pensieri-inlacrime · 2 months
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Abbracciami e ricordami che sono importante per te 🤍
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tanaerian · 16 days
OK I'm crawling back to the SPG fandom after literal years of absence. Can we talk about the state of play?
- SWH II has no business slapping this hard. HAVE you poured this honey on your cereal yet?
- Seventh album makes me so nervous. My precious baby Peter.
- The lack of a music video for New Hat. If I don't get a video in which Spine changes hat in literally every clip I'll be so sad.
- The new line up making me feel like coming home (& coming up for air, while I'm at it)
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karis17love · 2 months
Have a nice day, guys!🧡
Just Dance 2025E Premiere ↓
Overall left: 94 days
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smurphyse · 5 months
I know I keep saying this but I really am trying super hard to get you new chapters. I have been working the last year to finish works so that when I begin posting again you will have an end game in sight :) It's been a truly rough and crazy 2023 and 2022... and 2024. I am struggling and thriving and doing my absolute best. I love you guys and thank you for sticking with me as long as you have <3 I really appreciate it and I feel the love every day. Please don't think i'm not seeing the comments on posts and the different sites. I see all of them and love them dearly. You're amazing and thank you so much :)
Smurph <3
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punster-2319 · 9 months
These of course are the more upbeat and catchy showstopper numbers that were often (with some exceptions) sung by the comic relief/sidekick characters and/or used in a lot of the marketing for these movies (Topsy Turvy for Huncback, Zero to Hero for Hercules, and Friend Like Me for Aladdin being the most notable examples).
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crossinfiniteworld · 4 days
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We’re delighted to announce How I Became King by Eating Monsters by Daken and Shiba, a dark fantasy comedy series about a prince who unknowingly rises from assassination target to king by eating monsters! A story of comedic misunderstandings. Vol.1 comes out on 11/30.
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cleanpokemonmemes · 2 years
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Now he’s a hot shot, he’s a hero!
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galebrainrot2024 · 7 months
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Well. First time for everything LMAO
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graincracket · 1 year
So I got a new OC. but he's a pokemon gijinka I decided to turn into a DR OC
This is Mizuto Kinshou! He prefers not to say his talent, which is a little suspicious, but honestly it's understandable. He insists he's a rather basic guy who doesn't do anything to stand out against the crowd. He's a mild mannered and gentle person, but the one thing that stands out about him besides his grandiose stature is his unwavering sense of justice.
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but you may ask, what is this talent of his that he's so intent on keeping a secret? Well, he leads a double life- he's a dignified young man and swimming instructor by day, and by night he becomes..
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Irukaman is Mizuto's secret identity as the Ultimate Masked Vigilante, think of a poor man's Batman. Irukaman is boisterous, prideful, but he's just as noble as Mizuto (perhaps even moreso!). Even if he saves people on the regular, the police don't exactly favor his help and are intent on finding out his true identity.
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music-in-my-veins14 · 4 months
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itsawritblr · 1 year
Return of Birthday Week Random Shit Queue.
When I saw this in theaters I didn't like it, because it was so different from other Disney musicals. Faster paced, faster cuts, a lot of pop culture references. A lot of us walked out of the theater not sure how we felt about it. I don't remember kids being really into it. The merch didn't sell much at The Disney Store.
Now I love it. The songs are fantastic. Hades is one of the best Disney villains. I'm not a fan of James Woods' other work, but he's perfect voicing Hades.
Hades' new incarnation in Disney's Descendants 3 isn't bad, either.
There'll be a young Hades in Descendants 4.
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karis17love · 9 days
𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 2024 𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 1: 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 - 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝚉𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘
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• 27/68
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smurphyse · 2 years
Zero to Hero Masterlist
Smurph's Masterlist
Eddie Munson x Lab Experiment!Reader (aka Zero)
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After being saved by a strange girl living in the Upside Down, Eddie recuperates with her in a secluded cabin away from the rest of the world.
Part 1: Into the Darkness
Chapter 1 - The Avocado I Didn't Have
Chapter 2 - Fuck You, Munson
Chapter 3 - Tomatoes Don't Bite
Chapter 4 - Zero the Weirdo
Chapter 5 - Hello, Henry
Chapter 6 - Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah
Chapter 7 - Somebody to Love
Chapter 8 - Bad Moon Rising
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Zero to Hero
I present to you the latest in my series of songfics, it’s hero time for our boy, Kimules! Enjoy, and as always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! We find ourselves after Kim’s first major victory!
