#You can make art with a pencil and a sticky note if that's all you can afford
moongothic · 2 years
I wish AI image creators (and pro-AI image people in general) understood was that there is, in fact, a fundamental difference between artists referencing each others work and a computer (re)generating an image
And that’s respecting the time and dedication that went into creating the piece being referenced to begin with
If an artist uses someone else’s work as inspiration for their own, they have to recreate it from scratch. You can use the composition of a piece, but you still have to draw the whole thing all over again. You can color pick a palette but the shading you have to do on your own. You can study the way someone draws immaculate, fine details, but you still draw every single line with your own hand. And doing all that work makes the person look at what the original artist had done, understand how they made their art, what it took to make it, and learn to respect their effort and dedication even more.
Hell, even if someone traces over another person’s work, without consent and refuses to admit to it (which generally speaking is a dick fucking move), even then the tracer will deep down know the limit of their skills and see what the original artist can do but they can’t (yet).
And these are all things that neither a computer or the person feeding a prompt into the computer will ever do.
AI image creators will never put in the same work and effort to “create” something, and thus they will never understand what it takes for an artist to draw or paint something from scratch.
You told a machine to make a dish, the machine makes a dish based on approximations of what goes into it based on what chefs put into their dishes, and you claim to be the chef that cooked it.
AI images and their creators are inherently disrespectful.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Ej, Lj, Masky, Hoodie, Masky, Ticci Toby and Bloody Painter x reader who draws them
Prize 5/5 for @reivelmin !! I hope you've enjoyed all of your prizes WOOHOO!! I had a blast writing them, hardly ever get the excuse to write for some of these characters EHEHEHEHE
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I've always headcanoned that Jack was always a bit of an artist himself, although the most he does it sketch every now and then to keep his kind busy. He points out some techniques he recognizes and asks you about it. It.. actually takes him a moment to realize that all of the drawings are him. You can practically hear the gears turning in his head before he tries to move on. This opens the window for the two of you to draw together every now and then.. though jack is always a little embarrassed.. flustered.. with the knowledge that you have so much of him in your book
Very loud when saying he loves it. Hes flipping through the pages before pausing, looking you dead in the eye. He makes a comment about how you must be soooooo obsessed with him. Hes teasing you, of course! He offers to draw you in return.. though dont expect anything crazy, Jack's not.. the best artist- and hes okay with that! Loves looking through your art whenever you offer it. Would kick his feet in the air while looking through the pages. Sometimes you give him sketches to color, to keep him busy while you have to go do something
He already knew what you were drawing him before you ever have the chance to show him. The man is silent and is constantly keeping an eye on you.. he does NOT know how to be a normal roommate!! You probably dont get the chance to show him yourself, because he points at a stray pencil marking that you forgot to erase. Worst jumpscare of your life, if you werent already aware of his presence in the room... he.. actually gives a thumbs up. Which doesnt seem like much but considering that he doesnt really emote, that's a huge thing... now does he think it's a little odd that you have a bunch of sketches where hes the reference? A little, but he does offer some good poses and lighting due to him tending to lurk in the shadows
Very similar to Masky but at least he pretends to not know. You walk up to him with your sketchbook and hes so obviously playing dumb but its.. sweet that hes pretending. He takes his time looking through all of the art, where some of the others get too excited and flip through it all. He doesnt talk, but he does communicate that he thinks it all looks great via sign.. oh he would definitely start leaving sticky notes with doodles around for you to find
I think Toby would be a little overwhelmed, he didnt think anyone would be interested in him enough to want to fill an entire sketchbook with him. He tries to cover up his shock by lightly making fun of the situation. Though every tease he tries to draw out falls flat, as everytime he goes to poke fun of something about the art he trails off. Besides, he couldn't bring himself to actually make fun of the stuff you make.. if it's a gift, you offer to take it back but he quickly shuts that down. Its like the Bob's burger friendship bracelet audio, "no fuck off its mine"
As an artist himself, he asks you about what materials you used as well as the techniques you used! Unlike EJ, Helen is more thorough in his questioning and knows a lot more fancy terms.. he points out the good parts of your pieces, and catches himself before giving his criticisms.. he at least makes sure that the criticism is wanted before just unloading (and even then hes constructive! Hes well aware that just dunking on someone does nothing to help them grow). It actually strikes his ego a lot that you would dedicate so much time and material to just him, and it inspires him to make something for you in return. If he didnt know you were an artist prior to this, he offers to paint with you.. whether as a collab or just simply working parallel to one another! Just please pay no mind to him staring at you more intently while hes at his canvas...!
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pinksugarscrub · 15 days
O Sweet Juliet
Tom Holland! Peter Parker x fem! reader
Inspired by @heihei.edits on tik tok! Thank you again for your permission to make a story of my own. Thank you to @froggheadd for allowing me to use their art 💕 (i'll upload the banner asap!)
Word count: 946
Your voice so soft it's barely above a whisper. Peter immediately perks up and drops his pencil. Like he's been waiting to hear your voice. His eyes search yours as he smiles.
“What’s this?”
Scooting your stool closer you ignore the loud squeak it makes across the lab's tile. Peter meanwhile slides his study guide away to the edge of the desk to make room for your textbook, English.
The pages contrast the formulas and theories Peter has been studying for over the past hour.
Normally the two of you would use a timer to keep from overloading your brains. But with finals coming up and an important mission soon after, you had to cram as much information as you could. Ned would also have joined but declined under the excuse his Lola needed him.
He really was your wingman when it came to Peter. You did however, owe him a cartilage of web fluid to mess around with for missing today's study session.
You trace your finger along stanzas before finally reaching line fifty-two. Reciting it before referring back to the essay prompt for your last paper.
“I understand Shakespeare was using pathos but how exactly does that connect to this?”
Peter leaned over you and despite the close proximity he felt so far away. His chin almost resting on your shoulder as he scanned the text. Romeo and Juliet, a “classic”. What? You can't help it if MJ degrades the play every chance she gets.
“Well…” He licked his lips before pulling away. Flipping through the pages as he continued. “The story is about love being blind, right?”
You nod as you look at him quizzically but still with enough patience that you don't interrupt.
“Young love specifically.” Peter finally stops on the prologue. Sticky notes littered in the margins much like the rest of your textbook. Definitions and context mostly.
“Shakespeare sets up this narrative from the beginning.”
The rest of his words fall on deaf ears as you admire him. Peter hasn't noticed that when concentrated, he taps his foot incessantly. Biting his nails as he articulates his next thought. His lashes fluttering remind you of how jealous you are over them.
“So…” you clear your throat as you look back to the textbook. What little words you did catch clicking together like cogs. “By setting up how completely infatuated they are-”
“-their deaths become the payoff,” he completes. Smiling even brighter as he notices that look of understanding flashing in your eyes. One he's seen all too often when you work on Stark tech.
He thinks you're just as bad as his mentor when it comes to your inability to take breaks. The restlessness you get from not being able to solve a miscalculation that leads to midnight coffee runs to the seven-eleven around the corner. Not that he's complaining. If anything, he hopes you'll get the craving for something sweet so he can whisk you away. Have you all to himself without the prying eyes of the other avengers.
Peter's quite aware Tony is hovering through the surveillance cameras. He wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the team was watching them like their own personal home movie. Frankly he's tired of getting teased, especially by Thor.
“Ok…Ok so-” You shift closer and Peter feels his heart lurch in his chest. It's like you affect him so much his own body can't take being near you.
Would you mind if he peppered kisses along your cheeks when it gets too cold? Hold your hands as he stares at you like you're the most precious thing in his life.
He sometimes wonders if you feel the same way but with how easy you seem to make these interactions he thinks not. Maybe you know enough that these teasing touches are a way to torture him.
“-the scene where they first meet. That's the main foundation for how the reader sees them as a couple.”
Peter nods as he tries not to lean in and kiss you. His eyes dancing between your lips and the pencil you keep chewing on.
“Being star crossed lovers heightens the effect and makes us root for them,” you mumble,“and again is why their deaths are so effective at evoking pathos.”
“Right,” he chuckles.
You lean back but not to far. Stretching your arms over your head as you look down at the mess of notes and candy wrappers you made on Tony's desk. If anything it's to hide how hot your cheeks feel.
“Cool, thanks Pete.” You sneak a glance at him with a quick smile before quickly doting down the major points of your conversation. Ignoring how your heart races once he finally looks away.
“Of course,” he hums. Mind lost on the homework he was doing previously. All these numbers mean squat when you're sitting next to him. His grades would absolutely suffer if he had to share more than one period with you.
Peter must have reread ‘what is the missing angle?’ a dozen times between looking over at you while you admire his reflection through the lab doors.
Somewhere Thor is handing over a wad of cash while Natasha grins over her newfound prize. She gives it until prom season when Peter will have no choice but to ask you out on a date while Tony says it'll be less than a week because that's when the mission is. Adrenaline does something to you y'know? And Bruce…well Bruce just smiles against his coffee mug as he sees your hand reach out for Peter's under the desk. He hopes you like the anniversary gift he helped Peter pick out.
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flwoie · 10 months
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⋆ It’s different when it comes to crushing on Euijoo, your bestfriend’s younger brother. He hasn’t done a single thing to you and you highly doubt he knows you other than being his sister’s friend, yet you always find yourself running away from him.
STARRING ≻ bsf’s younger brother! ej x gn! reader [guest stars yeojin of loossemble & f! oc (eunha)] GENRE ≻ fluff, comedy, implied mutual pining, bestfriend’s brother au, highschool au CONTAINS ≻ accidental invasion of privacy WORD COUNT ≻ 1090
SONA SPEAKING ≻ no i did NOT choose ej just bc he reminds me of my crush!!
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What’s worse than having a normal crush is having a crush on your best friend's brother, Euijoo. He’s not any typical brother; he’s the younger brother who doesn’t talk to anyone besides his friends and family. The younger brother, who only has one face for every emotion. He’s the younger brother who’s the eldest among his friends. 
