Mouse shorts/Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse shorts which are admittedly a little weird but do a good job in bringing Mickey back to his mischievous, wacky roots. And I love the fact that he doesn't always win because he wasn't originally perfect. Just like Donald wasn't originally a bad luck magnet. Donald's bad luck came around the same time as Mickey was sanitized. Donald is more than his bad luck and Mickey is more than a corporate cardboard cut-out. For Goofy, "A Goofy Movie" did a great job in balancing him as both his goofy side with real, relatable emotional depth. He and Pete are older in universe than Donald and Goofy. And while Goofy might not be book smart, he's emotionally wise with life experience that sadly, gets overlooked. The movie had great tunes, too! And Max also matured throughout the movie.
Newer Disney Shows: The only newer shows of the ones you listed that I watched (and even then only a few episodes) were: Star and the Forces of Evil and Amphibia. The difference between those and DT17 are that those are completely new (to my knowledge) so they're not changing or missing up already established portrayals of the characters since it's the first time we're seeing them.
Newbies and Webby on DT17: It's not that I "don't like newbies on reboots." What I don't like is having newbies upstage the canon characters on adventures inspired by the canon characters' adventures and stories. DT17 essentially hijacked the adventures, badass abilities and even biological family of Donald abd Scrooge and literally made it all about Webby as if she's the reason for the Carl Barks/Scrooge legacy when she's absolutely NOT. Donald is. So making it seem as if it's all thanks to her is dead wrong and a gross disrespect to Donald. Now.. that being said, how I would've handled her? Several ways, I guess. She could've been given a couple of episodes focuses on her where she went on an entirely new adventure (that wasn't a ripoff of one that Donald or Scrooge already did). Instead of having her be the only badass fighting kid, I probably would've had each nephew/adopted nieces master a form of martial arts each: Huey would've mastered kickboxing to deal with his anger, Dewey would've mastered Muy Thai or BBJ which are flashier, Louie would've mastered judo or akido since they use less effort, and Webby would've mastered karate. And she definitely would've remained Beakley's biological granddaughter.
Productions that do a good job with Scrooge: The original Ducktales was pretty good in his portrayal and DT17 came close too. But again, their issue was having Scrooge sort of cater and bond with the newbies over his own canonical family! How many episodes did we get of Scrooge and Donald bonding?? But yet Webby gets to meet the McDucks TWICE when Donald himself, their canonical grandson, doesn't get to meet them ONCE?? It was prioritizing Scrooge's relationship with the newbies over his own family that damaged his portrayal. That and sanitized his greed. If Donald had to keep his bad luck, Scrooge was supposed to be a miser. I think his portray in House of Mouse came pretty close too especially the lengths his greedy can go.
Favorite Versions of Minnie & Daisy: I do like their sillier sides in the newer Mickey Mouse shorts. I liked Daisy's sweeter/ditzy side in House of Mouse. And actually, I think the pre-K shows do a good job of getting them out of Mickey's and Donald's shadows.
Other Reboots: I did like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power but I can understand why that too fell flat for those that lived the original. Out of the various TMNT? The one that came closest to their comics was TMNT 2003-2010. I grew up with TMNT (1987-1996) and Nickleodeon's TMNT 2012-2017 had the best balance of being aimed a younger audience but with serious issues and some plot points of the comics. I liked TMNT 2007 movie mostly because I'm a Raphael fan and he beat Leo in a fight. As for My Little Pony, I never saw episodes of them but I grew up seeing the Gen 2 games so I miss that.
Hope this answered everything.
