#a bitch can have one foot in the aisles of a candy store
siempredelsol · 24 days
Chapter 2: The Lost and Unfound...
There are too many leaves upon his grey plaque. Her feet cautiously step towards it as she tries not to trip drunkenly. There is no one to catch her if she does, she came alone. Not that there was anyone to come with her anyway. She stands on the outside of the square below. She’s dirty, but respectful of his space. The grass- cold on her knees as she kneels. Hands pushing the leaves away to reveal his covered last name. Her last name. She wants to cry, but she just smiles.
"Hi, Dad."
He doesn't speak back. Her hands cup her face and she just stares at the words engraved on the stone.
Yeah, she just stares.
The food is good. The atmosphere is elegant and posh and so far beyond her, but no one notices how much she truly sticks out. She’s dressed appropriately and there are pins holding her blonde tendrils back. She even manages to get no sauce in it as she brings the fork to her lips to take a bite of the pasta dish that was ordered for her. Dave looks pleased. He hates to be embarrassed.
A foot rubs hers under the table and smiling eyes meet her greens as he sips slowly at his wine. "How did truffles taste for the first time, Selena?" he inquires.
She wipes her mouth and places her napkin back into her lap. She is a fucking lady, tonight. So she smiles and fingers the rim of her glass, foot giving a rub to his. "Delicious."
His eyes are pleased and he refills her glass. "Stay with me tonight?" His voice is low and he doesn't look at her as he asks. His only interest is knowing whether or not she’ll be getting him off tonight.
"Can we get dessert?"
Dave settles the bottle of wine down and reaches for her hand. His gesture is not unlike any other man’s would be for his lover. The table across from ours; there is a couple doing quite the same. His lips press to her knuckles. "Anything you like."
His generosity won't go unnoticed tonight.
She holds her purse snug to her side as though it has a million dollars in it, not three hundred. She tries to remember all the things she needed and realizes quickly that she should have made a list. Her lips are sore from the constant chewing on it, a nervous quirk about her that she couldn’t help. Chapstick. She needed Chapstick.
She paces the aisle nervously, trying to get in and out of as fast as possible. The owner no doubt still remembers her during her rougher weeks and she’s definitely still not welcomed, but it's the closest store to her motel and she needed things. There is only a small selection of items in the refrigerated section. Cheese, pepperoni, milk and some other random things people will buy at 2am from a convenient store. They'll just have to do. She drops them into her basket and walks toward the end of the aisle, reaching for a case of beer before she heads to the line. There are three people in front of her, and one of them is having an issue with finding their ID. Maybe because they were too young to be purchasing the alcohol that sat on the counter in front of them. These fucking kids. She taps her foot nervously and shifts the heavy basket on her hip. She feels weak and hungry and eyes the display of candy bars, but reaches for nothing. The kid is arguing with the clerk and she can't take it. She needs to go- the money in her purse makes her nervous. Nevermind the beer getting warm and she wanted them cold. 
This kid has no idea how lucky he is that someone- more specifically herself- is about to stop him from ruining his life. 
"Fuck! There are others here, you know!" she screams out loud and it’s like someone else's voice.
The people in front of her – all men – turn around and stare. The kid at the counter is pissed, clearly not liking her interruption. He was already embarrassed and she just made it worse.
"Fuck you, bitch. This is America and I have a right to do whatever the fuck I want."
He's pointing and she’s officially over arguing with the child, but she’s unable to control her mouth from closing. "You also need to be twenty-one to buy alcohol," she raises her basket and looks at the clerk, "I have ID, can I just fucking pay?"
"Hey, I'm next- not you," The guy in front of her argues. "If this guy will ever move."
"Fuck you, Bro! I'll take my time."
Great, now there was mass chaos. She drops her basket and walks out of the store, leaving them to argue. She’ll just grab something off the street vendors to eat. Fuck, she needed the beer. She pauses and debates for a moment, but never looks back. Fuck the beer. Clutching her bag and walking quickly, she continues to make her way back towards the motel.
She knew she should have just invited-  
Someone grabs her from behind and she spins quickly, stumbling her steps a bit while backing away. "Don't fucking touch me! Don't fucking touch me!!"
The figure holds up his hands. "Whoa. Whoa. I was calling for you, but you didn't hear me. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She clutches her bag and takes another step backward. "The kid left," his thumb points back towards the store. "It seemed like you needed these things." A plastic bag is extended to her. Along with the goddamn beers. She looks at it and then him and then it and then him. Her hand snatches it away and she stares at him some more. He is still standing here, but says nothing.
"What do you want?" she asks.
“Excuse me?” he struggles to understand.
"I mean, what do you want?" She moves her body in a way that men understand.
"No, no. I'm not….I'm married," he stammers. “It was twenty bucks.”
She laughs. "You're all married, Sweetheart." He’s shaking his head. His hands shove themselves into his pockets and she can see his discomfort. She eyes him, noticing his clothes are rather nice. His shoes are even shiny. "I just didn't want you to be hungry…or thirsty," he smiles slightly in reference to her choice of refreshment for the night.
This fucking town. Full of goddamn crazies, she swears. She dips her hand into her bag and tugs a twenty from the roll of cash. "Thanks for the curb side delivery, Creep.” She stuffs it into his palm and turns away, heading back towards her motel.
"It was my pleasure," he calls from behind. There is amusement in his tone. So she holds up her hand and gives him the finger as she crosses the street.
In her room, she dumps the contents of her bag on to the bed and quickly opens up one of the beers, chugging and not stopping until she needs the air. The package of cheese is next and she devours three slices before her eyes notice something in the bag she didn’t pick out, only eyed.
A candy bar.
It's a little foggy outside. She opens one of the packages Dave left her. There are boots and a new coat. A warm-looking, graphite colored cashmere sweater. She holds it to her face and smiles. It’s soft. She places it down on the bed gently and goes to wash up. Making sure her body is clean and smooth before she puts on pantyhose with a black leather skirt. The sweater came next and she’s in love. It hugs her and smells wonderful, she can't stop touching it. She does as his directions tell her and meets him at the train station. She still doesn’t know where they’re going.
She can't find it.
The bouncer is pulling him off of her. She’s screaming and cursing and following them out the back door. Barry is usually better behaved. She doesn't know what his problem is tonight. Cal is working it out of him though. His fist hits his cheek, his gut, his jaw. Barry is bloody and slumped against ground and Cal stands over him for a moment, then spits. "You take that shit to Rick’s club; where they don't give a fuck, Asshole. Not at mine.” Her eyes are thankful as he passes her in the doorway.
It was in the zipper of her bag, buried under old receipts. She’s grateful.
Her hands are clearing the leaves again. She doesn't shake as badly this time. The sun is out and it’s warmer. She sits on the grass and traces the letters of his name. The date. Reaching in her bag, thankful to know exactly where to look for it now she pulls out his badge. It shines under the sun, the brightness hurts her eyes and she settles it down onto the plaque, beside the words about him being a loving father and valued protector. "I heard Mom married some dude. He plays football though. A football player, believe that shit?" She laughs, closing her eyes and remembering him sitting there, watching NFL on the television. His chair is old and withered and smells like his police jacket after a day of hard work. Sometimes he just couldn't take it off when he got home. Hell, he could never take it off. That's why she was here.
Motion catches her eye and she looks to her left. A few yards away there is a man, crouched down, holding flowers in his hands. He stands and takes a step back, the flowers in his hand shift and he rubs his face before squatting back down again. They’re tentatively placed and he presses his fingers to his lips, then beside the flowers.
She mimics the gesture and leaves her father with a kiss, along with his badge. She could hear the man on the phone as he walks by her, heading for the exit. He is mumbling something and pulling out his car keys. She eyes his suit from behind as he walks up to where the lights flash when he presses the button on his keys.
A Mercedes. Figures.
She looks back to his suit jacket and silver watch and well-pressed pants. As he opens his car door and climbs in, he leaves one foot on the pavement while reaching for papers in his visor.
He has shiny shoes.
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fyreanddesire · 8 months
Chapter 2: The Lost and Unfound...
There are too many leaves upon his grey plaque. Her feet cautiously step towards it as she tries not to trip drunkenly. There is no one to catch her if she does, she came alone. Not that there was anyone to come with her anyway. She stands on the outside of the square below. She’s dirty, but respectful of his space. The grass- cold on her knees as she kneels. Hands pushing the leaves away to reveal his covered last name. Her last name. She wants to cry, but she just smiles.
"Hi, Dad."
He doesn't speak back. Her hands cup her face and she just stares at the words engraved on the stone.
Yeah, she just stares.
The food is good. The atmosphere is elegant and posh and so far beyond her, but no one notices how much she truly sticks out. She’s dressed appropriately and there are pins holding her blonde tendrils back. She even manages to get no sauce in it as she brings the fork to her lips to take a bite of the pasta dish that was ordered for her. Dave looks pleased. He hates to be embarrassed.
A foot rubs hers under the table and smiling eyes meet her greens as he sips slowly at his wine. "How did truffles taste for the first time, Selena?" he inquires.
She wipes her mouth and places her napkin back into her lap. She is a fucking lady, tonight. So she smiles and fingers the rim of her glass, foot giving a rub to his. "Delicious."
His eyes are pleased and he refills her glass. "Stay with me tonight?" His voice is low and he doesn't look at her as he asks. His only interest is knowing whether or not she’ll be getting him off tonight.
"Can we get dessert?"
Dave settles the bottle of wine down and reaches for her hand. His gesture is not unlike any other man’s would be for his lover. The table across from ours; there is a couple doing quite the same. His lips press to her knuckles. "Anything you like."
His generosity won't go unnoticed tonight.
She holds her purse snug to her side as though it has a million dollars in it, not three hundred. She tries to remember all the things she needed and realizes quickly that she should have made a list. Her lips are sore from the constant chewing on it, a nervous quirk about her that she couldn’t help. Chapstick. She needed Chapstick.
She paces the aisle nervously, trying to get in and out of as fast as possible. The owner no doubt still remembers her during her rougher weeks and she’s definitely still not welcomed, but it's the closest store to her motel and she needed things. There is only a small selection of items in the refrigerated section. Cheese, pepperoni, milk and some other random things people will buy at 2am from a convenient store. They'll just have to do. She drops them into her basket and walks toward the end of the aisle, reaching for a case of beer before she heads to the line. There are three people in front of her, and one of them is having an issue with finding their ID. Maybe because they were too young to be purchasing the alcohol that sat on the counter in front of them. These fucking kids. She taps her foot nervously and shifts the heavy basket on her hip. She feels weak and hungry and eyes the display of candy bars, but reaches for nothing. The kid is arguing with the clerk and she can't take it. She needs to go- the money in her purse makes her nervous. Nevermind the beer getting warm and she wanted them cold. 
This kid has no idea how lucky he is that someone- more specifically herself- is about to stop him from ruining his life. 
"Fuck! There are others here, you know!" she screams out loud and it’s like someone else's voice.
The people in front of her – all men – turn around and stare. The kid at the counter is pissed, clearly not liking her interruption. He was already embarrassed and she just made it worse.
"Fuck you, bitch. This is America and I have a right to do whatever the fuck I want."
He's pointing and she’s officially over arguing with the child, but she’s unable to control her mouth from closing. "You also need to be twenty-one to buy alcohol," she raises her basket and looks at the clerk, "I have ID, can I just fucking pay?"
"Hey, I'm next- not you," The guy in front of her argues. "If this guy will ever move."
"Fuck you, Bro! I'll take my time."
Great, now there was mass chaos. She drops her basket and walks out of the store, leaving them to argue. She’ll just grab something off the street vendors to eat. Fuck, she needed the beer. She pauses and debates for a moment, but never looks back. Fuck the beer. Clutching her bag and walking quickly, she continues to make her way back towards the motel.
She knew she should have just invited-  
Someone grabs her from behind and she spins quickly, stumbling her steps a bit while backing away. "Don't fucking touch me! Don't fucking touch me!!"
The figure holds up his hands. "Whoa. Whoa. I was calling for you, but you didn't hear me. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She clutches her bag and takes another step backward. "The kid left," his thumb points back towards the store. "It seemed like you needed these things." A plastic bag is extended to her. Along with the goddamn beers. She looks at it and then him and then it and then him. Her hand snatches it away and she stares at him some more. He is still standing here, but says nothing.
"What do you want?" she asks.
“Excuse me?” he struggles to understand.
"I mean, what do you want?" She moves her body in a way that men understand.
"No, no. I'm not….I'm married," he stammers. “It was twenty bucks.”
She laughs. "You're all married, Sweetheart." He’s shaking his head. His hands shove themselves into his pockets and she can see his discomfort. She eyes him, noticing his clothes are rather nice. His shoes are even shiny. "I just didn't want you to be hungry…or thirsty," he smiles slightly in reference to her choice of refreshment for the night.