It’s even worse when he goes to your school. Fate loves to be a hater and decided that you two should see each other everywhere, whether he’s behind you in line at the cafeteria or walking the same hall after your drama class and his gym class. Wherever you are, Euijoo is there. Some people would think it’s a blessing to be around their crush all the time, and it is. It’s also a curse, as instead of greeting him, you find yourself running as far away as possible from him.
The idea of your best friend finding out isn’t the reason you're running away. In fact, you even told her you liked him, and she didn’t seem to care at all. All she did was laugh. She finds it hilarious how he’s gullible and you’re here trying to keep yourself from running away when he’s around, especially when you’re at her house. From sitting next to you on the couch for a movie night to grabbing a cup from the cabinet in the kitchen where you’re eating, you’d expect her to glare at you, but she only tries to hold her laughter in.
You don’t know why you can’t function when he’s around every time. Is it because he smells like pencil shaving all the time, his glasses suit his face shape, or he wears that umber leather jacket over his uniform every day? It’s weird since you complain all the time that you miss him, but when you do see him, you’re suddenly meters away from his presence. You hate the idea of talking to him, but at the same time, you love talking about him with your friends. When your friends insult him, like his haircut or the fact that he’s part of the chess club, your mouth starts talking back as if you were a lawyer defending their client.
The one question that makes everyone you know intrigued is: How come you’ve never had at least one interaction with him?
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‘I saw Euijoo in the hallway first thing in the morning’. You write on the sticky note, passing it to your friend in the middle of your drama class. Your teacher has been too busy blabbering about her life in acting school for the past hour. You look up at the clock; it’s five before the bell rings. Some of your classmates are doing work, and others are on their phones. No one seems to be listening to her at all; they’re all waiting for the bell.
Yeojin passes a sticky note to you. ‘What did you do?’. She stared at you as you retold her what happened with your fingers. You tried to tell her that you walked past him, but she didn’t understand your gestures. “What?” she mouths. You lean close enough so she can hear your whispers.
“I walked past him,” you whisper lowly so the teacher wouldn’t notice but loud enough for Yeojin to hear. She covers her mouth, restraining herself from bursting into laughter. As the bell rings, your teacher mentions a project due in a few days while you get ready to leave.
The performing arts department is in a long, separate hallway away from regular classes. In that hallway is also the gym, where Euijoo finishes his class. The hallway is tiring for you and Yeojin, but all you want to do is get to your next class without having to see Euijoo. Yeojin leaves you for her class, which is the one near the exit of the hall. You’re here, walking alone to the end of the hall. Sometimes it takes you two minutes to get to your class or more, depending on the number of people. As you go through multiple people squished like sardines in a can and make your way to the end of the hall, you halt, hearing your name and an unfamiliar voice.
“Oh, Y/N, you dropped this,” Euijoo says as you look behind. He picks up a notebook from the floor and hands it to you. You’re frozen and silent, and he simply smiles at you and leaves. You run to your next class and sit down in your seat as you contemplate. Many things are happening at once—things that you found impossible.
He says your name and gives you your journal, the one place where you talk about him, then proceeds to smile at you. It sounds impossible, but it did indeed happen. But what’s really important is that he spoke to you.
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You haven’t seen Euijoo since that interaction. You don’t see him in the hallways at school or in the living room at their house. Whenever Eunha calls him down for dinner, he’ll just stay silent or respond that he’s busy. When he did come out of his room, it was only to return your journal. Your best friend accidentally gave him your journal when he asked her to get his notebook.
It was a simple mistake; he didn’t mean to look inside. The outside looked like his, but the inside was totally different. When he opened a random page, he noticed how his notes were colourful, his handwriting was curvier than it should be, and the words were the total opposite of physics. He put his glasses on and immediately closed the book as he read the first sentence.
‘I miss Euijoo’. He quickly pushes the book off his table and backs away from it. He’s shocked in many ways. Those words are playing in his head on repeat. All he can imagine is your voice saying those words. He wants to know what else you say about him, but it’s wrong; it’s your privacy. He approaches the book but is wary of picking it up. His hands are trembling the more he moves closer, until the pads of his fingers touch the leather cover.
He leaves his room with the journal in his hand. His eyes meet with yours as he enters the living room, places your journal down on the coffee table, and grabs his. You quickly grabbed your journal and sat on it as he asked you a question before he walked out.
“Are you busy this Friday?”
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&team masterlist
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creachureboy · 1 year
SFW and NSFW Vasily/reader hcs because help
His gunshot scars havent fully healed so he still cant talk
Gender neutral reader
Also uh. This is kinda long so have fun scrolling
Vasily's kisses are so warm and sweet. He enjoys gently pulling you close to him by wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing you. It's like a blanket of love and warmth has been wrapped all around you.
And if you aren't tall enough to give him a kiss, all you have to do is get on your tippy toes (or, yknow, just ask) and he'll bend down in a heartbeat to meet you in the middle.
He'll give you lots and lots of kisses to make up for the fact he cant verbally tell you he loves you.
But of course if you ever lean over his shoulder to watch him draw, he'll write "I love you", before proceeding to smile at you with the sweetest little smile you've seen.
When you cuddle, Vasily likes to run his fingers along your skin - maybe on your wrists, jawline, or anywhere else youre comfortable with.
Vasily is quite observant and notices fluctuations in your mood. Sometimes if he sees you agitated, he'll act on it by getting you something to eat or drink and insisting that you sit or do some activity with him until you calm down.
Similarly, sometimes he gets so engrossed in a task that you have to pull him away or distract him from it to get him to rest. He himself doesn't notice when he gets too invested in something, so he's always thankful when you help him with that.
Sometimes he draws you when you arent looking. One time he showed you one of the drawings, and he could've sworn that his heart skipped a beat when he saw how flustered you got when you saw it, so he made it a point to show you each time just to see your reaction.
If you're an artist too, he'll always praise your artworks even if you don't think your art is that good. Sometimes he'll even ask to keep pieces of paper you drew on, or purposely give you small sticky notes to doodle on so he can keep it with him wherever he goes.
Sometimes you notice the side of Vasily's hand is dark with pencil lead. One time he looked upon you horrified after cupping your cheeks in his palms and notcing a dark spot on your face when he pulled away, only to chuckle at himself and relax when he realised it's just lead.
He makes it a point to clean up stray eraser dust, but sometimes you find some pieces that he missed littered across your table or floor.
He'll let you doodle little things or write messages in his sketchbook. He enjoys looking back on them knowing that it was you who added it - he likes knowing you were thinking about him. You once wrote a little "Y/N was here !" message in it when he wasn't looking, and it made him light up when he eventually found it.
When Vasily's hair is down, it tends to tickle your forehead when you kiss. Sometimes you'll run your hands through his hair, and he always hums softly to show you that he likes it.
Sometimes he'll lean his head against your shoulder, as if he's a little cat asking for pats.
He likes to help you pick out clothes he thinks you'd look good in, and would absolutely style your hair if you're okay with it (even if it's short, he'll find a way). It's cheesy, but he likes to wear matching outfits / colours with you.
When you're out for a walk, he likes to pick flowers for you and put one behind your ear. There was once a time you both stopped to admire a meadow, and he took that opportunity to make a flower crown for you. Plus, any flower you pick for him will be pressed and immortalized in his sketchbook by the end of the day.
When you and Vasily hold hands, he'll absentmindedly rub his thumb along your knuckles. The warmth of his hand comforts you.
Sometimes you sneak up on Vasily when he's invested in a task to kiss his cheek or the back of his neck or wrap your arms around his waist. Usually he sees you coming, but when he doesnt ? His sweet flustered expression makes your heart flutter.
His eyes are mesmerizing, you could stare into them all day.
Fortunately for you, he could stare at your eyes all day too.
and youll both be staring and then smiling like a pair of lovestruck fools.
Sometimes Vasily cuddles you by having you sit between his legs while you both do your own thing.
He likes to sit with you on his lap facing away from him so he can rest his head on your shoulder while you work on things. Unfortunately this also spells for absolutely zero concentration on the task at hand from your end, but he insists he just wants to watch !
He lets you make little braids in his hair, and he'll just let them stay there. If you want to add ribbons or clips or anything, he usually doesn't mind as long as its not super bulky.
He's like a cat in that you can pet his hair and run your fingers through it while he leans on you, and he'll be quick to fall asleep.
Vasily is less of the type to let you have his coat when youre cold, but rather when he realises youre cold, he'll bundle up to you and try and fit you with him in his coat no matter how impractical it is.
Sometimes youll tuck some loose strands of hair behind his ear or brush his bangs out of his face. If your hair is long enough, he started taking to mimicking that action for you.
Sometimes he lays down on the floor to draw, and you are always invited to floor time.
NSFW - also gn, refers to readers genitalia in a gn way too
You two have a nonverbal way of communicating
Tracing a circle on your wrist means he likes it, while tapping three times means stop
Tapping with two fingers means faster, drawing a line means slower
When you run your hands along Vasily's chest and body, he tries to put on a brave face, but you can always feel his subtle yet blatantly obvious jolts when you touch him somewhere he likes.
He likes to hide his face when embarassed by burying it in your neck or by kissing you.
He lets you hold his boobs. Need I say more ?
You can give Vasily head and through nearly the whole thing he'll be tracing circles on your wrist.
And when he gets close to finishing, he'll be tapping on the back of your neck with two fingers like crazy.
He's not very loud when aroused, but he tends to gasp and groan softly, and his breathing becomes much more audible.
When you're between his legs, you can feel the way he tries not to close his thighs around you. It becomes almost like a game to see how much he can handle without impulsively squeezing you between his legs or thrusting into your mouth.
Vasily is scared to hurt you on accident, so you sometimes have to reassure him. And even if he did, he'd do all he could to make up for it.
When you jack him off for the first time, he puts his hand on yours to guide you to touch him how he likes it.
Vasily loves when you sit on his lap and face him, it makes it that much easier for him to hold you close. Plus, he loves to tease you, and the feeling of you squirming on his legs gives him butterflies.
He'll run his fingers up and down your back and trail kisses on your neck, leaving your skin tingling.
The artist in him loves to observe little details, and he'll try and learn everything about your body that he can. Whether thats making a mental note of moles / birthmarks, noting where you're most sensitive to touch, and all the little dips and curves of your body. He'll remember it.