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
Help not me getting emotional watching troy and abed singing somewhere out there in anticipation of a fabled american tail fic. SOS and all that
1) troy and abed my beloved 2) song of all time it's my favorite to play on the piano other than dellas moon lullaby
3) ok ok ok. [excuse to talk about it taken] this story is interesting to me to write because yes della in new york shenanigans and whatnot BUT scrooge and donald have to stay together. in canon they split because of the stress of losing della but in 1880s new york city scrooge isn't letting another ten year old out of his sight for a second. they're still angry with each other but if they're going to make it they HAVE to stay together. so I get to play the What Does That Look Like game and it's very fun:
How and Why is Della maintaining hope of finding her family? (easy)
How and Why has Scrooge given up on finding her, since he is shown spending so much time looking for her in regards to the Spear of Selene? (the ocean is scary [citation needed])
How and Why is Donald believing she's still out there? (listen tanya mousekewitz just had the vibes)
How is Donald and Scrooge's relationship faring? (not very well but they're trying)
also the reunion scene at the end of the movie is spectacular u watch it and ur like omg. they're literally back together...........
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ducktoonsfanart · 9 months
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The Donald Duck Chronicles - Donald Duck and Goofy in Kingdom Hearts - Crossover Duckverse - The Secret Life of Donald Duck - My Version
Yes, the first drawing was supposed to be more for Inktober, but well, what I drew is the beginning of my new project, and it will also be related to my fanfictions, but I will write more about that next year. However, somehow I managed to unify what connects Donald Duck, and I showed this in the first multi-character drawing, in which Donald sometimes dreams of being an emperor like Napoleon, and also encounters his other identities in which he is, such as is Duck Avenger (Paperinik), Double Duck and Maui Mallard. And it all represents one character. Yes, I read other fanfictions about The Secret Life of Donald Duck which is more based on Ducktales 2017, but I decided to make my own version, based on Duck comics, cartoons like classic shorts, Three Caballeros, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Quack Pack. And while in the middle, Donald Duck is represented through four characters, at the bottom of the drawing are his friends and family members who are superheroes. I also took a lot of this from the Ultraheroes comics. Uno (One), Jose Carioca (Green Bat), Panchito Pistoles (El-Galo-Loco), Fethry Duck (Red Bat), Gladstone Gander (Clover Leaf), Gus Goose (Iron Gus), Masked Tophat (Scrooge McDuck), Daisy Duck (She-Venger, Super Daisy or Paperinika), Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Gyro Gearloose and T-Squad (Huey (Red Shadow), Dewey (Blue Cyclops) and Louie (Green Avenger)).
On the top side, you can see the villains fighting the superheroes and Donald's biggest rivals, which are Due (Two-Un's twin from PKNA), Emil Eagle, Zoster (Evronians), Inquinator, Mad Ducktor, The Raider (although he is more of an anti-hero than a villain), Baron von Sheldgoose, Negaduck (he's more against Darkwing Duck) and Neighbor Jones (Donald's worst neighbor and eternal rival). Yes, I wanted to add more characters, but not all of them would fit in this drawing, but there will be another time.
Yes, I call this "Donald's Chronicles", my new headcanon that I am starting on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Disney as well as the 90th anniversary of Donald Duck and yes, it will be part of my Quack Pack AU, but in an even more extreme level, with more action and comedy for sure . The second drawing is Donald Duck as a wizard where he practices under the wizard Merlin (you know him from the movie The Sword in the Stone, as well as the myth of King Arthur), together with the knight Goofy. Yes, this is my first time drawing Kingdom Hearts, and I certainly know that Wizard Donald is great and that version will also be part of Donald's Chronicles. And music related to this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9XrjH_XHU By the way, both drawings are gifts for my friend @isabellanajera and @you-big-palooka, who recently celebrated her birthday and who, like me, is definitely a big fan of Donald Duck. And a gift for my friend from Discord, @scroogemcduckair.
I hope you like these drawings and ideas like this. If you have any comments, feel free to say so. Feel free to like and reblog this. And don't use my ideas and copy without mentioning me, please.
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ducklooney · 2 years
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My artworks during 2022.
I wish everyone a happy New Year and happy holidays!