This fucking town. Full of goddamn crazies, she swears. She dips her hand into her bag and tugs a twenty from the roll of cash. "Thanks for the curb side delivery, Creep.” She stuffs it into his palm and turns away, heading back towards her motel.
"It was my pleasure," he calls from behind. There is amusement in his tone. So she holds up her hand and gives him the finger as she crosses the street.
In her room, she dumps the contents of her bag on to the bed and quickly opens up one of the beers, chugging and not stopping until she needs the air. The package of cheese is next and she devours three slices before her eyes notice something in the bag she didn’t pick out, only eyed.
A candy bar.
It's a little foggy outside. She opens one of the packages Dave left her. There are boots and a new coat. A warm-looking, graphite colored cashmere sweater. She holds it to her face and smiles. It’s soft. She places it down on the bed gently and goes to wash up. Making sure her body is clean and smooth before she puts on pantyhose with a black leather skirt. The sweater came next and she’s in love. It hugs her and smells wonderful, she can't stop touching it. She does as his directions tell her and meets him at the train station. She still doesn’t know where they’re going.
She can't find it.
The bouncer is pulling him off of her. She’s screaming and cursing and following them out the back door. Barry is usually better behaved. She doesn't know what his problem is tonight. Cal is working it out of him though. His fist hits his cheek, his gut, his jaw. Barry is bloody and slumped against ground and Cal stands over him for a moment, then spits. "You take that shit to Rick’s club; where they don't give a fuck, Asshole. Not at mine.” Her eyes are thankful as he passes her in the doorway.
It was in the zipper of her bag, buried under old receipts. She’s grateful.
Her hands are clearing the leaves again. She doesn't shake as badly this time. The sun is out and it’s warmer. She sits on the grass and traces the letters of his name. The date. Reaching in her bag, thankful to know exactly where to look for it now she pulls out his badge. It shines under the sun, the brightness hurts her eyes and she settles it down onto the plaque, beside the words about him being a loving father and valued protector. "I heard Mom married some dude. He plays football though. A football player, believe that shit?" She laughs, closing her eyes and remembering him sitting there, watching NFL on the television. His chair is old and withered and smells like his police jacket after a day of hard work. Sometimes he just couldn't take it off when he got home. Hell, he could never take it off. That's why she was here.
Motion catches her eye and she looks to her left. A few yards away there is a man, crouched down, holding flowers in his hands. He stands and takes a step back, the flowers in his hand shift and he rubs his face before squatting back down again. They’re tentatively placed and he presses his fingers to his lips, then beside the flowers.
She mimics the gesture and leaves her father with a kiss, along with his badge. She could hear the man on the phone as he walks by her, heading for the exit. He is mumbling something and pulling out his car keys. She eyes his suit from behind as he walks up to where the lights flash when he presses the button on his keys.
A Mercedes. Figures.
She looks back to his suit jacket and silver watch and well-pressed pants. As he opens his car door and climbs in, he leaves one foot on the pavement while reaching for papers in his visor.
He has shiny shoes.
0 notes
chiropterancreed · 2 years
it is my goal in life to have an entirely yellow wardrobe. I'm not kidding. yellow underthings, yellow dresses, yellow socks, yellow accessories. with the occasional bluejean breaking up the color scheme. goldenrod and mustard and lemon. butter yellow and saffron, pastel shades and deep, rich golds. I want to wear it and be it. yellow makes me so happy and I'll never ever get enough of it.
life is too short to worry about what other people think of you. if you catch me outside in an entirely yellow ensemble, I did that on purpose.
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a sickly satisfaction (ch.1)
pairing: jason dean/reader
summary: high school sucks. jason dean makes it a little better.
warnings: uuhhhh murder, language, suicide discussion
notes: i have every chapter of this written out already, so every wednesday I’ll release a new one <3 in total the story is 7,800 words! but there are some parts that are kind of short, forgive me for those.
            Eyes down. Walk fast. Stay out of their way. Three simple steps to get through the day. They had an iron grip on the school, their perfectly manicured nails digging into the oily skin of the entire student body. High School was a bloody battlefield in the war that is life. However, the epitome of cruelty, the ultimate teenage angst inducing, self-esteem crushing, happiness shattering war machine came in the form of three girls and their weak-willed sidekick. That’s right; my biggest threat in high school is Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, and Veronica Sawyer. Veronica at least has some semblance of regret and empathy-- she’s just doing what she needs to survive. Unfortunately, that means the rest of us have to struggle to keep our heads above water. 
            Thankfully, I have a sanctuary. A refrigerator heaven filled with endless isles of roadtrip snacks and hangover remedies. Of course, this junk food Garden of Eden also happens to contain my best friend, Tommy Geller. Tommy is 18, emo, and gay, so naturally we got along pretty well. He sits behind the register and lets me hang around until closing. It’s actually pretty nice-- sometimes he lets me do busywork around the store. Sure, it’s sort of pathetic that Snappy Snack Shack is my main source of serotonin, but you know what? There are worse places to be. 
            “Pop open a bottle of champagne, Tommy, because today is a special day!” I cry, pushing open the small class doors. To my delight, the store is empty. There are no irritating customers there to make me keep my voice down.
            “Oh? And why is that?” Tommy inquires, his jet black hair falling in front of his eyes. He’s tired-- and bored-- and I’m the perfect remedy for that. 
            “Today marks exactly six months since I first stepped foot in this town,” I grin. Tommy’s eyebrows perk up.
            “Really? Congrats, kid,” He’s humoring me a bit, but there is a genuine reaction beneath his sarcastic remarks. 
            “Thanks, Tommy. Y’know, that’s twice as long as my time in New Jersey and three times as long as my run in Nebraska. I have a feeling dear old aunt Maria might actually stay here for good,” I hop over the counter before grabbing a can of Coke out of the fridge. I prop me feet up on the counter, but Tommy knocks them down.
            “You know the rules, kid, no stompy boots on the counter.” I roll my eyes. He wipes off the place where my shoes were before organizing the lotto tickets. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
            “Eh, same old same old. The Heathers were bitches, Veronica was desperately trying to keep up, and I got tripped in the hallway,” Tommy frowns.
            “God, those girls really need to get humbled,” He spits. 
            “You don’t need to tell me. They constantly act so… self-superior, as if their power doesn’t depend solely on whether or not everyone else hates themselves to believe they’re inferior to three teenage girls who are the definition of ‘peaked in high school’,” I squeeze the soda can in my hand, the metal crunching under the pressure. “They need to be more than humbled. The Heathers deserve to be dealt as much pain as they served,”
            “Watch it, kid, you’re sounding a bit homicidal,” Tommy jokes. If only he knew. 
            “It wouldn’t matter anyway. I don’t think they can die-- they’re like a Hydra. If you kill one of the Heathers, three more will grow in her place,” I sigh. Tommy looks concerned.
            “Y/n, you don’t actually want to kill them, right?” I hesitate. The silence makes Tommy worry.
            “I wouldn’t exactly lose sleep if one of them did die,” I reply nonchalantly. “It would be like a public service. Similar to killing the black mold that grows in the girl’s showers,” Tommy looks at me for a second, his expression unreadable, before turning back to his counter. 
            “That’s morbid,” he says. “You know that? You sound like a killer in the making.”
            “Sometimes bad people deserve bad things.”
            “You’re absolutely not helping your case,” Tommy laughs. I can feel someone watching me. It’s an odd feeling, but I brush it off.
            “New topic?” I ask. Tommy nods.
            A mischievous grin grows on his face. “You got a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Partner? All of the above?” he asks hopefully.
            “No, Tommy, and don’t get your hopes up,” I chuckle, before standing up and admiring the neon sign outside.
            “Oh come on, there has to be someone. You can’t possibly go to that hellhole every day and not see at least one hot person!” Tommy groans.
            “Everyone at Westerburg is either evil or boring. No one interests me and I’m not interesting to anyone. Plus, my attention is mainly focused on getting through the day in one piece, not getting laid.” I neglect to mention the stranger I saw in the Cafe yesterday. He was pretty hot, and didn’t seem to be a douchebag-- in fact, he shot two of the douchiest douchebags with blank bullets. A real rarity at Westerburg.
            “God, you need to get out more. I see some pretty people pass through here occasionally, I’m going to start pawning you off,” he jokes.
            “Oh, god, no,” I joined in on his laughter.
            “Yup, I’m going to give every hot person your photo and your address until you finally score yourself some arm candy,” Tommy can barely form sentences through his laughter.
            “I’m gonna to get murdered if you do that, Tom,” I giggle. 
“             And that would be damn shame,” A voice calls from across the counter. I look up to see the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s the same guy from the Cafe-- although in the bright convenience store lighting he looks more like a ghost than a man. His jawline looked sharp enough to slice me in half, his cheekbones high and defined. His hair was gorgeous and his teeth were really, really nice. 
            “Uh, yeah, that would totally s-suck,” I choked. Tommy shot me the most horrified look I’ve ever seen. “I’ve, uh, seen you around. That stunt you pulled in the Cafe was wicked, man, seriously.”
            “Hey, it was a public service,” He smirked. Tommy gave me a ‘holy-shit-I’ll-leave-you-two-alone’ look before disappearing in the isles across the room. I could see him peeking through the cereal boxes. “I’m Jason Dean, but most people call me JD.” He offers his hand for me to shake.
             “Y/n, Y/n Ln,” I grip his hand firmly and try not to have a breakdown over the contact. “Y’know, there are much less extreme ways to get people to fuck off than, well, shooting them.”
              “The extreme always seems to make an impression, though, doesn’t it?” His voice was a little bit lower and he leaned in a little bit closer. Tommy was freaking out across the aisle, his eyes wide as his hand raked through his greasy hair. 
            “That it does,” I grin. “There are quite a few people in that school that deserve certain... extremities,” 
            “I think you’re right,” Jason smirked once again. I kept my composure as best I could. “Speaking of extremities, I saw you and Kurt in the hallway last week,” My face is lit ablaze as I recall the incident. Kurt had been continuously pestering me the entire day, and eventually I reached my limit.
            “I guess they aren’t joking when they say the chin is the knockout button,” Jason seems impressed, although I can’t really tell because looking him in the eyes seems like a death sentence. “Landed me three days detention, though. That sucked. Although I guess it can’t compare to whatever they’re dealing you,” At this point, one of the regulars began approaching the front doors. Tommy sprinted out before they got in, seemingly explaining that my entire love life depends on whether or not I can play it cool.
            “Eh, what can I say. I sort of dug myself a grave there,” I spoke without thinking.
            “The only graves that should’ve been dug are Kurt and Ram’s. My one critique? Use real bullets next time,” I froze. Why the fuck would I say that? I mean, I’m not wrong but I doubt JD would stick around after--
            “I like the way you think,” JD laughs, his ears tinted pink. Jason looks at me, and for a moment, I look right back. There’s something behind his eyes, something festering and enticing. I wonder if my eyes communicate anything. “I’ll see you around, Y/n L/n,” 
            “And I’ll see you, Jason Dean,” With that he winked at me, spun on his heel, and walked out the front door. Tommy practically sprinted across the room as I released every muscle I’d been tensing. I slowly melted onto the floor. Laying on the tile with my eyes trained on the bright lights overhead.
            “Oh my god,” Tommy breathed. “Oh my fucking god that was-- oh my god.”
            “I know,”
             “Did you see him? He’s like a greek god,”
            “I know,”
            “And he was totally into you, like, totally,”
            “I should’ve given him my address. I wouldn’t mind getting murdered by him.” I say breathlessly. Tommy sits on the counter and looks down at me.
            “I think I need to teach you how to talk to boys,” Tommy sighs, shock still lingering on his face.
            “Pssh, I can talk to boys just fine,” I retort.
            “You almost collapsed when you saw him,” he says flatly.
            “That was--”
            “I thought you were going to pass out when he told you his name,”
            “But I--”
            “I genuinely believed you were going to vomit when he shook your hand,”
            “Alright! I give! I can’t talk to boys! You caught me! Lock me up and never let me embarrass myself like that again!” I surrendered, throwing my arms in the air before letting them collapse over my face. “He probably thinks I’m a freak,”
            “Are you joking? He was more smitten than you were!” This caught my attention, and I tore my arms away from my eyes. 
            “Huh? Elaborate!” I snapped.
            “You seriously didn’t notice? He’d been staring at you since you stepped foot in here, didn’t you see him? At first I thought it was weird, but then I realized he was smoking hot so I decided I’d let it slide,” “Comforting,” Sarcasm drips from my words. “Y’know serial killers and stalkers can be hot, too.” I rolled my eyes.
“             I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of ‘I wouldn’t mind getting mur--’,”
            “Alright, Tommy, we get it.” I cut him off in embarrassment. “Please continue.”
            “He comes in here a lot, so I knew he was alright. He was beet red the entire time you were talking. Didn’t you see the way he was in a perpetual state of stupid smiling? Dude, he was definitely into you and really bad at hiding it,” Tommy concluded.