Sometimes you get embarassed and look away, but without fail he'll always tilt your chin gently back to him. He loves seeing you flustered, especially knowing he was the one who put you in that state.
It still hurts for Vasily to open his mouth too wide, so he cant bite, but he'll gently drag his fingernails along your skin.
He's such a gentle dom, but dont get things mistaken. He loves to mess with you and loves to feel your body pressing against him, as if youre ask for more without your words.
He'll purposely go slowly in order to savour you and your reactions, but that usually leads to you begging him for more. And it's a win-win for him, as he either gets to see you in pleasure for longer, or he gets to hear you softly plead to him.
Vasily pays so much care into foreplay, he always makes sure to set the mood in just the way you like it. Whether it's setting up the atmostphere with candles, or just holding you close and trailing kisses along your body - if you want it, he'll do it.
He'll always make note of what positions and actions turn you on the most. Even if it's something he's not used to, he'll do it if it means he gets to see you enjoying yourself.
(Not to mention that the more aroused he gets you, the better itll feel when he fucks you)
Vasily wants to start out gentle, but he can get a little rough if he knows youre comfortable with it.
Whether its pulling on your hair or being more forceful as he pushes you down. Over and over, he'll do it and find your reactions to it adorable each time.
He doesn't like to restrain your hands though, as he can't get enough of you touching him.
He likes to hold your hips in place when he fucks you, partly to make things easier for him, but partly because he loves to turn you into a mess only to pull out just when youre really getting into it.
Vasily will watch in amusement as you wriggle and try to inch yourself closer to his dick again, and he'll smile softly at you as your efforts are to no avail as he holds you still. He holds you there until you beg. Until you beg for him to fuck you.
Your moans and whimpers are music to his ears and he wants to wring as many out of you as possible.
You're dealing with sniper's patience - be prepared to be up late for quite some time.
And when you moan his name ? It makes his head spin. It makes him want to push you to the edge but not let you cross it, just to hear you say it over and over.
And he will do it. Over. And over. Until you beg for him to let you finish.
Vasily likes to fuck you in missionary so he can easily kiss you and see your face.
And if he gives you head, he'll hold your thighs in place so you can't squeeze his head with them.
Youll run your hands through his hair and he'll give you a little hum of approval, but the vibrations of his deep voice only end up pushing you further.
He won't stop until you're so sensitive that you wonder if you can even take it or not. And at that point, you're already letting out incoherent moans and noises that you couldnt even string a sentence together, and the words that do come out are indecipherable.
Saying that Vasily loves hearing you and seeing you in that state is an understatement. He wishes he could just freeze time and pull out his sketchbook so he can keep this moment and treasure it.
And sometimes he'll be staring at you so intently that you wonder what's going on in that mind of his.
(In truth hes just making note after note in his head so he can draw you like this later)
When he fucks you, he always pulls out to cum on your stomach. He just adores the sight of you breathless under his touch covered in his spend.
When you peg him, he's so obedient to do whatever you say, all while letting out low groans and whimpers.
When it comes to aftercare, any roughness Vasily mightve shown immediately dissipates as he opts to help clean you up, and he'll give you even more kisses to let you know how much he enjoyed it.
But of course youre both too exhausted to do anything much but wipe off any mess made before inevitably falling asleep in each others arms.
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Things That People With Kiddos Should Know As Someone With Kiddos
This is by no means an extensive list of things parents/guardians/caretakers should know and take into account when raising and taking care of kids, nor is this telling you how to run a household or parent, however, from my experience, these things can make your life SO MUCH EASIER and make the relationship with your kiddos and you much smoother. I'm mostly going to be focusing on more adolescent-specific topics, but a lot of this advice can be applied to kids of all ages. Some of these things that I mention might work perfectly for you and your kiddos, and some of them might not. Some of them you might have to practice working on or modify them to fit your situation. Not everything on here is golden for everyone, and not everything on here is trash either. What works for one situation might not work for another.
With that being said, let's get to it.
Take your kids clothes shopping in person as much as possible. Make them try everything that they pick on. Kid's measurements are weird and are going to be changing drastically throughout their lives. Find the clothes they like and fit into in person and buy them online for cheaper (or in person. Whatever floats your boat)
Do not waste money on surprises unless you know FOR A FACT that they're going to like it! What does for a fact mean? Well, they've either explicitly stated that they want the item, or dropped some obvious as hell hints! Do not go guessing and buying based on what you think they'll like, or what you like. That's setting you, and your kid up for failure.
Be interested in things they're interested in. Your kid likes Taylor Swift? Cool! Your reaction should be "awesome, you wanna listen to the Era's Tour setlist in the car?" or, "what's your favorite album, let's listen to it together!"
Similarly, if your kiddo creates (art, music, poetry, stories, crafts, woodwork, videos, coding, etc,.) BE INTERESTED IN THAT. Consume their work! Show interest in it! Ask to read their writing, ask to see their art, ask to listen to their compositions. They might not say yes, but make it clear that you want to, and that's something that excites you. This will bring your kiddo joy.
DO NOT. AND I REPEAT. DO NOT. BELITTLE THEIR INTERESTS. Remember: You were once a kid with wacky interests, too. Kids are always searching for validation, whether they exhibit it or not. And even if they aren't? It's just a dick move to make fun of them for something they like.
buy pencils, pens, and notebooks in bulk. You'll need them.
Oh, and sticky notes.
If your kiddo comes to you for help of any kind, academic or otherwise, you damn well help them. "I need help studying for my math test tomorrow," ok, whaddya struggling with? How can I help? Do you just need a body double here, or should I do some problems with you?
give them notes. In their lunches, on their desks, in presents, on the fridge- hell, stick it on their doors! It doesn't have to be anything long- just a simple "morning!" or, "have a great day!" works, too.
Tell them you love them and that you're proud of them. Regularly. I know there are some people who think that makes their kids soft but I assure you, you're doing the exact opposite. By building your kids up, and regularly telling them that you love them and are proud of them, they know that they are valued and worthy and loved. This will set them up for success later in life and make them emotionally intelligent and flexible. Also, kids don't hear it enough these days.
They're going to see some scary shit. You can't avoid it. This past year I had to report three attempted suicides and many more cases of self-harm that came from other peers and people I was very close to. I initially was not processing the fact that someone so close to me was hurting themselves or trying to kill themselves, and the reporting process (sometimes even involving police) was extremely traumatizing. When I finally did cry, it came days later, and even today someone might say the name of one of these people and I will immediately shut down and change my whole demeanor. And I know our kiddos are experiencing these things, so please, be there for your kids and always tell them that telling adults when someone they know is hurting themselves or trying to end their life is important and could save their friends and loved ones.
Be prepared for your kids to have some kind of mental illness or learning disability. Do not try and gaslight them by saying that it's "all in their heads" (no shit?) or that they're "making things up." take everything seriously. "Mom, I think I have adhd," alright, let's see a doctor and do some research. "Tia, I'm so tired all the time and I just want to disappear," darling, that's not healthy, that's a sign of depression- you're important and loved, how about we set up a session with a therapist so you can talk to someone about these feelings who can help you better than I can?
Always be prepared to help your kiddos and reach out to licensed professionals who can help them.
carry snacks with you everywhere. And not that healthy shit, either. Within your kid's eating restrictions, get something like a chocolate chip granola bar or a Reese's cup and stick it in your going-out bag. It will save your life when hungry time comes around.
Don't be surprised if your kids are queer in some shape or form. Support them, love them unconditionally, make sexuality puns as needed ("if you're not dating anyone rn, does that mean you're on stand-bi?") and do your own research in regard to sexuality and gender.
help them get ready for school dances and stuff. Makeup, hair, clothes, pickup lines, the whole ordeal. I promise you they're going to love you for it.
Make the puberty/sex talk a casual yet thorough thing. You want to cover all the information, but you don't want to make it so uptight that they never want to talk about it again or ask any questions. Pull up diagrams, do the whole shebang, but make it clear that they don't have to memorize everything in that very moment. Questions are ok, even after the fact.
Take them to the library.
For all your menstruating kiddos out there, stock up on pads and tampons and anything else they use every month/every other month depending on how much they use. Don't make it seem like a hassle, don't make difficult, just do it without question. If they tell you they like a certain brand or type/size/etc, adhere to that and respect it. Menstruating is uncomfortable as is, don't make it worse by not listening to your kid's needs.
Give them this thing I like to call Cuddle Days (or sensory overload days, or Overstimulated, Get Me Outta Here days). These are the kinda days that can show up on weekends after a long week and basically it's a ton of movies, pillow forts, blankets, and comfort food. And lots of cuddles, of course.
Don't guilt trip them for existing having needs. Your kids are going to need a lot and do a lot and they are grateful, but it just feels weird to express that feeling of gratitude as a teenager.
And, most importantly, let them be kids. Let them have pillow fights, and roll on the grass. Hang fairy lights up and tell them stories. Giggle about their crushes with them, and paint your nails together. Play Mario Cart and eat takeout together. Kids are so complex and amazing and it would be a shame if we took away the part about being kids in the process of them growing up, because one day they're not gonna be our babies anymore.