Unfortunately, like last year, I didn't have the exact template with my drawings this year either, so I'll post through this. Unlike 2021, during 2022 I improved my drawing methods a bit, and also opened a new blog where I mostly post my drawings and you can see them here: https://www.tumblr.com/ducktoonsfanart
Yes, I mostly drew related to Donald Duck and the Duckverse, but especially in November I also drew other franchises, mostly from Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons. Yes, this year I managed in all 12 months to draw at least one drawing in one month. Yes, there were ups and downs for me, but overall, the results were solid. Yes, although I mostly draw Quack Pack, I've certainly drawn related to Donald Duck comics, Darkwing Duck and the Three Caballeros. I hope to focus more on not only the Donald Duck franchise this year, but the others as well. I'm hoping to get over 100 followers on my side blog and hit 500 followers on this one. All in all, thanks everyone. And now the results of my drawings, that is, an overview through the year 2022:
January 2022 - Happy New 2022 Year! Ducks, goose and parrots teenagers celebrate the New Year - 22 views (likes and reblogs)
Also - Duck Avenger (Paperinik-Pk) and Double Duck ( PK Timecrime DD ) - 24 views
February 2022 - Gyro Gearloose and his friends in timetub - 21 views
March 2022 - Donald Duck and his family-Donald's family (Tribute to Carl Barks) - My version - 27 views
April 2022 - Teenager Donald and teenager Daisy with teenagers Huey, Dewey and Louie and teenagers April, May and June Duck (Young Donald and Quack Pack) - 45 views
May 2022 - Donald and Goofy Movie (Goof Troop and Quack Pack crossover) - 37 views
June 2022 - The Three Caballeros Ride Again - 37 views
Also Donald's birthday and summer party! - Happy birthday Donald Duck! (Plus Happy birthday Della!) - 38 views
July 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie and April, May and June Duck on vacation at the seaside - Quack Pack summer - 22 views
August 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck with baseball hats - 24 views
Also Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck - Quack Pack - 25 views
Septembar 2022 - Ducktales - Happy 35th Anniversary and Happy 75th Birthday Scrooge McDuck! - 31 views
Also Donald Duck as Duck Avenger and his family as superheroes - Duck comics (Duck Avenger, She-Venger and Q-Galaxy) - 33 views
October 2022 - Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck - Triplets Mania - 85th anniversary - Quack Pack Week - Triplets - Plus Phooey Duck - 28 views
November 2022 - Duckvember - Humble Duck (Ducks) - 30 views
December 2022 - Donald and Daisy Duck and their children (Huey, Dewey and Louie, April, May and June Duck) celebrate Christmas and New Year - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - 26 views
And finally my most viewed drawing is:
Double Duck (Donald Duck as secret agent) and his student (more precisely his nephew) in action - 234 views (I don't even know how that drawing managed to get so much)
Plus surprise at the end: Duckvember - Manic and Problematic Duck and Free Space - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays - Crossover Ducks - 23 views
True, there are things that didn't work out so well for me, but I'm trying as hard as I can to improve all of that. I hope that the year 2023 will be a better opportunity for my drawing and that it will be better than the previous year and the year before. I thank everyone for following me and keep following me and there will be more surprises. And it won't just be about Disney and Warner Bros.
Once again, happy holidays to everyone and a happy new year 2023!
If you have any impression of what you liked the most and what you didn't like about these drawings, feel free to say so.