            I smiled a big, dumb smile. I didn’t notice the fact that he was nervous, so he probably didn’t notice that I was dying, right? 
            “Tommy, I think we might have a keeper.”
            “Thank god, I don’t think I could stand to see you go to Prom alone. That would be too depressing, even for me,” Tommy enthused. I propped my feet against the edge of the counter, staring at the tips of my boots. For the first time in a long time, Tommy is silent. I can’t get his eyes out of my head. Then again, I don’t know if I want to. 
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
lil things that bring them joy + lil things that annoy the crap outta them [hcs] (pt. 2)
characters: bokuto koutarou, miya osamu, oikawa tooru
genre: fluff, humor
warning(s): a bit of swearing
notes: I decided to make this a mini series after literally one (1) person said something nice and suggested it, so here’s the second installment :) PART 1
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lil things that bring him joy
seeing his loved ones/friends smile or laugh, even if it’s a lil chuckle
when the neighborhood cat lets him pet it
hitting a perfect line shot like right on the line (I'm getting chills)
seeing your toothbrush next to his whenever he goes into the bathroom. makes him think of you and grin without fail
kids getting all wide-eyed with excitement whenever they see him bc they love volleyball and look up to him. he brings a sharpie with him everywhere so he can sign volleyballs, shirts, or notebooks
when he smiles at a random stranger in passing and they smile back
seeing a video of a cute animal pop up on his social media feed. he’s sending it to you asap.
lil things that annoy the crap outta him
thinking he had another candy bar at home and finding out he already ate it
waking up five minutes before his alarm goes off bc he knows he missed out on extra zzz’s
not being able to find his phone and tearing apart the house only to realize it was in his pocket the whole time
thinking he cleared the doorway only to clip his pinky toe on the frame
not being able to find that prime sleeping position for the night
when he orders soda and gets served carbonated water bc the machine was apparently broken
the “spinny ball of doom” launching a random attack on his laptop (known more formally as loading/buffering lol)
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lil things that bring him joy
switching the sign of his restaurant from “closed” to “open”
putting on a shirt that’s fresh out of the dryer
hearing that lil happy sigh that leaves your mouth when he gets back home after a long day
seeing birds eating from the bird feeder he put outside. gets kinda heated when the squirrels try to eat from it tho. greedy bastards.
waking up and actually feeling energized instead of tired
seeing mothers/fathers and their children holding hands while they walk together. just makes him feel very safe. and kinda makes him want a kid
just having some damn good food tbh. esp when he feels like he hasn’t gotten a chance to get a solid meal in all day
lil things that annoy the crap outta him
when ppl snub out their cigs on the ground/litter
realizing there’s a hole in his shirt after he’s already been wearing it the whole day
having the book he’s reading shut on accident and losing his page
when someone tries to squeeze past him in a super awkward way. like... just say excuse me daddy and he’ll move??
those ppl that choose to stand right in the middle of the walkway/aisle. will say excuse me, but if they don’t move, he’s giving them the bitch brow (🤨)
walking into a store and immediately forgetting what he was there to grab. he rlly hates having to hit all the aisles just to jog his memory
putting a sock on the wrong foot. like, even if they’re not labelled left and right, just feeling that awkward space of fabric that bunches around his pinky toe bc he usually wears it on the opposite foot. ya feel me?
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lil things that bring him joy
when every song that plays on shuffle hits
having your fingers threaded through his hair, even if it’s just to brush a few strands of it back into place. relaxes him instantly.
climbing into a nice, cool bed. he runs hot so he doesn't like feeling warm spots, unless the warmth is coming from you spooning him (he doesn’t mind lil spooning when you turn around and wrap yourself around him from behind in the middle of the night)
getting a smile from a baby. makes him feel validated.
putting his jersey on for game days. it instantly gets him in the zone
when a bird just kinda hangs out near him while he’s sat outside waiting for the bus/train. makes him feel oddly comforted. if he’s alone, he’ll talk to it.
having someone thank him when he holds the door open for them
lil things that annoy the crap outta him
putting his airpods in only to realize they’re dead
tripping over uneven pavement that’s not noticeable enough to make it look like he actually tripped over it and not just over his own two feet
getting his brand new sneakers dirty the literal instant he steps outside
realizing that there was something in his teeth and nobody told him. feels very betrayed.
getting cut off when driving. tailgating tooru mode: activated.
when his hair was looking good but the wind messes it up by the time he gets to his destination
trying to nibble a piece of dead skin off his lip but it’s not ready to come off yet so now his mouth tastes like blood and his lip is stinging :(
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masterlist ⭐︎ treat me to a coffee!
taglists (send an ask to be tagged)
general: @well-imnotdead-yet
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dream-of-kpop · 4 years
Ateez Works at Walmart [2/2]
[the saga ends...well for now]
*customer speaks to San in Spanish asking if he can speak Spanish*
San's response: "...Un poco." *trembles*
Just started working there and is scared he's gonna get fired
He has the most fun pulling carts around and yelling to his friends from a distance
Yunho: *waves then finishes bagging a customer's groceries*
Races pulling carts with his co-worker
Eats nothing but Pop Tarts on his lunch break
At 2pm, the associates have to organize the merch on the shelves
San takes his time to make sure everything looks neat
*Someone throws a random item onto his shelves*
San: "You lazy ass-"
Makes simple objectives way harder than they need to be
Accidentally knocked a glass off the shelf and watched it smash into smithereens
Oh right, his actual job is moving packages from the back room to the departments so he wasn't even supposed to be over there
And by over there, I mean Hongjoong's department
Hongjoong got in trouble that day
Stood on a cart to see if it would hold his weight; it almost flipped
San is really trying ok-
San: *empty box falls on him* "Thank god nobody saw that."
San: *falls on pallet* "Thank god nobody saw that either."
While working freight, they often bop to some loud ass music
San: *throws box then milly rocks*
Puts packages in the wrong departments all the time
Got a paper cut and couldn't find any bandaids
Like I said, San is trying-
15 minute breaks suddenly turn into 30 minute ones
Wooyoung would do the same but he's highkey scared he'll get caught
Yeosang is only one that listens to music, brave enough to break the rules
Hasn't gotten caught yet
*3 weeks later, he did get caught*
*Ok, he grew his hair out so he could hide his Airpods*
He started a revolution; now other co-workers wear their airpods too
One night, a manager asked him to clean up the shoe department; somehow the woman's side was worse than the men's
Yeosang: *sees hair on sandals* "Ew...dirty ass..."
Runs into old classmates all the time
Unlike with Seonghwa, when people stare at him he feels very pissed off
Yeosang: *inside his head* "Don't come in my aisle, don't come in my aisle, don- DAMMIT."
Mingi: "Heyyyyyy, I'm bored asf."
90% of the time he does pickup and delivery for customers
The other 10%, he stands outside making sure people have their masks on
You would be surprised how angry people get because of it
Yeosang: "We can't let you in without a mask."
Karen: *comes back 2 minutes later* "Um, nevermind."
Yeosang was once told that he looked high when he wasn't
He's just mentally exhausted like the rest of us
When his feet hurt he turns into a sad bitch
Yeosang: "4 more hours of this shit..." *a tear drop slides down his cheek*
It's hard for him to be on his phone, Seonghwa is EVERYWHERE
*Yeosang stands in an empty aisle by himself*
Yunho: "Excuse me." *plows through Yeosang's pile of boxes with his cart*
Yeosang was in the way that's why
There's one attractive person that works there, he doesn't have a crush, they're just eye candy honestly
Yunho: *looks around* "WHERE ARE THEY??? Oh shit I see them-"
They never notice him *sad cowboy face*
He's a cashier and occasionally works in customer service
So he has to deal with many...many...aggravating customers
Imagine how high his blood pressure must be
*watches 2 customers argue*
Asked a co-worker if they know where the book, "The Art of Not Giving a Fuck" is and they looked at him weirdly
Deals with "Karens" on a day to day basis
There's always that one customer that's trying to get a deal
Lady: "I saw this in the clearance section. Can I get it any cheaper?"
Yunho: *scans item* "It's 50 cents tho."
He's still waiting on his discount card but it hasn't been 90 days yet
He wants to quit but what options does he have?
Refuses to use the hand sanitizer; it smells so fucking bad
Yunho: *puts on hand sanitizer* *sniffs* "...OH-"
Good news, they switched it out
Raps to rap songs out loud when he feels sad
A guy tried to promote his mixtape to him
Yunho said he would listen to it but hasn't yet
Slightly brags to everyone about how much money he's making
Yunho: "My checks look like $700 a week soOoOO, I'm making hella cash."
Ateez: "Ok."
His co-worker got Covid and now he's paranoid
*box says "BTS" written on it*
*his heart races with excitement, but...it's just a box of plain notebooks*
Wooyoung: "Oh, 'BTS' stands for 'Back to School'..."
Customers find him adorable so it's rare when they get upset/impatient with him
Heard a mom yelling at her kid and wasn't sure if he should intervene or not
Has a soft spot for other fellow Walmart employees he meets
Wooyoung: "I now understand the bullshit that you go through."
The store is all over the place but he wants to give them the benefit of the doubt...don't
Works the jewlery counter; he can't even enjoy an hour of lunch without hearing, "ASSISTANCE AT THE JEWLERY COUNTER" 10 times
Wooyoung: *takes a bite of his sandwich* "Guys I gotta go."
Yunho: "Alright. See you later then."
*Wooyoung leaves in a hurry*
Junho: "You wanna split his sandwich?"
Wooyoung's patience is wearing very thin *gEt it?*
Wooyoung: "I'm sorry, but who gets jewelry at Walmart?"
*Junho slides hand off of the display case*
Wooyoung: "I can still see your rings and bracelets through the glass dude."
Mingi: "For $12.98 the watches do be looking kinda right ngl."
Was happy to work there, but not anymore
Constantly gets his name mispronounced
Manager: "Wooyin."
Wooyoung: "It's Wooyoung-"
Manager: "Wooyun, can you do aisle A2 and A3?"
It makes him hate the job even more when customers will cut him off in the middle of talking
Wooyoung: "This necklace is-"
Man: "What about these earrings???"
Wooyoung: "They are-"
Man: "Oooo my wife is gonna love these."
Rants to San about his troubles
San had his Airpods in his ears the whole time and Wooyoung didn't notice
As soon as his shift ends, his ass is jetting out the exit
*another cart runs over my foot*
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obscureoperations · 4 years
Recently got a request for Martin/male reader. I tried posting this earlier but the app was being a bitch😭 anyways here ya go mate.
Martin thought that he discovered all his secrets, at least the ones he held closely to his heart. Everything that pertained to his sickness. His own personal secret as he would watch them. They were just so pretty.The way their pulse would beat that much quicker, the closer he drew them to his chest. They felt so warm and alive even in their sedated state. He craved the attention in real life, but there was no way that any of them would notice him. He couldn’t understand why he craved your attention the moment you walked into the shop.
The doorbells jungled as you entered the shop with a hearty laugh,with your full entorongue trailing right behind you. Raising a slender hand you raked your fingers through your hair as you allowed a moment to take in your surroundings.
“Well look what we have here” You exclaim, holding the magazine in front of your face. Your lackeys immediately swarm behind you.
Tilting the book, slightly to the left, pulling down the page “Ohh! This is priceless.”
Normally he didn’t care. The magazines were for the customers to read as they pleased.  In an instant Cuda was right behind Martin, eyes focused on you and your group. “Watch them…” He mutters under his breath, Martin shifts uncomfortably onto his other foot. He hated that part, when Cuda wanted him to act as security, closely surveying ‘questionable’ customers. It didn’t seem like a task that he would mind, he watched people all the time. But this was different, there was no true intent behind any of it. And for the most part he could care less if they stole from his cousin.
With a sigh Martin picks up a broom and leisurely begins to sweep, trailing behind your group as you guys shopped. Your friends would pick things up and but them down at random places in the store. At one point he wanted to laugh to himself when he found an apple with exactly three bites out of it sitting on top of one of the candy bins. Your group seemed to be close to his age if not a few years older. He pondered briefly if you guys were from out of town, he definitely would have noticed you before. After a while his attention is focused on you as your finders trail along the shelves, you were close to his height maybe an inch taller, with an almost similar haircut. You were dressed in a red plaid shirt sands the sleeves, and a pair of slightly worn jeans. If anything he wanted to laugh you looked like you had stepped out of a movie. The stereotypical ‘’bad guy’’  that all the girls would fawn over. He never got it. That was probably why nobody truly noticed him. He was about as intimidating as a  mouse.
Every once and a while one of his friends would glance over and he would have to pretend to be absorbed in his task. At one point the blond one gave you a nudge, motioning over to your direction. Even as Martins eyes were averted, pins and needles-- he could feel the intensity of your stare. Your friend was whispering something that he couldn’t quite hear. He could distinctly hear you mutter.