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leonscape · 7 months
ikepri as school supplies
jin- ruler/straight edge
some girls just really love using a ruler because their notes won’t be “aesthetic” without them. but most people could care less about how their notes look, so not the most popular of the school supplies but he’s really special to some.
chevalier- wooden pencil
everyone needs one, nothing can beat the good old-fashioned graphite tip. a really popular tool, actually probably the most necessary. you see them everywhere and it’s in high demand.
clavis- mechanical pencil
also in high demand but you’re significantly more cool if you have a fancy mechanical pencil. you’ve upgraded, but still, a lot of tests recommend or sometimes require only regular wooden pencils.
leon- glue
not everyone gets glue. even if it’s on the school supply list or syllabus, you don’t actually need to buy a new bottle of school glue every year. but when you need glue for projects, you’re screwed without it. overlooked and underrated of the school supplies.
yves- crayons/color pencils
very colorful, used in art projects, or if you teacher believes that using colors help you learn. everyone gets a new box (the cheap ones if that’s all you can afford) every year. somehow, after a few years of buying new ones each year, they all get collected in this huge box and it’s an impressive collection.
licht- index cards
not really necessary to buy, but it does help if you’re studying something.
nokto- sticky notes
again, not really necessary but some people just adore the sticky notes. can be very entertaining if you have the ones that alternate and it looks like a slinky
luke- white out
related to the eraser. covers up certain mistakes. not a lot of people have white out and if you do, it can either get messy (liquid white out) or it just doesn’t work (tape white out)
gilbert- eraser
erase your mistakes, a counterattack to the wooden pencil. sometimes you accidentally erase too hard and you erase the pencil you didn’t mean to. a very popular tool that you’ll find in everyone’s school supplies.
keith- scissors
an innocent tool but it can also be dangerous. it’s called a pair of scissors for some reason? you might not use it all the time, but it sure is nice to have one of your own.
silvio- markers (possibly the scented ones)
really annoying as they can accidentally get all over your skin. no one uses them to color things, but if you do you’re probably a chaotic evil? markers are usually used to make things more bold
rio- highlighter
really bright and comes in different colors. not everyone understands how highlighting works and some people just don’t use highlighters at all. a bit related to markers as they are usually used to make things more bold.
sariel- pen
more permanent and not really used as much but it still is good to have. teachers use it more than pencils too. if you do your homework in pen you either are really confident, or you just don’t care about what writing utensil you use.
bonus: cyran- mechanical pencil refills
the mechanical pencil is useless without the refills so you kinda need those extra cartridges of graphite.
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Wilma x Reader headcanons
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Just some cute fluffy headcanons (written on my phone from the college library). Made specifically for @lillylvjy as a thank you for all the lovely Wilma content :)
Warnings/Tags: Wilma is a trans woman, reader is gender neutral. Brief mention of gender dysphoria
Beginning of the relationship headcanons:
If you’re an artist, you likely met her at an art event or the studio. Of course, you were instantly amazed by her paintings. Wilma, while usually confident about her art, sometimes gets imposter syndrome. Once you complimented her art, she immediately warmed up to you.
If you’re not an artist, you likely met her at the park. She’s there all the time, sketching the surroundings from the comfort of a bench.
If you met her pre-transition, it would take her a while to open up to you, but once you accepted her, she’d be more than grateful to have your support. Obviously, she’s not going to date anybody who wouldn’t accept her for who she is.
Once you’re dating:
Constantly sketching you. I mean constantly. She’ll use you as a model to try out all sorts of different styles and mediums, from charcoal to watercolor to oils to colored pencil…you get the point. You’re her favorite muse.
She’s a very cuddly and affectionate person. She always wants to be near you, whether that’s in the same room or leaning against your shoulder. Definitely the kind of person who will try to convince you to stay in bed with her in the mornings. She just doesn’t want to let you go.
She tries to cook, but she’s more of a baker. Probably a fantastic cake decorator. If you end up getting married, she’s absolutely making the cake herself because she doesn’t trust anyone else to bring her vision to life. Will also make you your favorite cake for every single one of your birthdays.
If you’re an artist, she gives you feedback on your art. You do the same for her. The two of you spend a lot of time just sharing ideas and working in the studio together, chatting or listening to music while you work on your respective projects. If you’re not an artist but willing or wanting to learn, Wilma is even more ecstatic. She just wants to share her love of art, and if you want to learn, she’ll easily tell you everything she knows. She’s also never judgmental when you mess up, always just happy that you’re sharing her passion. If you get frustrated, she’s right there covering you with kisses until you’re laughing and blushing, totally forgetting whatever was upsetting you.
This woman would LOVE to have a pet. She’s more of a cat person, but she definitely wouldn’t be opposed to having a dog. I imagine she’d really like American Shorthair cats, tabbys, and calicos. For dogs, the bigger, lazier and cuddlier, the better. She wants something she can snuggle (and also spoil with an insane amount of toys). She definitely treats her pets like they’re her children.
She always goes to you for comfort when she’s feeling dysphoric. You do your best to help, calling her beautiful, reassuring her that she’s perfect the way she is, and that you’ll support her through whatever social/medical changes she wants to make. She usually just needs someone to reassure her that she’s accepted, and as long as you do that, it’ll bring her a lot of comfort.
As she gets more comfortable in her own skin, she’ll take you shopping with her while she tries on outfit after outfit. Her clothing gets more colorful as she gets more comfortable. She’s definitely more fem-leaning in terms of presentation.
Draws little pictures for you constantly. You can fully expect her to leave sticky notes all over your room with small doodles and drawings. You keep all of them. When Wilma finds out that you’ve been keeping her drawings, she practically melts
She’s there for you when you’re having a hard day. You need advice? She’ll do her best. Comfort? She’s there with cuddles and your favorite meal (even if she has a hard time cooking it). Just want to cry it out? She’ll hold you the entire time, telling you how much she adores you and that you’ll get through whatever is hurting you together.
Wilma is an art museum lover. Take her to an art museum on a date and she’ll be over the moon. Just know that, once you get there, you’ll probably be there for a long, long time.
You’re going to have to say ‘I love you’ first. As much as Wilma wants to say it, she’ll be too worried that you don’t feel the same. Once you confess, though, she’ll say it every day (multiple times).
Her love language is definitely physical touch and words of affirmation. Tell her you love her, give her all the kisses she wants. She’ll return your affection tenfold. She’s definitely a romantic.
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
pencil shavings and shared smiles {pt.7}
Fem! Teacher Reader x Teacher! Eddie
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Previous Masterlist Next
AN: Hey y’all! Sorry this took a bit but I think I have FINALLY fleshed out how I want this to go and everything! This chapter is a little bit angst but LOADS of fluff so enjoy!!
WARNINGS AND CONTENT: Minors DNI!!!, Noncanon, Hawkins AU, Normal Hawkins, Making out and suggestive themes, Trauma, Reader is horny lol, Fem!Reader, use of nickname Tish in place of Y/N, older! Eddie, short-haired Eddie, 1995/1996 Hawkins, angsty angst.
Summary: You finally reveal some of your past to Eddie.
You enter Eddie’s little house after him, feeling the smell of him surround you. The house was small but everything radiated coziness, just like Eddie. You look around, seeing the art you recognize as Will’s up on Eddie’s walls, along with some photos of him with some friends and what appeared as family photos of him and an older and gruff looking man, some of the photos featuring a smile. Uncle Wayne.
You see the little stack of Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Paths books stacked up on his coffee table, all of them with sticky notes and worn edges of notebook paper peeking out. Behind his little TV, you spot a large hand painted white flag that said CORRODED COFFIN. On either side of the TV is an acoustic guitar and an electric one, both with as much personality as Eddie. 
This house radiates him, with little sticky notes on his books, worn out and well loved couches and a rug, some goofy mugs lined up on his kitchen counter and what seems like mismatched dishes drying on a rack. You feel your heart warm up and you forget about your nerves for a bit, smiling. 
“You want something to drink,” Eddie calls out, his head in the fridge. You glance over and swallow thickly, the nerves resurfacing. His ass is way too nice. 
“Tish?,” Eddie sits up a bit, looking over at you as you break your gaze away from his butt, your ears probably burning. 
“Oh! Uh- I think I’m good with whatever…Water. Juice. Ya know,” You joke, your voice practically cracking. 
Eddie cocks his head at you, raising a brow in confusion. “Uh…okay. Is pop okay?” He pulls out a can of Coke, looking at you inquisitively. You nod wordlessly, your eyes currently enamored with the way his fingertips basically touch around the can. 
He comes over, sitting next to you and grabbing an old paperback; what appeared to be a Stephen King novel; to place the soda on, and another for his dark stout. “Sorry,” He said, looking bashful. “I keep forgetting to buy drink coasters. But these books are old and used, so I don’t mind them getting a little ruined,” He joked, smiling that megawatt grin at you. 
Your eyes were locked on his lips and you had to tear them away, your thighs pressing together as you suddenly regret wearing a dress to school that day, your imagination on the fritz with how easy your inner thigh is to access. 
“Okay, that’s it. Spill,” Eddie says sternly, turning his body towards you on the couch. 
You feel your throat tighten up and your palms start to sweat, laughing nervously while playing with the edge of the skirt of your dress. “Spill what?” 
Eddie sighs, his brown eyes pinning you to the spot. “Tish, you’ve been so weird for the past two weeks. First, you were absolutely a zombie, and now you’ve been avoiding me as much as possible. Did I do something?,” His brows are furrowed a bit, tugging at your heart strings. 
You can’t lie to Eddie. He has been nothing but kind. He’s held your hand gently for a while and felt the spark between you, but never pushed you further. You sigh, feeling your stomach twist and turn but knowing you needed to get the weight off your chest. Sure, you would rather dig your own grave then tell him about the recent uptick in your body yearning for him, but you could reveal the other part. 
“It’s not you, really. It’s just… I started having these nightmares last week. They were all about my ex…my ex-fiancé. And they were silly and made me lose sleep,” You say, your voice shaky as you feel your eyes mist over, the tears blurring your vision. You’d been holding back for so long that you almost expected to get through this story like a robot. Guess your emotions had other ideas. “He’s the reason I came to Hawkins. I wanted to get far away from him and disappear.” You hold yourself, trying to keep your composure despite the dam of emotions threatening to break, looking at Eddie’s hands in his lap instead of his eyes. You can see them clench, the veins prominent as they shake softly in anger. You don’t feel fear despite it, knowing that he’s angry for you. 
“Did he ever, I mean…,” Eddie tries to choke out. You knew what he was asking, it was the question you expected. You shook your head. 
“No, no, he just…knew how to tear me down. Nothing direct, necessarily, but always round about ways of letting me know I was lucky to have him. How I should dress or act or look. What I should fix. I left because it was the second time he had cheated. For months. With someone he swore I could trust him to be with alone, someone he let believe that we were breaking it off. And I couldn’t…couldn’t break up with him in person because I knew what he would do.” You swallow, your throat thick as the tears begin to overflow, your voice cracking with raw emotion. 