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quill-pen · 1 year
Scrooge Headcanons Masterlist
Scrooge is a switch NSFW
Scrooge is all about eye contact NSFW
Scrooge's NSFW alphabet: A & B
Scrooge's NSFW alphabet: C-G
Scrooge's NSFW alphabet: H-K
Scrooge's NSFW alphabet: L & M
Scrooge's NSFW alphabet: N-Z
Bess' NSFW alphabet
Scrooge proposes with flower rings SFW
Who Isabel married and why that makes it even sadder SFW
~Modern AU HC: Bess meets Scrooge pre-visitation SFW
Scrooge doesn't like being called 'Benny' SFW
Scrooge rolls his 'r's--anyone else notice? SFW
Scrooge plays the piano--end of discussion SFW
What Scrooge's personality type is and what Bess' personality type is and why it works SFW
Things that Bess will definitely do in the fic we just might not ever see them--lol SFW
Scrooge is gonna get long hair--deal with it SFW
Scrooge's favorite color SFW
The Scrooges: Victorian styles SEXTING NSFW
Scrooge honoring Jen SFW
Bess just needs some long, deep snuggles, okay? SFW
~(Probably) Modern AU HC: The "get along" shirt SFW
Granny FeFe's bed
Ebenezer Scrooge is a foot-popping-kiss kisser SFW
Scrooge always romances his wifey NSFW-ish (gif)
Ebeness' safe-word NSFW
Scrooge's body hair NSFW
Scrooge physique NSFW
Bess with the cute aggression SFW
Scrooge gets an accent when he gets heated SFW
Bess goes posh when she gets heated SFW
Bess Scrooge and her... interesting vocabulary SFW
Ebenezer Scrooge and holding his liquor (ficlets for examples) NSFW
Scrooge fell first SFW
Ebenezer's robe SFW
Eb's watch chimes because nostalgia for me SFW
Bess is quite low-maintenance in romance SFW
More fun and sexy Scrooge farmwork SFW
Josephine Sulivan--Fashion designer extraordinaire! SFW
Bess talks to the animals SFW
~Modern AU HC: Cotton briefs are sexy SFW
Ebenezer's father SFW
Those bed curtains are handy for many reasons NSFW
~Modern AU HC: Netlix and chill NSFW (just to be safe)
A brief history of Jacob and Beatrice Marley SFW
Bess' body hair SFW
Bess' favorite and least favorite colors SFW
Ebenezer is top-tier dad material SFW
Scrooge-Sullivan family height comparisons SFW
Bess' hair is glorious and Ebenezer loves it SFW
Do not call Bess "the little woman" SFW
The kids think Bess is awesome SFW
American vs. British SFW
~Modern AU HC: The result of breaking up with Oliver SFW
The sweet, protective things Ebenezer does SFW
Fluffy the Turkey SFW
Adopted Scrooge headcanon: Grind or bounce? SFW
Beryl's last name SFW
~Modern HS AU HC: Bess was an emo girl SFW
~Modern AU HC: Ebeness couple shirts SFW
~Modern AU HC: Scrooge characters Starbucks orders SFW
~Modern AU HC: Kick-boxing Bess SFW
~Modern AU HC: Mixtapes SFW
"I'm not perfect, but I'll be as close as I can be for you" SFW
Bess' oral fixation NSFW
Lots of head kisses SFW
Scrooge characters' ages SFW
Just sayin'--Scrooge is probably wearing long undies SFW
Wedding and engagement rings SFW
I still call them the Hannahs SFW
~Modern AU HC: Fourth of July SFW
~Modern AU HC: Motorcycle SFW
~Modern AU HC: Elvish SFW
~Modern AU HC: Bess' YouTube SFW
Portraits SFW
Do NOT insult wifey SFW
Mickey's real name SFW
Birthmark NSFW only because pictures of nude posteriors
~Modern AU HC: Bess and Oliver NSFW-ish
~Modern AU HC: Bess and horror movies SFW
*Sims AU HC: Why it took so long for Bess and Connie to meet SFW
*Sims AU HC: Ebenezer and Ebenezar SFW
~Modern AU HC: Tattoos SFW
*Sims AU HC: Bess just LOVES to torment Orin SFW (mostly--involves a crude bumper sticker)
^^Continuation of above SFW^^
*Adopted Sims AU HC: Scrooge family meeting Bea SFW
*Adopted Sims AU HC: Scrooge family meeting George SFW
*Timeless Sims AU HC: Connie and Bess-"Yes you are flirting, honey." SFW
Bess and self-care SFW
Pinkie-swear--Eb and Millie SFW
~Modern AU HC: Cutting hair SFW
George's shirts SFW
~Modern AU HC: Eb's shirts SFW
⚔️DND AU HC: Eb and Bess origins SFW
~Modern AU HC: Bess' opinion on new age SFW
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tuesday again 12/6/22
tuesday again no problem will be taking a break next week, and will return on 12/20/22
rich people by carsie blanton. this is an understated, acoustic little thing with piano and upright bass that builds up with some snaps and some...not quite call and response but something similar. it is direct and to the point, very much in the vein of labor songs and union songs.