You guys make your way over to the next aisle as Martin grips the broom that much tighter. He watched you through one of the cracks in the shelves, it gave him the perfect moment to fully take in your appearance. He allows his eyes to move over your features as a strange feeling settles in his chest. He didn’t want to look away for some reason your face looked so familiar. He wanted to hear your voice. “Shh..” You mutter, quickly looking around before cracking a smirk.
“All I’m saying is, when was the last time you got laid?” His friend laughed.  You shove him 
almost roughly, he could have sworn a blush was spreading across your face. More muffled snickers as you venture further down the aisle. With a deep breath Martin trails behind, his mouth suddenly dry for some reason. 
Your group begins to work their way towards the front of the store, you already had several items in your hands. Every now and then, you would glance around, at one point your eyes actually met. Martin could have sworn his soul escaped his body, but he couldn’t find it in him to look away. You regarded him with an almost unreadable expression, he felt as though you were staring straight through him. 
“Hey… you work here?” 
Martin opened his mouth, but for a moment was unable to speak. It felt like the longest moment of his life. Why wasn’t he able to answer a simple question? More laughter, he could feel himself turning impossibly red, as he gripped the broom that much tighter. “Maybe he’s deaf..” One of your friends whispers. “Hey… are you braindead?” The blonde one asks. “Stuff it.” You mutter under your breath.
“Hey!” you call again, only then does Martin find his voice. “Yes. I mean --Yeah I work here.”
You look at him as if he’s grown a second head, widening your eyes just a bit. “Well… Can we check out? I mean unless this shits on the house.”
Martin quickly places the broom aside as he makes his way over to the counter. He keeps his eyes on the items as he skans them, hoping to god you wouldn’t notice the way his hands shook. His heart was threatening to explode out of his chest, he could feel his heartbeat in his throat. You watch him curiously as he scans the items trying to get a clear look at his face. A task that was easier said than done, floppish brown hair fell into his eyes-- your gaze shifts to his delicate hands. You cut your eyes back over to your friend, the blonde who more than likely was thinking the same thing. He shoots you a glance, raking his tongue over his teeth. “Dibs... “ 
“Not on your life…”
‘’ So like, what’s there to do in this town?I been here less than a week and this shit’s dull.”
Martin only gives a small shrug as he continues to bag your items. 
“Any restaurants? Cool spots to hang-- where ah-- where do you go to meet girls?”
“I wouldn’t know.” The three word response gained a quiet sort of hum from your friend group-- the blonde shifts onto the other foot. Martin just wanted to bag your items so you could go-- he didn’t know how he would react if he had to look at you up close. 
“Wow, lame town-- dodgy service There’s a thing called eye contact pal.” Despite the snippiness of your words Martin could hear laughter behind your voice.  With a deep breath he finally looks up meeting your gaze as if to ask “are you happy now?” Now it was your turn to look surprised, if not a tiny bit flustered. Your gaze moves over his features drinking them in--eyes unsure just where to land. They settled on his full lips that were nearly formed into a pout for probably a few seconds longer than necessary. You straighten up a bit suddenly aware of the way you were leaning on the counter like a slob.  “ Sorry man, I was just asking. I'm new here,  just trying to get a feel for the place.”
Martin had finally finished bagging your items and at this point waiting for you to pay. “ I haven’t been here long myself. About a month. This is my cousin’s shop-- I just work here.. I don’t really go out.” You nod your head thoughtfully for a moment, he could detect a strange sort of glimmer behind your eyes. It felt so strange yet oddly familiar, heat began to pool at the pit of his stomach. “Gotcha, well thats too bad man I was hoping you could help me out. Maybe show me around if you had time.”  What were you saying? What should he say? For a moment he was upset that he honestly couldn’t answer your question. “Im y/n by the way, Im from Philly.” 
“Martin, Indianapolis.”
Soon enough you were all paid up and Martin found himself not wanting you to leave. Your friends could if they wanted to, especially the blonde who kept leering at him like he was a piece of meat. “Well, Martin, it was nice talking to ya… Maybe I’ll see you around town some time.” Martin chews on his bottom lip anxiously before he nods in agreement-- he could have sworn you looked almost relieved.
He went home that day repeatedly going over your interaction-- mentally kicking himself for how uninteresting he must have seemed. Why exactly he cared, he wasn’t sure. He just knew that he wanted to impress you, but now he might not get the chance. Little did he know that you were already planning to return to the shop tomorrow. This time without the rest of your friends.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Shopping with daddy OR Don’t be a brat!!! (My hero academia)
When your going to school, is there any better time of the year then summer vacation? Hell no, even if your school is far more awesome then most since your in training to be a superhero. And getting to spend your vacation with the love of your life, in a beach side cottage not far from a little town? Even better! However there could also be one tiny little problem with getting to share a bed with the love of your life for three months, If the prideful blond hair hot head failed to mention that he's a life long bed wetter. This was the sad fact facing Shoto as he woke up for the fifth morning in a row soaked by his boyfriends urine. The more powerful (in terms of raw power as well as muscles) teen scowled at Katsuki as the blond was still blissfully unaware of what he had done, snoring softly and sucking on his thumb. Grabbing his pillow Shoto was tempted, sorely tempted to whack the blond in the face with it, but instead held his breath and counted back from 10 before replacing it. "Wake up doofus. you soaked the bed. again." Shoto said, trying to keep the edge out of his voice. Katsuki snorted and slowly opened his eyes. "hmm what? Nggh.." and turned over, tugging his pillow over his head. "Five more minutes mommy." he said in a sleepy voice. Shoto smirked at that, but reached over and grabbed the pillow. "I'm not your mommy, and you need to get up. We're taking care of this today bed wetter." he said, though he couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. Katsuki grumble and then opened his eyes, sitting up in bed and yawning, then froze. "I..I Uh.." he stammered, quickly realizing that he was in the pee soaked bed. "You wet the bed. I know. come up, Outta bed, I need to get the mattress out to dry. Again." Shoto said. "M-Maybe it wasn't me! you ever think maybe YOUR the one pissing the bed like a fucking toddler?" Katsuki huffed, blushing but scooting out of the bed all the same. "Really? I'm not even gonna dignify that with a answer. go get in the shower." Shoto said, rolling his eyes. "..Yeah ok." Katsuki said and scurried off. Shoto sighed and got out of bed, the poor mattress had been new but already was doomed to be pee stained for the rest of it's life. Stripping the blankets and sheets off of the soaked bed, he walked to the washing machine by the bathroom, glad to hear Katsuki was showering and stuffed the soiled bedding as well as his own soaked shorts in the machine, then noticed that Katsuki had 'thoughtfully' left his pissy PJ bottoms out for him. '..At least he's not trying to hide them till they stink the place up.' Shoto thought and added them to the wash and started up the load, before moving in to join his boyfriend in the shower.
After a nice hot shower, with some nice hot love making, Both boys were dressed and clean, and sitting down to enjoy a breakfast. Shoto was having toast and egg, while Katsuki was finishing off his box of Cap'n Crunch. "we're gonna need to go into town today." Katsuki said between mouthful's, milk dribbling down his chin but at least he was leaning over the bowl so his light green muscle shirt was getting milk stained. Shoto meanwhile was in a loose white t-shirt and both boys were rocking tan shorts and black sandals. "I was going into town anyways. and you're coming with me." Shoto said, carefully finishing ff the last of his food. "oh, what we getting? we're good for food otherwise..heh." Katsuki got a impish look on his face. "Unless you wanted ta check out that sex shop i pointed out last time you horn do-" "Oh for the love of..No. we're getting you bed time diapers." Shoto cut Katsuki off. the blond choked on his last spoon full of cereal and when he could speak glared at Shoto. "No.Fucking.Way!" he growled. "This isn't up for debate. You can either come with me willing, and have a say on what brand of diapers I get you, or you can go over my lap and get a spanking and be put on time out till I get back." Shoto said, and finished the last of his coffee, silently daring Katsuki to try and call his bluff. The fact of the matter was, Shoto had learned quickly that the only way to calm the brat down when he got going, was a good old fashion trip over a knee. (well actually, it had been Katsuki's mother who had let him in on it) "..Your a butt you know that? a total, farty BUTT!" was all the blond said. "mmmhmm. Do the dishes up while I put the mattress out on the railing to dry." Shoto said and got up and started to leave the room. "and flip me off again and I'ma wash your mouth out. " he added, not even turning around. "...How does he fucking do that?" Katsuki muttered, quickly lowering his hand, and getting the dishes gathered up from the table.
with each boys chore down, they headed into town, walking since it was just a five minute walk. or at least it normally was. Katsuki had decided to stage a silent protest of sorts by going as slow as he could, and it took them a full fifteen minutes to get to the all-mart. "Keep pressing your luck and I'll get a stroller for the walk back." Shoto warned the brat. "You don't have the BALLS to tr-" Katsuki started, and quickly faltered, looking down at the ground. "Y-Yeah ok." Shoto wished that he hadn't of made the threat as Katsuki was even more sulky now. Hoping maybe the bed wetter's attuide would improve with a little bit of a delay in getting his bed wetting pants, Shoto steered the cart to the grocery side of the store first. "...I wanna get more then just Cap'n Crunch." Katsuki spoke up as they came up to the cereal aisle. "Oh? "I want candy. LOTS of it." Shoto smirked, it was more or less sounding like the bed wetter had offered up a price of sorts if he was gonna have to get the bed wetting pants. "I think we can swing that. though you're not eating it all at once. last thing I want is you bouncing off the walls." "Oh come on! I'm not THAT bad!" "Remember what happened on Easter? the foot prints on your mother's ceiling?" Shoto asked. "W-well that was uh..you know..I got a big bag of those cream eggs..and..i didn't want them to melt..and Mom didn't have any room in the fridge!" Katsuki huffed, blushing. "That's not how I remember it..but fine. we'll go with your version of events. just not a lot at once, OK?" Shoto offered, smirking. "Yeah fine. Whatever!" Katsuki sulked. "Get the Cap'n crunch, I'll get the candy."   and with that he took off and Shoto just knew the brat would be coming back with a armful of sweets. "he's lucky he's amazing in the sack." he muttered, and wheeled toward the Cap'n Crunch.
Coming around the corner after getting the brat his cereal, and picking up a ag of coffee for himself, Shoto just smirked seeing Katsuki coming back towards him, arm's fulled with big bags of mini chocolate bars, cream eggs and the like. 'And in accordance with the prophecy..' he thought but kept his mouth shut. "Did you leave anything on the shelf for others?" Shoto teased. "heh, yeah, but not for lack of trying." Katsuki said then noticed the coffee in the cart. "Ick, why do you drink that stuff when we have chocolate syrup and milk at home?" "because a certain sweet tooth glares at me when i go to use any." Shoto teased. "heh. well you got me there. Alright, let's go and pay for this and get back home." Katsuki said quickly, starting to head for the check outs and reaching back to tug on the cart. "Nice try. we still have something else to pickup." Shoto said. "Come on, give me ONE more chance!" Katsuki whined. "If I thought that would really make a difference I would. now come on." Shoto said and started to head towards the pharmacy end of the store. "..This is bullshit! get them if you want, but I'll be waiting outside!" Katsuki growled and started to stomp his way out of the store, drawing attention from other customers. Katsuki Bakugo, you get your butt back here right this instant or I'm putting all of your candy back!" Shoto threatened. "I'm NOT going and getting stupid diapers with you! Diapers are for babies and I DON'T FUCKING NEED THEM!" Katsuki yelled, apparently unaware of all the people looking at them as he stomped a foot but was turning and facing Shoto. At least he was unaware till a teenaged girl started to snicker. "YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY BITCH?!" Katsuki growled, spinning around to face her, and Shoto moved quick. Grabbing Katsuki by the ear he gave the boy a firm swat across the butt. "little man, that is eno-" He started, talking over the yowl from Katsuki, but even then he was cut off as a loud thunder poot escaped from the blonds backside. "..Katsuki when was the last time you-" Shoto started to asked. Katsuki's bowels were a fickle thing, and the boy could go for days without a movement, but when it was ready to come out, he had little to NO warning time. "i..I.." Katsuki whined, and then with a crackling poot the back of his shorts started to darken and blossom out. "N-Nooooo!" Katsuki whimpered and whined, but was helpless to do anything as days worth of heavy food destroyed his briefs and weren't doing the shorts any favor either. the crowd was watching with mixed reactions, though most was amusement, at least until the smell hit them. and a few were just shocked at the mass growing in the back of the boys pants. Shoto should of felt bad for him, but given he'd been acting like a total brat and he was positive had been about to use his quirk on that girl, he was all out of mercy. "great, Just great. it's not enough that your wetting the bed every night, now your pooping your pants too?" Shoto asked, hands on his hips. "I..But..I.." Katsuki whined. "that's it mister man, we're going and getting diapers alright, and NOT just for night time! and I'm putting that candy back, clearly junk food is the last thing you need." Picking Katsuki up and carrying the mortified blond over to the cart, Shoto was sure that the blond knew what coming from the little bit of a fight he was able to put up. It didn't do him any good though as Shoto sat him down with a loud squish in the baby seat of the cart. "MAYBE if you watch your mouth and behave, I MIGHT let you keep the cream eggs. but your on thin ice mister." Shoto said and shook a finger at Katsuki who whimper and started to bawl, even as the crowd started to clap and cheer in approval. "one last thing, Say sorry to everyone." Shoto said, and stepped aside,. Katsuki sobbed and hiccuped, and though teary eyes looked at the crowd. "I.I'm sowwy." he lisped babyishly. The crowd loved it.