“He would cry and say how all he would do is hurt me, he would beg me to stay, say he couldn’t live without me. Promise to be better. And I know if I hadn’t left, I would’ve let him. I would’ve forgiven him. Even though he distanced me and manipulated me to grow away from all my friends, leaving him as my only person.” You got out, your body shaking. 
Eddie reached over gingerly, a soft brush of his hand against your shoulder. “Can I-” 
You cut him off by falling into his arms, burying your face in his chest and letting him rub your back, softly soothing you by holding you. You were probably staining his shirt with tears and could feel your nose running as they continued to pour. Eddie rocked you softly, letting you cry into him without complaint. He gently pressed his lips to the top of your head, humming between kisses. 
He smelled like tobacco, vanilla, cloves and cinnamon. Like always. You were convinced that Eddie was a smooth and gentle stream, a collection of comforting constants that warmed your insides. Always looking out for his friends. He always offered to pay at dinners, always drank warm apple cider when it rained, always seemed extra creaky and full of popping bones when it was extra chilly. He always stayed after on Thursdays so the Dungeons and Dragons Club could meet, and always took every other Thursday to have the older members run one shots in rotation so if they wanted to start their own club they could. 
You sniffled, pulling away slowly, wiping at your eyes while laughing softly. “Sorry,” You apologized. You could feel the tears slow down, your breathing steadying. It felt like a relief to let someone know your past. You had lost friends, years worth of them, due to him.
Eddie shook his head, leaning his head down to meet your eyes, his own brown eyes raw and full of emotion. “No. Don’t you dare apologize. Okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. And I’m grateful that you trusted me with that. That was heavy, Tish. I can’t imagine carrying that all on my own,” He said sincerely. 
You feel a tug at your heart at his words. It had been a lot. Everyday you sat in fear of seeing his car, answering the phone to him…You had been on edge. You nod wordlessly, staring down at your hands, scared to say something to break this bubble you two are in. 
Eddie grabs your face, tilting your chin up towards him and his sincere brown eyes exploring your face while pouring everything into you. His admiration, his anger, his sadness… and is that…No…It couldn’t be. His love. Maybe it was just platonic. Maybe it was just a spark, a small flame to be cherished and hidden. But nonetheless, you felt your own heart practically burst from your chest, your hands shaking in your lap. Your heart beat is in your throat, your eyes trying to hold back tears. Eddie Munson cared for you. 
“Look, that asshole didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve your patience or smiles or laugh or…fuck…even your anger. He didn’t deserve to see you every morning or know how you take your coffee. He didn’t deserve to hold you in your sleep and wake up knowing you’d still be there. I mean, shit, Tish, I don’t know that anyone does. I don’t know if anyone deserves to see the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about your favorite books, if anyone should get to see the way you get a little crease between your brows when you’re stressed. If anyone should know how amazing you are at cooking, and how doting you are despite neglecting yourself.” 
You feel your breath catch in your throat, Eddie’s eyes flickering between your eyes to your parted lips, his thumb stroking your cheek. You want to let Eddie know you felt that way about him. No one deserved to see his dimples, or deserved to know he had a tendency to bite his lip and chew on his nails when he was distracted. No one deserved to know how he jokingly would eat candy first before a meal if he had it, claiming ‘you never know when you’ll die, wouldn’t you want to know you had chocolate before that?’. Your voice was caught in your throat and you looked at Eddie, hoping the words made it through in your gaze. 
“But,” He continued, his voice hoarse with emotion, his thumb still stroking your cheek. “I hope I can earn those things. I selfishly want them.” He laughed lightly, leaning his forehead against your own, smiling that blinding grin, his eyes still staring into your own. “God, I want them, Tish. Even the smallest amount.” You laughed softly, soft tears falling, your chest feeling like it was bursting with blooming flowers, painful but oh so sweet at the same time.
“Take them,” You whispered. “They’re yours.” Your voice was shaky, scared to cross the line but feeling like your oxygen would be cut off without it. 
“Fuck,” Eddie hissed, closing the distance, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss. You felt soft tears flow down both your cheeks, your heart beating wildly within its cage. His lips were soft but slightly chapped and he tasted like cinnamon and chocolate from a hot chocolate he probably snagged in the teacher’s lounge. You melted into his touch, your hands grabbing at his shirt, sighing into the kiss. Eddie’s hands caressed your face like you were a treasure to behold, capturing your bottom lip in a kiss over and over, occasionally tilting his head a different way. Eddie gave out small moans into the kiss, nipping at your bottom lip playfully, allowing your light gasp to let his tongue enter your mouth.
You felt your thighs rub together, your skin hot to the touch, sparks ignited beneath your flesh. Your ex never made you feel this way. Sure you kissed. But he never made you feel like the act of affection was another way of oxygen, something so raw and intimate.
Eddie’s hands traveled to your hips, easily tugging you into his lap, pushing your hips into his own. You moan softly, feeling his hard length against his core. He keeps his bruising grip at your hips, continuing to give you open mouth kisses, taking his time with his tongue to explore you. When you pull away for air, both of you are panting. His lips are a pretty dark pink, swollen. His pupils are blown, his eyes dark and his hands still at your hips as he tries to breathe, his eyes searching you. 
You feel the heat still under your skin but try to take it slow, leaning in slowly to press a peck to his lips. You feel him gently squeeze your hips at the action before sighing, smiling in a drunken way up at you, leaning back into the couch. You can still feel his hard length against your core which flutters in response, your thighs squirming. 
“Jesus, Tish. What’re you trying to do here? Kill me?,” He jokes, his dimples out on full display, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that way that you love. 
You're about to open your mouth to answer when you hear a knock at the door, Jeff’s voice coming through, lined with impatience. “Eddie, we’re here! Let’s go, please!”
You scramble off Eddie’s lap as he stands, sticking a hand down his pants to readjust himself, causing you to giggle. He playfully glares at you, pointing a finger before scolding. “Not a word, missy.” He heads towards his sink, smacking your ass softly as he passes by, “Let ‘em in, please.” You yelp a bit in response, the action driving more desire to build up in you, your underwear probably sticking to you at this point. 
You open the door, smiling politely, hoping that your face doesn’t give away anything that happened earlier. Jeff comes in first, the rest of the band tailing behind him. 
Eddie looks at you, drying his hands off with a towel as Jeff rants about the stress of planning a wedding, explaining how everything has to be planned and paid for. He winks at you, his grin boyish and eyes twinkling. 
You can’t wait to get him alone. 
taglist:@bebe07011@corrodedcoffincumslut@kurdtbean@nerdflash@kimmi-kat@aheadfullofsteverogers @rustboxstarr @micheledawn1975 @tlclick73 @be-the-spark-bitch
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
class B with a friend/SO who loves to draw and paint? and is really creative
thank you 🙏
lord and saviour provider of 1B content
have a nice day :)
Thank you so much! Have a great day! <3
Also I leaned more towards the SO side on some of these but it could still be either or!
Not proofread we die like men.
Awase -
He LOVES watching your creative process when drawing and painting. If you start to pull out your sketch book or whatever he will try to look over your shoulder. Loves drawing little smiley faces in the corners of your art.
Sen -
His entire social media page is pictures of you, random ass scenery and your art work. Every time you finish a piece hes practically running to go take a picture of it. Hes so proud and it shows.
Kamakiri -
Honestly didnt care for the art at first until one day you doddled him or his favorite bug or something on a random piece of paper you found and now he adores your art. He doesent show it but he goes over the moon when you ask him what to draw
Kuroiro -
Hes really edgy about it. Everytime he sees you painting hes just like. "The jet black on the tip of your brush is represents my darkness tainting you, who is the pure white canvas..." or smthn and your just like "actually the background is just black on this one..." please let him be poetic.
Kendo -
Loves seeing the finished product but she loves it more if you show her the ugly stage first so she can see how much changed! She just loves watching your process and how each piece changes over time
Kodai -
She has a few pictures youve drawn hanging in her room but other than that shes not very interested in the actual process. She does like going shopping for supplies with you tho.
Komori -
The two of you make 3d art pieces together. You paint a painting and she grows mushrooms on the sides of it or on the canvas itself to make it look like pop up art <3
Shiozaki -
"$100 to paint jesus" she loves your art! If you ask her for suggestions theyre all gonna be either religion related or scenery because thats just what she likes the most. Shes also one of your biggest supporters!
Shishida -
He loves your art and he makes sure your at your best when painting! Thirsty? He'll make some tea or get you a glass of water. Hungry? Hes already making a sandwich. If youre about to accidentally drink your paint water he will point it out to you before you can.
Shoda -
Hes not one for art but he likes to help any way he can! If you ran out of a specific color he will go right to the store for you. Hes also getting your favorite drink while hes there just so you dont get thirsty!
Pony -
Theres two wolfs inside of her. One is saying to keep all of your amazing art forever. And the other says to watch people bid for it on e bay (with your permission) and sell it to the highest bid. No matter what she is always supportive of your art!
Tsubaraba -
Hes known to be a bit of a perv so if you do nsfw commissions, his wallet will always be empty.. even if you dont though he adores your art! There is no more room in his room for your works.
Tetsutetsu -
Has probably accidentally messed up some setting paint on a canvas and then grabbed a brush to try and fix it.... only making it worse. Poor dude almost cried when you caught him ngl. His life savings is going towards art supplies as an apology!
Tokage -
You two tag team every painting. Youre coming up with ideas while shes looking for good references. You say youll need some pink in a minute and shes already mixing it. Need paintwater cleaned or a pencil sharpened? Shes already doing it.
Manga -
You know that art challenge where you and a friend switch paintings every 10 minutes until your done painting, he LOVES doing those. He also just enjoys both of you silently drawing in the same room as eachother. The class fridge is full of you twos drawings.
Honenuki -
Anything that has your drawings on it he loves! Once you gave him a sticky note with a quick 15 minute drawing on it and he carries it with him EVERYWHERE! One of the pockets of his hero costume is that sticky notes dedicated pocket! After each drawing he will message your hand to stop any injurys from forming <3
Bondo -
Like Shishida, he just makes sure youre taking care of yourself while drawing or painting. What good is an amazing artist if your sick and cant draw.