The crowd of students stood frozen in shock and horror at the massive pile of rocks that had just descended. The hydra had been defeated, that much was true, but at what cost? The teal eyes of the youngest daughter of the sea king filled to the brim with tears, unable to see the boy she had fallen so in love with. Was Kim actually….
Suddenly, the assembled crowd gasped in terror as a clawed hand that had escaped being buried beneath the landslide began to move! Had the horrendous monster somehow survived?!
But when the claws of the terrible creature were suddenly forced open…there stood the young demigod, his clothes ripped and sporting various scratches, but very much alive. The roaring of the crowd were somehow deafened by the relieved and joyous cheers of his friends and classmates! He donned his signature lopsided grin as they crowded around him.
“Dude, you did it!”, Nino cheered, clapping his classmate on the back!
“You won by a landslide!”, Simon joked, tussling Kim’s hair with a wide grin.
“That was amazing!”, Ondine cried, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him as she rejoiced the fact that he was, overall, unharmed.
Blushing brightly, Kim looked around at the smiling faces of all his favorite people, and admitted…
“I guess…that was pretty heroic!”
Ladies, gentleman, and esteemed others…the Muses!
“From that day forward, our boy Kim could do no wrong.”, announces Clara, the leader of the five musical deities, gesturing grandly, “He was so hot, steam looked cool.”, she continues with a sly smile before hitting a rousing opening note, her chestnut-brown waves and flowing white chiton fluttering around her as she begins to twirl, her four companions beginning to move to the beat as well. Vivica, with her youthful side pony and energetic moves. Veronique, with her smart glasses and playful smile. Nadja, with her sharp pixie-cut and discerning eye. And finally, Jean-Pierre, with his smooth coiffe and welcoming grin. All dressed in the same graceful white as their leader.
Clara: Bless my soul! Kim was on a roll!
The five muses stood in a line performing flawlessly choreographed moves as a large discus to their left depicted the image of Kim racing to defeat yet another obstacle in his way.
Veronique: Taking the front page with every story that they roll!
The bespectacled muse twirled towards the front, dropping a stack of prints of Francois Prep’s school newspaper, The Daily Fae, the front page of every one depicting a color-blown image of Kim defeating some monster or thwarting some disaster.
Nadja: What a pro!
Jean-Pierre: Our Kim could stop a show!
The lone male muse pulled the screen downwards, showing Kim smiling as he signed autograph after autograph for an excited group of kids, each one wanting to be a hero just like him!
Vivica: Point him at a monster and you're talking SRO!
Keeping the beat with her hip, the youngest muse pointed off to a scene off to her right, a large, nasty-looking boar ready to charge right at our young hero!
Clara: He was a no one!
Nadja/Vivica: A zero, zero!
The ferocious creature gave a mighty roar as it prepared to charge the terrified crowd, but there was one person in the front who showed no fear, ready to meet the challenge.
Clara: Now he's a honcho!
Muses: He's a hero!
Pulling back the string of his bow, Kim remembered every pointer that Kagami had given him as he loosed the arrow towards his charging foe. It hit the boar straight in the forehead, the gargantuan monster falling, dead as a doorknob. Another win!
Veronique: Here was a kid with his act down pat!
With a high celebratory whinny from his loyal winged steed, Kim knocked foreheads with Xuppu in their signature move of celebration, before turning to meet the adoring crowd.
Nadja/Vivica: From zero to hero, in no time flat!
With a roar of fury and a flare of his flaming sideburns, Kim’s uncle, the lord of the Underworld, known rather quaintly as ‘Bob’, knocked various monstrous chess pieces off the board he used challenge his nephew. It seemed that nothing could even faze the brat!
Muses: Zero to hero!
Clara: Just like that! (snaps)
With a bright smile and a flick of her hips, Clara snaps her fingers, changing the scene to yet another crowd of fans, as the other muses pose around her.
Vivica: When he smiles, the girls go wild with oohs and aahs!