After that Shoto wheeled the cart to the pharmacy area and picked up not one, not two, but three of the extra thick overnight diapers that the store carried, as well as getting some baby bottles and a package of pacifiers. Katsuki started to wail loudly at that point so Shoto, after getting permission from a employee, opened the pack of paci and popped one in the smelly teens mouth. part of the crowd had followed them, since well they didn't really get much excitement and this beat the re runs that were playing on TV at the moment anyways. As Katsuki suckled on it and whined, a chuckle spread though the crowd. Shoto also got permission to open one of the packs of diapers and was allowed to use the usually employee's only bathroom to get the little stinker changed. the crowd helped up somewhat, offering to take back the candy as Katsuki got changed and Shoto just reminded them to leave a bag of the cream eggs for Katsuki, he had been behaved so far since going poopie. Getting Katsuki in the bathroom, Shoto shook his head. "I hope you understand you brought this ALL on yourself. if you hadn't of dragged your feet, or had all your little fits we'd of been home by now." he said, tugging the stinkers shorts off and tossing them in a trash bin. Katsuki wisely kept his paci in, and nodded, but reached for his short futilely as they went though the air into the trash can. "no no, those shorts are ruined buddy. and I'm NOT buying you a new pair. you'll be waddling home in diapers." Shoto said, smirking and Katsuki laid on his back on the cold floor, fists going to his eyes and rubbing them as he suckled and whimpered big time. Katsuki's lucky Ultra-man briefs were all but ruined and Katsuki paused in his crying to look down, then up at Shoto and shake his head no. "Buddy, their ruined.I have to toss them." Shoto said. Katsuki shook his head no again and brought his hands together, pleading. "-sigh- alright..alright..you can keep them.. but I'm not carrying them." Shoto said, and then smirked as he took out a diaper. "Butt up." Katsuki got a confused look on his face and pointed at his poopie undies. "Yeah I know. they're still poopie. you wanna keep'em, you can wear them under your diaper, and YOU can wash them in the sink wen we get home." Shoto said. Katsuki wrinkled his nose and shook his head no, going to hook his thumb in the waistband. "No no no, You made your case, and won. enjoy the fruit of success." Shoto said and gently but firmly moved the brat's hands away. "Now butt up." Katsuki started whimpering again even as he lifted his butt up and plopped back down with a squish on the soft diaper, and whined as Shoto started to sprinkle him with baby powder , then just took the top off of the container and dumped half of it in. "Don't wanna get attacked by a hoard of fly's on the way home." Shoto explained. Taping the diaper up, Shoto helped Katsuki get to his feet and laughed at how cute and ridiculous the now big baby look, his legs bowed out and he was clearly having trouble walking, doing a weird baby learning to walk waddle. As they started to head for the door, Shoto noticed that there was a black marker on a clip board on the door, for checking off a list of things to be cleaned and smirked. "Hold it a second stinker." he said, grabbing the marker and then getting behind Katsuki, kneeling down and writing. 'Warning! Poopie diaper! (sorry about the smell)' Putting the cap back on the marker and replacing it, Shoto lead the big baby out.
Their groceries, the ones they were keeping, had been taken up to a checkout as for obvious reasons the cart had to be cleaned, and the crowd chuckled and laughed, with some people even snapping pictures as Katsuki was lead, Holding daddies hand, to the check out. everything was scanned in fact save for the bag of cream eggs and the clerk gave Shoto a question look, smirking at the same time as Katsuki wiped his arm over his eyes and looked at Shoto hopefully. "oh..I suppose. I'm just a big softie." Shoto said and leaned down, kissing the big babies head. Paying for the groceries and heading out the door with Shoto carrying the heavier stuff and Katsuki the light stuff, and the big babies hand in daddies, Shoto realized that his summer vacation was going to be even better then he could of dreamed, if not a little more smelly.
The end
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@polyfacetious big ass Christmas Drabble Extravagaza: Day Nine
Frank spent a good five minutes down the decoration aisle, the last time that he was at the store. Most of the time, it was easy. He got whatever kind of sprinkles went with the season. Or he’d get something that was color coded to match the season. Reds and greens for the winter time, pine trees and snowflakes. Pastels for the spring, easter eggs and flowers. Browns and yellows for the fall, pumpkins and leaves. 
It was the summer now. He didn’t need anything holiday specific. Bright, primary colors were what he focused on. They didn’t do the Fourth of July out here, it wasn’t like he needed red, white and blue. 
But that didn’t stop him from spending minutes of his life standing in front of canisters of sprinkles, trying to find the one he wanted to use for Matt’s donut. Because it’s become a Thing, now. A way for him to say something he was too chickenshit to say out loud. And it’s not like Matt was looking at the sprinkles. 
It was the easiest way to air his feelings out, the way the therapist said he was supposed to, without having to actually do anything about it. Frank got lucky when he fell ass over teakettle for a blind guy, though he was smart enough not to say any of that shit out loud. 
In the end, Frank comes back with four containers of sprinkles, and a half assed idea about what to try next. There were mermaid sprinkles, all done up in shades of pink, purple and seafoam green. Those would sell well, especially this close to the ocean. Tourists like shit like that, and Frank had a feeling Aerith would get a kick out of it too. 
Two others were basic summer colors, one in bright reds and yellows and blues that looked like shattered sea glass, and the other an old school mix that reminded Frank briefly of the way his ma used to decorate cakes back in the seventies, a wild mix of jimmies, nonpareils, and quins in about every color under the sun. 
The last bottle, the one Frank was currently holding in his hand, was the one he bought for Matt, and Matt alone. “You’re a damn idiot.” It’s a murmur to himself, but it doesn’t stop Frank from putting the bottle down so that he can start working on the small batch of donuts that have been on his mind all day. 
The cabinet out front was ready to go, bright lights and variety. There was usually something new in there every few weeks, but Frank knew what sold. Blueberry cake donuts for the boys in the bookshop, old school chocolate glazed for Peter and Eddie down at the bar. The kids at the florist shop were always down to try anything he made, the more wild the better. (He’d candied tulip petals once and put them on iced yeast donuts, and the two of them bought a dozen just for themselves.) 
A little bit of each of those things meant he rarely had stuff go to waste. And when he did have a little bit of leftover, he could usually get Stark to buy them, because he liked to throw bread pudding on the menu at his place now and then. 
The shop wouldn’t open for another few hours. It was still dark outside. That would hopefully give Frank enough time to get this damn thing figured out and fully frosted, so that by the time that Matt came in, Foggy under his feet and morning coffee from Magnus’ place in tow, he could actually like the damn things were out on display for everyone, and not just a sad sack’s attempt to put a little love in his baking. 
Frank wasn’t stupid. Yeah, Matt was a looker, and yeah Frank had spent more than a few showers thinking about him. But it wasn’t that pretty mouth or those long fingered hands or the column of his throat that kept Frank up at night. It was the smokey glass sound of his laughter, and how quick he always was with a comeback. It was the way he said Frank’s name like he knew a secret. 
This wasn’t lust that was making him dumb enough to buy special sprinkles just for a six pack batch of donuts. It was longing. And guys like Frank, they didn’t get happy endings. Not after what he did overseas. (Funny how he still thinks of it as ‘overseas’, like he was sitting back home in the city and not on a pretty little street corner near a beach somewhere in paradise.)
But damned if Matt didn’t make him think about it. What it’d be like to wake up in bed next to somebody that you cared about. And who didn’t fuck your next door neighbor when you were doing a tour of duty in the desert. 
Sharing dinner with somebody. Sharing your silence with somebody. 
The metal mixing bowl comes down from it’s spot on the shelf, and Frank starts with the dry ingredients. He sifts the flower, watching it float down into the bowl like a hard winter’s snow, coating the reflective surface inside. Next comes the baking powder and the salt, through the same sifter. 
Then comes the eggs. The milk. The butter. The dough comes together easy, even with the flat whisk in hand instead of using the stand mixer. Frank wanted these to come out perfect, and he wasn’t fucking that up with a machine. Last is the bloomed yeast in warm water. 
He turns the dough out to rise, and looks down at Misty, where she’s curled up on her bed by the back door. “You ready to go out?” Her ears shoot up, and by the time Frank has the leash in his hand, Misty is dancing from foot to foot. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
They take their walk nice and slow. The streets are quiet, in that time between when the bars close down and the breakfast places open up. The streetlights are globes of gold between pockets of darkness, and the only sound is Misty’s nails on the cobblestones. 
Once Misty is back snuggled up in her bed, Frank turns his attention back to the dough. He rolls it out, getting his biscuit cutter out to get them to the right size, and leaves them to rise again while he works on the fillings. 
See, this is where he got hung up. Frank wanted to do something special for Matt, without it being obvious he was doing something special. And Matt, God bless him, didn’t have the most refined palette. He’d eat Boston cream donuts every day if Frank let him. 
So Berliners it was. Six fried yeast donuts, with six different fillings, because Frank was a glutton for punishment. Two sweet cream, because that was what Matt liked best. Two lemon cream, because the lemons were fresh and in season and you couldn’t throw a stone without somebody trying to sell them to you on a street corner and two with a dark chocolate ganache. 
It was too damn rich, and real Berliners called for a jam filling, but this was Frank’s dumbass idea and he was going to do it his way. 
Three bowls of filling lined up on the counter, with taste tests from him and Misty, and Frank gets his donuts in the oil. He’d do the rest of this morning’s batch once these were done. He wanted these done in fresh oil. 
It gives the Berliners time to cool while he gets the rest of the morning’s display set up, and then Frank takes the six smaller donuts and cuts into them with a paring knife, filling them each to the brim with their filling. When they’re done, he dusts them with powdered sugar and moves them into a cardboard pastry box. 
It’s only then that he stops, looks to the shelf, looks to the box, and then looks to Misty, who’s watching him with one eye open. “Misty.” Her tail thuds against the wall in a slow rhythm. “Why the hell did you let me buy sprinkles for a goddamn donut that isn’t iced, and you don’t put sprinkles on?”
The dog doesn’t lift her head. Frank is pretty sure she’s calling him a dumbass in her head, but she’s too polite to make it obvious. 
Well there it was, the definition of how damn stupid he was for Matt Murdock. Stupid enough to spend ten dollars on sprinkles in pinks and yellows and blues, that he wasn’t even going to use on these donuts. 
The bell over the door tinkles, and Frank looks up to see Matt, backlit by the soft pinks, yellows and blues of the rising sun that looked an awful damn lot like the sprinkles sitting useless in Frank’s kitchen right now. 
“Black coffee. Two sugars.” Matt shifts the cardboard container holding both of their drinks to his other hand so that he can feel out the counter before he runs his fingers along the sleeve on the cups. Magnus must have done something to tell them apart, because Matt feels something and offers the cup over to Frank, smiling.
“Thanks, Red. Have a seat, I’ll get you something out.” He hears a wry ‘sir, yes sir’ behind him, though how the hell he hears it over the beating of his heart is beyond him. Just like he knows that the pain in his ass is flipping a sarcastic little salute behind his back. A bad one, too. He’s shown the son of a bitch how to do it right before, now Matt was just doing it to get on his nerves. “I saw that!” He calls behind him, not bothering to fight his smile. Frank flips his judgemental dog the bird where she lays, watching him and grabs the small pastry box. Now or never. And he put hours into these damn things. It was now. 
“I’m trying something new.” The swinging door to the kitchen catches him on the ass on the way out. Frank puts the pastry box down on the table he’s come to think of as Matt’s, and drops to a crouch so that he can offer a leftover piece of fried dough to Foggy. Even working dogs needed breakfast. 
“Berliners. They’re real popular in…” Berlin, you damn fool. The name got the point across pretty clearly. “Chile.” They were, actually. But it’s pretty fucking obvious by the quirk of Matt’s mouth that he knows that Frank wasn’t thinking about Chile when he started talking. “Thought you might give them a try and see if they’re worth putting on the menu.”
They’re not actually that much work, compared to the hours he already puts in during the early morning. But it’s not about that. It’s about getting some kind of reaction out of Matt, and Frank is man enough to admit it. 
“The two on the right are sweet cream filled. Two in the middle are lemon cream. The two on the right are a dark chocolate ganache.” Frank has to resist the itch in his legs to squirm, or move foot to foot. Matt makes a pleased sound low in his throat just at the mention of what was in the donuts and Frank feels it all the way down into his marrow. And other places a man didn’t talk about in polite company.