Monoma -
"I could totally do that.." then you hand him the brush and suddenly he shuts up. Will talk shit about how easy art would be for him if he tried but he would fight anyone else that said it.
Reiko -
She coaxed you into drawing a creepy ghost once and she used her quirk to make it float and chase people around the dorms in the middle of the night. She now keeps that same painting on her wall <3
Rin -
I really like the idea of using his scales for textures idk why. Like imagine you just drag him away from whatever hes doing, you ask him to cover his arm in scales and you just start painting him yellow. He loves helping tho and if you ran out of room to store things in your room his dorm is always open!
When I was writing this I got a random flash back to me selling nsfw drawings to highschool students when I was in 5th grade. I dont remember what I charged but I ended up with about 2k by the end of the school year. :>
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midnight-pluto · 11 months
XIAO — headcanons
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high school au headcanons
CHAR: xiao, mentioned!zhongli
PAIRING(S): none
A/N: recent event got me back in my xiao lover era
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a senior that always gets mistaken as a freshman </3 sophomore at best
got adopted by the sophomores and juniors back in freshman year and hung out with them predominantly until they all graduated leaving him behind to suffer
has gotten into fights before cuz man indirectly pisses people off - won all of them since he knows when he can’t take someone on - man’s a short king
him and the other boys in the friend group jumped a few people for making negative remarks about the girls
the kid always in the back that’s in their own world and that you’re 90% sure is on something half the time
surprisingly amazing in group projects - always gets his assigned work done days before the set deadline
not necessarily sporty but when it comes to gym and picking teams he’s normally picked first due to how he’s unintentionally a menace how fast he is
plays the flute and is in art club
however he always got frustrated because of whenever they were supposed to work with paint or clay it always ended up on his clothes
wears artist gloves all the time which shows off his black nails with his ring fingers painted teal
has the most stable hands ever known to man - there’s a reason why his iconic eyeliner’s always on fleek
wears headphones instead of earbuds
got made fun of for being short in middle school so he wears shoes with platforms
good luck finding this man in something that isn’t black or silver jewelry - the most will be accents of teal
speaking of teal, he dyed it himself bleach and all.
sometimes gets asked what his haircut is called and he always freezes up and doesn’t know what to say so they all assume he’s gatekeeping which he isn’t - he just took a pair of scissors in the middle of the night and chopped some of his hair off
bro’s accessory collection is lowkey astounding - rings, chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, hair clips - which leads for him to be ostracized from most boys at school; them claiming he wasn’t “masculine” enough leading him to feel even more out of place than he already does
girls love him but are soon put off by his lack of social skills
teachers love him for how chill and mellowed out he is but some despise him for how little he’s willing to work with others and how little he participates in class
isn’t doing the greatest in the league of social ladders
frequents the guidance counselor’s office which so happens to be his legal guardian - zhongli - for anger management
has naturally sharp canines
has the potential to get all A’s but sticks to B’s since he has barely any respect for the school system and doesn’t see the need to put in his full effort
but then again most of his classes are AP so-
writes really small and just slightly messy
doodles in the margins of assignments and notes are so real for him - mainly consisting of flowers, anatomy of skulls, and spiderwebs in every corner
bro’s tatted 100%
sometimes when he wears sleeveless tops and his zip-up hoodie you can manage to spot a glimpse of his arm tattoos if you’re lucky
his backpack for the first semester is horrendously messy and has a singular mechanical pencil along with crumpled paper, a pristine sketchbook, and the rest of his classes textbooks
the second semester however he’s got everything in there - gum, highlighters, multiple pencils, sticky notes, hand sanitizer, fake hall passes, lotion, and backup jewelry
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A/N: guaranteed on his banner but getting his weapon will be the death of me 😭
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themasterpostblog · 5 months
Pencil/2D Animation Resources Masterpost
Hello, I broke into my old account so I could make a little masterpost of resources I come across for learning pencil/2D animation. (Free or affordable classes, places to get tools, videos to give insider insight, etc.) I may not be able to get everything included, so if you think of something, you can reach out and suggest things to add! I will be updating this over time, with notes on when it was last recently updated. And maybe I'll end up giving the old blog a refresh too. I likely won't be making new masterposts outside of this one any time soon, nor updating any old ones. It's been SEVERAL years, and the internet is a different place. I would assume most of the old links are out of date by now, unfortunately. I hope that this list is helpful to you as well, and if I'm incorrect in anything I list, I'm learning too! So please be patient with me and feel free to reach out with a correction. It's not finished yet, but Tumblr deletes my posts before I finish them, so I'm starting with posting the skeleton and slowly updating this)
Find a Community to Learn From!
(recommended groups to lurk/join/make connections and ask questions)
What Tools Do I Need?
PDF Guide to Animation Desks, as written by David Nethry
(next line)
Where Do I Get Tools?
(Places where you can buy art supplies, software, etc)
Cartoon Supplies
(Online seller who carries Ingram Bond paper, lightboxes, storyboard pads, blank cels, etc. See also: Lightfoot LTD, which is identical in every way to Cartoon Supplies and for the life of me I'm not sure the difference, though both are equally recommended along side each other.)
Jet Pens
(Ah... I love window-shopping this site. If you love stationary like I do, you'll be on this site for hours adding things to your cart... and inevitably removing them because it's not feasible to spend hundreds on pens and sticky-note pads.)
(I've found they have good prices on name brands, but I haven't purchased from them yet. Often, I'm too overwhelmed by all the choices.)
Improve Your Art/Learn the Basics!
(anatomy classes, starter tools, etc)
Aaron Blaise (Co-Director of Brother Bear)'s Online Classes
He runs very good deals on the classes occasional, but you can also do a year's access to all classes and keep what you download, which is very useful! They're short, quick lessons, and tend to veer into more "helpful tips" than teaching, from what I've personally noticed, but it's well worth the price if you get them at a good deal!
Inside Look at the Industry -- aka: the Special Features:
(behind the scenes stuff, etc)
Books are more useful than you might think!
(Richard Williams Animator's Survival Toolkit, etc) (check out gently used copies of these books on Thriftbooks for a good deal!)
Nifty Free Resources
(Things like height charts, references, color wheels, blog posts, videos, etc)
What Artists Can Learn From Aladdin's Incredible Color by J. Holt [VIDEO]
(spacing for formatting)
The Art of Color Theory: Guide for Animators, Designers, and Artists (Animator Artist Life)
(space for formatting)
Free software!
(A classic, GIMP is an old friend of mine. The first software I downloaded for art, I used to use it almost entirely to create animated GIFs for the Warrior Cat forums. Ah, how time has passed. Nowadays I can't even remember how to animate a GIF on there, but such is life. I still use it to this day for digital art, even having Corel Painter. Before GIMP, I animated the old fashioned way -- MS paint and Windows Movie Maker. With determination, I scripted and animated a handful of Warrior Cat characters frame by frame. Each frame of Hollyleaf or whoever it was blinking was the likely source of death for our old computer, may she rest in peace.)
(Storyboarder is a free software with which you can use to create professional and clean storyboards. It also provides printable storyboard templates so you can do you work traditionally and re-upload it easily into the software! It also works with Wacom tablets. Check it out! It's actually super cool.)
Pencil 2D
(A free, open source software. Simplistic design, switch between raster and vector, and best of all, again, it's free. I haven't used this one much yet, but I've seen it positively talked about by many! I'll update with more research when I have the chance.)
(I haven't used this one yet, so I can't speak on it either! But it's going on the list so I can come back and research it later. My poor laptop is not going to handle this many downloads lol.)
(I also haven't tried this, but see above, haha.)
Blender - Grease Pencil
(Blender is well known for 3D animation, but they added a 2D feature called Grease Pencil as well.)
(Free for up to 3 projects, very simple, but upgrades to a $10 a month plan, which is... eh, I'll keep my Scrivener for now. I used to write scripts in Microsoft Word or the Notepad on PC back in the day, I don't think I personally need the fancy features.)
(A free screenwriting software, very basic and simple, good for beginners.)
Keep an eye out for
(Humblebundle occasionally does software deals -- a good art bundle at a discount can give you an easy start!)
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How I Annotate Books:
Here's a little tutorial that nobody asked for 🤭🤭 on how I annotate my books because it's fun and I'm obsessed!!
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Get rid of that "books are sacred" mentality - or just learn to be okay with only the books you've annotated being a bit messy. (There are also other ways around this: like buying two copies of a book, but im too broke for that 😓.)
Annotating Materials:
You don't need an excessive amount of expensive materials to annotate: a pen or pencil would be perfectly fine!!
However, I usually use:
Black Pen - I would recommend a nice one but like I just use any shitty little pen I can find.
Highlighters - You could use any colours I would either match it to the cover art or to the different tabs I use. (ALSO USE A RULER PLEASE 🙏 🙏 IM BEGGING IT LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER)
Sticky Tab Things - Yk what I'm on about I match mine to the cover cos the neon ones make me violently ill 🤮🤮❌️❌️❌️. But anyways...I usually just use nice coloured ones to match my highlighters or the cover design.
Post It Notes - Again, I always colour match but I found this nice brown ones on amazon which like match the bookish vibe 🤭🤭 so I use them if I don't have any other option.
That's mainly what I use but you could also experiment with colourful pens and gel pens or pencils!! Do whatever you want, but I do advise that it looks best if there is some kind of colour coordination.
Tabbing System: I'll usually have tabs for characters and analysis (dependent on how rich the book's language is) and fave quotes🥰🥰. I know that some people like to tab emotional or romantic parts but I'm not really big on that.
What I Write: Usually dependent on the book, but most of the time its just my stupid little commentary on everything. Sometimes I may actually form an eloquent analysis but that's like once in a blue moon type shit. If I'm feeling smart ig...Anyways some more examples (from my beloved..)
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Some of my more stupid notes: featuring me simping over Henry Marchbanks Winter (this is a judgement-free zone!!).
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In contrast, more in-depth analysis, or waffle idk?? Depends on your perspective.