His status as a gold-star hero and his impressive physique had certainly earned Kim quite a few female admirers. He waved and gave a polite smile to the squealing girls as he made his way towards the one redhead who never left his mind. Giving her boyfriend a congratulatory kiss for his latest victory, the mermaid princess took his hand as they headed to the date they still had planned.
Veronique: Back home, they slapped that cute face on ev'ry plate and vase!
With a grin, Veronique gestures to an array of Grecian pottery, each one depicting a heroic deed by the young demigod, before she picks up one that depicts the hero with his trademark adorably lopsided grin. Nadja rolls her eyes at her companion’s pronunciation.
Nadja: I think you mean "vahse"!
With an irritated scowl, Veronique stuffs the urn over Nadja’s head, prompting Jean-Pierre to quickly step in and intro the next scene before a cat fight can break out!
Jean-Pierre: From appearance fees and royalties, our boy had cash to burn!
Lanh and Etienne, Kim’s adoptive fathers couldn’t have been prouder of their son if they tried!…And the massive, almost palatial countryside manor he had bought them with his new influx of funds certainly didn’t hurt!
Clara: Now the heroes’ golden standard, all you others, you just watch and learn!
The rest of the folks from Kim’s hometown were feeling mighty foolish as they watched the televised unveiling of the large bronze statue of the boy. If only they had been a bit more understanding…
Nadja/Veronique/Vivica: Say amen!
Jean-Pierre: There he goes again!
The muses all point to the scene at their left, with Kim sending a monstrous lion flying with a well-placed right hook followed by a roundhouse kick.
Veronique: Sweet and undefeated!
Nadja: And an awesome 10 for 10!
The muses stand in a line smiling brightly as each of them holds up a sign with a large, bold ‘X’. No one could kick monster ass like Kim!
Vivica: Folks line up, just to watch him flex!
In a crowded arena, an assembled array of students and fans laughed and cheered raucously as the demigod lifted Prince Adrien of Corona and Prince Nathaniel of Kurtz in one flexed arm, with inventor Max Kanté and former street rat Alix Kubdel in the other.
Veronique: And this perfect package packs a pair of pretty pecs!
Veronique pulls a new screen into view, showing a shelf of magazines, which featured Kim’s long awaited and coveted workout routine, quickly emptied within a minute. Most people may not be able to get up to his level, but they were sure willing to try!
Clara: Kimmy, he comes, he sees, he conquers!
Leaping onto Xuppu’s back, Kim made short work of an attacking flock of Stymphalian Birds, slicing their brass-like feathers apart before knocking them out of the sky, to the roaring cheers of the local populace.
Nadja: Honey, the crowds were going bonkers!
When the young demigod was being honored yet again for saving a town from a ferocious beastie, no one in the crowd was cheering louder or crazier than all his friends, standing front and center!
Veronique: He showed the moxie, heart, and spunk!
The scene changes to Corona’s first releasing of the lanterns since the prince’s joyous return! Unfortunately, a monstrous serpent, courtesy of the God of Death, had decided to crash the party, but with a quick grab to the neck and a good thrashing by Kim, it slunk back to the depths, whimpering all the way. (He didn’t kill it because it would have upset his girlfriend!)
Jean-Pierre: From zero to hero!
Vivica: A major hunk!
The youngest muse giggled as she held up a TeenZine that depicted an image of the hero flexing on the cover, which many young ladies had likely spent time squealing over.
Muses: Zero to hero!
Clara: And who'da thunk?
With a rousing blow of the trumpet, the muses engage in an energetic dance break, clapping their tambourines against their hands as they move in a lively jig.
Clara: Who put the glad in gladiator?
Choir: Kimules!
Every single one of Kim’s classmates in the heroism courses were no match for the demigod as he quickly trounced all of them in a matter of moments. (While praising them for a good effort! What can I say, he’s a nice guy!)
Veronique: Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Choir: Kimules!
Veronique moves her comedy mask away from her face as she shows the audience a stage where a play (written and produced by Jean, of course, a gift for Kim’s birthday) depicting the demigod’s greatest feats of heroism was being put on!
Vivica: Isn't he bold?!
Choir: No one braver!
Nadja: Is he sweet?
Choir: Our fav'rite flavor!
Kim shared a fist bump with Denise as they celebrated the official release of GameGod, their trademarked new energy drink, brewed with organic Olympus nectar and cherry XP points for an extra powerful boost!