“And I want your honest damn opinion, Red. Not what you’d say to a friend who you’re trying to salvage their feelings. I want the review you’d give to somebody else if you never had to face me again. I wanna know if the filling is too sweet, or not sweet enough. If I cooked the damn things too long. I want ‘em to be perfect.”
I want them to be perfect for you, Matty. That’s the words he doesn’t say.
I want them to be perfect for you.
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tracies-tales · 6 years
Dressed to Impress
The late October air was crisp and chill in their nostrils as Dan and Arin briskly shuffled through the parking lot towards the awaiting doors of the costume shop. Corny posters lined the windows, stating appropriately spooky themed puns as, ‘Prices so good they’re scary!’ and ‘You’ll lose your head over our inventory!’
They shouldered their way through the door, Arin already taking his gloves off to breath hot air on them as it shut behind them. “Fuck dude, wasn’t it goddamn ninety degrees like two weeks ago?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Bro, that’s what the planet gets for not being able to keep up with humanity’s toxic emissions,” Dan giggled. “You wanted warmer weather all the time, right? Sucks, you get crazy weird temperature fluctuations first.”
“You’re giving me all kinds of weird fluctuations,” Arin elbowed Dan playfully.
Dan rolled his eyes, “I know I have that affect on you, baby bear.” He finally allowed himself to gaze at the rows upon rows of costumes hanging before them. “Woah,” he said at the sheer overwhelming number of them he could see before they’d even properly began to search.
“Told you this was the place to shop,” Arin said. “Hit up the fuckin’ Wal-Mart or whatever for your candy, but costumes? You want a kick ass costume, you come here.”
“I can only imagine why,” Dan grinned, bouncing on his toes and subsequently causing his hair to bounce with it. He clapped his hands together, “Let’s get started.”
They picked an aisle at random, rummaging through the wide variety of outfits. Arin snorted and said, “God, there’s like twelve Jason outfits in a row. That sure ruins my whole agenda.”
“But you could be like, Jason X or something,” Dan said as he tugged out a cloak to look at. “He was a pretty cool Jason.”
“Um, let’s be real Dan, they’re all cool Jason’s,”  Arin said, laughing as Dan turned to cuff him lightly in the face with a hand. 
Dan pulled the cloak off its hanger and put it on, dramatically swishing an arm to half cover his face. He made a, “Waaah!” impression of their Ghoul Grumps intro. “How do I look?” he waggled his brows at Arin over his arm.
Arin snorted and used a stereotypical vampire accent to say, “Oh, ju look seemply deleecious. I vant you to suuuck my diiick.”
“Do you now? My vampiric charms are working,” Dan’s attempted evil facade was broken by his grin. He waved his free hand dramatically through the air and said, “Come to me, then, my beautiful one.”
Arin set the back of his hand on his forehead and swooned, “Oh, what is this power overtaking me? It’s...it’s coming from my penis.” He started making a jerk-off motion in front of his crotch. He started to use the whiny girl accent he knew Dan hated and said, “Ooohhh, it’s sooo gooood.”
Dan started laughing in spite of himself and swatted at Arin’s arm, “Arin, please God no, not now.”
Arin smiled and kissed Dan’s cheek, “You’re just lucky I don’t want to get us thrown out before we’ve even found our costumes.”
“Well shit, apparently I don’t even need to keep looking,” Dan threw the cape over his shoulder. “You have any ideas?”
“I was already Princess Peach one year,” Arin rubbed a hand over his chin as he perused the dresses. “Fuck man, I don’t know.”
Dan jumped suddenly and said, “Wait, I have an idea! I’ll be back,” before he sprinted off down the aisle and disappeared. Arin shrugged and went back to rifling through his options, considering which Disney Princess dress he’d look the best in as he waited.
A few minutes later, Dan showed up at the end of the aisle, strutting towards Arin in the same vampire cloak but now sporting fishnet tights and bedazzled red high heels. Arin felt his heart stop, his situation not helped when Dan struck a pose, jutting out his hips and setting one hand on his waist while the other went to card through his hair.
“You thought I made a sexy vampire before,” Dan smirked, biting his lip and sliding one foot to stick out his leg. “Now, I’m irresistible.”
Arin blinked a few times before he said, “I mean...fuck me.”
“Not while we’re in public, baby,” Dan winked. He nodded and said, “I’m satisfied with this. You think of anything?”
“The only thing I can think of now is having your dick in my butt,” Arin retorted, “so thanks, you’ve ruined shopping.”
Dan laughed and clapped his hands together, “Aww, I’m sorry, Arin. I’ll go take off the fishnets to be less distracting.”
“Fuck no! Leave them, what’s wrong with you? Why would you ever consider wearing anything else?” Arin asked.
“Uh, because I don’t want my dick swinging around in the breeze on the daily?”
“Well maybe you don’t, but some of us would appreciate it.”
Dan giggled and bopped a finger to Arin’s nose, “I know. But come on, there’s gotta be something in this labyrinth of a store that you wanna wear.”
“Dude, how do you wear this thing?” Arin asked as Dan helped him tug on the spandex Danny Sexbang uniform.
Dan laughed, “Well, for starters, I don’t have any handsome chub rolls to tuck into it. Second, it was tailored specifically for me.”
“For starters,” Arin mocked, “they’re not chub rolls, they’re all the spicy tuna rolls we’ve been eating,” he grinned and slapped a hand to his stomach. “Second, I really hope I don’t stretch this thing out.”
“No worries, this is the old one. I’ve been wanting to see what it looks like on you for ages, anyway,” Dan admitted with a faint blush tinting his cheeks. He tied the cape on and stepped back, saying, “Alright, let’s see it!”
Arin spun around to face him, the sparkling blue cape flying out behind him. “Hey, I’m Arin Sexbang!” Arin made finger guns. “Check out my kung fu,” he said, trying to kick out a leg and failing. He chuckled at himself before he asked, “How’s it look?”
Dan didn’t respond right away, too busy drinking in every detail. He finally snapped back to attention with a, “Wha?”
Arin smiled and walked forward, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should,” Dan replied, looking down at him again as Arin tucked his arms around him, wrapping him in the cape. “You look ravishing,” Dan purred as he set a hand on Arin’s jaw.
“We are two sexy sons of bitches,” Arin nodded. 
“Hell yeah we are,” Dan grinned, giving Arin a kiss. “Now let’s go scar some children for life!”
Arin threw his hands into the air, “Yeah! Nothing like making people look at two grown men in spandex and fishnets.” 
“They’re just gonna be jealous,” Dan pinched Arin’s cheek. “Come on, we’re gonna miss the first trick or treaters.”
“Coming,” Arin followed Dan to the foyer to wait with their bowls of candy, glad he hadn’t settled for anything at the costume shop.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Call me a bitch, fine, I'll act like one.
An elderly gentleman came through my line one time with a pack of gum. Now we had a certain kind on sale, but people had been mixing it up with another kind that wasn't on sale all day, so we were told not to call for price checks and to just explain this to customers since price checking constantly would've taken so much time away from the grocery people trying to do their job. With that context, the following: Him: It should be on sale for a dollar. Me: *rings it through* It's coming up at $1.69, sir. (Or whatever it was anyways). Him: I can read. The sign said they're on sale for a dollar. Me: Unfortunately that's not what I have here. I think it was these that were on sale; the confusion is understandable. *gesturing to display stand beside me with giant sign* Him: I don't want that, I want this. They're basically the same thing anyways. Me: I understand your frustration sir, but unfortunately I can't lower the price for you. If you'd like the sale you're free to choose from the display here and I can put this back for you. Him: I already said I don't want that, I want this. Me: Well it'll be a $1.69 then, please. Him: *huffs a bit and imitating my voice* Well you don't have to be such a bitch about it, little girl. Save that for your boyfriend to deal with. (I was 16 at the time.) He also starts throwing change onto the counter, intentionally ignoring my outstretched hand as he's going on about how expensive it is for a pack of gum. So I looked around, saw we weren't busy, and as he reaches for the gum I snatch it and with my biggest customer service smile say, "Oh, pardon me sir, I didn't realize it meant that much to you. Allow me to check the price myself." He got kind of flustered and said, "Oh no, I'm in a hurry, don't worry about it." I stepped out from behind the counter as he was talking and as I'm walking away I loudly say, "Oh no problem, no problem! You were so angry you decided to call me a bitch, so clearly this is very important to you and we aim to please. Please wait here while I make sure the price scanning in is correct." He stared after me, and I couldn't honestly say whether he was angrier or just shocked, but his face definitely turned red. But he didn't say anything further, so I kept walking to the candy aisle, at the other end of the store, and simpered around there for a few minutes. When I came back, man was tapping his foot and was obviously unimpressed. Him: That was very rude of you. I responded with, "Oh, I'm sorry. I just figured since you felt it was necessary to attack me verbally over prices you'd appreciate the service of an immediate price check. I'll be sure to let you do it yourself next time, or let you wait for grocery to check for you." After another few seconds of silence I smiled again and said, "That'll be a $1.69 please." Apparently he complained afterwards, and I got a talking to from management. But soooooo worth it.
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Christmas Confession
Title: Christmas Confession
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1337
Warning: Just a pinch of sugar.
A/N: This is my entry for @d-s-winchester #12 Days of Christmas Challenge. The situational prompt I chose was 6: I couldn’t reach the Christmas decorations on the top shelf and you look tall so can you please help me.
This is my second challenge that I’ve participated in. The first one I did wasn’t very successful, but I’m learning. I hope this one is better than my last, so enjoy. And Happy Holiday’s everyone! Muah! Xx
(Photo compilation for challenge title are not mine.)
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After much begging, pleading, and black mailing, Dean had finally given in to celebrating Christmas in the bunker. You had always loved Christmas and Sam was more than willing to accept the idea. He claimed that it would be a pleasant distraction and also a way to have a piece of the normal life; however, gifts wouldn’t be so spectacular, but it was the thought that count right?
While Sam went to out to get a tree, you had dragged Dean along to buy some Christmas decorations. To say you were excited was an understatement. Dean rolled his eyes as you pranced into the store, holding onto Dean’s hand so that he wouldn’t try to run away.
You told Dean to grab a cart as you walked on, him not taking long to catch up. The store was pretty busy with daily shoppers as well as Christmas shoppers. Your eyes lit up as you noticed all the holiday decorations, instantly lifting your mood more than it already was. You were positive that the Grinch couldn’t bring you down.
Finally making it to the decorations aisle, you took in all the shinning, glittering, and jingling adornments scattered everywhere. A bubbly feeling overtook you and you were instantly filling the shopping cart.
Dean wandered around the aisle looking skeptical. Eyeing a reindeer mask, Dean jumped when you plopped a Santa hat on his head. He glared at you as you laughed merrily. He looked incredibly adorable in the red fluffy hat.
“Seriously?” He growled.
“You look so cute in it,” you giggled, putting on a green hat with elf ears.
“Yeah, right. Real cute,” Dean mumbled, taking the hat off and throwing it into the cart. Your eyes widened subtly at the fact that, not only did he take it off, he threw it into the shopping cart. Unable to hold back your smiled, you hopped over to the cart gently dropping the green hat into it. You strolled over to the hats and picked out a Santa hat for Sam and an elf hat similar to yours for Cass.
You were strolling along the aisle with decorations overflowing in your arms. When you turned to dump them into the shopping cart, Dean was no where to be found. You pouted taking out your phone to text him.
Dean, where are you?
You pushed the cart over to where you were, continuing on with your festive décor shopping. Looking for tree-toppers you noticed an angel all the way at the top of the shelf. It was a male angel and it instantly made you think of Castiel, which made you determined to have it. You contemplated on how you were going to get it. Dean hadn’t replied back, he was still no where in sight, then you thought about climbing on to the cart, but unfortunately, it was filled with decorations. Opting to the most obvious solution, you rounded the corner of the aisle in search for an employee that could help you. You wandered through several aisles but didn’t find anyone.
“I should have guessed it. Busy time of the year equals workers assisting everyone else,” you grumbled to yourself.
You returned to the aisle, scoping out the shelves to see if they were sturdy enough to hold your weight. Considering your size, you were almost positive that it could hold you but you didn’t want to take that chance of being a liability.
Desperate for the Castiel angel, you took the chance. You stepped onto the lowest shelf, stretching your body to reach it. As you looked up, you groaned in disappointment. You were more than a foot too short. Eyeing the second shelf, you let out a long breath knowing that it wouldn’t be able to hold you. Checking your phone again, there was still no response from Dean.
Dude, what the hell? Where are you?
You sent another text hoping there was enough attitude laced in the words to send Dean running back to you. Getting impatient you noticed a toy candy cane. You could use it as extra leverage to hit the angel down. A grin spread across your face at your ingenious plan. You lifted the candy cane up and made contact with the angel, however it did the exact opposite of what you wanted.