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^^This is the paragraph for context. 🥰🥰
What I Highlight: Any pretty quotes or prose (Donna Tartt's writing>>>), key plot points or information about characters, or just anything I want to make a note about.
I circle, underline, and draw throughout my books, again, it all really depends on the book and it's genre (A romance is more likely to have doodles and less than intelligent remarks, whereas, literary fiction may have analysis and more detailed annotations).
In summary, you can write, draw and scribble whatever you want in your book: it doesn't have to be an amazing analysis on similes and metaphors (unless you want it to be). Just do what you feel is necessary or what you think suits the book!!! And make sure you're having fun!!🥰🥰 Annotating should be an enjoyable experience not ruining the reading in itself.
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Annotating on the first read VS Rereads:
Most people don't like the idea of annotating the first time you read a book because it "ruins the flow of reading" or something along those lines. I personally don't believe that to be the case, but I understand why people feel that way 😁😁 . Like most things related to annotating: it's all based on your personal preference. I like to think that annotating on the first read almost captures and records your live reaction to the book, whereas annotating on a reread gives a chance for more in-depth analysis. They both have their benefits, and it usually depends on how I feel. Just do what you think is best 🥰🥰.
This is a really long post damn....and I think that's everything??? If you have any other questions, then please feel free to ask!!
And yeah,
Have fun annotating!!!
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agentbilliard · 11 months
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saint senyoyi, better known as agent biliard has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2023 and is LEVEL III. BEING CRUSHED BY A VENDING MACHINE has gifted them telekinesis, though PHYSICAL INFLUENCE WEAKENING WITH DISTANCE, DISTRACTIONS, AND LARGER WEIGHTS has also been noted. when they aren’t protecting the tri-state area, they are fond of playing rounds of fischer random by his lonesome and are never seen without A LEATHERBOUND JOURNAL. civilians think they are meticulous & benevolent, but some of the other agents see them as NEUROTIC & COWARDLY. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was successful, although unsuccessfully cleaning up local garbage might have been more impressive when giving out the next one.
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name  saint senyoyi
nicknames  agent billiard, vender bender, any saint under the canonized sun courtesy of agent jester
age  thirty-four
date of birth  march 9, 1989
zodiac  answer
place of birth  harefield, hillingdon, london
current residence  brooklyn, new york city, new york
gender  cis man
pronouns  he/him
orientation  bisexual, biromantic
occupations  level iii agent at cerberus corp, mathematics teacher and head custodian at brooklyn academy of ostentatiously pubescent pricks
faceclaim  daniel kaluuya
height  5’8
tattoos  none (he does, however, have the divine patience and dearth of dignity required to doodle and calculate all over his forearms daily)
piercings  none (he does, however, have a fake nose ring from his stint in a school-sponsored production of annie wherein mr warbucks and his servants made liberal yet incorrect use of african-american vernacular english to teach middle schoolers about the cold war)
distinguishing features  there are few features of saint’s corporeal form that function as evidence of him being a good person, but at a minimum he has good grooming. his collars are pressed to perfection, his trousers are steamed to sublimity, his hair both facial and scalp-al is combed and clipped as much as possible. nonetheless, a good portion of his shirts are stained with presumably non-toxic paint or crumbs of a graphite muffin. the backs of his blazers are often adorned with sticky notes with adorable titles such as ‘YOUNGEST SENIOR CITIZEN’ and ‘NOBODY LIKES MATH’ and ‘MY FAVE FUNCTION IS =3’ from his students. what can he say? he’s sentimental to a fault. and far too broke to go to the laundromat every week.
positive traits  altruistic, diligent, humble, observant, organized, polite, pragmatic
negative traits  craven, cynical, deceitful, insecure, perfectionistic, pessimistic, unyielding
labels / tropes  absent-minded professor, bad liar, beware the quiet ones, stern teacher, the fettered
likes  alphabetical lists, dish washing, libraries, origami (he cannot do it whatsoever), pranks (if they’re done right), summer, students at brooklyn academy of ostentatiously pubescent pricks (at least they’re funny pricks)
dislikes  art museums, astronomy girlies (if he learns that he has pisces energy one more time he will lose it), drinking (hypocritical), level iii agents, living conditions in nyc (no relation to previous item), rollercoasters, the subway
fears  blood, cockroaches, crowds, death, disappointing his family, his family period, smooth peanut butter, snakes, spiders, vending machines
hobbies  assigning homework, billiards (surprising who?), playing chess, solving crosswords, scrabble, sudoku — only the coolest activities for him, obviously
habits  bites pencils when deep in thought, cracks back against chairs, gestures to whiteboards that simply don’t exist, writes with said pencils on imaginary paper
near death experience…  
“you two! i swear on my non-denominational god that i am not forcing you to believe in, if i see you trying to axe deodorant the animals into making a little baby leopard in front of you, i’m calling your mums and telling them to pick you up this instant.”
the two snicker in response. saint isn’t sure how to respond if not with a wave of his hand, a pinch of his brow, a tour-guide-induced plug of his ear for when half his salary goes to dealing with the legal repercussions of incident number graham. this is his first field trip sitting in as a supervisor, and between the bloody boring itinerary his class has been breaking for the past few million hours and the boorish colleague he’s been paired up with he reckons that it will be his last. good riddance, he will say. good riddance, the class will say. really, the people of new york pay high enough taxes for their final destination to be more than a borough away. yet, here he stands in the densest stench he’s known since ap calculus was moved to seventh period.
this is not what he signed up for. you know what he said, when teachers asked what superpower he wanted to have? his voice would crack and his face would be lightning-split open into a barely-toothed grin and he would say he wanted to be a teacher because wow! they did so much for so little! and the teacher’s voice would crack and their face would be thundering with the truth and they would move on with their days because saint senyoyi had parents who hated him and peers who tolerated him and the guidance counsellor could deal with all that when she got back from happy hour.
he knows what he wants. something cold to drink. stupid brooklyn uniforms have gotten dark enough to hide period stains but continue displaying the effects axe deodorant has on his physiology with pure crystal. he excuses himself temporarily, tells the tour guide he’s off to the bathroom and that all the kids have do not resuscitates somewhere between their baggy pockets and knockoff gucci fanny packs, and gets to a vending machine. it’s bad, he knows, to continue to support capitalism and pollution after all the public service announcements from the lions of lying-about-admissions-policies colleges but it’s all he can afford and all that he wants and you know what superpower he did not wish for? guilt tripping. it’s a part of the faculty welcome package, but he’s never liked gifts.
no diet options. not like he cares. he hasn’t had much time to go to the gym lately. he just needs energy. a temporary fix.
the vending machine, he finds on a note far too small to be in compliance with the the occupational safety and health administration’s latest spicy issue, is temporarily unserviceable. not like he cares. he’s already annihilated the rules by leaving his class to their own devices, shiny and beepy and blackmail-filled as they are. this is just the narcotizing nightcap on the mushroom cloud. he slips a coin through the slot and waits.
and waits.
and waits.
and waits.
bloody hell. tommy j’s probably got his arse stuck between an alligator and a hard place by now, assuming sophie m’s greasy ipad hasn’t liquidated underneath the september sun. and assuming they haven’t broken up again, which is a flimsy variable by itself considering the seating arrangement’s got tommy j next to jason m and in front of jayson w and the three of them were exchanging notes yesterday like their lives depended on it. saint knocks on the glass. his parents never bothered to knock, but his sister had in the tune of an old ugandan choir song about welcoming and stars, so he does the same. welcome, cold coca-cola into his hands. welcome, please.
next he’s seeing stars. this is getting ridiculous. the machine is burping, whirring, choking, doing what saint should be doing as he details how the penguin populace has plummeted because of plastic straws and whatnot. he groans. only one thing left to do. he shakes.
and shakes.
and shakes.
and shakes.
next he’s seeing stars and blood and bone and you’re going to be a star saint because sophie m is taking a video of the entire ordeal as russell p drops his forged permission slip between sobs call 911 what’s the british version of 911 he’s english jayson same thing crapface pay attention in geology that’s geography jayson CALL 911 SCREAM CRY IS IT LUNCH IS HE DEAD SCREAM CRY I’M GETTING A REFUND CALL 911. there is glass everywhere. the ringing in his head is louder than the cries, the screams. pain is piercing yet heavy, paperwork that acts like a cactus to his poor eyes. that’s what he’s going to die as? the idiot who got crushed under a vending machine? no. he just needs to move. get out of the geysers and into a hospital that won’t charge him several billion dollars to get in.
he just needs to move.
he is not going to die before getting his one dollar bonus from the state exams.
SAINTS DO NOT DIE where did you come from father ABSOLUTE DISSOLUTION an inch towards the snake enclosure could save me SAVE YOURSELF swimming around nana’s lake house i wonder if i would taste good right now i wonder if a hot emt will try and save me SAVE YOURSELF you taught me how to swim by throwing me in the lake SAVE YOURSELF
he comes back with a massive headache, three exams to grade, and the power to move things with his mind. and a viral remix of his death, but he still hasn’t watched that in full. he’s told the chorus is incredibly vulgar.