Choir: Kimules, Kimules...
Choir: Bless my soul, Kim was on a roll!
Muses: Undefeated!
In the next scene, Kim was charged all at once by a Minotaur, a gryphon and a gorgon, but with three well-timed punches, the monsters landed in a crumpled heap on top of one another.
Choir: Riding high!
Clara: And the nicest guy!
The muses (and audience) cooed as Kim pulled a tree branch down, gently plucking the rattled kitten from the leaves and returning it to a very grateful little girl.
Muses: Not conceited!
The boy blushed modestly as a flurry of reporters asked questions and snapped pictures after his later act of bravery. He would probably never get used to all the positive attention.
Nadja: He was a nothin'!
Choir: A zero, zero!
Clara: Now he's a honcho!
Choir: He's our hero!
An erupting volcano was no big whoop as Kim plugged it up with a massive boulder, sparing the residents of the surrounding town months of repairs!
Veronique: He hits the heights at breakneck speed!
Backed by the cheers of his friends, Kim leaped onto Xuppu once more as he went to answer the latest distress call the school had received. A hero’s work is never done! (He totally wasn’t blushing from the ‘Good Luck’ peck on the cheek he’d received from Ondine, no sir!)
Jean-Pierre: From zero to hero!
Vivica: Our Kim is a hero!
Bob slammed his head down onto a table as he screamed in rage for the fifth time that day, his imp minions cowering in fear over in the corner.
Muses: Now he's a hero~…
Clara: Yes indeed!
With a wink to the audience, Clara closes out the song before an image of Kim striking his signature heroic pose overtakes the view.
And there it was my fine people! This one was a task to figure out but I’m proud of it! Coming up next, Adripunzel wants to know one thing: When will his life begin? Stay tuned!
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UGLY JOURNALING - Points you should know about it!!
FIRSTLY, The importance of journaling, including the concept of "ugly journaling" as a way to deal with stress. It encourages authenticity and self-reflection, with a call to action for yourself to start journaling.
The fact that journaling may it be a type of bullet journal or a diary journal you should do it by starting ugly journaling because those thoughts which wander around you mind in whole day and not let you focus. Wait! men why you are ignoring them? The more you ignore them the more they will repeat your thoughts. So please sit and write them all and next time you see they are just gone. Really! you all trust me once and do it for a couple of times and you will see changes in yourself :) So now you know why it is important right?
secondly, I wanna tell you about ugly journaling, It means same as journaling but you need not to necessarily keep it clean or decorate it with stickers and all the stuffs that we do in our day to day journal. Journaling is my way to cope with stress, breakdown, anxiety.
My type ugly journaling In my case ugly journaling happens in condition of any sort of breakdown or any difficulties and problems which are making me so stressed then it makes me to write that way, what I do is take my dairy and write the thoughts and feelings that are making me tensed and so stressed. Believe me after writing all that I am so stressed out and I get my answers to myself, it helps me a lot. This is an example of mine, if you want I will share a pic of my ugly journaling, feel free to ask in comments.
Remember!! Mostly of us have two faces. One, which we show to the world. Secondly, the real us. And you are so lucky if they both don`t have much difference. But the important thing is, no matter however you behave or act to the world, but always be true to yourself. The thing is how real you will be to yourself you will more knowing yourself which takes you to the path of success, because you know yourself better right!! So write the things truly in you journal, no one gonna read it, if you keep it your personal. The real you is not the serious one you, it is the sincere one of you !! Nice na in this way you will get to know more about yourself and you will love yourself because none other than you is going do it okay!!
Start your journey!! So, go take your pen up and start scribbling, doodling, journaling and what not you love do it now, and relax your mind dear.. Lastly, I want you to share your experiences with journaling if you know it before and what things, I myself can also improve with your engagement. Overall, I have tried to keep it simple and direct to you so it is easy and not much messy. I encourage you all to connect and share your thoughts. I will be happy to Reading all your comments.
I'll be sharing more including some concrete tips or prompts for you to start your own journaling practice. If you love this do let me know in comments and like it, if you find it helpful.
©Himanshi Dargas
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weaponxworld15 · 10 months
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" A life without Meg even immortal life would be empty, I wish to stay on earth with her. I finally know where I belong."
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