“Son of a bitch!” You cursed as you pushed the angel farther back onto the shelf. You no longer could even see it.
“Short people problems,” you heard a deep amused voice from behind you.
You pouted turning around to see the missing hunter. “Dean, Castiel!” You whined, pointing to the top shelf.
“Castiel?” He gave you a confused look.
“I can’t reach the angel decoration on the top shelf. You look tall enough, could you please help me?” You asked, giving your best puppy dog face.
Dean shook his head with a chuckle before reaching over to grab the tree-topper. He looked at it with a bemused expression. He looked back at you then at the angel in his hands.
“This is Castiel?” He raised his brows in entertainment. “This looks nothing like him. This is a disgrace to Cass.”
“Sorry to offend your boyfriend,” you grumbled, snatching the angel out of his hands and hugging it close to your chest.
“Yeah, whatever,” Dean mumbled.
“HA!” You shouted, making him jump.
“What the hell?” He hissed.
“You didn’t deny it!” You shouted with glee.
“Cass is my best friend. Plus, I’ve got someone else in mind,” Dean confessed. His eyes casting to the side.
“Ooh, does this person – or thing – start with Crow, and ends with, ley?” You teased, bouncing on your toes.
“You know, you’ll find out on Christmas,” Dean smirked before pushing the cart, heading to the checkout lane.
“What? Christmas in in like three weeks!” You cried, dying with curiosity.
Christmas was finally here and all the while, relishing in the atmosphere of the cheery holiday in the bunker had been so much fun. Dean had also been in a chipper mood. You all sang Christmas carols and ate all the candy canes that were hung on the tree. Although Cass had endless questions about the holiday, you found it fun and amusing to answer them.
Dinner was delicious thanks to Dean’s cooking skills and your help. Opening presents were extremely fun. The gifts that were given and received were hilarious. Dean’s gift to Castiel had us, other than Cass, falling into a laughing spell. We couldn’t help ourselves. Dean had gotten Cass the first DVD of Casa Erotica.
You were surprised at the meaningful gifts the guys had gotten you. It made you feel special, although it all made sense. Big brothers Sam and Cass got you protection amulets, and Dean had gotten you a 14K gold necklace with an emerald gem. You were sure he had stolen it, but that didn’t really bother you.
You were about ready for bed when a knock came from your door. You opened it recklessly, knowing whoever it was wouldn’t hurt you. Dean appeared smiling ear to ear holding an envelope. Giving him a suspicious look, you took the envelope from him, moving out of the way to let him in. He sat on your bed, you following him close behind. You sat next to him as he watched you intently opening it, hesitation and anticipation written all over his gorgeous face.
The card was plain and simple. A Christmas tree and a quaint cabin covered in snow on the cover and nothing in the inside other than Dean’s handwriting.
I more than like you. Merry Christmas.
**Extended Ending**
You smiled instantly and looked over at Dean. He wiggled his eyes brows with a wide grin. You looked up noticed he was holding something above his head. A giggle slipped it’s way past your lips as you crashed them against his. Melting in the sensations you never thought could possibly exist.
“I more than like you too, Dean Winchester.” Dean smiled sweetly before pecking your lips.
Feedback is Appreciated! 
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. At yours and Kevin’s wedding, you’re introducing your family to your friends. Kevin is introducing his family too, and when one of his aunts asks about Randy and his girlfriend, Kevin says, “This is Randy, he’s the guitarist for my band and my best friend and that uh…that’s Bonham. She’s nuts.” How do you respond?
“You adopted my nickname for her? I thought you hated it.” I’d then turn to my family. “I’ve been friends with her forever. No one really calls her by her real name anymore.”  
2. Randy and his girlfriend are taking you and Kevin home one night, and the back of their car is kind of a mess. Kevin scoots some things to the side with his foot and sees something that is normally saved for the bedroom. You see it too, but you don’t say anything. When you all arrive at the restaurant, you ask Kevin quietly, “Did you see that! What the hell!” He kinda pats you and says, “Now, you know that’s none of our business. But I’m totally telling everyone when we get home.” How do you respond, and do you two confront Randy and his girlfriend?
“If it’s none of our business, don’t tell anyone.” I wouldn’t say anything because I wouldn’t want to embarrass them and respect their privacy. Kevin would most likely blab that we found it over the dinner table. 
3. Randy and his girlfriend are helping you and Kevin with some work in your garage. Randy’s girlfriend grabs an old saw blade to throw out and accidentally cuts herself pretty good. “Son of a bitch, dammit!” she says. You all go over to see how bad it is, and Kevin looks woozy. You’re worried about the cut, but Randy’s girlfriend laughs a little and just says, “Wait, Kevin are you seriously afraid of blood? Aw man, that’s just precious.” Randy giggles a little before saying, “Come on, hon, that’s not funny.” Kevin looks like he’s about to pass out. How do you respond?
I’d help Kevin sit down so I don’t have to worry about him falling if he passes out and then I’d help Randy’s girlfriend clean up her cut and take her to the hospital if she needs stitches. 
4. Randy is telling a story to you and his girlfriend and is really into it. He’s just about finished when Kevin walks in and says, “Start your story over, I just got here.” How do you all respond?
Me:“Shhh, you just got here so you can wait until he finishes and they hear the beginning of it.”
Randy: “No, wait until I finish.” 
Randy’s GF: “Yeah, just hold your horses, jeez.” 
5. Kevin took Randy’s Gibson and Bonham’s clarinet as a joke, and they’re both pissed when they can’t find them. Randy figures that Kevin did it and is just ignoring him, but no one’s ever messed with Bonham’s clarinet and she’s freaking out. She’s almost in hysterics when she comes up to Kevin and says, “Someone took my clarinet! I don’t know where it is!” He stifles a laugh before saying (in a very obviously fake surprised voice, “Oh! How odd!” How do you and Randy respond?
Me: I’d hit his arm, “Kevin, can’t you see she’s freaking out. Give it back to her. Stop being a dick.” 
Randy: “Yeah, Kevin, stop being a dick,” 
6. You, Kevin, Randy, and Bonham are set to go camping. Bonham’s driving since you’re headed up to Buena Vista, and about halfway up there, Kevin starts freaking out. “We shouldn’t do this. What do we know about camping? We’re city dwellers, we’re gonna die!” How does everyone respond?
Me: “Kevin, I’ve been camping numerous times. You don’t have to worry about dying.” 
Randy: “Yeah, Kevin, it’s pretty self-explanatory we’ll be fine.”
Bonham: “A little overdramatic much?”  
7. You take Kevin to a fast food restaurant, and when you go over to get drinks he makes a Suicide. “There’s no way that’s going to taste good.” You say. Kevin says, “Oh relax, it’ll be fine.” He takes a sip and makes a face. “Oh, it’s like sweet but diet but-” he gags. Randy and Bonham are with you, and Bonham says, “Let me see.” She takes a sip and scrunches up her face. “It tastes like…bleh.” Randy giggles. “What does ‘bleh’ taste like?” She hands him the cup, he takes a sip and just says, “Oh God. Here, you try it.” and hands it to you. Do you drink, and how do you respond?
“It can’t be as bad as my sister’s who always tastes like cough syrup.” I’d take a sip, “No, it’s much, much worse.”  
8. You’re in line somewhere with Kevin, Randy, and Bonham. Randy and Kevin are dicking around, and you tell them to stop. They ignore you, and Bonham turns around and says, “Both of you stop it, or I’ll kick your asses in the parking lot!” The gentleman in line behind you leans forward and says, “If you kids aren’t careful, your mom here is going to kick your ass.” He thinks Bonham is their mother. They both snort, and Bonham is speechless. What do you do?
Kevin, Randy, and I burst out laughing and Bonham is offended and goes, “I don’t look THAT old!” 
9. Your daughter and Randy’s son are having a playdate when your daughter rushes downstairs with Randy’s son in tow. She screams, “Can I say a bad word?” “What?” you say. She screams back, “CAN I SAY A BAD WORD?” Kevin says, “Sure, only one.” She instantly turns to Randy’s son and says, “You mother fucking bitch!” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: “Rose Marie! Where did you learn that language from?!” 
Rose: “Daddy”
Me: I’d glare at Kevin. “I thought we said not to use those words around Rose.”
Kevin: “Yes, but it sometimes slips. And you say it all the time.”
Me: “Not around our kids!” 
10. You’re hanging out with Vince one day and he tells you he broke up with his girlfriend. You ask why and he says, “I like my girlfriends how I like my coffee. Without other people’s dicks in it.”  How do you respond?
“If she cheated on you, sure that’s understandable. But if you want her to be a virgin, well, you’re going to have a hard time finding that.”
11. Bonham lost her day job, and she’s filling out an application at home. She’s squinting over the paper when she asks you, “would you put day drinking under experience or special skills?” This is unexpected. How do you respond?
“I don’t think your future employer would like to know it like that. Why don’t you rephrase it?” 
1)You have noticed that your singer’s voice has drastically changed. When you go to ask her she doesn’t look at you when she says, “Well...uh...I...uh...I’ve been smoking cigarettes.” You know she wouldn’t normally do this. So what caused her to do this and how do you respond?
2) You are cutting up strawberries for dessert. Randy is on the other side of the kitchen working on dinner. You put a tablespoon of sugar onto your strawberries and your son says, “Mommy, you just made them unhealthy. You put sugar on them.” How do you and Randy respond?
3) You and Randy are staying in a hotel where the walls are very thin. The couple next to you is getting into a heated argument and throwing things at 3:30 in the morning. After about twenty minutes, Randy goes and pounds on the wall. They quiet down but ten minutes later they start up again. It’s nearing 4:30 when Randy gets up and goes, “That’s it.” Before heading out the door to go bang on theirs. What do you do? 
4)  You and Stephen get into a really heated argument. You are following him when all of a sudden he turns around and slaps your face hard enough for you to stagger. How do the two of you respond?
5) You and your singer are out walking the streets of New York City when you pass by a poster. The both of you stop to look. You see its an off-broadway play of how your band formed. Do you go see it? 
6) You, Kevin, Randy, and your singer are out one day. While walking through town your singer finds a window advertising a record store on the third floor. “Come on.” When you get up there, it’s really hot and the aisles are so small you have to walk sideways. You singer jumps right in. What do you, Randy, and Kevin do?
7) You come home from work to find your singer in the middle of your shared living room. She has a phonograph on the table. “My dad gave me this. Although it doesn’t work anymore. What should we do with it?” How do you respond?
8) You and your singer have just heard that your drummer and bassist have decided to boot you out of the band even though you formed it and they technically can’t. They claim creative differences but when they are told they can’t kick you out they drag your names through the mud. What do you and your singer do? 
9) You and Randy are watching Kevin and his wife’s three kids. Their mom keeps them in line when she’s around but when she leaves Kevin goes, “Here’s a bag of candy to bribe them. They don’t really listen to anyone else including me.” How does babysitting go and what do you tell Kevin’s wife once they return? 
10) Your singer has just made meatloaf the night before and has Kevin over for lunch the day after. Once you all sit down you find what she calls a cold meatloaf sandwich. Two pieces of white bread, with cold meatloaf, and potato chips sprinkled on top. How do you and Kevin respond and do you eat it?
11) Your singer and Kevin’s kids are very close to you. One day your singer knocks on your door and says, “Mal wouldn’t stop crying until I brought him over here to see his Auntie Bonham.” How do you respond?
@osbournebemydaddy your move, Bonham, love. :)  
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greezyscumbag · 7 years
Confidential Couple
Request from anon for an Opie x Reader, where the two keep their relationship a secret due to the reader being Jax’s little sister.
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You jump as you feel a pair of hands on your waist, ripping your earphones out and looking behind you. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry.” Opie grins, pulling you back into his chest and wrapping his arms around your tummy. “I’ve hardly seen you today.”
“I know, babe, but my mom is already suspicious. We’ve gotta be careful.” you reason, relaxing back into Opie’s chest and breathing in his calming scent.
He hums in response, his head nuzzling into your neck before his lips start pressing kisses to your skin, your eyes closing as you place your hands over his. “Ope…”
“Jax is fixing up some car, the others are out.“ he mumurs between kisses, your body slowly but surely melting under his desires. “We’ve got time.”
A bang in the distance makes you jump, Opie pulling away from you as you go back to sorting through the box of family photos, your heart beating a thousand times a minute.
When you’re both convinced the coast is clear, you huff, turning around to face your secret lover. “I’m sick of sneaking around, Ope. I don’t wanna be like this anymore.”
“What, you think I do?” he asks defensively, before letting out a heavy sigh. “You’re the one who wanted to keep us a secret.”
“Yes, because I don’t fancy seeing my boyfriend and my brother at each others throats.” you snap, regretting it instantly, though you do nothing to apologise. Closing your eyes, you run your fingers through your hair, frustrated at the whole situation.