i, very hard of hearing, transcribed this by HAND off spotify before i found this video bc i liked the lyrics so much. you're welcome.
Who run the world? It ain't the Jews Rich people don't pay no dues Who did the crime? It ain't the blacks Rich people don't pay no taxes Who took your job? It ain't immigration Rich people with corporations Who threw the vote? It ain't rednecks Rich people with thick fat checks
this interview is from two years ago (and reading about how seriously everyone took covid two years ago is...disheartening, now in the winter of 2022) but is a good answer to a really vague question about how she puts a song together (also explains why it pings so many of the union/labor song associations in my head):
I would say what I’m aware of in songwriting is that if you’re trying to fit a message into a song, it had better be a really catchy, exciting, fun song, because otherwise the message will not be heard. So I think I’m a songwriter first, and most of the songwriting I admire is what I would call American popular songs. So most of my favorite songwriters will just try to write a hit. That’s true in the ‘30s and ‘40s and in the Motown era. So that’s the writing I really admire. And I think in trying to get political messages into songs, I try to make the hook the thing that drives everything else. So it has to have the right energy, it has to have a catchy melody, or nobody cares to listen to the message.
ty to spotify weekly recs??? the least expected source
Batman: Noël is a 2011 graphic novel written and illustrated by Lee Bermejo. dipping a toe back into reading with some batman comics. i love batman oneoffs bc there are eleven billion of them and i don't have to have read several thousand other comics to understand them. this one's schtick is: what if batman is scrooge? it's not very successful in the storytelling aspect of this, bc by DC editorial mandate batman and gotham cannot change or grow.
however! it is beautifully rendered. this spread was quite lovely imo, very funny to think sixties tv show batman and edgy grimdark 2010s batman are the same guy
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this was chosen at whim from the selection available to me on my library's comics app hoopla. i have spent worse half hours
white christmas (1954, dir. Curtiz) while choosing and addressing holiday cards. in like 2016 i decided doing this the first weekend in december would be my new tradition and i have done it like three times since then. so it goes.
has this movie aged well? no. did i watch it many times every winter while growing up bc i was brunette and my sister was blond? yes. these women simply do not look related but that's neither here nor there
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quick question, pokemon company
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who ARE these women. why are they in little caped costumes. i found the little group of three all together but beating them up didn't give me anything except more questions. what is their DEAL
pasta failure. i have two boxes of mostaccioli (penne with no grooves) from really early in the pandemic when instacart gave me that instead of normal begrooved penne. in the interest of eating my pantry down before i move, i made sausage and peppers with onions, threw the leftovers in some diced tomatoes, and threw all that on top of this pasta.
this did not work bc this pasta has no grooves and cannot hold the tomatoes. the peppers and onions, which are cut in strips (as sausage and peppers with onions is typically made) are a little more successful but this shit sucks man. and i still have another whole box. other than ziti (and even that's questionable, bc the sauce issue remains, also i hate ziti) i don't think there's a good use for this pasta and i'm not completely sure why it exists except as a cruel italian joke, maybe.
in other house news, i am begrudgingly hanging more things bc i do want this joint to look a little less bare for when my siblings come.