“i wasn’t cheating!”
saint is making a scene for the first time since the tender age of five years old for bragging rights and a lukewarm beer. he hasn’t been accused of cheating since his preliminary foray into the cutthroat world of primary school mathletes, and that situation had the excuse of being started by a bespectacled potato sack no older than five years old herself. he’s kicked out for a myriad of reasons, none of which he believes are based on truth: he had fixed the game, he had fixed the bets, he had fixed his life and therefore had no business being with his friends. honestly? he thinks they just can’t look at him the same after seeing his broken body in a bed of glass, and he can’t blame them for that. he blames them for what happens, next, though.
he retreats to his apartment in shame, exile. daedalus has lost his son, he has lost his place on the top ten trivia masters. then he learns that he can fix everything in his apartment with nothing more than a mathematical buttload of attention and his mind. which, yeah, sounds boring when he puts it like that, but it’s telekinesis. objects already within arm’s reach require little to no effort to move towards him, while materials any farther than that require great concentration and a clear view to be moved. saint and telekinesis have a relationship comparable to a coparenting strategy on the verge of collapse, and none of it is particularly empowering. if he desires to take control of a stack of papers he has to focus on those papers, get an unobstructed path to those papers, stare at those papers for a solid few seconds wherein a hostile could stab him in the back. if he decides that he does not want to touch those papers, they have about a 50-50 chance of coming at him in an effortless tornado anyhow. it makes thinking inconvenient, which makes his life inconvenient. still, they’re something. he can lift roughly as much as he can with his arms, which is around the hundred-fifty pound mark with oscar-worthy thanks to a premium gym membership he passive-aggressively received from his mother some years back, although he has limits. many of them, in fact.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  
“shitterdoodle cookies.”
saint is on the same ground level of pathetic as his choice in curse words, for someone who has access to the school twitter account and all the bots that spam it for engagement. the heavier the object, the harder it is to move in manners that do not sound like nails on a chalkboard. the more he uses his ability, the more he is exhausted, liable to ramble about sensitive industry secrets or his feelings. neither will stop, neither will leave the conversational partner with any semblance of sanity. he has to be careful with how long he spends looking at anything, too, lest he drag some family heirloom other than his own through new york mud. also, everything he moves seems to really like his face. his pockets are nothing but bandaid collections by now.
cerberus corp…  
“and i am auditioning for the part of…”
that’s not quite right, is it? he clears his throat. a decade of teaching under his overly tight belt and there persists a lump in his throat whenever it must open. saint’s feelings on cerberus corp are complicated in the way that proving 1 + 1 = 2 is complicated. it’s a fact of life to most, easy to accept for some, but it’s also something that gets the smart alecks of the yearbook salivating and thus something he does not want to be involved in. well, strike that out and rewrite it in the past tense, his teachers would demand, for he now desires a status in american society that does not amount to school/fast food slander scene packs or graves with no return policy. his audition video was enough to get him invited for an in-person appointment, but he suspects that the possibility of him using lights and strings to get the effect of telekinesis pulled along a hundred-pound weight in comparison to his ounce of charisma.
he gets accepted, anyways, by some miracle. maybe it’s merely a seasonal investment in the marketability of a man who can soon hurl snowballs at unprecedented heights and velocities if he manages to concentrate. concentration is harder these days, however, and that descriptor of his career prospects comes with a near-overdose of pressure. he’s been with cerberus for roughly a month now, though the days blur with the hustle and bustle of extraordinarily tedious tasks assigned by the big bosses. saint is a worker bee to his core, though, and understands ranks, roles, and professional hierarchies better than breathing, so he questions nothing. as long as management of his powers is a possibility, the probability of him becoming a manger who has to do zero practical saving is above zero.
saint isn’t the best partner to have around, per se. his abilities are useful, but his personality isn’t much of an asset unless the mission involves stationary store espionage, and his desperation for a guide to everything is everlasting. nonetheless, he is nothing if not nice and accommodating to those he respects (ie everyone except agent jester. dishes can only go unwashed for so many days before his conscience is wiped clean of sanitary scruples) and aims for perfection. which isn’t the best philosophy to have around, per se, but at least he’ll do all the paperwork for you with zero prompting.
“vender bender? i would rather die again than be called that for the rest of my life.”
it’s a joke, but saint’s never been proficient with making those. his comedy is a dependent variable, a misshapen animal lump coagulating to the back of circumstances that prove truth is stranger than fiction. proof: here, now, as his branding is being discussed in a manner far too formal for the setting they find themselves in. he has no idea how he got here, honestly. how he got with cerberus, how his card didn’t turn red at the door of the bar. he supposes it’s something like the pythagorean theorem, if the hypotenuse was meant to be the shortest side. he’s not the shortest level iii agent, thank the non-denominational god that he is not forcing anyone to believe in, but there is a nagging feeling that he does not belong, that however many lives he saves he will always be the guy stuck under the vending machine traumatising upwards of infinity children.
he’ll stick with something short and sweet, thank you very much. occam’s razor has never cut murphy’s law while shaving at three in the morning. it is time to show the party how real english billiards is played. he’s set up his own cushions at the left and right ends, shown off his custom snooker spectacles, let everyone know what a genius he is. this is his element, the art of arithmetic gambling. one shot and he’s set for the night, getting his drinks paid by everyone in a fifteen foot radius.
he takes the shot and gets his nose broken by the ball going straight to the hard, wooden edge and bouncing straight to his hard, idiotic face.
agent billiard. that’s a joke for the ages. it’s short, sweet, and a math pun. saint hates puns. cerberus loves the name. saint then decides he loves it, too, changing his social media handles accordingly.
(this is me begging for someone to have their agent suggest billiard after seeing saint smack himself in the face with a cue stick pls and thank you)
003.  EXTRA
tl;dr of backstory while i make it all nice and fancy: the middling middle child of a blackjack dealer for one of the most corrupt casinos in london and a professional sports gambler, saint has always wanted to help people. he’s just never liked people. he’s always liked math, though, and upon moving to the us of a for the sake of his older sister’s career in medicine, he made sure that, if he was to be ignored by his beloved parents, he would be ignored and rich. flash forward to getting his first job at his alma mater which has improved in much the same way that milk improves by growing curds and the lowest college admissions rate in the city, getting crushed by a vending machine, getting kicked out of his favourite bar for cheating at billiards with superpowers, and getting his cool agent nickname his cool agent roomie and his uncool first few missions; if you need a reluctant ass-kicker/incredible ass-kisser/high school math tutor, this is your guy. his mission suit is 100% an actual suit. it doesn’t look cool whatsoever tho it’s the same getup he got into for seventh grade winter formal <3 also he's a faithful reddit user. thats his biggest character flaw i think but he's addicted to r/billiards and does not intend on quitting ever
wanted connections page here!!
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
Lined paper - Depends on the durability, very useful, versatile, can make many neat pictures using the lines, the go-to for artists in class or beginner artists trying their hands with leftover school supplies
Sketchbook paper - Hardened, beautiful, works amazingly, the best ever, expensive but worth it, smudges occasionally but that’s okay
Sticky notes - smol littol drawings, can stick them up to places! No tape, no rip! Make works of art all connected if you have enough! Fun colors! Easy to misplace, dirt sticks to the back
Printer paper - A lawless land, creates bumps if even a speck of dust is under your paper, not latched to rings, easily lost, bends like a motherfucker, not enough room for lots of doodles, curls easily :C
Watercolor paper - very bumpy with pencil, great for, ya know, watercolor. Buy them in stacks! Fold them into origami if you want! “Watercolor” is just a suggestion anyway. Are you even going to use those watercolors?
Canvas - oho, you want to use pencils to sketch easily before committing to paint? WELL FUCK YOU, you’ve burned through three before even finishing an inch! Big, bulky, do their job and do it right! Beautiful, amazing, paint the sides! Do you even have the wall space to hang these up? Sell them! Emotionally connected to the piece you just painted? Oh, well shit
Tissue paper - These people have nothing left to lose. They will shoot you on sight.
Tracing paper - Too timid to bring out sketchbook in art class, grabbed one of these and just doodling, but also trying not to put in the effort because it’d be a shame if it turned out great and you lost it. Turned out great, lost it at home, but you took a picture, right? RIGHT?
Black drawing paper - Beautiful, elegant, perfect for those few times when you need to use your phone light late at night you’re not BLINDED by the bright light that you can’t turn down against a white sheet of paper. Can only use white or bright colors, a bit more commitment because white colored pencils suck but your eyes are thanking you!
Walls - You are four
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stationerystore · 1 year
Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Wonders of a Stationery Store
Discovering the Art of Writing and Beyond
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A stationery store is a treasure trove of creativity and productivity, filled with items that can elevate your work, studies, and artistic endeavors. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone looking to tap into your creative side, these stores have something for everyone. Here are some of the fascinating things you can find at a stationery store:
1. Pens and Pencils Galore
A good pen or pencil can make all the difference in your writing experience. Stationery stores offer a wide variety of writing tools, including:
- Ballpoint pens: Known for their smooth writing and longevity
- Gel pens: Popular for their vibrant colors and smooth ink flow
- Fountain pens: Elegant and sophisticated, perfect for calligraphy and formal writing
- Mechanical pencils: Great for precise drawing and writing without the need for sharpening
2. Notebooks and Journals for Every Need
Jotting down your thoughts, ideas, and plans has never been more enjoyable, with a diverse array of notebooks and journals available. Some options include:
- Spiral notebooks: Ideal for taking notes in class or during meetings
- Composition books: Sturdy and versatile, perfect for journaling or creative writing
- Bullet journals: A customizable planner system that combines to-do lists, agendas, and diary entries
- Sketchbooks: Designed for artists, with thick, high-quality paper to prevent bleed-through
3. Art Supplies for the Aspiring Picasso
Unleash your inner artist with a wide range of art supplies, such as:
- Colored pencils: Available in various shades and qualities for blending and shading
- Paints: From watercolors to acrylics, find the perfect medium for your masterpiece
- Brushes: A variety of sizes and shapes to suit your painting technique
- Drawing pens: Create intricate illustrations with fine-tipped pens and markers
4. Organization Essentials
Stay on top of your tasks and appointments with handy organization tools like:
- Planners and agendas: Keep track of important dates and events
- Filing supplies: Organize your documents with folders, binders, and dividers
- Sticky notes: Leave reminders for yourself or communicate with coworkers and family members
- Desk organizers: Tidy up your workspace with pen holders, paper trays, and storage boxes
5. Personalized Stationery
Add a touch of personality to your correspondence with customized stationery items such as:
- Personalized notepads and letterheads: Make a statement with your own unique design
- Customized stamps: Create your own designs or choose from pre-made templates
- Wax seals: Elevate your letters with a touch of old-world charm
- Greeting cards: Express your sentiments with beautifully designed cards for any occasion
Conclusion: A World of Possibilities Awaits
A stationery store is more than just a place to buy pens and paper; it's a gateway to countless creative and productive possibilities. From honing your artistic skills to organizing your life, these stores have everything you need to make the most of your talents and passions. So, the next time you visit a stationery store, take the time to explore its wonders and ignite your creativity.
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