“I gotta go.” Opie says, turning away from you and heading out the room. You shake your head at his retreating figure, grabbing your stack of photos before exiting the room, heading towards the main area of the clubhouse.
Pausing your music, you grab a couple ice cold beers from behind the bar, heading out to TM. Just as you reach the garage, bikes fill your ears, the missing members flooding into the lot.
“Need any help?” you ask once you reach Jax, him straightening up from under the cars bonnet, smiling at you in thanks as you hand him a beer.
“Nah thanks, sis, I’m almost done.” he replies, cracking open the top of the bottle and taking a long gulp. “Is Ope alright? He just took off, seems kinda pissed.”
“I’m not sure.” you lie, taking a drink of your beer. Jax nods in acceptance, Chibs, Clay and Bobby saving you from the conversation.
“Doesn’t look too good with the Irish, we need to be on high alert.“ Clay warns, Jax throwing the rag he was holding on the floor. “Get everyone here, lock down.”
Your mind goes straight to Opie, and even though you know he can take care of himself, you know you won’t stop worrying until he’s back. “I’ll go get supplies. Food, drinks, extra pillows. Any requests?”
“Can you get us some cigs please, lass? You know the ones.” You nod in response, checking your pockets for your car keys and cash before practically speeding off.
“Take one of the prospects with you!” your stepdad shouts, you waving him off in response, insisting you’ll be fine.
As you’re moving around the store, throwing pretty much everything in your cart, you ring Opie for what feels like the fiftieth time, breathing a sigh of relief when he finally answers. “Do you ever stop calling?”
“Do you ever stop ignoring my calls?” you sass back, grabbing a huge pack of toilet paper and placing it in your cart. “Irish aren’t happy, we’re on lock down.”
“Shit.” he says, realisation in his voice. “No wonder Jax has been calling me.”
“Yep.” you deadpan, walking down the aisle full of candy, knowing your nephew is going to be bouncing off the walls from all the sugar. “That’s what happens when you act all grouchy, you miss information.”
“I’m not grouchy.” he defends, though you can tell he’s smiling through the phone. That’s one of the things you love about the two of you, how easy it is to forgive and forget. “Where are you?”
“I’m just at the store near Floyd’s, needed an excuse to get away so I could dial you a million times without being questioned.” you reply, already feeling a lecture coming on from your protective ass boyfriend.
“Please don’t tell me you’re alone.” he says, you staying silent. He curses under his breath, keys jangling in the background. “Stay there, I’ll be there in five.”
“Yes sir.” you tease, seduction in your tone, before ending the call. You smile to yourself as you move from aisle to aisle, content with the knowledge that you and Opie are on good terms again, no matter the circumstances.
As you reach the back of the store, the varieties of ice cream making your mouth water, a chill creeps up your spine. You look over your shoulder, the feeling that someone is watching you too strong for you to be mistaken.
You grab your cart, deciding to get the fuck out of there. Of course, your instinct is right, a hand covering your mouth and yanking you backwards so hard you almost lose your stepping.
Your heart feels like it’s going to explode out of your chest as you struggle, your screams silenced against the man’s hand. He pinches your nose, cutting off your only air supply as you frantically scan the store, praying that someone, anyone, will walk up the aisle and save you.
You look down, seeking an opportunity as you stamp on the persons foot as hard as you can, glad you’re wearing boots as the man temporarily moves back from you. You have no time to recover as you abandon your items, sprinting towards the exit.
Just as you reach the outside you feel a hand latch onto your hair, a sound of agony leaving your lips as tears fill your eyes, panic and pain flooding through you. He yanks your head back, delivering a harsh blow to your face, your cheek throbbing.
“Fucking bitch.“ the man spits, his Irish accent helping you understand his motive. You try to free yourself, but his grip is too tight, your limbs too weak to fight back.
”(Y/N)!“ You almost cry in relief at the sound of Jax, you twisting to see your brother and Opie running towards you. You’re shoved to the ground, your knees scraping the concrete, a hiss leaving your lips.
Jax rushes to your side as Opie moves to the man, and you’re thankful the lot is empty as the two men start fighting, Jax raising you gently to your feet. “Are you okay?”
You nod, tears slipping down your cheeks as your body shakes with adrenaline. Looking behind Jax, you notice the Irish man is behind held up against the wall, Opie delivering blow after blow.
“Opie! Ope!” Jax shouts, finally forcing his way between the two men. The Irish man slumps to the floor, unconscious, as Jax pushes against Opie’s chest, the taller man deliberating on what to do before he steps back. “I’ll go see if any of this shit has been caught on tape. Take my sister to TM.”
Jax jogs away, Opie’s gaze finally settling on you as he takes you in. “Jesus Christ.”
He’s next to you in a flash, slipping off his kutte and helping you put your arms through the sleeves, warmth and his scent covering you. Your body feels exhausted, drained even, but you resist Opie’s requests to pick you up, knowing you need to keep your strength up.
He’s as delicate as anything as he places his helmet over your head, snapping it shut and making sure not to trap any of your hair as he does so. Once he’s mounted his bike, you settle behind him, you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back.
Your body is heavy with fatigue as you struggle to stay awake, Opie’s natural warmth making you feel all the more relaxed.
You’re free for no more than ten seconds before you’re bombarded with questions, Opie’s bust lip being ignored once your dark purple cheekbone comes into view, Clay practically frothing with anger as your mom soothes you.
“I fucking told you to get one of the prospects!” Clay shouts, your eyes filling up again as Gemma tries to calm him down. “Why don’t you ever listen to me?!”
“Back off!” Opie booms as he stands in front of you, your fingers gripping the back of his tshirt, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep in his arms.
“Or what?” Clay responds, his voice eerily calm. “She’s my daughter, I’ll talk to her however the fuck I want!”
“Yeah? Well she’s my girl, so treat her with some fucking respect!” Opie roars, your grip tightening on his shirt as everyone falls silent. You step from behind your boyfriend just in time to see Clay lunge for Opie, Bobby and Chibs somehow keeping the two apart as they try to reach one another.
“Stop it!” you scream, everybody pausing to look at you. “Don’t you think I’ve been through enough tonight?!”
You angrily wipe your eyes as the group watches you silently, pity on all their faces. “Sweetheart-”
“No.” you cut your mom’s sentence short, your voice shaky yet strong. You shake your head in disgust, hating that they’re all acting like this when you could’ve been kidnapped tonight. “I’m going to bed, and I swear if any of you disturb me-”
You swallow the lump in your throat, refusing to break down as you turn on your heel, heading straight to the only place you know you’ll feel safe. Opie’s room.
About ten minutes later, you’re wrapped up in his duvet, wearing one of his giant tshirts and a pair of his boxer shorts. His scent is everywhere, and as much as you love it, it’s making it all the more harder to resist him.
Your phone vibrates, you fishing for it under the covers until you find it, a new message notification on the screen.
You alright? X
You smile despite yourself, messaging Opie back and telling him it’s safe to come in. He does so promptly, an apologetic look on his face as he sees your tear stained cheeks. “Hey.”
“Hey.” you whisper, your voice hoarse from shouting. Once he’s shut the door, he makes his way over to you, crouching beside the bed as he moves your hair around your ear, your eyes fluttering shut at the contact.
“I’m sorry.” he says, pressing his lips lovingly to your forehead. His tone is nothing but genuine, the look in his eyes the same.
“Me too. I didn’t mean to shout.” He shushes you quietly, a smile slipping onto his lips. “Can you come lie with me, please?”
He doesn’t even need to think about it, kicking off his boots and taking off his jeans before he's crawling in beside you, wrapping his arms around you protectively as you nuzzle into his chest, feeling as if weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Jax knows, by the way.” he mumbles casually, his hand stroking your hair soothingly. You sit up slightly, eyes wide as you wait for him to continue. “He took it surprisingly well.”
“Really?” Hope floods your body. Maybe now you and Opie will be able to act like an actual couple. Well, once people have gotten used to the idea.
“I mean, yeah, he was pissed at first, but once he realised how much I love you, he understood.” Your heart flutters, a warm flush spreading across your face. Neither of you had even thought of the word love, let alone said it aloud, and Opie’s now nervous expression proved that.
Without hesitation, you lean forward, pressing your lips against his own, your hand going to the back of his head as he kisses you back, your skin tingling as if it’s the first time.
“I love you, too.” you say once you pull away, the words easily rolling off your tongue. “Thank you for protecting me today.”
“I’ll always protect you.” You kiss him once more, before relaxing back into his hold and allowing yourself to drift to sleep, safe in the arms of your lover.
A/N - Really didn’t plan on this being so long, but I hope you like it anyway!!! Been going through a bit of writers block so you’ll have to excuse me for the lack of updates, but I’ll keep trying to produce for you guys! See you next time ❤
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30. Acting like children in the store, much to Sam's annoyance.
A/N: To be completely honest I don't even remember what number this is anymore. Anyways, here's the next one that I've done. Enjoy!
Word count: 832 
My Masterlist
"Look! Look! Guess who I am?" Dean says quickly, disappearing into the coat rack for a few moments before returning in a long trench coat and a pair of aviator sunglasses.
"Cas doesn't wear sunglasses," she remarks, grinning as she took them from his face and slipped them on.
"God, can you two grow up?" Sam mutters, rolling his eyes as she turns to him with a scowl.
"Guess who I am," she says, glancing to Dean while lifting the sunglasses to rest on top of her head. She stands up on her tippy toes and puffs out her chest, trying to look bigger. She looks Sam right in the eyes and mimics his voice. "I don't like having fun because I'm always so grumpy."
"Seriously?" he murmurs as he shoots her a glare, while Dean laughs his ass off.
"Loosen up, Sam," Dean remarks.
"Yeah," she returns, pouting slightly. "We just killed an entire coven of vampires with like zero injuries."
"That doesn't mean you act like children," Sam snaps, stalking off a little ways down the coat racks.
"Someone needs to get laid," she mutters just loud enough for him to hear, and she looks away as he returns her glare with a frosty one of his own.
"I have an idea," Dean murmurs quietly, sliding his hand down to grasp hers. She nods and lets him lead her away, down the aisles until they make it to the toy section.
"What are you doing?" she asks as he starts to press every button that he could find, until eventually the whole aisle fills with overlapping sounds.
"Acting like a child," he winks and dashes around the aisle to start pressing a fresh set of buttons. She follows his lead and presses every button that she could find on every toy, from Baby's First ABC's to Sofia the First to Bumble Bee from Transformers.
"Dean!" Sam yells from the next aisle over, and she squeaks nervously as he takes her hand to dash away.
"Quick, this way!" she leads him to a hat rack and throws a dog shaped beanie on, as well a her pair of aviators from before. Dean manages to pull on a cowboy hat and a bandanna around his face before Sam finds them.
"Hey, Sweetheart, you come here often?" Dean asks her with a wink.
"Seriously, you two need to go sit in the car or something," Sam says with a frustrated growl as he comes up behind them.
"What in tarnation?" Dean asks, and she has to stifle a giggle as he looks his brother in the eyes. "You got a problem, sonny?"
"My problem is you two," Sam holds his ground, not seeing their humor.
"Then let's settle this like men. With a duel," Dean holds up a toy gun that he must have picked up from earlier and points it at Sam.
"You're so immature!" Sam yells, rolling his eyes. "Let's just go. While you two were goofing off I got what we needed."
Dean lowers his toy gun and looks back to his girlfriend, making a face as their fun had to end.
"Can I keep the aviators?" she asks as she pulls off the beanie that served as a poor disguise.
"No," Sam returns curtly, and she pouts as she sets them down with a mess of other sunglasses. "Let's go."
Dean shrugs as he pulls off his bandanna and hat, following after Sam like a scolded child. They make it to the checkout line, and Dean picks up a candy bar and tosses it into the basket as Sam is placing items into the conveyor.
"Can I get a soda?" she asks, giving her best puppy dog expression to Sam, like she remembers doing as a child to her father.
"No," Sam repeats his previous sentiment, and she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Dean got a candy bar though."
"If you get a soda will you shut up and act your age?" Sam finally snaps, and she giggles slightly, winking at Dean subtly.
"Yes," she agrees, and Sam finally sighs.
"Fine, get a soda," he exhales, looking at the cashier who was a smiling older woman who seemed to find their games amusing.
She clenches her fist in victory and places a soda onto the conveyor while looking to Dean. She winks again, and then steps on his foot. He winces slightly.
"Sam, she just stepped on my foot," Dean sings in a mock childlike voice.
"I swear to God, I'm going to leave both of you here," Sam threatens.
"Maybe that's enough?" she asks Dean, noticing the pounding heartbeat in Sam's temple. He was beyond annoyed with them, and maybe they were taking it too far.
"I guess," Dean agrees with a long sigh.
Sam pays for their items and they follow him out to the Impala. Once everything is put away, Sam looks at the both of them with a scowl.
"Just remember, payback is a bitch.”
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