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in three columns left to right and then describing the columns from top to bottom:
postcard from the museum of sex in manhattan, postcard from my grandfather's collection, postcard from @believerindaydreams, cyanotype i did in high school
postcard from the restaurant my best friend's wedding reception was at, postcard from my sister when she went to japan, postcard from my sister when she went to france (no they are not flipped, also i had to trim this one without trimming any of the text and mack played with the sliver of cut off postcard for a solid forty minutes. acrobatic playing too, she was really going to fucking town smacking this sliver of postcard around)
another postcard from the best friend wedding reception restaurant, postcard from justseeds with a patreon backer reward postage stamp on top, patreon backer reward postcard from @calicojackofficial
i am not fucking around when i say i love postcards. this isn't even all the framed postcards in my house bc there are a series of five in one big frame, two in my room and two by my front door. plus some more in a box
and that's going to have to tide everyone over for the week break. i won't be totally offline (regular blogging, whatever the fuck that means, will probably continue) but i simply will not have the energy or time needed for a tuesdaypost
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grayscaleskies · 2 years
Alright Christmas Carol is one of my favorite holiday movies and I'm watching the new animated Scrooge a Christmas Carol so I'm gonna talk about my thoughts to the void
-Hate the opening number/scene??? Why is Fred so important in this version this song is extremely pointless and feels so out of place also why tf are there rainbow snowflake lights I am confusion
-EY CANE USER SCROOGE and from what I can tell he uses it correctly so far!! Diversity win
-Dog is cute but I wish she wasn't there she adds absolutely nothing to the story YES I AM A STICKLER FOR ACCURACY
-I hate the dialogue of this film so far like why does Scrooge have moments of sincerity and then random bouts of cartoon villainy MUPPETS IS BETTER THERE I SAID IT
-Can we as a society stop drawing Scrooge with a hooked nose PLEASE
-Also to be clear I do have gripes with the source material (mainly with its blatant antisemitism and insistence that anyone who doesn't love Christmas is a Bad Person) and my analysis of it based on accuracy is not meant to condone that in any way, I love analyzing and ranting about media okay thanks void
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heyclickadee · 2 years
So…there was one time I decided that I was going to go through the entire Lupin III franchise (minus the manga, I have less than zero interest in that) in chronological release order, like a fööl. You know that one Lupin III post that goes around with Camilla, the vampiric twin sister of Jesus Christ? Not only is that absolutely an episode of the show, I’m not even sure it’s the weirdest one.
I hit something of a brick wall with Lupin III about halfway through the pink jacket era, but I have seen all of green, all of red, some of both the blue jacket series, and quite a few of the movies/specials. And there’s some wild stuff in the series, including:
1. That time Lupin and co. trick Scrooge McDuck’s humansona (he wears the outfit and swims in a money bin, this is very literal) into giving money to charity.
2. That time Lupin gets trapped by a narcotic lesbian death cult.
3. Colombo (yes, the one from the tv show Colombo) has a man adorable little skateboarding son who shows up in an episode.
4. A mafia boss hypnotizes the New York Yankees to kill Lupin and the gang with iron baseballs.
5. The completely accidental (I think) existential horror of the Green vs Red movie, in which Lupin III is an entity which moves from body to body, condemning its next victim to a life of crime and shenanigans. (This is not what it was going for but it’s absolutely what it is.)
6. Goemon gets possessed by his great-times-thirteen grandfather. Frankenstein’s monster is involved somehow.
7. Lupin crash-lands into the Bermuda Triangle and Every Paranormal Phenomenon happens over the course of the next twenty minutes. The meet aliens at Stonehenge.
8. Salvador Dali tries to turn Lupin into a weathercock.
9. An immortal gremlin man with psychic powers is collecting clones of historical figures for his human zoo on his private MC Escher Island. Lupin is hanged and shows up a year later in Dracula’s coffin. Zenigata tried and fails to keep Lupin from stealing the philosophers stone from one of the great pyramids. This all happens in the same movie.
10. Lupin gets possessed by the spirit of King Tut.
11. Whatever the hell was going on in “Musical Variation of Monkey Business.” I just…I don’t. I don’t know.
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